5 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Applause]
1s how you doing Pax
6s West you all ready for some Capcom
11s reveals I I'm sorry I can't hear
16s you okay okay we got to build up the
19s hype up in here let's hear from the
21s front
24s row not bad let's see how the back row
28s does
33s now
37s everyone oh my gosh I love this crowd
41s y'all are amazing hi everybody my name
43s is Jackie Jing I'm going to be your
45s panel host and we have some amazing
48s Capcom games to talk about and some
51s equally amazing Capcom staff here to
54s talk about them can we give them a warm
56s welcome a big round of applause Make
58s some noise
65s keep on
66s clapping there we
79s go I love the enthusiasm you all are
83s fantastic okay I'm going to break things
85s down for us a little bit here we're
86s going to start our panel with monster
89s hunter one
94s series producer rioo sujimoto will join
97s Joe BOS from the Monster Hunter
100s Community team going in depth on some
102s cool Monster Hunter Wilds info y'all
108s excited e then we will have Jackie
111s Simmons from the fighting team to talk
112s about Terry bogard's Edition to the
115s street fighter 6 roster plus some news
119s on Marvel versus C
120s fighting collection arcade
124s Classics from there Kim Han hang will
127s give us the inside scoop on Dead Rising
130s Deluxe
133s remaster and we will wrap up the panel
135s with an inquiry into the Ace Attorney
139s investigations collection with Trevor
143s Mitch okay are youall ready for
148s real well without further Ado I'll hand
151s it over to Joe who is taking us on an
153s expedition of Monster Hunter Wilds Joe
158s all right hello everybody how's it
161s going man there's a lot of you out there
163s I can't even see to the back of the room
165s it's pretty
166s crazy well I'm Joe Boos I'm one of the
168s community managers on Monster Hunter we
170s are super super excited to have you all
172s here today uh I'm joined by a very
175s special guest I'm sure many of you know
178s uh Monster Hunter Wild's producer rioo
180s sujimoto let's give it up for
182s [Music]
188s rosan and interpreting for riosan today
191s is Mana let's say hi to Mana
196s hi yeah and I I told Mana I would
199s embarrass her a little bit um you might
200s have seen her at the game awards
202s interpreting for real us on or or at
204s summer game Fest so she does a lot for
206s our team so Mana thank you for being
208s here no thank you for having us
213s all right riosan how has Pax been
215s treating you so
222s [Music]
228s far it's been a while since I've last
231s visited PX so it's great to back be back
233s here especially because we have monster
236s Wilds first hands on playable for the US
238s and I'm very excited to see how
240s everybody feels about the
249s game the game made clicker so I'm not
251s sure like is that working all right
253s there we go well we're all so excited to
255s be here at pxs to show you a little bit
257s more about monster H Wilds we've got a
258s lot to show today so let's go ahead and
260s get into it um a quick intro for those
263s of you who are new to the game I know
265s we've got a lot of experienced hunters
266s in the crowd um Monster Hunter Wilds the
269s next Main Line entry into our hit action
272s RPG series and we just celebrated our
274s 20th anniversary which is pretty amazing
281s right all right so in Monster Hunter
283s Wilds you'll create your own Hunter as
286s part of the guild you'll take on special
288s assignments to investigate the new area
290s in this game which is called The
291s Forbidden lands and this is a vast
293s living world full of surprises the team
295s has worked really hard to create a world
297s that feels truly alive there are herds
299s of monsters dring the area weather
301s conditions will shift between the locals
303s and every hunt will feel different and
306s in the wied plains uh which is the area
308s that we have been showing quite a bit
309s and here at Pax things will go from
311s dangerous and Dusty During the phow
313s period which is kind of that that uh
316s weather conditions that we have seen
317s with lots of sand um and then the world
320s becomes very very chaotic and
321s unpredictable with the Region's
323s inclemency um this is a ecological
325s phenomenon that just changes the hunt
327s completely and once the storm subsides
329s then we are in the Plenty period where
331s you see nice bright skies and things are
334s relatively peaceful in the world of
335s Monster Hunter um and weather changes
338s generally lead to these crazy surprises
340s and for those of you that have played
342s the demo already here at PA you might
344s have seen a few of those already isn't
346s that right
363s oh yes for Wilds we aimed to create a
367s like
367s two-dimensional two- faced uh aspect
371s where you can see the dangerous um
372s aspect of the nature and like the
374s peaceful side so we were really focusing
376s on creating that within the
384s game and one of the important uh
387s features of the locals and monster wild
389s is that
390s the weather and conditions change
392s drastically when you're on the
404s field and there are certain monsters
407s that appear during certain weather
408s conditions so it and and there are also
411s other mechanics that you can use in
413s certain weather conditions so the game
415s play offers a different hunting
417s experience every time you're on the
419s local
437s also during the inclemency uh the Apex
439s monster of that local tends to appear
442s and in the windward Plains rad now which
445s was recently revealed in the latest
446s trailer uh will appear alongside Santa
469s also the design of the monsters when the
471s monsters are moving in herds we made it
473s so that it was very natural seemed
475s really realistic when they're are on the
476s fields and also for rale even if it is
479s just one single large monster we wanted
481s to focus it focus on the um on making it
484s realistic so that it had a lot of um it
488s was it was nice to
491s have very sorry um it had a lot of
494s impact just by having radow
497s alone yeah Redal has been getting some
500s pretty amazing reactions um I know the
502s community had a nickname uh for it for
504s quite a while so that was that was
505s pretty awesome to see and I know many of
507s you at Pax have been watching some of
508s the demos and everybody's trying to take
510s out ray da even though um that's not
512s necessarily the target of the hunt I
514s think we've had like three or four
515s completions so far so uh shout outs to
518s everybody that's been able to to get
519s that done that's pretty
521s cool all right so in Monster Hunter
523s Wilds let's talk about our hunting party
525s so in in the demo that we have here at
527s Pax West you can only select for some
529s preset Hunters but when the game is
532s released we will have uh the the typical
534s character creation you'll be able to
536s customize your Hunter and of course your
538s pico uh to your hearts content um the
541s two left uh Hunters here that we have
543s these are the ones that we feature in
544s most of our trailers um so we do
546s encourage you to create your Hunter uh
549s as you'd like when the game does release
551s um the Pico is back of course and this
554s time fully voiced um ran could you talk
556s a little bit about the decision to have
558s a voice
560s [Music]
568s palico for
601s like I mentioned earlier the environment
602s in Monster wild cues changing very
605s drastically so you will have the Handler
607s Alma who accompanies you onto the hunt
610s um and also your palico who will be able
613s to give you handful or helpful call call
616s out throughout the hunt to alert you and
619s bring you attention to um what is
621s happening on the in the surroundings and
623s of course if you want to go back to the
624s traditional meows um you can also do
627s that through the options so rest assure
632s uh one new character that is making
633s their debut in Monster Hunter Wilds is
636s your Hunter's animal Mount which is
638s called the sacred um you can see that uh
640s here on the slide in the middle I know
641s many of you have had a chance to go to
643s our photo op and mount the sacred take
646s some really cool photos um the sacret is
648s a super super helpful companion it'll
650s help you cover ground a little bit
651s quicker track down monsters it kind of
653s serves as almost like a mobile camp for
655s you um to be able to retrieve Supply
657s items and even store a secondary weapon
659s which we will talk about a little bit
661s later um but let's talk about a couple
663s of our characters first so as rosan
666s mentioned Alma is our helpful Handler
668s who will guide you and accompany you on
671s the hunt give you lots of helpful
673s information um next is Nat this is a
676s mysterious child who accompanies the
678s research commission um he you know we
681s don't know too much about him right now
682s but for those of you who have played the
683s story Quest here at Pax you might have
686s gotten a little bit of insight to their
688s character so um please look forward to
690s learning a little bit more information
691s about Nat um next up we've got Olivia a
694s hammer wielding veteran Hunter with vast
697s experience she's taken on many special
700s missions for the hunter Guild uh prior
702s to joining the research Commission in
704s Monster Hunter wilds and uh last but not
706s least our very uh popular Guild Smithy
709s Gemma um she'll be the one helping you
712s craft your weapons and your armor
714s throughout your journey and I I'd like
716s to ask rioo son what did you think about
718s the reactions and the popularity to
719s Gemma when we first announced
724s her jma's very popular we are aware
734s [Music]
754s uh yes we are very much aware that Gemma
756s is popular um globally however there are
759s other characters such as Alma and Olivia
761s who are also very fascinating characters
763s so I hope everyone keeps an eye out for
765s them as well um especially during the
770s story all right well it is this is a
772s monster hunter game so of course we must
775s hunt on your hunts you'll have access to
777s 14 different weapon types um Each of
780s which has plenty of different variations
782s based on the monsters and the resources
783s you'll be taking on your adventure um
786s rosan now that you can take two weapons
788s on a hunt uh which will you be
792s taking
793s h
795s h a hammer and a
801s hammer so so two hammers I yes yes yes
804s yes I don't know why I expected anything
808s else all right so some of you may have
810s seen this artwork that we revealed at
812s summer game Fest um showing off the the
814s showing the hunter facing off against
815s one of the new monsters doaga um and how
818s they can kind of move in packs to Ambush
820s you um and as a surprise we brought
822s along a video of us showing one of those
824s hunts in action uh what do you think
826s should we check it
831s out all right so everything we're
833s showing you today is captured on our
835s build here at PX running on PlayStation
837s 5 you can see the the Glide ability with
840s the sacred
843s there and before we we hunt we have to
846s do some preparation right so we're going
848s to show you a little bit about our popup
850s camps this is these can be made in
852s preset locations um there's a limited
855s amount that you can make on the field
857s just kind of slams in there like
862s that and with any Monster Hunter cooking
865s is essential I think that's essential
867s with every Capcom game making amazing
868s food
870s um what was some of the Inspirations for
872s the cooking in this
880s [Music]
893s game yes in the Monster Series we're
896s always careful with um depicting how you
899s uh eat or how you have meals in the game
901s because even in everyday life it's how
903s you get power for every day um eating
906s good meals so we were very careful and
908s making it look delicious and um enticing
910s in the
912s game so you see there we just equipped
914s the Gilly mantle um this is back from
916s Monster Hunter world we definitely want
918s to stay undetected as we head into the
920s hunt
926s here that Alpha is our Target the quest
928s will begin now we found our
931s Target got it
939s [Music]
956s [Music]
962s those shumas tend to move in packs but
964s if you look at it carefully each one of
966s them actually acts in a different way
968s and when it's even when it's hunting you
971s or trying to pursue you uh one of each
974s individual do shagans tend to move in a
976s different way like a little being
979s considerate of like what the other do
980s shagas are acting or how they're going
982s to act so if you keep an eye out for
984s that it's a little interesting
989s yeah something something that's really
990s cool with this game is now the quest
991s just starts seamlessly when you um do
994s enough damage to the monster so we did a
996s little bowling ball roll with our Barrel
998s bomb there which is new to this
1009s game leave this to me heals and B and
1013s this is my gameplay footage so please uh
1015s be nice to me
1020s l
1023s [Music]
1045s [Music]
1052s because in monster under Wilds that
1054s Monsters can't move in packs um there's
1056s also a lot of methods that you can use
1058s to make your hunt a lot easier for
1060s example you can use dun pods to disperse
1063s packs or use luring pods to lure certain
1065s monsters away from the pack and into a
1067s direction that you want to take it
1071s to yeah we're kind of in a bad way here
1074s trying to take on all these monsters
1075s like riosan said there are different
1077s ways that we can try to get out of this
1078s situation and now we have the uh the
1081s sand tide which is rolling in this is
1083s the Region's
1084s incy um so things are getting really
1087s dangerous
1089s now we're going to try to lure the this
1092s pack away from this area
1108s here when you have the uh red lines
1110s coming out from the hunter it's because
1112s we're using the luring pod when you have
1114s that shown it means that you're
1116s attracting the monster um towards you as
1119s long as the right red line is
1135s shown also as you can um tell and Joe
1138s mention mentioned earlier the sacred is
1140s the animal Mount that the hunter is on
1142s and it's very useful during hunts um
1144s allows you to Traverse very quickly and
1146s easily through the
1158s local earlier in this scene you saw
1161s doaga being attacked by the lightning or
1163s being hit by the lightning and during
1165s the inclemency or weather conditions
1167s extreme weather conditions um you can
1169s use the uh you can use those
1172s environments to uh hit doaga and get
1176s more damage
1181s than this is the r the Apex
1186s monster yeah and typically you might not
1188s lead the monster out this far but you
1190s know why why not show off raow a little
1192s bit
1221s H just um a note here um even though
1224s radal is a very significant monster in
1227s the in the game that you can see in the
1230s traditional Monster Series we always
1232s have like a flagship
1234s monster we just wanted to note that
1236s radow is not the flagship monster
1243s so there's a different Flagship monster
1245s so um we hope you guys keep an eye out
1247s for further
1250s information so we're hitting a draw
1252s finisher here um this is something that
1255s you can do when you're mounted on the
1256s monster's
1258s back e
1290s also the sacret one more note about it
1292s is that it can Auto maneuver or Auto
1295s take you to places or destinations that
1297s you want to go to and if you want to go
1299s to a different place you can control the
1300s sacret to your liking so it's very
1302s helpful even during hunts and um
1304s expeditions
1307s [Music]
1324s there are certain items that you can use
1326s while mounted on the sacred so if you're
1328s low in health you can mount the sacred
1330s and then while running away you can uh
1332s drink potions and um recover your
1337s health so this is the offset slash this
1339s is something this is a new attack in
1341s Monster hun Wilds that I've been trying
1342s to hit a couple times here and I've
1344s unfortunately missed it um but it when
1347s you do hit it at the same time that a
1349s monster attacks it'll kind of send them
1350s back reeling oh there's our our Pico
1353s dropping the shock trap for
1362s us and something we've been doing a
1364s little bit is using Focus mode to a our
1366s true charge slashes which um you know
1369s notoriously great sword users are kind
1371s of stuck in place and you can't uh move
1373s or maneuver too well but now you can aim
1376s using Focus mode and it's a huge help in
1377s hitting those
1405s it's not shown in the video but if
1407s you're on standing on a Hill sight Hill
1410s you can use sliding attacks like it was
1412s possible in monster in the world that's
1414s also available in monster in the Wilds
1416s as
1417s well so something interesting with
1419s dokuma is that when it enters this
1421s enrage State all of those red wounds on
1423s it um kind of come back and we that's
1426s something that we definitely want to do
1427s we want to destroy those wounds so now
1429s it's kind of in a vulnerable period And
1431s it knows it um so it's getting a little
1432s bit desperate
1451s now we have the uh signal on the
1453s tutorial basically telling you that you
1455s can shoot up a SOS player to get help if
1457s you're having trouble difficulties
1479s monster Wilds if he shoot up as SOS
1481s player in the past titles we had other
1483s players other players coming in to join
1486s your hunt to help but this time if the
1488s game can't find other players it will
1491s find um NPC support Hunter to come and
1494s help you on your
1497s hunt we haven't called it yet though we
1501s switch to the Hammer withan which is
1503s your favorite so we definitely have to
1505s do
1508s that hammers are
1510s good you hold
1516s on and now that we have the wooting
1519s system you know there's there's a lot of
1520s reasons for a hammer user to go for
1522s other places than just the head
1532s we also have these small monsters
1534s attacking a large monster um so these
1536s kind of situations can also happen
1538s during the Hunts as well
1540s oh these are called the talion
1557s right a new charge step there you can
1560s get a little bit of distance now I'm
1562s trying to hit this Mighty charge
1564s slam not much there we'll get it
1575s later during the mighty charge you can
1578s kind of adjust the position that you are
1581s just a little bit but um you can adjust
1586s it weather's changing
1593s call now we're using
1602s thisare since we're playing a single
1604s player right now uh we will have the
1606s support NPC NPC support Hunters join the
1617s quest we're going to have we also have
1619s um Olivia who's also using the hammer so
1622s it's nice to see how um Olivia and Joe
1625s who's better at using the
1630s [Music]
1643s hammer the environment changed and now
1645s we have row on the scene
1649s I love the sound effects for R it's
1652s really
1659s [Music]
1661s unique just a little bit
1665s more I think DOA knows that it's in a
1668s bad way right now definitely outnumbered
1681s even uh on the show floor you can get
1683s your hands on gameplay and in the ROM
1686s there is radal and you can fight it like
1689s Joe said I think we had like three hunts
1691s so far but it's very difficult but if
1693s you can please give it a
1695s try oh nice nice I thought that would do
1697s more damage when I did it so
1708s just a little bit
1714s more yeah in this section right here um
1717s you know everybody that's watching at
1718s home can kind of get a better sense of
1720s the the radow sound effects
1728s here is still
1730s here just won't go away
1739s on
1750s guard there is there's also a Bine Dr
1754s but we haven't used it yet here we
1766s go Olivia's being attacked
1782s just like with the great sword now we
1783s can aim Our Big Bang Attack which is
1786s very very
1789s helpful I'm most me just a little bit
1792s more I
1793s think you see
1795s the mighty charge oh oh
1800s [Applause]
1823s nice it must I think it's a little bit
1826s more and we should be good
1833s I think it's it's pretty much heading
1835s back to where we started the hunt at
1836s this
1843s [Music]
1852s point the other D was are here
1859s [Laughter]
1865s we need our large dun pod now kind of
1867s disperse everybody here it's a big
1871s cloud that was the large
1876s D hopefully that'll disperse the uh pack
1901s it's pretty weak right
1909s now yeah I think everybody has their
1911s different ways of ending the hunt uh for
1915s that last hit on the monster especially
1916s when it goes to sleep but you know I
1918s think it's it's only appropriate that we
1919s end the hunt the way we started
1927s it now we're like Joe said trying to end
1931s the hunt like we started it
1936s [Laughter]
1938s [Applause]
1949s all now you can stand on the monster
1951s when you carve
1954s itch
1960s OPP we were really uh wanting to get
1962s detailed about all the details about
1964s being able to actually go on the
1965s monsters as you carve this time so um
1974s yeah and once you finish the quest uh it
1976s doesn't back you out or anything so you
1978s continue to roam the
1989s world and we're going to take a look at
1991s a familiar friend here oh Kawai
1999s [Laughter]
2009s and we're going to talk about this one
2011s uh shortly so hang on to that but what
2014s did you think of the
2020s [Music]
2024s hunt all right we're kind of just riding
2026s off into the distance here just to show
2027s you guys that you know it's kind of it
2030s is it is you know an open area oh there
2031s we go here's our next slide all right
2035s well um like we said we know many of you
2040s uh love our friend here which you have
2042s all uh named baby PUK PUK um we saw a
2047s lot of attention on this one in one of
2049s our recent trailers um and it really
2051s went went uh I mean I don't want to say
2053s the word but it went wild um we saw Tons
2057s of love for the monster in the form of
2060s fan art paintings crochet just overall
2064s excitement it was just it was pretty
2066s incredible RZA did do the reaction
2068s surprise you
2113s I didn't expect everybody to you know
2116s have a very big reaction or towards this
2120s what everybody likes to call baby pie
2122s PUK um actually unfortunately it's not a
2126s baby PUK PUK but but this time as a
2129s first reveal we brought um an artwork
2132s for this it's an actual endemic creature
2136s called called
2138s amian and um we're pleased to bring it
2141s to you guys here
2143s [Applause]
2160s we didn't think with this uh endemic
2163s life would receive so much Spotlight and
2165s be able to give give give the artwork to
2168s everybody in this kind of shape but it's
2170s always a nice surprise
2196s amrin generally reside in The Scarlet
2199s Forest which was recently revealed in
2200s the latest trailer but they migrate to
2202s the Windor Plains during the Plenty
2205s which is filled with lots of green and
2207s uh florish Flora FAA um to breed so they
2212s may and share nesting and feeding duties
2214s to raise their
2217s babies for
2249s amstan they mate nest and also breed
2251s their babies in the Woodward Plains but
2254s on the field you can see them catching
2256s Grasshoppers and also feeding in the
2258s nests that they' built in the trees like
2259s we were watching in the video right now
2262s also there are various other endemic
2263s life and uh creatures that can be
2265s spotted while you're out on the field so
2268s we hope you keep an eye out to see what
2269s kind of other emic life is out
2272s there I would die for
2275s amstan but speaking of
2278s baby creatures that I would die for uh
2281s there is an adorable baby sacred
2284s creature that you can find in the demos
2286s here at Pax just look at it in all of
2288s its Glory um is very cute and cuddly if
2292s you visit kunafa Village in our demos um
2294s you'll be able to see where they are
2296s this is the town where sacred are raised
2298s so you'll see plenty of baby sacred and
2300s if you look closely enough you'll be
2302s able to see a little bit more of them um
2304s so yeah uh before we wrap things up
2306s rosan do you have a message for all the
2308s the hunters out there
2310s [Music]
2338s uh like I mentioned earlier monster
2339s enter Wilds is very detailed and uh
2342s really meticulously designed so U when
2346s the game actually comes out we hope that
2348s everybody uh plays it by themselves and
2351s finds out a lot of small details that
2354s maybe you would have missed but take a
2355s close look to see what is out there and
2358s uh the development team is looking
2359s forward to everybody playing their game
2372s on behalf of all of us on the monster
2373s hunter team you just want to say thank
2374s you it is due to all of your efforts
2377s your love and and your passion for the
2379s series that has brought the series to uh
2381s the level that it is at today um so we
2383s just want to say thank you so much and
2385s want to give it up for the community so
2386s thank you so
2394s much and like we mentioned we've got a
2396s lot of activities here at PA we've got
2398s our our two uh playable demos that you
2400s can go ahead and play at our Capcom
2402s Booth we've got our sacred photo op and
2404s again there's been so many amazing
2406s cosplayers and different people up there
2407s so uh thanks again for checking out our
2409s photo booth and of course ran will be
2411s here for uh our signing session so be
2414s sure to check out those sessions and
2415s drop by the booth when you
2417s can um and with that uh want to say
2420s thank you again to uh our special guest
2422s rioo sujimoto and um again we we hope
2426s you all look forward to coming by the
2427s booth
2428s [Applause]
2439s hi sorry
2442s sorry um well with all that said we uh
2445s again just want to thank everybody uh
2447s for being here um before we close things
2449s out we are going to uh show our most
2451s recent trailer so let's go ahead and do
2452s that
2455s [Applause]
2463s my word is this a laal of Barina FL
2467s it we must be near its nest
2478s [Music]
2497s care for H all right let's
2500s go now's our chance we go all
2509s in we could do a lot worse for an
2511s interim camp
2520s once your business here is concluded you
2523s should find
2524s shelter the Sands come alive this time
2527s of year like a wild beast bristling with
2535s lightning from the look of
2537s it that must be this Region's apex
2541s predator skild permission granted begin
2545s the hunt understood
2560s [Music]
2570s get a load of be CLW
2573s [Applause]
2579s [Music]
2590s [Music]
2593s [Applause]
2595s [Music]
2600s so tasty
2603s [Music]
2603s [Applause]
2610s all right well yeah just a reminder for
2612s everybody uh Monster Hunter Wilds
2613s releases on PlayStation 5 Xbox series X
2616s and steam in 2025 we are so excited for
2619s the game and of course as is tradition
2621s we'd like to ask rosan to send us off
2624s with our traditional happy Hunting send
2626s off
2652s uh lastly thank you everyone we it was
2654s really great to see everyone so excited
2656s for this game I can't wait to take all
2658s this excitement back to Japan and I
2660s share it with the development team uh
2662s when monster under Wilds comes out um
2665s monster under the information for
2667s monster under is only revealed partially
2669s so we hope everybody keeps an eye out
2671s for more information that we have coming
2672s down the
2678s line now like Joe said we would like to
2680s do the usual uh Monster Hunter
2686s chant three two one happy Hunting thank
2693s [Music]
2694s you thank you
2700s all right well thanks so much rosan for
2701s making it all the way here from Japan we
2703s truly truly appreciate it um Ran's going
2706s to take a quick break and he'll join us
2707s at the end for our big group photo so
2709s we'll see you in a little bit thank you
2711s thank
2718s you thank
2720s you how amazing was he first of
2725s all are youall having
2728s fun there we go well now let's hit the
2732s streets with Jackie to give us a brief
2735s on Terry bogard's addition to Street
2737s Fighter 6 I love
2740s it and some more information about some
2743s upcoming titles Jackie is going to take
2746s you for a
2747s ride
2750s Jackie all right hi everybody I have a
2752s lot to share today thank you so much for
2755s coming um as you guys know we recently
2758s released the um Terry bogard's uh
2762s Gameplay trailer not too long ago so
2764s we'll be sharing some more details on
2766s that as well as some never-before seen
2768s concept art for you guys so that's a px
2771s exclusive um in addition to that we also
2774s have uh Marvel vs Capcom fighting
2776s collection arcade class it's coming up
2778s very soon uh just a few weeks soon so we
2783s also are in teams with Marvel to put
2786s together a
2788s brand new neverbe seen Marvel versus
2790s Capcom comic for the physical Edition so
2793s we will be sharing that cover also uh as
2797s a px panel exclusive so um but before
2800s all of that you guys may have seen we
2803s actually uh announced Capcom fighting
2805s collection 2 ising some awesome titles
2808s right so we have Kim here who is heading
2812s up the project who's in the panel today
2814s so thought you would kick it off with
2816s some details sure hello people what's
2819s [Music]
2821s up all right uh my name is Kim I'm the
2823s brand manager for Capcom fighting
2825s collection 2 and uh it was recently
2828s announced just last week and it was
2830s absolute pleasure to see everyone's
2831s excitement on this just search up
2833s YouTube Capcom fighting collection uh 2
2836s reactions and you're going see some
2837s crazy crazy stuff uh so Capcom fighting
2840s collection 2 includes eight iconic
2841s titles I'm talking about Capcom versus
2844s snk1 Capcom versus SNK 2 woo yeah I'll
2849s Trier that too uh Power Stone
2852s one power Stone
2855s two Capcom fighting
2859s Evolution plasma
2861s sword street fight off for 3
2864s upper and project
2868s Justice okay I see we got some fans here
2870s it's cool all right uh for some people
2872s that didn't see the trailer the very few
2874s of you uh let's just roll it and check
2876s it out
2892s [Music]
2901s yeah yeah come on everybody come alive
2903s real quick Battle of the strong surv of
2905s the F Take Your Best Shot hope you don't
2907s miss
2909s [Music]
2921s [Music]
2931s [Music]
2943s [Music]
2957s super combo I ain't never scared never
2959s quitting is the m
2964s [Music]
2969s yeah yeah yeah come on everybody come
2971s alive real quick Battle of the survival
2974s of the take your best sh you don't
2978s miss
2980s us take it fast with the
2991s handsy show down this is
3007s all right and uh speaking of a SNK
3009s collaboration I'm going to pass it back
3011s to Jackie to talk about how Terry Bard
3013s has entered the street fighter
3017s Universe thanks Kim um it's been great
3020s working alongside SNK and joining our
3022s Two Worlds together revealing Terry and
3024s Mai in this year's character pass at
3027s summer game Fest shocked and surprised
3030s fans in a major way and we're just so
3032s glad to have them both included into the
3035s story and see uh show more details about
3037s Terry uh Bogard today but before I do
3040s that I'd actually like to share his
3042s latest Gameplay trailer so let's hit it
3056s [Music]
3061s this is going to be
3063s [Music]
3064s fun I'm still on a journey come get some
3068s traveling to new places experiencing new
3071s things meeting new faces having good
3073s fights fight drink eat sleep repeat
3077s seriously it's a good
3079s life I'll pick up the check
3091s [Applause]
3093s come on get
3095s [Music]
3103s ready hey come on come on
3112s [Music]
3129s all
3132s right one
3133s more time for a beat
3144s down are you okay
3148s [Music]
3156s what yeah
3158s [Music]
3163s baby The
3169s Rock
3171s ro oh
3177s now where te to
3180s [Music]
3187s look awesome
3192s woo awesome so some hardcore fans may
3195s have recognized some of his iconic moves
3197s like Power Wave or quickburn um from the
3200s Fatal Fury series um there's definitely
3203s more to be revealed but as you guys know
3205s he's coming out September 24th so very
3209s very soon um you
3212s know while creating the concept of Terry
3215s the development team really worked
3216s through a lot of iterations to capture
3218s the essence of this character and how he
3219s can fit into our universe so to
3221s celebrate his anticipated release we
3223s wanted to share some never-before-seen
3224s concept art would you guys be
3226s [Music]
3228s down
3229s [Applause]
3231s awesome there we go
3235s o so the street fighter development team
3238s they are such passionate fans of snk's
3241s work and have such a deep respect for
3243s the team that really shines through
3245s every aspect of his character design um
3248s this was a very rare opportunity for
3250s them to work on not only such a spare
3252s special character like Terry but just
3254s actually a character outside of the
3255s Capcom universe and integrating it into
3258s um ours so they really poured their
3260s hearts into crafting every detail um
3263s that really resulted in nothing short
3264s but amazing and spectacular so from the
3267s initial concept art to the final reveal
3270s that happened at Gamescom um Opening
3272s Night Live um it's really clear that uh
3277s they really want Terry to feel right at
3278s home into our world so fans have been
3281s really thrilled about his unique
3282s fighting style and as well as the
3284s meticulous attention to detail from his
3286s unique fighting kit as well as how he
3289s overall looks and feels uh within Street
3291s Fighter 6 so he's a great addition to
3294s the roster again he's coming out
3295s September 24th in the meantime he's
3298s available to play at the booth all
3299s weekend so come check him
3301s out um so last but not least I kind of
3305s wanted to share a bit
3308s more of Marvel vs Capcom fighting
3310s collection coming up in a few weeks um
3313s but before we get into more details on
3315s that including the comic I just thought
3318s I'd share the latest trailer to catch
3319s everyone up
3330s [Music]
3347s attack garage
3351s [Music]
3356s CL and
3359s [Music]
3379s swing behold
3382s [Music]
3387s go
3388s buddy
3389s [Applause]
3390s ready fir max level
3396s [Music]
3413s [Music]
3416s [Applause]
3420s [Music]
3433s [Applause]
3440s [Music]
3445s SCE
3448s [Music]
3468s here comes a new Challenger
3470s [Music]
3484s [Music]
3498s there Marvel versus c f collection
3502s arcade classics
3504s [Music]
3513s can you believe it Time Life flew by so
3516s fast we actually announced this
3517s collection back in June and now it's
3519s coming out in just a couple weeks um
3522s it's so exciting to have seven classic
3524s titles um all in one game you know for
3527s Marvel superheroes Marvel versus Capcom
3530s one and two um and of course the title
3533s that really started all started it all
3535s with the partnership uh The Punisher so
3539s again coming out on Nintendo switch PC
3542s and Playstation so uh that will be on uh
3545s September 12th for digital uh platforms
3549s and then on your favorite retail stores
3550s November
3552s 22nd um now before we kind of close out
3554s the fighting section I did want to share
3557s a little bit more of this special
3559s neverbe scen comic cover so you guys
3562s want to check it out
3568s oo so again we've been working with
3572s Marvel for a um brand new 32-page comic
3576s that takes place where Marvel and Capcom
3579s universes Collide um and I don't want to
3581s spoil too much of the story itself but
3584s it does look like M bison and Dr Doom
3586s are teaming up together that has uh both
3589s your favorite Capcom characters and
3591s Marvel characters pitting up against
3593s each other so more to come on why
3596s they're duking it out and also how they
3597s come together to take down the bad guys
3600s um this has been such an honor to
3602s actually put together this comic um
3605s especially because the team itself are
3607s huge fans of Marvel vs Capcom just like
3609s we're huge fans of Marvel as well um
3613s again this comic is going to be um only
3616s available for our special edition day
3618s one um for that physical side of things
3622s uh perfect gift for the holiday season
3624s so don't forget to pick it up you can
3626s pre- order now um and I think that's all
3628s of the awesome news that I have for the
3631s fighting game side I'll pass it back to
3633s Jackie thank you
3634s [Music]
3636s guys let's hear it for
3638s [Music]
3640s Jackie she has a great name and uh great
3644s presentation as well but now I'll let
3646s Kim drop in and give us the inside scoop
3649s on Dead Rising Deluxe remaster shopping
3653s malls and a zombie outbreak what's
3655s better am I right
3657s Kim take it
3659s away nothing is better actually that's
3661s the answer all right what's up guys uh
3663s it's me again uh my name is Kim I'm the
3665s brand manager of uh Dead Rising Deluxe
3668s remaster and boy I'm excited to talk
3671s about this soon to be released game and
3673s while I'm at it no I'll just reveal some
3675s exclusive content too yeah sound
3680s good all right so it's been about 8
3682s years since the last Dead Rising title
3685s and back in July we revealed that Dead
3688s Rising is indeed
3692s back uh it's time to bring Dead Rising
3695s back to its roots uh and this means uh
3699s back to or to Modern consoles and that
3702s means beautiful 4K visuals 60 FPS and
3706s this is so much more than just a
3708s beautiful face up because you guys
3709s deserve so much more right cuz without
3711s you guys we we wouldn't be here so I'm
3714s talking about tons of quality of life
3716s changes and improvements such as uh
3719s improve controls improve enemy
3722s AI uh this is now voiced in nine
3726s different languages now a new map
3728s Navigator and so much much
3733s more I have to laugh at this too I'm
3735s sorry all right this game is wild and
3738s over the top in every way that's that's
3740s good uh do you want to obliterate tons
3743s of zombies with one giant swing sure
3745s check
3749s do you want to plan your escape with
3751s serve bot's help also check all right
3755s let's get started with our very first
3757s exclusive reveal right
3760s now
3762s oo oh yes so Dead Rising has taken
3765s inspiration from many many zombie movies
3768s from the past and we wanted to pay om to
3771s this uh with our own created movie style
3774s poster we worked with Terry wolf finger
3777s uh very very talented illustrator who
3779s has won awards for many things uh he's
3782s won the 2014 key Art Award for a best
3784s display and he created a masterpiece
3788s here so look at Frank West look at him
3790s with his frying pan one of many examples
3792s of many weapons that you can use in the
3794s game there's a lot of Easter eggs in
3798s this poster so once we post it very
3800s excited to see what you guys are able to
3804s find Dead Rising the master has a
3807s plethora of costumes that are coming out
3809s on digital launch day September 19th do
3812s we have any uh resen evil fans in
3816s here do you have any Mega Man
3820s fans I know we got some Street Fighter
3822s fans up in here
3825s right all right I got four trailers for
3827s you
3829s guys all right roll it
3836s [Music]
3841s H that would be the same guy that shot
3847s [Music]
3857s you where is this the basement of the
3860s North Plaza
3863s [Music]
3875s your uh girlfriend sent me to find
3878s [Music]
3882s you let me go
3885s [Applause]
3889s hey have you seen my baby I can't live
3892s without my precious little sweetie dony
3895s [Music]
3902s pre-order
3904s now all right I know for sure this
3906s costume here specifically is going to
3908s get tons of love the trombon costume
3910s here uh is available uh as a part of the
3913s Mega Man DLC Set uh but it's also
3915s available in our Dead Rising Deluxe
3918s remaster digital deluxe edition say that
3922s three times I dare you
3928s look at Ken here looking oh so cool
3930s ready to spam uppercuts against the
3932s entire zombie
3936s apocalypse uh we are very very proud of
3938s this costume here uh so let's take a
3940s second to appreciate Chris redfield's
3943s jacket uh the Widows Peak uh the pants
3947s KNE pads this is awesome
3952s costume another iconic Resident Evil
3955s character uh uh there things are never
3957s safe when Nemesis is in town uh a little
3960s fun fact here as you probably noticed in
3962s the trailer uh there was a rocket
3963s launcher that was used and I happy to
3966s confirm that rocket launcher is coming
3969s to Dead Rising Deluxe remaster for the
3971s first
3973s [Music]
3974s time and uh these are just a sample of
3977s many costumes coming to the game uh
3979s September
3980s 19th
3983s and don't forget uh this game is is
3986s pre-order now and it comes uh with three
3989s pre-order costumes and three Associated
3991s background music tracks as well it's
3994s available it's going to be available on
3996s PlayStation 5 Xbox series xns and
3999s steam thank you very much for your time
4002s thank you and welcome to zombie
4006s Paradise let's hear it for
4012s Kim and now we'll open the case on the
4016s attorney investigations collection and
4018s I'm going to hand it over to
4020s investigator Trevor at the scene of the
4023s crime
4025s oo thanks so much Jackie hello everybody
4028s as she said my name is Trevor Mitch uh
4030s not only am I brand manager here but
4031s I'll be the special investigator
4034s assigned to this case today we're going
4035s to look into the Ace Attorney
4037s investigations
4039s collection so if you're not familiar
4041s with the Ace Attorney investigation
4042s series it's a spin-off of the mainline
4044s series uh where you play as a prodical
4047s prosecutor himself miles Edgeworth the
4050s investigation collection contains both
4052s of the investigation games a attorney
4054s investigations 1 miles Edgeworth and Ace
4057s Attorney investigations 2 prosecutors
4059s Gambit if you weren't aware uh Ace
4061s Attorney investigations 2 was never
4063s previously localized and released in the
4065s west so it is debuting with the Ace
4068s Attorney investigation
4073s collection sorry about that needed room
4076s for that
4077s Applause so if you're not familiar with
4080s the investigation series they're a
4081s little different from the mainline games
4083s you can see here we're actually taking
4085s control of Edgeworth and walking around
4087s crime scenes we'll find evidence we'll
4089s talk to Witnesses and interrogate
4092s suspects we're not in the same
4093s firstperson style kind of pointing and
4096s clicking around crime scenes like in the
4098s mainline series I will spare us having
4100s to talk to the Blue Badger
4102s though so Edgeworth has a couple special
4105s in investigative techniques in his
4107s Arsenal one of which is the logic system
4110s so across an investigation you'll come
4112s across different pieces of evidence and
4114s facts of a case and using impeccable
4117s logic and fantastic style you'll you're
4120s going to put those pieces together to
4122s create entirely new evidence we see here
4124s the victim was a detective and he was
4126s killed with a revolver putting those two
4128s pieces together we can hypothesize that
4131s he might have been killed with his own
4133s gun faithful gumo we're going to order
4135s order him to check if indeed that is the
4139s case let's see indeed he was murdered
4143s with his own weapon so now that we know
4146s that it changes the facts of the case
4148s just a
4150s bit so in Ace Attorney investigations 2
4154s you'll also have a special interrogation
4156s technique called Mind chess so when
4159s edworth is interviewing Witnesses or
4161s suspects he needs to outmaneuver them
4164s rically and be able to catch them in
4166s their own lives I know this guy just
4167s looks so trustworthy uh but I get the
4171s feeling he might be hiding something so
4174s by the way this character uh was
4176s actually in the first Ace Attorney games
4178s if you uh recognize him he has been
4180s spoilers incarcerated for his heinous
4183s crime and uh edworth is interviewing it
4185s again so we're uh drawing the
4188s information out of him slowly trying to
4190s get him in a corner letting him uh hang
4193s himself with his own things and part of
4195s that is no knowing when to press and
4196s knowing when to hold off so here we see
4199s we're baiting him a little
4201s bit the elegant bow as
4209s always yes there totally totally didn't
4211s Panic at all
4217s there here we go here comes the attack
4226s caught him in his own
4232s lie so uh we've done a lot to the
4236s investigation series as well so if
4238s you're a fan of the original uh pixel
4241s art or you're just nostalgic for the
4242s first game you can choose to play with
4245s either the classic Sprites or the allnew
4248s HD animations uh really cool fact about
4251s this is we have the uh original uh the
4254s series uh original series character
4256s designer tatsuro Oto and a team of very
4259s skilled designers along with him uh
4261s working on all of these assets to bring
4264s them into HD so it's very much
4265s maintaining the same soul and passion
4268s for the original Sprites into these new
4270s HD formats uh if you're interested in
4273s this process you can check us out at uh
4275s a attorney on Twitter uh where you can
4278s see like this post up in the upper right
4280s where we uh have shown the process from
4282s taking the Original Classic Sprites to
4284s the new hdn it's a really cool
4288s process uh We've also added a lot of
4290s quality of life changes we're in six new
4293s additional languages we have an episode
4295s and chapter select that will let you
4296s choose not only what case you want to
4298s start at but what point in any case you
4300s want to start at right from the
4302s beginning of course you can start either
4303s title as well uh and we have a story
4305s mode and autoplay I know story mode
4307s sounds it's a it's a story game what do
4309s you mean you have a story mode uh story
4311s mode is actually a function that will
4313s play the game for you so if you just
4315s want to sit back and watch The Narrative
4318s and fold you can activate story mode and
4320s edworth will automatically move across
4322s the screen he'll find all of the right
4324s evidence he'll talk to all the right
4325s characters and make all the right
4327s decisions so it's really cool to get
4329s cozy and just sit back and watch it
4333s happen we also have a demo available
4335s it's available now uh it's here at the
4338s Pax Booth but it is also available
4340s online uh for uh Playstation 4 Xbox s x
4344s and S theme and uh and excuse me and is
4349s also uh covers both cases so you can
4353s play the first section from case one and
4356s the first section from uh a
4358s investigations 2 and all of the progress
4361s you make in that demo will carry over to
4363s your main save so I hope you guys check
4366s it
4369s out so to wrap up here uh it is
4373s available for pre-order uh if you do
4375s pre-order you get a really cool bonus
4377s which is a bunch of these uh in-game
4378s music Arrangements uh these are some of
4380s the most popular songs that we think
4382s people would really like and not only
4383s can you listen to them through the
4385s in-game music uh viewer through the
4387s gallery but you can also set them for
4389s your in-game music so if you like the
4391s songs you can have them play uh while
4394s you're playing the game so before we uh
4397s end here let's check in with Edgeworth
4399s for a special announcement what do you
4401s guys
4403s think see what he has to say
4409s oh my God Edgeworth who could have done
4412s this it it uh it had to be somebody here
4415s it had to be one of us it had to be
4418s someone Among
4421s [Music]
4423s [Applause]
4427s Us that's the Ace Attorney
4429s investigations collection is coming to
4432s Among Us starting September 9th if you
4435s log in into Among Us you will get the
4437s exclusive miles Edgeworth uh costume for
4441s your crewmate so with that little
4443s mystery solved I think I will kick it
4445s back to uh
4448s Jackie okay I have been dying to say
4451s this case
4453s closed thanks Okay who wants to take a
4457s photo yeah let's do it okay we'll get
4461s our panelists to stand up here and if
4463s you all want to stand up and just put
4464s your arms up you know make sure you
4466s spotted in the photo later yep we got
4469s the lights on okay crowd in
4472s everybody
4474s yay do you guys want to help me with the
4477s countdown okay you're going to help me
4478s with the countdown three two
4485s one yay you all are awesome well that
4489s wraps up the Capcom presents panel make
4491s sure you head on over to the Capcom
4493s Booth as well but see youall later Pax
4496s West you're awesome bye
4499s [Applause]
4502s [Music]
5 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Applause]
1s how you doing Pax
6s West you all ready for some Capcom
11s reveals I I'm sorry I can't hear
16s you okay okay we got to build up the
19s hype up in here let's hear from the
21s front
24s row not bad let's see how the back row
28s does
33s now
37s everyone oh my gosh I love this crowd
41s y'all are amazing hi everybody my name
43s is Jackie Jing I'm going to be your
45s panel host and we have some amazing
48s Capcom games to talk about and some
51s equally amazing Capcom staff here to
54s talk about them can we give them a warm
56s welcome a big round of applause Make
58s some noise
65s keep on
66s clapping there we
79s go I love the enthusiasm you all are
83s fantastic okay I'm going to break things
85s down for us a little bit here we're
86s going to start our panel with monster
89s hunter one
94s series producer rioo sujimoto will join
97s Joe BOS from the Monster Hunter
100s Community team going in depth on some
102s cool Monster Hunter Wilds info y'all
108s excited e then we will have Jackie
111s Simmons from the fighting team to talk
112s about Terry bogard's Edition to the
115s street fighter 6 roster plus some news
119s on Marvel versus C
120s fighting collection arcade
124s Classics from there Kim Han hang will
127s give us the inside scoop on Dead Rising
130s Deluxe
133s remaster and we will wrap up the panel
135s with an inquiry into the Ace Attorney
139s investigations collection with Trevor
143s Mitch okay are youall ready for
148s real well without further Ado I'll hand
151s it over to Joe who is taking us on an
153s expedition of Monster Hunter Wilds Joe
158s all right hello everybody how's it
161s going man there's a lot of you out there
163s I can't even see to the back of the room
165s it's pretty
166s crazy well I'm Joe Boos I'm one of the
168s community managers on Monster Hunter we
170s are super super excited to have you all
172s here today uh I'm joined by a very
175s special guest I'm sure many of you know
178s uh Monster Hunter Wild's producer rioo
180s sujimoto let's give it up for
182s [Music]
188s rosan and interpreting for riosan today
191s is Mana let's say hi to Mana
196s hi yeah and I I told Mana I would
199s embarrass her a little bit um you might
200s have seen her at the game awards
202s interpreting for real us on or or at
204s summer game Fest so she does a lot for
206s our team so Mana thank you for being
208s here no thank you for having us
213s all right riosan how has Pax been
215s treating you so
222s [Music]
228s far it's been a while since I've last
231s visited PX so it's great to back be back
233s here especially because we have monster
236s Wilds first hands on playable for the US
238s and I'm very excited to see how
240s everybody feels about the
249s game the game made clicker so I'm not
251s sure like is that working all right
253s there we go well we're all so excited to
255s be here at pxs to show you a little bit
257s more about monster H Wilds we've got a
258s lot to show today so let's go ahead and
260s get into it um a quick intro for those
263s of you who are new to the game I know
265s we've got a lot of experienced hunters
266s in the crowd um Monster Hunter Wilds the
269s next Main Line entry into our hit action
272s RPG series and we just celebrated our
274s 20th anniversary which is pretty amazing
281s right all right so in Monster Hunter
283s Wilds you'll create your own Hunter as
286s part of the guild you'll take on special
288s assignments to investigate the new area
290s in this game which is called The
291s Forbidden lands and this is a vast
293s living world full of surprises the team
295s has worked really hard to create a world
297s that feels truly alive there are herds
299s of monsters dring the area weather
301s conditions will shift between the locals
303s and every hunt will feel different and
306s in the wied plains uh which is the area
308s that we have been showing quite a bit
309s and here at Pax things will go from
311s dangerous and Dusty During the phow
313s period which is kind of that that uh
316s weather conditions that we have seen
317s with lots of sand um and then the world
320s becomes very very chaotic and
321s unpredictable with the Region's
323s inclemency um this is a ecological
325s phenomenon that just changes the hunt
327s completely and once the storm subsides
329s then we are in the Plenty period where
331s you see nice bright skies and things are
334s relatively peaceful in the world of
335s Monster Hunter um and weather changes
338s generally lead to these crazy surprises
340s and for those of you that have played
342s the demo already here at PA you might
344s have seen a few of those already isn't
346s that right
363s oh yes for Wilds we aimed to create a
367s like
367s two-dimensional two- faced uh aspect
371s where you can see the dangerous um
372s aspect of the nature and like the
374s peaceful side so we were really focusing
376s on creating that within the
384s game and one of the important uh
387s features of the locals and monster wild
389s is that
390s the weather and conditions change
392s drastically when you're on the
404s field and there are certain monsters
407s that appear during certain weather
408s conditions so it and and there are also
411s other mechanics that you can use in
413s certain weather conditions so the game
415s play offers a different hunting
417s experience every time you're on the
419s local
437s also during the inclemency uh the Apex
439s monster of that local tends to appear
442s and in the windward Plains rad now which
445s was recently revealed in the latest
446s trailer uh will appear alongside Santa
469s also the design of the monsters when the
471s monsters are moving in herds we made it
473s so that it was very natural seemed
475s really realistic when they're are on the
476s fields and also for rale even if it is
479s just one single large monster we wanted
481s to focus it focus on the um on making it
484s realistic so that it had a lot of um it
488s was it was nice to
491s have very sorry um it had a lot of
494s impact just by having radow
497s alone yeah Redal has been getting some
500s pretty amazing reactions um I know the
502s community had a nickname uh for it for
504s quite a while so that was that was
505s pretty awesome to see and I know many of
507s you at Pax have been watching some of
508s the demos and everybody's trying to take
510s out ray da even though um that's not
512s necessarily the target of the hunt I
514s think we've had like three or four
515s completions so far so uh shout outs to
518s everybody that's been able to to get
519s that done that's pretty
521s cool all right so in Monster Hunter
523s Wilds let's talk about our hunting party
525s so in in the demo that we have here at
527s Pax West you can only select for some
529s preset Hunters but when the game is
532s released we will have uh the the typical
534s character creation you'll be able to
536s customize your Hunter and of course your
538s pico uh to your hearts content um the
541s two left uh Hunters here that we have
543s these are the ones that we feature in
544s most of our trailers um so we do
546s encourage you to create your Hunter uh
549s as you'd like when the game does release
551s um the Pico is back of course and this
554s time fully voiced um ran could you talk
556s a little bit about the decision to have
558s a voice
560s [Music]
568s palico for
601s like I mentioned earlier the environment
602s in Monster wild cues changing very
605s drastically so you will have the Handler
607s Alma who accompanies you onto the hunt
610s um and also your palico who will be able
613s to give you handful or helpful call call
616s out throughout the hunt to alert you and
619s bring you attention to um what is
621s happening on the in the surroundings and
623s of course if you want to go back to the
624s traditional meows um you can also do
627s that through the options so rest assure
632s uh one new character that is making
633s their debut in Monster Hunter Wilds is
636s your Hunter's animal Mount which is
638s called the sacred um you can see that uh
640s here on the slide in the middle I know
641s many of you have had a chance to go to
643s our photo op and mount the sacred take
646s some really cool photos um the sacret is
648s a super super helpful companion it'll
650s help you cover ground a little bit
651s quicker track down monsters it kind of
653s serves as almost like a mobile camp for
655s you um to be able to retrieve Supply
657s items and even store a secondary weapon
659s which we will talk about a little bit
661s later um but let's talk about a couple
663s of our characters first so as rosan
666s mentioned Alma is our helpful Handler
668s who will guide you and accompany you on
671s the hunt give you lots of helpful
673s information um next is Nat this is a
676s mysterious child who accompanies the
678s research commission um he you know we
681s don't know too much about him right now
682s but for those of you who have played the
683s story Quest here at Pax you might have
686s gotten a little bit of insight to their
688s character so um please look forward to
690s learning a little bit more information
691s about Nat um next up we've got Olivia a
694s hammer wielding veteran Hunter with vast
697s experience she's taken on many special
700s missions for the hunter Guild uh prior
702s to joining the research Commission in
704s Monster Hunter wilds and uh last but not
706s least our very uh popular Guild Smithy
709s Gemma um she'll be the one helping you
712s craft your weapons and your armor
714s throughout your journey and I I'd like
716s to ask rioo son what did you think about
718s the reactions and the popularity to
719s Gemma when we first announced
724s her jma's very popular we are aware
734s [Music]
754s uh yes we are very much aware that Gemma
756s is popular um globally however there are
759s other characters such as Alma and Olivia
761s who are also very fascinating characters
763s so I hope everyone keeps an eye out for
765s them as well um especially during the
770s story all right well it is this is a
772s monster hunter game so of course we must
775s hunt on your hunts you'll have access to
777s 14 different weapon types um Each of
780s which has plenty of different variations
782s based on the monsters and the resources
783s you'll be taking on your adventure um
786s rosan now that you can take two weapons
788s on a hunt uh which will you be
792s taking
793s h
795s h a hammer and a
801s hammer so so two hammers I yes yes yes
804s yes I don't know why I expected anything
808s else all right so some of you may have
810s seen this artwork that we revealed at
812s summer game Fest um showing off the the
814s showing the hunter facing off against
815s one of the new monsters doaga um and how
818s they can kind of move in packs to Ambush
820s you um and as a surprise we brought
822s along a video of us showing one of those
824s hunts in action uh what do you think
826s should we check it
831s out all right so everything we're
833s showing you today is captured on our
835s build here at PX running on PlayStation
837s 5 you can see the the Glide ability with
840s the sacred
843s there and before we we hunt we have to
846s do some preparation right so we're going
848s to show you a little bit about our popup
850s camps this is these can be made in
852s preset locations um there's a limited
855s amount that you can make on the field
857s just kind of slams in there like
862s that and with any Monster Hunter cooking
865s is essential I think that's essential
867s with every Capcom game making amazing
868s food
870s um what was some of the Inspirations for
872s the cooking in this
880s [Music]
893s game yes in the Monster Series we're
896s always careful with um depicting how you
899s uh eat or how you have meals in the game
901s because even in everyday life it's how
903s you get power for every day um eating
906s good meals so we were very careful and
908s making it look delicious and um enticing
910s in the
912s game so you see there we just equipped
914s the Gilly mantle um this is back from
916s Monster Hunter world we definitely want
918s to stay undetected as we head into the
920s hunt
926s here that Alpha is our Target the quest
928s will begin now we found our
931s Target got it
939s [Music]
956s [Music]
962s those shumas tend to move in packs but
964s if you look at it carefully each one of
966s them actually acts in a different way
968s and when it's even when it's hunting you
971s or trying to pursue you uh one of each
974s individual do shagans tend to move in a
976s different way like a little being
979s considerate of like what the other do
980s shagas are acting or how they're going
982s to act so if you keep an eye out for
984s that it's a little interesting
989s yeah something something that's really
990s cool with this game is now the quest
991s just starts seamlessly when you um do
994s enough damage to the monster so we did a
996s little bowling ball roll with our Barrel
998s bomb there which is new to this
1009s game leave this to me heals and B and
1013s this is my gameplay footage so please uh
1015s be nice to me
1020s l
1023s [Music]
1045s [Music]
1052s because in monster under Wilds that
1054s Monsters can't move in packs um there's
1056s also a lot of methods that you can use
1058s to make your hunt a lot easier for
1060s example you can use dun pods to disperse
1063s packs or use luring pods to lure certain
1065s monsters away from the pack and into a
1067s direction that you want to take it
1071s to yeah we're kind of in a bad way here
1074s trying to take on all these monsters
1075s like riosan said there are different
1077s ways that we can try to get out of this
1078s situation and now we have the uh the
1081s sand tide which is rolling in this is
1083s the Region's
1084s incy um so things are getting really
1087s dangerous
1089s now we're going to try to lure the this
1092s pack away from this area
1108s here when you have the uh red lines
1110s coming out from the hunter it's because
1112s we're using the luring pod when you have
1114s that shown it means that you're
1116s attracting the monster um towards you as
1119s long as the right red line is
1135s shown also as you can um tell and Joe
1138s mention mentioned earlier the sacred is
1140s the animal Mount that the hunter is on
1142s and it's very useful during hunts um
1144s allows you to Traverse very quickly and
1146s easily through the
1158s local earlier in this scene you saw
1161s doaga being attacked by the lightning or
1163s being hit by the lightning and during
1165s the inclemency or weather conditions
1167s extreme weather conditions um you can
1169s use the uh you can use those
1172s environments to uh hit doaga and get
1176s more damage
1181s than this is the r the Apex
1186s monster yeah and typically you might not
1188s lead the monster out this far but you
1190s know why why not show off raow a little
1192s bit
1221s H just um a note here um even though
1224s radal is a very significant monster in
1227s the in the game that you can see in the
1230s traditional Monster Series we always
1232s have like a flagship
1234s monster we just wanted to note that
1236s radow is not the flagship monster
1243s so there's a different Flagship monster
1245s so um we hope you guys keep an eye out
1247s for further
1250s information so we're hitting a draw
1252s finisher here um this is something that
1255s you can do when you're mounted on the
1256s monster's
1258s back e
1290s also the sacret one more note about it
1292s is that it can Auto maneuver or Auto
1295s take you to places or destinations that
1297s you want to go to and if you want to go
1299s to a different place you can control the
1300s sacret to your liking so it's very
1302s helpful even during hunts and um
1304s expeditions
1307s [Music]
1324s there are certain items that you can use
1326s while mounted on the sacred so if you're
1328s low in health you can mount the sacred
1330s and then while running away you can uh
1332s drink potions and um recover your
1337s health so this is the offset slash this
1339s is something this is a new attack in
1341s Monster hun Wilds that I've been trying
1342s to hit a couple times here and I've
1344s unfortunately missed it um but it when
1347s you do hit it at the same time that a
1349s monster attacks it'll kind of send them
1350s back reeling oh there's our our Pico
1353s dropping the shock trap for
1362s us and something we've been doing a
1364s little bit is using Focus mode to a our
1366s true charge slashes which um you know
1369s notoriously great sword users are kind
1371s of stuck in place and you can't uh move
1373s or maneuver too well but now you can aim
1376s using Focus mode and it's a huge help in
1377s hitting those
1405s it's not shown in the video but if
1407s you're on standing on a Hill sight Hill
1410s you can use sliding attacks like it was
1412s possible in monster in the world that's
1414s also available in monster in the Wilds
1416s as
1417s well so something interesting with
1419s dokuma is that when it enters this
1421s enrage State all of those red wounds on
1423s it um kind of come back and we that's
1426s something that we definitely want to do
1427s we want to destroy those wounds so now
1429s it's kind of in a vulnerable period And
1431s it knows it um so it's getting a little
1432s bit desperate
1451s now we have the uh signal on the
1453s tutorial basically telling you that you
1455s can shoot up a SOS player to get help if
1457s you're having trouble difficulties
1479s monster Wilds if he shoot up as SOS
1481s player in the past titles we had other
1483s players other players coming in to join
1486s your hunt to help but this time if the
1488s game can't find other players it will
1491s find um NPC support Hunter to come and
1494s help you on your
1497s hunt we haven't called it yet though we
1501s switch to the Hammer withan which is
1503s your favorite so we definitely have to
1505s do
1508s that hammers are
1510s good you hold
1516s on and now that we have the wooting
1519s system you know there's there's a lot of
1520s reasons for a hammer user to go for
1522s other places than just the head
1532s we also have these small monsters
1534s attacking a large monster um so these
1536s kind of situations can also happen
1538s during the Hunts as well
1540s oh these are called the talion
1557s right a new charge step there you can
1560s get a little bit of distance now I'm
1562s trying to hit this Mighty charge
1564s slam not much there we'll get it
1575s later during the mighty charge you can
1578s kind of adjust the position that you are
1581s just a little bit but um you can adjust
1586s it weather's changing
1593s call now we're using
1602s thisare since we're playing a single
1604s player right now uh we will have the
1606s support NPC NPC support Hunters join the
1617s quest we're going to have we also have
1619s um Olivia who's also using the hammer so
1622s it's nice to see how um Olivia and Joe
1625s who's better at using the
1630s [Music]
1643s hammer the environment changed and now
1645s we have row on the scene
1649s I love the sound effects for R it's
1652s really
1659s [Music]
1661s unique just a little bit
1665s more I think DOA knows that it's in a
1668s bad way right now definitely outnumbered
1681s even uh on the show floor you can get
1683s your hands on gameplay and in the ROM
1686s there is radal and you can fight it like
1689s Joe said I think we had like three hunts
1691s so far but it's very difficult but if
1693s you can please give it a
1695s try oh nice nice I thought that would do
1697s more damage when I did it so
1708s just a little bit
1714s more yeah in this section right here um
1717s you know everybody that's watching at
1718s home can kind of get a better sense of
1720s the the radow sound effects
1728s here is still
1730s here just won't go away
1739s on
1750s guard there is there's also a Bine Dr
1754s but we haven't used it yet here we
1766s go Olivia's being attacked
1782s just like with the great sword now we
1783s can aim Our Big Bang Attack which is
1786s very very
1789s helpful I'm most me just a little bit
1792s more I
1793s think you see
1795s the mighty charge oh oh
1800s [Applause]
1823s nice it must I think it's a little bit
1826s more and we should be good
1833s I think it's it's pretty much heading
1835s back to where we started the hunt at
1836s this
1843s [Music]
1852s point the other D was are here
1859s [Laughter]
1865s we need our large dun pod now kind of
1867s disperse everybody here it's a big
1871s cloud that was the large
1876s D hopefully that'll disperse the uh pack
1901s it's pretty weak right
1909s now yeah I think everybody has their
1911s different ways of ending the hunt uh for
1915s that last hit on the monster especially
1916s when it goes to sleep but you know I
1918s think it's it's only appropriate that we
1919s end the hunt the way we started
1927s it now we're like Joe said trying to end
1931s the hunt like we started it
1936s [Laughter]
1938s [Applause]
1949s all now you can stand on the monster
1951s when you carve
1954s itch
1960s OPP we were really uh wanting to get
1962s detailed about all the details about
1964s being able to actually go on the
1965s monsters as you carve this time so um
1974s yeah and once you finish the quest uh it
1976s doesn't back you out or anything so you
1978s continue to roam the
1989s world and we're going to take a look at
1991s a familiar friend here oh Kawai
1999s [Laughter]
2009s and we're going to talk about this one
2011s uh shortly so hang on to that but what
2014s did you think of the
2020s [Music]
2024s hunt all right we're kind of just riding
2026s off into the distance here just to show
2027s you guys that you know it's kind of it
2030s is it is you know an open area oh there
2031s we go here's our next slide all right
2035s well um like we said we know many of you
2040s uh love our friend here which you have
2042s all uh named baby PUK PUK um we saw a
2047s lot of attention on this one in one of
2049s our recent trailers um and it really
2051s went went uh I mean I don't want to say
2053s the word but it went wild um we saw Tons
2057s of love for the monster in the form of
2060s fan art paintings crochet just overall
2064s excitement it was just it was pretty
2066s incredible RZA did do the reaction
2068s surprise you
2113s I didn't expect everybody to you know
2116s have a very big reaction or towards this
2120s what everybody likes to call baby pie
2122s PUK um actually unfortunately it's not a
2126s baby PUK PUK but but this time as a
2129s first reveal we brought um an artwork
2132s for this it's an actual endemic creature
2136s called called
2138s amian and um we're pleased to bring it
2141s to you guys here
2143s [Applause]
2160s we didn't think with this uh endemic
2163s life would receive so much Spotlight and
2165s be able to give give give the artwork to
2168s everybody in this kind of shape but it's
2170s always a nice surprise
2196s amrin generally reside in The Scarlet
2199s Forest which was recently revealed in
2200s the latest trailer but they migrate to
2202s the Windor Plains during the Plenty
2205s which is filled with lots of green and
2207s uh florish Flora FAA um to breed so they
2212s may and share nesting and feeding duties
2214s to raise their
2217s babies for
2249s amstan they mate nest and also breed
2251s their babies in the Woodward Plains but
2254s on the field you can see them catching
2256s Grasshoppers and also feeding in the
2258s nests that they' built in the trees like
2259s we were watching in the video right now
2262s also there are various other endemic
2263s life and uh creatures that can be
2265s spotted while you're out on the field so
2268s we hope you keep an eye out to see what
2269s kind of other emic life is out
2272s there I would die for
2275s amstan but speaking of
2278s baby creatures that I would die for uh
2281s there is an adorable baby sacred
2284s creature that you can find in the demos
2286s here at Pax just look at it in all of
2288s its Glory um is very cute and cuddly if
2292s you visit kunafa Village in our demos um
2294s you'll be able to see where they are
2296s this is the town where sacred are raised
2298s so you'll see plenty of baby sacred and
2300s if you look closely enough you'll be
2302s able to see a little bit more of them um
2304s so yeah uh before we wrap things up
2306s rosan do you have a message for all the
2308s the hunters out there
2310s [Music]
2338s uh like I mentioned earlier monster
2339s enter Wilds is very detailed and uh
2342s really meticulously designed so U when
2346s the game actually comes out we hope that
2348s everybody uh plays it by themselves and
2351s finds out a lot of small details that
2354s maybe you would have missed but take a
2355s close look to see what is out there and
2358s uh the development team is looking
2359s forward to everybody playing their game
2372s on behalf of all of us on the monster
2373s hunter team you just want to say thank
2374s you it is due to all of your efforts
2377s your love and and your passion for the
2379s series that has brought the series to uh
2381s the level that it is at today um so we
2383s just want to say thank you so much and
2385s want to give it up for the community so
2386s thank you so
2394s much and like we mentioned we've got a
2396s lot of activities here at PA we've got
2398s our our two uh playable demos that you
2400s can go ahead and play at our Capcom
2402s Booth we've got our sacred photo op and
2404s again there's been so many amazing
2406s cosplayers and different people up there
2407s so uh thanks again for checking out our
2409s photo booth and of course ran will be
2411s here for uh our signing session so be
2414s sure to check out those sessions and
2415s drop by the booth when you
2417s can um and with that uh want to say
2420s thank you again to uh our special guest
2422s rioo sujimoto and um again we we hope
2426s you all look forward to coming by the
2427s booth
2428s [Applause]
2439s hi sorry
2442s sorry um well with all that said we uh
2445s again just want to thank everybody uh
2447s for being here um before we close things
2449s out we are going to uh show our most
2451s recent trailer so let's go ahead and do
2452s that
2455s [Applause]
2463s my word is this a laal of Barina FL
2467s it we must be near its nest
2478s [Music]
2497s care for H all right let's
2500s go now's our chance we go all
2509s in we could do a lot worse for an
2511s interim camp
2520s once your business here is concluded you
2523s should find
2524s shelter the Sands come alive this time
2527s of year like a wild beast bristling with
2535s lightning from the look of
2537s it that must be this Region's apex
2541s predator skild permission granted begin
2545s the hunt understood
2560s [Music]
2570s get a load of be CLW
2573s [Applause]
2579s [Music]
2590s [Music]
2593s [Applause]
2595s [Music]
2600s so tasty
2603s [Music]
2603s [Applause]
2610s all right well yeah just a reminder for
2612s everybody uh Monster Hunter Wilds
2613s releases on PlayStation 5 Xbox series X
2616s and steam in 2025 we are so excited for
2619s the game and of course as is tradition
2621s we'd like to ask rosan to send us off
2624s with our traditional happy Hunting send
2626s off
2652s uh lastly thank you everyone we it was
2654s really great to see everyone so excited
2656s for this game I can't wait to take all
2658s this excitement back to Japan and I
2660s share it with the development team uh
2662s when monster under Wilds comes out um
2665s monster under the information for
2667s monster under is only revealed partially
2669s so we hope everybody keeps an eye out
2671s for more information that we have coming
2672s down the
2678s line now like Joe said we would like to
2680s do the usual uh Monster Hunter
2686s chant three two one happy Hunting thank
2693s [Music]
2694s you thank you
2700s all right well thanks so much rosan for
2701s making it all the way here from Japan we
2703s truly truly appreciate it um Ran's going
2706s to take a quick break and he'll join us
2707s at the end for our big group photo so
2709s we'll see you in a little bit thank you
2711s thank
2718s you thank
2720s you how amazing was he first of
2725s all are youall having
2728s fun there we go well now let's hit the
2732s streets with Jackie to give us a brief
2735s on Terry bogard's addition to Street
2737s Fighter 6 I love
2740s it and some more information about some
2743s upcoming titles Jackie is going to take
2746s you for a
2747s ride
2750s Jackie all right hi everybody I have a
2752s lot to share today thank you so much for
2755s coming um as you guys know we recently
2758s released the um Terry bogard's uh
2762s Gameplay trailer not too long ago so
2764s we'll be sharing some more details on
2766s that as well as some never-before seen
2768s concept art for you guys so that's a px
2771s exclusive um in addition to that we also
2774s have uh Marvel vs Capcom fighting
2776s collection arcade class it's coming up
2778s very soon uh just a few weeks soon so we
2783s also are in teams with Marvel to put
2786s together a
2788s brand new neverbe seen Marvel versus
2790s Capcom comic for the physical Edition so
2793s we will be sharing that cover also uh as
2797s a px panel exclusive so um but before
2800s all of that you guys may have seen we
2803s actually uh announced Capcom fighting
2805s collection 2 ising some awesome titles
2808s right so we have Kim here who is heading
2812s up the project who's in the panel today
2814s so thought you would kick it off with
2816s some details sure hello people what's
2819s [Music]
2821s up all right uh my name is Kim I'm the
2823s brand manager for Capcom fighting
2825s collection 2 and uh it was recently
2828s announced just last week and it was
2830s absolute pleasure to see everyone's
2831s excitement on this just search up
2833s YouTube Capcom fighting collection uh 2
2836s reactions and you're going see some
2837s crazy crazy stuff uh so Capcom fighting
2840s collection 2 includes eight iconic
2841s titles I'm talking about Capcom versus
2844s snk1 Capcom versus SNK 2 woo yeah I'll
2849s Trier that too uh Power Stone
2852s one power Stone
2855s two Capcom fighting
2859s Evolution plasma
2861s sword street fight off for 3
2864s upper and project
2868s Justice okay I see we got some fans here
2870s it's cool all right uh for some people
2872s that didn't see the trailer the very few
2874s of you uh let's just roll it and check
2876s it out
2892s [Music]
2901s yeah yeah come on everybody come alive
2903s real quick Battle of the strong surv of
2905s the F Take Your Best Shot hope you don't
2907s miss
2909s [Music]
2921s [Music]
2931s [Music]
2943s [Music]
2957s super combo I ain't never scared never
2959s quitting is the m
2964s [Music]
2969s yeah yeah yeah come on everybody come
2971s alive real quick Battle of the survival
2974s of the take your best sh you don't
2978s miss
2980s us take it fast with the
2991s handsy show down this is
3007s all right and uh speaking of a SNK
3009s collaboration I'm going to pass it back
3011s to Jackie to talk about how Terry Bard
3013s has entered the street fighter
3017s Universe thanks Kim um it's been great
3020s working alongside SNK and joining our
3022s Two Worlds together revealing Terry and
3024s Mai in this year's character pass at
3027s summer game Fest shocked and surprised
3030s fans in a major way and we're just so
3032s glad to have them both included into the
3035s story and see uh show more details about
3037s Terry uh Bogard today but before I do
3040s that I'd actually like to share his
3042s latest Gameplay trailer so let's hit it
3056s [Music]
3061s this is going to be
3063s [Music]
3064s fun I'm still on a journey come get some
3068s traveling to new places experiencing new
3071s things meeting new faces having good
3073s fights fight drink eat sleep repeat
3077s seriously it's a good
3079s life I'll pick up the check
3091s [Applause]
3093s come on get
3095s [Music]
3103s ready hey come on come on
3112s [Music]
3129s all
3132s right one
3133s more time for a beat
3144s down are you okay
3148s [Music]
3156s what yeah
3158s [Music]
3163s baby The
3169s Rock
3171s ro oh
3177s now where te to
3180s [Music]
3187s look awesome
3192s woo awesome so some hardcore fans may
3195s have recognized some of his iconic moves
3197s like Power Wave or quickburn um from the
3200s Fatal Fury series um there's definitely
3203s more to be revealed but as you guys know
3205s he's coming out September 24th so very
3209s very soon um you
3212s know while creating the concept of Terry
3215s the development team really worked
3216s through a lot of iterations to capture
3218s the essence of this character and how he
3219s can fit into our universe so to
3221s celebrate his anticipated release we
3223s wanted to share some never-before-seen
3224s concept art would you guys be
3226s [Music]
3228s down
3229s [Applause]
3231s awesome there we go
3235s o so the street fighter development team
3238s they are such passionate fans of snk's
3241s work and have such a deep respect for
3243s the team that really shines through
3245s every aspect of his character design um
3248s this was a very rare opportunity for
3250s them to work on not only such a spare
3252s special character like Terry but just
3254s actually a character outside of the
3255s Capcom universe and integrating it into
3258s um ours so they really poured their
3260s hearts into crafting every detail um
3263s that really resulted in nothing short
3264s but amazing and spectacular so from the
3267s initial concept art to the final reveal
3270s that happened at Gamescom um Opening
3272s Night Live um it's really clear that uh
3277s they really want Terry to feel right at
3278s home into our world so fans have been
3281s really thrilled about his unique
3282s fighting style and as well as the
3284s meticulous attention to detail from his
3286s unique fighting kit as well as how he
3289s overall looks and feels uh within Street
3291s Fighter 6 so he's a great addition to
3294s the roster again he's coming out
3295s September 24th in the meantime he's
3298s available to play at the booth all
3299s weekend so come check him
3301s out um so last but not least I kind of
3305s wanted to share a bit
3308s more of Marvel vs Capcom fighting
3310s collection coming up in a few weeks um
3313s but before we get into more details on
3315s that including the comic I just thought
3318s I'd share the latest trailer to catch
3319s everyone up
3330s [Music]
3347s attack garage
3351s [Music]
3356s CL and
3359s [Music]
3379s swing behold
3382s [Music]
3387s go
3388s buddy
3389s [Applause]
3390s ready fir max level
3396s [Music]
3413s [Music]
3416s [Applause]
3420s [Music]
3433s [Applause]
3440s [Music]
3445s SCE
3448s [Music]
3468s here comes a new Challenger
3470s [Music]
3484s [Music]
3498s there Marvel versus c f collection
3502s arcade classics
3504s [Music]
3513s can you believe it Time Life flew by so
3516s fast we actually announced this
3517s collection back in June and now it's
3519s coming out in just a couple weeks um
3522s it's so exciting to have seven classic
3524s titles um all in one game you know for
3527s Marvel superheroes Marvel versus Capcom
3530s one and two um and of course the title
3533s that really started all started it all
3535s with the partnership uh The Punisher so
3539s again coming out on Nintendo switch PC
3542s and Playstation so uh that will be on uh
3545s September 12th for digital uh platforms
3549s and then on your favorite retail stores
3550s November
3552s 22nd um now before we kind of close out
3554s the fighting section I did want to share
3557s a little bit more of this special
3559s neverbe scen comic cover so you guys
3562s want to check it out
3568s oo so again we've been working with
3572s Marvel for a um brand new 32-page comic
3576s that takes place where Marvel and Capcom
3579s universes Collide um and I don't want to
3581s spoil too much of the story itself but
3584s it does look like M bison and Dr Doom
3586s are teaming up together that has uh both
3589s your favorite Capcom characters and
3591s Marvel characters pitting up against
3593s each other so more to come on why
3596s they're duking it out and also how they
3597s come together to take down the bad guys
3600s um this has been such an honor to
3602s actually put together this comic um
3605s especially because the team itself are
3607s huge fans of Marvel vs Capcom just like
3609s we're huge fans of Marvel as well um
3613s again this comic is going to be um only
3616s available for our special edition day
3618s one um for that physical side of things
3622s uh perfect gift for the holiday season
3624s so don't forget to pick it up you can
3626s pre- order now um and I think that's all
3628s of the awesome news that I have for the
3631s fighting game side I'll pass it back to
3633s Jackie thank you
3634s [Music]
3636s guys let's hear it for
3638s [Music]
3640s Jackie she has a great name and uh great
3644s presentation as well but now I'll let
3646s Kim drop in and give us the inside scoop
3649s on Dead Rising Deluxe remaster shopping
3653s malls and a zombie outbreak what's
3655s better am I right
3657s Kim take it
3659s away nothing is better actually that's
3661s the answer all right what's up guys uh
3663s it's me again uh my name is Kim I'm the
3665s brand manager of uh Dead Rising Deluxe
3668s remaster and boy I'm excited to talk
3671s about this soon to be released game and
3673s while I'm at it no I'll just reveal some
3675s exclusive content too yeah sound
3680s good all right so it's been about 8
3682s years since the last Dead Rising title
3685s and back in July we revealed that Dead
3688s Rising is indeed
3692s back uh it's time to bring Dead Rising
3695s back to its roots uh and this means uh
3699s back to or to Modern consoles and that
3702s means beautiful 4K visuals 60 FPS and
3706s this is so much more than just a
3708s beautiful face up because you guys
3709s deserve so much more right cuz without
3711s you guys we we wouldn't be here so I'm
3714s talking about tons of quality of life
3716s changes and improvements such as uh
3719s improve controls improve enemy
3722s AI uh this is now voiced in nine
3726s different languages now a new map
3728s Navigator and so much much
3733s more I have to laugh at this too I'm
3735s sorry all right this game is wild and
3738s over the top in every way that's that's
3740s good uh do you want to obliterate tons
3743s of zombies with one giant swing sure
3745s check
3749s do you want to plan your escape with
3751s serve bot's help also check all right
3755s let's get started with our very first
3757s exclusive reveal right
3760s now
3762s oo oh yes so Dead Rising has taken
3765s inspiration from many many zombie movies
3768s from the past and we wanted to pay om to
3771s this uh with our own created movie style
3774s poster we worked with Terry wolf finger
3777s uh very very talented illustrator who
3779s has won awards for many things uh he's
3782s won the 2014 key Art Award for a best
3784s display and he created a masterpiece
3788s here so look at Frank West look at him
3790s with his frying pan one of many examples
3792s of many weapons that you can use in the
3794s game there's a lot of Easter eggs in
3798s this poster so once we post it very
3800s excited to see what you guys are able to
3804s find Dead Rising the master has a
3807s plethora of costumes that are coming out
3809s on digital launch day September 19th do
3812s we have any uh resen evil fans in
3816s here do you have any Mega Man
3820s fans I know we got some Street Fighter
3822s fans up in here
3825s right all right I got four trailers for
3827s you
3829s guys all right roll it
3836s [Music]
3841s H that would be the same guy that shot
3847s [Music]
3857s you where is this the basement of the
3860s North Plaza
3863s [Music]
3875s your uh girlfriend sent me to find
3878s [Music]
3882s you let me go
3885s [Applause]
3889s hey have you seen my baby I can't live
3892s without my precious little sweetie dony
3895s [Music]
3902s pre-order
3904s now all right I know for sure this
3906s costume here specifically is going to
3908s get tons of love the trombon costume
3910s here uh is available uh as a part of the
3913s Mega Man DLC Set uh but it's also
3915s available in our Dead Rising Deluxe
3918s remaster digital deluxe edition say that
3922s three times I dare you
3928s look at Ken here looking oh so cool
3930s ready to spam uppercuts against the
3932s entire zombie
3936s apocalypse uh we are very very proud of
3938s this costume here uh so let's take a
3940s second to appreciate Chris redfield's
3943s jacket uh the Widows Peak uh the pants
3947s KNE pads this is awesome
3952s costume another iconic Resident Evil
3955s character uh uh there things are never
3957s safe when Nemesis is in town uh a little
3960s fun fact here as you probably noticed in
3962s the trailer uh there was a rocket
3963s launcher that was used and I happy to
3966s confirm that rocket launcher is coming
3969s to Dead Rising Deluxe remaster for the
3971s first
3973s [Music]
3974s time and uh these are just a sample of
3977s many costumes coming to the game uh
3979s September
3980s 19th
3983s and don't forget uh this game is is
3986s pre-order now and it comes uh with three
3989s pre-order costumes and three Associated
3991s background music tracks as well it's
3994s available it's going to be available on
3996s PlayStation 5 Xbox series xns and
3999s steam thank you very much for your time
4002s thank you and welcome to zombie
4006s Paradise let's hear it for
4012s Kim and now we'll open the case on the
4016s attorney investigations collection and
4018s I'm going to hand it over to
4020s investigator Trevor at the scene of the
4023s crime
4025s oo thanks so much Jackie hello everybody
4028s as she said my name is Trevor Mitch uh
4030s not only am I brand manager here but
4031s I'll be the special investigator
4034s assigned to this case today we're going
4035s to look into the Ace Attorney
4037s investigations
4039s collection so if you're not familiar
4041s with the Ace Attorney investigation
4042s series it's a spin-off of the mainline
4044s series uh where you play as a prodical
4047s prosecutor himself miles Edgeworth the
4050s investigation collection contains both
4052s of the investigation games a attorney
4054s investigations 1 miles Edgeworth and Ace
4057s Attorney investigations 2 prosecutors
4059s Gambit if you weren't aware uh Ace
4061s Attorney investigations 2 was never
4063s previously localized and released in the
4065s west so it is debuting with the Ace
4068s Attorney investigation
4073s collection sorry about that needed room
4076s for that
4077s Applause so if you're not familiar with
4080s the investigation series they're a
4081s little different from the mainline games
4083s you can see here we're actually taking
4085s control of Edgeworth and walking around
4087s crime scenes we'll find evidence we'll
4089s talk to Witnesses and interrogate
4092s suspects we're not in the same
4093s firstperson style kind of pointing and
4096s clicking around crime scenes like in the
4098s mainline series I will spare us having
4100s to talk to the Blue Badger
4102s though so Edgeworth has a couple special
4105s in investigative techniques in his
4107s Arsenal one of which is the logic system
4110s so across an investigation you'll come
4112s across different pieces of evidence and
4114s facts of a case and using impeccable
4117s logic and fantastic style you'll you're
4120s going to put those pieces together to
4122s create entirely new evidence we see here
4124s the victim was a detective and he was
4126s killed with a revolver putting those two
4128s pieces together we can hypothesize that
4131s he might have been killed with his own
4133s gun faithful gumo we're going to order
4135s order him to check if indeed that is the
4139s case let's see indeed he was murdered
4143s with his own weapon so now that we know
4146s that it changes the facts of the case
4148s just a
4150s bit so in Ace Attorney investigations 2
4154s you'll also have a special interrogation
4156s technique called Mind chess so when
4159s edworth is interviewing Witnesses or
4161s suspects he needs to outmaneuver them
4164s rically and be able to catch them in
4166s their own lives I know this guy just
4167s looks so trustworthy uh but I get the
4171s feeling he might be hiding something so
4174s by the way this character uh was
4176s actually in the first Ace Attorney games
4178s if you uh recognize him he has been
4180s spoilers incarcerated for his heinous
4183s crime and uh edworth is interviewing it
4185s again so we're uh drawing the
4188s information out of him slowly trying to
4190s get him in a corner letting him uh hang
4193s himself with his own things and part of
4195s that is no knowing when to press and
4196s knowing when to hold off so here we see
4199s we're baiting him a little
4201s bit the elegant bow as
4209s always yes there totally totally didn't
4211s Panic at all
4217s there here we go here comes the attack
4226s caught him in his own
4232s lie so uh we've done a lot to the
4236s investigation series as well so if
4238s you're a fan of the original uh pixel
4241s art or you're just nostalgic for the
4242s first game you can choose to play with
4245s either the classic Sprites or the allnew
4248s HD animations uh really cool fact about
4251s this is we have the uh original uh the
4254s series uh original series character
4256s designer tatsuro Oto and a team of very
4259s skilled designers along with him uh
4261s working on all of these assets to bring
4264s them into HD so it's very much
4265s maintaining the same soul and passion
4268s for the original Sprites into these new
4270s HD formats uh if you're interested in
4273s this process you can check us out at uh
4275s a attorney on Twitter uh where you can
4278s see like this post up in the upper right
4280s where we uh have shown the process from
4282s taking the Original Classic Sprites to
4284s the new hdn it's a really cool
4288s process uh We've also added a lot of
4290s quality of life changes we're in six new
4293s additional languages we have an episode
4295s and chapter select that will let you
4296s choose not only what case you want to
4298s start at but what point in any case you
4300s want to start at right from the
4302s beginning of course you can start either
4303s title as well uh and we have a story
4305s mode and autoplay I know story mode
4307s sounds it's a it's a story game what do
4309s you mean you have a story mode uh story
4311s mode is actually a function that will
4313s play the game for you so if you just
4315s want to sit back and watch The Narrative
4318s and fold you can activate story mode and
4320s edworth will automatically move across
4322s the screen he'll find all of the right
4324s evidence he'll talk to all the right
4325s characters and make all the right
4327s decisions so it's really cool to get
4329s cozy and just sit back and watch it
4333s happen we also have a demo available
4335s it's available now uh it's here at the
4338s Pax Booth but it is also available
4340s online uh for uh Playstation 4 Xbox s x
4344s and S theme and uh and excuse me and is
4349s also uh covers both cases so you can
4353s play the first section from case one and
4356s the first section from uh a
4358s investigations 2 and all of the progress
4361s you make in that demo will carry over to
4363s your main save so I hope you guys check
4366s it
4369s out so to wrap up here uh it is
4373s available for pre-order uh if you do
4375s pre-order you get a really cool bonus
4377s which is a bunch of these uh in-game
4378s music Arrangements uh these are some of
4380s the most popular songs that we think
4382s people would really like and not only
4383s can you listen to them through the
4385s in-game music uh viewer through the
4387s gallery but you can also set them for
4389s your in-game music so if you like the
4391s songs you can have them play uh while
4394s you're playing the game so before we uh
4397s end here let's check in with Edgeworth
4399s for a special announcement what do you
4401s guys
4403s think see what he has to say
4409s oh my God Edgeworth who could have done
4412s this it it uh it had to be somebody here
4415s it had to be one of us it had to be
4418s someone Among
4421s [Music]
4423s [Applause]
4427s Us that's the Ace Attorney
4429s investigations collection is coming to
4432s Among Us starting September 9th if you
4435s log in into Among Us you will get the
4437s exclusive miles Edgeworth uh costume for
4441s your crewmate so with that little
4443s mystery solved I think I will kick it
4445s back to uh
4448s Jackie okay I have been dying to say
4451s this case
4453s closed thanks Okay who wants to take a
4457s photo yeah let's do it okay we'll get
4461s our panelists to stand up here and if
4463s you all want to stand up and just put
4464s your arms up you know make sure you
4466s spotted in the photo later yep we got
4469s the lights on okay crowd in
4472s everybody
4474s yay do you guys want to help me with the
4477s countdown okay you're going to help me
4478s with the countdown three two
4485s one yay you all are awesome well that
4489s wraps up the Capcom presents panel make
4491s sure you head on over to the Capcom
4493s Booth as well but see youall later Pax
4496s West you're awesome bye
4499s [Applause]
4502s [Music]