guys im wearing a suit... kinda
guys im wearing a suit... kinda
Shouldn’t HoB be getting nerfed first? I feel like she’s gonna be broken anyways until HoB is nerfed early?
Hail of Blades as like six users. IDK, anything more and we may as well delete the rune. Which... maybe is the right call? But not as a random patch change.
I didn't see it listed. But will her mana cost change?
It's 40 or 50 on live and is unchanged.
Awesome! These changes look exactly like what I hoped for a support Ashe nerf. Although I didnt expect the Health nerf for early, I guess she's a bit too safe in lane?
Two things here:
Because she has to be nerfed enough to change pro behavior, I want to push hard enough that they will actually consider her counterable. She's supposed to be natively be weak into champions like Leona, Nautilus, or Pyke since she can't protect either herself or her ally from being chain CC'd and killed. But she has one of the highest base healths in the game. Her numbers now match Varus.
I think in terms of general frustration, W rank 5 cooldown and R cooldown overall are too low for support Ashe. This ends up being a pretty big n...
Read moreCurrent changelist:
Base Stats
Q - Ranger's Focus
W - Volley
R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
ok but have you ever thought of adding a hat or a cane into the mix?
I don't want to do the cane, I'll leave that for Trevor. He's only a few years away...
What the f**k is Ender wearing? Send him back to Valo ffs
a shirt and pants and shoes and socks and underwear and a watch and rings and a bracelet
When you have a projungler who played a worlds finals and Ender on the desk, its a nobrainer who explains the jungle matchup.
Ellen it is.
We try to mix it up so that no ones just stuck on the telestrator all day. We had Broxah break down game 1 so I took it for this second match.
But mainly its because my ego is gigantic.
Can't believe he said Rogue.
Ibai V Ender GRUDGE MATCH when?
He would beat the sh*t out of me.
I'm gonna need to see some proportions fashion king. Tucked in with a badass belt would have been supreme, but right now you're painting between segments and you can't convince me otherwise
i have to paint the studio for next split its true
Ender buddy u forgot u were wearing the shirt u were painting the house in
no idea how i didnt get any paint on my pants
Alright Ender let's discuss this blouse
ok lets
What a fantastic series and what a run from SK. They showed up and surprised so many people, myself included. I came into today expecting a close 3-0 and after that second game, I knew it was gonna go to 5.
The ending caught me off guard and I'm so pissed G myself for rushing the win moment. I planned for it to be so much better..... URGH!!
Overall though, thought the cast was solid and really enjoyed casting with ender again.
no one gets to have good games on them because of the 0.001%
Only if you're assuming a lower average winrate/rank means lower satisfaction.
I think its important to look at why certain players would main certain champions here and I think there is a (decently substantial) number of players who picked Azir specifically because he's the "Pro Player champion" and find satisfaction from being able to play him.
Sure there will be Azir players that just want him to be better in their soloqueue games who will be happy to see the winrate increase but my problem is that those are the players being catered to by these and many other recent changes and it feels like the former are being treated as though they don't exist.
What I want to say is that I think the game should promise you a certain amount of success for fully learning a champion. I don’t think Azir does that. Not that you can’t win on him or have fun, but that it’s typically not worth trying as the payoff isn’t good enough. He’s tuned very low because of pro.
Hey Phreak there’s a bug on PBE where Azir’s turret loses resistances if he is untargetable like with Zhonyas as if he were dead or far away
Hmm, I didn’t change any of the logic surrounding when it applies. Likely this affected him before as well?
silver scrapes for my first cast of the year? feelsgoodman
Someone tell millennial Ender that saying "In game" every time the opportunity presents itself removes the funny from the phrase.
consider me told 👍
Hyli isn't up for player of the series? LEC Broadcast griefing harder than carzzy that last game
actual robbery
Howdy friends, we're investigating reports that players are getting "stuck" in all chat after trying to send a single message with shift + enter. The intent is that everything pretty much works as it did before, with shift being a one-time modifier for your message.
If anyone has clear reproduction steps would be grateful as we try to track down what's happening.
That was the type of game you go and make food halfway through and just feel bad for casters that have to somehow make an invetible loss interesting
I heckin love my job! sometimes