League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Apr


Originally posted by TalaHusky

Yeah. I started “smurfing” because my P4 account could no longer play with my S2/1 friends in ranked. Luckily they’re all in gold now so it doesn’t matter anymore. But this season it didn’t even make a difference. I’m ending provisionals in P4 on the Smurf accounts, but ending provisionals in gold on the main. It makes zero sense logically. I don’t play any differently.I lose just as many games in silver as I do plat.

The fact of the matter is that most games are coin flips. I had a streak of 5 losses in a row where my bot combined (5 game total) was around 20kills-80deaths it’s just insanity when you can regularly have people in any elo that get behind and just decide yep, I’m done trying and have 15+ if not 20+ deaths and receive no punishment.

Can you share your main and your smurf?


Originally posted by goodshtpost

positive win rate and generally negative lp gains.(there are some periods in which i gain 28 lp out of nowhere but generally i win 23 and lose 25)

Right, this is because your MMR is lower than where you're at so it's trying to pull you down.

12 Apr


Originally posted by Queen_Kalista

This right here.

I have a 65% winrate on my Main and I get 22lp when I win and Lose 28lp when I loose.

I have 65% winrate on my smurf and i get 30lp dvery game and Lose 18lp when I loose..

Can you link me your main and your smurf please?


Originally posted by Stel2

Ask for PAX/limited skins 5Head /s

(Thoses skins are very rare and cannot be bought/given/obtained like this)

I can only gift things through the store unfortunately I don't have the power to open the vault.


Originally posted by Mr_Flibbles_767

If I would have chosen it'd likely have been bard or aatrok. They filled the majority of my recommendations

Okay, so here's the deal, DM me your in game name, and champion and favoured skin 😁 take my word for it, this is not something I'm 'personally' paying for 😜😜 thank Rito and go hogwild. Something you're intrigued by or the most expensive. I'll add you to my friend list and send the gift once the timing window passes


Originally posted by miloshem

Why does Riot have multiple people working on similar systems? Not very scalable.

Also, taking the opportunity here to ask: If one wanted to join Riot to work on such internal systems, which roles from the website would be most appropriate? Really appreciate an answer, if you know.

u/EUTriaged talked a bit more about your first question in a different thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/12jnymy/comment/jfzc1d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Hard to answer the second one since there are lots of open roles in Soft...

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Originally posted by dezmodez

Depa-proofing live is the ultimate stress test ;)

Thanks for the insight. Are you guys still using Tricaster for your switching?

The tricaster must have been long before my time! We're running on a Ross Acuity switcher with 4 MEs (some of which we use as split MEs). On roadshows and some of the other studios at Riot use Grass Valley Kahunas!


Originally posted by gksxj

Have you considered straight-up modding the Spectator UI? Or is that what you are already doing when you mention you built something from the ground up?

Just by looking at it, 90% of that HUD can be achieved with basic asset swaps, the scoreboard, Champion Portraits Frames, HP/Mana Bars, fonts. If 90% of your HUD was running natively in League wouldn't it be more stable? All you have to add is the things that the Spectator don't give you, like the XP bars for each Champion, gold different between laners, etc... making it much "lighter" and not such a big deal if it fails since most of the UI remains the same.

I know it can be done because I have extensive experience doing it, and you being Official Riot should have even easier access to UI asset swaps, if you need an intern to do it, I'm right here lol

We didn't consider modifying the spectator UI as this would likely be more complex and need the collaboration of more teams and people to accomplish additions. (For example, let's say we wanted to add a feature— now instead of keeping this just to the broadcast team, we now need to design in collaboration with the game teams!)

It also lets us do things like the "tab down" effect, where the player cameras move in sync with the scoreboard when a teamfight starts. The observers hit a button that trigger a DVE Effect on our Keyer Layer that moves the entire section downward to reveal the game underneath! Otherwise you might have these elements moving out of sync from each other.


Originally posted by Taivasvaeltaja

For remote play, wouldn't it be better to have even longer delay so that the broadcast would have more freedom to skip the pauses? Or is the issue that with longer time delay, the results get leaked before the 'livestream' finishes?

We felt that ten was managable. The more delay we added during remote play, the more we had to track what was happening ahead of broadcast. Pauses longer than seven minutes were rare. We often only utilised 2-3 minutes to clear pauses.


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

It doesn't feel good when LP seemingly arbitrarily starts clamping, with no real benchmarks for when it improves, as an example. This pushes people to hop accounts, or "smurf", because the main drive behind playing ranked for the past half-decade has been getting LP, not actually improving or enjoying challenging games; just an endless grind for LP.

Thoughts on this?

This is the #1 Reason why all my friends and I stopped playing Ranked and probably a massive catalyst in regards to Smurf Accounts.

Whether or not it's true, it feels genuinely horrible to know that I could play the exact same quality & quantity of games on 2 Accounts and only see meaningful LP Gains from the New Account because Riot's System has "Settled" on my Main Account.

No incentive to play Ranked on my Main Account whatsoever.

I personally think it's a problem. It doesn't feel good to be making progress to be winning, and then to feel like you have to overcome herculean odds to continue to climb at some point. That being said, there does have to be some sort of classification of players so that there's a reason someone is Gold 3, and someone is Plat 4, and someone is Diamond 2. I don't have an objective measurement on if this system is the most perfectly tuned system we can come up with. We are doing a lot of work around how we evaluate player skill and how we make adjustments to MMR, so perhaps some of these will bear fruit in solving this problem.

That being said, if you continue to play on your main account and continue to win, you WILL see changes over time because your MMR will adjust and then the system will give you more LP. But if you want to see bigger movement, you _have_ to win streak, because at the moment, that's the only way for the system to be able to evaluate that you perhaps ...

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Originally posted by LeosWorld1

A triggered graphic would be perfect for it. (Or since you are planning to have different HUD arrangements in the future, it could be part of one of these new HUD scenes before a big teamfight)

Obviously you guys have a lot of other features to manage and making everything stable for live broadcast is no easy job. I want to thank you for all the work you do. The LEC HUD has been awesome and it's great to hear it's getting even better. Kudos to you and the team and I am looking forward to see your future work!

Thank you for your interest and taking the time to give the feedback above. Also thanks for the kind words :).


Originally posted by EUTriaged

Hey there! I'm John Depa, the Executive Producer of the LEC!

Was lurking around Reddit and saw this post. I have experience with this— so I can definitely chime in! Ahaha.

I'll start with why things go wrong. Super TL;DR - A lot of reasons that are not related to the game, and it's getting better with time!

We've been talking about building an improved HUD since 2018. For a few years, we utilised a graphics system called Viz Trio (which we use for most of our other show graphics) to design and render our HUD over the game, but we found that it was ultimately too limiting for what we envisioned for a great HUD display for our game. And so, after awhile, we decided to simply build a new tool from the ground up to run our HUD. We test this tool regularly whenever we roll out new features, but ultimately, because we're building it ourselves, we don't benefit from the sheer amount of user testing that larger graphics systems benefit from. This is what ended up ...

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Adding on a bit here to talk about testing. Overall we just have a very complex setup which makes full integration tests tricky.

The HUD is made in HTML (with Svelte as the GFX frontend for those interested) and the rest of the broadcast setup is not specifically designed to work well with that. That makes it hard to test all possible combinations of settings and inputs across the app itself, the observer client, the broadcast software, etc. On top of that broadcast software which allows for HTML overlays (like OBS) don't usually run super up to date browsers and can be finicky to optimize for.

Improving those testing pipelines is definitely always a priority and I think we have learned a lot over the last few splits of running the HUD.


Originally posted by vide2

what about a system that catches afks more than just "no input in 30 seconds"? People stutterstep in fountain and system doesn't detect. It feels so good to know there's loss mitigation, but you didn't get it because the toxic one "dribbeled the system" by rightclicking once in 20 seconds.

This is something I'll bring up with the team responsible for this. Your comment has raised some questions in my mind for them. I probably won't follow up but keep an eye on patch notes in the future, I'm hoping we can find a solution here.


Originally posted by LeosWorld1

I don't have question but a suggestion for a feature that I think will be really awesome to see in LEC. I posted it a couple weeks ago in a different thread but I'm afraid I was too late and it got burred in the comments. Here it is:

What I'd like to see is a total gold spent on combat items for each team stat.

Currently we have the total gold accumulated by each team during the course of the game at the top of the screen but that stat can be misleading at times - since it also counts gold spent on consumables like pots and wards, and gold that players have in their inventory that doesn't contribute to anything at that moment.

What I want is literally a stat that adds up all the gold spent on COMBAT items in player's inventories. This stat will be super useful to see before a teamfight starts as it will clearly show which team has the advantage. So for instance if a team is ahead let's say 10k gold total but didn't base before a teamfight and has 5k of that ...

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I agree, we should add this somewhere, I ll add it to the backlog. Not sure where we will show it, it will likely be a triggered graphic that casters and observers can show when they wanna talk about it. How often they actually want to use it would then be up to them, which makes the most sense to me for this.

Originally posted by Mr_Flibbles_767




Originally posted by AtreusIsBack

During the pandemic, pro play moving to non-stage games, did the structure and approach to technology change after Covid-19?

It seemed like problems, most commonly game pauses, technical issues, delays got amplified and multiplied even after pro play returned to the stage.

Was there technology that you started using during the pandemic and then just stuck to it once the whole thing started going back to normal?

I think this is actually a really interesting question to answer because the number of pauses didn’t increase— however, they became more visible!

When we moved to non-stage gameplay, we were operating in 10 minutes of delay to broadcast from game. Our minimum delay was three minutes for competitive integrity but we added an additional seven minutes to allow us to triage pauses without impacting viewers. This is because while trying to solve pauses, we assumed it would take longer given that everybody was remote.

This meant that for the entire time that we were playing remote, the viewers actually didn’t see all of the pauses that happened, because when they did happen, we would just “skip over” them. Everything from Internet outages to more minor things like needing to adjust mouse or keyboard settings. Viewers would only see pauses if they were longer than seven minutes.

Before remote play, we had all of those pauses, and now, after remote play, we have t...

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Originally posted by Trindokor

I mean, you probably had seen the reddit posts regarding the new HUD, but just in case you hadn't:
It is really great and all you guys did a superb job with it! The viewing experience of LEC is SO much better because of it. Keep up the good work :)

Thanks a lot! We appreciate the positive feedback, hopefully we can iron out the remaining technical challenges over the next few months.


Want a free champion? After reading all the replies, let me know a champion and skin you'd like, I'll gift it tomorrow. (DM me, but let the readers know your choice too)

Why am I doing this? Whenever I got tilted in league, I played HotS to destroy kids and make my ego feel better. This is how I atone for my sins.


Originally posted by MarcusElden

You should honestly just use the default League replay/client display names like "G2 Caps" instead of doing the weird overlay that changes it to "Caps".

It makes them look less like one cohesive unit of a team and it looks more solo queue-ish, if that makes sense.

I also feel like there's also some weird artifacting around the names as they currently are.

Admittedly we removed it from the sidebars because it seemed like duplicate information that we already establish with the logo on the top scoreboard. Might be more up to personal taste, but I'm all ears for feedback!

With the artifacting, if you have the chance to grab a screenshot when you see it to send over to me, and let me know where you watched (youtube/twitch) and at what quality (source/720/etc) that would help us out immensely. The names appear fine in-studio on our monitors, but maybe some funkiness with the compression that happens when the video is encoded is to blame.


Originally posted by Javonetor

i didn't know you guys built that from scratch, that's cool, thank you for your work haha

and btw, is this a LEC product only or are you receiving help from the "tech" side of Riot to use this tool in other broadcasts?

Hey there. It is not specifically an LEC product only, but it is currently a product developed by us the EMEA team. So you can see it used in the current EMEA Masters as well for example. We do rely on a bunch of products developed and supported by different tech teams at Riot and have been fortunate to have their support in adding new data such as champion stacks for the HUD, so there has been great support in letting us experiment in this space.

We are of course collaborating with other regions and the global side of things regarding these implementations and I think you will see more development in this area across the board in the future. Hopefully our work here can lower the thresholds for others to implement some of the functionality.