I think I found a fix for this, I'll try to get it bundled with next PBE patch. Sorry about that!
I think I found a fix for this, I'll try to get it bundled with next PBE patch. Sorry about that!
If they actually made Kraken work with it I think that's all it'd take.
Yeah we intentionally didn't do that, because then if you're a rageblade user, you're automatically stuck taking Kraken because of innate synergy.
All on-hit ADCs like Runaan's, so it should be about 60% crit chance.
And, either way, the idea isn't to keep stacking crit items if you pick Rageblade. It's the opposite: you are supposed to build it when your champion is going to sit on low crit chance, so you convert that somewhat 'undesirable' stat into something consistent and of value.
Rageblade's design is fine, the problem is on the numbers. They nerfed both the cost and the damage output from it, 'cause on-hit ADCs were outperforming their crit peers in early pre-season.
Now that IE got adjusted to be a better 3rd item and other crit items got some buffs, they should roll back the nerfs they gave to Rageblade.
Agree with this dude. I think we have the levers and mechanics in place to pull this item into viability, just a matter of pulling them. I actually planned to do some analysis/number crunching this week/weekend on this item to see what's up and where exactly the power is missing.
Read moreWell since I took part in a (sorta) negative comment thread in this wholesome post, I wanted to also share what keeps me coming back.
For me it's the progress. I work at a grocery store. Haven't found a job yet that makes me want to stick around. I went to college and stopped cuz I don't know what I want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on as a career. I don't have a whole lot of marketable skills apart from talking to people. I can draw (copy) what others have drawn by sight. I can read pretty fast. That's it lol. So as sad as it is, this game keeps me from feeling like every aspect of my life has stayed frozen. It's one of the few things that I can actually look at myself and be like "yup, I'm getting better at this". I've played the game for years and love helping others in it. I can talk about it for hours, I can understand the LCS commentary and see where their conclusions on plays come from (could never do this with physical sports). I can teach about it, I can ...
Thanks for sharing your story. It’s not common to see people be vulnerable and transparent, particularly here.
It takes humility and bravery to put yourself out there. If you’re ever looking professional advice or coaching, hit me up in a dm.
What part of "HEAD OVER TO OUR MAIN CHANNEL" was unclear?
In fairness, I can see how people read that and then thought "but I'm watching on lolesports.com, what other main channel is there?" We're tweaking the language a bit to be more clear. It's obvious when you watch on twitch.tv/riotgames, but less obvious when you watch through lolesports.
Fixed - might take a few minutes or a refresh to update
Wait... did that actually happen or am I too naive? No way.
Lol unfortunately it did. August asked me what one of my least favourite metas were. I said the tank ekko/fizz/everyone meta, where moment to moment gameplay didn't matter. Then he replied "Ooof, my bad".
I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and this post to somehow become a feature request. :sweatguy:
Wait... did that actually happen or am I too naive? No way.
Our interviews are pretty laid back for the most part. I chatted with my interviewer about the various ways Bard (my main) can troll his own teammates.
Hey Reav3! Is the Rammus update effectively eliminates him from the VGU list? He has been always a constant member of your tier lists since 2016 and you said that he'd be be needing smaller gameplay work and it is here. Is this the end for him like Xin's VGU plans? Have a nice weekend!
Not at all, we still want to VGU him someday
That ult animation is f**king hilarious and I hope they never change it
Definitely not a temp animation X)
Wait...what's the catch? You even mentioned Ekko without bringing up his tank build or R CD!
I couldn’t even make it out of my interview without mentioning his tank build... that still makes me cringe lol
Wait...what's the catch? You even mentioned Ekko without bringing up his tank build or R CD!
Wait they really copied Wild Rift?
This is what I was worried about, like when Wild Rift starts influencing LoL PC.
This was definitely a joint effort between Wild Rift and LoLPC!
It's generally valuable for players to expect similar patterns out of the characters between games, so this gave us a great opportunity to bring a little excitement and modernization to Rammus.
I get why he had to be young and handsome, but why skinny jeans, a jacket 3 sizes too short and shirtless?
We were inspired by a lot of Goth Rock/Metal stars/singers for his look, since we felt Goth rock aesthetics meshed well for the whole vain, hopeless romantic angle
Making ... good decisions? That sounds like the most important job in the whole company
Lol! To be fair, nothing would actually get shipped without the people who make the things. But thank you :) I love my work, and I take a lot of pride in being able to help our teams make the best stuff for as many players as we can.
Our builds aren’t supposed to be that complicated but some people are still always taking bork second even though it’s not always optimal anymore. Bork was just so good for Jax.
People can be very slow to change builds sometimes, it's interesting
Any thoughts on Jax?
Kinda weak right now I think, haven't dug a ton into him though so idk if he's just building wrong or whatever
I love making good decisions! I gave you a follow on twitter, I'd totally be down to talk more
Awesome! Followed you back :)