over 1 year ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
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564s thank you
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729s foreign
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758s foreign
764s and welcome to today's stream my name's
767s jono eme Community manager on Monster
769s Hunter and it is awesome to see you
771s that's right Title Update 2 is live
773s right now and we're going to be jumping
775s in and playing I hope you've all had a
777s wonderful week so far and for those
779s wondering yes we are on Nintendo switch
782s today so if you want to jump in fire up
785s the switch and get stuck in
788s also let me know how the game volume is
790s as well I want to make sure you know you
792s can hear it and you can hear me nicely
794s so feel free I might I might put the
796s game volume up a little bit there for
798s everyone
801s there we go and hopefully you'll hear me
804s over over the action because we are
806s getting stuck into the three new
808s monsters added in today's update that is
811s Flamin espinos Violet mizutsune and of
815s course risen camellios now these are
817s awesome Challenger new fights that come
819s with new weapons in the case of
821s esplanation and new armor in the case of
825s all three which means new armor skills
826s as well
827s hello hello it's good to see you it is
829s good to see you all so what I'm gonna do
831s I'm gonna put up a Lobby and what we do
833s is we put up an online Lobby it's first
834s come first step
836s and we do two hunts and then we rotate
839s the lobby and get more of you in to play
840s with us the only requirement is you need
842s to be above mr10 because in order to do
844s the title update 2 quests you need to be
846s mr10 or above
849s um so let's play online
851s we'll make sure that we don't have any
853s language barrier there
855s actually I need a password on I think
861s that we'll be fine we'll be fine what
863s I'll do now
865s is we'll put the lobby sends up so get
867s ready everyone and I will write these
869s down and uh
872s we will
874s have that ready so that if you don't get
876s in the first group
878s we'll be able to get you in future
881s groups so this here is the lobby ID for
884s Nintendo switch you will need that to
887s join the lobby
888s and yeah we are focusing on Title Update
890s 2 monsters today so we are going to be
892s farming these new monsters hopefully
894s hopefully they won't be farming us and
896s we will see I'll go might get some
897s investigations in as well but I'm super
900s excited to check this out as well in
901s case you didn't know layered weapons are
904s now in the game you just need to go up
906s to moneto say hello and then right here
909s look all these weapons
912s you can do layered for
914s so whatever whatever it suits your fancy
916s you can get stuck in and all you need is
918s outfit vouchers a bit of zeny and some
921s master rank materials depending on what
923s you're making so that is super super
925s super cool
929s but right let's get stuck if we have W
931s here on the heavy bow gun we've got two
933s insect Glades here with jeric and
934s Ricardo so obviously first up we are
937s going up against flaming espanas and I'm
939s looking forward to some revenge against
940s flame and espinas I had a little go uh
943s on the Tokyo game show build
946s um I'll take insurance for this one
949s um
950s and yeah it was it was quite something
952s it was quite a hunt so I'm looking
954s forward to now being on my main build
956s and and taking that on like that just
958s gonna move my camera slightly oh there
960s we go get the green screen
962s and there we go that should be fine
965s hopefully I don't disappear
967s no this is um
970s this is this is switch only so there's
972s no cross plate so you won't be able to
974s jump in for the PC but we do stream on
976s PC sometimes as well
978s you need discount for Sunbury sunbreak
980s is currently on sale
983s um I think if you just want the
984s expansion I believe it's 25 off some
987s break right now
990s um so do get stuck in
993s no yeah that's the real one if it's if
995s it's this monster hunter that's probably
996s a chat snag that's probably me but yeah
999s we are getting stuck in I'm super
1000s excited about this there's new skills
1002s new decos like investigation cap has
1005s gone up to 120 as well and that means
1007s there's new monsters including rajang
1010s pyracadaki and gor magala in there to
1012s take on too so I've eaten so let's go
1014s talk to Chichen let's pop it in Urgent
1017s let's go meet flaming espinas and then
1020s we'll check out the gear as well as we
1021s fight each monster we will check out
1023s what gear
1024s they've got for us and see how it goes
1034s yeah there's some there's some high
1036s level Master ranks it's really cool to
1038s see
1039s really really cool to see and I'm using
1042s my scorned Magnum Arlo sunshield blast
1044s Defiance set at the moment
1046s um but once we've seen what these new
1047s armors have there's some really cool
1048s stuff for status and Elemental builds in
1051s there that really buff you up yeah base
1053s rise is also on sale on Steam
1056s um and you can get like a double pack so
1058s you can get rise and some break together
1060s a discount
1062s um yeah Violet with the city's water
1063s spare above I hope we get to see that
1065s today depends how much we we whale on it
1076s I don't have any detail stand on the
1078s Discord crossover events
1081s I need one of my us colleagues with me
1084s um
1090s let's try some weather you don't have to
1091s go live on a specific specific server as
1094s long as you kind of follow the
1096s instructions on that
1100s or anything like that like that there we
1102s go the passionate poisoner flaming
1104s estimates
1106s uh I don't know if any of the DLCs are
1108s on sale other than some break itself
1111s um okay here we go we've got watch out
1113s for those big booms
1117s goodies
1119s because Flamin espinas can impart
1122s defense down it's pretty scary pretty
1125s scary
1126s yeah I'll grab this because no one else
1128s has got the auto for that protection
1130s right time for some Revenge round two
1133s against blaming because if you'd seen
1135s any preview footage of flaming espanas
1137s from um like Western content creators
1140s the chances are it was me get my butt
1143s work
1145s dude
1147s [Music]
1152s flaming SMS is getting up lost oh get
1155s out of the way
1156s nice good start there that's a lot of
1158s damage on the start we love to see it
1161s and then
1162s get a nice Mets who in there
1165s no obviously I'm playing with a very
1167s experienced team we've all got our main
1169s steps on so uh flame in espanas
1172s we'll be having a slightly trickier time
1175s as usual
1176s experience very very experience
1187s still hits like a truck like I'm wearing
1190s any game armor that reminds me though
1191s you can now further upgrade expensive
1194s capabilities of your armor sets and I
1197s think uh it's by another 20 on each
1200s piece so you can go talk to the nail
1202s which I'll do after God
1207s we need to get some more defense which
1210s is great especially if you've been doing
1211s curio frosting
1213s to uh
1216s likes to lower your defense for a lot of
1218s the Bucks
1222s yeah poor flame in espanas
1225s when I fought it before he had 15
1227s minutes
1228s very spicy
1232s I will make sure I pick up the shinies
1233s just for the weapons I know you need
1236s any flaming SMS so I really need to uh
1238s make increase my chances as much as
1241s possible
1244s okay they've got the counter but we've
1246s got the hits
1247s I think I have the marrying a spider
1251s no I don't
1253s know someone's got it though that's the
1255s important thing
1257s yeah I've been super excited to try and
1258s update
1259s very envious oh no that's the Nova
1262s that's the one on over oh
1265s and that if that hits you you are
1267s gonna that is
1275s the wyvern ride so I'll let my team
1278s sharpen
1280s and then we will help you
1289s put a Bonks there and then we'll drop
1291s here
1293s good position then we use the shield
1295s bash to close distance and we'll get
1298s anything combo going oh
1301s I think that must be the head breaks
1303s perfect we want that if we want to have
1304s another mantle
1308s I think that's the back brake or a wing
1310s so we need to work on that tail now
1314s isn't getting chance to show off its
1317s Glory right now with the uh experienced
1319s Hunters it's just a great one but yeah
1321s when I was trying to slowly play manista
1323s now like oh my goodness
1326s it's scary like the the repeating
1329s Fireballs the defense down
1332s there's no verse
1338s yo check out uh what episodes are like
1341s on uh on these monsters wants to face
1344s them once
1346s oh
1348s hey bro I wonder if there's a
1361s ghost
1362s oh there we go there's the fireball
1364s there so I got the defense down so what
1366s I want to do
1368s Adam and seeds
1370s down oh nice part break there that
1373s stagger was lovely there's the
1375s marionette spider so we'll hold off to
1377s sleep for a second
1386s I can't slap that get blocking
1389s get ready for the counter attack
1392s we tanked that we tanked that
1397s watch out gang sleeps down sleeps down
1400s will we get the hit we got jeric
1404s sorry jarek I'm on my way
1410s back oh no we gotta sleeping we got it
1414s we're on switch today
1421s I was thinking about the Met super then
1423s I was like I can't time that to kind of
1424s be like a flu
1426s I did that bit early oh no but I've got
1428s defiant song so it doesn't matter I can
1431s still get the hit through
1433s I wonder if we'll get another nose as
1434s well babes go home coming in I've got
1436s that off some of my Curious craft bits
1439s I'm very lucky there
1442s oh no that's not a raw that's not a raw
1445s oh
1447s nice evasions there I was like is it a
1450s roar no that's a no but we're getting
1452s out of here we are getting out of here
1454s nice knocks down do some more work on
1457s the tail
1463s come here tail
1468s so Kieran the metsu is a counter move
1471s the sword and short can have as one of
1473s its so fine attacks
1475s um so you do a normal uppercut on the
1477s shield while playing everyone
1478s but if you counter a move so if it moves
1482s about it you and you parry it you the
1484s damage goes up you hit a lot more get
1486s more damage
1492s all right
1497s so we've got a couple of shards there
1503s oh it's flaming is over
1514s we did it we did really well that was a
1516s nice experience team nearly got the
1518s capture as well by the looks of things
1521s I wonder where we get there will we get
1523s the mantle that's what I want to know
1528s yeah seven minutes was good like trying
1530s to do this solo
1532s it's not as easy to do that seven
1534s minutes maybe I'll try it solo later
1537s see how it goes
1541s please spinach blight not a bad shout at
1542s all not a bad shell
1550s oh my goodness we did it we got the
1553s mantle first hunt oh yes so I really
1557s want the sword and shield first try from
1560s the broken part as well breaking those
1562s parts is so important
1564s so so important
1568s isn't it beautiful
1569s isn't it beautiful
1571s and then we got a few more bits there
1574s fantastic work everyone chiche will be
1577s pleased I know I know
1579s and the mantle and the mantle I'm so
1582s pleased that because the first time I
1583s fought flaming espinas on the Tokyo game
1585s show build I failed and I got a I got a
1589s mantle but now we succeeded and I got
1591s the mantle so super super happy about
1593s that so we're gonna go look at the gear
1595s now before we take on uh violet mitsuni
1599s foreign
1602s but first let's also take a look so
1604s let's check out the Hunter's nodes we'll
1605s check out the large monsters and
1612s have I gone past no claimination okay
1615s let's have a look
1617s so weeks of water uh I mean not overly
1621s weak to a lot I mean water is definitely
1623s your best bet nothing over 25 but
1626s well it's still good I need to decide
1628s what I'll say my hair is blending in
1630s like recent chameleons I need to decide
1632s on a water sort of Shield actually still
1633s I'm still deciding uh so Dr Dory would
1637s like a catch up so uh yeah that mountain
1639s was nice
1645s so we need to get a violet Mr Sunni for
1647s some more medicine okay for your safe
1649s return do that
1650s you can do that
1652s so before we do that though let's go
1654s check out the gear so we'll start with
1656s the armor
1658s so
1659s here is
1661s the um obviously I have my armor like a
1663s scent color like a bluish color so this
1666s is not the kind of default color but
1668s look at that that's cool you've got
1670s obviously the
1671s obviously with the orange now on the
1674s kind of like hard leathery areas which
1677s is really really swish so let's look at
1679s the skills so attack boost 2 razor sharp
1681s spare shot charge Master Marathon Mana
1684s attack boost 2 Intrepid heart okay so
1687s after filling the gauge by continuously
1689s Landing attacks and the gates damage
1691s reactions and reduces damage taken from
1693s a single attack
1695s that's pretty cool that reminds me of a
1698s certain mantle from iceborn I wonder if
1700s it does work like that that would be
1701s interesting
1703s um and level two when activated damage
1706s received a spur for reduced and will
1708s detonate an explosion
1710s that's cool and then we've got burst
1712s bursters obviously I think
1714s uh one of the crit skills got renamed
1717s because it didn't actually do Crypt so
1721s we renamed it to make it
1722s make it make more sense
1724s um so burst there which like rewards
1726s keeping up that attack
1729s um and hitting multiple times and then
1731s once again got the boots there so the
1733s boots are very interesting I think the
1735s boots of attack boost burst an Intrepid
1737s heart like how many slots have we got a
1739s four and a one
1742s boots they take a mantle as well so
1746s chain [ __ ] that's the one that was
1748s that's the one that got renamed to burst
1750s thank you everyone thank you
1752s okay so that's that's some interesting
1754s gear um but weapon wise this is what I'm
1758s very very excited about because these
1760s weapons have something unique that no
1763s other weapons have as far as I'm aware
1766s um unless you count the Espionage dual
1768s blades so flaming espanas
1771s sun shield as you can see it's a 310 raw
1775s 45 a little bit of purp a little bit of
1777s white so the sharpness you'll have to
1779s watch uh infinity 15 and a 4-1-1 on
1783s there now what's very interesting about
1785s this is there's more to it than meets
1787s the eyes and this is the same for any
1789s flavor
1791s I'll show you the layered weapon as well
1794s um
1795s if you read the description
1796s this sword and shield is imbued with
1798s unfathomable power and it has the chance
1800s to inflict poison and that is true this
1803s is a fire weapon that has an innate
1805s ability to also poison monsters so fire
1809s and poison and this is the same on all
1812s the other weapons that are flaming
1813s espionage so I think that's super super
1816s cool very very excited about that let's
1818s like I'll probably need a hunt
1820s flame and espinos a couple more times to
1822s be able to make this
1824s yeah cause I've got the other espinos
1826s bits uh okay so I need to forge that and
1828s then go down here and make that and then
1830s wash so I might use that as my fire
1832s weapon because I love status and I love
1835s Elemental and this gives me both even
1836s though I do have the Wrath the loss
1837s sword and shield at the moment so let's
1840s look at this in a layered way so you can
1842s actually get a good look at it so here
1844s it is
1845s look at that blade that's monstrous I
1848s love the sheen on it like yeah that
1851s that's a cool looking weapon that is
1853s probably gonna end up making that as
1855s layered once I get a few more parts
1858s bye now I don't know I've only just
1862s started exploring the hidden poison stat
1864s so I'm not sure how it synergizes with
1866s other skills but it would definitely be
1868s worth testing especially if you've got
1869s like status trigger I think that'd be a
1871s good way to check
1873s Flamin espinas is also available in
1875s support surveys that's really cool so
1877s not only that but the follow requests
1879s have expanded so you can take on these
1881s new monsters with some of your friendly
1882s uh friendly friends I guess from Elgato
1885s and Kimura
1887s so now a new urgent Quest a violet
1889s visits your name
1891s I've heard good things about this
1893s monster
1894s very good things about this monster
1896s so I'm excited to take you home
1899s oh it's gonna be in for fire defense
1905s and once you've fought these monsters I
1907s believe you'll get them in my other
1908s quests as well which is really really
1909s cool so we're gonna go fire Defender
1911s Medicare
1913s um
1916s because
1917s it doesn't have great fire resistance at
1920s all but that reminds me talking of armor
1923s my nail
1927s even though I'm going to be expanding my
1928s sets we want to we want to level up
1930s level up our defense oh 16 okay
1935s just upgraded my gear gang I do
1937s apologize it's costing a little bit of
1939s Zenni but that's okay we've been saving
1941s up
1943s so it takes my defense up to 126.
1952s there you go so a little bit of extra
1953s defense which all adds up especially
1955s yeah curio craft and likes to lower your
1957s defense to get a lot of stuff
1959s save this one out
1963s my week was good thank you as well
1967s yeah Violet Mr SUNY has been really
1970s popular which is awesome to see
1976s just having a sip of water so I'm nice
1978s and hydrated to go up against this
1980s flaming
1981s again spicy
1988s here we go nice intro for it as well
1991s better safe than sorry indeed
1994s it's hunger satisfied the Beast rests
1997s oblivious to the approaching oh T-Rex
2000s what are you updated
2007s I've got a lot of platinum eggs and gold
2009s eggs I think in my uh
2024s out the frying pan Into the Fire
2027s dance of Eldritch Flame violetsune
2037s timeout for T-Rex I suppose
2048s oh there we go got those cut those ones
2051s well I don't think I'll need the far
2053s Caster I hope not
2056s thank you for the bucks
2058s right everyone ready I one two three
2061s let's go
2065s oh is it really good shower
2075s and then I missed
2079s oh didn't miss there though nice nice
2081s bomb conversation
2087s there we go go for the head break see if
2091s we get another things
2097s is going to be having a great time
2100s if you have a favorite song
2102s uh
2115s gets hold up now
2125s through that
2127s Shield Bash
2133s all we want to do is try and keep this
2134s it's really busy here come the bubble so
2136s the Bubbles as you can see track two
2138s Hunters home in explosive bubbles like
2141s that is quite quite little little heart
2144s like here
2147s how's that
2149s is that better
2153s T-Rex was your boy correct
2155s was being the uh apt example there
2163s nice thank you for letting me know I
2164s hope you can still hear the game as well
2169s yeah I've seen some insect Lake users
2171s getting bopped out of the sky by those
2173s bubbles
2175s trying to get a Maps you off there but
2177s you know we avoided that okay what's
2178s this
2181s oh I don't think he's happy there then
2185s we got the knock down and the music
2186s change as well
2190s I'd like to use Elemental stuff it's
2192s alive bought the monsters once and air
2194s on the side of course
2202s another knock down absolutely brutal
2209s yeah Violet's got the pocket rockets
2211s sending out those booms
2213s and there's also a very very big one as
2215s well
2216s the Mets who off there didn't get too
2218s many hits but that's okay
2224s that is is that a spreading that was
2227s scary
2231s oh I'm glad we went above that
2236s we're gonna get
2238s oh my goodness I did not expect that
2251s luckily I've got Defiance on me right
2254s now it's the extra defense and uh Unity
2256s for the ball or something
2258s parried the bubble there they go there's
2262s tracking bubbles
2264s too much damage to the uh four legs
2268s oh they're coming for me I'm gonna hide
2270s by Mr sune use it as a barrier
2275s heartbreaks we love lots of parts in
2277s here give us more Monster Parts oh
2280s so this is shooting with attack while
2283s the bubbles to track in I love the sound
2284s they make
2289s yeah this update's live everyone on
2291s switch and PC you can get stuck into the
2293s title right now
2295s just a small update to do I think it's
2297s 0.6 gig on switch like one point
2300s but the PC version also got a new filter
2302s they got the horror filter so if you've
2305s been using the visual filters or not yet
2306s do check it out
2310s oh we're not going to get to see the
2311s Violet doesn't see any Spirit Bomb
2313s because that's a very very cool
2315s but we are absolutely wailing
2323s these new monster pads
2330s yeah right in time for Halloween getting
2332s spooky
2334s yep violent Miss tuna is nearly down
2337s so we've actually kept it very uh
2340s grounded
2342s lots of chain stunts chain flinches
2344s heartbreaks so the team the team has
2347s done well at doing that well played
2348s everyone
2350s well played we did give Violet Mr SUNY
2352s the chance to really batter us with the
2354s with its new fire attacks
2361s what did I get there white fool there
2366s but it means you Shard oh we've got some
2369s nice bits there there you go
2373s well played everyone and get ready we're
2375s going to be rotating the lobby
2377s so here is what you need
2380s this with the lobby ID and then we are
2382s going to be taking on risen Camellias
2384s okay so get ready risen camellios is our
2387s next Target
2390s a well played to Ricardo
2392s to W and to jarek
2401s I suppose that
2403s it's looking very nice all these power
2404s starts
2408s we are on switch today yeah yeah so if
2411s you want to join in fire up that switch
2412s and get stuck in
2415s hmm
2420s oh my goodness
2422s could you believe it
2426s what a great start
2428s what a great start
2431s now did you made it Ellie good you made
2433s it just in time to see another mantle oh
2437s yes we went back to back flaming espinas
2439s into violent tsunamthos
2442s another I know
2445s oh but we need is risen camellios now
2448s human resin Camellias has one
2451s um
2452s we'll have to see
2454s doing all right Dad doing all right
2461s don't forget to grab an anti-dobra okay
2463s good shout I definitely think that's a
2464s good idea this is on uh switch Nicole
2468s we are on switch today and we are
2470s rolling in mantles
2478s so I'll uh see you later W thank you for
2481s jumping in good to see you as always
2486s so we have Emerald we have Francis
2490s excuse me and we have kiyabi
2494s apologies for any coffee in there got a
2496s bit of a dry fruit today
2498s yes so we got the medicine for Dr tedori
2504s so let's go look at
2506s hard and loot
2509s so I'm interested to see what flaming
2511s mrsune brings to the table uh not
2514s flaming Violet visit soon next to
2515s Flaming espinas
2518s yeah
2519s so Violet mitsune what have you got for
2522s us
2524s oh that looks really cool I know it's
2526s just the Blue version of this one but I
2528s love that that looks really cool I might
2530s have to like look at all that purple
2532s okay so a bit High raw a bit less fire
2535s three two slots is interesting
2538s and then you could upgrade the Rampage
2540s slot to two I assume right anyway
2543s that's an interesting choice
2546s looks very cool
2548s very very cool all right let's check out
2550s the ammo
2553s um so this is the uh onmio toucan also
2556s the onmio set so we'll we'll slop that
2558s on I really like the color scheme on
2561s this I really like the helmet as well
2563s the Hat slash mask this is cool that
2566s looks nice right so skill wise
2568s Adrenaline Rush one of the head extender
2570s three like off the bat
2574s um embolden so embolden is a new skill
2577s embolden went targeted by a monster that
2579s monster becomes more likely to become
2580s enraged but your own defenses increase
2582s so very very good thing in a single
2584s player hunt as well because you're
2586s always going to be focused pretty much
2587s unless your buddies are so while active
2590s you get increased defense prolongs
2591s invincibility when dodging so your
2593s evasion window goes up even more and
2595s lowers impact when guarding
2598s oh my goodness I think Lancers are going
2600s to have a field day with this great for
2601s sword and shield as well great for a lot
2603s of classes but yeah particularly those
2605s that can block that is really really
2606s really good
2608s uh what else we got here agitator
2610s embolden embolden agitator so very
2613s aggressive set flintry three wheat wax
2615s two on those boots as well
2618s an offensive guard that is an
2620s interesting set I reckon we're going to
2622s see some of that floating around
2624s hey Seth good to see you good to see you
2627s Seth
2629s it's good to see you yeah I bet you're
2631s having a very quacking day my friend
2635s so yeah that's the South there now we're
2637s gonna go after risen Camilo's but um
2639s before I put the quest in let's take a
2642s look at what Violet visit SUNY was week
2645s two so next time we go after it
2650s there it is so Violet Miss Sunni
2654s ice
2656s very weak to ice got some weakness to
2658s thunder as well so ice and Thunder's the
2660s way to go great I have a great ice set
2662s so I can do a lot of damage there that
2665s is good to see
2669s Title Update 2 mr10
2672s master rank 10 so just complete the
2673s story and then you'll be able and then
2676s do a couple of hunts and then you'll be
2677s able to do flaming S Plus some Violet Mr
2679s SUNY in order to unlock the Quest for
2681s yourself you need to be mastering 110
2684s for Risen camellios but if someone else
2686s you're playing with has it you only need
2687s to be mr10 to do it as we'll see there
2689s with Emerald
2691s um which should show that in action so
2693s it's Che
2694s master rank
2700s there's recent chameleos I guess because
2702s we've unlocked extra quests now so we
2704s have edge of Madness Advanced toxic
2707s trios so we have some new standard
2709s quests as well
2710s um oh my goodness look at that one so
2712s you can do flame and ESPN s gold
2713s wrathian and Lucent laga cougar in the
2715s forlorn Arena which looks really really
2717s fun
2718s um Advanced resplendent silver I need to
2721s do do some of those that'll be a ton of
2723s fun but first
2725s fast we have a risen convenience to do
2727s with so this is a new type of Elder
2728s Dragon a risen how to track it
2734s yeah these new skills that are coming in
2736s open up so many new kind of like skill
2739s combos I'm so excited to see what people
2741s make I'm going to be experimenting as
2743s well like there's just a lot of cool
2745s stuff like at the minute the mouse set I
2747s really like is a very comfortable set
2749s it's very flexible
2751s but I really want to kind of specialize
2752s more into my Elemental and Status side
2754s of things
2756s um so yeah very very much looking
2758s forward to that so this could be a hard
2761s hunt so
2763s and we're not doing it in an arena are
2765s we
2767s let me let me double check the shrine
2769s ruins okay so I'm going to be getting
2771s Spirit Bird caller here
2774s where are we we're going to be going for
2776s Dango bird caller we're gonna go for the
2780s Defender
2782s I mean I've got lots of
2785s herbal medicine
2790s let's go medic
2796s there we go so we've got what we need
2798s there this is this is interesting I'm
2799s very excited to take on risen camellios
2802s right everyone ready okay so I've got
2804s lots of Gunners so I'm gonna be I'm
2806s gonna be the soul Hunter sticking my
2808s face into camellios
2810s um
2812s so this will be interesting hopefully he
2814s focuses me more than the others but the
2817s Gunner should be at about some great
2818s damage because camellios is a long
2820s monster like you know quite juicy it's
2823s wide as well so perfect for Gunners
2825s perfect for Pearson shots
2827s um
2829s reasons things bad I cannot wait I
2832s cannot wait to get slapped around by uh
2834s risen camellios stay back and for okinaw
2837s yeah now I'm ranged as well
2839s Okay so
2842s it is morbin time I won't take the
2845s antidote because I've got herbal
2846s medicine
2848s um
2849s I've got it on my quick bar as well
2851s so I should be right on Spirit beds I've
2853s got Spirit Bird caller uh slide into my
2856s gear so I will be getting that and I'll
2858s get double effect however I know there
2860s is a Vitality Spirit bed down here so
2863s what we've got we got magmadron is that
2866s or is that a normal drum we have one of
2867s the drums then we've got wrath loss at
2869s the top there
2871s and obviously a mysterious question mark
2874s um so we'll head up to that shortly I
2877s just didn't manage my stamina too well
2879s here there we go we're up we're up
2883s there's some spare beds around here
2888s running out of breath
2892s that's true that would be normal that
2894s would just be Mac uh all madron I said
2896s magma John again because we know that
2898s all madron loves that mud
2902s okay we'll get these then we'll go oh
2904s look at that there we go
2906s oh there you go full help already full
2908s health we're not like what a minute in
2911s fantastic
2915s okay except this
2918s grab this
2921s and we will get Kraken because we have a
2923s monster to hunt anti-dobras by the falls
2928s good point I've kind of gone away from
2930s that now haven't I
2932s oh well maybe we'll end up there or
2934s maybe uh kiubi we'll get it
2937s I think I'm there right there it is
2940s marionette spider
2944s there's a lot going on here I can see a
2946s Rathalos
2954s some big numbers there is that a ruby oh
2957s my God
2958s oh time to Greed
2965s all right resin camellios
2967s show me what you've got
2970s so we've got a nice early knock down
2972s there for the wyvern ride
2974s obviously I don't think Caminos is in
2976s its prison state yet
2980s oh stealing my pollen though how dare
2984s you where are you where are you
2986s so I hear it's much more aggressive and
2988s it's invisible State now I love the
2989s scarring on it as well
2993s okay so it will attack when it visibly
2995s so you have to be very mindful of that
2998s uh I need to hit up already as well
3012s is it me am I am I the one doing this
3016s or we got we got a big boom on the
3018s Gunners I'm gonna try I'm gonna mess
3019s this up some Upstream I know you hate
3021s the Gunners shot out I was gonna goop
3023s for the Mets who wake up but it's cool
3024s it's cool we got this yeah look at that
3027s there's the scars
3030s gonna oh I did not expect it to rain and
3033s it's the nasty poison as well
3036s nice paralysis there
3038s trying to find a window here
3043s oh my goodness bulk
3047s I want to work on that snoot
3050s I'm gonna play carefully whoa it
3053s wow you got there really quick okay I
3056s like that I like the fact that when it's
3058s invis it's gonna like
3060s you you sorry if I butcher the
3062s pronunciation of everyone's favorite
3064s meme there
3065s it's like nothing personal Hunter
3070s who's this
3072s it's overdrawn
3081s let's get this good capitalized there
3084s there we go and the blast on the head as
3086s well like with my my finishing movement
3096s lovely damage nice knock down change
3099s everyone
3102s oh that damage wow that did a lot to me
3106s as well oh I'm gonna need a live powder
3109s please no I just got it before the
3111s poison got me oh
3113s oh okay okay now reason Camellia is just
3117s like yo like
3119s no joke here oh my goodness let's sit
3122s behind here okay okay Rizza camelliosis
3125s uh
3127s taking any prisoners I respect that I
3129s respect that
3130s oh that was a very clutch heal
3134s what's one of your go-to weapons layered
3136s I really like the silver loss silver
3138s loss layered someone showed I will
3140s probably be making because I think that
3142s looks incredible I loved it and I spawn
3144s and I'm gonna love it in this so really
3147s pleased to have that back uh gor magala
3149s and Shigeru magala are definitely gonna
3151s be making those as well really really
3153s like those
3155s um
3156s whoa we've barely even got here
3159s you're being super spicy have I got
3161s anyone else near me
3163s where where's it gone
3165s oh my goodness
3172s oh not my defense
3175s where are you
3176s oh I really like how aggressive
3178s physically
3183s okay did it soon but we went over the
3185s tongue so that's good we'll take that we
3187s will take that
3192s visibility is being used to lethaler
3194s back here
3198s gonna want to probably pop my stamina
3200s off actually then we'll get the
3202s marionette spider in how is it I'm here
3205s is everyone here yeah
3208s okay so we're gonna try and get the
3209s Marinette spider now the tricks for me
3211s would be not to miss
3217s okay we got the kitten okay now we have
3220s the Risen form so I'm gonna try and drag
3223s look at the glow I love that look at the
3225s clothes
3226s try and get it to uh come to the
3229s kittenator
3231s before the marionette spider
3235s okay surely this is it Yamato dual 182
3238s Don't do a 180 evato oh my goodness
3240s watch out okay I don't think I think my
3242s two's in a position to do it
3246s thank you for the poison heal there
3247s right oh no you don't come back here
3252s I don't think so risen camellios
3255s welcome that's new
3258s okay so now listen to me lyrics is in
3260s its risen form so I'm I'm gonna have to
3263s be very careful I was already hit like a
3265s truck
3267s oh
3269s oh
3270s that's Savage oh my goodness that is
3274s Savage
3278s yeah that [ __ ] is scary Hold on was I
3281s just running into
3282s wow that's cool all right all right I'll
3286s say white wine
3288s I'm gonna definitely keep my
3294s oh oh oh oh that's I don't know where
3297s this is going
3300s even the poison is not enough
3303s definitely more like a teostran in Horn
3305s if I was on PC I'll be like yeah don't
3306s worry I've got a hunting horn for this
3308s try and get some damage off here
3312s where are you another kittenator perfect
3314s perfect
3316s that's it come over here for some
3318s camellios
3320s just a little bit closer
3323s come on
3326s oh okay okay it's out of that state now
3329s let's get some Revenge Hunters let's go
3339s to lifted his chin up get down here
3342s so so far it has dodged all the kitten
3345s eaters which I think is very rude very
3347s very rude my palate goes for all that
3349s effort in
3350s to get a tasty uh
3353s tasty kitten here out
3355s so right we've still got one more we
3357s still want one more
3359s this is the new one Hobbs this is risen
3361s camellios and it hits like an invisible
3363s truck it's very satisfying I love how
3366s aggressive it is and how it uses its
3369s invisibility
3373s right are we are we all down here are we
3375s okay let's get some
3377s it's got some powders out for the team
3383s um
3386s I don't think it's has it been enough
3387s time we might be able to get Rapha lost
3389s again if I'm honest
3391s I think we might get lost maybe they've
3393s come off cooldown I'm gonna try
3396s rather lost it's me
3398s yep off the cooldown perfect
3402s a lovely stuff
3405s okay
3407s okay
3410s just warm things up a bit
3414s let's create the tree cover I'm just
3416s going to believe in wrathalos's AIM in
3418s here you know Reckless knows what's up
3421s oh I missed
3423s you know what I'm just gonna go for the
3424s the mountain Punisher now I think oh
3426s there's that poor coated red Bob as well
3436s oh and then into a paralysis as well
3440s you know what I can't hit that table too
3442s easily so I maybe should focus more on
3444s the head
3446s but we'll give it a good go
3450s Nice Part break there team here comes
3452s the kidney third time's the charm Yamato
3454s you got it this time oh watch out
3456s everyone I'm gonna get a preemptive life
3458s powder out unlucky
3459s unlucky
3462s risen camellios definitely flexing Seng
3466s yo I'm a risen Elder Dragon like you
3469s ain't gonna come in and just push me
3470s around
3471s I respect that I respect that we got
3474s some parts that's nice we've got some
3477s monster parts
3480s recent Camellia she's spicy monster
3485s no mercy on that monster no it's very
3488s very hard it's a nice challenge I'm
3489s loving it
3492s fights very differently to the standard
3494s Camellias as well
3496s but it's all right you just dust
3499s yourselves down oh part of me got a
3501s hiccup there you just dust yourself down
3504s and jump back in so what we'll do we'll
3506s actually try out
3509s this hunt that looked really interesting
3512s um
3514s the toxic Trio because we've not had
3517s enough poison
3521s oh what's more difficult than risen
3523s Camellia is for you Ruben
3529s yeah all these new monsters aren't
3531s aren't easy so don't feel bad if you
3534s can't like it's a nice challenge right
3536s where master I could get an even spicier
3538s monsters with really cool armor and
3540s weapons
3541s [Music]
3544s that'll do
3546s and Yamato you did very well getting all
3548s those kidneys though I'm sorry risk and
3550s Camellias wouldn't let you use them
3552s you got the risk you got the camellia's
3554s rise gem nice one Black Ops
3560s and then we're awesome I've actually
3562s prepared I've actually got some
3563s talismans simmer in a way over here
3567s which is very very nice I'll borrow
3568s looking after it for me
3574s so it is we'll do this huh and then we
3577s will rotate the lobby so we'll have us
3578s coming in next get ready for round two
3580s against risen commute use
3582s we can't let risen communities get away
3584s like that
3592s so now we have heavy bowgun Lance and
3594s the light bow gun and obviously my sword
3596s and shield so a nice mix there
3600s hello Francis good to see you good to
3602s see you
3607s loved all the fashion
3609s love to see it
3616s can you be there getting cared out
3617s looking very Dapper as well oh another
3619s Lance love it love it we're Team Shield
3621s right now
3625s oh there we go the fashion is on
3628s here we go
3634s we're gonna so now we have a triple
3635s threat we've had plenty of poison with
3637s camellios and now we're having a little
3638s bit more with uh flaming Espionage gold
3641s wrathion and
3643s um Lucent nagakuga all these monsters I
3645s love it I love saying all these names
3647s and having all these monsters in
3651s there's three monsters I should be fine
3653s maybe I take the far Caster to get back
3657s thank you Seth thank you
3660s all right let's go let's go
3667s of course we have Sleeping Beauty here
3670s having a little nap
3674s you know I'm Gonna Save My bombs for
3676s like sleeping another monster I think
3679s I think that's the way to go for me ah I
3682s got that's another look
3689s oh it's straight in I was like maybe I
3692s could do the Met suit now can I get in
3694s time for the
3695s yep we got there straight into the stunt
3698s great work team
3699s and then I'm gonna take this lovely
3701s material
3703s now as flameless math is enraged its
3706s head isn't a weak spot yet
3709s but you know we'll do some work over
3710s that heartbreak oh we're gonna get a
3711s second war
3716s oh see why we've got all these shields
3719s with blaming espanas here
3722s let me come up there oh not like that
3725s though not like that I regret that
3733s was rude that was luckily that wasn't a
3736s triple Fireball but that wasn't scary I
3739s still have the fence down on me
3743s so you know I'm just gonna have to avoid
3744s again getting hit like that is kind of
3747s the thing I wanted to avoid
3754s oh thank you very much I thought I could
3756s get those help against the recent videos
3761s listen let's get some damage in here
3762s join the Lance users in The Fray
3766s oh that's a nice big hit okay nice now
3769s we can focus on the head here
3774s that's a wife right outside are you
3776s going
3777s all right team you've got time to
3778s sharpen if you want to
3783s stay over here
3789s and another bomb
3801s should we take out this toxic Trio
3804s where you going where are you going not
3806s too far not too far we've got those silk
3809s vines on here
3811s oh nice Marinette spider there getting
3813s us another trip here go welcome the tail
3818s nice work
3821s another teamwork on the front gold
3823s wrathians here now okay okay so that's
3826s how it is
3828s getting flashbacks to the Dual threat
3830s their revelry of Destruction
3832s is that the revenue destruction that was
3833s gold and silver wrath right I think
3835s that's the name of that question was
3836s that the pressure either way two at once
3839s blaming s Finance down though that's
3841s right back to one monster at once
3848s quick gang get your combat carves in
3850s extract wrathion
3853s nice work Hunting Buddies look at them
3855s all lined up
3856s doing awesome work and the Flash as well
3859s just what we needed
3860s just what we needed
3863s okay now we've got gold rack to deal
3865s with
3866s similar situation and until she's
3868s incandescent her head doesn't take much
3870s damage at all very very resistive
3878s that doesn't stop the counter combo with
3880s the head there nice work to UV lovely
3882s stuff
3883s we've got our other teammates around the
3885s other side of wrathion it's got dual
3887s pronged attack
3898s now I'm gonna use my bombs
3904s or help with that anyway
3908s scandalous
3910s we need more boots
3913s yeah I do on PC but on switch sword and
3915s shield and then switch axon Hammer I've
3917s got in the back pocket but we still need
3919s to build out my sort of Shield so that's
3920s before I start kind of doing that
3923s right who's got really big hit here can
3925s I maybe
3926s I can I need to think about this
3931s oh no the shot's got info for me I think
3934s no Med suit but you know looks cool you
3937s know cool Hunters don't look at
3938s explosions and all that
3949s nice nice
3952s paralysis great use of status there team
3955s I imagine that's coming from Francis and
3957s our buddies combined
3958s responded all answers has a cheeky
3960s paralysis line
3966s oh someone got slapped there
3975s got the wife right again feel free to
3977s get a sharpen team get a little sharper
3979s if you need it or reload if you're the
3981s bow gun
3984s s
3988s oh no oh no oh we still got it as that
3991s oh no this is awful
3994s went over
3997s Emerald there it looks like it's been
3999s focusing the tail so thank you Emerald
4001s never have too many gold wrath tails
4004s I'm swinging get down here
4014s what if Lucid nakakuga was here the
4016s whole time we just can't see it's
4017s invisible it's just like yeah I'm just
4019s chill here I'm quite right thank you
4026s uh Defiance thank you very much there's
4029s Lucifer
4032s foreign
4066s oh how that table didn't hit me oh okay
4069s I think that's the head break lovely
4072s and there's the
4074s on down which leaves us loose
4080s quick everyone
4082s nice flash Emerald
4084s come get your come get your calves
4088s and then I need to sharpen as well nice
4090s up a mantle very good thank you Ralph
4094s just the third one of the stream let's
4096s go
4097s let it let us go
4103s loving these mentors
4106s right let's go deal with Lucent
4113s okay we're gonna get a kittenator is
4115s that what it's gonna be
4117s oh the blast going in at the same time
4120s as that combo ending attack was a lot of
4123s Juicy damage
4132s the support
4134s there we go sort of small blast
4138s oh uh that tail did a lot of damage
4142s unsurprisingly I mean it is
4147s oh nice big spike damage for the week up
4149s there that was nicely tight
4151s I'm just like shopping where are you
4154s these invisible menaces another blast
4157s proc thank you very much
4160s what's going on
4163s wow that is a lot of hits let's get live
4165s powder out for everyone nice
4168s great minds think alike there
4176s nice wiping ride I'll let someone else
4178s get going
4183s loosen off you go
4191s telling you have a little howl there
4196s oh there's the stuff as well it's nice
4198s chaining these together is beautiful so
4201s it's not quite a big Lucifer Hugo right
4203s like I'm not imagining that
4205s the size of its head compared to being
4208s this is a chunky one
4217s oh nice nice pop right still working on
4220s the head we'll get there we'll get there
4226s indeed
4232s that straight into another stock it's so
4235s very nice
4236s and Lucifer could be getting nearly down
4240s nearly there great job everyone
4242s well played
4250s nicely done and get ready everyone as
4252s well I'm gonna put the lobby ID in chat
4253s if you want to take on risen camellios
4257s get ready to sign up and great work to
4259s Emerald Francis and uh kiyobi there's
4262s some lovely hunts risen camellios it's
4264s scary
4265s I held on by the skin of my teeth
4267s literally and I look forward to a
4270s Vengeance our first time but great work
4272s on this one really well done three toxic
4275s monsters taken down and we all got our
4278s calves as well
4279s even midnight
4283s I wonder if I could check what written
4285s Camellias is weak to now even though we
4287s didn't beat it we'll have a look see if
4289s I can element up yeah they were really
4292s fun hunts lovely fashion cutie as well
4296s France is that yes we got the curio
4298s Crown Emerald looking very proud nice
4300s and armored up
4302s [Music]
4306s well done well done indeed
4311s see what goodies we got
4314s out of Ruby as well we'll take a ruby
4317s thank you got mantelan and Ruby off
4318s crafty and very very generous
4321s and then we've got some gold rathian
4323s bits there
4324s nice very happy with that
4331s Master ranks climbing nicely as well
4333s love to see it love to see it you got
4336s two flaming espinos menthols and a wrath
4339s mantle oh my goodness congratulations
4341s kuv that is truly delicious on the loot
4346s front
4346s I hope you're really pleased with that
4349s the argosis pickup boxes
4353s check out the mail summaries okay
4354s they're still doing some bits
4359s okay
4361s um
4364s okay
4368s Barrel bombs back
4371s yes thank you for the Hunts everyone
4372s really appreciate it
4374s really really appreciate it
4377s oh see you Emerald
4386s kiwi there saying bye by uh The Courier
4388s so we have three slots to take on risen
4391s camellios so come and join the
4394s shenanigans so we have Cheshire on the
4395s bow we have foxy as well
4398s coming in
4400s and who is our third
4403s or what will be the fourth Hunter
4409s I'm gonna
4411s check out risen Camellias if I can
4416s there we go okay
4418s no don't know yet because we haven't
4419s beaten it
4421s oh I'll stick with blast them
4423s stick with blast
4426s and philadriel there nice we have our
4429s team we are ready to rock
4431s oh very nice very cool fish
4434s charge blade there too right okay so
4437s basically I need to be very wary of
4439s poison
4440s a very very aware of poison keep your
4442s fingers crossed by hunting on yeah I
4444s don't have mine on me sadly
4446s so definitely definitely Dango bird
4448s caller Moxie won't help because it's
4450s mostly poison Dango Defender could work
4453s by really like medic so
4455s we'll take this we will take this I
4457s imagine like I think if I had
4458s coalescence coalescence would be a great
4460s armor skill for this hunt
4463s um
4463s [Music]
4465s purely for the fact that storage poison
4468s yes welcome welcome everyone wow that's
4471s such a cool oh that's such a cool hero
4474s emblem I need to see how you'd get that
4476s one
4477s that's one of the new ones right let's
4479s uh
4483s I need to check if I've got uh
4490s nope I've only got got my these two I
4493s need to work on my other ones
4496s definitely need to work on my other ones
4499s Lucent nakakuga was a large Gold Crown
4501s that's awesome if so that would be super
4503s awesome
4507s there are other weapons apparently rumor
4509s has it there are other weapons in
4511s hunting horn we are still confirming
4513s that the duties are unsure there could
4515s be anything greater than the Hunter
4520s I don't think I can yeah because we
4523s didn't beat risen
4524s oh no oh no some reason I just haven't
4527s checked out uh Furious rajak
4531s oh it's the Risen Slayer badge oh that
4534s looks really cool
4539s I'm really glad it got badge it looks
4541s Wicked
4543s yeah make sure you've got your anti-anti
4546s poison stuff here so we've got a nice
4547s mix of Gunners and blade Masters as well
4550s oh doesn't that look cool
4553s very nice pose
4556s take a beauty
4559s I love it
4562s oh it's reassuring to have a resin
4564s Slayer with us Cheshire can show us the
4566s way
4568s oh there's that the armor as well the
4569s chess piece
4576s flat drizzle full up on Dango we already
4578s round two risen camellios we're gonna
4580s get you this time
4582s we're going to get you this and we know
4584s we know a lot of your tracks
4586s we know what you're planning
4588s oh no we'll get you this time
4591s but yeah what a fun hunt though I really
4593s really like it really really like it
4604s okay
4607s there you are we can see okay so we have
4609s a rajang and a raffles
4614s that's good
4617s I wonder if I get the antidote but
4619s when's the best time to use it when it's
4623s when it's in its risen kind of form
4634s so my eyes is getting a little bit
4635s watery so if I'm blinking a lot there uh
4642s right okay let's get some Spirit Birds
4645s Down us let's get an initial buff there
4647s we go
4650s foreign
4652s yeah I hear quick breath is a great
4654s shout as well get that wrath yeah I
4656s think so
4660s and rashang as well be super useful just
4663s like getting those laser beams
4670s there we go health is nearly full which
4672s is great
4676s I'm gonna follow foxy and Cheshire over
4678s here as well
4681s foreign
4697s going on here
4700s nearly got my attack my attack is now
4703s full like yeah even for that
4705s um darpan skewers and a ticket for the
4708s Dango bird caller and having the Spirit
4710s Bird caller
4711s um decoration which is only one slot
4713s like
4714s oh that's so good
4717s quick breath gets rid of Defense down as
4719s well that's awesome and wrathlos is
4720s coming over
4722s do we won
4724s wrathalos and reshang
4726s back to back I mean we could I see it's
4729s terrible
4736s much much have some snacks it is SNS
4739s time ocean good to see you mate good to
4741s see you and we are taking on risen
4743s camellios too
4744s uh okay rushing's gone on a run so we'll
4747s just let these two kind of like duke it
4748s out
4754s point of it all here for the bus to go
4756s out oh nice one
4761s all right let's let's kick things off of
4763s the Wi-Fi let's turn up the heat we are
4764s getting revenge on us and camellios this
4766s time
4779s very nice very nice
4789s so excitable I just love it so much I
4791s keep adding extra letters into SS
4794s right come here you
4802s 've got some catching up to do Rizzo
4803s camellios
4806s oh okay this has been around we've got a
4807s tail there
4810s obviously it's not in its risen form yet
4811s but it's still very very dangerous where
4814s are you where are you
4816s it moves quick when it's visible
4823s to have a herbal medicine there very
4826s very important
4830s it's getting close Shield bash I love
4833s you for that thank you very much very
4835s very simple but very very effective
4839s all right
4841s [ __ ]
4844s nice flasher forgot that one in
4847s I'm uh facing the wrong way
4862s oh I was gonna be squished there
4868s are you two are we gonna get a third
4869s attack no two is enough there
4877s is the app following the arrows to see
4879s where everything is
4881s switch X is very cool
4887s keep my shield up for that one
4889s a bit cautious
4891s then take the big boys and hits don't go
4893s through my uh resources too quickly
4896s okay that's not bad okay it's just
4899s jumped over there like oh yeah I can
4900s sharpen Now where's version has got even
4903s further away
4907s you know I'm gonna oh behind me again
4912s with the teleporting behind
4918s and store some of my yellow color very
4921s cheap
4925s oh the back step boys
4932s there it is again that is a dangerous
4934s move oh
4938s let's get rid of that poison I don't
4939s know where I'm like one tick away from
4941s Carter
4947s blast is working rather nicely
4952s for everyone's here let's get the
4955s let's get some Buffs on us
4958s nice timing on the paralysis for you
4960s holding on to that you wear weren't you
4962s you're like we'll save this when things
4964s get real spicy
4967s point to the knockdown as well we'll
4968s come out
4974s the head
4975s a little yellow tongue waggling around
4984s live and ride very very nice oh my
4987s goodness the fireworks going off as well
4990s Bonk right where are we going where we
4992s go
4995s where are you taking us risen camellios
4998s ah nice right should I try and get yeah
5000s this is not bad angle for some tail
5002s damage
5004s we'll go take that
5006s I'll join join the Gunner and bow here
5009s [ __ ] knocked out the Risen State nice
5011s and quick all right thank you bomb Berry
5014s I want to start my conver a bit you know
5016s you're gonna be that way bomb Berry I'll
5017s put you in my pocket
5021s oh
5026s goodness the combo
5030s no sticky shots I think when they're
5032s doing some big workouts
5036s pushing us towards a nice power break as
5038s well hello private how's it going oh
5041s that looks like another yep
5043s what a spectacle what a spectacle
5059s tongue lashes or heartbreak very nice
5067s so that's the Heartbreak on the head
5071s so I think it's focusing the gun is so
5073s not in a terrible position here
5076s he says gonna get get the purple vom
5080s nice sleep
5081s oh and away away it comes
5085s sorry go back to sleep Camellia you
5087s didn't miss anything it's all good
5089s have a little nap
5092s oh didn't quite get that position right
5094s but hey I landed in healing so I'm going
5096s to say that was calculated
5099s that one wasn't calculated so
5106s the range on that that was brutal that's
5108s like you know it's poison breath how far
5109s can it go turns out quite far
5112s turns out
5121s somehow I didn't get hit but then I
5124s walked into the poison
5126s bug no no Bonk
5133s let's see if I can Outlast this guy I
5134s need to get to the head to here with my
5135s blood right
5139s oh hey rajang how's it going
5142s looks pretty messy so I'm gonna turn
5145s this opportunity to shop it
5147s nice one master chief congratulations on
5150s taking down flame and SMS
5152s should be very pleased very very pleased
5156s going over there
5160s and of course uh Afflicted rajang is in
5163s the game now so if you like your round
5164s Shanks extra spicy
5166s rajang will be waiting for you in
5168s anomaly investigations like
5173s minions I'm doing a lot of work there
5176s there
5181s bulk
5183s oh
5188s my
5190s God
5192s it's a great work everyone
5197s I'm kind of just like swinging around
5198s there
5200s oh my attack how could you do this
5206s I'm down here well played everyone well
5208s played
5215s risk Emilio's hits really hard so
5217s luckily we you know we're able to keep
5219s the pressure on chain some knockdowns
5221s change some part breaks well played oh
5227s these bits
5231s there's extra graduation
5235s give some more velvet to my palette go
5237s well done Yamato
5239s we got revenge we got revenge for round
5241s one
5243s says now one one Hunters to one and
5245s camellios here
5250s okay
5251s we've set it free from its affliction
5255s good thank you he has great teamwork
5257s there
5264s yamatobian suitably spooky
5267s but now we get to check out the new
5269s armor from prison community is very very
5271s excited to see
5280s hey there we go we've got a gem so we've
5282s got camellia's fine hide our wing lash
5285s fine hide oh wait hard foul Wang pudding
5288s got some jewels
5291s rise gem thank you very much we will
5294s take one of those
5297s Alpha voucher got an egg hard horn
5305s we've got some rajang pieces as well
5310s yeah guys welcome is incredibly
5312s incredibly dangerous so we've got the
5314s Summoner slain shield and the Risen
5316s Slayer Badge of Heroes nice I'm putting
5318s that straight on
5324s the most Center rise resin rise Jeb no
5327s spotted
5332s it all comes together
5336s oh the meow somebody's back I'm going to
5337s get my mouse respects I'm cancer
5341s some materials I need of them thank you
5342s for the lagne Apple
5346s so I can make my jelly gear
5349s that's what we want the flounce jelly so
5351s we get paralysis weapons
5353s thank you very much now we're gonna
5354s we'll send them out again we'll send
5356s them a curio hunt uh
5362s okay
5364s so well played on that one everyone that
5366s was fantastic
5372s so let's look at the armor then
5377s so this is the Risen mizua headdress
5382s so let's get layered I really like the
5384s headdress piece actually if I'm honest
5386s as well I think that's pretty cool
5388s very Meiji this kind of armor isn't it
5391s look I've got some earrings as well
5393s that's cool right now the skills so what
5396s do you need here so the rise gems are
5398s what you need so you need five rise gems
5400s to make the full set plus uh camellia's
5403s bits and other monster including stuff
5405s like an Espionage Contour I mean lots of
5407s slots here which we love to see
5410s so Peak Performance of Aid window build
5412s up boost now build up boost is a very
5415s interesting skill
5417s increases attack power when you land
5419s attacks that build poison paralysis
5421s sleep Blaster exhaust no exhaust only
5423s counts for ranged attacks
5426s so while active increases the tap Power
5428s by 10 15 or 20 which are these are Big
5431s Buffs right so if you're someone that
5434s likes me who loves running poison and
5437s things like that so increase that when
5438s you plan to actually build poison like
5439s you run that you run like status trigger
5442s like
5444s you're gonna be going crazy I think
5447s switch access could be very very good
5449s for like I really like exhaust switch
5450s axes I know it doesn't obviously exhaust
5452s doesn't work sorry as I said exhaust is
5454s ranged only but if you like status
5456s switch axes you know you get into like
5458s the amped mode and off you go
5461s um
5463s but yeah so chilled dual blades you know
5469s that's such a good skill and then
5471s camellia's blessing so obviously it
5474s sometimes increases the effect of spirit
5475s beds also negates minor and major wind
5477s pressure also extends the duration of
5479s your poison effect on monsters and then
5482s negates all open pressure
5484s so yeah there's a lot of good things
5485s works great on the antique machine area
5487s for sleep but yeah you got a lot of a
5490s lot of good stuff here a lot of good
5492s stuff
5493s I will quickly check if we got anything
5495s with the uh
5497s the Buddies
5505s oh actually I'm not sure that there's
5506s some tea cracks there but there's a few
5508s bits
5509s yeah that was a great hunt and what I'm
5511s gonna do now
5512s great pride
5515s I'm gonna put on a new Badge of Heroes
5520s oh there's lots
5522s there we go we are now risen Slayer I
5525s call these
5527s that's a cool one so we all look
5529s Majestic so we've got another hunt
5531s before we rotate the lobby
5532s uh oh yeah let's look at the decos good
5535s Shout
5540s a craft decorations
5543s so Haze Jewel so you can actually slide
5545s us up one slot for the haze jaw and the
5549s for camellia's blessing the Phoenix
5550s you're also coalescence too that's nice
5553s I know coalescence is really getting
5555s very popular
5557s um that's a great set of skulls
5560s change oil for best
5563s which once again I'm very interested in
5565s I think that's going to be really nice
5566s the mighty Juve maximum mic for Angel
5568s for a once again is a very popular skill
5571s especially if you like poison I think
5574s um that is definitely going to be a
5575s skill you want
5577s um so like foray status trigger poison
5580s yeah you're just gonna go wild and then
5582s a few others here yeah great selections
5584s there good shout on that Taylor very
5587s good Channel
5589s um
5590s let me show the Rampage decorations
5598s I think anything jumping out there I
5600s think we're still all good right
5602s yeah chain crit is now called burst for
5604s those wondering let's see what have you
5606s got on them for us to say
5616s we could do
5618s we could do an investigation Let's do an
5621s anomaly investigation
5623s have I got any any funky ones
5630s I've got a 77. let's go take on a T-Rex
5637s yeah yeah I think the deco's are going
5640s to be really big for these these new
5641s girls definitely worth checking out
5645s one faint oh my goodness that is
5648s that is a spicy one one faints are
5651s always scary
5657s trying to find the most truly cursed
5659s hunts you can right
5662s so we've got a little T-Rex here oh what
5663s I can do now while people get ready as
5665s well
5666s risen chameleons
5668s tell me your weakness
5670s fire
5672s just like other communities great I've
5674s got some very nice fire weapons
5677s um
5678s talking a fire
5682s can I make
5692s so I need some more cortexes Ah that's
5695s not bad because what's that that is 3 10
5698s 40 right and then
5701s go up here that's 3 30 47 and then three
5707s okay so I mean The Deco slots alone are
5709s really strong aren't they
5712s all decisions decisions but then maybe I
5715s should upgrade that into this one
5718s get the extra Decker I really should
5720s make the Platinum Dawn I think
5723s I think Platinum Dawn is where it's at
5728s but then
5730s flaming espinas though decisions what
5733s would you do would you go for the silver
5734s loss or would you go for flame in
5737s espanas so show because that extra
5739s poison
5740s and then the slots as well like oh it's
5744s very tempting
5746s nine faints in one hunt
5752s so many options so many options I need
5754s to go through my armor sets as well like
5756s really really mix things up see what I
5758s want to do I've also got like the
5759s lunatic Rose
5762s um ready for poison uh the wrath of gold
5765s rathian sword
5769s right okay so we've got oh nice
5774s Seacrest has kind of cornered there so
5775s we've got tea Austra
5778s bath as well
5787s these trap bugs thank you very much
5792s I would make both of I think flaming
5794s would be a nice pick yeah I think so
5798s I don't think that's a bad shout at all
5806s I'm having a snack
5811s foreign
5814s [Music]
5816s I kind of went off my usual Spirit bed
5818s route here so I missed a bit where you
5820s jumped down the cabin
5821s and let's see if I can
5826s maybe we can still get some bits here no
5828s we're gonna miss
5830s the Vitality one we got some more trap
5833s Bugs Got trap bug gang now
5836s maybe scatter them everywhere no more
5838s asses better than Silvers I believe yeah
5840s I've got the normal wrath at the moment
5842s the more wrathian no sorry nothing about
5844s the Lost sword and shield
5846s um because that one did appeal to me
5848s more so yeah maybe I'll make flaming
5849s espinas as well as and then I can kind
5852s of see which one I prefer
5860s hello is that a little poison to it
5862s there is a lot of poison in today's
5863s stream isn't there
5873s I think we're looking good so we'll go
5875s take on this Afflicted T-Rex now I think
5878s we're ready
5886s excuse me just clearing my throat right
5888s okay
5890s fence though
5895s all right here we go did really we have
5897s taken down the new monsters we'll be
5899s going back and doing them again
5901s um
5902s so we just done done risen camellios
5905s um
5907s yeah when we get the next Lobby and
5909s we'll take them on again because they're
5910s really fun and I want to want to give
5912s them lots of love and landline today
5918s these two going off at one another
5924s one of the sneakers and boys at home
5926s that hit though that wasn't even a big
5928s T-Rex here
5931s don't mind me at all
5937s juking it out thank you brew here
5943s wow I think that hit behind me said that
5945s suit didn't work
5952s obviously in the patch notes as well
5955s you might have seen it's now easier to
5957s get Afflicted monster parts from Power
5959s brakes and carbon as well so if you like
5964s farming your predicted Parts good news
5966s good news
5972s come here
5974s not like that though please not with
5975s that tail
5977s spin coming here
5989s I don't think I've done an Afflicted
5990s T-Rex before and it shows it shows
5994s very Rusty that's right it will be we'll
5997s be okay
5998s still alive
6000s Brew hair is good some heavy lifting for
6002s me
6003s thank you for the heal thank you
6007s where am I am
6014s trying to get some damage on here
6019s pop those curio points
6026s nice whack enough to pop break there's
6029s the knock down I'll work on the tail
6040s nice trap
6044s so all right Chuck which of the three
6048s new monsters are you most excited about
6050s or is your favorite you know are we
6053s talking flaming s Finance are we talking
6054s about
6056s I think violent Mr SUNY has been a real
6059s personal surprise for a lot of people
6060s just how different the fight is
6066s blaming espionasses there
6069s oh the Stagger
6073s people liking their Frontier fix huh
6078s great work with the traps we started
6080s changing this together
6087s yes please
6094s it's the paralysis the way the must be
6097s the the bow and the light bow gun chain
6098s in their space together
6114s real tasty
6116s great work
6118s here comes a kittenator yes I did have
6121s my shield face in the right way that's
6122s what you get
6123s it's being all noisy and shouty
6132s sharp this is going down I'm gonna watch
6134s that
6138s risen Community is popular there was
6140s okay the team we've got the front down
6152s off it goes time for a cheeky sharpen
6155s hello hello everyone welcome to the
6157s stream and of course Title Update two
6159s Title Update 2 is here which is awesome
6163s been very very excited for it
6169s make sure I do actually have my mega
6171s potion there okay so it's just um
6182s nice midnight so you're uh you're
6184s getting ready to take on risen chameleos
6186s huh
6188s is there's a lot of poison there is a
6191s lot of poison so make sure you're well
6192s covered there
6194s make sure you're well covered there
6197s with some Emperor Cactus was very nice
6208s can't wait to see Georgetown Get Around
6210s by the hunting yeah they're definitely
6212s up for a spicy challenge looking forward
6213s to that as well
6218s that tail is ripe to be popped look at
6221s it the curio point is calling out to me
6223s it's like come on come over here
6227s out of the sky well played gunners
6231s place
6233s very stylish
6239s that tail was just a little bit too high
6245s surprise
6251s you're gonna get raw and then another
6253s Flash
6260s was expecting to jump forward or he may
6262s be even raw okay let's get this
6266s okay all right that's how it's gonna be
6276s not straight out of the sky yeah
6281s I wasn't in position to get my netsu off
6283s there sadly
6287s oh
6288s Savage
6295s it's getting quite get the Mets who are
6296s finished okay I think Defender prompt
6298s there maybe I just sunk a load of damage
6301s I was like yeah this is fine
6303s this is fine
6310s oh
6313s mid animation got punished
6316s so cheeky
6317s you've been building a dereliction build
6319s Greatsword nicely after the attack
6321s Choice that's nearly there
6323s this is a great time as well so it was
6325s it level 77
6329s get me that that tail
6334s I must hit those query points yes that's
6336s more like it that's the good stuff wow
6339s was that a firework finish Kudos kudos
6342s to the palico whoever dropped that one a
6345s firework finish
6347s well played
6353s Shard bear
6359s got some shards I don't fight T-rex too
6362s often so I'll take any materials I can
6363s get okay let's get this
6365s curio bones
6369s very nice it all adds up if you see
6372s those little curios floating around
6373s [Music]
6375s harvestable items do it it all adds up
6379s oh what a delicious fruit tree oh hello
6383s oh
6387s it's meant to win I remember that event
6390s Quest reward that's enough
6397s there's a lot to sneak around I didn't
6398s get to taste some of that delicious
6399s fruit next time next time
6403s ah
6405s okay everyone so
6411s here's the lobby ID what's this a large
6413s wiping gem very much and we've got some
6416s coins anomaly Jewels Essences three
6419s click die bones Prime ever essence
6423s very nice
6424s there's the end screen there it's
6426s definitely a firework doing that so
6428s powerful look
6429s took over the uh the kill screen
6437s part of me I level 78 Diablos and
6440s there's rajang
6443s We Got The Afflicted rajang oh scary
6448s scary
6451s so yeah we are rotating the lobby now
6454s thank you for jumping in lady paladriel
6457s that was a ton of fun we all played
6458s super super well
6461s um so yeah we will be rotating now so
6463s the Fallen Angel is here with the great
6465s sword
6467s Bears thank you for jumping in it's
6469s great having you in and doing some hunts
6472s Fallen Angel ready to go fast obviously
6474s rocking the new layered weapons as well
6476s that looks awesome that's the great
6478s sword so it hovers behind you until you
6480s need it then it will materialize I'm
6482s looking forward to seeing that in the
6483s hunt
6484s Widowmaker there on the along sword
6487s there you go nice to see you
6493s very very cool
6498s let's forget these investigations then
6502s hello
6505s hello
6507s so that's
6509s a basil geese got basil there with a
6512s flitted basil that we have
6515s to see the basil and we've got a rajang
6517s so we've got Diablos there one Fame
6523s uh piratina kadaki
6526s Okay so
6532s that's the keeper worth locking okay
6534s I'll lock that I'll take your advice I
6536s need to see the button which which
6537s button is it to lock the quest
6539s uh no no delete there we go we like that
6544s one that one looks quite fun Afflicted
6547s Apex is euros and then great izuchi
6550s which you don't want to underestimate
6552s these investigations like don't don't
6554s sleep on it
6558s fight Creek jackras please
6563s I will check your we check your
6564s investigation level Angel let's have a
6566s look
6571s uh level 32 okay we'll do some we'll do
6574s some tile update dude Hans don't you
6575s worry mate do not worry because we've
6578s got these to do
6580s um so maybe you we so now you get the
6583s new monsters in as part of an omni
6585s investigations as well which is cool
6587s right so I think
6589s I think we give flame in espanas and
6591s violet Mr SUNY some more Bops so I don't
6595s think there's
6597s we'll do that we'll take on these again
6601s all right flame and S Finance round two
6603s and I think you're weak to ice right I'm
6606s gonna double check so I don't look silly
6608s and do like no damage
6615s flame in espanas you are we okay water
6618s and thunder the two weapons I haven't
6620s made yet I need to pick that I mean I
6621s still need the Nara mantle or mother now
6624s a man too so that's why I'm not made a
6626s thunder weapon I could make the Astor
6627s lost one though Add Water Wise I was
6631s like do I want to make like the the bug
6634s one or do I wanna like make the crab one
6637s so I'm gonna stick on blast I don't
6640s think blast is gonna be the best choice
6642s necessarily but
6645s yeah I mean let's look at these water
6647s sword and shows like
6651s I really want to make but oh yeah I need
6653s to fight like a basic Toby katachi or
6655s something but if not I can make the crab
6659s like what do we think
6661s what do we think of this right 320
6665s 32
6666s defense bonus and then a four and a two
6668s and a three like that's a good war sword
6670s and shield right
6671s the crabby crabs
6674s like
6675s that's nice right we we don't what do
6677s you think Chad I'm going to go with you
6680s do we think this is crab is based crab
6682s is based
6685s is deliciously based
6687s um
6689s yeah because we can make this and then
6691s we can just well I'm low on Bones there
6693s uh and then make that I need a time one
6696s crimsonhorn oh no
6700s no oh no I don't have a time one Crimson
6702s horns so that's not I'm gonna have to
6704s get a blast on this one I'm afraid
6706s and then I think I need to have some
6708s Dango
6710s yeah I need
6712s to blast it is I know I was gonna I was
6714s gonna make the crabs I I was gonna make
6717s the crabs I'm sorry
6718s I need to get one of those horns
6721s what monster would give me that was it
6724s Diablos
6727s no might be
6730s yeah Mizu SNS is nice as well
6736s you need to figure out
6737s know what monster would drop that I've
6739s clearly not fought it a ton
6744s yeah I normally run poison a lot I need
6746s to redo my poison build with so many
6748s good status armor skills now my poison
6750s set is a bit outdated so I do have the
6753s gold rathian sunshield but I need to
6754s really make so I guess some of the gold
6756s wrath armor made I need to check out
6759s some of the obviously these new skills
6760s from time update 2
6763s yeah poison fire yeah I do want to make
6766s flaming s master so I'm sure maybe I'll
6768s get enough materials this time then I
6770s can make it and all its glory and run
6771s element and point
6774s that would be cool
6778s yeah I'd make the crab sword shield and
6780s then uh layer it with something
6789s oh nice shout Widowmaker I like your
6792s style
6799s look at that how that materializes
6802s and then I'm gonna move off
6805s big boom
6807s time you really
6809s oh so shell break all right I mean
6813s I need to go
6816s I need to go break the crab
6819s thanks for the shout there dick I
6821s appreciate it
6822s that's nice get the rage and then then
6825s get the knock down
6828s big damage on the head oh oh all right
6832s all right easy famous
6839s it has a static one it has one where it
6842s walks forward while charging it and one
6843s where it fires out on the ground and
6845s then there's a second one add the air
6847s back to back so you really have to beat
6849s your toes I like that there's like
6851s different variations of it
6858s oh nice we need cortexes we will take
6861s cortex system very much
6868s last boost
6869s oh nice flash I didn't put them in line
6872s to uh the upper part of the messy
6877s oh and the knock down just Bosh that
6880s great work team
6882s flaming is scary especially solo
6886s or is that the mitsu long so that looks
6888s lovely
6893s so it means you have some real cool
6894s stuff obviously there is a real life
6896s replica of the Mississippi long sword
6900s over in Japan which looks absolutely
6902s fantastic and huge as well
6913s what we go do the plunge attack trying
6916s to prop more status
6920s mr1 said just make sure to bring power
6922s break and good luck then do capture
6924s maximum chances good shower
6927s let's go all in on Michelle
6932s I mean I've got my mauseno set on so I
6934s think I have innate part three to two
6936s maybe oh oh big boom
6940s oh nice work actually I don't need that
6942s I need this
6944s there is a Nova okay there we go perfect
6947s time for some sharpening
6951s yeah there's nothing wrong we're running
6953s that's a good shot I've got Defiance on
6954s my blast set as well I think Defiance is
6956s a fantastic skill
6958s ham in a defensive way so it keeps up
6961s the aggression and keeps you a little
6962s bit safer leafy Less open into being
6965s like staggered and things like that
6966s especially with the horse that can be
6968s punish you
6975s monster
6982s oh yeah I need to do the crab events
6984s personally maybe do that as a good
6986s Photoshop so we quickly bash out but it
6988s doesn't count as a quest but then I need
6990s the shell brace so maybe I should do
6991s that solo
6992s and then I can just focus on that juicy
6995s shell
6999s oh his chin was just a bit High
7005s please
7011s wash into the ankle again Defiance is
7014s very comfy and I Know It Takes it's a
7017s five skill that you really want to get
7018s up to but five one slots is great like
7036s why did that too soon and then the
7038s second follow-up probably would have got
7039s me
7043s I mean with curio Crofton as well
7045s there's a good chance you can add extra
7047s slots to your armor as well like
7049s specific like especially one slots but
7051s if you want to pull out strikes the gaps
7054s oh here comes another Nova
7058s we're doing well at avoiding that we're
7060s doing very well avoiding that
7063s I I need to do the crap event Quest
7070s oh no what am I doing walking into that
7074s Yamato thank you extra Danko for you
7078s back
7083s delicious
7085s that tail does not want to come off of
7087s it
7099s oh stop stop
7106s move that tail a little bit lower
7110s okay I said lower I got what I asked for
7113s there uh just not what I expected
7121s got the shield badge back in use gloves
7123s right here
7126s oh I was expecting to charge that not
7129s that airplane
7131s I wanted to get a life partner for the
7133s team there but I'm kind of in the thick
7134s of it there we go
7143s checking for the Sleep code but we have
7145s seen it just making sure it wasn't an
7147s endemic life
7151s uh Defiance thank you thank you for
7154s keeping me in the air
7160s blade scale home kicked in one of my I
7162s got level one blade scale hone of some
7164s curious
7166s funnily enough
7173s and again thank you for that sharpness
7175s even though it's only a 10 chance there
7177s you don't roll in a lot but I think at
7180s level three there you get like
7183s way higher
7185s it's like 50 or something
7194s hey nice ones I'm after the duck I need
7198s the duck from the lottery
7212s falling angel hang in there
7217s nice Escape nice Escape Espana still
7220s feeling spicy we've got a stagger for
7222s you
7225s that tail
7226s it does not want to go does it
7229s okay we're going for a trap I'm up for a
7231s trap
7233s Oh I thought you're gonna charge
7234s yesterday you got the fireball hey
7239s nice work everyone good capture
7246s that was a good fight flame in espanas
7247s you can have a snooze now
7251s is really elegant I get there with my
7253s cry Vibes off of it as well kind of give
7255s me slight Dante kind of uh jacket Vibes
7258s and you know I love Devil May Cry so
7260s I'll look for that wherever I can
7267s so it's great when you know you get get
7269s definitely crying your Monster Hunter
7274s what we've got here cortexes that's what
7276s we wanted we wanted cortexes
7279s oh
7280s lovely
7287s great work everyone
7288s I need to check my talisman's right so
7290s we can make the Flaming Espionage sword
7293s and shield now which is really really
7295s cool
7297s hey congrats on mr70 Angel
7304s oh leaning on my control stick there
7317s okay minnow let's make it happen
7320s flaming espinas You Beautiful Beast
7324s where are you
7332s straight in
7333s so two cess bikes load of those
7337s would it be cheaper though
7344s would it be cheaper to go through the
7346s upgrade tree
7350s so I can make this
7352s I think you're there and then I'll save
7354s some materials for armor right
7360s rather than doing it fresh should I just
7362s should I just throw a load of materials
7365s in or should I take the upgrade tree
7369s oh decisions
7372s how greedy am I feeling
7383s oh
7385s you know what we're going to be doing
7387s loads more flame in Esperance we're just
7389s going to make it we're making it oh
7391s there it is we got it and then look at
7394s The Deco slots like Deco slots are nutty
7397s a four one one that's beautiful
7400s it's beautiful so there we go our first
7402s title update to
7403s piece made I'm gonna have to fight more
7405s flameless finesses to make some armor as
7407s well I reckon
7409s um
7411s so what have we got well let's do okay
7414s this doesn't cut the next one doesn't
7416s count as a quest all right the next one
7418s doesn't count a quest so we're gonna do
7419s this one then that one then a one after
7421s this before we rotate because this
7422s should be really quick
7424s let's do
7426s Daniel and Peltz now
7429s let's break the shell I believe let's
7431s break that shell everything on the shell
7433s but this won't count as one of yours
7435s this will be like a bonus hunt
7437s so all in on the shell and if we get
7440s there
7446s the crab sword
7449s um
7451s Slugger could be useful here
7454s maybe I'll just put booster on and then
7459s yeah booster Slugger and
7464s Vector on
7467s [Music]
7470s you got Mizu
7472s a little bit more time
7476s that's why I made you make the crab
7477s sword and shield
7479s and then layer it
7481s layer it with the um violet tsune
7487s Blue Water
7491s I believe Violet is a rare species
7500s is that palli meat wearing a basil geese
7502s armor set this one I believe is around
7504s the seathing summer set because the
7506s little purple Hue there
7509s I believe that's what we're witnessing
7510s there
7514s yeah it does the daimyo armor set still
7517s looks like it a little bit like an
7518s American football player
7522s right everyone in on the Shell let's get
7525s that shell and get some Zenni and then
7527s we'll go back and do another time update
7528s request maybe another uh Violet Mr Zuni
7533s it could be cool
7537s well Dr Dory says it's a subspecies or
7539s Dr Dre is smart
7544s yeah slug is awesome
7546s really awesome
7552s somebody double dipped oh my goodness
7555s the cardinal sin
7558s how could you do
7563s you know I think I've got a trap with me
7564s as well that is a big crab
7569s right give me give me that shell
7573s gonna work on a
7575s hard bash of combo yeah
7580s I I request shell please
7585s yeah nice knock down on the stun one
7588s before
7590s let's go Widowmaker
7595s it's gonna throw the question to the
7597s wind use all my attacks on that shell
7600s Donna be shellfish after all
7608s that might be why normally I'm really
7609s gonna break him and Shogun Singapore
7612s shell but I normally with daim you to
7615s stay at the front
7622s okay
7627s that looks so big that's really Fierce
7629s of the size of this crab
7639s oh everything's being destroyed oh my
7641s goodness
7643s I don't envy the poor poor villager or
7646s uh hunt with us to clean up that mess
7650s thank you
7655s oh that's the process I'm stuck in the
7657s clothes I was getting a impromptu hug
7666s take this shell
7670s there's a path I guess we have to break
7673s it twice
7677s or does that count because we broke off
7678s The Horn I'm gonna keep attacking I'm so
7680s not used to Breaking damio's uh shall
7682s Shogun all the time
7684s breaking that shell every single time
7688s all right we're gonna go for the cap I
7690s think we want a cap I'm busy today
7695s oh my goodness that does not have much
7697s help after the blue bit well played
7698s everyone was that the track no no we got
7701s the kill well played everyone good job
7703s okay it is broken I didn't know if you
7705s could like break it all the way up but
7707s now I know so fingers crossed fingers
7710s crossed
7711s we got it just before it went down as
7713s well
7715s the horn itself is the second break
7721s there it is there's the bonked horn
7725s well played everyone okay and then we'll
7726s go back to uh uh proper hunt
7730s that was crispy that was crispy and we
7732s were all focusing on the back rather
7734s than just going as well so that was cool
7743s yeah just having a breather it's kind of
7746s yeah I saw some oh it's the the boat
7752s even
7757s looks fantastic good to see a lot of
7758s that with the layered weapons
7763s great job everyone Quest complete will
7765s we get the horn and I need to remember
7767s what it looks like potentially yes well
7770s played everyone
7772s well played
7775s Accord zeny
7777s give me all that zeny it's so delicious
7779s oh no rotation after the next hunt this
7782s was like a bonus one because I was I
7783s really wanted that horn to make
7786s hey nice one angel
7789s so rotation after the next turn that was
7792s like a little a little bonus hunt
7799s because we've still got an hour to go as
7801s well
7803s so we need to check that all right we do
7805s that after the next rotation what did I
7807s use here what is missing oh I hate it
7809s when I do this
7811s oh it's a trap wasn't it there we go
7818s I yeah I what I'm thinking of doing is
7820s thinking of doing a series of streams
7823s called like uh weapon crash course where
7826s members of the community and Monster
7828s Hunter creators come on a stream
7831s and they teach myself and maybe another
7835s member of the team and another Community
7837s member how to use a particular weapon
7839s over those two hours so do like a charge
7841s blade day uh switch hacks day bow gun
7843s day for example
7846s because I think that'd be really really
7847s cool
7849s right let's go crab Style
7854s Okay so
7857s we make this
7861s then we make this
7866s then we make this
7869s loads of those which we don't need to go
7871s all that
7879s and then use some shells
7882s and some Senator bits here
7885s lovely
7888s and then what I'm going to do I'm going
7889s to use the layered weapons
7892s all right because you just unlock it
7894s don't you okay what do you think makes a
7895s cool looking water I mean that I think
7898s the Abyssal Sunburst could also double
7900s up as a cool looking water weapon
7905s like I think
7908s I think yeah put in Mizu if you're an
7910s angel go for it I think that looks
7913s watery like like you could find that in
7914s the depths right I know Bissell sounds
7916s watery I think that's cool if not that
7919s one
7921s um
7923s this one
7925s and then it's like a water strike and
7927s you're like punching the monster and
7929s things like that so what do we reckon do
7931s we want
7932s violet mizutsune
7933s for the water sword and shield
7936s or do we want Abyssal sunburst
7941s what do we reckon I'll let you decide
7943s we'll come to a consensus together on
7945s the fashion because we know fashion game
7948s is the true end game
7955s the best also a vote for Bizzle hey lady
7957s goo one for Violet
7961s anymore Chuck it in let me know what you
7964s think what do you think we should do
7965s Abyssal
7969s divide what does violet miss you look
7971s like again it looks like
7974s this one
7976s and it opens up so you got like the
7977s bracelet instead of the shield and then
7979s the fan is like you saw
7983s team Violet Abyssal Abyssal but VM does
7985s look better so Bissell suits my
7988s aesthetic that's a good point a Bissell
7990s I need a cow
7991s Mizu
7993s Abyssal
7997s this is this is closer than I expected
7999s at Bissell Abyssal
8002s just ahead
8008s I think abyssals took it but we're gonna
8011s keep Violet Ms sune on the back burner
8013s definitely
8017s that's all right we've got a hunt to do
8019s we've got a hunt to do so what we'll do
8021s we'll uh
8025s there we go we'll make the Abyssal
8027s sunburst
8029s and then if we go into here
8033s and we'll show you how this works so
8035s laid equipment to start to change
8037s navigate to the layered equipment
8038s section okay
8040s okay we go over here
8041s change light equipment okay so I need to
8043s have it on to change it that's fine
8048s that is fine so when we make a water set
8050s we will be groovy
8055s Violet mizutsune time
8057s hello again my old friend now what was
8060s violet Mrs SUNY that was ice for Violet
8062s Mr SUNY wasn't it so I will quickly swap
8065s to my ICE set
8068s I really should do that I really should
8072s um
8077s the merman's weapon of Jersey and it
8079s does go my Gourmet Gallery aesthetic and
8081s the curio crown
8083s so the power of the Abyss is on my side
8086s um but for this one though I believe
8087s it's ice
8089s so
8093s so I do need to work on this because it
8095s is just on the
8097s might say anything like I can take out a
8099s vade window I reckon I can take out vade
8101s window for some of the new decoration
8103s skills
8105s definitely
8112s so again our eyes on ice and a spicy
8125s you know I found it Mrs Sunni round two
8127s and then after this hunt we open up the
8129s lobby again and we'll get three new
8130s hunters in
8136s I don't see that's the
8139s new
8142s layered DLC as well
8145s go no pirate on my lead yar
8148s Go For That Booty
8151s you gotta sound for elders Affiliated
8152s and a capture one two that's a good
8154s shout having different sets ready for
8155s different occasions a very good idea
8160s from Fallen Angel you got the switch ax
8162s one now
8163s forward to seeing that in action
8172s and here we go Violet Mr suno round two
8174s obviously we're successful the first
8176s time risen camellios is the only one
8178s that's best at us so far but we got
8179s revenge
8182s it's not to say violet position he won't
8184s oh my goodness straight in with the
8186s flame and beam attack
8189s oh that clipped me
8193s no I'm glad you like it it's very snazzy
8195s it does look like the futuristic cover
8197s and ERD coming in love it
8202s tasty Elemental damage off
8206s yeah there's a lot I can find like I
8208s need an elemental career and things like
8209s that some of the new armor skills really
8212s pump up the element to the next level
8217s big numbers love it
8224s don't worry
8227s obviously I don't have to find some of
8229s my Elemental sex I use the one slots
8231s very anime bounce there
8234s I uh used the one slots for the
8237s elemental up instead
8248s oh okay okay that's damaged that's
8250s damage
8253s don't let Mr SUNY going in here I've got
8255s one car on us can't let can't let it get
8258s another one
8265s get a nice combo going
8272s we love those extra monster parts
8276s I was a bit Keen that whoa okay I jumped
8278s over it totally intended a hundred
8280s percent intended you know
8290s we collided hey
8293s we got the uh was that the wyvern ride
8295s yeah nice
8296s nice
8301s we are having loads of different
8302s equipment loadouts is very I need to do
8304s that with my items for some reason I've
8306s never really done it once but it's such
8308s a great system I will get on it
8309s especially when I'm using traps and live
8311s powders and stuff if I run out of life
8313s how does the best of life without worry
8314s about me getting them
8321s ice plate there oh
8328s oh
8330s that hit my butt
8333s that got me
8353s love seeing these big numbers coming
8355s from element I need to spin around right
8364s oh my goodness
8366s Violet mizuni went absolutely flying
8375s get the reach here
8378s here
8385s watch out for the bubbles oh straight
8387s into the Trap oh my goodness
8390s Violet business Duty what are you like
8404s that hurts oh that that hurts twice as
8408s much
8410s I'll send off the explosions ah
8414s that could explain it
8418s there's big boom in bubbles and then
8420s they stay fiery afterwards like denying
8423s us about space
8427s unlucky Fallen Angel
8430s unlucky
8431s violent Mr SUNY being violin
8438s all right here comes some nasty bubbles
8440s I love that they hold me and you hear
8442s them kind of going like they're
8444s rocketing towards you
8449s thanks for the play scale home it's
8451s randomly having that pop on is a nice
8453s quality of life and you've got like a
8454s hunting horn with like uh sharpness
8456s songs
8460s heartbreak what I'm going to do as well
8462s pop up a
8464s not do that I'm gonna pop up a hard shot
8466s powder for the team
8468s um
8474s good there's so much fire so many
8477s explosions
8482s yeah the water pressure attack is scary
8484s it is scary
8486s unlucky Fallen Angel unlucky Violet Mr
8490s sune did not like you
8492s Violet Mr sune took you personally
8497s unlucky unlucky hey though it's not all
8500s bad
8501s we're two for two on mantles on violent
8504s mizutsune right
8507s so you know swings of roundabouts right
8512s thank you for your thank you for your
8515s contribution towards the mantle
8517s collection
8518s um
8520s yeah yeah two for two on the
8522s Mizu mantles
8525s I'll take that as a win you know that's
8526s a win in my book
8529s well played and we got five zeny as well
8531s I won't spend it all at once
8534s that hey it's all part of the fun it's
8536s all part of the fun well played
8545s oh about them shinies so what we're
8547s gonna do now we're going to rotate the
8548s lobby so well played everyone thank you
8550s fallen angel thank you ERD think you
8552s Widowmaker for some wonderful hunts
8554s there
8555s really appreciate you jumping in that
8558s was cool that was cool
8563s see you later red
8565s and of course you're you're a gorgeous
8567s palette view as well
8568s so hop on in everyone so we've got space
8571s for three more Hunters
8577s so we've got zero there
8581s we might have to go for round two
8582s against Mississippi round three
8584s technically
8588s hello hello and then we've got Nightwing
8590s and Austrian Samurai who may well be
8593s from Austria I needed Australia though
8596s that would have been wrong who I appear
8598s or appears to be from Austria
8601s um okay so we're gonna go up against
8602s Violet Mr SUNY we need to lay down some
8604s justice after that last hunt
8607s um hey crunchy good to see you
8611s how's it going
8615s teddy bear Hammer gang is that what
8616s Austrian Samurai's got
8620s the ultimate in bonking technology
8624s I don't want to take it I'll take a
8626s miracle worker seem to be doing well on
8628s rewards why not let's just keep it going
8632s hey no worries Cobra you know chill out
8634s you know it's not a problem it's good to
8636s have you here at all you know the fact
8638s you're watching and chatting is really
8639s really cool
8641s all right where's that teddy bear Hammer
8642s that looks really cool
8646s lovely looking long sword there there it
8648s is the teddy bear hammer behold Austrian
8651s Samurai presents one of the most
8653s dangerous weapons in Monster Hunter
8654s history
8656s in my opinion
8658s the teddy bear hammer
8662s right
8663s let's Chuck in violent business uni
8669s and then after Violet Mr SUNY we will
8671s have another round for prison camellios
8678s yeah my arm is really weak to fire so
8680s I've I've took a little bit of armor
8681s this time while we wait though I'm gonna
8684s quickly I love the hunter those they're
8686s so useful
8692s so is it water or ice
8695s ice
8696s so I want
8698s definitely want to focus on the four leg
8700s left claw right claw and okay
8703s okay so I want to get around the legs
8704s leave the head to the bonkers
8707s foreign
8711s weapons are awesome I love the passion
8713s so you know obviously I've picked out
8715s some fashion for my water sword shield
8716s which I'm really really happy about
8719s um
8720s and we've made the flame and Espana
8722s sword and shield
8724s um
8725s which I won't be using against uh
8727s camellios I'm going to be using my
8728s rattles on the shield
8730s part of me but but we're gonna layer
8733s we're gonna layer the wrathalo sword and
8734s shield because I really like how the
8737s silver loss looks
8738s so we'll be doing that after the sun
8740s before we take on risen camellios are we
8742s ready Hunters
8744s have we got the power of teddy bears on
8746s our side I think we do there it is
8747s behold
8749s right
8751s it's time for some vengeance
8762s oh I get the shield bashing in time
8765s right so we want to stick around the
8767s legs here
8768s oh
8769s straight out with the bubbles I love how
8771s they track I really really like it
8775s definitely adds a mechanic that other
8778s monsters without sleep that is a snooze
8780s we have a little wake-up tree here
8791s oh Afro Samurai it's calling to you
8797s you got this Austrian
8799s oh look at the the positioning
8802s it looked nice you get an A for effort
8805s I would have done the same I probably
8806s would have been another 10 meters back I
8808s can't Australian Samurai
8815s oh that was beautiful you got the hit on
8817s the head then the barrels went off
8820s beautiful thank you
8825s that war caught me again not even
8828s Defiance I'm like oh the Bonk the done
8831s out of the flip normally I get
8833s absolutely battered by the flip so it
8836s feels nice to get a stun out of it that
8838s felt really nice
8840s all right so I want to focus
8843s there we go nice
8846s Elementary damage there whoa blade Scout
8849s home thank you
8851s but then we do a lot of damage
8865s yeah Mr SUNY loves a good Roar
8868s he's like a shout
8875s how did you get the move guide on the
8876s screen so I I'll go I'll show you in a
8878s second I'll show you what it says on
8880s sunbreak I think it's default
8891s did be fair though on sword and shield I
8893s don't use switch skills upside wouldn't
8895s need it on sunshine but every other
8896s weapon like on Hunting horn I switch
8898s skill swap a lot
8903s have met through there so I keep it on
8905s to give me a reminder for scroll them on
8907s and where my abilities are
8910s because yeah I love some skill swap on
8915s the sort of showed I'm like I like what
8917s my current sap is you know
8919s however
8921s I can actually swap it because I've got
8922s very Elemental Focus yeah why don't we
8925s let's do it because I've got like um
8927s windmill on here
8929s but drill slash combo all those
8932s Elemental hits so yeah actually when I'm
8934s using element I do actually use the blue
8935s scroll so I tell a lie I use blue scroll
8938s for like maximum Elemental when I want
8940s to so red scroll is like hard Basher and
8943s shield hello and uh blue scroll is like
8946s extra elements and stuff
8951s foreign
8977s oh and the charge plate as well that's
8979s lovely
8981s where I should have focus on getting
8983s some damage on
8987s and they've got windmill Spin to Win
8990s crowd some element there
8997s oh whoa
8999s yeah no monster hunter is a PVE game
9001s it's about cooperation you know the
9003s power of teamwork coming together to
9006s take down like insurmountable odds
9008s however if you're both why haven't
9010s riding at the same time you can have a
9011s bit of like friendly PVP creepy I
9014s suppose if you want to like Jewel each
9016s other
9017s cooperated
9023s take down these mean monsters
9035s wow that's like a wedge coming out oh my
9039s goodness all right we're gonna get a
9041s live powder out here
9043s nice knock down and then I shoot the
9044s tequila oh wow
9047s lovely stuff
9060s oh there's flaming bubbles around me of
9063s like
9064s even more damage I am going to move
9068s thank you for that appreciate the heel
9074s nice slap there from the teddy bear
9076s teddy bear power coming in strong
9079s kind of have to shop them thank you for
9082s protecting me from the bubbles wait wait
9084s wait don't start tracking Oh No Way
9087s Around the Corner that's very cheeky
9089s it's very very cheeky
9096s nice use of the Trap maybe I can get
9098s some tail
9108s s come around
9112s get like flipped over
9120s all those bubbles coming out yeah the
9122s Homing bubbles are super cool
9124s very cool part of uh violent business
9126s unit another trap right here
9132s oh the slamming Mr SUNY felt so
9136s confident about that as well there's so
9138s much weight into it
9143s fall into another stun
9147s nearly that yeah yeah we've not seen the
9150s Spirit Bomb bubble yet have we
9153s okay if you give me the student a chance
9154s it's gonna get big damage raining down
9157s on you
9159s [ __ ] oh
9162s the downward Bonk for the Finish great
9165s job everyone
9166s good time of like Revenge has been
9168s cleaned
9170s this to good use don't worry good work
9173s everyone
9179s get some more Violet monster Parts which
9182s is perfect so next up it's gonna be a
9185s violet no pilot we just beat values it's
9187s gonna be risen camellios
9191s yeah yeah the update's out now on switch
9193s and PC you can download Title Update too
9195s now
9224s yeah great hunt everyone
9227s hey no worries veterans no worries
9230s veterans you're in for a treat some
9231s absolutely smashing hunts and some great
9234s new gear as well and layered weapons
9237s oh well no mantle that time you know
9239s that's all right we'll we'll let that
9241s slide violets you know you've given us
9243s some other goodies and you've been quite
9244s generous so far today
9252s that is
9254s a lot of flame and water right there
9258s you like vitamins Sunni the most yeah
9260s everyone's got their favorites Violet Mr
9261s SUNY has gone down really well
9263s um which has been really nice because
9264s obviously you know we did see the some
9266s people like oh there's tons more fire
9267s monsters but you know the way the team
9269s Implement these fire monsters is always
9271s very unique so it's great to see
9272s everyone responding really well to that
9275s so thank you right let's quickly check
9278s them out and pop before we go on the
9279s next Quest so speed sharpening three
9281s Master mounter Heartbreaker iron
9283s prolonger defense boost one critical i1
9286s and then three ones all of the ones
9288s there let's get through these ones wax
9291s two then one defense boost two will run
9294s a three mil three stamina surge tremend
9296s Bobby dance
9298s the spread up oh that's a shame stamina
9302s Thief defense boost punish and draw
9304s rapid more
9307s spiritual School dragon attack artillery
9309s coalescence earplugs normal earplugs
9313s bubbly dance earplugs
9316s carbon Pro redirection and critical I2
9327s reach out my mail summaries
9330s yes take all of the goodies
9335s I can do another curio hunt uh
9343s you got a Talisman that has weaknesses
9344s from with a four slot
9347s delicious right time for another risen
9350s camellios
9356s no it's nice isn't it
9366s right so
9368s equipment equipment loadout
9371s fire sword and shield and then what
9373s we're going to do
9380s I know if I need to unlock it first I
9383s was like wait a second that's my water
9384s one okay so at the minute obviously I'm
9386s using the Rathalos sword and shield for
9390s this one but what I want to do is
9392s because I mean even though it looks
9393s incredible especially like the switch
9396s tracks version I do want to put the
9398s silver
9400s civil as Platinum Dawn
9405s oh I think we're gonna we're gonna get
9406s that
9408s there we go so now
9413s we've got layered
9417s looks lovely
9421s so even though that is the rattles on
9423s Shield it is now silver wrap sword
9426s all right let's go some Dango
9431s all about that fashion uh Miracle Worker
9435s I Believe in Us but then do I need that
9437s or can I get something more useful yeah
9439s I tell you what let's not be greedy
9440s we're gonna go bird caller we're gonna
9443s go Defender and medic
9445s play it safe this monster does not does
9448s not give you Mercy
9458s so let's go we've got a camelli used to
9462s hunt
9463s I don't know if there is one of those
9465s Edward actually
9466s fire and War at the same time
9471s but the new flame in espanas weapons you
9473s get fire and poison at the same time hey
9475s South Slayer good to see you good to see
9477s you
9479s there is fire and poison yeah but on the
9482s flame and Espionage it's not listed like
9484s with the element and where statuses
9485s normally is it's actually explained in
9487s the description so always read your
9489s weapon descriptions
9492s all right let's get stopped up
9501s yeah I love how easy so now unlike and I
9503s spawn obviously if you made a laid
9505s weapon that layered weapon skin was
9508s attached to that specific weapon in some
9510s break and
9511s um how the layout system works now for
9513s weapons if you make a layered weapon
9516s like any layered sword and shield you
9518s can put down any sort of Shield that
9520s you've got so you don't have to keep
9522s paying and paying and paying the use of
9524s materials you unlock it you use it on
9526s whatever someone showed you want
9528s foreign
9534s Birds
9538s I might go and make myself acquainted
9543s you got Manta stuff enough to make the
9544s charge by no way straight off the hunt
9547s that's awesome
9553s oh yeah I'm gonna keep doing my get my
9555s anomalies up because I'm more in in the
9557s high 70s now I think
9561s um
9562s see I'm Gonna Keep keep on keeping up
9564s with that I'm enjoying leveling up my
9566s normal investigations
9580s what I might do here is not grab a
9583s couple of spirit bears go get gourmagala
9584s instead
9588s and then uh go and say hello to
9590s camellios
9591s of the Risen variety all right wrathlos
9594s is coming down
9595s so that's cool
9602s all right cool
9605s you're gonna rope before I can get there
9607s on you
9609s oh I canceled it out I was just a bit
9612s slow all right what we're gonna do
9614s we're gonna wait for the spirit Birds to
9617s come back
9618s that austrianism to get Raffles you know
9620s it helps it helps when you want to mount
9621s a monster if you successfully hit them I
9624s find uh with you don't find attacks
9630s if gold magala wanted the new Afflicted
9632s monsters you can get as well
9634s um
9639s there we go are we gonna be
9641s double attack here
9643s uh multi monster quest good um Lucent
9646s Naga cougar has a lot of XP for
9650s completing that hunt this is the one in
9652s the fall on Arena
9655s I'm sure I don't attack
9657s flavor espinos
9661s I can't see who I'm running around oh no
9663s uh
9667s excuse me thank you
9671s it's gonna come and start smashing
9676s there we go
9684s we're coming in sending a message
9690s but yeah don't feel any pressure to rush
9692s there you know you can still fight for
9694s some camellios about it so as long as
9696s you've got a friend or you you join a
9698s Lobby the where the person has risen
9701s camellios unlocked as long as you're
9703s over mr10 you can still go and fight
9705s this you're not locked
9707s behind you know you are you personally
9710s need 910 you just need that to unlock it
9712s for yourself so like also you can post
9714s it for your friends
9727s get that dust of Life out there messing
9729s around
9731s where are you where are you bow monster
9735s you've risen from the grave
9738s oh I just got the cheeky backhand there
9740s the disrespect
9747s spent an attack turns that was just
9748s falling over
9753s can we spin her out yeah
9763s there was the slat mask expected before
9768s I know is that asleep oh no apologies if
9770s that was a wake up
9774s my bad if so
9780s quiet press have not been poisoned yet
9782s but I guess that's about to happen now I
9784s just keep getting slapped
9791s somehow I didn't get poisoned there
9800s oh
9803s now the Risen is here
9805s how it glows that's so cool
9809s uh camellios has its own armor set yeah
9811s with new skills to do brand new skill
9815s I'll show you again after this hunt
9822s oh it's stuck up in there nice
9826s the building's covering us from the
9828s dastardly poisonous
9832s okay now I poisoned
9838s yeah this is risen camellios it's uh
9842s it's not feeling as usual so
9849s yeah
9851s I am also probably in a danger zone
9857s this is like maxed out armor as well
9860s even with the new increase so you can
9862s upgrade your army even further now
9865s show it up what was that it poisoned me
9869s through the shield
9872s that was nasty
9878s please go home thank you all right
9881s what's coming next
9883s [Music]
9885s oh I whipped that
9891s thank you for the heel I appreciate you
9901s nice knocked out the Risen state
9907s the black team
9911s yeah I really want to try out my new
9913s favorite restaurant about four fire
9915s poisoned combo
9917s makes an element and States together
9919s like two of my favorite things
9933s oh what's in the lottery box kittenator
9935s all right
9936s you got this now's your chance you might
9938s too oh my goodness it's very henched
9941s that's good though we got the uh
9943s got the wyvern ride we'll take that
9948s oh yeah oh no if someone's gonna have to
9950s pay for that that house oh no
9954s I guess we are in the shrine ruins so
9956s it's okay you know it's to be expected
9960s you tanky go back to the Head see if we
9962s can focus on uh
9965s heartbreaks
9969s oh
9971s soon
9977s okay it's so greedy nice heartbreak
9982s yeah the constant poison there this is
9984s scary
9997s we're doing what we got we got really
9999s else where we want it now
10003s I really want to try Matsu in that I'm
10005s just not quite in the right area yeah
10006s it's live now wrong you can get stuck in
10014s betsu through that but I don't think so
10031s oh yeah we popped the fruit there for
10033s anyone that wants it
10035s now
10045s there you go spread the healing love
10057s risk meteos has had enough so
10061s let's go here I'll uh restock
10064s 808 defense nice salafar
10067s nice and tanky that's what you want all
10070s right okay let's enter in here
10072s we wanna so that'll do the sharp there
10075s then we need some dust of life
10077s again low on live powders though I have
10079s to start making some more
10082s because we're in our tent sharpness back
10095s oh that did catch me okay I've got a bit
10098s Reckless there
10107s should have got my stamina back up I
10109s think there as well
10117s that would hurt to hit yeah blight
10119s resistance would be super duper useful
10121s that is a good shot if you want to get
10123s on your build that will work on wonders
10127s oh oh
10130s ouch
10130s that's right though it worked it worked
10132s I just got a bit bruised in the process
10136s thanks shimate
10141s actually I can heal off the heel off the
10143s head using blood right yes
10146s yes the power of mouse
10151s yeah we're just here for using this this
10153s will teach you
10155s how we're gonna get the finish here nice
10157s work everyone
10159s so wait I don't need a hill I'll heal
10161s for drinking I can heal off of damage
10166s whoa good work everyone
10169s try it first as Afflicted Russian I mean
10172s I think I have an Afflicted version
10175s for the next ticket we can do that
10178s I don't mind
10183s great healers hey girl good to see you
10186s buddy
10188s all right see you next time go
10191s love you bye bye
10197s you want to do a flight to rajang right
10200s so we're gonna want some ice for that
10203s ice and spicy so that's our second risen
10206s camellios down so really pleased with
10208s that good job everyone
10218s [Music]
10221s high five in the palico
10233s look at that whole line of goodies there
10236s and of course this is what we came here
10238s for the camellios rise gem which we need
10240s one piece per armor piece
10246s so we are stocking up nicely
10253s nice so much experience as well
10256s that's what we want okay so I think that
10259s was the second hunt yeah because we did
10260s visit tsune so if you'd like to join
10263s and uh we're gonna be doing some anomaly
10265s investigations so I think there's 70
10269s plus so if you are anomaly investigation
10271s 70 plus
10273s do jump in thank you for dance Austrian
10275s Samurai zero and Nightwing really really
10278s appreciate it
10282s and the new hero badge we've got there
10284s if you defeat risen Camellia should get
10286s the like risen Slayer so you get a cool
10290s new badge which I think looks really
10292s really snazzy
10294s oh as I said that didn't go through to
10296s Twitch so we'll put that in chat again
10298s there we go
10301s yeah get some get some investigations
10303s going
10309s our Pace keep him warm in limber so we
10311s have Melanie who else will be joining us
10319s risen is cool
10328s pop in an investigation
10332s okay so this is the fun one
10335s this is fun I might just put blast on
10337s though because obviously it was Euros is
10339s weak to fire
10341s is actually because it was just batter I
10343s think
10344s obviously ice
10349s let's take a look at Reggie
10354s see what what else we got okay fire is a
10356s No-No
10358s ice is a yes
10361s uh Azure us if we go then go look at
10363s this Euros maybe I can run an ice set
10367s uh
10369s yeah ice Works ice works
10382s yeah if anyone wants to join hop in I'll
10384s pop this in chat
10389s join myself and Melanie for some tasty
10392s hunts
10395s did I change my Loadout I just
10397s overwritten my
10404s I do have it on this because I've got
10406s the
10413s same room they're good that's the one I
10415s want
10420s got like a Charlotte goodness
10422s but while we wait
10427s maybe make the Luna garon
10431s because Charlotte's cool because
10432s Charlotte does look cool don't get me
10433s wrong but I always did think
10436s well maybe what about this what about
10438s this for ice I mean
10441s it's a cool blade right that could that
10443s could dispense icy Justice
10446s um
10448s if not the Winter's Feast Hatchet looks
10451s cool like you got the kind of like
10453s aggressive like The Punchy oh yeah it's
10455s got the claw on the shield and then the
10457s ices that looks really icy doesn't it
10461s I think it's gonna have to be this
10465s luckily I've got loads of Luna Garen
10467s parts
10472s there we go ghost is not a bad show
10475s either and we got Lucian here Lucian is
10478s joining the hunt welcome welcome
10484s which means we have one more space
10485s Lucian is ready to rock
10488s this is super icy yeah this is a cool
10491s weapon
10492s um yeah let's go I'm gonna go eat
10494s because we got some scary monsters here
10501s yeah we're gonna go get that bird called
10503s a bird caller I haven't seen others use
10505s it on like social media and
10507s twitch and YouTube I'm like I need to
10508s get on that I need to get on that and
10511s I'm really glad I did
10517s [Music]
10520s if not we can three Hunter it say we'll
10523s take on this Afflicted rajang we'll take
10524s it down so new challenge is part of
10527s Title Update too
10531s foreign
10536s hey the great laggy is here it's like
10539s hey you need a fourth yes we do
10546s oh yes Melanie fight on
10549s the the mix there of a Shigeru and uh
10552s guys my God Mama there
10554s and then it's that balls who's what's
10558s the waste could be Val's tracks
10560s oh hunting horn love to see it
10565s love to see it
10568s this is going to be interesting we have
10570s yeah once again Afflicted rashang uh
10573s Apex is euros and then
10576s great is itchy and don't underestimate
10578s Raptors in these investigations do not
10581s underestimate them
10582s they can be so punishing
10584s in a fun way like we got double carded
10587s by a great baggie uh last week
10590s um so you know the hubris is there
10607s oh lunch time for you Alejandro
10610s maybe you have something tasty it's uh
10612s after the stream I'm gonna grab a snack
10613s and then I'm gonna catch up with the US
10615s Monster Hunter community community
10617s manager Joe so I'll have a quick snack
10619s uh have a little call talk about how
10622s tile update two's going
10624s um what our plans are for the day over
10626s the U.S side
10627s then I'm going to chill out and do a
10629s little bit of farming behind the scenes
10630s I think
10650s all right let's
10654s let's start with azuros let's get his
10656s Euros off the field
10659s I think they are scary
10666s because I've got a spirit bed called I
10668s can get a b line a bit I think
10680s Lucian knows the way I'll follow you
10682s soon using their palamu and then I'm
10684s going oh great white back though
10688s anti-dobra
10690s no
10692s diaper for this one leave it to chill
10694s which monster which new monster is my
10696s favorite
10697s it's hard to say it is hard to say
10700s probably maybe flaming espinas
10702s uh
10703s uh but then risen camellios is such a
10705s fun fight really aggressive and then
10707s Violet Mr sune the home and Bubbles
10709s right yeah I can't pick a favorite I
10711s thought I could
10712s but I can't it's just such a great mix
10715s like what they all bring to the table
10718s so you're not great Jackie great ezuchi
10720s sorry
10726s there
10730s and that okay I didn't time that well at
10733s all is you're a standout strong
10744s yeah this ax looks so cool so so cool
10749s the benefit of like the lead weapons you
10751s can make it look how you want
10758s to hit the car
10762s thread all that Rock's really going to
10763s go after my honey next
10767s it was a bit delayed
10771s we are dancing around each other come
10773s here as you're off
10780s Roar through
10786s okay okay
10788s I don't know if I still have some resist
10790s on or not I don't know I used to have it
10793s on all my sets but I think I took out
10795s some of them
10797s to uh get like other skills in so we'll
10800s see
10801s we shot it no wow this is definitely a
10803s range dessert it loves eating rocks
10805s around
10813s oh there we go that's what we want
10827s it gets easy to underestimate is yours
10829s very easy to do and I don't recommend
10831s underestimating this big bear
10834s as you can see he's making me really go
10836s through my resources
10842s I'm not getting my messages
10845s but after losing hard there you're all
10847s right you're fine
10849s don't you my matsues how dare you oh no
10852s oh and I do not have an answer to that
10856s lucky got stun immunity
10865s nice trip whoever got back just as it
10868s was trying to leave
10876s or there's the Sonic Bloom as well for
10878s the hunting one nice heart rate that's
10881s what I wanted
10886s Oh I thought that was a nice one then it
10888s gets slapped
10890s kind creature these are mean these are
10892s meanies especially them Apex and
10894s afflicted
10906s well it's ready for that time so is that
10908s awesome flash good job
10910s okay kittenator time that's what we want
10913s nice one Yamato oh straight in there no
10916s message
10917s no messing around
10920s combo going
10930s now is yours is having a little run
10935s sorry we're hot on his heels we got this
10938s we got this
10948s are you more petalace upgrades huh
10956s a good choice axios I highly recommend
10959s sword and show it it's very versatile
10961s tons of ways to play it
10964s um element status rather than the combos
10966s you want to use it kind of focus on your
10967s sword or focus on The Shield or mix both
10969s yeah really really fun satisfying weapon
10979s [Music]
10982s Oh I thought we got a stack of that I
10984s know it's just the power of resources
10985s big musty arms too much
11006s more attack
11011s just hate that rock
11017s time I'm having to get another stand
11019s here there with that Thunder plays out
11021s let's stand this in
11038s nice and a knock down this is the damage
11041s option that you wanted and wonderful
11043s stuff
11051s oh I didn't see that Raw coming actually
11054s got nice man too I'm good Artemis how
11056s are you thank you for asking
11058s we have a wonderful time
11069s okay how far I'd be a bit greedy trying
11071s blood right but I'm one shot there now
11073s so
11074s I will not risk it
11082s oh locked in broke it with my shield
11085s love it
11088s blue sharpness
11099s this great azuchi coming in
11105s cow pass out is itchy bring the gang I
11107s didn't mean to hit you there
11109s huh
11116s if you're using down
11120s or is itchy don't resistance we'll get
11123s you some Revenge what's your certain
11125s shirt of choice
11126s so
11127s for poison wrathy and sudden Shield
11131s um for blast scorned Magnum Arlo uh for
11134s raw you've got the
11137s uh Royal knight sword which is a really
11140s really good one
11141s um
11142s fire I like the Raffles sword and shield
11145s ice I like kashaladura water I just made
11150s the crab
11156s lovely wife right down but yeah I use a
11158s lot of the town like blast and poison
11160s are two really good ones and then
11161s element I really like to get into
11162s Elementor so I'm using the kashala sword
11165s and shield at the moment but it is
11167s layered with the Luna garage
11172s a lot of fashion
11176s okay so she's done a runner
11184s oh millionaire rocking rocking a cool
11187s looking weapon
11190s is that the new Lost Code weapon looking
11192s very schnauzy
11195s well let's go lay it I should see
11202s all right come over here so we're
11204s warming up these before we get on to
11213s that's right next this is the flick to
11215s brush act newest part file update too so
11218s this will be interesting
11226s wow okay okay oh rajag is huge
11232s goodness
11237s oh the body slam
11240s nice double ice blade though gone crazy
11243s get the knock down
11259s in order for how quickly
11263s and the double poison after Double eyes
11266s play nice
11271s I haven't actually tested that Alejandro
11272s maybe someone in chat house good
11274s question can the blast element be a play
11276s applied with chain crit I've not putting
11277s on any of my gear yet but I really need
11279s to work real nicely
11289s damage
11293s there's nearly monkey time nearly
11314s oh I know what's happening here Sonic
11316s Bloom time
11318s it's gonna be big big boobs
11325s oh my goodness I was wondering if that
11326s was going to take out for a second
11335s I don't think so
11337s yep there you are
11340s nice try crazy she ate breakfast
11355s set your mind to other kids no it's not
11357s your mouth
11360s great hit though I think it got into a
11363s paralysis
11370s there
11372s or the normal is actually they're taking
11374s hits It's not like yeah we'll dump their
11376s weapons
11377s that'll help
11381s someone will find the ultimate Monkey
11382s Quest Afflicted
11384s oh that'd be hilarious to have that out
11387s there maximum monkey it's like with the
11390s Wrath in where you can get gold wrathion
11392s um Afflicted not Afflicted gold wrathian
11396s oh you can yeah gold wrathian Afflicted
11397s rathian
11398s Apex right here
11403s which is super cool
11410s right rajang time everyone let's see how
11413s this Afflicted rajang is then
11415s pretty scary I imagine
11439s oh that's a lot of damage
11443s that is terrifying
11456s if I could maybe climb up that one after
11458s doing my weapon
11460s get these Superior points
11464s such a powerful but
11467s did that too soon
11472s oh oh oh no
11478s I need to kind of get in there as well
11479s this is the bloodline
11488s nice work there
11491s okay blood flies
11500s oh
11502s yeah that's it walk away
11513s yeah there we've got nice metzu there
11521s fly and then also we'll pop the falvin
11524s for our palaco and we catch up with
11526s version
11527s yes maximum spare bed power
11532s so get the fact it doubles your effects
11534s as well
11536s the Tango bird caller and then obviously
11538s we've got the
11540s spear bad the caller as well
11543s um
11544s started him for one Deco and that's the
11546s tracks every randomly we'll get out oh
11549s no
11550s Spirit beds
11551s which is fantastic saves a lot of time
11553s gets us [ __ ] up across the board not
11555s just the ones we find
11561s wow I thought it's good for me but cut
11563s across oh nice that's because we had the
11565s marionette spider I was like about to
11568s get like charged I reckon
11573s closes on
11579s oh we charged each other luckily I got
11582s mine off as well
11584s that I've got this Shield I'll put it
11586s that way
11592s get around the front nice
11596s but I'm glad we've got this oh
11606s whoa anti-air rajang
11612s very angry very very angry
11633s no no this is live Desmond this is live
11636s hello
11639s best approve this isn't pre-recorded of
11641s a wise I have incredible foresight
11649s prison it's lovely
11652s well
11656s feisty monster
11661s where did Montego rejects here
11666s Defiance would be good against Russia
11670s very useful skull all right oh you went
11672s for a grapple
11676s nice work everyone
11678s trying to get those horns
11680s keeping it well guarded
11682s I'm good thank you how are you how are
11685s you we're just enjoying this Afflicted
11686s rajang fight
11690s s having a good time as well
11696s it's done good work everyone for getting
11698s that built together
11706s shop and see we do not want green shop
11708s this means blues and I did but we
11709s definitely don't want to be sharpness
11711s here
11716s all right we're gonna we're gonna move
11717s over there we're gonna get you to
11719s sharpener
11726s folk right front
11733s forget me
11735s yes but just behind me as I had a Matsu
11738s ready oh no no no I'm sorry okay no no
11743s oh
11744s thank you for the Flash
11750s oh my hunter felt that for that tail
11753s it's right oh no
11766s okay we'll take a shot we'll take a
11768s shower I do I do I do I am eme Community
11772s manager for monstanta
11777s that was a real big Hulk smash room in
11779s there
11782s and the bomb bad user had to say they're
11784s like yeah we're not sticking around for
11786s that
11789s what a role
11794s it is aiming for me thank you for the
11796s warning it is appreciated
11803s refreshing just decided to become the
11804s rock there
11811s oh right on the chin
11816s still chasing
11824s oh I couldn't block that
11836s I'm just gonna pop him on the chin get
11839s the blood light here oh that worked out
11841s right dude
11843s yeah sunbreak is on sale right now
11847s and base rise too
11867s oh I could have maybe gotten that
11872s yeah this Russian is healthy like a ton
11876s of HP
11879s that means there's another we can go for
11889s eign
11909s [Music]
11918s oh that ice plate damage you ever set
11921s that up absolutely beautiful thank you
11925s hey nice welcome I think I that's a
11927s great time
11931s oh no I'm stuck behind stuck behind an
11934s ornament
11937s so we still got through here
11943s that did hurt
11946s all right let's get
11948s uh
11951s LV now get a live powder team
11956s the pressure and hop back when I want to
11957s do my shield Bash
11959s oh the belly slab
11969s who went for Melanie there
11978s we'll keep those rolls going
11981s I need a shop oh now about to go into
11983s green
11985s maybe I should sure bash a bit you're
11987s gonna jump up at me
11989s yes there we go
11991s right
11993s this is not the best place to sharpen
12008s 's had a little run
12011s you're perfect
12016s eat my ration stop myself getting hungry
12023s the rare endemic life is here
12028s there it is
12029s it's on top of the on top of the um it's
12032s not bridge is it on top of the thing the
12035s building thing
12038s the gate it's the top of the gate
12041s wait where did it go
12045s did it fly off again what did we get it
12049s I missed it
12051s no it's floating off just as I got there
12053s oh what a cheeky aesthetic life she
12056s I guess that's why it's rare
12068s those arms they're paying to get
12070s bouncing off
12081s everyone go in Ariel I love to see it
12089s that was a lovely flash thank you
12091s pelicos
12092s [Music]
12096s God this rashang just keeps on going
12098s doesn't it is an absolute unit
12101s board if I get the best
12105s luckily the grab went over
12112s oh that's right I got grabbed but it
12114s made the charge blade get their counter
12115s perfect teamwork it entirely as intended
12119s thank you Melanie that was lovely
12121s breaking me out of that as well
12124s thank you
12135s come on then
12155s good work everyone
12158s that was fun
12160s Afflicted rajang's a good laugh
12169s good stuff everyone
12171s part of me
12176s and a little little bit of cleansing
12179s goodness here from the palico
12184s it's been to win Spin to Win
12187s and what we do there because that was a
12188s long hunt we'll uh need to wrap up the
12190s stream because it's now ten past five oh
12192s thank goodness and I need to get ready
12194s to catch up with say the uscm Joe uh but
12197s that was a ton of fun we took down three
12200s monsters there which is wicked
12203s oh nice stretch there but yeah like for
12207s those that don't know as well
12209s um
12210s yeah Monster Hunter rise and sunbreak
12211s are on sale right now
12214s um so base rise is 50 off and some
12216s breaks is 25 off and then like you can
12218s get bundle deals as well
12220s um so do check it out I know the steam
12222s sale for example uh ends on the 2nd of
12224s October so if you do want to jump in now
12226s is your chance
12228s um obviously
12229s not for shiny
12231s um Title Update 2 is out right now we
12234s are playing it and that is on both
12235s switch and steam as well you can jump in
12236s and enjoy the new monsters delayed
12239s weapons
12240s enhanced or increased level on normal
12243s investigations you can further increase
12245s your weapon Creo crafting and just make
12248s an even beastier which is super super
12250s cool
12252s a lot to be excited about
12262s a happy birthday Oscar I hope you have a
12264s wonderful day
12266s okay we got a lot so we got uh rajang we
12270s got Mr sunei seragios espanas espinacias
12275s oh that's really good got some more girl
12277s cut titles so what level are we now on
12279s the investigations
12283s 79 nice
12287s happy with that
12289s that is a ton and we got a lot of
12291s goodies there
12293s those quests definitely worth it
12294s definitely definitely worth it
12298s I will take a look at the quest though
12299s before you wrap up
12311s who wants to talk to me would it be
12314s Bahari maybe or Admiral galiers
12317s hey
12319s it is abrogalius has a treat for me I've
12323s been expecting you thank you thank you
12328s right okay so what did we get from that
12330s one
12334s so we got a another Rajon
12338s uh then we got
12340s mizutsuni something can't gots her out
12342s so Steve Afflicted Steve and
12346s uh seed in basil
12349s espinas now that looks nice level 74.
12353s so Afflicted SMS Apex is geros and Mr
12357s SUNY zunoga
12361s 30 minutes Afflicted zunoga and Luna
12364s garam
12367s um chilling over there
12372s but uh I'll need to check on that one
12374s actually Bugsy I'll need to check but
12377s that wraps up today's stream thank you
12379s everyone who tuned in uh whether you
12381s watched spoke uh jumped in the lobby or
12384s even tried to jump in I really
12385s appreciate it and I hope you had a great
12387s time
12388s um it was a ton of fun tile update to
12390s his live now do jump in and check it out
12392s there's a lot of awesome stuff New Gear
12394s new decorations new skills new weapons
12396s new monsters so much stuff for you to
12398s enjoy and obviously it's free it's Title
12400s Update two
12402s um
12403s so yeah other than that I hope you have
12406s a wonderful weekend and we'll be back
12408s again next Thursday for some more
12410s Gathering Hub community live streams so
12413s I've been Johnny you've been awesome
12415s have a fantastic evening good night
12424s [Music]
12438s foreign
12443s [Music]
12462s [Music]
12471s foreign
12473s [Music]
12509s thank you
12511s [Music]
12532s foreign
12535s foreign
12536s [Music]
12549s [Music]
12584s thank you
12597s [Music]
over 1 year ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
2s [Music]
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19s [Applause]
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84s thank you
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290s [Music]
299s [Applause]
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364s foreign
368s [Music]
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394s foreign
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424s foreign
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449s [Music]
458s [Music]
462s foreign
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490s foreign
491s [Music]
514s [Music]
521s foreign
524s [Music]
538s [Music]
564s thank you
570s [Music]
578s [Applause]
582s [Music]
592s foreign
603s [Music]
628s [Music]
630s foreign
632s [Music]
643s [Music]
659s foreign
660s [Music]
670s [Music]
692s [Music]
694s foreign
699s [Music]
717s [Music]
729s foreign
731s [Music]
737s [Music]
758s foreign
764s and welcome to today's stream my name's
767s jono eme Community manager on Monster
769s Hunter and it is awesome to see you
771s that's right Title Update 2 is live
773s right now and we're going to be jumping
775s in and playing I hope you've all had a
777s wonderful week so far and for those
779s wondering yes we are on Nintendo switch
782s today so if you want to jump in fire up
785s the switch and get stuck in
788s also let me know how the game volume is
790s as well I want to make sure you know you
792s can hear it and you can hear me nicely
794s so feel free I might I might put the
796s game volume up a little bit there for
798s everyone
801s there we go and hopefully you'll hear me
804s over over the action because we are
806s getting stuck into the three new
808s monsters added in today's update that is
811s Flamin espinos Violet mizutsune and of
815s course risen camellios now these are
817s awesome Challenger new fights that come
819s with new weapons in the case of
821s esplanation and new armor in the case of
825s all three which means new armor skills
826s as well
827s hello hello it's good to see you it is
829s good to see you all so what I'm gonna do
831s I'm gonna put up a Lobby and what we do
833s is we put up an online Lobby it's first
834s come first step
836s and we do two hunts and then we rotate
839s the lobby and get more of you in to play
840s with us the only requirement is you need
842s to be above mr10 because in order to do
844s the title update 2 quests you need to be
846s mr10 or above
849s um so let's play online
851s we'll make sure that we don't have any
853s language barrier there
855s actually I need a password on I think
861s that we'll be fine we'll be fine what
863s I'll do now
865s is we'll put the lobby sends up so get
867s ready everyone and I will write these
869s down and uh
872s we will
874s have that ready so that if you don't get
876s in the first group
878s we'll be able to get you in future
881s groups so this here is the lobby ID for
884s Nintendo switch you will need that to
887s join the lobby
888s and yeah we are focusing on Title Update
890s 2 monsters today so we are going to be
892s farming these new monsters hopefully
894s hopefully they won't be farming us and
896s we will see I'll go might get some
897s investigations in as well but I'm super
900s excited to check this out as well in
901s case you didn't know layered weapons are
904s now in the game you just need to go up
906s to moneto say hello and then right here
909s look all these weapons
912s you can do layered for
914s so whatever whatever it suits your fancy
916s you can get stuck in and all you need is
918s outfit vouchers a bit of zeny and some
921s master rank materials depending on what
923s you're making so that is super super
925s super cool
929s but right let's get stuck if we have W
931s here on the heavy bow gun we've got two
933s insect Glades here with jeric and
934s Ricardo so obviously first up we are
937s going up against flaming espanas and I'm
939s looking forward to some revenge against
940s flame and espinas I had a little go uh
943s on the Tokyo game show build
946s um I'll take insurance for this one
949s um
950s and yeah it was it was quite something
952s it was quite a hunt so I'm looking
954s forward to now being on my main build
956s and and taking that on like that just
958s gonna move my camera slightly oh there
960s we go get the green screen
962s and there we go that should be fine
965s hopefully I don't disappear
967s no this is um
970s this is this is switch only so there's
972s no cross plate so you won't be able to
974s jump in for the PC but we do stream on
976s PC sometimes as well
978s you need discount for Sunbury sunbreak
980s is currently on sale
983s um I think if you just want the
984s expansion I believe it's 25 off some
987s break right now
990s um so do get stuck in
993s no yeah that's the real one if it's if
995s it's this monster hunter that's probably
996s a chat snag that's probably me but yeah
999s we are getting stuck in I'm super
1000s excited about this there's new skills
1002s new decos like investigation cap has
1005s gone up to 120 as well and that means
1007s there's new monsters including rajang
1010s pyracadaki and gor magala in there to
1012s take on too so I've eaten so let's go
1014s talk to Chichen let's pop it in Urgent
1017s let's go meet flaming espinas and then
1020s we'll check out the gear as well as we
1021s fight each monster we will check out
1023s what gear
1024s they've got for us and see how it goes
1034s yeah there's some there's some high
1036s level Master ranks it's really cool to
1038s see
1039s really really cool to see and I'm using
1042s my scorned Magnum Arlo sunshield blast
1044s Defiance set at the moment
1046s um but once we've seen what these new
1047s armors have there's some really cool
1048s stuff for status and Elemental builds in
1051s there that really buff you up yeah base
1053s rise is also on sale on Steam
1056s um and you can get like a double pack so
1058s you can get rise and some break together
1060s a discount
1062s um yeah Violet with the city's water
1063s spare above I hope we get to see that
1065s today depends how much we we whale on it
1076s I don't have any detail stand on the
1078s Discord crossover events
1081s I need one of my us colleagues with me
1084s um
1090s let's try some weather you don't have to
1091s go live on a specific specific server as
1094s long as you kind of follow the
1096s instructions on that
1100s or anything like that like that there we
1102s go the passionate poisoner flaming
1104s estimates
1106s uh I don't know if any of the DLCs are
1108s on sale other than some break itself
1111s um okay here we go we've got watch out
1113s for those big booms
1117s goodies
1119s because Flamin espinas can impart
1122s defense down it's pretty scary pretty
1125s scary
1126s yeah I'll grab this because no one else
1128s has got the auto for that protection
1130s right time for some Revenge round two
1133s against blaming because if you'd seen
1135s any preview footage of flaming espanas
1137s from um like Western content creators
1140s the chances are it was me get my butt
1143s work
1145s dude
1147s [Music]
1152s flaming SMS is getting up lost oh get
1155s out of the way
1156s nice good start there that's a lot of
1158s damage on the start we love to see it
1161s and then
1162s get a nice Mets who in there
1165s no obviously I'm playing with a very
1167s experienced team we've all got our main
1169s steps on so uh flame in espanas
1172s we'll be having a slightly trickier time
1175s as usual
1176s experience very very experience
1187s still hits like a truck like I'm wearing
1190s any game armor that reminds me though
1191s you can now further upgrade expensive
1194s capabilities of your armor sets and I
1197s think uh it's by another 20 on each
1200s piece so you can go talk to the nail
1202s which I'll do after God
1207s we need to get some more defense which
1210s is great especially if you've been doing
1211s curio frosting
1213s to uh
1216s likes to lower your defense for a lot of
1218s the Bucks
1222s yeah poor flame in espanas
1225s when I fought it before he had 15
1227s minutes
1228s very spicy
1232s I will make sure I pick up the shinies
1233s just for the weapons I know you need
1236s any flaming SMS so I really need to uh
1238s make increase my chances as much as
1241s possible
1244s okay they've got the counter but we've
1246s got the hits
1247s I think I have the marrying a spider
1251s no I don't
1253s know someone's got it though that's the
1255s important thing
1257s yeah I've been super excited to try and
1258s update
1259s very envious oh no that's the Nova
1262s that's the one on over oh
1265s and that if that hits you you are
1267s gonna that is
1275s the wyvern ride so I'll let my team
1278s sharpen
1280s and then we will help you
1289s put a Bonks there and then we'll drop
1291s here
1293s good position then we use the shield
1295s bash to close distance and we'll get
1298s anything combo going oh
1301s I think that must be the head breaks
1303s perfect we want that if we want to have
1304s another mantle
1308s I think that's the back brake or a wing
1310s so we need to work on that tail now
1314s isn't getting chance to show off its
1317s Glory right now with the uh experienced
1319s Hunters it's just a great one but yeah
1321s when I was trying to slowly play manista
1323s now like oh my goodness
1326s it's scary like the the repeating
1329s Fireballs the defense down
1332s there's no verse
1338s yo check out uh what episodes are like
1341s on uh on these monsters wants to face
1344s them once
1346s oh
1348s hey bro I wonder if there's a
1361s ghost
1362s oh there we go there's the fireball
1364s there so I got the defense down so what
1366s I want to do
1368s Adam and seeds
1370s down oh nice part break there that
1373s stagger was lovely there's the
1375s marionette spider so we'll hold off to
1377s sleep for a second
1386s I can't slap that get blocking
1389s get ready for the counter attack
1392s we tanked that we tanked that
1397s watch out gang sleeps down sleeps down
1400s will we get the hit we got jeric
1404s sorry jarek I'm on my way
1410s back oh no we gotta sleeping we got it
1414s we're on switch today
1421s I was thinking about the Met super then
1423s I was like I can't time that to kind of
1424s be like a flu
1426s I did that bit early oh no but I've got
1428s defiant song so it doesn't matter I can
1431s still get the hit through
1433s I wonder if we'll get another nose as
1434s well babes go home coming in I've got
1436s that off some of my Curious craft bits
1439s I'm very lucky there
1442s oh no that's not a raw that's not a raw
1445s oh
1447s nice evasions there I was like is it a
1450s roar no that's a no but we're getting
1452s out of here we are getting out of here
1454s nice knocks down do some more work on
1457s the tail
1463s come here tail
1468s so Kieran the metsu is a counter move
1471s the sword and short can have as one of
1473s its so fine attacks
1475s um so you do a normal uppercut on the
1477s shield while playing everyone
1478s but if you counter a move so if it moves
1482s about it you and you parry it you the
1484s damage goes up you hit a lot more get
1486s more damage
1492s all right
1497s so we've got a couple of shards there
1503s oh it's flaming is over
1514s we did it we did really well that was a
1516s nice experience team nearly got the
1518s capture as well by the looks of things
1521s I wonder where we get there will we get
1523s the mantle that's what I want to know
1528s yeah seven minutes was good like trying
1530s to do this solo
1532s it's not as easy to do that seven
1534s minutes maybe I'll try it solo later
1537s see how it goes
1541s please spinach blight not a bad shout at
1542s all not a bad shell
1550s oh my goodness we did it we got the
1553s mantle first hunt oh yes so I really
1557s want the sword and shield first try from
1560s the broken part as well breaking those
1562s parts is so important
1564s so so important
1568s isn't it beautiful
1569s isn't it beautiful
1571s and then we got a few more bits there
1574s fantastic work everyone chiche will be
1577s pleased I know I know
1579s and the mantle and the mantle I'm so
1582s pleased that because the first time I
1583s fought flaming espinas on the Tokyo game
1585s show build I failed and I got a I got a
1589s mantle but now we succeeded and I got
1591s the mantle so super super happy about
1593s that so we're gonna go look at the gear
1595s now before we take on uh violet mitsuni
1599s foreign
1602s but first let's also take a look so
1604s let's check out the Hunter's nodes we'll
1605s check out the large monsters and
1612s have I gone past no claimination okay
1615s let's have a look
1617s so weeks of water uh I mean not overly
1621s weak to a lot I mean water is definitely
1623s your best bet nothing over 25 but
1626s well it's still good I need to decide
1628s what I'll say my hair is blending in
1630s like recent chameleons I need to decide
1632s on a water sort of Shield actually still
1633s I'm still deciding uh so Dr Dory would
1637s like a catch up so uh yeah that mountain
1639s was nice
1645s so we need to get a violet Mr Sunni for
1647s some more medicine okay for your safe
1649s return do that
1650s you can do that
1652s so before we do that though let's go
1654s check out the gear so we'll start with
1656s the armor
1658s so
1659s here is
1661s the um obviously I have my armor like a
1663s scent color like a bluish color so this
1666s is not the kind of default color but
1668s look at that that's cool you've got
1670s obviously the
1671s obviously with the orange now on the
1674s kind of like hard leathery areas which
1677s is really really swish so let's look at
1679s the skills so attack boost 2 razor sharp
1681s spare shot charge Master Marathon Mana
1684s attack boost 2 Intrepid heart okay so
1687s after filling the gauge by continuously
1689s Landing attacks and the gates damage
1691s reactions and reduces damage taken from
1693s a single attack
1695s that's pretty cool that reminds me of a
1698s certain mantle from iceborn I wonder if
1700s it does work like that that would be
1701s interesting
1703s um and level two when activated damage
1706s received a spur for reduced and will
1708s detonate an explosion
1710s that's cool and then we've got burst
1712s bursters obviously I think
1714s uh one of the crit skills got renamed
1717s because it didn't actually do Crypt so
1721s we renamed it to make it
1722s make it make more sense
1724s um so burst there which like rewards
1726s keeping up that attack
1729s um and hitting multiple times and then
1731s once again got the boots there so the
1733s boots are very interesting I think the
1735s boots of attack boost burst an Intrepid
1737s heart like how many slots have we got a
1739s four and a one
1742s boots they take a mantle as well so
1746s chain [ __ ] that's the one that was
1748s that's the one that got renamed to burst
1750s thank you everyone thank you
1752s okay so that's that's some interesting
1754s gear um but weapon wise this is what I'm
1758s very very excited about because these
1760s weapons have something unique that no
1763s other weapons have as far as I'm aware
1766s um unless you count the Espionage dual
1768s blades so flaming espanas
1771s sun shield as you can see it's a 310 raw
1775s 45 a little bit of purp a little bit of
1777s white so the sharpness you'll have to
1779s watch uh infinity 15 and a 4-1-1 on
1783s there now what's very interesting about
1785s this is there's more to it than meets
1787s the eyes and this is the same for any
1789s flavor
1791s I'll show you the layered weapon as well
1794s um
1795s if you read the description
1796s this sword and shield is imbued with
1798s unfathomable power and it has the chance
1800s to inflict poison and that is true this
1803s is a fire weapon that has an innate
1805s ability to also poison monsters so fire
1809s and poison and this is the same on all
1812s the other weapons that are flaming
1813s espionage so I think that's super super
1816s cool very very excited about that let's
1818s like I'll probably need a hunt
1820s flame and espinos a couple more times to
1822s be able to make this
1824s yeah cause I've got the other espinos
1826s bits uh okay so I need to forge that and
1828s then go down here and make that and then
1830s wash so I might use that as my fire
1832s weapon because I love status and I love
1835s Elemental and this gives me both even
1836s though I do have the Wrath the loss
1837s sword and shield at the moment so let's
1840s look at this in a layered way so you can
1842s actually get a good look at it so here
1844s it is
1845s look at that blade that's monstrous I
1848s love the sheen on it like yeah that
1851s that's a cool looking weapon that is
1853s probably gonna end up making that as
1855s layered once I get a few more parts
1858s bye now I don't know I've only just
1862s started exploring the hidden poison stat
1864s so I'm not sure how it synergizes with
1866s other skills but it would definitely be
1868s worth testing especially if you've got
1869s like status trigger I think that'd be a
1871s good way to check
1873s Flamin espinas is also available in
1875s support surveys that's really cool so
1877s not only that but the follow requests
1879s have expanded so you can take on these
1881s new monsters with some of your friendly
1882s uh friendly friends I guess from Elgato
1885s and Kimura
1887s so now a new urgent Quest a violet
1889s visits your name
1891s I've heard good things about this
1893s monster
1894s very good things about this monster
1896s so I'm excited to take you home
1899s oh it's gonna be in for fire defense
1905s and once you've fought these monsters I
1907s believe you'll get them in my other
1908s quests as well which is really really
1909s cool so we're gonna go fire Defender
1911s Medicare
1913s um
1916s because
1917s it doesn't have great fire resistance at
1920s all but that reminds me talking of armor
1923s my nail
1927s even though I'm going to be expanding my
1928s sets we want to we want to level up
1930s level up our defense oh 16 okay
1935s just upgraded my gear gang I do
1937s apologize it's costing a little bit of
1939s Zenni but that's okay we've been saving
1941s up
1943s so it takes my defense up to 126.
1952s there you go so a little bit of extra
1953s defense which all adds up especially
1955s yeah curio craft and likes to lower your
1957s defense to get a lot of stuff
1959s save this one out
1963s my week was good thank you as well
1967s yeah Violet Mr SUNY has been really
1970s popular which is awesome to see
1976s just having a sip of water so I'm nice
1978s and hydrated to go up against this
1980s flaming
1981s again spicy
1988s here we go nice intro for it as well
1991s better safe than sorry indeed
1994s it's hunger satisfied the Beast rests
1997s oblivious to the approaching oh T-Rex
2000s what are you updated
2007s I've got a lot of platinum eggs and gold
2009s eggs I think in my uh
2024s out the frying pan Into the Fire
2027s dance of Eldritch Flame violetsune
2037s timeout for T-Rex I suppose
2048s oh there we go got those cut those ones
2051s well I don't think I'll need the far
2053s Caster I hope not
2056s thank you for the bucks
2058s right everyone ready I one two three
2061s let's go
2065s oh is it really good shower
2075s and then I missed
2079s oh didn't miss there though nice nice
2081s bomb conversation
2087s there we go go for the head break see if
2091s we get another things
2097s is going to be having a great time
2100s if you have a favorite song
2102s uh
2115s gets hold up now
2125s through that
2127s Shield Bash
2133s all we want to do is try and keep this
2134s it's really busy here come the bubble so
2136s the Bubbles as you can see track two
2138s Hunters home in explosive bubbles like
2141s that is quite quite little little heart
2144s like here
2147s how's that
2149s is that better
2153s T-Rex was your boy correct
2155s was being the uh apt example there
2163s nice thank you for letting me know I
2164s hope you can still hear the game as well
2169s yeah I've seen some insect Lake users
2171s getting bopped out of the sky by those
2173s bubbles
2175s trying to get a Maps you off there but
2177s you know we avoided that okay what's
2178s this
2181s oh I don't think he's happy there then
2185s we got the knock down and the music
2186s change as well
2190s I'd like to use Elemental stuff it's
2192s alive bought the monsters once and air
2194s on the side of course
2202s another knock down absolutely brutal
2209s yeah Violet's got the pocket rockets
2211s sending out those booms
2213s and there's also a very very big one as
2215s well
2216s the Mets who off there didn't get too
2218s many hits but that's okay
2224s that is is that a spreading that was
2227s scary
2231s oh I'm glad we went above that
2236s we're gonna get
2238s oh my goodness I did not expect that
2251s luckily I've got Defiance on me right
2254s now it's the extra defense and uh Unity
2256s for the ball or something
2258s parried the bubble there they go there's
2262s tracking bubbles
2264s too much damage to the uh four legs
2268s oh they're coming for me I'm gonna hide
2270s by Mr sune use it as a barrier
2275s heartbreaks we love lots of parts in
2277s here give us more Monster Parts oh
2280s so this is shooting with attack while
2283s the bubbles to track in I love the sound
2284s they make
2289s yeah this update's live everyone on
2291s switch and PC you can get stuck into the
2293s title right now
2295s just a small update to do I think it's
2297s 0.6 gig on switch like one point
2300s but the PC version also got a new filter
2302s they got the horror filter so if you've
2305s been using the visual filters or not yet
2306s do check it out
2310s oh we're not going to get to see the
2311s Violet doesn't see any Spirit Bomb
2313s because that's a very very cool
2315s but we are absolutely wailing
2323s these new monster pads
2330s yeah right in time for Halloween getting
2332s spooky
2334s yep violent Miss tuna is nearly down
2337s so we've actually kept it very uh
2340s grounded
2342s lots of chain stunts chain flinches
2344s heartbreaks so the team the team has
2347s done well at doing that well played
2348s everyone
2350s well played we did give Violet Mr SUNY
2352s the chance to really batter us with the
2354s with its new fire attacks
2361s what did I get there white fool there
2366s but it means you Shard oh we've got some
2369s nice bits there there you go
2373s well played everyone and get ready we're
2375s going to be rotating the lobby
2377s so here is what you need
2380s this with the lobby ID and then we are
2382s going to be taking on risen Camellias
2384s okay so get ready risen camellios is our
2387s next Target
2390s a well played to Ricardo
2392s to W and to jarek
2401s I suppose that
2403s it's looking very nice all these power
2404s starts
2408s we are on switch today yeah yeah so if
2411s you want to join in fire up that switch
2412s and get stuck in
2415s hmm
2420s oh my goodness
2422s could you believe it
2426s what a great start
2428s what a great start
2431s now did you made it Ellie good you made
2433s it just in time to see another mantle oh
2437s yes we went back to back flaming espinas
2439s into violent tsunamthos
2442s another I know
2445s oh but we need is risen camellios now
2448s human resin Camellias has one
2451s um
2452s we'll have to see
2454s doing all right Dad doing all right
2461s don't forget to grab an anti-dobra okay
2463s good shout I definitely think that's a
2464s good idea this is on uh switch Nicole
2468s we are on switch today and we are
2470s rolling in mantles
2478s so I'll uh see you later W thank you for
2481s jumping in good to see you as always
2486s so we have Emerald we have Francis
2490s excuse me and we have kiyabi
2494s apologies for any coffee in there got a
2496s bit of a dry fruit today
2498s yes so we got the medicine for Dr tedori
2504s so let's go look at
2506s hard and loot
2509s so I'm interested to see what flaming
2511s mrsune brings to the table uh not
2514s flaming Violet visit soon next to
2515s Flaming espinas
2518s yeah
2519s so Violet mitsune what have you got for
2522s us
2524s oh that looks really cool I know it's
2526s just the Blue version of this one but I
2528s love that that looks really cool I might
2530s have to like look at all that purple
2532s okay so a bit High raw a bit less fire
2535s three two slots is interesting
2538s and then you could upgrade the Rampage
2540s slot to two I assume right anyway
2543s that's an interesting choice
2546s looks very cool
2548s very very cool all right let's check out
2550s the ammo
2553s um so this is the uh onmio toucan also
2556s the onmio set so we'll we'll slop that
2558s on I really like the color scheme on
2561s this I really like the helmet as well
2563s the Hat slash mask this is cool that
2566s looks nice right so skill wise
2568s Adrenaline Rush one of the head extender
2570s three like off the bat
2574s um embolden so embolden is a new skill
2577s embolden went targeted by a monster that
2579s monster becomes more likely to become
2580s enraged but your own defenses increase
2582s so very very good thing in a single
2584s player hunt as well because you're
2586s always going to be focused pretty much
2587s unless your buddies are so while active
2590s you get increased defense prolongs
2591s invincibility when dodging so your
2593s evasion window goes up even more and
2595s lowers impact when guarding
2598s oh my goodness I think Lancers are going
2600s to have a field day with this great for
2601s sword and shield as well great for a lot
2603s of classes but yeah particularly those
2605s that can block that is really really
2606s really good
2608s uh what else we got here agitator
2610s embolden embolden agitator so very
2613s aggressive set flintry three wheat wax
2615s two on those boots as well
2618s an offensive guard that is an
2620s interesting set I reckon we're going to
2622s see some of that floating around
2624s hey Seth good to see you good to see you
2627s Seth
2629s it's good to see you yeah I bet you're
2631s having a very quacking day my friend
2635s so yeah that's the South there now we're
2637s gonna go after risen Camilo's but um
2639s before I put the quest in let's take a
2642s look at what Violet visit SUNY was week
2645s two so next time we go after it
2650s there it is so Violet Miss Sunni
2654s ice
2656s very weak to ice got some weakness to
2658s thunder as well so ice and Thunder's the
2660s way to go great I have a great ice set
2662s so I can do a lot of damage there that
2665s is good to see
2669s Title Update 2 mr10
2672s master rank 10 so just complete the
2673s story and then you'll be able and then
2676s do a couple of hunts and then you'll be
2677s able to do flaming S Plus some Violet Mr
2679s SUNY in order to unlock the Quest for
2681s yourself you need to be mastering 110
2684s for Risen camellios but if someone else
2686s you're playing with has it you only need
2687s to be mr10 to do it as we'll see there
2689s with Emerald
2691s um which should show that in action so
2693s it's Che
2694s master rank
2700s there's recent chameleos I guess because
2702s we've unlocked extra quests now so we
2704s have edge of Madness Advanced toxic
2707s trios so we have some new standard
2709s quests as well
2710s um oh my goodness look at that one so
2712s you can do flame and ESPN s gold
2713s wrathian and Lucent laga cougar in the
2715s forlorn Arena which looks really really
2717s fun
2718s um Advanced resplendent silver I need to
2721s do do some of those that'll be a ton of
2723s fun but first
2725s fast we have a risen convenience to do
2727s with so this is a new type of Elder
2728s Dragon a risen how to track it
2734s yeah these new skills that are coming in
2736s open up so many new kind of like skill
2739s combos I'm so excited to see what people
2741s make I'm going to be experimenting as
2743s well like there's just a lot of cool
2745s stuff like at the minute the mouse set I
2747s really like is a very comfortable set
2749s it's very flexible
2751s but I really want to kind of specialize
2752s more into my Elemental and Status side
2754s of things
2756s um so yeah very very much looking
2758s forward to that so this could be a hard
2761s hunt so
2763s and we're not doing it in an arena are
2765s we
2767s let me let me double check the shrine
2769s ruins okay so I'm going to be getting
2771s Spirit Bird caller here
2774s where are we we're going to be going for
2776s Dango bird caller we're gonna go for the
2780s Defender
2782s I mean I've got lots of
2785s herbal medicine
2790s let's go medic
2796s there we go so we've got what we need
2798s there this is this is interesting I'm
2799s very excited to take on risen camellios
2802s right everyone ready okay so I've got
2804s lots of Gunners so I'm gonna be I'm
2806s gonna be the soul Hunter sticking my
2808s face into camellios
2810s um
2812s so this will be interesting hopefully he
2814s focuses me more than the others but the
2817s Gunner should be at about some great
2818s damage because camellios is a long
2820s monster like you know quite juicy it's
2823s wide as well so perfect for Gunners
2825s perfect for Pearson shots
2827s um
2829s reasons things bad I cannot wait I
2832s cannot wait to get slapped around by uh
2834s risen camellios stay back and for okinaw
2837s yeah now I'm ranged as well
2839s Okay so
2842s it is morbin time I won't take the
2845s antidote because I've got herbal
2846s medicine
2848s um
2849s I've got it on my quick bar as well
2851s so I should be right on Spirit beds I've
2853s got Spirit Bird caller uh slide into my
2856s gear so I will be getting that and I'll
2858s get double effect however I know there
2860s is a Vitality Spirit bed down here so
2863s what we've got we got magmadron is that
2866s or is that a normal drum we have one of
2867s the drums then we've got wrath loss at
2869s the top there
2871s and obviously a mysterious question mark
2874s um so we'll head up to that shortly I
2877s just didn't manage my stamina too well
2879s here there we go we're up we're up
2883s there's some spare beds around here
2888s running out of breath
2892s that's true that would be normal that
2894s would just be Mac uh all madron I said
2896s magma John again because we know that
2898s all madron loves that mud
2902s okay we'll get these then we'll go oh
2904s look at that there we go
2906s oh there you go full help already full
2908s health we're not like what a minute in
2911s fantastic
2915s okay except this
2918s grab this
2921s and we will get Kraken because we have a
2923s monster to hunt anti-dobras by the falls
2928s good point I've kind of gone away from
2930s that now haven't I
2932s oh well maybe we'll end up there or
2934s maybe uh kiubi we'll get it
2937s I think I'm there right there it is
2940s marionette spider
2944s there's a lot going on here I can see a
2946s Rathalos
2954s some big numbers there is that a ruby oh
2957s my God
2958s oh time to Greed
2965s all right resin camellios
2967s show me what you've got
2970s so we've got a nice early knock down
2972s there for the wyvern ride
2974s obviously I don't think Caminos is in
2976s its prison state yet
2980s oh stealing my pollen though how dare
2984s you where are you where are you
2986s so I hear it's much more aggressive and
2988s it's invisible State now I love the
2989s scarring on it as well
2993s okay so it will attack when it visibly
2995s so you have to be very mindful of that
2998s uh I need to hit up already as well
3012s is it me am I am I the one doing this
3016s or we got we got a big boom on the
3018s Gunners I'm gonna try I'm gonna mess
3019s this up some Upstream I know you hate
3021s the Gunners shot out I was gonna goop
3023s for the Mets who wake up but it's cool
3024s it's cool we got this yeah look at that
3027s there's the scars
3030s gonna oh I did not expect it to rain and
3033s it's the nasty poison as well
3036s nice paralysis there
3038s trying to find a window here
3043s oh my goodness bulk
3047s I want to work on that snoot
3050s I'm gonna play carefully whoa it
3053s wow you got there really quick okay I
3056s like that I like the fact that when it's
3058s invis it's gonna like
3060s you you sorry if I butcher the
3062s pronunciation of everyone's favorite
3064s meme there
3065s it's like nothing personal Hunter
3070s who's this
3072s it's overdrawn
3081s let's get this good capitalized there
3084s there we go and the blast on the head as
3086s well like with my my finishing movement
3096s lovely damage nice knock down change
3099s everyone
3102s oh that damage wow that did a lot to me
3106s as well oh I'm gonna need a live powder
3109s please no I just got it before the
3111s poison got me oh
3113s oh okay okay now reason Camellia is just
3117s like yo like
3119s no joke here oh my goodness let's sit
3122s behind here okay okay Rizza camelliosis
3125s uh
3127s taking any prisoners I respect that I
3129s respect that
3130s oh that was a very clutch heal
3134s what's one of your go-to weapons layered
3136s I really like the silver loss silver
3138s loss layered someone showed I will
3140s probably be making because I think that
3142s looks incredible I loved it and I spawn
3144s and I'm gonna love it in this so really
3147s pleased to have that back uh gor magala
3149s and Shigeru magala are definitely gonna
3151s be making those as well really really
3153s like those
3155s um
3156s whoa we've barely even got here
3159s you're being super spicy have I got
3161s anyone else near me
3163s where where's it gone
3165s oh my goodness
3172s oh not my defense
3175s where are you
3176s oh I really like how aggressive
3178s physically
3183s okay did it soon but we went over the
3185s tongue so that's good we'll take that we
3187s will take that
3192s visibility is being used to lethaler
3194s back here
3198s gonna want to probably pop my stamina
3200s off actually then we'll get the
3202s marionette spider in how is it I'm here
3205s is everyone here yeah
3208s okay so we're gonna try and get the
3209s Marinette spider now the tricks for me
3211s would be not to miss
3217s okay we got the kitten okay now we have
3220s the Risen form so I'm gonna try and drag
3223s look at the glow I love that look at the
3225s clothes
3226s try and get it to uh come to the
3229s kittenator
3231s before the marionette spider
3235s okay surely this is it Yamato dual 182
3238s Don't do a 180 evato oh my goodness
3240s watch out okay I don't think I think my
3242s two's in a position to do it
3246s thank you for the poison heal there
3247s right oh no you don't come back here
3252s I don't think so risen camellios
3255s welcome that's new
3258s okay so now listen to me lyrics is in
3260s its risen form so I'm I'm gonna have to
3263s be very careful I was already hit like a
3265s truck
3267s oh
3269s oh
3270s that's Savage oh my goodness that is
3274s Savage
3278s yeah that [ __ ] is scary Hold on was I
3281s just running into
3282s wow that's cool all right all right I'll
3286s say white wine
3288s I'm gonna definitely keep my
3294s oh oh oh oh that's I don't know where
3297s this is going
3300s even the poison is not enough
3303s definitely more like a teostran in Horn
3305s if I was on PC I'll be like yeah don't
3306s worry I've got a hunting horn for this
3308s try and get some damage off here
3312s where are you another kittenator perfect
3314s perfect
3316s that's it come over here for some
3318s camellios
3320s just a little bit closer
3323s come on
3326s oh okay okay it's out of that state now
3329s let's get some Revenge Hunters let's go
3339s to lifted his chin up get down here
3342s so so far it has dodged all the kitten
3345s eaters which I think is very rude very
3347s very rude my palate goes for all that
3349s effort in
3350s to get a tasty uh
3353s tasty kitten here out
3355s so right we've still got one more we
3357s still want one more
3359s this is the new one Hobbs this is risen
3361s camellios and it hits like an invisible
3363s truck it's very satisfying I love how
3366s aggressive it is and how it uses its
3369s invisibility
3373s right are we are we all down here are we
3375s okay let's get some
3377s it's got some powders out for the team
3383s um
3386s I don't think it's has it been enough
3387s time we might be able to get Rapha lost
3389s again if I'm honest
3391s I think we might get lost maybe they've
3393s come off cooldown I'm gonna try
3396s rather lost it's me
3398s yep off the cooldown perfect
3402s a lovely stuff
3405s okay
3407s okay
3410s just warm things up a bit
3414s let's create the tree cover I'm just
3416s going to believe in wrathalos's AIM in
3418s here you know Reckless knows what's up
3421s oh I missed
3423s you know what I'm just gonna go for the
3424s the mountain Punisher now I think oh
3426s there's that poor coated red Bob as well
3436s oh and then into a paralysis as well
3440s you know what I can't hit that table too
3442s easily so I maybe should focus more on
3444s the head
3446s but we'll give it a good go
3450s Nice Part break there team here comes
3452s the kidney third time's the charm Yamato
3454s you got it this time oh watch out
3456s everyone I'm gonna get a preemptive life
3458s powder out unlucky
3459s unlucky
3462s risen camellios definitely flexing Seng
3466s yo I'm a risen Elder Dragon like you
3469s ain't gonna come in and just push me
3470s around
3471s I respect that I respect that we got
3474s some parts that's nice we've got some
3477s monster parts
3480s recent Camellia she's spicy monster
3485s no mercy on that monster no it's very
3488s very hard it's a nice challenge I'm
3489s loving it
3492s fights very differently to the standard
3494s Camellias as well
3496s but it's all right you just dust
3499s yourselves down oh part of me got a
3501s hiccup there you just dust yourself down
3504s and jump back in so what we'll do we'll
3506s actually try out
3509s this hunt that looked really interesting
3512s um
3514s the toxic Trio because we've not had
3517s enough poison
3521s oh what's more difficult than risen
3523s Camellia is for you Ruben
3529s yeah all these new monsters aren't
3531s aren't easy so don't feel bad if you
3534s can't like it's a nice challenge right
3536s where master I could get an even spicier
3538s monsters with really cool armor and
3540s weapons
3541s [Music]
3544s that'll do
3546s and Yamato you did very well getting all
3548s those kidneys though I'm sorry risk and
3550s Camellias wouldn't let you use them
3552s you got the risk you got the camellia's
3554s rise gem nice one Black Ops
3560s and then we're awesome I've actually
3562s prepared I've actually got some
3563s talismans simmer in a way over here
3567s which is very very nice I'll borrow
3568s looking after it for me
3574s so it is we'll do this huh and then we
3577s will rotate the lobby so we'll have us
3578s coming in next get ready for round two
3580s against risen commute use
3582s we can't let risen communities get away
3584s like that
3592s so now we have heavy bowgun Lance and
3594s the light bow gun and obviously my sword
3596s and shield so a nice mix there
3600s hello Francis good to see you good to
3602s see you
3607s loved all the fashion
3609s love to see it
3616s can you be there getting cared out
3617s looking very Dapper as well oh another
3619s Lance love it love it we're Team Shield
3621s right now
3625s oh there we go the fashion is on
3628s here we go
3634s we're gonna so now we have a triple
3635s threat we've had plenty of poison with
3637s camellios and now we're having a little
3638s bit more with uh flaming Espionage gold
3641s wrathion and
3643s um Lucent nagakuga all these monsters I
3645s love it I love saying all these names
3647s and having all these monsters in
3651s there's three monsters I should be fine
3653s maybe I take the far Caster to get back
3657s thank you Seth thank you
3660s all right let's go let's go
3667s of course we have Sleeping Beauty here
3670s having a little nap
3674s you know I'm Gonna Save My bombs for
3676s like sleeping another monster I think
3679s I think that's the way to go for me ah I
3682s got that's another look
3689s oh it's straight in I was like maybe I
3692s could do the Met suit now can I get in
3694s time for the
3695s yep we got there straight into the stunt
3698s great work team
3699s and then I'm gonna take this lovely
3701s material
3703s now as flameless math is enraged its
3706s head isn't a weak spot yet
3709s but you know we'll do some work over
3710s that heartbreak oh we're gonna get a
3711s second war
3716s oh see why we've got all these shields
3719s with blaming espanas here
3722s let me come up there oh not like that
3725s though not like that I regret that
3733s was rude that was luckily that wasn't a
3736s triple Fireball but that wasn't scary I
3739s still have the fence down on me
3743s so you know I'm just gonna have to avoid
3744s again getting hit like that is kind of
3747s the thing I wanted to avoid
3754s oh thank you very much I thought I could
3756s get those help against the recent videos
3761s listen let's get some damage in here
3762s join the Lance users in The Fray
3766s oh that's a nice big hit okay nice now
3769s we can focus on the head here
3774s that's a wife right outside are you
3776s going
3777s all right team you've got time to
3778s sharpen if you want to
3783s stay over here
3789s and another bomb
3801s should we take out this toxic Trio
3804s where you going where are you going not
3806s too far not too far we've got those silk
3809s vines on here
3811s oh nice Marinette spider there getting
3813s us another trip here go welcome the tail
3818s nice work
3821s another teamwork on the front gold
3823s wrathians here now okay okay so that's
3826s how it is
3828s getting flashbacks to the Dual threat
3830s their revelry of Destruction
3832s is that the revenue destruction that was
3833s gold and silver wrath right I think
3835s that's the name of that question was
3836s that the pressure either way two at once
3839s blaming s Finance down though that's
3841s right back to one monster at once
3848s quick gang get your combat carves in
3850s extract wrathion
3853s nice work Hunting Buddies look at them
3855s all lined up
3856s doing awesome work and the Flash as well
3859s just what we needed
3860s just what we needed
3863s okay now we've got gold rack to deal
3865s with
3866s similar situation and until she's
3868s incandescent her head doesn't take much
3870s damage at all very very resistive
3878s that doesn't stop the counter combo with
3880s the head there nice work to UV lovely
3882s stuff
3883s we've got our other teammates around the
3885s other side of wrathion it's got dual
3887s pronged attack
3898s now I'm gonna use my bombs
3904s or help with that anyway
3908s scandalous
3910s we need more boots
3913s yeah I do on PC but on switch sword and
3915s shield and then switch axon Hammer I've
3917s got in the back pocket but we still need
3919s to build out my sort of Shield so that's
3920s before I start kind of doing that
3923s right who's got really big hit here can
3925s I maybe
3926s I can I need to think about this
3931s oh no the shot's got info for me I think
3934s no Med suit but you know looks cool you
3937s know cool Hunters don't look at
3938s explosions and all that
3949s nice nice
3952s paralysis great use of status there team
3955s I imagine that's coming from Francis and
3957s our buddies combined
3958s responded all answers has a cheeky
3960s paralysis line
3966s oh someone got slapped there
3975s got the wife right again feel free to
3977s get a sharpen team get a little sharper
3979s if you need it or reload if you're the
3981s bow gun
3984s s
3988s oh no oh no oh we still got it as that
3991s oh no this is awful
3994s went over
3997s Emerald there it looks like it's been
3999s focusing the tail so thank you Emerald
4001s never have too many gold wrath tails
4004s I'm swinging get down here
4014s what if Lucid nakakuga was here the
4016s whole time we just can't see it's
4017s invisible it's just like yeah I'm just
4019s chill here I'm quite right thank you
4026s uh Defiance thank you very much there's
4029s Lucifer
4032s foreign
4066s oh how that table didn't hit me oh okay
4069s I think that's the head break lovely
4072s and there's the
4074s on down which leaves us loose
4080s quick everyone
4082s nice flash Emerald
4084s come get your come get your calves
4088s and then I need to sharpen as well nice
4090s up a mantle very good thank you Ralph
4094s just the third one of the stream let's
4096s go
4097s let it let us go
4103s loving these mentors
4106s right let's go deal with Lucent
4113s okay we're gonna get a kittenator is
4115s that what it's gonna be
4117s oh the blast going in at the same time
4120s as that combo ending attack was a lot of
4123s Juicy damage
4132s the support
4134s there we go sort of small blast
4138s oh uh that tail did a lot of damage
4142s unsurprisingly I mean it is
4147s oh nice big spike damage for the week up
4149s there that was nicely tight
4151s I'm just like shopping where are you
4154s these invisible menaces another blast
4157s proc thank you very much
4160s what's going on
4163s wow that is a lot of hits let's get live
4165s powder out for everyone nice
4168s great minds think alike there
4176s nice wiping ride I'll let someone else
4178s get going
4183s loosen off you go
4191s telling you have a little howl there
4196s oh there's the stuff as well it's nice
4198s chaining these together is beautiful so
4201s it's not quite a big Lucifer Hugo right
4203s like I'm not imagining that
4205s the size of its head compared to being
4208s this is a chunky one
4217s oh nice nice pop right still working on
4220s the head we'll get there we'll get there
4226s indeed
4232s that straight into another stock it's so
4235s very nice
4236s and Lucifer could be getting nearly down
4240s nearly there great job everyone
4242s well played
4250s nicely done and get ready everyone as
4252s well I'm gonna put the lobby ID in chat
4253s if you want to take on risen camellios
4257s get ready to sign up and great work to
4259s Emerald Francis and uh kiyobi there's
4262s some lovely hunts risen camellios it's
4264s scary
4265s I held on by the skin of my teeth
4267s literally and I look forward to a
4270s Vengeance our first time but great work
4272s on this one really well done three toxic
4275s monsters taken down and we all got our
4278s calves as well
4279s even midnight
4283s I wonder if I could check what written
4285s Camellias is weak to now even though we
4287s didn't beat it we'll have a look see if
4289s I can element up yeah they were really
4292s fun hunts lovely fashion cutie as well
4296s France is that yes we got the curio
4298s Crown Emerald looking very proud nice
4300s and armored up
4302s [Music]
4306s well done well done indeed
4311s see what goodies we got
4314s out of Ruby as well we'll take a ruby
4317s thank you got mantelan and Ruby off
4318s crafty and very very generous
4321s and then we've got some gold rathian
4323s bits there
4324s nice very happy with that
4331s Master ranks climbing nicely as well
4333s love to see it love to see it you got
4336s two flaming espinos menthols and a wrath
4339s mantle oh my goodness congratulations
4341s kuv that is truly delicious on the loot
4346s front
4346s I hope you're really pleased with that
4349s the argosis pickup boxes
4353s check out the mail summaries okay
4354s they're still doing some bits
4359s okay
4361s um
4364s okay
4368s Barrel bombs back
4371s yes thank you for the Hunts everyone
4372s really appreciate it
4374s really really appreciate it
4377s oh see you Emerald
4386s kiwi there saying bye by uh The Courier
4388s so we have three slots to take on risen
4391s camellios so come and join the
4394s shenanigans so we have Cheshire on the
4395s bow we have foxy as well
4398s coming in
4400s and who is our third
4403s or what will be the fourth Hunter
4409s I'm gonna
4411s check out risen Camellias if I can
4416s there we go okay
4418s no don't know yet because we haven't
4419s beaten it
4421s oh I'll stick with blast them
4423s stick with blast
4426s and philadriel there nice we have our
4429s team we are ready to rock
4431s oh very nice very cool fish
4434s charge blade there too right okay so
4437s basically I need to be very wary of
4439s poison
4440s a very very aware of poison keep your
4442s fingers crossed by hunting on yeah I
4444s don't have mine on me sadly
4446s so definitely definitely Dango bird
4448s caller Moxie won't help because it's
4450s mostly poison Dango Defender could work
4453s by really like medic so
4455s we'll take this we will take this I
4457s imagine like I think if I had
4458s coalescence coalescence would be a great
4460s armor skill for this hunt
4463s um
4463s [Music]
4465s purely for the fact that storage poison
4468s yes welcome welcome everyone wow that's
4471s such a cool oh that's such a cool hero
4474s emblem I need to see how you'd get that
4476s one
4477s that's one of the new ones right let's
4479s uh
4483s I need to check if I've got uh
4490s nope I've only got got my these two I
4493s need to work on my other ones
4496s definitely need to work on my other ones
4499s Lucent nakakuga was a large Gold Crown
4501s that's awesome if so that would be super
4503s awesome
4507s there are other weapons apparently rumor
4509s has it there are other weapons in
4511s hunting horn we are still confirming
4513s that the duties are unsure there could
4515s be anything greater than the Hunter
4520s I don't think I can yeah because we
4523s didn't beat risen
4524s oh no oh no some reason I just haven't
4527s checked out uh Furious rajak
4531s oh it's the Risen Slayer badge oh that
4534s looks really cool
4539s I'm really glad it got badge it looks
4541s Wicked
4543s yeah make sure you've got your anti-anti
4546s poison stuff here so we've got a nice
4547s mix of Gunners and blade Masters as well
4550s oh doesn't that look cool
4553s very nice pose
4556s take a beauty
4559s I love it
4562s oh it's reassuring to have a resin
4564s Slayer with us Cheshire can show us the
4566s way
4568s oh there's that the armor as well the
4569s chess piece
4576s flat drizzle full up on Dango we already
4578s round two risen camellios we're gonna
4580s get you this time
4582s we're going to get you this and we know
4584s we know a lot of your tracks
4586s we know what you're planning
4588s oh no we'll get you this time
4591s but yeah what a fun hunt though I really
4593s really like it really really like it
4604s okay
4607s there you are we can see okay so we have
4609s a rajang and a raffles
4614s that's good
4617s I wonder if I get the antidote but
4619s when's the best time to use it when it's
4623s when it's in its risen kind of form
4634s so my eyes is getting a little bit
4635s watery so if I'm blinking a lot there uh
4642s right okay let's get some Spirit Birds
4645s Down us let's get an initial buff there
4647s we go
4650s foreign
4652s yeah I hear quick breath is a great
4654s shout as well get that wrath yeah I
4656s think so
4660s and rashang as well be super useful just
4663s like getting those laser beams
4670s there we go health is nearly full which
4672s is great
4676s I'm gonna follow foxy and Cheshire over
4678s here as well
4681s foreign
4697s going on here
4700s nearly got my attack my attack is now
4703s full like yeah even for that
4705s um darpan skewers and a ticket for the
4708s Dango bird caller and having the Spirit
4710s Bird caller
4711s um decoration which is only one slot
4713s like
4714s oh that's so good
4717s quick breath gets rid of Defense down as
4719s well that's awesome and wrathlos is
4720s coming over
4722s do we won
4724s wrathalos and reshang
4726s back to back I mean we could I see it's
4729s terrible
4736s much much have some snacks it is SNS
4739s time ocean good to see you mate good to
4741s see you and we are taking on risen
4743s camellios too
4744s uh okay rushing's gone on a run so we'll
4747s just let these two kind of like duke it
4748s out
4754s point of it all here for the bus to go
4756s out oh nice one
4761s all right let's let's kick things off of
4763s the Wi-Fi let's turn up the heat we are
4764s getting revenge on us and camellios this
4766s time
4779s very nice very nice
4789s so excitable I just love it so much I
4791s keep adding extra letters into SS
4794s right come here you
4802s 've got some catching up to do Rizzo
4803s camellios
4806s oh okay this has been around we've got a
4807s tail there
4810s obviously it's not in its risen form yet
4811s but it's still very very dangerous where
4814s are you where are you
4816s it moves quick when it's visible
4823s to have a herbal medicine there very
4826s very important
4830s it's getting close Shield bash I love
4833s you for that thank you very much very
4835s very simple but very very effective
4839s all right
4841s [ __ ]
4844s nice flasher forgot that one in
4847s I'm uh facing the wrong way
4862s oh I was gonna be squished there
4868s are you two are we gonna get a third
4869s attack no two is enough there
4877s is the app following the arrows to see
4879s where everything is
4881s switch X is very cool
4887s keep my shield up for that one
4889s a bit cautious
4891s then take the big boys and hits don't go
4893s through my uh resources too quickly
4896s okay that's not bad okay it's just
4899s jumped over there like oh yeah I can
4900s sharpen Now where's version has got even
4903s further away
4907s you know I'm gonna oh behind me again
4912s with the teleporting behind
4918s and store some of my yellow color very
4921s cheap
4925s oh the back step boys
4932s there it is again that is a dangerous
4934s move oh
4938s let's get rid of that poison I don't
4939s know where I'm like one tick away from
4941s Carter
4947s blast is working rather nicely
4952s for everyone's here let's get the
4955s let's get some Buffs on us
4958s nice timing on the paralysis for you
4960s holding on to that you wear weren't you
4962s you're like we'll save this when things
4964s get real spicy
4967s point to the knockdown as well we'll
4968s come out
4974s the head
4975s a little yellow tongue waggling around
4984s live and ride very very nice oh my
4987s goodness the fireworks going off as well
4990s Bonk right where are we going where we
4992s go
4995s where are you taking us risen camellios
4998s ah nice right should I try and get yeah
5000s this is not bad angle for some tail
5002s damage
5004s we'll go take that
5006s I'll join join the Gunner and bow here
5009s [ __ ] knocked out the Risen State nice
5011s and quick all right thank you bomb Berry
5014s I want to start my conver a bit you know
5016s you're gonna be that way bomb Berry I'll
5017s put you in my pocket
5021s oh
5026s goodness the combo
5030s no sticky shots I think when they're
5032s doing some big workouts
5036s pushing us towards a nice power break as
5038s well hello private how's it going oh
5041s that looks like another yep
5043s what a spectacle what a spectacle
5059s tongue lashes or heartbreak very nice
5067s so that's the Heartbreak on the head
5071s so I think it's focusing the gun is so
5073s not in a terrible position here
5076s he says gonna get get the purple vom
5080s nice sleep
5081s oh and away away it comes
5085s sorry go back to sleep Camellia you
5087s didn't miss anything it's all good
5089s have a little nap
5092s oh didn't quite get that position right
5094s but hey I landed in healing so I'm going
5096s to say that was calculated
5099s that one wasn't calculated so
5106s the range on that that was brutal that's
5108s like you know it's poison breath how far
5109s can it go turns out quite far
5112s turns out
5121s somehow I didn't get hit but then I
5124s walked into the poison
5126s bug no no Bonk
5133s let's see if I can Outlast this guy I
5134s need to get to the head to here with my
5135s blood right
5139s oh hey rajang how's it going
5142s looks pretty messy so I'm gonna turn
5145s this opportunity to shop it
5147s nice one master chief congratulations on
5150s taking down flame and SMS
5152s should be very pleased very very pleased
5156s going over there
5160s and of course uh Afflicted rajang is in
5163s the game now so if you like your round
5164s Shanks extra spicy
5166s rajang will be waiting for you in
5168s anomaly investigations like
5173s minions I'm doing a lot of work there
5176s there
5181s bulk
5183s oh
5188s my
5190s God
5192s it's a great work everyone
5197s I'm kind of just like swinging around
5198s there
5200s oh my attack how could you do this
5206s I'm down here well played everyone well
5208s played
5215s risk Emilio's hits really hard so
5217s luckily we you know we're able to keep
5219s the pressure on chain some knockdowns
5221s change some part breaks well played oh
5227s these bits
5231s there's extra graduation
5235s give some more velvet to my palette go
5237s well done Yamato
5239s we got revenge we got revenge for round
5241s one
5243s says now one one Hunters to one and
5245s camellios here
5250s okay
5251s we've set it free from its affliction
5255s good thank you he has great teamwork
5257s there
5264s yamatobian suitably spooky
5267s but now we get to check out the new
5269s armor from prison community is very very
5271s excited to see
5280s hey there we go we've got a gem so we've
5282s got camellia's fine hide our wing lash
5285s fine hide oh wait hard foul Wang pudding
5288s got some jewels
5291s rise gem thank you very much we will
5294s take one of those
5297s Alpha voucher got an egg hard horn
5305s we've got some rajang pieces as well
5310s yeah guys welcome is incredibly
5312s incredibly dangerous so we've got the
5314s Summoner slain shield and the Risen
5316s Slayer Badge of Heroes nice I'm putting
5318s that straight on
5324s the most Center rise resin rise Jeb no
5327s spotted
5332s it all comes together
5336s oh the meow somebody's back I'm going to
5337s get my mouse respects I'm cancer
5341s some materials I need of them thank you
5342s for the lagne Apple
5346s so I can make my jelly gear
5349s that's what we want the flounce jelly so
5351s we get paralysis weapons
5353s thank you very much now we're gonna
5354s we'll send them out again we'll send
5356s them a curio hunt uh
5362s okay
5364s so well played on that one everyone that
5366s was fantastic
5372s so let's look at the armor then
5377s so this is the Risen mizua headdress
5382s so let's get layered I really like the
5384s headdress piece actually if I'm honest
5386s as well I think that's pretty cool
5388s very Meiji this kind of armor isn't it
5391s look I've got some earrings as well
5393s that's cool right now the skills so what
5396s do you need here so the rise gems are
5398s what you need so you need five rise gems
5400s to make the full set plus uh camellia's
5403s bits and other monster including stuff
5405s like an Espionage Contour I mean lots of
5407s slots here which we love to see
5410s so Peak Performance of Aid window build
5412s up boost now build up boost is a very
5415s interesting skill
5417s increases attack power when you land
5419s attacks that build poison paralysis
5421s sleep Blaster exhaust no exhaust only
5423s counts for ranged attacks
5426s so while active increases the tap Power
5428s by 10 15 or 20 which are these are Big
5431s Buffs right so if you're someone that
5434s likes me who loves running poison and
5437s things like that so increase that when
5438s you plan to actually build poison like
5439s you run that you run like status trigger
5442s like
5444s you're gonna be going crazy I think
5447s switch access could be very very good
5449s for like I really like exhaust switch
5450s axes I know it doesn't obviously exhaust
5452s doesn't work sorry as I said exhaust is
5454s ranged only but if you like status
5456s switch axes you know you get into like
5458s the amped mode and off you go
5461s um
5463s but yeah so chilled dual blades you know
5469s that's such a good skill and then
5471s camellia's blessing so obviously it
5474s sometimes increases the effect of spirit
5475s beds also negates minor and major wind
5477s pressure also extends the duration of
5479s your poison effect on monsters and then
5482s negates all open pressure
5484s so yeah there's a lot of good things
5485s works great on the antique machine area
5487s for sleep but yeah you got a lot of a
5490s lot of good stuff here a lot of good
5492s stuff
5493s I will quickly check if we got anything
5495s with the uh
5497s the Buddies
5505s oh actually I'm not sure that there's
5506s some tea cracks there but there's a few
5508s bits
5509s yeah that was a great hunt and what I'm
5511s gonna do now
5512s great pride
5515s I'm gonna put on a new Badge of Heroes
5520s oh there's lots
5522s there we go we are now risen Slayer I
5525s call these
5527s that's a cool one so we all look
5529s Majestic so we've got another hunt
5531s before we rotate the lobby
5532s uh oh yeah let's look at the decos good
5535s Shout
5540s a craft decorations
5543s so Haze Jewel so you can actually slide
5545s us up one slot for the haze jaw and the
5549s for camellia's blessing the Phoenix
5550s you're also coalescence too that's nice
5553s I know coalescence is really getting
5555s very popular
5557s um that's a great set of skulls
5560s change oil for best
5563s which once again I'm very interested in
5565s I think that's going to be really nice
5566s the mighty Juve maximum mic for Angel
5568s for a once again is a very popular skill
5571s especially if you like poison I think
5574s um that is definitely going to be a
5575s skill you want
5577s um so like foray status trigger poison
5580s yeah you're just gonna go wild and then
5582s a few others here yeah great selections
5584s there good shout on that Taylor very
5587s good Channel
5589s um
5590s let me show the Rampage decorations
5598s I think anything jumping out there I
5600s think we're still all good right
5602s yeah chain crit is now called burst for
5604s those wondering let's see what have you
5606s got on them for us to say
5616s we could do
5618s we could do an investigation Let's do an
5621s anomaly investigation
5623s have I got any any funky ones
5630s I've got a 77. let's go take on a T-Rex
5637s yeah yeah I think the deco's are going
5640s to be really big for these these new
5641s girls definitely worth checking out
5645s one faint oh my goodness that is
5648s that is a spicy one one faints are
5651s always scary
5657s trying to find the most truly cursed
5659s hunts you can right
5662s so we've got a little T-Rex here oh what
5663s I can do now while people get ready as
5665s well
5666s risen chameleons
5668s tell me your weakness
5670s fire
5672s just like other communities great I've
5674s got some very nice fire weapons
5677s um
5678s talking a fire
5682s can I make
5692s so I need some more cortexes Ah that's
5695s not bad because what's that that is 3 10
5698s 40 right and then
5701s go up here that's 3 30 47 and then three
5707s okay so I mean The Deco slots alone are
5709s really strong aren't they
5712s all decisions decisions but then maybe I
5715s should upgrade that into this one
5718s get the extra Decker I really should
5720s make the Platinum Dawn I think
5723s I think Platinum Dawn is where it's at
5728s but then
5730s flaming espinas though decisions what
5733s would you do would you go for the silver
5734s loss or would you go for flame in
5737s espanas so show because that extra
5739s poison
5740s and then the slots as well like oh it's
5744s very tempting
5746s nine faints in one hunt
5752s so many options so many options I need
5754s to go through my armor sets as well like
5756s really really mix things up see what I
5758s want to do I've also got like the
5759s lunatic Rose
5762s um ready for poison uh the wrath of gold
5765s rathian sword
5769s right okay so we've got oh nice
5774s Seacrest has kind of cornered there so
5775s we've got tea Austra
5778s bath as well
5787s these trap bugs thank you very much
5792s I would make both of I think flaming
5794s would be a nice pick yeah I think so
5798s I don't think that's a bad shout at all
5806s I'm having a snack
5811s foreign
5814s [Music]
5816s I kind of went off my usual Spirit bed
5818s route here so I missed a bit where you
5820s jumped down the cabin
5821s and let's see if I can
5826s maybe we can still get some bits here no
5828s we're gonna miss
5830s the Vitality one we got some more trap
5833s Bugs Got trap bug gang now
5836s maybe scatter them everywhere no more
5838s asses better than Silvers I believe yeah
5840s I've got the normal wrath at the moment
5842s the more wrathian no sorry nothing about
5844s the Lost sword and shield
5846s um because that one did appeal to me
5848s more so yeah maybe I'll make flaming
5849s espinas as well as and then I can kind
5852s of see which one I prefer
5860s hello is that a little poison to it
5862s there is a lot of poison in today's
5863s stream isn't there
5873s I think we're looking good so we'll go
5875s take on this Afflicted T-Rex now I think
5878s we're ready
5886s excuse me just clearing my throat right
5888s okay
5890s fence though
5895s all right here we go did really we have
5897s taken down the new monsters we'll be
5899s going back and doing them again
5901s um
5902s so we just done done risen camellios
5905s um
5907s yeah when we get the next Lobby and
5909s we'll take them on again because they're
5910s really fun and I want to want to give
5912s them lots of love and landline today
5918s these two going off at one another
5924s one of the sneakers and boys at home
5926s that hit though that wasn't even a big
5928s T-Rex here
5931s don't mind me at all
5937s juking it out thank you brew here
5943s wow I think that hit behind me said that
5945s suit didn't work
5952s obviously in the patch notes as well
5955s you might have seen it's now easier to
5957s get Afflicted monster parts from Power
5959s brakes and carbon as well so if you like
5964s farming your predicted Parts good news
5966s good news
5972s come here
5974s not like that though please not with
5975s that tail
5977s spin coming here
5989s I don't think I've done an Afflicted
5990s T-Rex before and it shows it shows
5994s very Rusty that's right it will be we'll
5997s be okay
5998s still alive
6000s Brew hair is good some heavy lifting for
6002s me
6003s thank you for the heal thank you
6007s where am I am
6014s trying to get some damage on here
6019s pop those curio points
6026s nice whack enough to pop break there's
6029s the knock down I'll work on the tail
6040s nice trap
6044s so all right Chuck which of the three
6048s new monsters are you most excited about
6050s or is your favorite you know are we
6053s talking flaming s Finance are we talking
6054s about
6056s I think violent Mr SUNY has been a real
6059s personal surprise for a lot of people
6060s just how different the fight is
6066s blaming espionasses there
6069s oh the Stagger
6073s people liking their Frontier fix huh
6078s great work with the traps we started
6080s changing this together
6087s yes please
6094s it's the paralysis the way the must be
6097s the the bow and the light bow gun chain
6098s in their space together
6114s real tasty
6116s great work
6118s here comes a kittenator yes I did have
6121s my shield face in the right way that's
6122s what you get
6123s it's being all noisy and shouty
6132s sharp this is going down I'm gonna watch
6134s that
6138s risen Community is popular there was
6140s okay the team we've got the front down
6152s off it goes time for a cheeky sharpen
6155s hello hello everyone welcome to the
6157s stream and of course Title Update two
6159s Title Update 2 is here which is awesome
6163s been very very excited for it
6169s make sure I do actually have my mega
6171s potion there okay so it's just um
6182s nice midnight so you're uh you're
6184s getting ready to take on risen chameleos
6186s huh
6188s is there's a lot of poison there is a
6191s lot of poison so make sure you're well
6192s covered there
6194s make sure you're well covered there
6197s with some Emperor Cactus was very nice
6208s can't wait to see Georgetown Get Around
6210s by the hunting yeah they're definitely
6212s up for a spicy challenge looking forward
6213s to that as well
6218s that tail is ripe to be popped look at
6221s it the curio point is calling out to me
6223s it's like come on come over here
6227s out of the sky well played gunners
6231s place
6233s very stylish
6239s that tail was just a little bit too high
6245s surprise
6251s you're gonna get raw and then another
6253s Flash
6260s was expecting to jump forward or he may
6262s be even raw okay let's get this
6266s okay all right that's how it's gonna be
6276s not straight out of the sky yeah
6281s I wasn't in position to get my netsu off
6283s there sadly
6287s oh
6288s Savage
6295s it's getting quite get the Mets who are
6296s finished okay I think Defender prompt
6298s there maybe I just sunk a load of damage
6301s I was like yeah this is fine
6303s this is fine
6310s oh
6313s mid animation got punished
6316s so cheeky
6317s you've been building a dereliction build
6319s Greatsword nicely after the attack
6321s Choice that's nearly there
6323s this is a great time as well so it was
6325s it level 77
6329s get me that that tail
6334s I must hit those query points yes that's
6336s more like it that's the good stuff wow
6339s was that a firework finish Kudos kudos
6342s to the palico whoever dropped that one a
6345s firework finish
6347s well played
6353s Shard bear
6359s got some shards I don't fight T-rex too
6362s often so I'll take any materials I can
6363s get okay let's get this
6365s curio bones
6369s very nice it all adds up if you see
6372s those little curios floating around
6373s [Music]
6375s harvestable items do it it all adds up
6379s oh what a delicious fruit tree oh hello
6383s oh
6387s it's meant to win I remember that event
6390s Quest reward that's enough
6397s there's a lot to sneak around I didn't
6398s get to taste some of that delicious
6399s fruit next time next time
6403s ah
6405s okay everyone so
6411s here's the lobby ID what's this a large
6413s wiping gem very much and we've got some
6416s coins anomaly Jewels Essences three
6419s click die bones Prime ever essence
6423s very nice
6424s there's the end screen there it's
6426s definitely a firework doing that so
6428s powerful look
6429s took over the uh the kill screen
6437s part of me I level 78 Diablos and
6440s there's rajang
6443s We Got The Afflicted rajang oh scary
6448s scary
6451s so yeah we are rotating the lobby now
6454s thank you for jumping in lady paladriel
6457s that was a ton of fun we all played
6458s super super well
6461s um so yeah we will be rotating now so
6463s the Fallen Angel is here with the great
6465s sword
6467s Bears thank you for jumping in it's
6469s great having you in and doing some hunts
6472s Fallen Angel ready to go fast obviously
6474s rocking the new layered weapons as well
6476s that looks awesome that's the great
6478s sword so it hovers behind you until you
6480s need it then it will materialize I'm
6482s looking forward to seeing that in the
6483s hunt
6484s Widowmaker there on the along sword
6487s there you go nice to see you
6493s very very cool
6498s let's forget these investigations then
6502s hello
6505s hello
6507s so that's
6509s a basil geese got basil there with a
6512s flitted basil that we have
6515s to see the basil and we've got a rajang
6517s so we've got Diablos there one Fame
6523s uh piratina kadaki
6526s Okay so
6532s that's the keeper worth locking okay
6534s I'll lock that I'll take your advice I
6536s need to see the button which which
6537s button is it to lock the quest
6539s uh no no delete there we go we like that
6544s one that one looks quite fun Afflicted
6547s Apex is euros and then great izuchi
6550s which you don't want to underestimate
6552s these investigations like don't don't
6554s sleep on it
6558s fight Creek jackras please
6563s I will check your we check your
6564s investigation level Angel let's have a
6566s look
6571s uh level 32 okay we'll do some we'll do
6574s some tile update dude Hans don't you
6575s worry mate do not worry because we've
6578s got these to do
6580s um so maybe you we so now you get the
6583s new monsters in as part of an omni
6585s investigations as well which is cool
6587s right so I think
6589s I think we give flame in espanas and
6591s violet Mr SUNY some more Bops so I don't
6595s think there's
6597s we'll do that we'll take on these again
6601s all right flame and S Finance round two
6603s and I think you're weak to ice right I'm
6606s gonna double check so I don't look silly
6608s and do like no damage
6615s flame in espanas you are we okay water
6618s and thunder the two weapons I haven't
6620s made yet I need to pick that I mean I
6621s still need the Nara mantle or mother now
6624s a man too so that's why I'm not made a
6626s thunder weapon I could make the Astor
6627s lost one though Add Water Wise I was
6631s like do I want to make like the the bug
6634s one or do I wanna like make the crab one
6637s so I'm gonna stick on blast I don't
6640s think blast is gonna be the best choice
6642s necessarily but
6645s yeah I mean let's look at these water
6647s sword and shows like
6651s I really want to make but oh yeah I need
6653s to fight like a basic Toby katachi or
6655s something but if not I can make the crab
6659s like what do we think
6661s what do we think of this right 320
6665s 32
6666s defense bonus and then a four and a two
6668s and a three like that's a good war sword
6670s and shield right
6671s the crabby crabs
6674s like
6675s that's nice right we we don't what do
6677s you think Chad I'm going to go with you
6680s do we think this is crab is based crab
6682s is based
6685s is deliciously based
6687s um
6689s yeah because we can make this and then
6691s we can just well I'm low on Bones there
6693s uh and then make that I need a time one
6696s crimsonhorn oh no
6700s no oh no I don't have a time one Crimson
6702s horns so that's not I'm gonna have to
6704s get a blast on this one I'm afraid
6706s and then I think I need to have some
6708s Dango
6710s yeah I need
6712s to blast it is I know I was gonna I was
6714s gonna make the crabs I I was gonna make
6717s the crabs I'm sorry
6718s I need to get one of those horns
6721s what monster would give me that was it
6724s Diablos
6727s no might be
6730s yeah Mizu SNS is nice as well
6736s you need to figure out
6737s know what monster would drop that I've
6739s clearly not fought it a ton
6744s yeah I normally run poison a lot I need
6746s to redo my poison build with so many
6748s good status armor skills now my poison
6750s set is a bit outdated so I do have the
6753s gold rathian sunshield but I need to
6754s really make so I guess some of the gold
6756s wrath armor made I need to check out
6759s some of the obviously these new skills
6760s from time update 2
6763s yeah poison fire yeah I do want to make
6766s flaming s master so I'm sure maybe I'll
6768s get enough materials this time then I
6770s can make it and all its glory and run
6771s element and point
6774s that would be cool
6778s yeah I'd make the crab sword shield and
6780s then uh layer it with something
6789s oh nice shout Widowmaker I like your
6792s style
6799s look at that how that materializes
6802s and then I'm gonna move off
6805s big boom
6807s time you really
6809s oh so shell break all right I mean
6813s I need to go
6816s I need to go break the crab
6819s thanks for the shout there dick I
6821s appreciate it
6822s that's nice get the rage and then then
6825s get the knock down
6828s big damage on the head oh oh all right
6832s all right easy famous
6839s it has a static one it has one where it
6842s walks forward while charging it and one
6843s where it fires out on the ground and
6845s then there's a second one add the air
6847s back to back so you really have to beat
6849s your toes I like that there's like
6851s different variations of it
6858s oh nice we need cortexes we will take
6861s cortex system very much
6868s last boost
6869s oh nice flash I didn't put them in line
6872s to uh the upper part of the messy
6877s oh and the knock down just Bosh that
6880s great work team
6882s flaming is scary especially solo
6886s or is that the mitsu long so that looks
6888s lovely
6893s so it means you have some real cool
6894s stuff obviously there is a real life
6896s replica of the Mississippi long sword
6900s over in Japan which looks absolutely
6902s fantastic and huge as well
6913s what we go do the plunge attack trying
6916s to prop more status
6920s mr1 said just make sure to bring power
6922s break and good luck then do capture
6924s maximum chances good shower
6927s let's go all in on Michelle
6932s I mean I've got my mauseno set on so I
6934s think I have innate part three to two
6936s maybe oh oh big boom
6940s oh nice work actually I don't need that
6942s I need this
6944s there is a Nova okay there we go perfect
6947s time for some sharpening
6951s yeah there's nothing wrong we're running
6953s that's a good shot I've got Defiance on
6954s my blast set as well I think Defiance is
6956s a fantastic skill
6958s ham in a defensive way so it keeps up
6961s the aggression and keeps you a little
6962s bit safer leafy Less open into being
6965s like staggered and things like that
6966s especially with the horse that can be
6968s punish you
6975s monster
6982s oh yeah I need to do the crab events
6984s personally maybe do that as a good
6986s Photoshop so we quickly bash out but it
6988s doesn't count as a quest but then I need
6990s the shell brace so maybe I should do
6991s that solo
6992s and then I can just focus on that juicy
6995s shell
6999s oh his chin was just a bit High
7005s please
7011s wash into the ankle again Defiance is
7014s very comfy and I Know It Takes it's a
7017s five skill that you really want to get
7018s up to but five one slots is great like
7036s why did that too soon and then the
7038s second follow-up probably would have got
7039s me
7043s I mean with curio Crofton as well
7045s there's a good chance you can add extra
7047s slots to your armor as well like
7049s specific like especially one slots but
7051s if you want to pull out strikes the gaps
7054s oh here comes another Nova
7058s we're doing well at avoiding that we're
7060s doing very well avoiding that
7063s I I need to do the crap event Quest
7070s oh no what am I doing walking into that
7074s Yamato thank you extra Danko for you
7078s back
7083s delicious
7085s that tail does not want to come off of
7087s it
7099s oh stop stop
7106s move that tail a little bit lower
7110s okay I said lower I got what I asked for
7113s there uh just not what I expected
7121s got the shield badge back in use gloves
7123s right here
7126s oh I was expecting to charge that not
7129s that airplane
7131s I wanted to get a life partner for the
7133s team there but I'm kind of in the thick
7134s of it there we go
7143s checking for the Sleep code but we have
7145s seen it just making sure it wasn't an
7147s endemic life
7151s uh Defiance thank you thank you for
7154s keeping me in the air
7160s blade scale home kicked in one of my I
7162s got level one blade scale hone of some
7164s curious
7166s funnily enough
7173s and again thank you for that sharpness
7175s even though it's only a 10 chance there
7177s you don't roll in a lot but I think at
7180s level three there you get like
7183s way higher
7185s it's like 50 or something
7194s hey nice ones I'm after the duck I need
7198s the duck from the lottery
7212s falling angel hang in there
7217s nice Escape nice Escape Espana still
7220s feeling spicy we've got a stagger for
7222s you
7225s that tail
7226s it does not want to go does it
7229s okay we're going for a trap I'm up for a
7231s trap
7233s Oh I thought you're gonna charge
7234s yesterday you got the fireball hey
7239s nice work everyone good capture
7246s that was a good fight flame in espanas
7247s you can have a snooze now
7251s is really elegant I get there with my
7253s cry Vibes off of it as well kind of give
7255s me slight Dante kind of uh jacket Vibes
7258s and you know I love Devil May Cry so
7260s I'll look for that wherever I can
7267s so it's great when you know you get get
7269s definitely crying your Monster Hunter
7274s what we've got here cortexes that's what
7276s we wanted we wanted cortexes
7279s oh
7280s lovely
7287s great work everyone
7288s I need to check my talisman's right so
7290s we can make the Flaming Espionage sword
7293s and shield now which is really really
7295s cool
7297s hey congrats on mr70 Angel
7304s oh leaning on my control stick there
7317s okay minnow let's make it happen
7320s flaming espinas You Beautiful Beast
7324s where are you
7332s straight in
7333s so two cess bikes load of those
7337s would it be cheaper though
7344s would it be cheaper to go through the
7346s upgrade tree
7350s so I can make this
7352s I think you're there and then I'll save
7354s some materials for armor right
7360s rather than doing it fresh should I just
7362s should I just throw a load of materials
7365s in or should I take the upgrade tree
7369s oh decisions
7372s how greedy am I feeling
7383s oh
7385s you know what we're going to be doing
7387s loads more flame in Esperance we're just
7389s going to make it we're making it oh
7391s there it is we got it and then look at
7394s The Deco slots like Deco slots are nutty
7397s a four one one that's beautiful
7400s it's beautiful so there we go our first
7402s title update to
7403s piece made I'm gonna have to fight more
7405s flameless finesses to make some armor as
7407s well I reckon
7409s um
7411s so what have we got well let's do okay
7414s this doesn't cut the next one doesn't
7416s count as a quest all right the next one
7418s doesn't count a quest so we're gonna do
7419s this one then that one then a one after
7421s this before we rotate because this
7422s should be really quick
7424s let's do
7426s Daniel and Peltz now
7429s let's break the shell I believe let's
7431s break that shell everything on the shell
7433s but this won't count as one of yours
7435s this will be like a bonus hunt
7437s so all in on the shell and if we get
7440s there
7446s the crab sword
7449s um
7451s Slugger could be useful here
7454s maybe I'll just put booster on and then
7459s yeah booster Slugger and
7464s Vector on
7467s [Music]
7470s you got Mizu
7472s a little bit more time
7476s that's why I made you make the crab
7477s sword and shield
7479s and then layer it
7481s layer it with the um violet tsune
7487s Blue Water
7491s I believe Violet is a rare species
7500s is that palli meat wearing a basil geese
7502s armor set this one I believe is around
7504s the seathing summer set because the
7506s little purple Hue there
7509s I believe that's what we're witnessing
7510s there
7514s yeah it does the daimyo armor set still
7517s looks like it a little bit like an
7518s American football player
7522s right everyone in on the Shell let's get
7525s that shell and get some Zenni and then
7527s we'll go back and do another time update
7528s request maybe another uh Violet Mr Zuni
7533s it could be cool
7537s well Dr Dory says it's a subspecies or
7539s Dr Dre is smart
7544s yeah slug is awesome
7546s really awesome
7552s somebody double dipped oh my goodness
7555s the cardinal sin
7558s how could you do
7563s you know I think I've got a trap with me
7564s as well that is a big crab
7569s right give me give me that shell
7573s gonna work on a
7575s hard bash of combo yeah
7580s I I request shell please
7585s yeah nice knock down on the stun one
7588s before
7590s let's go Widowmaker
7595s it's gonna throw the question to the
7597s wind use all my attacks on that shell
7600s Donna be shellfish after all
7608s that might be why normally I'm really
7609s gonna break him and Shogun Singapore
7612s shell but I normally with daim you to
7615s stay at the front
7622s okay
7627s that looks so big that's really Fierce
7629s of the size of this crab
7639s oh everything's being destroyed oh my
7641s goodness
7643s I don't envy the poor poor villager or
7646s uh hunt with us to clean up that mess
7650s thank you
7655s oh that's the process I'm stuck in the
7657s clothes I was getting a impromptu hug
7666s take this shell
7670s there's a path I guess we have to break
7673s it twice
7677s or does that count because we broke off
7678s The Horn I'm gonna keep attacking I'm so
7680s not used to Breaking damio's uh shall
7682s Shogun all the time
7684s breaking that shell every single time
7688s all right we're gonna go for the cap I
7690s think we want a cap I'm busy today
7695s oh my goodness that does not have much
7697s help after the blue bit well played
7698s everyone was that the track no no we got
7701s the kill well played everyone good job
7703s okay it is broken I didn't know if you
7705s could like break it all the way up but
7707s now I know so fingers crossed fingers
7710s crossed
7711s we got it just before it went down as
7713s well
7715s the horn itself is the second break
7721s there it is there's the bonked horn
7725s well played everyone okay and then we'll
7726s go back to uh uh proper hunt
7730s that was crispy that was crispy and we
7732s were all focusing on the back rather
7734s than just going as well so that was cool
7743s yeah just having a breather it's kind of
7746s yeah I saw some oh it's the the boat
7752s even
7757s looks fantastic good to see a lot of
7758s that with the layered weapons
7763s great job everyone Quest complete will
7765s we get the horn and I need to remember
7767s what it looks like potentially yes well
7770s played everyone
7772s well played
7775s Accord zeny
7777s give me all that zeny it's so delicious
7779s oh no rotation after the next hunt this
7782s was like a bonus one because I was I
7783s really wanted that horn to make
7786s hey nice one angel
7789s so rotation after the next turn that was
7792s like a little a little bonus hunt
7799s because we've still got an hour to go as
7801s well
7803s so we need to check that all right we do
7805s that after the next rotation what did I
7807s use here what is missing oh I hate it
7809s when I do this
7811s oh it's a trap wasn't it there we go
7818s I yeah I what I'm thinking of doing is
7820s thinking of doing a series of streams
7823s called like uh weapon crash course where
7826s members of the community and Monster
7828s Hunter creators come on a stream
7831s and they teach myself and maybe another
7835s member of the team and another Community
7837s member how to use a particular weapon
7839s over those two hours so do like a charge
7841s blade day uh switch hacks day bow gun
7843s day for example
7846s because I think that'd be really really
7847s cool
7849s right let's go crab Style
7854s Okay so
7857s we make this
7861s then we make this
7866s then we make this
7869s loads of those which we don't need to go
7871s all that
7879s and then use some shells
7882s and some Senator bits here
7885s lovely
7888s and then what I'm going to do I'm going
7889s to use the layered weapons
7892s all right because you just unlock it
7894s don't you okay what do you think makes a
7895s cool looking water I mean that I think
7898s the Abyssal Sunburst could also double
7900s up as a cool looking water weapon
7905s like I think
7908s I think yeah put in Mizu if you're an
7910s angel go for it I think that looks
7913s watery like like you could find that in
7914s the depths right I know Bissell sounds
7916s watery I think that's cool if not that
7919s one
7921s um
7923s this one
7925s and then it's like a water strike and
7927s you're like punching the monster and
7929s things like that so what do we reckon do
7931s we want
7932s violet mizutsune
7933s for the water sword and shield
7936s or do we want Abyssal sunburst
7941s what do we reckon I'll let you decide
7943s we'll come to a consensus together on
7945s the fashion because we know fashion game
7948s is the true end game
7955s the best also a vote for Bizzle hey lady
7957s goo one for Violet
7961s anymore Chuck it in let me know what you
7964s think what do you think we should do
7965s Abyssal
7969s divide what does violet miss you look
7971s like again it looks like
7974s this one
7976s and it opens up so you got like the
7977s bracelet instead of the shield and then
7979s the fan is like you saw
7983s team Violet Abyssal Abyssal but VM does
7985s look better so Bissell suits my
7988s aesthetic that's a good point a Bissell
7990s I need a cow
7991s Mizu
7993s Abyssal
7997s this is this is closer than I expected
7999s at Bissell Abyssal
8002s just ahead
8008s I think abyssals took it but we're gonna
8011s keep Violet Ms sune on the back burner
8013s definitely
8017s that's all right we've got a hunt to do
8019s we've got a hunt to do so what we'll do
8021s we'll uh
8025s there we go we'll make the Abyssal
8027s sunburst
8029s and then if we go into here
8033s and we'll show you how this works so
8035s laid equipment to start to change
8037s navigate to the layered equipment
8038s section okay
8040s okay we go over here
8041s change light equipment okay so I need to
8043s have it on to change it that's fine
8048s that is fine so when we make a water set
8050s we will be groovy
8055s Violet mizutsune time
8057s hello again my old friend now what was
8060s violet Mrs SUNY that was ice for Violet
8062s Mr SUNY wasn't it so I will quickly swap
8065s to my ICE set
8068s I really should do that I really should
8072s um
8077s the merman's weapon of Jersey and it
8079s does go my Gourmet Gallery aesthetic and
8081s the curio crown
8083s so the power of the Abyss is on my side
8086s um but for this one though I believe
8087s it's ice
8089s so
8093s so I do need to work on this because it
8095s is just on the
8097s might say anything like I can take out a
8099s vade window I reckon I can take out vade
8101s window for some of the new decoration
8103s skills
8105s definitely
8112s so again our eyes on ice and a spicy
8125s you know I found it Mrs Sunni round two
8127s and then after this hunt we open up the
8129s lobby again and we'll get three new
8130s hunters in
8136s I don't see that's the
8139s new
8142s layered DLC as well
8145s go no pirate on my lead yar
8148s Go For That Booty
8151s you gotta sound for elders Affiliated
8152s and a capture one two that's a good
8154s shout having different sets ready for
8155s different occasions a very good idea
8160s from Fallen Angel you got the switch ax
8162s one now
8163s forward to seeing that in action
8172s and here we go Violet Mr suno round two
8174s obviously we're successful the first
8176s time risen camellios is the only one
8178s that's best at us so far but we got
8179s revenge
8182s it's not to say violet position he won't
8184s oh my goodness straight in with the
8186s flame and beam attack
8189s oh that clipped me
8193s no I'm glad you like it it's very snazzy
8195s it does look like the futuristic cover
8197s and ERD coming in love it
8202s tasty Elemental damage off
8206s yeah there's a lot I can find like I
8208s need an elemental career and things like
8209s that some of the new armor skills really
8212s pump up the element to the next level
8217s big numbers love it
8224s don't worry
8227s obviously I don't have to find some of
8229s my Elemental sex I use the one slots
8231s very anime bounce there
8234s I uh used the one slots for the
8237s elemental up instead
8248s oh okay okay that's damaged that's
8250s damage
8253s don't let Mr SUNY going in here I've got
8255s one car on us can't let can't let it get
8258s another one
8265s get a nice combo going
8272s we love those extra monster parts
8276s I was a bit Keen that whoa okay I jumped
8278s over it totally intended a hundred
8280s percent intended you know
8290s we collided hey
8293s we got the uh was that the wyvern ride
8295s yeah nice
8296s nice
8301s we are having loads of different
8302s equipment loadouts is very I need to do
8304s that with my items for some reason I've
8306s never really done it once but it's such
8308s a great system I will get on it
8309s especially when I'm using traps and live
8311s powders and stuff if I run out of life
8313s how does the best of life without worry
8314s about me getting them
8321s ice plate there oh
8328s oh
8330s that hit my butt
8333s that got me
8353s love seeing these big numbers coming
8355s from element I need to spin around right
8364s oh my goodness
8366s Violet mizuni went absolutely flying
8375s get the reach here
8378s here
8385s watch out for the bubbles oh straight
8387s into the Trap oh my goodness
8390s Violet business Duty what are you like
8404s that hurts oh that that hurts twice as
8408s much
8410s I'll send off the explosions ah
8414s that could explain it
8418s there's big boom in bubbles and then
8420s they stay fiery afterwards like denying
8423s us about space
8427s unlucky Fallen Angel
8430s unlucky
8431s violent Mr SUNY being violin
8438s all right here comes some nasty bubbles
8440s I love that they hold me and you hear
8442s them kind of going like they're
8444s rocketing towards you
8449s thanks for the play scale home it's
8451s randomly having that pop on is a nice
8453s quality of life and you've got like a
8454s hunting horn with like uh sharpness
8456s songs
8460s heartbreak what I'm going to do as well
8462s pop up a
8464s not do that I'm gonna pop up a hard shot
8466s powder for the team
8468s um
8474s good there's so much fire so many
8477s explosions
8482s yeah the water pressure attack is scary
8484s it is scary
8486s unlucky Fallen Angel unlucky Violet Mr
8490s sune did not like you
8492s Violet Mr sune took you personally
8497s unlucky unlucky hey though it's not all
8500s bad
8501s we're two for two on mantles on violent
8504s mizutsune right
8507s so you know swings of roundabouts right
8512s thank you for your thank you for your
8515s contribution towards the mantle
8517s collection
8518s um
8520s yeah yeah two for two on the
8522s Mizu mantles
8525s I'll take that as a win you know that's
8526s a win in my book
8529s well played and we got five zeny as well
8531s I won't spend it all at once
8534s that hey it's all part of the fun it's
8536s all part of the fun well played
8545s oh about them shinies so what we're
8547s gonna do now we're going to rotate the
8548s lobby so well played everyone thank you
8550s fallen angel thank you ERD think you
8552s Widowmaker for some wonderful hunts
8554s there
8555s really appreciate you jumping in that
8558s was cool that was cool
8563s see you later red
8565s and of course you're you're a gorgeous
8567s palette view as well
8568s so hop on in everyone so we've got space
8571s for three more Hunters
8577s so we've got zero there
8581s we might have to go for round two
8582s against Mississippi round three
8584s technically
8588s hello hello and then we've got Nightwing
8590s and Austrian Samurai who may well be
8593s from Austria I needed Australia though
8596s that would have been wrong who I appear
8598s or appears to be from Austria
8601s um okay so we're gonna go up against
8602s Violet Mr SUNY we need to lay down some
8604s justice after that last hunt
8607s um hey crunchy good to see you
8611s how's it going
8615s teddy bear Hammer gang is that what
8616s Austrian Samurai's got
8620s the ultimate in bonking technology
8624s I don't want to take it I'll take a
8626s miracle worker seem to be doing well on
8628s rewards why not let's just keep it going
8632s hey no worries Cobra you know chill out
8634s you know it's not a problem it's good to
8636s have you here at all you know the fact
8638s you're watching and chatting is really
8639s really cool
8641s all right where's that teddy bear Hammer
8642s that looks really cool
8646s lovely looking long sword there there it
8648s is the teddy bear hammer behold Austrian
8651s Samurai presents one of the most
8653s dangerous weapons in Monster Hunter
8654s history
8656s in my opinion
8658s the teddy bear hammer
8662s right
8663s let's Chuck in violent business uni
8669s and then after Violet Mr SUNY we will
8671s have another round for prison camellios
8678s yeah my arm is really weak to fire so
8680s I've I've took a little bit of armor
8681s this time while we wait though I'm gonna
8684s quickly I love the hunter those they're
8686s so useful
8692s so is it water or ice
8695s ice
8696s so I want
8698s definitely want to focus on the four leg
8700s left claw right claw and okay
8703s okay so I want to get around the legs
8704s leave the head to the bonkers
8707s foreign
8711s weapons are awesome I love the passion
8713s so you know obviously I've picked out
8715s some fashion for my water sword shield
8716s which I'm really really happy about
8719s um
8720s and we've made the flame and Espana
8722s sword and shield
8724s um
8725s which I won't be using against uh
8727s camellios I'm going to be using my
8728s rattles on the shield
8730s part of me but but we're gonna layer
8733s we're gonna layer the wrathalo sword and
8734s shield because I really like how the
8737s silver loss looks
8738s so we'll be doing that after the sun
8740s before we take on risen camellios are we
8742s ready Hunters
8744s have we got the power of teddy bears on
8746s our side I think we do there it is
8747s behold
8749s right
8751s it's time for some vengeance
8762s oh I get the shield bashing in time
8765s right so we want to stick around the
8767s legs here
8768s oh
8769s straight out with the bubbles I love how
8771s they track I really really like it
8775s definitely adds a mechanic that other
8778s monsters without sleep that is a snooze
8780s we have a little wake-up tree here
8791s oh Afro Samurai it's calling to you
8797s you got this Austrian
8799s oh look at the the positioning
8802s it looked nice you get an A for effort
8805s I would have done the same I probably
8806s would have been another 10 meters back I
8808s can't Australian Samurai
8815s oh that was beautiful you got the hit on
8817s the head then the barrels went off
8820s beautiful thank you
8825s that war caught me again not even
8828s Defiance I'm like oh the Bonk the done
8831s out of the flip normally I get
8833s absolutely battered by the flip so it
8836s feels nice to get a stun out of it that
8838s felt really nice
8840s all right so I want to focus
8843s there we go nice
8846s Elementary damage there whoa blade Scout
8849s home thank you
8851s but then we do a lot of damage
8865s yeah Mr SUNY loves a good Roar
8868s he's like a shout
8875s how did you get the move guide on the
8876s screen so I I'll go I'll show you in a
8878s second I'll show you what it says on
8880s sunbreak I think it's default
8891s did be fair though on sword and shield I
8893s don't use switch skills upside wouldn't
8895s need it on sunshine but every other
8896s weapon like on Hunting horn I switch
8898s skill swap a lot
8903s have met through there so I keep it on
8905s to give me a reminder for scroll them on
8907s and where my abilities are
8910s because yeah I love some skill swap on
8915s the sort of showed I'm like I like what
8917s my current sap is you know
8919s however
8921s I can actually swap it because I've got
8922s very Elemental Focus yeah why don't we
8925s let's do it because I've got like um
8927s windmill on here
8929s but drill slash combo all those
8932s Elemental hits so yeah actually when I'm
8934s using element I do actually use the blue
8935s scroll so I tell a lie I use blue scroll
8938s for like maximum Elemental when I want
8940s to so red scroll is like hard Basher and
8943s shield hello and uh blue scroll is like
8946s extra elements and stuff
8951s foreign
8977s oh and the charge plate as well that's
8979s lovely
8981s where I should have focus on getting
8983s some damage on
8987s and they've got windmill Spin to Win
8990s crowd some element there
8997s oh whoa
8999s yeah no monster hunter is a PVE game
9001s it's about cooperation you know the
9003s power of teamwork coming together to
9006s take down like insurmountable odds
9008s however if you're both why haven't
9010s riding at the same time you can have a
9011s bit of like friendly PVP creepy I
9014s suppose if you want to like Jewel each
9016s other
9017s cooperated
9023s take down these mean monsters
9035s wow that's like a wedge coming out oh my
9039s goodness all right we're gonna get a
9041s live powder out here
9043s nice knock down and then I shoot the
9044s tequila oh wow
9047s lovely stuff
9060s oh there's flaming bubbles around me of
9063s like
9064s even more damage I am going to move
9068s thank you for that appreciate the heel
9074s nice slap there from the teddy bear
9076s teddy bear power coming in strong
9079s kind of have to shop them thank you for
9082s protecting me from the bubbles wait wait
9084s wait don't start tracking Oh No Way
9087s Around the Corner that's very cheeky
9089s it's very very cheeky
9096s nice use of the Trap maybe I can get
9098s some tail
9108s s come around
9112s get like flipped over
9120s all those bubbles coming out yeah the
9122s Homing bubbles are super cool
9124s very cool part of uh violent business
9126s unit another trap right here
9132s oh the slamming Mr SUNY felt so
9136s confident about that as well there's so
9138s much weight into it
9143s fall into another stun
9147s nearly that yeah yeah we've not seen the
9150s Spirit Bomb bubble yet have we
9153s okay if you give me the student a chance
9154s it's gonna get big damage raining down
9157s on you
9159s [ __ ] oh
9162s the downward Bonk for the Finish great
9165s job everyone
9166s good time of like Revenge has been
9168s cleaned
9170s this to good use don't worry good work
9173s everyone
9179s get some more Violet monster Parts which
9182s is perfect so next up it's gonna be a
9185s violet no pilot we just beat values it's
9187s gonna be risen camellios
9191s yeah yeah the update's out now on switch
9193s and PC you can download Title Update too
9195s now
9224s yeah great hunt everyone
9227s hey no worries veterans no worries
9230s veterans you're in for a treat some
9231s absolutely smashing hunts and some great
9234s new gear as well and layered weapons
9237s oh well no mantle that time you know
9239s that's all right we'll we'll let that
9241s slide violets you know you've given us
9243s some other goodies and you've been quite
9244s generous so far today
9252s that is
9254s a lot of flame and water right there
9258s you like vitamins Sunni the most yeah
9260s everyone's got their favorites Violet Mr
9261s SUNY has gone down really well
9263s um which has been really nice because
9264s obviously you know we did see the some
9266s people like oh there's tons more fire
9267s monsters but you know the way the team
9269s Implement these fire monsters is always
9271s very unique so it's great to see
9272s everyone responding really well to that
9275s so thank you right let's quickly check
9278s them out and pop before we go on the
9279s next Quest so speed sharpening three
9281s Master mounter Heartbreaker iron
9283s prolonger defense boost one critical i1
9286s and then three ones all of the ones
9288s there let's get through these ones wax
9291s two then one defense boost two will run
9294s a three mil three stamina surge tremend
9296s Bobby dance
9298s the spread up oh that's a shame stamina
9302s Thief defense boost punish and draw
9304s rapid more
9307s spiritual School dragon attack artillery
9309s coalescence earplugs normal earplugs
9313s bubbly dance earplugs
9316s carbon Pro redirection and critical I2
9327s reach out my mail summaries
9330s yes take all of the goodies
9335s I can do another curio hunt uh
9343s you got a Talisman that has weaknesses
9344s from with a four slot
9347s delicious right time for another risen
9350s camellios
9356s no it's nice isn't it
9366s right so
9368s equipment equipment loadout
9371s fire sword and shield and then what
9373s we're going to do
9380s I know if I need to unlock it first I
9383s was like wait a second that's my water
9384s one okay so at the minute obviously I'm
9386s using the Rathalos sword and shield for
9390s this one but what I want to do is
9392s because I mean even though it looks
9393s incredible especially like the switch
9396s tracks version I do want to put the
9398s silver
9400s civil as Platinum Dawn
9405s oh I think we're gonna we're gonna get
9406s that
9408s there we go so now
9413s we've got layered
9417s looks lovely
9421s so even though that is the rattles on
9423s Shield it is now silver wrap sword
9426s all right let's go some Dango
9431s all about that fashion uh Miracle Worker
9435s I Believe in Us but then do I need that
9437s or can I get something more useful yeah
9439s I tell you what let's not be greedy
9440s we're gonna go bird caller we're gonna
9443s go Defender and medic
9445s play it safe this monster does not does
9448s not give you Mercy
9458s so let's go we've got a camelli used to
9462s hunt
9463s I don't know if there is one of those
9465s Edward actually
9466s fire and War at the same time
9471s but the new flame in espanas weapons you
9473s get fire and poison at the same time hey
9475s South Slayer good to see you good to see
9477s you
9479s there is fire and poison yeah but on the
9482s flame and Espionage it's not listed like
9484s with the element and where statuses
9485s normally is it's actually explained in
9487s the description so always read your
9489s weapon descriptions
9492s all right let's get stopped up
9501s yeah I love how easy so now unlike and I
9503s spawn obviously if you made a laid
9505s weapon that layered weapon skin was
9508s attached to that specific weapon in some
9510s break and
9511s um how the layout system works now for
9513s weapons if you make a layered weapon
9516s like any layered sword and shield you
9518s can put down any sort of Shield that
9520s you've got so you don't have to keep
9522s paying and paying and paying the use of
9524s materials you unlock it you use it on
9526s whatever someone showed you want
9528s foreign
9534s Birds
9538s I might go and make myself acquainted
9543s you got Manta stuff enough to make the
9544s charge by no way straight off the hunt
9547s that's awesome
9553s oh yeah I'm gonna keep doing my get my
9555s anomalies up because I'm more in in the
9557s high 70s now I think
9561s um
9562s see I'm Gonna Keep keep on keeping up
9564s with that I'm enjoying leveling up my
9566s normal investigations
9580s what I might do here is not grab a
9583s couple of spirit bears go get gourmagala
9584s instead
9588s and then uh go and say hello to
9590s camellios
9591s of the Risen variety all right wrathlos
9594s is coming down
9595s so that's cool
9602s all right cool
9605s you're gonna rope before I can get there
9607s on you
9609s oh I canceled it out I was just a bit
9612s slow all right what we're gonna do
9614s we're gonna wait for the spirit Birds to
9617s come back
9618s that austrianism to get Raffles you know
9620s it helps it helps when you want to mount
9621s a monster if you successfully hit them I
9624s find uh with you don't find attacks
9630s if gold magala wanted the new Afflicted
9632s monsters you can get as well
9634s um
9639s there we go are we gonna be
9641s double attack here
9643s uh multi monster quest good um Lucent
9646s Naga cougar has a lot of XP for
9650s completing that hunt this is the one in
9652s the fall on Arena
9655s I'm sure I don't attack
9657s flavor espinos
9661s I can't see who I'm running around oh no
9663s uh
9667s excuse me thank you
9671s it's gonna come and start smashing
9676s there we go
9684s we're coming in sending a message
9690s but yeah don't feel any pressure to rush
9692s there you know you can still fight for
9694s some camellios about it so as long as
9696s you've got a friend or you you join a
9698s Lobby the where the person has risen
9701s camellios unlocked as long as you're
9703s over mr10 you can still go and fight
9705s this you're not locked
9707s behind you know you are you personally
9710s need 910 you just need that to unlock it
9712s for yourself so like also you can post
9714s it for your friends
9727s get that dust of Life out there messing
9729s around
9731s where are you where are you bow monster
9735s you've risen from the grave
9738s oh I just got the cheeky backhand there
9740s the disrespect
9747s spent an attack turns that was just
9748s falling over
9753s can we spin her out yeah
9763s there was the slat mask expected before
9768s I know is that asleep oh no apologies if
9770s that was a wake up
9774s my bad if so
9780s quiet press have not been poisoned yet
9782s but I guess that's about to happen now I
9784s just keep getting slapped
9791s somehow I didn't get poisoned there
9800s oh
9803s now the Risen is here
9805s how it glows that's so cool
9809s uh camellios has its own armor set yeah
9811s with new skills to do brand new skill
9815s I'll show you again after this hunt
9822s oh it's stuck up in there nice
9826s the building's covering us from the
9828s dastardly poisonous
9832s okay now I poisoned
9838s yeah this is risen camellios it's uh
9842s it's not feeling as usual so
9849s yeah
9851s I am also probably in a danger zone
9857s this is like maxed out armor as well
9860s even with the new increase so you can
9862s upgrade your army even further now
9865s show it up what was that it poisoned me
9869s through the shield
9872s that was nasty
9878s please go home thank you all right
9881s what's coming next
9883s [Music]
9885s oh I whipped that
9891s thank you for the heel I appreciate you
9901s nice knocked out the Risen state
9907s the black team
9911s yeah I really want to try out my new
9913s favorite restaurant about four fire
9915s poisoned combo
9917s makes an element and States together
9919s like two of my favorite things
9933s oh what's in the lottery box kittenator
9935s all right
9936s you got this now's your chance you might
9938s too oh my goodness it's very henched
9941s that's good though we got the uh
9943s got the wyvern ride we'll take that
9948s oh yeah oh no if someone's gonna have to
9950s pay for that that house oh no
9954s I guess we are in the shrine ruins so
9956s it's okay you know it's to be expected
9960s you tanky go back to the Head see if we
9962s can focus on uh
9965s heartbreaks
9969s oh
9971s soon
9977s okay it's so greedy nice heartbreak
9982s yeah the constant poison there this is
9984s scary
9997s we're doing what we got we got really
9999s else where we want it now
10003s I really want to try Matsu in that I'm
10005s just not quite in the right area yeah
10006s it's live now wrong you can get stuck in
10014s betsu through that but I don't think so
10031s oh yeah we popped the fruit there for
10033s anyone that wants it
10035s now
10045s there you go spread the healing love
10057s risk meteos has had enough so
10061s let's go here I'll uh restock
10064s 808 defense nice salafar
10067s nice and tanky that's what you want all
10070s right okay let's enter in here
10072s we wanna so that'll do the sharp there
10075s then we need some dust of life
10077s again low on live powders though I have
10079s to start making some more
10082s because we're in our tent sharpness back
10095s oh that did catch me okay I've got a bit
10098s Reckless there
10107s should have got my stamina back up I
10109s think there as well
10117s that would hurt to hit yeah blight
10119s resistance would be super duper useful
10121s that is a good shot if you want to get
10123s on your build that will work on wonders
10127s oh oh
10130s ouch
10130s that's right though it worked it worked
10132s I just got a bit bruised in the process
10136s thanks shimate
10141s actually I can heal off the heel off the
10143s head using blood right yes
10146s yes the power of mouse
10151s yeah we're just here for using this this
10153s will teach you
10155s how we're gonna get the finish here nice
10157s work everyone
10159s so wait I don't need a hill I'll heal
10161s for drinking I can heal off of damage
10166s whoa good work everyone
10169s try it first as Afflicted Russian I mean
10172s I think I have an Afflicted version
10175s for the next ticket we can do that
10178s I don't mind
10183s great healers hey girl good to see you
10186s buddy
10188s all right see you next time go
10191s love you bye bye
10197s you want to do a flight to rajang right
10200s so we're gonna want some ice for that
10203s ice and spicy so that's our second risen
10206s camellios down so really pleased with
10208s that good job everyone
10218s [Music]
10221s high five in the palico
10233s look at that whole line of goodies there
10236s and of course this is what we came here
10238s for the camellios rise gem which we need
10240s one piece per armor piece
10246s so we are stocking up nicely
10253s nice so much experience as well
10256s that's what we want okay so I think that
10259s was the second hunt yeah because we did
10260s visit tsune so if you'd like to join
10263s and uh we're gonna be doing some anomaly
10265s investigations so I think there's 70
10269s plus so if you are anomaly investigation
10271s 70 plus
10273s do jump in thank you for dance Austrian
10275s Samurai zero and Nightwing really really
10278s appreciate it
10282s and the new hero badge we've got there
10284s if you defeat risen Camellia should get
10286s the like risen Slayer so you get a cool
10290s new badge which I think looks really
10292s really snazzy
10294s oh as I said that didn't go through to
10296s Twitch so we'll put that in chat again
10298s there we go
10301s yeah get some get some investigations
10303s going
10309s our Pace keep him warm in limber so we
10311s have Melanie who else will be joining us
10319s risen is cool
10328s pop in an investigation
10332s okay so this is the fun one
10335s this is fun I might just put blast on
10337s though because obviously it was Euros is
10339s weak to fire
10341s is actually because it was just batter I
10343s think
10344s obviously ice
10349s let's take a look at Reggie
10354s see what what else we got okay fire is a
10356s No-No
10358s ice is a yes
10361s uh Azure us if we go then go look at
10363s this Euros maybe I can run an ice set
10367s uh
10369s yeah ice Works ice works
10382s yeah if anyone wants to join hop in I'll
10384s pop this in chat
10389s join myself and Melanie for some tasty
10392s hunts
10395s did I change my Loadout I just
10397s overwritten my
10404s I do have it on this because I've got
10406s the
10413s same room they're good that's the one I
10415s want
10420s got like a Charlotte goodness
10422s but while we wait
10427s maybe make the Luna garon
10431s because Charlotte's cool because
10432s Charlotte does look cool don't get me
10433s wrong but I always did think
10436s well maybe what about this what about
10438s this for ice I mean
10441s it's a cool blade right that could that
10443s could dispense icy Justice
10446s um
10448s if not the Winter's Feast Hatchet looks
10451s cool like you got the kind of like
10453s aggressive like The Punchy oh yeah it's
10455s got the claw on the shield and then the
10457s ices that looks really icy doesn't it
10461s I think it's gonna have to be this
10465s luckily I've got loads of Luna Garen
10467s parts
10472s there we go ghost is not a bad show
10475s either and we got Lucian here Lucian is
10478s joining the hunt welcome welcome
10484s which means we have one more space
10485s Lucian is ready to rock
10488s this is super icy yeah this is a cool
10491s weapon
10492s um yeah let's go I'm gonna go eat
10494s because we got some scary monsters here
10501s yeah we're gonna go get that bird called
10503s a bird caller I haven't seen others use
10505s it on like social media and
10507s twitch and YouTube I'm like I need to
10508s get on that I need to get on that and
10511s I'm really glad I did
10517s [Music]
10520s if not we can three Hunter it say we'll
10523s take on this Afflicted rajang we'll take
10524s it down so new challenge is part of
10527s Title Update too
10531s foreign
10536s hey the great laggy is here it's like
10539s hey you need a fourth yes we do
10546s oh yes Melanie fight on
10549s the the mix there of a Shigeru and uh
10552s guys my God Mama there
10554s and then it's that balls who's what's
10558s the waste could be Val's tracks
10560s oh hunting horn love to see it
10565s love to see it
10568s this is going to be interesting we have
10570s yeah once again Afflicted rashang uh
10573s Apex is euros and then
10576s great is itchy and don't underestimate
10578s Raptors in these investigations do not
10581s underestimate them
10582s they can be so punishing
10584s in a fun way like we got double carded
10587s by a great baggie uh last week
10590s um so you know the hubris is there
10607s oh lunch time for you Alejandro
10610s maybe you have something tasty it's uh
10612s after the stream I'm gonna grab a snack
10613s and then I'm gonna catch up with the US
10615s Monster Hunter community community
10617s manager Joe so I'll have a quick snack
10619s uh have a little call talk about how
10622s tile update two's going
10624s um what our plans are for the day over
10626s the U.S side
10627s then I'm going to chill out and do a
10629s little bit of farming behind the scenes
10630s I think
10650s all right let's
10654s let's start with azuros let's get his
10656s Euros off the field
10659s I think they are scary
10666s because I've got a spirit bed called I
10668s can get a b line a bit I think
10680s Lucian knows the way I'll follow you
10682s soon using their palamu and then I'm
10684s going oh great white back though
10688s anti-dobra
10690s no
10692s diaper for this one leave it to chill
10694s which monster which new monster is my
10696s favorite
10697s it's hard to say it is hard to say
10700s probably maybe flaming espinas
10702s uh
10703s uh but then risen camellios is such a
10705s fun fight really aggressive and then
10707s Violet Mr sune the home and Bubbles
10709s right yeah I can't pick a favorite I
10711s thought I could
10712s but I can't it's just such a great mix
10715s like what they all bring to the table
10718s so you're not great Jackie great ezuchi
10720s sorry
10726s there
10730s and that okay I didn't time that well at
10733s all is you're a standout strong
10744s yeah this ax looks so cool so so cool
10749s the benefit of like the lead weapons you
10751s can make it look how you want
10758s to hit the car
10762s thread all that Rock's really going to
10763s go after my honey next
10767s it was a bit delayed
10771s we are dancing around each other come
10773s here as you're off
10780s Roar through
10786s okay okay
10788s I don't know if I still have some resist
10790s on or not I don't know I used to have it
10793s on all my sets but I think I took out
10795s some of them
10797s to uh get like other skills in so we'll
10800s see
10801s we shot it no wow this is definitely a
10803s range dessert it loves eating rocks
10805s around
10813s oh there we go that's what we want
10827s it gets easy to underestimate is yours
10829s very easy to do and I don't recommend
10831s underestimating this big bear
10834s as you can see he's making me really go
10836s through my resources
10842s I'm not getting my messages
10845s but after losing hard there you're all
10847s right you're fine
10849s don't you my matsues how dare you oh no
10852s oh and I do not have an answer to that
10856s lucky got stun immunity
10865s nice trip whoever got back just as it
10868s was trying to leave
10876s or there's the Sonic Bloom as well for
10878s the hunting one nice heart rate that's
10881s what I wanted
10886s Oh I thought that was a nice one then it
10888s gets slapped
10890s kind creature these are mean these are
10892s meanies especially them Apex and
10894s afflicted
10906s well it's ready for that time so is that
10908s awesome flash good job
10910s okay kittenator time that's what we want
10913s nice one Yamato oh straight in there no
10916s message
10917s no messing around
10920s combo going
10930s now is yours is having a little run
10935s sorry we're hot on his heels we got this
10938s we got this
10948s are you more petalace upgrades huh
10956s a good choice axios I highly recommend
10959s sword and show it it's very versatile
10961s tons of ways to play it
10964s um element status rather than the combos
10966s you want to use it kind of focus on your
10967s sword or focus on The Shield or mix both
10969s yeah really really fun satisfying weapon
10979s [Music]
10982s Oh I thought we got a stack of that I
10984s know it's just the power of resources
10985s big musty arms too much
11006s more attack
11011s just hate that rock
11017s time I'm having to get another stand
11019s here there with that Thunder plays out
11021s let's stand this in
11038s nice and a knock down this is the damage
11041s option that you wanted and wonderful
11043s stuff
11051s oh I didn't see that Raw coming actually
11054s got nice man too I'm good Artemis how
11056s are you thank you for asking
11058s we have a wonderful time
11069s okay how far I'd be a bit greedy trying
11071s blood right but I'm one shot there now
11073s so
11074s I will not risk it
11082s oh locked in broke it with my shield
11085s love it
11088s blue sharpness
11099s this great azuchi coming in
11105s cow pass out is itchy bring the gang I
11107s didn't mean to hit you there
11109s huh
11116s if you're using down
11120s or is itchy don't resistance we'll get
11123s you some Revenge what's your certain
11125s shirt of choice
11126s so
11127s for poison wrathy and sudden Shield
11131s um for blast scorned Magnum Arlo uh for
11134s raw you've got the
11137s uh Royal knight sword which is a really
11140s really good one
11141s um
11142s fire I like the Raffles sword and shield
11145s ice I like kashaladura water I just made
11150s the crab
11156s lovely wife right down but yeah I use a
11158s lot of the town like blast and poison
11160s are two really good ones and then
11161s element I really like to get into
11162s Elementor so I'm using the kashala sword
11165s and shield at the moment but it is
11167s layered with the Luna garage
11172s a lot of fashion
11176s okay so she's done a runner
11184s oh millionaire rocking rocking a cool
11187s looking weapon
11190s is that the new Lost Code weapon looking
11192s very schnauzy
11195s well let's go lay it I should see
11202s all right come over here so we're
11204s warming up these before we get on to
11213s that's right next this is the flick to
11215s brush act newest part file update too so
11218s this will be interesting
11226s wow okay okay oh rajag is huge
11232s goodness
11237s oh the body slam
11240s nice double ice blade though gone crazy
11243s get the knock down
11259s in order for how quickly
11263s and the double poison after Double eyes
11266s play nice
11271s I haven't actually tested that Alejandro
11272s maybe someone in chat house good
11274s question can the blast element be a play
11276s applied with chain crit I've not putting
11277s on any of my gear yet but I really need
11279s to work real nicely
11289s damage
11293s there's nearly monkey time nearly
11314s oh I know what's happening here Sonic
11316s Bloom time
11318s it's gonna be big big boobs
11325s oh my goodness I was wondering if that
11326s was going to take out for a second
11335s I don't think so
11337s yep there you are
11340s nice try crazy she ate breakfast
11355s set your mind to other kids no it's not
11357s your mouth
11360s great hit though I think it got into a
11363s paralysis
11370s there
11372s or the normal is actually they're taking
11374s hits It's not like yeah we'll dump their
11376s weapons
11377s that'll help
11381s someone will find the ultimate Monkey
11382s Quest Afflicted
11384s oh that'd be hilarious to have that out
11387s there maximum monkey it's like with the
11390s Wrath in where you can get gold wrathion
11392s um Afflicted not Afflicted gold wrathian
11396s oh you can yeah gold wrathian Afflicted
11397s rathian
11398s Apex right here
11403s which is super cool
11410s right rajang time everyone let's see how
11413s this Afflicted rajang is then
11415s pretty scary I imagine
11439s oh that's a lot of damage
11443s that is terrifying
11456s if I could maybe climb up that one after
11458s doing my weapon
11460s get these Superior points
11464s such a powerful but
11467s did that too soon
11472s oh oh oh no
11478s I need to kind of get in there as well
11479s this is the bloodline
11488s nice work there
11491s okay blood flies
11500s oh
11502s yeah that's it walk away
11513s yeah there we've got nice metzu there
11521s fly and then also we'll pop the falvin
11524s for our palaco and we catch up with
11526s version
11527s yes maximum spare bed power
11532s so get the fact it doubles your effects
11534s as well
11536s the Tango bird caller and then obviously
11538s we've got the
11540s spear bad the caller as well
11543s um
11544s started him for one Deco and that's the
11546s tracks every randomly we'll get out oh
11549s no
11550s Spirit beds
11551s which is fantastic saves a lot of time
11553s gets us [ __ ] up across the board not
11555s just the ones we find
11561s wow I thought it's good for me but cut
11563s across oh nice that's because we had the
11565s marionette spider I was like about to
11568s get like charged I reckon
11573s closes on
11579s oh we charged each other luckily I got
11582s mine off as well
11584s that I've got this Shield I'll put it
11586s that way
11592s get around the front nice
11596s but I'm glad we've got this oh
11606s whoa anti-air rajang
11612s very angry very very angry
11633s no no this is live Desmond this is live
11636s hello
11639s best approve this isn't pre-recorded of
11641s a wise I have incredible foresight
11649s prison it's lovely
11652s well
11656s feisty monster
11661s where did Montego rejects here
11666s Defiance would be good against Russia
11670s very useful skull all right oh you went
11672s for a grapple
11676s nice work everyone
11678s trying to get those horns
11680s keeping it well guarded
11682s I'm good thank you how are you how are
11685s you we're just enjoying this Afflicted
11686s rajang fight
11690s s having a good time as well
11696s it's done good work everyone for getting
11698s that built together
11706s shop and see we do not want green shop
11708s this means blues and I did but we
11709s definitely don't want to be sharpness
11711s here
11716s all right we're gonna we're gonna move
11717s over there we're gonna get you to
11719s sharpener
11726s folk right front
11733s forget me
11735s yes but just behind me as I had a Matsu
11738s ready oh no no no I'm sorry okay no no
11743s oh
11744s thank you for the Flash
11750s oh my hunter felt that for that tail
11753s it's right oh no
11766s okay we'll take a shot we'll take a
11768s shower I do I do I do I am eme Community
11772s manager for monstanta
11777s that was a real big Hulk smash room in
11779s there
11782s and the bomb bad user had to say they're
11784s like yeah we're not sticking around for
11786s that
11789s what a role
11794s it is aiming for me thank you for the
11796s warning it is appreciated
11803s refreshing just decided to become the
11804s rock there
11811s oh right on the chin
11816s still chasing
11824s oh I couldn't block that
11836s I'm just gonna pop him on the chin get
11839s the blood light here oh that worked out
11841s right dude
11843s yeah sunbreak is on sale right now
11847s and base rise too
11867s oh I could have maybe gotten that
11872s yeah this Russian is healthy like a ton
11876s of HP
11879s that means there's another we can go for
11889s eign
11909s [Music]
11918s oh that ice plate damage you ever set
11921s that up absolutely beautiful thank you
11925s hey nice welcome I think I that's a
11927s great time
11931s oh no I'm stuck behind stuck behind an
11934s ornament
11937s so we still got through here
11943s that did hurt
11946s all right let's get
11948s uh
11951s LV now get a live powder team
11956s the pressure and hop back when I want to
11957s do my shield Bash
11959s oh the belly slab
11969s who went for Melanie there
11978s we'll keep those rolls going
11981s I need a shop oh now about to go into
11983s green
11985s maybe I should sure bash a bit you're
11987s gonna jump up at me
11989s yes there we go
11991s right
11993s this is not the best place to sharpen
12008s 's had a little run
12011s you're perfect
12016s eat my ration stop myself getting hungry
12023s the rare endemic life is here
12028s there it is
12029s it's on top of the on top of the um it's
12032s not bridge is it on top of the thing the
12035s building thing
12038s the gate it's the top of the gate
12041s wait where did it go
12045s did it fly off again what did we get it
12049s I missed it
12051s no it's floating off just as I got there
12053s oh what a cheeky aesthetic life she
12056s I guess that's why it's rare
12068s those arms they're paying to get
12070s bouncing off
12081s everyone go in Ariel I love to see it
12089s that was a lovely flash thank you
12091s pelicos
12092s [Music]
12096s God this rashang just keeps on going
12098s doesn't it is an absolute unit
12101s board if I get the best
12105s luckily the grab went over
12112s oh that's right I got grabbed but it
12114s made the charge blade get their counter
12115s perfect teamwork it entirely as intended
12119s thank you Melanie that was lovely
12121s breaking me out of that as well
12124s thank you
12135s come on then
12155s good work everyone
12158s that was fun
12160s Afflicted rajang's a good laugh
12169s good stuff everyone
12171s part of me
12176s and a little little bit of cleansing
12179s goodness here from the palico
12184s it's been to win Spin to Win
12187s and what we do there because that was a
12188s long hunt we'll uh need to wrap up the
12190s stream because it's now ten past five oh
12192s thank goodness and I need to get ready
12194s to catch up with say the uscm Joe uh but
12197s that was a ton of fun we took down three
12200s monsters there which is wicked
12203s oh nice stretch there but yeah like for
12207s those that don't know as well
12209s um
12210s yeah Monster Hunter rise and sunbreak
12211s are on sale right now
12214s um so base rise is 50 off and some
12216s breaks is 25 off and then like you can
12218s get bundle deals as well
12220s um so do check it out I know the steam
12222s sale for example uh ends on the 2nd of
12224s October so if you do want to jump in now
12226s is your chance
12228s um obviously
12229s not for shiny
12231s um Title Update 2 is out right now we
12234s are playing it and that is on both
12235s switch and steam as well you can jump in
12236s and enjoy the new monsters delayed
12239s weapons
12240s enhanced or increased level on normal
12243s investigations you can further increase
12245s your weapon Creo crafting and just make
12248s an even beastier which is super super
12250s cool
12252s a lot to be excited about
12262s a happy birthday Oscar I hope you have a
12264s wonderful day
12266s okay we got a lot so we got uh rajang we
12270s got Mr sunei seragios espanas espinacias
12275s oh that's really good got some more girl
12277s cut titles so what level are we now on
12279s the investigations
12283s 79 nice
12287s happy with that
12289s that is a ton and we got a lot of
12291s goodies there
12293s those quests definitely worth it
12294s definitely definitely worth it
12298s I will take a look at the quest though
12299s before you wrap up
12311s who wants to talk to me would it be
12314s Bahari maybe or Admiral galiers
12317s hey
12319s it is abrogalius has a treat for me I've
12323s been expecting you thank you thank you
12328s right okay so what did we get from that
12330s one
12334s so we got a another Rajon
12338s uh then we got
12340s mizutsuni something can't gots her out
12342s so Steve Afflicted Steve and
12346s uh seed in basil
12349s espinas now that looks nice level 74.
12353s so Afflicted SMS Apex is geros and Mr
12357s SUNY zunoga
12361s 30 minutes Afflicted zunoga and Luna
12364s garam
12367s um chilling over there
12372s but uh I'll need to check on that one
12374s actually Bugsy I'll need to check but
12377s that wraps up today's stream thank you
12379s everyone who tuned in uh whether you
12381s watched spoke uh jumped in the lobby or
12384s even tried to jump in I really
12385s appreciate it and I hope you had a great
12387s time
12388s um it was a ton of fun tile update to
12390s his live now do jump in and check it out
12392s there's a lot of awesome stuff New Gear
12394s new decorations new skills new weapons
12396s new monsters so much stuff for you to
12398s enjoy and obviously it's free it's Title
12400s Update two
12402s um
12403s so yeah other than that I hope you have
12406s a wonderful weekend and we'll be back
12408s again next Thursday for some more
12410s Gathering Hub community live streams so
12413s I've been Johnny you've been awesome
12415s have a fantastic evening good night
12424s [Music]
12438s foreign
12443s [Music]
12462s [Music]
12471s foreign
12473s [Music]
12509s thank you
12511s [Music]
12532s foreign
12535s foreign
12536s [Music]
12549s [Music]
12584s thank you
12597s [Music]