Read moreA bit about skill floor and skill ceiling.
Lucian's maximum potential is completely ridiculous, but you don't need to do any of that to see some basic success with him, especially if you are playing with an engage support instead of an enchanter.
All you really need to know is: Engage happened? -> (W+)E forward, AA, Q, AA, continue to walk forward and autoattack. That is enough for not just Iron and Bronze, but also the median player.
And teamfights or more generally post-laning phase isn't that much harder - sure you have a shorter range than a lot of ADCs, but you get a lot of additional mobility and the ability to deal damage while moving (Culling), so you will be fine if you just play him as you would any other ADC. Of course you aren't going to get the Galeforce forward into Culling chunks that Lucian is supposed to do at high level play, but you don't need that.
Now compare that with Yorick: Sure, you can just waddle up to people and bonk them ...
A lot of it is - if I pick Lucian for the first time, I'm gonna fall flat on my face. But I'm gonna do a lot of cool stuff where it's obvious why I failed, what I need to practice to do better, and why it will be awesome once I do learn to do it.
If I'm a new player, the important thing is whether I'm excited to play the next game. Doing well in my current game can definitely help with that, but it's far from the only factor.