League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Mar


Originally posted by SuperMrBlob

Hello, thanks for the insights, is interesting, but why did you decide that "MoveSpeedNew" was a good name? The next time someone updates Samira's movement speed buff, will they create a variable called "MoveSpeedNewNew"?

Are you a programmer by any chance? Do the tools not let you refactor, checking for occurrences, like an IDE?

IDK I'm new and my practices are likely sh*t.


Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

Could someone explain what this data values thing is about?

Currently there are about about three ways to tell Ashe W how much damage it deals:

  1. (This is horrible don't do it) - Write down everything in the spell's script. Define a data table with damage values for each rank, tell it to look up what rank the ability is, then tell it to look up your total AD or whatever, then do some math with the AD ratio you've also defined here, and then do some more math, and then deal damage. You also need to send those values to the tooltip via the scripting of the spell, which means you also have to run some sections of the script pretty frequently... Unless you duplicate all your numbers into a data file that only feeds the tooltip and pray you never make a mistake in only editing one of them. If you want to update this damage value you have to re-upload the entire script and remember to also update the data file if applicable. This is extremely "expensive" to micropatch because scripts are often relatively large and they're much risk...

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Originally posted by daswef2

Im waiting for the Nilah Senna

Unironically this lane is CRACKED.

03 Mar


I'm down to make Teemo unpurchaseable until we figure this out


Originally posted by TheTruexy

Some insight into the "Why is X priced?". Short answer, the dartboard told us to.

Long answer, we had a few principles when deciding new prices.

  • Avoid price increases, this should be a beneficial experience to players since the old model was a bit outdated
  • Try to match difficult/approachability when possible. Obviously some old champs will be cheap even if a bit complex/weird due to the above rule.
  • Try to include champs that are approachable BUT also can show you what League of Legends can be. While you may go 0-20 on Yasuo, it's pretty clear to see how you could easily fall in love with the champ and keep play to only go 0-10 next time.
  • Provide a variety of options for each role. Just like the above, if you're a top laner, we want you to find the best champion for you at a low price point without a BE penalty for "exploring".

Can u make Rammus cost 63million BE so nobody can ever buy him again?


Some insight into the "Why is X priced?". Short answer, the dartboard told us to.

Long answer, we had a few principles when deciding new prices.

  • Avoid price increases, this should be a beneficial experience to players since the old model was a bit outdated
  • Try to match difficult/approachability when possible. Obviously some old champs will be cheap even if a bit complex/weird due to the above rule.
  • Try to include champs that are approachable BUT also can show you what League of Legends can be. While you may go 0-20 on Yasuo, it's pretty clear to see how you could easily fall in love with the champ and keep play to only go 0-10 next time.
  • Provide a variety of options for each role. Just like the above, if you're a top laner, we want you to find the best champion for you at a low price point without a BE penalty for "exploring".

Originally posted by BarkBeetleJuice

The intention is to poorly convey what the changes will actually be leading up to release?

The patch notes are the actually binding declarations of what is changing about the game. Would you rather not have sneak peeks of work in progress? If so, don’t read the posts. Plenty of people enjoy them and understand that they’re not final.

02 Mar


Originally posted by Artninja

While I appreciate phreak doing these rundowns and everything part of me hopes they iron out the patches a little bit more before going super in depth on it. Just in this last week they changed the patch for azir and Ashe like 5 times to the point I don’t even know what’s changing anymore and am just going to wait on the patch notes in the client to be sure.

Uh yeah that’s working as intended.


Originally posted by patmax17

Can I ask where the name comes from? :D

One of my EQ characters - a Barbarian Warrior named Tryndamere on the Tallon Zek server. I was part of and then led a single team only PvP guild called Human Retribution. So when we were making a barbarian warrior - the team dug the name.


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

I didn't know, can you share your favorite champion style? Melee or ranged?

I can only play with ranged champions because of my spine and my eyes. There are a lot of clicks and I always get lost in the confusion of champions, I prefer to stay away thinking strategically.

I like them both - just depends on what I’m playing. I go melee junglers and tops usually, usually ranged mids and obviously ADC’s. My favorite supports are Thresh and Lux - but I also throw in a Leona from time to time :)


Originally posted by LezBeHonestHere_

Would you happen to know who designed the original Kayle? She was & still is my favorite champion, even if I can't play her anymore.

I don’t recall who did her kit, but Brandon and I collaborated on her original look and idea (justice Angel in plate wielding a flaming sword of righteous justice). In the early days, we had a very open and collaborative design process where everyone at the company could be involved in ideation if they wanted to.


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Oh! I believed that the champion was created by yourself!

Nah, the team just named him after me.

01 Mar


Originally posted by RedditGaming345

He has the CEO buff, he is Marck Merill's champ.

His name on Twitter is also Tryndamere.

His user name on Reddit is u/Tryndamere

Hey, Guinsoo designed him, just sayin!


Originally posted by Pentakillia

this has been happening to me too ever since 13.3. riot support made me do port forwarding in my router settings just to fix it.

league is the only game to have lag issues for me as well.

This has nothing to do with 13.3 and probably nothing to do with your home router. If you don’t post your ISP and location then we can’t cross check your report vs the data we gather from all users of your ISP.


Originally posted by CrimsonFuckr69

Rumble (Top)

[E] Electro Harpoon magic resistance reduction increased 10% flat >>> 12/14/16/18/20% (danger zone increased 15% flat >>> 24/28/32/36/40% for danger zone)

That's a Trundle ult worth of MR reduction at max rank

The note is wrong. That’s the 2nd harpoon shred. Still increased by 50% for danger zone tho. So max is 60%, up from 30% once it’s maxed.


Can you post some details on your isp and location? This sounds like congestion in their network but we can take a look. We post ping data at www.lagreport.com as well


Originally posted by FantsE

Can we at least get a dev blog as why this is a hardship? I also work with legacy software so I understand the hardships. The dev blogs/post mortems of this type of shit is always appreciated.

When we resolve it I can see what's shareable, it's unlikely it'll warrant a whole blog post though :P


Originally posted by Kayle_Bot

Player Points
Irrelevant 29
Malrang 27
Hans sama 25
Exakick 23
Razork 18
Wunder 18
Jankos 15
Mersa 15
Neon 15
Carzzy 12
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Originally posted by 13pipez

What about Match History showing 21 games instead of the usual 20, is that one harder than we would expect as well?

buy 20 matches get 1 free