about 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

21s [Music]
37s [Music]
44s [Music]
51s [Music]
63s hi everyone i'm ryozo tsujimoto producer
66s on the monster hunter series hello i'm
69s yoshitake suzuki director of monster
71s hunter rise sun break
73s it's been a month since the game's
74s release and we're happy to see so many
76s people enjoying the game thank you very
78s much
80s we've received a lot of feedback from
82s the fans and the entire dev team is very
84s thankful for that this has made us extra
87s motivated to work on the updates
89s [Music]
90s speaking of which today we are here to
93s tell you
94s about free title update 1 version 11.
100s first let's have a look at this trailer
102s enjoy
112s [Applause]
120s this is
137s be careful
140s [Music]
143s uh
162s [Music]
171s [Music]
176s the t sure does take the edge off
180s [Applause]
188s [Music]
198s [Music]
200s you're mine
211s [Applause]
226s free title update 1 version 11 for
229s monster hunter rise sun break
232s will release on august 10th
236s today we'll go into more detail about
239s this free update
243s so stay tuned
251s version 11 will add four new monsters
256s we've already revealed lucent marga kuga
259s and seething basildis
262s but today we also revealed silver
265s rathalops and gold rather
270s these monsters will become available
272s after you reach master rank 10.
282s the last time we saw lucent narghakuga
284s was in monster hunter try ultimate in
287s 2013. so it's been a while
290s it lives in a new locale that we're
293s adding in the update the forlorn arena
296s its distinguishing feature is that it
298s can use its bright white fur to refract
300s moonlight allowing it to become
302s invisible
304s speaking of becoming invisible camillios
307s has a similar characteristic
309s but
310s is much more agile
312s and the trails left by its red eyes in
314s the darkness and the fog are a true
317s sight to behold
324s in terms of visuals the designers took
327s great care to preserve the atmosphere of
329s the original locale
331s while adding new elements and
332s interpretations to the ambience and
334s background among other things
342s seething basil geese contrary to the
344s regular battle geese has explosive
346s scales that are constantly active making
349s it much more dangerous
354s it can even go into an extra powerful
356s state where it seeds with even more rage
359s at which point it will start showering
361s the area with critically volatile scales
377s they can go into a powerful incandescent
380s state where they start attacking even
382s more ferociously
384s we've given them some new moves for
386s sunbury so we think you'll find them
388s quite challenging
392s the armor you can forge from the
394s materials of the monsters added in
396s version 11 all come included with new
398s skills as well so you have even more
401s customization options
410s some of you may already be playing this
413s but i'd like to do a quick breakdown of
415s anomaly quests
416s which are a new addition to sun break
419s after you've completed the story in
421s monster hunter rise sun break and raise
423s your master rank to 10 you'll be able to
426s take on new quests called anomaly quests
430s anomaly quests are quests where you take
432s on monsters that have been afflicted by
434s the creatures malzaina once controlled
436s the curio
438s causing them to go into an ultra violent
440s rage
443s as your master rank increases you'll
446s gradually unlock more monsters to hunt
448s in anomaly quests
452s in the current version of the game
454s version 10
455s you can play anomaly quests up to a4
458s star rank
460s by completing a certain quest at master
462s rank 50 or higher
466s you can use the unique materials gained
469s from anomaly quests
471s to upgrade your weapons to rarity 10.
477s this is the way the system involving
479s afflicted monsters currently works in
481s version 10.
487s [Music]
490s starting from title update version 11.
492s the quest surrounding afflicted monsters
494s will greatly expand
497s we've added four new elements for
499s hunters who are looking for something to
501s sink their teeth into
507s first let's start with the regular
509s anomaly quests
511s with the addition of a5 star rank
514s anomaly quests you'll be able to take on
517s new afflicted monsters such as luna
519s guerin and magma almadron
523s a5 star monsters will be unlocked
525s through anomaly investigations of which
528s i will tell you more about in a moment
530s so we hope you give them a go
541s the beefiest new addition to this update
544s are anomaly
547s investigations anomaly investigations
550s have a set level
551s and as that level increases the monsters
554s become gradually stronger and the
556s rewards you can earn will change
559s the quest conditions like the target
561s monster locale and number of players are
564s all decided at random
567s [Music]
569s and you can earn special materials for
571s completing these investigations that
573s open up new upgrades for your weapons
576s and armor
582s [Music]
584s the materials you earn from anomaly
586s investigations
588s can be used for adding new upgrades to
590s your equipment
593s pick a stat you want to upgrade like
596s attack power or affinity
599s then pick a combination to upgrade your
601s gear
603s armor can be upgraded with random
606s improvements to stats like defense
608s resistance and skill points
611s i hope you will try out these
613s investigations
615s to create gear that matches your
616s personal play style
623s in the new anomaly research lab opened
625s by mahati the scientist
628s you'll be able to exchange the items you
630s gained from anomaly investigations for
632s items that are useful for curious
634s crafting
638s that's anomaly investigations in a
640s nutshell
643s the quest ranks and monsters that appear
646s for anomaly quests as well as the level
648s cap for anomaly investigations
650s will be expanded with every new title
652s update
659s here's some more information on other
661s updates
663s for more details please visit our
665s official website and social media
674s after update version 11
677s we will start releasing event quests
679s kicking off on august 18th
683s we plan to have new event quests every
685s week with a variety of conditions so we
688s hope you look forward to them
691s more information on event quests will be
693s made available on our official website
696s and social media
698s we are also introducing some extra
700s difficult event quests
702s known as dual threats which required you
705s to hunt two monsters like silver
708s rathalos and gold wrathion at the same
710s time
711s try these if you're looking for a solid
714s challenge
724s [Music]
728s after update version 11 we will also
731s start selling new dlc
733s [Music]
735s for instance we will be adding layered
737s armor
738s that makes your character look exactly
740s like certain npcs
742s you can equip the rain layered armor to
745s make your character look exactly like
747s her including all of her features
751s regardless of which body type you choose
753s for your character
755s we will also sell fear reigns voice as a
757s dlc on the same day so you can turn your
760s character entirely into her
762s no task is too great for me
764s we'll have other layered armor for your
766s hunter and your buddies as well
768s on top of gestures stickers
772s and piano versions of the bgm like what
774s you're hearing now
776s you can access the nintendo eshop via
778s the title screen or the courier at your
780s base
782s [Music]
789s if you're planning on purchasing monster
791s hunter rise sun break here's some more
793s info
795s if you already own monster hunter rise
797s and just want to buy sun break
799s all you have to do is buy the digital
801s version of monster hunter rise sunbreak
805s if you do not own monster hunter rise
807s yet
808s you can purchase the monster hunter rise
810s plus sun break set to get both games at
812s once
817s the various new elements added to
818s sunbreak can be accessed
821s by completing the seven star hub quest
824s serpent goddess of thunder
826s if you're completely new to ryze you can
828s claim the support armor black belt s set
831s for free which will help you get through
832s low and high rank quests
836s we've also added new upgrade trees for
838s the 14 defender weapons
841s so make sure to check those out too
848s to recap the free title update monster
852s hunter rise sun break version eleven
856s be released on august 10th
859s we also have title update 2 in store for
862s you
863s which is scheduled for the end of
865s september
867s we're currently working on even more
869s free updates too
872s thank you for tuning in to the monster
874s hunter rise sun break special program
879s see you next time
882s happy
882s hunting
884s [Music]
891s [Music]
902s you
about 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

21s [Music]
37s [Music]
44s [Music]
51s [Music]
63s hi everyone i'm ryozo tsujimoto producer
66s on the monster hunter series hello i'm
69s yoshitake suzuki director of monster
71s hunter rise sun break
73s it's been a month since the game's
74s release and we're happy to see so many
76s people enjoying the game thank you very
78s much
80s we've received a lot of feedback from
82s the fans and the entire dev team is very
84s thankful for that this has made us extra
87s motivated to work on the updates
89s [Music]
90s speaking of which today we are here to
93s tell you
94s about free title update 1 version 11.
100s first let's have a look at this trailer
102s enjoy
112s [Applause]
120s this is
137s be careful
140s [Music]
143s uh
162s [Music]
171s [Music]
176s the t sure does take the edge off
180s [Applause]
188s [Music]
198s [Music]
200s you're mine
211s [Applause]
226s free title update 1 version 11 for
229s monster hunter rise sun break
232s will release on august 10th
236s today we'll go into more detail about
239s this free update
243s so stay tuned
251s version 11 will add four new monsters
256s we've already revealed lucent marga kuga
259s and seething basildis
262s but today we also revealed silver
265s rathalops and gold rather
270s these monsters will become available
272s after you reach master rank 10.
282s the last time we saw lucent narghakuga
284s was in monster hunter try ultimate in
287s 2013. so it's been a while
290s it lives in a new locale that we're
293s adding in the update the forlorn arena
296s its distinguishing feature is that it
298s can use its bright white fur to refract
300s moonlight allowing it to become
302s invisible
304s speaking of becoming invisible camillios
307s has a similar characteristic
309s but
310s is much more agile
312s and the trails left by its red eyes in
314s the darkness and the fog are a true
317s sight to behold
324s in terms of visuals the designers took
327s great care to preserve the atmosphere of
329s the original locale
331s while adding new elements and
332s interpretations to the ambience and
334s background among other things
342s seething basil geese contrary to the
344s regular battle geese has explosive
346s scales that are constantly active making
349s it much more dangerous
354s it can even go into an extra powerful
356s state where it seeds with even more rage
359s at which point it will start showering
361s the area with critically volatile scales
377s they can go into a powerful incandescent
380s state where they start attacking even
382s more ferociously
384s we've given them some new moves for
386s sunbury so we think you'll find them
388s quite challenging
392s the armor you can forge from the
394s materials of the monsters added in
396s version 11 all come included with new
398s skills as well so you have even more
401s customization options
410s some of you may already be playing this
413s but i'd like to do a quick breakdown of
415s anomaly quests
416s which are a new addition to sun break
419s after you've completed the story in
421s monster hunter rise sun break and raise
423s your master rank to 10 you'll be able to
426s take on new quests called anomaly quests
430s anomaly quests are quests where you take
432s on monsters that have been afflicted by
434s the creatures malzaina once controlled
436s the curio
438s causing them to go into an ultra violent
440s rage
443s as your master rank increases you'll
446s gradually unlock more monsters to hunt
448s in anomaly quests
452s in the current version of the game
454s version 10
455s you can play anomaly quests up to a4
458s star rank
460s by completing a certain quest at master
462s rank 50 or higher
466s you can use the unique materials gained
469s from anomaly quests
471s to upgrade your weapons to rarity 10.
477s this is the way the system involving
479s afflicted monsters currently works in
481s version 10.
487s [Music]
490s starting from title update version 11.
492s the quest surrounding afflicted monsters
494s will greatly expand
497s we've added four new elements for
499s hunters who are looking for something to
501s sink their teeth into
507s first let's start with the regular
509s anomaly quests
511s with the addition of a5 star rank
514s anomaly quests you'll be able to take on
517s new afflicted monsters such as luna
519s guerin and magma almadron
523s a5 star monsters will be unlocked
525s through anomaly investigations of which
528s i will tell you more about in a moment
530s so we hope you give them a go
541s the beefiest new addition to this update
544s are anomaly
547s investigations anomaly investigations
550s have a set level
551s and as that level increases the monsters
554s become gradually stronger and the
556s rewards you can earn will change
559s the quest conditions like the target
561s monster locale and number of players are
564s all decided at random
567s [Music]
569s and you can earn special materials for
571s completing these investigations that
573s open up new upgrades for your weapons
576s and armor
582s [Music]
584s the materials you earn from anomaly
586s investigations
588s can be used for adding new upgrades to
590s your equipment
593s pick a stat you want to upgrade like
596s attack power or affinity
599s then pick a combination to upgrade your
601s gear
603s armor can be upgraded with random
606s improvements to stats like defense
608s resistance and skill points
611s i hope you will try out these
613s investigations
615s to create gear that matches your
616s personal play style
623s in the new anomaly research lab opened
625s by mahati the scientist
628s you'll be able to exchange the items you
630s gained from anomaly investigations for
632s items that are useful for curious
634s crafting
638s that's anomaly investigations in a
640s nutshell
643s the quest ranks and monsters that appear
646s for anomaly quests as well as the level
648s cap for anomaly investigations
650s will be expanded with every new title
652s update
659s here's some more information on other
661s updates
663s for more details please visit our
665s official website and social media
674s after update version 11
677s we will start releasing event quests
679s kicking off on august 18th
683s we plan to have new event quests every
685s week with a variety of conditions so we
688s hope you look forward to them
691s more information on event quests will be
693s made available on our official website
696s and social media
698s we are also introducing some extra
700s difficult event quests
702s known as dual threats which required you
705s to hunt two monsters like silver
708s rathalos and gold wrathion at the same
710s time
711s try these if you're looking for a solid
714s challenge
724s [Music]
728s after update version 11 we will also
731s start selling new dlc
733s [Music]
735s for instance we will be adding layered
737s armor
738s that makes your character look exactly
740s like certain npcs
742s you can equip the rain layered armor to
745s make your character look exactly like
747s her including all of her features
751s regardless of which body type you choose
753s for your character
755s we will also sell fear reigns voice as a
757s dlc on the same day so you can turn your
760s character entirely into her
762s no task is too great for me
764s we'll have other layered armor for your
766s hunter and your buddies as well
768s on top of gestures stickers
772s and piano versions of the bgm like what
774s you're hearing now
776s you can access the nintendo eshop via
778s the title screen or the courier at your
780s base
782s [Music]
789s if you're planning on purchasing monster
791s hunter rise sun break here's some more
793s info
795s if you already own monster hunter rise
797s and just want to buy sun break
799s all you have to do is buy the digital
801s version of monster hunter rise sunbreak
805s if you do not own monster hunter rise
807s yet
808s you can purchase the monster hunter rise
810s plus sun break set to get both games at
812s once
817s the various new elements added to
818s sunbreak can be accessed
821s by completing the seven star hub quest
824s serpent goddess of thunder
826s if you're completely new to ryze you can
828s claim the support armor black belt s set
831s for free which will help you get through
832s low and high rank quests
836s we've also added new upgrade trees for
838s the 14 defender weapons
841s so make sure to check those out too
848s to recap the free title update monster
852s hunter rise sun break version eleven
856s be released on august 10th
859s we also have title update 2 in store for
862s you
863s which is scheduled for the end of
865s september
867s we're currently working on even more
869s free updates too
872s thank you for tuning in to the monster
874s hunter rise sun break special program
879s see you next time
882s happy
882s hunting
884s [Music]
891s [Music]
902s you