Hey Axes I know preseason is still a ways out but would the focus be on the role tuning (like how this year’s was on jungle) or would it be a side project part of preseason
We're still scoping things.
Hey Axes I know preseason is still a ways out but would the focus be on the role tuning (like how this year’s was on jungle) or would it be a side project part of preseason
We're still scoping things.
Turns out Vayne top isn't broken as Reddit anticipated.
It's understandable that top lane players aren't happy when they see Vayne in their lane - but significantly exaggerated impact, yeah.
One of the really understated facts (good or bad) about role select is that players have sorted themselves based on what kinds of laning experiences they want to have. It doesn't matter which role Seraphine is highest win rate in or best in pro play in - players who like Seraphine as a character almost always queue support. It doesn't matter if Darius beats Teemo (he doesn't right now, but there've been many states of the game where he did) - Darius players are queuing up to have the melee 1v1 experience. And it doesn't matter how many mages are viable in bot lane - players who want to play them are mostly not queuing into bot lane.
I would love to know how they determine the relative strength of top and bot. From playing as well as watching high elo + pro games and seeing the consensus of those players, Riot always underrate how strong bot is and overrate how strong top is, especially this season. I've seen Rioters talk about the roles in the past and they seem to look at how likely a role is to carry a game with X gold lead as an indicator for how impactful it is. I wonder if they don't consider how much easier it is to get fed playing bot lane and that leads to them misunderstanding the game.
We have several different things we're looking at - sentiment, odds of victory given X lead at Y time, differences in odds of victory based on MMR gap within a lane, things like that.
The biggest confounding factor here is that bot lane's value to winning the game scales steeply with player skill and top lane's does not (unsurprisingly, since a lot of these measures are zero sum). Which means that when most ADC players feel fine, influencers and pros feel like we're in a pure bot lane meta, etc.
I heckin love Marks. Each and every one of them.
I can't even think of anything funny to say about Enders clothes today... I'm disappointed.
im baaack
Hell yeah. You all killed it but I have to say you absolutely nailed Pete.
ty I've watched this move A LOT.
fun fact: my dad is a voice actor and can be heard on the radio and as a commentator throughout the movie :)
Yeah that's the most surprising thing. Maybe it was Ender or Drakos' idea. Though it is just an amazing movie (I literally watch it several times a year)
this was all Sjokz :)
duuuuuude, i went to LCS finals in 2016 in Toronto and it is so sick. I wish they'd come back North of the border.
Ugh I miss Canada so much those were my favourite roadshows we ever did.
Anecdotal story but one of League Gameplays most beloved and veteran engineers retired yesterday. He is a Kat main so the team played (custom 5v5) where everyone played Katarina. There was some interesting Katarina variants.
We noticed that, too. Our champion select graphic pulls the images from Data Dragon, normally, which keeps them up to date. We'll investigate why Old Fiddle is haunting our graphics package.
Found the issue, flagged with the team. Looks like some case sensitivity related things.
Why do they still have the old splashes? Like old fiddle, old Caitlyn splash..
We noticed that, too. Our champion select graphic pulls the images from Data Dragon, normally, which keeps them up to date. We'll investigate why Old Fiddle is haunting our graphics package.
Yeah, I never had more faith in a team or more fun watching than 2016 tsm. I’ve been watching since the first season and that’s by far my favorite team too.
Was a shame they flamed out so hard internationally that year.
That team looked poised to absolutely take names with the form they had domestically.
Still a great year though. Also biased as it was my first LCS split LOL
I think a lot of tooltips could use some work to be honest. Wouldn’t it be an idea to ask some general feedback on here regarding tooltips and check out the top comments or something?
I unfortunately don't have infinite time to log all the feedback right now, and a lot of tooltip inaccuracies are actually logged somewhere internally. I just saw this Kled one (and his tooltips in general) to be pretty significantly off and believe they warrant sooner iteration.
I imagine as I get more time I'll be able to hit some other tooltips as well in the near future.
A ton of stuff is missing from kled's tooltips, from the top of my head:
Passive: No mention of: dismounted ms loss, increased dismounted attack range, no info on how much courage you get for attacking things. No mention that the passive has a cooldown!!!! Also, no mention of the knockback when dismounted, but that is not that important
dismounted q: no mention of how much courage it gives
E: no mention of minions knockback, or that there is a range to your e recast.
R: does not display minimum dmg (a lot of other similar abilities do).
Hope I got everything
Thanks I'll probably dedicate some time to doing a tooltip pass on Kled in the near future; kinda lame to leave them in this state for so long.
There's definitely some bug happening to you - try logging out and logging back in, or at worst reinstalling.
Yeah tbh I have no idea what's goin on here. I'll take a look
Gotta count to 4. 4th shot does more damage the lower health they are.
Use abilities to kill minions when you’re reloading.
Ikeepittaco is a Jhin streamer on twitch if you want to watch someone playing him. Sometimes that can help.
I know a thing or two or four about Jhin. Want to play a few games?