League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Nov


Originally posted by NewGod1314

Many plays sylas equally good like zeka like(chovy, faker so on).and on last two games we saw sylas fell off, not banned nor picked so it's not like he's a sylas god, but his akali truly stands out, no one can match.

He got 4 solo kills with Sylas in a reverse-sweep Game 5 … if that’s not a god I don’t know what is.


Originally posted by bababayee

I think Beryl would have found a place among most top 5 support lists even before the tournament, this win should cement him as a legendary player though.

He’s the only non-T1 player (AKA didn’t play with Faker) to win multiple championships, if I’m not mistaken


Originally posted by baekinbabo

Joe said t1 scrimmed against a hodge podge of NA players too.

No wonder they had the confidence to let aatrox through. Mother f**ker had zeus stomping against na aatrox.

Nephew, you wouldn’t be talking like this if you saw what FakeGod’s Aatrox did to 369 in champions queue.


Originally posted by carefish

Wow. That is awful performance. And right from the start of the game.

As for an update, we are currently purchasing some of the most common hardware that seems to be experiencing this slowdown, as we cannot reproduce this issue internally. If we can repro it, I'm pretty sure we can quickly narrow down the cause.

Testing a fix on PBE was inconclusive - some players reported that it worked, and some that it didn't.

06 Nov


I assumed LoL was like WoW so I built Trinity Force on Anivia because I thought I'd be casting abilities as frequently as I did in WoW. I was very wrong.

I unironically played Evelynn. This was back when Evelynn was the champion with the lowest winrate in the game and could barely jungle without dying.

I still pick Ryze.


Originally posted by meowtiger

idk, the reggae mix of "legends never die" after ssg 3-0'd t1 in about an hour seemed a little out of place

reggae mix of "legends never die" after ssg 3-0'd

I still think about this.


I’ll be honest, I was very much not expecting a 1.37 KDA from Faker this series.


Originally posted by Cool-I-guess

I mean I don't really think DRX not contesting Baron or Soul is the right play

It seems like they were trying to contest but were bullied off it so much they couldn’t even get close.

05 Nov


It's a terrible day for rain.


Hey, G2.Romain here

We've always said the buyout was negotiable and we dropped it quite a lot when teams asked us. What the article doesn't mention is a player of Jankos' caliber also cost a lot of money (salary) and it seems like most orgs are not ready to meet his expectations. I know the narrative of "G2 jails its players" is popular but that's not what it is about here

Offseason is not over yet

04 Nov

03 Nov


Originally posted by savagejen

Really? Why?

Its not intended, but the file size gets too large for match history to handle. The game still happened and all forms of progression (LP, Eternals, Challenges) are still tracked for that game!


Originally posted by npri0r

Treat it like a movie. It’s well worth the watch.

Or you could just explain it in 10 words like a reasonable human being

02 Nov


Originally posted by Elidot

Very uneventful patch minus K'Sante, makes sense so shortly before season end and preseason.

I do wonder how K'Sante is tuned though, he will only have 2 patches before his core Itemization heavily changes (Tank Items), like is he tuned more to be in line with current Items or future Items?

Edit: Its actually 1 Patch before preseason, crazy.

We faced a similar issue with Seraphine a few years ago. She also shipped 1 patch before Preseason (which was the item update), so we had to figure out how to tune her given that her optimal build was Old Glacial Augment + Hextech GLP, both of which would end up being changed.

01 Nov



On behalf of the team, we wanted to say thank you for all the love we're seeing for our groovy boy, Space Groove Teemo!

We have collected your feedback and after discussing it with the team, we were able to make the below changes:


  • Added more oomph to Teemo's ult so that the mushroom explosion sounds have more impact to them.
  • Dance music loops infinitely for the dance animation.
  • Basic Attack Hits & E Attack Hits now sound slightly different, with Basic Attack Hits feeling more 'plain' while E Hits feeling musical.
  • Passive Music loops more smoothly.
  • Recall & other Emotes increased music volume loudness to match other Space Groove skins.

Passive State

  • With how Teemo's passive functions, we unfortunately cannot adjust it so that his emotes can be seen by enemies while in stealth. This would affect Teemo's ...
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