You should honestly just use the default League replay/client display names like "G2 Caps" instead of doing the weird overlay that changes it to "Caps".
It makes them look less like one cohesive unit of a team and it looks more solo queue-ish, if that makes sense.
I also feel like there's also some weird artifacting around the names as they currently are.
Admittedly we removed it from the sidebars because it seemed like duplicate information that we already establish with the logo on the top scoreboard. Might be more up to personal taste, but I'm all ears for feedback!
With the artifacting, if you have the chance to grab a screenshot when you see it to send over to me, and let me know where you watched (youtube/twitch) and at what quality (source/720/etc) that would help us out immensely. The names appear fine in-studio on our monitors, but maybe some funkiness with the compression that happens when the video is encoded is to blame.