League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

To be clear, this is very much NOT the plan

I think you might be having too much fun today. What can I do to make you sadder?


Originally posted by BlitzMomIsAHooker

Hey Cadmus, are there any plans to ever bring Mastery tokens to ARAM? Once upon a time a Rioter commented on looking into it but nothing ever materialized.

I'll get u 213 more goats if it happens!

Stay tuned ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by MasterFalco

I thought this change also implied that you gain/lose more MMR for each game. Are you saying the change only affects LP gains?

Yes, this change only affects LP gains. MMR works quite well at what it's designed for, which is to evaluate skill player that matchmaking can use to create fair matches.


Originally posted by IRL5Head

Wait so does stuff like performance rating factor into MMR? If not, How do you determine if someone is on a 'lucky streak' or if they 'appropriately belong there'?

Do they maintain ~ a 50% winrate at their current MMR? If yes, then they probably belong around there. If their winrate is lower than 50% at their current MMR, they might've gotten lucky or something. If their winrate is higher than 50% at their current MMR, they probably are below where they should be.


Originally posted by Cucumberino

One question, it seems to be that since LP gains changed a few seasons ago, when you win many games in a row, your mmr climbs slower than your rank/lp gain, making you win less LP the more you climb, which makes it really frustrating to see when you have 20 wins more than losses yet your gains are shit. That said, the opposite happens when you lose, making you win more LP after a loss streak. Why does this happens? Is this intentional? It seems to only get fixed if you get through promos to another tier or just getting stuck after climbing until it evens up back again. This change in gains was hotfixed because it was absurdly broken, but now it still feels broken, just slightly so people don't complain as much.

I think that this makes it really frustrating, because for example, you might get a winstreak in Diamond 4, playing with people in your rank/mmr, and get to Diamond 2 eventually. These games in D2, you will have low LP gains and play with people in Diamond 3. People ...

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MMR does move more slowly than visible rank, yes. So when the season resets and your rank is far below your MMR, it will move very quickly to catch up, and gains flatten as you approach equilibrium. Conversely, when you lose a lot, your MMR doesn't fall as fast as your rank does so you get a bit of a boost to recoup some of those losses.


Originally posted by zaad97

3-4 new champs, does that include VGU,ASU, or not?

VGUs and ASUs are separate


Originally posted by MasterFalco

My point was exactly that. He won't be able to sustain it so he will fall after a few games. That doesn't change the fact that at his peak lp he was way out of his league. So those games will feel unfair to his teammates.

In addition, there is the psychological part of league. When someone is losing they are tilted, obviously. So of course they won't stop to take a breath and refresh, they will keep playing. They go on a losing streak till they can no longer lose because even on their worst day, they will win that game. After that, they will go on a winning streak because they are no longer tilted and their skill level goes back to normal, and then the amount of positive energy carries them over their skill level for the cycle to continue.

This is already happening, but the increase in lp gain will mean the amplitude of this oscillation will rise. This means the skill difference between the lucky player and their teammates will be higher.

Matchmaking is exclusively based on MMR after the change we made at the start of the season - so the matches you play in after this change will be the exact same matches you played in before this change, even if visual rank is a little different.


Originally posted by VoodooLunge

The new mode sounds interesting. I hope you haven't been held back too much by the hackattack. I was hoping you could answer a more general question about new game modes:

Could you explain a bit why "custom game" was almost never made a more powerful tool to give players a chance to tinker themselves more with game modes? Wouldn't that also decrease the expectation of bugginess and balance issues? Is that just too difficult and time consuming to program? As you probably know for many multiplayer games the editor tool is often the reason for their long term success. Are you considering improving custom games at all at some point?

Custom games are a different team, but the major blocker to this is whether or not the tools protect the user from crashing the game. Our tools are very good at giving us a wide range of things we can do, allowing us to make things like the 2v2v2v2 version, but that level of freedom exists because we expand our capabilities all the time and rely on script expertise to not crash servers.


Originally posted by bz6

/u/RiotAxes Boss ASU’s are great, but my biggest fear with them is the possibility of reducing skill expression. Now after hearing Lee is getting one, this raises my worry. Caitlyn for example had some bugs that were “fixed”. But that resulted in mechanics to be removed, mechanics that overtime became innate to the champion even though they originated from bugs.

Please tell me this won’t happen with Lee who is an EXTREMELY skill expressive champion

We are aiming not to have a situation like that happen again. Additionally, there is no general goal to reduce skill expression, and I 100% agree that it's core to what makes Lee Sin who he is.


Originally posted by RobbinDeBank

So it’s all part of Riot’s plan to justify future Ryze’s nerfs

Oh sh*t they're onto us


Originally posted by AobaSona

I think the core thing most people want from a new permament mode is a shorter mode similar to Summoner's Rift but not random. Basically a middle ground from SR and Aram. Nexus Blitz was the closest to that, I know it ultimately failed to do great, but I think that's the main reason people are so passionate about it compared to other game modes that haven't returned.

I hear ya. I think there's potential there for sure. I know we want to reexamine Nexus Blitz eventually to see where we can make improvements to give it more staying power. Might not be for the next release of it though.


Originally posted by sogeking111

Does that mean everyone will get rank inflated?

Ranks will go up faster if you're winning certainly, they'll also go down faster if you're losing. This is about people getting to a representative of their skill rank faster, not about inflation


Originally posted by BarackProbama

Meddler wanted it but one pricing meme was enough ;)

We need to talk...


Originally posted by CruzerBlade

Can I ask why is it such a hassle to bring this game modes back while working on the new one? Shouldn't they be simply a toggle on and let people play? I know there is maintenance cost to them but after so many runs they should just be fine to play all the time even. I get not having them online forever to make events more special or whatever, but to not even be able to just turn them on and let them run for any event is kinda strange

It's a lot more complicated than just turning them on. The biggest cost is the change that's happened in the game surrounding the mode. New champs, new items, new systems all have interactions with the mode's rules and can cause a lot of bugs that make the game either hard to play or even crash. We spend a fair bit of time resolving those issues every time we bring something back (even the ones we run a lot). There's also a cost in pure engineering in setting up the queues that I'm not super qualified to talk about.


Originally posted by Giraffeonastack2323

Why the arcane team? You guys haven’t even stayed if the show was cannon or not. So that seems like added confusion in the mix.


Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

This is super SUPER amazing news! Having one cohesive canon will be a lot stronger for the narrative overall I think, even if some really minor details differ due to fun creative liberties taken across games

I'm very excited about this too, I think long term it'll be great, does mean some slow down right now as we get stuff figured out however.

And yeah, we'll also still have some degree of adaptation to any given medium of course. There's a lot of stuff that's just part of gameplay, or just memey fun, that can and should diverge. I don't think anyone's getting confused over whether Yasuo dying 10 times in 15 minutes is canon or not for example


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

hmm isn't that a bit of a placebo change overall then for climbing, not that I don't think the majority of the playerbase are a bit stupid when it comes to blaming anything outside their skill for their rank.

Is the focus just for people who play very rarely to get back to their pre reset rank quicker?

You'll overall climb faster to the level of your MMR, and then we want ranked to be more of a journey with ups and downs where you can make progress (in either direction) in a good or bad session instead of being kinda stuck in the mud where nothing much happens and your LP/rank doesn't move much at all. So if you're a Gold 3 player who might be hovering at that level today, maybe after this change you'll more frequently oscillate to Gold 4 and Gold 2.


Originally posted by Caenen_

Whether mid lane mages are supposed to specifically start with very low base armor, iirc this is a carryover from old rune page preferences (same reason tanky supports have particularly high starting armor, as players ran both defensive seals and quints on those specifically).

Low armor makes these champions weaker in lane/early game against physical damage sources (lane minions, jungle monsters, AD bruiser and assassin champions). Thus there may be unexplored space here as I see many mage players complain about laning against assassin and bruisers in mid lane (despite ultimately not having a bad winrate in those games), as well as mage players perhaps wanting to explore jungling.

Or I could be completely wrong here and changing their early physical durability would lead to completely different design space problems (mages dominating top lane leaving bruisers stranded, AD assassins having to have their power curves massivel...

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Not sure. Slayers (skirmishers + assassins) have no consistent damage typing, so MR and Armor aren't clear levers between them. And mid lane isn't a rock-paper-scissors relationship. Bruisers beat Slayers and lose to Mages, but Slayers and Mages tend to be matchup-specific. Some mages crush Yasuo, some lose to him.

The biggest thing their level 1 armor is modulating is how dominant they are in bot lane, both support and bot lane carry. So it'd be pretty challenging to up their armor - upsets a lot of mid lane balance while moving more of them out of mid lane entirely.

Suspect tinkering with Slayer base stats is more promising - if they all gained some base armor in exchange for something else (MR, health per 5?), we potentially move the needle on how much Bruiser mid win rates get inflated by countering very popular champions, which makes it easier to allow Bruisers to be present in mid lane without nerfing them. Would have a side effect of moving Slayers towards to...

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Originally posted by JailsinhoHue

Well, my favorite lol feature is champion releases, and even hearing these great news I would like to know how drastically releases will decrease (4 per year idk)

Will this reflect on the 2023 releases as well?

and these changes only apply to the year 2024? Or Beyond?

Thanks for asking :)

The process of making a new champion is a pretty long one, so moving people to other projects today probably won't affect 2023 champs at all (so much of the work has already been done there).

At a very rough guess, probably something like 3-4 new champs in 2024. Not sure yet for 2025+ and we've got some time to figure out what makes sense for the longer term like that


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

How will the less new champions affect VGUs going forward? At the moment they are in a near extinct phase and the updates you have on them (usually a single one at the time) is usually lumped in with new champions.

This is a reduction in new champs specifically in 2024 (and potentially beyond). We're not reducing investment in VGUs