League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Feb

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NightZed

Tell me Darkin doggo and Noxian Vampire are safe from delay pls

Milio, the Darkin and the jungler have not been delayed, it's things past that

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

FYI, it will effect this year as well. When Gamemodes came over to the gameplay initiative it has lost a lot of its team members. We felt it was important to still try and get a new game mode up and running for the Summer Event. In order to do that we had to pull people from many teams on the gameplay initiative (And also people from other places around Riot) in order to quickly beef up that team. The cost of this was that some other things in development for the year (like Champions) will be slowed down or in some cases delayed. So you should also expect to see less Champions this year then last year as well.


Originally posted by memebeam

Pudge, Mortred (invisi pub stomps), and Mirana were my faves



Originally posted by I_ACCEPT_KARMA

I loved this bit. Azael roasting himself had me rolling

It’s ok Azael, we are equally important parts of the DugDuo


Originally posted by FETU55LAYER

Op keep us updated we love wholesome stories

We have some very promising leads. I think this is gonna happen.


Thanks for the kind words! I'm also very excited about the things to come and very proud of our recent work


Originally posted by mason3991

Any update on being able to mass disenchant?

It’s on our list of potential projects, and is currently in design discovery.

16 Feb


Originally posted by RiotAxes

Oh shit they're onto us



Originally posted by drdiage

The way I interpreted it, right or wrong, was that all champs would flow automatically eventually to the 4800 and settle. To go into other tiers would be an explicit decision based on the champ and qualitative measurements to improve general player retention.



Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Axes I know this is OT, but are you able to share if the team is going to spin up another CGU soon or do you guys have to evaluate ASol more

Can't talk about anything like that right now. ASol is looking good though.


Originally posted by RiotMeddler


You’re not the boss of me! (You’re my boss’ boss’ boss’ boss)


Originally posted by Squiggleberry

Did you have a main in OG DOTA? Mine was Pit Lord

Riki/Clinkz if I recall correctly were my faves


Originally posted by The_Yeti_Rider

so is yuumi a newbie champ or does she have the same skill floor as akali? which is it?

She had the skill curve of an Akali and that made many players deeply unhappy, so we're working to change it.


Originally posted by Dracoknight256

How does that work with matchmaking variance? Can't put it in the words so here's a theoretical example:

Assume I am 1250 MMR and I matchmake in a lobby range of 1200-1300. Is there a difference if I keep winning in 1200mmr lobbies and losing in 1300mmr lobbies and the other way around(winning in 1300mmr lobbies losing in 1200mmr lobbies)?

Also, back in season 11 I ran into a situation when with 53% WR in over 200 games I was consistently(as in from like game 20? to game 200) losing more LP than I gained. How does that even happen?

To the first question yeah there could be, MMR gain and loss on a per-game basis can be affected by the MMRs of the other players in that game and how likely we think it is you'll win or lose - we matchmake as close to 50% as possible every time, but if you win a match we assessed was a 49% chance for you to win you'd gain more MMR than if you won a match we assessed had a 51% chance of your victory.

For your second question it's really hard to say without knowing more about your account or being able to trace your ranked journey, sorry.


Originally posted by Shadark

Yuumi in the lowest and most accessible tier is going to create an entire new generation of new League players who don't have a grasp of basic concepts of the game such as positioning, kiting, spatial awareness, map movement and so on.

Mark my words.

A brand new player isn't trying to learn the nuances of how to position in lane or kite - they're trying to find the fun. It's definitely true that Yuumi isn't going to teach all the skills you need to learn to be a good League of Legends player, but playing Yuumi with a friend turns out to be an effective way at figuring out why you want to bother learning those skills in the first place.


Originally posted by Apprehensive_Lab5286

Is there any discussion internally for some form of return of a twisted treeline mode?

Nothing explicit. Curious what you're missing from that mode. Were you more interested in the shorter game time or the map itself?


Originally posted by kiptronics

why do new game modes have to be immediately competitive with SR/ARAM just to not get axed

Historically the modes team has been pretty small, meaning that the work in to value out ratio had to be pretty high. I think that viewpoint is fading somewhat, but the question often comes back to player value. Should we re-run a mode with a very short tail, or should we re-run a mode that players enjoy playing for longer? Which modes should we invest time into maintaining? We're committing to doing more novel things because it's clear that players want not just deep experiences, but variant experiences. We're hyper focused on getting a new mode out the door to pay off that desire for novelty, but we still have to explore what comes after that.


Originally posted by kidexz

But many champs need big swings, you guys tried removing some of the bonuses on assassins and it was a disaster, those champs are now barely playable.

I mean big swings more on the level of 'large systemic changes' like hexgates/rubble. We'll continue to balance champ by champ to a level where they're healthier for the mode.


Originally posted by VoodooLunge

Thanks for the quick answer! I really appreciate your increase in community interaction!

If I understand you correctly, doesn't this necessary level of script expertise also block you from access to more content in general, because of the high and long training cost ? Just loosing one expert would put you behind a lot.

Would investing in and developing a bit simpler script not be possible to solve some of the current challenges (and also possibly enable enhanced custom games) or (edit) do you think the tradeoff between training more people faster to work on new content and highly flexible creative tools is is too high at the moment?

It can for sure, but there's a large amount of knowledge at Riot right now and thousands of scripts for reference that we can't share out for security reasons to train people up.

You definitely don't need to convince me to invest in better tools :D, but I just want to highlight that a public release of tools like this needs a MUCH higher bar of stability.


Originally posted by Kessarean

I may have missed it - but with all the changes to aram, will any of them get adjusted or reverted?

As someone who loved the game mode, the changes were exciting but have made the mode less enjoyable. I know it's a pretty hotly split issue, though it seems people who almost exclusively played ARAM have disliked the changes the most.

Heavy changes and/or reversions to death timers and tower rubble