over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to the last epoch
6s let me try that again last Epoch Dev
8s stream I know the name of my own game
10s let's go how's it going everybody as
13s always I'm your host Mike
14s and we're gonna get going right away
16s here
20s a bumpy start but that's okay we're
22s doing one more day before you clean
23s whirlwind
25s sorry wordpath that's the name oh all
27s over the place this morning feeling good
29s though oh as always a shame for charity
32s shout out to my channel is our training
34s this month last stream of the month for
35s that charity well the new one in
37s December if it's your first time here
39s and you have any questions for me please
41s feel free to ask some input at last
42s Epoch game in the question I'll get to
45s as soon as I can
49s and uh I totally remember what we were
51s doing last time
53s all right we got our resistance ones
55s here
58s and this is oh yeah we want the greater
61s version of this that's what I was gonna
62s do
63s yeah because we're doing a lot of boy
64s damage
67s but our big goal today is to get an
70s exalted chess piece
72s and make a legendary out of our chest
75s that's our that's our like big goal
77s today
78s um I might switch to doing a few
80s uh
82s dungeon runs help find a little easier
86s oh we got our first question here to
88s start things off looks like a long one
89s and he plans to redesign the end game
92s model with map layout system
95s not before 1.0 no I was thinking
97s something more specific like when you
99s interact with it you press a button and
101s can randomly roll Echoes then go into
103s the game this way instead of having a
104s map layout uh this is my opinion would
106s look better and fit the game uh if this
109s was implemented
110s with the other systems too would be
112s awesome what do you think like can you
113s make the team members jump out of their
115s chairs showing them some illegal League
117s uh no I'm not I don't have any uh
122s illegal leaks it's funny when you're
123s actually describing is the old model of
125s the system
126s um so we've tried that system actually
128s we we used to have it
130s um
130s and
132s it was quite good but it didn't quite
135s have the
137s um
137s I don't know like the decision making
139s the the long-term planning in the end
141s game system that we wanted out of it uh
144s so that's why we sort of expanded the
146s system to what it is now
150s um I do have a couple leaks for you
152s today I'm not gonna jump right into it
154s that early we've got some fun things
155s today we've got some leaks we've got
159s um
161s uh we've got some
165s Keys we have key Steve away I have two
166s keys to give away yeah so we're gonna do
168s our first uh our first live giveaway on
170s stream
171s that we've done
174s which I think is pretty cool
177s so stick around you might want to keep
179s if you already have the game you can
180s still win you can give it to a friend
182s and uh once multiplayers in you can play
185s together
190s which I look down at chat and
191s immediately see when's Baltimore coming
193s out so that's appropriate timing
196s uh thank you very much to Ariel for 19
198s months in a row that's amazing wow thank
201s you very much very cool very cool we're
203s getting close to that two year mark for
205s some people eh
207s it's nuts it's nuts to think about that
209s I've been I've been actively streaming
210s it for two years it's crazy
212s gotta keep it going
214s um as far as when multiplayer is coming
216s out unfortunately the answer is still
218s when it's ready
226s I do have I know there's let's see
230s do you plan to increase the amount of
232s wolves you can summon with your true
234s pack Mike
236s um tell me so there's uh
240s probably not
242s um there's there's a fair bit of volume
244s like a space that they take up already
246s you can get quite a few if you push for
248s it and
251s um part of the distinction mechanically
253s that we're trying to have between uh
255s primalist and acolyte part of it is is
258s minion quantity generally so it's a lot
261s easier to get a lot of Minions on
264s um Accolade than it is on Beastmaster
266s and The Beastmaster minions are much
268s more designed to stick around forever
269s and the act like means they're much more
270s designed to be a little on the
272s Expendable side more of a resource than
274s uh strictly a
276s a creature in play for you a companion a
279s minion
283s I'd say it's unlikely we'll see two
284s anymore it's possible we might see like
286s an item at some point that light bumps
288s that number up one maybe
290s um but it's it's pretty unlikely that
292s it's gonna go much higher than it is now
293s you can get uh the squirrel squirrel you
297s need to convert your wolves into double
298s the number of wolves um as squirrels
300s though so you can do that if you want to
302s have just sheer volume I know they still
304s don't look like wolves
305s um
306s but maybe there'll be some way to fix
308s that in the future who knows
316s how do we want to keep this game when I
319s start the giveaway there will be a uh
322s there'll be a queue I'll I'll give I'll
324s give a little bit of a heads up for that
325s and um when we do it there'll be a
327s little bit of time where you can uh
330s input a specific string into chat and
334s everyone who does will be automatically
335s entered and whoever is randomly selected
337s by a bot will get it
340s a little bit
341s there's spoilers no I haven't hit any
343s spoilers yet don't worry
346s if it's a despair I'll take it
349s we take those
356s uh also I do apologize this was
357s previously asked but any plans to add
359s skin color changes to the character in
361s creation menu
363s um
364s uh immediate plans no long-term nebulous
368s someday plans yes
370s um
371s we'd like to we'd like to add a full
373s character customizer system that's that
375s it's something that we would like that
376s would be sweet we'd love to do it
378s um there's there's nothing started on it
381s yet
381s um usually this conversation comes up uh
384s the the starting points either skin
385s color or gender are the two common uh
387s lead-ins to this uh this topic and it's
390s it's the same answer regardless really
392s it's um we'd love to it's not something
396s we uh planned initially it's not
398s something we are going to do for 1.0
401s um it's a lot of work and it does like a
405s lot of people it's a big deal for it
407s um
410s but it's just it's just not something
411s that we have the bandwidth to it would
413s push the launch of the game and we can't
415s afford it any more pushes that are not
418s necessary you know
423s uh so it's it's it's one of those things
425s where one day hopefully we can there's a
426s really big threat actually on this on
429s the um on the forums that has a lot of a
432s lot of details on like like why and the
435s history of it a little bit it's it's
436s quite lengthy
438s um and it's more focused around gender
440s but really it's all one topic for us
445s foreign
451s Dev may I ask your name oh my name is
454s Mike nice to meet you
456s um humpus from Sweden love your game
459s thank you very much
462s we have
465s a very storied international hockey
467s history against each other
468s big hockey fan so that's
473s and uh our our local team
476s local the the nearest major city to me
479s it's not really local even our uh I
482s haven't really followed hockey too
484s closely with NHL uh a few years but last
486s time that I was really big into it like
488s late high school and early University
491s um
492s sadines
493s oh
495s oh they're amazing
503s if anyone out there doesn't watch much
505s hockey but wants to see two people able
506s to pass to each other seemingly uh
509s telepathically
511s really really well cities just pretty
514s pretty hockey
521s all right is there a Dev update that's
522s coming soon it's gone far too quiet
526s um yeah okay so we have
531s got very specific wording for this this
534s time
535s in a second
537s all right
538s um so we there was a uh a little hint of
543s uh of of a possibility of communication
546s uh official like document style
548s communication I know this is official
550s communication here but without like it's
552s not written out it's not like uh hey go
554s read this post type thing
556s um it was there was a little hint that
557s something might be coming out this week
558s it's it's actually going to be coming
560s out next week
562s um
563s it's not a full Dev blog but we will
565s have on Tuesday we will be releasing a
568s detailed timeline with specific dates
570s for multiple events leading up to and
572s including multiplayer release with 0.9
575s um so next week early on next week we're
578s gonna find out all the juicy details
582s that people have been asking me for for
584s a long time
587s 48
599s so that's that's it will be like a
603s um there'll be a lot of details in there
605s but it will not be um strictly a
608s development details update making sense
611s I don't think
615s any combat feels spoiler for today I've
618s got some I got not uh not the same as
621s the other combat fuel spoilers that I've
622s done before but uh I've got something
624s related
628s foreign
642s that line see one of the big things that
644s we we focus are um
647s uh like one of our main design pillars
649s is class identity that's one of the main
651s things that we're like okay anything we
653s can do to make these classes feel unique
655s distinct visually
656s um mechanically thematically we try and
659s take those opportunities when we can
662s um and and really like gameplay comes
664s first but if we can keep like if we can
667s have things to make them feel distinct
669s inside of that constraint of gameplay
670s comes first
671s um we will and so having thematic
675s skeleton wolves is
678s um it kind of it doesn't change anything
680s gameplay wise
683s um so I probably would try not to step
685s on the toes of the problems that way of
687s uh of having those skeletal wolves it's
690s not possible and then there's also like
692s the visual MCX stuff that that can
694s happen as well so sometimes if there's
696s something like that where it's in
697s universe but it's not quite
701s um standard in Universe I want to say
703s that that's that style of things it's a
704s good candidate for it for a cosmetic ntx
706s request
708s uh I would say
712s I know that one's not in the pipeline
715s yet just for the record
723s all right is there a timeline for skin
725s MTX like like are we talking like
731s oh goodness skin MTX like skin color MTX
735s um
737s oh my goodness Mike
740s let's equip your gear let's zoom out
742s let's not be an idiot
745s um no I I there's nothing that's in
748s there for for that at the moment
752s well character customization thing
754s that's that's an entire
756s um system that we'd have to develop and
758s currently that's not one of the like
761s categories for MTX that we're planning
763s at the moment um
765s like these these are different
766s categories
768s uh I think that's all the categories
770s yeah so like
773s like all the gear slots and then uh two
776s pets in a back slot I think are the an
779s end portal not sure what this slide is
781s actually
782s that may have got removed
794s I just thought first time trap hit
795s window there's no pay to win anything
796s that's gonna happen
797s um we're really strictly cosmetic only
799s on the micro transactions um there are
801s no micro transactions yet really well I
803s guess they're supporter packs but
805s similar
807s um
808s but yeah when the cosmetic store opens
810s it is very strictly cosmetic only
814s and that includes pay for convenience
815s items such as
818s um like stash tabs and things like that
819s and this is partially because the game
821s does have a sticker price it's
824s um a relatively low sticker price
826s compared to the games that I feel like
828s are in a similar caliber and and polish
831s level to what Lassie Puck has become
834s which is amazing
835s um
836s but yeah it's it's because we do have a
838s sticker price the um the MTX is very
840s strictly
842s cosmetic only
844s or die
853s any ideas of multiple beta will be up
855s and will there be any way for like
857s builds to coexist
859s like a supporter build to play with
862s friends oh okay so you're saying so um
864s so we we know when multiple beta will be
867s up
868s um Tuesday so stay tuned for that
870s information uh and then as far as
873s support builds to play and multiplayer
875s with people yeah that sort of thing will
876s be possible you can already see builds
878s like that that you can make even even
879s right now with the with the abilities
880s that are available
882s like make a palette and slap these four
885s abilities on it boom you got a support
887s class like like
888s um drop Shield bash and stun things and
891s you know multi a Smite has a heel
893s associated with it that's that sort of
894s like goes unnoticed I think a lot but
896s you can focus in on that heel and like
899s get a surprising amount of healing there
901s it's like you're Smite like there's a
902s melee um person in your party and you're
904s casting Smite down around them and it's
905s healing them constantly like uh it'll
908s there's cleansing in here to get a
909s cleanse chance so you can like get rid
911s of negative effects on them and like
913s there's that's probably a bad one to do
916s but
918s you know like there's definitely already
920s uh support style like this is very
922s traditional support style
924s um stuff in there but there's there's a
926s lot of abilities that can be focused in
928s on the support aspects of it and that
930s can go as far as like there's there's
932s every class has things like that like um
935s I've I've played I tried to make sivir
938s from League of Legends
940s um the old silver actually because this
942s is because I'm a dinosaur but I played
944s originally where it's like
946s um I was playing so chakram
949s uh throwing Rogue with um
954s uh the I was using decoy and something
958s else to cast basically haste on allies
961s all the time so I'm just like constantly
963s Hasting everyone around me we're just
965s just ripping through everything
968s um and that's a very supporty style uh
970s playthrough like I was making sure to
972s shred as many resistances as possible
974s and so like it's it's this not support
977s archetype but you can make it supporty
981s um for fun and I I think it's I think
983s it's cool to do so yes the answer is yes
984s you will be able to do things like that
986s um the follow-up question usually comes
987s from this this answer is
989s um
990s are they gonna have the Holy Trinity
992s like there's gonna be content where
993s you're like gonna have to say like okay
994s well here's the like tank looking for
996s group for this boss fight no it's we we
999s want you to be able to make your own
1000s party a synergistic party is going to be
1003s the most important thing so pure GPS
1005s parties with but that have synergies
1007s with each other is going to be
1010s um
1011s very effective
1013s um and like builds that are parties that
1015s do have like that that Holy Trinity like
1017s tank support and
1019s um heals uh DPS sorry is uh is going to
1023s still be very successful as well if like
1025s you're pointing things out and being
1026s synergistic
1028s that's the really important part
1030s 1291 Happy Thanksgiving Happy
1032s Thanksgiving everyone yet again Time Has
1035s Come For some questions multiplayer one
1037s multiplayer will be revealed on Tuesday
1041s though the timeline for it
1052s will SC Buck uh before 1.0 get an
1056s overall character animation recycle no I
1059s I don't think so I'm
1062s like we've been slowly updating the
1063s animations on all sorts of things all
1066s sorts of characters over the last few
1068s years and I really like where they are
1069s right now
1070s um
1072s there's definitely there's a couple
1073s little ones here and there that are the
1075s standout as being not as awesome every
1077s once in a while that gets noticed and
1078s then they get fixed but it's for the
1080s most part
1082s pretty great I think
1085s uh with a way for builds to coexist like
1087s support against that
1090s uh I get massive lag spikes on
1092s usabilities like acid flasks the spikes
1095s tend to make me die how can I reduce
1096s this leg issue turn on streamer mode
1097s that'll help a lot
1100s um likely what's happening is you
1102s actually like so I'm guessing I could be
1104s wrong here but I'm guessing you have a
1105s very powerful uh CPU
1109s um
1111s and it's actually hitting
1115s I could be wrong with this but I I think
1117s the situation is probably a pretty
1118s powerful CPU
1119s and it's actually causing problems uh
1122s which sounds ridiculous but it's what's
1124s happening probably
1126s um and turning on screen remote in the
1127s settings will help with that it's in the
1128s video settings I think
1131s Graphics stream Remote turn that on
1134s um
1135s also question I made some changes to the
1138s stream settings
1140s um
1141s but between last stream in the Stream
1143s and if anyone was here last time or it
1145s comes to these regularly uh if you
1148s notice a difference positive or negative
1150s please let me know I'd appreciate that
1154s I'm trying to hone those sentence in
1156s make it a little bit nicer
1158s um
1160s yeah
1164s we also have done quite a lot of
1166s performance improvements over the last
1168s couple years especially over the last
1170s year and um
1172s so there will be a lot of performance
1174s improvements that come in 0.9 as well
1180s any plan for build closet lockers that's
1184s like D3 is a switch between your sets no
1187s we don't intend for that um okay maybe
1189s for the gear the the big thing about the
1192s D3 implementation that I'd like to
1193s distinguish between and and make clear
1195s that it's like not doing it because of
1197s this one reason is the skills so when
1199s you when you do that in D3 it it
1200s switches all your skills as well
1203s um your passives your active skills the
1205s runes you're using all that gets
1206s switched
1207s we might do it for gear that's possible
1210s um it's not something we have planned
1211s it's not something that's probably gonna
1212s be implemented it definitely won't be a
1214s 0.9 probably won't be a point or 1.0
1215s it's possible later on for gear but not
1218s the skills version of it
1219s because there's there's a respect cost
1221s and we'd have to remove the respect
1222s costs first and we don't intend to do
1224s that at the moment
1226s all right what about the skeleton
1228s warriors on horses for the acolyte
1236s that's uh I
1239s we're getting into
1241s um
1243s cosmetic stuff at this point
1246s some like stall horses style thing yeah
1250s Play Breath of the wild is
1252s a stall horse pictured Quest
1255s s there
1259s all right another question wouldn't it
1261s be better to play the 0.9 by now
1265s um even if it's the single player
1266s performance increase alone sounds like
1267s they would be worth it
1269s um if it's feature complete to the point
1270s that it does not hurt yeah there's the
1272s problem is that there's like elements of
1275s that that releasing it early would be
1279s there's there's problems in there
1281s unfortunately we just can't do that the
1283s short answer really like
1284s I know it sucks
1286s um
1290s um I I know it sucks but it's it's just
1292s not something that we can release as
1295s like just this without releasing
1297s um multiple stuff at the same time and
1299s not cause other problems like we could
1301s we could turn multiplayer off and just
1303s make it impossible to connect servers
1304s and make a build and all that sort of
1306s stuff
1307s um
1308s it delays everything we do that
1316s uh what will be in the dev Vlog next
1318s week so just be clear it's not a Dev
1319s vlog
1322s I tried I tried not to use the word
1323s devlog I don't think I did but I may
1324s have if I did I'm sorry
1326s um
1328s and all I can really tell you about that
1329s is there's gonna be details about
1332s um
1335s releasing a detailed timeline with
1337s specific dates for multiple events
1338s leading up to it including multiplayer
1339s release with 0.9
1341s that's all I got for you on it
1345s I mean the big piece of it for the most
1347s people care about I think is it will
1349s have
1350s the 0.9 dates
1363s all right
1366s oh passion fortnite definitely not
1367s passionates no
1377s all right hi small fan of Lassie [ __ ]
1381s here
1382s hi Tyrion could you please explain
1384s Sexton vlogging
1389s you know we we we decided to remove sex
1391s to blocking from the game it was just
1392s we've been getting so many questions
1394s about it that it was causing problems
1396s um it was just so we're getting tickets
1398s all the time
1400s um and it was just it was too complex of
1402s a system that we figured we'd simplify
1405s it and um we've removed the system but
1408s we're adding in a new item
1410s um that's that's going to it's going to
1412s take its place so don't worry about that
1415s disability the same effects of sex and
1416s blocking
1418s um it's it's revolutionary it's called a
1419s shield
1420s it's wonderful
1427s running out of stuff to say to those
1429s questions
1433s all right
1435s uh I would love to see something where I
1437s can plan a build or use one from online
1439s so I can see the planned progression
1440s track for quicker allocation not alt tab
1443s I think don't choose something like this
1444s yeah we've talked about something like
1445s this where you can where about you could
1447s like import uh like a build in here and
1450s it would like flag certain nodes and be
1453s like you're gonna do this you're gonna
1456s do this
1457s there's there's sort of a there's a
1459s danger there
1461s um and it's it doesn't make it out of
1463s the question or anything like that it's
1464s not something that we've got planned
1465s right now I'll say that
1467s um and it's it's that
1469s new players will quite frequently
1474s um and this kind of happens anyway so
1476s it's is it worth not bothering that I
1479s don't know the point is what happens is
1481s oh quiet for me is resubbed 10 months in
1483s a row thank you very much quiet welcome
1484s welcome welcome glad to see you here
1491s I feel I feel like I haven't talked to
1493s you in a while
1494s that's been wants to talk to you
1498s hey cutie hope all went well for you
1500s yeah it's been great
1502s life's been good
1504s hope you're doing well too was I was
1506s talking about something I was in the
1507s middle of something what was I talking
1508s about
1508s um oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like uh I
1511s think built in so you can just be like
1512s follow a bill like you download a file
1515s off of some website and it's like maybe
1517s just a text file and the the game like
1520s reads this text file or maybe it's like
1522s built into the game you can share things
1523s in the game things like that
1525s um I don't know exactly how it would
1527s work but having something in here
1529s or just this where you could plan it out
1532s yourself even where you'd be like I'm
1533s gonna plan this this and this and then
1535s you can as you go you can just fill in
1537s the ones you've planned and you don't
1538s have to like rethink about it each time
1540s or have something else you all have to
1541s check and
1543s um there is there's a lot of great
1545s things about that especially in the
1546s usability and the accessibility for how
1549s for for doing this especially if you're
1550s not playing every day and you forget
1552s what you plan and things like that so
1553s you don't make mistakes there's a lot of
1555s great stuff there the the big downside
1558s um and the I guess the fear around it is
1560s that
1561s um
1562s you don't you see you end up not reading
1564s what the nodes are and you end up with
1566s playing a build where you're like I have
1568s no idea what this does
1570s um and it's funny because like right now
1572s I'm playing this build and I didn't make
1573s this build someone else made it for me
1574s for the stream
1576s um I have no idea what this build does
1577s and I know I'm not playing it optimally
1580s because of that
1581s um and just like going through and like
1582s having that process of reading all the
1584s nodes and learning everything you're
1585s doing is is an important step in
1589s having a better character being more
1590s powerful at the game like being better
1592s at the game having more powerful
1593s character that a lot of that comes down
1594s to execution and a lot of that comes
1596s down to knowledge and understanding of
1597s what your character is and can do
1599s um
1600s so there's there's a little bit of uh
1602s hesitancy there I want to say
1605s um
1605s but at the same time like there's a lot
1607s of websites to it as well so who knows
1610s um it is a good suggestion I do really
1612s like the idea of it
1620s okay
1621s is Cosmetics paid to get that would be a
1624s huge turn off man not sure how it will
1627s be but maybe unlock customers through
1629s endgame activities
1631s um we we do want to have the primary
1634s means of gathering Cosmetics to be
1636s through our to the shop the ntx shop
1639s um
1640s there will be we do have plans for ways
1644s to
1645s um to to obtain specific MTX through
1648s certain other methods
1652s um
1652s so whether that's like
1655s um
1657s like some of those those could be
1658s in-game things those could be out of
1660s game things even too
1662s um
1663s they can be things like oh you came in
1665s the top 100 of this latter season
1669s um therefore you get this special uh
1673s cosmetic footprints that follow behind
1674s you as you walk you know so something
1676s like that
1677s um
1678s so like for basically achievement
1680s recognition
1681s Cosmetics is is something that we do
1684s want to do and add in
1685s um
1687s but the primary way will be like most
1689s Cosmetics will just be
1691s you know
1693s you gotta go to the MTX shop I've not
1696s been paying attention to which
1698s uh modifiers I've been taking here and
1700s I've just noticed a huge Spike
1707s enemies getting frenzy and he's been hit
1709s oh when did I do that one
1719s it's getting scary
1724s as we get further up from the center it
1725s also gets more dangerous so I might have
1728s to I might just skush my way back to the
1729s center of touch here
1731s um yes uh Xander the Fleming on Reddit
1733s it was mentioned that she was hoping to
1735s get a communication update out this week
1737s is it still planners to delete to next
1738s week yeah so that was that was the goal
1740s um we didn't quite get things squared
1741s away in time for this week
1743s um
1744s and I will be next week so we'll be
1747s Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
1755s lots of info Tuesday
1759s are there any holidays in a Terra oh I
1762s bet there are there's got to be right
1764s like major events like the downfall of
1766s of certain certain Immortal beings maybe
1770s the
1772s um
1773s I don't know overthrowing of certain
1775s corrupt government systems and
1778s things like that I could see those being
1780s holiday worthy events right
1783s that's the spicy floor
1786s that's
1790s like it was just full of spice
1793s you just like couldn't keep the spice in
1796s spices everywhere
1802s oh I gotta level up
1804s get more health
1814s can you please do the spoiler I'm on I'm
1817s on vessel I need to wake up at 5am
1820s how about that some of this I will do a
1823s uh key giveaway right now
1828s oh wow there's
1831s something in my foot
1837s oh my God
1843s I don't know how I didn't feel this
1845s sooner
1847s ow that hurt
1850s you can't even see it probably
1853s didn't show up on camera was in my foot
1857s it's the length of my my index
1859s fingernail oh my God
1862s ow
1865s it's just
1868s put some tissue paper on my foot so I
1869s don't bleed all over the floor
1871s and we're moving on all right let's do a
1872s giveaway
1878s uh which makes me let's make the word
1880s um
1887s going easy Okay so we've got
1891s uh anyone anyone can enter I'm going to
1894s open this up if you want to enter please
1898s type the word awesome in chat
1901s just awesome
1904s that's it
1912s yeah I see people showing up all right
1913s people are doing it they're two eligible
1915s users right now
1919s I'm sure it's gonna Spike any second 54
1921s eligible people yeah all right what's
1922s going up it's working
1924s totally uh tested this out beforehand
1927s and not just doing it live I swear
1933s we'll give that a minute
1957s foreign
1974s from this list
1979s uh
1989s laughs
1990s all right nightbot
1997s how do I pick one of these names
2022s oh it actually picked someone it picked
2023s the very first person to put the name in
2025s okay I
2028s I just see that now that was like two
2030s seconds into it how do I have it roll
2032s from everyone
2034s I'm sorry I'm sorry whoever whoever that
2037s was
2038s does this actually do it
2040s okay it actually rolled from the okay we
2043s got it I figured out how to do it I just
2045s hit roll right as the very first person
2046s and just gave to someone I've done it
2048s now this is it it's over it's closed
2052s I got it I apologize
2076s oh let me see what I can do
2086s okay because I'm incompetent and uh and
2090s I didn't know what I'm doing I'll I'll
2091s I'll get an extra one
2093s Billy I'll I'll hook you up don't worry
2099s don't worry I got you buddy
2110s anyone who can get keys and is in here
2113s can I have a third key please
2118s and I'm sorry
2120s hahaha
2122s all right
2124s Amino parade congrats for winning the
2127s key and Philly as well because I don't
2129s know what I'm doing congrats to running
2130s a key I'm doing it there we go I'll do
2133s another one later as well do a third one
2137s let me let me try and message you
2140s oh boy Mike's all over the place today
2142s isn't he
2152s Mike knows what he's doing
2155s totally completely
2170s oh guys
2177s we'll get there I'll figure it out I'm
2179s gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna take uh take a
2181s breather I've got both your names
2182s written down I've got it don't worry I'm
2185s on it I'm all over it
2191s foreign
2192s Let's uh let's get some more questions
2195s here well you had an extra speed mode in
2198s the menu settings like Titan Quest
2199s proceed for the anniversary edition
2201s extra speed mode
2204s ah
2206s probably not I did not know titanco's
2208s had speed modes I haven't played it much
2209s though I played the switch like
2211s re-release of it which was pretty sweet
2212s actually
2214s go libraries
2216s if you have a local library that uh
2218s rents games surprisingly awesome way to
2221s try out games highly recommend
2231s it's hard sometimes they only have like
2233s one copy and there's like huge wait list
2235s I know I've gotten on like I'm like
2236s number 150th on the wait list
2243s all right I don't mean to release it
2245s just play it on stream oh play it on
2248s stream yeah yeah yeah I I really want to
2250s do that and um we're actually we're
2252s actually pretty close to being able to
2252s do that I think
2254s um so I I think uh
2256s I think we'll be seeing
2257s I think we'll be seeing 0.9 streams soon
2261s I think
2263s I hope it's my goal it's a dream
2270s I'm assuming this meant to say ever ever
2272s regretted picking up picking Unity over
2273s unreal for an arpg no
2276s there's a lot of things to go to this
2277s question I've answered it so many times
2279s but no just short answer is no I think
2281s Unity was the right choice
2286s uh hey do you feel the Africa damage
2288s taken on Mana before life is balanced I
2290s was thinking about their crafting a
2292s flame Reef build and since man is so
2294s limited I'm afraid it's not something
2295s viable anyone tried something on like
2297s yeah there's there's lots of great stuff
2299s there's builds that use that for sure
2301s um
2302s it can work you can't take the like all
2305s the Mana cost increasers at the same
2307s time which a lot of they're really
2310s tempting to take is quite often they're
2311s just like damage up manamore and you're
2312s like or no cooldown Mana more and you're
2314s like oh you can take it
2316s um you can't really take those with that
2318s um but it works
2325s opening
2328s uh do you ever think about moving game
2330s files over not real engine five no I'm
2332s not doing that uh any muscle updates you
2334s guys taking quite a long time it is
2335s taking a while
2336s um no details uh that I can share really
2338s we're still doing CT testing it's
2340s working great
2342s um
2343s you know things are things are Trucking
2344s moving along
2352s all right hi it experienced accountant
2356s and long-term Bernie Madoff admire a
2358s year
2359s um how is the financial side of the
2361s thing looking are you bootstrapped or
2363s debt financed or even VC backed I mean
2366s are you net positive in cash flows or
2368s will you add loot boxes later to get
2370s sick returns
2372s um
2375s that's a nice helmet um
2378s we're we're doing fine that's all I can
2381s really say on the matter I'm not
2384s um super in deep on all the financials I
2386s don't really have a lot of that
2387s information to show I know it's a bit of
2388s a joke mix it with a question there
2390s um but we're I know we're doing fine and
2393s um
2394s the question that came up I think last
2396s week was is there any chance of like
2398s Financial issues causing a release not
2400s to happen or anything like that no we've
2401s got runway for for well through launch
2403s no problem so we're fine
2411s all right spring and Spring Festival oh
2414s yeah
2415s I I always wanted to like non-world
2420s um festivals and and holidays so like
2423s having in-game versions of uh holidays
2428s that are like they don't have to be
2429s related to anything in the real world at
2431s all but just yeah I really like things
2433s like that so
2434s I like it
2436s will there be any other class locked
2438s weapons like Bo I mean uh so Bo may or
2441s may not stay class locked long term
2443s um and it is possible that we could add
2446s more weapons that were designed
2448s primarily to be used by one class and
2450s might even be non-functional in other
2452s classes it may even be locked still um
2454s so all those things are possible
2457s not about chest
2475s well it's the nightbot stuff
2491s oh I just saw Emmy said that they they
2493s have the game already so we can roll it
2494s again well you know what I mean in that
2496s case I'm just uh
2500s oh if you want one I'll give you one
2502s but um I'm gonna give the one that I did
2505s have marked for you for
2507s the person that I actually rolled
2509s initially
2531s I'm gonna figure this out one second I'm
2532s sorry here we go
2534s yeah
2535s why can't I whisper come on
2540s dream labs
2542s how you mock me so
2554s there we go
2567s sorry I'm just recording this
2577s foreign
2601s version of it that we have coming out
2604s 4.9
2607s this is the temple Guardian
2609s uh that like statue that comes alive and
2612s takes you or tries to
2619s are you happy with the planned release
2621s date of the multiplayer patch I mean I I
2624s think everyone involved um myself ever
2627s on the team everyone who's playing the
2628s game would have wanted it to be sooner
2632s um like would have wanted to already be
2633s out by now you know so things are like
2635s there's there's a small amount of
2637s disappointment there but I am really
2639s happy with
2640s um how this is all gonna work out and
2643s like
2646s having gone through this and if you told
2649s me two years ago this is what would
2651s happen I'd be a little upset
2653s um now I'm not upset about it at all I'm
2655s quite happy
2657s um
2658s I I think there's
2660s I think it's all gonna be worth it and I
2661s think that there's gonna be a really
2663s nice
2664s uh it's gonna be a great game and that's
2666s the most important things is we're not
2667s building this game just for launch day
2669s we're building this game for years from
2671s now to still be something that we're
2673s playing having fun and enjoying and
2676s you know one day I can show my kid that
2679s sort of thing you know
2682s uh when his Skin's gonna release and
2684s what it's patch
2686s um I think this is like
2688s like when's ntx coming and when is the
2690s pack next match going to be so the same
2692s time and I don't have a release date for
2694s you just yet
2695s um but we will find out on Tuesday
2699s all right
2704s let's get back to little let's go let's
2706s let's go into this chest before
2708s I don't think it showed we'll take a
2711s show no problem with that
2718s it's a little bit bump up the damage
2722s sure
2726s all of those spoilers have been showing
2727s for combat and art will those be in
2729s point nine will somehow come later on no
2730s no everything I've been showing is 0.9
2733s all the stuff that's on there's there's
2735s a sweet thread on our forums that has
2737s like just all the spoilers compiled into
2740s one place it's crazy
2742s um uh interestingly Community member did
2744s all that all by themselves
2746s um
2747s and uh all those things are 0.9
2753s uh will multiply just be multiplayer or
2755s will it be extra content for older
2756s players to play I'll be a bit stale so
2759s asking if something could look forward
2759s to yeah there's there's a ton of stuff
2761s coming in the 0.9 patch it's not just
2764s multiplayer So like
2766s um the a lot of the developers that are
2769s like the coders I want to say have been
2771s working really hard making uh like
2773s building the back-end system for
2774s multiplayer and have been uh like
2777s building up the front end systems for it
2778s and like um lots of design work that's
2780s gone into that and changing certain
2782s things to work in multiplayer nicely and
2783s all sort of stuff but the
2785s um all all of the like game design and
2789s um our the entire art team has has not
2793s stopped
2794s um at the same time so there's still a
2795s lot of other things
2798s um that are going to be coming and
2799s there's there's a lot of there's a lot
2800s of little things
2802s um like a lot of little things that that
2804s initially like you say to them you're
2805s like okay yeah great but it's a
2807s surprisingly large impact on on getting
2809s that overall quality and overall just
2811s fun feeling up uh so I guess what I'm
2814s talking about mostly here is little
2815s things even just like there's an entire
2817s past been done to every single skill and
2820s every single skill node and passive node
2822s in the entire game
2823s um to make sure it's working and to make
2825s sure that the like the the wording is
2827s clear and consistent and so just a lot
2829s of those like hey does this work with
2831s that and like I don't know if this
2833s node's actually doing anything questions
2834s will hopefully just go away which is
2836s great
2837s um there's a lot of nodes that we found
2839s in that I don't mentioned this last week
2841s too but there's a lot of nodes that just
2842s like weren't scaling with the number of
2844s points invested
2846s um so just like a single points the same
2848s as the full Five Points
2850s um
2851s and uh so it's like those those four
2854s points we're just doing nothing
2857s um so some some builds those get Buffs
2859s from that in general which is which is
2861s funny
2862s um
2863s but yes there is also uh you know
2865s there's there's a little bit more
2867s uniques coming there'll be um like
2869s updates and changes to skills
2871s um they'll be some should be some new
2873s skills at that point too
2875s um you know there's there's a lot of
2877s stuff that's fair nice the second one is
2880s done
2880s two back-to-back actually nice and yeah
2884s so there will be stuff for training
2885s players as well
2888s also just like multiplayer does change
2891s the Dynamics a surprisingly large amount
2902s all right maybe put the info that news
2904s is coming next week into the title or
2905s commands people can just dive and get
2907s that info yeah it's true I probably
2909s should do that
2911s this is why I'm a developer that streams
2913s and not a streamer that develops
2921s can I
2923s can I just do this
2927s text
2941s which is the November 29th
2962s can I just do this can I just
2965s oh goodness me
2967s oh I can't believe you've done this
2970s oh no
2979s give me just give me ffff
2984s there we go
2988s why is it why is it so tiny
2993s is that even there
2997s I'm trying to put text on the screen
2999s it's just like
3002s not having it
3017s uh
3020s I'll do I'll try and do it in the next
3022s thing
3053s all right
3067s all right let's leave another key coming
3069s which is great
3070s uh what's gonna be first class build
3072s when you play point nine and Y ah great
3075s question
3076s um this is interesting because I have
3077s been playing multiplayer a bunch already
3080s um I like I've just been having so much
3083s fun with the Rogue and multiplayer so I
3084s like I want to just say that because
3086s that's what I'm playing the most I'm
3087s just having so much fun with it
3089s um but I kind of want to try something
3091s that's like
3092s just weird and probably shouldn't work
3095s uh to kind of mess with my friends when
3097s I'm actually playing with them today
3099s um
3100s at the same time I'll probably be
3102s something supporty honestly it'll
3104s probably like a support acolyte be like
3106s yeah
3112s Steve is coming in clutch with an
3114s additional key we've got we got this
3115s guys we can we can survive with Mike's
3119s incompetence here no problem
3122s people to bail him out
3125s lovely lovely
3136s all right Amy where are you you're
3138s getting the key whether you like it or
3139s not you can do what you want with it
3148s foreign
3154s I hope you're there still
3162s got one more for later don't worry
3179s all right all right let's get some more
3182s questions I'm I'm slacking on the
3183s question so I apologize
3187s wait we'll multiply delete my old
3189s characters no however you won't be able
3191s to play your old characters in
3192s multiplayer which I know it's a fine
3194s distinction so you'll see a little
3195s player offline characters offline but
3197s you won't be able to play your offline
3198s characters online and currently all the
3200s characters you've made are offline
3201s characters
3202s so if you want to play online 1.9
3205s releases you will need to start new
3207s characters
3214s which I know is a
3217s fine distinction at best don't forget to
3220s put last Epoch game in the question if
3222s you're gonna ask it so I know to answer
3224s please
3225s um and will it ever release on Xbox
3227s that's possible it's another one of
3229s those like oh man we'd love to release
3230s on Xbox one day
3232s um a console release in general is
3234s something we are working towards it is
3236s not an immediate plan it's not gonna be
3239s a 1.0 release feature
3242s um oh
3243s oh it's actually pretty decent oh did we
3246s do it I think we did it
3252s Goss
3254s um it's actually yeah
3257s oh my goodness
3259s check
3262s check the hole in my foot ah
3269s it's not gross at all
3272s right is it useful to let everyone know
3275s where you are in the development uh of
3278s dragonflight
3281s uh with different builds hit
3284s we're transitioning away from spending
3286s the majority of our time on the design
3288s iteration of new talent trees
3290s and now we're primarily focused on
3292s fixing bugs tuning the game
3297s huh
3302s oops wrong chat okay
3306s I'm like doesn't seem to be about our
3310s game I don't think
3312s we'll see okay we're going straight to
3318s um
3320s there we go
3322s full steam ahead
3324s activate
3327s you Mr giveaway you missed one of them
3329s there's gonna be another one don't worry
3331s don't worry ooh can you talk about new
3333s skills coming um I don't have any
3335s details on possible new skills coming
3337s yet sorry
3349s what uh what level is 41 oh we could do
3351s an easy one
3355s I'm weak and scared
3362s can I like heal myself for a little bit
3364s here just
3371s there we go
3373s no problem
3377s okay okay what have I missed sorry I'm
3380s like oh well if you're not gonna show up
3382s on time what's the point Aaron huh huh
3387s you missed a giveaway you missed you
3390s missed a leak
3392s you basically missed the whole stream
3393s nah
3394s I don't know if I'm behind him it's
3396s probably uh you probably didn't miss any
3399s of that
3401s uh use 32 plus font on the notepad what
3404s do I typically throw in window capture
3406s new window capture yeah okay that's a
3408s good that's a good idea actually
3410s I just like there's a text thing in
3412s streamlabs and it's just
3414s like not showing up
3424s ah I've realized my mistake
3428s I've I've detected the problem
3433s I can fix this
3436s I can fix this I I'm just a noob
3442s oh look at that so easy
3445s it was that easy
3461s there we go how's that
3476s all right
3478s I may have typed the font of the text
3480s that I wanted to say in the
3483s in the like text box in the that's the
3485s name of the source that I was adding
3487s instead of actually typing it in the
3488s text box field so I'm like make it huge
3491s and it's like what text there's no text
3492s here
3494s but we figured it out
3496s all right are you aware of the bug that
3498s happens with loot filter probably with
3500s the emphasize feature yeah
3502s I am aware of that uh I think it's fixed
3506s you're pretty big one not to get fixed
3507s I'm pretty sure it's fixed
3511s if it's not it's on the list
3518s what's up fellas what up
3521s hello any plans for reworking Shaman
3524s um like
3527s the
3529s horror class mechanics and fantasy is I
3532s think really strong and I don't want to
3535s take anything away from that but I do
3537s think that there is room for
3539s are a necessity for having some pretty
3542s big reworks on uh specific skills in
3545s that are that are Shaman forward some
3547s focused and um
3552s maybe not a rework but just like a buff
3554s on a couple of them it's less of a
3556s Reaper more of a buff on a on a couple
3558s skills and then a rework on one so it's
3560s not I wouldn't say a shaman rework
3563s um but it's a big enough change that it
3565s will end up feeling pretty fresh so
3567s yes but actually no I don't know
3576s um
3586s let's get into the next one what is this
3590s full of weapons yeah I mean it's no we
3592s won't we'll take it
3594s uh was the price increase on Steam
3597s Community okay I was the price increase
3599s on Steam communicated been waiting for
3601s sale Elliott went up in price and steam
3603s Autumn sale
3604s um so we did not increase the price
3606s first off
3609s um the region specific price so steam
3612s has a an option where you could put
3614s region specific pricing on and uh We've
3618s turned that on and there is
3620s um usually the the US pricing is the
3623s most expensive pricing there's usually a
3626s couple that are a little bit more
3627s um
3628s and so there's a couple regions where it
3631s is more expensive in it's very rare
3634s um
3636s and what happened recently was uh steam
3640s changed a lot of the
3644s um Regional pricing scaling
3648s for for for all of its games across all
3650s of steam
3652s um
3654s and
3656s honestly we did like it just it just
3659s sort of happened and we just got all of
3661s our steam pricing all of our regional
3662s scene pricing set to default which is
3664s just whatever steam says is the right
3665s thing we just say okay thanks Dean
3667s that's cool
3668s um so basically what this does is it
3669s makes it cheaper for people that are in
3671s countries where it's a little bit um
3673s where if it's more expensive generally
3675s to buy games like this it kind of scales
3677s the price to match the local economy a
3678s little bit better
3681s um and I'm I'm really not sure of all
3684s the details on why this change happened
3686s or like what what happened with it or
3688s anything like that but there were there
3690s was some reason why
3692s um a lot of regions had their you know a
3694s lot of regions at least some regions had
3696s their prices adjusted
3698s um relative to the the the normal price
3701s and now so we didn't actually change the
3704s price of the game but in a lot of
3705s regions the price did go up because of
3708s the seems going now we do have the
3709s opportunity to override that pricing uh
3712s in in regions if we if we want
3715s um I don't know if that's been discussed
3717s or planned or anything like that but um
3720s I I think what it is is we're just like
3723s thing
3724s um
3725s like we're because we're still selling
3727s it for like on our website it's full
3728s price no matter where you are
3730s um
3731s which is a little trickier to do the the
3734s region stuff on on a website like that
3735s because steam just handles it all so
3737s we've kind of just said hey steam
3738s whatever you think's best
3740s um
3741s and we I mean it's it's a really
3742s unfortunate situation
3744s um I kind of hope it just gets
3745s self-corrected but
3747s um I don't think it will and I'm not
3749s sure if there's anything we should do
3751s about it I it's kind of this one's sort
3753s of above my pay grade you know foreign
3757s but that's the situation on what happens
3766s what was the question
3769s yeah and we're we're trying to avoid too
3773s many sales before we we go to 0.9
3780s if we don't get like four exalted
3782s weapons I'm gonna be just
3785s totally miffed
3788s thank you
3789s uh hey I was wondering how does ravaging
3791s Aura from void Cleaves scale also is it
3794s safe to assume that sub skill scales the
3795s same as the main skill if not explicitly
3797s stated otherwise
3799s um no it's not safe to say that
3801s um
3802s if it's like attribute scaling yes
3804s because and this is the part where I'm
3807s gonna say something everyone's gonna go
3809s what that doesn't make any sense no way
3812s it says it right there
3814s um sub skills do not use attributes to
3817s scale ever
3820s um
3821s so let's go and avoid please and find
3823s rap Genora
3827s down here because I have it
3829s um so if you hold alt on a skill node
3832s that has a reference to another skill it
3836s doesn't have to be a sub skill but
3836s reference to another skill
3838s um it should bring up a tooltip that
3840s will uh that will tell you this
3841s information and
3843s um so scaling tags it has void spell
3845s damage over time instant cast now it
3847s won't actually bring up the attribute
3849s scaling here which is interesting we
3851s probably did that intentionally
3853s um
3856s so this is the skeleton so it scales
3858s with boy damage spell damage damage over
3860s time
3861s um and if there's something instead like
3862s instant cast spells do more damage it
3864s would scale with that too but there
3865s isn't that
3866s um
3867s and as far as attribute scaling goes all
3870s sub skills inherent inherit their
3873s attribute scaling from the parent skill
3876s um and this is different than triggered
3878s abilities
3879s and I know it seems like it's really
3881s similar but it is
3882s a little bit different but the
3885s um
3886s so the attribute scaling that it gets it
3888s gets from
3889s boy group so void cleave has
3893s um increased damage from strength and
3894s vitality so ravaging Aura so when when
3897s you use void cleave uh the game goes
3901s okay what's your strength What's Your
3902s vitality we're gonna give
3905s um for me right now I'm gonna get 272
3907s increase damage 272 increase damage on
3911s void cleave and so the ability of void
3913s cleave gets the stat 272 increase damage
3915s the exact same is if you had an item
3917s that just said 272 increase damage
3920s um and then any sub skills that void
3922s clean procs carries the stats that
3924s voiclib already has
3926s um and so one of those stats is 272
3928s increased damage so in a way it inherits
3931s in a way it scales off strength and
3932s vitality the ravaging aura does
3934s um but really it's just inheriting the
3936s increased damage that void clip already
3937s has
3944s see that purple chess piece oh we'll
3946s show it we'll show it as soon as I'm
3947s going to use it
3952s impossible nothing's impossible
3970s okay I should get a question here
3975s uh getting things quite old start up
3977s might be an issue with my end but if not
3979s is a part of the optimization thing to
3981s come
3981s um if you've got there's not a lot of
3983s startup optimizations happening oh come
3985s on get out of there
3988s um there's not a lot of startup
3989s optimizations happening there are some
3990s things that we're trying to do to to
3992s stream like that a little bit better uh
3994s we've been moving to
3996s um
3997s uh different asset
3999s storage systems internally that that
4002s make the loading a little bit faster
4005s oh I did it slightly too early
4011s that's where you guys can just show Noob
4013s at your screen
4014s would not be wrong
4018s um
4027s looks close
4032s use anomalies get the Buffs oh yeah why
4035s was I not doing that
4037s well there's nothing use anomaly on but
4039s there there is
4041s it doesn't matter
4046s um if you've got your system on an SSD
4049s the startup time should be relatively
4052s decent if you're still having bad times
4054s starting up with an SSD
4057s um
4060s there might be there might be something
4062s else going on there
4063s um hopefully start time improvements
4064s will help but there's not a lot coming
4066s in that category
4067s sorry trying to answer questions while
4069s doing this and uh
4081s I failed you I'm sorry it's okay I
4084s forgive you
4085s I've detected the problem pepcat yep
4089s it's except you've got the K and the C
4091s backwards in the pepcac there llama
4094s oh yeah I have an actual question uh
4097s more often than not when you travel
4098s through time you get the Stargate
4100s animation yeah Stargate
4103s um then a loading screen I'm sorry it
4105s doesn't coincide with the whole loading
4107s screen great question it actually used
4108s to
4109s um however they're doing full
4112s asynchronous loading this is one of the
4113s things that's really hard doing Unity
4115s doing full asynchronous loading
4117s um is really hard and you get this
4119s stuttering that happens
4121s um and we so we had that Visual and the
4123s stuttering was happening and people were
4125s like overwhelmingly we were just getting
4127s reports all the time like my game's
4129s crashing the stutter happens and if it
4131s was like all to F4 immediately or it was
4132s a little less stable they stuttered
4133s they'd all Tab and then it actually
4135s would crash and it's just like all these
4137s problems that were happening and we just
4138s as soon as we took that out and made it
4140s be two loading screens which feels not
4142s great
4143s um like saw like crashes went down
4145s reports went down maybe it's like better
4147s now we can go back to it but
4151s that's what happens
4154s okay
4155s is there anything here we act that's
4157s actually nice
4159s um
4163s anything we want
4167s the water tension is kind of useless but
4170s uh the healing effect is kind of meh
4171s sounds pretty good there
4174s melee cold damage on the staff not bad
4184s great
4185s not great that's okay though we already
4187s have what we want coming into this
4191s okay
4194s oh our nose is gonna go away from it
4196s it's gonna flip myself over here
4199s um
4202s we're gonna craft this because we're
4203s gonna make a legendary titanars
4208s uh are you friends with the devs at GGG
4211s I'd like to say so I I don't think I
4214s know them well enough to be considered
4215s friends
4217s um but I I friendly with you know we've
4220s a couple calls with a few of them and
4222s it's been like
4225s just like sitting sitting around talking
4228s about games with old friends that's
4230s that's what it felt like when we when we
4231s did talk to them
4233s um
4235s so I like not specifically but yes
4242s okay let's I think we chaos this
4245s and just try and get something else we
4246s don't care about Shield rush at all but
4248s we don't have enough it's too high of a
4250s tear to reliably
4252s um pull it down
4254s and we don't want to just nuke a random
4256s one off of here
4257s because I really do like the boy damage
4260s taking this physical and just like get
4261s rid of your Void res
4267s okay
4269s yeah okay
4271s uh okay let's try to
4275s seal Health regeneration
4277s love it
4279s uh let's try and discover something new
4282s love it armor and armor okay Armor's
4286s great
4289s armor is very strong
4295s so we just get two crits in a row
4303s ah that was great
4306s that was great
4313s should we should we should we split it
4314s just just so we have a backup
4317s just in case
4320s I thought it's not that amazing but
4323s I'm reckless
4325s all right here we go
4331s make our Titan heart
4336s really just anything other than reflect
4338s is fine
4341s anything other than the reflect
4345s will NTA be lifted around the time of
4347s 0.9 release so we can play playing party
4350s builds with friends
4351s um I don't know when the NDA will be
4353s lifted I suspect it'll be before 0.9
4357s that'd be my guess
4362s all right I missed one here sorry uh I
4365s missed a couple questions oh no no I
4367s asked this very long time ago uh but is
4369s it possible to make Diablo one style
4371s grandfather's swords where it's a
4373s two-hander that acts like a one-hander
4375s um
4377s there's there's a lot of things in our
4379s system that make it very difficult to
4383s um
4386s the way that the handedness of your
4389s swords is set up it doesn't actually
4390s know what the sword is or what abilities
4393s it has so it's really tricky to do it's
4395s not impossible it'd be a lot a fair few
4397s changes that would have to happen and
4399s it's something that could happen I
4401s suspect if we were to do something like
4403s that it would coincide as a mechanic
4405s with a new Mastery class that made a lot
4408s of sense to have it
4410s that would be my guess
4412s uh are there any plans to increase
4414s options for UI customization or moving
4416s frames to different areas I only have
4418s one eye I prefer to keep things further
4419s left of my screen to help ease eye
4421s strain wow cool
4423s um
4425s we don't have any plans for that right
4426s now unfortunately
4428s um all right we are kind of lacking in
4430s the accessibility options category at
4432s the moment we do have plans to beef
4433s those up
4434s um however we don't have
4437s uh any plans for UI customization like
4440s that just yet
4442s um I do think it's an interesting thing
4444s to do there's a there's so many subtle
4446s things that go into the UI customization
4448s that's
4449s um that's really important like uh yes
4455s of course I got so lucky with this one
4457s it had to be bad right
4460s okay little little things here
4464s I need to put myself back over here
4466s um little things so we have this uh view
4469s materials and this opens here like this
4471s and see it lines up here so you can see
4472s your whole inventory and all of these
4474s because you open it from your inventory
4477s um now if you have this open
4481s um and you view your materials see what
4482s lines up on this edge here so you can
4484s see your whole crafting panel in this so
4486s it's it's a really subtle difference but
4488s because I don't have a ultrawide monitor
4490s it has to pick sort of one side or the
4492s other to scooch over too
4495s um
4496s and it's if you have your crafting
4498s window open it actually just forces it
4499s to the crafting window because it
4500s figures that's what you're doing
4501s primarily
4502s um and and there's a lot of little
4504s subtle things like that
4507s um that are really tricky to do when you
4509s have when you start letting people move
4511s stuff around in their UI and there's
4513s lots of room for
4515s um problems and so the the like
4517s anecdotal thing that I I like to mention
4519s when this comes up is
4521s um I was playing this is
4523s six months a year ago now I was playing
4525s a um
4528s a version of wow not the normal wow but
4530s it was like the the raid finder tool was
4533s was in it and I had put uh UI mod on the
4537s on the map that uh that cover like the
4539s circle for this UI for this other mod
4541s that like lets you activate the settings
4543s for that mod was perfectly covering the
4546s raid finder button and I could not find
4548s the rangefinder button uh which is also
4551s the like button that lets you
4553s portal to people in the the part in the
4558s dungeon I was just trying it was like
4559s level 20 and trying to do a dungeon for
4560s the first time in like 10 years and I'm
4563s like bye I can't remember how to do this
4565s and and I just like couldn't find it so
4567s I asked people probably like guys I
4568s can't figure out how to portal to you
4569s and they just like laughed me out of the
4571s group I'm like yep that that's warranted
4573s fair enough I get it like whatever it
4575s used to be
4577s top eight in the world ranked warlock
4579s but you know whatever
4582s it's like an hour anyways
4585s um
4586s point is
4589s there's pitfalls with allowing you like
4591s a sensation and we're just we're
4592s fighting it's probably not robust enough
4593s to add those in just yet
4597s um
4602s goes on the grounds bye bye
4606s so I threw it on the ground because I'm
4608s an adult
4612s all right moving on oh would you be able
4618s to play your offline characters really
4620s offline like without internet connection
4621s because right now it requires login we
4623s do have plans for offline offline
4625s offline offline offline
4627s um that is actually set up and
4629s functioning in our internal builds right
4630s now where you can not have an internet
4632s connection it will still let you in to
4633s play offline characters offline
4636s all right are you adding new totem
4639s skills to improve totem play style
4641s overall I don't see much Synergy between
4643s those
4645s um that are in the game to be wrong
4646s there are some builds that could be
4648s better in your opinion yeah
4651s um
4652s there there's
4654s there's a bit of lacking when it comes
4656s to
4659s um
4660s sorry
4664s this is this uh tiny little key
4668s that it does that
4677s oh no that's
4681s not okay
4694s turn zombie
4696s I don't fly around here
4699s too much
4701s um all right do you think there'll be
4704s any oh it's interesting uh I told him
4706s it's time totem Synergy that's what I'm
4707s doing so I got distracted uh totem
4709s Synergy yes that's that's kind of what I
4711s was trying to hey didn't touch on a
4714s little bit here I was mentioning about
4716s um even about reworks but like
4718s adjustments and things like that yeah
4720s there's I think there's there's also
4722s there's a there's ability missing still
4724s in Shaman I think I'm pretty sure Shaman
4727s still wants an ability pretty high up
4728s one correctly that's nice
4733s um
4734s so like whether that's whether that's
4736s and I think I think you're right I think
4737s totems aren't underrepresented uh
4741s Synergy style and also just ability
4743s style in general there's there's
4744s probably could do with another totem in
4746s the game or an ability that that
4748s specifically synergizes with totems
4751s um something like that so like there's
4752s still there's that that missing ability
4754s and like a tempest strike rework that
4757s that that final Shaman ability and maybe
4760s like a little a couple Buffs the storm
4762s totem maybe and like you you've
4765s basically I wouldn't call that a shaman
4766s rework because like the the core
4768s functionality stays the same and the
4770s core like theming saves the same but
4772s like
4773s it would be of substantial like
4778s um usability and power increase I think
4781s that'll maybe call a rework I don't know
4784s these terms are so fluid and so like
4786s where's the line on them that it's it's
4788s hard to Define them sometimes but yeah
4790s you know hopefully hopefully that
4793s answers it
4794s uh do you think there'll be any Nerfs
4795s from all the skill passes the team's
4797s been doing anything major they're
4798s definitely be nervous it's always nerves
4800s um
4802s uh anything like really dramatic I don't
4805s I don't think there's anything that I've
4806s seen so far that was really dramatic
4808s um
4810s I I don't think you'll see any builds
4813s that were like able to do empowered
4815s models relatively easily
4818s um Vanishing
4820s hopefully that swages any fears
4823s on the topic
4835s all the cooldowns were Mike all the cool
4838s dance for Mike
4841s it's actually interesting we do cooldown
4842s recovery as well um something that most
4844s people might not realize or maybe you do
4846s I don't know but
4848s um
4848s cooldown recovery is not really a stat
4852s in the game
4853s and like we worked a little bit
4855s differently because it actually
4857s functions a little bit differently than
4858s typical cooldown recovery
4861s and that's why sometimes I'll like break
4863s out the acronym I cards increase
4866s cooldown recovery speed because it's
4869s it's a little different
4870s I want to be in here helmets
4874s yeah fair enough
4876s all right
4878s uh do you think there'll be any uh
4883s well last Epoch be remastered in 2025 no
4886s we'll keep releasing new content well
4888s through 2025 though uh how tempting is
4890s it to buff the builds you play the most
4892s uh
4895s honestly it's
4897s I think I think there's
4899s a temptation to buff builds that you
4902s want to see function and that don't
4904s quite function nicely so uh example I'll
4907s give of this is something that I've been
4909s I've been playing like you mentioned
4910s I've been playing Rogue a lot
4911s multiplayer
4912s um and I've been trying to make ballista
4914s work in like leveling and getting into
4916s end game is just like an ability that
4917s you're like I'm gonna be a Ballista
4919s Rogue as like my main thing and like
4922s I'll do other stuff at the same time but
4923s like that's my main primary thing I'm
4925s gonna like do ballista and like dark
4927s quiver because there's some synergies
4928s there and then like I'll get like a bow
4930s attack to kind of go with it that I'll
4932s use to like apply ailments heavily or
4934s something like that to like make my
4935s ballista trigger better and and like you
4937s do things like that you find synergies
4939s of like you're shredding armor or
4940s shredding Fire Res so that your ballista
4942s does more and there's like little things
4944s like that you're trying to do and it
4945s just doesn't really work
4948s um
4949s and so there's there's a temptation to
4952s and I think actually a good argument for
4954s a reason to buff that build
4956s um or above that situation and I think
4958s it's important to try and
4961s um
4962s you know not go overboard in a situation
4964s like that
4965s um
4967s but if there's something cool that
4968s you're trying to do that doesn't work
4970s other people are I think likely trying
4972s to do that cool thing too
4987s all right continuing the sub skill
4989s scaling question if you take the
4991s fortnite Passover announcement does the
4993s fissure from Smite now give flatten or
4995s scaling from vitality
4996s um whatever Smite skills with the sub
4998s skill skill with so
5001s let's go find this
5009s announcement Vitality plus five
5011s um and smite scaling is Attunement and
5013s smite void spell damage per Vitality one
5016s so yeah so splite scaling gets it too so
5018s I actually have this already don't know
5020s uh where am I so yeah so we can see
5024s Vitality scale and get skins 30 spell
5026s void damage per Point
5028s um or one per point Sorry 30 total
5030s because I have 30 Vitality
5032s 34 point will be unbelievably
5035s overpowered oh my goodness anyways yes
5037s so any sub skills then cast by
5041s um
5042s smite have plus 30 spellboy damage I'm
5047s pretty sure
5049s because it's flat spell damage
5053s there might be a problem there
5061s oh Fisher doesn't have the at least do
5063s though that's a mistake
5066s uh okay here we go so Fisher's uh uh
5069s damage over time ability
5072s this is this is actually showing the
5073s Attunement scaling okay so it doesn't
5075s have
5077s Attunement scaling the reason it's okay
5079s here's here's what's happening so
5081s because
5083s uh these tool tips don't actually update
5088s with how you've taken how you've how you
5090s expect other things so the the you may
5092s notice that there's the damage per
5093s second 78 here uh Mana cost 28 like
5095s nothing on this tooltip changes based on
5098s the stats you have
5099s actually except for that very bottom
5101s line achievement scaling thing which
5102s unfortunately is like the one thing that
5104s isn't actually affected so it tries to
5107s mimic because fissure is cast by Smite
5110s um the default scaling the Smite has is
5113s increased damage per Attunement likely I
5116s think it should be
5118s um and so what we do is we try and put
5120s the same scaling on the sub skill as the
5122s parent skill such that you see it and
5124s you go hey it's got the same scaling so
5127s I guess it scales this way and it does
5129s effectively because it inherits that
5130s scaling but then as soon as you uh
5133s convert it like this it doesn't have
5135s that same scaling so this 28 increase
5137s damage does not actually apply to
5139s fissure here
5140s um and because the flat spell damage
5144s with Smite uh is flat spell damage it
5146s does not apply to the damage over time
5148s effect either so suddenly fissure
5149s becomes way worse
5153s that's what's going on there
5162s so so yes it does have it but it doesn't
5164s do anything so it doesn't matter that it
5166s has it
5170s all right
5172s I guess November 29th will be a stream
5174s no no there's gonna be a document
5176s released in the 29th no stream
5180s uh why can't you seamlessly enter in
5182s area why should there be any loading
5184s screen is it because uh Unity limits
5187s your creativity or is the game design
5188s challenge
5189s um
5192s it's
5195s uh none of those things really
5198s um
5203s we have to
5205s there's a lot of technical reasons why
5207s we have to do this I don't know all of
5209s them off the top of my head by default
5210s the uh primary one is likely just uh
5214s having too many things loaded at once
5217s that's really the thing just it would
5220s be computers wouldn't be able to handle
5222s it try and load that much stuff all at
5223s the same time
5224s we try and make zones as big as possible
5226s so there's a few loading screens as
5227s possible
5229s um but it is oh that's unfortunate
5234s it is very unfortunate
5241s let me let me go through here come on
5244s come on we're taking another crack at
5245s the at the at the
5248s oh if I get reflects twice in a row
5254s it will be frustrated
5261s uh also that's the case I hope the
5262s starting animation gets removed frankly
5264s yeah
5265s um that's not an uncommon feedback that
5267s we see
5268s um
5269s I think I'd like to see a setting to be
5271s able to turn it off personally I think
5273s it actually adds a fair bit
5275s uh to the the feeling the theme the the
5277s storytelling elements of like something
5279s Majors happening right now
5282s um I think the ideal way would be to
5284s have it be seamless and show the the
5288s the The Time Tunnel
5291s um and then uh
5294s uh as soon as it's finished
5299s um my goodness where are these they're
5301s so far away
5303s there's one
5304s I haven't showed The Time Tunnel and
5305s then immediately just be like that's the
5306s loading screen no that would be the
5308s ideal thing and then would be nice to
5310s try and get in still
5324s um all the questions I just saw like
5325s five questions about multiplayer uh look
5328s up there a fair bit
5332s uh lucky crits it reminds me we will
5335s ever have the option to stop crafting
5337s crits from happening somehow oh I'm in
5339s the boss fight aren't I
5341s um
5342s wow I'm really far behind oh my goodness
5344s I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a speed speed
5346s run here on some questions
5348s um
5351s I may have been a huge mistake we'll see
5354s nice nice
5359s um
5360s turning off crafting crits
5364s it's pretty pretty rare if you're in a
5366s situation where you don't want one it is
5369s possible though I don't know
5372s I can see there being like a let's say
5375s like a a glyph you could do to be like
5377s no crits but something else happens or
5379s something
5380s um but I I don't think that's probably
5382s what people want really I don't know
5385s the fact that there are unwanted crits
5387s seems more like a problem with the
5389s mechanics of the system as a whole then
5392s um something we want to fix with a
5393s setting like that
5395s it's like that's my initial reaction
5403s that's the key devs oh I almost just
5407s died there
5409s you're welcome
5410s I will give the key to my son for
5413s Christmas will mean a lot to him thanks
5414s again you're welcome I'm
5416s glad
5418s case will be played with and enjoyed
5422s the whole point of the game right
5426s oh where are you
5428s oh let's go let's just go
5434s gotta get those right
5439s it's fitting the jewel it can't be
5440s anomalied right
5445s yeah yeah I got that calling off
5453s um
5461s please
5463s hmm
5468s I don't like the one I know what it is
5474s oh will we be able to use MTX for the
5477s 100 offline mode uh still so if you're
5480s 100 offline no because you won't have
5482s any way to validate anything
5484s um none of the MTX will work in 100
5485s offline mode
5489s you can you can be in
5491s offline you logged in offline mode
5495s I'm pretty sure it's supposed to work
5497s there I this is all the stuff with like
5499s the details on when MTX is gonna work uh
5501s is still subject to change but right now
5503s the plan is if you're in if you're not
5505s signed in you won't be able to use your
5507s MTX
5509s um if you are signed in whether you're
5511s playing offline or online character you
5513s should be able to use your ntx
5516s all right
5519s round two
5521s don't fail
5524s it reflects it's so bad and you guys
5526s don't want to make it actually good I
5527s just replaced it with a fun that
5528s actually move it all together I
5531s it I think it needs a buff and I think
5533s it is fun
5534s so I'd prefer to
5537s prefer to you know
5543s leave it in there
5545s uh this has probably been asked and
5547s answered but first time since the
5548s catching the stream are there plans to
5550s add new characters over time or just new
5551s subclasses there's plans to add both
5553s over time uh did you buff silver fronds
5556s for the work with CDR or lower the
5558s dashes on it for multiplayer otherwise
5560s spriggan will lag behind in parties
5562s where all other classes combos can get
5565s their movement skills below five seconds
5566s there's
5567s um
5569s there's some pretty wide sweeping
5571s changes that will
5573s uh
5578s uh that'll affect everyone's movement
5580s abilities and the cooldowns they're in
5583s um not really super dramatically but the
5585s goal is to kind of just nudge the slower
5587s ones a little bit up and uh nudge the
5591s faster ones down a little bit just just
5593s just nudging them in those directions
5595s and then increasing the impact of gear
5598s on
5601s uh on in the whole equation such that
5604s there's you have a little more agency
5606s over
5607s um where they are and so in the I think
5610s what will happen and we're still working
5611s the numbers a little bit I think what
5612s will happen is if you've made a similar
5616s investment to cooldown recovery that you
5618s have already made on movement skills
5620s you'll have extremely similar uh
5624s movement speed cooldown reduction or
5626s movement speed overall with your
5627s movement abilities for most movement
5628s skills and then
5630s um especially the faster ones the faster
5632s ones will change almost nothing if you
5633s make a similar investment uh gear wise
5635s and then
5637s um
5639s the
5640s the slower ones will probably be a
5643s little bit better
5646s um with a similar with with a with a
5648s similar investment
5650s um
5651s and so the ones that are probably a
5653s little bit slower now will probably
5654s benefit better from the uh cooldown
5659s investment
5660s I'm being pretty vague about this
5661s because uh the details aren't locked in
5663s place yet but the goal is to kind of
5666s make it so that people are not
5670s um
5671s so we don't run into a situation where
5673s it's like okay well if you want to keep
5674s up you better play a rogue or if you
5676s want to keep up you better play a
5677s sentinel
5678s um you know that sort of thing we want
5680s to avoid those situations where people
5681s can play any class they want and still
5683s be and still have the option to go as
5685s fast as classes that currently are a
5688s little bit faster
5690s and we also want to bring a little bit
5692s of that
5693s um that uh a little bit more of the
5697s improvements to the speed that you're
5698s traveling at into uh your gear as well
5702s just just trying to make give those
5704s nudges to make you're a little bit a
5705s little bit more um important in general
5709s I know that's not the category people
5710s usually talk about when they talk about
5711s that topic but I think it's relevant
5713s these are not massive changes we're
5715s talking in the fractions of seconds
5718s range right now overall
5723s like all said and done there's like
5724s several changes that like when you
5726s combine them all together it's fractions
5728s of seconds for most abilities
5730s some of them it's like
5732s basically nothing
5735s all right up to now which has been the
5738s hardest part of the game to develop the
5740s hardest part
5747s I mean
5749s um
5751s develop multiplayer oh yeah develop
5753s multiplayer no no question about this I
5755s don't know why I asked multiplayer or
5756s why I hummed it on it's like so uh far
5759s beyond everything else
5762s I've combed over the forums a few times
5764s to answer this question but I haven't
5765s ever found it are there higher chances
5767s to find uniques with legendary Potential
5768s from the dungeon not just temporal boss
5771s drops no the legendary potential the
5773s only there's
5775s um apart from the temporal sanctum
5778s guaranteed boss drop to have legendary
5780s potential on it apart from that which is
5783s the only time that happens
5784s um the only thing that affects the
5786s legendary potential of a unique item
5787s when it drops is the level of the zone
5791s that you are in when it drops
5794s uh and I should qualify that by saying
5797s the level of the zone
5800s um for certain zones is scaled based on
5803s your own level so if you're using a root
5805s of a sentence at the end of time
5807s I'm like 99 sure uses your character
5810s level as the Zone level I could be wrong
5815s 99 sure that's right I'm pretty sure
5818s random says I think I think root of a
5820s sentence might just use your character
5820s level no matter where you are I'm pretty
5822s sure that's what it is
5827s but yeah if you're ascending items you
5830s should do it on a high level character
5834s unless unless because sorry caveat there
5836s unless you're looking for a specific
5838s unique that is uh lower if there's other
5843s I at a lower level when you're ascending
5846s items you get the
5848s um
5849s you can cut off certain uniques from
5851s being rolled because if you're too low
5853s level you can't roll the high level
5854s uniques with a Renaissance
5856s so if you want a specific level unique
5857s she's a low level character
5860s oh this is it's a little complicated uh
5863s one thing I love about Titan Quest is
5864s the way you enter seamlessly into areas
5866s Etc yeah it's pretty great
5894s so they want him to cheer me up there's
5896s only one thing that can cheer me up
5899s not to give away and that's a giveaway
5902s all right
5916s okay I think this just works okay
5923s easy listening yes I am using a
5925s stainless I can do things like this
5929s oh heavy thank you five two one Celsius
5932s to the channel congrats them when I got
5933s one of those oh Andrew got one nice
5936s um thank you very much appreciate it and
5937s to commemorate this we're gonna start uh
5940s with a giveaway so
5942s um I think this should work because I
5944s don't think I need to press the button
5945s last time yet please type reflect
5948s into
5950s chat if you would like to enter the
5952s giveaway and oh my gosh I hope it works
5958s thank you
5966s it's working yes oh I understand how the
5969s giveaway system works oh so good
5971s okay we're gonna let that run for a
5973s minute while I try and catch up on a
5974s couple questions here
5977s uh hello is a Playstation release in the
5980s plans I General console release plans
5982s from earlier yes I'd love to do one
5985s um as soon as we can controller support
5986s needs to happen first full release needs
5988s to happen first after that we'll look at
5989s it
5990s um I think we could do great console
5991s release I think it'd be awesome uh this
5994s is not a question but I just wanted to
5995s say thank you uh say that you did an
5997s awesome job with this game thank you
5998s appreciate that
6000s um I haven't had an arpg have my
6002s attention like this since I first scored
6003s Poe during Legacy League or D2 when I
6006s was a teen ah yes I can't wait to see
6009s where it goes over time I also play D2
6011s as a teen
6013s to my parents dismay
6018s um I actually recently
6020s uh told my mom that I would like get up
6024s in the middle of the night to play
6025s Diablo 2 on the family computer in the
6028s living room when uh this was this is
6030s this is I'm old enough that like you had
6033s a family computer not everyone had their
6034s own computers or everything and uh she
6037s the person at the computer store I told
6039s her that the computer was not designed
6041s for playing games and and she took that
6044s to me and if you play games on it you're
6045s gonna wreck it uh she didn't want to
6047s wreck her computer so she's like you
6048s can't play games on my computer
6050s um and I'm like I know better yada yada
6053s I'm gonna do it anyway so like get up in
6055s the middle of the night and play it and
6056s I'd like hide the game in the computer
6057s and
6059s um yeah
6065s that's why I slept through first period
6067s of all of grade 12.
6076s I had cool physics teacher though he
6077s said as long as I was getting an a I
6078s could sleep through class so I worked
6080s hard got an A and slept through first
6081s period every every Wednesday Friday
6083s morning
6087s you mentioned one can meet the grind to
6088s 100 a little longer will that be
6090s happening at 0.9 I don't know if that
6092s changes actually happened or not
6094s um and just to be clear whenever this
6095s question comes up I want to qualify this
6096s by saying that it's the
6099s um it's the it's the tail end of that so
6102s it's that 95 to 100.
6104s um and it's not a huge stretch but it's
6106s just like just drawing it up just a
6107s little bit more because there's so
6108s little power that comes from that and we
6110s want to be more of an achievement to hit
6111s 100 instead of right now where it's a
6113s little it's a little on the easy side
6114s okay
6116s we've got a lot of people that are
6118s eligible here
6120s I'm Gonna Roll It are you ready
6126s congrats who Jay you have won a copy of
6129s last Epoch I hope you enjoy it
6132s I know you will
6139s uh or the first two that I gave out
6147s here we go
6151s I wish I could just send you a message
6153s from here that would be so nice
6165s chat oh you do it this way
6174s uh Mike
6179s can you message me please in twitch
6192s ing if you open a message with me in the
6195s next five minutes I will send you a key
6202s all right all right
6206s did I catch up I basically caught up
6208s didn't I
6211s was so good at this guys
6213s so good
6216s uh there's multiple finally coming check
6217s the top of the screen and you will see
6219s the information about when we'll find
6220s out about that yeah
6225s twitch keeps wanting to block the term
6227s just gzed
6229s regrets
6231s no I think it's okay
6233s uh will you add new bosses in the game
6237s uh that's my name feeling I don't think
6240s so
6242s but uh keep the dream alive I don't know
6249s you did not win Aaron I'm sorry
6255s sad day sad day
6268s huji I don't know if you realize You've
6270s Won but you've won who Jay
6280s you have until 48 minutes past the hour
6283s at which point I will pick someone new
6287s it's message me directly whisper whisper
6290s that's the term whisper me whisper I
6293s can't do it
6296s what a phenomenal game talk about
6298s remakes done right for a second just
6300s just what I just want to touch base here
6301s uh king's quest
6303s is a game that most people have never
6306s heard of these days oh my goodness it's
6309s this old point-and-click Adventure game
6311s that is just so full of charm and wit
6314s and it's just glorious and it's it's I'm
6318s sure some of you are like yeah I
6319s remember playing that when I was like
6320s five it's the greatest thing ever but
6322s like yeah I never finished it was so
6324s hard and they recently re-released as I
6326s don't know five years ago now they they
6328s remade the game they remade the whole
6330s series they did five episodes of it and
6332s oh they did such a good job with it
6335s oh my goodness they did such a good job
6338s with it and it's it's
6339s I
6341s oh
6344s it's got vasini from Princess Bride
6348s and I'm just determined to prove how old
6349s I am today aren't I
6351s um
6353s he does such a good job
6355s the writing's phenomenal gameplay is Fun
6357s the puzzles are neat
6359s it's it the Kingsway series always had
6361s this like
6363s sort of
6364s uh esoteric nature to the puzzles where
6368s you're just like
6369s that's ridiculous I like no one would
6373s ever think of that that is unbelievably
6375s insane I can't think of a good example
6377s that right now I probably should be able
6378s to but I just can't and and there's
6380s there's cheeky nods to that in the
6381s remake but um it's it's much more
6385s accessible
6386s it's it's definitely a modern game
6389s um and oh it's just it's great
6391s highly recommend
6395s play more Luke starts with Sierra does
6396s too yeah it looks look sense it's oh so
6398s many classic Luke songs games are just
6400s wonderful there's lots of
6402s um
6404s there's a if you enjoy that type of game
6406s at all random side mentioned I guess
6410s um there's a mostly walking is a web
6413s show
6414s where they play Old School
6416s point-and-click adventure games they do
6418s a great job it's day nine
6419s and a couple of his couple of his
6421s friends from college
6425s they do a wonderful job
6442s uh which dungeon are you giving away
6445s keys for
6447s all right nice nice
6451s all of them simultaneously because I'm
6453s giving you the the ability to to find
6456s them yourself
6461s some something fish something day
6463s something fish for a year I don't know
6468s all right will we be able to hover over
6470s an affix in the loop filter to show
6472s details similar to when we see in the
6473s crafting inventory when we hover over A
6475s Shard this can be applied to yeah I
6477s think that's so that's a really good
6479s suggestion
6480s um we've we've had that sort of type of
6483s thing on our radar for a little bit
6485s um that's potential uh future upgrade
6487s for the for the um filters because I
6489s think that's a a very good thing to put
6492s there because it does have a reference
6493s to what The Shard is at that point
6497s um so it should be able to get that
6498s tooltip information
6500s uh and displayed it's just a matter of
6501s inputting it
6503s like like setting it up to work really
6510s uh
6512s this happens every time doesn't it
6517s uh some people watch with audio off due
6521s to lurk while working might be easier to
6523s tag him in chat to tell him oh good idea
6526s quiet
6528s this is what this is why this is why we
6530s have smart people around here
6551s it's gonna give him a couple things I
6553s might roll another one in a minute
6555s uh warlock won't be void or Minion or
6558s transform thinking like uh we can play
6561s bringer uh just give a wink and a nod
6566s I tried did I do it I think I did it
6576s as a cyclops in Disguise winking so
6579s difficult for me
6593s leaks leaks leaks More release leaks
6595s leaks leaks more leaks okay
6601s uh here's just a little clip just just a
6604s little clip showing off some new uh
6606s uh buff VFX on the Sentinel boy
6610s just just a few abilities and how they
6612s look
6614s drink lots of water
6616s this is your daily sponsorship by water
6619s not a sponsor
6622s some high quality H2O
6625s just a little there's various effects
6626s Happening Here different abilities
6629s um
6631s it's possible that's all
6638s this little one that's it
6643s minion Health don't need it pass
6650s okay
6656s you know what
6659s I have not got a reply from who Jay yet
6662s sadly
6665s or well past the time so I'm gonna
6667s reroll it I apologize CJ
6669s uh I hope this wasn't a big deal for you
6672s we're picking a new one
6676s water sucks Gatorade is better
6682s love it
6683s all right here we go round two
6686s spell worm congratulations I hope you
6690s enjoy it
6693s please message me spellworm
6695s and I will yes spellworm is there
6697s spellworm is active I see spell worm
6716s can I just figure it out myself
6718s that's why I just couldn't figure out
6719s how to message someone that hadn't
6721s hadn't seen in chat recently
6723s I found you I just sent you a message
6725s you don't need to do it I got you
6732s just recording this to make sure it's
6734s clear what I did and who I gave the keys
6736s to
6737s dunskis
6740s all right
6743s that's uh that's all the giveaways we
6745s have for you for today I do have uh
6750s yeah I got I got one more thing I got
6751s one more leak to show I'm gonna do
6753s another
6754s monolith here and then I'll show that
6756s leak in a little bit but I do have one
6758s more for you
6763s oh you're telling the house hello
6767s all right are there any plans to make
6770s the dot continuous instead of ticks or
6772s is it too difficult to implement for the
6774s most part it doesn't matter but recently
6776s I made an aura of Decay Lichfield where
6778s theoretically I should have sustained
6780s the self-inflicted poison but individual
6782s ticks killed me
6784s um
6788s basically no unfortunately the chances
6791s of US changing this are very low
6795s um
6796s if there's like a consistent maybe not
6798s consistent but even like Sami frequent
6800s time where this type of problem comes up
6802s I could see us reducing the time between
6804s the ticks a little bit in certain
6805s circumstances it does have a performance
6808s implication
6809s um so the longer we can have this apart
6812s the better
6814s um but yes there is having the gameplay
6815s be smooth is the most important thing so
6818s um
6819s if that includes uh how am I doing push
6824s the wrong buttons is what I'm doing oh
6826s yeah
6826s um but if that includes
6828s the gameplay problems from having the
6831s ticks too far apart or the performance
6834s implications of having them too close
6835s together so we gotta find that sweet
6837s spot and um
6839s so if you can if this is something that
6841s happens to you more than just like once
6842s every month and you're playing regularly
6845s something you know
6846s um having if you have like even a real
6849s remotely consistent setup for the
6850s situation happening
6852s um something like that on the feedback
6853s forums would be a good thread um
6855s something that we can see in reference
6857s to and possibly act on
6866s well Mike Mike where the questions here
6869s I want a pure zombie pet class
6872s I mean you can you can do zombies as
6875s your only pets and uh and just run
6877s zombies and acolyte so yeah
6881s have fun
6886s uh where do you uh where do you guys do
6888s the character race options later when
6891s you do the characterized options later
6892s on please give me a frog race frog is
6895s awesome trigger it's funny so um
6897s whenever we reset the ladders the center
6899s old old ladder system like quite a while
6901s ago
6902s um before Rogue was even released I
6905s would um whenever I reset the ladders I
6907s would always slap a test character up
6909s there from the editor just to make sure
6911s so I'd reset the ladders and then all
6913s the letters would always start with a
6914s level one Rogue on them
6917s um that was always called frog
6922s that that's a Chrono Trigger preference
6924s in case that wasn't obvious from Context
6925s but yes
6929s uh all right what is a warlock exactly
6932s is it a war of locks on doors or is it
6935s something you can't explain your
6936s subclass on acolyte leaves too much to
6939s imagination care to specify the theme of
6941s the Warlock please yeah um
6944s I think I can give a general like
6947s feeling theme there
6949s um and I think there's
6952s um
6957s Jafar
6959s I think that's that's a good way to put
6961s a Jafar just like it's it's it's this
6966s and I know this doesn't really give you
6967s anything mechanically at all but
6969s thematically I think that's a really
6971s good touch Zone
6972s for it
6974s what was this molecular Army's armor
6976s shred Mike what are you thinking
6979s endurance yeah I mean we got a calling
6981s endurance is fine
6986s aha I introduced the next batch I mean
6988s oh there's there's been a fair bit of
6989s news here and there uh we don't have any
6990s details about it but um if you are
6993s looking to find out when the next batch
6996s is going to be that information will be
6997s revealed
6998s in four days time
7004s in four days time look to the forums
7007s look to the Discord
7011s it doesn't really work I was trying to
7012s like a Gandalf thing
7018s um
7018s I don't know if this was ever asked
7021s probably but it's okay to ask again uh
7024s is there a chance for a button to put
7025s all of your items on the ground or some
7027s of you I changed to better show items
7029s with some filter tags in inventory
7034s put all of your items on like like like
7036s drop all gear from your inventory
7040s um I I don't think we'd ever put an item
7042s like that in the game just from like the
7045s um I'm calling what am I doing get in
7046s there
7047s uh just from the standpoint of like
7049s accidentally pressing that at a bad time
7051s is like Bob just dropped all my gear
7053s what do I do
7055s um
7056s so I I doubt we didn't Implement a drop
7058s all gear uh button
7061s um
7064s I think there's some room for some
7065s quality of life improvements there
7066s though like with with
7068s um there's games that do things where
7069s they you can like tag things as junk and
7071s then like sell all junk uh things like
7074s that I think are really nice to do
7076s um I don't know if we'll do that
7078s specifically but maybe something like
7080s that and then as far as filters showing
7082s in your inventory that's a really tricky
7084s thing to do
7085s um
7087s we've considered it
7090s um
7091s we don't have a good way to implement it
7092s at the moment so it's not on the list
7096s unfortunately
7104s apparently Judd's getting chewed out for
7106s not being in bed
7109s perfect perfect
7111s uh a spiral Vortex layout would kind of
7115s Loop dope for the model
7121s uh oh look
7124s ah
7126s see I'm Sherlock up in here
7129s immediately searching Jafar character
7131s breakdown but I'm a thieves thieves like
7136s like like fields and
7139s um you know
7147s go ahead Google Google away have you
7150s ever thought about a total warlike
7152s layout for the monolith no we haven't I
7155s don't think I don't think that's I don't
7156s think that's sort of things come up
7159s a little while since I played a total
7161s war game though
7163s the last one I played was
7165s like
7167s I feel like total war would be
7170s very odd for a monolith layout
7175s actually like the map view like where
7176s you're like
7177s like the 4X style View
7190s your Avalanche does not scare me
7200s I I missed the I asked this earlier and
7203s I totally missed the reply
7206s I guess I could scroll back all the way
7208s to the very beginning of chat but I'm
7209s gonna ask it again
7211s um if anyone is here regularly uh have
7214s you noticed a significant or minor have
7216s you noticed any difference in the Stream
7218s quality visually like um like like
7221s dropped frames lag uh just and anything
7224s at all
7226s um
7227s and how it looks from last time
7229s so we made some changes I would like to
7231s know how impactful they've been
7235s hopefully extremely impactful
7237s maybe not because I mean it was terrible
7239s before
7245s the campaign map layout yes your
7246s character moved from one location to
7247s another yeah
7256s I really love this like like changes
7258s like that we'd have to we have to redo
7260s so much like we have to redo the visuals
7262s on every single
7264s our asset in the monolith and the like
7267s physical world and the model of two like
7269s this that's just two too big of a change
7272s for us to make at this stage
7274s um even even even if it was something
7275s that we're like yeah we really want this
7277s it's just that's just too much
7282s this shouldn't uh fly in town
7286s I wish I wish
7290s yeah I could strike chance it's fine we
7292s got critstrike avoidance
7295s don't worry let's reduce damage from
7296s crit strike so it doesn't matter guild
7298s war is still at a Mesmer class yeah
7301s I loved the Mesmer so much it was
7305s I ABS it was my favorite thing Guild
7307s Wars one had it too
7308s um
7309s that was one of the big things I played
7311s in Guild Wars one was a it was a Mesmer
7318s just the I'm a terrible blue Mage in in
7321s Magic too so like
7324s um I love counter spells and Mesmer had
7326s this counterspellability where like it
7328s just had so many interrupts where you
7329s could just stop people from casting and
7331s Guild Wars was so PVP based that like
7335s um it was just it was just this game of
7337s like
7337s interrupt interrupt interrupt interrupt
7340s interrupt so I I I'm just I'm a terrible
7343s person I know I'm sorry
7354s um having the issue with game crashing
7356s oh no contact support the Beavers plan
7358s it'll be able to help you way better
7359s than I can I'll do the best of your
7360s question though uh I could play maybe 30
7362s minutes and then it locks up my entire
7363s PC and I have to go to a hard reset I
7365s have a 2070 and a 99 uh what would you
7368s make what would be making this happen I
7370s would recommend turning on streamer mode
7371s it will improve stability quite a bit
7373s other than that I'm making sure your
7375s games on an SSD
7378s um making sure
7380s uh there's I don't know not something in
7382s the background that's just like
7384s consuming all Ram like The Great
7386s Devourer of of Worlds
7388s um you think things like that uh but if
7391s you need more help please contact
7392s support they'll be able to do a lot more
7394s for you than I will
7399s uh stream is blurry for me but I most
7401s likely do need to reload the stream but
7403s I know I'm the spoilers fight too just
7406s leave it
7412s oh my gosh for over time aren't we we're
7415s over time oh goodness me I didn't even
7418s notice I've been having such a great
7420s time
7420s this happens every once in a while I'll
7422s stream and I just like lose track of
7423s time we're gonna finish this Echo though
7430s of course it's not this way Mike you
7431s know what level this is
7433s a little beard oil for boosting game
7435s speed
7436s out of world things like that we
7439s generally like to avoid so stuff that
7441s like doesn't make sense to be in the in
7443s the game world
7447s oh do they have beard oil
7451s long long ago I like desert maybe though
7456s uh yes less rendering lag nice Graphics
7460s look a bit more budget but overall it's
7462s good really okay
7468s any plans for cross progression between
7470s characters in a cycle
7473s um
7474s there's sort of a inherent cross
7476s regression that happens with
7478s uh gear but I understand that you
7479s actually mean like monolith and dungeon
7482s unlocks and things like that
7484s um and we're not planning on it right
7486s now it's still like it's a still a topic
7488s that gets brought up every once in a
7489s while but
7491s um that that progression through
7495s um through the monolith and it is is
7497s kind of important to the character
7499s progression and learning that character
7501s and it's it's much less of an issue for
7503s people who they're on their 20th
7504s character than someone who's on their
7506s third character
7509s um
7510s I was I almost went back for another one
7512s I almost did it okay we're gonna bring
7514s this up and I'm gonna answer some
7515s questions while it's up here oh concept
7518s art for uh for a little batty boy
7521s when I first brought this up into the uh
7524s into stream labs to put up on stream
7526s there's like a preview for it
7528s and I was replacing another image that I
7530s guess I'd scaled up really high and this
7532s is a pretty high res image so when I put
7533s it on there the only thing I could see
7536s was that was that chicken and does it
7538s show it like uh I guess my cursor is not
7541s shown on screen I don't know but the
7543s chicken that's like
7544s below the word news it was like all I
7547s could see on my whole screen preview and
7549s I'm like
7551s it's totally makes this giant
7553s yeah all right a couple more questions
7556s might confirms Mesmer for warlock we got
7558s it
7559s Aaron I love you reading into stuff but
7562s uh
7563s no
7565s uh thanks to stream Mike I miss you I
7568s hope IRL calms down so I can be an LED
7570s Jen again me too bud good to see you
7572s again
7573s lastly please I'm on it
7575s you're welcome and Gates
7583s I'm not pronounce them the two eyes are
7585s messing me up uh is it's the cursed
7588s parrot this must be jafar's parrot
7593s all right well I had a great stream
7599s I hope you all did too
7602s uh keep an eye on our Discord Reddit
7605s forums all those things for more
7607s information Tuesday will be announcement
7610s um if you do any more questions that I
7611s wasn't unable to answer today
7613s please head on over to any of those
7616s platforms as well and I'd be happy to
7617s answer those questions going throughout
7619s the week or I'll be back here again same
7621s time same place next week
7623s um the studio will be taking a break
7625s over Christmas so there's
7628s um
7629s uh between Christmas and New Year's sort
7632s of uh there won't there'll be a couple
7634s streams in there missed I believe uh
7636s early warning system but
7639s um I'm gonna try to keep these going as
7640s much as possible throughout all of that
7643s yeah
7646s I've got something still there thanks
7648s for stopping by thanks for coming out I
7650s hope you had fun I know I did
7654s and we'll be going to say hi to someone
7655s let's let's go say hi to someone who
7656s should we go say hi to
7666s someone whose name sounds a little bit
7668s like
7669s a Star Trek race
7679s let's go give them let's go give them a
7681s high five
7683s let's see how's it going
7685s see you later