League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Mar


Originally posted by SometimesIComplain

Oh awesome, that's good to hear! Can I ask if that type of data is publicly available anywhere? It'd be interesting to see for the various ranks and regions, but I understand if it's kept internal.

It's not and we don't intend to. But there's a quite wide variation in preference between regions. But the stats I referenced are for all regions combined


In that bracket, JG has settled out at ~20% increase in pickrate, which is pretty massive. Went from equal lowest to 3rd and has been stable for about a month now


Originally posted by Reinheardt

Just admit you release new champs overtuned on purpose

I wish that was true, it’s more like releasing balanced (and worth playing) is a tough task I haven’t mastered yet :(


Originally posted by Wolgran

Why nerf the Healing on the W if you can aswer. The passive i understand, but the healing already was low for such high cooldown and mana usage. Now it seems even more insignificant

Because W max first was technically optimal, and the only ways to nerf are range extension, heal, and cooldown.

We believe the cooldown likely can’t get much higher, and the range is the cool thing that quickly becomes unfeelable, so the healing seemed like first to be knocked down.


Originally posted by Kengy

Is there a reason the level up guide in game pushed for Q max if EWQ/WEQ were the expected supported orders? What does the day 1 system base it off of?

I believe it was a mistake with early implementation. It should adjust correctly next patch to match what’s actually strongest.


Originally posted by YeetBenji

"So his winrate is a bit lower on average due to that"

Yet you nerfed him because of his winrate lmao?

In spite of that* would be a better phrasing. Even with players actively lowering his win-rate he was still above 50% on day one.


Originally posted by mikael22

Was the goal of these nerfs to get rid of his more generic power, damage shielding and healing, while keeping his unique power, the cleanse and range increase, fairly high? He might be more of a counterpick type of champ, which I'm unsure if it is the goal. If Milio is blindpickable and a decent champ when blind picked, even when there is no cc that can be cleansed, is that a problem?

Oops, as for if it’s a problem: We want Milio to be broadly appealing and pickable for the majority of players. In pro/optimized play, it’s totally possible he’s little more than a counter pick or niche pick, and that’s okay. But as long as the average player can find success, we are happy.

Inversely, we will watch to make sure his mechanics don’t disproportionately favor pro players over SoloQ players.


Originally posted by mikael22

Was the goal of these nerfs to get rid of his more generic power, damage shielding and healing, while keeping his unique power, the cleanse and range increase, fairly high? He might be more of a counterpick type of champ, which I'm unsure if it is the goal. If Milio is blindpickable and a decent champ when blind picked, even when there is no cc that can be cleansed, is that a problem?

Yeah he has some very unique tools (range increase, AOE cleanse, periodic damage), but his standard tools were performing as good as (or sometimes better) than our traditional enchanters like Lulu, Janna, Soraka. So we are hoping to bring his standard “I keep teammates alive through effective HP” outputs below his peers who are designed to specialize in that.


Originally posted by daswef2

How do you guys feel about the fact that he landed with EWQ max order being so much stronger than everything else? Is this intended to flatten skill max order a little bit or is the designer intention still that he should be maxing E first but its just less effective?

We intend to support EWQ and WEQ as max orders. Currently, the vast majority of players max Q on the first day so his winrate is a bit lower on average due to that.


We expect milio to have high early winrates relative to other new champs due to his easy-to-play enchanter play style, but he still landed too high. This set of nerfs should bring him closer to long-term balanced but we will keep an eye going forward.

Apologies for the miss on release tuning, hopefully this quick adjustment will bring him closer to fair so everyone can enjoy fuemigos guilt-free!

23 Mar


Originally posted by THESuperStuntMan

It's likely due to everyone wanting to play the new support champ.

Yeah, probably. Role select rates always swing pretty heavily towards what new content is released.


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

It's based on MMR as well stopping people duoing.

To have it happen you must have extremely low masters MMR and you probably had a long queue time to start having ~d2 MMR duo thrown in

We lowered the MMR threshold this patch to make it harder for this to happen, since we did see some examples of duoing accounts that looked like they should've been cut off earlier. If anyone sees more examples after the most recent patch I'm happy to take a look.

EDIT: Got the timing wrong, it will probably go live next Wednesday, but anyways yeah we're being stricter on this.

22 Mar


Originally posted by JTHousek1

Every single update post someone says this, I'm just shocked the number of upvotes it got this time. According to random redditors the durability patch has been dead since 12.11, but every patch it comes back to life just to be killed again.

People have been saying the Durability patch was dead since every patch after the Durability Patch lol.


Originally posted by redditwarrior64

Surely its not that hard to just save at most 30 values and display them like runes, the rune stats are already made and are basically a template

Not an engineer, but was told it was hard. I believed them!


Originally posted by Junior71011

More skins, yep good investment

Gonna take the bait and say that the team working on it would have been the Summoner's Rift team. They make balance updates, midscopes, preseasons, and more. We would rather have had them do those things.


The unsatisfying answer is that it was designed and estimated but didn't end up being worth the cost. Certainly not because we think its a bad idea or because we don't care. Just have to choose how we want to spend dev resources.


Originally posted by cronumic

I think maybe this bug that causes viego to break aphelios? https://youtu.be/XoCyKdmwYDw

I assume this is what got viego allegedly disabled in pro

Ah yes I believe we are working on a micropatch for that issue right now.


Originally posted by nino1755

Why hasn’t Viego been fixed yet?

That is a very broad question lol. Given the nature of our workflow old (backlogged) issues often don't get prioritized over new ongoing work. That can mean that it takes us awhile to get around to fixing older content, especially if the fixing is lower priority than other older fixing that needs to be done. All that being said, I'm not clear on which Viego issue you are referencing.


Originally posted by raphelmadeira


Hello! Is there a team just to solve bugs?

I already reported an audio bug in a Fiddle skin that is completely buggy mixing audio that shouldn't be there, over a year ago, but it still has problems.

Is there a right place to submit these bugs?


Each individual team has its own dedicated QA that would own bugs relative to that team (so Champions Team QA would own Champion-specific bugs for Example). Usually the best place to submit bugs would be the bug megathread that's posted here on reddit, at least for my and Champions' team visibility. You can also post it here and I can pass it along, though its worth noting there's no guarantee we will get it fixed but I can guarantee you'll get our eyes on it at the least.


Originally posted by No_name_free

I didn't say you did man. Just pointing out that people have been voted into all pro before with a similar amount of games (listing everyone's votes just to show the trend), so it seems weird for people that did exclude him, to do so. Sorry if i worded that badly!

Just pointing out a trend for those that excluded emenes (which is why i included kobe/jatt/azael etc)

All good! I just felt the need to tell you my vote because this sentence was confusing haha.