League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Apr


Originally posted by nalabearCLT

so maybe by next year you’ll have the beta released on live servers?

that’s the takeaway from “later this year we will release our simple beta for 2 weeks on PBE to gather feedback”

Thank you for commenting! I get the frustration as waiting is a pain, but we are also building out the core infrastructure and tooling around bots as well.

We want to launch as soon as we are able to, but we want to make sure that we can long-term sustainably improve the bots, maintain them, and expand them to other usecases. (For example, future game modes, replacing AFK players, making bots come out alongside new champs, new AI for mobs and jungle monsters, and fixing bugs quickly and easily).

All this infrastructure takes time and deep consideration for the impact on a bunch of teams, but I believe it will be worth the wait for the long-term happiness of our players.


Originally posted by IEclipseI

what happened to shyvana priority ? i remember reav3 saying that she was now tier 1 priority for a vgu she went really well on the pools and a lot people wanted but then Mundo that was worst then her in the pool got a vgu and she didn't
and now she just seems forgotten

Need to finish Skarner first!


Originally posted by Anirius




Originally posted by sleepyrainwizard

Could you make it so bots obtain kill gold? I was sad to learn a “fed” bot is still on a consistent timeline for item purchases.

We are building our bots to play as players, so they will get the money and gold that players get (including kill gold!)


Originally posted by QueenMunchy

Based Riot Teemo flair

I chose it for that extra chaos energy B)


Originally posted by Shin_mmi

I am SO excited about this! Kinda sad I went for bot blaster at the end of last year instead of waiting 😅. This is so exciting, especially since PvE was mentioned a few times, and I never played back when PvE modes existed. My one wish is to experience updated doombots since videos made it look chaotic and fun.

I am also a big fan of the idea of DoomBots making a come back :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Hello reav, good to see you back on the videos! Hope you're well! Just to confirm, our midlane mage will be male and sounds pretty emo? Or did you not want to reveal gender yet? Did somehting happen that he did not get a teaser image or was that planned?

He is indeed a very sad boi


Originally posted by Myxitu

would it be possible in a future to have a bot replace an afk player in normal games?

We are building toward a future where we have the capabilities to do this! Currently, we are working on the core infrastructure, and certain champs could be fairly difficult, but this is something we are jazzed to investigate once we have a stable and working system in place. :)


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

u/RiotBrightmoon I hope you guys finally include jungler bots. I've been playing since 2018 today I'm level 1295 and the experience for new players is still terrible! All the new players are forced to play against bots for X levels against:

2 bots at the top, 2 in the bot, and one in the mid.

When new players go to ranked games or normal games they discover that magically there is another role within the League of Legends which is: jungler.

It is no wonder that it is one of the role that players lack the most, they are not taught to play in the jungle at the moment they enter on League of Legends. I've been talking about this for years, I hope you guys finally address this problem with a solution. And present the real game of League of Legends as soon as possible to all players who need to play vs bots first.

Games against bots should be like a regular ranked...

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Jungle bots are a priority! The current system is honestly terrible for new players


Originally posted by x2saturn

Skarner delayed again sigh, they really just don’t give a flying f**k about this champ at all.

Its not that we don't care. Its more that we care alot! Delaying a champ means we are keeping people on the project longer. That usually means a more expensive project (time = money when everyone is salaried). We are willing to do that because we really want to get it right rather than ship something we don't have tons of confidence in. This usually means bigger iterations to test, playtest and run labs. It may not result in bigger changes but it means we are doing as much due diligence as we can.


Originally posted by TheRealSad

And while you level up your bots, could you please permaban all level 30 bought accounts raised by bot networks?

Buying accounts is by your own ToS' ruling illegal, yet every game in Plat upwards features some 'mysterious' prodigy with a level 30 account who gets 40 LP each win, is extremely toxic and plays way out of the league they're in.

And no, don't bullshit me with this "level 30s aren't all bad" nonsense. The level that these alleged 'new' players play on is absolutely ridiculous and you can tell from a single game they play whether or not they're new or an illegally bought account.

Also, their name history which I'm sure Riot can check would further drive the nail into the coffin.

Hello! Although I am only the PO for League Bots, if you check out our dev blog they talk about starting to do some ban waves around the bad kind of bots so hopefully you will see less of these kind of bad bots in the future!


Originally posted by bz6

But why does the League SR have to suffer for other teams to be staffed? New champions and SR evolution are key to League's longevity. And after all the reshuffling the 2v2v2v2 mode releasing in summer is still going to be a prototype...


SR is a separate team from Champions. We're not reducing SR priority to focus on game modes, we're shifting from new Champions specifically, based in significant part on feedback from players that they'd like fewer new champions and more other stuff.

At this point the 2v2v2v2 mode won't be just a prototype. It should be reasonably refined, hence mention for example of having a new map for it rather than just having to repurpose an existing map like we were doing during initial prototyping.


Originally posted by StopDyingMan

Please keep the "Imagine if I had a real weapon" line for Jax.

Technically he still doesn't have a real weapon


Originally posted by Reaperdude97

Have you guys looked into deep learning applications for Bots? I know OpenAI was using an unstructured learning approach to train a team of 5 AI how to play DOTA and apparently they found relatively good success. I wonder if, with a well structured approach, and access to the LoL API, you could teach/develop macro sense in bots to a similar extent and with relatively low computational “intensity”. It would be really cool to see.

We are highly aware of this work in particular and are connected with a few folks over in OpenAI. We are also keeping a strong eye on the work around Juewu has been doing in the space!

A reason we decided to pivot our technical infrastructure is to hopefully allow a future to be inclusive of a variety of bots that provide challenging and fun experiences to a wide variety of player motivations and needs. It is one of the reasons we want to take our time to ensure our structure is sound ...

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Originally posted by drwontoned

Skarner delay sadge

Good news since the article is that we made considerable progress since the article was written :D Not sure if it would help Skarner catchup on the time he already was delayed for... but the team is feeling way more optimistic and energy is picking up! Can wait to have Skarner rushing through into the rift for y'all :D


Originally posted by Aludarg

its ao cringe hear them

During development of this video we sat down and talked about how Aludarg didn't like our voices. Our solution was a written summary, just for you, that I'll link here:



Originally posted by WhiteGuar

I'm wondering if some of the champions that were in line for total reworks could get gameplay changes + delayed visual update instead. Because champions like Kog'Maw and Cho'Gath are imo fine gameplay wise (at least if compared to Skarner, Tryndamere, Nocturne) and don't really need drastic changes to their kit, just some tweaks here and there and ofc new graphics.

To ensure cohesion of a champion, we generally have to evaluate as a whole package. Even if the gameplay is working, sometimes we need to figure out how this champ fits into the greater runeterra world. Once we make those changes, design usually reconsiders the current kit works well or if there are lightweight tweaks that would make the champ feel alot better as a cohesive package. We also usually use these moments to clean up the scripts to more modern standards. Thus, its not always as simple as just updating art. What goes on underneath the covers on a champ is still bulky work that someone have to set space aside to take on.


Originally posted by WoorieKod

Long ago, I've groups of friends that'd exclusively play AI intermediate and avoid norms/pvp

Is this still relevant? Is there any statistics of how many legitimate AI mode players are out there, just curious since this topic was never really brought up since forever ago

There is some data, but we are working to gather a deeper analysis overall around these types of players, especially once we begin to test them out on live! I know I personally would play a lot more if I had an equitable challenge in co-op versus AI that gives me the same skill expression without the worry of a PvP experience.

Overall though, my gut feeling says if we do make overall better bots, we can also draw a lot more players to play in our co-op versus AI modes (more folks like your friends!) As the current bots get really repetitive and don't provide the variety that PvP experiences offer.


Originally posted by Xydru

I notice a few champions getting VUs that are more in line with their Legends of Runeterra counterparts. Is the LoL team looking at that and thinking "That's sick, we should put that in LoL" or is it more of a directed effort throughout all Riot Games?

Gradual move towards more joint planning and development. We're starting to get more cases of one game/team identifying a cool direction for a character and other games then figuring out how to also adopt that approach around the same time. Won't always be possible, but should see more cases like this going forwards


Originally posted by NamixSoraka

3rd skirmish jungler in a row? It’s a pretty diverse role you know, they don’t have to be one class

We are aware of this and have adjusted future roadmaps to balance! Sometimes if I handout too many restrictions for a champ it will become extremely limiting ont he creative space. There are times when it works well: Milio needed to be from Ixtal and need to be young boy and need to be core enchanter. Sometimes you get more of a mashup that is not great for cohesion. In those cases, somethings need to give. Also, all of the champions that end up making it to players hands are not necessarily all of the champs in development/ explored. When champs don’t work out, we don’t adjust other in dev champs to accommodate because usually it’s too late. We can only adjust further out roadmaps (champs that haven’t fully formed yet).