League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by Proxnite

Buffing lillia and making cosmic drive give MS……..I’m about to get run down by that laughing deer at 100 mph in soloq while she drain tanks everyone with that Jaksho build aren’t I?

Currently planning on shifting her healing out of base and into AP ratios. If she builds jaksho she should have less healing.


Originally posted by Ordinary-Ice-1362

The real problem is Phreak keeps doing useless things. The first buff was actually a nerf. Then he gave him absurd ap ratios as a “buff.” Then we get 15 base hp and a tiny bit of armor that barely changed his winrate.

I don’t understand why thresh gets to play urf and rakan got to be insanely busted for months but Alistar gets meme “buff” after “buff.”

I didn’t implement the 13.7 changes.

13.3 gave him lower mana costs and health ratios as well as AP ratios. I just got the expected bonus HP wrong. And we were conservative with the AP ratios, then realized we didn’t have to be. Adaptive Force stat shards are now a competitive option on him. Diversity seems nice, don’t you agree?


Originally posted by Silverwing20

Who on the balance team is an Alistar otp, hes been buffed like 4 patches in a row now wtf

13.3 was meant to be a buff along with several other tanks. 13.4 was follow-up because it missed.

13.7 was realizing his win rate was still lowish and buffing for MSI. Then 13.8 is identifying that he still has room and with Rakan and Thresh being nerfed, we wanted to ensure there were enough aggressive champions to keep bot lane interesting and not just scaling+enchanter.

As the person most responsible for suggesting Alistar changes at most points here, I promise you I’m not much of an Alistar player.


Originally posted by WeePetal

there are a lot of lvl 30 account that are just straight up toxic.

This is the issue I have with it. The smurf accounts are by far the most toxic players in the games, and are very often usually the first one to start flaming others. They are also the ones that most often start running it down because "you don't deserve to win" even though they were the ones doing badly in the first place.

It's straight up frustrating. I wouldn't take any notice of them, or care that they exist, if they weren't the most toxic people as well as smurfs. It's gotten better, late preseason/early ranked season it was a lot worse with nearly every game having at least 1 smurf in it, but it's still something that I wish Riot addressed.

If Riot doesn't want smurf queue, they need to be punishing these accounts faster.

Yea, this type of experience is horrible, and we're working really hard to mitigate this type of behavior in all areas of the competitive experience. I can't talk specifics, but there are some things coming in the near future that will start to act on these type of players who just want to ruin everyones experience. We are aware of them, and I just want to let you know we're working on it.


Originally posted by grendaall

Similar story here. It took me and my diax friend (almost 700 games) to get my acc from gold 2 to plat 4. Bought new acc and it took us maybe 70 games? Idk whats going on maybe my main acc is doomed by riot system cuz i had silver in s2,3 and 4. Weirdge cuz i checked some accounts and ppl went from bronze to diax/master so 💀 The fact that i play the same at both accounts made me wonder why riot hate my main one. On top of that i cant check my mmr….

We don't hate your main account, your main account, your main account had already settled and the MMR system made a determination of where you were at. It likely thought you were G2, and thus you need to win enough to pull you away from where it determined you were at. If you won 50 games in a row at G2, you would easily make it to P4, right? But you likely were sitting at a 50% WR, which means you aren't going to climb.

If you buy a new account (depending on its MMR when you buy it), it would have more variance and thus you likely are getting more LP gain because it's establishing your skill and likely saying "OK, this person is a lot better than where they're currently at". I forget the exact #, but it takes a number of games before your MMR settles and you need to do more to pull away from that settled state. Also, as someone who is trying to climb in ranked and thus has been playing a lot more, you likely got A LOT better from playing 700 games, and you carried that ...

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Originally posted by WoonStruck

The game was never this bad before smurf queue either.

The problem is a shitty ranked system.

A better ranked system wouldn't feel shitty for anyone on their main account like LoL's.

A better ranked system would put you at the proper MMR much faster, impacting fewer games.

A better ranked system will likely never come from Riot because in all of the past 5 or so years, they've been utterly incapable of designing anything that has improved the game, whether it be items, champions, gameplay systems, or anything else.

We agree with you 1000%, and we're actively working on a number of improvements that will hopefully get us closer to the reality you describe. You will start to see benefits later this year, and then consistent improvements over the next few years. It feels _super bad_ to play against people who aren't at a similar skill level to you and we want to solve that, but it's a highly complex problem and we don't want to launch something half baked that will introduce even more chaos into the system.

10 Apr


Originally posted by endercasts

I heckin love Marks. Each and every one of them.



Originally posted by 64LC64

Doublelift said on costream when it aired that this one was recorded after their win streak into playoffs iirc

This is correct.

He also has not seen the show before from what I could glean so came in about as unprepared as you see in the episode AFAIK.


Originally posted by gift-from-the-sun

Since Nilah didn’t hit hard enough, do you think she might be a candidate for a mini-rework or something akin to that, in order to push her into a better direction?
Or will she probably stay the way she is?

I‘m asking this because some recent champions (Neeko, Rell) were announced for a mini-rework for reasons that apply to Nilah as well.

She could be - but I will say that engagement with Nilah looks pretty different from, say, Rell. She found an audience, it's just not a huge one. Rell, on the other hand, is one of the least popular champions in the entire game, and not particularly deeply played even among players who play her.

So if we can find something cool, awesome, but it's not mandatory in the same way. Nilah's in an ok state in terms of audience; the point I was making is just that Nilah didn't move a whole bunch of melee carry players into bot lane or anything like that.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Axes, this is a mega-dumb unrealistic suggestion, but what if in 13.9 sunderer lost the tank drain skewed healing entirely? Ham-fisted but would solve the shit feeling of Divine basically being the most well rounded of the mythic set at the moment.

I think this would be a good band-aid until preseason. Divine would do a bit more bonus damage to tanks, like now, but no more draining. You want drain? you go Gore.

Trinity would shine better at this point as well.

I'd definitely agree that distinction between Fighter Mythics is a problem (and yes, Sunderer could stand to lose a property). Suspect we'll just be looking at simple tuning

But another problem they have is that they're not all that important to the patterns of Fighters - you'll buy them because they're very efficient with the stats you need to operate, but is it actually important that you have to choose between Goredrinker and Trinity Force, other than the fact that being able to buy both would make you statistically overpowered?

This ties into some of the problems we're having with the Mythic system in general, which we'll be talking about in the not-too-distant future.


Originally posted by iDobleC

Is major changes to the map something that is also considered by the team? Not like elemental rifts were it depends on factors during the game but more like changing jungle pathing or the shape of the outer lanes

I'm not sure if this would be a solution but I'm curious if the scope goes as far as those kind of changes if you guys find it as a possible solution

Eventually yes, this year almost certainly no. We'd like to be able to change the environment more than we currently can (almost not at all), but it requires people with pretty specific skillsets, and our tooling in that area needs improvements for us to be able to do it more regularly.


Originally posted by bz6

Is the team looking to change game flow? Macro/strategy wise it has been extremely stale and predictable. 8 min herald, drakes, etc…

I really hope preseason is large scope. The game needs a huge shuffle, that was preseason is historically known for. Last couple have been so boring tbh. Evolution is a core design value to League.


Potentially yes, strategy is something that is on the table for changes for preseason.

As I said in a different comment, though, we're still scoping so I'm not committing to anything specific there right now.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I never said it was power neutral. I literally recorded a video that went up on this very subreddit where I said the role wasn't weak and that the changes in 13.1b were buffs.


Originally posted by Jragon713

Yeah, I think it's all really unfortunate. I don't remember S2-3 very well anymore, but I liked 8.11; having one role be so class-locked when all of the other roles have more options just doesn't feel right.

The only thing I can think of would be to explicitly say "we're going to balance certain mages around bot lane instead of mid lane", but then you risk upsetting those champs' existing playerbases, so you might just have to release new non-marksman champs designed for bot lane? Did people like Nilah?

Did people like Nilah?

Not enough, but they did like Pyke enough to swap roles for. I personally suspect the difference is that if you like the thing Pyke does, he's the coolest champion in the game, whereas for a melee carry player, Nilah doesn't hit hard enough to get you to swap lanes just to access her, whether you'd like to play her or not in your main role.

So overall pretty bullish on that sort of direction, but we have to be careful with the targets we pick and have clear reasons why we expect to hit them.

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Originally posted by uBorb

Running away from the topic... u/Reav3 are there any ETA on the new champion roadmap?

Yeah should be out later this month/early next month


Originally posted by EiEsDiEf

I am really curious what they do with this honestly. Making minions in a lane give less/more gold/xp than others seems weird and counterintuitive.

I think we'd change them more than that if we went that direction. "There are different minions in the lanes", rather than having them look the same but give slightly differently tuned rewards.

But we're not at all committed to that direction, it's just an easy example of the type of thing that might give us another tuning lever.


Originally posted by Jragon713

it doesn't matter how many mages are viable in bot lane - players who want to play them are mostly not queuing into bot lane

But this is kind of the expected result when you have half the community locked into the mindset of "bot lane = ADC = marksman class", right? New players who like mages are told that they should play them mid or even sup, so they never queue up for Veigar bot, despite how strong it's been.

Yes - and in 8.11, when we said "Hey, we're making absolutely sure non-ADCs are viable in the lane", the reaction wasn't a bunch of non-ADCs playing the lane, it was mostly people continuing to play ADCs while being sad about it. Getting players to change their behavior would require significantly more than that.

Honestly, we probably had to respond to the ADC-only meta in bot lane in something like season 2-3 if we wanted to head it off. People are so entrenched at this point that it's a bit hard to see what would get them to change.


Originally posted by Stubrochill17

Wdym, Between Two Iverns is a totally unique and original idea WeirdChamp

so true bestie (check paypal)


Originally posted by Jragon713

It kind of sounds like, at least until preseason, they're satisfied with nerfing early drakes, nerfing marksman items, and buffing Death's Dance; I don't think we can expect a Teleport revert any time soon.

I expect to be doing some item tinkering after MSI (e.g. buffing up the non-Sunderer fighter mythics, maybe with a Sunderer nerf). But we don't have any really large changes planned for the next few months.


Originally posted by LumiRhino

I agree, but mostly because when everyone in the top echelon gets nerfed, you still need to figure out what else is on top. There's a lot of decent tier 2 picks right now, but pros go for the tier 1 picks (all of which were nerfed on 13.7), so it's not nearly as clear what the following tier 2 picks are.

We're looking at a set of pro-targeted jungler buffs for 13.8 to supplement those nerfs.