League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Apr


Originally posted by Freezman13

Did they ever fix it for Malz e?

Wait this happens with Malz E...


Originally posted by Domasis

How come the decision was to nerf it by 1 and not the ability haste scalings that MF W and Yi Q have?

No judgement, just wanting to know the thought process

The refund scaling with haste is not a bad idea. But it was decided to change this about him with little time left in the patch before lock. It’s actually hooked up in a really weird way under the hood, too, which adds to the risk.

Long-term I’m down to make it scale off haste and start at 3.

04 Apr


Originally posted by Riot_Riru



The Black Speech--spoken in its purest form by Sauron the Deceiver, his Nazgul ring-servants, and the Olog-hai (a type of troll bred by Sauron in the Third Age)--is a little-known and -understood language due to Tolkien's utter distaste for the way he imagined it to sound (based loosely on agglutinative languages like Sumerian, and similar to the fantasy language Klingon).

Clearly Kalista is a follower of the disgraced Maiar and wants to better communicate with the Dark Lord.

Thanks for subscribing to Tolkien Facts.


Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

(Note: This begins when Kalista activates her Black Speak.)

Unfortunate typo or was Kalista racist back in the day?



Originally posted by aerovistae

What if you just did a one-way gate from bot Lane to top Lane?

Idk top laners are already on an island until someone else decides they should just die. Don’t feel like exacerbating that.


Originally posted by o___Okami

Not against the Thresh nerf or anything, but kinda bizarre that they throw him under the "Adjusted" category when it is strictly a nerf, no?

Likely just a miscommunication. Initially the plan was to nerf Q chain CC along with compensation but we decided to just hit the cooldown refund and leave it there. And whatever resource the folks who make the graphic look at likely wasn’t changed in time.


Originally posted by r_xy

Did you try a gate from one alcove to the other?

Yes and it was exactly what I expected: level 6 top laners showing up in bot lane.


Originally posted by Sofruz

Maybe next time you can a separate queue for April fools that would allow you to do more of the crazy pranks?

That would be a lot of work


Originally posted by aerovistae

Ngl the hexgates from center lane outwards didn't feel like a "prank" they felt legitimately valuable and I was repeatedly glad they were there. Consider adding them to the hextech map permanently!

I made the gates with another designer.

The funniest prank gates were deemed too disruptive to include since our stuff was actually gameplay impacting. (Nexus to nexus being the primary one here.)

I also think that there’s room for more hexgates on a serious level so we kinda just included both sets and kept what we could.


Originally posted by BrutalizerFrFr

Yeah I’ve played with you on adc. Going 0/12 on Jhin is truly a talent

If you've played with me that means you are just as bad :)


Do you have any steps to reproduce this? We've seen a handful of reports and have looked into it but haven't had any luck repro'ing.


We go a combined 0 / 50 and demote multiple times.


Originally posted by Live-Astronaut989

Ok ok but hear me out a gate from spawn to spawn

That was literally the first gate I made.

03 Apr


Less. My MMR and skill are very close in Jungle/Bot/Support. I'm horrible in solo lanes. I'd definitely tank.


Originally posted by Live-Astronaut989

I want a gate from the top lane wrap around nub to the bot lane wrap around nub

We had alcove to alcove in version 1 internally. It was definitely too much.


Originally posted by MartinNakov

idk, it still shows 9

this person is level 101


Originally posted by PhreakRiot

OMG is that my favorite QA Analyst Triptoid?



Originally posted by GalaxySmash

I'll never forget when everyone rioted when I accidentally removed his AD Growth being Pi when rounding up all the base stats.

OMG is that my favorite QA Analyst Triptoid?


Originally posted by Vex_Fidel

Massive props to whichever production staff had the job of drawing all the team logos onto the balloons - it wasn't until I saw the closeup of the KOI logo that I could tell they were hand-drawn. Very clean work!

Thanks. It took me just under 1.5 hours. 😅


I'll never forget when everyone rioted when I accidentally removed his AD Growth being Pi when rounding up all the base stats.