League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Feb


Originally posted by sajm0n

Ender: its too late.


yeah im gonna shut the f*ck up from now on


Originally posted by MorbidTales1984

I just got in and ender is cast with dagda, absolute treat both these guys work so wel



Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

Ofc not, he's new to the scene after all



Originally posted by Notingale

High skill ceiling is not correlated to Pro Play popularity. It’s about toolkit, which Azir has in the form of hyper scaling super safe poke machine skill set, which is not good in solo because aggression is more rewarding there.

Yeah, champions like Yasuo, Gangplank, Katarina, Riven... are not pro skewed but require an extremely high amount of mastery to do very well on. (Gangplank is currently overtuned).

If a champion is pro bound, it means no one gets to have good games on them because of the 0.001%. Azir also happens to be high MMR skewed.

The strengths here often overlap but not always.


Originally posted by Hirokei

I don't play Azir, so I don't know, but does that 5 seconds cut into the duration? If so I would definitely lean towards cutting the build time, at least in half to match the pre-buff version.

No, the health decay only starts once it activates.


Originally posted by proud_traveler

A tri-cast without Caedrel? Literally impossible

i want a caedrel, pedro, and the old h2k mid who cancelled that malz ult tricast


Originally posted by Glorx

Did they finally allow Ender to cast a game?



Originally posted by Bread_Simulacrumbs

Late to the party, was Ender dressed like a friggin dweeb today or



Originally posted by eardrumfibreglass

I'm a fan of Ender casting - dude knows what he's talking about. I prefer him on the casts, actually, more than on the desk.


Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

I hadn't realised G2 knocked SK out of EU LCS. There's a storyline in there somewhere, and LEC does love it storylines

How about the Fredy122 vs SK reunion if SK win today?


Originally posted by Todeswucht

Idk Ender that's not looking very suit-like

I sentence you to 500 comments in this thread talking about your clothes

ah sh*t


Thank you! We're really glad it's being well-received :)

A few of our tests went REALLY long, so we're monitoring to make sure game times don't get excessive, but we're seeing good trends in the data so far.

23 Feb


Originally posted by AlicopterNA

Don't report it to the officials.

Please man let me out of the basement its been so long


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Ah my favorite Balance team member, Galaxy Smash

What a coincidence, Doctor Professor Smash is my favorite, too!


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Ah my favorite Balance team member, Galaxy Smash



Ah my favorite Balance team member, Galaxy Smash


Originally posted by xMisuto

In my opinion as a main masters azir otp, i think you are aiming at the right direction. Things i would do that should make him more low elo, less high elo:

!!!!Nerf early game laning!!!!!:

- remove Q base dmg, add alot of scaling (you reduced but can be removed tbh)

- buff W a bit to make last hitting easier

- buff base ad (you did that)

- keep mana at pre nerf, mana is a low elo thing, pros manage it way better (i now just run 1 mana rune and dont feel the mana nerfs...)

- !!! IF POSSIBLE: reduce W cs dmg ~50% BUT add a low hp execute on cs to offset !!!!

Buff lategame scalings:

- buff E and R dmg scaling (you did this as well)

- buff W scaling

- keep W passive atkspeed (!! you can remove the tripple atkspeed buff if you think its such a high elo thing, but with enough cdr getting 3/4 soldiers out is normal, so i dont really see why low elo doesnt/couldnt use this !!)


- new pa...

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Thanks for the write-up! I totally agree with you in terms of his actual laning strengths and the directions to go.


Jumping in to help give some more context. Also jumping in because I go Mega Gnar when folks say the skins team is lazy (they aren't) or that they don't care (they do) which I see coming up in this thread. When we created Xayah and Rakan (I was part of the team) we wanted to try a lot of new things - a shared recall animation being one of them. It took a lot of work, blending animations from two champs that could come together at any point during either recall. We also didn't really know if players would care or use it that much, but because of their theme it was worth it to try something new. Many years later it's clear that only a very small fraction of players use the joint recall with the same skin when Xayah and Rakan are on the same team, so we default to the base shared animation. When we look at how long it takes to add this special animation for how little use it gets, we are forced with a hard trade off. Continue doing it, or put the effort into something that will ...

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Originally posted by Twouseacc

ah ,unfortunante.

Also ,what are your thoughts on hitting his early waveclear over base stat nerfs ? (like soldiers having even less AoE early) ,seems like a way to target high elo/pro preformance specifically

I really dislike hitbox size changes. Solders currently deal like 12 damage to minions that aren't the primary target at level 1. Not sure that can go much lower.

In general, he has lower wave clear. Q damage is down, as is his mana pool for pressing it.


Originally posted by Twouseacc

Honestly would be great if the 3 soldier mechanic stayed ,even if at a lower power to keep your intended goals (like W giving 0 free AS ,but 3 soldiers giving 10-30% extra depending on ability rank).

It gives a satisfying feeling of power when you get to use it ,especially lategame when it's more spammable.

I think 3 solder is a bad mechanic and the champion is healthier with it gone, regardless of the other goals of the changes.