League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Feb

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Reddits_Worst_Night

For those of us who are new or returning from very long breaks (I just picked up after a 6 year absence), can you define vgu? I can't seem to find a definition anywhere

Visual and Gameplay Update, its where we take a old outdated Champ and rebuild them from scratch as a new champion (basically) while trying to preserve the spirit of the old champion and as much of the old champion as we can in the process

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm not sure where this perception that Champs make so much more then VGUs came from. Some VGUS have made more money then new champs,(especially ones with big skin catalogs that get updated with the VGU) some niche champs make much less then the base line VGU makes. Also, after we VGU a champ we can still make skins for it, just like a new champ. At the end of the day it doesn't matter though. The Champions Team is part of the Gameplay initiative at Riot, whos main goal is engagement not revenue. Skins in general make waaaay more then any new champion ever makes, and it's not really a goal for the Champions team to make revenue. Our main goal is engagement, which is to say we want to make products that keep people playing LoL. One of the reasons we toned down VGUs was that we saw data that showed that whenever we do a VGU some amount of players quite the game completely, usually mains of the champ that don't like the rework. If we do A LOT of VGUs in a year like we did in the past...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Valkyrai


the Season Start CG with Viego in it

Originally posted by [deleted]

/u/GreaterBelugaWhale also said they will look into Sett right after worlds patch after his last nerf. Right...after... worldspatch...

and he was looked at. champs a 50% winrate across the board in top lane with moderate pressence in pro - seems pretty ideal

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SmallSnorlax

How are people saying this makes sense? They’re still releasing 6 new champs? Why would VGU’s slow down?

Isn’t the argument people make that resources should be diverted from new champs to VGU’s? I’m so tired of corporations using COVID as an excuse.

The reason we had to delay the 2nd VGU on this year to 2022 specifically is because we couldn't really delay other new champs in the roadmap. We had already planned the Return of the Ruined King story, and as I mentioned in the SS blog the next 3 champs are also all related to the story of Viegos return. When Covid hit and effected our schedule it would have been very difficult to delay Viego who we were already making a SS CG for (Which takes along time to make) but also the 3 new champs after him were interconnected with his story. All champs before those 4 were already in production so cutting them would be a lot more painful then delaying something that had barely just started. We had to basically have some other team members help ship Viego and some of our other projects for the 2nd half of last year which had effects on the schedule for this year.


Originally posted by bz6

Had a question. There was a dev blog that stated: "We think rather than fully flatten the natural strategy and skill variety in LoL we would prefer to support the uneven role power but balance them into a tight spread so that all positions have the capacity to carry the game with good performance."

That is still the pillar for positional power right?

Think so


Originally posted by brunners90

If Quickshot can be taught to scream you could get a pretty dope Beauty and the Beast style symphonic metal band from that!

I'm down. Andy, Drakos. Sign me up.


Originally posted by Dasbeerboots

So you're saying there's a chance?

Honestly? I would love to sing that infront of a live crowd and have a stadium of people all screaming BACKSTABBED BETRAYED.

sh*t would be lit.


Originally posted by Doom0986

Very important question, Spotify when?

It's already on spotify chief. We have a great producer!



Originally posted by FFourcade

Tell me it was inspired by BFMV

Was inspired by the song I'm Not Okay by My Chemical Romance ;)


Originally posted by [deleted]


I mentioned this in another comment but we hire a company called Instant Waves to write the actual music for us. They've done that for a lot of our other songs too. It would take too long for us to write and edit a song from scratch. I can play it on guitar though!

It's also Ender, not Medic ;)


Originally posted by Lvunaty

Did u guys also played the instruments? If so i want a live performance at the spring finals, you guys are actually too good. Much love<3

Haha nah. Drakos and I really wanted to but it would take way too long to do that + write lyrics, so we hired a company that we've used before the write the music (instant waves). We made some changes, I wrote the solo that you hear and Drakos + I write all the lyrics.

I can play it on guitar though, it's pretty straight forward!


Originally posted by -Kaldore-

Very curious about development of this type of content. Do the three of you spearhead this? Just curious where the ideas come from. Obviously takes a long time to produce?

We made this in about 3 weeks. It was an idea Vedius and I had, we worked with Riot Mooncake, an absolutely incredible producer, to bring the idea to life. Vedi and I wrote the lyrics and worked with a production partner to compose the song. Huge team effort, Vedi and I are super lucky to get to work with a production team as good as the LEC's


Originally posted by lynxbird

When we were doing research for the image we wanted to create, he was someone that showed up. Letter to Ashley was a great inspiration for what we wanted to make!


I'd like to thank every emo / hardcore / pop punk band that led us to this moment. I always thought my first love song would be about a former SO, but here I am writing about the best ADC in EU. XD




Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Phlox! Not sure if you are in charge of the Urgot W buffs (50%->75%) but could they be swapped for a W being disctinct type of fix so his W could once again be usable for Phase Rush, Electrocute, Tear, Manamune, Muramana, Black Cleaver?

I'll pass it along to the designer!


Originally posted by Choad_Warrior

Actually yeah, he said it not you. I assumed it's just an excerpt for people who are not using twitter, but now I opened it and saw it's not even remotely close. Apologies for that.

On the other hand, what the issue I see is that while you clearly detail in your post on twitter what you see the problematic points are you still do nothing to outliers for patches now.

Also, can we just appreciate how Seraphine got to the point where she's banned for being obnoxious gameplay-wise (and generally broken) instead of literally everything else? What exactly was the idea there? You were the designer, you must have already gotten all the feedback. I really think that release was likely the biggest learning experience in the last like 5 years or so for you guys, since she was probably the only champ ever that was received in such an overwhelmingly negative way and also the only one that was hated for non-gameplay reasons. I'm actually curious about this and since you popped u...

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The Reddit community is infamously toxic and not particularly representative of our player base. There are few examples where this is more pronounced than Seraphine.


Originally posted by Hellioning

I'd also want to complain about it on ARAM. You can get a takedown on every single champion fairly easily there, especially if you have some sort of buff or heal spell you can cast on allies, and it is very annoying. It also doesn't help that most champions don't buy active items and the out of combat move speed matter less there, so there's really only two choices on that row.

Yeah I can see ARAM-specific tuning in place for Ravenous for sure.


Originally posted by zUkUu

Ravenous Hunter gives MORE OMNIVAMP than most items in the game. Just compare how insane that is with other stats. That's like Alacrity giving 40% AS or Eyeball Collection 60 AD.

Want to nerf healing? Just remove ravenous hunter and make people have to ACTIVELY invest into omnivamp.

Ravenous is definitely powerful, but it also has the correct type of backloaded gating (getting a takedown on everyone) that lets us feel it is structurally healthy.

That said, there's some merit to the notion that it's just better than it's alternatives in that row. We're keeping an eye on it.