League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by PartyMagus

A bit about skill floor and skill ceiling.

Lucian's maximum potential is completely ridiculous, but you don't need to do any of that to see some basic success with him, especially if you are playing with an engage support instead of an enchanter.

All you really need to know is: Engage happened? -> (W+)E forward, AA, Q, AA, continue to walk forward and autoattack. That is enough for not just Iron and Bronze, but also the median player.

And teamfights or more generally post-laning phase isn't that much harder - sure you have a shorter range than a lot of ADCs, but you get a lot of additional mobility and the ability to deal damage while moving (Culling), so you will be fine if you just play him as you would any other ADC. Of course you aren't going to get the Galeforce forward into Culling chunks that Lucian is supposed to do at high level play, but you don't need that.

Now compare that with Yorick: Sure, you can just waddle up to people and bonk them ...

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A lot of it is - if I pick Lucian for the first time, I'm gonna fall flat on my face. But I'm gonna do a lot of cool stuff where it's obvious why I failed, what I need to practice to do better, and why it will be awesome once I do learn to do it.

If I'm a new player, the important thing is whether I'm excited to play the next game. Doing well in my current game can definitely help with that, but it's far from the only factor.


Originally posted by friendmode

Subjective first reaction, as someone who's played League for 15 years and does about 60%/40% ARAM + ranked nowadays: I was excited about the new game mode up until reading about augments. There's a huge hole in game modes to be able to pick the champ you want to play, play it in a match that typically takes <15 minutes, and not have massive mechanical gimmicks that makes everything play like a different champ. I do understand that's a challenging mix to make work with League pacing, but having a quick game mode to pick a champ and have roughly transferable practice/muscle memory to rift matches feels like such a clear opportunity that's currently missed.

The first iteration of Nexus Blitz was the most fun because it was the closest to that model, and each successive version that introduced more Mario Party-style mechanics just interrupted the essence of what made it enjoyable/sticky. I think Ultimate Spellbook actually struck closest to the best balance on that otherwise....

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I think you might be pleasantly surprised, or at least I hope so. As an example here's a quick rundown of a playtest game I got in last week:

  1. Picked Alistar (I've played him a lot in ranked, wanted to see how he'd do here).
  2. Wasn't duo queueing, so got matched with another Rioter playing Nautilus. Ok, not ideal to have two lower damage tanky support types...
  3. Built a bit more AP than I normally would, early rounds went ok but not great for us
  4. We both independently get offered an augment that adds a true damage dot to targets you hard CC. We grab it and swap to making a really lockdown, drag out the fight comp going super tanky and ability haste heavy now that we actually have a victory condition. Still feels like playing Alistar and Naut, just with some significant modification.
  5. A later augment gives us a lot of health regen when on low health. Further helps with the gameplan!
  6. Make it to the state where it's just us and one ...
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Originally posted by TxksDQZN

Does this mean u can get like over 30 lp with good mmr



Originally posted by RobbinDeBank


Pick rate nerfed, maybe. Win rate buffed?


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

so people are also gaining and losing more mmr per game now? Might seem like an obvious question but without that people would end up straight back to +14 for a win pretty quickly after a win streak boosting lp above mmr

No, no changes to the MMR system. So you're right and that's intentional, in order to sustain a rank in our system your MMR needs to be at that rank's level.


Originally posted by BarackProbama

Meddler wanted it but one pricing meme was enough ;)



Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

how is this going to impact ranked inflation, sounds like this will massively increase the % of people in each tier.

Not to mention master tier is -already- way too inflated (had 10k people in last season) for being a supposed "apex" tier with the daily decay needed

This will only let people get to the place they were going to end up more quickly, it doesn't change anything about the interaction between MMR & rank. In other words, your MMR needs to be at a certain amount to be able sustain a given rank, so it shouldn't be inflationary in the sense of people inauthentically being at a rank.


Originally posted by NicramUrgod

What about players who gain on average let's say 20 to 22 LP per game currently? Will they also have their LP gains/losses adjusted?

Yeah you'll probably have something in the range of +32-35


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

I wonder if the wild rift ports are part of riot accepting wild rift is somewhat dieing or was a failure - giving up trying to entice people over with unique skins.

Personally I never saw the appeal of playing as complex a game as a moba on mobile, and play/activity rates at least in the west seem to reflect that pretty heavily.

Not at all. WR's been going well. We have generally seen people want to play on one platform or the other though (comparatively small number of players want both a PC and a mobile MOBA). Makes a lot of sense from both a player and a business perspective to share the most resonant skins etc across games as a result


Originally posted by MasterFalco

Don't you think that 22 might be too much? After every time someone gets a lucky win streak they will get exposed by being way worse than everyone else in the game making the game very unbalanced.

This change won't be changing the fact that you need a certain level of MMR to sustain a rank - a player who hits a lucky streak without appropriately belonging there would fall out with net negative gains unless they could maintain a good winrate at that level.


Originally posted by ThunderCrasH24

Get those LoR skins in there too.

Which particular ones are on your mind?


Originally posted by True_85

Are there any ideas on how scaling champs (swain, sion, viegar, nasus) who rely on longer games to get strong will do so in the 2v2v2v2?

Still working on the details; this mode is coming in HOT for summer and a lot hasn't been figured out yet. Some things we're trying:

  • Granting stacking champs a flat amount of stacks per round
  • Less snowbally mechanics for early game champs
  • Early game specific augments

Originally posted by Leyin99

Do you have already a first expectation on how much the new change will affect new champs? Since while I agree these stuff need more focus would be for example sad if we ony get 2 new champs in a year or so

Not certain. If I had to guess I'd say 3-4 in 2024, but that's a very rough estimate


Originally posted by EkkoThruTime

This is probably a controversial opinion, but I don't think every story across all mediums have to be 100% consistent with each other. There's a trade off between cohesiveness and creative freedom among different teams; finding the right balance is undoubtedly a difficult task.

I think what's most important is understanding and staying true to the core identity of the champions, the little details don't need to always be the same if it's a detriment to the creative process IMO. For example, I know some LoL lore fans are upset Arcane doesn't follow canon 100% but to me it's not that big of a problem as long as Arcane's canon is consistent with itself and doesn't betray the core essence of the characters. The Last of Us show is another good example of what I mean. There are a few details that aren't "canon" to the game but they don't break what's fundamental to the story, in fact they enhance the story for the given medium that it's in. I hope this makes sense.

Agreed that 100% consistency on literally everything isn't a desirable goal let alone realistic. The exact placement of a Zaun shop you see in Arcane versus potential portrayal in a LoR card? Not really important. But key things like critical character motivations, relationships, important world events? Huge value in those being consistent, recognized and respected across different experiences IMO


Originally posted by WaveCore

For a long time ARAM has biased strongly towards poke champs, ADCs, and enchanters in terms of both pick rate and power level. This led to an environment where melee champions felt quite bad to play. There was also the challenge where champions like Talon or Kayn had less terrain to interact with (and therefore not utilize portions of their kit).

This is still pretty true. Bruiser items are pretty nerfed now, most % balance changes on melees are pretty toned down too, and sustain is just so gutted with the penalty on minions. Eclipse has no more omnivamp, Ravenous is lifesteal instead of omnivamp, Hammer was nerfed as well.

60% effectiveness on minions is just too little, I hope they're at least open to further adjustments. It's a nightmare playing ADC's with shorter range and barely being able to keep up with poke even with BT.

Yep, we're going to keep adjusting balance, just going to be taking fewer big swings after the tower rubble changes.


Originally posted by thatwitchguy

When you say not centralising do you mean like for example, arcane is still its own thing outside of canon but how they do something would influence canon and vice versa?

We want to get to a state where Arcane, LoL, LoR etc are all clearly building in the same canon so that that's not even a question that needs to be asked or point of confusion :)


Originally posted by Drink_water_homie

Of course once again riot is refusing to comment anything on nexus blitz “ until next time” leave it up to the boneheads behind the screen who just want us to play the same boring stale game modes that we’ve been playing. People don’t want limited time game modes to play on summoners rift. I want to play a limited time game mode like odyssey again. A completely new map and mode that was actually fun

2v2v2v2 is planned to be time limited on a new map. Nexus Blitz is something we want to run again, but we're prioritizing getting that brand new experience out to yall this summer. Plan is that we'd do nexus blitz again at some point this year after the 2v2v2v2.


Originally posted by Cumcentrator




Originally posted by TheGreatAutiismo

Hope they consider adding modes that are available permanently or on a regukar bases (like every weekend.) As cool as these sound, I find it hard to get exited about (never mind invested in) something that I know will be disappearing for 6+ months in a matter of weeks.

The bar for adding a new permanent queue is very high, but it's something in the back of our minds. I don't think we've hit a mode yet that has the staying power + audience necessary to justify a whole queue, but based on audience feedback, we might try and invest in a version of one of them that can make it there.


Originally posted by GGABueno

'Grab a space in the office, talk about what's happening, get stuff out quicker'

I like seeing glimpses of the Riot office like this, it's fun.

Also can't wait to see future Champions, skins and updates leaked through someone's monitor!

We've already had to blur some monitors and/or discard some promising takes when stuff like that was up prominently in the background! I'm sure we'll get it wrong at some point and leak something, seems like a reasonable risk/trade off though