I need to know Skarner's ranking
I'm not going to share more than this because it could make for funny content down the road, but since this is Skarner's time in the spotlight...
He's in the bottom 25% :(
I need to know Skarner's ranking
I'm not going to share more than this because it could make for funny content down the road, but since this is Skarner's time in the spotlight...
He's in the bottom 25% :(
Seraphine and Skarner...nsfw?
I assume you are referring to https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nwb3gd/seraphine\_is\_so\_pretty\_which\_inspired\_me\_to/
I need to know Skarner's ranking
I don't know off the top of my head, but /u/reav3 might.
please burden me with this knowledge
Aatrox is way lower than he should be 😤
The important takeaway here is that Riot has a numbered ranking of how much people want to romance each champion
It's a pandora's box. Noone should be burdened with this knowledge...
Meh, after how underwhelming Veth turned out to be I'd prefer if they ditched his crystal shit and just made him a Void monster. It makes more sense for a Scorpion too.
We actually looked into this as well! The overlap with Rek'Sai was too strong which made Skarner quite un-iconic.
I love ice cream.
The important takeaway here is that Riot has a numbered ranking of how much people want to romance each champion
It's very important!!
Dropping the article links here for everyone's convenience:
Read moreDropping the article links here for everyone's convenience:
Read moreHey folks
So uh, this was meant to go out at 12.30pm PDT, not 12.30am PDT, hence the lack of the mentioned blogs, lack of any of us replying on social media, video being set to private etc. We're going to stuff posted properly as soon as we can, apologies this process has been extra messy today...
Hijacking Meddler comment for dev blog URLs!
Skarner dev blog: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-searching-for-skarner-s-sting/
Midscopes dev blog: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-the-midscope-process-rell/
TLDW in case anyon...
Read moreHold two in the next video.
Ok, that's actually a little tempting, at least for a single shot somewhere or something. If it happens, you very much called it
and can be addressed through the balance process again
Can totally understand the skepticism in this case. I do think the Q only being controllable for a short period, friendship bonuses limiting ability to be as effective on whoever's most fed, E being a shield (so can't heal up outside of combat) and the removal of the ult stun give us a lot more ability to adjust her through regular number changes. The untargetability's certainly still a challenge though and I couldn't say I'm certain we wont' still run into problems still, just that we've got a better toolkit than we had before at least
Bro it isn’t hard just get rid of the stupid tower minigame
Spires are going away
Why is Meddler holding a coffee cup in the video?
I'm not!
(it's a cup of tea technically)
I did ask whether I should put it down, given we're going for a quick, more casual, lower production value approach to these though we figured we'd just see how it worked (or didn't)
I imagine that writers are also thinking about the origin of hextech and co? Because this is quite a huge retcon for Piltover/Shuriman lore as well.
This will most likely bring in some major lore issues with Seraphine, Camille, and more champs which are tightly linked to the Brackern/Hextech Crystal lore
(EDIT: Also thank you for this post, there's a lot of exciting thematic in here and if done right could be great for Skarner overall I think)
You're welcome, and I'm also really positive on this direction, both for Skarner and as a way to help make Ixtal feel like a more integrated, fleshed out part of the world.
In terms of origin of Hextech this is part of the gradual process of aligning all the different experiences that contribute to the League/Runeterra canon going forwards that we talked about in our previous video. As you note it has effects on other champions too, we're talking about exactly how and exactly when to tweak them too to make things fit together better overall
Are you also able to share if Quick Play will have any mirror matchups? Since they are one of the things I really disliked about blind
Double checking, I'm 99% sure mirror matches can still happen in Quick Play though
So there are no changes to the actual pace of the game? Not exactly quick play when games have the potential to go 30-40 minutes.
Yeah, Quick Play might not be the right final name here, given it implies in game changes as well. This is about getting into game quickly with your champion of choice, which is theoretically Blind Pick's purpose but Blink Pick has a range of issues that undercut that
Will mirror matchups still be a thing in quick play?
99% sure Quick Play is set up so they can still be a thing, double checking though
Because they want everyone to play the game.
Keeping our games accessible to a wide range of hardware (and operating systems) is a big goal for us, be that League or anything else we make. At this point though we just can't justify the limitations that imposes on development for 99.99%+ of the playerbase hence the update