Original Post — Direct link

Note that many changes cannot be easily datamined, such as functionality changes, bugfixes, or mode-specific balance modifiers.

reminder:  this cycle has been complicated, so some changes got hotfixed and some didn't


Changes from today:


Aurelion Sol:
  • has rework
  • P
    • self heal:  23-142 lerp  -->  5% Alistar's tHP
    • ally heal:  x2.0 self heal  -->  x1.2 self heal
      • equivalent to 46-284 lerp  -->  6% Alistar's tHP
  • Q:
    • damage AP scaling:  50% --> 70%
    • cost:  55-75 --> 50-70
  • W:
    • damage AP scaling:  70% --> 90%
    • cost:  65-85 --> 50-70
  • E:
    • total damage over time AP scaling:  40% --> 70%
      • stun damage unchanged
    • cost:  50-90 --> 50-70
  • Q cost:  40-60 --> 45-65
  • E base damage:  80-200 --> 65-205
  • reminder:  she still has a rework
  • mana regen growth:  1.0 --> 0.8 (revert to live)
  • E cooldown:  14s-10s --> 12s-8s
  • base health:  610 --> 640
  • base health regen:  8.5 --> 10.0
  • P stun cooldown:  8s / 6s / 4s @ 1 / 7 / 13  -->  8s / 6s / 4s @ 1 / 6 / 11
  • Q cooldown:  10s-6s --> 8s-6s
Jarvan IV:
  • base armor:  34 --> 36
  • W cooldown:  9s --> 8s
  • W shield duration:  5s --> 4s
  • W flat shield:  now scales with +90% bAD
    • extra shield per enemy champion hit is unchanged at +1.3% tHP
  • magic resist growth:  1.3 --> 1.9
  • E base missing health damage:  8%-10% --> 8%-12%
  • E passive onhit AP scaling:  20% --> 25%
  • P blue Kayn damage amp:  13%-40% lerp --> 15%-45% lerp
  • Q damage bAD scaling per hit:  65% --> 80%
    • reminder:  red Kayn does different damage so this doesn't apply to him
  • base armor:  22 --> 25
  • Q cost:  50-70 --> 50 flat
  • R cooldown:  60s / 45s / 30s  -->  50s / 40s / 30s
Lee Sin:
  • Q damage bAD scaling per cast:  100% --> 120%
    • Q2 max scaling:  200% --> 240%
  • E damage:  100-220 +100% bonus AD  -->  35-115 +100% or +110% total AD
    • tooltip still says 100% but coefficient for the actual effect is now set to 110%, unsure which is intended for live
  • P bonus damage:  8-110 lerp --> 14-116 lerp
  • W cost:  80 --> 60
  • W base shield:  40-80 --> 50-90
  • E damage:  55-175 +30% AP  -->  55-195 +50% AP
    • reminder:  repeat hits are reduced to x0.5, and monsters also take x1.5
  • base attack speed:  0.644 --> 0.658
  • attack speed ratio:  0.644 --> 0.658
  • Q cooldown:  13s-8s --> 11s-7s
  • Q cost:  30 --> 25
  • Q damage bAD scaling:  60% --> 100%
  • E base damage:  105-225 --> 105-265
  • W damage AP scaling:  70% --> 80%
  • Q damage:  70-250 +70% AP  -->  70-290 +90% AP
  • Q base heal:  30-115 lerp --> 40-2120 lerp
  • W flash interaction reverted?
  • P armor and AP per soul:  1.0 --> 1.1
  • Q damage:  100-260 +50% AP  -->  100-280 +75% AP
  • W cooldown:  22s-16s --> 21s-17s
  • E cooldown:  13s-10s --> 12s-10s
  • E damage AP scaling:  40% --> 60%
  • W cooldown:  18s-14s --> 16s-12s
  • might be partially reverted? unsure how much the recent nonsense would affect it so this could be unintentional, but the previous PBE deploy had no Yuumi changes, and the one today only has the attack range nerf + range on passive proc and nothing else (changes to base stats, passive shield, attachment stats, and E haste are missing)
  • W percent health damage AP scaling:  4%% --> 3%%
  • E damage:  60-260 +90% AP  -->  60-240 +80% AP



Umbral Glaive:
  • blackout cooldown:  40s --> 50s
  • bonus damage to wards:  +2 always --> +1 if ranged, +2 if melee
  • tooltip no longer mentions instantly killing traps
Radiant Virtue (+Ornn item):
  • percent health increase:  10% --> 15%
  • aura basic ability haste:  removed
  • aura heal every 3s self tHP scaling:  2% --> 3%
    • total healing over 4 ticks:  8% --> 12%
  • aura heal no longer scales with target's missing health
  • cooldown:  60s --> 90s



Changes from previous days:


  • new "casual surrender" rules are now enabled for normal games (non-unanimous early surrender)
    • these seem to become unavailable after 10k seconds?
  • Tenacity will now stack purely multiplicatively rather than part additively and part multiplicatively
    • see here for an explanation, I'm the source for it


  • has ASU
  • W tooltip no longer mentions its Chemfog interaction
  • R tooltip now mentions the storm ends when you go out of range
  • P:
    • now set to full stacks on game start and respawn (currently not recall yet)
  • W:
    • cost:  90-110 --> 70-110
      • this change got reverted
  • E:
    • reflect damage while shielded rules changed:
      • old:  deals damage every time the target is dealt onhits
      • new:  deals damage when taking damage from attacks and spells, but only once per enemy per cast
    • reflect damage value:  20-60 +20% AP  -->  30-90 +40% AP
    • shield:  40-220 +35% AP  -->  60-220 +55% AP
    • haste:  20%-50% decaying  -->  15%-35% constant
      • this was in the initial patch but wasn't intended and got pulled
  • R:
    • Tibbers health now scales with +75% AP (base values unchanged at 1300 / 2200 / 3100)
    • Tibbers resists now scale with +5% AP (base values unchanged at 30 / 60 / 90)
  • R Tibbers speed:  370 flat --> 350 / 375 / 400
  • R tooltip now includes Tibbers stats
  • R missiles are now castable while dead
    • this fixes a bug where if the caster died during the cast time, the soldiers would fail to have any collision, dealing no damage yet still going on cooldown (they now deal damage in this situation like they used to)
  • W damage to shielding conversion:  15% --> 7.5%
    • this is actually a bugfix, as the shield conversion has always been half of the stated value since his release, so this change combined with that fix results in no actual change besides the tooltip now matching the effect
    • part of this change accidentally shipped to live with the 13.1b hotfix, so he actually shields for 3.75% on live currently
  • R tooltip healing reworked to be a bit more clear that the Q healing also applies
  • R tooltip healing also no longer has a bunch of decimals
  • W tooltip reworked to reflect the 13.1 math changes (this one won't be hotfixed yet but the rest will)



Archangel's Staff:
  • will now show in the shop when searching "Tear"
    • already showed up for "aa" and "seraph's embrace"
  • will now show in the shop when searching "Tear"
    • already showed up for "Muramana"
Seraph's Embrace:
  • tooltip will now record total damage shielded over the game
Tear of the Goddess:
  • will now show in the shop when searching for any of the upgraded or transformed Tear items
Winter's Approach:
  • will now show in the shop when searching "Fimbulwinter"



External link →
about 2 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Originally posted by RinViri

I had to switch mains cause he does 0 damage early

Not sure how you can justify this, when his dmg combo at lvl 6 does:

485-590 (+ 500-600% bAD) physical dmg. This is without any autoattacks, and Lee easily gets 2-3 autos off. Nothing short of a full armor tank survives this early game.

You can argue Lee is weak, but you can't argue his dmg is low, because these numbers are insanely high.

I didn't do the Lee change, but this is one where I have to jump in and point out something that's pretty frustrating. You phrase this is "not sure how you can justify this" and then list out the damage (for sake of time I'll just assume the numbers you posted are correct).

Let's take the most picked jungler in Plat+ Maokai. At level 6, Maokai has 1060 HP and 60 Armor (~38% damage reduction). Lee Sin at 6 items likely has 40-60 bAD (~150 total AD). So if Lee Sin hits literally every ability and maximizes damage with 3 autos, that's ~850 damage to Maokai with 0 items. Reduced even further if Maokai is allowed to spend the 2-3k gold Lee Sin spent.

Yes listing numbers is great, but saying they're objectively large without a comparison makes no sense.

Now the subjective part is how much damage should Lee Sin be allowed to do in an average game state with a full combo. That's a tough question, but to confidently say that his current damage is consistently killing everything is blatantly not true.

The goal here is mainly to point out how so much data can be thrown around to paint anything in a good/bad direction.