almost 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
11s [Music]
22s have you washed in love home sinners
29s have you washed in blood
33s temptation will lead you lead you astray
40s get your gun get your knife place your
43s boobs today's the day
46s Oh sinners have you slaughtered
52s Oh have you started
60s it's eternal damnation lest you wash get
68s your gun get your knife lace your boots
70s the time has come
74s [Music]
83s [Music]
90s and his prisons on fire
97s and
101s we all wanna freedom nachos - Breakstone
108s get your gun get your knife lace your
111s boots and
115s I'll be sweet
118s all of my name
121s [Music]
122s he'll be seen
126s my
129s - Jesus he's left us alone get your car
137s get your night place your place
142s [Music]
154s [Music]
156s keep that gun
166s Oh
170s it should come get your nightly show
173s please
177s get your gun into my place
195s hello and welcome to another deaf stream
198s with our Dennis and Carson or UI
203s designer exactly I don't know I never
206s introduced dance to just say Dennis I
208s never notice tennis because it is yeah
211s first off uh let's first before we even
215s get to talk about the teams of three
217s that I mean where did they come from
219s brigands like a little bit about expose
221s because Xbox currently has the super
224s game sail that hit life yesterday I
226s don't know if the end date is known yet
229s but we are in sales so definitely check
232s it out if you are an xbox saying you
233s still haven't played Hines because all
235s the stuffs that we're talking about
236s today and all the other content that we
238s have already shown during our live
239s streams are also coming to xbox so all
242s right exactly and speaking about content
245s next concept back game life today so you
249s have this already
250s yeah if you can go to next one so we
253s have two content updates as you've seen
255s before we have mixed up some content
257s packs together in the past and we're
259s still doing net yeah we have we have go
262s back the gun pack so that's actually
264s actually new completely new weapons were
265s introduced so console players now have
268s access to the respective pump-action
270s shotgun including the spectre compact
271s variant Spectre is really good
273s especially respective a net that I see
275s in close combat to I can guarantee it
278s and the second weapon is the NAG and
280s officers or console players might be
281s familiar already with an account now the
283s officers are double action version PC
285s players probably know is already man but
287s for the console players they're watching
289s as well like so this comes with a couple
290s of variants including even a carbine
292s version so you can can use it as a long
294s slot
295s logical weapon basically as a fast
298s shooting alternative to the winfield in
301s the second pack we have is the content
303s update for close combat - so before we
305s released the close combat pack so this
307s is the second of these type of X and
308s that introduces variants of existing
311s weapons including also one for the newly
313s introduced Spectre obviously which
315s features like a couple of bayonets
317s different maze combination amazes
318s obviously pretty interesting for
320s specific types of enemies and then a
322s tablet version on the Winfield
324s which complements the Romero talent as
326s well as for the photo couple packs
328s basically a small one which is a
329s colonized basically pocketknife double
331s version so if you use the copper packs
333s clone you can maybe leave your hand like
335s knife at home but you better do that
337s steps exactly and I just saw thank you
340s BTW the supercell ends the 29th of this
342s month the sales 10% for normal users and
345s 20% for gold members so definitely get
349s out there you go so yeah to go to where
352s we're talking about today in the next
354s slide we have teams of three yay
360s I mean obviously there was one person
362s who never gave up killer I mean I think
365s he has asked I think he's summoned and
367s made me sacrifice a goat at least daily
370s because we have heard it can i connect
373s can I get my cat back no please but yeah
381s teams of three and obviously a new UI
385s which is also definitely something that
386s I'm personally very exciting about
388s because that we have a lot of changes
391s that we're gonna show today but let's
393s just say yes maybe address the elephant
396s in the room would yeah this right here
399s so basically yeah teams of three are
401s coming was a big big step forward those
404s of you who have already seen the teaser
406s from from a couple days back or not on
413s this server we can show it maybe
414s afterwards again more time this is
416s exactly that's right when we switch to
418s exactly yeah so anyways it's out there
421s and just if you go go find it on on
423s YouTube at the moment so you can watch
425s it and yes teams are three that's the
427s thing now the question is what our teams
431s are three actually four what are the
433s rules of teams of three and that's
434s something you want to talk about today
435s in the stream so we're gonna start with
436s that and afterwards we're gonna focus
438s more on de UI improvements and how this
441s all thing that kind of comes together
442s there on the UI side with the gems of
444s three and the other features it's
445s definitely a lot of fun yes yes it is so
451s one of the biggest things about the
452s teams of three is obviously
454s understanding the rules like so many
455s people were like
457s asking afterwards of the symmetry like
458s him in a different different social
461s media forms interactive
462s what does it mean like does it mean this
464s only teams of three now or or well I as
467s a solo player for example will have to
469s deal with teams of three now on top and
471s it's basically in a nutshell it's hand
473s as I know we're dead that's been like
475s some of the context or dramatisation
476s happens no it's actually my dance
479s especially by me obviously that's not
481s the case so what we've tried to figure
483s out is the way making sure the next
484s slide maybe one yeah like that it
487s affects specific specific players only
491s and there's an opt-out option for it so
493s you would show this a little bit later
494s on when we go to the practical part we
497s may actually gonna browse a new menu and
499s show you though that how this whole
500s thing works but what it basically means
502s is that if you don't want to play with
505s teams of three you do not need to play
507s with teams of three you can play hunt
509s exactly in the same way you played at
511s the moment however we obviously
513s encourage players to do so because we
516s found out that is actually quite a lot
518s of fun
518s I mean I'm very excited to see
520s especially because like obviously we
521s have Archer fill a bunch of other good
524s players I just know some people in jet
526s that already play against solo against
528s teams of two so I'm very curious if they
530s you know can stand kings of threes
532s absolutely also it will make my life a
535s lot easier when I play with some of the
536s other streamers and I'll play with two
537s at the same time exactly I mean I do I
540s did love the comments it's like oh great
541s now I can play with two of my
543s imagination friends I mean I feel bad so
548s what are the rules in detail then so
550s what we what we can say at the moment is
551s that's obviously the the teams of three
554s goes along with another change which is
556s twelve players so we can expand the
557s total player to pull to twelve players
559s so a session can no longer just only
562s holds ten people you can hold up to
564s twelve people obviously again this is
565s down to the matchmaking system sometimes
566s though with viewers and you also don't
568s necessarily know in what constellation
570s will counter them so even if you if you
572s say I want to allow teams of three I
573s want to play with teams of three you
575s could also still come across other solos
576s if you play solo or teams of two or
579s combination of trios
582s until the max of twelve players is
584s reached so it's the same composition as
586s you already know from the game it just
588s opens up the room for these teams of
589s threes now obviously
590s just adding like another another like
593s pair of hands with a gun into the team
595s and another option for revive etcetera
597s can it shifts the balance quite a bit
598s right like the teams of three will be if
600s they know how to coordinate be quite
602s powerful so what we have have to look
605s into basically or looked into was ways
607s to balances to make sure that it is a
609s fair experience if you go into this so
611s one of the bigger points here is that we
614s opted for a bounty bonus so if you show
616s the next slide yeah that's basically um
619s something that we've we've kinda already
621s had in our head for the classic way of
623s playing the game so far with duels and
625s solos is that the solos kind of always
628s felt a bit underdog right like there
629s wasn't really enough of a reward so
631s we've kind of tried to address at the
633s same time which means basically there is
634s an underdogs bonus right now so that
637s means similar to if you select a random
639s mission the bounty tokens you extract
641s are upgraded they have an additional
642s value on top for run four four four four
645s random games it's like each token gets
647s twenty five County on top as values it
649s cost you two quite oh no it's daytime
650s nighttime so because you don't know
653s we're gonna give you something on top to
655s risk it and it's the same thing here
657s that if you risk playing as a solo
659s against only doors like in the classic
661s way you now also get a bonus of a
663s hundred per token so if you manage to
665s kind of like fight your way through the
666s other doors kind of like tritium allowed
669s kill them or take the bounty from them
670s that's gonna be much more of an
671s achievement obviously than if you're a
673s duel so that alone will already give you
675s per token obviously if it's a solo boss
677s only you will only get one token you can
679s extract right at least that token is now
682s a lot more valuable than before and now
684s we've taken that concept of the underdog
687s bonus and extended that basically to all
690s of the other constellations so that if
692s you are playing as a solo and you allow
695s teams of three so you could come up
697s against teams with race you get even
699s like a bonus of 250 organs so it
701s obviously becomes a lot more rewarding
703s or potentially rewarding was a more
706s risky for you so it's basically down to
708s you as a player to choose how much you
710s want a risk and escalate but it's not
712s automatically
713s necessarily a bad thing as a solo to go
715s up against let's say possibly trios it's
718s a challenge and the challenge is being
719s rewarded if you're successful to
721s compensate for it but it's still
722s something we encourage
724s and some players like a know a couple of
725s streamers who'll be basically be very
727s happy right now because they could know
729s how to rios alone that they can actually
731s do that and show off how awesome they
733s are yeah and the same is true if you're
734s a dual and you want to play with trios
736s or will not allow other teams of race
738s basically that you would also get at
740s least a minor bonus of 75 per token so
743s technically you as a dual being a bit of
746s an underdog have a much higher reward
748s chance in the trio scenario then you
750s vote in a normal way but obviously it's
752s a bit more risky so that's how we try to
754s kind of balance the whole thing so that
757s people can kind of opt in to how much
760s they want to do obviously it's popped
763s out so the tick box of it set by default
766s but you can always choose between
768s missions you cetera like what you like
770s how you prefer that depending if your
772s best mate is there and you wanna want to
773s like like go hunt a tree or there's a
775s door then maybe you take the box if
777s you're just playing solo all you want to
779s take it easy maybe you can take the box
780s and just prefer just only going up
782s against maximum of doors
783s yeah so there are a few questions that I
786s just want to address that I already saw
788s the themes are like the total players in
791s a match will be 12 yes so that means
794s it's the same it works the same ascend
796s there's no such thing as like if there
799s is you know ten players on the map that
801s it can be only five teams of two I mean
804s only five of one it's not that one
807s person accounts for a whole team so it's
809s like up to 12 players consisting of
811s either like solos duo's or trios
813s absolutely and the 12 players will also
816s come in quick play yes you also Kearney
819s matches I do not have other player three
822s players so it's an op by two twelve is
826s the new ten yeah that's what the twelve
830s and let me see what other question I'm
834s trying to remember cuz like I was
836s listening to or like watching it and I
840s think I think that is mainly the
843s questions that most people ask for now
845s yeah we can always go back and answer
848s exact do we do a bit of a Q&A in the
850s government anyways then if you can go
852s please to the next slide so there's also
855s the rule of
856s we've expanded in a couple of previous
858s streams gonna recap it quickly what that
860s means the rule of two is a universal
862s rule that we try to have in hunt so far
865s that was also tailored towards the dual
868s max team sizes and that means basically
871s an ammo box gives you two charges as a
874s player you can only ever pick one from
875s the same box but there's two charges so
877s that a team doesn't have to compete like
879s this one for every player in there the
881s same goes for looting the same goes for
883s bounty tokens etc the rule of two is
886s something which we want to stick to
887s even with now the game allowing teams of
890s threes now this is also important for us
892s because it basically gives us a chance
893s to put a balancing factor in and a
895s balancing factor is that as a trio you
897s might have more firepower you might have
899s higher chance of revives etcetera I mean
900s it's one more man on the team you also
902s at least have the same maximum you can
906s take out of a mission so only if you've
908s killed the boss as a trio only two
910s people can pick up tokens because there
912s are only two tokens which means there's
913s a third guy in the team without the
915s token but obviously if all three extract
917s at the same time and all three get what
919s the other guys have which means the
920s total value is still the same so the guy
923s without the token doesn't know what
925s about if you're playing with a team of
928s three the two people have to bounty but
931s one person dies and it can get provided
934s yeah this case that person is dead and
936s just like in the current game mode that
937s person can't make any profit so in this
939s case do they still get like the bonus
943s for extracting the other no because they
946s are not at the extraction point house
947s okay so it's the same thing as is right
948s now in the game that's just extended two
950s trios for the for the rule of two
954s basically what it means then is that
955s while you are more powerful as on paper
959s at least as a trio you also have a much
962s stronger requirement for good
963s coordination so we've seen it in our
965s internal player testing so far that like
967s what looked like a very strong and
968s powerful trio like clan like owning a
970s map actually was taken apart by like a
973s solo or duo teams just because those
976s other underdog teams were coordinating
978s so much better and the trio was kind of
979s like expecting that the other guy would
981s take care of this angle or do what a
983s certain thing and there's a lot more
985s talking lot more coordination required
986s and even like having the new
988s technical ping feature in the game it
990s still is a challenge for a trio to kind
992s of like make the best out of the
994s situation and coordinate and get all the
995s angles covered etc so it doesn't come as
998s a natural that the trio as is dominating
1001s and also like with emanation et cetera
1003s you can need to know at least talk a
1005s little more about who actually off the
1006s team needs the ammunition if you go to
1008s supply point etc so you need to
1009s coordinate a lot more if you do it
1011s successful of course you won't be very
1012s very powerful but that's an additional
1015s burden have we actually properly
1017s mentioned so like at the moment three OS
1020s will be invite only yes only play with
1024s friends that you previously invited
1026s that's that's an important point so this
1028s is the starting point for us you wonder
1029s we want to see how the trios work
1031s obviously this is a feature that will
1032s have to evolve probably over over some
1035s time because it's kind of new we have to
1037s see how how people are using it just
1039s like with with a quick play or with
1041s other things we introduce in a game it's
1042s it's a living product and it's something
1044s which I have to have to be iterated on M
1046s has to grow the starting point is
1048s invite-only trios what we want to extend
1052s to but this is something which will
1053s happen in the post 1.0 release window is
1056s to also allow random trios so that like
1060s basically you can just say like hey i
1061s want to find some random partners fill
1063s up my team with trios and it looks for
1064s the people wants to do the same this is
1066s not going to be the case for one point
1067s or it's gonna be invite only for that as
1069s a first step yeah exactly yeah I think
1074s we can go to the next slide are you
1076s selected no I think I think that is the
1079s core of it so yeah UI two point oh uh
1082s let's talk a little bit about that
1085s before we're gonna go to Q&A before we
1087s go to computer to show you UI a 2.0 so
1091s maybe you could already give a little
1092s introduction - yep so we come up with
1096s the UI 2.0 for the main reason because
1100s old one which is live now was primarily
1103s developed for PC yeah and also we put in
1108s a lot of features
1110s notice which don't have an unique path
1113s do lack of resources and time we want to
1117s give it to the community anyway so we
1119s put it in and now since we have more or
1122s less all the features settle down we
1125s over host the whole thing and start from
1128s beginning with having everything in mind
1131s to make the experience really good for
1134s the players it's the stream lagging
1137s frames but the cameras freezing every
1140s couple of seconds oh really
1141s yeah no I see it yeah weird frames okay
1149s that's really weird I mean we're not
1153s moving at all we're just sitting still
1155s but you can hear us fine right okay okay
1160s well that was good Oh keep talking in
1163s that note we're gonna go I don't know if
1166s restarting it will do much for it but is
1170s working that's fine the audios will just
1173s put on well best smiling faces and just
1175s keep them like that exactly we're
1176s talking another future and what was
1180s really important to us that we developed
1183s everything so that is also working much
1185s much better on consoles this or one PC
1188s was controller so this would be we've
1192s created a new trick with working on PC
1195s and consoles pretty well I think
1197s yeah means it's right trying to marry
1199s basically like the best of both worlds
1201s right one hand they want to make sure
1202s that the whole thing is is working very
1205s well with controller on the other hand
1207s also like we knew that the old you I
1209s didn't have all of the little like
1211s elegant UX
1212s like features in that we really wanted
1215s and now with the new UI it's a lot more
1217s elegance much smoother it's and but
1218s nicer so it's actually pretty pretty
1220s slick to excuse the system but we show
1222s you that in a couple minutes everybody
1224s should go to software exactly I like how
1225s someone says Mac you're burning it
1227s how what did I do I'm just sitting here
1229s on the couch I can't do anything yeah
1232s a bit like having a madhan's it wasn't
1235s me but yeah let's just let's go to what
1239s you can do is maybe reconnect the video
1242s source in the couch screen and then it's
1250s like webcam yeah properties deactivate
1256s an active a scary tags that looks fast
1266s yeah we fix it okay so yeah let's just
1275s move to next light then and already
1277s start a Q&A for oh no wait my brain
1282s means basically so so what what what
1285s cost no research like yeah big point for
1287s us obviously with a new UI is that we
1289s can use that to improve the usability
1291s like the user experience of the UX which
1296s is just the most important part what you
1298s do with this thing is just like going
1300s through different actions over and over
1301s again between missions so you want to
1302s make sure it's as smooth as possible
1304s then the other thing is the feature
1305s overload obviously lots of additional
1307s features have been edits and we'll
1308s continue adding more features so we need
1310s to make sure that this this framework
1311s because UI skeleton that we have
1314s actually can hold all of these features
1315s for we make it more scalable
1317s yeah for features will be will be easier
1319s to integrate new stuff it's better to
1321s navigate and it's not so much patchwork
1323s but actually now every works as a proper
1326s framework for future development
1327s especially like the console friendly
1329s because it's something that we heard
1330s from the console users or players quite
1333s a lot actually that they were like oh
1334s yeah but why why am I still using a
1337s cursor well this is because we now have
1338s specifically for both console and PC in
1341s mind a I'm a I'll rephrase it again it's
1345s all fine because new frames and
1352s I'm moving pretty fast
1355s okay um but yeah cold so friendly which
1359s is also really good but I think we're
1361s just go to to nato's one more you it's
1364s really a my race you made the
1367s presentation it's because I'm frozen it
1371s was a sad day today it was not not a
1374s happy day so the two important loops
1377s it's what I basically tried to say like
1379s I made ago um there's two things you do
1382s over and over and again in the game one
1384s is actually to recruit equipment retire
1385s well if you get lucky you retire
1387s otherwise you have to just like attend a
1390s funeral which is basically an important
1393s part about restocking between missions
1395s of finding a new hunter if the hunter is
1397s maybe above a certain level you won't
1399s want to retire him etc get a new hunter
1401s like that Luke needs to be rock-solid
1403s that's what you do a lot in the game and
1405s it wasn't in the old UI it is not
1407s currently on life but the new UI it will
1410s be will show you in a second promise
1411s it's awesome the second loop is the
1413s invite play and reward loop it's
1415s basically how you invite your friends
1418s what missions to select etcetera cedar
1420s equipment compare prepare basically for
1423s for for like okay you put your short
1425s kind of bring a rifle and go into the
1427s mission load in et cetera yeah so those
1429s are the two main loops we have in the
1430s game that we want to be like have
1432s basically the best and smoothest
1434s experience so this has been our focus
1436s for any UI work so there's still a
1438s couple of things we are ironing out the
1439s UI is not yet fully implemented so
1442s there's we're still working on some of
1443s the secondary and tertiary menu sub
1446s menus etc but those two loops they were
1448s the most important ones and that's what
1450s we've been focusing on and it's we will
1451s see in a minute just like what you see
1454s the biggest the biggest things and I do
1456s want to add because I know quite a lot
1458s of people ask to stay in a party this is
1461s not in yet but we do once and maybe
1463s potentially get this in the future for
1465s the future this is this is actually
1467s something on the list it's just not
1468s something that is as easy but that's why
1470s we want to make the experience as smooth
1472s as possible it's all about picking your
1474s battles in the moment like these two
1475s loops are just the bread and butter of
1478s what to do in the
1479s and they have to be rock-solid and then
1481s we start layering a different things
1482s around it exactly yeah
1484s we obviously take all the feedback but
1486s we can only do so much at a time
1489s but yeah then what's wrong I think I
1493s think they might be human was that like
1494s the slides are we done no okay
1502s so yeah QA I saw question two questions
1505s already
1506s what just before we said let's focus
1509s this Q&A primarily around two teams of
1511s three yeah pretty sure we answer a lot
1513s of the questions I go to the practical
1515s part about the actual UI exactly so two
1518s things yes so you can pick up the bounty
1521s from if your partner died you can
1523s obviously pick it up if you don't have a
1524s bank to yourself if he's dead
1526s exactly otherwise you were banking to
1528s the question was but what about the the
1533s lightning when two people have two
1535s bounty what about it seems were three
1537s well there's two people who have the
1538s bounty we'll have lightning the third
1540s guys invisible but you can do it basing
1541s right now so you could choose at the
1543s moment as a duo only pick up one bounty
1545s piece because maybe there was a sort of
1547s trying to escape run until you killed
1548s them then one of you guys carrying the
1549s bounty the other one is not the same you
1551s could also intentionally choose to do
1552s like leave one behind maybe as a
1554s diversion order to have a better escape
1555s we could there not be an advantage
1557s because in general you can already like
1560s you were already pick up them because
1563s like if you were to and you don't pick
1565s one up it's a tactical choice perhaps
1567s this particular case the private is the
1568s exploitation so if you if you would put
1570s three bounty tokens out then basically
1573s you give the teams of three like 50%
1576s more profit they could take or remission
1579s which basically makes us like the best
1580s choice ever so for us it's important to
1583s find the balance to a one hand allow
1585s people in trios to kind of engage with
1588s other players be in the mission but not
1590s have such a huge power gain compared to
1593s the other teams and profit potentially
1594s yeah that just becomes like totally
1597s basically no a null choice and non
1599s choice to go in without like having two
1603s additional partners exactly then
1608s okay first of all I will display the
1611s cues so because we haven't opted out the
1615s Cubist we try to keep them obviously as
1617s close together so we don't have it as a
1619s completely separate mode yes so people
1621s can still play with three o's if they
1623s decide to not opt out so by default your
1626s up and to play with three o's and us as
1628s so long as the duo but if you don't want
1631s to you don't so it will be to you know
1634s minimize the different cues as much as
1636s it's also the point I mean so so we've
1639s seen this feedback in the past like
1640s people asking like hey women can we get
1642s like do I get three rows and an even
1645s bigger team size it's like so I want to
1647s play with more than one friend and what
1648s we what we are doing with this change
1651s obviously it's also opening up the game
1652s to to more people who would have liked
1655s to play the game but really didn't like
1657s just being able to play with one friend
1658s online etc so now we opening up
1661s hopefully and also that will draw
1662s additional people in so at the moment
1664s we're not really worried about queuing
1665s times cetera because as we're nearing
1667s the 1.0 release like that's gonna be a
1669s big step forward anyways and we hope
1671s that the additional like matchmaking
1674s hearing separation that will happen
1675s obviously because you might queue
1677s sometimes for do or sometimes for trails
1678s it's offset by the fact that we also
1680s just pour a lot more people into the
1682s game that normally would have just like
1683s skipped it because they didn't like only
1685s playing with yours
1686s exactly so a duo cannot search for a
1690s random third player at the moment do
1692s three OS is invite only yes for 1.0 in
1695s the beginning exactly I saw some
1698s interesting point will the boss health
1700s or anything increase with things not
1703s specifically but we're currently doing
1705s also the balancing paths in general so
1706s we've talked about it in one of the
1707s previous streams that we have kind of
1709s dated like the aggro modes to the spider
1711s and we have updated the assassin a
1713s little bit and butcher so the bosses are
1715s being normalized and it would also
1716s include how they behave against teams of
1719s three there's not gonna be major changes
1720s to that because the boss isn't really
1723s the the main game keeper here the boss
1726s is spacing just something that holds you
1727s from the exes old on showdown which is
1730s happening when the players the other
1731s players arrive etc so the boss is more
1733s of a gatekeeper and at the moment you
1734s can if you're clever you can as a solo
1737s go in with a big dynamite bundle if you
1738s time it well you can instead
1739s kill the boss or if you find a mini
1741s weapon maybe you can try to do it even
1743s silently take some time but right it's
1745s possible and that wouldn't change
1747s drastically with a trio anyway bacteria
1750s was actually a benefit probably most
1751s from one person of the team maybe
1753s sitting outside stay actually outside of
1756s the arena and covering giving them
1757s information etc so that's something that
1759s would maybe like shift the way bounty
1762s attacks like like a text on the
1764s compounds will be dealt with because
1765s there's always the opportunity that this
1767s is one more player around and also
1769s obviously a tree oak and more effective
1771s he looked on a place or yeah kind of
1773s works through both directions right like
1774s in terms of making sure that there's
1776s there's one player towards every
1777s possible exit so that they can't really
1780s just leave easily but that's something
1782s which will be very very curious because
1784s obviously we have been doing like local
1786s play testing and within within the
1787s company with this feature and it's shown
1788s like it's very very promising has lots
1791s of fun very cool moments we have like a
1792s lot of fun people had that they didn't
1795s experience so far with just the doors
1797s but obviously going on tester eventually
1800s with this will show us so much more
1801s allows us to come like to gather data
1804s etc to more testing and iterations and
1807s adjust whatever we think is needs to be
1809s adjusted exactly uh someone asked if we
1814s will have the same outlines for three
1817s O's as we have doers I mean um so we do
1820s actually yes Dustin you want talk about
1822s that no okay that's basically so we have
1827s the same outline has the same same blue
1829s outline but we do have an overhead icon
1831s so basically we have like you might have
1834s seen it maybe on the reveal trailer
1836s already I think on some of the shots
1837s what is yeah so it's little dot so
1839s basically as you as you invite your
1841s friends the the game would assign each
1844s of you a number so one of you will be
1846s one two three and that's gonna be
1849s consistent across all clients so that
1850s you can start using that reference like
1852s who who was was Yannick OS number twos
1854s Yannick and Carson is number three so
1856s I'm number one so when you when you
1858s basically one around your CDs overhead
1860s icons and therefore you can kind of make
1861s the connection if you didn't memorize
1862s for example the outfits which you'll
1864s also see in a minute actually in the
1866s lobby you will be able at least to see
1869s that these guys are are doing that
1871s like that who's who and how they're
1873s moving around so that's that should make
1875s it very visible and clearly
1876s understandable
1877s who is your who's your like teammate and
1879s who to address maybe to cover the door
1881s or pick up the bounty or do whatever
1883s exactly will this James something to
1887s de-spawn points um so there are some
1889s changes to the spawn points but we're
1891s not going to talk about them today but
1893s technically actually what it does this I
1895s mean with twelve players on the map and
1897s court like if more people are in a team
1900s that means there's going to be possibly
1902s depending on the matchmaking of this
1903s particular session
1904s there could be fewer teams present
1906s because there's more players in each of
1907s the teams even by going to twelve
1909s players right I mean it there's like
1910s four teams of three if enough people
1912s queue for that so that means
1914s systemically automatically there might
1916s be bigger gaps between the spawns but
1919s we're gonna talk about how the spawning
1921s has been improved for one point or in
1923s one for next streams okay yeah yeah
1928s we're gonna show the new UI after the QA
1932s we're gonna do a quick be right back
1934s we're gonna look at the trailer again
1935s and then we're gonna do a Q&A
1938s I mean we're gonna look at the queue
1943s we're gonna look at the UI that's it
1948s let me see if there's any more questions
1951s in relation to the teams of three
1953s this also maybe we probably do a second
1956s Q&A after we've shown you guys the the
1958s UI so if you if you have any further
1959s questions just hold on to them as well
1961s I'm pretty sure we can address them
1962s afterwards as well
1966s we need Italian coffee I mean you can
1968s come bring me coffee because our coffee
1970s machine is dead uh let me see oh yeah
1974s well why not five teams of three because
1978s it would kind of increase the number of
1979s total players well I mean I did hear
1982s people ask you why not 15 by 12 um what
1985s the thing is that we also have VI in the
1987s game right and the server performance is
1989s a thing we want to make sure people
1990s don't have laggy servers people don't
1992s have like any any any frame issues etc
1994s so by increasing this like from 10 to 12
1996s it's basically enough to allow more than
1999s three teams of three which would have
2001s been important because like with ten
2002s players you would have had three teams
2004s of three maybe a solo in a session and
2006s as you know from experience if they are
2008s not that many teams the whole thing
2009s becomes rather predictable right so we
2012s want to make sure that there's as large
2013s as possible a variety of different teams
2015s and with 12 we can have at least four
2017s teams of three as an extreme case for
2019s that scenario most of the time it's
2021s gonna be a mix between solo or solos
2023s duo's and trios but pushing this further
2026s than 12 at the moments with having AI on
2028s the map etc just puts a lot of strain on
2031s the server so we're happy that we are
2032s actually able to do this like for very
2034s long time we weren't able to even go to
2035s 12 players so only because of the
2037s optimizations have been doing partially
2039s also the benefit of the xbox development
2041s we've been doing like we've been able to
2043s kind of like squeeze out more
2044s performance make things more optimized
2045s and that allowed us to push to 12 now
2047s and then opening up the option for the
2049s teams of threes yes everyone will have
2055s 12 players like every like match or a
2059s server it can have up to 12 players so
2061s quick play can have 12 players that's
2063s that do those numbers effect a death of
2068s players and a revised system I'm not
2069s entirely sure what you mean by that I
2073s mean so technically everything is
2075s unchanged right like so yeah it's yeah
2077s both teammates can revive anyone was
2079s downed if you could don't you still lose
2080s your health chunk so there's a finite
2082s amount of revives obviously nothing
2084s changed but actually having like another
2085s hunter in the team means there's a
2087s higher chance for revives two guys get
2089s down to what there's a chance for the
2090s third guy to come by
2091s yeah
2093s I think most questions I actually clear
2097s now by the teams of three at the moment
2102s I see nothing specific yeah I think
2109s again for those people who might have
2111s not been here in the beginning like I
2112s mean it's an it's basically the option
2114s for you to play teams of three like you
2115s don't have to play teams of three you
2117s can actually that's a blast you can just
2122s choose if you want to allow teams of
2124s three in the queueing if you want to
2126s play the game as you know it with just
2128s to us being the maximum it's just a tick
2130s box away he just need to check it like
2132s basically uncheck the allow teams of
2134s three button and then you'll be queuing
2136s just like before with one that with one
2138s difference which as I mentioned before
2139s like a solo player in that circumstance
2141s actually also gets a bonus already more
2143s so than they do right now on life I mean
2147s I would say just let's go to the be
2149s right back screen we're gonna go then
2152s and show the new UI cos I think a lot of
2154s people are excited yeah the children
2156s software
2167s [Music]
2182s [Music]
2189s [Music]
2197s [Music]
2220s [Music]
2242s [Music]
2284s [Music]
2303s [Music]
2304s [Applause]
2310s [Music]
2323s [Music]
2334s have you lost in love poems have you
2342s washed in the blood
2345s temptation will lead you lead you astray
2352s get your gun get your knife lace your
2355s boots
2356s today's the day
2358s Oh sinners have you started
2364s Oh have you started
2372s it's eternal damnation less you washing
2377s moon get your gun get your knife lace
2382s your boots the time has come
2386s [Music]
2395s [Music]
2403s and his prisons on fire
2409s and
2413s we all wanna freedom nachos too
2418s Breakstone get your gun get your knife
2423s lace your boots
2425s send mom
2427s I'll be swimming
2430s Oh
2433s [Music]
2435s how do you see
2437s Oh
2441s to Jesus he's lived as alone
2448s get your gun get your knife place your
2451s boys
2455s [Music]
2464s I'd learned
2466s [Music]
2468s keep that gun
2478s Oh
2482s it children get your knife this your
2485s piece
2489s yet you're gonna place your
2502s hello hello we are back you can't see us
2505s because we don't want to block the UI
2507s today so we're gonna be here hello
2511s well we talked about the new UI so I
2514s hope everyone here is properly
2516s yeah I'm sorry for cutting the song I
2518s thought it was like oh I was missing
2520s five songs seconds but forgive me uh
2524s yeah so new UI yes so this is the
2528s practical part now obviously we gonna
2530s show this directly in life software here
2532s so let's see what works what could go
2536s wrong now we're gonna start basically
2538s going through the menu step-by-step
2540s explain a little bit along the way how
2542s this whole thing works we thought about
2544s it etcetera so I'm gonna use the mouse
2545s cursor that can indicate a little bit
2547s what we're talking about and we're gonna
2549s show this both with mouse keyboard and
2552s also we're gonna show this a little bit
2553s with the controller afterwards yeah all
2556s right so um Costin wanna start about the
2558s lobby yeah so what you see is a new
2561s lobby where you start up with you will
2564s meet and invite your team here so so we
2571s can we can do it right now I'm actually
2572s yeah that's let's invite two people and
2574s see how that looks up if you if you
2575s start building up a team here so it's
2578s right first friend and right it's this
2582s nice gentleman here or is it a gentleman
2585s we don't know yeah and there we go so
2590s that's our first friend we have in there
2593s you what you see now is actually like
2595s the equipment they are bringing etcetera
2597s nice poses you can even go inspect it in
2599s detail so you see like what like
2601s procedure I have for example or in
2603s general like Holly are doing and now we
2607s obviously we not content with just one
2609s partner you want like for passe here so
2612s we're gonna we're gonna invite another
2615s one so I don't think we invited thirteen
2617s so invite fourteen now
2623s so now we got our three players together
2626s so what we can see here again it's like
2628s okay what equipment did they bring seems
2631s to be a trade person could be me and
2634s what we can do from that is basically
2638s basically like let's leave the session
2640s again change things around etc we can we
2643s can coordinate now what's what happened
2645s good we want to bring and because this
2648s is the new Lobby screen we can do
2649s basically everything else also from this
2651s screen when it comes to getting into the
2653s game playing so you see already like a
2654s ready button here but before we press
2657s that maybe the other two hundreds can
2658s already start readying opponents
2660s basically down to us I mean when they do
2663s basically you will see like like a
2665s little indicator that they are ready to
2666s play it might take a moment until they
2670s get the message because I think there
2672s yep there we go first one hand time of
2674s 14 is already accepted and it's ready to
2677s play and now the second one also so
2680s basically we see two of our friends
2681s don't know ready to play and it's down
2683s to us to press the button but before we
2684s do we actually want to have a look what
2686s we are going to play so obviously we on
2687s the bounty hunt lobby right now here and
2689s what we can do here and on the right
2691s side is actually go change to mission
2693s exactly so we have a standard random
2696s contract always selected F default so
2699s that when when you want to play a really
2701s quick round we can start the game press
2703s play and go directly into the game if
2707s you want to change the mission you can
2709s use a contract on the top or you click
2711s on the contract and change it directly
2713s yeah so we can basically click here then
2715s go directly to the contracts menu or if
2717s you go back to the lobby just clicking
2719s in here does the same thing and you can
2721s change it here see what it means is that
2722s rather like an random mission you get
2724s your bonus just being listed and in here
2727s the moment you change the mission again
2728s to a different one obviously the the
2732s actual the actual contract doesn't
2737s display anymore if you don't have a
2738s random mission now so obviously because
2741s we changed the mission our partners have
2743s unread eat so they would need to ready
2744s up again as it's normal like you want to
2746s know when things happen so you get
2747s drugged you don't get dragged into the
2748s wrong mission as this is at a moment and
2751s the first guy started and yeah what's
2757s what's also nice here is to basically
2759s check out one thing which is that allow
2762s two teams of three buttons so in order
2763s to show this a little bit better what
2764s I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna actually
2766s kick the people again because I don't
2767s wanna play with them I mean what would
2769s ready up now again Mitch making starts
2771s and then we would be in the mission
2772s we're gonna go we're not going to play
2774s right now obviously so what I'm gonna do
2775s is I'm gonna leave the group and then
2780s I'm gonna send an invite to just one of
2782s the guys so I just invite one friend so
2785s just one of them here's one and as you
2789s can see already here as I'm a solo still
2791s there's an underdog bonus of plus 200
2794s because I have the teams of three ticked
2795s which means I would be able to play with
2798s teams of three as a solo then I get a
2800s bonus of 220 token at the moment my
2802s friend has joined in here obviously we
2805s are doing now we still allow teams of
2807s three so we get another bonus of only 75
2809s on the token so right is just mimic Lee
2812s and basically makes sure that you still
2815s wanna maybe risk going to play and like
2819s Blakeley would like to only two players
2821s or solo against the teams of fries and
2823s have fun I would not accept your
2826s friendship stuff I'm curious because a
2829s lot of people are asking are we getting
2831s a check in the lobby yes they was
2833s there's going to be a cheddar lobbyists
2834s at the moment again this was a bit work
2835s in progress though the chat as you know
2837s it will be here at the moment that
2838s there's there was a small park that way
2839s it doesn't get displayed all the time
2841s but it would be at this normal position
2843s so you can just check with your friends
2845s as normal now in this case again I'm
2847s gonna leave the group so we are solo
2850s again and here what you can see is that
2852s again the bonus changed again to plus
2854s 200 now if I untape the teams of three
2857s you can see it directly changes to a
2859s hundred only so this is if I would go up
2861s against doors now I get compared to what
2864s is currently on life because what is in
2865s a 6.2 in 1.0 I will get an additional
2869s bonus of 100 so keep in mind we already
2871s also have the kill bonus for if you solo
2875s kill a boss which is also 100 but in
2878s this particular case here you get like
2880s one on top so it makes it a bit more
2881s interesting for for solos to kind of try
2883s to compete we
2885s obviously they're more likely to get
2886s killed and slaughtered by experienced
2888s teams but there's a chance if they want
2890s to risk it and there's also reward if
2891s they succeed so yeah this is basically
2894s our new Lobby and I think it looks
2897s pretty fucking awesome I think we can
2899s just spoil yeah using a controller so
2903s you can see in the very bottom you have
2905s the control ends so you have shortcuts
2908s for inviting a friend or random partner
2910s when you can use it really quickly I
2915s mean obviously yes because what there's
2918s no way should we invite a random person
2921s well you can also like just accept it
2924s all the friend requests yeah Tim feel
2928s free yeah really quickly and I think the
2931s interesting part is on the top like if
2932s you start navigating through this as you
2934s can see like you see that we have two
2936s lines for navigation we have two we have
2938s the main areas or a blobby blood line
2939s and the roster I'm gonna quickly do this
2941s with the mouse you like this top line
2942s here and then we have the sub tabs
2945s basically so inside the lobby we have
2947s fountain with quick play contract etc
2949s we're gonna go through most of those in
2951s a minute
2952s just if you didn't go back to the
2953s controller cousin if you disable it
2954s again you see like how you can use the
2956s triggers and the shoulder buttons to
2958s kind of quickly navigate between us if
2959s you want just to quickly just navigate a
2961s bit so we can use a sub navigation with
2965s triggers and using the shoulder buttons
2967s was a mean yeah so yeah like important
2972s for us both the mouse keyboard as well
2975s as the controller input for the new I
2976s have to be on the eco like priority list
2979s so they were both very important and I
2981s think we've we've come back to a very
2982s good compromise it works both for PC and
2984s console all right so I'm gonna stick
2988s with a lobby screen for a bit and go
2991s through the different other ones in
2992s there so we have for example our quick
2994s play here so quickly hasn't really
2996s changed much it has not been a priority
2998s for us in this particular one it was
3000s more important to get to support for the
3001s teams of three in bounty hunt but
3003s everything you know here is the same and
3005s you can kind of sort directly click play
3006s from here you get the overview of what
3008s the mode is about as before same as in
3010s bounty hunt you can see like okay what
3012s is it you actually doing here
3013s you can always change your region and
3016s therefore your customers to game tool
3018s you're like
3019s you can say outfit selection etc should
3022s I quickly see if I can turn it off
3023s because I had a turnout last time when
3025s people keep do you remember in the 90s
3027s like when all the people had to text
3030s like the TV stations and they will get
3031s back their little messages displayed for
3033s it was it like 57 get money furnace I
3039s had them hear it like that's the thing
3042s it's all off you can turn off just just
3046s put yourself in in DNA like you do
3048s disturb mode invisible no no sir and
3053s that might have already snows them yeah
3057s well I'll find out who alright so yeah
3063s quick play no big surprises here the
3065s same as before
3066s yeah the controller we have tip it up
3071s keep it down for changing the outlet so
3073s you can toggle really quickly and also
3075s change the gear by using a d-pad right
3078s and left yeah so no manual moving of the
3081s cursor around exactly for the Xbox
3084s people think this is probably the best
3085s news of the day I mean can do it you can
3087s use buttons by moving it and pressing a
3092s yeah and then we've already seen the
3095s contract screen and moving forward from
3098s that we have a challenger screen so in
3100s this one we show you the daily challenge
3101s the weekly challenge and interesting
3102s point here is like we've kind of done
3104s something to the challenges I think we
3106s mentioned a little bit already in the
3107s big test stream like a couple streams
3109s back and we talked about the gazillion
3110s or feature changes and new additions it
3112s again what we've been doing is that the
3114s daily challenges are more easily ER to
3116s obtain so they're more just like things
3118s that kind of give you a quick thing on
3120s the tick box they're not like big
3121s challenges like kill three assassins and
3123s one day yes finally you can do daily
3130s challenges and then obviously we kind of
3133s scale the rewards with that a little
3134s baseball so you get a little bit less
3136s for the daily challenges but they're
3137s also much easier to do so it's something
3138s to always come back to and just like
3140s have like this additional thing you want
3142s to take today in order to pick up your
3144s your daily reward and then we've also
3146s done changes to the weekly challenges so
3147s like they've obviously remained a bit
3149s more complex right you need to work
3151s mortared it I mean kill 25 hellhounds
3153s with Millie isn't it like the most
3155s challenging thing I think people kind of
3157s played the game for a couple of hours
3158s know how to deal with that but still
3159s it's gonna be a bit more effort and then
3161s once per week well if you complete the
3163s weekly challenge you can that way get
3165s additional blood bones and the blood
3166s points as we've introduced in the
3168s previous stream it's the new premium
3169s currency we use for cosmetics etc so you
3171s can kind of use that to kind of work
3173s your way towards maybe the next unlock
3175s you can get by just playing the game we
3179s also have the last match screens is
3181s something we're still working on a
3182s little bit instead of working brokers
3184s have been more depth displayed here and
3186s although you will yeah and you can
3192s invite them here so you might show this
3195s maybe in a later stream or you will just
3196s be able to see it the final version of
3198s this one on the test server eventually
3200s and would this be is just like the first
3203s alteration how much we want to show
3206s there's even more stat so we get to that
3208s once we go to the blood line screen be
3212s right there
3212s okay so we basically have looked at all
3215s the taps of the lobby right now so we
3217s can I think move on to the blood line
3219s alright so this is the new blood line
3221s screen blood line is basically about
3223s progression about stats and about
3225s unlocks so you can understand what you
3227s do if we kind of repeat it at each other
3228s and just here obviously so you can see
3230s your progress and in terms of what
3233s you're doing and this is also the point
3234s where you will be be able to prestige we
3236s can show you that actually in a minute
3237s but hold on to it for a little bit
3240s longer and then we have our statistics
3243s screen here we have additional assists
3245s edits we have additional like for
3248s example for triple catch before we only
3249s had a contract grand slam and running
3251s gauntlet so a couple of sets have been
3252s added to this one and they are obviously
3255s different between bounty hunt and quick
3257s play and have their own cadiz as you
3260s know already from the current menu it's
3261s just in a better nicely organized way
3263s we're asking where is the blood and then
3267s the last point here is the rank unlocks
3269s and this is basically the rank unlocks
3271s and what that means if you have paid
3273s attention will reprieve streams is that
3275s certain unlocks are no longer rank ated
3277s right now they will be a gated progress
3279s in the library that's something we're
3281s going to talk about in a minute as we
3282s get closer to the store and the library
3284s parts of this menu
3285s here but at the moment they see what
3287s rain unlock shows is just guaranteed
3289s unlocks whenever you rank up so rank one
3291s obviously it's the stuff that you will
3292s have in the beginning bit of a like hint
3295s here already for some people maybe
3298s things have changed a little bit what
3300s weapons and what type of things you get
3302s we can talk about it a little bit later
3303s if any questions ask you later maybe a
3305s few of them we can we can we can answer
3310s everything is different now we talk
3312s about the stats in a second as well but
3314s we do that in a roster so yeah you can
3316s see how things can unlock etcetera then
3320s as we go to the roster rosters basically
3324s where you keep your hunters right so
3325s this is our new roster screen everything
3328s is a bit reorganized a bit nice sound I
3330s think we're gonna spent the next couple
3331s minutes on that screen and its
3333s subsequent because this is actually one
3334s of the really cool changes we've been
3336s doing about how you can use the screen
3338s how you interact with it and everything
3340s is a bit more a bit more nicer to kind
3342s of like equip your hunter and recruiter
3344s hunters with alright so maybe casting
3347s want to start by going through some of
3349s the elements yeah we can start in the
3350s top left or hotspots the recruiting or
3354s hunter is now directly linked to the
3357s empty next button we have three designs
3360s a button a bit which gives you better
3362s progress view you will see the next
3365s level for other hunters which is new and
3369s you can see the empty in general so by
3374s default we have the five slots as normal
3376s and then you can also use the the
3379s premium currency like the Blood Bones in
3381s order to unlock additional slots up to a
3382s maximum of ten yeah so this is for
3384s convenience basically if you want to
3386s have like more hunters then you can use
3389s that but I mean you get the five as
3390s normal as before we're not taking
3392s anything away from you also in this
3394s option obviously half the chain still to
3396s like like zoom in and look at your look
3398s at your guy a little bit we have the
3401s trades now on the bottom yeah so
3403s everything is a bit more organized it's
3404s like some of the new traits we talked
3405s about in the stream like don't is for
3407s example which is really nice if you if
3410s you if someone throws dynamite at you
3411s and you have this trade you go and you
3412s press the button right time
3415s Gregerson see how many times I write
3419s definitely that's right yeah so maybe we
3424s want to first off just maybe recruit a
3426s hunter and then we equip them a little
3427s bit and just make this a very practical
3429s experience for you guys so you can kind
3430s of see what advance just a new UI are
3432s here so let's just recruit a hunter I
3435s mean this screen you kind of know a
3436s little bit already looks very similar
3438s yeah it's just a little bit tweaked so
3440s you can literally see what is a free one
3442s so free version we have redesigned the
3447s order of the items a little bit a little
3450s bit smaller so we can see more so hunter
3452s if it's just not enough for you to see
3456s the current hanta we added a feature so
3458s you can toggle the details on and off
3460s with a button on the bottom left hey you
3464s can finally see them you can finally see
3465s the hunter and you can turn it on again
3471s so you have the possibility to enjoy so
3476s basic workings for you exactly what we
3478s see here is I mean nothing really new
3480s obviously you still have your weapons
3481s you have two trades equipment etc you
3484s can see their names and obviously every
3486s time you play around you can get one
3488s free reshuffle we've more reused it on
3490s the screen so that's why I chose you to
3491s x-ray reshuffle so if you want you can
3493s just extra reshuffle in order to to get
3495s like another random selection of hunters
3497s but by default if you play a mission
3499s even if you died you get your free
3500s reshuffle left before we get the right
3502s one you want a recruiter we should get
3505s to breathe absolutely details again so
3509s you can kind of see like the hunters
3510s though Terry's Inger Preston take a is
3514s the incus this is probably Swedish or
3515s something or not at least all right so
3518s let's record her all right that's our
3521s tier 3 hunters now what does she come
3525s forth she has a large slot so she can
3528s kind of see like that we have the little
3529s slot indication now you can see like
3531s what is the last or the medium slot and
3533s a small spot now I guess we changed on
3537s the equipment I guess not we changed
3538s some equipment yeah so just clicking on
3540s the weapon I mean if you kind of see it
3541s kinda moved us to the next sub point
3543s here so if you just go back to over here
3545s but if you click on it it just moves you
3546s one there you
3547s also easy just like kicking like
3549s somewhere outside and just close it
3550s again so it feels as if it's basically
3552s just lay layered on top are you actually
3554s moving between the sub points here two
3555s sub tabs so back to equipment and what
3558s we see here is our new equipment back
3561s list exactly so we decided to make the
3563s 3d icon bigger it removes the 2d ones
3568s from the list so you don't have to go to
3572s every single item to see how it looks I
3575s think that good advantage yeah what's
3581s really cool here is like so we've kind
3582s of kind of like in a consistent way like
3585s updated all the stats so what you can
3587s see here for example is that we now
3589s display the true damage value of a shot
3591s that hits the tundra in the upper torso
3593s at 10 meters so what you see here is
3595s actually damaged if you could see if we
3596s have one actually yeah yeah there's the
3600s sparks so on the sparks it shows you 149
3602s which is exactly the damage it does as
3605s you guys know like you can survive of
3606s one hit points and typical common
3608s situations if you hit the upper chest
3609s and that gives people I like a lot more
3613s knowledge about like how much true
3615s damage to the weapons do by having this
3617s reference point we also show you the
3620s effective range so for firearms this is
3622s the range in meters that weapon will
3624s kill a hunted one hit usually that is a
3625s head shot but some weapons are so
3627s powerful obviously they do that also
3629s with the chest so so we've kind of
3631s limited the effect of maximum range for
3633s headshots to 250 meters for balancing
3635s reasons and that means even like a
3637s sniper rifle beyond 250 meters will not
3640s kill you in one headshot but obviously
3643s it still gonna do massive damage to you
3644s now if you take maybe some of the
3646s weapons but you're not
3647s so like effective at distance let's take
3650s the copper conversion pistol what we see
3651s here is the effective range is 65 meters
3654s which is coincidentally the head short
3656s distance so at this distance you can do
3658s a one-hit kill with this weapon by
3660s shooting someone in the face so this is
3662s again it's very very important
3664s information for place because it allows
3666s you to understand like what distance you
3668s kind of safe from a certain weapon if
3669s you need to get closer etc gives you a
3671s bit better understanding obviously for
3674s short guns it's not as clear because
3676s they have a spread so we can use a bit
3677s more abstract values here so I like the
3679s base weapon here in this case is 10
3680s meters
3681s but with the the the random nature of
3683s the spreaders can kind of like change a
3684s little bit obviously depending on how
3686s the pellets have been disbursed next we
3689s have to rate a fire which is two rounds
3691s per minute so it's basically how many
3693s shots can be fired two per minute and
3694s that takes into account of the
3696s preparation and it does not take into
3700s account delays from reloading for
3701s example so it's a theoretical rate of
3703s fire so that if you were to not have to
3706s bother about it with reloading it we
3707s just mostly about like pulling back the
3711s hammer cetera then adding that together
3713s with the shots it's the time you take
3715s the rate of the rate of fire I already
3717s see a lot of you what does reduce price
3718s changes yeah the price changes is a very
3721s very nice point as well I mean we've
3722s kind of rebalance the entire economy so
3724s many of the changes you will see is
3726s actually things becoming cheaper things
3727s becoming more expensive and it comes
3728s down to not only telemetry and data but
3731s also the overall balance so it's
3734s something that we can show a few a few
3735s examples of but obviously we'll get the
3737s full picture and the change lock once it
3738s goes and test server so I mean it's kind
3740s of blowing the the scope of this stream
3742s today to basically go through every
3745s single change so where you pick up a few
3746s changes here and there but don't worry
3748s from a balancing point of view actually
3749s the whole thing hasn't really become
3751s more expensive it's just a distribution
3752s between different weapons as canopy and
3754s shifted so some have become cheaper some
3756s have become more expensive based on use
3757s based on firepower on also obviously
3759s based on additional changes that come
3761s with 1.0 to maybe make these weapons
3763s better weapons than you might expose
3765s them at I mean I just want to point out
3768s because I see some things like yes so
3774s the filter options this top are here
3776s actually is very very useful so on PC we
3779s have two feature that you can kind of
3781s like type of text in there like knack
3783s for an again and it shows you which
3785s often again weapons we have at the
3786s moment so we hone like one mosin-nagant
3788s you could buy was in 1895 you have one
3791s officer and you have one precision
3793s currently that is a feature obviously
3796s this requires a keyboard so it is gonna
3798s be a PC feature yeah so on console we
3801s don't have that in addition to that we
3803s have filters for the different slots so
3804s at the moment obviously it shows you for
3807s the large slots you have here three
3808s three dots right it shows you every
3809s option you have of the weapons currently
3811s own what weapons you could currently buy
3814s because you have
3816s name an example here in the list is for
3818s example that the wind fields see
3819s obviously it's ready to be purchased
3821s like you could buy this right now
3822s because you have it it's a rank one
3823s weapon but the Vettel e71 carabiner
3827s Deadeye
3828s actually is a very end and you might
3831s have the base weapon from the Rankin
3832s block you see on the left side you can
3833s buy the normal but early but you cannot
3835s buy this one it because this is still
3837s locked from the library perspective so
3839s what it means is basically that this is
3842s in the list because the old one version
3843s you might have gotten it from from like
3846s for example a daily reward right like a
3850s recruiter as recorded a hunter with it
3852s etcetera and then put it in the Arsenal
3853s and then obviously it's ready for you to
3855s be put in here but you won't be able to
3856s buy additional ones right now because
3858s it's a lot for you if we talk about a
3860s little bit more about that part when we
3861s go to the store in a minute um now what
3865s we can do here so you can say like
3866s please only show me the small slot
3867s weapons I currently have so right now
3869s even though it's a large slot we can
3871s have filter this so if I definitely want
3872s to put a pistol in here I can quickly
3873s just filter this and it shows me the
3876s compatible weapons or show me only two
3878s meter medium ones like because maybe I
3879s have quartermaster or maybe I want to go
3881s with a to medium weapon set so it makes
3883s it a bit more convenient and allows you
3886s to kind of like fill the things out a
3889s little bit
3890s we also gives you a chance to short a
3891s new weapon so we don't have a new one
3893s marked in here but you would see them
3894s with a little plus as you see with
3895s upgrades here so you can understand if
3898s there's a new weapon you've unlocked or
3899s something you could become available
3900s that you can look for that specifically
3902s and on top of that you can also set them
3904s as favorites and then specifically
3906s filter for the favorites in your list so
3908s make it easier to come back to the
3909s weapons you buy for example most of the
3911s time that you can also filter by
3919s ammunition tag so you can look for
3923s weapons which is using a compact video
3926s whatever else example yeah
3930s in addition like obviously there's
3932s special damage types like fire damage we
3935s see we don't have anything in here was
3936s now explosive and poison but as you get
3940s more weapons unlocked etcetera like this
3942s list will grow obviously in the filter
3943s options help you to kind of keep the
3945s overview
3946s right so in addition we've also upgraded
3949s a little bit's the different
3951s descriptions for specific weapon types
3953s so this is an important point we talk
3955s about in a more a little bit in a future
3957s stream we kind of mentioned already lil
3959s bit with of water penetration changes
3961s but we can't have more information about
3964s for example to compact bullet here so
3965s like we see it's a basic pistol
3967s cartridge has low penetration damage but
3968s it clearly specifies to you what it can
3970s penetrate so if you're looking for like
3973s what weapon can shooter what type of
3975s obstacle you can always refer to this
3977s thing here and for example let's go for
3979s let's say it like here Mosin Nagant look
3982s at the long bullet and you can see like
3983s it can appear says wooden walls in small
3984s trees pierces thin stone walls and
3986s single metal sheets by the count piece
3989s and he appears any tall trees so it
3992s basically means that you will have a
3994s better overview of what your weapon can
3996s cannot do by looking at the new menu and
3998s comparing the stats etcetera
4000s oh my god or more expensive yeah maybe
4004s maybe maybe we'll talk about it yeah
4008s well the aperture is it's not really
4011s changed too much on it because it's the
4013s aperture size alone on on the wind field
4015s but the Nitro Express is a powerful
4018s weapon
4018s so let's first though equip some stuff
4022s here I guess because I think what we
4023s want to show us many interface so
4025s caution anything you want me to equip
4028s you have okay then let's just strip it
4032s out first so let's good thing is I can
4034s just double click on each of the slots I
4035s double click again on the slot and can
4037s equip sit on equips it's very easy very
4039s convenient
4040s I loves me to quickly like say okay I
4043s won't have the bomb plans here I want to
4044s have like a packs over there so I can
4047s very very quickly you can take a board
4053s for you we can't show to uppercut in
4055s this thing is we haven't unlocked it
4057s obviously like here because we're
4059s currently having a small slot selected
4061s it only shows us the small slot options
4063s right if I if I were to kind of like
4066s change with a list a little bit I will
4069s later on be able to the camera see which
4070s isn't compatible etcetera like so there
4072s might be then turned red here because it
4074s doesn't fit in a specific category we
4075s don't have any example here at the
4076s moment so but you will see that as you
4078s on the server so yeah different
4082s equipment slots just put this one here
4084s and saber and then the same is true
4086s obviously for any of the tools and the
4089s consumables
4090s so here again we've kind of updated the
4092s stats a little bit where needed so we've
4094s added for example and everything which
4096s has linked a locker like an effective
4097s radio simple quantity trip mine can have
4100s this information so you can compare it
4101s you get like the initial damage this is
4104s like in this case the actual actual tic
4107s damage so if you can try to move through
4109s that you get that type of damage
4110s continuously in system they're fresh but
4117s we didn't drop any crimes okay so yeah
4121s we can kind of like equip different
4122s things here okay let me just explain
4125s this because people are not
4126s understanding exactly what is happening
4128s with or reloads or on lock system so
4131s unlike before where you just level up so
4135s being max level means you have all
4137s weapons but you don't have that now so
4140s if you now play you can choose what you
4143s unlock so your first steps to play the
4145s base weapon and then you can unlock the
4147s alternative way so yeah okay so
4156s important part here I can just quickly
4158s go equip the hunter in the city and the
4160s way I want it's very elegant very smooth
4162s same for explosives or consumables like
4164s protocol with Heidi shots in or whatever
4166s I want to equip and therefore between
4169s missions it's so much faster it's so
4171s much more elegance in order to to just
4173s like go and adjust every bike equipments
4176s and get ready it's just something out
4178s and before it was a bit of a pain this
4180s is a bit this menu here you just don't
4182s want to go back this is so much more
4183s convenient we also make icons
4186s calab now so you have can easily see the
4189s difference between the
4191s different bottles beer or everything we
4194s just poison has a green color like the
4200s poison bomb yeah yeah alright so again
4206s so now we have our hunter here fully
4208s equipped and basically could go into the
4211s way to let my bomb Lance go I pay
4214s attention to the stream for one second
4216s and then there you go have you pivot
4218s bombs instead you also get your Bornholm
4220s again are you happy now I'm just saying
4225s [Music]
4227s okay so in addition to that obviously we
4231s still have our traits before that we're
4232s gonna take one of the hunters we've
4233s prepared for the stream for for the for
4235s this test we have a couple of upgrade
4237s points ready so we can actually use them
4239s so we have this guy here and he
4242s currently only has to trade so we want
4244s to add a couple trade so we go to the
4245s upgrades menu and we can do that by just
4247s basically clicking here so what we see
4250s here is the new upgrade screen so here
4254s we decided to get rid of the tooltip and
4258s again of the small buttons he makes a
4260s graphics bigger and show directly the
4262s detailed high detail one additional to
4265s that we have a smaller version which is
4267s also shown on the bottom bar on the top
4269s right of button hmm we'll have a
4272s directly connection and see what it
4274s means
4275s you also can filter now for trace and
4279s type whatever you looking for so we have
4288s these different categories basically so
4290s we for fans of traits defense of
4291s movement related and supportive traits
4293s and based on that you can kind of like
4295s get to the right rates and more easily
4299s equipped until your hunter based on that
4300s yeah obviously if you end up and you've
4303s worn the same thing here so gives you
4304s just more different options and allows
4307s you to to get to the ones you want to
4309s look for any could be one hunter
4311s faster so in this case let's just put a
4313s couple in there so on this guy I think
4316s actually me quickly see what did he have
4318s he had a hatchet and he had an again
4320s precision so you go back to upgrades
4323s let's say maybe we're making them ie
4324s fighter I'm going to give him give him
4326s like the light foot straight so walking
4328s and jumping from client letters more
4330s silently so you can kind of sneak up on
4331s people maybe cut skin is a good option
4333s as well cause can drop down without
4334s taking the damage so you got one-hit
4336s kill by by the sparks the moment you
4338s drop down which the movement related
4340s stuff Greyhound is gonna be good Gator
4342s legs is good for that and maybe on top
4346s of that killer that reduces the sound
4349s you make when performing bully attack so
4350s I mean that alone from the set here
4353s gives us a pretty cool kid for for a
4355s MIDI option so that he can use them the
4357s Romero head should probably pretty
4358s effectively
4360s besides that maybe we give him Walter on
4364s top of that so you can kind of scavenge
4366s maybe is a guy that we want him to stay
4368s a bit more behind and watch for other
4370s people to finish the fights and you go
4371s and loot them anyways and to not get any
4374s nasty surprises we get from villager
4375s vigilant which allows you to basically
4377s see nearby traps in dark size so curious
4380s because people are asking are we also
4382s getting in favorites for traits we do
4385s not have a favorite for trade but we do
4387s have two filters here so it's very very
4388s quick to get to the ones you like some
4390s it's it's not as as fractured as it is
4393s for example for the weapons maybe we
4396s will do in the future at the moment
4397s there's no plan for it right now it's
4399s not a priority for us so I mean people
4401s get quite a lot here I mean the list is
4403s kinda nice if you look for specific ones
4405s no one should be taking like a lot time
4407s to find what they're looking for but who
4411s knows yeah alright so then in addition
4414s to that we also say maybe you know what
4416s actually do we really want to bring
4418s vigilant on this guy maybe not in this
4420s case we can go to respec so and what we
4423s can do here is we can if it's really
4424s important for us we can say you know
4426s what vigilant I would like to remove
4428s that you can do that trains being
4431s removed get reimbursed for the upgrade
4432s points it cost and can use them for
4434s something else so it gives you an option
4436s to kind of like maybe if you recruited
4439s hundred didn't have exactly the
4440s combination you like that you can do
4442s that you cannot kind of maximize
4443s obviously once is that is that so the
4445s risk is with you and it's your choice if
4447s you want to invest in my mod mmm-hmm I
4451s think that's gonna be the roaster for
4453s the most part as you can see lots of
4454s improvements
4455s a lot more elegant too quickly like
4457s cycle through stuff to equip the guy the
4459s way you want but there is more so maybe
4463s we go back to recruitment scream we've
4465s been there before
4466s as we accorded the hunter as we could
4468s one more but in this case that's not
4470s record regular hunter let's maybe have a
4472s look at salsa barbers haha surprise no
4474s one here because we haven't paid quickly
4475s before this is where you'll find you
4477s quickly hunters as before no big changes
4479s it's just the same visual style as the
4481s other ones you'll see the upgrade points
4483s you'll see what weapons you've kind of
4484s taken out and they would be recruited
4486s for free here but there's also the
4488s legendary hunters tab so this is where
4490s it's becoming interesting plus here is
4491s where we have the legendary hunters
4493s ready for you now that works is
4495s basically that first off obviously they
4497s are locked because it's cosmetic thing
4499s you want to want you to kind of like a
4501s play in order to get the update points
4503s for it and then choose the one you like
4506s what you see here is now it's like the
4507s seven one we have in the beginning and
4509s let's just recruit sheriff Arden so in
4512s this case we unlock them
4515s now sheriff Arden is available so he is
4518s permanently unlocked right now because
4519s we've gonna spend the additional Blood
4521s Bones on this which means now we can
4524s always recruit a sheriff harden for half
4526s a devil 333 hard dollars our in-game
4529s currency we can change the icon away
4531s from the dollar symbol so it's basically
4533s a bit more fitting to the Blood Bones
4534s etc so you have this I can you can kind
4536s of memorize and get back to this is the
4538s regular money you earned by playing
4540s missions and what you can see here is
4542s maybe before we recruit them you can
4545s also talk to the bio which means
4546s basically a little bit more for this
4548s person is what he's doing and we have
4550s that for all of the legendary hunters
4552s here I say everyone already like I need
4554s that red shirt yeah red shirt is awesome
4559s but now no red shirt it's gonna be
4562s sheriff Arden alright so in this case
4564s we're gonna hire him for 33
4566s 333 I'm dollars so sheriff hardness
4569s hours now as you can see the legend your
4572s handers you recruit them without any
4573s gear it's basically the starting
4576s platform and you can then turn them into
4577s whatever you like so they don't come
4579s with like random gear etc like there are
4581s they're blanks and you can equip
4583s and play with them rank him up given the
4585s traits of life etc so in this particular
4588s case no I'm not going to give them
4590s they're the bomb plants this time around
4597s let's give what does a sheriff huge
4600s usually shopping yeah that's good one
4601s pump shotgun so Hardin has the truck gun
4604s as you can see if you always do zoom in
4606s there you can see it some of the details
4608s better he's a badass and give him like a
4613s six shooter again give him a knife maybe
4617s quickly admit kids maybe four four
4620s emulators to give them a dusters yeah
4626s maybe he brings his personal stash of
4628s alcohol so that's the fire bombs worst
4632s case he has this room otherwise you can
4634s celebrate a holiday so now that's
4638s basically equipped sheriff Arden as you
4639s can see how quickly it was to just get
4641s him out right now it's it's very
4642s convenient very nice and should make
4645s things a lot easier for you if you go
4648s between missions recruit hunters no you
4650s do not loose your legendary character
4652s you can just rehire him looks like she
4654s would rehire any other you can only have
4656s one of the same exactly so sheriff
4658s harden is right now in our roaster he is
4659s one of the hunters we have recruited so
4661s if you go back to recruitment and go
4663s back to legendary hunters you can see
4664s sheriff harden he's currently in use so
4666s obviously I will not be able to recruit
4668s another one until sheriff harden has
4670s passed away somewhere in swamps and
4675s exactly and you can lose maybe just like
4680s unlock like another one here like the
4681s night acolyte for example I mean here we
4683s unlock the red shirt I think I can I can
4686s we can look into it in a sec and then in
4689s here for example you see like like if
4691s she's available to be recruited and if I
4694s would don't put her in here again will
4697s be checkbox she's currently in use
4698s so the unlocks with Blood Bones are
4701s permanent so you only invested once it
4703s also doesn't get wiped with any
4704s prestigious or anything like that that's
4706s persistent forever that's just that you
4708s always have to pay a little bit in order
4710s to hire them again yeah so you want a
4712s red shirt I guess let's get a red shirt
4717s so that's higher redshirt he is awesome
4724s so now what do we give had red shirts
4726s it's like the axe Emily a machete and
4733s maybe you want to be all Milly yeah sure
4738s can explain the ripped mmm oh yeah okay
4741s it's a good point so what we talked
4742s about earlier so in this case obviously
4743s because I can put this one in the slot
4745s here the weapon is being displayed but
4747s it doesn't fit cause it's a large slot
4748s weapons obviously it's big mapped out
4750s here so it makes it a bit easier to
4752s understand what you can equip and what
4755s large medium and small slots actually
4757s mean so now how does he look like there
4759s we go hatchet man
4760s that's x-men right there I expect to see
4764s a few of those in this one you wanna
4771s double exes okay well we can do that to
4775s medium so now but then nothing else exes
4779s for redundancy
4779s so yeah this guy this guy's set like
4782s he's gonna kill all right so that's
4786s basically how you how you go about
4787s recruiting and it's like equipping
4790s hunter so I think that as we mentioned
4792s before like this was one of the really
4793s really important things for us to get
4794s right to make sure that between missions
4797s you can kind of like go and easily just
4800s your your loadout or we stock on
4801s equipment etc go back into the game
4803s without interest being annoyance and
4805s make us you can show it maybe quickly
4807s with the with the controller again I
4808s think for the screen the controls are
4811s implemented you can you can you can kind
4813s of go to equipment quickly so that I can
4814s toggle between those different different
4816s menus and scroll down up and it's over
4819s it's a lot more interesting there so
4822s there's one thing you might have been
4823s wondering about which is the king button
4831s we mention it like in one of the
4835s previous streams that we introducing the
4837s ceiling with and so to recap a little
4838s bit what it means is basically this is
4839s not a gameplay relevant feature this is
4842s just for visuals so your weapons are
4846s kind of a dirty you can invite them
4847s secondhand a little
4848s already out of the get-go you can see
4849s that come a little bit muddy here and
4851s there I'm the exception being like
4853s legendary weapons which we're going to
4854s talk about in a second when we get to
4855s the store which will always come in a
4857s pristine condition because they're like
4859s polished up for you because there's also
4861s nice-looking um every time you get down
4863s in the game so every time every time you
4865s get downs and your partner picks you up
4867s again your weapon will be a little bit
4870s dirtier so it's not about like just
4871s going into the mission and playing as we
4873s just linked to the death event obviously
4875s if you're dead they're dead there's no
4876s use for your weapon anymore in this case
4877s don't bother however if you pick up a
4880s weapon from someone else that got down
4881s they killed like a team you want us go
4883s through repens obviously their weapons
4884s will also be a bit dirty because they
4885s have been fallen to the ground etcetera
4887s yeah now what you can do is you can just
4888s go and clean these weapons and visually
4891s they will look a little bit clearer but
4893s it's really just a cosmetic thing and
4895s obviously if you care about your weapons
4896s it's a nice little thing but absolutely
4899s nothing gameplay irrelevant it's a nice
4900s little feature for convenience options
4904s what you can also see here is like we
4905s have like additional Celal options so
4907s make up multiple instances you can so
4910s here in this case the two limits we can
4912s just like sell all quickly and then
4914s we've got emerge if you own multiple
4915s weapons one is clean and once you're
4917s there to separate this place yes I can
4920s show you in a second so for example we
4922s buy again like another X here because we
4923s like access why should I buy it again
4926s so if I clean them now obviously I have
4930s doesn't work let me so it might be still
4935s up back in there so let's clean this one
4937s no it doesn't work either
4938s okay well then we can't show the
4940s cleaning today because it's one of the
4941s newer features that might still be being
4942s worked on a little bit but yes they
4944s would be basically stacked together so
4947s like all of the weapons which have the
4948s same level of dirtiness are grouped
4949s together and by just taking the button
4951s like if you have like five team what's
4953s obviously there will be all together at
4955s once yeah alright I think that's it for
4958s this menu here alright then we move on
4961s to this door so the stores actually also
4966s a pretty interesting new thing for us
4968s because you can see it there's obviously
4970s lots of overlapping functionality the
4972s filters etc but what you will see in the
4975s store in addition is like an economy
4978s change that we talked about in one of
4980s the previous streams which is that
4981s main weapons are being unlocked by
4983s ranked black before
4985s however the variants of the weapons they
4987s are unlocked now in the book of weapons
4989s which is a new book we're gonna show you
4990s that in a second and that can attracts
4993s the progress of what you need to do in
4994s order to get to these variations for the
4996s purpose of the store however it's
4998s important and to understand that you
5000s have on one hand weapons that you've
5001s already unlocked like this Romero 77 for
5003s example available from Rank 1 if I
5007s scroll down a little bit further I might
5009s have a few weapons here at one point
5010s which because I feel a lot of people are
5016s very eager and I might just give those
5019s to you again yeah here's the época there
5021s we go
5021s so uppercut all the stats basically off
5024s the weapon handling me cetera is
5026s basically same as before with that
5029s regards Amelie sector of muscle velocity
5031s as with the projectile stuff has been
5033s adjusted shows you the effective range
5034s of the true damage shows you the price
5037s of the weapon obviously again we've
5038s rebalanced the entire price scale so
5040s like 395 here you have to see that in
5042s perspective with other changes we'll be
5044s doing so don't look at it in isolation
5046s for example if you have tea or brass let
5050s me see if you can quickly go to the
5051s overs let's use our feature here the
5055s oppress right now for example switch to
5056s 90 is a little bit cheaper than the
5058s uppercut but it is actually a
5060s medium-soft weapon so it comes with a
5061s disadvantage so like part of our
5063s balancing efforts have been ordered to
5064s try the Dixie AK how convenient to use
5066s as a certain weapon
5068s what handicaps does it have etc and the
5070s pricing has been adjusted with that in
5071s mind so again don't call and cry for
5075s nerves yet because this is a full
5077s rebalance of the entire shop lots of
5079s things have been adjusted in price and
5081s also your income has been adjusted as
5083s you've seen before we've given your
5084s additional bounty bonuses for for
5086s playing for observing against teams of
5088s three if you're not having a team free
5089s playing a solo so there is a different
5091s amount of money in circulation right now
5093s there's a different income of money
5094s there's different spending of money so
5096s take it with a grain of salt ideally
5098s just played this on the test server once
5099s we get to the set server and then give
5101s us some feedback on that from there
5102s what is handling handling is basically a
5105s mix of different things as an abstract
5107s rating I can read with a thing here an
5109s abstract rating of effectiveness which
5111s takes into account of weapons away the
5113s record and the bullet spread so this is
5114s post basically
5116s the accuracy depending variable so like
5119s how easy is the weapon like to to keep
5122s under control and like something like
5125s shotgun like a Romero I mean it's very
5127s effective and handling right like it's
5128s very easy just point and shoot
5130s especially to remember with its longer
5131s range and the other shotguns is a pretty
5133s effective weapon if you compare this
5134s again for example against in a gun
5136s pistol I mean it is a handling of 63
5138s which is like someone in mid range and
5140s if you compare this again against like
5143s one with the stock that stock weapon
5144s actually is I mean just hover over it
5147s you can compare it to number 86 on a
5149s stock weapon because there's little
5150s recoil on the stock because you can can
5152s stabilize it it's a weak round anyway so
5154s it doesn't take much so the precision
5156s weapon is a lot easier to use but
5158s obviously as a medium slot weapon it has
5160s a difference also you can see the rate
5162s of fire for example being different
5163s between the two we mentioned in in the
5165s last three months or the last empty
5166s stream where we said like that the
5169s precision and the Deadeye version they
5170s get a bit hotter like higher rate of
5172s fire because it's easier to kind of like
5174s work the hammer while you're having just
5176s pressed against a shoulder and I see a
5178s lot of people ready ask about the 3d
5180s view yes we get to that in a second
5184s hold your horses alright so is there
5189s anything else on the unlocking yes
5191s because I was in the middle I've picked
5193s up my - my my my my train of thought
5195s here again so we talked about the Romero
5197s the Romero is already unlocked in this
5200s case the first variation that will be
5202s unlocked afterwards is the Romero hand
5204s cannon as you can see this one is a
5206s library unlocks it with a book here and
5208s it's currently the one you would work
5210s towards to get unlock next because it's
5213s the first unlock obviously we cannot
5214s have a cheap profile here with rank 100
5216s but we haven't spent any second in-game
5218s working towards these unlocks so in a
5220s typical profile you would have a lot
5221s more options unlocked by that time
5223s logically now what would be happening if
5226s I unlocked this is then I would be able
5228s to unlock the next weapon online which
5230s would be the actual Romero 77 talent you
5232s can see it here it's basically in your
5234s description it requires unlock of Rob we
5236s have 77 hmmm so the left neighbour and
5238s you also see it's a library unlocked but
5240s this one is still communicated so you
5242s need to kind of like work it away from
5243s variants to variant in order to get
5245s there so if you want to have the Romero
5246s hatchet which would be the last line of
5248s this of this
5249s like like like category here then you
5252s first need to unlock the hemp can then
5254s the talent and then the hatchet now how
5257s does that work
5258s and the thing for that we should maybe
5259s just go to the library and have a look
5261s at it so we're gonna go to the Romero
5262s and have a look at it in the library so
5265s directly brings us there as you can see
5267s here the Romero has been unlocked I
5269s don't have the mastery version yet so it
5272s unlocked so I would be able to get
5273s additional blood-borne so this is the
5274s reason why we are resetting the book of
5276s monsters as well is because all of these
5278s mastery unlocks give you additional
5279s Blood Bones and now what we can see here
5284s if we scroll here we see the Romero
5285s family so so Romero 77 the first one is
5288s already unlocked and we would be
5289s currently grinding towards like the
5291s first mastery unlock to unlock
5292s additional walk pieces but we also would
5296s like to may be unlocked or immersiveness
5297s even hand cam the first in line for that
5299s we need to kill 5 infected which is the
5301s grunts the basic enemy we have an end in
5303s the game with any afterburner 77
5305s bearings obviously at this point we only
5307s have two basic Romero so you need to
5309s play with the Romero 77 in order to get
5311s the hand cam exactly unless maybe a
5314s recruit comes with one etc so all of the
5316s variations everything which is in this
5318s family here counts against the progress
5320s so you're not you know it stacked having
5321s to use them the hand can to get the
5323s talent it can be any of the any of the
5327s variations if unlocked so far these
5329s these conditions they kind of change
5330s step by step so very likely once you've
5333s unlocked the talon in order to get the
5335s hatchet you might need to do something
5337s with melee kills for example to kind of
5338s like take into account the fact if just
5340s or knock something with a melee similar
5342s way if you if you scroll down maybe to
5344s the rifles I think they were done here
5346s actually know where they're further up
5347s my bad if you go up to the rifles you
5352s might have for example a sniper rifle
5353s here so this is the most in a gun family
5355s in this case starts with the basic Mosin
5358s then in order to to get the next one you
5360s need to kill 15 marks this is our
5362s specialty I so this is that the armor
5364s it's the Haifa cetera with the Mosin ad
5367s 91 or any variants obviously again I
5369s only have one
5370s and once I've unlocked that that comes
5372s the bayonet again and I can do that with
5374s either the opera's or the regular one
5375s until I get to the sniper version and
5377s very likely once I have two sniper to
5379s get to the after mod I will need to do
5380s something with maybe headshots because
5382s it's a sniper weapon so
5383s the the goals the challenges what you
5385s need to do are kind of like always
5386s linked a little bit to what the the
5389s current weapon does so the library is a
5391s bit of an optional thing this is just if
5392s you want to really go through if you
5394s want to read a narrative behind it each
5395s of these weapons have some mastery
5397s unlocks as well so you can kind of like
5399s to learn more about like stories
5400s involving these weapons or people that
5401s maybe invented them etc so it's it's a
5404s it's a pretty nice thing to read through
5406s gives you a lot of additional like like
5408s story pieces that we've put together
5411s next to the book of monsters that's the
5415s thing that you already know now the
5417s whole book here though is still a kind
5420s of a secondary thing because everything
5422s you need to know is inside the store so
5425s if you want to just unlock something you
5427s just basically look in here what is it
5429s you need to do in order to get there so
5430s if you just scroll halfway through let's
5432s go for example to the wind fields in
5435s order to get to the to the wind field
5437s swift I need to first get the Talon the
5439s aperture and then obviously I have the
5442s base version which will unlock
5443s I think it's rank 40 to 100 censure
5446s right now could be 40 because we've
5448s already unlocked it since we are ranked
5450s 104 the one which are in progress you
5453s will see the unlock condition in the
5455s detail you see it kind of here over
5457s there and then is a progress bar and as
5459s well as account so in this case probably
5461s is gonna be like killed 25 infected with
5465s this weapon and then with the previous
5469s weapon to unlock this weapon here yeah
5472s you should be able to unlock I mean you
5474s don't have to look everything as well
5475s and also yes you will have to read you
5479s this when you prestige so the winning
5483s marksman is a question there haha you
5485s have to keep in mind there's two wind
5487s fields right there's the wind fields the
5488s M 1873 C and the M 1873 what we've just
5493s looked at here is the the full magazine
5495s Winfield's so the base 1873 obviously
5498s the marksman like to see is based on a C
5500s version like the silencer is so it's not
5503s part of this family it's a separate
5504s family to unlock and also we're not
5507s forcing anyone to play with any weapon
5509s so if you don't fan off the aperture
5510s although I must say it's become a lot
5512s nicer to use have you seen in the
5513s previous stream like whether it
5514s increases oom
5515s it also supports some of the trades now
5518s it means that in order to get the talent
5521s you just need to unlock this but in
5523s order to unlock it you can use any of
5524s the other versions you can just stick
5525s with a basic weapon here there's
5527s absolutely no one forcing you to display
5528s you play with a specific variant of it
5530s mm-hmm
5532s so yeah that's what we have on the store
5535s is you can see the same stats you can
5536s also if if you want if you can if you
5539s don't really want to see the unlock
5540s order here you can just sort it by name
5542s or you can use your photos again for
5544s example to get like the born homes and
5548s again like if you want to see all the
5550s medium slot weapons actually this one
5551s here doesn't really work so this is
5553s actually a long slot weapons or is it
5554s just wrongly sorted in right now so no
5557s panic and then you can kind of like
5560s choose a little bit based on that what
5563s weapon you would like to have but
5564s obviously these lists keep on growing as
5565s we had variations and your weapons to
5567s the game so that's nice to have the
5568s sorting option sir
5571s alright then um that's the base weapon
5574s list here well you have someone show the
5575s 3d view yeah actually let's let's do
5577s that right now that's a very good point
5580s so we can pick let's say the doll
5583s Sharon's a good point
5584s so obviously you see a nice little 2d
5587s picture here but it's nothing compared
5589s to the actual proper weapon so we're
5592s gonna now preview this gun takes a
5596s second to load in so what we see right
5600s now is the doge in all its full glory so
5604s you can use that to kind of like zoom
5605s around you can see the details and have
5609s full control about what his weapon looks
5612s like you can even fire a weapon fired
5617s multiple times you see like the new gun
5619s smoke that we're adding we showed you
5621s the video of that one so you see kind of
5622s smoking from the barrel which is really
5624s really nice it's one of my one of my
5626s favorites actually so you see a lot of
5629s the lot of the gun porn if you've added
5632s to the game and you can hear it and you
5634s can hear it and that's actually a very
5636s interesting point because maybe
5637s sometimes it's hard to get to know a
5639s certain weapon right it's hard to
5640s understand like you know a distance how
5643s does this weapon sound like not just up
5645s close by like is this guy having like
5648s like for example a sparks or does he
5649s have like a Mosin Nagant and the good
5651s thing is that you can zoom which means
5654s you can kind of like go a bit of a
5655s distance you can fire the weapon again I
5657s just press the button or limiters and
5659s you can continue zooming zooming like
5665s hundred meters already how you consume
5668s even further and we can fight a weapon
5671s you hear that in the distance now you
5673s can keep on zooming even further and
5675s further and further a 500-600 go bit
5680s further even at this distance and now we
5685s are the thousand meters coincidentally I
5686s think our map is like 1 kilometer which
5689s is like a thousand by a thousand meters
5691s so what it means is basically we will be
5693s able to go through each of the weapons
5698s actually so this is something like a
5702s team is kind of like it come up with
5703s spontaneously it says this wasn't like a
5705s planned feature but like credit goes to
5707s to tomahto
5713s other people joining in and seeing that
5715s the potential of this feature this is
5716s really pretty awesome things nice little
5719s gimmick and you love also how it's like
5722s you just go through like it's sort of
5724s like dream allah's' yeah until you get
5727s close again to your weapon which you can
5731s preview so yeah that's that's actually
5734s one of the things which no one really
5736s had on their radar and it kind of like
5737s can it happen this is a question for
5741s mato specifically but I can tell you
5745s like in this place like also with
5747s previous games like Crysis games etc
5749s some of the coolest features have always
5751s kind of come in to indoor games
5756s alright let's let's open more weapons
5758s maybe we're gonna look at the Lebel yeah
5762s let's take a rifle
5768s so you can kind of see the Lebel rifle
5771s and its full glory it's like the
5775s markings on ads and yeah everything that
5779s you know about is gun from first
5786s can I see how it works to bold and then
5792s maybe one more weapon nitro didn't I try
5794s it couldn't done nitro we can do that do
5797s we have much more I think we need to
5799s search for it yeah I true well there we
5804s go we actually even have done so um it's
5808s 3d preview that one and nitro and then
5811s zoom out how well do that
5813s so yeah nitro some of the details that
5816s maybe some people may have never really
5818s actually sees going so far X on some
5821s amazing details that's Alex and the guys
5823s I've put into this so let's fire this
5827s thing point-blank maybe as we go and
5833s zoom over distance do it maximum then we
5837s get closer again yeah oh you're zooming
5844s I was like what it's going on
5849s yeah I think this one actually has a
5851s buck at the moment as you can see
5852s because he here really nothing
5853s yeah but we fixed before going to serve
5856s but I mean just look at the muzzle flash
5858s I mean yeah things like the the real one
5862s like every shot is like 50 bucks or
5864s something like that like it's expensive
5866s quite powerful so yeah this is a very
5871s nice feature and I'm pretty sure people
5873s we have a lot of fun with that exploring
5875s all the different weapons looking at the
5876s details yeah it's not only weapons also
5878s for consumables and tools
5879s yeah let's maybe have a look at some of
5881s the tools than first we can get back to
5882s legendary weapons in a bit so this is
5885s how the tool this looks like it's
5887s follows the same same logic so again the
5890s tools and consumables have been grouped
5892s together somewhat something we I can
5894s also mention what the previous trims a
5895s bit more detail but what it means is if
5897s we for example go to go to the fuses in
5901s this case so you can see like you need
5903s to unlock the fuses prefer to get the
5904s flare so if you library I was actually a
5907s good question and it will be different
5908s for 3d view
5909s clean and dirty um that's the plan at
5911s least I think that a moment that doesn't
5913s work yet fully so it's just about that
5915s if you if you clean a weapon up you
5916s would be able to see it then obviously
5917s in the in the clean or in pristine way
5919s so you can see like we have a light
5921s category now I like to start with
5923s electric lamp and then you will have the
5926s fuses and then you will have the flare
5928s pistol as a next step something similar
5931s we've been done with the fire bombs for
5932s example where you if the fire bombs and
5934s the liquid fire bomb the hell fire bomb
5935s or with the explosives it's one of the
5937s bigger categories start with the
5938s dynamite stick and go to wax amide
5940s sticky bomb dynamite frag bomb big
5941s dynamic bundle and again you can use any
5943s of those you've unlocked no to complete
5945s the next step so quite a lot of things
5949s like this is an interesting category
5950s with deception for example bundle of
5951s different things in there like you have
5952s the decoy so starting point you get a
5954s letter of Mines you get the Chaos bomb
5956s as well as the blank fire decoys and
5958s then you have the tactical gadgets which
5959s starts with the concertina tripmines
5961s gives you the flash foam and also the
5963s concertina bomb so things have been kind
5965s of grouped together to give you this
5966s variant unlock conditions and the first
5969s one is unusually rank based unlock so at
5971s one point you will get the poison bomb
5973s at one point you get extract the
5975s quantity entered medicine from this
5976s point you have the first one on you can
5977s started working towards the unlocks can
5980s you 3d view now we can do that certainly
5984s fuels for that so here again same
5987s listener consume movies and if you 3d
5990s view that you can kind of see like how
5994s the poison bomb looks like actually how
5996s makeshift this thing is like the piece
5997s of wood gonna clamp together quickly
6000s like some some medical supplies from
6003s from a company called Osmos
6004s not sure I heard that name before and
6008s like like some some container that holds
6010s like the fluid which optically breaks on
6013s contact yeah
6014s so obviously you can't shoot those it's
6016s only for what working for the weapons
6018s but I mean being able to see these
6019s assets like token weapons equipment etc
6022s is a pretty awesome already alright then
6028s we've looked at the tools the
6029s consumables you have two similar filter
6031s options you can say like they show me
6032s everything with healing or show me
6034s everything that makes noise which is in
6036s this particular category same is true
6038s here like so show me something which
6040s which sets things on fire so Steve
6042s Kerr's bomb
6043s the pan-fried decoys if you form on an
6045s oil patch taking ignite as well as this
6047s year so we still in the process of
6049s taking some of those so like on the fire
6051s probably would have also seen the fuses
6053s but this is just like us maintaining the
6055s data behind it and making sure that all
6057s the filters work correctly and yeah
6059s after great stuff and otherwise you can
6060s refer again to the stats of compare
6062s alright then I think let's show the
6065s legendaries alright so this is the the
6068s legendary category again it shows you a
6070s moment of things automatically for the
6072s most part here the the different weapons
6074s you can have some of those you've
6077s probably already seen in the legendary
6078s content stream and obviously I think
6081s we're gonna show some stuff there in a
6082s second so let's maybe maybe maybe maybe
6086s unlock the bone wave so unlock this one
6090s here right now now interesting part here
6093s is that obviously with weapon unlocks
6095s you always get one version for free
6096s right so you get already one as you
6099s unlock it and if you know go on the 3d
6102s view and look at this fantastic we mean
6105s that they have one thing and then you
6108s have to do them with in-game money so
6110s not exactly I show you that in a second
6112s again with some of the other weapons so
6114s here again you can see kind of like the
6116s details that go into the legendary
6117s weapons fantastic I mean I moved so
6120s super happy with the details that we've
6122s put on these guns like that the art guys
6124s are just amazing on this and again you
6129s could kind of zoom out but you don't
6131s really want to sue more than just fire
6132s at least once you know with the muzzle
6133s flash
6134s you gotta see that you gotta see that
6136s smoke coming out yeah and again it's
6140s only a cosmetics yes it's not fatal in
6143s exactly this is just a weapon skin the
6145s weapon doesn't have different stats yeah
6146s a random legendary choose that and the
6151s first one to 10 levels and then 20 30 40
6154s and then 50 edge one yeah we have we
6157s have a couple more things there um so
6159s let's maybe unlock one more again
6162s you unlock persistently forever once and
6165s then even if you now put this on hunter
6168s we can go quickly to the roster let's
6170s let's give sheriff harden maybe
6172s something
6174s more appropriate for us for his office
6176s so now you have bad blood which is one
6179s of the legendary dolls we happen again
6182s and question if they're not on our case
6185s does in a minute we need your opinion
6187s if you don't unlock having a lot of
6189s cases yes yes yes so so I mean right
6192s here like any of them like let's have a
6194s look at the Black Sun I mean it's
6196s important to look before you buy yeah
6198s you want to see how I'm really awesome
6199s there I mean just look at that I mean
6203s this is for me the definition of gun
6205s porn right there preaching there now
6211s that looks really cool so really really
6215s really nice stuff here and yeah um
6218s that's basically the weapons you can go
6220s through lots of interesting things in
6223s here different variations some of the
6226s prestige rewards obviously listed like
6229s this one here is actually one of my
6230s favorites this is like a legendary
6233s uppercut version like some some really
6236s awesome Indian markings on it we really
6247s really good stuff I certainly did and so
6256s yeah just coming through this Oh what
6259s was that
6259s did you notice do you see I don't know
6261s oh my god I think I've heard that name
6265s before I've heard that name before
6267s somewhere must must have been a very
6269s famous hunter very very famous hunter
6272s that want this particular gun a gun for
6274s the best marksman among us I think I
6278s think we should we should definitely
6279s check this one out
6281s oh my God look at that beauty
6290s yes right here this bar chi IM the
6293s sparks one shot one kill really good
6300s stuff so you definitely check this one
6303s out probably one of the best snipers
6306s that i've seen it about you it's been
6309s going to carry this one alright so I
6316s think we don't want to go through each
6318s of them because we want you guys to
6319s experiments them once we go on to test
6321s over eventually with that so you can
6323s look at that itself and and like find
6326s the ones you like the most talk about it
6328s etcetera I know obviously maybe in the
6331s future so um yeah besides that I mean
6341s the Blood Bones we talked about in the
6343s before like play the game you get Blood
6346s Bones so you don't have to buy any pecs
6349s but you can also do that at later point
6350s we're gonna show right now because
6351s there's really much there yet but you
6354s will be able to just play the game
6358s computer the weekly challenges for
6361s example every all of the a credit cards
6362s give you backbone so you can kind of
6364s work towards the next unlocks and get
6367s all these cool cosmetics and if you want
6369s a shortcut obviously you can just buy a
6371s couple of the packs and just do a little
6372s bit faster if you want so I think that
6376s we've covered a large chunk already but
6378s there's one thing additionally we want
6380s to talk about which is the leaderboard
6382s so we have leaderboards finally as you
6385s can see here obviously this is a very
6386s representative player base we see wither
6390s with the test accounts unfortunately a
6392s Mac you're not as good as hand em with
6393s 13 and 14 I'm sorry yeah I mean luckily
6399s for all of you guys none of you have
6400s died yet so obviously this is just like
6402s a couple test accounts here but it kind
6404s of shows the point of what this is going
6406s to do so this is our in-game
6407s leaderboards and gives you a chance to
6409s occur like see the user name see the KDS
6413s difference like stats they have and you
6415s can filter between bounty hunt and quick
6418s play which gives you like different
6420s different like walls may activate it or
6422s salvation streaks here you can kind of
6424s like become better at compared to the
6426s other game mode wow I remember one of my
6431s favorites is that you can have to the
6434s world which means everybody like it's
6436s gonna be the top I think 200 will be
6437s displayed in here so global Global
6440s leaderboard but you also have a friend's
6442s leaderboard and unfortunately no one is
6444s friends with Mac so hunt mo 13 and 14
6454s for example I mean this is because you
6457s are the one right you don't cooperate
6459s but it gives you a chance to kind of see
6462s how you're doing against your friends
6464s and like who is really like the best
6467s shooter here and ended by you so yeah
6471s again in library we have the additional
6474s new book we've kind of went there
6475s directly from the store only quickly go
6478s through gives you all the options you
6480s have for unlocking reading about it
6484s unlocking the additional like mastery
6487s levels get some black bones you can do
6490s the same now in the book of monsters so
6492s if you unlock like a specific like
6494s monster etcetera you can kind of like go
6496s and find the additional pages
6498s unfortunately means those of you guys
6500s have really paid a lot of attention is
6502s already and unlock that mentioned before
6504s though it has to be re unlocked because
6507s of the additional reward we put in there
6508s 40 for the Blood Bones but then again
6512s unlocking is not just fluff which is
6514s super awesome on its own right it's a
6515s pleasure to read it's really really nice
6517s story
6518s in addition to that you also get
6519s something to maybe work towards a next
6521s legendary unlock war reshuffles or
6523s whatever you would like to do with the
6524s loved ones all right I think then that
6529s kind of has been the big hole here right
6532s I mean I mean I mean yeah you think what
6536s people love most is definitely that
6537s feature which was hearing the shots and
6541s seeing it from the distance because I
6542s think everyone winter and up right oh
6545s there's actually one more thing we can
6546s show but we have to see whether whether
6548s yosef the man
6551s the man on the chair can actually reset
6554s the roaster I liked it a lot afterwards
6555s because we're going to quickly go and do
6557s a prestige to show you guys what it
6559s means to to prestige yeah so as you can
6562s see we've kind of like we're lucky to
6564s have a rank 100 bloodline here with
6567s steps actually if you're a hundred now
6574s this one here is because it's max over
6576s yeah because we're only a threat the
6580s whole thing is red we will see that once
6582s we have one zwei yeah progress with red
6585s exactly I'm the yellow one is just a new
6587s progress you did from the last match
6589s exactly so so so it was a very good
6591s round we play okay and so we're gonna
6597s press our prestige now so are we sure we
6600s want a prestige prestige obviously
6601s resets everything as you know what is
6603s the song you do and we want to we're
6605s gonna definitely do it so now what we
6607s can do is we can choose our prestige
6609s reward so we can either have a certain
6611s amount of start/stop money so like next
6613s time we start the game it's not gonna be
6614s I think okay it's gonna be 6k we still
6617s might need to change that number a
6618s little bit make it a bit higher whistle
6620s in the tuning process of that one
6621s alternatively you can go and get the 10%
6625s bonus on your mission XP so whatever you
6627s earn inside the mission as you go in the
6629s summary screen gets a 10% bonus on top
6631s so this is obviously interesting for
6632s people who want to like progress through
6634s mother procedures faster yeah and then
6636s you also have the chance again we've
6638s kind of mapped it against like the first
6641s ten and then in steps of 10 so we won't
6644s get it for every time you do pro stage
6646s but you get it for the first ten times
6647s and then every time you hit 20 30 40 etc
6650s you can get a random legendary item with
6652s it with the exception of the times where
6654s you get a very specific one so if you do
6656s the random one who unlock in this case
6659s we got spite which is a call to a
6661s conversion legendary weapon that is now
6664s unlocked for us for free it's a random
6666s unlocks obviously we don't know what
6667s we'll get but rest assured that whoever
6670s has prestiged already won we do go with
6674s this on the live servers so this won't
6676s be on your customers and they will get
6677s all of that stuff retro actively that
6680s they've unlocked so there will be lots
6682s of like people sitting there probably
6683s four minutes and
6684s with new new weapons popping up as they
6686s get what is theirs so in this in the
6690s store for example we can now see a spike
6694s over there that we've unlocked it we got
6696s one version for free again and can just
6699s then recruit it in normal way keep in
6700s mind that the legendary weapons they're
6703s like skins right like you need to have
6705s access to the respective weapon in a
6708s progression in order to be able to buy
6710s additional version so once you unlock
6712s them you get one for free but then again
6713s you can also lose that 100 eyes and you
6716s have to wait until you've reached a
6717s respective rank again to unlock the main
6720s weapon and then you will also be able to
6721s buy additional of these weapons so
6723s obviously it's inspired as a co of
6724s conversion pistol and we are ranked 100
6726s obviously it is kind of unlocked by
6728s default right now and we could buy
6729s additional ones once the one we have is
6731s lost in this one summer yeah so yeah I
6734s think that is us so since we prestige we
6737s don't have our have a recruit like
6739s hunter so we can just see see do you get
6741s your free reshuffle obviously so let's
6744s reshuffle of ones you've already been
6746s cheated again up to 100 thanks Joseph
6748s and then we just hire one more hunter
6752s here or hunters here and then we could
6757s go and play no can i play with a mouse
6759s in a bloodline level one unless you find
6762s unless you unlock it so I think the
6764s question is most likely if I am on Rank
6768s 1 obviously we cheated here right now
6770s and I would unlock would unlock one of
6772s those weapons here let's say in order 5
6773s by unlocking it I would instantly unlock
6777s it and I would get one version of it for
6779s free even if I'm at Rank 1 only so if I
6781s were to take however I will only be able
6784s to get additional ones for the price for
6787s the regular regular regular dollar price
6790s basically once I have actually unlocked
6792s a will one so you get one forties you
6794s can play with it if it's lost its lost
6796s and then obviously it since like is it
6798s basically is a skin yeah you need to
6800s have the respective main weapon so you
6802s can't really pay your way through this
6805s and bypass normal progression
6809s so yeah that's basically it so questions
6813s I think a lot of you might have
6815s questions you want to do want to do it
6816s on the couch you onto it here what
6817s what's uh we can do I look I mean we can
6819s do it here because it's a pseudo
6821s decoction fancy then at least at least
6824s they can see is again
6826s Costin stops making faces etcetera all
6830s right don't be right back
6845s [Music]
6864s [Music]
6864s [Applause]
6871s [Music]
6879s [Music]
6891s [Music]
6907s where I'm muted now okay and we are back
6911s I'm sorry I was gonna say yes we're
6914s gonna do a QA specifically for the UI
6916s right now so we did one earlier for the
6918s teams of three so now's your chance to
6921s ask questions specifically for the UI so
6923s if we can see the chat then we have to
6928s you I think so up there yeah correct
6929s right we can see the menu stone so
6931s what's up
6934s no should be sung no audio really our
6938s mic is picking up maybe them yeah maybe
6943s that's too loud it could be it good
6945s point you should behave here that's
6947s right right great good men yeah okay
6950s they hear us okay here so the menu was
6951s interfering anything what it was uh yes
6956s there's a lot of questions so you I
6959s specifically are we going to change a
6961s background we were tweaked it okay we're
6965s gonna tweak some things so obviously do
6967s I still some things that are not working
6969s or that we're still working on or that
6971s get change a little bit but at the
6974s moment obviously it's still working
6976s Bryce yeah there's a lot of switches
6978s they sorta let me see it's gonna be
6985s really hard um-hmm well the UI be
6991s resource heavy a security wray yeah let
7001s me see will you be able to bring
7002s highlights step back into previous match
7004s screen not sure if I understand a couple
7007s of question but is it referring to India
7011s highlights well yeah I think I mean I D
7013s receptors for work just as before
7015s yeah have the trade unlocked levels
7018s change I mean it's more yes yes they
7020s have changed quite drastically actually
7022s I have a nice list here but I'm not
7025s gonna spoil all the details right now
7027s but I would say there is probably not a
7032s few trades I think most of them actually
7034s changed unlock Devils has been
7036s readjusted we've done the same with the
7038s weapons as well like made sure that like
7040s we have
7041s good weapons also available in the early
7042s game for new players that the unlock of
7045s the trades can like make sense in order
7047s for when the weapons they're relevant
7048s for folks ample unlocked etcetera so
7050s expect that to take quite a while to
7052s read through during the patch notes or
7056s to understand yeah exactly I mean in
7058s general we're gonna have long long long
7061s patch notes where you can read all the
7064s details I think I think it's like the
7065s longest patch notes with that so we
7067s start we're in the process of compiling
7068s some of that suffering obviously as the
7071s features are being built and it's quite
7072s an extensive list exactly
7074s um the settings menu didn't change her
7077s is it the same changed a little bit and
7080s we would make more changes in the future
7082s but now it's not drastically changed and
7086s we already heard a little bit of music
7087s in the background I will this be the new
7090s music that we hear there's this
7093s additional additional music pieces
7095s obviously I think you've seen or heard
7096s actually something in the new black
7099s teams of three trailer that we yeah so
7103s yeah expect expect there always to be
7105s something refreshing and you from the
7107s audio side and that might or might not
7109s also appear in the menus obviously care
7112s so that's go so shoot flowers and the
7114s menu the like we were able to click on
7120s the thing when you're queuing up and
7122s they you can see a flare coming I think
7124s at the moment that's not there anymore
7125s no because as you can see there's like
7126s no real background yeah as you can see
7128s right so that that feature I think
7131s unfortunately will not be carried over
7133s but I think is something we can live
7135s without that was such a great feature on
7139s there other things okay um let me see
7144s key resort or click resore and drag in
7149s the new menu no no but you just have to
7153s click on things so you've seen it when
7155s we've been working this like just it's
7157s very very we don't even need anything I
7159s drag and drop it's it's very elegant
7161s just double-clicking clearing slots at
7163s updating you said we're just buying you
7165s don't need more than that that's it's
7166s it's a few like most gestures double
7169s clicking and you got the key like layout
7171s that you looked at he yeah
7174s trekking truckers not really a gun yeah
7176s yes true okay so there are some things
7181s that they say like people want to know
7182s more about Blood Bones people might know
7183s more about the other things that we
7187s already explained I would recommend
7190s watching all the previous streams and in
7192s general like when we're coming out we're
7194s gonna highlight some of the features
7195s that we have of the update so at the
7198s moment we just really want to focus on
7200s one topic if you miss something I highly
7203s recommend watching all the streams
7204s because they are very informational art
7207s like they have an long some of them and
7209s long yes exactly you want to have
7212s something to watch Netflix is not doing
7214s it for you right now so that's why
7215s you're gonna watch the screens and then
7217s you get all the answers and that's why
7219s we do these streams so he can give you
7220s the answers but like answering the same
7222s questions over and over it's really hard
7223s because then we don't get the answer new
7225s questions so let's see what all current
7234s data be lost on release day can you
7236s speed up the book scroll yeah yeah okay
7240s we can speed that's gonna be a split up
7242s maybe over completely
7244s okay look at you and that's gonna be um
7250s let me see so we're gonna have the book
7253s completely reworked it's free to people
7254s in a room doesn't mean we'll also rework
7257s they book of monsters okay so something
7260s we haven't seen yet can we switch or
7268s well I mean not direct then can we
7271s switch weapons between slots and the
7272s game and Lobby I'm not sure how you mean
7276s in Lobby but now it will be from that
7277s screen where you see the lobby so will
7281s be the lobby screen basically that's the
7285s same functionality as is right now yeah
7287s exactly you have your arsenal which is
7289s basically all the things that you
7290s currently own or could buy and that's
7292s available directly from the hunters and
7294s then you have to store where you also
7295s see the things that you can still work
7296s towards exactly well yeah the promise
7299s would like just having questions fired
7301s sometimes people don't know what they're
7302s seeing yet so it's like a bit hard to
7305s questions when they haven't seen the
7307s street let me see what is a marked
7312s character so we've seen that before yeah
7314s so if you go to the book of monsters
7317s right now in 6.11
7320s you will see the different ones as being
7323s categorized so we have the infected for
7325s example which are the basic grunts that
7327s you come across the basic basic infected
7329s people that are roaming around the area
7331s and we also have the marked which is
7333s basically the specifically grossly
7336s mutated one so this the hive armors
7339s includes the emulator and a meter
7341s so we've referred to those as marked so
7343s it's like a kind of special AI so some
7345s of the challenges for unlocking weapons
7347s might require to do something with the
7349s infected or maybe just like like feel
7351s like a 5200 of the of the of the grunts
7353s or it might do something like killed 25
7356s markets with Milly then you can choose
7358s you want to do that with armors over
7359s hives etc we also have have the pack
7362s enemies which is the water Devils and
7364s the they have homes so sorts of people
7369s questions asking if you were to unlock
7371s like additional hunter slots will that
7374s be carrying over and all your procedures
7376s yes so basically that is a persistent
7378s unlock yeah it's the same with like
7380s anything that is unlocked like the
7382s legendaries weapons like hunters extra
7387s hundred slots whenever you proceed you
7389s can still do this later you still have
7391s to buy like you recruit you hire your
7393s hunter or you buy your weapon because
7396s you still have to buy it from the shop
7396s but that appearance will always be there
7399s and the same at those thoughts yes like
7400s you unlock them once you have them
7402s forever yes you use the regular currency
7406s the stuff that you earn in a mission
7407s then to purchase the instances of it do
7410s you think then the need to reenact the
7412s book of months will prevent people to
7414s hit the prestige button I mean it
7416s depends because obviously if you want to
7418s know more information about stuff you
7420s haven't unlocked yet but you also want
7422s to proceed but this is the interesting
7424s thing the the mastery levels don't get
7427s relocked with British days they carry
7430s over so that if I'm already having a
7432s mastery level of a specific enemy or
7434s mastery level
7435s weapon that doesn't reset wait what I'm
7438s confused so now I'm the list
7440s the basic works the base weapons let's
7442s let son confuse you yeah the base
7444s weapons they obviously get locked again
7446s right you start at rank one you need to
7447s unlock the very ends etc but you also
7449s have the mastery pages right so once you
7451s have unlocked the weapon you can do
7452s something with that weapon for example
7454s like unlock mastery one I love mastery
7456s tube just as you can right now on six
7458s point to do with a book of monsters
7460s where you can kind of unlock the grants
7462s they killed you first grunt and then if
7464s you if you if you spend more time
7466s killing runs in different ways you might
7468s be able to unlock two different pages
7469s for it like killing a certain amount of
7471s hives getting settlement of meters or
7473s unlock their respective pages
7474s now these mastery pages they carry over
7477s so they do not get reset with procedure
7478s so you can use multiple prestige runs in
7480s order to complete your collection this
7482s is one of the reasons why we've added
7483s the Blood Bones rewards for it so that
7488s even though you can only ever unlock
7489s them once ever you get this a like
7492s finite amount of blood bones for you as
7494s a reward if you prestige they remain but
7497s obviously in order to continue you need
7498s to first unlock the weapon again exactly
7500s okay that's good to know I don't know I
7503s did okay and I do want to point out
7509s three people that one half questions
7510s answered unrelated to this specific
7514s stream ask them in a discord like we
7516s answer questions every day throughout
7517s the day every day we have people
7519s answering any question that is not even
7521s related to this topic and questions like
7523s we've been asked a lot of times an
7525s answer to lots basically the things that
7526s we do the most right like basically
7528s accepting Steam friend and rights due to
7537s fire and the variants of the weapons
7539s persist between prestige and not a word
7541s to any guy that's what we chose I
7542s yeah the variants you will have to re
7544s unlock yeah so it's basically like at
7546s the moment if you do like a prestige you
7548s reset to Rank 1 and everything right now
7550s since everything is rank gated has to be
7553s unlocked again and in this particular
7554s case with a new version you still need
7558s to also unlock the variants but the
7560s thing is like we're now introducing this
7561s to be a player driven experience rather
7564s than something which is just linear
7565s mapped against ranks so it's up to you
7567s which weapons
7568s focus on like if you don't really like
7570s it say the core arrival you don't need
7573s to spend much time with it and you don't
7575s probably care about the variance either
7576s you go directly that's a record of a
7578s conversion pistol because maybe you want
7579s to much earlier get your unlock for your
7582s uppercut exactly and I saw a question
7586s we'll be legendary hunters have a
7589s specific I'm just waiting so the light
7591s doesn't go off or that one is off as
7594s specific the health bars are they're
7596s always going to be the same location so
7598s it's a good point so the question
7599s actually so every time you recruit
7601s legendary hunter they come with a random
7604s sort of of health chunks so sometimes
7607s you might get 350 sometimes you get like
7609s the one guy in the background there 250
7611s 225 hours so every time you recruit
7613s legendary hunter it's gonna be a random
7614s allocation but obviously they get to
7616s full health of 150 yeah exactly
7618s book of monstrous early models are we
7620s gonna get that what love to do it
7621s eventually at the moment it's not in
7623s though exactly for one point Otis will
7625s not have oh yeah we still have to
7629s reinvent a party but it is made a lot
7632s easier to do that like invited play loot
7634s so there is a reload animation in the 3d
7639s view right come in they reload and
7641s misshapen see the reload reload yeah the
7645s return hoping this yeah I mean
7648s technically that's a reload in the sense
7650s right if what I say no charge weapon it
7652s would be yes
7653s [Laughter]
7657s let me see is the in-game you I go to
7661s change we changed it a little bit for
7664s teams of three the three other things
7667s yeah we introduced like the the
7670s technical team thing basically allows
7674s you to do things but hopefully focusing
7676s primarily was
7677s features that were missing so like like
7679s additional like communication options
7681s for example with with the pink feature
7682s and otherwise more important for us with
7686s a UI team was to kind of solve the
7688s invite loop and recruit an equip you
7691s like that's kind of our game second more
7694s important the i-85 was a hub itself
7696s works it needs
7698s provement definitely but it works like a
7701s dis right now yeah there's a few
7704s features that we're going to talk about
7705s today but the latest cream where we have
7708s a pure improved further so the tactic
7710s with ping wasn't the last surprise
7711s you've seen exactly there's something
7714s that I'm pretty sure a lot of people are
7715s gonna be excited about as well so let me
7721s see well the mean options a change
7723s highlight the opacity of your teammate I
7725s don't think I don't think at the moment
7729s we don't have that something we looked
7731s into it wasn't so easy for us to
7732s implement at the moment because the
7734s color is kind of fixed and we want to
7736s make sure that we have this consistently
7737s set up for different times of days we've
7739s kind of have is a pretty fun but maybe
7742s in the future we might give this as a
7743s customization someone asks will the
7745s cursor be quicker on the Xbox now
7747s because it's currently quite slow I mean
7750s yes I think it will be quicker but only
7752s not only that you have a lot of directs
7756s buttons for pretty much most actions in
7759s game so you can now scroll through like
7762s the top menges you can see it's like the
7764s LT in the RT and then they'll be in the
7767s RV right mm-hmm
7769s yeah to go through the menu quickly you
7771s can easily equip something so there will
7773s be a lot more controller like
7776s perspective face buttons to buy cetera
7778s photos exactly that will be very very
7780s few elements which you meet the mask
7784s over yeah so most of those can be done
7786s with the controller directly exactly
7788s then I'm actually curious because like
7791s will is the search completely removed
7794s from Xbox or released so be able to
7796s search for things in the menu by like
7798s using you know the in-game keyboard if
7800s you have a pop-up for example we need to
7803s test it okay at the moment we wouldn't
7806s have it but we might be able to find a
7807s solution to edit up okay yes we will go
7811s on a test server when we're not sharing
7814s yet but we will let you know when we let
7817s you know hey let me see
7823s [Music]
7828s no the invites for tv3 at the moment
7832s will be that you can only invite up to
7834s like two friends extra so like a tumor
7837s free eventually we want to maybe
7839s potentially have that where you can have
7841s it rinrin poke post 1.0 you also have
7844s random teams of three for launch because
7846s you want to first test the waters with
7847s the feature with this new option it will
7850s be invited only feature oh oh yeah
7852s that's actually well the boss I can a
7854s person a slider come back probably not
7859s for one point
7860s yeah I'm not easily like I mean we I
7861s think we talked about is one of the
7862s previous dreams like we had it in
7864s originated a promise life by using the
7867s slider on it actually it kind of
7868s revealed a little bit how we built that
7870s thing to begin with and so we would need
7872s to first refactor how this icon is build
7874s to not avoid like parts of the I can
7875s actually then intersect in with other
7877s parts because of e states of flash
7878s component yeah and as such it's on one
7881s graphic element and by putting
7883s transparency in sometimes it just falls
7885s apart this mission I do know that we've
7887s talked about this in the past like have
7888s an option to turn off the entire heart
7890s with a button like one click is just
7893s gone do we still want to think about
7896s that in there will be a yeah at the
7903s moment it's already technically possible
7905s with like some vacations but obviously
7908s it's not supported from us in any way
7909s like we might be missing information I
7911s might not be able to interact with the
7912s menus it makes and I know you're
7916s desperate
7916s uh let me see uh no they will not say in
7924s Lobby will stuff to re-invite them but
7925s this full is something that we
7927s potentially have for post form by now
7932s can we loot legendary weapons that we
7935s have not unlucky yes as anything you can
7937s loot any weapon that you haven't
7940s unlocked bombs of contraband oh yeah
7941s it's exactly a mess of works now so
7943s let's say you're ranked one you kill
7944s someone when after Matt you can take the
7946s aftermath I wouldn't recommend that but
7947s you can take you after Matt the bullseye
7952s hunter is for real yes the red shirt guy
7954s is real red shirt is awesome
7957s I love them yeah will there be breach in
7960s specific leaderboards at the moment
7964s there is no region separation to them it
7966s might be something we can possibly look
7968s into for a future at the moment we don't
7971s we don't have that the moment what we do
7973s is we give you a chance to look between
7975s like a party hunt and quit play on one
7980s hand and then we have filter option
7981s between global so that's basing show top
7984s 200 or so and your position obviously it
7986s could be like forever 30,000 and then
7988s also obviously just a friends so you can
7991s see how you compare against your friends
7992s directly okay we loose your legendary
7998s in-game discuss actually no well you
8000s just have the in-game currency like the
8002s fake hundred dollars hunt dollars that
8005s you pay for recruiting like countries
8007s currently but it has nothing is the
8011s dollars that we have make exactly yeah
8012s it's just like that in order to separate
8014s the two currencies not about we have to
8015s we made sure that like there's like a
8017s clear separation between them so we've
8019s had dollars that's what you earn normal
8020s evening game and then you have the Blood
8022s Bones which is our our premium currency
8024s and use that for cosmetics and
8026s communions mostly but not for gameplay
8027s irrelevant stuff okay let's do like
8029s three more questions I see one can I
8031s make my profile private I don't want my
8032s friends to see my bad stats if he wants
8037s to make us profile private well the
8039s profile is techne proud that the stats
8041s aren't revealed so you know but like
8044s when you have the leaderboards when you
8045s can compare it to your friends oh no you
8047s can't do that
8047s so everyone everybody like the default
8052s stats like everything what we've kind of
8054s shown at the photos obviously that is
8055s just local there's something in
8056s broadcast but what is on the leaderboard
8058s is on the leaderboard so everyone will
8061s see my great stats I will delete my
8068s friends so one was also yeah the one
8074s with that friend I mean I don't have
8076s friends let me see
8082s I've just killed be required in the book
8085s of weapon sir only I can see me against
8087s room mMmmm it's not really much room I
8089s know there was another question maybe
8091s just to go back quickly to the teams of
8093s three because it was raised for again
8094s just to recap a little bit yeah there
8096s was a question if so now I've introduced
8098s the trio the teams of three doesn't it
8100s make things harder for solo players it
8103s does and doesn't so first off the teams
8106s of three is something that you need to
8108s take a top box for for you to matter for
8110s you if you just uncheck allow teams of
8112s three you will never ever see a team of
8113s three as you move around so you can play
8116s just as normal as a solo against only
8118s duos if that's what you want however we
8120s encourage you obviously to also try it
8122s against the trios because you will get a
8123s higher reward like we can increase the
8125s value of the bounty tokens if you are in
8128s an underdog position so duo going into a
8130s team of three like situation will also
8133s be able to get more value out of the
8135s bounty if they manage to extract it it
8137s is so it's a risk reward thing for you
8139s yeah okay okay I see one last question
8142s will the ELA visit lob visible to
8145s players or any kind of ranking system
8147s not tied to high place so that people
8149s see actual you will not be able to see
8153s you're actually low ranking okay cause
8155s that way people can very easily like see
8159s from that what actions can kind of bump
8160s them up or down easily right yeah and
8162s that might get some people trying to
8164s find ways to exploit by dropping very
8166s hard down and going hunting noobs set or
8168s even though they actually have the skill
8169s set we want to obfuscate it a little bit
8171s like not reveal that completely however
8173s one update we are doing and we might
8175s children the next stream and we talked
8176s about in the previous stream is that you
8179s will see compared to you know ranking to
8183s the people that killed you so if you get
8185s killed by player you will not see the
8187s exact number but you will see whether
8188s his either ranking was roughly similar
8190s or a little bit higher a little bit
8191s lower than yours et cetera so you can at
8194s least kind of understand okay what that
8195s guy probably knew what he's doing but
8197s you will not get the exact number yeah
8200s makes that okay well obviously I know
8204s there's a lot of questions too left but
8207s we want to give people the chance to
8208s also come to a discord discord GG / hunt
8212s Ronan
8213s 'we can ask questions you can also go to
8215s our Twitter honcho down on Facebook
8217s punch out on our Instagram hunt the game
8219s or website and then you can even tap
8222s there so lots of places we need to ask
8224s questions where we'll go into more
8226s details and more stuff so definitely
8228s come there to talk with us about other
8230s stuff and we will see you guys on the
8232s next life unfortunately no test server
8235s yet but we'll keep you in the loop of
8237s when that's gonna happen so and a
8239s reminder Xbox is currently having a sale
8242s for hunt so check it out
8244s 10% for all all regular players and 20%
8247s if you're gold membership so I hope you
8250s guys have a wonderful rest of your
8252s evening
8252s Thank You Carson Thank You Dennis thanks
8254s what everybody will see you guys next
8255s time ciao ciao
8257s bye you can just stop
8266s you
8268s [Music]
8276s you