League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Originally posted by ChocolateFuryB

They are always triggered. He could dress up in a suit and tie and they'd mald.

might test this tomorrow


Feedback noted and taken! I was trying to be more critical of all the facets of the game because these teams have such high pedigree and experience.


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

Something the casters missed, at 25 minutes into this game when MAD was pushing into the base with 2 inhibs already down, LIDER and then Finn both purchased Steel Shoulderguards (the support item) and were using the execute on minions to help clear the super minions as the Astralis team comp severely lacked wave clear.

In the end, they still lost but the super minion execute + sharing the gold was quite a smart idea in a team full Melee + Zeri team comp.

I did miss this, thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by KManatee

That's a bit too much makeup on Ender, eh?I don't mind his snazzy outfits normally, but this is a bit excessive...

Edit: Not bothered by it or hating on him, I think he looks fine generally.

I'll preface this by saying I'm genuinely not bothered by your comment.

But respectfully, im not wearing it for you.

15 Apr


Originally posted by Javonetor

of course the first broadcast day after the ama from the LEC producers saying they kind of fix the overlay it breaks

🥲 Does this count as a caster curse?


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Hey Mr. u/RiotQuickshot, you are very kind, congratulations on the attitude! 💙

Back in 2018 when I started playing Lol PC I also met a very kind Rioter like you, I loved seeing the interactions here.

Months later I tried to play Heroes of the Storm. I couldn't adapt to the game's mechanics, XP, objectives, etc., but the experience was worth it I loved the heroes and their abilities!

It was very enriching for my baggage, nowadays as a designer I've been creating for months (in the form of an exercise) a new kit for one new shapeshifter support champion in League.

I hope we can see something refreshing for HotS in a few months as we saw with Overwatch's renewal.

PS: your dog is very cute! Samoyed right? They are adorable!

Her name is Appa, (appathecloud) on Instagram hehe


Originally posted by BlueLaserCommander


You have to be friends with an account for X number of hours before you’re able to gift the account.

I think it’s 48 hours or something.

Edit: Just saw that you’re a Rioter. Hi! I’m sure you have a way to workaround this issue

I wish I could over rule them, but I can't. Just being patient and spamming on chat daily haha


Originally posted by Mr_Flibbles_767

Champion Reneta Glasc and the Gentleman cho'gath skin :) I really like Glasc's cc potential, especially after getting into zelian. And cho'gath...well...it gives a top hat, monocle, now tie and a pipe. I'm not saying no

Between the in client protections for gifts and apparently a daily gift limit I haven't been able to fulfil just yet, but I will 😁 a LECaster pays their debts.

14 Apr


Super dope - thx for putting this together and sharing!


Originally posted by restform

Honestly chat should be off by default for new players anyway. When you are new to this game, you are alone, easily 95+% of new accounts you're playing against are experienced players and they will talk shit to you for not understanding the game in its entirety with a level 5 account.

Pretty sure dota has a que for new players that limits the champion pool to basic champs + mutes chat. Kinda good.

New players now only see party chat by default. They'll need to enable team chat if/when they want to engage with the league chat experience.

Dota's NPQ is mostly the same as our co-op vs ai I think. (Since you don't start with all the champions unlocked in league)

13 Apr


Originally posted by sandlube2

That's cool and all, how does it look like when they are in duo?

How does what look?


Originally posted by _HotSoup


It's hard to know exactly who's doing what behind the scenes, but I feel like you can step back and look at the changes over the last two years of LCS, and kinda connect the dots easily enough to get an idea of the positive impacts she had.

I remember being very impressed when she first stepped into the role and seeing how much she wanted to learn, by asking questions and listening to fans, broadcast talent, players, orgs, etc. It was a very different approach to the job, and one I was very happy to see. She genuinely seemed to care a lot. Her first year seemed like a "ask questions, listen to what people are asking for, and learn as much as possible" with her second year being one of taking action with all the information she gathered. It was super nice to see, and it obviously started working really well. Imo the way she went about everything, given the circumstances, is exactly the way a leader should act. She was given a shit hand and still managed to tur...

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Appreciate that a lot.


Originally posted by shuvvel

Jackie, if you see this I'll always remember how you went above and beyond for me personally to make things right for me last year when something I was looking forward to had to be cancelled. The effort that you, Daniel and the team put in for just some random guy was unexpected and just super, super clutch. Wishing you the best with everything.

Special shout to Captain Flowers, Dash, Emily, Raz and Jatt.

That means a lot thank you!


Originally posted by EUTriaged

Hey there! I'm John Depa, the Executive Producer of the LEC!

Was lurking around Reddit and saw this post. I have experience with this— so I can definitely chime in! Ahaha.

I'll start with why things go wrong. Super TL;DR - A lot of reasons that are not related to the game, and it's getting better with time!

We've been talking about building an improved HUD since 2018. For a few years, we utilised a graphics system called Viz Trio (which we use for most of our other show graphics) to design and render our HUD over the game, but we found that it was ultimately too limiting for what we envisioned for a great HUD display for our game. And so, after awhile, we decided to simply build a new tool from the ground up to run our HUD. We test this tool regularly whenever we roll out new features, but ultimately, because we're building it ourselves, we don't benefit from the sheer amount of user testing that larger graphics systems benefit from. This is what ended up ...

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Depa is the GOAT


Originally posted by elgeokareem

Hey thanks for the response! By any chance do you know what programming languages or tools are used to build something like this?

Our overlay is basically just a website, so it is made with HTML/CSS/JS, specifically we use Svelte for the graphics frontend (everything you see), with a Node.js backend. On top of that you see some things that don't come from that overlay, for example the mini map, which comes from the observer client.-


Originally posted by Darko_BarbrozAustria

Just a info, the game in EMEA on Thursday (SKP vs ANS? greece team) counted am execute as a kill for the enemy team. Maybe it''s a bug, or something. But idk if EMEA Masters uses the same tool.

Yep it is a bug, it happened in LEC last week as well. It should be fixed for LEC this week, not sure if we can get the fix into EMEA Masters for the current tournament. Thanks for reporting it!


Originally posted by Damurph01

Hey John,

Is there a chance we could see (instead of just an arrow pointing to one player with the gold difference) a rough estimate of each players gold in the hud. So you’d see for example, in the Rekkles vs Hans Sama tragedy in winter split. 5.1k (5k >>>) 10.1k.

So we’d see the total gold of each player, AND the gold difference? I’m not sure if you’d deem this to be unnecessary, but it would be nice to be able to see the gold difference between players in different roles. Not sure if this would make the whole “gold difference” stat redundant though.

Like, if both midlaners are even in gold, but are 3k above the rest of the lobby, it’s different from them being even and down 3k. And it would be nice to be able to see things like this without having to clock in to the Lolesports page, sometimes I watch on YouTube or twitch instead and I can only see said stats when production brings up an overlay.

I dont think we'll permanently show the total gold, there just is not enough space to show that and the GD. There are two ways this is displayed occasionally though:

  • The "Total Gold" side-slab that is brought up from time to time
  • The casters and observers can swap the CS to gold for short periods of time

Originally posted by Mechanizen

Let's be real, the best way for Riot to act against smurfs is to sue every single website that sells account. As long as players are able to buy accounts for 5-8$ there will be a problem with smurfing.

Banning or chat restricting players has no effect when accounts are expendable and can be replaced within 5 mins for less than a skin.

Also a lot of streamers (mainly onetricks) are sponsored by boosting/smurf services, some of them even have Riot partner accounts. It is Riot's responsiblity to enforce their terms of use on these public personalities and reduce the exposure of these websites that contribute to bypass sanctions and maintain toxicity afloat.

But I doubt they will ever do this because they benefit from it in a way. People who get banned for toxicity are also those who play the most. Allowing these players to stay in the game by "paying a fee" everytime they get banned allows Riot to keep their numbers up on a game which's popular...

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I would say the best way for us to action against smurfs is to get people to their actual MMR as fast as humanly possible. And we are working on this. If you make a smurf, and you should be in plat, lets get you to plat in 2 or 3 games.

People being toxic is a separate issue, and people buying secondary accounts to get around bans is a separate issue that we are also working on. I don't think people buying smurf accounts inherently makes them toxic. People have different reasons for playing on smurfs, it's the nefarious accounts that we need to be most concerned with.


Originally posted by DarkXcution

Man this is soo true ....my smurf is plat 2 while my main is gold 2 ....

Can you share your main and your smurf please?