League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Feb


Originally posted by Wellington_Wearer

Please don't overbuff Alistar riot.

Pretty small. Currently a little bit more on the AP ratios (Wizard Cow is nowhere near good, this is safe) and putting his teammate heal roughly back where it was.


Originally posted by TheSoupKitchen

I'm always happy to see Aphelios buffs.

Hopefully they do something more than just altering his base stats (or growth stats) for the 100th time and call it a day.


edit: this was sarcastic. I'm shipping the Aphelios buff and it's one line lol.


Originally posted by PandaWeeknd

It's definitely too early to add in this patch but I hope you guys can think about adding some gold back to treats now that JG is being hit with the takedown nerfs (RIGHTFULLY SO). I thought the idea behind them being a safeguard against getting your entire jungle taken because of enemy laners helping with invades was genius. I main jg and the 50 gold on release made invades feel much less punishing. Would love for more earlygame exp nerfs related to lane minions/takedowns tied into the jungle pets. Just so that the perma gank playstyle isn't just the optimal thing to do. And if players do opt into ganking heavily they will be able to cash in on gold from treats but they would be making a serious tradeoff with exp in the meantime.

Longterm I expect gold and experience still aren't properly balanced in the role, but first we need to get stuff roughly in line power-wise before we can build econ back in comfortably


Originally posted by WorstTactics

Thank you for these legendary names. Sovor and Wiwwia especially

Wiwwia was my pièce de résistance


Originally posted by TheTruexy

We call this patch "The Anti-Bird Patch"

Anivia, Azir, and Phoenix Udyr sadge

The "Nerf the Government Surveillance Drones" patch


Originally posted by Etna-

Ah Lil' Kenny my fav champ. At least with the other fun names i could tell who they meant lmao


Lil' Kenny the Lightning Rat


Getting your secondary role is not being autofilled. Secondary 5 times in a row is unlucky, sorry about that.

But also, mid is more popular this patch globally than I've ever seen it with Aurelion Sol, Ahri, and Annie changes. We require 1 player in each role to start a match, so a lot of mid players right now are going to be getting their secondary roles or autofilled.


We call this patch "The Anti-Bird Patch"

Anivia, Azir, and Phoenix Udyr sadge

13 Feb


Originally posted by bzzmd

tbh I think that's also true, 2021 and 2023 LEC don't have great laning botlanes aside from the ones that Hans was/is in, he was gapping everyone in 2021 as well. Like, only Upset looked competitive at all. Literal MAD won both splits, come on lol.

Basically the only competition for G2 bot this split has been Comp Trymbi

In NA he was against FBI Huhi, Berserker Zven, and Danny Vulcan. Not to say he wasn't playing worse in NA but I guarantee if those bots played in LEC people would be hyping them up way more.

It’s not a stretch to say that, historically, ADC has been NA’s best role.

Originally posted by Geosaurusrex

Will we get patch 13.3 for Bo5s? I wanna see caps play Asol.

Patch 13.1B will be the patch for today and the next two weeks!


Originally posted by borkbanquet

Ender is Lillia enthusiast 😳

oh deer


Originally posted by Zuldak

Can I ask what is up with ender's outfit?

i thought i was casting cyberpunk today


Originally posted by SnooPeripherals6388

Ender looks like his neck-shoulder line has 45° angle

im jacked


Originally posted by Suizooo

Surely you mean "Phe" not "The".



Originally posted by blaivas007

"Hey, up for a game?" "Yeah" "Wait, not you"

Tbf neither of them ever wanna play with me because I'm dog water


Originally posted by patmax17

I have a colleque at work who has the same name and a similar surname to mine, we're a similar age, he's from the town next to mine and used to work in my departement before I got here. We regularly get emails intended for the other one, but we're so used to it we just forward them xD

My little brother also works at Riot and the way our emails are formatted I sometimes get stuff for him.


Originally posted by Jozoz

I perma-banned my own account and paid voluntarily paid the “fine” on top for letting some friends play on my account - to a charity that does great work in the inner city. That’s why I don’t even use my original League account.

I was not aware. Then I retract my statement.

The whole “omg you’re on the board” thing is like… so? I volunteer time and give money to a charity and yet people position that like somehow it’s self-dealing.

I agree with this. I never thought that was the problem at all.

Btw, cheeky question since I know you also appreciate the video game designs of the 00s, any chance that Riot is considering a game mode or something for League that is more in the sense of old school MOBA game design? :)

Depends on how you define “old school moba” - but we’re in the process of leveling up the events team and are working on getting back to fun craziness :)

Like a sports team, a lot of game dev is about the team and sometimes you need to go through re-building phases (especially since we’ve “gone wider” and have spread people out across many many projects at Riot).


Originally posted by Jozoz

Whatever the punishment is, Tryndamere's account should have gotten it.

Then if he wanted, he could choose to donate to charity as well on the side to show good faith and it would be very commendable.

I perma-banned my own account and paid voluntarily paid the “fine” on top for letting some friends play on my account - to a charity that does great work in the inner city. That’s why I don’t even use my original League account.

The internet rumor mill is fascinating to watch how stories evolve, grow with the telling, etc. The stink of things that are close to the truth but positioned negatively sticks around - which is one of the things bad actors and trolls thrive on. The whole “omg you’re on the board” thing is like… so? I volunteer time and give money to a charity and yet people position that like somehow it’s self-dealing.


Originally posted by Boyahda

And he fined himself ten grand for account sharing and elo boosting and then gave it all to a charity that he was on the board of. Which, of course, turned out to be some kind of weird ass cult.

Riot Games is a whimsical place.

Why is it weird to give money to a charity I dedicate time to? https://www.cityyear.org/los-angeles/


Because people pose. Diamond is legit.