Wow, they look a little happier here :p
I mean, still a lot of work to do, but things are feeling a bit better at least!
Wow, they look a little happier here :p
I mean, still a lot of work to do, but things are feeling a bit better at least!
IMO, printing assists is 100% fine because it only serves to take money away from the carries and put it on the support.
No extra gold is added to the game economy by having more assists per kill, it only dilutes the 150 gold among more people
Unless they’re the one assist.
I thought that as well but then when I watched the clip I noticed before I press R the tool-tip reads "allies within 1200 range of you heal for 87" and then after I press R it reads "allies within 1200 range of you heal for 100", due to the max health increase on Radiant.
In the clip Ashe heals for 100, not 87.
So the order of operations must be Gain 15% Max HP -> Heal nearby allies, but for whatever reason the healing tracker doesn't reflect that and shows the pre-Max-HP increase healing instead.
Hmm, this is weird.
The item is coded to give 15% of your max HP on press. Because it should use that new total health value for the heal calculation, the heal is literally coded as a function of that +HP variable. This way I can also feed the tooltip a mathed-out heal amount. For what it’s worth, that functionality was already in before I touched it. Kudos to the prior designer for making it cool that way.
When testing the item locally the math was all accurate. It would heal me for exactly what I expected based upon updated health values pre-ultimate, and the post-ultimate tooltip would be wrong (on purpose, it’s not worth somehow shoving a different number in there post-activate.)
The tooltip is getting updated again in 13.4 anyway to show the total healing and I’m pretty sure that’s meant to be accurate, too, so we’ll see what happens.
The way the tracker works, it simply compares the outgoing heal value to the champion’s missing HP and just tak...
Read moreMy thoughts:
Truly passive effects like Frozen Heart and Locket do not deserve assists.
Locket active and Shurelya’s active deserve to.
Radiant is somewhat in the middle. The radius is huge (1200 or so) and is sorta an active but also sorta not since you almost never directly target its effects. This is kinda like how Jarvan E attack speed just prints free assists because it’s bound to affect everyone.
This is the kind of thing I’d bet there are differing opinions on in the design team, though if I was going to come in and change it for 13.5 no one would stop me.
I’ll give it some thought and am curious about everyone else’s
Hey that’s me!
Thanks for staying up until like 3 to finish recording this! I had a great time :)
So are the socks made of bagels, or do they have bagels on them? Or is the bagel made of socks?
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. We totally agree that the colors can cause confusion so we are actively working on a fix now for it!
I really like the varying styles they're taking the games in, helps keep things feel fresh.
Mageseeker and continuing the Demacia story is probably my favorite of the bunch. I definitely like all 3 though.
Here we co~ome! ♬
I'll fix this, Q1 is not supposed to turn pink towards the end.
is the February capsule drop just the January one that was extended or is it one for February?
It’s a different one, not just more time to get the January one
Because the pro players are very good in punishing the ranged vs melee match-ups. Bad Kennens use E as a gapcloser, so they can deal damage, while pros will achieve the same results with just AA and Q's, so they have their E to avoid ganks and allins. Also, pros use their resources better (while energy is easier to manage than mana, E costs a lot of it).
I disagree. Solo Queue Kennens use E + W to wave-clear and CS because last hitting with him is quite difficult, especially under turret. Pro players can do this with autos no problem but the majority of players cannot.
That would be pretty sweet. If nothing else just to say thank you for the presentation, which at the time was so under-appreciated by us high school kids. After watching Arcane and everything and League being as big as it is I find it so cool that I saw the Jinx model live! And at the time he said he was still working on it and updating it too I believe.
Happy to ask around. Remember any other details? You can DM me if it’s stuff you wouldn’t want public (your school, teacher, etc).
Any insight onto how these negotiations are held? I'm very curious about the decision making behind what kind of loot is given away and the nature of the partnership itself. I think its one of the nicest things any FTP game has done for its users.
That's one of those things we can't really talk about except in fairly vague terms unfortunately. A lot of it though is about trying to figure out what creates the best overall package that leaves both parties as happy as possible (since the ideal scenario is a long running partnership both organizations feel good about). Lots of back and forth about potential options, trade offs, etc while working to understand the goals of the partner org you're talking with.
Nice, thanks for letting us know! I will say, though, that it is unfortunate that we have to rely on Reddit/Twitter threads that don't have much visibility in order to get updates from Riot. If it wasn't for YouTubers like Matty Loves Gaming, I don't know what I would do tbh
Yeah, this one's a bit of a middle ground. We debated whether to do something through more official channels now or once we had something more definitive to share. Concluded it was better to just jump in and say something where discussion was happening right now, then do more formal messaging once we know what's happening for the rest of the year. Realize that's not ideal for some folks though
/u/RiotPhlox I know you are not the same person as Phroxon, but
You don't get any catchup xp from killing someone a level ahead of you (only evens out around 4 lvls behind them)"
Does this mean no catchup XP if someone is two levels up? Because you really, really, should get catchup XP for killing someone two levels up.
You get 20% for 2 levels ahead
Wc lvl?
f*ck that skill, but forestry might make it kinda cool
No promotion lasts forever, and I definitely got my value out of this one while it was there.
Hey folks - I wanted to jump in and provide a little context to this conversation. Jumping on top comment to help with vis
Our original partnership with Amazon was just for 2022. We have, however, been talking with them about a potential 2023 version. In the short term, while those conversations are ongoing, we’re going to do a February capsule drop that’s the same as last year’s.
In the long term, we’re still figuring out whether something’s possible and if so what it might look like (though it’s unlikely to be the same as the 2022 version). We’ll share the new details with you as soon as we’ve got something concrete
How have we strayed so far from the truth and comfort of Tons Of Damage?
What the hell does "Viego P: Passive damage can now crit" exactly refer to?
His Passive does no damage, so they must mean Q passive right? But that already does crit
So do they mean the current health ratio can crit now??
Who the hell let riot cook lmao
Viego's Q P yeah
Nullifying Orb is there because I had initially made a bunch of scripting changes when I was investigating buffing it for ADCs. That didn't end up shipping but I still had all the scripting improvements, so once we had a real patch, I submitted them in. If we ever update Nullifying Orb again, it'll be a bit easier to modify. Not a terribly important change, though.
Singed I added the shift-tooltip so that players can see what a double-tap of Q should deal. Should help understand waveclear breakpoints a bit better.
Lee Sin is a bugfix as you mentioned; the Q2 description is wrong, so that's just cleanup.
Kassadin R was re-scripted as I was trying to get maximum R damage into his tooltip but it's slightly weird so I don't think that's in right now. Still would like to do it but tooltips are actually kinda wonky. You can't do much math in the tooltips themselves so you have to write it out somewhere else, which kinda bloats things.