League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Oct


Originally posted by Faabz

Everyone called me crazy when i said Faker would trash Yagao

Yagao played really well in game 1

29 Oct


Originally posted by curryest_george

Hey! Just want to let you know every game you cast is one I make sure to watch on a co-stream 🙂

Nice! Glad you’re supporting your local streamers


Thanks for doing these as a non Korean speaker and dopa fan :)


Originally posted by PankoKing

Remembering that it doesn’t exist helps a lot


    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Faker_the_Demon_King

https://www.fmkorea.com/5141547186 (Gen.G vs DWG)

https://www.fmkorea.com/5141493578 (T1 vs RNG)

https://www.fmkorea.com/5141466900 (DRX vs EDG)

This is the list of posts on your videos.

Yes, It's about the player ratings you gave.

As for GEN VS DWG,

+150 "S+ for Canyon in G5???? He is the one who demolished the game for DK rofl. Yes, He counter jungled but forced his midlaner waste flash, couldn't get the herald, even died in 13 min"

+124 "I think western analysts are too obsess...

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Hey thanks for this ^ good to know what people are talking about atleast

28 Oct


The fast returns

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheRoyalSniper

What's the Jatt ratings thing

I haven’t seen the post myself.. but from a few YouTube comments I appear to have angered some KR fans for the player rating portions of my Quarterfinals recap JLXP videos I did… I think there’s an impression that I just looked at CS stats at 15 minutes and then gave a rating. Someone probably clipped or summarized the videos to give that impression and then it blew up I guess? Unfortunate since I made 30+ minute videos on each series talking about all the big moments and made my ratings based on eye test + stats

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Wolfeur

In Riot's class paradigm, a Tank is mostly defined by his role as either an engage-based CC-machine with lower damage (Vanguard) or a beefy protector with peel-based abilities (Warden). Thresh is mostly Vanguard with a bit of Warden, and in that sense he's very much a Tank.

K'Sante is a Vanguard that turns into a Juggernaut.

He is actually a warden that turns into a skirmisher temporarily with his ultimate

27 Oct


Originally posted by danutmcviasi

Hello u/RiotTony thanks for taking a look, i have a very good internet and its constant, i dont think this is the problem and as i told you after 1 restart the games seems to be smoother then ever ( restart only after the lag kick's in ).

I attached you a speed test, speed also is constant no problems had ever with network from my side https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LVK8y6kzrYuNEjd5JRIZaXPEMJ8-M3LI/view?usp=sharing

Even that second RPD indicates network issues. Your overall speed might be fine, but if you're getting errors that require resending, we'd see issues like you're getting. Are you playing over WiFi or wired connection over Ethernet?

26 Oct


Originally posted by RemarkablyAverage7

You remember when bounties were added and there were outcries about 1k gold being ridiculous and too unfair? Then Riot changed the display message to occlude the kill gold and show only the bounty, and suddenly all the crying stopped.

Boots have a similar issue in that showing steelcap value would make it seem far and above the other boots and people would cry for nerfs, but the boots are fine otherwise.

To show the numbers, Riot would have to show numbers for other boots as well in order to drive home that all boots are equally strong in their own strength, but it's harder to quantify how much attack speed or ability haste contributed to your DPS and display that in a number. It's also hard to make people look at a small number for "reduced cc" and realize that sometimes reducing 1s of stun can be more powerful than preventing 1k damage.

Tl,Dr: it's hard for our brains to contextualize the numbers and this change could lead to the boots having to be nerfed ...

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This is basically the reason I haven't added it. Steelcaps are not actually OP, but the number that displays on the tracker will be so out-of-context that you can't make an informed decision on whether it was a better/worse purchase than the other options that can't have their outputs tracked.

My personal philosophy is that trackers should be there to help inform you whether your purchase was correct after the fact, and in situations where you're against largely physical auto attacking teams, it's going to be clearly correct regardless of the tracker's print-out in most cases.


Originally posted by ipppppi

Remember when sterak tracked how damage it blocked? Then its removed LOL meanwhile maw still kept it.

I'm probably gonna try to add this back whenever I get some extra time. It bugs me too, our use of trackers if fairly inconsistent atm.

25 Oct


Originally posted by Ovedius

Thank you. In hindsight I was really happy with my casting at the time, but in the moment I just spoke how I felt so I was actually worried how it would come across. I'm glad you enjoyed it

Good job vedius you are good at shoutcasting.


Our main photographer is a dude named Colin Young-Wolff, who (in addition to having an amazing name and being an awesome guy) has been shooting for Riot for many many years. Wanted to drop in real quick to give the man a shoutout because he is a true master of his craft.


Originally posted by moopey

I honest think the "the game was in your hands deft!!!" With that emotion will become iconic. It was such a good energy to do it for the situation

Thank you. In hindsight I was really happy with my casting at the time, but in the moment I just spoke how I felt so I was actually worried how it would come across. I'm glad you enjoyed it


Originally posted by squirkey7

Your introduction of the players before the DRX EDG series was great. You brought the perfect level of hype. I thought it was lacking in some of the previous quarterfinals and you knocked it out of the park on Sunday. Very well done.

Thanks a bunch!

24 Oct


One of the new features of Preseason for 2023 is the addition of off-screen pings. They are a notification on the edge of your screen when an ally pings. This notification will display the information both of who pinged, as well as what type of ping (i.e. danger, on my way, etc).

Feedback we are looking for regarding Off-Screen Pings:

  • Do you notice the offscreen pings?
  • Is it helpful at all?
  • Is it too distracting?

Any other feedback or bug reports will also be appreciated!

External link →

Originally posted by BigSwimmingDogs

Got to meet you after 2015 worlds. I spent the whole series in the box seats above you guys with my partner. Absolutely fantastic all around. It was a pleasure meeting you

I’m glad you had a great time!


Originally posted by SergeantWhiskeyjack

Most of the casters actively campaigned to become contract workers in order to get paid better rates. It allows them to stream (Caedral, Flowers), and appear in other games (Sjokz in CSGO). You also get paid higher as a contractor and have more negotiating power. As a Riot employee you get guaranteed pay, but less control over your own schedule. For example, it really wouldn’t have been a choice for Medic to skip out on Worlds if he was not a contractor.

If I had said I was unable to do Worlds or MSI I’m certain Riot would have let me bow out.

The rest of this thread is not really something I’m going to be able to comment on. But saying Medic would be forced to do Worlds if his employment were different is inaccurate.