League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Nov


Originally posted by bz6

/u/GalaxySmash confirmed to me that you can turn off ALL the new recommended stuff.

But Galaxy never specified where, maybe he can help.

Should be under Interface -> Ability and Attack Display -> Show Spell Recommendations


I mentioned this on Twitter, but the changes that we had weren't quite at the design quality bar, so we've taken it back to work a bit more on it and will release it when it's ready.


Originally posted by bz6

Are we able to turn off the rec jg route AND ability level up?

Please tell me this is possible.

Yes to both.


Originally posted by A_Wet_Sock

Can you make it so the collection page in the menu can sort roles like the champ select page. I want to see what jungle champs I could play while in q but it sorts it by stuff like fighter and mage instead of by lane.

I'm pretty sure you can, on the left side dropdown in the collection you can choose to sort by "Most Popular Position", it sounds like you're sorting by Role.


Originally posted by bz6

Please tell me the rune recommender can be turned off 😆

It's a separate button, so you don't have to interact with it at all if you don't want.


Originally posted by GamdzykMakayra

Did the warding assist changes get scrapped? Haven't seen them mentioned anywhere since this video

Changes to wards will be coming in a later patch I believe.

15 Nov


Originally posted by Davezdgc

I hope you could at least merge the PH, SG and TH servers and just separate the VN and TW servers because the queue times are just horrible.

This is certainly not off the table for the future. For launch we wanted to reduce the risk and try to keep the initial transition as frictionless as possible.


Hey all! Posting some updates that are coming today here for clarity:

  • Jungle companion's attacks will scale with BONUS AD
  • Spear of Shojin's Dragonforce passive scales with BONUS AD
  • Navori Quickblades was accidently left out of the notes and will be added in
  • Lillia context is incorrect. This change will be a slight BUFF to her, so we're preemptively NERFING her passive.
  • Nunu & Willump will do 1000 damage with Q at rank 4, not 100
  • The last day to progress 2022 Seasonal Challenges was actually 11/14

Sorry for the confusion everyone!



On behalf of the team, we wanted to thank you for all the love and excitement that we are seeing for our Ice Queen, Winterblessed Diana.

We've been collecting your feedback and after discussing it with the team we're going to be making the below changes:


  • Improved the freeze texture on the Respawn.


  • Adjusted the Run and Walk animations.
  • With Diana's dance we wanted to try something a bit different! While we've seen mixed responses, we're ultimately taking away that players are expressing a desire to see our dance animations loop in recent PBE threads. While production realities currently prevent us from being able to adjust this on WB Diana currently, we'll be bringing this learning forward to our upcoming and future skins.


  • Added more textures to her hair.


Read more External link →


After evaluating the feedback, we've made the following updates to Winterblessed Swain per your feedback:


  • Adjusted walking animation to be more inline with base.


  • Adjusted the texture of Swain’s wings that appear during R ability.


  • Fixed an issue with the R range indicator VFX not matching the actual range of the ability.

We have received a lot of great feedback and appreciate your trying to write feedback in a way that's most helpful for us. Some suggestions either conflicted with other player feedback or with internal craft expertise, others (additional changes to his model, etc.) are out of scope for a PBE change. Thank you for taking the time to test Winterblessed Swain and sharing your feedback with us!

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Read more External link →

Originally posted by mygodwhy

I don't understand. Are they reducing Rakans AA-range to melee, or are they just changing his role, making items such as Knights Vow viable on him? /u/Auberaun

Nothing is changing about his AA range, this only changes his interactions with items/runes that have a ranged/melee split like Relic Shield's execute threshold. I don't think Knight's Vow has a ranged/melee split on it.


Originally posted by Rare_Epicness

If I ran ghost and tp on toplane, then queue jungle, replace smite with tp, not with ghost

Oh good idea. We're doing similar prediction for the upcoming Rune Recommender so might be able to do this as well.


Originally posted by RiotAugust


who r u


Originally posted by HiVLTAGE

I had a question regarding champ diversity.

Champions that have been purposefully dissuaded from jungling such as Camille, Sylas and Twitch could see a return with the clear changes. Is the balance team still planning on barring certain champions from jungling by other balance levers if they’re a problem or is the goal to give as many champions jungling ability?

We're leaning towards being inclusive by default and then assessing champs case by case.

Things that might cause us to reduce a champ's strength in JG specifically might be because it's:

  • Unhealthy (excessive frustation, exceedingly low counterplay, etc.)
  • Damaging their main role (eg. if the off-role JG is too high WR which causes us to nerf the main role)
  • Too strong in Pro. Multi role flexes are really valuable for regular players, because players love to play their champions in multiple roles, but we know this makes champs inherently stronger in draft for Pro

Originally posted by GoldRobot

Finally, thanks, please more QoL changes

What would you like to see? Things related to champ select are primarily where my team operates in the client.


Originally posted by TheTruexy

To clarify the R, it is still infinite (you can only refresh the buff up to 5s but you can do it repeatedly just like Live)

The change is that the infinite MS stacks only last 1.5s. So essentially whenever you are out of combat, it'll drop back to the baseline 10% MS.



Originally posted by Kordben

Do you have some failsafe plan "IF" this won't go well because Zeri has a
past and looking at your message i realised R is kinda teh same just with a little more weakness to it - which will make her still problematic but its porbably just me on copium because I'm not sure this will help.

We do have more things we can push if needed. But essentials boils down to "what fantasies can we keep on Zeri while solving some key problems".

Shortening her range and limiting the window of her R let's us keep that "infinite MS fantasy" for now by introducing new forms of counterplay. I'd say if this "fails", then we once again need to evaluate if "infinite MS" is a supportable mechanic on a ranged carry for the standard player


Originally posted by Flame_Zealot

What an oxymoron you can’t increase skill floor and make something easier to get into

I’ve seen skill floor used both ways

I’ve seen it be “here’s what you can accomplish when you know nothing” and I’ve seen it be “here’s how much you need to know to be useful.” For what it’s worth I like the former more than the latter.