over 1 year ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Arrow of Retribution will find its mark
7s [Music]
10s what I could learn from studying such a
13s weapon you will know our power
18s [Music]
22s Plant Shed is the only way isn't it
26s grant me your power let me end our war
30s Our Revenge comes first then your petty
33s War
37s foreign
60s [Applause]
69s I am free
71s I am ascendant it is complicated enough
76s without your domineering
82s don't stand against us
90s their minds are so fragile
93s give in
99s please
100s your will crumble so easily
103s [Music]
114s one step closer to retribution
119s [Applause]
120s [Music]
131s foreign
133s [Applause]
135s [Music]