League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey! May I ask if any of the above bugs (dragon Q Hail of Blades, dragon Q trap damage and Guinsoo's Seething Strike on Black Cleaver and Ravenous hydra) be fixed in 11.3?

Nah not 11.3 sadly


Originally posted by reslerr

Sorry if I hop on the question train, but was there any internal discussion on possible adjustment for fiora? This patch is gonna nerf her 2 most built items(hydra and goredrinker) and she has already 48.5%wr on u.gg

I have kinda given up on her for the time being and started playing other champions, was just wondering if anything is being considered

Absolutely could be something we do depending on how she looks after the patch


Originally posted by Youre_all_worthless

Have you thought about nerfing or adjusting BotRK? Many champions like Katarina, Jax and Irelia seem to be bypassing their mythic and going botrk early for heavy lane sustain that doesn't seem to make them weaker than going a mythic or anything

I really appreciate you guys nerfing healing across the board so thank you so much, I was scared the game was gonna revolve completely around healing eventually.

We've been investigating it though I cant tell ya if anything will come from that


Originally posted by DBlackBird

Please take care.

Riftmaker is the only mythic for AP bruisers. It's either that or go tank mythic on Mordekaiser, Singed, Voli or Shivana.

Will you guys pay more attention to this niche?

Also will you do something with the Liandrys + Demonic combo? Maybe the should share passives. It is the only other item that seems focused on AP bruisers and it feels underwhelming because it is balanced arroud this interaction.

Fwiw the other two nonmana mythics are usually about as strong as Riftmaker on these champs but they don't feel like 'perfect' fits.

I could see us helping some of these melees maybe


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

It's been really nice the way you've been popping into these posts. I hope people are treating you okay



Originally posted by Memepowereddreams

What was the plan around the Leer/Riftmaker changes? I main Akali and I'm a bit leery about seeing my favourite mythic get adjusted. Is it another way that my favourite champ will be weakened?

Thanks for doing all the work you and the rest of the Balance Team do.


I think we generally expect these changes to buff riftmaker as a first item (health is great for surviving) which should help a fair bit. We'll see though


Originally posted by MonstrousYi

Do you guys plan to give Rageblade some love at some point or revert the cost nerf? I honestly miss the old rageblade.

We've been talking about it


Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

It'd be nice if it didn't give the stupidly large amount of attack speed it currently does.

That said, how are maw and shits end doing atm?

Wits has a few users that love it but is otherwise pretty niche.

Maw was getting its breakfast, lunch, and dinner eaten by Steraks since that item was just very strong so I think we need to make it worth not always buying steraks (since that stops maw purchases) before we can gauge how Maw is overall


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

That's a good point, but do you know if there are any plans on buffing Demonic (at least for melee)? The item is getting outshined by Rylais and even Nashors for DPS/item slot efficiency, and it seems like only ranged DoT champs are really using it now.

I could see that happening actually. No guarantees or anything but if its underperforming on melee characters it would make a ton of sense to buff it for them


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

I don't really get how?
The item never really changed from it's predecessor. If anything it's synergy is better now. How did the satisfaction go down?

MS went down, AD in repeated attacks is hard to quantify. Might also be that other items are more satisfying so Trinity relative to those is less. Not sure tbh

26 Jan


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

Riot seems so scared to buff Morde

Its a small buff in isolation, but I think the Riftmaker changes should help out Morde a decent bit (and all of the AD fighters are getting decent item nerfs which indirectly help him again)


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

Sorry for the question, but I wanted to ask this last time AP shyv got mentioned. Do you happen to know how AP Ezreal is doing post Preseason?

AP Ezreal isn't looking great right now. I could see us tuning up that build if we were confident it wouldn't mess up traditional Ezreal builds.


Originally posted by APBRUISERITEMS_WHEN

Dissapointed that the did a huge pass on items and thought Trinity Force wasn't worthy of improvement when Sunderer is beating it out just about everywhere

Trinity is interesting in that it's actually strong on a lot of characters (especially after it got more haste). There's probably some work we can do to make it feel better on these characters but its generally competitive.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Sick of hearing about plans tbh. Imagine not foreseeing client problems and actually made a head start to address the issues.

But yeah I guess the shop was gucci, so if it ain’t broke 🤷🏽‍♂️

Appreciate the feedback, we have listed all of our fixes and changes in the patch notes going back to mid last year

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by darkacesp

Appreciate the effort Am1t8. The client has honestly truly felt better to me and a friend who had consistent issues pretty much anytime we played. A lot less champ select issues.

Thanks for the comment, appreciate it!

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tzankotz

well most programs don't crash when you use them for 5 minutes of normal workflow

We have made significant improvements to memory leaks that have reduced crashes since patch 10.25, you will hear more about this next week and our Q1 plan for this year, where we will talk about crashes and our plan to reduce them :)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 321045q

They're too busy making more kaisa skins.

They said they would be fixing the client with half-assed annual statements for 2 years. I doubt they change anything. At this point I'm convinced that they're just going to create a whole new client in the next two years instead of devoting a single resource to fixing this one.

Appreciate the feedback, we have published five posts being transparent with our progress, every two months. Our next one is going out next Friday (slight delay since we had a holiday break) which will highlight a number of improvements we have made over the course of 2020 and our plan for Q1 of this year.


Originally posted by Agusto_0

It was one of the highest, wouldn't the ad being lowered change that?

AFAIK the cost got reduced 200g and the AD reduced by 5. 5 AD is worth ~175 gold, so it actually got more efficient


Originally posted by nozozo_y

The item is slept on. It has the same stats as youmuus but 200G cheaper. Also the passive is worth if they have any shields at all. If the supp gives a tiny 50hp shield from aery, serpents does like 200 extra damage to that target

Yeah I think people get pretty hung up on the passive and ignore the fact that it is one of the highest damage/gold purchases you can buy as a lethality user (post-mythic). If a team has any shields at all and you're an assassin, you should be thinking about this item.


Has science gone too far?