Huh, the campaign of Jurassic World Evolution 2 was REALLY short, and also not that challenging or different between missions. It was always "get asset rating to this point". Feels like they should have just called Chaos Theory mode a campaign as well, and had 2 campigns.
It all seems to be a framing problem. Chaos Theory mode looks to me like a set of mini campaigns, but they frame it as a "game mode". This makes players feel like there's less content than there actually is.
@TycothePug_ Yeah I definitely think that's the case, but if so I would have reframed their content if that happened so players didn't react negatively.
Of course, with the caveat that Amplified will always require a better computer, as the performance is much worse than a normal world. Keep that in mind!
We removed Cave worlds and Floating Islands because we were never quite supporting them to begin with, and these are world types that can be easily done through data packs in the community. We are now much more officially supporting Large Biomes and Amplified.
Another important note: there are no plans to add Amplified or Large Biomes to Bedrock for this release, but keep in mind that these new changes with terrain being in parity makes it MUCH easier for us to add it to Bedrock in the future. We will see what happens.
Might be disappointing for some, but trust me this is a good thing - Bedrock has never been closer to having Amplified added (in terms of the tech)! We'll just have to give it some time <3
@john_lrss Spectator mode is not internal at all, there is a debug no-clip mode but that is extremely buggy and definitely not the Spectator mode that players would want. It's purely for debugging purposes.
@ImAngel_709 @brruuhh7 Well the performance was always going to take a hit - we have SO MUCH more blocks in each chunk than ever before, and the world height being extended down and up.
Performance will continue to be worked on going into the future, but it's better than when we started snapshots.
@MachineWithAPet Yeah but it's not just that, it means we now have to maintain it for every release. That's time that could be better spent on other content.