League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

28 Feb

27 Feb


Originally posted by Nekoworkshop


Gotta love how not a single person in the company pointed it out the data looks iffy.

Overall it doesn't change our goal or plans, we'll continue to try and buff/broaden underused options and reduce the power of dominant choices.

How the hell are the players supposed to trust you when you're balancing your game using wrong data?

These articles aren't proof read by the entire company, it likely only is seen by a handful of people (likely in disciplines that have zero direct interaction with the game, like communications or publishing). We don't balance using this "only" this data at all, this is a single graph out of tens if not hundreds we reference when making design and balance decisions for the game. Keep in mind that while we have dedicated data experts, not all of us that work on the game are experts ourselves and it is very easy to misinterpret or miss certain data points. We are all humans and trying our best.


he might have won the battle, but drakos won the war

Originally posted by OkGeologist8460

Onterview is before matches from what i know. Probably early in the day since ashley is filming from korea where it is night now

Hi! Just to avoid confusion: interviews happen right after the game, live.


Originally posted by Caenen_

u/phroxz0n In case you stumble upon this, FYI this is a Jarvan R bug (missing the displacement being on a tagged knockback buff, similar to Skarner R's displacements or Samira passive's), not Rift Herald specific. Since it's not on a buff tagged for the Unstoppable to reject, it cannot get rejected.

Thanks for the tag!




Originally posted by TheGraveHammer

Dude, this entire post is f**king mental. People in here have no idea how Braum actually works.

For the record, his shield intercepts and destroys all projectiles. However, in the case with Seraphine her ult resets its range upon dealing damage to an enemy champion. So, if it's not the first projectile blocked, it appears to still extend the range past Braum shield. Whether or not this is how it's supposed to work is another question. But, most people in this post are out of their f**kin' minds.

ETA: Holy poor reading comprehension. My statement was rhetorical. I am not saying it's intended. Simply that we don't know if it is or not. Jesus this thread is a dumpster fire.

To be clear: Braum doesn't just destroy projectiles. The projectile fully hits him.

He makes Nami bubbles hit faster and they're centered on his location.

So the interaction with Seraphine ult is really up to interpretation and either could make sense.

I understand expecting it to work one way instead of the other, but this is honestly well within reasonable expectations for the ability.

For reference, Varus R works perfectly against Braum as well, which is another interaction that makes perfect sense to me.

26 Feb


Originally posted by LongLeggedLimbo

What was it for?

It was a throwaway joke that Drakos made on the EUphoria Podcast last year ("You can listen to EUphoria on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts from.... enderweirdchamppodcast.com....)


Originally posted by IonDust

I just realized enderweirdchamppodcast.com is dead

I can't believe that people actually used this ahahah! Sorry, I'm renewing the domain now.


Originally posted by IonDust

I just realized enderweirdchamppodcast.com is dead



Originally posted by MedicCasts

Just finished streaming so I'll jump in here. f**k anyone who thinks they're better than someone because of the size of their wallet, or their status in society.

Also, I don't usually play Seraphine, please don't judge me, I need that LP.

Ah, so elitism based on which champion you play is fine though.

25 Feb


Originally posted by kakaleyte

Hey, I don't even play mid lane but there is something that i don't understand with Azir nerf.

this is balance framework

and 81% presence in 11.3 and 63% presence in 11.2 in top 4 regions according to gol.gg

am i missing something? are gol.gg stats wrong or not the correct 4 region?

These are guidelines that are must nerf lines. If a champion passes one of these metrics, we should always nerf them.

The converse is not true ("if they don't pass one of these lines, we don't nerf them"). There are still other factors worth considering.

In Azir's case his priority is dramatically higher than his competitors so he was a substantial outlier.


I'm so excited to work with Ashley and I'm even more excited how positive the entire LEC team to consistently explore using varied guests. One of the very few benefits of Covid has been the ability to dial people in around the world. I'm very excited to see what Ashley can bring to the interview role on our broadcast and super stoked Laure and the entire team are willing to welcome guests to our show and give them a chance to strut their stuff.


This is a known bug with night harvester and spellshields, I believe it works the same way with other abilities like Sivir E. The bug is being tracked but I don’t have a fix date for you.


Originally posted by Tsepha

Big props to Vedi, who solo wrote this piece and our producer Riot MoonCake for her incredible work as always.

Uh, yeah awkward. what this guy said.


Originally posted by Electronic_Bid4659

(Quinn, Vayne, Swain) Ah, I see you're a man (or woman, I don't judge) of trolling the toplane as well.

Teemo player :D


How are you gonna disrespect my man Kled like that?