League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

19 Mar


Originally posted by 2th

How you gonna talk the man up but not give us this cookie list? How can we properly judge him? And I swear, if they put oatmeal raisin as their top pick...

oatmeal raisin perma F tier


Originally posted by endercasts

Endstep is the goat. We were on the playtest team together back in 2017 and 18 and I trust him completely because of his extremely accurate and based cafeteria cookie tier lists.

hell yeah


Endstep is the goat. We were on the playtest team together back in 2017 and 18 and I trust him completely because of his extremely accurate and based cafeteria cookie tier lists.

18 Mar


Originally posted by ill_monstro_g

they really said "what if we just did The Eric Andre Show

There is no stealing, there is only good content.


Originally posted by VibrobladeLoL

I'm not going to lie, it took a long time for MarkZ to win me over, but Catching Up With Doublelift finally did it. This is definitely the best of the "non-analysis" content LCS is putting out.

We did it 🙏


Originally posted by tnflr

Was half expecting to drink from the bottle after pouring water on the cup



Originally posted by maddkid53

Ender is dressed like he's a nightclub bartender on Tatooine

i love this


Originally posted by joazm


youre thinking of blender


Originally posted by BackstabbingAhn

didn't ender leave LEC?

ya but then they dropped the f*cking bag so here i am again. its me, hi


Originally posted by tnflr

What the f**k is this skit. No one talks like this. This is awful. Hang out with some people sheeesh.

It's not even funny.

What the f*ck is this skit. No one talks like this. This is awful. Hang out with some people sheeesh.

It's not even funny.


Originally posted by Unusual_Elk_9686

I hope these are not only because of the cinematic outrage and that they won't be cut back once people are calmed down.

Nope! Here to stay until y'all start hating them 😉


Originally posted by BlackTecno

Woah there, at 0.01%, to impact a million players, you'd need to have 10,000,000,000 active players, which honestly would be really impressive.

But I do get what you mean, 1-5% would impact a large amount of players, and good on you guys for waiting this long to roll that out.

The number was bigger than .01% lol


Originally posted by drmirage809

I'm honestly kinda surprised that they still ship a 32 bit executable. Like they said: 0.01% of their players are affected by them dropping it. They literally waited until basically everyone dropped it before they made the jump.

Good riddance too. Gets rid of a bunch of legacy code that might do more harm than good.

Worth noting that because of the sheer number of people that play League even a small percentage of the playerbase using a certain spec usually means hundreds of thousands if not millions of people impacted when we no longer support that spec


Originally posted by vooffle

Ngl, constant yelling and seething rage are kinda red flags💅

Ya but I can change him


Originally posted by LHRaway

Reading this I was struck by just how crisp and clear the communication was. This felt like reading an internal exec status update memo.

Most of the other games I play would absolutely kill to ever get communication like this - but League players are just totally blase about this.

Thanks! We're going to continue putting TL;DWs out with dev videos for the foreseeable future. The first one we did I sent to like 10 people to figure out what else I could cut since we wanted to get the key bullet points across with no filler.

This one required a little bit of extra context because of some of the updates (quick play isn't exactly self-explanatory).

We'll keep iterating on these, dev blogs, and dev videos moving forward to try to make them as clear and upfront as possible.

17 Mar


Originally posted by SSDuelist

Literally the only thing I care about here is the hope of Champies returning, but that might be a pipe dream.

Champies will return! We have many currently in development - but the timing of BEE's return will determine how many new ones make it into the shop!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JTHousek1

It is probably more likely if you don't get your champ you still get your role or something like that

Edit: Full Context: https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/11tksap/skarner_skins_quick_play_dev_update_video_gone/jckw5fc/

How it exactly works is that you pick 2 Preferred Champs and Positions. These have to be 2 different champs and 2 different positions. Then you will have to pick one "priority queue" champ/position. The positions for that pick will change depending on what roles are currently low pickrate. You will get one of your preferred picks a majority of the time but in order to make queue times are quick we need to make sure we can fill the lower priority positions when needed.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dracoknight256

Any plans on introducing non-randomised short gameplay modes or changing SR rules for QP to make the games slightly faster? As IRL caught up to me and started eating my time I've realised that I can only really comit to short queues like Nexus Blitz or ARAM. Except, aside from NB all those short queues have random champ selcets, which sucks if you want to play specific champs.

Its certainly a interesting thought. If quickplay ends up a very popular way to play its entirely possible we make more changes to the mode to better serve the audience that ends up loving it


Originally posted by mistergosh

It's like they go too deep into the metrics-based storytelling and forget that having a wide range of variety is a strength and that there are people who love some of their more subdued stories.

They already went and completely discarded the old duty-bound and noble iteration of Galio and built this merry-go-lucky I'm A Hero character, and this post almost sounds like a threat that they are planning on doing the same to Skarner.

In regards to crystals, it's like they limited the idea of crystal to it being a material and disregarded the whole soul and magic element that is tied to the Brackern crystals. A crystal heart, with blood that becomes crystals when it's spilled, with claws and sting of sharpened crystal - none of this approaches would conflict with earth elemental magic, but imply a mastery over it that humans are not capable of replicating.

Like metal bending or lightning bending, a stone that turns into a crystal is the "going further beyond" stor...

Read more

I think my intentions is not to say that Crystal Scorpion is a bad idea or that it cannot ever be done. However, it was a story that we DID tell and a theme that we DID do in the first rework. What data did tell us is that beside a few vocal individuals that deeply loved the theme, majority of the player base cares very little for the theme.
It would be highly illogical of me to ask the team to revisit that exact combination and expect something better than the previous version because that would mean I have made the assumption that:
1) Crystal Scorpion is the best theme out there for a scorpion champion
2) The previous team, though with their longer experience, did a worse execution on the Crystal Scorpion thematic and that our newer, less experienced team can do better!

Removing the limitations of theming, story and baggage means the team can focus on how to deliver on a more cohesive character than struggle through the problems.