League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Mar


I agree, LCK casters for a long time have been super chill which I especially appreciated when I lived in NA and the games were on at midnight.

I think the crew there is amazing but I wanna shout out my LEC boys too cause they've gone through a big style change. Compared to a few years back Medivedi and Caedrel/drakos are just... funny?! idk i basically ghosted league last year except for the big matches and the duos have relaxed a ton (especially in regular season) and its really made me enjoy watching league again


Originally posted by Mysterious_Drop_92

its still high, getting 80ms consistently

The servers for PH are still in HK. There are a few submarine cable cuts still impacting the direct path (AAG is the system I think) which should be resolved in early May. I’ll look into it again and see what we can carry for them on our own links but this looks like they might be balancing some traffic out via alternate paths that aren’t as short. The AAG cable segment between HK and PH has had 5 separate faults over the past 7-9 months which have been blowing the restoration time out.


Originally posted by NocaNoha

There's quite a few fun ones.. but then again we still have 5 damn slots

Riot? More emote slots? Emote slot pages? Emote slot linking to a certain champ?

Imagine you could even add it to the pointless BE expense where we buy additional Emote pages to have sets of emotes ready to go. Hell you could probably even make 2-3 hotkeys for individual emote circles if not expanding the one we have.. similar as it is with pings

I seriously thought the pinging update will bring the one for emotes as well.. eh

We're definitely looking at all of this! No extra stuff to share, but we've talked about it before~ https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10bq898/comment/j4dkud6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Originally posted by Cromatose

First emote I will have ever purchased. LFG.

We feel super honored that you like them so much!

10 Mar


This is very impressive work!
I am not an artist, but I might suggest you try this link and then after that this one.


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

no he didn't

Yup, you right.


Apologies, players. This one is on me! I was unaware that we had a commitment to Showcase missions. We'll make sure we get these free rewards into an upcoming Event in addition to existing content.

Missions will also return in future Showcases.

09 Mar


Originally posted by iamPause

Server: NA

Type of Bug: In-Game

Description: Game constantly "disconnects"


Steps to reproduce: Play a game. Wait a few minutes. Game will hang as if you are disconnected.

Expected result: Game to work

Observed result: Multiple "disconnects" in every single game, despite my 19 ping and fiber connection. No other devices or apps have connectivity problems.

Reproduction Rate: 100%

System Specs: Good enough until two patches ago

Hi! could you all DM me your IGN, Champion, and region for any of the games you disconnected in?


Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

Now that Karma's skin is coming out maybe some attention can be given to her bugged skins Conqueror and Winter Wonder where their haste animation is set too low at 380ms instead of 420MS. It's been almost four years since this hasn't been fixed 😭

Server: All
Type of Bug: In game animation bug
Description: Winter Wonder and Conqueror Karma run at 380MS instead of 420MS like the rest of her skin which causes her to feel like she's running in slow motion
Steps to reproduce: Lock in Winter Wonder or Conqueror Karma, buy T2 boots and watch her run slowly
Expected Result: Karma doesn't start her haste animation like the rest of her skins at 380MS rather at 420MS
Observed Result: Karma's haste animation starts too soon at 380MS

maybe u/Bagel_Socks can fix this 4 year bug which is likely just a number value that needs to be changed to match the rest of her skins 😭

Hi~! Thanks for tagging me and bringing this to my attention! We'll investigate this and see what on earth is going on.


Intentional! As we were playtesting different versions both with modified rubble and without rubble, all of our tests where the lane was more open were well-liked.

So when it came to the choice to revert the rubble, we wanted to keep the bridge fixed to see if a zero-choke-point ARAM leads to more fun fights in the mid-game with more room to maneuver, and larger brushes to dodge in and out of.

08 Mar


Originally posted by yastie

what happened to your riot flair?

Accidentally removed it when I went to change my other flair from Yasuo to Orianna LMAO itll be back


oh hey its Phreak


We need to establish a court system in order to appeal if you feel you were not pardoned accordingly. We can then establish the Supreme Court of League of Legends with elected judges


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Is it like Jarvan's E support with Aery?

It can proc Aery multiple times in one cast!


Originally posted by tristanl0l

Were the Ashe Q activation requirement changes pulled?



Originally posted by BigStrongPolarGuy

"If you're a Yuumi player and you're watching this, dog, this feels really good."

I feel like Phreak doesn't really understand Yuumi's whole thing. She's not a dog. She's a cat.

See, I thought that as I said it and decided to just run with it.


Originally posted by seasonedturkey

Patch notes aren't written by designers?! Now I feel lied to everytime I read the context for a buff/nerf :(

I write context statements. I don't write the summaries.


Originally posted by TuffPeen

How will nashors ever be good on him when he can’t proc the on hit? Is it really the intention to make nashors a staple item on azir when he is unable to use half of it?

It can easily be good on him even without applying on-hit effects.

It provides a lot of ability power and attack speed. If those stats are both in demand, the item is good.

Like I know I'm slightly oversimplifying your point but it's actually that easy.


Originally posted by sebnanchaster

Thank you so much for the interest, really appreciate your time looking into these bugs. Would also love any insight you have on the visual E bug, I just have no idea if it was intentional or some random buggy occurrence, the old version for sure looked better and was more clear for gameplay purposes IMO.

My best guess based on the context in your post is that it was intentional, though I could very well be wrong. I'll ask around