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almost 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22

Yo just for clarity:

I'm not saying that AP Twitch and AD Kat are a plague and must be purged from the game. They exist, whatever; I'm mostly indifferent. I'd say I only start to take an issue if balance decisions are made with a priority on making these builds playable when other things should be more important

Off builds are not really in the same boat as build diversity

ex: You can choose to build AD as Kat vs You can choose among multiple mythics and many more AP legendaries as Kat each time you shop to customize your build for the given game/playstyle

almost 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22

Yeah I think the question I was asked on-stream was more about off builds/secondary builds but was worded as build diversity. Build diversity on a champions main, intended build(s) is good, but worrying about enabling secondary/off builds is a waste of time imo

We can judge what is worth our time investment and what isn't

For example, AD kat (until the nerf to the kraken interaction) made up a good half of her play rate - and at the same time her playrate roughly tripled from ~4% to 12%. All this while being worse than her AP build winrate wise. It's pretty clear that players enjoyed the alternative build. As for time investment, its a bit hard to judge since it piggy backed on necessary AP work (without on-hits to support Lichbane and Nashors, Katarina was out a viable AP build order on SRI), and therefore costed a minimal amount of effort.

almost 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


agreed. I've clarified