4 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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510s hello everyone and welcome to today's
513s stream my name is Jon o EA Community
515s manager on Mon Hunter and I joined by
518s hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
520s Community manager for Monster Hunter and
522s uh we're here for a very exciting reason
523s because today we are returning to world
527s that's right following the announcement
529s of monant Wilds we thought hey now's a
532s really good time to jump into world and
534s make the most of the massive discount it
536s currently has across all platforms isn't
538s that right Joe yeah it is the lowest
541s price I believe it's ever been on sale
542s for uh on all platforms so it's been an
546s amazing time to go back to the game um
548s if you have never uh played the game
550s before um it's it's just a great time to
552s get in so and we've been seeing a lot of
554s people jump back into the game with all
556s the excitement around the brand and it's
558s just been awesome right it has oh I see
560s our names have flipped but it's okay
561s they both start with J so you know you
564s you'll figure it out you got a 50%
566s chance of getting our names right yeah
568s yeah it's it's pretty easy prettyy
570s easy and but yeah so yeah we are
572s officially hash return toor and we have
575s brand new Hunters here they are fresh
578s off of the boat into the new world so
580s obviously this is our new take on the
582s weekly Community Live Stream So now
584s every Thursday between 5 and 7M GMT
587s we're going to be doing some hunts um so
589s to start things off though me and Joe
590s we're going to settle back in we're
592s going to do a couple of hunts together
593s and as we get near the end of this
594s stream we will open up the lobby so
597s Hunters if you've not got a brand new
599s Hunter already Now's the Time to make
601s one so you can jump in and join us on
604s this journey isn't that right Joe oh
606s yeah I literally made this Hunter uh
609s last night um it's it's the morning here
610s in the US so I made this one last night
613s and I made everything uh completely
615s brand new so we're not using any
617s Guardian armor or anything we want that
618s true uh new player experience for the
620s very first time as if it was 2018 so
622s it's been pretty cool to go back oh
624s absolutely I mean you know we've been
626s playing so much rise and Sun break and
628s yeah to kind of go back back uh to world
631s it's you know my muscle memory first of
633s all my sword and shield I'm getting used
634s to that but yeah it's it's a nice bit of
636s nostalgia even though I've only kind of
637s delved into the Ancient Forest itself oh
641s yeah yeah it's been really cool going
642s back just seeing all the cut scenes just
644s the the vibe of the game the different
645s Hub areas um so yeah I'm I'm really
649s excited to experience this all again
650s it's like uh 2018 wasn't that long ago
653s but at the same time it kind of really
655s was right A lot's happened in the world
656s since then exactly exactly and if any
659s was was wondering I have twitch chat on
660s the left side and YouTube chat on the
662s right so I'm not being Shifty I'm just
664s making sure I can read all of your
666s comments um but talking of hunt Jo
669s should we get stuck in I've heard that
670s you've just kind of had a run in with
671s some kadon and uh it's time to kind of
674s take on your first large monster on your
676s new character oh yeah let's do it uh we
679s are tackling the great jagas oh class
683s large monster
686s yeah all right let me go that Quest
690s and while we do this chat tell us what
692s did you think of the monst Hunter Wild's
694s announcement were you watching live did
696s you catch the trailer afterwards tell us
698s tell us what you thought
701s yeah you know Jon you and I both I think
704s we got pretty uh emotional at the
706s announcement even though we were quite
709s busy yeah it's really awesome I won't
711s like as very emotional watching it and
713s when the the name reveal came up my eyes
716s were watering I won't lie I was so
719s excited and happy for everyone the
721s community for the team I mean you were
724s in teams chat as well um yeah how did
727s you feel yeah oh yeah same same way same
730s way I you know we were running like uh
732s like headless chickens trying to get
734s everything ready but at the same time it
735s was just you know really really
736s emotional moment so you know something
738s we've been working towards for a pretty
739s long time so very very awesome moment
742s exactly for those wonderers so we are
743s going to be playing through uh base
745s World here we do have ice born installed
748s so obviously will see the clutch claw uh
751s but I'll try and limit my use of it
753s because obviously this is the World
754s experience and obviously some of the
755s extra moves as well um so yeah yeah yeah
760s jonno you you went with a a hunter
762s that's pretty similar to the one that
764s you run normally yeah I I'm anything but
767s original here like so I have the same
769s Hunter look basically a bit of stubble
771s uh blue hair because I like to you know
773s kind of self-insert a bit you know um
776s and then I've got my Pico Amber so I
777s have a real life uh cat called Amber and
781s uh she's also a Tor so that's that's
783s mine I see you have H quite a theme
785s going on with your Hunter and Pico yeah
787s so I actually made the I went ahead and
789s made the palico first and thought that
791s would you know maybe make some ideas for
793s what I should go with for my theme and
795s then I just realized I went for like a a
797s cheese theme here so here we are there
801s we go we've had it we've eaten we're
803s ready we've seen in chat there Hammer
805s best weapon I mean Hammer's a good
807s choice what what made you choose hammer
808s for this PL
810s 3j um well I'm a great sword main um so
814s I like to to hit hard so I I want to
817s choose the next best thing so we went
819s for the hammer a good choice and me so
823s the sword and shield is my main squeeze
825s I've been using it um go since since
828s three years since I first got into
830s Monster Hunter and uh you know what it's
832s probably the only weapon I'm really
833s really good with um I also like to
835s dabble in the hunting horn and I like to
838s flirt with the hammer and charge blade
840s but yeah I just I just love sword and
842s shield you think you think he'll mess
844s around with any other weapons uh during
846s these streams or you're going to stick
848s to your to your main that's a good
850s question what would people want me to
852s kind of learn in world I mean I used to
854s use gun Lance a bit W because I really
856s like the the rathan gun Lance um but
860s yeah I'm I'm interested to see what
862s people would want want me to use lots of
864s people loving the uh chargeblade gang
866s great sword a lot of great sword loving
868s both chats
869s try charge blade I could try charge
871s blade because you're a charge blade main
872s aren't you Joe like oh yeah yeah I love
875s a charge blade but I you know I I
877s wouldn't say I'm like the greatest with
881s it but you know it is flashy and you
884s know occasionally you hit one of those
886s uh those big hits and you feel I feel
888s like you're the greatest in the world so
890s oh yes oh yes and what we're doing here
892s so obviously this is the first large
894s Monster Hunt in wal and obviously we're
896s tracking great jaas cuz we're not too
898s familiar with the The Monster at the
899s minute oh well there you go hold on
901s great Jack is coming to us but what
903s what's he doing
905s oh a tasty snack just watching here it's
911s a the APO aren't too happy about
915s that what a what a gracious creature
919s yeah isn't nature crazy look at is well
924s that was an aptonoth um and now it's
926s dinner so
929s dang so we're gonna hunt this great Jack
932s just after you atat dinner that's messed
933s up yeah yeah I would be pretty grumpy if
936s if I got jumped after having a dinner
939s um that's when you're at your worst
941s exactly exactly not feeling too graceful
944s so there we go we must Avenge the let's
948s do it all right should we go after it
951s yep let's go people here saying charge
953s blade when you guard against Diablos for
954s the first time it's so satisfying
956s Diablos is quite a monster to guard
958s against as well oh yeah yeah I need to
961s look out for or and Bone piles as well
963s um so I can do some upgrades after this
965s hunt yeah we need we need everything
968s right now um these Hunters have nothing
970s so I'm picking up every honey I see oh
973s yes all the ore yeah we are effectively
976s broke yeah we're not we're not
978s pretending to be new Hunters using our
980s like super maxed out hunters for like
982s hundreds of hours no we're genuinely
985s fresh yeah we are are genuinely fresh I
988s don't even have a radi menu set up I
990s have no inventory shortcuts
993s nothing Hydro says um light B gun
997s representation went you know what in um
999s for you light bow gun was my main
1001s alongside sword and shield I was like
1003s using both of them um I actually used
1005s the light B gun in the quest against
1008s shagaru magala uh I think the heavens
1011s wheel turns can't try to remember the
1013s name uh but yeah I did use it to
1015s actually wrap up the story
1017s there
1019s if every weapon is your main or any of
1022s them your main this is true this is true
1026s we just like them
1027s all but yeah the plan is we want to play
1030s through the entire game um obviously not
1032s all tonight we're going to be streaming
1034s for about two hours but each week we're
1035s going to progress through and if you've
1037s got Hunters that are on Pace of us we'll
1039s open up the Gathering Hub we'll fill up
1041s the Gathering Hub and you can quest with
1042s us or you can Quest amongst yourselves
1044s but it's a shared Journey for like new
1045s players and returning players alike so
1047s hopefully we can impart some College
1049s hopefully you know you can join in and
1051s have some fun and if you are a genuinely
1053s new player you know hopefully we can
1055s help you get some uh some nice cares in
1058s yeah wait J what are you talking about I
1060s thought we were streaming the entire
1061s game tonight I mean you know what I
1064s could go make a cup of tea and then we
1065s can just bash it out you know okay I
1068s guess I guess I'll set for just a couple
1070s hours then yeah right should we go and I
1074s think great jackers has had enough time
1076s to digest it its death oh yeah yeah
1078s we've been respectful
1079s get we have stay out of the long
1084s grass SNS Supremacy I like you thank you
1087s we we love the the SNS uh Thum up over
1090s here attack gem level two
1092s grind are we going to play so these
1095s particular Hunters we're only going to
1096s play online so it's a journey that you
1099s can join us on so this is chapter one uh
1102s next week will be chapter two so we got
1104s there I'm trying out sword and Sh for
1105s the first time today lovely lovely nice
1110s we are playing on PC
1112s so yeah so if you want to join us roll a
1115s fresh Hunter on Steve okay do you want
1117s to say hello with a hammer do you want
1118s to open up oh wait hold on on he's he's
1122s he's moving in the wrong direction I
1123s gota get I gotta get up in front I'm
1125s going use my Scout flies but yeah if you
1126s ever get lost follow the Scout flies
1128s those little green lights there they are
1131s your friends they will help you find
1132s tracks They will take you to the monster
1135s um so if in doubt the green will guide
1137s you all right where where is our boy
1140s going here yeah bow in world is really
1143s strong I'm just terrible with it I'm
1145s more like B gun kind of guy we're on
1149s Steam for those that are asking yes yes
1151s I need to remember as well uh to to hold
1153s down the mining out crops because uh in
1155s rise and some R you scoop it up and go
1157s but I need to remember I need patience
1159s now I need to just quickly wait for a
1160s second yeah I guess I've always just
1162s mash the button but that that's just my
1165s nature you know I
1166s just just mash it see what happens okay
1170s I think we're finally yeah fin good
1172s position here yeah look at me great Jack
1175s no no it's on the Run oh there we go
1178s we're starting you know I need to
1179s remember I can't do metsu shui so I
1183s can't I can't just try and tank the
1187s monster all right we got to get some
1189s muscle memory back here yeah I'm very
1191s much used to Rising some R combos yeah
1194s yeah
1196s oh we'll let him come out
1199s not when my armor is made of paper or
1202s leather
1204s yeah same thing same thing oh here we go
1207s oh there we
1211s go see if I can try and get a perfect
1214s Rush oop this is always super
1218s satisfying oh I'm going up
1221s way oh nice SW you got the mount I'll
1223s leave you to it is that going to be a
1225s big Bonk I think it is I think so oh
1229s all right see if I can get to the Head
1232s obviously we haven't got Flinch free on
1234s yet so I should probably yeah get out of
1235s your way sorry about that I was not I
1238s was not expecting the
1241s hammer it's just new Hunter
1243s things oh this this guy how dare
1247s he this isn't pre-recorded this is live
1249s John if that proves it either that or
1251s I'm like you know able to see to the
1254s Future can we do another take I'm
1257s kiding um so currently we've got the the
1260s Gathering Hub server closed but we will
1262s be opening it up later in the Stream and
1264s in future streams we'll have it pretty
1266s much open but all we ask is you bring a
1268s new Hunter so that we're all on the same
1271s level and you know you don't come in one
1273s tap a monster of like Fatalis
1276s GE there we go you think that would be
1279s that would be like a 30 second hunt or
1280s something exactly now you know we might
1283s make that look a bit easier so if it is
1284s your first time fighting the great jagas
1286s and you are getting rolled on a bit are
1288s getting bitten don't worry we've got
1291s many many many hours under our belt and
1293s it's not our first rodeo with great
1295s jagas you know you might C you might c a
1297s couple of times doesn't matter it's all
1300s a learning experience but like my
1302s personal tip for fighting great jagas is
1304s just trying and stay to like the side of
1306s its head um because a lot of its attacks
1309s are choreographed if they're going to go
1310s sideways or it will bite to the front
1312s what about you Jo what's your top great
1313s jagas tip yeah pretty much the same
1316s thing I mean just kind of watch out for
1318s those Ling attacks and go for the head I
1320s mean it doesn't have crazy Mobility so
1323s uh it's it's pretty predictable monster
1326s so you just got to keep it in front of
1327s you make sure that you keep track of all
1329s the movements and and go for the head
1331s good good advice yeah if you if you are
1333s if you bring an old Hunter with like new
1336s gear or like early Game Gear that's also
1338s fine just try and match what we're using
1340s so you know take those deos off get on
1343s those those lower weapons you know and
1345s like you can join in um so yeah
1348s basically we just don't want to go in
1349s and dunk the monster when we're going
1350s for like that that early game experience
1353s oh yeah I got a cut scene on my side
1355s nice nice so I've done this Quest before
1357s so Joe will have a cut scene uh which
1360s will be a nice little watch yep we were
1363s not lying this is a completely brand new
1365s save oh and I realized I'm also on the
1366s Japanese dialogue
1369s here it's a good time to learn a new
1373s language I'll have a look at chat while
1375s you're in your cut scene all right
1383s yeah hello to all our newcomers and
1384s hello to all our existing
1389s Hunters oh you you don't think people
1391s can't to great jagas I you know what if
1393s not the great jagas definitely the
1394s greatest
1395s [Laughter]
1399s Jag um cetra just got World on Steam
1402s they can't wait to grind after rise nice
1405s so you you're doing rise and Sun break
1407s then you're going to jump into world
1409s awesome and uh kitsi came back to
1411s playing this again some weeks ago just
1413s so good welcome back yeah so yeah like
1416s so for me so monsant World on Steam is
1420s like
1421s 879 is it's like 67% off it's it's crazy
1425s cheap the cheapest it's ever been on
1427s Steam and it is currently on sale on
1429s Xbox and Playstation as well um so yeah
1432s jump in like if you like RPGs if you
1435s like fighting big monsters and also the
1437s social side of it because we got the
1439s Gathering Hub um you know you can team
1441s up with your buddies it's it's it's real
1443s good fun obviously I'm a bit biased but
1446s right yeah the US it's 9.99 which uh you
1451s know that's like the cost of like a
1454s sandwich for I don't even know like a
1456s what maybe 500,000 plus hours of gaml so
1460s you know you could play only this game
1463s for quite a bit and be set for a very
1465s long time oh yes you will be good
1470s you played three Ares out of this game
1475s nice okay we're back in the hub now
1478s wicked wicked so if we jump over to my
1481s screen I'm going to the Smithy because
1483s I've now hunted great jagas I think two
1485s times on this Hunter uh because I
1489s progressed a little bit early on um oh
1493s got a little quest for the clutch claw
1494s so if you do have ice born um even when
1497s you're playing through baseball you do
1498s get access to some of the features of
1500s Ice um such as moves and the clutch claw
1503s so you say I will try I mean I can't
1505s resist doing the rush combo but I will
1507s try and limit my clutch claw use like
1510s outside of ice spawn um so I need some
1513s new armor so obviously we've got the
1515s weapons we look at the armor first
1517s so I can make the Jag set here for a
1521s little bit more defense and some skills
1523s however I am a bit of a fan of the bone
1524s armor because and this is good reason I
1527s highly recommend the bone armor armor in
1528s the early game because you get health
1530s boost you get attack boost you get
1531s Slugger you get horn mro so if you're a
1534s hunting horn dude master that will up
1536s your hunting horn game and then
1538s entomologist as well so I'm going to I'm
1541s going to use some of these bones that
1542s we've been Gathering and uh caring to to
1545s get this gear um so I'm going to go for
1547s the helmet get a little cut scene there
1551s maybe I should do the same yeah do it
1553s what we got here bone armor you know
1555s it's all about the fashion though so
1556s let's see let's see how it looks that's
1558s true fashion game is end game right
1563s yeah uh let's check out the jagas armor
1566s it looks really cool I love the look at
1568s the jagas armor yeah I've always been a
1570s fan of it yeah just got a really cool
1573s like it's not quite like a cape but kind
1576s of is yeah it's a bit like a throw is
1578s that the right term for it I don't I'm
1581s clearly not the most fashionable person
1583s yeah yeah maybe like a little Poncho or
1586s something yeah
1592s uh cool says it's so rare to have the
1594s official game do put up a weekly
1595s Community live stream for the game well
1597s you know the mod center team and Capcom
1600s we love the community and as Community
1602s managers it's great to directly engage
1605s with you and to have an excuse to do
1606s this um how about you Joe how do you
1608s feel about it oh yeah same way same way
1610s and joh know you've been kind of leading
1611s the charge on uh many many streams for
1614s uh quite a long time so uh yeah yeah
1618s glad to be able to join you for this uh
1620s and for many more going forward exactly
1622s so for rise and sunbreak you know Joe
1624s would visit when he could because of the
1626s time zones it could be tricky um because
1628s we did have a weekly rise and sunbreak
1630s stream but now for for a little bit
1631s we're going to be doing world and we've
1632s set this up specifically so that Joe can
1635s join us as much as possible um which is
1638s super super exciting I'm glad to have
1640s you here man yeah thanks thanks for
1642s having me and uh thanks for leing the
1643s charge on this we're just we're super
1645s excited we've been talking about this
1646s for for quite a while so yeah it's fun
1649s to get it going oh we got uh people
1652s bringing up Arch tempered monsters which
1654s US luckily we're a little bit away from
1655s those for now we've got a few hunts to
1657s get through first but um I now have the
1660s full bone armor set and I'm going to see
1662s if I can upgrade my sword and shield all
1666s um there we go love my sword and shield
1669s okay so I'm going to pass on the armor
1672s upgrades for now um since I'm I can't
1675s quite do a full set yet mhm I'm see if I
1678s can get some pal equipment oh I can oh I
1682s can go for the ghost
1683s set oh
1686s spooky I am going to upgrade my uh my
1690s hammer here what I'll do though we've
1692s been speaking about jagus a lot though
1694s so I'm going to give my Pico great jagas
1697s gear
1699s nice actually let's see see if I
1701s can do any of the armor sets
1706s uh
1711s there we go I could do everything except
1713s the helmet well actually no I don't know
1716s no we we'll pass for now we'll pass for
1718s now there you go I am fully bone armored
1720s up and my Pico has great jagas so you
1724s know we got we got some new some new
1725s fits so that's
1727s good all right I'm gathering
1731s Hub yeah I have a thing that says to
1733s talk to the provisions manager so let's
1735s do that no worries ah the early game oh
1740s yes finding our feet in a sta
1745s yeah the music here it's a it's a little
1747s nostalgic it is it's it's bringing back
1750s a lot of memories because you know we
1753s we'd been monst to fans for years and
1755s years before world came out the both of
1757s us and then you know many say that world
1759s was the monster title that put it onto
1761s like the world stage it really kind of
1763s came across and kind of blew up in you
1765s know uh the regions outside of Japan
1768s right because it always had a f that was
1770s so passionate and driven and now
1772s obviously we reached a wider audience um
1775s so yeah it's nice to kind of feel those
1778s vibes again as Monster Hunter Fans when
1779s we saw it really taking off right oh
1782s yeah yeah and it was I think it was
1784s correct me if I'm wrong but I think
1785s world was the first Monster hun game
1787s that uh that launched globally at the
1789s same time is really cool yes that's true
1792s that's
1793s true oh we got a ra R and braie dos fan
1796s in chat braie is my favorite monster so
1799s shout out to any braie dios fans here
1801s it's great monster very tough
1804s hunt oh yes at least for Raging Raging
1806s is is quite
1808s difficult yeah yeah but oh the music in
1811s that hunt right at the end is when
1812s you're like trap together oh love it I
1816s I'll listen to that all the time like
1818s gym workout track you
1820s know uh I have a quest to find the
1823s Campsite in the Ancient Forest so is
1826s this possible to do multiplayer
1828s give it a go I know there's a cut scene
1830s will pop up I've got that one as well so
1833s I'll head out as well and when one of us
1835s whoever gets the cut scene first um
1838s stick
1840s around and then we can do a multiplayer
1842s Expedition right yeah yeah yeah should
1845s be a if not
1847s we we can make it work ah oh it's not
1851s possible cuz Expedition that's fine the
1853s quest will come up when a certain
1855s monster appears all right so should we
1856s do that separately then yeah we we'll do
1858s this our separate ways um all right
1861s casual resi reference there yeah wrong
1864s game wrong game damn
1868s it okay here we go so into
1876s that all right we'll get this
1884s unlocked okay let's find the campsite
1889s right time to go look
1891s in I'm just crouching in front of the
1893s hand cuz I wasn't close
1896s enough so what are you doing
1900s Hunter oh man the the old days of
1903s getting lost an Ancient
1905s Forest yeah I probably still were like I
1907s remember when I was trying to find my
1908s way up up the ancient tree in the middle
1910s and like looking for one of the camps
1912s that I knew was up in the canopy oh I
1914s was getting so
1916s lost yeah same same it's so vertical you
1918s know it's just really tough to to like
1921s figure your way
1923s around but that's all part of the fun it
1926s is you know it's Testament to this like
1928s wonderful local the team designed and
1930s it's just one of them and it's massive
1933s yeah odar is baby oh yeah I forgot OD
1937s garin's in this game oh my goodness such
1939s cool armor as well like oh yeah yeah I
1942s think it's was definitely one of the
1943s most popular I used to see that one a
1945s lot in
1946s multiplayer any Fatalis enjoyers Here
1949s YouTube is full of Fatalis fans what
1951s about twitch what monster is everyone
1953s enjoying on
1956s Twitch oh there's we're seeing I'm
1958s seeing a lot of names in there and I I
1960s am looking to my I think it's my my
1963s right or maybe it's it looks like the
1965s left on the stream I'm not
1967s sure that's where my chat is so that's
1969s why I'm checking it
1973s out I'm looking at my map now okay
1983s lot of vow stacks and gor mgala
1985s appreciate nante namel namel is a great
1988s Elder Dragon I'm looking forward to
1990s catching up with that one later oh yeah
1992s nante love nante nante was in my squad
1996s in stories to as
2003s well yeah everybody that's um voicing
2006s their favorite monsters be sure you vote
2008s in our uh our hunter Choice uh poll you
2012s can elect uh whichever monster you think
2015s is the best uh and we will announce the
2017s results uh next March so 229 monsters
2020s there's quite a lot there's an an here
2023s that wasn't time I did this yeah
2026s absolutely right make sure you know
2027s Champion your favorite monster because
2029s the top three monsters will get special
2032s artwork created by the dev team for them
2035s and you know obviously you want to see
2036s your favorite monster up in lights right
2039s I mean obviously for me I voted for
2041s brackie surprise surprise who did you
2043s vote for Joe oh I voted for devil Joe
2045s it's a must it's a must and uh the
2049s pickle yeah yeah has my name in it you
2052s know exactly exactly how could I not we
2056s got zoga K yaku amatu chat here as
2061s well it's already it's already happening
2063s I'm getting lost
2065s yeah I've managed to stumble in the
2068s right direction I think I might need to
2071s look at your your stream to figure out
2073s where I
2074s am I say that now I'm probably gonna gon
2077s to go the wrong way okay can we climb up
2080s here there we go it's the build team
2083s leader we're in the right place we're in
2084s a good position
2087s here all right I need to stop looking
2090s like I've never played this game
2093s before I say once get the muscle memory
2095s for me trying to kind of relearn the
2097s world combos yeah yeah oh I got a cut
2101s scene it's coolu cut scene
2108s speedrun all right there it is think
2111s found the endemic life
2115s researcher that real
2120s quick okay I think I've got one more
2122s person to talk to right I'm looking
2124s quite striking in my bone armor
2128s yeah look at look at that
2130s helmet it's beautiful I think I might
2132s get the uh SOS in a
2135s second I
2137s think let's see if I can do
2141s it okay got my cut scene
2144s now oh no this one we have to do on our
2148s own oh no we can return okay I'm going
2150s to return to base Jo all right all right
2153s I'll meet you there need to remember
2155s where it I'm I'm not used to returning
2157s from quests so uh you know I always see
2160s that Quest through so I have to find it
2162s on
2165s the no Hunter Left
2168s Behind you've never played Monster
2170s Hunter with another person well if you
2173s have World on Steam you might be able to
2174s jump in later but if not yeah I mean I
2176s whenever I play on my own I say on my
2178s own I always love doing SOS flares and
2181s join requests like I really enjoyed the
2183s multiplayer um you know especially with
2186s like say you know the ter randoms people
2188s I don't usually play with um because
2190s it's so fun like the emotes and the
2192s stickers and just seeing how different
2193s people play and obviously if the
2195s monsters attacking other people I'm less
2197s likely to C which makes me feel
2201s good K thank you for dropping that link
2203s in the chat and hello good to see you
2206s always good to see
2209s you I'm gonna go to the Gathering Hub
2212s and post a
2214s quest all right I'm back too nice nice
2217s we are all ready to go I caught
2220s up by mashing my way through the
2226s diog all right looking forward to seeing
2228s the raw power of my attack boost one
2233s H we can't handle it it's too much
2242s yeah namiel is your second favorite
2244s Elder Dragon good choice I mean judging
2246s by your name vcan YouTube is your
2249s favorite Elder Dragon vcan just a guess
2252s just a guess no that might be the third
2254s or the fourth there's no way maybe fifth
2259s um Shai we are so we're we're veteran
2262s monst Hunter players we've been playing
2264s for quite a while but we're on brand new
2265s Hunters doing a brand new playthrough
2267s and those that are watching we will open
2268s up the Gathering Hub uh in a few hunts
2271s time so if you have a new hunter or a
2273s hunter that you're willing to put on the
2275s same type of gear we're using weapon and
2277s armor wise jump in and if you're not
2279s even directly in our hunt hunt together
2282s have some fun kind of relive and return
2283s to World
2286s um okay let's post this Quest all right
2289s you got yep bird brained
2294s Bandit it's a great Quest name Quest
2296s names in Monster Hunter always top tier
2298s oh the localization team Exquisite like
2301s yes absolute Geniuses and the the puns
2303s and humor they squeeze in as well yeah
2306s and they have a um a brand new Twitter
2309s account if you would like to check that
2310s out they do they do I don't know the
2312s handle off the top of my head but you
2313s could just type in Capcom localization
2315s team and find that they're well worth
2320s following so this will be our second
2323s large moner I mean I did see anath I was
2325s tempted Joe if if if we didn't have to
2327s kind of wait to do the SOS flare stuff
2329s i' would have been like yo
2331s joe how crazy are you feeling oh man I'm
2335s like a one hit in my leather armor
2337s yeah just don't get hit you know it's
2339s the classic jonno advice just don't get
2342s hit yeah just start oh yeah we need to
2346s pet the pie is the pugie in the
2347s Gathering Hub or is it only in the main
2349s area I believe only in the main area but
2351s I'm not sure we will have to go without
2353s the pugie blessing for now maybe maybe
2356s after this hunt I might nip down and pet
2358s the pie yeah all right Quest accepted
2361s shall we lovely yep I am ready when you
2365s are here we go
2368s so um myself and Joe are Community
2370s managers so I'm the monst Community
2372s manager in EMA and Joe where do you
2375s community manage uh Capcom USA so yeah
2379s so yeah basically pan Western that's
2381s what we do so you know we are there
2384s always going through the community so on
2386s social media channels Reddit we're there
2388s seeing what the community are thinking
2390s you know what they're liking what
2391s feedback are we seeing uh you know we we
2394s work on social and things like that we
2397s work with the team in Japan to discuss
2399s the community and you know what you're
2401s saying and feeding back so even if you
2403s don't necessarily see us we're there in
2405s the comments on Reddit on YouTube uh on
2408s social media read in and and feeding
2410s back because the monst Hunter team in
2411s Japan really care about the community
2413s and they love hearing what you're
2414s talking about at the moment uh what
2416s you're especially liking and and things
2418s like that so you know even if we're not
2420s there IGN knowledging it with there
2422s because you know like Reddit is like
2423s your space it's the community owned and
2426s run space so you know we we might rarely
2428s comment Incognito but it's mostly us
2430s just kind of peeking and taking notes
2433s yeah yeah we're we're not foolish enough
2435s to believe that we can uh you know like
2438s control the community to be honest you
2440s know we we are we try to listen to you
2443s guys and we read as much as we can and
2445s you know we can't always act on every
2447s piece of feedback but we do try to make
2449s sure it gets heard so yeah so yeah when
2452s you're replying to any post on the
2453s account you know we're reading it and
2455s we're going through it and um so please
2457s be nice about the sword and shield or
2459s I'll cry
2462s um hammer is best weapon in the game
2464s says Eric I mean Joe you seem to be
2467s having fun with it that's that's a good
2469s take it's a good take I'm still you know
2472s I I still love the great sword but you
2474s know Hammer is a close second and
2476s obviously you know we know that Monster
2478s Series producer shimoto is quite a fan
2481s of Hammer as well yes
2484s yes I'm sure You' be doing impr proud
2488s I don't know hopefully he's he's not
2490s seeing this in me wonder why my level of
2493s play is so
2495s low it's like we heard this
2498s guy yeah Hammer is a great weapon as
2500s well like it's it can seem intimidating
2503s because it uses charge attacks right but
2505s in reality how' you find it how easy is
2508s it to pick up pretty easy to pick up but
2510s there are some nuances right you know
2512s just understanding the different levels
2514s of charge and uh you know trying to stay
2517s in front of the monster but it you know
2518s at the at its core it is a simple kind
2520s of you know hit that monster on the head
2523s or as like as we like to say uh Bonk
2527s Bonk yeah Hammer mans are one of the
2530s bravest types of hunters because Hammer
2532s is most effective at the head which also
2534s happens to be one of the most dangerous
2535s parts of a monster so you know if you're
2537s an adrenaline
2539s Seeker uh yeah play
2542s Hammer right footsteps yeah yeah I feel
2546s like
2547s we just have not picked up anything so
2550s far exactly
2554s exactly there's a lot of great sword
2556s fans in chat both both sides of the
2558s streaming fence YouTube and twitch the
2560s great sword lovers is real oh yeah
2562s amazing does say sword and shield is the
2564s way and you know sword and shield is
2565s technically a relative of the great
2567s sword it's just a smaller sword you know
2570s I me technically they're all related
2572s right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I've just
2574s got mystery Footprints yes me too
2577s um so if anath happens to be here yeah I
2583s mean you want to try it we could if we
2586s find it uh because you know even though
2588s you do have like a Target Monster in
2590s Hunts you can have a wander around you
2592s know and we do have what is it 50
2594s minutes in in this uh hunt so we're
2598s gonna use every minute every minute
2600s matters switch a is a really good high
2602s action big boom weapon it is it is very
2605s flashy oh yeah I love it reminds me of
2608s like a bit like a Mecca kind of weapon
2610s because it's very flashy and glowy and
2612s transforms and stuff it's like a trick
2615s weapon you know micro says me my hammer
2617s when I see a slight incline so what does
2619s that reference do with the the slideing
2621s attack yeah you can charge up and you
2622s can do that crazy spinning sliding
2624s attack I I don't know what the official
2626s name of it is but it's pretty pretty
2630s cool it maximum
2634s Bonk all right let's uh
2637s which is great if you want to get a or a
2643s stagger can we can we jump across there
2646s yeah wait look at that synchronized all
2651s right here
2656s yeah so you main sword and shield and
2658s hunting on it's great to see multi
2660s weapon Hunters here as well okay so
2662s these Footprints
2663s are I'm tempted you think it's this way
2666s yeah
2667s old Footprints oh I got some
2670s feathers oh okay so that's found a
2675s monster shall we follow it yeah let's go
2678s so do you think this this must be cooler
2679s with those feathers right I hope so oops
2682s get pulled in multiple directions here
2685s um so yeah we'll be opening up the
2687s Gathering Hub in a few hunts we'll pop
2688s the lobby and it would just be first
2689s come first serve um for this one and all
2692s we ask is that you either have a brand
2694s new hunter or you use an existing Hunter
2696s where you've like you know put on like
2699s low rank low low rank gear that kind of
2701s scales with what you could unlock at
2702s that time um because we're kind of
2704s relive in Monster Hunter world and you
2706s know if you come in with like your
2707s Fatalis or like rageing bracky weapons
2709s one tap the monster but yeah so you can
2711s bring in an exist you know take off all
2713s your fancy armor take off your fancy
2716s weapons and join us back in a glorious
2718s low rank yeah
2720s yeah a
2722s throwback kolu just came and went just
2725s gone goad
2727s through okay we're following him again
2729s yeah like low rank gear that matches the
2731s quest at so you know don't bring like
2733s highend low rank gear kind of you know
2735s like the later monsters bring in like
2737s we're talking you know great jagas gear
2739s you know bone armor you know the real
2741s good stuff early game stuff yeah early
2743s early game first thing in the morning
2745s early yeah yeah oh it is first thing in
2748s the morning here um if you've got
2750s iceborn that's fine we both have iceborn
2752s installed so you know we understand that
2754s you know you'll have the combos we're
2755s limiting clutch CL use
2757s intentionally um have what is it with us
2760s attacking monsters having their food the
2763s moment oh no the egg oh and the Flash as
2767s well Wombo Combo I need to try and move
2771s to the side here to get out your
2777s way big bang oh that was
2780s beautiful you know what I'm going to let
2781s you stay on the head I'm going
2785s to
2788s oh helps if I face the right
2792s way poor guy what an exciting start to
2795s the day for Kulu am I right we so
2801s cruel just done City but yeah if Kulu
2805s gets uh gets something in his hands it
2807s gets way more dangerous so keeping it
2809s knocked over and like St like this is a
2811s great idea oh hecked over my shield oh
2815s and I got slapped
2816s I'm glad I got this better armor on oh
2819s nice banging the
2820s drum oh look at that spinter win oh I
2823s missed I miss that's a beautiful Hammer
2828s there there we go got the scatter up
2830s there for the
2833s drop so there is no friendly fire in
2835s Monster Hunter but you can get knocked
2838s in the air by larger weapons which is
2839s great for getting like mountain or
2841s aerial
2842s attacks oh my weapon is now back to
2848s sharpness oops that again y go for it
2852s think it's a bit tired yeah it is uh it
2855s is weird seeing the low sharpness levels
2858s yeah yellow have i s
2864s yeah what I like about sword and shield
2866s as well is the near infinite combo you
2868s can pull off where you just keep
2869s repositioning and getting the the slices
2873s in I'm going have to try sword and
2875s shield at some point oh I highly
2877s recommend it you got a bit of Bonk you
2879s got a bit of slice cuz the th and shield
2881s can do blunt damage and slice Dage
2885s really
2886s nice there we go good HT by the
2889s wayand same to you H will be safe for
2897s now yellow sharpness feels bad I know
2900s right at least we're not bouncing off
2901s anything
2902s yet thank you Nintendo thank you
2907s oh I guess we didn't see anth not not
2909s yet maybe next time there's time there's
2911s time yeah there is
2918s time see if there's any any Collectibles
2920s is there any is that bone pile not not
2922s one I can take uh 20 seconds can I find
2925s something
2926s quickly
2928s honey mining out crops where are you
2931s there's a blue mushroom we'll take that
2933s thank you very
2935s much
2937s all right J what do we got next on uh on
2939s the agenda oh good point do you want to
2941s take a look at the Smithy and see if you
2944s can get any what the Kulu gear is like
2946s yeah yeah let's take a look I'm still in
2949s my leather armor I got yeah oh bless you
2951s yeah we definitely want to get you
2952s something something tasty something well
2954s fitted and
2958s protective my pic is level five very
2965s nice
2967s charge blade my
2968s beloved hey Davy good to see you I
2971s checked out your most recent video as
2973s well about the uh Wild's reveal trailer
2975s as well by the way it was really fun to
2977s watch so obviously Davy is a composer
2980s and uh does mon of content as well on
2983s YouTube so thank you for swinging by I
2985s hope I got your name pronunciation right
2987s as well if I got it wrong please correct
2989s [Laughter]
2994s me okay
2996s [Music]
2998s um armor
3001s armor what do we got
3010s Kulu the head piece is pretty
3014s cool what's it g
3017s it uh just fire resistance which I don't
3021s think we need Super dude right now it
3023s depends how hungry anath is I suppose
3031s yeah maybe I should try another weapon
3034s what do you think oh give it a go I mean
3036s I would try charge blade but I'm like
3039s how different is cuz obviously I only
3041s first use chargeblade in sunbreak
3043s actually so how different is world
3046s chargeblade to sunre charge blade I
3050s think it it's quite different uh just in
3053s terms of like what you're able to do um
3058s but you still have some of the same
3059s basic core abilities as far as I know
3061s yeah that's also welcome to your first
3064s monst Hunter stream wispy it's great to
3066s have you and why return to world because
3069s mon Hunter world is currently the
3071s cheapest that's ever been on Steam um
3074s and argu could well be on the same on
3075s Console as well so we're like you know
3077s everyone's excited about the recent uh
3079s announce of Monster Hunter Wilds there's
3082s this awesome discount that you know you
3084s can get into Monster Hunter for less
3085s than $10 and about less than n pound so
3089s we're like hey let's let's jump in let's
3091s return to world let's keep our skill
3093s sharp before you know ahead of
3095s 2025 so yeah so we're just going in
3098s we're going to relive it we're going to
3099s jump in have some fun do some hunts so
3102s yeah that's that's basically it really
3104s great time for everyone to jump in new
3105s Hunters veteran hunters and yeah have a
3107s CH time yeah and and Monster Hunter rise
3110s is also on sale um at also a great price
3113s so I mean no matter which Monster Hunter
3115s game you want to play there is just so
3117s much out there um so yeah exactly Che
3121s out I loved rise and Sun Break like the
3124s combat is really intense and you get
3126s like spe if you not played it you get
3128s like special abilities called like sub
3130s Bine attacks where you can really
3131s customize your weapons Combos and pull
3133s off some really flashy skels um and the
3136s story is really fun and especially like
3138s the climax I'm not going to spoil it but
3142s yeah really recommend checking out they
3144s added so much good new monsters um both
3147s the sunbreak and the and the free title
3149s updates so there's just so much stuff in
3151s the game yeah and if you love like
3153s monsters in methology um like monant
3156s rise uh is has a lot of inspiration from
3159s Japan and Japanese yo-kai creatures in
3161s the monsters that are present in that
3163s game and the expansion sunbreak is based
3165s on uh like European kind of folklore
3168s monsters so if you're really into that
3171s side of stuff you'll find it very
3172s entertaining and very rewarding as well
3174s yeah yeah
3177s okay I've got a new urgent Quest so
3178s let's like we have pke pke here do we
3181s want to hunt poke pke today or do we
3183s want to just Farm some of the other
3186s monsters should we
3187s sa yeah let's save it for the next
3190s stream yeah let's do that next next week
3194s when we're back next Thurday we'll do
3195s poke P so should we open up the
3197s Gathering Hub to do some Kulu and great
3201s jaas let's do it okay right get ready
3204s everyone uh we'll try and get this in
3206s both chats fairly remember bring a brand
3208s new hunter or an existing hunter that is
3210s not using anything above Kulu great
3213s jagas or bone low rank armor and weapon
3216s wise mine is literally the level two
3218s starting sword and shield so keep those
3220s weapons low keep those armor keep that
3222s armor low but keep that expectations
3224s high for
3226s Success um so what I'm going to do I'm
3228s just going to grab
3232s the ID I remember where it is is there
3237s is copy session
3238s ID yes okay right and then hopefully I
3242s don't like close the game down get ready
3244s everyone it is first come first
3247s served okay I can I am I logged in can I
3250s pop it in
3253s here there we go I've got it in twitch
3256s chat there it is there it is I realize
3258s I'm not signed into YouTube
3261s um you want to read it
3263s out I'm going to try find it
3271s uh so can I can I bring up the session
3273s ID let's have a look oh we got some new
3275s we got a joiner already good to see you
3278s um try and find a way to bring I'm
3280s trying to remember I've been playing so
3281s much rise and
3283s sunbreak like I know how it works on
3285s there
3288s um if not we'll definitely have it ready
3291s for next week um yeah I believe you can
3295s pull it up up
3297s uh where is it if you go to online
3301s session that's all right I totally
3305s forgot I was like yeah I can copy it
3307s that's
3308s fine but yeah don't worry next week
3310s though we definitely got hello everyone
3312s sword and shield there as well so we've
3314s got Frosty we've got Queen we've got
3316s blade Maiden we've got uh NEP there as
3321s well kagari it's good it's good to have
3324s a gang it's nice to have the Gang
3326s yeah looking good it doesn't matter if
3328s your Pico's got some Decked Out gear on
3330s it because you know I doubt it's going
3332s to run in and like demolish the
3335s monster um so that's always cool to see
3337s so yeah what we'll do tell you what Joe
3340s should we take two different groups of
3341s hunters so that way obviously our
3344s producer can just switch between us to
3345s look at the two different hunts or
3346s should we hunt together and bring two
3348s people and the others can hunt together
3351s let's do two let's do two okay so we're
3354s gonna do two hunts um producer feel free
3356s to jump between the Hunts as you see fit
3358s as we take two groups with us um should
3360s we go back to great jagers for a bit
3363s yeah yeah let's do it okay so I'll post
3365s my
3368s one oh what is there any low rank event
3371s I can put in here we can do okay okay no
3375s they're they're all too high for me
3377s they're all too high I need low rank
3378s three so next week we can do event Quest
3381s next week okay next week next week next
3383s week okay great jck I'm posst
3386s all right uh start a camp
3396s one yeah sorry I I wasn't signed into
3399s YouTube so I can't pop it in chat uh but
3402s maybe maybe maybe someone from maybe
3405s someone from twitch chat could jump into
3406s YouTube and un pop it there okay so I've
3409s got I've got kagari Queen and D lord of
3412s the hunting horn who I think think might
3415s like the hunting
3418s horn just just a hunch I have just aunch
3431s [Music]
3446s yeah okay right I'm taking I'm taking my
3450s field trip out yeah it reminds me of
3453s like um sappy J when you've got like
3456s groups of together
3458s too as well where you like and grouping
3461s yeah yeah we are on PC yeah next week
3464s we'll make sure we I'm led into YouTube
3466s so we can pop that in there there we go
3469s Hunters
3471s okay we just
3474s uh got to go easy on great
3477s Jack yeah oh man I can't keep up with
3481s them everybody's Tak
3484s off Kari there so we got I've got insect
3486s CA great sword and hunting horn and
3489s obviously with my my sword and shield
3497s here here we go we're we're going
3500s through the uh through the forest here
3502s getting our feet wet in the street it's
3504s raining in our Quest how's your quest uh
3507s it's it's looking bright and sunny right
3511s now we went from the very first camp
3513s site same same okay so kagari jumped
3516s straight on great jagas to assert
3519s dominance yeah oh here we are oh I just
3523s got bit by a normal
3525s jagas I got
3529s attack knock backs negated hunting
3532s Horn's great so for those that don't
3533s know the hunting horn is a weapon that
3534s can impart Buffs to the user and their
3537s team uh which is
3541s massive we're going in I hope this great
3544s Jack survives more than a minute we'll
3546s see oh man yeah I'm I'm a little worried
3548s for our guy
3551s here this might not last
3555s long oh
3559s yeah yeah um so
3564s great
3568s poor great jagas remember make sure
3570s you're all using your your most starter
3575s weapons oh that's that's it
3580s for yeah also so that also shows that if
3584s you if you're an experienced player with
3586s some gear as well and you've got some
3589s friends uh who are joining the game you
3593s can help them if they get stuck by
3594s jumping in with your your your beefed up
3596s gear and having a word with the monsters
3598s yourself you know they've been bully if
3600s you know has anath been acting like a
3602s wall and bullying your friend H in and
3605s give him a
3606s hand yeah that was that was some
3610s bullying right there that was that was I
3612s think on both of our quests finish
3615s finish the quest around the same
3617s time it's taking longer to carve the
3620s monster yeah but yeah that's it once and
3622s also TR you know once you get used to a
3624s monster
3626s you can you know you can show it what's
3629s what and you know it also shows that you
3630s know if you are struggling in single
3632s player
3633s multiplayer can make the game or certain
3637s fights easier for you as I said because
3639s you're not the target of the monsters
3640s attacks all the time um which is always
3643s really really really
3647s nice gives you a little bit of more
3649s breathing room there absolutely
3651s absolutely oh we're all using weaker
3653s gear too oh yeah so that that was just
3656s domination should we should we go on an
3658s expedition and see if we can find an
3661s like in our
3663s groups yeah I'm down for that okay okay
3667s see
3669s if just need to remember how to do an
3671s expedition welcome uh do I just go out I
3675s think uh is that something we can do at
3677s multiplayer oh I'm not sure yet actually
3680s that is a good question we not might not
3682s be able to that's right let's hunt a c
3685s then and uh you know Spread spread the
3687s love between the
3690s monsters all right let's do
3697s it there we go pop that
3701s in I might actually put on a different
3703s weapon if we're
3705s fighting yeah yeah give yourself a
3708s little bit of challenge by using
3710s something you don't know maybe all right
3712s I mean okay let me put on the charge
3713s blade let me put on the charge blade
3715s because I I I'm it's probably going to
3717s handle a little bit different to what
3718s I'm used to from sunbreak and I am still
3720s a charge blade Noob so uh okay what we
3725s got
3730s here yeah okay we'll put the charge
3731s blade on can I handle charge blade in
3735s world let's find in world yeah this is a
3739s I'm sure you'll be fine uh am and I what
3744s we're facing is not the biggest
3746s challenge so it's it's a good place to
3747s do it that is a plus that is a
3752s plus bye
3757s guys good luck try not to
3765s C right okay let's have a look at this
3768s right
3770s got all right I think we lost one
3773s person
3776s blade maen Amo I think that was a maybe
3778s got disconnected could well be could
3781s well
3783s be okay I'm trying to remember
3787s uh uh if anybody else wants to pick up
3789s the quest it's uh it's
3797s available there we
3799s go okay that doesn't seem too bad I
3802s think I can work with this my my hunting
3805s companions have gone legging it off into
3807s the distance I need to catch up I'm
3809s stood near the camp l practicing my
3811s combos yeah you might be able to get one
3813s hit
3814s in before before attempted if I can load
3818s files I'll be
3821s happy that'll be a
3826s win all right we're heading out on our
3830s end I'm following our hunting horn user
3833s over here as well got uh Dron this time
3836s oh there some ademic
3843s life I'm getting lost in the the the
3846s underground caves now
3848s yeah it happens as it happened to me
3851s like 20 minutes ago oh someone's found
3853s the monster the Scout flies they're
3855s guiding me see always listen to your
3858s scout flies they know they
3860s know they do
3863s indeed
3867s oh someone's found Kool I need run away
3871s from the jagas they're trying to bite my
3872s bum and get to
3885s safety here we I think I took a wrong
3887s turn in and kolu's like on the other
3889s side of the
3891s map time I if I get if I get a guard
3895s point it would be an absolute fluke an
3897s absolute fluke I think I've gone gone up
3899s too high maybe I can jump
3902s down I think you'll hit it I found a
3907s honestly it depends if you end up taking
3908s any damage that's true that's true hold
3911s on I found a scale
3914s uh is
3918s that interesting found a scale for a
3922s monster I've not found yet
3929s I can't remember if that's something
3930s Story related or
3932s not I'm Keen to see because if we come
3935s across another monster we can leave Kulu
3937s be and look at the density of the jungle
3940s as well the Jungle the forest sorry the
3943s density of the forest I been thinking
3944s about Sun breaks jungling and I was like
3946s wait a second no
3950s Noam seed that's a nice it to get early
3953s on
3955s another Moss swine
3957s hello all right I think we found our guy
3959s here I know he did I was I was
3963s uh not paying attention to my scal
3968s lights hello everyone thank you for
3971s waiting for me while I got lost very
3973s kind very kind
3976s everyone
3981s courious yeah if we come across a
3983s different monster that isn't our Target
3985s Monster we we'll go for that
3988s one could be only got like a
3996s SC this poor Kulu he's completely
4000s stunned he got boomed he doesn't know
4002s what hit
4005s him oh I'm starting to remember a couple
4007s of
4013s moves
4016s okay right just need to try and remember
4018s how I load the shield now oh that's it
4022s that's it you do
4024s that running
4027s up there we go now I can do a S I
4032s think no I didn't I loaded the shield
4035s but I didn't I didn't redo my files I'm
4038s such a charge blade Noob as you can see
4040s no it's all right I'll try to watch the
4042s stream right now while we're running
4043s towards the spot so I can see what's
4045s going on in your on your
4049s head oh okay not in a but we we got a
4053s hit with a fire it so you know we take
4055s that yeah we we'll take
4059s that oh yeah
4061s Kulu Kulu bless it is on the
4065s run and we just we just completed our
4068s hunt here nice I think you guys are
4071s going to follow
4073s shortly
4076s need to remember how to do an
4078s S okay like this there we go okay okay
4082s I'm getting there I'm getting
4086s there yeah it's not a good day to be a
4088s Kyu no or a great jagas or a great jagas
4092s I think what should we do next should we
4093s put the the uh Hulu quest in again and
4095s try and find what this other monster is
4097s that's lurking
4100s around we we'll go explor it I'll try
4104s the charge mine and
4107s all should we uh stay in two separate
4110s groups or should we combine again uh
4113s yeah let's combine again for the next
4114s one
4118s okay good job everyone so yeah we'll
4121s we'll combine again uh and then we'll
4124s bring two Hunters with us and the
4125s objective will be to explore the Ancient
4128s Forest a bit more together oh we got a
4130s capture this was a lucky K
4133s it's it's coming it's going to come
4136s chill yeah we're on PC
4137s Jan we're playing on Steam and what I'll
4141s do then I'll
4142s upgrade my charge blade so I have a bit
4147s of green
4151s sharpness let's do it and um yeah for
4154s anybody that's just joining us uh since
4156s we're at the top of the hour um I'm Joe
4158s I'm the Capcom USA Community manager for
4160s Monster Hunter and jonno would you like
4163s to introduce yourself yeah
4165s yeah thank you Joe I'm Jon and I'm the
4167s EMA Community manager on monst Hunter
4168s and together we cover the pan Western
4171s Community yes
4178s yes I'm can you do an expedition
4182s alone or with a group it looks like you
4185s cannot I'm gonna I'm going to nip down
4188s to the uh
4193s Workshop
4196s yeah I don't think I can do an SOS for
4199s this just giving it a shot yes it's
4202s worth a try it said you know we've not
4203s played the start of World in quite a few
4205s years because obviously we got through
4206s to the end game and into iceborn and the
4209s rest was history yeah just seeing the
4212s opening cut scenes again and just
4213s everything that happens at the start of
4215s the game it's like I mean technically
4218s it's been five years but we're coming up
4219s on six and that is that is a long time
4222s exactly right I've got my charg play up
4224s to it like next level so the Proto
4227s commission ax
4230s two so I'm going to come back up
4234s now and you say if you don't end up in a
4236s hunt with us feel free to hunt together
4237s and if you're hunting together obviously
4239s you can hunt whatever you like but
4241s obviously during the stream we are kind
4243s of following the path of the hunter in
4246s well
4251s indeed trying to spot you in the crowd
4257s like does anyone want an arm wrestler
4259s Community manager in front of
4264s everyone
4266s um oh yeah okay when you put the quest
4269s in I will uh join hopefully I can get
4271s try and wait for me to join before you
4273s jump in
4274s please
4278s um we are doing the Kulu Quest again
4280s yeah yeah we'll do Kulu do Kulu all
4283s right
4286s Southwest or Northeast Camp let's do
4289s Northeast this time okay
4292s okay all right heads
4300s up I think I might get in yeah I got in
4302s got there we go okay so the threat the
4307s objective of this Quest will be to
4309s explore the Ancient Forest a bit more
4311s and see if we can find another monster
4313s luring after after I found that scale I
4315s got suspicious and I'm like could it be
4318s a Kulu scale could it be something
4320s else let's go and find out we'll find
4328s out yeah so this is going to be a playr
4331s of the entire game we going well and
4334s then you know we'll see about ice born
4335s when we get there we've got quite a way
4337s to go yet oh yeah yeah it's many streams
4340s many hours exactly and we will not be
4343s playing these saves uh on our own time
4345s MH only through the stream you get it in
4348s real time um so yeah the next stream
4351s will be you know uh this time next
4354s Thursday and then we'll be taking time
4356s off for the holiday break and we'll be
4357s back uh early January but if you're
4359s following us uh as in if you're
4361s following Monster Hunter on social media
4363s so moner Hunter on Twitter and moner
4365s Hunter on Facebook or you know you're
4367s you're you know you keep up to date with
4369s the steam news posts you'll see the date
4370s on that as well yeah yeah well we'll
4374s keep you guys updated on our schedule
4376s and our progress and all things uh
4378s Monster Hunter so
4381s exactly thank you for coming by Nico uh
4383s have a good
4384s shift and it has been a a pretty uh
4387s eventful year right just back of all the
4390s things that have happened for Monster
4392s runers a series I guess this year yeah I
4395s mean obviously you know I mean me I've
4397s been we've both been playing so much
4398s sunbreak think about the climax of both
4401s both rise and sunbreak uh with the Ral
4404s of um amatu primordial Mareno which yeah
4408s volcano was this year right I think that
4410s back so if you love world and you've not
4413s played rise and Sun break yet um there
4416s are some monsters that you recognize in
4417s there from world including VCA is Joe
4420s correctly said is is in there um and
4422s also uh you know you get um as long as
4425s as well as Picos obviously your feline
4427s friends there's palamut based on dogs
4431s and they have the velano armor looks
4433s really cool call on on the pal as
4436s well
4438s yeah right should wear Monsters uh Let's
4442s do let's do
4444s it I'll follow you if you like uh I'm
4448s already lost you know we're we're in the
4450s Northeast hold on who's look who we
4451s found already okay well Kulu lucky for
4453s you uh everybody be cool everybody be
4457s cool let's just hang out with Kulu you
4458s know we're going to make up for our our
4460s hunted because what's one great thing as
4461s well about world is if you follow the
4463s monsters around and when you eventually
4465s get like the the stealth ghilly suit or
4467s the ghilly suit which kind of gives you
4468s stealth um you can just watch the
4470s monsters going about their day like and
4472s how they interact with the environment
4474s and each other because the team put so
4476s much kind of like there like groom in
4478s itself into effort into the monsters to
4480s make them feel alive and to have these
4483s behaviors and I know that obviously when
4484s we're hunting monsters weally just go
4486s straight and bonking them if you take a
4488s minute to follow them around it's
4490s actually really cool to
4491s watch it's like uh it's like you're a
4494s researcher you know this is a it's a
4496s real world it is you wow yeah a real oh
4500s wait see what you did
4506s there people out on YouTube there
4508s talking about the Palam gets a Ballista
4510s on its back uh which is a ton of fun
4514s little like silk silk bind bow gun oh
4518s yeah
4522s yeah
4524s oh I'm inside a tree of a VI see I
4526s remember from par Toad the toads are
4529s back hello little little toad you can
4532s you can come hang out with us oh I
4534s kicked it no I didn't mean to kick
4536s it I thought you picked them up don't
4539s you in in
4540s sunre yeah so in Rise And sunre as well
4542s with these kind of endemic life you can
4544s pick them up and deploy them when you
4547s want to so obviously me forgetting that
4549s that's not the case I paralyzed Dark
4550s Link as well sorry sorry link um yeah I
4556s take you anywhere I know I just booted
4557s the
4559s toad okay let's do deeper into the proc
4562s let's head let's head north all right
4564s all right lead the way we can see
4567s because was the scale from Kulu or was
4569s it something else I'm ke to find
4574s out uh what what else happened this year
4577s Joo well monst Hunter now yes yes from
4581s our friends over at Niantic exactly so
4584s like you know if you're if you're a big
4586s mobile gamer or you're a big fan of like
4588s you know the Pokémon go era of kind of
4590s going outside and gaming um mon Hunter
4593s now uh is this kind of mon Hunter
4596s experience on the go that you can just
4598s bring up on your mobile that kind of
4599s combines the combat of Monster Hunter
4602s with this kind of social experience kind
4604s of going out and about getting some
4605s fresh air touching grass if you're so
4607s inclined you
4608s [Laughter]
4611s know what about you Jo what's the um
4614s Monster Hunter highlights from the last
4616s year for
4617s you oh man it's been a lot I think uh
4620s you know the the uh final update for uh
4624s for sunbreak was really awesome I mean I
4628s don't know if anybody checked out um we
4630s had this kind of community video we put
4632s together with a bunch of messages from
4634s just different members of the community
4635s which is really cool um just kind of
4637s summing up all their time with the game
4640s and you know I haven't been at Capcom
4642s for the entirety of Monster Hunter Rise
4645s um I've joined around sunbreak uh so
4648s just you know it's it's definitely been
4649s a journey though um and it's it's even
4651s just in the last year it's been uh cool
4653s to be part of it and to wrap everything
4655s up and uh you know sum up all the
4658s experience that we've had with the
4660s game touche well said yeah but yeah that
4664s was a highlight for me but I mean
4665s obviously we've had the one highlight uh
4668s last
4669s week quite quite the day was yes yes we
4672s may have announced something
4674s but you know just a just a small little
4678s game just just yeah that that monster on
4681s to Wilds right yeah yeah 2025 is gonna
4685s be good yeah you know obviously it goes
4687s without saying but that is that is the
4689s Highlight for all of us um so yes yes
4691s we're very excited but you know next
4693s year um we'll be back with more news in
4695s summer but we've also got uh the 20th
4698s anniversary so there's going to be some
4699s fun stuff uh celebrating the franchise
4701s uh in terms of just you know we already
4703s have our uh Hunters Choice poll that you
4706s can go vote for um so that's that's
4708s something to kick things off and uh we
4710s hope you go vote for your favorite
4711s monster I nearly hit Kulu there I
4714s thought I was blocking I was not I made
4716s it drop its egg Broken Egg yeah that's
4718s just
4721s mean right uh very Dave there so we got
4724s one of the monster hunter twitch
4725s streamers there very Dave K for number
4728s one monster did you vote for Kulu uh in
4731s the hunter Choice poll Dave by any
4733s chance yes please do
4736s it just going to bring up my map and see
4739s what we've explored Okay so we've been
4740s up there shall we go to area seven or
4746s area two as you can see we we can now
4748s see most of the map or should we try and
4750s climb up high go up to the
4752s waterfall oh there might be something
4754s there let's go let's go up that way
4756s we've kind of been hanging around in the
4759s in the floor on the floor yeah yeah the
4762s jungle floor
4765s you're charging your files yeah I'm I'm
4767s making the most of them all right what's
4770s their best way up there maybe not this
4772s way or let's just go across here and F
4775s see see where it takes us okay so we we
4778s do have a code for the the Gathering Hub
4780s lobby but uh next week we'll also pop it
4782s in YouTube chat so everyone can see it
4784s really really easily
4786s um and we will be doing some more of the
4790s low rank early game hunts so next week
4791s we'll be kicking things off with poke P
4794s so getting
4798s poisonous yeah this this week is all
4800s about just getting the custom to the
4801s game um getting back in the swing of
4804s things with great jagas and uh Kulu and
4807s uh yeah next week we'll we'll go a
4809s little further in I'm sure there's a
4812s path around here where I am that takes
4814s you like starts taking you
4817s upwards or have I totally let me look at
4820s the map let me consult the map yes if we
4822s go into area
4823s I think you can go south and wake your
4827s way up hold on there's a mystery monster
4828s on the
4830s map uh one of us is near it
4834s oh there is a mystery monster okay our
4837s Target
4838s go who could it be hello ne's got a jack
4845s friend it's rot you're kidding me it's
4849s Rathalos let's go all right we're going
4852s in so aalos is the Apex monster of uh
4856s the Ancient Forest obviously a monster
4858s you you normally meant to face a bit
4860s later on um so this will be glorious and
4864s I'm an absolute chargeblade Noob so this
4867s is going to go very very well you're
4869s under selling yourself I'm sure that
4871s you'll be fine I'm missing my sword and
4873s shield right now I'm feeling a bit
4874s nervous no like you said you know all
4876s the weapons are kind of related so sh
4880s this is a big shiny Sparky sword and
4882s shield right yeah like basically when
4885s you boil it down every weapon is a type
4887s of sword and shield yeah same same thing
4889s same thing yeah how hard can it be
4894s yeah I I need to make sure I'm going the
4896s right way here uh down here I think a
4900s dark
4901s blink is kind of leading the way here
4904s I'm totally lost I went down when I
4906s should have gone up uh you know my my
4909s map Reading is terrible um
4915s all right okay there we go I found a
4916s climb up here yeah yeah we're good looks
4917s like we may need to go where where we at
4921s here okay that's think we've lost the
4924s lost the trail a bit so yeah what this
4926s shows as well you know when you're going
4928s around hunting monsters there are other
4929s monsters in the area that will be
4932s roaming around um some of them you might
4935s want to kind of go and introduce
4937s yourself too others like Rathalos you
4939s know if you're a brand new player
4941s don't be careful if you're going to do
4943s what we're going to try and do CU
4945s Rathalos obviously you know it is one of
4948s the most iconic monsters in monst for a
4951s very good reason
4956s yeah oh yeah more areas of the map have
4959s opened up now for me um okay the
4961s monsters down in the main area I think
4965s uh by the uh Southwest
4968s Camp yeah I think its position may have
4970s changed and might have flown around
4972s somewhere else
4977s yeah I can is that over there yeah oh my
4980s goodness what a beautiful sight look at
4982s the lighting in the dark as well okay
4985s Ros is is knocked over NEP is getting
4988s stuck in oh yeah they're they're going
4991s for it all right I'm almost there I'm
4992s almost there oh I'm on
4997s fire all right here we
4999s go all right let's go this
5003s oh I'm glad I got some bone armor at
5005s least I'm in
5008s leather it'll be fine it'll be fine yeah
5010s it'll be all
5014s right
5016s S
5019s no I saw
5021s lightning okay what we got I've got a
5023s Slinger bomb that's good that's
5031s good okay
5035s damage oh what a monster no don't look
5038s at me don't look at me look at the an
5040s there we go nice flash nice so obviously
5043s the flash there great for knocking
5045s monsters out of the
5048s sky to
5053s slow do I do I have an opportunity here
5058s CD there we
5061s go
5065s oh no on the Run okay I'm going to
5068s sharpen so whenever you get an
5069s opportunity like this new hunters get a
5072s sharpen a sharpen in even to keep your
5075s weapon sharp yeah and you can do it from
5077s the radio menu so you don't have to Che
5079s their weapon which is great o PD of
5090s me
5091s oop
5095s I need to heal for the first time
5099s here I need to charge my
5102s shield okay I okay this isn't too
5105s dissimilar to rise and sunre I feel like
5108s you know oh that wad just absolutely
5110s boded me no no no drink a potion please
5114s i' want to be the first
5118s car you're good you're good we got this
5121s we got this it's fine it's fine the
5123s mount will help okay I've got a few BS
5125s in
5127s there nice there we
5130s go here we
5133s go oh that sounds
5137s meaty oh I need to get out the way the
5139s uh the
5142s hit oh wow we've done
5147s well see if I can stagger there we go
5150s bom pod's coming
5151s in so yeah if you are brave enough you
5154s can try taking on other monsters that
5157s you wouldn't come across till a little
5158s bit later and obviously with the sty
5161s monster if you get the parts you can
5163s start making their
5165s gear he you know like you said we are a
5167s little bit more experienced and we've
5168s got some friends here that are quite
5170s experienced
5171s so but maybe we don't recommend that you
5174s do this uh if you're a new player tell
5177s you what Joe after this one should we do
5178s the quest again just the two of us and
5181s uh see how we get on
5183s yeah I'm done to try
5185s that there we go go oh we got him we got
5189s him I didn't even notice good work so
5191s yeah we'll try this again with just the
5192s two of us to show you the difference as
5194s well so there we go so we got a w I got
5198s a scale from the tail oh oh
5205s no there we go okay I got
5209s web IG is too strong yes oh I think when
5213s you're using
5214s it yeah go go aiel yeah okay so we
5219s should probably go find our good friend
5222s kolu and uh wrap up the
5226s quest NE copter says you should do an I
5229s run challenge I should do an insect
5230s glaive run challenge you know what I've
5232s actually been playing the insect glaive
5234s on my console playthrough of ryzen
5236s sunbreak um and it's really interesting
5239s actually it doesn't play like I expected
5241s it to feel and it's really fun to just
5244s go in the air whenever you want like I
5246s really like that yeah I love how mobile
5248s it is but I also kind of feel like when
5250s I use it because I'm not that
5251s experienced with it I'm just filling
5254s around in the sky so I I definely gota
5256s learn it yeah when you because then
5257s you're like oh how hard can it be you
5259s know you just fly around in the air
5260s above the monster not getting hit and
5261s you do loads of damage no it's a lot
5263s there's there's more to it than that oh
5265s yeah yeah um I do recommend checking out
5267s like don't let us P off it's a fantastic
5268s weapon you can pick it up and use it and
5270s you get a cool little little uh you know
5273s Kinect friend um but you know when when
5276s you really see people who have got the
5278s grips s the weapon it's like ballet in
5280s the air but with a bit more violence
5286s um I'm having a little bit of a of a
5288s weapon crisis of you know what I want to
5291s roll with during this uh the future
5293s streams maybe we should do a poll later
5295s on what if I told you there was a weapon
5298s that's technically two weapons that you
5299s could
5300s use not that I'm buy it
5303s what if I told you you could have the
5304s power of slashing damage and damage at
5307s the same time oh so charge
5310s plate you got me
5314s there close
5317s close the older the older brother the S
5320s and the yes oh yes the S and the
5324s yes I've totally got the wrong way by
5327s the way uh I'm sorry that you're
5328s following me uh yeah I was kind of
5330s mindlessly following you jno I was like
5333s where's the C where's the C okay all
5335s right all right oh no I'm in combat I
5337s have to deal with these jagas then we
5338s can fast
5340s travel
5342s oh ja ja dealt with is it no I'm still
5347s oh no this one got back
5349s up there we go okay it's moving around a
5353s little bit yeah we got this we got this
5361s uh
5363s but you can fast travel around so big
5365s benefit of unlocking these camps is the
5367s ability to fast travel especially when
5368s the low Cals are so
5372s big okay um there you go neps found Kulu
5375s I'm just going to chill over here as
5384s well the camps are essential for later
5387s in the game when you do start carding
5389s mhm yep yep getting back to the hunt
5391s quickly is is a big dud all right
5394s finally made it all right I'm going to
5396s load my files he's doing he's doing the
5399s dance and then you do this and this and
5402s this and that and then you do that just
5404s like that you you've charged your Shield
5408s yeah this man what is he doing hey
5413s Kulu hey Kulu it's me all right I think
5416s we're all uh grouped up now nice going
5419s to see if I can open with a
5421s sad
5423s oh that did that felt good that felt
5426s good oh nice and then straight into the
5430s wall need to find a little bit of space
5433s here you know what though I'm not
5434s charging my sword I need to do
5437s that not charging my
5440s blade it was wrong oh it does really
5443s good damage as
5447s well oh
5450s oh you know I used to be really scared
5452s of charge BL I found it really
5454s intimidating as a weapon but it's really
5456s not that bad at all to get the hang off
5458s and flashy you're a sword and shield
5461s main so there's you know it's not too
5463s tough to pick it up right yeah I got my
5465s sword in my left hand my shield in my
5467s right
5469s hand we got him that a minute yeah no
5474s problem so what we'll do for the next
5476s one thank you to the Huns that joined us
5477s feel free to hunt amongst themselves or
5480s yourself Joe and I are going to jump
5481s back in with the two of us and see if we
5484s can if Ros is here again we'll see if we
5486s can uh cause some
5489s trouble that Barrel bomb I didn't even
5491s notice that I was just carving said wait
5493s a
5496s second but that felt fun yeah you know
5498s what I might um I might have to play the
5502s charge blade a bit more than I
5503s originally thought for this return to
5504s World play through maybe I do charge
5507s blade instead of sword and shield I
5509s don't know maybe I do both maybe I do
5511s both because then you can use different
5512s weapons for different monsters if you're
5513s finding like I imagine like chargeblade
5515s like absolutely slaps against like nante
5517s or something because of all the all
5519s those points to
5522s [Music]
5526s hit you need to use Jewel blades in
5528s sunbreak one of these days oh yeah if
5530s you liked Jew blades in world you you
5532s really like them in
5535s sunbreak and we
5537s got oh sorry go oh no sorry after you um
5541s I use du blades quite a bit in uh rise
5543s and sunbreak you know it's the game is
5546s so fast so just having something that's
5548s a little more mobile uh was was really
5550s great and I love like some of the
5552s abilities that they added in in sunbreak
5554s too so but I haven't tried in world so
5555s maybe uh I should do that oh
5563s absolutely do you think we get a
5564s different Monster In The Great jackris
5566s quest should we look around in the great
5567s jagas one again or see what see because
5571s there wasn't maybe there'll be was there
5573s another there's another set does anybody
5577s know I'm quickly put my sword and Sh
5580s back
5582s on actually I need to go I'm going to go
5584s to the Smithy and uh have a quick look
5587s at some
5594s gear yeah next week we'll be kicking off
5597s with uh PUK PUK which will be a ton of
5600s fun as we get the into the Ancient
5604s Forest yeah very
5607s exciting but yeah if you are feeling
5609s bold and you want to push ahead there
5611s are the rewards you'll have to obviously
5613s try and find the monster a few times but
5614s you can start to get their gear you know
5617s if you find the monster you beat it the
5619s game doesn't hold back it lets you kind
5621s of you know uh dig into that of course
5624s fighting wrath lost there was very bold
5627s of us we had you know four very
5628s experienced Hunters between us so if you
5630s are a new player you know give it a go
5632s why not you know what's the worst you a
5633s triple car but don't expect to come out
5636s on top just to kind of give you an idea
5637s the armor we have at the minute gives us
5639s a defense of six a piece Rath loss is 30
5642s to kind of show you the power scale
5644s difference
5645s there yeah that's right we have Ross
5647s materials no huh not enough to do
5650s anything really but yeah and we need
5652s monster bone Plus for some of the bits
5654s which obviously we won't have yet um but
5658s it's a it's a great learning
5660s experience
5664s yeah no new gear for me at the moment um
5667s so I will come back to the Gathering H
5669s all right some jagas
5672s gear oh yeah let's check out your great
5675s Jag
5677s gear I can let's see what I can make
5680s here try to make as much of it as I
5683s can oh and why you do that I'm going to
5685s watch an arm wrestle
5689s unfold oh darkling takes the win
5693s all right I can make everything except
5695s the
5696s legs
5699s see don't worry NEP don't worry I'll uh
5702s I'll go and have a word with them here
5704s you go Community manager versus
5706s Community I need to remember the button
5708s for
5711s this oh I can make the hunter set now oh
5714s no I'm panicking what button is it oh
5717s it's
5718s B come on come on come on come on come
5721s yeah
5722s no well played darkling they took me
5725s down Joe you need to you need to avenge
5727s me right who's next on the who's next on
5729s the
5736s AR everyone's queuing up so link is the
5739s reigning winner kagari stepped
5743s in all right I was going to maybe try a
5746s new
5747s weapon oh what you feeling what you
5749s feeling uh hm
5755s you know I'm not
5757s sure how about how about hit me out
5761s sword shield uh if not what about a
5763s range weapon how are you feeling about
5765s range
5766s weapon a little bit of experience with
5768s the light bow gun and the
5769s bow are you going to think go for heavy
5773s maybe I'll try a different weapon as
5775s well I I'll put the gun LS
5780s on you know what if you're going to do
5781s gun Lance I will do the Lance oh there
5784s we go Lance Bros we got this I need to
5786s remember cuz like what kind of Lance
5788s have I got
5790s uh it is a normal shell good normal
5792s shell was my favorite gun Lance cuz I
5794s used to say use the ran one and do like
5796s the Full Burst combo and I love the
5798s rathan one because it also poisoned the
5800s monsters so you had poison you had
5802s explosions oh yeah yeah um and when you
5804s get back to the Gathering Hub though you
5805s need to come and do an arm wrestle I got
5807s AB I got absolutely bodied in front of
5810s the community so please link is still
5812s winning no one can get past Dark Link at
5815s the moment oh
5817s boy what's what's the technique joural
5820s Mash mash
5823s B that's where you're wrong Dark Link is
5826s Unstoppable you're just going to like
5828s trip them up kagari is lining up now oh
5831s NEP one before Oh there's a
5836s rivalry here we
5838s go imunity one Dr oil thank you k for
5842s reminding
5847s me
5849s oh so there's lots you can do between HS
5851s and W as
5855s well this this this is now taken like
5859s the the focus of all the
5865s hunters oh there you are okay yeah let's
5867s oh a draw a draw go on Joe in your J in
5871s your get
5873s oh all right we'll get you next yeah you
5877s can face the
5882s winner it's great to have have uh so
5885s many so many of the community jumping in
5887s with us as well oh yeah Alonso Alonso
5890s all right you've got this you've got
5891s this Joe oh Dark Wings
5893s hungry Community like no this is between
5896s this is between us hunters Community
5898s managers stay out of
5900s this
5902s oh who's going to get it who's going to
5904s get
5906s it link you got fight the raining
5909s Champion effectively I think dark links
5911s won the most good luck Joe avenge
5916s me oh you're Alpha looks wicked as well
5918s that
5920s great go go go go
5923s go oh
5926s unlucky took us down yeah I need to work
5929s on my thumb muscles I'm going to I'm
5930s going to do some more let's go let's
5932s Retreat into a hunt in
5934s shame we're going to go jump on great
5937s jagas to feel better let get out of here
5939s let's get out of here well played to our
5941s arm wrestlers there they've clearly got
5943s some um got some master rank biceps and
5946s back muscles
5948s there we got to go train exactly that
5951s started the Southwest Camp are you oh my
5954s goodness yeah yes posted there's only
5956s one extra slot so hopefully
5959s uh oh sorry Alonso this is just just me
5962s and Joe going on a on a CM recovery
5965s after after being absolutely beasted uh
5968s by the by the arm
5975s wrestle going to check chat as well I
5977s was so fixated on the on the arm
5979s wrestling why do I I'll make a new Quest
5981s quickly
5984s yeah uh story alons so I love you really
5987s me and Joe just need to go and go and
5989s hunt a great jagas and feel better about
5992s ourselves it dominated in the uh arm
5995s wrestling and now is asserting dominance
5997s yeah
5999s yeah all right whenever you're ready
6002s okay it's it's it it's it all right
6011s okay am I joining this or uh I don't
6014s know it's uh yeah join and then oh
6018s Alonso is back Alonso I love you I
6020s appreciate you
6023s but sorry about that I was right there
6025s and then I I dropped it that's okay
6027s that's okay I I'll pop it in again
6031s now uh okay so post
6034s Quest
6040s optional there we
6042s go yeah this is PC PC version for anyone
6045s wondering and see next week we'll be we
6047s doing more like Community hunts as well
6050s there you go
6052s all
6053s right that was
6057s a um so um eager asks us for jono and
6062s Joe what was your's first Monster game
6064s and what got you into playing it besides
6065s being Capcom CMS also favorite monster
6068s do you want to go
6069s first um yeah uh monster to try uh for
6073s me you know um in the Wii Wii era um or
6079s sorry that would be three ultimate yeah
6081s so that that was the first for me
6085s um and you know I I dove in a little bit
6089s to the game and it took a little bit for
6091s me to like really get it you know um to
6095s to really like understand the the game
6096s and the series so I would say it wasn't
6098s until um maybe four where I really like
6102s was obsessed with the game so yeah yeah
6104s took took me a little bit uh favorite
6106s monster um devil Joe because my name
6111s I can't believe they named a monster
6113s after you like yeah oh
6117s yeah um yeah and for me same it was it
6120s was 3u for me um and the first ever
6124s weapon I touched was switch axe but I
6126s quickly kind of rotated onto the sword
6127s and shield because I was too slow with
6129s the switch AXS and was getting like
6131s beaten up um and I've loved the sword
6133s and shield since and then for you was
6135s the game that really cemented monster I
6138s loved 3u and it brought me into the
6140s series before for you was the game that
6142s I was just like I'm going to stick
6145s around I really like this kind of thing
6147s like really really like this and um what
6149s kind of got me to stick as well was the
6151s kind of community at the time the
6152s content creators because I hadn't come
6155s across a game like this before and I was
6157s like wow I love hard games like you know
6158s I was a big fan of like you know
6160s challenging games as well like you know
6162s I played lot like the first Devil May
6163s Cry For
6164s example and there's a super deep game
6167s like a super challenging game fun game
6170s and you know the community wikis and
6173s also Gan Hunter taught me so much you
6176s know Gan Hunter's like uh videos on on
6178s those titles that kind of taught me the
6179s nuances and kind of got me into the game
6182s um and I quickly as well came to love uh
6185s brachos brachos is my favorite monster
6188s um but you know before I fully
6190s appreciate Brack dios
6192s tetsucabra uh mainly because its armor
6196s carried me uh really hard in like in the
6199s different ranks at the start uh
6201s so
6202s yeah I think we started in different
6204s areas oh we did there you go so yeah you
6207s can start wherever you
6209s like right I need to remember how to do
6211s the I'll
6213s jump okay right that's reload uh yeah
6217s but just just kind of going off of what
6218s you were saying I mean you know the
6219s Monster Hunter series The the rise of It
6222s kind of was at the same time that you
6224s know YouTube was really becoming a big
6227s thing in terms of just like being able
6229s to you know discover a game and follow
6231s different guides and all that and you
6233s know social media becoming more of a
6234s thing
6236s um I think it made the you know some of
6238s the complexities of the game a little
6240s bit easier to understand for a lot of
6241s people and um you know then that just
6243s really uh culminated with world just uh
6246s you know blowing up everywhere and you
6248s know that that brings us here today so
6250s exactly and like as you said like it's
6252s the community it's yourselves that kind
6254s of have been so welcom in and it sounds
6256s cheesy and cliche but it's true the
6258s monsan community is welcom in and they
6261s oh there we go and they share knowledge
6264s and the content creators as well and you
6267s know even when you're playing online and
6268s you know when you're playing you know
6269s back into there on your handheld and and
6272s earlier online games you can't you
6274s couldn't use voice so it was all like
6276s stickers and shouts and stuff like that
6278s and it's really endearing because you
6280s know you're playing with total strangers
6282s and you're communicating you're
6283s cooperating and you're having fun and
6285s you're succeeding and yeah it's really
6289s special um I
6292s feel yeah for sure I think the the
6294s community is really what's what's
6296s carried the franchise uh throughout the
6298s years and and helped it become really
6299s big because people have been such big
6301s advocates for it you know when it was a
6304s a series that was mostly popular and
6306s well known in Japan and kind of bringing
6308s it over to the west and um you know
6311s helping people understand this this
6313s series and what it's all about and uh
6315s yeah it's it's really thanks to the
6317s community and their hard work and also
6318s the dev team of course for making a
6319s great game yeah yeah cheers gang for for
6322s making such an awesome series of games
6323s appreciate it yeah just that just that
6326s little thing H we had someone in chat as
6329s well I just saw saying that world was
6332s their first Monster Hunter game and they
6334s liked it so much they actually went back
6335s and played some of the earlier tiles as
6339s well nice naruga great monster oh I just
6344s thought you saw it I was like what what
6346s no
6348s no um so what are we looking for um
6352s should we have wander around and then
6354s we'll we'll come back and find great
6355s jagas again yeah I feel like I may have
6359s seen like a mystery monster popup but it
6361s might have been something else so well
6363s let's let's head up to the waterfall
6364s because we didn't quite make it there
6366s last time and it's
6368s believe uh how do we get there we're
6372s going up who wants to lead the way oh no
6375s I'll no
6377s uh yeah we were almost there last time
6379s maybe it's up here oh I'll follow you
6381s I'll follow you oh man yeah that's a
6383s good shot that that's a good start like
6385s I was going I was ending up going
6386s downwards again
6388s uh all right there we go yeah I think
6391s you're on onto something here
6396s Joe it's uh the blind leading the blind
6400s we'll find our way there the kzu leading
6402s the kzu
6404s yeah
6406s ohzu if you want to fight kzu as well
6409s it's in rise don't miss out which is say
6412s as we' said you know monst the world is
6415s the cheapest it's ever been on Steam and
6417s heavily discounted on consoles at the
6419s moment but so is monant rise and
6420s sunbreak and if you've not checked them
6422s out oh they are action-packed
6425s like hunts like really really nice paac
6429s in um there's like uh Hunter skills use
6432s called Silk bind attacks oh yeah
6434s definitely check out and there's kzu kzu
6436s is in it what more do you need yeah yeah
6438s we're playing on Steam today um obvious
6441s it's on sale on multiple platforms but
6442s man I remember when the idea of a
6445s monster hunter game being on Steam was
6448s like a dream you know it was it seemed
6450s like a far-flung thing and now you've
6452s got riseon sunbreak on there you got
6454s world and iceborn um you have both or
6456s you sorry you got the stories 2 uh on
6459s there yes
6461s um and so that's that's been pretty
6463s awesome and uh you know there just a lot
6465s of content there there is a lot there
6467s and also I see in chat as well do the do
6470s fan club is here obviously you know
6472s whenever we fight at da GMA we always
6474s aim to capture our our Most Blessed
6477s monster boy and he's very
6482s adorable I'll grab this thunder Buck
6484s right so we're making our way up I think
6486s do we need to go this way now to
6489s get I think so uh well sorry where did
6492s you go oh this way this way sorry I'll
6495s come back there you are oh I see you I
6498s see you so we see if we can climb to the
6501s top just to show you like say like it's
6502s not only the width but the the height
6504s and depth of this map is gantic and
6507s we've still not traveled everywhere once
6508s we get up here um look the sunshine the
6512s sun is
6515s breaking different game different
6518s game oh look at this area up here as
6522s well all right this does give me the we
6525s have returned to world look at that view
6527s out onto the coast yeah nothing here
6529s though oh no not at the moment Wyber
6531s eggs that's
6537s it took an
6541s egg and obviously there's
6544s uh there like broken down bits here a
6548s dam if you will and if you bring any
6550s Barrel bombs with you it might be worth
6552s putting some there uh and detonate them
6555s them if you're fighting a monster up
6556s here for a little surprise
6558s yeah I like my
6561s do you have any bombs I didn't bring any
6563s I don't know I'm terrible for bringing
6564s Barrel bombs it was the same in rise and
6566s Sun break so bad for it if like once I'm
6569s like oh yeah I've got Barrel bombs and I
6570s use them and I forget to replenish them
6573s I think that might be a I'll put the egg
6574s down gently no I'm crouching okay let's
6576s let's go over here because I think
6578s there's a camp in this direction
6581s oh we get in that
6584s way oh yep I can't egg there we go oh
6588s yeah that's right that's right I put the
6589s egg down gently
6593s some people getting flashbacks to the
6594s egg missions being chased by monsters as
6597s they slowly waddle along which way is it
6600s to the camp is it that way or your I
6605s think I'll check this way and see if
6607s there's anything no I'll have a look
6609s this way oh I think I found it okay head
6614s your
6616s way I think this is the
6619s camp if we could use been unlocking yet
6621s cuz we're uh we' been sneaky in the
6624s Treetops oh
6627s yeah get us lowlevel hunters oh yes we
6630s know we know too much
6633s yes um okay or maybe we don't because I
6636s can't find
6638s it oh there's something down here just
6641s the the size and scale of this place oh
6643s there's a hole I can jump
6646s down let's let's go and have a look wee
6652s luckily no full damage which is very
6654s very nice yep yep Hunters have very
6658s strong legs oh we have the oh you can
6659s but it's not there we were nearly there
6661s apparently we nearly R Ria Ripley just
6664s joined our uh our session that's uh the
6668s world women's world
6674s champion right where should we go let's
6676s go find great jagas let's go find great
6679s jagas
6687s uh looks like you you can but it's not
6688s there so yes we did not there we go
6691s there's a little one for you to find
6693s when you are tasked with finding it you
6694s know the rough area now go up high into
6698s the
6700s vines as well this is an interesting so
6702s this this rock here you can
6705s actually use your Slinger there and drop
6708s that on Monsters oh sorry
6711s sorry codons so yeah that does a lot of
6713s damage as well if you do hit a large
6714s monster don't mind took them out took
6716s out those codons those poor guys going
6718s to go for a low low challenge kind of
6721s like combat card there cuz the cerons
6723s shouldn't do too much
6727s damage there we
6730s go want a bone pile I'll take some stuff
6732s from the bone pile actually thank you
6735s for covering me with your L while I do
6739s that
6746s just poking yep get the combo now so I
6749s go up and then you slam and then you do
6751s the Full Burst there we go yeah I
6753s remember now I remember everything
6756s myself it's coming back to me right okay
6759s great
6760s Jack poke poke
6762s poke
6764s okay great jagas I'm going to go to Camp
6768s one and then we'll all run over
6772s that camp
6792s one uh general what a what a first
6794s stream it's been we bullied a bunch of
6796s monsters we did we did and luckily we
6799s had backup went showed up
6801s otherwise but then you know the arm
6804s wrestle oh yeah yeah it was nice to see
6808s see them see him turn up yeah we are
6810s just uh we are not built for the arm
6812s wrestling no no the community got that
6815s covered yeah dark L was cleaning up yeah
6820s but it's been great you know you know
6821s return into world and oh hello yeah I
6826s saw some old Footprints
6828s yes that be we want to explore next
6831s stream so next stream we'll be cooking
6832s things off with pke p and some more
6835s monsters do you think maybe we'll make
6837s it to World Spire waste who knows who
6839s knows we may we may yeah let's uh we'll
6843s see oh toxic mucus yeah it's probably
6845s poy poooky
6848s for next time great Jack see you
6853s do cast you want to start that off yeah
6856s yeah I'll try I'll try I need to uh can
6859s I slide uh FU oh that felt
6865s good got the uh got the burst across its
6868s face ah no I'm sorry I'm sorry no you're
6872s a okay there we go
6875s okay oh there that's the uh belly
6881s flop oh I got to learn this
6886s weapon oops there we go need to do that
6891s oh the burst sweep
6894s there yeah if you like explosions check
6896s out the gun
6903s LS get the Full Burst off there we
6908s go what is that another monster showed
6911s up is
6912s that might
6915s be we got to wrap this up quick I guess
6919s yeah
6921s oh my sharpness is red I
6924s think gun Lance does love to go through
6928s sharpness nice
6931s o nice in
6934s there just just hit him with the
6937s toothpick oh I'm just kind of firing in
6939s the air to assert dominance
6942s yeah assert dominance uh oh there P oh
6947s Jee oh jeez hey P you're not jle next
6949s week you come back man
6951s yeah okay those two are going to fight
6954s so uh should we we got a dung bomb at
6956s all I don't have any I'm going to Wet
6958s Stone quickly oh no I keep coming off to
6960s soon that's right I think p p might
6962s chill out here yeah I've got no do bombs
6965s uh we'll let the P deal with
6968s that Amber and cheddar are going off
6970s they got this they got
6978s this okay back to business
6982s here we
6986s go I'm tired my stamina
6991s oh low stamina youat you'll be winded
6994s and vulnerable oh there we go reload my
6996s gun
6999s L grinder skill is always highly
7001s recommended for gun L good shout Edward
7003s good
7005s shout gun Lance is a lance with more
7008s Firepower
7010s I didn't remember how to do a full not
7013s the full bur the W fire maybe I can try
7016s and remember it
7017s here yeah I'm mostly experienced with
7019s that weapon in RIS and sunbreak so I'm
7022s not exactly sure how it works in the
7024s world see let's see if I can remember
7026s this if not it's going to be oh there we
7028s go we got it wakey
7030s wakey all right beautiful yeah gun L
7035s yeah I'm remembering now I'm getting
7037s getting the memories back from using gun
7039s l
7041s all right that was pretty cool that that
7044s should be a nice end screen
7046s yeah me fight off the the little guys
7050s here thank you and then I'll I'll swap
7052s you so you can get your
7055s cares your turn all
7059s right boom that's what it's all about
7063s I've just firing in the air warning
7065s shots stay back we're carving I'm
7068s warning you yeah
7072s poke
7075s poke as you can see there with great
7077s jackers you
7079s know you are safer at the sides but not
7082s fully safe as you saw by me getting um
7085s getting flopped
7087s on but yeah you know we'll be wrapping
7089s up the stream soon as well so you know
7091s why not make some sessions and play
7092s together as well um jump on well team up
7097s and uh see what trouble you can get up
7099s to yeah oh that's end screen oh
7103s no oh man the one on my side is pretty
7106s funny because it's just you charging up
7108s in the background fire see I had the
7111s menu here on my one uh great Dr you know
7114s the meme of the cat that's kind of like
7116s gning it's kind of got its teeth out and
7117s its eyes closed like it's basically that
7121s uh but great jagas um oh that's
7125s great got some nice Parts there that'll
7128s be handy
7131s thanks to our producer behind the scenes
7132s for getting both of those uh screens in
7134s there yes yes much
7139s appreciated and yeah um as Joe mentioned
7141s earlier for those of you asking
7143s obviously about Monster Hunter Wilds
7144s which is we're all super excited for uh
7147s more information will be coming in
7149s summer so summer 2024 for more
7152s information on Mon Wilds but in the
7154s meantime you know oh look at I everyone
7157s in here in the meantime why not return
7159s to well
7160s jump in you know as we've said monster
7162s hun world is heavily discounted monster
7164s hun rise and Sun Break also heavily
7166s discounted so it's a great time to to
7169s get into monst hunter or get back into
7171s monst Hunter uh ahead of Wild's arrival
7174s in 202 yeah absolutely the team is heads
7177s down working on the game so yeah we will
7179s be back in in the summer to talk more
7181s about it um but yeah Monster Hunter
7183s World great price great time to jump
7186s back in it seems like there's a lot of
7187s people that are jumping back in just
7189s based on what we're seeing and the steam
7190s player accounts which has been really
7192s cool U but you know rise and sunbreak
7194s are also there you've also got the
7196s stories 2 which is a great game to dive
7198s into so um there is no shortage of
7200s Monster Hunter goodness to to jump into
7203s exactly do you want to come like should
7204s we see if we can get a big wave from as
7206s as many Hunters as possible in the lobby
7209s should we see if we can get one right
7211s I'm I'm gonna start waving uh gestures
7216s wave there we go we can wave bye-bye or
7219s dance to everyone watching any my
7222s gesture set up let's see wait there you
7225s go but yeah so to everyone that tuned in
7227s for our first return to World stream
7229s thank you all so much for coming it was
7231s great to settle in back into the hunt
7233s hunt with some of you get a gathering
7235s Hub open and say we'll be back at the
7237s same time next week so Thursday 5:00 pm
7240s gm9 a.m. PT for a couple of hours of
7243s hunts um over to you anything else no
7246s it's just been great hunting with
7247s everybody and Jon uh it's been great uh
7250s kicking off this series which um you
7252s know we are in for quite the Long Haul
7253s so it's going to be going to be good and
7255s you know thanks to the community for
7256s your guys' support um not just
7259s throughout uh this year but the years
7261s before and uh for everything ahead 20th
7264s anniversary next year so we're just
7265s really excited and it's goingon to be a
7266s good time wicked and with that let's
7269s wrap things up so I've been jonno and
7272s I'm Joe and you've been awesome have a
7274s good one Happy Hunting and we will see
7276s you next week good night all right bye
7279s everybody see you
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4 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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510s hello everyone and welcome to today's
513s stream my name is Jon o EA Community
515s manager on Mon Hunter and I joined by
518s hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
520s Community manager for Monster Hunter and
522s uh we're here for a very exciting reason
523s because today we are returning to world
527s that's right following the announcement
529s of monant Wilds we thought hey now's a
532s really good time to jump into world and
534s make the most of the massive discount it
536s currently has across all platforms isn't
538s that right Joe yeah it is the lowest
541s price I believe it's ever been on sale
542s for uh on all platforms so it's been an
546s amazing time to go back to the game um
548s if you have never uh played the game
550s before um it's it's just a great time to
552s get in so and we've been seeing a lot of
554s people jump back into the game with all
556s the excitement around the brand and it's
558s just been awesome right it has oh I see
560s our names have flipped but it's okay
561s they both start with J so you know you
564s you'll figure it out you got a 50%
566s chance of getting our names right yeah
568s yeah it's it's pretty easy prettyy
570s easy and but yeah so yeah we are
572s officially hash return toor and we have
575s brand new Hunters here they are fresh
578s off of the boat into the new world so
580s obviously this is our new take on the
582s weekly Community Live Stream So now
584s every Thursday between 5 and 7M GMT
587s we're going to be doing some hunts um so
589s to start things off though me and Joe
590s we're going to settle back in we're
592s going to do a couple of hunts together
593s and as we get near the end of this
594s stream we will open up the lobby so
597s Hunters if you've not got a brand new
599s Hunter already Now's the Time to make
601s one so you can jump in and join us on
604s this journey isn't that right Joe oh
606s yeah I literally made this Hunter uh
609s last night um it's it's the morning here
610s in the US so I made this one last night
613s and I made everything uh completely
615s brand new so we're not using any
617s Guardian armor or anything we want that
618s true uh new player experience for the
620s very first time as if it was 2018 so
622s it's been pretty cool to go back oh
624s absolutely I mean you know we've been
626s playing so much rise and Sun break and
628s yeah to kind of go back back uh to world
631s it's you know my muscle memory first of
633s all my sword and shield I'm getting used
634s to that but yeah it's it's a nice bit of
636s nostalgia even though I've only kind of
637s delved into the Ancient Forest itself oh
641s yeah yeah it's been really cool going
642s back just seeing all the cut scenes just
644s the the vibe of the game the different
645s Hub areas um so yeah I'm I'm really
649s excited to experience this all again
650s it's like uh 2018 wasn't that long ago
653s but at the same time it kind of really
655s was right A lot's happened in the world
656s since then exactly exactly and if any
659s was was wondering I have twitch chat on
660s the left side and YouTube chat on the
662s right so I'm not being Shifty I'm just
664s making sure I can read all of your
666s comments um but talking of hunt Jo
669s should we get stuck in I've heard that
670s you've just kind of had a run in with
671s some kadon and uh it's time to kind of
674s take on your first large monster on your
676s new character oh yeah let's do it uh we
679s are tackling the great jagas oh class
683s large monster
686s yeah all right let me go that Quest
690s and while we do this chat tell us what
692s did you think of the monst Hunter Wild's
694s announcement were you watching live did
696s you catch the trailer afterwards tell us
698s tell us what you thought
701s yeah you know Jon you and I both I think
704s we got pretty uh emotional at the
706s announcement even though we were quite
709s busy yeah it's really awesome I won't
711s like as very emotional watching it and
713s when the the name reveal came up my eyes
716s were watering I won't lie I was so
719s excited and happy for everyone the
721s community for the team I mean you were
724s in teams chat as well um yeah how did
727s you feel yeah oh yeah same same way same
730s way I you know we were running like uh
732s like headless chickens trying to get
734s everything ready but at the same time it
735s was just you know really really
736s emotional moment so you know something
738s we've been working towards for a pretty
739s long time so very very awesome moment
742s exactly for those wonderers so we are
743s going to be playing through uh base
745s World here we do have ice born installed
748s so obviously will see the clutch claw uh
751s but I'll try and limit my use of it
753s because obviously this is the World
754s experience and obviously some of the
755s extra moves as well um so yeah yeah yeah
760s jonno you you went with a a hunter
762s that's pretty similar to the one that
764s you run normally yeah I I'm anything but
767s original here like so I have the same
769s Hunter look basically a bit of stubble
771s uh blue hair because I like to you know
773s kind of self-insert a bit you know um
776s and then I've got my Pico Amber so I
777s have a real life uh cat called Amber and
781s uh she's also a Tor so that's that's
783s mine I see you have H quite a theme
785s going on with your Hunter and Pico yeah
787s so I actually made the I went ahead and
789s made the palico first and thought that
791s would you know maybe make some ideas for
793s what I should go with for my theme and
795s then I just realized I went for like a a
797s cheese theme here so here we are there
801s we go we've had it we've eaten we're
803s ready we've seen in chat there Hammer
805s best weapon I mean Hammer's a good
807s choice what what made you choose hammer
808s for this PL
810s 3j um well I'm a great sword main um so
814s I like to to hit hard so I I want to
817s choose the next best thing so we went
819s for the hammer a good choice and me so
823s the sword and shield is my main squeeze
825s I've been using it um go since since
828s three years since I first got into
830s Monster Hunter and uh you know what it's
832s probably the only weapon I'm really
833s really good with um I also like to
835s dabble in the hunting horn and I like to
838s flirt with the hammer and charge blade
840s but yeah I just I just love sword and
842s shield you think you think he'll mess
844s around with any other weapons uh during
846s these streams or you're going to stick
848s to your to your main that's a good
850s question what would people want me to
852s kind of learn in world I mean I used to
854s use gun Lance a bit W because I really
856s like the the rathan gun Lance um but
860s yeah I'm I'm interested to see what
862s people would want want me to use lots of
864s people loving the uh chargeblade gang
866s great sword a lot of great sword loving
868s both chats
869s try charge blade I could try charge
871s blade because you're a charge blade main
872s aren't you Joe like oh yeah yeah I love
875s a charge blade but I you know I I
877s wouldn't say I'm like the greatest with
881s it but you know it is flashy and you
884s know occasionally you hit one of those
886s uh those big hits and you feel I feel
888s like you're the greatest in the world so
890s oh yes oh yes and what we're doing here
892s so obviously this is the first large
894s Monster Hunt in wal and obviously we're
896s tracking great jaas cuz we're not too
898s familiar with the The Monster at the
899s minute oh well there you go hold on
901s great Jack is coming to us but what
903s what's he doing
905s oh a tasty snack just watching here it's
911s a the APO aren't too happy about
915s that what a what a gracious creature
919s yeah isn't nature crazy look at is well
924s that was an aptonoth um and now it's
926s dinner so
929s dang so we're gonna hunt this great Jack
932s just after you atat dinner that's messed
933s up yeah yeah I would be pretty grumpy if
936s if I got jumped after having a dinner
939s um that's when you're at your worst
941s exactly exactly not feeling too graceful
944s so there we go we must Avenge the let's
948s do it all right should we go after it
951s yep let's go people here saying charge
953s blade when you guard against Diablos for
954s the first time it's so satisfying
956s Diablos is quite a monster to guard
958s against as well oh yeah yeah I need to
961s look out for or and Bone piles as well
963s um so I can do some upgrades after this
965s hunt yeah we need we need everything
968s right now um these Hunters have nothing
970s so I'm picking up every honey I see oh
973s yes all the ore yeah we are effectively
976s broke yeah we're not we're not
978s pretending to be new Hunters using our
980s like super maxed out hunters for like
982s hundreds of hours no we're genuinely
985s fresh yeah we are are genuinely fresh I
988s don't even have a radi menu set up I
990s have no inventory shortcuts
993s nothing Hydro says um light B gun
997s representation went you know what in um
999s for you light bow gun was my main
1001s alongside sword and shield I was like
1003s using both of them um I actually used
1005s the light B gun in the quest against
1008s shagaru magala uh I think the heavens
1011s wheel turns can't try to remember the
1013s name uh but yeah I did use it to
1015s actually wrap up the story
1017s there
1019s if every weapon is your main or any of
1022s them your main this is true this is true
1026s we just like them
1027s all but yeah the plan is we want to play
1030s through the entire game um obviously not
1032s all tonight we're going to be streaming
1034s for about two hours but each week we're
1035s going to progress through and if you've
1037s got Hunters that are on Pace of us we'll
1039s open up the Gathering Hub we'll fill up
1041s the Gathering Hub and you can quest with
1042s us or you can Quest amongst yourselves
1044s but it's a shared Journey for like new
1045s players and returning players alike so
1047s hopefully we can impart some College
1049s hopefully you know you can join in and
1051s have some fun and if you are a genuinely
1053s new player you know hopefully we can
1055s help you get some uh some nice cares in
1058s yeah wait J what are you talking about I
1060s thought we were streaming the entire
1061s game tonight I mean you know what I
1064s could go make a cup of tea and then we
1065s can just bash it out you know okay I
1068s guess I guess I'll set for just a couple
1070s hours then yeah right should we go and I
1074s think great jackers has had enough time
1076s to digest it its death oh yeah yeah
1078s we've been respectful
1079s get we have stay out of the long
1084s grass SNS Supremacy I like you thank you
1087s we we love the the SNS uh Thum up over
1090s here attack gem level two
1092s grind are we going to play so these
1095s particular Hunters we're only going to
1096s play online so it's a journey that you
1099s can join us on so this is chapter one uh
1102s next week will be chapter two so we got
1104s there I'm trying out sword and Sh for
1105s the first time today lovely lovely nice
1110s we are playing on PC
1112s so yeah so if you want to join us roll a
1115s fresh Hunter on Steve okay do you want
1117s to say hello with a hammer do you want
1118s to open up oh wait hold on on he's he's
1122s he's moving in the wrong direction I
1123s gota get I gotta get up in front I'm
1125s going use my Scout flies but yeah if you
1126s ever get lost follow the Scout flies
1128s those little green lights there they are
1131s your friends they will help you find
1132s tracks They will take you to the monster
1135s um so if in doubt the green will guide
1137s you all right where where is our boy
1140s going here yeah bow in world is really
1143s strong I'm just terrible with it I'm
1145s more like B gun kind of guy we're on
1149s Steam for those that are asking yes yes
1151s I need to remember as well uh to to hold
1153s down the mining out crops because uh in
1155s rise and some R you scoop it up and go
1157s but I need to remember I need patience
1159s now I need to just quickly wait for a
1160s second yeah I guess I've always just
1162s mash the button but that that's just my
1165s nature you know I
1166s just just mash it see what happens okay
1170s I think we're finally yeah fin good
1172s position here yeah look at me great Jack
1175s no no it's on the Run oh there we go
1178s we're starting you know I need to
1179s remember I can't do metsu shui so I
1183s can't I can't just try and tank the
1187s monster all right we got to get some
1189s muscle memory back here yeah I'm very
1191s much used to Rising some R combos yeah
1194s yeah
1196s oh we'll let him come out
1199s not when my armor is made of paper or
1202s leather
1204s yeah same thing same thing oh here we go
1207s oh there we
1211s go see if I can try and get a perfect
1214s Rush oop this is always super
1218s satisfying oh I'm going up
1221s way oh nice SW you got the mount I'll
1223s leave you to it is that going to be a
1225s big Bonk I think it is I think so oh
1229s all right see if I can get to the Head
1232s obviously we haven't got Flinch free on
1234s yet so I should probably yeah get out of
1235s your way sorry about that I was not I
1238s was not expecting the
1241s hammer it's just new Hunter
1243s things oh this this guy how dare
1247s he this isn't pre-recorded this is live
1249s John if that proves it either that or
1251s I'm like you know able to see to the
1254s Future can we do another take I'm
1257s kiding um so currently we've got the the
1260s Gathering Hub server closed but we will
1262s be opening it up later in the Stream and
1264s in future streams we'll have it pretty
1266s much open but all we ask is you bring a
1268s new Hunter so that we're all on the same
1271s level and you know you don't come in one
1273s tap a monster of like Fatalis
1276s GE there we go you think that would be
1279s that would be like a 30 second hunt or
1280s something exactly now you know we might
1283s make that look a bit easier so if it is
1284s your first time fighting the great jagas
1286s and you are getting rolled on a bit are
1288s getting bitten don't worry we've got
1291s many many many hours under our belt and
1293s it's not our first rodeo with great
1295s jagas you know you might C you might c a
1297s couple of times doesn't matter it's all
1300s a learning experience but like my
1302s personal tip for fighting great jagas is
1304s just trying and stay to like the side of
1306s its head um because a lot of its attacks
1309s are choreographed if they're going to go
1310s sideways or it will bite to the front
1312s what about you Jo what's your top great
1313s jagas tip yeah pretty much the same
1316s thing I mean just kind of watch out for
1318s those Ling attacks and go for the head I
1320s mean it doesn't have crazy Mobility so
1323s uh it's it's pretty predictable monster
1326s so you just got to keep it in front of
1327s you make sure that you keep track of all
1329s the movements and and go for the head
1331s good good advice yeah if you if you are
1333s if you bring an old Hunter with like new
1336s gear or like early Game Gear that's also
1338s fine just try and match what we're using
1340s so you know take those deos off get on
1343s those those lower weapons you know and
1345s like you can join in um so yeah
1348s basically we just don't want to go in
1349s and dunk the monster when we're going
1350s for like that that early game experience
1353s oh yeah I got a cut scene on my side
1355s nice nice so I've done this Quest before
1357s so Joe will have a cut scene uh which
1360s will be a nice little watch yep we were
1363s not lying this is a completely brand new
1365s save oh and I realized I'm also on the
1366s Japanese dialogue
1369s here it's a good time to learn a new
1373s language I'll have a look at chat while
1375s you're in your cut scene all right
1383s yeah hello to all our newcomers and
1384s hello to all our existing
1389s Hunters oh you you don't think people
1391s can't to great jagas I you know what if
1393s not the great jagas definitely the
1394s greatest
1395s [Laughter]
1399s Jag um cetra just got World on Steam
1402s they can't wait to grind after rise nice
1405s so you you're doing rise and Sun break
1407s then you're going to jump into world
1409s awesome and uh kitsi came back to
1411s playing this again some weeks ago just
1413s so good welcome back yeah so yeah like
1416s so for me so monsant World on Steam is
1420s like
1421s 879 is it's like 67% off it's it's crazy
1425s cheap the cheapest it's ever been on
1427s Steam and it is currently on sale on
1429s Xbox and Playstation as well um so yeah
1432s jump in like if you like RPGs if you
1435s like fighting big monsters and also the
1437s social side of it because we got the
1439s Gathering Hub um you know you can team
1441s up with your buddies it's it's it's real
1443s good fun obviously I'm a bit biased but
1446s right yeah the US it's 9.99 which uh you
1451s know that's like the cost of like a
1454s sandwich for I don't even know like a
1456s what maybe 500,000 plus hours of gaml so
1460s you know you could play only this game
1463s for quite a bit and be set for a very
1465s long time oh yes you will be good
1470s you played three Ares out of this game
1475s nice okay we're back in the hub now
1478s wicked wicked so if we jump over to my
1481s screen I'm going to the Smithy because
1483s I've now hunted great jagas I think two
1485s times on this Hunter uh because I
1489s progressed a little bit early on um oh
1493s got a little quest for the clutch claw
1494s so if you do have ice born um even when
1497s you're playing through baseball you do
1498s get access to some of the features of
1500s Ice um such as moves and the clutch claw
1503s so you say I will try I mean I can't
1505s resist doing the rush combo but I will
1507s try and limit my clutch claw use like
1510s outside of ice spawn um so I need some
1513s new armor so obviously we've got the
1515s weapons we look at the armor first
1517s so I can make the Jag set here for a
1521s little bit more defense and some skills
1523s however I am a bit of a fan of the bone
1524s armor because and this is good reason I
1527s highly recommend the bone armor armor in
1528s the early game because you get health
1530s boost you get attack boost you get
1531s Slugger you get horn mro so if you're a
1534s hunting horn dude master that will up
1536s your hunting horn game and then
1538s entomologist as well so I'm going to I'm
1541s going to use some of these bones that
1542s we've been Gathering and uh caring to to
1545s get this gear um so I'm going to go for
1547s the helmet get a little cut scene there
1551s maybe I should do the same yeah do it
1553s what we got here bone armor you know
1555s it's all about the fashion though so
1556s let's see let's see how it looks that's
1558s true fashion game is end game right
1563s yeah uh let's check out the jagas armor
1566s it looks really cool I love the look at
1568s the jagas armor yeah I've always been a
1570s fan of it yeah just got a really cool
1573s like it's not quite like a cape but kind
1576s of is yeah it's a bit like a throw is
1578s that the right term for it I don't I'm
1581s clearly not the most fashionable person
1583s yeah yeah maybe like a little Poncho or
1586s something yeah
1592s uh cool says it's so rare to have the
1594s official game do put up a weekly
1595s Community live stream for the game well
1597s you know the mod center team and Capcom
1600s we love the community and as Community
1602s managers it's great to directly engage
1605s with you and to have an excuse to do
1606s this um how about you Joe how do you
1608s feel about it oh yeah same way same way
1610s and joh know you've been kind of leading
1611s the charge on uh many many streams for
1614s uh quite a long time so uh yeah yeah
1618s glad to be able to join you for this uh
1620s and for many more going forward exactly
1622s so for rise and sunbreak you know Joe
1624s would visit when he could because of the
1626s time zones it could be tricky um because
1628s we did have a weekly rise and sunbreak
1630s stream but now for for a little bit
1631s we're going to be doing world and we've
1632s set this up specifically so that Joe can
1635s join us as much as possible um which is
1638s super super exciting I'm glad to have
1640s you here man yeah thanks thanks for
1642s having me and uh thanks for leing the
1643s charge on this we're just we're super
1645s excited we've been talking about this
1646s for for quite a while so yeah it's fun
1649s to get it going oh we got uh people
1652s bringing up Arch tempered monsters which
1654s US luckily we're a little bit away from
1655s those for now we've got a few hunts to
1657s get through first but um I now have the
1660s full bone armor set and I'm going to see
1662s if I can upgrade my sword and shield all
1666s um there we go love my sword and shield
1669s okay so I'm going to pass on the armor
1672s upgrades for now um since I'm I can't
1675s quite do a full set yet mhm I'm see if I
1678s can get some pal equipment oh I can oh I
1682s can go for the ghost
1683s set oh
1686s spooky I am going to upgrade my uh my
1690s hammer here what I'll do though we've
1692s been speaking about jagus a lot though
1694s so I'm going to give my Pico great jagas
1697s gear
1699s nice actually let's see see if I
1701s can do any of the armor sets
1706s uh
1711s there we go I could do everything except
1713s the helmet well actually no I don't know
1716s no we we'll pass for now we'll pass for
1718s now there you go I am fully bone armored
1720s up and my Pico has great jagas so you
1724s know we got we got some new some new
1725s fits so that's
1727s good all right I'm gathering
1731s Hub yeah I have a thing that says to
1733s talk to the provisions manager so let's
1735s do that no worries ah the early game oh
1740s yes finding our feet in a sta
1745s yeah the music here it's a it's a little
1747s nostalgic it is it's it's bringing back
1750s a lot of memories because you know we
1753s we'd been monst to fans for years and
1755s years before world came out the both of
1757s us and then you know many say that world
1759s was the monster title that put it onto
1761s like the world stage it really kind of
1763s came across and kind of blew up in you
1765s know uh the regions outside of Japan
1768s right because it always had a f that was
1770s so passionate and driven and now
1772s obviously we reached a wider audience um
1775s so yeah it's nice to kind of feel those
1778s vibes again as Monster Hunter Fans when
1779s we saw it really taking off right oh
1782s yeah yeah and it was I think it was
1784s correct me if I'm wrong but I think
1785s world was the first Monster hun game
1787s that uh that launched globally at the
1789s same time is really cool yes that's true
1792s that's
1793s true oh we got a ra R and braie dos fan
1796s in chat braie is my favorite monster so
1799s shout out to any braie dios fans here
1801s it's great monster very tough
1804s hunt oh yes at least for Raging Raging
1806s is is quite
1808s difficult yeah yeah but oh the music in
1811s that hunt right at the end is when
1812s you're like trap together oh love it I
1816s I'll listen to that all the time like
1818s gym workout track you
1820s know uh I have a quest to find the
1823s Campsite in the Ancient Forest so is
1826s this possible to do multiplayer
1828s give it a go I know there's a cut scene
1830s will pop up I've got that one as well so
1833s I'll head out as well and when one of us
1835s whoever gets the cut scene first um
1838s stick
1840s around and then we can do a multiplayer
1842s Expedition right yeah yeah yeah should
1845s be a if not
1847s we we can make it work ah oh it's not
1851s possible cuz Expedition that's fine the
1853s quest will come up when a certain
1855s monster appears all right so should we
1856s do that separately then yeah we we'll do
1858s this our separate ways um all right
1861s casual resi reference there yeah wrong
1864s game wrong game damn
1868s it okay here we go so into
1876s that all right we'll get this
1884s unlocked okay let's find the campsite
1889s right time to go look
1891s in I'm just crouching in front of the
1893s hand cuz I wasn't close
1896s enough so what are you doing
1900s Hunter oh man the the old days of
1903s getting lost an Ancient
1905s Forest yeah I probably still were like I
1907s remember when I was trying to find my
1908s way up up the ancient tree in the middle
1910s and like looking for one of the camps
1912s that I knew was up in the canopy oh I
1914s was getting so
1916s lost yeah same same it's so vertical you
1918s know it's just really tough to to like
1921s figure your way
1923s around but that's all part of the fun it
1926s is you know it's Testament to this like
1928s wonderful local the team designed and
1930s it's just one of them and it's massive
1933s yeah odar is baby oh yeah I forgot OD
1937s garin's in this game oh my goodness such
1939s cool armor as well like oh yeah yeah I
1942s think it's was definitely one of the
1943s most popular I used to see that one a
1945s lot in
1946s multiplayer any Fatalis enjoyers Here
1949s YouTube is full of Fatalis fans what
1951s about twitch what monster is everyone
1953s enjoying on
1956s Twitch oh there's we're seeing I'm
1958s seeing a lot of names in there and I I
1960s am looking to my I think it's my my
1963s right or maybe it's it looks like the
1965s left on the stream I'm not
1967s sure that's where my chat is so that's
1969s why I'm checking it
1973s out I'm looking at my map now okay
1983s lot of vow stacks and gor mgala
1985s appreciate nante namel namel is a great
1988s Elder Dragon I'm looking forward to
1990s catching up with that one later oh yeah
1992s nante love nante nante was in my squad
1996s in stories to as
2003s well yeah everybody that's um voicing
2006s their favorite monsters be sure you vote
2008s in our uh our hunter Choice uh poll you
2012s can elect uh whichever monster you think
2015s is the best uh and we will announce the
2017s results uh next March so 229 monsters
2020s there's quite a lot there's an an here
2023s that wasn't time I did this yeah
2026s absolutely right make sure you know
2027s Champion your favorite monster because
2029s the top three monsters will get special
2032s artwork created by the dev team for them
2035s and you know obviously you want to see
2036s your favorite monster up in lights right
2039s I mean obviously for me I voted for
2041s brackie surprise surprise who did you
2043s vote for Joe oh I voted for devil Joe
2045s it's a must it's a must and uh the
2049s pickle yeah yeah has my name in it you
2052s know exactly exactly how could I not we
2056s got zoga K yaku amatu chat here as
2061s well it's already it's already happening
2063s I'm getting lost
2065s yeah I've managed to stumble in the
2068s right direction I think I might need to
2071s look at your your stream to figure out
2073s where I
2074s am I say that now I'm probably gonna gon
2077s to go the wrong way okay can we climb up
2080s here there we go it's the build team
2083s leader we're in the right place we're in
2084s a good position
2087s here all right I need to stop looking
2090s like I've never played this game
2093s before I say once get the muscle memory
2095s for me trying to kind of relearn the
2097s world combos yeah yeah oh I got a cut
2101s scene it's coolu cut scene
2108s speedrun all right there it is think
2111s found the endemic life
2115s researcher that real
2120s quick okay I think I've got one more
2122s person to talk to right I'm looking
2124s quite striking in my bone armor
2128s yeah look at look at that
2130s helmet it's beautiful I think I might
2132s get the uh SOS in a
2135s second I
2137s think let's see if I can do
2141s it okay got my cut scene
2144s now oh no this one we have to do on our
2148s own oh no we can return okay I'm going
2150s to return to base Jo all right all right
2153s I'll meet you there need to remember
2155s where it I'm I'm not used to returning
2157s from quests so uh you know I always see
2160s that Quest through so I have to find it
2162s on
2165s the no Hunter Left
2168s Behind you've never played Monster
2170s Hunter with another person well if you
2173s have World on Steam you might be able to
2174s jump in later but if not yeah I mean I
2176s whenever I play on my own I say on my
2178s own I always love doing SOS flares and
2181s join requests like I really enjoyed the
2183s multiplayer um you know especially with
2186s like say you know the ter randoms people
2188s I don't usually play with um because
2190s it's so fun like the emotes and the
2192s stickers and just seeing how different
2193s people play and obviously if the
2195s monsters attacking other people I'm less
2197s likely to C which makes me feel
2201s good K thank you for dropping that link
2203s in the chat and hello good to see you
2206s always good to see
2209s you I'm gonna go to the Gathering Hub
2212s and post a
2214s quest all right I'm back too nice nice
2217s we are all ready to go I caught
2220s up by mashing my way through the
2226s diog all right looking forward to seeing
2228s the raw power of my attack boost one
2233s H we can't handle it it's too much
2242s yeah namiel is your second favorite
2244s Elder Dragon good choice I mean judging
2246s by your name vcan YouTube is your
2249s favorite Elder Dragon vcan just a guess
2252s just a guess no that might be the third
2254s or the fourth there's no way maybe fifth
2259s um Shai we are so we're we're veteran
2262s monst Hunter players we've been playing
2264s for quite a while but we're on brand new
2265s Hunters doing a brand new playthrough
2267s and those that are watching we will open
2268s up the Gathering Hub uh in a few hunts
2271s time so if you have a new hunter or a
2273s hunter that you're willing to put on the
2275s same type of gear we're using weapon and
2277s armor wise jump in and if you're not
2279s even directly in our hunt hunt together
2282s have some fun kind of relive and return
2283s to World
2286s um okay let's post this Quest all right
2289s you got yep bird brained
2294s Bandit it's a great Quest name Quest
2296s names in Monster Hunter always top tier
2298s oh the localization team Exquisite like
2301s yes absolute Geniuses and the the puns
2303s and humor they squeeze in as well yeah
2306s and they have a um a brand new Twitter
2309s account if you would like to check that
2310s out they do they do I don't know the
2312s handle off the top of my head but you
2313s could just type in Capcom localization
2315s team and find that they're well worth
2320s following so this will be our second
2323s large moner I mean I did see anath I was
2325s tempted Joe if if if we didn't have to
2327s kind of wait to do the SOS flare stuff
2329s i' would have been like yo
2331s joe how crazy are you feeling oh man I'm
2335s like a one hit in my leather armor
2337s yeah just don't get hit you know it's
2339s the classic jonno advice just don't get
2342s hit yeah just start oh yeah we need to
2346s pet the pie is the pugie in the
2347s Gathering Hub or is it only in the main
2349s area I believe only in the main area but
2351s I'm not sure we will have to go without
2353s the pugie blessing for now maybe maybe
2356s after this hunt I might nip down and pet
2358s the pie yeah all right Quest accepted
2361s shall we lovely yep I am ready when you
2365s are here we go
2368s so um myself and Joe are Community
2370s managers so I'm the monst Community
2372s manager in EMA and Joe where do you
2375s community manage uh Capcom USA so yeah
2379s so yeah basically pan Western that's
2381s what we do so you know we are there
2384s always going through the community so on
2386s social media channels Reddit we're there
2388s seeing what the community are thinking
2390s you know what they're liking what
2391s feedback are we seeing uh you know we we
2394s work on social and things like that we
2397s work with the team in Japan to discuss
2399s the community and you know what you're
2401s saying and feeding back so even if you
2403s don't necessarily see us we're there in
2405s the comments on Reddit on YouTube uh on
2408s social media read in and and feeding
2410s back because the monst Hunter team in
2411s Japan really care about the community
2413s and they love hearing what you're
2414s talking about at the moment uh what
2416s you're especially liking and and things
2418s like that so you know even if we're not
2420s there IGN knowledging it with there
2422s because you know like Reddit is like
2423s your space it's the community owned and
2426s run space so you know we we might rarely
2428s comment Incognito but it's mostly us
2430s just kind of peeking and taking notes
2433s yeah yeah we're we're not foolish enough
2435s to believe that we can uh you know like
2438s control the community to be honest you
2440s know we we are we try to listen to you
2443s guys and we read as much as we can and
2445s you know we can't always act on every
2447s piece of feedback but we do try to make
2449s sure it gets heard so yeah so yeah when
2452s you're replying to any post on the
2453s account you know we're reading it and
2455s we're going through it and um so please
2457s be nice about the sword and shield or
2459s I'll cry
2462s um hammer is best weapon in the game
2464s says Eric I mean Joe you seem to be
2467s having fun with it that's that's a good
2469s take it's a good take I'm still you know
2472s I I still love the great sword but you
2474s know Hammer is a close second and
2476s obviously you know we know that Monster
2478s Series producer shimoto is quite a fan
2481s of Hammer as well yes
2484s yes I'm sure You' be doing impr proud
2488s I don't know hopefully he's he's not
2490s seeing this in me wonder why my level of
2493s play is so
2495s low it's like we heard this
2498s guy yeah Hammer is a great weapon as
2500s well like it's it can seem intimidating
2503s because it uses charge attacks right but
2505s in reality how' you find it how easy is
2508s it to pick up pretty easy to pick up but
2510s there are some nuances right you know
2512s just understanding the different levels
2514s of charge and uh you know trying to stay
2517s in front of the monster but it you know
2518s at the at its core it is a simple kind
2520s of you know hit that monster on the head
2523s or as like as we like to say uh Bonk
2527s Bonk yeah Hammer mans are one of the
2530s bravest types of hunters because Hammer
2532s is most effective at the head which also
2534s happens to be one of the most dangerous
2535s parts of a monster so you know if you're
2537s an adrenaline
2539s Seeker uh yeah play
2542s Hammer right footsteps yeah yeah I feel
2546s like
2547s we just have not picked up anything so
2550s far exactly
2554s exactly there's a lot of great sword
2556s fans in chat both both sides of the
2558s streaming fence YouTube and twitch the
2560s great sword lovers is real oh yeah
2562s amazing does say sword and shield is the
2564s way and you know sword and shield is
2565s technically a relative of the great
2567s sword it's just a smaller sword you know
2570s I me technically they're all related
2572s right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I've just
2574s got mystery Footprints yes me too
2577s um so if anath happens to be here yeah I
2583s mean you want to try it we could if we
2586s find it uh because you know even though
2588s you do have like a Target Monster in
2590s Hunts you can have a wander around you
2592s know and we do have what is it 50
2594s minutes in in this uh hunt so we're
2598s gonna use every minute every minute
2600s matters switch a is a really good high
2602s action big boom weapon it is it is very
2605s flashy oh yeah I love it reminds me of
2608s like a bit like a Mecca kind of weapon
2610s because it's very flashy and glowy and
2612s transforms and stuff it's like a trick
2615s weapon you know micro says me my hammer
2617s when I see a slight incline so what does
2619s that reference do with the the slideing
2621s attack yeah you can charge up and you
2622s can do that crazy spinning sliding
2624s attack I I don't know what the official
2626s name of it is but it's pretty pretty
2630s cool it maximum
2634s Bonk all right let's uh
2637s which is great if you want to get a or a
2643s stagger can we can we jump across there
2646s yeah wait look at that synchronized all
2651s right here
2656s yeah so you main sword and shield and
2658s hunting on it's great to see multi
2660s weapon Hunters here as well okay so
2662s these Footprints
2663s are I'm tempted you think it's this way
2666s yeah
2667s old Footprints oh I got some
2670s feathers oh okay so that's found a
2675s monster shall we follow it yeah let's go
2678s so do you think this this must be cooler
2679s with those feathers right I hope so oops
2682s get pulled in multiple directions here
2685s um so yeah we'll be opening up the
2687s Gathering Hub in a few hunts we'll pop
2688s the lobby and it would just be first
2689s come first serve um for this one and all
2692s we ask is that you either have a brand
2694s new hunter or you use an existing Hunter
2696s where you've like you know put on like
2699s low rank low low rank gear that kind of
2701s scales with what you could unlock at
2702s that time um because we're kind of
2704s relive in Monster Hunter world and you
2706s know if you come in with like your
2707s Fatalis or like rageing bracky weapons
2709s one tap the monster but yeah so you can
2711s bring in an exist you know take off all
2713s your fancy armor take off your fancy
2716s weapons and join us back in a glorious
2718s low rank yeah
2720s yeah a
2722s throwback kolu just came and went just
2725s gone goad
2727s through okay we're following him again
2729s yeah like low rank gear that matches the
2731s quest at so you know don't bring like
2733s highend low rank gear kind of you know
2735s like the later monsters bring in like
2737s we're talking you know great jagas gear
2739s you know bone armor you know the real
2741s good stuff early game stuff yeah early
2743s early game first thing in the morning
2745s early yeah yeah oh it is first thing in
2748s the morning here um if you've got
2750s iceborn that's fine we both have iceborn
2752s installed so you know we understand that
2754s you know you'll have the combos we're
2755s limiting clutch CL use
2757s intentionally um have what is it with us
2760s attacking monsters having their food the
2763s moment oh no the egg oh and the Flash as
2767s well Wombo Combo I need to try and move
2771s to the side here to get out your
2777s way big bang oh that was
2780s beautiful you know what I'm going to let
2781s you stay on the head I'm going
2785s to
2788s oh helps if I face the right
2792s way poor guy what an exciting start to
2795s the day for Kulu am I right we so
2801s cruel just done City but yeah if Kulu
2805s gets uh gets something in his hands it
2807s gets way more dangerous so keeping it
2809s knocked over and like St like this is a
2811s great idea oh hecked over my shield oh
2815s and I got slapped
2816s I'm glad I got this better armor on oh
2819s nice banging the
2820s drum oh look at that spinter win oh I
2823s missed I miss that's a beautiful Hammer
2828s there there we go got the scatter up
2830s there for the
2833s drop so there is no friendly fire in
2835s Monster Hunter but you can get knocked
2838s in the air by larger weapons which is
2839s great for getting like mountain or
2841s aerial
2842s attacks oh my weapon is now back to
2848s sharpness oops that again y go for it
2852s think it's a bit tired yeah it is uh it
2855s is weird seeing the low sharpness levels
2858s yeah yellow have i s
2864s yeah what I like about sword and shield
2866s as well is the near infinite combo you
2868s can pull off where you just keep
2869s repositioning and getting the the slices
2873s in I'm going have to try sword and
2875s shield at some point oh I highly
2877s recommend it you got a bit of Bonk you
2879s got a bit of slice cuz the th and shield
2881s can do blunt damage and slice Dage
2885s really
2886s nice there we go good HT by the
2889s wayand same to you H will be safe for
2897s now yellow sharpness feels bad I know
2900s right at least we're not bouncing off
2901s anything
2902s yet thank you Nintendo thank you
2907s oh I guess we didn't see anth not not
2909s yet maybe next time there's time there's
2911s time yeah there is
2918s time see if there's any any Collectibles
2920s is there any is that bone pile not not
2922s one I can take uh 20 seconds can I find
2925s something
2926s quickly
2928s honey mining out crops where are you
2931s there's a blue mushroom we'll take that
2933s thank you very
2935s much
2937s all right J what do we got next on uh on
2939s the agenda oh good point do you want to
2941s take a look at the Smithy and see if you
2944s can get any what the Kulu gear is like
2946s yeah yeah let's take a look I'm still in
2949s my leather armor I got yeah oh bless you
2951s yeah we definitely want to get you
2952s something something tasty something well
2954s fitted and
2958s protective my pic is level five very
2965s nice
2967s charge blade my
2968s beloved hey Davy good to see you I
2971s checked out your most recent video as
2973s well about the uh Wild's reveal trailer
2975s as well by the way it was really fun to
2977s watch so obviously Davy is a composer
2980s and uh does mon of content as well on
2983s YouTube so thank you for swinging by I
2985s hope I got your name pronunciation right
2987s as well if I got it wrong please correct
2989s [Laughter]
2994s me okay
2996s [Music]
2998s um armor
3001s armor what do we got
3010s Kulu the head piece is pretty
3014s cool what's it g
3017s it uh just fire resistance which I don't
3021s think we need Super dude right now it
3023s depends how hungry anath is I suppose
3031s yeah maybe I should try another weapon
3034s what do you think oh give it a go I mean
3036s I would try charge blade but I'm like
3039s how different is cuz obviously I only
3041s first use chargeblade in sunbreak
3043s actually so how different is world
3046s chargeblade to sunre charge blade I
3050s think it it's quite different uh just in
3053s terms of like what you're able to do um
3058s but you still have some of the same
3059s basic core abilities as far as I know
3061s yeah that's also welcome to your first
3064s monst Hunter stream wispy it's great to
3066s have you and why return to world because
3069s mon Hunter world is currently the
3071s cheapest that's ever been on Steam um
3074s and argu could well be on the same on
3075s Console as well so we're like you know
3077s everyone's excited about the recent uh
3079s announce of Monster Hunter Wilds there's
3082s this awesome discount that you know you
3084s can get into Monster Hunter for less
3085s than $10 and about less than n pound so
3089s we're like hey let's let's jump in let's
3091s return to world let's keep our skill
3093s sharp before you know ahead of
3095s 2025 so yeah so we're just going in
3098s we're going to relive it we're going to
3099s jump in have some fun do some hunts so
3102s yeah that's that's basically it really
3104s great time for everyone to jump in new
3105s Hunters veteran hunters and yeah have a
3107s CH time yeah and and Monster Hunter rise
3110s is also on sale um at also a great price
3113s so I mean no matter which Monster Hunter
3115s game you want to play there is just so
3117s much out there um so yeah exactly Che
3121s out I loved rise and Sun Break like the
3124s combat is really intense and you get
3126s like spe if you not played it you get
3128s like special abilities called like sub
3130s Bine attacks where you can really
3131s customize your weapons Combos and pull
3133s off some really flashy skels um and the
3136s story is really fun and especially like
3138s the climax I'm not going to spoil it but
3142s yeah really recommend checking out they
3144s added so much good new monsters um both
3147s the sunbreak and the and the free title
3149s updates so there's just so much stuff in
3151s the game yeah and if you love like
3153s monsters in methology um like monant
3156s rise uh is has a lot of inspiration from
3159s Japan and Japanese yo-kai creatures in
3161s the monsters that are present in that
3163s game and the expansion sunbreak is based
3165s on uh like European kind of folklore
3168s monsters so if you're really into that
3171s side of stuff you'll find it very
3172s entertaining and very rewarding as well
3174s yeah yeah
3177s okay I've got a new urgent Quest so
3178s let's like we have pke pke here do we
3181s want to hunt poke pke today or do we
3183s want to just Farm some of the other
3186s monsters should we
3187s sa yeah let's save it for the next
3190s stream yeah let's do that next next week
3194s when we're back next Thurday we'll do
3195s poke P so should we open up the
3197s Gathering Hub to do some Kulu and great
3201s jaas let's do it okay right get ready
3204s everyone uh we'll try and get this in
3206s both chats fairly remember bring a brand
3208s new hunter or an existing hunter that is
3210s not using anything above Kulu great
3213s jagas or bone low rank armor and weapon
3216s wise mine is literally the level two
3218s starting sword and shield so keep those
3220s weapons low keep those armor keep that
3222s armor low but keep that expectations
3224s high for
3226s Success um so what I'm going to do I'm
3228s just going to grab
3232s the ID I remember where it is is there
3237s is copy session
3238s ID yes okay right and then hopefully I
3242s don't like close the game down get ready
3244s everyone it is first come first
3247s served okay I can I am I logged in can I
3250s pop it in
3253s here there we go I've got it in twitch
3256s chat there it is there it is I realize
3258s I'm not signed into YouTube
3261s um you want to read it
3263s out I'm going to try find it
3271s uh so can I can I bring up the session
3273s ID let's have a look oh we got some new
3275s we got a joiner already good to see you
3278s um try and find a way to bring I'm
3280s trying to remember I've been playing so
3281s much rise and
3283s sunbreak like I know how it works on
3285s there
3288s um if not we'll definitely have it ready
3291s for next week um yeah I believe you can
3295s pull it up up
3297s uh where is it if you go to online
3301s session that's all right I totally
3305s forgot I was like yeah I can copy it
3307s that's
3308s fine but yeah don't worry next week
3310s though we definitely got hello everyone
3312s sword and shield there as well so we've
3314s got Frosty we've got Queen we've got
3316s blade Maiden we've got uh NEP there as
3321s well kagari it's good it's good to have
3324s a gang it's nice to have the Gang
3326s yeah looking good it doesn't matter if
3328s your Pico's got some Decked Out gear on
3330s it because you know I doubt it's going
3332s to run in and like demolish the
3335s monster um so that's always cool to see
3337s so yeah what we'll do tell you what Joe
3340s should we take two different groups of
3341s hunters so that way obviously our
3344s producer can just switch between us to
3345s look at the two different hunts or
3346s should we hunt together and bring two
3348s people and the others can hunt together
3351s let's do two let's do two okay so we're
3354s gonna do two hunts um producer feel free
3356s to jump between the Hunts as you see fit
3358s as we take two groups with us um should
3360s we go back to great jagers for a bit
3363s yeah yeah let's do it okay so I'll post
3365s my
3368s one oh what is there any low rank event
3371s I can put in here we can do okay okay no
3375s they're they're all too high for me
3377s they're all too high I need low rank
3378s three so next week we can do event Quest
3381s next week okay next week next week next
3383s week okay great jck I'm posst
3386s all right uh start a camp
3396s one yeah sorry I I wasn't signed into
3399s YouTube so I can't pop it in chat uh but
3402s maybe maybe maybe someone from maybe
3405s someone from twitch chat could jump into
3406s YouTube and un pop it there okay so I've
3409s got I've got kagari Queen and D lord of
3412s the hunting horn who I think think might
3415s like the hunting
3418s horn just just a hunch I have just aunch
3431s [Music]
3446s yeah okay right I'm taking I'm taking my
3450s field trip out yeah it reminds me of
3453s like um sappy J when you've got like
3456s groups of together
3458s too as well where you like and grouping
3461s yeah yeah we are on PC yeah next week
3464s we'll make sure we I'm led into YouTube
3466s so we can pop that in there there we go
3469s Hunters
3471s okay we just
3474s uh got to go easy on great
3477s Jack yeah oh man I can't keep up with
3481s them everybody's Tak
3484s off Kari there so we got I've got insect
3486s CA great sword and hunting horn and
3489s obviously with my my sword and shield
3497s here here we go we're we're going
3500s through the uh through the forest here
3502s getting our feet wet in the street it's
3504s raining in our Quest how's your quest uh
3507s it's it's looking bright and sunny right
3511s now we went from the very first camp
3513s site same same okay so kagari jumped
3516s straight on great jagas to assert
3519s dominance yeah oh here we are oh I just
3523s got bit by a normal
3525s jagas I got
3529s attack knock backs negated hunting
3532s Horn's great so for those that don't
3533s know the hunting horn is a weapon that
3534s can impart Buffs to the user and their
3537s team uh which is
3541s massive we're going in I hope this great
3544s Jack survives more than a minute we'll
3546s see oh man yeah I'm I'm a little worried
3548s for our guy
3551s here this might not last
3555s long oh
3559s yeah yeah um so
3564s great
3568s poor great jagas remember make sure
3570s you're all using your your most starter
3575s weapons oh that's that's it
3580s for yeah also so that also shows that if
3584s you if you're an experienced player with
3586s some gear as well and you've got some
3589s friends uh who are joining the game you
3593s can help them if they get stuck by
3594s jumping in with your your your beefed up
3596s gear and having a word with the monsters
3598s yourself you know they've been bully if
3600s you know has anath been acting like a
3602s wall and bullying your friend H in and
3605s give him a
3606s hand yeah that was that was some
3610s bullying right there that was that was I
3612s think on both of our quests finish
3615s finish the quest around the same
3617s time it's taking longer to carve the
3620s monster yeah but yeah that's it once and
3622s also TR you know once you get used to a
3624s monster
3626s you can you know you can show it what's
3629s what and you know it also shows that you
3630s know if you are struggling in single
3632s player
3633s multiplayer can make the game or certain
3637s fights easier for you as I said because
3639s you're not the target of the monsters
3640s attacks all the time um which is always
3643s really really really
3647s nice gives you a little bit of more
3649s breathing room there absolutely
3651s absolutely oh we're all using weaker
3653s gear too oh yeah so that that was just
3656s domination should we should we go on an
3658s expedition and see if we can find an
3661s like in our
3663s groups yeah I'm down for that okay okay
3667s see
3669s if just need to remember how to do an
3671s expedition welcome uh do I just go out I
3675s think uh is that something we can do at
3677s multiplayer oh I'm not sure yet actually
3680s that is a good question we not might not
3682s be able to that's right let's hunt a c
3685s then and uh you know Spread spread the
3687s love between the
3690s monsters all right let's do
3697s it there we go pop that
3701s in I might actually put on a different
3703s weapon if we're
3705s fighting yeah yeah give yourself a
3708s little bit of challenge by using
3710s something you don't know maybe all right
3712s I mean okay let me put on the charge
3713s blade let me put on the charge blade
3715s because I I I'm it's probably going to
3717s handle a little bit different to what
3718s I'm used to from sunbreak and I am still
3720s a charge blade Noob so uh okay what we
3725s got
3730s here yeah okay we'll put the charge
3731s blade on can I handle charge blade in
3735s world let's find in world yeah this is a
3739s I'm sure you'll be fine uh am and I what
3744s we're facing is not the biggest
3746s challenge so it's it's a good place to
3747s do it that is a plus that is a
3752s plus bye
3757s guys good luck try not to
3765s C right okay let's have a look at this
3768s right
3770s got all right I think we lost one
3773s person
3776s blade maen Amo I think that was a maybe
3778s got disconnected could well be could
3781s well
3783s be okay I'm trying to remember
3787s uh uh if anybody else wants to pick up
3789s the quest it's uh it's
3797s available there we
3799s go okay that doesn't seem too bad I
3802s think I can work with this my my hunting
3805s companions have gone legging it off into
3807s the distance I need to catch up I'm
3809s stood near the camp l practicing my
3811s combos yeah you might be able to get one
3813s hit
3814s in before before attempted if I can load
3818s files I'll be
3821s happy that'll be a
3826s win all right we're heading out on our
3830s end I'm following our hunting horn user
3833s over here as well got uh Dron this time
3836s oh there some ademic
3843s life I'm getting lost in the the the
3846s underground caves now
3848s yeah it happens as it happened to me
3851s like 20 minutes ago oh someone's found
3853s the monster the Scout flies they're
3855s guiding me see always listen to your
3858s scout flies they know they
3860s know they do
3863s indeed
3867s oh someone's found Kool I need run away
3871s from the jagas they're trying to bite my
3872s bum and get to
3885s safety here we I think I took a wrong
3887s turn in and kolu's like on the other
3889s side of the
3891s map time I if I get if I get a guard
3895s point it would be an absolute fluke an
3897s absolute fluke I think I've gone gone up
3899s too high maybe I can jump
3902s down I think you'll hit it I found a
3907s honestly it depends if you end up taking
3908s any damage that's true that's true hold
3911s on I found a scale
3914s uh is
3918s that interesting found a scale for a
3922s monster I've not found yet
3929s I can't remember if that's something
3930s Story related or
3932s not I'm Keen to see because if we come
3935s across another monster we can leave Kulu
3937s be and look at the density of the jungle
3940s as well the Jungle the forest sorry the
3943s density of the forest I been thinking
3944s about Sun breaks jungling and I was like
3946s wait a second no
3950s Noam seed that's a nice it to get early
3953s on
3955s another Moss swine
3957s hello all right I think we found our guy
3959s here I know he did I was I was
3963s uh not paying attention to my scal
3968s lights hello everyone thank you for
3971s waiting for me while I got lost very
3973s kind very kind
3976s everyone
3981s courious yeah if we come across a
3983s different monster that isn't our Target
3985s Monster we we'll go for that
3988s one could be only got like a
3996s SC this poor Kulu he's completely
4000s stunned he got boomed he doesn't know
4002s what hit
4005s him oh I'm starting to remember a couple
4007s of
4013s moves
4016s okay right just need to try and remember
4018s how I load the shield now oh that's it
4022s that's it you do
4024s that running
4027s up there we go now I can do a S I
4032s think no I didn't I loaded the shield
4035s but I didn't I didn't redo my files I'm
4038s such a charge blade Noob as you can see
4040s no it's all right I'll try to watch the
4042s stream right now while we're running
4043s towards the spot so I can see what's
4045s going on in your on your
4049s head oh okay not in a but we we got a
4053s hit with a fire it so you know we take
4055s that yeah we we'll take
4059s that oh yeah
4061s Kulu Kulu bless it is on the
4065s run and we just we just completed our
4068s hunt here nice I think you guys are
4071s going to follow
4073s shortly
4076s need to remember how to do an
4078s S okay like this there we go okay okay
4082s I'm getting there I'm getting
4086s there yeah it's not a good day to be a
4088s Kyu no or a great jagas or a great jagas
4092s I think what should we do next should we
4093s put the the uh Hulu quest in again and
4095s try and find what this other monster is
4097s that's lurking
4100s around we we'll go explor it I'll try
4104s the charge mine and
4107s all should we uh stay in two separate
4110s groups or should we combine again uh
4113s yeah let's combine again for the next
4114s one
4118s okay good job everyone so yeah we'll
4121s we'll combine again uh and then we'll
4124s bring two Hunters with us and the
4125s objective will be to explore the Ancient
4128s Forest a bit more together oh we got a
4130s capture this was a lucky K
4133s it's it's coming it's going to come
4136s chill yeah we're on PC
4137s Jan we're playing on Steam and what I'll
4141s do then I'll
4142s upgrade my charge blade so I have a bit
4147s of green
4151s sharpness let's do it and um yeah for
4154s anybody that's just joining us uh since
4156s we're at the top of the hour um I'm Joe
4158s I'm the Capcom USA Community manager for
4160s Monster Hunter and jonno would you like
4163s to introduce yourself yeah
4165s yeah thank you Joe I'm Jon and I'm the
4167s EMA Community manager on monst Hunter
4168s and together we cover the pan Western
4171s Community yes
4178s yes I'm can you do an expedition
4182s alone or with a group it looks like you
4185s cannot I'm gonna I'm going to nip down
4188s to the uh
4193s Workshop
4196s yeah I don't think I can do an SOS for
4199s this just giving it a shot yes it's
4202s worth a try it said you know we've not
4203s played the start of World in quite a few
4205s years because obviously we got through
4206s to the end game and into iceborn and the
4209s rest was history yeah just seeing the
4212s opening cut scenes again and just
4213s everything that happens at the start of
4215s the game it's like I mean technically
4218s it's been five years but we're coming up
4219s on six and that is that is a long time
4222s exactly right I've got my charg play up
4224s to it like next level so the Proto
4227s commission ax
4230s two so I'm going to come back up
4234s now and you say if you don't end up in a
4236s hunt with us feel free to hunt together
4237s and if you're hunting together obviously
4239s you can hunt whatever you like but
4241s obviously during the stream we are kind
4243s of following the path of the hunter in
4246s well
4251s indeed trying to spot you in the crowd
4257s like does anyone want an arm wrestler
4259s Community manager in front of
4264s everyone
4266s um oh yeah okay when you put the quest
4269s in I will uh join hopefully I can get
4271s try and wait for me to join before you
4273s jump in
4274s please
4278s um we are doing the Kulu Quest again
4280s yeah yeah we'll do Kulu do Kulu all
4283s right
4286s Southwest or Northeast Camp let's do
4289s Northeast this time okay
4292s okay all right heads
4300s up I think I might get in yeah I got in
4302s got there we go okay so the threat the
4307s objective of this Quest will be to
4309s explore the Ancient Forest a bit more
4311s and see if we can find another monster
4313s luring after after I found that scale I
4315s got suspicious and I'm like could it be
4318s a Kulu scale could it be something
4320s else let's go and find out we'll find
4328s out yeah so this is going to be a playr
4331s of the entire game we going well and
4334s then you know we'll see about ice born
4335s when we get there we've got quite a way
4337s to go yet oh yeah yeah it's many streams
4340s many hours exactly and we will not be
4343s playing these saves uh on our own time
4345s MH only through the stream you get it in
4348s real time um so yeah the next stream
4351s will be you know uh this time next
4354s Thursday and then we'll be taking time
4356s off for the holiday break and we'll be
4357s back uh early January but if you're
4359s following us uh as in if you're
4361s following Monster Hunter on social media
4363s so moner Hunter on Twitter and moner
4365s Hunter on Facebook or you know you're
4367s you're you know you keep up to date with
4369s the steam news posts you'll see the date
4370s on that as well yeah yeah well we'll
4374s keep you guys updated on our schedule
4376s and our progress and all things uh
4378s Monster Hunter so
4381s exactly thank you for coming by Nico uh
4383s have a good
4384s shift and it has been a a pretty uh
4387s eventful year right just back of all the
4390s things that have happened for Monster
4392s runers a series I guess this year yeah I
4395s mean obviously you know I mean me I've
4397s been we've both been playing so much
4398s sunbreak think about the climax of both
4401s both rise and sunbreak uh with the Ral
4404s of um amatu primordial Mareno which yeah
4408s volcano was this year right I think that
4410s back so if you love world and you've not
4413s played rise and Sun break yet um there
4416s are some monsters that you recognize in
4417s there from world including VCA is Joe
4420s correctly said is is in there um and
4422s also uh you know you get um as long as
4425s as well as Picos obviously your feline
4427s friends there's palamut based on dogs
4431s and they have the velano armor looks
4433s really cool call on on the pal as
4436s well
4438s yeah right should wear Monsters uh Let's
4442s do let's do
4444s it I'll follow you if you like uh I'm
4448s already lost you know we're we're in the
4450s Northeast hold on who's look who we
4451s found already okay well Kulu lucky for
4453s you uh everybody be cool everybody be
4457s cool let's just hang out with Kulu you
4458s know we're going to make up for our our
4460s hunted because what's one great thing as
4461s well about world is if you follow the
4463s monsters around and when you eventually
4465s get like the the stealth ghilly suit or
4467s the ghilly suit which kind of gives you
4468s stealth um you can just watch the
4470s monsters going about their day like and
4472s how they interact with the environment
4474s and each other because the team put so
4476s much kind of like there like groom in
4478s itself into effort into the monsters to
4480s make them feel alive and to have these
4483s behaviors and I know that obviously when
4484s we're hunting monsters weally just go
4486s straight and bonking them if you take a
4488s minute to follow them around it's
4490s actually really cool to
4491s watch it's like uh it's like you're a
4494s researcher you know this is a it's a
4496s real world it is you wow yeah a real oh
4500s wait see what you did
4506s there people out on YouTube there
4508s talking about the Palam gets a Ballista
4510s on its back uh which is a ton of fun
4514s little like silk silk bind bow gun oh
4518s yeah
4522s yeah
4524s oh I'm inside a tree of a VI see I
4526s remember from par Toad the toads are
4529s back hello little little toad you can
4532s you can come hang out with us oh I
4534s kicked it no I didn't mean to kick
4536s it I thought you picked them up don't
4539s you in in
4540s sunre yeah so in Rise And sunre as well
4542s with these kind of endemic life you can
4544s pick them up and deploy them when you
4547s want to so obviously me forgetting that
4549s that's not the case I paralyzed Dark
4550s Link as well sorry sorry link um yeah I
4556s take you anywhere I know I just booted
4557s the
4559s toad okay let's do deeper into the proc
4562s let's head let's head north all right
4564s all right lead the way we can see
4567s because was the scale from Kulu or was
4569s it something else I'm ke to find
4574s out uh what what else happened this year
4577s Joo well monst Hunter now yes yes from
4581s our friends over at Niantic exactly so
4584s like you know if you're if you're a big
4586s mobile gamer or you're a big fan of like
4588s you know the Pokémon go era of kind of
4590s going outside and gaming um mon Hunter
4593s now uh is this kind of mon Hunter
4596s experience on the go that you can just
4598s bring up on your mobile that kind of
4599s combines the combat of Monster Hunter
4602s with this kind of social experience kind
4604s of going out and about getting some
4605s fresh air touching grass if you're so
4607s inclined you
4608s [Laughter]
4611s know what about you Jo what's the um
4614s Monster Hunter highlights from the last
4616s year for
4617s you oh man it's been a lot I think uh
4620s you know the the uh final update for uh
4624s for sunbreak was really awesome I mean I
4628s don't know if anybody checked out um we
4630s had this kind of community video we put
4632s together with a bunch of messages from
4634s just different members of the community
4635s which is really cool um just kind of
4637s summing up all their time with the game
4640s and you know I haven't been at Capcom
4642s for the entirety of Monster Hunter Rise
4645s um I've joined around sunbreak uh so
4648s just you know it's it's definitely been
4649s a journey though um and it's it's even
4651s just in the last year it's been uh cool
4653s to be part of it and to wrap everything
4655s up and uh you know sum up all the
4658s experience that we've had with the
4660s game touche well said yeah but yeah that
4664s was a highlight for me but I mean
4665s obviously we've had the one highlight uh
4668s last
4669s week quite quite the day was yes yes we
4672s may have announced something
4674s but you know just a just a small little
4678s game just just yeah that that monster on
4681s to Wilds right yeah yeah 2025 is gonna
4685s be good yeah you know obviously it goes
4687s without saying but that is that is the
4689s Highlight for all of us um so yes yes
4691s we're very excited but you know next
4693s year um we'll be back with more news in
4695s summer but we've also got uh the 20th
4698s anniversary so there's going to be some
4699s fun stuff uh celebrating the franchise
4701s uh in terms of just you know we already
4703s have our uh Hunters Choice poll that you
4706s can go vote for um so that's that's
4708s something to kick things off and uh we
4710s hope you go vote for your favorite
4711s monster I nearly hit Kulu there I
4714s thought I was blocking I was not I made
4716s it drop its egg Broken Egg yeah that's
4718s just
4721s mean right uh very Dave there so we got
4724s one of the monster hunter twitch
4725s streamers there very Dave K for number
4728s one monster did you vote for Kulu uh in
4731s the hunter Choice poll Dave by any
4733s chance yes please do
4736s it just going to bring up my map and see
4739s what we've explored Okay so we've been
4740s up there shall we go to area seven or
4746s area two as you can see we we can now
4748s see most of the map or should we try and
4750s climb up high go up to the
4752s waterfall oh there might be something
4754s there let's go let's go up that way
4756s we've kind of been hanging around in the
4759s in the floor on the floor yeah yeah the
4762s jungle floor
4765s you're charging your files yeah I'm I'm
4767s making the most of them all right what's
4770s their best way up there maybe not this
4772s way or let's just go across here and F
4775s see see where it takes us okay so we we
4778s do have a code for the the Gathering Hub
4780s lobby but uh next week we'll also pop it
4782s in YouTube chat so everyone can see it
4784s really really easily
4786s um and we will be doing some more of the
4790s low rank early game hunts so next week
4791s we'll be kicking things off with poke P
4794s so getting
4798s poisonous yeah this this week is all
4800s about just getting the custom to the
4801s game um getting back in the swing of
4804s things with great jagas and uh Kulu and
4807s uh yeah next week we'll we'll go a
4809s little further in I'm sure there's a
4812s path around here where I am that takes
4814s you like starts taking you
4817s upwards or have I totally let me look at
4820s the map let me consult the map yes if we
4822s go into area
4823s I think you can go south and wake your
4827s way up hold on there's a mystery monster
4828s on the
4830s map uh one of us is near it
4834s oh there is a mystery monster okay our
4837s Target
4838s go who could it be hello ne's got a jack
4845s friend it's rot you're kidding me it's
4849s Rathalos let's go all right we're going
4852s in so aalos is the Apex monster of uh
4856s the Ancient Forest obviously a monster
4858s you you normally meant to face a bit
4860s later on um so this will be glorious and
4864s I'm an absolute chargeblade Noob so this
4867s is going to go very very well you're
4869s under selling yourself I'm sure that
4871s you'll be fine I'm missing my sword and
4873s shield right now I'm feeling a bit
4874s nervous no like you said you know all
4876s the weapons are kind of related so sh
4880s this is a big shiny Sparky sword and
4882s shield right yeah like basically when
4885s you boil it down every weapon is a type
4887s of sword and shield yeah same same thing
4889s same thing yeah how hard can it be
4894s yeah I I need to make sure I'm going the
4896s right way here uh down here I think a
4900s dark
4901s blink is kind of leading the way here
4904s I'm totally lost I went down when I
4906s should have gone up uh you know my my
4909s map Reading is terrible um
4915s all right okay there we go I found a
4916s climb up here yeah yeah we're good looks
4917s like we may need to go where where we at
4921s here okay that's think we've lost the
4924s lost the trail a bit so yeah what this
4926s shows as well you know when you're going
4928s around hunting monsters there are other
4929s monsters in the area that will be
4932s roaming around um some of them you might
4935s want to kind of go and introduce
4937s yourself too others like Rathalos you
4939s know if you're a brand new player
4941s don't be careful if you're going to do
4943s what we're going to try and do CU
4945s Rathalos obviously you know it is one of
4948s the most iconic monsters in monst for a
4951s very good reason
4956s yeah oh yeah more areas of the map have
4959s opened up now for me um okay the
4961s monsters down in the main area I think
4965s uh by the uh Southwest
4968s Camp yeah I think its position may have
4970s changed and might have flown around
4972s somewhere else
4977s yeah I can is that over there yeah oh my
4980s goodness what a beautiful sight look at
4982s the lighting in the dark as well okay
4985s Ros is is knocked over NEP is getting
4988s stuck in oh yeah they're they're going
4991s for it all right I'm almost there I'm
4992s almost there oh I'm on
4997s fire all right here we
4999s go all right let's go this
5003s oh I'm glad I got some bone armor at
5005s least I'm in
5008s leather it'll be fine it'll be fine yeah
5010s it'll be all
5014s right
5016s S
5019s no I saw
5021s lightning okay what we got I've got a
5023s Slinger bomb that's good that's
5031s good okay
5035s damage oh what a monster no don't look
5038s at me don't look at me look at the an
5040s there we go nice flash nice so obviously
5043s the flash there great for knocking
5045s monsters out of the
5048s sky to
5053s slow do I do I have an opportunity here
5058s CD there we
5061s go
5065s oh no on the Run okay I'm going to
5068s sharpen so whenever you get an
5069s opportunity like this new hunters get a
5072s sharpen a sharpen in even to keep your
5075s weapon sharp yeah and you can do it from
5077s the radio menu so you don't have to Che
5079s their weapon which is great o PD of
5090s me
5091s oop
5095s I need to heal for the first time
5099s here I need to charge my
5102s shield okay I okay this isn't too
5105s dissimilar to rise and sunre I feel like
5108s you know oh that wad just absolutely
5110s boded me no no no drink a potion please
5114s i' want to be the first
5118s car you're good you're good we got this
5121s we got this it's fine it's fine the
5123s mount will help okay I've got a few BS
5125s in
5127s there nice there we
5130s go here we
5133s go oh that sounds
5137s meaty oh I need to get out the way the
5139s uh the
5142s hit oh wow we've done
5147s well see if I can stagger there we go
5150s bom pod's coming
5151s in so yeah if you are brave enough you
5154s can try taking on other monsters that
5157s you wouldn't come across till a little
5158s bit later and obviously with the sty
5161s monster if you get the parts you can
5163s start making their
5165s gear he you know like you said we are a
5167s little bit more experienced and we've
5168s got some friends here that are quite
5170s experienced
5171s so but maybe we don't recommend that you
5174s do this uh if you're a new player tell
5177s you what Joe after this one should we do
5178s the quest again just the two of us and
5181s uh see how we get on
5183s yeah I'm done to try
5185s that there we go go oh we got him we got
5189s him I didn't even notice good work so
5191s yeah we'll try this again with just the
5192s two of us to show you the difference as
5194s well so there we go so we got a w I got
5198s a scale from the tail oh oh
5205s no there we go okay I got
5209s web IG is too strong yes oh I think when
5213s you're using
5214s it yeah go go aiel yeah okay so we
5219s should probably go find our good friend
5222s kolu and uh wrap up the
5226s quest NE copter says you should do an I
5229s run challenge I should do an insect
5230s glaive run challenge you know what I've
5232s actually been playing the insect glaive
5234s on my console playthrough of ryzen
5236s sunbreak um and it's really interesting
5239s actually it doesn't play like I expected
5241s it to feel and it's really fun to just
5244s go in the air whenever you want like I
5246s really like that yeah I love how mobile
5248s it is but I also kind of feel like when
5250s I use it because I'm not that
5251s experienced with it I'm just filling
5254s around in the sky so I I definely gota
5256s learn it yeah when you because then
5257s you're like oh how hard can it be you
5259s know you just fly around in the air
5260s above the monster not getting hit and
5261s you do loads of damage no it's a lot
5263s there's there's more to it than that oh
5265s yeah yeah um I do recommend checking out
5267s like don't let us P off it's a fantastic
5268s weapon you can pick it up and use it and
5270s you get a cool little little uh you know
5273s Kinect friend um but you know when when
5276s you really see people who have got the
5278s grips s the weapon it's like ballet in
5280s the air but with a bit more violence
5286s um I'm having a little bit of a of a
5288s weapon crisis of you know what I want to
5291s roll with during this uh the future
5293s streams maybe we should do a poll later
5295s on what if I told you there was a weapon
5298s that's technically two weapons that you
5299s could
5300s use not that I'm buy it
5303s what if I told you you could have the
5304s power of slashing damage and damage at
5307s the same time oh so charge
5310s plate you got me
5314s there close
5317s close the older the older brother the S
5320s and the yes oh yes the S and the
5324s yes I've totally got the wrong way by
5327s the way uh I'm sorry that you're
5328s following me uh yeah I was kind of
5330s mindlessly following you jno I was like
5333s where's the C where's the C okay all
5335s right all right oh no I'm in combat I
5337s have to deal with these jagas then we
5338s can fast
5340s travel
5342s oh ja ja dealt with is it no I'm still
5347s oh no this one got back
5349s up there we go okay it's moving around a
5353s little bit yeah we got this we got this
5361s uh
5363s but you can fast travel around so big
5365s benefit of unlocking these camps is the
5367s ability to fast travel especially when
5368s the low Cals are so
5372s big okay um there you go neps found Kulu
5375s I'm just going to chill over here as
5384s well the camps are essential for later
5387s in the game when you do start carding
5389s mhm yep yep getting back to the hunt
5391s quickly is is a big dud all right
5394s finally made it all right I'm going to
5396s load my files he's doing he's doing the
5399s dance and then you do this and this and
5402s this and that and then you do that just
5404s like that you you've charged your Shield
5408s yeah this man what is he doing hey
5413s Kulu hey Kulu it's me all right I think
5416s we're all uh grouped up now nice going
5419s to see if I can open with a
5421s sad
5423s oh that did that felt good that felt
5426s good oh nice and then straight into the
5430s wall need to find a little bit of space
5433s here you know what though I'm not
5434s charging my sword I need to do
5437s that not charging my
5440s blade it was wrong oh it does really
5443s good damage as
5447s well oh
5450s oh you know I used to be really scared
5452s of charge BL I found it really
5454s intimidating as a weapon but it's really
5456s not that bad at all to get the hang off
5458s and flashy you're a sword and shield
5461s main so there's you know it's not too
5463s tough to pick it up right yeah I got my
5465s sword in my left hand my shield in my
5467s right
5469s hand we got him that a minute yeah no
5474s problem so what we'll do for the next
5476s one thank you to the Huns that joined us
5477s feel free to hunt amongst themselves or
5480s yourself Joe and I are going to jump
5481s back in with the two of us and see if we
5484s can if Ros is here again we'll see if we
5486s can uh cause some
5489s trouble that Barrel bomb I didn't even
5491s notice that I was just carving said wait
5493s a
5496s second but that felt fun yeah you know
5498s what I might um I might have to play the
5502s charge blade a bit more than I
5503s originally thought for this return to
5504s World play through maybe I do charge
5507s blade instead of sword and shield I
5509s don't know maybe I do both maybe I do
5511s both because then you can use different
5512s weapons for different monsters if you're
5513s finding like I imagine like chargeblade
5515s like absolutely slaps against like nante
5517s or something because of all the all
5519s those points to
5522s [Music]
5526s hit you need to use Jewel blades in
5528s sunbreak one of these days oh yeah if
5530s you liked Jew blades in world you you
5532s really like them in
5535s sunbreak and we
5537s got oh sorry go oh no sorry after you um
5541s I use du blades quite a bit in uh rise
5543s and sunbreak you know it's the game is
5546s so fast so just having something that's
5548s a little more mobile uh was was really
5550s great and I love like some of the
5552s abilities that they added in in sunbreak
5554s too so but I haven't tried in world so
5555s maybe uh I should do that oh
5563s absolutely do you think we get a
5564s different Monster In The Great jackris
5566s quest should we look around in the great
5567s jagas one again or see what see because
5571s there wasn't maybe there'll be was there
5573s another there's another set does anybody
5577s know I'm quickly put my sword and Sh
5580s back
5582s on actually I need to go I'm going to go
5584s to the Smithy and uh have a quick look
5587s at some
5594s gear yeah next week we'll be kicking off
5597s with uh PUK PUK which will be a ton of
5600s fun as we get the into the Ancient
5604s Forest yeah very
5607s exciting but yeah if you are feeling
5609s bold and you want to push ahead there
5611s are the rewards you'll have to obviously
5613s try and find the monster a few times but
5614s you can start to get their gear you know
5617s if you find the monster you beat it the
5619s game doesn't hold back it lets you kind
5621s of you know uh dig into that of course
5624s fighting wrath lost there was very bold
5627s of us we had you know four very
5628s experienced Hunters between us so if you
5630s are a new player you know give it a go
5632s why not you know what's the worst you a
5633s triple car but don't expect to come out
5636s on top just to kind of give you an idea
5637s the armor we have at the minute gives us
5639s a defense of six a piece Rath loss is 30
5642s to kind of show you the power scale
5644s difference
5645s there yeah that's right we have Ross
5647s materials no huh not enough to do
5650s anything really but yeah and we need
5652s monster bone Plus for some of the bits
5654s which obviously we won't have yet um but
5658s it's a it's a great learning
5660s experience
5664s yeah no new gear for me at the moment um
5667s so I will come back to the Gathering H
5669s all right some jagas
5672s gear oh yeah let's check out your great
5675s Jag
5677s gear I can let's see what I can make
5680s here try to make as much of it as I
5683s can oh and why you do that I'm going to
5685s watch an arm wrestle
5689s unfold oh darkling takes the win
5693s all right I can make everything except
5695s the
5696s legs
5699s see don't worry NEP don't worry I'll uh
5702s I'll go and have a word with them here
5704s you go Community manager versus
5706s Community I need to remember the button
5708s for
5711s this oh I can make the hunter set now oh
5714s no I'm panicking what button is it oh
5717s it's
5718s B come on come on come on come on come
5721s yeah
5722s no well played darkling they took me
5725s down Joe you need to you need to avenge
5727s me right who's next on the who's next on
5729s the
5736s AR everyone's queuing up so link is the
5739s reigning winner kagari stepped
5743s in all right I was going to maybe try a
5746s new
5747s weapon oh what you feeling what you
5749s feeling uh hm
5755s you know I'm not
5757s sure how about how about hit me out
5761s sword shield uh if not what about a
5763s range weapon how are you feeling about
5765s range
5766s weapon a little bit of experience with
5768s the light bow gun and the
5769s bow are you going to think go for heavy
5773s maybe I'll try a different weapon as
5775s well I I'll put the gun LS
5780s on you know what if you're going to do
5781s gun Lance I will do the Lance oh there
5784s we go Lance Bros we got this I need to
5786s remember cuz like what kind of Lance
5788s have I got
5790s uh it is a normal shell good normal
5792s shell was my favorite gun Lance cuz I
5794s used to say use the ran one and do like
5796s the Full Burst combo and I love the
5798s rathan one because it also poisoned the
5800s monsters so you had poison you had
5802s explosions oh yeah yeah um and when you
5804s get back to the Gathering Hub though you
5805s need to come and do an arm wrestle I got
5807s AB I got absolutely bodied in front of
5810s the community so please link is still
5812s winning no one can get past Dark Link at
5815s the moment oh
5817s boy what's what's the technique joural
5820s Mash mash
5823s B that's where you're wrong Dark Link is
5826s Unstoppable you're just going to like
5828s trip them up kagari is lining up now oh
5831s NEP one before Oh there's a
5836s rivalry here we
5838s go imunity one Dr oil thank you k for
5842s reminding
5847s me
5849s oh so there's lots you can do between HS
5851s and W as
5855s well this this this is now taken like
5859s the the focus of all the
5865s hunters oh there you are okay yeah let's
5867s oh a draw a draw go on Joe in your J in
5871s your get
5873s oh all right we'll get you next yeah you
5877s can face the
5882s winner it's great to have have uh so
5885s many so many of the community jumping in
5887s with us as well oh yeah Alonso Alonso
5890s all right you've got this you've got
5891s this Joe oh Dark Wings
5893s hungry Community like no this is between
5896s this is between us hunters Community
5898s managers stay out of
5900s this
5902s oh who's going to get it who's going to
5904s get
5906s it link you got fight the raining
5909s Champion effectively I think dark links
5911s won the most good luck Joe avenge
5916s me oh you're Alpha looks wicked as well
5918s that
5920s great go go go go
5923s go oh
5926s unlucky took us down yeah I need to work
5929s on my thumb muscles I'm going to I'm
5930s going to do some more let's go let's
5932s Retreat into a hunt in
5934s shame we're going to go jump on great
5937s jagas to feel better let get out of here
5939s let's get out of here well played to our
5941s arm wrestlers there they've clearly got
5943s some um got some master rank biceps and
5946s back muscles
5948s there we got to go train exactly that
5951s started the Southwest Camp are you oh my
5954s goodness yeah yes posted there's only
5956s one extra slot so hopefully
5959s uh oh sorry Alonso this is just just me
5962s and Joe going on a on a CM recovery
5965s after after being absolutely beasted uh
5968s by the by the arm
5975s wrestle going to check chat as well I
5977s was so fixated on the on the arm
5979s wrestling why do I I'll make a new Quest
5981s quickly
5984s yeah uh story alons so I love you really
5987s me and Joe just need to go and go and
5989s hunt a great jagas and feel better about
5992s ourselves it dominated in the uh arm
5995s wrestling and now is asserting dominance
5997s yeah
5999s yeah all right whenever you're ready
6002s okay it's it's it it's it all right
6011s okay am I joining this or uh I don't
6014s know it's uh yeah join and then oh
6018s Alonso is back Alonso I love you I
6020s appreciate you
6023s but sorry about that I was right there
6025s and then I I dropped it that's okay
6027s that's okay I I'll pop it in again
6031s now uh okay so post
6034s Quest
6040s optional there we
6042s go yeah this is PC PC version for anyone
6045s wondering and see next week we'll be we
6047s doing more like Community hunts as well
6050s there you go
6052s all
6053s right that was
6057s a um so um eager asks us for jono and
6062s Joe what was your's first Monster game
6064s and what got you into playing it besides
6065s being Capcom CMS also favorite monster
6068s do you want to go
6069s first um yeah uh monster to try uh for
6073s me you know um in the Wii Wii era um or
6079s sorry that would be three ultimate yeah
6081s so that that was the first for me
6085s um and you know I I dove in a little bit
6089s to the game and it took a little bit for
6091s me to like really get it you know um to
6095s to really like understand the the game
6096s and the series so I would say it wasn't
6098s until um maybe four where I really like
6102s was obsessed with the game so yeah yeah
6104s took took me a little bit uh favorite
6106s monster um devil Joe because my name
6111s I can't believe they named a monster
6113s after you like yeah oh
6117s yeah um yeah and for me same it was it
6120s was 3u for me um and the first ever
6124s weapon I touched was switch axe but I
6126s quickly kind of rotated onto the sword
6127s and shield because I was too slow with
6129s the switch AXS and was getting like
6131s beaten up um and I've loved the sword
6133s and shield since and then for you was
6135s the game that really cemented monster I
6138s loved 3u and it brought me into the
6140s series before for you was the game that
6142s I was just like I'm going to stick
6145s around I really like this kind of thing
6147s like really really like this and um what
6149s kind of got me to stick as well was the
6151s kind of community at the time the
6152s content creators because I hadn't come
6155s across a game like this before and I was
6157s like wow I love hard games like you know
6158s I was a big fan of like you know
6160s challenging games as well like you know
6162s I played lot like the first Devil May
6163s Cry For
6164s example and there's a super deep game
6167s like a super challenging game fun game
6170s and you know the community wikis and
6173s also Gan Hunter taught me so much you
6176s know Gan Hunter's like uh videos on on
6178s those titles that kind of taught me the
6179s nuances and kind of got me into the game
6182s um and I quickly as well came to love uh
6185s brachos brachos is my favorite monster
6188s um but you know before I fully
6190s appreciate Brack dios
6192s tetsucabra uh mainly because its armor
6196s carried me uh really hard in like in the
6199s different ranks at the start uh
6201s so
6202s yeah I think we started in different
6204s areas oh we did there you go so yeah you
6207s can start wherever you
6209s like right I need to remember how to do
6211s the I'll
6213s jump okay right that's reload uh yeah
6217s but just just kind of going off of what
6218s you were saying I mean you know the
6219s Monster Hunter series The the rise of It
6222s kind of was at the same time that you
6224s know YouTube was really becoming a big
6227s thing in terms of just like being able
6229s to you know discover a game and follow
6231s different guides and all that and you
6233s know social media becoming more of a
6234s thing
6236s um I think it made the you know some of
6238s the complexities of the game a little
6240s bit easier to understand for a lot of
6241s people and um you know then that just
6243s really uh culminated with world just uh
6246s you know blowing up everywhere and you
6248s know that that brings us here today so
6250s exactly and like as you said like it's
6252s the community it's yourselves that kind
6254s of have been so welcom in and it sounds
6256s cheesy and cliche but it's true the
6258s monsan community is welcom in and they
6261s oh there we go and they share knowledge
6264s and the content creators as well and you
6267s know even when you're playing online and
6268s you know when you're playing you know
6269s back into there on your handheld and and
6272s earlier online games you can't you
6274s couldn't use voice so it was all like
6276s stickers and shouts and stuff like that
6278s and it's really endearing because you
6280s know you're playing with total strangers
6282s and you're communicating you're
6283s cooperating and you're having fun and
6285s you're succeeding and yeah it's really
6289s special um I
6292s feel yeah for sure I think the the
6294s community is really what's what's
6296s carried the franchise uh throughout the
6298s years and and helped it become really
6299s big because people have been such big
6301s advocates for it you know when it was a
6304s a series that was mostly popular and
6306s well known in Japan and kind of bringing
6308s it over to the west and um you know
6311s helping people understand this this
6313s series and what it's all about and uh
6315s yeah it's it's really thanks to the
6317s community and their hard work and also
6318s the dev team of course for making a
6319s great game yeah yeah cheers gang for for
6322s making such an awesome series of games
6323s appreciate it yeah just that just that
6326s little thing H we had someone in chat as
6329s well I just saw saying that world was
6332s their first Monster Hunter game and they
6334s liked it so much they actually went back
6335s and played some of the earlier tiles as
6339s well nice naruga great monster oh I just
6344s thought you saw it I was like what what
6346s no
6348s no um so what are we looking for um
6352s should we have wander around and then
6354s we'll we'll come back and find great
6355s jagas again yeah I feel like I may have
6359s seen like a mystery monster popup but it
6361s might have been something else so well
6363s let's let's head up to the waterfall
6364s because we didn't quite make it there
6366s last time and it's
6368s believe uh how do we get there we're
6372s going up who wants to lead the way oh no
6375s I'll no
6377s uh yeah we were almost there last time
6379s maybe it's up here oh I'll follow you
6381s I'll follow you oh man yeah that's a
6383s good shot that that's a good start like
6385s I was going I was ending up going
6386s downwards again
6388s uh all right there we go yeah I think
6391s you're on onto something here
6396s Joe it's uh the blind leading the blind
6400s we'll find our way there the kzu leading
6402s the kzu
6404s yeah
6406s ohzu if you want to fight kzu as well
6409s it's in rise don't miss out which is say
6412s as we' said you know monst the world is
6415s the cheapest it's ever been on Steam and
6417s heavily discounted on consoles at the
6419s moment but so is monant rise and
6420s sunbreak and if you've not checked them
6422s out oh they are action-packed
6425s like hunts like really really nice paac
6429s in um there's like uh Hunter skills use
6432s called Silk bind attacks oh yeah
6434s definitely check out and there's kzu kzu
6436s is in it what more do you need yeah yeah
6438s we're playing on Steam today um obvious
6441s it's on sale on multiple platforms but
6442s man I remember when the idea of a
6445s monster hunter game being on Steam was
6448s like a dream you know it was it seemed
6450s like a far-flung thing and now you've
6452s got riseon sunbreak on there you got
6454s world and iceborn um you have both or
6456s you sorry you got the stories 2 uh on
6459s there yes
6461s um and so that's that's been pretty
6463s awesome and uh you know there just a lot
6465s of content there there is a lot there
6467s and also I see in chat as well do the do
6470s fan club is here obviously you know
6472s whenever we fight at da GMA we always
6474s aim to capture our our Most Blessed
6477s monster boy and he's very
6482s adorable I'll grab this thunder Buck
6484s right so we're making our way up I think
6486s do we need to go this way now to
6489s get I think so uh well sorry where did
6492s you go oh this way this way sorry I'll
6495s come back there you are oh I see you I
6498s see you so we see if we can climb to the
6501s top just to show you like say like it's
6502s not only the width but the the height
6504s and depth of this map is gantic and
6507s we've still not traveled everywhere once
6508s we get up here um look the sunshine the
6512s sun is
6515s breaking different game different
6518s game oh look at this area up here as
6522s well all right this does give me the we
6525s have returned to world look at that view
6527s out onto the coast yeah nothing here
6529s though oh no not at the moment Wyber
6531s eggs that's
6537s it took an
6541s egg and obviously there's
6544s uh there like broken down bits here a
6548s dam if you will and if you bring any
6550s Barrel bombs with you it might be worth
6552s putting some there uh and detonate them
6555s them if you're fighting a monster up
6556s here for a little surprise
6558s yeah I like my
6561s do you have any bombs I didn't bring any
6563s I don't know I'm terrible for bringing
6564s Barrel bombs it was the same in rise and
6566s Sun break so bad for it if like once I'm
6569s like oh yeah I've got Barrel bombs and I
6570s use them and I forget to replenish them
6573s I think that might be a I'll put the egg
6574s down gently no I'm crouching okay let's
6576s let's go over here because I think
6578s there's a camp in this direction
6581s oh we get in that
6584s way oh yep I can't egg there we go oh
6588s yeah that's right that's right I put the
6589s egg down gently
6593s some people getting flashbacks to the
6594s egg missions being chased by monsters as
6597s they slowly waddle along which way is it
6600s to the camp is it that way or your I
6605s think I'll check this way and see if
6607s there's anything no I'll have a look
6609s this way oh I think I found it okay head
6614s your
6616s way I think this is the
6619s camp if we could use been unlocking yet
6621s cuz we're uh we' been sneaky in the
6624s Treetops oh
6627s yeah get us lowlevel hunters oh yes we
6630s know we know too much
6633s yes um okay or maybe we don't because I
6636s can't find
6638s it oh there's something down here just
6641s the the size and scale of this place oh
6643s there's a hole I can jump
6646s down let's let's go and have a look wee
6652s luckily no full damage which is very
6654s very nice yep yep Hunters have very
6658s strong legs oh we have the oh you can
6659s but it's not there we were nearly there
6661s apparently we nearly R Ria Ripley just
6664s joined our uh our session that's uh the
6668s world women's world
6674s champion right where should we go let's
6676s go find great jagas let's go find great
6679s jagas
6687s uh looks like you you can but it's not
6688s there so yes we did not there we go
6691s there's a little one for you to find
6693s when you are tasked with finding it you
6694s know the rough area now go up high into
6698s the
6700s vines as well this is an interesting so
6702s this this rock here you can
6705s actually use your Slinger there and drop
6708s that on Monsters oh sorry
6711s sorry codons so yeah that does a lot of
6713s damage as well if you do hit a large
6714s monster don't mind took them out took
6716s out those codons those poor guys going
6718s to go for a low low challenge kind of
6721s like combat card there cuz the cerons
6723s shouldn't do too much
6727s damage there we
6730s go want a bone pile I'll take some stuff
6732s from the bone pile actually thank you
6735s for covering me with your L while I do
6739s that
6746s just poking yep get the combo now so I
6749s go up and then you slam and then you do
6751s the Full Burst there we go yeah I
6753s remember now I remember everything
6756s myself it's coming back to me right okay
6759s great
6760s Jack poke poke
6762s poke
6764s okay great jagas I'm going to go to Camp
6768s one and then we'll all run over
6772s that camp
6792s one uh general what a what a first
6794s stream it's been we bullied a bunch of
6796s monsters we did we did and luckily we
6799s had backup went showed up
6801s otherwise but then you know the arm
6804s wrestle oh yeah yeah it was nice to see
6808s see them see him turn up yeah we are
6810s just uh we are not built for the arm
6812s wrestling no no the community got that
6815s covered yeah dark L was cleaning up yeah
6820s but it's been great you know you know
6821s return into world and oh hello yeah I
6826s saw some old Footprints
6828s yes that be we want to explore next
6831s stream so next stream we'll be cooking
6832s things off with pke p and some more
6835s monsters do you think maybe we'll make
6837s it to World Spire waste who knows who
6839s knows we may we may yeah let's uh we'll
6843s see oh toxic mucus yeah it's probably
6845s poy poooky
6848s for next time great Jack see you
6853s do cast you want to start that off yeah
6856s yeah I'll try I'll try I need to uh can
6859s I slide uh FU oh that felt
6865s good got the uh got the burst across its
6868s face ah no I'm sorry I'm sorry no you're
6872s a okay there we go
6875s okay oh there that's the uh belly
6881s flop oh I got to learn this
6886s weapon oops there we go need to do that
6891s oh the burst sweep
6894s there yeah if you like explosions check
6896s out the gun
6903s LS get the Full Burst off there we
6908s go what is that another monster showed
6911s up is
6912s that might
6915s be we got to wrap this up quick I guess
6919s yeah
6921s oh my sharpness is red I
6924s think gun Lance does love to go through
6928s sharpness nice
6931s o nice in
6934s there just just hit him with the
6937s toothpick oh I'm just kind of firing in
6939s the air to assert dominance
6942s yeah assert dominance uh oh there P oh
6947s Jee oh jeez hey P you're not jle next
6949s week you come back man
6951s yeah okay those two are going to fight
6954s so uh should we we got a dung bomb at
6956s all I don't have any I'm going to Wet
6958s Stone quickly oh no I keep coming off to
6960s soon that's right I think p p might
6962s chill out here yeah I've got no do bombs
6965s uh we'll let the P deal with
6968s that Amber and cheddar are going off
6970s they got this they got
6978s this okay back to business
6982s here we
6986s go I'm tired my stamina
6991s oh low stamina youat you'll be winded
6994s and vulnerable oh there we go reload my
6996s gun
6999s L grinder skill is always highly
7001s recommended for gun L good shout Edward
7003s good
7005s shout gun Lance is a lance with more
7008s Firepower
7010s I didn't remember how to do a full not
7013s the full bur the W fire maybe I can try
7016s and remember it
7017s here yeah I'm mostly experienced with
7019s that weapon in RIS and sunbreak so I'm
7022s not exactly sure how it works in the
7024s world see let's see if I can remember
7026s this if not it's going to be oh there we
7028s go we got it wakey
7030s wakey all right beautiful yeah gun L
7035s yeah I'm remembering now I'm getting
7037s getting the memories back from using gun
7039s l
7041s all right that was pretty cool that that
7044s should be a nice end screen
7046s yeah me fight off the the little guys
7050s here thank you and then I'll I'll swap
7052s you so you can get your
7055s cares your turn all
7059s right boom that's what it's all about
7063s I've just firing in the air warning
7065s shots stay back we're carving I'm
7068s warning you yeah
7072s poke
7075s poke as you can see there with great
7077s jackers you
7079s know you are safer at the sides but not
7082s fully safe as you saw by me getting um
7085s getting flopped
7087s on but yeah you know we'll be wrapping
7089s up the stream soon as well so you know
7091s why not make some sessions and play
7092s together as well um jump on well team up
7097s and uh see what trouble you can get up
7099s to yeah oh that's end screen oh
7103s no oh man the one on my side is pretty
7106s funny because it's just you charging up
7108s in the background fire see I had the
7111s menu here on my one uh great Dr you know
7114s the meme of the cat that's kind of like
7116s gning it's kind of got its teeth out and
7117s its eyes closed like it's basically that
7121s uh but great jagas um oh that's
7125s great got some nice Parts there that'll
7128s be handy
7131s thanks to our producer behind the scenes
7132s for getting both of those uh screens in
7134s there yes yes much
7139s appreciated and yeah um as Joe mentioned
7141s earlier for those of you asking
7143s obviously about Monster Hunter Wilds
7144s which is we're all super excited for uh
7147s more information will be coming in
7149s summer so summer 2024 for more
7152s information on Mon Wilds but in the
7154s meantime you know oh look at I everyone
7157s in here in the meantime why not return
7159s to well
7160s jump in you know as we've said monster
7162s hun world is heavily discounted monster
7164s hun rise and Sun Break also heavily
7166s discounted so it's a great time to to
7169s get into monst hunter or get back into
7171s monst Hunter uh ahead of Wild's arrival
7174s in 202 yeah absolutely the team is heads
7177s down working on the game so yeah we will
7179s be back in in the summer to talk more
7181s about it um but yeah Monster Hunter
7183s World great price great time to jump
7186s back in it seems like there's a lot of
7187s people that are jumping back in just
7189s based on what we're seeing and the steam
7190s player accounts which has been really
7192s cool U but you know rise and sunbreak
7194s are also there you've also got the
7196s stories 2 which is a great game to dive
7198s into so um there is no shortage of
7200s Monster Hunter goodness to to jump into
7203s exactly do you want to come like should
7204s we see if we can get a big wave from as
7206s as many Hunters as possible in the lobby
7209s should we see if we can get one right
7211s I'm I'm gonna start waving uh gestures
7216s wave there we go we can wave bye-bye or
7219s dance to everyone watching any my
7222s gesture set up let's see wait there you
7225s go but yeah so to everyone that tuned in
7227s for our first return to World stream
7229s thank you all so much for coming it was
7231s great to settle in back into the hunt
7233s hunt with some of you get a gathering
7235s Hub open and say we'll be back at the
7237s same time next week so Thursday 5:00 pm
7240s gm9 a.m. PT for a couple of hours of
7243s hunts um over to you anything else no
7246s it's just been great hunting with
7247s everybody and Jon uh it's been great uh
7250s kicking off this series which um you
7252s know we are in for quite the Long Haul
7253s so it's going to be going to be good and
7255s you know thanks to the community for
7256s your guys' support um not just
7259s throughout uh this year but the years
7261s before and uh for everything ahead 20th
7264s anniversary next year so we're just
7265s really excited and it's goingon to be a
7266s good time wicked and with that let's
7269s wrap things up so I've been jonno and
7272s I'm Joe and you've been awesome have a
7274s good one Happy Hunting and we will see
7276s you next week good night all right bye
7279s everybody see you
7280s [Music]
7307s [Music]
7308s later
7310s [Music]
7338s a
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7348s [Applause]
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7386s [Applause]
7394s [Music]
7398s oh
7401s [Music]
4 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name is Jon o e Community
4s manager on Mon stunter and I'm joined by
6s hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
9s Community manager from Monster Hunter
10s and welcome to chapter two of the return
13s to World Community Live Stream So for
15s those of you that are new each week well
17s not over Christmas but we'll get to that
19s but each week we are going to be
20s replaying through monst Hunter world
22s together with you as you watch and play
24s with us what are we doing this week Joe
27s well so last week we took on great jagas
30s uh
30s and we did a couple early game quests
33s and we have some viewers join us but
34s today we are taking on PUK PUK and then
38s maybe we will head into the second area
40s in the game the wild Spire wastes I'm
42s looking forward to it yeah and as a
45s reminder we are running totally new
47s Hunters so even though we are
49s experienced with the game as um we would
51s hopefully be as Community managers uh we
54s uh have ruled completely new Hunters
56s like a lot of people are doing for this
57s uh return to world uh Extravaganza so
60s it's it's been a good time exactly and
61s talking of that earlier we saw we had up
63s to 97 and a half thousand players on
66s Monster huntter World on Steam alone
69s which was fantastic I'm thinking Joe
71s maybe maybe tomorrow maybe this weekend
73s we can break that 100K what do you
75s reckon oh I hope so it's been awesome to
77s see the numbers go up um been really
80s cool seeing everybody's excitement
81s posting Clips just coming back to the
83s game or some people have been saying
84s that they never left to begin with so
86s it's uh it's been a good time it's been
87s really really fun to see it is
89s definitely fun and as you mentioned like
90s a bit later on in the Stream we'll be
91s opening up the Gathering Hub to viewers
93s to come and play with us so if you have
95s monant World on Steam jump in all we ask
98s is either a you have a brand new hunter
99s that you've rolled for this or you bring
101s a hunter that's using the same level of
103s gear as us which is low rank gear um and
106s we're also not using the uh Defender
109s weapons either we're kind of going
110s through with the Monster based weapons
113s so as long as you match our gear it'll
114s be good otherwise you know we can't we
116s can't have you one tap in pke PUK with
118s your great sword oh yeah yeah I mean
121s even last week you know like we said we
124s we do have a little bit of experience um
126s so you know we we got through some of
128s the Hunts a little bit faster than usual
130s but um you know we'll see how we fair
131s this week you know we're eventually
132s going to hit a point where uh maybe
134s we're not as good as we thought we were
136s so exactly that that time will come and
138s let's let's flick into ing game now so
141s here we are we are in the Gathering Hub
143s and you'll be joining us here later um
146s but yeah I am I'm actually going to be
148s meaning the sword and shield for this
149s but I am dablin and charge blade cuz
151s it's a weapon I'm learning at the moment
153s what are you rocking today Joe I've been
155s having a little bit of a weapon crisis
158s uh for these stream specifically
159s normally I play great swword um but you
162s know I want to try something new so
163s we're we're going with hammer which I
164s have a little bit of experience with but
165s maybe I'm not like the the greatest
167s Hammer player in the world so please go
169s easy on me yeah and same with me if you
172s see me doing some chargeblade sins let
174s me know in chat like it won't be back
176s seen tell me what are your chargeblade
177s tips like I really want to learn um it's
180s the only weapon that I haven't used and
182s I started using it in sunbreak like in
184s the end game and I was like you know
185s what it's just like a big sword and
187s shield I like
189s this yeah you know it's it's the same
191s core core mechanics you got one thing
194s you got a sword in one hand and a shield
195s in the other hand it's just everything
197s else is different about just a few more
198s Sparks you know um yeah and for those
202s wondering as well I am wearing the low
204s rank bone bone armor uh that is a
206s fantastic early game set I highly
208s recommend it uh what are you rocking Joe
211s um I have a couple of the great jagas
212s pieces right now um I've always likeed
214s how these look they're pretty pretty
215s stylish right um I think I I think I
218s might be missing the whole set right now
219s so uh maybe we need to to fix that at
222s some point i' I've I've got two
224s controversial chargeblade comments two
227s sides of the coin so we have so says
230s best tip for chargeblade is to put it
231s away and use the glaive instead uh and
236s Haya says only two things you need to
238s know about chargeblade number one youer
241s number two you
242s bonger which is how I always kind of
244s Imagine kind of like Jewel blades and
247s Hammer just going all
250s in uh Combat fros on YouTube says charge
254s blade tip use switch acts instead oh my
258s goodness we've started
261s something so I'm yeah so we have our
265s assigned Quest it is pke pke um so we
268s will see how this goes uh let's start in
272s the southwest
275s Camp all right and just as a reminder
277s this week we um are only showing jono's
280s gameplay um but usually we will show
283s both of our game plays but uh just for
284s this week we will uh only have one yeah
287s but fair not I say our next stream is
288s all good reminder Joe actually our next
291s stream will be on January 11th
293s 2024 um so next year but you won't be
296s waiting long um so yeah January 11th
298s 2024 is when the next stream will be
300s we're just going to take a little break
302s over the festive holiday period um and
304s we'll be back to the duel gameplay so
306s you won't be stuck with just me you'll
308s get to see Joe in action as well uh
310s which will be really really good um but
313s you know I'll make sure to keep a good
314s angle on
316s Joe trying to join your quest here let's
319s see I think I joined the wrong one I I
321s joined the
322s SOS that's my yeah you just want to help
325s out not
326s thinking here we go here we
328s go all right I'm in there now should we
331s eat nice let's have yeah let's have some
333s food and remember before every every
335s hunt make sure you eat uh yes and my
338s personal tip I always go for extra HP
340s like when especially in the early game
342s late game obviously you in mid game you
343s might look for some particular skills
346s but at the minute I just want to make
347s sure I don't
348s c yeah yeah you might want the extra
350s faint or something later on in the game
352s when you're taking on ptalis or
354s something crazy so uh that's always
357s helpful but you know early game so we
358s can we can take it pretty easy just give
359s her yourself a little bit of wiggle room
363s yeah um so yeah we we won't be back
365s until January 11th so we are taking a
367s little bit of a a Break um you know it's
370s been a been a busy year we're going to
372s enjoy the holidays probably playing some
374s monster hunter so it's going good time
376s oh yeah I'm going to probably do some
378s more uh anomaly investigations in some
380s break cuz like as like last week if
383s you're watching Joe mentioned that our
385s Hunters here we only play these Hunters
387s on stream with you so this is a journey
390s we're taken together um whereas
392s obviously you know in our in our spare
394s time we've got our own characters as
395s well our own Hunters that we we like to
398s dip
399s into all right yeah sorry can we do it
404s y yeah it's been it's been kind of funny
406s I mean uh I've been looking at this uh
408s this Hunter and I'm like man I kind of
410s want to spend some time playing it but I
411s got I got save for the stream so it's
413s it's you know what I'm surprised at just
415s how excited I am to keep keep playing
417s more and more World cuz we both put like
420s hundreds of hours into World an iceborn
421s back in the day and now I'm playing
423s again I'm like the Nostalgia has bit me
426s and I'm like yes oh yeah I want to take
429s those take those antidotes um but yeah
431s no it's so fun and using a different
433s weapon as well is is like a whole
435s different game right like even if it's
438s similar like the charge blade sword and
439s shield similarities it still feels so
441s different I hope I can remember how to
443s do this now it's been a week since I
445s touched charge blade I always just go
447s back to my comfort weapon of sword and
449s shield you know
450s yeah it's all right you know you're
451s sword and shield main so uh you know
454s it's in your DNA it is you know it's
456s just the muscle memory of not being able
458s to metu shui and kind of focusing more
461s on um doing perfect Rush Oh look a
464s little one little
467s drink oh my
472s goodness all right I'll get it
476s up we got it's a bit soggy here it's a
478s bit raining
480s yeah I'm a chargeblade mean but
482s considering doing sword and shield my
483s advice give it a go like seriously have
486s another playr grab the sword and shield
488s like if that's what you want to do
489s obviously there's 14 weapons to choose
491s from so please don't feel that you have
492s to use sword and shield but you you
494s probably should cuz it's really cool but
496s you
498s know we've got a we've got ran in the
500s chat and he is saying no gun LS it's
503s like no way I had a gun Lance on at the
505s start of the stream but you clearly
508s weren't hear ran I'm heartbroken
512s I tell you I'll put a gun Lance on for
514s this next hunt Okay okay there we go
516s there we go should we do double gunland
518s shall we we should we should it'll be a
520s blast Let's Do It Let's Do It um a blast
523s I see it let's let's see if our Scout
526s flies can pick up anything yeah let's
529s make our way in here a little bit yeah
531s we do do we do have the iceborn
533s expansion on but we we're not going to
535s well we're going to do our best to not
536s use the clutch claw and stuff like that
538s to try and give you a Mor realistic
540s World Experience if you are picking the
542s game up in the sale and didn't pick up
543s iceborn at the same time but if you do
545s grab ice born you do get the clutch claw
547s and you get a couple of or some new
548s moves for the weapons as well for you to
550s enjoy um yeah but it's entirely up to
554s you yeah like we said uh Monster Hunter
557s world is on sale at a historic low price
560s right now um and if you want iceborne
563s you can get that as part of a uh the the
565s master Edition which I believe is also
567s uh on sale for a very very low price so
570s um yeah just a really great time to jump
572s into the game it really
574s is um right so come on Scout flies C
578s don't be afraid of the
581s rain I guess I guess pke PUK will be a
584s bit deeper into the forest yeah probably
586s more into like the jungly type
591s area let's have a little
598s look yeah I yeah you that's true you can
600s disable the DLC on Steam but I really
602s really like perfect rush
606s so got some mucus here yum
610s yum oh got an investigation as
614s well we are on Steam yeah so when we
616s open up the Gathering Hub later if you
618s want to play with us uh do jump on there
621s um I've just seen my green screen my
623s lighting is uh letting me down let me
625s just quickly turn that around oh no oh
630s let me so do apologize for those having
633s to put up with my green screen showing
635s the joys of uh
637s lighting we do it live we do it live
640s there you go that's a little bit
642s better it's green at least so it goes
644s for the forest you know I'll sort that
646s out
647s after yeah yeah no
651s worries right I think we're starting to
653s get some tracks though so that's really
654s really good how long are these streams
656s on average uh we usually go for about 2
658s hours so Uh Oh
662s that's oh do we should we we we we could
666s give it a
667s go should we I mean anath is famously a
671s wall maybe we should avenge those
673s Hunters that got triple carted by this
675s this
676s monster hey I'm afraid of you are yeah I
680s mean let's give it a bash right there it
682s is okay so it's going to area
685s 12/6 at the
687s moment let's get him let's let go have
689s long grab these herbs I'm sure this will
691s go find me the rustiest chargeblade user
695s uh and and me not experienc Hammer user
702s yeah oh I'm getting nervous now yeah I'm
705s going to get bodied like uh but if we
708s beat it then you know we're we're doing
711s one for all the new Hunters that uh yeah
713s yeah but it was great hearing you know
715s back kind of when you know world came
717s out all those years ago and Hunters kind
719s of saying you know this monster was a
720s wall it was absolutely bodying them but
722s then they practiced they overcome it and
724s you know they they surmounted the anath
728s mountain yeah that's that's the joy of
730s Monster Hunter right exactly oh there
733s you go I can see on my mini map now in
736s the bottom left oh we are close last
739s time we saw anath I think it was uh
741s using great jaas as a rack doll in the
744s uh like the uh prologue tututorial
748s oh there it is and is that great jagas
751s as well oh no don't tell me it's going
754s to happen again oh
758s boy great jagas is like
762s do all right okay here we
770s go and yeah I am a rusty charge blade
772s user so any advice feel free to
778s share
781s oh yeah I need to remember the
784s combos ooh even a little hit there does
787s a ton of
789s damage o oh I just tried to wire fall
792s away and it didn't
795s work all the have Die Hard oh yeah ohoh
799s I I didn't make any um oh no that's my
801s fishing rod there we go first aid
804s met I'm I'm mounted on it now so I
807s should be able to stun it shortly I hope
810s okay
813s charge yeah the an doesn't M all
824s right going to go for an
826s S oh no it moved no my sharpness is
831s falling apart as well oh nice I
838s I
844s oh my goodness that did a lot of
848s damage a
851s whiffed
854s oh uh watch
857s out oh I I I kind of whiffed it a bit
861s there that's all right I need to charge
865s my uh my
868s blade charging a charge PL I don't know
871s about that I need to remember the button
872s combo
875s uh oh there we
878s go oh that's more like
881s it oh great jagas oh boy are you here to
885s help us no no the damage is insane you
889s got
890s this my health is so low
894s oh they're coming
897s back okay that's some nice damage get
899s the blade
902s charged great jaas please now's not the
905s time oh the damage difference between
909s the two of them is massive oh my
913s goodness right okay we we're definitely
915s punching above our weight at the moment
916s but it's fun it's going all right it's
918s going all right yeah it's a nice
920s challenge exactly use the clutch Flor no
922s no no no we're going for the World
926s experience I just need to change my
929s camera setting which I have a monster
932s lock let's
936s see I'll see if I can uh get my green
940s screen to play ball
944s quickly I don't know if that helped y
947s okay we're back we're back
954s uh all right I need to get my shield
957s charged oh no that was not good
962s pick up last where'd you go uhoh I'm oh
966s no that's not
968s good are you there already oh you are
970s there yep great jaus is running by as
974s well oh oh that's
979s fire oh oh keep missing
986s terrible that's it keep looking at Joe
990s oh oh we got a good one we got a good
995s one
997s o oh the chip damage was
1001s real nice BL thank you thank you oh
1005s hello adamant seed yes please give me
1008s that defense
1017s boost
1020s it's all about spacing yeah not hit it
1023s there we go yeah oh nice you comboed him
1026s into
1028s me that's teamor that is oh oh no I'm
1031s just about to lose my shield that was
1033s both of us I
1035s think there we
1046s go can I be greedy no he roled me out I
1049s was going to get greedy aim for the tail
1053s Ah that's something I cannot do yeah
1056s Hammer uses entails The Forbidden
1058s forbidden
1062s combo
1064s yeah I didn't get expect to get my uh my
1066s heart racing uh this early in the
1068s morning for
1071s us
1073s yeah like we'll do a couple casual hunts
1076s yeah be fine you know yeah how bad can
1080s it be come on green screen I believe in
1082s you I believe in you you got it green
1086s screen is that better no
1090s no that's all right we just have the
1092s nice it's just the Ancient Forest glow
1094s coming out of the game you know it's
1096s that 4D
1098s experience okay I've gone the wrong way
1101s I wasn't watching my Scout flies uh
1104s let's see this way I think this way P
1107s PUK is like what's all that noise
1110s oh sorry this
1111s way I'll follow
1114s you the Buffa mode is better you think
1117s you know what I've never really used the
1119s axe mode much and I to the point whereas
1121s I'm so obsessed with the SED I don't I'm
1124s the saying when it comes to charge blade
1126s I don't really know how to use the axe
1127s part of it and I I feel bad that I don't
1129s know feel like I'm missing
1137s something all right
1140s okay I need to get my St back they got
1142s me oh it's over there okay oh jeez oh
1145s jeez uh oh I'm I have no life Powers oh
1152s no all right all right I'm
1154s out uhoh I'm just sliding oh my I nearly
1157s got one ta thank you Pico I appreciate
1165s you
1167s o oh
1180s nice hit that was
1185s wonderful knock them
1187s out oh there we go yeah that was
1196s juicy pizza cutter for the win are you
1198s going use that J pizza cutter I need to
1200s know the combo for it I'm very much a
1203s rookie when it comes to uh World charge
1206s blade I believe it's left trigger while
1210s you're
1210s charging from what I
1213s remember while I charge while I'm
1215s putting the charge in the blade I
1218s believe
1221s so I'll have to have a a quick check
1225s yeah maybe we should hit the training
1226s room or something yeah
1233s maybe I can get KN down
1237s oh oh there go we got some hits that's
1239s not so
1241s bad Bon all right on the
1244s snos on the snar
1247s yeah oh lovely knock down that was
1251s beautiful oh no I'm in your way that's
1254s my
1256s bad oh good oh good oh maybe I can get a
1260s che oh no the roar
1266s denied oh no oh I keep trying to I keep
1269s trying to
1270s wifall uh it's my sun break habits dying
1273s hard there as I get my muscle memory
1276s back oh no I'm going down no no no oh oh
1282s I got
1283s buged uhoh uhoh get off thank you oh Pro
1287s Slinger
1289s all right I'm going to risk it in my way
1293s oh he's back up no no no no no no no no
1295s oh we've nearly got
1297s it and what what I like as well like
1299s with world and any monster a game as
1301s well you can always try punching
1304s punching a bit higher than you usually
1305s would um cuz if you beat the monster you
1307s get the parts right and you can you can
1310s start trying to craft that
1313s gear that's what it's all about
1316s exactly exactly I could ESS here if I'm
1319s quick if he goes to
1322s sleep it's all on you Cho you got to
1325s deliver on this uh people s me to use
1327s buffed axe mode um but then I need to
1330s remember I don't you know what I'm so
1332s sad Centric I don't know how to get the
1334s axe out you
1336s know you got one thing on your mind
1339s exactly did I go that's Hing that
1342s SED uh where'd you go J I just just a
1345s little little climbing area here oh okay
1348s I think I I got turned around
1351s here oh he's up here oh know you're
1353s ahead of me I thought you were behind me
1355s I don't know how I got there maybe I can
1358s get this off in
1360s time there we go I didn't connect with
1363s the main attack
1365s but oh you knocked me out the way what a
1367s hero oh I'm sorry no it's good you saved
1371s me oh ched's taking a lot of aggo oh and
1374s going down here you're hero cheddar
1379s I don't want to be here oh no
1383s no oh I'm in
1386s danger hold
1389s on oh I'm having to
1398s roll oh no not
1400s again oh I'm trying to get into axe mode
1403s so I'm not doing as much as I
1405s could oh nice stagger
1411s oh I think that hit I wasn't paying
1422s attention uh-oh oh no oh
1428s ah get off of him
1431s bomb ah oh no I'm sharpening
1437s oh yep if you pinned get get your
1440s Slinger
1445s ready big charge Blade
1450s no
1453s oh uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh oh I'm oh no I'm
1458s just running in and now I'm on
1467s fire oh
1468s uhoh this is this isos side
1473s here I thought we nearly had ANF down
1476s but seems it was all part of the
1481s plan oh there you go I did a Charged
1483s aent
1484s there oh I no I'll avenge
1488s you
1491s wow got me oh oh uhoh I don't want to be
1495s here I don't want to be here
1500s Zip Zip Z Zip
1502s Zip that's the first C of any of these
1504s streams we are we are we are going hard
1508s it's very respectable
1510s part it was me uhoh oh that was that was
1515s quite
1516s something we're just going for the
1517s random no the random sad was a bad
1522s choice I overestimated uh how close anap
1526s would be oh it's changing areas it's
1529s changing areas okay okay I think I'm
1532s pretty far away still but axe mode seems
1534s really interesting I definitely need to
1535s give that a
1539s go and for those asking about Monster
1541s Hunter Wilds good questions it's awesome
1544s you're super excited about it um and the
1545s team did reveal that we will be speaking
1547s more about monst Wilds in summer
1550s 2024 yes they don't have to wait that
1553s long but it is a wait yeah so thanks for
1556s your patience it is appre but we love
1559s reading all about the comments the fairy
1560s crafting the hype across social media
1562s Reddit YouTube comments like we do love
1565s it and the team loving it as well yeah
1568s summer
1568s 2024 yeah we love watching all the
1571s reaction videos just seeing everybody
1572s super
1573s excited uh yeah it's really energizing I
1576s think for everybody
1578s absolutely oh they got me again oh we're
1581s both yeah we're good we're good oh I
1584s need to get my uh Shield
1587s charged
1594s oh that
1600s bite you're doing the dance I
1604s am there we go oh
1607s wonderful
1608s oh all right that was that was a cool
1611s finish nice work good team effort there
1614s okay so normally you wouldn't fight
1615s anena that early but if give it a go if
1617s you come across
1620s like oh my goodness that was an awesome
1622s finish thank
1624s you
1626s oh how early are we on that I think
1629s we're like at least two stars right two
1631s stars below we should be we are super
1634s duper early somewhere PUK PUK just got a
1636s cold shiver like wait a second oh oh God
1640s a they're talking about me now the real
1642s hunt begins yeah P PUK I mean there is
1645s great Jag there I mean I mean do you
1648s want to we probably do we have time we
1651s have time right yeah we got time we got
1653s time
1655s okay well sorry
1659s friend your timing was impeccable great
1665s jagas so how do I come on then um charge
1668s blade users and enjoyers how do I get
1670s into axe mode then in the world charge
1673s blade cuz I kept doing it all the time
1674s in rice and sunbreak like
1677s unintentionally a thank you
1679s zadar that is part of the the style of
1682s monant getting those juicy like during
1684s the fight Joe kept getting really epic
1686s and cinematic stuns and staggers and
1688s knockdowns whereas I was just there
1689s waiting to take the Cherry off the cake
1692s and be like yeah this is this is good no
1694s yeah you have some cool stuff
1698s happen tring to chase him with that oh
1702s the slideing hammer attack is so good if
1703s you press RB and B at the same time for
1706s axe
1706s mode
1709s oh I just did a back hit there okay oh I
1713s see
1715s okay he's doing a little dance and then
1717s you spin to wind oh then you do that and
1720s then you do
1722s that that's not so
1725s bad all we'll take some honey here get
1728s some more Mega potions right uh what's
1731s going on down
1732s here oh I did my attack too
1736s soon
1741s oh yeah the uncharged axe won't do as
1743s much yeah no I I
1745s agree and then I guess obviously I want
1747s to charge my blade so the ax does more
1751s damage oh there we go I shoot that oh
1754s that was a nice
1757s hit you can chain combos correctly you
1759s convert back to ESS mode of a
1762s buff oh nice good work
1765s there oh I'm I'm going to grab some of
1769s these sparkly bones while you do
1771s that just casually grabbing some
1775s stuff oh charging the blade is useful
1777s for axe mode it's nice it glows though
1779s and you know that's always
1785s nice oh there we go there's the
1789s axe oh nice two
1796s STS just just
1799s funking BOS there we go wow good job it
1804s yeah think think we're good there
1807s piercing pods I'll keep the bomb pod so
1810s yeah even more parts that'll be good for
1811s getting some more
1814s gear you need to charge ja that you
1816s charge the shield charging the blade
1817s itself is not useful
1820s ah all right I'm going to sharpen still
1823s pke pke like it suddenly got real quiet
1825s around
1826s here
1829s we did make light work of that one
1830s didn't
1831s we yes we did we we're now going to get
1834s P it promise we're going to get p p now
1837s we we just took a slight
1839s detour borrow says uh jonno while you're
1843s in axe mode you can press Y and B to go
1845s straight into s so I guess that be
1847s triangle and circle free yes that's that
1849s is good to know so we're both chasing
1851s each other okay let's let's check the
1853s map so I know poke pke tends H around
1856s area six and five I think are the main
1858s areas cuz there's like the uh poison
1860s cups there so if we head north yeah
1863s let's head
1864s north we've done everything except the
1866s thing that we were supposed to do yeah I
1868s I found some old footprints for a
1870s monster we haven't found yet yeah that
1873s must be it hopefully I think we'll be
1875s all right
1880s woo I need to make some Mega potions
1882s after uh yeah we're done here yeah I've
1884s been using them up and JF was uh making
1887s sure they went down well hold on yeah
1889s it's p
1892s p all
1896s right one of my favorite monsters just
1899s in terms of how hold back there yeah
1901s it's a fantastic monster I love the
1903s armor as well
1905s yeah well I guess we're doing this oh
1909s the the
1912s roar oh another one for good measure
1916s monsters are running away use the
1918s a guide and'll lead you right to him
1920s didn't want the smoke
1922s yeah Scout flies go we'll grab these
1926s while we're there thank you very much
1927s get some more research
1929s there P
1932s fun yeah you know on a new save we have
1935s like no resources at
1937s all we got to pick up everything we
1941s actually have the craft potions our
1943s infinite stack of potions is yeah not
1945s there yeah can't just go to the
1948s the box and uh restock on everything
1950s immediately I was just like yeah like
1952s when I had my uh adamant seed and I was
1955s like yes a seed rather than you know
1959s like just one seed yeah they trouble you
1962s with a
1967s seed ah oh it didn't get
1971s stunn when you're poison oh I got
1974s poison yeah so with pke P watch out for
1977s that poison oh yeah that's all we got
1980s antidotes oh my
1981s goodness s them you know I'm going to be
1984s greedy
1986s here be greedy do it
1990s oh there we
2001s go oh boy we're bullying
2006s them
2008s oh there we go that was a cool
2009s combo use the axe use up the charge then
2013s once the charge is gone
2017s s hello but yeah thanks to Joe using the
2020s hammer we're getting loads of stun and
2022s exhausting from the blunt
2027s damage yeah just you know it's a little
2029s dangerous you got to stay near the head
2031s all the time it is satisfying oh
2034s absolutely Hammer is the quintessential
2036s highrisk High War play
2046s yeah we've been waiting for you
2052s po watch out for that poison proceeds to
2054s get hit by it well you know do as we say
2057s and not as we do EXA we're showing you
2059s how to hunt and how not to hunt yeah
2062s it's a a two for one
2065s special pressing in C does a nice attack
2068s thank you for the charge plade tips when
2070s you have piz of G activated if you have
2071s enough so spinning ax of fire will
2074s refill oh that's some nice
2088s tack I'll let you uh say hello to PUK
2090s PUK first here I'll follow your
2094s lead do you have your uh your files
2098s ready or I don't I am Fess okay okay
2107s Fess oh there he goes let's follow Joe
2111s for a good view of this okay okay okay
2114s hope I don't miss here oh I missed oh
2116s you got the Stagger you were too
2123s effective I missed for the whole world
2125s to
2126s see
2129s oh that's right I got tail whipped me
2131s too me too it's okay we got a bigger
2142s wasp oh there we go
2146s just just like my jop here is
2149s done I like off the
2154s ledge good job and we'll be switching
2156s over to the gun l is for the next hunt
2158s that's right yeah we did promise that
2160s for Ruan oh
2164s yes so yeah we got lots of Monster Parts
2166s there so if we go to the Smithy after
2168s this we can kind of see what awaits us
2170s of what new gear we can if we want to
2172s farm some gear we we
2178s can
2181s oops like caught caught a uh vest there
2184s and it didn't shatter quick there's a
2186s VES car
2189s here pull off the triple GG yes yes we
2192s did oh yeah I mean and janath I honestly
2194s thought we were going to eat more than
2195s just one car I thought we were both
2197s going to be like thrown around
2199s regretting our decision um but it came
2201s out
2203s okay done last time yes it is yes it is
2206s oh yes going to see if I can there we go
2210s I have to zoom into my face a bit but
2212s I've got rid of the green bar the only
2215s downside is I I'm like a big head and
2217s there you you get the upper
2222s torso but lots all right all there
2227s yeah and we got some bonus rewards from
2229s the other monsters we hunted as well
2231s there's me the on the end screen their
2233s uh catch and puket in the chops with axe
2237s mode so that was 28 minutes for three
2240s monsters that was fun yeah and our
2243s Hunter Rank increased yeah we got a new
2245s Arena Quest added we should check that
2247s at some point oh yes and I don't really
2249s mess around with the arena too much
2251s actually in most Monster hun games so
2253s maybe that's something we can change
2254s here I think so we should definitely dip
2256s into those cuz there's some cool rewards
2258s and some interesting on cuz they they
2260s push you out of your comfort zone cuz
2261s certain Arena Quests limit you to
2264s certain weapons right um so you might be
2267s like oh I don't use the light bow gun or
2268s I don't use you know L maybe a good time
2271s to learn
2273s yeah now we're catch up with the
2276s commander
2278s hey wild spy
2280s waste it's time to begin Elder Dragon
2283s investigation make sure I'm going to try
2285s and restock
2287s on stuff that I need cuz I have no mega
2291s potions uh that's I think that's going
2293s to be a must oh
2295s absolutely so this one
2299s is is this an expedition this one just
2302s kind of complete the
2304s assignment uh keep our schol saf as your
2306s score for new EV oh no no we can do this
2308s one together
2312s okay all right I'm going to put my gun
2314s Lance on are we going to do the rathen I
2316s mean if rathan turns up we're going to
2319s have to have a we should we probably
2321s should um I'm just going to put on the
2323s gun L I don't know if I I'm going to
2324s have to level up this gun Lance it's
2325s it's uh I say level up I mean uh
2336s upgrade
2342s oh she'll be there I'm being threatened
2345s Now by
2348s chat okay got to figure out what I need
2351s to take out of the almost nothing items
2354s that I have
2357s here
2365s rearrange
2369s it is gun Lance yeah I mean I'm not
2370s overly familiar with it again but it'll
2373s be
2374s fine yeah you'll be all right let's
2377s upgrade our gun
2379s Lance I mean what other gun we got this
2384s one there is the Great jagas Gun L what
2387s is it normal shelling level one so
2389s that's 207
2391s 207 230 might be cool to make the the
2394s jagas
2395s one
2403s let's let's just upgrade the gun L just
2405s cuz we're flirting with the gun L at the
2408s moment yes that's what we're doing right
2410s I got to I got to switch over
2412s huh oh yes oh I can keep going if I want
2415s to
2417s there hey it's great to hear that the
2419s stream got you uh pumped up to play in
2422s World and thanks for swinging by as well
2425s good luck in the Ancient Forest watch
2426s out anath don't be afraid to to give it
2428s a slap if he gets a bit
2432s close so I'm going to forge some armor
2434s or look at it so we have loads of new
2437s armor to look at um so obviously there's
2439s the Rath Los from the previous stream
2441s but anath is there now um so let's take
2444s a little look at um I mean aesthetically
2447s it looks really really cool um so it's
2450s got artillery fire resistance Special
2452s ammo boost marathon runner and fire
2454s attack so a little bit good there I
2455s think for gun Lance I believe um we also
2459s got pke P so I love the Aesthetics on
2462s the pke pke gear um botanist poison
2465s attack poison resistance item prolonger
2467s and survival expert so nice bit for
2469s early status early poison builds
2473s mhm I can make some vest boid bits I can
2476s make the vest boid chest using that
2478s shell um or the um coil for some
2483s paralysis resist I'm just enjoying my
2486s bone armor too much at the moment I
2488s think I mean fashion comes first so yeah
2492s fashion game is the end game even in
2494s early game as
2497s always it's our end
2499s game I can't go to the Gathering Hub cuz
2501s I already put a quest in oh can you see
2503s it on the
2506s board uh yes I can see
2509s it unless hold up the quest or the the
2512s quest that you put in yeah yeah the best
2515s kind of quest
2518s um you cannot join this Quest because
2520s you have not progressed enough in the
2521s story okay so we may have to do this
2523s separately we'll get the cut scene in
2525s then and then uh take it from there yeah
2529s okay sounds good sounds good nice nice
2532s yeah if you get it first I'll join you
2534s uh if I get it first you can HP into
2537s mine smart gamer says my bad I want to
2540s get into the series but I only have
2541s stories two and rise to go off well
2544s you're in luck because world is is on
2547s sale right now for a very very low price
2550s less than a tener yeah that's a very
2553s colloquial
2555s say that one's for the European viewers
2558s yeah um so yeah it's currently um less
2561s than nine Great British pounds and
2563s what's the price in dollars
2565s roughly uh it's $10 basically $9.99
2568s bargain absolute bargain it is a barg
2570s not that we're biased but it is a
2575s bargain
2578s um so Johnny asks what is our usual main
2581s weapons what's your usual weapon main
2583s Joe um I'm usually great sword and I am
2586s sword and shield so we're both fans of
2588s Swords albeit slightly different sized
2593s swords all right so should we start
2595s start this Quest yep yep I've literally
2598s just uh started uh started it up all
2600s right all right but do you like long
2603s sword I've used it but not very much um
2607s I know that long sword is a super
2609s popular weapon and for very good reason
2610s it's stylish it's a long sword you know
2614s but yeah have you used long sword Jo you
2617s know not too much um I've dabbled here
2620s and there it's a cool weapon cool
2621s looking weapon um but you know I I like
2625s stuff with like big impact so obviously
2627s great sword Hammer really cool I like
2629s gunland also so yeah stuff that hits
2631s hard not that the long sword doesn't hit
2634s hard get that bomb up and
2639s then okay we just so we got the Jal so
2642s both of us in our own little quests
2645s escorting the scholars at the
2648s moment
2651s flag EXO says uh sorry let me see that
2656s uh who are we basically they're asking
2658s we are the Capcom Community manager so
2661s I'm over at Capcom USA and jonno is at
2663s Capcom
2664s Europe that is true that true and we are
2667s also you know we're not just the monity
2669s managers we love monst like we've both
2671s been playing for 10 plus years
2675s now we we love the
2678s series yes definitely and we also work
2680s on some other games as well John you
2681s work on EXO Primal I work on Dragon St
2684s so um and and a v variety of other games
2688s so yes lots to to love from Capcom
2691s exactly and we obviously do have the
2693s dragon not dragon do the EXO primal
2696s Hunter
2697s collab coming early next year as well
2700s which yeah super super
2703s exciting areas thus creating
2707s a oh great we get to go uphill
2711s now nice this is our first time in Wild
2713s Spire huh it is it's such a cool
2715s environment as well and you know you
2717s this environment as well hosts a lot of
2719s the endgame monsters as well uh that
2722s you'll end up fighting I mean you know
2724s teostra likes to lurk around here uh
2727s turning up the heat obviously you know
2729s you got Diablos black Diablos
2735s like yeah I guess a cool piece of lore
2738s is that you know basically the regions
2740s are connected right so um the water
2743s that's in this area is coming from the
2745s Ancient
2747s Forest so that's why you know yeah you
2749s know it's got
2751s like it's a desert area but you know if
2754s you're wondering why there's like lot of
2756s water and swap land that's where it's
2758s all coming
2759s from that it's good to know I love how
2761s the team really focused on ecology as
2763s well like building up this this Liv
2765s living breathing kind of ecosystem and
2767s you know you can follow monsters around
2769s and just kind of like watch them uh and
2771s see what they get up to in there kind of
2773s like dayto day mhm
2779s MH picking up some bits on the way
2781s what's this A a flashbug
2785s oh
2789s time to start up World I like your style
2791s you me we made it can we have a break
2795s now look the Wildfire oh there we go a
2799s nice view the wild fire yeah but we
2802s still have a ways to go well on we go an
2806s actual Spire
2808s yeah the wildest of spes
2812s yeah actually downhill might be worse
2815s this is so heavy swag axe m i I respect
2820s it you know I loved the uh the swag axe
2823s in uh sunbreak like it got such cool
2827s like Silk bind attacks like like the is
2829s it the falling Wy or diving Wy I Tred to
2832s remember cuz I only dabble did it where
2833s you go up in the air and you you come
2835s down at an angle and if you hit the
2837s monster you leave like a charge on them
2838s that then explodes it's so cool it's so
2841s anime I loved it yeah oh
2845s yeah oh hello that sounds like a
2847s familiar
2848s roar I just heard it on my side too we
2851s are insan it's like yeah we're maybe a
2854s second or two
2855s off salaar says they also loved just
2858s going out on Expeditions in rise and
2859s sunbreak and just watching the monsters
2861s and watching like some the camp sing
2863s they gave us their
2866s example oh my uh my researchers aren't
2869s very happy I'm just going to get this
2870s fruit before I go in though yum yum yum
2872s yum yum yum
2875s yum
2877s so I guess we're uh we're
2879s independently protecting the researchers
2885s Ries so we should be okay to join join
2888s me to H into
2889s yours um are we able to do that are we
2891s able or do we need to defend the
2893s researches first let me
2896s see um it looks like we can't yet yeah
2898s yeah not yet cuz the SOS flare is uh
2901s still gr out do we try no we won't so we
2906s we'll be back'll and we got to team up
2909s on that one yeah definitely oh she's
2911s giving me the eyes oh no no
2914s no don't mind us we're just passing by
2918s Live and Let Live Now
2923s run oh rathan uh started looking at us
2929s now ran says we can only do it after we
2932s enter the barro cut
2934s scene we will wait until
2938s cuz ruran as well has actually been
2939s doing a return to world uh stream series
2942s too over on his channel which has been
2944s really really cool to see I've swung by
2946s a few times and poked my head in as well
2948s like
2951s Incognito a lurker oh yes we got a Hy as
2955s well
2958s too you've been interested in a range of
2960s weapons of late also the support style
2962s weapons like the hunting horn the
2964s hunting horn is great for support it
2965s gives brilliant Buffs but believe me
2968s when I say it's far more than just a
2969s support weapon it it does the
2972s damage oh yeah and it doesn't style it's
2975s almost like a hammer a little bit you
2977s know the way it hits the but damage yeah
2981s Hammer but yeah the Buffs are
2982s massive the death DOA oh yeah I think
2986s we've done a couple streams where you
2987s have been running hunting horn and I'm
2989s like w my life is so easy right now oh
2991s yeah like the hunting horn especially in
2993s in sunbreak like you get such good like
2996s uh songs on it like sharpness reduction
3000s you know sharpness regeneration attack
3002s up yeah love it love it sword and shield
3006s is the real support weapon explain
3010s yourself that yeah that T's not going to
3012s go over well uh but yeah I I I get where
3016s they come from because obviously like I
3018s know wide range builds are really
3019s popular for some sord of Shield players
3021s cuz obviously we don't need to put our
3022s weapon away to use items like that's
3025s pretty cool right
3027s yeah that's a that's a pretty big bonus
3029s that is a huge bonus um so you know we
3032s can we can start glugging back potions
3034s AB us this
3037s region so yeah that's good for that and
3039s you can quickly throw out life powders
3041s so I get it I get where you're coming
3043s from I'm just teasing you
3046s because they assume yeah there you go
3049s wide range use items of SW you know
3051s what's
3052s up we have to be careful mushroom maner
3055s wide range yeah I mean I remember doing
3057s stuff like extreme off and Arch tempered
3060s um monsters I ran a support build for
3063s that with my sword and shield cuz I was
3065s just throwing back potions to heal the
3068s team yeah you got to use them all
3070s exactly there's so many great ways to
3072s build your Hunter and with different
3073s sets there's no wrong way to do it if it
3076s works for you and you're having fun then
3080s it's good it's it's good right it's not
3083s it's not all about pure DPS cuz you know
3085s it's really cool to see hunters and
3087s speedrunners that can do it but I'm not
3089s one of those I take a few knocks let's
3092s see what kind of present Zora part of
3095s fun all right we've made it to the Spire
3098s or
3100s uh oh lunar is going for that 20th
3103s Fatalis kill good luck yeah we're we're
3105s just Spire as well it's a bit steamy
3108s it's it's a bit
3114s warm
3118s yes you I haven't seen these in a while
3120s I know it's bringing back memories yeah
3124s oh it's blue blue scal
3128s flies look over there another clue first
3133s eure ah thank you for the subscription
3136s Mia that's very kind of you tier three
3138s as well very
3143s generous 1,000 fatalist my good
3146s 1,000 oh wow that is that's way more
3148s than I thought
3150s to ah it's
3152s barro
3154s JP jumping
3157s Jackies follow
3159s me a very cinematic cut scene I like the
3163s uh the moves from our hunter yeah look
3165s at that W do a Power
3169s roll was that scatter up there as
3174s well oh right on the
3177s nose all right so should I join
3180s you uh go for it I'm still in the cut
3182s scene um yeah I'm going to so try return
3186s from the quest yeah return from the
3188s quest and I will I will run away like a
3191s brave
3192s Hunter I just abandoned those
3193s researchers good luck they got a head
3196s start they got a head start they had
3197s their
3200s chance out of my job here is done yep
3203s you only paying me so much Zen
3206s uhoh uh oh no no no no no oh I got
3210s charged cuz I was greeding the shiny
3212s Cactus and obviously we know bar
3215s probably quite likes the C cacti so
3219s yeah all right so do you need to back
3221s out for me to join you or I can just you
3223s might be able to join cuz yeah I left
3225s enough slot for you to join so it should
3227s be okay now I think if not I'll back out
3229s oh here here we go yeah I see it I'm
3231s going to briefly
3233s Retreat oh her might want to eat huh did
3236s we eat I all right I wanted to eat yeah
3239s so I'm rejoining I I won't say no to
3241s food I'm greedy like that there's rathen
3243s I think as well was that yeah Ran's
3245s right next to us
3248s um oh
3253s boy oh yeah barro found me I was not
3257s paying attention to Bar off
3262s punishment it said to eat again uh
3267s uh that's a good idea let's go back to
3269s Camp I'm probably still in combat here
3273s yeah I'm about to get yeah a social
3275s Hunter is a smart Hunter remember to
3278s exchange Guild cards with your cards oh
3280s yeah I probably do need your guild card
3282s yeah we got the gun Lance on yes we're
3285s doing double gun Lance courtesy of ruran
3288s oh yes there's R and I don't know why
3291s I'm running at her
3294s um cool so you're there I'm going to run
3297s down to meet
3298s you then do we do we try
3302s rathen
3303s oh I
3305s mean I'm down yeah okay we'll go for
3310s it then we'll get barro afterwards did
3313s you head back to Camp or where where did
3314s you go I I'm running back towards you at
3316s the moment um I'm in area 7 so if we
3321s both head towards area 2 which is where
3323s rathan is going at the moment
3326s okay going to change my Scout
3328s flies to Target I see you I see you and
3332s then look they guide you the well one of
3334s the best routes to get there so that's
3336s very handy because it's easy to get lost
3337s especially when you're new to monster on
3339s world mhm
3354s mhm
3357s okay I got to go more North that was a
3359s cool cut scene though seeing the hunter
3361s getting that Slinger right up in there
3363s to like defle barrel
3366s away very acrobatic yes especially with
3369s a gun L on your
3373s back okay I'm lurking in the the bushes
3376s near area 2
3380s sl3 sneaky
3384s Hunter so let's see how this goes so I'm
3387s probably even rustier with the gun Lance
3388s than I am uh charge same here same here
3392s I play more gun Lance on uh in rise and
3395s it's got quite a different move set so
3397s see how this goes rocketing around
3399s everywhere yeah very stylish the bullet
3402s barrage is uh is very very cool TX says
3406s I'd love to see uh palu well you know
3408s we'll get there eventually yes we'll get
3411s there and it's it's your alltime
3412s favorite monster did you give them a
3414s vote in the Hunter's Choice
3416s uh Community poll I'm sure they'll
3418s appreciate it welcome Joe okay so let us
3423s gun Lance for great
3425s Justice let's do it maybe we should uh
3429s we should run up first oh oh that was
3432s just a warning roar oh I just did an
3436s aerial attack oh no okay yeah I got the
3439s tail I got the tail it's all good right
3441s I need to remember remember my combo
3443s okay while you're doing that I'm going
3444s to sharpen cuz the shells like to drain
3448s that sharpness we got a level two hype
3450s train emote oh yeah all
3454s right good job everyone God we got more
3457s sub three
3459s subs thank you
3465s everybody I'm just casually watching you
3467s uh do your
3470s Mountain oh nice go go
3474s go
3478s Full
3479s Burst I need to remember the kind of
3481s semi infinite combo you can do by keep
3484s ending up uh finishing the combo I think
3488s the uh the muscle memory is come back to
3490s me I'm just firing in the air
3497s there heal up a little
3499s here I
3502s don't oh the waddle oh that hurts that
3507s hurt well she's on the
3511s move oh the reload repeat yeah that is
3514s the one I need to remember what the wi
3515s sweet button is I think it would be
3516s triangle for
3519s me cuz I think that that W well yeah
3522s that's not a terrible start got the got
3524s the Wy are you uh or the familiarizing
3528s yourself with everything uh let's
3530s see remember oh no not that one steak
3533s blast that
3536s or we go that oh no don't want to use
3539s the
3542s shells I used to use the ran gun Lance a
3545s lot and uh okay then you go down then
3548s you would burst yeah then burst y yeah
3550s that's the one normal shell gang that's
3552s the loop the
3554s loop World ice spawn gun Lance is my
3556s favorite version of the weapon it's
3558s great seeing how like each game has
3560s slightly different iterations of the
3561s weapon so you know it as soon as you
3563s play it if you main it but there's a new
3565s new bit of flavor to it or something
3566s different about it from the time before
3573s yeah I did that wrong it's kind of like
3575s a fighting game right oh which I I
3577s usually say about the weapons it's kind
3578s of
3579s like you know every every time there's a
3582s Ryu and a street fighter he's a little
3583s different yeah that's a good good
3587s comparison
3589s oh oh I should probably heal yeah I was
3593s a bit far away doing my combo it wasn't
3594s the the most graceful hunter
3597s ever oh I missed with
3602s that
3607s oh
3610s oh I messed up the combo but we still
3613s got some nice
3617s damage
3619s oh there we go we we'll get the shells
3621s in
3624s there
3625s I'm on red sharpness or orange sharpness
3628s oh no me
3632s too oh
3636s o that hit hard WRA sh that she's the
3638s queen of explosions here
3643s yeah my P is stunned oh
3650s no
3651s o oh oh oh the waddle is what always
3654s gets me R every
3658s time the
3664s water get that
3666s reloaded oh down we go and a
3672s sweep there we go there's the combo then
3675s we'll go for a finish here W
3681s SP oh boy I'm facing the wrong way oh
3685s oh the triple Fireball a classic that
3688s almost took me out oh oh my
3693s goodness oh my shortcuts AR
3696s dead oh the wad hey rathan no no no no
3701s oh no rathan is doing me way more than
3707s anath I did get trampled quite rightly
3710s if you run out of he you'll faint and be
3712s returned to the CL now we're both with
3713s one c a piece
3715s you
3720s fa R and ain't
3723s playing made the sapphire staright away
3726s thank you I think I need it in this
3729s hunt yeah they say it's the waddle it's
3731s the waddle that gets me orean it's not
3733s the it's not the Fireballs you know it's
3736s not the back flip most of the time it's
3738s them
3739s Waddles all right it has flown away
3742s great so we can regroup we can we can
3744s dust ourselves down I can massage my
3752s ego I think it's not like I find it I
3755s can get greedy with the gun Lance cuz
3756s I'm like oh just one more attack and
3758s then I can do like a Full Burst yeah
3760s like that's the
3763s way I CED and I haven't eaten oh no oh
3768s dear I should have waited for you it's
3771s good I'm on my way I've only ever so
3774s slightly uh lost it's fine we're back
3776s we're back I can see Ry she's looking
3778s tired though you're doing a good job
3780s she's
3781s big I didn't realize up
3784s close how how big she was look at that
3787s jump I can't jump
3792s myself
3794s oh have we bitten off more than we can
3797s chew for once oh maybe I'm just firing
3800s in the air you know it's fired uhoh no
3804s no no shot
3805s oh you know what I said I I never C to
3807s the backflip wow that was my that was a
3811s lie that was a lie so rathan you know we
3815s you know we did all right against hannaf
3817s you know it made us maybe too
3819s confident I did jinx myself didn't I but
3822s rathan rathan ain't
3826s playing yeah we got too
3833s confident
3835s did I eat before returning I didn't no
3838s and uh I should probably you know I'm
3839s going to go I'm going to go eat I'm
3840s going to go go oh I knocked it down nice
3842s work I'm going to be a little bit longer
3844s cuz I'm going to
3845s reat thank you thank you for the
3847s reminder I was too Keen to get back into
3849s the hunt there but for those that don't
3850s know you can eat in your Camp there you
3852s go things to do around Camp you can
3855s change your weapons and armor here oh no
3857s you know what I I was thinking it was
3858s like Rising sunre where you go into your
3859s tent to eat but really we can eat
3861s outside cuz we have the Handler here
3864s with us C here serves food that will
3866s give you a boost for the hunt ahead
3868s outdoor Cooks outdoor chefs okay so I
3870s can't get the health boost but I can eat
3872s for defense up and hope I get
3875s it I got feline I got defense up I got
3878s defense up I got a couple knockdowns
3881s there um nice so maybe we softened it up
3884s a little bit we definitely you I
3887s definitely you I've been mostly on the
3889s ground no no it was a it was a team
3892s effort it was emotional support you know
3894s what it was maybe it's you know watching
3896s me get carted twice fired you up you're
3898s like yeah Revenge
3901s Revenge my fellow Community
3904s manager I got put respect on Ran's
3907s name I know yeah we we uh we got
3911s humbled and I even got hit by the back I
3913s don't get C by the back flip casted by
3916s backflip
3919s goodbye
3923s deleted
3925s forgot how fun it was to jump into the
3926s guiding LS and just not leave for hours
3928s yeah that is it's so easy to
3930s just stay there for hours I will clear
3933s up and then a monster turns up that you
3934s want you want the part for and it's like
3937s just one more I spent a Sunday morning
3940s just doing that for I don't even know
3942s how long maybe like four or five hours
3944s that was that was really
3949s fun Roan says wyvern fire boys we need
3952s wyvern fire okay okay I think I can
3955s remember the combination it's is it
3956s shield and circle SLB so R2 triangle
3961s circle triangle Circle yes all right
3963s we'll get I mean you've done
3965s fantastically well Joe I have to say
3967s with the gun Lance I have been
3970s uh oh no no don't gas me up I've been
3973s I've been struggling
3975s here there she is look she's like I can
3978s smell jonno I'm going to get
3981s you look at that straight from me she
3983s knows she knows on the the weak Link in
3985s this one no no
3988s no okay let's try try to slide on
3991s here oh I'm on it nice work I see you on
3995s the
3997s tail I'm on my way oh my goodness she's
4000s proper leg in it it's moving
4002s quick I spent a Sunday morning just
4004s grinding a bit of guided L for dot dot
4006s 17 hours yeah just a 15
4013s hours
4015s can hear you chopping away
4017s there come on come
4022s on oh there we go there we go all
4026s right
4028s uh-oh I I did a whoopsy there that's
4031s right though we're back in we're back
4035s in get that combo
4039s off
4041s oh all right he comes the pick a was
4046s W and fire for
4048s ruran
4053s Bullit Oops I did that wrong there we go
4057s oh I'm bouncing
4063s bouncing going for
4068s me o that felt nice
4073s to
4078s yeah thank you I had my shield ready
4080s that
4083s time oh I
4090s missed oh no it's no oh you saved me oh
4094s I hit it I hit it I hit it you hit me as
4096s well you saved me oh I'm sorry sorry
4098s that's good it's good I was about to get
4099s hit I appreciate it that was a thank
4103s you
4112s uh-oh get out of here oh there we go
4115s that done well done bit
4121s Revenge Oh I thought I was near the
4124s head
4126s uh-oh oh oh that's the triple
4129s no a she just caught you you were so
4132s close you are so so close dude
4135s unlucky I thought I got me I was like oh
4138s no not three not the
4141s tripler boy sorry buddy we'll let you
4144s down hey don't worry though look we got
4146s we got the WRA and scale we got we got a
4149s little something you know there's a
4151s lovely there's a lovely little end
4152s screen here of us like shoulder toh
4154s shoulder eating a fireball like that
4158s that is pretty funny yeah my body is
4160s just there it's like yep he did is truly
4165s glorious we've been asked as well what's
4166s our favorite monster to fight what's
4169s yours Jay to fight uh well my favorite
4173s monster is duffel Joe but to
4179s fight I don't know that's a tough one I
4181s might have to think about that a little
4183s bit that is a that is a tough question
4185s isn't it yeah I really really enjoyed uh
4190s the fight against amatsu in Monster
4192s Hunter rise o that was quite at the end
4194s of all the updates yeah just such a
4195s spectacle you know but
4197s um I have a LoveHate uh relationship
4201s with
4202s uh uh our boy Fatalis Fatalis
4208s so um for me like for Sun Break I mean I
4211s really like gosar I really like its
4213s fighting style but primordial Mareno was
4215s such a satisfying fight especially as a
4217s sword and shield user cuz it feels like
4219s you're actually kind of having a jewel
4220s with the monster um but overall like my
4224s time favorite monster is brai theuse um
4226s so I'm really excited to be replaying
4228s world again and and getting to that
4230s point um once again you know it brachi
4234s is an absolute machine an explosive
4236s machine it punches it booms it jumps
4239s you've got the status effect to deal
4241s with as well that you know when you're
4242s in the fight like do I keep it on me and
4244s risk it for a bit or do I focus on
4246s rolling it off I really like kind of
4247s having to make those kind of decisions
4249s uh mid hunt um I've retreated to GA to
4252s the Gathering Hub Joe to to head over
4254s there do the repop the
4256s quest also like you know triple Carton
4259s and you know failing a quest is an
4260s interesting thing cuz in in monant you
4263s know yeah you might lose the items that
4265s you had consumed in the quest but you
4267s can still take some rewards out that
4269s you've already earned and it's a good
4270s learning experience like triple carton
4272s you know look at me and Joe have played
4274s for years and years and years and done
4276s hundreds if not you know thousands of
4278s hunts and we still triple cart it's all
4282s part of the game so yeah yeah don't feel
4284s bad if you dble cart it's a learning
4286s experience because now going back here
4287s I'm going to be like right this is why I
4289s carted I was too greedy and too cocky
4293s and you know going in next time will'll
4295s be fine yeah uh Ron is taking off thanks
4299s Ron happy holidays and uh you know
4302s thanks for joining us and for all that
4303s you do for the community exactly yeah
4305s well said well said we'll keep the gun
4307s Lance on in honor for the next one yes
4310s yes let's do it all right so what are we
4312s doing next uh so we try and redeem
4315s ourselves let's redeem ourselves we
4317s must are we going to go for rathan or
4320s are we going to do what we're supposed
4322s to do if Ran's there we can always say
4324s hi all right all right uh you want to
4328s post that or should I should I join you
4329s I think I posted it I post it oh okay
4331s let me tell tell you what to be fair
4333s though look we we we went after R in
4335s early she beat us she beat us fair and
4338s square so maybe we let her have this for
4341s now we go straight for back okay okay
4343s the game is doing what it's supposed to
4345s do yeah it's like hey I'm going to fight
4347s that monster damn that monster got hands
4352s like I be like I'm not showing that but
4354s we did we did show that
4358s yeah B off more than we could you yeah
4361s so you know what
4362s rathan has earned her her survival in
4365s this stream she did real
4372s good
4374s so yeah carding is always fine say no to
4376s toxicity yes exactly it's all part of
4378s the fun like some of the funniest
4379s moments I've had in one stunter like are
4382s like hilarious carts or like me with the
4384s overconfident like I never cart to a
4387s backflip like and then immediately gets
4391s this yeah so yeah like there's some
4394s brilliant moments like someone will mess
4395s up or like your Hammer mate like hits
4397s you in the air and then you get voied by
4399s the monster and or you hear your friend
4401s screaming running away from like a giant
4403s wave fire and then they get hit it's all
4407s part of the experience y like it it's
4410s all part of the fun
4412s mhm
4415s absolutely yeah Tex text there says yeah
4418s I never C to a uh and then it
4425s happens right um I guess we should
4428s head let's let's head through
4432s the I was going to try and say a
4434s Direction but I just stopped looking at
4436s my compass and I was like H that way
4439s start running yeah yeah there you go L
4441s you know what to do sliding in style
4443s sliding oh
4449s that got to stuck up on potions after
4451s that last
4453s one most my car experiences are my Pico
4456s throwing bombs and knocking me into a
4458s monster I'm
4461s helping carton motivates me to upgrade
4463s my you know what narell that's a really
4465s good point if you're you know if you've
4467s been like you know chugging along quite
4469s I keep forgetting you can't pick them up
4470s in this
4472s one if you've been kind of chugging
4474s along doing well and you start carting
4476s or taking more damage than you expect
4478s it's usually a good sign that you should
4480s upgrade your existing armor or look at
4482s crafting a new set that's you know a
4483s slightly higher tier so that's actually
4485s a really good tip so kudos to you n yeah
4490s learn from our mistakes exactly as you
4492s said we're showing you how to hunt and
4494s how not to H not so anytime we cart
4498s that's our excuse yeah it's all
4500s intentional and part of the plan yes we
4503s want to be the best teachers we can the
4505s true new Hunter
4507s experience give or take a few thousand
4509s hours and py says also when upgrading
4512s armor look for defensive skills you have
4513s zero DPS when you've
4516s Ked yeah cool hey they look familiar
4522s yeah are you are you going to I'm not
4525s going to blow up the caar no no no no
4527s I'm you don't to upset the Final Fantasy
4529s fans that are in chat you know he saw a
4532s caar and immediately attacked it
4535s yeah you know we uh we at Capcom love
4538s our friends at Square Enix so just going
4540s to oh he's going to kick
4543s it uhoh oh
4548s boy now you can use this to help you
4551s fight monsters as well this is a nice
4553s visual Dem demonstration by Joe of what
4555s the character can do off they go look
4558s and yeah that is part of let us to bar
4560s that is part of the monsant Final
4561s Fantasy collab in game yes
4566s yes hello there are we ready for this I
4569s think
4570s so oh I poked his tail oh that raw came
4573s out real quick as
4575s well I get a cheeky there we go B oh
4580s knocked on my butt did I hit you with
4582s that sorry no no no it was it was bar
4584s off I got
4586s headbutted I uh shot him in the uh the
4591s butt I went from the front which is the
4593s most dangerous part of the power oh that
4597s block good yeah the heal bar is still
4602s intact oh the tail can't disrespect the
4608s tail there we are we both on the Block
4610s there
4612s yeah
4615s look at us in sink we're matching
4618s yeah somehow that missed me
4624s somehow but yeah gun Lance is
4626s interesting cuz it has three different
4627s chot types which gives it each like well
4630s that one weapon type three different
4631s distinct play Styles there's normal long
4634s and wide so normal is good if you like
4637s kind of as far as I'm aware I'm not a
4638s gun Lance expert so feel free to correct
4641s me anymore um wide is sorry normal is
4644s great for doing like Full Burst which is
4646s the slam into the ground where you let
4648s go of all of your your shells at once um
4651s and doing combos why I believe is is
4655s good for just doing um the singular
4658s shell blast like that if you like to
4661s just use if you like explosions then
4664s that is the gun L for you and then long
4665s as the charged shells so you can get a
4668s little bit more distance right yeah
4670s little bit more distance and I think you
4672s can charge you can charge them up time I
4675s think or did they are they just longer
4677s in ja that's long is the one I've used
4679s the least yeah I think you get a little
4682s bit more distance on the shots but like
4685s for wide it's kind of like a almost like
4686s a shotgun right yeah it's like boom or
4688s spread
4690s yeah but you know I'm sure the the gun
4693s LS uh Pros will correct
4697s us we we've even got slap plants coming
4700s up where it's just all about just
4702s bashing the monster
4706s oh here you
4708s oh unlucky it's like bar offs in chat
4711s and it's like no you can't yeah no no
4714s you can't show off you can't do anything
4718s cool for barroth is it best to fight a
4720s hammer I reckon Hammer's Wicked against
4722s barroth oh yeah he's got such a big head
4727s yeah oh there's a minor node
4732s here
4734s you know actually J I'm going to revise
4736s I think my favorite monster of fight is
4738s zogre zenoa why zoga good choice yeah I
4742s think it has a really cool move set I
4744s like you know when it does that um it
4747s like jumps in the air and then tries to
4748s like land on you basically that's really
4750s cool yeah yeah and then as a great
4752s swword uh main I love going for the tail
4756s because the tail on that monster is
4758s gigantic it it's a monster has a meaty
4760s tail yeah I should come down and grab
4762s that
4766s W oh I'm I'm hanging her out on there we
4769s go there we go I got down in the
4774s end also zoga has like attitude you know
4777s how it just kind of walks at you oh I
4779s got a light Crystal yeah yeah it's very
4782s cool n gante is discreet favorite
4785s monster how you can systematically
4787s destroy him when you know how he works
4789s but he can destroy you when you
4792s don't
4796s namel is so adorable it really yeah it's
4800s such a unique Elder Dragon as well I
4802s really like how it utilizes like the
4804s jewel element like the water and the
4807s Thunder to like create such a hazardous
4810s fight and the sound effects are really
4812s cool as well that that it
4814s makes lunastra fan over here as
4818s well I struggle with that one yeah that
4821s Nova that Nova's
4824s brutal do you think we can W fire
4829s here do a w fire let let's get close
4832s yeah all right right you ready 3 2 1 no
4837s stop stop come back here oh oh I caught
4840s him I caught him cuz you turned him
4841s around with your
4843s one nice okay so we we still did what we
4845s wanted to do yeah all part of the
4847s plan we just did it with a bit more
4850s style and
4852s flare
4853s oh
4859s there ooh somehow I dodged that
4863s ohom
4865s nice oh okay you tacked that quite
4870s well but as you can see like the the
4873s challenge in the hunt in the Hunts and
4875s the ferocity ramps up quite nicely once
4877s you get out the Ancient Forest so if you
4880s do find the early hunts a bit easy you
4883s your challenge will be there and if you
4885s know if you did find them a bit more
4886s challenging you can stay in the forest
4888s for a bit Farm up your gear get higher
4890s defense you know get some spicier
4893s weapons and then come fight bar off
4895s you're not like you can go back whenever
4897s you want you're not like
4900s pigeonhole oh
4901s hello wa we got Diablos coming out of
4905s the look at
4907s that you're going so that's Diablos
4910s everyone I I I don't think we should try
4913s fight
4915s diao I don't know about that I don't
4917s know about
4918s that I don't know if we're ready no I
4920s don't think we are I think we should go
4922s find bar so yeah this can
4924s happen uh yeah shall we drop down yeah
4928s we should we should drop down we leave
4929s Diablos to it wow that's so cool it's
4932s getting out of here you know I love when
4933s that happens like yeah that very cool
4937s that nearly took down oh there's Diablos
4939s charging through the ground barro that
4941s nearly finished barro off
4945s oh is still here wait yeah it's where
4948s are
4949s you I'm right behind you yeah Diablos is
4952s a great monster cuz in theory it's it's
4954s quite a simple fight like in regards to
4957s how it behaves and its attack so you can
4959s learn it quite well however when it hits
4962s you oh boy when it hits you it hits hard
4966s oh
4967s yes it's it's it's really funny oh sorry
4970s go ahead no off to you off to you I was
4972s going to say it's really it's really
4973s funny uh last week we were like saying
4976s oh maybe we rolled over everything a
4977s little bit too easy you know maybe yeah
4980s we should turn up the challenge a little
4982s bit and now this week the chall too
4984s confident
4987s yeah there you go got a thorn pod on the
4990s head of bar off
4994s there oh okay nice counter I heard I
4997s heard that yeah I was like yeah I got a
4999s good hit in here and then bar was like
5001s so did I oh that was lovely
5004s do we have any W fire do I might oh here
5008s we go come on yeah oh
5012s yes nice yeah God L if you like
5015s explosions then
5019s uh oh nice you got the got
5022s the all right let's go
5025s oh not the ant
5028s nest no there look at them they're
5030s everywhere they're going to ruin our pic
5035s all right
5038s down
5041s boom nice work I love that Diablos
5045s showed up and in what typical Diablos
5047s fashion okay that was
5052s awesome oh I can hook onto a wing Drake
5054s No I must carve the barro barro has some
5056s really cool looking armor as well it's
5057s quite
5058s striking oh yeah yeah it's like it's
5062s it's very
5063s I don't want to say he like thick
5066s but I mean it it
5070s is nobody nobody clipped
5075s that we'll have to go look at the armor
5077s now you know that right
5079s yeah yeah like you know this was a nice
5082s little sand pit here before and then
5084s Diablos is like no like the sheer power
5086s behind that monster and then obviously
5088s then there's black Diablos which is a
5090s whole another level of hurt yeah
5093s yeah tough
5099s one let me have a
5106s souvenir alron was frustrating but maybe
5109s even more than Fatalis can tell you why
5111s I struggle too much at first you know
5113s what it's a very challenging challenging
5115s fight to learn Y super fun and super
5117s rewarding once you get it down but it
5119s you know it is it it is the fight that
5121s gets you ready for fatal
5123s exactly and you know at the time I think
5125s the like the very popular builds among a
5128s lot of people were actually raw builds
5131s um and not Elemental so it was a bit of
5133s a shock to the system for many as a
5135s sword and shield user I use a lot of
5137s Elemental anyway in status so I was like
5139s oh yeah this is great but you know I
5141s know a lot of other popular like sets
5143s were were raw based so yeah if you were
5145s going in without element you were coming
5147s out quite quickly yeah as you playing
5150s the game pretty differently I think you
5152s know you got to do so much Elemental
5154s damage to pass the damage check and you
5156s know there's just a lot of specific
5157s mechanics to the fight that are pretty
5159s unique to the rest of the game um I find
5161s it really cool so yeah it's it's it's a
5163s really great fight I uh I think you
5165s you've introduced a new copy pasta uh
5168s Handler I'm trying to sneak up on the
5170s monster but my bar off armor is dummy
5171s thick and the Clapping of the armor
5173s plates is given away my
5177s position oh oh my
5181s goodness so we got little cut scene here
5184s so we we've got a a friendly face to
5186s talk to as we learn more about the new
5188s world it sounds like the good Scholars
5191s are as encourageable as
5194s ever might I ask are you tracking the
5197s monster that Dro that massive
5202s slag just a a little nod from our hunter
5205s oh yes stoic as yeah follow the trail
5209s find the truth and I'm not sure how far
5211s off my cut scene is from you it's
5212s probably about the same yeah we're just
5214s sipping sipping our drinks at the minute
5216s and oh he's wrapping up he's done it
5218s well nice to see uh I've got places to
5220s be be of some Avail like a gentleman to
5223s you and in our own little multiverses
5225s here a message on to the commander that
5229s I am safe but a force compels me on and
5233s I intend I'm just sat there in my bone
5235s armor like yep yep if you two feel so
5239s compelled then we will cross paths again
5242s at the end of all this I think yeah a
5244s lot of hunters that played the uh you
5247s know in the kind of 3u 4u generations
5250s Generations on my era you know yeah we'
5252s we've been CED by konu either directly
5255s or
5258s indirectly was that who I think it
5262s was all right J so we've got about a
5265s little bit less than half hour should we
5268s should probably open up the Gathering
5270s Hub and and this week we're prepared so
5273s Joe will be popping the code into
5276s YouTube and I'll be popping the code
5277s into twitch so this is your like one
5281s minute
5283s warning yes let me make sure I have the
5286s right code here yeah we don't
5288s have wait a minute all right we prepped
5292s that all
5294s before so let's yeah okay let me know
5297s when you send that in and I will I will
5299s let you know I'm just going to get back
5301s and we'll hop into the Gathering H um
5303s yeah should we take a look at the uh the
5305s thick armor yes we should then we can
5307s put the code in chat good shout all
5312s right the commander pleased with our
5315s achievements there and we're starting to
5317s narrow down the whereabouts of Zora
5319s magdor us and we got a campsite there
5322s immediately ooh a Sinister shadow in the
5327s swamp yeah we can do Guild
5330s cards s just had a h up
5334s there yeah we're going to look at that
5336s armor
5337s set as you ask so
5340s nicely yes we are playing on PC yep yep
5345s okay so here we are we're at the Smithy
5347s the second Fleet
5351s Master where is it there oh we got the
5353s we can get the alloy armor now as well
5356s uh water resist defense boost poison
5358s resist speed sharpening so barroth okay
5363s look at that look at that
5366s oo wiggle
5369s wiggle you can see little plates there
5372s so I can't see what's on your screen but
5375s I think I yeah now
5376s I'm see so we got guard stamina Thief
5380s marathan Runner Muk resistance and stun
5383s resistance so really handy for early on
5385s in the wild spy waste there and
5388s obviously you look like a castle which
5390s is really cool
5393s but I need to think about doing my armor
5395s soon I mean do I want to go into some
5397s alloy
5399s armor what's the difference defense
5402s eight yeah I'm taking look also if not I
5405s could upgrade can I upgrade my uh maybe
5407s I upgrade some equipment uh cuz I really
5411s like the bone armor okay so how am I
5413s doing on Armor spheres okay I've got a
5415s few okay so that'll put me up in in line
5418s with the alloy gear uh I'm going to put
5421s my defense up to
5423s 10 so if you don't want to craft new
5426s sets if you really like what you've got
5428s you can just upgrade it assuming you've
5430s got the armos spares and the zeni yep I
5434s do kind of like what I have in terms of
5436s the
5438s visuals does look good I'm I'm not
5441s really hunting for uh uh for optimal
5444s build right now I guess oh I'm uh oh no
5447s there we go I can get that am I out of
5449s resources I think I am
5456s there we go I'm going to switch back to
5458s hammer yeah I'm going to put on sword
5460s and
5461s shield there you go so I've upgraded my
5464s uh armor set there so I should be able
5466s to take hits a little better so I've
5469s increased my armor on each piece by four
5472s um so that will be a nice defense boost
5473s when they're all combined cuz it might
5476s not look like a much for one piece of
5478s armor but you know when you got your
5479s full set on it quickly adds up mhm
5484s and uh remember if you are jumping in
5487s please keep in line with that armor and
5490s weapon levels you know don't come in
5492s with your raging bracky and your Fatalis
5495s uh you know uh kind of keep in line with
5497s the weapons you know and armor and then
5499s the monsters will have a chance um as
5502s you've seen you know they will fight
5503s back in and triple cart um so when you
5507s get into the Gathering Hub Joe we can uh
5511s pop out the codes Direct
5513s yeah give me one second get the right
5516s Hammer here I'm grabbing my hunter's
5519s knife too I should probably look up if I
5522s can make any more sorden Shields
5524s really not a bad
5529s idea I'm going to have a little little
5531s bit of hydration with my monster hunter
5533s cup or
5541s mug
5544s I took too big a mouthful there I was
5547s like oh oh I say just like Hunter eat
5550s before the hunt it's important that you
5552s stay hydrated as well yes
5556s yes cool got my Kulu Hammer oh I'm
5560s looking forward to that I can't wait to
5562s see
5563s it see if I get new headpiece here will
5567s we be doing ice born yeah when we get
5569s there we're happy to keep going on if if
5571s you if you're still watching and having
5573s fun you know we we can dive into ice B
5576s yes we are playing from the very very
5579s start and we are not playing these
5581s Hunters on our own time we're only
5583s playing them on Street mhm this is a
5585s journey we're sharing
5589s together okay Gathering up
5599s time there you are let's see oh look at
5601s that that is a thing of
5604s beauty it's more fashionable than me
5608s yeah change my head piece as well but
5609s none of the rest of my armor you know
5611s what that fits that goes really well
5613s with the jackar mix aulu right I'm going
5616s to paste the code
5619s into twitch chat and here it is in the
5622s YouTube chat and off we
5627s go and no I didn't lean on my keyboard
5630s that is the lobby ID
5632s yeah J why are you
5635s saying that was me after getting uh
5637s double cuted by rathan yeah yeah raging
5641s you can be any HR uh I mean we're
5644s hr3 so if you're around that if you're
5647s below it though we'll do lower quests we
5649s do not mind we will base it around that
5652s um all we ask is obviously don't bring
5653s in gear that's higher than ours um
5657s otherwise the monsters will fall over
5658s quite quickly oh well look at all the
5660s fashion in here theor good to see you
5664s again oh yes joined us last week oh good
5666s shout you you are such a fantastic
5670s host I just remember getting beaten at
5672s arm wrestling oh that's right yeah we
5675s got to we got to run that oh there's Ria
5676s Ripley the Woman's World Champion there
5678s we go so the great there let join us
5681s once again I really like the Zoro
5683s magdaros scill I actually use that on my
5686s for my like personal playthrough uh for
5688s my layer gear because I just love it's
5690s like a stone Knight like the glow in it
5693s yeah I really like the zor magos kit
5695s helicopter I'm going to be here every
5697s week well thanks for joining us and
5698s thanks for watching nice we love to see
5700s it all right I'm going to who wants to
5702s have a quick arm wrestle who wants to
5704s beat me at arm
5705s wrestling go
5707s J oh is anyone is anyone going to come
5710s over this you know what just okay let's
5712s let's run it oh oh here we go okay I
5714s need to remember what button it is as
5716s well I'm going to get absolutely beasted
5718s otherwise is it
5720s square here we go oh no I'm pressing the
5723s wrong button I think am I pressing the
5726s right button I don't know I don't know
5729s no well played NEP well
5732s played oh goodbye
5736s goodbye it's not Square okay it's Circle
5739s then yeah okay so I kind of started
5741s pressing the right button all right
5742s who's going to go on Joe avenge me again
5745s right you got random this time it's
5747s Circle for me yeah I think definitely
5749s wasn't Square the energy of someone with
5751s the name random I'm scared you got
5756s this oh Everyone's Watching yes one to
5760s the community one to the community
5763s managers first win we got it do this is
5766s a decider you got this you got to beat
5769s NEP cuz they beat
5773s me I believe I
5776s believe oh jeez go go go oh lucky well
5781s played all right a go next well played
5784s it you you bought it back for us though
5786s Joe you bought it back for us uh what
5788s what do you reckon what should we
5791s hunt uh what do we have available we
5794s could do puket or
5797s Diablos Diablos o oh let's see what we
5800s have in the optional yeah let's the
5802s optional
5804s yeah or not sorry not Diablo bar off I
5807s mean we could go after Diablos yeah we
5808s could go into the bar off hunt and then
5810s see who we come across yeah should we do
5813s two separate groups or should we do one
5815s group uh let's let's hunt together
5816s purely because this week obviously we
5818s can only capture my gaml let's let's go
5820s together but if we were do both yeah we
5823s should absolutely do that all else is
5825s please let me get in the
5828s quest let me know when you post it oh
5831s yes let me do that I will post that
5834s Diablos in that gear exactly that's part
5836s of the
5838s fun okay so we're going after barroth
5841s right yeah
5842s okay here we
5850s go yeah and as as we said at the
5853s beginning of the stream if you're just
5854s joining us um typically we do both uh
5857s gameplay captures so you can see both of
5859s our perspectives but for this week we
5861s just have jungas so um but yeah we'll be
5863s back when we we come back on January
5865s 11th will be our next stream and we'll
5867s have uh we'll have the usual double
5869s double gameplay stream exactly yeah and
5871s when we do get more of you in we will
5872s split off into two different groups
5874s because we can switch between both our
5875s game plays so you get to see what's
5878s going on but yeah if you didn't get into
5879s the hunt with us in this group hunt
5881s together chill out arm wrestle Network
5884s Guild cards do your
5889s thing yes my hunter's name is Bri
5892s because I have a a little bit of a CH or
5894s like a cheese theme with my uh with my
5898s Hunter and my Pico um which I probably
5900s should have uh should have used my my
5903s actual name here to make it a little bit
5904s easier for everybody that's
5908s unbelievable sorry that was a cheesy
5912s joke get out of
5916s here all right let's do it you know I
5919s should have looked at the Pico gear
5920s maybe I could have made some barroth
5921s armor for my
5922s Pico
5927s yeah helpful Hunter Guild we've been
5929s running new players through content for
5931s a while now
5932s uh and helping them enjoy the game yeah
5935s that's awesome Community ambass to see
5937s yeah thank you
5941s guys ah sword and shield my
5948s beloved I love going in to help out new
5950s people met a lot of really cool people I
5952s became friends with in real life because
5954s of that oh it's good good to see Monster
5957s Hunter bringing people together it's
5958s such a social experience especially like
5961s you know cuz if even if you don't use
5962s voice chat and stuff or anything like
5964s that you you can use emotes you've got
5967s your stickers and stuff like that and
5968s you can really put across your
5970s personality as much as you want um yeah
5973s and I say cuz it's purely Cooperative
5976s you win together or you C together yeah
5981s yeah helicopter is going crazy here yeah
5985s you see why we they beat us in the
5988s armrest but wa not want that
5994s there we go right so let's have a wonder
5996s and see what we can
5997s find oh
6000s oh so we
6003s have okay okay so no monsters shown up
6006s at the moment so we're going to have to
6007s go in a
6009s Wonder let's do it well we know where
6011s Diablos is MHM uh so if we do it that
6016s way maybe we'll we'll see our friend
6019s that we're looking for
6023s grab this H I think I'm going to need
6030s it okay I've got some Slinger ammo
6032s that's
6033s good what monster do you think will win
6036s uh I don't know if we can comment on
6038s that no I was going to say I I think
6040s it'll be the community's favorite
6042s monster yeah oh there you go there we
6044s we're not allowed to comment yeah I mean
6047s if you go back and look at some of the
6048s social media posts uh about the poll
6051s you'll see our favorite monsters but
6053s it's not representative of the pole
6055s results yeah we we definitely took our
6057s opportunities to sneak bracky and uh
6059s devil Joe into there yes yes we did but
6064s again not a hint not a hint that's just
6067s our personal favorites that we we popped
6069s in there to give them a shout but no I'm
6071s really excited to see who wins because
6073s obviously you know there's going to be
6074s the overall winner but it will be the
6076s top three that feature in the special
6078s artwork that the Monster Hunter Dev team
6079s create for those those three monsters
6082s um so I'm incredibly
6084s excited yeah we're right now we're
6086s brainstorming some fun ways to uh to
6088s reveal those results to you so if you
6090s guys have any ideas drop them in the
6092s chat of what you want to see how would
6094s you like it do you want a drum roll do
6100s you yeah but we're really excited to to
6102s share those results I mean there's 229
6104s monsters in that poll so that's quite a
6106s bit you know
6108s yeah
6110s yeah
6112s oh bar off's been found so can't be too
6114s far away from the
6121s others
6123s wait jotus isn't the current number one
6126s spot it might be we don't know we don't
6129s know we will find out in due time does
6133s basil Gees have a shot uh I don't know
6135s it's got lots of scales
6140s though
6142s please please
6146s clap oh NE there making a scene yeah hey
6151s look it's walking away walking away I
6153s remember what happened here
6158s before yeah make the top 16 a double
6160s elimination bracket and make them want
6162s to fight in an
6167s arena oh is that
6169s di that s is
6172s changing uh that's the uh oh you are you
6176s guys going to fight it are we fighting
6177s it shall we fight it give it go okay or
6181s should we leave it should we leave it
6182s should we just do bar
6183s off let's do it let's do it
6188s okay that
6200s four
6202s I don't do much damage here
6208s oh you know the second thought maybe
6210s this wasn't a good idea but uh I mean we
6212s can always Retreat we can Retreat and
6214s find
6218s Barra I don't want to give up too
6222s soon oh wow maybe we should
6225s have oh my
6228s goodness how I didn't CAU there
6235s oh that's There's an
6237s opportunity it didn't last
6239s long this Diablos is
6242s strong oh it's out
6245s o nice nice oh over oh thank you
6253s Shield oh that is big
6257s damage heal heal
6260s heal
6267s hey the monster I need to remember the
6269s buttons for this uh there we go I'm the
6273s damage numers being so low yes uh
6277s we but we're getting used to
6281s it yeah head so if I do my finish a
6284s combo I get some nice stun on
6287s there nearly there nearly thank you
6290s thank than you oh oh I need to bre
6295s o there we go there we go nice work
6305s everyone got that hard bash your combo
6308s in such a Powerhouse of a
6316s monster o it's all right Joe ooh I
6319s nearly can't oh other Joe other Joe
6324s J
6327s no retreat fall back everyone fall back
6332s I I don't think we can do
6333s it I'm on my own I think NEP far casted
6336s they made the right call yeah we'll have
6338s to save Diablos for another day that
6340s monster is on a whole another power
6342s level yeah it's also chasing me and I'm
6345s I'm out of stamina get out of there J
6347s I'm trying I'm trying I'm sorry Diablos
6350s ah
6351s forgive me I'm not a delicious Cactus
6353s please leave me
6357s alone Jo JoJo yes we this is the JoJo
6360s show it is yeah JoJo's Monster hunting
6363s Adventure
6366s yes I'm still being chased I'm still
6369s being chased oh it's right behind
6374s me hey dios have about we just talk us
6377s over a nice
6379s salad I'm still be chased oh
6385s no it moves so quick underground I keep
6389s thinking I'm juking it and I'm doing the
6395s opposite oh my goodness I'm so
6401s sorry okay okay I'm fine where are where
6404s are you
6405s guys I I left I'm still in combat I got
6409s I think another monster turned up and uh
6411s I think barro might be distracting it
6413s yeah okay we're
6415s good okay barroth it is Diablos flexed
6419s its
6420s guns yeah yeah it did it definitely
6426s did you can use the item to manage but
6429s we gave it we gave it a swing yeah it
6431s was it was an honest try and we
6433s completely and utterly failed but you
6435s know yeah that's that's for lat but we
6438s got the chance to give it a go
6441s yeah oh some shiny
6443s BS Diablos being Diablos though you know
6446s Diablos has respect on its name for a
6448s reason yeah
6452s yeah oh boy they're fighting let's get
6455s out of
6457s here watch out just grab this I'm here
6460s to get some nice
6464s fruit there we
6467s go I'll grab these
6469s uh so we've added a little bit of a risk
6473s factor to our our hunt here cuz we only
6475s have one cart left we do that's that's
6478s all we need
6484s yeah okay I think I've been done enough
6486s for
6492s in okay I'm nearly back after somehow
6495s managing to outrun Diablos with my like
6499s stamina
6504s here we go it's sword and shield time oh
6506s nice Mount I say it's short and shield
6508s time
6509s but off the mou oh I did not brace
6512s myself
6522s there oh big Bonk Big B oh that was that
6527s was a work of art I do need a tail
6529s actually maybe I should try
6532s I got some jeal blades there as
6543s well oh a
6549s best knocked out of the
6551s air actually can you nice sliding attack
6553s I wonder can I oh I didn't know if I
6555s could do the plunge attack off the ant
6556s hills I can't I'll have to wait for
6558s another opportunity to do the delici
6560s just so Shield
6562s punp oh I mounted it again nice
6568s one oh nice recovery as
6572s well thank you thank
6575s you hopefully we get a knock down
6578s here oh oh bar off's not making it easy
6581s at
6582s all destroying everything in the Unlucky
6587s unlucky well played though o he got
6600s chined
6607s oh here we go oh the spin to win that
6610s was beautiful I love it can I reach the
6613s tail tail get down here
6618s no oh
6626s oh nice knock down that was
6630s beautiful it's super satisfying with all
6632s the slopes and stuff here oh
6634s absolutely It's Hammer Heaven
6643s yeah oh Slinger Thorn I'll pop that on
6646s the head for
6647s you oh yeah you capitalized on that oh
6650s oh those sounds that was that was
6659s meaty that tail that
6668s tail give me your
6672s tail H
6674s bar it's on a hill I can't reach
6679s it hey Y and I got the
6682s bount
6686s nice go J
6694s oh nice thank you for the
6698s Stagger see if I get some more damage
6700s down here yeah oh went down Joe straight
6705s on that tail as
6709s well
6711s I would try go the perfect R but oh well
6713s played I was like but probably not worth
6715s doing and yeah
6718s yeah well played
6725s everyone okay C oh look at
6728s that it was a little scary for a second
6731s that was that was but uh we got it done
6734s we did
6736s well I got a tail from a car and also I
6740s can get a Bo as well here we got the uh
6744s scavenger Birds here having a little bit
6746s little bit of
6749s lunch the ecology showing itself once
6752s again oh I should probably get these
6753s herbs oh they're maxed out we're good
6756s we're
6759s good on your first try brackets we can
6761s edit the VOD later
6764s yeah yeah those 20
6769s minutes
6775s there is a lot going on here like
6776s everyone's having a
6781s Munch oh I wish I could show my my end
6784s screen cool get my one's just me
6786s chilling my tail I'm like spinning in
6791s midair that's awesome you got the full
6794s style yeah I me and me and Joe are by
6796s the tail other Joe are by the tail sorry
6799s so oh I'll share that uh I'll take a
6801s screenshot of that sh so good one oh got
6804s some crowns there for the Diablos and
6807s the baroth so they were silver
6812s crowns and uh I got Rodeo champ yay that
6815s is the sword and shield way we love to
6817s be in the
6819s air kind of like you know kind of like
6821s the insect glaves you
6823s know shall we do one more uh we can do
6826s one more if you want yeah let's let's
6828s see if we can get uh some two two other
6830s players yes we'll see who else want to
6832s jump in yeah thank you to Joe and neop
6835s for joining us much
6838s appreciated which uh which Quest should
6840s we do PUK PUK yes's do PUK PUK again
6845s okay cannot wait for Wilds in 2025 it'll
6848s be worth the yes it yes it will MH and
6851s like just the response the community and
6853s wi The Gaming Community response was
6856s incredible MH
6859s absolutely
6860s okay that is posted go joh go I'm going
6864s and you know as we said um summer 2024
6869s for the next batch of info on wild um so
6874s plenty of time to discuss
6876s theorize return to world and also you
6879s know rise and sunbreak as well if you
6880s haven't tried them out my goodness the
6883s combat oh and the story is fantastic as
6886s well if you're really into like yo-kai
6889s and like Western monster mythology and
6892s kind of you know fairy tales and stuff
6894s like that definitely definitely check it
6895s out and yeah the way the weapons play in
6899s rise and sunre is unlike anything you've
6901s really had in a monster hunter game
6902s before um so definitely definitely check
6905s those out as well yeah we should also
6907s call out that uh the steam winter sale
6911s is on right now I think it should be on
6913s right now right I think it's uh should
6915s have just started is steam up has it
6918s crashed the traffic yeah yeah yeah um I
6922s mean all the monster hunter games were
6923s already on sale before that so the sale
6926s will just continue over into the winter
6927s sale so there we go yeah but you know a
6930s lot of other Capcom games as well and
6931s other games from other Publishers so a
6933s thanks for waving you too good to have
6936s you but yeah as you said you know the
6938s sale is rolled straight over so if you
6940s or any of your buddies missed out on the
6942s sale and you're looking for some games
6943s to play over the festive
6945s holidays May we suggest Monster
6948s Hunter great points in a group price and
6951s hopefully we can hit 100K concurrent
6953s players tomorrow on the weekend we were
6955s so close 97 half thousand of you playing
6958s monst World on Steam alone like so close
6961s to that 100K I know we can do it I know
6964s yeah how many years are we since
6965s launched I mean that's that's just awes
6967s 2018 so yeah like that's getting on
6972s getting on a
6973s bit
6975s um so yeah it's a privilege you know to
6978s see the community rally around and still
6980s be playing the game this far out and
6982s even more Hunters coming in and you know
6985s as well like you know seeing the players
6986s in rise and Sun Break as well like you
6988s know monic Community rocks like you know
6991s and also there's so much to do in the
6992s game it's just like yeah oh yeah J bear
6996s thanks for joining us we won't be
6997s streaming next week um but we back we'll
6999s be back on January
7001s 11th we're going to take a quick break
7003s for the holidays recharge get ready for
7006s the new
7007s year so we'll see you then ready to rock
7010s and we will however have another of the
7012s return to blog posts going out um I
7015s believe Joe's cooked up some handy tips
7017s for brand new players so if you're a
7019s veteran Hunter you'll probably be
7020s familiar with these but if you're new to
7022s the series keep a eye out just after
7025s Christmas for the next blog post on
7026s Steam where we've got some handy tips to
7029s help you in the hunt that you may not be
7031s immediately aware
7033s of yeah I'm sure for some veteran uh
7036s Hunters they will be quite familiar with
7038s them already but uh hopefully it's a
7039s little bit for some new hunters and yes
7041s R Ripley we I do like your name
7051s so I'm following you here who's our
7054s Target is it great jagas or PUK PUK uh p
7057s p p nice I would like yeah I did choose
7061s I would I just I can only see jagas on
7063s my uh my Scout flies obviously I need to
7065s get my P pke level up a bit
7068s yeah oh yeah monant of world is also
7071s verified on Steam deck uh yes kjd hay
7076s has been playing it on there and having
7077s a good time so thanks for the shout out
7080s there yeah I play a significant amount
7082s of the game on uh on Steam deck so yeah
7086s it's a really great way to play it
7088s yeah you can play World almost anywhere
7091s in the world
7095s oh ice
7098s born
7106s uh right there is our Target PUK
7111s PUK being politely poisonous oh no
7114s there's a footprint here that I don't
7117s recognize is that P pet that I just
7120s didn't get enough no there's a third
7123s moner oh is it an okay it's an no
7126s there's another there's a
7128s footprint
7130s one I don't know there was one I didn't
7133s have but I'm picking up the footprints
7134s and they're all
7136s there interesting interesting the plot
7142s thickens oh so we doing this I realiz I
7145s was just watching oh sorry you're like
7147s yes go my Hunters
7151s yeah oh miss oh it's one of the
7155s plunge oh my favorite move oh and I I I
7160s missed but it's just an example I I love
7162s this one of my favorite moves in all of
7164s Monster Hunter the sound it makes when
7166s you jump on a big monster like C parro
7169s like oh it's beautiful can't so many
7172s hits so many mountain
7180s buildup being gam over here both
7183s chopping into the tail and me a bit they
7186s got the great
7188s Jag great
7190s OH
7192s Close grab that
7196s tail that's right gam Jo it's you're the
7200s great sword I think you take priority on
7202s location over me cuz I can move quite
7204s easily where it's the great sword you
7206s know you commit oh who's
7208s this it's Ana some else here come on
7212s then
7216s Ana oh it got the dong bomb on it it
7218s won't be stared around long it's a bit
7222s smelly was that you that did that
7227s oh so it was a Rashi good call good call
7231s let's not uh complicate things too much
7234s here
7235s yeah we know a like when we get a bit
7238s overconfident yeah yeah doesn't turn out
7240s well for
7244s us so this session um is it's uh coded
7250s so you can only get in with the code but
7251s we put it in both twitch and YouTube
7253s chat so as part of it we just ask people
7255s use the weapons at our level and that's
7257s why yeah you're not seeing monsters get
7258s instag gipped by hunters that are
7260s clearly master rank
7263s Hunters yeah we're saying true to the
7265s new Hunter experience exactly exactly
7267s and everyone's been very good about it
7269s so thank
7272s you
7275s oh bodies there is that the tail I think
7278s that's the tail
7284s oh great jagas has turned up here I'm
7286s combat
7291s carving there you
7294s go oh didn't mean do
7298s that nice to get tail
7302s car great Jacker just shout us
7307s now Let Them Fight
7313s got piercing pod got p p no doubt of
7317s there it's like a magician just like oh
7320s and now I'm
7326s gone should we take out great Jag I mean
7330s I mean we should should there we go stay
7332s yeah it's more Monster Parts more
7338s experience
7344s ah turned around oh this going to hurt
7346s yeah I got greedy going for the perfect
7355s Rush got my
7360s Slinger there we go oh there we go now
7362s you're in for
7364s it I've got my mon uh my Hunter coming
7366s up by the
7368s monster
7372s nice that was
7376s tasty all right
7380s satisfy oh look at that look at that BK
7382s I need make sure I don't get in the way
7384s here oh I went over the
7388s monster oh it's late already nice work
7390s everyone well done well done yeah Jack
7393s doomed himself as soon as he interfered
7395s I agree knock I
7398s agree
7408s oh there we go
7412s right oh flash is going off is all going
7415s down in
7419s here okay well that's one monster down
7422s and we got some extra bits sorry sorry
7424s sorry normal jagas we one of you gets to
7427s become the great jagas now they go no
7430s fighting amongst yourselves the
7432s successor oh
7435s yes a monster hunter
7442s story yeah well played Snake yeah it's
7444s about having fun while making sure
7446s others have fun as well that's a really
7448s good way to look at
7451s it just lost the Raging break you
7453s feeling
7454s terrible a don't worry it you know what
7456s happens to us all it's one of the
7457s toughest hunts in the game really is
7461s yeah yes Shake It Off and uh you'll get
7464s it tadd now you know what to you know
7466s what to expect you can go back twice as
7470s hard pleas say as Joe said is one of the
7473s endest of game
7475s h u i mean we we triple carted to a low
7478s rank W that Mak
7482s yeah it was a big WRA in though in our
7485s defense yes yes we were not ready for
7489s the smoke no not at
7491s all she definitely dominated and well
7494s played to
7497s her uh did we know each other before
7500s getting to start this series uh no jonno
7502s and I did not know each other before
7504s working together which uh we've been
7506s working together for almost two years oh
7508s almost two years yeah year and a half
7510s yeah it's flying by it is flying
7513s by but know it's been awesome it's a lot
7515s of fun like we we collab on Monster
7518s community stuff basically you know um
7521s working behind the scenes and in front
7523s of the scenes uh with the devs and the
7526s community and yeah it's a ton of fun and
7528s with uh content creators as
7530s well is a ton of fun it's a privilege to
7533s be your
7534s community
7539s yes well that was that was a great
7541s series of hunts um we were able to get
7543s some multiplayer in
7545s there uh we carded multiple times we had
7548s a little bit more challenge this week
7549s which is uh you know last week last week
7551s was a walk in the park we were a little
7553s worried that it was going to be too easy
7555s and then then we got quickly humbled
7557s this week yeah that worry's gone
7559s now yeah now I'm worried if we're not
7562s going to be good enough for next week
7564s it's a totally different it's completely
7565s flip-flop yeah I definitely need to
7567s invest in some stronger weapons I think
7569s yeah
7571s yeah um but I think with that we can uh
7575s wrap things up everyone posing so nicely
7577s here as well let uh
7579s where's where's my
7581s gestures there we go can I get another
7583s photo here yeah we'll get a nice line up
7586s I'll try and get as many people as I can
7588s in because I'm on I put myself on the
7590s edge like a
7593s fool but I can get a nice kind of side
7596s on
7597s there but yeah like that wraps up
7599s today's stream as Joe said we'll be back
7601s on January 11th for the next uh return
7604s to world live stream as we proceed even
7608s further into the wild Spire waste and as
7611s we know it's very dangerous there so
7614s we'll probably be K up during that
7616s stream as well I'm going to I'm going to
7618s stand behind more people uh so you can
7620s see everyone there we
7622s go try and get everyone in facing the
7625s wrong way everyone looks so lovely if I
7627s stand here look there we go so you can
7629s tell I don't take photographs very often
7631s and as as CU I'm quite tall I normally
7633s end up on the end anyway so I kind of
7635s just mentally went to the end of the
7638s line um but yeah uh anything to say
7641s before we sign off for uh the rest of
7644s the
7645s year yeah happy holidays to the Monster
7648s Hunter Community thank you guys for an
7649s awesome year uh between rise and world
7652s and the reveal of Wilds it's been a
7656s really awesome year so thank you guys
7658s for all support and uh we're we're
7660s looking forward to next year uh the 20th
7662s anniversary of Monster Hunter and uh
7664s some more news on on Wilds in the summer
7667s so thanks again yeah thank you so much
7669s and thank you for coming by the stream
7670s whether you watched whether you spoke in
7672s chat or whether you played or jumped in
7675s the Gathering Hub with us but yeah I
7677s think Joe wrapped up nicely so I've been
7679s jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
7681s awesome have a fantastic holiday period
7683s and happy Hunting we will see you next
7685s time good night all right see you
7697s later
7732s oh
4 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name is Jon o e Community
4s manager on Mon stunter and I'm joined by
6s hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
9s Community manager from Monster Hunter
10s and welcome to chapter two of the return
13s to World Community Live Stream So for
15s those of you that are new each week well
17s not over Christmas but we'll get to that
19s but each week we are going to be
20s replaying through monst Hunter world
22s together with you as you watch and play
24s with us what are we doing this week Joe
27s well so last week we took on great jagas
30s uh
30s and we did a couple early game quests
33s and we have some viewers join us but
34s today we are taking on PUK PUK and then
38s maybe we will head into the second area
40s in the game the wild Spire wastes I'm
42s looking forward to it yeah and as a
45s reminder we are running totally new
47s Hunters so even though we are
49s experienced with the game as um we would
51s hopefully be as Community managers uh we
54s uh have ruled completely new Hunters
56s like a lot of people are doing for this
57s uh return to world uh Extravaganza so
60s it's it's been a good time exactly and
61s talking of that earlier we saw we had up
63s to 97 and a half thousand players on
66s Monster huntter World on Steam alone
69s which was fantastic I'm thinking Joe
71s maybe maybe tomorrow maybe this weekend
73s we can break that 100K what do you
75s reckon oh I hope so it's been awesome to
77s see the numbers go up um been really
80s cool seeing everybody's excitement
81s posting Clips just coming back to the
83s game or some people have been saying
84s that they never left to begin with so
86s it's uh it's been a good time it's been
87s really really fun to see it is
89s definitely fun and as you mentioned like
90s a bit later on in the Stream we'll be
91s opening up the Gathering Hub to viewers
93s to come and play with us so if you have
95s monant World on Steam jump in all we ask
98s is either a you have a brand new hunter
99s that you've rolled for this or you bring
101s a hunter that's using the same level of
103s gear as us which is low rank gear um and
106s we're also not using the uh Defender
109s weapons either we're kind of going
110s through with the Monster based weapons
113s so as long as you match our gear it'll
114s be good otherwise you know we can't we
116s can't have you one tap in pke PUK with
118s your great sword oh yeah yeah I mean
121s even last week you know like we said we
124s we do have a little bit of experience um
126s so you know we we got through some of
128s the Hunts a little bit faster than usual
130s but um you know we'll see how we fair
131s this week you know we're eventually
132s going to hit a point where uh maybe
134s we're not as good as we thought we were
136s so exactly that that time will come and
138s let's let's flick into ing game now so
141s here we are we are in the Gathering Hub
143s and you'll be joining us here later um
146s but yeah I am I'm actually going to be
148s meaning the sword and shield for this
149s but I am dablin and charge blade cuz
151s it's a weapon I'm learning at the moment
153s what are you rocking today Joe I've been
155s having a little bit of a weapon crisis
158s uh for these stream specifically
159s normally I play great swword um but you
162s know I want to try something new so
163s we're we're going with hammer which I
164s have a little bit of experience with but
165s maybe I'm not like the the greatest
167s Hammer player in the world so please go
169s easy on me yeah and same with me if you
172s see me doing some chargeblade sins let
174s me know in chat like it won't be back
176s seen tell me what are your chargeblade
177s tips like I really want to learn um it's
180s the only weapon that I haven't used and
182s I started using it in sunbreak like in
184s the end game and I was like you know
185s what it's just like a big sword and
187s shield I like
189s this yeah you know it's it's the same
191s core core mechanics you got one thing
194s you got a sword in one hand and a shield
195s in the other hand it's just everything
197s else is different about just a few more
198s Sparks you know um yeah and for those
202s wondering as well I am wearing the low
204s rank bone bone armor uh that is a
206s fantastic early game set I highly
208s recommend it uh what are you rocking Joe
211s um I have a couple of the great jagas
212s pieces right now um I've always likeed
214s how these look they're pretty pretty
215s stylish right um I think I I think I
218s might be missing the whole set right now
219s so uh maybe we need to to fix that at
222s some point i' I've I've got two
224s controversial chargeblade comments two
227s sides of the coin so we have so says
230s best tip for chargeblade is to put it
231s away and use the glaive instead uh and
236s Haya says only two things you need to
238s know about chargeblade number one youer
241s number two you
242s bonger which is how I always kind of
244s Imagine kind of like Jewel blades and
247s Hammer just going all
250s in uh Combat fros on YouTube says charge
254s blade tip use switch acts instead oh my
258s goodness we've started
261s something so I'm yeah so we have our
265s assigned Quest it is pke pke um so we
268s will see how this goes uh let's start in
272s the southwest
275s Camp all right and just as a reminder
277s this week we um are only showing jono's
280s gameplay um but usually we will show
283s both of our game plays but uh just for
284s this week we will uh only have one yeah
287s but fair not I say our next stream is
288s all good reminder Joe actually our next
291s stream will be on January 11th
293s 2024 um so next year but you won't be
296s waiting long um so yeah January 11th
298s 2024 is when the next stream will be
300s we're just going to take a little break
302s over the festive holiday period um and
304s we'll be back to the duel gameplay so
306s you won't be stuck with just me you'll
308s get to see Joe in action as well uh
310s which will be really really good um but
313s you know I'll make sure to keep a good
314s angle on
316s Joe trying to join your quest here let's
319s see I think I joined the wrong one I I
321s joined the
322s SOS that's my yeah you just want to help
325s out not
326s thinking here we go here we
328s go all right I'm in there now should we
331s eat nice let's have yeah let's have some
333s food and remember before every every
335s hunt make sure you eat uh yes and my
338s personal tip I always go for extra HP
340s like when especially in the early game
342s late game obviously you in mid game you
343s might look for some particular skills
346s but at the minute I just want to make
347s sure I don't
348s c yeah yeah you might want the extra
350s faint or something later on in the game
352s when you're taking on ptalis or
354s something crazy so uh that's always
357s helpful but you know early game so we
358s can we can take it pretty easy just give
359s her yourself a little bit of wiggle room
363s yeah um so yeah we we won't be back
365s until January 11th so we are taking a
367s little bit of a a Break um you know it's
370s been a been a busy year we're going to
372s enjoy the holidays probably playing some
374s monster hunter so it's going good time
376s oh yeah I'm going to probably do some
378s more uh anomaly investigations in some
380s break cuz like as like last week if
383s you're watching Joe mentioned that our
385s Hunters here we only play these Hunters
387s on stream with you so this is a journey
390s we're taken together um whereas
392s obviously you know in our in our spare
394s time we've got our own characters as
395s well our own Hunters that we we like to
398s dip
399s into all right yeah sorry can we do it
404s y yeah it's been it's been kind of funny
406s I mean uh I've been looking at this uh
408s this Hunter and I'm like man I kind of
410s want to spend some time playing it but I
411s got I got save for the stream so it's
413s it's you know what I'm surprised at just
415s how excited I am to keep keep playing
417s more and more World cuz we both put like
420s hundreds of hours into World an iceborn
421s back in the day and now I'm playing
423s again I'm like the Nostalgia has bit me
426s and I'm like yes oh yeah I want to take
429s those take those antidotes um but yeah
431s no it's so fun and using a different
433s weapon as well is is like a whole
435s different game right like even if it's
438s similar like the charge blade sword and
439s shield similarities it still feels so
441s different I hope I can remember how to
443s do this now it's been a week since I
445s touched charge blade I always just go
447s back to my comfort weapon of sword and
449s shield you know
450s yeah it's all right you know you're
451s sword and shield main so uh you know
454s it's in your DNA it is you know it's
456s just the muscle memory of not being able
458s to metu shui and kind of focusing more
461s on um doing perfect Rush Oh look a
464s little one little
467s drink oh my
472s goodness all right I'll get it
476s up we got it's a bit soggy here it's a
478s bit raining
480s yeah I'm a chargeblade mean but
482s considering doing sword and shield my
483s advice give it a go like seriously have
486s another playr grab the sword and shield
488s like if that's what you want to do
489s obviously there's 14 weapons to choose
491s from so please don't feel that you have
492s to use sword and shield but you you
494s probably should cuz it's really cool but
496s you
498s know we've got a we've got ran in the
500s chat and he is saying no gun LS it's
503s like no way I had a gun Lance on at the
505s start of the stream but you clearly
508s weren't hear ran I'm heartbroken
512s I tell you I'll put a gun Lance on for
514s this next hunt Okay okay there we go
516s there we go should we do double gunland
518s shall we we should we should it'll be a
520s blast Let's Do It Let's Do It um a blast
523s I see it let's let's see if our Scout
526s flies can pick up anything yeah let's
529s make our way in here a little bit yeah
531s we do do we do have the iceborn
533s expansion on but we we're not going to
535s well we're going to do our best to not
536s use the clutch claw and stuff like that
538s to try and give you a Mor realistic
540s World Experience if you are picking the
542s game up in the sale and didn't pick up
543s iceborn at the same time but if you do
545s grab ice born you do get the clutch claw
547s and you get a couple of or some new
548s moves for the weapons as well for you to
550s enjoy um yeah but it's entirely up to
554s you yeah like we said uh Monster Hunter
557s world is on sale at a historic low price
560s right now um and if you want iceborne
563s you can get that as part of a uh the the
565s master Edition which I believe is also
567s uh on sale for a very very low price so
570s um yeah just a really great time to jump
572s into the game it really
574s is um right so come on Scout flies C
578s don't be afraid of the
581s rain I guess I guess pke PUK will be a
584s bit deeper into the forest yeah probably
586s more into like the jungly type
591s area let's have a little
598s look yeah I yeah you that's true you can
600s disable the DLC on Steam but I really
602s really like perfect rush
606s so got some mucus here yum
610s yum oh got an investigation as
614s well we are on Steam yeah so when we
616s open up the Gathering Hub later if you
618s want to play with us uh do jump on there
621s um I've just seen my green screen my
623s lighting is uh letting me down let me
625s just quickly turn that around oh no oh
630s let me so do apologize for those having
633s to put up with my green screen showing
635s the joys of uh
637s lighting we do it live we do it live
640s there you go that's a little bit
642s better it's green at least so it goes
644s for the forest you know I'll sort that
646s out
647s after yeah yeah no
651s worries right I think we're starting to
653s get some tracks though so that's really
654s really good how long are these streams
656s on average uh we usually go for about 2
658s hours so Uh Oh
662s that's oh do we should we we we we could
666s give it a
667s go should we I mean anath is famously a
671s wall maybe we should avenge those
673s Hunters that got triple carted by this
675s this
676s monster hey I'm afraid of you are yeah I
680s mean let's give it a bash right there it
682s is okay so it's going to area
685s 12/6 at the
687s moment let's get him let's let go have
689s long grab these herbs I'm sure this will
691s go find me the rustiest chargeblade user
695s uh and and me not experienc Hammer user
702s yeah oh I'm getting nervous now yeah I'm
705s going to get bodied like uh but if we
708s beat it then you know we're we're doing
711s one for all the new Hunters that uh yeah
713s yeah but it was great hearing you know
715s back kind of when you know world came
717s out all those years ago and Hunters kind
719s of saying you know this monster was a
720s wall it was absolutely bodying them but
722s then they practiced they overcome it and
724s you know they they surmounted the anath
728s mountain yeah that's that's the joy of
730s Monster Hunter right exactly oh there
733s you go I can see on my mini map now in
736s the bottom left oh we are close last
739s time we saw anath I think it was uh
741s using great jaas as a rack doll in the
744s uh like the uh prologue tututorial
748s oh there it is and is that great jagas
751s as well oh no don't tell me it's going
754s to happen again oh
758s boy great jagas is like
762s do all right okay here we
770s go and yeah I am a rusty charge blade
772s user so any advice feel free to
778s share
781s oh yeah I need to remember the
784s combos ooh even a little hit there does
787s a ton of
789s damage o oh I just tried to wire fall
792s away and it didn't
795s work all the have Die Hard oh yeah ohoh
799s I I didn't make any um oh no that's my
801s fishing rod there we go first aid
804s met I'm I'm mounted on it now so I
807s should be able to stun it shortly I hope
810s okay
813s charge yeah the an doesn't M all
824s right going to go for an
826s S oh no it moved no my sharpness is
831s falling apart as well oh nice I
838s I
844s oh my goodness that did a lot of
848s damage a
851s whiffed
854s oh uh watch
857s out oh I I I kind of whiffed it a bit
861s there that's all right I need to charge
865s my uh my
868s blade charging a charge PL I don't know
871s about that I need to remember the button
872s combo
875s uh oh there we
878s go oh that's more like
881s it oh great jagas oh boy are you here to
885s help us no no the damage is insane you
889s got
890s this my health is so low
894s oh they're coming
897s back okay that's some nice damage get
899s the blade
902s charged great jaas please now's not the
905s time oh the damage difference between
909s the two of them is massive oh my
913s goodness right okay we we're definitely
915s punching above our weight at the moment
916s but it's fun it's going all right it's
918s going all right yeah it's a nice
920s challenge exactly use the clutch Flor no
922s no no no we're going for the World
926s experience I just need to change my
929s camera setting which I have a monster
932s lock let's
936s see I'll see if I can uh get my green
940s screen to play ball
944s quickly I don't know if that helped y
947s okay we're back we're back
954s uh all right I need to get my shield
957s charged oh no that was not good
962s pick up last where'd you go uhoh I'm oh
966s no that's not
968s good are you there already oh you are
970s there yep great jaus is running by as
974s well oh oh that's
979s fire oh oh keep missing
986s terrible that's it keep looking at Joe
990s oh oh we got a good one we got a good
995s one
997s o oh the chip damage was
1001s real nice BL thank you thank you oh
1005s hello adamant seed yes please give me
1008s that defense
1017s boost
1020s it's all about spacing yeah not hit it
1023s there we go yeah oh nice you comboed him
1026s into
1028s me that's teamor that is oh oh no I'm
1031s just about to lose my shield that was
1033s both of us I
1035s think there we
1046s go can I be greedy no he roled me out I
1049s was going to get greedy aim for the tail
1053s Ah that's something I cannot do yeah
1056s Hammer uses entails The Forbidden
1058s forbidden
1062s combo
1064s yeah I didn't get expect to get my uh my
1066s heart racing uh this early in the
1068s morning for
1071s us
1073s yeah like we'll do a couple casual hunts
1076s yeah be fine you know yeah how bad can
1080s it be come on green screen I believe in
1082s you I believe in you you got it green
1086s screen is that better no
1090s no that's all right we just have the
1092s nice it's just the Ancient Forest glow
1094s coming out of the game you know it's
1096s that 4D
1098s experience okay I've gone the wrong way
1101s I wasn't watching my Scout flies uh
1104s let's see this way I think this way P
1107s PUK is like what's all that noise
1110s oh sorry this
1111s way I'll follow
1114s you the Buffa mode is better you think
1117s you know what I've never really used the
1119s axe mode much and I to the point whereas
1121s I'm so obsessed with the SED I don't I'm
1124s the saying when it comes to charge blade
1126s I don't really know how to use the axe
1127s part of it and I I feel bad that I don't
1129s know feel like I'm missing
1137s something all right
1140s okay I need to get my St back they got
1142s me oh it's over there okay oh jeez oh
1145s jeez uh oh I'm I have no life Powers oh
1152s no all right all right I'm
1154s out uhoh I'm just sliding oh my I nearly
1157s got one ta thank you Pico I appreciate
1165s you
1167s o oh
1180s nice hit that was
1185s wonderful knock them
1187s out oh there we go yeah that was
1196s juicy pizza cutter for the win are you
1198s going use that J pizza cutter I need to
1200s know the combo for it I'm very much a
1203s rookie when it comes to uh World charge
1206s blade I believe it's left trigger while
1210s you're
1210s charging from what I
1213s remember while I charge while I'm
1215s putting the charge in the blade I
1218s believe
1221s so I'll have to have a a quick check
1225s yeah maybe we should hit the training
1226s room or something yeah
1233s maybe I can get KN down
1237s oh oh there go we got some hits that's
1239s not so
1241s bad Bon all right on the
1244s snos on the snar
1247s yeah oh lovely knock down that was
1251s beautiful oh no I'm in your way that's
1254s my
1256s bad oh good oh good oh maybe I can get a
1260s che oh no the roar
1266s denied oh no oh I keep trying to I keep
1269s trying to
1270s wifall uh it's my sun break habits dying
1273s hard there as I get my muscle memory
1276s back oh no I'm going down no no no oh oh
1282s I got
1283s buged uhoh uhoh get off thank you oh Pro
1287s Slinger
1289s all right I'm going to risk it in my way
1293s oh he's back up no no no no no no no no
1295s oh we've nearly got
1297s it and what what I like as well like
1299s with world and any monster a game as
1301s well you can always try punching
1304s punching a bit higher than you usually
1305s would um cuz if you beat the monster you
1307s get the parts right and you can you can
1310s start trying to craft that
1313s gear that's what it's all about
1316s exactly exactly I could ESS here if I'm
1319s quick if he goes to
1322s sleep it's all on you Cho you got to
1325s deliver on this uh people s me to use
1327s buffed axe mode um but then I need to
1330s remember I don't you know what I'm so
1332s sad Centric I don't know how to get the
1334s axe out you
1336s know you got one thing on your mind
1339s exactly did I go that's Hing that
1342s SED uh where'd you go J I just just a
1345s little little climbing area here oh okay
1348s I think I I got turned around
1351s here oh he's up here oh know you're
1353s ahead of me I thought you were behind me
1355s I don't know how I got there maybe I can
1358s get this off in
1360s time there we go I didn't connect with
1363s the main attack
1365s but oh you knocked me out the way what a
1367s hero oh I'm sorry no it's good you saved
1371s me oh ched's taking a lot of aggo oh and
1374s going down here you're hero cheddar
1379s I don't want to be here oh no
1383s no oh I'm in
1386s danger hold
1389s on oh I'm having to
1398s roll oh no not
1400s again oh I'm trying to get into axe mode
1403s so I'm not doing as much as I
1405s could oh nice stagger
1411s oh I think that hit I wasn't paying
1422s attention uh-oh oh no oh
1428s ah get off of him
1431s bomb ah oh no I'm sharpening
1437s oh yep if you pinned get get your
1440s Slinger
1445s ready big charge Blade
1450s no
1453s oh uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh oh I'm oh no I'm
1458s just running in and now I'm on
1467s fire oh
1468s uhoh this is this isos side
1473s here I thought we nearly had ANF down
1476s but seems it was all part of the
1481s plan oh there you go I did a Charged
1483s aent
1484s there oh I no I'll avenge
1488s you
1491s wow got me oh oh uhoh I don't want to be
1495s here I don't want to be here
1500s Zip Zip Z Zip
1502s Zip that's the first C of any of these
1504s streams we are we are we are going hard
1508s it's very respectable
1510s part it was me uhoh oh that was that was
1515s quite
1516s something we're just going for the
1517s random no the random sad was a bad
1522s choice I overestimated uh how close anap
1526s would be oh it's changing areas it's
1529s changing areas okay okay I think I'm
1532s pretty far away still but axe mode seems
1534s really interesting I definitely need to
1535s give that a
1539s go and for those asking about Monster
1541s Hunter Wilds good questions it's awesome
1544s you're super excited about it um and the
1545s team did reveal that we will be speaking
1547s more about monst Wilds in summer
1550s 2024 yes they don't have to wait that
1553s long but it is a wait yeah so thanks for
1556s your patience it is appre but we love
1559s reading all about the comments the fairy
1560s crafting the hype across social media
1562s Reddit YouTube comments like we do love
1565s it and the team loving it as well yeah
1568s summer
1568s 2024 yeah we love watching all the
1571s reaction videos just seeing everybody
1572s super
1573s excited uh yeah it's really energizing I
1576s think for everybody
1578s absolutely oh they got me again oh we're
1581s both yeah we're good we're good oh I
1584s need to get my uh Shield
1587s charged
1594s oh that
1600s bite you're doing the dance I
1604s am there we go oh
1607s wonderful
1608s oh all right that was that was a cool
1611s finish nice work good team effort there
1614s okay so normally you wouldn't fight
1615s anena that early but if give it a go if
1617s you come across
1620s like oh my goodness that was an awesome
1622s finish thank
1624s you
1626s oh how early are we on that I think
1629s we're like at least two stars right two
1631s stars below we should be we are super
1634s duper early somewhere PUK PUK just got a
1636s cold shiver like wait a second oh oh God
1640s a they're talking about me now the real
1642s hunt begins yeah P PUK I mean there is
1645s great Jag there I mean I mean do you
1648s want to we probably do we have time we
1651s have time right yeah we got time we got
1653s time
1655s okay well sorry
1659s friend your timing was impeccable great
1665s jagas so how do I come on then um charge
1668s blade users and enjoyers how do I get
1670s into axe mode then in the world charge
1673s blade cuz I kept doing it all the time
1674s in rice and sunbreak like
1677s unintentionally a thank you
1679s zadar that is part of the the style of
1682s monant getting those juicy like during
1684s the fight Joe kept getting really epic
1686s and cinematic stuns and staggers and
1688s knockdowns whereas I was just there
1689s waiting to take the Cherry off the cake
1692s and be like yeah this is this is good no
1694s yeah you have some cool stuff
1698s happen tring to chase him with that oh
1702s the slideing hammer attack is so good if
1703s you press RB and B at the same time for
1706s axe
1706s mode
1709s oh I just did a back hit there okay oh I
1713s see
1715s okay he's doing a little dance and then
1717s you spin to wind oh then you do that and
1720s then you do
1722s that that's not so
1725s bad all we'll take some honey here get
1728s some more Mega potions right uh what's
1731s going on down
1732s here oh I did my attack too
1736s soon
1741s oh yeah the uncharged axe won't do as
1743s much yeah no I I
1745s agree and then I guess obviously I want
1747s to charge my blade so the ax does more
1751s damage oh there we go I shoot that oh
1754s that was a nice
1757s hit you can chain combos correctly you
1759s convert back to ESS mode of a
1762s buff oh nice good work
1765s there oh I'm I'm going to grab some of
1769s these sparkly bones while you do
1771s that just casually grabbing some
1775s stuff oh charging the blade is useful
1777s for axe mode it's nice it glows though
1779s and you know that's always
1785s nice oh there we go there's the
1789s axe oh nice two
1796s STS just just
1799s funking BOS there we go wow good job it
1804s yeah think think we're good there
1807s piercing pods I'll keep the bomb pod so
1810s yeah even more parts that'll be good for
1811s getting some more
1814s gear you need to charge ja that you
1816s charge the shield charging the blade
1817s itself is not useful
1820s ah all right I'm going to sharpen still
1823s pke pke like it suddenly got real quiet
1825s around
1826s here
1829s we did make light work of that one
1830s didn't
1831s we yes we did we we're now going to get
1834s P it promise we're going to get p p now
1837s we we just took a slight
1839s detour borrow says uh jonno while you're
1843s in axe mode you can press Y and B to go
1845s straight into s so I guess that be
1847s triangle and circle free yes that's that
1849s is good to know so we're both chasing
1851s each other okay let's let's check the
1853s map so I know poke pke tends H around
1856s area six and five I think are the main
1858s areas cuz there's like the uh poison
1860s cups there so if we head north yeah
1863s let's head
1864s north we've done everything except the
1866s thing that we were supposed to do yeah I
1868s I found some old footprints for a
1870s monster we haven't found yet yeah that
1873s must be it hopefully I think we'll be
1875s all right
1880s woo I need to make some Mega potions
1882s after uh yeah we're done here yeah I've
1884s been using them up and JF was uh making
1887s sure they went down well hold on yeah
1889s it's p
1892s p all
1896s right one of my favorite monsters just
1899s in terms of how hold back there yeah
1901s it's a fantastic monster I love the
1903s armor as well
1905s yeah well I guess we're doing this oh
1909s the the
1912s roar oh another one for good measure
1916s monsters are running away use the
1918s a guide and'll lead you right to him
1920s didn't want the smoke
1922s yeah Scout flies go we'll grab these
1926s while we're there thank you very much
1927s get some more research
1929s there P
1932s fun yeah you know on a new save we have
1935s like no resources at
1937s all we got to pick up everything we
1941s actually have the craft potions our
1943s infinite stack of potions is yeah not
1945s there yeah can't just go to the
1948s the box and uh restock on everything
1950s immediately I was just like yeah like
1952s when I had my uh adamant seed and I was
1955s like yes a seed rather than you know
1959s like just one seed yeah they trouble you
1962s with a
1967s seed ah oh it didn't get
1971s stunn when you're poison oh I got
1974s poison yeah so with pke P watch out for
1977s that poison oh yeah that's all we got
1980s antidotes oh my
1981s goodness s them you know I'm going to be
1984s greedy
1986s here be greedy do it
1990s oh there we
2001s go oh boy we're bullying
2006s them
2008s oh there we go that was a cool
2009s combo use the axe use up the charge then
2013s once the charge is gone
2017s s hello but yeah thanks to Joe using the
2020s hammer we're getting loads of stun and
2022s exhausting from the blunt
2027s damage yeah just you know it's a little
2029s dangerous you got to stay near the head
2031s all the time it is satisfying oh
2034s absolutely Hammer is the quintessential
2036s highrisk High War play
2046s yeah we've been waiting for you
2052s po watch out for that poison proceeds to
2054s get hit by it well you know do as we say
2057s and not as we do EXA we're showing you
2059s how to hunt and how not to hunt yeah
2062s it's a a two for one
2065s special pressing in C does a nice attack
2068s thank you for the charge plade tips when
2070s you have piz of G activated if you have
2071s enough so spinning ax of fire will
2074s refill oh that's some nice
2088s tack I'll let you uh say hello to PUK
2090s PUK first here I'll follow your
2094s lead do you have your uh your files
2098s ready or I don't I am Fess okay okay
2107s Fess oh there he goes let's follow Joe
2111s for a good view of this okay okay okay
2114s hope I don't miss here oh I missed oh
2116s you got the Stagger you were too
2123s effective I missed for the whole world
2125s to
2126s see
2129s oh that's right I got tail whipped me
2131s too me too it's okay we got a bigger
2142s wasp oh there we go
2146s just just like my jop here is
2149s done I like off the
2154s ledge good job and we'll be switching
2156s over to the gun l is for the next hunt
2158s that's right yeah we did promise that
2160s for Ruan oh
2164s yes so yeah we got lots of Monster Parts
2166s there so if we go to the Smithy after
2168s this we can kind of see what awaits us
2170s of what new gear we can if we want to
2172s farm some gear we we
2178s can
2181s oops like caught caught a uh vest there
2184s and it didn't shatter quick there's a
2186s VES car
2189s here pull off the triple GG yes yes we
2192s did oh yeah I mean and janath I honestly
2194s thought we were going to eat more than
2195s just one car I thought we were both
2197s going to be like thrown around
2199s regretting our decision um but it came
2201s out
2203s okay done last time yes it is yes it is
2206s oh yes going to see if I can there we go
2210s I have to zoom into my face a bit but
2212s I've got rid of the green bar the only
2215s downside is I I'm like a big head and
2217s there you you get the upper
2222s torso but lots all right all there
2227s yeah and we got some bonus rewards from
2229s the other monsters we hunted as well
2231s there's me the on the end screen their
2233s uh catch and puket in the chops with axe
2237s mode so that was 28 minutes for three
2240s monsters that was fun yeah and our
2243s Hunter Rank increased yeah we got a new
2245s Arena Quest added we should check that
2247s at some point oh yes and I don't really
2249s mess around with the arena too much
2251s actually in most Monster hun games so
2253s maybe that's something we can change
2254s here I think so we should definitely dip
2256s into those cuz there's some cool rewards
2258s and some interesting on cuz they they
2260s push you out of your comfort zone cuz
2261s certain Arena Quests limit you to
2264s certain weapons right um so you might be
2267s like oh I don't use the light bow gun or
2268s I don't use you know L maybe a good time
2271s to learn
2273s yeah now we're catch up with the
2276s commander
2278s hey wild spy
2280s waste it's time to begin Elder Dragon
2283s investigation make sure I'm going to try
2285s and restock
2287s on stuff that I need cuz I have no mega
2291s potions uh that's I think that's going
2293s to be a must oh
2295s absolutely so this one
2299s is is this an expedition this one just
2302s kind of complete the
2304s assignment uh keep our schol saf as your
2306s score for new EV oh no no we can do this
2308s one together
2312s okay all right I'm going to put my gun
2314s Lance on are we going to do the rathen I
2316s mean if rathan turns up we're going to
2319s have to have a we should we probably
2321s should um I'm just going to put on the
2323s gun L I don't know if I I'm going to
2324s have to level up this gun Lance it's
2325s it's uh I say level up I mean uh
2336s upgrade
2342s oh she'll be there I'm being threatened
2345s Now by
2348s chat okay got to figure out what I need
2351s to take out of the almost nothing items
2354s that I have
2357s here
2365s rearrange
2369s it is gun Lance yeah I mean I'm not
2370s overly familiar with it again but it'll
2373s be
2374s fine yeah you'll be all right let's
2377s upgrade our gun
2379s Lance I mean what other gun we got this
2384s one there is the Great jagas Gun L what
2387s is it normal shelling level one so
2389s that's 207
2391s 207 230 might be cool to make the the
2394s jagas
2395s one
2403s let's let's just upgrade the gun L just
2405s cuz we're flirting with the gun L at the
2408s moment yes that's what we're doing right
2410s I got to I got to switch over
2412s huh oh yes oh I can keep going if I want
2415s to
2417s there hey it's great to hear that the
2419s stream got you uh pumped up to play in
2422s World and thanks for swinging by as well
2425s good luck in the Ancient Forest watch
2426s out anath don't be afraid to to give it
2428s a slap if he gets a bit
2432s close so I'm going to forge some armor
2434s or look at it so we have loads of new
2437s armor to look at um so obviously there's
2439s the Rath Los from the previous stream
2441s but anath is there now um so let's take
2444s a little look at um I mean aesthetically
2447s it looks really really cool um so it's
2450s got artillery fire resistance Special
2452s ammo boost marathon runner and fire
2454s attack so a little bit good there I
2455s think for gun Lance I believe um we also
2459s got pke P so I love the Aesthetics on
2462s the pke pke gear um botanist poison
2465s attack poison resistance item prolonger
2467s and survival expert so nice bit for
2469s early status early poison builds
2473s mhm I can make some vest boid bits I can
2476s make the vest boid chest using that
2478s shell um or the um coil for some
2483s paralysis resist I'm just enjoying my
2486s bone armor too much at the moment I
2488s think I mean fashion comes first so yeah
2492s fashion game is the end game even in
2494s early game as
2497s always it's our end
2499s game I can't go to the Gathering Hub cuz
2501s I already put a quest in oh can you see
2503s it on the
2506s board uh yes I can see
2509s it unless hold up the quest or the the
2512s quest that you put in yeah yeah the best
2515s kind of quest
2518s um you cannot join this Quest because
2520s you have not progressed enough in the
2521s story okay so we may have to do this
2523s separately we'll get the cut scene in
2525s then and then uh take it from there yeah
2529s okay sounds good sounds good nice nice
2532s yeah if you get it first I'll join you
2534s uh if I get it first you can HP into
2537s mine smart gamer says my bad I want to
2540s get into the series but I only have
2541s stories two and rise to go off well
2544s you're in luck because world is is on
2547s sale right now for a very very low price
2550s less than a tener yeah that's a very
2553s colloquial
2555s say that one's for the European viewers
2558s yeah um so yeah it's currently um less
2561s than nine Great British pounds and
2563s what's the price in dollars
2565s roughly uh it's $10 basically $9.99
2568s bargain absolute bargain it is a barg
2570s not that we're biased but it is a
2575s bargain
2578s um so Johnny asks what is our usual main
2581s weapons what's your usual weapon main
2583s Joe um I'm usually great sword and I am
2586s sword and shield so we're both fans of
2588s Swords albeit slightly different sized
2593s swords all right so should we start
2595s start this Quest yep yep I've literally
2598s just uh started uh started it up all
2600s right all right but do you like long
2603s sword I've used it but not very much um
2607s I know that long sword is a super
2609s popular weapon and for very good reason
2610s it's stylish it's a long sword you know
2614s but yeah have you used long sword Jo you
2617s know not too much um I've dabbled here
2620s and there it's a cool weapon cool
2621s looking weapon um but you know I I like
2625s stuff with like big impact so obviously
2627s great sword Hammer really cool I like
2629s gunland also so yeah stuff that hits
2631s hard not that the long sword doesn't hit
2634s hard get that bomb up and
2639s then okay we just so we got the Jal so
2642s both of us in our own little quests
2645s escorting the scholars at the
2648s moment
2651s flag EXO says uh sorry let me see that
2656s uh who are we basically they're asking
2658s we are the Capcom Community manager so
2661s I'm over at Capcom USA and jonno is at
2663s Capcom
2664s Europe that is true that true and we are
2667s also you know we're not just the monity
2669s managers we love monst like we've both
2671s been playing for 10 plus years
2675s now we we love the
2678s series yes definitely and we also work
2680s on some other games as well John you
2681s work on EXO Primal I work on Dragon St
2684s so um and and a v variety of other games
2688s so yes lots to to love from Capcom
2691s exactly and we obviously do have the
2693s dragon not dragon do the EXO primal
2696s Hunter
2697s collab coming early next year as well
2700s which yeah super super
2703s exciting areas thus creating
2707s a oh great we get to go uphill
2711s now nice this is our first time in Wild
2713s Spire huh it is it's such a cool
2715s environment as well and you know you
2717s this environment as well hosts a lot of
2719s the endgame monsters as well uh that
2722s you'll end up fighting I mean you know
2724s teostra likes to lurk around here uh
2727s turning up the heat obviously you know
2729s you got Diablos black Diablos
2735s like yeah I guess a cool piece of lore
2738s is that you know basically the regions
2740s are connected right so um the water
2743s that's in this area is coming from the
2745s Ancient
2747s Forest so that's why you know yeah you
2749s know it's got
2751s like it's a desert area but you know if
2754s you're wondering why there's like lot of
2756s water and swap land that's where it's
2758s all coming
2759s from that it's good to know I love how
2761s the team really focused on ecology as
2763s well like building up this this Liv
2765s living breathing kind of ecosystem and
2767s you know you can follow monsters around
2769s and just kind of like watch them uh and
2771s see what they get up to in there kind of
2773s like dayto day mhm
2779s MH picking up some bits on the way
2781s what's this A a flashbug
2785s oh
2789s time to start up World I like your style
2791s you me we made it can we have a break
2795s now look the Wildfire oh there we go a
2799s nice view the wild fire yeah but we
2802s still have a ways to go well on we go an
2806s actual Spire
2808s yeah the wildest of spes
2812s yeah actually downhill might be worse
2815s this is so heavy swag axe m i I respect
2820s it you know I loved the uh the swag axe
2823s in uh sunbreak like it got such cool
2827s like Silk bind attacks like like the is
2829s it the falling Wy or diving Wy I Tred to
2832s remember cuz I only dabble did it where
2833s you go up in the air and you you come
2835s down at an angle and if you hit the
2837s monster you leave like a charge on them
2838s that then explodes it's so cool it's so
2841s anime I loved it yeah oh
2845s yeah oh hello that sounds like a
2847s familiar
2848s roar I just heard it on my side too we
2851s are insan it's like yeah we're maybe a
2854s second or two
2855s off salaar says they also loved just
2858s going out on Expeditions in rise and
2859s sunbreak and just watching the monsters
2861s and watching like some the camp sing
2863s they gave us their
2866s example oh my uh my researchers aren't
2869s very happy I'm just going to get this
2870s fruit before I go in though yum yum yum
2872s yum yum yum
2875s yum
2877s so I guess we're uh we're
2879s independently protecting the researchers
2885s Ries so we should be okay to join join
2888s me to H into
2889s yours um are we able to do that are we
2891s able or do we need to defend the
2893s researches first let me
2896s see um it looks like we can't yet yeah
2898s yeah not yet cuz the SOS flare is uh
2901s still gr out do we try no we won't so we
2906s we'll be back'll and we got to team up
2909s on that one yeah definitely oh she's
2911s giving me the eyes oh no no
2914s no don't mind us we're just passing by
2918s Live and Let Live Now
2923s run oh rathan uh started looking at us
2929s now ran says we can only do it after we
2932s enter the barro cut
2934s scene we will wait until
2938s cuz ruran as well has actually been
2939s doing a return to world uh stream series
2942s too over on his channel which has been
2944s really really cool to see I've swung by
2946s a few times and poked my head in as well
2948s like
2951s Incognito a lurker oh yes we got a Hy as
2955s well
2958s too you've been interested in a range of
2960s weapons of late also the support style
2962s weapons like the hunting horn the
2964s hunting horn is great for support it
2965s gives brilliant Buffs but believe me
2968s when I say it's far more than just a
2969s support weapon it it does the
2972s damage oh yeah and it doesn't style it's
2975s almost like a hammer a little bit you
2977s know the way it hits the but damage yeah
2981s Hammer but yeah the Buffs are
2982s massive the death DOA oh yeah I think
2986s we've done a couple streams where you
2987s have been running hunting horn and I'm
2989s like w my life is so easy right now oh
2991s yeah like the hunting horn especially in
2993s in sunbreak like you get such good like
2996s uh songs on it like sharpness reduction
3000s you know sharpness regeneration attack
3002s up yeah love it love it sword and shield
3006s is the real support weapon explain
3010s yourself that yeah that T's not going to
3012s go over well uh but yeah I I I get where
3016s they come from because obviously like I
3018s know wide range builds are really
3019s popular for some sord of Shield players
3021s cuz obviously we don't need to put our
3022s weapon away to use items like that's
3025s pretty cool right
3027s yeah that's a that's a pretty big bonus
3029s that is a huge bonus um so you know we
3032s can we can start glugging back potions
3034s AB us this
3037s region so yeah that's good for that and
3039s you can quickly throw out life powders
3041s so I get it I get where you're coming
3043s from I'm just teasing you
3046s because they assume yeah there you go
3049s wide range use items of SW you know
3051s what's
3052s up we have to be careful mushroom maner
3055s wide range yeah I mean I remember doing
3057s stuff like extreme off and Arch tempered
3060s um monsters I ran a support build for
3063s that with my sword and shield cuz I was
3065s just throwing back potions to heal the
3068s team yeah you got to use them all
3070s exactly there's so many great ways to
3072s build your Hunter and with different
3073s sets there's no wrong way to do it if it
3076s works for you and you're having fun then
3080s it's good it's it's good right it's not
3083s it's not all about pure DPS cuz you know
3085s it's really cool to see hunters and
3087s speedrunners that can do it but I'm not
3089s one of those I take a few knocks let's
3092s see what kind of present Zora part of
3095s fun all right we've made it to the Spire
3098s or
3100s uh oh lunar is going for that 20th
3103s Fatalis kill good luck yeah we're we're
3105s just Spire as well it's a bit steamy
3108s it's it's a bit
3114s warm
3118s yes you I haven't seen these in a while
3120s I know it's bringing back memories yeah
3124s oh it's blue blue scal
3128s flies look over there another clue first
3133s eure ah thank you for the subscription
3136s Mia that's very kind of you tier three
3138s as well very
3143s generous 1,000 fatalist my good
3146s 1,000 oh wow that is that's way more
3148s than I thought
3150s to ah it's
3152s barro
3154s JP jumping
3157s Jackies follow
3159s me a very cinematic cut scene I like the
3163s uh the moves from our hunter yeah look
3165s at that W do a Power
3169s roll was that scatter up there as
3174s well oh right on the
3177s nose all right so should I join
3180s you uh go for it I'm still in the cut
3182s scene um yeah I'm going to so try return
3186s from the quest yeah return from the
3188s quest and I will I will run away like a
3191s brave
3192s Hunter I just abandoned those
3193s researchers good luck they got a head
3196s start they got a head start they had
3197s their
3200s chance out of my job here is done yep
3203s you only paying me so much Zen
3206s uhoh uh oh no no no no no oh I got
3210s charged cuz I was greeding the shiny
3212s Cactus and obviously we know bar
3215s probably quite likes the C cacti so
3219s yeah all right so do you need to back
3221s out for me to join you or I can just you
3223s might be able to join cuz yeah I left
3225s enough slot for you to join so it should
3227s be okay now I think if not I'll back out
3229s oh here here we go yeah I see it I'm
3231s going to briefly
3233s Retreat oh her might want to eat huh did
3236s we eat I all right I wanted to eat yeah
3239s so I'm rejoining I I won't say no to
3241s food I'm greedy like that there's rathen
3243s I think as well was that yeah Ran's
3245s right next to us
3248s um oh
3253s boy oh yeah barro found me I was not
3257s paying attention to Bar off
3262s punishment it said to eat again uh
3267s uh that's a good idea let's go back to
3269s Camp I'm probably still in combat here
3273s yeah I'm about to get yeah a social
3275s Hunter is a smart Hunter remember to
3278s exchange Guild cards with your cards oh
3280s yeah I probably do need your guild card
3282s yeah we got the gun Lance on yes we're
3285s doing double gun Lance courtesy of ruran
3288s oh yes there's R and I don't know why
3291s I'm running at her
3294s um cool so you're there I'm going to run
3297s down to meet
3298s you then do we do we try
3302s rathen
3303s oh I
3305s mean I'm down yeah okay we'll go for
3310s it then we'll get barro afterwards did
3313s you head back to Camp or where where did
3314s you go I I'm running back towards you at
3316s the moment um I'm in area 7 so if we
3321s both head towards area 2 which is where
3323s rathan is going at the moment
3326s okay going to change my Scout
3328s flies to Target I see you I see you and
3332s then look they guide you the well one of
3334s the best routes to get there so that's
3336s very handy because it's easy to get lost
3337s especially when you're new to monster on
3339s world mhm
3354s mhm
3357s okay I got to go more North that was a
3359s cool cut scene though seeing the hunter
3361s getting that Slinger right up in there
3363s to like defle barrel
3366s away very acrobatic yes especially with
3369s a gun L on your
3373s back okay I'm lurking in the the bushes
3376s near area 2
3380s sl3 sneaky
3384s Hunter so let's see how this goes so I'm
3387s probably even rustier with the gun Lance
3388s than I am uh charge same here same here
3392s I play more gun Lance on uh in rise and
3395s it's got quite a different move set so
3397s see how this goes rocketing around
3399s everywhere yeah very stylish the bullet
3402s barrage is uh is very very cool TX says
3406s I'd love to see uh palu well you know
3408s we'll get there eventually yes we'll get
3411s there and it's it's your alltime
3412s favorite monster did you give them a
3414s vote in the Hunter's Choice
3416s uh Community poll I'm sure they'll
3418s appreciate it welcome Joe okay so let us
3423s gun Lance for great
3425s Justice let's do it maybe we should uh
3429s we should run up first oh oh that was
3432s just a warning roar oh I just did an
3436s aerial attack oh no okay yeah I got the
3439s tail I got the tail it's all good right
3441s I need to remember remember my combo
3443s okay while you're doing that I'm going
3444s to sharpen cuz the shells like to drain
3448s that sharpness we got a level two hype
3450s train emote oh yeah all
3454s right good job everyone God we got more
3457s sub three
3459s subs thank you
3465s everybody I'm just casually watching you
3467s uh do your
3470s Mountain oh nice go go
3474s go
3478s Full
3479s Burst I need to remember the kind of
3481s semi infinite combo you can do by keep
3484s ending up uh finishing the combo I think
3488s the uh the muscle memory is come back to
3490s me I'm just firing in the air
3497s there heal up a little
3499s here I
3502s don't oh the waddle oh that hurts that
3507s hurt well she's on the
3511s move oh the reload repeat yeah that is
3514s the one I need to remember what the wi
3515s sweet button is I think it would be
3516s triangle for
3519s me cuz I think that that W well yeah
3522s that's not a terrible start got the got
3524s the Wy are you uh or the familiarizing
3528s yourself with everything uh let's
3530s see remember oh no not that one steak
3533s blast that
3536s or we go that oh no don't want to use
3539s the
3542s shells I used to use the ran gun Lance a
3545s lot and uh okay then you go down then
3548s you would burst yeah then burst y yeah
3550s that's the one normal shell gang that's
3552s the loop the
3554s loop World ice spawn gun Lance is my
3556s favorite version of the weapon it's
3558s great seeing how like each game has
3560s slightly different iterations of the
3561s weapon so you know it as soon as you
3563s play it if you main it but there's a new
3565s new bit of flavor to it or something
3566s different about it from the time before
3573s yeah I did that wrong it's kind of like
3575s a fighting game right oh which I I
3577s usually say about the weapons it's kind
3578s of
3579s like you know every every time there's a
3582s Ryu and a street fighter he's a little
3583s different yeah that's a good good
3587s comparison
3589s oh oh I should probably heal yeah I was
3593s a bit far away doing my combo it wasn't
3594s the the most graceful hunter
3597s ever oh I missed with
3602s that
3607s oh
3610s oh I messed up the combo but we still
3613s got some nice
3617s damage
3619s oh there we go we we'll get the shells
3621s in
3624s there
3625s I'm on red sharpness or orange sharpness
3628s oh no me
3632s too oh
3636s o that hit hard WRA sh that she's the
3638s queen of explosions here
3643s yeah my P is stunned oh
3650s no
3651s o oh oh oh the waddle is what always
3654s gets me R every
3658s time the
3664s water get that
3666s reloaded oh down we go and a
3672s sweep there we go there's the combo then
3675s we'll go for a finish here W
3681s SP oh boy I'm facing the wrong way oh
3685s oh the triple Fireball a classic that
3688s almost took me out oh oh my
3693s goodness oh my shortcuts AR
3696s dead oh the wad hey rathan no no no no
3701s oh no rathan is doing me way more than
3707s anath I did get trampled quite rightly
3710s if you run out of he you'll faint and be
3712s returned to the CL now we're both with
3713s one c a piece
3715s you
3720s fa R and ain't
3723s playing made the sapphire staright away
3726s thank you I think I need it in this
3729s hunt yeah they say it's the waddle it's
3731s the waddle that gets me orean it's not
3733s the it's not the Fireballs you know it's
3736s not the back flip most of the time it's
3738s them
3739s Waddles all right it has flown away
3742s great so we can regroup we can we can
3744s dust ourselves down I can massage my
3752s ego I think it's not like I find it I
3755s can get greedy with the gun Lance cuz
3756s I'm like oh just one more attack and
3758s then I can do like a Full Burst yeah
3760s like that's the
3763s way I CED and I haven't eaten oh no oh
3768s dear I should have waited for you it's
3771s good I'm on my way I've only ever so
3774s slightly uh lost it's fine we're back
3776s we're back I can see Ry she's looking
3778s tired though you're doing a good job
3780s she's
3781s big I didn't realize up
3784s close how how big she was look at that
3787s jump I can't jump
3792s myself
3794s oh have we bitten off more than we can
3797s chew for once oh maybe I'm just firing
3800s in the air you know it's fired uhoh no
3804s no no shot
3805s oh you know what I said I I never C to
3807s the backflip wow that was my that was a
3811s lie that was a lie so rathan you know we
3815s you know we did all right against hannaf
3817s you know it made us maybe too
3819s confident I did jinx myself didn't I but
3822s rathan rathan ain't
3826s playing yeah we got too
3833s confident
3835s did I eat before returning I didn't no
3838s and uh I should probably you know I'm
3839s going to go I'm going to go eat I'm
3840s going to go go oh I knocked it down nice
3842s work I'm going to be a little bit longer
3844s cuz I'm going to
3845s reat thank you thank you for the
3847s reminder I was too Keen to get back into
3849s the hunt there but for those that don't
3850s know you can eat in your Camp there you
3852s go things to do around Camp you can
3855s change your weapons and armor here oh no
3857s you know what I I was thinking it was
3858s like Rising sunre where you go into your
3859s tent to eat but really we can eat
3861s outside cuz we have the Handler here
3864s with us C here serves food that will
3866s give you a boost for the hunt ahead
3868s outdoor Cooks outdoor chefs okay so I
3870s can't get the health boost but I can eat
3872s for defense up and hope I get
3875s it I got feline I got defense up I got
3878s defense up I got a couple knockdowns
3881s there um nice so maybe we softened it up
3884s a little bit we definitely you I
3887s definitely you I've been mostly on the
3889s ground no no it was a it was a team
3892s effort it was emotional support you know
3894s what it was maybe it's you know watching
3896s me get carted twice fired you up you're
3898s like yeah Revenge
3901s Revenge my fellow Community
3904s manager I got put respect on Ran's
3907s name I know yeah we we uh we got
3911s humbled and I even got hit by the back I
3913s don't get C by the back flip casted by
3916s backflip
3919s goodbye
3923s deleted
3925s forgot how fun it was to jump into the
3926s guiding LS and just not leave for hours
3928s yeah that is it's so easy to
3930s just stay there for hours I will clear
3933s up and then a monster turns up that you
3934s want you want the part for and it's like
3937s just one more I spent a Sunday morning
3940s just doing that for I don't even know
3942s how long maybe like four or five hours
3944s that was that was really
3949s fun Roan says wyvern fire boys we need
3952s wyvern fire okay okay I think I can
3955s remember the combination it's is it
3956s shield and circle SLB so R2 triangle
3961s circle triangle Circle yes all right
3963s we'll get I mean you've done
3965s fantastically well Joe I have to say
3967s with the gun Lance I have been
3970s uh oh no no don't gas me up I've been
3973s I've been struggling
3975s here there she is look she's like I can
3978s smell jonno I'm going to get
3981s you look at that straight from me she
3983s knows she knows on the the weak Link in
3985s this one no no
3988s no okay let's try try to slide on
3991s here oh I'm on it nice work I see you on
3995s the
3997s tail I'm on my way oh my goodness she's
4000s proper leg in it it's moving
4002s quick I spent a Sunday morning just
4004s grinding a bit of guided L for dot dot
4006s 17 hours yeah just a 15
4013s hours
4015s can hear you chopping away
4017s there come on come
4022s on oh there we go there we go all
4026s right
4028s uh-oh I I did a whoopsy there that's
4031s right though we're back in we're back
4035s in get that combo
4039s off
4041s oh all right he comes the pick a was
4046s W and fire for
4048s ruran
4053s Bullit Oops I did that wrong there we go
4057s oh I'm bouncing
4063s bouncing going for
4068s me o that felt nice
4073s to
4078s yeah thank you I had my shield ready
4080s that
4083s time oh I
4090s missed oh no it's no oh you saved me oh
4094s I hit it I hit it I hit it you hit me as
4096s well you saved me oh I'm sorry sorry
4098s that's good it's good I was about to get
4099s hit I appreciate it that was a thank
4103s you
4112s uh-oh get out of here oh there we go
4115s that done well done bit
4121s Revenge Oh I thought I was near the
4124s head
4126s uh-oh oh oh that's the triple
4129s no a she just caught you you were so
4132s close you are so so close dude
4135s unlucky I thought I got me I was like oh
4138s no not three not the
4141s tripler boy sorry buddy we'll let you
4144s down hey don't worry though look we got
4146s we got the WRA and scale we got we got a
4149s little something you know there's a
4151s lovely there's a lovely little end
4152s screen here of us like shoulder toh
4154s shoulder eating a fireball like that
4158s that is pretty funny yeah my body is
4160s just there it's like yep he did is truly
4165s glorious we've been asked as well what's
4166s our favorite monster to fight what's
4169s yours Jay to fight uh well my favorite
4173s monster is duffel Joe but to
4179s fight I don't know that's a tough one I
4181s might have to think about that a little
4183s bit that is a that is a tough question
4185s isn't it yeah I really really enjoyed uh
4190s the fight against amatsu in Monster
4192s Hunter rise o that was quite at the end
4194s of all the updates yeah just such a
4195s spectacle you know but
4197s um I have a LoveHate uh relationship
4201s with
4202s uh uh our boy Fatalis Fatalis
4208s so um for me like for Sun Break I mean I
4211s really like gosar I really like its
4213s fighting style but primordial Mareno was
4215s such a satisfying fight especially as a
4217s sword and shield user cuz it feels like
4219s you're actually kind of having a jewel
4220s with the monster um but overall like my
4224s time favorite monster is brai theuse um
4226s so I'm really excited to be replaying
4228s world again and and getting to that
4230s point um once again you know it brachi
4234s is an absolute machine an explosive
4236s machine it punches it booms it jumps
4239s you've got the status effect to deal
4241s with as well that you know when you're
4242s in the fight like do I keep it on me and
4244s risk it for a bit or do I focus on
4246s rolling it off I really like kind of
4247s having to make those kind of decisions
4249s uh mid hunt um I've retreated to GA to
4252s the Gathering Hub Joe to to head over
4254s there do the repop the
4256s quest also like you know triple Carton
4259s and you know failing a quest is an
4260s interesting thing cuz in in monant you
4263s know yeah you might lose the items that
4265s you had consumed in the quest but you
4267s can still take some rewards out that
4269s you've already earned and it's a good
4270s learning experience like triple carton
4272s you know look at me and Joe have played
4274s for years and years and years and done
4276s hundreds if not you know thousands of
4278s hunts and we still triple cart it's all
4282s part of the game so yeah yeah don't feel
4284s bad if you dble cart it's a learning
4286s experience because now going back here
4287s I'm going to be like right this is why I
4289s carted I was too greedy and too cocky
4293s and you know going in next time will'll
4295s be fine yeah uh Ron is taking off thanks
4299s Ron happy holidays and uh you know
4302s thanks for joining us and for all that
4303s you do for the community exactly yeah
4305s well said well said we'll keep the gun
4307s Lance on in honor for the next one yes
4310s yes let's do it all right so what are we
4312s doing next uh so we try and redeem
4315s ourselves let's redeem ourselves we
4317s must are we going to go for rathan or
4320s are we going to do what we're supposed
4322s to do if Ran's there we can always say
4324s hi all right all right uh you want to
4328s post that or should I should I join you
4329s I think I posted it I post it oh okay
4331s let me tell tell you what to be fair
4333s though look we we we went after R in
4335s early she beat us she beat us fair and
4338s square so maybe we let her have this for
4341s now we go straight for back okay okay
4343s the game is doing what it's supposed to
4345s do yeah it's like hey I'm going to fight
4347s that monster damn that monster got hands
4352s like I be like I'm not showing that but
4354s we did we did show that
4358s yeah B off more than we could you yeah
4361s so you know what
4362s rathan has earned her her survival in
4365s this stream she did real
4372s good
4374s so yeah carding is always fine say no to
4376s toxicity yes exactly it's all part of
4378s the fun like some of the funniest
4379s moments I've had in one stunter like are
4382s like hilarious carts or like me with the
4384s overconfident like I never cart to a
4387s backflip like and then immediately gets
4391s this yeah so yeah like there's some
4394s brilliant moments like someone will mess
4395s up or like your Hammer mate like hits
4397s you in the air and then you get voied by
4399s the monster and or you hear your friend
4401s screaming running away from like a giant
4403s wave fire and then they get hit it's all
4407s part of the experience y like it it's
4410s all part of the fun
4412s mhm
4415s absolutely yeah Tex text there says yeah
4418s I never C to a uh and then it
4425s happens right um I guess we should
4428s head let's let's head through
4432s the I was going to try and say a
4434s Direction but I just stopped looking at
4436s my compass and I was like H that way
4439s start running yeah yeah there you go L
4441s you know what to do sliding in style
4443s sliding oh
4449s that got to stuck up on potions after
4451s that last
4453s one most my car experiences are my Pico
4456s throwing bombs and knocking me into a
4458s monster I'm
4461s helping carton motivates me to upgrade
4463s my you know what narell that's a really
4465s good point if you're you know if you've
4467s been like you know chugging along quite
4469s I keep forgetting you can't pick them up
4470s in this
4472s one if you've been kind of chugging
4474s along doing well and you start carting
4476s or taking more damage than you expect
4478s it's usually a good sign that you should
4480s upgrade your existing armor or look at
4482s crafting a new set that's you know a
4483s slightly higher tier so that's actually
4485s a really good tip so kudos to you n yeah
4490s learn from our mistakes exactly as you
4492s said we're showing you how to hunt and
4494s how not to H not so anytime we cart
4498s that's our excuse yeah it's all
4500s intentional and part of the plan yes we
4503s want to be the best teachers we can the
4505s true new Hunter
4507s experience give or take a few thousand
4509s hours and py says also when upgrading
4512s armor look for defensive skills you have
4513s zero DPS when you've
4516s Ked yeah cool hey they look familiar
4522s yeah are you are you going to I'm not
4525s going to blow up the caar no no no no
4527s I'm you don't to upset the Final Fantasy
4529s fans that are in chat you know he saw a
4532s caar and immediately attacked it
4535s yeah you know we uh we at Capcom love
4538s our friends at Square Enix so just going
4540s to oh he's going to kick
4543s it uhoh oh
4548s boy now you can use this to help you
4551s fight monsters as well this is a nice
4553s visual Dem demonstration by Joe of what
4555s the character can do off they go look
4558s and yeah that is part of let us to bar
4560s that is part of the monsant Final
4561s Fantasy collab in game yes
4566s yes hello there are we ready for this I
4569s think
4570s so oh I poked his tail oh that raw came
4573s out real quick as
4575s well I get a cheeky there we go B oh
4580s knocked on my butt did I hit you with
4582s that sorry no no no it was it was bar
4584s off I got
4586s headbutted I uh shot him in the uh the
4591s butt I went from the front which is the
4593s most dangerous part of the power oh that
4597s block good yeah the heal bar is still
4602s intact oh the tail can't disrespect the
4608s tail there we are we both on the Block
4610s there
4612s yeah
4615s look at us in sink we're matching
4618s yeah somehow that missed me
4624s somehow but yeah gun Lance is
4626s interesting cuz it has three different
4627s chot types which gives it each like well
4630s that one weapon type three different
4631s distinct play Styles there's normal long
4634s and wide so normal is good if you like
4637s kind of as far as I'm aware I'm not a
4638s gun Lance expert so feel free to correct
4641s me anymore um wide is sorry normal is
4644s great for doing like Full Burst which is
4646s the slam into the ground where you let
4648s go of all of your your shells at once um
4651s and doing combos why I believe is is
4655s good for just doing um the singular
4658s shell blast like that if you like to
4661s just use if you like explosions then
4664s that is the gun L for you and then long
4665s as the charged shells so you can get a
4668s little bit more distance right yeah
4670s little bit more distance and I think you
4672s can charge you can charge them up time I
4675s think or did they are they just longer
4677s in ja that's long is the one I've used
4679s the least yeah I think you get a little
4682s bit more distance on the shots but like
4685s for wide it's kind of like a almost like
4686s a shotgun right yeah it's like boom or
4688s spread
4690s yeah but you know I'm sure the the gun
4693s LS uh Pros will correct
4697s us we we've even got slap plants coming
4700s up where it's just all about just
4702s bashing the monster
4706s oh here you
4708s oh unlucky it's like bar offs in chat
4711s and it's like no you can't yeah no no
4714s you can't show off you can't do anything
4718s cool for barroth is it best to fight a
4720s hammer I reckon Hammer's Wicked against
4722s barroth oh yeah he's got such a big head
4727s yeah oh there's a minor node
4732s here
4734s you know actually J I'm going to revise
4736s I think my favorite monster of fight is
4738s zogre zenoa why zoga good choice yeah I
4742s think it has a really cool move set I
4744s like you know when it does that um it
4747s like jumps in the air and then tries to
4748s like land on you basically that's really
4750s cool yeah yeah and then as a great
4752s swword uh main I love going for the tail
4756s because the tail on that monster is
4758s gigantic it it's a monster has a meaty
4760s tail yeah I should come down and grab
4762s that
4766s W oh I'm I'm hanging her out on there we
4769s go there we go I got down in the
4774s end also zoga has like attitude you know
4777s how it just kind of walks at you oh I
4779s got a light Crystal yeah yeah it's very
4782s cool n gante is discreet favorite
4785s monster how you can systematically
4787s destroy him when you know how he works
4789s but he can destroy you when you
4792s don't
4796s namel is so adorable it really yeah it's
4800s such a unique Elder Dragon as well I
4802s really like how it utilizes like the
4804s jewel element like the water and the
4807s Thunder to like create such a hazardous
4810s fight and the sound effects are really
4812s cool as well that that it
4814s makes lunastra fan over here as
4818s well I struggle with that one yeah that
4821s Nova that Nova's
4824s brutal do you think we can W fire
4829s here do a w fire let let's get close
4832s yeah all right right you ready 3 2 1 no
4837s stop stop come back here oh oh I caught
4840s him I caught him cuz you turned him
4841s around with your
4843s one nice okay so we we still did what we
4845s wanted to do yeah all part of the
4847s plan we just did it with a bit more
4850s style and
4852s flare
4853s oh
4859s there ooh somehow I dodged that
4863s ohom
4865s nice oh okay you tacked that quite
4870s well but as you can see like the the
4873s challenge in the hunt in the Hunts and
4875s the ferocity ramps up quite nicely once
4877s you get out the Ancient Forest so if you
4880s do find the early hunts a bit easy you
4883s your challenge will be there and if you
4885s know if you did find them a bit more
4886s challenging you can stay in the forest
4888s for a bit Farm up your gear get higher
4890s defense you know get some spicier
4893s weapons and then come fight bar off
4895s you're not like you can go back whenever
4897s you want you're not like
4900s pigeonhole oh
4901s hello wa we got Diablos coming out of
4905s the look at
4907s that you're going so that's Diablos
4910s everyone I I I don't think we should try
4913s fight
4915s diao I don't know about that I don't
4917s know about
4918s that I don't know if we're ready no I
4920s don't think we are I think we should go
4922s find bar so yeah this can
4924s happen uh yeah shall we drop down yeah
4928s we should we should drop down we leave
4929s Diablos to it wow that's so cool it's
4932s getting out of here you know I love when
4933s that happens like yeah that very cool
4937s that nearly took down oh there's Diablos
4939s charging through the ground barro that
4941s nearly finished barro off
4945s oh is still here wait yeah it's where
4948s are
4949s you I'm right behind you yeah Diablos is
4952s a great monster cuz in theory it's it's
4954s quite a simple fight like in regards to
4957s how it behaves and its attack so you can
4959s learn it quite well however when it hits
4962s you oh boy when it hits you it hits hard
4966s oh
4967s yes it's it's it's really funny oh sorry
4970s go ahead no off to you off to you I was
4972s going to say it's really it's really
4973s funny uh last week we were like saying
4976s oh maybe we rolled over everything a
4977s little bit too easy you know maybe yeah
4980s we should turn up the challenge a little
4982s bit and now this week the chall too
4984s confident
4987s yeah there you go got a thorn pod on the
4990s head of bar off
4994s there oh okay nice counter I heard I
4997s heard that yeah I was like yeah I got a
4999s good hit in here and then bar was like
5001s so did I oh that was lovely
5004s do we have any W fire do I might oh here
5008s we go come on yeah oh
5012s yes nice yeah God L if you like
5015s explosions then
5019s uh oh nice you got the got
5022s the all right let's go
5025s oh not the ant
5028s nest no there look at them they're
5030s everywhere they're going to ruin our pic
5035s all right
5038s down
5041s boom nice work I love that Diablos
5045s showed up and in what typical Diablos
5047s fashion okay that was
5052s awesome oh I can hook onto a wing Drake
5054s No I must carve the barro barro has some
5056s really cool looking armor as well it's
5057s quite
5058s striking oh yeah yeah it's like it's
5062s it's very
5063s I don't want to say he like thick
5066s but I mean it it
5070s is nobody nobody clipped
5075s that we'll have to go look at the armor
5077s now you know that right
5079s yeah yeah like you know this was a nice
5082s little sand pit here before and then
5084s Diablos is like no like the sheer power
5086s behind that monster and then obviously
5088s then there's black Diablos which is a
5090s whole another level of hurt yeah
5093s yeah tough
5099s one let me have a
5106s souvenir alron was frustrating but maybe
5109s even more than Fatalis can tell you why
5111s I struggle too much at first you know
5113s what it's a very challenging challenging
5115s fight to learn Y super fun and super
5117s rewarding once you get it down but it
5119s you know it is it it is the fight that
5121s gets you ready for fatal
5123s exactly and you know at the time I think
5125s the like the very popular builds among a
5128s lot of people were actually raw builds
5131s um and not Elemental so it was a bit of
5133s a shock to the system for many as a
5135s sword and shield user I use a lot of
5137s Elemental anyway in status so I was like
5139s oh yeah this is great but you know I
5141s know a lot of other popular like sets
5143s were were raw based so yeah if you were
5145s going in without element you were coming
5147s out quite quickly yeah as you playing
5150s the game pretty differently I think you
5152s know you got to do so much Elemental
5154s damage to pass the damage check and you
5156s know there's just a lot of specific
5157s mechanics to the fight that are pretty
5159s unique to the rest of the game um I find
5161s it really cool so yeah it's it's it's a
5163s really great fight I uh I think you
5165s you've introduced a new copy pasta uh
5168s Handler I'm trying to sneak up on the
5170s monster but my bar off armor is dummy
5171s thick and the Clapping of the armor
5173s plates is given away my
5177s position oh oh my
5181s goodness so we got little cut scene here
5184s so we we've got a a friendly face to
5186s talk to as we learn more about the new
5188s world it sounds like the good Scholars
5191s are as encourageable as
5194s ever might I ask are you tracking the
5197s monster that Dro that massive
5202s slag just a a little nod from our hunter
5205s oh yes stoic as yeah follow the trail
5209s find the truth and I'm not sure how far
5211s off my cut scene is from you it's
5212s probably about the same yeah we're just
5214s sipping sipping our drinks at the minute
5216s and oh he's wrapping up he's done it
5218s well nice to see uh I've got places to
5220s be be of some Avail like a gentleman to
5223s you and in our own little multiverses
5225s here a message on to the commander that
5229s I am safe but a force compels me on and
5233s I intend I'm just sat there in my bone
5235s armor like yep yep if you two feel so
5239s compelled then we will cross paths again
5242s at the end of all this I think yeah a
5244s lot of hunters that played the uh you
5247s know in the kind of 3u 4u generations
5250s Generations on my era you know yeah we'
5252s we've been CED by konu either directly
5255s or
5258s indirectly was that who I think it
5262s was all right J so we've got about a
5265s little bit less than half hour should we
5268s should probably open up the Gathering
5270s Hub and and this week we're prepared so
5273s Joe will be popping the code into
5276s YouTube and I'll be popping the code
5277s into twitch so this is your like one
5281s minute
5283s warning yes let me make sure I have the
5286s right code here yeah we don't
5288s have wait a minute all right we prepped
5292s that all
5294s before so let's yeah okay let me know
5297s when you send that in and I will I will
5299s let you know I'm just going to get back
5301s and we'll hop into the Gathering H um
5303s yeah should we take a look at the uh the
5305s thick armor yes we should then we can
5307s put the code in chat good shout all
5312s right the commander pleased with our
5315s achievements there and we're starting to
5317s narrow down the whereabouts of Zora
5319s magdor us and we got a campsite there
5322s immediately ooh a Sinister shadow in the
5327s swamp yeah we can do Guild
5330s cards s just had a h up
5334s there yeah we're going to look at that
5336s armor
5337s set as you ask so
5340s nicely yes we are playing on PC yep yep
5345s okay so here we are we're at the Smithy
5347s the second Fleet
5351s Master where is it there oh we got the
5353s we can get the alloy armor now as well
5356s uh water resist defense boost poison
5358s resist speed sharpening so barroth okay
5363s look at that look at that
5366s oo wiggle
5369s wiggle you can see little plates there
5372s so I can't see what's on your screen but
5375s I think I yeah now
5376s I'm see so we got guard stamina Thief
5380s marathan Runner Muk resistance and stun
5383s resistance so really handy for early on
5385s in the wild spy waste there and
5388s obviously you look like a castle which
5390s is really cool
5393s but I need to think about doing my armor
5395s soon I mean do I want to go into some
5397s alloy
5399s armor what's the difference defense
5402s eight yeah I'm taking look also if not I
5405s could upgrade can I upgrade my uh maybe
5407s I upgrade some equipment uh cuz I really
5411s like the bone armor okay so how am I
5413s doing on Armor spheres okay I've got a
5415s few okay so that'll put me up in in line
5418s with the alloy gear uh I'm going to put
5421s my defense up to
5423s 10 so if you don't want to craft new
5426s sets if you really like what you've got
5428s you can just upgrade it assuming you've
5430s got the armos spares and the zeni yep I
5434s do kind of like what I have in terms of
5436s the
5438s visuals does look good I'm I'm not
5441s really hunting for uh uh for optimal
5444s build right now I guess oh I'm uh oh no
5447s there we go I can get that am I out of
5449s resources I think I am
5456s there we go I'm going to switch back to
5458s hammer yeah I'm going to put on sword
5460s and
5461s shield there you go so I've upgraded my
5464s uh armor set there so I should be able
5466s to take hits a little better so I've
5469s increased my armor on each piece by four
5472s um so that will be a nice defense boost
5473s when they're all combined cuz it might
5476s not look like a much for one piece of
5478s armor but you know when you got your
5479s full set on it quickly adds up mhm
5484s and uh remember if you are jumping in
5487s please keep in line with that armor and
5490s weapon levels you know don't come in
5492s with your raging bracky and your Fatalis
5495s uh you know uh kind of keep in line with
5497s the weapons you know and armor and then
5499s the monsters will have a chance um as
5502s you've seen you know they will fight
5503s back in and triple cart um so when you
5507s get into the Gathering Hub Joe we can uh
5511s pop out the codes Direct
5513s yeah give me one second get the right
5516s Hammer here I'm grabbing my hunter's
5519s knife too I should probably look up if I
5522s can make any more sorden Shields
5524s really not a bad
5529s idea I'm going to have a little little
5531s bit of hydration with my monster hunter
5533s cup or
5541s mug
5544s I took too big a mouthful there I was
5547s like oh oh I say just like Hunter eat
5550s before the hunt it's important that you
5552s stay hydrated as well yes
5556s yes cool got my Kulu Hammer oh I'm
5560s looking forward to that I can't wait to
5562s see
5563s it see if I get new headpiece here will
5567s we be doing ice born yeah when we get
5569s there we're happy to keep going on if if
5571s you if you're still watching and having
5573s fun you know we we can dive into ice B
5576s yes we are playing from the very very
5579s start and we are not playing these
5581s Hunters on our own time we're only
5583s playing them on Street mhm this is a
5585s journey we're sharing
5589s together okay Gathering up
5599s time there you are let's see oh look at
5601s that that is a thing of
5604s beauty it's more fashionable than me
5608s yeah change my head piece as well but
5609s none of the rest of my armor you know
5611s what that fits that goes really well
5613s with the jackar mix aulu right I'm going
5616s to paste the code
5619s into twitch chat and here it is in the
5622s YouTube chat and off we
5627s go and no I didn't lean on my keyboard
5630s that is the lobby ID
5632s yeah J why are you
5635s saying that was me after getting uh
5637s double cuted by rathan yeah yeah raging
5641s you can be any HR uh I mean we're
5644s hr3 so if you're around that if you're
5647s below it though we'll do lower quests we
5649s do not mind we will base it around that
5652s um all we ask is obviously don't bring
5653s in gear that's higher than ours um
5657s otherwise the monsters will fall over
5658s quite quickly oh well look at all the
5660s fashion in here theor good to see you
5664s again oh yes joined us last week oh good
5666s shout you you are such a fantastic
5670s host I just remember getting beaten at
5672s arm wrestling oh that's right yeah we
5675s got to we got to run that oh there's Ria
5676s Ripley the Woman's World Champion there
5678s we go so the great there let join us
5681s once again I really like the Zoro
5683s magdaros scill I actually use that on my
5686s for my like personal playthrough uh for
5688s my layer gear because I just love it's
5690s like a stone Knight like the glow in it
5693s yeah I really like the zor magos kit
5695s helicopter I'm going to be here every
5697s week well thanks for joining us and
5698s thanks for watching nice we love to see
5700s it all right I'm going to who wants to
5702s have a quick arm wrestle who wants to
5704s beat me at arm
5705s wrestling go
5707s J oh is anyone is anyone going to come
5710s over this you know what just okay let's
5712s let's run it oh oh here we go okay I
5714s need to remember what button it is as
5716s well I'm going to get absolutely beasted
5718s otherwise is it
5720s square here we go oh no I'm pressing the
5723s wrong button I think am I pressing the
5726s right button I don't know I don't know
5729s no well played NEP well
5732s played oh goodbye
5736s goodbye it's not Square okay it's Circle
5739s then yeah okay so I kind of started
5741s pressing the right button all right
5742s who's going to go on Joe avenge me again
5745s right you got random this time it's
5747s Circle for me yeah I think definitely
5749s wasn't Square the energy of someone with
5751s the name random I'm scared you got
5756s this oh Everyone's Watching yes one to
5760s the community one to the community
5763s managers first win we got it do this is
5766s a decider you got this you got to beat
5769s NEP cuz they beat
5773s me I believe I
5776s believe oh jeez go go go oh lucky well
5781s played all right a go next well played
5784s it you you bought it back for us though
5786s Joe you bought it back for us uh what
5788s what do you reckon what should we
5791s hunt uh what do we have available we
5794s could do puket or
5797s Diablos Diablos o oh let's see what we
5800s have in the optional yeah let's the
5802s optional
5804s yeah or not sorry not Diablo bar off I
5807s mean we could go after Diablos yeah we
5808s could go into the bar off hunt and then
5810s see who we come across yeah should we do
5813s two separate groups or should we do one
5815s group uh let's let's hunt together
5816s purely because this week obviously we
5818s can only capture my gaml let's let's go
5820s together but if we were do both yeah we
5823s should absolutely do that all else is
5825s please let me get in the
5828s quest let me know when you post it oh
5831s yes let me do that I will post that
5834s Diablos in that gear exactly that's part
5836s of the
5838s fun okay so we're going after barroth
5841s right yeah
5842s okay here we
5850s go yeah and as as we said at the
5853s beginning of the stream if you're just
5854s joining us um typically we do both uh
5857s gameplay captures so you can see both of
5859s our perspectives but for this week we
5861s just have jungas so um but yeah we'll be
5863s back when we we come back on January
5865s 11th will be our next stream and we'll
5867s have uh we'll have the usual double
5869s double gameplay stream exactly yeah and
5871s when we do get more of you in we will
5872s split off into two different groups
5874s because we can switch between both our
5875s game plays so you get to see what's
5878s going on but yeah if you didn't get into
5879s the hunt with us in this group hunt
5881s together chill out arm wrestle Network
5884s Guild cards do your
5889s thing yes my hunter's name is Bri
5892s because I have a a little bit of a CH or
5894s like a cheese theme with my uh with my
5898s Hunter and my Pico um which I probably
5900s should have uh should have used my my
5903s actual name here to make it a little bit
5904s easier for everybody that's
5908s unbelievable sorry that was a cheesy
5912s joke get out of
5916s here all right let's do it you know I
5919s should have looked at the Pico gear
5920s maybe I could have made some barroth
5921s armor for my
5922s Pico
5927s yeah helpful Hunter Guild we've been
5929s running new players through content for
5931s a while now
5932s uh and helping them enjoy the game yeah
5935s that's awesome Community ambass to see
5937s yeah thank you
5941s guys ah sword and shield my
5948s beloved I love going in to help out new
5950s people met a lot of really cool people I
5952s became friends with in real life because
5954s of that oh it's good good to see Monster
5957s Hunter bringing people together it's
5958s such a social experience especially like
5961s you know cuz if even if you don't use
5962s voice chat and stuff or anything like
5964s that you you can use emotes you've got
5967s your stickers and stuff like that and
5968s you can really put across your
5970s personality as much as you want um yeah
5973s and I say cuz it's purely Cooperative
5976s you win together or you C together yeah
5981s yeah helicopter is going crazy here yeah
5985s you see why we they beat us in the
5988s armrest but wa not want that
5994s there we go right so let's have a wonder
5996s and see what we can
5997s find oh
6000s oh so we
6003s have okay okay so no monsters shown up
6006s at the moment so we're going to have to
6007s go in a
6009s Wonder let's do it well we know where
6011s Diablos is MHM uh so if we do it that
6016s way maybe we'll we'll see our friend
6019s that we're looking for
6023s grab this H I think I'm going to need
6030s it okay I've got some Slinger ammo
6032s that's
6033s good what monster do you think will win
6036s uh I don't know if we can comment on
6038s that no I was going to say I I think
6040s it'll be the community's favorite
6042s monster yeah oh there you go there we
6044s we're not allowed to comment yeah I mean
6047s if you go back and look at some of the
6048s social media posts uh about the poll
6051s you'll see our favorite monsters but
6053s it's not representative of the pole
6055s results yeah we we definitely took our
6057s opportunities to sneak bracky and uh
6059s devil Joe into there yes yes we did but
6064s again not a hint not a hint that's just
6067s our personal favorites that we we popped
6069s in there to give them a shout but no I'm
6071s really excited to see who wins because
6073s obviously you know there's going to be
6074s the overall winner but it will be the
6076s top three that feature in the special
6078s artwork that the Monster Hunter Dev team
6079s create for those those three monsters
6082s um so I'm incredibly
6084s excited yeah we're right now we're
6086s brainstorming some fun ways to uh to
6088s reveal those results to you so if you
6090s guys have any ideas drop them in the
6092s chat of what you want to see how would
6094s you like it do you want a drum roll do
6100s you yeah but we're really excited to to
6102s share those results I mean there's 229
6104s monsters in that poll so that's quite a
6106s bit you know
6108s yeah
6110s yeah
6112s oh bar off's been found so can't be too
6114s far away from the
6121s others
6123s wait jotus isn't the current number one
6126s spot it might be we don't know we don't
6129s know we will find out in due time does
6133s basil Gees have a shot uh I don't know
6135s it's got lots of scales
6140s though
6142s please please
6146s clap oh NE there making a scene yeah hey
6151s look it's walking away walking away I
6153s remember what happened here
6158s before yeah make the top 16 a double
6160s elimination bracket and make them want
6162s to fight in an
6167s arena oh is that
6169s di that s is
6172s changing uh that's the uh oh you are you
6176s guys going to fight it are we fighting
6177s it shall we fight it give it go okay or
6181s should we leave it should we leave it
6182s should we just do bar
6183s off let's do it let's do it
6188s okay that
6200s four
6202s I don't do much damage here
6208s oh you know the second thought maybe
6210s this wasn't a good idea but uh I mean we
6212s can always Retreat we can Retreat and
6214s find
6218s Barra I don't want to give up too
6222s soon oh wow maybe we should
6225s have oh my
6228s goodness how I didn't CAU there
6235s oh that's There's an
6237s opportunity it didn't last
6239s long this Diablos is
6242s strong oh it's out
6245s o nice nice oh over oh thank you
6253s Shield oh that is big
6257s damage heal heal
6260s heal
6267s hey the monster I need to remember the
6269s buttons for this uh there we go I'm the
6273s damage numers being so low yes uh
6277s we but we're getting used to
6281s it yeah head so if I do my finish a
6284s combo I get some nice stun on
6287s there nearly there nearly thank you
6290s thank than you oh oh I need to bre
6295s o there we go there we go nice work
6305s everyone got that hard bash your combo
6308s in such a Powerhouse of a
6316s monster o it's all right Joe ooh I
6319s nearly can't oh other Joe other Joe
6324s J
6327s no retreat fall back everyone fall back
6332s I I don't think we can do
6333s it I'm on my own I think NEP far casted
6336s they made the right call yeah we'll have
6338s to save Diablos for another day that
6340s monster is on a whole another power
6342s level yeah it's also chasing me and I'm
6345s I'm out of stamina get out of there J
6347s I'm trying I'm trying I'm sorry Diablos
6350s ah
6351s forgive me I'm not a delicious Cactus
6353s please leave me
6357s alone Jo JoJo yes we this is the JoJo
6360s show it is yeah JoJo's Monster hunting
6363s Adventure
6366s yes I'm still being chased I'm still
6369s being chased oh it's right behind
6374s me hey dios have about we just talk us
6377s over a nice
6379s salad I'm still be chased oh
6385s no it moves so quick underground I keep
6389s thinking I'm juking it and I'm doing the
6395s opposite oh my goodness I'm so
6401s sorry okay okay I'm fine where are where
6404s are you
6405s guys I I left I'm still in combat I got
6409s I think another monster turned up and uh
6411s I think barro might be distracting it
6413s yeah okay we're
6415s good okay barroth it is Diablos flexed
6419s its
6420s guns yeah yeah it did it definitely
6426s did you can use the item to manage but
6429s we gave it we gave it a swing yeah it
6431s was it was an honest try and we
6433s completely and utterly failed but you
6435s know yeah that's that's for lat but we
6438s got the chance to give it a go
6441s yeah oh some shiny
6443s BS Diablos being Diablos though you know
6446s Diablos has respect on its name for a
6448s reason yeah
6452s yeah oh boy they're fighting let's get
6455s out of
6457s here watch out just grab this I'm here
6460s to get some nice
6464s fruit there we
6467s go I'll grab these
6469s uh so we've added a little bit of a risk
6473s factor to our our hunt here cuz we only
6475s have one cart left we do that's that's
6478s all we need
6484s yeah okay I think I've been done enough
6486s for
6492s in okay I'm nearly back after somehow
6495s managing to outrun Diablos with my like
6499s stamina
6504s here we go it's sword and shield time oh
6506s nice Mount I say it's short and shield
6508s time
6509s but off the mou oh I did not brace
6512s myself
6522s there oh big Bonk Big B oh that was that
6527s was a work of art I do need a tail
6529s actually maybe I should try
6532s I got some jeal blades there as
6543s well oh a
6549s best knocked out of the
6551s air actually can you nice sliding attack
6553s I wonder can I oh I didn't know if I
6555s could do the plunge attack off the ant
6556s hills I can't I'll have to wait for
6558s another opportunity to do the delici
6560s just so Shield
6562s punp oh I mounted it again nice
6568s one oh nice recovery as
6572s well thank you thank
6575s you hopefully we get a knock down
6578s here oh oh bar off's not making it easy
6581s at
6582s all destroying everything in the Unlucky
6587s unlucky well played though o he got
6600s chined
6607s oh here we go oh the spin to win that
6610s was beautiful I love it can I reach the
6613s tail tail get down here
6618s no oh
6626s oh nice knock down that was
6630s beautiful it's super satisfying with all
6632s the slopes and stuff here oh
6634s absolutely It's Hammer Heaven
6643s yeah oh Slinger Thorn I'll pop that on
6646s the head for
6647s you oh yeah you capitalized on that oh
6650s oh those sounds that was that was
6659s meaty that tail that
6668s tail give me your
6672s tail H
6674s bar it's on a hill I can't reach
6679s it hey Y and I got the
6682s bount
6686s nice go J
6694s oh nice thank you for the
6698s Stagger see if I get some more damage
6700s down here yeah oh went down Joe straight
6705s on that tail as
6709s well
6711s I would try go the perfect R but oh well
6713s played I was like but probably not worth
6715s doing and yeah
6718s yeah well played
6725s everyone okay C oh look at
6728s that it was a little scary for a second
6731s that was that was but uh we got it done
6734s we did
6736s well I got a tail from a car and also I
6740s can get a Bo as well here we got the uh
6744s scavenger Birds here having a little bit
6746s little bit of
6749s lunch the ecology showing itself once
6752s again oh I should probably get these
6753s herbs oh they're maxed out we're good
6756s we're
6759s good on your first try brackets we can
6761s edit the VOD later
6764s yeah yeah those 20
6769s minutes
6775s there is a lot going on here like
6776s everyone's having a
6781s Munch oh I wish I could show my my end
6784s screen cool get my one's just me
6786s chilling my tail I'm like spinning in
6791s midair that's awesome you got the full
6794s style yeah I me and me and Joe are by
6796s the tail other Joe are by the tail sorry
6799s so oh I'll share that uh I'll take a
6801s screenshot of that sh so good one oh got
6804s some crowns there for the Diablos and
6807s the baroth so they were silver
6812s crowns and uh I got Rodeo champ yay that
6815s is the sword and shield way we love to
6817s be in the
6819s air kind of like you know kind of like
6821s the insect glaves you
6823s know shall we do one more uh we can do
6826s one more if you want yeah let's let's
6828s see if we can get uh some two two other
6830s players yes we'll see who else want to
6832s jump in yeah thank you to Joe and neop
6835s for joining us much
6838s appreciated which uh which Quest should
6840s we do PUK PUK yes's do PUK PUK again
6845s okay cannot wait for Wilds in 2025 it'll
6848s be worth the yes it yes it will MH and
6851s like just the response the community and
6853s wi The Gaming Community response was
6856s incredible MH
6859s absolutely
6860s okay that is posted go joh go I'm going
6864s and you know as we said um summer 2024
6869s for the next batch of info on wild um so
6874s plenty of time to discuss
6876s theorize return to world and also you
6879s know rise and sunbreak as well if you
6880s haven't tried them out my goodness the
6883s combat oh and the story is fantastic as
6886s well if you're really into like yo-kai
6889s and like Western monster mythology and
6892s kind of you know fairy tales and stuff
6894s like that definitely definitely check it
6895s out and yeah the way the weapons play in
6899s rise and sunre is unlike anything you've
6901s really had in a monster hunter game
6902s before um so definitely definitely check
6905s those out as well yeah we should also
6907s call out that uh the steam winter sale
6911s is on right now I think it should be on
6913s right now right I think it's uh should
6915s have just started is steam up has it
6918s crashed the traffic yeah yeah yeah um I
6922s mean all the monster hunter games were
6923s already on sale before that so the sale
6926s will just continue over into the winter
6927s sale so there we go yeah but you know a
6930s lot of other Capcom games as well and
6931s other games from other Publishers so a
6933s thanks for waving you too good to have
6936s you but yeah as you said you know the
6938s sale is rolled straight over so if you
6940s or any of your buddies missed out on the
6942s sale and you're looking for some games
6943s to play over the festive
6945s holidays May we suggest Monster
6948s Hunter great points in a group price and
6951s hopefully we can hit 100K concurrent
6953s players tomorrow on the weekend we were
6955s so close 97 half thousand of you playing
6958s monst World on Steam alone like so close
6961s to that 100K I know we can do it I know
6964s yeah how many years are we since
6965s launched I mean that's that's just awes
6967s 2018 so yeah like that's getting on
6972s getting on a
6973s bit
6975s um so yeah it's a privilege you know to
6978s see the community rally around and still
6980s be playing the game this far out and
6982s even more Hunters coming in and you know
6985s as well like you know seeing the players
6986s in rise and Sun Break as well like you
6988s know monic Community rocks like you know
6991s and also there's so much to do in the
6992s game it's just like yeah oh yeah J bear
6996s thanks for joining us we won't be
6997s streaming next week um but we back we'll
6999s be back on January
7001s 11th we're going to take a quick break
7003s for the holidays recharge get ready for
7006s the new
7007s year so we'll see you then ready to rock
7010s and we will however have another of the
7012s return to blog posts going out um I
7015s believe Joe's cooked up some handy tips
7017s for brand new players so if you're a
7019s veteran Hunter you'll probably be
7020s familiar with these but if you're new to
7022s the series keep a eye out just after
7025s Christmas for the next blog post on
7026s Steam where we've got some handy tips to
7029s help you in the hunt that you may not be
7031s immediately aware
7033s of yeah I'm sure for some veteran uh
7036s Hunters they will be quite familiar with
7038s them already but uh hopefully it's a
7039s little bit for some new hunters and yes
7041s R Ripley we I do like your name
7051s so I'm following you here who's our
7054s Target is it great jagas or PUK PUK uh p
7057s p p nice I would like yeah I did choose
7061s I would I just I can only see jagas on
7063s my uh my Scout flies obviously I need to
7065s get my P pke level up a bit
7068s yeah oh yeah monant of world is also
7071s verified on Steam deck uh yes kjd hay
7076s has been playing it on there and having
7077s a good time so thanks for the shout out
7080s there yeah I play a significant amount
7082s of the game on uh on Steam deck so yeah
7086s it's a really great way to play it
7088s yeah you can play World almost anywhere
7091s in the world
7095s oh ice
7098s born
7106s uh right there is our Target PUK
7111s PUK being politely poisonous oh no
7114s there's a footprint here that I don't
7117s recognize is that P pet that I just
7120s didn't get enough no there's a third
7123s moner oh is it an okay it's an no
7126s there's another there's a
7128s footprint
7130s one I don't know there was one I didn't
7133s have but I'm picking up the footprints
7134s and they're all
7136s there interesting interesting the plot
7142s thickens oh so we doing this I realiz I
7145s was just watching oh sorry you're like
7147s yes go my Hunters
7151s yeah oh miss oh it's one of the
7155s plunge oh my favorite move oh and I I I
7160s missed but it's just an example I I love
7162s this one of my favorite moves in all of
7164s Monster Hunter the sound it makes when
7166s you jump on a big monster like C parro
7169s like oh it's beautiful can't so many
7172s hits so many mountain
7180s buildup being gam over here both
7183s chopping into the tail and me a bit they
7186s got the great
7188s Jag great
7190s OH
7192s Close grab that
7196s tail that's right gam Jo it's you're the
7200s great sword I think you take priority on
7202s location over me cuz I can move quite
7204s easily where it's the great sword you
7206s know you commit oh who's
7208s this it's Ana some else here come on
7212s then
7216s Ana oh it got the dong bomb on it it
7218s won't be stared around long it's a bit
7222s smelly was that you that did that
7227s oh so it was a Rashi good call good call
7231s let's not uh complicate things too much
7234s here
7235s yeah we know a like when we get a bit
7238s overconfident yeah yeah doesn't turn out
7240s well for
7244s us so this session um is it's uh coded
7250s so you can only get in with the code but
7251s we put it in both twitch and YouTube
7253s chat so as part of it we just ask people
7255s use the weapons at our level and that's
7257s why yeah you're not seeing monsters get
7258s instag gipped by hunters that are
7260s clearly master rank
7263s Hunters yeah we're saying true to the
7265s new Hunter experience exactly exactly
7267s and everyone's been very good about it
7269s so thank
7272s you
7275s oh bodies there is that the tail I think
7278s that's the tail
7284s oh great jagas has turned up here I'm
7286s combat
7291s carving there you
7294s go oh didn't mean do
7298s that nice to get tail
7302s car great Jacker just shout us
7307s now Let Them Fight
7313s got piercing pod got p p no doubt of
7317s there it's like a magician just like oh
7320s and now I'm
7326s gone should we take out great Jag I mean
7330s I mean we should should there we go stay
7332s yeah it's more Monster Parts more
7338s experience
7344s ah turned around oh this going to hurt
7346s yeah I got greedy going for the perfect
7355s Rush got my
7360s Slinger there we go oh there we go now
7362s you're in for
7364s it I've got my mon uh my Hunter coming
7366s up by the
7368s monster
7372s nice that was
7376s tasty all right
7380s satisfy oh look at that look at that BK
7382s I need make sure I don't get in the way
7384s here oh I went over the
7388s monster oh it's late already nice work
7390s everyone well done well done yeah Jack
7393s doomed himself as soon as he interfered
7395s I agree knock I
7398s agree
7408s oh there we go
7412s right oh flash is going off is all going
7415s down in
7419s here okay well that's one monster down
7422s and we got some extra bits sorry sorry
7424s sorry normal jagas we one of you gets to
7427s become the great jagas now they go no
7430s fighting amongst yourselves the
7432s successor oh
7435s yes a monster hunter
7442s story yeah well played Snake yeah it's
7444s about having fun while making sure
7446s others have fun as well that's a really
7448s good way to look at
7451s it just lost the Raging break you
7453s feeling
7454s terrible a don't worry it you know what
7456s happens to us all it's one of the
7457s toughest hunts in the game really is
7461s yeah yes Shake It Off and uh you'll get
7464s it tadd now you know what to you know
7466s what to expect you can go back twice as
7470s hard pleas say as Joe said is one of the
7473s endest of game
7475s h u i mean we we triple carted to a low
7478s rank W that Mak
7482s yeah it was a big WRA in though in our
7485s defense yes yes we were not ready for
7489s the smoke no not at
7491s all she definitely dominated and well
7494s played to
7497s her uh did we know each other before
7500s getting to start this series uh no jonno
7502s and I did not know each other before
7504s working together which uh we've been
7506s working together for almost two years oh
7508s almost two years yeah year and a half
7510s yeah it's flying by it is flying
7513s by but know it's been awesome it's a lot
7515s of fun like we we collab on Monster
7518s community stuff basically you know um
7521s working behind the scenes and in front
7523s of the scenes uh with the devs and the
7526s community and yeah it's a ton of fun and
7528s with uh content creators as
7530s well is a ton of fun it's a privilege to
7533s be your
7534s community
7539s yes well that was that was a great
7541s series of hunts um we were able to get
7543s some multiplayer in
7545s there uh we carded multiple times we had
7548s a little bit more challenge this week
7549s which is uh you know last week last week
7551s was a walk in the park we were a little
7553s worried that it was going to be too easy
7555s and then then we got quickly humbled
7557s this week yeah that worry's gone
7559s now yeah now I'm worried if we're not
7562s going to be good enough for next week
7564s it's a totally different it's completely
7565s flip-flop yeah I definitely need to
7567s invest in some stronger weapons I think
7569s yeah
7571s yeah um but I think with that we can uh
7575s wrap things up everyone posing so nicely
7577s here as well let uh
7579s where's where's my
7581s gestures there we go can I get another
7583s photo here yeah we'll get a nice line up
7586s I'll try and get as many people as I can
7588s in because I'm on I put myself on the
7590s edge like a
7593s fool but I can get a nice kind of side
7596s on
7597s there but yeah like that wraps up
7599s today's stream as Joe said we'll be back
7601s on January 11th for the next uh return
7604s to world live stream as we proceed even
7608s further into the wild Spire waste and as
7611s we know it's very dangerous there so
7614s we'll probably be K up during that
7616s stream as well I'm going to I'm going to
7618s stand behind more people uh so you can
7620s see everyone there we
7622s go try and get everyone in facing the
7625s wrong way everyone looks so lovely if I
7627s stand here look there we go so you can
7629s tell I don't take photographs very often
7631s and as as CU I'm quite tall I normally
7633s end up on the end anyway so I kind of
7635s just mentally went to the end of the
7638s line um but yeah uh anything to say
7641s before we sign off for uh the rest of
7644s the
7645s year yeah happy holidays to the Monster
7648s Hunter Community thank you guys for an
7649s awesome year uh between rise and world
7652s and the reveal of Wilds it's been a
7656s really awesome year so thank you guys
7658s for all support and uh we're we're
7660s looking forward to next year uh the 20th
7662s anniversary of Monster Hunter and uh
7664s some more news on on Wilds in the summer
7667s so thanks again yeah thank you so much
7669s and thank you for coming by the stream
7670s whether you watched whether you spoke in
7672s chat or whether you played or jumped in
7675s the Gathering Hub with us but yeah I
7677s think Joe wrapped up nicely so I've been
7679s jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
7681s awesome have a fantastic holiday period
7683s and happy Hunting we will see you next
7685s time good night all right see you
7697s later
7732s oh
4 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s return to World Community stream I'm Joe
5s I'm Capcom USA Community manager for
7s Monster Hunter and I'm joined by hey
9s everyone I'm jonno I'm EMA Community
11s manager for monst
12s Hunter well Happy New Year everybody um
15s we are back with our commun streams this
17s is the third one uh for Monster Hunter
18s World um and it's good to be back right
21s we had I think we had a good restful
23s holiday but uh lots of Monster Hunter it
25s seemed like for the community yeah I
27s mean looking at the steam players alone
30s you know what it
32s 163,000 concurrent players like was one
35s of the Peaks and just since the return
37s to World campaign and even before then
39s with the the discount and the Wilds
41s announc like the community response has
43s been incredible so shout out to you
46s community yeah thanks to the community
48s it it was really awesome to see you know
50s we were playing lots of Monster Hunter
52s of course but also uh watching those
53s numbers go up unashamedly so uh it was
57s it was really fun to see that so yeah
58s thanks to everybody for the support for
60s the uh for all things Monster Hunter and
62s for return to world and um you know I
64s think if some of you have seen um rioo
66s son's New Year message I think we've got
68s a a fun year coming up obviously we've
70s got uh Monster Hunter Wilds news coming
72s up in September uh we've got the 20th
74s anniversary and lots of other fun stuff
77s uh to come so yeah thanks again for the
80s support and uh hopefully you enjoy
82s today's stream so should we get into it
85s yeah let's do it um I can't believe 20
87s years of monster hunter in March 20
89s years
91s it's super exciting what a I can't wait
94s I can't wait yeah yeah it was it was fun
96s sharing the uh all the comments from um
99s all of the the the fans uh in the US and
102s in Europe over to the team in Japan
104s people who have been playing since the
106s very start since when it came over to uh
108s to our region so um you know they
110s definitely take those comments to heart
111s and they love seeing it so thanks to
113s everybody for for sharing your your kind
114s comments to the team ex Sly the team do
117s check out like with as you said with
118s riosa Sand's New Year message and like
120s the Wilds trailer the team loved to go
123s through and read what people are saying
124s what the fans are saying what newcomers
126s to the series are saying as well and
128s I've seen in chat as well you know shout
129s out to all the amazing content creators
131s both new and existent that have been
133s either returning to world or coming to
135s world for the first time like we do see
137s it team sees it and we really appreciate
140s it and we hope you're having a wonderful
141s time in estera and the new world yeah
145s yeah it's been been really fun to see
147s really really fun to see so uh good luck
148s to everybody that's either starting out
150s or coming back for the first time and
152s just kind of knocking off the rust um
155s that's that's been really really fun to
156s see so yeah um for those of you guys who
160s don't know what the stream is this is um
164s a stream where we're rolling two
166s completely brand new uh Monster Hunter
168s World hunters from the start of the game
170s um so we didn't play these at all uh
172s over the time off or you know on our own
175s time um we only play these on stream so
178s hopefully you guys have been be able to
179s watch the journey uh with us uh we keep
181s all the archives on on YouTube so you
183s can go back and check those out so um
186s yeah feel free to catch up watch them in
187s the background uh do whatever you like
189s but uh yeah nice and as you said let's
192s let's hop into the game because today we
194s are going for a walk on the wild spy
197s aside yeah yeah we did a little bit uh
199s in our last stream uh right before the
202s holidays um but yeah we're really
204s getting into it today and hopefully
205s making some good progress through the
207s low rank missions fingers crossed
209s hopefully no C in if diablas turns up
212s we're going to have to run who's first
213s to cart Joe or jonno neither of us we're
215s going to be cart yeah cart carless R
218s that's happening today and uh we'll be
221s starting with joam today on the game
224s play and then we'll be teaming up once
226s we come together to H whatever monster
228s awaits Us in this urgent
230s Quest yeah let's do it going have a
233s quick snack uh the winter star platter
236s yes
237s please oh that's right I already ate but
239s I did have the winter star
241s platter let me make sure I've got all my
244s items
247s set nice I'm going to I'm going to head
249s in a bit early because I'm going to jump
251s into your hunt once we uh once we align
254s so we'll see you
256s there it is um little bit of a unique
259s feeling to not have like all your items
262s fully stopped yeah you go and you go I'm
266s sure I had more Mega potions and it's
268s like oh man my my hunter is uh we're in
271s poverty over here we got
274s nothing going to have to grab everything
277s you can see on the floor honey mushrooms
280s it doesn't matter yeah let me let me
282s just leave the this Quest real quick so
284s we can take a look at the
288s description oh
293s hello diabl oh sorry oh go go ahead joh
296s I was going to say Diablos is a
298s difficulty changer you know you you've
299s started wanted to get used to the
301s Ancient Forest and then you turn up in
303s the worlds by waste it's like hello
305s there I think it was last week right we
308s uh or not last week but the last stream
310s that we tried to take on Diablos that
312s was yeah didn't think it Go went very
314s well for us remember we got crunched
318s like crate paper I think
321s yeah all right we're on a mission here
323s to find the missing scholar and
325s unfortunately we can't do this one
328s together but um I think think there will
330s be a point where after the story stuff
332s triggers that we could uh we could beat
334s up
339s so let's follow the trail
350s here blue Scout flies little
358s spoiler yeah it is good is like uh a
360s little sad because we're like in
362s parallel universes right
363s now soon to be reunited yeah
372s yeah missing scholar here we
379s go Jon while uh you know while we're
382s waiting to to meet back up um how was
385s your your holidays it was good lots of
388s sleeping lots of Gaming and uh lots of
391s checking in on Steam and the steam
393s forums for monsant world and and Rise as
396s well seeing how all the new players and
398s returning players are getting on because
400s you know we said about how you know
401s World got a big influx but so did rise
403s and sunbreak as well despite you know
405s the kind of focus on world from like the
408s community and on the social media and
410s things so no it's it's a great time to
412s to be a monster hun fan but yeah lots of
414s food as well so I'm going to have to get
417s on get on the treadmill how about you
420s yeah the the food part definitely about
421s the same um yeah I had a little bit too
425s much to eat I'm sure but um you know
428s we're getting back to normal yeah now
430s that now that we're back but yeah you
432s know it's like the holidays are always
434s so busy it's like lots of family and
435s stuff and um you know I had a lot of
438s like big plans to work through my
440s backlog of games which um is just absurd
443s at this point yeah um and yeah I I
446s played a lot of monster in a world so I
449s didn't expect that to happen uh but you
453s know I had a good time I don't regret
455s anything so it was it was a lot of
457s fun all part of the
461s fun yeah and it's a it's always like a
464s little bit of a feeling getting back to
465s work and all that so you know but it's
468s good it's good you know is that SK yeah
470s what's that he's sitting next to looks
472s like a oh I've just got my cut scene so
475s same here same here so I guess I may
477s have caught up to you a little bit or
479s about the same
482s spot I got distracted walking around the
486s the marsh area yeah don't let him find
492s me I I saw
497s it well well well look who it is no the
500s jotus that didn't kill the barro it
507s was there we go I will be your
511s AR all
515s right ne ne saw me complete many
518s achievements on Steve oh thanks thanks
520s for paying attention to my
537s achievements trotus okay
540s okay okay so you should be able to to
543s join now
544s right
547s y there we go all right I'm I'm I'll run
550s around here waiting for you thank you
553s very
556s kind oh got this
559s P press the right button there we go
562s there we go out
568s of
571s Hunter is a hunter
575s EX I've arrived nearly
586s almost oh man I've been playing uh a lot
589s of great swword yeah um so this is going
591s to be a little bit of an adjustment fact
593s to H yeah I've been watching some Hammer
595s Clips on social media for while and I'm
598s like maybe I should try
600s my world Hammer but uh it probably plays
602s a bit different some I think so I'll
605s probably have to like redo the muscle
608s and it's nice like walking out here um
612s into like the the swampy area the marsh
614s area cuz obviously we shared uh four
617s pieces of concept art this week on the
619s monant um Twitter and Facebook pages and
623s I'm like this is one of the pictures
624s right here
626s um just nice to walk through what was Ed
630s earlier on in the week yeah yeah seeing
634s it uh come through in uh like the way
637s the game looks I think like the concept
638s art to in-game transition oh you're
641s finally here
642s hello Scuba Steve says Hammer is one
644s weapon that they've never played Joe why
646s should they play Hammer why should they
648s try out this some weapon I think you
650s already know what I'm goingon to
651s say the Bonks big BS yeah aim for the
657s head and you get all those stuns it's so
659s sad that's why that's the way to go
662s exactly big stuns big breaks it sounds
665s amazing and obviously it's got one of
667s the best if not the best you know down
669s to opinion slideing attack in the game
672s oh yeah
675s yeah Joe I think there's something fishy
677s about this
683s monster now you notice that when we're
686s fighting we're like because we're
687s playing through world at the minute and
688s we obviously do have ice SP we're trying
690s to minimize our clutch claw usage um so
694s if you see us not doing clutch claw
695s combos or um you know charging the
699s monster into the wall that is why we
702s have to wait till we get to ice born to
703s fully unleash
705s that yeah and that's going to be also an
708s adjustment for me right now because uh
710s like I said I've been playing a lot of
711s ice Sports
714s Stu I'm still going to do the perfect
716s rush though cuz that's one of my
718s favorite com you you
722s nice stun was that stun oh he's just got
724s back he was stun briefly he was I was
728s too busy around like the fins to notice
730s I was like yeah yeah I'll keep
739s swinging I should probably move away
741s from the head that's definitely a hammer
742s us you're
745s good oops I was trying to use my my
748s shortcuts that I have on my normal oh
755s nice the Pico there in their little RS
758s ched
759s with nice I'm going to keep doing a kind
762s of infinite style combo by the tail by
765s reposition
767s it oh my poor
772s sharp no like green sharpness what is
776s this I just slinged it was that your
778s sling or mine I popped a rock into its
780s head and it flew out I think it was you
783s power of the stone yeah I've got Slinger
786s Thor now so uh same here oh there we go
789s wonderful W that was pretty
792s effective got pop that on the head so
793s you can do massive damage oh there a a
797s this the Big B don't worry you'll get
800s the next
808s one
814s chines that's a lot of lot
818s of I was the same um alysian says I
822s played so much rise in sunre that I keep
824s trying to use W bugs at well yeah as
826s soon as I get knocked over I'm trying to
828s wifall you know yeah yeah it's a little
830s bit of an adjustment
833s there but you know after a few hunts you
835s kind of kind of get
837s uh your verying back exactly oh I got
843s that was a free Willie moment there just
845s jumping over me yeah you know I think
848s there's no no better way to adjust than
850s like taking on a really tough World
853s monster so like just just jump into
855s talents and you'll be all right yeah kid
857s I'm kidding don't do that yeah we're
859s only joking it's actually Al trayon so
862s oh
868s gosh
869s there we go healed back up grab the
872s wedge be which way didus go uh I think
877s way
880s yeah as just swinging around
885s yeah channeling your inner monster
887s hunter R
889s exactly I'll find some W bugs wedge bugs
892s are my new best friend yeah friendship
895s ended with wire bugs oh no I just kicked
898s one of the crabs old mud
902s track Tois looking over the reads I'm
904s like don't mind meing a
910s th right on the
915s head oh
920s nice serious
928s damage
940s oh no
945s I'm I love Slinger Thorns they're
948s probably my favorite slingshot
951s ammo me bom pods aren't too far off but
954s SL Thor pods are Exquisite oh yeah
959s I do like the uh Crystal burst that you
962s get those are are Solo cuz you get five
964s of them yeah and is it every other one
968s is a Flinch after you've done it once I
970s believe so yeah yeah so great for elder
973s dragons
974s yeah oh I mounted it nice nice I'm just
979s watching I should probably see you in
982s the background there
984s yeah
988s uhoh oh it's all going down over there
990s everyone's getting it
994s yeah I'm
998s sorry no monster is safe from the h
1014s yeah there they are oh I got a wiggly
1017s Ley okay
1023s you know toad is doing better than I
1025s thought it would oh no you found the
1027s toad it was
1029s revealed oh yeah that's all
1033s right looking good
1037s oh didn't get the last punch in there oh
1040s I think we're nearly
1043s done get it no I nearly went for the
1046s clunch then I pulled the trigger I was
1048s like oh don't worry I can still get it
1050s no no no no no
1051s no trying to get a little greedy there I
1054s was I was like not yet not
1068s yet oh we left it just a second too late
1071s to to get the
1074s plung
1076s gra good sh stock up on yep because we
1081s have
1083s nothing the joys of being a new Hunter
1088s yeah you just hanging out over
1093s here there you I let you do the wake up
1096s your big
1102s damage all right let's do
1107s this
1112s I'm surprised that didn't finish the job
1114s straight yeah
1117s that's there we
1119s go
1123s well is down which means we we got some
1126s new gear we can look
1128s at I know we're still at least I'm still
1131s like
1133s pretty standard gear I guess so far like
1136s most great stuff I've got the bone armor
1138s because I think there's some fantastic
1140s skills on the on the bone armor pardon
1142s me with attack up and health up or
1146s health boost sorry it's comfy it is it's
1149s a real comfy early set and it looks
1151s pretty cool too you know it's not a bad
1154s aesthetic at all I probably need to look
1156s at upgrading my weapon a bit more though
1158s maybe going into a monster tree or
1160s something yeah I think I'm on the
1165s PUK PUK Hammer so
1169s I got myself an iron Helm crab it's a
1171s gold crown first gold crown of the run
1175s it is an iron Helm
1189s crab we got some nice monster Parts
1197s there
1199s as's bone armor is one of their favorite
1201s starting armors it's time for me to play
1204s insect La you know what I'm actually
1206s playing instant clave on my rise and Sun
1208s Break play through on
1210s Console uh because on switch I've got
1213s sword and shield on PC I have hunting
1215s horn so on Home console I was like you
1218s know I'll
1219s do because it's really cool in
1222s some abilities it's very different it's
1226s hard not to want to be in the air
1230s um but I like having a little Kinect
1231s buddy I think that's really really cool
1233s M it's kind of a a lot to like uh manage
1238s at the same time right yeah with the
1240s extract and everything I'm just like
1243s right find the red one find the red one
1247s yeah what's the story behind the blue
1249s hair Blue's my favorite color and um I
1252s work somewhere where they're like yeah
1254s dye your hair whatever color you like
1257s so that that is is the story favorite
1259s color so you no would you would you ever
1262s go to another color probably not
1264s probably not I mean other than gray
1265s because I get
1271s old so we just got some story Exposition
1276s that tring report
1278s weed think you could right good then oh
1283s we've got the Handler in uh the winter
1286s star Festival yeah she's def
1289s yeah yeah it's like you're a little warm
1291s here overdressed
1295s much anything
1302s else
1313s hello yeah there's some chat in the
1315s YouTube uh chat here we are reading B
1318s both of the YouTube and the twitch chat
1321s so um yeah you might not you might see
1324s us respond to things that you're not
1325s seeing
1329s so speak to the chief
1334s Bist that py just oinking away on the on
1337s the
1340s subtitles oh no I'm talking to the smart
1342s biologist not the chief artist they want
1345s me to capture a kudu yak
1347s though
1350s oh Chief but okay yeah over there too
1354s more plants there we
1356s go anath oh is it time to officially go
1360s after anath the Toby
1364s kadachi I forget yeah we finally start
1367s getting some mantel yes our first mantle
1370s and it is mant the ghilly mantle I found
1373s to be pretty useful it can be pretty
1375s useful it's great for just watching
1377s monsters yeah either you've just got
1379s like your butt whooped and you need to
1380s run away so the ghilly man is good to
1382s get out but it's also nice to like watch
1384s the monsters and set up an ambush and
1386s obviously those of you that have hunted
1388s Fatalis will know that the ghilly mantel
1389s can help you with the start of the hunt
1391s I won't spoil it but it's a barrel of
1398s fun yeah that one that one's pretty
1400s useful especially for that hunt um
1403s because I I put it away for a little bit
1404s and then I realized oh this actually
1406s might be really useful here yeah yeah
1409s I'll take that
1411s please okay these
1416s B got some investigations as well very
1420s nice any deliveries
1426s no right I will I'm going to head to the
1429s Smithy and we'll see what new gear we
1432s can get so I know there's a really cool
1434s looking armor set from Jus um I on the
1438s sword and shield front I'm leading
1440s towards I think there is
1447s one oh no that's not a guest Phantom so
1450s Phantom is one of our UK viewers Joe so
1453s he's might not have met you yet so Joe
1456s for the UK viewers would you like to
1459s reintroduce yourself yeah yeah I'm Joe
1462s I'm the uh Community manager for uh for
1465s Capcom USA so uh yeah cover all things
1467s Monster Hunter
1468s and dragon's dog mod so if you're
1470s interested in that game uh please let me
1474s know there you have it so there we go
1476s you got the EMA and na Community
1480s managers constant in the Stream and
1481s that's what we're doing for return to
1483s World we've got it a little bit later in
1484s the day so that we can both hang out and
1486s play together otherwise bless it's like
1488s when Joe would come on to the Sun Break
1490s streams it' like super early for him um
1493s so this way we can both kind of chill
1494s out and do some hunts with you all um
1497s are you guys going to Duo Fatalis
1500s eventually eventually people want to see
1503s us do it we'll get
1506s there okay that might be a long stream
1511s yeah bring popcorn and a sleeping bag
1514s yeah there'll be lots of cards we'll do
1516s it for like a you know 24-hour charity
1519s stream or something
1523s yeah okay so I can't make the water
1525s element one yet um
1531s this one yeah you know I'll probably
1532s just stick with what I got for
1535s now I can upgrade mine to the Hunter's
1539s knife three but then I kind of want the
1543s aqua Aqua Messa
1545s one um but I need an aqua saac and I
1550s didn't get one Jus betrayed me so I'm
1553s going to hold on to it for now because
1554s as well I'm near the Bloomin knife which
1556s is actually really good however I need
1558s to hunt another poke pke for that one
1560s then I can get a poison sword and
1563s shield um so I think I'm going to hold
1566s out for a PUK PUK to come wander and
1569s by
1571s ni especially if we are going back into
1573s the Ancient
1575s Forest yeah we might see him we might
1577s see on so let's look at the uh jotus
1580s armor which looks super super cool U
1584s especially for like an early game armor
1586s as well like it looks like you got a
1588s full set of armor on on this one so
1591s aquatic Mobility Muk resistance water
1593s attack ice resistance Focus so really
1596s good for the wild Spire waste and
1597s obviously a little bit more water damage
1599s as well on the
1602s arms but nothing for me togr yet can I
1605s make something my Pico
1609s though we can actually make Rathalos GE
1611s my palico is going to be stronger than I
1613s am oh yeah I haven't I haven't made
1616s anything for
1617s metalico I think it's time how many okay
1620s actually takes okay yeah it'll take
1622s literal pieces so I might not go up to
1624s Rathalos yet CU I want the Ros pces oh
1628s yeah yeah um but we can go
1632s jotus that looks cool obviously is
1635s covering my little Kitty's face though
1637s so I might mix and match I think that
1638s would be cool I'm to make
1640s the uh like body armor for my Pico that
1647s looks really
1648s and then we'll get a new helmet is that
1650s a crown oh yes a barro
1656s crown we'll take that a great Jag Uh Oh
1661s no you're you're changing it yeah I'm
1662s looking at your screen
1664s now and the T we make a cheeky little
1667s Hammer so it looks like a barbarian cat
1669s now Barbarian King goes
1672s well it is isn't
1674s it Chief meow meow AKA right okay I'm
1680s gonna come up to the uh the Gathering
1682s Hub
1685s now remember fashion game is key
1687s everyone including for your pico
1694s buddy question for both twitch and
1696s YouTube if you're teleported into any
1698s monster hunter game would you survive
1700s and what weapon would uh would you
1704s be hi what do you think J if I was
1708s transported into any monster hunter game
1710s would you
1711s survive that depends question one am I a
1714s hunter or am I like you know am I like a
1718s veloe like what have I what have I been
1720s like isekaied into you
1723s know yeah yeah if you've been isaki into
1725s the world of Monster Hunter um you would
1727s probably be the strongest okay and have
1730s some insane ability that would I be the
1732s Admiral
1734s then you would have some crazy ability
1737s that nobody else has has uh uh I don't I
1741s mean I'd probably go sword and shield
1743s cuz I can protect and attack
1746s um but I'm not sure how I if physically
1749s me you know I don't know I mean even a
1752s great jackass if it catches you wrong
1754s you're going to be eaten H yeah yeah
1757s yeah if it was like my actual human
1760s person uh I would not
1762s survive no I would I would definitely
1764s try and become like a chef in the in
1767s astero or stay out of the way you know
1769s yeah yeah CU even gravity is a threat to
1772s us unlike the hunters you
1775s know yeah we don't have uh you know like
1778s hydraulics on our legs or whatever they
1779s have here yeah I'll see if I can join
1783s you off the bat on this one if we just
1784s do the cut scenes again I I think we do
1786s have to hit the cut scene first because
1788s it's a new
1789s Monster
1793s uh yeah well that's fine fun fact about
1796s Toby kadachi as well uh Toby Kachi is
1799s actually my partner's favorite monster
1801s at boil of Monster Hunter so much so she
1803s has the icon or the logo of the monster
1806s tattooed on her ankle oh W yeah actually
1810s I won't worry about food because I'll
1811s join your quest again yeah um so should
1815s I go ahead and get that started yeah
1816s yeah I I won't be too far behind all
1819s right all right but yeah so whenever I
1820s fight Toby Ki she's not here at the
1822s moment so you know it's fine it's fine
1824s I'm safe she makes me capture it she
1827s does let me she doesn't let me like uh
1831s like slay
1833s Toby she makes me catch Toby instead
1836s does Toby actually have a tail that you
1838s can cut off you can break it I don't
1841s think you get a like
1844s a think I normally go for his head
1849s though I see an
1851s here already if you see p p let me know
1856s I'll come in and be like okay okay oh
1858s that's right yeah you need
1860s care I just need one more piece of it I
1863s can see Ang as
1867s well I got my ghillies soon hars I
1870s missed I'm trying to grab some
1874s uh emic life on the
1877s way might net fish on the way over is
1880s that
1884s fish yay I got two wet fish and a
1890s hey Ste good to see you loving all the
1892s folks back into moner World you've been
1894s jumping back into love to see it love to
1896s see it Where Are You Toby
1905s K yeah you can only break Toby's tail
1907s yeah chat like yeah only break they've
1909s done their research on by hunting many
1911s Toby kadachi it seems short of yeah I'm
1916s not picking up that dunk though that's a
1918s that'll be in my pocket that
1922s smell you're really role playing here
1926s yeah and I've not got many pockets in
1928s the bone armor so you know you got to be
1930s very tactful
1934s yeah right I think Toby normally hides
1937s up top or in like the kind of area
1939s towards pke PUK near the second unlock
1943s believe that's where it's leading
1946s me
1956s here we go Scout flies show me the way
1959s I've nearly got enough to start tracking
1961s Toby more aggressively I think this is
1964s Toby
1966s anyway it could be something entirely
1970s different yeah that's what I'm like I'm
1972s a little nervous of too but I think I
1973s think I'm at the right
1975s direction it is just really it's it's
1977s really like a a trip going back to this
1979s stuff this content at the early start of
1981s the game where I just don't really
1983s remember what the flow of it was like
1984s you know yeah we've got a question as
1987s well what's our all-time favorite
1989s monster from any monster hunter
1995s game tough choice tough choice oh I am
1998s at a cut scene right
1999s now
2001s um joh I think I know yours I think you
2003s said before one you voted for y the one
2007s I for as well in the uh top monster pole
2010s uh which is
2013s brachos my bigy boy no one thing is I
2017s was deciding this point I was like well
2019s do I vote for rage and bracky because
2020s that fight is incredible like it's like
2023s the Pinnacle of brachy fights but then I
2026s was like you wouldn't have rage and
2028s bracky without bracky itself like the
2031s base bracky so I had to give it to brai
2034s because despite raging being such an
2036s incredible fight you know chicken and
2038s egg right chicken and
2040s egg y my yeah that's that's a big Toby
2044s all right I'm gonna return from quest uh
2047s I be back soon
2051s Toby um in the poll I voted for devil
2055s joke one of my favorites it's just such
2057s a a funny looking monster but also
2060s intimidating uh it's such like an
2062s aggressive monster and like the way it
2064s like just basically tries to eat
2065s everything is is really cool um um but
2068s yeah I don't know having played so much
2070s world lately uh and done a lot of recent
2074s hunts I don't know I might have some
2076s more recency bias on some some newer
2078s monsters um I really like Namo that
2081s one's been really fun to to go back to
2083s um such a unique design and I like the
2085s armor set so um yeah that one that one's
2089s really cool I think that's one of uh in
2091s terms of like the newer monsters only
2093s recently introduced I think that's one
2094s of the
2095s coolest absolutely and we got yesi games
2098s says oh my God I knew you likeed I knew
2101s I liked you brackie for the win so we
2102s got the brackie fan club which is great
2104s and as well like another monster like
2107s that quickly came into my top three
2108s right because I have quite a few that
2110s bundle around the top five six like I
2112s really like tetsu Cabra I really like
2114s zamtrios brachos is at the top um I
2118s really like um
2121s nante and for me primordial
2124s Mareno came in swooped in
2129s like such a cool way to cap off uh Sun
2133s break and I just love how the monster
2134s fights and it's kind of attitude and the
2138s story resolution which I won't spoil um
2142s is not what you'd expect uh which is
2144s really really really
2147s cool oh yeah Meo in general is really
2150s cool design such a cool
2153s monster I I saw um I think it was on the
2155s monant to subreddit uh over the weekend
2158s or earlier on in the week uh they were
2160s sharing the turf war in some break
2163s between maleno and
2166s velc and it's really special the team
2168s did such a great job showcasing these
2170s two flagships clashing I'm lost in the
2173s jungle as well no I see your icon so you
2177s might pretty close I'm in the area where
2179s I always get lost uh I'm terrible for
2183s actually you're here somewhere I'm GNA
2186s climb this tendril
2189s nend ads is basil basil magalo and
2194s Rathalos like the the spell of basil
2197s basil basil Goose the goose they're like
2200s explosions of fire oh oh no wait I need
2203s to capture that
2207s one I caught you is that one of the rare
2210s ones oh no it's just the standard one
2211s but you're special to me Woodland
2216s TS
2218s all right uh you're here somewhere I
2220s feel like I oh oh there you are I I just
2222s swung down sorry hold on I'll you know
2225s what my my navigational skills in the
2228s forest I could quite happily get lost
2230s looking at all the greenery and the the
2232s trees you are hello thank you for coming
2235s to get
2237s me I unequip my net so I can have my
2240s Slinger
2246s ready yeah B basil geese is so popular
2249s for good reason as well like it's a very
2252s unique monster yeah amazing song It's a
2255s blaster
2257s fight you know I really like find uran
2259s as well I find that a really fun fight
2262s oh okay yeah big old
2268s chin I do like fighting nante a lot I
2271s think it's like the you know it's so
2272s spiky like the Y so many bits to break
2276s yeah it's very
2279s sorry okay so no poke pke yet on this
2282s map so we' got great jagas and janf and
2284s Toby
2289s yeah neron is also like a little smaller
2293s than the normal uh Elder Dragon I would
2296s say yeah that's kind of like well above
2299s his weight yeah yeah you know like in a
2302s in a game when you see like a human
2304s Enemy humanized enemy in a game full of
2306s like of crazy monsters it's like oh okay
2309s that's the most scary
2311s one like yeah that's what I need to look
2313s out for yeah I'm On Top of the
2319s Rock wait Toby Toby come
2325s over oh yeah where did you
2329s go sorry I don't us tracking this Toby
2332s after we saw it already is probably like
2334s not the most compelling gameplay for
2335s everybody you know what we're good at we
2337s you know we're good at like the second
2339s part of hunting the monster where you
2340s actually find it but we're quite like
2343s you know quite comical getting there you
2345s know our tracking our tracking skills
2348s are yeah yeah you know we're we're
2351s spoiled like we we've played this game
2354s so much that we just you know
2355s automatically get routed to all the
2357s monsters so
2359s yeah hello Toby nice to meet
2363s you all right we're here
2365s now is always bigger than I realize like
2370s I like yeah Toby Kachi is quite a small
2371s monster but I'm just it head's like
2375s nearly as big as me
2381s oh trying to roll through that I just
2383s have my shield up I was like you know
2385s what just going to hold that
2388s there see if we get M get down here oh
2392s hold on can I do the yes my favorite
2396s sword is Shield move oh I can do the
2400s plunge oh the plunge oh yeah it's great
2403s to do against Nur as
2406s well oh but Toby is a big monster but
2411s not as big as other monsters where it's
2413s much easier to
2414s land all the way
2416s down oh to's coming for you he not
2419s interested in
2422s me yeah we got
2424s the oh nice
2428s I mounted the
2435s monster I should have braced that there
2438s we go I used to do like focus when I was
2441s like you know playing ice back in the
2443s day on uh my PS4 I would um I would
2448s always go for a mount like was because I
2450s was sword and shield I'd be like yeah
2452s I'm going to focus the mountain as soon
2453s as I can with like my aial attacks mhm
2457s I'm just watching you here thank you
2459s thank you g ax says my wife doesn't let
2462s me slay any monsters she finds cute also
2464s I voted for B lakis is my favorite
2469s hly legis good choice good choice very
2472s popular yeah don't be lagging on
2483s laggy still not getting any stuns here B
2487s says
2490s no J will there ever be a life-sized do
2493s plushy we can live and
2499s hope there's a pretty cool I remember
2502s see see The Vig was kind of like it
2504s wasn't a plushy it was like was it an
2506s outfit I think on the Japanese store
2509s yeah it's like
2511s a I don't even know what you would call
2513s it yeah it's like it's like an outfit
2514s you become The Vig was right yeah but
2517s like it's like a giant be bag it's so
2519s cool it's so cool you could just get
2521s snug in that and sit there in game oh
2523s jeez my sliding attack I fell all the
2525s way down you SL too
2529s far oh cheat back step but Toby had his
2532s own back step
2536s forth oh I'm I need to do my sharpness
2538s I'm primally blunt on my weapon it's R
2543s um so we will where have I got out my
2545s wheel
2548s Birdman gos rag is their favorite it was
2550s close being gos or tetr tetrodon um two
2554s really cool monsters two new monsters
2555s obviously that that came in in Rise I
2558s love gosar um I love its fighting style
2561s how it feels like it's like a brawler
2563s and like when it stuns you and it starts
2565s like strutting up to you dragging its
2567s blade like oh yeah it's it's for sure
2570s got like a a very like haunting vibe to
2574s it you
2575s know the trodon is great
2579s too big frog belly type thing yeah like
2582s the sumo wrestler kind of style of
2584s fighting
2586s yeah and then we got do do either of us
2589s own a life siiz or the life siiz palmu
2592s toy well not personally but the the
2594s Capcom Europe office has one I have it
2598s here but uh it's blocked by my green
2599s screen so it uh but it's it's right
2602s behind me uh yeah maybe on the future
2605s stream or something I'll show it off
2607s that's how he gets to work when he has
2608s to pop into the
2609s office rides it in
2614s yeah but yeah it's it's uh it's sitting
2617s here next to my real dog um and they're
2621s hanging out a so you've got a real life
2624s Palam and I've got a real life Pico
2630s yeah there's a parod in here I keep
2633s trying to pick them up but I end up yeah
2636s yeah and you're like no wait we're we're
2640s not in kbur anymore
2644s yeah got
2653s stagger using everything we can to our
2656s advantage y
2659s oh that was quite a
2665s bite
2668s oh I
2670s missed I keep missing too
2688s such there I don't have a trap on me
2690s either I feel guilty I don't think I
2692s have one either oh I'm not really H the
2694s head there
2703s heal very
2707s nice yeah to that armor is a cool
2709s looking
2711s armor Chop Chop doing this thing up
2714s there coming
2717s up you can run but you can't hide from
2720s The Sword sh most mostly
2725s mostly
2727s I love the infinite Combos and sword and
2729s shield one of my favorite things about
2731s the weapon in
2733s general I need to learn oh there we go
2736s nice you
2741s got the chief will be most
2745s pleased yeah today today's funny um you
2748s know our first
2749s stream everything was so early that uh
2752s we kind of just rolled everything and
2755s slow down now yeah all all the Hunts are
2757s like I don't I don't even know like less
2759s than five minutes or two minutes or
2761s something um and then you know the week
2764s after that we got super ambitious and we
2766s tried to take on a bunch of stuff that
2767s was way ranked higher than what we're
2770s supposed to be doing and we died a lot
2773s um and then today I think we're in like
2775s a nice happy medium where things are
2778s going
2779s comfy uh but not too much stress right
2782s now so yeah it's it's nice we're we're
2786s getting into the flow and yeah as chat's
2788s saying as well monsta's 20th anniversary
2791s coming up in March and then in summer
2794s there'll be more news on Monster Hunter
2796s Wilds uh so good fun good very exciting
2800s year for Monster Hunter oh yeah
2802s abolutely
2808s some Toby Ki Parts
2815s there
2816s canteen has been upgraded I like the
2818s sound of that let's
2826s go you're just the
2829s awesomest I thank you Chief
2837s Bist all right field team
2841s leader oh an urgent Quest I like the
2844s sound of that urgent
2846s I'm just looking at the uh botanist area
2849s at the moment I'm like oh lovely
2855s tree big in their own ancient
2858s tree and now I can use the Harvest
2862s box so I can cultivate uh honey yeah
2867s what am I doing I should I should do
2868s that too let me I'm gonna get I'm
2870s getting my honey up
2872s early
2875s fertilizer duration
2878s anyway there we go honey yeah so one of
2882s my advice once you unlock that honey is
2884s a very good thing to get stocks on early
2886s in the game uh because you use honey and
2889s you mix up with potions to make the mega
2891s potions which are so much better than
2894s standard
2895s potions yeah so being able to keep the
2898s that and yeah and you'll get through
2899s them quicker than you realize well if
2901s you're me I get hit a lot cuz I'm
2903s greedy hurry back now
2908s hey dvin thanks for joining us from
2911s Brazil shout out to Brazil Brazilian
2917s Hunters buy some
2924s BS just don't use potions that's a uh I
2928s don't know if we're good enough for that
2929s yeah just just don't get hit really
2931s that's the secret
2935s um
2937s you know we're we're experienced Hunters
2938s but we're by no means uh expert
2941s level um we're not the type that are
2944s taking out Fatalis in uh like five
2947s minutes or something so but it's nice a
2951s dream we're not quite speedrunner level
2953s of uh rolling through every single
2958s attack they are another level of Hunter
2964s mhm yeah just dodge
2967s yeah just don't get hit
2970s yeah okay what's our urgent Quest we got
2973s this and
2977s janath gra that too I'll post it and see
2979s if you can join it straight away or
2982s not worth a go if not yeah we do the old
2986s cut scene switch your room yeah yeah
2988s thanks for bearing with us everybody for
2991s uh like kind of the start of the early
2992s game where we got to jump into different
2994s quests and all that luckily it doesn't
2996s take long it might not let you say one
2999s of one even though I put two so we might
3001s yeah be uh starting off
3007s separately yeah we're making good
3009s progress through low rank uh right now
3011s though so um we won't be low rank for
3013s much longer then we get to the high rank
3017s yeah then we start embarrassing
3019s ourselves yeah then the carts will be
3021s flowing
3022s yeah hey maybe there'll be a pke PUK on
3025s this Quest
3027s oh
3028s maybe by the time you get your PUK PUK
3031s part uh we're g to have new
3034s gear like
3037s please I'm getting lots of nice delivery
3039s and quests there I'm going to eat do you
3042s want to join my game this time once we
3044s get the cut scene yeah let's do it nice
3047s right so uh we'll hop on to my point of
3049s view then and we will uh go find Angela
3054s but if there is a pke pke we're going to
3055s take a little little self self described
3058s Side sub
3061s Quest don't pay with
3065s money defense up medium fish platter yes
3069s please I won eat for this one so I can
3073s eat after cut scene I feel bad
3075s now was oh the the food cut scene yeah
3079s yeah oh that's all right that's all
3083s right but it's good we're going off to
3085s engine F now
3086s obviously anath is traditionally what
3089s many people saw as their first wall in
3091s world for good reason as well dangerous
3096s Monster uh does big damage um and it's
3100s very different to what you fought so far
3102s with it's kind of combination of ranged
3104s attacks and like kind of two forms if
3107s that makes sense obviously when it's in
3109s raged and it gets more fire attacks and
3111s its nosebone pops out um it's a very
3114s different Beast
3116s I think the game does a pretty good job
3117s of like preparing you for the stuff that
3122s you you know the challenges that um
3124s you're going to reach in higher rank
3125s because you know Toby is a lot faster so
3127s you got to get used to something that's
3129s really you know really Nimble and kind
3131s of tough to hit and then anath is like
3133s the big heavy hitter you know so it
3135s keeps you on your
3138s toes any
3140s fishes yay I got more Sushi fish right
3144s anyway on my way
3146s I found some Footprints we're looking
3148s good what I do once once I've got the
3150s cut scene for Anda I might go see I have
3152s a sweep of the north of the map to see
3154s if there's a pke pke wandering
3157s around good call good call I need my
3160s status sword and
3166s shield we have already took down an
3168s anath before because we we tried our
3170s luck um so yeah that's one thing if you
3173s come across a monster that might be a a
3175s bit further ahead than what the game
3178s would normally let you hunt as part of
3179s your quest itself you can give it a go
3181s you can go after that monster and if you
3183s if you beat it if you slay it or capture
3184s it you get those parts you are rewarded
3187s for being ambitious SL foolish slash
3189s Brave um so give it it Go worst case you
3192s triple cart you come back out you try
3194s again
3195s it's and you can easily restock any
3198s potion but nothing ventured nothing
3201s gained or or
3203s carted you got you got to take a risk
3205s every now and then
3207s exactly grab some red picks I'm going
3209s into the The Rock trap area oh scatter
3213s okay I've got a cut
3215s scene it's anath and oh my goodness it's
3219s having a munch on great
3226s jagas nothing to make it intimidating
3228s like uh you know showing it just
3230s destroying a monster that you may or may
3233s not have had some trouble with yeah it's
3235s like you thought this one was hard well
3239s yeah my hun used the scatter up there to
3243s attract the attention of
3246s Angie oh it's underneath the rock
3252s trap all right returning from the quest
3254s and then I will join you nice I'm
3257s letting theut scene play out there very
3259s okay and
3262s not question from the YouTube chat if we
3265s will'll do the low rank Kieran the
3267s optional low rank Kieran what do you
3268s think oh yeah we'll give it a go yeah
3272s yeah you can now join yeah we are going
3274s to be playing with the community so what
3276s we do is unlike the like last half an
3279s hour of the stream uh we normally open
3281s up the lobby and then we get on some
3284s imunity Huns together yeah I'm going to
3287s run away now can I you can carve the
3289s great
3292s jagas leave me alone Ana oh
3297s might that's a that's an interesting
3299s detail yeah you can you can carve
3302s it I wonder can't remember if I carve
3305s where in the ghil man if it takes it off
3307s as soon as I combat carve great jagas is
3310s like I'm looking at your right now
3314s see like leave me alone I'm going to go
3317s to the north of the map see if I can
3319s find
3324s p tired T my power's looking at me like
3327s why have you just tired yourself out
3330s have you not seen the giant ANS behind
3332s you like get it
3334s together Everyone's Watching
3338s yeah right is there acket okay be very
3342s happy okay I am here trying to catch up
3345s to
3346s you that's okay I'm just having a
3351s wonder is there any
3354s footprint
3356s oh oh um I'm here I'm here I'll wait for
3359s you that's all right I'll be there in a
3361s sec I'm just checking for some signs of
3363s poke PUK but it's not looking like p p
3367s is around here at least anyway but you
3369s never know we might come across them as
3370s we
3372s hunt oh yes return to World zodiac oh
3375s Ana's in the water area oh no are we
3379s either side of
3381s Ana uh I think so yeah should we there
3385s I'm going to jump over cuz I do not want
3387s to fight it in the in the waste high
3391s water question how long will this return
3393s to World Series stream stream series b
3397s um so in terms of length we normally
3400s hunt for about two two hours two and a
3402s half hours usually about two right Jon
3405s yeah
3406s Y and in terms of like how long the
3409s series will go um we're planning to be
3412s essentially pretty much every uh
3414s Thursday uh um weekly for foreseeable
3418s future I suppose so uh yeah you know we
3421s we might have to skip a week here and
3422s there just due to some other commitments
3424s but um yeah we're we're planning to go
3427s for quite a bit so yeah we got a bit of
3429s time before 2025 you know yeah
3434s yeah maybe a full year um we'll see
3438s we'll see yeah say if people like you
3441s know you the community keep on to watch
3443s and get involved or come up with some
3445s ideas once you know we've got through
3447s like the the game and stuff yeah
3449s absolutely we can play as much as you
3451s want really I forgot how to take my
3453s mantle off uh it's been a while there we
3455s go took it off anyway that'll be why I
3458s was like I've already took off my
3459s clothes how do I take off my clothes uh
3462s I'm going to take a m seed
3467s though back I'm what's it got in his
3470s mouth oh no not the app oh brutal
3477s you know an's lucky it's not stories two
3479s Happ because that' be a different story
3482s yeah no pun
3495s intended oh I got that little claw swipe
3499s yeah that was cheeky one of the
3504s bite
3514s SC seeing that it's a little bit hard to
3517s seeing comment that it's hard to hear on
3518s audio so uh anybody else of you guys
3521s have are having trouble carrying us let
3523s us
3528s know all the action going on
3534s yeah
3535s oh ow we collided with each other there
3538s I was like I got a good
3543s hit I've gained the attention
3548s of see if I can get some try and build
3551s up
3557s a oh man oh I got hit check I'm with
3561s it yes come on Amber heal me thank you
3564s there's a bigger was if you need it oh
3567s lovely that was beautiful man that is a
3570s true Hammer
3572s Mo oh no he's not St
3578s anymore what was
3581s that I thought I had another monster I
3591s like is he near a ledge might be oh no
3595s on
3598s that I was
3601s stunned I was like oh no
3605s I'm oh
3607s no there you go I was the first car of
3610s the
3611s stream the first C of
3615s 2024 makes feel so much
3621s better I'm just kidding I'm kidding I'm
3623s kidding that's all right so you know
3625s what I've ticked that box now it's all
3627s good
3631s good oh no where I always got lost it's
3635s fine
3637s fine oh man I might be the
3643s next it's not looking good not looking
3645s good I could eat either it's not been
3647s long
3653s enough why an is a war
3656s everybody it's a
3659s me okay it's going
3663s away just as I turn up clearly Anin
3666s reget his decision and is scar of my
3672s wrath I'm going to keep the mega potions
3674s I'll stand by out oh that's fire
3677s oh oh it's gone after the jagas as well
3681s oh that's a lot of
3683s fire oh you got the
3685s oh yeah well done well done been
3687s targeting
3691s it the head damage yeah oh that was
3697s quick down you go there you go all yours
3700s you boot the S oh oh wow there's the
3703s stud yeah they moved
3708s away oh I miss I'm hitting all these Jag
3712s they're like give us your
3713s sharpness
3719s damage another one oh
3725s nice oh you mounted I didn't even see
3727s you there yeah I'm straight back on no
3729s messing around I'm remembering more my
3732s Mountain tricks about jumping around
3734s instead of gripping on as
3736s well after the C you were just like I'm
3739s not messing around anymore it's coming
3741s back to me wants to get in an enime when
3743s you know the hero gets like abolutely
3745s busted by the villain but then gets
3747s stronger yeah like oh I remember now
3750s this is my true power
3753s yeah it
3756s is
3765s Unstoppable oh
3768s nice oh he so
3771s satisfying I missed I can't believe it
3774s oh I can believe but you
3783s know I I get up
3786s here reminds me the we've seen a few
3790s monster content creators doing a a one
3792s life or one car only run or per death as
3796s they're commonly called yeah that's
3798s respect of that yeah yeah that's been
3800s crazy to
3802s watch oh
3806s uh oh Bounce
3809s It the tal now to
3816s sh oh okay it's not limping yet it's
3820s just casually leaving it's like yeah
3822s I'll get you
3823s later Mount themes are always so good
3825s with the added percussion yeah I love
3827s how like just Dynamic the music is you
3829s know like we've got the chase version of
3831s the themes that's always really
3833s cool from what I understand py they're
3837s not using insurance and also Pico
3839s revives aren't counted as in as in
3842s aren't allowed so you know if you f if
3844s you like quation marks faint or C um
3849s that's it you know beinged doesn't count
3851s yeah hey Mig MH how's it going so yeah
3855s Testament to them because it's easy to
3858s accidentally carut even if you're
3859s playing it say like an unlucky stun like
3862s what happened to I got stunned or
3864s something like that and you're done yeah
3867s it's like true Mastery of the game for
3877s sure oh there's a lot of slopes in here
3879s Joe you're going to have fun there's
3881s also the sacred sword and shield plunge
3885s walls oh do it do it thing I missed I I
3890s know I got a bigger was it still counts
3891s it still counts yeah you're still
3893s good
3895s oh oh the the
3897s roar there we
3899s go oh you just get so many hits it's
3903s great for for mountain and doing silly
3905s damage I am however on
3908s fire so I'm going to jump around a bit
3910s more to get rid of
3912s that there we go so jumping around the
3915s monster you don't have to hold on you
3916s can actually jump through most attacks
3919s there are some monsters that you can't
3921s do that you got to hold on um but not
3934s an oh oh nice you poisoned it as well
3937s with the uh oh totally intentional there
3941s there we go and then the BOS there I
3943s love the effects on the
3945s monster oh
3949s yeah I
3953s have oh you come back
3956s here Slinger Slingers go
3960s sler just going to quickly drink this oh
3963s there we go it
3965s worked quick slide slide for victory oh
3969s no oh no not again
3974s no took that personally Jo you need you
3977s need to finish what we
3982s start do
3985s I'll be I'll be right there once I
3988s recover my
3989s bearings I'm being
3992s absolutely it's all right it's all right
3994s it happens it does you know I'm showing
3996s you why it's a wall you know a
4000s demonstration if you would call it so
4003s that's all right it's uh it's getting
4004s away so it's a good sign as it's a good
4007s sign that I even need to like invest in
4010s upgrading my armor level or getting a
4012s new set made as well so if you are
4014s taking more damage than you would expect
4017s or you know you're getting like two hit
4019s and stuff like that take a look at your
4021s armor um see if you need a new set or
4023s you can upgrade some armor you really
4025s like with uh armor SP yeah get your
4029s defense level up just to a little bit
4031s you'd be surprised how much of a
4033s difference it
4035s makes what can you guys say about Wilds
4038s uh
4040s nothing there will be news in summer
4042s 2024 y so uh please look forward to it
4046s mhm and you can see that straight from
4050s uh the team with rioo Sans um New Year's
4054s uh message which is currently on the
4056s monst YouTube
4058s yeah yeah we appreciate the excitement I
4061s I know everybody's uh eager to to learn
4064s more um so please stay tuned for the
4067s summer and we play it sure
4072s mhm yeah the excit awesome seeing all
4075s the discussion and the theorizing and
4077s you know even the trailer like when I
4079s think about the trailer and you know
4081s when when you get the title revealer The
4083s Music's
4084s like I'm like oh it just hits different
4088s I do I do still and I know it's coming
4090s and I know what it sounds like and I'm
4092s just like Oh that's oh it really amps me
4094s up I get you know goosebumps yeah yeah
4097s it's a good
4099s feeling oh it's
4101s moving thought would have taken a nap
4103s there old a Ros scale okay after the two
4107s carts I've just had but yeah after this
4109s hunt I've upgraded my
4111s armor lesson learned
4115s yeah I can't tank Anin after the face in
4117s this bone armor as it currently
4121s is you know I probably been letting you
4124s take all the aggro so that's all right I
4126s should be using my shield a bit more
4130s really God give him a rude awakening all
4133s right all right
4149s oh oh oh the terrain is working against
4157s me my reach is oh yeah it's going to be
4160s too oh I got to get out of here I'm got
4162s to get out of here I'm joining you
4164s y let's heal he's going to jump on me
4167s isn't he no no no you're good you're
4169s good you're good he's he's fling around
4171s up
4172s there got my mega potions on St he's
4175s down he's down oh he went down he went
4178s down oh he chasing you I got to get down
4180s there yeah oh and I've not got like any
4182s food Buffs no no no no no
4188s no oh no I didn't have the food Buffs so
4191s ANF is a war now obviously you know this
4195s was fully intentional so that we can
4197s show you yeah we're just showcasing the
4199s true low rank experience exactly uh as
4203s first time Hunters no it's all good I
4205s mean this this stuff happens right it
4208s out correctly what we're GNA do exactly
4210s you know I need to go and address why I
4212s was so squishy so I think it's time to
4215s revisit the Smithy Jay yeah um yeah when
4220s we open up the lobby it will be PC so
4222s we're on Steam and
4224s um that'll probably be in about 20ish
4227s minutes yeah yeah we got a grudge match
4229s to uh to finish here first we do we do
4232s yeah so you've just you've just been
4233s triple carted for the first time you're
4235s like hm this is a new difficulty
4237s experience for me go to the
4240s Smithy um what you want to do then first
4243s of all Forge or upgrade because like I
4245s really like some of the pieces of my
4248s armor um for example my helmet and my
4252s chest I really want to keep so let's
4254s take a look at the bone now we can
4255s upgrade that from 10 defense
4258s to
4259s 16 so over 50% Improvement so we're
4263s going to do
4266s that so we've already got a nice chunk
4269s of armor obviously we don't have any
4270s more armor spheres now um so we're going
4272s to have to look at what we can forge so
4275s we can look at waste we can look at arms
4278s and we can look at Boots SoJO what do I
4282s need to look for here uh um first of all
4285s something that gives me more base armor
4287s and maybe some useful
4289s skills yeah I think you had health boost
4291s on um is there anything else that has a
4294s little bit more well tal boots bar off
4298s has stun resist boots I can make that
4301s might help because I did get stun I
4302s can't make anything higher than that
4306s poke P I can make as well poison attack
4309s could be good because I do want a poison
4311s weapon but I need I need a hun pke P
4313s really start investing in yeah yeah Sun
4316s resistance is kind of a must huh oh yeah
4319s well for me I
4321s yeah the alloy armor has defense boost
4324s but it has a lower base armor so I'm
4326s like so this is the point in the game as
4328s well where you want to go back and start
4330s farming some of the monsters so you be
4331s like I want this armor piece or I want
4333s this weapon upgrade you'll want to go
4335s back and start farming monsters which
4336s you can do whenever you
4338s want
4340s um so yeah for sure um maybe maybe point
4344s of Defense boost do you think it's worth
4346s it if it's just one point yeah I'm not
4348s sure I'm going to get the stun resist uh
4351s bar off legs so they're on now that's a
4355s good
4356s call do you have Fertile Mud yeah I I
4360s did I did I've been rolling in it
4363s um I'm going to go for even though I
4366s mean I need to hunt another P anyway I'm
4369s going to make the poison attack coil
4372s because it gives me a couple more
4373s defense and I will transition into a
4376s poison weapon hopefully in the not too
4378s distant future M and for the arms I mean
4383s I can get the barroth arms that gives me
4384s four more armor and marathon
4387s runner um so we'll go for
4392s that and in the early game don't worry
4394s don't overly fixate on sets too much
4396s because in low rank you'll go through
4398s armor pieces quite quickly especially as
4400s you progress through the first kind of
4402s few locals um and it's when you get into
4405s high rank where you'll start to settle
4407s into sets you really like and they take
4409s a bit longer to earn and you because
4411s you'll be using them for like the rest
4413s of the game kind of thing mostly you
4414s know you switch and you might switch
4416s between different sets but the armor has
4417s a lot more life in
4419s it and I think it might be where think I
4423s won't upgrade my weapon uh maybe I use a
4426s different weapon no we'll stick on sword
4428s and
4429s shield and we try again Joe do you want
4432s to pop the quest in yeah
4434s do where are you Handler so yeah that
4438s was jono's 100% intentional lesson in
4441s when and how to upgrade your
4444s gear Inc thank you thank you Jo was like
4449s everybody Joe was like right so you're
4451s going to cut three times to anath when
4453s you know right at the end as well when
4454s we're about to win I'm like yeah got it
4456s and he goes then you can show them how
4459s to I like yep cool it sounds like a plan
4461s you know we think ahead you know
4465s it is I'm thinking about you the new
4467s Hunters you know every part I was like
4470s think of the community you know this
4473s this man is truly dedicated to return to
4478s World um I'm going to quickly eat a meal
4480s I had defense as well like for my food
4482s but obviously when I lost the food Buffs
4484s I couldn't get it back I was like
4486s no um oh attack up see that's plus 30
4491s Health The Chef's Choice or yeah I
4493s usually
4494s Choice attack up an elemental resist so
4496s that's a that's a good one I can hit
4498s harder and the Fireballs won't hit me as
4500s hard um I think yeah my P could probably
4502s had more armor than I did um oh I need
4505s to join your sorry I put my own quest in
4507s I need to join yours oh you're all good
4510s I'm just enjoying the Vibes of a
4512s stra and I stay so we'll be opening up
4515s the lobby after this Quest probably yeah
4518s I mean will we open it up probably after
4520s this Quest though not to say we maybe we
4521s won't open up the lobby um
4524s um me and Joe just have uh got some
4528s business to attend to we do we
4541s do all right ready
4545s yep here we go and that's thing as well
4548s like when you triple cart as well it's
4549s not the end of the world like no pun
4551s intended like you've used up a few
4553s potions whatever you go back in and you
4555s learn you know you find out why you CED
4557s me I I let myself get stunned I was too
4559s aggressive and didn't let my hunter
4561s recover I wasn't keeping my health
4563s topped up um and I wasn't dodging enough
4567s I think is kind of the reasons I triple
4568s carted that yeah it sounds like you put
4571s some stun resist on right I did so I
4574s will recover quicker from being stunned
4576s now yeah
4578s yeah yeah I've definitely had times
4580s where I forgot to take it and then I'm
4582s like oh no you see
4584s and then you know the hit is coming
4585s you're
4587s like just kind of
4589s go you know it you can't get away from
4592s it yeah especially Anna such an
4594s aggressive
4596s monster but yeah don't worry if you
4598s triple carts all you know you say me and
4599s Joe have you know we've been both been
4601s playing for about a decade of Monster
4603s Hunter you know and we still cart I
4605s triple carted you know like it still
4608s happens it happens it happens um you
4610s know being overconfident in you know I
4612s don't need to upgrade my gear I'll be
4615s fine so it' be interesting to see the
4617s difference in damage I take now that
4619s I've upgraded and got some new armor
4620s pieces and I've upgraded by chess
4623s plate um yeah cool to see what happens
4626s yeah like we said we're not you know
4629s expert level Hunters we are pretty
4632s experienced with the game but you know
4634s skill-wise I think we're we're pretty
4635s solid but we're not we're solid Hunters
4637s I think that's a good description yeah
4639s Team Dark Side would just come busted in
4640s and be like get on our
4642s shoulders yeah
4644s yeah it's part of the fun though right
4646s it is you
4648s know some of the funniest moments as
4651s well is like carton in a ridiculous way
4652s in front of your friends like I've got
4654s this and it's like I don't got this I'm
4658s gone as well as like I don't have any
4660s life powders at this point in the game
4662s as well and I love life powders I'm
4664s always like yeah I haven't gotten yet
4666s I'm a fresh Hunter yeah yeah maybe once
4669s we get there one of us you know we can
4671s roll like uh some healer
4674s yeah sword sword and shield is good for
4676s that because you don't have to sheep
4677s your weapon so super
4682s quick right and jth remember me it's me
4685s but now I'm dressed
4687s smarter
4690s right oh there it
4697s is hello engine remember me it's like I
4701s don't even know who you are
4714s look at it though such like a a Fier
4717s it's even got it neck wobbling like bit
4719s like a
4722s turkey oh oh so I took a lot less damage
4726s there I think what I used to yeah I have
4729s cre of my armor too so hopefully it's
4732s going to help us out a little bit
4735s extra points
4737s defense I'm just totally missed that I'm
4739s just trying to do a slight attack
4742s there yeah
4744s oh Ang just te I'll fight you when I'm
4748s ready oh look at that smashing through
4750s the the
4753s environment he really looks so
4755s unbothered with your existence yeah oh
4757s yeah we we'll change that
4760s yeah want to shoot the thing oh you got
4762s you got it oh no no no anav is
4766s absolutely bodying me in multiple ways
4769s oh
4770s no and janat we had you B to right do
4773s you know I should have done ghil mantle
4775s that would have been a good time for G
4778s mant think you got him
4781s here yeah yeah we're about to oh see
4784s that's an attack that you can't just jum
4786s you've got to cling
4788s on luckily I just got a little bit of
4790s stamina
4792s left
4795s there you
4797s go can't believe it the Trap was primed
4801s and jna had it in the back of his mind
4802s all along it was just baiting us like
4805s you
4815s thought make sure I get as many Ms as
4817s possible as well get my
4820s revenge so yeah look at that that did no
4823s way there as much damage as before
4824s there's the attack that triple CED me
4826s last
4831s time o still hits hard
4834s though oh oh oh that's
4838s scary all right I got to get out of
4840s here I don't blame you oh yes there we
4844s go I'm back oh no I ran out of stamina
4846s no no no no no
4848s no oh no no oh he's eating
4852s me get away from me oh thank you that
4855s was beautiful nice teamwork I know I was
4858s just buing red pit and I don't think
4860s that's got the higher stagger value but
4862s better than nothing right you know when
4864s When Ana's about to munch you anything
4866s will do
4882s anything
4885s that was a little scary there yeah you
4888s know what I didn't give anen after the
4890s respect because I think when we fought
4891s it before there was was it me and you or
4893s was there four of us I think right we
4896s have some community members in I think
4898s yeah I think there was there's four of
4899s us so we were running out
4901s group so we definitely had help yeah and
4904s I like well well
4908s well even dodging my
4912s traps
4920s oh here comes the
4921s fire oh
4924s oh uhoh
4927s uhoh where did I leave my I need to stop
4930s on my on my
4933s wheel the mega potions though coming in
4935s CL definitely definitely get your mega
4937s potion stocked up every oh yeah using
4940s the regular first aid like I forgot how
4943s yeah I was like oh
4945s no especially with how often anath is
4948s hitting me
4950s yeah see if I can build up that mount
4952s there we go got me too man you you've
4955s been hdden that quite a bit Yeah I do
4958s love like the short like the kind of
4960s aerial play style of sword and shield I
4962s say aerial like the mountain Focus kind
4965s of approach to sword and
4970s shield there we go and then jump into
4973s towards the head right at the end to uh
4975s oh I'm missing oh
4979s no there's a Jag there I'm like no I
4981s won't go that
4984s way keep
4989s dropping I need get squishier nice
4994s job ched as well getting a big hit oh
4998s well done well
5001s done
5009s big bang no missed the third one
5012s unlucky
5016s uhoh oh it got hold of you oh let's got
5019s me oh scatter
5021s nut red
5023s pit we're good we're good I'm going to
5026s have to shop it again soon
5029s oh oh
5031s yes uh
5034s he's
5040s tired walk away walk
5042s away but yeah know this isn't
5044s pre-recorded we are definitely here and
5046s live yes we are yes we are otherwise it
5050s would have edited out our uh yeah after
5052s the when I was about to get hit by the
5054s triple car it would have like cut to
5056s afterward going man I'm so glad we beat
5058s anath and didn't triple cart yeah we did
5061s really good uh
5064s the next scene is just Quest complete
5065s that's it y yeah we kind of add a PNG of
5068s quest complete over Freeze Frame like
5071s hero playing a full blast play me out
5075s yeah hit my theme
5081s s we go oh how how do we set that off
5084s again there's the uh the net trap in the
5086s tree you have to run the monster into it
5088s I think or get them to attack I think so
5090s yeah yeah let's see if we can do it
5092s let's see
5093s oh oh oh hey an come get
5097s some do we do we have to do anything to
5099s it I can't I think yes attack
5102s it there you go look I'm hitting you
5104s with
5107s stones
5110s damage it's been a while since I've used
5112s this trap oh now you're tired I keep
5115s hitting you with stones y yep oh that
5118s was
5119s close you know I'm I'll I'll beat you
5122s while you're by
5136s going to check if I yeah I think an has
5138s to B
5145s it oh there's some red Slinger
5148s ammo it's a Slinger
5151s bomb oh wait this a slope here isn't it
5154s it is you can do your thing I think it
5158s might be too
5159s short oh get the that's all
5164s right ah you need to mount it and then
5167s the tree net works thank you Mo there we
5169s go thank you fellow
5173s Hunter oh how did I
5176s miss going
5180s high oh that was Savage man well and the
5184s head break oh nice that yeah another oh
5187s my goodness that was you that was
5191s you big bang four five no just four then
5195s finisher there we
5198s go oh I went for the mount there you
5200s come back here an we're not done with
5202s you yet bomb pod
5205s go grab in the material here oh you
5208s stunned it nice nice there we go got
5211s another Mount I'm back into get back
5213s into the play style I had when I was you
5215s all those years ago when I was playing
5217s through iceborn and in the end
5219s game you've been awakened I
5223s have he's back oh remember me I used to
5227s found the monsters all the
5240s time oh this is defin is this a
5245s slide I don't think so an you're not
5248s really not let you're not leav no this
5250s is
5253s personal bom's so strong with that
5255s slager obviously they're quite rare
5258s though oh I totally missed me too oh the
5262s raw stopped me
5268s no
5271s outrageous oh
5274s okay slightly scary but I saved this in
5277s my pocket for just such an occasion
5281s bu pocket sand yeah exactly I was about
5284s to say it's like the pocket sand of
5285s monst yeah
5289s B oh the bom pod finish that was a bom
5294s yeah you slapped it right in the tail
5296s and it
5298s popped there we go I think that's the
5300s first for me I've actually never done
5301s that your first bomp pod
5303s yeah that's
5304s great so anyway first time I can't
5307s believe it well
5311s done that was sear memory I don't I
5313s don't know what happened in the last 20
5315s minutes you know this is the only hunt
5317s we've done
5320s exactly I know that we got a lovely
5322s sunset there as well as a reward what a
5325s you what a you really is you see like
5327s there's even got some uh Wildlife up in
5330s the air there flying across like the did
5332s the detail I've never recognized that
5334s before I should look up
5337s more I'm go see if there's any
5343s fishes is that a big fish that's a
5345s massive fish no I can't reach
5348s it no big
5351s fish we're uh hitting our last half hour
5355s here um so it looks like we'll probably
5357s open it up huh yep so the only thing we
5359s ask is if you do jump in obviously we're
5360s using you know low TI gear please match
5363s your weapon and armor choice to the
5366s equivalent I got an anath um not mantle
5369s uh plate I got an Andre plate oh well
5372s done well done the RNG I've been
5375s rewarded for my huas from the first try
5378s so yeah I got a lovely plate there so
5380s that is a nice rare item from uh well
5384s it's kind of the rarest item from low
5386s rank
5386s anath um so that's very very
5391s cool
5393s oh it's Zora
5397s magdaros oh that's right yeah yeah we
5401s get some assistance for uh zor
5404s magos yeah are we able to do that I
5407s think should if we go in let's both go
5409s in both get the cut scene and both back
5411s out and then we'll open up the
5415s lobby I still after my pke P
5419s piece one day one day
5423s we'll have to save it for high rank
5434s yeah I have a sip of water My Monster
5437s Hunter Cup on the equipment before we
5439s begin yes
5448s sir quarter we can't bring our back toe
5452s take what you need and be prepared to
5453s conduct your research on site don't
5456s worry Commander everything will be in
5458s order keep your
5461s ear which Rarity of gear are we going
5463s for I think we do you remember the
5466s number that we're at okay okay have a
5468s look
5472s yeah oh items could be to the
5475s resource here how about
5478s you oh yeah I got that to let me go
5481s turnix says about three so it's probably
5484s right let's have a
5490s look yeah Rarity three oh wow I can make
5493s some Anna
5495s pieces but none of them really suit what
5497s I'm going for unless I go gun LS but it
5500s is strong armor base level
5506s 20 how many monsters are on the MH cup
5509s do you know uh one two
5517s three 23 23 23 not not all large
5522s monsters I think there's a couple of
5524s couple of small monsters on I just have
5526s my capcon bug I don't know if you can
5528s see that but my coffee mud because in
5531s the US it is uh it's still the morning
5534s here
5535s 10:30 on opposite ends of the Working
5537s Day yes yes starting my day and you're
5541s ending
5550s oh
5552s yeah all right let's have a look at this
5554s Quest then one for the history
5558s books so yeah we can so yeah let's both
5561s go in both get the cut scene we'll back
5562s out and then we'll we'll make a Lobby
5564s for folks to jump in all right sounds
5571s good
5575s might as
5587s well the preparations are going
5594s in
5596s wa I assume you're seeing the cut scene
5598s now yep yep soon I hope
5602s the second F always there's me in my mix
5607s set PSC the only us time
5611s Z I mean that's where I'm at but I'm not
5613s gonna I'm not gonna say it's the only
5615s time zone but is it okay to dress your
5618s cat up like a Pico if your cat is happy
5620s with being dressed up if your cat's I
5621s mean you know if your cat's not happy
5624s so when the time comes you know what I
5627s think there's some Pico outfits you can
5628s get for cats as well right the ficial
5631s ones a day
5633s bre sounds like we got our work cut out
5635s for us old
5639s man by next moon Zora will be in chain
5652s zos wait for to
5660s dragon
5664s oh Scout flies are out and
5668s about yeah we we both got our Handler in
5670s the um the comfy winter gear it's pretty
5680s funny right on
5690s time
5695s oh it's kicking
5711s off all right okay so I can return from
5713s Quest now and then I will see you in the
5716s Gathering Hub good sir all right so
5719s we've got let's grab and we'll paste our
5721s lobby ID at the same time but we'll join
5723s our we'll join each other's Quest first
5728s um um
5730s so should I go back or should I open it
5733s up or yeah let's go let's both go back
5735s we we'll meet the Gathering Hub
5740s and bit I feel like I haven't seen zor
5744s magros in quite a a while I know it's
5746s been years and years yeah other than
5749s when we started the game um but that was
5752s also some time ago now like over a month
5767s ago I got some dice steak
5770s now love to see
5773s it cool I'm in the nice I've just found
5777s my way to the
5780s left yeah so we'll probably go for about
5783s another 25 30 minutes yeah um open it up
5787s for some uh other
5790s hunters and should we should we get that
5793s uh hi that code sent into the chat I'm
5797s just gonna if you join this Quest and
5798s then we are secured together and oh yes
5802s good call good call and then I will
5803s prepare to paste in twitch and I know
5805s you've got YouTube
5810s covered
5814s all right I'm in nice right okay right
5818s I'm ready to paste I'm ready to paste on
5820s Twitch so whenever you're ready okay
5824s here goes in
5829s YouTube and for anybody just joining us
5832s uh I'm Joe I'm the community manager at
5834s Capcom USA and uh jonno is the Monster
5837s Hunter Community manager over at Capcom
5839s Europe and we're going to go for about
5840s another 25 30 minutes uh doing the zor
5844s magaros quest one for the history books
5846s with the community oh
5849s yes maybe a bit of pke P material fall
5852s fall out of zor magaros if I'm
5855s lucky yeah and you say always says if
5858s you do join just put on like tier three
5860s or below equipment um just so we don't
5863s absolutely Mega body the
5866s monsters yeah we want the authentic low
5869s rank experience for the viewers so yeah
5872s let's let's keep it uh keep it
5883s appropriate I don't think I've Had A
5885s Year Without creating a new character
5887s and clearing the game again that's
5888s awesome that is cool dedicated
5900s Hunter
5904s I guess I should eat yeah yeah have a
5906s have a snack treat
5909s yourself checking out the Fashion on the
5912s different
5918s hunters look at
5920s that great to see everybody it is I love
5924s all the different gear what's
5926s wearing all
5930s right all right shall we do it yeah
5932s let's
5935s go let's go see zor magdos
5945s again started playing again because the
5947s Asma gold yeah we've been keeping some
5949s eyes on his stream so that's been been
5952s cool to see yeah it's cool to see his
5954s great sword plays doing him well uh and
5957s really get yeah yeah as a yeah I play a
5961s quite a great sword so uh it's it's
5963s interesting for me to see somebody
5964s playing on mouse and keyboard which yeah
5968s uh pretty impressive to be honest
5970s so player yeah yeah same here same
5977s here that to Let's load it up
5980s already I've uh completely forgotten
5983s these mechanics here reckon this can
5985s reach from here let's see oh
5988s yeah I
5990s think yes
5993s just have a when it recoil is that to
5996s short
6001s okay you team work here Teamwork Makes
6004s the Dream Work getting those cannons
6013s loaded look at look at the tech on
6015s loading the cannon oh yes speed running
6019s you got you got a cancel out of the oh
6022s yeah maximized efficiency
6025s oh
6027s yeah yeah I think it should hit right
6030s yeah I think we'll get him in the
6031s stomach yeah two three four
6040s five we got
6046s this that one's got five yeah far
6049s away hold
6053s fire uh oh is GNA hit hit right
6056s yeah no no okay back take a cheeky back
6061s step
6064s yeah
6074s load I'll check out the
6078s uh should we get on the Ballista
6083s yeah bit more damage I don't think I'm
6086s hitting
6089s it yeah
6092s whatever sorry guys I've completely
6094s forgotten how this segment
6097s Works we're doing well we're doing well
6100s yeah all right okay I think think the
6103s Cannons are good to fire
6105s now I'll fire this time go for it yeah
6109s that's a nice chest damage
6112s there yeah I can see your shot yeah yeah
6117s the
6120s numbers we want to
6127s see the moving Mountain it's on its
6133s way nearly there nearly there we're both
6136s on PC we're both playing on Steam yep
6140s yep
6145s reminds me of the uh the next time you
6148s have encounter or mag
6151s that's that's tough especially on Master
6159s version or sorry high rank should I say
6162s m I was like yeah high rank even I
6166s thinking about the time uh going for the
6168s arch tempered
6170s armor
6174s you have to be like on it with the
6176s teamwork yeah but the armor looks so
6180s good I used to actually wear the uh that
6183s version of Sor magar Ro's
6185s armor had like a nice kind of little
6187s little heat glow to it which I
6189s absolutely love
6192s uhhuh I do love how uh I mean this is
6195s not necessarily Siege Quest but
6198s um world does have a you know pretty uh
6201s set piece type missions like this it's
6204s really cool looking forward to like
6206s stuff like K tooth and you know and one
6209s day you know when we get there I'll try
6211s on again yeah we got safy as well yeah
6214s saf is great I think at the moment I
6216s think is it um K and sappy rotate every
6219s two weeks I think I believe so so uh it'
6224s be a nice way to mix things up
6228s yeah hello zor MOS it appears that you
6231s have uh made it to the
6238s gate hello to my
6253s cannons they get one lined up across the
6256s valley
6260s MH have we used every Cannonball no we
6263s have not no there still some at the
6265s back now it's just a little bit of a
6267s trek it between
6271s is come on there you go
6274s oh I got
6278s slapped instantly into a stun oh I broke
6281s me Cannon
6286s no time for the Revenge
6290s Cannon thank you for loading this
6298s Hunter zos is looking at this one
6302s now proceed
6304s ction all we're at Canon balls there
6307s now the ammo situation is not ideal yeah
6312s uh we we got we got some over here
6314s there's
6318s bar there we go the belly's weak
6328s get some more ballist
6332s ammo we're on the way we're on the
6344s way oh lovely lovely shots well done oh
6349s he
6352s get out of here don't worry baros yep y
6356s y ah we take hi very
6360s nice watch
6364s out thank you blade
6369s Maiden all we're having to move around
6372s yeah we're taking off it's getting
6377s smooshed me and the blade made have gone
6379s round to I think maybe our last Canon
6382s yeah I think we I used all mine here so
6384s you might have different amount I think
6387s it's uh specific to your instance most
6389s likely I got it blame you you buy the
6396s cannon aiming it very
6399s nice I'm ready with the next one rapid
6404s fire
6406s uhoh has anyone got the restraining
6409s one it's on on top on
6416s top we're getting another volley ready
6418s for when it's
6421s restrained okay got the binder I just
6424s fire this anywhere I guess yeah take it
6426s take a nice big shot all I got to change
6430s uh go there you go
6434s nice oh
6439s lovely
6443s oh going to Rapid Fire the Cannons thank
6446s you blade Maiden lovely
6452s teamwork there a bunch of cannons on the
6454s ship as well that is good to
6456s know here take this blade M
6460s fire we're going one for one on the
6466s Cannons I'm using this cannon up here up
6470s top
6472s boom I basic I'm now dropping them in
6474s Blade maidens get to fire straight
6478s away all we're out of cannonballs we
6481s need to move up
6485s here looks like you're coming up yeah
6489s yeah we've exhausted the resources down
6490s the bottom I'm
6496s afraid fire the
6499s Cann
6501s that's what we want to
6509s see do it press the button
6513s yes
6516s coordination
6518s wonderful well I think I'm use them on
6520s my
6521s side we'll keep sping up
6529s then
6531s we must be getting there Zora is going
6533s to have enough soon yeah thank you Jandy
6537s thank you I'm sure we have the teamwork
6541s is
6542s Sublime uh oh like we've done this
6545s before
6551s yeah
6552s uhoh oh nice there's the binder going in
6555s saw that saring
6559s away God we need to it down the
6563s cannonballs respawn at the bottom for me
6565s so oh good oh that's happy that's good
6568s to know actually didn't know that that
6569s could happen but
6573s cool learn learned a new little trick
6575s for this particular
6579s Siege it's broken
6589s loose got the find in
6596s the we
6599s it take the HD
6607s magaros I'll be popping
6614s down everything down BL got that one
6618s yeah what at the bottom
6621s more
6626s ballista we'll make it
6631s work I'm doing less damage down
6633s here don't forget the ship their NPC's
6636s down they're loaded
6639s oh right we got that covered I'll go
6641s back in the
6646s ship let me follow
6648s you look at the view down
6651s there now do I do I want to go up or
6654s down
6659s uh we get back up
6673s top I might be in the wrong place for
6676s the
6677s ship where it's at yeah oh the
6687s binder
6690s beautiful I Tred jumping on it head I
6693s might I
6696s might no I
6702s can't I know there is no ship on this
6704s one they said okay okay ah the Tom
6709s Foolery
6712s that we have to use what we've got
6714s cannon balls blade Maiden found them as
6717s well
6719s oh slightly off there sometimes I don't
6722s know what the angles on these
6724s cannons we'll get these loaded
6734s up look at that rapid fire
6739s Cannon
6742s going out some good
6747s damage uhoh is that a good thing or a
6750s bad
6753s thing fire the
6756s Canon so MOS is getting awfully close to
6759s that gate oh my
6762s goodness he got to fire
6768s that no
6771s ising the first
6779s barri how
6787s rude I've still got a cannonball in my
6789s hand yeah me
6791s too I'm bringing it with me I didn't
6794s realize that was happening I'm I'm going
6795s to throw the cannon ball at s
6799s mag partner you can do it oh I got to
6802s hit my wind Drake there you go I'll
6804s leave that
6806s that into the a
6816s go ah yes
6828s the infinite combo for the win oh sorry
6831s sorry Kari I don't know if I point you
6834s up here comes a big
6838s CH nice
6845s work no it did
6849s not right uh oh yeah oh I would have
6853s missed that kagari thank
6855s you s maor carace as well oh me too one
6860s too
6862s what do you mean there's no PUK PUK
6863s armor there where's my PUK PUK
6868s piece that look like is that about to
6872s pop infinite
6876s combo oops I'm letting myself get bmed
6880s oh shiny sorry sorry
6884s sorry right just the last
6887s one try to remember the way up there
6890s oh okay there we
6892s go stand up
6895s right calocus just looking for those
6899s magma oh hello what's this oh more ore
6902s kagari knows where it's
6906s at okay Dragon I
6913s or remember the way around Sor it's been
6916s a
6917s while yeah we're on stun world
6922s to hun we back we are back
6927s oh yo dear gamer what's up how you
6935s doing on my way up now oh that's a long
6938s way it's just like at the very start of
6940s the
6942s game oh look at
6946s that is not
6949s happy
6951s nice
6955s whacky okay that's
6958s enough oh no don't shake me off
6962s no it's mostly my own do it there
6964s bouncing around yeah jump back into
6966s world I mean you could always say say
6968s it's time to return to world am I right
6971s am I
6975s right my dog just came over he's looking
6977s for
6979s attention he's staring right at me he's
6981s breathing down my
6983s neck Oh serious Handler extra
6988s supplies thank you ancient potion
6995s nice keep on climbing that Rock's coming
6998s for
7001s me I can make it it's got to keep
7007s going lot some Rocks coming off
7017s there
7019s hello going to boot the
7028s snoot infinite
7038s combo
7045s break feel like I always get lost here
7048s yeah I went around the side I was like
7050s this will be this will be the way for me
7053s yeah wait where did I go I just got a
7056s sliding attack oh yes and another
7062s one so do you you do have to head back
7064s down right I went I went around the side
7067s and then I to do a big old climb up I
7069s went went the left way you could
7071s probably go right as well and then I had
7072s to do bit like the climbing segment
7074s right right at the
7076s start oh I just went all the way back
7078s down I'm a Fool don't watch My
7081s Stream nobody look yeah producer Avo my
7087s stream oh wow the great sword just comes
7089s in it does the biggest hit kari's like
7092s watch this is how it's done messing
7094s around absolutely smashes
7098s it can I get a sharpen in here
7103s yeah hold on I'm missing out on some
7106s quality or here yes
7112s please serious Handler and goodbye
7114s serious
7116s Handler we we're still getting some
7118s damage in here
7124s uhoh going
7128s well
7134s I've gone off
7136s way this just Zora a lower in his head
7139s uhoh oh bye-bye oh
7144s dear it's all good I'm so late to the
7146s party here that's right I just eated
7148s myself off the top there's some more
7150s here all part of my master
7153s plan now I have more or and oror magaros
7157s pieces oh hello what's this oh out of my
7160s way I'll sword and shield you am I going
7163s back the wrong way here hold on hold on
7165s so you it looks like you guys fell down
7167s right so
7170s yeah
7173s me delicious or here more car pieces
7177s that's
7179s good yeah the great sword just came in
7181s and was like Smash and true great sword
7183s fion
7188s yeah well
7200s magma like
7203s magma can't L some mining in I'm very
7208s happy this is the kind of board that is
7210s very hard to find normally especially in
7212s low
7214s rank we happy I think
7218s us then the climb begins a new yeah I'm
7222s glad I finally grouped back up with you
7224s guys
7226s again everybody's
7230s here yeah we destroyed the back course
7233s real quick we did well
7238s there need
7240s to have some stamina got
7245s R clim
7248s climb
7253s hell so much or such a great ball
7256s honestly this is going to be so helpful
7258s for
7264s crafting that zor trudge along taking
7267s the scenery yeah there you go yeah fall
7270s off get wind DRS back on to the to get
7272s more a that is the Strat maximize your
7275s or
7277s collection s mag just has a bunch of
7280s ants crawling on
7282s it ruining the picnic
7286s yeah where to where to more more I got
7290s to act like I've been here before
7292s yeah there we go
7300s wonderful what you doing zor maos cause
7303s in
7305s trouble we're too
7307s new think we have look there you go look
7311s blade maidens en jooin The View there
7312s looking very snazzy oh yeah yeah oh
7315s sorry I'm blocking your
7317s view so I'm going to sharpen just in
7327s case
7329s oh I'm out here before I get sent down
7332s I'm like ah oh hello sorry I landed on
7337s you oh Mor
7340s a reward for us being so Hasty in the
7342s destruction of the
7349s cause oh a
7355s shiny very nice very
7360s nice got some J Moran fans in chat as
7363s well the morans are really
7367s Co oh more shiny
7371s more
7372s shiny thank you gagari
7376s there happy take
7381s those oh we're getting nearly at the
7383s next
7386s wall see what plans will be
7390s enacted any shinies in here shiny shiny
7394s oh I ate the magma don't eat the
7398s magma
7404s did we break all the cores I'm pretty
7405s sure we did right y yep cor are good we
7408s boded them then we managed to Boop the
7410s snoot as well the snoot
7413s yeah there we go that's our
7420s destination here no better
7425s not the size of this Ravine s just a
7434s stroll oh my God great mission for early
7437s high rank
7439s materials it really is I feel like we
7441s picked up quite a bit of stuff yeah it's
7444s fantastic for that we might be able to
7445s craft something maybe maybe if we're
7448s lucky there go kari's dancing I'm just
7451s like I've got my sword and
7456s shield we're nearly there
7460s I was just taking a picture of my dog
7462s who was patiently waiting for attention
7466s here this is the great strike pose
7480s yeah wow we look cool we do we like yes
7484s we're riding the giant Lava Monster what
7486s of
7488s it
7492s and we're nearly at the gate what awaits
7494s us
7503s there there we
7506s go there's the hunting party oh down go
7514s Zora up goes Zora yeah I'm going to get
7516s up here oh
7518s oh oh no I went too soon and now I'm
7522s down here or up here
7527s oh back I go The Climb
7532s continues oh there's a shiny
7539s there I'm falling
7541s off what's that what is that that up in
7545s the oh no oh no hold on I'm too far
7549s traveling by Wing Drake Thank you thank
7551s you thank you Wing Drake blessed Wing
7556s DRS well well
7562s well let's go
7565s oh oh there's that
7578s music
7580s oh shiny hold on what's going on down
7583s here oh it's the aiser the
7587s aister taking our taking our attention I
7590s I didn't want to look at him at that
7591s moment
7598s yeah
7600s oh come on back in
7608s position
7612s oh I don't think no Gan appreciate
7618s that he's ped yeah if anything made it
7630s angrier here he
7637s comes yeah
7639s this is Boomer's second favorite monster
7641s oh no Boomer sorry
7648s Killers
7649s oh
7654s uh-oh no
7658s way long sword fans's loving it right
7668s now
7672s Gant like
7674s what I've had enough see you later bye
7679s guys jokes on you I can
7688s fly like a hot knife through butter that
7697s just
7711s he's all
7716s right I'm getting to for this
7725s tringone don't mind me bit of tra TR on
7729s the way
7732s into just late to work yeah I got some
7736s more Zoros pieces I wonder if we can
7738s make anything we very lucky if we can
7740s but it's worth a go
7747s MH all right we're back in
7750s Sara
7753s hey rush through the dialog here yeah
7757s let's go to the Smithy see what G we can
7765s make so we're in a bit of a pickle
7768s here because Doros just broke through we
7772s used up tons of
7776s resources oh Health
7778s booster oh really now that's a great
7780s item
7782s yeah at VC says when are you guys facing
7786s me we need a little bit more time yet
7789s still a little bit more time couple more
7790s weeks yeah I think maybe a little more
7793s than
7794s weeks maybe
7798s potentially thank you to our our fellow
7801s hunters for helping us uh try to hold
7804s back zor ma us anyway yes thanks so buch
7807s great having you guys for that Quest
7810s it's quite a long one but we got through
7812s it to the
7815s Armory oh new
7817s stock
7819s stuck all right let's the
7824s uh no no not great sword sword
7829s Shields okay so I can not make that's
7832s RTI
7835s definitely mystery
7840s mystery
7845s upgrade yeah I could upgrade my hunter's
7847s knife twice at this Point uh to get it
7850s to 168 from
7856s 126 P ping
7862s qu the
7867s situation I don't I really don't
7869s understand why the commander literally
7870s just decided let's go capture our
7872s monster impossible to capture you you
7874s know hubis exactly so I can get some I
7879s can get some high metal uh braces to
7882s give you defense Boost Plus
7884s One or anath a Special ammo boost so
7888s yeah we can start to start to upgrade a
7890s bit there but I think that puts us in a
7892s good place now I think yeah I'll come
7896s back up to the Gathering Hub
7899s though let's go say goodbye and
7904s uh head back over there I
7909s looking very schnazzy and they
7912s lemon they the arm wrestling between
7915s zero and who's going to
7920s win oh GG's
7925s GG's reckon you can beat NEP Jo I'll
7928s give it a shot but I I think I lost last
7931s stream so I'll probably lose again ne's
7933s the reigning Champion I think yeah
7937s yeah
7946s unlucky unlucky Unstoppable NP
7949s Unstoppable n
7952s undefeated but yeah with that I think
7954s it's it's time to wrap up so we we've
7957s hit like a milestone NE CH NE is very
7959s happy one one day you'll beat me maybe
7962s one day we'll see I don't know the
7965s confidence is shot oh loving limits
7968s fashion as well though oh yeah very cool
7971s that's the uh raging Breaky home I
7976s believe the great Jos uh chest and waste
7981s very nice
7984s combination yeah unfortunately this week
7986s um we are running a little low on time I
7989s think we did want to do uh some more
7990s quests uh together with the with the
7992s community but um yeah we're we we've got
7995s to call it here so yeah but we'll be
7997s back next week and we probably be to get
7999s more hunting because obviously the The
8000s Siege quests do take a bit more time
8002s yeah yeah but yeah glad we got through
8004s that
8007s one but yeah I think then other than
8009s that we will be back um at again at 500
8013s PM gmt900 a.m. PT is it PT over your
8016s side or
8017s PST uh PST yeah PST so yeah we'll be
8022s back and we'll be continuing with the
8023s Hunts and we'll see if we get a few more
8025s Community hunts in as well cuz it's
8027s always a ton of fun to play with you all
8029s but whether you watched whether you in
8030s chat whether you joined us thank you all
8032s so much because once again you know it's
8034s you the community that makes these
8035s streams what they are and thank you all
8037s so much for your support and hype and
8040s jumping into return to world as well uh
8042s anything else Joe no you said it all um
8046s yeah thanks everybody and uh we will see
8047s you again uh same time next week I've
8051s been jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
8053s awesome have a good evening good night
8056s all right see you everybody
4 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s return to World Community stream I'm Joe
5s I'm Capcom USA Community manager for
7s Monster Hunter and I'm joined by hey
9s everyone I'm jonno I'm EMA Community
11s manager for monst
12s Hunter well Happy New Year everybody um
15s we are back with our commun streams this
17s is the third one uh for Monster Hunter
18s World um and it's good to be back right
21s we had I think we had a good restful
23s holiday but uh lots of Monster Hunter it
25s seemed like for the community yeah I
27s mean looking at the steam players alone
30s you know what it
32s 163,000 concurrent players like was one
35s of the Peaks and just since the return
37s to World campaign and even before then
39s with the the discount and the Wilds
41s announc like the community response has
43s been incredible so shout out to you
46s community yeah thanks to the community
48s it it was really awesome to see you know
50s we were playing lots of Monster Hunter
52s of course but also uh watching those
53s numbers go up unashamedly so uh it was
57s it was really fun to see that so yeah
58s thanks to everybody for the support for
60s the uh for all things Monster Hunter and
62s for return to world and um you know I
64s think if some of you have seen um rioo
66s son's New Year message I think we've got
68s a a fun year coming up obviously we've
70s got uh Monster Hunter Wilds news coming
72s up in September uh we've got the 20th
74s anniversary and lots of other fun stuff
77s uh to come so yeah thanks again for the
80s support and uh hopefully you enjoy
82s today's stream so should we get into it
85s yeah let's do it um I can't believe 20
87s years of monster hunter in March 20
89s years
91s it's super exciting what a I can't wait
94s I can't wait yeah yeah it was it was fun
96s sharing the uh all the comments from um
99s all of the the the fans uh in the US and
102s in Europe over to the team in Japan
104s people who have been playing since the
106s very start since when it came over to uh
108s to our region so um you know they
110s definitely take those comments to heart
111s and they love seeing it so thanks to
113s everybody for for sharing your your kind
114s comments to the team ex Sly the team do
117s check out like with as you said with
118s riosa Sand's New Year message and like
120s the Wilds trailer the team loved to go
123s through and read what people are saying
124s what the fans are saying what newcomers
126s to the series are saying as well and
128s I've seen in chat as well you know shout
129s out to all the amazing content creators
131s both new and existent that have been
133s either returning to world or coming to
135s world for the first time like we do see
137s it team sees it and we really appreciate
140s it and we hope you're having a wonderful
141s time in estera and the new world yeah
145s yeah it's been been really fun to see
147s really really fun to see so uh good luck
148s to everybody that's either starting out
150s or coming back for the first time and
152s just kind of knocking off the rust um
155s that's that's been really really fun to
156s see so yeah um for those of you guys who
160s don't know what the stream is this is um
164s a stream where we're rolling two
166s completely brand new uh Monster Hunter
168s World hunters from the start of the game
170s um so we didn't play these at all uh
172s over the time off or you know on our own
175s time um we only play these on stream so
178s hopefully you guys have been be able to
179s watch the journey uh with us uh we keep
181s all the archives on on YouTube so you
183s can go back and check those out so um
186s yeah feel free to catch up watch them in
187s the background uh do whatever you like
189s but uh yeah nice and as you said let's
192s let's hop into the game because today we
194s are going for a walk on the wild spy
197s aside yeah yeah we did a little bit uh
199s in our last stream uh right before the
202s holidays um but yeah we're really
204s getting into it today and hopefully
205s making some good progress through the
207s low rank missions fingers crossed
209s hopefully no C in if diablas turns up
212s we're going to have to run who's first
213s to cart Joe or jonno neither of us we're
215s going to be cart yeah cart carless R
218s that's happening today and uh we'll be
221s starting with joam today on the game
224s play and then we'll be teaming up once
226s we come together to H whatever monster
228s awaits Us in this urgent
230s Quest yeah let's do it going have a
233s quick snack uh the winter star platter
236s yes
237s please oh that's right I already ate but
239s I did have the winter star
241s platter let me make sure I've got all my
244s items
247s set nice I'm going to I'm going to head
249s in a bit early because I'm going to jump
251s into your hunt once we uh once we align
254s so we'll see you
256s there it is um little bit of a unique
259s feeling to not have like all your items
262s fully stopped yeah you go and you go I'm
266s sure I had more Mega potions and it's
268s like oh man my my hunter is uh we're in
271s poverty over here we got
274s nothing going to have to grab everything
277s you can see on the floor honey mushrooms
280s it doesn't matter yeah let me let me
282s just leave the this Quest real quick so
284s we can take a look at the
288s description oh
293s hello diabl oh sorry oh go go ahead joh
296s I was going to say Diablos is a
298s difficulty changer you know you you've
299s started wanted to get used to the
301s Ancient Forest and then you turn up in
303s the worlds by waste it's like hello
305s there I think it was last week right we
308s uh or not last week but the last stream
310s that we tried to take on Diablos that
312s was yeah didn't think it Go went very
314s well for us remember we got crunched
318s like crate paper I think
321s yeah all right we're on a mission here
323s to find the missing scholar and
325s unfortunately we can't do this one
328s together but um I think think there will
330s be a point where after the story stuff
332s triggers that we could uh we could beat
334s up
339s so let's follow the trail
350s here blue Scout flies little
358s spoiler yeah it is good is like uh a
360s little sad because we're like in
362s parallel universes right
363s now soon to be reunited yeah
372s yeah missing scholar here we
379s go Jon while uh you know while we're
382s waiting to to meet back up um how was
385s your your holidays it was good lots of
388s sleeping lots of Gaming and uh lots of
391s checking in on Steam and the steam
393s forums for monsant world and and Rise as
396s well seeing how all the new players and
398s returning players are getting on because
400s you know we said about how you know
401s World got a big influx but so did rise
403s and sunbreak as well despite you know
405s the kind of focus on world from like the
408s community and on the social media and
410s things so no it's it's a great time to
412s to be a monster hun fan but yeah lots of
414s food as well so I'm going to have to get
417s on get on the treadmill how about you
420s yeah the the food part definitely about
421s the same um yeah I had a little bit too
425s much to eat I'm sure but um you know
428s we're getting back to normal yeah now
430s that now that we're back but yeah you
432s know it's like the holidays are always
434s so busy it's like lots of family and
435s stuff and um you know I had a lot of
438s like big plans to work through my
440s backlog of games which um is just absurd
443s at this point yeah um and yeah I I
446s played a lot of monster in a world so I
449s didn't expect that to happen uh but you
453s know I had a good time I don't regret
455s anything so it was it was a lot of
457s fun all part of the
461s fun yeah and it's a it's always like a
464s little bit of a feeling getting back to
465s work and all that so you know but it's
468s good it's good you know is that SK yeah
470s what's that he's sitting next to looks
472s like a oh I've just got my cut scene so
475s same here same here so I guess I may
477s have caught up to you a little bit or
479s about the same
482s spot I got distracted walking around the
486s the marsh area yeah don't let him find
492s me I I saw
497s it well well well look who it is no the
500s jotus that didn't kill the barro it
507s was there we go I will be your
511s AR all
515s right ne ne saw me complete many
518s achievements on Steve oh thanks thanks
520s for paying attention to my
537s achievements trotus okay
540s okay okay so you should be able to to
543s join now
544s right
547s y there we go all right I'm I'm I'll run
550s around here waiting for you thank you
553s very
556s kind oh got this
559s P press the right button there we go
562s there we go out
568s of
571s Hunter is a hunter
575s EX I've arrived nearly
586s almost oh man I've been playing uh a lot
589s of great swword yeah um so this is going
591s to be a little bit of an adjustment fact
593s to H yeah I've been watching some Hammer
595s Clips on social media for while and I'm
598s like maybe I should try
600s my world Hammer but uh it probably plays
602s a bit different some I think so I'll
605s probably have to like redo the muscle
608s and it's nice like walking out here um
612s into like the the swampy area the marsh
614s area cuz obviously we shared uh four
617s pieces of concept art this week on the
619s monant um Twitter and Facebook pages and
623s I'm like this is one of the pictures
624s right here
626s um just nice to walk through what was Ed
630s earlier on in the week yeah yeah seeing
634s it uh come through in uh like the way
637s the game looks I think like the concept
638s art to in-game transition oh you're
641s finally here
642s hello Scuba Steve says Hammer is one
644s weapon that they've never played Joe why
646s should they play Hammer why should they
648s try out this some weapon I think you
650s already know what I'm goingon to
651s say the Bonks big BS yeah aim for the
657s head and you get all those stuns it's so
659s sad that's why that's the way to go
662s exactly big stuns big breaks it sounds
665s amazing and obviously it's got one of
667s the best if not the best you know down
669s to opinion slideing attack in the game
672s oh yeah
675s yeah Joe I think there's something fishy
677s about this
683s monster now you notice that when we're
686s fighting we're like because we're
687s playing through world at the minute and
688s we obviously do have ice SP we're trying
690s to minimize our clutch claw usage um so
694s if you see us not doing clutch claw
695s combos or um you know charging the
699s monster into the wall that is why we
702s have to wait till we get to ice born to
703s fully unleash
705s that yeah and that's going to be also an
708s adjustment for me right now because uh
710s like I said I've been playing a lot of
711s ice Sports
714s Stu I'm still going to do the perfect
716s rush though cuz that's one of my
718s favorite com you you
722s nice stun was that stun oh he's just got
724s back he was stun briefly he was I was
728s too busy around like the fins to notice
730s I was like yeah yeah I'll keep
739s swinging I should probably move away
741s from the head that's definitely a hammer
742s us you're
745s good oops I was trying to use my my
748s shortcuts that I have on my normal oh
755s nice the Pico there in their little RS
758s ched
759s with nice I'm going to keep doing a kind
762s of infinite style combo by the tail by
765s reposition
767s it oh my poor
772s sharp no like green sharpness what is
776s this I just slinged it was that your
778s sling or mine I popped a rock into its
780s head and it flew out I think it was you
783s power of the stone yeah I've got Slinger
786s Thor now so uh same here oh there we go
789s wonderful W that was pretty
792s effective got pop that on the head so
793s you can do massive damage oh there a a
797s this the Big B don't worry you'll get
800s the next
808s one
814s chines that's a lot of lot
818s of I was the same um alysian says I
822s played so much rise in sunre that I keep
824s trying to use W bugs at well yeah as
826s soon as I get knocked over I'm trying to
828s wifall you know yeah yeah it's a little
830s bit of an adjustment
833s there but you know after a few hunts you
835s kind of kind of get
837s uh your verying back exactly oh I got
843s that was a free Willie moment there just
845s jumping over me yeah you know I think
848s there's no no better way to adjust than
850s like taking on a really tough World
853s monster so like just just jump into
855s talents and you'll be all right yeah kid
857s I'm kidding don't do that yeah we're
859s only joking it's actually Al trayon so
862s oh
868s gosh
869s there we go healed back up grab the
872s wedge be which way didus go uh I think
877s way
880s yeah as just swinging around
885s yeah channeling your inner monster
887s hunter R
889s exactly I'll find some W bugs wedge bugs
892s are my new best friend yeah friendship
895s ended with wire bugs oh no I just kicked
898s one of the crabs old mud
902s track Tois looking over the reads I'm
904s like don't mind meing a
910s th right on the
915s head oh
920s nice serious
928s damage
940s oh no
945s I'm I love Slinger Thorns they're
948s probably my favorite slingshot
951s ammo me bom pods aren't too far off but
954s SL Thor pods are Exquisite oh yeah
959s I do like the uh Crystal burst that you
962s get those are are Solo cuz you get five
964s of them yeah and is it every other one
968s is a Flinch after you've done it once I
970s believe so yeah yeah so great for elder
973s dragons
974s yeah oh I mounted it nice nice I'm just
979s watching I should probably see you in
982s the background there
984s yeah
988s uhoh oh it's all going down over there
990s everyone's getting it
994s yeah I'm
998s sorry no monster is safe from the h
1014s yeah there they are oh I got a wiggly
1017s Ley okay
1023s you know toad is doing better than I
1025s thought it would oh no you found the
1027s toad it was
1029s revealed oh yeah that's all
1033s right looking good
1037s oh didn't get the last punch in there oh
1040s I think we're nearly
1043s done get it no I nearly went for the
1046s clunch then I pulled the trigger I was
1048s like oh don't worry I can still get it
1050s no no no no no
1051s no trying to get a little greedy there I
1054s was I was like not yet not
1068s yet oh we left it just a second too late
1071s to to get the
1074s plung
1076s gra good sh stock up on yep because we
1081s have
1083s nothing the joys of being a new Hunter
1088s yeah you just hanging out over
1093s here there you I let you do the wake up
1096s your big
1102s damage all right let's do
1107s this
1112s I'm surprised that didn't finish the job
1114s straight yeah
1117s that's there we
1119s go
1123s well is down which means we we got some
1126s new gear we can look
1128s at I know we're still at least I'm still
1131s like
1133s pretty standard gear I guess so far like
1136s most great stuff I've got the bone armor
1138s because I think there's some fantastic
1140s skills on the on the bone armor pardon
1142s me with attack up and health up or
1146s health boost sorry it's comfy it is it's
1149s a real comfy early set and it looks
1151s pretty cool too you know it's not a bad
1154s aesthetic at all I probably need to look
1156s at upgrading my weapon a bit more though
1158s maybe going into a monster tree or
1160s something yeah I think I'm on the
1165s PUK PUK Hammer so
1169s I got myself an iron Helm crab it's a
1171s gold crown first gold crown of the run
1175s it is an iron Helm
1189s crab we got some nice monster Parts
1197s there
1199s as's bone armor is one of their favorite
1201s starting armors it's time for me to play
1204s insect La you know what I'm actually
1206s playing instant clave on my rise and Sun
1208s Break play through on
1210s Console uh because on switch I've got
1213s sword and shield on PC I have hunting
1215s horn so on Home console I was like you
1218s know I'll
1219s do because it's really cool in
1222s some abilities it's very different it's
1226s hard not to want to be in the air
1230s um but I like having a little Kinect
1231s buddy I think that's really really cool
1233s M it's kind of a a lot to like uh manage
1238s at the same time right yeah with the
1240s extract and everything I'm just like
1243s right find the red one find the red one
1247s yeah what's the story behind the blue
1249s hair Blue's my favorite color and um I
1252s work somewhere where they're like yeah
1254s dye your hair whatever color you like
1257s so that that is is the story favorite
1259s color so you no would you would you ever
1262s go to another color probably not
1264s probably not I mean other than gray
1265s because I get
1271s old so we just got some story Exposition
1276s that tring report
1278s weed think you could right good then oh
1283s we've got the Handler in uh the winter
1286s star Festival yeah she's def
1289s yeah yeah it's like you're a little warm
1291s here overdressed
1295s much anything
1302s else
1313s hello yeah there's some chat in the
1315s YouTube uh chat here we are reading B
1318s both of the YouTube and the twitch chat
1321s so um yeah you might not you might see
1324s us respond to things that you're not
1325s seeing
1329s so speak to the chief
1334s Bist that py just oinking away on the on
1337s the
1340s subtitles oh no I'm talking to the smart
1342s biologist not the chief artist they want
1345s me to capture a kudu yak
1347s though
1350s oh Chief but okay yeah over there too
1354s more plants there we
1356s go anath oh is it time to officially go
1360s after anath the Toby
1364s kadachi I forget yeah we finally start
1367s getting some mantel yes our first mantle
1370s and it is mant the ghilly mantle I found
1373s to be pretty useful it can be pretty
1375s useful it's great for just watching
1377s monsters yeah either you've just got
1379s like your butt whooped and you need to
1380s run away so the ghilly man is good to
1382s get out but it's also nice to like watch
1384s the monsters and set up an ambush and
1386s obviously those of you that have hunted
1388s Fatalis will know that the ghilly mantel
1389s can help you with the start of the hunt
1391s I won't spoil it but it's a barrel of
1398s fun yeah that one that one's pretty
1400s useful especially for that hunt um
1403s because I I put it away for a little bit
1404s and then I realized oh this actually
1406s might be really useful here yeah yeah
1409s I'll take that
1411s please okay these
1416s B got some investigations as well very
1420s nice any deliveries
1426s no right I will I'm going to head to the
1429s Smithy and we'll see what new gear we
1432s can get so I know there's a really cool
1434s looking armor set from Jus um I on the
1438s sword and shield front I'm leading
1440s towards I think there is
1447s one oh no that's not a guest Phantom so
1450s Phantom is one of our UK viewers Joe so
1453s he's might not have met you yet so Joe
1456s for the UK viewers would you like to
1459s reintroduce yourself yeah yeah I'm Joe
1462s I'm the uh Community manager for uh for
1465s Capcom USA so uh yeah cover all things
1467s Monster Hunter
1468s and dragon's dog mod so if you're
1470s interested in that game uh please let me
1474s know there you have it so there we go
1476s you got the EMA and na Community
1480s managers constant in the Stream and
1481s that's what we're doing for return to
1483s World we've got it a little bit later in
1484s the day so that we can both hang out and
1486s play together otherwise bless it's like
1488s when Joe would come on to the Sun Break
1490s streams it' like super early for him um
1493s so this way we can both kind of chill
1494s out and do some hunts with you all um
1497s are you guys going to Duo Fatalis
1500s eventually eventually people want to see
1503s us do it we'll get
1506s there okay that might be a long stream
1511s yeah bring popcorn and a sleeping bag
1514s yeah there'll be lots of cards we'll do
1516s it for like a you know 24-hour charity
1519s stream or something
1523s yeah okay so I can't make the water
1525s element one yet um
1531s this one yeah you know I'll probably
1532s just stick with what I got for
1535s now I can upgrade mine to the Hunter's
1539s knife three but then I kind of want the
1543s aqua Aqua Messa
1545s one um but I need an aqua saac and I
1550s didn't get one Jus betrayed me so I'm
1553s going to hold on to it for now because
1554s as well I'm near the Bloomin knife which
1556s is actually really good however I need
1558s to hunt another poke pke for that one
1560s then I can get a poison sword and
1563s shield um so I think I'm going to hold
1566s out for a PUK PUK to come wander and
1569s by
1571s ni especially if we are going back into
1573s the Ancient
1575s Forest yeah we might see him we might
1577s see on so let's look at the uh jotus
1580s armor which looks super super cool U
1584s especially for like an early game armor
1586s as well like it looks like you got a
1588s full set of armor on on this one so
1591s aquatic Mobility Muk resistance water
1593s attack ice resistance Focus so really
1596s good for the wild Spire waste and
1597s obviously a little bit more water damage
1599s as well on the
1602s arms but nothing for me togr yet can I
1605s make something my Pico
1609s though we can actually make Rathalos GE
1611s my palico is going to be stronger than I
1613s am oh yeah I haven't I haven't made
1616s anything for
1617s metalico I think it's time how many okay
1620s actually takes okay yeah it'll take
1622s literal pieces so I might not go up to
1624s Rathalos yet CU I want the Ros pces oh
1628s yeah yeah um but we can go
1632s jotus that looks cool obviously is
1635s covering my little Kitty's face though
1637s so I might mix and match I think that
1638s would be cool I'm to make
1640s the uh like body armor for my Pico that
1647s looks really
1648s and then we'll get a new helmet is that
1650s a crown oh yes a barro
1656s crown we'll take that a great Jag Uh Oh
1661s no you're you're changing it yeah I'm
1662s looking at your screen
1664s now and the T we make a cheeky little
1667s Hammer so it looks like a barbarian cat
1669s now Barbarian King goes
1672s well it is isn't
1674s it Chief meow meow AKA right okay I'm
1680s gonna come up to the uh the Gathering
1682s Hub
1685s now remember fashion game is key
1687s everyone including for your pico
1694s buddy question for both twitch and
1696s YouTube if you're teleported into any
1698s monster hunter game would you survive
1700s and what weapon would uh would you
1704s be hi what do you think J if I was
1708s transported into any monster hunter game
1710s would you
1711s survive that depends question one am I a
1714s hunter or am I like you know am I like a
1718s veloe like what have I what have I been
1720s like isekaied into you
1723s know yeah yeah if you've been isaki into
1725s the world of Monster Hunter um you would
1727s probably be the strongest okay and have
1730s some insane ability that would I be the
1732s Admiral
1734s then you would have some crazy ability
1737s that nobody else has has uh uh I don't I
1741s mean I'd probably go sword and shield
1743s cuz I can protect and attack
1746s um but I'm not sure how I if physically
1749s me you know I don't know I mean even a
1752s great jackass if it catches you wrong
1754s you're going to be eaten H yeah yeah
1757s yeah if it was like my actual human
1760s person uh I would not
1762s survive no I would I would definitely
1764s try and become like a chef in the in
1767s astero or stay out of the way you know
1769s yeah yeah CU even gravity is a threat to
1772s us unlike the hunters you
1775s know yeah we don't have uh you know like
1778s hydraulics on our legs or whatever they
1779s have here yeah I'll see if I can join
1783s you off the bat on this one if we just
1784s do the cut scenes again I I think we do
1786s have to hit the cut scene first because
1788s it's a new
1789s Monster
1793s uh yeah well that's fine fun fact about
1796s Toby kadachi as well uh Toby Kachi is
1799s actually my partner's favorite monster
1801s at boil of Monster Hunter so much so she
1803s has the icon or the logo of the monster
1806s tattooed on her ankle oh W yeah actually
1810s I won't worry about food because I'll
1811s join your quest again yeah um so should
1815s I go ahead and get that started yeah
1816s yeah I I won't be too far behind all
1819s right all right but yeah so whenever I
1820s fight Toby Ki she's not here at the
1822s moment so you know it's fine it's fine
1824s I'm safe she makes me capture it she
1827s does let me she doesn't let me like uh
1831s like slay
1833s Toby she makes me catch Toby instead
1836s does Toby actually have a tail that you
1838s can cut off you can break it I don't
1841s think you get a like
1844s a think I normally go for his head
1849s though I see an
1851s here already if you see p p let me know
1856s I'll come in and be like okay okay oh
1858s that's right yeah you need
1860s care I just need one more piece of it I
1863s can see Ang as
1867s well I got my ghillies soon hars I
1870s missed I'm trying to grab some
1874s uh emic life on the
1877s way might net fish on the way over is
1880s that
1884s fish yay I got two wet fish and a
1890s hey Ste good to see you loving all the
1892s folks back into moner World you've been
1894s jumping back into love to see it love to
1896s see it Where Are You Toby
1905s K yeah you can only break Toby's tail
1907s yeah chat like yeah only break they've
1909s done their research on by hunting many
1911s Toby kadachi it seems short of yeah I'm
1916s not picking up that dunk though that's a
1918s that'll be in my pocket that
1922s smell you're really role playing here
1926s yeah and I've not got many pockets in
1928s the bone armor so you know you got to be
1930s very tactful
1934s yeah right I think Toby normally hides
1937s up top or in like the kind of area
1939s towards pke PUK near the second unlock
1943s believe that's where it's leading
1946s me
1956s here we go Scout flies show me the way
1959s I've nearly got enough to start tracking
1961s Toby more aggressively I think this is
1964s Toby
1966s anyway it could be something entirely
1970s different yeah that's what I'm like I'm
1972s a little nervous of too but I think I
1973s think I'm at the right
1975s direction it is just really it's it's
1977s really like a a trip going back to this
1979s stuff this content at the early start of
1981s the game where I just don't really
1983s remember what the flow of it was like
1984s you know yeah we've got a question as
1987s well what's our all-time favorite
1989s monster from any monster hunter
1995s game tough choice tough choice oh I am
1998s at a cut scene right
1999s now
2001s um joh I think I know yours I think you
2003s said before one you voted for y the one
2007s I for as well in the uh top monster pole
2010s uh which is
2013s brachos my bigy boy no one thing is I
2017s was deciding this point I was like well
2019s do I vote for rage and bracky because
2020s that fight is incredible like it's like
2023s the Pinnacle of brachy fights but then I
2026s was like you wouldn't have rage and
2028s bracky without bracky itself like the
2031s base bracky so I had to give it to brai
2034s because despite raging being such an
2036s incredible fight you know chicken and
2038s egg right chicken and
2040s egg y my yeah that's that's a big Toby
2044s all right I'm gonna return from quest uh
2047s I be back soon
2051s Toby um in the poll I voted for devil
2055s joke one of my favorites it's just such
2057s a a funny looking monster but also
2060s intimidating uh it's such like an
2062s aggressive monster and like the way it
2064s like just basically tries to eat
2065s everything is is really cool um um but
2068s yeah I don't know having played so much
2070s world lately uh and done a lot of recent
2074s hunts I don't know I might have some
2076s more recency bias on some some newer
2078s monsters um I really like Namo that
2081s one's been really fun to to go back to
2083s um such a unique design and I like the
2085s armor set so um yeah that one that one's
2089s really cool I think that's one of uh in
2091s terms of like the newer monsters only
2093s recently introduced I think that's one
2094s of the
2095s coolest absolutely and we got yesi games
2098s says oh my God I knew you likeed I knew
2101s I liked you brackie for the win so we
2102s got the brackie fan club which is great
2104s and as well like another monster like
2107s that quickly came into my top three
2108s right because I have quite a few that
2110s bundle around the top five six like I
2112s really like tetsu Cabra I really like
2114s zamtrios brachos is at the top um I
2118s really like um
2121s nante and for me primordial
2124s Mareno came in swooped in
2129s like such a cool way to cap off uh Sun
2133s break and I just love how the monster
2134s fights and it's kind of attitude and the
2138s story resolution which I won't spoil um
2142s is not what you'd expect uh which is
2144s really really really
2147s cool oh yeah Meo in general is really
2150s cool design such a cool
2153s monster I I saw um I think it was on the
2155s monant to subreddit uh over the weekend
2158s or earlier on in the week uh they were
2160s sharing the turf war in some break
2163s between maleno and
2166s velc and it's really special the team
2168s did such a great job showcasing these
2170s two flagships clashing I'm lost in the
2173s jungle as well no I see your icon so you
2177s might pretty close I'm in the area where
2179s I always get lost uh I'm terrible for
2183s actually you're here somewhere I'm GNA
2186s climb this tendril
2189s nend ads is basil basil magalo and
2194s Rathalos like the the spell of basil
2197s basil basil Goose the goose they're like
2200s explosions of fire oh oh no wait I need
2203s to capture that
2207s one I caught you is that one of the rare
2210s ones oh no it's just the standard one
2211s but you're special to me Woodland
2216s TS
2218s all right uh you're here somewhere I
2220s feel like I oh oh there you are I I just
2222s swung down sorry hold on I'll you know
2225s what my my navigational skills in the
2228s forest I could quite happily get lost
2230s looking at all the greenery and the the
2232s trees you are hello thank you for coming
2235s to get
2237s me I unequip my net so I can have my
2240s Slinger
2246s ready yeah B basil geese is so popular
2249s for good reason as well like it's a very
2252s unique monster yeah amazing song It's a
2255s blaster
2257s fight you know I really like find uran
2259s as well I find that a really fun fight
2262s oh okay yeah big old
2268s chin I do like fighting nante a lot I
2271s think it's like the you know it's so
2272s spiky like the Y so many bits to break
2276s yeah it's very
2279s sorry okay so no poke pke yet on this
2282s map so we' got great jagas and janf and
2284s Toby
2289s yeah neron is also like a little smaller
2293s than the normal uh Elder Dragon I would
2296s say yeah that's kind of like well above
2299s his weight yeah yeah you know like in a
2302s in a game when you see like a human
2304s Enemy humanized enemy in a game full of
2306s like of crazy monsters it's like oh okay
2309s that's the most scary
2311s one like yeah that's what I need to look
2313s out for yeah I'm On Top of the
2319s Rock wait Toby Toby come
2325s over oh yeah where did you
2329s go sorry I don't us tracking this Toby
2332s after we saw it already is probably like
2334s not the most compelling gameplay for
2335s everybody you know what we're good at we
2337s you know we're good at like the second
2339s part of hunting the monster where you
2340s actually find it but we're quite like
2343s you know quite comical getting there you
2345s know our tracking our tracking skills
2348s are yeah yeah you know we're we're
2351s spoiled like we we've played this game
2354s so much that we just you know
2355s automatically get routed to all the
2357s monsters so
2359s yeah hello Toby nice to meet
2363s you all right we're here
2365s now is always bigger than I realize like
2370s I like yeah Toby Kachi is quite a small
2371s monster but I'm just it head's like
2375s nearly as big as me
2381s oh trying to roll through that I just
2383s have my shield up I was like you know
2385s what just going to hold that
2388s there see if we get M get down here oh
2392s hold on can I do the yes my favorite
2396s sword is Shield move oh I can do the
2400s plunge oh the plunge oh yeah it's great
2403s to do against Nur as
2406s well oh but Toby is a big monster but
2411s not as big as other monsters where it's
2413s much easier to
2414s land all the way
2416s down oh to's coming for you he not
2419s interested in
2422s me yeah we got
2424s the oh nice
2428s I mounted the
2435s monster I should have braced that there
2438s we go I used to do like focus when I was
2441s like you know playing ice back in the
2443s day on uh my PS4 I would um I would
2448s always go for a mount like was because I
2450s was sword and shield I'd be like yeah
2452s I'm going to focus the mountain as soon
2453s as I can with like my aial attacks mhm
2457s I'm just watching you here thank you
2459s thank you g ax says my wife doesn't let
2462s me slay any monsters she finds cute also
2464s I voted for B lakis is my favorite
2469s hly legis good choice good choice very
2472s popular yeah don't be lagging on
2483s laggy still not getting any stuns here B
2487s says
2490s no J will there ever be a life-sized do
2493s plushy we can live and
2499s hope there's a pretty cool I remember
2502s see see The Vig was kind of like it
2504s wasn't a plushy it was like was it an
2506s outfit I think on the Japanese store
2509s yeah it's like
2511s a I don't even know what you would call
2513s it yeah it's like it's like an outfit
2514s you become The Vig was right yeah but
2517s like it's like a giant be bag it's so
2519s cool it's so cool you could just get
2521s snug in that and sit there in game oh
2523s jeez my sliding attack I fell all the
2525s way down you SL too
2529s far oh cheat back step but Toby had his
2532s own back step
2536s forth oh I'm I need to do my sharpness
2538s I'm primally blunt on my weapon it's R
2543s um so we will where have I got out my
2545s wheel
2548s Birdman gos rag is their favorite it was
2550s close being gos or tetr tetrodon um two
2554s really cool monsters two new monsters
2555s obviously that that came in in Rise I
2558s love gosar um I love its fighting style
2561s how it feels like it's like a brawler
2563s and like when it stuns you and it starts
2565s like strutting up to you dragging its
2567s blade like oh yeah it's it's for sure
2570s got like a a very like haunting vibe to
2574s it you
2575s know the trodon is great
2579s too big frog belly type thing yeah like
2582s the sumo wrestler kind of style of
2584s fighting
2586s yeah and then we got do do either of us
2589s own a life siiz or the life siiz palmu
2592s toy well not personally but the the
2594s Capcom Europe office has one I have it
2598s here but uh it's blocked by my green
2599s screen so it uh but it's it's right
2602s behind me uh yeah maybe on the future
2605s stream or something I'll show it off
2607s that's how he gets to work when he has
2608s to pop into the
2609s office rides it in
2614s yeah but yeah it's it's uh it's sitting
2617s here next to my real dog um and they're
2621s hanging out a so you've got a real life
2624s Palam and I've got a real life Pico
2630s yeah there's a parod in here I keep
2633s trying to pick them up but I end up yeah
2636s yeah and you're like no wait we're we're
2640s not in kbur anymore
2644s yeah got
2653s stagger using everything we can to our
2656s advantage y
2659s oh that was quite a
2665s bite
2668s oh I
2670s missed I keep missing too
2688s such there I don't have a trap on me
2690s either I feel guilty I don't think I
2692s have one either oh I'm not really H the
2694s head there
2703s heal very
2707s nice yeah to that armor is a cool
2709s looking
2711s armor Chop Chop doing this thing up
2714s there coming
2717s up you can run but you can't hide from
2720s The Sword sh most mostly
2725s mostly
2727s I love the infinite Combos and sword and
2729s shield one of my favorite things about
2731s the weapon in
2733s general I need to learn oh there we go
2736s nice you
2741s got the chief will be most
2745s pleased yeah today today's funny um you
2748s know our first
2749s stream everything was so early that uh
2752s we kind of just rolled everything and
2755s slow down now yeah all all the Hunts are
2757s like I don't I don't even know like less
2759s than five minutes or two minutes or
2761s something um and then you know the week
2764s after that we got super ambitious and we
2766s tried to take on a bunch of stuff that
2767s was way ranked higher than what we're
2770s supposed to be doing and we died a lot
2773s um and then today I think we're in like
2775s a nice happy medium where things are
2778s going
2779s comfy uh but not too much stress right
2782s now so yeah it's it's nice we're we're
2786s getting into the flow and yeah as chat's
2788s saying as well monsta's 20th anniversary
2791s coming up in March and then in summer
2794s there'll be more news on Monster Hunter
2796s Wilds uh so good fun good very exciting
2800s year for Monster Hunter oh yeah
2802s abolutely
2808s some Toby Ki Parts
2815s there
2816s canteen has been upgraded I like the
2818s sound of that let's
2826s go you're just the
2829s awesomest I thank you Chief
2837s Bist all right field team
2841s leader oh an urgent Quest I like the
2844s sound of that urgent
2846s I'm just looking at the uh botanist area
2849s at the moment I'm like oh lovely
2855s tree big in their own ancient
2858s tree and now I can use the Harvest
2862s box so I can cultivate uh honey yeah
2867s what am I doing I should I should do
2868s that too let me I'm gonna get I'm
2870s getting my honey up
2872s early
2875s fertilizer duration
2878s anyway there we go honey yeah so one of
2882s my advice once you unlock that honey is
2884s a very good thing to get stocks on early
2886s in the game uh because you use honey and
2889s you mix up with potions to make the mega
2891s potions which are so much better than
2894s standard
2895s potions yeah so being able to keep the
2898s that and yeah and you'll get through
2899s them quicker than you realize well if
2901s you're me I get hit a lot cuz I'm
2903s greedy hurry back now
2908s hey dvin thanks for joining us from
2911s Brazil shout out to Brazil Brazilian
2917s Hunters buy some
2924s BS just don't use potions that's a uh I
2928s don't know if we're good enough for that
2929s yeah just just don't get hit really
2931s that's the secret
2935s um
2937s you know we're we're experienced Hunters
2938s but we're by no means uh expert
2941s level um we're not the type that are
2944s taking out Fatalis in uh like five
2947s minutes or something so but it's nice a
2951s dream we're not quite speedrunner level
2953s of uh rolling through every single
2958s attack they are another level of Hunter
2964s mhm yeah just dodge
2967s yeah just don't get hit
2970s yeah okay what's our urgent Quest we got
2973s this and
2977s janath gra that too I'll post it and see
2979s if you can join it straight away or
2982s not worth a go if not yeah we do the old
2986s cut scene switch your room yeah yeah
2988s thanks for bearing with us everybody for
2991s uh like kind of the start of the early
2992s game where we got to jump into different
2994s quests and all that luckily it doesn't
2996s take long it might not let you say one
2999s of one even though I put two so we might
3001s yeah be uh starting off
3007s separately yeah we're making good
3009s progress through low rank uh right now
3011s though so um we won't be low rank for
3013s much longer then we get to the high rank
3017s yeah then we start embarrassing
3019s ourselves yeah then the carts will be
3021s flowing
3022s yeah hey maybe there'll be a pke PUK on
3025s this Quest
3027s oh
3028s maybe by the time you get your PUK PUK
3031s part uh we're g to have new
3034s gear like
3037s please I'm getting lots of nice delivery
3039s and quests there I'm going to eat do you
3042s want to join my game this time once we
3044s get the cut scene yeah let's do it nice
3047s right so uh we'll hop on to my point of
3049s view then and we will uh go find Angela
3054s but if there is a pke pke we're going to
3055s take a little little self self described
3058s Side sub
3061s Quest don't pay with
3065s money defense up medium fish platter yes
3069s please I won eat for this one so I can
3073s eat after cut scene I feel bad
3075s now was oh the the food cut scene yeah
3079s yeah oh that's all right that's all
3083s right but it's good we're going off to
3085s engine F now
3086s obviously anath is traditionally what
3089s many people saw as their first wall in
3091s world for good reason as well dangerous
3096s Monster uh does big damage um and it's
3100s very different to what you fought so far
3102s with it's kind of combination of ranged
3104s attacks and like kind of two forms if
3107s that makes sense obviously when it's in
3109s raged and it gets more fire attacks and
3111s its nosebone pops out um it's a very
3114s different Beast
3116s I think the game does a pretty good job
3117s of like preparing you for the stuff that
3122s you you know the challenges that um
3124s you're going to reach in higher rank
3125s because you know Toby is a lot faster so
3127s you got to get used to something that's
3129s really you know really Nimble and kind
3131s of tough to hit and then anath is like
3133s the big heavy hitter you know so it
3135s keeps you on your
3138s toes any
3140s fishes yay I got more Sushi fish right
3144s anyway on my way
3146s I found some Footprints we're looking
3148s good what I do once once I've got the
3150s cut scene for Anda I might go see I have
3152s a sweep of the north of the map to see
3154s if there's a pke pke wandering
3157s around good call good call I need my
3160s status sword and
3166s shield we have already took down an
3168s anath before because we we tried our
3170s luck um so yeah that's one thing if you
3173s come across a monster that might be a a
3175s bit further ahead than what the game
3178s would normally let you hunt as part of
3179s your quest itself you can give it a go
3181s you can go after that monster and if you
3183s if you beat it if you slay it or capture
3184s it you get those parts you are rewarded
3187s for being ambitious SL foolish slash
3189s Brave um so give it it Go worst case you
3192s triple cart you come back out you try
3194s again
3195s it's and you can easily restock any
3198s potion but nothing ventured nothing
3201s gained or or
3203s carted you got you got to take a risk
3205s every now and then
3207s exactly grab some red picks I'm going
3209s into the The Rock trap area oh scatter
3213s okay I've got a cut
3215s scene it's anath and oh my goodness it's
3219s having a munch on great
3226s jagas nothing to make it intimidating
3228s like uh you know showing it just
3230s destroying a monster that you may or may
3233s not have had some trouble with yeah it's
3235s like you thought this one was hard well
3239s yeah my hun used the scatter up there to
3243s attract the attention of
3246s Angie oh it's underneath the rock
3252s trap all right returning from the quest
3254s and then I will join you nice I'm
3257s letting theut scene play out there very
3259s okay and
3262s not question from the YouTube chat if we
3265s will'll do the low rank Kieran the
3267s optional low rank Kieran what do you
3268s think oh yeah we'll give it a go yeah
3272s yeah you can now join yeah we are going
3274s to be playing with the community so what
3276s we do is unlike the like last half an
3279s hour of the stream uh we normally open
3281s up the lobby and then we get on some
3284s imunity Huns together yeah I'm going to
3287s run away now can I you can carve the
3289s great
3292s jagas leave me alone Ana oh
3297s might that's a that's an interesting
3299s detail yeah you can you can carve
3302s it I wonder can't remember if I carve
3305s where in the ghil man if it takes it off
3307s as soon as I combat carve great jagas is
3310s like I'm looking at your right now
3314s see like leave me alone I'm going to go
3317s to the north of the map see if I can
3319s find
3324s p tired T my power's looking at me like
3327s why have you just tired yourself out
3330s have you not seen the giant ANS behind
3332s you like get it
3334s together Everyone's Watching
3338s yeah right is there acket okay be very
3342s happy okay I am here trying to catch up
3345s to
3346s you that's okay I'm just having a
3351s wonder is there any
3354s footprint
3356s oh oh um I'm here I'm here I'll wait for
3359s you that's all right I'll be there in a
3361s sec I'm just checking for some signs of
3363s poke PUK but it's not looking like p p
3367s is around here at least anyway but you
3369s never know we might come across them as
3370s we
3372s hunt oh yes return to World zodiac oh
3375s Ana's in the water area oh no are we
3379s either side of
3381s Ana uh I think so yeah should we there
3385s I'm going to jump over cuz I do not want
3387s to fight it in the in the waste high
3391s water question how long will this return
3393s to World Series stream stream series b
3397s um so in terms of length we normally
3400s hunt for about two two hours two and a
3402s half hours usually about two right Jon
3405s yeah
3406s Y and in terms of like how long the
3409s series will go um we're planning to be
3412s essentially pretty much every uh
3414s Thursday uh um weekly for foreseeable
3418s future I suppose so uh yeah you know we
3421s we might have to skip a week here and
3422s there just due to some other commitments
3424s but um yeah we're we're planning to go
3427s for quite a bit so yeah we got a bit of
3429s time before 2025 you know yeah
3434s yeah maybe a full year um we'll see
3438s we'll see yeah say if people like you
3441s know you the community keep on to watch
3443s and get involved or come up with some
3445s ideas once you know we've got through
3447s like the the game and stuff yeah
3449s absolutely we can play as much as you
3451s want really I forgot how to take my
3453s mantle off uh it's been a while there we
3455s go took it off anyway that'll be why I
3458s was like I've already took off my
3459s clothes how do I take off my clothes uh
3462s I'm going to take a m seed
3467s though back I'm what's it got in his
3470s mouth oh no not the app oh brutal
3477s you know an's lucky it's not stories two
3479s Happ because that' be a different story
3482s yeah no pun
3495s intended oh I got that little claw swipe
3499s yeah that was cheeky one of the
3504s bite
3514s SC seeing that it's a little bit hard to
3517s seeing comment that it's hard to hear on
3518s audio so uh anybody else of you guys
3521s have are having trouble carrying us let
3523s us
3528s know all the action going on
3534s yeah
3535s oh ow we collided with each other there
3538s I was like I got a good
3543s hit I've gained the attention
3548s of see if I can get some try and build
3551s up
3557s a oh man oh I got hit check I'm with
3561s it yes come on Amber heal me thank you
3564s there's a bigger was if you need it oh
3567s lovely that was beautiful man that is a
3570s true Hammer
3572s Mo oh no he's not St
3578s anymore what was
3581s that I thought I had another monster I
3591s like is he near a ledge might be oh no
3595s on
3598s that I was
3601s stunned I was like oh no
3605s I'm oh
3607s no there you go I was the first car of
3610s the
3611s stream the first C of
3615s 2024 makes feel so much
3621s better I'm just kidding I'm kidding I'm
3623s kidding that's all right so you know
3625s what I've ticked that box now it's all
3627s good
3631s good oh no where I always got lost it's
3635s fine
3637s fine oh man I might be the
3643s next it's not looking good not looking
3645s good I could eat either it's not been
3647s long
3653s enough why an is a war
3656s everybody it's a
3659s me okay it's going
3663s away just as I turn up clearly Anin
3666s reget his decision and is scar of my
3672s wrath I'm going to keep the mega potions
3674s I'll stand by out oh that's fire
3677s oh oh it's gone after the jagas as well
3681s oh that's a lot of
3683s fire oh you got the
3685s oh yeah well done well done been
3687s targeting
3691s it the head damage yeah oh that was
3697s quick down you go there you go all yours
3700s you boot the S oh oh wow there's the
3703s stud yeah they moved
3708s away oh I miss I'm hitting all these Jag
3712s they're like give us your
3713s sharpness
3719s damage another one oh
3725s nice oh you mounted I didn't even see
3727s you there yeah I'm straight back on no
3729s messing around I'm remembering more my
3732s Mountain tricks about jumping around
3734s instead of gripping on as
3736s well after the C you were just like I'm
3739s not messing around anymore it's coming
3741s back to me wants to get in an enime when
3743s you know the hero gets like abolutely
3745s busted by the villain but then gets
3747s stronger yeah like oh I remember now
3750s this is my true power
3753s yeah it
3756s is
3765s Unstoppable oh
3768s nice oh he so
3771s satisfying I missed I can't believe it
3774s oh I can believe but you
3783s know I I get up
3786s here reminds me the we've seen a few
3790s monster content creators doing a a one
3792s life or one car only run or per death as
3796s they're commonly called yeah that's
3798s respect of that yeah yeah that's been
3800s crazy to
3802s watch oh
3806s uh oh Bounce
3809s It the tal now to
3816s sh oh okay it's not limping yet it's
3820s just casually leaving it's like yeah
3822s I'll get you
3823s later Mount themes are always so good
3825s with the added percussion yeah I love
3827s how like just Dynamic the music is you
3829s know like we've got the chase version of
3831s the themes that's always really
3833s cool from what I understand py they're
3837s not using insurance and also Pico
3839s revives aren't counted as in as in
3842s aren't allowed so you know if you f if
3844s you like quation marks faint or C um
3849s that's it you know beinged doesn't count
3851s yeah hey Mig MH how's it going so yeah
3855s Testament to them because it's easy to
3858s accidentally carut even if you're
3859s playing it say like an unlucky stun like
3862s what happened to I got stunned or
3864s something like that and you're done yeah
3867s it's like true Mastery of the game for
3877s sure oh there's a lot of slopes in here
3879s Joe you're going to have fun there's
3881s also the sacred sword and shield plunge
3885s walls oh do it do it thing I missed I I
3890s know I got a bigger was it still counts
3891s it still counts yeah you're still
3893s good
3895s oh oh the the
3897s roar there we
3899s go oh you just get so many hits it's
3903s great for for mountain and doing silly
3905s damage I am however on
3908s fire so I'm going to jump around a bit
3910s more to get rid of
3912s that there we go so jumping around the
3915s monster you don't have to hold on you
3916s can actually jump through most attacks
3919s there are some monsters that you can't
3921s do that you got to hold on um but not
3934s an oh oh nice you poisoned it as well
3937s with the uh oh totally intentional there
3941s there we go and then the BOS there I
3943s love the effects on the
3945s monster oh
3949s yeah I
3953s have oh you come back
3956s here Slinger Slingers go
3960s sler just going to quickly drink this oh
3963s there we go it
3965s worked quick slide slide for victory oh
3969s no oh no not again
3974s no took that personally Jo you need you
3977s need to finish what we
3982s start do
3985s I'll be I'll be right there once I
3988s recover my
3989s bearings I'm being
3992s absolutely it's all right it's all right
3994s it happens it does you know I'm showing
3996s you why it's a wall you know a
4000s demonstration if you would call it so
4003s that's all right it's uh it's getting
4004s away so it's a good sign as it's a good
4007s sign that I even need to like invest in
4010s upgrading my armor level or getting a
4012s new set made as well so if you are
4014s taking more damage than you would expect
4017s or you know you're getting like two hit
4019s and stuff like that take a look at your
4021s armor um see if you need a new set or
4023s you can upgrade some armor you really
4025s like with uh armor SP yeah get your
4029s defense level up just to a little bit
4031s you'd be surprised how much of a
4033s difference it
4035s makes what can you guys say about Wilds
4038s uh
4040s nothing there will be news in summer
4042s 2024 y so uh please look forward to it
4046s mhm and you can see that straight from
4050s uh the team with rioo Sans um New Year's
4054s uh message which is currently on the
4056s monst YouTube
4058s yeah yeah we appreciate the excitement I
4061s I know everybody's uh eager to to learn
4064s more um so please stay tuned for the
4067s summer and we play it sure
4072s mhm yeah the excit awesome seeing all
4075s the discussion and the theorizing and
4077s you know even the trailer like when I
4079s think about the trailer and you know
4081s when when you get the title revealer The
4083s Music's
4084s like I'm like oh it just hits different
4088s I do I do still and I know it's coming
4090s and I know what it sounds like and I'm
4092s just like Oh that's oh it really amps me
4094s up I get you know goosebumps yeah yeah
4097s it's a good
4099s feeling oh it's
4101s moving thought would have taken a nap
4103s there old a Ros scale okay after the two
4107s carts I've just had but yeah after this
4109s hunt I've upgraded my
4111s armor lesson learned
4115s yeah I can't tank Anin after the face in
4117s this bone armor as it currently
4121s is you know I probably been letting you
4124s take all the aggro so that's all right I
4126s should be using my shield a bit more
4130s really God give him a rude awakening all
4133s right all right
4149s oh oh oh the terrain is working against
4157s me my reach is oh yeah it's going to be
4160s too oh I got to get out of here I'm got
4162s to get out of here I'm joining you
4164s y let's heal he's going to jump on me
4167s isn't he no no no you're good you're
4169s good you're good he's he's fling around
4171s up
4172s there got my mega potions on St he's
4175s down he's down oh he went down he went
4178s down oh he chasing you I got to get down
4180s there yeah oh and I've not got like any
4182s food Buffs no no no no no
4188s no oh no I didn't have the food Buffs so
4191s ANF is a war now obviously you know this
4195s was fully intentional so that we can
4197s show you yeah we're just showcasing the
4199s true low rank experience exactly uh as
4203s first time Hunters no it's all good I
4205s mean this this stuff happens right it
4208s out correctly what we're GNA do exactly
4210s you know I need to go and address why I
4212s was so squishy so I think it's time to
4215s revisit the Smithy Jay yeah um yeah when
4220s we open up the lobby it will be PC so
4222s we're on Steam and
4224s um that'll probably be in about 20ish
4227s minutes yeah yeah we got a grudge match
4229s to uh to finish here first we do we do
4232s yeah so you've just you've just been
4233s triple carted for the first time you're
4235s like hm this is a new difficulty
4237s experience for me go to the
4240s Smithy um what you want to do then first
4243s of all Forge or upgrade because like I
4245s really like some of the pieces of my
4248s armor um for example my helmet and my
4252s chest I really want to keep so let's
4254s take a look at the bone now we can
4255s upgrade that from 10 defense
4258s to
4259s 16 so over 50% Improvement so we're
4263s going to do
4266s that so we've already got a nice chunk
4269s of armor obviously we don't have any
4270s more armor spheres now um so we're going
4272s to have to look at what we can forge so
4275s we can look at waste we can look at arms
4278s and we can look at Boots SoJO what do I
4282s need to look for here uh um first of all
4285s something that gives me more base armor
4287s and maybe some useful
4289s skills yeah I think you had health boost
4291s on um is there anything else that has a
4294s little bit more well tal boots bar off
4298s has stun resist boots I can make that
4301s might help because I did get stun I
4302s can't make anything higher than that
4306s poke P I can make as well poison attack
4309s could be good because I do want a poison
4311s weapon but I need I need a hun pke P
4313s really start investing in yeah yeah Sun
4316s resistance is kind of a must huh oh yeah
4319s well for me I
4321s yeah the alloy armor has defense boost
4324s but it has a lower base armor so I'm
4326s like so this is the point in the game as
4328s well where you want to go back and start
4330s farming some of the monsters so you be
4331s like I want this armor piece or I want
4333s this weapon upgrade you'll want to go
4335s back and start farming monsters which
4336s you can do whenever you
4338s want
4340s um so yeah for sure um maybe maybe point
4344s of Defense boost do you think it's worth
4346s it if it's just one point yeah I'm not
4348s sure I'm going to get the stun resist uh
4351s bar off legs so they're on now that's a
4355s good
4356s call do you have Fertile Mud yeah I I
4360s did I did I've been rolling in it
4363s um I'm going to go for even though I
4366s mean I need to hunt another P anyway I'm
4369s going to make the poison attack coil
4372s because it gives me a couple more
4373s defense and I will transition into a
4376s poison weapon hopefully in the not too
4378s distant future M and for the arms I mean
4383s I can get the barroth arms that gives me
4384s four more armor and marathon
4387s runner um so we'll go for
4392s that and in the early game don't worry
4394s don't overly fixate on sets too much
4396s because in low rank you'll go through
4398s armor pieces quite quickly especially as
4400s you progress through the first kind of
4402s few locals um and it's when you get into
4405s high rank where you'll start to settle
4407s into sets you really like and they take
4409s a bit longer to earn and you because
4411s you'll be using them for like the rest
4413s of the game kind of thing mostly you
4414s know you switch and you might switch
4416s between different sets but the armor has
4417s a lot more life in
4419s it and I think it might be where think I
4423s won't upgrade my weapon uh maybe I use a
4426s different weapon no we'll stick on sword
4428s and
4429s shield and we try again Joe do you want
4432s to pop the quest in yeah
4434s do where are you Handler so yeah that
4438s was jono's 100% intentional lesson in
4441s when and how to upgrade your
4444s gear Inc thank you thank you Jo was like
4449s everybody Joe was like right so you're
4451s going to cut three times to anath when
4453s you know right at the end as well when
4454s we're about to win I'm like yeah got it
4456s and he goes then you can show them how
4459s to I like yep cool it sounds like a plan
4461s you know we think ahead you know
4465s it is I'm thinking about you the new
4467s Hunters you know every part I was like
4470s think of the community you know this
4473s this man is truly dedicated to return to
4478s World um I'm going to quickly eat a meal
4480s I had defense as well like for my food
4482s but obviously when I lost the food Buffs
4484s I couldn't get it back I was like
4486s no um oh attack up see that's plus 30
4491s Health The Chef's Choice or yeah I
4493s usually
4494s Choice attack up an elemental resist so
4496s that's a that's a good one I can hit
4498s harder and the Fireballs won't hit me as
4500s hard um I think yeah my P could probably
4502s had more armor than I did um oh I need
4505s to join your sorry I put my own quest in
4507s I need to join yours oh you're all good
4510s I'm just enjoying the Vibes of a
4512s stra and I stay so we'll be opening up
4515s the lobby after this Quest probably yeah
4518s I mean will we open it up probably after
4520s this Quest though not to say we maybe we
4521s won't open up the lobby um
4524s um me and Joe just have uh got some
4528s business to attend to we do we
4541s do all right ready
4545s yep here we go and that's thing as well
4548s like when you triple cart as well it's
4549s not the end of the world like no pun
4551s intended like you've used up a few
4553s potions whatever you go back in and you
4555s learn you know you find out why you CED
4557s me I I let myself get stunned I was too
4559s aggressive and didn't let my hunter
4561s recover I wasn't keeping my health
4563s topped up um and I wasn't dodging enough
4567s I think is kind of the reasons I triple
4568s carted that yeah it sounds like you put
4571s some stun resist on right I did so I
4574s will recover quicker from being stunned
4576s now yeah
4578s yeah yeah I've definitely had times
4580s where I forgot to take it and then I'm
4582s like oh no you see
4584s and then you know the hit is coming
4585s you're
4587s like just kind of
4589s go you know it you can't get away from
4592s it yeah especially Anna such an
4594s aggressive
4596s monster but yeah don't worry if you
4598s triple carts all you know you say me and
4599s Joe have you know we've been both been
4601s playing for about a decade of Monster
4603s Hunter you know and we still cart I
4605s triple carted you know like it still
4608s happens it happens it happens um you
4610s know being overconfident in you know I
4612s don't need to upgrade my gear I'll be
4615s fine so it' be interesting to see the
4617s difference in damage I take now that
4619s I've upgraded and got some new armor
4620s pieces and I've upgraded by chess
4623s plate um yeah cool to see what happens
4626s yeah like we said we're not you know
4629s expert level Hunters we are pretty
4632s experienced with the game but you know
4634s skill-wise I think we're we're pretty
4635s solid but we're not we're solid Hunters
4637s I think that's a good description yeah
4639s Team Dark Side would just come busted in
4640s and be like get on our
4642s shoulders yeah
4644s yeah it's part of the fun though right
4646s it is you
4648s know some of the funniest moments as
4651s well is like carton in a ridiculous way
4652s in front of your friends like I've got
4654s this and it's like I don't got this I'm
4658s gone as well as like I don't have any
4660s life powders at this point in the game
4662s as well and I love life powders I'm
4664s always like yeah I haven't gotten yet
4666s I'm a fresh Hunter yeah yeah maybe once
4669s we get there one of us you know we can
4671s roll like uh some healer
4674s yeah sword sword and shield is good for
4676s that because you don't have to sheep
4677s your weapon so super
4682s quick right and jth remember me it's me
4685s but now I'm dressed
4687s smarter
4690s right oh there it
4697s is hello engine remember me it's like I
4701s don't even know who you are
4714s look at it though such like a a Fier
4717s it's even got it neck wobbling like bit
4719s like a
4722s turkey oh oh so I took a lot less damage
4726s there I think what I used to yeah I have
4729s cre of my armor too so hopefully it's
4732s going to help us out a little bit
4735s extra points
4737s defense I'm just totally missed that I'm
4739s just trying to do a slight attack
4742s there yeah
4744s oh Ang just te I'll fight you when I'm
4748s ready oh look at that smashing through
4750s the the
4753s environment he really looks so
4755s unbothered with your existence yeah oh
4757s yeah we we'll change that
4760s yeah want to shoot the thing oh you got
4762s you got it oh no no no anav is
4766s absolutely bodying me in multiple ways
4769s oh
4770s no and janat we had you B to right do
4773s you know I should have done ghil mantle
4775s that would have been a good time for G
4778s mant think you got him
4781s here yeah yeah we're about to oh see
4784s that's an attack that you can't just jum
4786s you've got to cling
4788s on luckily I just got a little bit of
4790s stamina
4792s left
4795s there you
4797s go can't believe it the Trap was primed
4801s and jna had it in the back of his mind
4802s all along it was just baiting us like
4805s you
4815s thought make sure I get as many Ms as
4817s possible as well get my
4820s revenge so yeah look at that that did no
4823s way there as much damage as before
4824s there's the attack that triple CED me
4826s last
4831s time o still hits hard
4834s though oh oh oh that's
4838s scary all right I got to get out of
4840s here I don't blame you oh yes there we
4844s go I'm back oh no I ran out of stamina
4846s no no no no no
4848s no oh no no oh he's eating
4852s me get away from me oh thank you that
4855s was beautiful nice teamwork I know I was
4858s just buing red pit and I don't think
4860s that's got the higher stagger value but
4862s better than nothing right you know when
4864s When Ana's about to munch you anything
4866s will do
4882s anything
4885s that was a little scary there yeah you
4888s know what I didn't give anen after the
4890s respect because I think when we fought
4891s it before there was was it me and you or
4893s was there four of us I think right we
4896s have some community members in I think
4898s yeah I think there was there's four of
4899s us so we were running out
4901s group so we definitely had help yeah and
4904s I like well well
4908s well even dodging my
4912s traps
4920s oh here comes the
4921s fire oh
4924s oh uhoh
4927s uhoh where did I leave my I need to stop
4930s on my on my
4933s wheel the mega potions though coming in
4935s CL definitely definitely get your mega
4937s potion stocked up every oh yeah using
4940s the regular first aid like I forgot how
4943s yeah I was like oh
4945s no especially with how often anath is
4948s hitting me
4950s yeah see if I can build up that mount
4952s there we go got me too man you you've
4955s been hdden that quite a bit Yeah I do
4958s love like the short like the kind of
4960s aerial play style of sword and shield I
4962s say aerial like the mountain Focus kind
4965s of approach to sword and
4970s shield there we go and then jump into
4973s towards the head right at the end to uh
4975s oh I'm missing oh
4979s no there's a Jag there I'm like no I
4981s won't go that
4984s way keep
4989s dropping I need get squishier nice
4994s job ched as well getting a big hit oh
4998s well done well
5001s done
5009s big bang no missed the third one
5012s unlucky
5016s uhoh oh it got hold of you oh let's got
5019s me oh scatter
5021s nut red
5023s pit we're good we're good I'm going to
5026s have to shop it again soon
5029s oh oh
5031s yes uh
5034s he's
5040s tired walk away walk
5042s away but yeah know this isn't
5044s pre-recorded we are definitely here and
5046s live yes we are yes we are otherwise it
5050s would have edited out our uh yeah after
5052s the when I was about to get hit by the
5054s triple car it would have like cut to
5056s afterward going man I'm so glad we beat
5058s anath and didn't triple cart yeah we did
5061s really good uh
5064s the next scene is just Quest complete
5065s that's it y yeah we kind of add a PNG of
5068s quest complete over Freeze Frame like
5071s hero playing a full blast play me out
5075s yeah hit my theme
5081s s we go oh how how do we set that off
5084s again there's the uh the net trap in the
5086s tree you have to run the monster into it
5088s I think or get them to attack I think so
5090s yeah yeah let's see if we can do it
5092s let's see
5093s oh oh oh hey an come get
5097s some do we do we have to do anything to
5099s it I can't I think yes attack
5102s it there you go look I'm hitting you
5104s with
5107s stones
5110s damage it's been a while since I've used
5112s this trap oh now you're tired I keep
5115s hitting you with stones y yep oh that
5118s was
5119s close you know I'm I'll I'll beat you
5122s while you're by
5136s going to check if I yeah I think an has
5138s to B
5145s it oh there's some red Slinger
5148s ammo it's a Slinger
5151s bomb oh wait this a slope here isn't it
5154s it is you can do your thing I think it
5158s might be too
5159s short oh get the that's all
5164s right ah you need to mount it and then
5167s the tree net works thank you Mo there we
5169s go thank you fellow
5173s Hunter oh how did I
5176s miss going
5180s high oh that was Savage man well and the
5184s head break oh nice that yeah another oh
5187s my goodness that was you that was
5191s you big bang four five no just four then
5195s finisher there we
5198s go oh I went for the mount there you
5200s come back here an we're not done with
5202s you yet bomb pod
5205s go grab in the material here oh you
5208s stunned it nice nice there we go got
5211s another Mount I'm back into get back
5213s into the play style I had when I was you
5215s all those years ago when I was playing
5217s through iceborn and in the end
5219s game you've been awakened I
5223s have he's back oh remember me I used to
5227s found the monsters all the
5240s time oh this is defin is this a
5245s slide I don't think so an you're not
5248s really not let you're not leav no this
5250s is
5253s personal bom's so strong with that
5255s slager obviously they're quite rare
5258s though oh I totally missed me too oh the
5262s raw stopped me
5268s no
5271s outrageous oh
5274s okay slightly scary but I saved this in
5277s my pocket for just such an occasion
5281s bu pocket sand yeah exactly I was about
5284s to say it's like the pocket sand of
5285s monst yeah
5289s B oh the bom pod finish that was a bom
5294s yeah you slapped it right in the tail
5296s and it
5298s popped there we go I think that's the
5300s first for me I've actually never done
5301s that your first bomp pod
5303s yeah that's
5304s great so anyway first time I can't
5307s believe it well
5311s done that was sear memory I don't I
5313s don't know what happened in the last 20
5315s minutes you know this is the only hunt
5317s we've done
5320s exactly I know that we got a lovely
5322s sunset there as well as a reward what a
5325s you what a you really is you see like
5327s there's even got some uh Wildlife up in
5330s the air there flying across like the did
5332s the detail I've never recognized that
5334s before I should look up
5337s more I'm go see if there's any
5343s fishes is that a big fish that's a
5345s massive fish no I can't reach
5348s it no big
5351s fish we're uh hitting our last half hour
5355s here um so it looks like we'll probably
5357s open it up huh yep so the only thing we
5359s ask is if you do jump in obviously we're
5360s using you know low TI gear please match
5363s your weapon and armor choice to the
5366s equivalent I got an anath um not mantle
5369s uh plate I got an Andre plate oh well
5372s done well done the RNG I've been
5375s rewarded for my huas from the first try
5378s so yeah I got a lovely plate there so
5380s that is a nice rare item from uh well
5384s it's kind of the rarest item from low
5386s rank
5386s anath um so that's very very
5391s cool
5393s oh it's Zora
5397s magdaros oh that's right yeah yeah we
5401s get some assistance for uh zor
5404s magos yeah are we able to do that I
5407s think should if we go in let's both go
5409s in both get the cut scene and both back
5411s out and then we'll open up the
5415s lobby I still after my pke P
5419s piece one day one day
5423s we'll have to save it for high rank
5434s yeah I have a sip of water My Monster
5437s Hunter Cup on the equipment before we
5439s begin yes
5448s sir quarter we can't bring our back toe
5452s take what you need and be prepared to
5453s conduct your research on site don't
5456s worry Commander everything will be in
5458s order keep your
5461s ear which Rarity of gear are we going
5463s for I think we do you remember the
5466s number that we're at okay okay have a
5468s look
5472s yeah oh items could be to the
5475s resource here how about
5478s you oh yeah I got that to let me go
5481s turnix says about three so it's probably
5484s right let's have a
5490s look yeah Rarity three oh wow I can make
5493s some Anna
5495s pieces but none of them really suit what
5497s I'm going for unless I go gun LS but it
5500s is strong armor base level
5506s 20 how many monsters are on the MH cup
5509s do you know uh one two
5517s three 23 23 23 not not all large
5522s monsters I think there's a couple of
5524s couple of small monsters on I just have
5526s my capcon bug I don't know if you can
5528s see that but my coffee mud because in
5531s the US it is uh it's still the morning
5534s here
5535s 10:30 on opposite ends of the Working
5537s Day yes yes starting my day and you're
5541s ending
5550s oh
5552s yeah all right let's have a look at this
5554s Quest then one for the history
5558s books so yeah we can so yeah let's both
5561s go in both get the cut scene we'll back
5562s out and then we'll we'll make a Lobby
5564s for folks to jump in all right sounds
5571s good
5575s might as
5587s well the preparations are going
5594s in
5596s wa I assume you're seeing the cut scene
5598s now yep yep soon I hope
5602s the second F always there's me in my mix
5607s set PSC the only us time
5611s Z I mean that's where I'm at but I'm not
5613s gonna I'm not gonna say it's the only
5615s time zone but is it okay to dress your
5618s cat up like a Pico if your cat is happy
5620s with being dressed up if your cat's I
5621s mean you know if your cat's not happy
5624s so when the time comes you know what I
5627s think there's some Pico outfits you can
5628s get for cats as well right the ficial
5631s ones a day
5633s bre sounds like we got our work cut out
5635s for us old
5639s man by next moon Zora will be in chain
5652s zos wait for to
5660s dragon
5664s oh Scout flies are out and
5668s about yeah we we both got our Handler in
5670s the um the comfy winter gear it's pretty
5680s funny right on
5690s time
5695s oh it's kicking
5711s off all right okay so I can return from
5713s Quest now and then I will see you in the
5716s Gathering Hub good sir all right so
5719s we've got let's grab and we'll paste our
5721s lobby ID at the same time but we'll join
5723s our we'll join each other's Quest first
5728s um um
5730s so should I go back or should I open it
5733s up or yeah let's go let's both go back
5735s we we'll meet the Gathering Hub
5740s and bit I feel like I haven't seen zor
5744s magros in quite a a while I know it's
5746s been years and years yeah other than
5749s when we started the game um but that was
5752s also some time ago now like over a month
5767s ago I got some dice steak
5770s now love to see
5773s it cool I'm in the nice I've just found
5777s my way to the
5780s left yeah so we'll probably go for about
5783s another 25 30 minutes yeah um open it up
5787s for some uh other
5790s hunters and should we should we get that
5793s uh hi that code sent into the chat I'm
5797s just gonna if you join this Quest and
5798s then we are secured together and oh yes
5802s good call good call and then I will
5803s prepare to paste in twitch and I know
5805s you've got YouTube
5810s covered
5814s all right I'm in nice right okay right
5818s I'm ready to paste I'm ready to paste on
5820s Twitch so whenever you're ready okay
5824s here goes in
5829s YouTube and for anybody just joining us
5832s uh I'm Joe I'm the community manager at
5834s Capcom USA and uh jonno is the Monster
5837s Hunter Community manager over at Capcom
5839s Europe and we're going to go for about
5840s another 25 30 minutes uh doing the zor
5844s magaros quest one for the history books
5846s with the community oh
5849s yes maybe a bit of pke P material fall
5852s fall out of zor magaros if I'm
5855s lucky yeah and you say always says if
5858s you do join just put on like tier three
5860s or below equipment um just so we don't
5863s absolutely Mega body the
5866s monsters yeah we want the authentic low
5869s rank experience for the viewers so yeah
5872s let's let's keep it uh keep it
5883s appropriate I don't think I've Had A
5885s Year Without creating a new character
5887s and clearing the game again that's
5888s awesome that is cool dedicated
5900s Hunter
5904s I guess I should eat yeah yeah have a
5906s have a snack treat
5909s yourself checking out the Fashion on the
5912s different
5918s hunters look at
5920s that great to see everybody it is I love
5924s all the different gear what's
5926s wearing all
5930s right all right shall we do it yeah
5932s let's
5935s go let's go see zor magdos
5945s again started playing again because the
5947s Asma gold yeah we've been keeping some
5949s eyes on his stream so that's been been
5952s cool to see yeah it's cool to see his
5954s great sword plays doing him well uh and
5957s really get yeah yeah as a yeah I play a
5961s quite a great sword so uh it's it's
5963s interesting for me to see somebody
5964s playing on mouse and keyboard which yeah
5968s uh pretty impressive to be honest
5970s so player yeah yeah same here same
5977s here that to Let's load it up
5980s already I've uh completely forgotten
5983s these mechanics here reckon this can
5985s reach from here let's see oh
5988s yeah I
5990s think yes
5993s just have a when it recoil is that to
5996s short
6001s okay you team work here Teamwork Makes
6004s the Dream Work getting those cannons
6013s loaded look at look at the tech on
6015s loading the cannon oh yes speed running
6019s you got you got a cancel out of the oh
6022s yeah maximized efficiency
6025s oh
6027s yeah yeah I think it should hit right
6030s yeah I think we'll get him in the
6031s stomach yeah two three four
6040s five we got
6046s this that one's got five yeah far
6049s away hold
6053s fire uh oh is GNA hit hit right
6056s yeah no no okay back take a cheeky back
6061s step
6064s yeah
6074s load I'll check out the
6078s uh should we get on the Ballista
6083s yeah bit more damage I don't think I'm
6086s hitting
6089s it yeah
6092s whatever sorry guys I've completely
6094s forgotten how this segment
6097s Works we're doing well we're doing well
6100s yeah all right okay I think think the
6103s Cannons are good to fire
6105s now I'll fire this time go for it yeah
6109s that's a nice chest damage
6112s there yeah I can see your shot yeah yeah
6117s the
6120s numbers we want to
6127s see the moving Mountain it's on its
6133s way nearly there nearly there we're both
6136s on PC we're both playing on Steam yep
6140s yep
6145s reminds me of the uh the next time you
6148s have encounter or mag
6151s that's that's tough especially on Master
6159s version or sorry high rank should I say
6162s m I was like yeah high rank even I
6166s thinking about the time uh going for the
6168s arch tempered
6170s armor
6174s you have to be like on it with the
6176s teamwork yeah but the armor looks so
6180s good I used to actually wear the uh that
6183s version of Sor magar Ro's
6185s armor had like a nice kind of little
6187s little heat glow to it which I
6189s absolutely love
6192s uhhuh I do love how uh I mean this is
6195s not necessarily Siege Quest but
6198s um world does have a you know pretty uh
6201s set piece type missions like this it's
6204s really cool looking forward to like
6206s stuff like K tooth and you know and one
6209s day you know when we get there I'll try
6211s on again yeah we got safy as well yeah
6214s saf is great I think at the moment I
6216s think is it um K and sappy rotate every
6219s two weeks I think I believe so so uh it'
6224s be a nice way to mix things up
6228s yeah hello zor MOS it appears that you
6231s have uh made it to the
6238s gate hello to my
6253s cannons they get one lined up across the
6256s valley
6260s MH have we used every Cannonball no we
6263s have not no there still some at the
6265s back now it's just a little bit of a
6267s trek it between
6271s is come on there you go
6274s oh I got
6278s slapped instantly into a stun oh I broke
6281s me Cannon
6286s no time for the Revenge
6290s Cannon thank you for loading this
6298s Hunter zos is looking at this one
6302s now proceed
6304s ction all we're at Canon balls there
6307s now the ammo situation is not ideal yeah
6312s uh we we got we got some over here
6314s there's
6318s bar there we go the belly's weak
6328s get some more ballist
6332s ammo we're on the way we're on the
6344s way oh lovely lovely shots well done oh
6349s he
6352s get out of here don't worry baros yep y
6356s y ah we take hi very
6360s nice watch
6364s out thank you blade
6369s Maiden all we're having to move around
6372s yeah we're taking off it's getting
6377s smooshed me and the blade made have gone
6379s round to I think maybe our last Canon
6382s yeah I think we I used all mine here so
6384s you might have different amount I think
6387s it's uh specific to your instance most
6389s likely I got it blame you you buy the
6396s cannon aiming it very
6399s nice I'm ready with the next one rapid
6404s fire
6406s uhoh has anyone got the restraining
6409s one it's on on top on
6416s top we're getting another volley ready
6418s for when it's
6421s restrained okay got the binder I just
6424s fire this anywhere I guess yeah take it
6426s take a nice big shot all I got to change
6430s uh go there you go
6434s nice oh
6439s lovely
6443s oh going to Rapid Fire the Cannons thank
6446s you blade Maiden lovely
6452s teamwork there a bunch of cannons on the
6454s ship as well that is good to
6456s know here take this blade M
6460s fire we're going one for one on the
6466s Cannons I'm using this cannon up here up
6470s top
6472s boom I basic I'm now dropping them in
6474s Blade maidens get to fire straight
6478s away all we're out of cannonballs we
6481s need to move up
6485s here looks like you're coming up yeah
6489s yeah we've exhausted the resources down
6490s the bottom I'm
6496s afraid fire the
6499s Cann
6501s that's what we want to
6509s see do it press the button
6513s yes
6516s coordination
6518s wonderful well I think I'm use them on
6520s my
6521s side we'll keep sping up
6529s then
6531s we must be getting there Zora is going
6533s to have enough soon yeah thank you Jandy
6537s thank you I'm sure we have the teamwork
6541s is
6542s Sublime uh oh like we've done this
6545s before
6551s yeah
6552s uhoh oh nice there's the binder going in
6555s saw that saring
6559s away God we need to it down the
6563s cannonballs respawn at the bottom for me
6565s so oh good oh that's happy that's good
6568s to know actually didn't know that that
6569s could happen but
6573s cool learn learned a new little trick
6575s for this particular
6579s Siege it's broken
6589s loose got the find in
6596s the we
6599s it take the HD
6607s magaros I'll be popping
6614s down everything down BL got that one
6618s yeah what at the bottom
6621s more
6626s ballista we'll make it
6631s work I'm doing less damage down
6633s here don't forget the ship their NPC's
6636s down they're loaded
6639s oh right we got that covered I'll go
6641s back in the
6646s ship let me follow
6648s you look at the view down
6651s there now do I do I want to go up or
6654s down
6659s uh we get back up
6673s top I might be in the wrong place for
6676s the
6677s ship where it's at yeah oh the
6687s binder
6690s beautiful I Tred jumping on it head I
6693s might I
6696s might no I
6702s can't I know there is no ship on this
6704s one they said okay okay ah the Tom
6709s Foolery
6712s that we have to use what we've got
6714s cannon balls blade Maiden found them as
6717s well
6719s oh slightly off there sometimes I don't
6722s know what the angles on these
6724s cannons we'll get these loaded
6734s up look at that rapid fire
6739s Cannon
6742s going out some good
6747s damage uhoh is that a good thing or a
6750s bad
6753s thing fire the
6756s Canon so MOS is getting awfully close to
6759s that gate oh my
6762s goodness he got to fire
6768s that no
6771s ising the first
6779s barri how
6787s rude I've still got a cannonball in my
6789s hand yeah me
6791s too I'm bringing it with me I didn't
6794s realize that was happening I'm I'm going
6795s to throw the cannon ball at s
6799s mag partner you can do it oh I got to
6802s hit my wind Drake there you go I'll
6804s leave that
6806s that into the a
6816s go ah yes
6828s the infinite combo for the win oh sorry
6831s sorry Kari I don't know if I point you
6834s up here comes a big
6838s CH nice
6845s work no it did
6849s not right uh oh yeah oh I would have
6853s missed that kagari thank
6855s you s maor carace as well oh me too one
6860s too
6862s what do you mean there's no PUK PUK
6863s armor there where's my PUK PUK
6868s piece that look like is that about to
6872s pop infinite
6876s combo oops I'm letting myself get bmed
6880s oh shiny sorry sorry
6884s sorry right just the last
6887s one try to remember the way up there
6890s oh okay there we
6892s go stand up
6895s right calocus just looking for those
6899s magma oh hello what's this oh more ore
6902s kagari knows where it's
6906s at okay Dragon I
6913s or remember the way around Sor it's been
6916s a
6917s while yeah we're on stun world
6922s to hun we back we are back
6927s oh yo dear gamer what's up how you
6935s doing on my way up now oh that's a long
6938s way it's just like at the very start of
6940s the
6942s game oh look at
6946s that is not
6949s happy
6951s nice
6955s whacky okay that's
6958s enough oh no don't shake me off
6962s no it's mostly my own do it there
6964s bouncing around yeah jump back into
6966s world I mean you could always say say
6968s it's time to return to world am I right
6971s am I
6975s right my dog just came over he's looking
6977s for
6979s attention he's staring right at me he's
6981s breathing down my
6983s neck Oh serious Handler extra
6988s supplies thank you ancient potion
6995s nice keep on climbing that Rock's coming
6998s for
7001s me I can make it it's got to keep
7007s going lot some Rocks coming off
7017s there
7019s hello going to boot the
7028s snoot infinite
7038s combo
7045s break feel like I always get lost here
7048s yeah I went around the side I was like
7050s this will be this will be the way for me
7053s yeah wait where did I go I just got a
7056s sliding attack oh yes and another
7062s one so do you you do have to head back
7064s down right I went I went around the side
7067s and then I to do a big old climb up I
7069s went went the left way you could
7071s probably go right as well and then I had
7072s to do bit like the climbing segment
7074s right right at the
7076s start oh I just went all the way back
7078s down I'm a Fool don't watch My
7081s Stream nobody look yeah producer Avo my
7087s stream oh wow the great sword just comes
7089s in it does the biggest hit kari's like
7092s watch this is how it's done messing
7094s around absolutely smashes
7098s it can I get a sharpen in here
7103s yeah hold on I'm missing out on some
7106s quality or here yes
7112s please serious Handler and goodbye
7114s serious
7116s Handler we we're still getting some
7118s damage in here
7124s uhoh going
7128s well
7134s I've gone off
7136s way this just Zora a lower in his head
7139s uhoh oh bye-bye oh
7144s dear it's all good I'm so late to the
7146s party here that's right I just eated
7148s myself off the top there's some more
7150s here all part of my master
7153s plan now I have more or and oror magaros
7157s pieces oh hello what's this oh out of my
7160s way I'll sword and shield you am I going
7163s back the wrong way here hold on hold on
7165s so you it looks like you guys fell down
7167s right so
7170s yeah
7173s me delicious or here more car pieces
7177s that's
7179s good yeah the great sword just came in
7181s and was like Smash and true great sword
7183s fion
7188s yeah well
7200s magma like
7203s magma can't L some mining in I'm very
7208s happy this is the kind of board that is
7210s very hard to find normally especially in
7212s low
7214s rank we happy I think
7218s us then the climb begins a new yeah I'm
7222s glad I finally grouped back up with you
7224s guys
7226s again everybody's
7230s here yeah we destroyed the back course
7233s real quick we did well
7238s there need
7240s to have some stamina got
7245s R clim
7248s climb
7253s hell so much or such a great ball
7256s honestly this is going to be so helpful
7258s for
7264s crafting that zor trudge along taking
7267s the scenery yeah there you go yeah fall
7270s off get wind DRS back on to the to get
7272s more a that is the Strat maximize your
7275s or
7277s collection s mag just has a bunch of
7280s ants crawling on
7282s it ruining the picnic
7286s yeah where to where to more more I got
7290s to act like I've been here before
7292s yeah there we go
7300s wonderful what you doing zor maos cause
7303s in
7305s trouble we're too
7307s new think we have look there you go look
7311s blade maidens en jooin The View there
7312s looking very snazzy oh yeah yeah oh
7315s sorry I'm blocking your
7317s view so I'm going to sharpen just in
7327s case
7329s oh I'm out here before I get sent down
7332s I'm like ah oh hello sorry I landed on
7337s you oh Mor
7340s a reward for us being so Hasty in the
7342s destruction of the
7349s cause oh a
7355s shiny very nice very
7360s nice got some J Moran fans in chat as
7363s well the morans are really
7367s Co oh more shiny
7371s more
7372s shiny thank you gagari
7376s there happy take
7381s those oh we're getting nearly at the
7383s next
7386s wall see what plans will be
7390s enacted any shinies in here shiny shiny
7394s oh I ate the magma don't eat the
7398s magma
7404s did we break all the cores I'm pretty
7405s sure we did right y yep cor are good we
7408s boded them then we managed to Boop the
7410s snoot as well the snoot
7413s yeah there we go that's our
7420s destination here no better
7425s not the size of this Ravine s just a
7434s stroll oh my God great mission for early
7437s high rank
7439s materials it really is I feel like we
7441s picked up quite a bit of stuff yeah it's
7444s fantastic for that we might be able to
7445s craft something maybe maybe if we're
7448s lucky there go kari's dancing I'm just
7451s like I've got my sword and
7456s shield we're nearly there
7460s I was just taking a picture of my dog
7462s who was patiently waiting for attention
7466s here this is the great strike pose
7480s yeah wow we look cool we do we like yes
7484s we're riding the giant Lava Monster what
7486s of
7488s it
7492s and we're nearly at the gate what awaits
7494s us
7503s there there we
7506s go there's the hunting party oh down go
7514s Zora up goes Zora yeah I'm going to get
7516s up here oh
7518s oh oh no I went too soon and now I'm
7522s down here or up here
7527s oh back I go The Climb
7532s continues oh there's a shiny
7539s there I'm falling
7541s off what's that what is that that up in
7545s the oh no oh no hold on I'm too far
7549s traveling by Wing Drake Thank you thank
7551s you thank you Wing Drake blessed Wing
7556s DRS well well
7562s well let's go
7565s oh oh there's that
7578s music
7580s oh shiny hold on what's going on down
7583s here oh it's the aiser the
7587s aister taking our taking our attention I
7590s I didn't want to look at him at that
7591s moment
7598s yeah
7600s oh come on back in
7608s position
7612s oh I don't think no Gan appreciate
7618s that he's ped yeah if anything made it
7630s angrier here he
7637s comes yeah
7639s this is Boomer's second favorite monster
7641s oh no Boomer sorry
7648s Killers
7649s oh
7654s uh-oh no
7658s way long sword fans's loving it right
7668s now
7672s Gant like
7674s what I've had enough see you later bye
7679s guys jokes on you I can
7688s fly like a hot knife through butter that
7697s just
7711s he's all
7716s right I'm getting to for this
7725s tringone don't mind me bit of tra TR on
7729s the way
7732s into just late to work yeah I got some
7736s more Zoros pieces I wonder if we can
7738s make anything we very lucky if we can
7740s but it's worth a go
7747s MH all right we're back in
7750s Sara
7753s hey rush through the dialog here yeah
7757s let's go to the Smithy see what G we can
7765s make so we're in a bit of a pickle
7768s here because Doros just broke through we
7772s used up tons of
7776s resources oh Health
7778s booster oh really now that's a great
7780s item
7782s yeah at VC says when are you guys facing
7786s me we need a little bit more time yet
7789s still a little bit more time couple more
7790s weeks yeah I think maybe a little more
7793s than
7794s weeks maybe
7798s potentially thank you to our our fellow
7801s hunters for helping us uh try to hold
7804s back zor ma us anyway yes thanks so buch
7807s great having you guys for that Quest
7810s it's quite a long one but we got through
7812s it to the
7815s Armory oh new
7817s stock
7819s stuck all right let's the
7824s uh no no not great sword sword
7829s Shields okay so I can not make that's
7832s RTI
7835s definitely mystery
7840s mystery
7845s upgrade yeah I could upgrade my hunter's
7847s knife twice at this Point uh to get it
7850s to 168 from
7856s 126 P ping
7862s qu the
7867s situation I don't I really don't
7869s understand why the commander literally
7870s just decided let's go capture our
7872s monster impossible to capture you you
7874s know hubis exactly so I can get some I
7879s can get some high metal uh braces to
7882s give you defense Boost Plus
7884s One or anath a Special ammo boost so
7888s yeah we can start to start to upgrade a
7890s bit there but I think that puts us in a
7892s good place now I think yeah I'll come
7896s back up to the Gathering Hub
7899s though let's go say goodbye and
7904s uh head back over there I
7909s looking very schnazzy and they
7912s lemon they the arm wrestling between
7915s zero and who's going to
7920s win oh GG's
7925s GG's reckon you can beat NEP Jo I'll
7928s give it a shot but I I think I lost last
7931s stream so I'll probably lose again ne's
7933s the reigning Champion I think yeah
7937s yeah
7946s unlucky unlucky Unstoppable NP
7949s Unstoppable n
7952s undefeated but yeah with that I think
7954s it's it's time to wrap up so we we've
7957s hit like a milestone NE CH NE is very
7959s happy one one day you'll beat me maybe
7962s one day we'll see I don't know the
7965s confidence is shot oh loving limits
7968s fashion as well though oh yeah very cool
7971s that's the uh raging Breaky home I
7976s believe the great Jos uh chest and waste
7981s very nice
7984s combination yeah unfortunately this week
7986s um we are running a little low on time I
7989s think we did want to do uh some more
7990s quests uh together with the with the
7992s community but um yeah we're we we've got
7995s to call it here so yeah but we'll be
7997s back next week and we probably be to get
7999s more hunting because obviously the The
8000s Siege quests do take a bit more time
8002s yeah yeah but yeah glad we got through
8004s that
8007s one but yeah I think then other than
8009s that we will be back um at again at 500
8013s PM gmt900 a.m. PT is it PT over your
8016s side or
8017s PST uh PST yeah PST so yeah we'll be
8022s back and we'll be continuing with the
8023s Hunts and we'll see if we get a few more
8025s Community hunts in as well cuz it's
8027s always a ton of fun to play with you all
8029s but whether you watched whether you in
8030s chat whether you joined us thank you all
8032s so much because once again you know it's
8034s you the community that makes these
8035s streams what they are and thank you all
8037s so much for your support and hype and
8040s jumping into return to world as well uh
8042s anything else Joe no you said it all um
8046s yeah thanks everybody and uh we will see
8047s you again uh same time next week I've
8051s been jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
8053s awesome have a good evening good night
8056s all right see you everybody
3 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello everyone and welcome to today's
3s stream I'm Jon o EMA Community manager
5s on monst Hunter and I joined by hey
8s everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
10s Community manager for Monster Hunter and
12s welcome back because today where are we
14s going Joe uh we're headed to the coral
17s Highlands for uh the first time on these
19s Hunters um although I think maybe we
22s have we've already triggered some of the
24s cut scenes here ahead of today's stream
27s so we're we're currently working through
28s that but uh it'll be the first time
30s though we're we're doing any Hunts uh in
32s the coral Highlands today so yeah
34s excited excited to get into it me too
37s it's it's such like uh a beautiful area
39s and there's a lot of highs and lows uh
42s as you go around uh seeking out the area
44s and the Monsters within so obviously as
46s you mentioned this is our first time
48s here we've got the first Expedition
49s which is why currently we're both in our
51s own independent research bases but Joe
53s and I will be teaming up soon once we've
56s you know stepped foot into the coral
58s Highlands itself so let's let's head
60s head on into the game now and see see
63s what we can
65s find yeah so today uh I believe this is
68s our fourth Stream So Far right jono MH
72s yeah we've been uh making pretty good
75s progress to the game I think last last
77s week we uh had our first encounter with
80s zor magaros um which um is is a very
84s epic uh long quest uh and now we're
88s headed back into one of the areas so
90s should we get to see some new
92s monsters oh yes I'm looking forward
94s hopefully I can get some new gear maybe
95s a new sword and shield I was so close to
98s getting the pke PUK one as well yeah
101s just I think we just ran out of time
103s really the last one to get your last
105s piece there and I found some wigglers
107s here they are one of the most popular
110s endemic life I think ever in Monster
112s Hunter is that safe to say you know
114s they've even got their own you know
115s cosmetic armor pieces and the fandoms
118s just absolutely love them and I can see
120s why look how cute they are
122s like got my ghilly suit on so I can get
124s up
126s close they're so
128s friendly I don't even think did I break
130s my ghilly mantle I don't I don't
134s know under equipped
137s today oh some honey I need that I'm
140s actually running low CU I've just like
141s off camera I replenished my mega potions
144s I was like yeah I need more honey I need
145s to go go back and uh get some more
148s farming away m mhm I did a little bit of
151s uh Inventory management uh before we got
153s started
154s here um and yeah I feel like I'm still
158s quite broke in terms of resources and
163s everything
165s oh here a
168s monster okay so I just found Pulu on my
172s stream oh no way mine is not pomu um my
177s one my one is quite a bright bright spot
180s should we
182s say ity
185s y yeah oh I think yeah we still have to
188s find the same monster um but yeah I just
190s I ran into
192s pumo I I might be going the wrong way
195s yeah I'm not going to H I'll wait for
197s you so instead I'm going to run past I'm
199s going to carve that Wing Drake hide and
202s then look for camp now I've got a camp
204s in mind from obviously my previous
207s Shenanigans in world and Ice born so I'm
209s going to gonna head
216s high getting a little lost here it's
219s easy to it's easy to like you know like
222s much like the Ancient Forest it's
224s there's a lot of verticality a lot of
226s verticality to this
228s out hey everyone in chat as well uh Mark
232s 5 says hi all just getting back into Mon
234s Hunter after a while just got world and
236s looking forward to exploring more well I
238s hope you have a wonderful time there is
240s a lot to explore as well you're going to
241s be very busy in a good way oh
247s yeah there's so much content in this
249s game um and it's been been a real trip
252s just going back and experiencing all of
254s it there's just there's so much to
257s do absolutely even here like where I am
260s now it reminds me of uh hunting Namo
264s repea
268s legana NE is such a good monster it is
271s it is super cool unique
273s design love it yeah like the like a
276s landbased kind of like water monster is
279s always a
280s treat and just yeah the aesthetic and
282s the sounds it makes as well oh yeah
287s yeah right I think I found the camp
295s yeah this is such a pivotal camp for
297s this local it's it's positioned perfect
300s perfectly especially if you C in the in
302s some of the higher difficulty
304s HTS return to the research Bas okay yeah
308s you're a little bit ahead of me but I'll
311s catch up I'll catch up that's right I
312s was like I I had a flashback I just like
314s I know exactly what camp I want to go
318s to you know I might might or might not
321s be one of those who uh doesn't find all
323s of my campsites unfortunately um and
326s that's a that's a bad habit of mine I
328s was terrible for that in the ancient far
330s the Ancient Forest there was one I
331s didn't get for a stupidly long time and
335s it's not the one you'd expect up in the
337s canopy either it's the one that's like
339s as you start in the first Camp it's like
342s Northwest or north northwest and one of
346s my friends are like you don't have this
348s Camp I was like I don't really go around
351s there yeah you know I I don't know if
353s anybody in the chat is the same but uh
355s you can play you know for like over 100
358s hours and then realize say you you're
361s missing some random camp that you've
362s never seen before um which is a really
365s interesting feeling oops yeah at least
368s it's like oh well that would have been
369s helpful yeah
372s yeah okay I just ran to Leana which uh I
376s don't think I was necessarily needed to
378s do but that's all
381s right I'm just going I justly started
384s getting a dry throat I was like oh
386s no okay I did find the
388s campsite
391s okay there's the
394s puhan oh wait I'm going to go talk to
396s the Smithy and
400s stuff if I can find it like I think I
402s get more lost in the research base than
404s I do Highlands but boy do I get lost in
408s here yeah yeah you know you don't spend
410s a ton of time there uh so you
414s know not super familiar with it yeah I
417s normally just go straight back to aera
418s when I get a chance I'm like yes please
420s I'll uh yep
427s yep okay I have not found this one
434s yet here we got ah here we
438s go oh the Elder melder not yet it's too
441s early for
442s that all in good time I'll be spending
445s plenty of time
447s there
448s hello okay I'm most likely going in the
451s wrong direction so let's uh turn it
453s around
461s here what's
464s up Forge anything new at the
466s moment oh I can get some Harvest set
469s bits and the Harvest set stuff looks
470s really good and it's got better defense
473s resentment Constitution mushroom
478s maner
482s I do like the aesthetic on this as well
485s at that is that the one with the the
488s pumpkin looking design yes that was
499s cool yeah we'll leave that for now I'll
501s look at some weapons you bought
503s yesterday was Thursday yeah sometimes
505s the weeks just fly
508s by yeah it's been it's been a busy one
510s uh for sure so I think I think we're all
514s feeling the same
517s way I need a plate for that can't quite
521s make that
531s yet well so close to making a water
534s sword as well
536s um that's right I'm sure sure we'll find
540s some nice monster parts to upgrade my
542s gear I mean I can nearly get Thunder
544s Edge I just need sturdy bones which
546s doesn't sound too bad however I'll have
548s to go into the Bone
551s Tree yeah and then go there and then get
554s the great jagas sword and shield which
556s is actually better than what I've got
558s now you be like oh no have I just been
561s lazy going up the or tree oh I really
563s have
564s Joe
565s have all right let's let's move towards
569s that
570s yeah that's oh I have sinned I have
573s sinned right for
575s equipment I can't believe I've done this
577s right sword and
580s shield okay I finally found the monster
582s so just that took me quite a
585s bit yeah I mean you found
588s um paluma really quickly didn't you so
591s like it's probably yeah you've seen that
593s one now so now you're going to have to
595s work for this one yeah I just I guess I
597s just took a wrong turn that's some
605s point okay Ryan then we go great or
608s could I go I I can't go barro that's a
610s shame I'm do I want Thunder or do I just
614s want to
617s go May I'm definitely going to go into
619s the jagas
621s edge then I got to decide if I want to
623s go down the the Toby kadachi route or
626s deeper into
628s jagas so maybe let's see what happens
630s anyway this is better than what I've got
633s so there we go in the chat says to craft
637s a gun L but uh you know I know how you
639s roll so that's
641s up yeah like I I like the gun Lance
645s however I think I'm
646s only proficient not saying I'm good
649s proficient with the rathan gun Lance um
653s because it's got really good you know
655s it's a normal shell so it's got the Full
657s Burst play style and the added poison is
659s is like chef's kiss you
662s know if I look at that in here let's
664s have a
666s look where is the fun LS there it
672s is so the r and
676s tree uh it helps if I go on upgrade I
679s think
681s upgrade
684s commands so what would I need I would
686s need a lot I would need three ran spikes
690s uh four scales and four sh but the
692s spikes yeah I know that her weapons take
696s a lot of
697s tals but my goodness it's a glorious
700s Weapon by all accounts well maybe at
702s some point we'll we'll grab those we'll
705s see what yeah I mean I'll probably make
708s a sword and shield out of it anyway yeah
710s you know got to work towards lunatic
711s Rose you
716s know um I've headed over to the
719s Gathering H so yeah whenever you're
721s you're ready I think we can finally do a
723s hunt together nice a little bit longer
725s than expected we need to do the cut
727s scene
728s possibly uh no I think we triggered it
730s already right so I think we should be
732s all right hopefully well let's see let's
736s see let's let's find out um if you got
739s the Quest for hunting po out uh yeah I
743s got it
744s so fireworks yay hello Jay yay I have a
748s much better sword now because I I've
750s actually used my monster Parts good good
753s yeah you still got your bone armor yeah
756s yeah bits and pieces because obviously
757s after anath triple carted me yeah looks
761s like we do have to most likely trigger a
762s cut scene here so yeah let's go ahead
764s and do that huh yeah sure I won't eat
766s then I'll come and join you okay hi and
771s then we'll take down this monster
774s together yeah we'll be doing community
776s Hunts uh in like the last like half an
779s hour 40ish minutes of the stream but
781s we've just started which you know good
783s news or bad news depending on how you
785s want to look at it yeah yeah um yeah I
788s think typically R for about two hours so
790s um if you're in the US that would be
792s until about 11: Pacific time so yeah or
796s about 7 P.M if you're over in Europe in
799s it what that I don't
803s know um where does palu like to go is I
808s think going left St Camp is the play oh
811s yeah I believe so
815s yeah however if I I'm tempted if I find
819s uh I find a certain monster I want to
822s hunt it because I need the parts to get
824s upgrade but now if I join you it'll be
826s in that one as well Joe maybe I can
827s sweet talk you into helping me do a
829s little side quest
837s yeah my Pico is looking cool at the
839s moment I think my Pico had better
841s defense than me before the Anna
844s fight yeah my Pico's fashion game is Way
847s Beyond
848s mine and it's got like a mace and a
850s shield as well which I'm quite jealous
852s about that looks very cool I think it's
854s usually how it tends to go uh armor is
857s just like a lot easier to craft so you
860s know takes takes far fewer Parts oh I
863s might I might quickly grab some of
867s these hello
870s fish or flying meduso oh no I want to
874s get more of
875s them I will put you in my garden and we
878s will be
889s friends for anyone just joining us oh
892s sorry go ahead op to you op to you op to
894s you yeah um I guess we should yeah let's
897s let's give everybody run down in case
898s you're new um this is our return to
901s World Community uh stream series uh I
904s believe this is episode four um so we've
906s been doing these weekly uh generally on
909s every Thursday but sometimes we might
910s skip a week or two um but yeah we're
912s playing through Monster Hunter world uh
914s not for the first time um but I'm
917s completely brand new Hunter so we are a
918s little bit more experienced but um you
920s know occasionally we'll still cart every
921s now and then but uh our goal is to take
924s these Hunters uh all the
926s way uh hopefully to the end of ice so
930s we'll see right yeah yeah it'll be
932s Fatalis in no time right I found pumu so
936s I'm going to back out now right so so so
939s I will run away here and get comy get
942s comfy um so yeah whil we do have iceborn
945s installed we are avoiding using as a lot
949s of the clutch claw mechanics until we
950s get to iceborn to try and give us a
952s slightly more authentic you know first
954s run through World Experience kind of
956s thing um obviously if you're doing it on
959s yours full credit to you go for it but
962s yeah we're you know we'll be holding off
964s the clutch claw until a little bit later
966s on our play three yeah yeah yeah we are
970s playing on PC so if you'd like to join
972s us in the uh back end of you know our
974s two hours playing here um we will we'll
977s open that up with the group we just ask
978s that you uh do run with similar low rank
981s armor so we don't just completely
983s destroy the monster so um thanks in
986s advance for that and uh yeah and oh yeah
989s I am I'm Joe I'm the uh Capcom USA
992s Community manager and jonno is the CM
995s over at Capcom Europe hello
998s there all right I am joining your quest
1003s hi yeah if y turns up like I would very
1007s much appreciate having a quick word with
1010s that monster um because I think it's the
1014s clause or something I need from that to
1015s upgrade my drag sword and
1017s shield
1020s yeah let's do it if we uh we see
1025s him on my
1032s way we are talking of not being on Rise
1034s anymore I keep trying to wire fall when
1036s I get knocked over yeah I'm like ah
1038s don't worry I've got this no I don't got
1045s this
1047s of
1050s there we go I'm off my
1053s way with my new and improved sword and
1059s shield yeah last week we got up to some
1062s uh tough Shenanigans I think we uh had a
1065s little bit of trouble with engine app
1067s but uh you know that's that's part of
1069s the you know the not newcomer but you
1072s know the early game experience right
1075s exactly you know we wanted to show you
1076s know anap is commonly seen as the wall
1079s uh in early game in low rank especially
1082s for new hunters and players new to
1083s monster hunter in general and you know
1085s we we gave a good example of why that's
1087s the case yeah you know it was acting
1090s yeah it was all staged you know
1093s definitely didn't you know accidentally
1095s triple cart um we wouldn't do
1099s that I I am uh I think I've
1103s cited there it is okay I'll wait for you
1105s we'll take this honey
1107s though you
1109s for
1110s you oh you're on the other side all
1112s right let's go we go for a pin movement
1119s yeah sleep toad oh no I've lost the
1122s Sleep toad I think it's too far away now
1125s yeah I just put my Pico to sleep that
1127s was that was
1130s it it's because you know the rise muscle
1133s memory you want to pick it up right yeah
1134s I'm like oh I'll put you in my pocket no
1136s I just give it a bit of a g or
1141s boot oh here comes the tail oh I rolled
1145s way too soon I think your Hammer knocks
1147s me under it thank you no no that's good
1150s you're that's all part of the plan oh
1156s yeah oh I'm by a ledge this is good for
1160s me
1164s oh oh
1167s nice
1169s where do I keep my
1172s uh
1181s away oh
1188s Savage
1190s Char Big Time see if I can do some
1197s wings
1213s Crush I forgot how long hu's tail was
1217s there is D yaku come here
1220s you oh oh jeez got a lot going on now oh
1225s yes there's monster parts to be had yeah
1229s let get a couple hits in
1234s maybe I think I need the part to upgrade
1238s my sword sh I'm going to chase it if you
1241s don't
1242s mind I'm on my
1244s own you got I believe I believe come
1247s here you stop running
1251s away do
1257s do when OPP Unity presents
1261s itself what was the part you needed you
1263s remember I don't know it just blue so
1266s and it looked like a claw it was
1267s unlisted or you know question marks I
1269s hadn't discovered it yet so I'm like it
1272s must be this monster it's the only Blue
1274s Monster so
1276s far and it's got caught in some the
1280s coral
1287s here no worries getting some nice orange
1299s numbers it's getting feisty
1302s now with the Flash oh there we go I got
1305s I got my shield up I blocked it speed of
1308s light has nothing on the power of the
1309s sword and shield think ched gave me a
1312s little save there
1316s nice oo that t Hil I wasn't expecting
1319s that glad had the shield up again miss
1328s that uhoh oh wow I was under it very
1332s nice get
1334s him we
1335s go Rush
1341s nice oh so satisfying such a good time
1344s the Wombo Combo oh there you go oh that
1347s was nice
1350s oh oh watch out watch out you got it
1353s it's so good it's so good oh he I him oh
1356s nice I will take advantage of that with
1359s you oh and then back in again again poor
1362s guy not sure I'm in a good
1367s position I totally
1369s win such a slim monster I'm like
1377s ah oh oh we nearly got
1390s it oh
1393s nice the worst the worst spot for it to
1397s be yeah that's
1399s R came to the wrong part of the
1406s call near got it sharpen
1412s uh oh nice yeah keep that Slinger
1415s loaded what we got here piercing PS
1418s that'll be good for palu so I'll keep
1420s hold of that zy come back
1427s here let's find the
1435s shamas
1437s oh found that
1452s tail I'm definitely going to need upgr
1454s my armor again soon I
1456s think if this is what Z is doing to me
1465s yeah I was going to save that for palu
1467s but no I'm gonna try and
1472s reago oh that's a slidy bit there oh
1475s perfect my favorite hit
1479s that hit the slide here
1484s OHS oh there we go oh you got done yeah
1488s I did like one like tiny little Slide
1491s Attack on it hey JK welcome to the
1494s stream hope you're doing well okay there
1497s thank you for that I was trying to style
1499s on it and then uh like I I just didn't
1502s even contribute to the end there so okay
1504s so there's a photo for okay I think it
1508s is as it's yaku claw I got one maybe
1512s I'll get some more in the rewards
1516s screen I need some bones as well I
1520s thinkal bone yes I definitely needed
1523s those no shamos stop it stop it you so
1528s yeah get off my friend going to carve
1530s you up now he was going to Live and Let
1532s Live but if it has to be this
1536s way in the end in the
1543s end there we
1548s go maximum message with a hammer yeah
1553s now I'm going to see what I can make
1554s with
1557s you we drink this up very
1563s nice okay
1566s where's
1568s now
1569s um I guess we can go either way I'm
1572s going to cut
1577s back Scout BL guide
1581s me after trying R I just bought world to
1584s give a shot that's wicked so your first
1586s Monster Hunter game was r
1589s that's cool that's
1590s cool love to see
1600s it I believe I I could have upgraded to
1602s the Jack sword short quite a while ago
1604s so that also says you know always go and
1606s check your weapons check the different
1608s paths check the paths you're not on
1610s because you might find a much better
1612s option available
1613s to I think you know J you're so
1615s experienced that you um you know just
1618s that pure skill is all that was needed
1621s you know we were taking down those
1622s monsters with like you know weapons that
1625s we could have much better versions of
1627s we're like no we'll do it with
1633s this managed to roll it this
1641s time oh
1647s nice
1657s oh I'm going to contribute a little bit
1660s of stun damage with uh my hard bashing
1663s kind of combo I was going to call it the
1664s hard Basher combo and I'm like obviously
1667s that's why I called it a r and sunak I'm
1668s sure it's the same in this as well yeah
1671s it's a universal truth oh
1677s yes that's the tail oh it's puffed up
1681s get down here you actually could be a
1683s good opportunity for the piercing
1685s pod oh boy I got to
1688s kill oh yeah that did a surprising
1690s amount of damage oh that's getting over
1692s confident here that was me with ANF last
1695s week I know the
1699s feeling oh we're getting there oh I just
1702s missed away stay away from him stay back
1706s oh he saved me
1708s oh that's good teamwork that's good team
1711s there go it might not be a lance or a
1713s gun L Shield but I could try
1723s yeah hook
1724s on oh I forgot it's it's one of my
1727s favorite pieces of terrain why haven't I
1729s been using this more the
1732s super if I can get it near
1736s here it's theor anyway
1743s and
1744s comos all this time I do my hey Maria
1748s how's it
1751s going
1754s oh get back
1759s heree yeah I forgot that these were here
1761s and with the sword and shield you can
1762s actually do the uh the plunge attack oh
1767s right yeah which my favorite sort
1771s of it's up there with like that plunge
1774s attack and the metsu geki I like my two
1777s favorite sord Shield
1780s moves so one from world and one from
1782s Rice
1784s sunre okay where we going we've nearly
1787s got the
1788s Monster uh okay think we need to go up
1791s and
1794s left seeing in the YouTube chat there's
1797s a lot of uh
1798s chat just about everybody's first
1800s monster hunter or where they started so
1802s that's pretty cool we got a lot of
1803s veterans in the chat that's wicked yeah
1806s we just had um someone say here that for
1808s you were was their um favorite or first
1812s sorry their first one uh where they
1814s first got to see the insect GL as
1817s well yeah
1819s awesome and if you see a uh message that
1823s um maybe you're not seeing in your
1825s specific chat it's probably on the other
1827s uh so might it might be on Twitch or on
1829s YouTube so or if you hear us talking
1831s about it I guess exactly yeah Joe's
1834s repping YouTube chat and I'm repping
1835s twitch chat hey do you know I could do
1839s oh yeah once you do the hammer wake up
1840s I'll F in oh oh oh boy like totally set
1845s up I didn't realize I was going to I
1847s missed don't worry I
1849s missed it's all part of my plan though
1852s look at that this is perfect Hamry
1854s meanwhile I'm just bouncing around
1856s missing
1858s but I will land it oh
1861s no here's like the anti
1864s plunge this is like a bouncy castle for
1867s us both in here you know I'm I'm going
1870s to fire the spawn
1874s pod
1877s again there we go
1882s nice wonder if we'll finish with with
1886s the
1892s we had a uh a
1894s Slinger as the the last hit last week
1898s which was really cool I had not done
1899s that yet yeah you always see like cool
1902s Clips like on Twitter of that and then
1904s have it happen yeah yeah just totally
1907s unpl it's great put a th on head
1915s point oh I'm missing
1919s oh I could I could have probably done
1921s more damage there on the
1923s ground I just went fly up the I
1933s want there it goes up real Qui coming
1939s back
1943s yeah has it gone below I've gone up I've
1945s gone the wrong way
1951s oh oh I just
1954s missed pods I think I got it on its
1957s wings so not the most optimal but you
1959s know some extra
1968s damage got the plunge oh oh my
1973s goodness okay I missed like 80% of them
1976s but when it hits
1981s start taking out of the air yeah
1983s anti-air sword and shield not saying you
1985s normally see what with the reach of the
1987s sword and shield normally that's more
1989s like a long sword or like bow or Gunner
1993s job trying trying to look at the stream
1995s so I can see what happened
1997s here oh yeah there it was yeah very
2002s cool well done they definitely a good
2005s team effort yeah it's like now now can
2007s get it it's a giant balloon in the air I
2009s can't
2033s miss and that is the quest complete so
2036s Joe our first formal hunt in the coral
2041s Highlands yeah
2043s um let's see here I didn't get a second
2046s claw I got I got five bonus
2049s rewards and you know as is the desire
2053s sensor there was not a second
2058s claw got a pretty funny end screen there
2066s though
2077s that a great end
2079s screen but yes please it
2084s yeah that was a good hunt though so two
2086s monsters in
2090s one um let's go oh the r veale um let's
2097s before you head down where's the smiy I
2099s can oh yeah smithy's down in the corner
2100s I always struggle to find the Smithy in
2102s here
2103s um so we took down two monsters so that
2107s means two armor sets so there is now the
2111s oh no there's also the shamov
2113s collar uh so we have the zy head gear uh
2117s so let's let's take a look at that on
2119s the fashion front which does look cool
2121s you even kind of get some sort of like
2122s CYO
2124s mustache I don't skills really suit why
2127s after and then we got the lumu set which
2132s is pretty smart b um divine blessing is
2136s a great skill to have I got oneu I only
2140s got one pumu Pelt though unfortunately
2143s otherwise I'd probably pick that up uh
2146s Master mounter on the chest oh so close
2149s to making a couple of really really
2151s useful pieces um anything good for you
2153s on the weapon or armor
2155s front um take a look right now all right
2157s I CH the
2162s tree you know I think I'm all right for
2165s now well
2168s actually anything tempting you tempting
2171s tempting no no I think I'm all right for
2174s now that's not too bad oh there is the
2177s uh the lumu knife for me here so that's
2180s stronger than the jagas
2182s one and it's
2185s War however
2191s blind that's not a skill that you see
2193s that often no I was going to say I was
2196s like
2197s wait yeah so I need two more claws to
2200s upgrade the jackar sword and shield
2202s again if I want to continue down that
2208s route but yeah there's a lot of great
2210s options opening up
2212s here all right what's next uh let's go
2214s to the Gathering Hub I think oh no I
2216s need to speak to the third Fleet master
2218s who I think I just turned my back on and
2221s wanded off he's the distracted Hunter
2223s this one all about the LI in the
2228s gear yeah I'm not not feeling any my
2230s options right now so uh yeah I think
2233s we'll we'll just roll pure skill for now
2238s no I'm kidding I'm kidding that's so you
2240s know like me with my like you know basic
2242s sword and shield you know it's just we
2244s roll so I'm spok at a third Fleet master
2248s and she's taking me to I think the
2250s rotten Veil
2255s Expedition I forget how quickly they
2257s throw these two locals at you it's
2259s pretty quick yeah yeah you spend a
2261s little bit of time in the Ancient Forest
2262s and you have a a quick little look a
2264s very dangerous look around wild byways
2267s yeah story starts to move it it does it
2271s does it's nice to have all these kind of
2273s locals that are disposable especially if
2275s you want to like stop Focus h
2277s set
2279s pieces very
2293s well see not what You' usually expect an
2295s anchor to be used
2297s for
2298s yeah I think we both we might both might
2301s have our Handler in the uh the winter
2303s yeah uh Winter Fest gear so she's she's
2307s a little
2308s warm great do you know what great juros
2311s low key when w and iceborn was like you
2314s know before RIS Sun Break It was one of
2316s my favorite monsters I just put it was
2318s really cute and it armor looked really
2320s badass and I think as well it gives you
2322s a paralysis sword and shield uh but yeah
2325s I just thought it was a really cool
2326s monster um and I love the fact that in
2329s ice born obviously you can tame a giros
2331s yeah yeah or Gros I don't know the
2333s correct pronunciation on that one Gros
2336s maybe yeah yeah probably Gros it's like
2338s G and GIF isn't it it's like I think
2341s it's gotos yeah
2344s yeah maybe chat will jump in and help us
2347s yeah I think it's probably great
2349s gar because I say gif as well so that
2352s makes sense I don't say GIF no well I
2355s refuse to say GIF even if it's uh
2358s technically the right option I'm just
2360s not gonna do
2362s it sorry I'm sorry I feel that no I I
2365s feel that I feel that so here we are
2367s uh okay what would it be everyone's
2369s favorite monster in World in icea I'll
2371s let you go first Joe uh favorite monster
2374s in world iceborn oh man uh I feel like
2378s we answer this every week and then my
2379s answer
2380s changes um I I really like Devil Joe but
2385s uh recently I've been liking royos a lot
2389s and of course we were talking about it
2391s earlier but I love namiel which is just
2393s such a cool design so uh yeah those are
2396s those are up there for me that's a great
2398s design yeah for me as no surprise to any
2402s of our regular uh community members who
2404s come by racky doos and uh you know then
2408s by proxy um R
2411s Rios I just love bracky I love I love
2414s that I love it's blue I love that it's
2416s blue I love the explosions it looks like
2419s a mix between like a
2421s triceratops and like just its own thing
2424s I love everything about it I love its
2426s gear I love that it's you know blast
2429s weapons yeah just everything about the
2431s monster makes me
2433s happy yeah and if you're in the YouTube
2435s chat we were just answering a question
2437s about our favorite monsters in world and
2440s iceborn so let us know which one's yours
2443s are Ren Karen carani says namel is
2446s incredibly unique but until lakis comes
2449s back bra's got my number one spot
2451s there's a lot of lakis fans it must have
2453s had one heck of an impact uh was it cuz
2456s that was 3u for many people I think was
2459s like their first exposure to laggy and
2461s then in stories two um as well obviously
2465s you get laggy and I think iory laggy um
2469s so yeah no very popular Monster there
2472s yeah it's it's really cool to see
2474s everybody's been waving that flag for
2476s quite a while um so we we notice it we
2480s see it do we have to hunt R can you can
2483s I put
2484s a no raban raban leave me so okay we're
2490s going to have to do a hunt here on our
2492s own I think own yeah okay yeah I can't
2497s fire a
2499s FL unless if I return from the
2502s Expedition will it Quest i' got to
2504s complete the Expedition all right Joe we
2506s got to do this I haven't eaten um so I'm
2510s going to I'm going to go and uh eat a
2512s camp we should have a
2515s snack r protein Rab's Pico gear is
2520s incredible like I think I've seen it
2523s yeah one of us is going to have to make
2524s that oh absolutely it's very very
2531s cool you feel many laggy fans come from
2533s triy over 3u no fair enough fair
2536s enough 3u was my first was my first
2538s Monster a game so by proximity was my
2540s first exposure to uh lagy
2545s acis
2548s aarin yeah aarin do over here as well
2551s scang garuga very scary monster that one
2558s um no gante
2560s rajang devil
2564s Joe yeah papa it's really cool to see so
2566s many people either come into world for
2568s the first time or return into World um
2571s for another playthrough and you know
2573s just the excitement for wild you know
2575s 2025
2577s more information coming this
2579s summer very exciting time great time to
2581s be an existing mon fan or come into Mon
2585s for the first time heyre yeah yeah tell
2588s tell a friend about it exactly tell tell
2590s a friend bring him into the HT yeah they
2593s should they should be
2596s playing all right so I've not got you in
2598s your Mighty Hammer to carry me this so
2601s it's going to have to be all me this
2604s time going to try it's the other
2607s around I sometimes land a plunge or get
2610s him out
2612s sometimes yeah this is a yeah I'm
2615s falling to the bottom of the RO now oh
2618s no you would be a while how dark this
2620s area is yeah and then is it
2623s theia
2624s ausia oh yeah
2627s yeahia that's the
2632s one can you see the uh the Leana down
2638s here oh
2644s yeah oh I love all the part break you
2646s can get on
2649s rabar it's very
2654s satisfying nerti levels of uh Max
2660s satisfaction oh no oh I forgot about
2663s that about dropping the rib cage onto
2665s raban and now R off I say ran off I mean
2669s rolled away rolled away I still haven't
2672s CED it yet just saw great giros giros
2676s giros I just love that little monster
2678s it's such a it's such a cool little guy
2680s yeah someone's got to tell us how to
2682s pronounce that correctly yeah if the
2684s chat doesn't know we're going we'll ask
2687s somebody luckily it's not as um heated
2691s as the devil Joe devil yo debate amongst
2694s the community oh no it's definitely
2697s devil Joe I'm sorry to bring that up
2698s yeah for that's what I say as well you
2700s know as someone whose name is Joe it's
2704s definitely
2706s decided and then you know you've got
2708s brachia dios and devil
2716s Joe uh okay rabon's like gone up high
2720s somewhere and I'm a bit
2723s lost I am lost as well I don't I don't
2725s know where it is okay I'm going to I'm
2727s going to wait for the the Scout fight to
2730s kick it they will they will guide me mhm
2734s save us scoutflies this map is a perfect
2737s fit for my head yeah wearing the bone
2739s armor here is like very very on
2742s fashion oh I see what they're saying I'm
2744s looking at the stream now and yeah the
2746s mini map is like it's like a halo around
2748s my
2753s head it's a little hat
2765s oh there we go some nice damage there is
2768s there any more BS I can drop
2770s down come on hard bash combo uhoh oh oh
2776s Grandma resist why did I turn you
2780s down oh even when I back hop out the way
2782s to avoid the hit the shock wave is
2785s mighty
2788s but this is quite a cheeky Expedition
2790s thr such like an intimidating monster at
2793s you out the blue I really like that
2794s you're like yeah this is fine you know
2796s Expeditions how hard can they be and
2798s Rab's like hello there it's like a beat
2801s switch Yeah it's like oh yeah you know
2805s great garos you know yeah yeah yeah no
2807s worries it's like
2809s joke then here's this
2811s thing oh that was a quick
2815s turn I finally found it and fin starting
2818s to hunt
2821s against it's all right I bet you I bet
2823s you hunt it quicker than I can oh I
2826s don't know I don't know oh no I'm
2827s stunned and I'm like a quarter Health
2829s Amber help me
2831s Amber oh think it ran up to me and put
2835s the the big I need to be careful Shou
2837s Amber that's my actual cat's name she
2839s might come she might come running
2840s downstairs yeah like hey what you called
2843s and then I'm like obviously playing
2844s monst she be like where's my
2848s leave me leave me or give me some
2852s attention as says they're feeling
2854s nostalgic and then uh Dem King says it
2858s has been six years and just like that I
2860s start to turn to dks yeah I think uh I
2863s think next week is the anniversary
2865s actually right so oh big week yeah
2869s pretty cool pretty cool six years yeah
2871s wait that does make you feel a little
2873s old
2875s so
2878s oh wow it actually managed to like flick
2880s under my
2885s shield take a little he there maybe I
2888s should start targeting the tail I don't
2890s know the chip damage is
2898s real oh I got a nice there nice I've got
2902s my second Mount I'm abusing The
2905s Ledges
2908s and a little tip here for some of the
2909s monster attacks rather than Clinging On
2912s uh if it's not like a big lunch attack
2913s you can just reposition on the monster
2915s and keep attacking you don't have to
2917s hold on so little tip there the key is
2920s knowing which attacks are ones that you
2921s need to hold on to and which AR um for
2924s example with devil Joe you always need
2927s to hold on I think um I believe because
2931s it does so many jumping attacks just get
2934s straight off yeah yeah it's too
2936s aggressive oh no I need a some steadfast
2943s Jewels oh I fainted unlucky is that your
2947s first
2948s car not the whole stream I don't think
2951s so definitely carded yeah it might be my
2954s second card well this this is just
2956s showing that you've been carrying me all
2957s this time so yeah you know I was just
2960s taking those blows from for us both I
2962s was like you know not him take me
2965s instead
2967s all right all right time to get together
2970s there you go it's all part of the fun
2971s you know and as well raban you know what
2973s when I oh it's raban it's not bad you
2976s know raban how bad can it be it's just
2978s like oran's little little sibling no
2981s raban you know commands are a bit
2983s respect especially this early on it's
2985s unlike anything you would have fought so
2990s far fallen over and I can't get up yeah
2995s I've literally like
2996s getting staggered and
2999s Tred it's not going too bad though have
3001s had to take a couple of Mega potions
3003s though nagak cuga was your first C what
3006s in um world ice spawn
3010s or your very first on game I think for
3014s many people if they get past anath
3017s without trouble or Garin is the bringer
3020s of more triple
3022s cards it's the speed yeah speed is uh
3026s big adjustment there's bleed as well
3027s isn't it I think Oar oh yeah
3031s yeah
3033s o that's a that's a new trick the sacred
3036s sword and shield wall plunge plunge
3038s plunge come back
3040s here can I can I bait it over leave
3043s leave my P Alone come come find me
3046s that's it that's it oh up
3052s high it's just the amount of hits you
3054s can get is beautiful
3059s here that's what you love to see I mean
3061s you'll be getting tons of heart breaks
3063s like an obscene amount of
3067s heartbreak you got used to Ana in the
3069s demo ah another benefit of playing demos
3073s graos was definitely your first parted
3075s monster
3078s one or I guess it would have been called
3080s Monster
3083s Hunter I think I'm
3086s oh I can the Tail's gone
3092s Joe there we go that's a lot of PL
3097s CH yeah see the the YouTube comments
3100s yeah so we are um switching between
3102s between the two uh streams right now
3105s since uh we can't actually play this
3107s quest in
3109s multiplayer but we should be able to get
3112s back together once we wrap this one up
3114s oh yes just one of those moments in the
3116s story where the game's like no no this
3118s is for you to handle on your
3123s own but they are few and far
3126s between yeah
3128s yeah although it seems like this little
3130s stretch uh of the game right now U
3132s there's like a lot a lot of story stuff
3134s happening yeah a lot of exposition
3143s yeah uhoh oh oh I got like hip checked
3147s but with a
3149s jaw I got a stun Joe you'll be proud of
3152s me nice I got one at exact same time
3155s great hunters think Alik
3159s yeah oh I think I've nearly got looking
3162s at his
3164s uh like the heart rate monitor kind of
3167s thing or the pulse monitor oh no I'm
3170s going to sleep don't do that I have
3172s energy
3174s drink
3179s okay okay let's calm down now you got
3194s there there you go use the piercing pods
3197s to interrupt the attacks have you broken
3199s all your
3201s parts take your
3204s Shield
3207s oh there we go get another stack with a
3211s pod I wish I could see what's uh
3213s happening on yours it's I think I've
3217s nearly got rabar and now I'm I'm using a
3219s lot of piercing cards to kind of try and
3221s stop him rolling around too much
3226s yeah so that's a good tip piercing pods
3229s great for staggering monsters especially
3230s if they're a bit larger you get more uh
3233s damage
3234s ticks
3237s oh he's gone underground he's going to
3240s be bringing out some uh new threads this
3242s a good time to
3244s sharpen so yeah rabar put some clothes
3247s back
3251s on
3253s that's
3257s Terr yeah I think this quest in
3259s particular we can't do multiplayer since
3261s it's an expedition plus technically
3263s right it's not like a
3266s won't let me fire a uh SOS FL up yeah no
3270s one's here to save you
3275s except can I can I get on the
3277s secret I think
3279s so oh oh I got a
3292s St uh you have the bar off train whistle
3295s it's very
3303s iconic after that many gens of bully and
3306s barro you learn the move set true
3315s true oh cheeky roll out the way there I
3319s love the maneuverability you get on the
3320s sword and shield obviously you don't
3322s have the reach of other weapons but the
3323s extra maneuverability is super useful
3326s my Pico is healing me a ton more now as
3327s well now it's leveling
3331s up yeah I feel like I'm not seeing the
3333s healing that often
3335s so cheddar is probably a little
3340s underleveled that TR well played
3348s well oh there we
3354s go
3365s hopefully wrapping this up soon on my
3368s side very nice very nice oh sliding
3371s attack let's go I going to say if so you
3374s you you would have made really good time
3378s definitely damage to me oh and and you
3381s still nearly got it you know so that's
3384s really good damage
3386s right anyway great garos now that that
3389s drama's
3395s over it normally likes to hang out
3397s around
3398s here there's some normal one I
3409s say monster
3412s bone oh no don't paralyze
3420s now this will be the bit as well that
3421s takes I
3423s think finger torch that's what we need
3425s all right finally got it nicely done you
3429s did real good time on that old
3434s Footprints talking
3440s about s had to do it we both have to do
3443s this on our own will'll be reunited very
3448s soon oh I didn't mean to shoot get off
3451s me okay I'm leaving make sure I got
3456s everything or is it best way I don't
3458s know what these things
3460s are there he is okay I'm getting out of
3463s here yeah job done monster
3471s hunted I definitely need to get some
3473s more gear even though I upgraded it a
3474s bit
3483s oh a cut scene yeah my Pico looks way
3485s cooler than me at the
3487s moment it's got a little bar off crown
3489s and
3492s everything I think my is still on the
3495s default time to treat it to some new
3498s threads like I said pure skill yeah
3502s definitely not determination and raw
3504s grit yeah yeah
3508s carted and still cleared about three
3510s minutes faster Mighty Hammer indeed
3512s there you go you are impressive chat
3515s with your your Hammer B skills thank you
3518s no no no I'm
3520s sure she must be the one who saved us oh
3524s my gosh thank you thank you uh what
3527s Quest level it is her I think I think it
3530s is four star I would say fourar four
3533s star low ranked what are you doing out
3535s here here we can't be too far away from
3538s high rank now really right not too we've
3541s got well I think Theos is the last
3544s before we move
3546s over guess we'll see this is from Zora
3549s magaros I'll see what
3553s iy Arch tempered
3556s Archer yeah if you played stories too
3559s you know the true power of apono yeah oh
3564s yeah tempered ultimate frenzy Afflicted
3567s superpowers
3569s greatest the greatest of greatest
3572s jages see
3579s you yeah we're wrapping up our first
3581s hour so probably in about what do you
3583s think like maybe 15 minutes half hour
3584s we'll uh yeah then we'll start then we
3587s can we can start farming some sets with
3589s the community if we want that' be a good
3591s opportunity to do that so we can like
3594s pump the brakes on story progression and
3596s we can go around hunt and maybe do some
3598s um investigations and stuff like that
3605s M oh jeez whoops I AC went to the rotv
3610s again you just can't you can't resist
3612s can you just can't resist
3615s the yeah wrath and Diablos are the last
3617s low rank assignments de King knows
3619s what's up they've been they've been
3620s grinded through nice right let's look at
3623s this Pico because as I did say like RAB
3627s that is
3630s amazing look at that little space cat
3634s it's got power armor like a space
3638s suit I already triggered the next cut
3640s scene without really thinking about it
3642s so oh that's right I can make Rathalos
3645s set for my uh from where from previous
3648s stream the ghost
3650s set I do love the ghost
3654s set
3658s little raban Pico the lumu Pico looks
3662s very I'm looking at your screen now yeah
3666s that's some interesting armor yeah that
3668s power armor is crazy yeah it's like an
3670s Exo
3671s Suit just like the EXO prime or Monster
3674s the collab that goes live tomorrow
3676s morning GMT oh where you can actually
3679s hunt track and hunt rapalas in EXO
3682s Primal and it is a 10 player co-op boss
3685s fight um which looks incredibly epic I
3688s can't wait to give that a go um and you
3691s can even do like part breaks tail Cuts
3694s yeah looks awesome and you even get Ros
3696s armor as well from it so pretty pretty
3700s cool yeah yeah I'm excited for it too
3703s I'm ready to jump in been seeing uh some
3705s funny clips going around some of the
3708s emotes and skins oh yes with the the
3712s rash skin doing the uh the glow stick
3714s dance I can't remember the proper name
3716s for it but it's a proper dance oh that's
3718s great the raban hunter armor actually
3721s looks really cool as well very a hammer
3723s gives me hammer Vibes when I look at it
3726s um but it's got like guard on it sleep
3727s attack sleep resistance Slugger the
3729s helmet's got
3736s Slugger let's look at uh
3740s weapons I could use a different weapon
3742s as well I just needs something I can
3743s quickly level up
3747s um oh sleep sword and
3751s shield right I need to get that next cut
3753s scene where do I go speak to the third
3755s Fleet Master
3757s okay yeah I just I just finished that
3759s scene the cut
3765s scene now is the time so while you do
3767s that I will oh maybe what I can do is
3771s I'll go ahead
3773s and maybe see the cut scen
3776s like so that we can do it in multiplayer
3779s yes do it do it all right all
3782s right so we're going to be hunting
3784s legana next then
3786s huh Leana or Leana sorry I kind of
3790s Switched between
3791s both I say Leana and legana I think it
3794s kind of bit like scone and scone JF or
3798s GIF no no no there's only GIF there's no
3800s such thing as GIF
3803s no
3808s they look so free oh okay so it looks
3811s like um we can just do this Quest
3814s together yeah we don't have to do the
3816s cut scen stuff so I will meet you in the
3818s G Cod I will see you there actually
3821s maybe let me on and not a single clue
3825s maybe I should do some pal or sorry not
3827s pal pal we do know you love your pal yes
3832s I
3833s do the world is
3835s oh I could do the
3837s uh the feline snow cat set maybe I
3841s should do that let's take one that's
3843s like a
3844s snowman
3847s yes should I run that yeah it's kind of
3850s funny I have enough stuff for it let's
3852s do it oh it's quite funny because the
3854s Handler's wearing the Winterfest outfit
3856s she doesn't have binoculars so it looks
3858s like she's got like like magic powers
3861s she's like good love it
3869s any weapons I can
3872s make as I thought oh no wonder I keep
3876s I'm a fool I keep going to the great
3877s sword
3880s three that's just uh you know big chops
3883s that's that's my main
3887s so I guess this is the cut scene yeah so
3890s that's why we don't need to go into
3892s the yeah yeah save some
3907s time we should re yeah yeah we'll see
3909s you later we we're not messing with that
3911s we've got balloons but you're a a flying
3913s ice
3923s wver
3925s okay right I mean I'm sure Ley or legie
3928s gear will be fantastic um right so I
3932s will now join you in the
3935s Gathering remember which but which
3938s I an Xbox controller sorry that excuse
3945s me my bone armor is doing me well it's
3948s still got
3951s it I'm in the Gathering Hub oh you
3954s you're at the Smithy aren't you makes
3956s sense all right I'll head over now
3958s that's right I'll pop in uh pop in the
3961s quest and this Lov festive environment
3963s it's our first five star hunt oh here we
3967s go let's do
3968s it would you like to post that I shall
3971s and then after this hunt we can uh open
3974s up the lobby if folks want to take a
3976s look at my pelico
3978s cheddar oh my
3981s goodness I'm going to call it cream
3984s cheese from now
3985s on yeah not very chedy right
3989s now what a great look I love that it's
3992s like a cat snowman face as well with
3994s like whiskers so good the big
3997s Bell it just like zooms around as well
4002s great I'm going to have some food the
4005s winter star platter Don't Mind If I
4009s Do we're not in ice spawn yet no no
4012s we're still in low rank in in the base
4014s but we will be going through ice when we
4016s get there we are in good old
4019s hr8 oh
4034s yes we are well fed now
4043s hopefully
4045s for anybody wondering my my hunter is uh
4048s Cheese theme names so Bri is my hunter's
4052s name and my my Pico is cheddar a great
4058s chice makes me hungry I love cheese
4060s especially
4063s Chad right here we are Let's uh all
4067s right we're finally
4068s reunited yes and what a h be reunited on
4071s as well it's going be good
4076s don't now is it
4078s worth oh no that camp isn't that up yet
4081s I don't think we
4083s can't is it no complete the delivery
4088s okay we're doing it the oldfashioned way
4097s yeah right behind you
4102s birdies wigglers the red wigler isn't
4105s there I think that's the queen one which
4106s is one of the rare versions there of
4109s endemic life if you see endemic life
4111s that looks a bit different to what
4112s you're used to might be worth popping it
4114s in your net and taking it back to your
4116s home to chill out with yeah well to keep
4119s an eye
4125s out shamos
4128s shamos not going to debate yeah that's
4131s oh hold on there's a zit
4134s around do you name ours I do would you
4138s want to give it a quick yeah let's do it
4141s yeah I must
4145s upgrade oh it's it's on the slope again
4148s yes what want and I get infinite combo
4151s attacks it's not so infinite
4155s now oh my goodness oh that was quite
4161s something I went to the side oh
4167s no thank you
4173s jeder so it's chosen the slide of
4178s Doom it's you know bonus monster to
4190s hunt being mean it's being mean to me
4195s it knows you're the super dangerous one
4197s it's like no I don't think
4202s so keep on
4206s swinging nice
4212s work spin wi yeah that's what we
4218s wanted give me your
4220s clawes I need them for
4223s reasons
4227s nice oh look at that straight
4231s in
4234s B must have your
4242s claws neana is like what's that
4246s noise why do I hear Boss music yeah
4251s that's not my theme
4253s SHO
4256s oh the
4258s flash that gave me nice time to charge
4261s up a like a aial
4270s attack we're doing well
4274s here get it down quickly nearly there oh
4279s up sharpen a bit my sharpness is not
4283s looking good I'm absolutely eating
4285s through
4286s it I hope I get it this time thank you
4289s thank
4291s you Danny big fan there of mon the
4294s world love to see
4297s it best game
4299s ever I love it hold on how how have I
4302s been
4304s outmaneuvered where back oh it went up
4307s they went up it's right above us oh nice
4309s oh literally the vine R there I'm glad
4311s you're here to show me the way
4315s you know I don't know where I'm going so
4317s is there any update on the release dates
4319s of the Capcom X MSI products yet not
4322s that I'm aware of but if you're
4323s following their social media accounts
4325s that obviously we've been retweeting
4326s from the mon Hunter Twitter account you
4329s as soon as any news is available on when
4331s when you be able to get that you know
4333s you would be able
4335s to yeah I imagine that news will come
4337s straight from MSI first and then sh but
4340s it looks really cool as well yeah yeah
4344s I like the how the laptop
4347s looks and is it also was it cuz I like
4351s I'm not the biggest PC right so forgive
4354s me for any like slips but is it the
4356s graphics card with like a Rathalos on it
4359s yeah I think it's like a a 40 4060 maybe
4362s that or 4070 like red and black with the
4365s yeah it had a special design which is
4367s cool
4372s yeah
4381s sorry that was my
4382s bad that's the head is Hammer territory
4385s I'm I'm en roaching until we get Flinch
4392s free maybe I'll get a connection on the
4395s last one
4398s oh no no I said watch out it got me I
4402s HIIT behind my shield I was like Yeah
4403s I'm
4404s tragedy oh have to be careful here
4409s I'm oh nice getting
4417s dangerous that was nice little nice
4419s little war the Yeah
4423s well yeah marel says it's specifically
4426s the laptop they really like and want to
4428s pick up also pzy says they're excited
4431s for the monst Hunter exoid models they
4433s look really cool oh yeah those are very
4438s cool a 20 20 years of moner it's it's a
4441s great time to be a fan both new and you
4444s know more
4452s veteran definitely I'm have easy
4456s R back sharpen again using the wheel
4460s there for maximum efficiency there's a
4463s shiny over
4469s here yeah I mean I I love rise and World
4473s equally they both give you different
4475s Monster Hunter experiences the core
4476s gameplay obviously you'll recognize
4478s immediately um but there's just there's
4482s like different approaches to what you
4484s already know which is so cool um
4486s obviously like Joe like rise and Sun
4488s break with the kind of the pace of
4490s combat and the silk bind attacks and
4493s switch skills so you can kind of
4495s customize each weapon to play slightly
4497s differently um what else do you really
4499s like about ryen
4501s some uh it's got a really great roster
4503s of monsters um yeah there's so many cool
4506s new ones um I really like meino and
4509s sunre but then you got like really cool
4511s ones coming back like gor magala I mean
4514s that's one of my favorites one of my old
4517s time favorites yeah and there one like
4520s vcan actually makes an appearance as
4521s well as a huntable monster in in some
4523s break and mhm it's it's like a like it's
4526s the Volcan you know but fight's a bit
4528s different uh what with the kind of pace
4531s of the combat and the wire bugs and then
4533s obviously you know we know people love
4535s world you know they like the graphics
4537s they like you know this kind of sense of
4540s exploration um and Discovery so yeah
4544s like and also like the weapons play
4546s slightly different between the two games
4547s as well there's like different twists a
4548s bit of flavor difference between the
4550s weapons which is always fun as well um
4554s um so yeah so if you like one the
4557s chances are you would like the
4559s other yeah I um I like some of the you
4562s know the abilities that they the switch
4564s skills that they add to the weapons um
4566s metsu sh geki I missed that I missed
4568s that coming
4570s back uh bullet barrage with the gun
4572s Lance that's extremely satisfying the
4575s gun Lance yeah like such a the gun Lan
4578s and rise and sunbreak you can literally
4579s turn it into like a little rocket and go
4581s flying around and then slam out
4582s explosives the sword and shield gets
4585s like a Counterattack and things like
4587s that so yeah like yeah don't don't sleep
4590s on the other titles kind of think and I
4592s know it's easy for me to say because you
4593s know we work on Monster Hunter but no
4596s genuinely like they're they're all a
4597s great tree and you know it's it's we've
4600s only just got into 2024 and it's going
4602s to be a little bit until 2025 so there's
4605s plenty of Monster Hunter to keep you
4606s busy in the meantime you know it's you
4609s know all our franchises when the next
4611s entry comes through it's it's kind of
4614s like you know the maybe the previous one
4616s is uh you know some of the improvements
4618s it's very iterative so maybe it's not um
4621s you know kind of it validates the
4622s previous sequel right but I think with
4624s rise and world you got two games that
4626s are pretty complimentary they've got
4628s different takes on uh on the Core Series
4632s tenants you know so um it it may be a
4635s little difficult to play them both at
4637s the same time because they're you know
4638s they're
4639s similar yeah yeah and uh it has a lot of
4643s hours to play but you know I I like
4645s playing both games uh pretty equally as
4647s well so yeah yeah but you know with this
4650s series we've been focusing on world
4652s obviously since it's it's been some time
4653s for both of us and uh you know we're
4655s leading into the launch of Wilds so yeah
4657s exactly we're like you know what yes as
4659s you said it's been pretty much six years
4661s now um let's let's hop back in I mean
4665s talking of Wilds as well um I still when
4669s you know how many how many times I've
4671s seen the the reveal trailer now
4674s and just that bit when the title reveal
4675s comes up and the music is
4677s like like I still get go pumps oh so
4681s cool I'm so excited to find out more
4683s like oh my
4684s goodness is it summer yet yeah I've
4687s watched that trailer so many
4690s times oh this is a good area to fight
4693s because we have my favorite type of
4695s terrain in
4697s World there we
4702s go
4704s yeah I mean a good point I mean for many
4706s 3u uh Generations 4 you would have been
4709s you know maybe the first monst
4711s experience all those years ago and uh
4714s your first Monster Hunter always has a
4716s soft spot talking of that socks is in
4718s chat good to see you good to see you
4722s hope we're doing you proud obviously
4723s stocks uh was the community manager uh
4726s on the EM side for monst world and
4730s ice for those that don't know they more
4732s newer to the this
4735s area good to see
4739s you yeah we're just uh following the
4742s lead that the prent that that socks set
4744s so oh yeah socks and Yuri yeah and Yuri
4748s yeah Yuri who was also uh Yuri was the
4750s community manager in for USA so for many
4754s many
4756s years ah he's just a hunter now he says
4759s there's no such thing as just a hunter
4762s right he says it's good to see us hunted
4765s together thank you you know what with
4767s zero cards as well 100% true it's not
4769s not one card yeah yeah not one we've
4771s just completely rolled over the game
4773s with no issues whatsoever yeah we
4774s haven't triple carted to anath
4779s definitely lovely
4786s stuff monster the world is my first game
4788s that got me into the franchise now I'm a
4790s big fan of collecting the art books and
4791s such for the franchise that's cool I
4793s love like the plushies and figurines as
4795s well I've got like my first figurine I
4798s got was a little Ren out of um like the
4801s little blind
4802s boxes and uh I have her on my desk as
4805s well nice we have to see that
4808s sometime oh yeah I'll have to I'll have
4810s to grab her she's uh she's down to the
4812s left at the moment I like I'll look
4814s really ungraceful like leaning on camera
4817s and that is the OG wall
4821s absolutely shout out great sword users
4824s yes you're all
4829s amazing oh ice flight no please I don't
4833s have my stuff set up actually I've got a
4836s NB I saved these from the Ancient Forest
4839s much like in our um in our return to
4843s Wild um Vlogs on Steam we do say
4846s especially in the Ancient Forest grab
4848s everything you see because even if you
4850s don't need it now you'll need it later
4852s oh yeah that's absolutely
4855s must Lune time and another Mount we are
4859s doing well on the
4862s mount hold hold SHP it up real quick go
4865s for it go for it you're still trying to
4868s figure out the best weapon for your play
4869s style all right and this is for chat as
4871s well and me and Jo try out how do you
4874s like to approach these kind of games you
4875s know like action kind of you know RPG
4878s style games you know are you more like
4881s aggressive are you more calcula
4883s are you quite Reckless I'm quite a
4885s reckless player that's why I need a
4887s shield see if we can help pick
4890s something like big damage numbers oh
4893s yeah
4894s true do you like status effects do you
4897s like Elemental attacks or do you like
4899s like Joe said big meaty chops kind of
4904s Facey you know for me after I uh after I
4908s went great sword and I I fully
4911s understood the weapon I guess I I mean
4912s maybe I don't fully understand it but
4914s now that I do kind of um it's hard to go
4917s back a little bit after you've seen
4918s those big damage numbers yeah yeah it's
4922s h for me I'm just like I like a kind of
4924s not a support play style but a support
4927s in play style so as I get into sword and
4929s shield I'll build especially in world
4931s and Ice born I loved status effects um
4935s big big fan of like paralysis poison
4937s blast things like that um and then
4940s Elemental and in rise and sunbreak I
4942s went High into the elemental
4947s side you ever tried going du
4949s blades I haven't but you know what
4952s they're not too far removed from the
4954s kind of like stats you would build from
4956s sword and shield right because obviously
4957s element status
4959s work that yeah
4964s yeah you've been thinking sword and
4966s shield I mean I'm incredibly biased
4968s sword and shield is my favorite weapon
4972s uh ever since I started using it three
4975s 3u it's just so
4979s versatile yeah give it a go and you know
4981s about you know you can try out all the
4982s weapons quite easily because if you
4984s don't want to invest resources you can
4986s just try the uh Defender weapons and see
4989s see how they play in some like low rank
4991s runs and then if you like how it feels
4993s yeah and you know what like what I do as
4995s well like there's so many great monster
4998s creators on Twitch and YouTube and and
5000s other areas that have guides on all the
5002s weapons and I'll watch a couple of
5004s guides on YouTube from like a few
5006s different creators cuz once there's some
5007s key beats under lineing each Creator
5010s will have their own little niche or
5011s little tips so you know a couple of
5013s 10-minute videos um maybe swing by a
5016s couple of streams and just kind of lur
5017s and watch and you can pick up some great
5020s basic combos that you can then kind of
5022s adapt and put into your own look at you
5024s spinning around into your own play style
5027s so yes I do that I do that that's
5029s definitely how I found my way so yeah
5032s like when I was was said I'd start to
5033s learn chargeblade I went straight onto
5035s YouTube and I was like right charge
5038s blade guide some break like you know and
5041s that's a great way to learn from other
5043s Hunters um and then you'll get to a
5045s point where you can pass on knowledge
5047s and your own
5052s experience exactly exactly how was going
5056s away oh there's a shiny on the floor
5058s here I just my
5061s sorry
5064s yeah we'll be sending the code uh to the
5067s session probably after this one right
5069s yeah yeah after this hunt we we'll pop
5071s that in chat Gan Hunter still makes
5073s content yeah yeah he's a he's a very
5075s busy gentleman but he's uh after we
5077s announced uh Wilds he's he's started
5080s he's he has
5083s emerged and you know it's quite funny
5084s you know he's he his videos taught me
5087s how to play monst Hunter when I first
5088s got into it back in the the three U days
5091s um so yeah it's nice to see him rocking
5095s again yeah such a different time right
5097s you know Monster Hunter was still kind
5099s of on the rise and
5106s hey oh no I'm on the con con con shell
5111s oh that's a tricky word to say when
5112s you're trying to fight a monster and
5114s like live stream at the same
5119s time I've hooked onto a wing Drake uh I
5121s must go my people me
5127s bye-bye I've got one more
5136s P really got on the
5140s Run oh there's a ledge yeah they got a
5143s little
5145s dicey oh yeah that literally takes half
5148s my heal I mounted it with like the I
5151s just like barely clipped it on the hit
5152s box oh oh there you're back on
5156s iock no thank you yeah that is my
5161s heal no there's nothing wrong like with
5164s going around following the Monster uh
5166s and watching that's what the you know
5167s the Ghillie mantle is great for that um
5170s and there the monsters do so much they
5173s groom they go around to eat they rest so
5177s yeah it's it's totally cool to do that
5179s the team put a lot of love and detail
5182s into that side as well yeah big Focus
5185s for this game for
5190s sure oh almost
5193s got my stamina is really low so now
5197s we're not in that sloped area Leana is
5199s definitely giv us a bit bit of trouble
5201s oh and pumu is uh stomping away in the
5207s background are we going to get a turf
5209s war or are they going to they're going
5211s to split up now I think
5218s yeah I feel like a lot happened but I
5220s didn't really hit it that often yeah I I
5223s wasn't as efficient there as we were in
5225s the most glorious slidy land the the
5229s sword shield walls as I like to call us
5241s yeah
5245s the chase is on yeah then we'll get that
5248s Lobby we should have about half an hour
5249s I can't imagine oh too much left in the
5253s tank maybe about two hunts yeah yeah I
5257s mean s t to go pretty quick yeah but say
5259s just please match the tier of armor
5261s we're using
5263s obviously I think was it level three
5265s last week was it yeah want to give it a
5271s check yeah that goes for the weapon as
5273s well please don't come in with a raging
5274s bracky great sword and just one shot the
5276s monsters
5279s yeah don't even know if I'm going the
5280s right way is it right right at the top
5282s now right and I don't I don't think I've
5284s got the glider mantel uh equipped so I'm
5287s going to have to go the oldfashioned way
5290s I you know when I back on my like you
5292s know original profile I'm used to
5294s swinging around here chasing chasing
5296s older dragons so you
5300s know no no just using the uh the
5306s slingshot or the Slinger sorry yeah
5310s yeah there go I've missed my first wedge
5312s beat all day so do it doing well doing
5317s well yeah I don't think I've ever used a
5319s glider mantle either no I rarely bring
5321s it but apparently you know people that
5323s do like ton of mountain really love it
5325s and there's a few monsters I've seen
5326s some Hunters on like twitch and YouTube
5328s do some disgusting plays with that thing
5331s like they know it in out I don't think
5333s I'm big brained enough to to use that I
5336s I just swing my sword and shield and
5338s hope for the best yeah
5342s yeah I like the comfy stuff so I use
5344s like rock steady andoral man oh yeah I
5348s mean I'm definitely looking forward to
5349s getting those yeah yeah I like Vitality
5353s sometimes I swap out Rock Steady for
5355s Vitality if I'm against the monster with
5356s like loads of multi- hits oh yeah
5358s because that wasse I find I just get I
5360s just get battered like straight
5363s away would RAR be okay you can just
5366s craft a lower tier one just even if it's
5368s like a basic weapon yeah doesn't that
5371s just go in grab grab the finest entry
5374s level
5376s weapon Health boost is a great shout as
5378s well F that's that up that's right there
5381s you go my last piercing
5391s pod
5399s it nice knock
5402s down I kind of messed up the end of my
5404s combo there no what am I doing I don't
5406s want to spin that way okay I kind of
5408s messed up my damage window
5412s there but it's okay we
5419s recover yeah know the gun Lance is sling
5422s like very powerful in world and ice one
5424s but have you tried the gun Lance in
5426s Rising sunre like Joe mentioned earlier
5428s yeah it's crazy the mobility
5430s is one of the one of the highest
5433s Mobility levels of the weapons I think
5436s and all of the weapons are rather
5441s mobile see the videos of them flying
5443s around off of like mountains and Ledges
5446s stuff and then like absolutely power
5448s driving the monster
5451s yeah
5457s nice nice F cross
5472s M yeah going to take a mega
5476s potion oh yeah cuz in this area as well
5479s with the glider mantle you can get loads
5481s of aerial hits in
5482s like super
5486s easy
5490s oh no no no no no don't Bight me hey
5494s good job nice
5508s finish you want to try great sword and
5510s rice yeah well played good hunt they
5512s want to try great sword and Rise you
5514s love High Mobility Weapon It's only
5515s chance to try it yeah definitely like
5519s the great sword has the more traditional
5521s play style um and then it's also got
5525s like some pretty rapid moves as well and
5528s that like I was kind of back in when it
5530s was kind of Sun Break was coming out I
5531s was like oh yeah you can make like the
5533s greatest sword like a status great sword
5536s you can hit a lot more yeah yeah I like
5538s the uh the strong arm stance that they
5541s added style one right how does that work
5545s you can kind of I think if you press the
5547s left trigger um while you're charging up
5549s it'll do like you you'll like hit like
5552s this counter stand so if anything hits
5553s you it'll just basically like it's kind
5555s of like a shoulder tackle almost takes
5557s it to the Sho charge
5559s slash so you quickly quickly skip a
5561s charging step I think that's cool yeah
5565s oh we got a lot of parts here obviously
5567s I got another I need one more one more
5569s claw I can't believe it making me work
5572s for my weapons that's outrageous
5574s absolutely
5577s outrageous okay so um I'm gonna make
5580s sure I've got that there we
5584s go and then I need to quickly just grab
5587s the lobby
5589s ID yeah let me grab that as
5597s well I'll send that over in the YouTube
5599s chat uh set oh that would be why I need
5603s to put my keyboard into the right the
5605s right tower I was like why isn't my
5608s control V working okay right ready when
5611s you
5612s are all right give me one no rush good
5615s sir no rush yeah I was like why is my
5617s keyboard working it's turned on but was
5619s in the other
5621s PC let me head over to the Gathering Hub
5626s here okay I'm G to send that over now I
5629s will send it over for twitch
5635s there it
5637s goes how
5640s Inc and I will see you in the Gathering
5643s Hub actually I'm going to quickly go to
5646s the Smithy here the
5649s botom just to
5652s see what I want to
5655s hunt first let's look at our new armor
5657s set so oh there's Ingot armor there as
5659s well now with health boost
5665s arms I might I might go for that you
5669s know Health boost yeah Health boost arms
5672s it's always solid yeah at the minute
5675s I've got barro and barro arms give me
5678s marathon runner
5680s so we'll go Health
5683s boost there we
5685s go and then obviously the the Leiana
5688s divine blessing on the helmet aade
5691s window on the
5693s chest I mean that's that's we're
5696s starting to get to some pretty cool low
5697s rank armor sets
5699s here let's have a look at the the
5702s weapons sword
5711s sh do I need I need to go upgrade not
5714s Forge there we
5716s go
5718s um on the great Jag side
5725s oh no I've got enough claws to upgrade
5727s my jagas
5730s Edge I obviously wasn't pay oh no
5732s because I carved didn't I of course you
5736s know I wasn't paying attention to the
5737s side of the screen
5739s Jo what was that you what did you H uh I
5742s got the claws so I can upgrade my my
5744s sword
5747s shield okay we'll do that we'll we'll
5750s upgrade the Jag Edge
5753s now I can I can either go further into
5757s the the raw tree or I can switch over to
5762s Toby kachis on the
5766s edge which is 182 so I can either go 196
5770s raw or
5772s 182
5775s 90 on Thunder
5777s edge of that screen I think I'll just go
5781s normal Jack Edge for
5786s now
5788s right com into the Gathering
5802s Hub I know the bone Tre is like where is
5804s my
5807s sharpness oh W hello hello welcome
5809s welcome everybody mad artist made it as
5811s well as
5815s well so what what would you like to hunt
5817s Joe should we check our investigations
5819s and
5821s things uh yeah let's do it let's do it
5824s exactly smalles Monster Hunter feels
5826s good what can we take
5831s on I've not got investigations I can do
5833s us yet so
5837s optional so obiously we can if we want
5839s some leggy pieces we could we could hunt
5841s a bit
5844s more there's great
5850s great so we didn't hunt it yet right no
5852s should we go do that I think that's a
5854s good call yeah let's do that all right
5856s do you want to put the quest in or shall
5859s I uh give me one second I'm going to
5861s head
5866s over I grabbed the Leana Helm I think it
5870s has blessing and it looks really cool as
5873s well yeah yeah so you got fashion and
5876s form all right um we are
5879s doing
5882s um the great G Quest right yeah shall I
5886s put it in or are you
5889s gonna um I got it okay I'm just GNA back
5893s out okay I'm ready when you are all
5896s right and that's
5900s it
5905s there we
5908s go wait for the other Hunters to join
5912s us there we go and mad is still be
5915s joining in a second this would be a long
5918s a long hunt this
5923s one attack up M yeah this won't be too
5926s bad and then we get to see the great
5927s garos armor in all its Glory yeah so
5930s I've now got if I look at my equipment
5933s I've now got Health boost two stun
5934s resist one attack boost one defense
5936s boost one and poison attack one so
5938s obviously the poison attack one is on my
5940s waist so I should probably try and find
5941s a replacement for that CU I'm not using
5943s poison weapons I think I got it purely
5944s like the defensive side uh the defense
5947s boost one is coming from my Talisman or
5951s Charm
5954s sorry so I even have let me see if I
5957s even have that I don't I don't think I
5958s have a charm uh I grabbed it a a nice
5961s old W Varian lady gave me it in the
5963s research base for talking to her oh
5965s there's a defense I didn't know ahead
5969s that uh let's go with health booster
5973s huh good
5978s choice We are playing on Steam
5984s yes should we do it yeah let's roll all
5990s right yeah I I really like this monster
5993s it's quite a humble monster but it's
5995s also a pack Hunter which I think is
5997s really cool as well I do have a soft
5998s spot for like like that kind of you know
6000s great iuchi and Rise kind of
6003s thing oh great isui obviously you know
6006s great jagie is well it's a very popular
6008s one for classic Hunters
6012s yeah we got bow there from Mad artist
6015s then we got two hammers yeah this isn't
6017s going to take oh let's go
6019s stuns stuns for days Days
6024s are you're looking for PlayStation
6025s Hunters so far you're a solo when
6027s looking for buddies well you're in the
6029s right place feel free to use the chat to
6032s ask if if there's any Hunters on
6033s PlayStation that you that want to team
6036s up that is totally cool that's what the
6038s stream's all about playing together
6040s talking oh
6042s RAB coming through I mean should we hunt
6046s rabar yeah let's good okay let's let's
6048s get RAB we didn't get to hunted together
6050s you know exactly now we can it's
6054s destined oh yeah I got that block
6058s in oh I spam the wrong way luckily the
6061s sword shield is good at repositioning oh
6063s my
6065s goodness the hit box yeah I'm going to
6068s probably try and focus on the tail on
6070s the wrong side of
6073s the the tail there armed
6079s up the there very flashy weapon very
6083s strong weapon as well once you uh figure
6085s out it
6090s nuances oh it's going away
6095s already hey
6097s Twilight yeah I think we uh just not had
6100s enough no thank
6102s you obviously raban tends to stay in the
6104s mid and upper regions I believe and then
6106s obviously great gyos is like tends to be
6109s the under under kind of ground area I
6112s say underground we are all underground
6117s but oh my goodness that's a lot of lot
6120s of sounds there
6126s yeah I was holding right trigger down
6129s there I was ready to
6132s block oh I mounted it nice
6140s m
6143s nice sharpen
6144s opportunity how far are you to win the
6146s game we've just unlocked five star low r
6150s quest literally just beat
6156s Leana oh who I thought I I thought that
6158s was going to knock it down oh he's still
6160s going for round
6164s two there we go Char that'll do
6168s it oh okay where's the tail oh there's a
6172s trap a delicious
6175s trap infite combo the
6187s tail to sneeze there as raban hits me of
6190s his tail as
6197s Revenge oh that was a nice up
6202s oh I got nice hit there the golf swing
6206s it's come for you
6209s yeah building up to some Mountain there
6213s nice work
6217s nice I'm going to keep making most of
6220s this uh
6225s location with the punching attacks yeah
6228s I'm like we will get more
6230s mounts
6232s oh you R back
6239s oh oh I just missed
6241s that that sounds like a mount is off
6246s nice oh I didn't notice no you up there
6250s yeah no no it's not me this time pill
6252s team leaders on it team
6254s leader oh there you go look that's great
6256s to see folks hunted going to be hunted
6258s together in chat that's awes place to
6262s oh I've got my breath back
6264s now oh yeah the bow the bow is having a
6266s great time here with how long rabar is
6268s it's like yeah oh there the tail
6271s wonderful
6272s job but yeah that's one thing as well I
6275s love about moner is like it's like right
6276s you need to hunt this monster but then
6278s you see another monster and you'll be
6290s likey
6301s oh oh my goodness I'm glad I dodged that
6304s mostly chip damage nice and that's a
6307s bounty complete as well right don't
6309s forget the Tail cuz in in some bra b a
6312s bit of a meme at the end I just kept
6313s forting to get the Tails I was terrible
6316s yeah it would be it would be cut and I
6318s just forget to get it and it was like a
6321s silver or gold wrath like I need I need
6324s all of them uh I mean you know I've been
6327s guilty enough times of hunting the
6328s monster and then I don't even carve it
6331s period just like wow that's done just
6333s send a message yeah I'm just going to
6335s leave those three bits there
6338s yeah h no worries no time well you know
6341s could be a good time to return to
6347s well I get that in there
6349s hashtag
6356s okay size of that bug what do we come
6359s here for again great great geas the uh
6362s to upgrade our fashion game and maybe I
6365s can get paralysis sort
6370s sh I don't know if I'm going the right
6372s way I think I'm we're heading downwards
6374s it's
6379s something I got a mix of bone and metal
6382s like quite a
6384s contrast oh yeah I see your your
6387s gauntlets we we have the same ones right
6390s the health Bo yeah Health boost such a
6393s good score especially like you know I
6395s mean Health boost is a fantastic skill
6397s it's very popular and if you if you kind
6400s of play into that it's it's meta if you
6403s believe it but obviously you can use
6404s whatever you want if you're happy if it
6406s works for you then it's the right set
6408s for you but I love Health boost the
6410s Comfort it provides is massive yeah I I
6414s like comfy hunting So Divine bsing
6417s Health boost oh me all that oh love it
6421s love it love it love it but yeah like I
6422s I highly recommend Health
6426s boost the point that I'm probably going
6428s to upgrade the pieces I've got on it to
6430s carry them through to like like high
6432s rank or something then I'll look for the
6434s high rank equivalent oh hello
6437s there he's having a bit of food look
6440s just
6441s midnight and we're like hello start oh
6445s my goodness is that oh I got I got
6450s DED yeah I just think this
6452s monster yeah but then it's like I also
6456s really like
6457s tabra which isn't you know necessarily
6460s the most powerful monster I just think
6461s it's really cool yeah
6465s yeah it's like you know I like doo G not
6469s the most powerful but you know maximum
6472s on the C scale
6476s yeah Vitality mantle and health booster
6479s equipped for my girl along with sappy
6481s charge Blade with sleep o nasty wake UPS
6486s there more
6487s STS
6491s yes we got basically two and a half
6493s hammers because got two Hammer users of
6495s my shield so I contribute a little bit
6497s to the
6499s St
6502s Slinger I a bit
6507s more oh it's only the one I was like
6510s tried to fire my second shot I was
6514s like are we going for a are we or is it
6517s a
6519s is we're going to go in any we'll see
6521s what happens what happens happens we're
6522s going
6526s in oh my
6528s goodness what is going on all right
6531s there we go
6533s oh look at these Hammer users just up up
6536s at the front yeah well play good
6544s job that was good indeed right won't
6548s forget to car this time oh yeah yeah I
6551s will get on
6556s that the bang yeah I love the gear from
6559s this monster and I might try and get the
6561s sword and Sh if I
6565s can I think we get one more quest in
6568s right yeah yeah we it won take
6577s long lagy acress is one of my favorites
6581s You Are Not Alone there based on
6583s everything that we've
6589s seen
6598s there a g Ro running away like n i' had
6600s enough I Ain having
6606s that oh nice lot of monster Parts
6618s there my hunter's looking pretty cool
6620s there
6621s like not facing the large monster
6623s attacking a small monster
6627s yeah I got oh I somehow got part I must
6631s have like took the last bit of the
6633s threshold for like the part breaks yeah
6636s um I'm going to quickly go to the
6640s Smithy and if you want to check another
6642s quest in or find a nice one for right
6647s let's look at the great garos gear
6649s because it's awesome
6654s that's Inc all right let's look at the
6656s armor because the fashion game is
6659s strong look at that like how cool is
6663s that let's see let's
6669s see well how about taking on a
6672s rathia yeah that's do that be yeah I am
6676s well up
6677s for it unlocks aanal research item first
6680s time from sh so I think that will
6682s probably be pretty important for
6685s us so to get the great great geros tree
6689s oh no way I need to go through pke PUK
6693s oh I knew it'd come back to Horn me
6695s right anyway back to the Gathering H
6698s yeah I went ahead and posted that Jon
6701s thank you thank
6709s you
6720s hi
6726s hey all right Last Quest of the stream
6728s yep get into
6730s it and Ran's a great one like Rath and
6733s weapons are fantastic and investing in
6735s the merly is like a great idea if you're
6738s using like the kind of weapon that you
6740s know like gun Lance has a really good
6741s rathan one I think is it chargeblade is
6745s graan charge blade good or am I
6747s imagining that and obviously the r
6749s fantastic yeah oh
6752s yeah uh you think we're going to hit
6755s high rank next week is that something
6757s that might happen there's a possibility
6760s okay
6761s okay we'll see how much progress we can
6763s make I think we've been uh We've making
6765s some pretty good progress in the last
6766s couple weeks yeah we've we've not had to
6768s stop to farm too much
6771s um so that's helped but obviously now we
6774s we get a few more Monster parts so
6777s yeah oh once we get into high rank I
6780s think uh we're going to have to have
6782s some yeah yeah I don't think we'll be
6783s blitzing through it like low rank that
6785s way it's going to be a lot more
6787s difficult for us to Brute Force stuff
6789s yeah we're going to need to start
6790s farming monsters for SATs and
6793s weapons I don't know where I'm going so
6795s uh lead the way yeah I'm I'm going to go
6798s left I was like R and
6800s she's either going to be like in the
6801s marshy area of the swamp or through
6805s here but we can loop around so that's
6808s not
6821s bad so she's not here I thought she
6823s might be in
6826s here oh hold on what we spoted here oh
6830s oh though here she
6831s comes and mad artist has got a welcoming
6834s gift for
6837s her oh
6844s OD whoa I did the
6848s thing she quite a large one
6853s yeah absolute unit
6857s absolute the size of this
6861s in
6862s all absolute oh Lord she
6867s coming yeah we're playing on
6870s Steam actually I should go for the tail
6872s I should not with two Hammer users I
6874s should be no way near on that
6879s tail yeah we we're not cutting that
6883s thing why Hammer no slice
6889s yeah
6894s if I actually what I could do is try
6896s help Focus
6900s against there we
6918s go I'll go on the head there oh there's
6921s the Trap ready as
6925s well and then I'm going to get oh the
6928s head's broken there's a good chance for
6930s a plate
6934s now oh that what increases the chance I
6936s actually know I think yeah it's I mean I
6939s think it's normally the head uh I know
6941s that's the case for like the highest end
6943s kind of mon you know when you get into
6946s like of a gem area I think it's the same
6952s at
6957s least oh the the Wrath waddle one of the
6960s most dangerous moves in the game look
6962s three times in a row and I'm stunned no
6964s no no no no no no no save
6969s him
6976s yes just Bing at the front this is
6981s brutal it's like alternating BS yeah
6985s then trade and blows but cooperatively
6988s look at you
6990s too absolute Sav good yeah just a bunch
6994s of Barbarians yeah un
6999s civilized yeah we're actually doing an
7001s open lobby at the moment but uh this is
7003s the last HT of today's stream but we
7005s will be back next week so there'll be
7008s more options to opport unties to
7013s together a sacred wall for the sword and
7016s shield plune here
7020s lovely I think we're nearly done as well
7023s yeah there it is you called it I just
7026s had an in yeah
7033s yeah yeah that was a yeah that was
7037s efficient hunting the two the two uh
7039s hammers and then me and the Mad artist
7041s on their bow just like causing
7044s trouble there you go I got a shell and
7048s two scales you you said you needed a um
7052s a ran Spike right I do I do there's no
7059s tail but maybe I'll get some of my
7066s rewards I need to go Snapp up some more
7068s goodies
7080s good good clean hunt
7082s there is there some sort sort of Secret
7084s order for the gun L I swear I well
7087s you'll have to talk to ruran about that
7089s rakan loves the gun LS and will convert
7093s as many people to that weapon as
7095s possible okay no Spike this time I don't
7098s think scale scale shell webbon is good
7101s we need some webon RI Wing Talon I mean
7105s I'll take that you know that was a nice
7108s hunt this means we get to hunt her again
7110s another
7118s time and then back to camp we go and
7121s with that that gives us a nice wrap up
7124s for today's stream so anything you'd
7127s like to say before we go Joe
7130s uh next I believe it's next week uh is
7133s the the well it should be close to the
7136s anniversary of Monster Under World um so
7140s yeah six years um I
7142s mean we won't necessarily be doing
7144s anything super special for the stream
7146s but um you know should be a good one to
7147s just reminisce and enjoy the uh the ride
7150s that it's been so uh yeah otherwise
7153s thanks to everybody for joining us and
7155s uh it's been a good time thanks for
7156s hunting with us and uh yeah we'll be
7158s back next week
7160s yeah it's it's been a lot of fun we had
7162s some good progress uh no Triple C in
7164s this week as well so nice and smooth and
7167s we are getting even closer to high rank
7170s it will not be long maybe next week as
7172s you said Joe and thank you everyone for
7174s tuning in because it's you the community
7176s that makes these streams what they are
7178s so let's wrap things up now I've been
7180s jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
7183s awesome have a fantastic rest of the day
7185s and we will see you next week good night
7187s all right thanks everybody see you later
7300s e
3 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello everyone and welcome to today's
3s stream I'm Jon o EMA Community manager
5s on monst Hunter and I joined by hey
8s everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
10s Community manager for Monster Hunter and
12s welcome back because today where are we
14s going Joe uh we're headed to the coral
17s Highlands for uh the first time on these
19s Hunters um although I think maybe we
22s have we've already triggered some of the
24s cut scenes here ahead of today's stream
27s so we're we're currently working through
28s that but uh it'll be the first time
30s though we're we're doing any Hunts uh in
32s the coral Highlands today so yeah
34s excited excited to get into it me too
37s it's it's such like uh a beautiful area
39s and there's a lot of highs and lows uh
42s as you go around uh seeking out the area
44s and the Monsters within so obviously as
46s you mentioned this is our first time
48s here we've got the first Expedition
49s which is why currently we're both in our
51s own independent research bases but Joe
53s and I will be teaming up soon once we've
56s you know stepped foot into the coral
58s Highlands itself so let's let's head
60s head on into the game now and see see
63s what we can
65s find yeah so today uh I believe this is
68s our fourth Stream So Far right jono MH
72s yeah we've been uh making pretty good
75s progress to the game I think last last
77s week we uh had our first encounter with
80s zor magaros um which um is is a very
84s epic uh long quest uh and now we're
88s headed back into one of the areas so
90s should we get to see some new
92s monsters oh yes I'm looking forward
94s hopefully I can get some new gear maybe
95s a new sword and shield I was so close to
98s getting the pke PUK one as well yeah
101s just I think we just ran out of time
103s really the last one to get your last
105s piece there and I found some wigglers
107s here they are one of the most popular
110s endemic life I think ever in Monster
112s Hunter is that safe to say you know
114s they've even got their own you know
115s cosmetic armor pieces and the fandoms
118s just absolutely love them and I can see
120s why look how cute they are
122s like got my ghilly suit on so I can get
124s up
126s close they're so
128s friendly I don't even think did I break
130s my ghilly mantle I don't I don't
134s know under equipped
137s today oh some honey I need that I'm
140s actually running low CU I've just like
141s off camera I replenished my mega potions
144s I was like yeah I need more honey I need
145s to go go back and uh get some more
148s farming away m mhm I did a little bit of
151s uh Inventory management uh before we got
153s started
154s here um and yeah I feel like I'm still
158s quite broke in terms of resources and
163s everything
165s oh here a
168s monster okay so I just found Pulu on my
172s stream oh no way mine is not pomu um my
177s one my one is quite a bright bright spot
180s should we
182s say ity
185s y yeah oh I think yeah we still have to
188s find the same monster um but yeah I just
190s I ran into
192s pumo I I might be going the wrong way
195s yeah I'm not going to H I'll wait for
197s you so instead I'm going to run past I'm
199s going to carve that Wing Drake hide and
202s then look for camp now I've got a camp
204s in mind from obviously my previous
207s Shenanigans in world and Ice born so I'm
209s going to gonna head
216s high getting a little lost here it's
219s easy to it's easy to like you know like
222s much like the Ancient Forest it's
224s there's a lot of verticality a lot of
226s verticality to this
228s out hey everyone in chat as well uh Mark
232s 5 says hi all just getting back into Mon
234s Hunter after a while just got world and
236s looking forward to exploring more well I
238s hope you have a wonderful time there is
240s a lot to explore as well you're going to
241s be very busy in a good way oh
247s yeah there's so much content in this
249s game um and it's been been a real trip
252s just going back and experiencing all of
254s it there's just there's so much to
257s do absolutely even here like where I am
260s now it reminds me of uh hunting Namo
264s repea
268s legana NE is such a good monster it is
271s it is super cool unique
273s design love it yeah like the like a
276s landbased kind of like water monster is
279s always a
280s treat and just yeah the aesthetic and
282s the sounds it makes as well oh yeah
287s yeah right I think I found the camp
295s yeah this is such a pivotal camp for
297s this local it's it's positioned perfect
300s perfectly especially if you C in the in
302s some of the higher difficulty
304s HTS return to the research Bas okay yeah
308s you're a little bit ahead of me but I'll
311s catch up I'll catch up that's right I
312s was like I I had a flashback I just like
314s I know exactly what camp I want to go
318s to you know I might might or might not
321s be one of those who uh doesn't find all
323s of my campsites unfortunately um and
326s that's a that's a bad habit of mine I
328s was terrible for that in the ancient far
330s the Ancient Forest there was one I
331s didn't get for a stupidly long time and
335s it's not the one you'd expect up in the
337s canopy either it's the one that's like
339s as you start in the first Camp it's like
342s Northwest or north northwest and one of
346s my friends are like you don't have this
348s Camp I was like I don't really go around
351s there yeah you know I I don't know if
353s anybody in the chat is the same but uh
355s you can play you know for like over 100
358s hours and then realize say you you're
361s missing some random camp that you've
362s never seen before um which is a really
365s interesting feeling oops yeah at least
368s it's like oh well that would have been
369s helpful yeah
372s yeah okay I just ran to Leana which uh I
376s don't think I was necessarily needed to
378s do but that's all
381s right I'm just going I justly started
384s getting a dry throat I was like oh
386s no okay I did find the
388s campsite
391s okay there's the
394s puhan oh wait I'm going to go talk to
396s the Smithy and
400s stuff if I can find it like I think I
402s get more lost in the research base than
404s I do Highlands but boy do I get lost in
408s here yeah yeah you know you don't spend
410s a ton of time there uh so you
414s know not super familiar with it yeah I
417s normally just go straight back to aera
418s when I get a chance I'm like yes please
420s I'll uh yep
427s yep okay I have not found this one
434s yet here we got ah here we
438s go oh the Elder melder not yet it's too
441s early for
442s that all in good time I'll be spending
445s plenty of time
447s there
448s hello okay I'm most likely going in the
451s wrong direction so let's uh turn it
453s around
461s here what's
464s up Forge anything new at the
466s moment oh I can get some Harvest set
469s bits and the Harvest set stuff looks
470s really good and it's got better defense
473s resentment Constitution mushroom
478s maner
482s I do like the aesthetic on this as well
485s at that is that the one with the the
488s pumpkin looking design yes that was
499s cool yeah we'll leave that for now I'll
501s look at some weapons you bought
503s yesterday was Thursday yeah sometimes
505s the weeks just fly
508s by yeah it's been it's been a busy one
510s uh for sure so I think I think we're all
514s feeling the same
517s way I need a plate for that can't quite
521s make that
531s yet well so close to making a water
534s sword as well
536s um that's right I'm sure sure we'll find
540s some nice monster parts to upgrade my
542s gear I mean I can nearly get Thunder
544s Edge I just need sturdy bones which
546s doesn't sound too bad however I'll have
548s to go into the Bone
551s Tree yeah and then go there and then get
554s the great jagas sword and shield which
556s is actually better than what I've got
558s now you be like oh no have I just been
561s lazy going up the or tree oh I really
563s have
564s Joe
565s have all right let's let's move towards
569s that
570s yeah that's oh I have sinned I have
573s sinned right for
575s equipment I can't believe I've done this
577s right sword and
580s shield okay I finally found the monster
582s so just that took me quite a
585s bit yeah I mean you found
588s um paluma really quickly didn't you so
591s like it's probably yeah you've seen that
593s one now so now you're going to have to
595s work for this one yeah I just I guess I
597s just took a wrong turn that's some
605s point okay Ryan then we go great or
608s could I go I I can't go barro that's a
610s shame I'm do I want Thunder or do I just
614s want to
617s go May I'm definitely going to go into
619s the jagas
621s edge then I got to decide if I want to
623s go down the the Toby kadachi route or
626s deeper into
628s jagas so maybe let's see what happens
630s anyway this is better than what I've got
633s so there we go in the chat says to craft
637s a gun L but uh you know I know how you
639s roll so that's
641s up yeah like I I like the gun Lance
645s however I think I'm
646s only proficient not saying I'm good
649s proficient with the rathan gun Lance um
653s because it's got really good you know
655s it's a normal shell so it's got the Full
657s Burst play style and the added poison is
659s is like chef's kiss you
662s know if I look at that in here let's
664s have a
666s look where is the fun LS there it
672s is so the r and
676s tree uh it helps if I go on upgrade I
679s think
681s upgrade
684s commands so what would I need I would
686s need a lot I would need three ran spikes
690s uh four scales and four sh but the
692s spikes yeah I know that her weapons take
696s a lot of
697s tals but my goodness it's a glorious
700s Weapon by all accounts well maybe at
702s some point we'll we'll grab those we'll
705s see what yeah I mean I'll probably make
708s a sword and shield out of it anyway yeah
710s you know got to work towards lunatic
711s Rose you
716s know um I've headed over to the
719s Gathering H so yeah whenever you're
721s you're ready I think we can finally do a
723s hunt together nice a little bit longer
725s than expected we need to do the cut
727s scene
728s possibly uh no I think we triggered it
730s already right so I think we should be
732s all right hopefully well let's see let's
736s see let's let's find out um if you got
739s the Quest for hunting po out uh yeah I
743s got it
744s so fireworks yay hello Jay yay I have a
748s much better sword now because I I've
750s actually used my monster Parts good good
753s yeah you still got your bone armor yeah
756s yeah bits and pieces because obviously
757s after anath triple carted me yeah looks
761s like we do have to most likely trigger a
762s cut scene here so yeah let's go ahead
764s and do that huh yeah sure I won't eat
766s then I'll come and join you okay hi and
771s then we'll take down this monster
774s together yeah we'll be doing community
776s Hunts uh in like the last like half an
779s hour 40ish minutes of the stream but
781s we've just started which you know good
783s news or bad news depending on how you
785s want to look at it yeah yeah um yeah I
788s think typically R for about two hours so
790s um if you're in the US that would be
792s until about 11: Pacific time so yeah or
796s about 7 P.M if you're over in Europe in
799s it what that I don't
803s know um where does palu like to go is I
808s think going left St Camp is the play oh
811s yeah I believe so
815s yeah however if I I'm tempted if I find
819s uh I find a certain monster I want to
822s hunt it because I need the parts to get
824s upgrade but now if I join you it'll be
826s in that one as well Joe maybe I can
827s sweet talk you into helping me do a
829s little side quest
837s yeah my Pico is looking cool at the
839s moment I think my Pico had better
841s defense than me before the Anna
844s fight yeah my Pico's fashion game is Way
847s Beyond
848s mine and it's got like a mace and a
850s shield as well which I'm quite jealous
852s about that looks very cool I think it's
854s usually how it tends to go uh armor is
857s just like a lot easier to craft so you
860s know takes takes far fewer Parts oh I
863s might I might quickly grab some of
867s these hello
870s fish or flying meduso oh no I want to
874s get more of
875s them I will put you in my garden and we
878s will be
889s friends for anyone just joining us oh
892s sorry go ahead op to you op to you op to
894s you yeah um I guess we should yeah let's
897s let's give everybody run down in case
898s you're new um this is our return to
901s World Community uh stream series uh I
904s believe this is episode four um so we've
906s been doing these weekly uh generally on
909s every Thursday but sometimes we might
910s skip a week or two um but yeah we're
912s playing through Monster Hunter world uh
914s not for the first time um but I'm
917s completely brand new Hunter so we are a
918s little bit more experienced but um you
920s know occasionally we'll still cart every
921s now and then but uh our goal is to take
924s these Hunters uh all the
926s way uh hopefully to the end of ice so
930s we'll see right yeah yeah it'll be
932s Fatalis in no time right I found pumu so
936s I'm going to back out now right so so so
939s I will run away here and get comy get
942s comfy um so yeah whil we do have iceborn
945s installed we are avoiding using as a lot
949s of the clutch claw mechanics until we
950s get to iceborn to try and give us a
952s slightly more authentic you know first
954s run through World Experience kind of
956s thing um obviously if you're doing it on
959s yours full credit to you go for it but
962s yeah we're you know we'll be holding off
964s the clutch claw until a little bit later
966s on our play three yeah yeah yeah we are
970s playing on PC so if you'd like to join
972s us in the uh back end of you know our
974s two hours playing here um we will we'll
977s open that up with the group we just ask
978s that you uh do run with similar low rank
981s armor so we don't just completely
983s destroy the monster so um thanks in
986s advance for that and uh yeah and oh yeah
989s I am I'm Joe I'm the uh Capcom USA
992s Community manager and jonno is the CM
995s over at Capcom Europe hello
998s there all right I am joining your quest
1003s hi yeah if y turns up like I would very
1007s much appreciate having a quick word with
1010s that monster um because I think it's the
1014s clause or something I need from that to
1015s upgrade my drag sword and
1017s shield
1020s yeah let's do it if we uh we see
1025s him on my
1032s way we are talking of not being on Rise
1034s anymore I keep trying to wire fall when
1036s I get knocked over yeah I'm like ah
1038s don't worry I've got this no I don't got
1045s this
1047s of
1050s there we go I'm off my
1053s way with my new and improved sword and
1059s shield yeah last week we got up to some
1062s uh tough Shenanigans I think we uh had a
1065s little bit of trouble with engine app
1067s but uh you know that's that's part of
1069s the you know the not newcomer but you
1072s know the early game experience right
1075s exactly you know we wanted to show you
1076s know anap is commonly seen as the wall
1079s uh in early game in low rank especially
1082s for new hunters and players new to
1083s monster hunter in general and you know
1085s we we gave a good example of why that's
1087s the case yeah you know it was acting
1090s yeah it was all staged you know
1093s definitely didn't you know accidentally
1095s triple cart um we wouldn't do
1099s that I I am uh I think I've
1103s cited there it is okay I'll wait for you
1105s we'll take this honey
1107s though you
1109s for
1110s you oh you're on the other side all
1112s right let's go we go for a pin movement
1119s yeah sleep toad oh no I've lost the
1122s Sleep toad I think it's too far away now
1125s yeah I just put my Pico to sleep that
1127s was that was
1130s it it's because you know the rise muscle
1133s memory you want to pick it up right yeah
1134s I'm like oh I'll put you in my pocket no
1136s I just give it a bit of a g or
1141s boot oh here comes the tail oh I rolled
1145s way too soon I think your Hammer knocks
1147s me under it thank you no no that's good
1150s you're that's all part of the plan oh
1156s yeah oh I'm by a ledge this is good for
1160s me
1164s oh oh
1167s nice
1169s where do I keep my
1172s uh
1181s away oh
1188s Savage
1190s Char Big Time see if I can do some
1197s wings
1213s Crush I forgot how long hu's tail was
1217s there is D yaku come here
1220s you oh oh jeez got a lot going on now oh
1225s yes there's monster parts to be had yeah
1229s let get a couple hits in
1234s maybe I think I need the part to upgrade
1238s my sword sh I'm going to chase it if you
1241s don't
1242s mind I'm on my
1244s own you got I believe I believe come
1247s here you stop running
1251s away do
1257s do when OPP Unity presents
1261s itself what was the part you needed you
1263s remember I don't know it just blue so
1266s and it looked like a claw it was
1267s unlisted or you know question marks I
1269s hadn't discovered it yet so I'm like it
1272s must be this monster it's the only Blue
1274s Monster so
1276s far and it's got caught in some the
1280s coral
1287s here no worries getting some nice orange
1299s numbers it's getting feisty
1302s now with the Flash oh there we go I got
1305s I got my shield up I blocked it speed of
1308s light has nothing on the power of the
1309s sword and shield think ched gave me a
1312s little save there
1316s nice oo that t Hil I wasn't expecting
1319s that glad had the shield up again miss
1328s that uhoh oh wow I was under it very
1332s nice get
1334s him we
1335s go Rush
1341s nice oh so satisfying such a good time
1344s the Wombo Combo oh there you go oh that
1347s was nice
1350s oh oh watch out watch out you got it
1353s it's so good it's so good oh he I him oh
1356s nice I will take advantage of that with
1359s you oh and then back in again again poor
1362s guy not sure I'm in a good
1367s position I totally
1369s win such a slim monster I'm like
1377s ah oh oh we nearly got
1390s it oh
1393s nice the worst the worst spot for it to
1397s be yeah that's
1399s R came to the wrong part of the
1406s call near got it sharpen
1412s uh oh nice yeah keep that Slinger
1415s loaded what we got here piercing PS
1418s that'll be good for palu so I'll keep
1420s hold of that zy come back
1427s here let's find the
1435s shamas
1437s oh found that
1452s tail I'm definitely going to need upgr
1454s my armor again soon I
1456s think if this is what Z is doing to me
1465s yeah I was going to save that for palu
1467s but no I'm gonna try and
1472s reago oh that's a slidy bit there oh
1475s perfect my favorite hit
1479s that hit the slide here
1484s OHS oh there we go oh you got done yeah
1488s I did like one like tiny little Slide
1491s Attack on it hey JK welcome to the
1494s stream hope you're doing well okay there
1497s thank you for that I was trying to style
1499s on it and then uh like I I just didn't
1502s even contribute to the end there so okay
1504s so there's a photo for okay I think it
1508s is as it's yaku claw I got one maybe
1512s I'll get some more in the rewards
1516s screen I need some bones as well I
1520s thinkal bone yes I definitely needed
1523s those no shamos stop it stop it you so
1528s yeah get off my friend going to carve
1530s you up now he was going to Live and Let
1532s Live but if it has to be this
1536s way in the end in the
1543s end there we
1548s go maximum message with a hammer yeah
1553s now I'm going to see what I can make
1554s with
1557s you we drink this up very
1563s nice okay
1566s where's
1568s now
1569s um I guess we can go either way I'm
1572s going to cut
1577s back Scout BL guide
1581s me after trying R I just bought world to
1584s give a shot that's wicked so your first
1586s Monster Hunter game was r
1589s that's cool that's
1590s cool love to see
1600s it I believe I I could have upgraded to
1602s the Jack sword short quite a while ago
1604s so that also says you know always go and
1606s check your weapons check the different
1608s paths check the paths you're not on
1610s because you might find a much better
1612s option available
1613s to I think you know J you're so
1615s experienced that you um you know just
1618s that pure skill is all that was needed
1621s you know we were taking down those
1622s monsters with like you know weapons that
1625s we could have much better versions of
1627s we're like no we'll do it with
1633s this managed to roll it this
1641s time oh
1647s nice
1657s oh I'm going to contribute a little bit
1660s of stun damage with uh my hard bashing
1663s kind of combo I was going to call it the
1664s hard Basher combo and I'm like obviously
1667s that's why I called it a r and sunak I'm
1668s sure it's the same in this as well yeah
1671s it's a universal truth oh
1677s yes that's the tail oh it's puffed up
1681s get down here you actually could be a
1683s good opportunity for the piercing
1685s pod oh boy I got to
1688s kill oh yeah that did a surprising
1690s amount of damage oh that's getting over
1692s confident here that was me with ANF last
1695s week I know the
1699s feeling oh we're getting there oh I just
1702s missed away stay away from him stay back
1706s oh he saved me
1708s oh that's good teamwork that's good team
1711s there go it might not be a lance or a
1713s gun L Shield but I could try
1723s yeah hook
1724s on oh I forgot it's it's one of my
1727s favorite pieces of terrain why haven't I
1729s been using this more the
1732s super if I can get it near
1736s here it's theor anyway
1743s and
1744s comos all this time I do my hey Maria
1748s how's it
1751s going
1754s oh get back
1759s heree yeah I forgot that these were here
1761s and with the sword and shield you can
1762s actually do the uh the plunge attack oh
1767s right yeah which my favorite sort
1771s of it's up there with like that plunge
1774s attack and the metsu geki I like my two
1777s favorite sord Shield
1780s moves so one from world and one from
1782s Rice
1784s sunre okay where we going we've nearly
1787s got the
1788s Monster uh okay think we need to go up
1791s and
1794s left seeing in the YouTube chat there's
1797s a lot of uh
1798s chat just about everybody's first
1800s monster hunter or where they started so
1802s that's pretty cool we got a lot of
1803s veterans in the chat that's wicked yeah
1806s we just had um someone say here that for
1808s you were was their um favorite or first
1812s sorry their first one uh where they
1814s first got to see the insect GL as
1817s well yeah
1819s awesome and if you see a uh message that
1823s um maybe you're not seeing in your
1825s specific chat it's probably on the other
1827s uh so might it might be on Twitch or on
1829s YouTube so or if you hear us talking
1831s about it I guess exactly yeah Joe's
1834s repping YouTube chat and I'm repping
1835s twitch chat hey do you know I could do
1839s oh yeah once you do the hammer wake up
1840s I'll F in oh oh oh boy like totally set
1845s up I didn't realize I was going to I
1847s missed don't worry I
1849s missed it's all part of my plan though
1852s look at that this is perfect Hamry
1854s meanwhile I'm just bouncing around
1856s missing
1858s but I will land it oh
1861s no here's like the anti
1864s plunge this is like a bouncy castle for
1867s us both in here you know I'm I'm going
1870s to fire the spawn
1874s pod
1877s again there we go
1882s nice wonder if we'll finish with with
1886s the
1892s we had a uh a
1894s Slinger as the the last hit last week
1898s which was really cool I had not done
1899s that yet yeah you always see like cool
1902s Clips like on Twitter of that and then
1904s have it happen yeah yeah just totally
1907s unpl it's great put a th on head
1915s point oh I'm missing
1919s oh I could I could have probably done
1921s more damage there on the
1923s ground I just went fly up the I
1933s want there it goes up real Qui coming
1939s back
1943s yeah has it gone below I've gone up I've
1945s gone the wrong way
1951s oh oh I just
1954s missed pods I think I got it on its
1957s wings so not the most optimal but you
1959s know some extra
1968s damage got the plunge oh oh my
1973s goodness okay I missed like 80% of them
1976s but when it hits
1981s start taking out of the air yeah
1983s anti-air sword and shield not saying you
1985s normally see what with the reach of the
1987s sword and shield normally that's more
1989s like a long sword or like bow or Gunner
1993s job trying trying to look at the stream
1995s so I can see what happened
1997s here oh yeah there it was yeah very
2002s cool well done they definitely a good
2005s team effort yeah it's like now now can
2007s get it it's a giant balloon in the air I
2009s can't
2033s miss and that is the quest complete so
2036s Joe our first formal hunt in the coral
2041s Highlands yeah
2043s um let's see here I didn't get a second
2046s claw I got I got five bonus
2049s rewards and you know as is the desire
2053s sensor there was not a second
2058s claw got a pretty funny end screen there
2066s though
2077s that a great end
2079s screen but yes please it
2084s yeah that was a good hunt though so two
2086s monsters in
2090s one um let's go oh the r veale um let's
2097s before you head down where's the smiy I
2099s can oh yeah smithy's down in the corner
2100s I always struggle to find the Smithy in
2102s here
2103s um so we took down two monsters so that
2107s means two armor sets so there is now the
2111s oh no there's also the shamov
2113s collar uh so we have the zy head gear uh
2117s so let's let's take a look at that on
2119s the fashion front which does look cool
2121s you even kind of get some sort of like
2122s CYO
2124s mustache I don't skills really suit why
2127s after and then we got the lumu set which
2132s is pretty smart b um divine blessing is
2136s a great skill to have I got oneu I only
2140s got one pumu Pelt though unfortunately
2143s otherwise I'd probably pick that up uh
2146s Master mounter on the chest oh so close
2149s to making a couple of really really
2151s useful pieces um anything good for you
2153s on the weapon or armor
2155s front um take a look right now all right
2157s I CH the
2162s tree you know I think I'm all right for
2165s now well
2168s actually anything tempting you tempting
2171s tempting no no I think I'm all right for
2174s now that's not too bad oh there is the
2177s uh the lumu knife for me here so that's
2180s stronger than the jagas
2182s one and it's
2185s War however
2191s blind that's not a skill that you see
2193s that often no I was going to say I was
2196s like
2197s wait yeah so I need two more claws to
2200s upgrade the jackar sword and shield
2202s again if I want to continue down that
2208s route but yeah there's a lot of great
2210s options opening up
2212s here all right what's next uh let's go
2214s to the Gathering Hub I think oh no I
2216s need to speak to the third Fleet master
2218s who I think I just turned my back on and
2221s wanded off he's the distracted Hunter
2223s this one all about the LI in the
2228s gear yeah I'm not not feeling any my
2230s options right now so uh yeah I think
2233s we'll we'll just roll pure skill for now
2238s no I'm kidding I'm kidding that's so you
2240s know like me with my like you know basic
2242s sword and shield you know it's just we
2244s roll so I'm spok at a third Fleet master
2248s and she's taking me to I think the
2250s rotten Veil
2255s Expedition I forget how quickly they
2257s throw these two locals at you it's
2259s pretty quick yeah yeah you spend a
2261s little bit of time in the Ancient Forest
2262s and you have a a quick little look a
2264s very dangerous look around wild byways
2267s yeah story starts to move it it does it
2271s does it's nice to have all these kind of
2273s locals that are disposable especially if
2275s you want to like stop Focus h
2277s set
2279s pieces very
2293s well see not what You' usually expect an
2295s anchor to be used
2297s for
2298s yeah I think we both we might both might
2301s have our Handler in the uh the winter
2303s yeah uh Winter Fest gear so she's she's
2307s a little
2308s warm great do you know what great juros
2311s low key when w and iceborn was like you
2314s know before RIS Sun Break It was one of
2316s my favorite monsters I just put it was
2318s really cute and it armor looked really
2320s badass and I think as well it gives you
2322s a paralysis sword and shield uh but yeah
2325s I just thought it was a really cool
2326s monster um and I love the fact that in
2329s ice born obviously you can tame a giros
2331s yeah yeah or Gros I don't know the
2333s correct pronunciation on that one Gros
2336s maybe yeah yeah probably Gros it's like
2338s G and GIF isn't it it's like I think
2341s it's gotos yeah
2344s yeah maybe chat will jump in and help us
2347s yeah I think it's probably great
2349s gar because I say gif as well so that
2352s makes sense I don't say GIF no well I
2355s refuse to say GIF even if it's uh
2358s technically the right option I'm just
2360s not gonna do
2362s it sorry I'm sorry I feel that no I I
2365s feel that I feel that so here we are
2367s uh okay what would it be everyone's
2369s favorite monster in World in icea I'll
2371s let you go first Joe uh favorite monster
2374s in world iceborn oh man uh I feel like
2378s we answer this every week and then my
2379s answer
2380s changes um I I really like Devil Joe but
2385s uh recently I've been liking royos a lot
2389s and of course we were talking about it
2391s earlier but I love namiel which is just
2393s such a cool design so uh yeah those are
2396s those are up there for me that's a great
2398s design yeah for me as no surprise to any
2402s of our regular uh community members who
2404s come by racky doos and uh you know then
2408s by proxy um R
2411s Rios I just love bracky I love I love
2414s that I love it's blue I love that it's
2416s blue I love the explosions it looks like
2419s a mix between like a
2421s triceratops and like just its own thing
2424s I love everything about it I love its
2426s gear I love that it's you know blast
2429s weapons yeah just everything about the
2431s monster makes me
2433s happy yeah and if you're in the YouTube
2435s chat we were just answering a question
2437s about our favorite monsters in world and
2440s iceborn so let us know which one's yours
2443s are Ren Karen carani says namel is
2446s incredibly unique but until lakis comes
2449s back bra's got my number one spot
2451s there's a lot of lakis fans it must have
2453s had one heck of an impact uh was it cuz
2456s that was 3u for many people I think was
2459s like their first exposure to laggy and
2461s then in stories two um as well obviously
2465s you get laggy and I think iory laggy um
2469s so yeah no very popular Monster there
2472s yeah it's it's really cool to see
2474s everybody's been waving that flag for
2476s quite a while um so we we notice it we
2480s see it do we have to hunt R can you can
2483s I put
2484s a no raban raban leave me so okay we're
2490s going to have to do a hunt here on our
2492s own I think own yeah okay yeah I can't
2497s fire a
2499s FL unless if I return from the
2502s Expedition will it Quest i' got to
2504s complete the Expedition all right Joe we
2506s got to do this I haven't eaten um so I'm
2510s going to I'm going to go and uh eat a
2512s camp we should have a
2515s snack r protein Rab's Pico gear is
2520s incredible like I think I've seen it
2523s yeah one of us is going to have to make
2524s that oh absolutely it's very very
2531s cool you feel many laggy fans come from
2533s triy over 3u no fair enough fair
2536s enough 3u was my first was my first
2538s Monster a game so by proximity was my
2540s first exposure to uh lagy
2545s acis
2548s aarin yeah aarin do over here as well
2551s scang garuga very scary monster that one
2558s um no gante
2560s rajang devil
2564s Joe yeah papa it's really cool to see so
2566s many people either come into world for
2568s the first time or return into World um
2571s for another playthrough and you know
2573s just the excitement for wild you know
2575s 2025
2577s more information coming this
2579s summer very exciting time great time to
2581s be an existing mon fan or come into Mon
2585s for the first time heyre yeah yeah tell
2588s tell a friend about it exactly tell tell
2590s a friend bring him into the HT yeah they
2593s should they should be
2596s playing all right so I've not got you in
2598s your Mighty Hammer to carry me this so
2601s it's going to have to be all me this
2604s time going to try it's the other
2607s around I sometimes land a plunge or get
2610s him out
2612s sometimes yeah this is a yeah I'm
2615s falling to the bottom of the RO now oh
2618s no you would be a while how dark this
2620s area is yeah and then is it
2623s theia
2624s ausia oh yeah
2627s yeahia that's the
2632s one can you see the uh the Leana down
2638s here oh
2644s yeah oh I love all the part break you
2646s can get on
2649s rabar it's very
2654s satisfying nerti levels of uh Max
2660s satisfaction oh no oh I forgot about
2663s that about dropping the rib cage onto
2665s raban and now R off I say ran off I mean
2669s rolled away rolled away I still haven't
2672s CED it yet just saw great giros giros
2676s giros I just love that little monster
2678s it's such a it's such a cool little guy
2680s yeah someone's got to tell us how to
2682s pronounce that correctly yeah if the
2684s chat doesn't know we're going we'll ask
2687s somebody luckily it's not as um heated
2691s as the devil Joe devil yo debate amongst
2694s the community oh no it's definitely
2697s devil Joe I'm sorry to bring that up
2698s yeah for that's what I say as well you
2700s know as someone whose name is Joe it's
2704s definitely
2706s decided and then you know you've got
2708s brachia dios and devil
2716s Joe uh okay rabon's like gone up high
2720s somewhere and I'm a bit
2723s lost I am lost as well I don't I don't
2725s know where it is okay I'm going to I'm
2727s going to wait for the the Scout fight to
2730s kick it they will they will guide me mhm
2734s save us scoutflies this map is a perfect
2737s fit for my head yeah wearing the bone
2739s armor here is like very very on
2742s fashion oh I see what they're saying I'm
2744s looking at the stream now and yeah the
2746s mini map is like it's like a halo around
2748s my
2753s head it's a little hat
2765s oh there we go some nice damage there is
2768s there any more BS I can drop
2770s down come on hard bash combo uhoh oh oh
2776s Grandma resist why did I turn you
2780s down oh even when I back hop out the way
2782s to avoid the hit the shock wave is
2785s mighty
2788s but this is quite a cheeky Expedition
2790s thr such like an intimidating monster at
2793s you out the blue I really like that
2794s you're like yeah this is fine you know
2796s Expeditions how hard can they be and
2798s Rab's like hello there it's like a beat
2801s switch Yeah it's like oh yeah you know
2805s great garos you know yeah yeah yeah no
2807s worries it's like
2809s joke then here's this
2811s thing oh that was a quick
2815s turn I finally found it and fin starting
2818s to hunt
2821s against it's all right I bet you I bet
2823s you hunt it quicker than I can oh I
2826s don't know I don't know oh no I'm
2827s stunned and I'm like a quarter Health
2829s Amber help me
2831s Amber oh think it ran up to me and put
2835s the the big I need to be careful Shou
2837s Amber that's my actual cat's name she
2839s might come she might come running
2840s downstairs yeah like hey what you called
2843s and then I'm like obviously playing
2844s monst she be like where's my
2848s leave me leave me or give me some
2852s attention as says they're feeling
2854s nostalgic and then uh Dem King says it
2858s has been six years and just like that I
2860s start to turn to dks yeah I think uh I
2863s think next week is the anniversary
2865s actually right so oh big week yeah
2869s pretty cool pretty cool six years yeah
2871s wait that does make you feel a little
2873s old
2875s so
2878s oh wow it actually managed to like flick
2880s under my
2885s shield take a little he there maybe I
2888s should start targeting the tail I don't
2890s know the chip damage is
2898s real oh I got a nice there nice I've got
2902s my second Mount I'm abusing The
2905s Ledges
2908s and a little tip here for some of the
2909s monster attacks rather than Clinging On
2912s uh if it's not like a big lunch attack
2913s you can just reposition on the monster
2915s and keep attacking you don't have to
2917s hold on so little tip there the key is
2920s knowing which attacks are ones that you
2921s need to hold on to and which AR um for
2924s example with devil Joe you always need
2927s to hold on I think um I believe because
2931s it does so many jumping attacks just get
2934s straight off yeah yeah it's too
2936s aggressive oh no I need a some steadfast
2943s Jewels oh I fainted unlucky is that your
2947s first
2948s car not the whole stream I don't think
2951s so definitely carded yeah it might be my
2954s second card well this this is just
2956s showing that you've been carrying me all
2957s this time so yeah you know I was just
2960s taking those blows from for us both I
2962s was like you know not him take me
2965s instead
2967s all right all right time to get together
2970s there you go it's all part of the fun
2971s you know and as well raban you know what
2973s when I oh it's raban it's not bad you
2976s know raban how bad can it be it's just
2978s like oran's little little sibling no
2981s raban you know commands are a bit
2983s respect especially this early on it's
2985s unlike anything you would have fought so
2990s far fallen over and I can't get up yeah
2995s I've literally like
2996s getting staggered and
2999s Tred it's not going too bad though have
3001s had to take a couple of Mega potions
3003s though nagak cuga was your first C what
3006s in um world ice spawn
3010s or your very first on game I think for
3014s many people if they get past anath
3017s without trouble or Garin is the bringer
3020s of more triple
3022s cards it's the speed yeah speed is uh
3026s big adjustment there's bleed as well
3027s isn't it I think Oar oh yeah
3031s yeah
3033s o that's a that's a new trick the sacred
3036s sword and shield wall plunge plunge
3038s plunge come back
3040s here can I can I bait it over leave
3043s leave my P Alone come come find me
3046s that's it that's it oh up
3052s high it's just the amount of hits you
3054s can get is beautiful
3059s here that's what you love to see I mean
3061s you'll be getting tons of heart breaks
3063s like an obscene amount of
3067s heartbreak you got used to Ana in the
3069s demo ah another benefit of playing demos
3073s graos was definitely your first parted
3075s monster
3078s one or I guess it would have been called
3080s Monster
3083s Hunter I think I'm
3086s oh I can the Tail's gone
3092s Joe there we go that's a lot of PL
3097s CH yeah see the the YouTube comments
3100s yeah so we are um switching between
3102s between the two uh streams right now
3105s since uh we can't actually play this
3107s quest in
3109s multiplayer but we should be able to get
3112s back together once we wrap this one up
3114s oh yes just one of those moments in the
3116s story where the game's like no no this
3118s is for you to handle on your
3123s own but they are few and far
3126s between yeah
3128s yeah although it seems like this little
3130s stretch uh of the game right now U
3132s there's like a lot a lot of story stuff
3134s happening yeah a lot of exposition
3143s yeah uhoh oh oh I got like hip checked
3147s but with a
3149s jaw I got a stun Joe you'll be proud of
3152s me nice I got one at exact same time
3155s great hunters think Alik
3159s yeah oh I think I've nearly got looking
3162s at his
3164s uh like the heart rate monitor kind of
3167s thing or the pulse monitor oh no I'm
3170s going to sleep don't do that I have
3172s energy
3174s drink
3179s okay okay let's calm down now you got
3194s there there you go use the piercing pods
3197s to interrupt the attacks have you broken
3199s all your
3201s parts take your
3204s Shield
3207s oh there we go get another stack with a
3211s pod I wish I could see what's uh
3213s happening on yours it's I think I've
3217s nearly got rabar and now I'm I'm using a
3219s lot of piercing cards to kind of try and
3221s stop him rolling around too much
3226s yeah so that's a good tip piercing pods
3229s great for staggering monsters especially
3230s if they're a bit larger you get more uh
3233s damage
3234s ticks
3237s oh he's gone underground he's going to
3240s be bringing out some uh new threads this
3242s a good time to
3244s sharpen so yeah rabar put some clothes
3247s back
3251s on
3253s that's
3257s Terr yeah I think this quest in
3259s particular we can't do multiplayer since
3261s it's an expedition plus technically
3263s right it's not like a
3266s won't let me fire a uh SOS FL up yeah no
3270s one's here to save you
3275s except can I can I get on the
3277s secret I think
3279s so oh oh I got a
3292s St uh you have the bar off train whistle
3295s it's very
3303s iconic after that many gens of bully and
3306s barro you learn the move set true
3315s true oh cheeky roll out the way there I
3319s love the maneuverability you get on the
3320s sword and shield obviously you don't
3322s have the reach of other weapons but the
3323s extra maneuverability is super useful
3326s my Pico is healing me a ton more now as
3327s well now it's leveling
3331s up yeah I feel like I'm not seeing the
3333s healing that often
3335s so cheddar is probably a little
3340s underleveled that TR well played
3348s well oh there we
3354s go
3365s hopefully wrapping this up soon on my
3368s side very nice very nice oh sliding
3371s attack let's go I going to say if so you
3374s you you would have made really good time
3378s definitely damage to me oh and and you
3381s still nearly got it you know so that's
3384s really good damage
3386s right anyway great garos now that that
3389s drama's
3395s over it normally likes to hang out
3397s around
3398s here there's some normal one I
3409s say monster
3412s bone oh no don't paralyze
3420s now this will be the bit as well that
3421s takes I
3423s think finger torch that's what we need
3425s all right finally got it nicely done you
3429s did real good time on that old
3434s Footprints talking
3440s about s had to do it we both have to do
3443s this on our own will'll be reunited very
3448s soon oh I didn't mean to shoot get off
3451s me okay I'm leaving make sure I got
3456s everything or is it best way I don't
3458s know what these things
3460s are there he is okay I'm getting out of
3463s here yeah job done monster
3471s hunted I definitely need to get some
3473s more gear even though I upgraded it a
3474s bit
3483s oh a cut scene yeah my Pico looks way
3485s cooler than me at the
3487s moment it's got a little bar off crown
3489s and
3492s everything I think my is still on the
3495s default time to treat it to some new
3498s threads like I said pure skill yeah
3502s definitely not determination and raw
3504s grit yeah yeah
3508s carted and still cleared about three
3510s minutes faster Mighty Hammer indeed
3512s there you go you are impressive chat
3515s with your your Hammer B skills thank you
3518s no no no I'm
3520s sure she must be the one who saved us oh
3524s my gosh thank you thank you uh what
3527s Quest level it is her I think I think it
3530s is four star I would say fourar four
3533s star low ranked what are you doing out
3535s here here we can't be too far away from
3538s high rank now really right not too we've
3541s got well I think Theos is the last
3544s before we move
3546s over guess we'll see this is from Zora
3549s magaros I'll see what
3553s iy Arch tempered
3556s Archer yeah if you played stories too
3559s you know the true power of apono yeah oh
3564s yeah tempered ultimate frenzy Afflicted
3567s superpowers
3569s greatest the greatest of greatest
3572s jages see
3579s you yeah we're wrapping up our first
3581s hour so probably in about what do you
3583s think like maybe 15 minutes half hour
3584s we'll uh yeah then we'll start then we
3587s can we can start farming some sets with
3589s the community if we want that' be a good
3591s opportunity to do that so we can like
3594s pump the brakes on story progression and
3596s we can go around hunt and maybe do some
3598s um investigations and stuff like that
3605s M oh jeez whoops I AC went to the rotv
3610s again you just can't you can't resist
3612s can you just can't resist
3615s the yeah wrath and Diablos are the last
3617s low rank assignments de King knows
3619s what's up they've been they've been
3620s grinded through nice right let's look at
3623s this Pico because as I did say like RAB
3627s that is
3630s amazing look at that little space cat
3634s it's got power armor like a space
3638s suit I already triggered the next cut
3640s scene without really thinking about it
3642s so oh that's right I can make Rathalos
3645s set for my uh from where from previous
3648s stream the ghost
3650s set I do love the ghost
3654s set
3658s little raban Pico the lumu Pico looks
3662s very I'm looking at your screen now yeah
3666s that's some interesting armor yeah that
3668s power armor is crazy yeah it's like an
3670s Exo
3671s Suit just like the EXO prime or Monster
3674s the collab that goes live tomorrow
3676s morning GMT oh where you can actually
3679s hunt track and hunt rapalas in EXO
3682s Primal and it is a 10 player co-op boss
3685s fight um which looks incredibly epic I
3688s can't wait to give that a go um and you
3691s can even do like part breaks tail Cuts
3694s yeah looks awesome and you even get Ros
3696s armor as well from it so pretty pretty
3700s cool yeah yeah I'm excited for it too
3703s I'm ready to jump in been seeing uh some
3705s funny clips going around some of the
3708s emotes and skins oh yes with the the
3712s rash skin doing the uh the glow stick
3714s dance I can't remember the proper name
3716s for it but it's a proper dance oh that's
3718s great the raban hunter armor actually
3721s looks really cool as well very a hammer
3723s gives me hammer Vibes when I look at it
3726s um but it's got like guard on it sleep
3727s attack sleep resistance Slugger the
3729s helmet's got
3736s Slugger let's look at uh
3740s weapons I could use a different weapon
3742s as well I just needs something I can
3743s quickly level up
3747s um oh sleep sword and
3751s shield right I need to get that next cut
3753s scene where do I go speak to the third
3755s Fleet Master
3757s okay yeah I just I just finished that
3759s scene the cut
3765s scene now is the time so while you do
3767s that I will oh maybe what I can do is
3771s I'll go ahead
3773s and maybe see the cut scen
3776s like so that we can do it in multiplayer
3779s yes do it do it all right all
3782s right so we're going to be hunting
3784s legana next then
3786s huh Leana or Leana sorry I kind of
3790s Switched between
3791s both I say Leana and legana I think it
3794s kind of bit like scone and scone JF or
3798s GIF no no no there's only GIF there's no
3800s such thing as GIF
3803s no
3808s they look so free oh okay so it looks
3811s like um we can just do this Quest
3814s together yeah we don't have to do the
3816s cut scen stuff so I will meet you in the
3818s G Cod I will see you there actually
3821s maybe let me on and not a single clue
3825s maybe I should do some pal or sorry not
3827s pal pal we do know you love your pal yes
3832s I
3833s do the world is
3835s oh I could do the
3837s uh the feline snow cat set maybe I
3841s should do that let's take one that's
3843s like a
3844s snowman
3847s yes should I run that yeah it's kind of
3850s funny I have enough stuff for it let's
3852s do it oh it's quite funny because the
3854s Handler's wearing the Winterfest outfit
3856s she doesn't have binoculars so it looks
3858s like she's got like like magic powers
3861s she's like good love it
3869s any weapons I can
3872s make as I thought oh no wonder I keep
3876s I'm a fool I keep going to the great
3877s sword
3880s three that's just uh you know big chops
3883s that's that's my main
3887s so I guess this is the cut scene yeah so
3890s that's why we don't need to go into
3892s the yeah yeah save some
3907s time we should re yeah yeah we'll see
3909s you later we we're not messing with that
3911s we've got balloons but you're a a flying
3913s ice
3923s wver
3925s okay right I mean I'm sure Ley or legie
3928s gear will be fantastic um right so I
3932s will now join you in the
3935s Gathering remember which but which
3938s I an Xbox controller sorry that excuse
3945s me my bone armor is doing me well it's
3948s still got
3951s it I'm in the Gathering Hub oh you
3954s you're at the Smithy aren't you makes
3956s sense all right I'll head over now
3958s that's right I'll pop in uh pop in the
3961s quest and this Lov festive environment
3963s it's our first five star hunt oh here we
3967s go let's do
3968s it would you like to post that I shall
3971s and then after this hunt we can uh open
3974s up the lobby if folks want to take a
3976s look at my pelico
3978s cheddar oh my
3981s goodness I'm going to call it cream
3984s cheese from now
3985s on yeah not very chedy right
3989s now what a great look I love that it's
3992s like a cat snowman face as well with
3994s like whiskers so good the big
3997s Bell it just like zooms around as well
4002s great I'm going to have some food the
4005s winter star platter Don't Mind If I
4009s Do we're not in ice spawn yet no no
4012s we're still in low rank in in the base
4014s but we will be going through ice when we
4016s get there we are in good old
4019s hr8 oh
4034s yes we are well fed now
4043s hopefully
4045s for anybody wondering my my hunter is uh
4048s Cheese theme names so Bri is my hunter's
4052s name and my my Pico is cheddar a great
4058s chice makes me hungry I love cheese
4060s especially
4063s Chad right here we are Let's uh all
4067s right we're finally
4068s reunited yes and what a h be reunited on
4071s as well it's going be good
4076s don't now is it
4078s worth oh no that camp isn't that up yet
4081s I don't think we
4083s can't is it no complete the delivery
4088s okay we're doing it the oldfashioned way
4097s yeah right behind you
4102s birdies wigglers the red wigler isn't
4105s there I think that's the queen one which
4106s is one of the rare versions there of
4109s endemic life if you see endemic life
4111s that looks a bit different to what
4112s you're used to might be worth popping it
4114s in your net and taking it back to your
4116s home to chill out with yeah well to keep
4119s an eye
4125s out shamos
4128s shamos not going to debate yeah that's
4131s oh hold on there's a zit
4134s around do you name ours I do would you
4138s want to give it a quick yeah let's do it
4141s yeah I must
4145s upgrade oh it's it's on the slope again
4148s yes what want and I get infinite combo
4151s attacks it's not so infinite
4155s now oh my goodness oh that was quite
4161s something I went to the side oh
4167s no thank you
4173s jeder so it's chosen the slide of
4178s Doom it's you know bonus monster to
4190s hunt being mean it's being mean to me
4195s it knows you're the super dangerous one
4197s it's like no I don't think
4202s so keep on
4206s swinging nice
4212s work spin wi yeah that's what we
4218s wanted give me your
4220s clawes I need them for
4223s reasons
4227s nice oh look at that straight
4231s in
4234s B must have your
4242s claws neana is like what's that
4246s noise why do I hear Boss music yeah
4251s that's not my theme
4253s SHO
4256s oh the
4258s flash that gave me nice time to charge
4261s up a like a aial
4270s attack we're doing well
4274s here get it down quickly nearly there oh
4279s up sharpen a bit my sharpness is not
4283s looking good I'm absolutely eating
4285s through
4286s it I hope I get it this time thank you
4289s thank
4291s you Danny big fan there of mon the
4294s world love to see
4297s it best game
4299s ever I love it hold on how how have I
4302s been
4304s outmaneuvered where back oh it went up
4307s they went up it's right above us oh nice
4309s oh literally the vine R there I'm glad
4311s you're here to show me the way
4315s you know I don't know where I'm going so
4317s is there any update on the release dates
4319s of the Capcom X MSI products yet not
4322s that I'm aware of but if you're
4323s following their social media accounts
4325s that obviously we've been retweeting
4326s from the mon Hunter Twitter account you
4329s as soon as any news is available on when
4331s when you be able to get that you know
4333s you would be able
4335s to yeah I imagine that news will come
4337s straight from MSI first and then sh but
4340s it looks really cool as well yeah yeah
4344s I like the how the laptop
4347s looks and is it also was it cuz I like
4351s I'm not the biggest PC right so forgive
4354s me for any like slips but is it the
4356s graphics card with like a Rathalos on it
4359s yeah I think it's like a a 40 4060 maybe
4362s that or 4070 like red and black with the
4365s yeah it had a special design which is
4367s cool
4372s yeah
4381s sorry that was my
4382s bad that's the head is Hammer territory
4385s I'm I'm en roaching until we get Flinch
4392s free maybe I'll get a connection on the
4395s last one
4398s oh no no I said watch out it got me I
4402s HIIT behind my shield I was like Yeah
4403s I'm
4404s tragedy oh have to be careful here
4409s I'm oh nice getting
4417s dangerous that was nice little nice
4419s little war the Yeah
4423s well yeah marel says it's specifically
4426s the laptop they really like and want to
4428s pick up also pzy says they're excited
4431s for the monst Hunter exoid models they
4433s look really cool oh yeah those are very
4438s cool a 20 20 years of moner it's it's a
4441s great time to be a fan both new and you
4444s know more
4452s veteran definitely I'm have easy
4456s R back sharpen again using the wheel
4460s there for maximum efficiency there's a
4463s shiny over
4469s here yeah I mean I I love rise and World
4473s equally they both give you different
4475s Monster Hunter experiences the core
4476s gameplay obviously you'll recognize
4478s immediately um but there's just there's
4482s like different approaches to what you
4484s already know which is so cool um
4486s obviously like Joe like rise and Sun
4488s break with the kind of the pace of
4490s combat and the silk bind attacks and
4493s switch skills so you can kind of
4495s customize each weapon to play slightly
4497s differently um what else do you really
4499s like about ryen
4501s some uh it's got a really great roster
4503s of monsters um yeah there's so many cool
4506s new ones um I really like meino and
4509s sunre but then you got like really cool
4511s ones coming back like gor magala I mean
4514s that's one of my favorites one of my old
4517s time favorites yeah and there one like
4520s vcan actually makes an appearance as
4521s well as a huntable monster in in some
4523s break and mhm it's it's like a like it's
4526s the Volcan you know but fight's a bit
4528s different uh what with the kind of pace
4531s of the combat and the wire bugs and then
4533s obviously you know we know people love
4535s world you know they like the graphics
4537s they like you know this kind of sense of
4540s exploration um and Discovery so yeah
4544s like and also like the weapons play
4546s slightly different between the two games
4547s as well there's like different twists a
4548s bit of flavor difference between the
4550s weapons which is always fun as well um
4554s um so yeah so if you like one the
4557s chances are you would like the
4559s other yeah I um I like some of the you
4562s know the abilities that they the switch
4564s skills that they add to the weapons um
4566s metsu sh geki I missed that I missed
4568s that coming
4570s back uh bullet barrage with the gun
4572s Lance that's extremely satisfying the
4575s gun Lance yeah like such a the gun Lan
4578s and rise and sunbreak you can literally
4579s turn it into like a little rocket and go
4581s flying around and then slam out
4582s explosives the sword and shield gets
4585s like a Counterattack and things like
4587s that so yeah like yeah don't don't sleep
4590s on the other titles kind of think and I
4592s know it's easy for me to say because you
4593s know we work on Monster Hunter but no
4596s genuinely like they're they're all a
4597s great tree and you know it's it's we've
4600s only just got into 2024 and it's going
4602s to be a little bit until 2025 so there's
4605s plenty of Monster Hunter to keep you
4606s busy in the meantime you know it's you
4609s know all our franchises when the next
4611s entry comes through it's it's kind of
4614s like you know the maybe the previous one
4616s is uh you know some of the improvements
4618s it's very iterative so maybe it's not um
4621s you know kind of it validates the
4622s previous sequel right but I think with
4624s rise and world you got two games that
4626s are pretty complimentary they've got
4628s different takes on uh on the Core Series
4632s tenants you know so um it it may be a
4635s little difficult to play them both at
4637s the same time because they're you know
4638s they're
4639s similar yeah yeah and uh it has a lot of
4643s hours to play but you know I I like
4645s playing both games uh pretty equally as
4647s well so yeah yeah but you know with this
4650s series we've been focusing on world
4652s obviously since it's it's been some time
4653s for both of us and uh you know we're
4655s leading into the launch of Wilds so yeah
4657s exactly we're like you know what yes as
4659s you said it's been pretty much six years
4661s now um let's let's hop back in I mean
4665s talking of Wilds as well um I still when
4669s you know how many how many times I've
4671s seen the the reveal trailer now
4674s and just that bit when the title reveal
4675s comes up and the music is
4677s like like I still get go pumps oh so
4681s cool I'm so excited to find out more
4683s like oh my
4684s goodness is it summer yet yeah I've
4687s watched that trailer so many
4690s times oh this is a good area to fight
4693s because we have my favorite type of
4695s terrain in
4697s World there we
4702s go
4704s yeah I mean a good point I mean for many
4706s 3u uh Generations 4 you would have been
4709s you know maybe the first monst
4711s experience all those years ago and uh
4714s your first Monster Hunter always has a
4716s soft spot talking of that socks is in
4718s chat good to see you good to see you
4722s hope we're doing you proud obviously
4723s stocks uh was the community manager uh
4726s on the EM side for monst world and
4730s ice for those that don't know they more
4732s newer to the this
4735s area good to see
4739s you yeah we're just uh following the
4742s lead that the prent that that socks set
4744s so oh yeah socks and Yuri yeah and Yuri
4748s yeah Yuri who was also uh Yuri was the
4750s community manager in for USA so for many
4754s many
4756s years ah he's just a hunter now he says
4759s there's no such thing as just a hunter
4762s right he says it's good to see us hunted
4765s together thank you you know what with
4767s zero cards as well 100% true it's not
4769s not one card yeah yeah not one we've
4771s just completely rolled over the game
4773s with no issues whatsoever yeah we
4774s haven't triple carted to anath
4779s definitely lovely
4786s stuff monster the world is my first game
4788s that got me into the franchise now I'm a
4790s big fan of collecting the art books and
4791s such for the franchise that's cool I
4793s love like the plushies and figurines as
4795s well I've got like my first figurine I
4798s got was a little Ren out of um like the
4801s little blind
4802s boxes and uh I have her on my desk as
4805s well nice we have to see that
4808s sometime oh yeah I'll have to I'll have
4810s to grab her she's uh she's down to the
4812s left at the moment I like I'll look
4814s really ungraceful like leaning on camera
4817s and that is the OG wall
4821s absolutely shout out great sword users
4824s yes you're all
4829s amazing oh ice flight no please I don't
4833s have my stuff set up actually I've got a
4836s NB I saved these from the Ancient Forest
4839s much like in our um in our return to
4843s Wild um Vlogs on Steam we do say
4846s especially in the Ancient Forest grab
4848s everything you see because even if you
4850s don't need it now you'll need it later
4852s oh yeah that's absolutely
4855s must Lune time and another Mount we are
4859s doing well on the
4862s mount hold hold SHP it up real quick go
4865s for it go for it you're still trying to
4868s figure out the best weapon for your play
4869s style all right and this is for chat as
4871s well and me and Jo try out how do you
4874s like to approach these kind of games you
4875s know like action kind of you know RPG
4878s style games you know are you more like
4881s aggressive are you more calcula
4883s are you quite Reckless I'm quite a
4885s reckless player that's why I need a
4887s shield see if we can help pick
4890s something like big damage numbers oh
4893s yeah
4894s true do you like status effects do you
4897s like Elemental attacks or do you like
4899s like Joe said big meaty chops kind of
4904s Facey you know for me after I uh after I
4908s went great sword and I I fully
4911s understood the weapon I guess I I mean
4912s maybe I don't fully understand it but
4914s now that I do kind of um it's hard to go
4917s back a little bit after you've seen
4918s those big damage numbers yeah yeah it's
4922s h for me I'm just like I like a kind of
4924s not a support play style but a support
4927s in play style so as I get into sword and
4929s shield I'll build especially in world
4931s and Ice born I loved status effects um
4935s big big fan of like paralysis poison
4937s blast things like that um and then
4940s Elemental and in rise and sunbreak I
4942s went High into the elemental
4947s side you ever tried going du
4949s blades I haven't but you know what
4952s they're not too far removed from the
4954s kind of like stats you would build from
4956s sword and shield right because obviously
4957s element status
4959s work that yeah
4964s yeah you've been thinking sword and
4966s shield I mean I'm incredibly biased
4968s sword and shield is my favorite weapon
4972s uh ever since I started using it three
4975s 3u it's just so
4979s versatile yeah give it a go and you know
4981s about you know you can try out all the
4982s weapons quite easily because if you
4984s don't want to invest resources you can
4986s just try the uh Defender weapons and see
4989s see how they play in some like low rank
4991s runs and then if you like how it feels
4993s yeah and you know what like what I do as
4995s well like there's so many great monster
4998s creators on Twitch and YouTube and and
5000s other areas that have guides on all the
5002s weapons and I'll watch a couple of
5004s guides on YouTube from like a few
5006s different creators cuz once there's some
5007s key beats under lineing each Creator
5010s will have their own little niche or
5011s little tips so you know a couple of
5013s 10-minute videos um maybe swing by a
5016s couple of streams and just kind of lur
5017s and watch and you can pick up some great
5020s basic combos that you can then kind of
5022s adapt and put into your own look at you
5024s spinning around into your own play style
5027s so yes I do that I do that that's
5029s definitely how I found my way so yeah
5032s like when I was was said I'd start to
5033s learn chargeblade I went straight onto
5035s YouTube and I was like right charge
5038s blade guide some break like you know and
5041s that's a great way to learn from other
5043s Hunters um and then you'll get to a
5045s point where you can pass on knowledge
5047s and your own
5052s experience exactly exactly how was going
5056s away oh there's a shiny on the floor
5058s here I just my
5061s sorry
5064s yeah we'll be sending the code uh to the
5067s session probably after this one right
5069s yeah yeah after this hunt we we'll pop
5071s that in chat Gan Hunter still makes
5073s content yeah yeah he's a he's a very
5075s busy gentleman but he's uh after we
5077s announced uh Wilds he's he's started
5080s he's he has
5083s emerged and you know it's quite funny
5084s you know he's he his videos taught me
5087s how to play monst Hunter when I first
5088s got into it back in the the three U days
5091s um so yeah it's nice to see him rocking
5095s again yeah such a different time right
5097s you know Monster Hunter was still kind
5099s of on the rise and
5106s hey oh no I'm on the con con con shell
5111s oh that's a tricky word to say when
5112s you're trying to fight a monster and
5114s like live stream at the same
5119s time I've hooked onto a wing Drake uh I
5121s must go my people me
5127s bye-bye I've got one more
5136s P really got on the
5140s Run oh there's a ledge yeah they got a
5143s little
5145s dicey oh yeah that literally takes half
5148s my heal I mounted it with like the I
5151s just like barely clipped it on the hit
5152s box oh oh there you're back on
5156s iock no thank you yeah that is my
5161s heal no there's nothing wrong like with
5164s going around following the Monster uh
5166s and watching that's what the you know
5167s the Ghillie mantle is great for that um
5170s and there the monsters do so much they
5173s groom they go around to eat they rest so
5177s yeah it's it's totally cool to do that
5179s the team put a lot of love and detail
5182s into that side as well yeah big Focus
5185s for this game for
5190s sure oh almost
5193s got my stamina is really low so now
5197s we're not in that sloped area Leana is
5199s definitely giv us a bit bit of trouble
5201s oh and pumu is uh stomping away in the
5207s background are we going to get a turf
5209s war or are they going to they're going
5211s to split up now I think
5218s yeah I feel like a lot happened but I
5220s didn't really hit it that often yeah I I
5223s wasn't as efficient there as we were in
5225s the most glorious slidy land the the
5229s sword shield walls as I like to call us
5241s yeah
5245s the chase is on yeah then we'll get that
5248s Lobby we should have about half an hour
5249s I can't imagine oh too much left in the
5253s tank maybe about two hunts yeah yeah I
5257s mean s t to go pretty quick yeah but say
5259s just please match the tier of armor
5261s we're using
5263s obviously I think was it level three
5265s last week was it yeah want to give it a
5271s check yeah that goes for the weapon as
5273s well please don't come in with a raging
5274s bracky great sword and just one shot the
5276s monsters
5279s yeah don't even know if I'm going the
5280s right way is it right right at the top
5282s now right and I don't I don't think I've
5284s got the glider mantel uh equipped so I'm
5287s going to have to go the oldfashioned way
5290s I you know when I back on my like you
5292s know original profile I'm used to
5294s swinging around here chasing chasing
5296s older dragons so you
5300s know no no just using the uh the
5306s slingshot or the Slinger sorry yeah
5310s yeah there go I've missed my first wedge
5312s beat all day so do it doing well doing
5317s well yeah I don't think I've ever used a
5319s glider mantle either no I rarely bring
5321s it but apparently you know people that
5323s do like ton of mountain really love it
5325s and there's a few monsters I've seen
5326s some Hunters on like twitch and YouTube
5328s do some disgusting plays with that thing
5331s like they know it in out I don't think
5333s I'm big brained enough to to use that I
5336s I just swing my sword and shield and
5338s hope for the best yeah
5342s yeah I like the comfy stuff so I use
5344s like rock steady andoral man oh yeah I
5348s mean I'm definitely looking forward to
5349s getting those yeah yeah I like Vitality
5353s sometimes I swap out Rock Steady for
5355s Vitality if I'm against the monster with
5356s like loads of multi- hits oh yeah
5358s because that wasse I find I just get I
5360s just get battered like straight
5363s away would RAR be okay you can just
5366s craft a lower tier one just even if it's
5368s like a basic weapon yeah doesn't that
5371s just go in grab grab the finest entry
5374s level
5376s weapon Health boost is a great shout as
5378s well F that's that up that's right there
5381s you go my last piercing
5391s pod
5399s it nice knock
5402s down I kind of messed up the end of my
5404s combo there no what am I doing I don't
5406s want to spin that way okay I kind of
5408s messed up my damage window
5412s there but it's okay we
5419s recover yeah know the gun Lance is sling
5422s like very powerful in world and ice one
5424s but have you tried the gun Lance in
5426s Rising sunre like Joe mentioned earlier
5428s yeah it's crazy the mobility
5430s is one of the one of the highest
5433s Mobility levels of the weapons I think
5436s and all of the weapons are rather
5441s mobile see the videos of them flying
5443s around off of like mountains and Ledges
5446s stuff and then like absolutely power
5448s driving the monster
5451s yeah
5457s nice nice F cross
5472s M yeah going to take a mega
5476s potion oh yeah cuz in this area as well
5479s with the glider mantle you can get loads
5481s of aerial hits in
5482s like super
5486s easy
5490s oh no no no no no don't Bight me hey
5494s good job nice
5508s finish you want to try great sword and
5510s rice yeah well played good hunt they
5512s want to try great sword and Rise you
5514s love High Mobility Weapon It's only
5515s chance to try it yeah definitely like
5519s the great sword has the more traditional
5521s play style um and then it's also got
5525s like some pretty rapid moves as well and
5528s that like I was kind of back in when it
5530s was kind of Sun Break was coming out I
5531s was like oh yeah you can make like the
5533s greatest sword like a status great sword
5536s you can hit a lot more yeah yeah I like
5538s the uh the strong arm stance that they
5541s added style one right how does that work
5545s you can kind of I think if you press the
5547s left trigger um while you're charging up
5549s it'll do like you you'll like hit like
5552s this counter stand so if anything hits
5553s you it'll just basically like it's kind
5555s of like a shoulder tackle almost takes
5557s it to the Sho charge
5559s slash so you quickly quickly skip a
5561s charging step I think that's cool yeah
5565s oh we got a lot of parts here obviously
5567s I got another I need one more one more
5569s claw I can't believe it making me work
5572s for my weapons that's outrageous
5574s absolutely
5577s outrageous okay so um I'm gonna make
5580s sure I've got that there we
5584s go and then I need to quickly just grab
5587s the lobby
5589s ID yeah let me grab that as
5597s well I'll send that over in the YouTube
5599s chat uh set oh that would be why I need
5603s to put my keyboard into the right the
5605s right tower I was like why isn't my
5608s control V working okay right ready when
5611s you
5612s are all right give me one no rush good
5615s sir no rush yeah I was like why is my
5617s keyboard working it's turned on but was
5619s in the other
5621s PC let me head over to the Gathering Hub
5626s here okay I'm G to send that over now I
5629s will send it over for twitch
5635s there it
5637s goes how
5640s Inc and I will see you in the Gathering
5643s Hub actually I'm going to quickly go to
5646s the Smithy here the
5649s botom just to
5652s see what I want to
5655s hunt first let's look at our new armor
5657s set so oh there's Ingot armor there as
5659s well now with health boost
5665s arms I might I might go for that you
5669s know Health boost yeah Health boost arms
5672s it's always solid yeah at the minute
5675s I've got barro and barro arms give me
5678s marathon runner
5680s so we'll go Health
5683s boost there we
5685s go and then obviously the the Leiana
5688s divine blessing on the helmet aade
5691s window on the
5693s chest I mean that's that's we're
5696s starting to get to some pretty cool low
5697s rank armor sets
5699s here let's have a look at the the
5702s weapons sword
5711s sh do I need I need to go upgrade not
5714s Forge there we
5716s go
5718s um on the great Jag side
5725s oh no I've got enough claws to upgrade
5727s my jagas
5730s Edge I obviously wasn't pay oh no
5732s because I carved didn't I of course you
5736s know I wasn't paying attention to the
5737s side of the screen
5739s Jo what was that you what did you H uh I
5742s got the claws so I can upgrade my my
5744s sword
5747s shield okay we'll do that we'll we'll
5750s upgrade the Jag Edge
5753s now I can I can either go further into
5757s the the raw tree or I can switch over to
5762s Toby kachis on the
5766s edge which is 182 so I can either go 196
5770s raw or
5772s 182
5775s 90 on Thunder
5777s edge of that screen I think I'll just go
5781s normal Jack Edge for
5786s now
5788s right com into the Gathering
5802s Hub I know the bone Tre is like where is
5804s my
5807s sharpness oh W hello hello welcome
5809s welcome everybody mad artist made it as
5811s well as
5815s well so what what would you like to hunt
5817s Joe should we check our investigations
5819s and
5821s things uh yeah let's do it let's do it
5824s exactly smalles Monster Hunter feels
5826s good what can we take
5831s on I've not got investigations I can do
5833s us yet so
5837s optional so obiously we can if we want
5839s some leggy pieces we could we could hunt
5841s a bit
5844s more there's great
5850s great so we didn't hunt it yet right no
5852s should we go do that I think that's a
5854s good call yeah let's do that all right
5856s do you want to put the quest in or shall
5859s I uh give me one second I'm going to
5861s head
5866s over I grabbed the Leana Helm I think it
5870s has blessing and it looks really cool as
5873s well yeah yeah so you got fashion and
5876s form all right um we are
5879s doing
5882s um the great G Quest right yeah shall I
5886s put it in or are you
5889s gonna um I got it okay I'm just GNA back
5893s out okay I'm ready when you are all
5896s right and that's
5900s it
5905s there we
5908s go wait for the other Hunters to join
5912s us there we go and mad is still be
5915s joining in a second this would be a long
5918s a long hunt this
5923s one attack up M yeah this won't be too
5926s bad and then we get to see the great
5927s garos armor in all its Glory yeah so
5930s I've now got if I look at my equipment
5933s I've now got Health boost two stun
5934s resist one attack boost one defense
5936s boost one and poison attack one so
5938s obviously the poison attack one is on my
5940s waist so I should probably try and find
5941s a replacement for that CU I'm not using
5943s poison weapons I think I got it purely
5944s like the defensive side uh the defense
5947s boost one is coming from my Talisman or
5951s Charm
5954s sorry so I even have let me see if I
5957s even have that I don't I don't think I
5958s have a charm uh I grabbed it a a nice
5961s old W Varian lady gave me it in the
5963s research base for talking to her oh
5965s there's a defense I didn't know ahead
5969s that uh let's go with health booster
5973s huh good
5978s choice We are playing on Steam
5984s yes should we do it yeah let's roll all
5990s right yeah I I really like this monster
5993s it's quite a humble monster but it's
5995s also a pack Hunter which I think is
5997s really cool as well I do have a soft
5998s spot for like like that kind of you know
6000s great iuchi and Rise kind of
6003s thing oh great isui obviously you know
6006s great jagie is well it's a very popular
6008s one for classic Hunters
6012s yeah we got bow there from Mad artist
6015s then we got two hammers yeah this isn't
6017s going to take oh let's go
6019s stuns stuns for days Days
6024s are you're looking for PlayStation
6025s Hunters so far you're a solo when
6027s looking for buddies well you're in the
6029s right place feel free to use the chat to
6032s ask if if there's any Hunters on
6033s PlayStation that you that want to team
6036s up that is totally cool that's what the
6038s stream's all about playing together
6040s talking oh
6042s RAB coming through I mean should we hunt
6046s rabar yeah let's good okay let's let's
6048s get RAB we didn't get to hunted together
6050s you know exactly now we can it's
6054s destined oh yeah I got that block
6058s in oh I spam the wrong way luckily the
6061s sword shield is good at repositioning oh
6063s my
6065s goodness the hit box yeah I'm going to
6068s probably try and focus on the tail on
6070s the wrong side of
6073s the the tail there armed
6079s up the there very flashy weapon very
6083s strong weapon as well once you uh figure
6085s out it
6090s nuances oh it's going away
6095s already hey
6097s Twilight yeah I think we uh just not had
6100s enough no thank
6102s you obviously raban tends to stay in the
6104s mid and upper regions I believe and then
6106s obviously great gyos is like tends to be
6109s the under under kind of ground area I
6112s say underground we are all underground
6117s but oh my goodness that's a lot of lot
6120s of sounds there
6126s yeah I was holding right trigger down
6129s there I was ready to
6132s block oh I mounted it nice
6140s m
6143s nice sharpen
6144s opportunity how far are you to win the
6146s game we've just unlocked five star low r
6150s quest literally just beat
6156s Leana oh who I thought I I thought that
6158s was going to knock it down oh he's still
6160s going for round
6164s two there we go Char that'll do
6168s it oh okay where's the tail oh there's a
6172s trap a delicious
6175s trap infite combo the
6187s tail to sneeze there as raban hits me of
6190s his tail as
6197s Revenge oh that was a nice up
6202s oh I got nice hit there the golf swing
6206s it's come for you
6209s yeah building up to some Mountain there
6213s nice work
6217s nice I'm going to keep making most of
6220s this uh
6225s location with the punching attacks yeah
6228s I'm like we will get more
6230s mounts
6232s oh you R back
6239s oh oh I just missed
6241s that that sounds like a mount is off
6246s nice oh I didn't notice no you up there
6250s yeah no no it's not me this time pill
6252s team leaders on it team
6254s leader oh there you go look that's great
6256s to see folks hunted going to be hunted
6258s together in chat that's awes place to
6262s oh I've got my breath back
6264s now oh yeah the bow the bow is having a
6266s great time here with how long rabar is
6268s it's like yeah oh there the tail
6271s wonderful
6272s job but yeah that's one thing as well I
6275s love about moner is like it's like right
6276s you need to hunt this monster but then
6278s you see another monster and you'll be
6290s likey
6301s oh oh my goodness I'm glad I dodged that
6304s mostly chip damage nice and that's a
6307s bounty complete as well right don't
6309s forget the Tail cuz in in some bra b a
6312s bit of a meme at the end I just kept
6313s forting to get the Tails I was terrible
6316s yeah it would be it would be cut and I
6318s just forget to get it and it was like a
6321s silver or gold wrath like I need I need
6324s all of them uh I mean you know I've been
6327s guilty enough times of hunting the
6328s monster and then I don't even carve it
6331s period just like wow that's done just
6333s send a message yeah I'm just going to
6335s leave those three bits there
6338s yeah h no worries no time well you know
6341s could be a good time to return to
6347s well I get that in there
6349s hashtag
6356s okay size of that bug what do we come
6359s here for again great great geas the uh
6362s to upgrade our fashion game and maybe I
6365s can get paralysis sort
6370s sh I don't know if I'm going the right
6372s way I think I'm we're heading downwards
6374s it's
6379s something I got a mix of bone and metal
6382s like quite a
6384s contrast oh yeah I see your your
6387s gauntlets we we have the same ones right
6390s the health Bo yeah Health boost such a
6393s good score especially like you know I
6395s mean Health boost is a fantastic skill
6397s it's very popular and if you if you kind
6400s of play into that it's it's meta if you
6403s believe it but obviously you can use
6404s whatever you want if you're happy if it
6406s works for you then it's the right set
6408s for you but I love Health boost the
6410s Comfort it provides is massive yeah I I
6414s like comfy hunting So Divine bsing
6417s Health boost oh me all that oh love it
6421s love it love it love it but yeah like I
6422s I highly recommend Health
6426s boost the point that I'm probably going
6428s to upgrade the pieces I've got on it to
6430s carry them through to like like high
6432s rank or something then I'll look for the
6434s high rank equivalent oh hello
6437s there he's having a bit of food look
6440s just
6441s midnight and we're like hello start oh
6445s my goodness is that oh I got I got
6450s DED yeah I just think this
6452s monster yeah but then it's like I also
6456s really like
6457s tabra which isn't you know necessarily
6460s the most powerful monster I just think
6461s it's really cool yeah
6465s yeah it's like you know I like doo G not
6469s the most powerful but you know maximum
6472s on the C scale
6476s yeah Vitality mantle and health booster
6479s equipped for my girl along with sappy
6481s charge Blade with sleep o nasty wake UPS
6486s there more
6487s STS
6491s yes we got basically two and a half
6493s hammers because got two Hammer users of
6495s my shield so I contribute a little bit
6497s to the
6499s St
6502s Slinger I a bit
6507s more oh it's only the one I was like
6510s tried to fire my second shot I was
6514s like are we going for a are we or is it
6517s a
6519s is we're going to go in any we'll see
6521s what happens what happens happens we're
6522s going
6526s in oh my
6528s goodness what is going on all right
6531s there we go
6533s oh look at these Hammer users just up up
6536s at the front yeah well play good
6544s job that was good indeed right won't
6548s forget to car this time oh yeah yeah I
6551s will get on
6556s that the bang yeah I love the gear from
6559s this monster and I might try and get the
6561s sword and Sh if I
6565s can I think we get one more quest in
6568s right yeah yeah we it won take
6577s long lagy acress is one of my favorites
6581s You Are Not Alone there based on
6583s everything that we've
6589s seen
6598s there a g Ro running away like n i' had
6600s enough I Ain having
6606s that oh nice lot of monster Parts
6618s there my hunter's looking pretty cool
6620s there
6621s like not facing the large monster
6623s attacking a small monster
6627s yeah I got oh I somehow got part I must
6631s have like took the last bit of the
6633s threshold for like the part breaks yeah
6636s um I'm going to quickly go to the
6640s Smithy and if you want to check another
6642s quest in or find a nice one for right
6647s let's look at the great garos gear
6649s because it's awesome
6654s that's Inc all right let's look at the
6656s armor because the fashion game is
6659s strong look at that like how cool is
6663s that let's see let's
6669s see well how about taking on a
6672s rathia yeah that's do that be yeah I am
6676s well up
6677s for it unlocks aanal research item first
6680s time from sh so I think that will
6682s probably be pretty important for
6685s us so to get the great great geros tree
6689s oh no way I need to go through pke PUK
6693s oh I knew it'd come back to Horn me
6695s right anyway back to the Gathering H
6698s yeah I went ahead and posted that Jon
6701s thank you thank
6709s you
6720s hi
6726s hey all right Last Quest of the stream
6728s yep get into
6730s it and Ran's a great one like Rath and
6733s weapons are fantastic and investing in
6735s the merly is like a great idea if you're
6738s using like the kind of weapon that you
6740s know like gun Lance has a really good
6741s rathan one I think is it chargeblade is
6745s graan charge blade good or am I
6747s imagining that and obviously the r
6749s fantastic yeah oh
6752s yeah uh you think we're going to hit
6755s high rank next week is that something
6757s that might happen there's a possibility
6760s okay
6761s okay we'll see how much progress we can
6763s make I think we've been uh We've making
6765s some pretty good progress in the last
6766s couple weeks yeah we've we've not had to
6768s stop to farm too much
6771s um so that's helped but obviously now we
6774s we get a few more Monster parts so
6777s yeah oh once we get into high rank I
6780s think uh we're going to have to have
6782s some yeah yeah I don't think we'll be
6783s blitzing through it like low rank that
6785s way it's going to be a lot more
6787s difficult for us to Brute Force stuff
6789s yeah we're going to need to start
6790s farming monsters for SATs and
6793s weapons I don't know where I'm going so
6795s uh lead the way yeah I'm I'm going to go
6798s left I was like R and
6800s she's either going to be like in the
6801s marshy area of the swamp or through
6805s here but we can loop around so that's
6808s not
6821s bad so she's not here I thought she
6823s might be in
6826s here oh hold on what we spoted here oh
6830s oh though here she
6831s comes and mad artist has got a welcoming
6834s gift for
6837s her oh
6844s OD whoa I did the
6848s thing she quite a large one
6853s yeah absolute unit
6857s absolute the size of this
6861s in
6862s all absolute oh Lord she
6867s coming yeah we're playing on
6870s Steam actually I should go for the tail
6872s I should not with two Hammer users I
6874s should be no way near on that
6879s tail yeah we we're not cutting that
6883s thing why Hammer no slice
6889s yeah
6894s if I actually what I could do is try
6896s help Focus
6900s against there we
6918s go I'll go on the head there oh there's
6921s the Trap ready as
6925s well and then I'm going to get oh the
6928s head's broken there's a good chance for
6930s a plate
6934s now oh that what increases the chance I
6936s actually know I think yeah it's I mean I
6939s think it's normally the head uh I know
6941s that's the case for like the highest end
6943s kind of mon you know when you get into
6946s like of a gem area I think it's the same
6952s at
6957s least oh the the Wrath waddle one of the
6960s most dangerous moves in the game look
6962s three times in a row and I'm stunned no
6964s no no no no no no no save
6969s him
6976s yes just Bing at the front this is
6981s brutal it's like alternating BS yeah
6985s then trade and blows but cooperatively
6988s look at you
6990s too absolute Sav good yeah just a bunch
6994s of Barbarians yeah un
6999s civilized yeah we're actually doing an
7001s open lobby at the moment but uh this is
7003s the last HT of today's stream but we
7005s will be back next week so there'll be
7008s more options to opport unties to
7013s together a sacred wall for the sword and
7016s shield plune here
7020s lovely I think we're nearly done as well
7023s yeah there it is you called it I just
7026s had an in yeah
7033s yeah yeah that was a yeah that was
7037s efficient hunting the two the two uh
7039s hammers and then me and the Mad artist
7041s on their bow just like causing
7044s trouble there you go I got a shell and
7048s two scales you you said you needed a um
7052s a ran Spike right I do I do there's no
7059s tail but maybe I'll get some of my
7066s rewards I need to go Snapp up some more
7068s goodies
7080s good good clean hunt
7082s there is there some sort sort of Secret
7084s order for the gun L I swear I well
7087s you'll have to talk to ruran about that
7089s rakan loves the gun LS and will convert
7093s as many people to that weapon as
7095s possible okay no Spike this time I don't
7098s think scale scale shell webbon is good
7101s we need some webon RI Wing Talon I mean
7105s I'll take that you know that was a nice
7108s hunt this means we get to hunt her again
7110s another
7118s time and then back to camp we go and
7121s with that that gives us a nice wrap up
7124s for today's stream so anything you'd
7127s like to say before we go Joe
7130s uh next I believe it's next week uh is
7133s the the well it should be close to the
7136s anniversary of Monster Under World um so
7140s yeah six years um I
7142s mean we won't necessarily be doing
7144s anything super special for the stream
7146s but um you know should be a good one to
7147s just reminisce and enjoy the uh the ride
7150s that it's been so uh yeah otherwise
7153s thanks to everybody for joining us and
7155s uh it's been a good time thanks for
7156s hunting with us and uh yeah we'll be
7158s back next week
7160s yeah it's it's been a lot of fun we had
7162s some good progress uh no Triple C in
7164s this week as well so nice and smooth and
7167s we are getting even closer to high rank
7170s it will not be long maybe next week as
7172s you said Joe and thank you everyone for
7174s tuning in because it's you the community
7176s that makes these streams what they are
7178s so let's wrap things up now I've been
7180s jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
7183s awesome have a fantastic rest of the day
7185s and we will see you next week good night
7187s all right thanks everybody see you later
7300s e
3 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name's jonno EMA Community
4s manager on monst Hunter and I'm joined
6s by hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the Monster
9s Hunter Community manager for Capcom USA
11s and what are we doing today
13s Joe all right well um if you guys have
16s been following along I believe this is
18s episode five of our return to World
20s stream and we are headed to the rotten
23s Veil today um I think we we were in
25s there a little bit last week um but
27s we're really going to dive in today and
29s see all the monsters so um should be
31s good we're still in low rank but
32s hopefully we can make our way out uh
34s into high rank finally we've been making
36s some good progress so hopefully this is
38s the week yeah fingers crossed we're we
40s can't I think we're about four like main
42s quests away from high rank so I think
44s it's going to be challenging but maybe
46s just maybe this week we can we can push
48s through but of course first Joe we have
50s to overcome aarin so let's go on the
53s hunt let's hop in game and uh finish off
57s this Quest so we've just discovered
58s aarin or should I say aaran discover
60s covered us and now we need to go and
63s rescue a friend and take aaran down yeah
67s we did a little prep work before the
69s start of the stream so uh you know we
71s skipped some of the story stuff in there
73s but uh now we're ready to go oh yes I'm
75s looking forward to I mean aaran armor is
77s one of the most popular
79s aesthetically in I think mon Hunter
81s World among the community uh only only
84s to be matched In Their Eyes by I think
85s the ebony aarin gear in iceborn um okay
89s so I think okay oar's above us now
93s um yeah that's right we've been we've
95s been sitting in the uh the camp for a
96s little bit so it may have moved
100s around but yeah if it's your uh first
103s week joining us on the stream uh we have
107s returned to world uh from the very start
110s of the game uh we are not playing these
112s saves uh on our own time um we're
115s playing the entire thing on stream only
118s so hopefully you've been following along
120s and if not you can go back uh if you can
122s go on YouTube and check out the archives
124s from the very
126s beginning oh here we go maybe maybe we
129s won't C today that would be
133s cool I don't know we'll see man we'll
135s see we'll see I mean aaran
137s is you know quite a challenge I think
139s for some Hunters I remember them saying
140s that AAR was their first triple cut
143s because it's so aggressive and obviously
145s the bleed mechanic is there as well um
148s so luckily I've grabbed exactly you know
150s as Jason says uh bring you a ster jerky
153s I have got three of them in my pocket
156s so through them let's see what have I
158s brought probably nothing
162s good yeah we've talked about it a few
164s times right it's like when you're
167s bringing stuff that's not on your main
169s save it's kind of a weird feeling yeah
171s to not have all your stuff set up do I
173s have it do I not oh thank you net Mia
176s much appreciated that very kind of you
179s arm wrestling tournament yes we we did
181s miss you last
182s week let's go I've got a thorn pod right
186s on its
189s snoot well done well done I'm going to
191s try to do my SL here comes the slide
193s here he
195s goes mess it up that's some good hits
197s though there's a few hits there you
199s connected nice early Mount as well yeah
202s I remember on on world I love going for
204s the mount on sword and
209s shield
210s Hopey we get lots of nice monster Parts
212s here because I do want some AAR gear oh
215s a great
216s her oh actually I mean I wouldn't mind
220s hunting that as well to for the sword
222s and shield parts yeah if I can get a
223s paralysis sword and shield okay
225s paralized on a gar and you got the stun
228s all right I'm going to Pivot to Great
230s GEOS
232s quickly I don't know what I'm doing I'm
234s just uh just keep on swinging yeah I'm
236s just s where have you gone come here you
238s oh it's going for some more biting I
240s paralyzed Oar
245s again man they're not friendly right now
248s yeah ready for neps arm wrestling as you
251s said right okay wow dude great gearos
255s scare off aarin oh my goodness this why
258s I really like this monster yeah let's
260s take it out I'm ke to make its um sword
262s and shield all
264s right get some paralysis up in
269s here
271s got healed by my Powerco very nice I
274s just keep triggering the slide here it's
276s beautiful this is Hammer heaven right
280s here I don't know if my aim has been
282s good oh there we go Kev says there's a
284s rabid on around as
287s well oh nice nice all those broken parts
290s which we did take it out last week which
292s was good yeah I got a wi
296s te going to carve up a normal
299s gearos uh oh there we go got a
302s hide I should have sharpened here really
304s but it's too late now I kind of uh did
306s not capitalize on my window of
309s opportunity oh I need to sharpen too
311s that's all right once we take it out
313s we'll have some
314s time somehow I manage to
317s Pivot oh there we go look at those part
319s breaks
321s nice oh don't you be going
324s anywhere a man get back wait no I was
327s going to clutch CL I should not yeah
330s soon soon yeah old habits and like once
334s we're in um high rank we're gonna have
336s to actually Farm ourselves out some
337s proper sets as well because I don't
339s think we'll be able to carry carry
340s ourselves with random bits and Bobs oh
343s yeah I'm still looking like I'm at the
344s first day of school I've got like only
347s got like a I don't know great jagers
349s armor maybe I think I have a Leana
352s headpiece here so see that's good you've
355s got divine blessing so that's yeah oh
358s yeah divine blessing is a must for me
362s because I like comfy hunting and I'm I'm
364s you know I'm weak oh
366s yeah fully with you
370s there oh I got tail
373s whipped oh well I'm playing so sloppy
376s here luckily my Pico is keeping me
379s healed
381s up I think I just let me get that thank
388s you oh
395s this thing's got to be nearly down it's
397s uh summon some normal I just realized
400s I'm at
401s odaran and you're a great garos so what
404s am I
405s doing it's all right I just saw it and I
408s my brain turned off and I started
410s hunting must hunt must
415s hunt
416s oh there we go sorry dude I I left you
420s over here that's
422s okay I was not a good straighten with
424s the stun good good entrance say you kept
427s a a gar off me cuz it definitely sniff
429s me out when I was walking
431s by I was I was struggling with them like
434s why is this so difficult right now
436s what's going on why is it just attacking
438s me
440s yeah all right there we go all right so
443s we can carve that up there we go oh
445s thank you for the Subscribe as well
446s there is that kill thank you very much
449s thank you thank
451s you you on vacation and you played
454s offline on your steam deck nice nice
456s hunting on the go okay uh there is okay
459s we need to go round again don't we to
461s get back to I
463s think oh cofin
468s theia hold on is it jumped down there it
470s is there it is yep it jumped right in
471s front of my face just as I'm running
474s away piercing pod oh I barely hit it I I
478s nearly missed straight off the bat
480s all right if you're by the head I'll try
482s and focus on the
485s tail no worries yeah those bites are
488s going to hit hard I'm not looking
490s forward to that ping thank you that was
493s good timing got an itchy nose as well
495s some tried to scratch it while not
496s getting eaten by
498s Odo oh yeah okay that
503s that that armor is uh
507s showing don't I've only got three mega
509s potion CU I forgot to up so I'm like use
513s it
517s carefully
521s oh there we go man I'm not getting any
523s hits
526s here yes it's the the agility is just
530s such a a shock to the system when you
532s first face
533s AAR o oh nice that was beautiful tripped
538s it up much apprciate it oh I okay keep
541s up oh I keep my Rolling On Point
549s here oh no the
551s bleed oh I'm too just out of range no oh
556s there we go we got the part break though
558s thank you for carrying me right now I'm
560s uh right having a hard time this is
562s where the sword and shield excels with
564s its mobility and ability to reposition
566s in combat but you just do silly damage
568s so
572s I'm still trying to hit this tail not to
574s much success there you go there's a
580s Flinch I got an a gar Fang from that
583s shiny
586s drop oh I'm about to get about to get
589s follow
591s up
594s ah okay right uh sharpen up now and use
599s these first a
601s meds oh come on get out of here you
605s getting nibbled
609s on leave me
611s alone think I might need some rations
618s here yeah definitely my stamina dropped
621s from when we were chilling at Camp
623s whoopsie we're hanging out too much just
625s posing
628s yeah
632s Lord guide his hammer and make his Bonks
635s true people are Lov loving the hammer
638s understandably I hope I do it justice
640s but uh so far I have
642s not it's right first hunt just Waring up
645s we're just warm up warm up that's a nice
649s slope for you here look list I just
650s heard all those
651s hits stop I ate all that damage don't
655s worry I I managed to somehow finish a
658s break on uh on the front claws
662s there come
671s on oh spinner
674s Rooney see your your snow cat Pico there
677s leaping in the air winter theme you know
680s exactly is the season oh boy we got a
684s tail break here or tail cut I should say
687s that was definitely not me hammers are
690s known for their amazing tail cutting
696s ability I'm sliding in oh I'm lucky he
699s wants you I got to get my defense out
705s oh it's all good we got lots of part
708s breaks so we must be doing something
710s right oh I
713s fortify sry let all the hammer users
717s down hammers have arguably the dangerous
720s job in mon the most dangerous job in
721s Monster Hunter amongst the different
722s weapon users in my opinion because
725s Hammer the most effective at the head
727s and you know you're always in danger
731s right yeah you're right you're
732s absolutely right EXC yeah sword and
735s shield can chill around the legs the
737s claws the tail yeah that's fine Hammer
739s users always at the head I got a scale
742s from a tail oh
745s pain
748s why
750s absolute
752s pain hey itadaki on a five stream watch
756s streak I think that's all of our streams
758s so far nice thank you for joining
763s us and we are streaming on Twitch and
767s YouTube so you might see some us mention
770s some comments or uh chat that you're not
772s seeing um but we are reading both if we
775s can indeed
777s indeed oh I remember this area because
779s it has the Blessed sword and shield wall
782s but we've cut its tail off so I
784s missed I saw you up there there we go
788s that's what I like it for easy
792s Ms we're going to get a nice knockdown
794s and you can go hammer time get some
800s Revenge go for the head finish for more
806s damage there it
808s is right I will now maybe I'll just
810s attack the claws or something as long as
812s I stay away from the head area we'll
814s both be
816s fine all right I got those big bangs
819s that was some nice big damage we'll go
820s for a
821s stagger nice yes oh nice knock down I
826s think it might have been you I don't
828s know I just got the Stagger in and then
829s I just swung a little bit but maybe
831s maybe I just tipped it over oh well
833s played Joe well played all I did was
835s Mash A or B I guess do you when we get
838s back to C do you want to take people
840s through the Smithy to show off the aarin
842s armor let's do it yeah let's do
845s it I Jo fashion show man I hope we get
849s enough to at least make one piece of
850s armor for yeah that' be good but it it
853s looks so cool oh what was that did you
856s hey we both just got
858s plates woohoo sweet nice work is there
862s anything all right that's going to be it
863s for today's
865s stream we got the plate yeah we're
867s streaming until we get a plate and
870s speed plate Speed Run yeah I want these
882s HS I have time to sneak through
886s here the plate makes up for the scale
889s absolutely right I think we'll let
891s bygones be bygones now
896s there impact fire charge blades have to
898s take that kind of d D the Hammers take
900s given they have to face them down as
901s well that's true but they yeah as you
903s said they also have a shield um it's
906s Pico
908s hand incredible where is she I thought
911s she'd be with
917s you mission
921s complete it just changes the tone of the
924s cut scene completely it does it does you
926s got to love
928s it
929s easy I'm just glad you're
937s not we can't even see that she's
946s crying so I wonder what's next because I
948s know before we get to high rank we have
950s to do Rathalos and Diablos but I think
953s there might be another monster before
954s then trying to think who it could be
958s yeah
960s I think let we speed up that
967s process like she's talking about the
969s most serious
973s stuff super serious Pico yeah oh man and
977s you got my uh on my stream you have the
980s Snowman Pico in the
986s back you're right the veil is where
989s monsters come to rest they sense the end
992s and make their way
996s here geeky parents loves the coloring on
999s your hair oh thank you very much thank
1001s you yeah it's my favorite
1004s color oh my
1010s Pico see it's quite cool because this is
1012s like kind of explaining the artwork that
1014s we shared on the monster hunter account
1015s the last week around the coral Veil and
1019s uh its connection to the rotten Veil
1021s sorry Coral Highlands and rotten Veil
1024s kind of mashing them together now yeah
1027s well they are in the same area
1029s technically
1046s soem behind
1051s sorry it's too good it's too
1064s good everyone's loving the Pico neet
1072s especially the clues are all here but
1075s Sora is nowhere to be found it was
1077s drawing storing it
1080s is was ity to it somewhere I want to see
1083s all the cut scenes for this outfit well
1085s we'll get some
1098s more it's
1107s rain I don't eat it
1116s Handler only I
1121s could maybe don't we all want to live
1123s another 300 years yeah well it's 300
1125s years between FR right
1128s yeah how many Monster Hunters Will we be
1130s on in 300 years yeah yeah good
1137s question
1139s my Pico still looks way cooler than I
1144s do like I said first day of school
1147s that's that's how I'm feeling right now
1150s well there lots of nice pieces that's a
1151s lot of nice pieces of
1153s Aaron I got a tail from the rewards as
1155s well so there we
1158s go awesome
1167s awesome
1171s okay should we make some
1174s stuff dur yeah yeah let's check out your
1176s screen if we're not already and you can
1178s take us through the
1180s aarin
1181s gear uh we got to get uh first Varian
1186s Clues I have so many uh oh Vitality
1189s mantle what I want the Vitality mantle
1192s where is
1193s it uh you have to talk to the field team
1197s leader oh there we go thank you Phil
1200s team leader I appreciate you I have a
1203s lot of exclamation marks on my map me
1205s too we're going to ignore those for now
1207s we're going to go to the blacksmith I
1208s need to go and get my honey because it's
1210s filled up
1213s there keep geky parents ask are you both
1216s playing with your weapon Mains or does
1218s somebody m a different one I am a great
1219s sword main uh with usually with switch
1222s ax as my secondary and jonno you are
1225s playing with your main right I am yeah I
1226s love the sword and shield uh so I'm
1228s running that at the moment uh I need to
1231s collect my Harvest I'll take all that
1233s honey yum
1235s y all right let's take a look at weapons
1238s first see what we
1240s got I think we have
1242s nothing at this point I don't know
1246s Dragon
1247s bow
1251s no great garos yeah I think we're set
1255s with what we got for now let take a look
1257s at uh
1260s oh I can do odar and Helm oh or the
1264s Greaves those are the two I can do right
1265s now what skills if you call those um
1269s with the Greaves it has quick sheath
1272s quick sheath it's kind of hard to say
1275s yeah uh and with the helm is very cool
1279s looking uh bleeding resistance so for
1282s hunting more more OD garens that would
1285s be very helpful it's got 30 defense not
1287s bad not bad
1289s I kind of like the uh the like hair
1291s treatment you get with that it's pretty
1293s cool it is nice uh I might just do it
1295s straight up for the fashion we know
1297s fashion game is the true end game yeah I
1300s don't have starting in low rank is a
1301s good
1305s idea TP decisions sub
1314s decisions the gala suit I can actually
1316s craft the gala suit
1320s or Ingot I have Ingot right
1323s now let's see my weakest piece of armor
1327s is what are we on we're on the
1329s hunters Hunter gaves with barbecue
1332s master I don't really need that oh yeah
1334s that time to let that one go
1338s yeah maybe we do the Ingot Greaves so I
1341s can get some def uh defense boost let's
1343s do that well actually I'm going to do
1345s the what G
1346s and tell him first so let's do that I
1351s want the the
1353s fashion uh we're not open Lobby right
1355s now but we might be later uh or we will
1357s be later um probably near the end of the
1359s stream um we're probably going to go for
1361s another hour and a half so uh yeah
1363s probably in about an hour we open it up
1366s oh I need a hunt a pke pke to make the
1368s great gyos gear but I still need more
1371s gyos fangs apparently so that's not
1373s happening for a little bit so pke PUK I
1376s need and so if we come across p
1379s okay uh we might have to have a word
1385s um um let's see let's see okay Jag I
1390s don't really need that plus all right
1394s we're making progress but yeah I would
1395s like to go into the gyos tree eventually
1398s but yeah we're going to need I need
1399s Diablos fangs great gyos fangs a lot of
1402s fangs going to be like a dentist taking
1405s them
1407s teeth I a look at the
1410s armor or
1412s thearon what are your feelings on
1415s Constitution constit reduces
1418s stamina oh fix stamina depletion so uh
1422s maybe not that helpful right now uh
1424s let's see let's see Bist I really need
1426s that
1428s I'm I'm getting the gala suit
1431s slacks oh I get divine
1434s blessing and uh 34 armor that will
1437s replace stun res IST
1442s one it's got critical draw over here
1444s which I don't think I really need with
1452s hammer all right maybe we'll say where
1454s we're at right now I'm just never
1456s dropping that great
1459s jagas oh I can upgrade my my or Hammer
1462s let's see I've got the raban uh waste
1465s now as well uh do that give guard one
1469s and a bit more armor as well nice I'm
1472s going to upgrade my
1474s hammera can't go wrong with or weapons
1477s so bleeding resist quick sheath yeah
1479s same with me I can nearly make the
1481s odaran coil which would give me critical
1484s eye one
1488s um yeah okay i' I've kind of now got
1490s like a bit of a I look like an 80s
1493s singer right now like when I when I come
1495s to the Gathering Hub it will make a lot
1497s of sense
1501s um all right let's wrong with this yeah
1504s uh moo says they're a big fan of the
1506s bone armor especially with hammer and
1508s other weapons yeah I've been rocking the
1509s bone armor for a while and only now am I
1511s starting to transition out of it
1513s actually who do I need to talk to Now
1514s search the Ancient Forest so is this one
1517s where we need a split up for a little
1518s bit I
1520s think I believe so yeah I don't think we
1523s can do an expedition together no I think
1526s and then we'll we'll meet up again but
1528s do come to the Gathering hub first to
1530s check out my new fit okay one sec let's
1533s see uh I should get something
1541s new however if I say p if I see sorry
1544s not say PUK PUK I'm G to be hunting it I
1547s I fair
1550s warning
1552s Bist
1554s nah okay let's go with the S
1558s yaku male
1560s ooh blue and
1564s purple you know if I'm not making any
1566s AAR bits maybe I can make some for my
1570s Pico oh good idea good
1578s idea all right thanks for the
1581s recommendation on Constitution NP so I
1583s did go with
1584s it oh I still got my great jagas gaves I
1587s feel like I just need to drop those or
1589s not griefs uh the the waste part let's
1592s get let's get something new sorry joh
1594s give one
1596s minute this is what happens you know you
1599s get stuck
1602s here okay yeah we're making the aaran
1605s set for my
1615s Pake and oh what's that sein
1619s we might go for go for that capacity
1622s boost gasit tail like that's a that's
1626s kind of cool I might be into it yeah s
1629s capacity I don't really need it but I
1631s don't know I don't know I've got full a
1633s g I got the weapon I got the armor for
1635s my pelico it's uh it's ready to rock
1642s yeah it's got It's got a little tail all
1644s right let's let's go with that nice nice
1648s right I am going to start my Expedition
1650s I think are you still in the online
1652s session as well just uh yes uh are you
1657s have you left yet not yet no okay I'm
1660s gonna come
1661s over I'll come over now so I can see
1663s your outfit oh yes I'll go to the
1664s Gathering
1666s Hub um so paladas says Hi everyone I'm
1670s about to buy monst on2 or Monster hun
1672s rise which one do you recommend it's
1674s going to be my very first monst Hunter
1676s game um and obviously monster world is
1680s on sale again right now it's I think
1682s about less than n pounds if you're
1684s talking like in Great British pounds
1687s money um but good question because they
1689s play very differently um so I'll leave
1693s that to the community to
1696s recommend oh looks like we I did lose
1699s connection to you so I think we got to
1701s enter that back
1702s in no
1705s worries uh let's let's toss it over to J
1708s stream while I go ahead and put that in
1709s everyone can look at my lovely
1712s trousers but yeah and also yeah if
1714s you're if you're not sure between the
1715s two there's loads of great Monster
1717s Hunter content creators like that you
1719s can find on Twitch and YouTube and you
1720s can just see the gameplay differences um
1723s between the two Monster Hunters
1724s obviously you know the core gameplay is
1726s you know very very similar you'll know
1728s it's a mon Hunter game um but they they
1731s do play a bit different because the
1732s teams like to iterate on each title um
1735s to further you know mix things up and
1738s kind of build upon the foundations but
1740s yeah no harm in you know jumping on
1742s YouTube for example checking out a
1743s couple of videos and seeing which one
1745s kind of appeals to you more
1748s yeah I do love the aesthetic of uh of
1751s monster rer rise and uh it's pretty
1753s awesome so yeah they're both fantastic
1755s basically you're not going to make a
1757s wrong choice there is no wrong answer uh
1760s it just depends which experience you
1762s want to you want to do first really yeah
1764s agreed agreed um just quickly changing
1766s my equipment uh I'm
1777s back defense Jack
1784s Edge yeah I've got quite the mix I yeah
1786s I'm ready to kind of go on tour in my
1789s 80s band now yeah see your
1793s uh your your gaves there yeah yeah what
1797s a what a mix what a mix oh yeah I love
1800s it I I'm redefining the fashion game but
1803s yeah also paladas welcome to Monster
1807s Hunter yeah
1809s welcome um right I guess we should go on
1812s our
1814s Expeditions yeah oh you still got the
1816s bone Helm there very yeah I'm I'm still
1819s taking that HP up I'm going to be
1820s holding on to that for a little
1823s bit okay okay so at the minute there's
1825s rafos ANF and great jagas there so no
1828s PUK PUK
1830s unfortunately
1832s um got it yeah we can't do this one
1834s together right so no no so we'll we'll
1837s have a little yeah we'll head out we'll
1839s get that
1846s done yeah pke PUK evades me
1852s still know the drill
1856s Clues don't worry I'll be careful
1863s time old
1867s Footprints find a first W variant uh do
1871s they tend to where do they tend to hang
1873s around yeah I don't
1877s remember it's been an eternity since
1879s we've done these quests yeah for the
1881s first time or I guess second time or
1883s whenever you know we've done it again so
1886s I just really don't remember
1889s I'm just capturing some fish on the
1894s way unlock an achievement or something I
1897s I just just gonna get me them fishies
1901s yeah oh here
1905s hello and JF Parts yay okay mystery
1910s Footprints
1912s um the Y
1916s variant Mr mucus
1923s that you good shout so if you're into
1926s your turn-based RPGs there is Monster
1928s Hunter stories and Monster Hunter
1929s stories
1932s too yes very fun
1935s games way deeper than you might expect
1938s at first as well with the monsty raisin
1940s mechanics and the battling and and
1943s everything okay I've got first W Varian
1946s Footprints coming up
1952s oh no there was some down
1962s there yeah there is another uh monster
1964s collecting game that is very popular
1966s right now but if I can recommend Monster
1969s Hunter stories too that is a a great
1972s game where you can collect a lot of
1973s monsters and very big roster monsters
1976s and very story driven as
1978s well yes yes very story
1982s driven great music
1986s mhm and also you know the fact you can
1989s have a a brachi [ __ ] companion you know
1992s as one of your monties makes me very
1995s happy soon as I could get brackie
1997s straight in my squad so I'm gon get a
1999s brackie egg gonna Farm the brackie
2006s egg
2008s you're going to go for Monster Hunter
2009s World nice well welcome to Monster
2012s Hunter world if you need any pointers
2014s you can check out our previous streams
2016s on YouTube uh but no honestly have a ton
2019s of fun if you if you're finding yourself
2022s that you want to want some pointers we
2024s do actually have some introductory
2025s guides in the steam News section as well
2029s um that uh we've put together so feel
2031s free to check those out as well but most
2033s importantly monster is a game about
2035s Discovery having fun trying new things
2037s so yeah welcome to the community and we
2040s hope you have a great time with it yeah
2042s welcome and
2045s enjoy oh took me all the way to is it is
2047s it leading me to Rathalos is this what's
2049s going on here yes I've got the cut scene
2053s same here
2062s same I'm digging my helmet which I I
2065s think is pretty cool looking yeah or my
2068s uh my uh head
2071s gears I wouldn't really call it a helmet
2074s oh yeah and one last bit of advice
2075s there's 14 weapon types to choose from
2078s so don't be afraid to experiment check
2080s them out because they all play so
2083s differently um and are a totally
2085s different experience but yeah and also
2087s let us know which weapon you settle on
2090s um because it's always called to know
2092s what our Hunters like to use and Ros is
2094s here as well hello Ros we did take you
2098s out earlier uh in an unexpected way uh
2103s but we did get carried by some teammates
2105s so we did we did Rathalos King of the
2109s Skies obviously you know taking a break
2111s from being in the EXO Primal collab to
2112s visit us
2115s here rathas has been in a lot of places
2119s yeah um but it's a very busy very busy
2121s guy yeah yeah and I think the uh the EXO
2125s Primal one is is definitely very
2127s authentic so yep I I I've hunted Ros
2131s five times now in EXO which means I've
2133s unlocked the Ros armor for murasi uh
2136s which nice I got that wrapped up last
2138s night very
2140s nice yeah I I need to do it
2144s more oh we've escaped for
2153s now hunting horn is the best weapon I'll
2156s die on this hill says new I mean it's a
2157s great weapon let's not lie
2160s everyone you don't need to die in the
2162s hill exact everyone everyone like
2165s hunting on is a weapon where whenever
2167s you see one on your team you're
2168s immediately like yes yes please thank
2171s you very much Bon and
2174s Buffs indeed
2177s indeed um new assignment available okay
2180s so now I can out yeah yeah and then
2183s we'll we'll get ready to get toasty
2190s dy I forgot how to return to base there
2193s we go I'm not used to returning from
2195s base you
2197s see I don't do
2202s that it's Hunter go
2205s home exactly either we finish it or we
2209s go back in a car
2213s it's well the uh Gloria's got 2,000
2216s Hunts on switch hack and 100 plus Hunts
2218s on each of the other 13 weapons their
2220s favorite weapon is the clutch
2224s claw oh well we got the two so we have
2226s Rathalos and Diablos here yeah let's do
2229s Ros first yeah let's let's work our way
2232s up
2237s yeah there you go pop the quest
2243s in so we've been making good progress
2245s but I think this is where
2248s we could we were at risk oh look at your
2250s very funky pelico oh it's not your
2252s pelico it's the chef funky Pico oh yeah
2256s yeah
2258s whoa I love
2262s it so shiny disco ball
2267s head dang I feel like my pelico is no
2270s longer in
2271s season even though it is
2274s winter it just doesn't feel right
2284s very
2291s F yeah if you want to grab the quest
2294s that I've popped in and then we will uh
2296s go find the apex of the Ancient
2303s Forest hopefully we'll win there's only
2306s there's only the two of us this time but
2307s I'm sure that will be more than
2310s enough Now's the Time to show the
2312s community it was actually us that were
2314s carrying them when we first took down
2317s Rathalos of course of course I've been s
2320s begging this whole time let's go yeah I
2322s got fantasy trousers on so it's going to
2325s be
2327s fine and obviously we have the the
2329s celebration platter there as well hey
2332s Black Ops good to see you you Hunter
2334s needs some help with
2335s jotus oh a fishy foe
2339s indeed right what we got here one two
2343s three easy flash pod I will yes please
2348s I'm going to keep my uh I'm going to
2350s keep my mega potions on hand for this
2352s because if I get hit I might crumple
2355s with this current armor I do have the
2357s Vitality mantal though yeah Vitality M
2360s or health booster what do you
2361s think hey Health booster can we go two
2364s Health boosters yeah let's do that then
2367s we can support each
2370s other oh yes I forgot actually no I do
2373s have the hell Health hell booster no
2375s Health booster Health
2377s booster all right
2380s okay that'll help keep us on the
2385s offensive right I think obviously we
2388s need to start ascending the Ancient
2390s Forest yeah we got to go way up there
2393s which way is the best way I think do we
2395s go right a bit first
2397s I think
2409s so quick
2412s fish what you doing get me some
2415s delicious sushi fish you can come too
2417s I'm not going to eat you though a re
2419s vulture thank you very
2423s much is it this way do we want to go in
2425s through here or is
2427s that and I think think we need to go a
2430s little bit
2431s further yeah I think we got to circle
2437s around not this one but maybe the next
2439s one those Footprints yeah I think yeah
2441s this is the one I reckon whose
2444s Footprints are these there a
2447s carcass I've just totally missed
2451s it got the wiggly though so that's okay
2454s ah we can Ascend I'll leave the other
2456s one I think I think another Wiggly
2458s spawns around here but I won't gobble it
2460s up yeah there
2462s is um oh there
2471s got I think this will be on our biggest
2473s test so far yeah definitely I mean
2476s Diablos is just around the corner as
2477s well so oh it's Toby hi Toby we're not
2480s we're not chasing you today mate hello
2482s Toby we just there you go what a
2484s beautiful Monster yeah hello friend yeah
2488s just uh you see ralas tell him we said
2492s hi we're coming for you what's our
2495s favorite monster from the series we'll
2496s start with youo it's always nice to get
2498s this
2499s question yeah yeah I think we get it
2501s every week um for me it's double Joe
2503s just love how aggressive it is and it
2505s you know it's the pickle exactly you
2508s know who doesn't who doesn't like pickle
2509s inviting itself to the hunt yeah um and
2512s for me it's bracki Doos it's big it's
2514s blue it punches it's like a big dinos
2517s and it makes explosions so I I Adore
2520s everything its armor looks cool it
2521s weapons are blast which I
2523s quickly like really became enamored with
2527s uh when I first started playing mon like
2528s slime and blast weapons um and I just
2531s think they're a great staple weapon
2533s especially for like uh breaking parts
2535s and just get a bit more raw damage um
2538s but yeah bracky for me what about you
2539s let's flick it back to the community
2541s time for you to share your favorite
2543s monster let us know let us know favorite
2545s monster
2547s namel namel is great it's probably my
2550s favorite original monster that was uh
2552s new to the to both uh world and Ice
2557s we've also got a malfestio there as
2560s well
2564s nice I'm G to pop a quick easy ration
2568s there we
2569s go
2571s right Ros gashes primordial Malino great
2576s great one very very cool it's a great uh
2580s endgame monster to cap off sunre
2584s mhm is Ros coming to us or is it going
2588s yeah did it move it's it's gaining
2591s height at the
2592s moment I think it's on the way to
2597s US stories two got me to try rise in
2599s 1200 hours later I'm a certified Hunter
2602s that's awesome
2604s ni you got you got the Rider and the
2607s hunter's license there is it is it have
2610s you found it is it on you yes yes I have
2612s oh it's moving again is it coming to me
2615s okay it went down okay or I'm not sure
2619s where lucky I can slide on my butt it's
2623s moving around quite a bit okay it's
2624s coming back up coming back up there it
2626s is oh there it is o oh hello
2630s hello where's my easy flash pods there
2633s we
2635s go okay all the way up to the water
2638s basically going to where we were I've
2640s not got any bombs so we might have to
2642s try and get it to attack the dam
2646s itself terrifies you like
2648s no gonna make me GNA make me sweat if I
2651s keep running around here I know doing a
2654s 10K over here it is the king of the
2657s Skies hello I totally whiffed and then I
2661s didn't block well either I did not block
2663s well look at it it's just like ha
2667s it's unbothered by us it is it's
2669s moisturized
2672s unbothered I'm going to try and bait it
2675s over to the uh Dam oh took some
2680s damage let me get over to
2683s you see if we can get a nature on our
2686s side fun fact about this area there's a
2689s dam here that you could use bombs or the
2690s monsters attacks to uh blow up oh good
2694s shout oh I'm on fire here oh here it
2696s comes
2698s yeah oh no Ros is flying no get down I I
2702s missed my flash
2704s pods wow oh it's got to be pinned down
2707s what is
2708s happening I missed my flash pods as far
2710s so yeah if it hits Rathalos it actually
2713s washes it away and the top of the tree
2716s however as you saw Ros had its own plan
2719s and I panick flash bombed and it didn't
2722s work that's all right that's all right
2724s we don't need that I'll try and focus on
2727s the tail
2729s here we're going to overcome this with
2732s pure skill and no parts exactly just we
2736s don't even need that warle you know we
2738s did that just to show show you what it
2739s could do yeah it's like hey look at the
2742s cool mechanics in this game anyways we
2744s didn't do it right so I'm kind of
2747s swinging in the air at the moment oh and
2749s that was with divine blessing oh
2755s no
2757s I get a slide here nope it looks like it
2760s but yeah it's just not quite steep
2768s enough I'm way too far back
2774s here maybe I bit more damage on the legs
2785s here
2788s go for that yeah I'm not getting that
2789s slide let going spin ta oh I'd already
2792s committed to the uh the lunge attack but
2795s good shout thank
2796s you there we go
2800s nice this is Rathalos this is
2808s Rathalos the king of the
2815s Skies
2817s now Bonk back on the
2821s head I don't think I brought any aera
2823s jerkies did I no I did not I did not
2827s nice I'll I'm not near I got to get over
2830s yeah I'm got to get over there run run
2832s run going to just do like an infinite
2834s combo over here yeah oh the Tail's gone
2837s oh you get
2839s that I can now focus on other parts oh
2843s oh my goodness where is my
2848s we don't know where any of our items are
2850s there we go there's the health booster
2852s I'm like cycling through my item bar I
2855s have no idea where anything
2857s is where are you right where's my mega
2861s potion yeah Health booster was a good
2863s shout I'm poisoned now going to go chill
2865s out oh I'm stunned as well oh
2868s no don't look at me
2874s no I'm going to dive into the
2876s the health
2878s booster there we go nice good flash get
2883s some Revenge there's another part break
2885s was that the
2886s head uh I'm M I'm bashing on the head so
2890s maybe but who knows oh I got
2894s stomped ah I missed got my next my
2898s normal flash pods equipped
2902s now hit in the Hammer with a hammer in
2905s the butt
2906s right okay uh where's that tail is it
2909s going to give me a tail this time I hope
2915s so hey I got a Ros tail that help with
2918s the weapon
2922s stuff I can take zero credit for
2924s breaking that tail so I will never say
2927s we did it I'll say you you broke the
2929s head see that's teamwork you you were on
2931s one end I was on the other and together
2933s H like was it blunt and uh slashing
2937s weapons combined for maximum breaks
2940s we're just playing to our
2945s STS okay there's
2948s wrath can we jump off here and get him
2951s use the wedge
2953s beetles
2956s oh can't reach oh Wings thank
2963s you oh he's not stay down
2967s yeah I missed oh no that's yeah I missed
2969s there
2977s too oh no
2979s sorry get
2983s back oh nice knock
2987s down
2989s bul
2993s oh
2995s nice this is good this is
3000s good oh
3005s spin I got hit by the the stub of the
3008s tail okay I got Slinger bomb
3014s now got the
3022s too oh he's recovering real quick
3027s one two three
3032s four
3033s and we got another bomb pod
3039s there ah I did that poorly I should not
3042s charge so
3047s late okay okay get the bomb pods out
3051s we're nearly there we've nearly got no
3054s no you're not going anywhere they
3057s Arro
3061s oo I see the skull that looks like we're
3064s almost there get back here ah no I took
3067s a wrong
3068s turn wait where'd you go slipped and
3071s fell H I'll go up here I go up here I'm
3074s falling and I can't get
3082s up got some more honey all part of my
3085s plan my oh I rolled out of my teing I'm
3088s I'm just being real sloppy today it's
3091s all right it's all right go give those
3093s monsters a chance clearly but then we're
3096s gonna get to high rank soon and it's
3098s gonna turn tables on us oh man I'm a
3100s little worried about that you know we do
3102s these in the morning for the US so when
3105s we start I'm still waking up yeah J
3107s you're at the end of your day so yeah so
3109s I'm winding down and you're you're
3111s winding up so it's kind of
3113s like neither of us are at our Peak
3116s a nice opportunity for you oh there's
3118s some while you come over though I'm
3119s going to grab some of these what's this
3121s shiny mining out crop yes
3124s please got some some lovely bone
3128s here grab some of these got oh nice like
3134s Crystal right I think I guess you need
3136s to give all Raph a bit of a rude
3144s awakening King we're just uh we're doing
3148s just us for now but we will open up the
3150s session uh maybe about a half hour so
3152s yeah look forward to that I personally
3154s think the gun Lance is really fun in
3156s world and genuinely good as well uh the
3158s rathan gun Lance is my personal my
3161s personal
3163s suggestion ra and gun L yeah yep
3166s combining what's good about it so it's a
3169s normal shell and it's a really good one
3171s so if you like the Full Burst play style
3173s it's really really good and plus it's
3175s poison so you you get extra damage so
3176s you get explosions you get poison damage
3179s tick it looks really cool as well um so
3182s yeah I mean I'm not a gun Lance main by
3184s any means but when I did play gun Lance
3186s for a bit in world and Ice spawn the
3188s rathan gun Lance was was the one oh no
3192s I'm getting Double Toasted I'm going to
3193s come hang out with you in
3198s here glad I got that little bit of armor
3203s upgrade yeah same here I'm glad I got
3205s some new armor because I'm actually
3206s surviving
3209s now trying to see if I get a last minute
3214s Mountain I have one more flash pod if
3216s you're cool with me using that go for it
3218s go for it let's let's see
3221s I there we go
3224s nice there we go that's what we that was
3227s the last flash flash really needed
3230s that whatever it was an easy flash pod
3232s so not
3234s M SP it where's the monster I've lost my
3238s sense of direction nice so that's one
3240s down so we just got Diablos to go now
3242s before we can hit high oh did you get
3243s another plate yeah got a plate oh my oh
3246s no sorry yeah this your first Rathalos
3248s plate but yeah first Ros plate but we
3251s got odar and played earlier which was we
3252s did good
3254s feeling we're lucky which means uh our
3257s luck is not going to be great in high
3258s rank yeah yeah I think Diablos was the
3261s first Monster when we were early on that
3262s really scared us um oh yeah that's right
3266s that's right I think we um we failed
3269s right yeah pretty sure we did but we
3272s gave it a
3273s try yeah exactly we we'll go say hello
3276s again
3278s yeah should we uh make any raian armor
3281s do you think let's have a look see if
3284s there's any raft gear in there all right
3286s I would like the sword and shield but I
3287s don't know if I'm anywhere near getting
3289s the paths for that
3294s yeah
3296s yeah oh I got a plate in my bonus
3298s rewards yay done it was all me baby you
3302s know getting that plate
3308s inward the hunting Gods NEP did punish
3311s the before though that was true oh
3314s that's right that's
3316s right there we
3318s go good job and we've already seen
3321s Diablos so I wonder maybe we need a proc
3325s the cut scene
3327s I'm not
3329s sure if not we I guess we'll find out
3331s we'll find out yeah we'll see what it
3338s does go see what the Lost armor is
3342s saying just turning in my bounties
3346s making sure everything's
3348s cool watch equipment armor
3352s right okay well I can only make the
3354s chest piece but it is really good it's
3356s got weakness
3358s exploit the helmet's got attack boost so
3361s I could I could make the chest piece
3363s that could be good going in what does my
3365s chest bone what does the bone armor
3367s chest have though attack boost one so
3370s I'll be trading out attack boost one for
3376s wax and a lot more armor yeah I mean
3379s might as well before I commit though I'm
3382s just going to look at the sword and
3383s shield to see if I could
3386s um because R sword and shield is one of
3388s my favorites oh I need a wrath marrow
3391s otherwise I could make it I could make
3393s the sword and shield
3396s oh yeah I could make it if I just had
3399s one more wrath
3402s marrow so I'm going to hold off the
3404s chest plate for now because I would like
3406s the Rathalos sword and
3408s shield so yeah we'll wait for
3413s now I got a little uh
3416s cut scene here for the
3419s M getting that done real
3424s quick uh okay
3426s okay let's get back in there into the um
3431s Smithy yeah I was thinking about the
3433s defended tree but we want to I mean the
3434s defender is great if you're new to
3435s monster hunter or you're looking to
3437s speed through the game again Defender
3439s great but Joe and I want to go through
3441s the you know we're going to go through
3442s the the traditional World EXP experience
3445s as much as possible obviously we do have
3447s some of the ice born skills so you know
3449s yeah you know but that's why we're not
3452s using claw
3454s mercilessly yeah we're not necessarily
3456s looking to speed through the game uh
3459s we're trying to get that authentic
3460s experience even though we have all
3462s played this game before so I mean it's a
3464s little tough to do that but you know
3466s it's been so long that uh you know we're
3468s remembering just how everything works in
3470s the uh the start of the
3473s game okay I don't think I can make
3475s anything thing I'll just make some Pico
3476s equipment and
3478s see but I think I like my snow set I get
3482s loads of uh side missions and and
3484s requests
3485s here although I could do with the star
3489s set yeah I think that's a must oh for my
3493s pelico oh very nice yeah we we got to do
3496s that the disco
3498s ball yeah let's let's show that off
3503s here uh
3510s Visions see you later
3512s Nessie and definitely check out the
3516s uh the uh Archive of the stream
3518s afterwards which we we do leave up on
3520s YouTube so go check that out if you if
3522s you missed the
3524s stream or if you're watching that right
3526s now hello I guess time
3530s traveling uh go and research
3533s honey small monster color in
3536s investigations take honey
3540s and complete three quests in the
3542s worldways yeah would take that I'm just
3545s going to replenish in as
3547s well yeah there's just so many quests
3550s that I'm getting right
3551s now so many exclamation marks yeah it's
3554s good we're King up I'm just mashing a
3559s for the dialogue all right complete
3561s deliveries Fred an ancient
3564s tree Gathering H time I got
3569s Catalyst I am scared of the Arena too
3571s NEP I struggle there yeah asking me to
3575s use weapons I'm not overly familiar with
3577s and I'm like flailing around yeah yeah
3579s it's not my
3580s build he wearing somebody else's
3585s clothes right if you grab the quest I'll
3587s see if I can join you and if not we'll
3589s just uh I'll join you anyway in a bit
3592s that zy that zit armor looks really good
3595s on you as well that's a wick thanks um
3597s it does look like we have to get the cut
3600s scene first okay so I won't eat and then
3603s I'll will get the cut scene and join you
3605s okay sounds
3608s good um I should eat then let's see yeah
3610s you eat and all uh I will join you soon
3614s all
3618s right check out my very awesome uh disco
3623s ball Pico that's
3625s very good very
3636s good diabl preferred range weapon heavy
3639s bow gun light B gun or
3641s bow
3643s uh
3645s H I think they all have their own
3647s strengths um light B gun is very comfy I
3650s I like I said I do like comfy
3653s hunting so that'll be have to be my
3655s choice but I love the mobility of the
3657s bow I love just like how flashy it is
3660s especially in Rise I think it's very
3661s very flashy so yeah but I'm I'm gonna
3664s stick with light boken as my favorite
3665s how about you Jon same for me actually I
3667s actually when I was playing through for
3670s you I did sword and shield and light bow
3672s gun uh kind of Switched between them
3674s both and I really liked it because to me
3677s the light bow gun is bit like the sword
3678s and shield for range weapons it's very
3680s status and element focused and I really
3682s like that play style so yeah definitely
3685s the lightbow gun for me nice
3688s nice we are we are lightbow gun fans
3692s Fanatics yeah appreciators enjoyers if
3695s you will yeah
3696s enjoyers say
3700s that this just uh after the concept art
3703s we shared a couple of weeks ago of this
3704s area I'm getting flashbacks to it now
3706s seeing how it's like come to life and
3708s comparing it to the the concept
3711s art yeah yeah I I love like uh you know
3714s going back to those and learning the
3716s lore about how the areas are connected
3718s is really really cool um I've kind of
3720s like forgotten all those little details
3722s with the the different you know lore
3724s about the local so it's been great team
3728s really oh go sorry oh n was saying that
3731s uh we need to go after more Kel's for
3736s potions oh I think I'm about to get my
3738s cut scene yeah yeah the horns for the
3741s potions we do need
3743s that
3746s but what are you talking about we don't
3747s need potions we don't heal no just I get
3750s hit you know this is a no hit
3752s run there's no way
3762s yeah hide behind this
3765s rock yeah shout out to K who uh
3769s completed a Perma death run I believe
3772s that that was two days ago um very very
3775s cool and we we know there's been quite a
3778s few community members who have been
3779s attempting that so shout out to
3781s everybody who's been attempting it it's
3783s just that's a I can't even imagine doing
3786s it you know it's really tough yeah the
3789s pressure especially when you get right
3790s near the end you know that must be yeah
3793s and streaming the whole thing too yeah
3797s talk about multi right yeah all right I
3800s got the cut scene here on my side
3802s now oh I it there's a sand pit occurring
3822s here po
3828s barro what an entrance for Diablos
3831s though think I'm about to get that right
3833s now let's see
3841s yeah toost is a challenging monster to
3843s get around
3847s yeah toer is a beast but I think Lun uh
3851s lunastra is very difficult I think
3854s that's one of the toughest monsters
3856s period I got greedy I tried to carve
3859s barro and immediately got
3863s hit no free for me
3867s ah got I'm out of stamina cuz I didn't
3869s eat oh oh no oh no oh no uh oh can I
3875s just return from Quest I was going to
3878s try get I was going to try and get some
3880s free cars but it ain't
3883s happening so what's called about toost
3885s as is if they they have the joint Nova
3888s uh which is super
3890s cool very cool very painful yeah I say
3893s cool it's kind of the opposite it's
3895s really
3897s H okay I'll be joining you shortly I'm
3900s just going to have some food yeah it's
3901s up and now
3902s so I'm GNA get out of
3907s here and we will get stuck in um join a
3911s quest yes please I'm GNA get some
3913s materials while I wait for
3917s you walk around here do some
3923s mining
3927s here we go and I'm joining I think is it
3930s the camp 11 uh or at the camp in Area 11
3934s maybe so I'll be a little bit closer
3937s okay yeah he won't be that
3948s far oh easy screamer pods yes
3953s please speaking of which
3956s um tomorrow
3959s is the anniversary for world right it is
3964s is sixth anniversary I
3966s believe yeah six years man that's crazy
3969s right that is I think I think is it in
3971s Japan it's the it's the 26th already so
3974s it's the sixth anniversary technically
3976s started there so obviously they're ahead
3978s of the curve you know partying already
3981s um and we'll be catching up
3983s soon
3985s under oh
3987s no yeah where were you even six years
3990s ago trying to think where I
3992s was good
3997s question and here we are today still
3999s playing through still having fun it's uh
4003s it's awesome to see I think I'm making
4005s out um oh here's the Wrath Nest right
4008s yeah
4010s okay I'm just going to grab these bones
4012s I'm sorry I need the bone piles no no
4014s take your time I am wandering around
4017s here grabbing bone piles getting good
4019s stuff just
4022s chilling and cheddar is uh looking very
4025s stylish nice oh now I want to eat
4028s cheese Bri and cheddar oh making me
4032s hungry right I am above you so the the
4035s hole in the sand should be there right
4037s so I can like shortcut in hold on yeah
4040s right oh no yeah you're actually not
4044s above I am right behind you oh sorry oh
4047s there's
4049s diabl jump oh no you to press B There we
4053s go uh oh God I'm glad you didn't land
4056s right in front of
4059s me try and get some blunt yeah I need to
4062s use my shield there blunt damage work
4063s but otherwise I'mma be bouncing off
4065s those horns yeah
4068s oh I got you I got
4071s you thank you
4073s sir my shield with guard up oh not guard
4076s up sorry guard one which is up to my
4080s guard um is actually being quite helpful
4084s here CU it Diablos hits hard
4088s unsurprisingly ah there's the
4094s iconic I need to trip it actually I
4096s should go for the mount that's what I
4097s need to do I need to remember it's what
4099s my play style in World get some mountain
4102s in so you can do even more big bongs a
4105s signature attack
4107s oh that
4111s hurt the request of Vig wasp
4118s delivery oh boy where you
4123s going I bet get my mega potions on
4127s here
4129s o NEP says insect GLA jonno when insect
4134s glaive you know what I'm actually
4135s playing inser glaive on my um Home
4138s console rise playr uh cuz obviously me
4142s and Jo have played through rise and some
4143s break three times uh once on switch once
4146s on PC and then again on Home console so
4150s we've done different weapons each time
4152s as well to mix things up uh yeah Inc is
4155s Fun the aerial play style is very
4156s different to what I'm used to don't mind
4159s me don't mind me there we go
4163s oh
4165s oh lovely hits there by the way no I
4168s missed dang
4169s it but yes I I got a couple in when am I
4173s going to be playing insect cave on
4174s stream probably not for a bit because
4176s we're going to be going into high rank
4177s after this hunt and you don't want me uh
4180s that's not going to look
4182s pretty oh I got a really good look of
4186s that I was watching you and then it just
4187s came up from underneath you brutal
4189s brutal I felt like I stumbled around not
4193s knowing where my items
4195s and then just it just all
4198s went it's all right it's all
4201s good okay my Pico is recovering uh oh I
4205s bounced off the tail come on
4207s then yeah The Shield is doing me well
4212s here wonder if I can try and get some
4214s Mountain attacks in okay Diablos is
4216s going to come flying out of one of these
4219s yeah yeah the stream is not pre-recorded
4222s we are live right now we are um but the
4225s uh the fancy uh production hopefully
4228s made you think it was maybe that's what
4230s it was kudos to our glamorous produce
4232s that yeah shout out shout out to our
4235s producer making this look good but it's
4237s it's all his work oh I scratched my ear
4240s instead of pressing attack straight away
4242s and I got
4245s buied sorry I'm just uh getting some
4248s bones so I'm not helping you right now
4250s that's all right that's fine got to have
4253s the resources you know hopefully getting
4254s into high ranks soon and we're going to
4256s need all the goodies we've got no open
4259s Lobby yet maybe about 20
4262s minutes sounds good Monster Hunter Wilds
4265s is not an expansion it is a
4268s standalone game the next big monster
4271s hunter game I got break we can't share
4275s any details on that till next summer so
4277s stay tuned stay or this summer AR yeah
4280s this summer sorry sorry we've just crept
4282s into 2024 just I feel like it
4291s yeah okay my health Bo is back I'm back
4294s I need Focus that's all good it's all
4297s good there's a nice little Health
4298s booster to oh I'm glad I put my shield
4300s up there I love the sword and shield for
4301s stuff like
4302s that I just need to get some mounts in
4305s for us the uh charging around everywhere
4312s outrageous come on come over here oh now
4315s you're tired now you're tired right okay
4318s and then I just bounced oh
4324s outrageous there we go man Dia is not
4327s being nice to me no you've got time
4329s though you got time oh we broke the back
4331s already I think you say we like I've
4334s done
4335s anything team effort team effort the
4338s only reason you CAU is because it was
4339s focusing you instead of me I was just
4341s like yeah you know okay I'm gonna try
4343s and get a little bit of head damage
4346s here then I'm going to run around to the
4349s tail all right I can find do some damage
4352s I can hear that glorious sound I need to
4355s remember I can't hit the tip of the tail
4356s I need to go flight the actual kind of
4358s tail
4363s itself yeah there you go Dragon stma 2
4365s is coming out in March that's a great
4367s way to pass some time before 2025
4370s absolutely I'm personally very very exad
4372s Dragon Dogman too as as well so am I so
4375s am I I can't I can't wait for it can't
4377s wait for everybody experience the game
4378s yeah you're also one of the community
4380s managers on it as well aren't you so
4381s you're gonna be super busy yes oh I am
4384s already uh yeah already sorry yeah sorry
4387s you this is true yeah but uh we're we're
4391s working real hard the team is working
4393s super hard in the game um putting the
4396s finishing touches on it and all of us uh
4398s you know on the marketing side are are
4399s gearing up for a pretty busy time so uh
4402s yeah we hope you look forward to all of
4403s it it's it's going to be a nice ride the
4405s next few months that's going to be
4406s consuming my game in time yeah
4418s yeah oh I need to
4422s heal oh you got a horn
4428s break nice work I'm I'm very much near
4431s stunned territory if I get hit again I'm
4433s I am uh going to get Wombo comboed yeah
4437s I'm I'm going to get out of there okay
4439s there we
4440s go Wombo
4442s Combo
4444s oh oh am I did I did I I'm stunn there
4448s it is okay Pico Now's the Time oh thank
4452s you my Pico actually actually hit me oh
4455s Steed up it did thank you Pico I
4459s appreciate you should hit the flash fly
4464s do it this I wonder if I can Scream It's
4466s coming over it's coming
4467s over yay scream a pod oh well done thank
4472s you thank
4476s you oh nice is that the double horn
4478s break yeah nice I need to get work on
4481s that tail somehow the thing is Diablo's
4483s tail is so high up I'm swinging around
4486s get down
4489s here oh there we go nice that will do it
4497s chop chop
4500s chop all
4506s right I'm just swinging around on that
4510s tail oh nice stagger can I get the tail
4515s I think I I got my rhythm back I think a
4516s little bit nice you know it's tough you
4519s know when you get hit a few times to get
4521s get back in the uh yeah it can shake you
4523s a bit like you're like right I but you
4526s did it you you got straight back in
4528s the in the mindset of the
4535s hunter oh damn it I keep hitting the the
4538s actual tip of the tail which is heavily
4541s armored I think I might be this being
4544s stunned
4545s again need to let that calm down a bit
4548s there we
4549s go ah Miss step part give me your
4552s tail
4555s I nearly went straight for the mining
4556s out crop I was like
4559s oo see if I can
4562s get no oh this is going to hurt
4567s oh uh where's my health booster there is
4570s oh
4571s no can I just put my shield up for a bit
4575s just casually casually
4581s heal oh the hit check
4587s there
4593s sorry they want you over here fight me
4596s instead I missed the
4600s followup heal got heal up there we go
4603s got the mount see if on the tail that's
4606s all
4608s right that's team work right there like
4610s sword and shield and insect glaves love
4612s their mountain in this game
4615s oh yeah the sword B just means I need to
4617s hit them with the shield
4619s instead I was stopping up
4623s here oh I'm going to hold on here cuz I
4626s want to end on the
4627s tail there we go nice all
4631s right got to Bonk Bonk Bonk and the
4637s finisher yeah oh
4641s nice don't think I'm going to be able to
4643s get this
4644s tail I will sling a thorn its head
4646s though so that you will do big damage oh
4651s nice oh
4653s no my my weapon is massively blunted now
4657s yeah I need to need to
4659s sharpen but this is not a monster you
4661s just want to randomly start sharpening
4663s on
4665s yeah I'm going to have to though my
4667s damage is disgusting but not in a good
4671s way one more sharpen watch
4675s out oh what do yeah what do there I uh
4679s to preemptively get a oh yes there it is
4681s it done I'm going to preemptively uh get
4684s the vi wasp called
4687s in nice
4689s knock there we go we've seen how we've
4691s grown since the start of the streams
4694s with our with our gear and settling him
4696s back into world after we've put hundreds
4698s of hours into rise and sunra yeah it's
4701s good feeling it's nice to feel got it
4703s all which is cool yeah yeah it's proof
4706s uh yeah proof of a hero a
4710s yeah oh hey nice hun and we're ready for
4715s high
4716s rank oh
4722s no that is me thanks Handler oh yes I'm
4726s G to C that Tails I don't
4730s forget we did punish we got revenge got
4732s the tail k case and we'll probably get
4735s some nice horns thanks to you as
4738s well we have a producer that is
4740s transition in the camera between us and
4742s and managing the screen swaps yes the
4744s MVP behind the scenes
4749s mhm the DJ on the
4753s decks there you go ridge ridge marrow
4756s and a mining out crop this is such a
4757s great area for items and loot mhm so
4763s high rank yes I've been looking forward
4766s to
4769s this eased Us in and now it's like we're
4773s going to need to have our items in a
4775s good State and our our radial menus
4777s looking good yeah we're gonna actually
4779s have to farm like a weapon and armor set
4782s I think as well as we start to proceed
4784s into this yeah yeah we can't just uh try
4787s to get by on pure skill mhm not to say
4791s that we're super skilled or anything
4793s skill is great until you get smacked in
4794s the face by a high rank
4796s Fireball
4800s it's yeah master rank will be fun as
4802s well but we've got the the mountain of
4804s high rank first now we're really getting
4806s stuck
4809s in the OR first I said Elder W Varian
4813s first W
4816s Varian yeah we'll we'll open up the
4818s online session a little bit we'll take a
4820s look at where we're at with our next
4821s Quest since we um or seemingly entering
4825s high rank here oh yes uh zra says I got
4829s three new hunters in world and now I got
4831s to train them before MH or the next MH
4834s or as they call it mh6 we've got yeah
4836s you got a year until 2025 so you got at
4839s least at least a year so
4843s uh yeah you'll be fine it'll be good
4845s good on you for training up some
4852s Hunters
4861s that big Pico onto
4870s something yeah I'm trying to remember
4872s what quest is actually next is it zor
4874s mdar into high rank again is he has
4877s another Siege
4881s Quest or not a Siege Quest but like a
4883s you know you know what I mean yeah yeah
4885s the equivalent yeah
4889s yeah oh yeah I love rage and brackie
4892s like once I'm in I spawn mode and I can
4894s fully use the clutch claw I fought rage
4895s and brackie a lot it's one of my
4896s favorite hunts in Monster Hunter oh it's
4899s so good I really love that hunt I love
4902s that that final stage of it yeah where
4904s it's like you're trapped together and
4906s only one of you leaving yeah you're in
4909s here with me yeah exactly
4912s that speak to the Handler all right I
4915s guess I
4923s will so we might as well get the uh get
4927s the community in for this one but zor or
4930s else yeah are we able to do that I think
4934s so Mash through the dialogue sorry sorry
4937s everybody if you're trying to no
4940s spoilers so skipping through I'm going
4942s to Qui go talk to the Smithy and look at
4944s the Diablos
4946s armor a colossal task um let's take a
4951s look
4956s here have I missed it no there it is it
4960s looks like one of one so oh it's a solo
4964s yeah we may need to run solo yeah no
4967s problem I mean it's nice you know just a
4969s little wind down before things really
4970s ramp up in high rank
4975s redefining the power couple just
4976s accepted
4978s that yeah I'll take a look at the Diablo
4980s armor
4981s also good for you or a hammer user
4984s should I say but not too much there for
4987s sword
4989s shield yeah Slugger is pretty good for
4992s the hammer right very very tasty the uh
4995s yeah yeah that looks that looks great
4996s I'm going to I'm going to run it let's
4998s do
5001s it
5004s all right got that
5013s platter right Co my armor is looking
5017s crazy oh look it's technically our first
5020s high rank Quest as well this one yeah
5023s all right so are you in there or um um
5025s it says play as four uh up to four
5030s so maybe you can get in
5034s oh party members one of one would it be
5036s like SOS let's find out it's been a
5038s while let's both jump in see what
5040s happens
5044s yeah oh thank you Jason have a good work
5049s meeting take care Jason and yes I do I
5053s believe I owe you a message so um yes I
5057s we'll get to
5061s that
5070s all
5071s right let's go over the
5075s operation Subterranean Channel Zora
5077s magaros is using continue deep underr
5080s we'll have one shot to divert it here
5083s when it
5086s sures if we it it's out of our where's
5090s his dragonator that's why breaking out
5093s the big
5105s guns oh look at that giving me Sun Break
5108s Vibes as well when you get the
5109s dragonator on the
5114s boat
5115s the use it to drive Zora back and divert
5118s it out into the Open
5121s Sea
5125s yeah depending on the length of this if
5127s we can do a multiplayer it might be the
5129s only one today that we can do it's yeah
5131s quite a meaty hunt this one
5138s yeah yes
5140s nante they going be my smart trousers so
5144s I thought this was a smart casual hunt
5146s my looks insane it's it's very
5151s good
5153s we can do
5157s this scout ahead signal us if you spot
5170s any it's
5172s coming
5174s Mo everything at your
5177s disposal everywhere fight
5181s and
5186s all right uh I'm in there now I don't
5189s know let's see when I land yeah I'm
5192s flying around oh this is one you can
5193s drop the uh drop the static Tides yeah
5197s that's right that's
5199s right does some tasty
5202s damage flying
5211s in look at that they AB size of this
5216s lad an absolute
5220s unit okay now we can uh back out and
5224s okay uh how should we do it should we
5226s both back out yeah yeah let's both back
5228s out and then uh we'll go back in with
5230s the full Squad so yeah obviously due to
5232s the length of this Quest it will
5233s probably be the only one we do this week
5235s in uh Community multiplayer but next
5238s week we'll be getting stuck into high
5240s rank so we'll have a little bit more
5243s time for that should be really
5246s good yeah we're going to need to make
5248s some builds get prepared a little bit
5251s yeah I'm ready to get my high ranks set
5252s on you know looking forward to it right
5255s okay I need to have I got the have I got
5258s the lobby ID ready let's have a look
5260s I've got the lobby ID ready for twitch
5263s chat yeah and I I'll drop in the YouTube
5265s chat for everybody so all right let me
5268s get that let me get that so I like
5271s three
5276s oh look at that Diablo scar let me make
5278s sure I got the right thing
5293s here set it now right okay there we go
5297s so yeah um obviously do you want to put
5299s the quest up so I'll join you obviously
5301s we've only got time for this one so that
5302s means two hunters will be able to join
5303s us directly this week but yeah next week
5306s obviously we'll be getting really stuck
5307s at the high ranks so there'll be a bit
5309s more flexibility there around how many
5311s hunts we
5313s do you know maybe we can at least do uh
5316s one arm wrestling round or something
5317s like that I think we I think we should
5319s yeah I think that's a good shout I'm
5321s going to use a voucher
5326s uh because I really like zor magdor
5329s armor so I'm get me on
5336s there H we've got some as well the yeah
5339s we' got NEP we've got Ria Ripley the uh
5342s you know grm here as
5344s well the wom's world champion once again
5347s has returned um good seaw
5353s wall you're in the wrong Gathering hub
5356s no it happens say all we ask is make
5359s sure you're using weapons and I know
5360s it's zor magdaros so it's not quite the
5362s same but uh make sure you're wearing
5364s gear that is of equivalent level to us
5377s please i i d i let NP fight
5382s you there's grm grm might give it a
5387s go Ria here Ria oh there's no way I can
5391s beat Ria
5395s I'm G to get
5397s destroyed I believe I believe don't go
5400s easy on them just cuz they're community
5402s members Joe you got to show them show
5404s them the monant away pretend you are the
5408s Diablos oh
5411s nocky see that's you know unlucky that's
5415s uh how can you beat the Women's World
5417s Champion there's just no way that is
5419s hard do I do I throw caution to the wind
5427s I'm ready to get pasted as
5439s wellion you prob see on my face that I'm
5441s like oh I still get absolutely whooped
5443s you know that's the reason they're the
5444s champ you know the champ that's the
5446s champ there we
5448s go NE I think uh you got some
5450s competition so after this Quest we'll
5452s see we'll see oh my goodness right well
5456s I'm going to ready up after after
5458s getting whooped with GG to Ria there
5462s yeah hopefully I'll get some nice Zoros
5465s pieces to cheer me
5467s up uh all right ran ready to depart
5471s let's
5481s go
5487s here we go right so we need to get
5489s straight on the back so I believe yeah
5491s we run through here cuz I think this is
5494s the same Quest as the master rank
5496s version which I farmed for a bit to to
5499s get the uh to get the arch tempered
5502s armor yeah where's the stones I need
5504s stones oh no I'm going to be behind J do
5508s you see my armor I just want you to look
5509s at it look look look look how cool I
5511s look that is glorious it's a good
5517s combination glorious
5524s all oh here we go got the Rocks okay
5529s so I'm going to keep an eye on the
5534s sky oh no there's the lava it's fizzling
5539s me did I eat for this I don't think I
5542s ate food oh no do you want to go back no
5546s that's fine I will make do it's my own
5548s fault uh where
5550s is oh my gosh oh that hurt just stunn
5554s around that hurt I'll go on Rock Duty I
5558s think this is above us all
5563s right I don't think I'm close enough I
5565s am on fire though oh
5571s no
5574s oh am I not close enough do I need to
5577s get
5578s higher H we need to drop
5585s this I remember I
5587s think I've I've climbed up high I'm
5590s trying to drop the uh but I can't
5593s remember how to do it there we go I just
5595s had to get closer oh it's going to hit
5597s me we're good we're
5600s goody good work
5602s managed to drop a stall is stall tight I
5606s think the ones on the roof I believe so
5609s yeah while you guys do the magma cor I'm
5611s uh dropping some rocks yeah you know
5615s geology exactly they're minerals they're
5618s mineral yes I was just about to say that
5622s they're minerals Jon they're not just
5625s rocks can't believe I forgot to eat all
5628s that excitement thinking about zor
5629s magdaros
5631s armor
5634s that's all right all right there's the
5636s next big rock anyway I think are we
5640s close enough yet
5643s no little bit closer so yeah we'll
5648s uh well you guys get those bits I'll get
5651s this unless do I jump down there okay I
5653s can see the last
5655s core okay stall ties up do I hit this
5658s one yet I think that'll
5660s Miss I'm just fall and gr them over here
5663s ah I got hit off the edge no so I'm
5667s going to climb back up this we remember
5669s you is that going to hit I mean I can
5672s try let's see this could miss no I might
5675s catch the leg yeah there we go we're
5679s good 500 damage thank you thank you oh
5682s that's not a rock that's
5684s a that's a 100
5687s yeah that's that's a mineral I'm back at
5691s the top oh yeah I talk of that there we
5693s go mining out crop thank you zor
5695s magdaros caries and some malachite ore
5699s or Mite
5701s sorry are there any more bits of me to
5703s drop oh I missed one no I didn't no I
5706s didn't I didn't miss one that's one I
5708s already got did I miss that one no that
5710s one's done as
5712s well okay there's more coming up
5716s though I'm ready on the my stone
5720s artillery
5725s nice
5728s work I stand ready with my my slingshot
5731s my
5733s Slinger right where are we going okay
5735s there one I feel like I haven't seen you
5736s for a while I I'm I'm hiding up up in
5739s the uh the upper Rafters can I make that
5741s jump oh no oh no I I slipped I hello
5745s hello oh you know i' would have been way
5748s quicker if I knew there was some oh
5750s hello there some nice Loop to grab
5753s you're very loot motivated I am very
5765s much just M over
5768s here okay back up back
5771s up uh
5773s oh oh I'm getting out of
5775s here think Z is
5778s Charing is Zora a turtle that's a good
5784s question what we do know is it's massive
5787s mhm
5790s oh I got knocked down but I'm still
5793s there it's all
5795s good you know going to drink
5803s up I just have a ration as I climb up
5807s monor
5810s Hunter there we go it's a comment from
5813s the spaghetti
5814s Lord what is your spaghetti policy you
5817s know
5824s yeah clim back up
5827s top where now hello oh no there's a big
5831s thing to knock down there
5834s no
5835s no where you going I want to knock down
5839s this big pillar I've staged Jo you join
5844s me my rocks there we go maybe we'll
5848s catch there we go here it
5850s comes did it Miss no no zor magdaros has
5855s got a Sprint
5857s on
5861s outrageous oh there's some up high as
5865s well I need to get climb
5870s in
5879s nante
5882s us oh there it
5885s is let's go nante is pretty awesome it
5888s is a wonderful monster
5892s yeah it's bonking
5895s time
5897s oh the fire the
5900s fire fire guy
5903s oh some uh some shiny oh oh no oh oh
5908s oh
5911s oh yeah I'm going to he I go back in
5916s there nice
5918s Mount
5926s oh oh my
5929s stamina no
5933s hey
5935s Ram nice knock
5947s down
5948s oh I maybe I can mine quickly before I
5951s get shook off me let me join you there
5954s yeah I'm going to have a drink
5956s oh no don't worry there's more here
5962s oh I nearly fell off the
5968s ledge ah fell off I thought I was being
5980s smart hello Monster Hunter
5984s man oh okay that's right more mining out
5987s crops that's not so bad take those Zoros
5990s pieces about the
5992s the head now I think I okay i' oh
5997s helicopter Spin to
6001s Win myint fell
6004s off where' everybody
6007s go everyone's just scattered after that
6012s yeah
6014s shinies y all
6017s right the hunters hold your positions on
6021s these give me that lovely
6026s loot are there more pillars have I
6029s missed the pillars that
6034s been heading back up the Hunts are going
6036s well thank you we're hopefully about to
6038s get into high rank which would be very
6040s very nice I'm heading back up I'm going
6043s to go see the lay of the land we're
6045s nearly at the barricade though so I
6046s think we're going to be entering the
6048s Final Phase of this
6050s CL
6061s oh glad I went back down here cuz
6063s there's a nice Zora
6067s shiny anym for
6073s anymore loving all this loot especially
6076s that or will be handy going into high
6079s rank yeah we are we we are we are
6082s experienced Hunters we are doing a fresh
6084s playr though um playing through world uh
6088s with brand new Hunters that we only play
6091s on the stream itself as well so we don't
6092s play these ones in our spare
6098s time I'm hoping we can stick to that you
6101s know once we get to higher rank and
6103s start carding even more but yeah that I
6105s think that's the commitment right as we
6107s want to show the entire Journey on here
6110s mces
6116s traveling okay here we go uh start with
6119s the
6127s Cannons now Jon when you fight Fatalis
6130s are you a cannon person yes okay me too
6134s yeah I like to start it with the Cannons
6137s um I find it a very nice way to get some
6140s early damage yeah I usually toss on the
6142s temporal mantle so I can tank any hits
6145s and just try to get that damage in oh
6148s yeah exactly and if you can get like an
6150s early knockdown at the start that is
6153s very very
6154s handy oh actually no I need to move that
6158s back there we go are we good are we good
6161s I think this CL going to get him on the
6163s chin or straight in the
6165s mouth oh pot
6169s break man uh I'm Joe I'm on the left and
6172s jonno is the guy yes jonno is the guy
6174s with the blue hair yep Y and I I believe
6177s we do have some name plates on the side
6179s so you can see who whose stream you're
6180s seeing if it's j or or
6183s myself oops the snoot of Zora
6186s there
6190s hello hello as well I was like I should
6193s probably I should probably say that
6197s too oh H was talking of greetings
6204s time to drive out Zoro
6207s away nice we're glad you like the name
6210s plates the the team uh the producers
6213s behind the scenes worked hard on those
6215s so thank you
6219s guys not weak enough that's not very
6224s nice all right we used them all oh this
6226s is going to Hur is
6229s it blah blah blah blah
6234s nice thank you thank you and then get a
6236s volley in
6238s there oh it's going to fire watch out I
6241s don't if it's going to hit us or the
6246s ballista we're safe time for the dragon
6249s all right uh yeah let's go do that is
6252s grm over
6260s there
6269s the dragonator it's on the ship right
6272s mhm over there hop down and uh fire it
6277s from
6280s there all
6282s right fire oh I hope this
6288s hits it'll be the world's first
6290s dragonator
6291s yeah yeah on on the ship even though you
6294s know it's impossible to
6307s miss more CNS
6311s oh where is it oh where that Dragon
6317s A's ready when you are good oh
6322s that'll tickle a
6336s bit we did well though yeah I think
6339s everyone Manning the Cannons like that
6341s and getting the binders in and then the
6343s dragonate a did wonderfully
6349s mhm
6356s see now Zora can go retire to a
6357s beachfront
6361s property we did it the Pico outfit is
6364s great isn't it in the cut scenes it's
6366s it's
6374s incredible all right we beat the game
6378s yeah you've done the tutorial now
6382s to joke about
6385s yeah it only took us 40 years it only
6388s took 40
6392s years yeah a thank you man very
6398s kind there's the
6406s Pico is indeed
6409s ogre Zena what
6419s whatat the game off Zora goes
6426s yeah
6430s grandfather hello hello
6433s kiwi go or should I say not the real
6439s kiwi
6444s oh oh the plot
6449s be oh wow would you look at that I got
6452s the zor magaros gem oh me too
6468s hey there we go zor mag Ross's uh moved
6474s on all right so maybe we've entered high
6477s rank now
6483s mm the ARG is
6487s unlocked I'm going to go to the before I
6489s speak to the Handler I'm going to go to
6491s the uh straight to the
6495s Smithy someone's
6499s excited
6508s okay let's look at the armor
6512s first wow NEP is uh putting out the
6516s challenge to Ria oh my goodness and I
6519s miss hold on before you guys do that we
6521s got to watch we got to get that on
6526s stream here let me let me head to the
6528s Gathering Hub real quick we we need to
6531s witness
6532s this well can I not make the armor yet
6535s or am I missing
6536s it it's probably like high rank armor
6543s right oh I look at the
6547s weapons yeah let's let's switch over
6549s here to the uh see the armed wrestling
6551s happening y let's let's see that in
6555s action we have a ria versus The Mad
6559s artist and
6563s wins I don't know if we missed any
6565s matches so far but yeah keep at it keep
6569s at
6578s it we have a NEP versus
6587s Rio oh NEP took
6589s it
6596s do we see Net versus RI Ripley yet yeah
6598s let's let's see that right now oh it's
6600s going I've
6604s arrived who reain and champions
6607s that's see if I can get in View mode
6609s here oh wait the tutorial came up yes
6612s exit
6619s okay
6624s oh oh wow
6627s wow amazing amazing I'm in I'm in View
6630s mode so can see on the on the camera we
6633s got a bird's eye view up here there we
6638s go amazing
6644s amazing rematch okay okay why don't you
6648s do best two out of three huh yeah best
6649s of three best
6651s three let me get the camera set back
6656s up R here to give some motivation
6660s yeah we got NEP over here on the left or
6664s NEP is on the right and RI Ripley is on
6665s the
6668s left that's okay man it's what we're
6670s here for it's all about everyone CH oh
6672s one a piece all
6679s right
6681s he got that that thing on him this the
6683s decider get those thumbs ready or
6687s fingers know if Here We Go
6691s Keyboard who's going to take it
6694s oh I don't know I don't know I don't
6696s know oh NE with a fantastically strong
6701s start and then NEP sneaking in there
6703s maybe this rivalry will continue next
6705s week yes
6708s yes now got a sneaking in do they think
6711s np's tired can they sneak in a win
6715s yeah oh no oh NEP cannot be beaten there
6719s we go well
6721s played I'll jump in I'll jump in here
6724s yeah give it give it one more give go
6726s see if
6728s G here we go time to get
6739s wrecked I'm
6744s well played well played oh it hurt of
6747s Steel yes and and with that I think it's
6749s a pretty good time to wrap up so
6751s obviously starting next week we'll be in
6753s high rank so incredibly excited for that
6756s Joe super excited for that and kind of
6758s Mak some sets that are gonna last us for
6760s a while yeah yeah I can't wait uh you
6763s know the low rank experience is fun but
6766s uh yeah it's it's a little comfy now now
6767s it's going to get it's going to get a
6768s little sweaty I yeah get and bruised a
6772s bit as we hunt through these yeah yeah
6774s we got to do some real preparation and
6777s make sure that we're ready for for
6778s what's coming so um yeah it's been a
6781s good time today I think we made some
6782s real good progress uh I'm excited for
6784s next week so yeah yeah it's been good
6786s and once again thank you everyone
6788s whether you you've just been watching
6790s whether you've been chatting or you've
6791s jumped in the lobby with us because as
6793s always and I know I say every week but
6795s it's the truth it's you the community
6796s that makes these streams what they are
6798s um so thank you so much for joining us
6800s and with that I've been jonno and I'm
6802s Joe and you've been awesome have a
6804s fantastic weekend we will see you next
6806s week good night all right see you
6829s everybody
3 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name's jonno EMA Community
4s manager on monst Hunter and I'm joined
6s by hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the Monster
9s Hunter Community manager for Capcom USA
11s and what are we doing today
13s Joe all right well um if you guys have
16s been following along I believe this is
18s episode five of our return to World
20s stream and we are headed to the rotten
23s Veil today um I think we we were in
25s there a little bit last week um but
27s we're really going to dive in today and
29s see all the monsters so um should be
31s good we're still in low rank but
32s hopefully we can make our way out uh
34s into high rank finally we've been making
36s some good progress so hopefully this is
38s the week yeah fingers crossed we're we
40s can't I think we're about four like main
42s quests away from high rank so I think
44s it's going to be challenging but maybe
46s just maybe this week we can we can push
48s through but of course first Joe we have
50s to overcome aarin so let's go on the
53s hunt let's hop in game and uh finish off
57s this Quest so we've just discovered
58s aarin or should I say aaran discover
60s covered us and now we need to go and
63s rescue a friend and take aaran down yeah
67s we did a little prep work before the
69s start of the stream so uh you know we
71s skipped some of the story stuff in there
73s but uh now we're ready to go oh yes I'm
75s looking forward to I mean aaran armor is
77s one of the most popular
79s aesthetically in I think mon Hunter
81s World among the community uh only only
84s to be matched In Their Eyes by I think
85s the ebony aarin gear in iceborn um okay
89s so I think okay oar's above us now
93s um yeah that's right we've been we've
95s been sitting in the uh the camp for a
96s little bit so it may have moved
100s around but yeah if it's your uh first
103s week joining us on the stream uh we have
107s returned to world uh from the very start
110s of the game uh we are not playing these
112s saves uh on our own time um we're
115s playing the entire thing on stream only
118s so hopefully you've been following along
120s and if not you can go back uh if you can
122s go on YouTube and check out the archives
124s from the very
126s beginning oh here we go maybe maybe we
129s won't C today that would be
133s cool I don't know we'll see man we'll
135s see we'll see I mean aaran
137s is you know quite a challenge I think
139s for some Hunters I remember them saying
140s that AAR was their first triple cut
143s because it's so aggressive and obviously
145s the bleed mechanic is there as well um
148s so luckily I've grabbed exactly you know
150s as Jason says uh bring you a ster jerky
153s I have got three of them in my pocket
156s so through them let's see what have I
158s brought probably nothing
162s good yeah we've talked about it a few
164s times right it's like when you're
167s bringing stuff that's not on your main
169s save it's kind of a weird feeling yeah
171s to not have all your stuff set up do I
173s have it do I not oh thank you net Mia
176s much appreciated that very kind of you
179s arm wrestling tournament yes we we did
181s miss you last
182s week let's go I've got a thorn pod right
186s on its
189s snoot well done well done I'm going to
191s try to do my SL here comes the slide
193s here he
195s goes mess it up that's some good hits
197s though there's a few hits there you
199s connected nice early Mount as well yeah
202s I remember on on world I love going for
204s the mount on sword and
209s shield
210s Hopey we get lots of nice monster Parts
212s here because I do want some AAR gear oh
215s a great
216s her oh actually I mean I wouldn't mind
220s hunting that as well to for the sword
222s and shield parts yeah if I can get a
223s paralysis sword and shield okay
225s paralized on a gar and you got the stun
228s all right I'm going to Pivot to Great
230s GEOS
232s quickly I don't know what I'm doing I'm
234s just uh just keep on swinging yeah I'm
236s just s where have you gone come here you
238s oh it's going for some more biting I
240s paralyzed Oar
245s again man they're not friendly right now
248s yeah ready for neps arm wrestling as you
251s said right okay wow dude great gearos
255s scare off aarin oh my goodness this why
258s I really like this monster yeah let's
260s take it out I'm ke to make its um sword
262s and shield all
264s right get some paralysis up in
269s here
271s got healed by my Powerco very nice I
274s just keep triggering the slide here it's
276s beautiful this is Hammer heaven right
280s here I don't know if my aim has been
282s good oh there we go Kev says there's a
284s rabid on around as
287s well oh nice nice all those broken parts
290s which we did take it out last week which
292s was good yeah I got a wi
296s te going to carve up a normal
299s gearos uh oh there we go got a
302s hide I should have sharpened here really
304s but it's too late now I kind of uh did
306s not capitalize on my window of
309s opportunity oh I need to sharpen too
311s that's all right once we take it out
313s we'll have some
314s time somehow I manage to
317s Pivot oh there we go look at those part
319s breaks
321s nice oh don't you be going
324s anywhere a man get back wait no I was
327s going to clutch CL I should not yeah
330s soon soon yeah old habits and like once
334s we're in um high rank we're gonna have
336s to actually Farm ourselves out some
337s proper sets as well because I don't
339s think we'll be able to carry carry
340s ourselves with random bits and Bobs oh
343s yeah I'm still looking like I'm at the
344s first day of school I've got like only
347s got like a I don't know great jagers
349s armor maybe I think I have a Leana
352s headpiece here so see that's good you've
355s got divine blessing so that's yeah oh
358s yeah divine blessing is a must for me
362s because I like comfy hunting and I'm I'm
364s you know I'm weak oh
366s yeah fully with you
370s there oh I got tail
373s whipped oh well I'm playing so sloppy
376s here luckily my Pico is keeping me
379s healed
381s up I think I just let me get that thank
388s you oh
395s this thing's got to be nearly down it's
397s uh summon some normal I just realized
400s I'm at
401s odaran and you're a great garos so what
404s am I
405s doing it's all right I just saw it and I
408s my brain turned off and I started
410s hunting must hunt must
415s hunt
416s oh there we go sorry dude I I left you
420s over here that's
422s okay I was not a good straighten with
424s the stun good good entrance say you kept
427s a a gar off me cuz it definitely sniff
429s me out when I was walking
431s by I was I was struggling with them like
434s why is this so difficult right now
436s what's going on why is it just attacking
438s me
440s yeah all right there we go all right so
443s we can carve that up there we go oh
445s thank you for the Subscribe as well
446s there is that kill thank you very much
449s thank you thank
451s you you on vacation and you played
454s offline on your steam deck nice nice
456s hunting on the go okay uh there is okay
459s we need to go round again don't we to
461s get back to I
463s think oh cofin
468s theia hold on is it jumped down there it
470s is there it is yep it jumped right in
471s front of my face just as I'm running
474s away piercing pod oh I barely hit it I I
478s nearly missed straight off the bat
480s all right if you're by the head I'll try
482s and focus on the
485s tail no worries yeah those bites are
488s going to hit hard I'm not looking
490s forward to that ping thank you that was
493s good timing got an itchy nose as well
495s some tried to scratch it while not
496s getting eaten by
498s Odo oh yeah okay that
503s that that armor is uh
507s showing don't I've only got three mega
509s potion CU I forgot to up so I'm like use
513s it
517s carefully
521s oh there we go man I'm not getting any
523s hits
526s here yes it's the the agility is just
530s such a a shock to the system when you
532s first face
533s AAR o oh nice that was beautiful tripped
538s it up much apprciate it oh I okay keep
541s up oh I keep my Rolling On Point
549s here oh no the
551s bleed oh I'm too just out of range no oh
556s there we go we got the part break though
558s thank you for carrying me right now I'm
560s uh right having a hard time this is
562s where the sword and shield excels with
564s its mobility and ability to reposition
566s in combat but you just do silly damage
568s so
572s I'm still trying to hit this tail not to
574s much success there you go there's a
580s Flinch I got an a gar Fang from that
583s shiny
586s drop oh I'm about to get about to get
589s follow
591s up
594s ah okay right uh sharpen up now and use
599s these first a
601s meds oh come on get out of here you
605s getting nibbled
609s on leave me
611s alone think I might need some rations
618s here yeah definitely my stamina dropped
621s from when we were chilling at Camp
623s whoopsie we're hanging out too much just
625s posing
628s yeah
632s Lord guide his hammer and make his Bonks
635s true people are Lov loving the hammer
638s understandably I hope I do it justice
640s but uh so far I have
642s not it's right first hunt just Waring up
645s we're just warm up warm up that's a nice
649s slope for you here look list I just
650s heard all those
651s hits stop I ate all that damage don't
655s worry I I managed to somehow finish a
658s break on uh on the front claws
662s there come
671s on oh spinner
674s Rooney see your your snow cat Pico there
677s leaping in the air winter theme you know
680s exactly is the season oh boy we got a
684s tail break here or tail cut I should say
687s that was definitely not me hammers are
690s known for their amazing tail cutting
696s ability I'm sliding in oh I'm lucky he
699s wants you I got to get my defense out
705s oh it's all good we got lots of part
708s breaks so we must be doing something
710s right oh I
713s fortify sry let all the hammer users
717s down hammers have arguably the dangerous
720s job in mon the most dangerous job in
721s Monster Hunter amongst the different
722s weapon users in my opinion because
725s Hammer the most effective at the head
727s and you know you're always in danger
731s right yeah you're right you're
732s absolutely right EXC yeah sword and
735s shield can chill around the legs the
737s claws the tail yeah that's fine Hammer
739s users always at the head I got a scale
742s from a tail oh
745s pain
748s why
750s absolute
752s pain hey itadaki on a five stream watch
756s streak I think that's all of our streams
758s so far nice thank you for joining
763s us and we are streaming on Twitch and
767s YouTube so you might see some us mention
770s some comments or uh chat that you're not
772s seeing um but we are reading both if we
775s can indeed
777s indeed oh I remember this area because
779s it has the Blessed sword and shield wall
782s but we've cut its tail off so I
784s missed I saw you up there there we go
788s that's what I like it for easy
792s Ms we're going to get a nice knockdown
794s and you can go hammer time get some
800s Revenge go for the head finish for more
806s damage there it
808s is right I will now maybe I'll just
810s attack the claws or something as long as
812s I stay away from the head area we'll
814s both be
816s fine all right I got those big bangs
819s that was some nice big damage we'll go
820s for a
821s stagger nice yes oh nice knock down I
826s think it might have been you I don't
828s know I just got the Stagger in and then
829s I just swung a little bit but maybe
831s maybe I just tipped it over oh well
833s played Joe well played all I did was
835s Mash A or B I guess do you when we get
838s back to C do you want to take people
840s through the Smithy to show off the aarin
842s armor let's do it yeah let's do
845s it I Jo fashion show man I hope we get
849s enough to at least make one piece of
850s armor for yeah that' be good but it it
853s looks so cool oh what was that did you
856s hey we both just got
858s plates woohoo sweet nice work is there
862s anything all right that's going to be it
863s for today's
865s stream we got the plate yeah we're
867s streaming until we get a plate and
870s speed plate Speed Run yeah I want these
882s HS I have time to sneak through
886s here the plate makes up for the scale
889s absolutely right I think we'll let
891s bygones be bygones now
896s there impact fire charge blades have to
898s take that kind of d D the Hammers take
900s given they have to face them down as
901s well that's true but they yeah as you
903s said they also have a shield um it's
906s Pico
908s hand incredible where is she I thought
911s she'd be with
917s you mission
921s complete it just changes the tone of the
924s cut scene completely it does it does you
926s got to love
928s it
929s easy I'm just glad you're
937s not we can't even see that she's
946s crying so I wonder what's next because I
948s know before we get to high rank we have
950s to do Rathalos and Diablos but I think
953s there might be another monster before
954s then trying to think who it could be
958s yeah
960s I think let we speed up that
967s process like she's talking about the
969s most serious
973s stuff super serious Pico yeah oh man and
977s you got my uh on my stream you have the
980s Snowman Pico in the
986s back you're right the veil is where
989s monsters come to rest they sense the end
992s and make their way
996s here geeky parents loves the coloring on
999s your hair oh thank you very much thank
1001s you yeah it's my favorite
1004s color oh my
1010s Pico see it's quite cool because this is
1012s like kind of explaining the artwork that
1014s we shared on the monster hunter account
1015s the last week around the coral Veil and
1019s uh its connection to the rotten Veil
1021s sorry Coral Highlands and rotten Veil
1024s kind of mashing them together now yeah
1027s well they are in the same area
1029s technically
1046s soem behind
1051s sorry it's too good it's too
1064s good everyone's loving the Pico neet
1072s especially the clues are all here but
1075s Sora is nowhere to be found it was
1077s drawing storing it
1080s is was ity to it somewhere I want to see
1083s all the cut scenes for this outfit well
1085s we'll get some
1098s more it's
1107s rain I don't eat it
1116s Handler only I
1121s could maybe don't we all want to live
1123s another 300 years yeah well it's 300
1125s years between FR right
1128s yeah how many Monster Hunters Will we be
1130s on in 300 years yeah yeah good
1137s question
1139s my Pico still looks way cooler than I
1144s do like I said first day of school
1147s that's that's how I'm feeling right now
1150s well there lots of nice pieces that's a
1151s lot of nice pieces of
1153s Aaron I got a tail from the rewards as
1155s well so there we
1158s go awesome
1167s awesome
1171s okay should we make some
1174s stuff dur yeah yeah let's check out your
1176s screen if we're not already and you can
1178s take us through the
1180s aarin
1181s gear uh we got to get uh first Varian
1186s Clues I have so many uh oh Vitality
1189s mantle what I want the Vitality mantle
1192s where is
1193s it uh you have to talk to the field team
1197s leader oh there we go thank you Phil
1200s team leader I appreciate you I have a
1203s lot of exclamation marks on my map me
1205s too we're going to ignore those for now
1207s we're going to go to the blacksmith I
1208s need to go and get my honey because it's
1210s filled up
1213s there keep geky parents ask are you both
1216s playing with your weapon Mains or does
1218s somebody m a different one I am a great
1219s sword main uh with usually with switch
1222s ax as my secondary and jonno you are
1225s playing with your main right I am yeah I
1226s love the sword and shield uh so I'm
1228s running that at the moment uh I need to
1231s collect my Harvest I'll take all that
1233s honey yum
1235s y all right let's take a look at weapons
1238s first see what we
1240s got I think we have
1242s nothing at this point I don't know
1246s Dragon
1247s bow
1251s no great garos yeah I think we're set
1255s with what we got for now let take a look
1257s at uh
1260s oh I can do odar and Helm oh or the
1264s Greaves those are the two I can do right
1265s now what skills if you call those um
1269s with the Greaves it has quick sheath
1272s quick sheath it's kind of hard to say
1275s yeah uh and with the helm is very cool
1279s looking uh bleeding resistance so for
1282s hunting more more OD garens that would
1285s be very helpful it's got 30 defense not
1287s bad not bad
1289s I kind of like the uh the like hair
1291s treatment you get with that it's pretty
1293s cool it is nice uh I might just do it
1295s straight up for the fashion we know
1297s fashion game is the true end game yeah I
1300s don't have starting in low rank is a
1301s good
1305s idea TP decisions sub
1314s decisions the gala suit I can actually
1316s craft the gala suit
1320s or Ingot I have Ingot right
1323s now let's see my weakest piece of armor
1327s is what are we on we're on the
1329s hunters Hunter gaves with barbecue
1332s master I don't really need that oh yeah
1334s that time to let that one go
1338s yeah maybe we do the Ingot Greaves so I
1341s can get some def uh defense boost let's
1343s do that well actually I'm going to do
1345s the what G
1346s and tell him first so let's do that I
1351s want the the
1353s fashion uh we're not open Lobby right
1355s now but we might be later uh or we will
1357s be later um probably near the end of the
1359s stream um we're probably going to go for
1361s another hour and a half so uh yeah
1363s probably in about an hour we open it up
1366s oh I need a hunt a pke pke to make the
1368s great gyos gear but I still need more
1371s gyos fangs apparently so that's not
1373s happening for a little bit so pke PUK I
1376s need and so if we come across p
1379s okay uh we might have to have a word
1385s um um let's see let's see okay Jag I
1390s don't really need that plus all right
1394s we're making progress but yeah I would
1395s like to go into the gyos tree eventually
1398s but yeah we're going to need I need
1399s Diablos fangs great gyos fangs a lot of
1402s fangs going to be like a dentist taking
1405s them
1407s teeth I a look at the
1410s armor or
1412s thearon what are your feelings on
1415s Constitution constit reduces
1418s stamina oh fix stamina depletion so uh
1422s maybe not that helpful right now uh
1424s let's see let's see Bist I really need
1426s that
1428s I'm I'm getting the gala suit
1431s slacks oh I get divine
1434s blessing and uh 34 armor that will
1437s replace stun res IST
1442s one it's got critical draw over here
1444s which I don't think I really need with
1452s hammer all right maybe we'll say where
1454s we're at right now I'm just never
1456s dropping that great
1459s jagas oh I can upgrade my my or Hammer
1462s let's see I've got the raban uh waste
1465s now as well uh do that give guard one
1469s and a bit more armor as well nice I'm
1472s going to upgrade my
1474s hammera can't go wrong with or weapons
1477s so bleeding resist quick sheath yeah
1479s same with me I can nearly make the
1481s odaran coil which would give me critical
1484s eye one
1488s um yeah okay i' I've kind of now got
1490s like a bit of a I look like an 80s
1493s singer right now like when I when I come
1495s to the Gathering Hub it will make a lot
1497s of sense
1501s um all right let's wrong with this yeah
1504s uh moo says they're a big fan of the
1506s bone armor especially with hammer and
1508s other weapons yeah I've been rocking the
1509s bone armor for a while and only now am I
1511s starting to transition out of it
1513s actually who do I need to talk to Now
1514s search the Ancient Forest so is this one
1517s where we need a split up for a little
1518s bit I
1520s think I believe so yeah I don't think we
1523s can do an expedition together no I think
1526s and then we'll we'll meet up again but
1528s do come to the Gathering hub first to
1530s check out my new fit okay one sec let's
1533s see uh I should get something
1541s new however if I say p if I see sorry
1544s not say PUK PUK I'm G to be hunting it I
1547s I fair
1550s warning
1552s Bist
1554s nah okay let's go with the S
1558s yaku male
1560s ooh blue and
1564s purple you know if I'm not making any
1566s AAR bits maybe I can make some for my
1570s Pico oh good idea good
1578s idea all right thanks for the
1581s recommendation on Constitution NP so I
1583s did go with
1584s it oh I still got my great jagas gaves I
1587s feel like I just need to drop those or
1589s not griefs uh the the waste part let's
1592s get let's get something new sorry joh
1594s give one
1596s minute this is what happens you know you
1599s get stuck
1602s here okay yeah we're making the aaran
1605s set for my
1615s Pake and oh what's that sein
1619s we might go for go for that capacity
1622s boost gasit tail like that's a that's
1626s kind of cool I might be into it yeah s
1629s capacity I don't really need it but I
1631s don't know I don't know I've got full a
1633s g I got the weapon I got the armor for
1635s my pelico it's uh it's ready to rock
1642s yeah it's got It's got a little tail all
1644s right let's let's go with that nice nice
1648s right I am going to start my Expedition
1650s I think are you still in the online
1652s session as well just uh yes uh are you
1657s have you left yet not yet no okay I'm
1660s gonna come
1661s over I'll come over now so I can see
1663s your outfit oh yes I'll go to the
1664s Gathering
1666s Hub um so paladas says Hi everyone I'm
1670s about to buy monst on2 or Monster hun
1672s rise which one do you recommend it's
1674s going to be my very first monst Hunter
1676s game um and obviously monster world is
1680s on sale again right now it's I think
1682s about less than n pounds if you're
1684s talking like in Great British pounds
1687s money um but good question because they
1689s play very differently um so I'll leave
1693s that to the community to
1696s recommend oh looks like we I did lose
1699s connection to you so I think we got to
1701s enter that back
1702s in no
1705s worries uh let's let's toss it over to J
1708s stream while I go ahead and put that in
1709s everyone can look at my lovely
1712s trousers but yeah and also yeah if
1714s you're if you're not sure between the
1715s two there's loads of great Monster
1717s Hunter content creators like that you
1719s can find on Twitch and YouTube and you
1720s can just see the gameplay differences um
1723s between the two Monster Hunters
1724s obviously you know the core gameplay is
1726s you know very very similar you'll know
1728s it's a mon Hunter game um but they they
1731s do play a bit different because the
1732s teams like to iterate on each title um
1735s to further you know mix things up and
1738s kind of build upon the foundations but
1740s yeah no harm in you know jumping on
1742s YouTube for example checking out a
1743s couple of videos and seeing which one
1745s kind of appeals to you more
1748s yeah I do love the aesthetic of uh of
1751s monster rer rise and uh it's pretty
1753s awesome so yeah they're both fantastic
1755s basically you're not going to make a
1757s wrong choice there is no wrong answer uh
1760s it just depends which experience you
1762s want to you want to do first really yeah
1764s agreed agreed um just quickly changing
1766s my equipment uh I'm
1777s back defense Jack
1784s Edge yeah I've got quite the mix I yeah
1786s I'm ready to kind of go on tour in my
1789s 80s band now yeah see your
1793s uh your your gaves there yeah yeah what
1797s a what a mix what a mix oh yeah I love
1800s it I I'm redefining the fashion game but
1803s yeah also paladas welcome to Monster
1807s Hunter yeah
1809s welcome um right I guess we should go on
1812s our
1814s Expeditions yeah oh you still got the
1816s bone Helm there very yeah I'm I'm still
1819s taking that HP up I'm going to be
1820s holding on to that for a little
1823s bit okay okay so at the minute there's
1825s rafos ANF and great jagas there so no
1828s PUK PUK
1830s unfortunately
1832s um got it yeah we can't do this one
1834s together right so no no so we'll we'll
1837s have a little yeah we'll head out we'll
1839s get that
1846s done yeah pke PUK evades me
1852s still know the drill
1856s Clues don't worry I'll be careful
1863s time old
1867s Footprints find a first W variant uh do
1871s they tend to where do they tend to hang
1873s around yeah I don't
1877s remember it's been an eternity since
1879s we've done these quests yeah for the
1881s first time or I guess second time or
1883s whenever you know we've done it again so
1886s I just really don't remember
1889s I'm just capturing some fish on the
1894s way unlock an achievement or something I
1897s I just just gonna get me them fishies
1901s yeah oh here
1905s hello and JF Parts yay okay mystery
1910s Footprints
1912s um the Y
1916s variant Mr mucus
1923s that you good shout so if you're into
1926s your turn-based RPGs there is Monster
1928s Hunter stories and Monster Hunter
1929s stories
1932s too yes very fun
1935s games way deeper than you might expect
1938s at first as well with the monsty raisin
1940s mechanics and the battling and and
1943s everything okay I've got first W Varian
1946s Footprints coming up
1952s oh no there was some down
1962s there yeah there is another uh monster
1964s collecting game that is very popular
1966s right now but if I can recommend Monster
1969s Hunter stories too that is a a great
1972s game where you can collect a lot of
1973s monsters and very big roster monsters
1976s and very story driven as
1978s well yes yes very story
1982s driven great music
1986s mhm and also you know the fact you can
1989s have a a brachi [ __ ] companion you know
1992s as one of your monties makes me very
1995s happy soon as I could get brackie
1997s straight in my squad so I'm gon get a
1999s brackie egg gonna Farm the brackie
2006s egg
2008s you're going to go for Monster Hunter
2009s World nice well welcome to Monster
2012s Hunter world if you need any pointers
2014s you can check out our previous streams
2016s on YouTube uh but no honestly have a ton
2019s of fun if you if you're finding yourself
2022s that you want to want some pointers we
2024s do actually have some introductory
2025s guides in the steam News section as well
2029s um that uh we've put together so feel
2031s free to check those out as well but most
2033s importantly monster is a game about
2035s Discovery having fun trying new things
2037s so yeah welcome to the community and we
2040s hope you have a great time with it yeah
2042s welcome and
2045s enjoy oh took me all the way to is it is
2047s it leading me to Rathalos is this what's
2049s going on here yes I've got the cut scene
2053s same here
2062s same I'm digging my helmet which I I
2065s think is pretty cool looking yeah or my
2068s uh my uh head
2071s gears I wouldn't really call it a helmet
2074s oh yeah and one last bit of advice
2075s there's 14 weapon types to choose from
2078s so don't be afraid to experiment check
2080s them out because they all play so
2083s differently um and are a totally
2085s different experience but yeah and also
2087s let us know which weapon you settle on
2090s um because it's always called to know
2092s what our Hunters like to use and Ros is
2094s here as well hello Ros we did take you
2098s out earlier uh in an unexpected way uh
2103s but we did get carried by some teammates
2105s so we did we did Rathalos King of the
2109s Skies obviously you know taking a break
2111s from being in the EXO Primal collab to
2112s visit us
2115s here rathas has been in a lot of places
2119s yeah um but it's a very busy very busy
2121s guy yeah yeah and I think the uh the EXO
2125s Primal one is is definitely very
2127s authentic so yep I I I've hunted Ros
2131s five times now in EXO which means I've
2133s unlocked the Ros armor for murasi uh
2136s which nice I got that wrapped up last
2138s night very
2140s nice yeah I I need to do it
2144s more oh we've escaped for
2153s now hunting horn is the best weapon I'll
2156s die on this hill says new I mean it's a
2157s great weapon let's not lie
2160s everyone you don't need to die in the
2162s hill exact everyone everyone like
2165s hunting on is a weapon where whenever
2167s you see one on your team you're
2168s immediately like yes yes please thank
2171s you very much Bon and
2174s Buffs indeed
2177s indeed um new assignment available okay
2180s so now I can out yeah yeah and then
2183s we'll we'll get ready to get toasty
2190s dy I forgot how to return to base there
2193s we go I'm not used to returning from
2195s base you
2197s see I don't do
2202s that it's Hunter go
2205s home exactly either we finish it or we
2209s go back in a car
2213s it's well the uh Gloria's got 2,000
2216s Hunts on switch hack and 100 plus Hunts
2218s on each of the other 13 weapons their
2220s favorite weapon is the clutch
2224s claw oh well we got the two so we have
2226s Rathalos and Diablos here yeah let's do
2229s Ros first yeah let's let's work our way
2232s up
2237s yeah there you go pop the quest
2243s in so we've been making good progress
2245s but I think this is where
2248s we could we were at risk oh look at your
2250s very funky pelico oh it's not your
2252s pelico it's the chef funky Pico oh yeah
2256s yeah
2258s whoa I love
2262s it so shiny disco ball
2267s head dang I feel like my pelico is no
2270s longer in
2271s season even though it is
2274s winter it just doesn't feel right
2284s very
2291s F yeah if you want to grab the quest
2294s that I've popped in and then we will uh
2296s go find the apex of the Ancient
2303s Forest hopefully we'll win there's only
2306s there's only the two of us this time but
2307s I'm sure that will be more than
2310s enough Now's the Time to show the
2312s community it was actually us that were
2314s carrying them when we first took down
2317s Rathalos of course of course I've been s
2320s begging this whole time let's go yeah I
2322s got fantasy trousers on so it's going to
2325s be
2327s fine and obviously we have the the
2329s celebration platter there as well hey
2332s Black Ops good to see you you Hunter
2334s needs some help with
2335s jotus oh a fishy foe
2339s indeed right what we got here one two
2343s three easy flash pod I will yes please
2348s I'm going to keep my uh I'm going to
2350s keep my mega potions on hand for this
2352s because if I get hit I might crumple
2355s with this current armor I do have the
2357s Vitality mantal though yeah Vitality M
2360s or health booster what do you
2361s think hey Health booster can we go two
2364s Health boosters yeah let's do that then
2367s we can support each
2370s other oh yes I forgot actually no I do
2373s have the hell Health hell booster no
2375s Health booster Health
2377s booster all right
2380s okay that'll help keep us on the
2385s offensive right I think obviously we
2388s need to start ascending the Ancient
2390s Forest yeah we got to go way up there
2393s which way is the best way I think do we
2395s go right a bit first
2397s I think
2409s so quick
2412s fish what you doing get me some
2415s delicious sushi fish you can come too
2417s I'm not going to eat you though a re
2419s vulture thank you very
2423s much is it this way do we want to go in
2425s through here or is
2427s that and I think think we need to go a
2430s little bit
2431s further yeah I think we got to circle
2437s around not this one but maybe the next
2439s one those Footprints yeah I think yeah
2441s this is the one I reckon whose
2444s Footprints are these there a
2447s carcass I've just totally missed
2451s it got the wiggly though so that's okay
2454s ah we can Ascend I'll leave the other
2456s one I think I think another Wiggly
2458s spawns around here but I won't gobble it
2460s up yeah there
2462s is um oh there
2471s got I think this will be on our biggest
2473s test so far yeah definitely I mean
2476s Diablos is just around the corner as
2477s well so oh it's Toby hi Toby we're not
2480s we're not chasing you today mate hello
2482s Toby we just there you go what a
2484s beautiful Monster yeah hello friend yeah
2488s just uh you see ralas tell him we said
2492s hi we're coming for you what's our
2495s favorite monster from the series we'll
2496s start with youo it's always nice to get
2498s this
2499s question yeah yeah I think we get it
2501s every week um for me it's double Joe
2503s just love how aggressive it is and it
2505s you know it's the pickle exactly you
2508s know who doesn't who doesn't like pickle
2509s inviting itself to the hunt yeah um and
2512s for me it's bracki Doos it's big it's
2514s blue it punches it's like a big dinos
2517s and it makes explosions so I I Adore
2520s everything its armor looks cool it
2521s weapons are blast which I
2523s quickly like really became enamored with
2527s uh when I first started playing mon like
2528s slime and blast weapons um and I just
2531s think they're a great staple weapon
2533s especially for like uh breaking parts
2535s and just get a bit more raw damage um
2538s but yeah bracky for me what about you
2539s let's flick it back to the community
2541s time for you to share your favorite
2543s monster let us know let us know favorite
2545s monster
2547s namel namel is great it's probably my
2550s favorite original monster that was uh
2552s new to the to both uh world and Ice
2557s we've also got a malfestio there as
2560s well
2564s nice I'm G to pop a quick easy ration
2568s there we
2569s go
2571s right Ros gashes primordial Malino great
2576s great one very very cool it's a great uh
2580s endgame monster to cap off sunre
2584s mhm is Ros coming to us or is it going
2588s yeah did it move it's it's gaining
2591s height at the
2592s moment I think it's on the way to
2597s US stories two got me to try rise in
2599s 1200 hours later I'm a certified Hunter
2602s that's awesome
2604s ni you got you got the Rider and the
2607s hunter's license there is it is it have
2610s you found it is it on you yes yes I have
2612s oh it's moving again is it coming to me
2615s okay it went down okay or I'm not sure
2619s where lucky I can slide on my butt it's
2623s moving around quite a bit okay it's
2624s coming back up coming back up there it
2626s is oh there it is o oh hello
2630s hello where's my easy flash pods there
2633s we
2635s go okay all the way up to the water
2638s basically going to where we were I've
2640s not got any bombs so we might have to
2642s try and get it to attack the dam
2646s itself terrifies you like
2648s no gonna make me GNA make me sweat if I
2651s keep running around here I know doing a
2654s 10K over here it is the king of the
2657s Skies hello I totally whiffed and then I
2661s didn't block well either I did not block
2663s well look at it it's just like ha
2667s it's unbothered by us it is it's
2669s moisturized
2672s unbothered I'm going to try and bait it
2675s over to the uh Dam oh took some
2680s damage let me get over to
2683s you see if we can get a nature on our
2686s side fun fact about this area there's a
2689s dam here that you could use bombs or the
2690s monsters attacks to uh blow up oh good
2694s shout oh I'm on fire here oh here it
2696s comes
2698s yeah oh no Ros is flying no get down I I
2702s missed my flash
2704s pods wow oh it's got to be pinned down
2707s what is
2708s happening I missed my flash pods as far
2710s so yeah if it hits Rathalos it actually
2713s washes it away and the top of the tree
2716s however as you saw Ros had its own plan
2719s and I panick flash bombed and it didn't
2722s work that's all right that's all right
2724s we don't need that I'll try and focus on
2727s the tail
2729s here we're going to overcome this with
2732s pure skill and no parts exactly just we
2736s don't even need that warle you know we
2738s did that just to show show you what it
2739s could do yeah it's like hey look at the
2742s cool mechanics in this game anyways we
2744s didn't do it right so I'm kind of
2747s swinging in the air at the moment oh and
2749s that was with divine blessing oh
2755s no
2757s I get a slide here nope it looks like it
2760s but yeah it's just not quite steep
2768s enough I'm way too far back
2774s here maybe I bit more damage on the legs
2785s here
2788s go for that yeah I'm not getting that
2789s slide let going spin ta oh I'd already
2792s committed to the uh the lunge attack but
2795s good shout thank
2796s you there we go
2800s nice this is Rathalos this is
2808s Rathalos the king of the
2815s Skies
2817s now Bonk back on the
2821s head I don't think I brought any aera
2823s jerkies did I no I did not I did not
2827s nice I'll I'm not near I got to get over
2830s yeah I'm got to get over there run run
2832s run going to just do like an infinite
2834s combo over here yeah oh the Tail's gone
2837s oh you get
2839s that I can now focus on other parts oh
2843s oh my goodness where is my
2848s we don't know where any of our items are
2850s there we go there's the health booster
2852s I'm like cycling through my item bar I
2855s have no idea where anything
2857s is where are you right where's my mega
2861s potion yeah Health booster was a good
2863s shout I'm poisoned now going to go chill
2865s out oh I'm stunned as well oh
2868s no don't look at me
2874s no I'm going to dive into the
2876s the health
2878s booster there we go nice good flash get
2883s some Revenge there's another part break
2885s was that the
2886s head uh I'm M I'm bashing on the head so
2890s maybe but who knows oh I got
2894s stomped ah I missed got my next my
2898s normal flash pods equipped
2902s now hit in the Hammer with a hammer in
2905s the butt
2906s right okay uh where's that tail is it
2909s going to give me a tail this time I hope
2915s so hey I got a Ros tail that help with
2918s the weapon
2922s stuff I can take zero credit for
2924s breaking that tail so I will never say
2927s we did it I'll say you you broke the
2929s head see that's teamwork you you were on
2931s one end I was on the other and together
2933s H like was it blunt and uh slashing
2937s weapons combined for maximum breaks
2940s we're just playing to our
2945s STS okay there's
2948s wrath can we jump off here and get him
2951s use the wedge
2953s beetles
2956s oh can't reach oh Wings thank
2963s you oh he's not stay down
2967s yeah I missed oh no that's yeah I missed
2969s there
2977s too oh no
2979s sorry get
2983s back oh nice knock
2987s down
2989s bul
2993s oh
2995s nice this is good this is
3000s good oh
3005s spin I got hit by the the stub of the
3008s tail okay I got Slinger bomb
3014s now got the
3022s too oh he's recovering real quick
3027s one two three
3032s four
3033s and we got another bomb pod
3039s there ah I did that poorly I should not
3042s charge so
3047s late okay okay get the bomb pods out
3051s we're nearly there we've nearly got no
3054s no you're not going anywhere they
3057s Arro
3061s oo I see the skull that looks like we're
3064s almost there get back here ah no I took
3067s a wrong
3068s turn wait where'd you go slipped and
3071s fell H I'll go up here I go up here I'm
3074s falling and I can't get
3082s up got some more honey all part of my
3085s plan my oh I rolled out of my teing I'm
3088s I'm just being real sloppy today it's
3091s all right it's all right go give those
3093s monsters a chance clearly but then we're
3096s gonna get to high rank soon and it's
3098s gonna turn tables on us oh man I'm a
3100s little worried about that you know we do
3102s these in the morning for the US so when
3105s we start I'm still waking up yeah J
3107s you're at the end of your day so yeah so
3109s I'm winding down and you're you're
3111s winding up so it's kind of
3113s like neither of us are at our Peak
3116s a nice opportunity for you oh there's
3118s some while you come over though I'm
3119s going to grab some of these what's this
3121s shiny mining out crop yes
3124s please got some some lovely bone
3128s here grab some of these got oh nice like
3134s Crystal right I think I guess you need
3136s to give all Raph a bit of a rude
3144s awakening King we're just uh we're doing
3148s just us for now but we will open up the
3150s session uh maybe about a half hour so
3152s yeah look forward to that I personally
3154s think the gun Lance is really fun in
3156s world and genuinely good as well uh the
3158s rathan gun Lance is my personal my
3161s personal
3163s suggestion ra and gun L yeah yep
3166s combining what's good about it so it's a
3169s normal shell and it's a really good one
3171s so if you like the Full Burst play style
3173s it's really really good and plus it's
3175s poison so you you get extra damage so
3176s you get explosions you get poison damage
3179s tick it looks really cool as well um so
3182s yeah I mean I'm not a gun Lance main by
3184s any means but when I did play gun Lance
3186s for a bit in world and Ice spawn the
3188s rathan gun Lance was was the one oh no
3192s I'm getting Double Toasted I'm going to
3193s come hang out with you in
3198s here glad I got that little bit of armor
3203s upgrade yeah same here I'm glad I got
3205s some new armor because I'm actually
3206s surviving
3209s now trying to see if I get a last minute
3214s Mountain I have one more flash pod if
3216s you're cool with me using that go for it
3218s go for it let's let's see
3221s I there we go
3224s nice there we go that's what we that was
3227s the last flash flash really needed
3230s that whatever it was an easy flash pod
3232s so not
3234s M SP it where's the monster I've lost my
3238s sense of direction nice so that's one
3240s down so we just got Diablos to go now
3242s before we can hit high oh did you get
3243s another plate yeah got a plate oh my oh
3246s no sorry yeah this your first Rathalos
3248s plate but yeah first Ros plate but we
3251s got odar and played earlier which was we
3252s did good
3254s feeling we're lucky which means uh our
3257s luck is not going to be great in high
3258s rank yeah yeah I think Diablos was the
3261s first Monster when we were early on that
3262s really scared us um oh yeah that's right
3266s that's right I think we um we failed
3269s right yeah pretty sure we did but we
3272s gave it a
3273s try yeah exactly we we'll go say hello
3276s again
3278s yeah should we uh make any raian armor
3281s do you think let's have a look see if
3284s there's any raft gear in there all right
3286s I would like the sword and shield but I
3287s don't know if I'm anywhere near getting
3289s the paths for that
3294s yeah
3296s yeah oh I got a plate in my bonus
3298s rewards yay done it was all me baby you
3302s know getting that plate
3308s inward the hunting Gods NEP did punish
3311s the before though that was true oh
3314s that's right that's
3316s right there we
3318s go good job and we've already seen
3321s Diablos so I wonder maybe we need a proc
3325s the cut scene
3327s I'm not
3329s sure if not we I guess we'll find out
3331s we'll find out yeah we'll see what it
3338s does go see what the Lost armor is
3342s saying just turning in my bounties
3346s making sure everything's
3348s cool watch equipment armor
3352s right okay well I can only make the
3354s chest piece but it is really good it's
3356s got weakness
3358s exploit the helmet's got attack boost so
3361s I could I could make the chest piece
3363s that could be good going in what does my
3365s chest bone what does the bone armor
3367s chest have though attack boost one so
3370s I'll be trading out attack boost one for
3376s wax and a lot more armor yeah I mean
3379s might as well before I commit though I'm
3382s just going to look at the sword and
3383s shield to see if I could
3386s um because R sword and shield is one of
3388s my favorites oh I need a wrath marrow
3391s otherwise I could make it I could make
3393s the sword and shield
3396s oh yeah I could make it if I just had
3399s one more wrath
3402s marrow so I'm going to hold off the
3404s chest plate for now because I would like
3406s the Rathalos sword and
3408s shield so yeah we'll wait for
3413s now I got a little uh
3416s cut scene here for the
3419s M getting that done real
3424s quick uh okay
3426s okay let's get back in there into the um
3431s Smithy yeah I was thinking about the
3433s defended tree but we want to I mean the
3434s defender is great if you're new to
3435s monster hunter or you're looking to
3437s speed through the game again Defender
3439s great but Joe and I want to go through
3441s the you know we're going to go through
3442s the the traditional World EXP experience
3445s as much as possible obviously we do have
3447s some of the ice born skills so you know
3449s yeah you know but that's why we're not
3452s using claw
3454s mercilessly yeah we're not necessarily
3456s looking to speed through the game uh
3459s we're trying to get that authentic
3460s experience even though we have all
3462s played this game before so I mean it's a
3464s little tough to do that but you know
3466s it's been so long that uh you know we're
3468s remembering just how everything works in
3470s the uh the start of the
3473s game okay I don't think I can make
3475s anything thing I'll just make some Pico
3476s equipment and
3478s see but I think I like my snow set I get
3482s loads of uh side missions and and
3484s requests
3485s here although I could do with the star
3489s set yeah I think that's a must oh for my
3493s pelico oh very nice yeah we we got to do
3496s that the disco
3498s ball yeah let's let's show that off
3503s here uh
3510s Visions see you later
3512s Nessie and definitely check out the
3516s uh the uh Archive of the stream
3518s afterwards which we we do leave up on
3520s YouTube so go check that out if you if
3522s you missed the
3524s stream or if you're watching that right
3526s now hello I guess time
3530s traveling uh go and research
3533s honey small monster color in
3536s investigations take honey
3540s and complete three quests in the
3542s worldways yeah would take that I'm just
3545s going to replenish in as
3547s well yeah there's just so many quests
3550s that I'm getting right
3551s now so many exclamation marks yeah it's
3554s good we're King up I'm just mashing a
3559s for the dialogue all right complete
3561s deliveries Fred an ancient
3564s tree Gathering H time I got
3569s Catalyst I am scared of the Arena too
3571s NEP I struggle there yeah asking me to
3575s use weapons I'm not overly familiar with
3577s and I'm like flailing around yeah yeah
3579s it's not my
3580s build he wearing somebody else's
3585s clothes right if you grab the quest I'll
3587s see if I can join you and if not we'll
3589s just uh I'll join you anyway in a bit
3592s that zy that zit armor looks really good
3595s on you as well that's a wick thanks um
3597s it does look like we have to get the cut
3600s scene first okay so I won't eat and then
3603s I'll will get the cut scene and join you
3605s okay sounds
3608s good um I should eat then let's see yeah
3610s you eat and all uh I will join you soon
3614s all
3618s right check out my very awesome uh disco
3623s ball Pico that's
3625s very good very
3636s good diabl preferred range weapon heavy
3639s bow gun light B gun or
3641s bow
3643s uh
3645s H I think they all have their own
3647s strengths um light B gun is very comfy I
3650s I like I said I do like comfy
3653s hunting so that'll be have to be my
3655s choice but I love the mobility of the
3657s bow I love just like how flashy it is
3660s especially in Rise I think it's very
3661s very flashy so yeah but I'm I'm gonna
3664s stick with light boken as my favorite
3665s how about you Jon same for me actually I
3667s actually when I was playing through for
3670s you I did sword and shield and light bow
3672s gun uh kind of Switched between them
3674s both and I really liked it because to me
3677s the light bow gun is bit like the sword
3678s and shield for range weapons it's very
3680s status and element focused and I really
3682s like that play style so yeah definitely
3685s the lightbow gun for me nice
3688s nice we are we are lightbow gun fans
3692s Fanatics yeah appreciators enjoyers if
3695s you will yeah
3696s enjoyers say
3700s that this just uh after the concept art
3703s we shared a couple of weeks ago of this
3704s area I'm getting flashbacks to it now
3706s seeing how it's like come to life and
3708s comparing it to the the concept
3711s art yeah yeah I I love like uh you know
3714s going back to those and learning the
3716s lore about how the areas are connected
3718s is really really cool um I've kind of
3720s like forgotten all those little details
3722s with the the different you know lore
3724s about the local so it's been great team
3728s really oh go sorry oh n was saying that
3731s uh we need to go after more Kel's for
3736s potions oh I think I'm about to get my
3738s cut scene yeah yeah the horns for the
3741s potions we do need
3743s that
3746s but what are you talking about we don't
3747s need potions we don't heal no just I get
3750s hit you know this is a no hit
3752s run there's no way
3762s yeah hide behind this
3765s rock yeah shout out to K who uh
3769s completed a Perma death run I believe
3772s that that was two days ago um very very
3775s cool and we we know there's been quite a
3778s few community members who have been
3779s attempting that so shout out to
3781s everybody who's been attempting it it's
3783s just that's a I can't even imagine doing
3786s it you know it's really tough yeah the
3789s pressure especially when you get right
3790s near the end you know that must be yeah
3793s and streaming the whole thing too yeah
3797s talk about multi right yeah all right I
3800s got the cut scene here on my side
3802s now oh I it there's a sand pit occurring
3822s here po
3828s barro what an entrance for Diablos
3831s though think I'm about to get that right
3833s now let's see
3841s yeah toost is a challenging monster to
3843s get around
3847s yeah toer is a beast but I think Lun uh
3851s lunastra is very difficult I think
3854s that's one of the toughest monsters
3856s period I got greedy I tried to carve
3859s barro and immediately got
3863s hit no free for me
3867s ah got I'm out of stamina cuz I didn't
3869s eat oh oh no oh no oh no uh oh can I
3875s just return from Quest I was going to
3878s try get I was going to try and get some
3880s free cars but it ain't
3883s happening so what's called about toost
3885s as is if they they have the joint Nova
3888s uh which is super
3890s cool very cool very painful yeah I say
3893s cool it's kind of the opposite it's
3895s really
3897s H okay I'll be joining you shortly I'm
3900s just going to have some food yeah it's
3901s up and now
3902s so I'm GNA get out of
3907s here and we will get stuck in um join a
3911s quest yes please I'm GNA get some
3913s materials while I wait for
3917s you walk around here do some
3923s mining
3927s here we go and I'm joining I think is it
3930s the camp 11 uh or at the camp in Area 11
3934s maybe so I'll be a little bit closer
3937s okay yeah he won't be that
3948s far oh easy screamer pods yes
3953s please speaking of which
3956s um tomorrow
3959s is the anniversary for world right it is
3964s is sixth anniversary I
3966s believe yeah six years man that's crazy
3969s right that is I think I think is it in
3971s Japan it's the it's the 26th already so
3974s it's the sixth anniversary technically
3976s started there so obviously they're ahead
3978s of the curve you know partying already
3981s um and we'll be catching up
3983s soon
3985s under oh
3987s no yeah where were you even six years
3990s ago trying to think where I
3992s was good
3997s question and here we are today still
3999s playing through still having fun it's uh
4003s it's awesome to see I think I'm making
4005s out um oh here's the Wrath Nest right
4008s yeah
4010s okay I'm just going to grab these bones
4012s I'm sorry I need the bone piles no no
4014s take your time I am wandering around
4017s here grabbing bone piles getting good
4019s stuff just
4022s chilling and cheddar is uh looking very
4025s stylish nice oh now I want to eat
4028s cheese Bri and cheddar oh making me
4032s hungry right I am above you so the the
4035s hole in the sand should be there right
4037s so I can like shortcut in hold on yeah
4040s right oh no yeah you're actually not
4044s above I am right behind you oh sorry oh
4047s there's
4049s diabl jump oh no you to press B There we
4053s go uh oh God I'm glad you didn't land
4056s right in front of
4059s me try and get some blunt yeah I need to
4062s use my shield there blunt damage work
4063s but otherwise I'mma be bouncing off
4065s those horns yeah
4068s oh I got you I got
4071s you thank you
4073s sir my shield with guard up oh not guard
4076s up sorry guard one which is up to my
4080s guard um is actually being quite helpful
4084s here CU it Diablos hits hard
4088s unsurprisingly ah there's the
4094s iconic I need to trip it actually I
4096s should go for the mount that's what I
4097s need to do I need to remember it's what
4099s my play style in World get some mountain
4102s in so you can do even more big bongs a
4105s signature attack
4107s oh that
4111s hurt the request of Vig wasp
4118s delivery oh boy where you
4123s going I bet get my mega potions on
4127s here
4129s o NEP says insect GLA jonno when insect
4134s glaive you know what I'm actually
4135s playing inser glaive on my um Home
4138s console rise playr uh cuz obviously me
4142s and Jo have played through rise and some
4143s break three times uh once on switch once
4146s on PC and then again on Home console so
4150s we've done different weapons each time
4152s as well to mix things up uh yeah Inc is
4155s Fun the aerial play style is very
4156s different to what I'm used to don't mind
4159s me don't mind me there we go
4163s oh
4165s oh lovely hits there by the way no I
4168s missed dang
4169s it but yes I I got a couple in when am I
4173s going to be playing insect cave on
4174s stream probably not for a bit because
4176s we're going to be going into high rank
4177s after this hunt and you don't want me uh
4180s that's not going to look
4182s pretty oh I got a really good look of
4186s that I was watching you and then it just
4187s came up from underneath you brutal
4189s brutal I felt like I stumbled around not
4193s knowing where my items
4195s and then just it just all
4198s went it's all right it's all
4201s good okay my Pico is recovering uh oh I
4205s bounced off the tail come on
4207s then yeah The Shield is doing me well
4212s here wonder if I can try and get some
4214s Mountain attacks in okay Diablos is
4216s going to come flying out of one of these
4219s yeah yeah the stream is not pre-recorded
4222s we are live right now we are um but the
4225s uh the fancy uh production hopefully
4228s made you think it was maybe that's what
4230s it was kudos to our glamorous produce
4232s that yeah shout out shout out to our
4235s producer making this look good but it's
4237s it's all his work oh I scratched my ear
4240s instead of pressing attack straight away
4242s and I got
4245s buied sorry I'm just uh getting some
4248s bones so I'm not helping you right now
4250s that's all right that's fine got to have
4253s the resources you know hopefully getting
4254s into high ranks soon and we're going to
4256s need all the goodies we've got no open
4259s Lobby yet maybe about 20
4262s minutes sounds good Monster Hunter Wilds
4265s is not an expansion it is a
4268s standalone game the next big monster
4271s hunter game I got break we can't share
4275s any details on that till next summer so
4277s stay tuned stay or this summer AR yeah
4280s this summer sorry sorry we've just crept
4282s into 2024 just I feel like it
4291s yeah okay my health Bo is back I'm back
4294s I need Focus that's all good it's all
4297s good there's a nice little Health
4298s booster to oh I'm glad I put my shield
4300s up there I love the sword and shield for
4301s stuff like
4302s that I just need to get some mounts in
4305s for us the uh charging around everywhere
4312s outrageous come on come over here oh now
4315s you're tired now you're tired right okay
4318s and then I just bounced oh
4324s outrageous there we go man Dia is not
4327s being nice to me no you've got time
4329s though you got time oh we broke the back
4331s already I think you say we like I've
4334s done
4335s anything team effort team effort the
4338s only reason you CAU is because it was
4339s focusing you instead of me I was just
4341s like yeah you know okay I'm gonna try
4343s and get a little bit of head damage
4346s here then I'm going to run around to the
4349s tail all right I can find do some damage
4352s I can hear that glorious sound I need to
4355s remember I can't hit the tip of the tail
4356s I need to go flight the actual kind of
4358s tail
4363s itself yeah there you go Dragon stma 2
4365s is coming out in March that's a great
4367s way to pass some time before 2025
4370s absolutely I'm personally very very exad
4372s Dragon Dogman too as as well so am I so
4375s am I I can't I can't wait for it can't
4377s wait for everybody experience the game
4378s yeah you're also one of the community
4380s managers on it as well aren't you so
4381s you're gonna be super busy yes oh I am
4384s already uh yeah already sorry yeah sorry
4387s you this is true yeah but uh we're we're
4391s working real hard the team is working
4393s super hard in the game um putting the
4396s finishing touches on it and all of us uh
4398s you know on the marketing side are are
4399s gearing up for a pretty busy time so uh
4402s yeah we hope you look forward to all of
4403s it it's it's going to be a nice ride the
4405s next few months that's going to be
4406s consuming my game in time yeah
4418s yeah oh I need to
4422s heal oh you got a horn
4428s break nice work I'm I'm very much near
4431s stunned territory if I get hit again I'm
4433s I am uh going to get Wombo comboed yeah
4437s I'm I'm going to get out of there okay
4439s there we
4440s go Wombo
4442s Combo
4444s oh oh am I did I did I I'm stunn there
4448s it is okay Pico Now's the Time oh thank
4452s you my Pico actually actually hit me oh
4455s Steed up it did thank you Pico I
4459s appreciate you should hit the flash fly
4464s do it this I wonder if I can Scream It's
4466s coming over it's coming
4467s over yay scream a pod oh well done thank
4472s you thank
4476s you oh nice is that the double horn
4478s break yeah nice I need to get work on
4481s that tail somehow the thing is Diablo's
4483s tail is so high up I'm swinging around
4486s get down
4489s here oh there we go nice that will do it
4497s chop chop
4500s chop all
4506s right I'm just swinging around on that
4510s tail oh nice stagger can I get the tail
4515s I think I I got my rhythm back I think a
4516s little bit nice you know it's tough you
4519s know when you get hit a few times to get
4521s get back in the uh yeah it can shake you
4523s a bit like you're like right I but you
4526s did it you you got straight back in
4528s the in the mindset of the
4535s hunter oh damn it I keep hitting the the
4538s actual tip of the tail which is heavily
4541s armored I think I might be this being
4544s stunned
4545s again need to let that calm down a bit
4548s there we
4549s go ah Miss step part give me your
4552s tail
4555s I nearly went straight for the mining
4556s out crop I was like
4559s oo see if I can
4562s get no oh this is going to hurt
4567s oh uh where's my health booster there is
4570s oh
4571s no can I just put my shield up for a bit
4575s just casually casually
4581s heal oh the hit check
4587s there
4593s sorry they want you over here fight me
4596s instead I missed the
4600s followup heal got heal up there we go
4603s got the mount see if on the tail that's
4606s all
4608s right that's team work right there like
4610s sword and shield and insect glaves love
4612s their mountain in this game
4615s oh yeah the sword B just means I need to
4617s hit them with the shield
4619s instead I was stopping up
4623s here oh I'm going to hold on here cuz I
4626s want to end on the
4627s tail there we go nice all
4631s right got to Bonk Bonk Bonk and the
4637s finisher yeah oh
4641s nice don't think I'm going to be able to
4643s get this
4644s tail I will sling a thorn its head
4646s though so that you will do big damage oh
4651s nice oh
4653s no my my weapon is massively blunted now
4657s yeah I need to need to
4659s sharpen but this is not a monster you
4661s just want to randomly start sharpening
4663s on
4665s yeah I'm going to have to though my
4667s damage is disgusting but not in a good
4671s way one more sharpen watch
4675s out oh what do yeah what do there I uh
4679s to preemptively get a oh yes there it is
4681s it done I'm going to preemptively uh get
4684s the vi wasp called
4687s in nice
4689s knock there we go we've seen how we've
4691s grown since the start of the streams
4694s with our with our gear and settling him
4696s back into world after we've put hundreds
4698s of hours into rise and sunra yeah it's
4701s good feeling it's nice to feel got it
4703s all which is cool yeah yeah it's proof
4706s uh yeah proof of a hero a
4710s yeah oh hey nice hun and we're ready for
4715s high
4716s rank oh
4722s no that is me thanks Handler oh yes I'm
4726s G to C that Tails I don't
4730s forget we did punish we got revenge got
4732s the tail k case and we'll probably get
4735s some nice horns thanks to you as
4738s well we have a producer that is
4740s transition in the camera between us and
4742s and managing the screen swaps yes the
4744s MVP behind the scenes
4749s mhm the DJ on the
4753s decks there you go ridge ridge marrow
4756s and a mining out crop this is such a
4757s great area for items and loot mhm so
4763s high rank yes I've been looking forward
4766s to
4769s this eased Us in and now it's like we're
4773s going to need to have our items in a
4775s good State and our our radial menus
4777s looking good yeah we're gonna actually
4779s have to farm like a weapon and armor set
4782s I think as well as we start to proceed
4784s into this yeah yeah we can't just uh try
4787s to get by on pure skill mhm not to say
4791s that we're super skilled or anything
4793s skill is great until you get smacked in
4794s the face by a high rank
4796s Fireball
4800s it's yeah master rank will be fun as
4802s well but we've got the the mountain of
4804s high rank first now we're really getting
4806s stuck
4809s in the OR first I said Elder W Varian
4813s first W
4816s Varian yeah we'll we'll open up the
4818s online session a little bit we'll take a
4820s look at where we're at with our next
4821s Quest since we um or seemingly entering
4825s high rank here oh yes uh zra says I got
4829s three new hunters in world and now I got
4831s to train them before MH or the next MH
4834s or as they call it mh6 we've got yeah
4836s you got a year until 2025 so you got at
4839s least at least a year so
4843s uh yeah you'll be fine it'll be good
4845s good on you for training up some
4852s Hunters
4861s that big Pico onto
4870s something yeah I'm trying to remember
4872s what quest is actually next is it zor
4874s mdar into high rank again is he has
4877s another Siege
4881s Quest or not a Siege Quest but like a
4883s you know you know what I mean yeah yeah
4885s the equivalent yeah
4889s yeah oh yeah I love rage and brackie
4892s like once I'm in I spawn mode and I can
4894s fully use the clutch claw I fought rage
4895s and brackie a lot it's one of my
4896s favorite hunts in Monster Hunter oh it's
4899s so good I really love that hunt I love
4902s that that final stage of it yeah where
4904s it's like you're trapped together and
4906s only one of you leaving yeah you're in
4909s here with me yeah exactly
4912s that speak to the Handler all right I
4915s guess I
4923s will so we might as well get the uh get
4927s the community in for this one but zor or
4930s else yeah are we able to do that I think
4934s so Mash through the dialogue sorry sorry
4937s everybody if you're trying to no
4940s spoilers so skipping through I'm going
4942s to Qui go talk to the Smithy and look at
4944s the Diablos
4946s armor a colossal task um let's take a
4951s look
4956s here have I missed it no there it is it
4960s looks like one of one so oh it's a solo
4964s yeah we may need to run solo yeah no
4967s problem I mean it's nice you know just a
4969s little wind down before things really
4970s ramp up in high rank
4975s redefining the power couple just
4976s accepted
4978s that yeah I'll take a look at the Diablo
4980s armor
4981s also good for you or a hammer user
4984s should I say but not too much there for
4987s sword
4989s shield yeah Slugger is pretty good for
4992s the hammer right very very tasty the uh
4995s yeah yeah that looks that looks great
4996s I'm going to I'm going to run it let's
4998s do
5001s it
5004s all right got that
5013s platter right Co my armor is looking
5017s crazy oh look it's technically our first
5020s high rank Quest as well this one yeah
5023s all right so are you in there or um um
5025s it says play as four uh up to four
5030s so maybe you can get in
5034s oh party members one of one would it be
5036s like SOS let's find out it's been a
5038s while let's both jump in see what
5040s happens
5044s yeah oh thank you Jason have a good work
5049s meeting take care Jason and yes I do I
5053s believe I owe you a message so um yes I
5057s we'll get to
5061s that
5070s all
5071s right let's go over the
5075s operation Subterranean Channel Zora
5077s magaros is using continue deep underr
5080s we'll have one shot to divert it here
5083s when it
5086s sures if we it it's out of our where's
5090s his dragonator that's why breaking out
5093s the big
5105s guns oh look at that giving me Sun Break
5108s Vibes as well when you get the
5109s dragonator on the
5114s boat
5115s the use it to drive Zora back and divert
5118s it out into the Open
5121s Sea
5125s yeah depending on the length of this if
5127s we can do a multiplayer it might be the
5129s only one today that we can do it's yeah
5131s quite a meaty hunt this one
5138s yeah yes
5140s nante they going be my smart trousers so
5144s I thought this was a smart casual hunt
5146s my looks insane it's it's very
5151s good
5153s we can do
5157s this scout ahead signal us if you spot
5170s any it's
5172s coming
5174s Mo everything at your
5177s disposal everywhere fight
5181s and
5186s all right uh I'm in there now I don't
5189s know let's see when I land yeah I'm
5192s flying around oh this is one you can
5193s drop the uh drop the static Tides yeah
5197s that's right that's
5199s right does some tasty
5202s damage flying
5211s in look at that they AB size of this
5216s lad an absolute
5220s unit okay now we can uh back out and
5224s okay uh how should we do it should we
5226s both back out yeah yeah let's both back
5228s out and then uh we'll go back in with
5230s the full Squad so yeah obviously due to
5232s the length of this Quest it will
5233s probably be the only one we do this week
5235s in uh Community multiplayer but next
5238s week we'll be getting stuck into high
5240s rank so we'll have a little bit more
5243s time for that should be really
5246s good yeah we're going to need to make
5248s some builds get prepared a little bit
5251s yeah I'm ready to get my high ranks set
5252s on you know looking forward to it right
5255s okay I need to have I got the have I got
5258s the lobby ID ready let's have a look
5260s I've got the lobby ID ready for twitch
5263s chat yeah and I I'll drop in the YouTube
5265s chat for everybody so all right let me
5268s get that let me get that so I like
5271s three
5276s oh look at that Diablo scar let me make
5278s sure I got the right thing
5293s here set it now right okay there we go
5297s so yeah um obviously do you want to put
5299s the quest up so I'll join you obviously
5301s we've only got time for this one so that
5302s means two hunters will be able to join
5303s us directly this week but yeah next week
5306s obviously we'll be getting really stuck
5307s at the high ranks so there'll be a bit
5309s more flexibility there around how many
5311s hunts we
5313s do you know maybe we can at least do uh
5316s one arm wrestling round or something
5317s like that I think we I think we should
5319s yeah I think that's a good shout I'm
5321s going to use a voucher
5326s uh because I really like zor magdor
5329s armor so I'm get me on
5336s there H we've got some as well the yeah
5339s we' got NEP we've got Ria Ripley the uh
5342s you know grm here as
5344s well the wom's world champion once again
5347s has returned um good seaw
5353s wall you're in the wrong Gathering hub
5356s no it happens say all we ask is make
5359s sure you're using weapons and I know
5360s it's zor magdaros so it's not quite the
5362s same but uh make sure you're wearing
5364s gear that is of equivalent level to us
5377s please i i d i let NP fight
5382s you there's grm grm might give it a
5387s go Ria here Ria oh there's no way I can
5391s beat Ria
5395s I'm G to get
5397s destroyed I believe I believe don't go
5400s easy on them just cuz they're community
5402s members Joe you got to show them show
5404s them the monant away pretend you are the
5408s Diablos oh
5411s nocky see that's you know unlucky that's
5415s uh how can you beat the Women's World
5417s Champion there's just no way that is
5419s hard do I do I throw caution to the wind
5427s I'm ready to get pasted as
5439s wellion you prob see on my face that I'm
5441s like oh I still get absolutely whooped
5443s you know that's the reason they're the
5444s champ you know the champ that's the
5446s champ there we
5448s go NE I think uh you got some
5450s competition so after this Quest we'll
5452s see we'll see oh my goodness right well
5456s I'm going to ready up after after
5458s getting whooped with GG to Ria there
5462s yeah hopefully I'll get some nice Zoros
5465s pieces to cheer me
5467s up uh all right ran ready to depart
5471s let's
5481s go
5487s here we go right so we need to get
5489s straight on the back so I believe yeah
5491s we run through here cuz I think this is
5494s the same Quest as the master rank
5496s version which I farmed for a bit to to
5499s get the uh to get the arch tempered
5502s armor yeah where's the stones I need
5504s stones oh no I'm going to be behind J do
5508s you see my armor I just want you to look
5509s at it look look look look how cool I
5511s look that is glorious it's a good
5517s combination glorious
5524s all oh here we go got the Rocks okay
5529s so I'm going to keep an eye on the
5534s sky oh no there's the lava it's fizzling
5539s me did I eat for this I don't think I
5542s ate food oh no do you want to go back no
5546s that's fine I will make do it's my own
5548s fault uh where
5550s is oh my gosh oh that hurt just stunn
5554s around that hurt I'll go on Rock Duty I
5558s think this is above us all
5563s right I don't think I'm close enough I
5565s am on fire though oh
5571s no
5574s oh am I not close enough do I need to
5577s get
5578s higher H we need to drop
5585s this I remember I
5587s think I've I've climbed up high I'm
5590s trying to drop the uh but I can't
5593s remember how to do it there we go I just
5595s had to get closer oh it's going to hit
5597s me we're good we're
5600s goody good work
5602s managed to drop a stall is stall tight I
5606s think the ones on the roof I believe so
5609s yeah while you guys do the magma cor I'm
5611s uh dropping some rocks yeah you know
5615s geology exactly they're minerals they're
5618s mineral yes I was just about to say that
5622s they're minerals Jon they're not just
5625s rocks can't believe I forgot to eat all
5628s that excitement thinking about zor
5629s magdaros
5631s armor
5634s that's all right all right there's the
5636s next big rock anyway I think are we
5640s close enough yet
5643s no little bit closer so yeah we'll
5648s uh well you guys get those bits I'll get
5651s this unless do I jump down there okay I
5653s can see the last
5655s core okay stall ties up do I hit this
5658s one yet I think that'll
5660s Miss I'm just fall and gr them over here
5663s ah I got hit off the edge no so I'm
5667s going to climb back up this we remember
5669s you is that going to hit I mean I can
5672s try let's see this could miss no I might
5675s catch the leg yeah there we go we're
5679s good 500 damage thank you thank you oh
5682s that's not a rock that's
5684s a that's a 100
5687s yeah that's that's a mineral I'm back at
5691s the top oh yeah I talk of that there we
5693s go mining out crop thank you zor
5695s magdaros caries and some malachite ore
5699s or Mite
5701s sorry are there any more bits of me to
5703s drop oh I missed one no I didn't no I
5706s didn't I didn't miss one that's one I
5708s already got did I miss that one no that
5710s one's done as
5712s well okay there's more coming up
5716s though I'm ready on the my stone
5720s artillery
5725s nice
5728s work I stand ready with my my slingshot
5731s my
5733s Slinger right where are we going okay
5735s there one I feel like I haven't seen you
5736s for a while I I'm I'm hiding up up in
5739s the uh the upper Rafters can I make that
5741s jump oh no oh no I I slipped I hello
5745s hello oh you know i' would have been way
5748s quicker if I knew there was some oh
5750s hello there some nice Loop to grab
5753s you're very loot motivated I am very
5765s much just M over
5768s here okay back up back
5771s up uh
5773s oh oh I'm getting out of
5775s here think Z is
5778s Charing is Zora a turtle that's a good
5784s question what we do know is it's massive
5787s mhm
5790s oh I got knocked down but I'm still
5793s there it's all
5795s good you know going to drink
5803s up I just have a ration as I climb up
5807s monor
5810s Hunter there we go it's a comment from
5813s the spaghetti
5814s Lord what is your spaghetti policy you
5817s know
5824s yeah clim back up
5827s top where now hello oh no there's a big
5831s thing to knock down there
5834s no
5835s no where you going I want to knock down
5839s this big pillar I've staged Jo you join
5844s me my rocks there we go maybe we'll
5848s catch there we go here it
5850s comes did it Miss no no zor magdaros has
5855s got a Sprint
5857s on
5861s outrageous oh there's some up high as
5865s well I need to get climb
5870s in
5879s nante
5882s us oh there it
5885s is let's go nante is pretty awesome it
5888s is a wonderful monster
5892s yeah it's bonking
5895s time
5897s oh the fire the
5900s fire fire guy
5903s oh some uh some shiny oh oh no oh oh
5908s oh
5911s oh yeah I'm going to he I go back in
5916s there nice
5918s Mount
5926s oh oh my
5929s stamina no
5933s hey
5935s Ram nice knock
5947s down
5948s oh I maybe I can mine quickly before I
5951s get shook off me let me join you there
5954s yeah I'm going to have a drink
5956s oh no don't worry there's more here
5962s oh I nearly fell off the
5968s ledge ah fell off I thought I was being
5980s smart hello Monster Hunter
5984s man oh okay that's right more mining out
5987s crops that's not so bad take those Zoros
5990s pieces about the
5992s the head now I think I okay i' oh
5997s helicopter Spin to
6001s Win myint fell
6004s off where' everybody
6007s go everyone's just scattered after that
6012s yeah
6014s shinies y all
6017s right the hunters hold your positions on
6021s these give me that lovely
6026s loot are there more pillars have I
6029s missed the pillars that
6034s been heading back up the Hunts are going
6036s well thank you we're hopefully about to
6038s get into high rank which would be very
6040s very nice I'm heading back up I'm going
6043s to go see the lay of the land we're
6045s nearly at the barricade though so I
6046s think we're going to be entering the
6048s Final Phase of this
6050s CL
6061s oh glad I went back down here cuz
6063s there's a nice Zora
6067s shiny anym for
6073s anymore loving all this loot especially
6076s that or will be handy going into high
6079s rank yeah we are we we are we are
6082s experienced Hunters we are doing a fresh
6084s playr though um playing through world uh
6088s with brand new Hunters that we only play
6091s on the stream itself as well so we don't
6092s play these ones in our spare
6098s time I'm hoping we can stick to that you
6101s know once we get to higher rank and
6103s start carding even more but yeah that I
6105s think that's the commitment right as we
6107s want to show the entire Journey on here
6110s mces
6116s traveling okay here we go uh start with
6119s the
6127s Cannons now Jon when you fight Fatalis
6130s are you a cannon person yes okay me too
6134s yeah I like to start it with the Cannons
6137s um I find it a very nice way to get some
6140s early damage yeah I usually toss on the
6142s temporal mantle so I can tank any hits
6145s and just try to get that damage in oh
6148s yeah exactly and if you can get like an
6150s early knockdown at the start that is
6153s very very
6154s handy oh actually no I need to move that
6158s back there we go are we good are we good
6161s I think this CL going to get him on the
6163s chin or straight in the
6165s mouth oh pot
6169s break man uh I'm Joe I'm on the left and
6172s jonno is the guy yes jonno is the guy
6174s with the blue hair yep Y and I I believe
6177s we do have some name plates on the side
6179s so you can see who whose stream you're
6180s seeing if it's j or or
6183s myself oops the snoot of Zora
6186s there
6190s hello hello as well I was like I should
6193s probably I should probably say that
6197s too oh H was talking of greetings
6204s time to drive out Zoro
6207s away nice we're glad you like the name
6210s plates the the team uh the producers
6213s behind the scenes worked hard on those
6215s so thank you
6219s guys not weak enough that's not very
6224s nice all right we used them all oh this
6226s is going to Hur is
6229s it blah blah blah blah
6234s nice thank you thank you and then get a
6236s volley in
6238s there oh it's going to fire watch out I
6241s don't if it's going to hit us or the
6246s ballista we're safe time for the dragon
6249s all right uh yeah let's go do that is
6252s grm over
6260s there
6269s the dragonator it's on the ship right
6272s mhm over there hop down and uh fire it
6277s from
6280s there all
6282s right fire oh I hope this
6288s hits it'll be the world's first
6290s dragonator
6291s yeah yeah on on the ship even though you
6294s know it's impossible to
6307s miss more CNS
6311s oh where is it oh where that Dragon
6317s A's ready when you are good oh
6322s that'll tickle a
6336s bit we did well though yeah I think
6339s everyone Manning the Cannons like that
6341s and getting the binders in and then the
6343s dragonate a did wonderfully
6349s mhm
6356s see now Zora can go retire to a
6357s beachfront
6361s property we did it the Pico outfit is
6364s great isn't it in the cut scenes it's
6366s it's
6374s incredible all right we beat the game
6378s yeah you've done the tutorial now
6382s to joke about
6385s yeah it only took us 40 years it only
6388s took 40
6392s years yeah a thank you man very
6398s kind there's the
6406s Pico is indeed
6409s ogre Zena what
6419s whatat the game off Zora goes
6426s yeah
6430s grandfather hello hello
6433s kiwi go or should I say not the real
6439s kiwi
6444s oh oh the plot
6449s be oh wow would you look at that I got
6452s the zor magaros gem oh me too
6468s hey there we go zor mag Ross's uh moved
6474s on all right so maybe we've entered high
6477s rank now
6483s mm the ARG is
6487s unlocked I'm going to go to the before I
6489s speak to the Handler I'm going to go to
6491s the uh straight to the
6495s Smithy someone's
6499s excited
6508s okay let's look at the armor
6512s first wow NEP is uh putting out the
6516s challenge to Ria oh my goodness and I
6519s miss hold on before you guys do that we
6521s got to watch we got to get that on
6526s stream here let me let me head to the
6528s Gathering Hub real quick we we need to
6531s witness
6532s this well can I not make the armor yet
6535s or am I missing
6536s it it's probably like high rank armor
6543s right oh I look at the
6547s weapons yeah let's let's switch over
6549s here to the uh see the armed wrestling
6551s happening y let's let's see that in
6555s action we have a ria versus The Mad
6559s artist and
6563s wins I don't know if we missed any
6565s matches so far but yeah keep at it keep
6569s at
6578s it we have a NEP versus
6587s Rio oh NEP took
6589s it
6596s do we see Net versus RI Ripley yet yeah
6598s let's let's see that right now oh it's
6600s going I've
6604s arrived who reain and champions
6607s that's see if I can get in View mode
6609s here oh wait the tutorial came up yes
6612s exit
6619s okay
6624s oh oh wow
6627s wow amazing amazing I'm in I'm in View
6630s mode so can see on the on the camera we
6633s got a bird's eye view up here there we
6638s go amazing
6644s amazing rematch okay okay why don't you
6648s do best two out of three huh yeah best
6649s of three best
6651s three let me get the camera set back
6656s up R here to give some motivation
6660s yeah we got NEP over here on the left or
6664s NEP is on the right and RI Ripley is on
6665s the
6668s left that's okay man it's what we're
6670s here for it's all about everyone CH oh
6672s one a piece all
6679s right
6681s he got that that thing on him this the
6683s decider get those thumbs ready or
6687s fingers know if Here We Go
6691s Keyboard who's going to take it
6694s oh I don't know I don't know I don't
6696s know oh NE with a fantastically strong
6701s start and then NEP sneaking in there
6703s maybe this rivalry will continue next
6705s week yes
6708s yes now got a sneaking in do they think
6711s np's tired can they sneak in a win
6715s yeah oh no oh NEP cannot be beaten there
6719s we go well
6721s played I'll jump in I'll jump in here
6724s yeah give it give it one more give go
6726s see if
6728s G here we go time to get
6739s wrecked I'm
6744s well played well played oh it hurt of
6747s Steel yes and and with that I think it's
6749s a pretty good time to wrap up so
6751s obviously starting next week we'll be in
6753s high rank so incredibly excited for that
6756s Joe super excited for that and kind of
6758s Mak some sets that are gonna last us for
6760s a while yeah yeah I can't wait uh you
6763s know the low rank experience is fun but
6766s uh yeah it's it's a little comfy now now
6767s it's going to get it's going to get a
6768s little sweaty I yeah get and bruised a
6772s bit as we hunt through these yeah yeah
6774s we got to do some real preparation and
6777s make sure that we're ready for for
6778s what's coming so um yeah it's been a
6781s good time today I think we made some
6782s real good progress uh I'm excited for
6784s next week so yeah yeah it's been good
6786s and once again thank you everyone
6788s whether you you've just been watching
6790s whether you've been chatting or you've
6791s jumped in the lobby with us because as
6793s always and I know I say every week but
6795s it's the truth it's you the community
6796s that makes these streams what they are
6798s um so thank you so much for joining us
6800s and with that I've been jonno and I'm
6802s Joe and you've been awesome have a
6804s fantastic weekend we will see you next
6806s week good night all right see you
6829s everybody
3 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name is Jon o EMA Community
3s manager on monst hun and I am joined by
6s hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the cap estate
8s Community manager for Monster Hunter and
11s what are we doing today Joe because it's
12s quite a momentous moment for us in world
14s right now it is uh today is episode six
18s of our return to world uh stream series
21s and we have finally made it to high rank
24s uh after some time but yeah the last
26s five episodes we've been grinding away
27s at it uh and now the real game begins so
31s shall we get into it it does it does and
33s obviously we're going to be starting off
34s with an expedition so we'll be going our
36s separate ways at the start before we
37s reunite to take on some high rank
39s monsters and of course as the stream
41s goes on we will be opening up the
43s Gathering Hub so you can join us too um
46s and let us know if the audio and
47s everything's fine um and yeah so we can
50s adjust it if necessary but yeah anyway
52s I'm going to grab a snack Joe before we
54s head to this I'll do the same I'll do
55s the same I'm super excited for high rank
58s I'm really looking forward to actually
59s starting to settle on some some some
61s like sets to like actually that we're
63s going to use for a little while cuz
65s we're both running a bit of a mishmash
66s at the moment in low rank oh yeah yeah
69s our fashion is all over the place it's
70s it's kind of a I don't know how I feel
73s about it yeah yeah it's uh interesting
76s that raban waste on me is like not doing
79s me any
80s favors yeah just uh some some details on
83s the stream so uh we will be switching
86s back and forth between the two different
88s feeds so um you'll see my character
91s um which is uh my character's name is
93s Bri and my palico is cheddar and jonno
96s is is named after himself so oh he's not
99s playing character he's playing himself
101s yeah I'm role playing
103s me and my Pico is even named after my
106s real cat Amber as well so and who's also
109s a Tori so yeah we're going for that like
111s for like you
114s know all right headed into the wild
116s Spire waste yeah I've literally just
119s landed so
121s hopefully we'll be reunited again soon
124s and it's high rank now as well so uh
127s we're getting serious and thing is we're
128s still wearing low rank armor we've got
130s low rank weapons you know we've kind of
133s been brute forcing our way through a
135s little bit so it's going to be
137s interesting the first few high rank
144s hunts oh do you know what I might as
146s well keep
147s my where's my caption at there we go
152s Fatalis when we're going to get there
154s we're going to get there we've
158s uh we've got to go through uh all of
161s this first
166s though all
170s right how's it looking your end I've
172s gone straight to the swamp
174s Joe yeah I just I just started so I just
177s got out
179s here
183s um yeah and for anybody that's new to
185s this stream series um these are totally
187s new well I guess they're not new anymore
189s since we've been playing them for uh a
191s few weeks here uh right joh yeah y these
195s are you know yeah they're fled Lin
197s Hunters almost should we say I mean
199s they've completed the first part of the
201s story actually so I should probably give
203s them a bit more credit yeah yeah um yeah
207s so we only play these Hunters on this
210s stream so um you know outside of like a
212s little bit of uh Inventory management
213s and whatnot um oh looks like I just got
216s disconnected um but I think that's fine
219s right yeah we can just you can just
221s rejoin that'll be all
225s right
228s yeah the swampy area does look really
230s nice for that purple plant life doesn't
232s it yeah we' be oh there's high rank
234s barroth or is it high rank yeah I we
236s must be around that um yeah we will be
238s doing Al tray on before Fatalis we kind
240s of be doing it like those kind of
242s monsters in kind of chronological order
243s obviously Fatalis will be the cherry on
245s the cake uh around that those are uh big
250s promises yeah yeah yeah we definitely
253s want the community's help for those I
254s think yes so I remember when I did them
257s first time round on my own personal
259s profile all those all those years ago uh
263s I was absolutely geared up decorations
266s you know talismans armor you know I was
269s I was min ax my
272s weapons yeah you got to be ready for
274s those can't just hop
280s in all right have you figured out where
283s you're going no no okay I'm picking up
288s uh picking up tracks at the moment all
290s right I just found the uh the quest so I
293s found Diablos and baroth so far okay you
296s may be in the wrong direction okay okay
298s I'm going to go towards the the wooded
301s area where rathan normally likes to hang
305s out all right I'm going to back out
307s actually uh oh yeah we can join up then
310s can we that's good yes yes I believe so
313s well actually I don't know I think they
315s said the assignment was unlocked so we
317s should be all right nice okay I'm going
319s the wrong way there I i' you know what I
321s panicked because Diablos was chasing me
323s and I got lost that's a normal reaction
327s yeah yeah hello nmia don't worry you've
329s not missed out anything yet we're just
331s taking our first few steps as we kind of
333s ease into high rank yeah we're just
336s getting started so ah I feel like this
338s think we've been going for like five
339s minutes Haven Miss much thanks again for
342s joining us Diablos is eating some cacti
345s at the moment that's that nice bit of
347s like endemic like natural behavior there
350s better than it kind of spearing me with
353s its
354s horns a WRA wait those scales look
358s different
361s they're not
363s green all right I'm heading back to Camp
366s nice are you back in the lobby as well
367s are you um I will fix that real quick
372s it's PUK PUK yes I need a pke poke for
378s the poison sword and
380s shield but then I probably want to go
382s for the rium one instead if I'm honest
385s right
386s um I guess I'll just put or let you no I
390s have come out I'll come out because I
392s don't can you join I don't know if
394s because I'm on an expedition I might oh
395s I think we might have to come back and
397s yeah I will uh
401s return okay I'm back yeah too Fair yeah
406s I unless I need some of the Poke P bits
408s to transition into the rathan set for
410s the to eventually get lunatic
412s Rose
415s um I'll check I'll check at the Smithy
417s once we've done this this Quest
422s hello there yeah if you pop it in I'll
424s join you I'm just going have some
427s food let's do
429s it and yeah for those uh obviously very
432s excited and asking about monster on
434s Wilds summer will be when more
436s information is revealed um so yeah and
439s that's summer this year of course that
441s we be revealing more
443s information the time is moving fast you
445s know it is it's February already January
448s was an epically long month
450s um so you know you're one month one
453s month closer to Summer yeah you won't
455s have to wait that much longer uh should
458s we go camp one I
461s suppose uh yeah yeah that works you know
464s I'm going to I'm going to use a voucher
467s here
473s uh a happy birthday freak 3D yeah happy
478s birthday
493s so p p we're doing good F yes we we are
497s ready to rock H and welcome to chat as
499s well it's your first time chat we are uh
502s about to do our first high rank hunt and
503s I'm sure there'll be no cards positive
506s oh no not at all we're just going to
508s completely roll the rest of the game I I
510s was about you know what zero damage um
514s yeah I've got antidotes on me I don't
516s think okay I've got two Mega potions I
517s didn't
518s restock uh which is obviously very very
521s smart move on my part we don't need it
526s exactly just don't get we're be fine
528s we're going to be fine I mean famous
531s last words or whatever
534s yeah we just beam it straight there uh
539s there we go
540s I think there might be some honey around
541s here anyway maybe or am I confusing
544s myself with the Ancient Forest
546s probably I really I really don't know
550s sometimes I feel me just run into it and
551s I mindlessly pick it up yeah just if you
554s see it grab it like are these herbs here
557s grab that yeah yeah just going to go
560s through this hole here I'm like what's
561s what's through
563s here we did not take the speedrunners
566s way no I definitely took a wrong turn in
568s straight off the bat
571s we'll go explor exactly there we go look
574s we we've snuck out here now we found a
577s lovely big mystery
579s footprint whose Footprints are
582s these I don't know actually I want to
584s kind of I like well I'd know if it was
587s Diablo surely right
591s like all right I think we just got to
593s break off to the left here yeah yeah we
595s we'll take round and find our friend if
598s we if we die we'll be be judged very
600s harshly and laugh at you I expect
601s nothing
605s less I recently played through a Lance
607s and I can't handle not been able to
608s block yeah I'm the same obviously Shield
610s sword and shield sorry obviously shield
611s and shield sword and shield has a shield
613s so yeah I feel a bit naked without
616s it do we want to hunt this rat in I
620s don't know I don't know I I I the parts
622s could be very good for me all right
625s let's do
626s it let's give it a go I would decided I
630s would love some uh rathium
633s Parts this might take some
639s time see if I get without being carried
642s this could be yeah oh o the waddle it's
645s always the waddle yeah gets me every
649s time I have not even hit it yet hold
652s on all right look she's she's super
658s aggro
661s there's the the famous
664s backflip get that mount there we
672s go well done well done thank you that's
675s going to be what I focus hold on oh
676s she's poisoned there must be some poison
678s cups I was like wait did since when did
679s you have a poison
682s Hammer nope I'm just sticking with the
684s standard iron oh the classic
688s Bonk
692s nice there we
695s go you know I should really go to the
697s tail especially cuz I need
700s tails what were you looking to craft
702s again uh I really like the rathan uh
706s poison sword and shield oh that's right
708s that's
710s right is that you with the Trap no there
713s are some uh is it I keep pronouncing
717s their name wrong uh grim the uh oh right
720s right yeah yeah the locals um the locals
724s yes what's called the loc they got the
726s paralysis
727s uh right on oh I can't believe I forget
731s their name cuz I love having them when
733s you're like in the late game and you're
735s like farming elder dragons and bits in
737s the elders recess um obviously the Picos
740s can't use the kind of trap on an elder
743s Dragon but they can still attack it and
746s and bombard it with damage so it's
748s always so useful when they turn
751s up there you go G oh I feel so how did I
755s forget that I was so close with the G I
757s was like I know it but I can't remember
758s up the top of my head ni there we go
761s right I'm going to go back to the
765s tail nice
767s stun are they back again they are
770s they're here for
772s more hope so they've been helping us oh
776s nice head
777s break all right
787s oh can't believe I forgot the gila's
790s name I'm sorry gajaka considering I
792s appreciate them so much when I was
793s playing
798s through bring that tail back
803s here oh she's on the move just missed
805s just missed okay it was a good time to
808s sharpen
810s okay we're doing well so far I think so
812s she's not fully bodied us yet which is
815s very polite of
817s her just a little bit of wadlin actually
820s I should probably have a first aid Med
825s anyway oh there's a nice bit of mining
828s out crop
829s here Dragon vein
833s Crystal oh I should probably grab that
835s too but yeah getting these new maps run
836s the other
838s way some toxic mucus that'll be pke PUK
842s who's apparently closer than we realized
844s yeah pke PUK is very close so I'm going
847s to going to avoid them for
852s now reminds me of the uh The Witcher
854s collab quest with a friendly poke
860s poke we'll definitely have to do that
862s one at some point yeah oh yeah
864s absolutely we'll go go through those
866s that sounds like fun and we got the beem
868s off as well
870s oh man that's yeah that's intense and
873s then extreme
876s off oh for doing all those man that's uh
879s going to be tough for us getting stuck
881s in we'll have the community with us for
882s those definitely yeah cuz like the Elder
885s L as well like oh my goodness
889s yes you know I might just use the health
891s booster so I don't have to gluger Oh no
894s I got
895s tired up you got tired yeah I I let my
900s stamina run out I was
903s foolish it happens it happens always
905s happens to me with the hammer I like
907s just hold the charge for way too long
909s yeah you just go go all
911s in oh I'm working on those mounts yeah 8
915s velc spicy you really want to do behem
917s off yeah it's a very fun very unique
920s style of
921s hunt yeah we'll make it to at VC
924s eventually yeah there we go we got a
926s nice knock down there oh no the tails
928s the tail is covered by a tree
932s ah oh and then I I panic comboed and
935s messed it up a little
937s bit here comes that tail
941s again hey talking to Tails I'm going to
944s combat carve I'm going to combat carve
946s it I need that tail 100% sorry Joe
950s no last bit of the carve right that's it
953s that's it that tail is
956s ours you Bandon me I got punished like
960s in the horror films like I'll see you
961s later and then I I'm the one that gets
971s got oh there might be near to another
975s Mount to be
977s fair oh I could get my shield up in time
979s oh oh that just missed
981s Meo
983s uh yeah know I will down a mega potion
986s here I'm not messing around with that
988s one
990s uhoh
992s uhoh I'm trying to grab I don't want a
994s carton be laughed at it and
997s embarrassed all right I can work on the
998s wings now while you're over there oh
1001s nice
1003s work get the big bang two three
1008s four I'm surprised that the damage were
1010s pulling off here as well yeah oh she's
1012s leaving no you
1014s don't nice getting those bomb pods do
1018s work oh nice nice I got say she kept
1020s going yeah and there's the
1025s mount
1028s oh see that come back
1036s Jo I'm going to see if I can get the
1038s back break with this there's a
1045s chance p pke is very
1047s close trying to sharpen up but uh my
1051s timing was all bad that's all right I
1055s I'm I've got the efficiency down on the
1057s mountain I've said remembered what I
1059s used to do all the time with sword and
1062s shield nice thank you I've got one more
1065s oh nice part break well done well
1069s done my sharpness is diable all right
1073s nice work was that a one that I believe
1077s I mean there's an orange star so so
1079s we'll find out when we start uh where's
1082s that tail I know the tail thing I would
1083s do a lot I don't I you know I don't want
1086s to like get all celebratory about it and
1088s it wasn't even actually hiring yeah oh
1090s Spike plus yeah
1092s yeah nice
1094s job I'm probably still going to need
1095s some normal spikes though that's what
1097s worries
1102s me yeah you did you put on your wish
1105s list no no I have to Che know we won't
1110s know it's a mystery oh I got to get the
1113s tail like you did but you know I'm
1115s waiting until afterwards so yeah I tried
1117s to combat carve and immediately got
1118s shown why no that's not the best idea
1121s thanks for demonstrating my pleasure oh
1123s no not the C no no no I was sharpening
1128s and it was like oh
1130s wait cheeky bom pod from afar hold on
1133s where's the bomb pod that was just here
1134s did I not pick it up in time no no I
1138s even used up my last
1140s one okay po po
1143s okay oh okay that tongue's got got
1146s muscle mass on
1149s it oh a little flip there okay it's
1153s going away it's going away come back
1155s here
1157s you oh it's proper taking off oh no it's
1160s going backwards might be going back into
1162s the the Woodland decide what you want to
1166s do making me run around of the desert
1169s outrageous I'm going to pick up this
1171s mucus in the meantime thank you very
1174s much okay there we go that Bar's nearly
1177s full is
1182s full
1184s hey oh you're getting all the mounts oh
1187s this is this is what I'm do I'm going to
1188s get those mounts so you can do big Bonk
1191s Damage Big
1193s Bonk it's a good combo so far it is it
1196s is we got the you know I'm I'm Focus
1198s focusing on trying to like stop them and
1201s you're focused on just the massive
1203s damage yeah the head breaks I think we
1206s just sort of gacer as
1208s well there they are there they there
1210s they go there's the poison going on or
1212s the poison darts oh I got paralyzed by
1215s them I I caught one of the darts s Amber
1219s slapped me back up there you go now I
1222s mean they were aim they were aiming at
1223s pke pke to be fair I think I got in the
1227s way oh to tell you with the last bit of
1238s that everyone Big Bang over here oh my
1241s gosh oh who's
1246s this oh my goodness do
1250s we no no we we can't there's no
1254s way oh oh
1256s baz there he is oh oh out of
1265s nowhere oh the monsters be
1268s uh I totally don't
1272s recall oh have have we
1274s DCd I I I believe so I see you running
1277s in the corner there oh no basil is so
1280s powerful so
1283s powerful Joe no oh I know been having a
1288s a few technical issues today that's okay
1291s the good news is you'll be able to
1292s rejoin I'm gonna I'm gonna leave the
1294s area so I'm safe and I don't cheese the
1296s monsters cuz I was wailing on poing poet
1298s a little
1301s bit I've been lost okay hold on I'm
1304s going to leave the quest right that's
1305s all right I'm going to I can't fast
1306s travel at the moment yeah I'm going to
1308s the monsters are chilling so I'm going
1310s to go back to camp and uh oh know it's
1314s still in
1316s combat I'm going to leave over here here
1319s all right I'm going to head
1325s back and then I'm going to get to safety
1328s I'm going to sharpen
1333s up all right I'm gonna head back no
1336s worries I've I've gone a safe distance
1338s away there you go you drawn from the
1340s quest and I am now Quest
1343s leader yeah the monsters are are moving
1345s around again so I'm going to go back to
1347s I'm still technically in combat so I'm
1349s going to hover around here look for some
1352s resources yeah they're fighting each
1354s other now they're
1357s uh I'll take this footprint though yeah
1360s B and P P are going at it no P PUK oh my
1366s goodness it's a bum the quest is going
1369s real well it's yeah don't worry they
1370s they're just both arguing with each
1372s other now oh wow all that damage I might
1375s C
1376s here uh
1379s uh yeah baz is too
1383s strong my P do a great job with
1386s heing I'm uh trying to I'm going to get
1390s away I need to run
1393s away oh yeah PUK PUK got knocked over
1396s I'm just watching baz's whale on PUK PUK
1399s now I like the uh the
1402s commentary you know I'm just trying to
1404s figure out what's going on it's like a
1406s play by play I'm listening to the radio
1408s it's pretty nuts they they've oh know
1411s they I said they've gone their separate
1412s ways but actually P appears to be
1414s chasing bookis in the
1416s air um and they've landed in the same
1418s area after retreating together so
1423s uh oh man I won't get rewards for this
1426s oh really because of the time limit yeah
1429s we can do it again if you want the
1431s rewards yeah oh it's all right we'll see
1434s we'll see so I mean you got some rathan
1437s cares right so we got that at least yeah
1440s uh oh B no leave me
1442s alone all right they're still fighting
1445s they hate each
1446s other I think you know PUK is severely
1450s overmatched yeah I mean it just got
1452s carpet bombed and then charged into yeah
1455s this is
1456s uh bass is glowing in all its
1462s Glory maybe I can get some cheeky tail
1464s hits in here on pke
1467s P
1469s okay I think I'm here and hopefully no
1472s more connection issues after that yeah
1475s I'll just host the quests maybe that
1476s will help a bit putting all the the
1478s pressure on you to like yeah who's take
1480s it
1481s all who yeah that's greeting you back
1485s who oh he really wants you oh no those
1489s scales going to pop all right I'm just
1490s going to mount p p might be a bit safer
1493s up
1496s here joins immediately s yeah what have
1500s you
1504s done oh my goodness baz is like helping
1507s us out in its own special
1512s way oh yeah I was I was saying is is
1514s this the scripted part of this this
1516s Quest I totally don't remember I think
1518s baz must be a surprise right he just
1521s jumps in like welcome to high rank huh
1523s you thought you were safe coming in go
1525s through low
1527s rank okay uh pke p is on the move again
1531s all right hopefully baz isn't feeling
1535s super aggressive Let's us have some Brea
1537s in
1539s space that music that iconic
1545s music a great song is it safe to sharpen
1548s no no there's a uh go go go go go go oh
1552s you're good I was like uh
1554s oh staring down the barrel for a sec
1556s there exactly that was was pretty scary
1558s I won't
1568s lie all right pke
1571s P okay back to business yeah that tail
1575s can't be too far off being cut
1583s either oh PO is having a
1587s munch
1594s oh oh that was
1599s close yeah the surprise baz is always
1602s nice yeah cuz I think normally he shows
1604s up here but because we spent time
1605s hunting
1606s rathen he showed up in the in the woods
1609s area
1613s yeah we did go off script a little bit
1616s there we did we were like head on we've
1617s got we've got our own plans thank you
1620s for the healing this healing from the
1621s Picos is
1627s lovely there nice big bons there just
1630s I'm just mashing the Big Bang
1635s finisher accidentally hit some emic life
1638s there oh p p is on the roll oh got the
1642s tail Oh I thought I cut the tail there
1643s that would have been
1645s hilarious that's a pierc definitely not
1647s me
1648s yeah why why not Jo look at it go is it
1653s going back to the woodlands where baz
1655s might
1659s be riding over here better get back to
1663s business I'm just looking up at the sky
1665s following PUK PUK like you can run but
1668s you can't hide hello Ros how's it
1673s going Oh I thought I was like wait a
1675s minute Ros yeah wait the chat luckily
1678s they weren't here when we were going
1679s after rathan
1681s yeah we're saved right so pke PUK has
1685s kind of took the scenic route
1687s here so we let let bats just chill out
1690s there oh no no you you stay over
1694s there
1697s no that was a h sound alerted oh oh oh
1702s jeez oh jeez boom sry pke P still asleep
1706s it's snoozing
1712s there you go down you
1717s come I kind of missed there i s it's
1723s here oh and pke PUK is poisoned thanks
1726s to the local
1730s forer
1732s oh this is getting a little uh little
1735s hairy it's quite spicy no bombs at the
1739s moment no we are new low rank just going
1741s into high rank Hunters so we've not
1743s invested too heavily in bombs yet yeah
1745s but that'll probably happen when we
1747s start getting a bit higher up yeah we
1749s have no
1752s items we can barely craft Mega potions
1754s at this point
1756s yeah luckily I've got some honey
1758s simmering away back in
1760s Astera so I'll need it nice work there
1764s we go so we took down rathan we took
1765s down poke
1766s PUK
1769s you know a little bit of a curve balls
1771s along the way yeah keeping us on our
1773s toes for sure just a light
1776s disconnect uh
1778s yeah like the gajalakas were like had us
1782s covered they were some nice MVPs yeah oh
1785s there you go poke po tail
1788s carace very nice very very nice thanks
1792s for keeping things rolling while I was
1794s uh away that's right I kind of stepped
1796s back a bit you know enjoy The
1799s View see if there anything else I can
1801s grab in the next 30
1809s seconds oh bass is over here now uh okay
1813s I'll leave you
1814s to it was funny all over low rank
1818s anytime we see something we're just like
1819s let's go after it yeah and this now here
1823s yeah wait wait wait wait wait n you
1824s can't do that yeah not right now
1826s there'll be a time but it's not now
1830s we're not quite there
1831s yet oh that's cool
1834s Ros I got no rewards I'm sorry that's
1837s all right I I got
1840s some let get the quest
1843s completion yeah yeah I think it will
1845s surely all right so we don't have to
1846s redo it to continue the story geology
1849s Jewel and fortify
1852s Jewel but if we do we just do it again
1854s ah yeah there's the investigation
1856s progress as well yes
1861s they've got monster 2 for PS2 haven't
1863s broke it out yet well that' be quite a
1864s treat Misty that'll be quite a
1870s treat emergency
1874s Council smash them through the dialog
1876s yeah I better get on that as well all
1879s right I want to go see smithy's
1885s got the plot thicken
1888s okay now we are officially in y that
1892s means we can get some new gear yeah
1895s hopefully I mean we probably need some
1896s parts but you
1899s know searching for rathan
1905s tracks right yes straight to the Smithy
1908s but first actually no I should probably
1909s go check the Botanical research and
1912s Bounty
1913s stuff and this is another one we're
1915s going to need to do separately right
1918s uh May well be the
1921s case it's funny you know they want us to
1923s search for rathen tracks but we took
1925s care of that problem already yeah well
1928s funny they mentioned that uh World Spire
1931s mining out crop take those I'll go grab
1935s some
1944s honey luck reopen some items
1949s there we go yeah I need to do that
1951s actually uh I why have I got no mega
1954s potions
1957s well no
1960s honey there we go okay right and then
1963s lots of quests to pick
1972s up my
1975s jerky oh got DEC
1979s ation not that I can slaugh it on
1981s anything right
1988s now ah the AR [ __ ]
1992s nice okay what we got here purchase
1997s Goods what we got
2000s here
2003s voucher
2006s or
2009s I need a little bit more ore to upgrade
2011s my hammer
2013s again so we'll leave it at that I'll
2016s take this
2018s one oh I didn't even look at the armor I
2020s can make I probably can't make anything
2021s but at least we can look at what we can
2023s work towards
2027s yeah oh we've made it to high rank uh
2031s Zora zor gear oh I love that everything
2035s else I can't do
2038s yeah we do read chat as well B when
2040s we're in the hunt obviously maybe
2041s slightly less
2044s uh try try not to C but yeah no we do
2047s that's cool Ros say I see why you've got
2049s the name Ros you're quite the fan attack
2052s jeel one oh yeah I just got that too
2056s it's kind of funny look at all this
2058s armor suddenly as
2060s well that's such a big boost uh okay
2063s let's go straight down here okay
2066s Zora
2071s good if I was getting a blast sword
2074s going
2076s well yeah I mean I could go for it too
2078s for for just for the defense
2081s really Ran's got Health
2086s boost and then slots if you need them as
2089s well there's the poke poke poke po
2092s doesn't really appeal to me too much I
2095s mean it's not like I can make anything
2097s I'm being I can make one piece of zor
2098s magor armor I do like Slugger though I
2102s like the abilities that I have on so
2104s yeah we work work our way up there we'll
2107s be fine we can't even make another armor
2109s at the moment I mean making the next
2111s level of bone armor will be really good
2115s M um what do I need warped bone and
2117s quality
2119s bones yeah I mean the bone high rank
2122s bone armor No Lie is pretty pretty
2125s tempting mhm
2129s that will be some good stuff yeah yeah
2131s I'm going to look at the weapons as well
2132s let's
2135s upgrade I'm going to go ahead and start
2137s the the track Quest yeah go for it go
2140s for it um so we can get to hunting
2143s together a little
2145s sooner so okay so the rathan tree then
2147s which I want to go down oh yeah I need
2149s tons of stuff I still need three low
2152s rank spikes before I can even using that
2156s yeah
2160s uh yeah that's quite a lot
2163s there I can level up my jaas
2168s uh my jaas Edge again which is probably
2171s worth doing just until I get something
2174s better so we'll do
2179s that my ta Rider Safar out cheddar is a
2183s fantastic Pico name it is Joe has done
2185s some wonderfully thematic
2188s it's like yeah all cheese
2192s themed all right what are we doing what
2193s are we doing uh no we can go off
2195s together right because we just do hunts
2197s now because to uh to get the
2199s tracks I
2203s think search for Rath and tracks oh it
2206s looks like you do have to go on an
2208s expedition let's have a look no we can
2211s just do any old Quest I think oh okay
2213s yeah I say any old Quest whatever we
2215s want to farm really yeah I will see you
2218s in the Gathering Hub
2221s then okay I got ahead of myself I'm very
2226s excited so let's let's see what we've
2228s been offered to to do um we should have
2233s a lot of optional quests right
2237s yes let's have a look let's see let's
2241s see well it sounded like you needed more
2243s WRA and stuff right yeah I need low rank
2246s as well though I need low rank tails and
2248s stuff like that so there's the there's I
2251s need high rank parts and low rank Parts
2255s obviously there's two oh yeah the hunter
2258s rathan there's two rathan ones
2261s there uh
2266s P I mean raan's never a bad thing but I
2270s will need low rank ones as well that's
2271s the problem
2275s yeah uh uh we could try
2280s barro yeah let's try let's try a high
2283s rank barro that would be fun okay yeah
2285s right if you oh I'll pop it in yeah you
2287s go ahead and post
2296s that biscuit says they just beat Breaky
2299s congrats
2300s that's you know quite the um if it's
2303s raging Breaky that that's quite a tough
2306s one for sure that is regular regular is
2308s a is a great uh challenge to complete
2316s mhm think is I've got vouches as well
2318s though so if we do go after some low
2321s rank Ray and
2323s stuff it shouldn't take long to get the
2326s taals in theory no news on Wilds uh in
2330s this stream uh we won't have anything to
2333s share about that game until the summer
2335s but it's coming up quickly so
2337s uh yeah you won't have to wait that much
2339s longer exactly the days are already
2341s getting longer it might be getting a
2343s little bit warmer um I think it is
2346s well here in the US it's uh I mean where
2349s where I'm at it's a little bit rainy but
2351s that's all
2353s right what's the weather like over there
2355s Jo uh it's been a lovely clear like
2359s wintry type day uh so a little bit
2362s chilly but lovely crisp air you know a
2364s couple of clouds in the sky how about
2365s you
2367s it's it's very rainy and windy right now
2370s but it's actually been okay for the last
2371s few weeks so um yeah the last couple
2374s days have been a little bit of an
2376s anomaly that's not
2379s bad all right rain recently right so
2382s let's get the tracks too yes definitely
2385s oh it it brought me straight to barro oh
2388s you got you got uh dropped did you
2391s yes I see a bunch of footprints so I'm
2393s just going to grab those things yeah do
2395s it definitely get those is
2402s going take
2408s that I wouldn't dare start fighting it
2411s without
2412s you that's okay I'll be there soon
2415s enough to to get hit by the
2418s charge the uh the little whistle yeah
2424s slam right here I come I'm on the way
2427s I'm nearly there there you are I'm
2428s sneaking up through that little tunnel
2430s we took last time hello what's this oh
2434s yeah I see
2436s yeah see Amber there we go I need any
2440s bone piles you spot let me know oh there
2442s some or hair take that we'll do we'll
2446s do I just see a lot of uh Footprints and
2449s mucus and other nasty
2453s things hey no worries Tom and uh yeah no
2456s the must Community obviously we're quite
2457s biased but the monst Community are an
2459s awesome Bunch um so if you got any
2461s questions about the game the series or
2463s anything like that you're in a very good
2465s place to to ask them yeah
2468s absolutely yeah dual blades are
2470s definitely if you're like a Punchy kind
2472s of boxing type class that's quite speedy
2474s and can do flashy attacks yeah jewel
2476s blades is a great choice so even got the
2478s demon mode STS yeah love demon mode uh
2481s it's got a lot of great Mobility um
2484s which I think if you're new to the
2486s series um like you know the the amount
2489s of like animation commitment and things
2492s like that just like getting used to the
2493s the style of combat can be a little bit
2496s uh to like kind of grasp at first so the
2498s dual blades does give you like just a
2499s lot of flexibility in your movement and
2501s control over that so yeah it's good
2503s starting point welcome splake
2506s welcome okay barro is is proper on a run
2509s here see if I can slide down
2512s here and straight into the
2515s mount
2517s what is that that's like your fifth one
2519s in the Stream so far yeah yeah I'm going
2520s to be ah I scratched my face as he moved
2522s so I lost some stamina but yeah my plan
2524s is to go hard on the oh no he jumped oh
2527s yeah the new the new ways of getting me
2529s off of the uh the mound yeah okay I
2532s can't slack I keep going for an itch cuz
2534s my hair's like on my face oh in real
2537s life in real life yeah yeah yeah there
2540s we go Bob uh all
2545s yours
2548s oh my goodness I did not expect that
2550s that was
2552s hilarious I'm I'm just I am not doing a
2554s lot of damage we getting some part
2556s breaks though or is that the
2564s mud I do love all the sliding here is
2567s that what surprised
2568s you yeah just the mount going in
2570s straight away yeah oh that's going to
2575s hurt
2577s you must have got him close to another
2578s Mount now as
2580s well I feel like I didn't do a lot of
2582s damage but oh I think the mud's off now
2585s so probably going be all right oh here
2587s it
2588s comes down it goes missed that one time
2592s for another
2594s slide oh that was too
2596s far oh I messed up my combo
2600s there me too me too yeah now the mud's
2602s off the damage is much better we're
2604s getting some investigations as well Joe
2606s some high rank ones might give us some
2608s we get a r a rathium one I'll be like oh
2611s my goodness give me that oh yeah my
2614s damage is much fa and I've graded my
2615s jagas Edge as well so that'll help
2619s nice I'm still on my uh iron Hammer the
2623s classics there you go we can go aerial
2626s there we
2628s go oh oh yeah you beat me to it you're
2632s too fast on the mounts oh this is this
2634s is the sword and shield life you know
2635s it's not just insect cave that gets that
2639s fun I'm going to see if I can help do a
2642s little bit more damage on the
2647s brown there you go all
2650s yours I got a lovely view of
2661s that oh loving
2665s stuff
2668s yeah it is it is tough to do a lot of
2670s damage on the the head with this one
2673s yeah but that break that juicy break
2678s yeah oh I'm going to run over here oh
2680s there it
2684s is I just love sliding it's give me the
2688s oh yeah I love to slide and plch attacks
2690s and one good part break was that the
2692s head you got there I think it was I
2695s didn't I think you got the arms oh did I
2699s yeah that head can't be far off
2701s though there you go all
2704s yours here it b
2707s b it's such a satisfying sound effect it
2710s is it
2711s is nice there it is that would do some
2715s even juicier damage there now oh I see I
2717s see the piece there I want to is it
2722s cable I don't think so but let's take a
2724s look oh it is SC it's not often cuz I'm
2727s a sword and shield man if I solo bar off
2730s it's not often I break it scalp so it's
2733s a nice treat very nice treat yeah thank
2737s you thank you I appreciate that I'll
2738s make sure I will deliver some Tails as
2742s compensation yeah you've been you've
2743s been getting all the Tails working on it
2746s we got one one at each end there so you
2748s know we're not knocking each other
2750s around yeah I mean sometimes I get
2752s sometimes I get in your way because you
2753s know I'm used to like yeah like espe
2756s especially like what in rise and
2757s sunbreak obviously because I've got all
2759s my like Flinch free stuff like we all
2761s just group up the head don't we we're
2763s like there we go oh quality bone I
2766s needed that for the bone armor that's
2768s good nice yeah I I grabbed some of that
2771s too so you're you're a Flinch free kind
2774s of guy right J yeah absolutely as soon
2776s as I get the opportunity to put Flinch
2778s free on I'm like slotting that straight
2782s in I do appreciate a good Flinch free uh
2785s as a great SW main yeah oh gosh yeah but
2789s you know sometimes it's it's tempting to
2791s take other things you know yeah I mean
2793s cuz sword and short as well as quite low
2795s reach so you have to get close to the
2796s monster as like long sword great light
2798s great sword other weapons they they can
2800s stay a bit further back so you can get
2801s knocked out it's like no oh that's a PO
2809s break and then I got my health booster
2811s back if we need
2815s it
2829s come try to get the legs here yep come
2834s on the big golf
2838s swing the the big slam right on there oh
2841s here we
2844s go I got too ambitious there
2848s oh zapas saying that sometimes there's a
2850s little bit of difference yeah there'll
2851s be a slight delay there'll be a tiny
2853s tiny
2855s DeLay So hopefully that's not taking you
2857s out of the enjoyment Slinger Thorn oh
2860s there we go we got the Slinger Thorn one
2862s of my favorite Slinger ammos if not my
2864s favorite I think bomb is a close second
2867s but Thorn is just the concept and the
2869s effect is absolutely
2873s glorious yeah I think uh I do prefer
2876s the bom pods the super Flinch
2881s yeah oh I'm coming down I
2886s missed I'm a little behind you oh
2888s there's a mystery mystery wrath
2890s Footprints here and there's some mining
2892s or yeah good I hope there's some more
2894s bone piles around oh I got something
2895s rare what is that oh nice Nova
2899s Crystal bone piles where are you that's
2902s all right you do get some good stuff on
2904s this this local
2907s the more more Target
2912s Footprints oh no poor barro it's not not
2916s looking too
2921s hot oh an old scale we'll take
2928s that more Footprints while we are eating
2931s good
2934s here oh I forgot that's what we trying
2936s to do to be honest I just got so
2939s absorbed in trying to take this thing
2941s out oh yeah that give us a nice bit of
2942s progress no I dropped my form pod ah oh
2945s for the water yeah I was oh I'll grab
2948s that wait no I've already got one barro
2950s is taking us on a mission is it going to
2952s go bury itself in the mud yeah where did
2954s it
2955s go yeah it's gone gone for a little mud
2959s mask like follow
2962s Amber you can probably get a nice jump
2964s off this
2967s oh yeah you're already there having a
2972s snooze we get up
2974s there there's a jotus over there as well
2978s like what are you doing here
2981s hello where's Barett oh there cly
2986s disguised yeah all right shall
2989s I oh oh that was lovely look at that
2992s Flinch and there's a thorn pod on the
2994s head now nice
3000s oh lovely so much
3002s mud yeah and yeah it's got mud back on
3005s it and I've not got any of the Moss pods
3007s to knock it
3012s off
3018s oh yeah that that is giving it some good
3021s damage resistance I can't can't jump off
3024s that one
3028s sling a thorn in its head
3031s again oh that's a lot of
3036s Roars
3042s nice oh hold on who oh he's back
3049s no yes I don't know yes yeah maybe
3054s maybe oh look at
3058s that oh my God that was
3061s rude just like having a mud bar and B no
3064s baz is like slam I need to drink this
3068s thank you very
3071s much kill B I think barroth is too close
3075s to just probably uh taking the L for us
3079s to successfully do that yeah even though
3083s still absolutely hunting B respect
3091s oh yes heal me thank you pal I'm stunned
3094s thank goodness I got healed oh no no
3097s than goodness I got healed but it wasn't
3099s enough I had three qus HP as
3104s well oh my goodness I got
3107s B52 okay okay it's leaving okay I need
3110s to come to my
3112s uh right got to back off a little bit
3117s yeah I can't believe the tail swipe got
3120s me ah it happens it happens no I know
3123s and I'd just been healed as well I was
3125s like oh this is fine you know it's not
3126s going to get me and it got me it was an
3128s unexpected one I I get got it was uh I
3132s think I ran the wrong direction here
3134s yeah I really need to get away from from
3137s baz right
3138s now he's after
3140s here there you go I've got
3143s my stamina up
3148s uh is that some
3154s honey oh they they've just transitioned
3156s into the yeah there's B just exploding
3158s around the uh small monsters oh he's
3160s following me no no I haven't done my HP
3163s up stay
3167s away oh the music's
3170s there hopefully you can make it over
3172s here I have just I'm glad I popped my
3174s stamina up let's put it that
3182s way I've returned thank you for keeping
3185s it busy oh perfect
3188s timing I didn't realize it was that
3190s close and J toas is there as
3194s well yeah this one this one got
3197s crazy I did get a little bit
3200s spicy oh I got a tail off of that c yo
3204s jur
3206s let the man get his loot oh I got guys
3209s it's like oh no oh what's this please
3212s please just let us oh it's the bud okay
3216s I think I think jotus is
3219s leaving
3226s goodbye oh these these are some tanky
3229s tanky little small
3231s monsters there we go going to going to
3233s carve you up
3238s there we go got some scales that's a
3240s gacha I got the pronunciation just a bit
3243s wrong Grand gaja
3248s whisker oh man there we go we did it and
3251s I ate a cart from baz so it wasn't from
3253s the Target Monster so does it
3257s count I got the
3259s Scout so nobody can laugh at you exactly
3263s it mean it's B right like got to put
3265s respect on that yeah uh some Earth
3270s crystals crisis Jewel I do like
3273s resuscitate I do think that's a cool
3277s skill and we got a nice bit of progress
3279s as
3280s well uh remind me what resuscitate does
3283s again uh I believe in World it when
3287s you're like suffering from a negative
3291s status effect you get some Buffs I
3294s believe I think it's been a while since
3296s I've used it CU I didn't use it in rise
3298s and sunbreak
3300s uh I believe that's what it
3304s does yeah I I don't think I'm too
3307s familiar with that one uh it's like a
3309s nice Comfort skill I believe if I'm
3311s remembering it correctly yeah the buff
3313s you get stamina related so it increases
3315s your stamina and so like if you get like
3318s you know like turn out rice and sunre
3320s like if I got ice or water blight it was
3323s really good to kind of just counteract
3324s that I can just keep playing normally
3326s without having to worry about what my
3327s stamina was looking
3329s like might actually be useful for me
3331s though oh yeah maximum might in uh world
3335s for sword and shield because of how it
3336s works is a interesting one right okay
3341s um let's see what the Hub Blast has I
3345s mean post a new Quest can I oh I can't
3348s do any investigations there uh
3354s optional
3364s what do you got what do you got I'm
3365s going to I'm not sure I'm going to go
3367s down to the trade yard
3373s quickly cuz we got ra we could do some
3375s rra in and bits but I'm seeing if I I
3377s can just grab some bits quickly
3379s first uh and also see what the barroth
3382s high rank is like as well see if there's
3384s any uh
3389s oh handed in my bounties as
3393s well manage investigations okay now I
3396s can get some investigations for us if we
3398s want oh maybe I should go down yaku
3401s bronze bronze gold uh hunt barroth
3403s capture
3404s Kulu hunt barroth do I have any raian
3407s ones even if they're low
3412s rank best boid best boid great Jag G
3415s jackers Kulu great jackers Kulu guu or
3419s gaju
3422s sorry v boid no rans
3426s yet hunt great geros or giros I'm going
3429s to pop that one on there b low rank low
3433s rank
3441s yeah my high rank ones are capture
3443s barroth capture Kulu hunt barroth
3446s capture Kulu slay cadon yeah I got the
3450s slay cadon one as well um but I see hunt
3452s barroth capture barro and Hunt
3456s Kulu should we do one of the high rank
3459s hunt
3460s rathians just like Quest cool I'll quick
3463s go get bar and then maybe after that
3464s Quest we open up the lobby do some
3466s farming with the the community sounds
3469s like a
3472s play oh yeah resuscitate also increases
3474s yeah your I think eye frames your your
3477s dodg and vulnerability M it's a nice
3480s skill it's like especially if you're
3481s reckless like me I'm quite a reckless
3483s player in regards like throwing caution
3485s to the wind so you can get the status
3487s effect you can be like I'll live
3490s probably
3492s uh I feel like I'm a pretty reckless
3495s player I mean you're a hammer player
3497s yeah first and foremost I uh you know I
3501s like comfy hunting which means if I get
3504s hit
3506s I plan on living yeah oh we can get high
3509s rank gear for our Pico I can make
3513s the a look at that zor GE I can make the
3517s ran set the bar yeah I guess I should go
3519s take a look yeah I'll get some okay so
3522s the helmet is the
3525s same you still got your fancy pants I do
3528s I'm still looking the part you know
3531s still looking I mean my other gar low
3533s rank stuff is still fine for my Pico
3534s it's not much of a difference
3539s actually oh yeah the arch tempered vcan
3542s gives free coalescence and resuscitation
3545s obviously coalescence gives you Buffs
3547s after you recover from a negative status
3550s effect M um which is very very
3555s nice yeah we'll do a w there's two raian
3557s quests as well to choose from um I
3560s wonder if is one in the is one in the
3562s forest let's have a look
3567s post a new Quest
3571s mask we could take a look at the Moss wi
3574s Mass on my screen here but that
3575s nothing's
3579s funny okay that is H yes so we can go to
3581s the Ancient Forest if you want or we can
3584s go wild Spire for
3588s rathen uh
3591s let's H I don't know what do you prefer
3593s what do you prefer you know let's have a
3594s let's have a quick change of scenery
3600s okay Camp one or Camp 11 for wrath let's
3603s do Camp one just because I can't
3605s remember actually hold on I want to use
3607s a ticket I want to use a ticket uh leave
3610s the
3620s quest
3623s oops there's a Mark
3629s here a lucky
3632s voucher nice got eat we're doing good
3636s good to see you Black Ops how are you
3638s Joe Black Ops is asking I'm doing good
3641s I'm doing
3642s good it's very busy times over in Capcom
3646s world but we are we're doing our thing
3650s it's very
3652s exciting and obviously you popped out a
3655s new Dragon's Dogma 2 trailer yesterday
3657s after the PlayStation
3658s showcase yes yes um yeah I don't want to
3662s talk too much about Dragon sgma 2 but
3666s don't mind if I
3668s do but yes we trailer and uh yeah you
3672s can see the um the new warfare vocation
3676s um which basically lets you use skills
3680s from every other vocation which is
3681s pretty cool that's cool but it does have
3684s uh quite a skill cealing yeah I imagine
3687s some of the crazy combinations you can
3688s do yes oh we're back in the forest it's
3691s it's nice to be
3695s here hang in there see it's quite nice
3698s about about the sword and shield because
3700s I have I have my you know slicing weapon
3704s and I've also got a blunt weapon because
3706s my shield is blunt and my sword is sharp
3709s and slicey so I can like you know get
3711s best of both WS in my opinion I'm just
3714s one world
3715s oh the world Bonk
3719s yeah uh what we got first a okay so our
3723s first IR rank Ancient Forest for a so
3727s and it's raining it's foggy it looks
3730s beautiful though I love the sound of the
3731s rain par and makes me want to have a
3734s nap more Footprints Yum Yum Yum
3738s Yum hold on hold on I have an
3743s idea
3745s we're doing net fishing we're doing Lazy
3750s fishing not working anymore scared them
3753s off by using the net that's need to get
3755s one and done with the net then they're
3757s like now we're out here all right that's
3760s enough of that yeah I got I got a sushi
3762s fish it's fine
3765s worth those are pretty pretty helpful
3768s they they are very
3773s much
3776s oh yes we do have to do some arm
3777s wrestling we will we have absolutely I
3780s mean jonno and I will take our weekly L
3782s yeah we got to take that on the chin I
3785s think I think I think between the two of
3788s us we've won maybe one total and that
3790s was you I think as well that
3792s won H I must have uh somebody must have
3795s sandbagged for me to win that's the only
3797s way got to make the Capcom team feel
3800s feel better about themselves yeah yeah
3802s they're like oh they might stop
3803s streaming yeah no more arm wrestlers
3805s banned that's
3809s it and now we're in high ranks so
3811s they're going to hit us even harder I
3812s think you know they going easy on us
3814s before
3817s yeah I must learn the tech yeah I need
3822s to stop using my thumb and use my
3823s forefinger or something instead maybe I
3825s need to switch to
3827s keyboard time to rebind
3833s yeah uh
3835s some more mystery
3837s Footprints dashes oh there's a moss wine
3841s there as well oh it's anath hello engine
3844s oh hello just dumping
3848s by it's leading us on up
3851s here I'll let you win the final stream
3854s before Wilds
3856s releases gonna Gonna Keep Us waiting are
3859s you for our
3862s win um oh now it's leading me oh wow
3866s rathen has swooped in
3871s oh there we go give me your tail there
3874s we are give me your tail did you mount
3876s already yeah yeah I made the most of
3878s that
3886s slope with the quickness oh yes that's
3890s my that is my objective right give me
3892s that
3893s tail
3898s get in the Bonks Bonk
3901s in boom nice tail damage and I think
3905s we're near one of my favorite Ledges we
3908s are I I got hit by the tail Swip
3912s oh there we go that's a good angle oh no
3914s I keep missing it oh I'm so close to
3917s getting so many so many hit here we go
3920s that's what I wanted straight into
3921s another Mount so that's what it's great
3923s for you still start chaining the m
3928s and you just break everything with yours
3929s you do big
3931s damage here oh is that what all the
3933s shouting was
3935s yeah yeah we'll be opening up the lobby
3938s after this one artist so uh be
3941s not I'm going to end on the tail head
3944s look at you
3950s go uh let it that was cool looking but I
3953s didn't hit anything yeah it's it's all
3956s about the
3957s style there's there's a lot of noise
3959s going on that's not good I'm like what's
3962s what's all that what's all that
3964s hassle oh thank you for the health
3968s booster oh my goodness this is not
3980s good
3983s oh oh goodness from the top rope
3989s there I really got to get my radio menu
3992s all set yeah I need to work on mine as
3994s well this is chaos yeah oh there I'm
3999s being voled oh no oh no what's going on
4005s yeah I to be fair I might actually have
4006s dung bombs on me I do have dung pods on
4009s me
4010s oops yes we
4013s do we need that uh I'm going back out
4017s for a little bit I think I've got feline
4019s foodie so I didn't lose my food Buffs oh
4022s good good yeah I got I got bodied we're
4025s definitely going to need armor upgrades
4026s soon I think this is what this is
4027s teaching us yep
4029s yep yeah that that hit hard I might
4033s have is like to hitting us at this point
4037s yeah and but when you got two of them
4038s volley in you it's yeah okay we we'll
4041s head this way now moving the other way
4043s yeah let's I'm doing well you know
4044s eating a couple of cuts I should really
4046s you see if I can squeeze fortify on at
4048s this
4050s rate man that got crazy that did that
4054s went from not to 100 real quick yeah we
4056s were like in total control and then all
4058s of a sudden it it's over watch out the
4061s power oh no rra had just moved out oh no
4064s we got it we got it there we go yes done
4067s yeah just like barely caught it yeah
4070s just that clutch tail hit yeah I think
4073s we always um we keep thinking that uh
4076s you can
4078s yeah oh no we both got H huh yeah I got
4083s the health booster down let me drop in
4085s that oh wait for my Pico to drop a heal
4089s yeah I need to put uh Mega my wheel I'm
4093s coming
4096s in yeah I'm glad that worked I was like
4099s it's going to hit me otherwise think a
4100s fireball was about to come out of our
4103s mouth
4107s get on that tail again I want that tail
4109s I need them all for my grand
4113s scheme
4115s nice there we go oh there you go got the
4119s gajalakas here as well so we might get
4121s another paralysis
4124s possibly oh the
4127s Sleep
4129s nice ta give it to me hand it over I
4134s miss
4135s yes combat cve go go go I've got an
4139s investigation off of that as well oh
4141s I've Just Seen My
4142s Health I got a scale for my combat carve
4145s no the karma that's that was the karma
4149s for sure see when you combat carve the
4152s game's like yeah it knows it knows it
4154s knows it's like so much for that R Spike
4158s huh oh nice there you go you did all
4160s that work on the head break I hit the
4161s head once and broke it I CR for nothing
4165s man I when it comes to any of the wraths
4168s I'm a tail Hunter like yeah like wrath
4172s Wan Rathalos silver loss gold Lo like
4175s rathon like yeah like the tails are so
4178s important for sword and shield
4181s stuff I will Greed for Tails yeah you're
4184s a tail fanatic yeah it's the only
4186s monster I'm like that with as well or
4188s the only set of monsters I should say oh
4190s lovely stagger I think I was about to
4192s get hit as
4193s well
4195s uhoh oh
4199s no
4203s nice wonderful oh I'm glad that tail was
4206s gone cuz I would have got bad yeah same
4209s here oh too far too far ah going to keep
4213s the shield up there take a little bit
4215s chip
4216s damage oh no I messed that
4220s up Health
4222s booster oh r or yeah I need to not not
4227s underestimate the damage
4232s here okay okay sharpen yeah just just
4236s take a breath take a
4240s breath oh more investigations though oh
4242s Anna's back no no thanks mate yeah you
4245s get your tail yeah let's see what I get
4247s from
4247s it I got a spike because you were a good
4252s Hunter you did not abandon your teammate
4255s to to try and get it
4258s early the game did not uh approve of
4262s your behavior no I was punished some
4264s might say degenerate Behavior K
4266s absolutely you know absolutely it would
4268s have been the next level would have been
4269s me getting carted off of the back of it
4273s like Abe says it's okay I combat carve
4276s too yeah that's the secret sometimes you
4280s got to do it you got to do it you might
4281s forget about the tail something might
4282s happen you just that's why in r in the
4284s rise and sunbreak streams it was like a
4287s bit of a meme that I would always forget
4289s about the tals and they'd be in chat
4291s like get the tail get the tail and then
4292s in game they even had like some shouts
4294s for me to get the tail I was terrible
4297s for it so now you know and especially
4300s cuz I really need the parts you maybe
4302s you were too polite before you know and
4304s now now you're being too rude yeah you
4306s know this you know this G myself a
4309s little little tail treat every now and
4311s again you know little treat
4318s On These Wings think we get there yeah I
4321s think it's another M oh that's tried to
4324s stagger with a stone it's not the same
4326s oh no I messed up that mount oh oh you
4328s might have done it who that was a load
4331s of hits that was nutty not that much
4333s damage actually good
4335s stagger that they I think we're right
4337s near another Mount if I'm
4339s honest oh I need to around get
4342s a i Ed the the stones get down here
4348s yeah no no I might end up hitting a bird
4351s at this rate yeah there was an attempt
4353s there was an attempt can I get an A for
4359s effort see now if I had like a scatter
4362s or
4365s something got to keep the decor when
4367s cruising for the the Wrath
4371s Tales is she going all the way to the
4373s top
4375s yeah it looks like it's pretty far away
4378s there's a scale here as well for the uh
4382s the definitely not green
4388s wrath I'll go for Redemption like look
4391s at all this lovely stuff you can get
4393s here the out of combat pickups um I
4397s don't think I saw the scale maybe I
4399s didn't see oh maybe you've already got
4400s it yeah yeah I probably missed it
4402s because it was just the one item
4404s so you go for the tail but you miss the
4406s stuff that
4407s falls for everybody yeah yeah I don't
4411s have any bombs on me to do the waterfall
4413s I'm afraid and I don't think I can craft
4417s anything or I don't have the relevant
4419s materials to craft that specifically
4421s yeah I don't think either of us have
4423s bombs this way like we said you know we
4425s are broke we we are we are brand new H
4428s wul
4429s unprepared and uh we're trying to go in
4432s with pure skill which we don't have
4436s true and you know I I have plenty of
4439s Wrath scale pluses
4443s though that Spike eludes Me Maybe maybe
4446s I'll get I mean I did use a lucky
4448s voucher so you know maybe maybe the game
4450s will be like ah kept you waiting huh
4453s give you it'll give you
4456s one all right we're almost there man we
4459s were so close we could have taken it out
4461s there but uh we were just maybe a couple
4462s hits too soon fire an SOS I'll come in
4465s and bomb the waterfall and
4468s leave destroys waterfall says nothing
4474s Lees what are the oh
4478s hello misfired scales is Rathalos is
4482s here Rathalos is here oh no maybe we can
4486s get Rathalos to activate the waterfall
4489s oh boy while rathan is asleeping oh
4491s they're both awake oh no he's woke
4494s up all I'm over here fight me no don't
4498s go after me look at that guy hello I'm
4501s going to shoot stones at you hello there
4503s we
4506s go oh oh I'm going to St here with my or
4510s sat here stand here said both at
4512s once that's it that's it one more hit
4515s maybe I've just got my shield up I gota
4518s go you done it Joe oh no I'm here as
4522s well no no no
4524s there goes
4525s rathen I baz is here as well Gojo dude
4529s get out of here baz is just blown up he
4531s heard he's coming down the
4533s tree oh man he's gone for Rathalos this
4536s is nuts this is nuts right okay let's go
4538s go go go go go they're all
4541s fighting yeah the Miss fight SC uh oh
4544s and then he turns up as everything goes
4545s down oh hello did I miss
4549s anything oh this is this is
4552s nuts
4560s who oh man good job I'm going to go back
4565s to base and see what investigations we
4567s got oh yeah man what in the world that
4570s yeah I love like not to 100 the this
4573s this Quest so anaf turns up leaves after
4577s cting me and oh I got R ins Spire from a
4580s car and
4581s then baz turns up
4584s Rathalos turns up the waterfall gets
4588s exploded yeah it's too bad that we
4590s didn't get wrath with the uh the
4592s waterfall there was flying at least he
4595s kept baz busy for us
4597s yeah that was really exciting though
4599s super that was yeah like I say like
4601s that's one of what I love about the game
4603s is like the unpredictable nature
4607s especially when you got like Invader
4608s monsters kind of coming out now would we
4611s have said the same if we double carded
4613s there I don't know I would have been
4615s like man I can't believe it we got three
4619s peed we got third
4621s partied third
4626s party oh my goodness did I get another
4629s no I didn't get another tail that's an
4631s excuse to hunt wrath again ah yeah yeah
4635s I think we're pretty close on the
4636s footprints too we doing really yeah I
4638s mean we're g to get a chunk from this as
4640s well yeah oh yeah yeah yeah almost there
4645s investigation has made progress report
4647s to the ecological research team okay
4649s yeah no we got it yeah
4653s nice I thought we weren't quite there
4655s yet but let's
4657s see
4659s uh okay
4664s andth speak to the chief
4670s ecologist what do you think is it time
4672s to open it up yeah yeah let's open it up
4674s let's get the community in uh I'll just
4676s make sure I've got the okay oh my
4678s monster Field Guide is massively updated
4681s I should probably talk to him a bit more
4684s um right let's put get ready everyone if
4687s you want to come do some hunts obviously
4689s we ask that you just match the level of
4690s equipment we have so we are in the first
4693s tier of high rank so you're looking at
4696s the first set of gear that's purple or
4699s any purple gear I think but yeah
4702s basically yeah try match the monsters
4704s and the gear we're using if you'd be so
4706s kind and that is the lobby ID in
4709s twitch so I should have should have said
4712s you I just surprise drop down
4714s so yeah for armor we're about Rarity
4717s five
4719s nice barroth Kulu jagas vbid or vbid you
4723s know what people meme on these kind of
4725s ones but they're really good for getting
4726s the vest boid items without having to
4728s you know uh like carefully dissect them
4732s okay no no WTH ones yeah a lot of pke
4734s pke and and great
4738s jagas large Monster Hunt yeah thank
4742s you um are we opening it up yeah yeah
4745s it's people are in people are coming in
4747s oh okay Goa let me put that code into
4750s YouTube Sorry Youtube folk that's my bad
4753s that's my bad no you're I did a baz and
4756s I did a basil geese and just
4761s went right how am I looking on the so if
4764s I look at the sword and
4765s shield okay so for the rathan sword and
4769s shield I need a plate and well I can
4773s make the base version when I get three
4774s low rank
4776s spikes then I need uh one more high rank
4781s spike in a plate to make the high rank
4783s version Rarity 5 and that'll put me in a
4785s really good place
4790s um so I'm definitely kind of starting to
4792s like highe up I up that on the armor
4796s front
4798s uh okay I can make some bone armor Joe I
4801s can make some bone armor see now this
4803s one's funny I can make attack I can make
4806s the beta version which gives me attack
4808s boost level one and get a one slot but
4811s then I'd only put attack in it or I
4812s could make the Alpha version and which
4815s has attack boost to it
4817s it um the bone B bracers obviously
4820s Slugger an attack boost or just Slugger
4825s um bone coil is horn
4829s mro I'm going to make the chest plate I
4833s think I think I'm going to upgrade that
4835s for some more attack up
4838s um what else is there they not tons I
4841s can make I can make and arms but they're
4845s poison attack anyway uh okay we're going
4847s to go bone armor alpha or bone maale
4852s Alpha I think
4856s yeah I would very much like to make the
4858s rathen uh armor but I can't afford
4861s anything uh don't have no scales yeah I
4864s actually need yeah I need some scales
4866s and also yeah I don't have quite I don't
4868s have a lot of
4869s Zen I'm at
4874s 22 yeah any anything will be better than
4876s the low rank here you you are right you
4878s are
4880s right what about the alloy stuff here
4882s defense boost speed sharpening poison
4884s resist speed sharpening speed sharpen
4886s poison resist uh I can make more bone
4889s stuff oh okay um what have I got at the
4892s moment though on my
4895s arms
4897s uh Ingot gives me Health
4900s boost which I kind of like I won't lie
4903s and I can't replace that
4910s yet I mean do I want more defense
4913s or do I want Health boost probably
4915s Health
4917s boost probably Health boost I
4921s think for now at least CU like some of
4924s the rra and stuff as well uh has Health
4927s boost on it MH like the helmet has
4930s Health boost and poison attack uh but I
4932s can't make that cuz I need Inferno
4938s sacks we're getting there though with
4941s there these stats are starting to come
4942s together
4945s it looks like the arm wrestling is
4947s already beginning oh has it I need to
4948s come up
4967s oh oh the zor magaros quest can reappear
4970s now
4972s yes
4974s oh yeah we're avoiding using the
4975s defender gear at the moment we're going
4976s for like the the traditional the
4979s traditional route I think is that the
4981s right yeah I would say so you know uh
4985s like
4985s authentic high rank experience I guess
4988s yeah and to say there's nothing wrong
4990s with using Defender Armor it's there for
4991s a reason it's there to use um but me and
4994s Joe going yet for the the classic
4996s monster pieces and and kind of the
4998s initial Journey like pre- Defender gear
5001s uh arrival all right so do we we've
5003s already fought engine so we can probably
5005s just go into this together right uh yeah
5008s yeah hold on I got some business to take
5010s care of here oh yeah yeah I won't put
5011s the quest in yet uh yeah some arm
5016s wrestling and then good luck I believe
5018s in
5019s you I got my fancy
5022s that's Oh no you're fine you got this
5025s you got this y
5029s nice ne's here
5031s now oh there's no way there's no way I'm
5034s GNA
5035s win this it now now you ready you got
5038s this you got one in the bag time for a
5041s second jundan says
5046s robbed go on Jo
5052s go oh
5054s unlucky there I'll defend our
5057s honor go get him J oh neps you've
5061s clearly tied NEP
5064s out oh let me let me get into uh to view
5067s mode here there you go here comes R I'm
5071s getting ready I've adjusted my
5074s stance I'm going to start bashing it
5081s now oh no oh my goodness clearly in my
5086s old
5088s age okay now we got the real rivalry
5091s here all right all right managed to pull
5093s around on NEP last
5095s stream um see how it goes
5099s today or NEP going for the psych out
5104s there a little bit of a fake
5107s out oh it's it's anyone Zen on this
5113s one
5115s oh there we go let's see what happens
5118s after this hunt see if it world champion
5121s has been taken out
5124s neps neps winning streak
5126s continues right okay I'll pop this in
5129s folks do let Joe join in the quest as
5131s well please
5133s um uh or the option is we both go in
5136s with our own
5137s group if you think your internet will be
5140s all right then we get more people
5143s involved right yeah maybe we do on the
5145s next one let's let's stick yeah okay
5146s let's do this one together yeah leave
5149s me okay right I'm popping it in four
5152s people
5153s uh we'll start Camp one I'm not going to
5156s be chasing Anna gear so I'm not going to
5158s use a
5166s voucher all right I'm inap there's Bri
5170s and there's mad artist right we're gonna
5172s go go hunt the ANF and then for the next
5175s Quest gang so stick around cuz me and
5177s Joe can have two lobbies going at once
5180s in the same hunt and we can get more
5182s people
5185s yeah we'll split off on the next one
5186s yeah Mommy always
5191s wins oh uh jonno I don't think you watch
5194s wrestling so you don't know the
5195s references but it's not for years you
5197s know like not since I was I was quite a
5200s bit
5205s shorter uh there we
5209s go here we go so high rank angna
5216s zalafa says they can engage their bicep
5218s in such a way that they twitch their
5219s forearm and such my hand is able to mash
5222s the certain
5224s button so they're they're
5231s biohacking going to do this one hunt
5233s you've got to go no worries it's great
5235s you could join us for this one artist
5237s yeah of course if we see us if we see
5240s any other monsters in the meantime we
5242s can we can take a little
5244s detour um especially if that monster is
5248s green and called
5250s rathon um you
5253s know we need to start Focus farming some
5255s stuff for you as well I think Joe is
5257s anyone is anyone sorry is anything
5258s caught your
5260s eye um I think it's just raian uh
5263s materials as well that's good it's good
5265s that they saying we both want no
5269s rathan it's such a good gear you know uh
5272s the early game very reliable got good
5276s skills I've come a bit far this way
5279s there we go no I'm just I'm just missing
5281s I'm going to have to go classic sword
5283s and shield here that was a
5286s bow yeah I was trying to use the uh the
5289s kind of like where the pillar you can
5291s run up and plunge off
5294s of oh NE with the insect yeah very cool
5298s that mountain going straight
5301s in
5303s let's shoot some rocks in Anna's face
5306s and then I'll go to the
5311s tail oh Anna having none of it yeah oh
5316s uh oh oh stop that anath I still haven't
5319s got any life Powers either I'm
5324s like that was bright there good shout I
5327s was like oh flashed me as
5330s well oh I missed how awk me
5333s too I missed
5337s again can hear lots of slashing
5340s occurring there's so much happening I'm
5342s flailing around
5348s oh I'll get out the way
5357s there oh there's some
5360s uh oh I got hit oh no no not like this
5365s not again
5371s anath I'm I'm going to drink that I'm
5374s actually been battered around on this
5377s one oh I'm totally
5379s missing so we got some Slinger bombs
5383s now legs been softened up a little bit
5386s there very
5388s nice everyone's like get the leg Yeah
5391s it's not going over crap oh
5399s nice there we go oh there some lovely
5402s damage
5405s numbers was that another Mount round two
5412s there oh man lovely
5421s work oh the tail moved at the last
5423s second and I missed the
5427s plunge oh so many knock Downs yeah I'm
5431s getting all these Slinger
5432s bombs it's going to make the most of
5434s them there we go I'll spam some
5438s staggers oh
5440s man I'm back
5442s here oh just caught the
5450s tail got one more bard oh we're nearly
5452s there keep going keep
5455s firing Slinger
5461s bom I don't know if that's hit
5464s it rip it oh yeah Greg fire
5469s everything oh no I'm on a wing Drake I'm
5472s going the wrong
5476s way come back here
5481s Eng
5485s oh oh no I did that way too early what
5488s was I
5492s thinking oh there's the
5495s poison I've just allowed myself to get
5497s knocked into
5499s oh get that Shield
5503s up go go go a nice investigation
5509s oh there we go
5513s oh
5514s nice oh there's some poison coming out I
5518s am now poisoned myself nice work
5521s everyone
5526s W it's so much easier when we have a
5529s yeah everyone's just going all in very
5531s skilled
5535s teammates or ANF nosebone
5539s plus oh oh I got the anine gem oh I
5543s heard it I heard it oh
5550s wonderful that was a big boom so my
5554s first
5555s Gem of uh this journey I know I know I'm
5559s like is there any ANF stuff I
5562s want I mean I won't you know got I'll
5564s show my gratitude for get it though I do
5567s do appreciate having it after all that
5569s com combat carving you're getting some
5571s good luck now I know now I've stopped
5573s combat caring the game like you are
5575s forgiven the desire sensor has returned
5577s to be
5592s on got some nice anre
5598s pieces oh rathan jumped up a bit more
5603s new optional quests are available and
5604s the cen's been
5606s upgraded
5608s nice we like that we like that're making
5611s some good progress we
5618s are let's check these
5624s investigations uh
5626s arph oh so many exclamation marks grab
5631s them I need bone pile or so I'll put
5634s that on can I complete any deliveries
5639s no I need to check my
5642s investigations uh Kulu
5645s Kulu
5652s jagas nice job
5654s Coco took out your first black spiky
5657s horned monster that must be
5660s nante
5668s hello hello
5671s TR I'm going take a look at the high
5673s rank and your gear
5681s quickly if you see anything good let me
5684s know it's good if you can run in fire
5686s element
5688s uh yeah I don't think that armor that
5690s will be for either of us
5692s other than
5695s fashion it's not insignificant though no
5698s not at
5703s all there you go getting more
5706s requests pop that
5708s in go see the mular chef you think it's
5711s time to double up yeah we double up yeah
5714s yeah we can do different quests same
5716s Quest whichever whatever stuff you need
5717s really all
5720s right
5722s let me figure out what I'm looking for
5724s yeah let's have a look yeah I can't
5726s craft anything
5728s andth
5732s unfortunately so there's zor
5735s magaros PUK PUK an
5738s janath jotus I don't think I need any
5741s jotus here I do think is I need
5744s rathen um but I don't have ran
5747s investigation does anyone in the lobby
5750s have high rank ran investig
5752s a asking for a
5754s friend I'm the friend Joe is also the
5758s friend Joe also needs WRA investigations
5761s let me take a look if if I have any I
5763s don't I'm all like tier tier one kind of
5767s thing you know the the entry level
5769s monsters
5777s MH you can post an investigation see
5780s yeah we need high rank I mean pink rum
5783s will be useful but I don't think me and
5784s Joe can fight it yet oh yeah yeah but
5788s yeah if you got an investigation nor
5790s like standing ran for high rank that
5792s would be
5793s wonderful
5796s wonderful and if two of you have got one
5798s post one post another one as well so me
5801s and Joe can both yeah it sounds like neb
5804s and mad artist both have one so may we
5806s can split off and into our separate
5808s quests with with our friends here
5813s I we've got the optionals for them as
5814s well mad uh we're trying to see if we
5816s can get a cheeky few more
5818s um investigation
5822s ones
5824s uh yeah we've we've got that one mad
5826s have you got have you got any
5827s investigations yet your your glorious HR
5834s 56 oh here comes Gram's have gone gone
5837s looking I imagine yeah that's all right
5840s uh I will go with uh m
5842s let's do
5844s that getting your aan
5848s on yeah that's all
5851s good and Ne if you could post that joh
5855s you want to join yeah sure sure there
5857s you go uh all
5862s right oh yeah this is a silver silver
5864s gold so Joe if NEP wants to do this
5866s again afterwards oh this is a two-player
5868s one as well oh this one um
5874s all right I'm taking off with I tell you
5877s what so on the next hunt do you want to
5880s team up with NEP and do the two-player
5884s rathen yeah yeah either way or we can we
5887s can go back to a four player so we can
5888s get people in yeah sounds good oh we've
5891s just got the the lobby open electric
5894s I'll put the
5896s um I'll put the code in twitch chat
5899s again this is Lobby ID
5902s yeah I've joined one of the campsites
5904s I've not unlocked yet as well oh oh no
5907s the wing Drake dropped me outside of it
5908s oh no it put me in the secret area with
5911s all the loot
5913s oh yes got the what you find uh I've got
5917s some Advanced armor spheres
5919s already um getting some of the
5924s cacti oh I got the the special oh it's
5926s the rare
5928s cacti I got the kingly
5930s cactus
5934s two separate Quest now oh I got two
5936s kingly cactuses oh my
5941s goodness uh you're with NE that's right
5944s yeah yeah on the investigation okay yeah
5946s we're two two hunter in this one gotcha
5954s gotcha and you've got four Hunters with
5957s you haven't you yes sir very nice well
5961s three free with
5963s youal yeah in we're in separate Quest
5966s now you know I as a hunter I'm here to
5968s hunt monsters not not count you know
5971s I that's my excuse yeah our brains don't
5975s work that way
5977s exactly me hunt
5982s monster
5987s uh there's wrath where's neb NE I'm on
5991s my own and I'm
5996s scared right we're all fighting rathan
5998s now nice I'm I'm following rathan neps
6003s on the way I'm going to see if I can get
6006s a
6007s cheeky Mountain no I didn't there
6009s interesting we got to make sure to get
6010s some tracks right yes if you see them
6013s but then hunting this monster alone will
6016s probably get you just over the
6020s edge
6023s ah I missed the The Finisher
6029s there I've gone for the mount at the
6033s moment look like we got a bow and what's
6038s the other weapon here if I can SL down
6041s this oh a hunting horn that's
6045s beautiful love for the hunting horn user
6048s yeah Salona with the hunting horn
6052s yeah go I managed to string out the
6054s mount until uh NEP
6072s arrived try to get a stun oh go for
6078s it oh I got roared out the air I about
6081s to do very meaty
6084s plunge there we
6088s go we're going hard on the
6092s mountain hey no worries lardin it's
6094s awesome to you've got the chair that's
6096s the Rathalos one
6098s right CU if so yeah very very very
6101s cool ca's taking out these
6105s MOS oh got knocked away all right forget
6110s that
6117s here too Toby yeah I totally whiffed my
6121s tail Rush
6132s there oh no it's the puddle pod isn't it
6135s to get mud off not the Moss pod I don't
6137s think I've just realized I just picked
6139s up a puddle pod I was like that's the
6140s one
6143s got another Mount I've got three
6145s Mountain so far I'm just going ham on
6147s that you've had so many in this whole
6149s session that is that is definitely my
6151s world and Ice borwn play style I love
6153s going for the
6159s mounts oh rathan is going to
6169s sleep no bombs okay that's right I'll
6171s let you wake it up
6179s then R's trying to get away
6184s here same that timeing at the same time
6188s did the
6189s same looks like it's going
6194s up oh nice flash bar oh really great
6198s work your
6200s side
6203s oh I'm so nearly got the the target mod
6206s set nice captured well done well done
6210s nice work we're nearly done I need to
6213s get on that tail give me your
6215s tail
6222s ah nice I don't feel like I did a lot so
6225s thank you guys that very kind of them
6228s yeah thank you thank you really
6230s appreciate that
6233s there
6235s oh going to put down the health booster
6237s oh no I'm stunned oh no no no no no no
6240s no no no wakey
6243s wakey oh no I'm one hit away from
6247s carton no and we've got the
6249s investigation all done
6253s nice I'm just healing at the moment oh
6256s there we go Ran's
6260s down
6265s there we go got the get the rush off on
6269s there oh the tail came off with the the
6272s last move or of the the combo so that
6274s looked very stylish I'm not going to
6276s combat cve this time though I've learned
6278s my lesson don't do it or do it just
6283s whispering in my ear the rang on my
6285s shoulder like yes yes do it just don't
6289s forget the tail exactly yeah it's lying
6292s there
6293s waiting NEP is going hard as well with
6296s the
6305s hammer there can't be much left in the
6307s tank yeah there we
6308s go lovely work well played NEP thank you
6311s for sharing that
6313s investigation oh no way I carved a tail
6316s and got a
6319s ruby
6324s oh it's the opposite of the
6327s scale I won't complain about a ruby yeah
6332s oh man thanks for joining us mad as well
6335s yeah I was like oh I'm doing an
6338s animation I got the
6344s Ruby oh no there's some bones I can grab
6347s over here go go go go go
6349s go yeah the devil Joe on the shoulder or
6353s the GU M on the shoulder probably would
6354s have been more apt yeah I think devil
6357s Joe makes sense it sat right there yeah
6360s yeah I just saw rajang in the horns and
6362s I was
6366s like you have a Toby kadachi and
6373s rathen okay I've unlocked old monster in
6376s the new world I got a plate as well in
6379s the rewards but but no t I got two
6381s plates in the rewards ah but but no
6384s extra tail so I still need a tail but I
6386s got two plates so I just need the low
6388s rank materials now so that's going
6390s pretty
6393s well thank you what do you think we got
6395s time for one more yeah absolutely
6398s absolutely what should we hunt I got a
6400s nice end screen there by the way as
6403s well that was a gold crown
6409s small that is a cool cool cool
6415s picture what do you want to hunt Joe
6417s what should we
6424s hunt I mean Toby Karachi is kind of
6427s interesting since we saw it in the Last
6429s Quest but yeah I don't know what are you
6431s thinking what do you feel let's have a
6433s look I'm looking at Armor right
6436s now oh I'm going to go look at some
6439s armor as well
6441s yeah ironically I need the low rank gear
6443s I'm like yeah I'm going for the ran Helm
6447s so I can get the double Health
6449s boost that's true if I don't need to use
6451s taals for it I could probably make some
6453s raian armor actually I should probably
6455s do that I should probably follow your
6457s your
6458s uh lead on that one I'm going to give up
6461s my uh my Slugger on my low rank armor
6463s craft the
6466s Zora s torso piece male piece bar off
6470s culu
6473s what Zora piece are you doing again
6475s sorry the um I did uh the Zora
6481s hide so that's the just piece that's a
6484s nice piece I don't think I can make that
6485s b yet unless I've got the extra ore or
6493s something I think someone what's that in
6495s chat I
6497s missed uh uh sorry if someone types
6501s there I saw someone saying oh if
6502s anyone's got time I need help with and I
6505s missed it so if you type that
6507s again
6508s uh we can help you
6511s out or you can you know you'll probably
6513s be carrying us through it anyway
6515s but yeah I don't know how much help will
6518s be but you know if it's us somebody else
6521s can I need Inferno sacks and quality
6523s bones to make make these bits
6527s interesting monster
6529s broth
6533s oh you need Joda stuff yeah yeah I don't
6535s mind it's always good to get some water
6537s bits ready Forge
6540s equipment uh oh upgrade equipment so I
6544s was on my quest for the rathan weapons I
6547s need to make sure as well I can actually
6548s get to it so
6550s rathan uh so I need water elements so I
6553s need aquax so I do need to do dur jotus
6556s fuddly
6558s enough um do that yeah yeah let's do it
6561s let's let's let's do jotus so I need one
6564s more high rank rathan
6566s Spike oh and then for the upgrade after
6568s that I then need two more
6572s um but yeah I need three low rank rathen
6577s tails that shouldn't be too bad at all
6580s what do you think should we do the same
6581s Quest or should we go out on different
6582s quests let's let's take if we've got
6584s enough for two groups or even if we
6586s don't let's try and take as many with us
6587s as we can we'll do some
6589s jotus a fishy finish even I don't
6593s know all right I'm gonna join uh Ria
6596s Ripley on her Quest nice nice and I will
6599s join the other one that you're not in
6602s whoever's posted it
6605s um
6607s hi okay so you got that one full right I
6609s will now post uh an
6615s optional and then if folks want to jump
6617s in with me we'll go get Juro
6623s you know we're here with the champion so
6625s I I feel like I'm in good hands yeah
6627s you're you're going to be quite fine I
6629s wonder if I can get an aqua saac off
6630s high rank I'll probably be doing needing
6632s some low rank hunting at some point
6638s briefly you took sword and shield a fine
6640s choice not that I'm biased but a fine
6647s Choice hey green cape how's it going it
6650s is a good we got some great hunts Joe
6652s and I are getting some great loot the
6653s community are doing some some Wicked
6656s moves oh are you joining us as Zona
6659s that's all right everyone's got a learn
6660s NE everyone's got a learn what one of
6662s you got oh look at that that looks
6664s beautiful like a paladin almost or Guild
6668s Knight I wonder if is xylona with us are
6671s you joining us
6676s xona ah sorry about that killer yeah we
6679s are rocking steam oh there the the
6682s little Kieran
6685s Hunter oh abos
6688s goodbye but this will be this will be
6690s today's last hunt so if you can jump on
6693s there is one slot
6696s currently good evening aru how you doing
6699s and also so I don't forget the end of
6701s the stream so we have a two week break
6703s after today's Stream So Joe and I will
6706s be back is it February
6709s 2
6711s second yes February 22nd so i' I've just
6716s pulled up the calendar I was like I
6719s check so yeah we're having a very brief
6721s Break um and we'll be back on February
6724s 22nd uh to continue the streams and
6727s continue high rank um so yes prepare
6732s yourselves um but in the meantime
6736s there's plenty of hunting to be done um
6738s yeah and then we'll be back near the end
6740s of the months to continue the return to
6742s world live streams yeah yeah just a
6745s little bit of scheduling uh conflict so
6748s we we'll have a a short break but yeah
6749s we'll be back yeah yeah I'm doing
6751s something next week I'm I'm uh visiting
6754s the London office next week uh for some
6757s meetings with with the team and um then
6760s you're busy the week after yes yeah busy
6764s with uh some in office events during the
6766s week after so yeah but yeah it's good to
6769s get all the team together and H out
6770s though so I'm very much looking forward
6772s to it MH obviously you know we won't
6775s have the American team with us and vice
6777s versa the European team W be over Joe's
6779s side next week uh but you know we do
6782s miss you guys exactly we do we speak we
6785s do we speak well me and you speak every
6787s day don't we we're like
6790s mon yeah yeah yeah that's what our
6792s meetings are like moner moner wow yeah
6795s we just just SL that very quickly so I'm
6798s not sure if we all had the right gear
6802s there we've we've just landed cuz I was
6805s I was uh TR you can probably get another
6807s hun in before before I finish you might
6811s as I think we finished that in like 30
6814s seconds or
6815s something oh I don't think the gear was
6819s was appropriate there oh I needed 10
6821s more points to finish off the rathium
6823s bar I only need one
6827s footprint you know I'm I'm I'm going to
6829s scoop up some
6831s some
6836s Froggies where am I where am I there you
6839s go get my
6840s toads oh that was a largest largest size
6844s updated it's all good
6846s R there you go I'm collecting toads this
6849s is
6852s wonderful is there another one there it
6855s is I got three
6856s parod
6859s yes
6865s okay right
6866s jotus you're
6869s up probably not for very long if your
6871s hunt was anything to go
6872s by oh don't worry it's fine you know the
6875s the toads are being looked after they're
6877s going to be living in my my hunter's
6880s Abode killing out having a wonderful
6883s time oh we got buff Powers going off and
6885s everything we're taking this seriously
6887s this this is the
6889s stus
6892s looks quite big as well actually this is
6893s quite a a big
6897s one all right Ria I'll go ahead and join
6899s you for one
6901s more once more into the
6906s offish oh I'm going to go for a combat
6908s carve on a
6913s gajou yes now I'm back in oh we got the
6917s hunting horn as
6919s well
6922s perfect Rush is it
6925s go yeah I mean yeah I thing is as well
6927s in rise and sunbreak like
6930s jotus hits hard like uh it's been
6934s training between world and Rise right
6937s like jotus has gone up a teer in my
6940s opinion what do you think Joe yeah oh
6943s yeah yeah I think so um it's definitely
6945s quite a
6946s difference you know there's a couple
6948s monsters that are like that uh Toby
6951s Kachi
6953s uh baroth arguably especially masterank
6958s yeah you they have to in ryen stere you
6960s definitely have to account for the
6962s um uh just like increased Mobility so
6966s the monsters have pretty different
6967s Behavior hit hit
6969s differently yeah definitely oh the sling
6973s of
6974s thorn Ria thanks for the reminder yeah
6976s if you are joining the quest please do
6978s bring uh a apprpriate gear yeah um R
6982s your bracket gear is awesome but not at
6984s this level of high
6992s rank yeah our jotus is still alive so uh
6996s don't think we're not packing master
6998s rank gear yeah yeah you guys don't have
7000s the the same thing that we
7003s had so we're giving it a good old
7006s Wallin uh you can capture if you want I
7010s do not
7011s mind oh this gisha is is free right
7018s here half that while the team are busy
7020s I'll fire some form pods to
7025s assist there we
7029s go jotus
7034s scale nice work everyone that's it all
7038s done nearly very very nearly like
7040s looking at its pulse bar it's it's not
7043s got much left in the
7045s tank think we got some blast weapons as
7050s well oh I'm spinning all
7053s over oh we're going for the cap I think
7055s is it the cap yeah yay we captured
7061s jotus good job everyone that was silky
7067s smooth yeah we're just getting ready to
7069s get on the quest here nice nice make
7072s sure everybody's got the right gear so
7074s we don't take it out super quick it's a
7077s b good job team I mean we might as well
7080s jump in and quickly do one more one more
7084s yeah yeah cuz I think we're pretty much
7086s l all right gang get ready we're going
7087s straight back in I don't know what we're
7089s going to hunt something equally
7098s quick
7100s good work everyone the J to gear looks
7103s really cool as well actually it is
7106s a I'll check it out I can't recall what
7109s it looks like it looks a bit like is it
7111s like the kind of like the historical I
7114s can't remember the proper name but like
7115s it's a certain type of warrior armor I
7117s think uh but it looks very very cool
7119s very like aquatic look to it I I know
7122s that sounds silly because it it's
7122s duratus but
7126s yeah uh
7128s optional
7137s let's quickly do another rfan we just
7139s we'll just bash out
7141s rathen put a voucher on all right gang
7144s we're gonna speedrun strats rathan with
7146s our expert hunting skills can we do it
7148s quicker than jotus sub five minutes
7152s don't bring anything crazy yeah no crazy
7155s same rules about weapons and armor
7158s yeah
7163s there you go grm agel NEP and we do have
7167s one open spot on request if anybody
7168s wants to join yeah so there is a slot
7170s still I think we've cleared up the lobby
7172s now I think we got everyone in a in a
7175s hunt which is looking
7178s good there's Ryu having his
7182s food then C the the iconic dance prance
7188s there
7190s we go I love this proof of a hero track
7192s that's playing as well in the Gathering
7194s hub for the appreciation Fest oh oh yeah
7197s me
7199s too proof of hero is good in all forms
7202s it is everyone is close I I got dropped
7204s straight on front of rathan oh it's
7206s right I'm not alone though I'm not
7209s alone three of us got dropped straight
7211s onto rathen so poor agel has to walk
7215s from Camp he just got like dunked in
7219s right I'm going to go for the tail I
7220s might be able to get the tail cut but
7222s we'll we'll see we'll see if I have to
7226s hit
7227s the there we
7229s go give me your tail rathon
7244s please there we
7248s go I Hunt is going well I think it's
7251s definitely uh a lot more appropriate
7253s than the last one so yeah it's it's been
7255s 30 seconds and still standing yep yep
7258s that's good that's good our team are
7261s focusing on the tail which is wonderful
7264s I've got a NEP here with their insect
7266s glaive even though I did whiff up my
7268s combo
7271s there can I reach that tail yes oh the
7276s tail is off already I'm not going to
7278s combat C through I'm going going for the
7282s uh the positive Karma
7286s hunt yeah we've got it nice and stunned
7291s nice yeah when it's got it mud on it it
7293s gets surprisingly
7300s tanky I'm just going to heal up oh there
7302s we go there we go so there was it was
7304s quite
7305s quick nicely done not quite quick but
7307s I'm going to support the team with a
7309s health
7310s booster oh I'm getting whopped around so
7313s I'm going to put this bomb pod on yeah
7314s rathan is uh about to go down oh got the
7317s head break with a bomb
7321s pod there we go GG where's that tail I
7325s can carve it now the H's officially
7328s over so you're all wrapped up on your
7330s end yeah we're good we are good that was
7332s really fast I got oh no hold on I got I
7334s got another plate and I got the tail oh
7336s no what's this I got another plate from
7338s the next car
7340s I got double plates back to back nice
7342s nice well
7346s done my Fashion's coming together a
7348s little bit better I think that's good oh
7351s we have a question here so rage says hey
7353s I've been thinking about coming back to
7354s the game I own mon Hunter World on PC do
7356s I need to purchase another one to be up
7358s to date and play the latest game so if
7361s you want to jump back in and play monst
7362s Hunter world you know bar any patches
7364s you need to download which obviously is
7367s free you can come in and jump straight
7369s back into Monster Hunter World um the
7372s latest like Mainline Monster Hunter game
7374s is Monster Hunter rise and Sun
7376s breakthrough which is a a different game
7379s um so definitely definitely give that a
7380s look in as well um but yeah if you want
7383s to jump back into world if you want to
7384s hashtag return to world uh you can do it
7387s right now just yeah boot up the game you
7389s know if there's any patches grab that if
7392s not just jump in and play have some fun
7394s um but yeah the the latest monsant title
7397s there is is monsant rise and its
7399s expansion Sun break and of course
7401s Monster World if you've not got ice born
7404s and you've played through the base game
7405s of World you can get the massive ice
7408s spawn expansion and jump into Master
7411s anank did I miss anything there Joe I
7413s think you covered it all I was going to
7415s mention iceborn but uh yeah I snaffled
7418s that one I was like
7421s yes all right with that should we wrap
7424s it up or you guys back in the uh I got a
7427s Vitality Jewel oh yes
7430s yes Ah that's epic I'm really happy with
7433s that really really really really
7437s happy
7439s Vitality most pleased I got a really
7442s cool end screen as well
7447s there yeah jump back into world and yeah
7450s rise plays um yeah rise is a bit of a
7452s different experience it's the main kind
7454s of Monster Hunter gameplay but how do
7456s you feel it's a bit different to World
7457s Joe like trying to explain a new Hunter
7460s uh R rise from
7461s World um well I mean the it's definitely
7464s got a different aesthetic so you know
7465s the rise has the Japanese aesthetic um
7468s monsters which is really cool uh it's
7470s just it's very different vibe from uh
7472s from world but um you know it's got a a
7475s very uh agile move set I would say so um
7478s you know you can use the wire bugs and
7480s the switch skills and it's h it's
7481s definitely a faster game than World um
7484s but it's it's really fun you know it's
7485s it's a different style of hunting um but
7488s I think they're both equally valid and
7489s both super fun so yeah exactly yeah
7491s either way you either way you're winning
7493s whether you you know you want to jump
7494s back into World straight away or try
7496s rise first but as Joe said yeah like the
7498s the combat like is different as like the
7500s more aerial approach to it and you can
7503s customize the move sets of your weapons
7505s in in Rise And sunbreak as well to alter
7508s them a bit to your preferred play style
7510s but yeah like jump back into World
7511s settle in have some fun check out some
7513s YouTube videos or twitch streams of of
7515s rise and sunbreak as well and see what
7517s it's like and then if you Joy enjoy it
7519s give it a go um but no welcome either
7521s way welcome back to
7522s monst
7524s um it's a great time to return
7527s absolutely oh you guys are back yes we
7530s made it we made it yeah for anybody
7532s trying to join we are uh about to wrap
7534s up so uh yeah that was the last hunt for
7537s today and last two hunts I guess yeah
7540s yeah and we will be back in two weeks
7542s time so we'll be back on February 22nd
7544s we just having a couple of week break on
7546s the stream cuz I'm busy next week with
7548s workstar and Joe's busy the week after
7550s with work
7551s stuff yes our day jobs of you know doing
7556s other cap things
7559s yeah do you want to wrap things up for
7562s us uh yeah let's do it yeah thanks
7564s everybody again like Jon said we will be
7567s uh we won't be streaming for the next
7568s two weeks um but we will be back uh
7570s later in February but otherwise yeah
7572s it's been great hunting with everybody
7575s um we made some really great progress
7576s through hre and uh yeah we're looking
7579s forward to getting through it star to
7581s get into some elder dragons hopefully at
7583s some point this month but uh we'll see
7585s what progress we make right yeah exactly
7588s it's going to be fun it's going to be
7589s fun and yeah and to rage yeah like yeah
7591s welcome back to world as well but yeah
7593s it's been great fun streaming again
7594s today um yeah and as you said Joe we've
7597s got some nice progress already I think
7599s in our next stream on on the 22nd we'll
7601s probably have our first solid high rank
7603s sets and weapons put together by the end
7605s of it definitely so I'm really really
7607s looking forward to that um but yeah
7610s other than that we will wrap things up
7612s now um I've been jonno and I'm Joe and
7616s you've been awesome have a fantastic
7618s couple of weeks and we will see you in
7620s the hunt on February 22nd good night all
7623s right see you
7638s everybody
7697s oh
7817s oh
3 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name is Jon o EMA Community
3s manager on monst hun and I am joined by
6s hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the cap estate
8s Community manager for Monster Hunter and
11s what are we doing today Joe because it's
12s quite a momentous moment for us in world
14s right now it is uh today is episode six
18s of our return to world uh stream series
21s and we have finally made it to high rank
24s uh after some time but yeah the last
26s five episodes we've been grinding away
27s at it uh and now the real game begins so
31s shall we get into it it does it does and
33s obviously we're going to be starting off
34s with an expedition so we'll be going our
36s separate ways at the start before we
37s reunite to take on some high rank
39s monsters and of course as the stream
41s goes on we will be opening up the
43s Gathering Hub so you can join us too um
46s and let us know if the audio and
47s everything's fine um and yeah so we can
50s adjust it if necessary but yeah anyway
52s I'm going to grab a snack Joe before we
54s head to this I'll do the same I'll do
55s the same I'm super excited for high rank
58s I'm really looking forward to actually
59s starting to settle on some some some
61s like sets to like actually that we're
63s going to use for a little while cuz
65s we're both running a bit of a mishmash
66s at the moment in low rank oh yeah yeah
69s our fashion is all over the place it's
70s it's kind of a I don't know how I feel
73s about it yeah yeah it's uh interesting
76s that raban waste on me is like not doing
79s me any
80s favors yeah just uh some some details on
83s the stream so uh we will be switching
86s back and forth between the two different
88s feeds so um you'll see my character
91s um which is uh my character's name is
93s Bri and my palico is cheddar and jonno
96s is is named after himself so oh he's not
99s playing character he's playing himself
101s yeah I'm role playing
103s me and my Pico is even named after my
106s real cat Amber as well so and who's also
109s a Tori so yeah we're going for that like
111s for like you
114s know all right headed into the wild
116s Spire waste yeah I've literally just
119s landed so
121s hopefully we'll be reunited again soon
124s and it's high rank now as well so uh
127s we're getting serious and thing is we're
128s still wearing low rank armor we've got
130s low rank weapons you know we've kind of
133s been brute forcing our way through a
135s little bit so it's going to be
137s interesting the first few high rank
144s hunts oh do you know what I might as
146s well keep
147s my where's my caption at there we go
152s Fatalis when we're going to get there
154s we're going to get there we've
158s uh we've got to go through uh all of
161s this first
166s though all
170s right how's it looking your end I've
172s gone straight to the swamp
174s Joe yeah I just I just started so I just
177s got out
179s here
183s um yeah and for anybody that's new to
185s this stream series um these are totally
187s new well I guess they're not new anymore
189s since we've been playing them for uh a
191s few weeks here uh right joh yeah y these
195s are you know yeah they're fled Lin
197s Hunters almost should we say I mean
199s they've completed the first part of the
201s story actually so I should probably give
203s them a bit more credit yeah yeah um yeah
207s so we only play these Hunters on this
210s stream so um you know outside of like a
212s little bit of uh Inventory management
213s and whatnot um oh looks like I just got
216s disconnected um but I think that's fine
219s right yeah we can just you can just
221s rejoin that'll be all
225s right
228s yeah the swampy area does look really
230s nice for that purple plant life doesn't
232s it yeah we' be oh there's high rank
234s barroth or is it high rank yeah I we
236s must be around that um yeah we will be
238s doing Al tray on before Fatalis we kind
240s of be doing it like those kind of
242s monsters in kind of chronological order
243s obviously Fatalis will be the cherry on
245s the cake uh around that those are uh big
250s promises yeah yeah yeah we definitely
253s want the community's help for those I
254s think yes so I remember when I did them
257s first time round on my own personal
259s profile all those all those years ago uh
263s I was absolutely geared up decorations
266s you know talismans armor you know I was
269s I was min ax my
272s weapons yeah you got to be ready for
274s those can't just hop
280s in all right have you figured out where
283s you're going no no okay I'm picking up
288s uh picking up tracks at the moment all
290s right I just found the uh the quest so I
293s found Diablos and baroth so far okay you
296s may be in the wrong direction okay okay
298s I'm going to go towards the the wooded
301s area where rathan normally likes to hang
305s out all right I'm going to back out
307s actually uh oh yeah we can join up then
310s can we that's good yes yes I believe so
313s well actually I don't know I think they
315s said the assignment was unlocked so we
317s should be all right nice okay I'm going
319s the wrong way there I i' you know what I
321s panicked because Diablos was chasing me
323s and I got lost that's a normal reaction
327s yeah yeah hello nmia don't worry you've
329s not missed out anything yet we're just
331s taking our first few steps as we kind of
333s ease into high rank yeah we're just
336s getting started so ah I feel like this
338s think we've been going for like five
339s minutes Haven Miss much thanks again for
342s joining us Diablos is eating some cacti
345s at the moment that's that nice bit of
347s like endemic like natural behavior there
350s better than it kind of spearing me with
353s its
354s horns a WRA wait those scales look
358s different
361s they're not
363s green all right I'm heading back to Camp
366s nice are you back in the lobby as well
367s are you um I will fix that real quick
372s it's PUK PUK yes I need a pke poke for
378s the poison sword and
380s shield but then I probably want to go
382s for the rium one instead if I'm honest
385s right
386s um I guess I'll just put or let you no I
390s have come out I'll come out because I
392s don't can you join I don't know if
394s because I'm on an expedition I might oh
395s I think we might have to come back and
397s yeah I will uh
401s return okay I'm back yeah too Fair yeah
406s I unless I need some of the Poke P bits
408s to transition into the rathan set for
410s the to eventually get lunatic
412s Rose
415s um I'll check I'll check at the Smithy
417s once we've done this this Quest
422s hello there yeah if you pop it in I'll
424s join you I'm just going have some
427s food let's do
429s it and yeah for those uh obviously very
432s excited and asking about monster on
434s Wilds summer will be when more
436s information is revealed um so yeah and
439s that's summer this year of course that
441s we be revealing more
443s information the time is moving fast you
445s know it is it's February already January
448s was an epically long month
450s um so you know you're one month one
453s month closer to Summer yeah you won't
455s have to wait that much longer uh should
458s we go camp one I
461s suppose uh yeah yeah that works you know
464s I'm going to I'm going to use a voucher
467s here
473s uh a happy birthday freak 3D yeah happy
478s birthday
493s so p p we're doing good F yes we we are
497s ready to rock H and welcome to chat as
499s well it's your first time chat we are uh
502s about to do our first high rank hunt and
503s I'm sure there'll be no cards positive
506s oh no not at all we're just going to
508s completely roll the rest of the game I I
510s was about you know what zero damage um
514s yeah I've got antidotes on me I don't
516s think okay I've got two Mega potions I
517s didn't
518s restock uh which is obviously very very
521s smart move on my part we don't need it
526s exactly just don't get we're be fine
528s we're going to be fine I mean famous
531s last words or whatever
534s yeah we just beam it straight there uh
539s there we go
540s I think there might be some honey around
541s here anyway maybe or am I confusing
544s myself with the Ancient Forest
546s probably I really I really don't know
550s sometimes I feel me just run into it and
551s I mindlessly pick it up yeah just if you
554s see it grab it like are these herbs here
557s grab that yeah yeah just going to go
560s through this hole here I'm like what's
561s what's through
563s here we did not take the speedrunners
566s way no I definitely took a wrong turn in
568s straight off the bat
571s we'll go explor exactly there we go look
574s we we've snuck out here now we found a
577s lovely big mystery
579s footprint whose Footprints are
582s these I don't know actually I want to
584s kind of I like well I'd know if it was
587s Diablo surely right
591s like all right I think we just got to
593s break off to the left here yeah yeah we
595s we'll take round and find our friend if
598s we if we die we'll be be judged very
600s harshly and laugh at you I expect
601s nothing
605s less I recently played through a Lance
607s and I can't handle not been able to
608s block yeah I'm the same obviously Shield
610s sword and shield sorry obviously shield
611s and shield sword and shield has a shield
613s so yeah I feel a bit naked without
616s it do we want to hunt this rat in I
620s don't know I don't know I I I the parts
622s could be very good for me all right
625s let's do
626s it let's give it a go I would decided I
630s would love some uh rathium
633s Parts this might take some
639s time see if I get without being carried
642s this could be yeah oh o the waddle it's
645s always the waddle yeah gets me every
649s time I have not even hit it yet hold
652s on all right look she's she's super
658s aggro
661s there's the the famous
664s backflip get that mount there we
672s go well done well done thank you that's
675s going to be what I focus hold on oh
676s she's poisoned there must be some poison
678s cups I was like wait did since when did
679s you have a poison
682s Hammer nope I'm just sticking with the
684s standard iron oh the classic
688s Bonk
692s nice there we
695s go you know I should really go to the
697s tail especially cuz I need
700s tails what were you looking to craft
702s again uh I really like the rathan uh
706s poison sword and shield oh that's right
708s that's
710s right is that you with the Trap no there
713s are some uh is it I keep pronouncing
717s their name wrong uh grim the uh oh right
720s right yeah yeah the locals um the locals
724s yes what's called the loc they got the
726s paralysis
727s uh right on oh I can't believe I forget
731s their name cuz I love having them when
733s you're like in the late game and you're
735s like farming elder dragons and bits in
737s the elders recess um obviously the Picos
740s can't use the kind of trap on an elder
743s Dragon but they can still attack it and
746s and bombard it with damage so it's
748s always so useful when they turn
751s up there you go G oh I feel so how did I
755s forget that I was so close with the G I
757s was like I know it but I can't remember
758s up the top of my head ni there we go
761s right I'm going to go back to the
765s tail nice
767s stun are they back again they are
770s they're here for
772s more hope so they've been helping us oh
776s nice head
777s break all right
787s oh can't believe I forgot the gila's
790s name I'm sorry gajaka considering I
792s appreciate them so much when I was
793s playing
798s through bring that tail back
803s here oh she's on the move just missed
805s just missed okay it was a good time to
808s sharpen
810s okay we're doing well so far I think so
812s she's not fully bodied us yet which is
815s very polite of
817s her just a little bit of wadlin actually
820s I should probably have a first aid Med
825s anyway oh there's a nice bit of mining
828s out crop
829s here Dragon vein
833s Crystal oh I should probably grab that
835s too but yeah getting these new maps run
836s the other
838s way some toxic mucus that'll be pke PUK
842s who's apparently closer than we realized
844s yeah pke PUK is very close so I'm going
847s to going to avoid them for
852s now reminds me of the uh The Witcher
854s collab quest with a friendly poke
860s poke we'll definitely have to do that
862s one at some point yeah oh yeah
864s absolutely we'll go go through those
866s that sounds like fun and we got the beem
868s off as well
870s oh man that's yeah that's intense and
873s then extreme
876s off oh for doing all those man that's uh
879s going to be tough for us getting stuck
881s in we'll have the community with us for
882s those definitely yeah cuz like the Elder
885s L as well like oh my goodness
889s yes you know I might just use the health
891s booster so I don't have to gluger Oh no
894s I got
895s tired up you got tired yeah I I let my
900s stamina run out I was
903s foolish it happens it happens always
905s happens to me with the hammer I like
907s just hold the charge for way too long
909s yeah you just go go all
911s in oh I'm working on those mounts yeah 8
915s velc spicy you really want to do behem
917s off yeah it's a very fun very unique
920s style of
921s hunt yeah we'll make it to at VC
924s eventually yeah there we go we got a
926s nice knock down there oh no the tails
928s the tail is covered by a tree
932s ah oh and then I I panic comboed and
935s messed it up a little
937s bit here comes that tail
941s again hey talking to Tails I'm going to
944s combat carve I'm going to combat carve
946s it I need that tail 100% sorry Joe
950s no last bit of the carve right that's it
953s that's it that tail is
956s ours you Bandon me I got punished like
960s in the horror films like I'll see you
961s later and then I I'm the one that gets
971s got oh there might be near to another
975s Mount to be
977s fair oh I could get my shield up in time
979s oh oh that just missed
981s Meo
983s uh yeah know I will down a mega potion
986s here I'm not messing around with that
988s one
990s uhoh
992s uhoh I'm trying to grab I don't want a
994s carton be laughed at it and
997s embarrassed all right I can work on the
998s wings now while you're over there oh
1001s nice
1003s work get the big bang two three
1008s four I'm surprised that the damage were
1010s pulling off here as well yeah oh she's
1012s leaving no you
1014s don't nice getting those bomb pods do
1018s work oh nice nice I got say she kept
1020s going yeah and there's the
1025s mount
1028s oh see that come back
1036s Jo I'm going to see if I can get the
1038s back break with this there's a
1045s chance p pke is very
1047s close trying to sharpen up but uh my
1051s timing was all bad that's all right I
1055s I'm I've got the efficiency down on the
1057s mountain I've said remembered what I
1059s used to do all the time with sword and
1062s shield nice thank you I've got one more
1065s oh nice part break well done well
1069s done my sharpness is diable all right
1073s nice work was that a one that I believe
1077s I mean there's an orange star so so
1079s we'll find out when we start uh where's
1082s that tail I know the tail thing I would
1083s do a lot I don't I you know I don't want
1086s to like get all celebratory about it and
1088s it wasn't even actually hiring yeah oh
1090s Spike plus yeah
1092s yeah nice
1094s job I'm probably still going to need
1095s some normal spikes though that's what
1097s worries
1102s me yeah you did you put on your wish
1105s list no no I have to Che know we won't
1110s know it's a mystery oh I got to get the
1113s tail like you did but you know I'm
1115s waiting until afterwards so yeah I tried
1117s to combat carve and immediately got
1118s shown why no that's not the best idea
1121s thanks for demonstrating my pleasure oh
1123s no not the C no no no I was sharpening
1128s and it was like oh
1130s wait cheeky bom pod from afar hold on
1133s where's the bomb pod that was just here
1134s did I not pick it up in time no no I
1138s even used up my last
1140s one okay po po
1143s okay oh okay that tongue's got got
1146s muscle mass on
1149s it oh a little flip there okay it's
1153s going away it's going away come back
1155s here
1157s you oh it's proper taking off oh no it's
1160s going backwards might be going back into
1162s the the Woodland decide what you want to
1166s do making me run around of the desert
1169s outrageous I'm going to pick up this
1171s mucus in the meantime thank you very
1174s much okay there we go that Bar's nearly
1177s full is
1182s full
1184s hey oh you're getting all the mounts oh
1187s this is this is what I'm do I'm going to
1188s get those mounts so you can do big Bonk
1191s Damage Big
1193s Bonk it's a good combo so far it is it
1196s is we got the you know I'm I'm Focus
1198s focusing on trying to like stop them and
1201s you're focused on just the massive
1203s damage yeah the head breaks I think we
1206s just sort of gacer as
1208s well there they are there they there
1210s they go there's the poison going on or
1212s the poison darts oh I got paralyzed by
1215s them I I caught one of the darts s Amber
1219s slapped me back up there you go now I
1222s mean they were aim they were aiming at
1223s pke pke to be fair I think I got in the
1227s way oh to tell you with the last bit of
1238s that everyone Big Bang over here oh my
1241s gosh oh who's
1246s this oh my goodness do
1250s we no no we we can't there's no
1254s way oh oh
1256s baz there he is oh oh out of
1265s nowhere oh the monsters be
1268s uh I totally don't
1272s recall oh have have we
1274s DCd I I I believe so I see you running
1277s in the corner there oh no basil is so
1280s powerful so
1283s powerful Joe no oh I know been having a
1288s a few technical issues today that's okay
1291s the good news is you'll be able to
1292s rejoin I'm gonna I'm gonna leave the
1294s area so I'm safe and I don't cheese the
1296s monsters cuz I was wailing on poing poet
1298s a little
1301s bit I've been lost okay hold on I'm
1304s going to leave the quest right that's
1305s all right I'm going to I can't fast
1306s travel at the moment yeah I'm going to
1308s the monsters are chilling so I'm going
1310s to go back to camp and uh oh know it's
1314s still in
1316s combat I'm going to leave over here here
1319s all right I'm going to head
1325s back and then I'm going to get to safety
1328s I'm going to sharpen
1333s up all right I'm gonna head back no
1336s worries I've I've gone a safe distance
1338s away there you go you drawn from the
1340s quest and I am now Quest
1343s leader yeah the monsters are are moving
1345s around again so I'm going to go back to
1347s I'm still technically in combat so I'm
1349s going to hover around here look for some
1352s resources yeah they're fighting each
1354s other now they're
1357s uh I'll take this footprint though yeah
1360s B and P P are going at it no P PUK oh my
1366s goodness it's a bum the quest is going
1369s real well it's yeah don't worry they
1370s they're just both arguing with each
1372s other now oh wow all that damage I might
1375s C
1376s here uh
1379s uh yeah baz is too
1383s strong my P do a great job with
1386s heing I'm uh trying to I'm going to get
1390s away I need to run
1393s away oh yeah PUK PUK got knocked over
1396s I'm just watching baz's whale on PUK PUK
1399s now I like the uh the
1402s commentary you know I'm just trying to
1404s figure out what's going on it's like a
1406s play by play I'm listening to the radio
1408s it's pretty nuts they they've oh know
1411s they I said they've gone their separate
1412s ways but actually P appears to be
1414s chasing bookis in the
1416s air um and they've landed in the same
1418s area after retreating together so
1423s uh oh man I won't get rewards for this
1426s oh really because of the time limit yeah
1429s we can do it again if you want the
1431s rewards yeah oh it's all right we'll see
1434s we'll see so I mean you got some rathan
1437s cares right so we got that at least yeah
1440s uh oh B no leave me
1442s alone all right they're still fighting
1445s they hate each
1446s other I think you know PUK is severely
1450s overmatched yeah I mean it just got
1452s carpet bombed and then charged into yeah
1455s this is
1456s uh bass is glowing in all its
1462s Glory maybe I can get some cheeky tail
1464s hits in here on pke
1467s P
1469s okay I think I'm here and hopefully no
1472s more connection issues after that yeah
1475s I'll just host the quests maybe that
1476s will help a bit putting all the the
1478s pressure on you to like yeah who's take
1480s it
1481s all who yeah that's greeting you back
1485s who oh he really wants you oh no those
1489s scales going to pop all right I'm just
1490s going to mount p p might be a bit safer
1493s up
1496s here joins immediately s yeah what have
1500s you
1504s done oh my goodness baz is like helping
1507s us out in its own special
1512s way oh yeah I was I was saying is is
1514s this the scripted part of this this
1516s Quest I totally don't remember I think
1518s baz must be a surprise right he just
1521s jumps in like welcome to high rank huh
1523s you thought you were safe coming in go
1525s through low
1527s rank okay uh pke p is on the move again
1531s all right hopefully baz isn't feeling
1535s super aggressive Let's us have some Brea
1537s in
1539s space that music that iconic
1545s music a great song is it safe to sharpen
1548s no no there's a uh go go go go go go oh
1552s you're good I was like uh
1554s oh staring down the barrel for a sec
1556s there exactly that was was pretty scary
1558s I won't
1568s lie all right pke
1571s P okay back to business yeah that tail
1575s can't be too far off being cut
1583s either oh PO is having a
1587s munch
1594s oh oh that was
1599s close yeah the surprise baz is always
1602s nice yeah cuz I think normally he shows
1604s up here but because we spent time
1605s hunting
1606s rathen he showed up in the in the woods
1609s area
1613s yeah we did go off script a little bit
1616s there we did we were like head on we've
1617s got we've got our own plans thank you
1620s for the healing this healing from the
1621s Picos is
1627s lovely there nice big bons there just
1630s I'm just mashing the Big Bang
1635s finisher accidentally hit some emic life
1638s there oh p p is on the roll oh got the
1642s tail Oh I thought I cut the tail there
1643s that would have been
1645s hilarious that's a pierc definitely not
1647s me
1648s yeah why why not Jo look at it go is it
1653s going back to the woodlands where baz
1655s might
1659s be riding over here better get back to
1663s business I'm just looking up at the sky
1665s following PUK PUK like you can run but
1668s you can't hide hello Ros how's it
1673s going Oh I thought I was like wait a
1675s minute Ros yeah wait the chat luckily
1678s they weren't here when we were going
1679s after rathan
1681s yeah we're saved right so pke PUK has
1685s kind of took the scenic route
1687s here so we let let bats just chill out
1690s there oh no no you you stay over
1694s there
1697s no that was a h sound alerted oh oh oh
1702s jeez oh jeez boom sry pke P still asleep
1706s it's snoozing
1712s there you go down you
1717s come I kind of missed there i s it's
1723s here oh and pke PUK is poisoned thanks
1726s to the local
1730s forer
1732s oh this is getting a little uh little
1735s hairy it's quite spicy no bombs at the
1739s moment no we are new low rank just going
1741s into high rank Hunters so we've not
1743s invested too heavily in bombs yet yeah
1745s but that'll probably happen when we
1747s start getting a bit higher up yeah we
1749s have no
1752s items we can barely craft Mega potions
1754s at this point
1756s yeah luckily I've got some honey
1758s simmering away back in
1760s Astera so I'll need it nice work there
1764s we go so we took down rathan we took
1765s down poke
1766s PUK
1769s you know a little bit of a curve balls
1771s along the way yeah keeping us on our
1773s toes for sure just a light
1776s disconnect uh
1778s yeah like the gajalakas were like had us
1782s covered they were some nice MVPs yeah oh
1785s there you go poke po tail
1788s carace very nice very very nice thanks
1792s for keeping things rolling while I was
1794s uh away that's right I kind of stepped
1796s back a bit you know enjoy The
1799s View see if there anything else I can
1801s grab in the next 30
1809s seconds oh bass is over here now uh okay
1813s I'll leave you
1814s to it was funny all over low rank
1818s anytime we see something we're just like
1819s let's go after it yeah and this now here
1823s yeah wait wait wait wait wait n you
1824s can't do that yeah not right now
1826s there'll be a time but it's not now
1830s we're not quite there
1831s yet oh that's cool
1834s Ros I got no rewards I'm sorry that's
1837s all right I I got
1840s some let get the quest
1843s completion yeah yeah I think it will
1845s surely all right so we don't have to
1846s redo it to continue the story geology
1849s Jewel and fortify
1852s Jewel but if we do we just do it again
1854s ah yeah there's the investigation
1856s progress as well yes
1861s they've got monster 2 for PS2 haven't
1863s broke it out yet well that' be quite a
1864s treat Misty that'll be quite a
1870s treat emergency
1874s Council smash them through the dialog
1876s yeah I better get on that as well all
1879s right I want to go see smithy's
1885s got the plot thicken
1888s okay now we are officially in y that
1892s means we can get some new gear yeah
1895s hopefully I mean we probably need some
1896s parts but you
1899s know searching for rathan
1905s tracks right yes straight to the Smithy
1908s but first actually no I should probably
1909s go check the Botanical research and
1912s Bounty
1913s stuff and this is another one we're
1915s going to need to do separately right
1918s uh May well be the
1921s case it's funny you know they want us to
1923s search for rathen tracks but we took
1925s care of that problem already yeah well
1928s funny they mentioned that uh World Spire
1931s mining out crop take those I'll go grab
1935s some
1944s honey luck reopen some items
1949s there we go yeah I need to do that
1951s actually uh I why have I got no mega
1954s potions
1957s well no
1960s honey there we go okay right and then
1963s lots of quests to pick
1972s up my
1975s jerky oh got DEC
1979s ation not that I can slaugh it on
1981s anything right
1988s now ah the AR [ __ ]
1992s nice okay what we got here purchase
1997s Goods what we got
2000s here
2003s voucher
2006s or
2009s I need a little bit more ore to upgrade
2011s my hammer
2013s again so we'll leave it at that I'll
2016s take this
2018s one oh I didn't even look at the armor I
2020s can make I probably can't make anything
2021s but at least we can look at what we can
2023s work towards
2027s yeah oh we've made it to high rank uh
2031s Zora zor gear oh I love that everything
2035s else I can't do
2038s yeah we do read chat as well B when
2040s we're in the hunt obviously maybe
2041s slightly less
2044s uh try try not to C but yeah no we do
2047s that's cool Ros say I see why you've got
2049s the name Ros you're quite the fan attack
2052s jeel one oh yeah I just got that too
2056s it's kind of funny look at all this
2058s armor suddenly as
2060s well that's such a big boost uh okay
2063s let's go straight down here okay
2066s Zora
2071s good if I was getting a blast sword
2074s going
2076s well yeah I mean I could go for it too
2078s for for just for the defense
2081s really Ran's got Health
2086s boost and then slots if you need them as
2089s well there's the poke poke poke po
2092s doesn't really appeal to me too much I
2095s mean it's not like I can make anything
2097s I'm being I can make one piece of zor
2098s magor armor I do like Slugger though I
2102s like the abilities that I have on so
2104s yeah we work work our way up there we'll
2107s be fine we can't even make another armor
2109s at the moment I mean making the next
2111s level of bone armor will be really good
2115s M um what do I need warped bone and
2117s quality
2119s bones yeah I mean the bone high rank
2122s bone armor No Lie is pretty pretty
2125s tempting mhm
2129s that will be some good stuff yeah yeah
2131s I'm going to look at the weapons as well
2132s let's
2135s upgrade I'm going to go ahead and start
2137s the the track Quest yeah go for it go
2140s for it um so we can get to hunting
2143s together a little
2145s sooner so okay so the rathan tree then
2147s which I want to go down oh yeah I need
2149s tons of stuff I still need three low
2152s rank spikes before I can even using that
2156s yeah
2160s uh yeah that's quite a lot
2163s there I can level up my jaas
2168s uh my jaas Edge again which is probably
2171s worth doing just until I get something
2174s better so we'll do
2179s that my ta Rider Safar out cheddar is a
2183s fantastic Pico name it is Joe has done
2185s some wonderfully thematic
2188s it's like yeah all cheese
2192s themed all right what are we doing what
2193s are we doing uh no we can go off
2195s together right because we just do hunts
2197s now because to uh to get the
2199s tracks I
2203s think search for Rath and tracks oh it
2206s looks like you do have to go on an
2208s expedition let's have a look no we can
2211s just do any old Quest I think oh okay
2213s yeah I say any old Quest whatever we
2215s want to farm really yeah I will see you
2218s in the Gathering Hub
2221s then okay I got ahead of myself I'm very
2226s excited so let's let's see what we've
2228s been offered to to do um we should have
2233s a lot of optional quests right
2237s yes let's have a look let's see let's
2241s see well it sounded like you needed more
2243s WRA and stuff right yeah I need low rank
2246s as well though I need low rank tails and
2248s stuff like that so there's the there's I
2251s need high rank parts and low rank Parts
2255s obviously there's two oh yeah the hunter
2258s rathan there's two rathan ones
2261s there uh
2266s P I mean raan's never a bad thing but I
2270s will need low rank ones as well that's
2271s the problem
2275s yeah uh uh we could try
2280s barro yeah let's try let's try a high
2283s rank barro that would be fun okay yeah
2285s right if you oh I'll pop it in yeah you
2287s go ahead and post
2296s that biscuit says they just beat Breaky
2299s congrats
2300s that's you know quite the um if it's
2303s raging Breaky that that's quite a tough
2306s one for sure that is regular regular is
2308s a is a great uh challenge to complete
2316s mhm think is I've got vouches as well
2318s though so if we do go after some low
2321s rank Ray and
2323s stuff it shouldn't take long to get the
2326s taals in theory no news on Wilds uh in
2330s this stream uh we won't have anything to
2333s share about that game until the summer
2335s but it's coming up quickly so
2337s uh yeah you won't have to wait that much
2339s longer exactly the days are already
2341s getting longer it might be getting a
2343s little bit warmer um I think it is
2346s well here in the US it's uh I mean where
2349s where I'm at it's a little bit rainy but
2351s that's all
2353s right what's the weather like over there
2355s Jo uh it's been a lovely clear like
2359s wintry type day uh so a little bit
2362s chilly but lovely crisp air you know a
2364s couple of clouds in the sky how about
2365s you
2367s it's it's very rainy and windy right now
2370s but it's actually been okay for the last
2371s few weeks so um yeah the last couple
2374s days have been a little bit of an
2376s anomaly that's not
2379s bad all right rain recently right so
2382s let's get the tracks too yes definitely
2385s oh it it brought me straight to barro oh
2388s you got you got uh dropped did you
2391s yes I see a bunch of footprints so I'm
2393s just going to grab those things yeah do
2395s it definitely get those is
2402s going take
2408s that I wouldn't dare start fighting it
2411s without
2412s you that's okay I'll be there soon
2415s enough to to get hit by the
2418s charge the uh the little whistle yeah
2424s slam right here I come I'm on the way
2427s I'm nearly there there you are I'm
2428s sneaking up through that little tunnel
2430s we took last time hello what's this oh
2434s yeah I see
2436s yeah see Amber there we go I need any
2440s bone piles you spot let me know oh there
2442s some or hair take that we'll do we'll
2446s do I just see a lot of uh Footprints and
2449s mucus and other nasty
2453s things hey no worries Tom and uh yeah no
2456s the must Community obviously we're quite
2457s biased but the monst Community are an
2459s awesome Bunch um so if you got any
2461s questions about the game the series or
2463s anything like that you're in a very good
2465s place to to ask them yeah
2468s absolutely yeah dual blades are
2470s definitely if you're like a Punchy kind
2472s of boxing type class that's quite speedy
2474s and can do flashy attacks yeah jewel
2476s blades is a great choice so even got the
2478s demon mode STS yeah love demon mode uh
2481s it's got a lot of great Mobility um
2484s which I think if you're new to the
2486s series um like you know the the amount
2489s of like animation commitment and things
2492s like that just like getting used to the
2493s the style of combat can be a little bit
2496s uh to like kind of grasp at first so the
2498s dual blades does give you like just a
2499s lot of flexibility in your movement and
2501s control over that so yeah it's good
2503s starting point welcome splake
2506s welcome okay barro is is proper on a run
2509s here see if I can slide down
2512s here and straight into the
2515s mount
2517s what is that that's like your fifth one
2519s in the Stream so far yeah yeah I'm going
2520s to be ah I scratched my face as he moved
2522s so I lost some stamina but yeah my plan
2524s is to go hard on the oh no he jumped oh
2527s yeah the new the new ways of getting me
2529s off of the uh the mound yeah okay I
2532s can't slack I keep going for an itch cuz
2534s my hair's like on my face oh in real
2537s life in real life yeah yeah yeah there
2540s we go Bob uh all
2545s yours
2548s oh my goodness I did not expect that
2550s that was
2552s hilarious I'm I'm just I am not doing a
2554s lot of damage we getting some part
2556s breaks though or is that the
2564s mud I do love all the sliding here is
2567s that what surprised
2568s you yeah just the mount going in
2570s straight away yeah oh that's going to
2575s hurt
2577s you must have got him close to another
2578s Mount now as
2580s well I feel like I didn't do a lot of
2582s damage but oh I think the mud's off now
2585s so probably going be all right oh here
2587s it
2588s comes down it goes missed that one time
2592s for another
2594s slide oh that was too
2596s far oh I messed up my combo
2600s there me too me too yeah now the mud's
2602s off the damage is much better we're
2604s getting some investigations as well Joe
2606s some high rank ones might give us some
2608s we get a r a rathium one I'll be like oh
2611s my goodness give me that oh yeah my
2614s damage is much fa and I've graded my
2615s jagas Edge as well so that'll help
2619s nice I'm still on my uh iron Hammer the
2623s classics there you go we can go aerial
2626s there we
2628s go oh oh yeah you beat me to it you're
2632s too fast on the mounts oh this is this
2634s is the sword and shield life you know
2635s it's not just insect cave that gets that
2639s fun I'm going to see if I can help do a
2642s little bit more damage on the
2647s brown there you go all
2650s yours I got a lovely view of
2661s that oh loving
2665s stuff
2668s yeah it is it is tough to do a lot of
2670s damage on the the head with this one
2673s yeah but that break that juicy break
2678s yeah oh I'm going to run over here oh
2680s there it
2684s is I just love sliding it's give me the
2688s oh yeah I love to slide and plch attacks
2690s and one good part break was that the
2692s head you got there I think it was I
2695s didn't I think you got the arms oh did I
2699s yeah that head can't be far off
2701s though there you go all
2704s yours here it b
2707s b it's such a satisfying sound effect it
2710s is it
2711s is nice there it is that would do some
2715s even juicier damage there now oh I see I
2717s see the piece there I want to is it
2722s cable I don't think so but let's take a
2724s look oh it is SC it's not often cuz I'm
2727s a sword and shield man if I solo bar off
2730s it's not often I break it scalp so it's
2733s a nice treat very nice treat yeah thank
2737s you thank you I appreciate that I'll
2738s make sure I will deliver some Tails as
2742s compensation yeah you've been you've
2743s been getting all the Tails working on it
2746s we got one one at each end there so you
2748s know we're not knocking each other
2750s around yeah I mean sometimes I get
2752s sometimes I get in your way because you
2753s know I'm used to like yeah like espe
2756s especially like what in rise and
2757s sunbreak obviously because I've got all
2759s my like Flinch free stuff like we all
2761s just group up the head don't we we're
2763s like there we go oh quality bone I
2766s needed that for the bone armor that's
2768s good nice yeah I I grabbed some of that
2771s too so you're you're a Flinch free kind
2774s of guy right J yeah absolutely as soon
2776s as I get the opportunity to put Flinch
2778s free on I'm like slotting that straight
2782s in I do appreciate a good Flinch free uh
2785s as a great SW main yeah oh gosh yeah but
2789s you know sometimes it's it's tempting to
2791s take other things you know yeah I mean
2793s cuz sword and short as well as quite low
2795s reach so you have to get close to the
2796s monster as like long sword great light
2798s great sword other weapons they they can
2800s stay a bit further back so you can get
2801s knocked out it's like no oh that's a PO
2809s break and then I got my health booster
2811s back if we need
2815s it
2829s come try to get the legs here yep come
2834s on the big golf
2838s swing the the big slam right on there oh
2841s here we
2844s go I got too ambitious there
2848s oh zapas saying that sometimes there's a
2850s little bit of difference yeah there'll
2851s be a slight delay there'll be a tiny
2853s tiny
2855s DeLay So hopefully that's not taking you
2857s out of the enjoyment Slinger Thorn oh
2860s there we go we got the Slinger Thorn one
2862s of my favorite Slinger ammos if not my
2864s favorite I think bomb is a close second
2867s but Thorn is just the concept and the
2869s effect is absolutely
2873s glorious yeah I think uh I do prefer
2876s the bom pods the super Flinch
2881s yeah oh I'm coming down I
2886s missed I'm a little behind you oh
2888s there's a mystery mystery wrath
2890s Footprints here and there's some mining
2892s or yeah good I hope there's some more
2894s bone piles around oh I got something
2895s rare what is that oh nice Nova
2899s Crystal bone piles where are you that's
2902s all right you do get some good stuff on
2904s this this local
2907s the more more Target
2912s Footprints oh no poor barro it's not not
2916s looking too
2921s hot oh an old scale we'll take
2928s that more Footprints while we are eating
2931s good
2934s here oh I forgot that's what we trying
2936s to do to be honest I just got so
2939s absorbed in trying to take this thing
2941s out oh yeah that give us a nice bit of
2942s progress no I dropped my form pod ah oh
2945s for the water yeah I was oh I'll grab
2948s that wait no I've already got one barro
2950s is taking us on a mission is it going to
2952s go bury itself in the mud yeah where did
2954s it
2955s go yeah it's gone gone for a little mud
2959s mask like follow
2962s Amber you can probably get a nice jump
2964s off this
2967s oh yeah you're already there having a
2972s snooze we get up
2974s there there's a jotus over there as well
2978s like what are you doing here
2981s hello where's Barett oh there cly
2986s disguised yeah all right shall
2989s I oh oh that was lovely look at that
2992s Flinch and there's a thorn pod on the
2994s head now nice
3000s oh lovely so much
3002s mud yeah and yeah it's got mud back on
3005s it and I've not got any of the Moss pods
3007s to knock it
3012s off
3018s oh yeah that that is giving it some good
3021s damage resistance I can't can't jump off
3024s that one
3028s sling a thorn in its head
3031s again oh that's a lot of
3036s Roars
3042s nice oh hold on who oh he's back
3049s no yes I don't know yes yeah maybe
3054s maybe oh look at
3058s that oh my God that was
3061s rude just like having a mud bar and B no
3064s baz is like slam I need to drink this
3068s thank you very
3071s much kill B I think barroth is too close
3075s to just probably uh taking the L for us
3079s to successfully do that yeah even though
3083s still absolutely hunting B respect
3091s oh yes heal me thank you pal I'm stunned
3094s thank goodness I got healed oh no no
3097s than goodness I got healed but it wasn't
3099s enough I had three qus HP as
3104s well oh my goodness I got
3107s B52 okay okay it's leaving okay I need
3110s to come to my
3112s uh right got to back off a little bit
3117s yeah I can't believe the tail swipe got
3120s me ah it happens it happens no I know
3123s and I'd just been healed as well I was
3125s like oh this is fine you know it's not
3126s going to get me and it got me it was an
3128s unexpected one I I get got it was uh I
3132s think I ran the wrong direction here
3134s yeah I really need to get away from from
3137s baz right
3138s now he's after
3140s here there you go I've got
3143s my stamina up
3148s uh is that some
3154s honey oh they they've just transitioned
3156s into the yeah there's B just exploding
3158s around the uh small monsters oh he's
3160s following me no no I haven't done my HP
3163s up stay
3167s away oh the music's
3170s there hopefully you can make it over
3172s here I have just I'm glad I popped my
3174s stamina up let's put it that
3182s way I've returned thank you for keeping
3185s it busy oh perfect
3188s timing I didn't realize it was that
3190s close and J toas is there as
3194s well yeah this one this one got
3197s crazy I did get a little bit
3200s spicy oh I got a tail off of that c yo
3204s jur
3206s let the man get his loot oh I got guys
3209s it's like oh no oh what's this please
3212s please just let us oh it's the bud okay
3216s I think I think jotus is
3219s leaving
3226s goodbye oh these these are some tanky
3229s tanky little small
3231s monsters there we go going to going to
3233s carve you up
3238s there we go got some scales that's a
3240s gacha I got the pronunciation just a bit
3243s wrong Grand gaja
3248s whisker oh man there we go we did it and
3251s I ate a cart from baz so it wasn't from
3253s the Target Monster so does it
3257s count I got the
3259s Scout so nobody can laugh at you exactly
3263s it mean it's B right like got to put
3265s respect on that yeah uh some Earth
3270s crystals crisis Jewel I do like
3273s resuscitate I do think that's a cool
3277s skill and we got a nice bit of progress
3279s as
3280s well uh remind me what resuscitate does
3283s again uh I believe in World it when
3287s you're like suffering from a negative
3291s status effect you get some Buffs I
3294s believe I think it's been a while since
3296s I've used it CU I didn't use it in rise
3298s and sunbreak
3300s uh I believe that's what it
3304s does yeah I I don't think I'm too
3307s familiar with that one uh it's like a
3309s nice Comfort skill I believe if I'm
3311s remembering it correctly yeah the buff
3313s you get stamina related so it increases
3315s your stamina and so like if you get like
3318s you know like turn out rice and sunre
3320s like if I got ice or water blight it was
3323s really good to kind of just counteract
3324s that I can just keep playing normally
3326s without having to worry about what my
3327s stamina was looking
3329s like might actually be useful for me
3331s though oh yeah maximum might in uh world
3335s for sword and shield because of how it
3336s works is a interesting one right okay
3341s um let's see what the Hub Blast has I
3345s mean post a new Quest can I oh I can't
3348s do any investigations there uh
3354s optional
3364s what do you got what do you got I'm
3365s going to I'm not sure I'm going to go
3367s down to the trade yard
3373s quickly cuz we got ra we could do some
3375s rra in and bits but I'm seeing if I I
3377s can just grab some bits quickly
3379s first uh and also see what the barroth
3382s high rank is like as well see if there's
3384s any uh
3389s oh handed in my bounties as
3393s well manage investigations okay now I
3396s can get some investigations for us if we
3398s want oh maybe I should go down yaku
3401s bronze bronze gold uh hunt barroth
3403s capture
3404s Kulu hunt barroth do I have any raian
3407s ones even if they're low
3412s rank best boid best boid great Jag G
3415s jackers Kulu great jackers Kulu guu or
3419s gaju
3422s sorry v boid no rans
3426s yet hunt great geros or giros I'm going
3429s to pop that one on there b low rank low
3433s rank
3441s yeah my high rank ones are capture
3443s barroth capture Kulu hunt barroth
3446s capture Kulu slay cadon yeah I got the
3450s slay cadon one as well um but I see hunt
3452s barroth capture barro and Hunt
3456s Kulu should we do one of the high rank
3459s hunt
3460s rathians just like Quest cool I'll quick
3463s go get bar and then maybe after that
3464s Quest we open up the lobby do some
3466s farming with the the community sounds
3469s like a
3472s play oh yeah resuscitate also increases
3474s yeah your I think eye frames your your
3477s dodg and vulnerability M it's a nice
3480s skill it's like especially if you're
3481s reckless like me I'm quite a reckless
3483s player in regards like throwing caution
3485s to the wind so you can get the status
3487s effect you can be like I'll live
3490s probably
3492s uh I feel like I'm a pretty reckless
3495s player I mean you're a hammer player
3497s yeah first and foremost I uh you know I
3501s like comfy hunting which means if I get
3504s hit
3506s I plan on living yeah oh we can get high
3509s rank gear for our Pico I can make
3513s the a look at that zor GE I can make the
3517s ran set the bar yeah I guess I should go
3519s take a look yeah I'll get some okay so
3522s the helmet is the
3525s same you still got your fancy pants I do
3528s I'm still looking the part you know
3531s still looking I mean my other gar low
3533s rank stuff is still fine for my Pico
3534s it's not much of a difference
3539s actually oh yeah the arch tempered vcan
3542s gives free coalescence and resuscitation
3545s obviously coalescence gives you Buffs
3547s after you recover from a negative status
3550s effect M um which is very very
3555s nice yeah we'll do a w there's two raian
3557s quests as well to choose from um I
3560s wonder if is one in the is one in the
3562s forest let's have a look
3567s post a new Quest
3571s mask we could take a look at the Moss wi
3574s Mass on my screen here but that
3575s nothing's
3579s funny okay that is H yes so we can go to
3581s the Ancient Forest if you want or we can
3584s go wild Spire for
3588s rathen uh
3591s let's H I don't know what do you prefer
3593s what do you prefer you know let's have a
3594s let's have a quick change of scenery
3600s okay Camp one or Camp 11 for wrath let's
3603s do Camp one just because I can't
3605s remember actually hold on I want to use
3607s a ticket I want to use a ticket uh leave
3610s the
3620s quest
3623s oops there's a Mark
3629s here a lucky
3632s voucher nice got eat we're doing good
3636s good to see you Black Ops how are you
3638s Joe Black Ops is asking I'm doing good
3641s I'm doing
3642s good it's very busy times over in Capcom
3646s world but we are we're doing our thing
3650s it's very
3652s exciting and obviously you popped out a
3655s new Dragon's Dogma 2 trailer yesterday
3657s after the PlayStation
3658s showcase yes yes um yeah I don't want to
3662s talk too much about Dragon sgma 2 but
3666s don't mind if I
3668s do but yes we trailer and uh yeah you
3672s can see the um the new warfare vocation
3676s um which basically lets you use skills
3680s from every other vocation which is
3681s pretty cool that's cool but it does have
3684s uh quite a skill cealing yeah I imagine
3687s some of the crazy combinations you can
3688s do yes oh we're back in the forest it's
3691s it's nice to be
3695s here hang in there see it's quite nice
3698s about about the sword and shield because
3700s I have I have my you know slicing weapon
3704s and I've also got a blunt weapon because
3706s my shield is blunt and my sword is sharp
3709s and slicey so I can like you know get
3711s best of both WS in my opinion I'm just
3714s one world
3715s oh the world Bonk
3719s yeah uh what we got first a okay so our
3723s first IR rank Ancient Forest for a so
3727s and it's raining it's foggy it looks
3730s beautiful though I love the sound of the
3731s rain par and makes me want to have a
3734s nap more Footprints Yum Yum Yum
3738s Yum hold on hold on I have an
3743s idea
3745s we're doing net fishing we're doing Lazy
3750s fishing not working anymore scared them
3753s off by using the net that's need to get
3755s one and done with the net then they're
3757s like now we're out here all right that's
3760s enough of that yeah I got I got a sushi
3762s fish it's fine
3765s worth those are pretty pretty helpful
3768s they they are very
3773s much
3776s oh yes we do have to do some arm
3777s wrestling we will we have absolutely I
3780s mean jonno and I will take our weekly L
3782s yeah we got to take that on the chin I
3785s think I think I think between the two of
3788s us we've won maybe one total and that
3790s was you I think as well that
3792s won H I must have uh somebody must have
3795s sandbagged for me to win that's the only
3797s way got to make the Capcom team feel
3800s feel better about themselves yeah yeah
3802s they're like oh they might stop
3803s streaming yeah no more arm wrestlers
3805s banned that's
3809s it and now we're in high ranks so
3811s they're going to hit us even harder I
3812s think you know they going easy on us
3814s before
3817s yeah I must learn the tech yeah I need
3822s to stop using my thumb and use my
3823s forefinger or something instead maybe I
3825s need to switch to
3827s keyboard time to rebind
3833s yeah uh
3835s some more mystery
3837s Footprints dashes oh there's a moss wine
3841s there as well oh it's anath hello engine
3844s oh hello just dumping
3848s by it's leading us on up
3851s here I'll let you win the final stream
3854s before Wilds
3856s releases gonna Gonna Keep Us waiting are
3859s you for our
3862s win um oh now it's leading me oh wow
3866s rathen has swooped in
3871s oh there we go give me your tail there
3874s we are give me your tail did you mount
3876s already yeah yeah I made the most of
3878s that
3886s slope with the quickness oh yes that's
3890s my that is my objective right give me
3892s that
3893s tail
3898s get in the Bonks Bonk
3901s in boom nice tail damage and I think
3905s we're near one of my favorite Ledges we
3908s are I I got hit by the tail Swip
3912s oh there we go that's a good angle oh no
3914s I keep missing it oh I'm so close to
3917s getting so many so many hit here we go
3920s that's what I wanted straight into
3921s another Mount so that's what it's great
3923s for you still start chaining the m
3928s and you just break everything with yours
3929s you do big
3931s damage here oh is that what all the
3933s shouting was
3935s yeah yeah we'll be opening up the lobby
3938s after this one artist so uh be
3941s not I'm going to end on the tail head
3944s look at you
3950s go uh let it that was cool looking but I
3953s didn't hit anything yeah it's it's all
3956s about the
3957s style there's there's a lot of noise
3959s going on that's not good I'm like what's
3962s what's all that what's all that
3964s hassle oh thank you for the health
3968s booster oh my goodness this is not
3980s good
3983s oh oh goodness from the top rope
3989s there I really got to get my radio menu
3992s all set yeah I need to work on mine as
3994s well this is chaos yeah oh there I'm
3999s being voled oh no oh no what's going on
4005s yeah I to be fair I might actually have
4006s dung bombs on me I do have dung pods on
4009s me
4010s oops yes we
4013s do we need that uh I'm going back out
4017s for a little bit I think I've got feline
4019s foodie so I didn't lose my food Buffs oh
4022s good good yeah I got I got bodied we're
4025s definitely going to need armor upgrades
4026s soon I think this is what this is
4027s teaching us yep
4029s yep yeah that that hit hard I might
4033s have is like to hitting us at this point
4037s yeah and but when you got two of them
4038s volley in you it's yeah okay we we'll
4041s head this way now moving the other way
4043s yeah let's I'm doing well you know
4044s eating a couple of cuts I should really
4046s you see if I can squeeze fortify on at
4048s this
4050s rate man that got crazy that did that
4054s went from not to 100 real quick yeah we
4056s were like in total control and then all
4058s of a sudden it it's over watch out the
4061s power oh no rra had just moved out oh no
4064s we got it we got it there we go yes done
4067s yeah just like barely caught it yeah
4070s just that clutch tail hit yeah I think
4073s we always um we keep thinking that uh
4076s you can
4078s yeah oh no we both got H huh yeah I got
4083s the health booster down let me drop in
4085s that oh wait for my Pico to drop a heal
4089s yeah I need to put uh Mega my wheel I'm
4093s coming
4096s in yeah I'm glad that worked I was like
4099s it's going to hit me otherwise think a
4100s fireball was about to come out of our
4103s mouth
4107s get on that tail again I want that tail
4109s I need them all for my grand
4113s scheme
4115s nice there we go oh there you go got the
4119s gajalakas here as well so we might get
4121s another paralysis
4124s possibly oh the
4127s Sleep
4129s nice ta give it to me hand it over I
4134s miss
4135s yes combat cve go go go I've got an
4139s investigation off of that as well oh
4141s I've Just Seen My
4142s Health I got a scale for my combat carve
4145s no the karma that's that was the karma
4149s for sure see when you combat carve the
4152s game's like yeah it knows it knows it
4154s knows it's like so much for that R Spike
4158s huh oh nice there you go you did all
4160s that work on the head break I hit the
4161s head once and broke it I CR for nothing
4165s man I when it comes to any of the wraths
4168s I'm a tail Hunter like yeah like wrath
4172s Wan Rathalos silver loss gold Lo like
4175s rathon like yeah like the tails are so
4178s important for sword and shield
4181s stuff I will Greed for Tails yeah you're
4184s a tail fanatic yeah it's the only
4186s monster I'm like that with as well or
4188s the only set of monsters I should say oh
4190s lovely stagger I think I was about to
4192s get hit as
4193s well
4195s uhoh oh
4199s no
4203s nice wonderful oh I'm glad that tail was
4206s gone cuz I would have got bad yeah same
4209s here oh too far too far ah going to keep
4213s the shield up there take a little bit
4215s chip
4216s damage oh no I messed that
4220s up Health
4222s booster oh r or yeah I need to not not
4227s underestimate the damage
4232s here okay okay sharpen yeah just just
4236s take a breath take a
4240s breath oh more investigations though oh
4242s Anna's back no no thanks mate yeah you
4245s get your tail yeah let's see what I get
4247s from
4247s it I got a spike because you were a good
4252s Hunter you did not abandon your teammate
4255s to to try and get it
4258s early the game did not uh approve of
4262s your behavior no I was punished some
4264s might say degenerate Behavior K
4266s absolutely you know absolutely it would
4268s have been the next level would have been
4269s me getting carted off of the back of it
4273s like Abe says it's okay I combat carve
4276s too yeah that's the secret sometimes you
4280s got to do it you got to do it you might
4281s forget about the tail something might
4282s happen you just that's why in r in the
4284s rise and sunbreak streams it was like a
4287s bit of a meme that I would always forget
4289s about the tals and they'd be in chat
4291s like get the tail get the tail and then
4292s in game they even had like some shouts
4294s for me to get the tail I was terrible
4297s for it so now you know and especially
4300s cuz I really need the parts you maybe
4302s you were too polite before you know and
4304s now now you're being too rude yeah you
4306s know this you know this G myself a
4309s little little tail treat every now and
4311s again you know little treat
4318s On These Wings think we get there yeah I
4321s think it's another M oh that's tried to
4324s stagger with a stone it's not the same
4326s oh no I messed up that mount oh oh you
4328s might have done it who that was a load
4331s of hits that was nutty not that much
4333s damage actually good
4335s stagger that they I think we're right
4337s near another Mount if I'm
4339s honest oh I need to around get
4342s a i Ed the the stones get down here
4348s yeah no no I might end up hitting a bird
4351s at this rate yeah there was an attempt
4353s there was an attempt can I get an A for
4359s effort see now if I had like a scatter
4362s or
4365s something got to keep the decor when
4367s cruising for the the Wrath
4371s Tales is she going all the way to the
4373s top
4375s yeah it looks like it's pretty far away
4378s there's a scale here as well for the uh
4382s the definitely not green
4388s wrath I'll go for Redemption like look
4391s at all this lovely stuff you can get
4393s here the out of combat pickups um I
4397s don't think I saw the scale maybe I
4399s didn't see oh maybe you've already got
4400s it yeah yeah I probably missed it
4402s because it was just the one item
4404s so you go for the tail but you miss the
4406s stuff that
4407s falls for everybody yeah yeah I don't
4411s have any bombs on me to do the waterfall
4413s I'm afraid and I don't think I can craft
4417s anything or I don't have the relevant
4419s materials to craft that specifically
4421s yeah I don't think either of us have
4423s bombs this way like we said you know we
4425s are broke we we are we are brand new H
4428s wul
4429s unprepared and uh we're trying to go in
4432s with pure skill which we don't have
4436s true and you know I I have plenty of
4439s Wrath scale pluses
4443s though that Spike eludes Me Maybe maybe
4446s I'll get I mean I did use a lucky
4448s voucher so you know maybe maybe the game
4450s will be like ah kept you waiting huh
4453s give you it'll give you
4456s one all right we're almost there man we
4459s were so close we could have taken it out
4461s there but uh we were just maybe a couple
4462s hits too soon fire an SOS I'll come in
4465s and bomb the waterfall and
4468s leave destroys waterfall says nothing
4474s Lees what are the oh
4478s hello misfired scales is Rathalos is
4482s here Rathalos is here oh no maybe we can
4486s get Rathalos to activate the waterfall
4489s oh boy while rathan is asleeping oh
4491s they're both awake oh no he's woke
4494s up all I'm over here fight me no don't
4498s go after me look at that guy hello I'm
4501s going to shoot stones at you hello there
4503s we
4506s go oh oh I'm going to St here with my or
4510s sat here stand here said both at
4512s once that's it that's it one more hit
4515s maybe I've just got my shield up I gota
4518s go you done it Joe oh no I'm here as
4522s well no no no
4524s there goes
4525s rathen I baz is here as well Gojo dude
4529s get out of here baz is just blown up he
4531s heard he's coming down the
4533s tree oh man he's gone for Rathalos this
4536s is nuts this is nuts right okay let's go
4538s go go go go go they're all
4541s fighting yeah the Miss fight SC uh oh
4544s and then he turns up as everything goes
4545s down oh hello did I miss
4549s anything oh this is this is
4552s nuts
4560s who oh man good job I'm going to go back
4565s to base and see what investigations we
4567s got oh yeah man what in the world that
4570s yeah I love like not to 100 the this
4573s this Quest so anaf turns up leaves after
4577s cting me and oh I got R ins Spire from a
4580s car and
4581s then baz turns up
4584s Rathalos turns up the waterfall gets
4588s exploded yeah it's too bad that we
4590s didn't get wrath with the uh the
4592s waterfall there was flying at least he
4595s kept baz busy for us
4597s yeah that was really exciting though
4599s super that was yeah like I say like
4601s that's one of what I love about the game
4603s is like the unpredictable nature
4607s especially when you got like Invader
4608s monsters kind of coming out now would we
4611s have said the same if we double carded
4613s there I don't know I would have been
4615s like man I can't believe it we got three
4619s peed we got third
4621s partied third
4626s party oh my goodness did I get another
4629s no I didn't get another tail that's an
4631s excuse to hunt wrath again ah yeah yeah
4635s I think we're pretty close on the
4636s footprints too we doing really yeah I
4638s mean we're g to get a chunk from this as
4640s well yeah oh yeah yeah yeah almost there
4645s investigation has made progress report
4647s to the ecological research team okay
4649s yeah no we got it yeah
4653s nice I thought we weren't quite there
4655s yet but let's
4657s see
4659s uh okay
4664s andth speak to the chief
4670s ecologist what do you think is it time
4672s to open it up yeah yeah let's open it up
4674s let's get the community in uh I'll just
4676s make sure I've got the okay oh my
4678s monster Field Guide is massively updated
4681s I should probably talk to him a bit more
4684s um right let's put get ready everyone if
4687s you want to come do some hunts obviously
4689s we ask that you just match the level of
4690s equipment we have so we are in the first
4693s tier of high rank so you're looking at
4696s the first set of gear that's purple or
4699s any purple gear I think but yeah
4702s basically yeah try match the monsters
4704s and the gear we're using if you'd be so
4706s kind and that is the lobby ID in
4709s twitch so I should have should have said
4712s you I just surprise drop down
4714s so yeah for armor we're about Rarity
4717s five
4719s nice barroth Kulu jagas vbid or vbid you
4723s know what people meme on these kind of
4725s ones but they're really good for getting
4726s the vest boid items without having to
4728s you know uh like carefully dissect them
4732s okay no no WTH ones yeah a lot of pke
4734s pke and and great
4738s jagas large Monster Hunt yeah thank
4742s you um are we opening it up yeah yeah
4745s it's people are in people are coming in
4747s oh okay Goa let me put that code into
4750s YouTube Sorry Youtube folk that's my bad
4753s that's my bad no you're I did a baz and
4756s I did a basil geese and just
4761s went right how am I looking on the so if
4764s I look at the sword and
4765s shield okay so for the rathan sword and
4769s shield I need a plate and well I can
4773s make the base version when I get three
4774s low rank
4776s spikes then I need uh one more high rank
4781s spike in a plate to make the high rank
4783s version Rarity 5 and that'll put me in a
4785s really good place
4790s um so I'm definitely kind of starting to
4792s like highe up I up that on the armor
4796s front
4798s uh okay I can make some bone armor Joe I
4801s can make some bone armor see now this
4803s one's funny I can make attack I can make
4806s the beta version which gives me attack
4808s boost level one and get a one slot but
4811s then I'd only put attack in it or I
4812s could make the Alpha version and which
4815s has attack boost to it
4817s it um the bone B bracers obviously
4820s Slugger an attack boost or just Slugger
4825s um bone coil is horn
4829s mro I'm going to make the chest plate I
4833s think I think I'm going to upgrade that
4835s for some more attack up
4838s um what else is there they not tons I
4841s can make I can make and arms but they're
4845s poison attack anyway uh okay we're going
4847s to go bone armor alpha or bone maale
4852s Alpha I think
4856s yeah I would very much like to make the
4858s rathen uh armor but I can't afford
4861s anything uh don't have no scales yeah I
4864s actually need yeah I need some scales
4866s and also yeah I don't have quite I don't
4868s have a lot of
4869s Zen I'm at
4874s 22 yeah any anything will be better than
4876s the low rank here you you are right you
4878s are
4880s right what about the alloy stuff here
4882s defense boost speed sharpening poison
4884s resist speed sharpening speed sharpen
4886s poison resist uh I can make more bone
4889s stuff oh okay um what have I got at the
4892s moment though on my
4895s arms
4897s uh Ingot gives me Health
4900s boost which I kind of like I won't lie
4903s and I can't replace that
4910s yet I mean do I want more defense
4913s or do I want Health boost probably
4915s Health
4917s boost probably Health boost I
4921s think for now at least CU like some of
4924s the rra and stuff as well uh has Health
4927s boost on it MH like the helmet has
4930s Health boost and poison attack uh but I
4932s can't make that cuz I need Inferno
4938s sacks we're getting there though with
4941s there these stats are starting to come
4942s together
4945s it looks like the arm wrestling is
4947s already beginning oh has it I need to
4948s come up
4967s oh oh the zor magaros quest can reappear
4970s now
4972s yes
4974s oh yeah we're avoiding using the
4975s defender gear at the moment we're going
4976s for like the the traditional the
4979s traditional route I think is that the
4981s right yeah I would say so you know uh
4985s like
4985s authentic high rank experience I guess
4988s yeah and to say there's nothing wrong
4990s with using Defender Armor it's there for
4991s a reason it's there to use um but me and
4994s Joe going yet for the the classic
4996s monster pieces and and kind of the
4998s initial Journey like pre- Defender gear
5001s uh arrival all right so do we we've
5003s already fought engine so we can probably
5005s just go into this together right uh yeah
5008s yeah hold on I got some business to take
5010s care of here oh yeah yeah I won't put
5011s the quest in yet uh yeah some arm
5016s wrestling and then good luck I believe
5018s in
5019s you I got my fancy
5022s that's Oh no you're fine you got this
5025s you got this y
5029s nice ne's here
5031s now oh there's no way there's no way I'm
5034s GNA
5035s win this it now now you ready you got
5038s this you got one in the bag time for a
5041s second jundan says
5046s robbed go on Jo
5052s go oh
5054s unlucky there I'll defend our
5057s honor go get him J oh neps you've
5061s clearly tied NEP
5064s out oh let me let me get into uh to view
5067s mode here there you go here comes R I'm
5071s getting ready I've adjusted my
5074s stance I'm going to start bashing it
5081s now oh no oh my goodness clearly in my
5086s old
5088s age okay now we got the real rivalry
5091s here all right all right managed to pull
5093s around on NEP last
5095s stream um see how it goes
5099s today or NEP going for the psych out
5104s there a little bit of a fake
5107s out oh it's it's anyone Zen on this
5113s one
5115s oh there we go let's see what happens
5118s after this hunt see if it world champion
5121s has been taken out
5124s neps neps winning streak
5126s continues right okay I'll pop this in
5129s folks do let Joe join in the quest as
5131s well please
5133s um uh or the option is we both go in
5136s with our own
5137s group if you think your internet will be
5140s all right then we get more people
5143s involved right yeah maybe we do on the
5145s next one let's let's stick yeah okay
5146s let's do this one together yeah leave
5149s me okay right I'm popping it in four
5152s people
5153s uh we'll start Camp one I'm not going to
5156s be chasing Anna gear so I'm not going to
5158s use a
5166s voucher all right I'm inap there's Bri
5170s and there's mad artist right we're gonna
5172s go go hunt the ANF and then for the next
5175s Quest gang so stick around cuz me and
5177s Joe can have two lobbies going at once
5180s in the same hunt and we can get more
5182s people
5185s yeah we'll split off on the next one
5186s yeah Mommy always
5191s wins oh uh jonno I don't think you watch
5194s wrestling so you don't know the
5195s references but it's not for years you
5197s know like not since I was I was quite a
5200s bit
5205s shorter uh there we
5209s go here we go so high rank angna
5216s zalafa says they can engage their bicep
5218s in such a way that they twitch their
5219s forearm and such my hand is able to mash
5222s the certain
5224s button so they're they're
5231s biohacking going to do this one hunt
5233s you've got to go no worries it's great
5235s you could join us for this one artist
5237s yeah of course if we see us if we see
5240s any other monsters in the meantime we
5242s can we can take a little
5244s detour um especially if that monster is
5248s green and called
5250s rathon um you
5253s know we need to start Focus farming some
5255s stuff for you as well I think Joe is
5257s anyone is anyone sorry is anything
5258s caught your
5260s eye um I think it's just raian uh
5263s materials as well that's good it's good
5265s that they saying we both want no
5269s rathan it's such a good gear you know uh
5272s the early game very reliable got good
5276s skills I've come a bit far this way
5279s there we go no I'm just I'm just missing
5281s I'm going to have to go classic sword
5283s and shield here that was a
5286s bow yeah I was trying to use the uh the
5289s kind of like where the pillar you can
5291s run up and plunge off
5294s of oh NE with the insect yeah very cool
5298s that mountain going straight
5301s in
5303s let's shoot some rocks in Anna's face
5306s and then I'll go to the
5311s tail oh Anna having none of it yeah oh
5316s uh oh oh stop that anath I still haven't
5319s got any life Powers either I'm
5324s like that was bright there good shout I
5327s was like oh flashed me as
5330s well oh I missed how awk me
5333s too I missed
5337s again can hear lots of slashing
5340s occurring there's so much happening I'm
5342s flailing around
5348s oh I'll get out the way
5357s there oh there's some
5360s uh oh I got hit oh no no not like this
5365s not again
5371s anath I'm I'm going to drink that I'm
5374s actually been battered around on this
5377s one oh I'm totally
5379s missing so we got some Slinger bombs
5383s now legs been softened up a little bit
5386s there very
5388s nice everyone's like get the leg Yeah
5391s it's not going over crap oh
5399s nice there we go oh there some lovely
5402s damage
5405s numbers was that another Mount round two
5412s there oh man lovely
5421s work oh the tail moved at the last
5423s second and I missed the
5427s plunge oh so many knock Downs yeah I'm
5431s getting all these Slinger
5432s bombs it's going to make the most of
5434s them there we go I'll spam some
5438s staggers oh
5440s man I'm back
5442s here oh just caught the
5450s tail got one more bard oh we're nearly
5452s there keep going keep
5455s firing Slinger
5461s bom I don't know if that's hit
5464s it rip it oh yeah Greg fire
5469s everything oh no I'm on a wing Drake I'm
5472s going the wrong
5476s way come back here
5481s Eng
5485s oh oh no I did that way too early what
5488s was I
5492s thinking oh there's the
5495s poison I've just allowed myself to get
5497s knocked into
5499s oh get that Shield
5503s up go go go a nice investigation
5509s oh there we go
5513s oh
5514s nice oh there's some poison coming out I
5518s am now poisoned myself nice work
5521s everyone
5526s W it's so much easier when we have a
5529s yeah everyone's just going all in very
5531s skilled
5535s teammates or ANF nosebone
5539s plus oh oh I got the anine gem oh I
5543s heard it I heard it oh
5550s wonderful that was a big boom so my
5554s first
5555s Gem of uh this journey I know I know I'm
5559s like is there any ANF stuff I
5562s want I mean I won't you know got I'll
5564s show my gratitude for get it though I do
5567s do appreciate having it after all that
5569s com combat carving you're getting some
5571s good luck now I know now I've stopped
5573s combat caring the game like you are
5575s forgiven the desire sensor has returned
5577s to be
5592s on got some nice anre
5598s pieces oh rathan jumped up a bit more
5603s new optional quests are available and
5604s the cen's been
5606s upgraded
5608s nice we like that we like that're making
5611s some good progress we
5618s are let's check these
5624s investigations uh
5626s arph oh so many exclamation marks grab
5631s them I need bone pile or so I'll put
5634s that on can I complete any deliveries
5639s no I need to check my
5642s investigations uh Kulu
5645s Kulu
5652s jagas nice job
5654s Coco took out your first black spiky
5657s horned monster that must be
5660s nante
5668s hello hello
5671s TR I'm going take a look at the high
5673s rank and your gear
5681s quickly if you see anything good let me
5684s know it's good if you can run in fire
5686s element
5688s uh yeah I don't think that armor that
5690s will be for either of us
5692s other than
5695s fashion it's not insignificant though no
5698s not at
5703s all there you go getting more
5706s requests pop that
5708s in go see the mular chef you think it's
5711s time to double up yeah we double up yeah
5714s yeah we can do different quests same
5716s Quest whichever whatever stuff you need
5717s really all
5720s right
5722s let me figure out what I'm looking for
5724s yeah let's have a look yeah I can't
5726s craft anything
5728s andth
5732s unfortunately so there's zor
5735s magaros PUK PUK an
5738s janath jotus I don't think I need any
5741s jotus here I do think is I need
5744s rathen um but I don't have ran
5747s investigation does anyone in the lobby
5750s have high rank ran investig
5752s a asking for a
5754s friend I'm the friend Joe is also the
5758s friend Joe also needs WRA investigations
5761s let me take a look if if I have any I
5763s don't I'm all like tier tier one kind of
5767s thing you know the the entry level
5769s monsters
5777s MH you can post an investigation see
5780s yeah we need high rank I mean pink rum
5783s will be useful but I don't think me and
5784s Joe can fight it yet oh yeah yeah but
5788s yeah if you got an investigation nor
5790s like standing ran for high rank that
5792s would be
5793s wonderful
5796s wonderful and if two of you have got one
5798s post one post another one as well so me
5801s and Joe can both yeah it sounds like neb
5804s and mad artist both have one so may we
5806s can split off and into our separate
5808s quests with with our friends here
5813s I we've got the optionals for them as
5814s well mad uh we're trying to see if we
5816s can get a cheeky few more
5818s um investigation
5822s ones
5824s uh yeah we've we've got that one mad
5826s have you got have you got any
5827s investigations yet your your glorious HR
5834s 56 oh here comes Gram's have gone gone
5837s looking I imagine yeah that's all right
5840s uh I will go with uh m
5842s let's do
5844s that getting your aan
5848s on yeah that's all
5851s good and Ne if you could post that joh
5855s you want to join yeah sure sure there
5857s you go uh all
5862s right oh yeah this is a silver silver
5864s gold so Joe if NEP wants to do this
5866s again afterwards oh this is a two-player
5868s one as well oh this one um
5874s all right I'm taking off with I tell you
5877s what so on the next hunt do you want to
5880s team up with NEP and do the two-player
5884s rathen yeah yeah either way or we can we
5887s can go back to a four player so we can
5888s get people in yeah sounds good oh we've
5891s just got the the lobby open electric
5894s I'll put the
5896s um I'll put the code in twitch chat
5899s again this is Lobby ID
5902s yeah I've joined one of the campsites
5904s I've not unlocked yet as well oh oh no
5907s the wing Drake dropped me outside of it
5908s oh no it put me in the secret area with
5911s all the loot
5913s oh yes got the what you find uh I've got
5917s some Advanced armor spheres
5919s already um getting some of the
5924s cacti oh I got the the special oh it's
5926s the rare
5928s cacti I got the kingly
5930s cactus
5934s two separate Quest now oh I got two
5936s kingly cactuses oh my
5941s goodness uh you're with NE that's right
5944s yeah yeah on the investigation okay yeah
5946s we're two two hunter in this one gotcha
5954s gotcha and you've got four Hunters with
5957s you haven't you yes sir very nice well
5961s three free with
5963s youal yeah in we're in separate Quest
5966s now you know I as a hunter I'm here to
5968s hunt monsters not not count you know
5971s I that's my excuse yeah our brains don't
5975s work that way
5977s exactly me hunt
5982s monster
5987s uh there's wrath where's neb NE I'm on
5991s my own and I'm
5996s scared right we're all fighting rathan
5998s now nice I'm I'm following rathan neps
6003s on the way I'm going to see if I can get
6006s a
6007s cheeky Mountain no I didn't there
6009s interesting we got to make sure to get
6010s some tracks right yes if you see them
6013s but then hunting this monster alone will
6016s probably get you just over the
6020s edge
6023s ah I missed the The Finisher
6029s there I've gone for the mount at the
6033s moment look like we got a bow and what's
6038s the other weapon here if I can SL down
6041s this oh a hunting horn that's
6045s beautiful love for the hunting horn user
6048s yeah Salona with the hunting horn
6052s yeah go I managed to string out the
6054s mount until uh NEP
6072s arrived try to get a stun oh go for
6078s it oh I got roared out the air I about
6081s to do very meaty
6084s plunge there we
6088s go we're going hard on the
6092s mountain hey no worries lardin it's
6094s awesome to you've got the chair that's
6096s the Rathalos one
6098s right CU if so yeah very very very
6101s cool ca's taking out these
6105s MOS oh got knocked away all right forget
6110s that
6117s here too Toby yeah I totally whiffed my
6121s tail Rush
6132s there oh no it's the puddle pod isn't it
6135s to get mud off not the Moss pod I don't
6137s think I've just realized I just picked
6139s up a puddle pod I was like that's the
6140s one
6143s got another Mount I've got three
6145s Mountain so far I'm just going ham on
6147s that you've had so many in this whole
6149s session that is that is definitely my
6151s world and Ice borwn play style I love
6153s going for the
6159s mounts oh rathan is going to
6169s sleep no bombs okay that's right I'll
6171s let you wake it up
6179s then R's trying to get away
6184s here same that timeing at the same time
6188s did the
6189s same looks like it's going
6194s up oh nice flash bar oh really great
6198s work your
6200s side
6203s oh I'm so nearly got the the target mod
6206s set nice captured well done well done
6210s nice work we're nearly done I need to
6213s get on that tail give me your
6215s tail
6222s ah nice I don't feel like I did a lot so
6225s thank you guys that very kind of them
6228s yeah thank you thank you really
6230s appreciate that
6233s there
6235s oh going to put down the health booster
6237s oh no I'm stunned oh no no no no no no
6240s no no no wakey
6243s wakey oh no I'm one hit away from
6247s carton no and we've got the
6249s investigation all done
6253s nice I'm just healing at the moment oh
6256s there we go Ran's
6260s down
6265s there we go got the get the rush off on
6269s there oh the tail came off with the the
6272s last move or of the the combo so that
6274s looked very stylish I'm not going to
6276s combat cve this time though I've learned
6278s my lesson don't do it or do it just
6283s whispering in my ear the rang on my
6285s shoulder like yes yes do it just don't
6289s forget the tail exactly yeah it's lying
6292s there
6293s waiting NEP is going hard as well with
6296s the
6305s hammer there can't be much left in the
6307s tank yeah there we
6308s go lovely work well played NEP thank you
6311s for sharing that
6313s investigation oh no way I carved a tail
6316s and got a
6319s ruby
6324s oh it's the opposite of the
6327s scale I won't complain about a ruby yeah
6332s oh man thanks for joining us mad as well
6335s yeah I was like oh I'm doing an
6338s animation I got the
6344s Ruby oh no there's some bones I can grab
6347s over here go go go go go
6349s go yeah the devil Joe on the shoulder or
6353s the GU M on the shoulder probably would
6354s have been more apt yeah I think devil
6357s Joe makes sense it sat right there yeah
6360s yeah I just saw rajang in the horns and
6362s I was
6366s like you have a Toby kadachi and
6373s rathen okay I've unlocked old monster in
6376s the new world I got a plate as well in
6379s the rewards but but no t I got two
6381s plates in the rewards ah but but no
6384s extra tail so I still need a tail but I
6386s got two plates so I just need the low
6388s rank materials now so that's going
6390s pretty
6393s well thank you what do you think we got
6395s time for one more yeah absolutely
6398s absolutely what should we hunt I got a
6400s nice end screen there by the way as
6403s well that was a gold crown
6409s small that is a cool cool cool
6415s picture what do you want to hunt Joe
6417s what should we
6424s hunt I mean Toby Karachi is kind of
6427s interesting since we saw it in the Last
6429s Quest but yeah I don't know what are you
6431s thinking what do you feel let's have a
6433s look I'm looking at Armor right
6436s now oh I'm going to go look at some
6439s armor as well
6441s yeah ironically I need the low rank gear
6443s I'm like yeah I'm going for the ran Helm
6447s so I can get the double Health
6449s boost that's true if I don't need to use
6451s taals for it I could probably make some
6453s raian armor actually I should probably
6455s do that I should probably follow your
6457s your
6458s uh lead on that one I'm going to give up
6461s my uh my Slugger on my low rank armor
6463s craft the
6466s Zora s torso piece male piece bar off
6470s culu
6473s what Zora piece are you doing again
6475s sorry the um I did uh the Zora
6481s hide so that's the just piece that's a
6484s nice piece I don't think I can make that
6485s b yet unless I've got the extra ore or
6493s something I think someone what's that in
6495s chat I
6497s missed uh uh sorry if someone types
6501s there I saw someone saying oh if
6502s anyone's got time I need help with and I
6505s missed it so if you type that
6507s again
6508s uh we can help you
6511s out or you can you know you'll probably
6513s be carrying us through it anyway
6515s but yeah I don't know how much help will
6518s be but you know if it's us somebody else
6521s can I need Inferno sacks and quality
6523s bones to make make these bits
6527s interesting monster
6529s broth
6533s oh you need Joda stuff yeah yeah I don't
6535s mind it's always good to get some water
6537s bits ready Forge
6540s equipment uh oh upgrade equipment so I
6544s was on my quest for the rathan weapons I
6547s need to make sure as well I can actually
6548s get to it so
6550s rathan uh so I need water elements so I
6553s need aquax so I do need to do dur jotus
6556s fuddly
6558s enough um do that yeah yeah let's do it
6561s let's let's let's do jotus so I need one
6564s more high rank rathan
6566s Spike oh and then for the upgrade after
6568s that I then need two more
6572s um but yeah I need three low rank rathen
6577s tails that shouldn't be too bad at all
6580s what do you think should we do the same
6581s Quest or should we go out on different
6582s quests let's let's take if we've got
6584s enough for two groups or even if we
6586s don't let's try and take as many with us
6587s as we can we'll do some
6589s jotus a fishy finish even I don't
6593s know all right I'm gonna join uh Ria
6596s Ripley on her Quest nice nice and I will
6599s join the other one that you're not in
6602s whoever's posted it
6605s um
6607s hi okay so you got that one full right I
6609s will now post uh an
6615s optional and then if folks want to jump
6617s in with me we'll go get Juro
6623s you know we're here with the champion so
6625s I I feel like I'm in good hands yeah
6627s you're you're going to be quite fine I
6629s wonder if I can get an aqua saac off
6630s high rank I'll probably be doing needing
6632s some low rank hunting at some point
6638s briefly you took sword and shield a fine
6640s choice not that I'm biased but a fine
6647s Choice hey green cape how's it going it
6650s is a good we got some great hunts Joe
6652s and I are getting some great loot the
6653s community are doing some some Wicked
6656s moves oh are you joining us as Zona
6659s that's all right everyone's got a learn
6660s NE everyone's got a learn what one of
6662s you got oh look at that that looks
6664s beautiful like a paladin almost or Guild
6668s Knight I wonder if is xylona with us are
6671s you joining us
6676s xona ah sorry about that killer yeah we
6679s are rocking steam oh there the the
6682s little Kieran
6685s Hunter oh abos
6688s goodbye but this will be this will be
6690s today's last hunt so if you can jump on
6693s there is one slot
6696s currently good evening aru how you doing
6699s and also so I don't forget the end of
6701s the stream so we have a two week break
6703s after today's Stream So Joe and I will
6706s be back is it February
6709s 2
6711s second yes February 22nd so i' I've just
6716s pulled up the calendar I was like I
6719s check so yeah we're having a very brief
6721s Break um and we'll be back on February
6724s 22nd uh to continue the streams and
6727s continue high rank um so yes prepare
6732s yourselves um but in the meantime
6736s there's plenty of hunting to be done um
6738s yeah and then we'll be back near the end
6740s of the months to continue the return to
6742s world live streams yeah yeah just a
6745s little bit of scheduling uh conflict so
6748s we we'll have a a short break but yeah
6749s we'll be back yeah yeah I'm doing
6751s something next week I'm I'm uh visiting
6754s the London office next week uh for some
6757s meetings with with the team and um then
6760s you're busy the week after yes yeah busy
6764s with uh some in office events during the
6766s week after so yeah but yeah it's good to
6769s get all the team together and H out
6770s though so I'm very much looking forward
6772s to it MH obviously you know we won't
6775s have the American team with us and vice
6777s versa the European team W be over Joe's
6779s side next week uh but you know we do
6782s miss you guys exactly we do we speak we
6785s do we speak well me and you speak every
6787s day don't we we're like
6790s mon yeah yeah yeah that's what our
6792s meetings are like moner moner wow yeah
6795s we just just SL that very quickly so I'm
6798s not sure if we all had the right gear
6802s there we've we've just landed cuz I was
6805s I was uh TR you can probably get another
6807s hun in before before I finish you might
6811s as I think we finished that in like 30
6814s seconds or
6815s something oh I don't think the gear was
6819s was appropriate there oh I needed 10
6821s more points to finish off the rathium
6823s bar I only need one
6827s footprint you know I'm I'm I'm going to
6829s scoop up some
6831s some
6836s Froggies where am I where am I there you
6839s go get my
6840s toads oh that was a largest largest size
6844s updated it's all good
6846s R there you go I'm collecting toads this
6849s is
6852s wonderful is there another one there it
6855s is I got three
6856s parod
6859s yes
6865s okay right
6866s jotus you're
6869s up probably not for very long if your
6871s hunt was anything to go
6872s by oh don't worry it's fine you know the
6875s the toads are being looked after they're
6877s going to be living in my my hunter's
6880s Abode killing out having a wonderful
6883s time oh we got buff Powers going off and
6885s everything we're taking this seriously
6887s this this is the
6889s stus
6892s looks quite big as well actually this is
6893s quite a a big
6897s one all right Ria I'll go ahead and join
6899s you for one
6901s more once more into the
6906s offish oh I'm going to go for a combat
6908s carve on a
6913s gajou yes now I'm back in oh we got the
6917s hunting horn as
6919s well
6922s perfect Rush is it
6925s go yeah I mean yeah I thing is as well
6927s in rise and sunbreak like
6930s jotus hits hard like uh it's been
6934s training between world and Rise right
6937s like jotus has gone up a teer in my
6940s opinion what do you think Joe yeah oh
6943s yeah yeah I think so um it's definitely
6945s quite a
6946s difference you know there's a couple
6948s monsters that are like that uh Toby
6951s Kachi
6953s uh baroth arguably especially masterank
6958s yeah you they have to in ryen stere you
6960s definitely have to account for the
6962s um uh just like increased Mobility so
6966s the monsters have pretty different
6967s Behavior hit hit
6969s differently yeah definitely oh the sling
6973s of
6974s thorn Ria thanks for the reminder yeah
6976s if you are joining the quest please do
6978s bring uh a apprpriate gear yeah um R
6982s your bracket gear is awesome but not at
6984s this level of high
6992s rank yeah our jotus is still alive so uh
6996s don't think we're not packing master
6998s rank gear yeah yeah you guys don't have
7000s the the same thing that we
7003s had so we're giving it a good old
7006s Wallin uh you can capture if you want I
7010s do not
7011s mind oh this gisha is is free right
7018s here half that while the team are busy
7020s I'll fire some form pods to
7025s assist there we
7029s go jotus
7034s scale nice work everyone that's it all
7038s done nearly very very nearly like
7040s looking at its pulse bar it's it's not
7043s got much left in the
7045s tank think we got some blast weapons as
7050s well oh I'm spinning all
7053s over oh we're going for the cap I think
7055s is it the cap yeah yay we captured
7061s jotus good job everyone that was silky
7067s smooth yeah we're just getting ready to
7069s get on the quest here nice nice make
7072s sure everybody's got the right gear so
7074s we don't take it out super quick it's a
7077s b good job team I mean we might as well
7080s jump in and quickly do one more one more
7084s yeah yeah cuz I think we're pretty much
7086s l all right gang get ready we're going
7087s straight back in I don't know what we're
7089s going to hunt something equally
7098s quick
7100s good work everyone the J to gear looks
7103s really cool as well actually it is
7106s a I'll check it out I can't recall what
7109s it looks like it looks a bit like is it
7111s like the kind of like the historical I
7114s can't remember the proper name but like
7115s it's a certain type of warrior armor I
7117s think uh but it looks very very cool
7119s very like aquatic look to it I I know
7122s that sounds silly because it it's
7122s duratus but
7126s yeah uh
7128s optional
7137s let's quickly do another rfan we just
7139s we'll just bash out
7141s rathen put a voucher on all right gang
7144s we're gonna speedrun strats rathan with
7146s our expert hunting skills can we do it
7148s quicker than jotus sub five minutes
7152s don't bring anything crazy yeah no crazy
7155s same rules about weapons and armor
7158s yeah
7163s there you go grm agel NEP and we do have
7167s one open spot on request if anybody
7168s wants to join yeah so there is a slot
7170s still I think we've cleared up the lobby
7172s now I think we got everyone in a in a
7175s hunt which is looking
7178s good there's Ryu having his
7182s food then C the the iconic dance prance
7188s there
7190s we go I love this proof of a hero track
7192s that's playing as well in the Gathering
7194s hub for the appreciation Fest oh oh yeah
7197s me
7199s too proof of hero is good in all forms
7202s it is everyone is close I I got dropped
7204s straight on front of rathan oh it's
7206s right I'm not alone though I'm not
7209s alone three of us got dropped straight
7211s onto rathen so poor agel has to walk
7215s from Camp he just got like dunked in
7219s right I'm going to go for the tail I
7220s might be able to get the tail cut but
7222s we'll we'll see we'll see if I have to
7226s hit
7227s the there we
7229s go give me your tail rathon
7244s please there we
7248s go I Hunt is going well I think it's
7251s definitely uh a lot more appropriate
7253s than the last one so yeah it's it's been
7255s 30 seconds and still standing yep yep
7258s that's good that's good our team are
7261s focusing on the tail which is wonderful
7264s I've got a NEP here with their insect
7266s glaive even though I did whiff up my
7268s combo
7271s there can I reach that tail yes oh the
7276s tail is off already I'm not going to
7278s combat C through I'm going going for the
7282s uh the positive Karma
7286s hunt yeah we've got it nice and stunned
7291s nice yeah when it's got it mud on it it
7293s gets surprisingly
7300s tanky I'm just going to heal up oh there
7302s we go there we go so there was it was
7304s quite
7305s quick nicely done not quite quick but
7307s I'm going to support the team with a
7309s health
7310s booster oh I'm getting whopped around so
7313s I'm going to put this bomb pod on yeah
7314s rathan is uh about to go down oh got the
7317s head break with a bomb
7321s pod there we go GG where's that tail I
7325s can carve it now the H's officially
7328s over so you're all wrapped up on your
7330s end yeah we're good we are good that was
7332s really fast I got oh no hold on I got I
7334s got another plate and I got the tail oh
7336s no what's this I got another plate from
7338s the next car
7340s I got double plates back to back nice
7342s nice well
7346s done my Fashion's coming together a
7348s little bit better I think that's good oh
7351s we have a question here so rage says hey
7353s I've been thinking about coming back to
7354s the game I own mon Hunter World on PC do
7356s I need to purchase another one to be up
7358s to date and play the latest game so if
7361s you want to jump back in and play monst
7362s Hunter world you know bar any patches
7364s you need to download which obviously is
7367s free you can come in and jump straight
7369s back into Monster Hunter World um the
7372s latest like Mainline Monster Hunter game
7374s is Monster Hunter rise and Sun
7376s breakthrough which is a a different game
7379s um so definitely definitely give that a
7380s look in as well um but yeah if you want
7383s to jump back into world if you want to
7384s hashtag return to world uh you can do it
7387s right now just yeah boot up the game you
7389s know if there's any patches grab that if
7392s not just jump in and play have some fun
7394s um but yeah the the latest monsant title
7397s there is is monsant rise and its
7399s expansion Sun break and of course
7401s Monster World if you've not got ice born
7404s and you've played through the base game
7405s of World you can get the massive ice
7408s spawn expansion and jump into Master
7411s anank did I miss anything there Joe I
7413s think you covered it all I was going to
7415s mention iceborn but uh yeah I snaffled
7418s that one I was like
7421s yes all right with that should we wrap
7424s it up or you guys back in the uh I got a
7427s Vitality Jewel oh yes
7430s yes Ah that's epic I'm really happy with
7433s that really really really really
7437s happy
7439s Vitality most pleased I got a really
7442s cool end screen as well
7447s there yeah jump back into world and yeah
7450s rise plays um yeah rise is a bit of a
7452s different experience it's the main kind
7454s of Monster Hunter gameplay but how do
7456s you feel it's a bit different to World
7457s Joe like trying to explain a new Hunter
7460s uh R rise from
7461s World um well I mean the it's definitely
7464s got a different aesthetic so you know
7465s the rise has the Japanese aesthetic um
7468s monsters which is really cool uh it's
7470s just it's very different vibe from uh
7472s from world but um you know it's got a a
7475s very uh agile move set I would say so um
7478s you know you can use the wire bugs and
7480s the switch skills and it's h it's
7481s definitely a faster game than World um
7484s but it's it's really fun you know it's
7485s it's a different style of hunting um but
7488s I think they're both equally valid and
7489s both super fun so yeah exactly yeah
7491s either way you either way you're winning
7493s whether you you know you want to jump
7494s back into World straight away or try
7496s rise first but as Joe said yeah like the
7498s the combat like is different as like the
7500s more aerial approach to it and you can
7503s customize the move sets of your weapons
7505s in in Rise And sunbreak as well to alter
7508s them a bit to your preferred play style
7510s but yeah like jump back into World
7511s settle in have some fun check out some
7513s YouTube videos or twitch streams of of
7515s rise and sunbreak as well and see what
7517s it's like and then if you Joy enjoy it
7519s give it a go um but no welcome either
7521s way welcome back to
7522s monst
7524s um it's a great time to return
7527s absolutely oh you guys are back yes we
7530s made it we made it yeah for anybody
7532s trying to join we are uh about to wrap
7534s up so uh yeah that was the last hunt for
7537s today and last two hunts I guess yeah
7540s yeah and we will be back in two weeks
7542s time so we'll be back on February 22nd
7544s we just having a couple of week break on
7546s the stream cuz I'm busy next week with
7548s workstar and Joe's busy the week after
7550s with work
7551s stuff yes our day jobs of you know doing
7556s other cap things
7559s yeah do you want to wrap things up for
7562s us uh yeah let's do it yeah thanks
7564s everybody again like Jon said we will be
7567s uh we won't be streaming for the next
7568s two weeks um but we will be back uh
7570s later in February but otherwise yeah
7572s it's been great hunting with everybody
7575s um we made some really great progress
7576s through hre and uh yeah we're looking
7579s forward to getting through it star to
7581s get into some elder dragons hopefully at
7583s some point this month but uh we'll see
7585s what progress we make right yeah exactly
7588s it's going to be fun it's going to be
7589s fun and yeah and to rage yeah like yeah
7591s welcome back to world as well but yeah
7593s it's been great fun streaming again
7594s today um yeah and as you said Joe we've
7597s got some nice progress already I think
7599s in our next stream on on the 22nd we'll
7601s probably have our first solid high rank
7603s sets and weapons put together by the end
7605s of it definitely so I'm really really
7607s looking forward to that um but yeah
7610s other than that we will wrap things up
7612s now um I've been jonno and I'm Joe and
7616s you've been awesome have a fantastic
7618s couple of weeks and we will see you in
7620s the hunt on February 22nd good night all
7623s right see you
7638s everybody
7697s oh
7817s oh
2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name's Jon o em Community
4s manager of monst hun and I'm joined by
7s everyone I'm Joe I'm the cap Community
9s manager on Monster hun it's good to be
12s back we've had a short two week break
14s you know we've been very very busy
16s behind the scenes but we are back and we
17s are ready to hunt isn't that right Joe
20s yeah it was nice to get a little break I
21s mean I I have missed uh playing with
23s these specific uh Hunters but yeah we're
26s finally here and uh yeah we got to we
29s got to pick up where we left off which
30s I'm a little hazy on where we might be
32s so uh why don't we get like a little bit
35s up to speed on uh where we might have
37s left off to weeks ago so two weeks ago
41s it feels so long ago now we had just
44s collected all of the required tracks for
46s the mystery rathen that we're trying to
48s hunt down as we have just arrived in
50s high
52s rank man I completely forgot that's
54s where we're at so thank you jonno um but
57s yeah looks like we've got like a little
59s bit to do then we got got to um get
61s those pink rathen tracks we got to work
64s on building our sets but I think uh
66s maybe to just start things off we might
68s want to craft your weapon right that's
70s true but one second oh can we turn our
72s mic volume up a bit please producer
74s mysterious producer could we have our
76s voices raised ever so slightly because
78s chat is H thank you chat for telling us
80s by the way otherwise you would have Happ
82s to like be turning that volume up way
84s high but yeah as you said yeah hello can
87s you hear me especially when we got like
89s a basil geese like blowing us up and
91s things um but yeah so today as you said
94s Joe we are going to be focusing on
96s building up our high rank sets and
98s weapons to kind of get us ready for the
101s challenges ahead and I need a couple of
103s low rank bits uh to make the rra and
106s sword and shield which is one of the
107s weapons I like to have as one of my
110s Mains in World um so yeah we'll start
112s low rank to warm up settle back into
115s things and then we'll jump into high
117s rank and in the latter part of the
118s stream we will open up the Gathering hub
120s for you our viewers to jump in and do
123s some hunts with
124s us all right yeah sounds good sounds
127s good let's let's get to it let's get to
128s it and thanks um everybody for pointing
130s out any technical issues or anything
133s like that we'll try to sort them out uh
135s thanks to the power of our uh mysterious
137s producer oh yes and if we do got a sync
139s I think Black Ops said I might be a bit
141s out of sync we can we can adjust that so
143s thank you for letting us thank you and
145s anybody watching the uh the VOD of this
148s um well that might be a little weird for
151s you
153s but but that's okay we do it live we do
156s it live exactly exactly um all right I
160s have a I believe I have a low rank uh
163s investigation here oh yes please that's
166s why we get into it so yeah I just need
168s some basic rathum parts and then I need
169s a poison sack exclusively from pke PUK
172s but I'm just wearing so me and Joe both
174s have mixed sets like mine is a little
176s bit of low rank a little bit of high
177s rank so I really need an upgrade but Joe
179s your armor sets in a bit of a bad place
181s right yeah I only have um I believe my
187s uh my arms piece is the only part that's
190s still I was trying to figure out like
191s what the right word is the arm I guess
192s the the gauntlets or the arm whatever
196s yeah yeah that's that's my only low rank
198s uh low rank piece right now so um the
201s rest is all high ranked so yeah I'm I'm
203s mostly there I think I'm doing okay my
205s Fashion's all right it's not great but
208s you know we'll get there we'll get there
209s yeah it'll be fine F it'll be fine you
211s know I should have done a wish list for
213s this it's fine it's fine I just need to
215s think a couple of shells I think two
217s shells so that should be pretty okay I
220s say that now it's not GNA it's not going
221s to roll for me you watch you got to
223s manifest it be positive be positive yeah
226s exactly and then yeah then I've got an
228s investigation for the P py so we should
230s you know batter these out and then we
232s can go find that mysterious
235s W Blitz says uh hello future View
240s Watcher I love it hello to your future
242s VOD watchers from the from the past yeah
246s exactly we bit we like a bit time travel
248s in our streams here um and a ask yeah
251s let's go for it ask got any idea how to
254s defeat a viop kadachi herbal medicine I
258s highly recommend much better than
259s antidotes because you can take them near
261s instantly and they give you a little bit
262s of healing as well um so my personal
265s advice is yeah uh herbal
269s medicines
270s all
271s right we're back in it we are I've not
275s even restocked since our last hunt oh oh
278s man have I I have okay luckily I'm not
282s looking too
285s bad and yeah you know um talking of that
288s obviously this week we had a pretty cool
290s announcement uh to say the least uh
293s regarding monst Hunter um you want to
295s talk about that a
296s bit oh yeah yeah um yesterday uh right
300s early in the morning at least for us uh
303s people in the US uh 6 PM with the uh
305s Nintendo Direct we announced uh Monster
309s Hunter stories is coming to
313s Playstation uh PC and Nintendo switch so
316s yeah the first game if you haven't
317s played it it's it's back in all its
319s Glory so it'll be a fun time yeah we we
322s got updated Graphics we've got full
324s English and there's obviously something
326s else that we've seen the community be
327s really excited about and what was that
329s true because we were talking about that
330s before the stream yeah yeah all of the
332s content that um was about that before
334s the stream yeah yeah all of the content
337s that um was added to the game as a post-
340s launch update previously only in Japan
342s um that's coming as part of this version
344s so if uh you haven't played it in um the
346s us or Europe yet um that'll be your
348s first shot at it so yeah yeah content
352s exactly for those that don't know it's a
354s when it comes to the combat it's a ter
356s based
357s RPG and it's also it's it's a monster
360s taming game so you're not hunting the
362s monsters you're taming hatching and
365s raising them um not in that specific
368s order it's more hatch tame and
371s rais um and it's got real deep
374s customization uh it's absolutely
377s fantastic obviously I'm quite biased but
379s you
380s know yeah you know it's like a little
382s bit more of a story based game too in
384s terms of like the the plot that's
385s happening and characters so um you know
388s it's a it's a pretty um
390s you know in-depth RPG on the outside or
394s you know kind of looking at the outside
395s you know might you might think it's a
396s little bit more of a simple game but
397s it's actually not it's got like really
400s in-depth combat mechanics um really
402s interesting story great music you know
405s everything you expect from a really
406s solid uh RPG so exactly and answer your
410s question as well Dan I don't know if the
412s top of my head um if stories is going to
415s be steam deck verified but if and when
417s it is we will absolutely let you know on
419s our social channels and on Steam
423s itself yeah obviously um we're playing
425s World here on Steam today um but
428s something I'm excited about is with
430s stories it's the first time that um
432s PlayStation players have had a chance to
434s really dive into that part of the series
436s so um should be pretty cool I'm looking
438s forward to it as well cuz I actually
440s spent a ton of time playing Stories 2
442s but Stories 2 was my first stories game
445s so I'm looking forward to playing
446s through this for the first time cuz as
448s well I hear obviously a lot of people
449s have about uh The Original Stories is
451s they really liked the way you could
453s change the element of monsters um so I'm
456s looking forward to kind of trying that
458s out yeah absolutely
462s yeah hey
463s Al I think it's going to be um also like
466s a great intro to people for the series
469s if um you know maybe they're seeing it
471s for the first time it's it's definitely
472s like a different flavor of it you know
476s um you know maybe like people who are
479s younger or like kind of newer to just
481s monster hunter or RPGs in general um
483s it's a it's a really great starting
484s point I think
487s absolutely I you know I'm really glad
489s that we are talking about this while
491s we're fighting a low rank monster
493s because it's kind of hard to do both at
494s the same time yeah yeah if we were in
496s high rank I don't think our conversation
498s would be as flow right especially after
501s you know not playing this exact uh build
505s for about two weeks I guess yeah
508s Center
513s oh I messed up doing
515s a perfect
519s Rush linger bombs nice oh I nearly
522s wasted a mega
525s potion okay I think we're doing okay I
528s feeling like the muscle memory come back
529s with the hammer yeah I think we're we're
531s looking all
534s right I'm looking forward to when we can
536s start using the ice born moves cuz for
538s those that don't know we're in
539s intentionally not using the clutch claw
542s and the clutch claw Combos and things we
544s are using the new ice borwn moves for
546s the weapon but we're not utilizing
548s obviously the new mechanic yet
551s um oh get down
555s here go I don't think I've got any flash
557s bombs on
559s me oh lovely hit that was beautiful was
564s that me yeah it was all you I stepped
566s back I saw you coming in I was like this
568s is for the hammer
571s we got him I'm just infinite combo in
573s the tail not tail the wing at the
577s moment
579s lovely let's grab this
582s shiny I got a
584s scale no down you
589s come oh lovely oh sweet nicely done I
594s forgot we're low rank you know y so
596s hopefully that'll get me the shell and
598s now with pke P I just need need a poison
601s can't remember what it's called now uh
602s is it poison gland um okay I got one
607s shell and I got a plate okay okay I did
612s get two shells so I hope and I got a
613s shell I got two shells and I got another
616s I got a fourth carve so thank you I
619s think that was my meal so I think I have
620s enough shells I just need the poison
624s from uh PUK
627s P that's a good warm up uh a good yeah I
630s I feel the strength coming back to
634s me just looking forward to getting the
636s rra and Sun show it's one of my favorite
638s weapons and it levels up
642s beautifully yeah today we're starting um
644s an hour later than we usually have
646s started these streams in the past so um
649s let us know if you guys you know like
650s the new starting time I think we'll you
652s know if you're in the US uh Pacific time
654s we run until about noon um what time is
657s it over there Jon uh it's quarter six
659s here so it will run until a nice 8:00
661s p.m. or 900 p.m. for my Continental
664s European friends um oh I got another
669s plate oh that was my first first
672s investigation nice cool and uh yeah is
676s that it's the poison sack not the poison
677s gland I was so close and oh wow thank
680s you so a tier free sub from NEP Mia
682s there thank you very much good to see
687s you think NE has uh
689s been here for almost every stream yeah
692s like R reain and Champion as well oh
696s yeah that's right that's right when it
697s comes to arm wrestling yeah hi ax killer
700s in China what time is it over there at
702s the
704s moment it's great to have so many
706s different time zones and Indonesia as
707s well yeah let us know what time is it on
710s your side of the world nice little
713s survey here yeah
716s investigation po
718s p there we go and then I guess if we
721s start the Northeast camp we should be
723s really really close to where pet spawns
725s you missed just one okay that's fine
727s we'll let it slide we'll
729s let bed
733s no it's 12:00 p.m. in the Southeast
738s us 11:00 a.m. in
741s Mexico quarter past 2 in the morning in
744s China so a very late slash early one for
746s you depending on how you look at it
751s uh Zeda in on YouTube asks what days do
753s we go live on uh usually every Thursday
757s when we can but like we said we did have
758s a two we break before this so um yeah
761s but I think going forward we do have a
764s pretty clear schedule so it seems like
765s we'll we'll be back every week every
767s Thursday yeah yeah and this will be the
769s time that we we go live now as well oh
771s the quest is in by the way if you want
772s to oh gotcha gotta I uh was not paying
775s attention that's all right we're
778s chatting
781s but yeah so yeah today's stream once
782s we've got this second low rank Quest out
783s the way and fingers crossed the desire
785s sensor is in my favor we'll be going
788s into I we'll be opening up the session
790s in a bit we're going to get a little bit
791s of story stuff out the way to open up a
793s bunch of new Quests for us and then
795s we'll probably open up the lobby so we
797s can do some hunting together to farm out
799s some armor and weapon
803s pieces yeah we just got to get this
805s second warm up out the way so I can I
807s can finally make my rra and sword sh cuz
809s that's going to be a weapon that I'm
811s going to continually upgrade and then I
812s think when we get to teostra I would
815s quite like teostra's blast weapons so my
817s my angle for that but they on the list M
822s armor wise I can't remember what high
825s rank gear I I used to use because
827s obviously I was very much in the master
828s rank realm um but I'm sure we'll find
831s something nice for sword and shield and
832s obviously for Joe's Hammer I realized I
835s went to the wrong Camp so I'm going over
837s to you I can't believe you've done this
842s [Music]
846s we're just getting back in sync you know
847s having not played together for two weeks
850s or whatever it was oh there's an ANF and
853s a p PUK here to is your favorite monster
855s in the game it is very very cool I like
857s lunastra as well because she's
861s blue
863s that's yeah yeah NEP you got 20 minutes
866s easy you know that take us longer to do
868s this Quest and the next one yeah just
870s blue that's all it takes uh pke P did
873s drop me a quill but has ran away uh cuz
877s anena is being
879s mean all right I'm right behind you
887s now yeah I I think I think I mean
890s actually Joe and I have played monst
891s hunter in in VR but uh if there was ever
895s to be like a a monant a VR
897s game um
900s you'd need a lot of space can you
901s imagine Superman diving in VR you'd be
904s crafting into your
905s wall many injuries there
911s yeah yes but there there is a uh I don't
914s know if it's still active but there was
916s in Universal Studios Japan um a monster
919s VR experience which both J and I both uh
922s experienced together and it was it was
923s quite fun it was it was we got to go was
926s it bar off and
928s velc
929s uh yeah yeah I think that's right yeah
932s trying to remember now but uh I lived it
938s yeah and you can choose your weapon and
940s then they they kind of like hand you the
942s actual like prop that you can grab and
945s it has like uh its own like mechanics
947s and everything which is pretty cool it
948s was very very
950s cool it's kind of like 5D cuz when
952s you're in there you know you get like
954s air blown on you and things cuz you're
955s out in the cliffs yeah it was it was a
958s fantastic experience
960s and it's kind of scary cuz you get the
962s kind of scale of the monsters right cuz
964s obviously when you're in the game you're
965s like you know you're behind a screen but
967s when when they're in front of you it's
969s like it's a they're very intimidating
972s yeah there's a little bit of like a
973s sense of vertigo too um when you like
976s you're like going over the mountain and
978s just like sidling along the
981s cliff um May you look down and you like
984s feel like your stomach turn a little bit
987s I I've just realized well like I'm
988s looking at great jagas kind of like
990s strolling along I hear ANF screaming as
992s well we' got a full on Royal Rumble
995s here yeah I've got of just waiting until
998s you You' got it got I did one finisher
1000s but I'm getting a second one in now so
1002s I'm quite pleased by that oh oh my
1004s goodness heart Three Monsters all on top
1005s of each other right now yeah everybody's
1010s here it's a real Royal Rumble it is I'm
1014s going to just put down my health booster
1015s before I get stunned and bullied no no
1018s no health booster for
1022s me the top R
1025s yeah got coming out here there we go
1028s nice timing okay there's a piercing pod
1031s and some shinies and Ana Fang just lying
1035s on the
1039s floor let's spam that out there's a
1042s second one oh yeah P's nearly down
1044s hopefully they'll let us
1047s carve
1051s I think an doing some nice damage
1053s here yeah Petra is asking uh where the
1057s VR monster hun VR experience is in Japan
1059s yeah it was at Universal Studios I don't
1061s know if it's still there um you would
1062s have to to check with them they they
1065s manage all of that so
1069s mhm
1071s o did PUK get away again I think I think
1074s they're Rising oh my goodness I'm going
1077s to have to have a first aid Med
1080s uh where did our friend go back to the
1084s kind of nested area I
1088s guess come back I only need one poison
1090s sack po po just the
1093s one for
1098s now the our armor is holding up really
1101s nicely here but I know when we get back
1102s into high rank I'm going to be like not
1104s so comfy when I take a few
1107s blows
1111s Royal Rumble was last month no it's
1113s actually today right now it's
1116s now sorry pet but uh I need
1121s this oh if that was the finishing hit
1124s that would have been
1127s hilarious I was trying to get it myself
1129s but I
1130s missed yeah it's worth
1133s me oh come
1135s on get back here you oh I messed that up
1140s now I can ending it Big B oh no I didn't
1144s end it it's got to be any one of these
1147s hits there we go I wanted to call my
1149s shot you know yeah it's great when
1151s you're like this is the hit do I'm sure
1154s you'll do it to Fatalis when we get
1155s there you know that'll be that'll be
1157s your
1158s moment the crown hit not that down now
1162s clip that yep clip that remind me in X
1165s months yeah right come on poison Glen
1168s it's a poy poy Sack or poison sack sorry
1170s even poy poie sack poy poy
1173s tail poy poy sack okay we're going to
1176s have to rely on the uh the rewards
1180s now ah it's in the rewards
1183s hands is the delay all fine now is it
1186s resolved net Mia thinks it might be uh
1188s might be sorted
1193s out hey
1194s [Music]
1197s tree all right well well those were good
1199s uh warm up HS hopefully you got what you
1201s needed just want poison sack please
1206s please then I can make my weapon and
1210s then I'll be able to upgrade it as we go
1211s through high rank as well oh yeah is
1213s resolved NEP says good job producer
1216s mysterious person behind the stream yeah
1220s oh you didn't get it no I didn't get
1223s it ah man should we run it again yeah
1227s just uh I'm sure it's low rank pet that
1229s drops it I'm very confident it's lur pet
1232s that drops
1235s it I'm like 90%
1239s sure uh do we need an investigation or
1242s you said you have one I've got an
1244s investigation yeah and what I'll do as
1246s well I will
1249s um I will also use a ticket cuz I was
1253s like I was been a bit stingy I was like
1255s no I'll save them for high rank but yeah
1257s Max maximize your luck here yeah I I'm
1259s doing it I'm doing it I'm trying to get
1262s the poison sack at the
1266s moment then I can make the uh rathan it
1269s was basically get some of these uh rarer
1273s items or not rarer but harder to get
1275s items or get loads of low rank rathen
1277s taals and I was like no I'll take the
1279s other route because I've got a surplus
1281s I've got five ran plates now would you
1284s believe it I wish I could like donate
1287s one to you
1289s yeah this how it is you got to earn it
1290s on your own
1293s exactly that's when the game's like yes
1295s you can have this now it's teasing me
1297s though say five plates is
1299s nutty
1302s and I'm sure it's low rank po poke yes
1305s lric 19% for Quest rewards and 13 for
1308s investigation
1310s drops so thank you for that heads up
1315s so yeah um
1319s now we see see what happens I mean we've
1322s used a ticket right
1324s so I'm sure it'll be
1327s fine the food does look good it's making
1330s me
1333s hungry all right this this has to be the
1336s one this is the one it's like what I see
1338s is that when people go to The monant
1340s Cafe restaurant in Japan is there two of
1342s them I think in Japan or one um and I
1345s see the food there and it's like
1347s straight out the game and I'm like oh my
1349s goodness let me get
1357s that okay anath and PUK are at it
1363s again all right let's speed run through
1366s this too early yeah you watch you'll
1369s probably be a shiny pickup or
1376s something oh
1380s I'm poisoned here so I'm going to
1383s actually do some perfect rushes as well
1386s get the
1387s deeps okay P should move down
1390s here no it tricked me no wait it tricked
1394s me again it is this way I'm also
1400s poisoned I will address that now
1407s okay
1411s um so monst Hunter world isn't
1413s crossplay um but you can join a squad in
1416s a few different ways you can use the
1419s search function to find a Lobby or if
1422s you if you know where your friends are
1423s if you want to join us for example we'll
1424s put up a code you can input to join us
1427s if you're on the same platform oh p and
1430s great Jack going for
1432s it for once it's not you yeah you you
1436s got in there I mean when there's Ledges
1438s around Hammer uses a very happy AR
1440s yeah ra just B
1450s me nice
1454s work for the Big Bang I'll go for a oh
1458s no I missed a messed Rush there get out
1461s of here yeah oh he just bit me out of it
1463s and I think an just turned
1466s up yeah that's that's s
1470s enough all right P puk's had enough yeah
1474s what's going further further
1483s in I say I say odaran but how do you
1487s pronounce it Joe uh Aaron yeah which is
1491s probably the probably the closer one see
1494s cuz I'm I'm a bit English so I say I say
1498s things quite quite differently sometimes
1500s so yeah I say odar but odaran is
1504s probably you're English I didn't know
1506s that no no I need to drink more tea on
1511s stream I just discovered that about
1521s you yeah just a bit tree just a
1527s bit we are playing on Steam yes when we
1529s open the lobby up in a bit if you're on
1531s Steam please jump in and join
1536s us yeah I say odaran I say like basil
1539s geese I say like
1543s brachios I know I used to say um girus
1547s really wrong I used to call it girados I
1550s don't add in more syllables and stuff
1552s and like uh until very recently
1554s obviously I used to call great gyos
1556s great
1556s giros oh
1559s yeah but then obviously I think when it
1561s came to like Devil Joe and devil yo I
1563s mean that's quite a spicy debate in the
1564s community isn't
1566s it I do say wo now
1570s so is that what you think is
1573s correct I I am open to interpretation I
1577s think if that's what you call it cuz
1579s whether you use one or the other
1581s everyone knows what you mean and as long
1583s as people know what you mean then it's
1585s totally cool fair enough fair enough
1588s pickle
1590s devil
1597s whatever think we're close to finishing
1599s this one up hopefully I think so maybe
1601s this will be a finish
1603s here oh I'm still hanging I'm still
1605s hanging off the monster hold on it's
1607s this one oh
1610s no I just love like yeah when you get
1612s that big finish maybe it'll be this one
1615s there we go oh I should have called my
1617s shot cuz that was it
1625s icas
1627s [Laughter]
1628s cage Joe yeah Joe's a good
1633s one
1634s thanks and obviously for those you know
1637s right I didn't get it from my car so
1638s we'll see obviously then you got like
1640s seros uh which obviously
1643s [Music]
1645s Steve
1647s so
1650s Steve Steven are there any bones around
1654s I'm sure there's sort of bone pile
1655s around
1657s here there it
1659s is no yes oh no it's a dead jagas line
1662s in
1663s it and it's not a bone pile I can no it
1666s is a bone pile I can use yeah I saw the
1669s um the jagas there too oh the the
1671s viewers are very happy thank you the
1673s community you're not just viewers you're
1675s the community uh the community of very
1678s pleased about the no delay that's all
1679s thanks to our producer cuz we're using
1681s quite a cuz obviously I'm on one side of
1683s the world Joe's on the other and we're
1686s duel streaming I got two that time I
1689s knew it um so yeah so we got all these
1693s things coming we're streaming into the
1694s studio and yeah they make it work for us
1699s but thank you as well Joe for helping me
1700s out so I could make this weapon oh
1703s you're welcome you're welcome I'm very
1705s excited and now we can go back to high
1707s rank and face the mysterious elusive
1711s question mark
1715s renk who could it
1717s be oh yeah that ID is out of date for
1719s stream elements uh I'll need to update
1721s that at some point we're on PC yeah so
1724s if you want to join us in a bit then uh
1727s you're in the right place I'm going to
1728s pop to the Smithy because I've been
1731s looking forward to this I've been on
1732s I've been on the dragr weapon tree for
1735s too long and it's time to change
1741s that so what's the exact weapon the ran
1744s ran weapon right yeah I mean I know the
1746s name of its final form which is lunatic
1749s Rose um which is when it turns gold so
1754s um I need to remember what it's called
1756s before then uh because once again I'm
1758s used to the master rank goodness because
1760s I had that in rise and sunbreak well
1762s sunbreak specifically for master rank so
1764s I used it there as well so at the
1766s princess rapia so that's what we're
1769s going for and then I think I should be
1770s able to upgrade it straight
1773s away
1775s um there it is oh oh and it looks so
1780s cool it's like made of like thorns and
1782s rra and it's very very cool right and
1784s then we're going to upgrade it uh oh I
1787s love it so much oh no wait did I use up
1790s no I can't am I can I upgrade
1794s it let me upgrade what am I missing
1798s I want to make it the queen
1800s Rapier am I am I missing something silly
1803s here what have I got
1805s equip please please oh
1808s no I picked the wrong I picked the sword
1810s and shield I've been using to check how
1813s what I needed rather than the actual
1815s weapon itself so very big brain move for
1818s me there um uh okay so we'll upgrade
1822s that this is going to be nice what an
1824s upgrade yeah it's the wrong weapon I
1826s know I know I've been on that Jag tree
1828s for too long so now I have 210 raw I'm
1833s I've got I think the smidi of blue
1835s sharpness and a good chunk of green 10%
1838s affinity and 180 poison and a slot as
1841s well so I wonder I might Chuck a
1844s decoration in
1845s there cuz I think I've got a HP
1849s decoration oh I can put an attack jeel I
1852s could put Vitality you know I'm going to
1853s put Vitality what is my Vitality level
1855s at the
1856s moment okay I can make get health boost
1859s three that's what I'm doing yes have you
1862s crafted anything Joe or are you uh no no
1865s I took a look but I think I'm all good
1867s um you know I'm actually thinking maybe
1869s I should go ahead and start the next
1870s Quest a solo it's a solo Quest and then
1873s um you can catch up afterwards and we'll
1876s be all good to go yeah you jump in and
1879s uh ow my cat just jumped on me and
1881s whiffed
1882s it no are you okay yeah she jumped up
1886s bless her and she she it and the claws
1888s came out into my hand oh man did you
1890s show camera no no but my face definitely
1894s did oh bless her my Pico my Pico is
1899s going very she's okay she's ran off
1901s laughing she's she's ran off uh oh my
1905s goodness luckily I have it didn't catch
1908s me too off
1910s guard right um if if we can hunt the
1913s monster immediately I'll back out and
1914s join you all right all right
1918s yeah we got the cut scene running here
1920s nice getting knocked out of the
1926s sky all right I won't eat I'll just go
1929s straight
1932s in yeah I'm getting spicy with the deos
1934s talking to HP up and then I get I take
1936s some damage from my real life Pico oh no
1939s it looks like we had a uh I may have
1942s disconnected from the
1944s session no but hopefully this dream does
1948s that disconnect either so let's we'll
1949s see we'll see yeah I mean that's why
1951s we'll just both back out and rejoin like
1954s is and join up each other or something
1956s yeah I think um let me see if I can back
1959s out
1961s here oh there SOS
1965s though I to put you in offline mode oh
1968s that's right yeah that's right okay I
1969s will return for the quest I will as well
1972s because now we know H
1974s graan is our
1976s Quarry
1980s do you fully finish Monster hter World
1982s and went for ice born it's so hard it's
1983s a step up but you can do it it's like
1986s once you get your first my advice get
1988s some master rank gear as soon as
1990s possible doesn't matter if it's the
1991s first thing you can get uhoh oh I need
1994s to run
1997s away
1999s return yeah so like get the first bits
2002s of master rank gear you can doesn't
2004s matter if the skills aren't great but
2005s the defense boost will be so noticeable
2009s um and then things will get easier um
2012s cuz obviously you've got um I can't
2014s remember the name of the fish but then
2016s you've got the big the big deer you
2018s fight quite early on I can't remember
2020s their names they're very early on in
2021s masteran can't
2023s they uh is it
2026s botus yeah I believe it's botus and the
2029s other one is the man the one with
2031s the you look like a viking when you wear
2034s the armor yeah oh man I can't remember
2037s there you go it's botus and ban thank
2040s you black thank thank you I can see the
2042s armor in my head because the armor looks
2044s so badass
2046s like well the good news is we we can
2048s join each other's Quest now yeah I
2051s believe so let me see if I can post it
2053s and if we can go four
2056s players you got the fish helmet nice
2059s nice oh there we go there we go yeah
2061s Bonar um that one is kind of an
2065s interesting monster to start out ice
2067s with because it's it's very aggressive
2069s and like it's huge it's like gigantic so
2073s um it's like I can see people not being
2076s quite ready for it I feel like I've
2077s experienced that too or just like oh man
2079s like I didn't expect it to be like so
2081s aggressive and just like constantly just
2083s chasing after you no matter where you're
2085s at so yeah it's just like this big
2087s shovel just coming at you like manipula
2090s in the snow like um like the you know
2094s the big like snow tractors
2096s that coming down there you go there you
2099s go yeah but say like my advice as well
2102s like what I found really useful against
2104s Bano is Thorn pods once you start
2107s getting Thorn pods out of it so you know
2109s use your clutch claw to you know create
2112s some of the pods cuz I think bambaro
2115s drops Thorn pods I might be wrong but I
2117s think it actually drops it when you do
2119s it um I actually don't recall man I
2123s guess we'll get there eventually but I
2125s remember using the sword and shield to
2126s effectively using the clut to shotgun a
2129s load cuz with the sword and shield you
2131s can like obviously shoot like a burst so
2133s you get more out of each uh Slinger ammo
2136s and then you just Stun City and breaking
2139s parts and everything it's oh it's
2141s beautiful it's a work of art got my
2144s flash pods ready yeah but beotodus could
2147s be tricky early on especially you know
2149s uh because like lavasioth is a monster
2151s that slaps me around a lot because I'm
2154s like let me hit you and you're bouncing
2156s off its armor
2157s yeah it's very much uh welcome to master
2160s rank it is it is but once you get your
2162s first couple of bits of gear and you
2163s settle into like these snowy environment
2165s you know make sure you got your hot
2167s drinks um you'll be fine I do think uh
2171s Viper Toby kadachi that that one's a
2173s little bit of a a challenge as well once
2175s you get there which I think it follows
2177s not long after those first couple
2178s monsters it's not the Toby you knew or
2181s you thought you knew it's yeah yeah oh
2184s oh I made
2186s fou J
2189s no he's gone instant triple
2192s cut all right here we go I think we're
2196s actually going to have to like you know
2199s yeah Focus ATT to this one yeah I mean
2201s it's funny this sword and shield now but
2205s obviously rathan quite strong against
2206s poison I'm bouncing off the tail oh
2210s thank you
2212s Shield see if we got that head break oh
2216s oh we we are in the plunge area but I
2218s don't think we're right next to a plunge
2221s tree or Coral hey there we go got it
2225s there yeah oh yeah there you are that's
2227s your signature move it is and then I'll
2230s let her hit into that for the
2231s extra Mount
2234s damage see if I'm going to see if I can
2236s end by the tail so that I'm not in your
2243s way there she
2245s goes nearly got the top
2250s yeah yeah bario is definitely a big
2252s challenge while the Tail's in the ground
2254s so I'm going to go for the wing
2257s instead and there we
2263s go oh I just hit 70 for the first time
2269s nice ex gra the weapon and everything
2272s yeah number go up be
2275s happy there's a sleep toad
2278s there sleep toad watch out Joe I've just
2280s booted it oh where is it there it is
2284s don't worry I'll wake you up I'll wake
2286s you
2289s up oh no I I woke up I woke up no I'm
2294s sorry I wasted it I wasted it all right
2296s that's all right oh no oh
2299s oh there is that one of the plunge
2301s things yes but I'm not in the right
2304s place it's tragic tragic hunt experience
2308s there it happens it
2312s happens seems that bar off is a popular
2315s roadblock is Barry off the anap of ice
2319s born see that yeah
2323s yeah tack yeah oh yeah yeah cuz it's
2327s really quick and like sudden it's
2329s there's not like a big Ta on it so you
2331s really have to be ready for it yeah I
2333s didn't bring any herbal medicine this is
2335s oh jeez
2338s oh no no I don't want to be grapping on
2340s to
2341s you oh no I'm I'm going through my my
2345s potions quite
2348s quickly the Hammer's cool isn't it Joe's
2350s giving it
2352s justice I I think I'm doing
2355s okay oh I I missed my lunge there let's
2358s uh go for the plunge here oh I love the
2362s amount of amount like damage you get
2364s from that oh the Poison's getting me
2367s there the Poison's hitting
2371s me it's okay you still got a lot of
2373s health so I think you're okay yeah oh
2374s yeah I just got healed I think maybe by
2377s Pico yeah guess that's the benefit of
2380s hunting with
2384s two oh
2387s oh oh there we go there we go they went
2389s down I was like why AR I recovering and
2391s then it's because the knockdown happened
2392s I can't get to the tip of the tail so
2394s I'll uh do some wing damage
2399s such a tanky monster like the with the
2401s reinforced
2403s parts or armored should I say I have to
2406s get right on the tip of the table like
2407s when I'm farming like gold Ren oh nice
2410s Heart Break head break yeah oh wow maybe
2413s we'll get a tasty tasty treat from
2416s that oh it's gone away it's nice to like
2419s have a decent amount of green sharpness
2421s now as well what were you at before not
2425s much
2427s like I'd watch it just deteriorate like
2429s early on in the fight and like well the
2431s monster's not going to flee for a little
2433s while yet so might as well get comfy
2435s might as well have been going out there
2436s with a wooden stick yeah I'm like hello
2438s yellow sharpness my old friend so it's
2441s nice I mean my weapon even starts blue
2442s for like a handful of hits so well I'm
2447s still
2450s green never underestimate a double
2452s charge Hammer upper cut followed by
2453s clutch claw grapple I bet it feels good
2455s but not for the monster
2462s yeah oh there's it see
2467s there random is it
2471s see all right making my way up
2474s here oh okay are we am I going the right
2478s way I don't know if I'm going the right
2479s way
2482s uh
2484s no no you're in the right place
2488s I'm not I I just went I assumed I was
2491s like oh maybe R is going towards a nest
2493s or something I did not listen to my
2496s Scout FES or
2500s you oh another tail
2503s Swip on my way I'll actually be
2506s productive member of this hunt again
2509s soon H quite
2514s big avoided that pretty R area it is go
2518s getting this table cut is going to be
2520s hard I don't think I'll get it this time
2524s oh luckily that didn't poison
2527s me oh nice stagger I was getting ready
2529s to tank a viable
2532s there I got lucky there it wasn't even
2534s near the
2537s head oh thank you Shield there he going
2540s to do it again
2543s no see if I can build up some mount
2548s I
2550s missed I might be near my stun threshold
2553s so I'm going to heal
2554s up my Pico's got
2557s me near the Tail that's not where a
2559s hammer user wants to be what is this
2561s this isn't a head yeah I got waddled a
2565s bit
2575s there
2578s nice knock
2586s down just keep bashing the head yeah
2590s going there you go my turn to deliver a
2597s stagger oh that's not going to
2602s hit hit him with the bombard that's what
2605s it was nicely oh there's the bomb I was
2607s going to say she doesn't really take to
2609s the air too much and I've not managed to
2611s catch out of a back flip so I'll just
2613s put the bomb podt on as
2617s well I saw you do that
2621s there and now she goes in the uh oh okay
2624s okay of
2627s course try and get that ah there we go
2631s nice the mount going sharpen up while
2634s you're doing
2635s that
2637s monant of stories is coming out in the
2638s month of your birthday and you're called
2640s Mony Rider as well it was meant to be
2643s yeah me to be oh we've gone higher Joe
2646s oh no we're back down again this could
2647s go
2649s anywhere oh actually we haven't
2651s announced a launch date for that so just
2654s summer that's
2658s true so it's your birthday in the whole
2660s of
2663s Summer I had to think about that one for
2664s a sec like wait a minute
2669s maybe maybe their birthday maybe they're
2670s like the queen and they have multiple
2675s birthdays oh
2678s boy here I don't think I'm going to get
2679s a mount anytime soon there oh no oh
2684s no no unlucky
2687s unlucky I should have got the bomb pod
2689s down sooner we did get a stagger just
2691s after though how are they doing I'm not
2695s going to go hard in
2699s case in case I get the kill and you're
2702s not there to get the cars however I
2704s might be joining you in Camp very soon
2706s oh I see you yeah you're you're down
2709s there that's okay it's okay she's
2711s retreated she's retreated I can find for
2713s going well and uh I what did I do wrong
2717s I I guess like I um I was trying to put
2721s down a health
2722s booster and I didn't realize the
2724s animation to put it down was so long yes
2726s like hold on let me set this up yeah I
2730s don't normally use Health booster I
2731s usually use like a mantle or
2735s something uh yeah I need to bring my
2737s Vitality mantle more with me but I quite
2739s like the health booster because it
2740s supports us both
2742s M right okay rathan is now directly
2746s above me so I'm G to slowly make my way
2750s up making my way over making my way
2755s downtown
2757s uh I'm only 20y away I'm going to I'm
2759s going to hang out down here for a bit I
2761s should probably sharpen my weapon as
2766s well we should be getting pretty close
2768s though right yeah I mean looking at the
2771s heart rate on uh on pink rathen it's
2774s looking a bit blue if you had that on
2776s Resident Evil you'd be concerned put it
2779s that
2780s way
2785s Danger
2789s oh there's another one of the the
2790s precious sword and shield plunge walls
2792s here oh I I just sorry I go to hit this
2796s mining out CRA before I join you I I I
2798s would do the
2799s same okay rathan is
2802s asleep and I'm above them looking down
2805s apparently I an adamant seed where's
2807s that oh there they are and it's shiny
2810s I'll take those four very very
2815s nice
2818s oh and there's a red mining out
2821s crop nice dragon ban Crystal I'm I'm
2824s almost there I'm almost there okay she
2826s is awoken I see that oh she went down
2831s oh is she going to come back up yeah I
2834s think
2835s so let's see she she she doesn't seem
2838s very pleased with us all right well I'm
2841s just going to do down we go I
2845s missed oh oh you you connected yeah that
2849s was
2853s epic nice all right let's finish this up
2856s yeah I think we can we can take her down
2860s here can I get some damage on the
2863s tail another Roar try to roll through it
2866s I miss bom oh no no no no back flip oh
2871s she's she's going to do sank nasty here
2874s she's using her aerial cap abilities
2876s against
2880s us nice oh that's a dung pod I don't
2882s want a dung pod flash
2887s part she could emerge anywhere yeah yep
2890s I'm going to put this help booster
2893s down oh nice well didn't quite catch her
2896s out the air
2898s but oh oh nice nice hits
2905s there
2914s oh I'm in a bad spot but that's right
2917s it's all good it's all good don't worry
2919s pink Ran's in a worse spot it's all good
2920s yeah I've totally whiffed my my uh
2923s perfect rush
2924s though nice work that was that was
2927s smooth I think us having those upgraded
2929s weapons was good hoping I can make some
2932s high rank armor soon as
2934s well just one card not too bad hey
2937s that's good hey you know what it's not
2939s like me Triple cting or anything so it's
2942s fine pink r
2946s scale and we using tickets as well until
2949s they run out cuz you know each week
2951s they're fully replenished because
2953s obviously you get one a day right right
2955s so I think it's one a day um you get
2957s more drink festivals I think right you
2958s get two two oh that there's a there's an
2960s or here so um yeah we fully decked out a
2964s spirit core or
2967s charm lucky hey Jack welcome welcome got
2971s the GG's coming in thank you
2984s everybody that was a good one woke up a
2987s little
2988s bit yeah yeah it's nice to get back in
2990s the high rank Groove you know the
2991s monsters taken an absolute dent out of
2994s your HP got pretty cool end screen there
2996s so what yeah yeah I got a cool one here
3000s let me see if I can
3001s uh hide the
3005s menu there yeah that looks
3008s cool and you're behind her somewhere
3011s I've just blocked a fireball and you're
3013s about to deliver the the finish and blow
3015s yeah think I got I got like the like
3018s little impact that you can see here
3020s there's like a like a little effect that
3022s you can see when the hammer hits
3024s so sorry off no that's fine someone's
3028s asked am I going to go for The Witcher
3029s sword shield maybe maybe we shall see
3034s going up against uh quite the
3036s challenging couple of quests to get that
3037s decked out when the time comes yeah
3047s yeah how long have we not played Monster
3049s Hunter World um well last time we
3052s streamed was two weeks ago so not that
3054s long ago yeah these characters because
3056s we only play on stream which is why at
3057s the start I needed some low rank hunts
3059s because we're not we're not being cheeky
3061s and kind of sneaking out hunts behind
3063s the
3064s scenes what you see is the true Journey
3066s we're
3071s taking she must have grown somewhere
3073s rich in
3074s nutrients I might know where that
3078s is
3080s Admiral at last he returned there he is
3083s I've been enjoying watching your
3084s exploits unofficial rival to
3094s rang what for you seem to have it
3101s covered here I brought you some souven o
3105s some
3113s goodies pleas to see the
3123s and it's just loaded with these
3126s things they
3128s incredible it's like there's this energy
3130s pulsing inside
3134s them our Handler in our winter
3138s attire
3141s we've yeah we've got the same same
3143s outfit on our pelicos are probably look
3146s a little different though yeah I got the
3147s little AAR armor yeah I the Disco
3152s pelico always ready to party yep wait
3158s what okay you see you on site I'll be at
3162s the
3163s tunnel and don't you keep me waiting I
3166s hate
3169s waiting fic is just looking ridiculous I
3172s don't know if you can see it on screen
3173s but it's it's
3174s hilarious
3186s there's been a devil Jo
3192s s then we can even go throw ourselves at
3196s the
3197s pickle so next Quest is this something
3200s we have to do on our own but let's check
3202s the optionals as well because I think do
3204s we get any new optionals maybe see if
3206s there's any bits of gear we want to
3217s make go for
3223s Jojo okay so I can make Harvest
3226s armor Tremor resist resentment
3229s Constitution nothing that really I can
3231s make Zora arms but there
3234s nothing I can make
3237s rathan oh this could be really good for
3239s me
3246s now see if I can make anything
3249s new So currently I get 10 armor and one
3254s Health boost this could give me Health
3256s boost two poison Attack One or I could
3259s go for the ran Helm with health boost
3263s alpha or beta
3268s this is the decisions this is where you
3270s know because I've not got many
3272s decorations yet
3278s either I've been sticking with my orryy
3286s hammer what do we reckon what do we
3288s reckon should I go alpha or
3291s beta uh alpha alpha yeah I don't even
3295s know what I'm looking at
3297s [Music]
3299s or that's just going off of
3303s Vibes just The Vibes of the hunt I
3306s always take Alpha gear early game yeah I
3308s mean and then I can put the attack boost
3310s in my sword instead so yeah we'll go
3312s we'll go
3316s Alpha I got nice and I obviously I've
3318s got poison boost now as well so poison
3321s attack and I'm using a poison
3323s weapon um that is
3327s nice these TR take a look at Bone Tree
3331s hammers but yeah I don't
3336s know so I've got the bone
3341s chest ah I'm too broke to even progress
3345s to this tree so STI I need
3349s Z let's try let's
3354s try
3357s put attack then more
3361s power okay so I've got a piece farmer so
3364s what do I want to go for here actually
3366s and then we can
3374s see there pink wrath you get oh pink
3377s wrath has
3379s handycraft but you need more car pieces
3382s or car pieces and monster hardbone so
3385s that's a potential one ra Coy will
3388s b
3392s um oh I got a fossil bludgeon 3 now um
3396s it's got a little bit of blue little bit
3398s of blue on it um some Thunder element
3400s and yeah it's pretty clear upgrade so
3403s I'll stick with that nice I don't even
3405s think I have any like deos or anything
3407s right let's
3408s see uh sure why
3412s not you know we're we're still in like
3415s poverty mode so yeah exactly we'll be
3417s scraping through see if there's any uh
3421s gloves I can make but it looks like no
3424s so we'll we'll stay there nice so I've
3427s made a helmet so that's
3429s nice an attack Deco in my sword and
3432s shield switch to gra sword for a bit for
3434s the funds I would love to but we we'll
3438s stick with the hammer for now that that
3440s is my weapon though um should we start
3442s these next quests I think we have to
3444s start them separately right yeah let's
3445s have a look at the optionals as well see
3447s if there's anything oh right right yeah
3448s let's do that so there's a pink rathen
3452s two pink Rens obviously because we've
3453s not seen a ton of other monsters yet
3461s um all I'm
3465s back yeah we might as well continue
3467s might as well continue I reckon unless
3469s not feeling the
3471s optionals they're just just pink W in at
3473s the moment unless you want more pink
3475s pieces I mean we can do some more event
3477s quests now we can do there's the royal
3481s pain which is obviously pink and
3483s standard
3484s ran
3486s um what else we got there's let's
3488s progress the story I think we we still
3490s got an hour left let's do yeah let's do
3492s that then when we get some more quests
3493s we can open up the open up yeah all
3496s right some solo quest in y I will see
3500s you in that General
3502s vicinity an alternate Dimension yeah
3511s ever stream I think we're going to be
3513s spending a fair bit of time
3515s here yeah it locks the area in some
3517s monsters so you can do optionals to
3519s community yeah that's a good shout nap
3521s yeah thanks
3523s not lead thank you for joining us Axe
3527s and uh sleep
3528s well thank you yeah I spent so much time
3531s hunting here uran what a treat is that
3536s that's where we zor magos out TOA
3539s exactly come on follow me yeah Ro been
3544s investigating nice to meet you
3547s Admiral wait I never introduced myself
3550s did
3552s I thank you
3554s Admiral he's got a pretty sweet job just
3557s does whatever he wants and leaves all
3558s the actual work other people lifts all
3561s day yeah tells people to do stuff goes
3564s on little walk
3565s what
3572s monster into the sea nante disappeared
3576s too so I decided to track it down and
3579s this is where it
3586s me say that b bug thank you very much
3590s and
3591s not yeah so we can capture do we don't
3594s have to kill
3596s gam I mean I can't capture it right now
3598s though CU I have no traps on me or
3602s TRS you want to be nice to it
3605s exactly it just wants to eat
3614s Rock whoa this place is amazing look at
3618s the streams can feel it in your bones
3621s right something is a what could it be is
3625s just ping Inc am
3628s of know in the two two weeks that we
3630s haven't streamed how have how things
3632s gone for you it's been good it's been
3634s good um nice and steady you know um
3639s getting ready for the stories announc
3642s was was really really cool um yeah it's
3645s been it's been good I kind of miss
3647s streaming with you in the community
3648s though I'll be honest I enjoy our like
3650s our Thursday night slm morning
3652s Shenanigans and chatting with everyone
3654s and and playing
3656s monst how about you yeah absolutely it's
3658s good to be back yeah um yeah prepping
3661s for the stories announc was a busy time
3665s um also got like a lot of other stuff
3667s happening behind the scenes I've been
3668s working on uh dragon sta 2 so that's
3670s been taking a lot of my time but um yeah
3673s yeah it's good good to be back and I
3674s think you I think you may have like
3676s taken some time in in the office so that
3677s was that was good so that was that first
3679s week right yeah yeah yeah that's why we
3682s didn't stream the first week I was
3683s visiting the office uh because we had
3685s the European teams all meet up for like
3688s a catch up to chat monant which was
3691s really really cool and then you were
3693s away on the second week well not away
3695s but busy yes yes yes um with some Dragon
3698s Sera 2 stuff so um but yeah it's it's
3701s good to be back it's good to be back and
3702s sell back in make some progress
3711s exactly sneaking in uh overdose is
3714s asking are you guys ALS Al on Twitch yes
3716s so uh we're streaming on Twitch and
3718s YouTube uh we're both taking a look at
3720s the various chats so I have the YouTube
3722s and twitch chats open Dar I think you
3724s have I believe you have twitch open so
3727s um yeah once we do open up the lobby
3729s we'll drop those uh those codes in there
3731s in both
3737s chats here we are the official
3739s introduction to the elders recess I mean
3741s Joe's a bit ahead of me so if you're if
3742s you're watching uh on Jo
3745s yeah
3749s slightly bio
3751s energy sizzling with bio energy yum yum
3755s everything's making me
3757s hungry it's your dinner
3759s time but I'll tell you
3762s what this place is sizzling with
3765s bioy and that means man I hope there's
3768s not a monster feeding off this
3770s somewhere oh they would never they
3773s wouldn't do such a thing yeah
3775s there's something that's been bothering
3777s me which is why would zor MOS tunneling
3781s in here instead
3783s of Petra you've been waiting for Dragon
3785s Dog for 12
3787s years great to hear love to see it
3790s obviously this is the Monster Hunter
3792s stream so I can't talk too much about
3793s Dogma but um that is awesome so yes
3796s we're all very excited one month
3799s too you're right nante and Zora
3803s magdor always seen them together it must
3807s have had its own reason for
3810s coming it's so funny watching my hunter
3813s now because they've got an enclosed
3814s helmet so they're just
3816s like see if I can see this on your uh on
3820s your stream feed here we need to track
3822s them one
3824s by oh looks like we
3827s are what are we doing nante
3833s tracks okay
3837s ready we need to sight all of the
3839s monsters in the Elder recess so looks
3841s like we'll have to do that on our own
3843s right uh and then then we can open
3846s things
3848s up let's go ahead and do that oh and
3852s then obiously yeah we can get more high
3853s rank points from um just yeah that' be
3857s good just like with the ran tracks yeah
3861s all right let's
3863s go
3866s there always tends to be a monster down
3868s here obviously where you can drop the
3869s crystal on some monsters there's two
3871s drop points in here as well which Elder
3873s Dragon tastes the best I don't think we
3875s can answer
3878s that I've not I've not tried to eat one
3882s yet all right my first sighting is
3885s happening I I've just found like some
3887s Nur gante
3891s spikes old broken rock with dir
3896s uron that's oron that's
3901s or oh it's a full on cut scene as well
3905s mhm yeah this this fashion is quite it's
3908s quite like uh oh know I've got do gammer
3910s is my first
3912s one who's a good
3923s boy
3926s look at that
3934s face uh I'm sorry do Gama we'll leave we
3937s we no beef no beef we'll just go oh you
3940s saw Doo so where yeah
3945s yeah did you go uh underground I did
3949s yeah that's like my traditional path
3950s when I'm like fighting like Elders I'm
3952s like straight down there I don't have
3954s any cool drinks oh no you think Kieran
3957s would taste the best I don't know about
3960s that one I know you'd have to you'd have
3962s to ask rajang about that it's pretty
3966s lean unless you want to try and crunch
3968s the horn like a stick of
3972s rock like the cat meme video where it's
3974s I eat biscuit okay that area is blocked
3977s off I guess I'm just going to have to
3979s cuz I didn't pick up any things to make
3981s cool drinks I'm just going to have to
3983s face tank the
3985s meat obviously this is like the this
3988s area is not fully opened up yet there is
3990s much more to it than Meats
3994s ey oh another cut
3996s scene all right I just oh no not it's
4000s lav
4001s lavasioth I think I'm heading towards
4003s that one
4007s now this absolute Terror of a
4013s monster
4016s the P can like swim through the
4018s ground there's a lava mhm
4022s it's
4027s terrifying molten
4031s fish splashing magma on
4035s me there's mushrooms to yeah I I thought
4037s they'd normally be the mushrooms there
4039s but oh it's mushrooms isn't it I was
4040s looking for uh like a herb Bush that was
4044s my Folly right we're going to we're
4047s going to get across here we're going to
4048s go find
4050s uran some more tracks I keep wan to I
4054s keep wanting to scoop up the toads like
4056s in R bre I think we say that every week
4060s yeah we we try to and then we end up
4062s hurting ourselves does eating Namo count
4065s as Seafood uh that's the
4068s question oh know I don't
4073s know
4077s I found a research of Pico yay nice
4081s they're dressed like a ladybugg as well
4083s so how many total monsters in this area
4086s four I don't know I found
4093s two now I've got a bit
4100s lost I still need to find more um
4106s more n Gigante evidence as well yeah oh
4110s yeah just walk straight into the
4113s lava CH chsky says they returned to
4116s World on PS yesterday and slaughtered
4119s Fatalis still got it that's
4123s impressive pick up casually yeah yeah
4126s definitely do still have
4133s it okay
4135s I must be going near uron territory
4139s now I just missed the uron in the other
4142s area was I near it was I oh I did sight
4145s all monsters okay great
4148s um so I guess at this point it's just
4150s the evidence
4153s right all right here's the map piecing
4155s together did I really miss
4156s uran am I being a silly Billy so well
4159s we'll do the loop
4163s anyway
4165s hopefully I can get enough ruts for my
4167s Scout flies
4171s to this is where he likes when you're
4173s fighting him he comes down here and it's
4174s like like goes Beyblade mode uh CU like
4178s it's all just slopes and like like a
4180s dome
4181s area and it gets super
4187s dangerous there is some or
4193s though go back to the camp and go right
4195s in the tunnel
4197s okay yeah I think I'll be near here I
4199s just have to go up
4201s here I got some my first fusium ore as
4205s well so for the um the nante
4210s tracks on this like are they is there a
4212s set amount I can't remember I don't know
4214s I found one set in the area where you
4216s can drop the crystals like just outside
4217s a camp there's like some spikes on the
4220s floor oh I've got Oran
4223s now
4224s so I'm going to go back into that area
4226s actually know CU nerie could
4229s be just outside that with the cliffs you
4232s can jump down as well so I'm going to go
4233s check
4237s there oh those rocks don't look any good
4240s they look like they might
4245s pop I went up to see if there's anything
4253s here
4255s AR toad chilling out there and a blast
4266s toad right there's a lot of like spiky
4270s crystals there's also a camp down here
4272s so I'm going to see if I can start that
4275s unlock process M this is a very handy
4277s Camp to have on this one especially if
4279s you're fight fight fighting and farming
4282s elder dragons trying to save two at one
4287s so that is a top camp
4291s area right kind of just running around
4294s with my head off at this point oh yeah
4296s I'm waiting for my Scout flies to turn
4299s blue to take this bone I was going to
4301s grab any resources I come by here
4306s M quality bones there three for
4313s three
4315s definitely need all these materials for
4317s for our crafter
4324s Thon okay that's
4325s [Music]
4330s green oh it's not oh I can't take that
4333s shortcut yet okay oh true barrel and oh
4338s oh I got a abyssal
4341s Barrel now I can jump down there
4343s actually that's
4346s oh these precious
4353s Jabs there we
4357s go oh
4359s man I honestly don't know where where I
4362s might have missed
4364s something don't worry I'll let you know
4366s if I find uh have you found one of them
4368s yet or I think I found a couple I think
4370s I found three already what theed all the
4372s monsters
4374s and uh you know I'm going to ignore
4376s these
4379s guys the hair matches the brel deposits
4382s you know what's up you got to represent
4383s the barrel
4387s deposits I've gone to the my favorite
4389s color exactly Barrel
4393s blue uh I'm going to search this area a
4397s bit
4398s more is this no that's doag sleeping on
4403s the floor is doam sleeping in the rocks
4405s it made a little
4407s hole sorry
4409s gakers I mean you no
4411s trouble I'll take some Crystal burst
4422s though level
4424s up I've not been up here yet so I'll go
4427s and have a little
4432s gandra hello
4434s on the edge of the volcano area all
4436s right we'll take we'll take a look there
4438s there's Aon
4439s again I'll go back to the volcano area
4442s as
4451s well L of gamma's woken up oh hold on I
4454s found oh did it refresh I think the
4456s first ones I found have refreshed unless
4458s these are some to the
4460s side okay I got a little bit more but
4463s then the evidence for gante they're the
4464s ones we can just do from doing hunts now
4466s aren't
4467s they I'm not sure
4469s actually that's what I'm a little hazy
4471s on I think they'll be like rathen
4475s was cuz I got that one the first one I
4477s got gave me like half a bar but that one
4479s only gave me like a smidge
4486s mhm so I think we just need to go fight
4489s some high rank monsters and uh get some
4492s progress that way I'm a little worried
4494s to try and risk
4497s it I will I will take the gamble I will
4501s oh wait let's see I think I may have
4503s found hopefully was the last
4506s one no it seems like there's probably
4509s one more I will I will return and see
4511s what happens
4513s okay good luck fingers crossed I'm sure
4517s yeah I'm sure it's like pink rathen
4522s again
4524s a few bits of ore there thank you tail
4527s Riders I got four new or three new uh
4531s food materials for the stuff I found the
4533s barrel the two barrels and some Amber
4536s all right you came up yeah oh no go on
4539s an expedition no what have I
4543s done is it is it gone uh I'll have to
4546s check I'm going to go
4550s back go
4552s back you got I'll get them all here
4555s that's what you did yesterday yeah stay
4557s in there Joe hang
4560s on tree has given us some some
4562s information all right did you uh did you
4566s leave Jon I did I did for science besid
4570s but it's fine it's fine I know where
4571s they are I I know where they're hanging
4573s out and I've got the monster spotted
4577s anyway yeah search for evidence of
4581s nante and I know where that evidence
4585s is ah okay so you won't lose your
4587s progress thank you
4592s know I don't want to fight you J G I may
4595s have found my last one hopefully let's
4597s see that's it okay the they've moved
4601s this time they're not where they were
4602s before no I know your progress should be
4605s the same yep I just need to refind
4610s uh it's fine I'm going to go on an
4613s adventure
4616s vure wait for those flies to go Blue
4619s Scout flies and we're we're
4625s laughing these bounties
4629s done I do a little little
4633s loop-de-loop one more J I Need Just One
4635s okay that's fine I left at the worst
4638s time especially cuz I knew where those
4639s ones spawned I think there might be like
4641s two or three in the volcanic area and
4643s then and two in the like area where DOTA
4647s is yeah I had two there before in the
4649s DOTA area I'm just having a quick run
4652s around the volcano now with my cool
4656s drinks and then uh we can hopefully grab
4659s some community members for some
4661s hunts but all we ask to say if you do
4664s join us for some hunts don't bring
4665s master rank weapons uh if you master
4668s rank Arma is fine at this point but uh I
4672s think I mean it's the we weapons really
4674s isn't it that uh make a huge difference
4677s yeah
4682s yeah uh yeah you can wear you know if
4684s you want to join us on the high rank
4685s armor please please feel free um but
4688s yeah weapon wise please bring weapons
4690s that are very similar to us I'm around I
4692s think weapon tier five right now yeah
4695s let me take a look at where I'm at too
4697s um but yeah we definitely don't want to
4699s just roll the monster in you know less
4701s than 10 seconds so yeah Rarity 5 is
4704s where we're at right now attack range
4706s about
4708s 800 Buton beenin
4711s here
4715s nante edge of volcano I have one okay I
4719s just need the
4721s one it'll be fine it's a good way like
4723s if you're not familiar with the area to
4725s kind of find your way
4727s around okay there's do and oron all
4730s right chaps I'm just gonna like
4733s I'm just looking for nante tracks no no
4737s beef
4738s please all right J while you're doing
4740s that should I go ahead and open the
4743s lobby yeah can you see both chats or
4745s should I get ready to do I can do twitch
4747s yeah yeah I can I can do both so okay
4749s get ready Joe's going to deliver the
4752s goods all right one
4760s sec I got a fire cell Stone
4773s oh no this is lassio territory
4777s yeah oh I found some in the
4785s wall and there's some more here two for
4788s one
4790s special okay I need a few more
4796s all right we have sent
4799s uh that code in both chat
4803s so okay so I found a couple I probably
4805s need a few
4807s more more more
4810s materials another fire sell
4822s Stone
4824s oh getting a special
4826s bone unknown
4829s skull right okay so we found a couple of
4835s spikes Little Toad there the Nitro toad
4838s as it's known in the
4848s world can I get back to the middle that
4850s way I don't think
4852s so
4856s I'm doing getting a loop
4863s in all
4865s right Mr Mis Mr Mis Mis if you want to
4868s take if you want to take a group on a
4870s high rank hunt go for it and then I'll
4871s grab a group when I get
4874s out uh sure why we why don't we do that
4876s yeah let's do it and then uh I'll anyone
4879s that's there when I turn up we'll uh
4882s we'll go on some hun as well yeah we'll
4884s roll to different
4886s groups all right uh let's go for
4891s uron get
4898s choice so anybody that's here already um
4901s feel free to join again please uh make
4904s sure that you match our Rarity five
4908s weapons yes
4910s please I know Nery likes to chill out
4913s here when I
4914s uh when I hunt them so please leave some
4919s spikes around for me to
4924s find oh hello dodo yo
4930s dodo okay oran's here as
4934s well I'm getting lots of points
4942s though
4945s we got some some folks uh trickling in
4947s now so nice
4949s nice Mr Mr Mr Mr Mister has a incredible
4953s outfit oh and I'm missing it
4957s outrageous you'll see it you'll see it
4960s that's for
4963s sure I don't think this is where nante
4967s is I've gone on a I've got
4972s distracted
4976s oh it's the it's this the gajaka
4981s camp but looks like no one's home at the
4983s moment so I'll uh I don't want to be an
4985s Uninvited Guest so I will head back
4988s out all right we're ready to
5001s go
5008s on the
5010s prow what's your status at J how how are
5012s we looking I've found those two in the
5014s volcano and since then nante has been a
5017s bit stingy if I'm honest um so I'm just
5021s I'm checking some of the you know the
5022s well treaded areas where I found bits
5025s before but if not I might just Lo back
5027s in
5028s now oh we are right in it fighting or
5031s gone already we we landed right in front
5034s of
5035s it good
5038s luck folks are liking the Disco po hat
5040s on your P love
5043s it you got to go with it got to go with
5048s it
5051s oops another Cool Drink top
5056s out I love the sliding attack with a
5059s hammer it's so
5060s good maximum B okay these haven't
5063s refreshed yet so I can't get these
5071s on I will get
5082s this yeah so Jon once you finish up uh
5085s grabbing all those tracks sounds like
5087s you'll bring another group into a quest
5089s I will I'll bring another group in with
5091s me I'm just doing a terrible job right
5093s now uh that's all right trying to
5098s find I need to piig up my Scout F Scout
5101s we got this we got this find them
5103s goodies we'll hunt some
5105s monsters we are bullying oron right
5108s now I oh n hang in there check the top
5114s area that's the area I haven't
5118s checked NEP with the great sword ni nice
5122s oh me
5128s oh why have I who's aggro on me oh you
5131s guys you're not even large monsters how
5133s dare you how dare
5142s you hello
5145s gante and hello Kath good to see you hey
5149s Kath how you doing how you doing
5157s would that be sliding attacks
5174s oh oh man that hit
5177s harda likes to hang out but nante does
5181s oh you're at the very top huh yeah I my
5184s adventure to find these uh evidence of
5187s Nagant has took me far and
5190s wide yeah I'm not sure if if anything
5192s spawns up there I went up there I didn't
5194s see anything yeah I think you're
5197s probably
5199s right I feel I've made that exact
5201s mistake like multiple times yeah I'm
5203s like I'll just check and it's like no
5205s no this is the Cala crib if anyone's
5209s Cala
5211s crib
5219s N I know you want to
5223s be why are you playing hard to get with
5225s me come on
5227s now I'll try this
5231s ramp I've not check hold on what's going
5234s on I
5237s canar yeah for anyone just tuning in uh
5240s jonno is finishing up one of the solo
5242s Quest right now separately and I've
5244s taken a group in to do a couple optional
5257s quests get him
5263s tree I feel bad for the hunters waiting
5265s for me while I P they're probably really
5267s obvious as well and I'm just being
5269s oblivious all right we've all been there
5276s nice that tail we got the tail there
5279s right next to the starting C you
5283s say needed one of those thank you very
5286s much
5293s pile back into the lava
5299s area lots of outcrops though Lots of
5302s Ming out crops I think the ones I first
5305s got should be back now and then if I can
5307s you're just resourcing up yeah and then
5310s if I if I can fast travel back to Camp I
5312s think Ultra might be onto
5318s something just got St of off
5325s way nice nice good St oh no I can't gra
5328s those
5331s um
5333s fast
5339s travel all right we've kept this a nice
5342s good competitive hunt so far so thanks
5344s everybody for bringing the right weapons
5347s lvas was right behind me oh my goodness
5349s okay I'm back at camp
5351s now
5358s um will nerie share Sharon is Caren Nery
5362s gun
5365s why why why you got to do this to
5367s me I bet there was some in areas where
5370s um there's like large monsters and my
5372s Scout flies were like
5373s chilling in their po there's
5380s some oh
5382s no did it oh it's done good
5388s job first time
5390s baby first time
5394s right well thank you to everyone for
5395s being patient I will now jump in and
5397s grab any Hunters that are uh in the
5399s Gathering
5402s Hub I thank you for the GG that was
5405s probably the the the most challenging
5407s hunt for me so far in the
5410s playr that we did it's a different type
5412s of challenge the cerebral it is it is
5414s don't make me
5416s think right anyone in the Gathering Hub
5418s hello hello B Hunters hello everyone's
5423s everyone's died of old
5425s age I saw our friend Rio Ripley was with
5429s a group somewhere so R is hide hiding
5432s from me the shame of someone that can't
5434s follow the blue Scout
5439s flies but I will pick a
5448s quest thing is if I pick da a gamma I'm
5450s going to have to capture it so we've got
5453s yeah you're doing origan there's
5455s lvas Diablos there's a high rank Diablos
5458s there
5460s oh uh oh oh high rank
5463s Rathalos I want to do high rank
5468s Rathalos my sliding attack
5471s missed would I go camp
5473s 11 Camp 11 thank you for the
5477s heals oh Mr lac's on the way I got Mr
5480s there you go that is truly the best
5482s outfit you look
5486s amazing the the pink wiggler
5490s combo oh you you saw the outfit yeah
5493s it's pretty incredible truly beautiful I
5495s I love that I've made this rium sword
5496s show that I'm fighting monsters that
5498s just laugh off
5501s poison but it's the thought that
5506s counts so yeah we we'll start together
5508s as a pair and then if any other Hunters
5511s join join the Lobby they can uh they can
5515s pop
5517s in you're at hr4 and still in no rank
5520s well if you need some help we don't mind
5523s helping that's what it's all
5528s about all right oragon has been slain
5532s nice work should I wait for you or do
5534s you want to keep with your group and do
5535s some hunts there yeah do you want toti
5538s how many got you got two right I got two
5540s yeah yeah maybe we can uh bring
5542s everybody back and then we can fill up
5545s your group and fill up mine yeah sure
5547s sounds good yeah let's do that let's do
5550s that Garen is Karen un like nante who is
5556s stingy guess I'll take this opportunity
5558s to clear out my box a bit um oh yeah
5561s it's full of random bits of
5571s bobs
5577s later yeah that was a fun one um
5580s definitely felt like good good amount of
5582s challenge but not too challenging yeah
5585s he's always a fun fight with that big
5586s old
5589s chin especially with the hammer lots of
5591s like a really big head like a giant face
5595s toit Mister has a range of outfits yeah
5599s it's oh I love it when you got a crunchy
5601s monster this breaking all over the place
5615s yeah oh so I got grm now so I now
5618s there's three of us in this hunted party
5623s now oh I need to speak to the chief of
5625s colist I'm going to go ahead and do that
5627s so I guess we could do a three and a
5628s three now right so unless there's
5631s anybody else that um is waiting the
5634s lobby I'll wait for a second if anyone
5636s wants to jump in they can if not they
5638s can hop in for another hunt with
5642s you yeah let me just uh talk to the
5644s researcher so I can progress to The Next
5647s Step
5650s here tre's hyped a tree there with a
5652s sword and shield oh a fantastic choice
5657s all right and then speak to the
5660s commander
5664s there we go right I've got a full Squad
5667s I got NEP with me so I'm going to go and
5669s introduce myself to high rank
5672s Ros oh so I think I guess I've triggered
5674s the nuran cost already nice okay I I
5678s guess you you you definitely kicked up a
5681s Ruckus
5683s yeah uh let me go back talk to the
5690s Handler
5707s a wound and a thirst okay
5710s so I've got that Quest
5713s open I feel like we should do that one
5715s together so yeah yeah we can we can go
5717s hand in
5719s hand okay right Ros is natur at the top
5723s so I'm going to where's me flash pods go
5727s BL me there it is I went straight past
5728s it um all right tree let's let's do
5732s something
5734s here is anybody else posted a
5742s quest all right you guys are all in
5744s there climb up here I've gone for a
5747s Wonder that's that's literally the worst
5748s place to climb up that did nothing to
5750s help me
5755s I'm I'm now swinging through the trees
5756s I'm having a a good old time it looked
5758s like I meant to do it as well
5763s so I need to find the the way up the big
5768s tree all right I'm going to post a
5770s pinkathon quest oh you got some parts in
5773s particular that you're
5774s after uh actually not
5777s really I just don't want to do the same
5779s Quest as
5780s you yeah I thinking because Rathalos
5783s obviously the Rathalos sword and shield
5784s is fantastic um and also I'm sure some
5787s of the armor has got some banging skills
5789s on it as
5793s well oh we got a full party here too
5798s nice 5,000 hunts with
5801s insect oh my goodness clearly a
5805s fan I hope I'm going the right
5810s way
5814s I'm terrible at getting to the top tree
5816s on uh on this one oh it's all am I I'm
5818s terrible at
5823s it I know I'm like near to the place I
5826s need to be but also I'm
5831s not no not not
5836s that I need like all right ready go you
5838s know what I'm just going to follow the
5839s Scout flies I tried to do my own way I
5842s didn't listen to The Almighty Scout
5845s flies now I will follow the righteous
5849s light you thought you can go unassisted
5852s yeah I needed that I need that scoutfly
5854s goodness I'm sorry I doubted you
5856s scoutflies you've been humbled I
5860s have they just wanted to help me all
5862s along there we go we're already climbing
5864s the tree
5865s now if I might get there with raffalos
5868s still alive you never
5870s know oh that's a broken part maybe not
5874s oh we're in wildspire
5876s nice you doing
5878s Diablos uh Pink r pink oh you did say
5881s didn't you you did say that's all right
5884s you're hunting at the same time you know
5886s it's hard to keep track of everything
5887s you say that I'm trying to get there to
5889s start hunting I'm nearly there I'm like
5892s 50 away
5893s now I've even got my
5896s uh my flash pods and
5900s everything
5907s oh mysterious
5910s fopr if rafos flies away when I get here
5913s I'll
5915s cry oh see some action happening in the
5930s distance
5935s hello I made it oh the Tail's come up
5938s already so I'm going to combat car cuz
5940s technically I'm not in combat yet so
5941s it's it's totally acceptable it's fine I
5944s got the tail you're too selfish just
5947s kidding all right I've hit Rathalos now
5949s I'm in combat so technically it was just
5951s a
5953s carve I mean
5956s sure we'll uh we'll take it that's what
5959s my conscience is telling me
5965s I'm surprised we not seeing baz turn up
5967s yet that's bit Basel geese all right
5974s right on work on those wings oh
5979s no oh that's a charge
5987s blade can I flash no it's too late he
5990s gone he
5992s gone that's nice blue bits here though
5994s Bo okay back out
6002s here oh wrath Los is back wrath Los is
6005s nearly
6006s down I got the flash everyone in I I
6010s called everyone in and then I absolutely
6013s whiffed my attacks I am a I'm missing
6016s Flinch free right now
6019s yeah you need get on that goodness
6031s oh well done well
6037s done oh oh that was
6041s fast I
6042s think either we were over equipped or
6046s has too much skill
6048s [Music]
6050s power I'm poisoned that's not very
6054s nice you know I can contribute with FL
6056s pods oh yeah quick Rarity five team
6061s Rarity
6064s five we're still fighting WRA the last
6067s fight imagine not for much longer there
6070s we go a nice charge blade finish
6073s there good job
6076s team uh what do you think maybe we
6078s should reunite for one more hunt and
6080s then we'll call it oh yeah unlock the
6081s camp yeah we'll do one more hunt let's
6083s reunite yeah I need that good point I
6085s need to unlock the uh the camp will I
6087s have time to carve and someone got a a
6092s gem uh right okay let's go thank you NEP
6095s that's such a great piece of advice I'll
6097s Follow You NEP take me to the delicious
6099s camp that will save me so much time ah
6102s run
6105s run I'm poisoned as well I'm
6110s like
6112s I think we build
6114s the there we go nice one nap thank you
6118s much
6120s appreciate yeah that'll save me so much
6123s time when we hunt Ros and stuff I'll be
6124s like I don't need to find my way because
6126s I'm already here oh the flower bed oh so
6131s close so where you at now how's it going
6134s oh you're you're finishing out right and
6135s we got a nice subscription there from
6137s spark as well thank you very much thank
6139s you very kind oh well that's a pretty
6141s cool end screen so I got two three taals
6145s out of that hunt if that was ran I'd be
6148s doing back flips cuz I need like four
6150s rathen plus taals but you know I won't
6152s say no to the Wrath lost Ones cuz I have
6154s no doubt I'll need that as well when it
6156s comes to making the weapons and
6161s armor lovely
6165s hun uh Sentinel so Jon and I were in
6169s different quests right there so you're
6170s seeing the two different perspectives um
6172s happening so I was taking a different
6173s group than jonno was we uh yeah so
6177s typically you know we'll have the two uh
6180s two different streams switching back and
6182s forth so yeah you can do this I don't
6186s know if I explained that well
6190s but
6194s yet all right you're almost back now
6196s right yeah I'm just quickly going to the
6198s Smithy to uh have a look what those
6201s Rathalos Parts have unlocked uh Forge
6205s equipment
6207s armor oh there's a there's loads of new
6210s armor sets I've got like high metal is
6212s there now as
6214s well um Ingot armor is there the Ingot
6219s armor with the uh Health
6221s boost and defense boost on the legs the
6224s faux feline the strategist glasses which
6228s give critical I
6230s to uh
6232s um then there's the Rathalos armor so
6234s attack boost fire attack yeah oh that
6237s Ros Helm tons of stuff unlocked but I
6241s can't make any of yeah same the chest
6243s piece with weakness exploit two oh my
6246s goodness we're going to need that chest
6247s at some point dude we're going to need
6249s that chest I think so I think so do we
6251s hunt another raos do we hunt another
6253s question
6254s mark there's also lavas if you want to
6258s go for that I mean we probably should go
6259s and give lvas off a bit a bit of a slap
6262s really um because that was one of my
6265s most hated monsters when I first played
6267s free
6268s world I just it would just bully
6274s me I'll let you pop the quest in and uh
6278s all right yeah give me two
6281s seconds just
6283s upgrading that's probably fine I think
6286s next stream have another quaky cheeky go
6288s at uh Ros we need that raffalos
6294s Ruby everyone looking so fashionable and
6296s stylish
6304s here oh it's good to see so many
6308s Hunters all right I'll post it y let me
6312s know when you're popping it in and again
6315s anybody if you're joining please do
6316s bring Rarity 5 weapon
6319s mhm
6324s almost forgot what I was doing all right
6326s here we go where am
6330s I that was me in the elders recess where
6333s am I where's where's nury G I got in I
6338s got in all right all right good thank
6340s you everyone thank you now I'm going to
6343s eat a delicious
6349s meal what's the GL thing that neps got
6352s so you can get um different Trinkets and
6355s bits that you can attach to your weapon
6358s purely
6359s cosmetic um and it's a cool way to show
6361s off your fashion or certain achievements
6364s in the game as well um like T taken down
6367s certain monsters um so yeah it's it's
6369s fashion because we we monst Hunters as
6371s you know we love our fashion very
6374s fashionable always very
6377s fashionable yeah purely cosmetic but
6379s it's a great way to kind of add a bit
6381s more personality to your Hunter and the
6383s weapons however you wish to do it oh
6386s it's not a pendant oh it's your dragon
6388s soul
6389s Kinect okay so it wasn't a weapon P it
6391s was actually the Kinect which are also
6394s very
6395s fashionable we don't have 5,000 hours or
6397s 5,000 hunts or whatever was ins but
6400s maybe we should maybe we should you know
6402s what the game knows I don't like lassio
6404s because it's dunked me straight in here
6406s and I haven't got any cool drinks on me
6408s I'm going to go and find a mushroom
6411s I hear they fun
6414s guys hey get out of
6424s here oh there we go that's what I need
6427s is that what I need no that's a blue
6428s mushroom so
6431s close there's NEP
6435s there where where did I where's
6438s those there it is I walked right past it
6441s are distracted by np's wonderful
6445s kect did you
6448s go there you go I'm coming back now I've
6451s I've had a cool I've made a cool
6456s drink I guess they never do that all
6458s that time that's what that that kect is
6460s yeah it says from the Final Fantasy
6462s collab right I
6466s think is it Final Fantasy collab I'm not
6468s sure it's it's pretty similar to uh um
6471s like the effect you get with the pendant
6473s that you get from beating
6482s Fatalis at least I can poison this
6484s monster quite
6486s happily oh it is FF cab thank you n
6490s sorry we didn't know
6491s that we've been educated thank
6494s you knowledge is power so thank you for
6497s sharing
6498s it I'm just stood in the this magma
6502s warming up the feet oh there there's
6505s that
6511s armor I think someone's got a blast
6513s weapon I'm seeing some nice 12s going
6515s off
6517s there
6521s 12s go go go oh I bounced it up bounc
6525s and I need to go for something a bit
6529s squishier
6536s come here
6542s you nice work everyone o big
6548s hit the Poison's in as well so I'm
6550s feeling happy I've
6553s contributed I feel like I haven't done
6556s much I don't I'm seeing the monster
6558s Bounce
6559s Around
6563s I'll pop down a health booster thank you
6567s sir keep everyone fighting
6581s bit got to get that Health
6586s booster looking a bit tired there
6589s lassia
6594s oh there some ammo on the floor where is
6596s it there it is sling a
6599s bomb yeah how'd you like those
6603s apples younger me would be very pleased
6605s with this beaten levas his C
6609s again Revenge
6618s exactly f
6622s oh I'm in the wrong spot I got to get to
6624s the head
6628s oh it's such a tanky monster as
6634s well I think I just missed the point
6636s blank bom pod it's all right though cuz
6639s it flinched so it's it's okay it's not
6641s my fault you didn't you didn't have to
6642s tell us but it's okay you know I don't
6644s know if they're watching you or me I had
6646s to own up to it just in case you know I
6648s think it's on you oh no
6651s yeah we we'll go for long range bom pod
6655s never
6657s mind we'll try again manual aim there we
6660s go look at that
6666s oh nice little Slide Attack there if I
6670s do say so
6675s myself oh go my SL attack too that was a
6679s big hit there
6681s I got I don't know if it did that much
6684s damage but we'll take
6695s it fish is
6698s down sliding
6700s attack whoa do G just came through and
6703s slapped me oh my goodness do no we're
6707s here to help friends Doo no
6711s my only C this stream can't be do G Oh I
6714s thought that was me c oh my goodness can
6717s you imagine oh yeah Doo chill out chill
6721s out
6724s buddy wanted attention
6726s to good
6728s Heavens where that bomb come from wait
6731s wait yeah suddenly
6735s no there you go I got some nice lassio
6738s BS Doo no
6741s Doo doto got Do's been munching him
6744s there's origon look had all the
6749s commotion
6752s byebye see you later
6754s dodo
6756s Doo D is just like out of my
6759s way oh there's over there too ah thank
6761s you for the raid neon that's very we're
6763s actually wrapping up now as well really
6766s really appreciate it I'm sure there's
6768s plenty of others streaming monant though
6770s so feel free to give them some love but
6772s really appreciate you and you and your
6774s community coming by yeah got lucky my
6776s controller disconnected it was meant to
6778s be there we go a divine
6783s intervention there's mostly do gamma on
6786s my end screen it look like doto did the
6787s killing blow it's like looks like it's
6789s like chomping on it yeah that's what it
6791s looks like for me too yeah oh we're
6793s right next to each other that's such a
6795s wicked end screen my trousers I need to
6797s get some monster armor on
6799s there
6802s good hunt everyone good hunt a nice
6804s solid five
6807s minutes overall pretty good stream today
6809s making some good progress um yeah oh I
6811s filled up the nante bar yeah we're we're
6813s set for that for next week then huh yep
6816s that'll be it we're gonna go go say
6818s hello to Nagi gante
6823s again with that I think we can we can
6825s wrap up for to for do you want to do a
6827s quick arm wrestle against n yeah I think
6829s there has
6831s we do we do I nearly broke tradition
6833s there yeah let me
6835s uh I I guess I'll take on
6839s somebody
6842s oh seems like it's not working right now
6844s is everyone too many people
6847s around if not there there's there's a
6850s second one over
6853s here oh here we go there we go this is
6856s the uh is it
6857s working oh maybe not maybe not here all
6861s right let's go check the one
6865s upstairs oh here we
6868s go a thank you Dan I appreciate that and
6871s NEP stays undefeated yeah well I guess
6873s NEP has lost before but it's still the
6877s champ I'll
6879s take the rematch I been
6883s training got massive thumb
6886s now wait I was pressing the wrong button
6888s it's over no oh no no recover
6894s recover we'll give give one more one
6896s more Challenger for that one more
6898s Challenger who wants you want to take on
6901s now me oh
6904s no let's see
6907s it I'm already I'm pre- running I'm pre-
6914s running you can't you can't buffer
6916s inputs
6917s okay yeah I'm stacking my
6920s okay it wasn't enough though well played
6922s nap okay Mr Mr Mr got
6927s it a fair a fair fight
6930s here let's see
6936s it ah ne St well played stays on top on
6940s top
6942s yeah well play I think we should be we
6945s should see uh Ria Ria Ripley versus NEP
6948s if we the only one that's beaten NEP
6950s right yeah
6951s yeah let's see let's let's let moon have
6954s their chance yeah everyone everyone gets
6956s a
6957s go oh unlucky Moon don't feel bad this
6960s is this is what happens to us all okay R
6963s is
6964s in oh no is R yeah R
6968s yeah all right here we go the main
6973s event Oh Oh I thought might had it there
6977s it is there it is there it is all right
6981s I think that K is having a quick go
6984s there we go then then we will wrap up
6987s yeah
6988s Goa Kira upset the balance of arm
6991s wrestling power the Gathering get S we
6993s just like an underdog all right there It
6998s Is Well with that I think it's time to
7002s to wrap up today's stream it's good to
7003s be back uh we got some nice hunting got
7006s a few armor and weapon upgrades as well
7008s and next week we will be hunting down
7011s nagie
7012s gante yeah I'm looking forward to it
7014s this was a good time though I think yeah
7015s we made a lot of good progress um we got
7017s our sets Al together we got you know
7019s some of the rust off yeah feeling good
7023s yeah it was nice to hunt with the
7024s community so always good time exactly
7028s exactly and with that yeah so we'll be
7030s back uh same time next Thursday so that
7033s is now at 600 p.m. GMT 700 p.m. C and I
7038s believe it's 10: a.m. PS
7040s yes 10 P 1 p.m. uh eastern time so yeah
7046s so that is a ton of fun but yeah once
7048s again thank you for welcoming us back
7049s after that two we break um always good
7052s fun hunting it was lovely getting
7054s reacquainted with the elders
7055s [Laughter]
7058s recess exactly exactly and with that
7061s I've been jonno and I'm Joe and you've
7064s been awesome have a fantastic weekend
7067s and we will see you next week goodbye by
7073s [Music]
7098s everybody
7103s [Music]
7141s [Music]
7226s oh
2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name's Jon o em Community
4s manager of monst hun and I'm joined by
7s everyone I'm Joe I'm the cap Community
9s manager on Monster hun it's good to be
12s back we've had a short two week break
14s you know we've been very very busy
16s behind the scenes but we are back and we
17s are ready to hunt isn't that right Joe
20s yeah it was nice to get a little break I
21s mean I I have missed uh playing with
23s these specific uh Hunters but yeah we're
26s finally here and uh yeah we got to we
29s got to pick up where we left off which
30s I'm a little hazy on where we might be
32s so uh why don't we get like a little bit
35s up to speed on uh where we might have
37s left off to weeks ago so two weeks ago
41s it feels so long ago now we had just
44s collected all of the required tracks for
46s the mystery rathen that we're trying to
48s hunt down as we have just arrived in
50s high
52s rank man I completely forgot that's
54s where we're at so thank you jonno um but
57s yeah looks like we've got like a little
59s bit to do then we got got to um get
61s those pink rathen tracks we got to work
64s on building our sets but I think uh
66s maybe to just start things off we might
68s want to craft your weapon right that's
70s true but one second oh can we turn our
72s mic volume up a bit please producer
74s mysterious producer could we have our
76s voices raised ever so slightly because
78s chat is H thank you chat for telling us
80s by the way otherwise you would have Happ
82s to like be turning that volume up way
84s high but yeah as you said yeah hello can
87s you hear me especially when we got like
89s a basil geese like blowing us up and
91s things um but yeah so today as you said
94s Joe we are going to be focusing on
96s building up our high rank sets and
98s weapons to kind of get us ready for the
101s challenges ahead and I need a couple of
103s low rank bits uh to make the rra and
106s sword and shield which is one of the
107s weapons I like to have as one of my
110s Mains in World um so yeah we'll start
112s low rank to warm up settle back into
115s things and then we'll jump into high
117s rank and in the latter part of the
118s stream we will open up the Gathering hub
120s for you our viewers to jump in and do
123s some hunts with
124s us all right yeah sounds good sounds
127s good let's let's get to it let's get to
128s it and thanks um everybody for pointing
130s out any technical issues or anything
133s like that we'll try to sort them out uh
135s thanks to the power of our uh mysterious
137s producer oh yes and if we do got a sync
139s I think Black Ops said I might be a bit
141s out of sync we can we can adjust that so
143s thank you for letting us thank you and
145s anybody watching the uh the VOD of this
148s um well that might be a little weird for
151s you
153s but but that's okay we do it live we do
156s it live exactly exactly um all right I
160s have a I believe I have a low rank uh
163s investigation here oh yes please that's
166s why we get into it so yeah I just need
168s some basic rathum parts and then I need
169s a poison sack exclusively from pke PUK
172s but I'm just wearing so me and Joe both
174s have mixed sets like mine is a little
176s bit of low rank a little bit of high
177s rank so I really need an upgrade but Joe
179s your armor sets in a bit of a bad place
181s right yeah I only have um I believe my
187s uh my arms piece is the only part that's
190s still I was trying to figure out like
191s what the right word is the arm I guess
192s the the gauntlets or the arm whatever
196s yeah yeah that's that's my only low rank
198s uh low rank piece right now so um the
201s rest is all high ranked so yeah I'm I'm
203s mostly there I think I'm doing okay my
205s Fashion's all right it's not great but
208s you know we'll get there we'll get there
209s yeah it'll be fine F it'll be fine you
211s know I should have done a wish list for
213s this it's fine it's fine I just need to
215s think a couple of shells I think two
217s shells so that should be pretty okay I
220s say that now it's not GNA it's not going
221s to roll for me you watch you got to
223s manifest it be positive be positive yeah
226s exactly and then yeah then I've got an
228s investigation for the P py so we should
230s you know batter these out and then we
232s can go find that mysterious
235s W Blitz says uh hello future View
240s Watcher I love it hello to your future
242s VOD watchers from the from the past yeah
246s exactly we bit we like a bit time travel
248s in our streams here um and a ask yeah
251s let's go for it ask got any idea how to
254s defeat a viop kadachi herbal medicine I
258s highly recommend much better than
259s antidotes because you can take them near
261s instantly and they give you a little bit
262s of healing as well um so my personal
265s advice is yeah uh herbal
269s medicines
270s all
271s right we're back in it we are I've not
275s even restocked since our last hunt oh oh
278s man have I I have okay luckily I'm not
282s looking too
285s bad and yeah you know um talking of that
288s obviously this week we had a pretty cool
290s announcement uh to say the least uh
293s regarding monst Hunter um you want to
295s talk about that a
296s bit oh yeah yeah um yesterday uh right
300s early in the morning at least for us uh
303s people in the US uh 6 PM with the uh
305s Nintendo Direct we announced uh Monster
309s Hunter stories is coming to
313s Playstation uh PC and Nintendo switch so
316s yeah the first game if you haven't
317s played it it's it's back in all its
319s Glory so it'll be a fun time yeah we we
322s got updated Graphics we've got full
324s English and there's obviously something
326s else that we've seen the community be
327s really excited about and what was that
329s true because we were talking about that
330s before the stream yeah yeah all of the
332s content that um was about that before
334s the stream yeah yeah all of the content
337s that um was added to the game as a post-
340s launch update previously only in Japan
342s um that's coming as part of this version
344s so if uh you haven't played it in um the
346s us or Europe yet um that'll be your
348s first shot at it so yeah yeah content
352s exactly for those that don't know it's a
354s when it comes to the combat it's a ter
356s based
357s RPG and it's also it's it's a monster
360s taming game so you're not hunting the
362s monsters you're taming hatching and
365s raising them um not in that specific
368s order it's more hatch tame and
371s rais um and it's got real deep
374s customization uh it's absolutely
377s fantastic obviously I'm quite biased but
379s you
380s know yeah you know it's like a little
382s bit more of a story based game too in
384s terms of like the the plot that's
385s happening and characters so um you know
388s it's a it's a pretty um
390s you know in-depth RPG on the outside or
394s you know kind of looking at the outside
395s you know might you might think it's a
396s little bit more of a simple game but
397s it's actually not it's got like really
400s in-depth combat mechanics um really
402s interesting story great music you know
405s everything you expect from a really
406s solid uh RPG so exactly and answer your
410s question as well Dan I don't know if the
412s top of my head um if stories is going to
415s be steam deck verified but if and when
417s it is we will absolutely let you know on
419s our social channels and on Steam
423s itself yeah obviously um we're playing
425s World here on Steam today um but
428s something I'm excited about is with
430s stories it's the first time that um
432s PlayStation players have had a chance to
434s really dive into that part of the series
436s so um should be pretty cool I'm looking
438s forward to it as well cuz I actually
440s spent a ton of time playing Stories 2
442s but Stories 2 was my first stories game
445s so I'm looking forward to playing
446s through this for the first time cuz as
448s well I hear obviously a lot of people
449s have about uh The Original Stories is
451s they really liked the way you could
453s change the element of monsters um so I'm
456s looking forward to kind of trying that
458s out yeah absolutely
462s yeah hey
463s Al I think it's going to be um also like
466s a great intro to people for the series
469s if um you know maybe they're seeing it
471s for the first time it's it's definitely
472s like a different flavor of it you know
476s um you know maybe like people who are
479s younger or like kind of newer to just
481s monster hunter or RPGs in general um
483s it's a it's a really great starting
484s point I think
487s absolutely I you know I'm really glad
489s that we are talking about this while
491s we're fighting a low rank monster
493s because it's kind of hard to do both at
494s the same time yeah yeah if we were in
496s high rank I don't think our conversation
498s would be as flow right especially after
501s you know not playing this exact uh build
505s for about two weeks I guess yeah
508s Center
513s oh I messed up doing
515s a perfect
519s Rush linger bombs nice oh I nearly
522s wasted a mega
525s potion okay I think we're doing okay I
528s feeling like the muscle memory come back
529s with the hammer yeah I think we're we're
531s looking all
534s right I'm looking forward to when we can
536s start using the ice born moves cuz for
538s those that don't know we're in
539s intentionally not using the clutch claw
542s and the clutch claw Combos and things we
544s are using the new ice borwn moves for
546s the weapon but we're not utilizing
548s obviously the new mechanic yet
551s um oh get down
555s here go I don't think I've got any flash
557s bombs on
559s me oh lovely hit that was beautiful was
564s that me yeah it was all you I stepped
566s back I saw you coming in I was like this
568s is for the hammer
571s we got him I'm just infinite combo in
573s the tail not tail the wing at the
577s moment
579s lovely let's grab this
582s shiny I got a
584s scale no down you
589s come oh lovely oh sweet nicely done I
594s forgot we're low rank you know y so
596s hopefully that'll get me the shell and
598s now with pke P I just need need a poison
601s can't remember what it's called now uh
602s is it poison gland um okay I got one
607s shell and I got a plate okay okay I did
612s get two shells so I hope and I got a
613s shell I got two shells and I got another
616s I got a fourth carve so thank you I
619s think that was my meal so I think I have
620s enough shells I just need the poison
624s from uh PUK
627s P that's a good warm up uh a good yeah I
630s I feel the strength coming back to
634s me just looking forward to getting the
636s rra and Sun show it's one of my favorite
638s weapons and it levels up
642s beautifully yeah today we're starting um
644s an hour later than we usually have
646s started these streams in the past so um
649s let us know if you guys you know like
650s the new starting time I think we'll you
652s know if you're in the US uh Pacific time
654s we run until about noon um what time is
657s it over there Jon uh it's quarter six
659s here so it will run until a nice 8:00
661s p.m. or 900 p.m. for my Continental
664s European friends um oh I got another
669s plate oh that was my first first
672s investigation nice cool and uh yeah is
676s that it's the poison sack not the poison
677s gland I was so close and oh wow thank
680s you so a tier free sub from NEP Mia
682s there thank you very much good to see
687s you think NE has uh
689s been here for almost every stream yeah
692s like R reain and Champion as well oh
696s yeah that's right that's right when it
697s comes to arm wrestling yeah hi ax killer
700s in China what time is it over there at
702s the
704s moment it's great to have so many
706s different time zones and Indonesia as
707s well yeah let us know what time is it on
710s your side of the world nice little
713s survey here yeah
716s investigation po
718s p there we go and then I guess if we
721s start the Northeast camp we should be
723s really really close to where pet spawns
725s you missed just one okay that's fine
727s we'll let it slide we'll
729s let bed
733s no it's 12:00 p.m. in the Southeast
738s us 11:00 a.m. in
741s Mexico quarter past 2 in the morning in
744s China so a very late slash early one for
746s you depending on how you look at it
751s uh Zeda in on YouTube asks what days do
753s we go live on uh usually every Thursday
757s when we can but like we said we did have
758s a two we break before this so um yeah
761s but I think going forward we do have a
764s pretty clear schedule so it seems like
765s we'll we'll be back every week every
767s Thursday yeah yeah and this will be the
769s time that we we go live now as well oh
771s the quest is in by the way if you want
772s to oh gotcha gotta I uh was not paying
775s attention that's all right we're
778s chatting
781s but yeah so yeah today's stream once
782s we've got this second low rank Quest out
783s the way and fingers crossed the desire
785s sensor is in my favor we'll be going
788s into I we'll be opening up the session
790s in a bit we're going to get a little bit
791s of story stuff out the way to open up a
793s bunch of new Quests for us and then
795s we'll probably open up the lobby so we
797s can do some hunting together to farm out
799s some armor and weapon
803s pieces yeah we just got to get this
805s second warm up out the way so I can I
807s can finally make my rra and sword sh cuz
809s that's going to be a weapon that I'm
811s going to continually upgrade and then I
812s think when we get to teostra I would
815s quite like teostra's blast weapons so my
817s my angle for that but they on the list M
822s armor wise I can't remember what high
825s rank gear I I used to use because
827s obviously I was very much in the master
828s rank realm um but I'm sure we'll find
831s something nice for sword and shield and
832s obviously for Joe's Hammer I realized I
835s went to the wrong Camp so I'm going over
837s to you I can't believe you've done this
842s [Music]
846s we're just getting back in sync you know
847s having not played together for two weeks
850s or whatever it was oh there's an ANF and
853s a p PUK here to is your favorite monster
855s in the game it is very very cool I like
857s lunastra as well because she's
861s blue
863s that's yeah yeah NEP you got 20 minutes
866s easy you know that take us longer to do
868s this Quest and the next one yeah just
870s blue that's all it takes uh pke P did
873s drop me a quill but has ran away uh cuz
877s anena is being
879s mean all right I'm right behind you
887s now yeah I I think I think I mean
890s actually Joe and I have played monst
891s hunter in in VR but uh if there was ever
895s to be like a a monant a VR
897s game um
900s you'd need a lot of space can you
901s imagine Superman diving in VR you'd be
904s crafting into your
905s wall many injuries there
911s yeah yes but there there is a uh I don't
914s know if it's still active but there was
916s in Universal Studios Japan um a monster
919s VR experience which both J and I both uh
922s experienced together and it was it was
923s quite fun it was it was we got to go was
926s it bar off and
928s velc
929s uh yeah yeah I think that's right yeah
932s trying to remember now but uh I lived it
938s yeah and you can choose your weapon and
940s then they they kind of like hand you the
942s actual like prop that you can grab and
945s it has like uh its own like mechanics
947s and everything which is pretty cool it
948s was very very
950s cool it's kind of like 5D cuz when
952s you're in there you know you get like
954s air blown on you and things cuz you're
955s out in the cliffs yeah it was it was a
958s fantastic experience
960s and it's kind of scary cuz you get the
962s kind of scale of the monsters right cuz
964s obviously when you're in the game you're
965s like you know you're behind a screen but
967s when when they're in front of you it's
969s like it's a they're very intimidating
972s yeah there's a little bit of like a
973s sense of vertigo too um when you like
976s you're like going over the mountain and
978s just like sidling along the
981s cliff um May you look down and you like
984s feel like your stomach turn a little bit
987s I I've just realized well like I'm
988s looking at great jagas kind of like
990s strolling along I hear ANF screaming as
992s well we' got a full on Royal Rumble
995s here yeah I've got of just waiting until
998s you You' got it got I did one finisher
1000s but I'm getting a second one in now so
1002s I'm quite pleased by that oh oh my
1004s goodness heart Three Monsters all on top
1005s of each other right now yeah everybody's
1010s here it's a real Royal Rumble it is I'm
1014s going to just put down my health booster
1015s before I get stunned and bullied no no
1018s no health booster for
1022s me the top R
1025s yeah got coming out here there we go
1028s nice timing okay there's a piercing pod
1031s and some shinies and Ana Fang just lying
1035s on the
1039s floor let's spam that out there's a
1042s second one oh yeah P's nearly down
1044s hopefully they'll let us
1047s carve
1051s I think an doing some nice damage
1053s here yeah Petra is asking uh where the
1057s VR monster hun VR experience is in Japan
1059s yeah it was at Universal Studios I don't
1061s know if it's still there um you would
1062s have to to check with them they they
1065s manage all of that so
1069s mhm
1071s o did PUK get away again I think I think
1074s they're Rising oh my goodness I'm going
1077s to have to have a first aid Med
1080s uh where did our friend go back to the
1084s kind of nested area I
1088s guess come back I only need one poison
1090s sack po po just the
1093s one for
1098s now the our armor is holding up really
1101s nicely here but I know when we get back
1102s into high rank I'm going to be like not
1104s so comfy when I take a few
1107s blows
1111s Royal Rumble was last month no it's
1113s actually today right now it's
1116s now sorry pet but uh I need
1121s this oh if that was the finishing hit
1124s that would have been
1127s hilarious I was trying to get it myself
1129s but I
1130s missed yeah it's worth
1133s me oh come
1135s on get back here you oh I messed that up
1140s now I can ending it Big B oh no I didn't
1144s end it it's got to be any one of these
1147s hits there we go I wanted to call my
1149s shot you know yeah it's great when
1151s you're like this is the hit do I'm sure
1154s you'll do it to Fatalis when we get
1155s there you know that'll be that'll be
1157s your
1158s moment the crown hit not that down now
1162s clip that yep clip that remind me in X
1165s months yeah right come on poison Glen
1168s it's a poy poy Sack or poison sack sorry
1170s even poy poie sack poy poy
1173s tail poy poy sack okay we're going to
1176s have to rely on the uh the rewards
1180s now ah it's in the rewards
1183s hands is the delay all fine now is it
1186s resolved net Mia thinks it might be uh
1188s might be sorted
1193s out hey
1194s [Music]
1197s tree all right well well those were good
1199s uh warm up HS hopefully you got what you
1201s needed just want poison sack please
1206s please then I can make my weapon and
1210s then I'll be able to upgrade it as we go
1211s through high rank as well oh yeah is
1213s resolved NEP says good job producer
1216s mysterious person behind the stream yeah
1220s oh you didn't get it no I didn't get
1223s it ah man should we run it again yeah
1227s just uh I'm sure it's low rank pet that
1229s drops it I'm very confident it's lur pet
1232s that drops
1235s it I'm like 90%
1239s sure uh do we need an investigation or
1242s you said you have one I've got an
1244s investigation yeah and what I'll do as
1246s well I will
1249s um I will also use a ticket cuz I was
1253s like I was been a bit stingy I was like
1255s no I'll save them for high rank but yeah
1257s Max maximize your luck here yeah I I'm
1259s doing it I'm doing it I'm trying to get
1262s the poison sack at the
1266s moment then I can make the uh rathan it
1269s was basically get some of these uh rarer
1273s items or not rarer but harder to get
1275s items or get loads of low rank rathen
1277s taals and I was like no I'll take the
1279s other route because I've got a surplus
1281s I've got five ran plates now would you
1284s believe it I wish I could like donate
1287s one to you
1289s yeah this how it is you got to earn it
1290s on your own
1293s exactly that's when the game's like yes
1295s you can have this now it's teasing me
1297s though say five plates is
1299s nutty
1302s and I'm sure it's low rank po poke yes
1305s lric 19% for Quest rewards and 13 for
1308s investigation
1310s drops so thank you for that heads up
1315s so yeah um
1319s now we see see what happens I mean we've
1322s used a ticket right
1324s so I'm sure it'll be
1327s fine the food does look good it's making
1330s me
1333s hungry all right this this has to be the
1336s one this is the one it's like what I see
1338s is that when people go to The monant
1340s Cafe restaurant in Japan is there two of
1342s them I think in Japan or one um and I
1345s see the food there and it's like
1347s straight out the game and I'm like oh my
1349s goodness let me get
1357s that okay anath and PUK are at it
1363s again all right let's speed run through
1366s this too early yeah you watch you'll
1369s probably be a shiny pickup or
1376s something oh
1380s I'm poisoned here so I'm going to
1383s actually do some perfect rushes as well
1386s get the
1387s deeps okay P should move down
1390s here no it tricked me no wait it tricked
1394s me again it is this way I'm also
1400s poisoned I will address that now
1407s okay
1411s um so monst Hunter world isn't
1413s crossplay um but you can join a squad in
1416s a few different ways you can use the
1419s search function to find a Lobby or if
1422s you if you know where your friends are
1423s if you want to join us for example we'll
1424s put up a code you can input to join us
1427s if you're on the same platform oh p and
1430s great Jack going for
1432s it for once it's not you yeah you you
1436s got in there I mean when there's Ledges
1438s around Hammer uses a very happy AR
1440s yeah ra just B
1450s me nice
1454s work for the Big Bang I'll go for a oh
1458s no I missed a messed Rush there get out
1461s of here yeah oh he just bit me out of it
1463s and I think an just turned
1466s up yeah that's that's s
1470s enough all right P puk's had enough yeah
1474s what's going further further
1483s in I say I say odaran but how do you
1487s pronounce it Joe uh Aaron yeah which is
1491s probably the probably the closer one see
1494s cuz I'm I'm a bit English so I say I say
1498s things quite quite differently sometimes
1500s so yeah I say odar but odaran is
1504s probably you're English I didn't know
1506s that no no I need to drink more tea on
1511s stream I just discovered that about
1521s you yeah just a bit tree just a
1527s bit we are playing on Steam yes when we
1529s open the lobby up in a bit if you're on
1531s Steam please jump in and join
1536s us yeah I say odaran I say like basil
1539s geese I say like
1543s brachios I know I used to say um girus
1547s really wrong I used to call it girados I
1550s don't add in more syllables and stuff
1552s and like uh until very recently
1554s obviously I used to call great gyos
1556s great
1556s giros oh
1559s yeah but then obviously I think when it
1561s came to like Devil Joe and devil yo I
1563s mean that's quite a spicy debate in the
1564s community isn't
1566s it I do say wo now
1570s so is that what you think is
1573s correct I I am open to interpretation I
1577s think if that's what you call it cuz
1579s whether you use one or the other
1581s everyone knows what you mean and as long
1583s as people know what you mean then it's
1585s totally cool fair enough fair enough
1588s pickle
1590s devil
1597s whatever think we're close to finishing
1599s this one up hopefully I think so maybe
1601s this will be a finish
1603s here oh I'm still hanging I'm still
1605s hanging off the monster hold on it's
1607s this one oh
1610s no I just love like yeah when you get
1612s that big finish maybe it'll be this one
1615s there we go oh I should have called my
1617s shot cuz that was it
1625s icas
1627s [Laughter]
1628s cage Joe yeah Joe's a good
1633s one
1634s thanks and obviously for those you know
1637s right I didn't get it from my car so
1638s we'll see obviously then you got like
1640s seros uh which obviously
1643s [Music]
1645s Steve
1647s so
1650s Steve Steven are there any bones around
1654s I'm sure there's sort of bone pile
1655s around
1657s here there it
1659s is no yes oh no it's a dead jagas line
1662s in
1663s it and it's not a bone pile I can no it
1666s is a bone pile I can use yeah I saw the
1669s um the jagas there too oh the the
1671s viewers are very happy thank you the
1673s community you're not just viewers you're
1675s the community uh the community of very
1678s pleased about the no delay that's all
1679s thanks to our producer cuz we're using
1681s quite a cuz obviously I'm on one side of
1683s the world Joe's on the other and we're
1686s duel streaming I got two that time I
1689s knew it um so yeah so we got all these
1693s things coming we're streaming into the
1694s studio and yeah they make it work for us
1699s but thank you as well Joe for helping me
1700s out so I could make this weapon oh
1703s you're welcome you're welcome I'm very
1705s excited and now we can go back to high
1707s rank and face the mysterious elusive
1711s question mark
1715s renk who could it
1717s be oh yeah that ID is out of date for
1719s stream elements uh I'll need to update
1721s that at some point we're on PC yeah so
1724s if you want to join us in a bit then uh
1727s you're in the right place I'm going to
1728s pop to the Smithy because I've been
1731s looking forward to this I've been on
1732s I've been on the dragr weapon tree for
1735s too long and it's time to change
1741s that so what's the exact weapon the ran
1744s ran weapon right yeah I mean I know the
1746s name of its final form which is lunatic
1749s Rose um which is when it turns gold so
1754s um I need to remember what it's called
1756s before then uh because once again I'm
1758s used to the master rank goodness because
1760s I had that in rise and sunbreak well
1762s sunbreak specifically for master rank so
1764s I used it there as well so at the
1766s princess rapia so that's what we're
1769s going for and then I think I should be
1770s able to upgrade it straight
1773s away
1775s um there it is oh oh and it looks so
1780s cool it's like made of like thorns and
1782s rra and it's very very cool right and
1784s then we're going to upgrade it uh oh I
1787s love it so much oh no wait did I use up
1790s no I can't am I can I upgrade
1794s it let me upgrade what am I missing
1798s I want to make it the queen
1800s Rapier am I am I missing something silly
1803s here what have I got
1805s equip please please oh
1808s no I picked the wrong I picked the sword
1810s and shield I've been using to check how
1813s what I needed rather than the actual
1815s weapon itself so very big brain move for
1818s me there um uh okay so we'll upgrade
1822s that this is going to be nice what an
1824s upgrade yeah it's the wrong weapon I
1826s know I know I've been on that Jag tree
1828s for too long so now I have 210 raw I'm
1833s I've got I think the smidi of blue
1835s sharpness and a good chunk of green 10%
1838s affinity and 180 poison and a slot as
1841s well so I wonder I might Chuck a
1844s decoration in
1845s there cuz I think I've got a HP
1849s decoration oh I can put an attack jeel I
1852s could put Vitality you know I'm going to
1853s put Vitality what is my Vitality level
1855s at the
1856s moment okay I can make get health boost
1859s three that's what I'm doing yes have you
1862s crafted anything Joe or are you uh no no
1865s I took a look but I think I'm all good
1867s um you know I'm actually thinking maybe
1869s I should go ahead and start the next
1870s Quest a solo it's a solo Quest and then
1873s um you can catch up afterwards and we'll
1876s be all good to go yeah you jump in and
1879s uh ow my cat just jumped on me and
1881s whiffed
1882s it no are you okay yeah she jumped up
1886s bless her and she she it and the claws
1888s came out into my hand oh man did you
1890s show camera no no but my face definitely
1894s did oh bless her my Pico my Pico is
1899s going very she's okay she's ran off
1901s laughing she's she's ran off uh oh my
1905s goodness luckily I have it didn't catch
1908s me too off
1910s guard right um if if we can hunt the
1913s monster immediately I'll back out and
1914s join you all right all right
1918s yeah we got the cut scene running here
1920s nice getting knocked out of the
1926s sky all right I won't eat I'll just go
1929s straight
1932s in yeah I'm getting spicy with the deos
1934s talking to HP up and then I get I take
1936s some damage from my real life Pico oh no
1939s it looks like we had a uh I may have
1942s disconnected from the
1944s session no but hopefully this dream does
1948s that disconnect either so let's we'll
1949s see we'll see yeah I mean that's why
1951s we'll just both back out and rejoin like
1954s is and join up each other or something
1956s yeah I think um let me see if I can back
1959s out
1961s here oh there SOS
1965s though I to put you in offline mode oh
1968s that's right yeah that's right okay I
1969s will return for the quest I will as well
1972s because now we know H
1974s graan is our
1976s Quarry
1980s do you fully finish Monster hter World
1982s and went for ice born it's so hard it's
1983s a step up but you can do it it's like
1986s once you get your first my advice get
1988s some master rank gear as soon as
1990s possible doesn't matter if it's the
1991s first thing you can get uhoh oh I need
1994s to run
1997s away
1999s return yeah so like get the first bits
2002s of master rank gear you can doesn't
2004s matter if the skills aren't great but
2005s the defense boost will be so noticeable
2009s um and then things will get easier um
2012s cuz obviously you've got um I can't
2014s remember the name of the fish but then
2016s you've got the big the big deer you
2018s fight quite early on I can't remember
2020s their names they're very early on in
2021s masteran can't
2023s they uh is it
2026s botus yeah I believe it's botus and the
2029s other one is the man the one with
2031s the you look like a viking when you wear
2034s the armor yeah oh man I can't remember
2037s there you go it's botus and ban thank
2040s you black thank thank you I can see the
2042s armor in my head because the armor looks
2044s so badass
2046s like well the good news is we we can
2048s join each other's Quest now yeah I
2051s believe so let me see if I can post it
2053s and if we can go four
2056s players you got the fish helmet nice
2059s nice oh there we go there we go yeah
2061s Bonar um that one is kind of an
2065s interesting monster to start out ice
2067s with because it's it's very aggressive
2069s and like it's huge it's like gigantic so
2073s um it's like I can see people not being
2076s quite ready for it I feel like I've
2077s experienced that too or just like oh man
2079s like I didn't expect it to be like so
2081s aggressive and just like constantly just
2083s chasing after you no matter where you're
2085s at so yeah it's just like this big
2087s shovel just coming at you like manipula
2090s in the snow like um like the you know
2094s the big like snow tractors
2096s that coming down there you go there you
2099s go yeah but say like my advice as well
2102s like what I found really useful against
2104s Bano is Thorn pods once you start
2107s getting Thorn pods out of it so you know
2109s use your clutch claw to you know create
2112s some of the pods cuz I think bambaro
2115s drops Thorn pods I might be wrong but I
2117s think it actually drops it when you do
2119s it um I actually don't recall man I
2123s guess we'll get there eventually but I
2125s remember using the sword and shield to
2126s effectively using the clut to shotgun a
2129s load cuz with the sword and shield you
2131s can like obviously shoot like a burst so
2133s you get more out of each uh Slinger ammo
2136s and then you just Stun City and breaking
2139s parts and everything it's oh it's
2141s beautiful it's a work of art got my
2144s flash pods ready yeah but beotodus could
2147s be tricky early on especially you know
2149s uh because like lavasioth is a monster
2151s that slaps me around a lot because I'm
2154s like let me hit you and you're bouncing
2156s off its armor
2157s yeah it's very much uh welcome to master
2160s rank it is it is but once you get your
2162s first couple of bits of gear and you
2163s settle into like these snowy environment
2165s you know make sure you got your hot
2167s drinks um you'll be fine I do think uh
2171s Viper Toby kadachi that that one's a
2173s little bit of a a challenge as well once
2175s you get there which I think it follows
2177s not long after those first couple
2178s monsters it's not the Toby you knew or
2181s you thought you knew it's yeah yeah oh
2184s oh I made
2186s fou J
2189s no he's gone instant triple
2192s cut all right here we go I think we're
2196s actually going to have to like you know
2199s yeah Focus ATT to this one yeah I mean
2201s it's funny this sword and shield now but
2205s obviously rathan quite strong against
2206s poison I'm bouncing off the tail oh
2210s thank you
2212s Shield see if we got that head break oh
2216s oh we we are in the plunge area but I
2218s don't think we're right next to a plunge
2221s tree or Coral hey there we go got it
2225s there yeah oh yeah there you are that's
2227s your signature move it is and then I'll
2230s let her hit into that for the
2231s extra Mount
2234s damage see if I'm going to see if I can
2236s end by the tail so that I'm not in your
2243s way there she
2245s goes nearly got the top
2250s yeah yeah bario is definitely a big
2252s challenge while the Tail's in the ground
2254s so I'm going to go for the wing
2257s instead and there we
2263s go oh I just hit 70 for the first time
2269s nice ex gra the weapon and everything
2272s yeah number go up be
2275s happy there's a sleep toad
2278s there sleep toad watch out Joe I've just
2280s booted it oh where is it there it is
2284s don't worry I'll wake you up I'll wake
2286s you
2289s up oh no I I woke up I woke up no I'm
2294s sorry I wasted it I wasted it all right
2296s that's all right oh no oh
2299s oh there is that one of the plunge
2301s things yes but I'm not in the right
2304s place it's tragic tragic hunt experience
2308s there it happens it
2312s happens seems that bar off is a popular
2315s roadblock is Barry off the anap of ice
2319s born see that yeah
2323s yeah tack yeah oh yeah yeah cuz it's
2327s really quick and like sudden it's
2329s there's not like a big Ta on it so you
2331s really have to be ready for it yeah I
2333s didn't bring any herbal medicine this is
2335s oh jeez
2338s oh no no I don't want to be grapping on
2340s to
2341s you oh no I'm I'm going through my my
2345s potions quite
2348s quickly the Hammer's cool isn't it Joe's
2350s giving it
2352s justice I I think I'm doing
2355s okay oh I I missed my lunge there let's
2358s uh go for the plunge here oh I love the
2362s amount of amount like damage you get
2364s from that oh the Poison's getting me
2367s there the Poison's hitting
2371s me it's okay you still got a lot of
2373s health so I think you're okay yeah oh
2374s yeah I just got healed I think maybe by
2377s Pico yeah guess that's the benefit of
2380s hunting with
2384s two oh
2387s oh oh there we go there we go they went
2389s down I was like why AR I recovering and
2391s then it's because the knockdown happened
2392s I can't get to the tip of the tail so
2394s I'll uh do some wing damage
2399s such a tanky monster like the with the
2401s reinforced
2403s parts or armored should I say I have to
2406s get right on the tip of the table like
2407s when I'm farming like gold Ren oh nice
2410s Heart Break head break yeah oh wow maybe
2413s we'll get a tasty tasty treat from
2416s that oh it's gone away it's nice to like
2419s have a decent amount of green sharpness
2421s now as well what were you at before not
2425s much
2427s like I'd watch it just deteriorate like
2429s early on in the fight and like well the
2431s monster's not going to flee for a little
2433s while yet so might as well get comfy
2435s might as well have been going out there
2436s with a wooden stick yeah I'm like hello
2438s yellow sharpness my old friend so it's
2441s nice I mean my weapon even starts blue
2442s for like a handful of hits so well I'm
2447s still
2450s green never underestimate a double
2452s charge Hammer upper cut followed by
2453s clutch claw grapple I bet it feels good
2455s but not for the monster
2462s yeah oh there's it see
2467s there random is it
2471s see all right making my way up
2474s here oh okay are we am I going the right
2478s way I don't know if I'm going the right
2479s way
2482s uh
2484s no no you're in the right place
2488s I'm not I I just went I assumed I was
2491s like oh maybe R is going towards a nest
2493s or something I did not listen to my
2496s Scout FES or
2500s you oh another tail
2503s Swip on my way I'll actually be
2506s productive member of this hunt again
2509s soon H quite
2514s big avoided that pretty R area it is go
2518s getting this table cut is going to be
2520s hard I don't think I'll get it this time
2524s oh luckily that didn't poison
2527s me oh nice stagger I was getting ready
2529s to tank a viable
2532s there I got lucky there it wasn't even
2534s near the
2537s head oh thank you Shield there he going
2540s to do it again
2543s no see if I can build up some mount
2548s I
2550s missed I might be near my stun threshold
2553s so I'm going to heal
2554s up my Pico's got
2557s me near the Tail that's not where a
2559s hammer user wants to be what is this
2561s this isn't a head yeah I got waddled a
2565s bit
2575s there
2578s nice knock
2586s down just keep bashing the head yeah
2590s going there you go my turn to deliver a
2597s stagger oh that's not going to
2602s hit hit him with the bombard that's what
2605s it was nicely oh there's the bomb I was
2607s going to say she doesn't really take to
2609s the air too much and I've not managed to
2611s catch out of a back flip so I'll just
2613s put the bomb podt on as
2617s well I saw you do that
2621s there and now she goes in the uh oh okay
2624s okay of
2627s course try and get that ah there we go
2631s nice the mount going sharpen up while
2634s you're doing
2635s that
2637s monant of stories is coming out in the
2638s month of your birthday and you're called
2640s Mony Rider as well it was meant to be
2643s yeah me to be oh we've gone higher Joe
2646s oh no we're back down again this could
2647s go
2649s anywhere oh actually we haven't
2651s announced a launch date for that so just
2654s summer that's
2658s true so it's your birthday in the whole
2660s of
2663s Summer I had to think about that one for
2664s a sec like wait a minute
2669s maybe maybe their birthday maybe they're
2670s like the queen and they have multiple
2675s birthdays oh
2678s boy here I don't think I'm going to get
2679s a mount anytime soon there oh no oh
2684s no no unlucky
2687s unlucky I should have got the bomb pod
2689s down sooner we did get a stagger just
2691s after though how are they doing I'm not
2695s going to go hard in
2699s case in case I get the kill and you're
2702s not there to get the cars however I
2704s might be joining you in Camp very soon
2706s oh I see you yeah you're you're down
2709s there that's okay it's okay she's
2711s retreated she's retreated I can find for
2713s going well and uh I what did I do wrong
2717s I I guess like I um I was trying to put
2721s down a health
2722s booster and I didn't realize the
2724s animation to put it down was so long yes
2726s like hold on let me set this up yeah I
2730s don't normally use Health booster I
2731s usually use like a mantle or
2735s something uh yeah I need to bring my
2737s Vitality mantle more with me but I quite
2739s like the health booster because it
2740s supports us both
2742s M right okay rathan is now directly
2746s above me so I'm G to slowly make my way
2750s up making my way over making my way
2755s downtown
2757s uh I'm only 20y away I'm going to I'm
2759s going to hang out down here for a bit I
2761s should probably sharpen my weapon as
2766s well we should be getting pretty close
2768s though right yeah I mean looking at the
2771s heart rate on uh on pink rathen it's
2774s looking a bit blue if you had that on
2776s Resident Evil you'd be concerned put it
2779s that
2780s way
2785s Danger
2789s oh there's another one of the the
2790s precious sword and shield plunge walls
2792s here oh I I just sorry I go to hit this
2796s mining out CRA before I join you I I I
2798s would do the
2799s same okay rathan is
2802s asleep and I'm above them looking down
2805s apparently I an adamant seed where's
2807s that oh there they are and it's shiny
2810s I'll take those four very very
2815s nice
2818s oh and there's a red mining out
2821s crop nice dragon ban Crystal I'm I'm
2824s almost there I'm almost there okay she
2826s is awoken I see that oh she went down
2831s oh is she going to come back up yeah I
2834s think
2835s so let's see she she she doesn't seem
2838s very pleased with us all right well I'm
2841s just going to do down we go I
2845s missed oh oh you you connected yeah that
2849s was
2853s epic nice all right let's finish this up
2856s yeah I think we can we can take her down
2860s here can I get some damage on the
2863s tail another Roar try to roll through it
2866s I miss bom oh no no no no back flip oh
2871s she's she's going to do sank nasty here
2874s she's using her aerial cap abilities
2876s against
2880s us nice oh that's a dung pod I don't
2882s want a dung pod flash
2887s part she could emerge anywhere yeah yep
2890s I'm going to put this help booster
2893s down oh nice well didn't quite catch her
2896s out the air
2898s but oh oh nice nice hits
2905s there
2914s oh I'm in a bad spot but that's right
2917s it's all good it's all good don't worry
2919s pink Ran's in a worse spot it's all good
2920s yeah I've totally whiffed my my uh
2923s perfect rush
2924s though nice work that was that was
2927s smooth I think us having those upgraded
2929s weapons was good hoping I can make some
2932s high rank armor soon as
2934s well just one card not too bad hey
2937s that's good hey you know what it's not
2939s like me Triple cting or anything so it's
2942s fine pink r
2946s scale and we using tickets as well until
2949s they run out cuz you know each week
2951s they're fully replenished because
2953s obviously you get one a day right right
2955s so I think it's one a day um you get
2957s more drink festivals I think right you
2958s get two two oh that there's a there's an
2960s or here so um yeah we fully decked out a
2964s spirit core or
2967s charm lucky hey Jack welcome welcome got
2971s the GG's coming in thank you
2984s everybody that was a good one woke up a
2987s little
2988s bit yeah yeah it's nice to get back in
2990s the high rank Groove you know the
2991s monsters taken an absolute dent out of
2994s your HP got pretty cool end screen there
2996s so what yeah yeah I got a cool one here
3000s let me see if I can
3001s uh hide the
3005s menu there yeah that looks
3008s cool and you're behind her somewhere
3011s I've just blocked a fireball and you're
3013s about to deliver the the finish and blow
3015s yeah think I got I got like the like
3018s little impact that you can see here
3020s there's like a like a little effect that
3022s you can see when the hammer hits
3024s so sorry off no that's fine someone's
3028s asked am I going to go for The Witcher
3029s sword shield maybe maybe we shall see
3034s going up against uh quite the
3036s challenging couple of quests to get that
3037s decked out when the time comes yeah
3047s yeah how long have we not played Monster
3049s Hunter World um well last time we
3052s streamed was two weeks ago so not that
3054s long ago yeah these characters because
3056s we only play on stream which is why at
3057s the start I needed some low rank hunts
3059s because we're not we're not being cheeky
3061s and kind of sneaking out hunts behind
3063s the
3064s scenes what you see is the true Journey
3066s we're
3071s taking she must have grown somewhere
3073s rich in
3074s nutrients I might know where that
3078s is
3080s Admiral at last he returned there he is
3083s I've been enjoying watching your
3084s exploits unofficial rival to
3094s rang what for you seem to have it
3101s covered here I brought you some souven o
3105s some
3113s goodies pleas to see the
3123s and it's just loaded with these
3126s things they
3128s incredible it's like there's this energy
3130s pulsing inside
3134s them our Handler in our winter
3138s attire
3141s we've yeah we've got the same same
3143s outfit on our pelicos are probably look
3146s a little different though yeah I got the
3147s little AAR armor yeah I the Disco
3152s pelico always ready to party yep wait
3158s what okay you see you on site I'll be at
3162s the
3163s tunnel and don't you keep me waiting I
3166s hate
3169s waiting fic is just looking ridiculous I
3172s don't know if you can see it on screen
3173s but it's it's
3174s hilarious
3186s there's been a devil Jo
3192s s then we can even go throw ourselves at
3196s the
3197s pickle so next Quest is this something
3200s we have to do on our own but let's check
3202s the optionals as well because I think do
3204s we get any new optionals maybe see if
3206s there's any bits of gear we want to
3217s make go for
3223s Jojo okay so I can make Harvest
3226s armor Tremor resist resentment
3229s Constitution nothing that really I can
3231s make Zora arms but there
3234s nothing I can make
3237s rathan oh this could be really good for
3239s me
3246s now see if I can make anything
3249s new So currently I get 10 armor and one
3254s Health boost this could give me Health
3256s boost two poison Attack One or I could
3259s go for the ran Helm with health boost
3263s alpha or beta
3268s this is the decisions this is where you
3270s know because I've not got many
3272s decorations yet
3278s either I've been sticking with my orryy
3286s hammer what do we reckon what do we
3288s reckon should I go alpha or
3291s beta uh alpha alpha yeah I don't even
3295s know what I'm looking at
3297s [Music]
3299s or that's just going off of
3303s Vibes just The Vibes of the hunt I
3306s always take Alpha gear early game yeah I
3308s mean and then I can put the attack boost
3310s in my sword instead so yeah we'll go
3312s we'll go
3316s Alpha I got nice and I obviously I've
3318s got poison boost now as well so poison
3321s attack and I'm using a poison
3323s weapon um that is
3327s nice these TR take a look at Bone Tree
3331s hammers but yeah I don't
3336s know so I've got the bone
3341s chest ah I'm too broke to even progress
3345s to this tree so STI I need
3349s Z let's try let's
3354s try
3357s put attack then more
3361s power okay so I've got a piece farmer so
3364s what do I want to go for here actually
3366s and then we can
3374s see there pink wrath you get oh pink
3377s wrath has
3379s handycraft but you need more car pieces
3382s or car pieces and monster hardbone so
3385s that's a potential one ra Coy will
3388s b
3392s um oh I got a fossil bludgeon 3 now um
3396s it's got a little bit of blue little bit
3398s of blue on it um some Thunder element
3400s and yeah it's pretty clear upgrade so
3403s I'll stick with that nice I don't even
3405s think I have any like deos or anything
3407s right let's
3408s see uh sure why
3412s not you know we're we're still in like
3415s poverty mode so yeah exactly we'll be
3417s scraping through see if there's any uh
3421s gloves I can make but it looks like no
3424s so we'll we'll stay there nice so I've
3427s made a helmet so that's
3429s nice an attack Deco in my sword and
3432s shield switch to gra sword for a bit for
3434s the funds I would love to but we we'll
3438s stick with the hammer for now that that
3440s is my weapon though um should we start
3442s these next quests I think we have to
3444s start them separately right yeah let's
3445s have a look at the optionals as well see
3447s if there's anything oh right right yeah
3448s let's do that so there's a pink rathen
3452s two pink Rens obviously because we've
3453s not seen a ton of other monsters yet
3461s um all I'm
3465s back yeah we might as well continue
3467s might as well continue I reckon unless
3469s not feeling the
3471s optionals they're just just pink W in at
3473s the moment unless you want more pink
3475s pieces I mean we can do some more event
3477s quests now we can do there's the royal
3481s pain which is obviously pink and
3483s standard
3484s ran
3486s um what else we got there's let's
3488s progress the story I think we we still
3490s got an hour left let's do yeah let's do
3492s that then when we get some more quests
3493s we can open up the open up yeah all
3496s right some solo quest in y I will see
3500s you in that General
3502s vicinity an alternate Dimension yeah
3511s ever stream I think we're going to be
3513s spending a fair bit of time
3515s here yeah it locks the area in some
3517s monsters so you can do optionals to
3519s community yeah that's a good shout nap
3521s yeah thanks
3523s not lead thank you for joining us Axe
3527s and uh sleep
3528s well thank you yeah I spent so much time
3531s hunting here uran what a treat is that
3536s that's where we zor magos out TOA
3539s exactly come on follow me yeah Ro been
3544s investigating nice to meet you
3547s Admiral wait I never introduced myself
3550s did
3552s I thank you
3554s Admiral he's got a pretty sweet job just
3557s does whatever he wants and leaves all
3558s the actual work other people lifts all
3561s day yeah tells people to do stuff goes
3564s on little walk
3565s what
3572s monster into the sea nante disappeared
3576s too so I decided to track it down and
3579s this is where it
3586s me say that b bug thank you very much
3590s and
3591s not yeah so we can capture do we don't
3594s have to kill
3596s gam I mean I can't capture it right now
3598s though CU I have no traps on me or
3602s TRS you want to be nice to it
3605s exactly it just wants to eat
3614s Rock whoa this place is amazing look at
3618s the streams can feel it in your bones
3621s right something is a what could it be is
3625s just ping Inc am
3628s of know in the two two weeks that we
3630s haven't streamed how have how things
3632s gone for you it's been good it's been
3634s good um nice and steady you know um
3639s getting ready for the stories announc
3642s was was really really cool um yeah it's
3645s been it's been good I kind of miss
3647s streaming with you in the community
3648s though I'll be honest I enjoy our like
3650s our Thursday night slm morning
3652s Shenanigans and chatting with everyone
3654s and and playing
3656s monst how about you yeah absolutely it's
3658s good to be back yeah um yeah prepping
3661s for the stories announc was a busy time
3665s um also got like a lot of other stuff
3667s happening behind the scenes I've been
3668s working on uh dragon sta 2 so that's
3670s been taking a lot of my time but um yeah
3673s yeah it's good good to be back and I
3674s think you I think you may have like
3676s taken some time in in the office so that
3677s was that was good so that was that first
3679s week right yeah yeah yeah that's why we
3682s didn't stream the first week I was
3683s visiting the office uh because we had
3685s the European teams all meet up for like
3688s a catch up to chat monant which was
3691s really really cool and then you were
3693s away on the second week well not away
3695s but busy yes yes yes um with some Dragon
3698s Sera 2 stuff so um but yeah it's it's
3701s good to be back it's good to be back and
3702s sell back in make some progress
3711s exactly sneaking in uh overdose is
3714s asking are you guys ALS Al on Twitch yes
3716s so uh we're streaming on Twitch and
3718s YouTube uh we're both taking a look at
3720s the various chats so I have the YouTube
3722s and twitch chats open Dar I think you
3724s have I believe you have twitch open so
3727s um yeah once we do open up the lobby
3729s we'll drop those uh those codes in there
3731s in both
3737s chats here we are the official
3739s introduction to the elders recess I mean
3741s Joe's a bit ahead of me so if you're if
3742s you're watching uh on Jo
3745s yeah
3749s slightly bio
3751s energy sizzling with bio energy yum yum
3755s everything's making me
3757s hungry it's your dinner
3759s time but I'll tell you
3762s what this place is sizzling with
3765s bioy and that means man I hope there's
3768s not a monster feeding off this
3770s somewhere oh they would never they
3773s wouldn't do such a thing yeah
3775s there's something that's been bothering
3777s me which is why would zor MOS tunneling
3781s in here instead
3783s of Petra you've been waiting for Dragon
3785s Dog for 12
3787s years great to hear love to see it
3790s obviously this is the Monster Hunter
3792s stream so I can't talk too much about
3793s Dogma but um that is awesome so yes
3796s we're all very excited one month
3799s too you're right nante and Zora
3803s magdor always seen them together it must
3807s have had its own reason for
3810s coming it's so funny watching my hunter
3813s now because they've got an enclosed
3814s helmet so they're just
3816s like see if I can see this on your uh on
3820s your stream feed here we need to track
3822s them one
3824s by oh looks like we
3827s are what are we doing nante
3833s tracks okay
3837s ready we need to sight all of the
3839s monsters in the Elder recess so looks
3841s like we'll have to do that on our own
3843s right uh and then then we can open
3846s things
3848s up let's go ahead and do that oh and
3852s then obiously yeah we can get more high
3853s rank points from um just yeah that' be
3857s good just like with the ran tracks yeah
3861s all right let's
3863s go
3866s there always tends to be a monster down
3868s here obviously where you can drop the
3869s crystal on some monsters there's two
3871s drop points in here as well which Elder
3873s Dragon tastes the best I don't think we
3875s can answer
3878s that I've not I've not tried to eat one
3882s yet all right my first sighting is
3885s happening I I've just found like some
3887s Nur gante
3891s spikes old broken rock with dir
3896s uron that's oron that's
3901s or oh it's a full on cut scene as well
3905s mhm yeah this this fashion is quite it's
3908s quite like uh oh know I've got do gammer
3910s is my first
3912s one who's a good
3923s boy
3926s look at that
3934s face uh I'm sorry do Gama we'll leave we
3937s we no beef no beef we'll just go oh you
3940s saw Doo so where yeah
3945s yeah did you go uh underground I did
3949s yeah that's like my traditional path
3950s when I'm like fighting like Elders I'm
3952s like straight down there I don't have
3954s any cool drinks oh no you think Kieran
3957s would taste the best I don't know about
3960s that one I know you'd have to you'd have
3962s to ask rajang about that it's pretty
3966s lean unless you want to try and crunch
3968s the horn like a stick of
3972s rock like the cat meme video where it's
3974s I eat biscuit okay that area is blocked
3977s off I guess I'm just going to have to
3979s cuz I didn't pick up any things to make
3981s cool drinks I'm just going to have to
3983s face tank the
3985s meat obviously this is like the this
3988s area is not fully opened up yet there is
3990s much more to it than Meats
3994s ey oh another cut
3996s scene all right I just oh no not it's
4000s lav
4001s lavasioth I think I'm heading towards
4003s that one
4007s now this absolute Terror of a
4013s monster
4016s the P can like swim through the
4018s ground there's a lava mhm
4022s it's
4027s terrifying molten
4031s fish splashing magma on
4035s me there's mushrooms to yeah I I thought
4037s they'd normally be the mushrooms there
4039s but oh it's mushrooms isn't it I was
4040s looking for uh like a herb Bush that was
4044s my Folly right we're going to we're
4047s going to get across here we're going to
4048s go find
4050s uran some more tracks I keep wan to I
4054s keep wanting to scoop up the toads like
4056s in R bre I think we say that every week
4060s yeah we we try to and then we end up
4062s hurting ourselves does eating Namo count
4065s as Seafood uh that's the
4068s question oh know I don't
4073s know
4077s I found a research of Pico yay nice
4081s they're dressed like a ladybugg as well
4083s so how many total monsters in this area
4086s four I don't know I found
4093s two now I've got a bit
4100s lost I still need to find more um
4106s more n Gigante evidence as well yeah oh
4110s yeah just walk straight into the
4113s lava CH chsky says they returned to
4116s World on PS yesterday and slaughtered
4119s Fatalis still got it that's
4123s impressive pick up casually yeah yeah
4126s definitely do still have
4133s it okay
4135s I must be going near uron territory
4139s now I just missed the uron in the other
4142s area was I near it was I oh I did sight
4145s all monsters okay great
4148s um so I guess at this point it's just
4150s the evidence
4153s right all right here's the map piecing
4155s together did I really miss
4156s uran am I being a silly Billy so well
4159s we'll do the loop
4163s anyway
4165s hopefully I can get enough ruts for my
4167s Scout flies
4171s to this is where he likes when you're
4173s fighting him he comes down here and it's
4174s like like goes Beyblade mode uh CU like
4178s it's all just slopes and like like a
4180s dome
4181s area and it gets super
4187s dangerous there is some or
4193s though go back to the camp and go right
4195s in the tunnel
4197s okay yeah I think I'll be near here I
4199s just have to go up
4201s here I got some my first fusium ore as
4205s well so for the um the nante
4210s tracks on this like are they is there a
4212s set amount I can't remember I don't know
4214s I found one set in the area where you
4216s can drop the crystals like just outside
4217s a camp there's like some spikes on the
4220s floor oh I've got Oran
4223s now
4224s so I'm going to go back into that area
4226s actually know CU nerie could
4229s be just outside that with the cliffs you
4232s can jump down as well so I'm going to go
4233s check
4237s there oh those rocks don't look any good
4240s they look like they might
4245s pop I went up to see if there's anything
4253s here
4255s AR toad chilling out there and a blast
4266s toad right there's a lot of like spiky
4270s crystals there's also a camp down here
4272s so I'm going to see if I can start that
4275s unlock process M this is a very handy
4277s Camp to have on this one especially if
4279s you're fight fight fighting and farming
4282s elder dragons trying to save two at one
4287s so that is a top camp
4291s area right kind of just running around
4294s with my head off at this point oh yeah
4296s I'm waiting for my Scout flies to turn
4299s blue to take this bone I was going to
4301s grab any resources I come by here
4306s M quality bones there three for
4313s three
4315s definitely need all these materials for
4317s for our crafter
4324s Thon okay that's
4325s [Music]
4330s green oh it's not oh I can't take that
4333s shortcut yet okay oh true barrel and oh
4338s oh I got a abyssal
4341s Barrel now I can jump down there
4343s actually that's
4346s oh these precious
4353s Jabs there we
4357s go oh
4359s man I honestly don't know where where I
4362s might have missed
4364s something don't worry I'll let you know
4366s if I find uh have you found one of them
4368s yet or I think I found a couple I think
4370s I found three already what theed all the
4372s monsters
4374s and uh you know I'm going to ignore
4376s these
4379s guys the hair matches the brel deposits
4382s you know what's up you got to represent
4383s the barrel
4387s deposits I've gone to the my favorite
4389s color exactly Barrel
4393s blue uh I'm going to search this area a
4397s bit
4398s more is this no that's doag sleeping on
4403s the floor is doam sleeping in the rocks
4405s it made a little
4407s hole sorry
4409s gakers I mean you no
4411s trouble I'll take some Crystal burst
4422s though level
4424s up I've not been up here yet so I'll go
4427s and have a little
4432s gandra hello
4434s on the edge of the volcano area all
4436s right we'll take we'll take a look there
4438s there's Aon
4439s again I'll go back to the volcano area
4442s as
4451s well L of gamma's woken up oh hold on I
4454s found oh did it refresh I think the
4456s first ones I found have refreshed unless
4458s these are some to the
4460s side okay I got a little bit more but
4463s then the evidence for gante they're the
4464s ones we can just do from doing hunts now
4466s aren't
4467s they I'm not sure
4469s actually that's what I'm a little hazy
4471s on I think they'll be like rathen
4475s was cuz I got that one the first one I
4477s got gave me like half a bar but that one
4479s only gave me like a smidge
4486s mhm so I think we just need to go fight
4489s some high rank monsters and uh get some
4492s progress that way I'm a little worried
4494s to try and risk
4497s it I will I will take the gamble I will
4501s oh wait let's see I think I may have
4503s found hopefully was the last
4506s one no it seems like there's probably
4509s one more I will I will return and see
4511s what happens
4513s okay good luck fingers crossed I'm sure
4517s yeah I'm sure it's like pink rathen
4522s again
4524s a few bits of ore there thank you tail
4527s Riders I got four new or three new uh
4531s food materials for the stuff I found the
4533s barrel the two barrels and some Amber
4536s all right you came up yeah oh no go on
4539s an expedition no what have I
4543s done is it is it gone uh I'll have to
4546s check I'm going to go
4550s back go
4552s back you got I'll get them all here
4555s that's what you did yesterday yeah stay
4557s in there Joe hang
4560s on tree has given us some some
4562s information all right did you uh did you
4566s leave Jon I did I did for science besid
4570s but it's fine it's fine I know where
4571s they are I I know where they're hanging
4573s out and I've got the monster spotted
4577s anyway yeah search for evidence of
4581s nante and I know where that evidence
4585s is ah okay so you won't lose your
4587s progress thank you
4592s know I don't want to fight you J G I may
4595s have found my last one hopefully let's
4597s see that's it okay the they've moved
4601s this time they're not where they were
4602s before no I know your progress should be
4605s the same yep I just need to refind
4610s uh it's fine I'm going to go on an
4613s adventure
4616s vure wait for those flies to go Blue
4619s Scout flies and we're we're
4625s laughing these bounties
4629s done I do a little little
4633s loop-de-loop one more J I Need Just One
4635s okay that's fine I left at the worst
4638s time especially cuz I knew where those
4639s ones spawned I think there might be like
4641s two or three in the volcanic area and
4643s then and two in the like area where DOTA
4647s is yeah I had two there before in the
4649s DOTA area I'm just having a quick run
4652s around the volcano now with my cool
4656s drinks and then uh we can hopefully grab
4659s some community members for some
4661s hunts but all we ask to say if you do
4664s join us for some hunts don't bring
4665s master rank weapons uh if you master
4668s rank Arma is fine at this point but uh I
4672s think I mean it's the we weapons really
4674s isn't it that uh make a huge difference
4677s yeah
4682s yeah uh yeah you can wear you know if
4684s you want to join us on the high rank
4685s armor please please feel free um but
4688s yeah weapon wise please bring weapons
4690s that are very similar to us I'm around I
4692s think weapon tier five right now yeah
4695s let me take a look at where I'm at too
4697s um but yeah we definitely don't want to
4699s just roll the monster in you know less
4701s than 10 seconds so yeah Rarity 5 is
4704s where we're at right now attack range
4706s about
4708s 800 Buton beenin
4711s here
4715s nante edge of volcano I have one okay I
4719s just need the
4721s one it'll be fine it's a good way like
4723s if you're not familiar with the area to
4725s kind of find your way
4727s around okay there's do and oron all
4730s right chaps I'm just gonna like
4733s I'm just looking for nante tracks no no
4737s beef
4738s please all right J while you're doing
4740s that should I go ahead and open the
4743s lobby yeah can you see both chats or
4745s should I get ready to do I can do twitch
4747s yeah yeah I can I can do both so okay
4749s get ready Joe's going to deliver the
4752s goods all right one
4760s sec I got a fire cell Stone
4773s oh no this is lassio territory
4777s yeah oh I found some in the
4785s wall and there's some more here two for
4788s one
4790s special okay I need a few more
4796s all right we have sent
4799s uh that code in both chat
4803s so okay so I found a couple I probably
4805s need a few
4807s more more more
4810s materials another fire sell
4822s Stone
4824s oh getting a special
4826s bone unknown
4829s skull right okay so we found a couple of
4835s spikes Little Toad there the Nitro toad
4838s as it's known in the
4848s world can I get back to the middle that
4850s way I don't think
4852s so
4856s I'm doing getting a loop
4863s in all
4865s right Mr Mis Mr Mis Mis if you want to
4868s take if you want to take a group on a
4870s high rank hunt go for it and then I'll
4871s grab a group when I get
4874s out uh sure why we why don't we do that
4876s yeah let's do it and then uh I'll anyone
4879s that's there when I turn up we'll uh
4882s we'll go on some hun as well yeah we'll
4884s roll to different
4886s groups all right uh let's go for
4891s uron get
4898s choice so anybody that's here already um
4901s feel free to join again please uh make
4904s sure that you match our Rarity five
4908s weapons yes
4910s please I know Nery likes to chill out
4913s here when I
4914s uh when I hunt them so please leave some
4919s spikes around for me to
4924s find oh hello dodo yo
4930s dodo okay oran's here as
4934s well I'm getting lots of points
4942s though
4945s we got some some folks uh trickling in
4947s now so nice
4949s nice Mr Mr Mr Mr Mister has a incredible
4953s outfit oh and I'm missing it
4957s outrageous you'll see it you'll see it
4960s that's for
4963s sure I don't think this is where nante
4967s is I've gone on a I've got
4972s distracted
4976s oh it's the it's this the gajaka
4981s camp but looks like no one's home at the
4983s moment so I'll uh I don't want to be an
4985s Uninvited Guest so I will head back
4988s out all right we're ready to
5001s go
5008s on the
5010s prow what's your status at J how how are
5012s we looking I've found those two in the
5014s volcano and since then nante has been a
5017s bit stingy if I'm honest um so I'm just
5021s I'm checking some of the you know the
5022s well treaded areas where I found bits
5025s before but if not I might just Lo back
5027s in
5028s now oh we are right in it fighting or
5031s gone already we we landed right in front
5034s of
5035s it good
5038s luck folks are liking the Disco po hat
5040s on your P love
5043s it you got to go with it got to go with
5048s it
5051s oops another Cool Drink top
5056s out I love the sliding attack with a
5059s hammer it's so
5060s good maximum B okay these haven't
5063s refreshed yet so I can't get these
5071s on I will get
5082s this yeah so Jon once you finish up uh
5085s grabbing all those tracks sounds like
5087s you'll bring another group into a quest
5089s I will I'll bring another group in with
5091s me I'm just doing a terrible job right
5093s now uh that's all right trying to
5098s find I need to piig up my Scout F Scout
5101s we got this we got this find them
5103s goodies we'll hunt some
5105s monsters we are bullying oron right
5108s now I oh n hang in there check the top
5114s area that's the area I haven't
5118s checked NEP with the great sword ni nice
5122s oh me
5128s oh why have I who's aggro on me oh you
5131s guys you're not even large monsters how
5133s dare you how dare
5142s you hello
5145s gante and hello Kath good to see you hey
5149s Kath how you doing how you doing
5157s would that be sliding attacks
5174s oh oh man that hit
5177s harda likes to hang out but nante does
5181s oh you're at the very top huh yeah I my
5184s adventure to find these uh evidence of
5187s Nagant has took me far and
5190s wide yeah I'm not sure if if anything
5192s spawns up there I went up there I didn't
5194s see anything yeah I think you're
5197s probably
5199s right I feel I've made that exact
5201s mistake like multiple times yeah I'm
5203s like I'll just check and it's like no
5205s no this is the Cala crib if anyone's
5209s Cala
5211s crib
5219s N I know you want to
5223s be why are you playing hard to get with
5225s me come on
5227s now I'll try this
5231s ramp I've not check hold on what's going
5234s on I
5237s canar yeah for anyone just tuning in uh
5240s jonno is finishing up one of the solo
5242s Quest right now separately and I've
5244s taken a group in to do a couple optional
5257s quests get him
5263s tree I feel bad for the hunters waiting
5265s for me while I P they're probably really
5267s obvious as well and I'm just being
5269s oblivious all right we've all been there
5276s nice that tail we got the tail there
5279s right next to the starting C you
5283s say needed one of those thank you very
5286s much
5293s pile back into the lava
5299s area lots of outcrops though Lots of
5302s Ming out crops I think the ones I first
5305s got should be back now and then if I can
5307s you're just resourcing up yeah and then
5310s if I if I can fast travel back to Camp I
5312s think Ultra might be onto
5318s something just got St of off
5325s way nice nice good St oh no I can't gra
5328s those
5331s um
5333s fast
5339s travel all right we've kept this a nice
5342s good competitive hunt so far so thanks
5344s everybody for bringing the right weapons
5347s lvas was right behind me oh my goodness
5349s okay I'm back at camp
5351s now
5358s um will nerie share Sharon is Caren Nery
5362s gun
5365s why why why you got to do this to
5367s me I bet there was some in areas where
5370s um there's like large monsters and my
5372s Scout flies were like
5373s chilling in their po there's
5380s some oh
5382s no did it oh it's done good
5388s job first time
5390s baby first time
5394s right well thank you to everyone for
5395s being patient I will now jump in and
5397s grab any Hunters that are uh in the
5399s Gathering
5402s Hub I thank you for the GG that was
5405s probably the the the most challenging
5407s hunt for me so far in the
5410s playr that we did it's a different type
5412s of challenge the cerebral it is it is
5414s don't make me
5416s think right anyone in the Gathering Hub
5418s hello hello B Hunters hello everyone's
5423s everyone's died of old
5425s age I saw our friend Rio Ripley was with
5429s a group somewhere so R is hide hiding
5432s from me the shame of someone that can't
5434s follow the blue Scout
5439s flies but I will pick a
5448s quest thing is if I pick da a gamma I'm
5450s going to have to capture it so we've got
5453s yeah you're doing origan there's
5455s lvas Diablos there's a high rank Diablos
5458s there
5460s oh uh oh oh high rank
5463s Rathalos I want to do high rank
5468s Rathalos my sliding attack
5471s missed would I go camp
5473s 11 Camp 11 thank you for the
5477s heals oh Mr lac's on the way I got Mr
5480s there you go that is truly the best
5482s outfit you look
5486s amazing the the pink wiggler
5490s combo oh you you saw the outfit yeah
5493s it's pretty incredible truly beautiful I
5495s I love that I've made this rium sword
5496s show that I'm fighting monsters that
5498s just laugh off
5501s poison but it's the thought that
5506s counts so yeah we we'll start together
5508s as a pair and then if any other Hunters
5511s join join the Lobby they can uh they can
5515s pop
5517s in you're at hr4 and still in no rank
5520s well if you need some help we don't mind
5523s helping that's what it's all
5528s about all right oragon has been slain
5532s nice work should I wait for you or do
5534s you want to keep with your group and do
5535s some hunts there yeah do you want toti
5538s how many got you got two right I got two
5540s yeah yeah maybe we can uh bring
5542s everybody back and then we can fill up
5545s your group and fill up mine yeah sure
5547s sounds good yeah let's do that let's do
5550s that Garen is Karen un like nante who is
5556s stingy guess I'll take this opportunity
5558s to clear out my box a bit um oh yeah
5561s it's full of random bits of
5571s bobs
5577s later yeah that was a fun one um
5580s definitely felt like good good amount of
5582s challenge but not too challenging yeah
5585s he's always a fun fight with that big
5586s old
5589s chin especially with the hammer lots of
5591s like a really big head like a giant face
5595s toit Mister has a range of outfits yeah
5599s it's oh I love it when you got a crunchy
5601s monster this breaking all over the place
5615s yeah oh so I got grm now so I now
5618s there's three of us in this hunted party
5623s now oh I need to speak to the chief of
5625s colist I'm going to go ahead and do that
5627s so I guess we could do a three and a
5628s three now right so unless there's
5631s anybody else that um is waiting the
5634s lobby I'll wait for a second if anyone
5636s wants to jump in they can if not they
5638s can hop in for another hunt with
5642s you yeah let me just uh talk to the
5644s researcher so I can progress to The Next
5647s Step
5650s here tre's hyped a tree there with a
5652s sword and shield oh a fantastic choice
5657s all right and then speak to the
5660s commander
5664s there we go right I've got a full Squad
5667s I got NEP with me so I'm going to go and
5669s introduce myself to high rank
5672s Ros oh so I think I guess I've triggered
5674s the nuran cost already nice okay I I
5678s guess you you you definitely kicked up a
5681s Ruckus
5683s yeah uh let me go back talk to the
5690s Handler
5707s a wound and a thirst okay
5710s so I've got that Quest
5713s open I feel like we should do that one
5715s together so yeah yeah we can we can go
5717s hand in
5719s hand okay right Ros is natur at the top
5723s so I'm going to where's me flash pods go
5727s BL me there it is I went straight past
5728s it um all right tree let's let's do
5732s something
5734s here is anybody else posted a
5742s quest all right you guys are all in
5744s there climb up here I've gone for a
5747s Wonder that's that's literally the worst
5748s place to climb up that did nothing to
5750s help me
5755s I'm I'm now swinging through the trees
5756s I'm having a a good old time it looked
5758s like I meant to do it as well
5763s so I need to find the the way up the big
5768s tree all right I'm going to post a
5770s pinkathon quest oh you got some parts in
5773s particular that you're
5774s after uh actually not
5777s really I just don't want to do the same
5779s Quest as
5780s you yeah I thinking because Rathalos
5783s obviously the Rathalos sword and shield
5784s is fantastic um and also I'm sure some
5787s of the armor has got some banging skills
5789s on it as
5793s well oh we got a full party here too
5798s nice 5,000 hunts with
5801s insect oh my goodness clearly a
5805s fan I hope I'm going the right
5810s way
5814s I'm terrible at getting to the top tree
5816s on uh on this one oh it's all am I I'm
5818s terrible at
5823s it I know I'm like near to the place I
5826s need to be but also I'm
5831s not no not not
5836s that I need like all right ready go you
5838s know what I'm just going to follow the
5839s Scout flies I tried to do my own way I
5842s didn't listen to The Almighty Scout
5845s flies now I will follow the righteous
5849s light you thought you can go unassisted
5852s yeah I needed that I need that scoutfly
5854s goodness I'm sorry I doubted you
5856s scoutflies you've been humbled I
5860s have they just wanted to help me all
5862s along there we go we're already climbing
5864s the tree
5865s now if I might get there with raffalos
5868s still alive you never
5870s know oh that's a broken part maybe not
5874s oh we're in wildspire
5876s nice you doing
5878s Diablos uh Pink r pink oh you did say
5881s didn't you you did say that's all right
5884s you're hunting at the same time you know
5886s it's hard to keep track of everything
5887s you say that I'm trying to get there to
5889s start hunting I'm nearly there I'm like
5892s 50 away
5893s now I've even got my
5896s uh my flash pods and
5900s everything
5907s oh mysterious
5910s fopr if rafos flies away when I get here
5913s I'll
5915s cry oh see some action happening in the
5930s distance
5935s hello I made it oh the Tail's come up
5938s already so I'm going to combat car cuz
5940s technically I'm not in combat yet so
5941s it's it's totally acceptable it's fine I
5944s got the tail you're too selfish just
5947s kidding all right I've hit Rathalos now
5949s I'm in combat so technically it was just
5951s a
5953s carve I mean
5956s sure we'll uh we'll take it that's what
5959s my conscience is telling me
5965s I'm surprised we not seeing baz turn up
5967s yet that's bit Basel geese all right
5974s right on work on those wings oh
5979s no oh that's a charge
5987s blade can I flash no it's too late he
5990s gone he
5992s gone that's nice blue bits here though
5994s Bo okay back out
6002s here oh wrath Los is back wrath Los is
6005s nearly
6006s down I got the flash everyone in I I
6010s called everyone in and then I absolutely
6013s whiffed my attacks I am a I'm missing
6016s Flinch free right now
6019s yeah you need get on that goodness
6031s oh well done well
6037s done oh oh that was
6041s fast I
6042s think either we were over equipped or
6046s has too much skill
6048s [Music]
6050s power I'm poisoned that's not very
6054s nice you know I can contribute with FL
6056s pods oh yeah quick Rarity five team
6061s Rarity
6064s five we're still fighting WRA the last
6067s fight imagine not for much longer there
6070s we go a nice charge blade finish
6073s there good job
6076s team uh what do you think maybe we
6078s should reunite for one more hunt and
6080s then we'll call it oh yeah unlock the
6081s camp yeah we'll do one more hunt let's
6083s reunite yeah I need that good point I
6085s need to unlock the uh the camp will I
6087s have time to carve and someone got a a
6092s gem uh right okay let's go thank you NEP
6095s that's such a great piece of advice I'll
6097s Follow You NEP take me to the delicious
6099s camp that will save me so much time ah
6102s run
6105s run I'm poisoned as well I'm
6110s like
6112s I think we build
6114s the there we go nice one nap thank you
6118s much
6120s appreciate yeah that'll save me so much
6123s time when we hunt Ros and stuff I'll be
6124s like I don't need to find my way because
6126s I'm already here oh the flower bed oh so
6131s close so where you at now how's it going
6134s oh you're you're finishing out right and
6135s we got a nice subscription there from
6137s spark as well thank you very much thank
6139s you very kind oh well that's a pretty
6141s cool end screen so I got two three taals
6145s out of that hunt if that was ran I'd be
6148s doing back flips cuz I need like four
6150s rathen plus taals but you know I won't
6152s say no to the Wrath lost Ones cuz I have
6154s no doubt I'll need that as well when it
6156s comes to making the weapons and
6161s armor lovely
6165s hun uh Sentinel so Jon and I were in
6169s different quests right there so you're
6170s seeing the two different perspectives um
6172s happening so I was taking a different
6173s group than jonno was we uh yeah so
6177s typically you know we'll have the two uh
6180s two different streams switching back and
6182s forth so yeah you can do this I don't
6186s know if I explained that well
6190s but
6194s yet all right you're almost back now
6196s right yeah I'm just quickly going to the
6198s Smithy to uh have a look what those
6201s Rathalos Parts have unlocked uh Forge
6205s equipment
6207s armor oh there's a there's loads of new
6210s armor sets I've got like high metal is
6212s there now as
6214s well um Ingot armor is there the Ingot
6219s armor with the uh Health
6221s boost and defense boost on the legs the
6224s faux feline the strategist glasses which
6228s give critical I
6230s to uh
6232s um then there's the Rathalos armor so
6234s attack boost fire attack yeah oh that
6237s Ros Helm tons of stuff unlocked but I
6241s can't make any of yeah same the chest
6243s piece with weakness exploit two oh my
6246s goodness we're going to need that chest
6247s at some point dude we're going to need
6249s that chest I think so I think so do we
6251s hunt another raos do we hunt another
6253s question
6254s mark there's also lavas if you want to
6258s go for that I mean we probably should go
6259s and give lvas off a bit a bit of a slap
6262s really um because that was one of my
6265s most hated monsters when I first played
6267s free
6268s world I just it would just bully
6274s me I'll let you pop the quest in and uh
6278s all right yeah give me two
6281s seconds just
6283s upgrading that's probably fine I think
6286s next stream have another quaky cheeky go
6288s at uh Ros we need that raffalos
6294s Ruby everyone looking so fashionable and
6296s stylish
6304s here oh it's good to see so many
6308s Hunters all right I'll post it y let me
6312s know when you're popping it in and again
6315s anybody if you're joining please do
6316s bring Rarity 5 weapon
6319s mhm
6324s almost forgot what I was doing all right
6326s here we go where am
6330s I that was me in the elders recess where
6333s am I where's where's nury G I got in I
6338s got in all right all right good thank
6340s you everyone thank you now I'm going to
6343s eat a delicious
6349s meal what's the GL thing that neps got
6352s so you can get um different Trinkets and
6355s bits that you can attach to your weapon
6358s purely
6359s cosmetic um and it's a cool way to show
6361s off your fashion or certain achievements
6364s in the game as well um like T taken down
6367s certain monsters um so yeah it's it's
6369s fashion because we we monst Hunters as
6371s you know we love our fashion very
6374s fashionable always very
6377s fashionable yeah purely cosmetic but
6379s it's a great way to kind of add a bit
6381s more personality to your Hunter and the
6383s weapons however you wish to do it oh
6386s it's not a pendant oh it's your dragon
6388s soul
6389s Kinect okay so it wasn't a weapon P it
6391s was actually the Kinect which are also
6394s very
6395s fashionable we don't have 5,000 hours or
6397s 5,000 hunts or whatever was ins but
6400s maybe we should maybe we should you know
6402s what the game knows I don't like lassio
6404s because it's dunked me straight in here
6406s and I haven't got any cool drinks on me
6408s I'm going to go and find a mushroom
6411s I hear they fun
6414s guys hey get out of
6424s here oh there we go that's what I need
6427s is that what I need no that's a blue
6428s mushroom so
6431s close there's NEP
6435s there where where did I where's
6438s those there it is I walked right past it
6441s are distracted by np's wonderful
6445s kect did you
6448s go there you go I'm coming back now I've
6451s I've had a cool I've made a cool
6456s drink I guess they never do that all
6458s that time that's what that that kect is
6460s yeah it says from the Final Fantasy
6462s collab right I
6466s think is it Final Fantasy collab I'm not
6468s sure it's it's pretty similar to uh um
6471s like the effect you get with the pendant
6473s that you get from beating
6482s Fatalis at least I can poison this
6484s monster quite
6486s happily oh it is FF cab thank you n
6490s sorry we didn't know
6491s that we've been educated thank
6494s you knowledge is power so thank you for
6497s sharing
6498s it I'm just stood in the this magma
6502s warming up the feet oh there there's
6505s that
6511s armor I think someone's got a blast
6513s weapon I'm seeing some nice 12s going
6515s off
6517s there
6521s 12s go go go oh I bounced it up bounc
6525s and I need to go for something a bit
6529s squishier
6536s come here
6542s you nice work everyone o big
6548s hit the Poison's in as well so I'm
6550s feeling happy I've
6553s contributed I feel like I haven't done
6556s much I don't I'm seeing the monster
6558s Bounce
6559s Around
6563s I'll pop down a health booster thank you
6567s sir keep everyone fighting
6581s bit got to get that Health
6586s booster looking a bit tired there
6589s lassia
6594s oh there some ammo on the floor where is
6596s it there it is sling a
6599s bomb yeah how'd you like those
6603s apples younger me would be very pleased
6605s with this beaten levas his C
6609s again Revenge
6618s exactly f
6622s oh I'm in the wrong spot I got to get to
6624s the head
6628s oh it's such a tanky monster as
6634s well I think I just missed the point
6636s blank bom pod it's all right though cuz
6639s it flinched so it's it's okay it's not
6641s my fault you didn't you didn't have to
6642s tell us but it's okay you know I don't
6644s know if they're watching you or me I had
6646s to own up to it just in case you know I
6648s think it's on you oh no
6651s yeah we we'll go for long range bom pod
6655s never
6657s mind we'll try again manual aim there we
6660s go look at that
6666s oh nice little Slide Attack there if I
6670s do say so
6675s myself oh go my SL attack too that was a
6679s big hit there
6681s I got I don't know if it did that much
6684s damage but we'll take
6695s it fish is
6698s down sliding
6700s attack whoa do G just came through and
6703s slapped me oh my goodness do no we're
6707s here to help friends Doo no
6711s my only C this stream can't be do G Oh I
6714s thought that was me c oh my goodness can
6717s you imagine oh yeah Doo chill out chill
6721s out
6724s buddy wanted attention
6726s to good
6728s Heavens where that bomb come from wait
6731s wait yeah suddenly
6735s no there you go I got some nice lassio
6738s BS Doo no
6741s Doo doto got Do's been munching him
6744s there's origon look had all the
6749s commotion
6752s byebye see you later
6754s dodo
6756s Doo D is just like out of my
6759s way oh there's over there too ah thank
6761s you for the raid neon that's very we're
6763s actually wrapping up now as well really
6766s really appreciate it I'm sure there's
6768s plenty of others streaming monant though
6770s so feel free to give them some love but
6772s really appreciate you and you and your
6774s community coming by yeah got lucky my
6776s controller disconnected it was meant to
6778s be there we go a divine
6783s intervention there's mostly do gamma on
6786s my end screen it look like doto did the
6787s killing blow it's like looks like it's
6789s like chomping on it yeah that's what it
6791s looks like for me too yeah oh we're
6793s right next to each other that's such a
6795s wicked end screen my trousers I need to
6797s get some monster armor on
6799s there
6802s good hunt everyone good hunt a nice
6804s solid five
6807s minutes overall pretty good stream today
6809s making some good progress um yeah oh I
6811s filled up the nante bar yeah we're we're
6813s set for that for next week then huh yep
6816s that'll be it we're gonna go go say
6818s hello to Nagi gante
6823s again with that I think we can we can
6825s wrap up for to for do you want to do a
6827s quick arm wrestle against n yeah I think
6829s there has
6831s we do we do I nearly broke tradition
6833s there yeah let me
6835s uh I I guess I'll take on
6839s somebody
6842s oh seems like it's not working right now
6844s is everyone too many people
6847s around if not there there's there's a
6850s second one over
6853s here oh here we go there we go this is
6856s the uh is it
6857s working oh maybe not maybe not here all
6861s right let's go check the one
6865s upstairs oh here we
6868s go a thank you Dan I appreciate that and
6871s NEP stays undefeated yeah well I guess
6873s NEP has lost before but it's still the
6877s champ I'll
6879s take the rematch I been
6883s training got massive thumb
6886s now wait I was pressing the wrong button
6888s it's over no oh no no recover
6894s recover we'll give give one more one
6896s more Challenger for that one more
6898s Challenger who wants you want to take on
6901s now me oh
6904s no let's see
6907s it I'm already I'm pre- running I'm pre-
6914s running you can't you can't buffer
6916s inputs
6917s okay yeah I'm stacking my
6920s okay it wasn't enough though well played
6922s nap okay Mr Mr Mr got
6927s it a fair a fair fight
6930s here let's see
6936s it ah ne St well played stays on top on
6940s top
6942s yeah well play I think we should be we
6945s should see uh Ria Ria Ripley versus NEP
6948s if we the only one that's beaten NEP
6950s right yeah
6951s yeah let's see let's let's let moon have
6954s their chance yeah everyone everyone gets
6956s a
6957s go oh unlucky Moon don't feel bad this
6960s is this is what happens to us all okay R
6963s is
6964s in oh no is R yeah R
6968s yeah all right here we go the main
6973s event Oh Oh I thought might had it there
6977s it is there it is there it is all right
6981s I think that K is having a quick go
6984s there we go then then we will wrap up
6987s yeah
6988s Goa Kira upset the balance of arm
6991s wrestling power the Gathering get S we
6993s just like an underdog all right there It
6998s Is Well with that I think it's time to
7002s to wrap up today's stream it's good to
7003s be back uh we got some nice hunting got
7006s a few armor and weapon upgrades as well
7008s and next week we will be hunting down
7011s nagie
7012s gante yeah I'm looking forward to it
7014s this was a good time though I think yeah
7015s we made a lot of good progress um we got
7017s our sets Al together we got you know
7019s some of the rust off yeah feeling good
7023s yeah it was nice to hunt with the
7024s community so always good time exactly
7028s exactly and with that yeah so we'll be
7030s back uh same time next Thursday so that
7033s is now at 600 p.m. GMT 700 p.m. C and I
7038s believe it's 10: a.m. PS
7040s yes 10 P 1 p.m. uh eastern time so yeah
7046s so that is a ton of fun but yeah once
7048s again thank you for welcoming us back
7049s after that two we break um always good
7052s fun hunting it was lovely getting
7054s reacquainted with the elders
7055s [Laughter]
7058s recess exactly exactly and with that
7061s I've been jonno and I'm Joe and you've
7064s been awesome have a fantastic weekend
7067s and we will see you next week goodbye by
7073s [Music]
7098s everybody
7103s [Music]
7141s [Music]
7226s oh
about 2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name's Jon o EMA Community
4s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
6s by hey everyone I'm Joe I'm the cap USA
9s Community manager on Monster Hunter oh
11s yes and today obviously we are in
13s chapter eight of our return to Old
15s Community live streams and Joe we're
17s really cranking things up a notch this
19s week aren't we yes we are um we made
21s some pretty good progress in higher rank
23s last week but this week I think we've
26s got a pretty big monster uh on hand for
29s us um so I don't know if we're
31s necessarily geared correctly right now
34s but we're going to try anyways we're
35s going to see if skill will prevail
37s whatever skill that we have so exactly
40s there's only one way to find out also
42s let us know if our mics are a bit quiet
44s I see two face heavy says we might be a
46s little bit
47s quiet uh and uh yeah no but we are we
51s are on Mike's day but yeah we are facing
54s the extinction Dragon itself nante first
57s and you know if we survive we might even
59s come across some more of dragons and
61s this will be really key where we're
62s going to be getting some real cool gear
65s and uh getting ready for what's next so
67s yeah should we uh should we head in
69s obviously on our own until we get the
70s cut scene and then reunite for great
73s Justice yeah let's get into it let's get
75s I or do you want to join me uh I will
79s join you okay I your connection is more
81s stable I'll use a voucher
84s then all right let's head out there all
88s right I'll let you go first just so I
90s don't get to the 10 minutes if uh if we
93s get lost trying to find the monster oh
96s yeah we play the cut scene with my funky
98s Pico should be
101s nice yeah I've got quite the mix quite
104s the
107s mix yeah looking forward to fighting NY
110s yeah same here I was just about to say
111s I'm looking forward to uh to getting
112s into this hunt and also just to like
114s enter this this uh like more challenging
117s leg of high rank I think should be quite
119s interesting uh lots of elder dragons
122s cool monsters yeah we're really getting
124s into the end game now yeah yeah and
126s hopefully we can get um some more
129s multiplayer hunts in here with the
130s community so um yeah hopefully towards
132s the back end we'll be able to join up
134s with you yep yep and get ready for that
137s everyone obviously we just ask that you
138s use equipment primarily weapons
141s obviously armor it's not such a biggie
143s but weapons that are at level of ours so
146s we just don't you know instam out the
147s high rank monsters with master rank gear
150s yes yes yeah we want the authentic
152s experience we don't just steamroll them
155s that's I mean I guess it's fun for some
157s people but uh you
161s know all right I'm walking over now to
164s get this cut scene are you in the quest
165s now yeah yeah yeah I'm just following my
167s blue Scout flies all right here we
177s go and here's the cut scene now we get
180s going to get even more uh areas to
182s explore in the elders recess as well
184s which is you know a nice little benefit
186s here of nante making an appearance oh
192s yeah you know it's been a while since
194s I've seen some of these cut scenes so
195s it's always like taking me back but also
198s I'm like I don't really remember this
201s from time to
204s time something's upset the gadil
209s lakas
217s all right there it is
223s nante what a
226s monster all right
235s um there we go there we go okay I will
238s uh oh you should be able to just join I
240s think I think or uh let me know if I
241s need a SOS player uh yeah I should be
244s able destroy I'm just going to run
246s around for a bit until you get
249s it no you're on your own man oh you've
251s left the online session oh no oh looks
254s like I may have been
257s disconnected wonder if I've got any uh
260s did I not grab I don't think I grabbed
261s any wonder if I've got any uh did I not
265s grab I don't think I grabbed anything
266s from the box at the start it's a good
268s good start good start
271s but yeah I've got my WRA and sword and
273s shield so I'm happy H very pleased with
276s that come on nante follow
279s me apparently my my big plan is to not
281s get
285s hit all right I'm just getting reset
287s over here no problem otherwise I'm
290s leaving you on your own yeah that's I've
292s not started fighting it yet I'm just
293s running around
296s it showing off my lovely
299s armor
301s uh
304s oh utilizing my shield
311s here so the streams used to start at
314s 5:00 p.m. GMT sl9 a.m. PST but they're
319s now just an hour later so 600 p.m. GMT
322s SL1 a.m.
325s PST it is the angry
328s Hedgehog
330s the satisfying monster to break parts
332s off of oh
336s [Music]
342s definitely still it's nice to see my my
344s Pico is doing a wonderful job obviously
346s it's just ran out of HP so they're going
348s to go heal but they're keeping them busy
350s from
351s me hey
355s Maria all right I think I left you alone
358s for too long so I'm going to try and
359s join now
360s oh I didn't actually get disconnected I
362s just quit okay I'm out bye yeah good
367s luck oh no n gant's uh spikes are
370s starting to do like the the hard black
373s where they you bounce off them cuz I'm
375s not attacking it yeah I'm sorry I'm
378s sorry that's okay it's okay Quest
381s difficulty has been
384s adjusted all
385s right I'm back I just got to eat real
388s quick so I don't get one shotted no
390s worries I've still I've done quite well
391s I've not been hit too too much really if
393s at all just a tiny bit of Chip damage
396s yeah the
397s evasion PR good
400s there making the most of my
406s Mobility all right sorry I'm atted to
408s the admal for some
412s reason oh bad Hunter right now okay okay
416s oh n gante is
418s moving oh yes this going into my one of
420s my favorite areas in the Elder's recess
422s as a sword and shield man uh because
424s there's loads of the the plunge pillars
427s as I like to call them uh or I can do
429s one of my favorite sword and shield
432s attacks so that that's like number one
434s for you right that attack that is I if I
437s There's an opportunity for it that
438s becomes my number one priority over
440s everything else in the hunt just plunge
443s plunge and against nergi as well you hit
445s it so much and there's so much crunch
447s from all the part braks it's
450s really quite satisfying oh
452s yes it's crunch time for
455s nerie let's do it oh
460s Footprints okay you're W for too long
463s ner is obviously quite Juiced up at the
464s moment uh with a black spikes but uh
470s o some
472s damage there we
475s go oh already huh yeah making the most
478s of those uh those pillars but they can
480s be destroyed So eventually I can run out
483s of my my precious pillars yeah oh lots
486s of sliding here yeah you'll be you'll be
489s so happy in
491s here oh too far
496s that Bonk
500s Bonk there you go there you
506s go go for the big bang oh I'm not really
509s doing much Dam
514s there uhoh I've
522s committed there we go we can uh make the
524s most of
525s this oh and a straight into another
528s Mount oh well done well done yeah you
531s can proc so many hits against Neri with
533s that kind of technique I highly highly
536s recommend it for any sword and shield
538s enjoyers
540s and there are many sword and shield
541s enjoyers oh yes there you go enjoy I'll
545s go back to the
550s tail just keep trying to bash one of
553s these horns
555s here yeah I'm not really doing like
558s great
559s damage right where some of the I think
562s the arms are softer right I mean
563s obviously not great for Hammer
565s user look at you go it's still something
568s though it's still something think
570s obviously Nur is a bit tanky at the
571s moment with those with those spikes but
574s I think once they've done one of their
575s big old charges would be all right again
582s yeah oh yeah mountain mountain Pro would
585s be hilarious here as well oh I I'm
588s missing the pillar there we
591s go o we must be near another Mount I
596s reckon a little scary for me there yeah
599s it's close yeah I can't
602s believe so yeah okay the Tail's getting
605s some spikes on it so if I move that
610s I'll down
612s here sharpen
619s see oh I'm still
621s on uh-oh oh he near threw me off
624s there oh my
628s stamina
630s go down nerie go down oh no not the
633s pillar it's funny I'm just like chasing
635s around cuz you mounted like what four
638s times at this yeah like stay
641s down oh those those spikes are starting
644s to
646s harden yeah I think they're rather
652s secure uh-oh here comes a big one
656s uhoh yeah there b spes are gone yeah
661s time for a big dumb
663s Arch
666s oops like head slam there oh I missed
669s the pillar I missed the pillar again
672s this is prime Mountain opportunity as
674s well oh look at those
678s numbers probably getting some better
680s damage here I think I'm I'm still
682s missing the
686s P oh lovely hit there we go
699s oh On The
700s Run no don't go not my
705s pillar burst good idea good idea I did
708s not think of that at all crystal
710s burst yeah that that pillar jump is
712s great for status and Elemental it's it's
715s very very good ner had enough how many
718s crystal BS yeah I'm out come
721s back
723s no nice what was that there's a crystal
726s burst as well CST first all right well
729s we
729s tried
732s well have it your way
738s nerie that's just like a a very like
740s pocket sand kind of energy there it
743s is [ __ ] a turn keep it
746s going oh yeah that that is a hit me I'm
749s sure I've still got some low rank armor
751s on yeah I think I have like low rank
754s gauntlets or
755s something I think my waste of my
757s gauntlets might be
759s yeah ah I think a good position
774s here trying to get that big stagger hit
777s oh yeah I just booped the Snoop but it
779s cost lost me no no no no no no no no no
781s no oh oh I staggered oh there's the
784s healing I'm out of range of it though no
788s I'm still I'm
789s still that was a lovely heal lovely
793s teamwork yeah I was uh I was trembling
796s and all of that it was it was not
799s great shaking and quen exactly shaken
803s and probably a bit
808s stirred
810s oh I wanted a back hop there but I I
811s whipped
814s it oh that
817s tail watch out okay got out of the
823s way
830s oh need to get that oh
833s nice thanks I oh I've got one of these
836s I've only got uh four Mega potions left
839s I'm like o
846s oh ah just cannot get that stun watch
850s out big attack oh got a Viger wasp
854s coming
855s over coming over coming over that will
858s save me all right oh they're back in
860s here yes
862s yes I got a regrowth plate as well it is
865s are there any pillars left though okay
866s over that side o I just tried to
871s wifall all Dam habit heart
877s yeah I'm out of
879s stamina oh no no no no
883s no
885s oh yeah I forgot how punishing it is in
887s world if you let yourself fully run out
889s of stamina oh yeah yeah you got a big
892s stun or I don't even know just like
894s exhaust feels like it yeah yeah what
897s about managing that precious resource
899s did I get the slide no it
905s moved There's an opportunity here I I
908s think I whiffed it no I
910s didn't oh I love it just the amount of
913s uh hit marks coming up get that
918s dopamine the
924s dopamine I'll let you do your thing
927s thank you I'm just uh ch been away at
929s the tail ta then I'll let Nery hit that
933s oh I didn't actually oh no way I can't
937s get out yeah I'm good though I'm good
939s it's still good it's still
943s good it's happening
946s again think I might go down soon there
948s we go yeah I'm just doing the finisher
950s on the tail there you
952s go oh there's a dragon pod there that's
955s a good sign nice just bashing the head
958s now
959s nice I'm getting some tail damage in
962s want to break one of these horns come on
964s yeah I was going to say you definitely
965s earned it at this point
968s yeah more Dragon
975s pods ah the black
987s spikes watch out
989s we grab this I went for the wasp and I I
993s got
994s slapped mega potion yeah I was trying to
997s go for a slide there got too
1005s ambitious think I've got it here tip the
1008s tail nice can I get up here can I get up
1010s here yes sliding I missed oh you got the
1014s part break there's one of the horns with
1017s the sliding attack too oh I see up there
1019s there we
1021s go oh oh oh boy oh
1025s boy all right I'm going back off oh it's
1029s on me Superman dive that a bad idea here
1032s we go I'm I'm going to meet Neri in the
1034s air no I'm not he's going for you oh my
1037s precious pillars no that's it time for
1041s Retribution Tak it it personally huh I'm
1044s very
1045s personal he's
1047s tired
1051s uhoh ah dang
1055s it Dragon
1058s P righted to sleep Dragon
1065s pod
1066s ooh that yeah yeah I'm good I'm good
1070s sliding oh but I didn't really get any
1072s good hits there oh no I picked up the
1075s thorn pod instead of the WASP the good
1077s news is I have Thorn pods now
1081s and I got one on the arm and one on the
1082s head I think oh boy thank you again for
1085s that Health booster I got to get it
1086s that's all right yeah I'm going
1089s to going to pick my shield
1093s up there we go don't mind
1100s me kind of missed the tail there it is
1103s what it
1105s is where you
1107s going no
1109s I nearly clutch clawed then I nearly did
1111s what I do when I play master rank when
1113s the monsters running away I'm like
1115s clutch claw yeah not got any bombs I
1119s don't
1122s think I mean this is ironically as well
1124s where nante is arguably the most
1126s dangerous especially in master rank uh
1128s because you're trapped in a small area
1130s with them and they love their dive oh
1133s yeah
1134s yeah all right
1137s um well weapons do you like to play and
1140s did you switch to anything else in Rise
1141s uh sword and shield all the way for me
1143s however in Rise I experimented a lot
1145s with weapons I use switch ax I used
1148s hunting horn and I dabbled with hammer
1150s how about you
1151s Joe yeah I I kind of did the same um I
1154s play a lot of great swword um but I
1157s liked switch ax I liked uh gunland in
1161s rise and sunbreak I love that bullet
1163s barrage Swit skill it's so it's so good
1165s it's so good dual blades as well I love
1168s dual BL
1170s but yeah great sword all the
1172s way all right CH yep all
1177s yours oh that's bad that's all right
1180s okay yeah now we're in we're in dunk
1183s City like just getting slamed oh man
1187s that hurt uh oh oh I got hit by the
1190s scenery uh which healing do I want to
1193s use uh oh no I should have bought more
1196s heal booster Health booster thank you
1198s think I I have a was in a good spot for
1200s you I'm looking oh there you go I
1203s totally I totally was in the wrong
1207s placeo where where was that oh
1210s no oh oh no you right
1214s yep survive I I'm uh the Handler's
1218s telling me what's
1220s up okay I got some good hits in there
1223s I'm just going to keep swinging or we're
1225s all up in the health booster over there
1227s yeah we know what's
1232s oh oh the yeah the RO spikes knocked me
1235s out of the the Wombo Combo forget about
1238s those in this area yeah much to our uh
1242s disdain they're like oh by the way roof
1244s spikes
1248s spes oh nice wonderful all
1252s right oh yeah there go oh no roof spikes
1257s no
1259s I was going to go for a perfect Rush as
1260s well but the roof had other ideas oh I
1263s got too ambitious there with the uh the
1265s Big Bang yes sir I'm going to try and
1268s Pierce him oh no oh no oh good Dodge
1271s good
1272s Dodge hey you got the other horn
1275s break yeah that was
1277s satis nice work oh there we go well done
1282s done hey bazuki we did well there that
1285s was good dude I I ran out Mega
1290s potions in no cards that's that's good
1296s teamw what is our favorite monster in
1299s the entire monster H series games I
1301s always love this question and obviously
1303s Community viewers feel free to chip in
1305s and chat as well but Joe what's your
1307s favorite monster of all time man it
1309s changes on a daily
1312s basis uh I like Double Joe which I think
1315s we should hunt at some point I think
1316s it's available now oh uh
1319s but I like many others I like many
1320s others
1322s um I think we talked about Namo last
1325s week I I like Nam quite a bit I've
1327s become one of my my more recent
1329s favorites um veler in chat here veler in
1333s chat here says you never guess mine uh
1336s I'm going to imagine to say teostra I
1338s think oh yeah yeah just Ros right yeah
1342s yeah definitely you definitely love fire
1343s monsters don't you yeah hey NYX how's it
1347s going for me it is brachi brachi Doos uh
1352s I just love the monster everything about
1354s it its music and how it fights it's
1356s blast slime for the classic veteran
1359s Hunters out there uh everything about it
1362s is just awesome um and then obviously
1364s rag brachi just takes it to a whole new
1367s level Wu says valh haar has such cute
1371s armor it has has very equally badass and
1374s cute armor I think
1377s Valar I was going say they think bazaka
1379s is cute yeah that's what I call hit
1383s marus loves the kadachi H so I guess we
1386s got Toby and Viper Toby as well oh yeah
1390s yeah like those both um also just like
1393s when you reach them in the game the
1395s speed is kind of like a shocking thing
1397s for
1401s you the Admiral is just a wall of a
1404s human
1406s being like we're seeing my feed right
1407s now so you see the the Disco pelico just
1412s and our winter Handler just making the
1414s scene a little little humorous
1416s so how did this are end up becoming such
1419s a hot of energy in the first place
1422s enough eny to lure in a
1430s menace I mean my uh my eclectic mix of
1437s armor Oscar's favorite monster is
1441s Rathalos uh it's a boss character and
1444s you really like oh yeah it's a boss
1446s character in Super Smash Bros ultimate
1448s that is true oh that's right that's
1450s right Ros has uh entered many different
1455s dimensions yeah EXO Primal most recently
1463s yeah we got some goodies here dragon
1467s scales
1469s caras High
1472s commendations a couple of horns thanks
1474s to your bra decorations here yeah what
1476s we all right nothing I think I would
1479s really use but Tremor resist yeah it's
1482s you never know you never know Luna gon
1485s was such a nice design and has a very
1487s classic MH Vibe I hit 24 Slinger attacks
1491s no way just spamming that
1494s thing we can now do eight star
1497s assignments
1499s yeah i i s a sniper and you got some
1502s nice destruction on the part
1516s side hey
1520s Mark a new
1523s opportunity my favorite monster Abyssal
1527s Lamborghini
1530s basil is also solid yeah basil is a good
1534s choice lot of love for the like Invader
1536s type
1542s monsters all right investigate the
1544s awoken elder
1553s dragons oh I only have four four total
1556s Mega potions sorry go ahead joh yeah I
1558s need to miss more Oscar ask what do we
1560s think about the recent announcement of
1562s monster ther stories one coming
1564s back I'm so excited um I love the
1568s stories games I love what it brings to
1569s this series it's such a different vibe
1571s uh it's very hopeful different art style
1575s um it's got you know really cool
1576s turn-based combat um and it's like a
1579s different relationship with the monsters
1580s right because you're you're a Monster
1581s Rider so and also just like the the
1583s sheer amount of monsters that are in it
1585s uh sorry monties that are in it yeah so
1588s some of your favorites are probably in
1589s there um from series past so yeah I just
1592s love those games I think it's great to
1594s have stories one on Modern platforms
1596s which is really cool so you get on PC
1598s and PlayStation and Nintendo switch so
1601s yeah I'm looking forward to diving into
1602s it how about you jonno yeah me too as
1605s well like as well I've actually only
1606s played monster hun Stories 2 I haven't
1608s played the original so it's doubly
1610s exciting for me because it's going to be
1611s a brand new experience for me um to like
1614s actually physically play Monster stories
1616s one and obviously it's getting all the
1618s content that was previously Japan only
1620s uh it's got obviously the voice acting
1623s and obviously updated Graphics so I'm
1625s super excited especially because I can
1626s see that brackie is in it as well so
1629s yeah I'm very very much looking forward
1631s to it yeah yeah it's like that you know
1633s it's the best way to play stories one
1636s right because previously in the past
1638s we've had it on uh on mobile and we've
1640s had on 3DS but yeah now you get the
1643s chance to play it on hopefully a
1645s platform that you're actively playing so
1646s yeah it should be exciting
1649s where's the F Fleet
1653s Master oh it's the Smithy isn't it the
1655s FD Fleet Master
1658s right
1660s uh I don't
1662s know I know he's
1665s hold okay third Fleet I'm I'm talking to
1668s a field team leader
1670s now let's get that
1673s done I don't think it's the Smithy he's
1676s second Fleet master
1678s all right let's see I get I'm going to
1680s assume I absolutely cannot make the
1682s nyante sword and shield yet uh it's
1685s worth a look just to see what I might
1688s need yeah where is a third Fleet
1694s Master not here right is that the one on
1696s the Airship perhaps yeah in the research
1698s base over
1702s there okay okay there's nante so I need
1706s to go all the way up the or
1710s tree uh and then I can look at
1713s potentially making
1720s it then on the ran side it's going to
1723s take a little bit to get get what I
1730s need okay
1733s um all right yeah I think I've gotten
1735s all the invest investigation or at least
1739s I guess the track tracking quests so
1742s should we just like do some hunts I
1744s guess and have agressive see what we get
1747s okay so rfan so for that I need rafian
1748s spikes carpes nante I'm not far off if
1751s I'm honest I mean I'm missing a lot of
1753s or actually no I need Coral crystals but
1757s that two more nury tails and two
1759s regrowth plates and then uh the nurgle
1761s Jack would be mine uh let's look at the
1766s armor
1770s it does look so cool as well um take a
1774s look what I got too um oh the arms the
1777s arms are really good you need we need
1779s tails and carapaces for that you get
1781s agitator and attack
1783s boost
1785s um then on the waste I know the waste is
1788s really good you get attack boost and a
1789s two slot uh but I need more regrowth so
1793s one more nergy hunt would give me that
1795s uh I reckon two carapaces and two
1797s regrowth ples
1798s um oh I need one more carbalite
1804s ore well I guess I need a whole bunch of
1806s it yeah well if you want to pick the
1809s next hunt then um yeah if you want to do
1813s Nery again yeah I mean I'll be well for
1815s that yeah yeah let's do
1817s that um all right let's see what we got
1822s um what do you think about opening it up
1826s yeah let's open up now my as well just
1828s we're doing some farming so yeah I'm
1832s just going to go to and that that'll
1833s help us get through it like pretty
1834s quickly right yeah yeah so we'll we'll
1836s split up into two groups then I suppose
1839s um but yeah want stick together for the
1841s first one okay let's stick together yeah
1843s yeah
1844s but together you know yeah I don't want
1847s so stupid carry me um but for anyone
1852s joining remember please use a weapon
1854s that is in line with uh Joe and I so at
1856s the minute I think we on Rarity five or
1860s tier five
1861s weapons yeah I'm on Rarity 5 at the
1866s moment yeah I should be the same I
1868s haven't changed since last time so yes r
1873s five all right shall we go ahead and
1875s drop that in the chat I can go ahead and
1877s do that on YouTube so I'm gonna do that
1878s right now I will do
1881s twitch there is the lobby ID uh so hop
1885s that in and join us for some months if
1887s you don't get in the first hunt don't
1889s worry we'll you know we'll be mixing it
1890s up and and all of that fun
1894s stuff right post a
1896s quest
1898s optional the Eater of
1903s Elders going to use another voucher yes
1908s please that's it
1909s bazuki you got this uh pay with money
1913s attack up I'm going to go for okay
1915s there's not that I guess I'll take El
1917s mental cuz there isn't a defense one
1919s this
1920s time I need to make sure to
1928s replenish all right um optional Quest
1931s let's take a look I guess we only have
1932s one
1934s uh star I need to craft more Mega
1938s potions I need to craft more potions I
1941s need to buy some potions yeah yeah right
1945s let's uh do some shopping
1948s so we need to do yeah why don't we start
1950s with Ancient Forest um what do we got
1953s here Ros rematch let's do this Quest is
1957s it Nagi Fest or um well if we hunt nerie
1962s um we won't be able to progress the
1965s tracks
1966s quest ah since it's in the elders recess
1969s and I don't think we need tracks there
1971s right I'm so close to that waste should
1972s we do okay let's do an Ancient Forest
1974s first let's do Ancient Forest first and
1976s yeah it should be quick great yeah I'm
1978s just going to quickly
1980s uh grab some
1982s goodies cuz uh my honey stash just got
1985s updated from the uh nice yeah me too
1988s apology let me know when you're ready
1990s and I will post that Quest so I can be
1992s sure that you're get yep sure
1997s sure there you go do that I'll just
2000s cancel this
2003s one uh leave the quest yes okay ready wi
2007s you
2009s welcome all right here we
2014s go I will go northeast
2019s Camp there you go oh wrath lost North
2024s there we go oh I didn't press for a
2026s ticket oh well oh well I'll carry that
2029s ticket
2034s over but I do want wrath loss parts so
2037s that's that's actually really nice for
2038s me nice
2042s nice we are on Steam golden
2048s TI and sorry if you're not seeing
2050s certain uh comments uh we are looking at
2052s both YouTube and twitch so uh you may
2056s hear us refer to some comments that
2058s you're not seeing on the whatever
2059s platform you're watching very
2061s multifaceted yeah all right we're
2064s ready let's do it got a sip of water got
2068s stay hydrated keep that stamina
2071s up yes
2076s sir all right let's get those tracks and
2079s yes hun wrath most at the same
2082s time grab one of these there we
2089s go right where am I I guess I'm GNA have
2093s to do some climbing oh there's rathan on
2095s the map as well
2098s Toby Kachi yeah I don't think we'll want
2101s to get ambitious this time though no not
2103s with our current setup
2113s yeah
2114s uh oh I see blue
2118s hello you found some blue did I okay
2122s there they
2123s are I don't know if is it consistent for
2126s uh all players probably not right I
2128s didn't get as many as you there no oh
2129s that's R that's a big raian oh
2133s hello
2135s goodbye was that Ros I think that was
2138s rathan that that was rathan yeah so just
2140s because I got Ros targeted I was like
2142s wait a second what am I what am I doing
2145s oh another
2150s track there got my Scout flies to focus
2156s Ros
2158s you're doing well on the track
2159s front yeah I'm sorry I don't know if
2162s you're not seeing him I'm sorry where's
2164s my
2166s on you've been
2171s forsaken
2174s another there's lots of blue all right
2176s for
2181s some Treetop Camp okay yeah if we can we
2184s will we will send it down the
2186s waterfall
2188s I think I lost you are are you uh going
2190s up I I thought I was
2193s however I've misplaced
2196s myself oh hi
2200s hello I was like yeah this is starting
2203s to go upwards uh however you might as
2206s well get the bone pile over up here yeah
2208s I was like I'm here now I might as well
2209s get something from it oh oh oh look like
2212s Ross has been
2213s found you're going to slay it before we
2216s even see it yeah
2226s all right I was going good with the blue
2227s for a little bit and now I think I've
2229s kind of lost the
2232s trailes okay there's
2235s R these jagas are annoying me they are
2239s all over the place aren they yeah all
2243s right old wi have
2245s cashes oh the jagas are in the way
2249s now jagas please I must have that
2257s tail oh time to do a oh can I get the
2261s ledge attack in no I can get this
2267s though okay I finally made it welcome
2270s hello Hello friends yeah what are we
2273s doing
2276s today
2284s what
2288s nice
2290s Bon oh there a roar P the roar that was
2294s a romantic stroll through the Ancient
2295s Forest wasn't it it was it was yep got
2298s the mount
2305s oh oh oh in the vine trap as well nice
2309s maybe I should slow down my Mount here
2311s so you can get a load of
2313s damage there we go down it
2317s comes oh no still on now down there we
2320s go sweet all right to Bon oh and into
2324s the stun maximum
2327s Bonk one two 3
2333s four and I got the five nice
2338s what nice oh I just missed that
2342s oh that tail down
2349s here I see you
2352s tail I'm just kind of mindlessly mashing
2354s Big Bang it's all you need the true
2357s Hammer way oh my mind kind of went blank
2360s as I just went for all those
2365s hits we got the head break though that's
2372s good no I keep getting getting
2376s stunned tragic come back all right I'm
2380s going to shoen see if we can get some
2382s more
2383s blue yeah some more
2388s blue carve up these jagas have you got
2391s any tracks jno no no no man I know I'll
2396s fight them yeah yeah maybe on the next
2398s hunt it's going to end up where I get
2400s none and you get a billion the desire
2403s sensor is in full swing yeah yeah it
2405s knows the game
2410s knows was that a cheeky flash that was a
2412s very cheeky flash yeah well done mad
2420s artist o that tail swing even broke some
2425s scenery
2431s oh I see
2434s blue let me get that let me get that do
2444s it another part break that's the tail
2448s remember we need to we need to carve
2450s that in a bit the charge blade just
2453s totally knocked me
2455s over ah
2457s oh thanks for coming by and saying hi NP
2462s Mia yeah it's all good NE good to see
2465s you thanks for doing your best to join
2467s as always yeah you've only ever missed
2469s one session which is
2471s impressive that you you will remain
2473s undefeated in armed wrestling once more
2476s oh yeah yeah even if you were able to
2478s play you still remain undefeated
2483s exactly you got that wing
2492s oh I've got myself in a nice little
2493s pocket
2496s there what we got what we got Slinger
2499s bomb oh it's serious
2503s now
2505s oh I I'm mounted there he goes
2509s again
2513s oh really want to use the bomb pods to
2515s send it flying to the ground but no not
2517s till I
2523s spawn
2525s oh got turned around a little bit there
2527s all right here we
2538s go oh
2542s nice what's that sound yeah what is that
2546s I haven't turned around
2547s yet
2549s okay what was that
2557s yeah oh it was Rath and coming for back
2560s to back up oh well you're too late
2563s you're very late you snooze you lose
2566s yeah it's a nice try
2568s though a next time Co next time that's
2571s what that raw was then the
2574s uh oh someone got sank tasty I think I
2576s play
2579s was that me oh sorry I wasn't paying
2581s attention I heard someone get the get
2583s the
2584s bling yeah I heard it as well but I
2586s don't know if it was me I don't think it
2587s was
2588s me well I got at least one tail so I'm
2591s really happy about that all right oh I
2592s didn't I don't think I carved the tail
2594s go you got 20 seconds don't do me like
2596s in in the rise and sunbreak streams it's
2599s basically like a meme yeah i' always and
2601s then the chat would very kindly be like
2603s tail tail tail tail tail where's the
2607s blue I I got I got no blue hopefully
2609s we'll get some for completing the quest
2612s I am mad artist got the plate maybe
2614s maybe get a wrath Ruby in the rewards
2616s though because you know we got that head
2618s break oh really strre
2621s there as me on on my back I got another
2624s tail though so I'm really pleased about
2630s that all right I got my investigation
2633s about halfway all right how did I go uh
2637s I I'm nearly halfway as well actually
2640s yeah investigation progress unknown so
2642s it's not so bad all right maybe it was
2645s sharing it because you were again oh
2648s yeah yeah yeah maybe why don't you pick
2650s next Quest J
2652s okay let's have a look at what we've
2656s got I kind of want to do
2658s nante uh right what we got uh so we just
2663s did
2665s Rathalos uh this Diablos pink
2670s Ren oh mad artist got a plate nice what'
2674s you reckon about pink wrath or maybe I
2676s check the event Quest pink wrath uh uh
2679s where is pink wrath
2682s located I'll have a
2685s look yeah because it'll help us with our
2687s investigation fire oh perfect let's do
2691s it okay unless there's an event Quest
2693s you want to do uh we can check the event
2696s Quest next if you like okay all right
2698s I'm putting it
2701s in
2706s now oh wait I got to join I got to
2717s join H here we got mad
2722s artist oh no
2725s sorry
2727s oh re rip please join the lobby as
2732s well oh I think oh it's optional Quest
2735s there we go yeah hello Rey the
2740s champion there we
2742s go okay I made it very
2752s nice everyone looking very snazzy very
2754s fashionable and then there's us I mean
2756s you look all right you've got the zor
2758s magdaros gear mixed with like plate
2760s armor so yours actually looks really
2761s nice and was that the rra and
2763s headpiece so you're looking snazzy I
2767s I I don't know about mine I'm just just
2771s throwing all the clothes I find on the
2772s floor together kind of deal it's like I
2775s like to wear clothes that are comfy
2777s that's basically where you're at yeah
2782s exactly but you got the you know you got
2784s like the dancing like disco pant on then
2787s you got the exactly you know what helmet
2789s is that
2790s it's helmet
2793s yeah
2795s iic
2801s oh there we go
2806s Bop grab a couple items oh yes and
2810s there's normal I say normal there's
2813s standard wrath uh and then pink wrath
2815s would be
2822s let us
2823s see
2827s um wraths of all kinds need to watch out
2830s today oh yeah mad artist yeah like the
2833s the plate and like the uh like wrath
2836s loss Ruby and like um oh there's pink
2838s wrath
2840s um like the orbs and gems that that's
2843s like a high pitch ping when someone gets
2845s it not super high pitch
2848s but it's okay think graap just having a
2852s sip there o give me a
2855s tail oh you're going for it yeah there
2859s we go I've got the
2862s mount a nice flash there so I'm going to
2865s jump onto the back to speed up the
2867s process so yeah little tip there for
2869s those you know might be newer to wealth
2872s um when you're mounting the monster
2873s normally if you're in the middle of the
2875s monster on its back you can attack it
2877s the quickest to bring it down quicker um
2880s and then when it's nearly down you can
2882s navigate yourself to the head or the
2883s tail if you want to focus your damage
2886s there for the finisher and Landing where
2888s it falls that's a great
2890s tip I may or may not have been aware of
2894s that oh yeah I forgot with pink raft the
2896s only the tip of the tail is like you you
2899s won't bounce off that bit everything
2901s else is
2904s uh oh she's on the
2909s Move yeah for someone that is a serial
2912s mounter in this game that is a and yeah
2915s if the monster you know you don't always
2917s have to cling on to the monster some
2919s attacks not if the monster's doing like
2920s a big lunge or a big jump you'll
2922s normally need to cling on like I know
2923s devil Joe uh is a monster that will you
2927s need to hold on to but a lot of other
2929s attacks you can just move on the monster
2930s and reposition and keep attacking
2932s through the attack that comes with like
2935s experience know what you you can hold on
2936s for and what you can just jump oh yeah
2938s pink wrath is not happy with the a I am
2941s getting
2942s bullied B off for a little
2945s bit oh man first regular first AIDS are
2950s not great yeah it's surprising I think
2952s they they felt stronger in Rise yeah
2955s yeah so definitely don't sleep on
2957s getting that honey cultivated anyone
2959s watching
2962s yeah oh my goodness that hurt oh I'm
2965s stuck that was good timing for wrath to
2967s get
2970s staggered I don't know if that was me so
2972s I'm not going to I got a Kelby horn from
2974s somewhere okay I'll take that yeah I see
2976s it down oh that'll be that'll be the
2977s Kel's on the floor yeah for
2983s Kel's using my
2986s shield yeah it is bullying me right now
2989s right you diding a great
2991s job got to get out there Health booster
2995s yeah f
2998s sorry it's not really helping anybody
2999s but me that's that's good that's what
3001s it's there for as long as at least one
3002s of us is getting something from
3007s it rathan is being cheeky this is real
3011s high rank
3013s stuff I'll pop this down
3016s here oh the tail
3019s swipe yeah it's bouncing off that
3023s tail he deceptively hard
3026s thisan especially with the bounce
3032s points ah give us your
3045s tail oh nice work lot of flashs yeah
3048s they're doing doing the
3054s business
3057s oh can I land on the head there yes
3061s right there's the tail oh enter the stun
3064s as well well
3065s done all right let me hop over
3069s here sorry charge
3072s blade doing a perfect rush into
3075s the so yeah I don't mean to stagger
3079s you nice knockdown can I get back to the
3084s tail
3087s give us the tail yes everyone all
3092s in I really need to start targeting
3095s Flinch free when I can yeah that'll help
3099s quite a
3101s bit
3103s heal all the wles oh the the wles of
3108s Doom oh oh no I'm getting stunned a lot
3111s by this monster somehow that missed me
3114s thank you
3117s Uh crap very
3120s nice oh and then the Flash oh nice
3123s landing on that hammer yeah I saw
3135s that now here's the Trap you know you
3138s want it
3142s wrath oh she's on the
3144s move
3148s nice try at the end there wor to go it's
3151s always you you miss every flash bomb you
3153s don't take yeah
3155s yeah all right I have I mean we haven't
3158s really gone anywhere so I haven't seen
3160s any tracks yeah same I mean there might
3163s be some in the swamp area yeah fingers
3167s crossed let's
3174s see
3177s yeah we didn't really leave the starting
3179s area did we
3181s yeah that hunt started in the first 30
3183s seconds basically oh yeah we went we
3185s went all in I say I mean I kind of just
3187s ran off like swinging my sword get him
3194s yeah
3197s species I've ran out of
3200s stamina wake
3204s up
3206s oh there we go investigation added high
3209s rank investigations I just got
3210s absolutely voied by that fish that was
3212s not very
3214s nice looks like look it's almost
3218s almost I think krier might be putting uh
3222s yeah AR bombs
3224s down a tasty
3230s treat my health booster
3234s back
3239s all right we're all grouped up now
3244s yeah who's doing the
3246s honors guess it'll be you or Kira or
3249s maybe maybe the Mad artist three
3253s y oh exquisite
3256s exquisite I'm going to desperately try
3258s and hit the tail for a little bit of
3259s damage get down here
3263s tail I don't mind if you're hiding in
3265s the wall I'm still going to get
3269s you give me that
3273s tail can you do it oh oh I just did a
3277s big hit there as well come on tail there
3281s we go that's right I'm sure I'll get
3283s some in the rewards it'll be
3287s fine well played
3294s everyone
3296s good and I'll always take rathan Parts
3298s cuz I like to use a lot of their weapons
3300s rathan and Ros so this is very nice got
3302s some webon someone got a
3311s plate some more
3313s bones yes
3320s please you got another plate mad artist
3322s there the desire sensor is fully on side
3324s with you
3330s yeah no tracks unfortunately but we'll
3332s get some in the uh in the reward right
3335s exactly yeah progress at least yeah the
3337s quest progression will help a lot yes
3340s more bone
3341s piles all right should we do an event
3344s Quest next yeah let's mix things up
3347s let's see what spicy goodness we've got
3348s in there I think I sort like an aarin
3350s one or like a double AAR but I don't
3351s know if that was an arena Quest or not
3354s MH
3356s yeah we're wrapping up the first hour
3357s here so we'll probably go about another
3359s hour and then uh call a day ano
3362s hungerless and flight
3367s jeel oh we got a little bit of
3371s progress yeah only a little bit yeah I
3375s was I was a little disheartened by how
3377s much there not a whole lot right while
3381s you pick a event Quest I'm going to
3383s quickly go to the workshop and see if I
3385s can I really need to get some new armor
3387s um I'm going to see if I can make
3388s anything with those wrath
3392s pieces double Odon in our Arena
3396s uh equip let's see what we
3409s got so we're thinking around like a
3411s seven star eight star yeah we could do
3415s that there's only one oh I need one more
3418s Rathalos carapace for the helmet oh it's
3422s the chest piece we want isn't it
3423s Rathalos the wax to yeah so a Ros Ruby
3427s is needed for that
3430s though it's
3433s spicy
3436s uh well SI of quests are uh a little
3440s meaty this this one
3442s has this one has five monsters
3446s goodness
3448s me Hulu Barra jotus rathan and Diablos
3453s in the wild spway there's also Coral
3456s Walts that's four
3458s monsters that's quite want
3464s take what do you think what do you think
3466s let's have a look uh this is how revolts
3470s start this is wild Spire waste with both
3472s versions of Diablos black Diablos and
3474s regular Diablos
3477s I don't know if we're ready for black
3478s Diablos I actually don't know oh we I
3481s think we get absolutely bodied
3483s yeah uh what else we got here
3488s uh Triple Threat Throwdown I they're all
3491s in the arena that's how this recess oh
3493s yeah deep green Blues wild spy Bolero
3496s Coral
3497s Waltz the aluvial Opera could be a good
3501s one it is four monsters though yeah this
3504s is how revolts
3505s [Music]
3507s St deep green Blues might be fun I mean
3510s that is a lot of monsters but yeah let's
3514s get pretty quick okay let's do it yeah I
3516s think we'll finish up our uh Ancient
3517s Forest progress too
3519s yeah oh I should have used a voucher oh
3531s well where do I want to go spawn there
3537s my get lots of Monster
3539s Parts yeah that's a lot of
3544s monsters oh man my
3547s uh my load out's looking a little
3550s pathetic and the good news is oh there's
3552s a wrath loss in there so I'm always open
3556s for rth loss plus we might get the Ruby
3557s who
3562s knows yeah this as you said should give
3564s us plenty of progress for the
3581s forest wonder how long this um Festival
3584s goes on for since it's it's quite wintry
3587s I don't know what the weather's like
3588s over there
3591s guess
3593s yeah I guess is kind of the same here
3596s but you know we're starting to see the
3597s Sun a little bit earlier so that's
3599s that's kind of nice you know spring is
3600s almost
3602s here and today is uh Elite day right the
3607s 29th I think it might be
3610s yeah I can't
3614s remember uh what is it it's like this
3616s day only happens like every every other
3619s year or every couple
3621s years
3623s year the 29th
3628s maybe we'll have to uh come up with a
3630s post on the monster hunter accounts for
3632s that yeah that' be good some sort of
3635s Leaping monster yeah I am already in
3638s great Jag's face so I'm just goingon to
3640s do it I'm near pke PUK but I'm using a
3642s poison weapon so I'm
3645s like I'm probably not going to go for
3647s PUK I'm going to come meet up with the
3652s crew um should I keep hunting agress or
3655s should we go somewhere else yeah go for
3657s it go for it like if I mean these
3660s monsters aren't quite like anath and R
3662s Us if we do split up on these ones
3664s that's it's not bad I might actually
3666s fast
3667s travel okay you're there you're there
3670s I'm here actually I'm not too far
3677s away yeah let's let's go uh drag us
3680s first I
3681s guess I'm kind of
3683s worked
3685s the greatest Jackass has kind of
3688s appear I'm kind of embarrassing myself
3690s right now I guess I'm not really like
3691s focusing that's okay I'm nearly there
3693s I'm nearly there let's get
3699s this
3701s hello hello you made it all a good
3712s time there we go you'll be have to get
3715s some revenge in a sec oh
3718s you're as always oh yes when in doubt
3721s get the mount
3724s out oh leap year not Elite Year sorry
3727s yeah yeah leap year leap
3734s year yeah if you see us post something
3736s you heard it here first
3743s yeah oh
3758s Savage great chakas is a on a
3762s stroll these uh tiny jages have been
3766s making my life
3768s miserable constant staggers
3773s yeah
3784s very
3785s nice oh there we go a Boop the Sno and
3788s then a great Jack down the
3792s S little Shield
3794s bash okay then one down that is mad
3799s after Toby yeah let over there I don't
3802s want to miss out on that you know I
3803s think mads might take it too
3810s fast um is our camp that's closer yeah
3813s Northeast Northeast is one for
3817s us efficient
3819s travel yes
3825s sir oh no is he he's up and I went down
3829s every time yeah I'm like where am I I'm
3833s going to trust in the scout flies I know
3835s they'll do me
3836s right I
3838s think let me track
3847s that oh yeah this looks like an upwards
3851s elevation that's what we want I know
3854s Toby Toby's had a had a
3857s runner had a runner oh yeah it's it's on
3861s the Run
3863s uh he it's more like I Toby and I cross
3867s paths like oh
3876s sorry is it already dead uh I think it's
3881s still
3882s alive yeah imag just just done a little
3885s area move SL
3889s Retreat get to enjoy the environment
3891s though
3893s yeah another romantic stroll in the
3895s Ancient Forest exactly although I guess
3898s we're like alone right
3901s now IO
3903s everyone all right I finally made it oh
3906s it's a this oh my
3909s goodness what is that damage whoa oh
3913s yeah save jno no M artist oh that damage
3918s no he did
3922s nutty all right we got the mus the wall
3925s oh no fell I missed uh
3929s oh yeah I missed twice in a row that's
3932s that is a real
3934s shame three times yeah I'm just going to
3937s have to get some classic sword and
3939s shield whooping in
3942s there oh I want a wing Drake I didn't
3944s mean to do that
3945s [Music]
3946s who um I kind of got
3950s lost F out F out the pit to Nowhere yeah
3953s yeah
3955s Nice kill got
3956s a cheeky mount in
3960s there all right I made it back hello
3963s grab that
3967s honey lovely
3976s work oops I whiff the combo up
3982s that Flinch free I need you you yeah
3986s Return To Us
3997s yeah Oh I thought I had my shield up
4005s there
4007s that use my pods there ah Miss the big
4013s swing
4015s sorry for the Stagger there how dare
4023s you got to change it up from the long
4025s sword user you
4031s know don't worry long sword Ms I love
4033s you really it was just a slight Gest I'm
4036s jealous because with the sword and
4037s shield I can't reach the tail all the
4039s time and it makes me
4042s sad always got to troll the long users
4045s yeah cuz they like to troll us
4048s yeah is the way of the
4051s hunt I've set a health booster oh nice
4062s oh oh changing your mind Toby
4069s huh nice
4072s work okay so that's two down three to
4077s go oh we still got three right yeah yeah
4081s so we got pke p and janath and Rathalos
4084s yeah we really signed up for quite the
4086s task today oh yes all the think of all
4089s that loot though yum
4090s yum that would be very very
4096s nice yeah shall we yeah let's
4101s uh oh we're not far away from okay p
4104s anath likes to hang out there as well so
4106s you never know might bup into them first
4113s M poke poke casually minding his own
4116s business like what's all that
4118s noise why do I hear Boss music
4131s yeah there's another plunge wall here
4142s oh yeah oh nice big big SL my
4148s favorite and I slide down here not
4153s quite
4160s yeah oh it's having some food see if I
4163s can get cheeky Mount there we go oh lots
4168s of hits there lots of
4171s hits okay does not stand a chance no not
4175s this
4183s time I miss that SP away
4193s yeah oh and then heart
4200s breaks I stopped to pick up the uh
4203s piercing pod and I was like no I want to
4211s attack yep that was Swift okay so now
4215s we've now we got the main course and
4217s janathan raos oh yeah those won't be as
4220s quick but shouldn't take us too long no
4225s I should be all
4226s right know something i' I've been
4229s getting into a bad habit of is after we
4233s the monster I just straight up forget to
4234s carve I got a bird wiping gem yeah
4237s definitely definitely get on that I
4240s carve my first gem so pleased about that
4243s and then I can't remember if I carved or
4244s not so I have like a little like 30
4246s second panic in the you know in the
4248s results screen of like did
4250s I where's my
4253s loot Oh I thought I saw blue for a
4255s second but I guess not no let's see
4257s where curia wants to take us oh to
4263s Ana oh very
4272s nice start building up some Mountain
4278s pressure there we
4283s go
4287s ah okay nice
4297s work down you
4308s go oh nice work on the
4313s tail
4316s oh was they running away already we've
4318s done so much damage it was thinking
4319s about
4323s it it's like I do not want any of these
4326s guys yeah no thank you not one
4330s bit oh did did the Stagger go
4337s through I'm back here I got no more
4342s slingers
4356s oh oh hold on we could drop the Rocks
4358s here I haven't got any Slinger ammo
4360s though I know I got red pits
4363s oh we got bring more over right
4366s yeah we scatter nuts that do
4370s some hey Ana got I got a little present
4373s for you
4376s yeah come over
4379s here maybe if I eat a ration it will get
4381s jealous come
4383s over or if I sharpen yeah whenever I
4386s sharpen the monster suddenly makes me a
4388s Public Enemy
4391s yeah we might just have to take it out
4393s the oldfashioned way
4397s yeah oh wait it might it's coming
4400s over lead it towards you
4404s come on come
4408s on there we
4410s go got it oh we got it we got it we done
4415s good teamw work good
4416s teamwork and there's a Slinger bomb
4419s which is a good
4425s sign oh
4431s oh stay where you are
4436s oh I got got toasted there like a
4438s marshmallow yeah I see you oh what was
4445s that I'm going to be moving over
4453s here might me just healing up in the
4458s corner
4462s ah B part
4464s I keep picking up different bomb pods by
4467s accident oh no my sliding don't work
4472s out look at that scary face
4476s there nice work it's another one
4480s down okay I'm going to get some I'm
4482s looking forward to all the goodies and
4483s loot we get after this
4486s yeah uh don't worry nearly got the tail
4488s it's worth a
4490s go someone else got a plate there that
4493s was me
4498s nice all right last one last one thank
4502s you killer oh and thank you for the
4503s subscription as well and yeah happy
4505s hunting on leap day thank you definitely
4508s leaping into the Hunts
4511s yeah right what monster do you think of
4514s immediately when it comes to a
4516s leap good question Toby Ki is one yeah
4520s chat tell us so we can we can post about
4522s B specific monster
4534s right uh do you guys uh go to a camp or
4538s anything I guess no yeah I'm following K
4540s kilia because I think they
4543s uh they know the way they might be
4545s sniffing him
4552s out
4555s take me to the
4557s Rathalos a Ros Ruby would be much
4566s appreciated ah tetu
4576s Cabra more honey thank you very
4581s much okay so looks like wrath was in The
4583s Nest or is in the nest which means
4588s game can we pull it off we probably will
4591s I think we can
4593s yeah I mean I don't know if I have any
4595s flash pods on me
4596s but I'm sure one are the others well
4600s yeah oh there's the
4603s mount lovely
4612s stuff
4625s might as well spam out these bomb pods
4627s cuz there's a second one on the
4630s floor o that
4633s Hur I don't get to experience the fun
4635s cuz I'm not there yet but I'm here now
4638s yay
4642s welcome
4650s oh nice work crew I need to be at the
4652s tail but I'm at the head oh well I've
4654s started my perfect rush so I'll finish
4657s it
4671s here there you go nice okay we need to
4674s get wrath out of the air I
4678s think
4682s oh nice there we
4685s go going to get these bone PES
4688s bye-bye and then
4692s uh very nice right I like just Panic
4697s shot out a flash POD at the end there oh
4700s yeah that was that was
4702s clutch oh
4704s oh should I charge up my hammer
4708s oh give us your
4717s tail there it is good work
4728s everyone nice thank you for gifting me
4730s the tail that I contributed nothing to
4733s oh oh oh I got a Ros plate out of it and
4737s mad artist got the uh Ruby I saw
4743s that very
4746s nice zoga comes to mind with a big leap
4748s and crash that's true a thunderous leap
4751s and crash and I got a ruby why oh you
4754s know what you know why not why not yeah
4757s we take those exactly have we got the
4759s head bre yet cuz then we might all get
4761s some I don't know
4764s I guess that's my job you did your job I
4766s didn't do mine I mean I hit the tail a
4768s little bit but
4773s uh
4780s uhoh I is on that get him
4790s K oh here comes the Bonk
4804s nice oh so
4809s swing could be close oh yeah I see the
4812s skull
4815s now
4818s no oh nice will it will it
4822s work
4826s n still got away huh going to try I
4831s missed is he going to go all the way to
4833s the top I wonder now is this the the big
4836s loop
4839s yeah again oh no hold on oh did I not
4843s unlocked the camp have
4845s I Northeast Camp no I've not got
4848s there I'm going to have to do it the
4850s oldfashioned
4852s way
4854s hey
4856s P hello hello the
4865s classic eager to finish up this five
4868s Monster
4869s Hunt yes get them goodies see what we
4872s get in our reard box hopefully lots of
4879s gems anyone got bombs no I really should
4883s my fresh Hunter problems you know yeah
4886s yeah same here same here I got nothing
4887s it's you know I'm broke going to have to
4891s get our biggest hardest hitting weapon
4893s and and go that
4901s way some more honey thank you very
4912s productive
4914s no REM maxed
4917s out all right Ros wakey
4923s wakey oh then Helm breaker it is do
4930s it you got it and you didn't break it
4932s quick carve the vest boid
4935s oh monster
4938s broth oh here they go the Wombo Combo
4945s oh I got I got slapped
4959s there think I'll put a health booster
4962s down for us thank
4967s you oh I was about to get charged
4971s then nice everyone five monsters down
4976s yeah and then now I'm going to head
4977s behind the waterfall and see if there's
4978s any goodies for me there am I going to
4980s get a ruby I'd love a ruby cheeky Ruby
4983s not yet but third times the charm not
4986s from the cast maybe the rewards maybe
4988s the bit of endurance run there but that
4990s was fun it was it's good no carts again
4993s as well that was about 25 minutes which
4997s was actually not bad that was a good run
4999s yeah pretty good
5001s time what do you think we could probably
5002s get like one more in yeah yeah
5016s yeah see if I can make any more gear go
5020s back to the Smith he' be like hello I'd
5021s like some new armor
5024s please oh it's actually yeah it's still
5026s quite early so yeah maybe we can do one
5027s or two
5031s more
5043s oh no Ruby but a tail take a
5046s tail yeah I got a tail as well uh oh
5050s it's an anath Tail as well not a rft
5052s tail oh well tail take a
5058s tail I got some decent stuff I guess oh
5062s we got a lot of research just fell short
5064s of completing the bar but tons
5066s anyway got some crowns lots of P
5070s experience I did finish my research but
5072s you know we're team so we got to finish
5074s those both
5076s together you and those those
5081s Footprints I stole all the
5087s footprints yeah let me hop over to the
5090s research team there's been a devil Joe
5091s sighting oh
5107s I have look at some different quests oh
5109s investigations as well could be some
5112s nice oh no I need to go down to look at
5113s my investigations then I
5116s shall oh this Saturday is your birthday
5118s Ria well happy birthday for Saturday ah
5120s happy
5121s birthday hope you have a wonderful day
5125s and weekend why limit it to one day huh
5137s yeah I was I need to put on there we go
5140s register Bounty I realize I got to speak
5143s to the field team leader let's do
5145s that oh all these bounties yes five
5150s registered bounties done yes oh I
5152s checked on him I do that mine out
5157s crops I guess investigation Coral
5162s Highlands I want
5165s okay oh I can set up some more camps in
5167s the Ancient Forest very
5171s nice got those ones oh yeah I don't have
5174s any deliveries to complete um
5177s pathetic what have you done right let me
5179s check my investigations what we got um
5182s SL boyed uh hunt Rathalos so yeah some
5186s interesting Rathalos ones I haven't got
5187s any gold
5189s boxes uh actually know I got a Rathalos
5191s rra and silver silver gold in the
5193s Ancient
5195s Forest I've got an Azure Rathalos as
5198s well uh that's Elder's
5200s recess uh do you fancy the hunt Ray and
5203s Rathalos
5204s combo yeah that might be a good one and
5207s uh yeah we got a nice investigation hold
5209s on max players four good I was about to
5211s say it be like max players to I like
5215s no all right I've unlocked kosala
5220s nice I'll be able to fight maybe if
5222s we're quick on this one we can get
5223s kosala in before the end of the stream
5226s yeah is it in the H of fors I think it
5228s will be yeah this Quest is
5236s yeah I do struggle a bit with kushala in
5239s this game specifically yeah which yeah I
5242s find quite difficult yeah it can be
5244s Poison's really important against it um
5248s I can make everything except the Ros
5250s chest on the Ros armor oh what a
5253s tease oh I didn't check my armor maybe
5256s maybe I'll get it this time
5263s though okay
5271s boots
5273s how far down the Rathalos tree could I
5279s go
5281s um what can I even do with my hammer
5284s right now can I upgrade it i' have to go
5287s down there oh I can I got some more carb
5290s light
5294s or okay so both the Neri tree and the
5296s Wrath tree are here so I could go down
5298s the Rathalos
5300s tree uh don't have a normal wrath marrow
5304s sorry a low rank wrath marrow but I've
5305s got everything else for the high rank
5307s stuff oh you kidding me oh oh and I
5310s could get heat Edge I could go straight
5312s to heat Edge if I had one low rank
5314s Rathalos marrow oh no the teas the te's
5319s I know outrageous uh we're at
5322s Rarity like five six yeah I I just
5326s upgraded so what am I at now
5330s uh I am at r 35
5334s still can't believe it's one low rank
5336s Rathalos bit that's holding me up
5338s absolutely powering up my weapon
5343s damage uh post request
5346s investigation wrath lost
5350s rathen and then I guess a good camp to
5353s start at might be 17 because start of
5356s the nest
5359s MH all right let's join that
5382s nice and progress will be made across
5384s the board can't believe it one little
5386s cheeky wrath
5388s marrow Petra saysa super frog steady
5391s mantle helps a lot as well can't recall
5393s if that's accessible at this point in
5395s the game yeah I actually don't know how
5397s early you can get rock steady I think
5399s it's like a little bit later
5401s into like maybe getting through some of
5403s the um the elder dragons right like
5406s after yeah I think it's after You'
5409s beaten the story right it unlocks or
5411s like the quest board
5414s unlock a nice endgame treat oh I guess
5418s you're waiting on me sorry that's all
5420s right I'm slow
5434s oh I've uh crash landed next to
5441s rathen I wasn't alone Golem and mad
5443s artist are here as well and the
5446s parod I can't go for that I guess I'll
5449s go for this head
5451s over
5453s you're next to Ros or raien
5455s rathen
5460s okay the w got me
5467s already that's
5470s uh that's
5472s baz oh yeah
5476s yeah there's been a disturbing lack of
5480s of B so far so yeah now now they here
5483s yeah hello try to do the
5488s m and we got some dunk
5494s pods and I'm meanwhile I'm riding R and
5497s like I have no idea what's going on I
5498s can't get the goose is loose it
5504s is oh my
5507s goodness oh nice we got the gadul lagas
5509s here as
5511s well
5513s oh
5514s no I really want to use a life powder
5517s right now but I don't have
5518s any thank you mad artist
5528s Lifesaver well at least you know Basel
5530s do some damage to rium for
5536s us I'm lost lost in the sauce oh yeah oh
5540s there's there's explosions there's fire
5542s lots of fire
5544s oh M I think B has had
5553s enough Health boosters everywhere yeah
5556s that's what we need overlap in health
5560s boosters oh I jumped through that
5565s oh thought I dodged
5569s it oh baz is back
5573s Al the second bite of the Cherry I feel
5575s like I've done nothing so far mostly
5578s being buied you know I know that
5581s feeling oh wow
5583s wow massive tackle coming out there oh
5586s yeah you know what R I leave that to you
5588s look at those
5590s heartbreaks no s again oh my goodness
5594s why am I in the middle of
5600s this harage right here yeah
5604s oh
5606s [Music]
5608s uhoh I mean what we just need is Ros to
5610s turn up now don't
5616s we Ran's on the run all right I've kind
5620s of lost my bearings completely that's
5622s right I'm lagging it I'm lagging it
5625s [Music]
5631s it a wiggly
5634s ly very
5637s nice all right ran you're going have to
5639s come down from there thank you very
5649s much there's a a nice Slinger ammo there
5653s oh oh no I mounted B by accident oh
5658s no I guess I'll keep him slightly
5660s distracted oh he's running away with me
5671s a you stay down
5676s baz I thought I had the raty amount I
5678s was like very
5682s nice this is crazy it is it's really
5686s kicking
5687s off oh I love the music though it is
5690s good oh rfos is here
5694s it's all going down now we got rra theas
5696s bases and
5700s ran oh my
5702s goodness obviously wrath Rathalos going
5705s for B rathan trying to get
5714s away oh
5717s shiny I got the mount oh my
5720s goodness
5725s all right the go has left the building
5729s okay Ran's in the vine trap y so I'm
5732s going to hold on for a
5739s bit down she
5741s goes no she wants she wants more more
5745s attacks oh
5747s nice all right I think life's calmed
5749s down a little bit now just a smidge yeah
5751s yeah till Rathalos wakes up that's the
5755s beauty of monster hunter huh you never
5757s know you think oh never know what's
5758s going to happen there we go nice easy
5760s quest in and out 10 minutes this like
5764s ra like GM's fighting the good fight
5766s over there hey riaa how's it going yeah
5770s it's been real chaotic in this Hunt Real
5773s chaotic okay what we got here uh scale
5777s can I car a
5779s tail raap webon don't mind me R the last
5783s all right bom pod
5786s yeah more Slinger bombs you know I might
5789s as well spam these off I missed I missed
5792s again Panic shot don't I've got
5796s more ah that would
5800s work there we
5803s go got that head
5806s break too many flinches I can't get the
5808s big bang I believe it's c everyone knows
5812s the objective here
5816s yeah there it
5821s is I'm I'm in here somewhere I'm just
5824s using the audio cues for my perfect Rush
5827s yeah oh
5830s hello oh
5835s man near got there
5839s yeah I got poisoned
5844s did I make any herbal medicines or do I
5846s only have antidotes I only have
5847s antidotes that's a shame yeah I don't
5849s have any either now I have antidotes we
5852s do have a Slinger bomb
5859s though don't even think about
5865s it oh man you know what that that was
5867s closer than I kind of would have
5869s expected so yeah the good news is we
5871s should be if he does go to his nest we
5873s can use the campai just unlocked to get
5876s up there good stuff good
5880s stuff hey a blue footprint at
5883s last okay so now we've yeah my my Forest
5886s bars fill
5889s up uh okay wrath think go far okay now
5892s all the blues are showing up you know
5894s now it's convenient for
5896s them yeah look at them all oh my
5898s goodness I got trolled
5900s bya Tred by K I got him
5913s yeah get down from that
5919s WTH okay now he's probably going back to
5921s his
5922s neest sorry sorry chaps and chapet down
5925s here yeah he's gone off we'll get him
5928s next time okay oh no don't don't attack
5930s mad artist that's not very
5933s polite yeah it's heading up right yeah
5937s oh no I've attacked them okay time to
5938s leave time to leave
5944s sorry fast travel during combat yeah
5947s technically technically in combat
5951s now here we go this is a camp well
5954s purchased yes thank you J all right I
5957s think you took one for the team I was
5958s guided here last stream I can't take all
5960s the credit
5963s but now you found it right so
5964s technically I guess you can unlock it
5966s once you got the materials now I think
5973s so crawl under here hello there oh there
5977s goes the
5981s waterfall oh Rathalos was already asleep
5983s down there how
5985s rude I guess we're heading back down
5989s yeah you got it okay i' I've grabbing
5991s the these raw
5994s materials all right here we go no I need
5996s to do it the proper way there we
6003s go I see I think did he connect yeah I
6006s did but it was it was the tail not the
6008s head Ah that's all right we'll take some
6010s tail damage
6014s yeah work
6018s everyone give me your Ruby Rathalos I
6022s need it to make your chest
6025s piece all right so what do you think uh
6028s kushala my as well should we try it so
6030s maybe I'll go ahead and Trigger that cut
6032s scene yeah you you speed run it over
6034s there and I'll join you once
6038s yeah have to hope someone leaves the
6040s space for
6045s Me Maybe the rewards will bless me with
6047s what I see please the finest Ruby of r
6068s lost man that was that was a crazy hunt
6071s that was that got
6073s intense it went from not to 100 real
6075s quick yeah
6080s yeah
6086s didn't get the Ruby got another plate
6088s though and yeah no rby for me
6093s either got some more Tails
6095s [Music]
6101s though my Walker and
6104s flight all right I'm going to go ahead
6106s and Rush that quest to get the cut scene
6108s and then feel free to join me afterwards
6111s for sure yeah cuz I need to go speak
6116s to the chief ecologist I do want to
6120s report to
6126s them all
6132s right okay chief
6140s ecologist
6146s luck yall quickly hop in find it hop
6157s out speak to the f team I can't say
6160s where's my
6164s quest there we go yeah there's quite a
6167s few
6168s steps different folks to talk to
6172s okay cut scene is playing now oh you
6175s found it really quick then
6178s yeah I know there's no new new updates
6180s we're just replaying through world you
6182s could always almost say we've returned
6184s to
6186s world but there's so much content to do
6189s it's uh oh it's in the elders
6195s recess where abouts did you find K it's
6197s up the top right isn't
6199s it uh no I just like pretty much walk
6202s straight through yeah and then the cut
6205s scene starts so
6213s yeah M
6220s charler so we did announce Monster
6223s Hunter wild in December uh which will be
6226s the next Monster Hunter game um and more
6229s news on that will be coming in in
6233s summer so if you not checked out the
6235s trailer yet hop over to the monst
6237s YouTube or Twitter and you'll find it
6238s nice and easy yeah yeah super exciting
6243s but yes we will have to wait until
6244s summer for news on that so um all right
6248s everybody can join me now so we're ready
6249s to go I'm uh I'm just got in my cut
6252s scene you'll go back and look at the
6254s trailer VOD check it out and then let us
6256s know what you think yeah
6259s yeah no worries baby
6263s and for anyone watching on YouTube
6264s that's not me being colloquial that's
6266s part of their name that's
6275s name I'm just going to run around a
6276s little bit run away I'm getting slapped
6278s by these these uh Crystal
6282s fragments have you not found it yet cut
6284s scene hey anomaly oh you've come to the
6287s right place if you're a big monst fan oh
6289s yeah my cut scene's playing at the
6290s moment okay
6293s okay all right we we'll wait for you I
6297s really love the look ofa's armor as well
6300s oh me too it's got the mask and
6307s everything hello
6312s kushala oh my
6316s goodness hello to the first anomaly your
6319s first time chatting with us welcome
6322s just me like dusting off my trousers
6324s while Casal is flying behind me I'm
6335s like you just saw the trailer and you
6337s have questions well hopefully when more
6340s information comes well when more
6341s informations comes this summer they'll
6343s answer those questions for you yeah
6345s unfortunately we cannot answer any
6348s questions right now
6354s we're all super excited but uh yeah
6357s summer is when more information is
6359s coming and the good news is every day is
6361s another step closer to the summer but
6363s feel free if you want to talk about the
6364s trailer and Wilds amongst yourselves in
6366s chat please feel free obviously just me
6369s and Joe will just be enjoying the world
6370s hunts while you do
6373s that I need to I should probably eat
6375s before I press
6379s join
6385s yeah hopefully the lobb's I don't think
6387s the lobby is full
6388s right uh no it's full I can't I cannot
6392s to oh it is full okay
6396s um what should we
6398s do you can do the hunt if you want I can
6401s go fight a low rank Rathalos and get get
6403s the pie I
6405s want all right well are you sure about
6408s that yeah yeah um
6412s keep the camera on Joe for this one
6414s because it'll be a lot more entertaining
6416s than than the simple hunt I'm doing it
6418s looks like r with Drew so um yeah I
6420s think you can join now are you sure like
6422s I don't to don't want someone to lose a
6424s slot for for me especially because I I
6426s can make my weapon as well so I don't
6428s mind uh yeah no it's all right just just
6431s join well thank you gr that's very kind
6434s of you assuming I can still join uh yeah
6437s you should be able
6439s to
6442s oh I can't I can't no I can't join
6444s because someone left the quest it kind
6445s of leaves like a oh I see I see but
6449s thank you grm though do you want to come
6451s a low rank Rathalos with me grm no let's
6453s let's go ahead and return we should do
6454s this one together so I'm going okay back
6456s out I'm going to back out this is a big
6457s big one right so yeah it's it's quite
6459s the Milestone quite the
6465s Milestone well if you like the idea of
6467s taming and capturing monsters do I have
6470s news for you uh because very recently we
6474s announced the the monst Stories the
6477s original monst stories or mon stories
6479s one as many people know it um is coming
6483s this summer as well uh and if you're not
6485s familiar with it it's a to kind of
6488s describe it a monster taming turn-based
6492s RPG um so if you'd rather you know if
6495s You' like to tame monsters and fight
6497s alongside them then check out that are
6500s you love stories oh fair play fair play
6503s you already know that one all right
6505s we're ready so okay all right
6507s uh join a
6510s quest
6512s assigned Camp yes there we go thank you
6515s though for for coming back for me
6517s otherwise I'll be having a bit of a chat
6518s with low rank calos no we got R this one
6521s together and yeah so we do have one more
6523s open slot so GM if you would like to
6526s join us
6528s again or whoever whoever wants to get on
6532s get in in on the shenanigans losing my
6534s tongue
6540s there there you go we got Zenia there
6542s joining
6546s join I ready
6549s up all right well good luck to us this
6552s is a tough one um but yeah it'll be our
6555s last h of the day so thanks everybody
6557s for joining
6559s us
6562s whether we cart or
6564s succeed we shall see we shall
6577s see right let's see how it
6579s goes I mean I've got a poison weapon so
6582s if I can keep regular hits on that'll
6584s help a lot
6589s uh
6593s grabbing some first aid even though
6595s doesn't do much for
6596s me it's always worth have it
6612s yeah so so baby tell me say what was
6618s your as someone who's just seen monst
6621s Wilds trailer what was your favorite
6622s part of
6626s it sounds like I'm sweet talk in the the
6629s community right
6630s now and if you say the whole name it
6633s doesn't really help yeah yeah that would
6636s only make it
6640s wor uh we take these wind grasses while
6643s the team start that but don't mind me
6645s just collecting some treats anyway let's
6647s get a mount
6649s on ah that would have look cool if it
6651s had have landed but
6657s alasa is so
6660s dangerous there's the
6663s uh the wind
6665s pressure
6675s ooh wonder if if anyone got any dragon
6679s weapons
6683s looks like
6695s it I totally with my area attack
6705s there that ominous Cala music yeah oh
6709s man I always struggle with this one man
6711s it's a very challenging Elder Dragon
6714s yeah i' like think I'm much better
6715s against like teostra I'm glad we've got
6718s friends here yeah that'll definitely
6721s help a
6723s ton there we
6734s go down you
6739s go
6743s oh the flash pods just kind of took it
6745s out of the it back out
6748s yeah we'll get it next time
6752s yeah that is kosala
6760s y oh I'm glad I put my shield up there
6762s that was a CH attack we will be doing
6765s ice as well yeah yeah we will be doing
6768s ice born too yeah no problem at all
6773s yeah we'll get to iceborn
6776s eventually oh I'm spinning
6783s around oh right on the snos
6791s there oh the Casual
6799s slap by think I've got a little straw in
6801s the this ran helmet so I can uh drink my
6805s potions got to get stun over
6809s there nice
6812s work I should probably move out the way
6814s of the head and go go to the
6823s tail oh
6829s nice
6837s nice work everyone it's going well so
6840s far I think I think so oh je blades let
6843s me escape
6848s ah yeah I think mad artist might have
6850s some Dragon element which is helping a
6852s ton
6856s yeah yeah I spawn will be fun as well
6858s and then me and Joe will be able to
6860s start using more clutch claw moves cuz
6862s we've intentionally limited ourselves so
6864s that's why you might not see us using
6865s the full Suite of uh moves available to
6870s us just that more authentic kind of Base
6873s mod experience yeah
6876s yeah you know I'm absolutely going to
6878s use the new sword and shield moves
6880s themselves it's just not clutch cor
6882s related ones
6885s yet sharp can't see it yeah Charlotte
6890s going it's got his wind back all right
6893s yeah and this stuff just sticks around
6895s oh wait oh I thought I got an
6896s achievement I did not I heard like a
6899s little little
6908s popup a Char is just chilling down
6911s here all right in we go no time like the
6919s present
6920s oh my heal I was trying to pick up the
6923s uh whatever that was the Slinger Slinger
6926s ammo but it was like right in the middle
6928s of the the tornado so I just left it
6930s alone the eye of the storm
6934s yeah early stage f huz ah good
6945s choice he going to have some
6949s healing
6952s goodness me
6954s sliding yes that's the satisfying sound
6957s I could hear you
6963s go
6965s oh oh I was trying to elevate myself
6968s there nice
6973s flash see if I get some poison
6979s on oh
6982s wonderful I love
6984s that oh Dragon pods they'll be
6988s handy got the
6992s mount oh easy there easy
6999s there is this second or third Mount of
7002s the hunt oh gosh that's second I think I
7005s think unless I missed one at the start
7007s from someone else yeah oh oh okay well
7011s I'm by the head so I guess uh I can run
7013s around I can run
7015s around I'm still missing the tail though
7018s it's wiggling everywhere here we go oh
7021s nice was that of stun was it
7026s yeah Thea's tail is so tricky to hit
7030s he's waving it
7032s everywhere no no no no you're going to
7034s make us run all the way up to your nest
7036s aren't you I'm too far
7038s away
7053s oh no use the dragon PS no to free aim
7058s it no next time next time nearly
7063s there oh thank you for coming by
7068s Oscar oh and thank you for the
7071s anniversary wishes as
7073s well yeah have a nice weekend what's
7075s today today's Thursday it is it's nearly
7077s the weekend we're nearly we're so
7084s close hey Pikachu next time indeed next
7088s time indeed I'm GNA take
7090s these wind swept gashes I got an
7092s investigation from it as well I think
7095s that was a good choice yeah Char is
7096s nearly down M AR just has some bombs
7101s very nice I have
7112s bomb take a little shortcut there we
7117s go sometimes I forget about those you
7120s can plunge off this wall as well it
7122s might not look too obvious but you can
7125s isn't it
7126s beautiful thank you k your signature
7129s move
7130s oh it really is I love it I love it my
7133s favorite move in world and
7135s iawn all right who's doing the honors
7141s here is oh the dragon pod wake up
7145s oh
7151s oh that was a little little odd
7155s yeah oh it's the fros oh okay oh there
7158s we go great
7160s yeah that's the part where this fight
7161s gets a little tricky so it does it espe
7164s when you get like the black tornadoes
7166s like the really strong ones yeah and
7168s it's just
7170s SL hey it really is Blitz get some
7173s absolutely insane
7176s hunts we
7180s go four carbs from the Elder Dragon very
7184s very
7188s nice got mine as well there's a little
7192s uh Crystal B pile
7197s there oh look at that look at that view
7199s you can jump down from here as well let
7202s me head over to
7203s you all the way back to your camper you
7206s can see the Camp from here have I ever
7207s never just come over here normally I
7209s just go back down the
7211s stairs I know all this time look that's
7214s quite the shortcut oh the
7218s kn
7221s oh it should have
7227s rolled oh that's a cool little end
7229s screen as well
7233s yeah dragon bones
7238s [Music]
7240s Wicked and a cry oh resuscitate o I like
7245s resuscitating Weld and Ice born as well
7247s I think I actually used it in my master
7249s rank set
7253s all right let me head back up to the
7254s Gathering Hub and I think that will do
7258s it yeah I'm going to quickly go see the
7260s Smithy and look at the gala
7264s armor oh I do want check it as well
7267s should
7268s go and the sword and Shield's really
7270s cool as well I do like the uh the sword
7272s and
7273s shield good for nice based
7278s shenanigans
7281s o I should probably upgrade my Pico
7283s stuff
7285s soon yeah I can get I could get I could
7289s get the gala hat now to get critical
7291s boost and look very fine as I do
7294s it that seems like you should do it oh
7297s the now I can get the upgraded
7299s trousers which has they have really good
7302s Deco slots and divine blessing level one
7305s but I need to move away from those
7306s trousers I look at that I can get
7307s everything else on the raffalos except
7310s the chest
7311s piece what a tease looking very
7315s cool oh Damascus armor is available
7319s now and there's the casala gear
7322s obviously bit way off it good for ice
7325s element I mean the chest is really good
7327s you need a Diora gem though but it will
7329s give you handy craft to which is which
7332s is pretty tasty because I think getting
7333s your sharpness up in world and iceborn
7336s isn't as necessarily as easy as in rise
7338s and sunbreak I found that I was much
7340s better at managing my sharpness in rise
7341s and sunre so I might have to invest in
7344s some handycrafts a vade window 2 handy
7347s craft one
7349s gloves
7351s like there some real good stuff in this
7354s elder gear evade extender handycraft
7357s boots as well what do I need I need
7359s three more Wings three more carapaces
7362s and one more Elder Dragon Blood for
7363s those
7364s boots they could be pretty tasty they
7367s could be real
7368s tasty
7370s um I can actually make some stuff so I
7372s let's
7373s see go R mail or you've got you can make
7378s the yeah I can make the well I can make
7381s everything I guess in the r set right
7382s now oh my goodness you got a ruby that's
7384s really cool yeah
7387s um I I can't I've got like I can nearly
7390s make every piece if that makes sense but
7392s I don't quite have
7395s enough I might want to go for that
7397s headpiece yeah
7400s yeah the chest on the Rathalos is really
7403s nice as well I mean I've got more of a
7405s comfy set than damage at the moment but
7406s I do need a yeah handycraft is the must
7409s in world says killer
7412s uh for upgrade
7417s equipment all right let's see let's have
7419s a look at the K I think defense boost
7422s will help me a little bit in this part
7424s of the game so yeah I'm going to go with
7426s Damascus
7428s armor
7430s yeah I need to look at the Damascus
7433s stuff orgon coil uh I don't love how it
7439s looks which is a big part of the part
7443s yeah so I think I'll leave things for
7446s now oh I can go with the Wrath wrath
7450s heart
7456s armor a coil with the big
7463s skirt I feel like I have to do that it's
7465s just it looks so ridiculous or not
7467s ridiculous but like you know over the
7472s top oh yeah the Damascus stuff does look
7474s Wicked doesn't it it's very good
7476s defensive stuff hly the arms are good as
7479s well
7486s uh yeah I have to show you my my new uh
7490s my new look oh the Dober
7494s maale what do I need for that I need a I
7496s need some Diablos I need for the chest
7498s plate I mean I could go down the Adoba
7500s male route uh what I do need though is a
7503s Diablos
7505s medula uh and for the boots I need a RAB
7509s raban medular so raban and Diablos would
7512s give me nice boots because I get attack
7513s boost two
7515s boots or Greaves and attack boost two
7518s chest
7520s PL could be pretty
7524s good we got some arm wrestling happening
7526s over here oh nice see so I'm glad you
7528s got some new gear though that's a plus
7530s you've been yeah yeah come take a look
7532s at my uh my new my new
7535s fit hold our first time chatter as well
7538s so welcome welcome says hey monster
7539s hunter monst Hunter world was my first
7541s Monster Hunter game and it has had has
7543s still me have me completely enamored I'm
7545s so excited for wild sitting at master
7547s rank 273 and about to go to to to to
7549s Fatalis well that's awesome to hear
7551s first of all and secondly good luck with
7555s Fatalis you've got this believe in you
7557s got it you got it where's where's Joe's
7559s fashion oh that looks cool the nice
7562s combination that like armored princess
7564s kind of
7566s look we're getting there yeah I'm just
7569s like yo what's up it's me party jonno I
7572s hunt and I
7574s party got any
7578s Dango all right then all right is this
7580s you do some arm wrestling yeah oh let
7582s let me get View mode here all right all
7585s right there we go all
7594s right well played I was trying I was
7598s trying all right I I'll hop
7602s in maybe I should switch to mouse and
7604s keyboard for the arm
7608s wrestling
7610s I forgot what button it is for a
7612s second uh I mean I think I'm pressing
7614s the right button unlucky well played K
7618s Kira I keep trying to pronounce it like
7620s Devil May Cry for like
7624s kir all right well with that should we
7627s wrap it up yeah I think so that some
7629s great hunts we made some good progress I
7631s can feel our end game or like mid to
7634s late game builds coming together as we
7637s make the last push through uh world
7639s before we get into like the real meaty
7641s event and collab quests uh but yeah that
7644s was a ton of fun so thank you everyone
7646s for coming by of course we'll be back
7648s next week same time 6 PM GMT spash 9 no
7653s 10: a.m.
7656s PST um so you do swing by yeah thanks so
7660s much everybody it super fun today yeah
7662s we did make a lot of good progress so um
7665s yeah we'll be back next week and
7667s hopefully we get through the rest of
7669s hiring pretty soon so yeah we'll see you
7671s all next time cheers everyone I've been
7674s jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
7676s awesome have a fantastic evening and a
7678s great weekend and we will see you next
7680s time good night night
7690s [Music]
7697s everybody
7702s [Music]
7712s [Music]
7784s [Music]
7818s [Music]
about 2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name's Jon o EMA Community
4s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
6s by hey everyone I'm Joe I'm the cap USA
9s Community manager on Monster Hunter oh
11s yes and today obviously we are in
13s chapter eight of our return to Old
15s Community live streams and Joe we're
17s really cranking things up a notch this
19s week aren't we yes we are um we made
21s some pretty good progress in higher rank
23s last week but this week I think we've
26s got a pretty big monster uh on hand for
29s us um so I don't know if we're
31s necessarily geared correctly right now
34s but we're going to try anyways we're
35s going to see if skill will prevail
37s whatever skill that we have so exactly
40s there's only one way to find out also
42s let us know if our mics are a bit quiet
44s I see two face heavy says we might be a
46s little bit
47s quiet uh and uh yeah no but we are we
51s are on Mike's day but yeah we are facing
54s the extinction Dragon itself nante first
57s and you know if we survive we might even
59s come across some more of dragons and
61s this will be really key where we're
62s going to be getting some real cool gear
65s and uh getting ready for what's next so
67s yeah should we uh should we head in
69s obviously on our own until we get the
70s cut scene and then reunite for great
73s Justice yeah let's get into it let's get
75s I or do you want to join me uh I will
79s join you okay I your connection is more
81s stable I'll use a voucher
84s then all right let's head out there all
88s right I'll let you go first just so I
90s don't get to the 10 minutes if uh if we
93s get lost trying to find the monster oh
96s yeah we play the cut scene with my funky
98s Pico should be
101s nice yeah I've got quite the mix quite
104s the
107s mix yeah looking forward to fighting NY
110s yeah same here I was just about to say
111s I'm looking forward to uh to getting
112s into this hunt and also just to like
114s enter this this uh like more challenging
117s leg of high rank I think should be quite
119s interesting uh lots of elder dragons
122s cool monsters yeah we're really getting
124s into the end game now yeah yeah and
126s hopefully we can get um some more
129s multiplayer hunts in here with the
130s community so um yeah hopefully towards
132s the back end we'll be able to join up
134s with you yep yep and get ready for that
137s everyone obviously we just ask that you
138s use equipment primarily weapons
141s obviously armor it's not such a biggie
143s but weapons that are at level of ours so
146s we just don't you know instam out the
147s high rank monsters with master rank gear
150s yes yes yeah we want the authentic
152s experience we don't just steamroll them
155s that's I mean I guess it's fun for some
157s people but uh you
161s know all right I'm walking over now to
164s get this cut scene are you in the quest
165s now yeah yeah yeah I'm just following my
167s blue Scout flies all right here we
177s go and here's the cut scene now we get
180s going to get even more uh areas to
182s explore in the elders recess as well
184s which is you know a nice little benefit
186s here of nante making an appearance oh
192s yeah you know it's been a while since
194s I've seen some of these cut scenes so
195s it's always like taking me back but also
198s I'm like I don't really remember this
201s from time to
204s time something's upset the gadil
209s lakas
217s all right there it is
223s nante what a
226s monster all right
235s um there we go there we go okay I will
238s uh oh you should be able to just join I
240s think I think or uh let me know if I
241s need a SOS player uh yeah I should be
244s able destroy I'm just going to run
246s around for a bit until you get
249s it no you're on your own man oh you've
251s left the online session oh no oh looks
254s like I may have been
257s disconnected wonder if I've got any uh
260s did I not grab I don't think I grabbed
261s any wonder if I've got any uh did I not
265s grab I don't think I grabbed anything
266s from the box at the start it's a good
268s good start good start
271s but yeah I've got my WRA and sword and
273s shield so I'm happy H very pleased with
276s that come on nante follow
279s me apparently my my big plan is to not
281s get
285s hit all right I'm just getting reset
287s over here no problem otherwise I'm
290s leaving you on your own yeah that's I've
292s not started fighting it yet I'm just
293s running around
296s it showing off my lovely
299s armor
301s uh
304s oh utilizing my shield
311s here so the streams used to start at
314s 5:00 p.m. GMT sl9 a.m. PST but they're
319s now just an hour later so 600 p.m. GMT
322s SL1 a.m.
325s PST it is the angry
328s Hedgehog
330s the satisfying monster to break parts
332s off of oh
336s [Music]
342s definitely still it's nice to see my my
344s Pico is doing a wonderful job obviously
346s it's just ran out of HP so they're going
348s to go heal but they're keeping them busy
350s from
351s me hey
355s Maria all right I think I left you alone
358s for too long so I'm going to try and
359s join now
360s oh I didn't actually get disconnected I
362s just quit okay I'm out bye yeah good
367s luck oh no n gant's uh spikes are
370s starting to do like the the hard black
373s where they you bounce off them cuz I'm
375s not attacking it yeah I'm sorry I'm
378s sorry that's okay it's okay Quest
381s difficulty has been
384s adjusted all
385s right I'm back I just got to eat real
388s quick so I don't get one shotted no
390s worries I've still I've done quite well
391s I've not been hit too too much really if
393s at all just a tiny bit of Chip damage
396s yeah the
397s evasion PR good
400s there making the most of my
406s Mobility all right sorry I'm atted to
408s the admal for some
412s reason oh bad Hunter right now okay okay
416s oh n gante is
418s moving oh yes this going into my one of
420s my favorite areas in the Elder's recess
422s as a sword and shield man uh because
424s there's loads of the the plunge pillars
427s as I like to call them uh or I can do
429s one of my favorite sword and shield
432s attacks so that that's like number one
434s for you right that attack that is I if I
437s There's an opportunity for it that
438s becomes my number one priority over
440s everything else in the hunt just plunge
443s plunge and against nergi as well you hit
445s it so much and there's so much crunch
447s from all the part braks it's
450s really quite satisfying oh
452s yes it's crunch time for
455s nerie let's do it oh
460s Footprints okay you're W for too long
463s ner is obviously quite Juiced up at the
464s moment uh with a black spikes but uh
470s o some
472s damage there we
475s go oh already huh yeah making the most
478s of those uh those pillars but they can
480s be destroyed So eventually I can run out
483s of my my precious pillars yeah oh lots
486s of sliding here yeah you'll be you'll be
489s so happy in
491s here oh too far
496s that Bonk
500s Bonk there you go there you
506s go go for the big bang oh I'm not really
509s doing much Dam
514s there uhoh I've
522s committed there we go we can uh make the
524s most of
525s this oh and a straight into another
528s Mount oh well done well done yeah you
531s can proc so many hits against Neri with
533s that kind of technique I highly highly
536s recommend it for any sword and shield
538s enjoyers
540s and there are many sword and shield
541s enjoyers oh yes there you go enjoy I'll
545s go back to the
550s tail just keep trying to bash one of
553s these horns
555s here yeah I'm not really doing like
558s great
559s damage right where some of the I think
562s the arms are softer right I mean
563s obviously not great for Hammer
565s user look at you go it's still something
568s though it's still something think
570s obviously Nur is a bit tanky at the
571s moment with those with those spikes but
574s I think once they've done one of their
575s big old charges would be all right again
582s yeah oh yeah mountain mountain Pro would
585s be hilarious here as well oh I I'm
588s missing the pillar there we
591s go o we must be near another Mount I
596s reckon a little scary for me there yeah
599s it's close yeah I can't
602s believe so yeah okay the Tail's getting
605s some spikes on it so if I move that
610s I'll down
612s here sharpen
619s see oh I'm still
621s on uh-oh oh he near threw me off
624s there oh my
628s stamina
630s go down nerie go down oh no not the
633s pillar it's funny I'm just like chasing
635s around cuz you mounted like what four
638s times at this yeah like stay
641s down oh those those spikes are starting
644s to
646s harden yeah I think they're rather
652s secure uh-oh here comes a big one
656s uhoh yeah there b spes are gone yeah
661s time for a big dumb
663s Arch
666s oops like head slam there oh I missed
669s the pillar I missed the pillar again
672s this is prime Mountain opportunity as
674s well oh look at those
678s numbers probably getting some better
680s damage here I think I'm I'm still
682s missing the
686s P oh lovely hit there we go
699s oh On The
700s Run no don't go not my
705s pillar burst good idea good idea I did
708s not think of that at all crystal
710s burst yeah that that pillar jump is
712s great for status and Elemental it's it's
715s very very good ner had enough how many
718s crystal BS yeah I'm out come
721s back
723s no nice what was that there's a crystal
726s burst as well CST first all right well
729s we
729s tried
732s well have it your way
738s nerie that's just like a a very like
740s pocket sand kind of energy there it
743s is [ __ ] a turn keep it
746s going oh yeah that that is a hit me I'm
749s sure I've still got some low rank armor
751s on yeah I think I have like low rank
754s gauntlets or
755s something I think my waste of my
757s gauntlets might be
759s yeah ah I think a good position
774s here trying to get that big stagger hit
777s oh yeah I just booped the Snoop but it
779s cost lost me no no no no no no no no no
781s no oh oh I staggered oh there's the
784s healing I'm out of range of it though no
788s I'm still I'm
789s still that was a lovely heal lovely
793s teamwork yeah I was uh I was trembling
796s and all of that it was it was not
799s great shaking and quen exactly shaken
803s and probably a bit
808s stirred
810s oh I wanted a back hop there but I I
811s whipped
814s it oh that
817s tail watch out okay got out of the
823s way
830s oh need to get that oh
833s nice thanks I oh I've got one of these
836s I've only got uh four Mega potions left
839s I'm like o
846s oh ah just cannot get that stun watch
850s out big attack oh got a Viger wasp
854s coming
855s over coming over coming over that will
858s save me all right oh they're back in
860s here yes
862s yes I got a regrowth plate as well it is
865s are there any pillars left though okay
866s over that side o I just tried to
871s wifall all Dam habit heart
877s yeah I'm out of
879s stamina oh no no no no
883s no
885s oh yeah I forgot how punishing it is in
887s world if you let yourself fully run out
889s of stamina oh yeah yeah you got a big
892s stun or I don't even know just like
894s exhaust feels like it yeah yeah what
897s about managing that precious resource
899s did I get the slide no it
905s moved There's an opportunity here I I
908s think I whiffed it no I
910s didn't oh I love it just the amount of
913s uh hit marks coming up get that
918s dopamine the
924s dopamine I'll let you do your thing
927s thank you I'm just uh ch been away at
929s the tail ta then I'll let Nery hit that
933s oh I didn't actually oh no way I can't
937s get out yeah I'm good though I'm good
939s it's still good it's still
943s good it's happening
946s again think I might go down soon there
948s we go yeah I'm just doing the finisher
950s on the tail there you
952s go oh there's a dragon pod there that's
955s a good sign nice just bashing the head
958s now
959s nice I'm getting some tail damage in
962s want to break one of these horns come on
964s yeah I was going to say you definitely
965s earned it at this point
968s yeah more Dragon
975s pods ah the black
987s spikes watch out
989s we grab this I went for the wasp and I I
993s got
994s slapped mega potion yeah I was trying to
997s go for a slide there got too
1005s ambitious think I've got it here tip the
1008s tail nice can I get up here can I get up
1010s here yes sliding I missed oh you got the
1014s part break there's one of the horns with
1017s the sliding attack too oh I see up there
1019s there we
1021s go oh oh oh boy oh
1025s boy all right I'm going back off oh it's
1029s on me Superman dive that a bad idea here
1032s we go I'm I'm going to meet Neri in the
1034s air no I'm not he's going for you oh my
1037s precious pillars no that's it time for
1041s Retribution Tak it it personally huh I'm
1044s very
1045s personal he's
1047s tired
1051s uhoh ah dang
1055s it Dragon
1058s P righted to sleep Dragon
1065s pod
1066s ooh that yeah yeah I'm good I'm good
1070s sliding oh but I didn't really get any
1072s good hits there oh no I picked up the
1075s thorn pod instead of the WASP the good
1077s news is I have Thorn pods now
1081s and I got one on the arm and one on the
1082s head I think oh boy thank you again for
1085s that Health booster I got to get it
1086s that's all right yeah I'm going
1089s to going to pick my shield
1093s up there we go don't mind
1100s me kind of missed the tail there it is
1103s what it
1105s is where you
1107s going no
1109s I nearly clutch clawed then I nearly did
1111s what I do when I play master rank when
1113s the monsters running away I'm like
1115s clutch claw yeah not got any bombs I
1119s don't
1122s think I mean this is ironically as well
1124s where nante is arguably the most
1126s dangerous especially in master rank uh
1128s because you're trapped in a small area
1130s with them and they love their dive oh
1133s yeah
1134s yeah all right
1137s um well weapons do you like to play and
1140s did you switch to anything else in Rise
1141s uh sword and shield all the way for me
1143s however in Rise I experimented a lot
1145s with weapons I use switch ax I used
1148s hunting horn and I dabbled with hammer
1150s how about you
1151s Joe yeah I I kind of did the same um I
1154s play a lot of great swword um but I
1157s liked switch ax I liked uh gunland in
1161s rise and sunbreak I love that bullet
1163s barrage Swit skill it's so it's so good
1165s it's so good dual blades as well I love
1168s dual BL
1170s but yeah great sword all the
1172s way all right CH yep all
1177s yours oh that's bad that's all right
1180s okay yeah now we're in we're in dunk
1183s City like just getting slamed oh man
1187s that hurt uh oh oh I got hit by the
1190s scenery uh which healing do I want to
1193s use uh oh no I should have bought more
1196s heal booster Health booster thank you
1198s think I I have a was in a good spot for
1200s you I'm looking oh there you go I
1203s totally I totally was in the wrong
1207s placeo where where was that oh
1210s no oh oh no you right
1214s yep survive I I'm uh the Handler's
1218s telling me what's
1220s up okay I got some good hits in there
1223s I'm just going to keep swinging or we're
1225s all up in the health booster over there
1227s yeah we know what's
1232s oh oh the yeah the RO spikes knocked me
1235s out of the the Wombo Combo forget about
1238s those in this area yeah much to our uh
1242s disdain they're like oh by the way roof
1244s spikes
1248s spes oh nice wonderful all
1252s right oh yeah there go oh no roof spikes
1257s no
1259s I was going to go for a perfect Rush as
1260s well but the roof had other ideas oh I
1263s got too ambitious there with the uh the
1265s Big Bang yes sir I'm going to try and
1268s Pierce him oh no oh no oh good Dodge
1271s good
1272s Dodge hey you got the other horn
1275s break yeah that was
1277s satis nice work oh there we go well done
1282s done hey bazuki we did well there that
1285s was good dude I I ran out Mega
1290s potions in no cards that's that's good
1296s teamw what is our favorite monster in
1299s the entire monster H series games I
1301s always love this question and obviously
1303s Community viewers feel free to chip in
1305s and chat as well but Joe what's your
1307s favorite monster of all time man it
1309s changes on a daily
1312s basis uh I like Double Joe which I think
1315s we should hunt at some point I think
1316s it's available now oh uh
1319s but I like many others I like many
1320s others
1322s um I think we talked about Namo last
1325s week I I like Nam quite a bit I've
1327s become one of my my more recent
1329s favorites um veler in chat here veler in
1333s chat here says you never guess mine uh
1336s I'm going to imagine to say teostra I
1338s think oh yeah yeah just Ros right yeah
1342s yeah definitely you definitely love fire
1343s monsters don't you yeah hey NYX how's it
1347s going for me it is brachi brachi Doos uh
1352s I just love the monster everything about
1354s it its music and how it fights it's
1356s blast slime for the classic veteran
1359s Hunters out there uh everything about it
1362s is just awesome um and then obviously
1364s rag brachi just takes it to a whole new
1367s level Wu says valh haar has such cute
1371s armor it has has very equally badass and
1374s cute armor I think
1377s Valar I was going say they think bazaka
1379s is cute yeah that's what I call hit
1383s marus loves the kadachi H so I guess we
1386s got Toby and Viper Toby as well oh yeah
1390s yeah like those both um also just like
1393s when you reach them in the game the
1395s speed is kind of like a shocking thing
1397s for
1401s you the Admiral is just a wall of a
1404s human
1406s being like we're seeing my feed right
1407s now so you see the the Disco pelico just
1412s and our winter Handler just making the
1414s scene a little little humorous
1416s so how did this are end up becoming such
1419s a hot of energy in the first place
1422s enough eny to lure in a
1430s menace I mean my uh my eclectic mix of
1437s armor Oscar's favorite monster is
1441s Rathalos uh it's a boss character and
1444s you really like oh yeah it's a boss
1446s character in Super Smash Bros ultimate
1448s that is true oh that's right that's
1450s right Ros has uh entered many different
1455s dimensions yeah EXO Primal most recently
1463s yeah we got some goodies here dragon
1467s scales
1469s caras High
1472s commendations a couple of horns thanks
1474s to your bra decorations here yeah what
1476s we all right nothing I think I would
1479s really use but Tremor resist yeah it's
1482s you never know you never know Luna gon
1485s was such a nice design and has a very
1487s classic MH Vibe I hit 24 Slinger attacks
1491s no way just spamming that
1494s thing we can now do eight star
1497s assignments
1499s yeah i i s a sniper and you got some
1502s nice destruction on the part
1516s side hey
1520s Mark a new
1523s opportunity my favorite monster Abyssal
1527s Lamborghini
1530s basil is also solid yeah basil is a good
1534s choice lot of love for the like Invader
1536s type
1542s monsters all right investigate the
1544s awoken elder
1553s dragons oh I only have four four total
1556s Mega potions sorry go ahead joh yeah I
1558s need to miss more Oscar ask what do we
1560s think about the recent announcement of
1562s monster ther stories one coming
1564s back I'm so excited um I love the
1568s stories games I love what it brings to
1569s this series it's such a different vibe
1571s uh it's very hopeful different art style
1575s um it's got you know really cool
1576s turn-based combat um and it's like a
1579s different relationship with the monsters
1580s right because you're you're a Monster
1581s Rider so and also just like the the
1583s sheer amount of monsters that are in it
1585s uh sorry monties that are in it yeah so
1588s some of your favorites are probably in
1589s there um from series past so yeah I just
1592s love those games I think it's great to
1594s have stories one on Modern platforms
1596s which is really cool so you get on PC
1598s and PlayStation and Nintendo switch so
1601s yeah I'm looking forward to diving into
1602s it how about you jonno yeah me too as
1605s well like as well I've actually only
1606s played monster hun Stories 2 I haven't
1608s played the original so it's doubly
1610s exciting for me because it's going to be
1611s a brand new experience for me um to like
1614s actually physically play Monster stories
1616s one and obviously it's getting all the
1618s content that was previously Japan only
1620s uh it's got obviously the voice acting
1623s and obviously updated Graphics so I'm
1625s super excited especially because I can
1626s see that brackie is in it as well so
1629s yeah I'm very very much looking forward
1631s to it yeah yeah it's like that you know
1633s it's the best way to play stories one
1636s right because previously in the past
1638s we've had it on uh on mobile and we've
1640s had on 3DS but yeah now you get the
1643s chance to play it on hopefully a
1645s platform that you're actively playing so
1646s yeah it should be exciting
1649s where's the F Fleet
1653s Master oh it's the Smithy isn't it the
1655s FD Fleet Master
1658s right
1660s uh I don't
1662s know I know he's
1665s hold okay third Fleet I'm I'm talking to
1668s a field team leader
1670s now let's get that
1673s done I don't think it's the Smithy he's
1676s second Fleet master
1678s all right let's see I get I'm going to
1680s assume I absolutely cannot make the
1682s nyante sword and shield yet uh it's
1685s worth a look just to see what I might
1688s need yeah where is a third Fleet
1694s Master not here right is that the one on
1696s the Airship perhaps yeah in the research
1698s base over
1702s there okay okay there's nante so I need
1706s to go all the way up the or
1710s tree uh and then I can look at
1713s potentially making
1720s it then on the ran side it's going to
1723s take a little bit to get get what I
1730s need okay
1733s um all right yeah I think I've gotten
1735s all the invest investigation or at least
1739s I guess the track tracking quests so
1742s should we just like do some hunts I
1744s guess and have agressive see what we get
1747s okay so rfan so for that I need rafian
1748s spikes carpes nante I'm not far off if
1751s I'm honest I mean I'm missing a lot of
1753s or actually no I need Coral crystals but
1757s that two more nury tails and two
1759s regrowth plates and then uh the nurgle
1761s Jack would be mine uh let's look at the
1766s armor
1770s it does look so cool as well um take a
1774s look what I got too um oh the arms the
1777s arms are really good you need we need
1779s tails and carapaces for that you get
1781s agitator and attack
1783s boost
1785s um then on the waste I know the waste is
1788s really good you get attack boost and a
1789s two slot uh but I need more regrowth so
1793s one more nergy hunt would give me that
1795s uh I reckon two carapaces and two
1797s regrowth ples
1798s um oh I need one more carbalite
1804s ore well I guess I need a whole bunch of
1806s it yeah well if you want to pick the
1809s next hunt then um yeah if you want to do
1813s Nery again yeah I mean I'll be well for
1815s that yeah yeah let's do
1817s that um all right let's see what we got
1822s um what do you think about opening it up
1826s yeah let's open up now my as well just
1828s we're doing some farming so yeah I'm
1832s just going to go to and that that'll
1833s help us get through it like pretty
1834s quickly right yeah yeah so we'll we'll
1836s split up into two groups then I suppose
1839s um but yeah want stick together for the
1841s first one okay let's stick together yeah
1843s yeah
1844s but together you know yeah I don't want
1847s so stupid carry me um but for anyone
1852s joining remember please use a weapon
1854s that is in line with uh Joe and I so at
1856s the minute I think we on Rarity five or
1860s tier five
1861s weapons yeah I'm on Rarity 5 at the
1866s moment yeah I should be the same I
1868s haven't changed since last time so yes r
1873s five all right shall we go ahead and
1875s drop that in the chat I can go ahead and
1877s do that on YouTube so I'm gonna do that
1878s right now I will do
1881s twitch there is the lobby ID uh so hop
1885s that in and join us for some months if
1887s you don't get in the first hunt don't
1889s worry we'll you know we'll be mixing it
1890s up and and all of that fun
1894s stuff right post a
1896s quest
1898s optional the Eater of
1903s Elders going to use another voucher yes
1908s please that's it
1909s bazuki you got this uh pay with money
1913s attack up I'm going to go for okay
1915s there's not that I guess I'll take El
1917s mental cuz there isn't a defense one
1919s this
1920s time I need to make sure to
1928s replenish all right um optional Quest
1931s let's take a look I guess we only have
1932s one
1934s uh star I need to craft more Mega
1938s potions I need to craft more potions I
1941s need to buy some potions yeah yeah right
1945s let's uh do some shopping
1948s so we need to do yeah why don't we start
1950s with Ancient Forest um what do we got
1953s here Ros rematch let's do this Quest is
1957s it Nagi Fest or um well if we hunt nerie
1962s um we won't be able to progress the
1965s tracks
1966s quest ah since it's in the elders recess
1969s and I don't think we need tracks there
1971s right I'm so close to that waste should
1972s we do okay let's do an Ancient Forest
1974s first let's do Ancient Forest first and
1976s yeah it should be quick great yeah I'm
1978s just going to quickly
1980s uh grab some
1982s goodies cuz uh my honey stash just got
1985s updated from the uh nice yeah me too
1988s apology let me know when you're ready
1990s and I will post that Quest so I can be
1992s sure that you're get yep sure
1997s sure there you go do that I'll just
2000s cancel this
2003s one uh leave the quest yes okay ready wi
2007s you
2009s welcome all right here we
2014s go I will go northeast
2019s Camp there you go oh wrath lost North
2024s there we go oh I didn't press for a
2026s ticket oh well oh well I'll carry that
2029s ticket
2034s over but I do want wrath loss parts so
2037s that's that's actually really nice for
2038s me nice
2042s nice we are on Steam golden
2048s TI and sorry if you're not seeing
2050s certain uh comments uh we are looking at
2052s both YouTube and twitch so uh you may
2056s hear us refer to some comments that
2058s you're not seeing on the whatever
2059s platform you're watching very
2061s multifaceted yeah all right we're
2064s ready let's do it got a sip of water got
2068s stay hydrated keep that stamina
2071s up yes
2076s sir all right let's get those tracks and
2079s yes hun wrath most at the same
2082s time grab one of these there we
2089s go right where am I I guess I'm GNA have
2093s to do some climbing oh there's rathan on
2095s the map as well
2098s Toby Kachi yeah I don't think we'll want
2101s to get ambitious this time though no not
2103s with our current setup
2113s yeah
2114s uh oh I see blue
2118s hello you found some blue did I okay
2122s there they
2123s are I don't know if is it consistent for
2126s uh all players probably not right I
2128s didn't get as many as you there no oh
2129s that's R that's a big raian oh
2133s hello
2135s goodbye was that Ros I think that was
2138s rathan that that was rathan yeah so just
2140s because I got Ros targeted I was like
2142s wait a second what am I what am I doing
2145s oh another
2150s track there got my Scout flies to focus
2156s Ros
2158s you're doing well on the track
2159s front yeah I'm sorry I don't know if
2162s you're not seeing him I'm sorry where's
2164s my
2166s on you've been
2171s forsaken
2174s another there's lots of blue all right
2176s for
2181s some Treetop Camp okay yeah if we can we
2184s will we will send it down the
2186s waterfall
2188s I think I lost you are are you uh going
2190s up I I thought I was
2193s however I've misplaced
2196s myself oh hi
2200s hello I was like yeah this is starting
2203s to go upwards uh however you might as
2206s well get the bone pile over up here yeah
2208s I was like I'm here now I might as well
2209s get something from it oh oh oh look like
2212s Ross has been
2213s found you're going to slay it before we
2216s even see it yeah
2226s all right I was going good with the blue
2227s for a little bit and now I think I've
2229s kind of lost the
2232s trailes okay there's
2235s R these jagas are annoying me they are
2239s all over the place aren they yeah all
2243s right old wi have
2245s cashes oh the jagas are in the way
2249s now jagas please I must have that
2257s tail oh time to do a oh can I get the
2261s ledge attack in no I can get this
2267s though okay I finally made it welcome
2270s hello Hello friends yeah what are we
2273s doing
2276s today
2284s what
2288s nice
2290s Bon oh there a roar P the roar that was
2294s a romantic stroll through the Ancient
2295s Forest wasn't it it was it was yep got
2298s the mount
2305s oh oh oh in the vine trap as well nice
2309s maybe I should slow down my Mount here
2311s so you can get a load of
2313s damage there we go down it
2317s comes oh no still on now down there we
2320s go sweet all right to Bon oh and into
2324s the stun maximum
2327s Bonk one two 3
2333s four and I got the five nice
2338s what nice oh I just missed that
2342s oh that tail down
2349s here I see you
2352s tail I'm just kind of mindlessly mashing
2354s Big Bang it's all you need the true
2357s Hammer way oh my mind kind of went blank
2360s as I just went for all those
2365s hits we got the head break though that's
2372s good no I keep getting getting
2376s stunned tragic come back all right I'm
2380s going to shoen see if we can get some
2382s more
2383s blue yeah some more
2388s blue carve up these jagas have you got
2391s any tracks jno no no no man I know I'll
2396s fight them yeah yeah maybe on the next
2398s hunt it's going to end up where I get
2400s none and you get a billion the desire
2403s sensor is in full swing yeah yeah it
2405s knows the game
2410s knows was that a cheeky flash that was a
2412s very cheeky flash yeah well done mad
2420s artist o that tail swing even broke some
2425s scenery
2431s oh I see
2434s blue let me get that let me get that do
2444s it another part break that's the tail
2448s remember we need to we need to carve
2450s that in a bit the charge blade just
2453s totally knocked me
2455s over ah
2457s oh thanks for coming by and saying hi NP
2462s Mia yeah it's all good NE good to see
2465s you thanks for doing your best to join
2467s as always yeah you've only ever missed
2469s one session which is
2471s impressive that you you will remain
2473s undefeated in armed wrestling once more
2476s oh yeah yeah even if you were able to
2478s play you still remain undefeated
2483s exactly you got that wing
2492s oh I've got myself in a nice little
2493s pocket
2496s there what we got what we got Slinger
2499s bomb oh it's serious
2503s now
2505s oh I I'm mounted there he goes
2509s again
2513s oh really want to use the bomb pods to
2515s send it flying to the ground but no not
2517s till I
2523s spawn
2525s oh got turned around a little bit there
2527s all right here we
2538s go oh
2542s nice what's that sound yeah what is that
2546s I haven't turned around
2547s yet
2549s okay what was that
2557s yeah oh it was Rath and coming for back
2560s to back up oh well you're too late
2563s you're very late you snooze you lose
2566s yeah it's a nice try
2568s though a next time Co next time that's
2571s what that raw was then the
2574s uh oh someone got sank tasty I think I
2576s play
2579s was that me oh sorry I wasn't paying
2581s attention I heard someone get the get
2583s the
2584s bling yeah I heard it as well but I
2586s don't know if it was me I don't think it
2587s was
2588s me well I got at least one tail so I'm
2591s really happy about that all right oh I
2592s didn't I don't think I carved the tail
2594s go you got 20 seconds don't do me like
2596s in in the rise and sunbreak streams it's
2599s basically like a meme yeah i' always and
2601s then the chat would very kindly be like
2603s tail tail tail tail tail where's the
2607s blue I I got I got no blue hopefully
2609s we'll get some for completing the quest
2612s I am mad artist got the plate maybe
2614s maybe get a wrath Ruby in the rewards
2616s though because you know we got that head
2618s break oh really strre
2621s there as me on on my back I got another
2624s tail though so I'm really pleased about
2630s that all right I got my investigation
2633s about halfway all right how did I go uh
2637s I I'm nearly halfway as well actually
2640s yeah investigation progress unknown so
2642s it's not so bad all right maybe it was
2645s sharing it because you were again oh
2648s yeah yeah yeah maybe why don't you pick
2650s next Quest J
2652s okay let's have a look at what we've
2656s got I kind of want to do
2658s nante uh right what we got uh so we just
2663s did
2665s Rathalos uh this Diablos pink
2670s Ren oh mad artist got a plate nice what'
2674s you reckon about pink wrath or maybe I
2676s check the event Quest pink wrath uh uh
2679s where is pink wrath
2682s located I'll have a
2685s look yeah because it'll help us with our
2687s investigation fire oh perfect let's do
2691s it okay unless there's an event Quest
2693s you want to do uh we can check the event
2696s Quest next if you like okay all right
2698s I'm putting it
2701s in
2706s now oh wait I got to join I got to
2717s join H here we got mad
2722s artist oh no
2725s sorry
2727s oh re rip please join the lobby as
2732s well oh I think oh it's optional Quest
2735s there we go yeah hello Rey the
2740s champion there we
2742s go okay I made it very
2752s nice everyone looking very snazzy very
2754s fashionable and then there's us I mean
2756s you look all right you've got the zor
2758s magdaros gear mixed with like plate
2760s armor so yours actually looks really
2761s nice and was that the rra and
2763s headpiece so you're looking snazzy I
2767s I I don't know about mine I'm just just
2771s throwing all the clothes I find on the
2772s floor together kind of deal it's like I
2775s like to wear clothes that are comfy
2777s that's basically where you're at yeah
2782s exactly but you got the you know you got
2784s like the dancing like disco pant on then
2787s you got the exactly you know what helmet
2789s is that
2790s it's helmet
2793s yeah
2795s iic
2801s oh there we go
2806s Bop grab a couple items oh yes and
2810s there's normal I say normal there's
2813s standard wrath uh and then pink wrath
2815s would be
2822s let us
2823s see
2827s um wraths of all kinds need to watch out
2830s today oh yeah mad artist yeah like the
2833s the plate and like the uh like wrath
2836s loss Ruby and like um oh there's pink
2838s wrath
2840s um like the orbs and gems that that's
2843s like a high pitch ping when someone gets
2845s it not super high pitch
2848s but it's okay think graap just having a
2852s sip there o give me a
2855s tail oh you're going for it yeah there
2859s we go I've got the
2862s mount a nice flash there so I'm going to
2865s jump onto the back to speed up the
2867s process so yeah little tip there for
2869s those you know might be newer to wealth
2872s um when you're mounting the monster
2873s normally if you're in the middle of the
2875s monster on its back you can attack it
2877s the quickest to bring it down quicker um
2880s and then when it's nearly down you can
2882s navigate yourself to the head or the
2883s tail if you want to focus your damage
2886s there for the finisher and Landing where
2888s it falls that's a great
2890s tip I may or may not have been aware of
2894s that oh yeah I forgot with pink raft the
2896s only the tip of the tail is like you you
2899s won't bounce off that bit everything
2901s else is
2904s uh oh she's on the
2909s Move yeah for someone that is a serial
2912s mounter in this game that is a and yeah
2915s if the monster you know you don't always
2917s have to cling on to the monster some
2919s attacks not if the monster's doing like
2920s a big lunge or a big jump you'll
2922s normally need to cling on like I know
2923s devil Joe uh is a monster that will you
2927s need to hold on to but a lot of other
2929s attacks you can just move on the monster
2930s and reposition and keep attacking
2932s through the attack that comes with like
2935s experience know what you you can hold on
2936s for and what you can just jump oh yeah
2938s pink wrath is not happy with the a I am
2941s getting
2942s bullied B off for a little
2945s bit oh man first regular first AIDS are
2950s not great yeah it's surprising I think
2952s they they felt stronger in Rise yeah
2955s yeah so definitely don't sleep on
2957s getting that honey cultivated anyone
2959s watching
2962s yeah oh my goodness that hurt oh I'm
2965s stuck that was good timing for wrath to
2967s get
2970s staggered I don't know if that was me so
2972s I'm not going to I got a Kelby horn from
2974s somewhere okay I'll take that yeah I see
2976s it down oh that'll be that'll be the
2977s Kel's on the floor yeah for
2983s Kel's using my
2986s shield yeah it is bullying me right now
2989s right you diding a great
2991s job got to get out there Health booster
2995s yeah f
2998s sorry it's not really helping anybody
2999s but me that's that's good that's what
3001s it's there for as long as at least one
3002s of us is getting something from
3007s it rathan is being cheeky this is real
3011s high rank
3013s stuff I'll pop this down
3016s here oh the tail
3019s swipe yeah it's bouncing off that
3023s tail he deceptively hard
3026s thisan especially with the bounce
3032s points ah give us your
3045s tail oh nice work lot of flashs yeah
3048s they're doing doing the
3054s business
3057s oh can I land on the head there yes
3061s right there's the tail oh enter the stun
3064s as well well
3065s done all right let me hop over
3069s here sorry charge
3072s blade doing a perfect rush into
3075s the so yeah I don't mean to stagger
3079s you nice knockdown can I get back to the
3084s tail
3087s give us the tail yes everyone all
3092s in I really need to start targeting
3095s Flinch free when I can yeah that'll help
3099s quite a
3101s bit
3103s heal all the wles oh the the wles of
3108s Doom oh oh no I'm getting stunned a lot
3111s by this monster somehow that missed me
3114s thank you
3117s Uh crap very
3120s nice oh and then the Flash oh nice
3123s landing on that hammer yeah I saw
3135s that now here's the Trap you know you
3138s want it
3142s wrath oh she's on the
3144s move
3148s nice try at the end there wor to go it's
3151s always you you miss every flash bomb you
3153s don't take yeah
3155s yeah all right I have I mean we haven't
3158s really gone anywhere so I haven't seen
3160s any tracks yeah same I mean there might
3163s be some in the swamp area yeah fingers
3167s crossed let's
3174s see
3177s yeah we didn't really leave the starting
3179s area did we
3181s yeah that hunt started in the first 30
3183s seconds basically oh yeah we went we
3185s went all in I say I mean I kind of just
3187s ran off like swinging my sword get him
3194s yeah
3197s species I've ran out of
3200s stamina wake
3204s up
3206s oh there we go investigation added high
3209s rank investigations I just got
3210s absolutely voied by that fish that was
3212s not very
3214s nice looks like look it's almost
3218s almost I think krier might be putting uh
3222s yeah AR bombs
3224s down a tasty
3230s treat my health booster
3234s back
3239s all right we're all grouped up now
3244s yeah who's doing the
3246s honors guess it'll be you or Kira or
3249s maybe maybe the Mad artist three
3253s y oh exquisite
3256s exquisite I'm going to desperately try
3258s and hit the tail for a little bit of
3259s damage get down here
3263s tail I don't mind if you're hiding in
3265s the wall I'm still going to get
3269s you give me that
3273s tail can you do it oh oh I just did a
3277s big hit there as well come on tail there
3281s we go that's right I'm sure I'll get
3283s some in the rewards it'll be
3287s fine well played
3294s everyone
3296s good and I'll always take rathan Parts
3298s cuz I like to use a lot of their weapons
3300s rathan and Ros so this is very nice got
3302s some webon someone got a
3311s plate some more
3313s bones yes
3320s please you got another plate mad artist
3322s there the desire sensor is fully on side
3324s with you
3330s yeah no tracks unfortunately but we'll
3332s get some in the uh in the reward right
3335s exactly yeah progress at least yeah the
3337s quest progression will help a lot yes
3340s more bone
3341s piles all right should we do an event
3344s Quest next yeah let's mix things up
3347s let's see what spicy goodness we've got
3348s in there I think I sort like an aarin
3350s one or like a double AAR but I don't
3351s know if that was an arena Quest or not
3354s MH
3356s yeah we're wrapping up the first hour
3357s here so we'll probably go about another
3359s hour and then uh call a day ano
3362s hungerless and flight
3367s jeel oh we got a little bit of
3371s progress yeah only a little bit yeah I
3375s was I was a little disheartened by how
3377s much there not a whole lot right while
3381s you pick a event Quest I'm going to
3383s quickly go to the workshop and see if I
3385s can I really need to get some new armor
3387s um I'm going to see if I can make
3388s anything with those wrath
3392s pieces double Odon in our Arena
3396s uh equip let's see what we
3409s got so we're thinking around like a
3411s seven star eight star yeah we could do
3415s that there's only one oh I need one more
3418s Rathalos carapace for the helmet oh it's
3422s the chest piece we want isn't it
3423s Rathalos the wax to yeah so a Ros Ruby
3427s is needed for that
3430s though it's
3433s spicy
3436s uh well SI of quests are uh a little
3440s meaty this this one
3442s has this one has five monsters
3446s goodness
3448s me Hulu Barra jotus rathan and Diablos
3453s in the wild spway there's also Coral
3456s Walts that's four
3458s monsters that's quite want
3464s take what do you think what do you think
3466s let's have a look uh this is how revolts
3470s start this is wild Spire waste with both
3472s versions of Diablos black Diablos and
3474s regular Diablos
3477s I don't know if we're ready for black
3478s Diablos I actually don't know oh we I
3481s think we get absolutely bodied
3483s yeah uh what else we got here
3488s uh Triple Threat Throwdown I they're all
3491s in the arena that's how this recess oh
3493s yeah deep green Blues wild spy Bolero
3496s Coral
3497s Waltz the aluvial Opera could be a good
3501s one it is four monsters though yeah this
3504s is how revolts
3505s [Music]
3507s St deep green Blues might be fun I mean
3510s that is a lot of monsters but yeah let's
3514s get pretty quick okay let's do it yeah I
3516s think we'll finish up our uh Ancient
3517s Forest progress too
3519s yeah oh I should have used a voucher oh
3531s well where do I want to go spawn there
3537s my get lots of Monster
3539s Parts yeah that's a lot of
3544s monsters oh man my
3547s uh my load out's looking a little
3550s pathetic and the good news is oh there's
3552s a wrath loss in there so I'm always open
3556s for rth loss plus we might get the Ruby
3557s who
3562s knows yeah this as you said should give
3564s us plenty of progress for the
3581s forest wonder how long this um Festival
3584s goes on for since it's it's quite wintry
3587s I don't know what the weather's like
3588s over there
3591s guess
3593s yeah I guess is kind of the same here
3596s but you know we're starting to see the
3597s Sun a little bit earlier so that's
3599s that's kind of nice you know spring is
3600s almost
3602s here and today is uh Elite day right the
3607s 29th I think it might be
3610s yeah I can't
3614s remember uh what is it it's like this
3616s day only happens like every every other
3619s year or every couple
3621s years
3623s year the 29th
3628s maybe we'll have to uh come up with a
3630s post on the monster hunter accounts for
3632s that yeah that' be good some sort of
3635s Leaping monster yeah I am already in
3638s great Jag's face so I'm just goingon to
3640s do it I'm near pke PUK but I'm using a
3642s poison weapon so I'm
3645s like I'm probably not going to go for
3647s PUK I'm going to come meet up with the
3652s crew um should I keep hunting agress or
3655s should we go somewhere else yeah go for
3657s it go for it like if I mean these
3660s monsters aren't quite like anath and R
3662s Us if we do split up on these ones
3664s that's it's not bad I might actually
3666s fast
3667s travel okay you're there you're there
3670s I'm here actually I'm not too far
3677s away yeah let's let's go uh drag us
3680s first I
3681s guess I'm kind of
3683s worked
3685s the greatest Jackass has kind of
3688s appear I'm kind of embarrassing myself
3690s right now I guess I'm not really like
3691s focusing that's okay I'm nearly there
3693s I'm nearly there let's get
3699s this
3701s hello hello you made it all a good
3712s time there we go you'll be have to get
3715s some revenge in a sec oh
3718s you're as always oh yes when in doubt
3721s get the mount
3724s out oh leap year not Elite Year sorry
3727s yeah yeah leap year leap
3734s year yeah if you see us post something
3736s you heard it here first
3743s yeah oh
3758s Savage great chakas is a on a
3762s stroll these uh tiny jages have been
3766s making my life
3768s miserable constant staggers
3773s yeah
3784s very
3785s nice oh there we go a Boop the Sno and
3788s then a great Jack down the
3792s S little Shield
3794s bash okay then one down that is mad
3799s after Toby yeah let over there I don't
3802s want to miss out on that you know I
3803s think mads might take it too
3810s fast um is our camp that's closer yeah
3813s Northeast Northeast is one for
3817s us efficient
3819s travel yes
3825s sir oh no is he he's up and I went down
3829s every time yeah I'm like where am I I'm
3833s going to trust in the scout flies I know
3835s they'll do me
3836s right I
3838s think let me track
3847s that oh yeah this looks like an upwards
3851s elevation that's what we want I know
3854s Toby Toby's had a had a
3857s runner had a runner oh yeah it's it's on
3861s the Run
3863s uh he it's more like I Toby and I cross
3867s paths like oh
3876s sorry is it already dead uh I think it's
3881s still
3882s alive yeah imag just just done a little
3885s area move SL
3889s Retreat get to enjoy the environment
3891s though
3893s yeah another romantic stroll in the
3895s Ancient Forest exactly although I guess
3898s we're like alone right
3901s now IO
3903s everyone all right I finally made it oh
3906s it's a this oh my
3909s goodness what is that damage whoa oh
3913s yeah save jno no M artist oh that damage
3918s no he did
3922s nutty all right we got the mus the wall
3925s oh no fell I missed uh
3929s oh yeah I missed twice in a row that's
3932s that is a real
3934s shame three times yeah I'm just going to
3937s have to get some classic sword and
3939s shield whooping in
3942s there oh I want a wing Drake I didn't
3944s mean to do that
3945s [Music]
3946s who um I kind of got
3950s lost F out F out the pit to Nowhere yeah
3953s yeah
3955s Nice kill got
3956s a cheeky mount in
3960s there all right I made it back hello
3963s grab that
3967s honey lovely
3976s work oops I whiff the combo up
3982s that Flinch free I need you you yeah
3986s Return To Us
3997s yeah Oh I thought I had my shield up
4005s there
4007s that use my pods there ah Miss the big
4013s swing
4015s sorry for the Stagger there how dare
4023s you got to change it up from the long
4025s sword user you
4031s know don't worry long sword Ms I love
4033s you really it was just a slight Gest I'm
4036s jealous because with the sword and
4037s shield I can't reach the tail all the
4039s time and it makes me
4042s sad always got to troll the long users
4045s yeah cuz they like to troll us
4048s yeah is the way of the
4051s hunt I've set a health booster oh nice
4062s oh oh changing your mind Toby
4069s huh nice
4072s work okay so that's two down three to
4077s go oh we still got three right yeah yeah
4081s so we got pke p and janath and Rathalos
4084s yeah we really signed up for quite the
4086s task today oh yes all the think of all
4089s that loot though yum
4090s yum that would be very very
4096s nice yeah shall we yeah let's
4101s uh oh we're not far away from okay p
4104s anath likes to hang out there as well so
4106s you never know might bup into them first
4113s M poke poke casually minding his own
4116s business like what's all that
4118s noise why do I hear Boss music
4131s yeah there's another plunge wall here
4142s oh yeah oh nice big big SL my
4148s favorite and I slide down here not
4153s quite
4160s yeah oh it's having some food see if I
4163s can get cheeky Mount there we go oh lots
4168s of hits there lots of
4171s hits okay does not stand a chance no not
4175s this
4183s time I miss that SP away
4193s yeah oh and then heart
4200s breaks I stopped to pick up the uh
4203s piercing pod and I was like no I want to
4211s attack yep that was Swift okay so now
4215s we've now we got the main course and
4217s janathan raos oh yeah those won't be as
4220s quick but shouldn't take us too long no
4225s I should be all
4226s right know something i' I've been
4229s getting into a bad habit of is after we
4233s the monster I just straight up forget to
4234s carve I got a bird wiping gem yeah
4237s definitely definitely get on that I
4240s carve my first gem so pleased about that
4243s and then I can't remember if I carved or
4244s not so I have like a little like 30
4246s second panic in the you know in the
4248s results screen of like did
4250s I where's my
4253s loot Oh I thought I saw blue for a
4255s second but I guess not no let's see
4257s where curia wants to take us oh to
4263s Ana oh very
4272s nice start building up some Mountain
4278s pressure there we
4283s go
4287s ah okay nice
4297s work down you
4308s go oh nice work on the
4313s tail
4316s oh was they running away already we've
4318s done so much damage it was thinking
4319s about
4323s it it's like I do not want any of these
4326s guys yeah no thank you not one
4330s bit oh did did the Stagger go
4337s through I'm back here I got no more
4342s slingers
4356s oh oh hold on we could drop the Rocks
4358s here I haven't got any Slinger ammo
4360s though I know I got red pits
4363s oh we got bring more over right
4366s yeah we scatter nuts that do
4370s some hey Ana got I got a little present
4373s for you
4376s yeah come over
4379s here maybe if I eat a ration it will get
4381s jealous come
4383s over or if I sharpen yeah whenever I
4386s sharpen the monster suddenly makes me a
4388s Public Enemy
4391s yeah we might just have to take it out
4393s the oldfashioned way
4397s yeah oh wait it might it's coming
4400s over lead it towards you
4404s come on come
4408s on there we
4410s go got it oh we got it we got it we done
4415s good teamw work good
4416s teamwork and there's a Slinger bomb
4419s which is a good
4425s sign oh
4431s oh stay where you are
4436s oh I got got toasted there like a
4438s marshmallow yeah I see you oh what was
4445s that I'm going to be moving over
4453s here might me just healing up in the
4458s corner
4462s ah B part
4464s I keep picking up different bomb pods by
4467s accident oh no my sliding don't work
4472s out look at that scary face
4476s there nice work it's another one
4480s down okay I'm going to get some I'm
4482s looking forward to all the goodies and
4483s loot we get after this
4486s yeah uh don't worry nearly got the tail
4488s it's worth a
4490s go someone else got a plate there that
4493s was me
4498s nice all right last one last one thank
4502s you killer oh and thank you for the
4503s subscription as well and yeah happy
4505s hunting on leap day thank you definitely
4508s leaping into the Hunts
4511s yeah right what monster do you think of
4514s immediately when it comes to a
4516s leap good question Toby Ki is one yeah
4520s chat tell us so we can we can post about
4522s B specific monster
4534s right uh do you guys uh go to a camp or
4538s anything I guess no yeah I'm following K
4540s kilia because I think they
4543s uh they know the way they might be
4545s sniffing him
4552s out
4555s take me to the
4557s Rathalos a Ros Ruby would be much
4566s appreciated ah tetu
4576s Cabra more honey thank you very
4581s much okay so looks like wrath was in The
4583s Nest or is in the nest which means
4588s game can we pull it off we probably will
4591s I think we can
4593s yeah I mean I don't know if I have any
4595s flash pods on me
4596s but I'm sure one are the others well
4600s yeah oh there's the
4603s mount lovely
4612s stuff
4625s might as well spam out these bomb pods
4627s cuz there's a second one on the
4630s floor o that
4633s Hur I don't get to experience the fun
4635s cuz I'm not there yet but I'm here now
4638s yay
4642s welcome
4650s oh nice work crew I need to be at the
4652s tail but I'm at the head oh well I've
4654s started my perfect rush so I'll finish
4657s it
4671s here there you go nice okay we need to
4674s get wrath out of the air I
4678s think
4682s oh nice there we
4685s go going to get these bone PES
4688s bye-bye and then
4692s uh very nice right I like just Panic
4697s shot out a flash POD at the end there oh
4700s yeah that was that was
4702s clutch oh
4704s oh should I charge up my hammer
4708s oh give us your
4717s tail there it is good work
4728s everyone nice thank you for gifting me
4730s the tail that I contributed nothing to
4733s oh oh oh I got a Ros plate out of it and
4737s mad artist got the uh Ruby I saw
4743s that very
4746s nice zoga comes to mind with a big leap
4748s and crash that's true a thunderous leap
4751s and crash and I got a ruby why oh you
4754s know what you know why not why not yeah
4757s we take those exactly have we got the
4759s head bre yet cuz then we might all get
4761s some I don't know
4764s I guess that's my job you did your job I
4766s didn't do mine I mean I hit the tail a
4768s little bit but
4773s uh
4780s uhoh I is on that get him
4790s K oh here comes the Bonk
4804s nice oh so
4809s swing could be close oh yeah I see the
4812s skull
4815s now
4818s no oh nice will it will it
4822s work
4826s n still got away huh going to try I
4831s missed is he going to go all the way to
4833s the top I wonder now is this the the big
4836s loop
4839s yeah again oh no hold on oh did I not
4843s unlocked the camp have
4845s I Northeast Camp no I've not got
4848s there I'm going to have to do it the
4850s oldfashioned
4852s way
4854s hey
4856s P hello hello the
4865s classic eager to finish up this five
4868s Monster
4869s Hunt yes get them goodies see what we
4872s get in our reard box hopefully lots of
4879s gems anyone got bombs no I really should
4883s my fresh Hunter problems you know yeah
4886s yeah same here same here I got nothing
4887s it's you know I'm broke going to have to
4891s get our biggest hardest hitting weapon
4893s and and go that
4901s way some more honey thank you very
4912s productive
4914s no REM maxed
4917s out all right Ros wakey
4923s wakey oh then Helm breaker it is do
4930s it you got it and you didn't break it
4932s quick carve the vest boid
4935s oh monster
4938s broth oh here they go the Wombo Combo
4945s oh I got I got slapped
4959s there think I'll put a health booster
4962s down for us thank
4967s you oh I was about to get charged
4971s then nice everyone five monsters down
4976s yeah and then now I'm going to head
4977s behind the waterfall and see if there's
4978s any goodies for me there am I going to
4980s get a ruby I'd love a ruby cheeky Ruby
4983s not yet but third times the charm not
4986s from the cast maybe the rewards maybe
4988s the bit of endurance run there but that
4990s was fun it was it's good no carts again
4993s as well that was about 25 minutes which
4997s was actually not bad that was a good run
4999s yeah pretty good
5001s time what do you think we could probably
5002s get like one more in yeah yeah
5016s yeah see if I can make any more gear go
5020s back to the Smith he' be like hello I'd
5021s like some new armor
5024s please oh it's actually yeah it's still
5026s quite early so yeah maybe we can do one
5027s or two
5031s more
5043s oh no Ruby but a tail take a
5046s tail yeah I got a tail as well uh oh
5050s it's an anath Tail as well not a rft
5052s tail oh well tail take a
5058s tail I got some decent stuff I guess oh
5062s we got a lot of research just fell short
5064s of completing the bar but tons
5066s anyway got some crowns lots of P
5070s experience I did finish my research but
5072s you know we're team so we got to finish
5074s those both
5076s together you and those those
5081s Footprints I stole all the
5087s footprints yeah let me hop over to the
5090s research team there's been a devil Joe
5091s sighting oh
5107s I have look at some different quests oh
5109s investigations as well could be some
5112s nice oh no I need to go down to look at
5113s my investigations then I
5116s shall oh this Saturday is your birthday
5118s Ria well happy birthday for Saturday ah
5120s happy
5121s birthday hope you have a wonderful day
5125s and weekend why limit it to one day huh
5137s yeah I was I need to put on there we go
5140s register Bounty I realize I got to speak
5143s to the field team leader let's do
5145s that oh all these bounties yes five
5150s registered bounties done yes oh I
5152s checked on him I do that mine out
5157s crops I guess investigation Coral
5162s Highlands I want
5165s okay oh I can set up some more camps in
5167s the Ancient Forest very
5171s nice got those ones oh yeah I don't have
5174s any deliveries to complete um
5177s pathetic what have you done right let me
5179s check my investigations what we got um
5182s SL boyed uh hunt Rathalos so yeah some
5186s interesting Rathalos ones I haven't got
5187s any gold
5189s boxes uh actually know I got a Rathalos
5191s rra and silver silver gold in the
5193s Ancient
5195s Forest I've got an Azure Rathalos as
5198s well uh that's Elder's
5200s recess uh do you fancy the hunt Ray and
5203s Rathalos
5204s combo yeah that might be a good one and
5207s uh yeah we got a nice investigation hold
5209s on max players four good I was about to
5211s say it be like max players to I like
5215s no all right I've unlocked kosala
5220s nice I'll be able to fight maybe if
5222s we're quick on this one we can get
5223s kosala in before the end of the stream
5226s yeah is it in the H of fors I think it
5228s will be yeah this Quest is
5236s yeah I do struggle a bit with kushala in
5239s this game specifically yeah which yeah I
5242s find quite difficult yeah it can be
5244s Poison's really important against it um
5248s I can make everything except the Ros
5250s chest on the Ros armor oh what a
5253s tease oh I didn't check my armor maybe
5256s maybe I'll get it this time
5263s though okay
5271s boots
5273s how far down the Rathalos tree could I
5279s go
5281s um what can I even do with my hammer
5284s right now can I upgrade it i' have to go
5287s down there oh I can I got some more carb
5290s light
5294s or okay so both the Neri tree and the
5296s Wrath tree are here so I could go down
5298s the Rathalos
5300s tree uh don't have a normal wrath marrow
5304s sorry a low rank wrath marrow but I've
5305s got everything else for the high rank
5307s stuff oh you kidding me oh oh and I
5310s could get heat Edge I could go straight
5312s to heat Edge if I had one low rank
5314s Rathalos marrow oh no the teas the te's
5319s I know outrageous uh we're at
5322s Rarity like five six yeah I I just
5326s upgraded so what am I at now
5330s uh I am at r 35
5334s still can't believe it's one low rank
5336s Rathalos bit that's holding me up
5338s absolutely powering up my weapon
5343s damage uh post request
5346s investigation wrath lost
5350s rathen and then I guess a good camp to
5353s start at might be 17 because start of
5356s the nest
5359s MH all right let's join that
5382s nice and progress will be made across
5384s the board can't believe it one little
5386s cheeky wrath
5388s marrow Petra saysa super frog steady
5391s mantle helps a lot as well can't recall
5393s if that's accessible at this point in
5395s the game yeah I actually don't know how
5397s early you can get rock steady I think
5399s it's like a little bit later
5401s into like maybe getting through some of
5403s the um the elder dragons right like
5406s after yeah I think it's after You'
5409s beaten the story right it unlocks or
5411s like the quest board
5414s unlock a nice endgame treat oh I guess
5418s you're waiting on me sorry that's all
5420s right I'm slow
5434s oh I've uh crash landed next to
5441s rathen I wasn't alone Golem and mad
5443s artist are here as well and the
5446s parod I can't go for that I guess I'll
5449s go for this head
5451s over
5453s you're next to Ros or raien
5455s rathen
5460s okay the w got me
5467s already that's
5470s uh that's
5472s baz oh yeah
5476s yeah there's been a disturbing lack of
5480s of B so far so yeah now now they here
5483s yeah hello try to do the
5488s m and we got some dunk
5494s pods and I'm meanwhile I'm riding R and
5497s like I have no idea what's going on I
5498s can't get the goose is loose it
5504s is oh my
5507s goodness oh nice we got the gadul lagas
5509s here as
5511s well
5513s oh
5514s no I really want to use a life powder
5517s right now but I don't have
5518s any thank you mad artist
5528s Lifesaver well at least you know Basel
5530s do some damage to rium for
5536s us I'm lost lost in the sauce oh yeah oh
5540s there's there's explosions there's fire
5542s lots of fire
5544s oh M I think B has had
5553s enough Health boosters everywhere yeah
5556s that's what we need overlap in health
5560s boosters oh I jumped through that
5565s oh thought I dodged
5569s it oh baz is back
5573s Al the second bite of the Cherry I feel
5575s like I've done nothing so far mostly
5578s being buied you know I know that
5581s feeling oh wow
5583s wow massive tackle coming out there oh
5586s yeah you know what R I leave that to you
5588s look at those
5590s heartbreaks no s again oh my goodness
5594s why am I in the middle of
5600s this harage right here yeah
5604s oh
5606s [Music]
5608s uhoh I mean what we just need is Ros to
5610s turn up now don't
5616s we Ran's on the run all right I've kind
5620s of lost my bearings completely that's
5622s right I'm lagging it I'm lagging it
5625s [Music]
5631s it a wiggly
5634s ly very
5637s nice all right ran you're going have to
5639s come down from there thank you very
5649s much there's a a nice Slinger ammo there
5653s oh oh no I mounted B by accident oh
5658s no I guess I'll keep him slightly
5660s distracted oh he's running away with me
5671s a you stay down
5676s baz I thought I had the raty amount I
5678s was like very
5682s nice this is crazy it is it's really
5686s kicking
5687s off oh I love the music though it is
5690s good oh rfos is here
5694s it's all going down now we got rra theas
5696s bases and
5700s ran oh my
5702s goodness obviously wrath Rathalos going
5705s for B rathan trying to get
5714s away oh
5717s shiny I got the mount oh my
5720s goodness
5725s all right the go has left the building
5729s okay Ran's in the vine trap y so I'm
5732s going to hold on for a
5739s bit down she
5741s goes no she wants she wants more more
5745s attacks oh
5747s nice all right I think life's calmed
5749s down a little bit now just a smidge yeah
5751s yeah till Rathalos wakes up that's the
5755s beauty of monster hunter huh you never
5757s know you think oh never know what's
5758s going to happen there we go nice easy
5760s quest in and out 10 minutes this like
5764s ra like GM's fighting the good fight
5766s over there hey riaa how's it going yeah
5770s it's been real chaotic in this Hunt Real
5773s chaotic okay what we got here uh scale
5777s can I car a
5779s tail raap webon don't mind me R the last
5783s all right bom pod
5786s yeah more Slinger bombs you know I might
5789s as well spam these off I missed I missed
5792s again Panic shot don't I've got
5796s more ah that would
5800s work there we
5803s go got that head
5806s break too many flinches I can't get the
5808s big bang I believe it's c everyone knows
5812s the objective here
5816s yeah there it
5821s is I'm I'm in here somewhere I'm just
5824s using the audio cues for my perfect Rush
5827s yeah oh
5830s hello oh
5835s man near got there
5839s yeah I got poisoned
5844s did I make any herbal medicines or do I
5846s only have antidotes I only have
5847s antidotes that's a shame yeah I don't
5849s have any either now I have antidotes we
5852s do have a Slinger bomb
5859s though don't even think about
5865s it oh man you know what that that was
5867s closer than I kind of would have
5869s expected so yeah the good news is we
5871s should be if he does go to his nest we
5873s can use the campai just unlocked to get
5876s up there good stuff good
5880s stuff hey a blue footprint at
5883s last okay so now we've yeah my my Forest
5886s bars fill
5889s up uh okay wrath think go far okay now
5892s all the blues are showing up you know
5894s now it's convenient for
5896s them yeah look at them all oh my
5898s goodness I got trolled
5900s bya Tred by K I got him
5913s yeah get down from that
5919s WTH okay now he's probably going back to
5921s his
5922s neest sorry sorry chaps and chapet down
5925s here yeah he's gone off we'll get him
5928s next time okay oh no don't don't attack
5930s mad artist that's not very
5933s polite yeah it's heading up right yeah
5937s oh no I've attacked them okay time to
5938s leave time to leave
5944s sorry fast travel during combat yeah
5947s technically technically in combat
5951s now here we go this is a camp well
5954s purchased yes thank you J all right I
5957s think you took one for the team I was
5958s guided here last stream I can't take all
5960s the credit
5963s but now you found it right so
5964s technically I guess you can unlock it
5966s once you got the materials now I think
5973s so crawl under here hello there oh there
5977s goes the
5981s waterfall oh Rathalos was already asleep
5983s down there how
5985s rude I guess we're heading back down
5989s yeah you got it okay i' I've grabbing
5991s the these raw
5994s materials all right here we go no I need
5996s to do it the proper way there we
6003s go I see I think did he connect yeah I
6006s did but it was it was the tail not the
6008s head Ah that's all right we'll take some
6010s tail damage
6014s yeah work
6018s everyone give me your Ruby Rathalos I
6022s need it to make your chest
6025s piece all right so what do you think uh
6028s kushala my as well should we try it so
6030s maybe I'll go ahead and Trigger that cut
6032s scene yeah you you speed run it over
6034s there and I'll join you once
6038s yeah have to hope someone leaves the
6040s space for
6045s Me Maybe the rewards will bless me with
6047s what I see please the finest Ruby of r
6068s lost man that was that was a crazy hunt
6071s that was that got
6073s intense it went from not to 100 real
6075s quick yeah
6080s yeah
6086s didn't get the Ruby got another plate
6088s though and yeah no rby for me
6093s either got some more Tails
6095s [Music]
6101s though my Walker and
6104s flight all right I'm going to go ahead
6106s and Rush that quest to get the cut scene
6108s and then feel free to join me afterwards
6111s for sure yeah cuz I need to go speak
6116s to the chief ecologist I do want to
6120s report to
6126s them all
6132s right okay chief
6140s ecologist
6146s luck yall quickly hop in find it hop
6157s out speak to the f team I can't say
6160s where's my
6164s quest there we go yeah there's quite a
6167s few
6168s steps different folks to talk to
6172s okay cut scene is playing now oh you
6175s found it really quick then
6178s yeah I know there's no new new updates
6180s we're just replaying through world you
6182s could always almost say we've returned
6184s to
6186s world but there's so much content to do
6189s it's uh oh it's in the elders
6195s recess where abouts did you find K it's
6197s up the top right isn't
6199s it uh no I just like pretty much walk
6202s straight through yeah and then the cut
6205s scene starts so
6213s yeah M
6220s charler so we did announce Monster
6223s Hunter wild in December uh which will be
6226s the next Monster Hunter game um and more
6229s news on that will be coming in in
6233s summer so if you not checked out the
6235s trailer yet hop over to the monst
6237s YouTube or Twitter and you'll find it
6238s nice and easy yeah yeah super exciting
6243s but yes we will have to wait until
6244s summer for news on that so um all right
6248s everybody can join me now so we're ready
6249s to go I'm uh I'm just got in my cut
6252s scene you'll go back and look at the
6254s trailer VOD check it out and then let us
6256s know what you think yeah
6259s yeah no worries baby
6263s and for anyone watching on YouTube
6264s that's not me being colloquial that's
6266s part of their name that's
6275s name I'm just going to run around a
6276s little bit run away I'm getting slapped
6278s by these these uh Crystal
6282s fragments have you not found it yet cut
6284s scene hey anomaly oh you've come to the
6287s right place if you're a big monst fan oh
6289s yeah my cut scene's playing at the
6290s moment okay
6293s okay all right we we'll wait for you I
6297s really love the look ofa's armor as well
6300s oh me too it's got the mask and
6307s everything hello
6312s kushala oh my
6316s goodness hello to the first anomaly your
6319s first time chatting with us welcome
6322s just me like dusting off my trousers
6324s while Casal is flying behind me I'm
6335s like you just saw the trailer and you
6337s have questions well hopefully when more
6340s information comes well when more
6341s informations comes this summer they'll
6343s answer those questions for you yeah
6345s unfortunately we cannot answer any
6348s questions right now
6354s we're all super excited but uh yeah
6357s summer is when more information is
6359s coming and the good news is every day is
6361s another step closer to the summer but
6363s feel free if you want to talk about the
6364s trailer and Wilds amongst yourselves in
6366s chat please feel free obviously just me
6369s and Joe will just be enjoying the world
6370s hunts while you do
6373s that I need to I should probably eat
6375s before I press
6379s join
6385s yeah hopefully the lobb's I don't think
6387s the lobby is full
6388s right uh no it's full I can't I cannot
6392s to oh it is full okay
6396s um what should we
6398s do you can do the hunt if you want I can
6401s go fight a low rank Rathalos and get get
6403s the pie I
6405s want all right well are you sure about
6408s that yeah yeah um
6412s keep the camera on Joe for this one
6414s because it'll be a lot more entertaining
6416s than than the simple hunt I'm doing it
6418s looks like r with Drew so um yeah I
6420s think you can join now are you sure like
6422s I don't to don't want someone to lose a
6424s slot for for me especially because I I
6426s can make my weapon as well so I don't
6428s mind uh yeah no it's all right just just
6431s join well thank you gr that's very kind
6434s of you assuming I can still join uh yeah
6437s you should be able
6439s to
6442s oh I can't I can't no I can't join
6444s because someone left the quest it kind
6445s of leaves like a oh I see I see but
6449s thank you grm though do you want to come
6451s a low rank Rathalos with me grm no let's
6453s let's go ahead and return we should do
6454s this one together so I'm going okay back
6456s out I'm going to back out this is a big
6457s big one right so yeah it's it's quite
6459s the Milestone quite the
6465s Milestone well if you like the idea of
6467s taming and capturing monsters do I have
6470s news for you uh because very recently we
6474s announced the the monst Stories the
6477s original monst stories or mon stories
6479s one as many people know it um is coming
6483s this summer as well uh and if you're not
6485s familiar with it it's a to kind of
6488s describe it a monster taming turn-based
6492s RPG um so if you'd rather you know if
6495s You' like to tame monsters and fight
6497s alongside them then check out that are
6500s you love stories oh fair play fair play
6503s you already know that one all right
6505s we're ready so okay all right
6507s uh join a
6510s quest
6512s assigned Camp yes there we go thank you
6515s though for for coming back for me
6517s otherwise I'll be having a bit of a chat
6518s with low rank calos no we got R this one
6521s together and yeah so we do have one more
6523s open slot so GM if you would like to
6526s join us
6528s again or whoever whoever wants to get on
6532s get in in on the shenanigans losing my
6534s tongue
6540s there there you go we got Zenia there
6542s joining
6546s join I ready
6549s up all right well good luck to us this
6552s is a tough one um but yeah it'll be our
6555s last h of the day so thanks everybody
6557s for joining
6559s us
6562s whether we cart or
6564s succeed we shall see we shall
6577s see right let's see how it
6579s goes I mean I've got a poison weapon so
6582s if I can keep regular hits on that'll
6584s help a lot
6589s uh
6593s grabbing some first aid even though
6595s doesn't do much for
6596s me it's always worth have it
6612s yeah so so baby tell me say what was
6618s your as someone who's just seen monst
6621s Wilds trailer what was your favorite
6622s part of
6626s it sounds like I'm sweet talk in the the
6629s community right
6630s now and if you say the whole name it
6633s doesn't really help yeah yeah that would
6636s only make it
6640s wor uh we take these wind grasses while
6643s the team start that but don't mind me
6645s just collecting some treats anyway let's
6647s get a mount
6649s on ah that would have look cool if it
6651s had have landed but
6657s alasa is so
6660s dangerous there's the
6663s uh the wind
6665s pressure
6675s ooh wonder if if anyone got any dragon
6679s weapons
6683s looks like
6695s it I totally with my area attack
6705s there that ominous Cala music yeah oh
6709s man I always struggle with this one man
6711s it's a very challenging Elder Dragon
6714s yeah i' like think I'm much better
6715s against like teostra I'm glad we've got
6718s friends here yeah that'll definitely
6721s help a
6723s ton there we
6734s go down you
6739s go
6743s oh the flash pods just kind of took it
6745s out of the it back out
6748s yeah we'll get it next time
6752s yeah that is kosala
6760s y oh I'm glad I put my shield up there
6762s that was a CH attack we will be doing
6765s ice as well yeah yeah we will be doing
6768s ice born too yeah no problem at all
6773s yeah we'll get to iceborn
6776s eventually oh I'm spinning
6783s around oh right on the snos
6791s there oh the Casual
6799s slap by think I've got a little straw in
6801s the this ran helmet so I can uh drink my
6805s potions got to get stun over
6809s there nice
6812s work I should probably move out the way
6814s of the head and go go to the
6823s tail oh
6829s nice
6837s nice work everyone it's going well so
6840s far I think I think so oh je blades let
6843s me escape
6848s ah yeah I think mad artist might have
6850s some Dragon element which is helping a
6852s ton
6856s yeah yeah I spawn will be fun as well
6858s and then me and Joe will be able to
6860s start using more clutch claw moves cuz
6862s we've intentionally limited ourselves so
6864s that's why you might not see us using
6865s the full Suite of uh moves available to
6870s us just that more authentic kind of Base
6873s mod experience yeah
6876s yeah you know I'm absolutely going to
6878s use the new sword and shield moves
6880s themselves it's just not clutch cor
6882s related ones
6885s yet sharp can't see it yeah Charlotte
6890s going it's got his wind back all right
6893s yeah and this stuff just sticks around
6895s oh wait oh I thought I got an
6896s achievement I did not I heard like a
6899s little little
6908s popup a Char is just chilling down
6911s here all right in we go no time like the
6919s present
6920s oh my heal I was trying to pick up the
6923s uh whatever that was the Slinger Slinger
6926s ammo but it was like right in the middle
6928s of the the tornado so I just left it
6930s alone the eye of the storm
6934s yeah early stage f huz ah good
6945s choice he going to have some
6949s healing
6952s goodness me
6954s sliding yes that's the satisfying sound
6957s I could hear you
6963s go
6965s oh oh I was trying to elevate myself
6968s there nice
6973s flash see if I get some poison
6979s on oh
6982s wonderful I love
6984s that oh Dragon pods they'll be
6988s handy got the
6992s mount oh easy there easy
6999s there is this second or third Mount of
7002s the hunt oh gosh that's second I think I
7005s think unless I missed one at the start
7007s from someone else yeah oh oh okay well
7011s I'm by the head so I guess uh I can run
7013s around I can run
7015s around I'm still missing the tail though
7018s it's wiggling everywhere here we go oh
7021s nice was that of stun was it
7026s yeah Thea's tail is so tricky to hit
7030s he's waving it
7032s everywhere no no no no you're going to
7034s make us run all the way up to your nest
7036s aren't you I'm too far
7038s away
7053s oh no use the dragon PS no to free aim
7058s it no next time next time nearly
7063s there oh thank you for coming by
7068s Oscar oh and thank you for the
7071s anniversary wishes as
7073s well yeah have a nice weekend what's
7075s today today's Thursday it is it's nearly
7077s the weekend we're nearly we're so
7084s close hey Pikachu next time indeed next
7088s time indeed I'm GNA take
7090s these wind swept gashes I got an
7092s investigation from it as well I think
7095s that was a good choice yeah Char is
7096s nearly down M AR just has some bombs
7101s very nice I have
7112s bomb take a little shortcut there we
7117s go sometimes I forget about those you
7120s can plunge off this wall as well it
7122s might not look too obvious but you can
7125s isn't it
7126s beautiful thank you k your signature
7129s move
7130s oh it really is I love it I love it my
7133s favorite move in world and
7135s iawn all right who's doing the honors
7141s here is oh the dragon pod wake up
7145s oh
7151s oh that was a little little odd
7155s yeah oh it's the fros oh okay oh there
7158s we go great
7160s yeah that's the part where this fight
7161s gets a little tricky so it does it espe
7164s when you get like the black tornadoes
7166s like the really strong ones yeah and
7168s it's just
7170s SL hey it really is Blitz get some
7173s absolutely insane
7176s hunts we
7180s go four carbs from the Elder Dragon very
7184s very
7188s nice got mine as well there's a little
7192s uh Crystal B pile
7197s there oh look at that look at that view
7199s you can jump down from here as well let
7202s me head over to
7203s you all the way back to your camper you
7206s can see the Camp from here have I ever
7207s never just come over here normally I
7209s just go back down the
7211s stairs I know all this time look that's
7214s quite the shortcut oh the
7218s kn
7221s oh it should have
7227s rolled oh that's a cool little end
7229s screen as well
7233s yeah dragon bones
7238s [Music]
7240s Wicked and a cry oh resuscitate o I like
7245s resuscitating Weld and Ice born as well
7247s I think I actually used it in my master
7249s rank set
7253s all right let me head back up to the
7254s Gathering Hub and I think that will do
7258s it yeah I'm going to quickly go see the
7260s Smithy and look at the gala
7264s armor oh I do want check it as well
7267s should
7268s go and the sword and Shield's really
7270s cool as well I do like the uh the sword
7272s and
7273s shield good for nice based
7278s shenanigans
7281s o I should probably upgrade my Pico
7283s stuff
7285s soon yeah I can get I could get I could
7289s get the gala hat now to get critical
7291s boost and look very fine as I do
7294s it that seems like you should do it oh
7297s the now I can get the upgraded
7299s trousers which has they have really good
7302s Deco slots and divine blessing level one
7305s but I need to move away from those
7306s trousers I look at that I can get
7307s everything else on the raffalos except
7310s the chest
7311s piece what a tease looking very
7315s cool oh Damascus armor is available
7319s now and there's the casala gear
7322s obviously bit way off it good for ice
7325s element I mean the chest is really good
7327s you need a Diora gem though but it will
7329s give you handy craft to which is which
7332s is pretty tasty because I think getting
7333s your sharpness up in world and iceborn
7336s isn't as necessarily as easy as in rise
7338s and sunbreak I found that I was much
7340s better at managing my sharpness in rise
7341s and sunre so I might have to invest in
7344s some handycrafts a vade window 2 handy
7347s craft one
7349s gloves
7351s like there some real good stuff in this
7354s elder gear evade extender handycraft
7357s boots as well what do I need I need
7359s three more Wings three more carapaces
7362s and one more Elder Dragon Blood for
7363s those
7364s boots they could be pretty tasty they
7367s could be real
7368s tasty
7370s um I can actually make some stuff so I
7372s let's
7373s see go R mail or you've got you can make
7378s the yeah I can make the well I can make
7381s everything I guess in the r set right
7382s now oh my goodness you got a ruby that's
7384s really cool yeah
7387s um I I can't I've got like I can nearly
7390s make every piece if that makes sense but
7392s I don't quite have
7395s enough I might want to go for that
7397s headpiece yeah
7400s yeah the chest on the Rathalos is really
7403s nice as well I mean I've got more of a
7405s comfy set than damage at the moment but
7406s I do need a yeah handycraft is the must
7409s in world says killer
7412s uh for upgrade
7417s equipment all right let's see let's have
7419s a look at the K I think defense boost
7422s will help me a little bit in this part
7424s of the game so yeah I'm going to go with
7426s Damascus
7428s armor
7430s yeah I need to look at the Damascus
7433s stuff orgon coil uh I don't love how it
7439s looks which is a big part of the part
7443s yeah so I think I'll leave things for
7446s now oh I can go with the Wrath wrath
7450s heart
7456s armor a coil with the big
7463s skirt I feel like I have to do that it's
7465s just it looks so ridiculous or not
7467s ridiculous but like you know over the
7472s top oh yeah the Damascus stuff does look
7474s Wicked doesn't it it's very good
7476s defensive stuff hly the arms are good as
7479s well
7486s uh yeah I have to show you my my new uh
7490s my new look oh the Dober
7494s maale what do I need for that I need a I
7496s need some Diablos I need for the chest
7498s plate I mean I could go down the Adoba
7500s male route uh what I do need though is a
7503s Diablos
7505s medula uh and for the boots I need a RAB
7509s raban medular so raban and Diablos would
7512s give me nice boots because I get attack
7513s boost two
7515s boots or Greaves and attack boost two
7518s chest
7520s PL could be pretty
7524s good we got some arm wrestling happening
7526s over here oh nice see so I'm glad you
7528s got some new gear though that's a plus
7530s you've been yeah yeah come take a look
7532s at my uh my new my new
7535s fit hold our first time chatter as well
7538s so welcome welcome says hey monster
7539s hunter monst Hunter world was my first
7541s Monster Hunter game and it has had has
7543s still me have me completely enamored I'm
7545s so excited for wild sitting at master
7547s rank 273 and about to go to to to to
7549s Fatalis well that's awesome to hear
7551s first of all and secondly good luck with
7555s Fatalis you've got this believe in you
7557s got it you got it where's where's Joe's
7559s fashion oh that looks cool the nice
7562s combination that like armored princess
7564s kind of
7566s look we're getting there yeah I'm just
7569s like yo what's up it's me party jonno I
7572s hunt and I
7574s party got any
7578s Dango all right then all right is this
7580s you do some arm wrestling yeah oh let
7582s let me get View mode here all right all
7585s right there we go all
7594s right well played I was trying I was
7598s trying all right I I'll hop
7602s in maybe I should switch to mouse and
7604s keyboard for the arm
7608s wrestling
7610s I forgot what button it is for a
7612s second uh I mean I think I'm pressing
7614s the right button unlucky well played K
7618s Kira I keep trying to pronounce it like
7620s Devil May Cry for like
7624s kir all right well with that should we
7627s wrap it up yeah I think so that some
7629s great hunts we made some good progress I
7631s can feel our end game or like mid to
7634s late game builds coming together as we
7637s make the last push through uh world
7639s before we get into like the real meaty
7641s event and collab quests uh but yeah that
7644s was a ton of fun so thank you everyone
7646s for coming by of course we'll be back
7648s next week same time 6 PM GMT spash 9 no
7653s 10: a.m.
7656s PST um so you do swing by yeah thanks so
7660s much everybody it super fun today yeah
7662s we did make a lot of good progress so um
7665s yeah we'll be back next week and
7667s hopefully we get through the rest of
7669s hiring pretty soon so yeah we'll see you
7671s all next time cheers everyone I've been
7674s jonno and I'm Joe and you've been
7676s awesome have a fantastic evening and a
7678s great weekend and we will see you next
7680s time good night night
7690s [Music]
7697s everybody
7702s [Music]
7712s [Music]
7784s [Music]
7818s [Music]
about 2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
0s or
1s street now yes but obviously we can like
4s you know talk like we do but we have to
7s basically read the script but make it
10s more like Cal yeah please be excited for
14s the
16s [Music]
17s next Hunter
29s now
32s [Music]
41s [Music]
71s [Applause]
74s [Music]
80s [Music]
119s n
120s [Music]
139s [Music]
179s a
202s [Music]
209s [Music]
225s hey everyone and welcome to today's
226s stream my name is shono Ema Community
228s manager on monst Hunter and I'm joined
230s by what's up everybody I'm Joe I'm the
232s Capcom USA Monster Hunter Community
234s manager and today we you know we are
237s getting into the the upper reaches
240s of the monster hunter World story we are
243s fighting elder dragons obviously last
246s week we toppled kashala doraa how is
248s today looking for us we've got two more
251s elder dragons to tackle um so first
253s we've got to find all the tracks on the
255s Wilds Spire waste and then the rotten
257s Veil um so I guess we'll just do some
259s questing right um today's going to be a
262s little bit of a shorter day so we're
263s going to go for about an hour and a half
265s um I think some of you guys may know
267s there's a little presentation happening
269s today
270s um called Capcom highlights I believe
272s that's at 300 p.m. uh Pacific time uh
275s joh for you it's 11: it is it's it's
278s past my bedtime but I'll be staying up
279s to watch at 11:00 p.m.
282s GMT all right yeah sounds good so yeah
284s so we will uh end things a little bit
286s earlier but that doesn't mean we won't
288s have time for a couple of uh pretty good
290s hunts so um should we go ahead and get
293s into
294s it yeah I think so oh this is weird the
297s twitch notification says some break
298s because oh that one says M I have to get
301s that updated next time well thank you
302s very much for the heads up yes so what
304s we're going to do is Joseph we're going
305s to open up the lobby we're going to get
306s you all into hump with us for the full
308s hour and a half stream we're going to
310s make the most of this time and we're
311s going to take on a load of high rank
313s monsters obviously the only thing we ask
315s is if you're going to jump in with us
317s one don't use any Master ENT gear at all
320s uh first of all because you know we need
321s to give the monsters a fair chance you
322s know we we hunt with honor and
324s preferably if you can try and align with
326s what we're wearing obviously we're not
327s wearing like Arch tempered gear and
329s stuff like that our weapons are between
331s five and seven Rarity um so if you can
334s kind of get your armor get your weapons
337s similar to us and we'll have a good old
339s high rank hunting session hey banshe how
342s are you doing hello everyone hello
344s everybody yeah should we should we go
346s check actually let's let's share the
348s code first let's get the hunters yeah
349s let me let me go ahead and do that so
351s I've got switch covered yeah we're
354s streaming on both twitch and YouTube so
356s I will drop that in the YouTube chat
358s right now and we are on PC steam so do
363s jump in with us if you're there all
366s right con yeah sorry for uh you know we
370s always have that uh wild thumbnail that
373s shows up at the start of the stream so
376s um yes so we are playing World um that's
378s just kind of like a technical limitation
380s but yeah thanks for bearing with us y we
384s get it switched over like super quick so
386s you must have been here nice and early
387s so kudos to you yeah we're well aware of
390s how it looks so please
393s yeah okay what have I got I've got
396s obviously I want to avoid Elder's recess
398s so we're looking for World spire and
399s rotten veale
401s investigations uh an Forest an
407s Forest let me take a look at my
409s investigations as well my only my only
412s wild Spire one is uh black
416s Diablo I mean with if we have help I
420s think that's very much doable it's max
423s players four so I I'll take that I
424s haven't got too many in I've got none
426s for the like the rotten Veil I think
428s hold on what we got I've got a a rra and
431s duratus uh we'll pop that one in that
434s could be fun as
435s well we've got uh the triple got rra and
439s Kulu and
442s jotus we take r r one as well I've got
447s pink rathen and wildspire waste
451s laas in Elder's recess Doo
454s G uh some of these yeah this this one
458s here doto and Rabon that's a one
462s fainter I don't
463s [Music]
465s know slay 10 cadon oh that's the one no
468s I'm just kid yeah I need my full cadon
471s set you know I need every top to
474s toe all right well I've got a couple um
477s I'm going to head back to the Gathering
478s Hub yep I've got a couple as well so
481s that should be snazzy and what we'll do
482s as well is we'll we'll rotate I mean for
485s some Joe and I will hunt together and
486s I'm sure for others we'll split up
488s depending on how many are in the lobby
489s so we can get as many of you playing
490s with us as possible but when we are
492s teamed up if you don't get don't worry
494s we'll rotate you know we'll make it so
495s that you not just sat in the lobby the
497s whole
500s time they said they're about to Pig down
502s some
504s food they said they're about to Pig down
506s some
508s food
511s I was about to say the same
513s thing oh man we like we're like a old
516s married couple we are no you go first um
521s okay SoJO the two should we just should
524s we let's go H let's start with hunt
526s black Diablo and wild byways let's not
528s mess around exactly that's exactly why
531s and we're going to start a camp 11
533s because that's I think even closer to
535s where I think it will be so we're going
537s hard on this one let's do it
540s thank you bansi says happy huntings to
542s us both thank
546s you and uh say don't worry if you you
549s know we still have a slot so you can
550s jump in and join us uh mid hunt as well
553s hey Angry Farm how's it going any first
556s ERS we are playing on
558s PC um so that's where we're at might be
562s lazy and just take this one even ni
564s defense up S element resist s because
566s you know black Diablos isn't known for
568s its Elemental damage but it is for its
570s grot Force I just went with Chef's
573s Choice screw it we do it live so what
577s Rarity armor I mean we I'm sure I've
579s still got some low rank gear on as well
583s um yeah I'm at five at the lowest and
587s seventh at the highest with my really
589s I'm at three at my lowest and five at my
591s highest oh my oh my goodness you got you
594s got really good luck with the uh the
595s rolls on your gear like your drops no
598s we're still on still on on high rank
600s yeah still on high rank all right I mean
603s we'll start as three and if anyone else
605s jumps in I'll put the code in chat
608s again oh yeah maybe I should pinned
612s that let's see let's
623s see all right I pin that up
627s there let's pin it on Twitch as well
629s there you go thank you yeah I'll get
631s that startup message updated again so it
634s says
645s world oh I realized I'm the one already
648s sorry that's okay that's oh wait on me
651s how rude of
653s me that's quite all right I'm sure sure
656s black Diablos can wait a few minutes
657s before it pulverizes us
660s nice warm up
661s hunt
663s yeah oh oh oh man did you land on it
669s yep here we go don't worry we're on the
672s way uh do I have okay I mean first aid
675s meds probably won't heal me up quick
676s enough for what we're about to
680s face I'm going to follow brm there we go
682s we got saki Thea uh probably going to be
686s hopping in oh here we go
690s hello
691s lacer oh no hang on in there I put my
696s full faith you know I keep wanting to
698s use wire bugs I'm like oh I can go
701s faster if I use my my Sil
704s B don't wor I've just stopped to uh do
707s some files you'll be fine you'll be fine
710s you'll be fine
714s what's I I got a
717s dragon so you know I'm sure it's worth
719s the
721s sacrifice hurry up I'm on the way oh no
725s don't worry my
726s SC Going Underground I'm going under
728s ground oh no oh there's two mining nodes
730s hold on
742s hold there we
746s go no worries LCRA thank you for coming
748s over though appreciate
752s it oh yeah after after the black Diablos
756s today so starting spicy you know how it
765s is all right we're doing okay now now
769s that I'm not
770s alone Teamwork Makes the Dream Work yes
774s s glad I had that uh uhoh oh I bounced
779s straight up the horns I was like don't
780s worry I've got this I I I don't got
783s this hey nice one Banshee oh that hurt I
788s need to get a mountain I forgot that's
789s what I do I do the mountain thing and we
796s watch oh
799s oh no oh no I'm stunned immediately too
802s I'm St too I'm sted
806s immediately okay thank you thank you
809s guys guys we're distracting it there we
812s go I put down uh Health booster yeah
817s thank you sir so I'm going to eat an
819s adaman SE that I got from the ERS recess
821s last last stream right okay now I need
824s to start trying to get my
827s uh it's going good
835s tree come on come on going make the of
838s that Health booster
842s it's charging everywhere I'm trying to
844s trying to get some
848s aial I don't want to be greedy cuz
851s Rarity three armor ain't going to stop
854s much is it is it like the gauntlets or
856s something my trousers and gauntlets oh
859s oh yeah your your disco pants yeah
862s exactly I'm here to
865s party Sly they're not great at stopping
868s massive monsters
872s yeah there we go there's
875s an opportunity I'm mining I'm mining
878s sorry no go for it go for it get that
881s or I need I need new Hammer okay
889s yeah the Stagger
893s there oh oh here we go give her that
897s mount there we go oh there we go
900s doing your thing your signature moves
903s love
909s it reposition swipe
913s there oh here we
915s go and for those wondering I always know
918s what to jump to the area I want because
920s just before you do your finishing
921s knockdown move the camera will like zoom
924s in ever so slightly and you have like a
926s second to reposition so that's how I
928s always jump to the Head the tail at the
930s last no it's okay oh it's a two I didn't
933s realize it was a two cart
935s one a little bit more
937s spice the pressure is on oh yes we have
941s lost our plot armor none of we're all
943s side characters
951s now yeah the uh the Rath and sword and
954s shield is based around the rose or like
956s and this is obviously like the the score
959s oh nice you guys toppled
962s it yes definitely
965s me take credit yeah I poisoned it
978s look oh it knocked me over all right
982s well Kev is using the sword and shield
984s in MH now good to hear good to hear very
987s good choice of weaponry
991s it's not the great sword though so I
993s mean it's it's the wrong
994s choice I know but you know the great
996s sword doesn't have Shield does it you
999s know two weapons in one why do you need
1002s to defend when doing insane damage
1006s that's true the best form of defense is
1007s attack you're a great sword user
1010s especially in Sun break with the what's
1012s the name of the move you get in some
1014s break whereas it when you take more when
1015s you take damage your next hit then hits
1017s harder uh the the strong arm stands or
1021s the counter might be it might be that
1023s one yeah say I don't use great sword so
1024s forgive my ignorance on its move set I
1027s just love that uh the sound effect it's
1029s like a like a little like metal like
1032s like you're hitting a shield you know
1034s it's about to go down like you're
1035s hitting a shield well you see with the
1037s sword and shield it's like every time
1039s you block a
1041s hit fair enough fair enough I got some
1044s footprint so that's nice oh nice oh yeah
1047s there some okay that's blue though and
1049s that's first it would take me a second
1050s to get
1055s it take that old SE y y y
1062s y
1065s nice oh I'm actually getting some nice
1067s damage
1075s there oh ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oh
1079s block oh nice Flash oh well done I need
1081s to get out of
1088s here oh I thought I could get the back
1090s skip also I did my mega
1096s potions
1098s oh blue Footprints yeah I see him
1101s there's a running away all right time
1106s get the
1107s Blues the pinned message is um the lobby
1112s ID so we're playing on Steam so if you
1113s want to come play with us we're doing
1115s high rank uh come jump in all we ask is
1119s that you also wear high rank gear and
1121s use high rank weapons yeah around we're
1123s we already five to seven yeah so we
1127s don't you know we don't cheese the
1129s monsters with our Superior master rank
1132s gear I got him out nice feel like it's
1135s been a while right let's see okay this
1138s is a good good area for the hammer yeah
1140s yeah my
1143s favorite I'm mashing I'm mashing
1152s nice all right it's going
1155s down
1165s nice is this a risky move
1169s oh I'm coming attack me
1172s instead oh yeah on the one Fame I'm
1175s playing it extra safe
1184s here you know it's it's the morning over
1187s here in California so this is this uh is
1189s waking me up a little bit it's your
1191s breakfast yeah yeah yeah just like a
1194s little dance with
1197s death I I think okay bar off is
1203s nearby oh looking
1207s promising and another Mount thank you
1210s very much
1212s spinning oh okay we got the back break
1215s there got the
1227s tail
1229s bom bom bom nice get in there with the
1234s Big B oh
1237s no I need Flinch free oh
1242s please free oh I got oh what an epic way
1246s to get the tail that was the end of my
1248s uh perfect Rush combo as well uhoh
1252s oh oh got knocked out of the
1255s sky all right we did it we did it all
1258s right don't forget that tail oh I love
1261s how that cut came
1263s off good stuff yeah we we've got because
1267s the we're only streaming for an hour and
1268s I say only we're streaming for an hour
1270s and a half today uh so we're opening the
1272s lobby from the start this
1275s time yeah a little shorter today because
1277s of uh Capcom highlight so please go
1279s check that out 3 p.m. today 11 GMT 11:00
1283s p.m. GMT what is that uh what do you
1285s guys call it uh 2300 yeah 23 300 2 300
1292s GMT yeah we've got kunami path of the
1295s goddess and Dragon's Dogma 2 today so uh
1299s both are awesome games if you like
1301s Monster Hunter I think you'll you'll be
1304s interested in both so please go check it
1305s out exactly yeah anyone can join all we
1308s ask is you use high rank gear not master
1310s rank because we're playing through high
1312s rank between preferably five to seven uh
1315s on the on the uh Rarity or gear level
1319s um but if it's like eight or whatever
1321s that's fine but we just want to you know
1323s still have that authentic high rank
1325s experience um and not absolutely body
1327s the monsters immediately I got loads of
1330s goodies there loads of
1334s goodies black spiral horns as well got
1337s me about halfway on the The Wild spal
1340s bar yep same that was some great
1344s progress all right that means it's your
1346s turn now to uh uh pick a quest all right
1350s let's see what we got see we got while
1351s you do that I'm going to go to the
1352s Smithy and look at the black dios skin
1356s so we're doing 10 codon right yeah
1359s that's the one I need to need to put my
1362s best gear for that one all right I got a
1364s pink uh oh no that's pink
1367s ran uh Kulu Yu and black Diablos yeah
1373s why not that's a great mix all right
1375s I'll be don't put it in just yet cuz I'm
1379s I'm not there that one will surely take
1382s us over the uh it's gotty the
1386s investigation oh I can get some new I
1389s can get some new trousers with divine
1390s blessing but it's just a high rank
1391s version of what I'm already
1393s wearing so like you know it's a great
1396s piece of armor but on the fashion front
1399s you know I'm like H maybe not the wisest
1402s Choice maybe maybe in terms of fashion
1406s okay I can make i' I'm sure I'm already
1408s wearing the DOA chest am I or am I not I
1411s need to I need to quickly check this I
1413s can make the
1414s Damascus um Greaves which will give me
1418s handycraft level one which I think I
1421s might go
1422s for do it that's none of this stuff is
1424s permanent you know since uh we're so
1427s early oh I guess technically a little
1429s early so like take the best thing I can
1433s make the black Diablos uh chest plate
1435s immediately because of the black spiral
1437s horn
1439s I don't want that I want the Wrath lost
1440s chest uh you know don't want much right
1444s what's my current uh
1447s equipment so my my chest is currently
1450s bone mail yeah I need to upgrade that
1452s okay I'm going to quickly make this
1453s chest and then uh I'll be right with
1458s you blue dinosaur on YouTube is this is
1462s his uh or their first time joining us so
1465s thanks for joining us great love to see
1467s some newcomers
1470s I think we'll have to ask them what we
1471s ask uh all our newcomers what's your
1473s favorite weapon and what's your favorite
1478s monster this should this new Dober chest
1481s should tipe me over till I eventually
1483s get a Rathalos
1487s Ruby oh man my my inventory and
1491s everything is just so it's so
1493s sad hey it's bansi but yeah um yeah if
1495s you want to uh pop the quest oh have you
1498s you pop the quest in are you on the way
1499s not I have not oh there you oh hello oh
1501s yeah you're you're in the Smithy as well
1504s hey Banshee looking very passionable
1506s there how do Beni unlike
1509s me I mean the helmet and the chest plate
1511s go together really well I just need that
1513s Wast and trouser
1515s combo um so we'll get there so what if
1519s we if as get my tongue back oh this is
1522s Max two players ah is it okay okay
1526s that's we'll do a different
1529s oh I got another one uh wait no it's not
1531s rotten Bale either that's eld's recess
1534s ah
1542s dang hello well I got a uh
1547s Baro uh but it's a one faint in Wild
1551s Spire you want to I I've got wild Spire
1554s one with jotus and rathen if you want to
1558s do that one let's do it yeah let's
1559s follow your lead um I don't I don't feel
1562s like my investigations are great I think
1565s this is a yes four player one all
1574s right let me know when you posted that
1577s yeah it's in it's in okay sorry I was
1579s just an autopilot I was like in goes the
1582s investigation out out comes the rra and
1584s tale right that's that's what it's got
1586s to have to be that's it
1589s is and what we can do as well is if the
1591s lobby starts to get even more full Joe
1593s and I can take separate quests so we can
1594s play with more of you at
1596s once you recently got 100% achievements
1599s on Monster Hunter well G yeah that's
1602s awesome like really especially getting
1604s all those crowns like really that is no
1607s small
1609s feet yeah so looking at my hunter my
1611s upper body kind of all goes together but
1613s the lower body is like you
1615s know it's like yeah it's quite the me
1619s yeah you're like a um like a rock star
1621s or something you know yeah got the
1623s rocker pants but then like you know like
1625s a little vest up
1632s top it's going to be going to be spicy
1635s hopefully yeah like ironically yeah I
1637s can get a nice new set of like trousers
1640s but it's the same look and I'm like
1646s oh Giant Crown bhaz was a pain what to
1650s get it to spawn or to beat it when it
1651s did turn up CU that's a lot of a flui
1653s isn't it you know M uh who we going
1656s after
1657s first uh whoever we come across uh let's
1661s go rathan okay should we go fish rathan
1665s yeah ran it
1668s is get that
1670s tail my Rian tail addiction continues
1673s because I like wrath
1677s weapons
1679s well while while we're running over
1680s there um J know two days of Calcom
1683s highlights we've got another day on
1685s March 11th right and we're going to show
1687s a little bit of uh a little bit more
1688s Monster Hunter stories you're a Monster
1690s Hunter Fan which is uh it's coming out
1692s on New
1694s platforms uh what are you most excited
1696s to see about um not just stories but
1698s like all of our games that are in the in
1700s Capcom highlights I'm excited to find
1702s out more information uh about the games
1705s especially for like talking about mon
1706s stories I played the second one and I
1708s played like really played a ton of the
1709s second one but I haven't played the
1711s first one yet um so I'm really excited
1713s because I'll be a new player for that uh
1715s so I can't wait to learn more and also
1717s kind of to see the the community's
1719s reactions as well and I know that's a
1721s bit cliche cuz we're Community managers
1723s but genuinely I can't wait to see what
1725s everyone thinks about what the team have
1726s been working
1727s on yeah me too me too yeah outside of
1730s Monster Hunter um we're going to be
1733s showing more of dragon sta 2 today which
1735s is coming out pretty soon so that's
1737s going to be pretty spicy um we've also
1740s got kugami um which that looks awesome
1743s yeah yeah the game is is very very cool
1746s um obviously it's a new IP from Capcom
1749s so uh you know I always say like
1753s completely new properties in like the
1755s AAA gaming space they come pretty rarely
1758s U so yeah just seeing this and like the
1760s vision of the team and like what they
1762s manag to put together it's just a super
1764s super cool game super unique gamep
1765s playay um so yeah please tune in you'll
1768s see more of it today looking forward to
1771s it I can't believe it Dragon 2 is what
1774s like two weeks away if that yeah we're
1777s just talking with the team today about
1778s that and uh it's it's coming up quickly
1781s after what 12 years you know 12 years 12
1785s years it's been quite
1789s goinging yeah for us that are working on
1791s working on the game at Capcom I think
1793s it's like the longest I've ever worked
1794s on a single title just from like start
1797s to finish so it's it's gone from like
1800s something that is just uh mentioned in
1802s like Whispers to like yeah that game's
1804s out in two months or two weeks so yeah
1814s unbelievable all right we are just
1816s putting a pounding on right
1821s now uhoh
1826s uhoh
1829s and yeah the stories remaster does have
1831s um full voice acting in English and
1834s Japanese and talking of that as well um
1837s previous content that used to be Japan
1839s only in the original release will be
1842s fully
1843s available as part of you know the
1845s standard game uh for the you know
1848s stories re-release
1856s yeah
1860s we should also mention that uh on March
1863s 12th we've got a little uh 20th
1865s anniversary special program that we've
1867s been cooking up we do it's a big
1870s celebration of all things monst Hunter
1872s over the last 20 years um so do make
1875s sure to check that obviously we'll be
1876s talking about it more on our social
1878s channels uh but yeah uh as in promoting
1881s it but yeah it's going to be awesome is
1883s that Tuesday is the 12th yeah think so
1888s yeah TR trying to do quick math
1891s um yeah that is I want to check my
1894s calendar but yeah March 12 at 11:00 a.m.
1898s GMT uh which is 12:00 p.m. C and early
1902s in the morning for you guys over in the
1904s states right yeah yeah it's quite early
1906s in the morning it's 4:00 a.m. uh P PDT
1909s at that point um don't forget daylight
1911s savings time if you're in the US um yeah
1915s so it's a little early it will be quite
1916s a long show
1918s um and we will obviously have all the
1920s archive content available to watch after
1922s the fact so um yeah whether you catch it
1925s live or you catch it afterwards um it'll
1927s be there for you and there's some good
1929s stuff in there it's it's not a news
1931s heavy show it's not really about that
1933s we're not going to be making any reveals
1935s or like you know showing new footage for
1937s Wilds that's coming in the summer um but
1940s you know you're going to hear from the
1941s team you're going to um see lots of cool
1943s stuff we'll reveal the top uh the top 10
1946s monsters that you all voted on yeah I
1950s cannot wait to see who our our big
1952s winners are I mean I'm so pleased to see
1954s brackie made it at 17 so thank you my
1957s fellow brackie enjoyers because for
1959s those that don't know we're revealing
1960s well we've been revealing 20 to 11 on
1963s the monster social media channels yes
1966s um and we are down to was it number 14
1969s was today uh M was today right yep
1974s yep one of my favorites I really love
1976s mun
1978s all the bubbles um so and obviously you
1983s know number 13 tomorrow which will be
1985s lucky for some you know um whichever
1988s monster takes that spot so was it I
1991s think 8 a.m. GMT is when the post will
1993s be going live uh following the the
1995s current theme yeah that's midnight uh in
1998s the US so that's when we've been
1999s dropping those so keep an eye up keep an
2001s eye out love seeing the reactions people
2004s are like oh this one score is higher
2006s than I expect
2008s maybe it's lower so they wondering who's
2010s going to make the top
2011s 10 been really fun yeah some of my
2014s favorites I think both of us our
2015s favorites are in like kind of that 20
2018s to1 range which has been interesting mhm
2021s oh gosh I'm uh digging into the bones
2023s while uh oh sorry about that I just
2025s start that's great I got a dragon bone
2028s Relic I'm quite happy was like one hit
2030s away we like half a tail let's find out
2034s we are playing on PC yeah yes
2038s and now we just have to go find
2042s the I got Wy and Spike plus
2046s yes that's one down sound
2051s effect I forgot to uh restock my mega
2054s potions
2055s again I'm terrible that's all right we
2058s might not we're not going to need them
2059s yeah it's just Mr Fish Mr
2062s Fish so it's how I say fish to my cat so
2066s and I don't say that word very often
2068s either so I guess it's just like stuck
2070s there now uh it's like do you want some
2073s fish go meow you know it's always handy
2075s to have a real life Pico you
2087s know grab
2093s these very
2095s nice quickly pop a on jotus so many bone
2100s piles oh yeah that'd be so useful for
2103s crafting as
2106s well I'm like I'm like trying to fight
2108s off a sneeze right
2110s now you guys all know the
2113s feeling so the eyes are watering yeah
2117s just like I don't know if it's just
2119s going to go there we'll
2124s see St totis all the way over here yeah
2127s oh wait I put Baro let's
2131s see there you go there you
2133s go there they are in the long
2137s grass yeah it's an open Lobby hop on in
2141s we say all we ask is that you use uh
2143s high rank gear between Rarities 5 and
2146s eight um you know no master rank gear we
2149s don't want to totally turbo body the
2154s monsters yeah we're going to go for
2156s about another hour
2158s um so probably like two to three more
2161s hunts I think yeah depending on uh how
2165s they go
2167s yeah but yeah we're hoping to um finish
2170s up all this progress on the
2171s investigation so that we can take on
2174s those elder
2175s dragons oh yes and we know we're not too
2178s far from the climactic ending of the
2182s world
2183s story and then we can start using ice
2186s spawn moves
2190s that would be nice clutch claw
2191s [Music]
2196s ready oh are you did you mount it oh no
2198s you
2199s didn't no I did my one where I kind of
2201s just jump on him and jam my sword into
2203s them and then leap
2206s off I I mean I might go for
2213s a where you going hey get back care
2217s they're poisoned don't worry it's all
2219s part of the
2224s plan I don't I don't need the tracks let
2227s me just get that lob there we go that's
2229s what you need Joe's also pinned the
2231s message uh for the lobby ID if you if
2234s you need it hopefully it's still
2236s there
2245s yeah can't believe this game out in 2018
2247s looks like it came out this year yes it
2249s has aged extremely well oh yes it
2251s clearly moisturizes cuz it's looking so
2254s good yeah that skincare routine is
2257s insane yeah drop drop the skincare
2259s routine it's that kzu butter you
2262s [Laughter]
2265s know uh well I got piercing
2271s pod cotton 4K about to clutch yeah you
2274s know how it
2276s is
2277s raise his right arm wait a second no
2281s it's left arm sorry no wait which one's
2283s the which clutch I was going to say
2284s which one's which got my Slinger arm and
2287s the clutch
2291s arm
2293s oh Gob
2301s on oh nice like a fish out of
2305s water look at that BK that's absolutely
2308s Savage I just jump back and you're
2310s there're
2320s like oh the baseball swing let's
2329s go oh another is that going to be
2332s piercing Slinger Thorn I I can't wait to
2334s start doing the shotgun style attack
2336s with my thorn pods and yeah other
2339s Slinger ammo soon soon we're getting
2345s there turn around you're a Tois lovely I
2349s missed that one got that one
2364s though facing the wrong way ah
2367s uhoh oh it's made some nice mud piles
2370s for us there
2376s yeah nice part
2378s break it's got to be nearly done
2380s [Music]
2382s now I'm
2385s missing
2386s oh and oh that would have been a nice
2390s finish oh couple of attacks short well
2392s played
2395s everyone that was was very therapeutic
2398s after black Diablos yeah it felt like
2401s this time you know we were we were the
2402s ones in control yeah absolutely bullied
2406s hey Sammy SZ good to see you hello
2410s hello big
2412s Bonk yeah we're all super excited for
2414s wilds and as Joe said earlier this
2416s summer there will be the next next info
2419s drop so uh please look forward to that
2422s you know multiple reasons to look
2423s forward to sum are obviously the weather
2425s and more Monster a wild sneeze
2430s yeah yeah we're so unbelievably excited
2433s for Wilds um it's it's an honor to work
2436s on it and uh yeah we can't we can't wait
2439s to share more with you
2441s guys it's that it's been so much fun as
2443s well return into we like you know CU
2447s like it's the Nostalgia because we've
2449s been absolutely smashing rise and
2451s sunbreak for a couple of years now and
2453s haven't like cu the end game in rise and
2455s sunbreak is so deep it's insane how much
2460s depth there is to Sun breaks end game M
2463s um so yeah it's nice to kind of have a
2466s quick little quick bit of nostalgia trip
2468s with world and you know seen so many
2471s people come to world with like the
2473s recent sales I mean there's obviously
2475s Shameless plug but for example you know
2478s there's some massive discounts on monst
2480s World ice born rise sunbreak the monst
2483s Hunter collection which I think is it a
2485s five game package
2488s discount yeah so what's your favorite
2492s monster in series over all games well we
2495s get this question quite often and I love
2496s it because I would always happily talk
2499s about my favorite monster and number
2501s seven number 17 in the world bra
2505s hereos how about you
2507s Joe uh like yeah like I said this it
2510s changes every week uh my favorite
2512s monster is devil Joe but you know I
2514s don't want to wax on about devil Joe
2516s today so I'm going to talk about namiel
2518s which is one of my new favorites uh what
2520s what was that number 18 right yeah yeah
2523s right next to brackie so you know good
2524s company yeah yeah such a cool new
2527s monster I love like the just like marine
2530s life kind of underwater sea uh like like
2535s I said it's it's kind of like a monster
2537s that um you would imagine lives at like
2540s the bottom of the ocean and it's like a
2541s thousand years old or something you
2544s know oh cheers for joining us Bans enjoy
2547s y
2548s day yeah you can imagine you know it's
2550s just it's just down there
2553s chilling and obviously you know the fact
2555s it's in the coral Highlands I think is
2557s it's main horn you know yeah
2560s yeah I don't have any investigations oh
2563s wait Roden I I got another black
2567s Diablo all right I got a Rabon and uh
2572s great gyos geros oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
2575s that's that would be good that yeah the
2577s rotten Veil uh the rewards aren't great
2580s but we could probably power through that
2582s one pretty quickly right mhm yeah oh
2584s wait I got some other ones too wait
2586s let's
2587s see uh none of them are as interesting
2590s as that one let's do that
2595s one namel deserves top
2599s three well we don't determine the
2601s results but you know if we could I would
2603s absolutely rig the results no that's
2607s that's in your guys's hands you you all
2609s voted for this you know me and Joe's me
2611s and Joe's two votes counted the same as
2613s yours we didn't we don't get like an
2615s employee like bonus of an extra five to
2617s our Vote weitting or anything you not
2619s that I think that make a lot of
2620s difference no
2623s no another quick look at the uh armor
2627s situation all right just let me know
2629s when you're ready and I will post this
2632s investigation where did it go I can make
2634s the boots jump Master what jump master I
2637s can't remember
2639s really prevents you from knock atts from
2641s knocking you back during a jump I mean
2643s that's not terrible for me if I'm honest
2648s because
2649s um I do my back
2656s hop I go for the I mean I could do the
2659s helmet for more
2660s attack but I lose my
2663s health but I get weakness exploit so
2665s let's do that sorry trousers you've got
2667s to go goodby no that's I think you've
2670s had that for like the last like five
2672s episodes of this thing I know it's like
2674s it's like when a favorite side character
2676s gets killed off in an
2678s anime oh man we got to play the
2681s flashback like the
2682s Epic like sad
2684s flashback exactly my trousers were like
2687s I can't wait to I can't wait for you to
2689s wear these when we finally take down the
2691s last boss and I'm like yeah I can't wait
2694s and
2695s uh Pi piano
2697s instrumental right this this waste needs
2700s to go now but there's no good wastes I
2702s can get at the moment literally I mean
2705s this that one won't the fashion again
2707s Joe it's the
2708s fashion so I'm going to have to keep
2711s farming but we now have Ros Greaves so
2714s it's now just my my funky raban skirt
2718s that's kind
2719s of kind of standing out but even the
2722s color scheme fit and it's very like red
2724s crimson and black which is like which is
2727s kind of my color scheme like that I wear
2729s normally anyway so how many Hunters have
2732s we got here we got one two should we
2734s split up into two lobbies for this one
2737s or should we try the uh let's see should
2740s we hunt this one together how many let's
2742s do this one together and then maybe the
2743s next one um sure if we we generate some
2746s more uh investigations from this one yes
2748s yes okay right when you're
2755s ready
2759s I forgot to use a voucher yeah me too I
2761s was
2762s foret I don't know if you can gather
2764s tracks in low rank I think it's high
2766s rank only because they're Elder Dragon
2770s tracks I believe I've never tried it in
2774s low ranks though I humble brag I I don't
2777s go back to low rank s of monster Parts
2780s like that Rathalos is it medula I need I
2782s think yeah it's waiting there for you
2785s it's all right
2790s you may need to help on double
2792s ano spicy the investigation is a low
2795s rank one is
2796s it is it oh this one this one this one's
2799s not low rank is it no I don't know I
2801s just pressed I kept smashing the the
2804s confirm button oh I'm scared
2808s now oh no is it a low rank one let me
2814s check sorry I canceled
2822s it oh too fa I could get that waste
2825s because it gives me another Health boost
2828s but then I have health boost three
2830s anyway I think my sword has oh yeah it
2834s is four star so it's low rank
2836s unfortunately ah sorry about that that's
2839s right well you have a look I'm going to
2840s quickly go make a waste which has a
2843s health boost in
2845s it and
2846s so I might be getting rid of the barn
2848s however you know it's still a bit bit
2850s out of my usual fashion B but uh we'll
2854s take
2855s it how how bad is it going to look I
2859s mean it it kind of
2866s fits trying to see which um which Elders
2870s recess Quest we can do sorry about that
2872s sorry that's right if it was a if it was
2874s like a darker color shade it would work
2877s really really well but it actually kind
2878s of fits I look like the the Jolly
2881s Barbarian right now
2885s so yeah if anyone else has got any
2887s investigations with four players that
2889s are high rank on Rotten or Wildfire
2891s Chuck those in as
2893s well did you complete your wild
2896s Spire I don't think so I'll check in a
2899s sec I'm just I'm just on a Smithy screen
2901s so I need three three more WRA and Spike
2905s pluses
2907s more WRA pink ring carres and W gems oh
2910s my
2912s goodness but then to be fair when we
2914s unlock teostra I might be like can we
2915s Farm teostra cuz I want the sword and
2920s shield get the get the blast going yeah
2923s I think I may have unlock now so no way
2927s I'm going to get that going I uh I
2929s haven't
2932s yet my bar is not
2935s full you're just slightly often so yeah
2937s we could do one more wild Spire then
2939s yeah wild one would be good I mean I got
2941s another black Diablos I can put in or is
2945s that is that a quest that's gone in a
2947s quest is
2951s in P graan
2956s capture uh oh no we can't both get into
2958s that
2960s one if not let me did you say you've got
2964s pink ran one on uh wild SP uh it's only
2967s a two- player hunt unfortunately I think
2970s but let me double check I'll come I'll
2972s come back to the
2973s H oh I've got I've got a rotten Bale oh
2976s no that's a no that's a l rank
2981s one think RI investigation so nice let's
2985s check that out join a
2989s quest oh there we go and it's a capture
2991s now I don't have any real like capture
2993s materials just to warn you um uh I need
2996s to go check in my chest which I need to
2998s do to replenish my healing
3002s right yeah my oh my that's looking real
3006s oh boy yeah oh Shar trap I can make a
3009s Shar trap okay do I have any do I have
3013s any goodies in here I got lots of
3016s [Music]
3018s snowman lots of
3020s snowman all right let's see can I make
3023s can I make any
3024s trap I can make a shock trap do I have
3027s any TRS
3029s though oh good point good point I'm
3031s going to have to go buy
3036s some uh let's
3041s see sorry I know we're taking a little
3043s longer to get into the hunt right
3048s now oh no yeah some I don't oh I forgot
3053s about the power charm and the armor
3054s charm I definitely don't have enough
3057s money for those
3058s so I've got them I totally forgot about
3061s them uh track ammo I can't see any Tran
3065s bombs unless I'm missing the
3067s obvious I'm going have to rely on our
3070s more kitted out Hunters all right well
3074s it's up to you
3077s guys yeah we've got the traps you know
3079s we've got the
3083s traps yeah no it's not a dumb question
3086s at all Tyler it's a good question so the
3088s events currently cycle so you know if
3091s you weren't around at the seasonal
3092s events they now cycle every I think is
3094s it one week or two weeks
3097s um pardon me so yeah you can experience
3100s all of the
3102s festivals unlock the gear that was
3104s attached to them and and enjoy the Hunts
3106s linked to them as well oh I've uh crash
3109s landed
3112s uhoh capture quests this is our first
3114s capture Quest I got the two tutorial oh
3117s that's right they give you Tran bombs
3119s and easy shock traps perfect
3122s mhm oh in the um in the Box Box yeah I'm
3126s going to come back come back
3134s awesome hopefully this will max out cuz
3136s I would like to fight
3143s to got to M first
3147s there we go grab these hey
3152s W uh okay so where's pink
3157s wrath I kind of had the crash landed
3159s thing but she's not
3160s [Music]
3162s here it's the other direction okay let
3164s me oh there she is that's why I crash
3166s landed where I crash landed okay yes
3170s that's it D him yeah
3174s hyped yeah I didn't find any Footprints
3177s last time which might be why I didn't
3178s get a lot of
3180s uh yeah I forgot I totally forgot about
3182s power Al a charm oh no uh but now any I
3188s did I bought them yeah yeah yeah oh okay
3190s however I yeah I had a
3193s lot and now you're broke you're a broke
3196s boy yeah like oh
3201s no going to be ordering just like beans
3205s from the meow not meower meow skill Chef
3209s yeah a meower
3212s chef I'll have the cheapest thing on
3215s your dollar menu yeah do you
3218s take do you take Guild points here like
3227s please or like just throw like a Diablo
3230s horn on the table and be like how much
3232s is this worth
3234s food
3239s does this have any tradein
3252s value I think once we all grouped up it
3254s just
3255s moved
3257s yeah we were tracking her
3259s down get my research points up for her
3262s oh there's some Footprints nearby whose
3265s Footprints are
3268s what was that
3270s noise what what was that noise okay so
3273s after this hunt I should now I got those
3281s fopr thank you Mike
3284s Roma you got F Tyler likes the rocket
3287s power great sword best
3293s sword oh no the parone
3296s oh that was very unglamorous yeah I went
3299s in the air and just bounced off that's
3301s okay it's my own my own
3303s Folly at least we stunned
3307s it oh little tail swipe there there we
3312s go back
3314s Vengeance doing your
3316s thing I bonus points for those that are
3319s focusing on the tail I appreciate you
3321s there RI and Spike
3323s pluses so I definitely I'm not going to
3325s get bonus points then yeah you know
3328s that's fine though you know Hammer oh
3330s yes we got some
3336s backup the SED Shield can't quite reach
3339s I'm trying I'm
3345s trying I do have WX level one on my uh
3349s waist as well not was on my boots so
3351s that's nice
3352s nice nice knock down
3364s FK bunk thank you bug
3370s Trappers rise is your first Monster
3372s Hunter game kind of thinking of getting
3373s World well first of all welcome to
3375s Monster
3376s Hunter rise fantastic
3380s choice what was your what was your main
3382s rise weapon and say if you are thinking
3384s of picking up well it's currently was it
3387s like it's got that massive discount on
3388s it at the minute is it like I mean in in
3391s UK that's what about just under 9 Pound
3394s for Monster Hunter
3395s well so super super
3404s cheap I'm so like focused on getting a
3407s knockdown right now yeah get that tasty
3411s head
3412s break I need to move away from there go
3414s back to the tail
3416s yeah get out of here yeah give me that
3418s tail I'm like why don't I get any tails
3421s and I'm just there hitting the head like
3423s what where are my tail break or
3427s Cuts all right let's not forget we need
3429s to capture it
3432s yes cuz I I totally went into like kill
3434s mode
3438s yeah drop your
3444s tail
3447s oh it's done thank
3449s you oh man I'm getting beat up right now
3452s she wants you leave me
3459s alone desper tried to get the
3466s tail there is a a Viger wasp next to us
3469s if you need it as well or I might end up
3471s it yeah Sammy says Weld and Ice BN for
3474s $20 is insane value it's comback half
3477s time nobody nobody look nobody look I'm
3481s just doing my laces
3483s up I got a no I got hit by Karma JN Oh
3488s no I got the pink rra in scale Karma has
3492s come for me for combat com it did it in
3494s St break it does it in well Joe hope
3497s producer gabs got that on stream no I
3500s mean I was doing up my laces I was just
3502s acting as if that that would have
3504s happened you know I right It's
3507s Time Capture
3512s time oh no I can't because I'm getting
3515s staggered all right we got it nice yeah
3518s anyway the Tail's over here try not to
3520s get a scale that' be a real shame wait
3522s where's the tail I get scen you already
3525s got like 10 seconds quick quick quick
3528s get your
3531s scale please finish the animation
3535s oh I think it was just a skill nothing
3538s good coming from jonno's nefarious
3540s combat cards literally literally nothing
3543s good oh outrageous and then did I get
3547s any spikes I don't think I got any no no
3552s I got I got some carapaces though I
3554s needed the carapaces so I've got all the
3555s carace I need but absolutely no tails
3561s well we finished your research right
3565s no we definitely need another pink Ron
3568s oh you didn't you didn't finish your
3569s research no I'm
3575s lying um so yeah um now let's go go to
3581s the research should we go take on
3583s teostra then I think we should all right
3586s I'm g go I'm definitely gon to get the
3588s to gem I'm definitely going to get to
3591s gem first time and then I'm going to
3593s make the sword and I'm going to
3595s make lots of explosions hell of a plan
3599s don't worry skiz it I know we're all
3602s super excited from mons Wilds more news
3604s is coming in summer though and each day
3606s that passes is another day closer to
3608s Summer true facts with
3611s jonno absolute facts this man told no
3615s lies apart from not carving the tail
3618s yeah no there's that okay I got to go
3621s speak to the
3624s Huntsman
3627s all right I'm going to trigger the cut
3629s scene so we can go ahead and get that
3632s done it's time it's time accept theost
3638s INF yeah I won't even eat I'll just get
3640s it and go and then come
3646s back are you able to join my quest after
3648s it opens up or do you need to do the cut
3650s I think I need the cut scene I think
3652s just to be safe just let me know where
3654s you find him and
3657s I'll um the you directly there so ni
3661s that should make it
3663s easy yeah I really like also oh sorry go
3666s for it go for it I really like the look
3668s of too's gear as well I think it's like
3670s really cool I just like a lot about
3671s deosta
3673s me too although lunastra
3678s hurts oh don't forget to bring a cool
3681s drink for this one oh I will thank you
3683s is bow gameplay different world than
3685s rise it is actually there there's I mean
3687s I don't play both but from what I've
3689s seen there's a few different move like
3691s uh move and combo differences obviously
3693s well doesn't have silk bind attacks so
3696s the play style is different um but for
3699s any bow users and enjoyers in chat I'll
3701s let you the experts explain that weapon
3704s because it's probably in my bottom two
3706s usage out of all the weapons uh I played
3709s a little bit of bow and RIS and sunbreak
3711s I know it's like for people who are
3713s really good with the bow it's one of the
3714s like the fastest uh weapons in terms of
3717s like speed running and things like that
3719s so um I'm not an expert on that but
3722s that's what I've seen in the past and
3724s it's it's pretty
3728s cool all right we're meting Tira for the
3731s first time
3735s here yeah my Hunt is looking a lot
3738s cooler
3739s now yeah mine too I'm pretty satisfied
3741s with my uh my fit right
3743s now
3745s same
3748s same man yeah this is a good cut scene
3750s that's that's Cinema to me that's
3757s Cinema that camera angle there of the SN
3759s in
3762s face and I'm going to run the heck out
3765s of
3768s here great theme
3771s song yeah toosha does does big damage
3775s that flame cloak of it so should I
3778s return to the Gathering Pub for now yeah
3780s yeah I'll be doing the the same
3784s thing all
3785s right sorry everybody I know you're
3789s joining and let me let me head back out
3791s so jono and I can do this one
3801s together all right to ustra chill mate
3805s are you are you seeing it now yeah I'm
3808s returning from the quest oh perfect okay
3810s so we are basically both done then we
3813s are aligned all
3821s right there you go got my research
3827s points okay uh I'm going to come back to
3830s the Gathering Hub all right let me know
3833s and then I will post the quest
3835s and we'll do this
3846s thing my
3856s points okay I'm ready when you are all
3859s right posting
3861s it let's use a voucher why not yeah
3868s get those delicious Elder Dragon
3870s Parts well Sammy there
3873s 999 obviously uh please don't use any
3877s master rank weapons I think I saw a
3879s Fatalis weapon there so uh please that
3882s might be a little bit
3884s Overkill um so I think yeah just please
3887s put on high rank gear
3891s uh yeah let's give that a double check
3893s before he head out please
3895s yeah going to bring some cool drinks
3897s just when I accepted the quest I was
3899s like hold
3900s up that's no high rank monster yeah
3906s yeah what's the easiest way to check I
3909s don't know Sammy if you can confirm that
3911s you're on the right I don't think I
3912s don't think Sammy had it I think it was
3914s uh saki saki okay I'll just check uh
3918s player list let's check the
3922s gear uh Defender Shield five yeah good
3925s good all right thank you very much nice
3928s thank you for doing that just you know
3930s we got just so we give the monsters a
3932s fair chance yeah chance we don't want to
3935s completely roll them you know we're
3936s trying to have a little bit of authentic
3938s World Experience nice
3945s nice thanks Sammy you got the lostra
3948s weapon on
3949s perfect I think that yeah that should be
3951s fine yeah I can't was Lun I was like was
3954s L asra ice born or world I can't
3957s remember I think yeah I think world
3960s right trying to remember back it many
3963s many years ago
3965s yeah I mean you joke but six years ago
3968s was a pretty long
3973s time all right are you ready
3976s Sammy yeah baseball yeah oh perfect
3979s perfect thank you sorry to doubt
3983s you
3985s yeah my combat cars are cured I need to
3987s stop doing it I need to wait for the
3989s monster to leave or or be dealt with uh
3992s so I get the positive desire sense of
3994s karma yeah don't forget your cool
4008s drinks here we go oh yeah thank you I uh
4012s I of forgot about
4016s this all right let's get it
4020s done thank you for
4023s that uh oh no no no oh no oh no no uh
4027s manage
4029s items uh I need to take these back I did
4032s a
4034s whoopsie I know where did I put my power
4038s Talon you put it back in the Box yeah oh
4043s no oh no no hold on hold up manage items
4047s item box uh oh yeah I I put it in the
4051s Box I'm a silly
4054s [Music]
4057s Billy oh TI is just uh hanging out
4061s sitting outside of its uh this little
4066s room one two three one two three why
4069s can't I see it why can't
4072s I all right we're we're doing it
4075s nice I'm on the way I H got the power
4078s power chart back at the
4083s uh I'll be there in good time good
4090s time
4093s oh just a wh
4098s start doing all right doing all
4103s right
4105s I'm nearly there I got my cool drinks
4106s yeah I went back for my cool drinks I
4108s dropped my charms everywhere some mess I
4112s to pick them back up couldn't spot them
4113s so I forgot they don't look like a claw
4115s they look like a like a life powder
4117s style bottle until you upgrade them it
4120s was it was quite something nice stun
4122s nice
4125s stun take advantage of this opportunity
4127s to get some
4129s Mountain added
4133s it
4137s our breath
4141s attack nice work
4147s I Y is going for
4151s it oh it's not you that mounted for no
4154s no I was uh I was contributing and then
4157s uh this little ledge here I think did
4159s the did the work for uh yeah tsaki I was
4162s like who's up there that's not
4167s no there we go I'm mining I'm mining oh
4169s no no I'm being bad te comat combat
4172s mining oh that's another level oh
4176s outrageous I'm contributing
4190s nothing blast oh I've got blast blight
4193s on yeah I got watch out out the that
4205s uh going to start rebuilding Mount all
4209s right got the stun let's go
4216s ni the Huntsman is Just Waxing on
4219s poetically there he's loving life isn't
4221s he
4222s yeah another knock down oh I got
4225s launched there got a nice little aerial
4227s attack off the back of
4233s it oh there all right I'm not carving it
4236s until they transition zones I we will be
4241s good you you'll be good you're in your
4244s best behavior I will I will be positive
4247s CA
4250s hunter that way you know I'll get the
4252s teostra Gem first time
4254s oh oh I did have to fin sne there it
4258s is I'm sorry sorry for anybody listening
4263s outrageous it finally happened my sneeze
4266s have been fighting off for the last
4268s hour should probably
4271s Wings actually not they're not the
4273s squishiest things to
4278s attack well that's about to be a a
4281s breath attack but we're okay it was just
4283s a
4284s okay now we can do the
4287s tail now it's it's it's okay yeah see
4292s now hopefully you know luck Shines on us
4294s right now I got a
4297s scale I got another scale Joe I got a
4299s scale I got a scale and
4303s powder I I did everything right why
4306s aren't I on the desire sensor good
4310s list sometimes being a nice guy doesn't
4312s pay off but that's part of being nice
4314s guy yeah sometimes sometimes you got to
4317s got to take that carve yeah you got to
4319s take the
4320s L and you know maybe the karma will pile
4324s up and good things will happen to you
4327s exactly I mean if the tail didn't want
4329s to be carved then why did it fall off
4330s when it did you know it want you to
4333s carve same logic it is if it wanted to
4336s be carved at the end it would fall off
4338s just before you take out the monster you
4339s know
4342s sure
4350s all
4359s right shall I do the honors then do
4369s it not we've managed to avoid a NOA I
4371s think the constant part breaks and
4381s uh very nice yeah I I have noticed we
4385s haven't had that NOA yet the iconic
4388s teostra
4392s yeah I think as well getting the the
4394s carves sorry the breaks and cuts when we
4396s did definitely helped kind of stagger
4398s out of the kind of setup for it yeah
4401s it's just like oh I was not prepared for
4403s this yeah
4404s poor
4406s teostra they boomed me yeah thank
4411s you
4416s yeah yeah no
4419s Crystal mashing got to get out of here
4423s I'm on fire I'm going to Crystal B got
4425s one
4426s left okay I contributed absolutely
4428s nothing at the end there but thank you
4432s everybody won't soon see another hunt
4435s like that all right here you go here
4437s comes my teostra gem let's see it let's
4440s see
4440s it so first I got a
4444s carapace a scale I've seen the scale
4448s before a
4450s m nice well I didn't get it from the
4452s cars but that's because it's going to be
4454s in my uh rewards boxes so yeah you got
4457s to like practice manifesting great
4460s exactly exactly you know all those na
4463s tail cars of adding up for something big
4466s yeah yeah and it's going to
4468s be more
4470s H all
4473s right oh oh it's a big one
4477s oh there we
4483s go what do you think we got one more
4485s hunt in US yeah we I mean we could do
4487s another teostra if you want or we could
4490s do uh we could go to the the rotten
4496s Veil you know I think no matter what we
4498s do today we're not going to finish that
4500s uh investigation progress so why don't
4501s we do another Tira let's do it I got
4503s loads of good parts as well
4506s actually pardon
4508s [Music]
4509s me
4511s burp bur little
4517s burp yes that was the Slinger
4521s sniper it's only a matter of time for
4524s combat sharpening true I I also got an
4526s investigation I'll see if I got a
4528s teostra
4532s one my dog is like wandering around
4534s here miso is he's just wandering around
4537s so yeah I mean if in case you missed it
4540s miso was Capcom USA's pet of the day so
4543s that's check that out go check that out
4546s is that on the Capcom USA Twitter right
4548s yes yes and you can read a little bio
4550s about him on our news page that's
4554s awesome so fun facts about
4556s M yeah yeah learn about his
4558s history but yeah he he is wondering
4561s around he's probably a little hungry so
4562s maybe after this stream yeah I I got a
4566s kashala doo
4567s investigation
4570s oh but we want that gem though right let
4572s me see if I can let me see yeah let me
4574s see cuz I really want the sword and
4576s shield you might have a to if Jugo if
4578s you've got a t investigation we could
4581s yeah I don't know but could be good
4586s right let's let's look at the uh weapon
4588s Forge equipment weapons I can't remember
4591s that if it's an original path or not for
4596s to completed my deliveries there I think
4599s I probably upgrade my hammer now so
4601s maybe we should do that okay so I need
4603s to go I need Coral Crystal so it's part
4605s of the black steel tree which means I
4609s need Coral Crystal and we haven't really
4611s been back to the coral Highlands at all
4613s yeah yeah especially since it's not on
4614s this like list of uh yeah things to do
4618s yeah
4621s um so that'll be one I mean if we get so
4624s I don't even know what parts I need then
4625s for that reason as well okay let's just
4627s look at the armor quickly
4630s though there it is I can't make any but
4633s there it
4634s is all right up my hammer to Rarity six
4637s the the arms seem quite meta they have
4639s wax two on
4642s them
4646s yeah the arms seem pretty spicy but
4649s we're saving up so I'm I'm going to have
4650s to find an excuse to go mine the uh CU I
4655s think that's low rank Coral
4658s Highlands no might be high rank actually
4660s because it's black steel which I don't
4662s so yeah I need to kind of be like oh man
4665s we should definitely just go look at the
4666s coral Highlands and no no I'm in the
4668s same boat too I need nine more Coral
4670s crystals um so I can do black steel
4672s hammer and then take me up that
4674s we we can be to gang together
4678s yeah okay so there is an investigation
4681s that's Toby kadachi do is there a
4683s teostra one anyone got a I think uh R
4687s Ripley might have posted
4688s it let's
4693s see head over to the Gathering Hub I did
4697s upgrade my hammer so I'm feeling pretty
4698s uh pretty good nice I have a my weapon's
4701s still on five because I'm gonna I'm
4703s gonna commit to our teostra weapon dream
4706s that's right that's
4707s right because we might not even need the
4709s gem for the base one it might be for
4711s like the upgraded version mhm so if we
4714s just stash our gear and then next stream
4718s we can have a quick or if we have like
4720s five minutes left we can have a quick
4721s Expedition around yeah yeah we should do
4723s it Ria posted a Toby kadachi Quest so
4726s let's do uh we want to do TOA again
4729s right so let me post that Pop
4732s That
4737s or is there is there an we have a Casal
4741s in our back pocket that's well that's
4743s right that's right
4747s uh uh there code red but that's four
4750s monsters I don't think we have time for
4752s that today next time H that's the Devil
4755s May Cry Quest right yes a that's so cool
4759s well that's good to know especially yeah
4761s cuz there's a few few good monsters uh
4764s all right yeah we don't have time to do
4765s these multiple multimonster event quests
4767s so let's just stick
4769s with uh the optional
4772s Quest the class
4774s there join the
4780s quest and yeah use my what great because
4782s each week I have all my all my vouchers
4785s back as well so yeah oh I by the way oh
4790s no and I used my voucher I'll do it no
4794s you should be fine right because we've
4796s not gone into the quest so oh okay okay
4798s yeah so one person popped out so sorry
4800s about that hello uh join a
4805s quest
4807s optional oh I think it just filled again
4810s yeah sorry but if somebody would mind us
4812s backing out real quick I'm sorry so J
4814s can get in the quest please
4821s iart unless you want to take a separate
4823s group
4823s yeah I'll take a separate group I'll
4825s take a separate group let's do it that
4826s way
4830s yeah that more of us can join the hunt
4834s oh no Alonso oh okay Alonso did back out
4838s so now we're now there's two groups I'm
4843s sure this enough to fill up both yeah
4844s Alo it's okay go ahead and join back
4848s in yeah we'll fill up we'll fill up the
4850s two
4851s groups there we go just make sure you
4853s got high rank weapons and no no fatalist
4857s goodness right now
4858s please let's let me check that player
4862s list let me check your
4866s homework quick quick
4869s look yeah gun L yeah I can see the color
4872s of the weapons there Pardon
4876s Me Oh Glutton Fang a rarity 9 I mean
4879s we'll let that slide we'll let that
4881s slide oh no Rarity 9 hold on how high up
4883s is Rarity
4887s n got a
4891s rarity that'd be fine that'd be
4894s fine yeah we're we're okay here yeah
4897s Nine's good Nine's good toost T just got
4899s a chance to get us oh Rarity 9 is master
4901s rank ah I thought so I was like oh so I
4905s think Rarity eight is top of
4909s high all right my group's ready so let's
4912s let's do this I already ate I'm pretty
4914s sure okay cool good luck and God speed J
4918s thank you may we get all of the good the
4921s good goodies
4924s yes yeah you're right to take uh take
4927s off any master rank weapons put high
4929s rank con
4937s please we are in there let me get that
4940s uh cool
4942s drink
4944s yeah we all want that tasty tasty t t
4953s gem oh it is it's it's the first
4956s jaas jaas master rank one I
4967s see feeling pretty good about our
4969s progress I think it seems like each week
4971s we have been able to take out one of the
4973s major elder dragons so next week we'll
4975s focus
4977s on uh bazak and then hopefully we can
4980s get to the ending of world we'll see if
4984s we have time but yeah we'll try to
4985s squeeze that in there that' be
4994s good all right we're fighting now oh
4997s jeez in
5001s that okay he has got that heavy bow gun
5004s that's just
5009s blasting oh I'm looking forward
5012s toaz next
5015s week all right I gotta heal up I gotta
5017s heal up I'm sorry I've done
5023s nothing I I'm so
5031s sorry oh no no it looks like we lost
5033s some uh yeah I had a I had I had a a DC
5038s there I think yeah I lost we lost quite
5041s a few we lost everyone yeah I still have
5044s Kira in here who survived the purge just
5047s now
5048s hello yeah everyone else
5054s uh well I guess it's uh it's up to
5057s us do you have your quest are you
5059s already in your quest J no I'll see if I
5061s can I don't know if I can join cuz see
5063s if you can join
5064s ours I'll see I'll have a
5069s look oh no I can you can no I can't I
5072s can't actually oh
5074s no what should we do should we back out
5077s yeah I might as well just redo but then
5079s no you lose your ticket you lose your
5081s ticket that's fine I'm I'm cool with
5082s that I'm cool with that sorry kria thank
5084s you apologies about that yeah must have
5087s been a little a little hiccup on my side
5090s with my connection oh no it's all good
5093s it's all good U we lost some folks here
5095s too so um let's do this one together we
5098s should stick together yeah yeah yeah
5101s that was the world telling us that we uh
5103s that we we need to stay as a team why
5105s don't you go ahead and post that yeah
5107s it's up it's up we
5110s yours yeah sorry that wasn't intentional
5113s that was just the
5114s server that was my connection H that was
5117s my connection no no we're all good we're
5119s all good at least the stream survived or
5120s we're still here exactly that's the
5122s important thing
5133s we'll go have a word with too yeah look
5135s like start to start off next week we
5137s have like a nice slow start as uh we
5141s head to the coral Highlands to oh that's
5143s right oh W what a wonderful outfit on
5146s that Hunter look at that the Diablos
5148s with the blue Pico
5150s helmet oh where is it where is it
5154s oh that's incredible it's a fantastic
5157s big fan of
5170s that all right let's wrap this one up
5172s today and
5175s uh
5177s yeah and I've got my cold drinks or cool
5180s drinks this time even
5183s I think I have one left yep yep yep
5187s y that's all you
5192s need yeah yeah we more than happy to
5194s change Guild cards or exchange Guild
5196s cards should I say yeah I'll change my
5198s guild card yeah just just for you I'll
5201s change it different
5205s pose oh I got the rare bone pick up
5208s there another dragon bone Relic than
5211s take that so we'll be going down the T
5214s I'm genuinely excited I love the teostra
5216s weapons how they look and the blast the
5220s armor is so cool I love the the
5221s headpiece the helmet oh
5231s yes you know part of me is glad we
5233s restarted because I was getting
5235s worked time for Revenge I'll try and get
5238s some Mountain on oh no there's the
5241s tail
5247s there we go nice and all was right with
5250s the world
5252s exactly I'll let T hit into the
5260s wall oh easy there easy
5265s there whoa
5269s whoa and down we go then I'll move away
5272s from the head and go to the
5275s tail I'm stood in
5279s lava also I didn't take a cold drink I
5282s got overly excited
5285s uh drink one of these then I'll have an
5287s Astera
5292s jerky that red damage
5301s gone
5309s lovely work on that
5315s tail Crystal burst go go those
5324s staggers we're building up some nice
5326s mount in here as well
5329s yeah was too far away too far away
5334s same here too far away from the
5340s head Crystal
5342s burst pocket
5345s pocket pocket
5347s Crystal oh oh I melted oh
5352s nice it's always a little like nice
5354s surprise for me there yeah so oh I
5358s like
5360s race whoa whoa whoa
5363s got my blue sharpness back oh here comes
5365s a big boom
5375s from oh oh here comes to Bonk is it
5380s B yeah oh no no big bon but it's down I
5384s think is it CU teostra can hit the
5385s ceiling
5387s so get
5389s off in that ious moment yeah too close
5393s to the
5399s Sun oh no that that would be the blast
5401s powder
5406s yeah I must harness the power of the
5414s blast Hammer user should not be near the
5417s Tail I got to get out of there this
5419s position offends me
5421s yeah
5422s this is not the monster's head I think
5424s that was a heart break you just got
5429s there oh that three four oh a no too
5435s soon for the finisher I got some nice
5437s tail damage
5441s though someone's got to do
5444s it come back here
5451s you
5456s thank you for the buff and thank you for
5459s the double
5462s buff much
5464s appreciated very kind of
5472s you oh
5475s nice but I'm not near the head I am now
5480s or finisher no
5483s oh the charge play was it's okay it's
5488s okay that was some big booms
5493s there I'm just desperately swinging
5495s around the tail like come on fall
5500s off that sleep that's asleep oh oh no my
5504s bad uhoh SpaghettiOs
5508s sorry that was mid combo between my
5511s combat card and your your wakeups where
5515s we got the the hunter Sinners where you
5518s going just he's had enough he shot all
5520s my crystal
5525s bursts did he come
5527s down nearly down now okay let's go into
5530s this Throne there we go slapped him on
5533s the
5535s tail again with the sler take
5539s this we're done when I say we're done
5541s get back back here drot oh some or get
5546s that devil devil Joe's just says the
5550s fields we've all done it we've all done
5553s it I'm sorry yeah it's all part I
5556s apologize to all of every Hunter out
5559s there for doing that that was
5571s shameful must be a barrel bomb going
5573s down there from
5585s Kier I will provide motivational
5589s support all right who's doing it I guess
5591s it's me oh oh you got it saki go do your
5596s thing okay I guess it's
5601s me
5604s see if I get any tail damage and all
5606s that
5607s hurt you know I don't love is love I
5610s don't love doing the wake up cuz uh you
5613s know all the eyes are on you everyone's
5615s watching you it's no pressure yeah
5621s yeah I'm down here
5631s tail
5633s that lava yeah I'm catching that lava
5638s bigly oh it's the
5641s [Music]
5645s Nova no bless you were you were the
5648s chosen one there oh I thought uh I
5651s thought it was going to be a little
5652s longer and I could Superman dive out I
5654s think me or
5658s not go Ahad yeah I was going to say I'm
5661s I'm being less aggressive to give you
5662s more time to get back and kind of making
5665s the odd swing at the tail hoping for the
5667s best if people why why I keep running
5670s around to
5671s ostra like why isn't he hunted the
5674s monster oh nice nice head break
5678s there come on tail come on tail you owe
5682s me a
5685s tail no I'm so far away run run I wait I
5690s was be to chill at chill at
5692s attacks oh I think I'm I'm like looking
5695s at the map right
5696s now Rod there's no way there's no
5702s [Music]
5703s way you got you got 40 seconds still you
5707s got this go go go oh no no my
5714s stamina what's this
5717s 30 you need about 15 seconds I reckon
5720s unless you get like a super
5722s getting tired getting tired I'm in the
5725s room Gojo 20 seconds you're going to
5728s have about maybe 8 seconds the time you
5730s get there I believe I believe run all
5734s right I think I made it I think I made
5735s it no 10 seconds I'm probably not going
5737s to get everything cough cough c let's
5739s see let's see let's
5744s see no did you get two pieces I only got
5748s two that's okay that's something that's
5751s something thing that's punishment
5753s punishment for being trash I I I I
5758s didn't get the the uh the gem outrageous
5761s unfair oh man that was cursed
5767s there some nice yeah two care pieces I'm
5771s sure once we get the the black steel
5773s stuff we'll be able to make the first
5774s tier of the
5777s weapon everybody saw that that shameful
5780s display yeah I got the silver crown so
5782s at least there's
5784s that it hurts it hurts my soul is
5786s hurting
5789s but
5790s yeah punishment for stealing's M oh
5794s there are Mount you know what if if I
5796s contribute to the buildup and someone
5798s gets it I'm happy as long as the monster
5799s being mounted it's a win in my
5802s books yes and say with that and there
5806s there's everyone just check out Gram's
5807s fashion there grm is looking incredible
5810s look at that it looks like what you
5814s think a Pico of that size would look
5816s like as well it's like yeah that's uh
5820s let's get into The View mode here look
5822s look in
5824s killer
5826s yeah look at that look at that
5829s incredible Dan yeah who who I can't the
5832s camera can't keep
5833s up oh is there some uh arm wrestling
5837s happening kria versus R Ria you want to
5840s uh get in there
5842s we don't have NE copter exactly if you
5845s want to if you want to win some arm
5846s wrestling this week's the week to do it
5848s yeah or neia
5855s sorry yeah I'll go okay going going
5866s in
5869s oh oh
5873s oh well
5877s done I know saki in there as
5881s well I'm wandering around getting in the
5892s waya see see one of us always has to
5895s lose every week right that's like a yeah
5897s okay so I'm going to I believe in you Jo
5899s yeah devil Joe does devil Joe on team
5902s carer
5904s though
5912s oh and with that let's call it for the
5915s week yeah well played everyone and thank
5917s you everyone that turned up as well
5919s golden Blitz grm we had bans Shel tasaki
5923s Kier Ria Ripley I'm sure I'm missing
5926s some people as well where's grm there's
5927s gr everyone that turned up you know
5929s whether you watched whether you chat it
5932s whether you jumped into the Gathering
5933s Hub and hunted with us we really really
5937s appreciate it Anda we'll be back next
5939s week where we might be finishing up the
5942s story for Monster Hunter World U because
5946s we'll be back to the the usual two hours
5949s um as Joe said as well you know if you
5951s are around a bit later today uh check
5953s out the Capcom highlights day one
5956s featuring Dragon stma 2 and kugami half
5959s of the half of the Goddess yes yeah um
5963s and yeah it's going to be awesome and
5965s then obviously on the 11th there's day
5967s two which includes moner stories uh EXO
5970s Primal Street Fighter 6 and I'm sure
5973s there's another one Monster Hunter
5975s nower yeah there we go and then
5978s obviously on the 12th because it's it's
5980s event it's event season right now for
5982s Capcom here it's a good time to be a
5984s Capcom fan on March 12th at 11:00 a.m.
5987s GMT or 12:00 p.m. c um and 400 am.
5993s PDT um there is the Monster Hunter 20th
5997s anniversary like celebration event it's
6000s it's longer than your standard kind of
6002s 20 minute event you might be used to
6004s it's going to be going over 20 years in
6006s Monster Hunter from the team from the
6008s community from creators uh it's going to
6011s be a lot of fun obviously you can watch
6013s it live and we will have it available um
6016s obviously on like our YouTube channel
6018s afterwards as well but check it out
6019s obviously what mon was all about but
6022s yeah I've spoke a lot Joe I'm Chuck it
6024s back over to you you covered it all yeah
6027s we've got a busy event season I guess
6030s over the next like week or so so yeah
6032s tune in to C film highlights there's two
6034s days of it so go check that out and then
6036s the special program is going to be a fun
6037s one if you you love Monster Hunter um
6040s it's just a great way to look back on
6041s the series for the last 20 years whether
6043s you've just started or um you know
6045s you've been around for a super long time
6047s so um yeah thanks again everybody for
6050s joining us and uh we'll see you again
6052s next week and hopefully we can wrap this
6053s thing up so or at least wrap up the uh
6055s the story for world but you there's
6057s definitely more return to World goodness
6058s in the future oh yes absolutely and as
6061s always I've been jonno and I'm Joe and
6064s you've been awesome have a fantastic
6066s rest of the week and a great weekend we
6068s will see you next time good night all
6070s right bye
6072s [Music]
6080s everybody
6091s [Music]
6163s [Music]
6198s [Music]
about 2 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
0s or
1s street now yes but obviously we can like
4s you know talk like we do but we have to
7s basically read the script but make it
10s more like Cal yeah please be excited for
14s the
16s [Music]
17s next Hunter
29s now
32s [Music]
41s [Music]
71s [Applause]
74s [Music]
80s [Music]
119s n
120s [Music]
139s [Music]
179s a
202s [Music]
209s [Music]
225s hey everyone and welcome to today's
226s stream my name is shono Ema Community
228s manager on monst Hunter and I'm joined
230s by what's up everybody I'm Joe I'm the
232s Capcom USA Monster Hunter Community
234s manager and today we you know we are
237s getting into the the upper reaches
240s of the monster hunter World story we are
243s fighting elder dragons obviously last
246s week we toppled kashala doraa how is
248s today looking for us we've got two more
251s elder dragons to tackle um so first
253s we've got to find all the tracks on the
255s Wilds Spire waste and then the rotten
257s Veil um so I guess we'll just do some
259s questing right um today's going to be a
262s little bit of a shorter day so we're
263s going to go for about an hour and a half
265s um I think some of you guys may know
267s there's a little presentation happening
269s today
270s um called Capcom highlights I believe
272s that's at 300 p.m. uh Pacific time uh
275s joh for you it's 11: it is it's it's
278s past my bedtime but I'll be staying up
279s to watch at 11:00 p.m.
282s GMT all right yeah sounds good so yeah
284s so we will uh end things a little bit
286s earlier but that doesn't mean we won't
288s have time for a couple of uh pretty good
290s hunts so um should we go ahead and get
293s into
294s it yeah I think so oh this is weird the
297s twitch notification says some break
298s because oh that one says M I have to get
301s that updated next time well thank you
302s very much for the heads up yes so what
304s we're going to do is Joseph we're going
305s to open up the lobby we're going to get
306s you all into hump with us for the full
308s hour and a half stream we're going to
310s make the most of this time and we're
311s going to take on a load of high rank
313s monsters obviously the only thing we ask
315s is if you're going to jump in with us
317s one don't use any Master ENT gear at all
320s uh first of all because you know we need
321s to give the monsters a fair chance you
322s know we we hunt with honor and
324s preferably if you can try and align with
326s what we're wearing obviously we're not
327s wearing like Arch tempered gear and
329s stuff like that our weapons are between
331s five and seven Rarity um so if you can
334s kind of get your armor get your weapons
337s similar to us and we'll have a good old
339s high rank hunting session hey banshe how
342s are you doing hello everyone hello
344s everybody yeah should we should we go
346s check actually let's let's share the
348s code first let's get the hunters yeah
349s let me let me go ahead and do that so
351s I've got switch covered yeah we're
354s streaming on both twitch and YouTube so
356s I will drop that in the YouTube chat
358s right now and we are on PC steam so do
363s jump in with us if you're there all
366s right con yeah sorry for uh you know we
370s always have that uh wild thumbnail that
373s shows up at the start of the stream so
376s um yes so we are playing World um that's
378s just kind of like a technical limitation
380s but yeah thanks for bearing with us y we
384s get it switched over like super quick so
386s you must have been here nice and early
387s so kudos to you yeah we're well aware of
390s how it looks so please
393s yeah okay what have I got I've got
396s obviously I want to avoid Elder's recess
398s so we're looking for World spire and
399s rotten veale
401s investigations uh an Forest an
407s Forest let me take a look at my
409s investigations as well my only my only
412s wild Spire one is uh black
416s Diablo I mean with if we have help I
420s think that's very much doable it's max
423s players four so I I'll take that I
424s haven't got too many in I've got none
426s for the like the rotten Veil I think
428s hold on what we got I've got a a rra and
431s duratus uh we'll pop that one in that
434s could be fun as
435s well we've got uh the triple got rra and
439s Kulu and
442s jotus we take r r one as well I've got
447s pink rathen and wildspire waste
451s laas in Elder's recess Doo
454s G uh some of these yeah this this one
458s here doto and Rabon that's a one
462s fainter I don't
463s [Music]
465s know slay 10 cadon oh that's the one no
468s I'm just kid yeah I need my full cadon
471s set you know I need every top to
474s toe all right well I've got a couple um
477s I'm going to head back to the Gathering
478s Hub yep I've got a couple as well so
481s that should be snazzy and what we'll do
482s as well is we'll we'll rotate I mean for
485s some Joe and I will hunt together and
486s I'm sure for others we'll split up
488s depending on how many are in the lobby
489s so we can get as many of you playing
490s with us as possible but when we are
492s teamed up if you don't get don't worry
494s we'll rotate you know we'll make it so
495s that you not just sat in the lobby the
497s whole
500s time they said they're about to Pig down
502s some
504s food they said they're about to Pig down
506s some
508s food
511s I was about to say the same
513s thing oh man we like we're like a old
516s married couple we are no you go first um
521s okay SoJO the two should we just should
524s we let's go H let's start with hunt
526s black Diablo and wild byways let's not
528s mess around exactly that's exactly why
531s and we're going to start a camp 11
533s because that's I think even closer to
535s where I think it will be so we're going
537s hard on this one let's do it
540s thank you bansi says happy huntings to
542s us both thank
546s you and uh say don't worry if you you
549s know we still have a slot so you can
550s jump in and join us uh mid hunt as well
553s hey Angry Farm how's it going any first
556s ERS we are playing on
558s PC um so that's where we're at might be
562s lazy and just take this one even ni
564s defense up S element resist s because
566s you know black Diablos isn't known for
568s its Elemental damage but it is for its
570s grot Force I just went with Chef's
573s Choice screw it we do it live so what
577s Rarity armor I mean we I'm sure I've
579s still got some low rank gear on as well
583s um yeah I'm at five at the lowest and
587s seventh at the highest with my really
589s I'm at three at my lowest and five at my
591s highest oh my oh my goodness you got you
594s got really good luck with the uh the
595s rolls on your gear like your drops no
598s we're still on still on on high rank
600s yeah still on high rank all right I mean
603s we'll start as three and if anyone else
605s jumps in I'll put the code in chat
608s again oh yeah maybe I should pinned
612s that let's see let's
623s see all right I pin that up
627s there let's pin it on Twitch as well
629s there you go thank you yeah I'll get
631s that startup message updated again so it
634s says
645s world oh I realized I'm the one already
648s sorry that's okay that's oh wait on me
651s how rude of
653s me that's quite all right I'm sure sure
656s black Diablos can wait a few minutes
657s before it pulverizes us
660s nice warm up
661s hunt
663s yeah oh oh oh man did you land on it
669s yep here we go don't worry we're on the
672s way uh do I have okay I mean first aid
675s meds probably won't heal me up quick
676s enough for what we're about to
680s face I'm going to follow brm there we go
682s we got saki Thea uh probably going to be
686s hopping in oh here we go
690s hello
691s lacer oh no hang on in there I put my
696s full faith you know I keep wanting to
698s use wire bugs I'm like oh I can go
701s faster if I use my my Sil
704s B don't wor I've just stopped to uh do
707s some files you'll be fine you'll be fine
710s you'll be fine
714s what's I I got a
717s dragon so you know I'm sure it's worth
719s the
721s sacrifice hurry up I'm on the way oh no
725s don't worry my
726s SC Going Underground I'm going under
728s ground oh no oh there's two mining nodes
730s hold on
742s hold there we
746s go no worries LCRA thank you for coming
748s over though appreciate
752s it oh yeah after after the black Diablos
756s today so starting spicy you know how it
765s is all right we're doing okay now now
769s that I'm not
770s alone Teamwork Makes the Dream Work yes
774s s glad I had that uh uhoh oh I bounced
779s straight up the horns I was like don't
780s worry I've got this I I I don't got
783s this hey nice one Banshee oh that hurt I
788s need to get a mountain I forgot that's
789s what I do I do the mountain thing and we
796s watch oh
799s oh no oh no I'm stunned immediately too
802s I'm St too I'm sted
806s immediately okay thank you thank you
809s guys guys we're distracting it there we
812s go I put down uh Health booster yeah
817s thank you sir so I'm going to eat an
819s adaman SE that I got from the ERS recess
821s last last stream right okay now I need
824s to start trying to get my
827s uh it's going good
835s tree come on come on going make the of
838s that Health booster
842s it's charging everywhere I'm trying to
844s trying to get some
848s aial I don't want to be greedy cuz
851s Rarity three armor ain't going to stop
854s much is it is it like the gauntlets or
856s something my trousers and gauntlets oh
859s oh yeah your your disco pants yeah
862s exactly I'm here to
865s party Sly they're not great at stopping
868s massive monsters
872s yeah there we go there's
875s an opportunity I'm mining I'm mining
878s sorry no go for it go for it get that
881s or I need I need new Hammer okay
889s yeah the Stagger
893s there oh oh here we go give her that
897s mount there we go oh there we go
900s doing your thing your signature moves
903s love
909s it reposition swipe
913s there oh here we
915s go and for those wondering I always know
918s what to jump to the area I want because
920s just before you do your finishing
921s knockdown move the camera will like zoom
924s in ever so slightly and you have like a
926s second to reposition so that's how I
928s always jump to the Head the tail at the
930s last no it's okay oh it's a two I didn't
933s realize it was a two cart
935s one a little bit more
937s spice the pressure is on oh yes we have
941s lost our plot armor none of we're all
943s side characters
951s now yeah the uh the Rath and sword and
954s shield is based around the rose or like
956s and this is obviously like the the score
959s oh nice you guys toppled
962s it yes definitely
965s me take credit yeah I poisoned it
978s look oh it knocked me over all right
982s well Kev is using the sword and shield
984s in MH now good to hear good to hear very
987s good choice of weaponry
991s it's not the great sword though so I
993s mean it's it's the wrong
994s choice I know but you know the great
996s sword doesn't have Shield does it you
999s know two weapons in one why do you need
1002s to defend when doing insane damage
1006s that's true the best form of defense is
1007s attack you're a great sword user
1010s especially in Sun break with the what's
1012s the name of the move you get in some
1014s break whereas it when you take more when
1015s you take damage your next hit then hits
1017s harder uh the the strong arm stands or
1021s the counter might be it might be that
1023s one yeah say I don't use great sword so
1024s forgive my ignorance on its move set I
1027s just love that uh the sound effect it's
1029s like a like a little like metal like
1032s like you're hitting a shield you know
1034s it's about to go down like you're
1035s hitting a shield well you see with the
1037s sword and shield it's like every time
1039s you block a
1041s hit fair enough fair enough I got some
1044s footprint so that's nice oh nice oh yeah
1047s there some okay that's blue though and
1049s that's first it would take me a second
1050s to get
1055s it take that old SE y y y
1062s y
1065s nice oh I'm actually getting some nice
1067s damage
1075s there oh ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oh
1079s block oh nice Flash oh well done I need
1081s to get out of
1088s here oh I thought I could get the back
1090s skip also I did my mega
1096s potions
1098s oh blue Footprints yeah I see him
1101s there's a running away all right time
1106s get the
1107s Blues the pinned message is um the lobby
1112s ID so we're playing on Steam so if you
1113s want to come play with us we're doing
1115s high rank uh come jump in all we ask is
1119s that you also wear high rank gear and
1121s use high rank weapons yeah around we're
1123s we already five to seven yeah so we
1127s don't you know we don't cheese the
1129s monsters with our Superior master rank
1132s gear I got him out nice feel like it's
1135s been a while right let's see okay this
1138s is a good good area for the hammer yeah
1140s yeah my
1143s favorite I'm mashing I'm mashing
1152s nice all right it's going
1155s down
1165s nice is this a risky move
1169s oh I'm coming attack me
1172s instead oh yeah on the one Fame I'm
1175s playing it extra safe
1184s here you know it's it's the morning over
1187s here in California so this is this uh is
1189s waking me up a little bit it's your
1191s breakfast yeah yeah yeah just like a
1194s little dance with
1197s death I I think okay bar off is
1203s nearby oh looking
1207s promising and another Mount thank you
1210s very much
1212s spinning oh okay we got the back break
1215s there got the
1227s tail
1229s bom bom bom nice get in there with the
1234s Big B oh
1237s no I need Flinch free oh
1242s please free oh I got oh what an epic way
1246s to get the tail that was the end of my
1248s uh perfect Rush combo as well uhoh
1252s oh oh got knocked out of the
1255s sky all right we did it we did it all
1258s right don't forget that tail oh I love
1261s how that cut came
1263s off good stuff yeah we we've got because
1267s the we're only streaming for an hour and
1268s I say only we're streaming for an hour
1270s and a half today uh so we're opening the
1272s lobby from the start this
1275s time yeah a little shorter today because
1277s of uh Capcom highlight so please go
1279s check that out 3 p.m. today 11 GMT 11:00
1283s p.m. GMT what is that uh what do you
1285s guys call it uh 2300 yeah 23 300 2 300
1292s GMT yeah we've got kunami path of the
1295s goddess and Dragon's Dogma 2 today so uh
1299s both are awesome games if you like
1301s Monster Hunter I think you'll you'll be
1304s interested in both so please go check it
1305s out exactly yeah anyone can join all we
1308s ask is you use high rank gear not master
1310s rank because we're playing through high
1312s rank between preferably five to seven uh
1315s on the on the uh Rarity or gear level
1319s um but if it's like eight or whatever
1321s that's fine but we just want to you know
1323s still have that authentic high rank
1325s experience um and not absolutely body
1327s the monsters immediately I got loads of
1330s goodies there loads of
1334s goodies black spiral horns as well got
1337s me about halfway on the The Wild spal
1340s bar yep same that was some great
1344s progress all right that means it's your
1346s turn now to uh uh pick a quest all right
1350s let's see what we got see we got while
1351s you do that I'm going to go to the
1352s Smithy and look at the black dios skin
1356s so we're doing 10 codon right yeah
1359s that's the one I need to need to put my
1362s best gear for that one all right I got a
1364s pink uh oh no that's pink
1367s ran uh Kulu Yu and black Diablos yeah
1373s why not that's a great mix all right
1375s I'll be don't put it in just yet cuz I'm
1379s I'm not there that one will surely take
1382s us over the uh it's gotty the
1386s investigation oh I can get some new I
1389s can get some new trousers with divine
1390s blessing but it's just a high rank
1391s version of what I'm already
1393s wearing so like you know it's a great
1396s piece of armor but on the fashion front
1399s you know I'm like H maybe not the wisest
1402s Choice maybe maybe in terms of fashion
1406s okay I can make i' I'm sure I'm already
1408s wearing the DOA chest am I or am I not I
1411s need to I need to quickly check this I
1413s can make the
1414s Damascus um Greaves which will give me
1418s handycraft level one which I think I
1421s might go
1422s for do it that's none of this stuff is
1424s permanent you know since uh we're so
1427s early oh I guess technically a little
1429s early so like take the best thing I can
1433s make the black Diablos uh chest plate
1435s immediately because of the black spiral
1437s horn
1439s I don't want that I want the Wrath lost
1440s chest uh you know don't want much right
1444s what's my current uh
1447s equipment so my my chest is currently
1450s bone mail yeah I need to upgrade that
1452s okay I'm going to quickly make this
1453s chest and then uh I'll be right with
1458s you blue dinosaur on YouTube is this is
1462s his uh or their first time joining us so
1465s thanks for joining us great love to see
1467s some newcomers
1470s I think we'll have to ask them what we
1471s ask uh all our newcomers what's your
1473s favorite weapon and what's your favorite
1478s monster this should this new Dober chest
1481s should tipe me over till I eventually
1483s get a Rathalos
1487s Ruby oh man my my inventory and
1491s everything is just so it's so
1493s sad hey it's bansi but yeah um yeah if
1495s you want to uh pop the quest oh have you
1498s you pop the quest in are you on the way
1499s not I have not oh there you oh hello oh
1501s yeah you're you're in the Smithy as well
1504s hey Banshee looking very passionable
1506s there how do Beni unlike
1509s me I mean the helmet and the chest plate
1511s go together really well I just need that
1513s Wast and trouser
1515s combo um so we'll get there so what if
1519s we if as get my tongue back oh this is
1522s Max two players ah is it okay okay
1526s that's we'll do a different
1529s oh I got another one uh wait no it's not
1531s rotten Bale either that's eld's recess
1534s ah
1542s dang hello well I got a uh
1547s Baro uh but it's a one faint in Wild
1551s Spire you want to I I've got wild Spire
1554s one with jotus and rathen if you want to
1558s do that one let's do it yeah let's
1559s follow your lead um I don't I don't feel
1562s like my investigations are great I think
1565s this is a yes four player one all
1574s right let me know when you posted that
1577s yeah it's in it's in okay sorry I was
1579s just an autopilot I was like in goes the
1582s investigation out out comes the rra and
1584s tale right that's that's what it's got
1586s to have to be that's it
1589s is and what we can do as well is if the
1591s lobby starts to get even more full Joe
1593s and I can take separate quests so we can
1594s play with more of you at
1596s once you recently got 100% achievements
1599s on Monster Hunter well G yeah that's
1602s awesome like really especially getting
1604s all those crowns like really that is no
1607s small
1609s feet yeah so looking at my hunter my
1611s upper body kind of all goes together but
1613s the lower body is like you
1615s know it's like yeah it's quite the me
1619s yeah you're like a um like a rock star
1621s or something you know yeah got the
1623s rocker pants but then like you know like
1625s a little vest up
1632s top it's going to be going to be spicy
1635s hopefully yeah like ironically yeah I
1637s can get a nice new set of like trousers
1640s but it's the same look and I'm like
1646s oh Giant Crown bhaz was a pain what to
1650s get it to spawn or to beat it when it
1651s did turn up CU that's a lot of a flui
1653s isn't it you know M uh who we going
1656s after
1657s first uh whoever we come across uh let's
1661s go rathan okay should we go fish rathan
1665s yeah ran it
1668s is get that
1670s tail my Rian tail addiction continues
1673s because I like wrath
1677s weapons
1679s well while while we're running over
1680s there um J know two days of Calcom
1683s highlights we've got another day on
1685s March 11th right and we're going to show
1687s a little bit of uh a little bit more
1688s Monster Hunter stories you're a Monster
1690s Hunter Fan which is uh it's coming out
1692s on New
1694s platforms uh what are you most excited
1696s to see about um not just stories but
1698s like all of our games that are in the in
1700s Capcom highlights I'm excited to find
1702s out more information uh about the games
1705s especially for like talking about mon
1706s stories I played the second one and I
1708s played like really played a ton of the
1709s second one but I haven't played the
1711s first one yet um so I'm really excited
1713s because I'll be a new player for that uh
1715s so I can't wait to learn more and also
1717s kind of to see the the community's
1719s reactions as well and I know that's a
1721s bit cliche cuz we're Community managers
1723s but genuinely I can't wait to see what
1725s everyone thinks about what the team have
1726s been working
1727s on yeah me too me too yeah outside of
1730s Monster Hunter um we're going to be
1733s showing more of dragon sta 2 today which
1735s is coming out pretty soon so that's
1737s going to be pretty spicy um we've also
1740s got kugami um which that looks awesome
1743s yeah yeah the game is is very very cool
1746s um obviously it's a new IP from Capcom
1749s so uh you know I always say like
1753s completely new properties in like the
1755s AAA gaming space they come pretty rarely
1758s U so yeah just seeing this and like the
1760s vision of the team and like what they
1762s manag to put together it's just a super
1764s super cool game super unique gamep
1765s playay um so yeah please tune in you'll
1768s see more of it today looking forward to
1771s it I can't believe it Dragon 2 is what
1774s like two weeks away if that yeah we're
1777s just talking with the team today about
1778s that and uh it's it's coming up quickly
1781s after what 12 years you know 12 years 12
1785s years it's been quite
1789s goinging yeah for us that are working on
1791s working on the game at Capcom I think
1793s it's like the longest I've ever worked
1794s on a single title just from like start
1797s to finish so it's it's gone from like
1800s something that is just uh mentioned in
1802s like Whispers to like yeah that game's
1804s out in two months or two weeks so yeah
1814s unbelievable all right we are just
1816s putting a pounding on right
1821s now uhoh
1826s uhoh
1829s and yeah the stories remaster does have
1831s um full voice acting in English and
1834s Japanese and talking of that as well um
1837s previous content that used to be Japan
1839s only in the original release will be
1842s fully
1843s available as part of you know the
1845s standard game uh for the you know
1848s stories re-release
1856s yeah
1860s we should also mention that uh on March
1863s 12th we've got a little uh 20th
1865s anniversary special program that we've
1867s been cooking up we do it's a big
1870s celebration of all things monst Hunter
1872s over the last 20 years um so do make
1875s sure to check that obviously we'll be
1876s talking about it more on our social
1878s channels uh but yeah uh as in promoting
1881s it but yeah it's going to be awesome is
1883s that Tuesday is the 12th yeah think so
1888s yeah TR trying to do quick math
1891s um yeah that is I want to check my
1894s calendar but yeah March 12 at 11:00 a.m.
1898s GMT uh which is 12:00 p.m. C and early
1902s in the morning for you guys over in the
1904s states right yeah yeah it's quite early
1906s in the morning it's 4:00 a.m. uh P PDT
1909s at that point um don't forget daylight
1911s savings time if you're in the US um yeah
1915s so it's a little early it will be quite
1916s a long show
1918s um and we will obviously have all the
1920s archive content available to watch after
1922s the fact so um yeah whether you catch it
1925s live or you catch it afterwards um it'll
1927s be there for you and there's some good
1929s stuff in there it's it's not a news
1931s heavy show it's not really about that
1933s we're not going to be making any reveals
1935s or like you know showing new footage for
1937s Wilds that's coming in the summer um but
1940s you know you're going to hear from the
1941s team you're going to um see lots of cool
1943s stuff we'll reveal the top uh the top 10
1946s monsters that you all voted on yeah I
1950s cannot wait to see who our our big
1952s winners are I mean I'm so pleased to see
1954s brackie made it at 17 so thank you my
1957s fellow brackie enjoyers because for
1959s those that don't know we're revealing
1960s well we've been revealing 20 to 11 on
1963s the monster social media channels yes
1966s um and we are down to was it number 14
1969s was today uh M was today right yep
1974s yep one of my favorites I really love
1976s mun
1978s all the bubbles um so and obviously you
1983s know number 13 tomorrow which will be
1985s lucky for some you know um whichever
1988s monster takes that spot so was it I
1991s think 8 a.m. GMT is when the post will
1993s be going live uh following the the
1995s current theme yeah that's midnight uh in
1998s the US so that's when we've been
1999s dropping those so keep an eye up keep an
2001s eye out love seeing the reactions people
2004s are like oh this one score is higher
2006s than I expect
2008s maybe it's lower so they wondering who's
2010s going to make the top
2011s 10 been really fun yeah some of my
2014s favorites I think both of us our
2015s favorites are in like kind of that 20
2018s to1 range which has been interesting mhm
2021s oh gosh I'm uh digging into the bones
2023s while uh oh sorry about that I just
2025s start that's great I got a dragon bone
2028s Relic I'm quite happy was like one hit
2030s away we like half a tail let's find out
2034s we are playing on PC yeah yes
2038s and now we just have to go find
2042s the I got Wy and Spike plus
2046s yes that's one down sound
2051s effect I forgot to uh restock my mega
2054s potions
2055s again I'm terrible that's all right we
2058s might not we're not going to need them
2059s yeah it's just Mr Fish Mr
2062s Fish so it's how I say fish to my cat so
2066s and I don't say that word very often
2068s either so I guess it's just like stuck
2070s there now uh it's like do you want some
2073s fish go meow you know it's always handy
2075s to have a real life Pico you
2087s know grab
2093s these very
2095s nice quickly pop a on jotus so many bone
2100s piles oh yeah that'd be so useful for
2103s crafting as
2106s well I'm like I'm like trying to fight
2108s off a sneeze right
2110s now you guys all know the
2113s feeling so the eyes are watering yeah
2117s just like I don't know if it's just
2119s going to go there we'll
2124s see St totis all the way over here yeah
2127s oh wait I put Baro let's
2131s see there you go there you
2133s go there they are in the long
2137s grass yeah it's an open Lobby hop on in
2141s we say all we ask is that you use uh
2143s high rank gear between Rarities 5 and
2146s eight um you know no master rank gear we
2149s don't want to totally turbo body the
2154s monsters yeah we're going to go for
2156s about another hour
2158s um so probably like two to three more
2161s hunts I think yeah depending on uh how
2165s they go
2167s yeah but yeah we're hoping to um finish
2170s up all this progress on the
2171s investigation so that we can take on
2174s those elder
2175s dragons oh yes and we know we're not too
2178s far from the climactic ending of the
2182s world
2183s story and then we can start using ice
2186s spawn moves
2190s that would be nice clutch claw
2191s [Music]
2196s ready oh are you did you mount it oh no
2198s you
2199s didn't no I did my one where I kind of
2201s just jump on him and jam my sword into
2203s them and then leap
2206s off I I mean I might go for
2213s a where you going hey get back care
2217s they're poisoned don't worry it's all
2219s part of the
2224s plan I don't I don't need the tracks let
2227s me just get that lob there we go that's
2229s what you need Joe's also pinned the
2231s message uh for the lobby ID if you if
2234s you need it hopefully it's still
2236s there
2245s yeah can't believe this game out in 2018
2247s looks like it came out this year yes it
2249s has aged extremely well oh yes it
2251s clearly moisturizes cuz it's looking so
2254s good yeah that skincare routine is
2257s insane yeah drop drop the skincare
2259s routine it's that kzu butter you
2262s [Laughter]
2265s know uh well I got piercing
2271s pod cotton 4K about to clutch yeah you
2274s know how it
2276s is
2277s raise his right arm wait a second no
2281s it's left arm sorry no wait which one's
2283s the which clutch I was going to say
2284s which one's which got my Slinger arm and
2287s the clutch
2291s arm
2293s oh Gob
2301s on oh nice like a fish out of
2305s water look at that BK that's absolutely
2308s Savage I just jump back and you're
2310s there're
2320s like oh the baseball swing let's
2329s go oh another is that going to be
2332s piercing Slinger Thorn I I can't wait to
2334s start doing the shotgun style attack
2336s with my thorn pods and yeah other
2339s Slinger ammo soon soon we're getting
2345s there turn around you're a Tois lovely I
2349s missed that one got that one
2364s though facing the wrong way ah
2367s uhoh oh it's made some nice mud piles
2370s for us there
2376s yeah nice part
2378s break it's got to be nearly done
2380s [Music]
2382s now I'm
2385s missing
2386s oh and oh that would have been a nice
2390s finish oh couple of attacks short well
2392s played
2395s everyone that was was very therapeutic
2398s after black Diablos yeah it felt like
2401s this time you know we were we were the
2402s ones in control yeah absolutely bullied
2406s hey Sammy SZ good to see you hello
2410s hello big
2412s Bonk yeah we're all super excited for
2414s wilds and as Joe said earlier this
2416s summer there will be the next next info
2419s drop so uh please look forward to that
2422s you know multiple reasons to look
2423s forward to sum are obviously the weather
2425s and more Monster a wild sneeze
2430s yeah yeah we're so unbelievably excited
2433s for Wilds um it's it's an honor to work
2436s on it and uh yeah we can't we can't wait
2439s to share more with you
2441s guys it's that it's been so much fun as
2443s well return into we like you know CU
2447s like it's the Nostalgia because we've
2449s been absolutely smashing rise and
2451s sunbreak for a couple of years now and
2453s haven't like cu the end game in rise and
2455s sunbreak is so deep it's insane how much
2460s depth there is to Sun breaks end game M
2463s um so yeah it's nice to kind of have a
2466s quick little quick bit of nostalgia trip
2468s with world and you know seen so many
2471s people come to world with like the
2473s recent sales I mean there's obviously
2475s Shameless plug but for example you know
2478s there's some massive discounts on monst
2480s World ice born rise sunbreak the monst
2483s Hunter collection which I think is it a
2485s five game package
2488s discount yeah so what's your favorite
2492s monster in series over all games well we
2495s get this question quite often and I love
2496s it because I would always happily talk
2499s about my favorite monster and number
2501s seven number 17 in the world bra
2505s hereos how about you
2507s Joe uh like yeah like I said this it
2510s changes every week uh my favorite
2512s monster is devil Joe but you know I
2514s don't want to wax on about devil Joe
2516s today so I'm going to talk about namiel
2518s which is one of my new favorites uh what
2520s what was that number 18 right yeah yeah
2523s right next to brackie so you know good
2524s company yeah yeah such a cool new
2527s monster I love like the just like marine
2530s life kind of underwater sea uh like like
2535s I said it's it's kind of like a monster
2537s that um you would imagine lives at like
2540s the bottom of the ocean and it's like a
2541s thousand years old or something you
2544s know oh cheers for joining us Bans enjoy
2547s y
2548s day yeah you can imagine you know it's
2550s just it's just down there
2553s chilling and obviously you know the fact
2555s it's in the coral Highlands I think is
2557s it's main horn you know yeah
2560s yeah I don't have any investigations oh
2563s wait Roden I I got another black
2567s Diablo all right I got a Rabon and uh
2572s great gyos geros oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
2575s that's that would be good that yeah the
2577s rotten Veil uh the rewards aren't great
2580s but we could probably power through that
2582s one pretty quickly right mhm yeah oh
2584s wait I got some other ones too wait
2586s let's
2587s see uh none of them are as interesting
2590s as that one let's do that
2595s one namel deserves top
2599s three well we don't determine the
2601s results but you know if we could I would
2603s absolutely rig the results no that's
2607s that's in your guys's hands you you all
2609s voted for this you know me and Joe's me
2611s and Joe's two votes counted the same as
2613s yours we didn't we don't get like an
2615s employee like bonus of an extra five to
2617s our Vote weitting or anything you not
2619s that I think that make a lot of
2620s difference no
2623s no another quick look at the uh armor
2627s situation all right just let me know
2629s when you're ready and I will post this
2632s investigation where did it go I can make
2634s the boots jump Master what jump master I
2637s can't remember
2639s really prevents you from knock atts from
2641s knocking you back during a jump I mean
2643s that's not terrible for me if I'm honest
2648s because
2649s um I do my back
2656s hop I go for the I mean I could do the
2659s helmet for more
2660s attack but I lose my
2663s health but I get weakness exploit so
2665s let's do that sorry trousers you've got
2667s to go goodby no that's I think you've
2670s had that for like the last like five
2672s episodes of this thing I know it's like
2674s it's like when a favorite side character
2676s gets killed off in an
2678s anime oh man we got to play the
2681s flashback like the
2682s Epic like sad
2684s flashback exactly my trousers were like
2687s I can't wait to I can't wait for you to
2689s wear these when we finally take down the
2691s last boss and I'm like yeah I can't wait
2694s and
2695s uh Pi piano
2697s instrumental right this this waste needs
2700s to go now but there's no good wastes I
2702s can get at the moment literally I mean
2705s this that one won't the fashion again
2707s Joe it's the
2708s fashion so I'm going to have to keep
2711s farming but we now have Ros Greaves so
2714s it's now just my my funky raban skirt
2718s that's kind
2719s of kind of standing out but even the
2722s color scheme fit and it's very like red
2724s crimson and black which is like which is
2727s kind of my color scheme like that I wear
2729s normally anyway so how many Hunters have
2732s we got here we got one two should we
2734s split up into two lobbies for this one
2737s or should we try the uh let's see should
2740s we hunt this one together how many let's
2742s do this one together and then maybe the
2743s next one um sure if we we generate some
2746s more uh investigations from this one yes
2748s yes okay right when you're
2755s ready
2759s I forgot to use a voucher yeah me too I
2761s was
2762s foret I don't know if you can gather
2764s tracks in low rank I think it's high
2766s rank only because they're Elder Dragon
2770s tracks I believe I've never tried it in
2774s low ranks though I humble brag I I don't
2777s go back to low rank s of monster Parts
2780s like that Rathalos is it medula I need I
2782s think yeah it's waiting there for you
2785s it's all right
2790s you may need to help on double
2792s ano spicy the investigation is a low
2795s rank one is
2796s it is it oh this one this one this one's
2799s not low rank is it no I don't know I
2801s just pressed I kept smashing the the
2804s confirm button oh I'm scared
2808s now oh no is it a low rank one let me
2814s check sorry I canceled
2822s it oh too fa I could get that waste
2825s because it gives me another Health boost
2828s but then I have health boost three
2830s anyway I think my sword has oh yeah it
2834s is four star so it's low rank
2836s unfortunately ah sorry about that that's
2839s right well you have a look I'm going to
2840s quickly go make a waste which has a
2843s health boost in
2845s it and
2846s so I might be getting rid of the barn
2848s however you know it's still a bit bit
2850s out of my usual fashion B but uh we'll
2854s take
2855s it how how bad is it going to look I
2859s mean it it kind of
2866s fits trying to see which um which Elders
2870s recess Quest we can do sorry about that
2872s sorry that's right if it was a if it was
2874s like a darker color shade it would work
2877s really really well but it actually kind
2878s of fits I look like the the Jolly
2881s Barbarian right now
2885s so yeah if anyone else has got any
2887s investigations with four players that
2889s are high rank on Rotten or Wildfire
2891s Chuck those in as
2893s well did you complete your wild
2896s Spire I don't think so I'll check in a
2899s sec I'm just I'm just on a Smithy screen
2901s so I need three three more WRA and Spike
2905s pluses
2907s more WRA pink ring carres and W gems oh
2910s my
2912s goodness but then to be fair when we
2914s unlock teostra I might be like can we
2915s Farm teostra cuz I want the sword and
2920s shield get the get the blast going yeah
2923s I think I may have unlock now so no way
2927s I'm going to get that going I uh I
2929s haven't
2932s yet my bar is not
2935s full you're just slightly often so yeah
2937s we could do one more wild Spire then
2939s yeah wild one would be good I mean I got
2941s another black Diablos I can put in or is
2945s that is that a quest that's gone in a
2947s quest is
2951s in P graan
2956s capture uh oh no we can't both get into
2958s that
2960s one if not let me did you say you've got
2964s pink ran one on uh wild SP uh it's only
2967s a two- player hunt unfortunately I think
2970s but let me double check I'll come I'll
2972s come back to the
2973s H oh I've got I've got a rotten Bale oh
2976s no that's a no that's a l rank
2981s one think RI investigation so nice let's
2985s check that out join a
2989s quest oh there we go and it's a capture
2991s now I don't have any real like capture
2993s materials just to warn you um uh I need
2996s to go check in my chest which I need to
2998s do to replenish my healing
3002s right yeah my oh my that's looking real
3006s oh boy yeah oh Shar trap I can make a
3009s Shar trap okay do I have any do I have
3013s any goodies in here I got lots of
3016s [Music]
3018s snowman lots of
3020s snowman all right let's see can I make
3023s can I make any
3024s trap I can make a shock trap do I have
3027s any TRS
3029s though oh good point good point I'm
3031s going to have to go buy
3036s some uh let's
3041s see sorry I know we're taking a little
3043s longer to get into the hunt right
3048s now oh no yeah some I don't oh I forgot
3053s about the power charm and the armor
3054s charm I definitely don't have enough
3057s money for those
3058s so I've got them I totally forgot about
3061s them uh track ammo I can't see any Tran
3065s bombs unless I'm missing the
3067s obvious I'm going have to rely on our
3070s more kitted out Hunters all right well
3074s it's up to you
3077s guys yeah we've got the traps you know
3079s we've got the
3083s traps yeah no it's not a dumb question
3086s at all Tyler it's a good question so the
3088s events currently cycle so you know if
3091s you weren't around at the seasonal
3092s events they now cycle every I think is
3094s it one week or two weeks
3097s um pardon me so yeah you can experience
3100s all of the
3102s festivals unlock the gear that was
3104s attached to them and and enjoy the Hunts
3106s linked to them as well oh I've uh crash
3109s landed
3112s uhoh capture quests this is our first
3114s capture Quest I got the two tutorial oh
3117s that's right they give you Tran bombs
3119s and easy shock traps perfect
3122s mhm oh in the um in the Box Box yeah I'm
3126s going to come back come back
3134s awesome hopefully this will max out cuz
3136s I would like to fight
3143s to got to M first
3147s there we go grab these hey
3152s W uh okay so where's pink
3157s wrath I kind of had the crash landed
3159s thing but she's not
3160s [Music]
3162s here it's the other direction okay let
3164s me oh there she is that's why I crash
3166s landed where I crash landed okay yes
3170s that's it D him yeah
3174s hyped yeah I didn't find any Footprints
3177s last time which might be why I didn't
3178s get a lot of
3180s uh yeah I forgot I totally forgot about
3182s power Al a charm oh no uh but now any I
3188s did I bought them yeah yeah yeah oh okay
3190s however I yeah I had a
3193s lot and now you're broke you're a broke
3196s boy yeah like oh
3201s no going to be ordering just like beans
3205s from the meow not meower meow skill Chef
3209s yeah a meower
3212s chef I'll have the cheapest thing on
3215s your dollar menu yeah do you
3218s take do you take Guild points here like
3227s please or like just throw like a Diablo
3230s horn on the table and be like how much
3232s is this worth
3234s food
3239s does this have any tradein
3252s value I think once we all grouped up it
3254s just
3255s moved
3257s yeah we were tracking her
3259s down get my research points up for her
3262s oh there's some Footprints nearby whose
3265s Footprints are
3268s what was that
3270s noise what what was that noise okay so
3273s after this hunt I should now I got those
3281s fopr thank you Mike
3284s Roma you got F Tyler likes the rocket
3287s power great sword best
3293s sword oh no the parone
3296s oh that was very unglamorous yeah I went
3299s in the air and just bounced off that's
3301s okay it's my own my own
3303s Folly at least we stunned
3307s it oh little tail swipe there there we
3312s go back
3314s Vengeance doing your
3316s thing I bonus points for those that are
3319s focusing on the tail I appreciate you
3321s there RI and Spike
3323s pluses so I definitely I'm not going to
3325s get bonus points then yeah you know
3328s that's fine though you know Hammer oh
3330s yes we got some
3336s backup the SED Shield can't quite reach
3339s I'm trying I'm
3345s trying I do have WX level one on my uh
3349s waist as well not was on my boots so
3351s that's nice
3352s nice nice knock down
3364s FK bunk thank you bug
3370s Trappers rise is your first Monster
3372s Hunter game kind of thinking of getting
3373s World well first of all welcome to
3375s Monster
3376s Hunter rise fantastic
3380s choice what was your what was your main
3382s rise weapon and say if you are thinking
3384s of picking up well it's currently was it
3387s like it's got that massive discount on
3388s it at the minute is it like I mean in in
3391s UK that's what about just under 9 Pound
3394s for Monster Hunter
3395s well so super super
3404s cheap I'm so like focused on getting a
3407s knockdown right now yeah get that tasty
3411s head
3412s break I need to move away from there go
3414s back to the tail
3416s yeah get out of here yeah give me that
3418s tail I'm like why don't I get any tails
3421s and I'm just there hitting the head like
3423s what where are my tail break or
3427s Cuts all right let's not forget we need
3429s to capture it
3432s yes cuz I I totally went into like kill
3434s mode
3438s yeah drop your
3444s tail
3447s oh it's done thank
3449s you oh man I'm getting beat up right now
3452s she wants you leave me
3459s alone desper tried to get the
3466s tail there is a a Viger wasp next to us
3469s if you need it as well or I might end up
3471s it yeah Sammy says Weld and Ice BN for
3474s $20 is insane value it's comback half
3477s time nobody nobody look nobody look I'm
3481s just doing my laces
3483s up I got a no I got hit by Karma JN Oh
3488s no I got the pink rra in scale Karma has
3492s come for me for combat com it did it in
3494s St break it does it in well Joe hope
3497s producer gabs got that on stream no I
3500s mean I was doing up my laces I was just
3502s acting as if that that would have
3504s happened you know I right It's
3507s Time Capture
3512s time oh no I can't because I'm getting
3515s staggered all right we got it nice yeah
3518s anyway the Tail's over here try not to
3520s get a scale that' be a real shame wait
3522s where's the tail I get scen you already
3525s got like 10 seconds quick quick quick
3528s get your
3531s scale please finish the animation
3535s oh I think it was just a skill nothing
3538s good coming from jonno's nefarious
3540s combat cards literally literally nothing
3543s good oh outrageous and then did I get
3547s any spikes I don't think I got any no no
3552s I got I got some carapaces though I
3554s needed the carapaces so I've got all the
3555s carace I need but absolutely no tails
3561s well we finished your research right
3565s no we definitely need another pink Ron
3568s oh you didn't you didn't finish your
3569s research no I'm
3575s lying um so yeah um now let's go go to
3581s the research should we go take on
3583s teostra then I think we should all right
3586s I'm g go I'm definitely gon to get the
3588s to gem I'm definitely going to get to
3591s gem first time and then I'm going to
3593s make the sword and I'm going to
3595s make lots of explosions hell of a plan
3599s don't worry skiz it I know we're all
3602s super excited from mons Wilds more news
3604s is coming in summer though and each day
3606s that passes is another day closer to
3608s Summer true facts with
3611s jonno absolute facts this man told no
3615s lies apart from not carving the tail
3618s yeah no there's that okay I got to go
3621s speak to the
3624s Huntsman
3627s all right I'm going to trigger the cut
3629s scene so we can go ahead and get that
3632s done it's time it's time accept theost
3638s INF yeah I won't even eat I'll just get
3640s it and go and then come
3646s back are you able to join my quest after
3648s it opens up or do you need to do the cut
3650s I think I need the cut scene I think
3652s just to be safe just let me know where
3654s you find him and
3657s I'll um the you directly there so ni
3661s that should make it
3663s easy yeah I really like also oh sorry go
3666s for it go for it I really like the look
3668s of too's gear as well I think it's like
3670s really cool I just like a lot about
3671s deosta
3673s me too although lunastra
3678s hurts oh don't forget to bring a cool
3681s drink for this one oh I will thank you
3683s is bow gameplay different world than
3685s rise it is actually there there's I mean
3687s I don't play both but from what I've
3689s seen there's a few different move like
3691s uh move and combo differences obviously
3693s well doesn't have silk bind attacks so
3696s the play style is different um but for
3699s any bow users and enjoyers in chat I'll
3701s let you the experts explain that weapon
3704s because it's probably in my bottom two
3706s usage out of all the weapons uh I played
3709s a little bit of bow and RIS and sunbreak
3711s I know it's like for people who are
3713s really good with the bow it's one of the
3714s like the fastest uh weapons in terms of
3717s like speed running and things like that
3719s so um I'm not an expert on that but
3722s that's what I've seen in the past and
3724s it's it's pretty
3728s cool all right we're meting Tira for the
3731s first time
3735s here yeah my Hunt is looking a lot
3738s cooler
3739s now yeah mine too I'm pretty satisfied
3741s with my uh my fit right
3743s now
3745s same
3748s same man yeah this is a good cut scene
3750s that's that's Cinema to me that's
3757s Cinema that camera angle there of the SN
3759s in
3762s face and I'm going to run the heck out
3765s of
3768s here great theme
3771s song yeah toosha does does big damage
3775s that flame cloak of it so should I
3778s return to the Gathering Pub for now yeah
3780s yeah I'll be doing the the same
3784s thing all
3785s right sorry everybody I know you're
3789s joining and let me let me head back out
3791s so jono and I can do this one
3801s together all right to ustra chill mate
3805s are you are you seeing it now yeah I'm
3808s returning from the quest oh perfect okay
3810s so we are basically both done then we
3813s are aligned all
3821s right there you go got my research
3827s points okay uh I'm going to come back to
3830s the Gathering Hub all right let me know
3833s and then I will post the quest
3835s and we'll do this
3846s thing my
3856s points okay I'm ready when you are all
3859s right posting
3861s it let's use a voucher why not yeah
3868s get those delicious Elder Dragon
3870s Parts well Sammy there
3873s 999 obviously uh please don't use any
3877s master rank weapons I think I saw a
3879s Fatalis weapon there so uh please that
3882s might be a little bit
3884s Overkill um so I think yeah just please
3887s put on high rank gear
3891s uh yeah let's give that a double check
3893s before he head out please
3895s yeah going to bring some cool drinks
3897s just when I accepted the quest I was
3899s like hold
3900s up that's no high rank monster yeah
3906s yeah what's the easiest way to check I
3909s don't know Sammy if you can confirm that
3911s you're on the right I don't think I
3912s don't think Sammy had it I think it was
3914s uh saki saki okay I'll just check uh
3918s player list let's check the
3922s gear uh Defender Shield five yeah good
3925s good all right thank you very much nice
3928s thank you for doing that just you know
3930s we got just so we give the monsters a
3932s fair chance yeah chance we don't want to
3935s completely roll them you know we're
3936s trying to have a little bit of authentic
3938s World Experience nice
3945s nice thanks Sammy you got the lostra
3948s weapon on
3949s perfect I think that yeah that should be
3951s fine yeah I can't was Lun I was like was
3954s L asra ice born or world I can't
3957s remember I think yeah I think world
3960s right trying to remember back it many
3963s many years ago
3965s yeah I mean you joke but six years ago
3968s was a pretty long
3973s time all right are you ready
3976s Sammy yeah baseball yeah oh perfect
3979s perfect thank you sorry to doubt
3983s you
3985s yeah my combat cars are cured I need to
3987s stop doing it I need to wait for the
3989s monster to leave or or be dealt with uh
3992s so I get the positive desire sense of
3994s karma yeah don't forget your cool
4008s drinks here we go oh yeah thank you I uh
4012s I of forgot about
4016s this all right let's get it
4020s done thank you for
4023s that uh oh no no no oh no oh no no uh
4027s manage
4029s items uh I need to take these back I did
4032s a
4034s whoopsie I know where did I put my power
4038s Talon you put it back in the Box yeah oh
4043s no oh no no hold on hold up manage items
4047s item box uh oh yeah I I put it in the
4051s Box I'm a silly
4054s [Music]
4057s Billy oh TI is just uh hanging out
4061s sitting outside of its uh this little
4066s room one two three one two three why
4069s can't I see it why can't
4072s I all right we're we're doing it
4075s nice I'm on the way I H got the power
4078s power chart back at the
4083s uh I'll be there in good time good
4090s time
4093s oh just a wh
4098s start doing all right doing all
4103s right
4105s I'm nearly there I got my cool drinks
4106s yeah I went back for my cool drinks I
4108s dropped my charms everywhere some mess I
4112s to pick them back up couldn't spot them
4113s so I forgot they don't look like a claw
4115s they look like a like a life powder
4117s style bottle until you upgrade them it
4120s was it was quite something nice stun
4122s nice
4125s stun take advantage of this opportunity
4127s to get some
4129s Mountain added
4133s it
4137s our breath
4141s attack nice work
4147s I Y is going for
4151s it oh it's not you that mounted for no
4154s no I was uh I was contributing and then
4157s uh this little ledge here I think did
4159s the did the work for uh yeah tsaki I was
4162s like who's up there that's not
4167s no there we go I'm mining I'm mining oh
4169s no no I'm being bad te comat combat
4172s mining oh that's another level oh
4176s outrageous I'm contributing
4190s nothing blast oh I've got blast blight
4193s on yeah I got watch out out the that
4205s uh going to start rebuilding Mount all
4209s right got the stun let's go
4216s ni the Huntsman is Just Waxing on
4219s poetically there he's loving life isn't
4221s he
4222s yeah another knock down oh I got
4225s launched there got a nice little aerial
4227s attack off the back of
4233s it oh there all right I'm not carving it
4236s until they transition zones I we will be
4241s good you you'll be good you're in your
4244s best behavior I will I will be positive
4247s CA
4250s hunter that way you know I'll get the
4252s teostra Gem first time
4254s oh oh I did have to fin sne there it
4258s is I'm sorry sorry for anybody listening
4263s outrageous it finally happened my sneeze
4266s have been fighting off for the last
4268s hour should probably
4271s Wings actually not they're not the
4273s squishiest things to
4278s attack well that's about to be a a
4281s breath attack but we're okay it was just
4283s a
4284s okay now we can do the
4287s tail now it's it's it's okay yeah see
4292s now hopefully you know luck Shines on us
4294s right now I got a
4297s scale I got another scale Joe I got a
4299s scale I got a scale and
4303s powder I I did everything right why
4306s aren't I on the desire sensor good
4310s list sometimes being a nice guy doesn't
4312s pay off but that's part of being nice
4314s guy yeah sometimes sometimes you got to
4317s got to take that carve yeah you got to
4319s take the
4320s L and you know maybe the karma will pile
4324s up and good things will happen to you
4327s exactly I mean if the tail didn't want
4329s to be carved then why did it fall off
4330s when it did you know it want you to
4333s carve same logic it is if it wanted to
4336s be carved at the end it would fall off
4338s just before you take out the monster you
4339s know
4342s sure
4350s all
4359s right shall I do the honors then do
4369s it not we've managed to avoid a NOA I
4371s think the constant part breaks and
4381s uh very nice yeah I I have noticed we
4385s haven't had that NOA yet the iconic
4388s teostra
4392s yeah I think as well getting the the
4394s carves sorry the breaks and cuts when we
4396s did definitely helped kind of stagger
4398s out of the kind of setup for it yeah
4401s it's just like oh I was not prepared for
4403s this yeah
4404s poor
4406s teostra they boomed me yeah thank
4411s you
4416s yeah yeah no
4419s Crystal mashing got to get out of here
4423s I'm on fire I'm going to Crystal B got
4425s one
4426s left okay I contributed absolutely
4428s nothing at the end there but thank you
4432s everybody won't soon see another hunt
4435s like that all right here you go here
4437s comes my teostra gem let's see it let's
4440s see
4440s it so first I got a
4444s carapace a scale I've seen the scale
4448s before a
4450s m nice well I didn't get it from the
4452s cars but that's because it's going to be
4454s in my uh rewards boxes so yeah you got
4457s to like practice manifesting great
4460s exactly exactly you know all those na
4463s tail cars of adding up for something big
4466s yeah yeah and it's going to
4468s be more
4470s H all
4473s right oh oh it's a big one
4477s oh there we
4483s go what do you think we got one more
4485s hunt in US yeah we I mean we could do
4487s another teostra if you want or we could
4490s do uh we could go to the the rotten
4496s Veil you know I think no matter what we
4498s do today we're not going to finish that
4500s uh investigation progress so why don't
4501s we do another Tira let's do it I got
4503s loads of good parts as well
4506s actually pardon
4508s [Music]
4509s me
4511s burp bur little
4517s burp yes that was the Slinger
4521s sniper it's only a matter of time for
4524s combat sharpening true I I also got an
4526s investigation I'll see if I got a
4528s teostra
4532s one my dog is like wandering around
4534s here miso is he's just wandering around
4537s so yeah I mean if in case you missed it
4540s miso was Capcom USA's pet of the day so
4543s that's check that out go check that out
4546s is that on the Capcom USA Twitter right
4548s yes yes and you can read a little bio
4550s about him on our news page that's
4554s awesome so fun facts about
4556s M yeah yeah learn about his
4558s history but yeah he he is wondering
4561s around he's probably a little hungry so
4562s maybe after this stream yeah I I got a
4566s kashala doo
4567s investigation
4570s oh but we want that gem though right let
4572s me see if I can let me see yeah let me
4574s see cuz I really want the sword and
4576s shield you might have a to if Jugo if
4578s you've got a t investigation we could
4581s yeah I don't know but could be good
4586s right let's let's look at the uh weapon
4588s Forge equipment weapons I can't remember
4591s that if it's an original path or not for
4596s to completed my deliveries there I think
4599s I probably upgrade my hammer now so
4601s maybe we should do that okay so I need
4603s to go I need Coral Crystal so it's part
4605s of the black steel tree which means I
4609s need Coral Crystal and we haven't really
4611s been back to the coral Highlands at all
4613s yeah yeah especially since it's not on
4614s this like list of uh yeah things to do
4618s yeah
4621s um so that'll be one I mean if we get so
4624s I don't even know what parts I need then
4625s for that reason as well okay let's just
4627s look at the armor quickly
4630s though there it is I can't make any but
4633s there it
4634s is all right up my hammer to Rarity six
4637s the the arms seem quite meta they have
4639s wax two on
4642s them
4646s yeah the arms seem pretty spicy but
4649s we're saving up so I'm I'm going to have
4650s to find an excuse to go mine the uh CU I
4655s think that's low rank Coral
4658s Highlands no might be high rank actually
4660s because it's black steel which I don't
4662s so yeah I need to kind of be like oh man
4665s we should definitely just go look at the
4666s coral Highlands and no no I'm in the
4668s same boat too I need nine more Coral
4670s crystals um so I can do black steel
4672s hammer and then take me up that
4674s we we can be to gang together
4678s yeah okay so there is an investigation
4681s that's Toby kadachi do is there a
4683s teostra one anyone got a I think uh R
4687s Ripley might have posted
4688s it let's
4693s see head over to the Gathering Hub I did
4697s upgrade my hammer so I'm feeling pretty
4698s uh pretty good nice I have a my weapon's
4701s still on five because I'm gonna I'm
4703s gonna commit to our teostra weapon dream
4706s that's right that's
4707s right because we might not even need the
4709s gem for the base one it might be for
4711s like the upgraded version mhm so if we
4714s just stash our gear and then next stream
4718s we can have a quick or if we have like
4720s five minutes left we can have a quick
4721s Expedition around yeah yeah we should do
4723s it Ria posted a Toby kadachi Quest so
4726s let's do uh we want to do TOA again
4729s right so let me post that Pop
4732s That
4737s or is there is there an we have a Casal
4741s in our back pocket that's well that's
4743s right that's right
4747s uh uh there code red but that's four
4750s monsters I don't think we have time for
4752s that today next time H that's the Devil
4755s May Cry Quest right yes a that's so cool
4759s well that's good to know especially yeah
4761s cuz there's a few few good monsters uh
4764s all right yeah we don't have time to do
4765s these multiple multimonster event quests
4767s so let's just stick
4769s with uh the optional
4772s Quest the class
4774s there join the
4780s quest and yeah use my what great because
4782s each week I have all my all my vouchers
4785s back as well so yeah oh I by the way oh
4790s no and I used my voucher I'll do it no
4794s you should be fine right because we've
4796s not gone into the quest so oh okay okay
4798s yeah so one person popped out so sorry
4800s about that hello uh join a
4805s quest
4807s optional oh I think it just filled again
4810s yeah sorry but if somebody would mind us
4812s backing out real quick I'm sorry so J
4814s can get in the quest please
4821s iart unless you want to take a separate
4823s group
4823s yeah I'll take a separate group I'll
4825s take a separate group let's do it that
4826s way
4830s yeah that more of us can join the hunt
4834s oh no Alonso oh okay Alonso did back out
4838s so now we're now there's two groups I'm
4843s sure this enough to fill up both yeah
4844s Alo it's okay go ahead and join back
4848s in yeah we'll fill up we'll fill up the
4850s two
4851s groups there we go just make sure you
4853s got high rank weapons and no no fatalist
4857s goodness right now
4858s please let's let me check that player
4862s list let me check your
4866s homework quick quick
4869s look yeah gun L yeah I can see the color
4872s of the weapons there Pardon
4876s Me Oh Glutton Fang a rarity 9 I mean
4879s we'll let that slide we'll let that
4881s slide oh no Rarity 9 hold on how high up
4883s is Rarity
4887s n got a
4891s rarity that'd be fine that'd be
4894s fine yeah we're we're okay here yeah
4897s Nine's good Nine's good toost T just got
4899s a chance to get us oh Rarity 9 is master
4901s rank ah I thought so I was like oh so I
4905s think Rarity eight is top of
4909s high all right my group's ready so let's
4912s let's do this I already ate I'm pretty
4914s sure okay cool good luck and God speed J
4918s thank you may we get all of the good the
4921s good goodies
4924s yes yeah you're right to take uh take
4927s off any master rank weapons put high
4929s rank con
4937s please we are in there let me get that
4940s uh cool
4942s drink
4944s yeah we all want that tasty tasty t t
4953s gem oh it is it's it's the first
4956s jaas jaas master rank one I
4967s see feeling pretty good about our
4969s progress I think it seems like each week
4971s we have been able to take out one of the
4973s major elder dragons so next week we'll
4975s focus
4977s on uh bazak and then hopefully we can
4980s get to the ending of world we'll see if
4984s we have time but yeah we'll try to
4985s squeeze that in there that' be
4994s good all right we're fighting now oh
4997s jeez in
5001s that okay he has got that heavy bow gun
5004s that's just
5009s blasting oh I'm looking forward
5012s toaz next
5015s week all right I gotta heal up I gotta
5017s heal up I'm sorry I've done
5023s nothing I I'm so
5031s sorry oh no no it looks like we lost
5033s some uh yeah I had a I had I had a a DC
5038s there I think yeah I lost we lost quite
5041s a few we lost everyone yeah I still have
5044s Kira in here who survived the purge just
5047s now
5048s hello yeah everyone else
5054s uh well I guess it's uh it's up to
5057s us do you have your quest are you
5059s already in your quest J no I'll see if I
5061s can I don't know if I can join cuz see
5063s if you can join
5064s ours I'll see I'll have a
5069s look oh no I can you can no I can't I
5072s can't actually oh
5074s no what should we do should we back out
5077s yeah I might as well just redo but then
5079s no you lose your ticket you lose your
5081s ticket that's fine I'm I'm cool with
5082s that I'm cool with that sorry kria thank
5084s you apologies about that yeah must have
5087s been a little a little hiccup on my side
5090s with my connection oh no it's all good
5093s it's all good U we lost some folks here
5095s too so um let's do this one together we
5098s should stick together yeah yeah yeah
5101s that was the world telling us that we uh
5103s that we we need to stay as a team why
5105s don't you go ahead and post that yeah
5107s it's up it's up we
5110s yours yeah sorry that wasn't intentional
5113s that was just the
5114s server that was my connection H that was
5117s my connection no no we're all good we're
5119s all good at least the stream survived or
5120s we're still here exactly that's the
5122s important thing
5133s we'll go have a word with too yeah look
5135s like start to start off next week we
5137s have like a nice slow start as uh we
5141s head to the coral Highlands to oh that's
5143s right oh W what a wonderful outfit on
5146s that Hunter look at that the Diablos
5148s with the blue Pico
5150s helmet oh where is it where is it
5154s oh that's incredible it's a fantastic
5157s big fan of
5170s that all right let's wrap this one up
5172s today and
5175s uh
5177s yeah and I've got my cold drinks or cool
5180s drinks this time even
5183s I think I have one left yep yep yep
5187s y that's all you
5192s need yeah yeah we more than happy to
5194s change Guild cards or exchange Guild
5196s cards should I say yeah I'll change my
5198s guild card yeah just just for you I'll
5201s change it different
5205s pose oh I got the rare bone pick up
5208s there another dragon bone Relic than
5211s take that so we'll be going down the T
5214s I'm genuinely excited I love the teostra
5216s weapons how they look and the blast the
5220s armor is so cool I love the the
5221s headpiece the helmet oh
5231s yes you know part of me is glad we
5233s restarted because I was getting
5235s worked time for Revenge I'll try and get
5238s some Mountain on oh no there's the
5241s tail
5247s there we go nice and all was right with
5250s the world
5252s exactly I'll let T hit into the
5260s wall oh easy there easy
5265s there whoa
5269s whoa and down we go then I'll move away
5272s from the head and go to the
5275s tail I'm stood in
5279s lava also I didn't take a cold drink I
5282s got overly excited
5285s uh drink one of these then I'll have an
5287s Astera
5292s jerky that red damage
5301s gone
5309s lovely work on that
5315s tail Crystal burst go go those
5324s staggers we're building up some nice
5326s mount in here as well
5329s yeah was too far away too far away
5334s same here too far away from the
5340s head Crystal
5342s burst pocket
5345s pocket pocket
5347s Crystal oh oh I melted oh
5352s nice it's always a little like nice
5354s surprise for me there yeah so oh I
5358s like
5360s race whoa whoa whoa
5363s got my blue sharpness back oh here comes
5365s a big boom
5375s from oh oh here comes to Bonk is it
5380s B yeah oh no no big bon but it's down I
5384s think is it CU teostra can hit the
5385s ceiling
5387s so get
5389s off in that ious moment yeah too close
5393s to the
5399s Sun oh no that that would be the blast
5401s powder
5406s yeah I must harness the power of the
5414s blast Hammer user should not be near the
5417s Tail I got to get out of there this
5419s position offends me
5421s yeah
5422s this is not the monster's head I think
5424s that was a heart break you just got
5429s there oh that three four oh a no too
5435s soon for the finisher I got some nice
5437s tail damage
5441s though someone's got to do
5444s it come back here
5451s you
5456s thank you for the buff and thank you for
5459s the double
5462s buff much
5464s appreciated very kind of
5472s you oh
5475s nice but I'm not near the head I am now
5480s or finisher no
5483s oh the charge play was it's okay it's
5488s okay that was some big booms
5493s there I'm just desperately swinging
5495s around the tail like come on fall
5500s off that sleep that's asleep oh oh no my
5504s bad uhoh SpaghettiOs
5508s sorry that was mid combo between my
5511s combat card and your your wakeups where
5515s we got the the hunter Sinners where you
5518s going just he's had enough he shot all
5520s my crystal
5525s bursts did he come
5527s down nearly down now okay let's go into
5530s this Throne there we go slapped him on
5533s the
5535s tail again with the sler take
5539s this we're done when I say we're done
5541s get back back here drot oh some or get
5546s that devil devil Joe's just says the
5550s fields we've all done it we've all done
5553s it I'm sorry yeah it's all part I
5556s apologize to all of every Hunter out
5559s there for doing that that was
5571s shameful must be a barrel bomb going
5573s down there from
5585s Kier I will provide motivational
5589s support all right who's doing it I guess
5591s it's me oh oh you got it saki go do your
5596s thing okay I guess it's
5601s me
5604s see if I get any tail damage and all
5606s that
5607s hurt you know I don't love is love I
5610s don't love doing the wake up cuz uh you
5613s know all the eyes are on you everyone's
5615s watching you it's no pressure yeah
5621s yeah I'm down here
5631s tail
5633s that lava yeah I'm catching that lava
5638s bigly oh it's the
5641s [Music]
5645s Nova no bless you were you were the
5648s chosen one there oh I thought uh I
5651s thought it was going to be a little
5652s longer and I could Superman dive out I
5654s think me or
5658s not go Ahad yeah I was going to say I'm
5661s I'm being less aggressive to give you
5662s more time to get back and kind of making
5665s the odd swing at the tail hoping for the
5667s best if people why why I keep running
5670s around to
5671s ostra like why isn't he hunted the
5674s monster oh nice nice head break
5678s there come on tail come on tail you owe
5682s me a
5685s tail no I'm so far away run run I wait I
5690s was be to chill at chill at
5692s attacks oh I think I'm I'm like looking
5695s at the map right
5696s now Rod there's no way there's no
5702s [Music]
5703s way you got you got 40 seconds still you
5707s got this go go go oh no no my
5714s stamina what's this
5717s 30 you need about 15 seconds I reckon
5720s unless you get like a super
5722s getting tired getting tired I'm in the
5725s room Gojo 20 seconds you're going to
5728s have about maybe 8 seconds the time you
5730s get there I believe I believe run all
5734s right I think I made it I think I made
5735s it no 10 seconds I'm probably not going
5737s to get everything cough cough c let's
5739s see let's see let's
5744s see no did you get two pieces I only got
5748s two that's okay that's something that's
5751s something thing that's punishment
5753s punishment for being trash I I I I
5758s didn't get the the uh the gem outrageous
5761s unfair oh man that was cursed
5767s there some nice yeah two care pieces I'm
5771s sure once we get the the black steel
5773s stuff we'll be able to make the first
5774s tier of the
5777s weapon everybody saw that that shameful
5780s display yeah I got the silver crown so
5782s at least there's
5784s that it hurts it hurts my soul is
5786s hurting
5789s but
5790s yeah punishment for stealing's M oh
5794s there are Mount you know what if if I
5796s contribute to the buildup and someone
5798s gets it I'm happy as long as the monster
5799s being mounted it's a win in my
5802s books yes and say with that and there
5806s there's everyone just check out Gram's
5807s fashion there grm is looking incredible
5810s look at that it looks like what you
5814s think a Pico of that size would look
5816s like as well it's like yeah that's uh
5820s let's get into The View mode here look
5822s look in
5824s killer
5826s yeah look at that look at that
5829s incredible Dan yeah who who I can't the
5832s camera can't keep
5833s up oh is there some uh arm wrestling
5837s happening kria versus R Ria you want to
5840s uh get in there
5842s we don't have NE copter exactly if you
5845s want to if you want to win some arm
5846s wrestling this week's the week to do it
5848s yeah or neia
5855s sorry yeah I'll go okay going going
5866s in
5869s oh oh
5873s oh well
5877s done I know saki in there as
5881s well I'm wandering around getting in the
5892s waya see see one of us always has to
5895s lose every week right that's like a yeah
5897s okay so I'm going to I believe in you Jo
5899s yeah devil Joe does devil Joe on team
5902s carer
5904s though
5912s oh and with that let's call it for the
5915s week yeah well played everyone and thank
5917s you everyone that turned up as well
5919s golden Blitz grm we had bans Shel tasaki
5923s Kier Ria Ripley I'm sure I'm missing
5926s some people as well where's grm there's
5927s gr everyone that turned up you know
5929s whether you watched whether you chat it
5932s whether you jumped into the Gathering
5933s Hub and hunted with us we really really
5937s appreciate it Anda we'll be back next
5939s week where we might be finishing up the
5942s story for Monster Hunter World U because
5946s we'll be back to the the usual two hours
5949s um as Joe said as well you know if you
5951s are around a bit later today uh check
5953s out the Capcom highlights day one
5956s featuring Dragon stma 2 and kugami half
5959s of the half of the Goddess yes yeah um
5963s and yeah it's going to be awesome and
5965s then obviously on the 11th there's day
5967s two which includes moner stories uh EXO
5970s Primal Street Fighter 6 and I'm sure
5973s there's another one Monster Hunter
5975s nower yeah there we go and then
5978s obviously on the 12th because it's it's
5980s event it's event season right now for
5982s Capcom here it's a good time to be a
5984s Capcom fan on March 12th at 11:00 a.m.
5987s GMT or 12:00 p.m. c um and 400 am.
5993s PDT um there is the Monster Hunter 20th
5997s anniversary like celebration event it's
6000s it's longer than your standard kind of
6002s 20 minute event you might be used to
6004s it's going to be going over 20 years in
6006s Monster Hunter from the team from the
6008s community from creators uh it's going to
6011s be a lot of fun obviously you can watch
6013s it live and we will have it available um
6016s obviously on like our YouTube channel
6018s afterwards as well but check it out
6019s obviously what mon was all about but
6022s yeah I've spoke a lot Joe I'm Chuck it
6024s back over to you you covered it all yeah
6027s we've got a busy event season I guess
6030s over the next like week or so so yeah
6032s tune in to C film highlights there's two
6034s days of it so go check that out and then
6036s the special program is going to be a fun
6037s one if you you love Monster Hunter um
6040s it's just a great way to look back on
6041s the series for the last 20 years whether
6043s you've just started or um you know
6045s you've been around for a super long time
6047s so um yeah thanks again everybody for
6050s joining us and uh we'll see you again
6052s next week and hopefully we can wrap this
6053s thing up so or at least wrap up the uh
6055s the story for world but you there's
6057s definitely more return to World goodness
6058s in the future oh yes absolutely and as
6061s always I've been jonno and I'm Joe and
6064s you've been awesome have a fantastic
6066s rest of the week and a great weekend we
6068s will see you next time good night all
6070s right bye
6072s [Music]
6080s everybody
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about 1 month ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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819s hello everyone and welcome to today's
820s stream my name is j o e Community
822s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
824s by everybody I'm Joe I'm the capital P
827s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
829s Joo today we have a pretty packed agenda
831s right we do uh we are closing in on the
836s last main story quest of Monster Hunter
839s world and what stands between us and
841s that is the rotten Veil isn't it
843s Joe yes sir yeah that's our last uh
846s tracks that we got get uh get gathered
849s and then we'll be taking on uh bazak and
853s then hopefully heading into the end of
855s the story so yeah we've got a lot to do
858s today um why don't we get into it right
861s yeah let's get stuck in and because we
863s you know working towards that that last
865s Quest we will be opening up the lobby
867s for Community hunts straight away
870s um so if you watch your chat we'll be
872s popping in that Lobby ID Joe are you
875s right to pop it in the twitch chat today
876s as well I've just realized yes yes I
878s actually uh may have sent it too early
881s and everyone was very confused on what
883s that code was what is this Myster that's
886s what it is yes join us uh whether you're
889s on YouTube or twitch um we'll have that
892s code in
893s there thank you thank you very much
896s please carry us yeah and hello King
898s bendrick as well good to see you mate
900s hope you're doing
902s well but yeah if say if you do jump in
905s um all we ask is you're using around
906s Rarity five Rarity 6 gear or lower you
909s can use lower than that um please don't
911s use any Master end gear um and yeah try
915s and keep it around us just so we give
917s the monsters a fair a fair fight for
919s that more authentic experience um
921s because you know we are getting closer
923s to master rank and Ice born um oh yeah
927s Joe you ready to pop the code in twitch
929s chat as well
931s sorry
933s um I may need a second to do that
936s actually yeah I oh
940s wait don't worry twitch chat Joe will
942s come to our Aid and provide the code I'm
945s trying does somebody does somebody want
946s to read it out loud yeah upper case
949s lower
956s case it's good to see the lobby filling
958s up so what we'll do we will rotate Quest
960s until we are ready to go after that
963s elusive final monster in the story and
966s then Joe and I will Doo it and then
968s after that we'll do some quests and
969s hunting until um the stream
972s ends and then after that the the world
975s is our oyster no pun
983s intended all right um I'm struggling a
986s little bit getting this there
995s so my my real life Pico's hopped up by
997s my camera so I'm just giving giving her
999s some attention to appease the
1012s Pico but in the meantime everyone how
1015s are your hunts going have you been
1016s enjoying the Hunts have you had any
1019s night cars lately any triple carts let
1021s us know yeah while we while we Gear Up
1023s anyone that's in the lobby already get
1025s your high rank gear
1027s on come and come and join us in in the
1030s high rank gear gang
1032s again uh we are let's double check that
1035s Rarity I think I'm five and six maybe
1038s six yeah yeah I'm def my weapon is six
1043s so I think that's the main thing right
1045s like as long as the weapon is around the
1047s right Rarity the armor that's okay right
1051s yeah yeah armor we can be flexible with
1053s but um weapons obviously you know if the
1056s monster Falls over in 10 seconds we
1058s we'll
1062s know yeah thanks everybody if you're on
1064s Twitch for bearing with us we just got
1068s to handle a couple you getting stuck in
1071s though credit to them yeah hello
1077s YouTube but yeah uh um for M fans it's
1080s been a pretty fun week 20th anniversary
1083s we had a special program the other day
1087s um yeah and that was that was a lot of
1089s fun it was nice talking to uh ruran and
1092s Kath and vampy in our Round Table um
1095s we're so grateful to have them um and
1099s just you know having the dev team on to
1100s to share all their insights from you
1102s know making all these 20 years of
1105s monster hunter games uh it was it was
1106s pretty fun ride so um yeah thanks if you
1109s if you tuned in if you haven't seen it
1111s um please go check that out but uh
1114s yeah all it was yeah it was such a fun
1117s time and as you said you know we've got
1118s the community side we've got the uh the
1121s developer round tables which had some
1123s really cool insightful stuff that I
1125s don't think had necessarily been
1126s revealed before about the development of
1129s the games how how rajang got his hunger
1131s for kierin horns for example um so yeah
1134s there's some super fun stuff in there
1135s and as you said we were so humbled to
1138s have vamp ruran and coap join us as well
1140s for the round table but yeah 20 years of
1142s mon Hunter like it's blown
1145s by yeah absolutely um all right the
1148s lobby ID is in there um thank you guys
1150s again for bearing with us
1153s um all right let's get to the first
1156s order of business shall we okay I ate
1159s already let's get in there so what we
1161s need to do we're after kind of research
1164s points uh in the rotten Veil to help us
1167s find the Elder Dragon there that is the
1168s last the three that we need we've
1170s already took down kashala Andra so we
1174s just have Val haaz now and oh I've
1177s landed straight on a monster uh I'm not
1179s alone I've got grm with me I'm going to
1181s take these ancient fossils
1184s it's my boy okay that's that's the one
1187s we're going for first oh it's right here
1190s yeah if you come across another monster
1192s go for it like I I think we should be
1194s able to two man that monster if not I
1197s think I need to go back to uh Monster
1200s Hunter Academy no no no we're sticking
1203s together we're sticking together mostly
1205s because I don't have the confidence to
1206s take the others on my own yeah you can
1208s do B I'll I'll do this one not with that
1211s multiplayer health I'm not doing
1218s that I do need great Heros as well
1221s actually I do like
1222s Paralysis on and shield getting all the
1225s investigations
1228s now
1231s all right let's do this let's get the
1239s Bonks is that quite big I guess this is
1242s an
1243s event yeah
1247s yeah the greatest of hero
1253s yeah yeah if you don't get in this hunt
1256s don't worry we will rotate you know
1274s oh okay that was fast yeah I think you
1278s know I think great great garos is a good
1281s way to kind of like settle in we'll see
1283s how we go against the meta monsters and
1284s then we'll know the weapon situation now
1287s just a reminder guys
1290s 36 yeah I I I'll have a quick look I'll
1293s have a quick look just to satisfy my
1294s curiosity yeah we are playing on Steam
1296s as well if you do want to join us we are
1298s we are on
1299s Steam let's have a look um so who who is
1303s with us in the quest obviously we have
1304s grm what kind of equipment we rock in
1307s Rarity
1313s eight and we also have a there as well
1318s um
1319s I mean it's teally right no I think it's
1323s topend top end high rank yeah
1325s yeah as well yeah insect equipment
1328s Rarity six bonus points to you agle
1331s bonus points to you yeah don't worry
1332s groin we still love you though we still
1334s love you I think we're just very good
1337s yeah you know I'm punching above my
1340s Rarity five weight
1342s [Laughter]
1344s clearly yeah the rotten Veil is a is a
1348s very cool very unque I really my
1349s favorite bit is the acid pool area look
1352s at the size of this
1356s dog your favorite bit is the acid pool
1358s so you might be like a you poison swamp
1361s type person yeah oh yeah you know in the
1363s souls games you know straight there
1365s straight
1366s there um but also there's quite an
1369s Infamous moment from my predecessor sock
1372s uh who was streaming some monster H the
1374s world back in the day um with some
1377s content creators and they successfully
1379s did a huntt in here but they actually
1382s ended up triple cting in the in the
1384s reward screen bit he was stood in a pool
1388s of acid while the animation was
1390s happening and it CED him no that's so
1393s tragic yeah yeah so you got to watch
1396s your
1397s step oh Slinger
1400s THS you know I'm looking forward as well
1402s oh wow that's
1403s D we are getting closer and closer to
1406s being able to use our clutch as part of
1408s our self
1410s that's some
1413s damage yeah I can't honestly I can't
1416s wait to use clut CL it it is a essential
1420s yeah I that's really cool
1424s comos oh hang on we have a invited
1429s guest
1434s it's
1436s yo uh um you know maybe maybe we should
1439s let these two Juke out uh I'm I'm going
1442s to stop trying to get in the middle of
1444s that yeah not best place wake up wake up
1448s wake up I've got oh I tried to you know
1452s I tried to panic Pierce pod but I ended
1453s up climbing a Vine SS good I saw my
1457s light flashing for my eyes W I bet
1460s like uh we just need to make sure I need
1463s to make sure I don't end up like Moun
1465s baz like I need to get it on aigon iwi
1468s I'm like guys I'm
1471s stuck man that was uh that was
1477s scary o maybe I can work on this
1480s tail
1484s whoa oh my goodness this is the worst
1488s Corridor this is very dangerous to be
1491s considering what we're hunting both of
1493s these monsters exing cor this corridor
1496s from hell yeah I'm just going to fire
1498s Pier there we go sharing is
1501s car I mean at least they're damaging
1503s each other for us as well
1505s right yeah
1508s yeah you know as we know from the round
1510s taes they worked really hard on the uh
1513s on the turf wars making those work in
1515s this game so appreciate exactly there we
1519s go okay took
1523s out oh who's coming in now I think I got
1526s bit by a gyos yep yeah there they
1534s are so this is going this is going
1536s smooth this is going smooth we've not
1538s found any blue oh I got another gar
1541s gem lucky lucky there we go I don't
1544s think I really use much a gar
1546s gear um I just need that teostra one you
1550s know so I make make teostra yes
1555s please this um okay so we need a CL
1559s higher and higher so this just raban
1564s andaron uh we got to take out Bas right
1568s Bas oh notar yeah yeah sorry raban and
1572s basil geese I said aarin because uh I I
1575s had it on my screen that there's a shiny
1577s nearby like oh yes
1579s AAR I'm curious um you know what the how
1582s the chat says basil basil Goose basil
1585s geese basil Goose yeah I Basel geese BAS
1590s bagle
1594s Goose
1596s Shin scal oh that sound whatever that
1600s was yeah that was nice was that a slide
1603s yeah
1617s yeah
1619s oh he's in the B trap
1633s yeah finally got my charge attack now
1636s that looks that looks good oh straight
1645s down
1647s and there Oh I thought that was stun but
1649s no it was getting
1652s revenge I called him dung pod receiver I
1656s think
1658s rabar
1660s receiver the instant nope you can't you
1664s can't sit here
1669s yeah basil Goose seems like the chat on
1673s YouTube lik basil Goose
1676s oh that is that is good one Sor I'm
1679s stunned there oh we're all stunned we're
1682s okay have a little drink oh
1686s here well say hi we should we take him
1690s out
1691s yeah got a bone to pick with
1698s r there's a nice slidy touch there yeah
1701s I got I got to hit that take this do
1706s it yes are we going to get back up here
1708s as well well the
1717s gados I don't know I heard I
1719s heard yeah I thought I heard it
1724s too enjoy I will go through the
1731s tail oh there they go I think that's
1733s them there aalis
1737s there
1739s this is such a crunchy
1742s monster
1744s yeah lots of yeah
1754s yeah good to see you
1756s Oscar H
1761s Oscar I'm actually getting some tail
1763s hits I like RAB is that another
1766s paralysis oh my goodness we we get some
1769s nice backup
1784s here get the pier
1790s there no you
1792s don't stay where you
1796s are cheers for the help lads
1800s uh oh oh oh
1803s boy I'm rolling up
1808s there can I slide down
1812s this nice bre was that the chip yeah
1815s this is slidable massively all
1818s right here it
1820s comes oh there we go that was that was
1823s quite impactful right so we just got to
1826s go and wrap things up with B
1834s yeah and if if you're uh in the US um
1840s thanks for joining us we are an hour
1841s later than our usual time um because
1845s ofing time yeah time travel I don't know
1847s how time zones work I logged on an hour
1850s before this thing and I was ready to go
1853s and the guys and jonno were like what's
1856s going on I was so shocked I was like
1858s wait
1859s what I'm not set up yet yeah that was a
1862s that was a jump scare so I'm sorry about
1864s that looking up like wait a
1883s second I just went past my
1887s mega booster yeah I'm
1890s going nice stagger that was about to hit
1892s me that was
1894s lovely I think we've done a little bit
1896s of damage
1898s as oh the plunge wall the Blessed plunge
1901s walls blessed plunge
1904s wall I need to keep visibility here he's
1907s going to charge now is oh lovely oh
1914s cheeky Jon isn't it it's pretty crazy
1917s that as was ranked 52 oh no I fainted
1923s unlucky yeah 52 which yeah aligns
1925s perfectly with obviously the community
1927s pet name for baz as well yeah that was
1931s pretty
1932s crazy and also I saw that espinos ranked
1936s one place higher than kosala doora so L
1939s Accura the Rivalry continues love it
1941s love to see it yeah like it's crazy like
1945s what the chances are of that but that's
1946s how the votes fell
1949s um oh no I'm stunned again man the first
1953s card of the day I'm embarrassed it's
1955s only 11 here in La we're good
1958s yeah that's okay you know we're we're
1961s pushing ahead you know we've not spent a
1962s lot of time really farming gear um like
1965s any sane Hunter would uh we've just gone
1968s we're going all
1970s in thanks for the air cover I appreciate
1973s that you didn't have to uh make excuses
1976s for
1977s me
1979s it's all right I've been there a few
1980s streams back oh the Blessed walls here
1983s we go plunge
1987s yay uh zel I think that's how I say say
1989s your name uh that is the lobby ID so if
1992s you'd like to join us um obviously right
1994s now we've got um some Hunters already
1997s but you can join the lobby and uh maybe
1999s join us R you Huns mhm yeah we'll be
2002s rotating the uh rotating the lobby not
2004s Lobby the Hun grou between
2007s HS possible to join us yep oh there we
2010s go all right I didn't find any
2012s Footprints but I imagine they'll
2013s probably they would be in the lower area
2015s cuz that's where Bazar hangs out yeah
2018s hopefully that's not a thing where they
2019s don't show up an event quests or we
2021s can't make progress in event Quest we'll
2023s find out let's see let's see let's
2025s see yeah go not grinding gear is
2028s hardcore monster hun yes if it's
2029s speedrun straps isn't it yeah having to
2032s make the most of what you get got juicy
2034s there we are mainlining this thing we
2037s are going all in and then we can start
2040s getting GE and then obviously I mean we
2042s need to decide when we jump into iceborn
2044s as well cuz you know we have said you
2045s know we're going to aim to try and get
2047s to and beat Fatalis at some point that's
2050s the
2051s goal oh
2054s yes I'll be going all in on some
2056s Elemental stuff I think in
2058s ice so there are some lovely lovely
2061s Elemental armor
2063s SKS in in master
2067s rank so I hope you like gold and silver
2070s WRA and R and Joe CU I'll have to spend
2073s some time
2075s there no you don't have to go on
2077s Expeditions for the valark evidence you
2079s can you can get them out of quest in
2080s that area I believe and hopefully I'll
2082s be proven correct in a second let's see
2085s let's see take off
2087s yes there we go so we got half okay
2090s halfway someone more yeah yeah oh there
2093s we go gold
2095s silver yeah yeah I got yeah I'm seeing
2097s it
2099s okay I guess if we got Footprints it
2101s would have been higher I mean we do now
2103s have individual hunts as well uh cuz I
2105s think we've seen the monsters so we
2106s should have more opal quests hey look at
2109s everyone here you love to see it all
2111s right so thank you to thank you to the
2113s two Hunters that joined us obviously in
2115s that hunt thank you agil and where are
2117s you thank you both so just let if you
2120s just sit out this one just so we can
2121s then like rotate and get two more folks
2124s in
2127s um
2129s Ian we might even have investigations
2131s now yeah you want to try to do the same
2134s one maybe because we we made a lot of
2135s progress there and it was pretty quick
2137s yeah okay I'm happy to do that again
2139s yeah do it maybe you'll get some more
2141s Crowns All Right everyone uh just please
2143s let Joe go in I'm popping it in now
2146s please maybe if we start we don't need
2149s to we don't need to put prins because
2150s beating those monsters is
2152s enough right Joe it's going up
2156s now see if you get
2159s I'm not sure what does it reset when you
2161s open the book um you can just oh it's in
2164s advance sorry sorry that's all that's
2165s all I'm a four hey you're in and there's
2169s one more spot as well and yeah if you
2170s don't get in a hunt with us feel free to
2172s hunt together you know this is a good
2173s excuse to bring the community together
2176s um and you know they're probably they're
2178s probably in a better place to help you
2180s with hunts at the moment than we are
2181s with our equip yeah and please do bring
2184s uh around Rarity I believe it was six
2186s right yeah Rarity
2188s seven seven at the upper kind of thing
2191s just to give the monsters a fair a fair
2194s go right I need to eat delicious food
2198s attack up L I think I
2201s will weakener Slugger oh weakener that's
2204s a good one to
2207s get yeah we don't I don't think we need
2211s to do Expeditions for bazak evidence um
2214s or tracks right um like we can we can
2218s make progress just by clearing quests
2220s like we just saw so but I don't actually
2221s don't know if the tracks show up in the
2223s quests or at least in this specific
2224s Quest but either way I think we're okay
2227s yeah I mean we can always take a detour
2228s and have a little look down like one of
2229s us can go have a look to to see if we
2231s need to or we can just Bonk the monsters
2234s but yeah I guess I think that the tracks
2236s are found where the Elder Dragon
2238s actually tends to
2240s lur all right okay yeah so uh little tip
2245s for anyone looking for looking for the
2247s prince
2249s all right J I got another uh uh
2252s pronunciation debate for
2255s you how do you say lagi
2258s acis I say yeah lagi acis but then I
2261s hear that I hear people say legakis yeah
2264s is a Chris which might make more sense
2267s but for me it's like all right laggy you
2269s know lagy at Chris me you
2272s know I'm going to
2274s go yeah I say Le acis but it may well be
2277s the guy have I gone the wrong way no I
2279s didn't spawn where I think I did that's
2281s RAB hi RAB
2285s yeah yeah right that's it come back here
2290s RAB and let's G yeah we will we will go
2294s into iceborn once we once we reach that
2297s that
2298s Milestone that's the plan that's the
2300s plan uh lar acis because I don't speak
2303s English it sounds like you got a good
2304s grip of it there
2306s yeah
2309s all right where we going I'm at raban at
2311s the moment okay I I have totally whiffed
2314s my engagement though I was going to try
2316s and get an early Mount but I I just
2318s felt Ah that's all right all right I'm
2321s with you now thank you get load
2327s investigations oh I can't see a thing
2330s it's just bones of
2335s tar thank you for the
2339s yeah that is uh that's yeah like you
2342s know when you ask how say like L because
2344s obviously laggy being the third top
2347s voted monster in the hunter Choice top
2350s monster
2356s po there we
2358s go uh joh do you recall what the top the
2362s top uh
2364s boat uh per region was I can't remember
2367s I know for to the US and I'm not sure if
2369s that includes Europe as well Europe I
2372s think I know Gala is Gala Europe or
2375s North America I think it was North
2377s America I'm not sure if it was both
2379s regions combined but yeah um yeah gor
2382s mgala was number one um at least for
2385s North America well love that monster
2389s yeah that was really cool to
2393s see trap giv us a nice hand
2399s where our friends are they're they with
2401s great garos in the minute I can see
2404s which is ironic I need the great garos
2406s Parts but I was like you know what R
2408s there yeah we're going to
2415s dance oh oh and yeah my my uh personal
2420s vote and favorite monster bracky made it
2422s in at 17 so I'm very proud of bracky cuz
2425s I imagine as well with with that monster
2427s oh no I'm I'm stunned no no no no no no
2431s oh no you're okay you're
2433s okay thank you I imagine with bracky the
2436s votes will probably split between you
2438s knowy and region cuz I nearly voted for
2441s region but my my logic was without
2444s bracky you wouldn't have
2453s ra I was a little sad to see devil Joe
2456s come in in the 40s um yeah that's okay
2460s that's okay bit a pickle yeah not
2463s everybody likes
2465s pickles sometimes they ask for no
2467s pickles I know I do when I have a what
2471s you're a no pickle person I am I am I
2473s like it I like I like the meat I like
2475s the cheese I like the onion like no
2477s ketchup no mustard no no pickles just
2481s you know how about like you ever have
2483s like a fried chicken sandwich
2486s yes like that like hot sauce and stuff
2488s like that hot may have been disconnected
2491s here oh no not on my own
2495s please oh I think I think I've been
2498s disconnected oh yeah you're
2500s yeah you're you you disconnected mid
2503s Hammer mid Slide Hammer attack and uh
2507s how sad and uh so you were spinning on
2510s the spot oh man okay well so we'll take
2513s out these two monsters and then we'll
2515s we'll back
2516s out
2519s I'll go to great gyos and then
2522s uh great gyos Still Still of this
2526s Earth yeah I'm just see I'm seeing a
2528s Rabon just walking into the corner so
2531s it's
2532s unfortunate uh yeah we'll we'll start
2534s that again that's fine sorry buddy
2537s that's
2538s right you know we're doing a a stream
2541s that's across continents it is it is
2546s worldwide yeah
2548s so these things happen hey NE good to
2550s see you again how what kind of state is
2554s great I think is wreck Ry said the
2558s description of that burger ruined him
2560s yeah once you said you you don't like
2561s pickles it killed me see I like
2564s mushrooms I like onions cheese hot sauce
2567s all that kind of stuff but I don't like
2569s ketchup and I feel like pickles you know
2572s take away from
2575s the so uh I'm not against having it
2578s though not like mayonnaise I think
2579s mayonnaise is a sin you what yeah no
2583s mayonnaise in any of my Burgers what
2585s about like Q Mayo no no no no no no oh
2590s man Mayo that's my that's my killes heal
2593s J know
2595s why so that so that those around me can
2598s enjoy more mayonnaise cuz I'm not e it
2600s you know it's a selfless
2605s Endeavor are you back let me know when
2607s you back back in the lobby by the way
2610s and yeah I'm trying to try
2617s now
2622s down I wonder if I can just join you
2624s guys in the quest right there's might
2626s you might be able to rejoin I don't know
2628s if it kind of blocks you out or
2631s not okay says I'm searching for online
2635s session so let's skip that a sec
2639s oh AAR is is here please let me carve
2644s AAR no I'm going to get C by Auto I just
2647s want to
2651s carve it's not even a combat card so my
2653s conscience is
2655s clear so you have good car this time
2658s yeah I mean the gang are doing a good
2661s job distracting gar for me so I
2663s appreciate
2666s it
2669s all right I made it back to the session
2670s let's see get
2674s back
2683s try working on that
2688s tail ah I cannot I cannot no worries
2692s okay then sorry guys that's all right
2694s okay gang let's return from the hunt and
2696s we'll we'll pick up Joe actually I'll
2698s grab the shiny
2700s quick I got a bang very
2703s nice and we'll pop the quest in and then
2705s yeah jump back in with us yeah sorry
2707s about that
2711s how my
2714s internet all right we got we got two
2716s extra great Gros
2719s scales very
2725s nice there we go right I'll go pop the
2727s quest do you want to put the quest
2729s in sure I'll try okay
2739s hello
2740s uial something eal Opa seven seven stars
2744s yes got
2749s it it's because I didn't use my lucky
2751s voucher that's what it
2753s is oh pardon
2756s me
2758s all right let's supp it go ahead thank
2761s you there we go will I get my attack up
2766s L maybe if I use a
2769s voucher I don't have many vouchers but I
2772s I'll P there we
2778s go Turk so we have NEP and Turk this
2782s time sorry for the previous Hunters to
2784s jumped in hopefully we'll get you in
2785s again on the next one
2788s we did we did give that great Gros a
2790s good old take
2795s down all right Turk is rocking Rarity
2798s three nice good on your Turk challenge
2802s mode
2803s engaged you could pop it up a little bit
2805s but I respect
2807s that tur's looking to stretch their
2809s Hunter
2814s skulls says they they haven't hunted for
2817s ages going to be terrible no that's
2819s that's not true this is a good quest to
2821s scrape the rust off there's a nice mix
2823s of monsters in
2828s here I'm loving the outfit and the Lun
2831s asra weapon of the hunter next to me as
2832s well the col the color scheme is
2835s exquisite yeah that's a
2839s glamour it's like my favorite kind of
2841s colors as well you know not that my hair
2843s makes that obvious but no your favorite
2845s color is like uh like orang thing right
2848s yeah definitely orange pickle
2858s orange and then once Turk Ready's up are
2860s you there Turk are you ready to
2863s hunt we're ready when you are
2870s Turk we can jump in there we go do there
2874s we
2875s go okay maybe we should stick together
2877s this this time yeah yeah we'll uh Spike
2879s the monsters yeah took about one at a
2884s time
2892s efficient in stories you named your
2894s devil Joe girkin which is British term
2896s for pickle that is
2898s correct as a fellow British
2901s person I can
2906s confirm I don't know I don't know these
2908s things I'm
2911s uncultured you're not missing out on
2913s much don't
2916s worry right I'm going to go quickly test
2918s the footprint
2921s Theory okay I think I dropped pretty
2923s close to one then I will travel
2929s over actually started playing this game
2931s again last week been playing Monster
2932s Hunter since freedom on PSP and world is
2934s your least played game no excuse at all
2936s making time for it now well safira
2938s Crusher you have returned to world and
2941s uh a great time to jump in honestly like
2944s we saw again on Steam alone the monst
2947s world back up to over 100,000 Peak
2949s players which is so long after launch is
2952s so awesome to see so thank you everyone
2954s but yeah jump in have some
2959s fun yeah that was so awesome to
2962s see I was like surprised I'm like whoa
2964s the number has shot back up
2967s and say because we got some tasty
2969s discounts obviously you know Shameless
2971s plug we have some big big discounts on
2973s not just monant world and iceborn but
2975s there's like some really cool
2976s collections on Steam as well available
2979s and obviously there are discounts on
2980s other platforms as well on the hope of
2982s Thor of monst titles World ice born Rise
2985s sunbreak um so check it out well said
2989s it's almost like you work at Capcom or
2990s something you know what You' think that
2992s you
2994s know I'm a bit biased there you know
2997s like if I want people to buy and play
2998s Monster Hunter specifically as
3001s well lines up with a personal personal
3004s goal yeah tell your friends discount
3007s weekend is
3010s here okay I found o Garin I'm GNA leave
3013s that come find you guys Turk having a
3015s little oh no there you go
3018s Turk Turk was having a little tussle
3020s with Aaron I think the low rank armor
3023s might have been a bit Yeah May overshot
3026s there uh but worth a go right should we
3028s should we have a go on gyos together um
3031s yeah I'm I'm here uh all right I'm with
3034s you I know we were trying to stick
3035s together but not
3037s sure what the plan is we'll find the we
3040s can we can we can get cooking over
3044s here yeah you play Monster World on PC
3046s now it's real nice to have steam deck
3048s yeah steam deck is so great like having
3050s having World in such a portable for
3056s mhm
3058s really good for commuting as well or if
3060s you're on the throne so on the throne
3065s yes a little dangerous though you don't
3067s want to sit for too long so you
3070s better yeah you don't want to get red
3072s marks on your legs from
3086s Le
3089s and oh oh it missed no the tail moved I
3093s was about to get the perfect rush in
3094s there oh
3098s hello oh no no not like this stay away
3103s from him oh no no not both of us no oh
3107s this is bad okay I Liv I lived okay good
3110s okay I managed to make it out of the
3112s animation we're good oh that was scary
3116s you can still event tickets yeah so the
3119s the different events like seasonal ones
3122s rotate um so if you're playing during
3125s the time when it's on you'll get those
3126s relevant tickets to make those
3129s S hey T here gun
3133s style big
3140s Bo yeah shout out to Ron who was in our
3143s 20th anniversary creat a round table oh
3146s yeah
3147s yes so this garos has got
3150s some got some energy in
3157s it hey all right nice
3175s work you don't
3177s where you going here get the piering
3180s pods
3182s out oh hello no need to
3185s spit nice do I have any tracks all right
3189s hey
3190s y yay I like you know what I really like
3194s great Heros I don't know why I think I
3196s think it's it's quite an underrated
3198s monster you know yeah yeah you mentioned
3200s that a few times that you're you're a
3201s big fan yeah like also I mean I really
3204s like T tetu Caro was one of my first
3206s favorite
3207s monsters as well um not only because I
3210s think it's just a really cool
3212s interesting monster but its gear harried
3214s me so hard when I was first getting into
3217s Monster Hunter I learn in the ropes both
3219s in low rank and high rank um so yeah I
3222s have a lot of respect or great say great
3225s G but also you know
3227s T all right on
3235s time
3241s oh cool we got NEP here I don't know if
3243s NEP has been here the whole time the
3245s whole time watching from the
3249s Shadows I think it was NEP fashion I was
3251s big up as well
3255s MH yeah the
3257s uh the fancy L Nostra colored Hammer oh
3262s it's so cool I love the
3265s color
3269s I feel so inadequate with my
3271s boring gray Hammer that's right we're
3275s getting to some more you know spicy
3277s weapons yeah I'm happy I've just managed
3280s make a version of
3282s the but once we you know if we we get
3284s some time to like jump on toost I got
3286s that investigation it's only matter of
3289s time only a matter of
3295s time being dangerous here
3301s yeah oh ouch ouch ouch leave him alone
3305s look at me
3308s instead let he
3310s up I miss having live Powers all the
3313s time I used to I love just popping out
3316s life powers for the team especially CU
3317s I'm sword and shield so it's really
3319s quick so now we are so broke we are I
3323s need I need to upgrade you know my likey
3327s stuff so I can like Farm more honey
3330s and yeah yeah same here same
3338s here I'm seeing the tail yeah nobody
3341s want that did did the damage uh I don't
3344s think so you can't leave now oh no watch
3347s out uhoh is it who I think it is oh an
3351s explosive
3353s entrance L G's like I really don't need
3355s this right now yeah
3371s I'm like who do I want to hit who do I
3372s go yeah yeah let's take out AAR cuz it's
3375s close I think yeah closer oh no no no
3380s okay I'm just trying to survive now yeah
3382s I'm going to I'm going to have a
3383s drink knock knock up not there yeah
3388s that's let's keep rolling there we
3396s go trying to get Auto then is like what
3399s what about me yeah anyone got a
3407s dumak
3410s SL oh we got
3412s it I was just in the zone like
3415s kill
3424s hey how's it
3427s going there we go and as Joe said
3430s earlier uh basil Gees was number
3432s ironically number 52 in the hunter Cho V
3436s yeah which kind was pre-ordained really
3438s but that was actually how the vot fell
3442s so I actually thought I would rank a
3444s little bit higher but uh yeah I'm
3445s surprised
3447s I think all the all of the Invader
3449s monsters didn't quite you know they
3451s didn't hit the upper uper echelons I
3453s think ran got the highest I think
3460s MH yeah if you did miss out on the 20th
3462s anniversary event you can watch it on
3464s ttch and on our YouTube in the live
3469s section it's full of
3472s goodies ah back seat and tip fromon you
3475s know normally you know I mean we like to
3477s share tips here but I think you know öor
3480s has the biggest brain tip we've ever
3482s seen and one that I like to abide to and
3485s share
3486s myself hit the monster don't let it hit
3489s you and you know what why the words I
3491s have not heard you too are a big brain
3495s Hunter like me oh man I don't know if
3497s anybody saw my reactions there but I was
3500s very close according oh
3505s no yeah hit the more than it hits you
3507s don't get hit if you want to avoid T you
3510s know yeah don't let it hit you but how I
3513s counter of course Lance enjoyers you you
3516s can do your thing you are a a world onto
3520s your
3520s own oh no uhoh oh that's a lot of uh lot
3524s of damage going through to the team
3526s there we are in triple cart territory oh
3530s no I
3531s need uh my health booster is
3535s down you see now it makes sense yeah I
3538s I'm the same it's like you know I kind
3539s of like tap my head like of course of
3547s course the pro
3551s tips oh man they got a little scary that
3553s did that
3557s did I don't have any live powders on me
3560s because NE just Joe because we are funky
3562s fresh Hunters so we we are lacking on
3566s some of the needed materials I mean I
3568s might have some in my box but I believe
3571s the appropriate term is broke boys yeah
3573s we are we are without the necessary
3577s items
3586s oh just going to put my shield down for
3588s a bit while I
3589s heal oh no there was a there was a scale
3592s behind
3595s me oh how's the audio for everyone else
3597s is the audio good for everyone else just
3599s let us know yeah let us know let us know
3603s our producer behind the scenes yeah he
3605s can always do some tweaking if we need
3607s it but let us know what's the consensus
3612s everyone oh no
3615s I'm raban is kind of is that Rabon
3618s coming down
3619s here
3621s see yeah you think he's coming over
3624s here there a
3632s chance get oh that was Savage
3646s Oh that's not where I want to be oh M
3651s there you go
3655s nice yeah a bit quiet for Drew how about
3657s everyone the right H so one of us is a
3661s bit quiet than the that'll probably
3666s be H yeah I might I might be a little
3668s quieter
3683s maybe there we go to take advantage oh
3691s no I didn't get much in there
3695s unfortunately oh I'm The Quiet One okay
3698s oh
3699s okay just start yelling J ah B
3709s explosions hey good of you to get them
3711s back in
3713s boy Teamwork Makes the Dream workor
3715s after all Slinger bomb what am I doing
3717s up here though ah we go in oh I got the
3720s mount as well oh nice nice we need that
3724s we all need that I think we must be
3726s getting there looking at
3738s the you're still on there yeah I'm still
3741s going I'm still going there we go two
3744s and three
3753s investigation that's what we do look at
3755s that that's just
3759s yeah that's what we've been waiting
3762s for oh nice I was about to sling a bomb
3765s I was like no you don't
3769s yeah drop some wild leaks no we are not
3772s doing that no I no you're going to have
3774s to wait till summer everyone for you
3776s know the next uh next info drop as
3779s advertised uh when uh shortly after
3783s Wilds was
3785s revealed love the excitement though yeah
3787s we're all super excited but you know
3789s every day we get closer to summer
3793s so TR a car B here but I'm being
3796s interrupted by small
3798s monsters pick a color I'll go for royal
3801s blue because I'm incredibly biased if
3802s blue is a a color
3805s option
3816s oh ATT yeah where is where is it I'm
3819s trying to so what's the best weapon and
3820s why is it drw blades I mean I've nothing
3822s against du blades I don't I don't use
3824s them myself but you know they're
3828s tasty navy blue is kind of bracky
3830s colored it is it is bracky colored I do
3834s like dual blades I think they're really
3835s fun
3837s I love demon mode I love how fast you
3839s can move there's really like no other
3840s weapon quite like it yeah go Ahad sorry
3844s they're not too far from the sword and
3846s shield because much like sword and
3847s shield they really Thrive using element
3849s and Status mhm um so I have a lot of
3851s respect for yeah you you probably like
3854s it as a sword and shield main yeah and
3856s you know you can spin down the monsters
3858s so you
3865s know and it's pretty cool being a to go
3867s yeah I just go demon mode demon mode
3874s yeah and I think je blades get some like
3876s mixed ones they get like a status
3878s element one or like a fire ice one or
3881s something very element heavy yeah do
3885s fatalist not yet we're still in high
3886s rank but we will we will that's the
3894s goal oh I'm in a bad position here I got
3897s to get to front that's okay I had to
3899s reposition as
3902s well there go what's our favorite
3906s monsters mine is bra how about
3909s you uh Double
3911s Joe if my name's Joe I got to I got to
3915s show some love for devil Joe that's it
3919s there we
3923s go I've said this a few times though I
3926s do um I do quite like um couple of newer
3930s monsters so um melino is pretty awesome
3936s big fan of bino and especially you know
3938s seeing how high it ranked primordial
3940s bino in our primio went hard which is
3943s great top three monster for me as well
3945s Prim youo
3947s mhm also like gos I think is such a cool
3951s monster
3952s um that's a big
3955s F
3956s Luna garon was very popular I actually
3958s really like garang uh I love the Des of
3961s the monster like it's very different
3963s it's a very different style of monster
3966s you love Magnum Malo xell great choice
3969s mhm I remember scorned Magnum Malo
3971s absolutely body in me the first time oh
3974s yeah yeah you got to have one of those
3976s in every monster hunter game like that
3979s uh the like enhanced version enhanced
3982s variant of the the
3984s flagship yeah it's like oh by the way
3986s now they're stronger I like oh my
3988s goodness take those goodies I got a
3990s plate
3992s yay all right do you think we made it
3995s let's have a look
3997s yes yes all right Elder Dragon
4003s time and this monster this is actually
4005s quite a hard Elder Dragon especially
4007s when you've not got your gear up to
4008s scratch what you might want I think we
4011s have enough data on the rotten Veil now
4013s are we ready to report our findings
4015s right
4016s Let's uh go to the trade yard report our
4020s findings risen shagaru is one of the
4022s most interesting monsters that is a hard
4024s fight of such a fun fight though yeah
4026s yeah Ren sharu is
4028s awesome you love top five you're sorry
4031s you love zoga but your top five anaf
4033s lagy aalos and Luna garon nice mix there
4037s yeah I I love aalos great
4043s monster
4045s um
4046s who was I going to mention
4049s uh oh Crimson glow Val stack risen
4052s Crimson glow Val stack a huge a mouth
4055s mouthful to say but
4058s man that thing killed me yeah that's
4062s pretty crazy oh we're going to have to
4063s do the cut scene bit here aren't we so
4065s we'll get the quest we jump in we'll
4067s we'll both come out and then grab some
4070s grab some
4071s Hunters yeah let's do it speak to feds
4075s speak to everyone good
4078s work I'm thankful if I can make any gear
4081s now as well from that I mean the
4083s monsters we fought aren't massively um
4087s sword and shieldy I mean obviously great
4089s Gros has the the sword and shield but uh
4092s maybe maybe I can make something mhm oh
4095s mother Nawa is
4097s awesome she's
4100s powerful right uh for oh yeah because
4103s the third Fleet is on the Airship right
4106s I
4108s think uh believe so that's her domain oh
4112s right yeah yeah so yeah we're not here
4114s we're not here we got to go over there
4115s let's go I was looking right
4118s at great so I need to you need okay and
4122s then you can do that so
4129s I so you make that I need low rank garos
4133s bangs every time every time mm
4138s uh look the
4144s armor there's the Basel gear I can't
4146s make any Basel gear at the moment
4150s um I make AAR
4158s boots there's some raban sleep attack so
4161s that'd be good if I was using sleep
4164s weapons okay nothing nothing to do that
4166s so let's
4169s go all right I'm going to get that cut
4171s scene going and I'll be right back nice
4173s I'm just going to the research base so
4176s get ready who wants to fight uh Valar
4178s with us
4188s um bad
4191s Master do
4194s well there we go in aium what kind of
4197s crazy monster are we dealing with yeah
4199s this is going to be spicy without all
4200s the anti aium stuff it's going to be a
4203s fun hunt yeah
4206s uh should we bring anything some
4208s cleansers is that usually what you bring
4210s I'm trying to remember I feel like it's
4212s been a
4213s while we'll be a trial by fire well a
4216s fium but you
4217s know so yeah I'm going to spot the
4219s monster come back out we'll meet in the
4221s Gathering Hub and then uh we'll do that
4224s thing
4229s there's only one record ofak but it was
4232s more like a possible match not aite ID
4235s we might get upgade from STS to
4238s Superstars if we actually do find valh
4240s here grab this and while I'm here got
4242s the mining
4244s Outpost yeah I love this area of the
4246s rotten Veil especially like the colors
4248s and how the vibe totally
4251s changes because it's beautiful yet
4253s deadly whereas every else is Just Deadly
4255s and smelly in the rotten Veil deadly and
4258s smelly yeah and then I know you got the
4260s the rock out crops here that you can
4261s drop on Bazar if you're stabby with it
4266s now I believe balazar can come out of
4268s that acid but I probably have to
4272s go yeah how do we trigger this
4275s here or are they wandering around
4277s elsewhere at first oh no I'm going up to
4280s these routs over here by area 16 there
4282s you go you go through the roots yeah
4285s there we go I think it comes out of the
4286s bone
4290s pile Oh oh yeah I went the wrong way did
4294s you trigger the cut scene yet yeah yeah
4296s yeah all
4297s right just just got it started now all
4301s right slightly
4303s behind which is embarrassing since I
4305s went there first
4307s outrageous I'm
4310s slow are there some poor gyos here that
4313s have fallen foul of this monster
4322s all right so you said I got to go
4324s through those Vines yeah yeah there'll
4326s be some Vines at the back of the room on
4327s the right all right some nasty looking
4331s things I see him I see
4338s him oh no I'm
4342s surrounded all right there we go there
4344s we go what an introduction for this
4346s monster though especially before you do
4348s what it was
4350s M yeah them
4353s lizards
4356s uhoh how it like drains the life out of
4358s them absolutely brutal like vampiric
4364s almost or like a lich
4368s yeah it occupies the same space in my
4371s brain as um rat
4374s Kaki
4380s I really like the armor
4389s power at
4392s that and it's got the I can't remember
4394s the proper name but it's got like the
4395s double jaw like an
4398s eel oh yeah
4400s huh it's just popping out on my screen
4402s now so about to see it I'm like yeah
4406s I'll return for Quest
4409s byebye
4416s byebye yeah valar's real everyone we can
4418s go home
4421s now oh it's your first time seeing this
4423s one Kristen you are in for a treat it's
4425s got some really interesting mechanics
4427s how it fights which can do very bad
4429s things to your help I can't remember
4430s what do you need to get rid of the
4432s debuff is it
4434s nures or is it I oh I can't
4439s remember there's yeah there's a specific
4442s thing I can't remember what it is guess
4445s we'll uh we'll find out the hard way I
4448s don't need a trap uh what have I got in
4452s here that could that could help return
4454s get get out of there I'm back I'm
4457s back that was about to destroy me
4461s there is there anything use gun powder
4464s no don't to be drinking that um how you
4467s doing Clarence thanks for joining us on
4473s YouTube I can't remember no so it is
4475s noes it is noes good good thank you I'm
4479s sure I've got some
4481s there yes to The Gather 10es right to
4486s the Gathering
4493s Hub then uh we will go fight us an elder
4496s dragon and that should open the way to
4501s our final
4503s showdown right are you uh you popping
4505s the quest in you want to do the quest hi
4508s oh yeah I just realized what am I doing
4510s I'm like trying to join
4512s it I just got
4514s hit all right let's do this thing it's
4518s posted
4524s thank didn't get
4533s in I'll try I'll see if anyone backs out
4537s um uh it's still open if you can join is
4540s it oh it said it was for me I think okay
4544s I'll try
4545s again thank you to ever made me a space
4548s I appreciate all right thank you I
4549s appreciate
4551s you makes me miss not having a fire
4553s weapon for this fight but poison will do
4556s TR I have no
4561s berries oh I only have two uh favorite
4564s armor set oh that's hard to pick that's
4566s really hard to pick especially it's like
4568s is it the skills or is it the Aesthetics
4570s especially because I like to mix a match
4572s when I start doing layup
4575s gear NE says they took pickle
4579s stuff well done got some fabulous
4583s looking hunters in this Lobby
4587s uh favorite armor set I'm a big fan of
4589s the
4590s namiel sets um I just not for the skills
4594s particularly but I do like the the look
4595s of them I think they're they're really
4598s cool that's awesome it's hard for me to
4601s pick just just like a handful CU I said
4603s I like to pick and choose out of like
4605s different ones uh yeah yeah I I have a
4609s soft spot for like to yra and lunastra
4611s gear I think they're quite interesting
4612s like Regal kind of like Med kind of
4615s knights and kings and queens kind
4618s of I love the mass or the the umie which
4622s are Bas yeah yeah yeah like in in world
4627s and uh I I really like the arch-tempered
4631s um zor magaros kind of like look cu the
4635s the armor kind of got a Sheen to it
4637s which I really really liked um that was
4641s one of my favorites I used to run that a
4643s lot um
4647s I think Damascus armor always looks
4649s really cool yeah
4653s yeah g mgala armor is awesome yeah
4656s that's a slap on yeah yeah that's a good
4662s point what I really liked as well was uh
4664s the gangon gear with like pieces of a a
4667s chest set so you had like the uh your
4670s Hunters could either look like a queen
4673s or a I think I guess the other one is I
4675s think it was King and then the Pico
4677s turned into a rook and uh the Palam was
4682s a a bishop yeah Bishop was it a bishop
4685s no it's a knight I yeah yeah right right
4690s I thought was super
4694s cool
4696s hey
4698s oh there we go Nova
4703s Crystal oh it's here okay right now
4705s where are the there's a rock on the
4707s right okay both of the rocks on the
4708s right hand side I think I have like a
4710s 50% success rate with these
4715s things not me
4717s though I got
4720s nothing just like a joke for my my H
4722s buddies back in the day where it be like
4724s like 50% of the time I I hit the Rocks
4726s so it's like the 50% jonno Rock I had
4729s the breath how can I forget that
4734s beam
4736s there I'm contributing I'm
4742s helping oh look at that going
4755s around hit the tail there yeah I'll take
4758s this opportunity as a tail
4760s enjoyer sword and shield I should
4764s have
4767s damage oh it's on the Move where you
4768s going where you going oh it's over there
4770s nice
4773s work oh no I went over that tail is
4777s wiggling
4781s around oh yeah wh
4784s my okay are we near enough the maybe the
4788s whale of that monster as well is really
4791s really scary oh watch out I'll hold the
4794s Rock
4800s now I think must
4806s be oh
4810s man I'll
4812s bury got a health booster over here come
4815s on come on Val Charing right at me look
4818s I'm going to I'm going to sharpen my
4820s weapon okay I'm getting attacked by a
4822s monster instead yo valak look at this
4825s it's me a hunter that's
4829s unaware ouch I ass bit
4833s rude the music is really nice like it's
4837s very Serene and
4839s like thoroughful almost yeah but
4844s Sinister I'm just going to keep listing
4846s off all the different adjectives yeah
4850s that breath attack still coming back to
4852s me
4854s now
4856s oh I know I'm not in the optimum
4858s position of damage but uh can I hit that
4861s now let's no I hit
4864s her oh yay okay we got one we got one I
4868s need a
4871s though there is still another
4874s rocket
4882s of that was down for a while there yeah
4885s they are so handy if you hit
4888s them got a lot of damage on
4891s him oh we go round two here not
4901s yet oh big breath time
4907s oh hey Valar turn around fight me fight
4911s me I've got a present for
4913s you oh nice
4917s I don't think it was
4919s me but I'll take
4921s credit yeah we he me at that
4926s one don't breath on me don't breathe on
4930s me that it's basically bed breath like
4933s really bad bed
4935s breath still got hit by the the breath
4938s there I was like can I hit the tail
4940s there I was like angling my
4944s camera
4957s going for it oh I've just realized that
4958s I've been afflicted by the
4961s aluan yeah hit the hit the nber there
4963s yeah I'm glad we were you know that's
4965s why we said you know like also in our in
4967s our steam News Post where we give the
4969s little tips even back in the Ancient
4971s Forest Hoover up everything you see
4974s especially early on build up your stocks
4976s because you never know when they will
4977s come in handy yeah
4979s yeah it really pays off later when you
4982s realize all these things that you you
4983s didn't think you needed you actually
4985s have yeah you got to invest in your
4988s hunting future
4994s yeah do these guys reach Pat yes we do
4996s we try to we do we yeah we're read it
4999s hello we see you
5003s MEA
5005s oh look at
5009s that party
5012s dark is there any rocks in here I don't
5014s think
5015s so there is some healthy
5026s PL
5027s no Health
5030s booster let me get in there yeah join me
5037s thank you
5042s sir oh Dodge
5050s that yeah the party duck inspires us we
5054s are motivated the party
5057s duck if Seth was watch it oh I know the
5063s legend
5067s oh
5068s no oh nice for a knock
5072s down I'm going to be here
5079s go oh no I thought I threw myself into
5081s the acid there that was cool by the way
5083s oh that's the
5093s T we doing well I think so
5101s too B is oh that's a lot of I need um
5105s some uh we got what kind of pod is this
5108s oh no I'm I didn't mean to combat C that
5110s was accidental I wanted the I'll cover
5112s you I wanted the dragon pod thank you I
5114s actually got a tail as well I've been
5117s forgiven breath attack watch out yeah
5120s let I'm going to I'm going to shift back
5121s oh nice nice that was good that was good
5124s okay I got the dragon
5126s pod I missed I
5133s missed take this dragon energy take it
5138s stop with your fuia
5141s please it's too
5147s dangerous oh another pod just
5150s dropped oh it's okay it's okay
5155s nearly down we'll avenge
5159s you at the worst possible time oh wait I
5162s thought it was leaving it was and then
5165s some somehow a dragon pod hit it I don't
5167s know
5175s how I got you yeah perfect Rush
5181s a oh get roaring at me
5191s that's going to hat yeah H this is this
5194s is not
5195s ideal eat the nobre run away oh oh it
5199s started there yeah can't that I had that
5201s one I
5203s did come
5208s on
5211s these oh it's see NEP and is immediately
5214s yeah decided that NEP is the one it
5216s wants to
5217s take I'm going to shoot rocks to be fair
5220s you can drop a rock on bazak if
5225s you're how did idiot get on oh I see I
5228s see how did how did idiot get on
5231s it it's okay because it's their hunting
5234s name I'm not bullying the community how
5237s did that idiot get on it right okay got
5240s to line this
5243s up huh yeah oh what a finish oh I missed
5248s it what happened I dropped the rock on
5250s it as it was retreating oh nice I'm now
5254s 100% success rate on these
5258s rocks nicely done NEP is claiming a
5261s Kinect kill I'm claiming the big rock
5264s dunk though well maybe it was a
5266s simultaneous maybe the Kinect landed on
5268s the Rock and S A Rocket speed well we'll
5271s need to watch the replay there we will
5273s we need an action replay right we got
5276s different angle yeah we need the
5278s receipts oh what a shot that
5283s was net me is insistent it was the
5286s Kinect we'll give credit to the Kinect
5288s they're part of the hunting party you
5290s know got to give him
5294s Kudos that's pretty funny a win is a win
5299s and it looked cool either way whether
5300s it's a Kinect or a big old rock I say
5304s rock is is it part of a rib cage or is
5305s it an actual rock I'll have to check
5307s yeah hey good to see you m MH how you
5310s doing
5314s hey that was that was a fun that was
5318s awesome on my screen I've literally got
5320s it you can see the rock literally about
5322s to hit its wing like it's like moments
5326s before disaster for
5328s valark we're good we just done a Bazar
5331s and it ended hilariously um so very very
5335s pleased about
5336s that your end screen is the Kinect
5339s hit mine is the rock hit
5344s done we'll let you know what we'll let
5347s we'll let the community decide you know
5349s night it's neither event is Cannon yet
5351s until the footage is researched
5356s thoroughly let's say I
5358s agree I think it's a 50/50 there I think
5361s the Kinect and The Rock combined their
5363s powers and uh gave us the win let's
5366s let's say that yeah let's say both yeah
5368s NE says let's say both so I I think so I
5370s think so it's it's a Cooperative game
5372s after all yeah we win together or we
5376s triple cart together and sometimes quad
5378s cart if you had
5383s Insurance okay back to work falis that's
5386s a a common occurrence yeah impressive
5390s kect use rock smash it was super
5391s effective it did delin it did
5397s what's
5398s wrong j bear says thanks uh or says it
5401s was fun hunting with you guys and it's
5403s going to head out now so for jumping in
5405s thank you for watching we really
5406s appreciate
5408s it hey partner are you sure you want to
5411s go on that all right so shall we head
5413s into the land of
5415s convergence we get that cut scene going
5417s I'm just going to uh quickly turn in my
5419s bounties and
5421s items yes yes lovely
5426s those armor
5427s spheres and research points oh look all
5430s these bounties
5432s oh yes please I'm going to register some
5436s more mining out crops Elder Dragon
5438s cullin we'll take that bone piles we'll
5441s take that uh complete deliveries yeah
5444s we'll do
5445s that Mega
5448s fertilizer
5450s okay I'm gonna get this cut scene going
5453s I'm I'm just getting get some food
5455s unlocked take your time take your time
5456s that's right we're good we're good and
5459s then so Joe and I will be Joe and I for
5462s this first one will'll be attempting the
5463s two the two man on um the final monster
5468s story oh are we doing it we're we're
5470s going with two and we got a two man okay
5472s it's up to you what do you want if we if
5474s we fail we'll we'll open it up all right
5477s how's that how's that sound or do we or
5480s or this was a shared Journey so why
5482s don't we share the
5484s end yeah yeah let's doity open up yeah
5488s that's that's right the glory is
5491s everyone's we may not be like optimally
5494s geared to take care this quickly so it
5497s may be helpful to have some teammates
5498s here yeah put your backpack on as long
5500s as your backpack is Rarity 5 to
5504s sevenish um yeah I love the look of the
5507s Valar K I'm gonna look at it it's like
5510s you're some sort of like dark lord it's
5513s really really cool I love like the the
5515s effects on it
5517s mhm oh my my fancy bico and its disco
5522s gear I don't know if we can see it on
5524s stream but it's it's kind of just
5526s changing the tone of this G scene
5530s completely oh I can make the Val haaz
5532s for my pal turn into a little
5536s beasty right okay I need to go actually
5538s get this Quest roll in and then uh we
5540s have we have our monster M I think this
5544s pretty lengthy cut scene here so might
5545s be good to get started yeah I'm going oh
5548s I speak to the
5549s Handler does rarity 12 work
5553s no it works too well for what we're
5557s doing the cat gear is breaking the
5560s mood no it's it's it's shiny you know
5562s everything here is shiny he's got the
5564s disco ball headpiece there perfect it's
5567s tactical because the monster is either a
5569s distracted by its own looks or bedazzled
5572s in white environments this is this is 4D
5575s hunting
5582s yeah I may or may not have made uh my
5585s main Pawn in Dragon's Dogma a uh a
5589s version of the Admiral like a punished
5591s version of the Admiral punished Admiral
5593s I I you say like giant Pico like s
5595s Slayer did made the meow sha yes I love
5600s that I love that I definitely want to
5602s download that pawn yeah I love the
5605s creativity it's great to see we've seen
5606s obviously the the commander as
5610s well that where's my
5612s Dragon drag
5615s damn over countless years the elders bio
5618s energy created there we go even I never
5622s expected it to be so
5625s enormous all right Seeker let's do
5628s this my P is like
5631s dancing it's too pure
5635s what is this thing really I'm ready pop
5637s me on that boat
5640s please yeah the little scallet Night P
5648s gear too much
5650s energy I need more
5656s power
5663s no
5665s a should you use the defender set for
5666s your first playr GL gladson man man
5670s gladson man is asking what do you think
5672s Jo that's a good question and there's no
5674s right or wrong answer I think it's what
5677s kind of experience do you have with like
5680s these kind of games and what kind of
5682s experience do you want if you're like
5683s brand brand brand brand new to Mon and
5685s you want to and you know you want to
5686s kind of settle into the combat get
5688s comfortable you can use it to help you
5691s kind of learn the mechanics and then
5693s once you're settled you can take the
5695s more traditional route um because
5697s basically the gear helps you you don't
5700s to take much damage with it and you do a
5701s bit more damage that you would otherwise
5704s so if you want the traditional Monster
5706s Hunter
5707s experience you can maybe use it for a
5709s little bit and then swap to crafted gear
5712s or just go straight into crafted gear
5714s but if you know if you need a little bit
5715s of a hand to settle in or if you you
5717s know you just want to get through and
5719s get to master rank as soon as possible
5721s to enjoy ice spawn content I feel that's
5723s what the kind of main uses are um or if
5726s you just want to use the normal armor
5727s you can use the the weapons um to try
5731s out a new weapon for a hunt without
5732s having to dip into your crafting
5734s materials um what about you Joe yeah I
5737s agree it's like it's really what you're
5738s looking for so I mean if you're if
5740s you're completely new to the series um
5742s there's really no shame in in using it
5745s honestly it's it's something to help you
5746s kind of get more familiar kind of maybe
5748s you know give you a little bit of
5750s breathing room as you're trying to learn
5751s the mechanics learn the monsters so um
5753s if if if you're that kind of player I
5755s recommend it um but you know it does
5757s change kind of like the flow of the game
5759s uh in the beginning because you will
5761s kind of just like um you you'll kind of
5763s Breeze through some of the more like uh
5765s you know tougher challenges a little bit
5767s easier than you should so um it's really
5769s up to what you what you're looking for
5771s um yeah if you want to start with it
5772s maybe switch off or if uh you want like
5774s the true authentic uh kind of like day
5777s one experience um I would stick with the
5779s regular armor so
5781s yeah yeah ex it's an option you know
5784s like and Y what you said there made me
5786s think as well what you can do play
5787s through traditionally and if you come up
5788s against a wall a monster that you can't
5791s beat put on the
5793s armor and then try that and then go back
5795s to your normal gear maybe craft some
5797s stuff from the monster that was giving
5798s you trouble it's totally up to you it's
5800s your experience you can do what you
5801s enjoy but as Joe said it will kind of
5804s streamline the game a bit for you um
5806s because you get quite you get Hench real
5809s quick um and also Raven thank you for
5812s watching the 20th anniversary stream
5814s obviously we can't comment anything
5816s about Wilds other than obviously
5818s 2025 um at the moment but this summer is
5822s when more information will be revealed
5823s and obviously we're all incredibly
5825s excited we know you're all incredibly
5826s excited which is awesome but yeah we
5828s can't speculate we can't give our
5830s opinion on it because you know right now
5832s obviously we're all heading towards the
5834s next info reveal as one um so yeah so
5838s that if we if we ignore any questions
5839s around that or don't answer them you
5841s know we're not ignoring you it's just
5843s you know that watch this space
5846s summer sorry I'm going to cancel that uh
5849s the quest cuz I just realized you're
5851s still in the cut scene right joho I am
5852s I've Just Seen zenu Jas just flopped out
5855s of the uh the Cocoon so yeah we'll hang
5857s out waiting for you yeah and and just to
5859s Echo what you said um you know thanks
5861s for watching the 20th anniversary uh
5863s special program we were you know it was
5866s it was a really labor of love I think
5868s from everybody involved you know I know
5870s there was like there's no like real huge
5872s news or anything like that but um you it
5874s was just really a chance for for us and
5875s the dev team and everybody that's been
5877s working on the series to celebrate um
5879s you know the community and 20 years of
5881s the franchise so um yeah if if you tuned
5883s in we really appreciate it and uh you
5885s know obviously we're looking forward to
5887s pretty bright future for this series so
5888s um we're excited excited for the next 20
5891s years yeah oh I just managed to get out
5895s there before I got trampled yeah me too
5897s I I like I was frame one
5902s quit I need to get out of
5910s there please let Le out prison hey if
5913s you like leakas you're going to love
5915s monst stories let me tell you and
5917s stories too because your boy laggy is is
5921s in there and you can team up with them
5924s um there's also I think Ivory laggy acis
5926s is in Stories 2 as well if I remember
5928s rightly I didn't use them on my team um
5931s I I'm racky and nante were like some of
5934s my
5935s Staples uh in stories too right do you
5938s want to put the quest in Joe you want to
5939s do the honors let's do
5947s it use that voucher too oh I'm I'm oh no
5952s i' I've totally gone the wrong way oh no
5954s oh no this is this is not going well oh
5956s please leave a spot open for oh no I'm
5959s so
5960s slow hurry there you go I made I made it
5964s you made it
5966s oh all right I was gonna sorry I'll just
5968s give a quick check on the gear so we
5970s don't completely roll yeah last boss
5975s yeah uh let's let's be a little safe
5979s here okay fashion looking good we are
5984s looking good y neet there everyone's
5987s looking good laran looking nice and
5988s Hench
5989s there oh yeah oh and is that like Wesker
5993s is that a Wesker kind of look we've got
5994s there or is that just a very handsome
5996s hunk wait let me take a look got brosi
5999s there a grizzled hunter oh who we got
6003s here very bright wow that looks amazing
6006s back here very
6008s Lucy you're looking awesome as well
6011s loving the fashion as well I can't get
6013s over the wker yeah it's too
6017s funny all I need
6022s thata
6027s I mean if we if we could do it in seven
6030s minutes that would be great but I don't
6031s think it's going to yeah oh apparently
6033s the audio is lagging a bit producer I
6035s don't know if we can quickly flick
6037s scenes or something but I think the
6038s audio started lagging for
6040s everyone thank you for that head let go
6042s hopefully we're all there appreciate you
6045s thank you thank you uh okay I made sure
6048s that I ate I didn't restock my potions
6051s hold up I need do a
6055s River restock my I'm definitely going to
6057s need those Mega potions the crackling is
6059s it ah the audio's got super crackly oh
6063s hunting horn
6066s nice yeah met artist we did go um a
6069s little later today uh in North America
6072s since we uh back to normal now thank you
6074s NE sorry Joe oh thank you thank yeah we
6076s had um D saving so um yeah since this is
6079s a global global stream where we're uh
6081s we're dealing with time zones uh we did
6083s go a little bit later but once um once
6086s summertime starts in the UK we will uh
6089s be back to our usual time so thanks for
6092s dealing with
6093s us the fix was the same as usual swap
6096s Tojo yeah sometimes cuz obviously we're
6099s across across multiple continents in the
6102s ocean we just it this needs to realign
6104s and the internets down you'll get some
6107s goodness back again soon don't you worry
6110s we're pushing boundaries you know we are
6112s we are by going across the world
6116s continents I need to put another conu on
6119s my rout wheel so it goes
6126s faster oh I just got a a hook
6133s there the size to this monster oh
6137s nice the power of
6139s geography and
6142s physics
6144s oh you appreciate the latest stream
6146s thank so the time zones will be changing
6149s back again in a few weeks though I think
6151s I can't remember which way does it go
6152s which way does it go in summer
6155s uh it'll be an hour
6158s later I think yeah
6160s yeah oh St I got
6165s crunched no hey in the chat what's up
6169s hey kab good to see you monant worldwide
6172s exactly yeah
6174s [Music]
6179s I missed
6180s that let me bop you I'm going to go for
6183s it's gone for the arms yeah oh actually
6186s I should probably go for the tail the
6187s tail is nice and on the
6191s floor there go need get the the glowy
6200s bit come back here
6202s tail
6208s are we gain an hour in the summer we
6209s lose an hour and winter see for me you
6211s know time as a concept it's just what
6215s like you know like I don't change my car
6217s clock I just wait for the time zones to
6219s settle back
6221s again that's that's what we call that's
6225s efficiency that is yeah you know what I
6227s let nature just you
6229s know and then when it's right again it's
6232s right yeah
6235s oh there we go good work on that that
6237s farm got the bomb pod
6246s in
6251s oh oh big slam and then there it oh is
6255s going to push it all right okay I'm
6256s going to go for this tail
6258s [Music]
6262s tail
6267s I always find it a little tough as a
6270s hammer user with this specific time
6273s since I can't really like reach the head
6274s super easily welcome to my world is
6276s sword and shield when I'm going for
6278s Tails most monsters I'm like get down
6281s [Music]
6283s here nice work over that side I'm I'm
6286s just by the I'm glowing I'm I am
6288s luminescent yeah you can do it we can do
6292s it you're radiant yeah oh come here that
6295s fail
6297s un no please oh
6305s hello PC
6312s now hit him with those piercing pods oh
6315s yeah having that hunting horn helps a
6320s lot I'm going to have to sharpen soon
6325s hold sweep
6329s oh mysterious
6337s scale yeah we can add we can add the uh
6340s streams to the schedule that's a good
6342s shout I'll make sure that's done in time
6345s for the next one yeah thank you so folks
6347s can plan ahead shout out yeah thank
6351s you shout to Mad artist for that
6354s one travel via Wing Drake
6361s okay I got a thorn pod okay that one hit
6365s it in the chest let's go for the head
6368s there we go got one on his on his
6370s face love the hunting horn yeah oh it's
6375s it's the kind of weapon that you're
6376s always incredibly happy to see not that
6378s I'm ever unhappy to see a weapon but
6380s yeah when a hunting on comes in you're
6381s like praise be we are BL that's a real
6385s one
6390s yeah
6391s oh get that tail down here ah no I'm
6395s just under there we go
6406s there
6411s o that's it bring that down here I might
6413s have to start attacking the front cor so
6415s I'm actually being a productive member
6417s of the hunting me let me join you here
6419s there oh oh hello someone's
6426s unhappy big
6429s charge oh nice nice St that was a horn
6433s oh was that a full on horn bre yeah oh
6435s no no that was the hunting horn oh yeah
6438s there we go nice there's a Slinger Thorn
6440s I'll pop that
6442s in
6444s B
6447s themers perfect ro oh
6452s yeah hold on I'm still
6459s attached oh oh the tail the
6463s tail going to have a little drink oh
6465s nice on
6467s [Music]
6469s the that would
6471s hurt oh watch out for that
6474s oh I'm on
6475s fire go blind
6477s me roll yeah well oh that protect that
6482s rock
6484s there hey
6488s Pablo oh I think I W past oh no it's
6491s falling over where's that tail me anda's
6494s over here oh is that the tail break oh
6496s it's a stagger that a stagger I think oh
6499s the laser beams oh just touch that
6503s sharpen up real quick yeah that's it now
6505s is the time oh yeah cuz it it falls into
6508s the ground I think Jamie says they're
6509s watching on YouTube and twitch so oh
6512s double the
6515s power I'm Still Still wobbling around
6518s there we
6521s go opportune tail attack in time and
6524s attack up L as well from hunting horn I
6526s appreciate
6527s you oh it looks sounds like I
6529s Disappeared am I can you still hear
6532s me
6535s oh no should we back
6540s out I think every yeah I think we got a
6542s full on DC
6544s there oh
6546s no D's daning away though yeah yeah I
6549s can hear you okay
6553s uh yeah so it sounds like we lost jono
6557s here oh no I've
6559s gone here finish the hunt finish the
6562s hunt that's fine are you sure yeah yeah
6563s we'll do it again I think we'll have
6566s time maybe if not we can do it next week
6568s for me but as long as one of us succeeds
6571s yeah that is the important thing cuz I
6573s think you're in the second phase so you
6575s you've earned
6576s it you know I'm there in spirit I'm
6579s there in spirit no I mean I feel like we
6581s should do do this together I don't want
6584s to I don't want to steal that from you
6585s you can if you want but I have no issue
6587s if you did want to oh so now I've been
6589s fully disconnected there we go okay all
6592s right I'm conning
6595s them yeah
6605s yeah oh I'm on my own I'm going to run
6607s away
6609s H return from Quest we'll restart we've
6612s got time we still have 20 minutes we
6614s still have time it's all good it's all
6619s good that was a good run though have I
6622s returned it all am I back anybody hear
6625s me yeah I dor Joe you're still here I
6628s can hear you am I still alive yes you're
6631s still with us on the plane of existence
6634s yeah I'm going to refill refill my
6637s goodies Ah that's that's really
6640s unforunate that's all right we just you
6643s know give give Zen a chance a bit more
6645s time in the spotlight you
6647s know let me know when you're back in the
6649s Gathering Hub as well yeah give me one
6651s second I'm going to quickly pop through
6654s the Smithy uh take take advantage of
6657s this extra time yeah has my camera
6659s returned and my gameplay actually don't
6661s know I have like no idea where I'm at
6663s right
6664s now okay
6667s cool right anyway I'm going to sneak
6669s into the
6675s Smithy the ostra
6678s waste have not blast weapon yet uh Forge
6682s equipment upgrade
6689s equipment oh I'm looking at Jew blades I
6691s was like why why is none of this
6693s upgradeable cuz I don't have any of the
6697s weapons
6698s um okay thank you Kath for confirming
6702s and and for Drew thank you yeah
6705s unfortunately with the disconnect but
6707s thanks uh Devin and do yes yeah it's not
6710s our day
6711s today that's like y you really thought
6714s you'd finish the world story line
6716s today we'll see about that um that seems
6721s like we're all back yeah nice I'll I'll
6723s pop up in a sec
6725s then oh I'm still missing that wrath
6728s marrow otherwise I could oh I could make
6730s the oh I still need a carpas for heat
6732s Edge
6733s though all in good time all in good time
6736s then I can hour up
6739s that okay anyway I digress yeah
6744s yeah let's do it think we do have to to
6747s wrap up right on time today so yeah
6751s let's let's give it a good go sorry to
6753s the hunters that joined us initially for
6755s yeah sorry we really
6757s apologize right
6760s um welcome welcome I will pop the quest
6764s in then see what happens post a new
6765s Quest assigned land of convergence are
6768s you ready Joe I'm ready are you ready
6771s okay Quest is
6773s is
6780s in oh it's not showing up let's
6783s [Music]
6785s see in a sign door oh yeah the princess
6789s here is is the one so we've got NEP
6792s we've got Doppel and you have returned
6794s as well I'm back all right we have
6797s another hunting
6798s horn was it Doppel again I think we had
6800s Doppel anyway before so I think it's the
6802s same crew no no we didn't have NEP
6805s before did we we had uh where are they
6807s sorry I'm trying to find the hunter so I
6809s can give them their credit because they
6811s were wearing a it was deonis sorry
6813s dionis but thank you for helping us
6815s first time
6817s round all right ready
6820s go I'm the helicopter everyone needed
6823s yeah the Wrath SNS I really love the
6825s Wrath loss sword and shield uh silver
6827s and gold uh well rth l silver Rath loss
6830s and gold ran obviously got to give the
6832s respect
6833s to the Wrath crew
6838s um yes you're quite right um at 11: p.m.
6842s there in 11:00 p.m. GMT there is a new
6845s Dragons Dogma
6846s 2 uh little thing happening isn't that
6849s Joe yeah yeah that's at 4 pm today
6852s Pacific um 7 p.m. Eastern um that'll be
6855s a 7 minute
6857s video um voiced by the actor Ian McShan
6861s so definitely check it out um there's
6864s some cool new footage in there um some
6866s of it is stuff that you already seen um
6868s but uh there's there's some like nice
6870s little tidbits in there so whether or
6871s not um you are new to Dogma or um you're
6875s a veteran just like eagerly waiting for
6877s the new game um it's going to be worth
6880s watching so yeah check it out definitely
6889s definitely right okay round two we got
6891s you this time
6895s yeah and if you're um looking for that
6897s video you'll see it on YouTube um it
6899s won't be on Twitch this will be a
6900s YouTube Premiere so yeah please go check
6902s it
6904s out sorry to uh to promote Dogma on here
6908s it's got great swords in it so yeah and
6911s sword and shield and bow and Cat people
6915s yeah and there's something that I guess
6916s you could say is an insect glaive with
6918s the Mystic
6919s SP so you know there there's some nice
6921s crossover there
6923s oh oh got bonked on oh
6929s [Music]
6932s no you expected Ian mcll well Ian mchan
6935s is really awesome so yeah uh yeah lots
6938s of love for you
6942s mchan yeah there's a class called Mystic
6944s spear hand which has really high
6946s mobility and like a I can't remember
6948s proper name like a dual spear yeah it's
6951s called a Duo spear there we go I was
6954s close oh yeah you're very close very
6957s close but yeah it's got the ability to
6959s like teleport
6960s around um it's a very like offensive
6964s focused vocation so
6967s um yeah I think people are going to do
6969s some crazy stuff with that I'm really
6972s excited it's like when you see what
6974s people did with like the the gun Lance
6976s and the insect GLA and Rise break making
6978s the most of the verticality and
6980s obviously the gun's been able to
6982s literally fly yeah yeah I love like I
6986s like doing that pil Cuts monster
6988s finishes yeah
6991s yeah yeah Zen is getting a bit battered
6994s around the uh the
7003s fls nice [ __ ] do
7007s it
7009s nice piercings oops piercing pods I was
7013s like where's the bomb podt again oh that
7019s hat you hun monsters in Dogma so it's
7022s Monster Hunter
7024s adjacent I like that it's a good way
7026s thinking about
7030s [Music]
7033s it grab these take a
7037s ration
7040s traveling no my ration I must have my
7043s sandwich your
7045s sandwich my cheese
7048s sandwich right there we
7050s [Music]
7054s go ah all right we are
7071s back I haven't done nearly as much
7074s damage as before the but I feel like
7076s I've done nothing I'll contribute I'll
7079s contribute I'll get back on that tail
7081s I've done a bit of damage I'm just
7083s wobbling around with the
7086s Tremor yeah take that
7088s tail that'll teach
7091s you is that oh Slinger Thorn yes please
7096s y okay one of them connected on the head
7098s the other one I just totally whipped oh
7100s there's the
7101s tail
7107s o some
7110s damage then okay yeah yeah I'm all right
7113s I'm all right is that a rock I can drop
7115s I can't remember
7118s [Music]
7124s no oh I'm glad I Superman died that
7131s one
7133s oh
7136s nice right next to you oh get the war
7145s combo oh Shields up oh there we
7157s go red Slinger ammo
7161s there
7167s nice oh I totally missed that I don't
7170s know they've stuck but I don't know
7171s where yeah oh nice
7177s nice try to hit the head hunting horn
7180s spin I turn you with my perf rush
7187s though cursor dance sorry we're not
7189s talking anything about Monster Hunter
7191s Wilds but nice try
7193s nice
7194s try it's not long till summer you know
7196s every day is another day towards
7201s Summer in the meantime though we have
7203s Zeno to deal
7206s with B in the chin
7210s there oh no I dropped my bomb pods ah I
7213s got another for this is get a bit crazy
7216s I get right on the face okay two two th
7219s face
7221s there
7230s fire nearly hit
7232s me it's all it's all good grer
7237s dance good to see you C that's that's
7240s yeah as Joe said no
7243s problem it's good everyone's so excited
7245s and passionate oh oh big
7251s boobs
7257s more laser beams give me that
7260s tail oh the Tail's gone the tail has
7263s been claimed and I'm missing it don't
7266s worry it's it's it's on the floor I'm
7267s not combat caring it I forgot to
7272s SHP got sharpen that
7277s hammer no I got the
7279s damage oh I'm too late that big bombs
7282s oh no ST combat car not right now
7287s no I mustn't I'm
7293s reformed look at NEP literally being a
7296s helicopter there yeah I I
7300s just hey
7305s Cy I think this hand is the one that
7308s needs damage on
7311s it
7317s will I connect no just missed oh there
7320s we go nice stun little little half a
7323s combo
7326s there oh nice hunting horn going hard
7330s right
7333s now the big
7335s dudes we are on a a this is like a first
7339s playr Fresh Start kind of thing I mean
7341s not first playr for us
7343s uh we we're quite fond and well versed
7345s in wer iceborn but yeah we started brand
7348s new Hunters um to do like a traditional
7351s play through of of Wal which is why
7354s we're not using like the CL and stuff
7356s until we've beaten the story so after
7358s after zenoa it's fair game to use clutch
7361s claw I think what do you reckon yeah I
7363s think
7364s so you know we've got some other high
7367s rank bits to do before ice yeah this is
7370s our um I think this is our 10th stream
7372s so it is it' be great to like do the
7374s story on 10 and it wasn't even planned
7376s that way it just kind of fell that
7379s way unless you know I drag us down here
7383s because I am struggling that's all right
7385s it's it's the last story boss it's it's
7387s uh spicy make him look tough
7391s yeah oh oh no way I got the falling the
7397s falling Shield bash as like my as my
7399s personal last hit that's going to look
7401s awesome
7403s oh yeah I got that as my last hit right
7405s get the carves get the
7409s tail yeah so mark question mark Mark I
7412s love finishing on that
7414s one if it's sword and shield it's me if
7417s it's Hammer it's
7420s Joe mystery
7422s [Music]
7424s horns yes
7427s c yeah I believe there should be a like
7430s little graphic on screen that's tells
7432s you who's playing right y yep tails on
7435s I'm not looking at the stream right now
7437s yeah got to get those
7441s carves there we go oh D oh hold on oh
7444s guess who got guess who got a gem I got
7447s a gem on my first eny you know what back
7450s in the day I had to farm this mon so
7452s much get one of
7457s those there we go that was that's what
7460s you get for not combat carving that was
7461s the ultimate
7462s ultimate desire sensor gift you know
7465s came
7469s down no no I
7475s slipped oh here comes the Admiral being
7478s a Admiral and saving us what what did
7482s you say earlier J we had to beat up a
7484s Toler oh yeah cuz it's cuz it's
7490s Zena oh tragic
7494s tragic thank you
7496s Admiral I'll see you in dog apprciate
7498s you
7500s yeah just just unarmed just going
7504s [Music]
7505s in you can now carry more specialized
7508s tools and a quest a new upgrade level is
7509s available for armor we got a new armor
7511s pigment
7513s [Music]
7521s fantastic
7527s I think we're going to haveen did the
7529s credits roll at this point you I can't
7532s remember I would be surprised with you
7535s all you ever do is sleep and fall off
7538s things so how awesome were you down
7541s there stop being
7544s tow this time for the 10-minute
7548s credits a lot of awesome folk worked on
7550s the game it's nice to see see the see
7553s them uh in the credit role well
7559s good you just beat the game a couple of
7561s months ago for the first time
7562s congratulations Dev nice
7565s congrats to yeah we will be migrating
7568s over to iceborn in the near future we
7572s got a few yeah wrap up a couple of like
7574s end game things yeah yeah event Quest
7577s like get some of our weapons ready so we
7579s can push them into master rank and stuff
7581s us
7584s to probably not next stream though no
7586s couple more streams yet so we want to
7588s get our weapons ready so we can get them
7589s into master rank standard and
7592s yeah also we want to see some of the uh
7595s the cool endgame content and stuff like
7597s that good luck to us I guess yeah going
7600s need some better armor for
7602s that you know after landed started to
7606s wonder if I made the right and we can
7608s use clutch claw now we've earned the
7610s right and
7612s our self-imposed
7614s challenge we did it we did it I'm just
7616s say I sport is going to be such a mess
7620s yeah we're going to we're going be cting
7622s everywhere but it's all right get
7623s ourselves a bit of bambro armor at the
7625s start all right
7634s you you have quite the eccentric group
7638s here but all of them talented
7642s unique
7646s driven oh no they ate my Pico you all
7651s seem willful of your own mind but when
7653s the time comes you join together and
7655s become a force to be reckoned with I
7658s suspect there is no trial you could not
7660s collectively
7662s overcome making me
7665s hungry master rank bone armor another
7668s good shout I mean bone armor has carried
7670s me you know
7672s three you had that bone armor going on
7675s with the
7676s um the the Disco pants I did I was
7681s really you know bringing my own
7683s look uh to the
7685s hunt thank you for coming by Oscar you
7688s have a to satisfy it Cravings it does
7691s look so
7692s tasty maybe it used some s of
7696s something uh for your question Oscar
7698s we're going to have to follow up on that
7699s uh later
7700s time the perfect home for tough
7704s Monsters the energy oh thank you for the
7707s subscription ghost gamer very kind of
7709s you glad you're enjoying the
7711s sh uh hello dun first greetings from
7715s Germany first time chat ah mo mo well
7719s then I I know like six words of German
7722s that was one of
7724s them
7725s no I think you should keep
7728s it who eats more elder dragons n gante
7732s or the Handler that's a good question a
7734s tough
7738s competition [ __ ] will be do iceborn
7740s next stream uh we're going to wrap up a
7742s couple of endgame things so iceborn will
7745s be a little bit further
7747s off there's a lot more content like you
7750s know finishing the story in moner hun is
7752s far from the end there's so much more
7755s yeah you know there's a lot of like you
7756s know post game content added so we're
7758s going to experiment with that we're
7759s going to kind of grind up some of our
7761s weapons that we want to carry over to
7763s master rank so because we're we're going
7766s to need them for master rank I don't
7767s think we can skip like we did through
7769s high
7770s rank Rarity five G be so
7776s forgiving it was Weir to see my
7778s character about a helmet I know my my my
7780s character's been hiding away for the
7782s whole there you have
7784s it if we decide to stay and take on new
7787s research there are bound to be trials
7789s ahead dangers
7792s you don't want that do you you went
7794s straight from world to iceb so you like
7795s to see some World on game content yeah
7797s that's the plan and obviously we'll be
7798s playing it with you
7800s so time for behem off yeah
7807s effectively that was a scary hunt
7810s especially extreme all
7812s right oh I'm not ready for that one wel
7815s to your new that's really going to pass
7817s to the
7819s test but it's a fun hunt I like the
7822s mechanics and stuff better
7825s on
7833s be all right credits are playing now J I
7836s don't know where you're at I think I
7837s don't know yeah same for me the Handler
7840s had a cheeky bite of food and then uh
7842s that made me
7844s hungry that's the
7850s team
7854s and Joe you know it's quite ironic that
7855s we hit the end of the stream with the
7857s credits so do you want to lead us for an
7860s outro yeah yeah absolutely well thanks
7862s to everybody episode 10 we did it we
7864s finally made it to the end of uh mon
7867s world after well how about how long have
7868s you been playing now on stream right for
7870s like two months three months yeah you
7872s got in on three cuz we had a a couple of
7874s weeks break here or there uh events and
7877s stuff so yeah that's uh that's awesome
7882s yeah it's it's been cool really playing
7884s with the community and you guys
7885s following along with us and if you guys
7887s have missed any of the episodes they are
7889s all on YouTube so um we're going to keep
7891s going though this is not the end so
7893s we'll be back next week um we'll be
7895s working on some more uh more hunts so uh
7898s just trying to wrap up some of the
7900s endgame in world so it's going to be a
7901s fun experience and then eventually we
7902s will dive into ice corn so yeah with
7905s that Dro you want to close us out yeah
7908s well once again this to come with Joe
7910s you know thank you so much for watching
7912s it feels quite nice to you know and
7915s emotional to kind of get that world
7917s story wrapped up and get ready for our
7919s next steps as we explore the end game
7920s and then move on to ice born as our new
7923s Quest begins to Target and take down
7926s Fatalis as we kind of you know spoke
7929s about and kind of joked about when we
7931s first started World uh for this
7933s playthrough so I'm really looking
7934s forward to it but yeah other than that
7936s we'll be back next Thursday um we hope
7939s you all have a fantastic weekend I've
7941s been jonno
7942s and I'm Joe and you've been awesome have
7944s a fantastic rest of your day good
7946s [Music]
7970s night
7973s [Music]
8023s [Music]
8060s la
8063s [Music]
8076s n
about 1 month ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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819s hello everyone and welcome to today's
820s stream my name is j o e Community
822s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
824s by everybody I'm Joe I'm the capital P
827s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
829s Joo today we have a pretty packed agenda
831s right we do uh we are closing in on the
836s last main story quest of Monster Hunter
839s world and what stands between us and
841s that is the rotten Veil isn't it
843s Joe yes sir yeah that's our last uh
846s tracks that we got get uh get gathered
849s and then we'll be taking on uh bazak and
853s then hopefully heading into the end of
855s the story so yeah we've got a lot to do
858s today um why don't we get into it right
861s yeah let's get stuck in and because we
863s you know working towards that that last
865s Quest we will be opening up the lobby
867s for Community hunts straight away
870s um so if you watch your chat we'll be
872s popping in that Lobby ID Joe are you
875s right to pop it in the twitch chat today
876s as well I've just realized yes yes I
878s actually uh may have sent it too early
881s and everyone was very confused on what
883s that code was what is this Myster that's
886s what it is yes join us uh whether you're
889s on YouTube or twitch um we'll have that
892s code in
893s there thank you thank you very much
896s please carry us yeah and hello King
898s bendrick as well good to see you mate
900s hope you're doing
902s well but yeah if say if you do jump in
905s um all we ask is you're using around
906s Rarity five Rarity 6 gear or lower you
909s can use lower than that um please don't
911s use any Master end gear um and yeah try
915s and keep it around us just so we give
917s the monsters a fair a fair fight for
919s that more authentic experience um
921s because you know we are getting closer
923s to master rank and Ice born um oh yeah
927s Joe you ready to pop the code in twitch
929s chat as well
931s sorry
933s um I may need a second to do that
936s actually yeah I oh
940s wait don't worry twitch chat Joe will
942s come to our Aid and provide the code I'm
945s trying does somebody does somebody want
946s to read it out loud yeah upper case
949s lower
956s case it's good to see the lobby filling
958s up so what we'll do we will rotate Quest
960s until we are ready to go after that
963s elusive final monster in the story and
966s then Joe and I will Doo it and then
968s after that we'll do some quests and
969s hunting until um the stream
972s ends and then after that the the world
975s is our oyster no pun
983s intended all right um I'm struggling a
986s little bit getting this there
995s so my my real life Pico's hopped up by
997s my camera so I'm just giving giving her
999s some attention to appease the
1012s Pico but in the meantime everyone how
1015s are your hunts going have you been
1016s enjoying the Hunts have you had any
1019s night cars lately any triple carts let
1021s us know yeah while we while we Gear Up
1023s anyone that's in the lobby already get
1025s your high rank gear
1027s on come and come and join us in in the
1030s high rank gear gang
1032s again uh we are let's double check that
1035s Rarity I think I'm five and six maybe
1038s six yeah yeah I'm def my weapon is six
1043s so I think that's the main thing right
1045s like as long as the weapon is around the
1047s right Rarity the armor that's okay right
1051s yeah yeah armor we can be flexible with
1053s but um weapons obviously you know if the
1056s monster Falls over in 10 seconds we
1058s we'll
1062s know yeah thanks everybody if you're on
1064s Twitch for bearing with us we just got
1068s to handle a couple you getting stuck in
1071s though credit to them yeah hello
1077s YouTube but yeah uh um for M fans it's
1080s been a pretty fun week 20th anniversary
1083s we had a special program the other day
1087s um yeah and that was that was a lot of
1089s fun it was nice talking to uh ruran and
1092s Kath and vampy in our Round Table um
1095s we're so grateful to have them um and
1099s just you know having the dev team on to
1100s to share all their insights from you
1102s know making all these 20 years of
1105s monster hunter games uh it was it was
1106s pretty fun ride so um yeah thanks if you
1109s if you tuned in if you haven't seen it
1111s um please go check that out but uh
1114s yeah all it was yeah it was such a fun
1117s time and as you said you know we've got
1118s the community side we've got the uh the
1121s developer round tables which had some
1123s really cool insightful stuff that I
1125s don't think had necessarily been
1126s revealed before about the development of
1129s the games how how rajang got his hunger
1131s for kierin horns for example um so yeah
1134s there's some super fun stuff in there
1135s and as you said we were so humbled to
1138s have vamp ruran and coap join us as well
1140s for the round table but yeah 20 years of
1142s mon Hunter like it's blown
1145s by yeah absolutely um all right the
1148s lobby ID is in there um thank you guys
1150s again for bearing with us
1153s um all right let's get to the first
1156s order of business shall we okay I ate
1159s already let's get in there so what we
1161s need to do we're after kind of research
1164s points uh in the rotten Veil to help us
1167s find the Elder Dragon there that is the
1168s last the three that we need we've
1170s already took down kashala Andra so we
1174s just have Val haaz now and oh I've
1177s landed straight on a monster uh I'm not
1179s alone I've got grm with me I'm going to
1181s take these ancient fossils
1184s it's my boy okay that's that's the one
1187s we're going for first oh it's right here
1190s yeah if you come across another monster
1192s go for it like I I think we should be
1194s able to two man that monster if not I
1197s think I need to go back to uh Monster
1200s Hunter Academy no no no we're sticking
1203s together we're sticking together mostly
1205s because I don't have the confidence to
1206s take the others on my own yeah you can
1208s do B I'll I'll do this one not with that
1211s multiplayer health I'm not doing
1218s that I do need great Heros as well
1221s actually I do like
1222s Paralysis on and shield getting all the
1225s investigations
1228s now
1231s all right let's do this let's get the
1239s Bonks is that quite big I guess this is
1242s an
1243s event yeah
1247s yeah the greatest of hero
1253s yeah yeah if you don't get in this hunt
1256s don't worry we will rotate you know
1274s oh okay that was fast yeah I think you
1278s know I think great great garos is a good
1281s way to kind of like settle in we'll see
1283s how we go against the meta monsters and
1284s then we'll know the weapon situation now
1287s just a reminder guys
1290s 36 yeah I I I'll have a quick look I'll
1293s have a quick look just to satisfy my
1294s curiosity yeah we are playing on Steam
1296s as well if you do want to join us we are
1298s we are on
1299s Steam let's have a look um so who who is
1303s with us in the quest obviously we have
1304s grm what kind of equipment we rock in
1307s Rarity
1313s eight and we also have a there as well
1318s um
1319s I mean it's teally right no I think it's
1323s topend top end high rank yeah
1325s yeah as well yeah insect equipment
1328s Rarity six bonus points to you agle
1331s bonus points to you yeah don't worry
1332s groin we still love you though we still
1334s love you I think we're just very good
1337s yeah you know I'm punching above my
1340s Rarity five weight
1342s [Laughter]
1344s clearly yeah the rotten Veil is a is a
1348s very cool very unque I really my
1349s favorite bit is the acid pool area look
1352s at the size of this
1356s dog your favorite bit is the acid pool
1358s so you might be like a you poison swamp
1361s type person yeah oh yeah you know in the
1363s souls games you know straight there
1365s straight
1366s there um but also there's quite an
1369s Infamous moment from my predecessor sock
1372s uh who was streaming some monster H the
1374s world back in the day um with some
1377s content creators and they successfully
1379s did a huntt in here but they actually
1382s ended up triple cting in the in the
1384s reward screen bit he was stood in a pool
1388s of acid while the animation was
1390s happening and it CED him no that's so
1393s tragic yeah yeah so you got to watch
1396s your
1397s step oh Slinger
1400s THS you know I'm looking forward as well
1402s oh wow that's
1403s D we are getting closer and closer to
1406s being able to use our clutch as part of
1408s our self
1410s that's some
1413s damage yeah I can't honestly I can't
1416s wait to use clut CL it it is a essential
1420s yeah I that's really cool
1424s comos oh hang on we have a invited
1429s guest
1434s it's
1436s yo uh um you know maybe maybe we should
1439s let these two Juke out uh I'm I'm going
1442s to stop trying to get in the middle of
1444s that yeah not best place wake up wake up
1448s wake up I've got oh I tried to you know
1452s I tried to panic Pierce pod but I ended
1453s up climbing a Vine SS good I saw my
1457s light flashing for my eyes W I bet
1460s like uh we just need to make sure I need
1463s to make sure I don't end up like Moun
1465s baz like I need to get it on aigon iwi
1468s I'm like guys I'm
1471s stuck man that was uh that was
1477s scary o maybe I can work on this
1480s tail
1484s whoa oh my goodness this is the worst
1488s Corridor this is very dangerous to be
1491s considering what we're hunting both of
1493s these monsters exing cor this corridor
1496s from hell yeah I'm just going to fire
1498s Pier there we go sharing is
1501s car I mean at least they're damaging
1503s each other for us as well
1505s right yeah
1508s yeah you know as we know from the round
1510s taes they worked really hard on the uh
1513s on the turf wars making those work in
1515s this game so appreciate exactly there we
1519s go okay took
1523s out oh who's coming in now I think I got
1526s bit by a gyos yep yeah there they
1534s are so this is going this is going
1536s smooth this is going smooth we've not
1538s found any blue oh I got another gar
1541s gem lucky lucky there we go I don't
1544s think I really use much a gar
1546s gear um I just need that teostra one you
1550s know so I make make teostra yes
1555s please this um okay so we need a CL
1559s higher and higher so this just raban
1564s andaron uh we got to take out Bas right
1568s Bas oh notar yeah yeah sorry raban and
1572s basil geese I said aarin because uh I I
1575s had it on my screen that there's a shiny
1577s nearby like oh yes
1579s AAR I'm curious um you know what the how
1582s the chat says basil basil Goose basil
1585s geese basil Goose yeah I Basel geese BAS
1590s bagle
1594s Goose
1596s Shin scal oh that sound whatever that
1600s was yeah that was nice was that a slide
1603s yeah
1617s yeah
1619s oh he's in the B trap
1633s yeah finally got my charge attack now
1636s that looks that looks good oh straight
1645s down
1647s and there Oh I thought that was stun but
1649s no it was getting
1652s revenge I called him dung pod receiver I
1656s think
1658s rabar
1660s receiver the instant nope you can't you
1664s can't sit here
1669s yeah basil Goose seems like the chat on
1673s YouTube lik basil Goose
1676s oh that is that is good one Sor I'm
1679s stunned there oh we're all stunned we're
1682s okay have a little drink oh
1686s here well say hi we should we take him
1690s out
1691s yeah got a bone to pick with
1698s r there's a nice slidy touch there yeah
1701s I got I got to hit that take this do
1706s it yes are we going to get back up here
1708s as well well the
1717s gados I don't know I heard I
1719s heard yeah I thought I heard it
1724s too enjoy I will go through the
1731s tail oh there they go I think that's
1733s them there aalis
1737s there
1739s this is such a crunchy
1742s monster
1744s yeah lots of yeah
1754s yeah good to see you
1756s Oscar H
1761s Oscar I'm actually getting some tail
1763s hits I like RAB is that another
1766s paralysis oh my goodness we we get some
1769s nice backup
1784s here get the pier
1790s there no you
1792s don't stay where you
1796s are cheers for the help lads
1800s uh oh oh oh
1803s boy I'm rolling up
1808s there can I slide down
1812s this nice bre was that the chip yeah
1815s this is slidable massively all
1818s right here it
1820s comes oh there we go that was that was
1823s quite impactful right so we just got to
1826s go and wrap things up with B
1834s yeah and if if you're uh in the US um
1840s thanks for joining us we are an hour
1841s later than our usual time um because
1845s ofing time yeah time travel I don't know
1847s how time zones work I logged on an hour
1850s before this thing and I was ready to go
1853s and the guys and jonno were like what's
1856s going on I was so shocked I was like
1858s wait
1859s what I'm not set up yet yeah that was a
1862s that was a jump scare so I'm sorry about
1864s that looking up like wait a
1883s second I just went past my
1887s mega booster yeah I'm
1890s going nice stagger that was about to hit
1892s me that was
1894s lovely I think we've done a little bit
1896s of damage
1898s as oh the plunge wall the Blessed plunge
1901s walls blessed plunge
1904s wall I need to keep visibility here he's
1907s going to charge now is oh lovely oh
1914s cheeky Jon isn't it it's pretty crazy
1917s that as was ranked 52 oh no I fainted
1923s unlucky yeah 52 which yeah aligns
1925s perfectly with obviously the community
1927s pet name for baz as well yeah that was
1931s pretty
1932s crazy and also I saw that espinos ranked
1936s one place higher than kosala doora so L
1939s Accura the Rivalry continues love it
1941s love to see it yeah like it's crazy like
1945s what the chances are of that but that's
1946s how the votes fell
1949s um oh no I'm stunned again man the first
1953s card of the day I'm embarrassed it's
1955s only 11 here in La we're good
1958s yeah that's okay you know we're we're
1961s pushing ahead you know we've not spent a
1962s lot of time really farming gear um like
1965s any sane Hunter would uh we've just gone
1968s we're going all
1970s in thanks for the air cover I appreciate
1973s that you didn't have to uh make excuses
1976s for
1977s me
1979s it's all right I've been there a few
1980s streams back oh the Blessed walls here
1983s we go plunge
1987s yay uh zel I think that's how I say say
1989s your name uh that is the lobby ID so if
1992s you'd like to join us um obviously right
1994s now we've got um some Hunters already
1997s but you can join the lobby and uh maybe
1999s join us R you Huns mhm yeah we'll be
2002s rotating the uh rotating the lobby not
2004s Lobby the Hun grou between
2007s HS possible to join us yep oh there we
2010s go all right I didn't find any
2012s Footprints but I imagine they'll
2013s probably they would be in the lower area
2015s cuz that's where Bazar hangs out yeah
2018s hopefully that's not a thing where they
2019s don't show up an event quests or we
2021s can't make progress in event Quest we'll
2023s find out let's see let's see let's
2025s see yeah go not grinding gear is
2028s hardcore monster hun yes if it's
2029s speedrun straps isn't it yeah having to
2032s make the most of what you get got juicy
2034s there we are mainlining this thing we
2037s are going all in and then we can start
2040s getting GE and then obviously I mean we
2042s need to decide when we jump into iceborn
2044s as well cuz you know we have said you
2045s know we're going to aim to try and get
2047s to and beat Fatalis at some point that's
2050s the
2051s goal oh
2054s yes I'll be going all in on some
2056s Elemental stuff I think in
2058s ice so there are some lovely lovely
2061s Elemental armor
2063s SKS in in master
2067s rank so I hope you like gold and silver
2070s WRA and R and Joe CU I'll have to spend
2073s some time
2075s there no you don't have to go on
2077s Expeditions for the valark evidence you
2079s can you can get them out of quest in
2080s that area I believe and hopefully I'll
2082s be proven correct in a second let's see
2085s let's see take off
2087s yes there we go so we got half okay
2090s halfway someone more yeah yeah oh there
2093s we go gold
2095s silver yeah yeah I got yeah I'm seeing
2097s it
2099s okay I guess if we got Footprints it
2101s would have been higher I mean we do now
2103s have individual hunts as well uh cuz I
2105s think we've seen the monsters so we
2106s should have more opal quests hey look at
2109s everyone here you love to see it all
2111s right so thank you to thank you to the
2113s two Hunters that joined us obviously in
2115s that hunt thank you agil and where are
2117s you thank you both so just let if you
2120s just sit out this one just so we can
2121s then like rotate and get two more folks
2124s in
2127s um
2129s Ian we might even have investigations
2131s now yeah you want to try to do the same
2134s one maybe because we we made a lot of
2135s progress there and it was pretty quick
2137s yeah okay I'm happy to do that again
2139s yeah do it maybe you'll get some more
2141s Crowns All Right everyone uh just please
2143s let Joe go in I'm popping it in now
2146s please maybe if we start we don't need
2149s to we don't need to put prins because
2150s beating those monsters is
2152s enough right Joe it's going up
2156s now see if you get
2159s I'm not sure what does it reset when you
2161s open the book um you can just oh it's in
2164s advance sorry sorry that's all that's
2165s all I'm a four hey you're in and there's
2169s one more spot as well and yeah if you
2170s don't get in a hunt with us feel free to
2172s hunt together you know this is a good
2173s excuse to bring the community together
2176s um and you know they're probably they're
2178s probably in a better place to help you
2180s with hunts at the moment than we are
2181s with our equip yeah and please do bring
2184s uh around Rarity I believe it was six
2186s right yeah Rarity
2188s seven seven at the upper kind of thing
2191s just to give the monsters a fair a fair
2194s go right I need to eat delicious food
2198s attack up L I think I
2201s will weakener Slugger oh weakener that's
2204s a good one to
2207s get yeah we don't I don't think we need
2211s to do Expeditions for bazak evidence um
2214s or tracks right um like we can we can
2218s make progress just by clearing quests
2220s like we just saw so but I don't actually
2221s don't know if the tracks show up in the
2223s quests or at least in this specific
2224s Quest but either way I think we're okay
2227s yeah I mean we can always take a detour
2228s and have a little look down like one of
2229s us can go have a look to to see if we
2231s need to or we can just Bonk the monsters
2234s but yeah I guess I think that the tracks
2236s are found where the Elder Dragon
2238s actually tends to
2240s lur all right okay yeah so uh little tip
2245s for anyone looking for looking for the
2247s prince
2249s all right J I got another uh uh
2252s pronunciation debate for
2255s you how do you say lagi
2258s acis I say yeah lagi acis but then I
2261s hear that I hear people say legakis yeah
2264s is a Chris which might make more sense
2267s but for me it's like all right laggy you
2269s know lagy at Chris me you
2272s know I'm going to
2274s go yeah I say Le acis but it may well be
2277s the guy have I gone the wrong way no I
2279s didn't spawn where I think I did that's
2281s RAB hi RAB
2285s yeah yeah right that's it come back here
2290s RAB and let's G yeah we will we will go
2294s into iceborn once we once we reach that
2297s that
2298s Milestone that's the plan that's the
2300s plan uh lar acis because I don't speak
2303s English it sounds like you got a good
2304s grip of it there
2306s yeah
2309s all right where we going I'm at raban at
2311s the moment okay I I have totally whiffed
2314s my engagement though I was going to try
2316s and get an early Mount but I I just
2318s felt Ah that's all right all right I'm
2321s with you now thank you get load
2327s investigations oh I can't see a thing
2330s it's just bones of
2335s tar thank you for the
2339s yeah that is uh that's yeah like you
2342s know when you ask how say like L because
2344s obviously laggy being the third top
2347s voted monster in the hunter Choice top
2350s monster
2356s po there we
2358s go uh joh do you recall what the top the
2362s top uh
2364s boat uh per region was I can't remember
2367s I know for to the US and I'm not sure if
2369s that includes Europe as well Europe I
2372s think I know Gala is Gala Europe or
2375s North America I think it was North
2377s America I'm not sure if it was both
2379s regions combined but yeah um yeah gor
2382s mgala was number one um at least for
2385s North America well love that monster
2389s yeah that was really cool to
2393s see trap giv us a nice hand
2399s where our friends are they're they with
2401s great garos in the minute I can see
2404s which is ironic I need the great garos
2406s Parts but I was like you know what R
2408s there yeah we're going to
2415s dance oh oh and yeah my my uh personal
2420s vote and favorite monster bracky made it
2422s in at 17 so I'm very proud of bracky cuz
2425s I imagine as well with with that monster
2427s oh no I'm I'm stunned no no no no no no
2431s oh no you're okay you're
2433s okay thank you I imagine with bracky the
2436s votes will probably split between you
2438s knowy and region cuz I nearly voted for
2441s region but my my logic was without
2444s bracky you wouldn't have
2453s ra I was a little sad to see devil Joe
2456s come in in the 40s um yeah that's okay
2460s that's okay bit a pickle yeah not
2463s everybody likes
2465s pickles sometimes they ask for no
2467s pickles I know I do when I have a what
2471s you're a no pickle person I am I am I
2473s like it I like I like the meat I like
2475s the cheese I like the onion like no
2477s ketchup no mustard no no pickles just
2481s you know how about like you ever have
2483s like a fried chicken sandwich
2486s yes like that like hot sauce and stuff
2488s like that hot may have been disconnected
2491s here oh no not on my own
2495s please oh I think I think I've been
2498s disconnected oh yeah you're
2500s yeah you're you you disconnected mid
2503s Hammer mid Slide Hammer attack and uh
2507s how sad and uh so you were spinning on
2510s the spot oh man okay well so we'll take
2513s out these two monsters and then we'll
2515s we'll back
2516s out
2519s I'll go to great gyos and then
2522s uh great gyos Still Still of this
2526s Earth yeah I'm just see I'm seeing a
2528s Rabon just walking into the corner so
2531s it's
2532s unfortunate uh yeah we'll we'll start
2534s that again that's fine sorry buddy
2537s that's
2538s right you know we're doing a a stream
2541s that's across continents it is it is
2546s worldwide yeah
2548s so these things happen hey NE good to
2550s see you again how what kind of state is
2554s great I think is wreck Ry said the
2558s description of that burger ruined him
2560s yeah once you said you you don't like
2561s pickles it killed me see I like
2564s mushrooms I like onions cheese hot sauce
2567s all that kind of stuff but I don't like
2569s ketchup and I feel like pickles you know
2572s take away from
2575s the so uh I'm not against having it
2578s though not like mayonnaise I think
2579s mayonnaise is a sin you what yeah no
2583s mayonnaise in any of my Burgers what
2585s about like Q Mayo no no no no no no oh
2590s man Mayo that's my that's my killes heal
2593s J know
2595s why so that so that those around me can
2598s enjoy more mayonnaise cuz I'm not e it
2600s you know it's a selfless
2605s Endeavor are you back let me know when
2607s you back back in the lobby by the way
2610s and yeah I'm trying to try
2617s now
2622s down I wonder if I can just join you
2624s guys in the quest right there's might
2626s you might be able to rejoin I don't know
2628s if it kind of blocks you out or
2631s not okay says I'm searching for online
2635s session so let's skip that a sec
2639s oh AAR is is here please let me carve
2644s AAR no I'm going to get C by Auto I just
2647s want to
2651s carve it's not even a combat card so my
2653s conscience is
2655s clear so you have good car this time
2658s yeah I mean the gang are doing a good
2661s job distracting gar for me so I
2663s appreciate
2666s it
2669s all right I made it back to the session
2670s let's see get
2674s back
2683s try working on that
2688s tail ah I cannot I cannot no worries
2692s okay then sorry guys that's all right
2694s okay gang let's return from the hunt and
2696s we'll we'll pick up Joe actually I'll
2698s grab the shiny
2700s quick I got a bang very
2703s nice and we'll pop the quest in and then
2705s yeah jump back in with us yeah sorry
2707s about that
2711s how my
2714s internet all right we got we got two
2716s extra great Gros
2719s scales very
2725s nice there we go right I'll go pop the
2727s quest do you want to put the quest
2729s in sure I'll try okay
2739s hello
2740s uial something eal Opa seven seven stars
2744s yes got
2749s it it's because I didn't use my lucky
2751s voucher that's what it
2753s is oh pardon
2756s me
2758s all right let's supp it go ahead thank
2761s you there we go will I get my attack up
2766s L maybe if I use a
2769s voucher I don't have many vouchers but I
2772s I'll P there we
2778s go Turk so we have NEP and Turk this
2782s time sorry for the previous Hunters to
2784s jumped in hopefully we'll get you in
2785s again on the next one
2788s we did we did give that great Gros a
2790s good old take
2795s down all right Turk is rocking Rarity
2798s three nice good on your Turk challenge
2802s mode
2803s engaged you could pop it up a little bit
2805s but I respect
2807s that tur's looking to stretch their
2809s Hunter
2814s skulls says they they haven't hunted for
2817s ages going to be terrible no that's
2819s that's not true this is a good quest to
2821s scrape the rust off there's a nice mix
2823s of monsters in
2828s here I'm loving the outfit and the Lun
2831s asra weapon of the hunter next to me as
2832s well the col the color scheme is
2835s exquisite yeah that's a
2839s glamour it's like my favorite kind of
2841s colors as well you know not that my hair
2843s makes that obvious but no your favorite
2845s color is like uh like orang thing right
2848s yeah definitely orange pickle
2858s orange and then once Turk Ready's up are
2860s you there Turk are you ready to
2863s hunt we're ready when you are
2870s Turk we can jump in there we go do there
2874s we
2875s go okay maybe we should stick together
2877s this this time yeah yeah we'll uh Spike
2879s the monsters yeah took about one at a
2884s time
2892s efficient in stories you named your
2894s devil Joe girkin which is British term
2896s for pickle that is
2898s correct as a fellow British
2901s person I can
2906s confirm I don't know I don't know these
2908s things I'm
2911s uncultured you're not missing out on
2913s much don't
2916s worry right I'm going to go quickly test
2918s the footprint
2921s Theory okay I think I dropped pretty
2923s close to one then I will travel
2929s over actually started playing this game
2931s again last week been playing Monster
2932s Hunter since freedom on PSP and world is
2934s your least played game no excuse at all
2936s making time for it now well safira
2938s Crusher you have returned to world and
2941s uh a great time to jump in honestly like
2944s we saw again on Steam alone the monst
2947s world back up to over 100,000 Peak
2949s players which is so long after launch is
2952s so awesome to see so thank you everyone
2954s but yeah jump in have some
2959s fun yeah that was so awesome to
2962s see I was like surprised I'm like whoa
2964s the number has shot back up
2967s and say because we got some tasty
2969s discounts obviously you know Shameless
2971s plug we have some big big discounts on
2973s not just monant world and iceborn but
2975s there's like some really cool
2976s collections on Steam as well available
2979s and obviously there are discounts on
2980s other platforms as well on the hope of
2982s Thor of monst titles World ice born Rise
2985s sunbreak um so check it out well said
2989s it's almost like you work at Capcom or
2990s something you know what You' think that
2992s you
2994s know I'm a bit biased there you know
2997s like if I want people to buy and play
2998s Monster Hunter specifically as
3001s well lines up with a personal personal
3004s goal yeah tell your friends discount
3007s weekend is
3010s here okay I found o Garin I'm GNA leave
3013s that come find you guys Turk having a
3015s little oh no there you go
3018s Turk Turk was having a little tussle
3020s with Aaron I think the low rank armor
3023s might have been a bit Yeah May overshot
3026s there uh but worth a go right should we
3028s should we have a go on gyos together um
3031s yeah I'm I'm here uh all right I'm with
3034s you I know we were trying to stick
3035s together but not
3037s sure what the plan is we'll find the we
3040s can we can we can get cooking over
3044s here yeah you play Monster World on PC
3046s now it's real nice to have steam deck
3048s yeah steam deck is so great like having
3050s having World in such a portable for
3056s mhm
3058s really good for commuting as well or if
3060s you're on the throne so on the throne
3065s yes a little dangerous though you don't
3067s want to sit for too long so you
3070s better yeah you don't want to get red
3072s marks on your legs from
3086s Le
3089s and oh oh it missed no the tail moved I
3093s was about to get the perfect rush in
3094s there oh
3098s hello oh no no not like this stay away
3103s from him oh no no not both of us no oh
3107s this is bad okay I Liv I lived okay good
3110s okay I managed to make it out of the
3112s animation we're good oh that was scary
3116s you can still event tickets yeah so the
3119s the different events like seasonal ones
3122s rotate um so if you're playing during
3125s the time when it's on you'll get those
3126s relevant tickets to make those
3129s S hey T here gun
3133s style big
3140s Bo yeah shout out to Ron who was in our
3143s 20th anniversary creat a round table oh
3146s yeah
3147s yes so this garos has got
3150s some got some energy in
3157s it hey all right nice
3175s work you don't
3177s where you going here get the piering
3180s pods
3182s out oh hello no need to
3185s spit nice do I have any tracks all right
3189s hey
3190s y yay I like you know what I really like
3194s great Heros I don't know why I think I
3196s think it's it's quite an underrated
3198s monster you know yeah yeah you mentioned
3200s that a few times that you're you're a
3201s big fan yeah like also I mean I really
3204s like T tetu Caro was one of my first
3206s favorite
3207s monsters as well um not only because I
3210s think it's just a really cool
3212s interesting monster but its gear harried
3214s me so hard when I was first getting into
3217s Monster Hunter I learn in the ropes both
3219s in low rank and high rank um so yeah I
3222s have a lot of respect or great say great
3225s G but also you know
3227s T all right on
3235s time
3241s oh cool we got NEP here I don't know if
3243s NEP has been here the whole time the
3245s whole time watching from the
3249s Shadows I think it was NEP fashion I was
3251s big up as well
3255s MH yeah the
3257s uh the fancy L Nostra colored Hammer oh
3262s it's so cool I love the
3265s color
3269s I feel so inadequate with my
3271s boring gray Hammer that's right we're
3275s getting to some more you know spicy
3277s weapons yeah I'm happy I've just managed
3280s make a version of
3282s the but once we you know if we we get
3284s some time to like jump on toost I got
3286s that investigation it's only matter of
3289s time only a matter of
3295s time being dangerous here
3301s yeah oh ouch ouch ouch leave him alone
3305s look at me
3308s instead let he
3310s up I miss having live Powers all the
3313s time I used to I love just popping out
3316s life powers for the team especially CU
3317s I'm sword and shield so it's really
3319s quick so now we are so broke we are I
3323s need I need to upgrade you know my likey
3327s stuff so I can like Farm more honey
3330s and yeah yeah same here same
3338s here I'm seeing the tail yeah nobody
3341s want that did did the damage uh I don't
3344s think so you can't leave now oh no watch
3347s out uhoh is it who I think it is oh an
3351s explosive
3353s entrance L G's like I really don't need
3355s this right now yeah
3371s I'm like who do I want to hit who do I
3372s go yeah yeah let's take out AAR cuz it's
3375s close I think yeah closer oh no no no
3380s okay I'm just trying to survive now yeah
3382s I'm going to I'm going to have a
3383s drink knock knock up not there yeah
3388s that's let's keep rolling there we
3396s go trying to get Auto then is like what
3399s what about me yeah anyone got a
3407s dumak
3410s SL oh we got
3412s it I was just in the zone like
3415s kill
3424s hey how's it
3427s going there we go and as Joe said
3430s earlier uh basil Gees was number
3432s ironically number 52 in the hunter Cho V
3436s yeah which kind was pre-ordained really
3438s but that was actually how the vot fell
3442s so I actually thought I would rank a
3444s little bit higher but uh yeah I'm
3445s surprised
3447s I think all the all of the Invader
3449s monsters didn't quite you know they
3451s didn't hit the upper uper echelons I
3453s think ran got the highest I think
3460s MH yeah if you did miss out on the 20th
3462s anniversary event you can watch it on
3464s ttch and on our YouTube in the live
3469s section it's full of
3472s goodies ah back seat and tip fromon you
3475s know normally you know I mean we like to
3477s share tips here but I think you know öor
3480s has the biggest brain tip we've ever
3482s seen and one that I like to abide to and
3485s share
3486s myself hit the monster don't let it hit
3489s you and you know what why the words I
3491s have not heard you too are a big brain
3495s Hunter like me oh man I don't know if
3497s anybody saw my reactions there but I was
3500s very close according oh
3505s no yeah hit the more than it hits you
3507s don't get hit if you want to avoid T you
3510s know yeah don't let it hit you but how I
3513s counter of course Lance enjoyers you you
3516s can do your thing you are a a world onto
3520s your
3520s own oh no uhoh oh that's a lot of uh lot
3524s of damage going through to the team
3526s there we are in triple cart territory oh
3530s no I
3531s need uh my health booster is
3535s down you see now it makes sense yeah I
3538s I'm the same it's like you know I kind
3539s of like tap my head like of course of
3547s course the pro
3551s tips oh man they got a little scary that
3553s did that
3557s did I don't have any live powders on me
3560s because NE just Joe because we are funky
3562s fresh Hunters so we we are lacking on
3566s some of the needed materials I mean I
3568s might have some in my box but I believe
3571s the appropriate term is broke boys yeah
3573s we are we are without the necessary
3577s items
3586s oh just going to put my shield down for
3588s a bit while I
3589s heal oh no there was a there was a scale
3592s behind
3595s me oh how's the audio for everyone else
3597s is the audio good for everyone else just
3599s let us know yeah let us know let us know
3603s our producer behind the scenes yeah he
3605s can always do some tweaking if we need
3607s it but let us know what's the consensus
3612s everyone oh no
3615s I'm raban is kind of is that Rabon
3618s coming down
3619s here
3621s see yeah you think he's coming over
3624s here there a
3632s chance get oh that was Savage
3646s Oh that's not where I want to be oh M
3651s there you go
3655s nice yeah a bit quiet for Drew how about
3657s everyone the right H so one of us is a
3661s bit quiet than the that'll probably
3666s be H yeah I might I might be a little
3668s quieter
3683s maybe there we go to take advantage oh
3691s no I didn't get much in there
3695s unfortunately oh I'm The Quiet One okay
3698s oh
3699s okay just start yelling J ah B
3709s explosions hey good of you to get them
3711s back in
3713s boy Teamwork Makes the Dream workor
3715s after all Slinger bomb what am I doing
3717s up here though ah we go in oh I got the
3720s mount as well oh nice nice we need that
3724s we all need that I think we must be
3726s getting there looking at
3738s the you're still on there yeah I'm still
3741s going I'm still going there we go two
3744s and three
3753s investigation that's what we do look at
3755s that that's just
3759s yeah that's what we've been waiting
3762s for oh nice I was about to sling a bomb
3765s I was like no you don't
3769s yeah drop some wild leaks no we are not
3772s doing that no I no you're going to have
3774s to wait till summer everyone for you
3776s know the next uh next info drop as
3779s advertised uh when uh shortly after
3783s Wilds was
3785s revealed love the excitement though yeah
3787s we're all super excited but you know
3789s every day we get closer to summer
3793s so TR a car B here but I'm being
3796s interrupted by small
3798s monsters pick a color I'll go for royal
3801s blue because I'm incredibly biased if
3802s blue is a a color
3805s option
3816s oh ATT yeah where is where is it I'm
3819s trying to so what's the best weapon and
3820s why is it drw blades I mean I've nothing
3822s against du blades I don't I don't use
3824s them myself but you know they're
3828s tasty navy blue is kind of bracky
3830s colored it is it is bracky colored I do
3834s like dual blades I think they're really
3835s fun
3837s I love demon mode I love how fast you
3839s can move there's really like no other
3840s weapon quite like it yeah go Ahad sorry
3844s they're not too far from the sword and
3846s shield because much like sword and
3847s shield they really Thrive using element
3849s and Status mhm um so I have a lot of
3851s respect for yeah you you probably like
3854s it as a sword and shield main yeah and
3856s you know you can spin down the monsters
3858s so you
3865s know and it's pretty cool being a to go
3867s yeah I just go demon mode demon mode
3874s yeah and I think je blades get some like
3876s mixed ones they get like a status
3878s element one or like a fire ice one or
3881s something very element heavy yeah do
3885s fatalist not yet we're still in high
3886s rank but we will we will that's the
3894s goal oh I'm in a bad position here I got
3897s to get to front that's okay I had to
3899s reposition as
3902s well there go what's our favorite
3906s monsters mine is bra how about
3909s you uh Double
3911s Joe if my name's Joe I got to I got to
3915s show some love for devil Joe that's it
3919s there we
3923s go I've said this a few times though I
3926s do um I do quite like um couple of newer
3930s monsters so um melino is pretty awesome
3936s big fan of bino and especially you know
3938s seeing how high it ranked primordial
3940s bino in our primio went hard which is
3943s great top three monster for me as well
3945s Prim youo
3947s mhm also like gos I think is such a cool
3951s monster
3952s um that's a big
3955s F
3956s Luna garon was very popular I actually
3958s really like garang uh I love the Des of
3961s the monster like it's very different
3963s it's a very different style of monster
3966s you love Magnum Malo xell great choice
3969s mhm I remember scorned Magnum Malo
3971s absolutely body in me the first time oh
3974s yeah yeah you got to have one of those
3976s in every monster hunter game like that
3979s uh the like enhanced version enhanced
3982s variant of the the
3984s flagship yeah it's like oh by the way
3986s now they're stronger I like oh my
3988s goodness take those goodies I got a
3990s plate
3992s yay all right do you think we made it
3995s let's have a look
3997s yes yes all right Elder Dragon
4003s time and this monster this is actually
4005s quite a hard Elder Dragon especially
4007s when you've not got your gear up to
4008s scratch what you might want I think we
4011s have enough data on the rotten Veil now
4013s are we ready to report our findings
4015s right
4016s Let's uh go to the trade yard report our
4020s findings risen shagaru is one of the
4022s most interesting monsters that is a hard
4024s fight of such a fun fight though yeah
4026s yeah Ren sharu is
4028s awesome you love top five you're sorry
4031s you love zoga but your top five anaf
4033s lagy aalos and Luna garon nice mix there
4037s yeah I I love aalos great
4043s monster
4045s um
4046s who was I going to mention
4049s uh oh Crimson glow Val stack risen
4052s Crimson glow Val stack a huge a mouth
4055s mouthful to say but
4058s man that thing killed me yeah that's
4062s pretty crazy oh we're going to have to
4063s do the cut scene bit here aren't we so
4065s we'll get the quest we jump in we'll
4067s we'll both come out and then grab some
4070s grab some
4071s Hunters yeah let's do it speak to feds
4075s speak to everyone good
4078s work I'm thankful if I can make any gear
4081s now as well from that I mean the
4083s monsters we fought aren't massively um
4087s sword and shieldy I mean obviously great
4089s Gros has the the sword and shield but uh
4092s maybe maybe I can make something mhm oh
4095s mother Nawa is
4097s awesome she's
4100s powerful right uh for oh yeah because
4103s the third Fleet is on the Airship right
4106s I
4108s think uh believe so that's her domain oh
4112s right yeah yeah so yeah we're not here
4114s we're not here we got to go over there
4115s let's go I was looking right
4118s at great so I need to you need okay and
4122s then you can do that so
4129s I so you make that I need low rank garos
4133s bangs every time every time mm
4138s uh look the
4144s armor there's the Basel gear I can't
4146s make any Basel gear at the moment
4150s um I make AAR
4158s boots there's some raban sleep attack so
4161s that'd be good if I was using sleep
4164s weapons okay nothing nothing to do that
4166s so let's
4169s go all right I'm going to get that cut
4171s scene going and I'll be right back nice
4173s I'm just going to the research base so
4176s get ready who wants to fight uh Valar
4178s with us
4188s um bad
4191s Master do
4194s well there we go in aium what kind of
4197s crazy monster are we dealing with yeah
4199s this is going to be spicy without all
4200s the anti aium stuff it's going to be a
4203s fun hunt yeah
4206s uh should we bring anything some
4208s cleansers is that usually what you bring
4210s I'm trying to remember I feel like it's
4212s been a
4213s while we'll be a trial by fire well a
4216s fium but you
4217s know so yeah I'm going to spot the
4219s monster come back out we'll meet in the
4221s Gathering Hub and then uh we'll do that
4224s thing
4229s there's only one record ofak but it was
4232s more like a possible match not aite ID
4235s we might get upgade from STS to
4238s Superstars if we actually do find valh
4240s here grab this and while I'm here got
4242s the mining
4244s Outpost yeah I love this area of the
4246s rotten Veil especially like the colors
4248s and how the vibe totally
4251s changes because it's beautiful yet
4253s deadly whereas every else is Just Deadly
4255s and smelly in the rotten Veil deadly and
4258s smelly yeah and then I know you got the
4260s the rock out crops here that you can
4261s drop on Bazar if you're stabby with it
4266s now I believe balazar can come out of
4268s that acid but I probably have to
4272s go yeah how do we trigger this
4275s here or are they wandering around
4277s elsewhere at first oh no I'm going up to
4280s these routs over here by area 16 there
4282s you go you go through the roots yeah
4285s there we go I think it comes out of the
4286s bone
4290s pile Oh oh yeah I went the wrong way did
4294s you trigger the cut scene yet yeah yeah
4296s yeah all
4297s right just just got it started now all
4301s right slightly
4303s behind which is embarrassing since I
4305s went there first
4307s outrageous I'm
4310s slow are there some poor gyos here that
4313s have fallen foul of this monster
4322s all right so you said I got to go
4324s through those Vines yeah yeah there'll
4326s be some Vines at the back of the room on
4327s the right all right some nasty looking
4331s things I see him I see
4338s him oh no I'm
4342s surrounded all right there we go there
4344s we go what an introduction for this
4346s monster though especially before you do
4348s what it was
4350s M yeah them
4353s lizards
4356s uhoh how it like drains the life out of
4358s them absolutely brutal like vampiric
4364s almost or like a lich
4368s yeah it occupies the same space in my
4371s brain as um rat
4374s Kaki
4380s I really like the armor
4389s power at
4392s that and it's got the I can't remember
4394s the proper name but it's got like the
4395s double jaw like an
4398s eel oh yeah
4400s huh it's just popping out on my screen
4402s now so about to see it I'm like yeah
4406s I'll return for Quest
4409s byebye
4416s byebye yeah valar's real everyone we can
4418s go home
4421s now oh it's your first time seeing this
4423s one Kristen you are in for a treat it's
4425s got some really interesting mechanics
4427s how it fights which can do very bad
4429s things to your help I can't remember
4430s what do you need to get rid of the
4432s debuff is it
4434s nures or is it I oh I can't
4439s remember there's yeah there's a specific
4442s thing I can't remember what it is guess
4445s we'll uh we'll find out the hard way I
4448s don't need a trap uh what have I got in
4452s here that could that could help return
4454s get get out of there I'm back I'm
4457s back that was about to destroy me
4461s there is there anything use gun powder
4464s no don't to be drinking that um how you
4467s doing Clarence thanks for joining us on
4473s YouTube I can't remember no so it is
4475s noes it is noes good good thank you I'm
4479s sure I've got some
4481s there yes to The Gather 10es right to
4486s the Gathering
4493s Hub then uh we will go fight us an elder
4496s dragon and that should open the way to
4501s our final
4503s showdown right are you uh you popping
4505s the quest in you want to do the quest hi
4508s oh yeah I just realized what am I doing
4510s I'm like trying to join
4512s it I just got
4514s hit all right let's do this thing it's
4518s posted
4524s thank didn't get
4533s in I'll try I'll see if anyone backs out
4537s um uh it's still open if you can join is
4540s it oh it said it was for me I think okay
4544s I'll try
4545s again thank you to ever made me a space
4548s I appreciate all right thank you I
4549s appreciate
4551s you makes me miss not having a fire
4553s weapon for this fight but poison will do
4556s TR I have no
4561s berries oh I only have two uh favorite
4564s armor set oh that's hard to pick that's
4566s really hard to pick especially it's like
4568s is it the skills or is it the Aesthetics
4570s especially because I like to mix a match
4572s when I start doing layup
4575s gear NE says they took pickle
4579s stuff well done got some fabulous
4583s looking hunters in this Lobby
4587s uh favorite armor set I'm a big fan of
4589s the
4590s namiel sets um I just not for the skills
4594s particularly but I do like the the look
4595s of them I think they're they're really
4598s cool that's awesome it's hard for me to
4601s pick just just like a handful CU I said
4603s I like to pick and choose out of like
4605s different ones uh yeah yeah I I have a
4609s soft spot for like to yra and lunastra
4611s gear I think they're quite interesting
4612s like Regal kind of like Med kind of
4615s knights and kings and queens kind
4618s of I love the mass or the the umie which
4622s are Bas yeah yeah yeah like in in world
4627s and uh I I really like the arch-tempered
4631s um zor magaros kind of like look cu the
4635s the armor kind of got a Sheen to it
4637s which I really really liked um that was
4641s one of my favorites I used to run that a
4643s lot um
4647s I think Damascus armor always looks
4649s really cool yeah
4653s yeah g mgala armor is awesome yeah
4656s that's a slap on yeah yeah that's a good
4662s point what I really liked as well was uh
4664s the gangon gear with like pieces of a a
4667s chest set so you had like the uh your
4670s Hunters could either look like a queen
4673s or a I think I guess the other one is I
4675s think it was King and then the Pico
4677s turned into a rook and uh the Palam was
4682s a a bishop yeah Bishop was it a bishop
4685s no it's a knight I yeah yeah right right
4690s I thought was super
4694s cool
4696s hey
4698s oh there we go Nova
4703s Crystal oh it's here okay right now
4705s where are the there's a rock on the
4707s right okay both of the rocks on the
4708s right hand side I think I have like a
4710s 50% success rate with these
4715s things not me
4717s though I got
4720s nothing just like a joke for my my H
4722s buddies back in the day where it be like
4724s like 50% of the time I I hit the Rocks
4726s so it's like the 50% jonno Rock I had
4729s the breath how can I forget that
4734s beam
4736s there I'm contributing I'm
4742s helping oh look at that going
4755s around hit the tail there yeah I'll take
4758s this opportunity as a tail
4760s enjoyer sword and shield I should
4764s have
4767s damage oh it's on the Move where you
4768s going where you going oh it's over there
4770s nice
4773s work oh no I went over that tail is
4777s wiggling
4781s around oh yeah wh
4784s my okay are we near enough the maybe the
4788s whale of that monster as well is really
4791s really scary oh watch out I'll hold the
4794s Rock
4800s now I think must
4806s be oh
4810s man I'll
4812s bury got a health booster over here come
4815s on come on Val Charing right at me look
4818s I'm going to I'm going to sharpen my
4820s weapon okay I'm getting attacked by a
4822s monster instead yo valak look at this
4825s it's me a hunter that's
4829s unaware ouch I ass bit
4833s rude the music is really nice like it's
4837s very Serene and
4839s like thoroughful almost yeah but
4844s Sinister I'm just going to keep listing
4846s off all the different adjectives yeah
4850s that breath attack still coming back to
4852s me
4854s now
4856s oh I know I'm not in the optimum
4858s position of damage but uh can I hit that
4861s now let's no I hit
4864s her oh yay okay we got one we got one I
4868s need a
4871s though there is still another
4874s rocket
4882s of that was down for a while there yeah
4885s they are so handy if you hit
4888s them got a lot of damage on
4891s him oh we go round two here not
4901s yet oh big breath time
4907s oh hey Valar turn around fight me fight
4911s me I've got a present for
4913s you oh nice
4917s I don't think it was
4919s me but I'll take
4921s credit yeah we he me at that
4926s one don't breath on me don't breathe on
4930s me that it's basically bed breath like
4933s really bad bed
4935s breath still got hit by the the breath
4938s there I was like can I hit the tail
4940s there I was like angling my
4944s camera
4957s going for it oh I've just realized that
4958s I've been afflicted by the
4961s aluan yeah hit the hit the nber there
4963s yeah I'm glad we were you know that's
4965s why we said you know like also in our in
4967s our steam News Post where we give the
4969s little tips even back in the Ancient
4971s Forest Hoover up everything you see
4974s especially early on build up your stocks
4976s because you never know when they will
4977s come in handy yeah
4979s yeah it really pays off later when you
4982s realize all these things that you you
4983s didn't think you needed you actually
4985s have yeah you got to invest in your
4988s hunting future
4994s yeah do these guys reach Pat yes we do
4996s we try to we do we yeah we're read it
4999s hello we see you
5003s MEA
5005s oh look at
5009s that party
5012s dark is there any rocks in here I don't
5014s think
5015s so there is some healthy
5026s PL
5027s no Health
5030s booster let me get in there yeah join me
5037s thank you
5042s sir oh Dodge
5050s that yeah the party duck inspires us we
5054s are motivated the party
5057s duck if Seth was watch it oh I know the
5063s legend
5067s oh
5068s no oh nice for a knock
5072s down I'm going to be here
5079s go oh no I thought I threw myself into
5081s the acid there that was cool by the way
5083s oh that's the
5093s T we doing well I think so
5101s too B is oh that's a lot of I need um
5105s some uh we got what kind of pod is this
5108s oh no I'm I didn't mean to combat C that
5110s was accidental I wanted the I'll cover
5112s you I wanted the dragon pod thank you I
5114s actually got a tail as well I've been
5117s forgiven breath attack watch out yeah
5120s let I'm going to I'm going to shift back
5121s oh nice nice that was good that was good
5124s okay I got the dragon
5126s pod I missed I
5133s missed take this dragon energy take it
5138s stop with your fuia
5141s please it's too
5147s dangerous oh another pod just
5150s dropped oh it's okay it's okay
5155s nearly down we'll avenge
5159s you at the worst possible time oh wait I
5162s thought it was leaving it was and then
5165s some somehow a dragon pod hit it I don't
5167s know
5175s how I got you yeah perfect Rush
5181s a oh get roaring at me
5191s that's going to hat yeah H this is this
5194s is not
5195s ideal eat the nobre run away oh oh it
5199s started there yeah can't that I had that
5201s one I
5203s did come
5208s on
5211s these oh it's see NEP and is immediately
5214s yeah decided that NEP is the one it
5216s wants to
5217s take I'm going to shoot rocks to be fair
5220s you can drop a rock on bazak if
5225s you're how did idiot get on oh I see I
5228s see how did how did idiot get on
5231s it it's okay because it's their hunting
5234s name I'm not bullying the community how
5237s did that idiot get on it right okay got
5240s to line this
5243s up huh yeah oh what a finish oh I missed
5248s it what happened I dropped the rock on
5250s it as it was retreating oh nice I'm now
5254s 100% success rate on these
5258s rocks nicely done NEP is claiming a
5261s Kinect kill I'm claiming the big rock
5264s dunk though well maybe it was a
5266s simultaneous maybe the Kinect landed on
5268s the Rock and S A Rocket speed well we'll
5271s need to watch the replay there we will
5273s we need an action replay right we got
5276s different angle yeah we need the
5278s receipts oh what a shot that
5283s was net me is insistent it was the
5286s Kinect we'll give credit to the Kinect
5288s they're part of the hunting party you
5290s know got to give him
5294s Kudos that's pretty funny a win is a win
5299s and it looked cool either way whether
5300s it's a Kinect or a big old rock I say
5304s rock is is it part of a rib cage or is
5305s it an actual rock I'll have to check
5307s yeah hey good to see you m MH how you
5310s doing
5314s hey that was that was a fun that was
5318s awesome on my screen I've literally got
5320s it you can see the rock literally about
5322s to hit its wing like it's like moments
5326s before disaster for
5328s valark we're good we just done a Bazar
5331s and it ended hilariously um so very very
5335s pleased about
5336s that your end screen is the Kinect
5339s hit mine is the rock hit
5344s done we'll let you know what we'll let
5347s we'll let the community decide you know
5349s night it's neither event is Cannon yet
5351s until the footage is researched
5356s thoroughly let's say I
5358s agree I think it's a 50/50 there I think
5361s the Kinect and The Rock combined their
5363s powers and uh gave us the win let's
5366s let's say that yeah let's say both yeah
5368s NE says let's say both so I I think so I
5370s think so it's it's a Cooperative game
5372s after all yeah we win together or we
5376s triple cart together and sometimes quad
5378s cart if you had
5383s Insurance okay back to work falis that's
5386s a a common occurrence yeah impressive
5390s kect use rock smash it was super
5391s effective it did delin it did
5397s what's
5398s wrong j bear says thanks uh or says it
5401s was fun hunting with you guys and it's
5403s going to head out now so for jumping in
5405s thank you for watching we really
5406s appreciate
5408s it hey partner are you sure you want to
5411s go on that all right so shall we head
5413s into the land of
5415s convergence we get that cut scene going
5417s I'm just going to uh quickly turn in my
5419s bounties and
5421s items yes yes lovely
5426s those armor
5427s spheres and research points oh look all
5430s these bounties
5432s oh yes please I'm going to register some
5436s more mining out crops Elder Dragon
5438s cullin we'll take that bone piles we'll
5441s take that uh complete deliveries yeah
5444s we'll do
5445s that Mega
5448s fertilizer
5450s okay I'm gonna get this cut scene going
5453s I'm I'm just getting get some food
5455s unlocked take your time take your time
5456s that's right we're good we're good and
5459s then so Joe and I will be Joe and I for
5462s this first one will'll be attempting the
5463s two the two man on um the final monster
5468s story oh are we doing it we're we're
5470s going with two and we got a two man okay
5472s it's up to you what do you want if we if
5474s we fail we'll we'll open it up all right
5477s how's that how's that sound or do we or
5480s or this was a shared Journey so why
5482s don't we share the
5484s end yeah yeah let's doity open up yeah
5488s that's that's right the glory is
5491s everyone's we may not be like optimally
5494s geared to take care this quickly so it
5497s may be helpful to have some teammates
5498s here yeah put your backpack on as long
5500s as your backpack is Rarity 5 to
5504s sevenish um yeah I love the look of the
5507s Valar K I'm gonna look at it it's like
5510s you're some sort of like dark lord it's
5513s really really cool I love like the the
5515s effects on it
5517s mhm oh my my fancy bico and its disco
5522s gear I don't know if we can see it on
5524s stream but it's it's kind of just
5526s changing the tone of this G scene
5530s completely oh I can make the Val haaz
5532s for my pal turn into a little
5536s beasty right okay I need to go actually
5538s get this Quest roll in and then uh we
5540s have we have our monster M I think this
5544s pretty lengthy cut scene here so might
5545s be good to get started yeah I'm going oh
5548s I speak to the
5549s Handler does rarity 12 work
5553s no it works too well for what we're
5557s doing the cat gear is breaking the
5560s mood no it's it's it's shiny you know
5562s everything here is shiny he's got the
5564s disco ball headpiece there perfect it's
5567s tactical because the monster is either a
5569s distracted by its own looks or bedazzled
5572s in white environments this is this is 4D
5575s hunting
5582s yeah I may or may not have made uh my
5585s main Pawn in Dragon's Dogma a uh a
5589s version of the Admiral like a punished
5591s version of the Admiral punished Admiral
5593s I I you say like giant Pico like s
5595s Slayer did made the meow sha yes I love
5600s that I love that I definitely want to
5602s download that pawn yeah I love the
5605s creativity it's great to see we've seen
5606s obviously the the commander as
5610s well that where's my
5612s Dragon drag
5615s damn over countless years the elders bio
5618s energy created there we go even I never
5622s expected it to be so
5625s enormous all right Seeker let's do
5628s this my P is like
5631s dancing it's too pure
5635s what is this thing really I'm ready pop
5637s me on that boat
5640s please yeah the little scallet Night P
5648s gear too much
5650s energy I need more
5656s power
5663s no
5665s a should you use the defender set for
5666s your first playr GL gladson man man
5670s gladson man is asking what do you think
5672s Jo that's a good question and there's no
5674s right or wrong answer I think it's what
5677s kind of experience do you have with like
5680s these kind of games and what kind of
5682s experience do you want if you're like
5683s brand brand brand brand new to Mon and
5685s you want to and you know you want to
5686s kind of settle into the combat get
5688s comfortable you can use it to help you
5691s kind of learn the mechanics and then
5693s once you're settled you can take the
5695s more traditional route um because
5697s basically the gear helps you you don't
5700s to take much damage with it and you do a
5701s bit more damage that you would otherwise
5704s so if you want the traditional Monster
5706s Hunter
5707s experience you can maybe use it for a
5709s little bit and then swap to crafted gear
5712s or just go straight into crafted gear
5714s but if you know if you need a little bit
5715s of a hand to settle in or if you you
5717s know you just want to get through and
5719s get to master rank as soon as possible
5721s to enjoy ice spawn content I feel that's
5723s what the kind of main uses are um or if
5726s you just want to use the normal armor
5727s you can use the the weapons um to try
5731s out a new weapon for a hunt without
5732s having to dip into your crafting
5734s materials um what about you Joe yeah I
5737s agree it's like it's really what you're
5738s looking for so I mean if you're if
5740s you're completely new to the series um
5742s there's really no shame in in using it
5745s honestly it's it's something to help you
5746s kind of get more familiar kind of maybe
5748s you know give you a little bit of
5750s breathing room as you're trying to learn
5751s the mechanics learn the monsters so um
5753s if if if you're that kind of player I
5755s recommend it um but you know it does
5757s change kind of like the flow of the game
5759s uh in the beginning because you will
5761s kind of just like um you you'll kind of
5763s Breeze through some of the more like uh
5765s you know tougher challenges a little bit
5767s easier than you should so um it's really
5769s up to what you what you're looking for
5771s um yeah if you want to start with it
5772s maybe switch off or if uh you want like
5774s the true authentic uh kind of like day
5777s one experience um I would stick with the
5779s regular armor so
5781s yeah yeah ex it's an option you know
5784s like and Y what you said there made me
5786s think as well what you can do play
5787s through traditionally and if you come up
5788s against a wall a monster that you can't
5791s beat put on the
5793s armor and then try that and then go back
5795s to your normal gear maybe craft some
5797s stuff from the monster that was giving
5798s you trouble it's totally up to you it's
5800s your experience you can do what you
5801s enjoy but as Joe said it will kind of
5804s streamline the game a bit for you um
5806s because you get quite you get Hench real
5809s quick um and also Raven thank you for
5812s watching the 20th anniversary stream
5814s obviously we can't comment anything
5816s about Wilds other than obviously
5818s 2025 um at the moment but this summer is
5822s when more information will be revealed
5823s and obviously we're all incredibly
5825s excited we know you're all incredibly
5826s excited which is awesome but yeah we
5828s can't speculate we can't give our
5830s opinion on it because you know right now
5832s obviously we're all heading towards the
5834s next info reveal as one um so yeah so
5838s that if we if we ignore any questions
5839s around that or don't answer them you
5841s know we're not ignoring you it's just
5843s you know that watch this space
5846s summer sorry I'm going to cancel that uh
5849s the quest cuz I just realized you're
5851s still in the cut scene right joho I am
5852s I've Just Seen zenu Jas just flopped out
5855s of the uh the Cocoon so yeah we'll hang
5857s out waiting for you yeah and and just to
5859s Echo what you said um you know thanks
5861s for watching the 20th anniversary uh
5863s special program we were you know it was
5866s it was a really labor of love I think
5868s from everybody involved you know I know
5870s there was like there's no like real huge
5872s news or anything like that but um you it
5874s was just really a chance for for us and
5875s the dev team and everybody that's been
5877s working on the series to celebrate um
5879s you know the community and 20 years of
5881s the franchise so um yeah if if you tuned
5883s in we really appreciate it and uh you
5885s know obviously we're looking forward to
5887s pretty bright future for this series so
5888s um we're excited excited for the next 20
5891s years yeah oh I just managed to get out
5895s there before I got trampled yeah me too
5897s I I like I was frame one
5902s quit I need to get out of
5910s there please let Le out prison hey if
5913s you like leakas you're going to love
5915s monst stories let me tell you and
5917s stories too because your boy laggy is is
5921s in there and you can team up with them
5924s um there's also I think Ivory laggy acis
5926s is in Stories 2 as well if I remember
5928s rightly I didn't use them on my team um
5931s I I'm racky and nante were like some of
5934s my
5935s Staples uh in stories too right do you
5938s want to put the quest in Joe you want to
5939s do the honors let's do
5947s it use that voucher too oh I'm I'm oh no
5952s i' I've totally gone the wrong way oh no
5954s oh no this is this is not going well oh
5956s please leave a spot open for oh no I'm
5959s so
5960s slow hurry there you go I made I made it
5964s you made it
5966s oh all right I was gonna sorry I'll just
5968s give a quick check on the gear so we
5970s don't completely roll yeah last boss
5975s yeah uh let's let's be a little safe
5979s here okay fashion looking good we are
5984s looking good y neet there everyone's
5987s looking good laran looking nice and
5988s Hench
5989s there oh yeah oh and is that like Wesker
5993s is that a Wesker kind of look we've got
5994s there or is that just a very handsome
5996s hunk wait let me take a look got brosi
5999s there a grizzled hunter oh who we got
6003s here very bright wow that looks amazing
6006s back here very
6008s Lucy you're looking awesome as well
6011s loving the fashion as well I can't get
6013s over the wker yeah it's too
6017s funny all I need
6022s thata
6027s I mean if we if we could do it in seven
6030s minutes that would be great but I don't
6031s think it's going to yeah oh apparently
6033s the audio is lagging a bit producer I
6035s don't know if we can quickly flick
6037s scenes or something but I think the
6038s audio started lagging for
6040s everyone thank you for that head let go
6042s hopefully we're all there appreciate you
6045s thank you thank you uh okay I made sure
6048s that I ate I didn't restock my potions
6051s hold up I need do a
6055s River restock my I'm definitely going to
6057s need those Mega potions the crackling is
6059s it ah the audio's got super crackly oh
6063s hunting horn
6066s nice yeah met artist we did go um a
6069s little later today uh in North America
6072s since we uh back to normal now thank you
6074s NE sorry Joe oh thank you thank yeah we
6076s had um D saving so um yeah since this is
6079s a global global stream where we're uh
6081s we're dealing with time zones uh we did
6083s go a little bit later but once um once
6086s summertime starts in the UK we will uh
6089s be back to our usual time so thanks for
6092s dealing with
6093s us the fix was the same as usual swap
6096s Tojo yeah sometimes cuz obviously we're
6099s across across multiple continents in the
6102s ocean we just it this needs to realign
6104s and the internets down you'll get some
6107s goodness back again soon don't you worry
6110s we're pushing boundaries you know we are
6112s we are by going across the world
6116s continents I need to put another conu on
6119s my rout wheel so it goes
6126s faster oh I just got a a hook
6133s there the size to this monster oh
6137s nice the power of
6139s geography and
6142s physics
6144s oh you appreciate the latest stream
6146s thank so the time zones will be changing
6149s back again in a few weeks though I think
6151s I can't remember which way does it go
6152s which way does it go in summer
6155s uh it'll be an hour
6158s later I think yeah
6160s yeah oh St I got
6165s crunched no hey in the chat what's up
6169s hey kab good to see you monant worldwide
6172s exactly yeah
6174s [Music]
6179s I missed
6180s that let me bop you I'm going to go for
6183s it's gone for the arms yeah oh actually
6186s I should probably go for the tail the
6187s tail is nice and on the
6191s floor there go need get the the glowy
6200s bit come back here
6202s tail
6208s are we gain an hour in the summer we
6209s lose an hour and winter see for me you
6211s know time as a concept it's just what
6215s like you know like I don't change my car
6217s clock I just wait for the time zones to
6219s settle back
6221s again that's that's what we call that's
6225s efficiency that is yeah you know what I
6227s let nature just you
6229s know and then when it's right again it's
6232s right yeah
6235s oh there we go good work on that that
6237s farm got the bomb pod
6246s in
6251s oh oh big slam and then there it oh is
6255s going to push it all right okay I'm
6256s going to go for this tail
6258s [Music]
6262s tail
6267s I always find it a little tough as a
6270s hammer user with this specific time
6273s since I can't really like reach the head
6274s super easily welcome to my world is
6276s sword and shield when I'm going for
6278s Tails most monsters I'm like get down
6281s [Music]
6283s here nice work over that side I'm I'm
6286s just by the I'm glowing I'm I am
6288s luminescent yeah you can do it we can do
6292s it you're radiant yeah oh come here that
6295s fail
6297s un no please oh
6305s hello PC
6312s now hit him with those piercing pods oh
6315s yeah having that hunting horn helps a
6320s lot I'm going to have to sharpen soon
6325s hold sweep
6329s oh mysterious
6337s scale yeah we can add we can add the uh
6340s streams to the schedule that's a good
6342s shout I'll make sure that's done in time
6345s for the next one yeah thank you so folks
6347s can plan ahead shout out yeah thank
6351s you shout to Mad artist for that
6354s one travel via Wing Drake
6361s okay I got a thorn pod okay that one hit
6365s it in the chest let's go for the head
6368s there we go got one on his on his
6370s face love the hunting horn yeah oh it's
6375s it's the kind of weapon that you're
6376s always incredibly happy to see not that
6378s I'm ever unhappy to see a weapon but
6380s yeah when a hunting on comes in you're
6381s like praise be we are BL that's a real
6385s one
6390s yeah
6391s oh get that tail down here ah no I'm
6395s just under there we go
6406s there
6411s o that's it bring that down here I might
6413s have to start attacking the front cor so
6415s I'm actually being a productive member
6417s of the hunting me let me join you here
6419s there oh oh hello someone's
6426s unhappy big
6429s charge oh nice nice St that was a horn
6433s oh was that a full on horn bre yeah oh
6435s no no that was the hunting horn oh yeah
6438s there we go nice there's a Slinger Thorn
6440s I'll pop that
6442s in
6444s B
6447s themers perfect ro oh
6452s yeah hold on I'm still
6459s attached oh oh the tail the
6463s tail going to have a little drink oh
6465s nice on
6467s [Music]
6469s the that would
6471s hurt oh watch out for that
6474s oh I'm on
6475s fire go blind
6477s me roll yeah well oh that protect that
6482s rock
6484s there hey
6488s Pablo oh I think I W past oh no it's
6491s falling over where's that tail me anda's
6494s over here oh is that the tail break oh
6496s it's a stagger that a stagger I think oh
6499s the laser beams oh just touch that
6503s sharpen up real quick yeah that's it now
6505s is the time oh yeah cuz it it falls into
6508s the ground I think Jamie says they're
6509s watching on YouTube and twitch so oh
6512s double the
6515s power I'm Still Still wobbling around
6518s there we
6521s go opportune tail attack in time and
6524s attack up L as well from hunting horn I
6526s appreciate
6527s you oh it looks sounds like I
6529s Disappeared am I can you still hear
6532s me
6535s oh no should we back
6540s out I think every yeah I think we got a
6542s full on DC
6544s there oh
6546s no D's daning away though yeah yeah I
6549s can hear you okay
6553s uh yeah so it sounds like we lost jono
6557s here oh no I've
6559s gone here finish the hunt finish the
6562s hunt that's fine are you sure yeah yeah
6563s we'll do it again I think we'll have
6566s time maybe if not we can do it next week
6568s for me but as long as one of us succeeds
6571s yeah that is the important thing cuz I
6573s think you're in the second phase so you
6575s you've earned
6576s it you know I'm there in spirit I'm
6579s there in spirit no I mean I feel like we
6581s should do do this together I don't want
6584s to I don't want to steal that from you
6585s you can if you want but I have no issue
6587s if you did want to oh so now I've been
6589s fully disconnected there we go okay all
6592s right I'm conning
6595s them yeah
6605s yeah oh I'm on my own I'm going to run
6607s away
6609s H return from Quest we'll restart we've
6612s got time we still have 20 minutes we
6614s still have time it's all good it's all
6619s good that was a good run though have I
6622s returned it all am I back anybody hear
6625s me yeah I dor Joe you're still here I
6628s can hear you am I still alive yes you're
6631s still with us on the plane of existence
6634s yeah I'm going to refill refill my
6637s goodies Ah that's that's really
6640s unforunate that's all right we just you
6643s know give give Zen a chance a bit more
6645s time in the spotlight you
6647s know let me know when you're back in the
6649s Gathering Hub as well yeah give me one
6651s second I'm going to quickly pop through
6654s the Smithy uh take take advantage of
6657s this extra time yeah has my camera
6659s returned and my gameplay actually don't
6661s know I have like no idea where I'm at
6663s right
6664s now okay
6667s cool right anyway I'm going to sneak
6669s into the
6675s Smithy the ostra
6678s waste have not blast weapon yet uh Forge
6682s equipment upgrade
6689s equipment oh I'm looking at Jew blades I
6691s was like why why is none of this
6693s upgradeable cuz I don't have any of the
6697s weapons
6698s um okay thank you Kath for confirming
6702s and and for Drew thank you yeah
6705s unfortunately with the disconnect but
6707s thanks uh Devin and do yes yeah it's not
6710s our day
6711s today that's like y you really thought
6714s you'd finish the world story line
6716s today we'll see about that um that seems
6721s like we're all back yeah nice I'll I'll
6723s pop up in a sec
6725s then oh I'm still missing that wrath
6728s marrow otherwise I could oh I could make
6730s the oh I still need a carpas for heat
6732s Edge
6733s though all in good time all in good time
6736s then I can hour up
6739s that okay anyway I digress yeah
6744s yeah let's do it think we do have to to
6747s wrap up right on time today so yeah
6751s let's let's give it a good go sorry to
6753s the hunters that joined us initially for
6755s yeah sorry we really
6757s apologize right
6760s um welcome welcome I will pop the quest
6764s in then see what happens post a new
6765s Quest assigned land of convergence are
6768s you ready Joe I'm ready are you ready
6771s okay Quest is
6773s is
6780s in oh it's not showing up let's
6783s [Music]
6785s see in a sign door oh yeah the princess
6789s here is is the one so we've got NEP
6792s we've got Doppel and you have returned
6794s as well I'm back all right we have
6797s another hunting
6798s horn was it Doppel again I think we had
6800s Doppel anyway before so I think it's the
6802s same crew no no we didn't have NEP
6805s before did we we had uh where are they
6807s sorry I'm trying to find the hunter so I
6809s can give them their credit because they
6811s were wearing a it was deonis sorry
6813s dionis but thank you for helping us
6815s first time
6817s round all right ready
6820s go I'm the helicopter everyone needed
6823s yeah the Wrath SNS I really love the
6825s Wrath loss sword and shield uh silver
6827s and gold uh well rth l silver Rath loss
6830s and gold ran obviously got to give the
6832s respect
6833s to the Wrath crew
6838s um yes you're quite right um at 11: p.m.
6842s there in 11:00 p.m. GMT there is a new
6845s Dragons Dogma
6846s 2 uh little thing happening isn't that
6849s Joe yeah yeah that's at 4 pm today
6852s Pacific um 7 p.m. Eastern um that'll be
6855s a 7 minute
6857s video um voiced by the actor Ian McShan
6861s so definitely check it out um there's
6864s some cool new footage in there um some
6866s of it is stuff that you already seen um
6868s but uh there's there's some like nice
6870s little tidbits in there so whether or
6871s not um you are new to Dogma or um you're
6875s a veteran just like eagerly waiting for
6877s the new game um it's going to be worth
6880s watching so yeah check it out definitely
6889s definitely right okay round two we got
6891s you this time
6895s yeah and if you're um looking for that
6897s video you'll see it on YouTube um it
6899s won't be on Twitch this will be a
6900s YouTube Premiere so yeah please go check
6902s it
6904s out sorry to uh to promote Dogma on here
6908s it's got great swords in it so yeah and
6911s sword and shield and bow and Cat people
6915s yeah and there's something that I guess
6916s you could say is an insect glaive with
6918s the Mystic
6919s SP so you know there there's some nice
6921s crossover there
6923s oh oh got bonked on oh
6929s [Music]
6932s no you expected Ian mcll well Ian mchan
6935s is really awesome so yeah uh yeah lots
6938s of love for you
6942s mchan yeah there's a class called Mystic
6944s spear hand which has really high
6946s mobility and like a I can't remember
6948s proper name like a dual spear yeah it's
6951s called a Duo spear there we go I was
6954s close oh yeah you're very close very
6957s close but yeah it's got the ability to
6959s like teleport
6960s around um it's a very like offensive
6964s focused vocation so
6967s um yeah I think people are going to do
6969s some crazy stuff with that I'm really
6972s excited it's like when you see what
6974s people did with like the the gun Lance
6976s and the insect GLA and Rise break making
6978s the most of the verticality and
6980s obviously the gun's been able to
6982s literally fly yeah yeah I love like I
6986s like doing that pil Cuts monster
6988s finishes yeah
6991s yeah yeah Zen is getting a bit battered
6994s around the uh the
7003s fls nice [ __ ] do
7007s it
7009s nice piercings oops piercing pods I was
7013s like where's the bomb podt again oh that
7019s hat you hun monsters in Dogma so it's
7022s Monster Hunter
7024s adjacent I like that it's a good way
7026s thinking about
7030s [Music]
7033s it grab these take a
7037s ration
7040s traveling no my ration I must have my
7043s sandwich your
7045s sandwich my cheese
7048s sandwich right there we
7050s [Music]
7054s go ah all right we are
7071s back I haven't done nearly as much
7074s damage as before the but I feel like
7076s I've done nothing I'll contribute I'll
7079s contribute I'll get back on that tail
7081s I've done a bit of damage I'm just
7083s wobbling around with the
7086s Tremor yeah take that
7088s tail that'll teach
7091s you is that oh Slinger Thorn yes please
7096s y okay one of them connected on the head
7098s the other one I just totally whipped oh
7100s there's the
7101s tail
7107s o some
7110s damage then okay yeah yeah I'm all right
7113s I'm all right is that a rock I can drop
7115s I can't remember
7118s [Music]
7124s no oh I'm glad I Superman died that
7131s one
7133s oh
7136s nice right next to you oh get the war
7145s combo oh Shields up oh there we
7157s go red Slinger ammo
7161s there
7167s nice oh I totally missed that I don't
7170s know they've stuck but I don't know
7171s where yeah oh nice
7177s nice try to hit the head hunting horn
7180s spin I turn you with my perf rush
7187s though cursor dance sorry we're not
7189s talking anything about Monster Hunter
7191s Wilds but nice try
7193s nice
7194s try it's not long till summer you know
7196s every day is another day towards
7201s Summer in the meantime though we have
7203s Zeno to deal
7206s with B in the chin
7210s there oh no I dropped my bomb pods ah I
7213s got another for this is get a bit crazy
7216s I get right on the face okay two two th
7219s face
7221s there
7230s fire nearly hit
7232s me it's all it's all good grer
7237s dance good to see you C that's that's
7240s yeah as Joe said no
7243s problem it's good everyone's so excited
7245s and passionate oh oh big
7251s boobs
7257s more laser beams give me that
7260s tail oh the Tail's gone the tail has
7263s been claimed and I'm missing it don't
7266s worry it's it's it's on the floor I'm
7267s not combat caring it I forgot to
7272s SHP got sharpen that
7277s hammer no I got the
7279s damage oh I'm too late that big bombs
7282s oh no ST combat car not right now
7287s no I mustn't I'm
7293s reformed look at NEP literally being a
7296s helicopter there yeah I I
7300s just hey
7305s Cy I think this hand is the one that
7308s needs damage on
7311s it
7317s will I connect no just missed oh there
7320s we go nice stun little little half a
7323s combo
7326s there oh nice hunting horn going hard
7330s right
7333s now the big
7335s dudes we are on a a this is like a first
7339s playr Fresh Start kind of thing I mean
7341s not first playr for us
7343s uh we we're quite fond and well versed
7345s in wer iceborn but yeah we started brand
7348s new Hunters um to do like a traditional
7351s play through of of Wal which is why
7354s we're not using like the CL and stuff
7356s until we've beaten the story so after
7358s after zenoa it's fair game to use clutch
7361s claw I think what do you reckon yeah I
7363s think
7364s so you know we've got some other high
7367s rank bits to do before ice yeah this is
7370s our um I think this is our 10th stream
7372s so it is it' be great to like do the
7374s story on 10 and it wasn't even planned
7376s that way it just kind of fell that
7379s way unless you know I drag us down here
7383s because I am struggling that's all right
7385s it's it's the last story boss it's it's
7387s uh spicy make him look tough
7391s yeah oh oh no way I got the falling the
7397s falling Shield bash as like my as my
7399s personal last hit that's going to look
7401s awesome
7403s oh yeah I got that as my last hit right
7405s get the carves get the
7409s tail yeah so mark question mark Mark I
7412s love finishing on that
7414s one if it's sword and shield it's me if
7417s it's Hammer it's
7420s Joe mystery
7422s [Music]
7424s horns yes
7427s c yeah I believe there should be a like
7430s little graphic on screen that's tells
7432s you who's playing right y yep tails on
7435s I'm not looking at the stream right now
7437s yeah got to get those
7441s carves there we go oh D oh hold on oh
7444s guess who got guess who got a gem I got
7447s a gem on my first eny you know what back
7450s in the day I had to farm this mon so
7452s much get one of
7457s those there we go that was that's what
7460s you get for not combat carving that was
7461s the ultimate
7462s ultimate desire sensor gift you know
7465s came
7469s down no no I
7475s slipped oh here comes the Admiral being
7478s a Admiral and saving us what what did
7482s you say earlier J we had to beat up a
7484s Toler oh yeah cuz it's cuz it's
7490s Zena oh tragic
7494s tragic thank you
7496s Admiral I'll see you in dog apprciate
7498s you
7500s yeah just just unarmed just going
7504s [Music]
7505s in you can now carry more specialized
7508s tools and a quest a new upgrade level is
7509s available for armor we got a new armor
7511s pigment
7513s [Music]
7521s fantastic
7527s I think we're going to haveen did the
7529s credits roll at this point you I can't
7532s remember I would be surprised with you
7535s all you ever do is sleep and fall off
7538s things so how awesome were you down
7541s there stop being
7544s tow this time for the 10-minute
7548s credits a lot of awesome folk worked on
7550s the game it's nice to see see the see
7553s them uh in the credit role well
7559s good you just beat the game a couple of
7561s months ago for the first time
7562s congratulations Dev nice
7565s congrats to yeah we will be migrating
7568s over to iceborn in the near future we
7572s got a few yeah wrap up a couple of like
7574s end game things yeah yeah event Quest
7577s like get some of our weapons ready so we
7579s can push them into master rank and stuff
7581s us
7584s to probably not next stream though no
7586s couple more streams yet so we want to
7588s get our weapons ready so we can get them
7589s into master rank standard and
7592s yeah also we want to see some of the uh
7595s the cool endgame content and stuff like
7597s that good luck to us I guess yeah going
7600s need some better armor for
7602s that you know after landed started to
7606s wonder if I made the right and we can
7608s use clutch claw now we've earned the
7610s right and
7612s our self-imposed
7614s challenge we did it we did it I'm just
7616s say I sport is going to be such a mess
7620s yeah we're going to we're going be cting
7622s everywhere but it's all right get
7623s ourselves a bit of bambro armor at the
7625s start all right
7634s you you have quite the eccentric group
7638s here but all of them talented
7642s unique
7646s driven oh no they ate my Pico you all
7651s seem willful of your own mind but when
7653s the time comes you join together and
7655s become a force to be reckoned with I
7658s suspect there is no trial you could not
7660s collectively
7662s overcome making me
7665s hungry master rank bone armor another
7668s good shout I mean bone armor has carried
7670s me you know
7672s three you had that bone armor going on
7675s with the
7676s um the the Disco pants I did I was
7681s really you know bringing my own
7683s look uh to the
7685s hunt thank you for coming by Oscar you
7688s have a to satisfy it Cravings it does
7691s look so
7692s tasty maybe it used some s of
7696s something uh for your question Oscar
7698s we're going to have to follow up on that
7699s uh later
7700s time the perfect home for tough
7704s Monsters the energy oh thank you for the
7707s subscription ghost gamer very kind of
7709s you glad you're enjoying the
7711s sh uh hello dun first greetings from
7715s Germany first time chat ah mo mo well
7719s then I I know like six words of German
7722s that was one of
7724s them
7725s no I think you should keep
7728s it who eats more elder dragons n gante
7732s or the Handler that's a good question a
7734s tough
7738s competition [ __ ] will be do iceborn
7740s next stream uh we're going to wrap up a
7742s couple of endgame things so iceborn will
7745s be a little bit further
7747s off there's a lot more content like you
7750s know finishing the story in moner hun is
7752s far from the end there's so much more
7755s yeah you know there's a lot of like you
7756s know post game content added so we're
7758s going to experiment with that we're
7759s going to kind of grind up some of our
7761s weapons that we want to carry over to
7763s master rank so because we're we're going
7766s to need them for master rank I don't
7767s think we can skip like we did through
7769s high
7770s rank Rarity five G be so
7776s forgiving it was Weir to see my
7778s character about a helmet I know my my my
7780s character's been hiding away for the
7782s whole there you have
7784s it if we decide to stay and take on new
7787s research there are bound to be trials
7789s ahead dangers
7792s you don't want that do you you went
7794s straight from world to iceb so you like
7795s to see some World on game content yeah
7797s that's the plan and obviously we'll be
7798s playing it with you
7800s so time for behem off yeah
7807s effectively that was a scary hunt
7810s especially extreme all
7812s right oh I'm not ready for that one wel
7815s to your new that's really going to pass
7817s to the
7819s test but it's a fun hunt I like the
7822s mechanics and stuff better
7825s on
7833s be all right credits are playing now J I
7836s don't know where you're at I think I
7837s don't know yeah same for me the Handler
7840s had a cheeky bite of food and then uh
7842s that made me
7844s hungry that's the
7850s team
7854s and Joe you know it's quite ironic that
7855s we hit the end of the stream with the
7857s credits so do you want to lead us for an
7860s outro yeah yeah absolutely well thanks
7862s to everybody episode 10 we did it we
7864s finally made it to the end of uh mon
7867s world after well how about how long have
7868s you been playing now on stream right for
7870s like two months three months yeah you
7872s got in on three cuz we had a a couple of
7874s weeks break here or there uh events and
7877s stuff so yeah that's uh that's awesome
7882s yeah it's it's been cool really playing
7884s with the community and you guys
7885s following along with us and if you guys
7887s have missed any of the episodes they are
7889s all on YouTube so um we're going to keep
7891s going though this is not the end so
7893s we'll be back next week um we'll be
7895s working on some more uh more hunts so uh
7898s just trying to wrap up some of the
7900s endgame in world so it's going to be a
7901s fun experience and then eventually we
7902s will dive into ice corn so yeah with
7905s that Dro you want to close us out yeah
7908s well once again this to come with Joe
7910s you know thank you so much for watching
7912s it feels quite nice to you know and
7915s emotional to kind of get that world
7917s story wrapped up and get ready for our
7919s next steps as we explore the end game
7920s and then move on to ice born as our new
7923s Quest begins to Target and take down
7926s Fatalis as we kind of you know spoke
7929s about and kind of joked about when we
7931s first started World uh for this
7933s playthrough so I'm really looking
7934s forward to it but yeah other than that
7936s we'll be back next Thursday um we hope
7939s you all have a fantastic weekend I've
7941s been jonno
7942s and I'm Joe and you've been awesome have
7944s a fantastic rest of your day good
7946s [Music]
7970s night
7973s [Music]
8023s [Music]
8060s la
8063s [Music]
8076s n
about 1 month ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

7s [Music]
19s [Music]
52s [Music]
59s [Music]
72s [Music]
89s la
102s [Music]
119s a
135s [Music]
149s la
157s [Music]
181s [Music]
188s [Music]
209s la
230s [Music]
239s la
267s [Music]
269s a
286s [Music]
299s I
314s [Music]
341s [Music]
353s hello everyone and welcome to today's
355s stream my name is Jon o em Community
357s manager of monst and I am joined by hey
360s everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
362s Community manager on Monster runer and
364s welcome to the stream thank you everyone
365s for your patience once we finish getting
367s set up today um thank you for keeping
370s yourselves entertained in chat we do
371s appreciate it and Joe obviously end of
375s last week's stream we completed the
376s story of monst Hunter world so what are
380s we doing
381s today uh we're going to wrap up some
383s endgame Quest I think we want to do some
385s event quests actually so some collabs
387s right yes we we've got event Quest we've
389s got collab quests we're going to
392s basically kind of wrap up some of some
394s of the as Joe said endgame World quests
396s and get ready for our transition to
398s iceborn in the future and talking of
400s iceborn obviously because we've now
402s completed the base story of world Joe
404s and I will allow ourselves to use the
406s clutch claw and clutch claw moves so
409s we're intentionally holding back on that
411s for the kind of more traditional World
413s experience but Joe are you ready to
414s unleash the power of the clutch claw I'm
417s ready I'm I'm so grateful that we're
419s finally taking this artificial
420s restriction uh that we had for ourselves
422s off so I think it's going to be nice
424s excellent oh I'm seen a few ch um
426s messages in chat that Joe's a little bit
428s quiet so if we can turn him up if
430s possible uh please Mighty producer um
434s but yeah no I'm so looking forward to it
436s I was I was practicing my combos in the
438s training area uh just while we were on
440s the countdown just to refresh my memory
442s and I'm very excited I feel like I can
444s unleash the full potential of sword and
446s shield now yeah it's it's going to be
449s good stuff uh but yeah so should should
451s we open the lobby let's get the codes in
453s chat and come and join us obviously
456s we're still sticking to the high rank
459s gear rules you can now use anything that
462s is high rank um so please don't use any
465s master rank weapons try not to use any
467s master rank armor please but any high
469s rank armor any high rank weapons are now
472s fully Gathering Hub legal um you can use
476s them and uh help us fight monsters be
479s please please leave your master an gear
481s in your room for now uh until we
483s transition to
486s iceborn yeah yeah sounds good um yeah
489s thanks again everybody for your patience
491s I know we started a little bit later
493s today um we had a little bit of
495s technical challenges to get through um
498s but we're doing all right and we're
499s ready to go exactly exactly good to see
503s you groam one of our stream
505s regulars a usual a usual yeah you can
508s join if you want to join and just do
510s your own hunts in the hub you're more
511s than welcome there's 16 spacers so yeah
515s if you want to just jump in and hunt
516s with other hunters or do your anything
518s you're more than
519s welcome sorry jay yeah no no I was just
523s going to say we we we were looking at
524s the chat while we were getting set up
526s and uh you know again we apologize that
529s we were late but it's nice to see that
531s you guys were like ready to go and and
533s waiting for us so um you know it's it's
536s both a good and a bad thing so we're
537s yeah we're glad to have you guys y yeah
539s yep and for those wondering obviously
541s why have we shown wild obviously before
543s the stream starts you've put up with a
545s countdown so before we turn up we
547s thought you know put the Wilds trailer
549s in there why not obviously you know it's
550s coming in
551s 2025 um and obviously we're super
554s excited about it so it's a nice way to
555s obviously show what is on the horizon
557s for Monster Hunter um so that's why and
560s obviously you know the music's banging
562s like come
563s [Laughter]
564s on when that title build drops oh so
568s good can't get enough of that trailer
571s how many times do you think you've
572s watched it I mean I guess that's part of
574s our jobs we've had to watch it many
575s times but even outside of like the
577s official work reasons to kind of watch
580s it loads I just as said like watching it
582s and as it all builds up and say for me
584s the title reveal and the the theme hits
586s out oh my goodness like Goosebumps still
590s I just love it yeah it's too good it's
592s too good um all right so what do we
595s think we're going to start are we going
596s to go are we going to go for the Final
598s Fantasy collab first or do we want to
601s warm up with maybe the Devil May Cry
604s Quest let's go with DMC I I don't know
607s if I'm ready for beho Final Fantasy po
612s yeah right um okay so what we're going
615s to do we're going to be doing the Code
616s Red Devil May Cry Quest obviously
618s featuring a some classic Devil May Cry
621s Tunes as well uh which I think are from
624s the original Devil May Cry I believe uh
627s I'm sure it will come back to me when
629s we're in the quest
630s obviously the theme is red so we got
632s four red monsters so I'm popping that in
639s now lakris obviously or legris depending
643s on your pronunciation I'm probably wrong
645s it's probably
646s legris um obviously got follow your lead
649s on that yeah third third on uh the
653s hunter Choice top monster pole yeah and
656s part of the special artwork which is
657s awesome so we've got
660s a axotal uh we've got uh blad Maiden AML
665s and mad artist for our first hunt if you
667s don't get in don't worry we will we will
669s rotate
672s um um are we we're taking taking people
675s on separate quest for this one oh sorry
677s I didn't see you didn't get I even read
680s out the hunting pie how many people have
682s we got how many people have we got have
683s we got enough for two hunting parties uh
686s actually don't know uh I can open it and
688s see if people Jo see let's see look at
691s that shot you voted Abyssal yeah Abyssal
694s was in the top 20 so laggy getting a
698s double representation much like Nur
700s Gigante as well and Val St obviously and
703s Crimson glow were there so it was it was
706s pretty crispy mhm mhm okay this should
710s be interesting having two two separate
712s quests well let's see nice way to warm
714s up then we can reconvene for the next
716s one um I'll wait for you to how many
720s have you got a full Hunting Party have
721s you
722s or uh we got three so far so we get one
726s more one
729s more there we go didn't come from
734s Garfield where was Ros Rathalos was
737s allowing its fellow monsters to to take
739s the spotlight um I think Ros was 27 or
743s something was it yeah somewhere
745s somewhere in the 20s which we were
746s surprised by I was like oh that's a
748s Surefire top 10 but yeah you know you
751s know there's like like so many different
753s variants of rafos maybe maybe they the
756s votes were
757s split um kind like you know brackie and
760s R and braie you know the who do you vote
762s for um so I me same with Ras because
765s would you go silver wrath because it's
766s really powerful and gives you cool like
768s late Game Gear would you go for the OG
771s wrath
772s alas um vers yeah you're right you're
775s right oh it's three and three now I
777s guess we should just go let's go three
779s and three and we've got slots there if
781s anyone wants to jump in oh no I've got
782s I've got four again should we head in
785s yeah I've got four as well so yeah see
787s nice all right good luck uh let's let's
790s hope that we don't we don't cry and the
793s monsters do seeing you guys off so
796s that's that's great that's
798s great here we are did I restock my
801s potions
804s no oh I better do that cuz this is this
807s is four monsters good call out oh that
810s that Devil May crime music I love it so
815s much yeah I guess we're going to we're
817s going to be separated for quite a while
819s but I guess it depends on how long this
820s Quest takes yeah I mean you know we got
822s experience Hunters it'll be
824s fine and JF there I'm just excited to
827s trap the clutch claw again uh and the
829s clutch claw combos but I need Slinger
832s ammo to fully utilize it with sword and
834s shield so I better get on
837s that all right we're ready to go
860s nice this is feeling good I'm loving the
861s music though Joe oh
865s yeah oops I uh used the bomb pod
868s incorrectly there cuz ANF was enraged so
872s I couldn't run into the
874s wall yeah we're just starting our fight
876s now so we'll see how this goes
881s um yeah if you're if you're a fan of DMC
884s we've got a game for you that's out this
887s week
891s oh oh in a matter of hours for some yeah
895s yeah for some people it might already be
897s out and then yeah
900s yeah but yeah if you uh like I said if
904s you're a fan of DMC uh Dragon's Dogma 2
906s is out today was
909s exciting uh from the director of the
911s last few double May cries uh at zosan so
915s yeah check it out check it out very
917s exced that's a ton of
921s fun there you go we we took ANF down so
924s yeah what I love about the the clutch
926s claw and the ice born Slinger on sword
928s and shield is you take your Slinger ammo
931s and you multiply it so if you got two
933s Thorn ammo you actually shoot out like
935s more than like five or six per burst
938s like the the the value for for zeni is
943s massive man now that you just mentioned
945s clutch claw I completely forgot that we
948s are allowed to do use it we are and like
951s the pose you can do with a sword and
952s shield when you ready it is is awesome
955s as well just holding the sword downwards
957s like a dagger yeah yeah
960s well I'm so grateful to I finally have
961s it
962s back what's the fastest way to warm up
964s in a cold room stand in the corner it's
967s always 90° thank you thirsty boy thank
971s you so much for that
974s wisdom words of wisdom that's a good one
977s I didn't realize that the dad puns have
982s started all right we got Eng nice yeah
986s we've just had aaran turn up
990s yeah I guess with our uh our teammates
992s are so good here our fellow Hunters that
994s uh this is going to be a lot faster than
996s I maybe thought yeah I think they're
999s they're unleashing
1004s now minute for teostra we need those
1007s teostra parts you
1009s know I think you've been looking for
1011s those right yeah desperately I want that
1014s sword and shield oh my goodness I forgot
1017s it there's the Pico remix of the devil
1019s maker
1021s PRS I totally forgot yeah you are yeah
1024s don't adjust your speakers you are
1026s hearing Picos meowing over double May
1028s Cry in all its
1030s Glory that's
1034s appropriate we're still
1038s waiting but the amount of piss it really
1041s like turns the
1043s um the Slinger into like being like more
1045s of a stagger into a full on like weapon
1048s uh which
1052s tuning in from PX East I hope you're
1054s having a wonderful time over there
1056s R oh that's so cool thanks for watching
1058s us
1060s [Music]
1062s and C sorry managed to solo both Fatalis
1066s and Arch tempered velana over the
1068s weekend well played that is a massive
1072s achievement yeah that is quite the
1074s accomplishment
1076s congrats now what comes next yeah
1079s naked solo
1082s Fatalis great for that
1086s one oh
1091s Hammer there we go Aaron is is taking a
1096s nap are are
1099s you uh we're talking like the kind of
1102s nap where if I accidentally hit it with
1103s a weak attack it's not waking up okay I
1106s didn't I didn't know if you meant like
1107s the Eternal na yeah yeah yeah that one's
1111s gone to the resport
1114s screen oh
1116s that's nice this is not this is not my
1119s signature move move that hammer has some
1121s pretty tasty clutch Co moves I think as
1123s well does have what does it have like
1126s cuz I never really used a hammer much in
1128s while nice you know I actually don't
1130s know because I haven't used it yeah I
1133s going to say that yeah it's kind of
1134s getting it back that's why I was like I
1136s was train and reflect 10 15 minutes like
1138s right that's that comp that's that combo
1140s I can do this
1141s now cuz we have the The Forbidden moves
1144s on our
1145s BAS I got sharing
1148s up thank you hunting horn I appreciate
1152s you truly
1155s glorious love the effects as well so
1159s pretty okay we got Rathalos I need
1161s Rathalos as well bonus points if we get
1163s the tail
1165s team that's your job don't worry there's
1168s two sword and shield it's fine it's
1171s 50/50 that's my excuse when when we
1174s don't get the Tail cuz I I just was on
1176s the wrong
1178s end oh there you I'm stuck in the
1181s claws yeah on YouTube Edward is talking
1183s about um some of the interviews that we
1186s posted from the special program oh
1189s yes yeah there are some some pretty good
1191s uh little facts just about the series
1193s and the games of the years really cool
1196s the one the one I liked in particular
1197s was uh you know the the fact that the
1201s the logo the monster on the logo is not
1203s rless it's R yeah that was
1207s a yeah I guess the tell is the um is it
1212s f on the on the shoulder blades is that
1215s what you'd call
1216s it that's like one way to Spot the
1218s Difference I think somebody mentioned
1221s they could tell by like you know the the
1224s exact like move that it's doing like the
1226s the
1227s pose it's like her sign one is it yeah
1231s yeah I'm like okay that's how you know
1232s you fought a lot of them yeah got the
1236s ran specialist yeah
1246s [Applause]
1247s Miss yeah but I I loved uh you know
1251s hearing from the devs in that way I
1252s think it's super cool you know it's just
1254s like really cool piece of cap count
1255s history yeah 20 years of content and
1259s there's been so many great directors
1260s that have worked on the game
1262s abely yeah like as you said like and one
1265s of my favorites was hearing about how we
1267s got the rajang law that rajang eats
1269s Kieran horns and it's there's no way
1273s anyone would have guessed that was why
1276s um back in the monst under two
1279s days uh they went back and they showed
1281s the uh um the map from World of that cut
1286s scene with Cur yes with the water bottle
1289s yeah it's so good it's so good the
1291s resourcefulness of the devs exactly the
1294s dedication and yeah the resourcefulness
1295s of the the people behind it is just
1298s incredible and the passion from the mo
1301s motion capture uh artists or actors I
1304s don't know what the correct full term is
1307s yeah give him an award yeah
1311s yeah hey
1313s basuki yes say Joe Joe works on both
1315s Monster Hunter and dragon so he's rather
1318s busy
1321s yeah you know just just nothing like
1323s launching a game that you've been
1324s working on for multiple years but we do
1327s it yeah also thirsty boy has got another
1330s one for us uh why can't Pirates learn
1334s the full
1336s alphabet because they get lost at
1341s C okay there we go the main event
1346s teostra all right we're just getting to
1348s teostra now we just took out Rath so I
1350s think we're like a minute behind you or
1351s like 30 seconds behind you yeah we're
1353s lit pretty much like yeah just
1356s considering that I left early as well I
1358s think we're literally in
1363s line yeah we're we're basically like all
1366s the same timeline
1371s here got the picer remix
1376s back I see gam he's just standing
1379s outside the the gate he's he's ready oh
1382s yes oh Killer's got dra stma 2
1385s downloaded and ready to play you going
1387s to be there at midnight with some
1389s snacks yeah if you're on if you're on PC
1392s I believe that's uh depending on where
1394s you're at if it's 5 pm. Pacific time
1396s which is a little earlier than usual
1398s launches so you know should be should be
1402s really
1403s nice oh shinies y y yep the ostra claws
1408s toost
1410s claw okay T just came out so we'll try
1413s to catch you now you got this I I don't
1416s know if we can thank you for the heal oh
1419s okay that flame breath hurt
1421s unsurprisingly Elder Dragon Fire not
1424s good for one's Health yeah I just got
1427s hit by the fire
1429s too going use the dragon pod Slinger
1432s burst for my
1437s revenge
1439s oh yeah I love the Slinger Bast such a
1443s such a fun
1446s Edition yeah yeah I I love it with the
1448s great swword helps you get to the two
1450s charge slash a little bit faster
1457s oh okay yeah I'm totally forgetting
1460s about the our uh our friend the clutch
1464s claw right now yeah there we go I need
1468s the clutch Hunters exactly you know I
1470s only healed at the end and I used first
1472s a meds I think my hunting party was on
1475s it oh you're all you're all done oh yeah
1478s yeah we are we could not catch you but
1481s that's I think we had the power of the
1482s hunting horn buffing us to be fair yeah
1484s I think we've got one too
1486s here good to see so many hunting horns
1489s oh a hunting horn user also gets the uh
1492s gem as well that's good ca for bring in
1495s the D yeah the Buffs I think we may we
1498s may have lost Budd that was here was it
1501s gr oh yeah I think Grom unfortunately
1503s dropped so that be otherwise you'd be at
1505s PACE with us
1508s easy G's carrying
1511s us good question lock stick I don't know
1514s the answer off the top of my head though
1516s that one
1518s sorry Go's broad shoulders aren't here
1520s with us
1522s now yeah we'll have to look into that
1524s one for you
1527s Lu oh thank you st
1530s time
1532s oops uh-oh I might faint here got be
1536s careful oh oh oh oh no that's the that's
1539s the Red Orb it's not the teostra one ah
1542s the
1543s bait
1546s no maybe I'll have enough the ostra
1548s parts now
1549s though got Ros tail that's good teostra
1556s pieces not going to have a look
1559s I probably need some low rank piece
1560s again though it's like I need the
1562s Rathalos medula low rank one yeah you've
1565s been you've been waiting on that one for
1567s a while you know once I get it I can
1569s absolutely fly up that tree as well I'm
1572s like ah yeah it's kind of like the the
1576s curse of like not getting the right part
1579s early on it kind of just puts you behind
1581s a little bit yeah I'm going to I'm going
1583s to have to be like grab like Look Who's
1586s Got 2 minutes to jump on this low rank
1588s gra I with
1590s me oh man I realized I didn't have any
1594s Slinger ammo so I couldn't deal with the
1595s wall ah yeah see
1598s like
1599s yeah some Stones oh yeah good point the
1602s chin Spike on rathan is a good give way
1605s as
1607s well
1611s oh oh the Dante get oh my goodness I
1615s could I could get the Dante hair for wax
1618s and crial
1619s eye I mean the Dante gear is pretty damn
1624s tasty I mean the
1626s boots I mean it's Dante so oh you need
1629s yeah you need to teostra gem for the the
1631s boots obviously CU they're WX
1634s too um I mean the hair I can make that's
1637s WX one critical eye but I need to then
1640s get health boost and I'd rather have the
1642s health boost at the
1644s moment
1646s um otherwise though that's pretty d
1650s all right we're we're finally beating up
1651s tasta here but uh okay there we go there
1654s we go finally got it you got him yeah
1657s yeah nice I still obviously need arathos
1660s Ruby for the chest piece as
1663s well sorry we lost you uh
1667s grum I think we would have we would have
1669s flown through that one a little bit
1670s faster with
1672s you ooh I can make the teostra arms
1676s which is wax to but I think I've got
1678s handy Craft on at the moment for a bit
1680s of
1683s sharpness uh Forge equipment upgrade
1686s equipment
1688s upgrade gold
1690s shield right let's look at this teostra
1693s tree what do I need to get my delicious
1695s blast sword and
1699s shield Brandon says he's going to give
1701s the hammer a go looks fun yeah it is
1703s super fun yeah being able to get the the
1706s big stuns on the monster
1709s it's the way to go can't any
1712s Tails that's right that's what your your
1715s bladed buddies are
1717s for that's why you run s and shield
1720s exactly exactly okay I mean I still need
1723s two t horns and a teostra gem to make
1725s the teostra emblem I can make teostra SP
1728s or Spa um no I don't I need a Wy gem oh
1734s no oh I'm so close to all these great
1737s weapons
1739s all right what are we hunting next
1742s Jay uh I mean did you want to step up a
1746s little bit to uh the FF Quest are we are
1749s we ready to do it yeah I mean obviously
1750s we have uh Kia C first to like settle Us
1754s in
1755s right yeah yeah that's
1757s true have you uh spoken to the the
1760s people of exclamation marks down the
1762s bottom to get the quest unlocked I I
1764s believe I did I believe I did nice nice
1766s right I'm going to post the quest get
1767s ready to uh to jump in so that'll be a
1769s visitor from another world I can't
1771s remember which one the blazing sun is I
1773s need to try and remember that one um
1775s that might be
1777s lunastra no oh oh I'm not
1782s sure we'll find out we'll find out okay
1785s visitor From Another World all right Joe
1786s get ready to hop in oh wait I'm not
1789s ready yet not ready yet okay say when
1790s and I'll pop it
1795s in you good almost almost hey good
1798s morning uh Colton thanks for joining us
1802s I I I pressed X I'm sorry oh I'm
1812s going this a special assignment as well
1815s so it's in the bottom bottom of the
1818s list oh huh I don't I don't see it oh is
1822s it a solo one oh it might be huh uh
1825s because it's the crystal okay well let's
1828s get that bit done okay uh sorry people
1832s in the Gathering Hub we'll get this this
1834s bit done and then obviously we're going
1835s to definitely need your your big
1837s shoulders for Behemoth
1842s um all right which is the first Quest
1844s where are we looking at where is I'll
1847s start my uh my pling around CU I'll
1849s probably get lost if it's wild it's fire
1852s away what's the name of the quest again
1855s uh a visitor from another world where is
1857s it oh Wait no that's the extreme why I
1859s can't do that it's in special
1861s assignments how are you doing Ah that's
1864s why that's why it's tucked out the way
1866s oh maybe I didn't finish the
1867s conversation then yeah cuz it's not
1869s unlocked yet all right quick chitchat
1872s don't worry if I do beat you back I'm
1875s going to go hun a low rank
1879s R now I've got an incentive I'm just
1882s following a caar
1887s now
1890s come back here
1893s caar there's more of
1901s them yeah SOLO beam Hof is really hard
1904s really really hard oh no I've got lost
1907s where am I
1908s going oh wait uh I think this is The
1912s Witcher
1916s stuff wait let's see
1922s yeah yeah so this is this is The Witcher
1925s collab Quest that is happening on my
1927s screen no way you see I've got Final
1930s Fantasy and you've got The Witcher 3
1932s yeah
1934s yeah oh I got the cact there obviously
1936s the one with the Little Flower as well
1938s you don't see me as a dread yeah so we
1940s got uh geralt on screen
1945s nice oh the together
1949s yeah I think we just transitioned over
1950s now you can see The Witcher
1952s stuff man they really got the look of
1955s geralt perfect in this game yeah I
1957s imagine the teams must have collabed
1959s really really closely together yeah and
1961s obviously you got the Siri outfit as
1963s well mhm I think that's from is that
1966s ancient Le brought me to this world uh
1969s yeah yeah oh man that monster is tough
1974s yeah it really is you have to really
1976s work together and use igny uh what
1978s you're
1979s saying but after what we've just
1982s witnessed I don't think we have a choice
1984s have you played The Witcher 3 Cho I did
1987s I played through it had a wonderful time
1989s with it and dou cock's voice acting was
1991s incredible in it as well yeah there the
1994s voice of geralt uh but yeah I had a
1996s wonderful time with it when it first
1997s launched same here I've I've probably
2000s played through it at least like four or
2001s five times several hundred hours
2006s so yeah it's one heck of a game and it's
2008s the same like with Final Fantasy as well
2010s many many Final Fantasy games have kept
2012s me
2015s busy yeah same here same here say I
2017s could take care of your problem in the
2019s woods at a price of course Mughal here
2023s and Co Yu has a crystal that it probably
2025s shouldn't be
2029s touching oh it's got bigger I forget
2032s that it's a giant just keeps getting
2034s bigger and bigger like comically large
2037s first third Beast probably worth looking
2040s anything else you know that scaven
2042s scavenger the commission if cross thanks
2044s normally but given what I'm smashing
2046s this dialogue right now Hunter give me
2049s the
2050s quest yeah that's what
2053s I CH
2056s music okay I can use an SOS flare now
2060s there anyone in my
2061s Lobby that can hear me feel free to hop
2064s in andate
2066s Down Easy Gold Crown yeah
2071s yeah yeah I'm going to try to catch up
2073s with you jono I think I I definitely
2075s started the wrong
2078s Quest there we
2085s go all
2093s right oh no I missed the thorn pod there
2095s we
2097s go
2101s oh I couldn't quite roll out the way
2103s let's let's utilize the power of the
2105s caar come on Kulu come fight
2112s me all right I'm finally starting this
2116s Quest
2120s nice using the power of the
2127s caar
2129s man it's definitely been a while since
2131s this one so yeah uh I'm Dre I need to
2135s remember the Behemoth mechanics about
2136s the the end rage and the different
2138s spells and where you want to go when
2139s you've got targeted by different ones
2141s and obviously the rocks and we don't
2143s have all like the mants either no no
2146s yeah we're we're uh we're struggling bit
2149s light on the mantle
2152s side all right see my first cact
2157s toar
2160s and we got uh Tyler playing some gu at
2162s the
2163s moment
2165s nice what's your um your favorite
2170s creature from Final Fantasy my favorite
2173s creature from Final Fantasy does oron
2175s count as a
2178s creature cuz I
2180s love is that a spoiler does does an Aon
2183s count as a creature yeah yeah I think so
2186s okay probably a Nema from uh Final
2189s Fantasy 10 okay okay it's just such a
2192s cool Aon um especially when you kind of
2195s do it over drive SL ultimate attack mhm
2198s what about
2199s you um I love Bahamut I mean a classic a
2204s classic certified Banger top lad every
2209s time it'd be really fun to
2212s hunt yeah
2215s yeah I mean was it is it Mega flaring I
2217s think ff10 it was Mega Flare he had and
2219s then like in
2222s um he's got like so many levels of the
2224s flare it's like oh my God Giga flare
2229s yeah yeah the Chocobo song is a lovely
2232s Edition I've got some backup now that's
2234s good hello
2238s Hunters oh you're were able to call some
2240s teammates yeah once once you start hun
2242s in it opens up so you'll be able to grab
2244s some Ro as well M
2247s mhm
2255s oh I'm I'm in between uh two monsters
2259s here oh okay it got knocked off
2271s there uhoh oh there's that signature
2274s whistle from
2276s barro
2279s put down the
2283s crystal I don't think you have a license
2285s for
2286s that oh man I love
2288s Googles yeah they're so
2294s adorable I was able to visit the um uh
2298s there was like a final fantasy 35th
2300s Anniversary popup yeah uh in in Tokyo I
2303s think it was in Tokyo or inaka I can't
2305s remember but uh yeah I bought a whole
2307s bunch of stuff from there I got this
2308s like Mughal that looks like it's uh hand
2311s knit is really cool so yeah that's
2314s sitting on my on one of my
2318s bookshelves there we go right where the
2320s Chas is
2326s on someone said can we choose Ros
2329s because of the Final Fantasy 14 collab
2331s so technically the truth you can say Rus
2334s is your favorite Final Fantasy creature
2336s there you go
2338s Ros is in everything it is the gift that
2341s keeps on given H boy in
2346s red other boy in red obviously cuz Dante
2348s is another boy in red yeah it's the main
2351s one yeah oh I guess it depends depends
2355s on what you determine as me which one
2356s you played first
2362s yeah oh my time with the clutch CLW is
2365s terrible I can open my quest now too
2367s right oh I'm at the co cool part so yeah
2370s it will flash up on screen so folks will
2372s just be able to join
2373s in okay well if anybody wants to help me
2376s out then I would appreciate
2379s it teamw work Makes the Dream Work yes
2382s kulu's getting
2384s massive it's a an absolute unit we we've
2388s had a c as well it's got that that
2390s Savage the crystal crystals empowering
2394s our bird here oh yeah that's damage
2402s maybe I use this oh oh
2406s no I'm just doing a bunch of sliding
2408s attacks right now yeah I'm I'm going to
2410s heal briefly oh it went behind my shield
2413s I
2414s fainted no we might get a triple cart
2417s here
2418s actually we did we triple
2421s carted no it's too strong too
2425s powerful well do you want you want to
2428s join mine yeah we we'll jump in we'll
2430s jump
2432s in this is the power of the crystals the
2436s crystals yeah their legacy it's too
2440s strong all right I'll I'll hop with
2447s you oh uh-oh might be cting here
2456s myself
2459s there we go right and I I need to eat
2461s that was Savage though I that's our
2463s first triple cart in a
2466s while that silly little cact I know it's
2468s like it's having a great old
2470s time well played though Hunters don't
2472s worry we'll reunite after this Quest we
2475s have to go fight the big the big be
2478s off yeah Zeno G was a great fight if you
2481s like laser beams and explosions oh
2482s you're in for a
2486s tree
2488s all right I'll have my uh Mega potions
2490s on hand nice oh cool looks like you made
2493s it yeah you got to put respect on the
2496s Kulu you know normally you know Everyone
2498s likes to meme on Kulu myself included oh
2500s I know yeah what what did it rank in
2503s Hunter sty it's pretty pretty uh low I
2506s guess right yeah it doesn't uh it
2508s doesn't ring a bell hopefully today uh
2512s put some respect on it oh
2515s yes go get a few more f if there's
2518s another one yeah in 20 years time when
2520s we do the 40th
2522s anniversary oh we've lost our plot armor
2526s we have I C
2528s it that's okay I didn't even realize my
2531s health was so low I guess I kind of got
2532s like one shotted I think we got ours
2534s near the end and it got so big it's it's
2538s damage
2540s damage too much and that
2545s hurted help us barel
2549s we need your power your your massive
2552s forehead help
2558s us oh I need a the right
2566s set going the wrong
2569s way not as bad as
2572s steel oh
2576s Ste
2579s the big uh big smelly
2583s monster you know uh like fart monsters
2587s kind of tends to be like there's like a
2590s general like category of them I
2592s think there's quite a few there is there
2596s is I mean vadon off the top of my head
2598s obviously from from playing a lot of
2600s rise and sunre yeah Magnum Malo magalo
2604s is technically a fart monster yeah at
2606s least at least it sets f fire to it so
2608s it doesn't smell I suppose doesn't H
2610s stinky yeah
2617s yeah Ceno is just a little baby boy yes
2620s we did destroy a toddler last
2623s week yeah we you know you got you got to
2626s send a message
2627s early nobody take that out of
2634s context so we're about at the pit where
2636s we can't I think we had one more growth
2638s spurt and then we then we all got dunked
2642s on another growth spurt oh that damage
2646s that's half my health but and I got
2648s instantly stunned no no not
2652s again wait where are you where are you
2654s oh there you okay you're good
2661s you're yeah I think this is a special
2663s Quest version so yeah we can't make it
2664s to the the crystal cuz that is the goal
2667s of F Quest yep oh it's it's such a cool
2670s gimmick though I love it
2674s yeah oh there I'm in all at the size of
2677s this Kulu yeah size of this lad
2681s yeah it's a massive
2683s lad absolute unit oh it's going for it
2690s again are you are you here at
2696s me
2699s Qui I don't think you can mount it
2702s either right it's it's not Topp because
2705s of the power the crystal yeah it's too
2708s massive yeah oh oh no roll
2717s them that's a good time to jump back in
2720s Hove spice is flown through that
2723s chicken the spice as long as there's no
2726s sand worms we're okay
2729s yeah just have Shish fer turn up it's
2731s like wait you're
2734s early I'm going to Rite
2739s it oh got some cheeky hits in
2744s there oh I don't know why I keep trying
2746s to build Mount damage
2748s uhoh I knew that was coming you saw it
2751s you saw it on the
2753s way oh it's all right go
2756s goem
2759s man sorry I'm dragging us right now no I
2762s mean that's right I've Triple C well I
2764s didn't c three times but you know we
2765s shared it
2768s out all right this kolu's on the on the
2772s roll uh every basically the events the
2775s seasonal events are still active but
2777s they rotate um so you will still be able
2779s to play them all but yeah it's just
2781s every so often they'll rotate around
2782s each other
2784s MH yeah think it's like The Siege Quest
2787s right y just like those rotate yeah come
2790s on barro off we go neon
2794s no no oh it's up to me and you yeah like
2799s if you want to if you want to fight
2801s Behemoth you got to earn it yourselves I
2807s know yeah we're really taking our lumps
2809s against this uh of all the massive to
2812s give us trouble oh no I don't want to
2814s fight in the water oh no yeah
2819s ah no no oh this is not good bar off
2823s help
2827s us I'll po break thank
2837s you uhoh thank you bar I got buied on
2841s that one I better heal no
2844s [Music]
2845s no oh my goodness they both charged at
2849s me out
2852s there wait why did I jump in this I'm
2854s I'm a Fool oh my
2857s goodness
2859s oh this is this is
2863s chaotic yeah this is pretty crazy right
2865s now oh there you are he hello we we'll
2867s stay on the the dry ground you don't
2870s have your disco pants anymore no I have
2873s Rathalos pants I have weakness exploit
2875s now only level one but I have
2878s some go this is this knowing that we
2881s have one cart left as well and that
2882s we're fighting here is uh yeah yeah it's
2885s I'm playing pretty careful now
2888s yeah I say that and then I'm going to
2890s I'm going to end up
2891s carding you and me
2896s both yeah they
2898s are there's so many bits I can
2905s here oh sorry barro
2908s I mean I think he they're helping more
2910s than
2911s hindering look at that part break L
2913s there you go there's the head yeah I
2915s think far off oh we're nearly there
2917s we're nearly there okay okay we just
2919s have to play it extremely safe
2925s yes oh
2927s no bar off's not done leave me
2931s alone got this
2936s Wiggly
2941s I'm right behind you just I'm saering
2943s nice oh oh watch out watch out it's it's
2946s right behind us Oh Come Ona let's go am
2952s W I think no no he's angry oh just
2955s barely missed you oh okay
2958s okay I got its attention right just
2961s going
2963s to we'll be all right yeah I think bar
2966s is still having a go okay all right
2970s Kulu oh it's still here it's still
2975s here oh it got
2979s me linger ammo yes please I'm Thor one
2983s of my favorites Let Them
2987s Fight shoot them in that then if I was
2990s too far away
2993s maybe hey
2996s D
2998s okay I need to heal this is not a nice
3000s place to
3008s be I'm just do some combat mining so
3011s there we
3013s go
3019s oh I'm afraid to try and hit it but
3022s let's
3023s see okay I didn't I didn't get much
3025s there yeah we get little
3031s headset take
3041s that I need to get closer when I Slinger
3045s burst there we go nice come
3050s closer
3054s yeah cheda taking the hit there for us
3058s thank you
3061s cheddar
3063s uhoh I think I'm near my stun
3072s threshold me yeah yeah yeah play it safe
3075s play it
3078s safe we're doing good thank you Dan I
3080s hope you're well to okay so it's going
3082s to CH is it is it having a bit of
3084s Crystal again yeah it is it is
3087s all right all
3089s right I'm so I'm so scared right now oh
3092s yes I think we have every reason to
3094s be searge it up oh put that
3100s down oh barely did any damage
3103s there all right now it's like paying
3105s attention again look at his eyes glowing
3108s blue it loves that
3113s thing that Slinger ammo thank you very
3115s much yeah I I guess you can't you can't
3117s do
3119s aun a wall slam there yeah
3125s yeah just bouncing off that big old
3137s Crystal the clutch claw then I got
3140s absolutely bodied oh no no no no no
3144s no I had half my health bar like no no
3149s oh man that this is the most powerful
3151s monster we've faced so far in these
3153s streams it's actually uh two triple
3156s cards Duty
3158s failed what a shame outrageous I got
3162s B I got
3165s bonked oh man yeah that's that's rough
3168s it was
3169s rough that's a powerful
3173s monster
3175s yes
3182s pretty crazy in all this time that we've
3184s been playing what across 11 streams yeah
3187s that's got to be the toughest so far
3189s that is that is the spiciest should we
3192s should we do a different quest to kind
3195s of should we do I don't know man I I
3198s kind of want revenge but I don't think I
3200s don't know if we're ready all right yeah
3201s let's let's do another Quest let's dust
3204s ourselves down we'll dust ourselves down
3206s let's
3207s blazing sun I'm sure I mean a visitor
3209s from another world is only six star
3211s blazing Sun's eight star so I'm sure it'
3214s be fine
3217s yeah there you go me know when you got
3219s that up all
3223s right oh I have not progressed through
3225s the story enough to join this Quest huh
3228s oh I spoke to everyone down downstairs
3231s oh no that's okay we can do a different
3234s Quest if you
3235s want yeah I I mean I can go and talk to
3237s everybody real quick yeah go for it
3239s there's still a space for you come on
3240s back yeah save me a
3244s spot yeah that that chicken is quite
3247s quite the
3248s monster until master rank man okay so we
3253s I feel a little bit better about that
3254s then oh was that technically master rank
3256s was
3258s it uh no I don't think so but they're
3260s they're saying uh uh beta Fox is saying
3263s it took them until master rank to beat
3264s that yeah you we're kind of throwing
3267s ourselves up against it I'll have to
3268s remake the lobby though not Lobby the
3270s the quest though just cuz Concord build
3273s the so we just have to rotate around so
3276s I don't think we got enough for two
3277s lobbies one two no I don't think
3282s so yeah if you want to jump in um uh if
3286s our glorious producer could chuck the uh
3289s code into twitch chat again please uh
3291s just for our our newer
3295s viewers
3299s all right should be able to accept it
3301s now hopefully are you in the let me know
3304s when you're up here and I'll remake
3305s remake yeah oh thank you conord that's
3307s very kind of you Concord being uh MVP
3311s there well mvh most valuable Hunter oh
3314s thank you thanks con thank you producer
3316s for popping that in don't worry Concord
3318s we'll get you in the next one hopefully
3320s that's very kind of
3321s you yeah thank you all right let's do
3325s it
3331s and you know this is where I'm going to
3332s get the teostra Gem
3335s so you know it's going you're calling
3337s your shot guaranteed H calling the shot
3339s used to yeah calling used to ticket I've
3341s carted twice I'm feeling you know
3342s feeling sad so the game's going to be
3344s like don't worry here's a cheat not
3347s cheat treat it's definitely not cheat uh
3349s treat to uh perk you up what would you
3352s call that like the the misery uh the
3357s pity the P meter yeah pity drop misery
3360s meter the misery
3365s meter okay yeah the desire sensor is a
3368s being desire sensor I did not restock my
3372s PO so I have to do that did I yeah I'm
3376s all right oh I don't even have enough
3378s mega mega potions wait let oh well the
3381s trick is don't get
3384s hit which as we know from The Last Quest
3386s I didn't really
3393s follow here we
3401s go yeah it's just funny we were spending
3404s so long waiting to finally hunt together
3406s and then we when we joined together they
3410s ended in disaster get
3412s bked but you know we learned some stuff
3414s there that we are not ready
3422s all right I'm heading over to
3427s you I'm just following uh Sparta because
3430s at the minute sniffing out to
3432s ostra there's so much heat in the air
3434s look the uh environment is
3437s like not warped but you can see the heat
3440s in the air it's hot it's icy in here
3445s yeah but eyes are going to turn blue
3452s yeah
3462s oh that's a big teostra oh good Heavens
3467s I was trying to look at for it and it
3469s was right there all along
3472s that's big cat the tail alone
3477s yeah Drake like big kitty that is a bigy
3480s big
3482s kitty oh yeah that
3485s is a one would say a chunker that is by
3492s definition um anyways let's get
3498s it oh my
3505s goodness
3507s yeah I don't know how this going to go
3509s but we'll
3510s try yeah we'll give it a
3520s go uh got
3523s heal get
3533s fire oh you melted it nice y back on my
3537s Mountain game after Kulu was like no
3539s yeah Kulu was not having any of it that
3542s it's very
3551s rude
3554s oh don't knock me off don't knock me
3562s off was that you or was that the flash I
3565s don't think I think the Flash it didn't
3567s bring it down it started like making it
3569s kick
3570s off but I didn't get the animation I
3573s don't know if we hit the
3574s rout
3580s oh oh
3586s boy yeah I really hope you get your uh
3588s deer jum oh that would be lovely I so
3595s Chu
3598s [Music]
3601s I also need some horns and stuff anyway
3603s I think so I need I need a good
3608s all oh it's too
3611s far oh actually I'll go back to the mega
3614s potions now there we
3617s go
3623s oh build up Mount take the sling
3630s bombs oh the Slinger B from the bomb
3635s pods
3638s spin nice
3644s Mount it's freaking
3655s out
3660s oh that was a bit spicy oh
3669s yeah oh man I didn't get my sliding
3671s there yeah I'm trying as well o
3676s Cactus oh down we go oh he's back up
3679s again the thighs on that monster
3683s HS the ham ham Hawks
3689s exactly we should be not too far off a
3692s mount
3694s hopefully
3696s oh no teostra oh we got the poison on
3700s teostra that's
3702s good thank you for the
3705s heal oh I just I just jumped into that
3709s and I'm stunned but it's good to get the
3711s stun out the way here after that
3712s terrible play through
3715s me
3725s fire ah too far for me I get sliding
3730s attack oh that was the amount of hits
3733s you got there beautiful they didn't do
3736s yeah they wer on Sweet Spot though get a
3738s ton of damage but try we got the mount
3740s you're not leaving
3745s yetra stop
3755s it go back to
3759s Here There we go should be coming down
3762s in the second there we go oh nice well
3765s done well done thank
3767s you I get my spin y here we go on the
3772s head as well oh I need to use the right
3775s one
3779s that was a a nice Splash there from the
3781s charge blade yeah you know for how
3784s gigantic it is we're doing pretty
3786s good yeah I think so I'm pleased with
3792s that thing is his attacks are big as
3795s well it's brilliant it's
3800s like take these have a
3803s [Music]
3804s ration oh down huh yeah get the Diablo
3813s territory I do have some Dragon pods now
3816s wait a minute I it I got turned around
3825s somewhere yeah went the wrong way
3827s here nice Elder seal in
3835s there
3839s I think we're nearly there looking at
3840s that health bar we're doing
3844s well the more Elder SE in there the
3846s dragon
3848s PS all right I'm back uhoh
3853s uhoh it's mad it's not that's not the
3856s spot I should
3857s be I'm at the butt it's not think we're
3860s going to C to the NOA Drake huh huh
3862s maybe there a distinct
3865s possibility
3872s oh
3874s man there we go more power of the Dragon
3877s parts thank you saved me a little
3883s bit heartbreak we love it I'm just going
3885s to double double pod
3888s there yeah take
3891s that oh so we're nearly there everyone
3894s can I grab the tail
3898s oh nice attempt at a flash there worth a
3902s go sharpen up again H it moves over
3906s huh yeah it's not gone far at least
3910s that's funny Drake has no confidence in
3912s US
3915s ah there we go got that malachite
3924s or no wait wakey with the bow huh get it
3929s beautiful that Dragon piercer as
3935s well perfect
3937s Rush Oh no y stood
3942s up that's a NOA oh
3947s oh we lived we
3950s de did you Superman dive I
3954s absolutely absolutely
3966s beautiful use this to proc it for the
3969s perfect Rush nice and
3972s smooth oh
3977s nice oh nice whack I think I got the
3981s last hit there well after not not doing
3983s a ton of damage but I need to upgrade my
3987s gear we just need that special animation
3989s come on
3991s yeah got a scale no luck here no luck
3995s here three maybe the last
3997s one it's going to be in the rewards it's
4000s fine you know I got scale scale car
4002s cares so
4004s got be I got
4011s a I didn't desire it enough exactly more
4015s more Des more
4017s [Music]
4022s sensor yeah I think it was lunastra and
4024s too doing their Nova together yeah we
4026s wouldn't have got out of that one quite
4027s so easy with a
4029s with oh lunastra is going to be a tough
4031s one
4033s yeah I'm scared of that but I think
4036s right now the only thing I fear is
4039s uh uh our gigantic Kulu yeah Kulu C the
4044s our ultimate Nemesis so far on the
4046s stream series
4047s mhm well I didn't get I didn't get
4052s [Music]
4057s the maybe I have enough to make the base
4059s version
4061s though botany Thunder resist
4067s antidote got gold crown for free there
4070s you know take
4072s [Music]
4074s that
4078s my
4080s harest the hand's like hey you want to
4082s start ice born it's like soon soon
4084s Handler all in good
4088s time yeah I'm looking forward to that
4090s yeah yeah the we are going to get
4095s wrecked yeah we need to get our weapons
4097s up a bit I think so we can transition to
4099s the master versions yeah unless we go
4101s full Defender the start I think we're
4103s going to we're going to struggle a
4104s little bit yeah
4107s I'm going to go talk to the
4109s Huntsman good
4111s work you
4116s know talk to the Smithy new special
4119s assignment for us after completing that
4121s Quest
4123s Jo oh at the Smithy mhm yeah go speak to
4126s the Huntsman again and then um he's like
4130s go talk to the
4131s Smithy that's incredible gotcha
4134s gotcha we do that
4139s that I guess I got I got to take the
4141s elevator out I think this is when
4143s lunastra might appear oh
4147s no oh
4155s yes which is ironic that I want to make
4157s blast weapons as we we're going to go up
4159s against teostra okay oh no I still need
4161s a w
4164s gem no it's the fastest way to get one I
4168s don't know I don't know I can't is it
4171s like Hulu drops W ones maybe and stuff
4174s like
4176s that see what we got here for gear
4180s Blossom gear very
4183s thematic the Dante gear to fair I need
4186s Coral Crystal to make the first
4187s iteration of the weapon anyway and I
4190s have no Coral
4193s Crystal cuz we' we've not really been to
4195s the coral High since the that's true
4198s that's true yeah we haven't been there
4200s very
4203s much oh okay Thea
4208s armor might be able to make some of
4212s that there's some lovely bits in there
4214s there's the Wrath marrow that's stoping
4215s a make a fire
4220s weapon what am I doing in a minute 210
4223s so not
4224s terrible not
4228s terrible still need WRA and spikes and a
4231s w gem for that one W gems are holding me
4237s back oh great
4240s Jack I have to figure out how to get you
4242s one there is an event quest to fight
4244s three great
4246s jages if you want to do that as a pallet
4249s cleanser before
4250s lunastra yeah yeah let's do it
4253s um well actually we might only have time
4257s for one long one so I guess I guess it
4259s kind of depends do you want to do great
4261s Jack thing CU I think the lunastra one's
4262s a shorter one cuz you fight in the arena
4264s and I think you repel
4266s them and then you finally fight them in
4269s the elders recess yeah let's do it all
4272s right post a new quests oh hold on I'm
4274s not not ready that's all right have a
4276s look I need to find the quest
4280s first see if I can do anything with my
4283s hammer but most lik there's two that I
4284s say two great Jack there I thought there
4287s was a three one there it is the usj gold
4290s star treatment that's low rank though uh
4293s there so there's a double great
4295s jagas but then do you need it if not
4298s there's a Rathalos as your Rathalos
4300s combo um do you need anything what do
4303s you
4304s need I just need F CM or and or I guess
4308s I could go with Nery gante Parts too for
4311s my hammer but you know what I'm all
4313s right I whatever you want to do I'm
4315s along for the right we do you need Coral
4318s you need the coral or as well don't you
4321s I think so I knew I needed it for
4324s something I think we were talking about
4325s that last week yeah there's the coral
4327s Walts which is a nice four monster quest
4329s as
4332s well uh let's do it let's do it yeah in
4335s Coral Highlands yeah so we can we got
4337s plenty of opportunity to get some
4341s more and there's a pink ran an aiana as
4344s well m
4349s I got feline Insurance not that we need
4351s it for this Quest probably
4354s but so make sure to mine that ore while
4357s we're
4360s there is in neon is in oh no I failed
4366s sorry
4371s Samuel so let me know when you got a
4373s slot
4374s open
4376s I'll have to uh remake the
4380s lobby
4382s uh there we go we'll put we have to go
4385s and fresh everyone all right Joe are you
4386s ready are you ready are you ready po uh
4390s yeah I'm ready event
4396s Quest there we
4400s go too soon that's right it's going in
4403s now all right
4407s kind of like a funny game of
4410s telephone all right there we go neon and
4413s beta
4415s box and then we'll we'll go hunt the
4417s monsters get uh we need that Coral ore
4419s so we'll be going all over the place for
4428s that so fashionable and snazzy as well
4433s yeah some people with their master gear
4436s looking
4437s good I remember the lay the layered s
4440s yeah me too me
4443s too looking forward to yeah if I get the
4445s teostra weapon that'll be Wicked that'll
4448s do some some carrying for me for a bit
4450s then when we go into master rank I'll be
4452s like I don't want to play with you
4453s anymore until we find de ostra again
4455s yeah it's like all that work to get the
4458s weapon you finally want and then it's
4460s like well that's outdated yeah it's just
4462s like the rathan and Rathalos ones are
4463s the ones that can carry over really
4465s quick
4467s well like for me anyway but I need a lot
4469s of rra and tals
4474s um all right looks like we're starting
4476s with [ __ ] graan nice I'll let make my
4479s way
4479s [Music]
4485s over bonus points for the
4490s tail J how many episodes do you think
4493s it's going to take us to beat iceborn so
4495s we
4497s world I don't know cuz we we were able
4500s to kind of like push quite you know we
4501s were able to kind of Brute Force World a
4503s bit cuz you not hit as hard and uh the
4507s monsters obviously haven't got as much
4508s help as master rank I found zitu but I'm
4511s going to leave it um I don't know I mean
4514s 10 would be I don't think we're going to
4515s do in 10 cuz we're definitely going to
4517s have to farm some sets on our way I
4519s think mhm Oh's down there I'm going to
4522s say let's go for let's go for like 20
4526s 20 20 episodes okay yeah the see the
4529s ending the credits roll on iceborn ah I
4532s was thinking yeah yeah oh so 20 20 to
4535s get to Fatalis I think 20 and then maybe
4538s an extra five or
4541s six
4545s possibly that's it's hard to tell cuz we
4548s definitely need a farm for weapons and
4549s sets in that one yeah yeah yeah I guess
4552s we'll
4553s see all right I've done my first bit of
4555s mining I got no Coral ore maybe is it
4558s low rank though no cuz it's it's dark
4560s steel isn't it or black steel
4564s so that's got to be high
4574s rank hello pink
4577s rasan immediately bodied
4580s uhoh oh jeez same
4584s here oh got to roll out roll out please
4588s there we
4592s go
4595s rude all right we're back we're back in
4598s there please I'm trying to put healing
4601s down for US
4603s ah ah the
4610s tail go for the Big
4612s Bang see many hits I can get in
4616s oh that Dam oh not the oh I got saved by
4620s the terrain and there's a bigger wasp
4621s next to me as
4623s well there we go
4630s beautiful do the spin oh no oh spin to
4634s Wi big Miss big Miss big Miss that's
4636s right we got the
4639s M oh got the
4644s straight there you go we've already got
4646s a beta box doing some work on it with
4648s the long sword as well love to see oh my
4653s goodness great
4656s end right we'll take
4660s that thank you pink Ren I'm going to
4663s quickly pop up the
4665s um pop up the vines as well and see if
4668s there's any uh or
4673s there there we go
4677s we'll have those
4680s materials I could have used the uh wedge
4685s be so we're going for zy yeah I'm just
4690s having a quick or
4693s check a quick ore
4696s check say hello get them those get them
4699s materials yeah I don't think I'm close
4702s enough there right I'll come back
4704s down
4710s these bomb pods here always handy
4715s mhm you never have too many just Spam
4724s them I'm following beta Fox
4730s here oh there you
4734s are
4741s fing
4746s it can't do anything cuz I keep
4749s punching I'm
4754s in oh man I cannot I cannot do anything
4759s yeah the long sword Flinch is coming for
4761s us oh man okay use your hyper armor
4764s moves oh stop I don't think zit is uh
4768s long for this world yeah oh there we go
4771s I got with the
4774s spin I don't know if if my screen was on
4777s stream at that time but that was Drew
4778s suffering he's just
4780s bouncing yeah just like trying to attack
4782s no no no it's all good betta Fox no
4784s worries you're good you're
4787s good it's my fault for not using my
4790s charge
4792s moves right are there any or noes nearby
4795s I can't see any on the mini map I think
4797s I need to go all the way to the
4800s top for more or yeah my
4806s C pumu and Leana ah there we go yeah
4811s Leana might if we if it gets away go to
4814s the top because of it's Nest yeah
4824s yeah
4829s maybe I can sneak up
4841s there where' everybody
4844s go oh you're all up
4847s there oh yeah we going to go looking for
4850s that or
4853s yeah oh Leana Footprints there might be
4857s more than or up
4867s here hello wasar good to see
4876s you try and chain them together there we
4883s go oh yeah leas on the but I know
4886s there's or noes up the top of here so
4889s Edward is trying to tell you that
4890s there's some something to mind near the
4893s tiny tunnels where you climbed earlier
4895s but I'm not sure sent that message so it
4897s could have been a while
4898s ago okay thank you said of tiny tunnels
4901s that's good to
4903s know give me that Coral goodness there
4907s we go yeah the blue the blue
4914s nodes
4916s there we go right I've got
4918s four so we're getting
4925s there all right where are you looking at
4928s it's that up top no it's down the bottom
4930s I'm just hop down oh all
4934s right I
4937s follow oh my favorite plunge
4942s walls that that infamous
4946s wall oh there you
4948s are R in the Leana oh I
4952s missed I'm ice blighted already oh
4957s no oh I had that hammer
4959s connected yeah just a couple hits couple
4962s hits I got slide from the top it's like
4964s when you you know you go down the slide
4966s and then you have to walk all the way
4967s back up yes a
4970s yeah oh oh one blew
4973s up
4980s there we go P some shinies on Leana
4988s [Music]
4993s there
4995s oo oh the Slinger burst stagger that was
4999s awesome yeah I had piercing pod Slinger
5002s bursted it and like I think that's what
5004s took it out the unless someone else hit
5005s it that was
5008s beautiful I got I got to charge my
5013s hammer there we go quickly
5019s Done Right cat some
5023s cops oh I'm like I keep alternating like
5027s piercing pods and Stones oh yeah like no
5030s give me the PS back give me the
5033s PS
5035s there we go take this take
5042s this how about sharpen oh look at that
5045s oh the
5049s sun all right who's next uh pumu so I
5053s guess we'll head over to that general
5055s area where pumu likes to normally
5060s lur sharpen up my hammer real
5063s quick
5068s not any or noes um any or noes for me
5076s please oh I guess I didn't finish
5078s carving that right now get your goodies
5083s yep
5085s uh oh is that an or node over there I'm
5088s going to look around anyway I've got a
5089s bit of timeit time group
5093s up
5095s that's a conch shell a conk con
5106s shell right where's pumu has pumu
5108s arrived yet I imagine
5115s so uh I don't know where I'm
5117s going exactly Drake She sells seash
5121s shells got try saying that
5123s fast GE sells seashells by the seashore
5127s oh oh here is they're on the map nice
5131s literally just turned
5133s up what exisit
5148s timing lobo with the
5153s fur Gathering Hub was looking at
5158s her get out of
5160s here getting I'm
5164s get
5173s oh that Slinger ammo Oh I thought i'
5175s stunned
5176s it it's
5178s not aesome Thorns very nice this would
5182s be great there we go
5187s oh oh you found some ammo yeah yeah I
5190s got someo lots of thorn pods on that
5194s point thank thank you oh squish all
5198s right that was a quick one that was that
5203s was there we go we get car it D we have
5207s to wrap up a little bit earlier
5210s today uh I think we can give it one shot
5213s at uh at lunastra is that's what we want
5216s to go for right yeah yeah we can do it
5217s we can do it yeah it's just the arena
5219s version so I think it's quite short
5221s compared to the
5231s uh see if I can find any anything to
5235s mine in the last few seconds probably
5237s not oh no that look around
5243s too
5245s no it's always worth checking though I
5247s know where some of like I don't normally
5249s go to the side of the map so I know
5251s where they are on the other side but is
5252s that worth to
5257s [Music]
5267s go lovely monster Parts
5273s there
5276s and some resistance Jewels for good
5278s measure oh I got Flinch free I got a
5281s brace brace three way oh that's awesome
5286s yeah yeah slot for it though let's make
5289s sure I have a slot for that oh grm
5291s changed color looking looking schnazzy
5301s yeah see if I can set that decoration on
5303s anything
5305s I can't I got
5309s nothing right I'll let me know when
5311s you're ready and I'll post the quest all
5313s right uh give me one second oh no it's
5315s Pandora's Arena isn't it we're doing
5316s yeah yeah
5319s yep let try to see what I can put on
5321s here I don't really have a
5324s lot some maybe some more Fire Res no
5327s wait no I already used
5331s that I'll just put on whatever I got
5333s right now but blessing that'll help yeah
5336s divine blessing is always a great
5338s shout and let me make sure I'm all
5340s stocked
5342s up okay all right let go in in
5347s now oh hello there you
5351s go going going going going going a I
5355s didn't get the I have to talk to
5357s somebody
5359s again who is it who needs to talking to
5363s oh is it when you go in and it's like oh
5365s you need to go talk to the Huntsman
5366s again it starts as a one Quest anyway so
5369s maybe we should do a different one just
5371s for time uh yeah bummer is there another
5374s Arena Quest maybe yeah that'll be an
5376s arena Quest I'll have a look at the
5377s event
5380s quests unless we try yeah unless we want
5383s to get some Revenge but I don't know if
5385s we'll get it done in
5387s time what do we got here what do we got
5389s here
5393s uh
5398s you been I'm counting on
5401s you three zies
5406s uh double
5411s Aaron yeah looks like mad artist can't
5414s join either so I yeah maybe it's because
5415s it's a solo Quest that's probably why we
5418s can't join yeah but but do you think
5421s like maybe if we trigger cut scene that
5423s might
5425s yeah I when lunastra turns up you can
5428s you can both do it kind of situation
5431s yeah yeah let's go why don't we try and
5435s start it and we'll trigger that cut
5436s scene and see if that does it and then
5437s we can join right yep give a shot yeah
5440s I'll give a shot here
5442s okay
5446s vou all right get ready to join us folks
5449s we might be doing this separately yeah
5452s beta beta fox says if I'm need it again
5454s I'll help um we might we might need you
5457s again yeah get ready for the flare to go
5459s up
5465s yep take that cool drink I'll take
5467s Barrel bombs yeah I think we're
5470s literally doing the same
5474s thing all right should I join you or do
5476s you want to join me yeah I've used the
5477s voucher so if you want to join that
5479s would be great cool uh if if you want to
5483s all right cut scenes playing
5487s yes if we can uh oh Joe will be joining
5489s me so once Joe joins if if you guys want
5491s to jump in after Joe please that' be
5494s wonderful hello
5497s teostra uh oh it's nug
5501s gante number two yes there's
5509s more and then Lun coming in yeah
5514s husband and wife oh yes the tag team
5525s yeah Lun going
5532s hard I'm not having any of that I do not
5535s want the
5538s smoke yeah just let Joe join before you
5540s jump in gang if that's okay the Roars
5543s the roarers is taking me out okay I got
5545s to get out of here can I can I request
5549s help oh
5551s I can folks join I don't know I might
5554s have to do this on my
5555s own no there you go now folks can join
5558s now you can okay
5560s okay may me
5564s spot I'm going to save that drop so oh
5567s my goodness you can do
5569s this oh my
5573s goodness
5576s I need to I need to climb out here oh no
5578s I'm out of stamina no yeah I still can't
5582s join oh really yeah yeah hold on let me
5587s return from Quest we'll return from
5588s Quest it's only a v we'll get more next
5591s week yeah mad artist is also saying he
5593s still the progress story somehow so
5595s won't be able to join I
5600s see there we go I leveled up my my Picos
5604s uh biger was proficiency so all is well
5607s so what hunt would you like to
5609s do uh what else do we got what else we
5615s got I'll take a
5619s look big
5623s Kulu yeah I'm not sure if we have enough
5625s time to to hunt big Kulu but we could
5629s try what do you think yeah give it a go
5631s give it a go yeah okay I'm going to post
5633s it
5636s and hey if it goes as it did last time
5638s where we carded then it is what it is it
5640s is what it is all right all there there
5643s we go folks want to jump
5647s in uh maybe we'll get insurance yay
5651s feline Insurance all right get a little
5654s extra help there
5660s yeah just playing it
5663s safe
5665s and as mentioned this will be our last
5666s one for the day mhm hopefully it ends in
5669s a in a win oh no doubt no
5690s doubt and then we now it's time for
5692s Revenge we're going to go take
5695s Sur it can't triple triple
5697s cars triple
5701s triple SC be fine SC be
5712s fine yeah I don't
5714s believe I'm
5720s ready see you later Matt artist thanks
5723s again for hunting this yes always good
5726s to see you right
5729s Revenge part two
5732s yeah and we got a hunting horn next yeah
5735s yeah I feel confident now that we got a
5737s hunting horn we're
5745s safe we just head on this
5753s way
5754s there that this Barrel I was
5758s like oh I gota get I gotta get some of
5761s this ore while we're walking over I
5763s can't I can't let it go do it don't
5764s waste it don't let it waste yeah there
5766s we go oh no way it's your birthday next
5769s week we happy birthday for next week if
5772s if you are with the streaming or if you
5773s are around when we stream we'll make
5775s sure you're definitely getting getting
5776s some hunts with us to celebrate
5779s yeah yeah happy early birthday hope you
5783s enjoy and we'll hopefully see you next
5787s week I'm just following right now okay
5791s there we go there we going the right
5792s way oh it's uh
5795s barroth back again oh
5805s yes who would it be funny if this CED us
5809s more than beh end up doing mhm that turn
5812s up the BS yeah oh we got the power of
5815s the gun L with
5817s us spit oh I kind of turned the wrong
5821s way there
5827s oh oh I nearly got the the weaken off
5830s there oh no oh no I was not paying
5834s attention I was like I've got 2/3 Health
5836s do you know what I'm going to do I'm
5838s going
5839s to I'm going to go heal and I was
5841s looking at my items and then in the
5843s corner of my eye I I saw it you thought
5845s you were safe I did you know what though
5848s I bought the insurance and I used the
5853s insurance just got less HP yeah
5855s otherwise I'd be feeling really bad but
5857s cuz the insurance was there I'm like you
5859s know what I paid for the insurance I'm
5860s going oh yeah that's how it works
5866s right
5872s yeah yeah that not a great start the
5874s triple triple car is is on the carde I
5877s have less HP now as well yeah no we're
5880s going to be fine we're going to be fine
5882s I hope
5885s so I got got bar going crazy yeah look
5889s at
5892s that sorry bar I need to come
5900s around stuck in my spin animation double
5903s triple Revenge
5913s oh got get some or while we're
5922s here all right coolu have a word bounced
5925s off the crystal nice I got another
5932s Crystal
5935s oh oh is that a one tap yeah my hubris
5942s it's it's
5943s power I mean our gear isn't exactly
5946s upgraded at all either so you know don't
5948s feel bad we're quite
5951s squishy that
5954s hurt welcome to cart club it's funny
5957s it's just like you see it go in the air
5959s and you're just like it's over yeah
5961s you're oh yeah you got that brief moment
5963s where you're like
5964s M
5971s oh
5974s no I forgot I obviously cuz I have less
5978s HP it's AAL bar yeah yeah it is a fullon
5982s one
5984s hit and I cannot again for a while yeah
5988s so here I think we're just not ready huh
5991s no I think we need to Gear Up Get I
5994s think armor armor is the big one for us
5996s right now yeah yeah defense is way too
5998s low yeah cuz you can get by with you
6000s know if your weapon not quite as high
6002s it's fine cuz takes a little bit longer
6003s but if the if the monster be one tapping
6006s you back to Camp uh mhm but the Hunt's
6010s not over yet the Hunt is not over that's
6012s true yeah I feel like we got close last
6015s time yeah we got really
6017s tce I think if we had our other Hunter
6019s buddies with us we would have been all
6021s right
6022s yeah ah that did a lot of damage
6032s there Ang's here no way ANF help us save
6037s us
6038s please use that save us from this
6040s monster
6046s Justice I see Anga so I'm in the right
6048s direction or the wrong direction
6051s depending on uh how it's going I've CAU
6053s twice
6061s o yeah that's definitely one tap oh
6064s that's scary yeah oh our health is so
6072s low oh got
6074s bigger and no no don't th no don't
6079s stagger me please not in front of the
6081s Big
6082s Bird
6087s scatter uh uh oh uhoh uhoh an please
6093s please
6095s please have mercy run up
6103s here oh neon's been pinned
6106s down used the scan it's right
6111s enough I got the mount no I don't want
6114s this there we go I jumped
6116s off you guys are still with the internet
6119s yeah I ended up mounting it I was like
6121s no no no no
6128s no what a spicy hunt
6137s right unlucky yeah this is this is the
6140s sign the most powerful monster we've
6142s faced so far in the return to World
6144s Community stream so I just ran in and it
6147s just it targeted me and that was it oh
6150s you're approaching
6153s me oh man we should we should get a clip
6156s of that that was uh that sound like I
6158s entered the room and it was over yeah
6160s this is the most dangerous monster we've
6162s fought so far oh but it was hilarious
6165s though yeah yeah I had a good time it
6168s hurt though I think next stream we'll be
6170s gearing up a bit we'll be Target farming
6172s some monsters yeah
6174s yeah we got tested today um we did and
6176s we got we got humbled we got humbled big
6178s time yeah you know you got remember the
6180s monsters world and we're just in
6184s it but no that was fun though well
6186s played everyone we gave it a good old go
6188s and with that it's time to wrap up this
6191s week's stream any words before we uh
6194s head off
6195s Joe it's been really good hunting with
6197s everybody um thanks again for your
6199s patience today I know we um start a
6201s little bit later and we are ending uh
6203s like I guess about right on time so um
6206s but yeah we'll be back next week um
6207s hopefully things will be a little bit
6208s more stable uh and we'll be ready to
6211s start our usual time so we'll see you
6212s then yep and yeah with that thanks again
6215s everyone whether you watched chatted
6217s played with us or jumped in the
6218s Gathering Hub we really appreciate it
6220s and as always I've been jonno and I'm
6223s Joe and you've been awesome have a great
6225s weekend and we'll see you next time good
6227s night bye
6232s everybody
6233s [Music]
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about 1 month ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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353s hello everyone and welcome to today's
355s stream my name is Jon o em Community
357s manager of monst and I am joined by hey
360s everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
362s Community manager on Monster runer and
364s welcome to the stream thank you everyone
365s for your patience once we finish getting
367s set up today um thank you for keeping
370s yourselves entertained in chat we do
371s appreciate it and Joe obviously end of
375s last week's stream we completed the
376s story of monst Hunter world so what are
380s we doing
381s today uh we're going to wrap up some
383s endgame Quest I think we want to do some
385s event quests actually so some collabs
387s right yes we we've got event Quest we've
389s got collab quests we're going to
392s basically kind of wrap up some of some
394s of the as Joe said endgame World quests
396s and get ready for our transition to
398s iceborn in the future and talking of
400s iceborn obviously because we've now
402s completed the base story of world Joe
404s and I will allow ourselves to use the
406s clutch claw and clutch claw moves so
409s we're intentionally holding back on that
411s for the kind of more traditional World
413s experience but Joe are you ready to
414s unleash the power of the clutch claw I'm
417s ready I'm I'm so grateful that we're
419s finally taking this artificial
420s restriction uh that we had for ourselves
422s off so I think it's going to be nice
424s excellent oh I'm seen a few ch um
426s messages in chat that Joe's a little bit
428s quiet so if we can turn him up if
430s possible uh please Mighty producer um
434s but yeah no I'm so looking forward to it
436s I was I was practicing my combos in the
438s training area uh just while we were on
440s the countdown just to refresh my memory
442s and I'm very excited I feel like I can
444s unleash the full potential of sword and
446s shield now yeah it's it's going to be
449s good stuff uh but yeah so should should
451s we open the lobby let's get the codes in
453s chat and come and join us obviously
456s we're still sticking to the high rank
459s gear rules you can now use anything that
462s is high rank um so please don't use any
465s master rank weapons try not to use any
467s master rank armor please but any high
469s rank armor any high rank weapons are now
472s fully Gathering Hub legal um you can use
476s them and uh help us fight monsters be
479s please please leave your master an gear
481s in your room for now uh until we
483s transition to
486s iceborn yeah yeah sounds good um yeah
489s thanks again everybody for your patience
491s I know we started a little bit later
493s today um we had a little bit of
495s technical challenges to get through um
498s but we're doing all right and we're
499s ready to go exactly exactly good to see
503s you groam one of our stream
505s regulars a usual a usual yeah you can
508s join if you want to join and just do
510s your own hunts in the hub you're more
511s than welcome there's 16 spacers so yeah
515s if you want to just jump in and hunt
516s with other hunters or do your anything
518s you're more than
519s welcome sorry jay yeah no no I was just
523s going to say we we we were looking at
524s the chat while we were getting set up
526s and uh you know again we apologize that
529s we were late but it's nice to see that
531s you guys were like ready to go and and
533s waiting for us so um you know it's it's
536s both a good and a bad thing so we're
537s yeah we're glad to have you guys y yeah
539s yep and for those wondering obviously
541s why have we shown wild obviously before
543s the stream starts you've put up with a
545s countdown so before we turn up we
547s thought you know put the Wilds trailer
549s in there why not obviously you know it's
550s coming in
551s 2025 um and obviously we're super
554s excited about it so it's a nice way to
555s obviously show what is on the horizon
557s for Monster Hunter um so that's why and
560s obviously you know the music's banging
562s like come
563s [Laughter]
564s on when that title build drops oh so
568s good can't get enough of that trailer
571s how many times do you think you've
572s watched it I mean I guess that's part of
574s our jobs we've had to watch it many
575s times but even outside of like the
577s official work reasons to kind of watch
580s it loads I just as said like watching it
582s and as it all builds up and say for me
584s the title reveal and the the theme hits
586s out oh my goodness like Goosebumps still
590s I just love it yeah it's too good it's
592s too good um all right so what do we
595s think we're going to start are we going
596s to go are we going to go for the Final
598s Fantasy collab first or do we want to
601s warm up with maybe the Devil May Cry
604s Quest let's go with DMC I I don't know
607s if I'm ready for beho Final Fantasy po
612s yeah right um okay so what we're going
615s to do we're going to be doing the Code
616s Red Devil May Cry Quest obviously
618s featuring a some classic Devil May Cry
621s Tunes as well uh which I think are from
624s the original Devil May Cry I believe uh
627s I'm sure it will come back to me when
629s we're in the quest
630s obviously the theme is red so we got
632s four red monsters so I'm popping that in
639s now lakris obviously or legris depending
643s on your pronunciation I'm probably wrong
645s it's probably
646s legris um obviously got follow your lead
649s on that yeah third third on uh the
653s hunter Choice top monster pole yeah and
656s part of the special artwork which is
657s awesome so we've got
660s a axotal uh we've got uh blad Maiden AML
665s and mad artist for our first hunt if you
667s don't get in don't worry we will we will
669s rotate
672s um um are we we're taking taking people
675s on separate quest for this one oh sorry
677s I didn't see you didn't get I even read
680s out the hunting pie how many people have
682s we got how many people have we got have
683s we got enough for two hunting parties uh
686s actually don't know uh I can open it and
688s see if people Jo see let's see look at
691s that shot you voted Abyssal yeah Abyssal
694s was in the top 20 so laggy getting a
698s double representation much like Nur
700s Gigante as well and Val St obviously and
703s Crimson glow were there so it was it was
706s pretty crispy mhm mhm okay this should
710s be interesting having two two separate
712s quests well let's see nice way to warm
714s up then we can reconvene for the next
716s one um I'll wait for you to how many
720s have you got a full Hunting Party have
721s you
722s or uh we got three so far so we get one
726s more one
729s more there we go didn't come from
734s Garfield where was Ros Rathalos was
737s allowing its fellow monsters to to take
739s the spotlight um I think Ros was 27 or
743s something was it yeah somewhere
745s somewhere in the 20s which we were
746s surprised by I was like oh that's a
748s Surefire top 10 but yeah you know you
751s know there's like like so many different
753s variants of rafos maybe maybe they the
756s votes were
757s split um kind like you know brackie and
760s R and braie you know the who do you vote
762s for um so I me same with Ras because
765s would you go silver wrath because it's
766s really powerful and gives you cool like
768s late Game Gear would you go for the OG
771s wrath
772s alas um vers yeah you're right you're
775s right oh it's three and three now I
777s guess we should just go let's go three
779s and three and we've got slots there if
781s anyone wants to jump in oh no I've got
782s I've got four again should we head in
785s yeah I've got four as well so yeah see
787s nice all right good luck uh let's let's
790s hope that we don't we don't cry and the
793s monsters do seeing you guys off so
796s that's that's great that's
798s great here we are did I restock my
801s potions
804s no oh I better do that cuz this is this
807s is four monsters good call out oh that
810s that Devil May crime music I love it so
815s much yeah I guess we're going to we're
817s going to be separated for quite a while
819s but I guess it depends on how long this
820s Quest takes yeah I mean you know we got
822s experience Hunters it'll be
824s fine and JF there I'm just excited to
827s trap the clutch claw again uh and the
829s clutch claw combos but I need Slinger
832s ammo to fully utilize it with sword and
834s shield so I better get on
837s that all right we're ready to go
860s nice this is feeling good I'm loving the
861s music though Joe oh
865s yeah oops I uh used the bomb pod
868s incorrectly there cuz ANF was enraged so
872s I couldn't run into the
874s wall yeah we're just starting our fight
876s now so we'll see how this goes
881s um yeah if you're if you're a fan of DMC
884s we've got a game for you that's out this
887s week
891s oh oh in a matter of hours for some yeah
895s yeah for some people it might already be
897s out and then yeah
900s yeah but yeah if you uh like I said if
904s you're a fan of DMC uh Dragon's Dogma 2
906s is out today was
909s exciting uh from the director of the
911s last few double May cries uh at zosan so
915s yeah check it out check it out very
917s exced that's a ton of
921s fun there you go we we took ANF down so
924s yeah what I love about the the clutch
926s claw and the ice born Slinger on sword
928s and shield is you take your Slinger ammo
931s and you multiply it so if you got two
933s Thorn ammo you actually shoot out like
935s more than like five or six per burst
938s like the the the value for for zeni is
943s massive man now that you just mentioned
945s clutch claw I completely forgot that we
948s are allowed to do use it we are and like
951s the pose you can do with a sword and
952s shield when you ready it is is awesome
955s as well just holding the sword downwards
957s like a dagger yeah yeah
960s well I'm so grateful to I finally have
961s it
962s back what's the fastest way to warm up
964s in a cold room stand in the corner it's
967s always 90° thank you thirsty boy thank
971s you so much for that
974s wisdom words of wisdom that's a good one
977s I didn't realize that the dad puns have
982s started all right we got Eng nice yeah
986s we've just had aaran turn up
990s yeah I guess with our uh our teammates
992s are so good here our fellow Hunters that
994s uh this is going to be a lot faster than
996s I maybe thought yeah I think they're
999s they're unleashing
1004s now minute for teostra we need those
1007s teostra parts you
1009s know I think you've been looking for
1011s those right yeah desperately I want that
1014s sword and shield oh my goodness I forgot
1017s it there's the Pico remix of the devil
1019s maker
1021s PRS I totally forgot yeah you are yeah
1024s don't adjust your speakers you are
1026s hearing Picos meowing over double May
1028s Cry in all its
1030s Glory that's
1034s appropriate we're still
1038s waiting but the amount of piss it really
1041s like turns the
1043s um the Slinger into like being like more
1045s of a stagger into a full on like weapon
1048s uh which
1052s tuning in from PX East I hope you're
1054s having a wonderful time over there
1056s R oh that's so cool thanks for watching
1058s us
1060s [Music]
1062s and C sorry managed to solo both Fatalis
1066s and Arch tempered velana over the
1068s weekend well played that is a massive
1072s achievement yeah that is quite the
1074s accomplishment
1076s congrats now what comes next yeah
1079s naked solo
1082s Fatalis great for that
1086s one oh
1091s Hammer there we go Aaron is is taking a
1096s nap are are
1099s you uh we're talking like the kind of
1102s nap where if I accidentally hit it with
1103s a weak attack it's not waking up okay I
1106s didn't I didn't know if you meant like
1107s the Eternal na yeah yeah yeah that one's
1111s gone to the resport
1114s screen oh
1116s that's nice this is not this is not my
1119s signature move move that hammer has some
1121s pretty tasty clutch Co moves I think as
1123s well does have what does it have like
1126s cuz I never really used a hammer much in
1128s while nice you know I actually don't
1130s know because I haven't used it yeah I
1133s going to say that yeah it's kind of
1134s getting it back that's why I was like I
1136s was train and reflect 10 15 minutes like
1138s right that's that comp that's that combo
1140s I can do this
1141s now cuz we have the The Forbidden moves
1144s on our
1145s BAS I got sharing
1148s up thank you hunting horn I appreciate
1152s you truly
1155s glorious love the effects as well so
1159s pretty okay we got Rathalos I need
1161s Rathalos as well bonus points if we get
1163s the tail
1165s team that's your job don't worry there's
1168s two sword and shield it's fine it's
1171s 50/50 that's my excuse when when we
1174s don't get the Tail cuz I I just was on
1176s the wrong
1178s end oh there you I'm stuck in the
1181s claws yeah on YouTube Edward is talking
1183s about um some of the interviews that we
1186s posted from the special program oh
1189s yes yeah there are some some pretty good
1191s uh little facts just about the series
1193s and the games of the years really cool
1196s the one the one I liked in particular
1197s was uh you know the the fact that the
1201s the logo the monster on the logo is not
1203s rless it's R yeah that was
1207s a yeah I guess the tell is the um is it
1212s f on the on the shoulder blades is that
1215s what you'd call
1216s it that's like one way to Spot the
1218s Difference I think somebody mentioned
1221s they could tell by like you know the the
1224s exact like move that it's doing like the
1226s the
1227s pose it's like her sign one is it yeah
1231s yeah I'm like okay that's how you know
1232s you fought a lot of them yeah got the
1236s ran specialist yeah
1246s [Applause]
1247s Miss yeah but I I loved uh you know
1251s hearing from the devs in that way I
1252s think it's super cool you know it's just
1254s like really cool piece of cap count
1255s history yeah 20 years of content and
1259s there's been so many great directors
1260s that have worked on the game
1262s abely yeah like as you said like and one
1265s of my favorites was hearing about how we
1267s got the rajang law that rajang eats
1269s Kieran horns and it's there's no way
1273s anyone would have guessed that was why
1276s um back in the monst under two
1279s days uh they went back and they showed
1281s the uh um the map from World of that cut
1286s scene with Cur yes with the water bottle
1289s yeah it's so good it's so good the
1291s resourcefulness of the devs exactly the
1294s dedication and yeah the resourcefulness
1295s of the the people behind it is just
1298s incredible and the passion from the mo
1301s motion capture uh artists or actors I
1304s don't know what the correct full term is
1307s yeah give him an award yeah
1311s yeah hey
1313s basuki yes say Joe Joe works on both
1315s Monster Hunter and dragon so he's rather
1318s busy
1321s yeah you know just just nothing like
1323s launching a game that you've been
1324s working on for multiple years but we do
1327s it yeah also thirsty boy has got another
1330s one for us uh why can't Pirates learn
1334s the full
1336s alphabet because they get lost at
1341s C okay there we go the main event
1346s teostra all right we're just getting to
1348s teostra now we just took out Rath so I
1350s think we're like a minute behind you or
1351s like 30 seconds behind you yeah we're
1353s lit pretty much like yeah just
1356s considering that I left early as well I
1358s think we're literally in
1363s line yeah we're we're basically like all
1366s the same timeline
1371s here got the picer remix
1376s back I see gam he's just standing
1379s outside the the gate he's he's ready oh
1382s yes oh Killer's got dra stma 2
1385s downloaded and ready to play you going
1387s to be there at midnight with some
1389s snacks yeah if you're on if you're on PC
1392s I believe that's uh depending on where
1394s you're at if it's 5 pm. Pacific time
1396s which is a little earlier than usual
1398s launches so you know should be should be
1402s really
1403s nice oh shinies y y yep the ostra claws
1408s toost
1410s claw okay T just came out so we'll try
1413s to catch you now you got this I I don't
1416s know if we can thank you for the heal oh
1419s okay that flame breath hurt
1421s unsurprisingly Elder Dragon Fire not
1424s good for one's Health yeah I just got
1427s hit by the fire
1429s too going use the dragon pod Slinger
1432s burst for my
1437s revenge
1439s oh yeah I love the Slinger Bast such a
1443s such a fun
1446s Edition yeah yeah I I love it with the
1448s great swword helps you get to the two
1450s charge slash a little bit faster
1457s oh okay yeah I'm totally forgetting
1460s about the our uh our friend the clutch
1464s claw right now yeah there we go I need
1468s the clutch Hunters exactly you know I
1470s only healed at the end and I used first
1472s a meds I think my hunting party was on
1475s it oh you're all you're all done oh yeah
1478s yeah we are we could not catch you but
1481s that's I think we had the power of the
1482s hunting horn buffing us to be fair yeah
1484s I think we've got one too
1486s here good to see so many hunting horns
1489s oh a hunting horn user also gets the uh
1492s gem as well that's good ca for bring in
1495s the D yeah the Buffs I think we may we
1498s may have lost Budd that was here was it
1501s gr oh yeah I think Grom unfortunately
1503s dropped so that be otherwise you'd be at
1505s PACE with us
1508s easy G's carrying
1511s us good question lock stick I don't know
1514s the answer off the top of my head though
1516s that one
1518s sorry Go's broad shoulders aren't here
1520s with us
1522s now yeah we'll have to look into that
1524s one for you
1527s Lu oh thank you st
1530s time
1532s oops uh-oh I might faint here got be
1536s careful oh oh oh oh no that's the that's
1539s the Red Orb it's not the teostra one ah
1542s the
1543s bait
1546s no maybe I'll have enough the ostra
1548s parts now
1549s though got Ros tail that's good teostra
1556s pieces not going to have a look
1559s I probably need some low rank piece
1560s again though it's like I need the
1562s Rathalos medula low rank one yeah you've
1565s been you've been waiting on that one for
1567s a while you know once I get it I can
1569s absolutely fly up that tree as well I'm
1572s like ah yeah it's kind of like the the
1576s curse of like not getting the right part
1579s early on it kind of just puts you behind
1581s a little bit yeah I'm going to I'm going
1583s to have to be like grab like Look Who's
1586s Got 2 minutes to jump on this low rank
1588s gra I with
1590s me oh man I realized I didn't have any
1594s Slinger ammo so I couldn't deal with the
1595s wall ah yeah see
1598s like
1599s yeah some Stones oh yeah good point the
1602s chin Spike on rathan is a good give way
1605s as
1607s well
1611s oh oh the Dante get oh my goodness I
1615s could I could get the Dante hair for wax
1618s and crial
1619s eye I mean the Dante gear is pretty damn
1624s tasty I mean the
1626s boots I mean it's Dante so oh you need
1629s yeah you need to teostra gem for the the
1631s boots obviously CU they're WX
1634s too um I mean the hair I can make that's
1637s WX one critical eye but I need to then
1640s get health boost and I'd rather have the
1642s health boost at the
1644s moment
1646s um otherwise though that's pretty d
1650s all right we're we're finally beating up
1651s tasta here but uh okay there we go there
1654s we go finally got it you got him yeah
1657s yeah nice I still obviously need arathos
1660s Ruby for the chest piece as
1663s well sorry we lost you uh
1667s grum I think we would have we would have
1669s flown through that one a little bit
1670s faster with
1672s you ooh I can make the teostra arms
1676s which is wax to but I think I've got
1678s handy Craft on at the moment for a bit
1680s of
1683s sharpness uh Forge equipment upgrade
1686s equipment
1688s upgrade gold
1690s shield right let's look at this teostra
1693s tree what do I need to get my delicious
1695s blast sword and
1699s shield Brandon says he's going to give
1701s the hammer a go looks fun yeah it is
1703s super fun yeah being able to get the the
1706s big stuns on the monster
1709s it's the way to go can't any
1712s Tails that's right that's what your your
1715s bladed buddies are
1717s for that's why you run s and shield
1720s exactly exactly okay I mean I still need
1723s two t horns and a teostra gem to make
1725s the teostra emblem I can make teostra SP
1728s or Spa um no I don't I need a Wy gem oh
1734s no oh I'm so close to all these great
1737s weapons
1739s all right what are we hunting next
1742s Jay uh I mean did you want to step up a
1746s little bit to uh the FF Quest are we are
1749s we ready to do it yeah I mean obviously
1750s we have uh Kia C first to like settle Us
1754s in
1755s right yeah yeah that's
1757s true have you uh spoken to the the
1760s people of exclamation marks down the
1762s bottom to get the quest unlocked I I
1764s believe I did I believe I did nice nice
1766s right I'm going to post the quest get
1767s ready to uh to jump in so that'll be a
1769s visitor from another world I can't
1771s remember which one the blazing sun is I
1773s need to try and remember that one um
1775s that might be
1777s lunastra no oh oh I'm not
1782s sure we'll find out we'll find out okay
1785s visitor From Another World all right Joe
1786s get ready to hop in oh wait I'm not
1789s ready yet not ready yet okay say when
1790s and I'll pop it
1795s in you good almost almost hey good
1798s morning uh Colton thanks for joining us
1802s I I I pressed X I'm sorry oh I'm
1812s going this a special assignment as well
1815s so it's in the bottom bottom of the
1818s list oh huh I don't I don't see it oh is
1822s it a solo one oh it might be huh uh
1825s because it's the crystal okay well let's
1828s get that bit done okay uh sorry people
1832s in the Gathering Hub we'll get this this
1834s bit done and then obviously we're going
1835s to definitely need your your big
1837s shoulders for Behemoth
1842s um all right which is the first Quest
1844s where are we looking at where is I'll
1847s start my uh my pling around CU I'll
1849s probably get lost if it's wild it's fire
1852s away what's the name of the quest again
1855s uh a visitor from another world where is
1857s it oh Wait no that's the extreme why I
1859s can't do that it's in special
1861s assignments how are you doing Ah that's
1864s why that's why it's tucked out the way
1866s oh maybe I didn't finish the
1867s conversation then yeah cuz it's not
1869s unlocked yet all right quick chitchat
1872s don't worry if I do beat you back I'm
1875s going to go hun a low rank
1879s R now I've got an incentive I'm just
1882s following a caar
1887s now
1890s come back here
1893s caar there's more of
1901s them yeah SOLO beam Hof is really hard
1904s really really hard oh no I've got lost
1907s where am I
1908s going oh wait uh I think this is The
1912s Witcher
1916s stuff wait let's see
1922s yeah yeah so this is this is The Witcher
1925s collab Quest that is happening on my
1927s screen no way you see I've got Final
1930s Fantasy and you've got The Witcher 3
1932s yeah
1934s yeah oh I got the cact there obviously
1936s the one with the Little Flower as well
1938s you don't see me as a dread yeah so we
1940s got uh geralt on screen
1945s nice oh the together
1949s yeah I think we just transitioned over
1950s now you can see The Witcher
1952s stuff man they really got the look of
1955s geralt perfect in this game yeah I
1957s imagine the teams must have collabed
1959s really really closely together yeah and
1961s obviously you got the Siri outfit as
1963s well mhm I think that's from is that
1966s ancient Le brought me to this world uh
1969s yeah yeah oh man that monster is tough
1974s yeah it really is you have to really
1976s work together and use igny uh what
1978s you're
1979s saying but after what we've just
1982s witnessed I don't think we have a choice
1984s have you played The Witcher 3 Cho I did
1987s I played through it had a wonderful time
1989s with it and dou cock's voice acting was
1991s incredible in it as well yeah there the
1994s voice of geralt uh but yeah I had a
1996s wonderful time with it when it first
1997s launched same here I've I've probably
2000s played through it at least like four or
2001s five times several hundred hours
2006s so yeah it's one heck of a game and it's
2008s the same like with Final Fantasy as well
2010s many many Final Fantasy games have kept
2012s me
2015s busy yeah same here same here say I
2017s could take care of your problem in the
2019s woods at a price of course Mughal here
2023s and Co Yu has a crystal that it probably
2025s shouldn't be
2029s touching oh it's got bigger I forget
2032s that it's a giant just keeps getting
2034s bigger and bigger like comically large
2037s first third Beast probably worth looking
2040s anything else you know that scaven
2042s scavenger the commission if cross thanks
2044s normally but given what I'm smashing
2046s this dialogue right now Hunter give me
2049s the
2050s quest yeah that's what
2053s I CH
2056s music okay I can use an SOS flare now
2060s there anyone in my
2061s Lobby that can hear me feel free to hop
2064s in andate
2066s Down Easy Gold Crown yeah
2071s yeah yeah I'm going to try to catch up
2073s with you jono I think I I definitely
2075s started the wrong
2078s Quest there we
2085s go all
2093s right oh no I missed the thorn pod there
2095s we
2097s go
2101s oh I couldn't quite roll out the way
2103s let's let's utilize the power of the
2105s caar come on Kulu come fight
2112s me all right I'm finally starting this
2116s Quest
2120s nice using the power of the
2127s caar
2129s man it's definitely been a while since
2131s this one so yeah uh I'm Dre I need to
2135s remember the Behemoth mechanics about
2136s the the end rage and the different
2138s spells and where you want to go when
2139s you've got targeted by different ones
2141s and obviously the rocks and we don't
2143s have all like the mants either no no
2146s yeah we're we're uh we're struggling bit
2149s light on the mantle
2152s side all right see my first cact
2157s toar
2160s and we got uh Tyler playing some gu at
2162s the
2163s moment
2165s nice what's your um your favorite
2170s creature from Final Fantasy my favorite
2173s creature from Final Fantasy does oron
2175s count as a
2178s creature cuz I
2180s love is that a spoiler does does an Aon
2183s count as a creature yeah yeah I think so
2186s okay probably a Nema from uh Final
2189s Fantasy 10 okay okay it's just such a
2192s cool Aon um especially when you kind of
2195s do it over drive SL ultimate attack mhm
2198s what about
2199s you um I love Bahamut I mean a classic a
2204s classic certified Banger top lad every
2209s time it'd be really fun to
2212s hunt yeah
2215s yeah I mean was it is it Mega flaring I
2217s think ff10 it was Mega Flare he had and
2219s then like in
2222s um he's got like so many levels of the
2224s flare it's like oh my God Giga flare
2229s yeah yeah the Chocobo song is a lovely
2232s Edition I've got some backup now that's
2234s good hello
2238s Hunters oh you're were able to call some
2240s teammates yeah once once you start hun
2242s in it opens up so you'll be able to grab
2244s some Ro as well M
2247s mhm
2255s oh I'm I'm in between uh two monsters
2259s here oh okay it got knocked off
2271s there uhoh oh there's that signature
2274s whistle from
2276s barro
2279s put down the
2283s crystal I don't think you have a license
2285s for
2286s that oh man I love
2288s Googles yeah they're so
2294s adorable I was able to visit the um uh
2298s there was like a final fantasy 35th
2300s Anniversary popup yeah uh in in Tokyo I
2303s think it was in Tokyo or inaka I can't
2305s remember but uh yeah I bought a whole
2307s bunch of stuff from there I got this
2308s like Mughal that looks like it's uh hand
2311s knit is really cool so yeah that's
2314s sitting on my on one of my
2318s bookshelves there we go right where the
2320s Chas is
2326s on someone said can we choose Ros
2329s because of the Final Fantasy 14 collab
2331s so technically the truth you can say Rus
2334s is your favorite Final Fantasy creature
2336s there you go
2338s Ros is in everything it is the gift that
2341s keeps on given H boy in
2346s red other boy in red obviously cuz Dante
2348s is another boy in red yeah it's the main
2351s one yeah oh I guess it depends depends
2355s on what you determine as me which one
2356s you played first
2362s yeah oh my time with the clutch CLW is
2365s terrible I can open my quest now too
2367s right oh I'm at the co cool part so yeah
2370s it will flash up on screen so folks will
2372s just be able to join
2373s in okay well if anybody wants to help me
2376s out then I would appreciate
2379s it teamw work Makes the Dream Work yes
2382s kulu's getting
2384s massive it's a an absolute unit we we've
2388s had a c as well it's got that that
2390s Savage the crystal crystals empowering
2394s our bird here oh yeah that's damage
2402s maybe I use this oh oh
2406s no I'm just doing a bunch of sliding
2408s attacks right now yeah I'm I'm going to
2410s heal briefly oh it went behind my shield
2413s I
2414s fainted no we might get a triple cart
2417s here
2418s actually we did we triple
2421s carted no it's too strong too
2425s powerful well do you want you want to
2428s join mine yeah we we'll jump in we'll
2430s jump
2432s in this is the power of the crystals the
2436s crystals yeah their legacy it's too
2440s strong all right I'll I'll hop with
2447s you oh uh-oh might be cting here
2456s myself
2459s there we go right and I I need to eat
2461s that was Savage though I that's our
2463s first triple cart in a
2466s while that silly little cact I know it's
2468s like it's having a great old
2470s time well played though Hunters don't
2472s worry we'll reunite after this Quest we
2475s have to go fight the big the big be
2478s off yeah Zeno G was a great fight if you
2481s like laser beams and explosions oh
2482s you're in for a
2486s tree
2488s all right I'll have my uh Mega potions
2490s on hand nice oh cool looks like you made
2493s it yeah you got to put respect on the
2496s Kulu you know normally you know Everyone
2498s likes to meme on Kulu myself included oh
2500s I know yeah what what did it rank in
2503s Hunter sty it's pretty pretty uh low I
2506s guess right yeah it doesn't uh it
2508s doesn't ring a bell hopefully today uh
2512s put some respect on it oh
2515s yes go get a few more f if there's
2518s another one yeah in 20 years time when
2520s we do the 40th
2522s anniversary oh we've lost our plot armor
2526s we have I C
2528s it that's okay I didn't even realize my
2531s health was so low I guess I kind of got
2532s like one shotted I think we got ours
2534s near the end and it got so big it's it's
2538s damage
2540s damage too much and that
2545s hurted help us barel
2549s we need your power your your massive
2552s forehead help
2558s us oh I need a the right
2566s set going the wrong
2569s way not as bad as
2572s steel oh
2576s Ste
2579s the big uh big smelly
2583s monster you know uh like fart monsters
2587s kind of tends to be like there's like a
2590s general like category of them I
2592s think there's quite a few there is there
2596s is I mean vadon off the top of my head
2598s obviously from from playing a lot of
2600s rise and sunre yeah Magnum Malo magalo
2604s is technically a fart monster yeah at
2606s least at least it sets f fire to it so
2608s it doesn't smell I suppose doesn't H
2610s stinky yeah
2617s yeah Ceno is just a little baby boy yes
2620s we did destroy a toddler last
2623s week yeah we you know you got you got to
2626s send a message
2627s early nobody take that out of
2634s context so we're about at the pit where
2636s we can't I think we had one more growth
2638s spurt and then we then we all got dunked
2642s on another growth spurt oh that damage
2646s that's half my health but and I got
2648s instantly stunned no no not
2652s again wait where are you where are you
2654s oh there you okay you're good
2661s you're yeah I think this is a special
2663s Quest version so yeah we can't make it
2664s to the the crystal cuz that is the goal
2667s of F Quest yep oh it's it's such a cool
2670s gimmick though I love it
2674s yeah oh there I'm in all at the size of
2677s this Kulu yeah size of this lad
2681s yeah it's a massive
2683s lad absolute unit oh it's going for it
2690s again are you are you here at
2696s me
2699s Qui I don't think you can mount it
2702s either right it's it's not Topp because
2705s of the power the crystal yeah it's too
2708s massive yeah oh oh no roll
2717s them that's a good time to jump back in
2720s Hove spice is flown through that
2723s chicken the spice as long as there's no
2726s sand worms we're okay
2729s yeah just have Shish fer turn up it's
2731s like wait you're
2734s early I'm going to Rite
2739s it oh got some cheeky hits in
2744s there oh I don't know why I keep trying
2746s to build Mount damage
2748s uhoh I knew that was coming you saw it
2751s you saw it on the
2753s way oh it's all right go
2756s goem
2759s man sorry I'm dragging us right now no I
2762s mean that's right I've Triple C well I
2764s didn't c three times but you know we
2765s shared it
2768s out all right this kolu's on the on the
2772s roll uh every basically the events the
2775s seasonal events are still active but
2777s they rotate um so you will still be able
2779s to play them all but yeah it's just
2781s every so often they'll rotate around
2782s each other
2784s MH yeah think it's like The Siege Quest
2787s right y just like those rotate yeah come
2790s on barro off we go neon
2794s no no oh it's up to me and you yeah like
2799s if you want to if you want to fight
2801s Behemoth you got to earn it yourselves I
2807s know yeah we're really taking our lumps
2809s against this uh of all the massive to
2812s give us trouble oh no I don't want to
2814s fight in the water oh no yeah
2819s ah no no oh this is not good bar off
2823s help
2827s us I'll po break thank
2837s you uhoh thank you bar I got buied on
2841s that one I better heal no
2844s [Music]
2845s no oh my goodness they both charged at
2849s me out
2852s there wait why did I jump in this I'm
2854s I'm a Fool oh my
2857s goodness
2859s oh this is this is
2863s chaotic yeah this is pretty crazy right
2865s now oh there you are he hello we we'll
2867s stay on the the dry ground you don't
2870s have your disco pants anymore no I have
2873s Rathalos pants I have weakness exploit
2875s now only level one but I have
2878s some go this is this knowing that we
2881s have one cart left as well and that
2882s we're fighting here is uh yeah yeah it's
2885s I'm playing pretty careful now
2888s yeah I say that and then I'm going to
2890s I'm going to end up
2891s carding you and me
2896s both yeah they
2898s are there's so many bits I can
2905s here oh sorry barro
2908s I mean I think he they're helping more
2910s than
2911s hindering look at that part break L
2913s there you go there's the head yeah I
2915s think far off oh we're nearly there
2917s we're nearly there okay okay we just
2919s have to play it extremely safe
2925s yes oh
2927s no bar off's not done leave me
2931s alone got this
2936s Wiggly
2941s I'm right behind you just I'm saering
2943s nice oh oh watch out watch out it's it's
2946s right behind us Oh Come Ona let's go am
2952s W I think no no he's angry oh just
2955s barely missed you oh okay
2958s okay I got its attention right just
2961s going
2963s to we'll be all right yeah I think bar
2966s is still having a go okay all right
2970s Kulu oh it's still here it's still
2975s here oh it got
2979s me linger ammo yes please I'm Thor one
2983s of my favorites Let Them
2987s Fight shoot them in that then if I was
2990s too far away
2993s maybe hey
2996s D
2998s okay I need to heal this is not a nice
3000s place to
3008s be I'm just do some combat mining so
3011s there we
3013s go
3019s oh I'm afraid to try and hit it but
3022s let's
3023s see okay I didn't I didn't get much
3025s there yeah we get little
3031s headset take
3041s that I need to get closer when I Slinger
3045s burst there we go nice come
3050s closer
3054s yeah cheda taking the hit there for us
3058s thank you
3061s cheddar
3063s uhoh I think I'm near my stun
3072s threshold me yeah yeah yeah play it safe
3075s play it
3078s safe we're doing good thank you Dan I
3080s hope you're well to okay so it's going
3082s to CH is it is it having a bit of
3084s Crystal again yeah it is it is
3087s all right all
3089s right I'm so I'm so scared right now oh
3092s yes I think we have every reason to
3094s be searge it up oh put that
3100s down oh barely did any damage
3103s there all right now it's like paying
3105s attention again look at his eyes glowing
3108s blue it loves that
3113s thing that Slinger ammo thank you very
3115s much yeah I I guess you can't you can't
3117s do
3119s aun a wall slam there yeah
3125s yeah just bouncing off that big old
3137s Crystal the clutch claw then I got
3140s absolutely bodied oh no no no no no
3144s no I had half my health bar like no no
3149s oh man that this is the most powerful
3151s monster we've faced so far in these
3153s streams it's actually uh two triple
3156s cards Duty
3158s failed what a shame outrageous I got
3162s B I got
3165s bonked oh man yeah that's that's rough
3168s it was
3169s rough that's a powerful
3173s monster
3175s yes
3182s pretty crazy in all this time that we've
3184s been playing what across 11 streams yeah
3187s that's got to be the toughest so far
3189s that is that is the spiciest should we
3192s should we do a different quest to kind
3195s of should we do I don't know man I I
3198s kind of want revenge but I don't think I
3200s don't know if we're ready all right yeah
3201s let's let's do another Quest let's dust
3204s ourselves down we'll dust ourselves down
3206s let's
3207s blazing sun I'm sure I mean a visitor
3209s from another world is only six star
3211s blazing Sun's eight star so I'm sure it'
3214s be fine
3217s yeah there you go me know when you got
3219s that up all
3223s right oh I have not progressed through
3225s the story enough to join this Quest huh
3228s oh I spoke to everyone down downstairs
3231s oh no that's okay we can do a different
3234s Quest if you
3235s want yeah I I mean I can go and talk to
3237s everybody real quick yeah go for it
3239s there's still a space for you come on
3240s back yeah save me a
3244s spot yeah that that chicken is quite
3247s quite the
3248s monster until master rank man okay so we
3253s I feel a little bit better about that
3254s then oh was that technically master rank
3256s was
3258s it uh no I don't think so but they're
3260s they're saying uh uh beta Fox is saying
3263s it took them until master rank to beat
3264s that yeah you we're kind of throwing
3267s ourselves up against it I'll have to
3268s remake the lobby though not Lobby the
3270s the quest though just cuz Concord build
3273s the so we just have to rotate around so
3276s I don't think we got enough for two
3277s lobbies one two no I don't think
3282s so yeah if you want to jump in um uh if
3286s our glorious producer could chuck the uh
3289s code into twitch chat again please uh
3291s just for our our newer
3295s viewers
3299s all right should be able to accept it
3301s now hopefully are you in the let me know
3304s when you're up here and I'll remake
3305s remake yeah oh thank you conord that's
3307s very kind of you Concord being uh MVP
3311s there well mvh most valuable Hunter oh
3314s thank you thanks con thank you producer
3316s for popping that in don't worry Concord
3318s we'll get you in the next one hopefully
3320s that's very kind of
3321s you yeah thank you all right let's do
3325s it
3331s and you know this is where I'm going to
3332s get the teostra Gem
3335s so you know it's going you're calling
3337s your shot guaranteed H calling the shot
3339s used to yeah calling used to ticket I've
3341s carted twice I'm feeling you know
3342s feeling sad so the game's going to be
3344s like don't worry here's a cheat not
3347s cheat treat it's definitely not cheat uh
3349s treat to uh perk you up what would you
3352s call that like the the misery uh the
3357s pity the P meter yeah pity drop misery
3360s meter the misery
3365s meter okay yeah the desire sensor is a
3368s being desire sensor I did not restock my
3372s PO so I have to do that did I yeah I'm
3376s all right oh I don't even have enough
3378s mega mega potions wait let oh well the
3381s trick is don't get
3384s hit which as we know from The Last Quest
3386s I didn't really
3393s follow here we
3401s go yeah it's just funny we were spending
3404s so long waiting to finally hunt together
3406s and then we when we joined together they
3410s ended in disaster get
3412s bked but you know we learned some stuff
3414s there that we are not ready
3422s all right I'm heading over to
3427s you I'm just following uh Sparta because
3430s at the minute sniffing out to
3432s ostra there's so much heat in the air
3434s look the uh environment is
3437s like not warped but you can see the heat
3440s in the air it's hot it's icy in here
3445s yeah but eyes are going to turn blue
3452s yeah
3462s oh that's a big teostra oh good Heavens
3467s I was trying to look at for it and it
3469s was right there all along
3472s that's big cat the tail alone
3477s yeah Drake like big kitty that is a bigy
3480s big
3482s kitty oh yeah that
3485s is a one would say a chunker that is by
3492s definition um anyways let's get
3498s it oh my
3505s goodness
3507s yeah I don't know how this going to go
3509s but we'll
3510s try yeah we'll give it a
3520s go uh got
3523s heal get
3533s fire oh you melted it nice y back on my
3537s Mountain game after Kulu was like no
3539s yeah Kulu was not having any of it that
3542s it's very
3551s rude
3554s oh don't knock me off don't knock me
3562s off was that you or was that the flash I
3565s don't think I think the Flash it didn't
3567s bring it down it started like making it
3569s kick
3570s off but I didn't get the animation I
3573s don't know if we hit the
3574s rout
3580s oh oh
3586s boy yeah I really hope you get your uh
3588s deer jum oh that would be lovely I so
3595s Chu
3598s [Music]
3601s I also need some horns and stuff anyway
3603s I think so I need I need a good
3608s all oh it's too
3611s far oh actually I'll go back to the mega
3614s potions now there we
3617s go
3623s oh build up Mount take the sling
3630s bombs oh the Slinger B from the bomb
3635s pods
3638s spin nice
3644s Mount it's freaking
3655s out
3660s oh that was a bit spicy oh
3669s yeah oh man I didn't get my sliding
3671s there yeah I'm trying as well o
3676s Cactus oh down we go oh he's back up
3679s again the thighs on that monster
3683s HS the ham ham Hawks
3689s exactly we should be not too far off a
3692s mount
3694s hopefully
3696s oh no teostra oh we got the poison on
3700s teostra that's
3702s good thank you for the
3705s heal oh I just I just jumped into that
3709s and I'm stunned but it's good to get the
3711s stun out the way here after that
3712s terrible play through
3715s me
3725s fire ah too far for me I get sliding
3730s attack oh that was the amount of hits
3733s you got there beautiful they didn't do
3736s yeah they wer on Sweet Spot though get a
3738s ton of damage but try we got the mount
3740s you're not leaving
3745s yetra stop
3755s it go back to
3759s Here There we go should be coming down
3762s in the second there we go oh nice well
3765s done well done thank
3767s you I get my spin y here we go on the
3772s head as well oh I need to use the right
3775s one
3779s that was a a nice Splash there from the
3781s charge blade yeah you know for how
3784s gigantic it is we're doing pretty
3786s good yeah I think so I'm pleased with
3792s that thing is his attacks are big as
3795s well it's brilliant it's
3800s like take these have a
3803s [Music]
3804s ration oh down huh yeah get the Diablo
3813s territory I do have some Dragon pods now
3816s wait a minute I it I got turned around
3825s somewhere yeah went the wrong way
3827s here nice Elder seal in
3835s there
3839s I think we're nearly there looking at
3840s that health bar we're doing
3844s well the more Elder SE in there the
3846s dragon
3848s PS all right I'm back uhoh
3853s uhoh it's mad it's not that's not the
3856s spot I should
3857s be I'm at the butt it's not think we're
3860s going to C to the NOA Drake huh huh
3862s maybe there a distinct
3865s possibility
3872s oh
3874s man there we go more power of the Dragon
3877s parts thank you saved me a little
3883s bit heartbreak we love it I'm just going
3885s to double double pod
3888s there yeah take
3891s that oh so we're nearly there everyone
3894s can I grab the tail
3898s oh nice attempt at a flash there worth a
3902s go sharpen up again H it moves over
3906s huh yeah it's not gone far at least
3910s that's funny Drake has no confidence in
3912s US
3915s ah there we go got that malachite
3924s or no wait wakey with the bow huh get it
3929s beautiful that Dragon piercer as
3935s well perfect
3937s Rush Oh no y stood
3942s up that's a NOA oh
3947s oh we lived we
3950s de did you Superman dive I
3954s absolutely absolutely
3966s beautiful use this to proc it for the
3969s perfect Rush nice and
3972s smooth oh
3977s nice oh nice whack I think I got the
3981s last hit there well after not not doing
3983s a ton of damage but I need to upgrade my
3987s gear we just need that special animation
3989s come on
3991s yeah got a scale no luck here no luck
3995s here three maybe the last
3997s one it's going to be in the rewards it's
4000s fine you know I got scale scale car
4002s cares so
4004s got be I got
4011s a I didn't desire it enough exactly more
4015s more Des more
4017s [Music]
4022s sensor yeah I think it was lunastra and
4024s too doing their Nova together yeah we
4026s wouldn't have got out of that one quite
4027s so easy with a
4029s with oh lunastra is going to be a tough
4031s one
4033s yeah I'm scared of that but I think
4036s right now the only thing I fear is
4039s uh uh our gigantic Kulu yeah Kulu C the
4044s our ultimate Nemesis so far on the
4046s stream series
4047s mhm well I didn't get I didn't get
4052s [Music]
4057s the maybe I have enough to make the base
4059s version
4061s though botany Thunder resist
4067s antidote got gold crown for free there
4070s you know take
4072s [Music]
4074s that
4078s my
4080s harest the hand's like hey you want to
4082s start ice born it's like soon soon
4084s Handler all in good
4088s time yeah I'm looking forward to that
4090s yeah yeah the we are going to get
4095s wrecked yeah we need to get our weapons
4097s up a bit I think so we can transition to
4099s the master versions yeah unless we go
4101s full Defender the start I think we're
4103s going to we're going to struggle a
4104s little bit yeah
4107s I'm going to go talk to the
4109s Huntsman good
4111s work you
4116s know talk to the Smithy new special
4119s assignment for us after completing that
4121s Quest
4123s Jo oh at the Smithy mhm yeah go speak to
4126s the Huntsman again and then um he's like
4130s go talk to the
4131s Smithy that's incredible gotcha
4134s gotcha we do that
4139s that I guess I got I got to take the
4141s elevator out I think this is when
4143s lunastra might appear oh
4147s no oh
4155s yes which is ironic that I want to make
4157s blast weapons as we we're going to go up
4159s against teostra okay oh no I still need
4161s a w
4164s gem no it's the fastest way to get one I
4168s don't know I don't know I can't is it
4171s like Hulu drops W ones maybe and stuff
4174s like
4176s that see what we got here for gear
4180s Blossom gear very
4183s thematic the Dante gear to fair I need
4186s Coral Crystal to make the first
4187s iteration of the weapon anyway and I
4190s have no Coral
4193s Crystal cuz we' we've not really been to
4195s the coral High since the that's true
4198s that's true yeah we haven't been there
4200s very
4203s much oh okay Thea
4208s armor might be able to make some of
4212s that there's some lovely bits in there
4214s there's the Wrath marrow that's stoping
4215s a make a fire
4220s weapon what am I doing in a minute 210
4223s so not
4224s terrible not
4228s terrible still need WRA and spikes and a
4231s w gem for that one W gems are holding me
4237s back oh great
4240s Jack I have to figure out how to get you
4242s one there is an event quest to fight
4244s three great
4246s jages if you want to do that as a pallet
4249s cleanser before
4250s lunastra yeah yeah let's do it
4253s um well actually we might only have time
4257s for one long one so I guess I guess it
4259s kind of depends do you want to do great
4261s Jack thing CU I think the lunastra one's
4262s a shorter one cuz you fight in the arena
4264s and I think you repel
4266s them and then you finally fight them in
4269s the elders recess yeah let's do it all
4272s right post a new quests oh hold on I'm
4274s not not ready that's all right have a
4276s look I need to find the quest
4280s first see if I can do anything with my
4283s hammer but most lik there's two that I
4284s say two great Jack there I thought there
4287s was a three one there it is the usj gold
4290s star treatment that's low rank though uh
4293s there so there's a double great
4295s jagas but then do you need it if not
4298s there's a Rathalos as your Rathalos
4300s combo um do you need anything what do
4303s you
4304s need I just need F CM or and or I guess
4308s I could go with Nery gante Parts too for
4311s my hammer but you know what I'm all
4313s right I whatever you want to do I'm
4315s along for the right we do you need Coral
4318s you need the coral or as well don't you
4321s I think so I knew I needed it for
4324s something I think we were talking about
4325s that last week yeah there's the coral
4327s Walts which is a nice four monster quest
4329s as
4332s well uh let's do it let's do it yeah in
4335s Coral Highlands yeah so we can we got
4337s plenty of opportunity to get some
4341s more and there's a pink ran an aiana as
4344s well m
4349s I got feline Insurance not that we need
4351s it for this Quest probably
4354s but so make sure to mine that ore while
4357s we're
4360s there is in neon is in oh no I failed
4366s sorry
4371s Samuel so let me know when you got a
4373s slot
4374s open
4376s I'll have to uh remake the
4380s lobby
4382s uh there we go we'll put we have to go
4385s and fresh everyone all right Joe are you
4386s ready are you ready are you ready po uh
4390s yeah I'm ready event
4396s Quest there we
4400s go too soon that's right it's going in
4403s now all right
4407s kind of like a funny game of
4410s telephone all right there we go neon and
4413s beta
4415s box and then we'll we'll go hunt the
4417s monsters get uh we need that Coral ore
4419s so we'll be going all over the place for
4428s that so fashionable and snazzy as well
4433s yeah some people with their master gear
4436s looking
4437s good I remember the lay the layered s
4440s yeah me too me
4443s too looking forward to yeah if I get the
4445s teostra weapon that'll be Wicked that'll
4448s do some some carrying for me for a bit
4450s then when we go into master rank I'll be
4452s like I don't want to play with you
4453s anymore until we find de ostra again
4455s yeah it's like all that work to get the
4458s weapon you finally want and then it's
4460s like well that's outdated yeah it's just
4462s like the rathan and Rathalos ones are
4463s the ones that can carry over really
4465s quick
4467s well like for me anyway but I need a lot
4469s of rra and tals
4474s um all right looks like we're starting
4476s with [ __ ] graan nice I'll let make my
4479s way
4479s [Music]
4485s over bonus points for the
4490s tail J how many episodes do you think
4493s it's going to take us to beat iceborn so
4495s we
4497s world I don't know cuz we we were able
4500s to kind of like push quite you know we
4501s were able to kind of Brute Force World a
4503s bit cuz you not hit as hard and uh the
4507s monsters obviously haven't got as much
4508s help as master rank I found zitu but I'm
4511s going to leave it um I don't know I mean
4514s 10 would be I don't think we're going to
4515s do in 10 cuz we're definitely going to
4517s have to farm some sets on our way I
4519s think mhm Oh's down there I'm going to
4522s say let's go for let's go for like 20
4526s 20 20 episodes okay yeah the see the
4529s ending the credits roll on iceborn ah I
4532s was thinking yeah yeah oh so 20 20 to
4535s get to Fatalis I think 20 and then maybe
4538s an extra five or
4541s six
4545s possibly that's it's hard to tell cuz we
4548s definitely need a farm for weapons and
4549s sets in that one yeah yeah yeah I guess
4552s we'll
4553s see all right I've done my first bit of
4555s mining I got no Coral ore maybe is it
4558s low rank though no cuz it's it's dark
4560s steel isn't it or black steel
4564s so that's got to be high
4574s rank hello pink
4577s rasan immediately bodied
4580s uhoh oh jeez same
4584s here oh got to roll out roll out please
4588s there we
4592s go
4595s rude all right we're back we're back in
4598s there please I'm trying to put healing
4601s down for US
4603s ah ah the
4610s tail go for the Big
4612s Bang see many hits I can get in
4616s oh that Dam oh not the oh I got saved by
4620s the terrain and there's a bigger wasp
4621s next to me as
4623s well there we go
4630s beautiful do the spin oh no oh spin to
4634s Wi big Miss big Miss big Miss that's
4636s right we got the
4639s M oh got the
4644s straight there you go we've already got
4646s a beta box doing some work on it with
4648s the long sword as well love to see oh my
4653s goodness great
4656s end right we'll take
4660s that thank you pink Ren I'm going to
4663s quickly pop up the
4665s um pop up the vines as well and see if
4668s there's any uh or
4673s there there we go
4677s we'll have those
4680s materials I could have used the uh wedge
4685s be so we're going for zy yeah I'm just
4690s having a quick or
4693s check a quick ore
4696s check say hello get them those get them
4699s materials yeah I don't think I'm close
4702s enough there right I'll come back
4704s down
4710s these bomb pods here always handy
4715s mhm you never have too many just Spam
4724s them I'm following beta Fox
4730s here oh there you
4734s are
4741s fing
4746s it can't do anything cuz I keep
4749s punching I'm
4754s in oh man I cannot I cannot do anything
4759s yeah the long sword Flinch is coming for
4761s us oh man okay use your hyper armor
4764s moves oh stop I don't think zit is uh
4768s long for this world yeah oh there we go
4771s I got with the
4774s spin I don't know if if my screen was on
4777s stream at that time but that was Drew
4778s suffering he's just
4780s bouncing yeah just like trying to attack
4782s no no no it's all good betta Fox no
4784s worries you're good you're
4787s good it's my fault for not using my
4790s charge
4792s moves right are there any or noes nearby
4795s I can't see any on the mini map I think
4797s I need to go all the way to the
4800s top for more or yeah my
4806s C pumu and Leana ah there we go yeah
4811s Leana might if we if it gets away go to
4814s the top because of it's Nest yeah
4824s yeah
4829s maybe I can sneak up
4841s there where' everybody
4844s go oh you're all up
4847s there oh yeah we going to go looking for
4850s that or
4853s yeah oh Leana Footprints there might be
4857s more than or up
4867s here hello wasar good to see
4876s you try and chain them together there we
4883s go oh yeah leas on the but I know
4886s there's or noes up the top of here so
4889s Edward is trying to tell you that
4890s there's some something to mind near the
4893s tiny tunnels where you climbed earlier
4895s but I'm not sure sent that message so it
4897s could have been a while
4898s ago okay thank you said of tiny tunnels
4901s that's good to
4903s know give me that Coral goodness there
4907s we go yeah the blue the blue
4914s nodes
4916s there we go right I've got
4918s four so we're getting
4925s there all right where are you looking at
4928s it's that up top no it's down the bottom
4930s I'm just hop down oh all
4934s right I
4937s follow oh my favorite plunge
4942s walls that that infamous
4946s wall oh there you
4948s are R in the Leana oh I
4952s missed I'm ice blighted already oh
4957s no oh I had that hammer
4959s connected yeah just a couple hits couple
4962s hits I got slide from the top it's like
4964s when you you know you go down the slide
4966s and then you have to walk all the way
4967s back up yes a
4970s yeah oh oh one blew
4973s up
4980s there we go P some shinies on Leana
4988s [Music]
4993s there
4995s oo oh the Slinger burst stagger that was
4999s awesome yeah I had piercing pod Slinger
5002s bursted it and like I think that's what
5004s took it out the unless someone else hit
5005s it that was
5008s beautiful I got I got to charge my
5013s hammer there we go quickly
5019s Done Right cat some
5023s cops oh I'm like I keep alternating like
5027s piercing pods and Stones oh yeah like no
5030s give me the PS back give me the
5033s PS
5035s there we go take this take
5042s this how about sharpen oh look at that
5045s oh the
5049s sun all right who's next uh pumu so I
5053s guess we'll head over to that general
5055s area where pumu likes to normally
5060s lur sharpen up my hammer real
5063s quick
5068s not any or noes um any or noes for me
5076s please oh I guess I didn't finish
5078s carving that right now get your goodies
5083s yep
5085s uh oh is that an or node over there I'm
5088s going to look around anyway I've got a
5089s bit of timeit time group
5093s up
5095s that's a conch shell a conk con
5106s shell right where's pumu has pumu
5108s arrived yet I imagine
5115s so uh I don't know where I'm
5117s going exactly Drake She sells seash
5121s shells got try saying that
5123s fast GE sells seashells by the seashore
5127s oh oh here is they're on the map nice
5131s literally just turned
5133s up what exisit
5148s timing lobo with the
5153s fur Gathering Hub was looking at
5158s her get out of
5160s here getting I'm
5164s get
5173s oh that Slinger ammo Oh I thought i'
5175s stunned
5176s it it's
5178s not aesome Thorns very nice this would
5182s be great there we go
5187s oh oh you found some ammo yeah yeah I
5190s got someo lots of thorn pods on that
5194s point thank thank you oh squish all
5198s right that was a quick one that was that
5203s was there we go we get car it D we have
5207s to wrap up a little bit earlier
5210s today uh I think we can give it one shot
5213s at uh at lunastra is that's what we want
5216s to go for right yeah yeah we can do it
5217s we can do it yeah it's just the arena
5219s version so I think it's quite short
5221s compared to the
5231s uh see if I can find any anything to
5235s mine in the last few seconds probably
5237s not oh no that look around
5243s too
5245s no it's always worth checking though I
5247s know where some of like I don't normally
5249s go to the side of the map so I know
5251s where they are on the other side but is
5252s that worth to
5257s [Music]
5267s go lovely monster Parts
5273s there
5276s and some resistance Jewels for good
5278s measure oh I got Flinch free I got a
5281s brace brace three way oh that's awesome
5286s yeah yeah slot for it though let's make
5289s sure I have a slot for that oh grm
5291s changed color looking looking schnazzy
5301s yeah see if I can set that decoration on
5303s anything
5305s I can't I got
5309s nothing right I'll let me know when
5311s you're ready and I'll post the quest all
5313s right uh give me one second oh no it's
5315s Pandora's Arena isn't it we're doing
5316s yeah yeah
5319s yep let try to see what I can put on
5321s here I don't really have a
5324s lot some maybe some more Fire Res no
5327s wait no I already used
5331s that I'll just put on whatever I got
5333s right now but blessing that'll help yeah
5336s divine blessing is always a great
5338s shout and let me make sure I'm all
5340s stocked
5342s up okay all right let go in in
5347s now oh hello there you
5351s go going going going going going a I
5355s didn't get the I have to talk to
5357s somebody
5359s again who is it who needs to talking to
5363s oh is it when you go in and it's like oh
5365s you need to go talk to the Huntsman
5366s again it starts as a one Quest anyway so
5369s maybe we should do a different one just
5371s for time uh yeah bummer is there another
5374s Arena Quest maybe yeah that'll be an
5376s arena Quest I'll have a look at the
5377s event
5380s quests unless we try yeah unless we want
5383s to get some Revenge but I don't know if
5385s we'll get it done in
5387s time what do we got here what do we got
5389s here
5393s uh
5398s you been I'm counting on
5401s you three zies
5406s uh double
5411s Aaron yeah looks like mad artist can't
5414s join either so I yeah maybe it's because
5415s it's a solo Quest that's probably why we
5418s can't join yeah but but do you think
5421s like maybe if we trigger cut scene that
5423s might
5425s yeah I when lunastra turns up you can
5428s you can both do it kind of situation
5431s yeah yeah let's go why don't we try and
5435s start it and we'll trigger that cut
5436s scene and see if that does it and then
5437s we can join right yep give a shot yeah
5440s I'll give a shot here
5442s okay
5446s vou all right get ready to join us folks
5449s we might be doing this separately yeah
5452s beta beta fox says if I'm need it again
5454s I'll help um we might we might need you
5457s again yeah get ready for the flare to go
5459s up
5465s yep take that cool drink I'll take
5467s Barrel bombs yeah I think we're
5470s literally doing the same
5474s thing all right should I join you or do
5476s you want to join me yeah I've used the
5477s voucher so if you want to join that
5479s would be great cool uh if if you want to
5483s all right cut scenes playing
5487s yes if we can uh oh Joe will be joining
5489s me so once Joe joins if if you guys want
5491s to jump in after Joe please that' be
5494s wonderful hello
5497s teostra uh oh it's nug
5501s gante number two yes there's
5509s more and then Lun coming in yeah
5514s husband and wife oh yes the tag team
5525s yeah Lun going
5532s hard I'm not having any of that I do not
5535s want the
5538s smoke yeah just let Joe join before you
5540s jump in gang if that's okay the Roars
5543s the roarers is taking me out okay I got
5545s to get out of here can I can I request
5549s help oh
5551s I can folks join I don't know I might
5554s have to do this on my
5555s own no there you go now folks can join
5558s now you can okay
5560s okay may me
5564s spot I'm going to save that drop so oh
5567s my goodness you can do
5569s this oh my
5573s goodness
5576s I need to I need to climb out here oh no
5578s I'm out of stamina no yeah I still can't
5582s join oh really yeah yeah hold on let me
5587s return from Quest we'll return from
5588s Quest it's only a v we'll get more next
5591s week yeah mad artist is also saying he
5593s still the progress story somehow so
5595s won't be able to join I
5600s see there we go I leveled up my my Picos
5604s uh biger was proficiency so all is well
5607s so what hunt would you like to
5609s do uh what else do we got what else we
5615s got I'll take a
5619s look big
5623s Kulu yeah I'm not sure if we have enough
5625s time to to hunt big Kulu but we could
5629s try what do you think yeah give it a go
5631s give it a go yeah okay I'm going to post
5633s it
5636s and hey if it goes as it did last time
5638s where we carded then it is what it is it
5640s is what it is all right all there there
5643s we go folks want to jump
5647s in uh maybe we'll get insurance yay
5651s feline Insurance all right get a little
5654s extra help there
5660s yeah just playing it
5663s safe
5665s and as mentioned this will be our last
5666s one for the day mhm hopefully it ends in
5669s a in a win oh no doubt no
5690s doubt and then we now it's time for
5692s Revenge we're going to go take
5695s Sur it can't triple triple
5697s cars triple
5701s triple SC be fine SC be
5712s fine yeah I don't
5714s believe I'm
5720s ready see you later Matt artist thanks
5723s again for hunting this yes always good
5726s to see you right
5729s Revenge part two
5732s yeah and we got a hunting horn next yeah
5735s yeah I feel confident now that we got a
5737s hunting horn we're
5745s safe we just head on this
5753s way
5754s there that this Barrel I was
5758s like oh I gota get I gotta get some of
5761s this ore while we're walking over I
5763s can't I can't let it go do it don't
5764s waste it don't let it waste yeah there
5766s we go oh no way it's your birthday next
5769s week we happy birthday for next week if
5772s if you are with the streaming or if you
5773s are around when we stream we'll make
5775s sure you're definitely getting getting
5776s some hunts with us to celebrate
5779s yeah yeah happy early birthday hope you
5783s enjoy and we'll hopefully see you next
5787s week I'm just following right now okay
5791s there we go there we going the right
5792s way oh it's uh
5795s barroth back again oh
5805s yes who would it be funny if this CED us
5809s more than beh end up doing mhm that turn
5812s up the BS yeah oh we got the power of
5815s the gun L with
5817s us spit oh I kind of turned the wrong
5821s way there
5827s oh oh I nearly got the the weaken off
5830s there oh no oh no I was not paying
5834s attention I was like I've got 2/3 Health
5836s do you know what I'm going to do I'm
5838s going
5839s to I'm going to go heal and I was
5841s looking at my items and then in the
5843s corner of my eye I I saw it you thought
5845s you were safe I did you know what though
5848s I bought the insurance and I used the
5853s insurance just got less HP yeah
5855s otherwise I'd be feeling really bad but
5857s cuz the insurance was there I'm like you
5859s know what I paid for the insurance I'm
5860s going oh yeah that's how it works
5866s right
5872s yeah yeah that not a great start the
5874s triple triple car is is on the carde I
5877s have less HP now as well yeah no we're
5880s going to be fine we're going to be fine
5882s I hope
5885s so I got got bar going crazy yeah look
5889s at
5892s that sorry bar I need to come
5900s around stuck in my spin animation double
5903s triple Revenge
5913s oh got get some or while we're
5922s here all right coolu have a word bounced
5925s off the crystal nice I got another
5932s Crystal
5935s oh oh is that a one tap yeah my hubris
5942s it's it's
5943s power I mean our gear isn't exactly
5946s upgraded at all either so you know don't
5948s feel bad we're quite
5951s squishy that
5954s hurt welcome to cart club it's funny
5957s it's just like you see it go in the air
5959s and you're just like it's over yeah
5961s you're oh yeah you got that brief moment
5963s where you're like
5964s M
5971s oh
5974s no I forgot I obviously cuz I have less
5978s HP it's AAL bar yeah yeah it is a fullon
5982s one
5984s hit and I cannot again for a while yeah
5988s so here I think we're just not ready huh
5991s no I think we need to Gear Up Get I
5994s think armor armor is the big one for us
5996s right now yeah yeah defense is way too
5998s low yeah cuz you can get by with you
6000s know if your weapon not quite as high
6002s it's fine cuz takes a little bit longer
6003s but if the if the monster be one tapping
6006s you back to Camp uh mhm but the Hunt's
6010s not over yet the Hunt is not over that's
6012s true yeah I feel like we got close last
6015s time yeah we got really
6017s tce I think if we had our other Hunter
6019s buddies with us we would have been all
6021s right
6022s yeah ah that did a lot of damage
6032s there Ang's here no way ANF help us save
6037s us
6038s please use that save us from this
6040s monster
6046s Justice I see Anga so I'm in the right
6048s direction or the wrong direction
6051s depending on uh how it's going I've CAU
6053s twice
6061s o yeah that's definitely one tap oh
6064s that's scary yeah oh our health is so
6072s low oh got
6074s bigger and no no don't th no don't
6079s stagger me please not in front of the
6081s Big
6082s Bird
6087s scatter uh uh oh uhoh uhoh an please
6093s please
6095s please have mercy run up
6103s here oh neon's been pinned
6106s down used the scan it's right
6111s enough I got the mount no I don't want
6114s this there we go I jumped
6116s off you guys are still with the internet
6119s yeah I ended up mounting it I was like
6121s no no no no
6128s no what a spicy hunt
6137s right unlucky yeah this is this is the
6140s sign the most powerful monster we've
6142s faced so far in the return to World
6144s Community stream so I just ran in and it
6147s just it targeted me and that was it oh
6150s you're approaching
6153s me oh man we should we should get a clip
6156s of that that was uh that sound like I
6158s entered the room and it was over yeah
6160s this is the most dangerous monster we've
6162s fought so far oh but it was hilarious
6165s though yeah yeah I had a good time it
6168s hurt though I think next stream we'll be
6170s gearing up a bit we'll be Target farming
6172s some monsters yeah
6174s yeah we got tested today um we did and
6176s we got we got humbled we got humbled big
6178s time yeah you know you got remember the
6180s monsters world and we're just in
6184s it but no that was fun though well
6186s played everyone we gave it a good old go
6188s and with that it's time to wrap up this
6191s week's stream any words before we uh
6194s head off
6195s Joe it's been really good hunting with
6197s everybody um thanks again for your
6199s patience today I know we um start a
6201s little bit later and we are ending uh
6203s like I guess about right on time so um
6206s but yeah we'll be back next week um
6207s hopefully things will be a little bit
6208s more stable uh and we'll be ready to
6211s start our usual time so we'll see you
6212s then yep and yeah with that thanks again
6215s everyone whether you watched chatted
6217s played with us or jumped in the
6218s Gathering Hub we really appreciate it
6220s and as always I've been jonno and I'm
6223s Joe and you've been awesome have a great
6225s weekend and we'll see you next time good
6227s night bye
6232s everybody
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30 days ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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245s hello everyone and welcome to today's
246s stream my name is j o EMA Community
248s manager on monst Hunter and I'm joined
250s by everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom
253s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
255s jonno uh we have made our way through
259s high rank um we are getting ready for
262s master rank um but we're not not quite
265s there yet so what are we doing today so
267s today we are going to be kind of going
269s through some different hunts for for the
270s community we're both going to be looking
272s for gear that we want to get ready
274s basically ice spawn ready so that when
276s we hit Master anank we can start or
279s continue upgrading our gear particularly
281s the weapons because I think when it
282s comes to armor we'll probably just jump
284s on whatever we can get um but for me I'm
287s really Keen to get some teostra sword
289s and shield action going how about
291s you um you know I'm not really quite
294s sure where I want to go with my upgrade
296s tree um you know once we get to master
299s rank some of this stuff is going to uh
301s it's not we're not going to be quite
302s there yet so you know I'm not I'm not
304s really sure where I want to go I think
305s I'm just going to go with the flow and
306s see see how we feel nice nice but say
309s the the monst on world is our oyster um
313s so we can jump in we'll get the
314s community in and we can hunt some
316s monsters cuz originally I was thinking
318s maybe low rank but I know we both need
320s some Coral Stone um from the coral
323s Highlands so I guess that would be a
325s great place to start for both of us um
327s and then we can get down our relevant
329s trees
331s yeah sounds good sounds good um sounds
334s like audio is a little buggy on my side
336s so I'll try to try sort that out just
338s now John go ahead
341s and while I do that and my volume is
344s spiking too sorry if my my volume is
346s spiking we're just sorting some bits out
348s on the back end there um
352s so we're we're just going to smooth out
354s that audio for
359s everyone
360s [Music]
364s sounds good again so that's good um but
368s yes it's all part of the fun of getting
369s ready for some hunting you
371s know all right I think I'm back now I
375s know your mic's now gone back
378s again oh the the fun of uh we're doing
381s it live
383s yeah um see we can start it out once
386s we're settled we will um get get the
388s lobby open but yeah we'll be head into
390s the coal Highlands first for some high
392s rank goodness of course all we ask is if
394s you do hunt with us please use gear that
397s is equivalent to ours do not bring in
399s any master rank gear um because it's
401s just not fair on the monsters and they
403s die in like 30 seconds um because we're
405s in high rank So currently we're using
408s gear around the Rarity 5 to Rarity 7
412s window so yeah please do emulate that
415s and use 5 to seven Rarity Gear with us
418s especially your weapon
421s um that would be a
424s wonderful this is csgo my quality
426s hopefully I sound a little better now
430s you do sound clearer you do sound clear
432s there's no choppiness all right I I
435s switch mics but obviously this I think
437s the mic that I'm on now is not as good
438s of a mic but you know we're going to
440s have to make it work it's nice to hear
442s you smoothly though that your do set
444s tones are coming through nicely all
446s right all right um well cool I think
450s maybe we can start getting into it now
452s um yeah sorry for the uh the troubles
454s everybody and uh NE sorry you won't be
456s able to join today but um hopefully work
459s goes well and we'll see you next time
461s yes and thank you so much for the the
462s tier three sub as well for four months
464s now you obviously are like you know our
466s one of our MV H's most valuable Hunters
469s here pretty much week on week uh arm
471s wrestle Champion um so thank you for
474s giving our thumbs a break this week uh
476s it's very considerate of you yeah okay
480s all right um what okay what are we doing
483s sorry a little flustered no that's fine
486s do you want to pop the um do you want to
487s pop the lobby IDs in the chat so get rid
490s of one Joe's going to be putting the
491s lobby ID in we are on Steam so if you're
494s on PC get that PC fired up and jump in
497s with us and yeah obviously mad artist it
500s is mad artist's Birthday everyone so for
502s those that don't know mad artist is a
503s stream regular and lik to hunt with us
505s too so please wish them a happy birthday
507s if you're watching on Twitch um so happy
510s birthday Matt artist happy
514s birthday dedicated Hunter that's been
517s with us for quite a few of these
518s episodes so um we really appreciate it
521s and um yeah we hope you have an amazing
523s birthday and thanks for spending it with
525s us you really didn't have
528s to yeah we'll let you uh you can you can
531s pick your favorite hunt at some point
533s today and we we'll hunt um a monster of
536s your choice that's in high rank
538s obviously or low rank if you just want
540s to bully it's your birthday if you want
541s to bully a low rank monster you
545s know and thank you Joe for popping that
547s Lobby ID in yeah absolutely um I think
551s we may just need to adjust our cameras
553s slightly
555s um so producer behind the scenes if you
557s don't
560s mind I'll look for a quest while we do
563s that um do I have any investigations in
566s the coral Highlands if not I will go and
568s look cuz I'm sure picked some up uh on
571s last week's
572s stream yeah I'm pretty sure we did I'll
575s go to the trade yard and have a
578s look cuz basically we don't want to rush
580s the the hunt either in the cor Highlands
581s cuz I still need six
583s ore um what's the name of the ore is it
586s the fusium or I need Coral coral
590s Coral yeah I need quite a bit of one of
593s them I can't quite remember which one it
595s is um I think also say J you're feeling
598s a little bit under the weather so um
601s yeah but you're hanging in there you're
602s true trooper you said the stream goes
605s live no matter what exactly exactly
609s thanks for being there for us um but
611s yeah it also May mean that uh we might
613s not go the entire full two hours today
615s um we'll let we'll let our our guy get
618s some rest here so yes so if I'm not
620s sounding as animated as usual or I'm
622s looking a bit tired it's cuz I've got a
624s cold that's all um but yeah we were like
627s you know what the stream must go on it's
628s mad artist birthday today you know we
631s don't want mad artist to turn up on
632s their birthday and we not be here to to
635s celebrate that you're dedicated man I I
638s really respect it you you even said uh
641s um it's matad artist's birthday we
643s cannot miss out so yeah you know it's
646s you know I'd feel guilty I'd be lying
648s there feeling twice as bad I
651s think but you know it's cool it's great
653s to catch up with the community that'll
655s make me feel better uh and Rarity 5 to 7
657s please like that would be ideal if you
660s know as long as it's not master rank you
661s know that's that's great but yeah five
664s to seven is like The Sweet Spot yeah I
667s think I have um armor is up to Rarity
670s eight and my hammer is at six which I
672s think I'm a little bit lower than the
673s recommended um so yeah maybe we're out
677s at
678s eight okay I've got a nice quest for the
680s coral Highlands um all right did you
682s post that yeah we're I'm on my way back
685s up cuz I forgot to take the left like a
687s like a
688s fool
690s gotcha gotcha and if you don't get in
692s straightway don't worry we will rotate
693s and I'm sure at some point Joe and I if
695s we get enough hunters in we'll take two
697s lobbies at once or two hunts at once uh
700s but it's nice to kind of hunt together
702s to get limber and we both definitely
704s need stuff from this hunt um so that be
708s glorious I always feel a little sad when
711s we're we're not hunting uh together
714s where is he
715s and well maybe we'll have to give Kulu
717s another go at some point today as well
719s oh yeah yeah oh man we got destroyed
722s last week yeah I kind of forgot about
723s that it's been a crazy week I don't know
725s if you guys know but we launched like
726s this uh this game this little game
728s called Dragon's Dogma 2 so we've been a
729s little
730s busy but uh but last week right before
733s that happened um we got absolutely
736s annihilated by Kulu by the gigantic Kulu
740s so um that was quite a ride huh it's the
743s most dangerous monster we've faced in
745s the whole series it's given us the most
747s carts the most Quest fails like
749s ironically the most dangerous monster
751s thus far for us right I'm about to sorry
754s I'm about to pop the quest in I'm going
756s to start a camp 12 cuz I know there's at
758s least three blue War really close to it
761s um I say really close not far away so
764s that will definitely help us on our or
766s Quest and we might start near Leana so
769s all right let's do it um wait you said
772s 12 right so let me do that yeah
776s yeah let's play some monster on the
778s Wilds our 2025 for that
781s one yeah you have to wait a little bit
783s for that yeah yeah um but you know more
786s news is coming in summer um so not long
790s to wait for say more cool stuff to come
792s your way right right so watch this space
796s yeah it feels like every week that we
799s get asked about it we're getting closer
801s to Summer you know it's um it's getting
803s here we're at the end of March already
806s yeah it's by I've actually seen a bit of
808s I mean it's raining here now but I did
810s see some sunshine today which would
812s indicate we are moving towards the sumy
815s season yeah the weeds are growing in my
817s backyard it's an absolute nightmare um
820s trying to pull them all um so yes spring
824s is here and summer won't be that far
828s away yep yep looking forward to it yeah
832s and uh any questions about Wilds
834s obviously we can't answer those so again
835s just wait until um summer and we we
838s appreciate your patience
840s mhm but in the meantime there's plenty
841s of monst hun to go around between world
843s iceborn rise sunbreak obviously um
847s coming in summer as well we have uh
850s Monster Hunter stories and Monster
852s Hunter Stories 2 on the
854s PlayStation um so it's it's really
856s really
857s exciting yeah and we also um this week
860s we're celebrating the oh yeah I'm we're
863s in the secret area together but we are
865s also lost we are lost but we task failed
868s successfully think yeah I'm I'm like is
870s this the oh my goodness that's an
872s absolute unit of an endemic life no no
874s no no no he got in the water no no no no
876s I don't have my net come back here come
879s back here where's my net uh I got it I
882s got the Ang fish
884s yeah oh jeez oh wait hold on hold on
886s hold on get it get it get it get it
891s I'm okay where'd it go did I get it I
895s got it and dangler there we go
901s right um I'm going to now let's let's
903s look for some nice ore while we're here
905s cuz obviously I wanted to spawn near the
906s top I mean I could probably just fly up
908s there cuz obviously I know there's some
910s nice or deposits uh in that General
914s vicinity
923s there wait where are we again I don't
926s know I it's not often I spawn in the
928s secret area here yeah mad artist is has
930s landed on legiana yeah but I'm I'm here
934s for some of that sweet or
938s so yeah I think oh we really were have
941s been uh placed out of the way haven't we
943s yeah yeah we're on PCA yeah yeah I going
948s to mention that um we are celebrating
951s the third anniversary of Monster Hunter
953s rise which is really cool um I can't
954s believe it's been 3 years
957s that's yeah it absolutely has um yeah
960s it's one heck of a game um I I
964s definitely want to come back at some
965s point I mean I know we've we've seen a
967s lot of the content all of the content
969s basically but um yeah I want to get back
972s into some of that endgame grind oh
974s exactly the the special like
976s investigations like the uh the end end
978s game of anomaly investigations are some
981s hilarious hunts like really cranking up
983s the AOE on monster attacks and things um
988s yeah of fun kind of fun and I love how
991s the sword and shield feels and plays in
993s uh oh is that or I can hear you mining
996s something yeah yeah there's a there's a
997s red one over here yes please I think can
999s you get the coral from the red or does
1001s it have to be blue I think it has to be
1003s blue I know where some of those are
1009s yeah yeah racer says it's three years
1011s only felt like one yeah time flies right
1013s it's uh it's hard to believe hard to
1017s believe yeah it's like oh yeah yeah
1019s surely only came out last
1023s year old electrified fur
1028s H interesting catch up to
1033s you and we'll head up all the way up to
1036s the Liana
1038s Nest there's
1041s T oh hello blue is there an elder Dragon
1044s around here yeah um we got a Kieran or
1047s something maybe yeah it must be k and I
1050s notic is it's spot yeah it likes to rock
1053s up here
1058s yeah right okay okay so we are right oh
1062s no I don't want to do
1064s that get the wedge
1067s Beetle oh I didn't quite connect that
1070s one
1075s there and then this
1078s way and and then this
1081s way like speed Strat up you yeah no
1085s legana leave me alone is trying to hit
1087s me oh W yeah that was
1091s uh that was coming in hot but the good
1094s news is okay there's a red or here but I
1096s think the blue Stop's up here Dragon
1099s vein Dragon
1101s vein I just oh man I bunked on the head
1104s but uh I'm in a in a weird
1107s way all right come on give us okay
1110s that's carbalite that's Dragonite that's
1112s carbalite oh it's being a cruel a cruel
1114s mistress up there
1117s yeah let's try
1120s again no no Coral okay I got one Coral
1124s Crystal so I need five more anyone
1126s watching if you know where there's a
1128s nice source of coral Crystal besides
1129s there let us know yes we'll appreciate
1132s that uh I'm in the fight now with Tanya
1135s thank you Tanya I'm on the way back
1137s don't worry or worry whichever is more
1141s of a suitable reaction to my my presence
1144s oh
1145s jeez we need
1147s those I don't I
1153s missed oh the roar
1162s there my armor looks cool when I'm when
1165s I've got uh you know my my ice blight on
1168s me
1170s yeah little Volcan E Yeah my stamina
1174s though is uh not so good especially if I
1177s want to mount it's like and I'm like do
1179s I want to use it I mean there's a nobre
1181s plant there
1183s o i uh this is high rank legy I need to
1186s give some respect
1189s yeah grab this Noy
1195s here I I'm getting bullied I need to
1197s wake up I'm just
1200s whiffing the right first hunt of the day
1203s yeah warming up uh our
1212s hands I oh
1217s I oh I'm just falling a little bit short
1220s for the I'm out of stamina there anyway
1222s all
1223s right just keep getting that ice flight
1225s on
1228s me there we
1230s go all right jonno's back to normal he's
1233s no longer sick yeah I've recovered
1237s leiana's song has restored my strength
1240s yeah here we go and down everyone's
1243s getting stuck
1245s in
1254s nice I really do need that flch
1257s free yeah I mean you at least you've got
1259s a decoration for it now right you just
1261s need some armor that can take it yeah
1264s yeah oh you remembered that I almost
1265s forgot that too yeah no how could I
1267s forget I was like you've got it you've
1269s got it I just can't I can't unleash its
1272s full potential
1274s yet oh nice try on the flash pod you get
1277s a fo on that
1278s one yeah I need to find more of the or
1281s cuz I think was it like a 5 minute cool
1283s down on the respawn of the or yeah
1288s yeah
1293s I still need five more
1295s pieces oh it just went down over here so
1298s not that far yes we do need some or you
1301s can stroll over there some more ore
1304s there you are hello is there any up here
1306s is there any up here I don't think so
1310s but I'm not
1312s sure
1314s right oh BOS 20 damage oh I got it or I
1319s didn't mount it but I hit hit the head
1321s oh we're by the the bled
1324s walls out for that we'll be getting
1327s mounts in no
1329s time if I there we go I say I only got a
1331s couple of connections there but it was
1334s enough may be careful some ice blighted
1336s if I do lose stamina here it's going to
1338s be quick yeah oh my goodness I lost over
1341s half my stamina bar there oh man we do
1345s have my favorite slopes oh yes look at
1348s that it's a thing of beauty yeah hammers
1350s on a slope
1352s yep yeah uh Mr it Mr uh Alam Canada it's
1358s like yeah slope they love spamming the
1361s slide here
1363s too M artist with the bow oh the dragon
1368s piercer wonderful how long has it been I
1371s don't think it's been 5 minutes since
1373s the last uh or up there yeah well we got
1378s it what was the target for this one uh
1380s we got Leana and Z
1383s yaku ah okay
1389s okay I worry we're going to need a Wy
1391s gem as well oh I got a plate
1395s sweet nice what do we want for w Cham is
1399s it just like yeah the small monsters or
1401s not small monsters but is it like
1403s Raptors I guess I think so for the
1407s wyvern gem yeah it's not a something I
1409s often Target Farm it's just kind oh I
1411s have them now yeah
1419s yeah
1421s windy looking for that ore yeah where
1424s you at I know there's a bunch in that um
1427s that one area um at the top what the
1429s nest or somewhere else uh I think it's
1431s the one where you have to like sneak
1432s through to get to like the little
1434s waterfall
1435s area oh let's go there then yeah I'm on
1439s the bottom floor now there you are
1441s cinematic jump right there oh yes just
1444s got to bend your knees when you land
1445s that's all yeah I'm not going to catch
1447s you like a you know a
1453s Dr I can feel the effects of gravity in
1455s my choice oh in here oh yeah there's one
1457s here Joe up here as well oh this such a
1460s great shot yeah yeah there's a yeah
1462s there's um I think there's like three in
1464s this area right nice all right it's one
1466s more in the
1467s pile
1471s oral oral crystals Aqua cor oh
1474s oh okay there we go Nova Crystal nice I
1478s got two from this so
1480s far nice which is Grand there's a red
1483s one over here that sound is therapeutic
1487s it
1490s is right is there any more blue in here
1493s hello
1497s hello
1500s oh that's that's not something I can
1501s climb that's me being silly okay I think
1503s did we clear out the uh mining nodes in
1507s this area now I think no there's one
1509s here
1509s on I just found one around the
1512s corner it did not deliver me what I
1514s wanted I did get three aquacore ores
1517s though so I won't complain even though I
1519s kind of started to um right let's go
1522s head up to the nest I guess new new here
1526s I don't know sorry if I got your name
1528s wrong on YouTube
1529s um love seeing how we're still doing
1532s these and remembers when we first
1534s announced them yeah that was that's
1535s quite a while ago when did we start jono
1536s like back in December yeah cuz obviously
1538s we had a couple of week break here and
1540s there for for different like projects or
1542s if we were away um so yeah yeah it's
1545s it's been awesome like kind of flown by
1547s and also shout out to killer thank you
1549s for the Subscribe four months as well um
1552s so much if only you had some porns to
1554s help me with Rag and
1556s brackie but the thing is it does remind
1558s me like in sunbreak obviously the
1559s follower system I absolutely adore the
1562s follower system yeah me too sunre cuz I
1565s I love playing mon Hunter Co-op I love
1567s it it's my favorite when I'm playing
1568s with others and obviously if I'm like
1571s commuting into work or I'm on the train
1572s and the Signal's bad and things or
1574s there's not Wi-Fi it's great to still
1576s kind of have that
1577s experience um you know and being carried
1581s um by by breakr you know you know who
1585s who know we in Moto carrying me with the
1587s hunting horns like
1590s that yeah I really like the follow
1592s system as well um just a cool way to
1595s like bring in the NPCs into the hunt
1597s with you you know they they always talk
1599s about how they're they're out there
1600s doing their thing and then yeah they
1602s actually get to show it yeah it's
1604s awesome um and all they different
1606s fighting styles and how they there's
1607s like little interactions like depending
1610s on who you bring out or if you emote
1612s with the certain characters like blowing
1614s kisses and things like that um so
1617s there's so much like Det to it Beyond
1619s them just fighting with you even like
1621s just how they fight as well based on
1623s their personality like everyone loves a
1625s bit of L Chica and her explosive
1627s personality um just bombs everywhere in
1630s the
1633s Hun in Monster Hunter what do you think
1636s is the first thing they would call out
1638s what is the first thing they would call
1640s out uh based on my dd2 experience I
1643s would say either like mining like nodes
1648s um or something like you know um what
1651s like great jagas you you know great
1653s jagas is weak to
1656s fire Master there's a there's a Mining
1660s Node over there yeah yeah I think we've
1663s been going the wrong way actually that's
1665s okay no this is this is I mean for the
1667s or this is a good way cuz I know you
1669s haven't these ones yet yeah um follow in
1677s you
1679s or the team fight
1680s zy wide range is awesome it's I wouldn't
1684s say it's a cheese at all if someone's
1685s building into support and healing you
1687s know so it's a good
1690s build yeah I agree um you know there's
1693s some hunts where like you don't
1696s necessarily need wide range cuz maybe
1698s you're going to want to be more on like
1700s I don't know Health won't be as much of
1701s a factor right but with something like
1703s Fatalis that's like a it's a calculated
1705s risk right like you have to if you're
1706s going to take wide range then you're
1708s potentially not taking something else
1710s and damage you're healing others yeah
1713s yeah there's a time limit on that one so
1716s I mean it's a trade-off right it is
1719s ability
1720s versus exactly it's like do you want you
1722s know it's the whole yeah as you said
1724s risk of the quicker the monster goes
1726s down the less chance you have of cting
1728s however if you cart before you bring the
1730s monster down you lose
1732s anyway so it's like yeah do you take the
1734s healing over but I personally love
1736s having a wide range for those like fat
1738s behem off um you know Al
1741s trayon
1743s um it's it's a nice mix we love our wide
1747s range users we do I mean I'm a sword and
1749s shield main it's nice to have a quick
1750s set to swap too that's like support
1752s based um cuz then like when I run wide
1755s range I like to bring like a paralysis
1757s sword and shield with me normally as
1760s well CU then I can support further
1761s because I know my damage is going to be
1763s lower um so I'm like well if I paralyze
1765s the monster I can further enhance my
1768s team
1769s damage which is always nice do you think
1771s there's any or down here where zit
1775s is we can check it's worth a shot right
1779s I think we've already exhausted every
1781s other area we have we oh there's one
1783s here there's one here let's could be it
1785s I mean we need to get yours as well come
1786s on one one yeah no no I got no I got I
1790s got baited or Crystal I got two Coral
1793s crystals and Dragonite or I got
1796s carbalite and aqua yeah
1800s maybe we'll stumble across another one
1802s around yeah I think we did good yeah I
1805s mean we've had a nice collection I mean
1806s we have to come back and do another hunt
1808s then that is not bad at
1813s all oh I think I found some C tar off
1821s bits hello or noes
1825s hello I'm going the totally wrong way
1827s forit AR I I should probably move
1829s towards it see there are any or nodes in
1832s this
1833s area please give us a
1836s sign make yourself known make yourself
1844s known then uh okay I think think zy
1847s might be about to be captured or taken
1850s down if a trap got a warrn waren
1852s scattered gold
1857s chip yeah we'll probably end up doing
1859s some C Taro I imagine at some point
1861s probably not today but once we do you
1863s know we we're up for some of the The
1865s Raid goodness yeah I'm excited for that
1869s oh the
1871s zy hey maybe we'll get some Coral as
1873s Crystalis of
1875s reward come back here
1881s zy there we go lot of on Footprints here
1886s whoa okay they got it you guys got it
1888s all
1889s it's down it's down I didn't even spot
1892s it then we get 60 seconds to run around
1896s desper or
1899s two well uh well done
1902s team yes good good job good job
1907s yeah uh oh someone got is that a w was
1910s that a Wy Jam by any
1913s chance only could trade items I give
1916s that to you hand hand it over
1922s hello what's down
1925s here any any anything oh no oh oh hello
1929s 20 seconds I I think I'm back in the
1931s secret area where we
1932s [Music]
1933s spawned all right we came full circle we
1937s did we're like where the heck are we
1939s it's like wait a
1944s second some dung all right you did no
1948s it's good teamwork you know you know me
1950s and Joe were managing the economy and
1952s you were managing the the DPS it was
1962s a very
1966s nice a b
1969s Jewel teamwork does make the dream
1971s workor you're right it
1975s does oh I went back uh
1979s um let me head back to the Gathering Hub
1982s oh yes right I'm going to quickly pop
1984s down to the Smithy and see why I need
1986s now oh no I went past the workshop
1989s straight to the trade yard luckily it's
1990s only a short
1992s walk I completed H exactly exactly we we
1996s all dunked on the Giana anyway
2004s yeah I love The Vibes in the Gathering
2006s Hub right now it's very spring yes is
2011s very refreshing isn't it yeah we're out
2013s of the cold winter for now until we head
2015s to iceborn yeah exactly then we get all
2017s cool again um okay Forge equipment
2021s weapons sword and
2026s shield I don't even know what I can make
2029s right
2030s now I I've got enough Coral Crystal to
2033s do do the black steel
2035s sword oh nice
2038s wow I'm one I'm one under we'll go then
2042s we'll go back black hammer no no no you
2045s can I can just go up
2047s Expedition let me do that real quick I
2049s just need one right yeah yeah yeah let
2051s me head out
2052s there man that's that
2055s sucks it's always so you're going to get
2057s like three out of the first one you find
2059s now hopefully hopefully let's see I know
2061s where they're all at
2062s now all right now I'm going to
2067s upgrade
2070s oh no now I need a Wy gem o what's what
2073s do you reckon what' you reckon Community
2075s what's the best monster to get a w gem
2077s off of please guide us and then I'll go
2081s check my investigations for some lovely
2083s gold
2093s boxes can I meld a Wy gem I mean we can
2096s look oh
2098s right kind of forgot about that part of
2100s the game for a little bit Yeah Yeah nor
2102s I did a lot of it in master rank like
2105s sappy J yeah um meld
2108s items you can meld rra and spikes in
2111s there oh my
2114s goodness that's a game changer yeah
2117s there's the Wy gem as well we just need
2120s to do make some points I am going the
2123s wrong way
2127s uh
2134s oo I need more points though I think or
2139s build points hold on why would it let
2141s me why can't I make these am I being
2144s silly you do not have any items that can
2145s be used for
2148s meldin trying to remember because I've
2150s not done the high rank meldin in a long
2152s time yeah yeah I kind of just like you
2155s know put that part of the game off until
2158s a master rank in my head yeah do I need
2161s to trade in my tickets is that what I
2162s need to do I need to
2164s remember how did I do it
2169s before Oh I found an emic life
2174s researcher
2176s hello hello
2180s there uh all right where's all that ore
2187s at trying to remember how do I get the
2189s meld points I think you have to
2194s trade but yeah in master rank I was all
2197s over the Melda when I points it's a must
2200s so much like like the WRA and spikes as
2203s well I used it quite a bit for like uh
2207s Max potions and stuff you
2210s know sorry cut you off there what were
2212s we going to say no that's
2215s okay
2217s uh
2222s all right almost there almost there
2223s hopefully this is the one I don't know
2225s why it's grayed out and maybe it's a
2227s master rank thing for the monster Parts
2229s possibly that might be
2235s why I got the crystal I need I'm not
2238s going to waste too much more time out
2243s here but I have a feeling after I make
2246s that I'm going to need more stuff to
2248s even upgrade it
2249s so yeah I think I maybe we need to be in
2252s celiana for
2254s these uh okay
2257s okay possibly yeah cuz it's like behem
2260s of Great Horn dastra cuz then there's
2263s some stuff it can would let us make
2265s straight away so that's probably what
2267s that is MHM so we will be doing it the
2269s oldfashioned way um and taking it from a
2274s monster hello
2276s Admiral
2280s so we need oh I mean barroth I'm sure
2284s barroth and Kulu are probably a good
2286s shout right however that's only two
2288s player H there's a capture Kulu three
2291s gold three uh I may have accidentally
2294s started our uh kol tooth uh Quest chain
2299s here so I'm just I talked to the Admiral
2301s and I'm like wait okay okay we're okay
2303s now we're okay yeah should we do capture
2306s aulu it's a four it's three gold and a
2309s bronze that wouldn't take long and it's
2312s a 15minute quest as well okay I'll grab
2314s that
2316s Yeahs and stuff yeah exactly after the
2320s uh the crimes it committed to us last
2322s week yeah it was obscene
2324s outrageous all right give me a second
2326s I'm just going to um make that black
2328s steel
2330s hammer do it yeah to upgrade it I need
2334s the Wy gem but yeah pretty sure it's
2336s celiana to start doing those
2338s ah okay
2340s okay all right let's see if I can even
2342s upgrade this
2344s guy oh wait hold on oh I need fusium ore
2348s for my or
2350s tree but let's see this new Hammer I
2352s just made black
2353s steel got Dragon damage there hello
2356s Forest Raider oh I need fusium ore where
2359s is that I don't know I'm sure I've got a
2362s stack of it i' got the team leader
2366s here hey Forest Raider how you
2370s doing yeah we'll
2375s uh hopefully both get a w and Gem now
2378s you know I'm sure Kulu Kulu owes us
2381s one ERS recess for the uh Museum or uh
2386s that we we can do some quests there I'm
2388s sure I've got like a teostra or
2390s something there or we can go fight yeah
2391s no no rush no rush we'll do our thing
2394s let's let's get back in there though I
2396s think it's time uh okay so
2399s investigation so this is a capture for
2401s anyone that joins uh okay it's a one ft
2405s right okay everyone ready oh it's a one
2409s faint yeah we should be Quest is
2411s in that might be famous last words but
2414s you know yeah I mean it's not the turbo
2416s Kulu at least you know so that's
2418s something I just need
2419s to I need some Tran
2426s bombs
2432s lackan we are um I think we're like kind
2435s of swirling around like Rarity like six
2439s to seven some pieces for eight um but
2443s yeah I think eight is where we top out
2445s before we get into master rank right
2447s yeah
2452s yep I was getting a bit confused there
2454s there's the shopkeeper I was like I'm
2457s sure she's around here
2460s somewhere uh Good Vibes in the Gathering
2462s Hub right now I'm digging it it is it is
2469s lovely oh wait do yeah do we even have a
2472s capture gear wait I mean you get some at
2474s the in the like the box right so yeah
2477s well you definitely get the traps I
2479s don't know if you get easy TRS though
2481s let me double check what I got you know
2483s what I have absolute faith in our team
2486s that I don't need to worry about it
2488s it'll be fine I'm going to quickly look
2489s at my crafting list cuz I'm like I'm
2493s sure gunpowder yeah I mean there's a lot
2495s of question marks in here I probably oh
2497s no there's the Tren bomb no I can't I
2498s can't make them never mind I I believe
2501s in our community yes you know bad artist
2503s and Saki saki nikima they got us yeah
2508s okay so Panda not Panda I say Paradise
2510s mad artist Paradise has the stru Trap
2514s and trank bombs ready so thank you yeah
2516s I normally capture monsters I like to
2518s capture monsters so I tend to have the
2520s gear
2522s um but yeah we'll be fine as x-r sucess
2525s as well we'll be blessed by the uh the
2527s blue box yeah oh wait we even we even
2530s land at the box there we go okay so I've
2532s got a trap and some easy TRS all right
2536s and I are just going to go off all right
2538s I mean I don't think it will take long
2540s for K I'm sure we're both going to get W
2542s gems with the the gold boxes you know
2545s then I can make the first part of the T
2547s sword but then to get more teostra sword
2550s Parts like the gem I need to hunt more
2552s teostra but the blast sword and shield
2554s isn't great against teostra but then to
2556s get my rathan sword short upgraded I
2558s need Rath and Tails yeah
2569s and I mean you you tell me it you know
2572s do you often fail quests where you have
2575s to capture because I'm I just oh no I
2579s just get in the zone and I forget yeah
2582s it's it's easy enough to do especially
2583s when you're like doing like you know if
2585s you need low rank monster parts or
2586s whatever and you're like got an
2588s investigation for it
2591s yeah yeah I forgot to eat that's me gun
2594s oh yeah no it's
2598s fine all right it's running off here
2601s yeah the wathan S Shield is so so good
2604s but I need so many Tails so many tails
2609s I've not been helping you with that how
2612s dare you but you get the head breaks
2613s which gets us like you know plates and
2616s gems yeah it's through the different
2618s ranks yeah I'm helping inadvertedly I
2620s guess
2622s spin see this kolu is so much different
2625s to the other one we've been fighting I
2627s know what a push
2628s over
2633s Bop so do you think that we can beat
2635s that Kulu before master rank I reckon we
2638s I mean we could even give it a go today
2641s it's just I don't know what armor I I
2643s kind of want that rra loss chest plate
2645s that's the thing okay is it do we have
2648s to be careful here is oh I'm not sure I
2651s I mounted it no you'll be fine you'll be
2653s fine with that
2654s okay I'm watching this kind of like uh
2657s pulse at the bottom
2660s mhm oh waste not what not I'll have the
2666s appos there you go
2669s now
2677s yeah oh
2680s nice okay is that let's see what it does
2683s is it going
2685s to oh I forgot we have clutch we do we
2690s do no it's not it's not quite ready yet
2693s I was being far too generous on Kulu
2695s there yeah
2698s come
2700s back me and uh that's a guy there both
2703s of the same idea sharing the one brain
2705s cell for the clutch claw it's like give
2708s me oh there's a pink rathan around
2712s somewhere it's behind us oh
2717s hello let's not risk it though we only
2719s got one cart yeah that's true that's
2722s true otherwise it'd be like oaba time
2725s yeah man you remember the days of low
2726s rank when we started these streams and
2728s we were just like easy yeah we're like
2730s let's let's take them all out yeah now
2733s we're like uhoh uhoh yeah we got humbled
2737s we did we
2743s did oh I need to turn around oh I'm glad
2747s I
2748s did we breaking everything now Kulu put
2752s that
2753s down oh I
2755s think it's not to bottom out let's see
2759s what it does let's give it a
2761s test no not now oh not now
2765s barroth this might be too
2769s soon there we go you know for for a
2772s second I kind of like I kind of blacked
2775s out a little bit and I was just going
2776s keep swinging keep I was going like
2778s straight up kill mode yeah it's so easy
2781s especially against like the lower tier
2782s monsters who have like less Health it's
2785s so easy because you're used to fighting
2787s like you beef your monsters yeah and I
2789s saw barroth come in and I'm just like
2791s all right my instinct just triggered
2794s yeah you just hear like the whistle and
2796s you're like all right I'm going in s
2798s we're going to get the Wy gems now look
2800s check this out I got no Wy
2803s gems uh I did not get any
2807s either outrageous it's
2810s [Music]
2812s unfair how dare they how dare they
2822s outrageous Zen says they got humbled
2824s hard by Fatalis yes I think everybody
2826s yeah the great humbler there is the
2827s great humbler you made it to the
2830s Mountaintop of Monster Hunter and then
2833s you feel like you're it's it's as if you
2835s just started that the steepest steps are
2838s at the peak on that
2843s yeah
2844s think sorry I most got humbled by no I
2849s think I guess Fatalis yeah that was
2850s probably probably the toughest one yeah
2853s o I got
2856s trayon I got a pink rathan and a barroth
2859s hunt with two Silvers and a gold okay
2862s that going to deliver us to the wyvern
2864s gem
2866s barom I think barro would drop it and
2870s then pink ran if there there like Tails
2873s um but yeah barroth would if not there's
2876s Hulu and rathen there's a Kulu
2879s Ren uh that's a three faint as well so
2883s that the other ones are one faint let's
2884s do Kulu ring CU we know Kulu will drop
2886s it won't you Kulu
2888s yes yes you
2892s will trying to see what Armor's got a
2895s three slot Deco um so I can put that
2898s Flinch free
2901s on but you know I got to make sure my
2904s fashion looks good
2906s so
2911s okay we got Ros Greaves with jump master
2914s I don't necessarily need jump master I'm
2917s tempted to get the Dante hair again
2919s because it's wax one critical eye one I
2922s can make the waste I can't made the
2924s boots got toost are like the the the
2927s great call out yeah oh okay so we got
2931s Leana Greaves here I don't really need
2933s any of those skills but the three slot
2935s is very appealing uh we also have
2939s Rathalos those to arm the jump Master
2942s what do you think Ros gaves or Leana
2945s Greaves let me go have a look let me
2947s have a look Rathalos Greaves so uh what
2950s fire resist attack
2953s boost um no it's just a jump Master oh
2958s jump Master oh no you said Greaves
2959s didn't you I'm looking at the van braces
2961s oh dear all right um I'm wearing the
2963s Wrath Vos Alpha Greaves at the moment
2966s but obviously I guess you want the jump
2967s Master for the the Flinch free right
2969s yeah yeah should I I would
2974s go yeah might as well might as well yeah
2976s Leana only has um ice resistance yeah
2981s yeah but it's it seems like it's cheaper
2983s to make in terms of uh materials cuz the
2987s the Greaves are going to use a plate
2989s yeah yeah all right let's go to the Ros
2991s grees nice let's do it let's not debate
2994s anymore I need that Flinch free ASAP
2997s exactly I I need them gems I need my
2999s teostra sword I need my blast I need my
3002s Tails so you know bonus points if we can
3005s cut the Wrath tail on this
3008s one yeah this is prep for ice born yeah
3011s the leg I mean it depends CU we might
3012s even swap our armor up a bit more I
3014s think the biggest one for us is the
3016s weapons so that we can carry them over
3019s nicely right quests I guess I could have
3022s gone with the Dante uh Dante coat that
3026s also has uh
3027s three oh very nice and it has a vade
3030s window and critical eye higher defense
3032s but you know the Fashion's a little a
3034s little odd you know it's nice to mix a
3036s match you know it's nice to mix a match
3038s I mean the hair alone you know I'm
3040s tempted by the hair cuz that's like
3041s pretty pretty strong going in the
3049s yeah all right let me join that
3054s Quest yeah I do have that c trat Siege
3057s waiting now
3060s nice everyone getting on the Cannons and
3063s everything thanks for saving me a spot
3065s thank you everyone very very
3072s polite but if you're just joining us
3074s we're just taking it Taking a little
3075s easy today with some master rank prep um
3079s probably go for I don't know maybe
3080s another 45 minutes um so yeah Master
3085s Blaster looking incredibly fashionable
3087s there look at that we that weapon there
3089s charge blade looking W looking pretty
3095s cool oh yeah that is a charge blade huh
3098s dang that is clean that is that is some
3102s shiny fashion goodness if ever we've
3105s seen it I love everyone's different
3107s looks it's it's great like fashion game
3110s is truly an end game for me yeah
3114s yeah I'm doing the same in uh in Dogma
3117s right now or I'm just like you know the
3119s stats I'm cool about it the main thing
3122s is that I look great Yeah Yeah from a
3125s lot of the porns I've seen less is more
3129s um yeah everybody needs to chill with
3131s that
3133s though yeah is wild out there I'm like
3137s I'm flicking between Sorcerer And Thief
3139s so like I need to have two different
3141s sets of fashion I think yeah um right
3144s well I'm sure where did Kulu go it was l
3147s Sho there you are he's right in front of
3149s me yeah yeah we just ended up right in
3151s front of
3152s it come here you I missed come here
3157s you just the little slash there yeah
3160s just sword and shield things you know
3162s just not pacing yourself quite well
3167s enough let's see if my Flinch free works
3170s when we get everybody yeah we just
3173s summon summon a long sword where are you
3175s you need to test out this decoration
3178s oh I love all the fact once you get into
3180s transmog like I know for like
3182s ice on my like you know my own personal
3185s profile from years back um I would have
3188s a different set for each element for my
3191s sword and shield so depending on what
3193s element add on my sword I would have a
3195s whole different fashion look for it m um
3199s to kind of be thematic with with the
3201s type of element I
3203s had dang that's that's the extra mile
3206s you know what I'd invested so much time
3208s getting like sets done for each
3209s different element and status I was like
3212s I'm absolutely putting a cherry on that
3213s cake you know yeah oh yeah absolutely
3215s that's that's what it's all about right
3216s it's like what else can you do with your
3218s gear it's like you know you've Min maxed
3221s your stats exactly how you want now it's
3223s all about the look oh yes you know even
3226s you know going for the pendants and
3228s stuff as well in The Guiding
3233s lands I need this color Crystal hanging
3235s off my weapon please thank you yeah and
3238s these like you know obiously quite rare
3240s high level materials I'm like I don't
3241s care I want my crystal and it will be
3243s red or blue yeah I love the one you get
3247s after after beating Fatalis I think it's
3250s after beating Fatalis right like the big
3252s uh that's kind of like a a
3255s blue I don't even know it's like kind of
3257s like a like a ethereal scarf looking
3260s thing yeah yeah oh I know the one you
3262s mean yeah yeah yeah I love that one that
3266s was smooth that was smooth right now
3268s we're all we're both going to carve out
3269s gems here hopefully everyone will just
3271s carve a gem here cuz we deserve it we
3274s deserve it let's see let's see right one
3276s down and it was no no not that one
3278s either it's cuz it's the third save the
3280s best to last no yep no I'll see it in
3284s the reward box I'll see it in the reward
3285s box we going to manifest it
3289s exactly right we next pink
3293s wrath who will definitely be dropping us
3295s tail I'm sure
3298s I'm just going to be now I can clutch
3301s claw as you know from our self our
3304s self-imposed clutch claw Exile now that
3307s we can do it again I'm just going to be
3308s on that tail being like clutch claw
3310s clutch claw even to my own detriment I
3312s think yeah good I don't have Rock Steady
3317s yet there she
3320s is hello pink ran looking quite for
3322s boing there yeah manifesting that bird
3324s thank you Dr successful goodbye
3327s get down here you shouting at us now
3331s okay there she
3333s go oh she going to the forest Corner
3335s okay is she Forest Corner yeah I think
3338s so I am going to be spamming that tender
3341s eyes on that tail if I can't reach
3344s it I'll help however I can but yeah I've
3347s got the uppercut as well I've just
3348s remembered the uppercut with the sword
3350s and shield on the clutch
3353s claw remember it it's all coming back
3355s now all the clutch CL stuff
3360s mhm there we
3362s go pink ran I believe your tail Belongs
3366s to Me
3367s Now think is it'll probably just give me
3369s a scale again I've been punished so hard
3371s for my combat caring uh this series the
3375s karma is you know caught in
3378s 4k
3381s yeah I do have some Thorn pods here very
3384s nice very nice
3389s try to tenderize the tail for you thank
3391s you it's up to you ah why are you so
3396s tall get down
3400s here El s oh I got the uppercut onto the
3404s tail
3406s oh there we go right
3410s oh oh no oh the tail was just a bit high
3412s for me yeah I could try
3417s I
3423s missed nice work there's that lovely
3427s tail oh no I whiffed it I turned around
3430s oh no oh
3435s oh oh and then a lovely Mount
3442s there going to shotgun The Thorn pods
3445s onto our head there we go
3449s nice field team leader I did something
3452s yeah I'm in the
3454s HUD all right oh come on give me give me
3458s that tail I'm going to bomb pod you over
3460s there ah
3465s ah give me that
3468s tail I can see mad artist furiously
3471s aiming at the tail which is greatly
3474s appreciated oh that was Dam
3477s oh I missed I missed my bomb pod oh my
3481s goodness I know I'm I'm carving the MOs
3485s no I didn't mean to do that who I
3487s bombarded the tail I don't know if that
3488s does anything yes nice bit of damage
3490s accumulation okay take
3494s this take
3496s this oh oh no no no oh no uhoh uhoh I
3502s was stunned and I saw the the back flip
3504s coming out I was like oh this is not
3506s good
3509s tail oh lovely break oh that was
3512s beautiful that was beautiful oh
3519s nice I'm kind of like off on the head
3521s here okay there we go I'm messing up my
3524s combos cuz I'm desperate for the tail
3527s I'm like just tail just
3533s tail I was like proper whipping my my
3536s combo
3537s up got to keep a cool head when you're
3540s in the hunt good job good job though
3542s there's a shiny here if anyone wants it
3544s got a large W here no I'm just going to
3546s carve like three Tails so it'll be
3551s fine so rathen has poison in the tail
3555s and Rathalos has poison in the
3559s claws thank you mad I I appreciate it I
3562s appreciate it and
3565s the
3568s [Music]
3574s no gems
3577s though well at least right
3581s now I should have been doing this combo
3584s there we go that's the
3590s stuff but will we get the bird Wy or the
3594s Wy gem sorry even that's what we want
3597s that's what you really
3599s need I think I'm going to go grab some
3603s fusium or go for that's the thing I uh I
3607s need do you want to take a hunt party in
3610s with you a oh oh oh what I got bird W
3615s gem ah no no was I wrong about the Wy
3620s gem was I wrong
3623s about yeah I mean yeah I can't really
3625s complain too much can I I got a gem but
3628s not not that one so is it it's not be
3630s like do GMA is it I don't have to be
3632s like beating up do
3634s GMA no no we can't do that that was a
3636s gold crown small pink rathen Hulu is
3639s bird wide then yeah I so what do we want
3641s I guess
3642s baros do GMA but I don't want to beat up
3646s do gam I feel so
3651s sad okay jonno you go ahead and take
3653s another crew and I'm going to go
3655s Expedition
3657s okay and then maybe we'll meet back up
3658s for another hunt in like 10 minutes or
3660s so um at some point at some point we
3663s should go after the evil Kulu so yes I
3667s think so right anyone uh I mean what is
3670s my most Wy
3673s gem investigation Toby and pumu I will
3677s happily dunk on a
3680s palu DK on him
3685s yeah
3746s successful we'll go get some
3749s be
3751s be where are you jotus I know you're in
3754s here where's my w
3757s gem don't tell me it's a low rank one
3759s I'll cry oh there it is there you go hr6
3762s it's a one faint though gang all right
3765s we got to be careful against this
3767s thing going to have to cover each
3769s other's
3771s backs okay
3774s well I can upgrade my bone Hammer I'm
3777s going to use a ticket on the
3779s fish but I I would need to take out a
3782s valak I mean we' Val haaz if you
3786s want yeah yeah when you're when you're
3789s back from your fusium more we valar's
3791s always a fun
3793s hunt okay
3795s okay oh hello okay right post a new
3798s Quest
3802s investigations so it's two silver and a
3804s gold so the gold is in there all right
3808s um I'm using a voucher on the beach on
3811s the beach the beach all right everyone
3813s hop in we're going fish
3815s in you know I actually might be able to
3818s join you let's
3820s see you your more already and we have
3823s got a full party yeah I think I'm going
3826s to I'm going to Pivot since I found
3827s another uh another upgrade I want to go
3831s with but it sounds like you guys are all
3833s set so it be we'll be like 3 minutes
3837s three minutes right back that's ex fast
3842s yeah three
3846s minutes all right maybe I'll go get that
3847s Fus more then yeah go get that Fus more
3849s as cuz you you s law there'll be another
3851s thing and you'll be like wait a second
3853s there this also takes fum more yeah
3855s you're right Elder recess right I think
3857s it's whatever so let's do it there's a
3860s ton of a there as well which is nice
3862s it's not like call Highlands where I was
3863s like where are you but luckily you knew
3865s where a nice patch was I had a patch as
3867s well and it it worked out for us in the
3870s end which is which is always
3872s nice okay
3875s um all right obviously we're not
3877s capturing this fish unless you decide to
3878s capture it I mean if you want to capture
3880s it's fine but we don't have to we can
3881s just go all in
3884s um and then have some fish and chips
3886s back at the Gathering
3887s Hub you guys got the good stuff
3893s there I think go bar off the area uron
3897s apparently the area where uron lives has
3899s the best a spots I guess it's that kind
3900s of like area where it spins to win uh up
3903s the walls but is it a steel oron it's a
3907s you know the officially the uh runner up
3914s in the Monster Hunter Hunter's Choice
3917s top monster
3922s pole but don't worry still Oran you keep
3925s on rolling rolling rolling you'll be
3928s fine number one in our hearts
3933s exactly but not always on our
3935s [Laughter]
3938s mind only in our uh our noses due to the
3942s smell yes oh still God all right all
3947s right J that's a big fish okay I tripped
3950s it up with a slap to the head straight
3952s away oh
3955s dear it seems like quite a big one is is
3958s this quite gold crap it's absolutely
3961s gigantic I I promise you this the size
3964s of this
3967s fish all right I got my fuse already but
3969s since I'm waiting for you I'll just I'll
3971s take my time oh yeah we're keep keep
3974s grabbing stuff I mean I don't if it's
3976s just just taken long everyone's gone
3978s gone in
3980s yeah oh I got a nice scatter shot on the
3983s Thorns there and we've got a got to shot
3986s heavy bow gun with us as
3990s well yeah the the trips are
3995s constant Hunter Celestia focusing on the
3998s tenderizing as well with the hunting
4000s horn
4001s oh is that paralysis I see as well llan
4005s on YouTube says they were the Feld team
4007s leader so and they got a gem and a plate
4010s thank
4011s you I think this was sub
4013s three sub three
4017s I think now yeah you know the the eye
4020s frames were perfect come on just let me
4022s carve a Wy gem come on no how rude how
4028s rude you have Team Dark Side are
4030s watching you know hit me up that
4044s that lovely move hunt everyone that's it
4048s you guys are done oh yes they got the
4050s Aaron sticker there that very cool dang
4053s with the quickness all right I'm going
4054s to head back
4056s then there's another shiny oh thank
4062s you that was that was
4072s silky just swinging from the tree
4078s oh I got
4080s one I got a
4083s gem oh you finally got one I got the W
4086s gem yeah I used the ticket it was it was
4089s the quest reward as well so thank you
4091s for focusing on the head break it was 2
4092s minutes and 14 seconds that hunt so now
4095s we need to go and get you
4097s one oh I know I
4099s know but I might I might want to be
4102s going after sorry that was a silver
4104s crown what that what's a gold crown
4107s going to look
4108s like oh my goodness sorry Joey to
4111s interrupt but I was I was
4113s shocked no you're all good um I was
4117s going to say um I think I think I have
4119s my sight set on Vaz Zak now yeah I well
4122s you know what I have a nice blast sword
4124s and shield for such an occasion that I
4127s will okay one second uh for or upgrade
4130s upgrade not Forge upgrade equipment uh
4134s no not the another one I need two more
4136s taals before I can upgrade my WRA and
4138s sword and shield oh I'm I'm down to
4141s still go after it uh yeah that that
4143s would be lovely but first we need to get
4145s you some goodies cuz you have very
4149s nicely uh been helping me there also
4151s shout out to Dr successful for
4153s suggesting the monster that delivered
4155s the goods first
4158s time first time yeah shout out to you Dr
4161s successful he he is or they are Dr
4163s successful successful by name success by
4166s Nature now all I need is a teostra
4168s gem and it's two more teostra horns to
4171s get cuz I've got teostra SP and then
4173s I'll get toost emblem but this is this
4175s is such a huge jump for me I'm very
4178s happy with that look at it what a
4180s beautiful
4182s thing oh Lazarus brings up a good
4185s question are we hunting the pickle
4186s monster and it wasn't our thumbnail we
4189s should we should hunt pickle Let's do
4190s let's do Valar and then cuz do we have
4193s to go find pickle first right like is
4195s there a
4197s yeah or something or he finds US yeah or
4200s she they the pick finds us the pickle
4203s finds us it finds a way um so yeah let
4207s me know when you putting the quest in
4208s and I'll uh join you all right give me
4211s one
4212s sec what a beautiful sword and shield
4216s also the blast helps getting tail Cuts
4223s so okay I got my black steel Hammer but
4226s but I don't know if that's really what I
4227s want to be doing black steel Hammer 2 or
4230s should I go with gr Rock I think Grand
4233s Rock has way higher
4235s damage big biggest Bonks yeah let's
4239s let's stick with what we
4241s got I'm ready for evil Kulu now but I
4244s actually don't know if we're going to do
4246s it this week so we'll see that's right
4248s that we can save them I mean we got you
4251s know we got to take down the pickle it's
4252s one of your favorite monsters right yeah
4254s yeah
4258s okay um B yeah we're going with okay is
4262s that an optional that you've got that
4264s under or let me check I'll quickly check
4267s my investigations I don't think I have a
4269s valark no I've got kosala and teostra
4273s it's an eight
4274s star nice should we do it yeah go for it
4278s all right here we go posting it
4282s now that's optional right that you've
4284s done yes there we
4290s go there toost SP
4295s yes let me take a look where you at I'm
4299s just I'm just
4301s eating oh little butterfly pelicos right
4304s okay I'm here I'm here looking good
4307s looking good I love it it's so
4311s bad and it's like you know it's kind of
4313s like a Pard me it's not got like a point
4316s on it mhm so it's like a choppy sword
4319s and
4321s shield it's a choppy choppy it's got
4324s like a um like a little uh blunt end at
4326s the end actually let me take a look let
4327s me see see over
4329s here oh yeah yeah it does have like a
4331s little it's like it the sword got cut
4334s off yeah yeah but I like it I like the
4338s style all right mad got the plasma charm
4342s ready they're much better prepared than
4343s we are so I I got my null breze I'll be
4347s you know you've got prevention I'll be
4349s running on the Cure front of null
4354s Breeze oh I've crash landed oh oh me too
4358s oh we're not alow there we go look all
4360s right well there's only one thing left
4362s to do
4366s Char oh the Jos are going in wait
4370s Jos oh
4372s lovely I'm going so I started spinning
4377s been to win you've got to get that mount
4380s there oh that was so close oh I didn't
4382s get
4383s it oh where am I what's going on who's
4386s got hold of me am I sliding I'm sliding
4388s I missed I
4391s missed that's some lovely Mountain
4393s damage you're doing there as well I keep
4395s missing
4400s um oh I've
4403s uh there we go
4407s oh the alium yeah it's caught me
4413s there nice you did all of the work for
4415s that mount by the way I just got one
4417s Mount damage and it's like yes no that's
4419s all you man that's all
4421s you as me I'll take that thank you very
4428s much do your
4430s thing I'm going to up jab it
4434s away
4439s okay here we
4440s go oh no oh no it flinched out of it
4444s okay let's try that again bazark making
4447s me work for it
4450s here oh dual blades
4453s [Music]
4458s ooh give me that
4464s tail I'm about to get slapped on I think
4470s y oh oh yeah my armor is not quite up to
4474s Snuff with my weapon now uh
4478s okay o oh
4483s oh thank you for the life
4491s powder let me get your squishy
4494s bits
4496s oh oh I'm in danger we're on the
4501s way oh thank you I missed the
4504s uppercut it's the thought that counts
4506s sometimes
4508s yeah I'm not in great position here but
4511s I'll do what I can I mean hammers have
4513s the most dangerous job they're always at
4514s the head aren't they which nine times
4516s out of 10 is the most dangerous part of
4518s a Monster yeah just risk it all
4524s yeah
4527s now drink up there we go I hit there ah
4530s I missed remind be last the first time
4532s we fought about hak we got the kill
4534s between a Kinect and a rock yeah epic it
4539s was either way it's an epic finish
4543s yeah getting two of them at the same
4545s time
4549s yeah oh the tail
4553s slab oh
4561s got some Slinger ammo for
4568s folks I should probably take my uh
4570s mantle off here cuz it's not going to
4572s recharge while I've still got it on me m
4574s there we
4576s go oh I was not paying attention
4582s there or the oium strikes again
4589s I love this uh theme song that's great
4591s isn't it yeah said like it's so somber
4594s but then it kind of ramps
4602s up the bed breath yeah the death breath
4606s is proper nasty made me think of bed
4608s breath as well it's like the bed
4612s breath ooh lovely break
4617s nice we get sliding attack
4624s nope uhoh uhoh what it doing what's it
4627s doing
4629s uh oh it's just falling over
4636s yeah we can oh yeah the I forgot you did
4640s it there you go I don't know if I got
4642s the tender in or not but
4705s well we hit we hit it with the rock that
4707s I know is definitely
4714s there boom
4717s boom Oh there's some blast damage way oh
4720s sorry I don't know if I contribute to
4722s that
4724s stagger Dragon
4726s pod oh a perfect rush out
4731s there hopefully you get what you need
4733s what uh material are you after
4736s um I can't remember I just saw a bunch
4737s of Vaz stuff and said let's get it
4739s that's not white that's still gray we
4741s need to change that we do love
4744s environmental damage in this house I oh
4746s thank you yeah I did their
4750s world you rock the world get out of
4755s here I had a late reaction to that one
4758s just sinking in you're like wait a
4760s minute that's a fun yeah how dare you
4764s wait a second
4766s all right what are we thinking so we
4767s could try to find devil Joe and live up
4770s to the thumbnail yeah we should probably
4772s make the thumbnail Cannon okay okay or
4775s we we could try to take out our arch
4777s nemesis but I don't know if we're ready
4778s I I kind of feel my armor hasn't changed
4780s I hit harder but I still crumple like
4783s paper yeah nothing has changed
4787s yeah man I'm going to have to go back to
4789s those uh clips from last week I remember
4791s at the end there I just I literally just
4793s walked into the area that I was in and
4795s all of a sudden it just jumped on me
4797s it's like you know what Bonk and it's
4798s like wait a second wait a
4800s second what did I get here controller
4803s thr moment
4806s yeah Val haaz me take I Know It with
4810s vazar is you need the fangs or something
4812s for some of the higher end stuff is that
4814s the master bits and you spend ages that
4816s you're like get the head break get the
4818s head
4819s break oh thank
4821s you yeah I'll go look at the armor yeah
4825s I'm going to take a look right now over
4827s the
4828s workshop yeah I know I want a wrath loss
4831s chest but that'll have to wait are there
4832s any devil Joe armor pieces I like but
4835s yeah it's like what is it
4837s um do we need to talk to someone for
4840s devil Joe yeah I'm not sure if anybody
4845s knows given orange flashbacks about the
4847s Fang
4849s farming and we've all been there well
4852s most of us have been there you know who
4854s want those pieces don't worry we can
4857s sympathize okay so I can make the vazar
4860s waist or the legs which they look really
4864s cool I don't need what they give yeah I
4867s need five bazak fangs and that's the
4869s only part I don't have now um oh well
4873s yeah we'll have to save that for next
4874s time oh yes Save the farming um so yeah
4878s devil
4880s Joe is it you have to do a certain is it
4883s the mushroom Quest where it's like go
4884s gather some mushrooms or
4886s whatever is it that
4892s one gather some
4894s mushrooms let's take a look if it's an
4898s event Quest right yeah would it be EV
4900s vent Quest or a special assignment no
4903s good question if anyone in chat knows
4905s let us let us know and we can go go
4908s pickle poke in we go go take him
4914s down
4915s oh
4930s hello it's a blue with the scholars
4934s ah oh I see I
4940s see all right let's go and there's my
4942s lovely the ostra sword and shield my
4944s love is looking clean
4947s ior now but that is great is is grm in
4951s the cat gear today or like a turquoise
4955s like aquamarine type color nice that's
4958s great that's great good stuff grm thanks
4960s for joining us as
4962s always Dante looking very cool with the
4966s rajang helm
4968s there all right just admiring
4970s everybody's uh oh yeah you've got to
4973s haven't you everybody's fashion right
4978s devil uh sorry great sword uh oh where
4980s am I going where am I going oh it's a
4982s cut
4984s scene okay so where did you go uh I
4987s spoke to the Admiral and I've been
4988s whisked away oh okay okay um that might
4991s be the cor toath stuff yeah listen up
4995s listen to me that one that we'll have to
4997s sit on for a little bit um me head to
5001s the trade yard see if there's any uh
5004s Blues if we've got the
5006s blues I'll have a look cuz I I've not
5009s got any blues in the I don't think I've
5011s got any other ones oh here we go uh the
5016s scholars okay okay something's
5021s happening unless I wasn't speaking to
5023s the right Scholars which is oh okay here
5026s we go yeah it's it's the tiny guys well
5030s the ones in the botony area or yeah yeah
5033s they're uh they're like close to that
5038s let's see is this the
5040s one world eater devil Joe has been
5042s spotted in the new world and it's
5044s threatening the local ecosystem in every
5046s High ranked local and six or seven
5048s optional quests um you may find deviljo
5051s tracks okay so we do have to find the
5053s tracks first we won't just be able to
5055s hunt it so we have to do any six or
5057s seven optional quests then yes and I
5060s guess the Ancient Forest is probably a
5062s good one to get the tracks cuz I think
5064s there's is that where you first fight it
5067s yeah well seems it seems like we won't
5071s be able to get to it today so what do
5074s you think maybe we should go after our
5076s arch nemesis we should we probably
5078s should I've got a nice shiny new weapon
5080s and it'll be ashamed to not give it a
5082s full-on spin against our nemesis from
5085s last week yeah our weekly
5088s try I'll check the special assignments
5091s to see if it's already in there as well
5093s we'll have a look we'll have a look yeah
5094s let's take a look
5096s special ass than you guys I I I swear
5098s we've played this game before yeah yeah
5101s so I've got special Arena which was
5103s Pandora's Arena which is the teostra
5106s lunastra one same same and then a
5108s visitor from another right I'm about to
5109s put visitor in Joe are you ready to
5112s join um well uh mad artist says they
5115s have the quest so would it let us I mean
5118s we put it in see if it let us join yeah
5121s yeah good to
5123s shot
5134s I'm looking at the stream now and
5135s sometimes when the map is has a certain
5137s color it's like I have a halo around my
5140s head right join a quest and it's a
5144s special assignment no I can't join it
5146s I've not progressed enough through the
5148s story
5150s okay well as was written we going to
5154s fight our arch nemesis thank you for
5157s trying mad artist we appreciate it right
5159s Joe it's going in and I give mad artist
5162s a second as well oh it's one Hunter as
5164s well yeah I guess that's the unlock
5165s version isn't it right the Quest for
5167s another world is in right I heard the
5171s the little bell
5172s ring I'm taking I'm my voucher because I
5175s know this is going to be a
5179s dub there we go we got Dante Hunter
5181s Celestia and your fine self right is
5184s there anything in the in the food skills
5186s that can protect us is is Insurance in
5189s there defense up uh do we have insurance
5193s moxy's in there there's safeg guard
5198s beine
5199s Safeguard
5200s yeah yeah Moxy in there as well I'm
5204s going to eat for Moxy I didn't see
5206s Insurance just cuz it gives me a free a
5209s three go around it's not behem off yet
5211s we still need to defeat the kuk it's
5214s been absolutely B us so open road
5216s platter so I can get the Safeguard and
5219s it sounds like you the other one right
5221s Moxy yeah I was like yes please yeah K's
5226s been putting respect on its house put it
5228s that
5231s way safeg guard is solid yeah I just
5235s need to not be greedy I need to be
5237s patient and don't get hit by the big
5240s Crystal this is going to be fun the stun
5244s stun it in part is massive black L is
5247s saying audio is super glitchy jonno are
5249s you uh let's just try talking yeah yeah
5253s um I can pick it up a little bit on you
5254s but I was like maybe it will calm down
5257s all right yeah you know this is a um a
5259s stream across continents so it is across
5262s the ocean you just never know you never
5264s know what uh Network difficulties you're
5266s going to have but you know we're we're
5269s pushing boundaries but thanks for
5270s bearing with us much appreciated and so
5273s far no like disconnects or anything oh
5274s now you said it now you said it we're
5276s going to get right to the end both of us
5279s yeah
5280s yeah but we done well on the gem front I
5282s got a bird Wy followed by a Wy gem um
5286s thanks to the jotus suggestion so thank
5289s you to jotus as well for genous like
5291s genuinely generously donating look at
5294s that even mixing my words up now
5297s um I mean he did genuinely gen
5300s generously give me the the gem so can't
5304s complain
5317s and uh we're on the way there there cool
5319s I'm going to hold my Vitality manle for
5321s now I'm going to hold on to it until it
5324s gets a bit bigger and hits
5327s harder but then if if I get scared I
5330s might just put it straight on
5333s yeah I totally forgot about about
5334s mantles too uh what we got what we got
5337s i' I've gone for Vitality oh I only have
5339s a health booster actually oh I wish I
5342s had a rock steady mantle or the temporal
5345s oh you know what I got stunned in one
5348s hit oh no I see you in the corner there
5350s no no
5351s no one hit for the the stun all right
5355s vital you know I'm I'm going to thank
5356s you I'm going to put the Vitality manle
5358s on uh because I quickly got humbled by
5362s the Big
5362s Bird we'll do that
5367s funny getting your your butt handed to
5370s you to the Chocobo music by a big Kulu
5373s you it's so jolly it is this is what
5377s Kulu is probably Hearing in its head
5379s that's what we're
5380s hearing it's just a happy bird having a
5383s good time beating up the
5385s hunters uh yeah the the the rule of Bas
5388s around equipment is so kind of keep it
5390s similar to our so don't overpower the
5392s monster so at the minute between 6 and
5395s eight for gear Rarity so like basically
5398s no master rank uh gear basically oh no
5401s down I
5403s fell here yeah just so that we don't
5405s absolutely turbo BOS the monsters yeah
5411s yeah bouncing off that
5414s Crystal oh a part
5416s break very
5418s nice H the crystal I'm only doing six
5423s damage all right that's three times my
5426s damage when I hit it no it got bigger
5429s and we're in like a super enclosed area
5432s right here which is a good and bad thing
5434s I
5436s suppose this is going to eat us up okay
5439s there we
5440s go it's on the
5443s Run yeah if if it's a high rank monster
5446s and it's between six and eight that's
5448s fine yeah for all of our um you know we
5452s keep talking about how this Quest is our
5454s moral enemy right now but it is really
5456s fun it is it is a fun Quest I mean we
5459s like a challenge as well and we are
5461s coming at it slightly under gear um on
5464s the armor front specifically and like
5466s the lack of like
5468s mantles um but it's fun it's nice to
5470s have a challenge and it is a little bit
5472s of like self-inflicted challenge it
5475s is that
5479s no yeah the amount of like passion
5482s that's gone into the collabs is is
5485s fantastic yeah
5495s absolutely going to preemptively put
5497s this down
5498s oh I just walked in and it almost hit me
5502s you getting
5503s flashbacks yeah yeah I had a I had a
5505s little bit of jump scare there oh there
5506s it
5510s goes uh-oh there jumps
5513s again stay still you got to be kidding
5518s ah it doesn't care for traps the power
5520s of the crystal is too much yeah yeah all
5524s got some blast damage
5526s there try to get a oh you can't mount it
5529s either right no no trips no Mounds no CS
5532s all right well I was able to get a
5534s jumping attack which did pretty good
5536s damage there nice I got bigger
5542s again oh no I'm in I'm in stunned
5545s threshold Town yeah oh no I'm below my
5548s Moxy threshold time to
5554s drink Yum Yum Yum y y y Health booster
5560s nice oh I'm
5562s stunned look over here oh oh the double
5567s oh luckily feline Safeguard had our
5569s backs there so good choice on that
5572s indeed the the double dunk
5576s oh man that hurts that's all right don't
5579s worry Celestia I mean it's a big is a
5581s big Kulu it's going to it's got a big
5583s old bit of Splash damage is limping
5585s though these these improved weapons are
5588s making a big
5590s difference um I think yeah it's too soon
5592s to eat so that that kind of sucks that's
5595s all right just don't get hit just don't
5596s get hit it's fine you know like like I
5599s absolutely didn't get hit last time we
5600s tried to fight it
5602s yeah yeah fine yeah no I was I was yeah
5606s I was eating
5608s Crystal EA Crystal yeah I'm in one shot
5611s territory so this is that's okay we like
5613s we like a bit of like high stakes
5616s hunting you know yeah just don't get hit
5619s just don't get hit it's it's as simple
5620s as that the ageold trick if just don't
5622s get
5626s hit I know Celestia it's it's all part
5629s of the fun it's all part of the fun
5632s right Dante are you going to pull your
5633s Devil Trigger is that what we're going
5635s to do let's
5639s go oh oh oh it's on the Move come back
5643s here uh it's almost down it is nearly
5646s down yeah yeah but you know we are still
5650s very much in danger territory we are
5653s also almost down so yeah it's anyone's
5656s anyone's hunt right now I kind of feel
5658s like I should just stay away no get
5661s involved we we hunt or C like Hunters
5664s you're right you're right I'm now nearly
5667s C so I'm going to have a drink no don't
5668s look at me
5670s right that's all right commit commit all
5676s in okay okay oh
5681s oh get up here no is it taking more
5684s Crystal juice more Crystal juice yum
5690s yum coming up I want revenge oh nice
5694s attack up
5695s l oh so scared right now that's good
5699s it's
5699s good channel that fear and put it into
5703s your Hammer
5706s swings oh okay my health booster is up
5712s uh oh there's the
5714s dun right into it we're still good we're
5717s still good we're still got one more you
5719s know it' be a waste to not use up the
5721s cards you
5723s know get evolved I failed this there I
5727s the yeah oh my gosh oh they're picking
5731s on Celestia now is my I need to check if
5734s my Mantle's back it' be wonderful to
5736s have my mantle back about now uh no
5738s that's my booster I should probably look
5740s at the monster yeah that manle was not
5742s coming back for a bit right where were
5749s we
5751s man oh nice stagger that was wonderful
5755s okay I got to get back out there I'm
5756s going in the air who oh got blast on it
5759s oh it went to the the quick slam there
5762s it's getting getting a bit angsty it
5765s would be really tragic if I get back out
5767s there and immed jump on you oh we got
5770s the plunge I got the plunge all right
5771s I'm going to do this okay okay I see
5774s what's happening here oh it's careful
5777s it's traversing it's leaving
5782s somewhere come back
5787s good I feel like when it does it though
5788s it's most
5790s dangerous oh I took the wrong bit uh
5793s hold on where am I I've feel back CU nor
5797s I'd have all the powders on me and stuff
5799s butly CU I've not been investing in that
5801s side of things on on this Hunter I'm
5803s like oh just we just go we just don't
5805s get hit yeah all right here we go we've
5807s been here before Jo but this time oh
5809s nice was that a scatter nut you just
5810s shot on it head I saw it saw over and
5813s hit it straight on knows or the
5821s beat
5822s oh
5824s oh I keep hitting that Crystal for a
5826s whopping four damage I'm I'm super
5829s afraid to just go for it right now
5831s sometimes just got to go all in
5832s dangerous where my health level it's so
5836s low
5840s oh I got Slinger th no uhoh uhoh uhoh
5843s uhoh times I'm stunned I'm stunned all
5846s in all in now thank you for the oh there
5849s we go I got put back Across the
5851s Threshold thank you I thoughted it yeah
5854s I did I Someone Saved Me few there we go
5860s almost nothing at the end there but at
5862s least I didn't end it for us I nearly
5864s did though thank you for putting me back
5866s Above The Moxy threshold I I didn't see
5868s who did it but thank you for the live
5870s Powers thanks for carrying us oh what's
5872s this a bird wife
5877s gem big Kulu down there we go we did it
5881s we did it that's that antagonist down
5884s yeah I'm sure there's nothing even
5885s harder waiting for us after this no no
5888s we we beat the game that's it that's it
5889s yeah GG well played you know
5894s [Laughter]
5896s yeah well played Hunters that was it's
5899s surprising you know how a monster can
5901s suddenly you know a lower tier monster
5904s kind of quotes yeah know can super
5909s fear myself to some or it's a treat oh
5913s then I got haduk by outrageous complete
5917s nice it's nice when it say complete
5919s instead of fail that's yeah we are
5924s struggling there we
5930s go and I think before before we go off
5933s though I did say that we would do a mad
5935s artist birthday hunt so we should let uh
5938s mad artist pick a hunt to do yeah yeah
5942s so mad artist when we get back in the
5944s last hunt of the stream because it is
5946s your
5947s birthday popping a hunt and and we will
5950s do
5951s it there we go who do I talk to oh is it
5954s there we go serious
5955s Handler oh whoops yeah I talked to
5957s Serious Handler as well and okay that's
5961s progressing FF stuff going to smash do
5964s that dialogue real quick it's not what
5965s monster we need it's what monster you
5967s want to hunt Paradise cuz it's your
5969s birthday you pick your favorite or least
5972s favorite
5978s monster there got the the
5983s M oh
5984s my oh by the way this world ended
5987s monster also followed me through what
5992s what the legendary
6001s beast that'll be one maybe for next week
6011s yeah right when madus puts in the quest
6014s we can uh hopefully jump
6016s in replan my
6019s Potions all that's all right you know
6022s it's all about the community isn't it
6023s you
6025s yeah you're blushing like
6027s crazy
6029s um alumx on YouTube that that was
6032s Celestia Hunter Celestia thanks again
6034s for for hunting with
6038s us yeah let us know when the quest is in
6041s and we'll join it
6043s yep I see there's someone in the lobby
6045s Solo in Fatalis at the moment as well by
6047s the way wow that's powerful energy I
6051s love that with a great sword
6054s yeah just like I want everybody to
6055s witness what I'm doing witness
6060s me
6061s optional
6063s oh oh okay all right okay I'm into it
6069s yeah our first Kieran on stream as well
6072s yeah yeah we haven't done this yet
6073s cannot wait cannot wait oh kierin oh boy
6078s all right what have I got here lovely
6081s you've not beaten this one yet don't
6083s worry we we might help with that we
6085s might not uh right what we got Elemental
6088s resist attack defense I mean I should
6090s probably look for it is there an ell ell
6092s resist
6094s medium are there any others element
6096s resist
6099s large I'm going in with whatever I got
6103s and we'll figure it out you know what
6106s yeah we we do it live we do it live I'm
6108s going to go Elemental resist medium cuz
6110s it gives me extra
6112s HP is weak to fire well it's I hope it's
6115s also weak to
6117s blast because I'm going to be giving it
6119s the blast yeah that's what you're going
6121s I'm putting out blast I've had enough
6123s kierin his weak to fire is much like
6130s goblins and black B vazar and
6134s Valar blast is awesome you know when in
6137s doubt blast you
6139s know enemy great jagas blast enemy
6143s kashala blast enemy Tira why not blast
6146s anyway you know also blast yep it's all
6151s reliable it is it is literally that is a
6154s fantastic example of that Meme like just
6157s open it blast damage
6160s yeah we we do love those we
6166s do this blast is just the gift that
6168s keeps on giving it's great for All
6170s Occasions and as it turns out now also
6173s birthdays because we're using a blast
6175s weapon in this birthday I uh mad artist
6178s and I are right in it already I can see
6180s I'm I'm in my way up I got caught in
6184s traffic on the way to the birthday party
6187s I'm the party's already begun where's
6190s the
6192s cake well depends if Kieran is the cake
6195s or we end up being the cake H let's see
6197s who gets devoured
6201s first it will be a shocking hun for sure
6208s yeah so many puns today I know I to be
6212s wonderful uhoh uhoh
6216s uhoh I'll be right there I I spotted
6219s something I think it gives a bird or
6221s something I'm just going to me right
6224s what's going on up
6227s here oh there's the
6230s pony pony oh I immediately got
6235s Zapped I will use the power of oh cuz I
6238s need to focus on the head to do damage
6240s don't I yeah yeah I I tenderized the
6242s head over there thank you oh it's a
6244s dragon component in the face it did not
6246s go down
6251s well spam
6253s this Dragon P stop it
6258s gared you can stop that right
6262s now oh
6264s I got zapped I got
6267s zapped have fun me no Bri save
6271s me oh
6273s oh nice stagger I think that's lost the
6277s lightning
6280s oh give me your
6283s that's that hurt close oh my goodness
6286s was that a Moxy save was it was that
6288s luck uh I don't think so I don't think
6290s so I think it was just luck nice oh man
6293s luck yeah kieran's kieran's still after
6295s you y yep it's got it lightning kind of
6299s cloak
6301s back keep dragon dragon poting it all
6305s right here we go here we go I mean the
6308s body is weakened so at least we can hit
6309s it there yeah or tenderized I should
6314s say I always forget the exact term but
6316s it is when you're theck of the Hun yeah
6321s yeah going oh my my goodness the puns
6324s the puns are getting even spikes
6327s here they're horsing around in chat you
6330s know
6337s yeah oh no I picked up the water Moss of
6339s the expensive Dragon pods wait a second
6341s oh I that was lovely I got lucky with
6343s that yeah that was
6350s beautiful I'm spamming that clutch claw
6357s Andy all good right here we go are you
6360s going to come running at me
6366s no we get that perfect Rush
6370s going oh I'm on oh there we go nice bit
6374s of blast there let's keep that head nice
6377s and tenderized yep I'm
6380s helping Big Bang let's go finish sure
6386s oh oh the fullon knock down from The Big
6389s Bang from Joe finally got it do it break
6393s that horn that will make our lives a lot
6395s easier and it's a rajang approved action
6399s so you know oh no no no uh I rised it
6402s all there okay I got to heal o watch out
6405s watch out you right I'm not stunned I'm
6407s not stunn though it's good it's good
6408s it's good I'm going to just uh heal up
6410s heal up still good it's still good
6414s right
6416s uh so many Dragon pods yeah it's great
6419s isn't it yeah very handy for that that
6422s one's a straight
6425s line oh no you don't oh yes you
6429s do oh it's going get back ah I'm going
6434s to sharpen me me sword take these Dragon
6437s pods ah Still Got
6440s Away Coral Crystal now it's a good time
6442s to get some
6443s yeah you're right you're right where we
6450s at there go just to replenish the stores
6453s as well there's another one over here
6456s think Claw on YouTube is saying I'm
6457s doing my own 100h hour challenge I need
6459s help between two weapons gun Lance or
6461s Hammer I know Hammer is mostly use and
6463s gun Lance underrated but I don't know
6466s they're an insect glaive main what are
6467s your thoughts on that that's a good one
6469s I mean I kind of lean towards Hammer
6472s because it's a it's a class
6474s plastic weapon um Bonks you know is a
6478s big selling point however the gun Lance
6480s has explosions and I know if like rakan
6482s was here for example yeah yeah ran will
6485s be advocating for the gun Lance and as
6486s you said you know gun Lance doesn't
6488s necessarily get as much Spotlight as the
6492s uh hammer and I really really like the
6495s rathan gun Lance it's a really good Full
6497s Burst play style with the normal shells
6499s and the poison status um but yeah it's
6503s tricky It's Tricky uh I
6507s mean can I do I do I pick just one I
6510s mean
6512s I we we'll Lay It lay it out for him and
6515s uh let them make the final Choice yeah I
6517s mean the hammer is surprisingly mobile
6519s so if you don't want to sacrifice your
6521s Mobility too much like that you enjoy
6524s with the uh insect glaive go for Hammer
6527s if you want a totally different
6528s experience that's entirely different to
6532s what you're used to and you just want to
6534s really kind of you know expand your your
6537s skills as a hunter with a totally
6538s different play style give gun Lance to
6540s go uh cuz the explosions are incredibly
6545s satisfying yeah I agree with that um
6548s oops I mean obviously I'm running Hammer
6550s right now so it's kind of a more
6552s straightforward play style I'd
6554s say um but you know you get like you get
6558s lots of
6559s stuns always go for the head oh I got
6562s the oh
6564s nice but yeah I think if I had to vote
6566s for one I might go for gun Lance just
6568s because it's so different you know yeah
6570s and it could always use a little bit
6572s more of the
6574s spotlight oh can't can't use I got thr
6578s off this is going to be a tricky one
6581s over to you
6584s oh oh man I need to hold on here oh
6589s yeah it's come back up yeah no that's
6592s good it's good that's good and it's
6594s going down that is a surprisingly
6597s challenging down here
6601s yeah oh nice I got another stun on there
6604s nice I got I got Dragon
6607s pierced I was like Hey right okay the
6610s head's
6611s wounded the PO it's broken your your
6613s work on there is let's
6619s go oh I need to get that back to range
6623s right that's it I'm going to race the
6628s Kieran using the power of wedge
6632s beetles oh no Kieran got me
6635s midair the disrespect I know at least
6638s you're still
6642s alive D yeah me and Joe are both
6645s Community managers at Capcom on Monster
6647s Hunter um and I work on the EMA side um
6652s and Joe works on the Capcom USA Side
6657s Y I'm going to put on my put my mant
6667s on if anyone's got any Barrel bombs or
6670s anything I don't uh what do I got what
6673s do I got oh the dragon
6675s piercer all right we're back on
6678s it I I do have a barrel bomb
6681s but it down for fun
6685s yeah what do community managers do um a
6688s few different things so obviously we've
6689s got the stream in um monter more social
6692s well social media in general so the
6693s social media channels we liaz and work
6697s with monst Hunter content creators and
6700s uh very importantly as well we gather
6703s Community sentiment and we um share that
6707s with the team and other departments to
6709s know what's going over well uh are there
6711s any criticisms or feedback from the
6713s community about certain things um and
6716s everything in between we kind of like
6717s the middle ground between you the
6719s players and um the team the de team yeah
6723s is that right Jo did I miss anything I'm
6724s tring miss something no you basically
6726s said exactly what I was going to say we
6728s we are kind of the bridge between you
6729s know the the teams at Capcom and the
6732s community so um you know we try to relay
6735s as much feedback as we can obviously um
6738s you know I think part of our jobs is
6740s really understanding the game as best as
6742s we can and you know kind of like the um
6745s the business and you know the production
6746s team so um yeah there's a lot that goes
6748s into the job but um yes it it's a very
6751s like kind of multifaceted thing it's
6754s kind of hard to describe it is it's very
6756s interesting um what are tips to go for
6759s for Community Management or marketing I
6761s mean obviously gen up on social media J
6764s up on the type of marketing you want to
6765s go into so if it is video game related
6768s you know uh get involved in that side of
6770s things be aware of Trends and and
6773s everything like that um it's so Broad
6775s and everyone has a different journey
6777s into marketing or Community Management
6779s so there is no set template really
6781s Beyond some of the key that you know
6783s know the stuff you want to work
6785s on talking that though we successfully
6789s got mad artist a birthday hunt gift we
6792s took down the caran happy birthday mad
6797s artist yeah I would say um you know horn
6801s our job is social media and community
6803s but you know we we do quite a bit on the
6806s marketing side we work really closely
6807s with the brand managers and different
6809s people who um are more kind of more
6811s dedicated to that side of the job so
6812s yeah it's a little it's a little bit of
6814s everything you do really kind of have to
6815s know like all facets of uh of the
6818s business as best as you can so yeah I I
6822s think my advice is you know pay
6825s attention to what other companies are
6826s doing um you know the way they're
6828s communicating things um things that you
6831s like things that maybe you don't like um
6833s maybe uh you know take a look at like
6836s whether it's gaming or or movies or you
6838s know just things that are in your
6840s hobbies um and and keep track of that
6842s stuff I think it's it's super valuable
6843s because um that is something that we try
6845s to do as well so yeah we could talk
6848s about that topic for a long time yeah
6850s yeah you yeah there's panels for that
6852s kind of thing that g for hours yeah
6855s yeah yeah are very important oh look
6859s what these Kieran pieces I'm glad I put
6860s a ticket in yeah I
6864s comination horn so I got the Azure horn
6867s and the Thunder horn there oh you got
6869s the Thunder horn I didn't get one D
6871s sorry
6873s sorry maybe I can get some maybe I can
6875s make some rather tasteful Kieran
6879s [Music]
6883s armor ah Toby's a great monster Toby's
6887s also my my partner's favorite monster
6888s she actually has a tattoo of Toby
6890s kadachi she likes it that much um so
6893s very good choice of favorite monster
6895s that was a great choice I'm going to
6896s quickly pop to the workshop before we
6898s wrap up to see if I get myself some
6900s rather snazzy here
6902s and yeah let's do
6911s it equipment
6914s armor here you're back
6919s again oh I can make the chest piece
6925s oh for curan yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
6927s yeah oh sweet I'd like to make the waste
6929s for how it looks I mean I don't need
6930s blight resistance but it is a very nice
6932s looking piece of
6933s armor um all right I'm ready for arm
6936s wrestling if anybody is is down for that
6940s oh there we go that's the piece I need I
6941s need to get the ABS out there we
6947s go any any
6950s takers I'll come up and watch the arm
6952s wrestling
6955s all right let's do it Mystic maker will
6957s probably destroy
6960s me here we
6963s go mashing mashing
6971s mashing tragedy all right I came
6976s the mytic Mystic maker will be my
6978s Champion Go On Mystic maker you can be
6980s my Champion SW sword and shield user
6983s I've got to be on their side you know
6985s they will
6989s represent Mystic
6992s maker Go On Mystic believe well played
6995s that there you go so it's you know one
6998s for Hammer gang so far was it Mystic you
7000s fought or was it Phil team uh Mystic oh
7003s nice so wow sword and shield gang up
7005s there well played oh Hammer Bros did not
7009s make it but that's okay that's okay ter
7010s I'll go I'll go against field team and
7013s then you'll probably get one back here
7016s come on field team you'll probably get
7017s one for the Hammers
7028s [Music]
7032s here oh well played well played hey you
7037s go bought one back yeah I as you can see
7040s I don't think I've won an arm wrestle in
7042s uh in the Stream yet that's why I had
7044s Mystic maker be my
7046s Champion I think we won like one total
7048s yeah that's it that's it that's all you
7051s need you know yeah all right for the h
7055s Bros yeah well played everyone's fashion
7057s is so cool look at like I know I know as
7061s well gr Mystic yes it's okay that scarf
7065s is cool how it's kind of like almost
7067s sentient as it floats in the yeah um and
7070s obviously our our birthday Hunter there
7071s mad artists
7073s wrapped up nice and snug yeah yeah um
7077s nice and warm yes it's nice to see so
7079s many sword and shields in the hub as
7081s well and you know we got a load of
7082s different weapons in here bows Char
7084s blades lot ofy sword and shields but
7086s yeah with that I guess we should wrap
7088s things up for today um thank you
7091s everyone for coming by we made some
7092s great progress it also sets up for a
7095s date with the Beemo in the near future
7098s um which will be no doubt go swimmingly
7102s uh so we can look forward to that um but
7105s as always thank you everyone for coming
7107s by whether you watched whether you were
7109s in chat or you jumped into the Hub and
7111s hunted with us uh anything else from you
7113s Joe before we head
7114s off um yeah we uh we were going to go a
7117s little shorter today um but I think the
7119s energy just like yeah cuz yeah Jon a
7121s little under the weather so we were
7122s going to go shorter but I think the the
7124s fun and the energy just uh it brought us
7126s up a little bit so we were able to go a
7128s little bit longer we basically went the
7129s full time um yeah this just a hunting
7133s with the the community and it definitely
7135s made me feel bit better you know the
7136s energy and and everyone being so so fun
7140s yeah but um yeah sorry Joe I kind of
7143s interrupted I apologize no no no you're
7144s good you're good uh I'm really glad that
7146s we took out our Evil Nemesis the Kulu so
7150s U we've got that monkey off our back I
7151s guess that CH or whatever we're calling
7152s it um and uh we'll we'll be ready for uh
7157s for what lies ahead so yeah looking
7159s forward to next week exactly and with
7161s that as always I've been jonno and I'm
7165s Joe and you've been awesome have a
7167s fantastic weekend and we will see you
7169s next week happy hunting and good night
7172s all right see you
7178s [Music]
7191s everybody
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7397s oh
30 days ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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245s hello everyone and welcome to today's
246s stream my name is j o EMA Community
248s manager on monst Hunter and I'm joined
250s by everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom
253s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
255s jonno uh we have made our way through
259s high rank um we are getting ready for
262s master rank um but we're not not quite
265s there yet so what are we doing today so
267s today we are going to be kind of going
269s through some different hunts for for the
270s community we're both going to be looking
272s for gear that we want to get ready
274s basically ice spawn ready so that when
276s we hit Master anank we can start or
279s continue upgrading our gear particularly
281s the weapons because I think when it
282s comes to armor we'll probably just jump
284s on whatever we can get um but for me I'm
287s really Keen to get some teostra sword
289s and shield action going how about
291s you um you know I'm not really quite
294s sure where I want to go with my upgrade
296s tree um you know once we get to master
299s rank some of this stuff is going to uh
301s it's not we're not going to be quite
302s there yet so you know I'm not I'm not
304s really sure where I want to go I think
305s I'm just going to go with the flow and
306s see see how we feel nice nice but say
309s the the monst on world is our oyster um
313s so we can jump in we'll get the
314s community in and we can hunt some
316s monsters cuz originally I was thinking
318s maybe low rank but I know we both need
320s some Coral Stone um from the coral
323s Highlands so I guess that would be a
325s great place to start for both of us um
327s and then we can get down our relevant
329s trees
331s yeah sounds good sounds good um sounds
334s like audio is a little buggy on my side
336s so I'll try to try sort that out just
338s now John go ahead
341s and while I do that and my volume is
344s spiking too sorry if my my volume is
346s spiking we're just sorting some bits out
348s on the back end there um
352s so we're we're just going to smooth out
354s that audio for
359s everyone
360s [Music]
364s sounds good again so that's good um but
368s yes it's all part of the fun of getting
369s ready for some hunting you
371s know all right I think I'm back now I
375s know your mic's now gone back
378s again oh the the fun of uh we're doing
381s it live
383s yeah um see we can start it out once
386s we're settled we will um get get the
388s lobby open but yeah we'll be head into
390s the coal Highlands first for some high
392s rank goodness of course all we ask is if
394s you do hunt with us please use gear that
397s is equivalent to ours do not bring in
399s any master rank gear um because it's
401s just not fair on the monsters and they
403s die in like 30 seconds um because we're
405s in high rank So currently we're using
408s gear around the Rarity 5 to Rarity 7
412s window so yeah please do emulate that
415s and use 5 to seven Rarity Gear with us
418s especially your weapon
421s um that would be a
424s wonderful this is csgo my quality
426s hopefully I sound a little better now
430s you do sound clearer you do sound clear
432s there's no choppiness all right I I
435s switch mics but obviously this I think
437s the mic that I'm on now is not as good
438s of a mic but you know we're going to
440s have to make it work it's nice to hear
442s you smoothly though that your do set
444s tones are coming through nicely all
446s right all right um well cool I think
450s maybe we can start getting into it now
452s um yeah sorry for the uh the troubles
454s everybody and uh NE sorry you won't be
456s able to join today but um hopefully work
459s goes well and we'll see you next time
461s yes and thank you so much for the the
462s tier three sub as well for four months
464s now you obviously are like you know our
466s one of our MV H's most valuable Hunters
469s here pretty much week on week uh arm
471s wrestle Champion um so thank you for
474s giving our thumbs a break this week uh
476s it's very considerate of you yeah okay
480s all right um what okay what are we doing
483s sorry a little flustered no that's fine
486s do you want to pop the um do you want to
487s pop the lobby IDs in the chat so get rid
490s of one Joe's going to be putting the
491s lobby ID in we are on Steam so if you're
494s on PC get that PC fired up and jump in
497s with us and yeah obviously mad artist it
500s is mad artist's Birthday everyone so for
502s those that don't know mad artist is a
503s stream regular and lik to hunt with us
505s too so please wish them a happy birthday
507s if you're watching on Twitch um so happy
510s birthday Matt artist happy
514s birthday dedicated Hunter that's been
517s with us for quite a few of these
518s episodes so um we really appreciate it
521s and um yeah we hope you have an amazing
523s birthday and thanks for spending it with
525s us you really didn't have
528s to yeah we'll let you uh you can you can
531s pick your favorite hunt at some point
533s today and we we'll hunt um a monster of
536s your choice that's in high rank
538s obviously or low rank if you just want
540s to bully it's your birthday if you want
541s to bully a low rank monster you
545s know and thank you Joe for popping that
547s Lobby ID in yeah absolutely um I think
551s we may just need to adjust our cameras
553s slightly
555s um so producer behind the scenes if you
557s don't
560s mind I'll look for a quest while we do
563s that um do I have any investigations in
566s the coral Highlands if not I will go and
568s look cuz I'm sure picked some up uh on
571s last week's
572s stream yeah I'm pretty sure we did I'll
575s go to the trade yard and have a
578s look cuz basically we don't want to rush
580s the the hunt either in the cor Highlands
581s cuz I still need six
583s ore um what's the name of the ore is it
586s the fusium or I need Coral coral
590s Coral yeah I need quite a bit of one of
593s them I can't quite remember which one it
595s is um I think also say J you're feeling
598s a little bit under the weather so um
601s yeah but you're hanging in there you're
602s true trooper you said the stream goes
605s live no matter what exactly exactly
609s thanks for being there for us um but
611s yeah it also May mean that uh we might
613s not go the entire full two hours today
615s um we'll let we'll let our our guy get
618s some rest here so yes so if I'm not
620s sounding as animated as usual or I'm
622s looking a bit tired it's cuz I've got a
624s cold that's all um but yeah we were like
627s you know what the stream must go on it's
628s mad artist birthday today you know we
631s don't want mad artist to turn up on
632s their birthday and we not be here to to
635s celebrate that you're dedicated man I I
638s really respect it you you even said uh
641s um it's matad artist's birthday we
643s cannot miss out so yeah you know it's
646s you know I'd feel guilty I'd be lying
648s there feeling twice as bad I
651s think but you know it's cool it's great
653s to catch up with the community that'll
655s make me feel better uh and Rarity 5 to 7
657s please like that would be ideal if you
660s know as long as it's not master rank you
661s know that's that's great but yeah five
664s to seven is like The Sweet Spot yeah I
667s think I have um armor is up to Rarity
670s eight and my hammer is at six which I
672s think I'm a little bit lower than the
673s recommended um so yeah maybe we're out
677s at
678s eight okay I've got a nice quest for the
680s coral Highlands um all right did you
682s post that yeah we're I'm on my way back
685s up cuz I forgot to take the left like a
687s like a
688s fool
690s gotcha gotcha and if you don't get in
692s straightway don't worry we will rotate
693s and I'm sure at some point Joe and I if
695s we get enough hunters in we'll take two
697s lobbies at once or two hunts at once uh
700s but it's nice to kind of hunt together
702s to get limber and we both definitely
704s need stuff from this hunt um so that be
708s glorious I always feel a little sad when
711s we're we're not hunting uh together
714s where is he
715s and well maybe we'll have to give Kulu
717s another go at some point today as well
719s oh yeah yeah oh man we got destroyed
722s last week yeah I kind of forgot about
723s that it's been a crazy week I don't know
725s if you guys know but we launched like
726s this uh this game this little game
728s called Dragon's Dogma 2 so we've been a
729s little
730s busy but uh but last week right before
733s that happened um we got absolutely
736s annihilated by Kulu by the gigantic Kulu
740s so um that was quite a ride huh it's the
743s most dangerous monster we've faced in
745s the whole series it's given us the most
747s carts the most Quest fails like
749s ironically the most dangerous monster
751s thus far for us right I'm about to sorry
754s I'm about to pop the quest in I'm going
756s to start a camp 12 cuz I know there's at
758s least three blue War really close to it
761s um I say really close not far away so
764s that will definitely help us on our or
766s Quest and we might start near Leana so
769s all right let's do it um wait you said
772s 12 right so let me do that yeah
776s yeah let's play some monster on the
778s Wilds our 2025 for that
781s one yeah you have to wait a little bit
783s for that yeah yeah um but you know more
786s news is coming in summer um so not long
790s to wait for say more cool stuff to come
792s your way right right so watch this space
796s yeah it feels like every week that we
799s get asked about it we're getting closer
801s to Summer you know it's um it's getting
803s here we're at the end of March already
806s yeah it's by I've actually seen a bit of
808s I mean it's raining here now but I did
810s see some sunshine today which would
812s indicate we are moving towards the sumy
815s season yeah the weeds are growing in my
817s backyard it's an absolute nightmare um
820s trying to pull them all um so yes spring
824s is here and summer won't be that far
828s away yep yep looking forward to it yeah
832s and uh any questions about Wilds
834s obviously we can't answer those so again
835s just wait until um summer and we we
838s appreciate your patience
840s mhm but in the meantime there's plenty
841s of monst hun to go around between world
843s iceborn rise sunbreak obviously um
847s coming in summer as well we have uh
850s Monster Hunter stories and Monster
852s Hunter Stories 2 on the
854s PlayStation um so it's it's really
856s really
857s exciting yeah and we also um this week
860s we're celebrating the oh yeah I'm we're
863s in the secret area together but we are
865s also lost we are lost but we task failed
868s successfully think yeah I'm I'm like is
870s this the oh my goodness that's an
872s absolute unit of an endemic life no no
874s no no no he got in the water no no no no
876s I don't have my net come back here come
879s back here where's my net uh I got it I
882s got the Ang fish
884s yeah oh jeez oh wait hold on hold on
886s hold on get it get it get it get it
891s I'm okay where'd it go did I get it I
895s got it and dangler there we go
901s right um I'm going to now let's let's
903s look for some nice ore while we're here
905s cuz obviously I wanted to spawn near the
906s top I mean I could probably just fly up
908s there cuz obviously I know there's some
910s nice or deposits uh in that General
914s vicinity
923s there wait where are we again I don't
926s know I it's not often I spawn in the
928s secret area here yeah mad artist is has
930s landed on legiana yeah but I'm I'm here
934s for some of that sweet or
938s so yeah I think oh we really were have
941s been uh placed out of the way haven't we
943s yeah yeah we're on PCA yeah yeah I going
948s to mention that um we are celebrating
951s the third anniversary of Monster Hunter
953s rise which is really cool um I can't
954s believe it's been 3 years
957s that's yeah it absolutely has um yeah
960s it's one heck of a game um I I
964s definitely want to come back at some
965s point I mean I know we've we've seen a
967s lot of the content all of the content
969s basically but um yeah I want to get back
972s into some of that endgame grind oh
974s exactly the the special like
976s investigations like the uh the end end
978s game of anomaly investigations are some
981s hilarious hunts like really cranking up
983s the AOE on monster attacks and things um
988s yeah of fun kind of fun and I love how
991s the sword and shield feels and plays in
993s uh oh is that or I can hear you mining
996s something yeah yeah there's a there's a
997s red one over here yes please I think can
999s you get the coral from the red or does
1001s it have to be blue I think it has to be
1003s blue I know where some of those are
1009s yeah yeah racer says it's three years
1011s only felt like one yeah time flies right
1013s it's uh it's hard to believe hard to
1017s believe yeah it's like oh yeah yeah
1019s surely only came out last
1023s year old electrified fur
1028s H interesting catch up to
1033s you and we'll head up all the way up to
1036s the Liana
1038s Nest there's
1041s T oh hello blue is there an elder Dragon
1044s around here yeah um we got a Kieran or
1047s something maybe yeah it must be k and I
1050s notic is it's spot yeah it likes to rock
1053s up here
1058s yeah right okay okay so we are right oh
1062s no I don't want to do
1064s that get the wedge
1067s Beetle oh I didn't quite connect that
1070s one
1075s there and then this
1078s way and and then this
1081s way like speed Strat up you yeah no
1085s legana leave me alone is trying to hit
1087s me oh W yeah that was
1091s uh that was coming in hot but the good
1094s news is okay there's a red or here but I
1096s think the blue Stop's up here Dragon
1099s vein Dragon
1101s vein I just oh man I bunked on the head
1104s but uh I'm in a in a weird
1107s way all right come on give us okay
1110s that's carbalite that's Dragonite that's
1112s carbalite oh it's being a cruel a cruel
1114s mistress up there
1117s yeah let's try
1120s again no no Coral okay I got one Coral
1124s Crystal so I need five more anyone
1126s watching if you know where there's a
1128s nice source of coral Crystal besides
1129s there let us know yes we'll appreciate
1132s that uh I'm in the fight now with Tanya
1135s thank you Tanya I'm on the way back
1137s don't worry or worry whichever is more
1141s of a suitable reaction to my my presence
1144s oh
1145s jeez we need
1147s those I don't I
1153s missed oh the roar
1162s there my armor looks cool when I'm when
1165s I've got uh you know my my ice blight on
1168s me
1170s yeah little Volcan E Yeah my stamina
1174s though is uh not so good especially if I
1177s want to mount it's like and I'm like do
1179s I want to use it I mean there's a nobre
1181s plant there
1183s o i uh this is high rank legy I need to
1186s give some respect
1189s yeah grab this Noy
1195s here I I'm getting bullied I need to
1197s wake up I'm just
1200s whiffing the right first hunt of the day
1203s yeah warming up uh our
1212s hands I oh
1217s I oh I'm just falling a little bit short
1220s for the I'm out of stamina there anyway
1222s all
1223s right just keep getting that ice flight
1225s on
1228s me there we
1230s go all right jonno's back to normal he's
1233s no longer sick yeah I've recovered
1237s leiana's song has restored my strength
1240s yeah here we go and down everyone's
1243s getting stuck
1245s in
1254s nice I really do need that flch
1257s free yeah I mean you at least you've got
1259s a decoration for it now right you just
1261s need some armor that can take it yeah
1264s yeah oh you remembered that I almost
1265s forgot that too yeah no how could I
1267s forget I was like you've got it you've
1269s got it I just can't I can't unleash its
1272s full potential
1274s yet oh nice try on the flash pod you get
1277s a fo on that
1278s one yeah I need to find more of the or
1281s cuz I think was it like a 5 minute cool
1283s down on the respawn of the or yeah
1288s yeah
1293s I still need five more
1295s pieces oh it just went down over here so
1298s not that far yes we do need some or you
1301s can stroll over there some more ore
1304s there you are hello is there any up here
1306s is there any up here I don't think so
1310s but I'm not
1312s sure
1314s right oh BOS 20 damage oh I got it or I
1319s didn't mount it but I hit hit the head
1321s oh we're by the the bled
1324s walls out for that we'll be getting
1327s mounts in no
1329s time if I there we go I say I only got a
1331s couple of connections there but it was
1334s enough may be careful some ice blighted
1336s if I do lose stamina here it's going to
1338s be quick yeah oh my goodness I lost over
1341s half my stamina bar there oh man we do
1345s have my favorite slopes oh yes look at
1348s that it's a thing of beauty yeah hammers
1350s on a slope
1352s yep yeah uh Mr it Mr uh Alam Canada it's
1358s like yeah slope they love spamming the
1361s slide here
1363s too M artist with the bow oh the dragon
1368s piercer wonderful how long has it been I
1371s don't think it's been 5 minutes since
1373s the last uh or up there yeah well we got
1378s it what was the target for this one uh
1380s we got Leana and Z
1383s yaku ah okay
1389s okay I worry we're going to need a Wy
1391s gem as well oh I got a plate
1395s sweet nice what do we want for w Cham is
1399s it just like yeah the small monsters or
1401s not small monsters but is it like
1403s Raptors I guess I think so for the
1407s wyvern gem yeah it's not a something I
1409s often Target Farm it's just kind oh I
1411s have them now yeah
1419s yeah
1421s windy looking for that ore yeah where
1424s you at I know there's a bunch in that um
1427s that one area um at the top what the
1429s nest or somewhere else uh I think it's
1431s the one where you have to like sneak
1432s through to get to like the little
1434s waterfall
1435s area oh let's go there then yeah I'm on
1439s the bottom floor now there you are
1441s cinematic jump right there oh yes just
1444s got to bend your knees when you land
1445s that's all yeah I'm not going to catch
1447s you like a you know a
1453s Dr I can feel the effects of gravity in
1455s my choice oh in here oh yeah there's one
1457s here Joe up here as well oh this such a
1460s great shot yeah yeah there's a yeah
1462s there's um I think there's like three in
1464s this area right nice all right it's one
1466s more in the
1467s pile
1471s oral oral crystals Aqua cor oh
1474s oh okay there we go Nova Crystal nice I
1478s got two from this so
1480s far nice which is Grand there's a red
1483s one over here that sound is therapeutic
1487s it
1490s is right is there any more blue in here
1493s hello
1497s hello
1500s oh that's that's not something I can
1501s climb that's me being silly okay I think
1503s did we clear out the uh mining nodes in
1507s this area now I think no there's one
1509s here
1509s on I just found one around the
1512s corner it did not deliver me what I
1514s wanted I did get three aquacore ores
1517s though so I won't complain even though I
1519s kind of started to um right let's go
1522s head up to the nest I guess new new here
1526s I don't know sorry if I got your name
1528s wrong on YouTube
1529s um love seeing how we're still doing
1532s these and remembers when we first
1534s announced them yeah that was that's
1535s quite a while ago when did we start jono
1536s like back in December yeah cuz obviously
1538s we had a couple of week break here and
1540s there for for different like projects or
1542s if we were away um so yeah yeah it's
1545s it's been awesome like kind of flown by
1547s and also shout out to killer thank you
1549s for the Subscribe four months as well um
1552s so much if only you had some porns to
1554s help me with Rag and
1556s brackie but the thing is it does remind
1558s me like in sunbreak obviously the
1559s follower system I absolutely adore the
1562s follower system yeah me too sunre cuz I
1565s I love playing mon Hunter Co-op I love
1567s it it's my favorite when I'm playing
1568s with others and obviously if I'm like
1571s commuting into work or I'm on the train
1572s and the Signal's bad and things or
1574s there's not Wi-Fi it's great to still
1576s kind of have that
1577s experience um you know and being carried
1581s um by by breakr you know you know who
1585s who know we in Moto carrying me with the
1587s hunting horns like
1590s that yeah I really like the follow
1592s system as well um just a cool way to
1595s like bring in the NPCs into the hunt
1597s with you you know they they always talk
1599s about how they're they're out there
1600s doing their thing and then yeah they
1602s actually get to show it yeah it's
1604s awesome um and all they different
1606s fighting styles and how they there's
1607s like little interactions like depending
1610s on who you bring out or if you emote
1612s with the certain characters like blowing
1614s kisses and things like that um so
1617s there's so much like Det to it Beyond
1619s them just fighting with you even like
1621s just how they fight as well based on
1623s their personality like everyone loves a
1625s bit of L Chica and her explosive
1627s personality um just bombs everywhere in
1630s the
1633s Hun in Monster Hunter what do you think
1636s is the first thing they would call out
1638s what is the first thing they would call
1640s out uh based on my dd2 experience I
1643s would say either like mining like nodes
1648s um or something like you know um what
1651s like great jagas you you know great
1653s jagas is weak to
1656s fire Master there's a there's a Mining
1660s Node over there yeah yeah I think we've
1663s been going the wrong way actually that's
1665s okay no this is this is I mean for the
1667s or this is a good way cuz I know you
1669s haven't these ones yet yeah um follow in
1677s you
1679s or the team fight
1680s zy wide range is awesome it's I wouldn't
1684s say it's a cheese at all if someone's
1685s building into support and healing you
1687s know so it's a good
1690s build yeah I agree um you know there's
1693s some hunts where like you don't
1696s necessarily need wide range cuz maybe
1698s you're going to want to be more on like
1700s I don't know Health won't be as much of
1701s a factor right but with something like
1703s Fatalis that's like a it's a calculated
1705s risk right like you have to if you're
1706s going to take wide range then you're
1708s potentially not taking something else
1710s and damage you're healing others yeah
1713s yeah there's a time limit on that one so
1716s I mean it's a trade-off right it is
1719s ability
1720s versus exactly it's like do you want you
1722s know it's the whole yeah as you said
1724s risk of the quicker the monster goes
1726s down the less chance you have of cting
1728s however if you cart before you bring the
1730s monster down you lose
1732s anyway so it's like yeah do you take the
1734s healing over but I personally love
1736s having a wide range for those like fat
1738s behem off um you know Al
1741s trayon
1743s um it's it's a nice mix we love our wide
1747s range users we do I mean I'm a sword and
1749s shield main it's nice to have a quick
1750s set to swap too that's like support
1752s based um cuz then like when I run wide
1755s range I like to bring like a paralysis
1757s sword and shield with me normally as
1760s well CU then I can support further
1761s because I know my damage is going to be
1763s lower um so I'm like well if I paralyze
1765s the monster I can further enhance my
1768s team
1769s damage which is always nice do you think
1771s there's any or down here where zit
1775s is we can check it's worth a shot right
1779s I think we've already exhausted every
1781s other area we have we oh there's one
1783s here there's one here let's could be it
1785s I mean we need to get yours as well come
1786s on one one yeah no no I got no I got I
1790s got baited or Crystal I got two Coral
1793s crystals and Dragonite or I got
1796s carbalite and aqua yeah
1800s maybe we'll stumble across another one
1802s around yeah I think we did good yeah I
1805s mean we've had a nice collection I mean
1806s we have to come back and do another hunt
1808s then that is not bad at
1813s all oh I think I found some C tar off
1821s bits hello or noes
1825s hello I'm going the totally wrong way
1827s forit AR I I should probably move
1829s towards it see there are any or nodes in
1832s this
1833s area please give us a
1836s sign make yourself known make yourself
1844s known then uh okay I think think zy
1847s might be about to be captured or taken
1850s down if a trap got a warrn waren
1852s scattered gold
1857s chip yeah we'll probably end up doing
1859s some C Taro I imagine at some point
1861s probably not today but once we do you
1863s know we we're up for some of the The
1865s Raid goodness yeah I'm excited for that
1869s oh the
1871s zy hey maybe we'll get some Coral as
1873s Crystalis of
1875s reward come back here
1881s zy there we go lot of on Footprints here
1886s whoa okay they got it you guys got it
1888s all
1889s it's down it's down I didn't even spot
1892s it then we get 60 seconds to run around
1896s desper or
1899s two well uh well done
1902s team yes good good job good job
1907s yeah uh oh someone got is that a w was
1910s that a Wy Jam by any
1913s chance only could trade items I give
1916s that to you hand hand it over
1922s hello what's down
1925s here any any anything oh no oh oh hello
1929s 20 seconds I I think I'm back in the
1931s secret area where we
1932s [Music]
1933s spawned all right we came full circle we
1937s did we're like where the heck are we
1939s it's like wait a
1944s second some dung all right you did no
1948s it's good teamwork you know you know me
1950s and Joe were managing the economy and
1952s you were managing the the DPS it was
1962s a very
1966s nice a b
1969s Jewel teamwork does make the dream
1971s workor you're right it
1975s does oh I went back uh
1979s um let me head back to the Gathering Hub
1982s oh yes right I'm going to quickly pop
1984s down to the Smithy and see why I need
1986s now oh no I went past the workshop
1989s straight to the trade yard luckily it's
1990s only a short
1992s walk I completed H exactly exactly we we
1996s all dunked on the Giana anyway
2004s yeah I love The Vibes in the Gathering
2006s Hub right now it's very spring yes is
2011s very refreshing isn't it yeah we're out
2013s of the cold winter for now until we head
2015s to iceborn yeah exactly then we get all
2017s cool again um okay Forge equipment
2021s weapons sword and
2026s shield I don't even know what I can make
2029s right
2030s now I I've got enough Coral Crystal to
2033s do do the black steel
2035s sword oh nice
2038s wow I'm one I'm one under we'll go then
2042s we'll go back black hammer no no no you
2045s can I can just go up
2047s Expedition let me do that real quick I
2049s just need one right yeah yeah yeah let
2051s me head out
2052s there man that's that
2055s sucks it's always so you're going to get
2057s like three out of the first one you find
2059s now hopefully hopefully let's see I know
2061s where they're all at
2062s now all right now I'm going to
2067s upgrade
2070s oh no now I need a Wy gem o what's what
2073s do you reckon what' you reckon Community
2075s what's the best monster to get a w gem
2077s off of please guide us and then I'll go
2081s check my investigations for some lovely
2083s gold
2093s boxes can I meld a Wy gem I mean we can
2096s look oh
2098s right kind of forgot about that part of
2100s the game for a little bit Yeah Yeah nor
2102s I did a lot of it in master rank like
2105s sappy J yeah um meld
2108s items you can meld rra and spikes in
2111s there oh my
2114s goodness that's a game changer yeah
2117s there's the Wy gem as well we just need
2120s to do make some points I am going the
2123s wrong way
2127s uh
2134s oo I need more points though I think or
2139s build points hold on why would it let
2141s me why can't I make these am I being
2144s silly you do not have any items that can
2145s be used for
2148s meldin trying to remember because I've
2150s not done the high rank meldin in a long
2152s time yeah yeah I kind of just like you
2155s know put that part of the game off until
2158s a master rank in my head yeah do I need
2161s to trade in my tickets is that what I
2162s need to do I need to
2164s remember how did I do it
2169s before Oh I found an emic life
2174s researcher
2176s hello hello
2180s there uh all right where's all that ore
2187s at trying to remember how do I get the
2189s meld points I think you have to
2194s trade but yeah in master rank I was all
2197s over the Melda when I points it's a must
2200s so much like like the WRA and spikes as
2203s well I used it quite a bit for like uh
2207s Max potions and stuff you
2210s know sorry cut you off there what were
2212s we going to say no that's
2215s okay
2217s uh
2222s all right almost there almost there
2223s hopefully this is the one I don't know
2225s why it's grayed out and maybe it's a
2227s master rank thing for the monster Parts
2229s possibly that might be
2235s why I got the crystal I need I'm not
2238s going to waste too much more time out
2243s here but I have a feeling after I make
2246s that I'm going to need more stuff to
2248s even upgrade it
2249s so yeah I think I maybe we need to be in
2252s celiana for
2254s these uh okay
2257s okay possibly yeah cuz it's like behem
2260s of Great Horn dastra cuz then there's
2263s some stuff it can would let us make
2265s straight away so that's probably what
2267s that is MHM so we will be doing it the
2269s oldfashioned way um and taking it from a
2274s monster hello
2276s Admiral
2280s so we need oh I mean barroth I'm sure
2284s barroth and Kulu are probably a good
2286s shout right however that's only two
2288s player H there's a capture Kulu three
2291s gold three uh I may have accidentally
2294s started our uh kol tooth uh Quest chain
2299s here so I'm just I talked to the Admiral
2301s and I'm like wait okay okay we're okay
2303s now we're okay yeah should we do capture
2306s aulu it's a four it's three gold and a
2309s bronze that wouldn't take long and it's
2312s a 15minute quest as well okay I'll grab
2314s that
2316s Yeahs and stuff yeah exactly after the
2320s uh the crimes it committed to us last
2322s week yeah it was obscene
2324s outrageous all right give me a second
2326s I'm just going to um make that black
2328s steel
2330s hammer do it yeah to upgrade it I need
2334s the Wy gem but yeah pretty sure it's
2336s celiana to start doing those
2338s ah okay
2340s okay all right let's see if I can even
2342s upgrade this
2344s guy oh wait hold on oh I need fusium ore
2348s for my or
2350s tree but let's see this new Hammer I
2352s just made black
2353s steel got Dragon damage there hello
2356s Forest Raider oh I need fusium ore where
2359s is that I don't know I'm sure I've got a
2362s stack of it i' got the team leader
2366s here hey Forest Raider how you
2370s doing yeah we'll
2375s uh hopefully both get a w and Gem now
2378s you know I'm sure Kulu Kulu owes us
2381s one ERS recess for the uh Museum or uh
2386s that we we can do some quests there I'm
2388s sure I've got like a teostra or
2390s something there or we can go fight yeah
2391s no no rush no rush we'll do our thing
2394s let's let's get back in there though I
2396s think it's time uh okay so
2399s investigation so this is a capture for
2401s anyone that joins uh okay it's a one ft
2405s right okay everyone ready oh it's a one
2409s faint yeah we should be Quest is
2411s in that might be famous last words but
2414s you know yeah I mean it's not the turbo
2416s Kulu at least you know so that's
2418s something I just need
2419s to I need some Tran
2426s bombs
2432s lackan we are um I think we're like kind
2435s of swirling around like Rarity like six
2439s to seven some pieces for eight um but
2443s yeah I think eight is where we top out
2445s before we get into master rank right
2447s yeah
2452s yep I was getting a bit confused there
2454s there's the shopkeeper I was like I'm
2457s sure she's around here
2460s somewhere uh Good Vibes in the Gathering
2462s Hub right now I'm digging it it is it is
2469s lovely oh wait do yeah do we even have a
2472s capture gear wait I mean you get some at
2474s the in the like the box right so yeah
2477s well you definitely get the traps I
2479s don't know if you get easy TRS though
2481s let me double check what I got you know
2483s what I have absolute faith in our team
2486s that I don't need to worry about it
2488s it'll be fine I'm going to quickly look
2489s at my crafting list cuz I'm like I'm
2493s sure gunpowder yeah I mean there's a lot
2495s of question marks in here I probably oh
2497s no there's the Tren bomb no I can't I
2498s can't make them never mind I I believe
2501s in our community yes you know bad artist
2503s and Saki saki nikima they got us yeah
2508s okay so Panda not Panda I say Paradise
2510s mad artist Paradise has the stru Trap
2514s and trank bombs ready so thank you yeah
2516s I normally capture monsters I like to
2518s capture monsters so I tend to have the
2520s gear
2522s um but yeah we'll be fine as x-r sucess
2525s as well we'll be blessed by the uh the
2527s blue box yeah oh wait we even we even
2530s land at the box there we go okay so I've
2532s got a trap and some easy TRS all right
2536s and I are just going to go off all right
2538s I mean I don't think it will take long
2540s for K I'm sure we're both going to get W
2542s gems with the the gold boxes you know
2545s then I can make the first part of the T
2547s sword but then to get more teostra sword
2550s Parts like the gem I need to hunt more
2552s teostra but the blast sword and shield
2554s isn't great against teostra but then to
2556s get my rathan sword short upgraded I
2558s need Rath and Tails yeah
2569s and I mean you you tell me it you know
2572s do you often fail quests where you have
2575s to capture because I'm I just oh no I
2579s just get in the zone and I forget yeah
2582s it's it's easy enough to do especially
2583s when you're like doing like you know if
2585s you need low rank monster parts or
2586s whatever and you're like got an
2588s investigation for it
2591s yeah yeah I forgot to eat that's me gun
2594s oh yeah no it's
2598s fine all right it's running off here
2601s yeah the wathan S Shield is so so good
2604s but I need so many Tails so many tails
2609s I've not been helping you with that how
2612s dare you but you get the head breaks
2613s which gets us like you know plates and
2616s gems yeah it's through the different
2618s ranks yeah I'm helping inadvertedly I
2620s guess
2622s spin see this kolu is so much different
2625s to the other one we've been fighting I
2627s know what a push
2628s over
2633s Bop so do you think that we can beat
2635s that Kulu before master rank I reckon we
2638s I mean we could even give it a go today
2641s it's just I don't know what armor I I
2643s kind of want that rra loss chest plate
2645s that's the thing okay is it do we have
2648s to be careful here is oh I'm not sure I
2651s I mounted it no you'll be fine you'll be
2653s fine with that
2654s okay I'm watching this kind of like uh
2657s pulse at the bottom
2660s mhm oh waste not what not I'll have the
2666s appos there you go
2669s now
2677s yeah oh
2680s nice okay is that let's see what it does
2683s is it going
2685s to oh I forgot we have clutch we do we
2690s do no it's not it's not quite ready yet
2693s I was being far too generous on Kulu
2695s there yeah
2698s come
2700s back me and uh that's a guy there both
2703s of the same idea sharing the one brain
2705s cell for the clutch claw it's like give
2708s me oh there's a pink rathan around
2712s somewhere it's behind us oh
2717s hello let's not risk it though we only
2719s got one cart yeah that's true that's
2722s true otherwise it'd be like oaba time
2725s yeah man you remember the days of low
2726s rank when we started these streams and
2728s we were just like easy yeah we're like
2730s let's let's take them all out yeah now
2733s we're like uhoh uhoh yeah we got humbled
2737s we did we
2743s did oh I need to turn around oh I'm glad
2747s I
2748s did we breaking everything now Kulu put
2752s that
2753s down oh I
2755s think it's not to bottom out let's see
2759s what it does let's give it a
2761s test no not now oh not now
2765s barroth this might be too
2769s soon there we go you know for for a
2772s second I kind of like I kind of blacked
2775s out a little bit and I was just going
2776s keep swinging keep I was going like
2778s straight up kill mode yeah it's so easy
2781s especially against like the lower tier
2782s monsters who have like less Health it's
2785s so easy because you're used to fighting
2787s like you beef your monsters yeah and I
2789s saw barroth come in and I'm just like
2791s all right my instinct just triggered
2794s yeah you just hear like the whistle and
2796s you're like all right I'm going in s
2798s we're going to get the Wy gems now look
2800s check this out I got no Wy
2803s gems uh I did not get any
2807s either outrageous it's
2810s [Music]
2812s unfair how dare they how dare they
2822s outrageous Zen says they got humbled
2824s hard by Fatalis yes I think everybody
2826s yeah the great humbler there is the
2827s great humbler you made it to the
2830s Mountaintop of Monster Hunter and then
2833s you feel like you're it's it's as if you
2835s just started that the steepest steps are
2838s at the peak on that
2843s yeah
2844s think sorry I most got humbled by no I
2849s think I guess Fatalis yeah that was
2850s probably probably the toughest one yeah
2853s o I got
2856s trayon I got a pink rathan and a barroth
2859s hunt with two Silvers and a gold okay
2862s that going to deliver us to the wyvern
2864s gem
2866s barom I think barro would drop it and
2870s then pink ran if there there like Tails
2873s um but yeah barroth would if not there's
2876s Hulu and rathen there's a Kulu
2879s Ren uh that's a three faint as well so
2883s that the other ones are one faint let's
2884s do Kulu ring CU we know Kulu will drop
2886s it won't you Kulu
2888s yes yes you
2892s will trying to see what Armor's got a
2895s three slot Deco um so I can put that
2898s Flinch free
2901s on but you know I got to make sure my
2904s fashion looks good
2906s so
2911s okay we got Ros Greaves with jump master
2914s I don't necessarily need jump master I'm
2917s tempted to get the Dante hair again
2919s because it's wax one critical eye one I
2922s can make the waste I can't made the
2924s boots got toost are like the the the
2927s great call out yeah oh okay so we got
2931s Leana Greaves here I don't really need
2933s any of those skills but the three slot
2935s is very appealing uh we also have
2939s Rathalos those to arm the jump Master
2942s what do you think Ros gaves or Leana
2945s Greaves let me go have a look let me
2947s have a look Rathalos Greaves so uh what
2950s fire resist attack
2953s boost um no it's just a jump Master oh
2958s jump Master oh no you said Greaves
2959s didn't you I'm looking at the van braces
2961s oh dear all right um I'm wearing the
2963s Wrath Vos Alpha Greaves at the moment
2966s but obviously I guess you want the jump
2967s Master for the the Flinch free right
2969s yeah yeah should I I would
2974s go yeah might as well might as well yeah
2976s Leana only has um ice resistance yeah
2981s yeah but it's it seems like it's cheaper
2983s to make in terms of uh materials cuz the
2987s the Greaves are going to use a plate
2989s yeah yeah all right let's go to the Ros
2991s grees nice let's do it let's not debate
2994s anymore I need that Flinch free ASAP
2997s exactly I I need them gems I need my
2999s teostra sword I need my blast I need my
3002s Tails so you know bonus points if we can
3005s cut the Wrath tail on this
3008s one yeah this is prep for ice born yeah
3011s the leg I mean it depends CU we might
3012s even swap our armor up a bit more I
3014s think the biggest one for us is the
3016s weapons so that we can carry them over
3019s nicely right quests I guess I could have
3022s gone with the Dante uh Dante coat that
3026s also has uh
3027s three oh very nice and it has a vade
3030s window and critical eye higher defense
3032s but you know the Fashion's a little a
3034s little odd you know it's nice to mix a
3036s match you know it's nice to mix a match
3038s I mean the hair alone you know I'm
3040s tempted by the hair cuz that's like
3041s pretty pretty strong going in the
3049s yeah all right let me join that
3054s Quest yeah I do have that c trat Siege
3057s waiting now
3060s nice everyone getting on the Cannons and
3063s everything thanks for saving me a spot
3065s thank you everyone very very
3072s polite but if you're just joining us
3074s we're just taking it Taking a little
3075s easy today with some master rank prep um
3079s probably go for I don't know maybe
3080s another 45 minutes um so yeah Master
3085s Blaster looking incredibly fashionable
3087s there look at that we that weapon there
3089s charge blade looking W looking pretty
3095s cool oh yeah that is a charge blade huh
3098s dang that is clean that is that is some
3102s shiny fashion goodness if ever we've
3105s seen it I love everyone's different
3107s looks it's it's great like fashion game
3110s is truly an end game for me yeah
3114s yeah I'm doing the same in uh in Dogma
3117s right now or I'm just like you know the
3119s stats I'm cool about it the main thing
3122s is that I look great Yeah Yeah from a
3125s lot of the porns I've seen less is more
3129s um yeah everybody needs to chill with
3131s that
3133s though yeah is wild out there I'm like
3137s I'm flicking between Sorcerer And Thief
3139s so like I need to have two different
3141s sets of fashion I think yeah um right
3144s well I'm sure where did Kulu go it was l
3147s Sho there you are he's right in front of
3149s me yeah yeah we just ended up right in
3151s front of
3152s it come here you I missed come here
3157s you just the little slash there yeah
3160s just sword and shield things you know
3162s just not pacing yourself quite well
3167s enough let's see if my Flinch free works
3170s when we get everybody yeah we just
3173s summon summon a long sword where are you
3175s you need to test out this decoration
3178s oh I love all the fact once you get into
3180s transmog like I know for like
3182s ice on my like you know my own personal
3185s profile from years back um I would have
3188s a different set for each element for my
3191s sword and shield so depending on what
3193s element add on my sword I would have a
3195s whole different fashion look for it m um
3199s to kind of be thematic with with the
3201s type of element I
3203s had dang that's that's the extra mile
3206s you know what I'd invested so much time
3208s getting like sets done for each
3209s different element and status I was like
3212s I'm absolutely putting a cherry on that
3213s cake you know yeah oh yeah absolutely
3215s that's that's what it's all about right
3216s it's like what else can you do with your
3218s gear it's like you know you've Min maxed
3221s your stats exactly how you want now it's
3223s all about the look oh yes you know even
3226s you know going for the pendants and
3228s stuff as well in The Guiding
3233s lands I need this color Crystal hanging
3235s off my weapon please thank you yeah and
3238s these like you know obiously quite rare
3240s high level materials I'm like I don't
3241s care I want my crystal and it will be
3243s red or blue yeah I love the one you get
3247s after after beating Fatalis I think it's
3250s after beating Fatalis right like the big
3252s uh that's kind of like a a
3255s blue I don't even know it's like kind of
3257s like a like a ethereal scarf looking
3260s thing yeah yeah oh I know the one you
3262s mean yeah yeah yeah I love that one that
3266s was smooth that was smooth right now
3268s we're all we're both going to carve out
3269s gems here hopefully everyone will just
3271s carve a gem here cuz we deserve it we
3274s deserve it let's see let's see right one
3276s down and it was no no not that one
3278s either it's cuz it's the third save the
3280s best to last no yep no I'll see it in
3284s the reward box I'll see it in the reward
3285s box we going to manifest it
3289s exactly right we next pink
3293s wrath who will definitely be dropping us
3295s tail I'm sure
3298s I'm just going to be now I can clutch
3301s claw as you know from our self our
3304s self-imposed clutch claw Exile now that
3307s we can do it again I'm just going to be
3308s on that tail being like clutch claw
3310s clutch claw even to my own detriment I
3312s think yeah good I don't have Rock Steady
3317s yet there she
3320s is hello pink ran looking quite for
3322s boing there yeah manifesting that bird
3324s thank you Dr successful goodbye
3327s get down here you shouting at us now
3331s okay there she
3333s go oh she going to the forest Corner
3335s okay is she Forest Corner yeah I think
3338s so I am going to be spamming that tender
3341s eyes on that tail if I can't reach
3344s it I'll help however I can but yeah I've
3347s got the uppercut as well I've just
3348s remembered the uppercut with the sword
3350s and shield on the clutch
3353s claw remember it it's all coming back
3355s now all the clutch CL stuff
3360s mhm there we
3362s go pink ran I believe your tail Belongs
3366s to Me
3367s Now think is it'll probably just give me
3369s a scale again I've been punished so hard
3371s for my combat caring uh this series the
3375s karma is you know caught in
3378s 4k
3381s yeah I do have some Thorn pods here very
3384s nice very nice
3389s try to tenderize the tail for you thank
3391s you it's up to you ah why are you so
3396s tall get down
3400s here El s oh I got the uppercut onto the
3404s tail
3406s oh there we go right
3410s oh oh no oh the tail was just a bit high
3412s for me yeah I could try
3417s I
3423s missed nice work there's that lovely
3427s tail oh no I whiffed it I turned around
3430s oh no oh
3435s oh oh and then a lovely Mount
3442s there going to shotgun The Thorn pods
3445s onto our head there we go
3449s nice field team leader I did something
3452s yeah I'm in the
3454s HUD all right oh come on give me give me
3458s that tail I'm going to bomb pod you over
3460s there ah
3465s ah give me that
3468s tail I can see mad artist furiously
3471s aiming at the tail which is greatly
3474s appreciated oh that was Dam
3477s oh I missed I missed my bomb pod oh my
3481s goodness I know I'm I'm carving the MOs
3485s no I didn't mean to do that who I
3487s bombarded the tail I don't know if that
3488s does anything yes nice bit of damage
3490s accumulation okay take
3494s this take
3496s this oh oh no no no oh no uhoh uhoh I
3502s was stunned and I saw the the back flip
3504s coming out I was like oh this is not
3506s good
3509s tail oh lovely break oh that was
3512s beautiful that was beautiful oh
3519s nice I'm kind of like off on the head
3521s here okay there we go I'm messing up my
3524s combos cuz I'm desperate for the tail
3527s I'm like just tail just
3533s tail I was like proper whipping my my
3536s combo
3537s up got to keep a cool head when you're
3540s in the hunt good job good job though
3542s there's a shiny here if anyone wants it
3544s got a large W here no I'm just going to
3546s carve like three Tails so it'll be
3551s fine so rathen has poison in the tail
3555s and Rathalos has poison in the
3559s claws thank you mad I I appreciate it I
3562s appreciate it and
3565s the
3568s [Music]
3574s no gems
3577s though well at least right
3581s now I should have been doing this combo
3584s there we go that's the
3590s stuff but will we get the bird Wy or the
3594s Wy gem sorry even that's what we want
3597s that's what you really
3599s need I think I'm going to go grab some
3603s fusium or go for that's the thing I uh I
3607s need do you want to take a hunt party in
3610s with you a oh oh oh what I got bird W
3615s gem ah no no was I wrong about the Wy
3620s gem was I wrong
3623s about yeah I mean yeah I can't really
3625s complain too much can I I got a gem but
3628s not not that one so is it it's not be
3630s like do GMA is it I don't have to be
3632s like beating up do
3634s GMA no no we can't do that that was a
3636s gold crown small pink rathen Hulu is
3639s bird wide then yeah I so what do we want
3641s I guess
3642s baros do GMA but I don't want to beat up
3646s do gam I feel so
3651s sad okay jonno you go ahead and take
3653s another crew and I'm going to go
3655s Expedition
3657s okay and then maybe we'll meet back up
3658s for another hunt in like 10 minutes or
3660s so um at some point at some point we
3663s should go after the evil Kulu so yes I
3667s think so right anyone uh I mean what is
3670s my most Wy
3673s gem investigation Toby and pumu I will
3677s happily dunk on a
3680s palu DK on him
3685s yeah
3746s successful we'll go get some
3749s be
3751s be where are you jotus I know you're in
3754s here where's my w
3757s gem don't tell me it's a low rank one
3759s I'll cry oh there it is there you go hr6
3762s it's a one faint though gang all right
3765s we got to be careful against this
3767s thing going to have to cover each
3769s other's
3771s backs okay
3774s well I can upgrade my bone Hammer I'm
3777s going to use a ticket on the
3779s fish but I I would need to take out a
3782s valak I mean we' Val haaz if you
3786s want yeah yeah when you're when you're
3789s back from your fusium more we valar's
3791s always a fun
3793s hunt okay
3795s okay oh hello okay right post a new
3798s Quest
3802s investigations so it's two silver and a
3804s gold so the gold is in there all right
3808s um I'm using a voucher on the beach on
3811s the beach the beach all right everyone
3813s hop in we're going fish
3815s in you know I actually might be able to
3818s join you let's
3820s see you your more already and we have
3823s got a full party yeah I think I'm going
3826s to I'm going to Pivot since I found
3827s another uh another upgrade I want to go
3831s with but it sounds like you guys are all
3833s set so it be we'll be like 3 minutes
3837s three minutes right back that's ex fast
3842s yeah three
3846s minutes all right maybe I'll go get that
3847s Fus more then yeah go get that Fus more
3849s as cuz you you s law there'll be another
3851s thing and you'll be like wait a second
3853s there this also takes fum more yeah
3855s you're right Elder recess right I think
3857s it's whatever so let's do it there's a
3860s ton of a there as well which is nice
3862s it's not like call Highlands where I was
3863s like where are you but luckily you knew
3865s where a nice patch was I had a patch as
3867s well and it it worked out for us in the
3870s end which is which is always
3872s nice okay
3875s um all right obviously we're not
3877s capturing this fish unless you decide to
3878s capture it I mean if you want to capture
3880s it's fine but we don't have to we can
3881s just go all in
3884s um and then have some fish and chips
3886s back at the Gathering
3887s Hub you guys got the good stuff
3893s there I think go bar off the area uron
3897s apparently the area where uron lives has
3899s the best a spots I guess it's that kind
3900s of like area where it spins to win uh up
3903s the walls but is it a steel oron it's a
3907s you know the officially the uh runner up
3914s in the Monster Hunter Hunter's Choice
3917s top monster
3922s pole but don't worry still Oran you keep
3925s on rolling rolling rolling you'll be
3928s fine number one in our hearts
3933s exactly but not always on our
3935s [Laughter]
3938s mind only in our uh our noses due to the
3942s smell yes oh still God all right all
3947s right J that's a big fish okay I tripped
3950s it up with a slap to the head straight
3952s away oh
3955s dear it seems like quite a big one is is
3958s this quite gold crap it's absolutely
3961s gigantic I I promise you this the size
3964s of this
3967s fish all right I got my fuse already but
3969s since I'm waiting for you I'll just I'll
3971s take my time oh yeah we're keep keep
3974s grabbing stuff I mean I don't if it's
3976s just just taken long everyone's gone
3978s gone in
3980s yeah oh I got a nice scatter shot on the
3983s Thorns there and we've got a got to shot
3986s heavy bow gun with us as
3990s well yeah the the trips are
3995s constant Hunter Celestia focusing on the
3998s tenderizing as well with the hunting
4000s horn
4001s oh is that paralysis I see as well llan
4005s on YouTube says they were the Feld team
4007s leader so and they got a gem and a plate
4010s thank
4011s you I think this was sub
4013s three sub three
4017s I think now yeah you know the the eye
4020s frames were perfect come on just let me
4022s carve a Wy gem come on no how rude how
4028s rude you have Team Dark Side are
4030s watching you know hit me up that
4044s that lovely move hunt everyone that's it
4048s you guys are done oh yes they got the
4050s Aaron sticker there that very cool dang
4053s with the quickness all right I'm going
4054s to head back
4056s then there's another shiny oh thank
4062s you that was that was
4072s silky just swinging from the tree
4078s oh I got
4080s one I got a
4083s gem oh you finally got one I got the W
4086s gem yeah I used the ticket it was it was
4089s the quest reward as well so thank you
4091s for focusing on the head break it was 2
4092s minutes and 14 seconds that hunt so now
4095s we need to go and get you
4097s one oh I know I
4099s know but I might I might want to be
4102s going after sorry that was a silver
4104s crown what that what's a gold crown
4107s going to look
4108s like oh my goodness sorry Joey to
4111s interrupt but I was I was
4113s shocked no you're all good um I was
4117s going to say um I think I think I have
4119s my sight set on Vaz Zak now yeah I well
4122s you know what I have a nice blast sword
4124s and shield for such an occasion that I
4127s will okay one second uh for or upgrade
4130s upgrade not Forge upgrade equipment uh
4134s no not the another one I need two more
4136s taals before I can upgrade my WRA and
4138s sword and shield oh I'm I'm down to
4141s still go after it uh yeah that that
4143s would be lovely but first we need to get
4145s you some goodies cuz you have very
4149s nicely uh been helping me there also
4151s shout out to Dr successful for
4153s suggesting the monster that delivered
4155s the goods first
4158s time first time yeah shout out to you Dr
4161s successful he he is or they are Dr
4163s successful successful by name success by
4166s Nature now all I need is a teostra
4168s gem and it's two more teostra horns to
4171s get cuz I've got teostra SP and then
4173s I'll get toost emblem but this is this
4175s is such a huge jump for me I'm very
4178s happy with that look at it what a
4180s beautiful
4182s thing oh Lazarus brings up a good
4185s question are we hunting the pickle
4186s monster and it wasn't our thumbnail we
4189s should we should hunt pickle Let's do
4190s let's do Valar and then cuz do we have
4193s to go find pickle first right like is
4195s there a
4197s yeah or something or he finds US yeah or
4200s she they the pick finds us the pickle
4203s finds us it finds a way um so yeah let
4207s me know when you putting the quest in
4208s and I'll uh join you all right give me
4211s one
4212s sec what a beautiful sword and shield
4216s also the blast helps getting tail Cuts
4223s so okay I got my black steel Hammer but
4226s but I don't know if that's really what I
4227s want to be doing black steel Hammer 2 or
4230s should I go with gr Rock I think Grand
4233s Rock has way higher
4235s damage big biggest Bonks yeah let's
4239s let's stick with what we
4241s got I'm ready for evil Kulu now but I
4244s actually don't know if we're going to do
4246s it this week so we'll see that's right
4248s that we can save them I mean we got you
4251s know we got to take down the pickle it's
4252s one of your favorite monsters right yeah
4254s yeah
4258s okay um B yeah we're going with okay is
4262s that an optional that you've got that
4264s under or let me check I'll quickly check
4267s my investigations I don't think I have a
4269s valark no I've got kosala and teostra
4273s it's an eight
4274s star nice should we do it yeah go for it
4278s all right here we go posting it
4282s now that's optional right that you've
4284s done yes there we
4290s go there toost SP
4295s yes let me take a look where you at I'm
4299s just I'm just
4301s eating oh little butterfly pelicos right
4304s okay I'm here I'm here looking good
4307s looking good I love it it's so
4311s bad and it's like you know it's kind of
4313s like a Pard me it's not got like a point
4316s on it mhm so it's like a choppy sword
4319s and
4321s shield it's a choppy choppy it's got
4324s like a um like a little uh blunt end at
4326s the end actually let me take a look let
4327s me see see over
4329s here oh yeah yeah it does have like a
4331s little it's like it the sword got cut
4334s off yeah yeah but I like it I like the
4338s style all right mad got the plasma charm
4342s ready they're much better prepared than
4343s we are so I I got my null breze I'll be
4347s you know you've got prevention I'll be
4349s running on the Cure front of null
4354s Breeze oh I've crash landed oh oh me too
4358s oh we're not alow there we go look all
4360s right well there's only one thing left
4362s to do
4366s Char oh the Jos are going in wait
4370s Jos oh
4372s lovely I'm going so I started spinning
4377s been to win you've got to get that mount
4380s there oh that was so close oh I didn't
4382s get
4383s it oh where am I what's going on who's
4386s got hold of me am I sliding I'm sliding
4388s I missed I
4391s missed that's some lovely Mountain
4393s damage you're doing there as well I keep
4395s missing
4400s um oh I've
4403s uh there we go
4407s oh the alium yeah it's caught me
4413s there nice you did all of the work for
4415s that mount by the way I just got one
4417s Mount damage and it's like yes no that's
4419s all you man that's all
4421s you as me I'll take that thank you very
4428s much do your
4430s thing I'm going to up jab it
4434s away
4439s okay here we
4440s go oh no oh no it flinched out of it
4444s okay let's try that again bazark making
4447s me work for it
4450s here oh dual blades
4453s [Music]
4458s ooh give me that
4464s tail I'm about to get slapped on I think
4470s y oh oh yeah my armor is not quite up to
4474s Snuff with my weapon now uh
4478s okay o oh
4483s oh thank you for the life
4491s powder let me get your squishy
4494s bits
4496s oh oh I'm in danger we're on the
4501s way oh thank you I missed the
4504s uppercut it's the thought that counts
4506s sometimes
4508s yeah I'm not in great position here but
4511s I'll do what I can I mean hammers have
4513s the most dangerous job they're always at
4514s the head aren't they which nine times
4516s out of 10 is the most dangerous part of
4518s a Monster yeah just risk it all
4524s yeah
4527s now drink up there we go I hit there ah
4530s I missed remind be last the first time
4532s we fought about hak we got the kill
4534s between a Kinect and a rock yeah epic it
4539s was either way it's an epic finish
4543s yeah getting two of them at the same
4545s time
4549s yeah oh the tail
4553s slab oh
4561s got some Slinger ammo for
4568s folks I should probably take my uh
4570s mantle off here cuz it's not going to
4572s recharge while I've still got it on me m
4574s there we
4576s go oh I was not paying attention
4582s there or the oium strikes again
4589s I love this uh theme song that's great
4591s isn't it yeah said like it's so somber
4594s but then it kind of ramps
4602s up the bed breath yeah the death breath
4606s is proper nasty made me think of bed
4608s breath as well it's like the bed
4612s breath ooh lovely break
4617s nice we get sliding attack
4624s nope uhoh uhoh what it doing what's it
4627s doing
4629s uh oh it's just falling over
4636s yeah we can oh yeah the I forgot you did
4640s it there you go I don't know if I got
4642s the tender in or not but
4705s well we hit we hit it with the rock that
4707s I know is definitely
4714s there boom
4717s boom Oh there's some blast damage way oh
4720s sorry I don't know if I contribute to
4722s that
4724s stagger Dragon
4726s pod oh a perfect rush out
4731s there hopefully you get what you need
4733s what uh material are you after
4736s um I can't remember I just saw a bunch
4737s of Vaz stuff and said let's get it
4739s that's not white that's still gray we
4741s need to change that we do love
4744s environmental damage in this house I oh
4746s thank you yeah I did their
4750s world you rock the world get out of
4755s here I had a late reaction to that one
4758s just sinking in you're like wait a
4760s minute that's a fun yeah how dare you
4764s wait a second
4766s all right what are we thinking so we
4767s could try to find devil Joe and live up
4770s to the thumbnail yeah we should probably
4772s make the thumbnail Cannon okay okay or
4775s we we could try to take out our arch
4777s nemesis but I don't know if we're ready
4778s I I kind of feel my armor hasn't changed
4780s I hit harder but I still crumple like
4783s paper yeah nothing has changed
4787s yeah man I'm going to have to go back to
4789s those uh clips from last week I remember
4791s at the end there I just I literally just
4793s walked into the area that I was in and
4795s all of a sudden it just jumped on me
4797s it's like you know what Bonk and it's
4798s like wait a second wait a
4800s second what did I get here controller
4803s thr moment
4806s yeah Val haaz me take I Know It with
4810s vazar is you need the fangs or something
4812s for some of the higher end stuff is that
4814s the master bits and you spend ages that
4816s you're like get the head break get the
4818s head
4819s break oh thank
4821s you yeah I'll go look at the armor yeah
4825s I'm going to take a look right now over
4827s the
4828s workshop yeah I know I want a wrath loss
4831s chest but that'll have to wait are there
4832s any devil Joe armor pieces I like but
4835s yeah it's like what is it
4837s um do we need to talk to someone for
4840s devil Joe yeah I'm not sure if anybody
4845s knows given orange flashbacks about the
4847s Fang
4849s farming and we've all been there well
4852s most of us have been there you know who
4854s want those pieces don't worry we can
4857s sympathize okay so I can make the vazar
4860s waist or the legs which they look really
4864s cool I don't need what they give yeah I
4867s need five bazak fangs and that's the
4869s only part I don't have now um oh well
4873s yeah we'll have to save that for next
4874s time oh yes Save the farming um so yeah
4878s devil
4880s Joe is it you have to do a certain is it
4883s the mushroom Quest where it's like go
4884s gather some mushrooms or
4886s whatever is it that
4892s one gather some
4894s mushrooms let's take a look if it's an
4898s event Quest right yeah would it be EV
4900s vent Quest or a special assignment no
4903s good question if anyone in chat knows
4905s let us let us know and we can go go
4908s pickle poke in we go go take him
4914s down
4915s oh
4930s hello it's a blue with the scholars
4934s ah oh I see I
4940s see all right let's go and there's my
4942s lovely the ostra sword and shield my
4944s love is looking clean
4947s ior now but that is great is is grm in
4951s the cat gear today or like a turquoise
4955s like aquamarine type color nice that's
4958s great that's great good stuff grm thanks
4960s for joining us as
4962s always Dante looking very cool with the
4966s rajang helm
4968s there all right just admiring
4970s everybody's uh oh yeah you've got to
4973s haven't you everybody's fashion right
4978s devil uh sorry great sword uh oh where
4980s am I going where am I going oh it's a
4982s cut
4984s scene okay so where did you go uh I
4987s spoke to the Admiral and I've been
4988s whisked away oh okay okay um that might
4991s be the cor toath stuff yeah listen up
4995s listen to me that one that we'll have to
4997s sit on for a little bit um me head to
5001s the trade yard see if there's any uh
5004s Blues if we've got the
5006s blues I'll have a look cuz I I've not
5009s got any blues in the I don't think I've
5011s got any other ones oh here we go uh the
5016s scholars okay okay something's
5021s happening unless I wasn't speaking to
5023s the right Scholars which is oh okay here
5026s we go yeah it's it's the tiny guys well
5030s the ones in the botony area or yeah yeah
5033s they're uh they're like close to that
5038s let's see is this the
5040s one world eater devil Joe has been
5042s spotted in the new world and it's
5044s threatening the local ecosystem in every
5046s High ranked local and six or seven
5048s optional quests um you may find deviljo
5051s tracks okay so we do have to find the
5053s tracks first we won't just be able to
5055s hunt it so we have to do any six or
5057s seven optional quests then yes and I
5060s guess the Ancient Forest is probably a
5062s good one to get the tracks cuz I think
5064s there's is that where you first fight it
5067s yeah well seems it seems like we won't
5071s be able to get to it today so what do
5074s you think maybe we should go after our
5076s arch nemesis we should we probably
5078s should I've got a nice shiny new weapon
5080s and it'll be ashamed to not give it a
5082s full-on spin against our nemesis from
5085s last week yeah our weekly
5088s try I'll check the special assignments
5091s to see if it's already in there as well
5093s we'll have a look we'll have a look yeah
5094s let's take a look
5096s special ass than you guys I I I swear
5098s we've played this game before yeah yeah
5101s so I've got special Arena which was
5103s Pandora's Arena which is the teostra
5106s lunastra one same same and then a
5108s visitor from another right I'm about to
5109s put visitor in Joe are you ready to
5112s join um well uh mad artist says they
5115s have the quest so would it let us I mean
5118s we put it in see if it let us join yeah
5121s yeah good to
5123s shot
5134s I'm looking at the stream now and
5135s sometimes when the map is has a certain
5137s color it's like I have a halo around my
5140s head right join a quest and it's a
5144s special assignment no I can't join it
5146s I've not progressed enough through the
5148s story
5150s okay well as was written we going to
5154s fight our arch nemesis thank you for
5157s trying mad artist we appreciate it right
5159s Joe it's going in and I give mad artist
5162s a second as well oh it's one Hunter as
5164s well yeah I guess that's the unlock
5165s version isn't it right the Quest for
5167s another world is in right I heard the
5171s the little bell
5172s ring I'm taking I'm my voucher because I
5175s know this is going to be a
5179s dub there we go we got Dante Hunter
5181s Celestia and your fine self right is
5184s there anything in the in the food skills
5186s that can protect us is is Insurance in
5189s there defense up uh do we have insurance
5193s moxy's in there there's safeg guard
5198s beine
5199s Safeguard
5200s yeah yeah Moxy in there as well I'm
5204s going to eat for Moxy I didn't see
5206s Insurance just cuz it gives me a free a
5209s three go around it's not behem off yet
5211s we still need to defeat the kuk it's
5214s been absolutely B us so open road
5216s platter so I can get the Safeguard and
5219s it sounds like you the other one right
5221s Moxy yeah I was like yes please yeah K's
5226s been putting respect on its house put it
5228s that
5231s way safeg guard is solid yeah I just
5235s need to not be greedy I need to be
5237s patient and don't get hit by the big
5240s Crystal this is going to be fun the stun
5244s stun it in part is massive black L is
5247s saying audio is super glitchy jonno are
5249s you uh let's just try talking yeah yeah
5253s um I can pick it up a little bit on you
5254s but I was like maybe it will calm down
5257s all right yeah you know this is a um a
5259s stream across continents so it is across
5262s the ocean you just never know you never
5264s know what uh Network difficulties you're
5266s going to have but you know we're we're
5269s pushing boundaries but thanks for
5270s bearing with us much appreciated and so
5273s far no like disconnects or anything oh
5274s now you said it now you said it we're
5276s going to get right to the end both of us
5279s yeah
5280s yeah but we done well on the gem front I
5282s got a bird Wy followed by a Wy gem um
5286s thanks to the jotus suggestion so thank
5289s you to jotus as well for genous like
5291s genuinely generously donating look at
5294s that even mixing my words up now
5297s um I mean he did genuinely gen
5300s generously give me the the gem so can't
5304s complain
5317s and uh we're on the way there there cool
5319s I'm going to hold my Vitality manle for
5321s now I'm going to hold on to it until it
5324s gets a bit bigger and hits
5327s harder but then if if I get scared I
5330s might just put it straight on
5333s yeah I totally forgot about about
5334s mantles too uh what we got what we got
5337s i' I've gone for Vitality oh I only have
5339s a health booster actually oh I wish I
5342s had a rock steady mantle or the temporal
5345s oh you know what I got stunned in one
5348s hit oh no I see you in the corner there
5350s no no
5351s no one hit for the the stun all right
5355s vital you know I'm I'm going to thank
5356s you I'm going to put the Vitality manle
5358s on uh because I quickly got humbled by
5362s the Big
5362s Bird we'll do that
5367s funny getting your your butt handed to
5370s you to the Chocobo music by a big Kulu
5373s you it's so jolly it is this is what
5377s Kulu is probably Hearing in its head
5379s that's what we're
5380s hearing it's just a happy bird having a
5383s good time beating up the
5385s hunters uh yeah the the the rule of Bas
5388s around equipment is so kind of keep it
5390s similar to our so don't overpower the
5392s monster so at the minute between 6 and
5395s eight for gear Rarity so like basically
5398s no master rank uh gear basically oh no
5401s down I
5403s fell here yeah just so that we don't
5405s absolutely turbo BOS the monsters yeah
5411s yeah bouncing off that
5414s Crystal oh a part
5416s break very
5418s nice H the crystal I'm only doing six
5423s damage all right that's three times my
5426s damage when I hit it no it got bigger
5429s and we're in like a super enclosed area
5432s right here which is a good and bad thing
5434s I
5436s suppose this is going to eat us up okay
5439s there we
5440s go it's on the
5443s Run yeah if if it's a high rank monster
5446s and it's between six and eight that's
5448s fine yeah for all of our um you know we
5452s keep talking about how this Quest is our
5454s moral enemy right now but it is really
5456s fun it is it is a fun Quest I mean we
5459s like a challenge as well and we are
5461s coming at it slightly under gear um on
5464s the armor front specifically and like
5466s the lack of like
5468s mantles um but it's fun it's nice to
5470s have a challenge and it is a little bit
5472s of like self-inflicted challenge it
5475s is that
5479s no yeah the amount of like passion
5482s that's gone into the collabs is is
5485s fantastic yeah
5495s absolutely going to preemptively put
5497s this down
5498s oh I just walked in and it almost hit me
5502s you getting
5503s flashbacks yeah yeah I had a I had a
5505s little bit of jump scare there oh there
5506s it
5510s goes uh-oh there jumps
5513s again stay still you got to be kidding
5518s ah it doesn't care for traps the power
5520s of the crystal is too much yeah yeah all
5524s got some blast damage
5526s there try to get a oh you can't mount it
5529s either right no no trips no Mounds no CS
5532s all right well I was able to get a
5534s jumping attack which did pretty good
5536s damage there nice I got bigger
5542s again oh no I'm in I'm in stunned
5545s threshold Town yeah oh no I'm below my
5548s Moxy threshold time to
5554s drink Yum Yum Yum y y y Health booster
5560s nice oh I'm
5562s stunned look over here oh oh the double
5567s oh luckily feline Safeguard had our
5569s backs there so good choice on that
5572s indeed the the double dunk
5576s oh man that hurts that's all right don't
5579s worry Celestia I mean it's a big is a
5581s big Kulu it's going to it's got a big
5583s old bit of Splash damage is limping
5585s though these these improved weapons are
5588s making a big
5590s difference um I think yeah it's too soon
5592s to eat so that that kind of sucks that's
5595s all right just don't get hit just don't
5596s get hit it's fine you know like like I
5599s absolutely didn't get hit last time we
5600s tried to fight it
5602s yeah yeah fine yeah no I was I was yeah
5606s I was eating
5608s Crystal EA Crystal yeah I'm in one shot
5611s territory so this is that's okay we like
5613s we like a bit of like high stakes
5616s hunting you know yeah just don't get hit
5619s just don't get hit it's it's as simple
5620s as that the ageold trick if just don't
5622s get
5626s hit I know Celestia it's it's all part
5629s of the fun it's all part of the fun
5632s right Dante are you going to pull your
5633s Devil Trigger is that what we're going
5635s to do let's
5639s go oh oh oh it's on the Move come back
5643s here uh it's almost down it is nearly
5646s down yeah yeah but you know we are still
5650s very much in danger territory we are
5653s also almost down so yeah it's anyone's
5656s anyone's hunt right now I kind of feel
5658s like I should just stay away no get
5661s involved we we hunt or C like Hunters
5664s you're right you're right I'm now nearly
5667s C so I'm going to have a drink no don't
5668s look at me
5670s right that's all right commit commit all
5676s in okay okay oh
5681s oh get up here no is it taking more
5684s Crystal juice more Crystal juice yum
5690s yum coming up I want revenge oh nice
5694s attack up
5695s l oh so scared right now that's good
5699s it's
5699s good channel that fear and put it into
5703s your Hammer
5706s swings oh okay my health booster is up
5712s uh oh there's the
5714s dun right into it we're still good we're
5717s still good we're still got one more you
5719s know it' be a waste to not use up the
5721s cards you
5723s know get evolved I failed this there I
5727s the yeah oh my gosh oh they're picking
5731s on Celestia now is my I need to check if
5734s my Mantle's back it' be wonderful to
5736s have my mantle back about now uh no
5738s that's my booster I should probably look
5740s at the monster yeah that manle was not
5742s coming back for a bit right where were
5749s we
5751s man oh nice stagger that was wonderful
5755s okay I got to get back out there I'm
5756s going in the air who oh got blast on it
5759s oh it went to the the quick slam there
5762s it's getting getting a bit angsty it
5765s would be really tragic if I get back out
5767s there and immed jump on you oh we got
5770s the plunge I got the plunge all right
5771s I'm going to do this okay okay I see
5774s what's happening here oh it's careful
5777s it's traversing it's leaving
5782s somewhere come back
5787s good I feel like when it does it though
5788s it's most
5790s dangerous oh I took the wrong bit uh
5793s hold on where am I I've feel back CU nor
5797s I'd have all the powders on me and stuff
5799s butly CU I've not been investing in that
5801s side of things on on this Hunter I'm
5803s like oh just we just go we just don't
5805s get hit yeah all right here we go we've
5807s been here before Jo but this time oh
5809s nice was that a scatter nut you just
5810s shot on it head I saw it saw over and
5813s hit it straight on knows or the
5821s beat
5822s oh
5824s oh I keep hitting that Crystal for a
5826s whopping four damage I'm I'm super
5829s afraid to just go for it right now
5831s sometimes just got to go all in
5832s dangerous where my health level it's so
5836s low
5840s oh I got Slinger th no uhoh uhoh uhoh
5843s uhoh times I'm stunned I'm stunned all
5846s in all in now thank you for the oh there
5849s we go I got put back Across the
5851s Threshold thank you I thoughted it yeah
5854s I did I Someone Saved Me few there we go
5860s almost nothing at the end there but at
5862s least I didn't end it for us I nearly
5864s did though thank you for putting me back
5866s Above The Moxy threshold I I didn't see
5868s who did it but thank you for the live
5870s Powers thanks for carrying us oh what's
5872s this a bird wife
5877s gem big Kulu down there we go we did it
5881s we did it that's that antagonist down
5884s yeah I'm sure there's nothing even
5885s harder waiting for us after this no no
5888s we we beat the game that's it that's it
5889s yeah GG well played you know
5894s [Laughter]
5896s yeah well played Hunters that was it's
5899s surprising you know how a monster can
5901s suddenly you know a lower tier monster
5904s kind of quotes yeah know can super
5909s fear myself to some or it's a treat oh
5913s then I got haduk by outrageous complete
5917s nice it's nice when it say complete
5919s instead of fail that's yeah we are
5924s struggling there we
5930s go and I think before before we go off
5933s though I did say that we would do a mad
5935s artist birthday hunt so we should let uh
5938s mad artist pick a hunt to do yeah yeah
5942s so mad artist when we get back in the
5944s last hunt of the stream because it is
5946s your
5947s birthday popping a hunt and and we will
5950s do
5951s it there we go who do I talk to oh is it
5954s there we go serious
5955s Handler oh whoops yeah I talked to
5957s Serious Handler as well and okay that's
5961s progressing FF stuff going to smash do
5964s that dialogue real quick it's not what
5965s monster we need it's what monster you
5967s want to hunt Paradise cuz it's your
5969s birthday you pick your favorite or least
5972s favorite
5978s monster there got the the
5983s M oh
5984s my oh by the way this world ended
5987s monster also followed me through what
5992s what the legendary
6001s beast that'll be one maybe for next week
6011s yeah right when madus puts in the quest
6014s we can uh hopefully jump
6016s in replan my
6019s Potions all that's all right you know
6022s it's all about the community isn't it
6023s you
6025s yeah you're blushing like
6027s crazy
6029s um alumx on YouTube that that was
6032s Celestia Hunter Celestia thanks again
6034s for for hunting with
6038s us yeah let us know when the quest is in
6041s and we'll join it
6043s yep I see there's someone in the lobby
6045s Solo in Fatalis at the moment as well by
6047s the way wow that's powerful energy I
6051s love that with a great sword
6054s yeah just like I want everybody to
6055s witness what I'm doing witness
6060s me
6061s optional
6063s oh oh okay all right okay I'm into it
6069s yeah our first Kieran on stream as well
6072s yeah yeah we haven't done this yet
6073s cannot wait cannot wait oh kierin oh boy
6078s all right what have I got here lovely
6081s you've not beaten this one yet don't
6083s worry we we might help with that we
6085s might not uh right what we got Elemental
6088s resist attack defense I mean I should
6090s probably look for it is there an ell ell
6092s resist
6094s medium are there any others element
6096s resist
6099s large I'm going in with whatever I got
6103s and we'll figure it out you know what
6106s yeah we we do it live we do it live I'm
6108s going to go Elemental resist medium cuz
6110s it gives me extra
6112s HP is weak to fire well it's I hope it's
6115s also weak to
6117s blast because I'm going to be giving it
6119s the blast yeah that's what you're going
6121s I'm putting out blast I've had enough
6123s kierin his weak to fire is much like
6130s goblins and black B vazar and
6134s Valar blast is awesome you know when in
6137s doubt blast you
6139s know enemy great jagas blast enemy
6143s kashala blast enemy Tira why not blast
6146s anyway you know also blast yep it's all
6151s reliable it is it is literally that is a
6154s fantastic example of that Meme like just
6157s open it blast damage
6160s yeah we we do love those we
6166s do this blast is just the gift that
6168s keeps on giving it's great for All
6170s Occasions and as it turns out now also
6173s birthdays because we're using a blast
6175s weapon in this birthday I uh mad artist
6178s and I are right in it already I can see
6180s I'm I'm in my way up I got caught in
6184s traffic on the way to the birthday party
6187s I'm the party's already begun where's
6190s the
6192s cake well depends if Kieran is the cake
6195s or we end up being the cake H let's see
6197s who gets devoured
6201s first it will be a shocking hun for sure
6208s yeah so many puns today I know I to be
6212s wonderful uhoh uhoh
6216s uhoh I'll be right there I I spotted
6219s something I think it gives a bird or
6221s something I'm just going to me right
6224s what's going on up
6227s here oh there's the
6230s pony pony oh I immediately got
6235s Zapped I will use the power of oh cuz I
6238s need to focus on the head to do damage
6240s don't I yeah yeah I I tenderized the
6242s head over there thank you oh it's a
6244s dragon component in the face it did not
6246s go down
6251s well spam
6253s this Dragon P stop it
6258s gared you can stop that right
6262s now oh
6264s I got zapped I got
6267s zapped have fun me no Bri save
6271s me oh
6273s oh nice stagger I think that's lost the
6277s lightning
6280s oh give me your
6283s that's that hurt close oh my goodness
6286s was that a Moxy save was it was that
6288s luck uh I don't think so I don't think
6290s so I think it was just luck nice oh man
6293s luck yeah kieran's kieran's still after
6295s you y yep it's got it lightning kind of
6299s cloak
6301s back keep dragon dragon poting it all
6305s right here we go here we go I mean the
6308s body is weakened so at least we can hit
6309s it there yeah or tenderized I should
6314s say I always forget the exact term but
6316s it is when you're theck of the Hun yeah
6321s yeah going oh my my goodness the puns
6324s the puns are getting even spikes
6327s here they're horsing around in chat you
6330s know
6337s yeah oh no I picked up the water Moss of
6339s the expensive Dragon pods wait a second
6341s oh I that was lovely I got lucky with
6343s that yeah that was
6350s beautiful I'm spamming that clutch claw
6357s Andy all good right here we go are you
6360s going to come running at me
6366s no we get that perfect Rush
6370s going oh I'm on oh there we go nice bit
6374s of blast there let's keep that head nice
6377s and tenderized yep I'm
6380s helping Big Bang let's go finish sure
6386s oh oh the fullon knock down from The Big
6389s Bang from Joe finally got it do it break
6393s that horn that will make our lives a lot
6395s easier and it's a rajang approved action
6399s so you know oh no no no uh I rised it
6402s all there okay I got to heal o watch out
6405s watch out you right I'm not stunned I'm
6407s not stunn though it's good it's good
6408s it's good I'm going to just uh heal up
6410s heal up still good it's still good
6414s right
6416s uh so many Dragon pods yeah it's great
6419s isn't it yeah very handy for that that
6422s one's a straight
6425s line oh no you don't oh yes you
6429s do oh it's going get back ah I'm going
6434s to sharpen me me sword take these Dragon
6437s pods ah Still Got
6440s Away Coral Crystal now it's a good time
6442s to get some
6443s yeah you're right you're right where we
6450s at there go just to replenish the stores
6453s as well there's another one over here
6456s think Claw on YouTube is saying I'm
6457s doing my own 100h hour challenge I need
6459s help between two weapons gun Lance or
6461s Hammer I know Hammer is mostly use and
6463s gun Lance underrated but I don't know
6466s they're an insect glaive main what are
6467s your thoughts on that that's a good one
6469s I mean I kind of lean towards Hammer
6472s because it's a it's a class
6474s plastic weapon um Bonks you know is a
6478s big selling point however the gun Lance
6480s has explosions and I know if like rakan
6482s was here for example yeah yeah ran will
6485s be advocating for the gun Lance and as
6486s you said you know gun Lance doesn't
6488s necessarily get as much Spotlight as the
6492s uh hammer and I really really like the
6495s rathan gun Lance it's a really good Full
6497s Burst play style with the normal shells
6499s and the poison status um but yeah it's
6503s tricky It's Tricky uh I
6507s mean can I do I do I pick just one I
6510s mean
6512s I we we'll Lay It lay it out for him and
6515s uh let them make the final Choice yeah I
6517s mean the hammer is surprisingly mobile
6519s so if you don't want to sacrifice your
6521s Mobility too much like that you enjoy
6524s with the uh insect glaive go for Hammer
6527s if you want a totally different
6528s experience that's entirely different to
6532s what you're used to and you just want to
6534s really kind of you know expand your your
6537s skills as a hunter with a totally
6538s different play style give gun Lance to
6540s go uh cuz the explosions are incredibly
6545s satisfying yeah I agree with that um
6548s oops I mean obviously I'm running Hammer
6550s right now so it's kind of a more
6552s straightforward play style I'd
6554s say um but you know you get like you get
6558s lots of
6559s stuns always go for the head oh I got
6562s the oh
6564s nice but yeah I think if I had to vote
6566s for one I might go for gun Lance just
6568s because it's so different you know yeah
6570s and it could always use a little bit
6572s more of the
6574s spotlight oh can't can't use I got thr
6578s off this is going to be a tricky one
6581s over to you
6584s oh oh man I need to hold on here oh
6589s yeah it's come back up yeah no that's
6592s good it's good that's good and it's
6594s going down that is a surprisingly
6597s challenging down here
6601s yeah oh nice I got another stun on there
6604s nice I got I got Dragon
6607s pierced I was like Hey right okay the
6610s head's
6611s wounded the PO it's broken your your
6613s work on there is let's
6619s go oh I need to get that back to range
6623s right that's it I'm going to race the
6628s Kieran using the power of wedge
6632s beetles oh no Kieran got me
6635s midair the disrespect I know at least
6638s you're still
6642s alive D yeah me and Joe are both
6645s Community managers at Capcom on Monster
6647s Hunter um and I work on the EMA side um
6652s and Joe works on the Capcom USA Side
6657s Y I'm going to put on my put my mant
6667s on if anyone's got any Barrel bombs or
6670s anything I don't uh what do I got what
6673s do I got oh the dragon
6675s piercer all right we're back on
6678s it I I do have a barrel bomb
6681s but it down for fun
6685s yeah what do community managers do um a
6688s few different things so obviously we've
6689s got the stream in um monter more social
6692s well social media in general so the
6693s social media channels we liaz and work
6697s with monst Hunter content creators and
6700s uh very importantly as well we gather
6703s Community sentiment and we um share that
6707s with the team and other departments to
6709s know what's going over well uh are there
6711s any criticisms or feedback from the
6713s community about certain things um and
6716s everything in between we kind of like
6717s the middle ground between you the
6719s players and um the team the de team yeah
6723s is that right Jo did I miss anything I'm
6724s tring miss something no you basically
6726s said exactly what I was going to say we
6728s we are kind of the bridge between you
6729s know the the teams at Capcom and the
6732s community so um you know we try to relay
6735s as much feedback as we can obviously um
6738s you know I think part of our jobs is
6740s really understanding the game as best as
6742s we can and you know kind of like the um
6745s the business and you know the production
6746s team so um yeah there's a lot that goes
6748s into the job but um yes it it's a very
6751s like kind of multifaceted thing it's
6754s kind of hard to describe it is it's very
6756s interesting um what are tips to go for
6759s for Community Management or marketing I
6761s mean obviously gen up on social media J
6764s up on the type of marketing you want to
6765s go into so if it is video game related
6768s you know uh get involved in that side of
6770s things be aware of Trends and and
6773s everything like that um it's so Broad
6775s and everyone has a different journey
6777s into marketing or Community Management
6779s so there is no set template really
6781s Beyond some of the key that you know
6783s know the stuff you want to work
6785s on talking that though we successfully
6789s got mad artist a birthday hunt gift we
6792s took down the caran happy birthday mad
6797s artist yeah I would say um you know horn
6801s our job is social media and community
6803s but you know we we do quite a bit on the
6806s marketing side we work really closely
6807s with the brand managers and different
6809s people who um are more kind of more
6811s dedicated to that side of the job so
6812s yeah it's a little it's a little bit of
6814s everything you do really kind of have to
6815s know like all facets of uh of the
6818s business as best as you can so yeah I I
6822s think my advice is you know pay
6825s attention to what other companies are
6826s doing um you know the way they're
6828s communicating things um things that you
6831s like things that maybe you don't like um
6833s maybe uh you know take a look at like
6836s whether it's gaming or or movies or you
6838s know just things that are in your
6840s hobbies um and and keep track of that
6842s stuff I think it's it's super valuable
6843s because um that is something that we try
6845s to do as well so yeah we could talk
6848s about that topic for a long time yeah
6850s yeah you yeah there's panels for that
6852s kind of thing that g for hours yeah
6855s yeah yeah are very important oh look
6859s what these Kieran pieces I'm glad I put
6860s a ticket in yeah I
6864s comination horn so I got the Azure horn
6867s and the Thunder horn there oh you got
6869s the Thunder horn I didn't get one D
6871s sorry
6873s sorry maybe I can get some maybe I can
6875s make some rather tasteful Kieran
6879s [Music]
6883s armor ah Toby's a great monster Toby's
6887s also my my partner's favorite monster
6888s she actually has a tattoo of Toby
6890s kadachi she likes it that much um so
6893s very good choice of favorite monster
6895s that was a great choice I'm going to
6896s quickly pop to the workshop before we
6898s wrap up to see if I get myself some
6900s rather snazzy here
6902s and yeah let's do
6911s it equipment
6914s armor here you're back
6919s again oh I can make the chest piece
6925s oh for curan yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
6927s yeah oh sweet I'd like to make the waste
6929s for how it looks I mean I don't need
6930s blight resistance but it is a very nice
6932s looking piece of
6933s armor um all right I'm ready for arm
6936s wrestling if anybody is is down for that
6940s oh there we go that's the piece I need I
6941s need to get the ABS out there we
6947s go any any
6950s takers I'll come up and watch the arm
6952s wrestling
6955s all right let's do it Mystic maker will
6957s probably destroy
6960s me here we
6963s go mashing mashing
6971s mashing tragedy all right I came
6976s the mytic Mystic maker will be my
6978s Champion Go On Mystic maker you can be
6980s my Champion SW sword and shield user
6983s I've got to be on their side you know
6985s they will
6989s represent Mystic
6992s maker Go On Mystic believe well played
6995s that there you go so it's you know one
6998s for Hammer gang so far was it Mystic you
7000s fought or was it Phil team uh Mystic oh
7003s nice so wow sword and shield gang up
7005s there well played oh Hammer Bros did not
7009s make it but that's okay that's okay ter
7010s I'll go I'll go against field team and
7013s then you'll probably get one back here
7016s come on field team you'll probably get
7017s one for the Hammers
7028s [Music]
7032s here oh well played well played hey you
7037s go bought one back yeah I as you can see
7040s I don't think I've won an arm wrestle in
7042s uh in the Stream yet that's why I had
7044s Mystic maker be my
7046s Champion I think we won like one total
7048s yeah that's it that's it that's all you
7051s need you know yeah all right for the h
7055s Bros yeah well played everyone's fashion
7057s is so cool look at like I know I know as
7061s well gr Mystic yes it's okay that scarf
7065s is cool how it's kind of like almost
7067s sentient as it floats in the yeah um and
7070s obviously our our birthday Hunter there
7071s mad artists
7073s wrapped up nice and snug yeah yeah um
7077s nice and warm yes it's nice to see so
7079s many sword and shields in the hub as
7081s well and you know we got a load of
7082s different weapons in here bows Char
7084s blades lot ofy sword and shields but
7086s yeah with that I guess we should wrap
7088s things up for today um thank you
7091s everyone for coming by we made some
7092s great progress it also sets up for a
7095s date with the Beemo in the near future
7098s um which will be no doubt go swimmingly
7102s uh so we can look forward to that um but
7105s as always thank you everyone for coming
7107s by whether you watched whether you were
7109s in chat or you jumped into the Hub and
7111s hunted with us uh anything else from you
7113s Joe before we head
7114s off um yeah we uh we were going to go a
7117s little shorter today um but I think the
7119s energy just like yeah cuz yeah Jon a
7121s little under the weather so we were
7122s going to go shorter but I think the the
7124s fun and the energy just uh it brought us
7126s up a little bit so we were able to go a
7128s little bit longer we basically went the
7129s full time um yeah this just a hunting
7133s with the the community and it definitely
7135s made me feel bit better you know the
7136s energy and and everyone being so so fun
7140s yeah but um yeah sorry Joe I kind of
7143s interrupted I apologize no no no you're
7144s good you're good uh I'm really glad that
7146s we took out our Evil Nemesis the Kulu so
7150s U we've got that monkey off our back I
7151s guess that CH or whatever we're calling
7152s it um and uh we'll we'll be ready for uh
7157s for what lies ahead so yeah looking
7159s forward to next week exactly and with
7161s that as always I've been jonno and I'm
7165s Joe and you've been awesome have a
7167s fantastic weekend and we will see you
7169s next week happy hunting and good night
7172s all right see you
7178s [Music]
7191s everybody
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7281s a
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7397s oh
23 days ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name is Jon o em Community
4s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
6s byy everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
8s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
11s today we are continuing our adventures
14s in the Monster Hunter World post game um
18s we made some pretty good progress last
19s week right jno we um we took out our
22s arch nemesis um yes was Haunting us for
25s the last two weeks our final fantasy was
28s completed uh you could say as we finally
31s took down the crystal wielding Kulu Yu
34s which I think gave us what three triple
36s carts in total across like a stream and
39s a half yeah it's it's pretty crazy I
41s mean we've been going we went for like
43s 12 episodes right and I guess we're
45s pretty we're pretty experienced Hunters
46s but that was the first time we really
48s hit a wall at all uh in our adventures
51s here so yeah that hurt but we we got
54s over it and we completed completed that
57s that tough one so um now we can move on
59s to bigger and better things right
62s exactly I think you know having those
64s weapons that we kind of grinded out a
65s bit more and those extra armor pieces
67s really really helped to bring it down
69s before it could bring us down too many
71s times um and obviously because we've
73s taken down Kulu obviously we've unlocked
75s the next part of that collaboration
77s Quest um but before you get into that I
79s know we were talking earlier about how
81s to best warm up for the stream Joe
83s what's our first hunt going to be today
85s yeah I actually need some bazak
88s materials to upgrade my hammer um so I
91s think that maybe that's a good place to
92s start I don't know if it's like
93s necessarily a great warm-up because
95s that's not an easy
97s one but you know uh we I think it's
101s better than just jumping into Behemoth
102s so yeah let's why don't we go ahead and
104s do that let's do that and while uh while
106s we open up the lobby uh I'm going to go
108s to the Smithy and uh I'm going to fiddle
111s with my armor a bit so I think it's time
112s for an upgrade but I needed to see what
116s um what talismans I can make charms
121s uh so let's have a look yeah I'm
125s dropping that uh Lobby ID into our chats
128s now
129s so feel free to go ahead and join us um
133s trying to pin that message now sometimes
135s it's a little like fiddly it's time to
137s go for wax 3 it's time to put on the
140s teostra obviously because we didn't get
142s the teostra Gem but I can make the arms
146s so we're going to do the kaiseran braces
148s to give me a total of wax three um I do
151s lose handycraft one but I think at this
153s point it's not it's not really the the
155s worst thing so we've got that on I do
158s need to I'm tempted to change my helmet
161s uh however my helmet currently gives me
164s plus two on the uh Health boost CU it's
168s the raian one so I need to see if I can
171s make my charm level two for the health
173s charm okay I'm going to make the base
177s one now I need to see if I can upgrade
180s it this will be the big one that'll be a
182s big Power shift if I
183s can uh What uh what Rarity are you at
186s again oh no I need sorry I'm on about
189s Rarity 7 for my
192s weapon Rarity 7 okay you're there yeah I
196s need two R it's always the WRA and taals
198s with me this is the this is the thing of
200s being a sword and shield man yeah always
202s and now I need WRA and Tails for the
205s health charm to oh man so what we're
208s going to do though you know what we
209s we'll drop one level of Health boost
212s which I may live to
214s regret so we'll we'll
218s um we'll do that we'll change the
221s equipment so change equipment yeah
223s always the rra entails with me as the
225s the life of a sword and shield man
229s um and then we'll swap off the helmet
231s for the wrath of loss helmet which will
233s give me an attack
239s boost I'm looking at uh Pico equipment
242s right now but there's really nothing
243s that beats this uh funky pelico door set
248s is that is that what I have you you know
249s it oh wait no I think I have the low
251s rank version so I guess I guess it's
258s time there go got the Ros helmet now I'm
260s going to look slightly different now oh
262s you can see my face all I need to do is
264s change the waist and my hunter will look
266s really badass at the minute they're like
268s they they are kind of cute and cuddly
271s yeah but I don't have a better
274s waste I I don't have everything I need
276s to I don't have enough appreciation
278s ticket so I'm going to have a pretty
280s incredible fashion over
284s here yeah I'm just going to roll with
287s that
289s ooh o I could get the Wrath coil which
292s is handycraft and then I just need the
294s gems or the decorations sorry to get the
297s health boost up but obviously I need
299s health boost decoration
301s so let's get the Wrath waste and that
304s will make up for the handycraft that's
306s what I'm rolling to the defens is less
310s but I'll be
313s fine yeah you'll be you'll be all right
315s yeah just don't get hit as we always
317s like to say yeah hello chat how you all
321s doing how's it going everybody hey Omega
324s hey
325s Batman uh we're also reading YouTube
328s chat too so we've got both up
330s um so hello to everybody
334s there there we go now I look now I look
338s like a I mean a hunter that's been given
340s wraths a lot of trouble uh first of all
344s but right do I have
347s any I do have a Vitality Jewel oh do I
351s have see I've got a three slot on my
352s chest as well but I don't think I have
354s what you have uh oh I can put an attack
357s Jewel in as well I assume my sword
360s shield meow jeel
364s uh I need more Vitality bad boys so
367s bazard wants to do that I won't
372s complain trying to figure out what
374s teostra um armor to go with blast attack
379s two and weakness exploit one I feel like
381s Wax is good
383s mhm that's the way to go oh yeah you
386s know it especially now that we can use
388s our clutch claw to the backx yeah yeah
391s I've got resuscitate on I think
392s resuscitate is a fantastic
395s skill and one that I got into far too
398s late I only got into it in the end game
400s and I was like I've been sleeping on
402s resuscitate um just giving you greatly
405s improved evasion like evasion window and
408s reduced stamina depletion and I'm quite
410s a messy Hunter I tend to get status
412s affected quite a lot because I'm like
414s going all aggro
416s um it's inevitable right it's hard too
420s exactly even with the shield in my hand
422s which I used to Bonk monsters on the
424s head more planning on getting into
426s Monster Hunter perfect timing to catch
427s this stream hey well welcome will first
430s of all so you've not played Monster
431s Hunter before or have you kind of
433s dabbled in it and now you're like time
435s to get serious let us know you're in
437s you're in a good place to talk Monster
443s Hunter if you want to catch up on any of
445s our um our previous streams we've got
447s them all up on YouTube there's a
448s playlist with them all so you can watch
451s um all 12 previous return to World
453s episodes and uh hopefully you enjoy
457s them that's a good shout man my uh my
460s hunter is looking pretty badass if I do
462s say myself oh yeah we do have a here
466s hello
469s Ang this is the yeah it's a perfect the
472s weapon yeah yeah the weapon the H as
478s well oh that's great yeah you you do
480s look pretty cool jonno thank you finally
483s I've gone away from my festive look and
485s now I'm a super serious Hunter may I
487s show you uh cheddar can you see cheddar
491s yeah let's let's look at cheddar oh wow
493s that that is is that the
495s snow do I call you snow globe now
498s because you got the mix
500s of oh yeah looking looking pretty great
503s I think I would I would say so myself
505s yeah so will has never played before so
508s you're in for a treat first obviously
510s we're biased but you know also correct
513s in this
514s one yeah um but yeah there there's a lot
517s I mean what are you thinking are you
518s thinking of monant world first or monant
522s rise what are you thinking what what's
524s taking you fancy do you have any
525s questions for us or any of the community
528s in chat and while we do that Joe do you
530s want to do you want to get a hunt going
532s we can show off one of the elder dragons
534s now let's do it just to give you a heads
537s up well like obviously we're all quite
538s experienced Hunters
540s so we might make the monsters look
542s slightly easier than they they are for a
545s lot of the time um however having said
547s that we might get a butts kicked as well
549s yeah now that you've said that we're
550s we're doomed I'm invit I'm inviting it
553s in all right that's it thank you I'll
556s join um oh
558s hello oh well I done the wrong one I'm
562s I'm so slow right now uh available Quest
565s optional there we go we go down here
569s I'll use
572s the graphics look amazing so many good
573s things yeah and you know monst world is
575s over 6 years old as well um and it's a
579s great time I mean it's never a bad time
580s to get into monst Hunter but obviously
582s monst Hunter Wilds is coming in 2025 and
586s uh more information is coming out this
588s summer um so yeah it's a fantastic time
590s and there's so much to do uh in monant
593s it keep you plenty busy and obviously
595s the most important question or the most
597s important decision Joe as you'll know a
598s hun asked to make is picking their kind
601s of their first main weapon as such oh
604s yeah so yeah check out obviously all the
607s different weapons cuz each weapon makes
609s the game play it's like playing a
611s different game with different weapons
612s right Joe yeah I mean honestly each
616s weapon just plays so differently they
617s all like kind of serve their own purpose
620s um so there's really no like right or
622s wrong answer so I would just choose the
623s one that you think looks coolest
625s right yeah exactly exactly like like for
629s me I like Mo a mix of mobility and I
632s like to use a lot of items so I for the
634s sword and shield it's a nice allrounder
636s weapon uh what about your weapon Joe
638s what have you got yeah I mean typically
640s I roll a great sword but since you know
642s this is like however many times we've
644s gone through this game at this point I I
646s want to try something different so um
648s you know I like to hit uh the monsters
650s hard so I went for the hammer it's like
653s it's it's still within that realm right
655s of uh you know hit getting uh big damage
658s numbers on the monster but uh you know
660s it's got It's got a different feel to it
662s yeah ex you got that nice mix of speed
665s and power and bonk which is obviously
666s the biggest selling point um but yeah no
669s hey no worries will it's what it's all
670s about really without sounding cheesy
672s like the community is all about
673s cooperation the whole game is about
675s working together um oh I landed right on
678s right on valark um and also my advice as
680s well whenever I want to try a new weapon
682s I jump on Twitch or on YouTube and I
684s look up a couple of weapon guides or
686s people playing as the weapon I want to
687s learn and you just get a couple of
689s combos on your belt quickly and then uh
692s you're all good so yeah me and K
697s are over
701s here how many do you have on your main
703s characters so these are our Hunters made
706s specifically for return to World um so
709s we only play these on Stream So these
710s aren't our original Hunters that we
712s played back in the day uh my one is
715s actually on Console
718s uh how yeah I have I have like uh I
722s think I've played more on PC at this
723s point I just like kind of surpassed my
725s original console save but um yeah the
728s the hours are up there I don't know off
729s the top of my head but uh quite a bit
732s yeah I mean I remember I was fully
733s decked out I was in The Guiding land
735s like getting all the pendants you know
738s you I had all the different I had like a
740s sappy Jaa weapon but each element and
743s each Fus I grinded it that hard like
748s sword shield live
751s you were all
755s in figure out uh I also the pendants me
758s I needed those blue pendants oh yeah
761s yeah yeah that you know once you reach
763s the end game and then you kind of like
764s achieve the set that you want um then
766s the goals become mostly about like some
769s of the stuff that you want to do like
770s personally right instead of like oh I
772s need to you know make sure that I minmax
775s my my armor set exactly once you get
778s your gear under your belt fashion is C
781s oh yeah yeah it's either fashion or it's
784s you know trying to master a specific
787s monster or just like you know assert
789s your dominance over this game which like
792s I think a lot of uh a lot of
793s speedrunners uh tend to do so shout outs
796s to them
798s absolutely oh you guys are fighting
800s already yeah yeah we landed on it we had
803s no choice fighting with us my nober is
808s out
812s I didn't restock after our last T last
815s week I got four Mega potions uh think
819s comment that the audio is a little bit
820s loud um yeah let us know chat if uh
823s we're coming in a little bit hot if
825s either one of us is louder than the
828s other espe when we start hooting just
830s the the get
832s spicy don't to blow out your air
838s drops
842s yeah and the thing is if you start with
843s a weapon and you find out it's not for
844s you you can just change weapon you're
847s not locked into anything um cuz you know
851s us hunters like we all love to build
853s like a fun friendly identity around the
855s weapons we use and everyone will want
858s you to use their weapon as well there's
860s like it's like the opposite of
861s gatekeeping it's like the gates open and
864s they're trying to force you through it
865s into their weapon um so yeah everyone
868s will be telling you to use their weapon
869s because they're all so
872s fun you ever um you know like in a
875s fighting game where you get like bodied
877s and then you have like a crisis about
880s did I change characters or not yeah I
883s I've had that before with monster hunter
885s where I'm just like man I just wasn't
894s feel oh I'm so glad to have Flinch free
897s now oh I really want it I I want it to
900s drop I'm glad I've got a vitality and an
902s attack jeel though so you know I can't
912s complain I have to remember that we can
914s clutch claw yeah you're allowed you have
917s and there's some cool hammer moves I
918s believe right I think so I think so yeah
922s for anybody that um hasn't been watching
925s the last couple episodes we did limit
927s ourselves on the clutch claw oh
930s sleep who wants to get it uh not me not
933s me uh probably yeah you I imagine
939s hey you're going to have such a cool end
942s screen we're going to have to see that
943s dang that was Cinema that was I
946s literally watched you sliding out I got
948s paralyzed by the way on the way while I
950s was watching let me up please oh thank
952s you oh man cool I got saved thank you so
956s much bless amazing beblade that was and
960s then the explosions as well that was
962s beautiful who got oh I think Bri got a
964s gem yeah was that you yeah that's
968s me you know what it's not like we've
970s been hunting together for the last 13
972s weeks you know or 13
974s episodes a cheese theme for my
985s Hunters I'm sorry for any uh uh
988s Interruption to the Stream stream you
989s might have seen we just had a very small
991s blip on the connection side so sorry if
994s we disappeared and
997s reappeared yeah apologies about that I
1000s hope we didn't miss your epic finish if
1002s not there'll be there'll be a very very
1005s good end screen on on Joe I mean I've
1008s got a great view of it myself but Joe's
1011s got the action shot my end screen is
1014s incomprehensible it's like it's just
1016s Bright Lights oh you need to you need to
1018s check out m I mean mine is also very
1021s bright and you're somewhere in the
1022s explosion yeah let's let's take a look
1024s at both I I don't know if we can cut
1026s over's but I'm looking at mine right now
1028s and it's it's it's literally just like
1031s explosion I can see where you made
1033s connection because there's a big kind of
1035s like yeah gamer says average gun Lance
1037s end
1039s screen okay joh yours is a I'm looking
1042s at the stream right now that's a little
1044s bit more uh you're in there somewhere I
1046s know you I know it's
1048s you yeah you'll have to take a look at
1050s mine later it's just uh it's just yeah
1054s explosion that was great that was great
1056s that was a good warm up hun yeah what
1058s what did I get here is that another oh
1060s sleep resistance it's going to be
1061s another
1062s resuscitate
1064s now and I got I got a gem uh but I don't
1068s know if I got like the exact stuff I
1070s needed yeah yeah let me go you did get
1072s the head break we can do another one if
1074s you
1077s want is there something that you want to
1079s get
1079s I I just need a teostra gem but I don't
1082s need I've got the I've got the sword and
1083s shield right so the gem would allow me
1085s to upgrade so like it would be nice but
1087s I'm not like you know I'm not desperate
1090s for
1092s it let me take a quick look um what I
1099s need oh wow I need to make more uh okay
1102s craft and list let's make some Mega
1105s potions how many do I need three more
1108s fangs
1110s do you have any investigations for uh
1113s baz I feel like I should now yeah I put
1117s this on my wish list real
1119s quick the good thing is I got the gem
1122s that I need for uh the hammer after that
1127s um I I don't have enough Zen I just need
1130s Tails everywhere give me give me more
1135s Tails all right let me check
1137s investigations oh that
1139s just in Cas I
1143s goty hold on Handler we'll get to
1146s iceborn in good time yeah she's just
1149s like hurry up there's some crazy stuff
1152s happening over
1155s there yeah we're taking our time heading
1157s into ice board we want to mop up a lot
1159s of this um post game content I mean you
1162s know if you're new to the game I'm sure
1164s a lot of people as soon as they finish
1166s the story might just rush right into
1168s iceborn
1169s um but there is a lot of good stuff that
1171s was added a lot of collab quests um that
1174s we've seen a little bit of already um so
1177s yeah definitely stuff worth checking out
1179s and I mean even if you've made it to
1180s master rank already it's it's not like
1182s you can't go ahead and do that stuff
1184s yeah I got good news and bad news good
1186s news I have a two bronze two
1188s gold bad news is two player so oh yeah I
1193s mean we could we could attempt it it's
1196s up to you yeah I mean we could attempt
1198s it we we can get AG go and then we can
1202s uh we can get everyone back together for
1206s Behemoth if we if we want to give
1208s Behemoth a
1209s go I think I think that's a good call um
1212s I wonder if Behemoth uh is it Behemoth
1215s or behemoth this is like Devil Joe and
1218s devil yo all over yeah yeah
1221s um I guess whichever you prefer because
1225s either way it's going to it's going to
1226s beat us up whatever we call it
1229s I'm looking for vazac but I don't I
1231s don't see it in my investigations
1233s unfortunately am I just blind I down to
1238s me yeah okay well uh yeah why don't we
1242s go ahead and go for that Quest and then
1245s we we'll go take on uh Mr Final Fantasy
1250s we'll do a Duo a Duo Val haaz and yeah
1253s then we'll get get a full Squad together
1255s for that sounds
1258s lovely
1261s I'm running low on Nob I'll be
1265s fine it's so oh yeah you'll have to go
1268s ahead and post that oh I think I will um
1273s Don't Mind If I
1274s Do Bazar there we go so free F yeah yeah
1279s yeah set passcode no Camp 11 11 voucher
1285s there you go yeah don't worry gang we'll
1286s quickly do this hunt and then uh we'll
1289s open up for obviously the four of us as
1291s we go for
1295s Beemo
1298s sweet giddy fox says it's definitely
1306s Behemoth with confidence
1310s there I probably use the mint detention
1312s like Bam off and behem off yeah
1315s yeah we'll just uh we'll leave it up to
1318s inter a yeah yeah you know what when we
1322s read it on a screen it could be anything
1324s we
1326s want all right I'm ready to go nice
1328s hopefully so we need to break the head
1330s is the big thing for us so we need to
1332s get it down and we just need to wail on
1334s its head yeah yeah I guess it's up to me
1337s oh I'm back on I mean I can do some Dam
1340s I've got a shield okay I'm on Bazar are
1343s you are you with me I am not I will get
1346s started I see nothing going wrong
1349s here um you got this you're fine I've
1352s only got four n so hope I've got the
1354s mount though so we're
1356s good oh you got the mount already yeah I
1358s see it I mounted the monster you need to
1359s have a custom message for that I do I do
1362s I I'm mounting so much I should definely
1366s yeah you can be a full American like me
1368s and be like yeehaw or something yeah I I
1371s could be on Brown I'll go ride on yeah
1374s there you go there you
1377s go
1380s yeah for anybody that doesn't know jno
1383s you are in the UK right I am I am and I
1386s am in the US I'm in California so we are
1390s going across the world with this stream
1392s we are international yeah so I mean
1394s occasionally may run into uh some
1397s technical issues like connection and
1399s things like that but you know please uh
1401s please go easy on us we're going across
1403s the world internationally we are I kind
1405s of whiffed my uh down state on baka
1409s missed my combos a bit I'm just taking
1411s my time heading over there and Mining a
1413s little bit and you know just letting you
1414s do your thing very kind I'm pretty sure
1418s I'm going to get affected by theu in a
1420s second uhoh
1427s uhoh come over there get out of that
1433s smog Dark Souls um you know Great Name
1436s by the way is asking
1439s uh what our favorite monster is which I
1441s feel like we get asked every week I love
1443s it I love it any chance to to put praise
1446s onyos is is good with me I got another
1449s Mount oh nice yeah brachy brai deos is
1452s my favorite
1454s one yeah it's uh it's devil Joe for me
1460s um is a
1462s classic the hungry monster the hungry
1465s pickle yeah here it comes the pickle
1470s trying to you're up in the air there so
1471s I'm trying to like do what I can but
1474s there we go okay let's go for the hit
1476s yeah and you got Flinch free on so I can
1478s kind of be around here guilt free and if
1480s I get hit it's my own fault because this
1482s is Hammer territory no you're you're
1483s fine you're fine the music's not playing
1486s for some
1487s reason don't worry he's going to aggro
1489s on you now yeah there we go there we
1493s go no oh there it is I finally kicked
1497s in oh
1500s that off yeah I've only got three nobes
1502s now so I'm like oh no oh where are mine
1505s there they
1507s are I need to start unlocking more slots
1510s so I can do honey and no at the same
1512s time yeah yeah same
1518s here oh that really hurt
1522s oh there must
1525s be
1527s yeah
1533s oh that was I'm not even close to the
1534s head
1538s here oh The Cloud of Doom
1543s yeah to this down Health booster I'll
1547s focus
1549s on at least there's a nice slope in here
1552s for
1553s you yeah I keep thinking I'm hitting the
1555s slope and then I kind of just
1557s like HP I guess
1560s like getting into a walk at the end
1563s there yeah
1566s yeah
1572s ah oh I missed the uppercut that was
1575s punishing reminds me I should probably
1577s weak the head oh yeah right we can do
1581s that yeah we're allowed to do that now
1584s yeah okay I need to do it twice on the
1586s sword and shield I think oh no one NB
1600s remains oh thank you
1608s Shield there we go the wounds on so next
1611s time we get it down oh nice there we go
1613s I forgot about that go we can do that
1617s yay we've allowed ourselves to do the
1620s tasty moves
1624s yeah oh yes oh no it robed me off I was
1628s about to the finish of perfect Rush
1629s right
1633s onium all right I can have a sharpen now
1637s all right it's heading out right
1638s hopefully there's some no Brees nearby
1641s yeah I got need some stuff shiny
1645s shiny uh I don't think I'll make it in
1648s enough to uh knock the rock down but we
1653s can lure it under it Joe oh uh wait
1656s where are you at you're in the other
1658s area yeah I'm dist it over here yeah
1660s yeah I I got to go over there Bazar come
1665s here see if I can maintain my record of
1667s actually hitting the monsters with the
1669s Rocks yeah you got
1671s this right so there's one there okay
1674s there just all right AG no there's two
1676s there two nice right okay right
1684s Bazar uh that
1688s one one and then we got the second one
1691s we want that save that for later yeah my
1695s positioning all right I got the blast on
1697s its
1699s head got to get that head
1703s break ah I missed that big bang there
1706s it's all right we're getting some good
1707s damage are you close enough
1710s no oh maybe now oh I got a got a good
1713s hit
1714s there a little bit closer I don't want
1716s to gamble it yeah yeah play it
1720s safe is that knock down nice uh useful
1724s nice having some Vigor was sprays here
1726s yeah we haven't seen our Palos in a
1728s little bit I know I
1731s know ah too
1733s far oh look Val I'm just having a nice
1736s cool drink over not cool drink Mega let
1738s me let me head over to you not to be
1740s confused with
1743s the oh
1745s oh what you doing yeah there you go
1749s nice all
1754s right the guilt-free attacks on the head
1758s exactly it's free real estate yeah I was
1762s just being rude by not uh taking punch
1765s free you
1767s know
1772s there we go used the spread shot there
1774s from my clutch claw right oh my Slinger
1777s really my Slinger shot that I'm in
1779s danger
1781s uhoh there's going to be breath attack I
1784s think yeah oh it's just that one that's
1787s fine yeah
1790s uppercut hit me uhoh uhoh oh that tail
1795s whip yeah it got me too I was like this
1799s is fine right how are we looking on time
1802s right okay I don't think I can eat it
1806s yet all right it's fine this is fine any
1811s know's in the Box I forgot that that
1813s Loops back
1815s around oh I'm stunned uhoh uh-oh uhoh
1819s uhoh I'm dead welcome back I wonder
1822s maybe I've got a I've got an ancient
1824s potion I'll use
1825s that there we go now I've got Health
1827s back at least I ancient potion it's all
1830s good nice I uh I should have played it
1833s way more conservative there but I
1835s basically you got Go I mean you're a
1836s hammer user you don't do that you're all
1838s in aren't you you know it's the hammer
1840s way I I did not play smart
1843s there you you said he used the ancient
1845s potion right I probably yeah I did yeah
1848s I was like there's no way I'm going back
1849s into that fight without my HP bar um
1855s there's an alry over here as well so
1856s I'll grab that so we've only got one
1859s cart left then huh we do the trick is to
1862s not use it
1864s yeah how right you are oh wise words
1868s yeah I've got my Vitality mantle back so
1872s that should
1875s help oh that's right you've been using
1877s that I got a health booster I've got
1880s both so we're good we're
1887s good uh
1892s okay conspicuous all right I'm
1897s here yall got any more of those uh the
1900s lag ties yeah I was going to say that
1902s would be lovely right about now oh the
1904s tail whip again oh the TA almost got
1908s me please don't be the AOE ground ones
1912s no
1915s good
1917s oh
1922s okay uhoh I'm going to get landed on
1925s what oh yeah right big
1928s monster I got SM yeah as pal pal says
1932s just don't get hit that you're
1933s absolutely right and we're showing you
1935s what happens when you do get hit you
1937s know all intentional fully
1940s intentional Health booster ah we're too
1942s far
1945s now I think it's going to do that tail
1947s whip oh yeah
1949s call I'll try and build some more
1950s mountain uhoh uhoh uhoh okay we got a
1954s heart break but at the same time I got
1957s bonked so I need to
1960s heal go I knew that I knew that tail
1963s whip was coming and I still got hit by
1964s it you called it out though which is a
1967s sign of an experienced or learned
1971s Hunter all right got to heal up got to
1973s heal up it's on the
1974s Move okay it's going through where do
1977s you think you're going n we have to deal
1978s with acid as well
1987s oh oh nice good call we'll take
1991s these we got to come away with something
1994s exactly right so this also makes it hard
1997s to kind of run B into a wall because
2000s we're going to have to breath attack
2007s Maybe
2013s ah me
2015s off H I'm not near the head there oh we
2019s narrow
2024s wall he doing The Chew oh you're on
2026s there you're on there no no no no I got
2029s chewed off let me see if I can oh love I
2032s think I think it'll hit here wonderful
2035s yeah there we go that was EX Wiz IT
2038s aiming good sir got lucky I am also
2042s getting big banged but it's okay I not
2045s stepping in that sorry sorry sorry no no
2047s no it's fine you you're the if I'm at
2049s the head I'm in Hammer territory you
2051s know be
2055s expected oh this is the promising yeah
2058s well not a mount just uh the stairs yeah
2061s oh looks like it's turn
2067s off
2076s stop right there desperately trying to
2078s catch
2082s it guess we can waste Oh I thought he
2084s was going to go to sleep but it's not it
2086s doesn't want to nice knockdown you got
2087s the stun all
2089s right this is it the big moment Jay oh
2093s I'm I'm
2094s missing when like the the head like
2097s moves like that but having wax three is
2100s noticeable oh just hit I
2104s think that's all right play it safe
2107s we're nearly
2109s there this is more way more tense than
2112s uh I was expecting you
2114s know once you get down to one card it's
2117s uh oh yes it's spicy yeah Halos are
2121s jumping in with us go on Amber get out
2123s there oh got the M perfect well done
2126s nice that was clutch I think it was
2127s about to hit
2132s me yeah go for it you got
2136s time do your
2138s thing nearly
2142s there I charge up my hammer away do
2147s that very nearly there now right at the
2153s edge uh yeah no we play all the monster
2155s hun games we we've after before return
2158s to world we were doing monst rise and
2160s sunbreak we done a ton of rise and
2162s sunbreak um all right yes we did it
2166s hopefully you get your FS we'll see
2168s we'll
2169s see yeah I had a ton of fun with
2172s sunbreak the the weapons feel incredible
2174s in
2175s that yeah I love sunbreak I just love um
2179s you know they have these games have
2180s pretty different uh monster rosters even
2183s though there is some overlap right I got
2186s a Fang plus from Carvin that's rare yeah
2188s I got one too okay nice so you just need
2191s two for rewards no I got another one I
2193s just need one more you need one okay
2194s well your item box just be like I heard
2197s you want
2200s wings oh if I don't get it that would be
2202s real
2204s sad we two goldes we' got two gold
2209s boxes uh midnight dragon is asking what
2212s is our favorite monster to hunt slf
2215s fight um I mean we did talk about our
2218s favorite monsters but what about the
2220s actual fight I really like shagaru
2223s obviously that's not a world monster but
2225s shagaru magala uh who's in sunbreak is a
2228s ton of fun uh explosions everywhere it's
2231s rashing around it's very aggressive um
2236s yeah so that sharu and primordial maeno
2239s and in this one uh I would say rag
2242s bracky
2244s M okay I got what I needed um good I
2247s didn't get get any teeth in My Rewards
2249s so I was like or should I say fangs
2251s teeth sounds I did get one Fang makes me
2254s sound like some Sinister tooth Fair like
2256s give me your teeth monsters
2259s yeah um my favorite monster to fight ah
2263s man there's so many sobody to choose
2265s from
2267s um I guess yeah if I'm going to stick to
2271s Monster Hunter World I'll probably go
2274s with Fatalis I mean that's a pretty
2277s stand choice right yeah I mean yeah I
2281s mean you didn't say zoga which is you
2283s know the number one as very for by the
2285s community monster but still a good
2288s choice yeah I I mean just in terms of
2291s like what that fight represents and like
2294s how many times I've been able to do it
2296s and um like the camaraderie around like
2299s finally taking it out um yeah it's just
2303s lot of good memories with that
2305s one the legendary beast is this the one
2308s where oh know we can put four straight
2310s away
2313s okay is it is I need a oh yeah that y
2318s yeah Joe that it's up if you want to
2319s join I just kind of accidentally went in
2322s I was like oh sorry um I got to upgrade
2325s my hammer first that's all right I I'll
2327s cancel the quest I mean there's still a
2329s space for you cuz we got KO we got the
2332s apply named Koo and acos as well nice
2337s and then there's a space few at the
2338s bottom I don't I don't have enough zeni
2341s to get pandemonium's root but I have all
2344s the materials uh no can you sell some
2347s more wait yeah I'm trying to see what I
2349s got uh or how much Zen I have oh I'm I'm
2352s pretty broke I don't think I'll make
2356s it I mean I can uh I don't really want
2360s to sell
2363s that okay okay that's all right we'll
2366s get it we'll get it later we got to we
2368s got to make some money exactly thank you
2370s Celestia don't worry I mean I don't know
2372s if we'll manage to succeed me and Joe
2374s are made of uh crate paper uh so our
2378s armor is not upgraded too much and this
2379s is obviously nin Star
2382s Quest um thank you uh that's all right
2385s Koop you you came in first so that's
2387s fine Celestia was a mvh most valuable
2392s Hunter there and kindly made space for
2394s us um but I'm sure you know when we get
2396s back in the hub
2399s I made it there we go right uh is is
2402s there
2403s Insurance uh actually
2408s feline feline safeguards there but you
2411s don't get extra
2413s Health uh oh yeah if you do an open road
2417s platter that's probably the one you're
2418s looking at right yeah I've gone for
2420s unpredictable though for feline foodie
2422s okay um you know maybe I'll take the hit
2425s and I'll go open road
2428s I just need extra HP I know
2431s itable yeah stick with
2435s it you got the mechanics like so when
2437s you get the tornado coming you want to
2438s be away from the monster and stuff like
2441s that I know that remembering the the
2444s different roles because it is very much
2446s like a MMO Raid Battle because of the
2449s collaboration yeah you got like a tank
2453s you've got like yeah wholy has the
2456s aggro we'll see see how it goes it's
2458s going to be yeah we will we will
2461s indeed um do have nine cards oh cuz this
2464s it the first time we're facing it this
2466s one's a nine cart one yeah okay that's
2468s good a man I don't have anything H is
2472s this the full hunt or is this like a
2473s partial hunt I don't know chat let us
2477s know if you
2479s remember yeah I could sell some excess
2481s monster Parts but I don't know something
2484s about that feels wrong I'm always way
2485s too clingy to my spam monster Hearts
2487s yeah Hearts Parts even I'm like you
2489s never know I might need this I'm going
2491s to stash it away like you
2495s know okay so this is a partial hunt so
2498s this be the partial cool thank you uh
2502s Mizuki thank
2509s you I'm waiting for gregori to pop out
2512s of those clouds it's reminded me of
2513s dragon do
2515s too up rizen yeah wait a second I took
2519s the wrong turn in at the
2524s portal it ends after the first Eclipse
2526s okay that's good to know and then then
2529s he takes his boxing gloves off and he's
2531s like now I'm
2538s ready so this was this was specifically
2541s a collab with ff14 right mhm yeah yeah
2544s cuz Ros there's a Ros quest in F4 and
2548s you get rra L as a
2549s mount uh which is super cool joh are you
2553s an ff14 person I I don't play it myself
2556s I've kind of like sworn myself off MMOs
2559s but if I was to play an MMO it would
2561s probably be that one same here yeah same
2564s here uh I've always wanted to get into
2566s it I know the people that love it
2568s absolutely love it um but yeah yeah it's
2572s a big time commitment it is I mean I'm a
2574s big Final Fantasy fan so yeah my time
2576s commitments monster hun you know so it's
2579s but yeah I'm a big Final Fantasy fan so
2582s it's really cool to see and I've got
2583s quite a few friends that play ff4 as
2585s well yeah so it's such an awesome collab
2588s to bring Monster Hunter and Final
2589s Fantasy together yeah and Behemoth of
2593s all creatures as well yeah I look at
2596s them with their with their shiny
2599s mantels already went for the uh yeah the
2603s softening there or what do we call it
2605s what's what's the correct term for that
2607s is it tenderizing
2617s tenderizing look at that the face and
2619s the front
2620s arms kind of hard for me to hit the head
2623s here
2624s huh I should probably work on a mount I
2627s remember mounting this monster is not
2629s easy to get the
2632s tople oh that damage
2636s yeah
2643s oh the
2647s meteors going to run around in
2649s my my
2655s healing oh that howl has giv me extreme
2658s off
2661s flashbacks I love like the attention to
2663s detail with like the the moves showing
2665s up when you hit it it's like seeing it
2668s flash up actually yeah what is it um
2671s yeah I wasn't too far off as well Mizuki
2674s when I when I was doing extreme off stop
2676s i' run paralysis and wide range support
2679s sword and
2680s shield oh Koop no that
2683s damage it's all right
2688s goopo the Mughal over
2691s there
2693s ah I'm just
2695s bouncing bouncing here oh my goodness
2697s goodness that
2699s damage uhoh I'm in danger
2702s zone watch out for that I can't even get
2705s close cuz all these tornadoes yeah
2710s scary where did that Boulder come okay
2712s the Boulder's
2715s down obviously cuz you was it you don't
2717s want him too close to the boulders
2718s either because he can break them I
2721s recall oh he's getting close nice ni I
2725s can't get close just all this
2731s I know on Extreme off and stuff yeah if
2732s they he breaks the Rocks it's it's not
2734s good oh yeah that rocks close uh
2737s tornadoes coming in on me oh it's
2740s me oh it's one of those ones the
2742s important
2744s ones oh man me to your
2748s uhoh here comes the wipe
2751s mechanic yeah keep Boulders away from
2754s walls is one and the other one don't let
2756s him break them
2766s yeah walk away walk
2772s away bone piles while I'm at
2777s it unknown
2780s skull unknown what could it be it's
2784s unknown yeah nobody no
2800s we did it we did there you go Beemo
2802s defeated definitely dead and has not
2804s like retreated anywhere oh no yeah first
2808s timey easy yeah there we go we can wrap
2810s it up yep well thanks for joining
2813s today's stream
2815s yeah I need to bring cool drink don't I
2818s I think the next one yeah do I have some
2820s on
2823s me oh I do I only have two do
2835s though I used a
2838s ticket yeah so did I wait I think I did
2841s oh some good zeni though I know you
2843s needed zeny yes I I do I do man I'm
2847s really contemplating should I sell some
2848s monster parts now yeah I mean if this
2851s mon like you know if you got Kulu parts
2853s and
2856s stuff oh got Dr serious
2859s Handler where is she over here working
2868s hard there's the Mughal yeah sorry if
2872s anybody's trying to read the dialogue
2873s I'm just kind of powering through that
2875s right
2876s now
2878s the full fight then extreme I've changed
2880s me as a hunter you definitely come out
2882s of it a much more well-rounded grizzled
2885s Hunter don't
2893s you with the Final Fantasy music in the
2896s background
2901s mhm well I could sell this Behemoth main
2904s is worth 8,000 many
2913s okay deceased deceased scale I have 15
2916s of those because we hunted so many Vaz
2919s so oh that would be good money let's
2921s let's do like five of them because I'm
2924s scared I just got the kierin the high
2926s rank kierin Quest I have 29 Elder dragon
2930s bones get rid of about 10 seems safe
2935s yeah yeah
2938s okay I'm almost there I'm almost there
2940s I'm almost there monster hard
2943s bones let's let's sell about
2946s 10 all right we're in there I can go I
2948s think I can go make my my hammer now big
2952s Bonk Big
2960s B oh oops I went to the wrong area
2963s theasaurus
2964s SOS in the Kulu quest for final fantas
2967s see just to hear the
2970s music that was us uh that was us last
2972s week yeah by choice absolutely not that
2974s we kept getting triple carted as well
2976s you know it it was we're just we're nice
2979s like that yeah oh the dra just wanted to
2982s uh to share the tunes with
2989s everybody
2993s okay sweet I got my it's more of an axe
2996s now than a hand
3003s you know I might upgrade some of my
3006s armor uh I guess the Kaiser van braces
3009s are going to stick around for a bit so
3011s we'll do those
3016s M
3018s and the rapos helm yeah you can get
3023s upgraded hey it's gorola one of our our
3025s usuals he's got the uh
3027s the the nice look there with the like
3030s the turquoise
3031s blue pelico looking armor I'm out of
3037s zeni maybe you should sell some monster
3039s Parts like I did no I don't know that
3041s that really hurt I I don't know I'm
3043s always like I don't mind like in
3044s sunbreak I had no problem using it for
3046s meldin fuel cuz I was getting out of it
3050s yeah I'm I could always find Zen you
3052s know I'm sure I'll find away look look
3055s at my uh my hammer
3057s oh I love that hammer that's probably my
3060s favorite Hammer design in world yeah
3062s it's pretty cool it's literally a
3064s massive battle axe like yeah yeah yeah I
3067s love that
3068s hammer the handle is so thin you know
3070s like how do you hold that so some good
3073s forging right there yeah yeah right so
3076s do we have quests now yeah let's take a
3081s look oh yeah team together to fight the
3084s Behemoth multiplayer is highly
3086s recommended
3088s H raise the by attacking the head yeah
3090s watch the comet so see the tutorials
3093s there which is super helpful so if you
3094s haven't fought Behemoth before please
3096s read those that tutorial note it's very
3098s very helpful because this fight has
3100s Unique Mechanics that emulate uh kind of
3103s raid boss fight and the tanky and stuff
3105s like that um from ff14 right I'm going
3109s to use the ticket CU I'm feeling
3111s confident I know we got this first time
3113s baby let's use that
3115s ticket oh whoops
3117s it's special assignments right no oh it
3120s is okay yeah yeah yeah right is there I
3124s use there's a
3128s Moxy I'm going to eat Safeguard because
3131s someone put in a ticket so I get food
3133s anyway so I'm eating for feline
3136s Safeguard uh let's see what we got
3140s here what are um oh Moxy I can do Moxy
3144s yeah that's a good show platter yeah um
3147s I'm a little hazy on this fight it's
3149s been a while uh what are some things we
3152s need to remember so whoever attacks the
3156s head will get the aggro which means that
3158s they'll be focused on for attacks if
3160s you're getting the tornado cast on you
3162s but I can't remember the name of the
3163s spell you want to move away from the
3165s monster to like get the tornadoes out of
3167s the
3168s way um otherwise they'll stop you
3171s hitting the
3171s monster
3173s um obviously protect the Comets don't
3176s let if you Agro and you don't go near
3178s the
3179s Comets
3180s um good
3184s luck and good luck yeah yeah but yeah
3187s keep the tornadoes away if you've got
3189s aggro you know just focus on staying
3191s alive yeah
3194s um and yeah keep a note keep a mental
3196s note of where the Rocks drop so you know
3198s where to go yep yep yeah like a lot of
3202s the other raid fights right
3204s mhm yeah much like Safi ja
3207s where uh is it what's it Sapphire star
3210s no what's the name of uh Safi J's
3214s ultimate attack uh I think it's like
3217s Sapphire something right yeah don't
3220s think we're far off
3233s yeah oh no I need those oh
3241s yeah oh that's the distance on that roar
3245s I know I'm super far
3249s away oh that's breaking all of the
3252s things oh it's under the thing oh no I I
3258s I think I missed that I I missed the
3259s rock I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so
3264s nervous that was bad on my part
3273s I guess as about timing timeing your Ms
3276s timing your mounts in this sun could be
3278s quite important so uh I'm not going
3282s to get one out too early
3290s mhm heal up
3295s there
3301s s them that up there Rush finisher out
3305s for the tornadoes
3307s yeah I chus chus yeah I was like that's
3312s definitely not the endgame term
3316s tornado big
3318s wind big
3323s wind obviously tank is great I'm just
3327s like I wish I could reach the head here
3331s but I guess I'll
3334s just yeah
3339s yeah oh oh oh no I got slapped around
3347s oh oh that tail gigantic tail our tank
3352s is doing a wonderful job yes with their
3355s LS Koop is here for
3360s Revenge
3362s oh that is quite the hip chck there
3365s pleas would be proud
3372s yeah oh that was cast on me I was not
3375s paying
3376s attention and I don't have any cool
3378s drinks but I can just make some if we
3380s need
3381s him I wonder were there any in the Box I
3383s didn't
3384s look I didn't look either I was just
3386s like we're going to go fight the big
3387s Behemoth yeah I always forget it's like
3390s it's
3392s time doing some mining why not oh I did
3397s not know that it could go like that oh
3400s you got combat mind there yeah
3405s yeah all right I need to uh oh oh oh no
3408s the me the Comets coming on me but it's
3410s not in a great
3413s place
3415s oh that r range yeah look I was yeah the
3418s first comet dropped it's in a terrible
3422s place but it's on the
3424s ramp um I feel like I'm in I'm in a bad
3428s spot here I'm blocked off from the uh
3431s from the comet yeah okay we got another
3433s one coming in that's
3435s good I'm like I'm like stuck on the ramp
3439s here cuz the Ws are all he's coming back
3442s oh my
3445s gosh nice
3448s heal more
3453s wins another tornado com in yeah I'm
3457s yeah you you are locked out there yeah
3460s should I go around I got the mount oh no
3462s I did I no I came off interesting uh
3467s it's up to you cuz if you go around and
3468s he starts the ecliptic meteor you won't
3471s get safe in time oh you're right I I am
3474s stuck here though I just like
3478s yeah I think the is on right now I'm
3480s just stuck here I guess I could can I
3482s run through this and run through it
3484s you'll bounce off it I believe all right
3486s it should go soon yeah yeah got another
3490s met just come in or Comet I feel like
3493s I'm in a movie you know I'm just
3495s like just stuck here while my team is
3498s getting in the fight
3504s a oh nice knock
3508s down see if I can wound the head okay
3512s meteor's coming
3513s in um I don't know if I can can I make
3517s it to the Rock oh I can yeah oh I oh I
3521s nearly didn't get behind it all right
3523s going well oh wow Asos there using the
3526s jump I need a cool drink now however
3529s good job
3530s everyone good job I have done nothing
3533s but especially Joe who's using
3535s intimidation tactics staring through the
3538s wind like I'm going to get you I need I
3541s need a mushroom I've not got any cool
3543s drinks
3552s all oh I've not got it so I can make
3554s more I need to put out my quick bar oh
3557s my gosh how did you survive that I I
3559s don't know I'm oh I'm in danger I'm in
3562s danger uhoh uhoh oh he's got hold of me
3565s no oh thank you I got saved by
3568s someone oh I've got I've got aggro this
3571s is not good cuz I'm
3574s bleeding yeah no a my health was ter BL
3582s low I'll see if I've
3586s got okay we have safeg guard so yeah
3589s exactly that's what it's there for
3590s that's do I have a Max potion or an
3593s ancient
3594s potion got something
3598s comments just trying to do my sliding
3600s attacks on this ramp here do it get the
3604s get that
3605s mountain the B some com
3610s okay this oh no I landed right in the
3612s comet
3614s ah I slid right into
3618s it guess that Health Boer is not really
3620s going to help everybody my
3621s bad I didn't grab my cool drinks I'll
3624s have to grab one there the comet
3627s shattered oh
3629s no another one oh no I'm just going to
3633s keep sliding on this ramp that's the
3635s best I can do right now yeah best I can
3638s do is Hammer slide yep what is going on
3641s oh I'm way too close but not close
3643s enough kind of thing I'm leaving the
3645s area is it going to
3648s work
3650s no how many FS do we get we get a lot
3653s right I don't know I think we're back to
3655s normal now oh
3656s oh that's all right so we should have we
3659s got like two more technically I think
3661s okay that's right though we've moved it
3664s another Zone yeah and I managed to run
3667s away when I got there cuz I turned up
3670s and he started casting it and I was like
3672s no I'm like no no I'm out yeah see you
3675s later guys good luck don't get
3679s hit don't get
3683s hit but it's going all right I mean it's
3685s spicy as we
3688s expected hey you got this Koop KO do you
3691s need a cool drink I can give you a cool
3693s drink Koop I've got one you're going to
3695s go get your own no worries no worries
3697s that metor was
3701s scary all right so me and Koop are a
3704s little bit away at the moment okay I'm
3706s going to wait for you guys oh wait no I
3709s think I AG it is it going to cast the
3711s tornado in the uh in the hall oh no no
3717s I've doomed us I'm
3719s sorry all right I should not have run
3721s away it's regaining
3728s Health yeah we can't get through can we
3733s yeah that's just
3743s mean well now everybody has to uh feel
3745s how I felt
3748s earlier this is Go's got the right
3751s mantle for
3753s mantle andoral for the
3755s win we believe in you oh go Can it can
3759s it attack us do this yeah yeah
3765s oh I'm going to get some mine in it yeah
3768s I should do the
3769s same can I like roll through
3772s it no it's got
3775s the
3783s yeah Kubo says let me solo him I
3792s believe dang with the multiplayer health
3794s and soloing it it's uh that would be
3796s pretty impressive Giga Chad Hunter over
3798s there
3803s yeah you got to try to roll through no
3806s no I was uh just canceling out of my uh
3810s myw
3813s nope we need Rock Steady or temporal
3817s yeah which neither of us have on these
3820s no we need to get them
3830s unlocked oh the jump the
3833s jump oh well no nearly worth a go yeah
3839s definitely worth trying oh trying to
3841s Shield through it huh
3846s ah H oh
3849s o I feel bad I don't have any life
3851s powers in stuff dust of
3863s Life there we go we're in we're in all
3865s right well done backup has arrived or or
3869s Worse who
3870s knows straight up I'm just going to put
3873s this down
3875s yeah right I don't want to get em so
3879s uh
3884s no great in on you that was that was
3887s very mean oh all the tornadoes
3892s there I'm
3894s sorry I've got a tornado being cast on
3896s me again there we
3899s go got part break okay the tornadoes are
3901s at the back of the
3904s Arena
3912s nice oh man that that felt a little
3916s mean-spirited yeah oh gosh uhoh no no no
3919s no no no stay down
3921s oh oh thank you for the heal I got the
3925s head wound but it also nearly took me
3927s out yeah oh that's CH
3933s chabis all right I'm eating up I'm
3936s getting ready to head back over there no
3939s worries I'm very anxious to get all that
3945s spin drink no stay away it's a bad kitty
3952s oh oh wow that lightning ooh but now I
3956s have resuscitate so it's not all
3961s bad I'm on the tail don't want to be
3966s there I'm heading over I'm running I'm
3968s running uh I'll be ready to C I'm not
3972s contributing overly much right now I'm
3974s mostly getting
3978s damaged thank you of Life why do I have
3982s a feeling when I get there I'm going to
3983s cart like immediately it's going to be
3984s ecliptic meor this
3989s uh that's on me I need to move going to
3992s bring it to the edge of the Arena Jedis
3996s yeah Jadis I've successfully put it out
3999s of the
4002s way
4005s oh okay Koop got emity oh that spin yeah
4010s I need to look for the toils way
4013s more I'm worried about my mega potion
4017s cuz I haven't got Craft on my uh quick
4019s wheel which I should might oh
4024s yeah who who thank you hit
4028s box that was very
4031s nice oh even when I block it the chip
4045s damage
4047s oh trying to get mount in here oh don't
4052s turn around oh man the Fire or the
4055s lava oh
4057s no the
4060s tornado oh hip check or shoulder
4064s tackle I'm just in the corner cuz I need
4066s to
4067s craft uh mega potion thank you Honeys I
4071s always keep Honeys in my pocket for just
4072s such an
4074s occasion
4079s oh
4082s no oh my goodness oh my goodness oh
4087s no no all right it's all right it's
4091s still
4100s good oh my goodness that
4103s range yeah oh my gosh I feel like that's
4106s all that's all we're saying yeah oh oh
4110s oh thank you oh good good that's going
4113s to spin I got my shield up in
4116s time oh no unlucky unlucky that was a
4120s good attempt from everyone that was a
4122s good
4123s attempt I'm getting trus trabus cast it
4127s on me while I'm like consoling
4131s myself hey we got some uh we got some
4133s great horns and sheer claws though
4136s yeah man we got I got beat up I got beat
4139s up all right it's quite a hard hunt to
4143s say the least it's not quite as powerful
4145s as kol Yu yet but it's getting there no
4149s no yeah but maybe we need a little bit
4151s more uh what do you think like upgrade
4153s our armor maybe I'll have to sell some
4155s bits yeah let me let me see let me
4160s see Mizuki says it's an epic end
4164s screen
4166s I need to bring cool drinks with me got
4175s that yeah let's juice up our gear a bit
4179s that will help yeah maybe bring in
4181s everything up to at least um maybe
4185s Rarity
4186s 7 yeah I mean on my armor pieces wise
4189s I'm happy with I mean my chest could be
4191s a bit stronger but I've got like Elder
4194s Dragon and wrath bits upgrading them
4196s with the armor spheres as well yeah yeah
4200s cuz like at the minute my helmet is 74
4204s my arms are
4206s 70 um so I need to do my oil and a few
4211s other
4212s bits yeah let's get the chest
4216s done yeah my defense is 326 right
4224s now s
4226s now I wonder is there any other
4229s equipment I mean that's not ton of
4246s stuff what do I want to sell Malachi or
4249s is not worth too
4251s much uh where's the Kulu Parts I don't
4255s envisage myself using Hulu Parts yeah
4258s that be good
4260s call barro
4263s barro P PUK I'll keep po PUK for now so
4267s I think I
4268s need zor magaros kolu y hide obviously
4272s this is low rank where's the high rank
4273s stuff give me give me the goods
4277s yeah I'm looking too there's some basil
4279s Gees
4281s Parts I don't really use basil Gees
4283s stuff so I'll sell those
4288s raban as well sorry raban you can
4292s go
4293s um
4299s Zen scales I would thought have thought
4302s we had more but I guess we did cart
4303s quite a
4304s bit great
4306s jagas hul beats there we go sell some
4310s beaks there we go right that should let
4314s me get some more armor
4319s upgrades that chest plate
4326s done can
4328s higher 23,000 though
4333s oo 23,000 for what yeah to upgrade the
4337s chest plate
4343s oh I mean the waste is kind of lagging
4346s behind so I should probably do the
4348s waste
4349s 30,000 excuse me I'll do it a little bit
4352s then I'll do it a little
4355s bit hey there we go my zen count is a
4360s little low but I've got more armor
4367s now I feel like I need most help on
4371s either Helm or Greaves which are Rarity
4374s six you got any health boosts on as
4377s well I don't think so Builds on a budget
4381s yeah that could be a stream in
4384s itself
4386s yeah that is a whole stream
4389s Series
4393s yeah grm looking very snazzy very color
4395s coordinated as always love to see it the
4398s little Kieran buddy up there as well the
4400s hunter on
4402s it oh yeah K tarov is a wonderful Z
4407s maker great hunt as
4410s well maybe we could do our next stream
4413s could be a c Tower off
4416s stream yeah yeah I think we definitely
4418s need to do that one then we can get
4420s loads we can got what well 16 people
4422s involved at once right four of you go in
4425s like four fours
4428s mhm so maybe we do that next next stream
4432s yeah oh I don't have enough Z for that
4437s uh let's keep it at level four yeah
4440s those prices we need your help mate but
4441s we also need your
4448s wallet Ace there and full fatalist get
4451s up
4452s there all right I'm heading back up nice
4455s nice I got my armor up to 339 with
4459s defense nice my armor
4464s is uh uh I'm looking at I know
4469s 347 347 okay so you're a little bit
4471s higher than
4472s me I'm sure it'll made the smallest of
4475s differences so I wouldn't
4478s worry we we're near the 350 which I
4480s think is is yeah one
4483s yeah um oh wait okay oh I thought they
4486s were silver eggs but it's snowman I was
4488s like what I'm
4490s s every time yeah I was like hold up
4494s yeah
4496s maybe I should just bring a shock trap
4498s be like please
4500s please um yeah okay I've not got any
4503s more big
4505s potions I have a lot of honey so
4509s definitely got a I just don't have a lot
4510s of potions
4515s though make sure you check the box
4517s because it does have some easy Max
4519s potions before we does it
4524s oh that'll be good for when I can't oh I
4526s can make life
4529s powders
4530s Essentials I'm
4533s helping I'm doing my part I'm doing yeah
4536s exactly there you go I've got some life
4538s powders now I feel I love life powders
4540s I'm a big life powder advocate so I felt
4543s terrible not having them right I better
4545s put that quest in
4546s anyway and obviously if you are joining
4549s please remember bring Rarity 78 weapons
4552s Max please don't bring master rank
4554s weapons into the high rank hunts yes
4557s please so yeah if it's high rank it's
4560s good if it's if it's master rank please
4562s know we need to give the monsters a
4564s chance because as you see they clearly
4565s need it after wiping us there
4568s uh right I'm putting my ticket in my
4570s last ticket in well my last ticket
4573s before they get refreshed all the
4574s confidence in the world yeah we nearly
4576s had it last time got it to the last area
4579s yeah yeah I just uh I
4581s flopped outrageous right do we have
4584s insurance
4591s if I mean I'll get feline Safeguard so
4593s we don't have to worry about that I'll
4595s get that
4598s again I will do Moxy
4602s again lovely lovely and we' got grm
4605s we've got you and we've got aceos there
4608s as well Ace I am going to quickly check
4610s your weapon purely because obviously
4611s it's probably layered but you are
4612s wearing such lovely lovely p
4616s Fales
4620s uh just so that Behemoth doesn't just
4622s fall over
4625s uh oh yeah you right to swap your bow
4628s off please to a a high rank one because
4631s that is a lovely bow don't get me wrong
4634s it's a very nice bow however it might
4637s bury our poor
4640s Behemoth take a look no worries Koop
4643s thank you for your help and wonderful
4645s as well yes thank you
4647s Koop sorry we couldn't get the job done
4651s uh especially How brave you were
4653s fighting it alone for so long that was a
4655s very epic moment well
4660s played R looking nice and
4664s shiny oh yeah uh Rarity
4668s 11 is quite
4674s High
4676s sorry to be pain I know a bow as well
4678s the bow you use obviously impacts what
4680s arrows and things you've got I think um
4684s so sorry to be a
4689s pain uh oh the arm
4696s wrestle anybody any
4699s takers grm just kind of watching
4704s ominously
4709s no worries Ace you're all right yeah no
4715s worries it doesn't matter if your
4717s weapon's not super minmaxed or anything
4719s like totally
4724s fine time for silly
4730s gestures there's Koop our resident tank
4734s before
4739s thank you Koop thank
4745s you you know I could be I could be being
4747s productive right here and sorting out my
4749s uh quick
4752s select uh Quick Settings right
4761s quests craft in mega potion
4766s one by
4769s one uh well done steak we'll take that
4772s off actually yeah know we'll swap that
4774s out for Life
4777s powder mega potion s
4781s flare uh we'll swap this out for a
4785s NB another that I think oh there we go
4787s Nob there you go that's much nicer maybe
4791s I swap yeah easy R they barbecue spit
4794s has to go
4795s the barbecue
4797s said we'll get rid of the easy ration
4800s and put that there I don't want to be
4802s against behem off and be like you know
4803s what you know put on the
4807s barbecue we're ready that was me I was
4809s the same I was distracted the aces
4814s back right here we go we did really well
4817s last time really impressed so maybe
4819s maybe it'll be second time the
4823s charm right now let's uh go with the
4825s chest yes don't forget the
4831s Box my hair is tickling my ear I'm like
4833s it's like curled under my hat into my
4835s ear right uh oh and cool drinks as well
4839s oh very
4840s nice I really got to clean up my uh my
4844s radial menu because yeah I I I
4848s took much happier for it
4853s yeah I can craft more potions is nice I
4856s I you know what maybe I won't mess up
4858s the Rock drop this time how about that
4860s Hardo powder you got it you got
4864s it I'm jealous I want the temporal
4866s mental I know me
4875s too what do you have to do to get the
4877s temporal again I think you have to get
4878s like every other mantle right yeah I
4880s need to check I need to check the requ
4882s cuz say it was a long time since I first
4883s unlocked it yeah
4887s go I don't want to build up too much
4888s Mountain too quick I want to save it for
4890s when he's getting a bit
4903s spicy it's really tough when you get
4905s stunned and you just can't like really
4907s move from the Roars like please leave me
4910s alone nice wounded by the
4913s way the best I can do right now uh oh me
4916s to are coming down oh oh that went
4918s through my Vitality
4921s man I went through the Vitality manal
4924s yeah straight through like a hot meteor
4927s through
4929s butter moved
4934s again need to remember I've got a stero
4936s jerky I should have used that against
4940s B okay first
4942s Mount I can't remember if you have to
4944s hold on on this one I think this is a
4946s hold on one
4950s oh good luck up there thank you yeah I'm
4954s not sure you can jump around on
4958s him here he
4966s comes it's bonka gedon I'm trying
4970s to I can see you swinging away oh into
4973s the stun wonderful I'm bouncing off the
4976s horn I shouldn't be here I'll uh I'll go
4979s somewhere
4981s else oh no I didn't get
4983s it all right there we go good move there
4987s Shuffle him over yeah the longer you
4989s hold the better cuz he can't cast stuff
4991s oh yeah oh you need to do the Pandora
4993s quest line basically oh there okay so we
4996s get that from doing the toost lunastra
4998s one that we
4999s started
5001s before oh yeah yeah that's right so we
5003s can that won't be too hard for us
5005s again we for this no we no no cuz that's
5010s what gives us the okay oh nice interrupt
5013s on the
5014s chus oh oh no okay I'm going to be out
5017s the way healing for a
5022s second these non Mega potions they be
5025s they be slow
5027s slow oh and then I got hit by meor after
5030s drinking all of that oh no yes I'll just
5034s do it this way
5036s who's getting Char at this
5038s here oh comet's coming down on me I'm
5041s going to move it away so first comet is
5043s at the bottom of the
5047s Ram oh we got a stun nice po
5061s break another comet's coming down on me
5065s I'm keeping it out the
5073s way
5079s Thunderbolt oh dang did not pay
5082s attention to that
5088s Comet now I
5090s missed may get some sliding attacks in
5093s here
5095s I think we need to soften it back up too
5097s yeah get a bit
5101s squishy oh is this the
5104s ecliptic no let's see no
5107s Thunderbolt I'm going to try
5112s yeah I got knocked fly oh oh I was in my
5116s get up animation how dare you how dang
5119s that cruel Cru we got saf Guard we're
5121s good though we do we do we do PR and we
5124s got this easy Max
5128s potion by the time I get back I'm
5131s theorizing it'll be ecliptic meteor
5134s welcome welcome to the game used
5137s Moxy oh you didn't cart nice I didn't
5140s cart because of Moxy yeah like blessed
5143s Moxy yeah that was that was rough though
5145s I just went up there to soften and it
5146s took out my whole health
5149s bar oh I'm going to do it again though
5153s see if I cart about to go it did make me
5156s c jeez that's yeah that's a full health
5158s bar and
5160s the man that is rudal I don't know why I
5164s didn't learn my lesson but you know I
5166s want I wanted to know right where's the
5168s okay there's the
5171s meteor jez he's got to be close to it
5177s now oh he immediately got me through the
5183s tornado
5185s who's he cast now it's not
5188s me okay okay the eclip meteors come in
5191s stay away if you can yep yep where's he
5194s casting it there I'm so scared I'm at
5196s the start so I'm at
5199s Camp I think I should be fine though you
5201s good now you good
5210s now the
5213s tunes
5216s casually making my scroll over are we
5219s going into here this time we're in the
5221s plunge zone
5224s now now you're in my territory oh I just
5229s need to get close
5231s enough all right I'm back nice how we
5235s doing on okay it's going to be a while
5238s yet we are so
5243s back
5245s oh I got the tail cut with the perfect
5247s rush I mean that's definitely a team
5249s effort but that felt
5253s good come on come to plunge
5260s town oh take
5262s that oh I'm in kind of like bad
5265s positioning there to take advantage
5267s that's all right yeah he did yeah oh
5269s there's one Comet it's by the wall it
5271s landed on you watch out no I'm good I'm
5273s good oh no never mind I'm not
5281s good come on
5284s beo
5286s man uh-oh it's on me
5290s again there you go than we got we double
5294s oh good save you guys me oh I did the
5297s wrong one there maybe I got this
5300s one oh what a what a plunge oh my
5303s goodness oh no Ace Ace no I think we got
5306s a DC
5311s no
5313s Ace okay we'll do our best for
5326s Ace oh I didn't aim my shield properly
5330s okay Gem's got aggro so that's
5333s good you grm take this take
5338s you there we go wonderful good work grm
5342s we must be near Mount there we go I was
5344s going to say
5349s nice oh no I can jump around that's good
5352s I miss my bludgeon spinning
5363s bludgeon
5365s still up there yeah yeah still up there
5367s I'm kind of taking it
5370s slow there we go here comes the
5371s knockdown oh no I'm still on still
5376s on and going
5379s again
5381s nice there going to be used
5385s soon it's plunge
5393s time who's got aggro uh none of us at
5396s the moment I think
5401s okay that's a comet and I'm attached to
5404s him that's not good okay so there's a
5407s comet in the middle but okay CLI the
5409s meteor oh no I'm stuck in my animation
5413s no quick Jo
5414s run I'm going I'm going will I make it
5417s Dive Dive Dive I didn't make it
5423s unlucky you hammer so hard and so fast I
5426s know I I was in the middle of a
5429s spin sharpen we're nearly there we're
5431s nearly there the trick is to not cart
5433s now and we've got
5437s it tragic it's all right it's all right
5441s on my part tragic on my part everybody
5442s else is doing their job it's a team
5444s effort we win together we cut together
5447s yeah I'm going to follow grm grm knows
5449s what's
5450s up oh the tail I forgot about the tail y
5454s yum yum yum
5456s yum I guess we better not keep Behemoth
5460s waiting lest it
5462s heal oh that's
5466s right all right making my way
5478s over man I was like wonderful job
5481s tanking I felt like I was one step away
5483s from surviving there
5485s yeah nice flash there on the charter bus
5488s oh oh no I made a big
5494s mistake I got you
5496s groom Oh no I got interrupted out of the
5499s life powder I still got you
5509s grm lovely work
5512s gr preemptive health booster for the
5515s tank
5521s oh oh good Heavens oh gosh looking at
5525s your guys'
5528s health that's my last live
5542s powder like BR this this is your space
5545s Oh the
5553s spin oh I got slapped in the butt I'm
5557s stunned this is
5561s terrible thank you yeah thank you yeah
5565s not having Flinch free I guess does have
5566s its
5568s perks all right grm is doing an
5570s incredible job over
5573s here
5576s going to kind of stay in the slightly
5577s safer area even if my damage is
5582s reduced those spikes getting caught in
5585s that like little yeah little rush air
5589s part yeah
5593s oo good Flinch there oh
5599s no nice flash thank you me your watch
5602s out uhoh
5606s oh no I just got slapped in the
5609s back
5612s ah
5614s uh okay that's on me I'm going to move
5616s it out to the
5621s side oh no that's not
5624s good my healing situation is not good oh
5628s you're right there I thought I locked
5629s you out no no no that's all right I'll
5631s put this down thank you
5635s oh for that the
5639s Tremor I'm still bobbling
5642s around oh the
5646s spikes I need to get in that uh trying
5649s to get another Mountain I'm not sure if
5651s I'll be able to get a third
5662s oh Crystal
5664s good luck RM nice
5674s hit ah that
5677s hurt stop it stop
5684s it ooh my turn to get
5693s hit
5696s no
5698s good I had like three quarters HP as
5703s well I had 34s HP I went up in the air
5706s to go for the mount oh dear oh it's all
5709s good it's all good let's give it one
5711s more go and then that'll take us I was
5714s so close I was like up in the air I was
5718s like
5723s um
5725s that was
5727s close I need to get some more
5731s potions close I mean we're we're like
5733s getting uh getting our feet under us
5736s with like the timing and stuff for the
5737s fight so yeah yeah I said I I was
5739s desperately trying to get another Mount
5745s but um I mean ideally basically it's
5749s like just use high rank gear it can be
5752s like tier eight high rank gear it's like
5754s don't bring master rank gear if you do
5756s only have master rank armor fair enough
5759s but if you can wear high rank gear just
5761s to just to stay thematic to to this bit
5765s right I'll get the quest
5767s ready post a new Quest special
5771s assignment that's one four player
5774s activate Quest there we
5777s go has anyone got a super snazzy
5783s voucher
5785s I think I might have one I haven't used
5787s any of
5789s mine well I actually don't know maybe I
5792s don't have
5796s one we have yes and KX thank you right
5800s uh I'll go healthy platter
5805s again um I need to step out for like 30
5807s seconds so I'll be right back no worries
5810s there you go feline Safeguard very nice
5815s I don't know if there's much else can I
5816s buy anything from can I buy Life powders
5819s from you let's have a look probably not
5821s I don't think you yeah able
5829s to I wonder can I make the talents
5840s yet I power charm oh I need the basle GE
5844s Talons now oh no oh no they got the
5846s power charm and the armor
5851s charm
5854s oo o let's do
5866s that
5868s yay power Talon and armor Talon I can't
5872s believe I forgot to do that for so long
5874s um where where have you gone now there
5876s you go power
5879s Talon uh where is my wonderful armor
5882s Talon YY that's a nice stat buff and
5885s then if I go buy the I've got no money
5887s though then I could buy the others uh
5889s let's see if I can sell some
5891s items what are we selling everyone you
5894s got insurance as well wonderful K fact
5897s thank you thank you maybe I sell the
5899s zenoa parts do I have enough yeah I mean
5902s I don't really use Zen
5904s gear
5911s so I'll keep the gem though you know
5914s just in
5916s case then if
5919s I go back to the shop
5922s Hello by P
5925s pouch all right
5929s well appear back on the stream that's
5931s kind of weird I've been very productive
5933s Joe I've made the armor I've made the
5935s armor and power talent and I'm now reing
5938s the uh charms as well oh those are
5942s Essentials I don't think I have enough
5943s Zen for that I mean if I sell stuff I
5945s would
5947s but I'm just uh yeah so I I had the
5950s charms and I turned them into Talons and
5951s now I'm going back through and
5957s uh going back through reing the uh arms
5962s nice all right so what have I got manage
5964s items I need to buy the armor charm
5968s again uh so we are looking you know I've
5970s already I've become more
5974s powerful your power is growing exactly
5977s exactly there we go so I've got some
5981s extra extra defense extra
5985s offense hey no worry casala kosal is a
5988s spicy one Lau don't worry
5992s like like especially with those
5994s tornadoes like if kashala gets going and
5997s you've not got like Elder seal or poison
6000s woo scary Elder Dragon that one yeah
6003s it's a tough quest with all the
6004s different tornadoes I guess that's what
6006s we're calling it tornadoes yeah it's
6009s just kind of hard to like make your way
6011s through though so the you know I feel
6013s like the easiest way is just to make
6015s sure you keep it stunned before it can
6016s do any of that yeah and some flash flash
6019s pods are good like catch outside of the
6022s uh
6024s right here we go gang so we got heavy
6025s bow gun we have great sword obviously
6028s then your hammer and my sword and
6030s shield let's do
6033s it yeah obviously yeah it's kind of like
6036s wind mantle effectively as well that it
6038s has is or veil of wind is yeah tricky so
6042s yeah dragon is such a good element to
6044s use against it or did I walk past the
6046s crystal
6052s burst
6055s yeah I'm going to save my mounts I think
6056s for when it gets a bit spicier
6063s yeah oh ouch big damage to Star I didn't
6067s think I was in that
6071s range I'm
6077s ready oh I just got the back hand and
6080s take this off oh nice nice rock drop
6086s oh the Stagger from this the spreadshot
6089s is uh lovely
6093s yeah good oldfashioned Hunter
6098s steel oh that went through good
6101s knockdown that went through my
6109s block oh nice area transition oh
6114s their bow gun user is doing work heavy
6117s bow gun is doing what they do best yeah
6119s get up close and getting scary and just
6122s start blasting
6124s yeah they're like oh oh no I can play
6126s ranged but I don't have
6131s to oh oh that went straight on my
6134s head okay that's coming on me so I'm
6137s going to move it into the corner oh nice
6139s nice
6142s interrupt
6147s ah okay I went for a mount there but
6150s it's only the first Mount so there we go
6153s Nice Part break
6160s there big bang oh here comes a com
6167s go oh what I had so much HP I think it's
6172s cuz I was mid attack so I was getting
6175s punished there that would have been a a
6177s double a double card if not for my
6180s Moxy that was absolutely Savage I I had
6184s a lot of
6185s HP like I felt comfortable if that makes
6188s sense I wasn't like I need to be careful
6190s here that was I was at full
6191s HP oh this monster ain't messing okay
6195s I'm going to stay back
6200s here is that coming okay there go the
6202s Comon shatter
6207s all right let
6219s moving yeah I think the benefit of the
6221s heavy bow gun here as well is one of the
6223s things we have is the risk of like being
6226s on the monster but the heavy bow gun can
6227s do some wonderful damage M Life powder
6230s coming
6232s in last life powder out the way oh so
6236s it's the least I can do after what's
6238s getting in
6243s there oh straight on the head shot there
6245s as
6249s well oh no the that's insurance now so
6253s we now we're back on the standards yeah
6255s yeah
6256s yeah
6259s man I got too ambitious I got to play
6262s more conservative I think that's all
6265s right uhoh comet's coming down oh no
6268s it's going to land on my head yeah cuz I
6270s fell over no you're kidding me I got
6273s staggered by the comet and while I was
6276s getting up uh the Behemoth did the fire
6278s slam onto the so I'm I'm doing I've been
6281s a sloppy Hunter this run no no you're
6284s fine this is these mistakes are normal
6286s with this hunt or not I don't even call
6288s them mistakes really it's just oh yeah
6290s it was like yeah say I didn't get away
6291s from uh the the comet and time and uh I
6294s was punished but you know it's in good
6296s hands for those
6299s Hunters feel bad I was in a really good
6301s position and then I got staggered and
6303s then it was the uh forward fire kind of
6305s Slam attack and I was like oh no it's
6307s always like A Series of Unfortunate
6309s Events yeah we're still in it though uh
6312s oh we need it uh oh the the bleed is on
6315s there yeah I think I I'll wait for you
6317s here yeah you're catching
6319s up we'll cart together exactly double
6324s cut or nothing yeah so this is the most
6326s dangerous part this hunt I mean
6328s obviously other than the cut is when
6329s you're reapo in the Behemoth and you
6330s know you're near the ecliptic meteor
6333s yeah yeah but there is a big comet in
6335s front that's what got me last time
6342s yeah I'm just like yeah let me let me
6344s take a second to heal up
6346s here oh oh I wanted to get in I
6351s immedately got slapped back not the
6353s Comet okay Comet coming down on me on
6356s top of the
6357s hill oh
6361s jeez oh
6364s nice I didn't get to contribute there
6367s all right it's
6369s coming oh get
6373s back nice I wasn't sure if I squeezed
6376s through there yeah let
6379s me so I like to put my feet up what
6386s okay have I got my Vitality mantle back
6391s nearly we got the demon powders I
6393s haven't got any more life
6395s powders I do have my health
6402s booster yeah was pretty pretty rough
6404s beating for me this oh watch out oh
6407s hello caus in trouble are we oh chabus
6411s is coming in
6419s oh that Roar I'm
6426s staggered hit him with the crystal burst
6429s yeah oh there it is oh that got me still
6434s nice M got the mount oh I just got hit
6437s by the Fallen spikes oh I'm just healing
6441s up not taking any chances
6453s oh I
6455s missed oh I'm just letting myself get
6457s get shot here I bouncing off the chest
6461s there we
6463s go nice work
6470s nice Revenge TI
6474s I think with the last one oh the knock
6476s down for the other arm with the last one
6478s only one Comet drops I
6481s think yeah okay so that's on yes it's
6485s K and there's the emnity that's
6489s good just got to keep it away oh no
6491s there is another Comet okay is it
6492s extreme off where it only does one Comet
6494s at the end oh meteor
6497s oh oh I'm too far away I'm too far away
6501s no Dive Dive Dive
6504s I tried to dive it's all right I'll car
6507s for you we SL it we did we only took I
6512s get nothing that
6515s sucks oh man it's all right the reward
6518s box will come for you that was a whole
6520s movie there yeah no it's all right it's
6522s cuz luckily we had feline the feline
6525s coverage and also insurance though oh
6528s man I yeah safe guard thank you very
6531s much well played everyone it's all right
6534s I'll have to multiple cards do did it
6538s that's so sad I feel so feel so
6542s sad so we did it though success what did
6545s you get uh nothing I got nothing you
6549s know you're a
6555s liar yeah hunt yeah when we did to to I
6560s died the good good throwback good
6563s throwback whoever where was that yeah
6566s yeah
6568s knows yeah so you should see my end
6570s screen
6574s anyway fire
6578s yeah yeah that that's good that's
6581s good hey we did it you know it's all
6583s that matters it was exactly and the
6585s carts just make it even funnier yeah
6588s that was pretty funny oh is that is that
6590s why I got Flinch free oh
6594s and wide range there as well oh yeah
6597s okay brilliant that was a good hunt for
6599s me thank you very
6601s much oh man
6604s well we did it we did that was fun now
6608s it's
6610s extreme I'll be so relieved to tell you
6613s that you did it yeah think we're
6614s definitely going to need a temporal
6615s mantle before
6618s we go anywhere near that
6622s one
6625s oh the
6626s Mughal Yay
6628s byebye see you later of
6640s which a thank you Mr M or Mrs M M M yeah
6645s mugh M
6647s friend dragon
6650s soul and a bunch of titles
6653s oh
6664s guys all right should we head back to
6668s the Gathering Hub and close things out
6671s yes let's do it let's do it just going
6673s to talk to the serious
6678s Handler there's the dragon soul and oh
6682s there you go all those
6683s fantasy in
6690s there wonderful that was that was uh
6696s spicy what an ending
6699s man I was so far away I I really I
6703s really tried my best to make it B where
6704s is everyone so close I was so the dive
6708s you literally touch the side of the rock
6711s yeah please it let let me in let me in
6719s yeah there we go exactly well played
6723s everyone though well played we we'll go
6725s out this side this
6727s time but yeah that was that was some fun
6729s hunting uh we actually we actually took
6732s down Behemoth today as well IA could
6735s have gone either way coming into the
6737s stream like 5050 but the community
6740s definitely they got big shoulders you
6742s know
6743s car us for car us we got some nice gear
6747s upgrades as well um I think what do I so
6750s we need to get the temporal mental so
6751s that'll be the teostra lunastra I really
6753s want a teostra gem so maybe I'll get it
6755s from that to upgrade my sword and shield
6757s again for for master rank yeah oh yeah
6759s but no that was that was good um
6761s anything Joe before we
6763s go um just one note so we won't be
6765s streaming next week um we'll be off next
6768s week um not with work stuff but uh with
6772s with with our stream so I will be off
6773s next week so that'll be nice um and then
6776s we'll be back the on the 18th right yes
6779s we will yes and then uh we will actually
6782s be off again on the week of the 22nd um
6786s which I believe that would normally be
6788s April 25th so um next stream will be the
6790s 18th but there won't be another uh
6792s stream this April so um yeah hopefully
6797s that's okay with everybody thanks for
6798s your patience and understanding but um
6800s we'll hope to make some good progress
6802s again on the 18 exactly we need to get
6804s psychologically ready for extreme o I
6807s think and no we won't we won't be doing
6810s any hunts in the background or anything
6812s like that so don't worry like we won't
6814s won't be secretly grinding to try and
6816s look good on stream so yeah yeah no
6818s everything you see is done uh done live
6822s with you all H but no it's a ton of fun
6824s as always um yeah and for those
6827s wondering about when more Monster Hunter
6829s Wilds news will be coming it will be
6831s this summer um so you know when the days
6833s are getting brighter and a bit warmer it
6835s means we're in the right
6837s direction yeah we're in April already
6839s man like this uh this year is going by
6841s quick um it it is yeah yeah so yeah it's
6845s going to be here before you know it so
6847s thanks for the patience everybody and uh
6849s we hope it'll be worth the wait yeah
6851s definitely definitely looking forward to
6853s it and other than that as always I've
6856s been jonno and I'm Joe and you've all
6859s been awesome have a fantastic weekend we
6862s will see you in a couple of weeks and in
6864s the meantime yeah have happy Hunting
6866s take care and uh yeah look after
6868s yourselves all right happy Hunting
6870s everybody and we'll see you
6891s later
6951s a
7011s oh
7041s a
7101s a
7125s oh
23 days ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to today's
2s stream my name is Jon o em Community
4s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
6s byy everybody I'm Joe I'm the Capcom USA
8s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
11s today we are continuing our adventures
14s in the Monster Hunter World post game um
18s we made some pretty good progress last
19s week right jno we um we took out our
22s arch nemesis um yes was Haunting us for
25s the last two weeks our final fantasy was
28s completed uh you could say as we finally
31s took down the crystal wielding Kulu Yu
34s which I think gave us what three triple
36s carts in total across like a stream and
39s a half yeah it's it's pretty crazy I
41s mean we've been going we went for like
43s 12 episodes right and I guess we're
45s pretty we're pretty experienced Hunters
46s but that was the first time we really
48s hit a wall at all uh in our adventures
51s here so yeah that hurt but we we got
54s over it and we completed completed that
57s that tough one so um now we can move on
59s to bigger and better things right
62s exactly I think you know having those
64s weapons that we kind of grinded out a
65s bit more and those extra armor pieces
67s really really helped to bring it down
69s before it could bring us down too many
71s times um and obviously because we've
73s taken down Kulu obviously we've unlocked
75s the next part of that collaboration
77s Quest um but before you get into that I
79s know we were talking earlier about how
81s to best warm up for the stream Joe
83s what's our first hunt going to be today
85s yeah I actually need some bazak
88s materials to upgrade my hammer um so I
91s think that maybe that's a good place to
92s start I don't know if it's like
93s necessarily a great warm-up because
95s that's not an easy
97s one but you know uh we I think it's
101s better than just jumping into Behemoth
102s so yeah let's why don't we go ahead and
104s do that let's do that and while uh while
106s we open up the lobby uh I'm going to go
108s to the Smithy and uh I'm going to fiddle
111s with my armor a bit so I think it's time
112s for an upgrade but I needed to see what
116s um what talismans I can make charms
121s uh so let's have a look yeah I'm
125s dropping that uh Lobby ID into our chats
128s now
129s so feel free to go ahead and join us um
133s trying to pin that message now sometimes
135s it's a little like fiddly it's time to
137s go for wax 3 it's time to put on the
140s teostra obviously because we didn't get
142s the teostra Gem but I can make the arms
146s so we're going to do the kaiseran braces
148s to give me a total of wax three um I do
151s lose handycraft one but I think at this
153s point it's not it's not really the the
155s worst thing so we've got that on I do
158s need to I'm tempted to change my helmet
161s uh however my helmet currently gives me
164s plus two on the uh Health boost CU it's
168s the raian one so I need to see if I can
171s make my charm level two for the health
173s charm okay I'm going to make the base
177s one now I need to see if I can upgrade
180s it this will be the big one that'll be a
182s big Power shift if I
183s can uh What uh what Rarity are you at
186s again oh no I need sorry I'm on about
189s Rarity 7 for my
192s weapon Rarity 7 okay you're there yeah I
196s need two R it's always the WRA and taals
198s with me this is the this is the thing of
200s being a sword and shield man yeah always
202s and now I need WRA and Tails for the
205s health charm to oh man so what we're
208s going to do though you know what we
209s we'll drop one level of Health boost
212s which I may live to
214s regret so we'll we'll
218s um we'll do that we'll change the
221s equipment so change equipment yeah
223s always the rra entails with me as the
225s the life of a sword and shield man
229s um and then we'll swap off the helmet
231s for the wrath of loss helmet which will
233s give me an attack
239s boost I'm looking at uh Pico equipment
242s right now but there's really nothing
243s that beats this uh funky pelico door set
248s is that is that what I have you you know
249s it oh wait no I think I have the low
251s rank version so I guess I guess it's
258s time there go got the Ros helmet now I'm
260s going to look slightly different now oh
262s you can see my face all I need to do is
264s change the waist and my hunter will look
266s really badass at the minute they're like
268s they they are kind of cute and cuddly
271s yeah but I don't have a better
274s waste I I don't have everything I need
276s to I don't have enough appreciation
278s ticket so I'm going to have a pretty
280s incredible fashion over
284s here yeah I'm just going to roll with
287s that
289s ooh o I could get the Wrath coil which
292s is handycraft and then I just need the
294s gems or the decorations sorry to get the
297s health boost up but obviously I need
299s health boost decoration
301s so let's get the Wrath waste and that
304s will make up for the handycraft that's
306s what I'm rolling to the defens is less
310s but I'll be
313s fine yeah you'll be you'll be all right
315s yeah just don't get hit as we always
317s like to say yeah hello chat how you all
321s doing how's it going everybody hey Omega
324s hey
325s Batman uh we're also reading YouTube
328s chat too so we've got both up
330s um so hello to everybody
334s there there we go now I look now I look
338s like a I mean a hunter that's been given
340s wraths a lot of trouble uh first of all
344s but right do I have
347s any I do have a Vitality Jewel oh do I
351s have see I've got a three slot on my
352s chest as well but I don't think I have
354s what you have uh oh I can put an attack
357s Jewel in as well I assume my sword
360s shield meow jeel
364s uh I need more Vitality bad boys so
367s bazard wants to do that I won't
372s complain trying to figure out what
374s teostra um armor to go with blast attack
379s two and weakness exploit one I feel like
381s Wax is good
383s mhm that's the way to go oh yeah you
386s know it especially now that we can use
388s our clutch claw to the backx yeah yeah
391s I've got resuscitate on I think
392s resuscitate is a fantastic
395s skill and one that I got into far too
398s late I only got into it in the end game
400s and I was like I've been sleeping on
402s resuscitate um just giving you greatly
405s improved evasion like evasion window and
408s reduced stamina depletion and I'm quite
410s a messy Hunter I tend to get status
412s affected quite a lot because I'm like
414s going all aggro
416s um it's inevitable right it's hard too
420s exactly even with the shield in my hand
422s which I used to Bonk monsters on the
424s head more planning on getting into
426s Monster Hunter perfect timing to catch
427s this stream hey well welcome will first
430s of all so you've not played Monster
431s Hunter before or have you kind of
433s dabbled in it and now you're like time
435s to get serious let us know you're in
437s you're in a good place to talk Monster
443s Hunter if you want to catch up on any of
445s our um our previous streams we've got
447s them all up on YouTube there's a
448s playlist with them all so you can watch
451s um all 12 previous return to World
453s episodes and uh hopefully you enjoy
457s them that's a good shout man my uh my
460s hunter is looking pretty badass if I do
462s say myself oh yeah we do have a here
466s hello
469s Ang this is the yeah it's a perfect the
472s weapon yeah yeah the weapon the H as
478s well oh that's great yeah you you do
480s look pretty cool jonno thank you finally
483s I've gone away from my festive look and
485s now I'm a super serious Hunter may I
487s show you uh cheddar can you see cheddar
491s yeah let's let's look at cheddar oh wow
493s that that is is that the
495s snow do I call you snow globe now
498s because you got the mix
500s of oh yeah looking looking pretty great
503s I think I would I would say so myself
505s yeah so will has never played before so
508s you're in for a treat first obviously
510s we're biased but you know also correct
513s in this
514s one yeah um but yeah there there's a lot
517s I mean what are you thinking are you
518s thinking of monant world first or monant
522s rise what are you thinking what what's
524s taking you fancy do you have any
525s questions for us or any of the community
528s in chat and while we do that Joe do you
530s want to do you want to get a hunt going
532s we can show off one of the elder dragons
534s now let's do it just to give you a heads
537s up well like obviously we're all quite
538s experienced Hunters
540s so we might make the monsters look
542s slightly easier than they they are for a
545s lot of the time um however having said
547s that we might get a butts kicked as well
549s yeah now that you've said that we're
550s we're doomed I'm invit I'm inviting it
553s in all right that's it thank you I'll
556s join um oh
558s hello oh well I done the wrong one I'm
562s I'm so slow right now uh available Quest
565s optional there we go we go down here
569s I'll use
572s the graphics look amazing so many good
573s things yeah and you know monst world is
575s over 6 years old as well um and it's a
579s great time I mean it's never a bad time
580s to get into monst Hunter but obviously
582s monst Hunter Wilds is coming in 2025 and
586s uh more information is coming out this
588s summer um so yeah it's a fantastic time
590s and there's so much to do uh in monant
593s it keep you plenty busy and obviously
595s the most important question or the most
597s important decision Joe as you'll know a
598s hun asked to make is picking their kind
601s of their first main weapon as such oh
604s yeah so yeah check out obviously all the
607s different weapons cuz each weapon makes
609s the game play it's like playing a
611s different game with different weapons
612s right Joe yeah I mean honestly each
616s weapon just plays so differently they
617s all like kind of serve their own purpose
620s um so there's really no like right or
622s wrong answer so I would just choose the
623s one that you think looks coolest
625s right yeah exactly exactly like like for
629s me I like Mo a mix of mobility and I
632s like to use a lot of items so I for the
634s sword and shield it's a nice allrounder
636s weapon uh what about your weapon Joe
638s what have you got yeah I mean typically
640s I roll a great sword but since you know
642s this is like however many times we've
644s gone through this game at this point I I
646s want to try something different so um
648s you know I like to hit uh the monsters
650s hard so I went for the hammer it's like
653s it's it's still within that realm right
655s of uh you know hit getting uh big damage
658s numbers on the monster but uh you know
660s it's got It's got a different feel to it
662s yeah ex you got that nice mix of speed
665s and power and bonk which is obviously
666s the biggest selling point um but yeah no
669s hey no worries will it's what it's all
670s about really without sounding cheesy
672s like the community is all about
673s cooperation the whole game is about
675s working together um oh I landed right on
678s right on valark um and also my advice as
680s well whenever I want to try a new weapon
682s I jump on Twitch or on YouTube and I
684s look up a couple of weapon guides or
686s people playing as the weapon I want to
687s learn and you just get a couple of
689s combos on your belt quickly and then uh
692s you're all good so yeah me and K
697s are over
701s here how many do you have on your main
703s characters so these are our Hunters made
706s specifically for return to World um so
709s we only play these on Stream So these
710s aren't our original Hunters that we
712s played back in the day uh my one is
715s actually on Console
718s uh how yeah I have I have like uh I
722s think I've played more on PC at this
723s point I just like kind of surpassed my
725s original console save but um yeah the
728s the hours are up there I don't know off
729s the top of my head but uh quite a bit
732s yeah I mean I remember I was fully
733s decked out I was in The Guiding land
735s like getting all the pendants you know
738s you I had all the different I had like a
740s sappy Jaa weapon but each element and
743s each Fus I grinded it that hard like
748s sword shield live
751s you were all
755s in figure out uh I also the pendants me
758s I needed those blue pendants oh yeah
761s yeah yeah that you know once you reach
763s the end game and then you kind of like
764s achieve the set that you want um then
766s the goals become mostly about like some
769s of the stuff that you want to do like
770s personally right instead of like oh I
772s need to you know make sure that I minmax
775s my my armor set exactly once you get
778s your gear under your belt fashion is C
781s oh yeah yeah it's either fashion or it's
784s you know trying to master a specific
787s monster or just like you know assert
789s your dominance over this game which like
792s I think a lot of uh a lot of
793s speedrunners uh tend to do so shout outs
796s to them
798s absolutely oh you guys are fighting
800s already yeah yeah we landed on it we had
803s no choice fighting with us my nober is
808s out
812s I didn't restock after our last T last
815s week I got four Mega potions uh think
819s comment that the audio is a little bit
820s loud um yeah let us know chat if uh
823s we're coming in a little bit hot if
825s either one of us is louder than the
828s other espe when we start hooting just
830s the the get
832s spicy don't to blow out your air
838s drops
842s yeah and the thing is if you start with
843s a weapon and you find out it's not for
844s you you can just change weapon you're
847s not locked into anything um cuz you know
851s us hunters like we all love to build
853s like a fun friendly identity around the
855s weapons we use and everyone will want
858s you to use their weapon as well there's
860s like it's like the opposite of
861s gatekeeping it's like the gates open and
864s they're trying to force you through it
865s into their weapon um so yeah everyone
868s will be telling you to use their weapon
869s because they're all so
872s fun you ever um you know like in a
875s fighting game where you get like bodied
877s and then you have like a crisis about
880s did I change characters or not yeah I
883s I've had that before with monster hunter
885s where I'm just like man I just wasn't
894s feel oh I'm so glad to have Flinch free
897s now oh I really want it I I want it to
900s drop I'm glad I've got a vitality and an
902s attack jeel though so you know I can't
912s complain I have to remember that we can
914s clutch claw yeah you're allowed you have
917s and there's some cool hammer moves I
918s believe right I think so I think so yeah
922s for anybody that um hasn't been watching
925s the last couple episodes we did limit
927s ourselves on the clutch claw oh
930s sleep who wants to get it uh not me not
933s me uh probably yeah you I imagine
939s hey you're going to have such a cool end
942s screen we're going to have to see that
943s dang that was Cinema that was I
946s literally watched you sliding out I got
948s paralyzed by the way on the way while I
950s was watching let me up please oh thank
952s you oh man cool I got saved thank you so
956s much bless amazing beblade that was and
960s then the explosions as well that was
962s beautiful who got oh I think Bri got a
964s gem yeah was that you yeah that's
968s me you know what it's not like we've
970s been hunting together for the last 13
972s weeks you know or 13
974s episodes a cheese theme for my
985s Hunters I'm sorry for any uh uh
988s Interruption to the Stream stream you
989s might have seen we just had a very small
991s blip on the connection side so sorry if
994s we disappeared and
997s reappeared yeah apologies about that I
1000s hope we didn't miss your epic finish if
1002s not there'll be there'll be a very very
1005s good end screen on on Joe I mean I've
1008s got a great view of it myself but Joe's
1011s got the action shot my end screen is
1014s incomprehensible it's like it's just
1016s Bright Lights oh you need to you need to
1018s check out m I mean mine is also very
1021s bright and you're somewhere in the
1022s explosion yeah let's let's take a look
1024s at both I I don't know if we can cut
1026s over's but I'm looking at mine right now
1028s and it's it's it's literally just like
1031s explosion I can see where you made
1033s connection because there's a big kind of
1035s like yeah gamer says average gun Lance
1037s end
1039s screen okay joh yours is a I'm looking
1042s at the stream right now that's a little
1044s bit more uh you're in there somewhere I
1046s know you I know it's
1048s you yeah you'll have to take a look at
1050s mine later it's just uh it's just yeah
1054s explosion that was great that was great
1056s that was a good warm up hun yeah what
1058s what did I get here is that another oh
1060s sleep resistance it's going to be
1061s another
1062s resuscitate
1064s now and I got I got a gem uh but I don't
1068s know if I got like the exact stuff I
1070s needed yeah yeah let me go you did get
1072s the head break we can do another one if
1074s you
1077s want is there something that you want to
1079s get
1079s I I just need a teostra gem but I don't
1082s need I've got the I've got the sword and
1083s shield right so the gem would allow me
1085s to upgrade so like it would be nice but
1087s I'm not like you know I'm not desperate
1090s for
1092s it let me take a quick look um what I
1099s need oh wow I need to make more uh okay
1102s craft and list let's make some Mega
1105s potions how many do I need three more
1108s fangs
1110s do you have any investigations for uh
1113s baz I feel like I should now yeah I put
1117s this on my wish list real
1119s quick the good thing is I got the gem
1122s that I need for uh the hammer after that
1127s um I I don't have enough Zen I just need
1130s Tails everywhere give me give me more
1135s Tails all right let me check
1137s investigations oh that
1139s just in Cas I
1143s goty hold on Handler we'll get to
1146s iceborn in good time yeah she's just
1149s like hurry up there's some crazy stuff
1152s happening over
1155s there yeah we're taking our time heading
1157s into ice board we want to mop up a lot
1159s of this um post game content I mean you
1162s know if you're new to the game I'm sure
1164s a lot of people as soon as they finish
1166s the story might just rush right into
1168s iceborn
1169s um but there is a lot of good stuff that
1171s was added a lot of collab quests um that
1174s we've seen a little bit of already um so
1177s yeah definitely stuff worth checking out
1179s and I mean even if you've made it to
1180s master rank already it's it's not like
1182s you can't go ahead and do that stuff
1184s yeah I got good news and bad news good
1186s news I have a two bronze two
1188s gold bad news is two player so oh yeah I
1193s mean we could we could attempt it it's
1196s up to you yeah I mean we could attempt
1198s it we we can get AG go and then we can
1202s uh we can get everyone back together for
1206s Behemoth if we if we want to give
1208s Behemoth a
1209s go I think I think that's a good call um
1212s I wonder if Behemoth uh is it Behemoth
1215s or behemoth this is like Devil Joe and
1218s devil yo all over yeah yeah
1221s um I guess whichever you prefer because
1225s either way it's going to it's going to
1226s beat us up whatever we call it
1229s I'm looking for vazac but I don't I
1231s don't see it in my investigations
1233s unfortunately am I just blind I down to
1238s me yeah okay well uh yeah why don't we
1242s go ahead and go for that Quest and then
1245s we we'll go take on uh Mr Final Fantasy
1250s we'll do a Duo a Duo Val haaz and yeah
1253s then we'll get get a full Squad together
1255s for that sounds
1258s lovely
1261s I'm running low on Nob I'll be
1265s fine it's so oh yeah you'll have to go
1268s ahead and post that oh I think I will um
1273s Don't Mind If I
1274s Do Bazar there we go so free F yeah yeah
1279s yeah set passcode no Camp 11 11 voucher
1285s there you go yeah don't worry gang we'll
1286s quickly do this hunt and then uh we'll
1289s open up for obviously the four of us as
1291s we go for
1295s Beemo
1298s sweet giddy fox says it's definitely
1306s Behemoth with confidence
1310s there I probably use the mint detention
1312s like Bam off and behem off yeah
1315s yeah we'll just uh we'll leave it up to
1318s inter a yeah yeah you know what when we
1322s read it on a screen it could be anything
1324s we
1326s want all right I'm ready to go nice
1328s hopefully so we need to break the head
1330s is the big thing for us so we need to
1332s get it down and we just need to wail on
1334s its head yeah yeah I guess it's up to me
1337s oh I'm back on I mean I can do some Dam
1340s I've got a shield okay I'm on Bazar are
1343s you are you with me I am not I will get
1346s started I see nothing going wrong
1349s here um you got this you're fine I've
1352s only got four n so hope I've got the
1354s mount though so we're
1356s good oh you got the mount already yeah I
1358s see it I mounted the monster you need to
1359s have a custom message for that I do I do
1362s I I'm mounting so much I should definely
1366s yeah you can be a full American like me
1368s and be like yeehaw or something yeah I I
1371s could be on Brown I'll go ride on yeah
1374s there you go there you
1377s go
1380s yeah for anybody that doesn't know jno
1383s you are in the UK right I am I am and I
1386s am in the US I'm in California so we are
1390s going across the world with this stream
1392s we are international yeah so I mean
1394s occasionally may run into uh some
1397s technical issues like connection and
1399s things like that but you know please uh
1401s please go easy on us we're going across
1403s the world internationally we are I kind
1405s of whiffed my uh down state on baka
1409s missed my combos a bit I'm just taking
1411s my time heading over there and Mining a
1413s little bit and you know just letting you
1414s do your thing very kind I'm pretty sure
1418s I'm going to get affected by theu in a
1420s second uhoh
1427s uhoh come over there get out of that
1433s smog Dark Souls um you know Great Name
1436s by the way is asking
1439s uh what our favorite monster is which I
1441s feel like we get asked every week I love
1443s it I love it any chance to to put praise
1446s onyos is is good with me I got another
1449s Mount oh nice yeah brachy brai deos is
1452s my favorite
1454s one yeah it's uh it's devil Joe for me
1460s um is a
1462s classic the hungry monster the hungry
1465s pickle yeah here it comes the pickle
1470s trying to you're up in the air there so
1471s I'm trying to like do what I can but
1474s there we go okay let's go for the hit
1476s yeah and you got Flinch free on so I can
1478s kind of be around here guilt free and if
1480s I get hit it's my own fault because this
1482s is Hammer territory no you're you're
1483s fine you're fine the music's not playing
1486s for some
1487s reason don't worry he's going to aggro
1489s on you now yeah there we go there we
1493s go no oh there it is I finally kicked
1497s in oh
1500s that off yeah I've only got three nobes
1502s now so I'm like oh no oh where are mine
1505s there they
1507s are I need to start unlocking more slots
1510s so I can do honey and no at the same
1512s time yeah yeah same
1518s here oh that really hurt
1522s oh there must
1525s be
1527s yeah
1533s oh that was I'm not even close to the
1534s head
1538s here oh The Cloud of Doom
1543s yeah to this down Health booster I'll
1547s focus
1549s on at least there's a nice slope in here
1552s for
1553s you yeah I keep thinking I'm hitting the
1555s slope and then I kind of just
1557s like HP I guess
1560s like getting into a walk at the end
1563s there yeah
1566s yeah
1572s ah oh I missed the uppercut that was
1575s punishing reminds me I should probably
1577s weak the head oh yeah right we can do
1581s that yeah we're allowed to do that now
1584s yeah okay I need to do it twice on the
1586s sword and shield I think oh no one NB
1600s remains oh thank you
1608s Shield there we go the wounds on so next
1611s time we get it down oh nice there we go
1613s I forgot about that go we can do that
1617s yay we've allowed ourselves to do the
1620s tasty moves
1624s yeah oh yes oh no it robed me off I was
1628s about to the finish of perfect Rush
1629s right
1633s onium all right I can have a sharpen now
1637s all right it's heading out right
1638s hopefully there's some no Brees nearby
1641s yeah I got need some stuff shiny
1645s shiny uh I don't think I'll make it in
1648s enough to uh knock the rock down but we
1653s can lure it under it Joe oh uh wait
1656s where are you at you're in the other
1658s area yeah I'm dist it over here yeah
1660s yeah I I got to go over there Bazar come
1665s here see if I can maintain my record of
1667s actually hitting the monsters with the
1669s Rocks yeah you got
1671s this right so there's one there okay
1674s there just all right AG no there's two
1676s there two nice right okay right
1684s Bazar uh that
1688s one one and then we got the second one
1691s we want that save that for later yeah my
1695s positioning all right I got the blast on
1697s its
1699s head got to get that head
1703s break ah I missed that big bang there
1706s it's all right we're getting some good
1707s damage are you close enough
1710s no oh maybe now oh I got a got a good
1713s hit
1714s there a little bit closer I don't want
1716s to gamble it yeah yeah play it
1720s safe is that knock down nice uh useful
1724s nice having some Vigor was sprays here
1726s yeah we haven't seen our Palos in a
1728s little bit I know I
1731s know ah too
1733s far oh look Val I'm just having a nice
1736s cool drink over not cool drink Mega let
1738s me let me head over to you not to be
1740s confused with
1743s the oh
1745s oh what you doing yeah there you go
1749s nice all
1754s right the guilt-free attacks on the head
1758s exactly it's free real estate yeah I was
1762s just being rude by not uh taking punch
1765s free you
1767s know
1772s there we go used the spread shot there
1774s from my clutch claw right oh my Slinger
1777s really my Slinger shot that I'm in
1779s danger
1781s uhoh there's going to be breath attack I
1784s think yeah oh it's just that one that's
1787s fine yeah
1790s uppercut hit me uhoh uhoh oh that tail
1795s whip yeah it got me too I was like this
1799s is fine right how are we looking on time
1802s right okay I don't think I can eat it
1806s yet all right it's fine this is fine any
1811s know's in the Box I forgot that that
1813s Loops back
1815s around oh I'm stunned uhoh uh-oh uhoh
1819s uhoh I'm dead welcome back I wonder
1822s maybe I've got a I've got an ancient
1824s potion I'll use
1825s that there we go now I've got Health
1827s back at least I ancient potion it's all
1830s good nice I uh I should have played it
1833s way more conservative there but I
1835s basically you got Go I mean you're a
1836s hammer user you don't do that you're all
1838s in aren't you you know it's the hammer
1840s way I I did not play smart
1843s there you you said he used the ancient
1845s potion right I probably yeah I did yeah
1848s I was like there's no way I'm going back
1849s into that fight without my HP bar um
1855s there's an alry over here as well so
1856s I'll grab that so we've only got one
1859s cart left then huh we do the trick is to
1862s not use it
1864s yeah how right you are oh wise words
1868s yeah I've got my Vitality mantle back so
1872s that should
1875s help oh that's right you've been using
1877s that I got a health booster I've got
1880s both so we're good we're
1887s good uh
1892s okay conspicuous all right I'm
1897s here yall got any more of those uh the
1900s lag ties yeah I was going to say that
1902s would be lovely right about now oh the
1904s tail whip again oh the TA almost got
1908s me please don't be the AOE ground ones
1912s no
1915s good
1917s oh
1922s okay uhoh I'm going to get landed on
1925s what oh yeah right big
1928s monster I got SM yeah as pal pal says
1932s just don't get hit that you're
1933s absolutely right and we're showing you
1935s what happens when you do get hit you
1937s know all intentional fully
1940s intentional Health booster ah we're too
1942s far
1945s now I think it's going to do that tail
1947s whip oh yeah
1949s call I'll try and build some more
1950s mountain uhoh uhoh uhoh okay we got a
1954s heart break but at the same time I got
1957s bonked so I need to
1960s heal go I knew that I knew that tail
1963s whip was coming and I still got hit by
1964s it you called it out though which is a
1967s sign of an experienced or learned
1971s Hunter all right got to heal up got to
1973s heal up it's on the
1974s Move okay it's going through where do
1977s you think you're going n we have to deal
1978s with acid as well
1987s oh oh nice good call we'll take
1991s these we got to come away with something
1994s exactly right so this also makes it hard
1997s to kind of run B into a wall because
2000s we're going to have to breath attack
2007s Maybe
2013s ah me
2015s off H I'm not near the head there oh we
2019s narrow
2024s wall he doing The Chew oh you're on
2026s there you're on there no no no no I got
2029s chewed off let me see if I can oh love I
2032s think I think it'll hit here wonderful
2035s yeah there we go that was EX Wiz IT
2038s aiming good sir got lucky I am also
2042s getting big banged but it's okay I not
2045s stepping in that sorry sorry sorry no no
2047s no it's fine you you're the if I'm at
2049s the head I'm in Hammer territory you
2051s know be
2055s expected oh this is the promising yeah
2058s well not a mount just uh the stairs yeah
2061s oh looks like it's turn
2067s off
2076s stop right there desperately trying to
2078s catch
2082s it guess we can waste Oh I thought he
2084s was going to go to sleep but it's not it
2086s doesn't want to nice knockdown you got
2087s the stun all
2089s right this is it the big moment Jay oh
2093s I'm I'm
2094s missing when like the the head like
2097s moves like that but having wax three is
2100s noticeable oh just hit I
2104s think that's all right play it safe
2107s we're nearly
2109s there this is more way more tense than
2112s uh I was expecting you
2114s know once you get down to one card it's
2117s uh oh yes it's spicy yeah Halos are
2121s jumping in with us go on Amber get out
2123s there oh got the M perfect well done
2126s nice that was clutch I think it was
2127s about to hit
2132s me yeah go for it you got
2136s time do your
2138s thing nearly
2142s there I charge up my hammer away do
2147s that very nearly there now right at the
2153s edge uh yeah no we play all the monster
2155s hun games we we've after before return
2158s to world we were doing monst rise and
2160s sunbreak we done a ton of rise and
2162s sunbreak um all right yes we did it
2166s hopefully you get your FS we'll see
2168s we'll
2169s see yeah I had a ton of fun with
2172s sunbreak the the weapons feel incredible
2174s in
2175s that yeah I love sunbreak I just love um
2179s you know they have these games have
2180s pretty different uh monster rosters even
2183s though there is some overlap right I got
2186s a Fang plus from Carvin that's rare yeah
2188s I got one too okay nice so you just need
2191s two for rewards no I got another one I
2193s just need one more you need one okay
2194s well your item box just be like I heard
2197s you want
2200s wings oh if I don't get it that would be
2202s real
2204s sad we two goldes we' got two gold
2209s boxes uh midnight dragon is asking what
2212s is our favorite monster to hunt slf
2215s fight um I mean we did talk about our
2218s favorite monsters but what about the
2220s actual fight I really like shagaru
2223s obviously that's not a world monster but
2225s shagaru magala uh who's in sunbreak is a
2228s ton of fun uh explosions everywhere it's
2231s rashing around it's very aggressive um
2236s yeah so that sharu and primordial maeno
2239s and in this one uh I would say rag
2242s bracky
2244s M okay I got what I needed um good I
2247s didn't get get any teeth in My Rewards
2249s so I was like or should I say fangs
2251s teeth sounds I did get one Fang makes me
2254s sound like some Sinister tooth Fair like
2256s give me your teeth monsters
2259s yeah um my favorite monster to fight ah
2263s man there's so many sobody to choose
2265s from
2267s um I guess yeah if I'm going to stick to
2271s Monster Hunter World I'll probably go
2274s with Fatalis I mean that's a pretty
2277s stand choice right yeah I mean yeah I
2281s mean you didn't say zoga which is you
2283s know the number one as very for by the
2285s community monster but still a good
2288s choice yeah I I mean just in terms of
2291s like what that fight represents and like
2294s how many times I've been able to do it
2296s and um like the camaraderie around like
2299s finally taking it out um yeah it's just
2303s lot of good memories with that
2305s one the legendary beast is this the one
2308s where oh know we can put four straight
2310s away
2313s okay is it is I need a oh yeah that y
2318s yeah Joe that it's up if you want to
2319s join I just kind of accidentally went in
2322s I was like oh sorry um I got to upgrade
2325s my hammer first that's all right I I'll
2327s cancel the quest I mean there's still a
2329s space for you cuz we got KO we got the
2332s apply named Koo and acos as well nice
2337s and then there's a space few at the
2338s bottom I don't I don't have enough zeni
2341s to get pandemonium's root but I have all
2344s the materials uh no can you sell some
2347s more wait yeah I'm trying to see what I
2349s got uh or how much Zen I have oh I'm I'm
2352s pretty broke I don't think I'll make
2356s it I mean I can uh I don't really want
2360s to sell
2363s that okay okay that's all right we'll
2366s get it we'll get it later we got to we
2368s got to make some money exactly thank you
2370s Celestia don't worry I mean I don't know
2372s if we'll manage to succeed me and Joe
2374s are made of uh crate paper uh so our
2378s armor is not upgraded too much and this
2379s is obviously nin Star
2382s Quest um thank you uh that's all right
2385s Koop you you came in first so that's
2387s fine Celestia was a mvh most valuable
2392s Hunter there and kindly made space for
2394s us um but I'm sure you know when we get
2396s back in the hub
2399s I made it there we go right uh is is
2402s there
2403s Insurance uh actually
2408s feline feline safeguards there but you
2411s don't get extra
2413s Health uh oh yeah if you do an open road
2417s platter that's probably the one you're
2418s looking at right yeah I've gone for
2420s unpredictable though for feline foodie
2422s okay um you know maybe I'll take the hit
2425s and I'll go open road
2428s I just need extra HP I know
2431s itable yeah stick with
2435s it you got the mechanics like so when
2437s you get the tornado coming you want to
2438s be away from the monster and stuff like
2441s that I know that remembering the the
2444s different roles because it is very much
2446s like a MMO Raid Battle because of the
2449s collaboration yeah you got like a tank
2453s you've got like yeah wholy has the
2456s aggro we'll see see how it goes it's
2458s going to be yeah we will we will
2461s indeed um do have nine cards oh cuz this
2464s it the first time we're facing it this
2466s one's a nine cart one yeah okay that's
2468s good a man I don't have anything H is
2472s this the full hunt or is this like a
2473s partial hunt I don't know chat let us
2477s know if you
2479s remember yeah I could sell some excess
2481s monster Parts but I don't know something
2484s about that feels wrong I'm always way
2485s too clingy to my spam monster Hearts
2487s yeah Hearts Parts even I'm like you
2489s never know I might need this I'm going
2491s to stash it away like you
2495s know okay so this is a partial hunt so
2498s this be the partial cool thank you uh
2502s Mizuki thank
2509s you I'm waiting for gregori to pop out
2512s of those clouds it's reminded me of
2513s dragon do
2515s too up rizen yeah wait a second I took
2519s the wrong turn in at the
2524s portal it ends after the first Eclipse
2526s okay that's good to know and then then
2529s he takes his boxing gloves off and he's
2531s like now I'm
2538s ready so this was this was specifically
2541s a collab with ff14 right mhm yeah yeah
2544s cuz Ros there's a Ros quest in F4 and
2548s you get rra L as a
2549s mount uh which is super cool joh are you
2553s an ff14 person I I don't play it myself
2556s I've kind of like sworn myself off MMOs
2559s but if I was to play an MMO it would
2561s probably be that one same here yeah same
2564s here uh I've always wanted to get into
2566s it I know the people that love it
2568s absolutely love it um but yeah yeah it's
2572s a big time commitment it is I mean I'm a
2574s big Final Fantasy fan so yeah my time
2576s commitments monster hun you know so it's
2579s but yeah I'm a big Final Fantasy fan so
2582s it's really cool to see and I've got
2583s quite a few friends that play ff4 as
2585s well yeah so it's such an awesome collab
2588s to bring Monster Hunter and Final
2589s Fantasy together yeah and Behemoth of
2593s all creatures as well yeah I look at
2596s them with their with their shiny
2599s mantels already went for the uh yeah the
2603s softening there or what do we call it
2605s what's what's the correct term for that
2607s is it tenderizing
2617s tenderizing look at that the face and
2619s the front
2620s arms kind of hard for me to hit the head
2623s here
2624s huh I should probably work on a mount I
2627s remember mounting this monster is not
2629s easy to get the
2632s tople oh that damage
2636s yeah
2643s oh the
2647s meteors going to run around in
2649s my my
2655s healing oh that howl has giv me extreme
2658s off
2661s flashbacks I love like the attention to
2663s detail with like the the moves showing
2665s up when you hit it it's like seeing it
2668s flash up actually yeah what is it um
2671s yeah I wasn't too far off as well Mizuki
2674s when I when I was doing extreme off stop
2676s i' run paralysis and wide range support
2679s sword and
2680s shield oh Koop no that
2683s damage it's all right
2688s goopo the Mughal over
2691s there
2693s ah I'm just
2695s bouncing bouncing here oh my goodness
2697s goodness that
2699s damage uhoh I'm in danger
2702s zone watch out for that I can't even get
2705s close cuz all these tornadoes yeah
2710s scary where did that Boulder come okay
2712s the Boulder's
2715s down obviously cuz you was it you don't
2717s want him too close to the boulders
2718s either because he can break them I
2721s recall oh he's getting close nice ni I
2725s can't get close just all this
2731s I know on Extreme off and stuff yeah if
2732s they he breaks the Rocks it's it's not
2734s good oh yeah that rocks close uh
2737s tornadoes coming in on me oh it's
2740s me oh it's one of those ones the
2742s important
2744s ones oh man me to your
2748s uhoh here comes the wipe
2751s mechanic yeah keep Boulders away from
2754s walls is one and the other one don't let
2756s him break them
2766s yeah walk away walk
2772s away bone piles while I'm at
2777s it unknown
2780s skull unknown what could it be it's
2784s unknown yeah nobody no
2800s we did it we did there you go Beemo
2802s defeated definitely dead and has not
2804s like retreated anywhere oh no yeah first
2808s timey easy yeah there we go we can wrap
2810s it up yep well thanks for joining
2813s today's stream
2815s yeah I need to bring cool drink don't I
2818s I think the next one yeah do I have some
2820s on
2823s me oh I do I only have two do
2835s though I used a
2838s ticket yeah so did I wait I think I did
2841s oh some good zeni though I know you
2843s needed zeny yes I I do I do man I'm
2847s really contemplating should I sell some
2848s monster parts now yeah I mean if this
2851s mon like you know if you got Kulu parts
2853s and
2856s stuff oh got Dr serious
2859s Handler where is she over here working
2868s hard there's the Mughal yeah sorry if
2872s anybody's trying to read the dialogue
2873s I'm just kind of powering through that
2875s right
2876s now
2878s the full fight then extreme I've changed
2880s me as a hunter you definitely come out
2882s of it a much more well-rounded grizzled
2885s Hunter don't
2893s you with the Final Fantasy music in the
2896s background
2901s mhm well I could sell this Behemoth main
2904s is worth 8,000 many
2913s okay deceased deceased scale I have 15
2916s of those because we hunted so many Vaz
2919s so oh that would be good money let's
2921s let's do like five of them because I'm
2924s scared I just got the kierin the high
2926s rank kierin Quest I have 29 Elder dragon
2930s bones get rid of about 10 seems safe
2935s yeah yeah
2938s okay I'm almost there I'm almost there
2940s I'm almost there monster hard
2943s bones let's let's sell about
2946s 10 all right we're in there I can go I
2948s think I can go make my my hammer now big
2952s Bonk Big
2960s B oh oops I went to the wrong area
2963s theasaurus
2964s SOS in the Kulu quest for final fantas
2967s see just to hear the
2970s music that was us uh that was us last
2972s week yeah by choice absolutely not that
2974s we kept getting triple carted as well
2976s you know it it was we're just we're nice
2979s like that yeah oh the dra just wanted to
2982s uh to share the tunes with
2989s everybody
2993s okay sweet I got my it's more of an axe
2996s now than a hand
3003s you know I might upgrade some of my
3006s armor uh I guess the Kaiser van braces
3009s are going to stick around for a bit so
3011s we'll do those
3016s M
3018s and the rapos helm yeah you can get
3023s upgraded hey it's gorola one of our our
3025s usuals he's got the uh
3027s the the nice look there with the like
3030s the turquoise
3031s blue pelico looking armor I'm out of
3037s zeni maybe you should sell some monster
3039s Parts like I did no I don't know that
3041s that really hurt I I don't know I'm
3043s always like I don't mind like in
3044s sunbreak I had no problem using it for
3046s meldin fuel cuz I was getting out of it
3050s yeah I'm I could always find Zen you
3052s know I'm sure I'll find away look look
3055s at my uh my hammer
3057s oh I love that hammer that's probably my
3060s favorite Hammer design in world yeah
3062s it's pretty cool it's literally a
3064s massive battle axe like yeah yeah yeah I
3067s love that
3068s hammer the handle is so thin you know
3070s like how do you hold that so some good
3073s forging right there yeah yeah right so
3076s do we have quests now yeah let's take a
3081s look oh yeah team together to fight the
3084s Behemoth multiplayer is highly
3086s recommended
3088s H raise the by attacking the head yeah
3090s watch the comet so see the tutorials
3093s there which is super helpful so if you
3094s haven't fought Behemoth before please
3096s read those that tutorial note it's very
3098s very helpful because this fight has
3100s Unique Mechanics that emulate uh kind of
3103s raid boss fight and the tanky and stuff
3105s like that um from ff14 right I'm going
3109s to use the ticket CU I'm feeling
3111s confident I know we got this first time
3113s baby let's use that
3115s ticket oh whoops
3117s it's special assignments right no oh it
3120s is okay yeah yeah yeah right is there I
3124s use there's a
3128s Moxy I'm going to eat Safeguard because
3131s someone put in a ticket so I get food
3133s anyway so I'm eating for feline
3136s Safeguard uh let's see what we got
3140s here what are um oh Moxy I can do Moxy
3144s yeah that's a good show platter yeah um
3147s I'm a little hazy on this fight it's
3149s been a while uh what are some things we
3152s need to remember so whoever attacks the
3156s head will get the aggro which means that
3158s they'll be focused on for attacks if
3160s you're getting the tornado cast on you
3162s but I can't remember the name of the
3163s spell you want to move away from the
3165s monster to like get the tornadoes out of
3167s the
3168s way um otherwise they'll stop you
3171s hitting the
3171s monster
3173s um obviously protect the Comets don't
3176s let if you Agro and you don't go near
3178s the
3179s Comets
3180s um good
3184s luck and good luck yeah yeah but yeah
3187s keep the tornadoes away if you've got
3189s aggro you know just focus on staying
3191s alive yeah
3194s um and yeah keep a note keep a mental
3196s note of where the Rocks drop so you know
3198s where to go yep yep yeah like a lot of
3202s the other raid fights right
3204s mhm yeah much like Safi ja
3207s where uh is it what's it Sapphire star
3210s no what's the name of uh Safi J's
3214s ultimate attack uh I think it's like
3217s Sapphire something right yeah don't
3220s think we're far off
3233s yeah oh no I need those oh
3241s yeah oh that's the distance on that roar
3245s I know I'm super far
3249s away oh that's breaking all of the
3252s things oh it's under the thing oh no I I
3258s I think I missed that I I missed the
3259s rock I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so
3264s nervous that was bad on my part
3273s I guess as about timing timeing your Ms
3276s timing your mounts in this sun could be
3278s quite important so uh I'm not going
3282s to get one out too early
3290s mhm heal up
3295s there
3301s s them that up there Rush finisher out
3305s for the tornadoes
3307s yeah I chus chus yeah I was like that's
3312s definitely not the endgame term
3316s tornado big
3318s wind big
3323s wind obviously tank is great I'm just
3327s like I wish I could reach the head here
3331s but I guess I'll
3334s just yeah
3339s yeah oh oh oh no I got slapped around
3347s oh oh that tail gigantic tail our tank
3352s is doing a wonderful job yes with their
3355s LS Koop is here for
3360s Revenge
3362s oh that is quite the hip chck there
3365s pleas would be proud
3372s yeah oh that was cast on me I was not
3375s paying
3376s attention and I don't have any cool
3378s drinks but I can just make some if we
3380s need
3381s him I wonder were there any in the Box I
3383s didn't
3384s look I didn't look either I was just
3386s like we're going to go fight the big
3387s Behemoth yeah I always forget it's like
3390s it's
3392s time doing some mining why not oh I did
3397s not know that it could go like that oh
3400s you got combat mind there yeah
3405s yeah all right I need to uh oh oh oh no
3408s the me the Comets coming on me but it's
3410s not in a great
3413s place
3415s oh that r range yeah look I was yeah the
3418s first comet dropped it's in a terrible
3422s place but it's on the
3424s ramp um I feel like I'm in I'm in a bad
3428s spot here I'm blocked off from the uh
3431s from the comet yeah okay we got another
3433s one coming in that's
3435s good I'm like I'm like stuck on the ramp
3439s here cuz the Ws are all he's coming back
3442s oh my
3445s gosh nice
3448s heal more
3453s wins another tornado com in yeah I'm
3457s yeah you you are locked out there yeah
3460s should I go around I got the mount oh no
3462s I did I no I came off interesting uh
3467s it's up to you cuz if you go around and
3468s he starts the ecliptic meteor you won't
3471s get safe in time oh you're right I I am
3474s stuck here though I just like
3478s yeah I think the is on right now I'm
3480s just stuck here I guess I could can I
3482s run through this and run through it
3484s you'll bounce off it I believe all right
3486s it should go soon yeah yeah got another
3490s met just come in or Comet I feel like
3493s I'm in a movie you know I'm just
3495s like just stuck here while my team is
3498s getting in the fight
3504s a oh nice knock
3508s down see if I can wound the head okay
3512s meteor's coming
3513s in um I don't know if I can can I make
3517s it to the Rock oh I can yeah oh I oh I
3521s nearly didn't get behind it all right
3523s going well oh wow Asos there using the
3526s jump I need a cool drink now however
3529s good job
3530s everyone good job I have done nothing
3533s but especially Joe who's using
3535s intimidation tactics staring through the
3538s wind like I'm going to get you I need I
3541s need a mushroom I've not got any cool
3543s drinks
3552s all oh I've not got it so I can make
3554s more I need to put out my quick bar oh
3557s my gosh how did you survive that I I
3559s don't know I'm oh I'm in danger I'm in
3562s danger uhoh uhoh oh he's got hold of me
3565s no oh thank you I got saved by
3568s someone oh I've got I've got aggro this
3571s is not good cuz I'm
3574s bleeding yeah no a my health was ter BL
3582s low I'll see if I've
3586s got okay we have safeg guard so yeah
3589s exactly that's what it's there for
3590s that's do I have a Max potion or an
3593s ancient
3594s potion got something
3598s comments just trying to do my sliding
3600s attacks on this ramp here do it get the
3604s get that
3605s mountain the B some com
3610s okay this oh no I landed right in the
3612s comet
3614s ah I slid right into
3618s it guess that Health Boer is not really
3620s going to help everybody my
3621s bad I didn't grab my cool drinks I'll
3624s have to grab one there the comet
3627s shattered oh
3629s no another one oh no I'm just going to
3633s keep sliding on this ramp that's the
3635s best I can do right now yeah best I can
3638s do is Hammer slide yep what is going on
3641s oh I'm way too close but not close
3643s enough kind of thing I'm leaving the
3645s area is it going to
3648s work
3650s no how many FS do we get we get a lot
3653s right I don't know I think we're back to
3655s normal now oh
3656s oh that's all right so we should have we
3659s got like two more technically I think
3661s okay that's right though we've moved it
3664s another Zone yeah and I managed to run
3667s away when I got there cuz I turned up
3670s and he started casting it and I was like
3672s no I'm like no no I'm out yeah see you
3675s later guys good luck don't get
3679s hit don't get
3683s hit but it's going all right I mean it's
3685s spicy as we
3688s expected hey you got this Koop KO do you
3691s need a cool drink I can give you a cool
3693s drink Koop I've got one you're going to
3695s go get your own no worries no worries
3697s that metor was
3701s scary all right so me and Koop are a
3704s little bit away at the moment okay I'm
3706s going to wait for you guys oh wait no I
3709s think I AG it is it going to cast the
3711s tornado in the uh in the hall oh no no
3717s I've doomed us I'm
3719s sorry all right I should not have run
3721s away it's regaining
3728s Health yeah we can't get through can we
3733s yeah that's just
3743s mean well now everybody has to uh feel
3745s how I felt
3748s earlier this is Go's got the right
3751s mantle for
3753s mantle andoral for the
3755s win we believe in you oh go Can it can
3759s it attack us do this yeah yeah
3765s oh I'm going to get some mine in it yeah
3768s I should do the
3769s same can I like roll through
3772s it no it's got
3775s the
3783s yeah Kubo says let me solo him I
3792s believe dang with the multiplayer health
3794s and soloing it it's uh that would be
3796s pretty impressive Giga Chad Hunter over
3798s there
3803s yeah you got to try to roll through no
3806s no I was uh just canceling out of my uh
3810s myw
3813s nope we need Rock Steady or temporal
3817s yeah which neither of us have on these
3820s no we need to get them
3830s unlocked oh the jump the
3833s jump oh well no nearly worth a go yeah
3839s definitely worth trying oh trying to
3841s Shield through it huh
3846s ah H oh
3849s o I feel bad I don't have any life
3851s powers in stuff dust of
3863s Life there we go we're in we're in all
3865s right well done backup has arrived or or
3869s Worse who
3870s knows straight up I'm just going to put
3873s this down
3875s yeah right I don't want to get em so
3879s uh
3884s no great in on you that was that was
3887s very mean oh all the tornadoes
3892s there I'm
3894s sorry I've got a tornado being cast on
3896s me again there we
3899s go got part break okay the tornadoes are
3901s at the back of the
3904s Arena
3912s nice oh man that that felt a little
3916s mean-spirited yeah oh gosh uhoh no no no
3919s no no no stay down
3921s oh oh thank you for the heal I got the
3925s head wound but it also nearly took me
3927s out yeah oh that's CH
3933s chabis all right I'm eating up I'm
3936s getting ready to head back over there no
3939s worries I'm very anxious to get all that
3945s spin drink no stay away it's a bad kitty
3952s oh oh wow that lightning ooh but now I
3956s have resuscitate so it's not all
3961s bad I'm on the tail don't want to be
3966s there I'm heading over I'm running I'm
3968s running uh I'll be ready to C I'm not
3972s contributing overly much right now I'm
3974s mostly getting
3978s damaged thank you of Life why do I have
3982s a feeling when I get there I'm going to
3983s cart like immediately it's going to be
3984s ecliptic meor this
3989s uh that's on me I need to move going to
3992s bring it to the edge of the Arena Jedis
3996s yeah Jadis I've successfully put it out
3999s of the
4002s way
4005s oh okay Koop got emity oh that spin yeah
4010s I need to look for the toils way
4013s more I'm worried about my mega potion
4017s cuz I haven't got Craft on my uh quick
4019s wheel which I should might oh
4024s yeah who who thank you hit
4028s box that was very
4031s nice oh even when I block it the chip
4045s damage
4047s oh trying to get mount in here oh don't
4052s turn around oh man the Fire or the
4055s lava oh
4057s no the
4060s tornado oh hip check or shoulder
4064s tackle I'm just in the corner cuz I need
4066s to
4067s craft uh mega potion thank you Honeys I
4071s always keep Honeys in my pocket for just
4072s such an
4074s occasion
4079s oh
4082s no oh my goodness oh my goodness oh
4087s no no all right it's all right it's
4091s still
4100s good oh my goodness that
4103s range yeah oh my gosh I feel like that's
4106s all that's all we're saying yeah oh oh
4110s oh thank you oh good good that's going
4113s to spin I got my shield up in
4116s time oh no unlucky unlucky that was a
4120s good attempt from everyone that was a
4122s good
4123s attempt I'm getting trus trabus cast it
4127s on me while I'm like consoling
4131s myself hey we got some uh we got some
4133s great horns and sheer claws though
4136s yeah man we got I got beat up I got beat
4139s up all right it's quite a hard hunt to
4143s say the least it's not quite as powerful
4145s as kol Yu yet but it's getting there no
4149s no yeah but maybe we need a little bit
4151s more uh what do you think like upgrade
4153s our armor maybe I'll have to sell some
4155s bits yeah let me let me see let me
4160s see Mizuki says it's an epic end
4164s screen
4166s I need to bring cool drinks with me got
4175s that yeah let's juice up our gear a bit
4179s that will help yeah maybe bring in
4181s everything up to at least um maybe
4185s Rarity
4186s 7 yeah I mean on my armor pieces wise
4189s I'm happy with I mean my chest could be
4191s a bit stronger but I've got like Elder
4194s Dragon and wrath bits upgrading them
4196s with the armor spheres as well yeah yeah
4200s cuz like at the minute my helmet is 74
4204s my arms are
4206s 70 um so I need to do my oil and a few
4211s other
4212s bits yeah let's get the chest
4216s done yeah my defense is 326 right
4224s now s
4226s now I wonder is there any other
4229s equipment I mean that's not ton of
4246s stuff what do I want to sell Malachi or
4249s is not worth too
4251s much uh where's the Kulu Parts I don't
4255s envisage myself using Hulu Parts yeah
4258s that be good
4260s call barro
4263s barro P PUK I'll keep po PUK for now so
4267s I think I
4268s need zor magaros kolu y hide obviously
4272s this is low rank where's the high rank
4273s stuff give me give me the goods
4277s yeah I'm looking too there's some basil
4279s Gees
4281s Parts I don't really use basil Gees
4283s stuff so I'll sell those
4288s raban as well sorry raban you can
4292s go
4293s um
4299s Zen scales I would thought have thought
4302s we had more but I guess we did cart
4303s quite a
4304s bit great
4306s jagas hul beats there we go sell some
4310s beaks there we go right that should let
4314s me get some more armor
4319s upgrades that chest plate
4326s done can
4328s higher 23,000 though
4333s oo 23,000 for what yeah to upgrade the
4337s chest plate
4343s oh I mean the waste is kind of lagging
4346s behind so I should probably do the
4348s waste
4349s 30,000 excuse me I'll do it a little bit
4352s then I'll do it a little
4355s bit hey there we go my zen count is a
4360s little low but I've got more armor
4367s now I feel like I need most help on
4371s either Helm or Greaves which are Rarity
4374s six you got any health boosts on as
4377s well I don't think so Builds on a budget
4381s yeah that could be a stream in
4384s itself
4386s yeah that is a whole stream
4389s Series
4393s yeah grm looking very snazzy very color
4395s coordinated as always love to see it the
4398s little Kieran buddy up there as well the
4400s hunter on
4402s it oh yeah K tarov is a wonderful Z
4407s maker great hunt as
4410s well maybe we could do our next stream
4413s could be a c Tower off
4416s stream yeah yeah I think we definitely
4418s need to do that one then we can get
4420s loads we can got what well 16 people
4422s involved at once right four of you go in
4425s like four fours
4428s mhm so maybe we do that next next stream
4432s yeah oh I don't have enough Z for that
4437s uh let's keep it at level four yeah
4440s those prices we need your help mate but
4441s we also need your
4448s wallet Ace there and full fatalist get
4451s up
4452s there all right I'm heading back up nice
4455s nice I got my armor up to 339 with
4459s defense nice my armor
4464s is uh uh I'm looking at I know
4469s 347 347 okay so you're a little bit
4471s higher than
4472s me I'm sure it'll made the smallest of
4475s differences so I wouldn't
4478s worry we we're near the 350 which I
4480s think is is yeah one
4483s yeah um oh wait okay oh I thought they
4486s were silver eggs but it's snowman I was
4488s like what I'm
4490s s every time yeah I was like hold up
4494s yeah
4496s maybe I should just bring a shock trap
4498s be like please
4500s please um yeah okay I've not got any
4503s more big
4505s potions I have a lot of honey so
4509s definitely got a I just don't have a lot
4510s of potions
4515s though make sure you check the box
4517s because it does have some easy Max
4519s potions before we does it
4524s oh that'll be good for when I can't oh I
4526s can make life
4529s powders
4530s Essentials I'm
4533s helping I'm doing my part I'm doing yeah
4536s exactly there you go I've got some life
4538s powders now I feel I love life powders
4540s I'm a big life powder advocate so I felt
4543s terrible not having them right I better
4545s put that quest in
4546s anyway and obviously if you are joining
4549s please remember bring Rarity 78 weapons
4552s Max please don't bring master rank
4554s weapons into the high rank hunts yes
4557s please so yeah if it's high rank it's
4560s good if it's if it's master rank please
4562s know we need to give the monsters a
4564s chance because as you see they clearly
4565s need it after wiping us there
4568s uh right I'm putting my ticket in my
4570s last ticket in well my last ticket
4573s before they get refreshed all the
4574s confidence in the world yeah we nearly
4576s had it last time got it to the last area
4579s yeah yeah I just uh I
4581s flopped outrageous right do we have
4584s insurance
4591s if I mean I'll get feline Safeguard so
4593s we don't have to worry about that I'll
4595s get that
4598s again I will do Moxy
4602s again lovely lovely and we' got grm
4605s we've got you and we've got aceos there
4608s as well Ace I am going to quickly check
4610s your weapon purely because obviously
4611s it's probably layered but you are
4612s wearing such lovely lovely p
4616s Fales
4620s uh just so that Behemoth doesn't just
4622s fall over
4625s uh oh yeah you right to swap your bow
4628s off please to a a high rank one because
4631s that is a lovely bow don't get me wrong
4634s it's a very nice bow however it might
4637s bury our poor
4640s Behemoth take a look no worries Koop
4643s thank you for your help and wonderful
4645s as well yes thank you
4647s Koop sorry we couldn't get the job done
4651s uh especially How brave you were
4653s fighting it alone for so long that was a
4655s very epic moment well
4660s played R looking nice and
4664s shiny oh yeah uh Rarity
4668s 11 is quite
4674s High
4676s sorry to be pain I know a bow as well
4678s the bow you use obviously impacts what
4680s arrows and things you've got I think um
4684s so sorry to be a
4689s pain uh oh the arm
4696s wrestle anybody any
4699s takers grm just kind of watching
4704s ominously
4709s no worries Ace you're all right yeah no
4715s worries it doesn't matter if your
4717s weapon's not super minmaxed or anything
4719s like totally
4724s fine time for silly
4730s gestures there's Koop our resident tank
4734s before
4739s thank you Koop thank
4745s you you know I could be I could be being
4747s productive right here and sorting out my
4749s uh quick
4752s select uh Quick Settings right
4761s quests craft in mega potion
4766s one by
4769s one uh well done steak we'll take that
4772s off actually yeah know we'll swap that
4774s out for Life
4777s powder mega potion s
4781s flare uh we'll swap this out for a
4785s NB another that I think oh there we go
4787s Nob there you go that's much nicer maybe
4791s I swap yeah easy R they barbecue spit
4794s has to go
4795s the barbecue
4797s said we'll get rid of the easy ration
4800s and put that there I don't want to be
4802s against behem off and be like you know
4803s what you know put on the
4807s barbecue we're ready that was me I was
4809s the same I was distracted the aces
4814s back right here we go we did really well
4817s last time really impressed so maybe
4819s maybe it'll be second time the
4823s charm right now let's uh go with the
4825s chest yes don't forget the
4831s Box my hair is tickling my ear I'm like
4833s it's like curled under my hat into my
4835s ear right uh oh and cool drinks as well
4839s oh very
4840s nice I really got to clean up my uh my
4844s radial menu because yeah I I I
4848s took much happier for it
4853s yeah I can craft more potions is nice I
4856s I you know what maybe I won't mess up
4858s the Rock drop this time how about that
4860s Hardo powder you got it you got
4864s it I'm jealous I want the temporal
4866s mental I know me
4875s too what do you have to do to get the
4877s temporal again I think you have to get
4878s like every other mantle right yeah I
4880s need to check I need to check the requ
4882s cuz say it was a long time since I first
4883s unlocked it yeah
4887s go I don't want to build up too much
4888s Mountain too quick I want to save it for
4890s when he's getting a bit
4903s spicy it's really tough when you get
4905s stunned and you just can't like really
4907s move from the Roars like please leave me
4910s alone nice wounded by the
4913s way the best I can do right now uh oh me
4916s to are coming down oh oh that went
4918s through my Vitality
4921s man I went through the Vitality manal
4924s yeah straight through like a hot meteor
4927s through
4929s butter moved
4934s again need to remember I've got a stero
4936s jerky I should have used that against
4940s B okay first
4942s Mount I can't remember if you have to
4944s hold on on this one I think this is a
4946s hold on one
4950s oh good luck up there thank you yeah I'm
4954s not sure you can jump around on
4958s him here he
4966s comes it's bonka gedon I'm trying
4970s to I can see you swinging away oh into
4973s the stun wonderful I'm bouncing off the
4976s horn I shouldn't be here I'll uh I'll go
4979s somewhere
4981s else oh no I didn't get
4983s it all right there we go good move there
4987s Shuffle him over yeah the longer you
4989s hold the better cuz he can't cast stuff
4991s oh yeah oh you need to do the Pandora
4993s quest line basically oh there okay so we
4996s get that from doing the toost lunastra
4998s one that we
4999s started
5001s before oh yeah yeah that's right so we
5003s can that won't be too hard for us
5005s again we for this no we no no cuz that's
5010s what gives us the okay oh nice interrupt
5013s on the
5014s chus oh oh no okay I'm going to be out
5017s the way healing for a
5022s second these non Mega potions they be
5025s they be slow
5027s slow oh and then I got hit by meor after
5030s drinking all of that oh no yes I'll just
5034s do it this way
5036s who's getting Char at this
5038s here oh comet's coming down on me I'm
5041s going to move it away so first comet is
5043s at the bottom of the
5047s Ram oh we got a stun nice po
5061s break another comet's coming down on me
5065s I'm keeping it out the
5073s way
5079s Thunderbolt oh dang did not pay
5082s attention to that
5088s Comet now I
5090s missed may get some sliding attacks in
5093s here
5095s I think we need to soften it back up too
5097s yeah get a bit
5101s squishy oh is this the
5104s ecliptic no let's see no
5107s Thunderbolt I'm going to try
5112s yeah I got knocked fly oh oh I was in my
5116s get up animation how dare you how dang
5119s that cruel Cru we got saf Guard we're
5121s good though we do we do we do PR and we
5124s got this easy Max
5128s potion by the time I get back I'm
5131s theorizing it'll be ecliptic meteor
5134s welcome welcome to the game used
5137s Moxy oh you didn't cart nice I didn't
5140s cart because of Moxy yeah like blessed
5143s Moxy yeah that was that was rough though
5145s I just went up there to soften and it
5146s took out my whole health
5149s bar oh I'm going to do it again though
5153s see if I cart about to go it did make me
5156s c jeez that's yeah that's a full health
5158s bar and
5160s the man that is rudal I don't know why I
5164s didn't learn my lesson but you know I
5166s want I wanted to know right where's the
5168s okay there's the
5171s meteor jez he's got to be close to it
5177s now oh he immediately got me through the
5183s tornado
5185s who's he cast now it's not
5188s me okay okay the eclip meteors come in
5191s stay away if you can yep yep where's he
5194s casting it there I'm so scared I'm at
5196s the start so I'm at
5199s Camp I think I should be fine though you
5201s good now you good
5210s now the
5213s tunes
5216s casually making my scroll over are we
5219s going into here this time we're in the
5221s plunge zone
5224s now now you're in my territory oh I just
5229s need to get close
5231s enough all right I'm back nice how we
5235s doing on okay it's going to be a while
5238s yet we are so
5243s back
5245s oh I got the tail cut with the perfect
5247s rush I mean that's definitely a team
5249s effort but that felt
5253s good come on come to plunge
5260s town oh take
5262s that oh I'm in kind of like bad
5265s positioning there to take advantage
5267s that's all right yeah he did yeah oh
5269s there's one Comet it's by the wall it
5271s landed on you watch out no I'm good I'm
5273s good oh no never mind I'm not
5281s good come on
5284s beo
5286s man uh-oh it's on me
5290s again there you go than we got we double
5294s oh good save you guys me oh I did the
5297s wrong one there maybe I got this
5300s one oh what a what a plunge oh my
5303s goodness oh no Ace Ace no I think we got
5306s a DC
5311s no
5313s Ace okay we'll do our best for
5326s Ace oh I didn't aim my shield properly
5330s okay Gem's got aggro so that's
5333s good you grm take this take
5338s you there we go wonderful good work grm
5342s we must be near Mount there we go I was
5344s going to say
5349s nice oh no I can jump around that's good
5352s I miss my bludgeon spinning
5363s bludgeon
5365s still up there yeah yeah still up there
5367s I'm kind of taking it
5370s slow there we go here comes the
5371s knockdown oh no I'm still on still
5376s on and going
5379s again
5381s nice there going to be used
5385s soon it's plunge
5393s time who's got aggro uh none of us at
5396s the moment I think
5401s okay that's a comet and I'm attached to
5404s him that's not good okay so there's a
5407s comet in the middle but okay CLI the
5409s meteor oh no I'm stuck in my animation
5413s no quick Jo
5414s run I'm going I'm going will I make it
5417s Dive Dive Dive I didn't make it
5423s unlucky you hammer so hard and so fast I
5426s know I I was in the middle of a
5429s spin sharpen we're nearly there we're
5431s nearly there the trick is to not cart
5433s now and we've got
5437s it tragic it's all right it's all right
5441s on my part tragic on my part everybody
5442s else is doing their job it's a team
5444s effort we win together we cut together
5447s yeah I'm going to follow grm grm knows
5449s what's
5450s up oh the tail I forgot about the tail y
5454s yum yum yum
5456s yum I guess we better not keep Behemoth
5460s waiting lest it
5462s heal oh that's
5466s right all right making my way
5478s over man I was like wonderful job
5481s tanking I felt like I was one step away
5483s from surviving there
5485s yeah nice flash there on the charter bus
5488s oh oh no I made a big
5494s mistake I got you
5496s groom Oh no I got interrupted out of the
5499s life powder I still got you
5509s grm lovely work
5512s gr preemptive health booster for the
5515s tank
5521s oh oh good Heavens oh gosh looking at
5525s your guys'
5528s health that's my last live
5542s powder like BR this this is your space
5545s Oh the
5553s spin oh I got slapped in the butt I'm
5557s stunned this is
5561s terrible thank you yeah thank you yeah
5565s not having Flinch free I guess does have
5566s its
5568s perks all right grm is doing an
5570s incredible job over
5573s here
5576s going to kind of stay in the slightly
5577s safer area even if my damage is
5582s reduced those spikes getting caught in
5585s that like little yeah little rush air
5589s part yeah
5593s oo good Flinch there oh
5599s no nice flash thank you me your watch
5602s out uhoh
5606s oh no I just got slapped in the
5609s back
5612s ah
5614s uh okay that's on me I'm going to move
5616s it out to the
5621s side oh no that's not
5624s good my healing situation is not good oh
5628s you're right there I thought I locked
5629s you out no no no that's all right I'll
5631s put this down thank you
5635s oh for that the
5639s Tremor I'm still bobbling
5642s around oh the
5646s spikes I need to get in that uh trying
5649s to get another Mountain I'm not sure if
5651s I'll be able to get a third
5662s oh Crystal
5664s good luck RM nice
5674s hit ah that
5677s hurt stop it stop
5684s it ooh my turn to get
5693s hit
5696s no
5698s good I had like three quarters HP as
5703s well I had 34s HP I went up in the air
5706s to go for the mount oh dear oh it's all
5709s good it's all good let's give it one
5711s more go and then that'll take us I was
5714s so close I was like up in the air I was
5718s like
5723s um
5725s that was
5727s close I need to get some more
5731s potions close I mean we're we're like
5733s getting uh getting our feet under us
5736s with like the timing and stuff for the
5737s fight so yeah yeah I said I I was
5739s desperately trying to get another Mount
5745s but um I mean ideally basically it's
5749s like just use high rank gear it can be
5752s like tier eight high rank gear it's like
5754s don't bring master rank gear if you do
5756s only have master rank armor fair enough
5759s but if you can wear high rank gear just
5761s to just to stay thematic to to this bit
5765s right I'll get the quest
5767s ready post a new Quest special
5771s assignment that's one four player
5774s activate Quest there we
5777s go has anyone got a super snazzy
5783s voucher
5785s I think I might have one I haven't used
5787s any of
5789s mine well I actually don't know maybe I
5792s don't have
5796s one we have yes and KX thank you right
5800s uh I'll go healthy platter
5805s again um I need to step out for like 30
5807s seconds so I'll be right back no worries
5810s there you go feline Safeguard very nice
5815s I don't know if there's much else can I
5816s buy anything from can I buy Life powders
5819s from you let's have a look probably not
5821s I don't think you yeah able
5829s to I wonder can I make the talents
5840s yet I power charm oh I need the basle GE
5844s Talons now oh no oh no they got the
5846s power charm and the armor
5851s charm
5854s oo o let's do
5866s that
5868s yay power Talon and armor Talon I can't
5872s believe I forgot to do that for so long
5874s um where where have you gone now there
5876s you go power
5879s Talon uh where is my wonderful armor
5882s Talon YY that's a nice stat buff and
5885s then if I go buy the I've got no money
5887s though then I could buy the others uh
5889s let's see if I can sell some
5891s items what are we selling everyone you
5894s got insurance as well wonderful K fact
5897s thank you thank you maybe I sell the
5899s zenoa parts do I have enough yeah I mean
5902s I don't really use Zen
5904s gear
5911s so I'll keep the gem though you know
5914s just in
5916s case then if
5919s I go back to the shop
5922s Hello by P
5925s pouch all right
5929s well appear back on the stream that's
5931s kind of weird I've been very productive
5933s Joe I've made the armor I've made the
5935s armor and power talent and I'm now reing
5938s the uh charms as well oh those are
5942s Essentials I don't think I have enough
5943s Zen for that I mean if I sell stuff I
5945s would
5947s but I'm just uh yeah so I I had the
5950s charms and I turned them into Talons and
5951s now I'm going back through and
5957s uh going back through reing the uh arms
5962s nice all right so what have I got manage
5964s items I need to buy the armor charm
5968s again uh so we are looking you know I've
5970s already I've become more
5974s powerful your power is growing exactly
5977s exactly there we go so I've got some
5981s extra extra defense extra
5985s offense hey no worry casala kosal is a
5988s spicy one Lau don't worry
5992s like like especially with those
5994s tornadoes like if kashala gets going and
5997s you've not got like Elder seal or poison
6000s woo scary Elder Dragon that one yeah
6003s it's a tough quest with all the
6004s different tornadoes I guess that's what
6006s we're calling it tornadoes yeah it's
6009s just kind of hard to like make your way
6011s through though so the you know I feel
6013s like the easiest way is just to make
6015s sure you keep it stunned before it can
6016s do any of that yeah and some flash flash
6019s pods are good like catch outside of the
6022s uh
6024s right here we go gang so we got heavy
6025s bow gun we have great sword obviously
6028s then your hammer and my sword and
6030s shield let's do
6033s it yeah obviously yeah it's kind of like
6036s wind mantle effectively as well that it
6038s has is or veil of wind is yeah tricky so
6042s yeah dragon is such a good element to
6044s use against it or did I walk past the
6046s crystal
6052s burst
6055s yeah I'm going to save my mounts I think
6056s for when it gets a bit spicier
6063s yeah oh ouch big damage to Star I didn't
6067s think I was in that
6071s range I'm
6077s ready oh I just got the back hand and
6080s take this off oh nice nice rock drop
6086s oh the Stagger from this the spreadshot
6089s is uh lovely
6093s yeah good oldfashioned Hunter
6098s steel oh that went through good
6101s knockdown that went through my
6109s block oh nice area transition oh
6114s their bow gun user is doing work heavy
6117s bow gun is doing what they do best yeah
6119s get up close and getting scary and just
6122s start blasting
6124s yeah they're like oh oh no I can play
6126s ranged but I don't have
6131s to oh oh that went straight on my
6134s head okay that's coming on me so I'm
6137s going to move it into the corner oh nice
6139s nice
6142s interrupt
6147s ah okay I went for a mount there but
6150s it's only the first Mount so there we go
6153s Nice Part break
6160s there big bang oh here comes a com
6167s go oh what I had so much HP I think it's
6172s cuz I was mid attack so I was getting
6175s punished there that would have been a a
6177s double a double card if not for my
6180s Moxy that was absolutely Savage I I had
6184s a lot of
6185s HP like I felt comfortable if that makes
6188s sense I wasn't like I need to be careful
6190s here that was I was at full
6191s HP oh this monster ain't messing okay
6195s I'm going to stay back
6200s here is that coming okay there go the
6202s Comon shatter
6207s all right let
6219s moving yeah I think the benefit of the
6221s heavy bow gun here as well is one of the
6223s things we have is the risk of like being
6226s on the monster but the heavy bow gun can
6227s do some wonderful damage M Life powder
6230s coming
6232s in last life powder out the way oh so
6236s it's the least I can do after what's
6238s getting in
6243s there oh straight on the head shot there
6245s as
6249s well oh no the that's insurance now so
6253s we now we're back on the standards yeah
6255s yeah
6256s yeah
6259s man I got too ambitious I got to play
6262s more conservative I think that's all
6265s right uhoh comet's coming down oh no
6268s it's going to land on my head yeah cuz I
6270s fell over no you're kidding me I got
6273s staggered by the comet and while I was
6276s getting up uh the Behemoth did the fire
6278s slam onto the so I'm I'm doing I've been
6281s a sloppy Hunter this run no no you're
6284s fine this is these mistakes are normal
6286s with this hunt or not I don't even call
6288s them mistakes really it's just oh yeah
6290s it was like yeah say I didn't get away
6291s from uh the the comet and time and uh I
6294s was punished but you know it's in good
6296s hands for those
6299s Hunters feel bad I was in a really good
6301s position and then I got staggered and
6303s then it was the uh forward fire kind of
6305s Slam attack and I was like oh no it's
6307s always like A Series of Unfortunate
6309s Events yeah we're still in it though uh
6312s oh we need it uh oh the the bleed is on
6315s there yeah I think I I'll wait for you
6317s here yeah you're catching
6319s up we'll cart together exactly double
6324s cut or nothing yeah so this is the most
6326s dangerous part this hunt I mean
6328s obviously other than the cut is when
6329s you're reapo in the Behemoth and you
6330s know you're near the ecliptic meteor
6333s yeah yeah but there is a big comet in
6335s front that's what got me last time
6342s yeah I'm just like yeah let me let me
6344s take a second to heal up
6346s here oh oh I wanted to get in I
6351s immedately got slapped back not the
6353s Comet okay Comet coming down on me on
6356s top of the
6357s hill oh
6361s jeez oh
6364s nice I didn't get to contribute there
6367s all right it's
6369s coming oh get
6373s back nice I wasn't sure if I squeezed
6376s through there yeah let
6379s me so I like to put my feet up what
6386s okay have I got my Vitality mantle back
6391s nearly we got the demon powders I
6393s haven't got any more life
6395s powders I do have my health
6402s booster yeah was pretty pretty rough
6404s beating for me this oh watch out oh
6407s hello caus in trouble are we oh chabus
6411s is coming in
6419s oh that Roar I'm
6426s staggered hit him with the crystal burst
6429s yeah oh there it is oh that got me still
6434s nice M got the mount oh I just got hit
6437s by the Fallen spikes oh I'm just healing
6441s up not taking any chances
6453s oh I
6455s missed oh I'm just letting myself get
6457s get shot here I bouncing off the chest
6461s there we
6463s go nice work
6470s nice Revenge TI
6474s I think with the last one oh the knock
6476s down for the other arm with the last one
6478s only one Comet drops I
6481s think yeah okay so that's on yes it's
6485s K and there's the emnity that's
6489s good just got to keep it away oh no
6491s there is another Comet okay is it
6492s extreme off where it only does one Comet
6494s at the end oh meteor
6497s oh oh I'm too far away I'm too far away
6501s no Dive Dive Dive
6504s I tried to dive it's all right I'll car
6507s for you we SL it we did we only took I
6512s get nothing that
6515s sucks oh man it's all right the reward
6518s box will come for you that was a whole
6520s movie there yeah no it's all right it's
6522s cuz luckily we had feline the feline
6525s coverage and also insurance though oh
6528s man I yeah safe guard thank you very
6531s much well played everyone it's all right
6534s I'll have to multiple cards do did it
6538s that's so sad I feel so feel so
6542s sad so we did it though success what did
6545s you get uh nothing I got nothing you
6549s know you're a
6555s liar yeah hunt yeah when we did to to I
6560s died the good good throwback good
6563s throwback whoever where was that yeah
6566s yeah
6568s knows yeah so you should see my end
6570s screen
6574s anyway fire
6578s yeah yeah that that's good that's
6581s good hey we did it you know it's all
6583s that matters it was exactly and the
6585s carts just make it even funnier yeah
6588s that was pretty funny oh is that is that
6590s why I got Flinch free oh
6594s and wide range there as well oh yeah
6597s okay brilliant that was a good hunt for
6599s me thank you very
6601s much oh man
6604s well we did it we did that was fun now
6608s it's
6610s extreme I'll be so relieved to tell you
6613s that you did it yeah think we're
6614s definitely going to need a temporal
6615s mantle before
6618s we go anywhere near that
6622s one
6625s oh the
6626s Mughal Yay
6628s byebye see you later of
6640s which a thank you Mr M or Mrs M M M yeah
6645s mugh M
6647s friend dragon
6650s soul and a bunch of titles
6653s oh
6664s guys all right should we head back to
6668s the Gathering Hub and close things out
6671s yes let's do it let's do it just going
6673s to talk to the serious
6678s Handler there's the dragon soul and oh
6682s there you go all those
6683s fantasy in
6690s there wonderful that was that was uh
6696s spicy what an ending
6699s man I was so far away I I really I
6703s really tried my best to make it B where
6704s is everyone so close I was so the dive
6708s you literally touch the side of the rock
6711s yeah please it let let me in let me in
6719s yeah there we go exactly well played
6723s everyone though well played we we'll go
6725s out this side this
6727s time but yeah that was that was some fun
6729s hunting uh we actually we actually took
6732s down Behemoth today as well IA could
6735s have gone either way coming into the
6737s stream like 5050 but the community
6740s definitely they got big shoulders you
6742s know
6743s car us for car us we got some nice gear
6747s upgrades as well um I think what do I so
6750s we need to get the temporal mental so
6751s that'll be the teostra lunastra I really
6753s want a teostra gem so maybe I'll get it
6755s from that to upgrade my sword and shield
6757s again for for master rank yeah oh yeah
6759s but no that was that was good um
6761s anything Joe before we
6763s go um just one note so we won't be
6765s streaming next week um we'll be off next
6768s week um not with work stuff but uh with
6772s with with our stream so I will be off
6773s next week so that'll be nice um and then
6776s we'll be back the on the 18th right yes
6779s we will yes and then uh we will actually
6782s be off again on the week of the 22nd um
6786s which I believe that would normally be
6788s April 25th so um next stream will be the
6790s 18th but there won't be another uh
6792s stream this April so um yeah hopefully
6797s that's okay with everybody thanks for
6798s your patience and understanding but um
6800s we'll hope to make some good progress
6802s again on the 18 exactly we need to get
6804s psychologically ready for extreme o I
6807s think and no we won't we won't be doing
6810s any hunts in the background or anything
6812s like that so don't worry like we won't
6814s won't be secretly grinding to try and
6816s look good on stream so yeah yeah no
6818s everything you see is done uh done live
6822s with you all H but no it's a ton of fun
6824s as always um yeah and for those
6827s wondering about when more Monster Hunter
6829s Wilds news will be coming it will be
6831s this summer um so you know when the days
6833s are getting brighter and a bit warmer it
6835s means we're in the right
6837s direction yeah we're in April already
6839s man like this uh this year is going by
6841s quick um it it is yeah yeah so yeah it's
6845s going to be here before you know it so
6847s thanks for the patience everybody and uh
6849s we hope it'll be worth the wait yeah
6851s definitely definitely looking forward to
6853s it and other than that as always I've
6856s been jonno and I'm Joe and you've all
6859s been awesome have a fantastic weekend we
6862s will see you in a couple of weeks and in
6864s the meantime yeah have happy Hunting
6866s take care and uh yeah look after
6868s yourselves all right happy Hunting
6870s everybody and we'll see you
6891s later
6951s a
7011s oh
7041s a
7101s a
7125s oh