League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Mar


It has not been forgotten, it's one of those bugs that seems like it should be simple to resolve but actually isn't unfortunately

28 Feb


Originally posted by BatJanz

So this is something I was wondering when the increased lp gains were announced but didn't see confirmed.

Let's say in the old system, you started having net negative lp gains once your lp was 100 points higher than your mmr.

Before, that would mean it'd take roughly 100/15 = 6 or 7 games until you lose more than you gain.

With the new system, does it still take that same amount of games, or does it now only take 100/22 = 5ish games?

Something like the latter, it'll happen faster


Originally posted by RealisticEvidence366

It feels like it's way worse now, it almost seems like they should've increased the amt of MMR you gain to make up for the sheer amount of LP your gaining compared to before the patch. This is also kind of an issue because some people will be masters but only playing in D2 lobbies. Which, isn't the biggest skill difference? But, there's a skill difference.

I guess the point is, if it was a problem before? Just imagine how bad it is now.

Net negative gains (losing more than you win) are really tragic because they basically say that your expected value for playing League is negative, if you go 50/50 in your matches you're going to end lower than you started. The reason they exist is to prevent rank inflation, so you can't luck your way upwards and sustain that rank if you don't belong there. We're pretty interested in addressing it somehow. Less time spent in a net-positive state was a known tradeoff of increasing LP amounts, since you'll be dragged upwards faster towards your target rank than you were before.

Part I want to comment on is when folks propose "increase MMR speed" as a solution - MMR is a system that outputs a number specifically optimized for skill assessment. The issue here is a ranked progression one rather than one with skill assessment, so we should solve it within the scope of the ranked system. Unless increasing MMR variance resulted in higher quality matches that wouldn't be the answer ...

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Originally posted by Cute-Beautiful-5651

Is there any chance that people can get 2022 prestige instead of the border? I mean all those people would get the border back who had the og.prestige and others could get both if they bought Ahri just without the border?

Totally understand you on that! Unfortunately, there isn't anything in particular the team I'm with can do but I can at least try to mention this to the correct folks. As such though, I cannot promise anything. :( I'm sorry.

My understanding is this is supposed to be an exclusive for those that did get the og prestige during its initial release.


Originally posted by Brief_Ad_7105

I can understand rest of the changes, but W ap ratio revert to 0.55 again(Azir) is too harsh, i think.

If you guys want to take his early game performance, then you must provide proper reward in his late game. But now you cut his early game once more, and take even his attack speed passive(so it can't be told that his late game is pure buff), things you turn back are just 0.05 ap ratio buff in Q and 50 base damage buff in W? You really think this is acceptable exchange?

I really hope you reconsider about this. Please let W ap ratio remain as 0.6.

The goal is to get Azir into a state where he is buffable without being 100% pick/ban in pro. So far this year he's been a 50-70% pro presence mid laner, which means we don't have any room to buff him in the hands of everyone else. 13.4 buffed him 1-1.5% win rate. The goal was to do that without buffing pro play, but I'm pretty sure I missed the mark there.

So right now he's up 1.5% win rate compared to 13.3 but expected to also break pro play. If this change list preserves that win rate lift and brings his pro presence back down (again, expectation-wise), then the overall changes would have been successful.

W damage is strictly higher come midgame. The passive turret is substantially more usable. I expect his early game will be nerfed enough that there may be room to just buff him in the near future.

Overall, Azir has substantially better late game over the course of these two patches: Q, W, E, R, and passive are all stronger late game than they were in 13....

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Originally posted by private_birb

I'm confused. I'm not seeing anywhere here that the active Q is going away. Am I missing something?

There was a version that had Ashe Q as a simple active as opposed to one that required Focus.


Originally posted by Kepytop

Would it still be possible to end up buffing the Q's AD ratio, or was it seen as too risky to give Ashe that much damage? Honestly was just looking for any reason to finally be rid of rageblade.

So here's the weird thing:

I don't think Q should have so much AS on it. Its build-up asks you to build attack speed. If more of the buff's power is then in attack speed, that itemization goes to waste.

However, attack speed is the one sure-fire way to make sure players feel like they've been buffed. Ashe's animation change does a lot to sell the state, all the same. But again, just going risk averse for this one.


Originally posted by Mr_Simba

I’ll throw my 2 cents in that I was worried about this change. It t feels like part of the intended skill check of the champion is playing around your range and cc to get to your four stacks so you can open up and go nuts for a while. I worry about her feeling unhealthy if she has the freedom to open up with big DPS whenever she wants on top of her great kiting.

Have you guys considered even further nerfing W damage (especially at higher ranks), but then making its damage scale with her passive? The passive damage amp is based on crit chance, so that could make W damage feel decent mid-late for ADC Ashe while being worse for support.

There are likely plenty of tactics available if we wanted to wreck non-AS builds. I'm not sure we have to do so.

I don't like crit as the lever because some Ashe players like going on-hit builds and I don't see a reason to remove that.


Originally posted by Blackout28

So sad. I wanted the active Q.

I feel you. I personally would like it, too. But I'm no longer super confident that it's correct for the champion. A lot of established Ashe players expressed that they like its unique style and ultimately there's no need to be risky here.


Originally posted by Lemon-Ham

hey bro its been 2 months how long does this take, i cant play on a 100ms ffs

If you’re still having problems it’s probably you. Have you contacted your ISP or Riot player support? Those would be good first steps.


FYI Azir and Ashe have fewer changes now.

No base stat changes for Ashe. W is -10 damage instead of cooldown. Q is -20 cost and +2s duration on the buff instead of the other changes.

Azir no longer has +3 base AD, level 1 AS is now .658, W ratio is back to .55, and the W+E cost buffs are gone.

Ashe was just to simplify the change list and enough players liked the old cast paradigm to make it an easy change.

Azir is partially because 3.4 directly buffed him, so numbers had to go down, and the overall goal is to nerf Azir out of the top spot in pro play. I’m more than happy to see us buff him back up if these changes give us room, but the first goal has to be met.


Originally posted by shrubs311

that's where you play league after work

after, right

... ... ... yeah... after...

27 Feb


Originally posted by _Jetto_

I assumed some teams have to go in office tho no? Like hr or type of dprts that need access to certain things for projects like art etc?

I think it's team/individual-based. My brother, for instance, works on a tech ops-ish team and he has to sometimes go into the office when he's on call. He works remotely for the rest of the time.

And I go in when I am doing video shoots or if my team is having a big meeting. Other teams are MOSTLY in-office.

The office is still pretty busy Tue-Thur though. Whenever I'm there it's pretty crowded. I'd say pre-COVID numbers even though Riot has grown A LOT since the pandemic started.


Originally posted by lilbigmouth

Hi Phlox.

This might seem a bit picky of me, but I noticed you've said there "I put these changes in". I understand that decisions are likely based on data for the most part, but I'm curious if the decisions are being made as part of a team as well?

Yeah they're team alignment!


Originally posted by MontRouge

I heard you get free food everyday though. Sounds worth it to me 😂

We do! (Though technically it's subsidized) Noms has an Instagram account you can even follow for live pics and recipes.

Still doesn't make me want to go in. I'm lazy af and can wear sweat pants and chill with my dog when I'm at home.


Originally posted by 10000ollies

Can you keep an eye on Elise to make sure she doesn't become terrible with this change. Pretty please.

We're def gonna have a close eye on early gankers, esp ones we've nerfed since this meta started


Originally posted by RiotPhlox

Super flexible for most teams which is nice

What is an office?


Originally posted by RiotPhlox

It's funny timing, I put these changes in Friday but they only came out on PBE today cause of the weekend.

Glad T1 cares <3

What a beast. My favorite dev, Phloxzon


Originally posted by _Jetto_

Makes sense thanks for clarifying always wondered how it worked hours wise and whatnot

Super flexible for most teams which is nice


Originally posted by TheExter

sometimes i flip a coin and when i get 3 tails in a row i shake my fist at Jesus for putting me in tails queue

lmao I love this