We have a mythic choice, but we can't really choose what to build after.
I go Braum, I pick Locket, maybe Chemtank if I really, really need the engage, let's say that's fine. What do I build next, what choice do I have next? Last season whether I chose Bow or Zekes, that impacted the way I played, and I could go stuff like gargoyle, thornmail, abyssal mask, f**king warmogs if I'm surviving with ten Hp too often. Now whether I go bow or zekes ot doesn't really change the way I play that much, gargoyle is too expensive, thornmail I can't reliably proc to it's fullest, same with abyssal, the MR movespeed item is great though, but I can never get to it because even if I can afford it I have already 5 slots out of 6 busy with Mythic, Zeke, Bow, Wardstone and boots. Enchanters I believe have a similar problem (though don't quote me on that).
And don't get me started on the AP "bruiser" itemization.
(On an unrelated note, I am pleasantly surprised that Rioters actu...