League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jan


Originally posted by ACanadianMooseLoL

So I read the article and I’m still not sure when the draft starts? Are they doing it at the start of the broadcast? Feel like they could make a lot of fun content off of it, I.e. having teams react to TSM and FLY’s choices on broadcast and firing back with banter etc.

Or are they doing that off broadcast and it will just be announced before the tourney? Anyone know?

Edit: For visibility, Sherman said it will happen off stream.

We will be doing the draft off broadcast, but will be sharing a recording of the draft with teams to make content, in addition to anything they record as well.

We'll be releasing the results of the draft, and the schedule of the Lock In group stage tomorrow.


Originally posted by andresm79

It's the equivalent of SG Udyr skin, he's unplayable without it

Default Rumble has Parkinsons disease


Originally posted by [deleted]




Originally posted by dillydadally

Wasn't he a challenger ADC main that was trying to crack the scene? Or am I thinking of someone else?

He was a challenger (or nearly so) Hecarim one-trick a few years ago.

06 Jan


This is a good suggestion, I think a lot of players would love this feature. Also this functionality for Item Sets should be fixed in patch 11.2.


Absolutely beautiful


Originally posted by bz6

Yo why didn’t we get a list of champion that got their base starts rounded up?

Cause it woulda been really long and it actually doesn't matter at all if your champ got a rounded stat


Originally posted by Yami_No_Kokoro

Is there any reason why you guys decided to pull the other change to Ionian boots (10 SS AH -> 12) + the buff to Cosmic Insight (15 SS AH -> 18)? Did it seem too powerful, or waiting to see how the initial buff affects the item's usage before considering those additional buffs?

I actually don't have good context on those two changes specifically but I'd imagine wait until these shake out first.

Fwiw SS haste can get kinda messed up kinda quickly at high amounts

05 Jan


Originally posted by pog_in_baby

I want a 15 minute video of tahm kench cooking

I could make that happen.


Originally posted by Caenen_

AD / MR / ARMOR GROWTH Rounded to the nearest 0.01. Except for Vel'Koz's AD growth, which is 3.142.

Pretty sure this is outdated, on PBE it was changed to 3.1415927 after the initial set of changes.

Yeah Velkoz is back to Pi but rounded in patch notes lol


Originally posted by SantoWest

Who cares? Riot is a massive company, they can easily work on 5 different games at once without one affecting the other.

Honestly, we've been doing that for awhile now


Originally posted by inahos_sleipnir

must be nice to work at a place where you can afford to do that, I'm at a different gaming company where we don't have that budget leeway lol

Tight budgets can be very tough, create tension, and make it hard to do all the things you want to do. They also force organizations to have clear priorities and going through the process of narrowing down to what’s critical is important. That last bit is always a valuable muscle to build and will always be useful.

Long way of saying. I feel you, it’s tough, but hopefully you take something out of it in the long run. :)


Originally posted by haidaloops

at first glance it looks like a random diamond

LCS players in a nutshell PepeLaugh

OK you got me


Originally posted by inahos_sleipnir

thank you for sacrificing profits to keep this subreddit more bearable

While I’m sure people look at the decisions we make in terms of skins and believe we exclusively look at short term results, the real story is that it’s also about long term trust.

Will a Ivern skin be hugely impactful to Riot’s bottom line? No, probably not. Do we think that there are players and fans of that champion that we want to maintain a long term relationship with and continue to build trust with? Yes absolutely.

Not every company will make these decisions the same way. Many places I’ve worked think only about financial results for the next quarter and nothing else. That’s why I love working here at Riot, because there’s a broader view that’s always focused on building something long term with players.


Originally posted by 2soonexecutus

Finally. Thank you. What if I played a TFT game 1 year ago? Will the missions still pop up?

No. The sets missions will require you to play 1 game that set.


Originally posted by k3hvn

And with that Shyvana skin, the 1000 day club is empty...for now

EDIT: Nevermind, Wukong's been in there for a week, and Rumble just joined.

It’s true. We’re close to no one being in the club anymore. Still more work to do. :)


We're fixing this for our next set in 11.2. The missions won't show up unless you play a game of TFT.

/quickly leaves before all the grumpy LoL players yell more


Originally posted by Mumphord123

Phreak you’re my favorite caster and I f**king loved your casting this yesr

Thank you! <3


You captured the spirit of ARAM very well! Don't worry about it going away, ARAM has a dedicated playerbase that loves it - as do I!