Hey, thanks so much! In the post u/Caenen_ mentioned some of the potential causes behind the gameplay and visual bugs, so he probably knows quite a bit.
Caenen tends to be quite knowledgeable about these things
Hey, thanks so much! In the post u/Caenen_ mentioned some of the potential causes behind the gameplay and visual bugs, so he probably knows quite a bit.
Caenen tends to be quite knowledgeable about these things
Hey Emizery, some small tooltip feedback after trying him a little on PBE. Can you add the amount of charges he has for E to his tooltip, so its consistent with other charge abilities like Corki R?
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into adding the charges information in the tooltip.
Hmm I'll take a look at the Q bug.
An Auto’s an Auto, No Matter the Code: Steelcaps now looks for all auto attacks for its damage reduction rather than auto attacks tagged with just auto attack and nothing else.
So what’s getting added, just auto-enhancers like Trundle and Nasus Q’s or does it also now include spells that act like autos such as Ez Q’s?
Includes spells that act like autos as well. Yasuo Q Ezreal Q etc
Let's hope the pronunciation is Mee-lee-oh and not My-lee-oh, so it's closer to Spanish pronunciation.
Yep! It sounds like Mee-lee-oh
Sorry for the typo :(
All your fault.
But the feel of it will be underwhelming imo. Overall I like this as a start but let us have that dps lategame power.
I would love some damage reduction on W and adding some attack speed passive on his R, but I'm low elo so maybe I'm not the best to give feedback on this.
Edit: Also correct me if I'm wrong but in your spreadsheets on youtube you compare dps without the 3 soldiers passive
Yeah this is ignoring W3, admittedly. But also if Nashor’s is optimal you’ll have higher attacks/sec than before.
On behalf of the team, we wanted to thank you for all the love and excitement that we are seeing for our queen, Faerie Queen Karma.
We've been collecting your feedback and after discussing it with the team we're going to be making the below changes:
We heard concerns that Karma's R moment was not feeling impactful enough. In an effort to respond to this we have made the following changes:
Hey phreak jw when top lane gets to be a role again instead of a spectator position
We are targeting some role power shift stuff for 13.6
Damn, missed this when reviewing my sections of the patch notes. Summary sentences are added pretty late (not by the designers, typically) so I guess I overlooked this. =[
Sorry for the typo :(
He will also feel like shit to play with no attack speed.
Pretty sad he lost all that attack speed. I always saw him as the late game stabby, stabby guy instead of blowing people up with Q/Ult.
W DPS is roughly flat (lower early, high late). His W power budget mostly hasn't moved.
Disagreed, in their own quote “he’s OP” except his win rate doesn’t match that claim dude is a 49% win rate. On top of that his AP build is beyond easy to counter. His E is his only physical spell so any of the spell shield items neuter him without even discussing the other MR items. It’s a classic reach because people who refuse to adapt their build to the enemy team complain.
AP Twitch Mid and Bot are both overpowered. He's roughly balanced at support.
I liked this piece it was written nicely. :)
You just made my day! <3
R cooldown increased early, decreased late
This is just not true for ashe...
It's increased at Rank 1, increased at Rank 2, and the same at Rank 3. It's never decreased.
Cooldown: 80/70/60 ⇒ 100/80/60
Damn, missed this when reviewing my sections of the patch notes. Summary sentences are added pretty late (not by the designers, typically) so I guess I overlooked this. =[
I've written this before, but I am happy to write it again.
Femme people, folks with accents, folks who speak other languages, folks who do not want to speak, and some other cases I am not representing would be negatively impacted by any form of opt-out voice chat. It would also set expectations in a way that would cause issues for folks who chose not to engage.
When people are harassed on the basis of their identity, and voice is certainly a factor of identity as well as a lens into the rest of it, it can be especially hurtful. We are not willing to trade the tactical edge it gives players for that, full stop. A thing I'd love for people to consider is that even if they are personally positively impacted by a feature like this other players may be paying a very steep cost indeed for their good time.
In a world where there is highly effective, near instant moderation for this sort of thing we may consider it, but until then my recommendation is to use ...
Read moreNo more chains. No more cages.
Clean bars bro consider me a fan
Can someone confirm my teammates still see my pings if I deafen?
They can't. Deafen mutes your pings for allies.
He looks really simple and fun! Is his W an AoE heal or is it just healing one ally at a time? Also, it looks like he can recast it 3 times to move it? Can anyone clarify?
His W is an AoE heal over time to any champions in range. It follows the closest ally on cast and he can recast it to change follow targets.