League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Jan


Originally posted by sanketower

Any chance that's related to this first Clash tournament of the year not requiring players to be ranked in order to play + the start of the season having most players in an elo inferior to their previous season MMR?

Not related to that, had to do with other matchmaking changes a while ago that Clash wasn't 100% configured for.


Originally posted by HeirToGallifrey

Out of curiosity, did that affect lower-level matchmaking as well?

It wasn't awful, but my team was historically all Tier IV (the highest rank any of us has achieved is Gold IV--we're all currently Bronze/Silver) and we were put into Tier III against Plats and even a Master.

Unlikely it's the same issue, sorry. This specifically affected matchmaking for the highest mmr folks, and we saw the matchmaking dramatically improve for them on Sunday. Possible something else is going on though.


Originally posted by CMcAwesome

Will there be an EUphoria episode before week 1, or do we have to survive until week 2?

(Not to work you like a dog I just miss EUphoria so damn much)

New EUphoria out wednesday!


Originally posted by xWangan

Is foxdrop a permament addition?

I don't know why, but I have a feeling as if I've seen this dude being announced for LEC multiple times, and then he would cast a game or two and be gone...

Am I thinking of the correct person here?

We're planning on using Foxdrop as a regular guest for a couple of weeks at a time in Spring and Summer. It heavily depends on what Brexit + Covid impact has on us, but I'm stoked with the development Foxy has made over the last few years, and he stepped up during EUM Summer + ASE!


Originally posted by EvilWhatever

Sjokz said she'd host alongside him, is he both host and full-time caster?

Caedrel is a caster and analyst!


So glad to be back!


Sad to lose Frosk this season. But, Incredibly happy to get to cast alongside Caedrel in his first split as a fulltime caster. Can't wait to see what he can do.


Very excited to work with the LEC team this year. Sad that Frosk elected not to join us, but I wish her well in future endeavours.

As usual, this will make up the core group. LEC fans have come to expect sme special guests from time to time and I don't want to disappoint! I'll do my best to find some guests throughout the year to create some surprises on air (Pending Covid + Brexit of course :/ ) I've already spoken to Machine of course :P


Originally posted by GarryTheCarry

Quickshot was casting some league tournaments in 2012 and Sjokz worked in league scene since 2012 (for other orgs like SK)

They were both hired by Riot 2013 if i am not mistaken

Almost correct - I was doing mostly freelance and smaller gigs in 2012, while Eefje was a journalist and had the pleasure of attending worlds.

I was hired by Riot in 2013 while Eefje worked for ESL until we moved to Berlin where she joined Riot as well.

We've both been working on the EU LCS since it started, and both have a longer history in esports prior to League.


Originally posted by BillyDTourist

It's called a warm-up !



Originally posted by Yone1trickpony

Hey riot employee respond to me so I can tell all my friends a riot games spoke to me .

Ill grant your wish


Originally posted by AphoticFlash

hey my Clash team played against this Riot team yesterday too! they were a team of basically all Grandmasters against a plat Clash bracket, and they crushed all of us in under 18 minutes...absolute shit tier matchmaking

Yeah yesterday's bracket was weird, looked into it after and found an oversight in top MMR tier matchmaking for Clash, which should be fixed going forward.


Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22

Dude these games were so fun. I was casting high elo Rioters playing Clash and they slammed their whole bracket. Felt like Blitz never missed a single hook dude was a GOD HAND.

Even tho I like to talk trash about champs I believe are overloaded, I'd like to ask y'all to keep all the bullshit in my twitch chat and not harass anyone cause u don't like a champ. That shit ain't cool.

Good thing you didn't pay too much attention to my lane phase in games 1 or 2 :)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you clarify if the balance adjustments just the Kraken Slayer fix or are more changes planned for Kat, since Scruffy’s usual list didn’t mention anything more

I think it's just the Kraken slayer change.


Originally posted by RageRegularly

You're right that rocketbelt does have it's uses, but bringing it back to mordekaiser, (yes it's a little personal because he's my main I'm sorry) there's little incentive to build rocketbelt over say riftmaker. For a champion like Morde it's more enticing and arguably more valuable to have the healing from riftmaker. The reason for this is it makes the 1v1 in ult better and gives you healthier trades. However, I can also just buy a deadmans plate plus a rylai's crystal scepter to compensate for not having protobelt. But, the shallow stat pool of having less health and ap hurts a lot. Before the new items, I had the freedom to build whatever suited the game without being locked out of other item choices. For example, I could build liandries AND protobelt. Of course that protobelt could be subbed out for a rylai's, but if I really needed to get on the enemy adc I could build protobelt without sacrificing my liandries sustain damage. Now though, I have less of a choice. I can either ...

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OK, but let's say you did 2000 damage on Mordekaiser in a fight and half your damage is AOE, you would heal for 200 and Riftmaker has 150 HP, while Rocketbelt has 350 HP. (This is already the difference in health) Riftmaker is intended to be better for long combat and Rocketbelt is better for short combat.

If you were playing against someone like Kennen or a hard to catch Marksman like Ezreal, it is basically not possible to catch them with Riftmaker unless they're griefing or playing poorly. I'm not trying to say Mordekaiser doesn't need any balance adjustments, but to say you would never build Rocketbelt over Riftmaker is disingenuous. (Kingen built it in the DRX series yesterday for example, many pro players are dabbling with it in solo queue).

For the champions that you've mentioned, Akali is performant with all of the non-mana AP mythics and Katarina is receiving some balance adjustments to fix up some of her choice structures as well. After the adjustments t...

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Originally posted by JazzyMuffin

Do you think that the item recommendations are partially responsible for this?

I normally just grab anything with a star on it, putting like a millisecond of thought into it. If im playing soraka who's schtick is heals and some area denial, I feel more inclined to grab a starred item that sounds synergistic to that cause.

Locket's good, but it doesnt innately reflect what a soraka normally does, esp when the mythic passive itself looks somewhat strange or non-contributive to hps(heals per second?).

Yes I do, though item recommendations are being upgraded to increase the number of viable options shown either the previous patch or next patch. Due to a conservative implementation, it was usually showing only one mythic option. Moving forward, it should show at least 2 for most champions.


Originally posted by Zancibar

We have a mythic choice, but we can't really choose what to build after.

I go Braum, I pick Locket, maybe Chemtank if I really, really need the engage, let's say that's fine. What do I build next, what choice do I have next? Last season whether I chose Bow or Zekes, that impacted the way I played, and I could go stuff like gargoyle, thornmail, abyssal mask, f**king warmogs if I'm surviving with ten Hp too often. Now whether I go bow or zekes ot doesn't really change the way I play that much, gargoyle is too expensive, thornmail I can't reliably proc to it's fullest, same with abyssal, the MR movespeed item is great though, but I can never get to it because even if I can afford it I have already 5 slots out of 6 busy with Mythic, Zeke, Bow, Wardstone and boots. Enchanters I believe have a similar problem (though don't quote me on that).

And don't get me started on the AP "bruiser" itemization.

(On an unrelated note, I am pleasantly surprised that Rioters actu...

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Hmm well for tank supports you can either go zekes for offensive or knights vow for defensive. For enchanters you either go redemption/mikaels for defensive or ardent/staff for offensive

17 Jan


Originally posted by Bluepanda800

I don't think it's just about champions having good mythic choices- it's also champions only having a good mythic for a prescribed gameplay style.

In terms of build diversity champions like Sona have a great mythic choice in moonstone but she struggles to be as effective building anything other than moonstone. Which is in sharp contrast to the prevalence of AP scaling Sona builds last season.

This is in part because of Sona nerfs but also because the lack of synergetic AP mythics she has access to: mandate, ludens, nightharvester, everfrost etc all have flaws like mandate only proccing off empowered E or R, and the others being way too expensive and not quite right for Sona. Also removing mana options outside of the mythics and seraphs (which is considerably worse than before- seriously can we change the build path to lost chapter + tear + amplifying tome) makes life harder for mana hungry AP Sona.

Sona is a big and obvious example but on a smaller scale p...

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Respectfully, I still disagree. I think we have improved choice for at 50% of the enchanter roster and should be further improved next patch. Like you said, last season almost every enchanter had a locked first item in Athenes. I'm not going to claim that every enchanter has choice, but compared to last season, it is still a significant improvement in my opinion.

Most enchanters have choice and I would also expect it to increase next patch (moving Shurelyas into the AP Enchanter space and Imperial Mandate changes to reduce the potency of multiple slow applications (eg. Nami)).

Even on the live patch, I would say most Enchanters have choice, barring Sona, Nami, Yuumi, but we're considering some adjustments to see if we can improve it.

Lulu, Karma, Morgana, Soraka, Bard, Janna all have fine choice between Moonstone, Imperial, Locket and I would expect some of them to want Shurelyas next patch as well. I think Locket in particular is underpurchased against b...

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Originally posted by RageRegularly

The problem is less about all champions having less options and more about certain champions having less options. One great example is the ap bruisers like Singed and Mordekaiser. Sure if you look at the recommendations for say Morde, Riot has offered you three choices being riftmaker, night harvester and protobelt. Each item has ap, hp and some kind of effect that should be decent for an ap bruiser like movespeed, a dash or extra healing. But how many games can morde actually go protobelt or night harvester? Almost none because the synergy isn't there. So the only option left is riftmaker right? Great, but the item isn't very good because of a shallow stat pool and lackluster ability/mythic passive. This was a very specific example but there are many more cases of champions being completely snuffed out because They're forced into building a mythic item that really just isn't very good, meanwhile adcs and ad assassins have many different diverse options to do with as they please in...

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Rocketbelt on singed and mordekaiser is fine when you need gap close (especially on singed). Imo, players have not experimented enough when making sweeping statements like this. I'm not going to claim that every champion has good mythic choice, but for the champions that you've mentioned and several others in the thread, I believe they have choice that is undiscovered and we are constantly making balance adjustments to do this. Keep in mind that it took almost 2 years for pro players to realize they could build an item other than ludens first (with no balance changes to the items).