League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Feb


Originally posted by Cashmiir

Phruexy, Phreav3, Phrightmoon, Pheddler, Phicolo, Phryndamere, Phyze, Phashmiir, Phexical. It's a new era. Soon all champs start with Ph.

The Phummoner's Phift Pheam


Originally posted by RiotPhlox

I really dunno why we all have names starting with Ph

Phruexy, Phreav3, Phrightmoon, Pheddler, Phicolo, Phryndamere, Phyze, Phashmiir, Phexical. It's a new era. Soon all champs start with Ph.


Originally posted by RiotPhlox

I really dunno why we all have names starting with Ph

Maybe because pH is a measurement of chemical balance? Are you acidic or basic?


Originally posted by gandalf45435

Laure has been soooo good at host. Such a natural fit

on g fr fr


Originally posted by RodasAPC

damn, which of them is the wrong one

I message each of them when I'm trying to talk to the other one. It's virtually a weekly occurrence.


Originally posted by danix77

Correction: Riot Truexy and Riot Phroxzon*, Phlox was in the chat. Everyone starting their names with ph- confused me, lol.

I really dunno why we all have names starting with Ph


Originally posted by danix77

Correction: Riot Truexy and Riot Phroxzon*, Phlox was in the chat. Everyone starting their names with ph- confused me, lol.

I constantly message the wrong one in the League client so you're not alone.


Originally posted by herp_derpy

LCS and LEC observers this season have been panning away from lane skirmishes randomly to farming lanes, honestly a bit annoying

Hm i don't remember doing that, since i would have no reason to ;~; I would only really pan away if i knew a gank or play was coming in somewhere else (to catch the setup) and the current skirmish would be small D:

11 Feb


Originally posted by JacindasGaper

It's the skirt and the clown shoes that does it for me.

It's one of those fits that work well for some people but look laughable on others and feels like it's more of a desperate statement (of which the message is unclear) rather than an attempt at fashion/dressing nice. It's not so much fashion and dressing to look good, more so "look at me I am committing multiple fashion sins".

honestly i agree the lower half looks sh*t on camera. theres so much black tat the camera just swallows it all up. personally i think it looks pretty good in person but is definitely not everyones taste


my outfit is still better than SKs draft


Originally posted by Raynar7

Well, at the end Mr. Guldborg was correct…2-1

They called me a mad man


Originally posted by Effet_Pygmalion

Good analysis from goldburg

BO3 brings the best out in me, thank you!


I miss TT too.


Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

Impromptu Guldborg segment lets go



Originally posted by tnflr

Real good breakdown of the ward blunder by TH bot side, nice catch

Thank you! Trying hard to find the small things, rather than whats most obvious


Originally posted by Guaaaamole

Are we going to see your late game outfit later?

for finals


guys im in the early game and these items give me the best stats


Originally posted by Caenen_

She starts at 19 like a bunch of scaling mages mid lane, so their armor growth is rather high to catch up. List: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_champions/Armor

I wonder if that's actually 'right' from a design perspective anymore, in particular with the dynamics seen in mid lane, maybe u/PhreakRiot can shed some thoughts on why yes or no?

I wonder if that's actually 'right' from a design perspective anymore

What specifically do you have in mind there?


Originally posted by YungStewart2000

Shootmania and quake were top tier. Reminds me that I wish that ricochet game from valve got more traction back in the day. The one where you hop from platforms and shoot circle blade things.

Not sure I know that one, but sounds somewhat like tribes which I also loved.


Originally posted by drz1z1

I remember you from the time the TrackMania people released a shooter. You were casting games in English and I had to do the same in French but I cannot remember on which website it was.

You were such a friendly guy. Glad you were able to pursue a career in the industry.

Shootmania was awesome!!! I cast it in 2012!