League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Jan


Originally posted by DerHitzkrieg

Interesting. There's no version control setup in place to prevent this? Or i guess pbe *is * the version control sorta?

Smaller changes go straight to PBE but bigger ones with more chances of bugs/chaos tend to sit on internal environments for longer periods for testing/QA/etc.


Originally posted by ThEntropist_

We originally made him ranged and gave him those ratios in hope we could avoid him being a tank.

Rakan wants nothing more than to build tank. I personally believe that the kit will never be healthy if he builds tank, but maybe that's now changed with the R/W changes.

I just think he's such a cooler character when he's super squishy weaving in and out of fights.



Originally posted by Only_Plays_Zyra

Considering he builds targons as his early source of AP, I’d say so

Additionally his 3.8+ AP ratios in his kit says thank you 😊

We originally made him ranged and gave him those ratios in hope we could avoid him being a tank.

Rakan wants nothing more than to build tank. I personally believe that the kit will never be healthy if he builds tank, but maybe that's now changed with the R/W changes.

I just think he's such a cooler character when he's super squishy weaving in and out of fights.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We just pushed a fix to resolve this issue!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

I think Blitzcrank at the very least is hindered by his outdated visuals and voice lines.

Maybe but Lee Sin is in like the top 10 visual and theme scores in the game


Originally posted by Revenginator239

As a rakan main, I am very happy. Early ap in shurelyas is very nice for rakan’s AP scaling. Less hp hurts a little, but definitely worth. Tank supports boutta suffer a little though.

Plus the 40 AP effectively gives 36 health in his passive shield, 72 if it procs twice in a fight. I just wonder if this is really best on him.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ozaiko

Is there a way to balance a super appealing gameplay (Ahri, Lux, Seraphine) with a niche and super interesting design (Azir, A Sol, Kindred, Bard) ? Most of the time interesting champs get niche gameplay and doesn't receive the love they deserve.

We have examples like that in champs like Blitzcrank, who has very high gameplay scores and low theme/art scores. These champs tend to do alright still, but not as well as champs with both strong visual and gameplay scores

11 Jan


Originally posted by Lost_Stock

Chempunk Chainsword

Health lowered from 200 to 150

Total cost lowered from 2700 to 2699

Combine cost lowered from 400 to 399


That was an accident lmao. I intended to type in 300 but hit 99 instead of 00. Should be resolved for tomorrow's PBE

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

While I really like the goals, I want to play devil's advocate here so why not just focus entirely on broadly appealing champs. You mentioned in another comment that even some creatures end up quite popular like Kha and Yuumi, so that does seem possible w/o sacrificing creature champs

Because not everyone is going to be into broadly appealing champs. It is good to hit a specific niche of players that would never be excited about most broadly appealing things. It also allows us to to make crazier kits, that we know won't be super appealing to a lot of players, but it's still cool to have them show up in games every once is awhile. It also allows us to make some champs that might be really good adds for the lore/IP even if they won't get played as much in LoL

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sharjo

Is there enough data to say where Rell falls on the spectrum of niche to broad appeal? Supportive tanks seem like a largely niche gameplay concept, so it'd be interesting to see where she lands

yeah we targeted her as broadly appealing for a tank support, which is a pretty niche role. To early to say where she will land longterm yet. usually it takes like 2-3 months for a champs playrate to settle

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Hey boss! Is the champion team the smallest its ever been? It seems that a lot of people have left it and not enough bnews on potentially replacing or new coming in. Is it possible to tell us whose on the team currently? <3


it always kind of fluctuates up and down but stays relatively the sameish size

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Is the 70/30 split the goal this year as well? I know last year the justification for Lillia was that there were two monster champ reworks so you guys wanted to balance it out with a cute niche champion. This year we already know of 2 niche releases in Mundo and the Yordle, and I know a lot of people are being pretty pessimistic about the chances for any other niche designs this year. Could you tell us if there are plans for any other niche designs this year, or are those the two for this year? It's been a while since we got a really monstrous new champ (Rek'sai) and I would really like to see another one. I know we got Fiddlesticks last year, but that's just making a monster more monstrous, not something new.

currently yes their are 3 niche champs planned for this year, Mundo and 2 new Champs, though niche doesnt always mean monster champ. It can be of course, but their are some broad appeal creatures spaces like Yuumi (Cats are pretty appealing) as well as niche human spaces like Swain, Brand, for example.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

I'm curious if your job entails anything else other then damage control lmao

I'd be happy to see the champ team just say that they're more focused on making broadly appealing designs then constantly seeing you flounder to justify all these same-ish sexy male, female champs all the time lmao

I have been very transparent about our goals when others asked. We have had the goal for the last 3-4 years of making 70% broadly appealing champs and 30% niche each year. This includes VGUs as well, so last year Volibear, Fiddle and Lillia where targeted niche and the rest to be broadly appealing. In general we would be happy to hit like 50/50, but the reality is if you have goals to have 70/30 a few are going to miss the mark, and at the end of the year we generally end up hitting about 50/50 when we try to hit the goal of 70/30. In the past when we tried to hit a more even spilt of 50/50 we ended up with something more like 30/70 with 70% being niche. What's worse is if a niche champion misses the mark they end up in a very rough spot (Taliyah/Ivern for example), whereas when a champ targeting broad appeal misses the mark they usually just end up niche (Aphelios/Qiyana, for example) The reason its important to be hitting at least 50% high engagement champs is that the primary go...

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Updated version of the LoL esport teams overview
The 2021 World Champion is one of those logos :-)
Looking forward to a crazy 2021!

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10 Jan


Hi, Azir not stacking Tear with W is an unintended bug we plan on fixing for 11.2.

As for the main point of the post, I do agree that Azir is in a tough spot and doesn't really enjoy buying any of the Mythic options, and he sorely misses the CDR on Nashor's. This is definitely something we're aware of and would like to resolve without returning him to a pro risk.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pablo_2020klm

So the new champ after viego is the ap fighter top laner?

That’s the current plan yes

09 Jan

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RoarkeST

Is the order for releases up until around mid-2021 going to be

Viego->New Champ->Mundo VGU->New Champ->New Champ?

Also, in regards to what happened in 2019, if two of the VGU candidates were to tie, would the champions team consider replacing the planned VGU after the poll-rework to be the second champion that tied?

That is the correct order, yes. As for the second question, we will cross that bridge if we get their


Did someone say Dunkmaster Twitch?

08 Jan


Originally posted by pm_me_ur_giant_boobs

What constitutes whether a skin would come to LoL PC or not?

Depends on a number of things. When and where we come back to a given thematic, also what the production timelines and how much bandwidth we have between other releases. Also finally, whether or not people liked the skin on the platform it originally released on.