about 2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
8s hello everyone and welcome to the
10s pre-show for the Monster Hunter 20th
12s anniversary special program my name is
15s Joe I'm more of the community managers
16s here at Capcom USA and I'm joined by hey
19s everyone I'm jonno I'm the EMA Community
21s manager
22s moner well jonno what are we doing today
25s why are we in suits well that's a very
27s good question cuz normally if anyone
29s that tunes into our community streams
30s we're normally just rocking a t-shirt or
32s a hoodie but today is a very very
34s special occasion because we are marking
37s 20 years two decades of Monster Hunter
41s I'm really
42s excited yeah so am I and today we're
44s going to be going over the results of
47s the hunter Choice top monster poll we're
49s going to reveal who the number one
51s monster that you voted for is and
53s honestly I'm super excited to reveal the
55s results to everybody but um before we
57s get into that why don't we talk about um
60s you know the the overall show and what
61s we're doing today so um today is really
63s just a chance to celebrate the 20th
65s anniversary we won't have any crazy news
67s or any reveals we won you won't see any
69s new gameplay or trailers for Monster
71s Hunter Wilds but um we know we do have
73s some cool stuff and cool insights from
74s the de team and from different community
76s members of the master H Community
78s exactly this is really special and you
80s know even looking at like our own
82s Journeys into the series all those years
84s ago as players before we joined Capcom
87s the community were at the heart of
88s monant whether it was the creator
90s Community or the passionate Community
92s themselves building wikis sharing tips
94s on Old forums and all of that before
96s like the Advent of YouTube and and the
98s internet as a whole and social media so
100s it's really special to be able to
102s celebrate that with
103s everyone yeah and you know before we get
106s into it why don't we talk about the you
107s know the 20 or I guess 20 through 11 the
110s monsters that we revealed uh so far in
113s the uh Hunters Choice d moner results so
116s U I know you've got a lot of favorites
117s in there uh jono do you want to kick it
119s off with uh I think what is your
120s personal favorite monster yeah so coming
123s in at 17 so much respect to the
125s community here for your fantastic taste
127s we have my favorite they're big they're
129s blue they're brachios um obviously
132s introduced in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
134s here in the west if you like slime
137s weapons or as they're now known as blast
139s this is the monster for you I just love
141s how it looks I love that it's big and
143s blue I love the explosions I love the
146s music everything about brackie just
148s screams cool to me and I loved as well
151s obviously playing Monster stories and
153s stories 2 that you could have brachy as
156s a monsty and fight alongside them rather
158s than against them all the time yeah I
160s love like the big old arms that it walks
162s away and like kind of just like slams
164s around and you kind of get caught in
165s that blast radius uh which is not a good
167s feeling but it is you it's a really
169s really cool monster it obviously has a
171s super awesome uh theme song which um is
175s is really intense and I love to listen
177s to uh every now and then so yeah oh yeah
179s especially the raging brachi version and
181s that's thing when when I was Voting I
183s was like do I go for Raging brachy or
184s like the original brachy but it's kind
186s of like chicken and egg situation there
188s wouldn't be raging brachy without B
190s braie to use so that's where my vote
192s went as well that's a great Point great
194s Point um well for me uh within this top
198s uh 20 through 11 uh I'm a huge fan of
202s Namo who came in at number 18 was a new
205s monster that came uh in into the series
207s with iceborn um so a fairly new monster
211s I'm sure a lot of people who play the
212s game are pretty familiar with it but you
214s know it's kind of this like really um
215s almost like it's like a you know like a
218s man or like a I don't know just like
220s this this Marine like kind of theme to
222s it right um like the way it like has
225s like all the sound effects and like the
227s different like I don't it's it's kind of
229s hard to describe right like it's
230s definitely got a unique feel that um I
232s think a lot of monsters don't really
233s have in the series yeah you can
235s definitely feel like it's come from the
236s abyss and even the sounds it makes are
238s so Aquatic and obviously a fuel element
240s monster as well combining water with
243s thunder um makes it very very dangerous
247s when you're fighting it as well and the
248s armor as well looks so sleek and organic
251s yet it was really unlike kind of
253s anything else you'd fought up to that
254s point yeah if you were to like imagine a
257s deep sea creature that has like lived
260s for thousands of
262s years you know that would that would be
264s one it's like learn to live like in the
266s darkness or something like that yeah a
267s super super cool monster absolutely
271s and yeah so coming in at number 16 is
273s another favorite of mine safy Jaba um
277s this was a super cool raid uh raid
280s monster Siege monster actually um that
282s you could fight in uh in ice board and
285s you know I think like what I led most
287s about this was like the community
289s building of just like getting everybody
290s together and just trying to like pick
291s apart the different mechanics um I think
294s you know we weren't here at Capon when
296s it was first revealed so we got the
297s experience at as fans but um you know
300s just like the way it was revealed to the
301s world and like how everyone kind of like
303s you know just had to to band together
305s and just figure out how to take it out
307s um was was quite the experience yeah and
309s also like seeing what a a fully formed
311s adult version of zenoa was like was
314s really cool to kind of see how the
315s monster had kind of continued and kind
317s of how they linked it together and also
319s everyone plays a very specific role if
321s they want to within the fight like
322s obviously I'm a sword and shield man so
324s I'd be trying to go for the tail or like
326s go for like trips on the legs and things
328s but then obviously insect GL Gunners bow
331s users we always going for those Wing
333s breaks and if they wenten in the party I
334s found it so hard to get Wing breaks so
336s if an insect cave came in or a ranged
338s Hunter I was like yes more part breaks
341s yeah it's such an epic multi-stage fight
345s um and I remember how many times I
346s missed trying to knock terrain onto it
348s as well with my
350s Slinger yeah that's something you kind
352s of had to like discover for yourself
353s right of just like you continue to do
355s the fight you see what other people are
356s doing and you know that's that's one of
358s those things that they they kind of hint
360s you but it's not necessarily just like
361s hey you should do this exact thing um to
363s knock over like the stalagtites and the
365s different terrain and all that so
367s definitely such a a cool fight to
369s discover and to learn exactly and then
371s obviously saf's ultimate move uh is
374s really quite a sight to behold in
377s experience they better find somewhere to
380s hide yeah sometimes you know I always I
383s always found myself just slightly
384s getting caught outside of like the
386s protection zone of that uh that like
388s rock that's blocking for you um which I
392s think is a lesson that you learn right
393s away of like you make sure you're you're
395s totally in a safe Zone don't don't get
397s caught outside of
398s it exactly and talking of obviously you
402s know these big attacks and and kind of
404s monsters coming in and really changing
405s the game the next Monster which is one
408s of my favorites and it came in at number
410s 13 which is a fantastic achievement for
412s a monster which I think is actually the
415s most recently added new monster to the
417s whole franchise correct me if I'm wrong
419s and that is primordial maleno obviously
423s kind of like crowning off monst aniz Sun
426s breaks story kind of putting it to bed
429s as the sun sets in a really really
431s satisfying way um Primo moeno obviously
434s is kind of like the uncorrupted pre
438s curio version of the flagship maeno so
441s it's such a cool Evolution and version
444s of the monster and I love how it fights
446s it looks like a night in shining armor
448s it fights almost like a or sword and
450s shield user with really interesting
452s Combos and Jabs and no spoilers but I
456s really love how the story version of The
459s Hunt goes and how the climax unfolds and
462s what happens it was a really surprising
464s twist and a great way to kind of wrap up
467s the themes of
468s sunre yeah you said it all D I mean you
472s didn't think that Malino could get more
474s I guess Regal and Medicine yeah and
477s somehow they they toed it right with fr
478s morio maleno and it's such a great fight
481s and yeah obviously we don't want to give
482s any SS for anybody who hasn't played it
484s yet but um the way the fight plays out
486s with the you know the culmination of the
488s sunbreak story uh and the way it ends is
491s is just awesome so um yeah definitely a
493s great way to cap off uh the adventure
495s with sunre and obviously the armor
497s weapons look really really cool as
499s well I'm a sucker for my fashion you
502s know
504s that well with with that said um you
507s know we can't we don't have the time to
508s cover all of the uh 2311 you will see
511s them uh recapped again at the start of
513s the show but um yeah a lot of great
515s monsters that were included in that list
517s and uh we can't wait to reveal those
519s those final results so
521s exactly 229 monsters we got 10 to one to
525s go it's any monsters game well except
527s the ones we've mentioned already but
529s it's any other monsters game right now
531s and yeah I'm really excited to see what
533s the community you voted for and I guess
534s we'll be discovering that together oh
537s yeah yeah um Jon it's been uh 20 years
540s of Monster Hunter um obviously you know
543s we've all started the series in
544s different time time frames and had
546s different experiences with it um any any
549s thoughts just like reflecting on on you
551s know your journey with the series so far
553s yeah I mean my first ever mon to title
556s was three ultimate and quite soon after
558s I then jumped onto 4u as well and it's
562s been awesome um the first ever weapon I
565s used ever ever in Monster Hunter was
568s actually switch axe um however I was a
570s really big Noob I I could quite get used
573s to being slow having this big weapon so
574s I quite quickly swapped a sword and
576s shield and ever since then it's been my
578s main squeeze my main weapon I love the
581s versatility I love the variety and I
583s love how good it is with element and
585s Status kind of sets um how about you
588s Joe yeah you know um I also started
591s around the same time um but I would say
593s like you know initially I kind of
595s bounced off the game a little bit
596s because you know I I don't think like I
599s was wired that way necessarily just yet
602s to really like wrap my head around all
604s the mechanics and the way the game
605s worked but you know I think it's a
607s testament to the community who have
609s created you know so many different
611s guides and videos and just different
612s ways to get into this series that have
614s really you know that helped educate me
616s and helped uh bring me up to the kind of
618s the skill level that I I felt like I was
619s experiencing like you know the the
621s experience of a lot of other community
623s members where you know I discovered this
625s thing I learned about it and I got
626s better at it and then I became an
628s advocate for it so um you know that's I
630s think that's really the Journey of
632s Monster Hunter um especially you know I
633s think in in our regions in North America
636s and and Europe to be able to like have
638s that journey of like we got to
640s experience the you know the discovery of
642s something that we really love and now we
644s get to share with everybody so it's it's
646s been really really exciting that way
648s exactly and you know we we touched on
650s the creators you know I really got into
651s monant than that the creators kind of
653s Tak the time to share their passion for
656s this series and want it to grow and
658s share it rather than gate keeping and
660s that once again you know that's why the
662s community and the creators are are the
663s heart of Monster Hunter and it's great
665s to kind of see that continue as more and
668s more people came to Monster Hunter over
670s the years obviously you go through like
672s generations and then
674s obviously you then had Monster Hunter
677s World Cho and you know what kind of
679s impact did that
681s have yeah absolutely like just you know
684s the taking the franchise um you know
686s completely Global and having the
688s simultaneous worldwide release with
690s world and you know we've just really
692s been continuing the momentum since then
694s and um obviously I think the future is
696s very bright with uh Monster Hunter wilds
698s and um you know we've got Monster Hunter
700s stories that's also coming out this
702s summer um so yeah it's just it's just a
704s really good time to be a monster hun fan
705s right now it is you know and like with
708s our recent like return to World
709s Community celebration seeing not only
712s you know veteran hunters and content
714s creators come back but loads of new
715s players come in to play Monster Hunter
718s World whether they were excited from the
719s Monster Hunter Wild's reveal or they're
721s like hey a lot of people are talking
723s about this game you know I'm going to
724s check it out like jump in it's been
726s awesome and obviously you know the the
728s most recent release monst rise and monst
731s rise sunbreak it's I love the combat in
734s that it's so fluid and your weapons get
737s so many moves and you can customize how
739s your individual weapon behaves so if you
742s had say there was like two long sword
743s users in a hunt they could have totally
745s different play Styles and moves and I
748s just found that really really fun uh and
750s a really cool Twist on the combat that
752s I'd got used to from world and iceborn
755s um so yeah it's just such a great time
757s no matter what kind of Hunter you are
759s you can enjoy all the different monster
761s hunter games you can have your favorite
763s and I think that's such a good thing to
764s be able to celebrate and talk about yeah
767s different types of monster hunter games
769s different genres which is awesome um so
771s it yeah like like we said just a really
773s great time to be part of the franchise
775s and I think with that we're going to
777s wrap up our pre-show we're going to have
779s a pretty fun program ahead of us so um
782s you know after the uh the results of the
785s hunters Choice stop monster we hope you
786s stick around and uh and check out
788s everything we've got but um yeah with
791s that said we want to say thank you so
792s much to the moner header Community your
794s support means the world to us jno any
797s party words before we go yeah it's been
799s an incredible 20 years no matter when
801s you joined us as a Monster Hunter Fan
803s thank you so much it's awesome to have
805s you with us and here's to the next 20
807s years and 2025 when things going to be
809s getting
810s wild all right well before we head into
813s the main show we'll want to sign off
814s with our usual Monster Hunter
832s [Music]
838s champ
841s [Music]
878s [Music]
883s [Music]
914s [Applause]
916s [Music]
958s you
962s [Music]
984s [Applause]
989s [Music]
1014s [Music]
1027s [Music]
1036s [Music]
1043s [Music]
1047s me
1077s oh
1092s [Music]
1099s [Music]
1107s he
1113s [Applause]
1116s [Music]
1122s [Music]
1129s [Music]
1137s a
1149s [Music]
1167s oh
1170s [Music]
1176s [Music]
1197s yes
1206s [Music]
1227s w
1245s [Music]
1257s oh
1286s [Music]
1287s come
1307s [Music]
1325s wow congratulations to zoga nante and
1329s laiakis the top three monsters as voted
1332s for by you the community from 20 years
1335s of Monster Hunter that's pretty awesome
1337s hej yeah thanks to everybody for casting
1340s your votes but it sounds like we're not
1342s quite done yet right you are right
1344s because there is another Hunter's Choice
1347s on the horizon coming soon you the
1350s community will be tasked to vote for the
1352s best monster theme
1354s music yeah there's been so many
1356s incredible songs throughout the Monster
1358s Hunter series um so many iconic themes
1361s so we can't wait to see what she vote
1364s [Music]
1376s on H
1385s [Music]
1402s Monster
1404s Hunter
1407s H
1417s [Music]
1437s h
1467s for
1497s so
1509s [Laughter]
1525s [Music]
1527s for
1547s [Laughter]
1557s h
1587s G
1608s [Music]
1617s h
1634s [Music]
1647s for
1659s [Music]
1677s for
1678s [Music]
1692s [Music]
1704s [Music]
1706s m
1713s [Laughter]
1736s fore
1741s [Music]
1752s [Music]
1757s [Laughter]
1763s [Music]
1766s for
1796s PP
1809s [Music]
1826s for
1856s for
1878s [Music]
1886s so
1898s [Music]
1899s [Laughter]
1905s [Music]
1912s Forster
1916s Hunter
1927s [Music]
1936s [Music]
1946s hi
1951s [Laughter]
1976s foree
1985s [Music]
2006s Sy
2010s [Music]
2018s [Music]
2036s fore
2054s [Laughter]
2066s m
2072s [Music]
2080s [Music]
2095s [Music]
2096s h
2101s [Music]
2126s hi hi
2140s [Music]
2156s one
2175s [Music]
2186s m
2216s for
2234s [Music]
2241s [Laughter]
2246s for
2250s [Music]
2272s [Music]
2276s for
2288s [Music]
2303s [Music]
2306s stand
2334s [Music]
2336s so
2360s [Music]
2366s for
2367s [Music]
2374s [Music]
2391s [Music]
2396s m
2425s m
2455s m
2468s Monster
2474s [Music]
2485s Hunter
2494s for
2500s [Laughter]
2508s [Laughter]
2515s for
2517s [Music]
2526s [Music]
2545s ke
2547s [Music]
2561s [Music]
2575s m
2583s [Music]
2593s [Music]
2605s for
2613s [Music]
2635s fore
2641s [Music]
2649s [Music]
2656s [Music]
2663s [Music]
2665s for
2676s [Music]
2688s [Music]
2695s so
2702s [Music]
2725s for
2755s m
2785s 4
2789s [Music]
2799s [Laughter]
2805s [Music]
2811s [Music]
2815s for
2829s [Music]
2839s [Laughter]
2840s World
2843s [Music]
2845s stand
2848s [Music]
2875s m
2886s [Music]
2905s for
2910s [Laughter]
2935s mon
2950s [Music]
2965s for
2969s [Music]
2979s [Music]
2985s [Music]
2995s for
3001s [Laughter]
3008s [Music]
3025s for
3032s [Music]
3055s m
3084s for
3092s [Music]
3114s e
3144s h
3148s [Music]
3163s [Music]
3175s game
3204s for
3230s [Music]
3234s for
3254s [Music]
3264s for
3294s for
3324s moner
3354s h
3383s hter so
3408s [Applause]
3414s so
3420s [Music]
3425s next up is
3428s this oh is that is that Street Fighter
3431s it looks like it there's some familiar
3433s faces
3434s there this is looking really cool so it
3436s looks like a special collaboration
3438s between Street Fighter 6 and the Monster
3439s Hunter 20th anniversary is on the
3442s way super excited for this and I can't
3444s wait for it
3445s B I wonder how you can hunt a street
3448s [Laughter]
3449s though looks like you good Dawn rless
3452s gear and there
3454s is the classic monster hunter great
3457s sword there yeah that's a wyvern jaw
3460s blade oh and it looks like you can take
3462s it into your Ru tour Adventures so a
3464s little bit of a clash between worlds
3466s right here nice nice little pun
3469s there and you'll be able to show it off
3472s in Avatar battles with other players
3474s looking pretty awes
3476s aome oh and is that that's a Rathalos
3479s photo spot all right King of the Skies
3482s himself and some little Pico buddies as
3485s well yeah the battle Hub will be proper
3488s Monster Hunter themed and that's looking
3490s pretty awesome for any hunters and
3492s Street Fighter
3494s fans well this collab is dropping in
3496s April so be sure to watch out for
3498s further
3499s details the Monster Hunt now celebration
3502s 2024 is happening right now in Monster
3504s Hunter now and as part of that Hunters
3507s can receive a special Hunter medal
3510s including the main logo of the monster
3511s hunter series 20th anniversary by
3513s completing special anniversary themed
3515s quests now hunters get out there and
3518s join the hunt because these quests are
3520s available until Sunday March 24th 2024
3523s at 11:59 p.m. in your local time the
3526s Hunter's Choice top monster was
3528s announced today and zogre took the
3529s number one spot in celebration the
3532s following events will be held in muser
3533s Hunter now zogre guaranteed appearance
3536s at hunon points was planned to end on
3538s Wednesday March 13th but it turns out it
3541s will be extended until Monday March 25th
3543s at 11:59 p.m. L TI but wait there's even
3546s more the second major update the Vernal
3548s Invader will go live on Thursday March
3551s 14th 2024 now prepare yourself HS and
3555s check out this recently released
3564s teaser
3569s [Music]
3573s [Applause]
3582s [Music]
3594s la
3596s [Music]
3598s [Applause]
3603s [Music]
3613s this major update will Mark the
3614s beginning of a new in-game season with
3617s even more new additions including
3619s Monsters such as devil Jo odaran and
3621s zits yaku as well as a new weapon type
3624s that charge
3626s blade what's more this new update will
3628s bring new features such as layer
3629s equipment and the season pass great for
3631s you fashion Hunters the season pass will
3634s allow you to progress through tiers as
3635s you play with different rewards such as
3637s zeni and materials available at every
3639s tier there will even be certain layered
3642s equipment and other items that can only
3644s be acquired with the season pass in
3646s celebration of the anniversary a layered
3648s T-shirt with the main logo of the
3650s monster hunter series 20th anniversary
3652s can be obtained at tier 20 of the season
3654s pass in part two of The Monster Hunter
3656s now celebration 2024 you can look
3658s forward to event Quest celebrating the
3660s 6mon anniversary as well as various new
3662s rewards and perks and if you're a
3665s Discord premium member you have a
3667s campaign running from March 19th and
3669s more details will be announced at a
3670s later date this is a great opportunity
3672s for members who've never played moner
3673s Hunter now to try it out so we hope you
3675s check it out we've got a cute version of
3677s The Monster Hunter series 20th
3678s aniversary logo and it'll appear in
3680s moner Hunter now via a new event Quest
3683s that will be introduced in late April
3685s you'll be able to earn a layered t-shirt
3687s bearing this cute version of the moner
3688s hunner series 20th anniversary logo more
3691s details will be announced at a later
3692s date going forward monant to now will
3694s have a major update once per season
3697s we're looking forward to bringing you
3698s more new content and improved gameplay
3700s in further Updates this summer we're
3702s planning on add in more new monsters
3704s including monant now's very first
3706s Leviathan as well as a new weapon type
3709s and More Story chapters to be
3711s unlocked in September monsant now was
3714s celebrating first anniversary you can
3717s look forward to a major update around
3718s this time we'll continue add in Monsters
3721s weapon types and new features after that
3723s too so look out for future updates and
3727s announcements hey everyone and welcome
3729s to the community Round Table part of the
3731s monster hunter 20th anniversary show of
3735s course I'm Jon o European Community
3736s manager on Monster Hunter and over on
3738s the opposite side there is Joe the North
3740s American Community manager on monst
3742s Hunter and today we have some very very
3744s very special guests how about you
3746s introduce yourselves starting with
3749s k hey I'm K I'm monster hunter Wiki guy
3753s you see me a lot of times on Twitter or
3755s X whichever you'd like to call it uh
3758s normally I'd have a camera up but since
3760s mine's not working I'm a ping tuber for
3764s today well I'm vampy I also go in by
3768s bampy bit me and I've been a fan of the
3771s M hun series for quite some time now um
3775s not as long as maybe these guys but I
3777s Love It ultimately the same and I love
3780s making costumes of the characters uh of
3783s the armor sets and everything um and I
3785s just enjoy M Hunter as a series as a
3788s whole so I'm glad to be
3790s here hi I'm ruran and I play the gun
3793s Lance and I like big explosions and
3796s that's really cool in mon hun so that's
3797s what I do I just blow things up and it's
3800s fun amazing uh well thanks everybody for
3803s being here we're so glad to to have all
3805s of you here for this this Cas pretty
3807s casual chat um but you know we you know
3809s 20 years of Monster Hunter we wanted to
3810s take a look back at the growth of this
3813s series um you know it's been um an
3816s amazing Run for the series obviously
3818s there's a great future ahead but um you
3820s know we've had a pretty special
3821s relationship I think you know growing
3823s the the Monster Hunter series here both
3825s in in us and in Europe so um want to ask
3828s all of you who played a pretty crucial
3829s role in that um you know what what makes
3832s Monster Hunter special for each of you
3834s why don't we start Kath with you uh with
3836s your relationship with the
3837s series well I started back when I was 18
3841s I was just hanging out at a place named
3843s GameStop just this little video game
3845s store uh we'd hang out late played up
3849s like Capcom versus S and stuff uh there
3852s was new releases that came out and I saw
3855s the box art and I'm like okay that's
3858s cool dragon on it played that for a
3861s little bit got through veloca Drome
3865s you know I was like oh cool little blue
3868s Velociraptor wasn't that bad right and I
3871s get to cut coup this pink chicken thing
3874s and I'm like well this should be easy
3876s right looks weak destroys me destroys me
3879s no
3880s chance and just from that I learned just
3885s okay I have to take this seriously
3886s actually put time into grinding out my
3888s gear and stuff and it hooked
3891s [Music]
3892s me May how about you
3895s um when I first started with the series
3897s uh I personally was watching my little
3900s brother play he's been playing since the
3902s beginning and he's always pushed me like
3905s hey you should play this game and we
3907s have similar tastes but I was never
3910s really into games that um that needed
3914s maybe possibly other people to play with
3916s I was more so a player that liked my own
3919s time with maybe like hunting or whatever
3923s so it was a little bit odd for me but
3925s then I love the monsters and the name
3928s itself was very interesting Monster
3931s Hunter so obviously you hunt monsters
3934s right so I I tried it afterwards with
3937s three and um it honestly got me hooked
3941s uh ultimately just it hooked me because
3944s of the dialogue I think that's the main
3947s thing that got me in the beginning and
3949s the Monsters but Guild M literally made
3952s me roll every time she talked
3955s so I was kind of stunned that this kind
3958s of game had that kind of dialogue and
3960s also the music I Still listen to the
3962s music to this day um when I'm like just
3965s doing chores and stuff and I just
3967s ultimately love everything about Mah
3969s Hunter it's just so cute love the Picos
3973s um I love all the weapons that you can
3974s you know hunt with um and also the
3977s community um probably talk more about
3979s that later but um I made so many friends
3982s through musle Hunter and um ultimately
3984s like my brother and I connect way more
3986s now because we can talk about Monster
3989s Monster Hunter and all the other games
3991s that are out now so it's pretty
3994s cool so for me I uh the first Monster
3998s Hunter that I tried was Monster Hunter
3999s tribe because I had a friend that was
4001s always talking up monster hunter to me
4003s and the interesting thing is that I
4004s actually didn't like it because I
4006s couldn't understand what what the point
4008s was it's like oh I jump into this map
4010s but everything is empty and I'm supposed
4012s to fight just one monster it was kind of
4014s like a concept of a game that I had
4016s never really experienced before so it
4018s was really weird and it didn't click but
4020s eventually a friend of mine this same
4022s friend that was always talking of
4023s Monster Hunter took me under his wing
4026s and one of the really cool things that
4027s was very surprising for me was I got um
4030s Monster Hunter uh Freedom Unite on the
4033s Vita and it was compatible to do ad hoc
4036s play with the PlayStation Portable which
4039s to me was like mind-blowing how are we
4040s getting these two completely different
4043s consoles to work and everything just
4045s works fine I was super surprised but
4047s then he actually explained to me that
4049s the whole concept of you know you hunt
4051s the monster and then you get its parts
4054s and you upgrade your equipment and then
4055s you can hunt an even bigger monster and
4057s then you get its parts and you upgrade
4059s more and you hunt even a bigger monster
4061s and so on and so forth and then the
4063s gameplay Loop kind of clicked and I got
4065s completely addicted to it so mon center
4068s to me is uh two things it is the
4072s gameplay Loop that it has of constantly
4075s upgrading yourself and getting to fight
4076s harder challenges and friendship because
4079s I've also made a ton of Friends by
4081s playing Monster hun including this
4082s friend of mine who got me into the
4084s Monster Hunter and then at a later time
4086s I made friends with gyen and Erics and a
4089s lot more people in the community it was
4090s just like freaking awesome just had a
4093s blast yeah yeah I think that Journey
4095s that you described I think it's kind of
4097s like ironic too cuz you you've really
4099s like done that for a lot of other people
4100s right um people kind of discovering the
4102s series maybe then just like click what
4104s they write away and then over time they
4105s go over like you know they learn all
4107s about it it really starts to click with
4108s them and then you know they they spread
4110s the word to other people so yeah it's
4111s been pretty cool see that yeah exactly
4113s and and as B said you know we're going
4115s to be diving into you know what exactly
4117s makes the monst Hunter community so
4118s special but before then I have quite
4121s arguably the most important question of
4123s the whole recording and uh it kind of
4126s defines you cuz in monst Hunter I feel
4127s that as Hunters your weapon Choice binds
4130s you and you know defines you amongst the
4132s community and with 14 kind of currently
4135s existing weapons to choose from um
4138s obviously ran you did touch on you say
4139s you're a bit of a blast in the Hun me
4142s sword and shield ever since 3u which is
4144s my first Monster Hunter that's been my
4146s one like I love it it's it's my bread
4149s and butter um so let's pass that down
4151s the line Kath you're up people know I
4154s love the great sword it's just always
4156s been my main once since the first game
4159s just seeing it evolve throughout the
4160s series has been
4163s awesome um
4165s I I kind of have to say and uh I think a
4169s lot of people do know but if you do not
4171s know I'm a hammer M I love my hammer I'm
4174s kind of like rioo where I you see my
4177s chart I don't know if you guys seen
4179s Roo's chart I'm sure you have or if you
4181s haven't it's literally all hammer and I
4183s think majority of the games when I first
4185s started was just that the hammer and I
4188s still love it to this day um and yeah I
4191s love the hammer what Drew you to it it's
4194s just a I like the feel of the hammer
4198s like there's weight to it you know and
4200s when I'm hunting I just love breaking
4203s parts and I just love bonking the
4205s monsters on the head it just feels good
4208s it's a very satisfying weapon for me so
4211s that's why I use it so an an interesting
4214s thing that happened to me was this one
4216s friend that got me into Monster Hunter
4219s when you know he was telling me how
4221s about I had to pick a weapon right and
4223s he was you need to pick a weapon so that
4224s you get good with one weapon and I was
4226s like okay well where are the weapons
4227s that are available he starts listing
4229s them all off and suddenly he says gun L
4230s and I was like I want that one and he's
4232s like no no no no don't choose that that
4234s one's bad you don't want to play that
4236s one I was like no that's the one I want
4238s it's definitely the one I
4240s want and the more he tried convincing me
4243s otherwise the more I would double down
4244s no no no this is the
4248s one I think with a lot of us it just
4250s kind of whatever feels natural to each
4253s player you know you finally get your
4255s hands on it you're like Yep this one
4257s feels right this is what I'm going to
4258s use that's that's actually why whenever
4261s somebody uh jumps into a stream or
4263s something and asks me hey what weapon
4264s would you recommend for a newcomer my
4266s recommendation is always I recommend you
4268s go to the training grounds and use all
4269s of them and see which one gels with you
4271s the most because a recommendation
4273s doesn't really matter if you're going to
4274s have to learn the very true that's very
4277s true it's kind of like choosing a
4279s character in a fighting game it's like
4280s choose the one you think looks the
4281s coolest and then just give it a shot see
4284s how feels yeah exactly and um you know
4287s each time you pick up a new weapon it
4288s kind of feels like you're playing a
4290s different game like when I think about
4292s like playing hunting hor uh which I use
4294s for my PC play through of like rise and
4296s sunbreak it was entirely different to
4298s what I knew with the with the sword and
4300s shield and also shout out to any doas
4302s out there whenever you join any lobbies
4305s that I'm in I love you I immediately
4307s love you your best they're always
4308s greatly
4310s appreciated also when you're using a
4312s different weapon uh other than what
4314s people are used to seeing you use you
4316s find a new subset of people and their
4320s personalities are vastly different from
4322s each other like the bow users um I the
4326s bow right like they start acting they're
4329s they're a little bit different than the
4331s hammer grade sword the heavy weapons
4333s right like they're just like a little
4334s bit different so I find that very
4337s interesting like a different set of
4339s people have a certain kind of
4342s personality I think very interesting
4346s yeah sorry after you J I was going to
4349s say I think we always say like with
4351s people's weapon choices it becomes like
4352s a big part of the personality and some
4354s people it's like their entire
4355s personality which I love it I love to
4357s see it so that's great exactly suers
4360s they're like the chillest people you'll
4361s ever meet you think people that always
4363s in the front tanking monster Hits are
4365s going to be some like really amped up
4367s hardcore people but they are the most
4368s laidback folks in the community yes and
4371s they're they're very precise they're let
4373s they know
4374s my brother is a hardcore Lance user and
4377s I'm just like he's just like yeah love
4379s the Lance my weapon but when I talk
4382s about my hammer I'm like I have this
4384s Hammer I'll break these parts for you
4387s what do you need it's just extra you
4390s know so it really depends did I miss it
4394s or did Joe not say his weapon oh I guess
4397s I did it yeah I like Kath I'm I'm a
4399s great sword M all the way all the way
4402s yeah I just want
4405s yeah once you see those gigantic uh
4407s damage numbers it's really hard to go
4409s back it just it doesn't
4411s feel I I just wanted to make sure that
4413s we didn't have any long sword Mains or H
4416s users
4419s in I want
4421s why I'm curious now it's just a meme in
4425s my community that I like to make fun of
4427s it and just it's just an exaggerated
4429s meme that ended up happen guys we have
4431s to like everyone check out the now
4434s everyone read the pages and find out
4437s H all my dark secrets will come to light
4442s yes and like talking of that though you
4444s you raised a great point about how like
4446s within the monant community all the
4448s different creators groups and the the
4450s sub communities even like the Reddit
4452s page has has their own jokes and you
4454s know that's one of the things that makes
4455s the monsted community so special and
4458s like for me kind of coming into monst
4460s tante it was actually the content
4461s creators that taught me how to play the
4463s game back in the 3u days you know I had
4466s my little like 3DS and all of that and I
4469s didn't know how to play this game I
4470s loved hard games I kind of kind
4473s of start when I dou way cry and things
4475s like that back in the day so I had this
4477s hunger for boss fights and hard fighting
4479s and I heard about this game called
4480s Monster Hunter that was from Japan and
4483s it's hardest same people the Devil May
4485s Cry and I was like I'm going to check
4486s that out and I had no idea what I was
4488s doing I had to collect stuff I have to
4490s sharpen my weapon you know what do I do
4493s and it was actually the creators that
4495s bought me in so ever since then I've
4498s I've had such a soft spot for the
4499s creators that kind of really bring the
4501s community together and help newcomers
4503s settle in and I think that's something
4505s that makes the monster monster under
4507s community so special in my opinion is
4509s how welcoming it is and how in some
4511s places you know you might see people
4513s gatekeeping like oh you can't use that
4514s weapon that's my weapon but here people
4516s militantly want you to play their weapon
4518s they want to tell you why their weapon
4520s is the best one and why everyone else is
4522s wrong and that's one thing I think is
4524s really really cool about the community
4526s so what about you guys what makes
4527s Monster Hunter Community special to you
4531s well on that note it's like well there's
4534s only one weapon that's got great in its
4535s name great sword but yeah this the
4539s community has just been something that's
4541s kept me going for you know past let's
4544s say 10 12 years give or take cuz I
4548s started doing community stuff with
4551s monster huner try and did a couple
4553s videos then three ultimate I'd always
4556s make sure oh there's a new event Quest
4557s got to get a video out you know but when
4561s I started doing the wiki stuff it was
4562s all about me wanting to give back to the
4566s community wanting to help them any way I
4569s can if it was you know teaching them how
4572s to play the game or teaching them where
4574s to find stuff and I don't know it just
4577s always been such
4579s a to put
4581s it just such a cooperative saying with
4584s everybody all of us going towards the
4586s same goal and trying to help bring each
4589s other up to help you know beat these big
4595s monsters I love that story because I
4597s relate so much I think all of us do um
4600s especially with the community because I
4602s I was new too so um back then they would
4606s have
4607s Caravans uh traveling um and I would go
4611s to all these Caravans and my friend
4613s brought me in and they're like you need
4614s to meet the community I'm like online
4616s they're like no do you just meet them in
4619s person and they would have these
4621s Caravans where you can buy things like
4623s you know merchandise plushies and stuff
4625s it'll be at Capcom and I would go with
4628s my
4628s 3DS and people were just talking to each
4631s other and I was not used to that um in
4634s line and everyone was just comparing
4637s each other's monsters favorite weapons
4639s and it's just the energy when you're
4641s around everyone talking about the same
4644s thing obviously this amazing game
4646s Monster Hunter right so everything was
4649s very interesting to me cuz I'm like
4651s everyone's actually really
4653s nice and I love that it was almost like
4657s um it was a magnet for me um because I
4660s didn't have that especially with
4662s fighting games I love fighting games but
4663s there was there was always obviously
4665s fighting but everyone's like cot said
4668s you know everyone's working together and
4670s I made so many friends during that
4672s Caravan I pretty much you know started
4675s to hang out with them um around the 4
4679s You days um and then it got to a point
4682s where I would be bringing my 3DS so we
4685s would have play in our cars and of
4689s course it would disconnect sometimes and
4690s that'll be the worst we'll be playing
4692s against Crimson falis or something and
4695s someone F you know just well I'm not
4697s there anymore so good luck you know and
4699s we would just have the funnest time
4702s laughing at each other
4704s and it's just it's just so fun it's it's
4707s so fun and like it's actually not as
4709s serious as people make it out to be all
4711s the time is actually hilarious cuz you
4714s see everyone panicking in these moments
4718s and you see everyone you know working
4720s together and rising up it's so it's so
4723s awesome yeah I think that really touches
4726s up on the point which is that the monstr
4728s community is very much a super
4731s Cooperative Community which really
4734s just tries to bring more people into
4735s their game which doesn't always happen
4737s with a lot of other video games that you
4739s have out there uh and it just seems like
4742s it's one of those things where if
4743s somebody has a question usually people
4746s don't go and start making fun of them
4747s it's usually more like Hey try it like
4750s this maybe you're doing this thing wrong
4751s like one one really good example is for
4753s instance um hej I don't know if you guys
4755s remember hej made his uh his um his
4759s video where he said oh I actually don't
4760s really like this monster hunter rise
4762s thing and the community went up to his
4764s video and showered him in comments
4767s basically saying things like hey maybe
4768s you should have tried it like this maybe
4770s you should have tried this thing there
4771s wasn't really a negative backlash or
4774s anything like that and I think that is
4775s one of the most perfect examples of the
4778s community getting together to kind of
4780s just like celebrate the game and try to
4781s be as inclusive to newcomers as possible
4784s even people who have a negative opinion
4786s on the game which I was very impressed I
4789s you know even though I was aware that
4791s because I had been creating content for
4792s the game I was aware that the community
4794s is very positive I would still expect
4796s like more people to come out and be like
4798s ah you you don't know what you're
4799s talking about or something like that
4800s there was almost none of that which is
4803s almost unheard of for a lot of
4805s communities I would say so yeah I I was
4807s very impressed yeah yeah I think it's
4809s one of those things that comes from the
4811s series kind of like having more humble
4813s beginnings in kind of like the western
4815s territories and being a phenomenon in
4817s Japan and I feel like anybody who got
4819s their hands on it here in the US or
4821s Europe were just super super excited
4823s about just want people to like
4825s understand like this game is so good you
4826s need to to get it you need to get it and
4828s so I think like it's just created this
4830s like ground swall of everybody like
4831s wanting people to play boster Hunter
4833s just to try it just to understand it and
4836s um it's really created like a community
4837s that's super positive and welcoming so
4839s yeah it's really great to see yeah we
4841s had all these Niche little communities
4843s and we just want more and more people to
4845s come join us you know come on come help
4848s with this Rathalos and oh you need help
4850s with that monster I'll help you out no
4851s worries and we just keep getting
4854s together and growing as a family I I did
4857s so many Alat Tron lobbies it was insane
4860s like for for like the moment alot Tron
4863s dropped I think for the next 3 weeks
4866s almost every other day I was like okay
4868s guys everybody that hasn't killed Al
4870s Tron yet let's go join the party we're
4872s we're all coming in it's a big Alat Tron
4874s train and we're going to kill them a
4875s bunch of times everybody get your
4877s materials it was a celebration it was
4879s that it was for go to Roth we did the
4881s same thing for Safi J we did did the
4883s same thing so it was a ton of fun I
4886s agree the latron was crazy because that
4890s was the the wall that everyone hit and I
4893s think everyone who was streaming at the
4895s time like worked together to figure it
4898s out and I I remember that day that it
4900s launched and I was like I'm not sleeping
4903s so I everyone here I'm sure you guys
4906s understand we did not sleep until we
4908s figured it out you know and it was crazy
4912s and so I always remember remember that
4913s you know laton's crazy so good good
4916s point good
4917s point thanks for that alaton as well we
4920s appreciate you bringing the community
4923s together for the greater GI great
4929s good after you after you good sir um
4933s before we I know we're talking a little
4934s bit about like world and and rise and
4937s you know obviously like the series has
4939s reached like this this Global um Global
4941s status where like a bunch of people are
4943s playing it and everybody knows about it
4944s but um let's let's wind it back a little
4946s bit so I don't know if any of you guys
4948s you know played the first Monster Hunter
4950s on PS2 or played some of the games on
4951s PSP and if if you have um what was that
4955s first experience like and if you haven't
4957s um are there any like monsters from that
4959s era that may be like really connected
4960s with you yeah like I was saying earlier
4963s that's where I started
4965s PS2 and just that first Cuda that
4968s destroyed me has stayed with me and it's
4971s become one of my favorite monsters
4972s throughout the series just a you know
4975s goofy pink chicken monster that breathes
4978s fire it I've never seen anything like
4981s that do playing Monster Hunter and it's
4984s been fun watching that monster evolve
4987s throughout the series as it comes in and
4989s you know it gets subspecies and similar
4992s species to it like Yan
4996s garuga um even though I didn't play the
4999s initial games I did watch my brother get
5001s very angry and throw his controller many
5003s times um and I do remember him getting
5007s really angry about the cut which I
5010s thought like are you serious and he's
5012s like yes and I was like okay so you know
5016s you're right like seeing it evolve is
5018s very interesting to me as a spectator as
5020s well so that was very yeah that was very
5024s cool that you said that cuz it did it
5026s did Peak my interest a little bit I
5029s think back then even though I didn't
5030s play the game so yeah
5033s so I I always hear about the the C C and
5036s how it was a wall for a lot of uh
5037s players in monst H one I didn't really
5040s play mon hun one but like I I said
5041s earlier I did play Freedom Unite with my
5043s friend and one of my Fondest Memories
5046s was actually Gibs Ros because Gib Ros
5049s does that thing where he plays dead but
5051s he's actually not dead and so my friend
5054s completely trolled me he was like oh
5056s yeah he's dead let's let's go carve now
5058s and what not music stops and you're like
5059s oh okay this is fine I go up to carve
5061s now it's not working like is it glitch
5063s do we get this and then he just like
5065s does his thing and one shots me and I
5066s was like hey wait a minute and my
5068s friend's just laughing himself I was
5070s like what the hell what do you mean
5073s that's not
5074s fair I like how they waited they let him
5078s let him
5080s cook let him figure it out I I love that
5083s cuz that's what we do too cuz we're like
5085s oh this would be perfect because they
5087s don't know that becomes kind of like a
5089s ride of Passage whenever we bring a new
5092s player and we're playing the older games
5093s or something it's always like oh yeah
5095s yeah yeah Gib Ros yeah let's do Gib Ros
5097s oh yeah he's fine go go ahead and go get
5099s your loot it's fine it's all
5102s good say for me I joined a little bit
5105s later I was I was a 3u that was my as I
5107s mentioned my first one same yeah then
5110s quite rapidly as well I was like I'm
5112s going to get into for you and then like
5114s for you's when I was like yeah I love
5116s this franchise like I really enjoyed 3u
5118s and I was like this is great this game's
5119s cool and then I jumped onto 4u and yeah
5122s the rest kind of History I was I was in
5125s since since then um and yeah it was it
5128s was really special how even between
5130s three you and four you how different the
5131s games felt you know one thing about
5133s monster hunter is like each generation
5135s has a different feel to it and some new
5137s additions and things like that was
5139s keeping the core DNA there and so you're
5142s always on your toes always finding out
5143s fresh things even for your favorite
5145s weapons the identity is still there but
5148s they play a bit different on there have
5149s a few tricks or what they have has
5150s changed like you know when you think for
5152s example between 3 to four you and then
5155s jumping ahead and you look at the
5156s difference between like world and Rise
5158s there's always something new and there's
5159s always something to grow as a hunter to
5161s try out and that's that's what I found
5164s really really
5165s fun yeah um you know speaking speaking
5168s of that era where you kind of started
5170s Jon that's also where or I started as
5172s well um and honestly it's like it's the
5174s guid from the community and different
5175s creators that helped me really get into
5177s it so um we talked about a little bit
5179s but is there any like kind of key
5181s memories from that era of Monster Hunter
5183s 3s that um that really resonated with
5186s you
5187s guys the first time jumping in the water
5190s and actually being able to swim in it
5192s that was
5194s amazing there's so many memories I can't
5197s even I
5198s mean gor magala uh showing up uh ttic
5202s Cabra you know fighting that and then
5205s you know making all the armor sets I
5207s think that that game also hooked me I
5210s couldn't believe how
5213s Immaculate to me that game was and it's
5216s still to this day um just indented into
5220s my I guess memory I even told uh the
5224s previous Community managers to changed
5226s my life and they're like huh and I'm
5228s like no I'm being serious this game
5229s changed my life and I think they kind of
5232s were like taken back by that and I was
5234s like no it it was I my hands were
5238s bruised that's how much I held on to my
5241s 3DS and it was bruised on the sides and
5243s it was cl I was clenching the whole time
5246s I wouldn't didn't move most of my days I
5248s was in my bed playing crafting and it
5251s was just I almost felt like I was manic
5254s um I love the game so much and I was
5257s like it's this is it I I love monah
5260s Hunter and I think that that definitely
5262s solidified my passion for you days um so
5267s yeah it it's
5268s great I mean monsa for ultimate is
5271s literally the only reason why I even
5273s bought a 3DS to begin with cuz I was I
5276s don't care about 3DS at all like I
5278s usually play Home console and stuff like
5280s that but for ultimate did not come out
5283s on home consol so I was like well I have
5284s to get this 3DS cuz I definitely want to
5286s be playing this game and for ultimate is
5289s still one of my favorite Monster Hunter
5291s stories and I know that a lot of people
5293s don't really play the game for the story
5294s it's more for the gameplay Loop and all
5295s that but the journey that you take
5298s throughout monst for ultimate from the
5300s beginning where you fight uh is it is it
5302s the ran ran or J R I think it's the ran
5304s in for ultimate you fight the ran ran I
5306s was like this fight is awesome you you
5308s load the Cannons with the bullets and
5310s you shoot the Cannons and the the whale
5312s flies over you and what not and all
5314s these crazy things I I love that and
5316s I've been asking since forever please
5318s bring them back at some point I had such
5321s hopes for uh for rise to see them in
5323s Rise but yeah uh I I love that
5326s introduction and I love the progression
5328s of the story because in for ultimate you
5330s actually get to visit multiple villages
5332s so you get that feeling cuz every
5335s village in Monster Hunter always has a
5337s very unique vibe to it from the music to
5340s the NPCs that are there to the
5342s interactions and even the quests and
5344s some of the characters that you meet
5345s while you are there and then for
5346s ultimate you get to experience that
5348s feeling multiple times which to me was
5351s really cool and and you know even the
5353s the whole thing about men maxing your
5355s pico a little bit and and for ultimate
5357s we also got charge blade for the first
5359s time and mounting for the first time so
5362s I was even playing insect glaive cuz I
5364s just wanted to mount all the time cuz I
5365s thought oh this mechanic is so cool and
5367s just like stabbing at the monster while
5369s he while he's like wildly trying to get
5371s you off and what not it
5373s was you remember the pizza cutter thing
5376s the oh yeah the I just remember seeing
5380s that for the first time cuz you're just
5382s like grouping up with people and you're
5383s like is that pizza and for me I was
5386s shocked and I was like oh what weapon is
5389s that I can do I get pizza and I had a I
5391s Had a Hammer of course we're not going
5393s to have a pizza so I was like oh I need
5395s to try that weapon it didn't click with
5396s me at the time but it looked cool they
5398s had really cool weapons you know Styles
5400s and everything that that made me laugh a
5403s lot too uh so yeah I believe that the
5407s the first corn popper was Freedom Unite
5410s if I'm not mistaken so we also had the
5411s corn popper corn
5415s popper it's just a big it's just a big
5418s piece of corn which interestingly enough
5421s in Monson rise was like one of the best
5423s gun lexes in the game oh man that sounds
5427s cool I I did not yeah I need to play
5429s that weapon now corn popper play gun
5432s guns are so funny so many different
5435s designs hey it's always good go back you
5438s know
5439s yeah it's like when I first saw uh the
5443s tuna great sword I was like it's yeah no
5447s an ice Elemental great swword no I'm
5449s holding an actual spear tuna by the nose
5452s and Swinging it at monsters and then for
5455s like Hammer you get this teddy bear that
5458s you beat people with yeah this is
5460s perfect I love
5463s [Music]
5464s this yeah the range of weapons you know
5467s you got your serious kind of weapons you
5468s got the cool looking weapons more
5470s traditional ones and then obviously
5471s you've got like the uh omy weapons
5474s almost like you know I think is it you
5476s can get a couple of muds of beer or some
5479s other beverage in I think is it World fr
5482s for du
5483s blades get the doo dual blades in rise
5487s like yeah there's there's a load of cool
5489s weapons obviously you know the sword and
5490s shield though you know we're quite
5491s humble mostly I I did I did get my zoga
5494s sword and shield and Rise though I do
5496s like that it growls when you bring it
5502s out um and kind of talking of that
5504s obviously we've touched the onor how we
5506s know we got into Monster Hunter whether
5507s that's friends family content creators
5510s or looking for a challenge and you know
5512s during all that time in the early days
5514s you know for many it was kind of seen as
5516s kind of a niche game um almost and then
5519s all of that changed with a little game
5522s called mon
5524s what so how was that for you seeing this
5528s game that you love and this community
5530s that you've been a part of and kind of
5532s nurtured for so long suddenly kind of
5535s really Go Global how was that how was
5538s that was insane cuz I was at that E3 and
5542s normally it's like okay we'll have one
5544s Community manager there we had all of
5547s them on staff there that day and tons of
5550s the content creators there and I'm like
5553s oh this is a big thing we've got this
5555s big huge statue of Rathalos looking up
5558s at that and I'm like this is this isn't
5560s just you know the niche little fandom
5563s that I had before no this is Monster
5566s Hunter
5567s worldwide and just being there with
5570s everybody was so cool and me people that
5573s been with the series for a while or just
5576s getting into it we'd have all kinds of
5578s you know people that aren't used to the
5580s series come up and be like what is this
5582s big monster here and it's like well this
5585s is athlos you know he's one of the main
5588s flagships of this game series and being
5590s able to tell them about it and then
5592s actually getting to see the game play
5594s and it's not flat world anymore it's all
5598s these massive Landscapes and being able
5601s to Frack the monsters around and
5604s actually feel like you're hunting them
5606s was it it's
5609s insane
5611s um it's hard for me to put a lot of this
5614s stuff into words uh to be quite honest
5616s because when I saw the words monstah
5620s Hunter on my screen when they made the
5622s announcement I felt my whole body bumps
5625s everywhere I was Goosebumps I almost
5628s wanted to tear up I screamed in my house
5630s I remember the day I was like moer is
5633s coming to Playstation I I still feel it
5638s like I just I remember who was around me
5640s I remember the moment and I was like
5642s this is going to be crazy because it was
5645s always on handheld for me so to be able
5648s to play on my you know
5652s PS4 nuts and I was like this is this is
5655s it everyone has to play now everyone has
5658s to so I I remember the trail of Twitter
5662s T posts I was making I was like so it's
5664s time for you guys all to play now you
5666s have no excuse It's on PS4 you're going
5668s to have a demo that means a demo so when
5672s the demo came out it was over I was
5674s playing that Non-Stop and didn't sleep
5676s it was awesome and I could slide down
5679s you know with my hammer and you know I I
5681s was just it was great anyway moving on I
5684s love I I loved it all of
5686s it so to me that was so meaningful that
5689s I actually don't remember a single other
5691s thing that was announced during daddy3
5693s was like no whatever Monster Hunters
5696s finally out because the thing was I had
5698s I had covered monster hunter in my
5700s channel uh before the announcement of
5703s world but it was always like one of
5705s those things where I couldn't really
5706s dedicate as much time as I wanted to it
5708s because one of the things about content
5710s creation is about timing right and so
5712s monster hunter games before that were
5714s out in Japan and then one year later
5716s they would come to the west and by then
5719s most of the really you know dedicated
5721s content crors would they would buy the
5723s Japanese version and they would like
5725s somehow manage to interpret what was
5727s going on in the game and I was like I I
5728s can't do that like I don't know I can't
5731s try out the game in Japanese it's just
5734s really weird to me I I can't play it
5736s like that so when I realized that this
5737s one was going to have a worldwide
5739s release I was like oh my god I've been
5740s waiting for this for so long I've been
5742s wanting to cover so instantly just like
5744s video after video telling people about
5746s how amazing this game is and we all need
5748s to play this game this is going to be
5750s insane and it was that and then the
5753s moment the demo came out was when it all
5756s came together because I was like up
5758s until that point you don't really know
5759s what the game play feels like cuz
5761s Monster Hunter has this texture to it to
5764s the way that it plays the way that each
5766s move feels and where you hit the monster
5768s and all of that and with the more let's
5772s say more fluid animations that were
5774s seeing for Monster hun world and all a
5776s lot of people were questioning
5777s themselves is it still going to feel
5779s like Monster Hunter and when we finally
5781s get our hands in the beta it's like yes
5784s it still feels like it's so good and it
5787s was it was just completely Insanity from
5790s there I I was completely addicted I put
5792s in over way over a 100 hours in that
5794s demo checked out every single weapon uh
5797s did runs where we were killing all of
5799s the monsters that were just there that
5801s you weren't even supposed to kill like
5802s chase after Rathalos cuz he shows up and
5806s chase after ananth when he shows up and
5809s there was even like a rare monster that
5811s wouldn't always show up which was PUK
5812s PUK I think so like there was a chance
5815s that the PUK PUK would spawn in the map
5817s but it would only do it like once every
5819s 100 times or something ridiculous like
5821s that so everybody was running through
5823s the beta over and over and over trying
5824s to see if they could get the PUK PUK to
5827s spawn yeah I think one of the cool
5829s things about world also and iceborn um
5832s getting to iceborn is that it was the
5835s first kind of like free title update and
5838s expansion that that was all happening
5840s for a monster under title so it was like
5843s the game launched and then it was like a
5844s longer term relationship with the game
5846s honestly like several years of of
5848s playing and people are still playing
5849s today so um I think that's one of the
5851s cool things is that you know being able
5853s to like go along for the ride see all
5855s the monsters revealed with the different
5857s events and what not um I think that was
5859s that was just really cool to see and I
5860s know the team really loves um you know
5862s the the monster reveals and seeing
5864s everybody's reaction so um yeah anytime
5866s we see you guys' reactions we're we're
5868s always making sure that the the team of
5869s Japan knows about it as all the the
5872s changing of the of the Gathering Hub was
5874s also fantastic the way that it would
5876s completely change whenever there was a
5878s new event like hey here's the spring
5879s event completely different Gathering Hub
5882s and it would always bring the community
5883s together cuz everybody wanted to go farm
5885s the the special like events that would
5888s be available at any given time to get
5889s all the special timed rewards and
5891s whatnot I thought that was an absolute
5893s blast and even when the sieges would
5895s come and you know again the community
5898s would just jump back in and everybody
5900s would be grinding stuff it was it was
5902s really cool and and and another really
5904s cool aspect was the fact that the the
5906s lobbies would actually hold more players
5908s so you would constantly have like a
5909s bunch of players in your lobby and
5911s different people running different
5912s things it was it was just such a good
5914s time I love that yeah like the 16 people
5918s you know player lobbies was nuts and
5920s being able to take pictures I mean I
5922s love taking pictures with everyone cuz
5925s you know being able to do that capture
5927s those memories with everyone and also
5930s having all the Hunts be fast
5932s so you can get your weapons and uh you
5934s know if you're if you don't want to hunt
5936s that monster you can go somewhere else
5938s to the other side and someone's hunting
5940s you know so I loved how fluid everything
5943s was and I think also cooking the steaks
5945s a lot faster you know it's just
5947s everything was perfect and it felt like
5949s a challenge you know like every time you
5951s played the monsters that came out it was
5954s a challenge you know and it it brought a
5956s little bit of a good stress I think I
5959s really love that I was like oh man this
5962s one's going to be hard guys I guess
5964s we're not sleeping tonight and that's
5965s one of our favorite things to say to
5966s each other like are you prepped for this
5969s did you shower did you f and snacks did
5972s you have do you have two different
5974s Waters you can't like two different
5975s drinks you have to have water and a
5977s something else so we would prep each
5979s other it was it's just so funny cuz it's
5982s like you know when a new one you know a
5984s new monster comes out for the free title
5986s updates you know it's just all that
5987s stuff you you prep each other too so
5990s it's it's awes awesome it was awesome I
5992s love those days and we have them again
5994s you know we still have them again you
5996s know people are still going you know
5997s coming back to world I am so it's it's
6000s it's awesome I love it yeah I loved
6004s always seeing the big Gathering Halls
6006s just full of people you know you have
6008s people on one side
6010s playing just you know at the what was it
6013s like a little hot spring they'd just be
6015s hanging out in there you know people
6017s doing the arm
6019s wrestling and it was great as a streamer
6021s cuz you could have just different groups
6023s of people be like all right we completed
6025s this Quest let's Shuffle the next group
6027s in and you just constantly be working
6030s together towards
6032s stuff yeah it's it's awesome and you
6034s know you've all actually touched on kind
6035s of our next topic which is kind of
6037s favorite memories from world and iceborn
6039s and you know for me it kind of starts
6040s quite humble with having more of my
6042s friends actually come into monst hun and
6045s playing through with them and grinding
6047s and farming with them but then I found
6049s that I was getting experiences that
6051s actually really got my half pump in
6052s obviously talking about title updates
6054s and you know allat trayon which I
6055s absolutely cuz I'm AA Shi so I use
6057s Elemental Weapons anyway so like I was
6059s right at home but the thing with that
6062s having that you know you had to kind of
6064s hit that damage limit before before the
6066s Nova attack and you think you're close
6068s but you don't know and you know it's
6069s going to do it soon is it escaton
6071s judgment I think escaton judgment yeah
6074s and I'm like are We There Are We There
6076s have we got the horn yet and you can
6077s hear like the heartbeat kind of go in
6079s and then your heartbeats go in and and
6081s the first time we beat that was just an
6083s incredible feeling like Fatalis was
6085s great as well Fatalis was insane but
6088s just the kind of the kind of pressure I
6090s felt in that hun and then the kind of
6092s the nostalgic music playing at the end
6095s as well when you do take down Al trayon
6097s that that was really really really
6099s special and as a sword and shield user I
6100s felt validated that my Elemental set was
6108s so
6110s goath I TR think okay uh vampy do you
6115s want to go cuz I have mine I the most
6119s memorable thing about world there's most
6121s memorable thing that happened to you
6123s while you were playing World
6125s oh th this is really hard guys like
6128s there's so many things I know right
6132s trouble with it but you know I have to
6134s say a lot Tron because when it came out
6137s I was like okay how is this going to be
6140s different you know how how is it going
6141s to be different to hunt um and also
6144s being a hammer user everyone was
6146s counting on me every time I streamed can
6148s you break this for me can you and of
6151s course you don't want to let him down
6152s you're like yeah I got you so I had to
6155s practice so I think I definitely
6158s remember you know a lot of the community
6159s would come into my streams like can you
6161s break this for me break that for me
6163s especially during that time and I was
6165s giving myself a lot of stress I was like
6167s you better break it you know the first
6169s part you better break it so I had to be
6172s exact with everything I was doing so
6174s when it first came out I did I think I
6176s slept at like 800 in the morning I had
6179s some people come in you know previous
6181s you know you know friends of mine in the
6184s community and they're like are you did
6186s you sleep yet and I'm like no we haven't
6188s beaten it yet I will not sleep and you
6191s shouldn't make promises at the beginning
6194s of a stream oh I I recommend don't do
6197s that cuz you're not going to you're not
6198s going to rest but it that was definitely
6200s one of my most memorable cuz when we did
6203s finally beat him it was with the people
6206s that um I hunted with the most cuz we
6209s work very well together so we can
6211s synchronize and we trusted each other
6213s that we knew our weapons very well and I
6215s think that's one of main things is
6218s working with a team that knows their
6219s weapon and knows timing um and being
6222s able to have that you know camaraderie
6225s with friends is awesome so yeah same
6228s thing so uh it'd be easy to also go
6231s after Alat Tron so I'm going to mention
6234s two other things that were extremely
6235s memorable for me so one of the first
6238s ones was one of the first times I
6241s interacted with bosle goose which ends
6243s up being my favorite monster
6245s particularly the the seething variant
6247s that we got with iceborn uh that's my
6249s favorite monster of all time easy
6251s because I'm all about explosions and
6252s he's all about explosions but the really
6254s cool thing was that he would just jump
6256s into your hunts and be the most annoying
6259s creature ever you'd be I was fighting I
6263s think one of the first times I was high
6265s ranked fighting a Rabon in um the what
6269s was it called that I forget the name of
6271s the actual the place where Rabon hangs
6274s at you guys know what I'm talking about
6275s right Ron Veil the RO rotten yeah rotten
6278s Veil so I'm in there and I'm fighting
6280s Rabon and he comes in and he starts
6282s dropping uh you know his bombs I was
6285s like what what's this and then I hit one
6287s of them by mistake and it explodes in my
6289s face now what's going on and then he
6290s drops then boom I was like what is this
6293s what's going on and then he leaves and
6296s I'm like oh okay so I continue fighting
6299s raban and after a while he comes in does
6301s the same thing again and I was like no
6302s no no no no no this is not so I chase
6305s him all over the map you're not supposed
6306s to fight him at that point but I just
6308s chase him all over the map and I fight
6310s him for I don't know for how long I
6312s fought him but I C it three I think I C
6314s it three times him and I lost the quest
6316s because I was just like for he rabot I
6318s need to kill him cuz he's SP like so
6320s like that rivalry I was super excited
6323s about that that's that's one of my
6325s favorite memories and the other one was
6328s actually a
6329s collaboration uh extremoth if you guys
6331s remember Behemoth but like the the
6333s extreme version of because that required
6337s so much coordination that I had to like
6339s bring in my uh previous expertise from
6342s MMO rating and I was like okay guys
6344s here's what we're going to do when he
6345s does corib this everybody that has the
6347s thing under you you have to go to one of
6349s the corners of the map you have to drop
6351s your tornado in the corner of the map
6352s then you come back I was playing sword
6355s and shield for that I made a a build
6357s that was all about like wide range
6360s healing uh speed eating whatever was the
6363s thing that made you sometimes not
6365s consume your your consumables I forget
6367s what the name of the skill is but you
6369s know I had all of those things going and
6371s the idea was everybody in my Lobby you
6374s never have to heal never have to worry
6376s about that all you got to do is deal
6378s damage okay and I know exactly when I
6381s want the mount so I will do the mounting
6383s when it needs to be done I will do
6385s everything and it was it was amazing
6387s because it was such a thing that
6388s required so much coordination and it
6390s took a tremendous amount of time to
6392s actually do and it was a ton of fun to
6395s go through and do that fight I
6398s loved yeah I love that I mean when
6400s you're talking about it I visually was
6402s seeing like how everything maed out
6405s because I never use bir radial I never I
6408s usually just craft everything the first
6410s time actually used it I was like oh I
6413s have to like have that jump mechanic you
6415s know so I had to put on the bottom of my
6417s radio and I was like okay do the go you
6420s know you know the the healings and all
6422s that stuff it's just crafting on the
6424s spot you know so that was definitely one
6427s of them that I had to use before using
6429s the Dron jump to escape the meteor yeah
6432s no I was always hiding behind the
6435s rock it's all timing and I think that's
6438s one of the things too like you know to
6440s learn it right like so well that you
6442s know the time right like everything's
6444s timing especially with those kind of
6446s monsters you're like okay better count
6448s so we're counting too it was really
6450s crazy I was like what I felt insane I
6454s think that that hunt I definitely felt
6456s like an insane person but also you
6458s wanted the the armor set it's
6461s beautiful I felt so cool and you can
6463s change the colors and everything I was
6464s like look at me like every time you go
6467s into you know like the Gathering Hub and
6470s you have a new set you always feel like
6472s like in for you where you could like
6474s change the color so fancy I know you
6476s just feel so cool like oh I have it you
6478s don't have it
6481s oh oh you don't have oh ner oh man too
6489s bad oh I mean you know good I
6495s guess no but it was fun it was fun at
6498s the same time a lot of us would be like
6500s oh you don't have that well come on
6501s let's go get it that's true our friend
6506s do it was a lot of fun it was really
6509s good
6511s times oh God that we Circle back around
6513s to you for what impacted me the
6517s most was when iceborn came out and we
6521s got near the end of it and all of a
6524s sudden here's the general showing up you
6527s know hey Hunter we need you it's like
6529s there's more story you guys are adding
6531s more and the whole Nostalgia wave of
6534s going back and having to fight falis
6536s again it's like ah I get to teach you
6538s this lesson again old man here we go and
6542s I just loved how much it was still the
6546s same yet different at the same time it's
6549s like a lot of the old strategy still
6551s worked it's still Fatalis but they
6554s change it so much with iceborn and
6558s just again how much this game the series
6561s evolves through time it's crazy
6565s and it just really moved me hearing the
6567s music again and you'd get those
6570s Goosebumps you're like Yep this is it
6573s again this is why I'm hooked on the
6575s series and when you get and when you get
6577s poof of a hero when you get him low
6579s enough and poof of a hero kicks in it
6581s almost it almost brings tears to your
6583s eyes oh let's go he's down we got to get
6585s him every time anyone talks about
6588s anything I'm just my my face I feeling
6591s getting hot because I'm like I know how
6593s you feel and that's the coolest thing
6595s like I mean anytime someone tells their
6597s story you can feel a little bit of
6599s yourself into in that moment you know
6602s with them so it's awesome I see well now
6605s it's obvious the team definitely thinks
6609s about what they add to the game yeah and
6612s everything they do even with the
6614s collaboration quests they do it's not
6617s just yep here's an outfit from this game
6620s with World they added new quest lines
6623s and really made you feel like part of
6625s their world as well as part of Monster
6628s Hunter yeah honestly when that when
6631s proof of a hero hits in that Fatalis
6633s fight I feel like my brain just like
6636s hits like a weird like I don't know a
6638s weird level where I'm just like nothing
6640s else matters and I I think I think I've
6642s made some mistakes in that hun at the
6643s end because I've just stopped thinking
6644s at that point it's just it's too crazy I
6647s mean on my first solo Kill by the end I
6650s I was actually playing sword and shield
6651s and I was just like mashing circle like
6653s just die there was like seconds left
6656s just die please just
6658s die and you don't know when cuz they're
6660s just just moving back and forth and it's
6662s not very obvious cuz you're in contained
6664s area you're like uh you going to
6668s die for me it me up like that music hits
6672s and I'm standing up now playing the game
6674s like come on let's go the lean
6678s in wow it was hard though man like
6681s Fatalis is hard but that was
6685s rough uh yeah that was a rough one for
6688s sure but very fun and he looked amazing
6690s oh my God just to see you in that way I
6693s was like dang what like I a you're like
6696s that
6698s blow real tiny like you would fly over
6701s me you know like in that lava area you
6704s know so it's very interesting to see him
6706s that big
6708s so yeah well we'll move it on from from
6710s world and Ice boort obviously that's
6712s such a huge topic it's really tough to
6714s but yeah yeah we could we could keep
6716s chatting for forever um I want to touch
6719s on Monster Hunter stories which we just
6721s recently announced that monster hunter
6723s stories one is uh coming back to Modern
6726s platforms which is really exciting but
6728s um have you guys played either of the
6730s two stories games I mean we we both Jon
6733s and I I think we've already talked about
6734s some of our memories uh in the pretty
6736s show we both love those games and the
6737s different like kind of turnbas RPG style
6740s it brings to the series but uh how about
6742s you guys oh yeah I played them like when
6745s I first saw them it was their
6748s predecessor there was this arcade
6751s machine in Japan called Monster Hunter
6753s spirits and they'd have all these little
6756s baby designs of monsters I was like
6758s those are really cute I really want
6759s those and then seeing them bring it over
6763s to consoles change it to Monster Hunter
6766s stories I was like Yep this is what I
6768s want I love these kind of games
6771s and just the characters really grab me I
6773s I know nairo is not for everyone but I
6776s absolutely adore him really excited
6779s first game's coming back because not
6781s many people have experienced that story
6783s and it gives so much backstory on him
6786s and it will make you love him just the
6790s story The Narrative and the game play is
6792s great cuz you're
6794s actually getting to fight with these
6796s monsters that you've known and love over
6798s the years and just forming that bond
6801s with him is so
6803s cool yeah I I definitely agree I think
6806s that um when I initially started getting
6809s into the M Hunter series um being able
6812s to play with others but um My First Love
6814s is RPG like just those turn-based style
6817s games so having that style of game for
6821s mosah Hunter um introduced to me um you
6825s know and being able to play it was is
6827s just two of the best worlds together for
6830s me seeing it very cute in that way chibi
6833s and also like their story and also like
6836s um my friends getting my friends who are
6838s RPG nerds like that the turnbas style um
6841s getting them into it was really easy
6843s they're like oh why do you always play
6845s Moss Hunter what are these monsters I
6847s don't understand anything and even
6849s though they don't like the other kind of
6850s game style they could play this and they
6853s thoroughly enjoyed this so the stories
6856s was perfect for um every kind of person
6859s that you know I could talk to you about
6861s M Hunter um and they eventually learned
6863s all the monsters too so when I would
6865s stream the other games they were like oh
6867s so you're that's R the Lo and I'm like
6869s what and I never heard them talk about
6872s mus Hunter before so it was just kind of
6874s cool but weird at the same time oh yeah
6877s yeah sure then that means you had to
6878s play other games now so they they they
6881s liked it too they loved it so I loved it
6884s they loved it and it was it's pretty
6885s awesome that um for me um seeing it in
6889s that way was was really cute and fun so
6893s yeah I'm excited for it I got to see
6896s lakris again after so long I've missed
6900s legris for so long cuz like I uh you
6903s know like I said I started with try even
6904s though it didn't really click with me I
6906s still had fond memories of that mission
6908s where you jump into the water and
6909s there's lakris just being super menacing
6911s and whatnot so being able to see him in
6913s that game and actually have them on my
6915s team was really cool but ultimately just
6918s being able to actually ride a bosel
6919s goose around I was like oh this is so
6922s awesome and and the cool thing is also
6924s that you fight alongside the monsters
6927s and so you know I would also be wyvern
6930s firing because you guys actually put gun
6933s Lance as one of the weapons cuz I don't
6935s think all of the weapons were in there
6936s so the fact that we had gun LS I was
6938s like yes gun LS and you can actually
6940s wyvern fire alongside the monties it was
6942s just an absolute blast I loved it and
6945s the ultimate attack that we could do
6947s with the bosle was also freaking amazing
6949s so
6951s I was like me and my boy Basel going all
6953s over the place killing all of the other
6955s monties and whatnot and yeah it was
6958s perfect any game where you can befriend
6960s kzu I think is is great in my
6965s books is that your favorite oh no no but
6969s it's okay I was wondering but he but he
6971s has the best theme you got to admit I
6974s mean oh yeah yeah that OST yeah the
6977s headphones just explor did you say the
6979s OST oh yeah
6981s the
6984s best I'm f i you rais a good point Vamp
6988s we've not actually revealed our favorite
6989s monsters yet so as you brought up the
6992s topic would you like to start oh I've
6996s you know
6997s brados you know when I first saw him I
7000s was like what is he doing in there you
7002s know the lava area and for you I was
7004s like what is his head doing and he just
7006s blow things up you know like basle Gee
7009s right would just blow
7010s at the same time like what is this but I
7012s loved just he was actually very cute to
7015s me even though he was like causing
7017s destruction I was like this guy's
7018s adorable and I think Guild M helped in
7021s that you know she kept to talking about
7022s him and made me obsessed too and I was
7024s like he's pretty interesting she kind of
7026s brainwashed me you know so I really
7028s liked I really like Bria so that's my
7031s favorite
7032s monster mine is kind of evoled over the
7035s years since you know I started with the
7037s beginning and just the love of cutu
7039s lasted quite a long time then finally
7042s Generations came out and I see gamos on
7045s this big beautiful elepant and fell in
7048s love with her and then now we've got
7051s Malino and I just absolutely love the
7054s vampire Vibes of him and color scheme
7057s and just everything clicks with
7060s me yeah th those are awesome but again
7063s to me it's seething bosle Goose I mean
7065s he literally jumps up in the air drops a
7068s bunch of bombs and then explodes as a
7071s nuclear explosion in the middle of the
7072s map gorgeous love it can't get enough of
7075s it you're like I'm a simple man exactly
7078s I like explosions you know how they say
7080s cool guys will look at explosions that's
7082s not me look I I feel that though I feel
7085s that that I see it every time someone
7088s talks about their favorite monster and
7089s is that one I know them already I'm like
7092s okay I see how you what you like I see
7095s what you like
7098s full how about you well yeah I I'm a
7101s devil Joe fan I have to it's my name is
7104s you like but also yeah I love I love the
7106s pickle you know it's got like the tiny
7108s tiny arm so it's just invades right in
7111s you know just completely destroys
7113s whatever hunt that you're doing which um
7115s I I love that it's just like the
7117s unpredictability and also yes just got
7118s so much charm you know it's just like
7120s this do you remember the pickles that
7121s they used to sell do you you ever see
7123s those they at the Caravan they sold
7126s devil J pickles it was
7128s really I bought I have a I still have it
7131s which is kind of gross but I still have
7132s the
7134s thing I was like why but then I bought
7137s it I was like how many years ago now I
7139s don't want to remember cuz I I didn't
7141s all at it either I said it's kind of
7143s gross but
7145s anyway yeah but a devil Joe yeah he's I
7149s think he's the devil Joe his character
7151s we could talk about this for the whole
7152s stream but like Devil Joe's character is
7154s very interesting like you want to troll
7156s him yeah yeah like he uh not very
7160s serious to me he's just like there and
7162s he's just he's just hungry all the time
7164s no scared of him I'm just like okay go
7167s over
7168s there oh but yeah but yeah before we end
7171s up on the mythology if not devil Joe
7173s eats his own tail or not um my my
7176s favorite monster and I'm not copying you
7178s I swear is brai Deus as well um it's
7181s blue first of all and I'm quite fond of
7183s that color um explosions like early on
7186s in my monant tenure I I really kind of
7189s likeed slime weapons I I loved
7191s explosions and blast but not to the
7193s level of gun Lance appreciators
7195s obviously they like big explosions and
7196s obviously that what we now know as the
7198s blast status and I just love its music I
7202s love how it fights I love how it looks
7205s it's raw and then obviously in in ice
7209s born with raging
7210s brachy like normally when a monster
7213s nearly nearly done it's limping away
7215s it's get to sleeper R and bra is like oh
7217s no no no no I'm not stuck in here with
7219s you you're stuck in here with me and
7221s then it creates that Arena neither of
7223s you are leaving until the others fallen
7225s and I just think that's like one of the
7227s most badass things I've seen in a video
7229s game it just flips the end of a hunt on
7232s its head and if things get even harder
7234s for you you know you you sled against
7236s this giant brackie for ages and it's not
7238s done with you yet um so yeah i' I've got
7242s to be another one for the big blue
7244s monster um I kind of talking as well I
7246s know obviously Kath mentioned Malo
7249s obviously rise and sunbreak the the most
7251s recent Capcom Monster Hunter releases
7254s like for me like talking about my
7257s favorite parts of that is I've never
7258s played so many different weapons in a
7260s monster huner game than I did rise and
7262s sunre and for me that would be the the
7264s different the switch Scrolls and switch
7266s scroll Swap and the silk bind attacks I
7269s loved they introduced Shield bash and
7271s metsu Shi for the sword and shield which
7273s I loved they they made the switch AE
7276s into this aerial Menace like no other
7279s title made me explore so many weapons
7281s and I love it for that uh what about you
7283s guys what what were your highlights of
7285s rise and Sun
7286s Break honestly I really liked the I
7290s forget where we called them now but that
7292s base defense little mini game we had
7294s Rampage R that's it uh I just thought it
7298s was cool cuz it was something different
7300s it's like yes we're still hunting the
7301s monsters but we're on defense not on
7304s offense this time we're not going to
7305s their home they're coming our home yeah
7308s just the story of that game really hit
7310s me too especially as they added the
7313s Rampages following along with the story
7316s and how you know following uh narwa and
7323s abushi and just how they interacted with
7325s the atdcs was really
7327s cool yeah that was definitely a lunch
7329s date that I'd say they remember but
7331s abushi probably
7334s won't like further in the sunbreak when
7337s they added the ability to T with the
7340s NBCS I thought that was great that's
7342s something I've been W for a long time
7344s cuz a lot of times I'll play solo if I'm
7347s not streaming or I have friends online
7350s and then I still have that camaraderie
7352s with the NPCs and some of them are
7355s unpredictable you know I never know when
7357s they're going to shoot me in the back of
7358s the head while I'm trying to go after a
7360s monster or or sometimes they'll just run
7362s off and you're like what are they doing
7364s and then here they come riding in on a
7367s monster it's like I love this this is
7371s perfect I I really like the theme of the
7374s whole game it's just very different from
7377s what I was used to anyway um especially
7379s vastly different from world and iceborn
7383s um being able to um get to know the NPCs
7388s uh was very interesting too because they
7390s had a lot of Personality like they
7391s always had personality but like a lot
7393s more in this game and also um I do agree
7397s with the trying new weapons I actually
7400s tried all of the weapons in this one and
7402s played all of the weapons as this one as
7404s much as possible more than uh generally
7407s what I would just use use hammer or
7409s hunting horn or something um
7411s also being able to guess the next
7414s monsters I think is always really fun so
7416s shagaru magala gor magala Asos you know
7420s that was freaking me out because I was
7421s like oh this is crazy like seeing them
7425s come back and you know I kind of guessed
7427s it was Gore but then I mean everyone's
7429s was doing their guessing game online so
7431s seeing them again uh was very exciting
7434s uh especially if you're like playing for
7436s you a lot and those games and
7438s generations you're like oh they're back
7441s that's really cool um and of course
7443s everyone ate a lot of Dongo and then you
7445s know that was really fun because
7447s everyone's like I'm full of dongle again
7450s and we always made jokes about that
7452s they're like what are you eating today
7453s oh Dongo what else do you think I'm
7455s eating and also the little tiny Tetra
7457s that was really cute seeing that in
7460s there so I think they put a lot of like
7462s thought into all of the ideas into that
7465s game um especially for fans so I really
7469s enjoyed
7470s it I mean I I feel like I've already
7473s revealed this in some some other video
7475s that we did uh a while back but like one
7477s of my favorite moments was when I
7478s unlocked blast Dash because I was just
7481s in the training area and then suddenly I
7483s realize wait I can chain this move so
7486s I'm like blast Dash and then I blast
7488s Dash in the opposite Direction and I can
7490s you can do it like three times in a row
7492s and I was like wait what I I can
7494s basically fly that was even a meme that
7496s people made where there was uh because
7498s we had uh the wire bugs right so people
7501s were saying that normal users of uh of
7504s normal players of mons rise were like
7506s Spider-Man and the gun Lance players
7508s were like Iron Man because we were
7510s flying around with the gun very that was
7513s so much fun and the tremendous amount of
7516s play styles that it unlocked for for gun
7518s LS where you had
7519s um at the beginning of Rise you had like
7522s steak spam because you could basically
7525s just constantly do the worm steak and
7527s then you would do guard reload and then
7528s worm steak again and then you had
7531s different play styles with Full Burst
7533s and it was crazy like the just the
7535s amount of play styles that the game
7536s unlocked for any given weapon was
7538s completely insane which was one of my
7540s favorite aspects of it I did play a ton
7543s of different weapons as well but as per
7545s usual I I settled on the gun Lance and
7547s once we got to the sunbreak they even
7550s gave us the bullet barrage which is like
7554s just unload all the gun Lance things at
7557s once and you blast Dash into the monster
7560s and naturally you know gun L Mains all
7563s had to come up with a way we need to
7564s just do this skill nonstop so just get
7569s all the things that synergize with quick
7571s wire bug recovery and bullet barrage
7574s bullet barrage bullet sick yeah I I may
7579s have picked up gun lights because of
7580s your videos on that once I saw the uh
7583s the bull verage I'm like I'm in I'm in
7585s so I H it quite a bit with the gun LS
7587s it's it's pretty
7589s incredible oh it's awesome yeah like
7592s talking of the monsters actually
7593s obviously you know uh you mentioned
7594s obviously like the themes obviously we
7596s got the yo-kai and then you've kind of
7598s got folklore monsters in in sunbreak and
7601s you know even me see I I love gor magala
7603s as well it's from like top three monster
7605s for me and seeing it come back and I
7607s remember when the trailer came out it's
7608s like is that a gosar variant and then no
7611s Gala come out of nowhere and like yeah
7615s gosar is well like this monster when it
7617s stuns you get a unique animation where
7618s it slowly drags its ice blade up to you
7621s and things like that and and then
7623s obviously I I can't get this Quest out
7625s my head I can't remember the name
7626s exactly but when the curio are kind of
7628s at their highest strength guys of M gor
7631s is on the horizon and you go into the
7633s Citadel and everything is gone there's
7636s no spir birds there's no endemic life
7638s there's no small monsters you even see
7640s the corpses of large monsters there's no
7642s music it's silent and I've not
7644s experienced anything like that a monster
7646s game a narrative caught me off guard so
7649s much um that was quite something and I
7653s really wanted to talk about it like once
7655s I played through it like when the game
7656s was out but I couldn't because I wanted
7658s other people to have that experience and
7660s that surprise like what kind of thing
7662s whether it's a favorite monster from
7664s Rise and sunbreak or a favorite moment
7666s like that what would you say really
7668s stood out to you
7670s yeah definitely that moment you
7671s described because it it reminded me
7672s almost of like Resident Evil you're like
7675s everything around me is dead everything
7677s is gone what is going
7679s on
7681s um yeah just that moment was
7685s insane I just as he said I've never
7689s experienced something like that with
7690s monster hunter where it's just all of a
7692s sudden the ecosystem is gone cuz we've
7695s always kind of had that living breathing
7697s world and just haveit
7702s vanish I I'm I I'm going to say that too
7706s because um I was streaming that moment
7708s actually and I I felt like uh almost
7713s confused because I was like is this
7716s where it's going later I don't know I
7717s mean we're not going to speculate other
7719s games or whatever but that tone is
7722s something that kind of was a bit
7724s overwhelming for me because I'm not used
7726s to that at all we're not used to that
7728s that feeling that that eeriness and I
7731s think that you know that was well
7733s translated I mean huge props to the dev
7736s is like doing that because I think it
7739s also kind of like created a few more new
7743s wrinkles in my brain to think about okay
7745s what's the future what's the future
7747s going to hold in other titles you know
7749s what I mean so I'm always thinking like
7751s okay they they know how to do that very
7753s well so you know um but of course you
7756s know of course the themes I love gos
7759s frog I think that is definitely my
7760s favorite from that game and fighting
7763s that monster I I think is just so much
7765s fun so
7767s yeah so one of my favorite moments uh I
7771s mean maybe it's my Portuguese blood or
7773s something but it's when we see the the
7775s scene with the ship and the captain is
7777s in there and they're getting ready for
7779s the final assault and and I'm thinking
7781s to myself oh we're going to fight on the
7783s ship this going to be amazing and
7784s unfortunately that wasn't the case but
7786s still having the the ship there and and
7789s that moment where I think he throws a
7790s rock or something and the Admiral is
7792s just standing there doesn't even move
7795s and then L goes in real quick with the
7797s gun shoots the rock out but the Admiral
7799s doesn't even Flinch cuz he's ready for
7801s war we're going in the the the freaking
7804s um the the Cannons the were they the
7806s dragonator Cannons or whatever it was
7808s that then when you're fighting guys mcor
7810s you can actually call them in and they
7812s just shoot this explosive dragonator
7814s that starts detonating all over the
7816s place like I love that moment that
7819s moment was absolutely amazing it's not
7822s my favorite fight I still like the fight
7824s a lot if I had to say a favorite fight
7826s it's probably going to be vrax like vrax
7829s in that game is really good and
7831s especially some of the what was that um
7835s there was a was one of the hazard quests
7838s or something at the end of Rise where
7840s the laser would just one-hot you and
7842s there's even sometimes a moment where
7844s maybe you'll cart and then you're
7845s jumping back into that new map and this
7848s second that you land he's just like I
7852s see the laser to the face instantly the
7856s panic I just remember Panic all the
7863s time yeah for for me um I really like
7867s violet msun which um has a has a really
7870s like interesting like Spirit Bomb Type
7873s move um so you're kind of just like
7875s staring up at that and trying to like
7876s add as much damage as you can uh and if
7879s that that thing hits you it's all it's
7880s all over so um that one in particular is
7883s a favorite for me uh another one a
7885s memory I share with Kath uh is fighting
7887s uh flaming
7889s espinos was coming
7892s yeah yeah we want to hear this we are
7895s trapped in a room not trapped we're in a
7897s room playing basically what for an
7899s entire day uh TGs demo build um so the
7903s difficulty is twe you know just to be
7904s like a little bit tougher um and the uh
7908s you know you don't have your you're set
7909s and everything so you're a little bit
7910s you're not so comfy but uh yeah we
7912s basically hunted for an entire day I
7913s think we carded like over I don't know
7915s what do you think Kath like 20 times oh
7918s more than
7919s that that's awesome that's cool that you
7923s shed that together that event we had
7926s multiple TGs builds of various Capcom
7929s games around we had Street Fighter um
7932s what else was
7934s there uh yeah all us was Hunter and
7939s beating flaming
7941s ass sounds about right got to beat it
7945s yeah we did we did not move we were H we
7946s were locked in until we got it yeah and
7949s we finally did get it and then I I I
7950s went back and I told the team how many
7951s tries to took us and they were very
7953s happy so they been Lov to hearing that
7955s it was really tough oh that's great
7958s that's awesome the on on release of
7960s flaming espinos there's a really fun
7962s story cuz I would always make these very
7965s defensive gun L sets so that I could be
7967s super comfortable when I was fighting so
7969s the moment that I'm fighting flaming
7971s espinas because you know I had seen the
7973s trailer and all that I'm sitting there
7974s with my big set and he's coming in with
7977s his big nuke that even like starts
7980s posturing that the one that One-Shots
7981s everybody right he's coming in with that
7983s big nuke and I could easily Superman
7987s dive that but I was like no I my exact
7991s words were I can block this 100%
7995s oh you want to know like
7999s that was like super arrogant like I can
8001s block this 100% And he just like boom
8004s dead I was like oh okay I guess not
8007s never mind that's why I try not to talk
8009s anymore cuz I'm just like a man I always
8012s get that's like a clip right there but
8015s that's cool I know the feeling oh
8019s man oh I think between all of us there's
8021s been so many good memories uh with the
8023s series whether we've been playing for
8025s the full 20 years or 10 years um so
8028s before we wrap uh any uh let's go around
8029s the heart any any closing comments uh on
8032s the 20th anniversary Kat I'll start with
8034s you well as I keep saying you know I've
8036s been here since the beginning and just
8038s so weird to think you know when I
8040s started playing I was 18 now I'm pushing
8043s 40 it's like I've I've grown with this
8047s series and been such a big part of it
8049s seeing so many different people come
8051s through so many new monsters and every
8055s game just sounds me every time and and
8059s I'm really curious what the series will
8062s grow into just the Leaps and Bounds
8065s we've made going from the 3DS games to
8071s world then rise it's like what's next I
8075s can't wait and it's been so fun growing
8079s with all these different friends I've
8081s made along the way and this community
8083s and all the little jokes we have and can
8086s share with each other and just know EX
8088s exactly what everybody is thinking with
8090s it it's amazing I love
8094s it oh man um well first of all being
8098s able to be here with all of you and
8100s hearing your stories I think it's
8102s probably the most exciting thing for me
8104s cuz when when I'm playing um a lot of
8107s times solo right these these thoughts go
8110s through my mind I'm like oh I wonder if
8112s anyone else understands how I feel about
8114s this title and they do everyone does and
8117s um being a fan first and foremost for
8121s this series is probably the most
8124s rewarding thing um of this whole bit
8127s right here for mus Hunter's 20th
8129s anniversary um it's just it's insane for
8132s me um I think that my friends I still
8135s talk to all the time every time there's
8138s announcement we text each other we write
8140s each other in Discord like we're writing
8142s we immediately writing each other did
8143s you see it's like 4 in the morning did
8145s you see what did you see that I went to
8148s the rest room but did you see that did
8149s you and we text each other and we're
8151s awake somehow at the same time and then
8154s we talk about it and it's just this
8157s ongoing thing with our groups of friends
8160s and even on Twitter you know or just X
8162s or whatever they call it now but you
8164s know it's just um it's it's awesome and
8168s I can't wait to see the next game I know
8169s it's going to be insane the team always
8172s thinks about the fans they're always
8174s thinking thinking about for the you know
8176s the next big thing so I know it's
8178s probably going to be
8179s [Music]
8181s insane so one of the most special things
8184s uh for Monster Hunter for me is
8187s naturally the friendships that are made
8189s along the way like uh everybody's been
8190s saying because you know it was through
8192s monster hunter that I became friends
8193s with gun Hunter uh the Eric Gaming Team
8197s all amazing people and even more content
8200s creators that I've uh created content
8202s with just invited people to the podcast
8205s and what not it's been absolutely
8206s fantastic but another thing that I
8210s always notice when it comes to monster
8213s hunter games is that you can tell that
8216s the team working on this game is a team
8219s that is extremely passionate because
8222s they pay attention to the smallest
8225s little details that probably 90% of
8228s people are not even going to look like
8230s one of the things that I always like
8231s bringing up is in the in the canteen for
8234s Monster Hunter World base game there's
8237s that Calico that's blowing into the fire
8240s with a tube and it's he's just sitting
8243s there blowing Into the Fire and you know
8245s if you're a part of an animation
8247s Department super Bree just make an
8249s animation and the palico just said
8250s they and that's it that's the animation
8253s right but for some reason the monster
8256s team doesn't do that so they go and they
8257s make this palico blow into the fire
8259s twice then he looks around looks at a
8261s fire then he does it again and then he
8264s looks around again different animations
8266s like it's not the same looking around
8267s animation
8268s and then he does it a third time and the
8270s fire like backdrafts onto his face and
8272s he gets like burned and he goes like
8275s there's this this crazy animation detail
8278s that you don't need for any reason but
8281s it's there and it's the attention detail
8284s that lets you know that like no this
8286s team loves this game the detail that
8288s they go through with the palicos and
8290s every little thing that you see every
8291s little interaction that you see
8293s throughout the world that doesn't need
8295s to be as detailed as it is for the game
8297s to function it doesn't have the game
8299s play effect almost but it increases the
8302s immersion and just showcases the sheer
8304s raw passion that this team has for the
8306s game and it never ceases to impress
8309s me yeah well with that um we're headed
8313s to the Summer where there's going to be
8315s news for Monster runer wilds and we're
8317s also launching monster Runner stories on
8318s new platforms so obviously the future is
8320s super bright we're super excited um and
8323s we want to say thanks to you guys for
8324s joining us we were super happy to do
8326s this and to to have you on and to talk
8328s all things Monster Hunter we love all
8330s the passion for the series and the the
8331s roles that you guys have played and and
8333s spreading the good the good word about
8334s Monster Hunter so thank you thank you
8336s very much and uh yeah we we really
8338s appreciate it thank you for having us
8340s for having us oh my God this is really
8342s awesome can't wait for the next game or
8345s announc this yeah it's been super fun
8348s and as Joe said you know summer more
8350s news on Mon wilds and obviously you know
8352s 2025 is getting closer uh with each
8354s passing day but yeah here is to the last
8357s 20 monst Hunter and here's to 20 more
8360s years so happy Hunting everyone happy
8363s Hunting Happy
8364s [Music]
8372s [Music]
8387s Hunting
8388s [Music]
8416s a
8419s [Music]
8420s [Applause]
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8446s oh
8450s [Music]
8476s [Applause]
8495s [Music]
8506s for
8508s [Music]
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8625s [Applause]
8626s a
8629s [Music]
8656s n
8675s [Music]
8716s oh
8724s [Music]
8746s a
8752s [Music]
8776s oh
8784s [Music]
8806s oh
8812s [Music]
8836s oh
about 2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
8s hello everyone and welcome to the
10s pre-show for the Monster Hunter 20th
12s anniversary special program my name is
15s Joe I'm more of the community managers
16s here at Capcom USA and I'm joined by hey
19s everyone I'm jonno I'm the EMA Community
21s manager
22s moner well jonno what are we doing today
25s why are we in suits well that's a very
27s good question cuz normally if anyone
29s that tunes into our community streams
30s we're normally just rocking a t-shirt or
32s a hoodie but today is a very very
34s special occasion because we are marking
37s 20 years two decades of Monster Hunter
41s I'm really
42s excited yeah so am I and today we're
44s going to be going over the results of
47s the hunter Choice top monster poll we're
49s going to reveal who the number one
51s monster that you voted for is and
53s honestly I'm super excited to reveal the
55s results to everybody but um before we
57s get into that why don't we talk about um
60s you know the the overall show and what
61s we're doing today so um today is really
63s just a chance to celebrate the 20th
65s anniversary we won't have any crazy news
67s or any reveals we won you won't see any
69s new gameplay or trailers for Monster
71s Hunter Wilds but um we know we do have
73s some cool stuff and cool insights from
74s the de team and from different community
76s members of the master H Community
78s exactly this is really special and you
80s know even looking at like our own
82s Journeys into the series all those years
84s ago as players before we joined Capcom
87s the community were at the heart of
88s monant whether it was the creator
90s Community or the passionate Community
92s themselves building wikis sharing tips
94s on Old forums and all of that before
96s like the Advent of YouTube and and the
98s internet as a whole and social media so
100s it's really special to be able to
102s celebrate that with
103s everyone yeah and you know before we get
106s into it why don't we talk about the you
107s know the 20 or I guess 20 through 11 the
110s monsters that we revealed uh so far in
113s the uh Hunters Choice d moner results so
116s U I know you've got a lot of favorites
117s in there uh jono do you want to kick it
119s off with uh I think what is your
120s personal favorite monster yeah so coming
123s in at 17 so much respect to the
125s community here for your fantastic taste
127s we have my favorite they're big they're
129s blue they're brachios um obviously
132s introduced in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
134s here in the west if you like slime
137s weapons or as they're now known as blast
139s this is the monster for you I just love
141s how it looks I love that it's big and
143s blue I love the explosions I love the
146s music everything about brackie just
148s screams cool to me and I loved as well
151s obviously playing Monster stories and
153s stories 2 that you could have brachy as
156s a monsty and fight alongside them rather
158s than against them all the time yeah I
160s love like the big old arms that it walks
162s away and like kind of just like slams
164s around and you kind of get caught in
165s that blast radius uh which is not a good
167s feeling but it is you it's a really
169s really cool monster it obviously has a
171s super awesome uh theme song which um is
175s is really intense and I love to listen
177s to uh every now and then so yeah oh yeah
179s especially the raging brachi version and
181s that's thing when when I was Voting I
183s was like do I go for Raging brachy or
184s like the original brachy but it's kind
186s of like chicken and egg situation there
188s wouldn't be raging brachy without B
190s braie to use so that's where my vote
192s went as well that's a great Point great
194s Point um well for me uh within this top
198s uh 20 through 11 uh I'm a huge fan of
202s Namo who came in at number 18 was a new
205s monster that came uh in into the series
207s with iceborn um so a fairly new monster
211s I'm sure a lot of people who play the
212s game are pretty familiar with it but you
214s know it's kind of this like really um
215s almost like it's like a you know like a
218s man or like a I don't know just like
220s this this Marine like kind of theme to
222s it right um like the way it like has
225s like all the sound effects and like the
227s different like I don't it's it's kind of
229s hard to describe right like it's
230s definitely got a unique feel that um I
232s think a lot of monsters don't really
233s have in the series yeah you can
235s definitely feel like it's come from the
236s abyss and even the sounds it makes are
238s so Aquatic and obviously a fuel element
240s monster as well combining water with
243s thunder um makes it very very dangerous
247s when you're fighting it as well and the
248s armor as well looks so sleek and organic
251s yet it was really unlike kind of
253s anything else you'd fought up to that
254s point yeah if you were to like imagine a
257s deep sea creature that has like lived
260s for thousands of
262s years you know that would that would be
264s one it's like learn to live like in the
266s darkness or something like that yeah a
267s super super cool monster absolutely
271s and yeah so coming in at number 16 is
273s another favorite of mine safy Jaba um
277s this was a super cool raid uh raid
280s monster Siege monster actually um that
282s you could fight in uh in ice board and
285s you know I think like what I led most
287s about this was like the community
289s building of just like getting everybody
290s together and just trying to like pick
291s apart the different mechanics um I think
294s you know we weren't here at Capon when
296s it was first revealed so we got the
297s experience at as fans but um you know
300s just like the way it was revealed to the
301s world and like how everyone kind of like
303s you know just had to to band together
305s and just figure out how to take it out
307s um was was quite the experience yeah and
309s also like seeing what a a fully formed
311s adult version of zenoa was like was
314s really cool to kind of see how the
315s monster had kind of continued and kind
317s of how they linked it together and also
319s everyone plays a very specific role if
321s they want to within the fight like
322s obviously I'm a sword and shield man so
324s I'd be trying to go for the tail or like
326s go for like trips on the legs and things
328s but then obviously insect GL Gunners bow
331s users we always going for those Wing
333s breaks and if they wenten in the party I
334s found it so hard to get Wing breaks so
336s if an insect cave came in or a ranged
338s Hunter I was like yes more part breaks
341s yeah it's such an epic multi-stage fight
345s um and I remember how many times I
346s missed trying to knock terrain onto it
348s as well with my
350s Slinger yeah that's something you kind
352s of had to like discover for yourself
353s right of just like you continue to do
355s the fight you see what other people are
356s doing and you know that's that's one of
358s those things that they they kind of hint
360s you but it's not necessarily just like
361s hey you should do this exact thing um to
363s knock over like the stalagtites and the
365s different terrain and all that so
367s definitely such a a cool fight to
369s discover and to learn exactly and then
371s obviously saf's ultimate move uh is
374s really quite a sight to behold in
377s experience they better find somewhere to
380s hide yeah sometimes you know I always I
383s always found myself just slightly
384s getting caught outside of like the
386s protection zone of that uh that like
388s rock that's blocking for you um which I
392s think is a lesson that you learn right
393s away of like you make sure you're you're
395s totally in a safe Zone don't don't get
397s caught outside of
398s it exactly and talking of obviously you
402s know these big attacks and and kind of
404s monsters coming in and really changing
405s the game the next Monster which is one
408s of my favorites and it came in at number
410s 13 which is a fantastic achievement for
412s a monster which I think is actually the
415s most recently added new monster to the
417s whole franchise correct me if I'm wrong
419s and that is primordial maleno obviously
423s kind of like crowning off monst aniz Sun
426s breaks story kind of putting it to bed
429s as the sun sets in a really really
431s satisfying way um Primo moeno obviously
434s is kind of like the uncorrupted pre
438s curio version of the flagship maeno so
441s it's such a cool Evolution and version
444s of the monster and I love how it fights
446s it looks like a night in shining armor
448s it fights almost like a or sword and
450s shield user with really interesting
452s Combos and Jabs and no spoilers but I
456s really love how the story version of The
459s Hunt goes and how the climax unfolds and
462s what happens it was a really surprising
464s twist and a great way to kind of wrap up
467s the themes of
468s sunre yeah you said it all D I mean you
472s didn't think that Malino could get more
474s I guess Regal and Medicine yeah and
477s somehow they they toed it right with fr
478s morio maleno and it's such a great fight
481s and yeah obviously we don't want to give
482s any SS for anybody who hasn't played it
484s yet but um the way the fight plays out
486s with the you know the culmination of the
488s sunbreak story uh and the way it ends is
491s is just awesome so um yeah definitely a
493s great way to cap off uh the adventure
495s with sunre and obviously the armor
497s weapons look really really cool as
499s well I'm a sucker for my fashion you
502s know
504s that well with with that said um you
507s know we can't we don't have the time to
508s cover all of the uh 2311 you will see
511s them uh recapped again at the start of
513s the show but um yeah a lot of great
515s monsters that were included in that list
517s and uh we can't wait to reveal those
519s those final results so
521s exactly 229 monsters we got 10 to one to
525s go it's any monsters game well except
527s the ones we've mentioned already but
529s it's any other monsters game right now
531s and yeah I'm really excited to see what
533s the community you voted for and I guess
534s we'll be discovering that together oh
537s yeah yeah um Jon it's been uh 20 years
540s of Monster Hunter um obviously you know
543s we've all started the series in
544s different time time frames and had
546s different experiences with it um any any
549s thoughts just like reflecting on on you
551s know your journey with the series so far
553s yeah I mean my first ever mon to title
556s was three ultimate and quite soon after
558s I then jumped onto 4u as well and it's
562s been awesome um the first ever weapon I
565s used ever ever in Monster Hunter was
568s actually switch axe um however I was a
570s really big Noob I I could quite get used
573s to being slow having this big weapon so
574s I quite quickly swapped a sword and
576s shield and ever since then it's been my
578s main squeeze my main weapon I love the
581s versatility I love the variety and I
583s love how good it is with element and
585s Status kind of sets um how about you
588s Joe yeah you know um I also started
591s around the same time um but I would say
593s like you know initially I kind of
595s bounced off the game a little bit
596s because you know I I don't think like I
599s was wired that way necessarily just yet
602s to really like wrap my head around all
604s the mechanics and the way the game
605s worked but you know I think it's a
607s testament to the community who have
609s created you know so many different
611s guides and videos and just different
612s ways to get into this series that have
614s really you know that helped educate me
616s and helped uh bring me up to the kind of
618s the skill level that I I felt like I was
619s experiencing like you know the the
621s experience of a lot of other community
623s members where you know I discovered this
625s thing I learned about it and I got
626s better at it and then I became an
628s advocate for it so um you know that's I
630s think that's really the Journey of
632s Monster Hunter um especially you know I
633s think in in our regions in North America
636s and and Europe to be able to like have
638s that journey of like we got to
640s experience the you know the discovery of
642s something that we really love and now we
644s get to share with everybody so it's it's
646s been really really exciting that way
648s exactly and you know we we touched on
650s the creators you know I really got into
651s monant than that the creators kind of
653s Tak the time to share their passion for
656s this series and want it to grow and
658s share it rather than gate keeping and
660s that once again you know that's why the
662s community and the creators are are the
663s heart of Monster Hunter and it's great
665s to kind of see that continue as more and
668s more people came to Monster Hunter over
670s the years obviously you go through like
672s generations and then
674s obviously you then had Monster Hunter
677s World Cho and you know what kind of
679s impact did that
681s have yeah absolutely like just you know
684s the taking the franchise um you know
686s completely Global and having the
688s simultaneous worldwide release with
690s world and you know we've just really
692s been continuing the momentum since then
694s and um obviously I think the future is
696s very bright with uh Monster Hunter wilds
698s and um you know we've got Monster Hunter
700s stories that's also coming out this
702s summer um so yeah it's just it's just a
704s really good time to be a monster hun fan
705s right now it is you know and like with
708s our recent like return to World
709s Community celebration seeing not only
712s you know veteran hunters and content
714s creators come back but loads of new
715s players come in to play Monster Hunter
718s World whether they were excited from the
719s Monster Hunter Wild's reveal or they're
721s like hey a lot of people are talking
723s about this game you know I'm going to
724s check it out like jump in it's been
726s awesome and obviously you know the the
728s most recent release monst rise and monst
731s rise sunbreak it's I love the combat in
734s that it's so fluid and your weapons get
737s so many moves and you can customize how
739s your individual weapon behaves so if you
742s had say there was like two long sword
743s users in a hunt they could have totally
745s different play Styles and moves and I
748s just found that really really fun uh and
750s a really cool Twist on the combat that
752s I'd got used to from world and iceborn
755s um so yeah it's just such a great time
757s no matter what kind of Hunter you are
759s you can enjoy all the different monster
761s hunter games you can have your favorite
763s and I think that's such a good thing to
764s be able to celebrate and talk about yeah
767s different types of monster hunter games
769s different genres which is awesome um so
771s it yeah like like we said just a really
773s great time to be part of the franchise
775s and I think with that we're going to
777s wrap up our pre-show we're going to have
779s a pretty fun program ahead of us so um
782s you know after the uh the results of the
785s hunters Choice stop monster we hope you
786s stick around and uh and check out
788s everything we've got but um yeah with
791s that said we want to say thank you so
792s much to the moner header Community your
794s support means the world to us jno any
797s party words before we go yeah it's been
799s an incredible 20 years no matter when
801s you joined us as a Monster Hunter Fan
803s thank you so much it's awesome to have
805s you with us and here's to the next 20
807s years and 2025 when things going to be
809s getting
810s wild all right well before we head into
813s the main show we'll want to sign off
814s with our usual Monster Hunter
832s [Music]
838s champ
841s [Music]
878s [Music]
883s [Music]
914s [Applause]
916s [Music]
958s you
962s [Music]
984s [Applause]
989s [Music]
1014s [Music]
1027s [Music]
1036s [Music]
1043s [Music]
1047s me
1077s oh
1092s [Music]
1099s [Music]
1107s he
1113s [Applause]
1116s [Music]
1122s [Music]
1129s [Music]
1137s a
1149s [Music]
1167s oh
1170s [Music]
1176s [Music]
1197s yes
1206s [Music]
1227s w
1245s [Music]
1257s oh
1286s [Music]
1287s come
1307s [Music]
1325s wow congratulations to zoga nante and
1329s laiakis the top three monsters as voted
1332s for by you the community from 20 years
1335s of Monster Hunter that's pretty awesome
1337s hej yeah thanks to everybody for casting
1340s your votes but it sounds like we're not
1342s quite done yet right you are right
1344s because there is another Hunter's Choice
1347s on the horizon coming soon you the
1350s community will be tasked to vote for the
1352s best monster theme
1354s music yeah there's been so many
1356s incredible songs throughout the Monster
1358s Hunter series um so many iconic themes
1361s so we can't wait to see what she vote
1364s [Music]
1376s on H
1385s [Music]
1402s Monster
1404s Hunter
1407s H
1417s [Music]
1437s h
1467s for
1497s so
1509s [Laughter]
1525s [Music]
1527s for
1547s [Laughter]
1557s h
1587s G
1608s [Music]
1617s h
1634s [Music]
1647s for
1659s [Music]
1677s for
1678s [Music]
1692s [Music]
1704s [Music]
1706s m
1713s [Laughter]
1736s fore
1741s [Music]
1752s [Music]
1757s [Laughter]
1763s [Music]
1766s for
1796s PP
1809s [Music]
1826s for
1856s for
1878s [Music]
1886s so
1898s [Music]
1899s [Laughter]
1905s [Music]
1912s Forster
1916s Hunter
1927s [Music]
1936s [Music]
1946s hi
1951s [Laughter]
1976s foree
1985s [Music]
2006s Sy
2010s [Music]
2018s [Music]
2036s fore
2054s [Laughter]
2066s m
2072s [Music]
2080s [Music]
2095s [Music]
2096s h
2101s [Music]
2126s hi hi
2140s [Music]
2156s one
2175s [Music]
2186s m
2216s for
2234s [Music]
2241s [Laughter]
2246s for
2250s [Music]
2272s [Music]
2276s for
2288s [Music]
2303s [Music]
2306s stand
2334s [Music]
2336s so
2360s [Music]
2366s for
2367s [Music]
2374s [Music]
2391s [Music]
2396s m
2425s m
2455s m
2468s Monster
2474s [Music]
2485s Hunter
2494s for
2500s [Laughter]
2508s [Laughter]
2515s for
2517s [Music]
2526s [Music]
2545s ke
2547s [Music]
2561s [Music]
2575s m
2583s [Music]
2593s [Music]
2605s for
2613s [Music]
2635s fore
2641s [Music]
2649s [Music]
2656s [Music]
2663s [Music]
2665s for
2676s [Music]
2688s [Music]
2695s so
2702s [Music]
2725s for
2755s m
2785s 4
2789s [Music]
2799s [Laughter]
2805s [Music]
2811s [Music]
2815s for
2829s [Music]
2839s [Laughter]
2840s World
2843s [Music]
2845s stand
2848s [Music]
2875s m
2886s [Music]
2905s for
2910s [Laughter]
2935s mon
2950s [Music]
2965s for
2969s [Music]
2979s [Music]
2985s [Music]
2995s for
3001s [Laughter]
3008s [Music]
3025s for
3032s [Music]
3055s m
3084s for
3092s [Music]
3114s e
3144s h
3148s [Music]
3163s [Music]
3175s game
3204s for
3230s [Music]
3234s for
3254s [Music]
3264s for
3294s for
3324s moner
3354s h
3383s hter so
3408s [Applause]
3414s so
3420s [Music]
3425s next up is
3428s this oh is that is that Street Fighter
3431s it looks like it there's some familiar
3433s faces
3434s there this is looking really cool so it
3436s looks like a special collaboration
3438s between Street Fighter 6 and the Monster
3439s Hunter 20th anniversary is on the
3442s way super excited for this and I can't
3444s wait for it
3445s B I wonder how you can hunt a street
3448s [Laughter]
3449s though looks like you good Dawn rless
3452s gear and there
3454s is the classic monster hunter great
3457s sword there yeah that's a wyvern jaw
3460s blade oh and it looks like you can take
3462s it into your Ru tour Adventures so a
3464s little bit of a clash between worlds
3466s right here nice nice little pun
3469s there and you'll be able to show it off
3472s in Avatar battles with other players
3474s looking pretty awes
3476s aome oh and is that that's a Rathalos
3479s photo spot all right King of the Skies
3482s himself and some little Pico buddies as
3485s well yeah the battle Hub will be proper
3488s Monster Hunter themed and that's looking
3490s pretty awesome for any hunters and
3492s Street Fighter
3494s fans well this collab is dropping in
3496s April so be sure to watch out for
3498s further
3499s details the Monster Hunt now celebration
3502s 2024 is happening right now in Monster
3504s Hunter now and as part of that Hunters
3507s can receive a special Hunter medal
3510s including the main logo of the monster
3511s hunter series 20th anniversary by
3513s completing special anniversary themed
3515s quests now hunters get out there and
3518s join the hunt because these quests are
3520s available until Sunday March 24th 2024
3523s at 11:59 p.m. in your local time the
3526s Hunter's Choice top monster was
3528s announced today and zogre took the
3529s number one spot in celebration the
3532s following events will be held in muser
3533s Hunter now zogre guaranteed appearance
3536s at hunon points was planned to end on
3538s Wednesday March 13th but it turns out it
3541s will be extended until Monday March 25th
3543s at 11:59 p.m. L TI but wait there's even
3546s more the second major update the Vernal
3548s Invader will go live on Thursday March
3551s 14th 2024 now prepare yourself HS and
3555s check out this recently released
3564s teaser
3569s [Music]
3573s [Applause]
3582s [Music]
3594s la
3596s [Music]
3598s [Applause]
3603s [Music]
3613s this major update will Mark the
3614s beginning of a new in-game season with
3617s even more new additions including
3619s Monsters such as devil Jo odaran and
3621s zits yaku as well as a new weapon type
3624s that charge
3626s blade what's more this new update will
3628s bring new features such as layer
3629s equipment and the season pass great for
3631s you fashion Hunters the season pass will
3634s allow you to progress through tiers as
3635s you play with different rewards such as
3637s zeni and materials available at every
3639s tier there will even be certain layered
3642s equipment and other items that can only
3644s be acquired with the season pass in
3646s celebration of the anniversary a layered
3648s T-shirt with the main logo of the
3650s monster hunter series 20th anniversary
3652s can be obtained at tier 20 of the season
3654s pass in part two of The Monster Hunter
3656s now celebration 2024 you can look
3658s forward to event Quest celebrating the
3660s 6mon anniversary as well as various new
3662s rewards and perks and if you're a
3665s Discord premium member you have a
3667s campaign running from March 19th and
3669s more details will be announced at a
3670s later date this is a great opportunity
3672s for members who've never played moner
3673s Hunter now to try it out so we hope you
3675s check it out we've got a cute version of
3677s The Monster Hunter series 20th
3678s aniversary logo and it'll appear in
3680s moner Hunter now via a new event Quest
3683s that will be introduced in late April
3685s you'll be able to earn a layered t-shirt
3687s bearing this cute version of the moner
3688s hunner series 20th anniversary logo more
3691s details will be announced at a later
3692s date going forward monant to now will
3694s have a major update once per season
3697s we're looking forward to bringing you
3698s more new content and improved gameplay
3700s in further Updates this summer we're
3702s planning on add in more new monsters
3704s including monant now's very first
3706s Leviathan as well as a new weapon type
3709s and More Story chapters to be
3711s unlocked in September monsant now was
3714s celebrating first anniversary you can
3717s look forward to a major update around
3718s this time we'll continue add in Monsters
3721s weapon types and new features after that
3723s too so look out for future updates and
3727s announcements hey everyone and welcome
3729s to the community Round Table part of the
3731s monster hunter 20th anniversary show of
3735s course I'm Jon o European Community
3736s manager on Monster Hunter and over on
3738s the opposite side there is Joe the North
3740s American Community manager on monst
3742s Hunter and today we have some very very
3744s very special guests how about you
3746s introduce yourselves starting with
3749s k hey I'm K I'm monster hunter Wiki guy
3753s you see me a lot of times on Twitter or
3755s X whichever you'd like to call it uh
3758s normally I'd have a camera up but since
3760s mine's not working I'm a ping tuber for
3764s today well I'm vampy I also go in by
3768s bampy bit me and I've been a fan of the
3771s M hun series for quite some time now um
3775s not as long as maybe these guys but I
3777s Love It ultimately the same and I love
3780s making costumes of the characters uh of
3783s the armor sets and everything um and I
3785s just enjoy M Hunter as a series as a
3788s whole so I'm glad to be
3790s here hi I'm ruran and I play the gun
3793s Lance and I like big explosions and
3796s that's really cool in mon hun so that's
3797s what I do I just blow things up and it's
3800s fun amazing uh well thanks everybody for
3803s being here we're so glad to to have all
3805s of you here for this this Cas pretty
3807s casual chat um but you know we you know
3809s 20 years of Monster Hunter we wanted to
3810s take a look back at the growth of this
3813s series um you know it's been um an
3816s amazing Run for the series obviously
3818s there's a great future ahead but um you
3820s know we've had a pretty special
3821s relationship I think you know growing
3823s the the Monster Hunter series here both
3825s in in us and in Europe so um want to ask
3828s all of you who played a pretty crucial
3829s role in that um you know what what makes
3832s Monster Hunter special for each of you
3834s why don't we start Kath with you uh with
3836s your relationship with the
3837s series well I started back when I was 18
3841s I was just hanging out at a place named
3843s GameStop just this little video game
3845s store uh we'd hang out late played up
3849s like Capcom versus S and stuff uh there
3852s was new releases that came out and I saw
3855s the box art and I'm like okay that's
3858s cool dragon on it played that for a
3861s little bit got through veloca Drome
3865s you know I was like oh cool little blue
3868s Velociraptor wasn't that bad right and I
3871s get to cut coup this pink chicken thing
3874s and I'm like well this should be easy
3876s right looks weak destroys me destroys me
3879s no
3880s chance and just from that I learned just
3885s okay I have to take this seriously
3886s actually put time into grinding out my
3888s gear and stuff and it hooked
3891s [Music]
3892s me May how about you
3895s um when I first started with the series
3897s uh I personally was watching my little
3900s brother play he's been playing since the
3902s beginning and he's always pushed me like
3905s hey you should play this game and we
3907s have similar tastes but I was never
3910s really into games that um that needed
3914s maybe possibly other people to play with
3916s I was more so a player that liked my own
3919s time with maybe like hunting or whatever
3923s so it was a little bit odd for me but
3925s then I love the monsters and the name
3928s itself was very interesting Monster
3931s Hunter so obviously you hunt monsters
3934s right so I I tried it afterwards with
3937s three and um it honestly got me hooked
3941s uh ultimately just it hooked me because
3944s of the dialogue I think that's the main
3947s thing that got me in the beginning and
3949s the Monsters but Guild M literally made
3952s me roll every time she talked
3955s so I was kind of stunned that this kind
3958s of game had that kind of dialogue and
3960s also the music I Still listen to the
3962s music to this day um when I'm like just
3965s doing chores and stuff and I just
3967s ultimately love everything about Mah
3969s Hunter it's just so cute love the Picos
3973s um I love all the weapons that you can
3974s you know hunt with um and also the
3977s community um probably talk more about
3979s that later but um I made so many friends
3982s through musle Hunter and um ultimately
3984s like my brother and I connect way more
3986s now because we can talk about Monster
3989s Monster Hunter and all the other games
3991s that are out now so it's pretty
3994s cool so for me I uh the first Monster
3998s Hunter that I tried was Monster Hunter
3999s tribe because I had a friend that was
4001s always talking up monster hunter to me
4003s and the interesting thing is that I
4004s actually didn't like it because I
4006s couldn't understand what what the point
4008s was it's like oh I jump into this map
4010s but everything is empty and I'm supposed
4012s to fight just one monster it was kind of
4014s like a concept of a game that I had
4016s never really experienced before so it
4018s was really weird and it didn't click but
4020s eventually a friend of mine this same
4022s friend that was always talking of
4023s Monster Hunter took me under his wing
4026s and one of the really cool things that
4027s was very surprising for me was I got um
4030s Monster Hunter uh Freedom Unite on the
4033s Vita and it was compatible to do ad hoc
4036s play with the PlayStation Portable which
4039s to me was like mind-blowing how are we
4040s getting these two completely different
4043s consoles to work and everything just
4045s works fine I was super surprised but
4047s then he actually explained to me that
4049s the whole concept of you know you hunt
4051s the monster and then you get its parts
4054s and you upgrade your equipment and then
4055s you can hunt an even bigger monster and
4057s then you get its parts and you upgrade
4059s more and you hunt even a bigger monster
4061s and so on and so forth and then the
4063s gameplay Loop kind of clicked and I got
4065s completely addicted to it so mon center
4068s to me is uh two things it is the
4072s gameplay Loop that it has of constantly
4075s upgrading yourself and getting to fight
4076s harder challenges and friendship because
4079s I've also made a ton of Friends by
4081s playing Monster hun including this
4082s friend of mine who got me into the
4084s Monster Hunter and then at a later time
4086s I made friends with gyen and Erics and a
4089s lot more people in the community it was
4090s just like freaking awesome just had a
4093s blast yeah yeah I think that Journey
4095s that you described I think it's kind of
4097s like ironic too cuz you you've really
4099s like done that for a lot of other people
4100s right um people kind of discovering the
4102s series maybe then just like click what
4104s they write away and then over time they
4105s go over like you know they learn all
4107s about it it really starts to click with
4108s them and then you know they they spread
4110s the word to other people so yeah it's
4111s been pretty cool see that yeah exactly
4113s and and as B said you know we're going
4115s to be diving into you know what exactly
4117s makes the monst Hunter community so
4118s special but before then I have quite
4121s arguably the most important question of
4123s the whole recording and uh it kind of
4126s defines you cuz in monst Hunter I feel
4127s that as Hunters your weapon Choice binds
4130s you and you know defines you amongst the
4132s community and with 14 kind of currently
4135s existing weapons to choose from um
4138s obviously ran you did touch on you say
4139s you're a bit of a blast in the Hun me
4142s sword and shield ever since 3u which is
4144s my first Monster Hunter that's been my
4146s one like I love it it's it's my bread
4149s and butter um so let's pass that down
4151s the line Kath you're up people know I
4154s love the great sword it's just always
4156s been my main once since the first game
4159s just seeing it evolve throughout the
4160s series has been
4163s awesome um
4165s I I kind of have to say and uh I think a
4169s lot of people do know but if you do not
4171s know I'm a hammer M I love my hammer I'm
4174s kind of like rioo where I you see my
4177s chart I don't know if you guys seen
4179s Roo's chart I'm sure you have or if you
4181s haven't it's literally all hammer and I
4183s think majority of the games when I first
4185s started was just that the hammer and I
4188s still love it to this day um and yeah I
4191s love the hammer what Drew you to it it's
4194s just a I like the feel of the hammer
4198s like there's weight to it you know and
4200s when I'm hunting I just love breaking
4203s parts and I just love bonking the
4205s monsters on the head it just feels good
4208s it's a very satisfying weapon for me so
4211s that's why I use it so an an interesting
4214s thing that happened to me was this one
4216s friend that got me into Monster Hunter
4219s when you know he was telling me how
4221s about I had to pick a weapon right and
4223s he was you need to pick a weapon so that
4224s you get good with one weapon and I was
4226s like okay well where are the weapons
4227s that are available he starts listing
4229s them all off and suddenly he says gun L
4230s and I was like I want that one and he's
4232s like no no no no don't choose that that
4234s one's bad you don't want to play that
4236s one I was like no that's the one I want
4238s it's definitely the one I
4240s want and the more he tried convincing me
4243s otherwise the more I would double down
4244s no no no this is the
4248s one I think with a lot of us it just
4250s kind of whatever feels natural to each
4253s player you know you finally get your
4255s hands on it you're like Yep this one
4257s feels right this is what I'm going to
4258s use that's that's actually why whenever
4261s somebody uh jumps into a stream or
4263s something and asks me hey what weapon
4264s would you recommend for a newcomer my
4266s recommendation is always I recommend you
4268s go to the training grounds and use all
4269s of them and see which one gels with you
4271s the most because a recommendation
4273s doesn't really matter if you're going to
4274s have to learn the very true that's very
4277s true it's kind of like choosing a
4279s character in a fighting game it's like
4280s choose the one you think looks the
4281s coolest and then just give it a shot see
4284s how feels yeah exactly and um you know
4287s each time you pick up a new weapon it
4288s kind of feels like you're playing a
4290s different game like when I think about
4292s like playing hunting hor uh which I use
4294s for my PC play through of like rise and
4296s sunbreak it was entirely different to
4298s what I knew with the with the sword and
4300s shield and also shout out to any doas
4302s out there whenever you join any lobbies
4305s that I'm in I love you I immediately
4307s love you your best they're always
4308s greatly
4310s appreciated also when you're using a
4312s different weapon uh other than what
4314s people are used to seeing you use you
4316s find a new subset of people and their
4320s personalities are vastly different from
4322s each other like the bow users um I the
4326s bow right like they start acting they're
4329s they're a little bit different than the
4331s hammer grade sword the heavy weapons
4333s right like they're just like a little
4334s bit different so I find that very
4337s interesting like a different set of
4339s people have a certain kind of
4342s personality I think very interesting
4346s yeah sorry after you J I was going to
4349s say I think we always say like with
4351s people's weapon choices it becomes like
4352s a big part of the personality and some
4354s people it's like their entire
4355s personality which I love it I love to
4357s see it so that's great exactly suers
4360s they're like the chillest people you'll
4361s ever meet you think people that always
4363s in the front tanking monster Hits are
4365s going to be some like really amped up
4367s hardcore people but they are the most
4368s laidback folks in the community yes and
4371s they're they're very precise they're let
4373s they know
4374s my brother is a hardcore Lance user and
4377s I'm just like he's just like yeah love
4379s the Lance my weapon but when I talk
4382s about my hammer I'm like I have this
4384s Hammer I'll break these parts for you
4387s what do you need it's just extra you
4390s know so it really depends did I miss it
4394s or did Joe not say his weapon oh I guess
4397s I did it yeah I like Kath I'm I'm a
4399s great sword M all the way all the way
4402s yeah I just want
4405s yeah once you see those gigantic uh
4407s damage numbers it's really hard to go
4409s back it just it doesn't
4411s feel I I just wanted to make sure that
4413s we didn't have any long sword Mains or H
4416s users
4419s in I want
4421s why I'm curious now it's just a meme in
4425s my community that I like to make fun of
4427s it and just it's just an exaggerated
4429s meme that ended up happen guys we have
4431s to like everyone check out the now
4434s everyone read the pages and find out
4437s H all my dark secrets will come to light
4442s yes and like talking of that though you
4444s you raised a great point about how like
4446s within the monant community all the
4448s different creators groups and the the
4450s sub communities even like the Reddit
4452s page has has their own jokes and you
4454s know that's one of the things that makes
4455s the monsted community so special and
4458s like for me kind of coming into monst
4460s tante it was actually the content
4461s creators that taught me how to play the
4463s game back in the 3u days you know I had
4466s my little like 3DS and all of that and I
4469s didn't know how to play this game I
4470s loved hard games I kind of kind
4473s of start when I dou way cry and things
4475s like that back in the day so I had this
4477s hunger for boss fights and hard fighting
4479s and I heard about this game called
4480s Monster Hunter that was from Japan and
4483s it's hardest same people the Devil May
4485s Cry and I was like I'm going to check
4486s that out and I had no idea what I was
4488s doing I had to collect stuff I have to
4490s sharpen my weapon you know what do I do
4493s and it was actually the creators that
4495s bought me in so ever since then I've
4498s I've had such a soft spot for the
4499s creators that kind of really bring the
4501s community together and help newcomers
4503s settle in and I think that's something
4505s that makes the monster monster under
4507s community so special in my opinion is
4509s how welcoming it is and how in some
4511s places you know you might see people
4513s gatekeeping like oh you can't use that
4514s weapon that's my weapon but here people
4516s militantly want you to play their weapon
4518s they want to tell you why their weapon
4520s is the best one and why everyone else is
4522s wrong and that's one thing I think is
4524s really really cool about the community
4526s so what about you guys what makes
4527s Monster Hunter Community special to you
4531s well on that note it's like well there's
4534s only one weapon that's got great in its
4535s name great sword but yeah this the
4539s community has just been something that's
4541s kept me going for you know past let's
4544s say 10 12 years give or take cuz I
4548s started doing community stuff with
4551s monster huner try and did a couple
4553s videos then three ultimate I'd always
4556s make sure oh there's a new event Quest
4557s got to get a video out you know but when
4561s I started doing the wiki stuff it was
4562s all about me wanting to give back to the
4566s community wanting to help them any way I
4569s can if it was you know teaching them how
4572s to play the game or teaching them where
4574s to find stuff and I don't know it just
4577s always been such
4579s a to put
4581s it just such a cooperative saying with
4584s everybody all of us going towards the
4586s same goal and trying to help bring each
4589s other up to help you know beat these big
4595s monsters I love that story because I
4597s relate so much I think all of us do um
4600s especially with the community because I
4602s I was new too so um back then they would
4606s have
4607s Caravans uh traveling um and I would go
4611s to all these Caravans and my friend
4613s brought me in and they're like you need
4614s to meet the community I'm like online
4616s they're like no do you just meet them in
4619s person and they would have these
4621s Caravans where you can buy things like
4623s you know merchandise plushies and stuff
4625s it'll be at Capcom and I would go with
4628s my
4628s 3DS and people were just talking to each
4631s other and I was not used to that um in
4634s line and everyone was just comparing
4637s each other's monsters favorite weapons
4639s and it's just the energy when you're
4641s around everyone talking about the same
4644s thing obviously this amazing game
4646s Monster Hunter right so everything was
4649s very interesting to me cuz I'm like
4651s everyone's actually really
4653s nice and I love that it was almost like
4657s um it was a magnet for me um because I
4660s didn't have that especially with
4662s fighting games I love fighting games but
4663s there was there was always obviously
4665s fighting but everyone's like cot said
4668s you know everyone's working together and
4670s I made so many friends during that
4672s Caravan I pretty much you know started
4675s to hang out with them um around the 4
4679s You days um and then it got to a point
4682s where I would be bringing my 3DS so we
4685s would have play in our cars and of
4689s course it would disconnect sometimes and
4690s that'll be the worst we'll be playing
4692s against Crimson falis or something and
4695s someone F you know just well I'm not
4697s there anymore so good luck you know and
4699s we would just have the funnest time
4702s laughing at each other
4704s and it's just it's just so fun it's it's
4707s so fun and like it's actually not as
4709s serious as people make it out to be all
4711s the time is actually hilarious cuz you
4714s see everyone panicking in these moments
4718s and you see everyone you know working
4720s together and rising up it's so it's so
4723s awesome yeah I think that really touches
4726s up on the point which is that the monstr
4728s community is very much a super
4731s Cooperative Community which really
4734s just tries to bring more people into
4735s their game which doesn't always happen
4737s with a lot of other video games that you
4739s have out there uh and it just seems like
4742s it's one of those things where if
4743s somebody has a question usually people
4746s don't go and start making fun of them
4747s it's usually more like Hey try it like
4750s this maybe you're doing this thing wrong
4751s like one one really good example is for
4753s instance um hej I don't know if you guys
4755s remember hej made his uh his um his
4759s video where he said oh I actually don't
4760s really like this monster hunter rise
4762s thing and the community went up to his
4764s video and showered him in comments
4767s basically saying things like hey maybe
4768s you should have tried it like this maybe
4770s you should have tried this thing there
4771s wasn't really a negative backlash or
4774s anything like that and I think that is
4775s one of the most perfect examples of the
4778s community getting together to kind of
4780s just like celebrate the game and try to
4781s be as inclusive to newcomers as possible
4784s even people who have a negative opinion
4786s on the game which I was very impressed I
4789s you know even though I was aware that
4791s because I had been creating content for
4792s the game I was aware that the community
4794s is very positive I would still expect
4796s like more people to come out and be like
4798s ah you you don't know what you're
4799s talking about or something like that
4800s there was almost none of that which is
4803s almost unheard of for a lot of
4805s communities I would say so yeah I I was
4807s very impressed yeah yeah I think it's
4809s one of those things that comes from the
4811s series kind of like having more humble
4813s beginnings in kind of like the western
4815s territories and being a phenomenon in
4817s Japan and I feel like anybody who got
4819s their hands on it here in the US or
4821s Europe were just super super excited
4823s about just want people to like
4825s understand like this game is so good you
4826s need to to get it you need to get it and
4828s so I think like it's just created this
4830s like ground swall of everybody like
4831s wanting people to play boster Hunter
4833s just to try it just to understand it and
4836s um it's really created like a community
4837s that's super positive and welcoming so
4839s yeah it's really great to see yeah we
4841s had all these Niche little communities
4843s and we just want more and more people to
4845s come join us you know come on come help
4848s with this Rathalos and oh you need help
4850s with that monster I'll help you out no
4851s worries and we just keep getting
4854s together and growing as a family I I did
4857s so many Alat Tron lobbies it was insane
4860s like for for like the moment alot Tron
4863s dropped I think for the next 3 weeks
4866s almost every other day I was like okay
4868s guys everybody that hasn't killed Al
4870s Tron yet let's go join the party we're
4872s we're all coming in it's a big Alat Tron
4874s train and we're going to kill them a
4875s bunch of times everybody get your
4877s materials it was a celebration it was
4879s that it was for go to Roth we did the
4881s same thing for Safi J we did did the
4883s same thing so it was a ton of fun I
4886s agree the latron was crazy because that
4890s was the the wall that everyone hit and I
4893s think everyone who was streaming at the
4895s time like worked together to figure it
4898s out and I I remember that day that it
4900s launched and I was like I'm not sleeping
4903s so I everyone here I'm sure you guys
4906s understand we did not sleep until we
4908s figured it out you know and it was crazy
4912s and so I always remember remember that
4913s you know laton's crazy so good good
4916s point good
4917s point thanks for that alaton as well we
4920s appreciate you bringing the community
4923s together for the greater GI great
4929s good after you after you good sir um
4933s before we I know we're talking a little
4934s bit about like world and and rise and
4937s you know obviously like the series has
4939s reached like this this Global um Global
4941s status where like a bunch of people are
4943s playing it and everybody knows about it
4944s but um let's let's wind it back a little
4946s bit so I don't know if any of you guys
4948s you know played the first Monster Hunter
4950s on PS2 or played some of the games on
4951s PSP and if if you have um what was that
4955s first experience like and if you haven't
4957s um are there any like monsters from that
4959s era that may be like really connected
4960s with you yeah like I was saying earlier
4963s that's where I started
4965s PS2 and just that first Cuda that
4968s destroyed me has stayed with me and it's
4971s become one of my favorite monsters
4972s throughout the series just a you know
4975s goofy pink chicken monster that breathes
4978s fire it I've never seen anything like
4981s that do playing Monster Hunter and it's
4984s been fun watching that monster evolve
4987s throughout the series as it comes in and
4989s you know it gets subspecies and similar
4992s species to it like Yan
4996s garuga um even though I didn't play the
4999s initial games I did watch my brother get
5001s very angry and throw his controller many
5003s times um and I do remember him getting
5007s really angry about the cut which I
5010s thought like are you serious and he's
5012s like yes and I was like okay so you know
5016s you're right like seeing it evolve is
5018s very interesting to me as a spectator as
5020s well so that was very yeah that was very
5024s cool that you said that cuz it did it
5026s did Peak my interest a little bit I
5029s think back then even though I didn't
5030s play the game so yeah
5033s so I I always hear about the the C C and
5036s how it was a wall for a lot of uh
5037s players in monst H one I didn't really
5040s play mon hun one but like I I said
5041s earlier I did play Freedom Unite with my
5043s friend and one of my Fondest Memories
5046s was actually Gibs Ros because Gib Ros
5049s does that thing where he plays dead but
5051s he's actually not dead and so my friend
5054s completely trolled me he was like oh
5056s yeah he's dead let's let's go carve now
5058s and what not music stops and you're like
5059s oh okay this is fine I go up to carve
5061s now it's not working like is it glitch
5063s do we get this and then he just like
5065s does his thing and one shots me and I
5066s was like hey wait a minute and my
5068s friend's just laughing himself I was
5070s like what the hell what do you mean
5073s that's not
5074s fair I like how they waited they let him
5078s let him
5080s cook let him figure it out I I love that
5083s cuz that's what we do too cuz we're like
5085s oh this would be perfect because they
5087s don't know that becomes kind of like a
5089s ride of Passage whenever we bring a new
5092s player and we're playing the older games
5093s or something it's always like oh yeah
5095s yeah yeah Gib Ros yeah let's do Gib Ros
5097s oh yeah he's fine go go ahead and go get
5099s your loot it's fine it's all
5102s good say for me I joined a little bit
5105s later I was I was a 3u that was my as I
5107s mentioned my first one same yeah then
5110s quite rapidly as well I was like I'm
5112s going to get into for you and then like
5114s for you's when I was like yeah I love
5116s this franchise like I really enjoyed 3u
5118s and I was like this is great this game's
5119s cool and then I jumped onto 4u and yeah
5122s the rest kind of History I was I was in
5125s since since then um and yeah it was it
5128s was really special how even between
5130s three you and four you how different the
5131s games felt you know one thing about
5133s monster hunter is like each generation
5135s has a different feel to it and some new
5137s additions and things like that was
5139s keeping the core DNA there and so you're
5142s always on your toes always finding out
5143s fresh things even for your favorite
5145s weapons the identity is still there but
5148s they play a bit different on there have
5149s a few tricks or what they have has
5150s changed like you know when you think for
5152s example between 3 to four you and then
5155s jumping ahead and you look at the
5156s difference between like world and Rise
5158s there's always something new and there's
5159s always something to grow as a hunter to
5161s try out and that's that's what I found
5164s really really
5165s fun yeah um you know speaking speaking
5168s of that era where you kind of started
5170s Jon that's also where or I started as
5172s well um and honestly it's like it's the
5174s guid from the community and different
5175s creators that helped me really get into
5177s it so um we talked about a little bit
5179s but is there any like kind of key
5181s memories from that era of Monster Hunter
5183s 3s that um that really resonated with
5186s you
5187s guys the first time jumping in the water
5190s and actually being able to swim in it
5192s that was
5194s amazing there's so many memories I can't
5197s even I
5198s mean gor magala uh showing up uh ttic
5202s Cabra you know fighting that and then
5205s you know making all the armor sets I
5207s think that that game also hooked me I
5210s couldn't believe how
5213s Immaculate to me that game was and it's
5216s still to this day um just indented into
5220s my I guess memory I even told uh the
5224s previous Community managers to changed
5226s my life and they're like huh and I'm
5228s like no I'm being serious this game
5229s changed my life and I think they kind of
5232s were like taken back by that and I was
5234s like no it it was I my hands were
5238s bruised that's how much I held on to my
5241s 3DS and it was bruised on the sides and
5243s it was cl I was clenching the whole time
5246s I wouldn't didn't move most of my days I
5248s was in my bed playing crafting and it
5251s was just I almost felt like I was manic
5254s um I love the game so much and I was
5257s like it's this is it I I love monah
5260s Hunter and I think that that definitely
5262s solidified my passion for you days um so
5267s yeah it it's
5268s great I mean monsa for ultimate is
5271s literally the only reason why I even
5273s bought a 3DS to begin with cuz I was I
5276s don't care about 3DS at all like I
5278s usually play Home console and stuff like
5280s that but for ultimate did not come out
5283s on home consol so I was like well I have
5284s to get this 3DS cuz I definitely want to
5286s be playing this game and for ultimate is
5289s still one of my favorite Monster Hunter
5291s stories and I know that a lot of people
5293s don't really play the game for the story
5294s it's more for the gameplay Loop and all
5295s that but the journey that you take
5298s throughout monst for ultimate from the
5300s beginning where you fight uh is it is it
5302s the ran ran or J R I think it's the ran
5304s in for ultimate you fight the ran ran I
5306s was like this fight is awesome you you
5308s load the Cannons with the bullets and
5310s you shoot the Cannons and the the whale
5312s flies over you and what not and all
5314s these crazy things I I love that and
5316s I've been asking since forever please
5318s bring them back at some point I had such
5321s hopes for uh for rise to see them in
5323s Rise but yeah uh I I love that
5326s introduction and I love the progression
5328s of the story because in for ultimate you
5330s actually get to visit multiple villages
5332s so you get that feeling cuz every
5335s village in Monster Hunter always has a
5337s very unique vibe to it from the music to
5340s the NPCs that are there to the
5342s interactions and even the quests and
5344s some of the characters that you meet
5345s while you are there and then for
5346s ultimate you get to experience that
5348s feeling multiple times which to me was
5351s really cool and and you know even the
5353s the whole thing about men maxing your
5355s pico a little bit and and for ultimate
5357s we also got charge blade for the first
5359s time and mounting for the first time so
5362s I was even playing insect glaive cuz I
5364s just wanted to mount all the time cuz I
5365s thought oh this mechanic is so cool and
5367s just like stabbing at the monster while
5369s he while he's like wildly trying to get
5371s you off and what not it
5373s was you remember the pizza cutter thing
5376s the oh yeah the I just remember seeing
5380s that for the first time cuz you're just
5382s like grouping up with people and you're
5383s like is that pizza and for me I was
5386s shocked and I was like oh what weapon is
5389s that I can do I get pizza and I had a I
5391s Had a Hammer of course we're not going
5393s to have a pizza so I was like oh I need
5395s to try that weapon it didn't click with
5396s me at the time but it looked cool they
5398s had really cool weapons you know Styles
5400s and everything that that made me laugh a
5403s lot too uh so yeah I believe that the
5407s the first corn popper was Freedom Unite
5410s if I'm not mistaken so we also had the
5411s corn popper corn
5415s popper it's just a big it's just a big
5418s piece of corn which interestingly enough
5421s in Monson rise was like one of the best
5423s gun lexes in the game oh man that sounds
5427s cool I I did not yeah I need to play
5429s that weapon now corn popper play gun
5432s guns are so funny so many different
5435s designs hey it's always good go back you
5438s know
5439s yeah it's like when I first saw uh the
5443s tuna great sword I was like it's yeah no
5447s an ice Elemental great swword no I'm
5449s holding an actual spear tuna by the nose
5452s and Swinging it at monsters and then for
5455s like Hammer you get this teddy bear that
5458s you beat people with yeah this is
5460s perfect I love
5463s [Music]
5464s this yeah the range of weapons you know
5467s you got your serious kind of weapons you
5468s got the cool looking weapons more
5470s traditional ones and then obviously
5471s you've got like the uh omy weapons
5474s almost like you know I think is it you
5476s can get a couple of muds of beer or some
5479s other beverage in I think is it World fr
5482s for du
5483s blades get the doo dual blades in rise
5487s like yeah there's there's a load of cool
5489s weapons obviously you know the sword and
5490s shield though you know we're quite
5491s humble mostly I I did I did get my zoga
5494s sword and shield and Rise though I do
5496s like that it growls when you bring it
5502s out um and kind of talking of that
5504s obviously we've touched the onor how we
5506s know we got into Monster Hunter whether
5507s that's friends family content creators
5510s or looking for a challenge and you know
5512s during all that time in the early days
5514s you know for many it was kind of seen as
5516s kind of a niche game um almost and then
5519s all of that changed with a little game
5522s called mon
5524s what so how was that for you seeing this
5528s game that you love and this community
5530s that you've been a part of and kind of
5532s nurtured for so long suddenly kind of
5535s really Go Global how was that how was
5538s that was insane cuz I was at that E3 and
5542s normally it's like okay we'll have one
5544s Community manager there we had all of
5547s them on staff there that day and tons of
5550s the content creators there and I'm like
5553s oh this is a big thing we've got this
5555s big huge statue of Rathalos looking up
5558s at that and I'm like this is this isn't
5560s just you know the niche little fandom
5563s that I had before no this is Monster
5566s Hunter
5567s worldwide and just being there with
5570s everybody was so cool and me people that
5573s been with the series for a while or just
5576s getting into it we'd have all kinds of
5578s you know people that aren't used to the
5580s series come up and be like what is this
5582s big monster here and it's like well this
5585s is athlos you know he's one of the main
5588s flagships of this game series and being
5590s able to tell them about it and then
5592s actually getting to see the game play
5594s and it's not flat world anymore it's all
5598s these massive Landscapes and being able
5601s to Frack the monsters around and
5604s actually feel like you're hunting them
5606s was it it's
5609s insane
5611s um it's hard for me to put a lot of this
5614s stuff into words uh to be quite honest
5616s because when I saw the words monstah
5620s Hunter on my screen when they made the
5622s announcement I felt my whole body bumps
5625s everywhere I was Goosebumps I almost
5628s wanted to tear up I screamed in my house
5630s I remember the day I was like moer is
5633s coming to Playstation I I still feel it
5638s like I just I remember who was around me
5640s I remember the moment and I was like
5642s this is going to be crazy because it was
5645s always on handheld for me so to be able
5648s to play on my you know
5652s PS4 nuts and I was like this is this is
5655s it everyone has to play now everyone has
5658s to so I I remember the trail of Twitter
5662s T posts I was making I was like so it's
5664s time for you guys all to play now you
5666s have no excuse It's on PS4 you're going
5668s to have a demo that means a demo so when
5672s the demo came out it was over I was
5674s playing that Non-Stop and didn't sleep
5676s it was awesome and I could slide down
5679s you know with my hammer and you know I I
5681s was just it was great anyway moving on I
5684s love I I loved it all of
5686s it so to me that was so meaningful that
5689s I actually don't remember a single other
5691s thing that was announced during daddy3
5693s was like no whatever Monster Hunters
5696s finally out because the thing was I had
5698s I had covered monster hunter in my
5700s channel uh before the announcement of
5703s world but it was always like one of
5705s those things where I couldn't really
5706s dedicate as much time as I wanted to it
5708s because one of the things about content
5710s creation is about timing right and so
5712s monster hunter games before that were
5714s out in Japan and then one year later
5716s they would come to the west and by then
5719s most of the really you know dedicated
5721s content crors would they would buy the
5723s Japanese version and they would like
5725s somehow manage to interpret what was
5727s going on in the game and I was like I I
5728s can't do that like I don't know I can't
5731s try out the game in Japanese it's just
5734s really weird to me I I can't play it
5736s like that so when I realized that this
5737s one was going to have a worldwide
5739s release I was like oh my god I've been
5740s waiting for this for so long I've been
5742s wanting to cover so instantly just like
5744s video after video telling people about
5746s how amazing this game is and we all need
5748s to play this game this is going to be
5750s insane and it was that and then the
5753s moment the demo came out was when it all
5756s came together because I was like up
5758s until that point you don't really know
5759s what the game play feels like cuz
5761s Monster Hunter has this texture to it to
5764s the way that it plays the way that each
5766s move feels and where you hit the monster
5768s and all of that and with the more let's
5772s say more fluid animations that were
5774s seeing for Monster hun world and all a
5776s lot of people were questioning
5777s themselves is it still going to feel
5779s like Monster Hunter and when we finally
5781s get our hands in the beta it's like yes
5784s it still feels like it's so good and it
5787s was it was just completely Insanity from
5790s there I I was completely addicted I put
5792s in over way over a 100 hours in that
5794s demo checked out every single weapon uh
5797s did runs where we were killing all of
5799s the monsters that were just there that
5801s you weren't even supposed to kill like
5802s chase after Rathalos cuz he shows up and
5806s chase after ananth when he shows up and
5809s there was even like a rare monster that
5811s wouldn't always show up which was PUK
5812s PUK I think so like there was a chance
5815s that the PUK PUK would spawn in the map
5817s but it would only do it like once every
5819s 100 times or something ridiculous like
5821s that so everybody was running through
5823s the beta over and over and over trying
5824s to see if they could get the PUK PUK to
5827s spawn yeah I think one of the cool
5829s things about world also and iceborn um
5832s getting to iceborn is that it was the
5835s first kind of like free title update and
5838s expansion that that was all happening
5840s for a monster under title so it was like
5843s the game launched and then it was like a
5844s longer term relationship with the game
5846s honestly like several years of of
5848s playing and people are still playing
5849s today so um I think that's one of the
5851s cool things is that you know being able
5853s to like go along for the ride see all
5855s the monsters revealed with the different
5857s events and what not um I think that was
5859s that was just really cool to see and I
5860s know the team really loves um you know
5862s the the monster reveals and seeing
5864s everybody's reaction so um yeah anytime
5866s we see you guys' reactions we're we're
5868s always making sure that the the team of
5869s Japan knows about it as all the the
5872s changing of the of the Gathering Hub was
5874s also fantastic the way that it would
5876s completely change whenever there was a
5878s new event like hey here's the spring
5879s event completely different Gathering Hub
5882s and it would always bring the community
5883s together cuz everybody wanted to go farm
5885s the the special like events that would
5888s be available at any given time to get
5889s all the special timed rewards and
5891s whatnot I thought that was an absolute
5893s blast and even when the sieges would
5895s come and you know again the community
5898s would just jump back in and everybody
5900s would be grinding stuff it was it was
5902s really cool and and and another really
5904s cool aspect was the fact that the the
5906s lobbies would actually hold more players
5908s so you would constantly have like a
5909s bunch of players in your lobby and
5911s different people running different
5912s things it was it was just such a good
5914s time I love that yeah like the 16 people
5918s you know player lobbies was nuts and
5920s being able to take pictures I mean I
5922s love taking pictures with everyone cuz
5925s you know being able to do that capture
5927s those memories with everyone and also
5930s having all the Hunts be fast
5932s so you can get your weapons and uh you
5934s know if you're if you don't want to hunt
5936s that monster you can go somewhere else
5938s to the other side and someone's hunting
5940s you know so I loved how fluid everything
5943s was and I think also cooking the steaks
5945s a lot faster you know it's just
5947s everything was perfect and it felt like
5949s a challenge you know like every time you
5951s played the monsters that came out it was
5954s a challenge you know and it it brought a
5956s little bit of a good stress I think I
5959s really love that I was like oh man this
5962s one's going to be hard guys I guess
5964s we're not sleeping tonight and that's
5965s one of our favorite things to say to
5966s each other like are you prepped for this
5969s did you shower did you f and snacks did
5972s you have do you have two different
5974s Waters you can't like two different
5975s drinks you have to have water and a
5977s something else so we would prep each
5979s other it was it's just so funny cuz it's
5982s like you know when a new one you know a
5984s new monster comes out for the free title
5986s updates you know it's just all that
5987s stuff you you prep each other too so
5990s it's it's awes awesome it was awesome I
5992s love those days and we have them again
5994s you know we still have them again you
5996s know people are still going you know
5997s coming back to world I am so it's it's
6000s it's awesome I love it yeah I loved
6004s always seeing the big Gathering Halls
6006s just full of people you know you have
6008s people on one side
6010s playing just you know at the what was it
6013s like a little hot spring they'd just be
6015s hanging out in there you know people
6017s doing the arm
6019s wrestling and it was great as a streamer
6021s cuz you could have just different groups
6023s of people be like all right we completed
6025s this Quest let's Shuffle the next group
6027s in and you just constantly be working
6030s together towards
6032s stuff yeah it's it's awesome and you
6034s know you've all actually touched on kind
6035s of our next topic which is kind of
6037s favorite memories from world and iceborn
6039s and you know for me it kind of starts
6040s quite humble with having more of my
6042s friends actually come into monst hun and
6045s playing through with them and grinding
6047s and farming with them but then I found
6049s that I was getting experiences that
6051s actually really got my half pump in
6052s obviously talking about title updates
6054s and you know allat trayon which I
6055s absolutely cuz I'm AA Shi so I use
6057s Elemental Weapons anyway so like I was
6059s right at home but the thing with that
6062s having that you know you had to kind of
6064s hit that damage limit before before the
6066s Nova attack and you think you're close
6068s but you don't know and you know it's
6069s going to do it soon is it escaton
6071s judgment I think escaton judgment yeah
6074s and I'm like are We There Are We There
6076s have we got the horn yet and you can
6077s hear like the heartbeat kind of go in
6079s and then your heartbeats go in and and
6081s the first time we beat that was just an
6083s incredible feeling like Fatalis was
6085s great as well Fatalis was insane but
6088s just the kind of the kind of pressure I
6090s felt in that hun and then the kind of
6092s the nostalgic music playing at the end
6095s as well when you do take down Al trayon
6097s that that was really really really
6099s special and as a sword and shield user I
6100s felt validated that my Elemental set was
6108s so
6110s goath I TR think okay uh vampy do you
6115s want to go cuz I have mine I the most
6119s memorable thing about world there's most
6121s memorable thing that happened to you
6123s while you were playing World
6125s oh th this is really hard guys like
6128s there's so many things I know right
6132s trouble with it but you know I have to
6134s say a lot Tron because when it came out
6137s I was like okay how is this going to be
6140s different you know how how is it going
6141s to be different to hunt um and also
6144s being a hammer user everyone was
6146s counting on me every time I streamed can
6148s you break this for me can you and of
6151s course you don't want to let him down
6152s you're like yeah I got you so I had to
6155s practice so I think I definitely
6158s remember you know a lot of the community
6159s would come into my streams like can you
6161s break this for me break that for me
6163s especially during that time and I was
6165s giving myself a lot of stress I was like
6167s you better break it you know the first
6169s part you better break it so I had to be
6172s exact with everything I was doing so
6174s when it first came out I did I think I
6176s slept at like 800 in the morning I had
6179s some people come in you know previous
6181s you know you know friends of mine in the
6184s community and they're like are you did
6186s you sleep yet and I'm like no we haven't
6188s beaten it yet I will not sleep and you
6191s shouldn't make promises at the beginning
6194s of a stream oh I I recommend don't do
6197s that cuz you're not going to you're not
6198s going to rest but it that was definitely
6200s one of my most memorable cuz when we did
6203s finally beat him it was with the people
6206s that um I hunted with the most cuz we
6209s work very well together so we can
6211s synchronize and we trusted each other
6213s that we knew our weapons very well and I
6215s think that's one of main things is
6218s working with a team that knows their
6219s weapon and knows timing um and being
6222s able to have that you know camaraderie
6225s with friends is awesome so yeah same
6228s thing so uh it'd be easy to also go
6231s after Alat Tron so I'm going to mention
6234s two other things that were extremely
6235s memorable for me so one of the first
6238s ones was one of the first times I
6241s interacted with bosle goose which ends
6243s up being my favorite monster
6245s particularly the the seething variant
6247s that we got with iceborn uh that's my
6249s favorite monster of all time easy
6251s because I'm all about explosions and
6252s he's all about explosions but the really
6254s cool thing was that he would just jump
6256s into your hunts and be the most annoying
6259s creature ever you'd be I was fighting I
6263s think one of the first times I was high
6265s ranked fighting a Rabon in um the what
6269s was it called that I forget the name of
6271s the actual the place where Rabon hangs
6274s at you guys know what I'm talking about
6275s right Ron Veil the RO rotten yeah rotten
6278s Veil so I'm in there and I'm fighting
6280s Rabon and he comes in and he starts
6282s dropping uh you know his bombs I was
6285s like what what's this and then I hit one
6287s of them by mistake and it explodes in my
6289s face now what's going on and then he
6290s drops then boom I was like what is this
6293s what's going on and then he leaves and
6296s I'm like oh okay so I continue fighting
6299s raban and after a while he comes in does
6301s the same thing again and I was like no
6302s no no no no no this is not so I chase
6305s him all over the map you're not supposed
6306s to fight him at that point but I just
6308s chase him all over the map and I fight
6310s him for I don't know for how long I
6312s fought him but I C it three I think I C
6314s it three times him and I lost the quest
6316s because I was just like for he rabot I
6318s need to kill him cuz he's SP like so
6320s like that rivalry I was super excited
6323s about that that's that's one of my
6325s favorite memories and the other one was
6328s actually a
6329s collaboration uh extremoth if you guys
6331s remember Behemoth but like the the
6333s extreme version of because that required
6337s so much coordination that I had to like
6339s bring in my uh previous expertise from
6342s MMO rating and I was like okay guys
6344s here's what we're going to do when he
6345s does corib this everybody that has the
6347s thing under you you have to go to one of
6349s the corners of the map you have to drop
6351s your tornado in the corner of the map
6352s then you come back I was playing sword
6355s and shield for that I made a a build
6357s that was all about like wide range
6360s healing uh speed eating whatever was the
6363s thing that made you sometimes not
6365s consume your your consumables I forget
6367s what the name of the skill is but you
6369s know I had all of those things going and
6371s the idea was everybody in my Lobby you
6374s never have to heal never have to worry
6376s about that all you got to do is deal
6378s damage okay and I know exactly when I
6381s want the mount so I will do the mounting
6383s when it needs to be done I will do
6385s everything and it was it was amazing
6387s because it was such a thing that
6388s required so much coordination and it
6390s took a tremendous amount of time to
6392s actually do and it was a ton of fun to
6395s go through and do that fight I
6398s loved yeah I love that I mean when
6400s you're talking about it I visually was
6402s seeing like how everything maed out
6405s because I never use bir radial I never I
6408s usually just craft everything the first
6410s time actually used it I was like oh I
6413s have to like have that jump mechanic you
6415s know so I had to put on the bottom of my
6417s radio and I was like okay do the go you
6420s know you know the the healings and all
6422s that stuff it's just crafting on the
6424s spot you know so that was definitely one
6427s of them that I had to use before using
6429s the Dron jump to escape the meteor yeah
6432s no I was always hiding behind the
6435s rock it's all timing and I think that's
6438s one of the things too like you know to
6440s learn it right like so well that you
6442s know the time right like everything's
6444s timing especially with those kind of
6446s monsters you're like okay better count
6448s so we're counting too it was really
6450s crazy I was like what I felt insane I
6454s think that that hunt I definitely felt
6456s like an insane person but also you
6458s wanted the the armor set it's
6461s beautiful I felt so cool and you can
6463s change the colors and everything I was
6464s like look at me like every time you go
6467s into you know like the Gathering Hub and
6470s you have a new set you always feel like
6472s like in for you where you could like
6474s change the color so fancy I know you
6476s just feel so cool like oh I have it you
6478s don't have it
6481s oh oh you don't have oh ner oh man too
6489s bad oh I mean you know good I
6495s guess no but it was fun it was fun at
6498s the same time a lot of us would be like
6500s oh you don't have that well come on
6501s let's go get it that's true our friend
6506s do it was a lot of fun it was really
6509s good
6511s times oh God that we Circle back around
6513s to you for what impacted me the
6517s most was when iceborn came out and we
6521s got near the end of it and all of a
6524s sudden here's the general showing up you
6527s know hey Hunter we need you it's like
6529s there's more story you guys are adding
6531s more and the whole Nostalgia wave of
6534s going back and having to fight falis
6536s again it's like ah I get to teach you
6538s this lesson again old man here we go and
6542s I just loved how much it was still the
6546s same yet different at the same time it's
6549s like a lot of the old strategy still
6551s worked it's still Fatalis but they
6554s change it so much with iceborn and
6558s just again how much this game the series
6561s evolves through time it's crazy
6565s and it just really moved me hearing the
6567s music again and you'd get those
6570s Goosebumps you're like Yep this is it
6573s again this is why I'm hooked on the
6575s series and when you get and when you get
6577s poof of a hero when you get him low
6579s enough and poof of a hero kicks in it
6581s almost it almost brings tears to your
6583s eyes oh let's go he's down we got to get
6585s him every time anyone talks about
6588s anything I'm just my my face I feeling
6591s getting hot because I'm like I know how
6593s you feel and that's the coolest thing
6595s like I mean anytime someone tells their
6597s story you can feel a little bit of
6599s yourself into in that moment you know
6602s with them so it's awesome I see well now
6605s it's obvious the team definitely thinks
6609s about what they add to the game yeah and
6612s everything they do even with the
6614s collaboration quests they do it's not
6617s just yep here's an outfit from this game
6620s with World they added new quest lines
6623s and really made you feel like part of
6625s their world as well as part of Monster
6628s Hunter yeah honestly when that when
6631s proof of a hero hits in that Fatalis
6633s fight I feel like my brain just like
6636s hits like a weird like I don't know a
6638s weird level where I'm just like nothing
6640s else matters and I I think I think I've
6642s made some mistakes in that hun at the
6643s end because I've just stopped thinking
6644s at that point it's just it's too crazy I
6647s mean on my first solo Kill by the end I
6650s I was actually playing sword and shield
6651s and I was just like mashing circle like
6653s just die there was like seconds left
6656s just die please just
6658s die and you don't know when cuz they're
6660s just just moving back and forth and it's
6662s not very obvious cuz you're in contained
6664s area you're like uh you going to
6668s die for me it me up like that music hits
6672s and I'm standing up now playing the game
6674s like come on let's go the lean
6678s in wow it was hard though man like
6681s Fatalis is hard but that was
6685s rough uh yeah that was a rough one for
6688s sure but very fun and he looked amazing
6690s oh my God just to see you in that way I
6693s was like dang what like I a you're like
6696s that
6698s blow real tiny like you would fly over
6701s me you know like in that lava area you
6704s know so it's very interesting to see him
6706s that big
6708s so yeah well we'll move it on from from
6710s world and Ice boort obviously that's
6712s such a huge topic it's really tough to
6714s but yeah yeah we could we could keep
6716s chatting for forever um I want to touch
6719s on Monster Hunter stories which we just
6721s recently announced that monster hunter
6723s stories one is uh coming back to Modern
6726s platforms which is really exciting but
6728s um have you guys played either of the
6730s two stories games I mean we we both Jon
6733s and I I think we've already talked about
6734s some of our memories uh in the pretty
6736s show we both love those games and the
6737s different like kind of turnbas RPG style
6740s it brings to the series but uh how about
6742s you guys oh yeah I played them like when
6745s I first saw them it was their
6748s predecessor there was this arcade
6751s machine in Japan called Monster Hunter
6753s spirits and they'd have all these little
6756s baby designs of monsters I was like
6758s those are really cute I really want
6759s those and then seeing them bring it over
6763s to consoles change it to Monster Hunter
6766s stories I was like Yep this is what I
6768s want I love these kind of games
6771s and just the characters really grab me I
6773s I know nairo is not for everyone but I
6776s absolutely adore him really excited
6779s first game's coming back because not
6781s many people have experienced that story
6783s and it gives so much backstory on him
6786s and it will make you love him just the
6790s story The Narrative and the game play is
6792s great cuz you're
6794s actually getting to fight with these
6796s monsters that you've known and love over
6798s the years and just forming that bond
6801s with him is so
6803s cool yeah I I definitely agree I think
6806s that um when I initially started getting
6809s into the M Hunter series um being able
6812s to play with others but um My First Love
6814s is RPG like just those turn-based style
6817s games so having that style of game for
6821s mosah Hunter um introduced to me um you
6825s know and being able to play it was is
6827s just two of the best worlds together for
6830s me seeing it very cute in that way chibi
6833s and also like their story and also like
6836s um my friends getting my friends who are
6838s RPG nerds like that the turnbas style um
6841s getting them into it was really easy
6843s they're like oh why do you always play
6845s Moss Hunter what are these monsters I
6847s don't understand anything and even
6849s though they don't like the other kind of
6850s game style they could play this and they
6853s thoroughly enjoyed this so the stories
6856s was perfect for um every kind of person
6859s that you know I could talk to you about
6861s M Hunter um and they eventually learned
6863s all the monsters too so when I would
6865s stream the other games they were like oh
6867s so you're that's R the Lo and I'm like
6869s what and I never heard them talk about
6872s mus Hunter before so it was just kind of
6874s cool but weird at the same time oh yeah
6877s yeah sure then that means you had to
6878s play other games now so they they they
6881s liked it too they loved it so I loved it
6884s they loved it and it was it's pretty
6885s awesome that um for me um seeing it in
6889s that way was was really cute and fun so
6893s yeah I'm excited for it I got to see
6896s lakris again after so long I've missed
6900s legris for so long cuz like I uh you
6903s know like I said I started with try even
6904s though it didn't really click with me I
6906s still had fond memories of that mission
6908s where you jump into the water and
6909s there's lakris just being super menacing
6911s and whatnot so being able to see him in
6913s that game and actually have them on my
6915s team was really cool but ultimately just
6918s being able to actually ride a bosel
6919s goose around I was like oh this is so
6922s awesome and and the cool thing is also
6924s that you fight alongside the monsters
6927s and so you know I would also be wyvern
6930s firing because you guys actually put gun
6933s Lance as one of the weapons cuz I don't
6935s think all of the weapons were in there
6936s so the fact that we had gun LS I was
6938s like yes gun LS and you can actually
6940s wyvern fire alongside the monties it was
6942s just an absolute blast I loved it and
6945s the ultimate attack that we could do
6947s with the bosle was also freaking amazing
6949s so
6951s I was like me and my boy Basel going all
6953s over the place killing all of the other
6955s monties and whatnot and yeah it was
6958s perfect any game where you can befriend
6960s kzu I think is is great in my
6965s books is that your favorite oh no no but
6969s it's okay I was wondering but he but he
6971s has the best theme you got to admit I
6974s mean oh yeah yeah that OST yeah the
6977s headphones just explor did you say the
6979s OST oh yeah
6981s the
6984s best I'm f i you rais a good point Vamp
6988s we've not actually revealed our favorite
6989s monsters yet so as you brought up the
6992s topic would you like to start oh I've
6996s you know
6997s brados you know when I first saw him I
7000s was like what is he doing in there you
7002s know the lava area and for you I was
7004s like what is his head doing and he just
7006s blow things up you know like basle Gee
7009s right would just blow
7010s at the same time like what is this but I
7012s loved just he was actually very cute to
7015s me even though he was like causing
7017s destruction I was like this guy's
7018s adorable and I think Guild M helped in
7021s that you know she kept to talking about
7022s him and made me obsessed too and I was
7024s like he's pretty interesting she kind of
7026s brainwashed me you know so I really
7028s liked I really like Bria so that's my
7031s favorite
7032s monster mine is kind of evoled over the
7035s years since you know I started with the
7037s beginning and just the love of cutu
7039s lasted quite a long time then finally
7042s Generations came out and I see gamos on
7045s this big beautiful elepant and fell in
7048s love with her and then now we've got
7051s Malino and I just absolutely love the
7054s vampire Vibes of him and color scheme
7057s and just everything clicks with
7060s me yeah th those are awesome but again
7063s to me it's seething bosle Goose I mean
7065s he literally jumps up in the air drops a
7068s bunch of bombs and then explodes as a
7071s nuclear explosion in the middle of the
7072s map gorgeous love it can't get enough of
7075s it you're like I'm a simple man exactly
7078s I like explosions you know how they say
7080s cool guys will look at explosions that's
7082s not me look I I feel that though I feel
7085s that that I see it every time someone
7088s talks about their favorite monster and
7089s is that one I know them already I'm like
7092s okay I see how you what you like I see
7095s what you like
7098s full how about you well yeah I I'm a
7101s devil Joe fan I have to it's my name is
7104s you like but also yeah I love I love the
7106s pickle you know it's got like the tiny
7108s tiny arm so it's just invades right in
7111s you know just completely destroys
7113s whatever hunt that you're doing which um
7115s I I love that it's just like the
7117s unpredictability and also yes just got
7118s so much charm you know it's just like
7120s this do you remember the pickles that
7121s they used to sell do you you ever see
7123s those they at the Caravan they sold
7126s devil J pickles it was
7128s really I bought I have a I still have it
7131s which is kind of gross but I still have
7132s the
7134s thing I was like why but then I bought
7137s it I was like how many years ago now I
7139s don't want to remember cuz I I didn't
7141s all at it either I said it's kind of
7143s gross but
7145s anyway yeah but a devil Joe yeah he's I
7149s think he's the devil Joe his character
7151s we could talk about this for the whole
7152s stream but like Devil Joe's character is
7154s very interesting like you want to troll
7156s him yeah yeah like he uh not very
7160s serious to me he's just like there and
7162s he's just he's just hungry all the time
7164s no scared of him I'm just like okay go
7167s over
7168s there oh but yeah but yeah before we end
7171s up on the mythology if not devil Joe
7173s eats his own tail or not um my my
7176s favorite monster and I'm not copying you
7178s I swear is brai Deus as well um it's
7181s blue first of all and I'm quite fond of
7183s that color um explosions like early on
7186s in my monant tenure I I really kind of
7189s likeed slime weapons I I loved
7191s explosions and blast but not to the
7193s level of gun Lance appreciators
7195s obviously they like big explosions and
7196s obviously that what we now know as the
7198s blast status and I just love its music I
7202s love how it fights I love how it looks
7205s it's raw and then obviously in in ice
7209s born with raging
7210s brachy like normally when a monster
7213s nearly nearly done it's limping away
7215s it's get to sleeper R and bra is like oh
7217s no no no no I'm not stuck in here with
7219s you you're stuck in here with me and
7221s then it creates that Arena neither of
7223s you are leaving until the others fallen
7225s and I just think that's like one of the
7227s most badass things I've seen in a video
7229s game it just flips the end of a hunt on
7232s its head and if things get even harder
7234s for you you know you you sled against
7236s this giant brackie for ages and it's not
7238s done with you yet um so yeah i' I've got
7242s to be another one for the big blue
7244s monster um I kind of talking as well I
7246s know obviously Kath mentioned Malo
7249s obviously rise and sunbreak the the most
7251s recent Capcom Monster Hunter releases
7254s like for me like talking about my
7257s favorite parts of that is I've never
7258s played so many different weapons in a
7260s monster huner game than I did rise and
7262s sunre and for me that would be the the
7264s different the switch Scrolls and switch
7266s scroll Swap and the silk bind attacks I
7269s loved they introduced Shield bash and
7271s metsu Shi for the sword and shield which
7273s I loved they they made the switch AE
7276s into this aerial Menace like no other
7279s title made me explore so many weapons
7281s and I love it for that uh what about you
7283s guys what what were your highlights of
7285s rise and Sun
7286s Break honestly I really liked the I
7290s forget where we called them now but that
7292s base defense little mini game we had
7294s Rampage R that's it uh I just thought it
7298s was cool cuz it was something different
7300s it's like yes we're still hunting the
7301s monsters but we're on defense not on
7304s offense this time we're not going to
7305s their home they're coming our home yeah
7308s just the story of that game really hit
7310s me too especially as they added the
7313s Rampages following along with the story
7316s and how you know following uh narwa and
7323s abushi and just how they interacted with
7325s the atdcs was really
7327s cool yeah that was definitely a lunch
7329s date that I'd say they remember but
7331s abushi probably
7334s won't like further in the sunbreak when
7337s they added the ability to T with the
7340s NBCS I thought that was great that's
7342s something I've been W for a long time
7344s cuz a lot of times I'll play solo if I'm
7347s not streaming or I have friends online
7350s and then I still have that camaraderie
7352s with the NPCs and some of them are
7355s unpredictable you know I never know when
7357s they're going to shoot me in the back of
7358s the head while I'm trying to go after a
7360s monster or or sometimes they'll just run
7362s off and you're like what are they doing
7364s and then here they come riding in on a
7367s monster it's like I love this this is
7371s perfect I I really like the theme of the
7374s whole game it's just very different from
7377s what I was used to anyway um especially
7379s vastly different from world and iceborn
7383s um being able to um get to know the NPCs
7388s uh was very interesting too because they
7390s had a lot of Personality like they
7391s always had personality but like a lot
7393s more in this game and also um I do agree
7397s with the trying new weapons I actually
7400s tried all of the weapons in this one and
7402s played all of the weapons as this one as
7404s much as possible more than uh generally
7407s what I would just use use hammer or
7409s hunting horn or something um
7411s also being able to guess the next
7414s monsters I think is always really fun so
7416s shagaru magala gor magala Asos you know
7420s that was freaking me out because I was
7421s like oh this is crazy like seeing them
7425s come back and you know I kind of guessed
7427s it was Gore but then I mean everyone's
7429s was doing their guessing game online so
7431s seeing them again uh was very exciting
7434s uh especially if you're like playing for
7436s you a lot and those games and
7438s generations you're like oh they're back
7441s that's really cool um and of course
7443s everyone ate a lot of Dongo and then you
7445s know that was really fun because
7447s everyone's like I'm full of dongle again
7450s and we always made jokes about that
7452s they're like what are you eating today
7453s oh Dongo what else do you think I'm
7455s eating and also the little tiny Tetra
7457s that was really cute seeing that in
7460s there so I think they put a lot of like
7462s thought into all of the ideas into that
7465s game um especially for fans so I really
7469s enjoyed
7470s it I mean I I feel like I've already
7473s revealed this in some some other video
7475s that we did uh a while back but like one
7477s of my favorite moments was when I
7478s unlocked blast Dash because I was just
7481s in the training area and then suddenly I
7483s realize wait I can chain this move so
7486s I'm like blast Dash and then I blast
7488s Dash in the opposite Direction and I can
7490s you can do it like three times in a row
7492s and I was like wait what I I can
7494s basically fly that was even a meme that
7496s people made where there was uh because
7498s we had uh the wire bugs right so people
7501s were saying that normal users of uh of
7504s normal players of mons rise were like
7506s Spider-Man and the gun Lance players
7508s were like Iron Man because we were
7510s flying around with the gun very that was
7513s so much fun and the tremendous amount of
7516s play styles that it unlocked for for gun
7518s LS where you had
7519s um at the beginning of Rise you had like
7522s steak spam because you could basically
7525s just constantly do the worm steak and
7527s then you would do guard reload and then
7528s worm steak again and then you had
7531s different play styles with Full Burst
7533s and it was crazy like the just the
7535s amount of play styles that the game
7536s unlocked for any given weapon was
7538s completely insane which was one of my
7540s favorite aspects of it I did play a ton
7543s of different weapons as well but as per
7545s usual I I settled on the gun Lance and
7547s once we got to the sunbreak they even
7550s gave us the bullet barrage which is like
7554s just unload all the gun Lance things at
7557s once and you blast Dash into the monster
7560s and naturally you know gun L Mains all
7563s had to come up with a way we need to
7564s just do this skill nonstop so just get
7569s all the things that synergize with quick
7571s wire bug recovery and bullet barrage
7574s bullet barrage bullet sick yeah I I may
7579s have picked up gun lights because of
7580s your videos on that once I saw the uh
7583s the bull verage I'm like I'm in I'm in
7585s so I H it quite a bit with the gun LS
7587s it's it's pretty
7589s incredible oh it's awesome yeah like
7592s talking of the monsters actually
7593s obviously you know uh you mentioned
7594s obviously like the themes obviously we
7596s got the yo-kai and then you've kind of
7598s got folklore monsters in in sunbreak and
7601s you know even me see I I love gor magala
7603s as well it's from like top three monster
7605s for me and seeing it come back and I
7607s remember when the trailer came out it's
7608s like is that a gosar variant and then no
7611s Gala come out of nowhere and like yeah
7615s gosar is well like this monster when it
7617s stuns you get a unique animation where
7618s it slowly drags its ice blade up to you
7621s and things like that and and then
7623s obviously I I can't get this Quest out
7625s my head I can't remember the name
7626s exactly but when the curio are kind of
7628s at their highest strength guys of M gor
7631s is on the horizon and you go into the
7633s Citadel and everything is gone there's
7636s no spir birds there's no endemic life
7638s there's no small monsters you even see
7640s the corpses of large monsters there's no
7642s music it's silent and I've not
7644s experienced anything like that a monster
7646s game a narrative caught me off guard so
7649s much um that was quite something and I
7653s really wanted to talk about it like once
7655s I played through it like when the game
7656s was out but I couldn't because I wanted
7658s other people to have that experience and
7660s that surprise like what kind of thing
7662s whether it's a favorite monster from
7664s Rise and sunbreak or a favorite moment
7666s like that what would you say really
7668s stood out to you
7670s yeah definitely that moment you
7671s described because it it reminded me
7672s almost of like Resident Evil you're like
7675s everything around me is dead everything
7677s is gone what is going
7679s on
7681s um yeah just that moment was
7685s insane I just as he said I've never
7689s experienced something like that with
7690s monster hunter where it's just all of a
7692s sudden the ecosystem is gone cuz we've
7695s always kind of had that living breathing
7697s world and just haveit
7702s vanish I I'm I I'm going to say that too
7706s because um I was streaming that moment
7708s actually and I I felt like uh almost
7713s confused because I was like is this
7716s where it's going later I don't know I
7717s mean we're not going to speculate other
7719s games or whatever but that tone is
7722s something that kind of was a bit
7724s overwhelming for me because I'm not used
7726s to that at all we're not used to that
7728s that feeling that that eeriness and I
7731s think that you know that was well
7733s translated I mean huge props to the dev
7736s is like doing that because I think it
7739s also kind of like created a few more new
7743s wrinkles in my brain to think about okay
7745s what's the future what's the future
7747s going to hold in other titles you know
7749s what I mean so I'm always thinking like
7751s okay they they know how to do that very
7753s well so you know um but of course you
7756s know of course the themes I love gos
7759s frog I think that is definitely my
7760s favorite from that game and fighting
7763s that monster I I think is just so much
7765s fun so
7767s yeah so one of my favorite moments uh I
7771s mean maybe it's my Portuguese blood or
7773s something but it's when we see the the
7775s scene with the ship and the captain is
7777s in there and they're getting ready for
7779s the final assault and and I'm thinking
7781s to myself oh we're going to fight on the
7783s ship this going to be amazing and
7784s unfortunately that wasn't the case but
7786s still having the the ship there and and
7789s that moment where I think he throws a
7790s rock or something and the Admiral is
7792s just standing there doesn't even move
7795s and then L goes in real quick with the
7797s gun shoots the rock out but the Admiral
7799s doesn't even Flinch cuz he's ready for
7801s war we're going in the the the freaking
7804s um the the Cannons the were they the
7806s dragonator Cannons or whatever it was
7808s that then when you're fighting guys mcor
7810s you can actually call them in and they
7812s just shoot this explosive dragonator
7814s that starts detonating all over the
7816s place like I love that moment that
7819s moment was absolutely amazing it's not
7822s my favorite fight I still like the fight
7824s a lot if I had to say a favorite fight
7826s it's probably going to be vrax like vrax
7829s in that game is really good and
7831s especially some of the what was that um
7835s there was a was one of the hazard quests
7838s or something at the end of Rise where
7840s the laser would just one-hot you and
7842s there's even sometimes a moment where
7844s maybe you'll cart and then you're
7845s jumping back into that new map and this
7848s second that you land he's just like I
7852s see the laser to the face instantly the
7856s panic I just remember Panic all the
7863s time yeah for for me um I really like
7867s violet msun which um has a has a really
7870s like interesting like Spirit Bomb Type
7873s move um so you're kind of just like
7875s staring up at that and trying to like
7876s add as much damage as you can uh and if
7879s that that thing hits you it's all it's
7880s all over so um that one in particular is
7883s a favorite for me uh another one a
7885s memory I share with Kath uh is fighting
7887s uh flaming
7889s espinos was coming
7892s yeah yeah we want to hear this we are
7895s trapped in a room not trapped we're in a
7897s room playing basically what for an
7899s entire day uh TGs demo build um so the
7903s difficulty is twe you know just to be
7904s like a little bit tougher um and the uh
7908s you know you don't have your you're set
7909s and everything so you're a little bit
7910s you're not so comfy but uh yeah we
7912s basically hunted for an entire day I
7913s think we carded like over I don't know
7915s what do you think Kath like 20 times oh
7918s more than
7919s that that's awesome that's cool that you
7923s shed that together that event we had
7926s multiple TGs builds of various Capcom
7929s games around we had Street Fighter um
7932s what else was
7934s there uh yeah all us was Hunter and
7939s beating flaming
7941s ass sounds about right got to beat it
7945s yeah we did we did not move we were H we
7946s were locked in until we got it yeah and
7949s we finally did get it and then I I I
7950s went back and I told the team how many
7951s tries to took us and they were very
7953s happy so they been Lov to hearing that
7955s it was really tough oh that's great
7958s that's awesome the on on release of
7960s flaming espinos there's a really fun
7962s story cuz I would always make these very
7965s defensive gun L sets so that I could be
7967s super comfortable when I was fighting so
7969s the moment that I'm fighting flaming
7971s espinas because you know I had seen the
7973s trailer and all that I'm sitting there
7974s with my big set and he's coming in with
7977s his big nuke that even like starts
7980s posturing that the one that One-Shots
7981s everybody right he's coming in with that
7983s big nuke and I could easily Superman
7987s dive that but I was like no I my exact
7991s words were I can block this 100%
7995s oh you want to know like
7999s that was like super arrogant like I can
8001s block this 100% And he just like boom
8004s dead I was like oh okay I guess not
8007s never mind that's why I try not to talk
8009s anymore cuz I'm just like a man I always
8012s get that's like a clip right there but
8015s that's cool I know the feeling oh
8019s man oh I think between all of us there's
8021s been so many good memories uh with the
8023s series whether we've been playing for
8025s the full 20 years or 10 years um so
8028s before we wrap uh any uh let's go around
8029s the heart any any closing comments uh on
8032s the 20th anniversary Kat I'll start with
8034s you well as I keep saying you know I've
8036s been here since the beginning and just
8038s so weird to think you know when I
8040s started playing I was 18 now I'm pushing
8043s 40 it's like I've I've grown with this
8047s series and been such a big part of it
8049s seeing so many different people come
8051s through so many new monsters and every
8055s game just sounds me every time and and
8059s I'm really curious what the series will
8062s grow into just the Leaps and Bounds
8065s we've made going from the 3DS games to
8071s world then rise it's like what's next I
8075s can't wait and it's been so fun growing
8079s with all these different friends I've
8081s made along the way and this community
8083s and all the little jokes we have and can
8086s share with each other and just know EX
8088s exactly what everybody is thinking with
8090s it it's amazing I love
8094s it oh man um well first of all being
8098s able to be here with all of you and
8100s hearing your stories I think it's
8102s probably the most exciting thing for me
8104s cuz when when I'm playing um a lot of
8107s times solo right these these thoughts go
8110s through my mind I'm like oh I wonder if
8112s anyone else understands how I feel about
8114s this title and they do everyone does and
8117s um being a fan first and foremost for
8121s this series is probably the most
8124s rewarding thing um of this whole bit
8127s right here for mus Hunter's 20th
8129s anniversary um it's just it's insane for
8132s me um I think that my friends I still
8135s talk to all the time every time there's
8138s announcement we text each other we write
8140s each other in Discord like we're writing
8142s we immediately writing each other did
8143s you see it's like 4 in the morning did
8145s you see what did you see that I went to
8148s the rest room but did you see that did
8149s you and we text each other and we're
8151s awake somehow at the same time and then
8154s we talk about it and it's just this
8157s ongoing thing with our groups of friends
8160s and even on Twitter you know or just X
8162s or whatever they call it now but you
8164s know it's just um it's it's awesome and
8168s I can't wait to see the next game I know
8169s it's going to be insane the team always
8172s thinks about the fans they're always
8174s thinking thinking about for the you know
8176s the next big thing so I know it's
8178s probably going to be
8179s [Music]
8181s insane so one of the most special things
8184s uh for Monster Hunter for me is
8187s naturally the friendships that are made
8189s along the way like uh everybody's been
8190s saying because you know it was through
8192s monster hunter that I became friends
8193s with gun Hunter uh the Eric Gaming Team
8197s all amazing people and even more content
8200s creators that I've uh created content
8202s with just invited people to the podcast
8205s and what not it's been absolutely
8206s fantastic but another thing that I
8210s always notice when it comes to monster
8213s hunter games is that you can tell that
8216s the team working on this game is a team
8219s that is extremely passionate because
8222s they pay attention to the smallest
8225s little details that probably 90% of
8228s people are not even going to look like
8230s one of the things that I always like
8231s bringing up is in the in the canteen for
8234s Monster Hunter World base game there's
8237s that Calico that's blowing into the fire
8240s with a tube and it's he's just sitting
8243s there blowing Into the Fire and you know
8245s if you're a part of an animation
8247s Department super Bree just make an
8249s animation and the palico just said
8250s they and that's it that's the animation
8253s right but for some reason the monster
8256s team doesn't do that so they go and they
8257s make this palico blow into the fire
8259s twice then he looks around looks at a
8261s fire then he does it again and then he
8264s looks around again different animations
8266s like it's not the same looking around
8267s animation
8268s and then he does it a third time and the
8270s fire like backdrafts onto his face and
8272s he gets like burned and he goes like
8275s there's this this crazy animation detail
8278s that you don't need for any reason but
8281s it's there and it's the attention detail
8284s that lets you know that like no this
8286s team loves this game the detail that
8288s they go through with the palicos and
8290s every little thing that you see every
8291s little interaction that you see
8293s throughout the world that doesn't need
8295s to be as detailed as it is for the game
8297s to function it doesn't have the game
8299s play effect almost but it increases the
8302s immersion and just showcases the sheer
8304s raw passion that this team has for the
8306s game and it never ceases to impress
8309s me yeah well with that um we're headed
8313s to the Summer where there's going to be
8315s news for Monster runer wilds and we're
8317s also launching monster Runner stories on
8318s new platforms so obviously the future is
8320s super bright we're super excited um and
8323s we want to say thanks to you guys for
8324s joining us we were super happy to do
8326s this and to to have you on and to talk
8328s all things Monster Hunter we love all
8330s the passion for the series and the the
8331s roles that you guys have played and and
8333s spreading the good the good word about
8334s Monster Hunter so thank you thank you
8336s very much and uh yeah we we really
8338s appreciate it thank you for having us
8340s for having us oh my God this is really
8342s awesome can't wait for the next game or
8345s announc this yeah it's been super fun
8348s and as Joe said you know summer more
8350s news on Mon wilds and obviously you know
8352s 2025 is getting closer uh with each
8354s passing day but yeah here is to the last
8357s 20 monst Hunter and here's to 20 more
8360s years so happy Hunting everyone happy
8363s Hunting Happy
8364s [Music]
8372s [Music]
8387s Hunting
8388s [Music]
8416s a
8419s [Music]
8420s [Applause]
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8438s [Music]
8446s oh
8450s [Music]
8476s [Applause]
8495s [Music]
8506s for
8508s [Music]
8531s [Music]
8541s [Music]
8547s [Music]
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8625s [Applause]
8626s a
8629s [Music]
8656s n
8675s [Music]
8716s oh
8724s [Music]
8746s a
8752s [Music]
8776s oh
8784s [Music]
8806s oh
8812s [Music]
8836s oh