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6 years ago, back in 2014, the Minecraft EULA was updated, which made it so that servers could not use pay2win monetization. Since Hypixel was the (2nd) largest server at the time, they obviously had to comply or they would be shut down. In order to generate some extra revenue before the EULA change, the Hypixel server offered anyone who bought the MVP+ rank early access to their "New Non-Minecraft Game". I havent seen anyone, including the devs, talk about this promise, and I hope they havent forgot, since the MVP+ rank was 150$ at the time, and getting access to the new game was a pretty large selling point.



link to original thread: https://hypixel.net/threads/the-delicious-update-phase-1.216103/

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over 4 years ago - /u/Noxywoxy - Direct link

Originally posted by B4DzZ1

not gonna lie, pretty nervous now, i actually never knew why they made hytale up to this point and now im hoping it doesnt have excessive microtransactions or is overpriced


This promise was made far before Hytale was even a concept or before I was involved in it in anyway and was originally intended for another project that never saw the light of day. However, we will of course honor that commitment in some way. The list of people it applies to is incredibly small, and in regards to access for those people, it won't be anything extraordinary, we don't have the specifics in mind, but we will make things right for all parties on that one. For example if we had some sort of initially restricted beta we would ensure that they at least got in that first wave. (DO NOT READ INTO THAT, I SEE YOU YOUTUBE VIDEO MAKERS!!! It is 100% a rhetorical example)

I would ask that you kindly please do not draw any conclusions about any intent re: Hytale from that. That was an old 'lifetime' maximum package offered on the Hypixel Minecraft server where "Beta Access to upcoming games" was sold as a footnote item as part of a large bundle included in that $150 package.

P2W in games really sucks ass and we're not touching that sh*t with a 60 foot barge pole.

over 4 years ago - /u/Noxywoxy - Direct link

Originally posted by SanicExplosion

Thank you for the response Noxy. I am a long term supporter of Hypixel, and I'm aware that your team and the Hypixel server team are both committed to non-p2w gameplay. I appreciate that you guys are going to honor that promise, and cant wait to get into the Hytale beta (and hopefully reserve my name)!

Also, Im suprised that the number of MVP+'s is "incredibly small", I would have guessed there were a lot of others.

It's seriously weaksauce if you as a developer can't make content interesting enough without resorting to P2W. Communities and community servers will be able to make their own decisions regarding it (while still being within a ruleset) and in some cases they may need to rely on it but no one should be dancing about it.

I probably won't make friends with statements like that but it's how I feel in my heart.

over 4 years ago - /u/Noxywoxy - Direct link

Originally posted by Noxywoxy

It's seriously weaksauce if you as a developer can't make content interesting enough without resorting to P2W. Communities and community servers will be able to make their own decisions regarding it (while still being within a ruleset) and in some cases they may need to rely on it but no one should be dancing about it.

I probably won't make friends with statements like that but it's how I feel in my heart.

Sorry if I seem irritated or overly passionate in my reply but I'm gonna come after and suplex any conversation thread that even begins to smell of anyone thinking we're even 1% aligned with P2W.

Thanks for your faith.

over 4 years ago - /u/Noxywoxy - Direct link

Originally posted by SanicExplosion

Its unfortunate that community servers will be able to apply some p2w concepts to their servers (within the ruleset), but I understand that it would be difficult to police every server. My wish for the Minecraft EULA was to be able to play a non-p2w factions server, but unfortunately that never came to be. I think allowing the community to apply p2w concepts to their server will cause every community server to gravitate towards p2w, it would be passing up free money otherwise. I know you may say that there will be marketshare for non-p2w servers to capitalize on, but that didnt prove true for factions servers in Minecraft.

With respect I don't think this is going to end up the same way as the examples you mentioned. With things like the modding scope, the ability to create new assets, items and other content those communities will have a wide set of possibilities of what they can actually offer players if they decide to monetize. We also have some additional thinking about flagging such servers but it's a bit early for that conversation with the community.

Our mission of having the worlds most empowered community means that sometimes you have to empower people in ways that you aren't 100% aligned with on a personal level. (and on top of this there will be a set of guidelines and rules with the obvious stuff that everyone has to follow regardless)

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over 4 years ago - /u/Noxywoxy