League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Apr


Originally posted by ztfh

As an experienced player, would it be possible to implement a more advanced training stage, like a jungle gym in prac tool? Moving targets of different speeds, or attaching items to a target to test functionality as a solo player would be nice

We are building this system to be extendable to these goals and use cases!

Since this is new infrastructure, we are starting easy and scaling to other use cases once we are confident in the infrastructure.


Originally posted by lRuko

will rek sai be look into her kit since the prowler claw has the dash removed?

Yes, with a goal to ship alongside the item changes. There's some risk that the patch date slips still, but we understand that she needs it.


Originally posted by Affectionate_Car7098

It won't be a good training system though, the only part missing is jungling and wasting resources on the bots isn't going to improve that, for players to learn they need to play against players, pure and simple

We are adding in jungle bots :)


Originally posted by NocaNoha

Bit off topic, but I still somewhat hope they return to experimenting with items on ARAM.. just throw some wacky ideas out there and see what could maybe work

No better testing ground than it

ARAM players don't deviate from the Summoner's Rift item set often enough to yield much data, even when the ARAM items are grossly OP, unfortunately. They'll play alt builds using SR items at a very high rate, but ARAM-only items are apparently a really tough sell to that audience.

I'd still like to do some more of it someday, but its hard to prioritize something we know won't impact the experience very much.


Originally posted by HarryHagaren

Just in case any Rioter reads the comments: why did the bots in intermediate coop suddenly stop having skins?

Up until a few months ago, bots use to have skins, and it was often a cool way to see new skins in-game.

Unsure but thank you for flagging! We do have this as a Must requirement though for our new bots, so thank you for saying you appreciate it as it makes it an even stronger Must when we launch. :)


Originally posted by EnureQi

So like Heimerdinger

Oh true, it's been long enough I'd forgotten he followed that same path


Originally posted by LionelleDi

Same, I like playing this way and can;t wait for the new bots!

Please try our bots out when they come out later this year for the PBE test! We are currently aiming for helping newbies, but we do have much longer term goals that your opinion would help us influence!


Originally posted by truthordairs

Since Ornn’s release he had a bug where his knock ups were effected by tenacity- which isn’t supposed to happen. They fixed it last patch which made him skyrocket in winrate.

Yep, we debated if we wanted to nerf him for 13.9 to keep it power neutral, but wanted to verify that the bugfix didn't introduce other bugs. This is kinda one of the hard things about having to lock patches about ~5 days after the previous patch goes live.

But at this stage it does appear that most of the power was adding about ~0.5s of CC or more to his combos. So expect adjustments in 13.10/13.11 if he stays up in the 53s.


Originally posted by oCloudy4

So I thought we said we were going to "focus on more modes and cool stuff, and that we would be getting LESS new champs." Is this what qualifies as less? I dunno I feel like that part was just said for fun, and they continue the champ development as usual. I love the ASUs, love the small client update, but I want this game to be better. I'm not fiending for a new champion to play lmao, I'm fiending for a menu that looks like Valorant. Make me feel something when I load up League.

Changes we make to development priorities take a while to get reflected in what ships in the game, given content and features are made well in advance of when they actually ship. Moving people off the new champion team as a result has reduced the expected number of champions for 2024 (since that's what that team works on in 2023), but doesn't have much affect on 2023 content (which was worked on a lot in 2022).

Similarly, moving people on to the modes team takes a while to have visible effect on what we're shipping. Adding people to the team in January speeds up work meaningfully, but doesn't mean we can immediately start shipping things that weren't already in progress. The summer game mode (2v2v2v2) is the first thing that has benefited significantly from that reprioritization.

And regarding your comment "make me feel something when I load up League" - love that way of describing it. I think we lost something meaningful when login screens went away for example. I...

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Originally posted by F0RGERY

Does this mean Renekton bot going afk will be fixed?

Yes! We are building a much more scalable and maintainable system to ensure these kind of bugs are easy to triage and fix.

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Originally posted by KeeBoley

u/reav3 any chance we can get confirmation on Briar's (is that how you spell her name) champion class? Skirmisher? Mage? Tank?

Edit: Roadmap that was released makes it sound like diver/skirmisher for those wondering.



Originally posted by Pigwick123

guys the dash is being removed from prowerls, aka reksai is being removed from the game lol

We've flagged a few champs that have been balanced around the dash and expect to buff/adjust them on the same patch or on the following one.

Balancing around 1 unhealthy dash that polarizes your kit and balance state usually isn't the best place. Currently Talon (who at least has somewhat competitive secondary options), Renekton, and Rek'Sai are among the most warped by Prowler's right now.


Originally posted by deathspate

Not a Rioter, however they're working on updating the anti-cheat system for LoL. This isn't something they will publicly speak about tho, given its nature. I know at least one of the Vanguard devs (probably more tbh) are working on tackling botting and scripting in LoL.

Can confirm we're working on improved anti-cheat, for obvious reasons it's something we're vague about publicly though


Originally posted by WoorieKod

As someone who played an entire year of bots before normals and spent hundred of custom only against bots this could be interesting

I hope they make it challenging enough that casuals are able to play it often and long enough as a side game

100%! I played bots until level 17 and only through sheer willpower (and the power of friendship) did I stick around long enough to learn to love League, and now it's the major reason I joined Riot.

We have a long term goal to provide challenging bots for all skill levels, since even now when I want to play, I usually want to try something fun and see if it would work out at my skill level. I think bots is an excellent opportunity to meet these types of needs. :D


Originally posted by deathspate

I think the issue with Jack at least is that he feels just like fish Sett.

Agreed. Given the sort of game it is LoR needs a lot more characters than LoL does (or can feasibly have), so more overlap there makes a lot of sense but is a downside when considering potential translation over to LoL


Originally posted by Proxnite

If not friend then why friend-shaped?

Don't have to convince me!


Originally posted by LionelleDi

Honestly, I played over 1500 games with and aginst bots so I can't wait for this!!! I hope we will also be able to get more points for passes playing vs AI

Hey! Thanks for being super excited for our bots! We are super excited to make them feel great from newbie to co-op versus AI mains. :)


Originally posted by UwUSamaSanChan

Annoyed they only barely mentioned fighters/brusiers itemization. I can name 4 champs I've seen use trinity force or stridebreaker this season. 3 if you don't count Ezreal lmao. It's always either divine Sunderer or lethality. And of the new lethality turns out to be bad for top laners it's just gonna be divine Sunderer 24/7. Maybe a tank mythic if you're "lucky".

Looking at straight buffs to Sterak's Gage, Goredrinker, Trinity Force, and Stridebreaker, and possibly something for Hullbreaker. Those will be direct buffs to existing mechanics - not really what this article is about.


Originally posted by Plut0niumFray

Making the adc capstones into mythics seems fine to me but what champs that currently build galeforce are going to still buy galeforce when they have to choose between it and IE/QB? Unless theyre reworking Gale to also function as a capstone item I cant really see it being built very often.

Galeforce has significant changes in place to ensure that it still has a place in the system.


Originally posted by SiriDeCabeca

Jax got a mid scope update and then a couple months later an ASU, which essentially means he got a VGU but with a delayed V

At one point last year we were actually considering shipping both the gameplay changes and the visual update component at the same time. It looked like it'd be quite a while until we could line both up though, so figured in this case we should just get the gameplay shipped since it wasn't dependent on the full visual overhaul (unlike most VGUs, where kit changes won't work with old model, anims, VFX etc)