League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Feb

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Blackout28

This might not be in your realm of knowledge, but has there been any discussion at all about just building a new client?

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


We posted our latest this AM, the link is in the post.


Originally posted by LacklessLuck

Does that mean we will never have a perfect client because implementing out-of-game and in-game in the same piece of software, which apparently is the most efficient way of building the client, would take too much effort and time? Can't a company with the resources Riot has make it happen?

"Never" is not applicable here. It is a large effort, but League has invested in large efforts like that before - we just don't do so lightly.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PraiseTheStun

How do you deal with the constant complaining that you read in forums (ignoring whether you think they're justified or not)?

I do look at every client related post when they are posted, and I respond when I feel like a have a good answer to the concern, and I am extremely data-driven. For Example, we have data from our survey results and show a positive trend from people being very upset with the client towards the more neutral/positive side. I want to share more of these findings with players when I can. Does this mean we are done? hell no, if you see in our latest post, we need to do many things to upgrade chromium, which will provide big player benefits, and fixing JS errors, continuing to reduce memory leaks, etc.

I deal with the constant complaining by looking at the data we have, and it provides me comfort knowing we are making the client better for our players globally, and if this trend reverses, I will be the first to tell you.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Please take a deep breath and re-read my post. At no point am I blaming the backend, and the fundamental change of going to native is what most of the post is talking through. The part you quoted is covering the idea of re-implementation without any fundamental changes - ie, take another swing using the same tech stack, which I think you'd agree would be folly.


Ive been working really hard this year to inject more personality and spontaneity into my casts. Last year I was intentionally serious/kinda bland imo, but Ive really been liking the balance Ive struck so far. How do you think Ive done? No wrong answers!


Originally posted by LongLeggedLimbo

Is all good with Laure or why don't we get interviews?

tech issues

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AetherialSpace

Is there a world where we will be able to

  • Select our Level borders?
  • Have status' not have the "<--->" anymore?
  • Have Collection/Champion icons be small again so we can view more than 10 champs at once?

Aside from bugfixes, I feel like there were a LOT of reverse QOL changes that worsen QOL instead of improving it.

I do appreciate and notice bugfixes (even if it's still a long way to go) but tons of these other changes seem like just "change for the sake of change".

We really do appreciate and read this type of feedback, and our devs talk about these types of changes all the time.

Our specific team is focused on improving the overall client performance and reliability, while feature teams across League of Legends maintain many of the features you ask about. While I can't speak specifically to the features you ask about, we can ask our colleagues on the teams that own these experiences to see if they are got any plans to adjust and/or update


Originally posted by Hawxe

That's fair and kind of what I expected.

Knowing all that, if you could restart the project/make the decision now, would you go the same route or go native?

I've never had experience on a piece of software that large so I'm curious.

Native by default, with CEF to cover the pieces that truly are best covered by JS stack. Best of both worlds.

Don't suppose you have a magic wand I could borrow?

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IntendedRepercussion

these replies are actually genius or just accidental and ironically genius

lol ;)


Originally posted by Hawxe

You keep saying web technology. What's the stack on the client? It's not using electron is it? Please tell me it's not using electron.

edit. You know what an actual question:

Why are so many companies using javascript based stacks for things like this as opposed to something more native? Is it meant as a holdover until a future League 2 with a combined client?

It's not using Electrion ;)

It's built on top of the Chrome Embedded Framework, with a custom-built foundation underneath.

As to your larger question of why the JS stack is sometimes picked over native solutions - I can't possibly speak for the entire tech industry on that, but I'm happy to give my personal opinion based on what I've seen in general industry trends.

I think there was a lot of hype super early in the development of the interactive web that had people believing the future of the native application was limited. The Google suite in general gave that a lot of ammunition - if you can compete with MS Office using web tech, what can't you do? That's a sane, reasonable conclusion to make if you aren't aware of the massive amount of work that goes into making those products as smooth as they are. As with much tech industry hype, there is a lot of value inside of it. Web-based applications are hugely valuable and solve many problems that ...

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    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LordButtlet

Hi Riot, do you guys know that ranked season 2021 has begun?

Season start notifications as well as several of the popup modals that are shown when a player first logs in are implemented using the same system.

While we have made improvements over the past year to the system (with our data, after we implemented multiple fixes we have seen a dramatic drop in this issue), We know that there are still problems where the local settings file resets on players' machines.

This is especially true when multiple accounts share the same PC. We have work on our backlog to holistically address how we save player preferences and persist the state of what they have seen or not seen, and hope to have more details later

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LordButtlet

Hi Riot, do you guys know that ranked season 2021 has begun?

Season start notifications as well as several of the popup modals that are shown when a player first logs in are implemented using the same system.

While we have made improvements over the past year to the system (with our data, after we implemented multiple fixes we have seen a dramatic drop in this issue), We know that there are still problems where the local settings file resets on players' machines.

This is especially true when multiple accounts share the same PC. We have work on our backlog to holistically address how we save player preferences and persist the state of what they have seen or not seen, and hope to have more details later

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LordButtlet

Hi Riot, do you guys know that ranked season 2021 has begun?

Season start notifications as well as several of the popup modals that are shown when a player first logs in are implemented using the same system.

While we have made improvements over the past year to the system (with our data, after we implemented multiple fixes we have seen a dramatic drop in this issue), We know that there are still problems where the local settings file resets on players' machines.

This is especially true when multiple accounts share the same PC. We have work on our backlog to holistically address how we save player preferences and persist the state of what they have seen or not seen, and hope to have more details later.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It can make it harder sometimes. But a lot of that toxicity exists within Reddit only and not the broad player base. Sometimes players will message me (in-game) to offer encouraging words and report that they've never had a significant client issue. When that happens, I appreciate it very much, it helps too!


Originally posted by Am1t8

anything you desire!

@amit8- what’s a hidden talent no one knows you have?


Originally posted by EuroNati0n

Moving this comment over to the thread from your og post, but what's going on with the key fragment bug?

This one has been a tricky one. We haven’t found a definitive way to reproduce this yet. Have you noticed any patterns for when this happens? Does it happen every single time you receive a key frag?


Originally posted by Dracoknight256

Honestly,my biggest issue so far is post-game. Honor screen crashes my client 66% of the time.

Have you noticed if you crash after you’re clients been running for a long time or are you seeing this after starting up and playing a game or two

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IncProxy

Is there any new feature planned for the client that you can talk about?

Hello, I just poked the team working on this;

re: account transfers - They have uncovered more problems are originally anticipated, but the good news is that they are actively working on it and should be available soon. The bad news is I don't have an exact date to share.

I would love to be in a position where we are doing new features or enhancements. The team's mission is to make the client more performant and reliable, and we are not there yet. We have made really good progress, but we have a good amount of work to do until we can say we are happy and met our mission.