about 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
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233s so
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278s [Applause]
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332s so
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516s so
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599s do
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738s do
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792s hello everyone how's it going my name is
794s jono you me a community manager here at
796s monster hunter and it is awesome to see
798s you title update one is live and here we
801s are we're gonna be diving into that
802s content today i hope you've all had an
804s awesome week so far i hope the hunts
805s have been treating you well if you've
806s dived in already
808s yes it's gonna be fun now i'll be diving
811s into title update one for the first time
813s today so i'm looking for i'm trying to
814s make sure my hair doesn't blend into the
816s green screen so don't worry if you start
818s to see me going invisible i'm not going
820s to the shadow realm
822s it's just my green screen but yeah i'm
824s good it's great to see you all thank you
826s for the hellos great to see all the
827s chatter there um yeah so it's going to
830s be good we are playing on nintendo
831s switch today and if you are
833s new to these sort of streams what we do
835s is we put in an open lobby so keep an
837s eye on chat for the id and password we
839s do two hunts and then we rotate and we
842s keep doing that for a couple of hours
844s now we are going to be focusing on the
846s title update one content today so if you
849s are master rank 10 so mr10 or above
852s you'll be able to jump in for the hunts
853s and that's purely because we want to
854s focus on the tu1 content today normally
857s we have like an open door policy
858s everyone's welcome but yeah we will be
860s focusing on title update 1 mr10 plus
863s content today so without further ado
865s let's jump into elgato and see what's
868s going down and what awaits us so here we
871s are
872s and master arlo and bihari are both
875s looking for us
878s and basil geese
881s and then obviously bihari buhari is open
883s for business now with a brand new store
886s that's all linked to the new anomaly
887s quests and anomaly investigations that's
890s right investigations are back and they
892s are better than ever they are going to
894s be really expanding the end game in sun
897s break so i'm really keen to get stuck in
899s there as well
902s so the anomaly research lab is a
904s facility that specializes in researching
906s curio and afflicted monsters
908s conducted and normally researched by
910s anomaly investigations you are normally
912s research points raising your research
914s level once you've accumulated a certain
915s amount raise your anomaly research level
917s to take on harder monsters and quests
918s and unlock normally related content now
921s many have seen as well that you can kind
923s of like in iceborn you can
925s trade or meld
927s for um
928s certain items including mantles
931s but yeah i need to unlock some bits
933s before i can i can do that
937s why would you want to fight a giant wire
939s bug monster we love the wire bugs much
940s like the monk's nails
942s okay so we got to see them basil geese
944s first
946s and we got anomaly investigations the
947s following content is randomly generated
949s in anomaly investigations monsters to
952s encounter quest level locale timeline
954s faints allowed and participants and
956s obviously many people are comparing the
957s quest level obviously quite rightly to
960s the 4u guild quest system and for those
963s who don't know the higher the level the
964s harder the monsters and it gets stronger
966s but you get different rewards as well so
969s it's well worth doing
972s so
973s let's get some hunters in here to join
975s me and then we will dive in and yes we
977s are playing on nintendo switch today got
979s an urgent quest we're going to be going
980s in against even based on these today
983s kind of regret and i haven't made
985s uh my ice and thunder look at my hell
987s i'm blending in i'm like loosened naga
989s cougar today maybe i should just say i'm
991s cosplaying loose at naga cougar i think
994s i think that's the way to go about it
997s come again
999s okay right so here we go get ready
1001s everyone and i need to get my second
1003s keyboard ready um so let's do that
1007s oh i've knocked me camera let's move
1009s that back a bit there we go
1011s there we go that is the the perils of
1013s live streaming so we're going to play
1014s online we're going to create a lobby
1016s we'll just do our usual passcode here
1019s and that is one one two two
1024s we will make that
1029s okay and now get ready everyone
1033s and there is the bits you need so i'm
1036s gonna type that out as well
1043s five
1044s c9 and it is first come first serve so
1047s do jump in as long as you're mr10 or
1049s above
1050s that is awesome
1056s so let's do that and for those that
1057s don't know event quests are returning
1059s august 18th that's right weekly free
1062s content in the form of event quest and
1064s we've already revealed some of the new
1065s rewards and so we've showed a couple of
1067s layered armor sets one of which
1069s obviously is coming straight from
1070s frontier so there's some more frontier
1071s content coming in there which is
1073s delicious
1075s yeah i'm looking forward to that
1076s especially silver wrath because i really
1079s like elemental weapons
1080s my goodness hello so we've got tovaroth
1083s w and miku and they're going to be
1085s helping me on my urgent quest again see
1088s them basically but quickly
1089s normal investigations okay i've got a
1091s few to start with
1093s so and the more i do i can go higher up
1095s the tree as well as collecting bits so
1097s start level 21. so that's not too bad
1099s are we also got level one as well okay
1101s that's cool so we have a selection
1104s all right all right stephen basil you've
1106s got some cool looking gear though i
1107s might make some layers of that congrats
1110s on everyone get to mr 100 as well you
1111s get to go after scorned magna marlow
1113s that's super super cool
1115s that is quite the quite the bold paling
1118s i'm loving that you will not miss that
1120s we've got obviously some of the the
1122s chichay cosplay coming in there
1124s chichay's joining us on the front line
1125s in the hunt
1127s um
1129s right let's let's have a look so
1131s i'm gonna go careful and comfy here
1134s purely because
1135s i've not fought steven and i don't want
1137s to go straight into a car
1139s so we're going to be playing safe we're
1141s going to go double defender medic
1144s yes we are playing on swing today we are
1146s on the nintendo switch but yeah if i
1147s start to disappear that's just me
1149s pretending to do like lucid nagakuga
1151s stuff that's my cosplay
1155s and i've also got a nice ice cold glass
1156s of water because you want to stay
1158s hydrated especially going against fiery
1160s monsters
1165s ah refreshing
1167s so here we go
1169s here we go
1176s yeah definitely going comfy for for a
1178s nuclear bagel
1185s yeah i'm looking forward to this um i
1188s mean those purple scales those volatile
1190s scales they are not to be sniffed at so
1193s let's see what we've got here with the
1194s new cutscene
1200s volvadon and a grenade on there
1207s but wait
1209s there's an invader fiery fruit that
1211s falls from the skies
1214s yeah i'm looking forward to fighting
1216s loose and now concougher especially the
1217s fallen arena and then i'm hoping i get
1219s to fight the the rats
1222s yeah i really want to kind of focus my
1224s need to still select my elemental
1226s weapons like i might swap my gormagala
1229s sword shield through the garage or i
1231s could kind of wait until i'm mr70 and
1233s then
1239s [Music]
1241s poison's your least favorite blight yeah
1243s you want to try and find a hunting horn
1244s user with the heal and poison removal
1246s right yes we're doing a bonus stream
1248s today we'll be streaming as well
1249s tomorrow on pc but you know title update
1251s one dropped in the early hours this
1253s morning so like how can i not how could
1255s i not okay so
1257s i will grab some
1260s some spirit birds now loose it's really
1263s fun that's good to hear that's good
1265s that's what we want as long as
1266s everyone's having fun that's the
1267s important thing
1268s yeah tyler that one though huge like so
1270s you knew a few of the monsters were
1271s coming we dropped two more and obviously
1274s the the expansion there's more um
1276s afflicted monsters there's the anomaly
1279s um
1280s the anomaly investigations which is huge
1283s obviously the curious crafting for
1284s weapons and armor which is really
1287s awesome like honestly i can't wait to
1289s start delving into my builds i've seen
1290s on social media and on reddit people and
1293s steam people diving into the
1295s like you know what they're adding to
1296s their armor like obviously weapons you
1298s know you might go into element or attack
1300s or whatever suits you best but some of
1301s the armor stuff coming out is crazy
1303s combos i'm very envious
1305s hey greedy good to see you
1315s i think i'm in a pretty good place
1316s spirit wise now
1320s so where is steven the big old question
1323s mark
1324s they're the armor i love the glow on the
1326s armor and i think obviously it comes
1327s with guts and then loosen
1329s um
1330s silver and gold wraps have some really
1332s cool new skills we've seen a lot of
1334s chatter around um
1342s yeah so much for customization and the
1344s new armor skills are definitely getting
1346s a lot of chatter i'm looking forward to
1347s silver rafts in particular which we'll
1349s take a look at once we unlock it
1357s we'll go on a little stroll over here
1368s well it's all going down already is that
1369s ratner as well
1371s everybody's here
1373s and uh mcnamara absolutely laser in
1376s season
1379s oh wow
1381s okay this is this is all going off you
1383s know i'm just gonna be like
1389s obviously new monsters means new gear
1390s new weapons and armor upgrades that's
1393s very nice
1397s what are you gonna do you going into the
1398s air huh huh
1401s goodness that's a wide range
1403s okay
1404s okay we're keeping the uh
1408s wow
1409s wow wow through my block okay
1413s okay that's that's how it is
1426s yeah this is uh
1428s this is the lord of explosions
1432s that's just this monstrous obviously i'm
1434s expecting my teammates to probably
1435s support it
1436s so they're they're in extreme place i'm
1438s gonna get some tail button action in
1444s oh here that recovery as well
1447s oh i'm glad i have double defense right
1449s here
1484s oh my goodness yeah ragna kazaki's here
1487s plenty of action on the table
1490s three of us so charge blade switch and
1492s sword and shield all over here insect
1494s flavors obviously ryden ratner and there
1497s it is
1498s that tail does not want to go that's a
1500s tough tail
1504s i'll let one of those one of the
1506s teammates grab the wooden right
1521s oh well we're by the head so you know we
1523s might as well do some work here
1526s build a little bit of stun there
1531s you're going to pop that head back not
1532s close enough
1537s the hunting horn is what i use on pc i'm
1539s actually well there's this i'm actually
1541s a sword and shield mate so whenever i
1543s play on the switch i will mostly use
1544s that however i do
1546s flex to switch jacks and hammer as i'm
1548s learning those
1550s yeah i'm the sword and shield main love
1552s my sword and shield that was a big hit
1554s what the heck was that the fireworks
1556s going off did someone's calico get the
1558s fireworks at that table
1566s i'm loving these new moves wait wait
1568s what was that that was so quick that was
1571s so quick
1572s oh my goodness this is the gormagala
1575s sort of shield
1577s so i made that as soon as i could've
1579s mastered
1580s but i'm probably gonna swap it out
1581s eventually
1582s now with a new uh
1584s film around here i probably will make
1586s like maybe a mountain of silver i fix
1588s that and look at getting a higher dragon
1590s element sort of shield but i absolutely
1592s love this one it looks cool it does the
1594s business good mix of sharpness for um
1613s [Music]
1617s was flying away or just prepping for a
1619s nasty new attack
1621s and another flickering silver shell
1624s what is your set i'm just wearing a
1625s formula zeno set i've got really nice
1627s charm with three attack and three one
1630s slot deco spacers uh
1632s which i use for like elemental slots uh
1634s but yeah just marziano with decorations
1636s um i really like the mazano set but i
1638s will diversify a bit i think with silver
1641s silver wrap
1643s mix and summon so i want to get like
1645s blood right
1649s there
1658s [Music]
1666s thank you for the heal
1674s oh
1675s that felt nice we could do a cap if you
1678s want or a kill i don't mind
1680s i do not mind
1682s oh nice time on the endemic life
1688s nice work everyone that's a fun hunt
1691s that was a good i love the new moves
1693s from season like
1704s again a lot of flickering silver shell
1706s here
1707s got some hard claws
1710s scorching silver wing okay
1714s off you go
1715s go 3w or should i say chichay
1718s a great hunt everyone good stuff
1723s good stuff
1725s yeah i mean yeah like i'm playing with
1727s some very experienced hunters here so
1729s you know they uh they know what's up and
1731s we have two great women rides really
1732s early so that's certainly helped
1737s the passwords one one two two and we'll
1739s share the lobby id after the next time
1744s we're glowing in the dark there
1746s looks more like blue
1748s gear our quest is completed
1751s great first hand though really love the
1753s new moves i'm sure there's a lot more to
1755s that bazel as well
1762s it really depends what's the strongest
1763s armor build there is depending on your
1764s weapons i mean
1766s if you're trying to figure out what
1767s works for your mastering i highly
1768s recommend just building malzaino's set
1770s getting comfy i mean if you're like a
1772s blade master anyway using melee weapons
1774s and then sussing out from there but
1776s there really is no wrong answer is what
1778s set works best for you do you want
1780s damage comfort utility or a mix you know
1783s that's that's the important thing oh
1785s that's a pretty cool end screen
1791s titles look at that
1793s like meteoric slam there
1796s [Music]
1799s where the hunting horn mains out they'll
1801s be dooting around they love a good dude
1803s don't we all though don't we
1807s all we have that stream elements one
1809s i've not updated so don't go by that one
1815s someone wants to talk to me okay proof
1817s with belly uh apache here is okay
1821s yeah we got the patch of heroes
1826s who have i missed
1827s oh okay arlo of course how are we doing
1830s today
1833s oh here they are
1835s in
1846s okay so we'll do silver rathalos first
1849s because
1849s i'm really keen to see what kind of bits
1851s i can make there
1853s really really want that one
1860s okay let's look at the season basil here
1862s so it's called the pride set and look at
1864s this obviously it's going to have a blue
1866s tint because that's what i put on my leg
1868s here but look at the glow i love glows
1870s and armor like i i used to in
1873s iceborn use the layered zora magdaros um
1877s like arch tempered kind of version of
1879s the gear like i love that look at this
1881s look at this this is so
1884s very nice
1886s and skill wise we've got layton power
1888s attack boost earplugs guts attack boosts
1890s speedy and
1891s guts i mean that's a nice utility that's
1893s like a comfort kind of attack my
1895s customer smile is the main reason i've
1897s been banging away at the smith and stuff
1899s all right
1900s it's pretty cool
1903s okay so we've got two urgents to do here
1908s it's going well thanks phantom loving
1910s title update one
1911s okay what's this one greatly increases
1915s yes please and then we'll go comfy i
1918s think we'll
1920s defender and then a little bit more fire
1921s resist because i'm not sure how good my
1923s fire is
1924s guts is like moxie so guts gives you a
1927s moxie
1928s and so basically if you're going to get
1930s one hit or you're going to get hit above
1932s the threshold that would cart you it
1934s doesn't you survive on one hp so i
1936s believe that stats
1942s right so how am i looking here
1944s viruses one
1946s yes
1947s we're not negative
1949s that i'll take that as a win do i have a
1951s trap on me
1953s okay we're good we're good
1956s so we're going to the forlorn arena now
1958s which is brand new to sun break and it
1960s is a
1960s so we say remaster it's a recreation um
1963s of its first alton and the team have
1966s played a lot of attention to make it
1967s like a loving recreation and kind of
1969s making it suitable for this generation
1971s in regards to kind of upping the
1972s atmosphere and
1974s some of the features in there as well
1978s crumbled but still standing tall
1981s this structure no longer serves a
1983s purpose
1986s it simply exists in a vast sea of clouds
1996s um grind for in the end game now you've
1998s got your talismans which i forgot to put
1999s on i need to put my talismans for the
2001s next group there's the um curious
2004s crafting for your weapons and armor
2007s um there's all the anomaly monsters as
2008s well
2010s and the investigation
2011s is super exciting
2015s glad loving all the nice feedback
2031s [Music]
2035s obviously these silver and gold wraths
2037s can go incandescent which is a powerful
2039s new state
2045s tonight
2057s [Music]
2058s all right and we got a hunting horn
2061s let's go hunters
2070s there's a marionette spider
2086s oh just a bit short there
2089s that's a nice mess
2093s great work i'm gonna probably work on
2095s the tail a bit where i can
2098s i reckon that's gonna be quite useful
2100s for me
2110s as you can see you know these
2111s experiences
2113s and damage windows together
2123s as well
2168s gonna see the true power of silver
2182s okay
2197s is it a little loud is it let me know if
2199s it's too loud
2209s yeah let me know if the games
2227s okay i can change that
2231s how's that
2233s let me know if that's better
2236s the wings are lovely i'm gonna sharpen
2238s i'm not gonna be doing too much
2242s slightly better all right let's do it
2244s how about now how about now
2247s turn the game volume down a bit
2252s i can turn the game down
2254s might be a bit dangerous now let me
2255s sharpen
2256s place
2257s i keep bouncing off of you
2261s it's good enough to finish
2269s it's such a tanky monster gotta be very
2271s precise on those hits
2273s okay here's the uh incandescents
2276s oh oh
2278s whoa look how agile it is in the air as
2280s well
2282s these fiery rocks on the floor
2286s oh
2287s nice
2288s okay that's good now
2290s i might have not my cat was playing on
2291s my desk earlier before the stream she
2293s may have uh she may have knocked the
2295s volume that'll be my excuse
2299s silver wrap not messing around now it's
2300s incandescent
2302s are we going to get a kitten that would
2303s be nice
2305s go fight win we'll take that
2308s okay so when it's incandescent it does
2310s more powerful attacks but
2314s nice head break and another paralysis
2319s here with a hunting horn i want to get
2321s near the towel but pick something over
2322s here
2324s enjoying doing it oh
2338s oh there's the kittenata oh and we got
2341s the hit right run run run run run run
2342s run run ah
2344s tough doing an amazing job on the tail
2346s hit perfect that's what we wanted
2352s yeah i think you rolled out of
2354s incandescent stage
2356s i should probably work on some wing bits
2358s here
2360s the wing brakes
2368s messy there if i do say so myself
2371s i'm gonna charge in here
2376s spicy
2377s i still didn't like the sharpness
2380s oh
2382s raised up his chin
2384s yeah the tail is seven well played team
2386s definitely gonna want that for crafting
2388s i reckon
2409s there
2422s get that
2424s lovely damage in
2428s switch skill swap for good measure
2433s we're doing well we're keeping the
2434s staggers going in the knockdown
2439s there we go should we go for the cat do
2441s i have time for a cat
2443s where's my trap
2455s and don't forget the tail everyone come
2458s get your tail you earned it
2466s oh is that
2467s i got a shard from it oh
2469s oh
2471s oh well better than nothing right
2475s full valve strikes arm is a good start
2476s as you go into master rank that's not a
2478s bad shot at all
2483s that was a fun fight those those big
2484s moves
2485s oh
2487s oh a rather lost mantle the little old
2490s me on the capture awards that's cool we
2492s got we got an extra fel wing as well
2494s so yeah that's good
2496s and we got a load of melding pudding as
2498s well yummy yummy
2500s we love the pudding
2502s and we're getting outfit vouchers from
2503s non anomaly monsters as well so that's
2507s cool good hunt and what i'm going to do
2509s i'm going to put the lobby id in chat
2511s now because we're going to rotate out so
2512s if you're going to join me to take on
2514s gold wrathion
2516s um and whatever maybe loosen naga
2518s cougars next i think
2519s let's hop in
2521s yeah you can you can trade for the
2522s mantles now with bihari but obviously i
2525s think it takes a fair bit of resources
2527s um
2529s who wants to talk to me
2531s but well played thank you torvaroff w
2533s and miku good to see you as always great
2536s hunts
2538s thank you for that
2542s bad don't be shy natural don't be shy
2546s so we have another sword and shield user
2548s lss keyshawn there
2550s good to see you until next time torv
2556s that was a good hunt i like that i like
2558s that
2560s and we got the great laggy and rye there
2562s so we've got dual blade sword and shield
2564s allowance so we're mixing it up a little
2565s bit so let's look at silver wrap glass
2567s because i'm really really excited by
2569s this set so i'm gonna have to do a
2571s little bit of farming i need the tail i
2573s need a couple of tails
2574s yeah i'll be i need three tails for the
2576s armor so i'm gonna be farming a little
2578s bit here um so critical boost
2580s redirection so it's got redirection on
2581s it as well which is a very popular skill
2583s i've been seeing a lot of on social
2585s media so we want the waist for elemental
2587s exploit the arms the crickle animal and
2589s the chest okay craig
2591s it's just such a great
2594s great armor set for element oh i'm gonna
2596s be hunting a lot of silver rather loss
2598s oh my goodness and let's take a look at
2600s it as well
2602s like well obviously it's got a blue tint
2609s okay so let's check about weapon
2610s upgrades as well because i've got the
2612s rathalos sword and shield currently
2614s maxed out i think so the silver athlete
2616s okay what do we need
2619s so we need
2620s okay
2621s okay i definitely want that i love the
2623s design as well
2625s oh the affinity the element oh my
2628s goodness oh it's such an increase that's
2631s beautiful oh
2633s oh my goodness so i can keep it as it is
2635s i lose a little bit of element
2637s and a little bit of raw though
2639s i'll put everything master him and
2641s taught me good use
2643s actually there's a toss up here do i
2645s want all that affinity in there
2647s decision decisions decisions decisions
2650s yeah half silver half gold
2652s okay right so okay hunters
2656s okay
2657s time for
2658s the other half of the coin
2660s gold wrathion
2664s hey miku it's a pleasure it's a pleasure
2667s hello to peru
2672s okay i need another another trap i i
2675s quite like trapping the rafts they're
2676s they're a cool bunch you know
2680s all right so i'm expecting a lot of
2681s poison and a lot of fire here
2685s yeah enjoy the stream and you know next
2687s feel free to jump in
2688s you know
2689s never worry it's all good we'll go for a
2691s miracle worker again and we'll go for
2693s the defender of fire because that worked
2695s well last time
2699s and then once we've done the
2702s four new monsters we will head over to
2703s anomaly investigations because i'm
2705s really excited about those i really want
2707s to dig into that and start upgrading my
2709s favorite weapons and gear oh look how
2711s bold and bright the mean green team over
2713s here
2715s there we go ry there looking very again
2717s overlord vibes right here love it love
2719s it and what we got here the great the
2721s great leggy where are you going maggie
2723s oh that's very cool like special agent
2726s kind of like straight from the guild
2729s all right let's go
2730s don't have ryze right now i mean i am
2732s biased i love ryze and if you play on pc
2734s it's 49 off on steam at the moment
2737s um so yeah you know if you want to dive
2739s in it's a very good time and there's the
2741s black belt s gear and the defender
2743s weapon so you can like kind of
2746s streamline
2746s through low and high rank and get into
2748s sun break that that much quicker
2751s you want to reap a ghost herrera
2753s is really popular especially i really
2755s like gossarrage mastering and the
2757s afflicted version like absolute brawler
2760s kind of like a pub brawler is going out
2763s swinging
2765s it's true
2766s so it's worth trying nine tails
2769s yeah the new locale is really cool lily
2771s you're right
2772s i it's very misty and like
2778s taking on kashala
2782s nothing can stop mine there she is the
2784s queen
2793s look at that agility
2795s oh
2796s the infamous tail whip there
2800s oh the poison obviously keshala famously
2802s and historically weak to poison
2805s oh here we go
2808s the illustrious queen good to see you
2810s goldaron
2811s good to see you
2814s kashala's getting bullied well it makes
2816s a change from poor ratholos right
2825s okay right
2833s [Music]
2837s how did you get the new area so you need
2839s to be mr10 or above and you need to do
2842s master arlo's urgent quests
2845s and then it will take you and look at
2846s this and i know that i think when you
2847s fight lucifer it's night time and the
2850s moon's out so i'm looking forward to
2852s that oh the tail whip are we going to
2854s get something sneaky
2857s once again the tail i'm gonna really
2858s really want
2860s yeah i'm gonna definitely be
2861s punching a lot of these monsters
2863s a lot of the metal wraps
2869s oh and it's venom as well not just
2870s normal poison it's it's the
2873s even spicier poison
2879s i'm waiting for like a second one
2881s goodness
2884s glad i got herbal medicine
2888s oh very kind
2890s what i'm going to do
2894s get the uh
2896s there we go michelle and demon powder
2904s oh nice marionette spider coming in
2906s nicely there and in for the stun
2908s let's do some work on the tail here
2910s oh is this asleep
2913s i
2927s oh the double simultaneous matsu there
2932s he's coming down now if i can catch your
2934s head oh the hunter nod's ready lag is
2936s ready for the sonic bloom come here
2940s lance is going for it as well with the
2942s silk line attacks
2946s just gotta watch out for those backflips
2947s because they're gonna be devastating
2958s when she's not incandescent
2960s can't do as much damage to that head
2963s but we will endeavor to try
2968s to do some stunt damage
2972s nice mess you counter i do say so myself
2977s oh the tail whip into more fireballs
2980s okay okay respect that
2986s [Music]
2992s oh
2994s i think defender definitely propped
2995s there yamato you're gonna give us a
2998s kitten aids that perfect let's try and
3000s line up for sale ah yes wonderful
3003s wonderful time in right
3009s table damage
3013s can we get the last jab tonight too high
3015s too high
3017s oh incandescent stay
3021s give me that
3023s tail
3028s oh
3029s just missed
3032s we still got a bit of purple sharpness
3035s nice hit there
3037s nice
3040s lovely oh and another one for good
3041s measure
3043s and we are by the tail so we try and get
3044s a few hits in here
3047s being keyshawn
3049s saw the shield crew
3053s put that into another knockdown nice
3056s oh my goodness you gotta get right at
3057s the tip of that tail otherwise you are
3059s gonna bounce
3061s those are used to fighting gold rat will
3063s know that from iceborn
3068s my favorite frontier monster i don't
3070s know a ton of frontier monsters but i'm
3071s loving the espinosas here
3076s oh i didn't quite get my message in time
3078s okay we've got the tail coming in i'm
3080s gonna see a second spin yeah anything
3082s else though
3087s [Music]
3089s or if i go ahead
3091s or maybe you had
3093s me hunting on sonic but oh
3099s straight back in for the counter attack
3109s we are we are getting out of there
3111s proper helpful medicine
3112s straight back in lovely work okay out of
3115s incandescent state
3123s well that's handy
3125s look at the healing bubbles
3132s oh
3132s whoa we went over i'll say maybe i did
3135s that a little bit soon
3136s but we went over stunned a gation is
3138s always nice especially against hard
3139s hitting monsters to hit
3141s repeatedly as well
3143s oh i could
3144s expect that
3147s i've got my herbal medicine
3151s here i come bonk
3154s oh very nice
3159s nice flash bomb
3161s yeah she's much tanky when she's not
3163s incandescent we got the head break
3164s though
3171s i don't know i'm not running poison
3172s resist um
3181s oops i need to restock a barrel box
3194s no
3196s i did it too soon sorry
3198s we still got the big bomb though i
3199s apologize for that we still got some big
3201s damage but i did it a bit too soon
3203s bit too soon
3205s sorry hunter
3220s oh incandescent okay come on tail
3224s give it up
3230s oh here comes a big attack
3233s a spin to win
3239s hello
3242s please i would like to get the tail oh
3245s no just making it hard
3249s okay i'm in a dangerous situation
3255s uh let's get a dusting line
3258s are you okay let's heal up everyone
3259s while i'm at it
3261s there we go
3263s get
3273s she is going for it
3275s don't blame her
3292s she is angry the queen is not amused
3296s at least i can use my blood right to
3298s heal off that broken head
3318s oh we got the cat we landed the shield
3320s bash at the end oh nice
3322s is that knocked down okay we just
3323s knocked her out of incandescent we must
3325s be near another stun though
3326s that would be ideal for a bit of tail
3328s damage me and keyshawn like please
3332s that's got to be a lot of nice stun
3333s damage there
3335s comes the tail
3342s keep it up team
3349s [Music]
3356s just missed
3372s come here come here
3378s yeah we're doing a double stream today
3379s elite
3380s we do switch today and pc tomorrow and
3383s i'm hoping we might we might have the
3386s usa community manager joe with me for
3389s his first stream you can see him on
3390s steam right now me and him doing a
3392s commentary from title update one digital
3394s event
3395s um
3396s yeah hopefully we'll have joe with us
3398s tomorrow
3408s come here tail
3409s ah
3411s get down here
3414s i will keep swinging
3432s come here oh it's it's taunting me
3435s nice trap yes we got the tail great work
3438s everyone okay and we can do a cap now
3441s if we want so
3442s let's put down a pitfall we'll go for
3444s the trap
3454s and don't forget the tail so we captured
3456s silver and gold wrath
3458s so they can catch up back at camp
3461s yeah we got the tell right at the end
3463s and another shard oh no i'm getting i
3465s spawned flashbacks when i was farming
3467s tales and i kept getting shards oh
3470s oh
3471s what a tease
3474s my goodness
3476s but we've got a great hunt as well again
3478s like real fun real aggressive like
3480s they're right speedy
3484s hey fox good to see you
3486s and another mantle from the cap
3489s yes we're doing well we're doing well on
3491s those mantels which we definitely need
3493s for those upgrades
3495s there's some extra atmospheres got some
3497s plunder items
3500s nice
3505s that was that was a nice mantra i had a
3506s ruby for sebastian as well
3509s good job everyone all right so i think
3510s we might get loose at night cougar next
3512s what's loosened nakakuga weak to
3516s which one
3518s oh the argosy pickup box is full quickly
3527s ice okay i don't have an ice weapon
3530s ready she's weak to damage
3532s that's a very good point
3535s hey wrathion mantle fierce today yeah
3540s okay loosen cougar here we go this is
3543s like the
3546s the headline monster arguably
3552s look at that that my cosplay there lucid
3554s naga cougars just like blending it time
3556s to use those luna garan weapons i
3558s haven't made it yet upgraded i'm gonna
3560s have to use my gorma gala weapon again
3570s i'm playing on switch at the moment but
3571s we'll be streaming on pc tomorrow
3575s for those that are pc inclined
3579s okay so
3580s i think
3584s we will just go comfy
3589s double comfy because it looks like this
3591s monster hits really hard and fast and
3593s can go invisible
3594s [Music]
3596s yeah we're sinking well keyshawn i'm
3598s loving it you know sword and shield
3601s sinking up bar look at that the kashala
3603s palamu
3605s so we are going up against lucent naga
3607s cougar
3609s oh barrel bombs thank you sky flake i
3612s feel like i can actually contribute more
3613s when i actually have those i should set
3615s up like an equipment
3616s set oh sorry i am set and i can just
3618s refresh every time it should stop being
3620s lazy while everyone else sets up though
3622s we will look at the gold wrathion so
3625s we've got gold loon
3627s which looks very cool obviously
3629s it goes well with the blue mix and
3631s there's a very interesting new skill on
3632s here called status trigger which people
3635s really really seem to like um
3637s and defiance is a very interesting one
3639s as well
3641s so defiance increases defense when large
3644s monsters become enraged so a bit like
3646s agitator but on the defensive side right
3648s so
3650s you know when you look at the max
3651s version of it while active nullifies
3653s weak strong and powerful so you
3655s basically got earplugs there wind and
3656s dragon wind and tremors and defense plus
3659s 30 like oh my goodness and then on
3662s status trigger which i've seen dual
3664s blades loving um i saw canter perme was
3666s using it on twitter
3668s with the paralysis dual blades so
3671s performer perfectly time evaded justice
3673s monster attracts the trigger abnormal
3674s state it's built upon hit and that lasts
3676s for 12 seconds at the max level and it
3679s really bumps up status like status is
3681s getting some love for that set as well
3684s yeah it's good to have you sebastian
3687s oh yeah i need to look at the weapon you
3688s got the insurance thank you kishon that
3690s is very friendly of you i need to see is
3693s it is the gold rathian sort of shield
3695s back because i i love the wrathian
3698s sunshield that likes raw and poison
3702s let's see is it back is it the lunatic
3704s rose is back i need three wings okay
3707s how does it compare
3709s oh it's it's it you get you lose a tiny
3711s bit of like 10 raw but you get more
3714s white sharpness
3716s more poison and a lot more fancy at a
3718s slot like
3719s i will probably upgrade to that when i
3721s have enough parts i reckon
3725s okay status trigger makes me think of
3727s devil trigger as well
3729s um
3731s let's get
3733s get double trigger playing in my head
3737s just like swap it out for like monster
3738s hunter stuff so like all these monsters
3740s inside of my head
3744s center look forward to devon the weekend
3746s is mere days away now
3748s let's see let's see uh loose and naga
3750s cougars intro is like i'm starting to
3751s blend in again
3753s and you'll notice that the full-load
3754s arena has a different aesthetic this
3756s time obviously because lucian arka
3757s cougar gets its invisibility powers from
3760s its birth
3761s and the moon's
3763s light brilliance
3768s and with unmatched speed
3772s good point nate made the mines is this
3774s size one deck so you can get it into
3775s your gig quite
3781s easily lucifer is your favorite hunt so
3784s firefox that's really cool
3786s that's really cool
3789s here we go and it is now night time and
3791s look at that aesthetic
3793s on the shooting stars as well and i
3795s think the moon will be there when we
3797s when we hop down
3801s so we got hunting horn lance and two
3803s swords and shields
3804s love it love it love it
3807s here we go
3809s let's go i forgot to pop myself do that
3813s when we get down there
3816s where where is it oh there's the moon
3817s look in the tower
3819s isn't that beautiful well there's lucy
3821s nagakuga coming into view
3824s all right let's go
3827s let the others get the endemic life
3832s i did that way too soon oh no
3835s that backdrop though
3838s right loosen i know lucy's got poison
3839s attacks now i'll have to be wary for
3841s that i have my herbal medicine ready
3843s where are you where are you
3845s oh
3847s like a much more aggressive camellias
3862s hey how's it going team dark side
3865s how you doing welcome welcome
3868s oh i did it again with the raw
3873s oh and we got a snooze sleep and i've
3875s got barrel bombs this time
3878s thanks to the reminder from chat
3888s should i try if i watch
3892s one
3897s i can't count
3901s that was the third one i missed the
3903s first one whoopsie daisy
3905s oh well at least you know the hunting
3907s got to do the sonic's bloom activation
3909s that's what we want
3911s oh didn't quite get the n1
3916s there it is gotta watch out for those
3917s red glowing eyes
3925s oh
3926s that is a hot hit
3936s i'm liking these attacks they're really
3937s keeping you on the edge not what you
3939s expect either especially considering
3941s there's four of us like lucien's really
3943s doing well at like bouncing between us
3945s oh here comes some nasty poison stuff oh
3948s nice flash
3954s keep up the pressure
3960s double tape there
3962s i was thinking about a hill but i was
3963s like i'll take advantage of her loosen
3965s being a bit stuck and gets head down
3970s nice paralysis can i reach the tail yeah
3974s well i say yeah i need to get a little
3976s bit closer
3982s we're gonna get a kitten here maybe
3983s maybe get a mega boomerang we'll take
3985s that
3989s oh okay that's right we still got above
3991s it and got some damage through mega
3993s boomerang
3994s as well
4000s i need to turn around here so i can
4002s actually get my metoo
4005s off oh
4022s let's focus on the head for the stun
4023s damage
4024s i'll have to find a sharp opportunity
4026s soon
4028s i reckon
4035s did that too soon
4036s way too soon but better safe than sorry
4040s you can never sit
4041s the most mysterious turf war in all of
4044s monster hunter
4047s maybe chameleous is here right now there
4049s could be a chameleon in this room right
4051s now and we wouldn't know
4053s not until our like mega potion started
4055s disappearing suspiciously
4058s but hey
4060s emilio sneaks out
4069s there that'll slow it down a little bit
4071s the speed is definitely losing my kakuka
4073s strength
4089s let the hunting horn do its thing right
4090s i'll watch carefully i've not got enough
4092s to do a metsu anyway oh they've been
4094s crafting more bombs respect
4097s respect
4098s loosen one of your favorite wow losing
4100s the scorn best two that's high praise
4102s that is awesome to see it's a very fun
4104s fight bit different to what we're used
4105s to
4112s i think one more
4115s okay one more this time
4121s did i know i didn't get it right that
4122s time but it's all okay we still got like
4124s a thousand damage from the med student
4126s sonic bloom went off
4127s is glimmering in the moonlight it's
4129s awesome isn't it
4130s absolutely beautiful i love how the map
4133s changes for loosening
4135s very good for thematics and lore
4143s are the lance they're using it silk
4144s finder track attack to track the
4147s movement of loosen that is super useful
4150s oh i'm glad i dodged that
4152s yeah so right there using the lance to
4154s still find attack so you can see through
4156s the invisibility
4161s i'm just gonna keep hard bash combo
4162s going here
4164s seems to be doing the trick
4169s that is some big brain plays respect for
4171s the lance there
4178s very smart plays
4180s oh
4181s that ship damage through the shield
4184s so i can get your tail
4186s [Applause]
4188s a now flash
4190s take that right on its mouth as well
4191s it's like it's caught a fish
4194s a catfish even
4199s even with the silk finder now they're
4201s trying to keep track is
4203s wow
4204s okay this is this is really engaging i
4206s really like this you've really got to
4208s stay focused
4212s whoa i got volley
4215s thousand iq lance plays there yeah
4217s respected allowance there
4221s here i come
4224s watch out oh the poison got me
4231s should probably get my herbal medicine
4233s in
4235s nice flight again elemental attack boost
4238s then i just go and eat that and punch
4240s that
4243s should probably heal up let's not be
4244s greedy
4247s oh
4250s i'm trying to be short of the tail i
4252s think they've been working away hard at
4253s it
4260s that roar catches me every time doesn't
4262s it
4267s where are you
4283s you know what i thought i need to defend
4285s the kittenator do it yamato fire the
4288s cannon
4292s must have stayed by the head otherwise i
4293s would go to the tail here
4297s hunting on having a wonderful time
4301s okay got the goods back up whoa
4304s that gap closure where's my kidney there
4310s waiting for the commander to come up and
4311s go yo that's where my dragonator went
4316s oh we caught the tail
4319s okay where are you where are you
4322s oh i scratched my nose at the worst
4324s possible time there
4326s thank you for the flash
4341s watch my sharpness i don't want to
4342s probably be in blue
4344s or i'll like bounce off or something
4345s i'll just see just my hands
4348s compared to white and purple
4354s use the hard battery combo to protect
4357s what's left of my sharpness a little bit
4359s oh we parried it very nice
4362s right are you looking at me
4366s [Music]
4368s right not happy about that
4371s it's like casually sharpening like don't
4372s mind me fighting the invisible monster
4375s okay look for those red eyes oh my
4376s goodness they dash around
4380s that is very cool very intimidating
4388s oh we got a nice bonk there
4390s oh we nearly got above the table spirit
4393s yeah lucina cougars all about turning
4395s invisible that is the big thing about
4398s losing arkansas their special abilities
4400s very meleosy but much more aggressive
4402s arguably
4409s oh dodging through the mets you huh why
4412s you got oh oh
4413s it's like a playful cat but you
4416s murderous baby hat
4420s come here
4423s okay watching the
4425s silk
4429s goodness
4430s i love how aggressive and how mobile it
4432s is
4433s okay we've nearly got it we could go for
4435s the trap but it's probably closer to
4437s being like
4438s taken down i could
4444s but then it is a cute kitty okay you've
4446s sold me
4448s maybe i sold myself
4450s you gave us a good hunt let me cap you
4465s you earned the cap loosen
4466s you earned the cap
4469s well played everyone good hunt
4472s murderous people guess it like a normal
4474s cat yeah pretty much
4477s yeah we'll give loose and argue cougar
4479s all of the moonlight and treats it would
4481s like
4483s that was a good hunt that was fun
4486s so that means as well we're going to be
4487s opening up the lobby again
4491s so there's the lobby id and the password
4492s is one one two two got some nice parts
4495s there
4498s a few extra bits from the plunder
4508s yeah lance did some great work there
4511s that was some good stuff really really
4512s pleased
4514s we are playing on switch today we'll be
4515s playing on pc tomorrow though yeah
4517s there's a sailor who wants to talk to me
4519s on the master arlo i think you're fierce
4521s today yeah
4528s which i'm super excited to try so we
4530s have
4532s salafar
4535s and
4537s who else is hopping in
4541s no we rotate every two hunts we rotate
4543s with two hands
4547s thank you rye
4553s and we've got midnight there
4555s on the insect glaive and who else is
4557s joining us
4558s and we have uh kunai there or cuny sorry
4561s if i got the mispronounced
4562s got the pronunciation wrong um
4566s so let's look at the loosened car
4570s so we've got the lucent marker gear
4571s which is very snazzy like obviously i've
4573s put a blue tint on it um ability wise so
4577s handicraft ammo agitator critical boost
4579s sneak attack so sneak attack's really
4580s interesting and i've seen on twitter
4582s like south slayer
4583s saying about how this is potentially
4585s very nice for gun lands um so sneak
4588s attack is a new skill
4589s where it increases your attack power
4592s when you're attacking the monster from
4594s behind
4595s and up to 12
4597s as well
4600s so that is a fun one so now we're going
4602s to go help out our buddy buhari and
4604s we're going to be doing anomaly
4605s investigations
4607s so what shall we do
4609s what shall we do
4611s let's start with a higher level one
4614s and let's start
4616s with
4617s we could do a wrathion or we've done a
4619s round what we did gold rush so maybe we
4620s do
4623s let's do i mean i enjoy show that cena
4625s tour that's always a fun one let's do
4626s angela though okay we'll do a afflicted
4630s and investigation
4637s and i need to work on getting my more
4638s elementary weapons
4642s thanks for jumping in sebastian i'll be
4643s there in a moment sneak attack for jaw
4645s blades i bet your blades are all over
4646s the place so yeah they'll be they'll be
4648s loving life
4653s okay i'm gonna take insurance because i
4655s can i've got the opportunity to and i've
4657s been taking some you know reward items
4659s so it's only fair i pull my weight
4661s and i do my bit when insurance comes up
4665s oh salafi you can't do that one can you
4668s okay
4669s uh we'll do a lower level one
4672s i think we can do an 11
4676s can you do
4677s 11.
4678s oh okay that's fine we'll do an 11.
4680s let's see um
4689s who do you want to do
4690s let's do yo
4695s we like diamond we like the crab
4697s do some crab battles
4701s and we'll see what see what this gets us
4706s thanks natural
4709s now that's cool devon like nicely done
4711s like good on you
4716s it's okay
4717s it's quite all right my friend
4724s we'll take everyone likes to fight a
4725s crab we'll do daimyo see you see how the
4727s investigation plays out because i know i
4729s think you can gather bits as well to to
4730s increase your level more
4732s um
4733s oh did i leave without you sorry zalapa
4739s you know it is your you know did i did i
4741s leave without you
4742s sorry yeah jump in
4744s oh
4745s we'll leave you some goodies don't worry
4747s okay the crab crab is under water
4750s unsurprisingly
4756s so yeah i should look out for stuff to
4757s gather i know part breaks are really
4759s good as well
4765s so i know i've seen like mushrooms are
4767s one such thing
4770s and i've seen apparently
4772s apparently
4774s apex monsters appear in investigations
4777s so we've seen like apex is euros there
4779s all right
4782s i'm happy
4784s take this
4787s no slap please
4791s i did that too soon
4793s but now i have blood light so i can heal
4795s from attacking you
4805s come back i must heal
4813s oh there's the curie
4815s fits to attack
4827s don't be shellfish
4830s oh glad we went under under dino there
4833s oh is that a whip and ride bishop head
4836s we like that
4853s [Music]
4856s i keep forgetting to
4857s do some melding
4861s [Music]
4869s oh yeah going underneath using the i
4871s love shield bash one of my favorite
4872s moves
4875s oh we got the pop in the air and the
4877s paralysis
4886s okay so we need to get those legs
4889s there we go that's what we want
4892s maybe do some work on that shell
4899s it's got a nice shoe
4901s oh
4910s i didn't stop at the bowers again did i
4912s can't believe it
4916s they're barrels for me this time
4920s what time you're tired daimyo
4928s sorry absolutely fantastic damage
4931s opportunity
4933s yeah spirit birds are really really
4935s really useful against fighting puffer
4937s monsters if you climb up like normally
4939s would go for them but i'm quite
4940s comfortable with this monster
4942s um even in its conflicted state are we
4946s going to get kidnapping
4954s if i quickly sharpen
4956s there
4960s [Music]
4968s so the blunt damage is where really
4970s where it's at
4973s nice
4974s playing clues for a new investigation i
4976s guess your heartbreaks can do this as
4977s well so you want to be
4979s looking for opportunities
4987s oh
4989s the crab animation is great when it's
4990s running isn't it the team like
4993s lovingly
4994s crafts all these monsters and how they
4996s move and behave even when you're not
4998s fighting them like you know when they're
5010s look at the damage per second
5019s [Music]
5027s big damage that is the key to making
5028s these down quickly
5031s popping those
5032s red areas
5034s and it stops the monster supernova as
5035s well
5037s come back here
5039s come back here
5047s so it might get an egg in the face
5049s it is afflicted as well
5055s off we go
5059s go find the great wire bug take a
5060s shortcut oh no i kind of messed it up a
5063s bit
5066s part of me
5083s ah nice work with the whiffer riding
5085s huliaku has been commented
5087s great work there so we've updated our
5089s anomaly investigations we're going to
5091s see what that means
5092s uh once we've got our cars by curio
5096s they're off to find a new host
5098s so we've got some afflicted blood as
5100s well obviously for our upgrades
5106s yeah the movement feels so good doesn't
5108s it
5111s oh there we go look there are some
5113s some mysterious bits there to collect
5118s see if we can find any other curio's
5120s still in the air
5123s we got spirit
5124s spirits
5127s spirit beds
5131s trap bugs
5133s [Music]
5136s we're about to go back to elgato
5141s any clues here no these are normal
5143s nitrate streams hey zucchini have you
5144s seen any uh anomaly investigation clues
5147s the game needs more crabs we want more
5149s crabs
5155s very nice nicely done
5160s so we've got some interesting quest
5162s rewards here that are new so we've got
5164s an investigation coin i believe we use
5166s these to trade with buhari
5170s then we've got amber essence it can be
5172s used as a material for curious craft and
5175s we'll go check that out when we get back
5184s master right there points obtained okay
5186s so we got 212 that normally research
5188s level 22 so that means i think we'd
5189s obviously get level 22 investigation so
5191s we've got a level 15 daimyo and a level
5193s 12 great azuchi and some new titles as
5196s well
5197s uh mastering's going up nicely too so
5199s i'm going to do crimson glow
5202s so we're going to go and investigate
5203s what that means for us um i think manila
5206s will be like hey
5207s i've got some goodies for you obviously
5209s my night cougar hair cosplay there
5211s kicking in again
5219s okay yeah my nail what's uh what's going
5222s uh we're gonna talk to buhari afterwards
5224s as well
5226s curious crafting
5228s i'll be here when you need complete
5231s uh these materials can use further
5232s enhance your gear
5234s so breaking bars for carbon during
5236s afflicted
5238s so high quality materials okay that's
5240s what we're doing okay
5241s let's take a look you can use materials
5243s from reflective monsters to augment your
5244s weapons armor via curious crafting
5246s however you must first enable
5247s augmentation or not to do so okay so we
5250s need to enable it once fully upgraded
5251s weapons then only fully upgraded weapons
5253s and mr can be augmented weapons have
5255s been nominated cannot be rolled back so
5257s it's kind of like you know commit so for
5259s example i mean i'll probably upgrade
5261s that one so i'm not gonna
5264s um
5265s let's look at this okay so to enable
5268s augmentation you need some effective
5269s materials
5272s so let's use absolutely to farm some
5274s more
5275s so one two
5278s there we go
5282s okay so weapons that are able to be
5283s augmented have exclusive plot slots
5285s called anomaly slots you can enhance
5287s your weapon stats by equipping
5288s augmentations
5291s each augmentation will change your
5292s weapon stats in a unique way okay so we
5295s need to get a nice balance i mean
5296s because that means i could boost my
5298s element if i wanted to
5300s um but i need okay i need afflicted
5302s bones so that's what i need to get for
5303s element
5304s sharpness
5306s i need okay so i think they're newer
5308s ones
5309s so we really need to get kind of farming
5311s for those okay
5313s so i can put my attack up for example
5315s that would give me five raw which is
5317s really cool okay let's look at the armor
5321s so what one am i definitely probably
5322s going to keep the waist is really cool
5324s but i know i need that for the other
5325s stuff
5326s about the helm weakness why bug i
5335s love that is a really nice helmet as
5337s well
5340s it's got my
5343s let's use this as an example okay so you
5345s need to i need amber essence okay so as
5347s you farm you you get the goodies that's
5349s cool
5351s okay so let's go talk to bihari and see
5353s what's in buhari's shop
5356s so as you can see there's so much more
5357s coming to the end game like yeah there's
5360s tons for us to do now
5362s and get even stronger
5364s okay so the investigation coins obtained
5365s from anomaly investigations can be
5367s exchanged for use of items at the
5368s anomaly research lab more items will be
5370s added to the lineup as you hunt specific
5372s monsters so the more you do the more
5373s will be popped in there you'll even find
5375s curious crafting materials among them so
5376s make sure to check out once you've got
5377s some coins
5379s the anomaly research lab posts research
5381s requests to advance anomaly research
5383s complete them provide bonuses to
5384s research points and after completing the
5385s set number you can report to buhari to
5387s collect rewards okay so we definitely
5389s want to do some of those so chit chat
5392s okay
5395s so item exchange so you can get amber
5397s essence
5399s and then obviously look here's the orbs
5401s the mantels are in there and the bible
5403s plus like
5406s and this is only just the start as well
5408s only just the start
5411s so that's really really cool
5416s and you can even
5417s so okay what's my request sorry i want
5419s to check the request okay research
5421s requests slay an afflicted
5423s the afflicted asuras at level 21 or
5425s higher
5426s expires after four quests
5429s so
5429s okay maybe we try and do that if the
5431s next lobby has
5433s high enough people will try and do that
5434s one
5436s uh investigation point 50.
5442s so we will uh
5444s more investigations are available
5447s there is so much potential there it's
5449s really exciting
5451s you can search for anomaly
5452s investigations based on level and target
5454s monster make use of this feature when
5455s you're looking for a specific
5456s investigation the quest counter can
5458s adopt 120 anomaly investigations at time
5460s when a new investigation appears the
5461s oldest one will be deleted immediately
5463s you can lock them as well so you don't
5465s use them that's really cool
5467s i mean i don't think i've got a level 21
5468s as euros yet have i no
5471s but we do have a level 12 great azuchi
5479s so we'll do that one
5482s i didn't check the special uh
5484s things make sure it's not a two-player
5485s one
5487s so i need an is
5489s euros yes so you unlock
5493s master rank layered armor once you've
5494s completed the story in sun break so you
5496s need to complete the story and get to
5498s master rank 10 and do i think the first
5500s uh anomaly quest which is afflicted at
5502s zeros and then you unlock the ability to
5503s do mastering layered armor
5515s we'll go all out on this one booster
5531s this azuchi who's boss
5533s so i take it then to do the 21 and above
5535s you need to be mr16 up i think that must
5538s be the case
5543s so here we go
5545s great zucchini now stronger than ever
5547s well at level 12 for now
5550s yes i need to try and get in his euros
5552s at level 21 or above
5554s to get some bahari goodness
5562s okay so okay so zucchini's actually
5564s behind us
5566s fair enough we'll go that way
5569s yeah it's first come first serve liam um
5571s so as long as you're mr10 and above that
5574s is all good
5577s clues
5578s give us the clues
5588s look at that great azuchi oh my goodness
5591s good shot on the mining outcome i
5592s totally fought past that we'll grab the
5594s lantern part as well
5599s emma 100 nice you've been off the score
5601s in fact
5602s then
5609s okay so the tail is what we want to get
5612s whoa here it comes
5614s hey
5615s oh my goodness what did i hit there that
5618s was like a super med suit
5621s beautiful oh
5625s that felt really satisfying
5634s there's another one for good measure
5638s [Music]
5645s oh it's all going down here the damage
5647s numbers
5648s greater zucchini being a little raptor
5650s they're having a
5651s having a
5652s rough time
5655s we need to stop it from doing its
5657s vicious hail attacks
5666s glad i blocked that
5671s goodness
5673s cloud
5678s well this one hopefully we should we
5679s should be able to burn through this one
5681s heartbreak some more clues
5684s very nice
5689s pull the charge forward
5699s good stuff team good
5706s big hits oh and there's the stan
5708s [Music]
5711s loving those big numbers on sword and
5713s shield
5714s feels real nice
5725s when are we gonna get asleep we are
5727s getting asleep get sharp and i didn't
5729s bring bombs again
5734s all right i guess we'll let the hunting
5735s horn do the big dude sorry i haven't got
5737s bombs okay i apologize
5741s just hit mr70 nice one elite frost yeah
5744s i'm gaining on that i'll be there soon
5746s and crimson glow valve tracks
5750s that cooney do the honors if you
5752s if you assuming you've got sonic blue
5759s oh it's not charge blade is going in
5762s here we go
5765s oh that was delicious
5768s well played
5783s the sleep anyway
5786s [Music]
5792s damaged
5801s the extra hp there they're getting from
5803s this level already
5807s nice nearly defeated
5808s keep it up gang
5811s [Music]
5818s maybe i'll get parried by my own team
5821s even more power
5824s [Music]
5829s using this shield a lot of rocks it
5830s doesn't produce my sharpness
5837s well played everyone good job
5841s that was marvelous so what i'm gonna do
5844s i'm gonna put the lobby id back in and
5846s password is one one two two
5850s so i'm chasing that as euros
5851s investigation nothing personal buddy
5857s thank you crazy much appreciated
5860s got those thick furs and thick hives
5865s good hunt everyone
5867s good hunt
5869s but i like that bahari kind of has some
5870s stuff you can chase as well if you want
5872s you to further boost your gear hey
5874s zalapal there and the gold magala stuff
5876s love to see it
5879s oh yeah nothing can stop me
5885s [Music]
5890s good job midnight having a little
5891s victory dance there
5893s oh
5894s and the gorma gala gear
5898s i think there's a mix of gear though on
5899s that one
5902s our quest is
5909s completed it might be worth manually
5911s pushing it just to be sure bobby
5928s that's just me behind the monster like
5930s swinging like yeah
5931s yeah it's good to have the prance back
5933s everyone was so pleased to have it back
5935s which is really cool
5942s all right what's next on the menu did we
5944s i should have checked if i got some new
5945s investigations i just kind of jumped
5947s over it
5949s someone wants to talk to me it might be
5951s the admiral
5956s sorry said potato you need to be mr10 i
5959s think and above for this actually no you
5961s might be okay
5962s i think
5963s it might be okay
5966s let's check
5967s can you do
5969s can you do a normally quests
5983s we've got a level 13 is yours i guess
5985s it's because i'm not doing level 21s
5987s it's
5990s we'll do a vulva don't know can we do a
5992s level
5997s yeah thank you for jumping in midnight
6000s so a level 15 one here
6006s yeah i'm not sure if you're high enough
6007s so potato uh
6010s oh that's a cool little
6012s it's a cool little over there
6024s [Music]
6027s yeah i think you need to be mr10 and
6028s above to do the title update one stuff
6030s yeah it's great to see insect glaive
6032s players in action
6033s it's really really cool
6041s mr279 nice one luck swords
6044s that's cool good you you're watching the
6045s hunt and take a bite at the hunt as well
6061s yeah sorry sir potato i think you need
6063s to be mr10 and above
6065s um
6066s for
6067s for today's title update one focus as we
6069s do try all the new title update one
6071s stuff
6075s so decarion though getting the hammer
6076s and we've got hunting also we've got a
6077s lot of blunt damage coming in i'm
6078s feeling a lot of a lot of knockouts
6080s there i am lucent today archer
6082s i am lucent indeed
6085s this foyorean skin dlc is out yes sorry
6088s potato next week oh well hopefully for
6090s the next stream you'll be you'll be mr10
6093s mr10 and ready to rock
6099s no worries calvin get well soon get
6101s we'll see
6102s so there is a space in the lobby now as
6105s well um so there you go pop that back in
6107s so as long as your mr10 and above
6110s hop in um because you need to just be
6111s mr10 to do the title update once stuff
6116s and we have indie mr258
6119s making me need to need to go higher
6121s there okay we'll put in a higher level
6123s investigation
6125s um
6126s what do we want to do 21 21 21 uh
6128s anjanath we wanted to try engine app
6130s before so we'll go we'll go back to
6132s anjana
6133s i am bringing the dudes on tomorrow's
6134s live stream yes i will be on pc i'll be
6137s using the hunting on
6140s so we're going up against angela now
6147s so we will go
6148s [Music]
6151s i think we'll go booster
6153s defender
6156s i think that's the combo that's the play
6159s [Music]
6162s yeah don't worry said potato you're
6163s really close to being where you need to
6164s be like going from mr5 to 10 it takes
6167s like no time at all you'll absolutely
6168s blitz through it
6174s and i'll remember to bring some bombs
6176s this time as well
6179s there we go there we go so we've got
6182s switch axe hammer hunting horn and my
6185s sword shield look at that
6193s [Music]
6195s morocco
6197s very hype
6199s all right let's go
6205s i'd say do a three monster quest you
6206s jump from six to ten in no time that's a
6208s great point yeah multi multi monster
6210s hunts are very good for pushing up your
6213s master rank level and your hr as well at
6214s the same time i keep forgetting to do
6216s talismans
6218s keep forgetting to do talismans
6221s your first time dootin live on stream
6223s looking forward to it eric i'm sure
6224s you'll
6225s do us proud and put on quite the show
6235s okay let's go
6241s um
6242s so where are we going okay anjanath is
6246s over in the middle
6252s yeah i still need to get my mr200 i'm
6253s nearly 70 though so i'll be able to go
6255s up the crimson globe
6263s i bet i can't pick up that honey you
6264s watch
6265s yeah my honey's full
6267s what a tease
6272s let's keep it up
6273s that afflicted material will not be mine
6278s okay here we go so we're going after the
6280s engine up now you hate fighting sea then
6282s is it all the explosions it's a very aoe
6284s centric fight see you got to be on your
6287s toes
6292s let's grab the bits
6294s there we go
6298s i think that'll do i think we're ready
6300s to go fight
6301s we've afflicted andre now
6303s sirius down there
6305s do we go for the bible right i think so
6309s i think that'll be well worth it
6312s i can get my message
6317s all right let's go
6320s yes there is defender gear
6322s so there's defender weapons and the
6323s black belt s gear so you can get through
6325s rise
6326s really quickly if you want to again the
6328s submarine so you can be lined with that
6330s gear
6335s get these going for the
6337s ride
6338s nice work
6339s nice work for the earth shaker i think
6341s that was
6342s all right i'll get on that thank you
6344s rocket that's very kind of you who'd win
6346s between rooney
6347s and scored magnum
6349s well i couldn't possibly say that is a
6351s clash of titans
6353s clash of
6358s i titans to get the beam out
6361s fire everything oh no oh
6364s fire everything go go
6368s well that's rude
6370s and gina no too slow
6373s too slow
6375s now you know i'm just gonna go for the
6376s ram
6377s i'm gonna go for the ram
6379s and jenna body me before i could get my
6381s beams off
6383s i just fell down here
6385s the sirius was bringing the base there
6387s but uh
6389s flipped the engine up was like no
6398s yeah now you get to the pit of shame
6400s engineer
6401s that'll teach you
6409s loving that hunter horn sounds
6414s there's the stun into the paralysis
6417s oh what the sirius
6420s coming in with the artillery just not
6422s happy that we did the riding clearly
6430s oh nice blast there
6434s back on the ground
6436s see if we can boop that snooze get the
6441s break everybody's here
6444s nice park break there gang
6458s [Music]
6461s just lying on the ground thank you very
6464s much
6472s tail sweep there
6478s all right a couple humans could learn
6486s nice trap there everyone
6490s let's see if i can get a little bit on
6491s that tail which is precariously close to
6493s the lava
6496s paralysis of damage life as well
6504s you know that's amazing this
6506s three wire bug there we go
6509s and we need to recharge one there before
6511s that goes
6513s what i got in the way of the hammer
6515s yeah that but sirius was not having it
6517s at all it was like hey i didn't think
6523s [Music]
6532s do its thing
6536s parallel
6543s all right let's get ready hunters my god
6545s i love the glow on my sword
6552s i love the hunting horn how they're all
6553s so different as well
6563s thunderblade that was a good time for
6565s thunderblade we might get the stun
6567s that's cheeky
6568s oh there it is a crack on the jaw
6573s there's a kittenator waiting to go as
6575s well
6579s i think he's just fired up and say you
6580s know what i'm here
6590s so close to the trap
6594s that's the thing with the lottery box
6595s you never know what you're gonna get
6596s it's a mystery
6603s i think you might need to be a certain
6605s level before
6607s you get effective quest drop
6609s of the new monsters i don't know i've
6612s seen people discussing twitter is it
6613s like 50 maybe
6616s oh wow that was
6617s efficient
6619s six minutes that six to seven minutes
6621s like well played
6623s oh my
6625s [Music]
6626s it's 51 there you go thank you luck
6628s sword so you need to be anomaly level 51
6630s and above to start getting the new
6633s monsters so you know just a little bit a
6635s little bit of a hunting and then you
6636s will then you'll be there hey a mantle
6638s love it
6640s carved man told best man
6642s very nice or any mantle best man's all
6644s you know it's always nice to get the get
6646s the car
6650s that was quick work i was worried that
6652s engine half would be more of a handful
6654s there
6657s we did it we did well
6664s [Music]
6667s yeah
6668s used to be quite the walling world
6670s but it's like the first of all a lot of
6671s people faced i think it's a nice way to
6673s kind of train and get ready and hone
6675s your skill before heading beyond
6680s [Music]
6689s so we got lots of nice bits there so
6691s we've got a couple of coins as
6693s well as that's anomaly jewels and
6695s industries i'm using decorations
6699s okay
6701s we like those oh did i skip that too
6703s soon i did
6706s i'm i'm very i'm a little bit biased
6708s tried but i highly recommend it and it
6710s is on sale it's 49 off on pc right now
6712s rises for the base game
6714s um so it's a great time to get into
6717s it's you know i love the mobility i love
6719s the action i love the skills
6721s this is very very me very very me
6724s right what do we got
6727s we've got another we've got a somnikanth
6730s and a naga cougar
6732s so i think we've got afflicted some of
6734s the counts and a normal naga cougar um
6736s so what's the conditions faint three
6738s times
6740s uh anomaly research
6742s i mean that's pretty cool
6746s let's do that one
6748s let's do a summer camp
6752s nice one nice one
6764s so again for the double here
6770s so i think we will go
6773s this is normal say a normal afflicted on
6775s the count so it's good
6783s there can be double hunts you can get
6785s apex monsters apparently apex is euros
6788s can make an appearance as well
6790s um yeah you know these investigations
6792s there's a lot of stuff that can change
6793s really mixing things up
6804s look at that that's cool is that both of
6807s them do i need to how do i change that i
6808s don't think i've changed it before
6812s i need a brave hunter to let me know how
6813s to change my
6815s because i think it came up didn't it and
6817s i forgot badge of heroes okay
6819s kingdom mystery
6822s oh i've not got it yet
6826s oh there's a
6827s that feels like there's three more
6831s one two three
6833s interesting
6835s interesting so there's another one there
6837s look
6838s maybe that's like mr100 or something
6848s that is very interesting
6851s there is the kahoot the kahoot hunter
6870s very fashionable
6880s just checking on my my real life pelico
6882s she's sleeping on the sofa at the moment
6885s she's like yeah i'm chilling good luck
6887s with the hunts
6889s she's been very cheeky before the stream
6890s though so i gave her some snacks so she
6892s would be like all right i'm saded
6897s so we've got a level 23 afflicted some
6900s account and a normal naga cougar
6903s so let's get ready to rock
6908s oh no that is not good timing viking oh
6910s my goodness i hope you can get that
6911s fixed fixed quickly
6929s let's go let's get stuck in
6931s [Music]
6938s i'm not imagining it hooray okay so
6940s we'll go for
6941s oh
6944s that's a good spot i would have ran
6945s straight past that
6947s all right somebody can come here and
6949s we've got toad there was our sleep toad
6951s perhaps
6954s zombie cats
6955s come here you've been selected
6957s every temple's protection
6963s going off with the small monsters there
6966s god you've got them team up
6969s that's the spirit
6972s how rude
6983s [Music]
6988s that raw
6989s ah into the charge okay but the damage
6991s is all the damage there
6994s oh that that's sleeping
6998s no don't snooze
6999s dirty water you'll get covered in it
7002s yamato okay you know that works thank
7004s you
7005s thank you so much
7011s to sleep again you know i think i think
7022s you know it's being trickier than i
7023s expected to be fair
7026s oh the rocky that's what she saw
7031s get chopping
7039s i'm sorry rogi you know my bad you know
7057s discharge there
7059s great timing
7060s coming back for more
7067s oh there we go all right you got time to
7069s sharpen everyone
7071s do
7084s cougars
7087s it's me so we're going to do some damage
7089s and then we're going to launch the
7090s monster instead of doing a mounted
7092s punisher
7094s and then we'll focus on damaging
7097s some again
7099s there we go nice little tactic there if
7100s you want to still do some damage in a
7102s multi one but focus on the first monster
7103s you're taking down
7118s got plenty of time to do their thing now
7120s we'll use the evades to
7122s get some nice attacks off
7126s big damage now we do the mounted
7128s punisher
7130s rocky to the rescue and deep drinks
7133s chinese go get your shinies everyone
7136s get your loot
7138s yes
7154s nice heartbreak
7158s okay some accounts had enough gone for a
7160s run we do these streams normally once
7162s every week um so normally they're on a
7164s thursday but because title update one
7166s dropped today i was like hey let's do an
7168s extra stream so this is like an extra
7170s stream today but it's normally thursday
7172s around 2 p.m bst 3 p.m
7174s cest roughly it does vary a little bit
7176s it can be a little bit later
7178s and it might be a little bit later
7179s tomorrow because i'm being joined by
7182s hopefully the us community manager at
7183s bojo
7185s so i'm hoping so that doesn't mean
7201s i'm loving the tunes from the hunting
7202s horn we've nearly got the warriors on
7204s the countdown nice heartbreak as well
7207s gonna pop that for more damage oh
7211s no ladrov please i don't want to hurt
7213s you they just said you don't mind if we
7214s just wander in
7216s not right now
7217s it's not safe for you
7222s nice work everyone
7224s nice work
7225s so just now computed to go
7227s no you're off no
7230s why are you doing this
7232s oh now you're in trouble you've been
7233s paralyzed by the uh
7239s now the palakos are having a go no you
7241s shouldn't have done that la drop
7243s you shouldn't have done that one
7245s oh you're asleep okay i thought you'd
7247s been slain let that be a lesson to you
7249s you can sleep it off
7266s good idea we'll go to the sub camp and
7268s take it from there
7273s good
7280s this way
7281s yeah naga cooper's on the moon
7283s so we should be able to intercept
7286s so keep an eye out for those it all adds
7288s up
7289s it all adds up
7291s which is really cool so you know when
7292s you're wandering around or collecting
7293s the spirit of birds or endemic life you
7295s can still get rewarded oh look you can
7296s see from quite far away as well
7300s excuse me
7303s give me all the clues i must investigate
7305s further
7309s oh there's more
7311s afflicted dung
7318s maybe giggle
7320s now this will give us more flu goodness
7328s oh the paul fango dodged there that was
7330s entirely why i had to met sue
7332s entirely no it wasn't whiffed it was
7333s defending myself with such
7335s reckless hate
7343s coming out of this lottery box
7366s [Music]
7373s hill
7393s there you go enjoy it
7399s here comes here comes sonic bloom
7407s oh magnificent trio is coming out kaboom
7410s look at that damage definitely yeah no
7412s not surprised there's a heartbreak there
7423s oh mr head oh no i didn't aim that
7425s properly all right let's go
7435s [Music]
7437s oh nice paralysis going in there
7440s good timing
7444s slug is a great skill i really like
7446s slider
7447s you know hunting horn hammer sword
7449s shield until next time great job
7451s everyone
7453s great job
7454s [Music]
7459s very nice now what we'll do normally i
7461s would rotate the lobby but we've only
7462s got time for one more hunt so we'll keep
7464s this lobby for one more hun
7466s we'll pop out one more hunt and then we
7468s will wrap up for today
7470s and we'll be back tomorrow though we
7471s will be back tomorrow on pc playing
7473s title update one so if you're mr10 and
7475s above on your pc
7478s jump right in
7479s and uh we'll be we'll be showcasing some
7481s stuff i'll be on hunting horn tomorrow
7483s getting my do on probably using i mean
7485s i've got malzaino and luna garron's
7487s clinton horn so one of those two
7489s switching between it
7496s we're heading to the sky
7498s just in case there's any more
7500s investigation
7501s gathering points
7505s keep limber
7507s [Music]
7509s not down i go whoa
7512s afflicted dragonblood good question good
7514s question
7516s look at all these goodies
7519s so we've got some atmospheres essence
7521s anomaly jewels
7523s shell amber essence ambassadors
7526s so there's different levels of that
7527s that's good today
7532s nakaku is like oh
7534s okay so what have we got oh that's not
7536s gonna go good
7537s um
7538s so hunter rank 310 mr66
7541s got some demon powder so points obtain
7544s 391 so completion hunting adjustment
7546s gathering bonus okay so we've got some
7549s decant agnes wrathion anjanath
7552s jarrattados duratidos
7554s still no
7556s still knows euros and i think i'm like
7558s running out of hunts to do it thanks for
7559s coming by sebastian
7563s uh lucid nag is good to have loosen
7566s knockback
7573s somebody wants to talk to me
7575s oh decarion oh they're dropping out i
7577s was gonna say we know we're only doing
7578s one more hunt so you know if you want to
7580s stay around you can but there's a space
7581s so if you want to jump in okay what did
7583s i miss uh these
7589s how's tickets
7591s so
7592s one more quest no
7595s oh no
7597s welcome fan welcome welcome
7599s okay so we're gonna do one more hunt
7600s does anyone have a level 21 or above
7603s yet to carry and stick around um
7607s hello fern welcome back
7608s does anyone have a level 21 or above
7611s azuros investigation
7613s because if so i will love you
7615s very much
7619s so yeah if you've got a level 21 above
7621s this euros investigation please chuck it
7623s in if not i'll throw something in
7626s you got level 26 perfect
7629s i think me and fern can do those
7634s [Music]
7637s and you can see what that does is what
7638s why i got naga google cut wings on
7640s meters casually i need to put the dung
7643s back as well i'm just grabbing a barrel
7645s just grabbing a barrel
7648s so at level 26 the zero let's see how
7651s that goes
7653s oh dratados have you gotten his euros
7656s have you gotten his euros by any chance
7658s uh bear friend
7662s this is that this will be the last time
7664s that we're about to do
7666s yeah this will be the last one
7669s anyone got on his euros
7677s wow that's so cool people got really
7678s cool badges is that the arena one
7680s indy that looks like so is there a one
7683s for the arena as well that's really cool
7684s let's say no worries at all no worries
7687s at all yeah if no one's got a level 21
7689s or above a zero that's fine i'll pop
7691s something in as well um
7694s see if fern's got one we are on switch
7696s yes adam yes we are we're going to do
7697s one more hunt
7700s if not though i'll pop something in
7702s we'll put in the highest one i've got
7704s 27 27.
7712s we could do a level 27 jurass
7716s we'll fight the fishy
7720s and if not ian we'll see and if you do
7722s have one chuck it in and i'll replace it
7723s level one yeah
7725s it's the thought that counts there
7729s okay we'll go booster
7731s defender kind of like another another
7733s nice kind of like standard set for me
7740s all right we're gonna go fight the big
7742s fish
7744s and we'll have to just do the next the
7745s next bounty that bahari has scored for
7748s us hopefully
7751s it's nice to see all these bits you can
7752s trade for
7754s even outfit vouchers as well
7756s that's super cool amber essence
7759s i'll be seeing you
7761s yeah it's looking good
7766s so yeah there's so much more with the
7768s endgame the endgame is just expanding
7771s massively which is great and you can
7772s play in so many different ways and
7774s you're going to be encouraged to farm
7776s different monsters and different levels
7777s of monsters
7779s yeah so yeah it's great like i love the
7781s variety and i like that there's even
7782s more icons up here i need to check how
7784s to unlock them as well though it's very
7787s intriguing i reckon there's an arena one
7789s man i wonder if that was once like doing
7790s all of the quests maybe
7796s all right let's go let's take down this
7798s duration duratodes
7807s let's get my stretches in ready to take
7809s on the big fish
7820s okay it's night time
7823s the air is rife with curio
7826s there's a raccoon over there
7831s see if i can get hold of her
7833s use that to fight uratodus
7848s your
7850s presence is requested i love how they're
7852s in the air during these investigations
7854s really changes the atmosphere
7863s i shall bring it down my means get this
7870s hello
7872s [Applause]
7877s there guys gonna say was that not enough
7879s you want more
7880s we got the mount though that's good
7882s that's what we want
7884s [Music]
7886s all right let's go
7888s have the spirit bird on the way
7890s i went the wrong way go into the water
7895s time is limited before we must pop
7898s let's make the most of it and get the
7900s fish
7902s there we go
7905s [Music]
7910s the fire walls are just fire blight
7912s involved here
7914s and poison with the tail
7924s there we go that's some good stuff and
7926s we're probably gonna get some more
7926s poison top up as well from another
7929s glorious tail whip the back flip
7932s going in strong okay
7936s oh yes please 13 37 damage we'll eat now
7942s [Music]
7944s thank you very much raffian hope you
7946s have a wonderful evening
7954s that's some big bunking going on there
7956s with a hunting horn that is a glorious
7958s one that must be a little rash hang
7960s there or is that furious resident one
7962s that is bright that is glorious
7966s baratheon fell like what are you doing
7968s you've done your bit leave breathian go
7970s and enjoy your evening
7983s oh that was a big hit
7987s those levels are really showing
7997s we'll get get the hip check in there
7999s but i think the head's broken already so
8001s i can heal up
8002s as soon as i don't get volleys off of it
8007s you know what i don't want to cut so i'm
8009s going to uh i'm going to go for a little
8012s drink
8014s there's more leakness
8016s i guess that's my chance
8018s get the bomb
8020s all right sharpen up gang and see my
8030s [Music]
8033s oh i whiffed it i whipped it went for
8035s the goal
8037s so rather we got the fundamental one
8038s we'll take that even i did whip the ride
8040s a bit
8042s it's quite hard to drive a fish
8046s oh no
8048s no
8049s say it's not so
8058s i'll make up with some delicious combos
8071s thanks for the support
8076s oh nice big pop
8083s yeah what i'm gonna do i need to farm
8085s that silver raffle big time
8088s big time silver wrap
8121s skills anyway from the malzaina set
8123s which i love it's a great set like y bug
8126s whisperer blood riots got some offensive
8128s ones on there as well
8145s yeah you need to be mr10 to do the
8148s season basil geese silver rather lost
8151s gold raffian and loose powder
8154s here and also for the investigation
8156s stamina
8157s which is super quick to get to once
8159s you've completed um oh nice the
8161s kittenator telling your mother you you
8163s can do this once you completed some
8165s breaks main story
8167s oh
8168s thinking about it thinking about it
8172s harpoon i know it ran away it saw the
8174s kittenata there yamato was like you know
8176s what i can't handle this i'm off so
8178s don't feel bad yamato you did a great
8180s job what are you doing with that are you
8182s are you aiming at the hermitor
8185s you're thinking about it aren't you
8186s you're like
8189s what are you doing hamilton's you're
8190s presenting a target to yamato
8192s oh my goodness
8199s oh sorry for the new oh sorry i thought
8202s you meant the those ones yeah for the
8204s for the new anomaly quest monsters like
8206s zenoga astalas
8208s you need to have anomaly
8210s level 51 in anomaly investigations
8214s then you can
8215s take on those beasties
8221s nearly there not long ago
8223s those monsters are ready i hope you are
8225s too i'm sure
8243s did not miss right
8248s we need to get on the head
8251s and the tail okay that's good that's the
8254s part
8263s you haven't i know many questions i have
8265s fun with nice it's good to have
8266s favorites as well
8271s must lose my betsu there for some big
8273s damage
8274s even without the count it's a great of
8276s course the counter is
8278s beautiful
8279s yeah the sns is great like and i'm not
8281s even using like you know uh an element
8283s that drastically
8286s but i do like
8287s yeah puts out damage like i highly
8291s recommend it and there's so many
8292s different ways to play it's very
8293s versatile weapon like you can focus on
8296s element you can avoid you can focus on
8297s shield damage or like a mix of sword and
8300s shield it's great
8302s i'm biased though it's my favorite
8303s weapon
8306s well i've got a dual blade player my
8307s lobby got to carry him
8309s [Music]
8315s bye-bye curio until next time
8321s cortex is very nice
8324s yamato is like yes
8326s my favorite
8328s i'm gonna get some durotoda's dango or
8330s something
8333s great job everyone though great hunt
8336s all right can we see if there maybe
8337s there'll be some materials around here
8338s it's always worth real quick that could
8339s be under the hunt now
8341s [Music]
8343s oh there we go look there's one no my no
8345s breeze are full
8347s can i eat one
8349s no no it's like no i don't need that
8351s right now well there's some there's some
8352s there if anyone wants it
8355s it's a ruby wire bug i thought it was
8357s there
8358s oh that's right we got some from taking
8360s down duratodes
8361s eat the no breeze throw them get rid of
8363s them
8368s excellent
8369s good job everyone
8378s and some more loot that's what we want
8380s and we're stocking up on anomaly jewels
8382s nice and quick as well which i'm very
8384s happy about right what do we what do we
8386s got here hunter ranks going up and mass
8388s ranks going up got some more anomaly
8390s points there
8392s adjustment time limit nice oh we had a
8394s time limit i should check that
8399s so we are level 29 on anomaly research
8401s so that's going up real quick that's
8403s going up nice and quick so we'll be
8405s we'll be able to face any monsters soon
8407s enough
8408s and we're stacking up on materials we
8410s need which is really really good as well
8415s best way to level up our multi monster
8418s hunts are really good you get a lot of
8420s xp for those and they all have slightly
8422s less hp
8424s because there's multiple monsters so
8426s definitely definitely okay research
8427s because details have been updated okay i
8429s forgot to do any talismans this time
8433s [Music]
8436s oh yes
8439s thanks for jumping in there everyone ah
8440s let's quickly go see what the next one
8442s is if buhari's gone i deflected some of
8444s the camp level 21 or higher and you get
8447s research point bonus i'm pretty sure
8449s i've got one of those
8450s so
8455s yeah so we can do that one for example
8457s oh yeah there you go it's even got the
8458s little book next to it and there's just
8460s a song that counts we can do as well
8461s that's really cool
8463s that's really cool we can see what we're
8464s going to get there the shells and bits
8466s like that so we can see what rewards we
8467s want awesome
8469s all right well i'm going to do a save so
8470s i don't forget to save but that wraps up
8473s today's stream thank you everyone who
8475s came by obviously it was a little extra
8477s stream today we will be back tomorrow
8478s playing on pc so if you want to do some
8480s tight update one stuff on pc do swing by
8482s but yeah it was a ton of fun i'm loving
8484s title update one already there's so much
8486s to do and so much to dive into to like
8489s further upgrade your sets your armor
8491s your weapons i'm looking forward to
8493s really getting stuck in and getting
8494s those up but thank you everyone that
8496s came by whether you watched chatted or
8498s jumped in the hunts or tried to jump in
8500s hunts i really appreciate it because
8501s it's you the community that make these
8503s hunts what they are
8504s so thank you so so much but yeah title
8506s update one is live now it's free to put
8508s like free to download and play if you
8510s own some break as our title updates
8512s always are there's a ton of stuff to get
8514s into and you only need to be mastering
8515s 10 and above to do it so do jump in and
8517s let us know how you're getting on but
8519s other than that thank you so much for
8520s coming by i've been jono you've been
8523s awesome and hopefully i'll see you
8524s tomorrow but if not have a fantastic
8526s weekend and i'll see you next week good
8528s night
8535s [Music]
8548s [Music]
8561s so
8573s [Music]
8594s you
about 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
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38s do
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92s so
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139s [Music]
150s [Music]
159s [Music]
180s [Music]
233s so
238s [Music]
261s [Music]
270s [Music]
278s [Applause]
282s [Music]
304s [Music]
328s [Music]
332s so
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371s [Music]
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418s [Music]
429s [Music]
459s [Music]
516s so
518s [Music]
541s [Music]
549s [Music]
558s [Applause]
562s [Music]
583s [Music]
599s do
608s [Music]
611s so
613s [Music]
623s [Music]
639s [Music]
650s [Music]
671s [Music]
697s [Music]
708s [Music]
717s [Music]
738s do
743s [Music]
773s [Music]
792s hello everyone how's it going my name is
794s jono you me a community manager here at
796s monster hunter and it is awesome to see
798s you title update one is live and here we
801s are we're gonna be diving into that
802s content today i hope you've all had an
804s awesome week so far i hope the hunts
805s have been treating you well if you've
806s dived in already
808s yes it's gonna be fun now i'll be diving
811s into title update one for the first time
813s today so i'm looking for i'm trying to
814s make sure my hair doesn't blend into the
816s green screen so don't worry if you start
818s to see me going invisible i'm not going
820s to the shadow realm
822s it's just my green screen but yeah i'm
824s good it's great to see you all thank you
826s for the hellos great to see all the
827s chatter there um yeah so it's going to
830s be good we are playing on nintendo
831s switch today and if you are
833s new to these sort of streams what we do
835s is we put in an open lobby so keep an
837s eye on chat for the id and password we
839s do two hunts and then we rotate and we
842s keep doing that for a couple of hours
844s now we are going to be focusing on the
846s title update one content today so if you
849s are master rank 10 so mr10 or above
852s you'll be able to jump in for the hunts
853s and that's purely because we want to
854s focus on the tu1 content today normally
857s we have like an open door policy
858s everyone's welcome but yeah we will be
860s focusing on title update 1 mr10 plus
863s content today so without further ado
865s let's jump into elgato and see what's
868s going down and what awaits us so here we
871s are
872s and master arlo and bihari are both
875s looking for us
878s and basil geese
881s and then obviously bihari buhari is open
883s for business now with a brand new store
886s that's all linked to the new anomaly
887s quests and anomaly investigations that's
890s right investigations are back and they
892s are better than ever they are going to
894s be really expanding the end game in sun
897s break so i'm really keen to get stuck in
899s there as well
902s so the anomaly research lab is a
904s facility that specializes in researching
906s curio and afflicted monsters
908s conducted and normally researched by
910s anomaly investigations you are normally
912s research points raising your research
914s level once you've accumulated a certain
915s amount raise your anomaly research level
917s to take on harder monsters and quests
918s and unlock normally related content now
921s many have seen as well that you can kind
923s of like in iceborn you can
925s trade or meld
927s for um
928s certain items including mantles
931s but yeah i need to unlock some bits
933s before i can i can do that
937s why would you want to fight a giant wire
939s bug monster we love the wire bugs much
940s like the monk's nails
942s okay so we got to see them basil geese
944s first
946s and we got anomaly investigations the
947s following content is randomly generated
949s in anomaly investigations monsters to
952s encounter quest level locale timeline
954s faints allowed and participants and
956s obviously many people are comparing the
957s quest level obviously quite rightly to
960s the 4u guild quest system and for those
963s who don't know the higher the level the
964s harder the monsters and it gets stronger
966s but you get different rewards as well so
969s it's well worth doing
972s so
973s let's get some hunters in here to join
975s me and then we will dive in and yes we
977s are playing on nintendo switch today got
979s an urgent quest we're going to be going
980s in against even based on these today
983s kind of regret and i haven't made
985s uh my ice and thunder look at my hell
987s i'm blending in i'm like loosened naga
989s cougar today maybe i should just say i'm
991s cosplaying loose at naga cougar i think
994s i think that's the way to go about it
997s come again
999s okay right so here we go get ready
1001s everyone and i need to get my second
1003s keyboard ready um so let's do that
1007s oh i've knocked me camera let's move
1009s that back a bit there we go
1011s there we go that is the the perils of
1013s live streaming so we're going to play
1014s online we're going to create a lobby
1016s we'll just do our usual passcode here
1019s and that is one one two two
1024s we will make that
1029s okay and now get ready everyone
1033s and there is the bits you need so i'm
1036s gonna type that out as well
1043s five
1044s c9 and it is first come first serve so
1047s do jump in as long as you're mr10 or
1049s above
1050s that is awesome
1056s so let's do that and for those that
1057s don't know event quests are returning
1059s august 18th that's right weekly free
1062s content in the form of event quest and
1064s we've already revealed some of the new
1065s rewards and so we've showed a couple of
1067s layered armor sets one of which
1069s obviously is coming straight from
1070s frontier so there's some more frontier
1071s content coming in there which is
1073s delicious
1075s yeah i'm looking forward to that
1076s especially silver wrath because i really
1079s like elemental weapons
1080s my goodness hello so we've got tovaroth
1083s w and miku and they're going to be
1085s helping me on my urgent quest again see
1088s them basically but quickly
1089s normal investigations okay i've got a
1091s few to start with
1093s so and the more i do i can go higher up
1095s the tree as well as collecting bits so
1097s start level 21. so that's not too bad
1099s are we also got level one as well okay
1101s that's cool so we have a selection
1104s all right all right stephen basil you've
1106s got some cool looking gear though i
1107s might make some layers of that congrats
1110s on everyone get to mr 100 as well you
1111s get to go after scorned magna marlow
1113s that's super super cool
1115s that is quite the quite the bold paling
1118s i'm loving that you will not miss that
1120s we've got obviously some of the the
1122s chichay cosplay coming in there
1124s chichay's joining us on the front line
1125s in the hunt
1127s um
1129s right let's let's have a look so
1131s i'm gonna go careful and comfy here
1134s purely because
1135s i've not fought steven and i don't want
1137s to go straight into a car
1139s so we're going to be playing safe we're
1141s going to go double defender medic
1144s yes we are playing on swing today we are
1146s on the nintendo switch but yeah if i
1147s start to disappear that's just me
1149s pretending to do like lucid nagakuga
1151s stuff that's my cosplay
1155s and i've also got a nice ice cold glass
1156s of water because you want to stay
1158s hydrated especially going against fiery
1160s monsters
1165s ah refreshing
1167s so here we go
1169s here we go
1176s yeah definitely going comfy for for a
1178s nuclear bagel
1185s yeah i'm looking forward to this um i
1188s mean those purple scales those volatile
1190s scales they are not to be sniffed at so
1193s let's see what we've got here with the
1194s new cutscene
1200s volvadon and a grenade on there
1207s but wait
1209s there's an invader fiery fruit that
1211s falls from the skies
1214s yeah i'm looking forward to fighting
1216s loose and now concougher especially the
1217s fallen arena and then i'm hoping i get
1219s to fight the the rats
1222s yeah i really want to kind of focus my
1224s need to still select my elemental
1226s weapons like i might swap my gormagala
1229s sword shield through the garage or i
1231s could kind of wait until i'm mr70 and
1233s then
1239s [Music]
1241s poison's your least favorite blight yeah
1243s you want to try and find a hunting horn
1244s user with the heal and poison removal
1246s right yes we're doing a bonus stream
1248s today we'll be streaming as well
1249s tomorrow on pc but you know title update
1251s one dropped in the early hours this
1253s morning so like how can i not how could
1255s i not okay so
1257s i will grab some
1260s some spirit birds now loose it's really
1263s fun that's good to hear that's good
1265s that's what we want as long as
1266s everyone's having fun that's the
1267s important thing
1268s yeah tyler that one though huge like so
1270s you knew a few of the monsters were
1271s coming we dropped two more and obviously
1274s the the expansion there's more um
1276s afflicted monsters there's the anomaly
1279s um
1280s the anomaly investigations which is huge
1283s obviously the curious crafting for
1284s weapons and armor which is really
1287s awesome like honestly i can't wait to
1289s start delving into my builds i've seen
1290s on social media and on reddit people and
1293s steam people diving into the
1295s like you know what they're adding to
1296s their armor like obviously weapons you
1298s know you might go into element or attack
1300s or whatever suits you best but some of
1301s the armor stuff coming out is crazy
1303s combos i'm very envious
1305s hey greedy good to see you
1315s i think i'm in a pretty good place
1316s spirit wise now
1320s so where is steven the big old question
1323s mark
1324s they're the armor i love the glow on the
1326s armor and i think obviously it comes
1327s with guts and then loosen
1329s um
1330s silver and gold wraps have some really
1332s cool new skills we've seen a lot of
1334s chatter around um
1342s yeah so much for customization and the
1344s new armor skills are definitely getting
1346s a lot of chatter i'm looking forward to
1347s silver rafts in particular which we'll
1349s take a look at once we unlock it
1357s we'll go on a little stroll over here
1368s well it's all going down already is that
1369s ratner as well
1371s everybody's here
1373s and uh mcnamara absolutely laser in
1376s season
1379s oh wow
1381s okay this is this is all going off you
1383s know i'm just gonna be like
1389s obviously new monsters means new gear
1390s new weapons and armor upgrades that's
1393s very nice
1397s what are you gonna do you going into the
1398s air huh huh
1401s goodness that's a wide range
1403s okay
1404s okay we're keeping the uh
1408s wow
1409s wow wow through my block okay
1413s okay that's that's how it is
1426s yeah this is uh
1428s this is the lord of explosions
1432s that's just this monstrous obviously i'm
1434s expecting my teammates to probably
1435s support it
1436s so they're they're in extreme place i'm
1438s gonna get some tail button action in
1444s oh here that recovery as well
1447s oh i'm glad i have double defense right
1449s here
1484s oh my goodness yeah ragna kazaki's here
1487s plenty of action on the table
1490s three of us so charge blade switch and
1492s sword and shield all over here insect
1494s flavors obviously ryden ratner and there
1497s it is
1498s that tail does not want to go that's a
1500s tough tail
1504s i'll let one of those one of the
1506s teammates grab the wooden right
1521s oh well we're by the head so you know we
1523s might as well do some work here
1526s build a little bit of stun there
1531s you're going to pop that head back not
1532s close enough
1537s the hunting horn is what i use on pc i'm
1539s actually well there's this i'm actually
1541s a sword and shield mate so whenever i
1543s play on the switch i will mostly use
1544s that however i do
1546s flex to switch jacks and hammer as i'm
1548s learning those
1550s yeah i'm the sword and shield main love
1552s my sword and shield that was a big hit
1554s what the heck was that the fireworks
1556s going off did someone's calico get the
1558s fireworks at that table
1566s i'm loving these new moves wait wait
1568s what was that that was so quick that was
1571s so quick
1572s oh my goodness this is the gormagala
1575s sort of shield
1577s so i made that as soon as i could've
1579s mastered
1580s but i'm probably gonna swap it out
1581s eventually
1582s now with a new uh
1584s film around here i probably will make
1586s like maybe a mountain of silver i fix
1588s that and look at getting a higher dragon
1590s element sort of shield but i absolutely
1592s love this one it looks cool it does the
1594s business good mix of sharpness for um
1613s [Music]
1617s was flying away or just prepping for a
1619s nasty new attack
1621s and another flickering silver shell
1624s what is your set i'm just wearing a
1625s formula zeno set i've got really nice
1627s charm with three attack and three one
1630s slot deco spacers uh
1632s which i use for like elemental slots uh
1634s but yeah just marziano with decorations
1636s um i really like the mazano set but i
1638s will diversify a bit i think with silver
1641s silver wrap
1643s mix and summon so i want to get like
1645s blood right
1649s there
1658s [Music]
1666s thank you for the heal
1674s oh
1675s that felt nice we could do a cap if you
1678s want or a kill i don't mind
1680s i do not mind
1682s oh nice time on the endemic life
1688s nice work everyone that's a fun hunt
1691s that was a good i love the new moves
1693s from season like
1704s again a lot of flickering silver shell
1706s here
1707s got some hard claws
1710s scorching silver wing okay
1714s off you go
1715s go 3w or should i say chichay
1718s a great hunt everyone good stuff
1723s good stuff
1725s yeah i mean yeah like i'm playing with
1727s some very experienced hunters here so
1729s you know they uh they know what's up and
1731s we have two great women rides really
1732s early so that's certainly helped
1737s the passwords one one two two and we'll
1739s share the lobby id after the next time
1744s we're glowing in the dark there
1746s looks more like blue
1748s gear our quest is completed
1751s great first hand though really love the
1753s new moves i'm sure there's a lot more to
1755s that bazel as well
1762s it really depends what's the strongest
1763s armor build there is depending on your
1764s weapons i mean
1766s if you're trying to figure out what
1767s works for your mastering i highly
1768s recommend just building malzaino's set
1770s getting comfy i mean if you're like a
1772s blade master anyway using melee weapons
1774s and then sussing out from there but
1776s there really is no wrong answer is what
1778s set works best for you do you want
1780s damage comfort utility or a mix you know
1783s that's that's the important thing oh
1785s that's a pretty cool end screen
1791s titles look at that
1793s like meteoric slam there
1796s [Music]
1799s where the hunting horn mains out they'll
1801s be dooting around they love a good dude
1803s don't we all though don't we
1807s all we have that stream elements one
1809s i've not updated so don't go by that one
1815s someone wants to talk to me okay proof
1817s with belly uh apache here is okay
1821s yeah we got the patch of heroes
1826s who have i missed
1827s oh okay arlo of course how are we doing
1830s today
1833s oh here they are
1835s in
1846s okay so we'll do silver rathalos first
1849s because
1849s i'm really keen to see what kind of bits
1851s i can make there
1853s really really want that one
1860s okay let's look at the season basil here
1862s so it's called the pride set and look at
1864s this obviously it's going to have a blue
1866s tint because that's what i put on my leg
1868s here but look at the glow i love glows
1870s and armor like i i used to in
1873s iceborn use the layered zora magdaros um
1877s like arch tempered kind of version of
1879s the gear like i love that look at this
1881s look at this this is so
1884s very nice
1886s and skill wise we've got layton power
1888s attack boost earplugs guts attack boosts
1890s speedy and
1891s guts i mean that's a nice utility that's
1893s like a comfort kind of attack my
1895s customer smile is the main reason i've
1897s been banging away at the smith and stuff
1899s all right
1900s it's pretty cool
1903s okay so we've got two urgents to do here
1908s it's going well thanks phantom loving
1910s title update one
1911s okay what's this one greatly increases
1915s yes please and then we'll go comfy i
1918s think we'll
1920s defender and then a little bit more fire
1921s resist because i'm not sure how good my
1923s fire is
1924s guts is like moxie so guts gives you a
1927s moxie
1928s and so basically if you're going to get
1930s one hit or you're going to get hit above
1932s the threshold that would cart you it
1934s doesn't you survive on one hp so i
1936s believe that stats
1942s right so how am i looking here
1944s viruses one
1946s yes
1947s we're not negative
1949s that i'll take that as a win do i have a
1951s trap on me
1953s okay we're good we're good
1956s so we're going to the forlorn arena now
1958s which is brand new to sun break and it
1960s is a
1960s so we say remaster it's a recreation um
1963s of its first alton and the team have
1966s played a lot of attention to make it
1967s like a loving recreation and kind of
1969s making it suitable for this generation
1971s in regards to kind of upping the
1972s atmosphere and
1974s some of the features in there as well
1978s crumbled but still standing tall
1981s this structure no longer serves a
1983s purpose
1986s it simply exists in a vast sea of clouds
1996s um grind for in the end game now you've
1998s got your talismans which i forgot to put
1999s on i need to put my talismans for the
2001s next group there's the um curious
2004s crafting for your weapons and armor
2007s um there's all the anomaly monsters as
2008s well
2010s and the investigation
2011s is super exciting
2015s glad loving all the nice feedback
2031s [Music]
2035s obviously these silver and gold wraths
2037s can go incandescent which is a powerful
2039s new state
2045s tonight
2057s [Music]
2058s all right and we got a hunting horn
2061s let's go hunters
2070s there's a marionette spider
2086s oh just a bit short there
2089s that's a nice mess
2093s great work i'm gonna probably work on
2095s the tail a bit where i can
2098s i reckon that's gonna be quite useful
2100s for me
2110s as you can see you know these
2111s experiences
2113s and damage windows together
2123s as well
2168s gonna see the true power of silver
2182s okay
2197s is it a little loud is it let me know if
2199s it's too loud
2209s yeah let me know if the games
2227s okay i can change that
2231s how's that
2233s let me know if that's better
2236s the wings are lovely i'm gonna sharpen
2238s i'm not gonna be doing too much
2242s slightly better all right let's do it
2244s how about now how about now
2247s turn the game volume down a bit
2252s i can turn the game down
2254s might be a bit dangerous now let me
2255s sharpen
2256s place
2257s i keep bouncing off of you
2261s it's good enough to finish
2269s it's such a tanky monster gotta be very
2271s precise on those hits
2273s okay here's the uh incandescents
2276s oh oh
2278s whoa look how agile it is in the air as
2280s well
2282s these fiery rocks on the floor
2286s oh
2287s nice
2288s okay that's good now
2290s i might have not my cat was playing on
2291s my desk earlier before the stream she
2293s may have uh she may have knocked the
2295s volume that'll be my excuse
2299s silver wrap not messing around now it's
2300s incandescent
2302s are we going to get a kitten that would
2303s be nice
2305s go fight win we'll take that
2308s okay so when it's incandescent it does
2310s more powerful attacks but
2314s nice head break and another paralysis
2319s here with a hunting horn i want to get
2321s near the towel but pick something over
2322s here
2324s enjoying doing it oh
2338s oh there's the kittenata oh and we got
2341s the hit right run run run run run run
2342s run run ah
2344s tough doing an amazing job on the tail
2346s hit perfect that's what we wanted
2352s yeah i think you rolled out of
2354s incandescent stage
2356s i should probably work on some wing bits
2358s here
2360s the wing brakes
2368s messy there if i do say so myself
2371s i'm gonna charge in here
2376s spicy
2377s i still didn't like the sharpness
2380s oh
2382s raised up his chin
2384s yeah the tail is seven well played team
2386s definitely gonna want that for crafting
2388s i reckon
2409s there
2422s get that
2424s lovely damage in
2428s switch skill swap for good measure
2433s we're doing well we're keeping the
2434s staggers going in the knockdown
2439s there we go should we go for the cat do
2441s i have time for a cat
2443s where's my trap
2455s and don't forget the tail everyone come
2458s get your tail you earned it
2466s oh is that
2467s i got a shard from it oh
2469s oh
2471s oh well better than nothing right
2475s full valve strikes arm is a good start
2476s as you go into master rank that's not a
2478s bad shot at all
2483s that was a fun fight those those big
2484s moves
2485s oh
2487s oh a rather lost mantle the little old
2490s me on the capture awards that's cool we
2492s got we got an extra fel wing as well
2494s so yeah that's good
2496s and we got a load of melding pudding as
2498s well yummy yummy
2500s we love the pudding
2502s and we're getting outfit vouchers from
2503s non anomaly monsters as well so that's
2507s cool good hunt and what i'm going to do
2509s i'm going to put the lobby id in chat
2511s now because we're going to rotate out so
2512s if you're going to join me to take on
2514s gold wrathion
2516s um and whatever maybe loosen naga
2518s cougars next i think
2519s let's hop in
2521s yeah you can you can trade for the
2522s mantles now with bihari but obviously i
2525s think it takes a fair bit of resources
2527s um
2529s who wants to talk to me
2531s but well played thank you torvaroff w
2533s and miku good to see you as always great
2536s hunts
2538s thank you for that
2542s bad don't be shy natural don't be shy
2546s so we have another sword and shield user
2548s lss keyshawn there
2550s good to see you until next time torv
2556s that was a good hunt i like that i like
2558s that
2560s and we got the great laggy and rye there
2562s so we've got dual blade sword and shield
2564s allowance so we're mixing it up a little
2565s bit so let's look at silver wrap glass
2567s because i'm really really excited by
2569s this set so i'm gonna have to do a
2571s little bit of farming i need the tail i
2573s need a couple of tails
2574s yeah i'll be i need three tails for the
2576s armor so i'm gonna be farming a little
2578s bit here um so critical boost
2580s redirection so it's got redirection on
2581s it as well which is a very popular skill
2583s i've been seeing a lot of on social
2585s media so we want the waist for elemental
2587s exploit the arms the crickle animal and
2589s the chest okay craig
2591s it's just such a great
2594s great armor set for element oh i'm gonna
2596s be hunting a lot of silver rather loss
2598s oh my goodness and let's take a look at
2600s it as well
2602s like well obviously it's got a blue tint
2609s okay so let's check about weapon
2610s upgrades as well because i've got the
2612s rathalos sword and shield currently
2614s maxed out i think so the silver athlete
2616s okay what do we need
2619s so we need
2620s okay
2621s okay i definitely want that i love the
2623s design as well
2625s oh the affinity the element oh my
2628s goodness oh it's such an increase that's
2631s beautiful oh
2633s oh my goodness so i can keep it as it is
2635s i lose a little bit of element
2637s and a little bit of raw though
2639s i'll put everything master him and
2641s taught me good use
2643s actually there's a toss up here do i
2645s want all that affinity in there
2647s decision decisions decisions decisions
2650s yeah half silver half gold
2652s okay right so okay hunters
2656s okay
2657s time for
2658s the other half of the coin
2660s gold wrathion
2664s hey miku it's a pleasure it's a pleasure
2667s hello to peru
2672s okay i need another another trap i i
2675s quite like trapping the rafts they're
2676s they're a cool bunch you know
2680s all right so i'm expecting a lot of
2681s poison and a lot of fire here
2685s yeah enjoy the stream and you know next
2687s feel free to jump in
2688s you know
2689s never worry it's all good we'll go for a
2691s miracle worker again and we'll go for
2693s the defender of fire because that worked
2695s well last time
2699s and then once we've done the
2702s four new monsters we will head over to
2703s anomaly investigations because i'm
2705s really excited about those i really want
2707s to dig into that and start upgrading my
2709s favorite weapons and gear oh look how
2711s bold and bright the mean green team over
2713s here
2715s there we go ry there looking very again
2717s overlord vibes right here love it love
2719s it and what we got here the great the
2721s great leggy where are you going maggie
2723s oh that's very cool like special agent
2726s kind of like straight from the guild
2729s all right let's go
2730s don't have ryze right now i mean i am
2732s biased i love ryze and if you play on pc
2734s it's 49 off on steam at the moment
2737s um so yeah you know if you want to dive
2739s in it's a very good time and there's the
2741s black belt s gear and the defender
2743s weapon so you can like kind of
2746s streamline
2746s through low and high rank and get into
2748s sun break that that much quicker
2751s you want to reap a ghost herrera
2753s is really popular especially i really
2755s like gossarrage mastering and the
2757s afflicted version like absolute brawler
2760s kind of like a pub brawler is going out
2763s swinging
2765s it's true
2766s so it's worth trying nine tails
2769s yeah the new locale is really cool lily
2771s you're right
2772s i it's very misty and like
2778s taking on kashala
2782s nothing can stop mine there she is the
2784s queen
2793s look at that agility
2795s oh
2796s the infamous tail whip there
2800s oh the poison obviously keshala famously
2802s and historically weak to poison
2805s oh here we go
2808s the illustrious queen good to see you
2810s goldaron
2811s good to see you
2814s kashala's getting bullied well it makes
2816s a change from poor ratholos right
2825s okay right
2833s [Music]
2837s how did you get the new area so you need
2839s to be mr10 or above and you need to do
2842s master arlo's urgent quests
2845s and then it will take you and look at
2846s this and i know that i think when you
2847s fight lucifer it's night time and the
2850s moon's out so i'm looking forward to
2852s that oh the tail whip are we going to
2854s get something sneaky
2857s once again the tail i'm gonna really
2858s really want
2860s yeah i'm gonna definitely be
2861s punching a lot of these monsters
2863s a lot of the metal wraps
2869s oh and it's venom as well not just
2870s normal poison it's it's the
2873s even spicier poison
2879s i'm waiting for like a second one
2881s goodness
2884s glad i got herbal medicine
2888s oh very kind
2890s what i'm going to do
2894s get the uh
2896s there we go michelle and demon powder
2904s oh nice marionette spider coming in
2906s nicely there and in for the stun
2908s let's do some work on the tail here
2910s oh is this asleep
2913s i
2927s oh the double simultaneous matsu there
2932s he's coming down now if i can catch your
2934s head oh the hunter nod's ready lag is
2936s ready for the sonic bloom come here
2940s lance is going for it as well with the
2942s silk line attacks
2946s just gotta watch out for those backflips
2947s because they're gonna be devastating
2958s when she's not incandescent
2960s can't do as much damage to that head
2963s but we will endeavor to try
2968s to do some stunt damage
2972s nice mess you counter i do say so myself
2977s oh the tail whip into more fireballs
2980s okay okay respect that
2986s [Music]
2992s oh
2994s i think defender definitely propped
2995s there yamato you're gonna give us a
2998s kitten aids that perfect let's try and
3000s line up for sale ah yes wonderful
3003s wonderful time in right
3009s table damage
3013s can we get the last jab tonight too high
3015s too high
3017s oh incandescent stay
3021s give me that
3023s tail
3028s oh
3029s just missed
3032s we still got a bit of purple sharpness
3035s nice hit there
3037s nice
3040s lovely oh and another one for good
3041s measure
3043s and we are by the tail so we try and get
3044s a few hits in here
3047s being keyshawn
3049s saw the shield crew
3053s put that into another knockdown nice
3056s oh my goodness you gotta get right at
3057s the tip of that tail otherwise you are
3059s gonna bounce
3061s those are used to fighting gold rat will
3063s know that from iceborn
3068s my favorite frontier monster i don't
3070s know a ton of frontier monsters but i'm
3071s loving the espinosas here
3076s oh i didn't quite get my message in time
3078s okay we've got the tail coming in i'm
3080s gonna see a second spin yeah anything
3082s else though
3087s [Music]
3089s or if i go ahead
3091s or maybe you had
3093s me hunting on sonic but oh
3099s straight back in for the counter attack
3109s we are we are getting out of there
3111s proper helpful medicine
3112s straight back in lovely work okay out of
3115s incandescent state
3123s well that's handy
3125s look at the healing bubbles
3132s oh
3132s whoa we went over i'll say maybe i did
3135s that a little bit soon
3136s but we went over stunned a gation is
3138s always nice especially against hard
3139s hitting monsters to hit
3141s repeatedly as well
3143s oh i could
3144s expect that
3147s i've got my herbal medicine
3151s here i come bonk
3154s oh very nice
3159s nice flash bomb
3161s yeah she's much tanky when she's not
3163s incandescent we got the head break
3164s though
3171s i don't know i'm not running poison
3172s resist um
3181s oops i need to restock a barrel box
3194s no
3196s i did it too soon sorry
3198s we still got the big bomb though i
3199s apologize for that we still got some big
3201s damage but i did it a bit too soon
3203s bit too soon
3205s sorry hunter
3220s oh incandescent okay come on tail
3224s give it up
3230s oh here comes a big attack
3233s a spin to win
3239s hello
3242s please i would like to get the tail oh
3245s no just making it hard
3249s okay i'm in a dangerous situation
3255s uh let's get a dusting line
3258s are you okay let's heal up everyone
3259s while i'm at it
3261s there we go
3263s get
3273s she is going for it
3275s don't blame her
3292s she is angry the queen is not amused
3296s at least i can use my blood right to
3298s heal off that broken head
3318s oh we got the cat we landed the shield
3320s bash at the end oh nice
3322s is that knocked down okay we just
3323s knocked her out of incandescent we must
3325s be near another stun though
3326s that would be ideal for a bit of tail
3328s damage me and keyshawn like please
3332s that's got to be a lot of nice stun
3333s damage there
3335s comes the tail
3342s keep it up team
3349s [Music]
3356s just missed
3372s come here come here
3378s yeah we're doing a double stream today
3379s elite
3380s we do switch today and pc tomorrow and
3383s i'm hoping we might we might have the
3386s usa community manager joe with me for
3389s his first stream you can see him on
3390s steam right now me and him doing a
3392s commentary from title update one digital
3394s event
3395s um
3396s yeah hopefully we'll have joe with us
3398s tomorrow
3408s come here tail
3409s ah
3411s get down here
3414s i will keep swinging
3432s come here oh it's it's taunting me
3435s nice trap yes we got the tail great work
3438s everyone okay and we can do a cap now
3441s if we want so
3442s let's put down a pitfall we'll go for
3444s the trap
3454s and don't forget the tail so we captured
3456s silver and gold wrath
3458s so they can catch up back at camp
3461s yeah we got the tell right at the end
3463s and another shard oh no i'm getting i
3465s spawned flashbacks when i was farming
3467s tales and i kept getting shards oh
3470s oh
3471s what a tease
3474s my goodness
3476s but we've got a great hunt as well again
3478s like real fun real aggressive like
3480s they're right speedy
3484s hey fox good to see you
3486s and another mantle from the cap
3489s yes we're doing well we're doing well on
3491s those mantels which we definitely need
3493s for those upgrades
3495s there's some extra atmospheres got some
3497s plunder items
3500s nice
3505s that was that was a nice mantra i had a
3506s ruby for sebastian as well
3509s good job everyone all right so i think
3510s we might get loose at night cougar next
3512s what's loosened nakakuga weak to
3516s which one
3518s oh the argosy pickup box is full quickly
3527s ice okay i don't have an ice weapon
3530s ready she's weak to damage
3532s that's a very good point
3535s hey wrathion mantle fierce today yeah
3540s okay loosen cougar here we go this is
3543s like the
3546s the headline monster arguably
3552s look at that that my cosplay there lucid
3554s naga cougars just like blending it time
3556s to use those luna garan weapons i
3558s haven't made it yet upgraded i'm gonna
3560s have to use my gorma gala weapon again
3570s i'm playing on switch at the moment but
3571s we'll be streaming on pc tomorrow
3575s for those that are pc inclined
3579s okay so
3580s i think
3584s we will just go comfy
3589s double comfy because it looks like this
3591s monster hits really hard and fast and
3593s can go invisible
3594s [Music]
3596s yeah we're sinking well keyshawn i'm
3598s loving it you know sword and shield
3601s sinking up bar look at that the kashala
3603s palamu
3605s so we are going up against lucent naga
3607s cougar
3609s oh barrel bombs thank you sky flake i
3612s feel like i can actually contribute more
3613s when i actually have those i should set
3615s up like an equipment
3616s set oh sorry i am set and i can just
3618s refresh every time it should stop being
3620s lazy while everyone else sets up though
3622s we will look at the gold wrathion so
3625s we've got gold loon
3627s which looks very cool obviously
3629s it goes well with the blue mix and
3631s there's a very interesting new skill on
3632s here called status trigger which people
3635s really really seem to like um
3637s and defiance is a very interesting one
3639s as well
3641s so defiance increases defense when large
3644s monsters become enraged so a bit like
3646s agitator but on the defensive side right
3648s so
3650s you know when you look at the max
3651s version of it while active nullifies
3653s weak strong and powerful so you
3655s basically got earplugs there wind and
3656s dragon wind and tremors and defense plus
3659s 30 like oh my goodness and then on
3662s status trigger which i've seen dual
3664s blades loving um i saw canter perme was
3666s using it on twitter
3668s with the paralysis dual blades so
3671s performer perfectly time evaded justice
3673s monster attracts the trigger abnormal
3674s state it's built upon hit and that lasts
3676s for 12 seconds at the max level and it
3679s really bumps up status like status is
3681s getting some love for that set as well
3684s yeah it's good to have you sebastian
3687s oh yeah i need to look at the weapon you
3688s got the insurance thank you kishon that
3690s is very friendly of you i need to see is
3693s it is the gold rathian sort of shield
3695s back because i i love the wrathian
3698s sunshield that likes raw and poison
3702s let's see is it back is it the lunatic
3704s rose is back i need three wings okay
3707s how does it compare
3709s oh it's it's it you get you lose a tiny
3711s bit of like 10 raw but you get more
3714s white sharpness
3716s more poison and a lot more fancy at a
3718s slot like
3719s i will probably upgrade to that when i
3721s have enough parts i reckon
3725s okay status trigger makes me think of
3727s devil trigger as well
3729s um
3731s let's get
3733s get double trigger playing in my head
3737s just like swap it out for like monster
3738s hunter stuff so like all these monsters
3740s inside of my head
3744s center look forward to devon the weekend
3746s is mere days away now
3748s let's see let's see uh loose and naga
3750s cougars intro is like i'm starting to
3751s blend in again
3753s and you'll notice that the full-load
3754s arena has a different aesthetic this
3756s time obviously because lucian arka
3757s cougar gets its invisibility powers from
3760s its birth
3761s and the moon's
3763s light brilliance
3768s and with unmatched speed
3772s good point nate made the mines is this
3774s size one deck so you can get it into
3775s your gig quite
3781s easily lucifer is your favorite hunt so
3784s firefox that's really cool
3786s that's really cool
3789s here we go and it is now night time and
3791s look at that aesthetic
3793s on the shooting stars as well and i
3795s think the moon will be there when we
3797s when we hop down
3801s so we got hunting horn lance and two
3803s swords and shields
3804s love it love it love it
3807s here we go
3809s let's go i forgot to pop myself do that
3813s when we get down there
3816s where where is it oh there's the moon
3817s look in the tower
3819s isn't that beautiful well there's lucy
3821s nagakuga coming into view
3824s all right let's go
3827s let the others get the endemic life
3832s i did that way too soon oh no
3835s that backdrop though
3838s right loosen i know lucy's got poison
3839s attacks now i'll have to be wary for
3841s that i have my herbal medicine ready
3843s where are you where are you
3845s oh
3847s like a much more aggressive camellias
3862s hey how's it going team dark side
3865s how you doing welcome welcome
3868s oh i did it again with the raw
3873s oh and we got a snooze sleep and i've
3875s got barrel bombs this time
3878s thanks to the reminder from chat
3888s should i try if i watch
3892s one
3897s i can't count
3901s that was the third one i missed the
3903s first one whoopsie daisy
3905s oh well at least you know the hunting
3907s got to do the sonic's bloom activation
3909s that's what we want
3911s oh didn't quite get the n1
3916s there it is gotta watch out for those
3917s red glowing eyes
3925s oh
3926s that is a hot hit
3936s i'm liking these attacks they're really
3937s keeping you on the edge not what you
3939s expect either especially considering
3941s there's four of us like lucien's really
3943s doing well at like bouncing between us
3945s oh here comes some nasty poison stuff oh
3948s nice flash
3954s keep up the pressure
3960s double tape there
3962s i was thinking about a hill but i was
3963s like i'll take advantage of her loosen
3965s being a bit stuck and gets head down
3970s nice paralysis can i reach the tail yeah
3974s well i say yeah i need to get a little
3976s bit closer
3982s we're gonna get a kitten here maybe
3983s maybe get a mega boomerang we'll take
3985s that
3989s oh okay that's right we still got above
3991s it and got some damage through mega
3993s boomerang
3994s as well
4000s i need to turn around here so i can
4002s actually get my metoo
4005s off oh
4022s let's focus on the head for the stun
4023s damage
4024s i'll have to find a sharp opportunity
4026s soon
4028s i reckon
4035s did that too soon
4036s way too soon but better safe than sorry
4040s you can never sit
4041s the most mysterious turf war in all of
4044s monster hunter
4047s maybe chameleous is here right now there
4049s could be a chameleon in this room right
4051s now and we wouldn't know
4053s not until our like mega potion started
4055s disappearing suspiciously
4058s but hey
4060s emilio sneaks out
4069s there that'll slow it down a little bit
4071s the speed is definitely losing my kakuka
4073s strength
4089s let the hunting horn do its thing right
4090s i'll watch carefully i've not got enough
4092s to do a metsu anyway oh they've been
4094s crafting more bombs respect
4097s respect
4098s loosen one of your favorite wow losing
4100s the scorn best two that's high praise
4102s that is awesome to see it's a very fun
4104s fight bit different to what we're used
4105s to
4112s i think one more
4115s okay one more this time
4121s did i know i didn't get it right that
4122s time but it's all okay we still got like
4124s a thousand damage from the med student
4126s sonic bloom went off
4127s is glimmering in the moonlight it's
4129s awesome isn't it
4130s absolutely beautiful i love how the map
4133s changes for loosening
4135s very good for thematics and lore
4143s are the lance they're using it silk
4144s finder track attack to track the
4147s movement of loosen that is super useful
4150s oh i'm glad i dodged that
4152s yeah so right there using the lance to
4154s still find attack so you can see through
4156s the invisibility
4161s i'm just gonna keep hard bash combo
4162s going here
4164s seems to be doing the trick
4169s that is some big brain plays respect for
4171s the lance there
4178s very smart plays
4180s oh
4181s that ship damage through the shield
4184s so i can get your tail
4186s [Applause]
4188s a now flash
4190s take that right on its mouth as well
4191s it's like it's caught a fish
4194s a catfish even
4199s even with the silk finder now they're
4201s trying to keep track is
4203s wow
4204s okay this is this is really engaging i
4206s really like this you've really got to
4208s stay focused
4212s whoa i got volley
4215s thousand iq lance plays there yeah
4217s respected allowance there
4221s here i come
4224s watch out oh the poison got me
4231s should probably get my herbal medicine
4233s in
4235s nice flight again elemental attack boost
4238s then i just go and eat that and punch
4240s that
4243s should probably heal up let's not be
4244s greedy
4247s oh
4250s i'm trying to be short of the tail i
4252s think they've been working away hard at
4253s it
4260s that roar catches me every time doesn't
4262s it
4267s where are you
4283s you know what i thought i need to defend
4285s the kittenator do it yamato fire the
4288s cannon
4292s must have stayed by the head otherwise i
4293s would go to the tail here
4297s hunting on having a wonderful time
4301s okay got the goods back up whoa
4304s that gap closure where's my kidney there
4310s waiting for the commander to come up and
4311s go yo that's where my dragonator went
4316s oh we caught the tail
4319s okay where are you where are you
4322s oh i scratched my nose at the worst
4324s possible time there
4326s thank you for the flash
4341s watch my sharpness i don't want to
4342s probably be in blue
4344s or i'll like bounce off or something
4345s i'll just see just my hands
4348s compared to white and purple
4354s use the hard battery combo to protect
4357s what's left of my sharpness a little bit
4359s oh we parried it very nice
4362s right are you looking at me
4366s [Music]
4368s right not happy about that
4371s it's like casually sharpening like don't
4372s mind me fighting the invisible monster
4375s okay look for those red eyes oh my
4376s goodness they dash around
4380s that is very cool very intimidating
4388s oh we got a nice bonk there
4390s oh we nearly got above the table spirit
4393s yeah lucina cougars all about turning
4395s invisible that is the big thing about
4398s losing arkansas their special abilities
4400s very meleosy but much more aggressive
4402s arguably
4409s oh dodging through the mets you huh why
4412s you got oh oh
4413s it's like a playful cat but you
4416s murderous baby hat
4420s come here
4423s okay watching the
4425s silk
4429s goodness
4430s i love how aggressive and how mobile it
4432s is
4433s okay we've nearly got it we could go for
4435s the trap but it's probably closer to
4437s being like
4438s taken down i could
4444s but then it is a cute kitty okay you've
4446s sold me
4448s maybe i sold myself
4450s you gave us a good hunt let me cap you
4465s you earned the cap loosen
4466s you earned the cap
4469s well played everyone good hunt
4472s murderous people guess it like a normal
4474s cat yeah pretty much
4477s yeah we'll give loose and argue cougar
4479s all of the moonlight and treats it would
4481s like
4483s that was a good hunt that was fun
4486s so that means as well we're going to be
4487s opening up the lobby again
4491s so there's the lobby id and the password
4492s is one one two two got some nice parts
4495s there
4498s a few extra bits from the plunder
4508s yeah lance did some great work there
4511s that was some good stuff really really
4512s pleased
4514s we are playing on switch today we'll be
4515s playing on pc tomorrow though yeah
4517s there's a sailor who wants to talk to me
4519s on the master arlo i think you're fierce
4521s today yeah
4528s which i'm super excited to try so we
4530s have
4532s salafar
4535s and
4537s who else is hopping in
4541s no we rotate every two hunts we rotate
4543s with two hands
4547s thank you rye
4553s and we've got midnight there
4555s on the insect glaive and who else is
4557s joining us
4558s and we have uh kunai there or cuny sorry
4561s if i got the mispronounced
4562s got the pronunciation wrong um
4566s so let's look at the loosened car
4570s so we've got the lucent marker gear
4571s which is very snazzy like obviously i've
4573s put a blue tint on it um ability wise so
4577s handicraft ammo agitator critical boost
4579s sneak attack so sneak attack's really
4580s interesting and i've seen on twitter
4582s like south slayer
4583s saying about how this is potentially
4585s very nice for gun lands um so sneak
4588s attack is a new skill
4589s where it increases your attack power
4592s when you're attacking the monster from
4594s behind
4595s and up to 12
4597s as well
4600s so that is a fun one so now we're going
4602s to go help out our buddy buhari and
4604s we're going to be doing anomaly
4605s investigations
4607s so what shall we do
4609s what shall we do
4611s let's start with a higher level one
4614s and let's start
4616s with
4617s we could do a wrathion or we've done a
4619s round what we did gold rush so maybe we
4620s do
4623s let's do i mean i enjoy show that cena
4625s tour that's always a fun one let's do
4626s angela though okay we'll do a afflicted
4630s and investigation
4637s and i need to work on getting my more
4638s elementary weapons
4642s thanks for jumping in sebastian i'll be
4643s there in a moment sneak attack for jaw
4645s blades i bet your blades are all over
4646s the place so yeah they'll be they'll be
4648s loving life
4653s okay i'm gonna take insurance because i
4655s can i've got the opportunity to and i've
4657s been taking some you know reward items
4659s so it's only fair i pull my weight
4661s and i do my bit when insurance comes up
4665s oh salafi you can't do that one can you
4668s okay
4669s uh we'll do a lower level one
4672s i think we can do an 11
4676s can you do
4677s 11.
4678s oh okay that's fine we'll do an 11.
4680s let's see um
4689s who do you want to do
4690s let's do yo
4695s we like diamond we like the crab
4697s do some crab battles
4701s and we'll see what see what this gets us
4706s thanks natural
4709s now that's cool devon like nicely done
4711s like good on you
4716s it's okay
4717s it's quite all right my friend
4724s we'll take everyone likes to fight a
4725s crab we'll do daimyo see you see how the
4727s investigation plays out because i know i
4729s think you can gather bits as well to to
4730s increase your level more
4732s um
4733s oh did i leave without you sorry zalapa
4739s you know it is your you know did i did i
4741s leave without you
4742s sorry yeah jump in
4744s oh
4745s we'll leave you some goodies don't worry
4747s okay the crab crab is under water
4750s unsurprisingly
4756s so yeah i should look out for stuff to
4757s gather i know part breaks are really
4759s good as well
4765s so i know i've seen like mushrooms are
4767s one such thing
4770s and i've seen apparently
4772s apparently
4774s apex monsters appear in investigations
4777s so we've seen like apex is euros there
4779s all right
4782s i'm happy
4784s take this
4787s no slap please
4791s i did that too soon
4793s but now i have blood light so i can heal
4795s from attacking you
4805s come back i must heal
4813s oh there's the curie
4815s fits to attack
4827s don't be shellfish
4830s oh glad we went under under dino there
4833s oh is that a whip and ride bishop head
4836s we like that
4853s [Music]
4856s i keep forgetting to
4857s do some melding
4861s [Music]
4869s oh yeah going underneath using the i
4871s love shield bash one of my favorite
4872s moves
4875s oh we got the pop in the air and the
4877s paralysis
4886s okay so we need to get those legs
4889s there we go that's what we want
4892s maybe do some work on that shell
4899s it's got a nice shoe
4901s oh
4910s i didn't stop at the bowers again did i
4912s can't believe it
4916s they're barrels for me this time
4920s what time you're tired daimyo
4928s sorry absolutely fantastic damage
4931s opportunity
4933s yeah spirit birds are really really
4935s really useful against fighting puffer
4937s monsters if you climb up like normally
4939s would go for them but i'm quite
4940s comfortable with this monster
4942s um even in its conflicted state are we
4946s going to get kidnapping
4954s if i quickly sharpen
4956s there
4960s [Music]
4968s so the blunt damage is where really
4970s where it's at
4973s nice
4974s playing clues for a new investigation i
4976s guess your heartbreaks can do this as
4977s well so you want to be
4979s looking for opportunities
4987s oh
4989s the crab animation is great when it's
4990s running isn't it the team like
4993s lovingly
4994s crafts all these monsters and how they
4996s move and behave even when you're not
4998s fighting them like you know when they're
5010s look at the damage per second
5019s [Music]
5027s big damage that is the key to making
5028s these down quickly
5031s popping those
5032s red areas
5034s and it stops the monster supernova as
5035s well
5037s come back here
5039s come back here
5047s so it might get an egg in the face
5049s it is afflicted as well
5055s off we go
5059s go find the great wire bug take a
5060s shortcut oh no i kind of messed it up a
5063s bit
5066s part of me
5083s ah nice work with the whiffer riding
5085s huliaku has been commented
5087s great work there so we've updated our
5089s anomaly investigations we're going to
5091s see what that means
5092s uh once we've got our cars by curio
5096s they're off to find a new host
5098s so we've got some afflicted blood as
5100s well obviously for our upgrades
5106s yeah the movement feels so good doesn't
5108s it
5111s oh there we go look there are some
5113s some mysterious bits there to collect
5118s see if we can find any other curio's
5120s still in the air
5123s we got spirit
5124s spirits
5127s spirit beds
5131s trap bugs
5133s [Music]
5136s we're about to go back to elgato
5141s any clues here no these are normal
5143s nitrate streams hey zucchini have you
5144s seen any uh anomaly investigation clues
5147s the game needs more crabs we want more
5149s crabs
5155s very nice nicely done
5160s so we've got some interesting quest
5162s rewards here that are new so we've got
5164s an investigation coin i believe we use
5166s these to trade with buhari
5170s then we've got amber essence it can be
5172s used as a material for curious craft and
5175s we'll go check that out when we get back
5184s master right there points obtained okay
5186s so we got 212 that normally research
5188s level 22 so that means i think we'd
5189s obviously get level 22 investigation so
5191s we've got a level 15 daimyo and a level
5193s 12 great azuchi and some new titles as
5196s well
5197s uh mastering's going up nicely too so
5199s i'm going to do crimson glow
5202s so we're going to go and investigate
5203s what that means for us um i think manila
5206s will be like hey
5207s i've got some goodies for you obviously
5209s my night cougar hair cosplay there
5211s kicking in again
5219s okay yeah my nail what's uh what's going
5222s uh we're gonna talk to buhari afterwards
5224s as well
5226s curious crafting
5228s i'll be here when you need complete
5231s uh these materials can use further
5232s enhance your gear
5234s so breaking bars for carbon during
5236s afflicted
5238s so high quality materials okay that's
5240s what we're doing okay
5241s let's take a look you can use materials
5243s from reflective monsters to augment your
5244s weapons armor via curious crafting
5246s however you must first enable
5247s augmentation or not to do so okay so we
5250s need to enable it once fully upgraded
5251s weapons then only fully upgraded weapons
5253s and mr can be augmented weapons have
5255s been nominated cannot be rolled back so
5257s it's kind of like you know commit so for
5259s example i mean i'll probably upgrade
5261s that one so i'm not gonna
5264s um
5265s let's look at this okay so to enable
5268s augmentation you need some effective
5269s materials
5272s so let's use absolutely to farm some
5274s more
5275s so one two
5278s there we go
5282s okay so weapons that are able to be
5283s augmented have exclusive plot slots
5285s called anomaly slots you can enhance
5287s your weapon stats by equipping
5288s augmentations
5291s each augmentation will change your
5292s weapon stats in a unique way okay so we
5295s need to get a nice balance i mean
5296s because that means i could boost my
5298s element if i wanted to
5300s um but i need okay i need afflicted
5302s bones so that's what i need to get for
5303s element
5304s sharpness
5306s i need okay so i think they're newer
5308s ones
5309s so we really need to get kind of farming
5311s for those okay
5313s so i can put my attack up for example
5315s that would give me five raw which is
5317s really cool okay let's look at the armor
5321s so what one am i definitely probably
5322s going to keep the waist is really cool
5324s but i know i need that for the other
5325s stuff
5326s about the helm weakness why bug i
5335s love that is a really nice helmet as
5337s well
5340s it's got my
5343s let's use this as an example okay so you
5345s need to i need amber essence okay so as
5347s you farm you you get the goodies that's
5349s cool
5351s okay so let's go talk to bihari and see
5353s what's in buhari's shop
5356s so as you can see there's so much more
5357s coming to the end game like yeah there's
5360s tons for us to do now
5362s and get even stronger
5364s okay so the investigation coins obtained
5365s from anomaly investigations can be
5367s exchanged for use of items at the
5368s anomaly research lab more items will be
5370s added to the lineup as you hunt specific
5372s monsters so the more you do the more
5373s will be popped in there you'll even find
5375s curious crafting materials among them so
5376s make sure to check out once you've got
5377s some coins
5379s the anomaly research lab posts research
5381s requests to advance anomaly research
5383s complete them provide bonuses to
5384s research points and after completing the
5385s set number you can report to buhari to
5387s collect rewards okay so we definitely
5389s want to do some of those so chit chat
5392s okay
5395s so item exchange so you can get amber
5397s essence
5399s and then obviously look here's the orbs
5401s the mantels are in there and the bible
5403s plus like
5406s and this is only just the start as well
5408s only just the start
5411s so that's really really cool
5416s and you can even
5417s so okay what's my request sorry i want
5419s to check the request okay research
5421s requests slay an afflicted
5423s the afflicted asuras at level 21 or
5425s higher
5426s expires after four quests
5429s so
5429s okay maybe we try and do that if the
5431s next lobby has
5433s high enough people will try and do that
5434s one
5436s uh investigation point 50.
5442s so we will uh
5444s more investigations are available
5447s there is so much potential there it's
5449s really exciting
5451s you can search for anomaly
5452s investigations based on level and target
5454s monster make use of this feature when
5455s you're looking for a specific
5456s investigation the quest counter can
5458s adopt 120 anomaly investigations at time
5460s when a new investigation appears the
5461s oldest one will be deleted immediately
5463s you can lock them as well so you don't
5465s use them that's really cool
5467s i mean i don't think i've got a level 21
5468s as euros yet have i no
5471s but we do have a level 12 great azuchi
5479s so we'll do that one
5482s i didn't check the special uh
5484s things make sure it's not a two-player
5485s one
5487s so i need an is
5489s euros yes so you unlock
5493s master rank layered armor once you've
5494s completed the story in sun break so you
5496s need to complete the story and get to
5498s master rank 10 and do i think the first
5500s uh anomaly quest which is afflicted at
5502s zeros and then you unlock the ability to
5503s do mastering layered armor
5515s we'll go all out on this one booster
5531s this azuchi who's boss
5533s so i take it then to do the 21 and above
5535s you need to be mr16 up i think that must
5538s be the case
5543s so here we go
5545s great zucchini now stronger than ever
5547s well at level 12 for now
5550s yes i need to try and get in his euros
5552s at level 21 or above
5554s to get some bahari goodness
5562s okay so okay so zucchini's actually
5564s behind us
5566s fair enough we'll go that way
5569s yeah it's first come first serve liam um
5571s so as long as you're mr10 and above that
5574s is all good
5577s clues
5578s give us the clues
5588s look at that great azuchi oh my goodness
5591s good shot on the mining outcome i
5592s totally fought past that we'll grab the
5594s lantern part as well
5599s emma 100 nice you've been off the score
5601s in fact
5602s then
5609s okay so the tail is what we want to get
5612s whoa here it comes
5614s hey
5615s oh my goodness what did i hit there that
5618s was like a super med suit
5621s beautiful oh
5625s that felt really satisfying
5634s there's another one for good measure
5638s [Music]
5645s oh it's all going down here the damage
5647s numbers
5648s greater zucchini being a little raptor
5650s they're having a
5651s having a
5652s rough time
5655s we need to stop it from doing its
5657s vicious hail attacks
5666s glad i blocked that
5671s goodness
5673s cloud
5678s well this one hopefully we should we
5679s should be able to burn through this one
5681s heartbreak some more clues
5684s very nice
5689s pull the charge forward
5699s good stuff team good
5706s big hits oh and there's the stan
5708s [Music]
5711s loving those big numbers on sword and
5713s shield
5714s feels real nice
5725s when are we gonna get asleep we are
5727s getting asleep get sharp and i didn't
5729s bring bombs again
5734s all right i guess we'll let the hunting
5735s horn do the big dude sorry i haven't got
5737s bombs okay i apologize
5741s just hit mr70 nice one elite frost yeah
5744s i'm gaining on that i'll be there soon
5746s and crimson glow valve tracks
5750s that cooney do the honors if you
5752s if you assuming you've got sonic blue
5759s oh it's not charge blade is going in
5762s here we go
5765s oh that was delicious
5768s well played
5783s the sleep anyway
5786s [Music]
5792s damaged
5801s the extra hp there they're getting from
5803s this level already
5807s nice nearly defeated
5808s keep it up gang
5811s [Music]
5818s maybe i'll get parried by my own team
5821s even more power
5824s [Music]
5829s using this shield a lot of rocks it
5830s doesn't produce my sharpness
5837s well played everyone good job
5841s that was marvelous so what i'm gonna do
5844s i'm gonna put the lobby id back in and
5846s password is one one two two
5850s so i'm chasing that as euros
5851s investigation nothing personal buddy
5857s thank you crazy much appreciated
5860s got those thick furs and thick hives
5865s good hunt everyone
5867s good hunt
5869s but i like that bahari kind of has some
5870s stuff you can chase as well if you want
5872s you to further boost your gear hey
5874s zalapal there and the gold magala stuff
5876s love to see it
5879s oh yeah nothing can stop me
5885s [Music]
5890s good job midnight having a little
5891s victory dance there
5893s oh
5894s and the gorma gala gear
5898s i think there's a mix of gear though on
5899s that one
5902s our quest is
5909s completed it might be worth manually
5911s pushing it just to be sure bobby
5928s that's just me behind the monster like
5930s swinging like yeah
5931s yeah it's good to have the prance back
5933s everyone was so pleased to have it back
5935s which is really cool
5942s all right what's next on the menu did we
5944s i should have checked if i got some new
5945s investigations i just kind of jumped
5947s over it
5949s someone wants to talk to me it might be
5951s the admiral
5956s sorry said potato you need to be mr10 i
5959s think and above for this actually no you
5961s might be okay
5962s i think
5963s it might be okay
5966s let's check
5967s can you do
5969s can you do a normally quests
5983s we've got a level 13 is yours i guess
5985s it's because i'm not doing level 21s
5987s it's
5990s we'll do a vulva don't know can we do a
5992s level
5997s yeah thank you for jumping in midnight
6000s so a level 15 one here
6006s yeah i'm not sure if you're high enough
6007s so potato uh
6010s oh that's a cool little
6012s it's a cool little over there
6024s [Music]
6027s yeah i think you need to be mr10 and
6028s above to do the title update one stuff
6030s yeah it's great to see insect glaive
6032s players in action
6033s it's really really cool
6041s mr279 nice one luck swords
6044s that's cool good you you're watching the
6045s hunt and take a bite at the hunt as well
6061s yeah sorry sir potato i think you need
6063s to be mr10 and above
6065s um
6066s for
6067s for today's title update one focus as we
6069s do try all the new title update one
6071s stuff
6075s so decarion though getting the hammer
6076s and we've got hunting also we've got a
6077s lot of blunt damage coming in i'm
6078s feeling a lot of a lot of knockouts
6080s there i am lucent today archer
6082s i am lucent indeed
6085s this foyorean skin dlc is out yes sorry
6088s potato next week oh well hopefully for
6090s the next stream you'll be you'll be mr10
6093s mr10 and ready to rock
6099s no worries calvin get well soon get
6101s we'll see
6102s so there is a space in the lobby now as
6105s well um so there you go pop that back in
6107s so as long as your mr10 and above
6110s hop in um because you need to just be
6111s mr10 to do the title update once stuff
6116s and we have indie mr258
6119s making me need to need to go higher
6121s there okay we'll put in a higher level
6123s investigation
6125s um
6126s what do we want to do 21 21 21 uh
6128s anjanath we wanted to try engine app
6130s before so we'll go we'll go back to
6132s anjana
6133s i am bringing the dudes on tomorrow's
6134s live stream yes i will be on pc i'll be
6137s using the hunting on
6140s so we're going up against angela now
6147s so we will go
6148s [Music]
6151s i think we'll go booster
6153s defender
6156s i think that's the combo that's the play
6159s [Music]
6162s yeah don't worry said potato you're
6163s really close to being where you need to
6164s be like going from mr5 to 10 it takes
6167s like no time at all you'll absolutely
6168s blitz through it
6174s and i'll remember to bring some bombs
6176s this time as well
6179s there we go there we go so we've got
6182s switch axe hammer hunting horn and my
6185s sword shield look at that
6193s [Music]
6195s morocco
6197s very hype
6199s all right let's go
6205s i'd say do a three monster quest you
6206s jump from six to ten in no time that's a
6208s great point yeah multi multi monster
6210s hunts are very good for pushing up your
6213s master rank level and your hr as well at
6214s the same time i keep forgetting to do
6216s talismans
6218s keep forgetting to do talismans
6221s your first time dootin live on stream
6223s looking forward to it eric i'm sure
6224s you'll
6225s do us proud and put on quite the show
6235s okay let's go
6241s um
6242s so where are we going okay anjanath is
6246s over in the middle
6252s yeah i still need to get my mr200 i'm
6253s nearly 70 though so i'll be able to go
6255s up the crimson globe
6263s i bet i can't pick up that honey you
6264s watch
6265s yeah my honey's full
6267s what a tease
6272s let's keep it up
6273s that afflicted material will not be mine
6278s okay here we go so we're going after the
6280s engine up now you hate fighting sea then
6282s is it all the explosions it's a very aoe
6284s centric fight see you got to be on your
6287s toes
6292s let's grab the bits
6294s there we go
6298s i think that'll do i think we're ready
6300s to go fight
6301s we've afflicted andre now
6303s sirius down there
6305s do we go for the bible right i think so
6309s i think that'll be well worth it
6312s i can get my message
6317s all right let's go
6320s yes there is defender gear
6322s so there's defender weapons and the
6323s black belt s gear so you can get through
6325s rise
6326s really quickly if you want to again the
6328s submarine so you can be lined with that
6330s gear
6335s get these going for the
6337s ride
6338s nice work
6339s nice work for the earth shaker i think
6341s that was
6342s all right i'll get on that thank you
6344s rocket that's very kind of you who'd win
6346s between rooney
6347s and scored magnum
6349s well i couldn't possibly say that is a
6351s clash of titans
6353s clash of
6358s i titans to get the beam out
6361s fire everything oh no oh
6364s fire everything go go
6368s well that's rude
6370s and gina no too slow
6373s too slow
6375s now you know i'm just gonna go for the
6376s ram
6377s i'm gonna go for the ram
6379s and jenna body me before i could get my
6381s beams off
6383s i just fell down here
6385s the sirius was bringing the base there
6387s but uh
6389s flipped the engine up was like no
6398s yeah now you get to the pit of shame
6400s engineer
6401s that'll teach you
6409s loving that hunter horn sounds
6414s there's the stun into the paralysis
6417s oh what the sirius
6420s coming in with the artillery just not
6422s happy that we did the riding clearly
6430s oh nice blast there
6434s back on the ground
6436s see if we can boop that snooze get the
6441s break everybody's here
6444s nice park break there gang
6458s [Music]
6461s just lying on the ground thank you very
6464s much
6472s tail sweep there
6478s all right a couple humans could learn
6486s nice trap there everyone
6490s let's see if i can get a little bit on
6491s that tail which is precariously close to
6493s the lava
6496s paralysis of damage life as well
6504s you know that's amazing this
6506s three wire bug there we go
6509s and we need to recharge one there before
6511s that goes
6513s what i got in the way of the hammer
6515s yeah that but sirius was not having it
6517s at all it was like hey i didn't think
6523s [Music]
6532s do its thing
6536s parallel
6543s all right let's get ready hunters my god
6545s i love the glow on my sword
6552s i love the hunting horn how they're all
6553s so different as well
6563s thunderblade that was a good time for
6565s thunderblade we might get the stun
6567s that's cheeky
6568s oh there it is a crack on the jaw
6573s there's a kittenator waiting to go as
6575s well
6579s i think he's just fired up and say you
6580s know what i'm here
6590s so close to the trap
6594s that's the thing with the lottery box
6595s you never know what you're gonna get
6596s it's a mystery
6603s i think you might need to be a certain
6605s level before
6607s you get effective quest drop
6609s of the new monsters i don't know i've
6612s seen people discussing twitter is it
6613s like 50 maybe
6616s oh wow that was
6617s efficient
6619s six minutes that six to seven minutes
6621s like well played
6623s oh my
6625s [Music]
6626s it's 51 there you go thank you luck
6628s sword so you need to be anomaly level 51
6630s and above to start getting the new
6633s monsters so you know just a little bit a
6635s little bit of a hunting and then you
6636s will then you'll be there hey a mantle
6638s love it
6640s carved man told best man
6642s very nice or any mantle best man's all
6644s you know it's always nice to get the get
6646s the car
6650s that was quick work i was worried that
6652s engine half would be more of a handful
6654s there
6657s we did it we did well
6664s [Music]
6667s yeah
6668s used to be quite the walling world
6670s but it's like the first of all a lot of
6671s people faced i think it's a nice way to
6673s kind of train and get ready and hone
6675s your skill before heading beyond
6680s [Music]
6689s so we got lots of nice bits there so
6691s we've got a couple of coins as
6693s well as that's anomaly jewels and
6695s industries i'm using decorations
6699s okay
6701s we like those oh did i skip that too
6703s soon i did
6706s i'm i'm very i'm a little bit biased
6708s tried but i highly recommend it and it
6710s is on sale it's 49 off on pc right now
6712s rises for the base game
6714s um so it's a great time to get into
6717s it's you know i love the mobility i love
6719s the action i love the skills
6721s this is very very me very very me
6724s right what do we got
6727s we've got another we've got a somnikanth
6730s and a naga cougar
6732s so i think we've got afflicted some of
6734s the counts and a normal naga cougar um
6736s so what's the conditions faint three
6738s times
6740s uh anomaly research
6742s i mean that's pretty cool
6746s let's do that one
6748s let's do a summer camp
6752s nice one nice one
6764s so again for the double here
6770s so i think we will go
6773s this is normal say a normal afflicted on
6775s the count so it's good
6783s there can be double hunts you can get
6785s apex monsters apparently apex is euros
6788s can make an appearance as well
6790s um yeah you know these investigations
6792s there's a lot of stuff that can change
6793s really mixing things up
6804s look at that that's cool is that both of
6807s them do i need to how do i change that i
6808s don't think i've changed it before
6812s i need a brave hunter to let me know how
6813s to change my
6815s because i think it came up didn't it and
6817s i forgot badge of heroes okay
6819s kingdom mystery
6822s oh i've not got it yet
6826s oh there's a
6827s that feels like there's three more
6831s one two three
6833s interesting
6835s interesting so there's another one there
6837s look
6838s maybe that's like mr100 or something
6848s that is very interesting
6851s there is the kahoot the kahoot hunter
6870s very fashionable
6880s just checking on my my real life pelico
6882s she's sleeping on the sofa at the moment
6885s she's like yeah i'm chilling good luck
6887s with the hunts
6889s she's been very cheeky before the stream
6890s though so i gave her some snacks so she
6892s would be like all right i'm saded
6897s so we've got a level 23 afflicted some
6900s account and a normal naga cougar
6903s so let's get ready to rock
6908s oh no that is not good timing viking oh
6910s my goodness i hope you can get that
6911s fixed fixed quickly
6929s let's go let's get stuck in
6931s [Music]
6938s i'm not imagining it hooray okay so
6940s we'll go for
6941s oh
6944s that's a good spot i would have ran
6945s straight past that
6947s all right somebody can come here and
6949s we've got toad there was our sleep toad
6951s perhaps
6954s zombie cats
6955s come here you've been selected
6957s every temple's protection
6963s going off with the small monsters there
6966s god you've got them team up
6969s that's the spirit
6972s how rude
6983s [Music]
6988s that raw
6989s ah into the charge okay but the damage
6991s is all the damage there
6994s oh that that's sleeping
6998s no don't snooze
6999s dirty water you'll get covered in it
7002s yamato okay you know that works thank
7004s you
7005s thank you so much
7011s to sleep again you know i think i think
7022s you know it's being trickier than i
7023s expected to be fair
7026s oh the rocky that's what she saw
7031s get chopping
7039s i'm sorry rogi you know my bad you know
7057s discharge there
7059s great timing
7060s coming back for more
7067s oh there we go all right you got time to
7069s sharpen everyone
7071s do
7084s cougars
7087s it's me so we're going to do some damage
7089s and then we're going to launch the
7090s monster instead of doing a mounted
7092s punisher
7094s and then we'll focus on damaging
7097s some again
7099s there we go nice little tactic there if
7100s you want to still do some damage in a
7102s multi one but focus on the first monster
7103s you're taking down
7118s got plenty of time to do their thing now
7120s we'll use the evades to
7122s get some nice attacks off
7126s big damage now we do the mounted
7128s punisher
7130s rocky to the rescue and deep drinks
7133s chinese go get your shinies everyone
7136s get your loot
7138s yes
7154s nice heartbreak
7158s okay some accounts had enough gone for a
7160s run we do these streams normally once
7162s every week um so normally they're on a
7164s thursday but because title update one
7166s dropped today i was like hey let's do an
7168s extra stream so this is like an extra
7170s stream today but it's normally thursday
7172s around 2 p.m bst 3 p.m
7174s cest roughly it does vary a little bit
7176s it can be a little bit later
7178s and it might be a little bit later
7179s tomorrow because i'm being joined by
7182s hopefully the us community manager at
7183s bojo
7185s so i'm hoping so that doesn't mean
7201s i'm loving the tunes from the hunting
7202s horn we've nearly got the warriors on
7204s the countdown nice heartbreak as well
7207s gonna pop that for more damage oh
7211s no ladrov please i don't want to hurt
7213s you they just said you don't mind if we
7214s just wander in
7216s not right now
7217s it's not safe for you
7222s nice work everyone
7224s nice work
7225s so just now computed to go
7227s no you're off no
7230s why are you doing this
7232s oh now you're in trouble you've been
7233s paralyzed by the uh
7239s now the palakos are having a go no you
7241s shouldn't have done that la drop
7243s you shouldn't have done that one
7245s oh you're asleep okay i thought you'd
7247s been slain let that be a lesson to you
7249s you can sleep it off
7266s good idea we'll go to the sub camp and
7268s take it from there
7273s good
7280s this way
7281s yeah naga cooper's on the moon
7283s so we should be able to intercept
7286s so keep an eye out for those it all adds
7288s up
7289s it all adds up
7291s which is really cool so you know when
7292s you're wandering around or collecting
7293s the spirit of birds or endemic life you
7295s can still get rewarded oh look you can
7296s see from quite far away as well
7300s excuse me
7303s give me all the clues i must investigate
7305s further
7309s oh there's more
7311s afflicted dung
7318s maybe giggle
7320s now this will give us more flu goodness
7328s oh the paul fango dodged there that was
7330s entirely why i had to met sue
7332s entirely no it wasn't whiffed it was
7333s defending myself with such
7335s reckless hate
7343s coming out of this lottery box
7366s [Music]
7373s hill
7393s there you go enjoy it
7399s here comes here comes sonic bloom
7407s oh magnificent trio is coming out kaboom
7410s look at that damage definitely yeah no
7412s not surprised there's a heartbreak there
7423s oh mr head oh no i didn't aim that
7425s properly all right let's go
7435s [Music]
7437s oh nice paralysis going in there
7440s good timing
7444s slug is a great skill i really like
7446s slider
7447s you know hunting horn hammer sword
7449s shield until next time great job
7451s everyone
7453s great job
7454s [Music]
7459s very nice now what we'll do normally i
7461s would rotate the lobby but we've only
7462s got time for one more hunt so we'll keep
7464s this lobby for one more hun
7466s we'll pop out one more hunt and then we
7468s will wrap up for today
7470s and we'll be back tomorrow though we
7471s will be back tomorrow on pc playing
7473s title update one so if you're mr10 and
7475s above on your pc
7478s jump right in
7479s and uh we'll be we'll be showcasing some
7481s stuff i'll be on hunting horn tomorrow
7483s getting my do on probably using i mean
7485s i've got malzaino and luna garron's
7487s clinton horn so one of those two
7489s switching between it
7496s we're heading to the sky
7498s just in case there's any more
7500s investigation
7501s gathering points
7505s keep limber
7507s [Music]
7509s not down i go whoa
7512s afflicted dragonblood good question good
7514s question
7516s look at all these goodies
7519s so we've got some atmospheres essence
7521s anomaly jewels
7523s shell amber essence ambassadors
7526s so there's different levels of that
7527s that's good today
7532s nakaku is like oh
7534s okay so what have we got oh that's not
7536s gonna go good
7537s um
7538s so hunter rank 310 mr66
7541s got some demon powder so points obtain
7544s 391 so completion hunting adjustment
7546s gathering bonus okay so we've got some
7549s decant agnes wrathion anjanath
7552s jarrattados duratidos
7554s still no
7556s still knows euros and i think i'm like
7558s running out of hunts to do it thanks for
7559s coming by sebastian
7563s uh lucid nag is good to have loosen
7566s knockback
7573s somebody wants to talk to me
7575s oh decarion oh they're dropping out i
7577s was gonna say we know we're only doing
7578s one more hunt so you know if you want to
7580s stay around you can but there's a space
7581s so if you want to jump in okay what did
7583s i miss uh these
7589s how's tickets
7591s so
7592s one more quest no
7595s oh no
7597s welcome fan welcome welcome
7599s okay so we're gonna do one more hunt
7600s does anyone have a level 21 or above
7603s yet to carry and stick around um
7607s hello fern welcome back
7608s does anyone have a level 21 or above
7611s azuros investigation
7613s because if so i will love you
7615s very much
7619s so yeah if you've got a level 21 above
7621s this euros investigation please chuck it
7623s in if not i'll throw something in
7626s you got level 26 perfect
7629s i think me and fern can do those
7634s [Music]
7637s and you can see what that does is what
7638s why i got naga google cut wings on
7640s meters casually i need to put the dung
7643s back as well i'm just grabbing a barrel
7645s just grabbing a barrel
7648s so at level 26 the zero let's see how
7651s that goes
7653s oh dratados have you gotten his euros
7656s have you gotten his euros by any chance
7658s uh bear friend
7662s this is that this will be the last time
7664s that we're about to do
7666s yeah this will be the last one
7669s anyone got on his euros
7677s wow that's so cool people got really
7678s cool badges is that the arena one
7680s indy that looks like so is there a one
7683s for the arena as well that's really cool
7684s let's say no worries at all no worries
7687s at all yeah if no one's got a level 21
7689s or above a zero that's fine i'll pop
7691s something in as well um
7694s see if fern's got one we are on switch
7696s yes adam yes we are we're going to do
7697s one more hunt
7700s if not though i'll pop something in
7702s we'll put in the highest one i've got
7704s 27 27.
7712s we could do a level 27 jurass
7716s we'll fight the fishy
7720s and if not ian we'll see and if you do
7722s have one chuck it in and i'll replace it
7723s level one yeah
7725s it's the thought that counts there
7729s okay we'll go booster
7731s defender kind of like another another
7733s nice kind of like standard set for me
7740s all right we're gonna go fight the big
7742s fish
7744s and we'll have to just do the next the
7745s next bounty that bahari has scored for
7748s us hopefully
7751s it's nice to see all these bits you can
7752s trade for
7754s even outfit vouchers as well
7756s that's super cool amber essence
7759s i'll be seeing you
7761s yeah it's looking good
7766s so yeah there's so much more with the
7768s endgame the endgame is just expanding
7771s massively which is great and you can
7772s play in so many different ways and
7774s you're going to be encouraged to farm
7776s different monsters and different levels
7777s of monsters
7779s yeah so yeah it's great like i love the
7781s variety and i like that there's even
7782s more icons up here i need to check how
7784s to unlock them as well though it's very
7787s intriguing i reckon there's an arena one
7789s man i wonder if that was once like doing
7790s all of the quests maybe
7796s all right let's go let's take down this
7798s duration duratodes
7807s let's get my stretches in ready to take
7809s on the big fish
7820s okay it's night time
7823s the air is rife with curio
7826s there's a raccoon over there
7831s see if i can get hold of her
7833s use that to fight uratodus
7848s your
7850s presence is requested i love how they're
7852s in the air during these investigations
7854s really changes the atmosphere
7863s i shall bring it down my means get this
7870s hello
7872s [Applause]
7877s there guys gonna say was that not enough
7879s you want more
7880s we got the mount though that's good
7882s that's what we want
7884s [Music]
7886s all right let's go
7888s have the spirit bird on the way
7890s i went the wrong way go into the water
7895s time is limited before we must pop
7898s let's make the most of it and get the
7900s fish
7902s there we go
7905s [Music]
7910s the fire walls are just fire blight
7912s involved here
7914s and poison with the tail
7924s there we go that's some good stuff and
7926s we're probably gonna get some more
7926s poison top up as well from another
7929s glorious tail whip the back flip
7932s going in strong okay
7936s oh yes please 13 37 damage we'll eat now
7942s [Music]
7944s thank you very much raffian hope you
7946s have a wonderful evening
7954s that's some big bunking going on there
7956s with a hunting horn that is a glorious
7958s one that must be a little rash hang
7960s there or is that furious resident one
7962s that is bright that is glorious
7966s baratheon fell like what are you doing
7968s you've done your bit leave breathian go
7970s and enjoy your evening
7983s oh that was a big hit
7987s those levels are really showing
7997s we'll get get the hip check in there
7999s but i think the head's broken already so
8001s i can heal up
8002s as soon as i don't get volleys off of it
8007s you know what i don't want to cut so i'm
8009s going to uh i'm going to go for a little
8012s drink
8014s there's more leakness
8016s i guess that's my chance
8018s get the bomb
8020s all right sharpen up gang and see my
8030s [Music]
8033s oh i whiffed it i whipped it went for
8035s the goal
8037s so rather we got the fundamental one
8038s we'll take that even i did whip the ride
8040s a bit
8042s it's quite hard to drive a fish
8046s oh no
8048s no
8049s say it's not so
8058s i'll make up with some delicious combos
8071s thanks for the support
8076s oh nice big pop
8083s yeah what i'm gonna do i need to farm
8085s that silver raffle big time
8088s big time silver wrap
8121s skills anyway from the malzaina set
8123s which i love it's a great set like y bug
8126s whisperer blood riots got some offensive
8128s ones on there as well
8145s yeah you need to be mr10 to do the
8148s season basil geese silver rather lost
8151s gold raffian and loose powder
8154s here and also for the investigation
8156s stamina
8157s which is super quick to get to once
8159s you've completed um oh nice the
8161s kittenator telling your mother you you
8163s can do this once you completed some
8165s breaks main story
8167s oh
8168s thinking about it thinking about it
8172s harpoon i know it ran away it saw the
8174s kittenata there yamato was like you know
8176s what i can't handle this i'm off so
8178s don't feel bad yamato you did a great
8180s job what are you doing with that are you
8182s are you aiming at the hermitor
8185s you're thinking about it aren't you
8186s you're like
8189s what are you doing hamilton's you're
8190s presenting a target to yamato
8192s oh my goodness
8199s oh sorry for the new oh sorry i thought
8202s you meant the those ones yeah for the
8204s for the new anomaly quest monsters like
8206s zenoga astalas
8208s you need to have anomaly
8210s level 51 in anomaly investigations
8214s then you can
8215s take on those beasties
8221s nearly there not long ago
8223s those monsters are ready i hope you are
8225s too i'm sure
8243s did not miss right
8248s we need to get on the head
8251s and the tail okay that's good that's the
8254s part
8263s you haven't i know many questions i have
8265s fun with nice it's good to have
8266s favorites as well
8271s must lose my betsu there for some big
8273s damage
8274s even without the count it's a great of
8276s course the counter is
8278s beautiful
8279s yeah the sns is great like and i'm not
8281s even using like you know uh an element
8283s that drastically
8286s but i do like
8287s yeah puts out damage like i highly
8291s recommend it and there's so many
8292s different ways to play it's very
8293s versatile weapon like you can focus on
8296s element you can avoid you can focus on
8297s shield damage or like a mix of sword and
8300s shield it's great
8302s i'm biased though it's my favorite
8303s weapon
8306s well i've got a dual blade player my
8307s lobby got to carry him
8309s [Music]
8315s bye-bye curio until next time
8321s cortex is very nice
8324s yamato is like yes
8326s my favorite
8328s i'm gonna get some durotoda's dango or
8330s something
8333s great job everyone though great hunt
8336s all right can we see if there maybe
8337s there'll be some materials around here
8338s it's always worth real quick that could
8339s be under the hunt now
8341s [Music]
8343s oh there we go look there's one no my no
8345s breeze are full
8347s can i eat one
8349s no no it's like no i don't need that
8351s right now well there's some there's some
8352s there if anyone wants it
8355s it's a ruby wire bug i thought it was
8357s there
8358s oh that's right we got some from taking
8360s down duratodes
8361s eat the no breeze throw them get rid of
8363s them
8368s excellent
8369s good job everyone
8378s and some more loot that's what we want
8380s and we're stocking up on anomaly jewels
8382s nice and quick as well which i'm very
8384s happy about right what do we what do we
8386s got here hunter ranks going up and mass
8388s ranks going up got some more anomaly
8390s points there
8392s adjustment time limit nice oh we had a
8394s time limit i should check that
8399s so we are level 29 on anomaly research
8401s so that's going up real quick that's
8403s going up nice and quick so we'll be
8405s we'll be able to face any monsters soon
8407s enough
8408s and we're stacking up on materials we
8410s need which is really really good as well
8415s best way to level up our multi monster
8418s hunts are really good you get a lot of
8420s xp for those and they all have slightly
8422s less hp
8424s because there's multiple monsters so
8426s definitely definitely okay research
8427s because details have been updated okay i
8429s forgot to do any talismans this time
8433s [Music]
8436s oh yes
8439s thanks for jumping in there everyone ah
8440s let's quickly go see what the next one
8442s is if buhari's gone i deflected some of
8444s the camp level 21 or higher and you get
8447s research point bonus i'm pretty sure
8449s i've got one of those
8450s so
8455s yeah so we can do that one for example
8457s oh yeah there you go it's even got the
8458s little book next to it and there's just
8460s a song that counts we can do as well
8461s that's really cool
8463s that's really cool we can see what we're
8464s going to get there the shells and bits
8466s like that so we can see what rewards we
8467s want awesome
8469s all right well i'm going to do a save so
8470s i don't forget to save but that wraps up
8473s today's stream thank you everyone who
8475s came by obviously it was a little extra
8477s stream today we will be back tomorrow
8478s playing on pc so if you want to do some
8480s tight update one stuff on pc do swing by
8482s but yeah it was a ton of fun i'm loving
8484s title update one already there's so much
8486s to do and so much to dive into to like
8489s further upgrade your sets your armor
8491s your weapons i'm looking forward to
8493s really getting stuck in and getting
8494s those up but thank you everyone that
8496s came by whether you watched chatted or
8498s jumped in the hunts or tried to jump in
8500s hunts i really appreciate it because
8501s it's you the community that make these
8503s hunts what they are
8504s so thank you so so much but yeah title
8506s update one is live now it's free to put
8508s like free to download and play if you
8510s own some break as our title updates
8512s always are there's a ton of stuff to get
8514s into and you only need to be mastering
8515s 10 and above to do it so do jump in and
8517s let us know how you're getting on but
8519s other than that thank you so much for
8520s coming by i've been jono you've been
8523s awesome and hopefully i'll see you
8524s tomorrow but if not have a fantastic
8526s weekend and i'll see you next week good
8528s night
8535s [Music]
8548s [Music]
8561s so
8573s [Music]
8594s you
about 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
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294s [Applause]
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344s [Music]
360s so
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484s so
487s [Music]
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534s [Music]
557s [Music]
565s [Music]
573s [Applause]
578s [Music]
599s [Music]
616s hello everyone and welcome to today's
618s stream my name is jono emea community
620s manager on monster hunter and you might
622s notice that i am joined today by a while
624s i would say special guest but you're
625s much more than that would you like to
627s introduce yourself joe
629s thank you i'm joe i'm the capcom usa
632s community manager for monster hunter and
634s yeah i'm happy to join uh this is my
636s first stream with you jono i mean we've
638s done some other streams here and there
640s but uh yeah it's the first time so hello
642s everybody yeah it's great to have you
643s here yeah we've been playing a lot
644s behind the scenes um you know preparing
646s like even ahead of sun breaks launch
648s we've been doing some prep and uh and
650s trying out some early builds and fun
652s stuff like that but it's great to
653s actually get you on stream today and you
655s know have you play with the community
657s chat to some of the european bunch as
659s well and have some fun and do some hunts
660s because there is a ton of stuff in title
662s update one isn't there
665s yeah there really is there's a ton of
666s new monsters uh lots of new end game
668s content so uh yeah i've been diving in a
670s little bit on my own but uh yeah we're
672s gonna play a little bit today and it
673s should be should be a good time so
674s excited for it and i've already seen
676s jojo references because jono and joe
678s [Laughter]
681s that is that is good to see so what
682s we're gonna do yeah for those who don't
684s know we're going to be opening up the
686s lobby we're gonna have two slots today
688s um and we're gonna do two hunts and then
690s we'll rotate the lobby and we'll do that
691s for a couple of hours and that is how we
694s will go about things so let's transition
696s over to elgato and as you can see
698s there's myself and joe on alternate
700s corners you'll be seeing my game played
702s today
702s um
704s so you know if i can't i'm sorry i'll
707s try and blame joe somehow
710s hey you know these walkers are tough i
712s might i might have some struggles here
714s too they are and you know i'm playing on
716s the hunting on today i'm not my beloved
717s sword and shield i'm on uh my beloved
719s haunted horn which i haven't had as much
721s practice with so hopefully i won't be
723s sent back to camp too ungracefully but
725s yes we are on pc today so i'm gonna put
728s the lobby settings up it is first come
730s first served and in chat i'm gonna put
732s the lobby id
733s so you can
735s pop that in nice and easy but jump in
738s but the only request is please be mr10
740s or above because we will be focusing on
743s title update one content today we're
745s gonna do one warm-up hunt um and then
747s we're gonna go straight into title
749s update on stuff so as long as you're 10
750s or above you will be absolutely fine
754s yeah to be a good time
756s i'm excited i'm a little i'm a little
758s nervous i have to admit you know uh i
760s don't want to be that guy that's
762s dragging down the team so let's show off
763s your fashion actually because i do i'm a
765s big fan of your passion let's tell us
766s more about your outfit joe
769s well you know uh hunters must hunt or
772s punters i guess
774s tears must hoot looking very good what
776s weapon is it is that your main weapon we
779s can see equipped there or
781s yeah i'm using the kashala dual blades
784s um i'm normally a switch ax player but
786s you know i thought i'd i'd change it up
787s today and i think that's why i'm a
788s little bit nervous i i do play dual
790s blades but uh you know it's been been a
792s little while uh
794s i've mostly played dual blades and bass
795s rides so getting used to them in sun
797s break again you thought you'd switch
798s things up
801s yeah yeah
803s try something new maybe this is not the
804s best time to try something new but you
806s know
808s i mean the good news is we're just doing
809s a warm-up quest before we dive into
810s thailand stuff we're just gonna do a um
814s afflicted azeroth nice and easy nothing
816s can go wrong here i'm sure it'll be
818s absolutely fine
819s and then famous last word yeah
824s um
824s and then we will take it from that we
826s will go up against
827s bazel geez now for those who want to
829s know you need to be master
831s in order to access the title update one
833s content and have done the first urgent
835s quest uh after the
837s um completion of the sun break campaign
839s which is the one we're about to do
840s anomaly research
843s afflicted is surprisingly rude you're
845s right justin like just like apex
847s emergency is euros like
850s yeah this this uh this is a mean bear to
853s say the least yeah
854s almost all of them are pretty rude to be
857s honest yeah they they don't take any
859s prisoners
861s there is no cross play between pc and
863s switch no they are separate entities so
865s when picking up rise in some break i say
867s pick the one that you think you're gonna
868s play the most or play with your buddies
870s the most on um
873s and that way you should you should be
874s okay
878s okay once you've uh once you've grabbed
880s the quest will uh head in and we'll take
882s on
882s fearsome azuros
885s i'm looking forward to hunting again
886s because you know we've done some we've
888s done some cheeky hunts you know upstream
889s and stuff like that so
893s yeah i'm pretty excited it's gonna be
895s pretty fun
897s uh hopefully i i hold up here maybe it
900s may have afforded myself absolutely fine
902s and you know we're both running ice
904s element and obviously i can buff uh
906s element damage as well with my luna
908s garron hunter
909s i need to just remember how to play my
911s luna account
914s i have to admit i'm a little new to the
916s world of uh talking and playing at the
918s same time which uh can be surprisingly
920s challenging so it's a great excuse for
922s when you come because you're like oh i
924s was distracted talking definitely not
926s yeah yeah you know oh how could this
928s happen
931s if somebody says it's not a skill issue
933s it always is
937s trying to grab some spirit
938s i'm a bit slower than everyone else
943s user right now what about my little
945s palette
951s you have um
953s kind of like a
954s a path that you go
956s to get your spirit i have a rough
958s citadel path i say like more of a half a
960s path i kind of hop here grab the endemic
962s life and then i kind of go down where
964s raven is going
966s and then i hop across but it's very
968s rudimentary
969s um
970s yeah same here i always make a b line
972s for the uh for the marionette spider
974s it's a must that's a great shot like i
977s have like a 50 50 percent success ratio
980s with the marionette oh yeah
989s okay
1000s thorny toad versus marionette spider
1002s what's your what's your vote
1004s i mean
1006s marion has spiders
1014s this does not want to be threatened at
1016s all
1020s all right i'm heading over
1027s oh
1028s that's all right i mean it's just a
1029s warm-up hunt right yeah exactly this is
1031s why we have warm-up you know before we
1033s go
1034s yeah oh i can put my body back
1064s i'm trying to do
1065s some volume management that's way better
1069s good shout everyone thanks for letting
1070s me know otherwise it would look like joe
1072s talking to himself
1075s that'd be an interesting one
1078s i could put it louder
1088s oh
1090s my honey
1094s save him
1096s thank you
1097s okay i can put it up a little bit
1100s i'll do that
1106s a little busy at the moment yeah
1108s slightly slightly
1114s yeah i'm just loving the uh the spiral
1116s splash
1118s with the dual blades it's way too fun
1121s yeah that for all the right reasons
1126s yeah when you do miss it though
1129s when you miss it you feel a little
1130s foolish yeah
1132s so you should see me miss all my
1133s messages
1140s [Music]
1144s how could this happen to me
1157s back up already
1164s yeah i love so much wave absolutely
1166s amazing
1170s oh i i mounted
1173s nice nice there we go
1175s off you go
1177s there first
1181s [Laughter]
1187s like well played on yours
1189s you got me nervous there like no
1191s pressure
1200s just love what they did
1210s [Music]
1219s of spreading this one though yeah nice
1221s warm up just what we want
1231s it's just the stun lock and it's doing
1233s us
1243s [Music]
1247s there that was great teamwork obviously
1249s you know when you've got some heavy
1250s hitters like the great sword and long
1251s sword as well that is and your blades
1254s you know i'm just not used to playing
1255s with many dual blade players i think
1259s just uh death by a thousand cuts
1265s yeah i think that's a good first warm-up
1267s huh yeah i'm ready i'm ready for title
1268s update one now stuff i think stephen
1271s keys especially because you know now
1272s i've unlocked master and layered gear
1274s yeah so
1280s [Music]
1282s you got to keep the blue hair though
1283s that's a oh yeah that's a must i you
1285s know
1286s there are some amazing helmets i've got
1288s that thing where i'm like
1290s do i
1293s do i want like a cool helmet or do i
1295s keep my face showing like like cena
1297s here's got a nice mix i think that's the
1299s gossarag
1300s helmet where they you know part of the
1302s face is covered but you can still see
1303s like other parts of your face
1308s and i've got my paliko in a new outfit
1310s it's a mix of guys mcgorm oh gary magala
1312s um kind of like you know i could be your
1315s angle or your devil
1322s that's my first outfit voucher plus and
1324s i got a trophy that's right steam
1326s trophies in our life for some break and
1328s rise yeah highly requested oh yes glad
1332s we got him in there
1334s there we go okay so
1338s i've got all the anomaly research and
1339s quest bits done now on yesterday's
1341s stream i went through all this and was
1342s like hey you know this is how you know
1344s the anomaly bits work and stuff like
1346s that so i'll probably skip through it a
1348s bit today
1349s just we get we'll jump right into it oh
1351s yes
1353s obviously bihari is open for business
1355s and this is like obviously where how
1358s well how the end game is massively
1360s expanded
1362s there's there's so much
1364s all right chichay's like hey come come
1365s back
1367s i think we got business to take care of
1372s so we got the anomaly investigations
1373s unlocked
1374s and i'm mr15 now
1381s obviously i do main switch
1383s but so i'm a bit behind on pc but you
1386s know ketchup ketchup all right yeah
1390s time for bibs
1392s which is you know when i was playing on
1393s my sunshield i could block some of the
1395s attacks as i learned it but i'm kind of
1397s going in without that sweet sweet shield
1399s this time
1400s so it should be interesting so defend
1402s them better i've got carver defender
1403s medic
1406s [Music]
1407s yeah we are on pc today everyone we are
1409s on pc so we did a switch stream
1412s yesterday
1413s uh we said like a bonus stream and i'll
1415s probably be doing switch again next week
1417s so today we wanted to double up spread
1419s the love for pc and switch
1421s yeah
1422s a few more seconds please
1426s there's my my new palette outfit look
1429s the demon angel combo
1432s very cool
1433s season base was really scary i've done
1435s so many silly cards is it a silly car
1437s though when it can just literally
1438s detonate most of the arena
1442s it's kind of like oh yeah i had a hard
1443s time with that one too um
1446s it's it's definitely uh it's not easy no
1449s it's a nice amount of stuff on the field
1451s yeah oh gosh
1458s you've got a crazy support build on
1460s switch that's a good shout that's a good
1462s shot
1463s nice it's your first time so we can uh
1466s play the video
1467s that's good
1469s look at these two tusling
1471s these troublemakers
1474s oh um we
1476s we just alternate between switching
1478s series
1480s depends how we feel on the day
1483s grown with intention to ignite and
1485s combust
1487s oh that's a lot of damage right there
1491s don't eat those purple berries
1495s and at the end of this scene yeah the pc
1498s version has the sonic and mega man
1501s um event questions
1503s they're in the base version of ryze so
1504s you can play him play him in high rank
1506s and i think there's a low rank one as
1508s well um make sure you just speak to
1510s cenri the mailman or the courier and
1512s make sure you get all the content it's
1514s free so as long as you're fully up to
1515s date you can go and play it it's still
1517s in the game you can still get all the
1518s content linked to that
1523s now i'm missing out on anything
1525s so we've got magna marlo and rack
1530s this time we've got the dudes
1533s we're gonna do the snoop
1536s the highly explosive snoop
1540s that's
1541s dangerous you missed the night and day
1543s cycle well to be fair though the forlorn
1545s arena has a
1546s day and night
1548s which is pretty cool i do say so myself
1551s i have not seen the night version yet
1552s it's really cool it's really cool like
1555s the moon's out and the stars are
1556s glistening and it's like shooting stars
1560s yeah hoping to do that one i just i did
1563s the uh the metal wrath so all i need to
1565s do is
1566s how did you find them
1568s very challenging
1572s they took me took me by surprise a
1573s little bit to be honest yeah those new
1575s moves especially silver like so silver
1578s athlete has that big kind of like
1580s purple kind of like fireball attack
1583s and yeah gold wrath goes all in on the
1586s like table combos
1587s so you've really got to be ready for
1589s like follow-up attacks it's very
1590s punishing if you're a bit uh yeah
1592s a bit too
1593s overly zealous with your wire bugs and
1595s your wi-fi
1598s the um
1600s the
1600s poison with gold wrath that's the first
1602s time i've ever carted just from poison i
1604s just it was just draining my health so
1607s quick
1623s i nearly went straight back to camp
1636s oh yeah i absolutely love it
1638s right i need to kind of get oh if i'm
1640s going to sonic bloom
1644s starts flying otherwise
1650s yeah it stays in the air so much that
1652s can be really tough oh there we go i
1655s got a big hit there it's not too far
1656s away
1658s maybe i didn't quite see if i got the
1661s damage
1663s i'm gonna hit this guy
1666s okay stay on the floor
1672s the camera panned out there i was
1674s worried what was about to happen
1679s nice
1694s whoops i wanted to pick up some shinies
1696s right i'll give everyone a chance
1698s [Music]
1700s thank you the prettiest
1702s there you go i'll just park see the
1704s facebook is here for a second
1707s all right i won't go running away though
1709s because this is a tricky map to follow a
1710s wyvern ride if they've like oh yeah
1712s disappeared into the shadows or the cave
1716s 666 on the last one oh
1718s [Music]
1720s demonic
1738s i wish that was better with the great
1739s sword i would like to be good
1745s yeah and
1748s i'm thinking maybe i just do a search
1750s combo instead
1754s yeah
1755s i mean
1756s typically i like weapons that are a
1757s little quicker um so that might be the
1759s route for me but i i just love seeing
1760s those huge damage numbers
1765s it just feels so powerful like shoulder
1767s chargers or like a monster it's like no
1769s you're [ __ ] me over like it's very
1771s badass
1777s for you oh
1778s i missed the stagger moved out of the
1780s way
1783s i don't know why but today
1786s but i'm here i'm gonna make the most of
1788s it okay that's a sleeve
1791s oh i'm gonna get off oh we caught
1796s [Laughter]
1808s so embarrassing
1812s does that mean i'm fired
1817s i can't believe he didn't wake up with a
1819s jewel blaze attack
1832s very useful
1845s oh nice flash you ever did oh
1856s yeah we're playing on pc today
1862s oh i just got headlined
1873s i gotta get in there
1887s yeah purple sharpness is the place to be
1889s oh we did well there like cedar hit
1892s really hard but luckily we
1894s started to get it where we wanted it
1896s yeah i didn't realize we were doing so
1897s well yeah like we were we were smash yet
1901s so
1902s we're gonna rotate the lobby out now so
1904s get ready everyone so we get two more
1905s hunters in so thank you so much to senna
1907s and raven saber slash for some fantastic
1910s first hands um how you finding joey you
1912s seem to be doing really well i mean you
1914s know not not mentioning that
1916s unfortunately
1917s but what are you talking about nothing
1918s happened yeah we just we just edit out
1920s the footage it's not like we're live or
1921s anything that's fine
1923s yeah yeah it's just a vod we're good
1925s we're good yeah
1926s i didn't just embarrass myself in front
1928s of uh all of our viewers it's okay it's
1930s not you know i sometimes i just can't
1932s stop carting on stream it's like i'm
1934s just like no we don't need that zeni
1936s you know it's throw it away
1942s yeah i was uh i was thinking about
1943s playing gun lance today but uh
1946s i don't want to embarrass myself just uh
1949s absolutely blasting all of our teammates
1951s here i heard gun lance is quite a blast
1955s oh it's it's very fun but
1957s you know
1959s i i think i would i think i would
1960s embarrass myself here so yes like me
1962s like when i did give greatsword a go i
1964s was just like swinging a miss
1968s yeah
1969s what is this pain
1973s silverath armor is very good for element
1975s i'm definitely going to be farming me
1977s that i need a lot of silver raft tails
1978s though
1983s oh we got the wrath what you want to do
1985s first joe silver or gold
1989s see you right
1994s [Music]
1999s who needs zenny anyway am i right
2002s i i do i need sony
2007s what you can't twice just upset the chat
2008s yeah i do know embrace the challenge
2012s so we've got uh
2013s gono or gono and tristana so we got
2016s lance and sword and shown all right
2018s let's let's pop in a silver raft
2024s okay uh explore the explorer
2031s and also let's take a look like i went
2032s through the armor and weapons yesterday
2034s i actually would be interested what
2035s these weapons are like but i'm thinking
2037s i need to upgrade my
2039s um
2041s my bard style armor and i'm thinking
2043s like
2044s this uh
2046s see the bazookies gear looks really cool
2049s because my tunes are fire like my
2050s mixtape is fire so i have to kind of you
2052s know
2054s highlight that in my gear
2056s are you you're doing a live makeover oh
2058s yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna quickly buy uh
2060s a forge some layered armor my first
2063s master rank layered oh no i need more
2065s outfit vouchers
2068s we must hunt
2074s oh that's cool lily that's cool it's
2077s nice to like you know do some relaxing
2079s drawing have have us
2081s running around hopefully doing some
2083s successful hunts in the background
2086s i'm gonna go defend a fire resistant
2087s medic medic's my favorite tier three
2089s dango kit because it's still really good
2091s and it pushes your like mega potions
2093s just over the top to kind of get them
2095s where you want them yeah that's like my
2098s staple
2099s yeah you'll need it for this one
2100s especially with all the status effects
2102s actually
2104s that's a good point i should check my
2106s check my antidotes
2108s yes
2110s meaning to refill yeah i love my herbal
2112s medicines and antidote combos like just
2114s get rid of that poison
2116s oh yeah so for those who don't know i am
2117s joined by joe today joe is the us
2120s community manager for monster hunter and
2122s a couple of other capcom titles
2124s um
2125s hello everyone
2127s joining for the first time
2129s and it's going well two successful hunts
2131s down already and now we're moving on to
2133s the new rats so we've got silver and
2135s gold we are fighting them one at a time
2137s though for now
2139s in the forlorn arena which is a new
2141s arena in sun break obviously classic
2144s monster hunter players will recognize
2146s this place still standing tall but it's
2148s had it's happening it's so good yeah i
2149s love it especially at night i'm looking
2151s forward to getting to that we'll get
2152s there today exists in a vast sea of
2155s clouds
2158s it's true for
2160s only seen by those brave enough i love
2162s the narration by uh fear
2164s voice actor as well
2166s yeah i know i'm really loving these
2167s intro videos for all the monsters and
2170s new locations
2172s been so good so far
2181s uh-oh
2196s which unleashes new attacks more
2198s powerful attacks and you know it ups
2200s their aggression so when when the
2202s rafales and the wrathion starts to glow
2204s you've got to be ready for it
2210s we're playing on pc oh did i just take i
2213s just took two stacks of potions instead
2215s of a potion and a ration i have sinned
2216s on camera now joe
2219s oh no
2221s all right now we're even i'm sorry
2222s tristana
2223s i'm sorry hold on can i can i
2230s i think you need to do some sort of uh
2232s apology
2233s yeah here you go tristana
2236s i have i have them for you
2241s tristan has just approached me
2242s aggressively there we go all as well
2246s so if you do do that in game and
2247s accidentally take too many
2249s you can you can
2251s right that wrong
2253s redeemed yourself
2255s yeah that's a good way if i'm playing
2256s hunting horn i'm on pc if i'm playing
2258s sword and shield up on switch that is
2259s the quickest way to deal
2262s with the good rule i can hear sonic
2264s in the background the sonic helicopter
2268s got to go fast oh yes oh there's the
2270s marionette
2281s did i miss no no
2285s oh i'm not going to ruin that this time
2288s you passed the test
2289s yeah that was very close though i was
2291s like a frame off of hitting it
2295s right okay where's my sonic blue
2311s contested yet the fire is spreading
2314s yep
2316s jono play the song of your people i'm
2318s going i'm going
2322s to move over oh
2324s here i go i guess that's carl
2329s oh i keep missing the spiral slash
2336s i yanked out the sky i didn't know it
2338s was flying
2341s [Music]
2347s we love sharpness regen in this house
2350s [Music]
2363s pop that sonic blue
2365s oh wow nice aesthetic life
2381s what another endemic life paralysis
2385s oh
2390s that aoe splash
2392s goodness
2394s [Music]
2414s oh my goodness oh my goodness thank you
2416s for the flash whoever did that
2419s i think that was mine thank you
2421s i appreciate you having my back
2424s i was in danger zone for them to pull it
2427s lightly
2452s yeah i've been using it more
2454s i've been using it more too on dual
2456s blade
2460s okay incandescent is live so watch out
2463s oh here we go
2465s i need to heal here
2467s oh nice one nice teamwork
2471s i think my defender
2484s okay i've got the wooden right
2490s [Music]
2496s oh that did a ton of damage
2498s yeah i missed i missed oh no
2501s oh i got one of them oh it's all right
2504s there was an okay one
2534s pretty good i'm missing a ton of spiral
2535s splashes uh which i'm not happy about
2538s but that's all right he moves a lot like
2540s he's very agile
2542s and it's hard
2543s yeah
2545s yeah there's a very specific angle on
2546s the head
2547s it's not always the
2549s super easy to do on every monster
2556s oh
2556s just for a nice
2574s oh
2579s [Music]
2597s is this the ultimate attack yeah watch
2599s out it's gonna be a spicy one
2602s oh boy oh boy oh get away run johno
2617s that easy
2643s huh
2659s love it
2687s i'm glad i've got a made extended two on
2689s put it that way
2691s we are supporting the team michael in
2692s the monster faster that is absolutely
2694s right and we're doing it in style we
2696s bring the tune we bring the puffs the
2698s box
2701s it is glorious great
2704s yeah really good
2708s with no carts
2709s go for it so far
2711s yes all
2717s right yeah i did this one solo my first
2720s time and uh it was quite the challenge
2724s i bet i bet yeah it's lucky when you're
2725s in a group because you're not the sole
2727s target like but when it's solo and you
2729s you know they're the monsters just like
2731s you you have been selected
2733s it's like oh you're good
2736s oh look at the little sonic panic
2739s wrapping the sonic goodness together
2743s glow on the base as well
2745s i love the poses
2747s go sonic
2748s gotta go fast
2750s [Music]
2763s our quest is completed
2777s oh my goodness i got a mantel and two
2780s more rubies
2783s wow
2784s how was your really good luck there that
2786s was good so i got three rubies in total
2788s and a mantle
2790s i didn't get anything special you took
2792s all the luck this time i did i was like
2794s you know what you know because it's your
2795s first time i need to take i need to tax
2798s your drops
2799s so i took the mantle for myself i'm
2801s sorry
2803s i did notice that uh on my first
2805s my first time with them i got some
2807s really good stuff so nice
2810s yeah maybe there there is something
2811s about that first first time against
2813s season a little treat
2815s yeah
2819s all right so now obviously we've took
2820s down
2822s silva rathalos now we need to face the
2823s queen
2827s yep
2828s personally i found this one tougher
2830s uh
2834s but i think we've been doing good so far
2835s so i'm not too worried
2837s yeah we've got this we've got this yeah
2840s what do we think getting our coffee
2842s season basil geez that's a nice upgrade
2844s as well because thematically at the
2846s minute i'm wearing the rajang high rank
2847s chest but then this actually looks like
2848s it could be like the next level up from
2850s it so we're gonna
2852s we're gonna wear this
2857s the the live makeover for jonah here we
2860s go
2862s there we go so now i need more tickets
2867s be careful out there so the next bit i
2869s need to focus on is probably
2871s probably the waste
2873s okay right i i should probably eat as
2875s well
2876s yeah the poison very true elite we're
2878s gonna have to watch out yeah i need them
2880s tickets give me all your tickets please
2884s i'm gonna go double defender
2886s medic here mainly because gold wrath
2888s scares me
2889s [Music]
2892s my battle bart outfit is evolving
2894s [Music]
2898s battle bard i like it oh yes
2900s my tunes are fire and that's represented
2902s in my chest plane
2904s oh behind oh i'm i'm below
2906s hey how's it going see you next time
2908s some anomaly tickets thank you bahari i
2910s appreciate you
2912s yeah i'm the battle bard with my hunting
2914s horn
2921s firmly on the ground so which of the two
2923s witches do you find tougher gold or
2925s silver
2927s it's definitely gold for me i think uh
2930s some of the fire breathing attacks
2931s there's one fireball in particular that
2933s just takes out the whole arena that one
2935s caught me off guard
2937s i was remembering that uh the sulber
2939s doesn't have them
2940s so it's pretty pretty tough we'll see
2942s how it goes and you know look at look at
2944s her taking on an elder dragon and
2946s obviously charlotte being weakened
2947s poison does not help his cause
2951s the illustrious
2953s yeah i think i mentioned too yeah the
2954s poison the poison is the the hard part
2956s here
2957s and as chistana said in chat antidote
2959s gems don't make you immune to the deadly
2961s poison
2964s make sure you take one of each this time
2970s luckily i was able to remedy my error oh
2972s yeah there is a aura turtle here as well
2974s grab that
2977s good call
2978s i said we treat that
2980s let me uh down a little bit of dash
2982s juice
2983s oh yeah oh yeah i know you are very
2985s hungry luckily i've got stamina recovery
2987s up as one of my songs as well
2992s the sharpness regeneration is extremely
2995s clutch so thank you for that that's all
2996s right i've got my zayno's hunting on as
2998s well which extends your sharpness as
3000s well
3004s very helpful
3007s all right let's get these dudes out
3010s or not queen has
3025s yeah
3028s oh that's best that tail hail swing
3031s brutal if you get hit by it oh
3033s absolutely
3049s ah that's it again
3085s it did nice
3088s thousands
3096s she moved there goes too wide
3101s the worst feeling i know when you do a
3104s big movement
3106s [Applause]
3117s yeah the sonic bloom does real good
3119s damage
3141s [Music]
3145s all right we're going to see a big old
3146s boom here
3147s everyone ready
3148s all right come closer i will play you a
3150s song
3157s get him here we go one two three pop
3160s so two thousand one hundred and forty
3162s four for the weight come there from a
3163s hunting horn this isn't even a great
3165s sword
3168s 2000
3169s it's nice pretty good pretty good
3192s oh
3195s oh you've been chosen
3204s i think
3220s [Music]
3226s yeah you're representing all hunting
3228s horn mains
3230s i hope i'm doing some proud
3232s i think you are
3233s i hope so we made it we've made it so
3235s far right yeah i knew with the jewel
3237s blade as well because i don't play
3239s drawblades at all so you know they don't
3241s get much love when i'm streaming and i
3243s respect the hell out because there's
3245s such a cool weapon especially when
3246s they're like spinning all the way down a
3248s monster
3249s and
3261s hopefully i'm doing them justice often
3263s oh absolutely
3265s i said no cards lots of damage
3268s even a cheeky wake up like you know
3270s you're bringing out a whole new metaphor
3275s hey that didn't happen okay anybody
3277s that's tuning in they don't need to know
3279s about that about what exactly exactly
3288s nice
3301s the wide range
3307s [Applause]
3317s myself straight back here
3327s how are you feeling so far about this
3328s one it's getting tougher or
3331s i think i'm fine
3333s maybe because she's constant she's not
3336s giving you space
3339s um you know that poison the tail whips
3341s like
3342s vicious
3344s yeah the poison is brutal and i can just
3346s take you out
3348s without you even really noticing it goes
3349s down so quick imagine if you use this
3351s like dereliction as well
3353s oh yeah your health is going to be
3361s dereliction players are
3363s truly
3365s very risky
3367s high reward yeah
3370s wow that knocked me out my hyper armor
3372s oh no oh
3382s yeah you don't even have time to really
3384s adjust
3403s normally it's a pretty predictable
3404s pattern right you know it's coming
3407s but
3409s that one happens so close to the other
3410s one
3411s yeah i didn't expect the back to back
3413s yeah
3417s people said their election is for the uh
3420s they're solo hunts mostly and it can be
3422s quite stressful
3425s oh yeah cool way to play i totally i
3428s totally respect it
3445s i thought my pelican was paralyzed
3448s how would that happen
3454s almost there
3459s i was gonna go for the sonic bloom
3460s finish but it's gonna be me planting the
3462s egg
3463s instead well played though
3465s that was great
3467s yeah well done
3469s fun one thank you that was good that was
3471s good like i love how aggressive like the
3474s silver and gold graphs are like it's
3475s constant it's you know it's not like
3478s you're both swinging and punching each
3479s other one off the other it's you're both
3480s rolling you're both going all in
3483s um it's super cool i just love the
3484s monsters as well in their gear and their
3486s aesthetic yeah
3487s this is a very distilled monster hunter
3489s right you know just the
3491s straight the arena location
3494s has
3495s not had enough luck
3500s shooting up that stun down
3503s all right are you okay over there
3505s i think that was personal pictures
3507s just posing having a great time
3524s the poison did a number on me so i'm
3525s doing a number on her so that's a bit of
3527s revenge
3529s yeah
3531s happy palakko as well
3534s oh no mantle's that time oh same here
3538s outrageous
3539s they fooled you with the first storm
3541s they did okay you're gonna be working
3542s they did
3543s we're doing um all the new monsters so
3545s we've done three of them so we've got
3546s loose and naga cougar to go now
3550s we're ready and this will be the first
3552s time for me
3553s i'm pretty excited
3554s oh it will be
3557s yes
3559s well played so that means we now have
3561s two more slots
3562s so do join us um i'll put the lobby id
3566s in chat
3567s so as long as you're mr10 or above us
3569s we're doing title update one content
3571s jump in
3574s it was a lovely outfit it was a kahoot
3577s hey so we have storm rapier there on
3580s hunting horn and
3582s is it a bellana um on the gun lance so
3586s there's going to be some big booms
3588s your spirit shines bright
3590s you got three rubies from that raffle
3592s you literally beat the rubies out of
3593s them
3595s wow
3597s okay but before we go very lucky
3599s i think tristana took all of our luck
3601s huh yeah there's the rubies that's where
3603s they've gone
3605s there's all the punching at the end yeah
3608s oh to be fair the pride
3610s waist looks proper i'll be like a heavy
3612s metal
3618s uh what do i want to use
3620s quickly
3622s decisions decisions this is the thing
3624s like what do i want to wear you know
3626s well gormangala
3639s your outfit changes here oh yeah yeah
3641s this fashion game is the true end game
3643s you've got to assert dominance on the
3644s monitor absolutely
3648s uh
3649s i'm gonna go for
3650s i'll go for gorma i think
3654s oh now i'm kind of considering going gun
3656s lands too do it get stuck in
3660s all right well if i embarrass myself i'm
3663s deeply sorry
3667s all right so i'm out of output vouchers
3668s now so i need more more outfit vouchers
3676s oh again some fashion trophies as well
3677s the fun lance as it's known so double
3680s fun
3682s double do double fun
3692s i don't have any my switch hacks on pc
3694s my switch acts are on my switch
3696s otherwise i would switch it
3697s appropriately yeah yeah switch axes for
3700s the switch
3702s storm rapier there is that storm rapier
3704s is that the arena
3706s um vala
3708s i think it might be because there's some
3710s new
3711s some of the new icons came in this
3713s update i think there's three new ones oh
3714s yeah is that from the arena are you an
3716s arena master storm
3719s and you got the crown so you've
3720s completed all of the master rank quests
3722s so far
3723s so very
3725s kudos impressive yeah amazing i'm
3727s working my way on switch through all of
3729s the follow requests because you get a
3730s really cool piece of headgear for doing
3732s all of the follower quests and the
3734s support surveys
3736s um so that's what i'm working for
3737s working toward at the moment
3742s yeah so storms is from the arena so we
3744s have an arena champion with us
3747s or yeah arena champion
3751s do you play a lot of arena jono i don't
3753s actually um i normally just do like
3755s standard hunts and i'm gonna be spending
3756s a ton of time in investigations and
3758s follower stuff at the moment
3759s uh i used to not do a lot of arena
3761s because i used to just really focus on
3763s sword and shield and only in rise did i
3765s really start to diversify my weapon like
3767s selection so i can be good in the arena
3770s what about you
3772s yeah i don't really play a ton of arena
3773s either but it's something i want to get
3775s into
3776s to learn the other weapons too and
3778s yeah it seems like a good time i want to
3779s be an arena champion yeah i mean
3781s the little emblem looks really cool i
3783s can't lie
3784s i'm still compiling my shaders at the
3786s moment by the way that's why i might be
3787s thinking
3790s yeah the arena is an interest it's a
3792s great challenge if you really want to
3793s push yourself and like really kind of
3795s like fine tune your hunt it's a great
3798s way of doing it in a controlled
3799s environment
3801s it's kind of like when you play the demo
3802s right you're using a build that's not
3804s your own it's a little bit different
3806s right you have to learn with what you've
3808s got
3809s yeah you know i guess that helps kind of
3811s epitomize a really successful hunter and
3813s a skilled hunter is the ability to adapt
3815s when things might not necessarily be
3817s what you were expecting
3819s yeah exactly
3821s basically maybe that's something we
3822s should try huh
3837s shout out to julia as well and i hope
3839s she recovers well
3844s how are your shaders looking are they
3845s compiling nicely
3848s i think i'm on the same exact thing as
3850s you are right now so
3856s loosen naga cougars being a tease
3858s yeah
3864s i'm keen i'm eager i really enjoyed this
3867s fight last time
3869s um so i'm really looking forward to a
3871s round two of lucid naga cougar
3874s definitely a very very cool monster
3876s yeah
3878s i'm excited one of my favorites
3881s it's gotta be good
3884s and you get to see the full lawn arena
3886s in its night version so definitely take
3888s a second to like pan around and take it
3890s in because it really is really really
3892s nice
3895s as frank and all of the arena questing
3897s couple of a buddy of mine in gu is a
3898s journey on its own that's true like you
3900s know you go through like the story and
3902s kind of like you know the standard quest
3903s and then you've got all this arena stuff
3905s to do and it normally unlocks even more
3907s gear for you whether that's cosmetic or
3909s practical stuff so it's definitely
3911s definitely worth checking out
3913s definitely definitely
3917s let's give this another minute or two
3918s while it decides to load it's like yeah
3920s yeah we're getting there don't you worry
3926s there's been a smith
3928s yeah since it was last sighted oh yeah
3934s maybe it's so elusive the game can't
3935s find it exactly maybe uh maybe there's a
3938s connection issue somewhere could do it
3941s cheeky reboot
3948s or maybe like yeah the lucent's just
3949s gone on a gone on a wonder it's like
3951s yeah you know i'll turn up at some point
3959s it is a great loading screen
3961s i love it i love it and um oh
3965s interestingly as well obviously um
3969s rise is obviously very heavily inspired
3971s by japanese yokai
3973s and on this loading screen you see blood
3976s orange bishop and fighting a
3979s um
3981s shogun
3982s sinator
3984s and that's actually based on a story a
3987s famous yokai story
3989s where a tengu
3991s kills a crab by throwing fruit at it
3993s from a tree
3995s wow i didn't know that yeah i found that
3997s on a random youtube video i got served i
3999s was watching some monster hunter
4000s creators and i got served up a person
4002s who did like the the like the law behind
4005s the yokai rise monsters and you know
4007s kind of where they come from in like
4009s japanese like mythology and folklore
4011s and yeah i was like no way he goes
4013s actually this loading screen actually
4016s pertains to that story and you can see
4018s it between them now um so i thought that
4020s was a really nice touch
4023s very cool
4024s that sounds like a future uh tweet from
4027s the monster channels
4029s yeah did you know did you know yeah
4032s jinx well what we'll do i will quickly
4035s we'll go back to two screen
4037s and what i'll do i will quickly
4039s do a little reboot we'll get the lobby
4041s back up so sorry if you did jump in the
4043s lobby that time
4044s um
4050s i hope i saved i hope i have auto save
4052s on oh
4052s [Music]
4056s i'm sure it did i'm sure it saved yeah
4057s i'm sure we're good i'm sure we're good
4059s so you will get that back up and we will
4061s jump into the hunt
4064s but yeah you know you've got to enjoy a
4066s little bit of bishop law there so you
4068s know or the the tengu
4070s bishitan kind of like uh connection
4074s because it's nothing like i only know
4076s little bits about yokai but i love
4078s reading into it more like i i got a book
4080s uh last year that tells me a little bit
4082s more about yokai unrelated to rise
4084s funnily enough i was just like this is
4086s cool because i watch a lot of anime as
4087s well
4088s and then you know when you start putting
4090s the connections together like acne some
4091s and like the umbrella yokai it's like no
4094s way
4096s with the deep lore deepest law
4099s yeah
4105s i think rack nakadaki's got one of the
4107s scariest darkest kind of yokai
4109s connections
4111s in my humble opinion
4112s yeah
4114s yeah monster hunter was one of those
4115s series where uh you know on the surface
4117s it might not seem like there's a ton of
4119s backstory for some of the monsters but
4120s then once you start diving in it's just
4122s like you're going from one wiki page to
4124s the next and
4125s reading descriptions and everything like
4127s that it's pretty cool
4128s so i'm just loading back in the lobby
4132s so it's saved it saves a good amount of
4134s it i just think i don't have my
4135s gourmagala
4137s pants anymore so i'm going to re get my
4139s pants back um
4141s so what we'll do we will switch to
4144s game cam
4151s just so i can guarantee getting you in
4153s i will invite you before
4155s the lobby id comes up
4158s oh just watch yeah because
4160s now joe now you must win the race that
4163s our amazing community has to do to jump
4165s in the lobby
4166s um okay so i won't be fast enough
4169s remember you've got to go fast
4172s you have to this is the way
4176s there we go so let me know all right
4177s once you've got that and then we will
4179s share the lobby id with everyone
4185s okay
4187s lily is sympathetic to the cause
4195s on our way all right right everyone get
4197s ready
4198s round two with loosen
4203s and back into game cam here we are back
4206s in elgato right so i can go look at my
4207s pants
4211s so it was gorgeous
4213s it did oh it didn't saved after that
4222s you should be yes it saved after the
4224s last one i believe
4236s be careful out there
4237s hey there we go
4239s so storm rapier made it back and we've
4241s got kakashi sensai there with the hammer
4243s so we're going big bonks and dudes
4249s oh the emperor
4251s great weapon
4252s right okay uh
4254s make sure my bits replenished
4268s i am so close to uh to mr 100
4272s i bet you're excited
4274s it's been it's been quite the journey to
4275s get there
4278s well congratulations on that as well
4280s like that's really impressive
4282s it's more quick more
4285s will we get you there this stream
4286s pretend maybe
4288s we might yeah it's possible
4293s there we go that's what we're going for
4297s a little bit of glow on the waist
4300s oh that looks great gormagal is one
4301s pairing up with these seasoned basil
4303s geese
4304s let's have a look
4306s just need to start the arms and legs now
4309s but yeah i've colored the waist to go
4311s with the chest i'm really happy you
4313s wanna i'll take i'll take a photo of you
4315s there we go
4316s very kind
4317s oh
4318s miso's on the way my palate mute
4322s hey crunchy good to see you
4326s so there we go right let's go
4329s loosen cougar we meet again
4336s okay eat some eat some food i'm gonna go
4339s slugger again
4342s so close yet so far you'll be there 94
4345s to 100 yeah yeah no trouble no trouble
4348s let's see how we can get closer today
4352s so yeah it's the arms and boots and i'll
4353s have my master rank battle bard laid
4356s gear sorted
4358s oh and there's a switch kakashi sensai
4360s has swapped from the hammer to the
4364s switch ass
4366s or sensei even i said sensai i was like
4368s getting carried away
4375s right okay so i'm not compiling shaders
4376s this time hey
4379s we're in did we do it we did it yeah
4381s all right
4393s and uses it
4411s yeah this is definitely a mood
4414s oh it's moonlit shadow
4416s fiorin's voice just kind of carrying
4418s across let's just begin
4422s oh it's so cool at nighttime it is that
4424s when you get down there i mean you can
4425s see the move through this gap but when
4427s you get down there like the tower is
4429s silhouetted against it
4431s oh i love it so we've got two hunting
4435s i'm feeling very safe
4439s very supported
4441s there we go
4447s right let's go to you
4449s do it
4450s what a very very cool jump in there all
4453s four of us oh yeah we know what's up
4457s where is it
4458s just kill us
4463s it was just like that
4464s this is hanging out like yo what's up
4466s wait hold on hold on
4469s hold on straight for the counter as well
4476s oh ouch
4478s [Music]
4488s i love that reverse dash it's so fun
4504s hope that didn't hit you guys i'll pull
4505s the barrage
4511s [Music]
4519s look at those eyes
4523s [Music]
4551s a bit defensive like this
4554s yeah
4556s very very quick monster
4558s it's a different feeling
4584s oh
4587s oh well played though i was like if it
4589s was three it would have but that one uh
4592s had the four pumps which
4619s level 8 shelling
4635s nothing
4643s oh nice
4661s we're just dancing around over here
4664s [Music]
4668s big damage with the bullet barrage it's
4670s so satisfying like when i was i don't
4672s miss
4675s as much damage
4731s no you're quite all right
4735s i don't want to do that
4738s give me some aerial damage
4740s oh wow
4742s where did you go
4744s oh
4744s oh i'm glad i dodged that i think i
4746s would have been straight back
4758s oh i just did the coolest
4760s switch skill swap there oh my goodness
4770s have you uh
4771s have you tried redirection
4773s but i've seen a lot of people on twitter
4774s absolutely
4789s oh ouch
4794s i'm working on him starter i'm getting
4797s there
4811s oh i missed no
4816s slightly
4842s [Applause]
4845s i felt like i was absent for the last
4847s like minute of that
4849s the team did great
4851s yeah thank you
4853s thank you to the team i got some nice
4855s evades there because i've got a vade
4856s extender too and that obviously also
4858s increases your switch switch evade or
4861s swap of aids sorry switch skill swaps
4863s slash swap
4864s distance
4867s yeah i was i was blessed with a talisman
4869s with debate extender level 2 which is
4872s yeah
4874s it's great yeah switch hacks lance's gun
4877s lance any big weapon
4879s like it's great i don't use it on sword
4880s and shield because i tend to use roll
4882s into like reset combos and to you know
4884s try and stay relatively close beyond
4886s those um
4887s larger weapons it's beautiful
4891s yeah absolutely
4896s yeah that's fire rack now
4898s [Music]
4899s got a little bit of a sleep toad oh
4904s this is the sleep toad on my end cut
4906s scene off you go mate
4909s the swap evade with a vein extender is
4911s so good it is i really like it
4929s yeah like i said i felt very supported
4932s very safe yeah all is well
4934s nothing to fear
4936s yeah okay i'm gonna check i've got five
4938s out of eight melbourne's done so i'm
4939s actually gonna have a sale just check my
4941s mountain box
4942s all right let's take a look all yours
4945s okay so
4946s horn maestro 4a
4948s steadiness speed sharpening hunger
4950s resistance
4951s okay first divine talisman was oh tune
4954s up i need to check what tune up does
4958s tune up increases the stats of silence
4960s are insured okay that's programs not for
4963s my dutin
4964s um heartbreaker steadiness tremor
4967s heartbreaking hunger
4969s attack boost one one one
4971s bubbly dance to evade window too
4974s maybe a dual blade
4976s protective polish one
4979s oh i had a rapid morph three there
4982s oh that's a good switch outside
4989s tune up to counter-strike two evade
4991s extender one
4992s with a three a one and a one
4995s okay right where's my where's me talent
4998s i need to find that one have i got like
5000s a godly switch axe charm
5002s because it wasn't it was like a light
5004s blue one so like i think was that level
5006s eight charm
5007s now or something so i was like
5010s yeah
5012s just scrolled past that thinking it was
5014s amazing
5019s where is it
5021s yeah rapid move three recovery up two
5023s and a one slot so that's not bad for the
5026s switch act at all yeah it's really good
5031s [Music]
5034s all right we'll see what the others
5035s bring right i think it's time for some
5037s anomaly investigation
5040s or actually
5042s how about
5044s yeah no we're just doing normally
5047s investigations
5048s so i need to do a level one first what
5051s do you fancy we've got vulvadon we've
5052s got lagombi as euros great rocky cool
5054s yaku
5062s not sure maybe lagombi yeah let's do
5064s lagombi that's another one a bit like a
5065s zero so you're like how bad can it be
5067s and then lagombi starts sliding around
5070s and he's like no no please have mercy
5073s yeah
5076s deceptively difficult
5082s i've not used counter-strike all right
5085s chat what do we think oh joe have you
5086s ever used the counter-strike skill
5089s i have not i'm not but i'm interested in
5091s it i imagine it's good i could be good
5093s for standard lance but then if your
5094s guard is really high then maybe not
5096s because you don't get knocked back
5104s how are we doing today
5106s i guess we all need a break
5113s i love your fashion though it's very
5115s cool and then oh wow okay sensei looks
5118s like we got yeah like it's like masters
5120s she's brother with us here
5122s we're blessed very
5127s everyone's looking so cool i can't wait
5128s to get my new kind of like layered set
5130s finished
5131s um so next i'm going to pick the arms i
5134s think the legs can survive for a bit
5135s longer
5137s the arms like i think the fluffy cloth
5139s kind of
5143s i spent longer than i want to admit
5144s making sure i look decent for today's
5146s hunt
5147s that you know what i respect that and
5149s i'm sure
5150s the community know the importance of
5151s looking good in the hunt right yeah
5153s whether you hunt naked or you you wear a
5156s favorite set or a mixed layered set so
5158s if you feel good and you look good like
5160s that's the important thing right yeah
5162s translator
5164s exactly when you're feeling motivated
5166s you know it carries across into the hunt
5168s very motivated i'm not using a long
5170s story though
5172s yeah i haven't got full virtual mode
5184s okay what we hunt in the gumby
5187s the gombie in the citadel of course
5188s because there's the snow area
5190s oh yeah this is only our second hut in
5192s the citadel so far at least today
5196s lots of fort learn arena i think there's
5198s a uh achievement as well you can get now
5200s for doing 50 hunts in the citadel
5203s so for citadel fans you are in luck
5206s i wonder if i've crossed that
5208s maybe not i know it
5216s um but a fun one as well so the thing
5218s with the anomaly investigations is the
5220s higher the number the level of the quest
5223s the more challenging the monsters
5226s um in regards to their like you know
5228s resistances attack defense hp
5231s um
5232s and we're at level one and people are
5234s you know some dedicated hunters already
5235s fighting 81 plus
5237s on the investigations and uh they're
5239s noticing the difference which is really
5241s really cool
5242s yeah i was the i was feeling the heat on
5244s just like a level 24
5246s so i can't even imagine how bad it's
5247s gonna get i think the highest
5250s on my switch account yeah you feel it
5252s like
5252s it's great like monsters once again that
5254s you might not have seen as too dangerous
5256s at this point in the game and now like
5258s uh oh
5259s you know scary
5260s which is great yeah it's exciting isn't
5262s it it opens up you know the end game
5264s you're not just like farming you know
5265s the same couple handful of monsters
5267s you've got a lot more bread and options
5269s yeah yeah lots of variety
5275s all right you guys are already getting
5276s started i gotta get over there yeah i
5278s was a bit late for the party
5283s there's a very angry
5288s oh you're all in the ice area oh yeah we
5290s are underground well i wonder where you
5292s fight
5295s yeah
5296s i gotta drift around this uh
5298s i can see you sliding in oh you're on
5300s your dog
5303s [Music]
5319s yeah that was a big sunlight
5325s somehow
5328s somehow
5349s down my friend
5357s i feel kind of bad about
5359s taking out this lagombi you know i mean
5361s it's afflicted so we are putting out his
5363s misery that's true that's great
5366s otherwise it's gonna be a permanent
5367s curious snack
5369s oh oh oh oh oh
5376s get back here i did it i did a second
5378s sonic moved my accent
5397s yeah
5398s oh we had other other priorities right
5400s like looking good
5402s yeah
5403s maybe this is just a flex i'm like
5410s i'm just that good
5413s trying to make a statement exactly by
5415s sending a message
5433s oh i missed my marionette spider
5435s tragic i've been there many times you
5438s have my food sympathy they're all
5441s worse
5444s these monsters
5446s i'm looking forward to fighting
5459s all right we're gonna keep it local i
5460s think
5464s any any enthalpy
5469s get him go now
5470s yes i got it
5475s is that it that's the one
5476s [Music]
5478s go into another paralysis as well
5481s oh man
5482s for the gumby
5488s wow
5520s it's always a little weird using dual
5522s blades and using demon flight on such a
5523s small monster yeah
5526s worth a go
5538s that's the new ability though yeah yeah
5540s so basically if you do a perfect delay
5543s it
5544s dramatically increases
5557s yeah i've been seeing stealth attack
5558s being uh used a lot yeah
5562s yeah
5563s it's always cool just to see what people
5564s are going to come up with
5569s and you know you've got your like kind
5570s of [ __ ] one and then you've got like
5572s yes you said you know like that the
5574s status ones there's ones for attacking
5575s from behind so yeah you can really mix
5578s things up
5581s new abilities always super exciting
5583s exactly i imagine you've got like a
5584s lance user running the one that like
5586s focuses monster attention on them more
5588s and then oh yeah
5589s the sneak attack from lucifer cougars
5591s gear to like just whale from behind
5594s doing big deals
5599s of choices magician to look so
5611s yeah
5613s the v8 extender is just evergreen you
5615s know it works great with everything
5616s doesn't it just
5618s so my real life palace
5621s come up and sat next to me on my desk
5626s my real life miso is at dicker today so
5642s yeah gotta do it gotta do it
5644s and they made it pretty easy but you
5646s know my dog was kind of tall and skinny
5648s so
5649s yeah like you kind of already look like
5650s the phallum view
5652s and i've got some of the new materials
5653s here that we use for the curio crafting
5655s or curious crafting
5657s but these are only level one rewards so
5659s they're not there's not as many and
5660s they're not as impactful it's the higher
5662s level ones but it's a great start
5665s also let me know if my volume is okay as
5667s well everyone like let me know how it's
5669s coming through
5670s so my normally research level is going
5672s up so we've got master rank hunter rank
5673s and anomaly research level as well
5676s and we've unlocked some news level 3 and
5678s level 2 investigations
5681s i love all the new anomaly systems
5684s just it adds another really cool layer
5687s to the end game i'm really enjoying it
5688s so far oh i can't wait to really delve
5690s into it
5692s and stuff i'm gonna see if i can have a
5693s little look
5694s oh oh i got three divine talismans in
5697s this batch okay first one it's critical
5699s boost health fire coke one
5702s got us oh i got a really good support
5705s one that it's level two speedy in level
5707s three meal with a level two slot so if i
5710s want to go wide range support
5712s like that's really good and then my next
5715s one was a level one speeding level one
5716s quick sheath
5718s and then a horn maestro fortified with
5720s three in one
5722s mixed bag
5723s yeah yeah
5726s um
5727s oh yeah he's looking for passion
5730s okay so now we have curious craft so
5732s let's take it let's take a look
5735s no i don't think i've got the materials
5736s i need to do anything just yet yeah no
5740s um yeah i think i don't think i have
5743s timing either oh it's because i've not
5745s fully upgraded my weapon i need to get
5747s to level 10
5748s with um anomaly materials
5752s so in order to do the curious weapon
5753s craft it needs to be top level so that's
5756s normally rarity 10.
5760s [Music]
5762s luna garon so yeah like yeah i need to
5765s uh i need to do more anomaly monsters
5767s together
5769s but we'll quickly get started hey good
5771s to see you
5773s right let's look at some arms i still
5775s haven't got enough i still need more
5779s more vouchers for some of the snazzier
5781s bits
5782s oh loosen like a cougar arms are nice
5785s oh yeah
5786s actually look at the new loosening
5788s though the seasoning one's not bad but
5789s then like
5790s i do like i like mixing it up i could go
5793s for the uh geismagorm arms they're
5795s pretty nice
5800s what do we got
5802s what do we think let me know chat if you
5803s see any that you think are really cool
5809s once again kind of goes through it
5812s i love the design of the lucent dual
5815s blades
5816s what they look like
5818s uh it looks like the the standard uh
5822s um
5823s narcotica dual blades but it's got like
5825s a kind of like a purple glowy effect to
5828s it oh really
5829s yeah
5832s it's got a four star spot or a four four
5834s slot and the two
5836s that's not bad
5837s we have to mess with that later
5839s yeah you got some flexibility there
5841s yeah
5843s i think i would need to get another
5844s voucher
5845s um
5847s let me i really i'm really close to
5849s making the gourmet gala out
5854s you're just looking like an absolute
5855s unit
5856s oh yes
5861s then i can change the color of that yeah
5862s because then i do that
5865s oh hold on did i just make i think i
5867s made the actual armor i made the actual
5870s armor
5873s it's all right though i've got spare
5876s i mean i was you know keeping my nail
5878s busy
5881s okay good luck there is a two hunt limit
5883s yeah yeah two hunt limit
5886s and then we then we do rotate just so
5887s more folks can get in
5889s uh okay so i need to change the arms now
5893s and change the glow
5896s there we go get the orange we could go
5899s silver
5900s i love like the customization system in
5902s the game around the colors and
5904s you know really making the armor feel
5905s like yours
5907s like so i could go orange here and then
5909s maybe like alter the colors a bit
5911s make it a bit richer
5914s this is now the jonno makeover hour it
5917s is
5918s welcome to
5919s fashion hunting with jono and jay
5935s contrast
5945s you know i'm not very good with oranges
5947s that much is clear
5950s you know what i might do then let's uh
5953s let's go for like a silvery
5956s purpley color that would be cool
5959s there we go
5960s that's what we want thank you for your
5962s patience everyone as you know the
5964s fashion game calls look at that there we
5966s go
5968s looking good looking
5970s to go
5971s thank you kakashi no worries rice so we
5973s do have a slot
5975s so
5975s do hop in
5977s and join us for the next time i need to
5978s talk to buhari though bahari is like hey
5981s when you're finished getting dressed
5982s come see me hey how's it going so i've
5984s got some uh
5985s interesting
5986s investigations up here so one is a
5989s toby karachi
5991s and arathian in the jungle and i have
5994s another one here that's uh
5997s and
5999s nargakuga
6001s with 30 minute time limit oh
6004s okay so
6005s mixing things up getting a bit spicy
6013s that's the lobby id
6021s so while we wait for a third to join you
6024s know what this means it gives me an
6025s excuse to go back and fiddle with my
6027s color a bit
6031s there we go that color matches perfect
6035s there we go
6039s feeling good looking good feeling good i
6041s am my my cat just tried to sit on my
6043s keyboard though so i was like oh no
6045s don't just like shut down the stream
6051s i think there's been a few times already
6052s i haven't been at capcom too long but
6054s there's a few times already you've uh
6056s sent me some
6057s uh teams messages that were all garbled
6060s yeah that'd be my cat
6062s so luna says as well um that you have
6065s very similar
6066s uh layered armor like uh choices this is
6069s just a different color so obviously
6070s great minds think i like that and for
6072s those that don't know if you've joined a
6074s bit later boost aka joe is the capcom
6077s usa community manager for monster hunter
6079s so we work together on all the monster
6081s hunter stuff except you know joe's based
6083s in the us so when i'm asleep joe's
6086s working and when joe's asleep i'm
6087s working
6090s yeah we have a short time frame where we
6092s do a little chat in the morning uh in my
6094s morning which is your night time right
6096s here after the year
6097s you kind of got up really early like
6099s like
6100s we started setting up for what 7am your
6102s time or something
6105s yeah yeah 7 a.m not too bad not too bad
6107s i mean we've had a few early mornings
6108s for me this week uh with the digital
6110s event so you know i'm just i'm just in
6112s that zone
6113s come on kitty cat sorry my
6115s cat
6116s you see a tail flicking across she's
6118s like johnny give me attention
6121s oh i love you amber i'll give you dinner
6122s after the stream
6125s amber's the cat by the way like not a
6127s person
6128s [Laughter]
6132s right so should we do one of your
6133s investigations do you want to pick one
6136s yeah let's do it
6141s let's see
6142s you know we haven't had a lot of jungle
6144s so far
6145s yeah i'd love to try yeah
6150s oh i can't join that one because i've
6151s not got my thing high enough level
6153s no
6154s oh really yeah yeah i need to get my um
6156s investigation level a little bit higher
6158s i'm sorry
6159s oh it's okay let's do another one
6163s is there a limit or what's the limit of
6165s the height it gets every 20 so i need to
6167s get my anomaly investigations i think up
6171s to a little bit got it okay
6174s no worries i'll have to double check
6177s that number but yeah there's a little
6178s bit of a little bit of leveling i need
6180s to do together
6183s uh do you want to post the next one then
6185s yeah would you mind actually
6188s helping me against a mastering bushi
6192s let's do it
6193s how do i uh
6195s get out of here yeah there we go i see
6197s yours
6198s i need to double check what pushy is
6201s i forgot it's been a
6203s while um
6205s but luckily we have
6207s when i remember where where it is the
6208s hunter notes so we can check in on a
6211s bushy so
6213s bushy is week two
6215s fire and dragon
6224s or maybe you know i'm going to go switch
6226s acts let's do that
6227s i'm going to change to my
6231s zayno hunting horn
6234s it's got a four slot in it as well
6238s right
6240s i should probably like make a four slot
6242s decoration for that but works because
6243s we're gonna be just about i won't make
6245s people wait they've been patient enough
6247s while i've been dressing myself
6252s all right switch out next time
6254s i'm definitely gonna want dragon
6255s resistant
6262s all right so 21 46 61 and 81 of the
6265s different level thresholds according to
6267s lux
6268s so they have clearly been getting well
6269s stuck into the investigation
6273s yeah we'll do we'll do a bushy and then
6275s we'll switch back over to some more
6276s anomaly investigations because i need to
6278s get ready to start modifying my gear
6280s curious style yeah yeah
6283s it is curious crafting what are you
6285s going to be doing first on curious
6286s crafting like what have you got anything
6287s in your sights
6290s not necessarily just kind of exploring
6291s it right now um you know it's always
6294s weird you know when you have a set build
6295s that you're pretty comfortable with and
6297s you know you got all these new mechanics
6298s added
6300s uh and just kind of kind of play around
6301s with it and see see what works
6304s yeah it's always nice to kind of try new
6305s things and experiment a bit
6307s uh yeah
6310s you know that was the interesting thing
6311s about playing sun break um you know we
6314s we got to play a little bit early and um
6316s kind of explore our builds and
6317s everything but there's no guides out
6319s there right so there's not exactly not
6320s really anything to follow you're like
6322s right like you know you're the first
6324s there you're kind of piecing bits
6325s together
6327s yeah it's great it's pretty cool though
6329s i mean i think you learn your weapons a
6330s little bit more when you uh you kind of
6332s just play around with stuff instead of
6333s um you know necessarily following what
6335s the meta is um so yeah it's pretty
6338s expensive it's fun and you know and it's
6339s great to see like the meta and the
6341s various matters kind of come to fruition
6343s but i also love seeing all these builds
6344s that people that do their own thing or
6346s they try something like different than
6348s fun and that's you know not not your
6350s typical build
6352s yeah for sure oh yeah so we might have a
6354s little connection a little connection
6356s issue i might just quickly reset
6359s oh no did i save before i checked my uh
6362s oh no
6366s is that your cat again
6368s she's like a little shark come on
6371s come on not on the camera there you go
6374s you know what cats are like you can ask
6376s them nicely they'll do what they want
6377s you know
6378s the cats are in charge
6381s that they are
6383s very independent they are they are
6387s my dog is very needy so it says much
6388s different
6389s ah yeah amber blesses he jumps up what
6392s do i think we do have a little
6393s connection
6395s issue there so what i will do
6397s is i will quickly pass back to two shot
6399s there we are and uh
6402s i will reboot
6404s and we'll refresh the lobby so sorry if
6405s you do get in the lobby there and it
6407s didn't go through um
6415s but we will we will get that fixed and
6416s we'll get back in the hunt
6418s and hopefully hopefully
6420s my fashion choice saved i can't remember
6423s yeah
6425s i think you know i should probably like
6427s just pop a quick save in you know but i
6428s was like no i won't need to do that
6432s confident it would work yeah yeah about
6434s you know best laid plans right
6436s this is this is the way
6439s oh my god i think we should
6442s yeah we should let people know you know
6443s before we we started uh
6446s you know we're not used to having two
6447s folks in here so the uh the name
6449s underneath my screen it just said sun
6451s break it did yeah joe's name originally
6453s was sun break at the start um
6457s i became sun break the human form of sun
6460s break has arrived yeah
6462s hi i'm sunbreak
6464s welcome to the stream
6466s there we go right we're booting it up
6468s and
6469s oh yes it's still got my arms on yes
6472s oh let's save the nightstand
6477s all right so let's get you back in and
6479s then we will
6480s switch back to
6482s the
6483s gameplay uh
6485s unfortunately no one will get to see my
6487s navarro
6488s palico
6493s no donuts here
6503s [Music]
6504s see you later reese thanks for watching
6506s oh i need some water my voice was like
6508s oh
6511s it's a little later than usual for you
6513s yeah it's past my bed time
6516s yeah
6516s it's at 6 pm
6521s there we are
6523s nice
6528s and let me just get on there
6532s there we go lobby settings
6535s done and get ready everyone thank you
6537s recess very kind of you to say
6539s it's great having joe here with me it is
6541s a ton of fun
6543s there you go new lobby settings up there
6545s and we are going to flip back to game
6547s cam
6548s there we are
6550s welcome back equipment loadout
6559s there we go all good i just need a pair
6561s of boots now wonderful
6563s just on me in general
6575s the effort for the fashion it's all
6576s worth it it is it is it's always worth
6579s it
6579s gotta look good
6581s [Music]
6586s we got um new music packs right for
6589s yeah uh that's 100
6590s yes i do want to grab one of those
6593s yeah
6594s so
6595s we'll leave it bushy for now because the
6596s bush's been cheeky so i need to do a
6599s [ __ ] yaku apparently i've got a
6601s research request which is kind of like a
6603s bounty really and if you're on that
6604s monster you get even more research
6606s points and it goes towards the request
6608s completion reward which is loads of
6610s coins
6612s oh and you only need level one or higher
6614s right yeah so we can do that right now
6615s i've got a level two
6619s we will do that on my switch version i
6621s needed it as euros at the 21 or above
6624s and um
6625s i did i just couldn't get his euros to
6627s drop
6628s in the four hunts i had to do it i was
6630s like no please
6641s oh yeah the fashion's really coming
6642s together just the boots to go now
6645s but yeah welcome catboy and welcome to
6647s zavina um so we got obama and a long
6650s sword
6655s like research requests really ramp up
6657s and difficulty but that's the fun bit
6659s like you can choose a level that works
6660s for you as you progress like you know as
6662s you climb up if you actually say you
6664s like level 34 or 50 you can do those
6667s um if you want to keep pushing yourself
6668s and getting like even juicier rewards
6670s you can go for the higher levels like
6672s there is flexibility in the system which
6675s is a ton of fun
6676s yeah that's awesome
6678s and you know apex monsters can be found
6680s in these investigations so you can go up
6682s against an afflicted monster an apex
6685s monster and like a standard monster and
6688s oh yeah it's the combinations and you
6690s know the time limits the faints the play
6692s account
6693s really really cool oh i've not got this
6696s i've not got the um
6698s subcam on pc here if you see any rogi
6702s uh
6703s give them give them a little a little
6705s bop for me
6711s i actually don't think i have it either
6714s we best get a job yeah i've got it on
6716s switch after like the community like you
6718s should get that it's really useful yeah
6720s and they they were right absolutely
6722s right sorry i need to do that on pc i
6724s need to get some robin
6726s have you discovered it yet or you just
6728s need to do like the quest
6730s i think i just need to do the quest
6732s that's good yeah that's one of those
6733s things you played for 200 300 hours and
6736s phil
6737s yeah it's just one of those things you
6739s just
6740s just forget to do yeah like you just be
6742s lined for the monster so it's like oh
6743s yeah i haven't got time to sightsee
6745s yeah i always make time to decide to use
6747s my fights now
6760s oh man
6762s making my way over making my way
6764s downtown
6768s [Music]
6773s oh that's my guys
6776s very cool
6791s switch yes on switch is clean
6794s on pc though i would be like
6796s be greedy
6810s yeah
6811s they normally take a while
6827s those small monsters that just kind of
6829s jumped in yeah
6834s big mistake yeah hold on
6837s there's more of them
6860s oh flashlight
6870s these smaller ones would be trickier
6874s like
6876s and uh yeah yeah
6878s the hitbox is so much smaller yeah
6882s they just love to bounce around
6902s all right
6908s oh
6909s it finished in time
6911s okay right sonic flew
6914s that time
6920s i'm ready with the magnificent trio
6927s just the absurd amount of
6930s booms there
6933s nice i've got about 1600
6959s that's a nice try
6963s it's does my mic turn it up again
6985s trying to get you a little window
6987s yeah how's that how that is right i'm
6990s back i'm back
6993s and cool yoku's on the run
7006s yeah let me know how my voice is
7010s oh you snuck in there you got those
7012s points using the power of the palomute
7014s you lost game audio okay hold on
7017s hold on
7023s is game audio back
7025s oh okay game audio is gone let's fix
7028s that
7029s uh
7034s there we go that should be back now
7036s better
7039s i think
7044s i missed the finishing blow
7046s oh no
7048s i was too busy trying to remix the
7050s volume i
7052s there it is thanks for the sub community
7054s i appreciate you thanks for letting me
7055s know look at these
7057s they're rocky
7060s look get up get him get him get him get
7061s him
7063s i got finished carving to get these
7064s conflicted materials yeah
7073s yes that's three out of eight done
7076s i just need one more
7077s i'm working on it these are really tanky
7080s why is it
7082s i need three more we got yours which is
7084s good
7085s all right did it after 200 plus hours
7092s we've had other priorities
7096s [Music]
7108s don't know this has been going really
7109s well so far i don't think we've had one
7110s part in all this time oh my goodness
7112s you're right
7127s so should we do one more hunt one more
7129s hunt
7131s yeah do one more yeah
7134s we'll wrap it up for
7140s there's a special quest for you
7144s so we can do a level six great azuchi i
7146s haven't gotten as euros again
7154s how's everything you want to do a new
7156s monster we can do a new monster
7158s all right bye let's do who which which
7160s of the four new monsters do you want to
7162s fight through
7164s okay shall we do loosen again yeah go on
7166s chuck loosen in
7171s i'll go ahead and do that
7180s oh i think i'll go for the arch themed
7182s leggings actually for my last bit of
7184s layered
7186s possibly
7189s grand god's pier looks good as well
7192s so many options
7194s so many options
7203s [Music]
7205s all right
7206s i was looking at some of the uh the new
7208s advanced quests that i unlocked
7210s one of them was
7212s one of them was gold wrathion and
7214s uh
7215s furious rajon that one's done oh my
7218s goodness
7219s that's the scary one
7221s yeah
7223s mikey loves to loosen this move set so
7225s fun especially the big moves yeah the
7226s way the invisibility goes around is
7228s really really cool
7232s [Music]
7234s my layered armor is coming together
7236s just need those legs and then then it's
7238s pretty much done right so let's take a
7241s look at our hunter notes
7244s and uh
7248s pardon me
7250s look for lucid narca cougar okay so ice
7253s ice works really well on lucid naga
7255s cougar
7256s so we are in a good place there
7258s huh okay let me
7261s let me switch here
7262s switch off the switch axe
7264s yeah
7281s guys we're gone legs
7284s oh you got a cool little heel on them as
7286s well
7294s oh snowshare snowshare yeah that's what
7297s we're getting we're going to get
7297s snowshare they're they're the last ones
7299s then my set is complete
7302s well layered wise anyway okay that's
7304s what we're going to get see you soon
7306s the venus just
7307s was knocked out over there oh
7311s all right ready to go
7315s oh there he is
7319s go nuts yeah
7326s here we are we're back in the fall owner
7331s oh it's playing the cutscene again
7333s oh because it's my technically my first
7335s time again
7338s [Music]
7347s only seen by those brave enough to climb
7349s it yeah lucent's a great hunt
7352s naga cougar going to the next level
7358s my cat's now sleeping by the keyboard
7360s she's had some snacks it does not mean
7364s i should really get like a pelican
7390s brady's big fan of the invisibility
7391s effects as well
7393s yeah i'm loving all of the positive
7394s feedback around lucid is amazing
7397s yeah
7400s around the update in general i think
7401s yeah it's been really good yeah let's
7403s figure out we love everyone's feedback
7404s thoughts feedback what you like what you
7407s might not like so much like we really
7409s appreciate it you know joe and i the
7410s ones that kind of go around collating it
7412s and putting it together
7413s um yeah feedback we do listen we
7415s definitely listen we're there sneaking
7417s around reddit twitter
7420s all the different places
7422s in the background yes yeah we do pass
7424s that feedback along
7429s oh
7451s there we go
7460s [Music]
7476s oh i got lucky there i was crouched down
7481s a nice marionette fire
7483s straight on to the sonic bloom as well
7489s yeah like that's
7504s we've had great teammates that are
7505s keeping us recording oh yeah
7528s [Music]
7543s i'll do one soon
7558s oh
7565s so i did not know that i thought it was
7567s like if you go into you'll take damage
7569s because it's the first time i've
7570s probably been hit by that again um
7573s it actually punishes you so if you wire
7576s bug into a wire fall into it
7578s specifically
7580s you still took damage it's like a wall
7582s yeah and it bounces you back
7585s so that was i feel like um
7588s i feel like we had it stunned so often
7590s in the first one yeah that we didn't see
7592s any of these moves yeah and now uh i'm
7594s being punished for it
7596s but yeah that was a cool move so yeah it
7598s actually um
7600s actually works as a wall so it really
7602s punishes like the wire
7607s very cool very cool yeah
7609s there we go
7611s you've learned from me getting carted
7615s don't don't fall into that voice can't
7617s go
7636s okay
7659s so with
7672s oh
7675s [Music]
7683s was the last one just small or is this
7684s one just gigantic
7691s i don't know
7693s let's let's say silver let's keep our
7695s expectations and check yeah i think this
7698s is a kill
7700s oh my goodness the gold is just going to
7701s be yeah
7702s [Music]
7708s the curious craft is the weapon upgrades
7711s you have full control over the other
7712s ones where there's a slight rhythm
7736s oh boy
7744s i am getting punished i should hit the
7746s floor before i fall away
7771s pretty good i mean i'm enjoying dual
7773s blades on this one
7775s this one a lot
7779s the demon play is so much more it's even
7782s like so much more satisfying on a big
7783s monster
7799s i almost caught it there that's close
7801s the double tail slam
7803s yeah that's so vicious
7811s oh boy
7818s oh
7838s no messing around
7853s [Music]
7864s you know give and take you know i get
7866s loads of good drops for the monsters i
7867s let them get a car you know win-win
7869s situation
7871s oh
7872s loose knockout does think it's a tornado
7874s i think that's a good good comparison
7876s the absolute size of it though look at
7879s that yeah huge
7888s [Music]
7893s [Music]
7897s hollow like look what i found
7899s right on you can't
7900s you really can't make never sad
7904s constant motivating catboy here looking
7906s off into the distance
7911s [Music]
7915s that was a really fun one super good
7923s all right yeah we need to make sure we
7924s check out the
7927s size of it
7928s yeah
7932s did i
7933s was it
7935s did i
7938s i've not been looking for crowns on
7939s ryzen's break
7940s was it was it not a crown
7944s maybe it wasn't huh
7954s yeah i guess it's not a crown
7957s what
7958s no way that means there's
7960s bigger double check the stats here we'll
7962s have a look
7963s because i was expecting so
7966s i see silver silver crown okay so it's a
7968s silver crown for you but then we fought
7970s them together on pc
7976s let's see on your screen here
7979s uh i think you passed it
7980s oh yeah uh there it is right there right
7982s there okay so so we do have this okay
7984s okay super ground two four four so that
7986s means there's a gold crown that's even
7987s bigger than that oh oh geez
7990s but that must be yeah because the
7991s smallest was two two seven three and my
7993s largest is two four one four
7996s right let's let's check some bits then
7998s i've got some great deals
8000s take these talismans
8003s fortify focus normal up nice attack
8005s defense boost
8007s redirection also good gunner one there
8014s but what we can do now is complete our
8016s layered armor
8019s the all-important exact fashion and i've
8022s decided to go for the snowshoe i really
8024s like the snowshoe set
8026s there we go there's the boots
8028s and we'll use these bits
8033s and then i just need to change the color
8035s slightly
8037s and then i can i can do like a mini
8039s fashion show
8042s nice
8044s so what color we gotta walk the runway
8046s exactly
8050s [Music]
8061s [Music]
8065s i still need one more razor to make uh
8068s loosen dual blades
8070s really
8071s yeah that one will have to wait that's a
8073s little get you there
8078s oh wait i can actually do it let's see
8080s yeah i have enough nice awesome
8084s let's take a look at that one
8091s maybe we do this
8092s oh no i i did see i went back without
8096s changing changing the bits
8105s there we go
8107s yeah my layered armor set is complete
8110s feels good
8112s you did it yeah
8113s looking good looking clean i'm very
8115s happy with that let's uh let's get the
8117s camera out where's my
8119s um
8125s clicking the uh the right stick the left
8127s stick
8129s one of the sticks
8130s there we go there we go
8132s look at that like i'm very happy with
8134s that my battle bard is done
8137s wonderful i bring the fire
8139s my mixtape is
8141s is blast there we go
8144s really pleased with that
8146s look at that get the side the uh see
8148s that basically shoulders are so good
8152s they've got the gorma gala they're using
8154s the color change
8155s oh
8157s i'm gonna save before i forget as well
8160s yeah yeah good call good call well done
8162s well done yes
8172s so that'll probably be next thursday if
8175s there's any extra streams we'll let you
8176s know what i'm gonna do i'm going to put
8178s me and joe back to too sharp so here we
8181s are
8181s but yeah that pretty much wraps up
8183s today's stream um it's been awesome
8185s having you here joe hope you've enjoyed
8187s your hunts today
8189s yeah thank you for having me on uh on
8191s the show
8193s long time viewer
8195s first time streamer
8197s um but yeah
8198s definitely yes yes for sure i won't be
8201s able to join next week but uh hoping to
8202s join again in the future and uh yeah
8204s thanks so much for having me and thanks
8205s to you uh consider the community for the
8207s warm welcome it's been a good time yeah
8210s it's been great and once again as always
8211s thank you everyone whether you just
8212s watch you lurk and just enjoy the stream
8215s whether you've been chatting or jumping
8217s in the hunts we really appreciate it
8219s because it's you the community that make
8220s these streams what they are and honestly
8222s joe it's been great hunting with you
8224s i've enjoyed the banter i've enjoyed
8225s teaming up and playing with the
8226s community with you it's honestly been a
8228s ton of fun
8229s um
8231s so yeah maybe maybe maybe we can coach
8233s you on the switch next time or maybe
8234s we'll stick on pc and keep the dudes and
8236s dual blades going
8238s yes i i have a flight ahead of me so i
8240s think that's a good time for me to uh to
8242s make some such progress
8243s [Laughter]
8245s well in that case then let's wrap things
8247s up so he's been joe i've been jono and
8249s you've been awesome have a fantastic
8251s weekend and we'll see you next week good
8253s night
8255s everyone
8262s [Music]
8274s [Music]
8300s [Music]
8320s you
about 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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360s so
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484s so
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573s [Applause]
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616s hello everyone and welcome to today's
618s stream my name is jono emea community
620s manager on monster hunter and you might
622s notice that i am joined today by a while
624s i would say special guest but you're
625s much more than that would you like to
627s introduce yourself joe
629s thank you i'm joe i'm the capcom usa
632s community manager for monster hunter and
634s yeah i'm happy to join uh this is my
636s first stream with you jono i mean we've
638s done some other streams here and there
640s but uh yeah it's the first time so hello
642s everybody yeah it's great to have you
643s here yeah we've been playing a lot
644s behind the scenes um you know preparing
646s like even ahead of sun breaks launch
648s we've been doing some prep and uh and
650s trying out some early builds and fun
652s stuff like that but it's great to
653s actually get you on stream today and you
655s know have you play with the community
657s chat to some of the european bunch as
659s well and have some fun and do some hunts
660s because there is a ton of stuff in title
662s update one isn't there
665s yeah there really is there's a ton of
666s new monsters uh lots of new end game
668s content so uh yeah i've been diving in a
670s little bit on my own but uh yeah we're
672s gonna play a little bit today and it
673s should be should be a good time so
674s excited for it and i've already seen
676s jojo references because jono and joe
678s [Laughter]
681s that is that is good to see so what
682s we're gonna do yeah for those who don't
684s know we're going to be opening up the
686s lobby we're gonna have two slots today
688s um and we're gonna do two hunts and then
690s we'll rotate the lobby and we'll do that
691s for a couple of hours and that is how we
694s will go about things so let's transition
696s over to elgato and as you can see
698s there's myself and joe on alternate
700s corners you'll be seeing my game played
702s today
702s um
704s so you know if i can't i'm sorry i'll
707s try and blame joe somehow
710s hey you know these walkers are tough i
712s might i might have some struggles here
714s too they are and you know i'm playing on
716s the hunting on today i'm not my beloved
717s sword and shield i'm on uh my beloved
719s haunted horn which i haven't had as much
721s practice with so hopefully i won't be
723s sent back to camp too ungracefully but
725s yes we are on pc today so i'm gonna put
728s the lobby settings up it is first come
730s first served and in chat i'm gonna put
732s the lobby id
733s so you can
735s pop that in nice and easy but jump in
738s but the only request is please be mr10
740s or above because we will be focusing on
743s title update one content today we're
745s gonna do one warm-up hunt um and then
747s we're gonna go straight into title
749s update on stuff so as long as you're 10
750s or above you will be absolutely fine
754s yeah to be a good time
756s i'm excited i'm a little i'm a little
758s nervous i have to admit you know uh i
760s don't want to be that guy that's
762s dragging down the team so let's show off
763s your fashion actually because i do i'm a
765s big fan of your passion let's tell us
766s more about your outfit joe
769s well you know uh hunters must hunt or
772s punters i guess
774s tears must hoot looking very good what
776s weapon is it is that your main weapon we
779s can see equipped there or
781s yeah i'm using the kashala dual blades
784s um i'm normally a switch ax player but
786s you know i thought i'd i'd change it up
787s today and i think that's why i'm a
788s little bit nervous i i do play dual
790s blades but uh you know it's been been a
792s little while uh
794s i've mostly played dual blades and bass
795s rides so getting used to them in sun
797s break again you thought you'd switch
798s things up
801s yeah yeah
803s try something new maybe this is not the
804s best time to try something new but you
806s know
808s i mean the good news is we're just doing
809s a warm-up quest before we dive into
810s thailand stuff we're just gonna do a um
814s afflicted azeroth nice and easy nothing
816s can go wrong here i'm sure it'll be
818s absolutely fine
819s and then famous last word yeah
824s um
824s and then we will take it from that we
826s will go up against
827s bazel geez now for those who want to
829s know you need to be master
831s in order to access the title update one
833s content and have done the first urgent
835s quest uh after the
837s um completion of the sun break campaign
839s which is the one we're about to do
840s anomaly research
843s afflicted is surprisingly rude you're
845s right justin like just like apex
847s emergency is euros like
850s yeah this this uh this is a mean bear to
853s say the least yeah
854s almost all of them are pretty rude to be
857s honest yeah they they don't take any
859s prisoners
861s there is no cross play between pc and
863s switch no they are separate entities so
865s when picking up rise in some break i say
867s pick the one that you think you're gonna
868s play the most or play with your buddies
870s the most on um
873s and that way you should you should be
874s okay
878s okay once you've uh once you've grabbed
880s the quest will uh head in and we'll take
882s on
882s fearsome azuros
885s i'm looking forward to hunting again
886s because you know we've done some we've
888s done some cheeky hunts you know upstream
889s and stuff like that so
893s yeah i'm pretty excited it's gonna be
895s pretty fun
897s uh hopefully i i hold up here maybe it
900s may have afforded myself absolutely fine
902s and you know we're both running ice
904s element and obviously i can buff uh
906s element damage as well with my luna
908s garron hunter
909s i need to just remember how to play my
911s luna account
914s i have to admit i'm a little new to the
916s world of uh talking and playing at the
918s same time which uh can be surprisingly
920s challenging so it's a great excuse for
922s when you come because you're like oh i
924s was distracted talking definitely not
926s yeah yeah you know oh how could this
928s happen
931s if somebody says it's not a skill issue
933s it always is
937s trying to grab some spirit
938s i'm a bit slower than everyone else
943s user right now what about my little
945s palette
951s you have um
953s kind of like a
954s a path that you go
956s to get your spirit i have a rough
958s citadel path i say like more of a half a
960s path i kind of hop here grab the endemic
962s life and then i kind of go down where
964s raven is going
966s and then i hop across but it's very
968s rudimentary
969s um
970s yeah same here i always make a b line
972s for the uh for the marionette spider
974s it's a must that's a great shot like i
977s have like a 50 50 percent success ratio
980s with the marionette oh yeah
989s okay
1000s thorny toad versus marionette spider
1002s what's your what's your vote
1004s i mean
1006s marion has spiders
1014s this does not want to be threatened at
1016s all
1020s all right i'm heading over
1027s oh
1028s that's all right i mean it's just a
1029s warm-up hunt right yeah exactly this is
1031s why we have warm-up you know before we
1033s go
1034s yeah oh i can put my body back
1064s i'm trying to do
1065s some volume management that's way better
1069s good shout everyone thanks for letting
1070s me know otherwise it would look like joe
1072s talking to himself
1075s that'd be an interesting one
1078s i could put it louder
1088s oh
1090s my honey
1094s save him
1096s thank you
1097s okay i can put it up a little bit
1100s i'll do that
1106s a little busy at the moment yeah
1108s slightly slightly
1114s yeah i'm just loving the uh the spiral
1116s splash
1118s with the dual blades it's way too fun
1121s yeah that for all the right reasons
1126s yeah when you do miss it though
1129s when you miss it you feel a little
1130s foolish yeah
1132s so you should see me miss all my
1133s messages
1140s [Music]
1144s how could this happen to me
1157s back up already
1164s yeah i love so much wave absolutely
1166s amazing
1170s oh i i mounted
1173s nice nice there we go
1175s off you go
1177s there first
1181s [Laughter]
1187s like well played on yours
1189s you got me nervous there like no
1191s pressure
1200s just love what they did
1210s [Music]
1219s of spreading this one though yeah nice
1221s warm up just what we want
1231s it's just the stun lock and it's doing
1233s us
1243s [Music]
1247s there that was great teamwork obviously
1249s you know when you've got some heavy
1250s hitters like the great sword and long
1251s sword as well that is and your blades
1254s you know i'm just not used to playing
1255s with many dual blade players i think
1259s just uh death by a thousand cuts
1265s yeah i think that's a good first warm-up
1267s huh yeah i'm ready i'm ready for title
1268s update one now stuff i think stephen
1271s keys especially because you know now
1272s i've unlocked master and layered gear
1274s yeah so
1280s [Music]
1282s you got to keep the blue hair though
1283s that's a oh yeah that's a must i you
1285s know
1286s there are some amazing helmets i've got
1288s that thing where i'm like
1290s do i
1293s do i want like a cool helmet or do i
1295s keep my face showing like like cena
1297s here's got a nice mix i think that's the
1299s gossarag
1300s helmet where they you know part of the
1302s face is covered but you can still see
1303s like other parts of your face
1308s and i've got my paliko in a new outfit
1310s it's a mix of guys mcgorm oh gary magala
1312s um kind of like you know i could be your
1315s angle or your devil
1322s that's my first outfit voucher plus and
1324s i got a trophy that's right steam
1326s trophies in our life for some break and
1328s rise yeah highly requested oh yes glad
1332s we got him in there
1334s there we go okay so
1338s i've got all the anomaly research and
1339s quest bits done now on yesterday's
1341s stream i went through all this and was
1342s like hey you know this is how you know
1344s the anomaly bits work and stuff like
1346s that so i'll probably skip through it a
1348s bit today
1349s just we get we'll jump right into it oh
1351s yes
1353s obviously bihari is open for business
1355s and this is like obviously where how
1358s well how the end game is massively
1360s expanded
1362s there's there's so much
1364s all right chichay's like hey come come
1365s back
1367s i think we got business to take care of
1372s so we got the anomaly investigations
1373s unlocked
1374s and i'm mr15 now
1381s obviously i do main switch
1383s but so i'm a bit behind on pc but you
1386s know ketchup ketchup all right yeah
1390s time for bibs
1392s which is you know when i was playing on
1393s my sunshield i could block some of the
1395s attacks as i learned it but i'm kind of
1397s going in without that sweet sweet shield
1399s this time
1400s so it should be interesting so defend
1402s them better i've got carver defender
1403s medic
1406s [Music]
1407s yeah we are on pc today everyone we are
1409s on pc so we did a switch stream
1412s yesterday
1413s uh we said like a bonus stream and i'll
1415s probably be doing switch again next week
1417s so today we wanted to double up spread
1419s the love for pc and switch
1421s yeah
1422s a few more seconds please
1426s there's my my new palette outfit look
1429s the demon angel combo
1432s very cool
1433s season base was really scary i've done
1435s so many silly cards is it a silly car
1437s though when it can just literally
1438s detonate most of the arena
1442s it's kind of like oh yeah i had a hard
1443s time with that one too um
1446s it's it's definitely uh it's not easy no
1449s it's a nice amount of stuff on the field
1451s yeah oh gosh
1458s you've got a crazy support build on
1460s switch that's a good shout that's a good
1462s shot
1463s nice it's your first time so we can uh
1466s play the video
1467s that's good
1469s look at these two tusling
1471s these troublemakers
1474s oh um we
1476s we just alternate between switching
1478s series
1480s depends how we feel on the day
1483s grown with intention to ignite and
1485s combust
1487s oh that's a lot of damage right there
1491s don't eat those purple berries
1495s and at the end of this scene yeah the pc
1498s version has the sonic and mega man
1501s um event questions
1503s they're in the base version of ryze so
1504s you can play him play him in high rank
1506s and i think there's a low rank one as
1508s well um make sure you just speak to
1510s cenri the mailman or the courier and
1512s make sure you get all the content it's
1514s free so as long as you're fully up to
1515s date you can go and play it it's still
1517s in the game you can still get all the
1518s content linked to that
1523s now i'm missing out on anything
1525s so we've got magna marlo and rack
1530s this time we've got the dudes
1533s we're gonna do the snoop
1536s the highly explosive snoop
1540s that's
1541s dangerous you missed the night and day
1543s cycle well to be fair though the forlorn
1545s arena has a
1546s day and night
1548s which is pretty cool i do say so myself
1551s i have not seen the night version yet
1552s it's really cool it's really cool like
1555s the moon's out and the stars are
1556s glistening and it's like shooting stars
1560s yeah hoping to do that one i just i did
1563s the uh the metal wrath so all i need to
1565s do is
1566s how did you find them
1568s very challenging
1572s they took me took me by surprise a
1573s little bit to be honest yeah those new
1575s moves especially silver like so silver
1578s athlete has that big kind of like
1580s purple kind of like fireball attack
1583s and yeah gold wrath goes all in on the
1586s like table combos
1587s so you've really got to be ready for
1589s like follow-up attacks it's very
1590s punishing if you're a bit uh yeah
1592s a bit too
1593s overly zealous with your wire bugs and
1595s your wi-fi
1598s the um
1600s the
1600s poison with gold wrath that's the first
1602s time i've ever carted just from poison i
1604s just it was just draining my health so
1607s quick
1623s i nearly went straight back to camp
1636s oh yeah i absolutely love it
1638s right i need to kind of get oh if i'm
1640s going to sonic bloom
1644s starts flying otherwise
1650s yeah it stays in the air so much that
1652s can be really tough oh there we go i
1655s got a big hit there it's not too far
1656s away
1658s maybe i didn't quite see if i got the
1661s damage
1663s i'm gonna hit this guy
1666s okay stay on the floor
1672s the camera panned out there i was
1674s worried what was about to happen
1679s nice
1694s whoops i wanted to pick up some shinies
1696s right i'll give everyone a chance
1698s [Music]
1700s thank you the prettiest
1702s there you go i'll just park see the
1704s facebook is here for a second
1707s all right i won't go running away though
1709s because this is a tricky map to follow a
1710s wyvern ride if they've like oh yeah
1712s disappeared into the shadows or the cave
1716s 666 on the last one oh
1718s [Music]
1720s demonic
1738s i wish that was better with the great
1739s sword i would like to be good
1745s yeah and
1748s i'm thinking maybe i just do a search
1750s combo instead
1754s yeah
1755s i mean
1756s typically i like weapons that are a
1757s little quicker um so that might be the
1759s route for me but i i just love seeing
1760s those huge damage numbers
1765s it just feels so powerful like shoulder
1767s chargers or like a monster it's like no
1769s you're [ __ ] me over like it's very
1771s badass
1777s for you oh
1778s i missed the stagger moved out of the
1780s way
1783s i don't know why but today
1786s but i'm here i'm gonna make the most of
1788s it okay that's a sleeve
1791s oh i'm gonna get off oh we caught
1796s [Laughter]
1808s so embarrassing
1812s does that mean i'm fired
1817s i can't believe he didn't wake up with a
1819s jewel blaze attack
1832s very useful
1845s oh nice flash you ever did oh
1856s yeah we're playing on pc today
1862s oh i just got headlined
1873s i gotta get in there
1887s yeah purple sharpness is the place to be
1889s oh we did well there like cedar hit
1892s really hard but luckily we
1894s started to get it where we wanted it
1896s yeah i didn't realize we were doing so
1897s well yeah like we were we were smash yet
1901s so
1902s we're gonna rotate the lobby out now so
1904s get ready everyone so we get two more
1905s hunters in so thank you so much to senna
1907s and raven saber slash for some fantastic
1910s first hands um how you finding joey you
1912s seem to be doing really well i mean you
1914s know not not mentioning that
1916s unfortunately
1917s but what are you talking about nothing
1918s happened yeah we just we just edit out
1920s the footage it's not like we're live or
1921s anything that's fine
1923s yeah yeah it's just a vod we're good
1925s we're good yeah
1926s i didn't just embarrass myself in front
1928s of uh all of our viewers it's okay it's
1930s not you know i sometimes i just can't
1932s stop carting on stream it's like i'm
1934s just like no we don't need that zeni
1936s you know it's throw it away
1942s yeah i was uh i was thinking about
1943s playing gun lance today but uh
1946s i don't want to embarrass myself just uh
1949s absolutely blasting all of our teammates
1951s here i heard gun lance is quite a blast
1955s oh it's it's very fun but
1957s you know
1959s i i think i would i think i would
1960s embarrass myself here so yes like me
1962s like when i did give greatsword a go i
1964s was just like swinging a miss
1968s yeah
1969s what is this pain
1973s silverath armor is very good for element
1975s i'm definitely going to be farming me
1977s that i need a lot of silver raft tails
1978s though
1983s oh we got the wrath what you want to do
1985s first joe silver or gold
1989s see you right
1994s [Music]
1999s who needs zenny anyway am i right
2002s i i do i need sony
2007s what you can't twice just upset the chat
2008s yeah i do know embrace the challenge
2012s so we've got uh
2013s gono or gono and tristana so we got
2016s lance and sword and shown all right
2018s let's let's pop in a silver raft
2024s okay uh explore the explorer
2031s and also let's take a look like i went
2032s through the armor and weapons yesterday
2034s i actually would be interested what
2035s these weapons are like but i'm thinking
2037s i need to upgrade my
2039s um
2041s my bard style armor and i'm thinking
2043s like
2044s this uh
2046s see the bazookies gear looks really cool
2049s because my tunes are fire like my
2050s mixtape is fire so i have to kind of you
2052s know
2054s highlight that in my gear
2056s are you you're doing a live makeover oh
2058s yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna quickly buy uh
2060s a forge some layered armor my first
2063s master rank layered oh no i need more
2065s outfit vouchers
2068s we must hunt
2074s oh that's cool lily that's cool it's
2077s nice to like you know do some relaxing
2079s drawing have have us
2081s running around hopefully doing some
2083s successful hunts in the background
2086s i'm gonna go defend a fire resistant
2087s medic medic's my favorite tier three
2089s dango kit because it's still really good
2091s and it pushes your like mega potions
2093s just over the top to kind of get them
2095s where you want them yeah that's like my
2098s staple
2099s yeah you'll need it for this one
2100s especially with all the status effects
2102s actually
2104s that's a good point i should check my
2106s check my antidotes
2108s yes
2110s meaning to refill yeah i love my herbal
2112s medicines and antidote combos like just
2114s get rid of that poison
2116s oh yeah so for those who don't know i am
2117s joined by joe today joe is the us
2120s community manager for monster hunter and
2122s a couple of other capcom titles
2124s um
2125s hello everyone
2127s joining for the first time
2129s and it's going well two successful hunts
2131s down already and now we're moving on to
2133s the new rats so we've got silver and
2135s gold we are fighting them one at a time
2137s though for now
2139s in the forlorn arena which is a new
2141s arena in sun break obviously classic
2144s monster hunter players will recognize
2146s this place still standing tall but it's
2148s had it's happening it's so good yeah i
2149s love it especially at night i'm looking
2151s forward to getting to that we'll get
2152s there today exists in a vast sea of
2155s clouds
2158s it's true for
2160s only seen by those brave enough i love
2162s the narration by uh fear
2164s voice actor as well
2166s yeah i know i'm really loving these
2167s intro videos for all the monsters and
2170s new locations
2172s been so good so far
2181s uh-oh
2196s which unleashes new attacks more
2198s powerful attacks and you know it ups
2200s their aggression so when when the
2202s rafales and the wrathion starts to glow
2204s you've got to be ready for it
2210s we're playing on pc oh did i just take i
2213s just took two stacks of potions instead
2215s of a potion and a ration i have sinned
2216s on camera now joe
2219s oh no
2221s all right now we're even i'm sorry
2222s tristana
2223s i'm sorry hold on can i can i
2230s i think you need to do some sort of uh
2232s apology
2233s yeah here you go tristana
2236s i have i have them for you
2241s tristan has just approached me
2242s aggressively there we go all as well
2246s so if you do do that in game and
2247s accidentally take too many
2249s you can you can
2251s right that wrong
2253s redeemed yourself
2255s yeah that's a good way if i'm playing
2256s hunting horn i'm on pc if i'm playing
2258s sword and shield up on switch that is
2259s the quickest way to deal
2262s with the good rule i can hear sonic
2264s in the background the sonic helicopter
2268s got to go fast oh yes oh there's the
2270s marionette
2281s did i miss no no
2285s oh i'm not going to ruin that this time
2288s you passed the test
2289s yeah that was very close though i was
2291s like a frame off of hitting it
2295s right okay where's my sonic blue
2311s contested yet the fire is spreading
2314s yep
2316s jono play the song of your people i'm
2318s going i'm going
2322s to move over oh
2324s here i go i guess that's carl
2329s oh i keep missing the spiral slash
2336s i yanked out the sky i didn't know it
2338s was flying
2341s [Music]
2347s we love sharpness regen in this house
2350s [Music]
2363s pop that sonic blue
2365s oh wow nice aesthetic life
2381s what another endemic life paralysis
2385s oh
2390s that aoe splash
2392s goodness
2394s [Music]
2414s oh my goodness oh my goodness thank you
2416s for the flash whoever did that
2419s i think that was mine thank you
2421s i appreciate you having my back
2424s i was in danger zone for them to pull it
2427s lightly
2452s yeah i've been using it more
2454s i've been using it more too on dual
2456s blade
2460s okay incandescent is live so watch out
2463s oh here we go
2465s i need to heal here
2467s oh nice one nice teamwork
2471s i think my defender
2484s okay i've got the wooden right
2490s [Music]
2496s oh that did a ton of damage
2498s yeah i missed i missed oh no
2501s oh i got one of them oh it's all right
2504s there was an okay one
2534s pretty good i'm missing a ton of spiral
2535s splashes uh which i'm not happy about
2538s but that's all right he moves a lot like
2540s he's very agile
2542s and it's hard
2543s yeah
2545s yeah there's a very specific angle on
2546s the head
2547s it's not always the
2549s super easy to do on every monster
2556s oh
2556s just for a nice
2574s oh
2579s [Music]
2597s is this the ultimate attack yeah watch
2599s out it's gonna be a spicy one
2602s oh boy oh boy oh get away run johno
2617s that easy
2643s huh
2659s love it
2687s i'm glad i've got a made extended two on
2689s put it that way
2691s we are supporting the team michael in
2692s the monster faster that is absolutely
2694s right and we're doing it in style we
2696s bring the tune we bring the puffs the
2698s box
2701s it is glorious great
2704s yeah really good
2708s with no carts
2709s go for it so far
2711s yes all
2717s right yeah i did this one solo my first
2720s time and uh it was quite the challenge
2724s i bet i bet yeah it's lucky when you're
2725s in a group because you're not the sole
2727s target like but when it's solo and you
2729s you know they're the monsters just like
2731s you you have been selected
2733s it's like oh you're good
2736s oh look at the little sonic panic
2739s wrapping the sonic goodness together
2743s glow on the base as well
2745s i love the poses
2747s go sonic
2748s gotta go fast
2750s [Music]
2763s our quest is completed
2777s oh my goodness i got a mantel and two
2780s more rubies
2783s wow
2784s how was your really good luck there that
2786s was good so i got three rubies in total
2788s and a mantle
2790s i didn't get anything special you took
2792s all the luck this time i did i was like
2794s you know what you know because it's your
2795s first time i need to take i need to tax
2798s your drops
2799s so i took the mantle for myself i'm
2801s sorry
2803s i did notice that uh on my first
2805s my first time with them i got some
2807s really good stuff so nice
2810s yeah maybe there there is something
2811s about that first first time against
2813s season a little treat
2815s yeah
2819s all right so now obviously we've took
2820s down
2822s silva rathalos now we need to face the
2823s queen
2827s yep
2828s personally i found this one tougher
2830s uh
2834s but i think we've been doing good so far
2835s so i'm not too worried
2837s yeah we've got this we've got this yeah
2840s what do we think getting our coffee
2842s season basil geez that's a nice upgrade
2844s as well because thematically at the
2846s minute i'm wearing the rajang high rank
2847s chest but then this actually looks like
2848s it could be like the next level up from
2850s it so we're gonna
2852s we're gonna wear this
2857s the the live makeover for jonah here we
2860s go
2862s there we go so now i need more tickets
2867s be careful out there so the next bit i
2869s need to focus on is probably
2871s probably the waste
2873s okay right i i should probably eat as
2875s well
2876s yeah the poison very true elite we're
2878s gonna have to watch out yeah i need them
2880s tickets give me all your tickets please
2884s i'm gonna go double defender
2886s medic here mainly because gold wrath
2888s scares me
2889s [Music]
2892s my battle bart outfit is evolving
2894s [Music]
2898s battle bard i like it oh yes
2900s my tunes are fire and that's represented
2902s in my chest plane
2904s oh behind oh i'm i'm below
2906s hey how's it going see you next time
2908s some anomaly tickets thank you bahari i
2910s appreciate you
2912s yeah i'm the battle bard with my hunting
2914s horn
2921s firmly on the ground so which of the two
2923s witches do you find tougher gold or
2925s silver
2927s it's definitely gold for me i think uh
2930s some of the fire breathing attacks
2931s there's one fireball in particular that
2933s just takes out the whole arena that one
2935s caught me off guard
2937s i was remembering that uh the sulber
2939s doesn't have them
2940s so it's pretty pretty tough we'll see
2942s how it goes and you know look at look at
2944s her taking on an elder dragon and
2946s obviously charlotte being weakened
2947s poison does not help his cause
2951s the illustrious
2953s yeah i think i mentioned too yeah the
2954s poison the poison is the the hard part
2956s here
2957s and as chistana said in chat antidote
2959s gems don't make you immune to the deadly
2961s poison
2964s make sure you take one of each this time
2970s luckily i was able to remedy my error oh
2972s yeah there is a aura turtle here as well
2974s grab that
2977s good call
2978s i said we treat that
2980s let me uh down a little bit of dash
2982s juice
2983s oh yeah oh yeah i know you are very
2985s hungry luckily i've got stamina recovery
2987s up as one of my songs as well
2992s the sharpness regeneration is extremely
2995s clutch so thank you for that that's all
2996s right i've got my zayno's hunting on as
2998s well which extends your sharpness as
3000s well
3004s very helpful
3007s all right let's get these dudes out
3010s or not queen has
3025s yeah
3028s oh that's best that tail hail swing
3031s brutal if you get hit by it oh
3033s absolutely
3049s ah that's it again
3085s it did nice
3088s thousands
3096s she moved there goes too wide
3101s the worst feeling i know when you do a
3104s big movement
3106s [Applause]
3117s yeah the sonic bloom does real good
3119s damage
3141s [Music]
3145s all right we're going to see a big old
3146s boom here
3147s everyone ready
3148s all right come closer i will play you a
3150s song
3157s get him here we go one two three pop
3160s so two thousand one hundred and forty
3162s four for the weight come there from a
3163s hunting horn this isn't even a great
3165s sword
3168s 2000
3169s it's nice pretty good pretty good
3192s oh
3195s oh you've been chosen
3204s i think
3220s [Music]
3226s yeah you're representing all hunting
3228s horn mains
3230s i hope i'm doing some proud
3232s i think you are
3233s i hope so we made it we've made it so
3235s far right yeah i knew with the jewel
3237s blade as well because i don't play
3239s drawblades at all so you know they don't
3241s get much love when i'm streaming and i
3243s respect the hell out because there's
3245s such a cool weapon especially when
3246s they're like spinning all the way down a
3248s monster
3249s and
3261s hopefully i'm doing them justice often
3263s oh absolutely
3265s i said no cards lots of damage
3268s even a cheeky wake up like you know
3270s you're bringing out a whole new metaphor
3275s hey that didn't happen okay anybody
3277s that's tuning in they don't need to know
3279s about that about what exactly exactly
3288s nice
3301s the wide range
3307s [Applause]
3317s myself straight back here
3327s how are you feeling so far about this
3328s one it's getting tougher or
3331s i think i'm fine
3333s maybe because she's constant she's not
3336s giving you space
3339s um you know that poison the tail whips
3341s like
3342s vicious
3344s yeah the poison is brutal and i can just
3346s take you out
3348s without you even really noticing it goes
3349s down so quick imagine if you use this
3351s like dereliction as well
3353s oh yeah your health is going to be
3361s dereliction players are
3363s truly
3365s very risky
3367s high reward yeah
3370s wow that knocked me out my hyper armor
3372s oh no oh
3382s yeah you don't even have time to really
3384s adjust
3403s normally it's a pretty predictable
3404s pattern right you know it's coming
3407s but
3409s that one happens so close to the other
3410s one
3411s yeah i didn't expect the back to back
3413s yeah
3417s people said their election is for the uh
3420s they're solo hunts mostly and it can be
3422s quite stressful
3425s oh yeah cool way to play i totally i
3428s totally respect it
3445s i thought my pelican was paralyzed
3448s how would that happen
3454s almost there
3459s i was gonna go for the sonic bloom
3460s finish but it's gonna be me planting the
3462s egg
3463s instead well played though
3465s that was great
3467s yeah well done
3469s fun one thank you that was good that was
3471s good like i love how aggressive like the
3474s silver and gold graphs are like it's
3475s constant it's you know it's not like
3478s you're both swinging and punching each
3479s other one off the other it's you're both
3480s rolling you're both going all in
3483s um it's super cool i just love the
3484s monsters as well in their gear and their
3486s aesthetic yeah
3487s this is a very distilled monster hunter
3489s right you know just the
3491s straight the arena location
3494s has
3495s not had enough luck
3500s shooting up that stun down
3503s all right are you okay over there
3505s i think that was personal pictures
3507s just posing having a great time
3524s the poison did a number on me so i'm
3525s doing a number on her so that's a bit of
3527s revenge
3529s yeah
3531s happy palakko as well
3534s oh no mantle's that time oh same here
3538s outrageous
3539s they fooled you with the first storm
3541s they did okay you're gonna be working
3542s they did
3543s we're doing um all the new monsters so
3545s we've done three of them so we've got
3546s loose and naga cougar to go now
3550s we're ready and this will be the first
3552s time for me
3553s i'm pretty excited
3554s oh it will be
3557s yes
3559s well played so that means we now have
3561s two more slots
3562s so do join us um i'll put the lobby id
3566s in chat
3567s so as long as you're mr10 or above us
3569s we're doing title update one content
3571s jump in
3574s it was a lovely outfit it was a kahoot
3577s hey so we have storm rapier there on
3580s hunting horn and
3582s is it a bellana um on the gun lance so
3586s there's going to be some big booms
3588s your spirit shines bright
3590s you got three rubies from that raffle
3592s you literally beat the rubies out of
3593s them
3595s wow
3597s okay but before we go very lucky
3599s i think tristana took all of our luck
3601s huh yeah there's the rubies that's where
3603s they've gone
3605s there's all the punching at the end yeah
3608s oh to be fair the pride
3610s waist looks proper i'll be like a heavy
3612s metal
3618s uh what do i want to use
3620s quickly
3622s decisions decisions this is the thing
3624s like what do i want to wear you know
3626s well gormangala
3639s your outfit changes here oh yeah yeah
3641s this fashion game is the true end game
3643s you've got to assert dominance on the
3644s monitor absolutely
3648s uh
3649s i'm gonna go for
3650s i'll go for gorma i think
3654s oh now i'm kind of considering going gun
3656s lands too do it get stuck in
3660s all right well if i embarrass myself i'm
3663s deeply sorry
3667s all right so i'm out of output vouchers
3668s now so i need more more outfit vouchers
3676s oh again some fashion trophies as well
3677s the fun lance as it's known so double
3680s fun
3682s double do double fun
3692s i don't have any my switch hacks on pc
3694s my switch acts are on my switch
3696s otherwise i would switch it
3697s appropriately yeah yeah switch axes for
3700s the switch
3702s storm rapier there is that storm rapier
3704s is that the arena
3706s um vala
3708s i think it might be because there's some
3710s new
3711s some of the new icons came in this
3713s update i think there's three new ones oh
3714s yeah is that from the arena are you an
3716s arena master storm
3719s and you got the crown so you've
3720s completed all of the master rank quests
3722s so far
3723s so very
3725s kudos impressive yeah amazing i'm
3727s working my way on switch through all of
3729s the follow requests because you get a
3730s really cool piece of headgear for doing
3732s all of the follower quests and the
3734s support surveys
3736s um so that's what i'm working for
3737s working toward at the moment
3742s yeah so storms is from the arena so we
3744s have an arena champion with us
3747s or yeah arena champion
3751s do you play a lot of arena jono i don't
3753s actually um i normally just do like
3755s standard hunts and i'm gonna be spending
3756s a ton of time in investigations and
3758s follower stuff at the moment
3759s uh i used to not do a lot of arena
3761s because i used to just really focus on
3763s sword and shield and only in rise did i
3765s really start to diversify my weapon like
3767s selection so i can be good in the arena
3770s what about you
3772s yeah i don't really play a ton of arena
3773s either but it's something i want to get
3775s into
3776s to learn the other weapons too and
3778s yeah it seems like a good time i want to
3779s be an arena champion yeah i mean
3781s the little emblem looks really cool i
3783s can't lie
3784s i'm still compiling my shaders at the
3786s moment by the way that's why i might be
3787s thinking
3790s yeah the arena is an interest it's a
3792s great challenge if you really want to
3793s push yourself and like really kind of
3795s like fine tune your hunt it's a great
3798s way of doing it in a controlled
3799s environment
3801s it's kind of like when you play the demo
3802s right you're using a build that's not
3804s your own it's a little bit different
3806s right you have to learn with what you've
3808s got
3809s yeah you know i guess that helps kind of
3811s epitomize a really successful hunter and
3813s a skilled hunter is the ability to adapt
3815s when things might not necessarily be
3817s what you were expecting
3819s yeah exactly
3821s basically maybe that's something we
3822s should try huh
3837s shout out to julia as well and i hope
3839s she recovers well
3844s how are your shaders looking are they
3845s compiling nicely
3848s i think i'm on the same exact thing as
3850s you are right now so
3856s loosen naga cougars being a tease
3858s yeah
3864s i'm keen i'm eager i really enjoyed this
3867s fight last time
3869s um so i'm really looking forward to a
3871s round two of lucid naga cougar
3874s definitely a very very cool monster
3876s yeah
3878s i'm excited one of my favorites
3881s it's gotta be good
3884s and you get to see the full lawn arena
3886s in its night version so definitely take
3888s a second to like pan around and take it
3890s in because it really is really really
3892s nice
3895s as frank and all of the arena questing
3897s couple of a buddy of mine in gu is a
3898s journey on its own that's true like you
3900s know you go through like the story and
3902s kind of like you know the standard quest
3903s and then you've got all this arena stuff
3905s to do and it normally unlocks even more
3907s gear for you whether that's cosmetic or
3909s practical stuff so it's definitely
3911s definitely worth checking out
3913s definitely definitely
3917s let's give this another minute or two
3918s while it decides to load it's like yeah
3920s yeah we're getting there don't you worry
3926s there's been a smith
3928s yeah since it was last sighted oh yeah
3934s maybe it's so elusive the game can't
3935s find it exactly maybe uh maybe there's a
3938s connection issue somewhere could do it
3941s cheeky reboot
3948s or maybe like yeah the lucent's just
3949s gone on a gone on a wonder it's like
3951s yeah you know i'll turn up at some point
3959s it is a great loading screen
3961s i love it i love it and um oh
3965s interestingly as well obviously um
3969s rise is obviously very heavily inspired
3971s by japanese yokai
3973s and on this loading screen you see blood
3976s orange bishop and fighting a
3979s um
3981s shogun
3982s sinator
3984s and that's actually based on a story a
3987s famous yokai story
3989s where a tengu
3991s kills a crab by throwing fruit at it
3993s from a tree
3995s wow i didn't know that yeah i found that
3997s on a random youtube video i got served i
3999s was watching some monster hunter
4000s creators and i got served up a person
4002s who did like the the like the law behind
4005s the yokai rise monsters and you know
4007s kind of where they come from in like
4009s japanese like mythology and folklore
4011s and yeah i was like no way he goes
4013s actually this loading screen actually
4016s pertains to that story and you can see
4018s it between them now um so i thought that
4020s was a really nice touch
4023s very cool
4024s that sounds like a future uh tweet from
4027s the monster channels
4029s yeah did you know did you know yeah
4032s jinx well what we'll do i will quickly
4035s we'll go back to two screen
4037s and what i'll do i will quickly
4039s do a little reboot we'll get the lobby
4041s back up so sorry if you did jump in the
4043s lobby that time
4044s um
4050s i hope i saved i hope i have auto save
4052s on oh
4052s [Music]
4056s i'm sure it did i'm sure it saved yeah
4057s i'm sure we're good i'm sure we're good
4059s so you will get that back up and we will
4061s jump into the hunt
4064s but yeah you know you've got to enjoy a
4066s little bit of bishop law there so you
4068s know or the the tengu
4070s bishitan kind of like uh connection
4074s because it's nothing like i only know
4076s little bits about yokai but i love
4078s reading into it more like i i got a book
4080s uh last year that tells me a little bit
4082s more about yokai unrelated to rise
4084s funnily enough i was just like this is
4086s cool because i watch a lot of anime as
4087s well
4088s and then you know when you start putting
4090s the connections together like acne some
4091s and like the umbrella yokai it's like no
4094s way
4096s with the deep lore deepest law
4099s yeah
4105s i think rack nakadaki's got one of the
4107s scariest darkest kind of yokai
4109s connections
4111s in my humble opinion
4112s yeah
4114s yeah monster hunter was one of those
4115s series where uh you know on the surface
4117s it might not seem like there's a ton of
4119s backstory for some of the monsters but
4120s then once you start diving in it's just
4122s like you're going from one wiki page to
4124s the next and
4125s reading descriptions and everything like
4127s that it's pretty cool
4128s so i'm just loading back in the lobby
4132s so it's saved it saves a good amount of
4134s it i just think i don't have my
4135s gourmagala
4137s pants anymore so i'm going to re get my
4139s pants back um
4141s so what we'll do we will switch to
4144s game cam
4151s just so i can guarantee getting you in
4153s i will invite you before
4155s the lobby id comes up
4158s oh just watch yeah because
4160s now joe now you must win the race that
4163s our amazing community has to do to jump
4165s in the lobby
4166s um okay so i won't be fast enough
4169s remember you've got to go fast
4172s you have to this is the way
4176s there we go so let me know all right
4177s once you've got that and then we will
4179s share the lobby id with everyone
4185s okay
4187s lily is sympathetic to the cause
4195s on our way all right right everyone get
4197s ready
4198s round two with loosen
4203s and back into game cam here we are back
4206s in elgato right so i can go look at my
4207s pants
4211s so it was gorgeous
4213s it did oh it didn't saved after that
4222s you should be yes it saved after the
4224s last one i believe
4236s be careful out there
4237s hey there we go
4239s so storm rapier made it back and we've
4241s got kakashi sensai there with the hammer
4243s so we're going big bonks and dudes
4249s oh the emperor
4251s great weapon
4252s right okay uh
4254s make sure my bits replenished
4268s i am so close to uh to mr 100
4272s i bet you're excited
4274s it's been it's been quite the journey to
4275s get there
4278s well congratulations on that as well
4280s like that's really impressive
4282s it's more quick more
4285s will we get you there this stream
4286s pretend maybe
4288s we might yeah it's possible
4293s there we go that's what we're going for
4297s a little bit of glow on the waist
4300s oh that looks great gormagal is one
4301s pairing up with these seasoned basil
4303s geese
4304s let's have a look
4306s just need to start the arms and legs now
4309s but yeah i've colored the waist to go
4311s with the chest i'm really happy you
4313s wanna i'll take i'll take a photo of you
4315s there we go
4316s very kind
4317s oh
4318s miso's on the way my palate mute
4322s hey crunchy good to see you
4326s so there we go right let's go
4329s loosen cougar we meet again
4336s okay eat some eat some food i'm gonna go
4339s slugger again
4342s so close yet so far you'll be there 94
4345s to 100 yeah yeah no trouble no trouble
4348s let's see how we can get closer today
4352s so yeah it's the arms and boots and i'll
4353s have my master rank battle bard laid
4356s gear sorted
4358s oh and there's a switch kakashi sensai
4360s has swapped from the hammer to the
4364s switch ass
4366s or sensei even i said sensai i was like
4368s getting carried away
4375s right okay so i'm not compiling shaders
4376s this time hey
4379s we're in did we do it we did it yeah
4381s all right
4393s and uses it
4411s yeah this is definitely a mood
4414s oh it's moonlit shadow
4416s fiorin's voice just kind of carrying
4418s across let's just begin
4422s oh it's so cool at nighttime it is that
4424s when you get down there i mean you can
4425s see the move through this gap but when
4427s you get down there like the tower is
4429s silhouetted against it
4431s oh i love it so we've got two hunting
4435s i'm feeling very safe
4439s very supported
4441s there we go
4447s right let's go to you
4449s do it
4450s what a very very cool jump in there all
4453s four of us oh yeah we know what's up
4457s where is it
4458s just kill us
4463s it was just like that
4464s this is hanging out like yo what's up
4466s wait hold on hold on
4469s hold on straight for the counter as well
4476s oh ouch
4478s [Music]
4488s i love that reverse dash it's so fun
4504s hope that didn't hit you guys i'll pull
4505s the barrage
4511s [Music]
4519s look at those eyes
4523s [Music]
4551s a bit defensive like this
4554s yeah
4556s very very quick monster
4558s it's a different feeling
4584s oh
4587s oh well played though i was like if it
4589s was three it would have but that one uh
4592s had the four pumps which
4619s level 8 shelling
4635s nothing
4643s oh nice
4661s we're just dancing around over here
4664s [Music]
4668s big damage with the bullet barrage it's
4670s so satisfying like when i was i don't
4672s miss
4675s as much damage
4731s no you're quite all right
4735s i don't want to do that
4738s give me some aerial damage
4740s oh wow
4742s where did you go
4744s oh
4744s oh i'm glad i dodged that i think i
4746s would have been straight back
4758s oh i just did the coolest
4760s switch skill swap there oh my goodness
4770s have you uh
4771s have you tried redirection
4773s but i've seen a lot of people on twitter
4774s absolutely
4789s oh ouch
4794s i'm working on him starter i'm getting
4797s there
4811s oh i missed no
4816s slightly
4842s [Applause]
4845s i felt like i was absent for the last
4847s like minute of that
4849s the team did great
4851s yeah thank you
4853s thank you to the team i got some nice
4855s evades there because i've got a vade
4856s extender too and that obviously also
4858s increases your switch switch evade or
4861s swap of aids sorry switch skill swaps
4863s slash swap
4864s distance
4867s yeah i was i was blessed with a talisman
4869s with debate extender level 2 which is
4872s yeah
4874s it's great yeah switch hacks lance's gun
4877s lance any big weapon
4879s like it's great i don't use it on sword
4880s and shield because i tend to use roll
4882s into like reset combos and to you know
4884s try and stay relatively close beyond
4886s those um
4887s larger weapons it's beautiful
4891s yeah absolutely
4896s yeah that's fire rack now
4898s [Music]
4899s got a little bit of a sleep toad oh
4904s this is the sleep toad on my end cut
4906s scene off you go mate
4909s the swap evade with a vein extender is
4911s so good it is i really like it
4929s yeah like i said i felt very supported
4932s very safe yeah all is well
4934s nothing to fear
4936s yeah okay i'm gonna check i've got five
4938s out of eight melbourne's done so i'm
4939s actually gonna have a sale just check my
4941s mountain box
4942s all right let's take a look all yours
4945s okay so
4946s horn maestro 4a
4948s steadiness speed sharpening hunger
4950s resistance
4951s okay first divine talisman was oh tune
4954s up i need to check what tune up does
4958s tune up increases the stats of silence
4960s are insured okay that's programs not for
4963s my dutin
4964s um heartbreaker steadiness tremor
4967s heartbreaking hunger
4969s attack boost one one one
4971s bubbly dance to evade window too
4974s maybe a dual blade
4976s protective polish one
4979s oh i had a rapid morph three there
4982s oh that's a good switch outside
4989s tune up to counter-strike two evade
4991s extender one
4992s with a three a one and a one
4995s okay right where's my where's me talent
4998s i need to find that one have i got like
5000s a godly switch axe charm
5002s because it wasn't it was like a light
5004s blue one so like i think was that level
5006s eight charm
5007s now or something so i was like
5010s yeah
5012s just scrolled past that thinking it was
5014s amazing
5019s where is it
5021s yeah rapid move three recovery up two
5023s and a one slot so that's not bad for the
5026s switch act at all yeah it's really good
5031s [Music]
5034s all right we'll see what the others
5035s bring right i think it's time for some
5037s anomaly investigation
5040s or actually
5042s how about
5044s yeah no we're just doing normally
5047s investigations
5048s so i need to do a level one first what
5051s do you fancy we've got vulvadon we've
5052s got lagombi as euros great rocky cool
5054s yaku
5062s not sure maybe lagombi yeah let's do
5064s lagombi that's another one a bit like a
5065s zero so you're like how bad can it be
5067s and then lagombi starts sliding around
5070s and he's like no no please have mercy
5073s yeah
5076s deceptively difficult
5082s i've not used counter-strike all right
5085s chat what do we think oh joe have you
5086s ever used the counter-strike skill
5089s i have not i'm not but i'm interested in
5091s it i imagine it's good i could be good
5093s for standard lance but then if your
5094s guard is really high then maybe not
5096s because you don't get knocked back
5104s how are we doing today
5106s i guess we all need a break
5113s i love your fashion though it's very
5115s cool and then oh wow okay sensei looks
5118s like we got yeah like it's like masters
5120s she's brother with us here
5122s we're blessed very
5127s everyone's looking so cool i can't wait
5128s to get my new kind of like layered set
5130s finished
5131s um so next i'm going to pick the arms i
5134s think the legs can survive for a bit
5135s longer
5137s the arms like i think the fluffy cloth
5139s kind of
5143s i spent longer than i want to admit
5144s making sure i look decent for today's
5146s hunt
5147s that you know what i respect that and
5149s i'm sure
5150s the community know the importance of
5151s looking good in the hunt right yeah
5153s whether you hunt naked or you you wear a
5156s favorite set or a mixed layered set so
5158s if you feel good and you look good like
5160s that's the important thing right yeah
5162s translator
5164s exactly when you're feeling motivated
5166s you know it carries across into the hunt
5168s very motivated i'm not using a long
5170s story though
5172s yeah i haven't got full virtual mode
5184s okay what we hunt in the gumby
5187s the gombie in the citadel of course
5188s because there's the snow area
5190s oh yeah this is only our second hut in
5192s the citadel so far at least today
5196s lots of fort learn arena i think there's
5198s a uh achievement as well you can get now
5200s for doing 50 hunts in the citadel
5203s so for citadel fans you are in luck
5206s i wonder if i've crossed that
5208s maybe not i know it
5216s um but a fun one as well so the thing
5218s with the anomaly investigations is the
5220s higher the number the level of the quest
5223s the more challenging the monsters
5226s um in regards to their like you know
5228s resistances attack defense hp
5231s um
5232s and we're at level one and people are
5234s you know some dedicated hunters already
5235s fighting 81 plus
5237s on the investigations and uh they're
5239s noticing the difference which is really
5241s really cool
5242s yeah i was the i was feeling the heat on
5244s just like a level 24
5246s so i can't even imagine how bad it's
5247s gonna get i think the highest
5250s on my switch account yeah you feel it
5252s like
5252s it's great like monsters once again that
5254s you might not have seen as too dangerous
5256s at this point in the game and now like
5258s uh oh
5259s you know scary
5260s which is great yeah it's exciting isn't
5262s it it opens up you know the end game
5264s you're not just like farming you know
5265s the same couple handful of monsters
5267s you've got a lot more bread and options
5269s yeah yeah lots of variety
5275s all right you guys are already getting
5276s started i gotta get over there yeah i
5278s was a bit late for the party
5283s there's a very angry
5288s oh you're all in the ice area oh yeah we
5290s are underground well i wonder where you
5292s fight
5295s yeah
5296s i gotta drift around this uh
5298s i can see you sliding in oh you're on
5300s your dog
5303s [Music]
5319s yeah that was a big sunlight
5325s somehow
5328s somehow
5349s down my friend
5357s i feel kind of bad about
5359s taking out this lagombi you know i mean
5361s it's afflicted so we are putting out his
5363s misery that's true that's great
5366s otherwise it's gonna be a permanent
5367s curious snack
5369s oh oh oh oh oh
5376s get back here i did it i did a second
5378s sonic moved my accent
5397s yeah
5398s oh we had other other priorities right
5400s like looking good
5402s yeah
5403s maybe this is just a flex i'm like
5410s i'm just that good
5413s trying to make a statement exactly by
5415s sending a message
5433s oh i missed my marionette spider
5435s tragic i've been there many times you
5438s have my food sympathy they're all
5441s worse
5444s these monsters
5446s i'm looking forward to fighting
5459s all right we're gonna keep it local i
5460s think
5464s any any enthalpy
5469s get him go now
5470s yes i got it
5475s is that it that's the one
5476s [Music]
5478s go into another paralysis as well
5481s oh man
5482s for the gumby
5488s wow
5520s it's always a little weird using dual
5522s blades and using demon flight on such a
5523s small monster yeah
5526s worth a go
5538s that's the new ability though yeah yeah
5540s so basically if you do a perfect delay
5543s it
5544s dramatically increases
5557s yeah i've been seeing stealth attack
5558s being uh used a lot yeah
5562s yeah
5563s it's always cool just to see what people
5564s are going to come up with
5569s and you know you've got your like kind
5570s of [ __ ] one and then you've got like
5572s yes you said you know like that the
5574s status ones there's ones for attacking
5575s from behind so yeah you can really mix
5578s things up
5581s new abilities always super exciting
5583s exactly i imagine you've got like a
5584s lance user running the one that like
5586s focuses monster attention on them more
5588s and then oh yeah
5589s the sneak attack from lucifer cougars
5591s gear to like just whale from behind
5594s doing big deals
5599s of choices magician to look so
5611s yeah
5613s the v8 extender is just evergreen you
5615s know it works great with everything
5616s doesn't it just
5618s so my real life palace
5621s come up and sat next to me on my desk
5626s my real life miso is at dicker today so
5642s yeah gotta do it gotta do it
5644s and they made it pretty easy but you
5646s know my dog was kind of tall and skinny
5648s so
5649s yeah like you kind of already look like
5650s the phallum view
5652s and i've got some of the new materials
5653s here that we use for the curio crafting
5655s or curious crafting
5657s but these are only level one rewards so
5659s they're not there's not as many and
5660s they're not as impactful it's the higher
5662s level ones but it's a great start
5665s also let me know if my volume is okay as
5667s well everyone like let me know how it's
5669s coming through
5670s so my normally research level is going
5672s up so we've got master rank hunter rank
5673s and anomaly research level as well
5676s and we've unlocked some news level 3 and
5678s level 2 investigations
5681s i love all the new anomaly systems
5684s just it adds another really cool layer
5687s to the end game i'm really enjoying it
5688s so far oh i can't wait to really delve
5690s into it
5692s and stuff i'm gonna see if i can have a
5693s little look
5694s oh oh i got three divine talismans in
5697s this batch okay first one it's critical
5699s boost health fire coke one
5702s got us oh i got a really good support
5705s one that it's level two speedy in level
5707s three meal with a level two slot so if i
5710s want to go wide range support
5712s like that's really good and then my next
5715s one was a level one speeding level one
5716s quick sheath
5718s and then a horn maestro fortified with
5720s three in one
5722s mixed bag
5723s yeah yeah
5726s um
5727s oh yeah he's looking for passion
5730s okay so now we have curious craft so
5732s let's take it let's take a look
5735s no i don't think i've got the materials
5736s i need to do anything just yet yeah no
5740s um yeah i think i don't think i have
5743s timing either oh it's because i've not
5745s fully upgraded my weapon i need to get
5747s to level 10
5748s with um anomaly materials
5752s so in order to do the curious weapon
5753s craft it needs to be top level so that's
5756s normally rarity 10.
5760s [Music]
5762s luna garon so yeah like yeah i need to
5765s uh i need to do more anomaly monsters
5767s together
5769s but we'll quickly get started hey good
5771s to see you
5773s right let's look at some arms i still
5775s haven't got enough i still need more
5779s more vouchers for some of the snazzier
5781s bits
5782s oh loosen like a cougar arms are nice
5785s oh yeah
5786s actually look at the new loosening
5788s though the seasoning one's not bad but
5789s then like
5790s i do like i like mixing it up i could go
5793s for the uh geismagorm arms they're
5795s pretty nice
5800s what do we got
5802s what do we think let me know chat if you
5803s see any that you think are really cool
5809s once again kind of goes through it
5812s i love the design of the lucent dual
5815s blades
5816s what they look like
5818s uh it looks like the the standard uh
5822s um
5823s narcotica dual blades but it's got like
5825s a kind of like a purple glowy effect to
5828s it oh really
5829s yeah
5832s it's got a four star spot or a four four
5834s slot and the two
5836s that's not bad
5837s we have to mess with that later
5839s yeah you got some flexibility there
5841s yeah
5843s i think i would need to get another
5844s voucher
5845s um
5847s let me i really i'm really close to
5849s making the gourmet gala out
5854s you're just looking like an absolute
5855s unit
5856s oh yes
5861s then i can change the color of that yeah
5862s because then i do that
5865s oh hold on did i just make i think i
5867s made the actual armor i made the actual
5870s armor
5873s it's all right though i've got spare
5876s i mean i was you know keeping my nail
5878s busy
5881s okay good luck there is a two hunt limit
5883s yeah yeah two hunt limit
5886s and then we then we do rotate just so
5887s more folks can get in
5889s uh okay so i need to change the arms now
5893s and change the glow
5896s there we go get the orange we could go
5899s silver
5900s i love like the customization system in
5902s the game around the colors and
5904s you know really making the armor feel
5905s like yours
5907s like so i could go orange here and then
5909s maybe like alter the colors a bit
5911s make it a bit richer
5914s this is now the jonno makeover hour it
5917s is
5918s welcome to
5919s fashion hunting with jono and jay
5935s contrast
5945s you know i'm not very good with oranges
5947s that much is clear
5950s you know what i might do then let's uh
5953s let's go for like a silvery
5956s purpley color that would be cool
5959s there we go
5960s that's what we want thank you for your
5962s patience everyone as you know the
5964s fashion game calls look at that there we
5966s go
5968s looking good looking
5970s to go
5971s thank you kakashi no worries rice so we
5973s do have a slot
5975s so
5975s do hop in
5977s and join us for the next time i need to
5978s talk to buhari though bahari is like hey
5981s when you're finished getting dressed
5982s come see me hey how's it going so i've
5984s got some uh
5985s interesting
5986s investigations up here so one is a
5989s toby karachi
5991s and arathian in the jungle and i have
5994s another one here that's uh
5997s and
5999s nargakuga
6001s with 30 minute time limit oh
6004s okay so
6005s mixing things up getting a bit spicy
6013s that's the lobby id
6021s so while we wait for a third to join you
6024s know what this means it gives me an
6025s excuse to go back and fiddle with my
6027s color a bit
6031s there we go that color matches perfect
6035s there we go
6039s feeling good looking good feeling good i
6041s am my my cat just tried to sit on my
6043s keyboard though so i was like oh no
6045s don't just like shut down the stream
6051s i think there's been a few times already
6052s i haven't been at capcom too long but
6054s there's a few times already you've uh
6056s sent me some
6057s uh teams messages that were all garbled
6060s yeah that'd be my cat
6062s so luna says as well um that you have
6065s very similar
6066s uh layered armor like uh choices this is
6069s just a different color so obviously
6070s great minds think i like that and for
6072s those that don't know if you've joined a
6074s bit later boost aka joe is the capcom
6077s usa community manager for monster hunter
6079s so we work together on all the monster
6081s hunter stuff except you know joe's based
6083s in the us so when i'm asleep joe's
6086s working and when joe's asleep i'm
6087s working
6090s yeah we have a short time frame where we
6092s do a little chat in the morning uh in my
6094s morning which is your night time right
6096s here after the year
6097s you kind of got up really early like
6099s like
6100s we started setting up for what 7am your
6102s time or something
6105s yeah yeah 7 a.m not too bad not too bad
6107s i mean we've had a few early mornings
6108s for me this week uh with the digital
6110s event so you know i'm just i'm just in
6112s that zone
6113s come on kitty cat sorry my
6115s cat
6116s you see a tail flicking across she's
6118s like johnny give me attention
6121s oh i love you amber i'll give you dinner
6122s after the stream
6125s amber's the cat by the way like not a
6127s person
6128s [Laughter]
6132s right so should we do one of your
6133s investigations do you want to pick one
6136s yeah let's do it
6141s let's see
6142s you know we haven't had a lot of jungle
6144s so far
6145s yeah i'd love to try yeah
6150s oh i can't join that one because i've
6151s not got my thing high enough level
6153s no
6154s oh really yeah yeah i need to get my um
6156s investigation level a little bit higher
6158s i'm sorry
6159s oh it's okay let's do another one
6163s is there a limit or what's the limit of
6165s the height it gets every 20 so i need to
6167s get my anomaly investigations i think up
6171s to a little bit got it okay
6174s no worries i'll have to double check
6177s that number but yeah there's a little
6178s bit of a little bit of leveling i need
6180s to do together
6183s uh do you want to post the next one then
6185s yeah would you mind actually
6188s helping me against a mastering bushi
6192s let's do it
6193s how do i uh
6195s get out of here yeah there we go i see
6197s yours
6198s i need to double check what pushy is
6201s i forgot it's been a
6203s while um
6205s but luckily we have
6207s when i remember where where it is the
6208s hunter notes so we can check in on a
6211s bushy so
6213s bushy is week two
6215s fire and dragon
6224s or maybe you know i'm going to go switch
6226s acts let's do that
6227s i'm going to change to my
6231s zayno hunting horn
6234s it's got a four slot in it as well
6238s right
6240s i should probably like make a four slot
6242s decoration for that but works because
6243s we're gonna be just about i won't make
6245s people wait they've been patient enough
6247s while i've been dressing myself
6252s all right switch out next time
6254s i'm definitely gonna want dragon
6255s resistant
6262s all right so 21 46 61 and 81 of the
6265s different level thresholds according to
6267s lux
6268s so they have clearly been getting well
6269s stuck into the investigation
6273s yeah we'll do we'll do a bushy and then
6275s we'll switch back over to some more
6276s anomaly investigations because i need to
6278s get ready to start modifying my gear
6280s curious style yeah yeah
6283s it is curious crafting what are you
6285s going to be doing first on curious
6286s crafting like what have you got anything
6287s in your sights
6290s not necessarily just kind of exploring
6291s it right now um you know it's always
6294s weird you know when you have a set build
6295s that you're pretty comfortable with and
6297s you know you got all these new mechanics
6298s added
6300s uh and just kind of kind of play around
6301s with it and see see what works
6304s yeah it's always nice to kind of try new
6305s things and experiment a bit
6307s uh yeah
6310s you know that was the interesting thing
6311s about playing sun break um you know we
6314s we got to play a little bit early and um
6316s kind of explore our builds and
6317s everything but there's no guides out
6319s there right so there's not exactly not
6320s really anything to follow you're like
6322s right like you know you're the first
6324s there you're kind of piecing bits
6325s together
6327s yeah it's great it's pretty cool though
6329s i mean i think you learn your weapons a
6330s little bit more when you uh you kind of
6332s just play around with stuff instead of
6333s um you know necessarily following what
6335s the meta is um so yeah it's pretty
6338s expensive it's fun and you know and it's
6339s great to see like the meta and the
6341s various matters kind of come to fruition
6343s but i also love seeing all these builds
6344s that people that do their own thing or
6346s they try something like different than
6348s fun and that's you know not not your
6350s typical build
6352s yeah for sure oh yeah so we might have a
6354s little connection a little connection
6356s issue i might just quickly reset
6359s oh no did i save before i checked my uh
6362s oh no
6366s is that your cat again
6368s she's like a little shark come on
6371s come on not on the camera there you go
6374s you know what cats are like you can ask
6376s them nicely they'll do what they want
6377s you know
6378s the cats are in charge
6381s that they are
6383s very independent they are they are
6387s my dog is very needy so it says much
6388s different
6389s ah yeah amber blesses he jumps up what
6392s do i think we do have a little
6393s connection
6395s issue there so what i will do
6397s is i will quickly pass back to two shot
6399s there we are and uh
6402s i will reboot
6404s and we'll refresh the lobby so sorry if
6405s you do get in the lobby there and it
6407s didn't go through um
6415s but we will we will get that fixed and
6416s we'll get back in the hunt
6418s and hopefully hopefully
6420s my fashion choice saved i can't remember
6423s yeah
6425s i think you know i should probably like
6427s just pop a quick save in you know but i
6428s was like no i won't need to do that
6432s confident it would work yeah yeah about
6434s you know best laid plans right
6436s this is this is the way
6439s oh my god i think we should
6442s yeah we should let people know you know
6443s before we we started uh
6446s you know we're not used to having two
6447s folks in here so the uh the name
6449s underneath my screen it just said sun
6451s break it did yeah joe's name originally
6453s was sun break at the start um
6457s i became sun break the human form of sun
6460s break has arrived yeah
6462s hi i'm sunbreak
6464s welcome to the stream
6466s there we go right we're booting it up
6468s and
6469s oh yes it's still got my arms on yes
6472s oh let's save the nightstand
6477s all right so let's get you back in and
6479s then we will
6480s switch back to
6482s the
6483s gameplay uh
6485s unfortunately no one will get to see my
6487s navarro
6488s palico
6493s no donuts here
6503s [Music]
6504s see you later reese thanks for watching
6506s oh i need some water my voice was like
6508s oh
6511s it's a little later than usual for you
6513s yeah it's past my bed time
6516s yeah
6516s it's at 6 pm
6521s there we are
6523s nice
6528s and let me just get on there
6532s there we go lobby settings
6535s done and get ready everyone thank you
6537s recess very kind of you to say
6539s it's great having joe here with me it is
6541s a ton of fun
6543s there you go new lobby settings up there
6545s and we are going to flip back to game
6547s cam
6548s there we are
6550s welcome back equipment loadout
6559s there we go all good i just need a pair
6561s of boots now wonderful
6563s just on me in general
6575s the effort for the fashion it's all
6576s worth it it is it is it's always worth
6579s it
6579s gotta look good
6581s [Music]
6586s we got um new music packs right for
6589s yeah uh that's 100
6590s yes i do want to grab one of those
6593s yeah
6594s so
6595s we'll leave it bushy for now because the
6596s bush's been cheeky so i need to do a
6599s [ __ ] yaku apparently i've got a
6601s research request which is kind of like a
6603s bounty really and if you're on that
6604s monster you get even more research
6606s points and it goes towards the request
6608s completion reward which is loads of
6610s coins
6612s oh and you only need level one or higher
6614s right yeah so we can do that right now
6615s i've got a level two
6619s we will do that on my switch version i
6621s needed it as euros at the 21 or above
6624s and um
6625s i did i just couldn't get his euros to
6627s drop
6628s in the four hunts i had to do it i was
6630s like no please
6641s oh yeah the fashion's really coming
6642s together just the boots to go now
6645s but yeah welcome catboy and welcome to
6647s zavina um so we got obama and a long
6650s sword
6655s like research requests really ramp up
6657s and difficulty but that's the fun bit
6659s like you can choose a level that works
6660s for you as you progress like you know as
6662s you climb up if you actually say you
6664s like level 34 or 50 you can do those
6667s um if you want to keep pushing yourself
6668s and getting like even juicier rewards
6670s you can go for the higher levels like
6672s there is flexibility in the system which
6675s is a ton of fun
6676s yeah that's awesome
6678s and you know apex monsters can be found
6680s in these investigations so you can go up
6682s against an afflicted monster an apex
6685s monster and like a standard monster and
6688s oh yeah it's the combinations and you
6690s know the time limits the faints the play
6692s account
6693s really really cool oh i've not got this
6696s i've not got the um
6698s subcam on pc here if you see any rogi
6702s uh
6703s give them give them a little a little
6705s bop for me
6711s i actually don't think i have it either
6714s we best get a job yeah i've got it on
6716s switch after like the community like you
6718s should get that it's really useful yeah
6720s and they they were right absolutely
6722s right sorry i need to do that on pc i
6724s need to get some robin
6726s have you discovered it yet or you just
6728s need to do like the quest
6730s i think i just need to do the quest
6732s that's good yeah that's one of those
6733s things you played for 200 300 hours and
6736s phil
6737s yeah it's just one of those things you
6739s just
6740s just forget to do yeah like you just be
6742s lined for the monster so it's like oh
6743s yeah i haven't got time to sightsee
6745s yeah i always make time to decide to use
6747s my fights now
6760s oh man
6762s making my way over making my way
6764s downtown
6768s [Music]
6773s oh that's my guys
6776s very cool
6791s switch yes on switch is clean
6794s on pc though i would be like
6796s be greedy
6810s yeah
6811s they normally take a while
6827s those small monsters that just kind of
6829s jumped in yeah
6834s big mistake yeah hold on
6837s there's more of them
6860s oh flashlight
6870s these smaller ones would be trickier
6874s like
6876s and uh yeah yeah
6878s the hitbox is so much smaller yeah
6882s they just love to bounce around
6902s all right
6908s oh
6909s it finished in time
6911s okay right sonic flew
6914s that time
6920s i'm ready with the magnificent trio
6927s just the absurd amount of
6930s booms there
6933s nice i've got about 1600
6959s that's a nice try
6963s it's does my mic turn it up again
6985s trying to get you a little window
6987s yeah how's that how that is right i'm
6990s back i'm back
6993s and cool yoku's on the run
7006s yeah let me know how my voice is
7010s oh you snuck in there you got those
7012s points using the power of the palomute
7014s you lost game audio okay hold on
7017s hold on
7023s is game audio back
7025s oh okay game audio is gone let's fix
7028s that
7029s uh
7034s there we go that should be back now
7036s better
7039s i think
7044s i missed the finishing blow
7046s oh no
7048s i was too busy trying to remix the
7050s volume i
7052s there it is thanks for the sub community
7054s i appreciate you thanks for letting me
7055s know look at these
7057s they're rocky
7060s look get up get him get him get him get
7061s him
7063s i got finished carving to get these
7064s conflicted materials yeah
7073s yes that's three out of eight done
7076s i just need one more
7077s i'm working on it these are really tanky
7080s why is it
7082s i need three more we got yours which is
7084s good
7085s all right did it after 200 plus hours
7092s we've had other priorities
7096s [Music]
7108s don't know this has been going really
7109s well so far i don't think we've had one
7110s part in all this time oh my goodness
7112s you're right
7127s so should we do one more hunt one more
7129s hunt
7131s yeah do one more yeah
7134s we'll wrap it up for
7140s there's a special quest for you
7144s so we can do a level six great azuchi i
7146s haven't gotten as euros again
7154s how's everything you want to do a new
7156s monster we can do a new monster
7158s all right bye let's do who which which
7160s of the four new monsters do you want to
7162s fight through
7164s okay shall we do loosen again yeah go on
7166s chuck loosen in
7171s i'll go ahead and do that
7180s oh i think i'll go for the arch themed
7182s leggings actually for my last bit of
7184s layered
7186s possibly
7189s grand god's pier looks good as well
7192s so many options
7194s so many options
7203s [Music]
7205s all right
7206s i was looking at some of the uh the new
7208s advanced quests that i unlocked
7210s one of them was
7212s one of them was gold wrathion and
7214s uh
7215s furious rajon that one's done oh my
7218s goodness
7219s that's the scary one
7221s yeah
7223s mikey loves to loosen this move set so
7225s fun especially the big moves yeah the
7226s way the invisibility goes around is
7228s really really cool
7232s [Music]
7234s my layered armor is coming together
7236s just need those legs and then then it's
7238s pretty much done right so let's take a
7241s look at our hunter notes
7244s and uh
7248s pardon me
7250s look for lucid narca cougar okay so ice
7253s ice works really well on lucid naga
7255s cougar
7256s so we are in a good place there
7258s huh okay let me
7261s let me switch here
7262s switch off the switch axe
7264s yeah
7281s guys we're gone legs
7284s oh you got a cool little heel on them as
7286s well
7294s oh snowshare snowshare yeah that's what
7297s we're getting we're going to get
7297s snowshare they're they're the last ones
7299s then my set is complete
7302s well layered wise anyway okay that's
7304s what we're going to get see you soon
7306s the venus just
7307s was knocked out over there oh
7311s all right ready to go
7315s oh there he is
7319s go nuts yeah
7326s here we are we're back in the fall owner
7331s oh it's playing the cutscene again
7333s oh because it's my technically my first
7335s time again
7338s [Music]
7347s only seen by those brave enough to climb
7349s it yeah lucent's a great hunt
7352s naga cougar going to the next level
7358s my cat's now sleeping by the keyboard
7360s she's had some snacks it does not mean
7364s i should really get like a pelican
7390s brady's big fan of the invisibility
7391s effects as well
7393s yeah i'm loving all of the positive
7394s feedback around lucid is amazing
7397s yeah
7400s around the update in general i think
7401s yeah it's been really good yeah let's
7403s figure out we love everyone's feedback
7404s thoughts feedback what you like what you
7407s might not like so much like we really
7409s appreciate it you know joe and i the
7410s ones that kind of go around collating it
7412s and putting it together
7413s um yeah feedback we do listen we
7415s definitely listen we're there sneaking
7417s around reddit twitter
7420s all the different places
7422s in the background yes yeah we do pass
7424s that feedback along
7429s oh
7451s there we go
7460s [Music]
7476s oh i got lucky there i was crouched down
7481s a nice marionette fire
7483s straight on to the sonic bloom as well
7489s yeah like that's
7504s we've had great teammates that are
7505s keeping us recording oh yeah
7528s [Music]
7543s i'll do one soon
7558s oh
7565s so i did not know that i thought it was
7567s like if you go into you'll take damage
7569s because it's the first time i've
7570s probably been hit by that again um
7573s it actually punishes you so if you wire
7576s bug into a wire fall into it
7578s specifically
7580s you still took damage it's like a wall
7582s yeah and it bounces you back
7585s so that was i feel like um
7588s i feel like we had it stunned so often
7590s in the first one yeah that we didn't see
7592s any of these moves yeah and now uh i'm
7594s being punished for it
7596s but yeah that was a cool move so yeah it
7598s actually um
7600s actually works as a wall so it really
7602s punishes like the wire
7607s very cool very cool yeah
7609s there we go
7611s you've learned from me getting carted
7615s don't don't fall into that voice can't
7617s go
7636s okay
7659s so with
7672s oh
7675s [Music]
7683s was the last one just small or is this
7684s one just gigantic
7691s i don't know
7693s let's let's say silver let's keep our
7695s expectations and check yeah i think this
7698s is a kill
7700s oh my goodness the gold is just going to
7701s be yeah
7702s [Music]
7708s the curious craft is the weapon upgrades
7711s you have full control over the other
7712s ones where there's a slight rhythm
7736s oh boy
7744s i am getting punished i should hit the
7746s floor before i fall away
7771s pretty good i mean i'm enjoying dual
7773s blades on this one
7775s this one a lot
7779s the demon play is so much more it's even
7782s like so much more satisfying on a big
7783s monster
7799s i almost caught it there that's close
7801s the double tail slam
7803s yeah that's so vicious
7811s oh boy
7818s oh
7838s no messing around
7853s [Music]
7864s you know give and take you know i get
7866s loads of good drops for the monsters i
7867s let them get a car you know win-win
7869s situation
7871s oh
7872s loose knockout does think it's a tornado
7874s i think that's a good good comparison
7876s the absolute size of it though look at
7879s that yeah huge
7888s [Music]
7893s [Music]
7897s hollow like look what i found
7899s right on you can't
7900s you really can't make never sad
7904s constant motivating catboy here looking
7906s off into the distance
7911s [Music]
7915s that was a really fun one super good
7923s all right yeah we need to make sure we
7924s check out the
7927s size of it
7928s yeah
7932s did i
7933s was it
7935s did i
7938s i've not been looking for crowns on
7939s ryzen's break
7940s was it was it not a crown
7944s maybe it wasn't huh
7954s yeah i guess it's not a crown
7957s what
7958s no way that means there's
7960s bigger double check the stats here we'll
7962s have a look
7963s because i was expecting so
7966s i see silver silver crown okay so it's a
7968s silver crown for you but then we fought
7970s them together on pc
7976s let's see on your screen here
7979s uh i think you passed it
7980s oh yeah uh there it is right there right
7982s there okay so so we do have this okay
7984s okay super ground two four four so that
7986s means there's a gold crown that's even
7987s bigger than that oh oh geez
7990s but that must be yeah because the
7991s smallest was two two seven three and my
7993s largest is two four one four
7996s right let's let's check some bits then
7998s i've got some great deals
8000s take these talismans
8003s fortify focus normal up nice attack
8005s defense boost
8007s redirection also good gunner one there
8014s but what we can do now is complete our
8016s layered armor
8019s the all-important exact fashion and i've
8022s decided to go for the snowshoe i really
8024s like the snowshoe set
8026s there we go there's the boots
8028s and we'll use these bits
8033s and then i just need to change the color
8035s slightly
8037s and then i can i can do like a mini
8039s fashion show
8042s nice
8044s so what color we gotta walk the runway
8046s exactly
8050s [Music]
8061s [Music]
8065s i still need one more razor to make uh
8068s loosen dual blades
8070s really
8071s yeah that one will have to wait that's a
8073s little get you there
8078s oh wait i can actually do it let's see
8080s yeah i have enough nice awesome
8084s let's take a look at that one
8091s maybe we do this
8092s oh no i i did see i went back without
8096s changing changing the bits
8105s there we go
8107s yeah my layered armor set is complete
8110s feels good
8112s you did it yeah
8113s looking good looking clean i'm very
8115s happy with that let's uh let's get the
8117s camera out where's my
8119s um
8125s clicking the uh the right stick the left
8127s stick
8129s one of the sticks
8130s there we go there we go
8132s look at that like i'm very happy with
8134s that my battle bard is done
8137s wonderful i bring the fire
8139s my mixtape is
8141s is blast there we go
8144s really pleased with that
8146s look at that get the side the uh see
8148s that basically shoulders are so good
8152s they've got the gorma gala they're using
8154s the color change
8155s oh
8157s i'm gonna save before i forget as well
8160s yeah yeah good call good call well done
8162s well done yes
8172s so that'll probably be next thursday if
8175s there's any extra streams we'll let you
8176s know what i'm gonna do i'm going to put
8178s me and joe back to too sharp so here we
8181s are
8181s but yeah that pretty much wraps up
8183s today's stream um it's been awesome
8185s having you here joe hope you've enjoyed
8187s your hunts today
8189s yeah thank you for having me on uh on
8191s the show
8193s long time viewer
8195s first time streamer
8197s um but yeah
8198s definitely yes yes for sure i won't be
8201s able to join next week but uh hoping to
8202s join again in the future and uh yeah
8204s thanks so much for having me and thanks
8205s to you uh consider the community for the
8207s warm welcome it's been a good time yeah
8210s it's been great and once again as always
8211s thank you everyone whether you just
8212s watch you lurk and just enjoy the stream
8215s whether you've been chatting or jumping
8217s in the hunts we really appreciate it
8219s because it's you the community that make
8220s these streams what they are and honestly
8222s joe it's been great hunting with you
8224s i've enjoyed the banter i've enjoyed
8225s teaming up and playing with the
8226s community with you it's honestly been a
8228s ton of fun
8229s um
8231s so yeah maybe maybe maybe we can coach
8233s you on the switch next time or maybe
8234s we'll stick on pc and keep the dudes and
8236s dual blades going
8238s yes i i have a flight ahead of me so i
8240s think that's a good time for me to uh to
8242s make some such progress
8243s [Laughter]
8245s well in that case then let's wrap things
8247s up so he's been joe i've been jono and
8249s you've been awesome have a fantastic
8251s weekend and we'll see you next week good
8253s night
8255s everyone
8262s [Music]
8274s [Music]
8300s [Music]
8320s you