almost 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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914s hello everyone and welcome to the
915s gathering hub my name is jono emea
918s community manager for monster hunter and
919s it is awesome to see you sun break is
921s live we can all jump into elgato right
924s now it is awesome to see you i am so
926s hype i am so excited i can't wait to
929s enjoy master rank with you all
931s and today as well i am really pleased to
934s say that we are joined by rage gaming
936s videos pro and noobs themselves that's
938s right i'm in very safe hands
940s so without further ado i'm going to flip
942s over to the gameplay and i will allow
946s the guys to introduce themselves
948s what's up
949s hello
950s what
952s tada
955s the spirit fingers would imply
957s how are you doing gentlemen it is
959s awesome to have you here
962s thank you very much for inviting us yeah
964s thank you everyone seems very very happy
967s and excited in chat i mean like i mean
969s what after all this time sun breakers
971s here we are here obviously you gentlemen
974s is as those can see from your
975s magnificent mask
979s you are you are a little bit ahead of of
981s me who is a humble mrf
985s you know i i'm getting there i'm getting
987s there um but yeah so the plan today
989s everyone is obviously we have some very
991s special guests with us and we are going
993s to be jumping into some hunts and as you
994s can see we have one slot we have a space
997s for a hunter so what we're going to do
999s we're going to get you in and we're
1000s going to rotate every one hunt so you're
1002s going to jump in have a hunt with us in
1004s master rank and then we will get stuck
1006s in as well let me know if the audio is
1007s fine because obviously when we're in the
1008s hunt there's going to be a lot of dutin
1010s and i want to make sure that you can
1011s hear uh josh and cotton um i know don't
1015s they look so fashionable
1017s i know because i know they're all loving
1018s your your pink coat con
1020s yeah
1021s yeah i wish i could well
1026s all in good time all in good time as we
1029s as the streams go on you know we'll
1031s we'll be able to share a little bit more
1032s of the end game bits but for now to help
1035s protect you all from spoilers we won't
1037s be going past any mr5 stuff for those
1039s watching so don't worry um there will be
1042s no major spoilers you won't see the last
1044s boss you won't see last boss armor and
1045s last boss weapons and stuff like that um
1048s i know i know soon soon
1051s i know you are enjoying it already
1053s you get the power
1055s um
1056s so those are asking what armor are you
1058s wearing
1060s okay so this is a bit of a mix set it's
1063s got uh so the pirate armor set which you
1065s can unlock through the buddy system via
1066s the back room deals in the argosy that's
1068s where you get the pirate part which is
1070s just the jacket actually i've got
1072s buhari's armor set for the the pants in
1074s the helmet which you unlock through
1076s follower quests
1077s and i've got the hot gloves which you
1079s can get just through a side quest you
1081s pick up at one point through the story
1082s oh very nice and josh has gone on a run
1084s josh have you updated your fashion at
1086s all since i was just putting on the uh
1089s here we go
1090s the poor pirates
1091s oh my god i really i really like it
1093s don't get me wrong but the great sword
1096s clips through the coat constantly and it
1098s drives me crazy so i can't i can't wear
1100s it
1101s this is your kind of like dinner jacket
1102s you know when it's time yeah exactly
1105s yeah especially like mine because in
1106s this color scheme it looks like a
1108s one-piece admiral and
1110s yeah you do look like this
1113s you've got your one piece we're very
1114s anime at the moment yeah
1118s right so
1120s i'm sorry after you
1121s where i've just stolen all those legs
1124s he'll need those
1126s yeah especially
1128s this would be really cruel it's it's
1130s subtler than mr
1132s bombastic over there but i i think it
1135s works subtle when you look at it
1139s what i'll do then let's open up the
1140s lobby and obviously
1142s we are going to
1144s you know look to do some mastering
1146s quests between master right one and five
1149s um so do jump in i do ask though if you
1152s if you have happened to beaten the last
1153s boss already somehow please don't come
1155s in with the last boss armor don't make
1157s me sad
1158s jealous even um so
1161s we're gonna open up the lobby now and so
1163s the lobby settings are and this is on pc
1165s by the way um so i'm gonna copy the
1167s lobby id and i'm gonna put that in chat
1169s for everyone
1171s and then the password as well as you
1174s might need that and then we're we're
1176s gonna do some hunts we're gonna have
1177s some fun um and hopefully i won't triple
1180s car because that would be awkward
1184s all right i'm just as likely to cart
1186s i've gotten really reckless in some
1187s break oh yes there you go
1189s lightning that was how was your uh how
1192s are you oh there we go very snazzy
1194s um would you like to pick a master rank
1197s quest assurance we'll let you pick this
1199s one
1200s nice to meet you too
1202s i feel
1204s deeply bad for whatever monster monsters
1206s [Laughter]
1210s well i mean we've got two hunting horns
1211s nothing can survive that one exactly and
1213s i i've got to admit i love the
1215s horn stuff like the songs the silk binds
1218s oh me too what have we got i've spent
1220s like 80 hours listening to hunting hard
1226s last thing because when you're playing
1227s with mountain horn user you know
1229s you can't escape the tunes you're you
1231s are there no admittedly the sun break
1233s hunting han's actual music sounds have
1235s been really cool like i keep finding
1237s myself just muttering them every time he
1239s plays the song
1242s right and i'm going to be using the new
1243s hopping skill i can't get enough of the
1245s hopping skills by the way i use them all
1246s oh yeah
1249s is i always put medic as my third one
1251s because it's still a buff there's not a
1253s real negative to it um and then i kind
1256s of mix up the other two but i always eat
1257s comfy like i like my defender
1260s um you know level four defender is
1264s ridiculous
1265s yeah he's a big fan of permanent super
1267s divine blessing
1269s but i also i've got full recovery up on
1272s most of my actual sets now so that plus
1274s medic is just really great how would
1277s game play right there
1279s howard as in never has to stop and heal
1281s manually if you're not playing on five
1283s percent health with heroics you're not a
1284s proper monster
1292s just showing everyone the new uh
1294s the new dango cut scene oh wait
1297s it occurs to me i should i should put on
1299s my fancy hat for this as well oh yes
1301s absolutely
1305s yeah i love how over the top using the
1307s train to bring the tangos oh yeah yeah
1310s like it's from right over it would be
1312s easier to just walk the ten feet to the
1314s dango stall with them no i'm sure
1316s they're not worried about the cost of
1317s running a steam train 24 hours a day to
1319s deliver food
1321s actually that's a really good point
1323s they say so they get a good tip
1328s this is an outpost obviously
1330s hastily thrown together to deal with the
1332s story of sun break and yet someone
1334s somewhere when
1335s we need
1336s a roller coaster track
1339s otherwise we're doomed
1342s this is the way you know it's a
1343s competitive world in the culinary
1344s industry you know you've got to corner
1346s the market somehow yeah exactly
1353s so here we are we are fighting a master
1354s rank anjana
1356s um so this is always a spicy hunt
1362s and those watching as well you can see
1363s that i'm using luna garron's hunting
1365s horn and i have elemental attack boost
1367s stamina recovery up and my personal
1369s favorite
1370s sharpness regeneration what are you
1372s rocking cotton what's your hunting horn
1373s saying ooh i've got the uh the big boy
1376s kamura hunting horn
1377s which is fun to have and it's actually
1380s extremely good at the top rank it's got
1382s a defense up attack up and the health
1384s recovery small with antidote song oh my
1386s goodness that is like the full spread
1389s yeah it's pretty nice to have all those
1392s yeah honeycomb being able to essentially
1394s have infinite sharpnesses is quite
1396s something
1397s oh the sharpness songs like the mountain
1399s oh horn with
1401s sharpness
1402s regen and less sharpness used is
1404s literally infinite
1406s yeah i've seen that one i do want to
1407s make it because like if i'm not running
1409s within like an elemental team like
1411s that's going to be the go-to i think for
1413s me
1415s yeah i was very excited when cotton
1417s stopped using it because it meant i
1418s actually had to get out of west stone
1421s i wanted to explore other things if it
1423s also had a taco then it would be just
1425s like unbeatably good oh gosh
1430s this is engine up obviously most of you
1432s will recognize them but
1434s like every other uh base rise monster
1436s has some new tricks up their sleeve
1438s uh in master rank so you really have to
1440s be on your toes
1443s yeah that's one thing that's really
1444s worth mentioning like the amount of new
1446s attacks the mass strike monsters have
1447s got it's it's ridiculous
1451s get even stronger like like in ice bomb
1454s you fight a master at monster and you're
1455s like is that you i can't is that no is
1458s that okay maybe where is this time
1460s around it's like oh my god like goss
1462s herrag is a perfect his master actor is
1464s ridiculous oh i love it
1470s oh nice
1485s oh okay
1487s all the bonus hits of the shock wave
1488s were scary all right hunting i don't
1490s like that i'm not ready i'm not ready
1492s for this no pressure we're all watching
1494s you and there's a raffle that's just
1495s turned up no no no no no no no no
1498s okay
1513s wake up it is now it's so sad okay
1516s cutting horn wake up it's good too thank
1518s you guys we got this we got the egg
1520s [Music]
1521s my egg can do over 2 000 damage to a
1523s sleeping monster
1525s that's so much damage
1538s here
1543s i like to imagine that he's poisoned
1544s because he bonked him against the wrath
1546s yeah a hundred percent
1549s hit a thorn
1553s oh i just
1554s i just swapped baited straight into a
1556s fireball
1562s and for those wondering who aren't like
1563s hunting more players yes the sharpest
1565s regeneration play applies to your
1568s hunting party as long as they're in
1579s it's not even just great swords like
1580s it's enough sharpness region i don't
1582s have to sharpen neither so i'm into it
1589s look at all these hits when you've got a
1590s still fine shock wave up and then you're
1592s doing like magnificent trio with the
1594s infernal melody just numbers
1597s one little trick i noticed with the the
1599s shockwaves as well is if you do it on
1600s top of a dead monster it will still make
1602s the shockwaves and then they hit the
1603s living markets
1610s look it's just really fun to see all the
1612s numbers pop up yeah like my sharpness is
1614s full so cruel yeah
1618s i shall now play the celebration death
1621s song
1622s turning someone's rib cage into a
1623s xylophone
1626s that's the whole dream of a hunting horn
1628s though
1629s here is 20 party monster under is out of
1631s ideas introducing
1633s the river phone dance dance monster
1639s every weapon is now hunting on
1643s yes that's the ultimate version
1652s i've not tried something look hit the
1653s hammer then
1655s i've messed with it it's really fun i
1657s think it's a lot more elemental now oh
1659s that's very cool i love it
1664s i don't what what is this
1666s what what are you using oh use your
1669s search
1671s what else start using charge master and
1673s then come talk
1675s let's let's wait
1677s play a lot of monsters
1678s that's new to me
1686s i love having these so we got rock and
1687s we've got like is that a flute
1690s yeah it's a big flute like
1691s we've got a new genre of music we
1693s created wall hunting i love it it's like
1696s it's just real tall
1699s i think that engine f was about to get
1701s captured and we did so much damage that
1703s it died in between
1705s scattered no no no no no no no no it
1706s gives you a cab okay okay
1714s yeah that was a good first hunt i'm
1716s feeling warmed up
1718s yeah well internet will help with that
1720s he's got the fire that's true
1722s that is true metaphorically and
1723s physically warmed up
1725s helper rewards hey so helper awards
1728s confirmed there
1729s very very nice
1733s i guess because we help someone a lower
1734s master rank than us
1736s oh so we've got we got monster bits
1739s there as well
1740s yeah we've just been hunting with each
1741s other so that's new for us
1743s there we go confirmed everyone
1749s [Music]
1754s but that was it that was a lovely hunt
1755s thank you for jumping in azura that was
1758s a great hunt to get us geared up for the
1759s stream thank you so so much
1762s yeah that was fun
1763s i got to get some mails going
1766s do we fancy i know a lot of people might
1768s want to be seeing like espionage should
1769s we should we do an espionage hunt
1774s i'm always oppressed for this
1776s obviously
1777s you're you're a bit of a josh you're a
1779s bit of a frontier expert arguably you
1781s know you've done a lot of coverage on on
1783s frontier
1784s um tell us more about espionage
1788s ah well
1789s me and espence go way back you know it
1791s was poor backing back in that now is is
1795s honestly as i said in a few videos you
1797s could not choose a better frontier
1799s monster if you were going to put a
1800s frontier monster in the game not just
1801s because he's like the rafales equivalent
1804s overarching flagship but he is he's
1806s normal enough to not look too crazy but
1810s he's also got just the tiniest bit of
1812s the mentalness to this frontier in being
1814s able to inflict poison fireblight and
1816s paralysis at the same time so you just
1818s have to lie on the floor
1820s paralyzed as you burn and poison to
1822s death which is hilarious the main
1824s difference is that obviously he still
1826s starts to sleep which is really unique
1828s even if you're beating on him for a
1829s while but in frontier he'll stand up
1832s when you finally wake up and you know in
1834s the morning when you wake up and you're
1835s still a bit groggy and you're kind of
1837s zombie zombie to the coffee before
1839s you're you're ready to go yeah in front
1841s here he has that phase a sort of in
1843s between where he just kind of wanders
1844s around sleepily while you still beat on
1846s him whereas in sun break he just skips
1848s it he goes straight to it's on the
1850s second you wake him up
1852s which i think is needed because sun
1854s breaks pace is so much faster oh yeah
1856s yeah like you mean you've got the the
1858s triple threat fireballs you've got the
1860s charge like yeah espanas espanaz is back
1863s in here to make it and a big impression
1865s um so what we're going to say so we're
1866s going to be doing obviously a mr4 hunt
1868s now
1869s so
1870s if you can hunt espionage feel free to
1872s join us
1873s um
1875s so i'm going to put in the lobby id
1876s there and the password so yes please be
1879s in a position to be able to fight
1880s espionage
1882s um
1883s otherwise i guess you would just be
1884s keeping the dango train running
1886s [Laughter]
1888s i don't want to know how good he looks
1891s oh yeah espionage is beautiful and you
1893s know like i think like frontier is still
1895s technically a monster hunter 2 engine
1898s game so it's like he has gotten a
1900s significant
1901s aesthetic upgrade oh absolutely oh yeah
1904s i won't forget my dango and yes my buddy
1906s did hit level 50 which is super awesome
1908s um my buddy my buddy also has some some
1911s of the new uh buddy kind of super moves
1914s as well um so keep an eye out for the
1916s kittenator
1918s now this one i'm gonna go i'm gonna get
1920s my fire resist right up i'm gonna get
1923s defender and medic because
1925s um i recently hunted espionage on
1927s another stream uh when i was catching up
1930s with ign and i got absolutely bodied
1932s like 30 seconds into the fight so
1937s i'm gonna i'm gonna try and escape that
1938s one
1939s uh
1941s okay let's like say we haven't got any
1942s hunters that are us but that's really
1943s obviously the game's just come out we
1945s have been playing a little bit ahead of
1947s launch so that is totally understandable
1949s so gentlemen shall we go and go fight
1952s espionage
1956s [Music]
1961s but yeah get ready for espana espinaz
1963s you know doesn't take prisoners um
1966s and here we are in the jungle as well
1968s one of the new slash returning locales
1971s um that you will be playing in sun break
1973s and you get into the jungle nice and
1974s early as well
1976s yeah yeah i was i love her
1979s they really really hold the citadel back
1981s which is really nice it's cool
1983s i just love they added so much
1985s verticality to this map that i really
1987s enjoy there's a lot to explore like up
1989s and down
1991s we're not hunting you today
1993s but i wouldn't take that
1994s you're getting a snippet of that theme
1997s vaguely from behind me
2000s oh well who's this sleeping beauty right
2001s here oh egg
2003s egg egg egg for wake up
2007s shall i egg as well
2009s yeah double leg
2010s oh no hold on you stay away philosophy
2015s i'm gonna do it in style
2017s right uh sonic blue we will double egg
2020s so you've done two already haven't you
2022s yeah yeah play play the final song to
2024s pop it like just a millisecond after i
2027s hit it and then it's like well i've got
2029s magnificent trio up shall i start that
2031s while you oh now
2033s right i'm going to magnificently treat
2035s you okay so
2037s all right i'll need to pop at the same
2039s time
2040s go oh you hit me you hit me with that
2042s song double egg
2044s my
2063s like yeah oh all the monsters are so big
2066s in masturbation like i swear they've all
2067s just got a huge size bomb
2069s i've i've always been one to say that i
2071s like bigger monsters more than i like
2072s smaller monsters just across the board
2076s i'm intimidated like i've not gotten yet
2078s i'm like okay leave me alone
2082s all right the the glower egg is mad it's
2084s so cool
2087s oh there's our stun there's going to be
2088s lots of those oh yes
2090s sonic blue
2091s that was my shoulder tackle thank you
2093s very much guys
2098s take this sharpness regeneration and
2100s appreciate me
2102s keep complaining no more sharpness for
2104s you oh he's going back to sleep oh he's
2106s going to sleep
2108s oh that would be a priest i think the
2110s sleep arrows
2112s wow
2113s my sharpness is perfect
2117s all right i'm ready for my contribution
2119s to the wake up egg on the side
2121s five thousand two hundred
2124s five and ride
2126s come on come on
2128s let's go
2129s westbona
2142s i'm not complaining but it's so good
2146s oh i need to turn around i'm too far
2147s away oh no i've ruined it no what have
2149s you done no my crap they're right there
2152s oh my they're sniping it what is this
2154s rage
2157s it's so much damage
2159s it's amazing
2164s that tail sweep as well
2167s yeah
2169s that is a direct uh direct translation
2172s from a frontier animation too i went and
2174s looked through my uh my old frontier
2175s gameplay and i saw a lot of these music
2184s wow all the old
2185s oh only two charges this time
2188s like a like a big green tigrex sometimes
2192s he really it really puts rather into
2194s shame
2195s just a little bit
2196s i mean this monster can canonically take
2199s on charlotte
2209s it's obviously
2210s sharon does not like poison in the
2212s slightest
2213s so attacking esperance is just uh
2217s very very sad for him
2223s i want to try to try and eat a fireball
2227s show off the power
2229s wow
2230s i'm wearing master and gear as well by
2232s the way like i am wearing high rank
2233s playing because i'm ready to mix that
2235s and i'm all about passion um but yeah
2237s that damage is great
2243s just wait wait until you get that uh
2244s that mel's milanese that we were talking
2246s about earlier get that on the egg you
2249s get that and the egg is just a constant
2251s full heal
2253s so i got hit there by the fireball i do
2255s have high fire assist but the paralysis
2257s and poison got
2263s come on
2264s come on espaness back in the eggs
2283s early oh no
2284s no
2286s halloween came really soon
2290s looks like easter's come oh
2293s they scrambled the egg
2297s i've just been cracked oh
2300s that didn't go exactly to plan
2302s [Laughter]
2304s and that ladies and gentlemen
2306s is espana's like is it like you think
2309s you're doing fine and you think you're
2310s on top of the hunt
2312s and espionage will humble you
2314s very quickly very quickly yeah
2317s i would take these whiff and tears
2319s oh i got an espana spike from a shiny
2322s yes
2323s victory
2328s come back there's more eggs i'm sure
2330s you're hungry
2331s oh no see as pronounced like say you
2333s think you get the upper hand
2335s like i don't think so
2337s there's a reason this monster's
2339s back oh yeah shout out if you get
2341s poisoned by the way i've got antidotes
2343s on
2344s no one no one wants that
2347s look all right i would rather die poison
2350s than have you killed me come on over
2352s here espana come on oh wow
2355s i shouldn't have made it on
2357s so you know this is like espana
2360s espinosa frontier frontier personified
2362s like big damage crazy moves like
2366s this
2367s this
2381s big him up you know we just yeah through
2383s early through the hunt and yeah i just
2385s think we need a whole egg curtain to go
2387s down hold on and then we'll be good
2388s priestex is able to join at mr1 that
2390s means that oh that's good
2392s that's good okay cool
2394s wait really yeah
2396s i don't remember that being a thing in
2398s the past so that's a
2400s that's an interesting that's that's very
2402s important
2403s how high does that go yeah
2406s that is very cool um oh yeah all of the
2408s quests say am i one or higher oh wow
2411s that's fantastic so if you're playing
2412s with your friends and you've got a head
2414s start
2415s you can kind of help them get some gear
2416s as well or show them some of your
2417s favorite mastering monsters so that's
2419s that's great for like approachability i
2421s think that's nice
2428s yeah because that would be funny welcome
2430s to monster hunter rise sun break here's
2432s shigeru magala
2433s [Laughter]
2436s don't get hit um so yeah as well like we
2439s were dangled up we're wearing like
2441s decent master ant gear and that shows
2443s you like what these monsters will do
2445s like
2447s so if anyone says that sun break is easy
2449s they're a
2451s liar and this ain't even the end of the
2454s monsters yet
2455s we're like around what would you say
2457s like upper mid mid mid game yeah
2461s yeah it just sounds like i think i think
2463s four star is about
2465s the halfway point just after yeah for
2467s the story
2469s yeah for the story
2471s people are very happy that you gentlemen
2473s are joining me today there's a lot of
2474s love for rage game in the chat
2477s well thank you everyone
2479s nice to have you here nice
2481s sadly espanaz doesn't share that uh
2483s welcome
2485s it's not cool
2487s espaness likes me i don't know what
2488s you're talking about do you not know who
2489s we are
2492s no espana sleeps on us
2502s where are you
2504s you're in here there we go
2508s an acting vengeance
2511s look at that right and i will put the
2512s lobby id back in so i guess anyone who
2515s wants to take on espionage with us is
2517s welcome to join
2518s um it is rage gaming with me we have
2521s josh and cotton the pro and noobs
2522s themselves
2524s right here
2525s it's very humbling to have you join us
2526s for launch um it's it's super super cool
2530s it's awesome to be here rage game it
2532s made me a great sword main say sleepiest
2535s boy as it should be
2538s as it should so retire so it is written
2541s and so it shall
2544s do you play horn and hammer secondarily
2546s it always catches me off guard that like
2548s the amount of uh comments and and stuff
2551s to that effect that's like yep i use i
2553s use great song because your videos and
2554s it's like oh well it's really cool yes
2558s it must be really good you know that the
2560s power of spreading the good word of
2561s great sword and obviously
2564s [Music]
2567s you change weapons too much here i'm
2569s good you don't have a you don't have a
2570s weapon
2571s you say that
2572s i've been drinking
2574s i've been hunting horn pretty much the
2575s entirety of rice i did a little bit of
2577s yes but you got into her eyes and
2578s immediately betrayed hammer so i mean
2581s yeah because huntinghorn is so much
2583s freaking fun now i have been faithful to
2585s this weapon for 16 years cotton
2590s well
2591s i have weapon commitment issues i'm
2592s sorry
2594s commitment issues
2596s we actually had a good question so nate
2598s would like to know who is the noob and
2600s who is the pro
2602s uh it depends on the hunt
2608s i mean obviously
2609s it genuinely started as i've obviously
2611s played every monster hunter and cotton
2613s has not played any monster hunter this
2615s is a fun concept a veteran teaching a
2617s new player whereas obviously now we've
2619s played essentially every monster at the
2621s game past the present
2622s only been like five years of us doing
2625s this something like that
2626s so it's more of a legacy title at this
2629s point
2633s now there is a debate in chat between
2634s the great sword and the hunting horn
2636s users about where their loyalty lies
2640s yes fight over
2642s there should be no debate
2645s oh yeah we can double exit
2646s in the other
2659s isn't the target but he's on the hunt he
2661s doesn't start asleep because obviously
2663s he'd just never bump into you if
2665s just stay there snoozing yeah just the
2667s entire time
2673s all right
2681s oh there's a bull fangirl behind you
2682s josh oh i'm in the wrong scroll one
2684s second that's right you're about to get
2685s more fangirled as well
2687s oh was it
2688s yeah he's looking at you right now oh my
2690s god oh there you go
2693s why am i not allowed to wake up i love
2695s that you're making a little cross with
2696s your strings as well oh yes
2699s yeah you always cross streams all right
2703s and boom
2705s oh no i pressed the wrong button
2709s egg
2710s the egg forgives you the egg forgives
2712s you oh we got it all right she's not
2713s going to finger
2716s don't worry i scrambled that ball fango
2718s all as well
2719s yeah he's just dead in front of me
2724s you know i love doing something shock
2725s wave at the slide b oh i sleep again oh
2728s there we go
2729s sorry i think we are very
2748s dude it up dude get those egg pops all
2750s we can do
2752s all right
2753s he's mine oh god
2755s [Music]
2756s bring him back we've got it i'm taking
2758s him to the crabs
2760s [Laughter]
2772s that's why you said it when it was when
2774s it was safe if you couldn't be hurt hey
2776s espinoz are you ready to explode
2780s oh egg on your face oh
2784s that big damage as well
2786s yeah
2787s like it's it's so like hunting on i
2789s genuinely am not the best weapon
2792s just put that put that egg down and just
2794s kind of passively do so much damage
2798s if it's in range it will just auto hit
2801s the head too which is obviously a very
2802s nice spot to get the
2804s the damage on for certain skills and
2806s also the stun value is incredible as you
2808s can see oh yes for me it's still fine
2811s shockwave that i love
2814s i love that when you've got magnificent
2816s trio going off and it's just damage
2818s damage damage damage you know stun park
2820s range
2823s i also love that both magnificent trio
2825s and internal melody instantly pop the
2827s egg because they just can't get the
2828s right number of songs oh hey friends it
2831s all synergizes together so nicely oh
2834s yeah another hunter has joined us
2835s welcome prayer
2838s oh i'm fireball to the face so there i
2840s am i'm on fire i'm poisoned and
2841s paralyzed
2855s oh gosh now i'm the one with poison and
2857s paralysis
2860s um
2862s it's a good question i've only looked at
2863s this but i've hunted more so i don't
2865s know what elements may or may not be
2869s have you guys had a look at esperance
2870s weapons yeah
2904s then you need clearing for safety yes
2906s please i haven't i have no idea how many
2908s new surfboards you just don't see
2920s then again i guess every wipe and ride
2922s fight is your own custom turf oh yeah
2924s and you know if you want to save time
2927s oh yeah yeah like none of them are even
2929s leaving you have a monster and you're
2931s both collectively beating up the target
2934s it feels so unfair there's so much going
2936s on i'm just gathering i have no idea
2938s what's happening right now i don't even
2940s know
2943s okay having fun you know sometimes you
2945s just need a nap why is that still off
2947s paralyzed you paralyzed
2949s look at all those how did that even
2950s happen it wasn't even the espionage
2957s how ironic
2962s you love those eggs you really are the
2964s easter bunny aren't you oh i i put down
2966s an egg as much as i freaking it's so
2968s much
2973s it's just how nearly passive it is too
2975s if i've got the wire bugs to spend i
2977s will spend them
2981s that's okay i can turn i can turn the
2983s voices up yeah with all of the action
2985s going on at once there oh yeah voice was
2988s a bit tricky after this
2990s i'll make us a bit louder i'll turn down
2992s the game
2992s how did that's almost come with us yeah
2994s i don't know what ashlas thinks he's
2996s doing that's vanessa's hiding in the
2997s corner waiting for him
3002s there was just so much action
3007s that's that's some vengeance what even
3009s happened the first thing
3024s we got our
3030s has been so extra brutal because
3032s obviously strong arms incredible but it
3034s requires countering a monster attack and
3036s as i don't know all of the new monster
3038s attacks the amount of trial and error
3039s result in getting hit in the face
3042s that has resulted in
3044s i just put an egg down in place yeah you
3045s just vaguely put an egg down stand
3047s safely to the side and blow it up for 2
3049s 000 damage like
3051s okay
3052s well only 2 000 when they're asleep like
3054s hunting hard can now kill monsters by
3057s corner hunting that's that's
3059s right oh my goodness corner horn
3060s actually
3062s yeah i spent the egg down play songs far
3064s away
3067s i i i want to try a build where i just
3069s use the wall runner skill put an egg
3071s down and just run on walls until it
3072s explodes
3074s oh we got a lovely message cyber kaiju
3076s says rage gaming kept me hooked on
3078s monstanter as a whole and it's one of
3079s those franchises that helped me choose
3081s my university course paleontology so
3083s thanks for that oh awesome oh it's
3085s awesome that's really cool
3089s too fat monster hunter is why i have so
3091s many pet reptiles so you know it's
3093s similar
3095s [Music]
3097s i genuinely just saw camellias for the
3099s first time and went i want a lizard
3101s i want camellias in my mind i want
3103s camellias in a tank next to me please
3107s so wow one as well well played freya you
3110s came in at mr1
3112s nice took on a beastie monster there say
3114s thank you for jumping in
3116s so i like i i need to hunt gora magala
3119s today like gourmangala is one of my
3120s favorite monsters i love it
3123s i love hunting new gory as well it's a
3125s very satisfying fight shall we should we
3128s give gore a go
3130s yeah that sounds good cool so whoever
3132s wants to jump in next you'll be going up
3134s against gorma gala
3136s a monster i personally love and i'm so
3139s happy it's back in some break
3141s um also the gear looks incredible
3145s i i love that the cape keeps the uh the
3147s moving wings aesthetic so it's still
3149s it's always actively shifting it looks
3151s so nice yeah gorma gallery is a monster
3153s that really benefits from getting a bit
3156s more power behind his visuals
3158s i agree oh yes like god damn
3161s freya how do i leave
3164s how do i get out of here have a good one
3166s freya thank you for you want to get on
3167s the get on the train and then it will
3171s who knows where the train leads nobody
3173s knows
3174s maybe bihari knows but harry's smart the
3176s harry potter
3177s is such a fun character by the way like
3180s normally whenever they do like a white
3182s variant scientist they're really like
3183s old and stoic and quiet and barry is
3187s none of those things oh yeah
3189s it's hilarious yeah but harry and fear
3193s back and forth is is fantastic
3196s on the note of white variant scientist
3198s pasopato has the greatest beard i've
3200s ever seen in a monster hunter game
3204s he he reminds me of you can lose on a
3206s daily basis
3208s look at that isn't it beautiful
3210s what a magnificent beard
3212s so so puffy and well shaped
3215s so puffy and well like dango exactly
3218s like dank he's got a dango beer he's got
3220s a dang good [ __ ]
3226s oh
3229s i might mess around with my other new
3231s set for a little bit bring out the
3234s ibushi horn
3238s i'm so happy we got both cars as well oh
3240s yeah well both from regardless actually
3242s yeah
3243s and shigeru magala i've not fought
3244s shigary yet so i'm looking oh
3246s he's got a few new uh i'd say a few a
3249s fair amount of new attacks
3250s yeah
3252s good little redesign on that one right
3254s well i think i'm gonna have some dang
3256s going and then we'll head in if anyone
3258s wants to join they are welcome too
3262s i'm gonna
3263s go
3264s i'm gonna go booster i'm gonna go
3266s comfort i nearly when i first time i
3268s thought gormangala is that i nearly
3270s triple carted very very nearly triple
3272s guarded so i'm i'm scared of formica
3279s he has one move where he spins around
3281s and then his tail does a little whip
3283s follow-up and it hits me
3285s every time he does it
3287s every time
3288s what's this 200 i know the weapon
3291s balance has finally been
3294s righteous as all things should be
3299s looking very snazzy okay so there we go
3301s two dudes two meaty chops
3305s oh oh you've been betrayed
3307s oh you're getting what
3310s oh yes the greater sword with a shield
3314s alexa play my heart will go on
3318s umerick says hello by the way they
3321s specifically asked i passed on a hello
3323s to you guys
3324s hello hello to you too
3326s while we wait as well while poor grim
3328s obviously puts on the superior weapon um
3331s i'm going to
3332s look at look it's just paddling you just
3334s you just had to you've said
3337s let's let's look at the gormagala set
3339s because i love gourmet like
3342s look how cool this gear looks like look
3344s at that yeah it's incredible absolutely
3347s from behind to show that yeah
3350s the flow to the club yeah
3353s when i unlock layered gear like
3355s yeah
3356s yeah
3358s that's good and there's some coalescence
3359s back which is really nice also the
3361s espanolas gear like it gives me big
3364s devil may cry vibes as well oh yeah i
3366s appreciate it i really really i love the
3368s uh
3368s the chest even by itself so if you use
3370s the chest and layered armor it's just a
3372s jacket oh yes oh yes and obviously like
3375s the syrekios gear has got some cool
3377s serragus gear is so cool
3379s like the helmet on seregios yeah yeah i
3382s just like the way sergios looks now in
3384s general like he's yeah so like he's
3385s benefited a lot because obviously he has
3387s all the scales going crazy which i
3389s imagine was quite difficult to pull off
3391s on on handheld whereas now it's really
3394s defined oh absolutely yeah i can
3396s properly see him um so oscar asks um is
3399s there cross play so oscar um there is no
3401s cross player across save the team did
3403s look into this during the development of
3405s rise but at that point in development um
3407s it wasn't possible to do but the team
3410s have noted that feedback from the
3412s community that the community see that as
3414s important to them
3415s um so thank you very much it has been
3418s you know it's on our radar
3420s um
3421s but no there is no cosplay across save
3423s planned for
3424s full rise in summer
3427s sorry just a little tangent there to do
3429s to answer the questions right shall we
3431s go and meet gormagala again
3433s yes
3436s it's going to be a francis occasion
3438s [Music]
3440s ah time for the citadel
3443s yes yeah our first trip touch a cool map
3446s see i just love the amount of toads on
3448s this map you never run out oh look we
3450s even get the lovely introduction hey
3452s yeah someone's first time here ages have
3454s passed i want to go meet the thorny
3455s toads
3457s up at this distinct room
3459s i can always try and drag him over
3461s come meet the thorny toads
3464s the monster introductions in sun break
3466s are the coolest they've ever been by the
3468s way like
3470s it's so badass cutscene gamers even
3473s though i do feel bad for for my boy
3475s gosser egg
3477s yeah i mean what a way to introduce
3478s gormagala right like oh like when i
3481s first saw the trailer i was like
3482s like a gossarrag subspecies or something
3484s yeah it's so excited
3489s my favorite monster from base rise so
3491s like
3493s and like when
3494s goren rages and pins him down with the
3497s two extra arms it's like my god
3500s it's it's insane like even though it was
3502s what a way because yeah like gossard's
3504s such a cool monster and it's like
3506s and then then there's the the bait and
3507s switch and it's it's not just any
3510s monsters
3512s like that moment there where he just
3514s gets caught with the wing arm
3516s because goss is not a pushover he's a
3518s high guy he's a monster that can hold
3520s his own especially a master right
3522s yeah exactly i like i like that
3525s i think it's the surprise attack though
3526s if god got his blades you know a bit
3528s more of an even fight oh yeah definitely
3531s definitely like gore oh sorry goss is
3533s surprisingly mobile
3535s yeah oh yeah
3538s welcome to the city tell everyone
3540s welcome to the city now this is a great
3542s map it's got multiple biomes in it so
3545s you really do get trust me
3548s i'm just going to go on a toad
3550s collection run i'll be with you all in a
3551s minute that's okay
3555s the greatest shame is that there's not a
3557s a great gown goat
3558s clearly yes the most powerful monster
3562s we love the gown
3564s no they're so good they are
3566s i know yeah i would love a uh a great
3569s boggy but i'd be even more happy with a
3571s great gown goat
3572s what happened to the aptoine off jono
3575s who knows who knows where are they where
3578s are they
3578s we have a video about that josh it's
3580s very clearly we do we're over
3582s the hunters because they're refraining
3586s apt enough have been done so dirty you
3588s know maybe maybe the acting off all
3589s taken by uh the riders because they're
3592s so powerful um so of course the stories
3595s crew were like you know what
3596s we should all have action off so you
3598s know now that they've been recruited by
3600s uh
3601s by the riders
3603s never be under underestimated and for
3605s those that's not official law by the way
3607s that's me
3608s that's me theorycraft it's just fiercely
3610s writing it down
3612s like all right this is official news got
3614s it oh no i've got it clearly the
3616s headline monster for the first title
3618s update will be the return about tonight
3620s gonna be the after drone finally after
3622s all the
3623s drone
3625s all five statuses and elements it's just
3628s like five after not tied together at the
3630s head
3635s oh a marionette spider hello new endemic
3638s light
3639s yes there's a poor toad's in a beetle
3641s [Laughter]
3644s why does that sound like a band name
3646s bordeaux
3648s it's better than just the beatles you
3649s know
3650s yeah what the beatles was missing was it
3653s was
3659s oh there's a gormagala frenzy pool over
3661s there
3664s he's been here
3669s why
3671s um i'm using the a playstation
3673s controller um on uh pc so that's why
3676s that's it so they're in the settings you
3678s can change the buttons to match a
3680s controller you're using um it's a nice
3682s big quality of life so that's why you
3683s see playstation that's not
3685s that's no uh deepest law or anything
3687s like that i'm just using the place
3692s there it is
3695s he's so pretty
3699s all right why don't you marry him there
3701s what if i could
3705s there you go enjoy your tunes
3710s [Music]
3711s come on then first
3713s oh i'm so sorry
3717s that's okay i got saved i got saved for
3719s my own open comments
3721s i'll put i'll put him back to sleep in
3723s just a second the marionette spider was
3724s like all right no no you guys have got
3726s this
3728s all right no no he doesn't want it no
3731s okay
3734s look i've got lots of toads there's
3735s always more opportunity
3738s the marionette spider on top of being
3740s ridiculously fun and a much better
3742s version of the clutch claw wall bank
3744s like what does it imply about how strong
3746s hunters are
3747s just yeah yank in a big moment like that
3749s you can just yank an entire monster into
3752s them all right they're on top of each
3753s other look at that i didn't even notice
3755s oh yeah i'm too oh yeah we've got bombs
3757s going down as well
3758s thank you paul all right
3760s i'm ready when you are
3764s oh no
3765s i'm in the wrong scroll i'm in the wrong
3767s scroll i forgot my egg
3769s oh you might have to egg it i'm not
3770s gonna have a wire book back in here a
3771s one a two a one two three go
3775s bump oh
3777s oh
3779s oh
3780s one
3781s would you like more
3783s yes
3785s more egg party
3787s oh my hyper armor got absolutely punched
3789s through there and i've got the frenzy
3791s virus so i need to keep that down
3802s i would argue that some break four is
3804s the strongest you've seen
3805s i think the pace of the game really
3807s plays into form yeah
3816s oh my goodness all of a sudden seregios
3822s oh what they have a turf ball what
3825s what whoa whoa whoa i need to watch this
3828s oh my goodness
3830s oh that fireback
3832s oh my god
3834s that was so cool
3841s okay
3841s i was going to call it a tie but then
3843s sergio just just floated down from the
3844s sky and was writable
3846s oh yeah i think it is one where either
3848s one can end up right about depending on
3850s yeah damage already done to them but
3851s that that finisher from sergio's blades
3854s was fruitful
3856s what a cut out i'm still going at it as
3858s well
3859s oh no
3860s oh there you go you have acquired a
3862s steve
3864s christine
3865s this is such a fun living right because
3867s he's still so aerial with you honored
3869s that my personal name for him right
3877s what oh gotta flip the pancake he put me
3880s in a in a in a building off the mountain
3882s oh did he drop you in the well yeah he
3884s dropped me in this building up here
3886s sorry guys i guess this is where i live
3889s sorekias just thought it was time for
3891s you to get some new real estate oh he's
3893s done
3894s sonic bloom i gotta think that's gonna
3896s be a street fighter reference surely
3900s i feel like it was just how much beating
3902s them up you do is it
3904s here it comes
3905s oh
3906s my god oh he fell out of the sleep
3907s though don't walk into the sleep toad
3909s no egg no sleep toad performed
3916s i've overcome the frenzy good news
3918s everyone me too
3919s the eggs are really good for that fun oh
3922s yeah
3924s just a nice big fine the eggs are good
3925s for everything things aren't good for
3927s everything any given problem
3930s put an egg down
3932s if you're struggling just gotta lay an
3934s egg and then life will be better
3936s works for chickens
3942s oh oh
3943s all that damage wow
3945s thanks for the heal yeah you've got uh
3947s you've got negative frenzies you're
3949s taking like oh i didn't overcome it oh
3951s god oh no oh you know yeah you've got
3952s the red one instead of the blue yeah
3954s you're you're getting hurt oh no
3956s he's running away too
3958s it's so brutal being here
3960s yeah i was not watching
3962s but hey my sharpness is good so that's
3964s all right
3968s i just slapped a
3970s tarantula
3971s poor little piranha look at my arms
3974s wow you are you're looking hench
3979s overcoming the frenzy gives you such a
3980s cool glow that's uh that's that's the
3982s strong arm for you
3984s oh it is they are the strong arms
3988s like now you've got strong shoulders and
3990s strong arms canonical bass greatsword is
3992s just slowly evolving in in that each of
3995s your body parts is being added to the
3997s weapons kit
3998s i'm waiting for the strong thigh move to
4000s be added yeah i'm excited for monster 6
4002s to introduce a new move called leg day
4004s it's a great song
4010s also it's a shame i don't have my
4011s marionette spider because if i drag more
4013s into that you knock the tower down and
4015s get loads of loot from it
4016s yeah it's so awesome oh wait there's
4018s another one i'll go get it is there
4020s another one
4022s yeah there's there's so much indent on
4024s this man
4025s yeah basically
4027s it's the 15th weapon
4029s endemic life
4031s mother nature the weather all i need is
4033s a slingshot if i could fire toads from a
4035s slingshot my gameplay would be set
4038s i saw the palace launch toads from
4040s crossbows and went why can't we do that
4043s well don't mind if i do oh i totally
4045s totally missed it
4047s oh
4050s god that moment
4052s wow and the slam yeah the the dark sheen
4056s it gives over everything when he's like
4057s this as well yeah wings as well like
4061s like a living all right here we go no
4063s time
4064s hey there guys there goes the old castle
4068s oh spirit birds thank you very much
4071s also drops a bunch of random little
4072s goodies when you destroy that tower
4079s i think we're doing pretty well yeah not
4081s bad oh wow yeah
4084s oh yeah he's already blue
4086s oh no i got the negative frenzy buff
4088s because i ran off to get a spider
4093s you guys have some pretty tasty weapons
4095s i imagine at this point yeah i'm we're
4098s pretty
4099s end game min maxed relatively kitted out
4102s not quite min maxed on the sets right
4104s now trying to get a little bit of longer
4106s hunter
4107s i must add one more
4110s god frenzy blasting so much
4114s i like how they even explode if you get
4115s too far away like there's no just egg
4117s does nothing
4118s yeah you could kill a monster by placing
4120s an egg and then just running away and
4122s just doing that repeatedly
4124s if the wire is generated fast enough
4126s then that would be a viable strategy
4130s is down but
4143s you must think carefully how to wield
4145s this power jonathan yeah like
4150s the power of the power like ultra
4152s reality
4155s well played good hug good hands yeah
4157s that was great
4162s gotta pop the egg you can't leave it
4164s unpopped that felt vindictive on garment
4166s yeah it's like oh you think so show you
4168s how much i've got left
4171s i'm just gonna the edge monster always
4172s has to be rich
4176s this guy oh yeah oh sorry just to slap
4179s you with my hunting at home while i grab
4180s my egg
4182s oh yeah yeah gotta pop that can't leave
4183s an egg on top i'm just gonna i'm just
4185s gonna take it with me
4186s okay fair enough i just gotta prep it
4188s for the journey
4189s i love the pattern on it it reminds me
4191s of uh
4192s i think it was the fang the beast one
4193s from stories has a very similar pattern
4195s to the hunting horn egg oh yes
4197s maybe that's why there's so much damage
4199s you don't see it but a bullfango comes
4201s out of each one
4204s good hunt though that was that was fun
4208s as well oh guess what i got in the
4210s helper rewards did you get a mantle from
4212s kevin i got a mantle from helper rewards
4214s i got a mantle from the espionage one so
4216s i'd say that's not an unlikely
4218s occurrence
4219s help out your fellow hunters
4221s yeah hunt with people nice little system
4225s and they say it's a great thing so you
4226s know if you do bring a friend in and
4228s you're helping them grind up and stuff
4230s like that or taking them into high level
4231s hunts you know you're gonna get more
4233s um
4234s so thank you porg
4237s thank you
4238s right what should we do next what what
4240s do we fancy hunting next do we want to
4241s go for like a garand gold or luna gown
4244s one of the three lords
4247s yeah let's do it
4249s oh we should do the um
4253s oh where is it
4260s no we can't oh
4262s i'm gonna try level four dango slugger i
4264s haven't used it at level four yet we've
4265s got lots of stuns now
4267s it's a really fun hunt that's just the
4269s three lords together in one hunt caught
4271s the monster mash because of course it is
4273s hey that's awesome
4275s yeah but it needs master x6 so that's a
4277s shame
4279s this hunting horn looks cool what songs
4280s has it got it's got health recovery
4282s sharpness reduced and sharpness
4284s extension yeah sharpness extension is a
4287s cool one
4288s wow so it's a bit odd because you do
4289s have to sharpen yeah oh my goodness
4294s you can go beyond
4296s what horns do i have can bring something
4299s else fancy i might bring out the tigrex
4301s one for one time i will just keep using
4304s great sword
4306s uh-huh well i mean i'm still using horn
4307s i'm just switching up which one all
4309s right i'll i'll also i'll i'll swap my
4311s great shot how about that that's
4313s exciting isn't it okay that's it that's
4314s acceptable
4316s so i will i will steal your dad's great
4318s son
4324s so what do you think garen gonna luna
4326s garron sorry i totally had a mind blank
4328s looking at the armor and weapons
4331s guess garen then luna
4333s could do that yeah in in starry order
4337s yeah why not why not i just need to
4339s remember there we go garen gold gone bad
4350s yeah
4352s and for anyone that wants to come and
4353s help us fight garen gold
4356s you want to see gore long sword okay
4358s okay i'll show you that
4362s yeah and i have a big soft spot for any
4364s monster that uses more than one element
4366s or status they always tend to be the
4368s best it's really cool and you know as
4370s there's not many of them it's always
4371s like a unique phone yeah it's always
4373s such a yeah it's such a good moment
4377s it's what makes namiel so good as well
4380s it's like the way the combo is from
4382s i very much hope we've not seen the last
4384s of nomiel and far in the future
4387s well everything everything comes back
4388s eventually for the most part at least
4392s let's say for those ramborose
4395s there it is i love that every single
4397s brute wyvern in the entirety of monster
4399s is in the fifth gen except to remember
4402s don't you dare bring that up again
4404s you and you will never hunt their
4406s ambrose's amtreos again okay i want you
4408s to know that
4410s i love zamtra so i feel you you know
4412s like
4413s but then you know luna garron is got
4415s scott yeah like luna giron is zam
4418s got into shape so you know
4421s look if luna garron had a move where it
4422s expanded and started
4430s oh
4432s oh my god
4435s oh edgar we're playing on pc we're not
4438s playing on switch today so that's why
4439s the codes are a little bit longer
4441s and then what than what you'd be used to
4443s on switch
4448s cotton's in the box
4451s yes have you seen what he's got on his
4452s head he's got it looks like a cake
4456s it's it's a it's the monk snail it's a
4458s little you can get you can get a monk
4460s snail hat which is just wonderful let me
4463s get the other piece of layered head gear
4464s that yeah actually i was just about to
4466s change to it as well that is glorious i
4468s need to go
4469s are you are you ready you have to snap a
4470s picture of the monk snail together don't
4472s you yes i went out and did it
4474s immediately after getting the quest
4476s you have now become captain kahoot
4479s there we go
4481s look at that oh lovely
4485s owl time
4488s that is very intimidating uh it's kind
4490s of a little bit scary isn't it
4492s it's it's the fact that it looks real
4494s like a lot of them look like they're
4495s little puppet heads but this one just
4497s looks like an actual outlet
4499s oh my goodness
4501s you put this on
4503s yeah put it on and go sit next to the
4505s baby kahoot up top and then
4507s you're good
4508s then it believes in you everything all
4510s right oh thank you admiral galius i got
4512s a got an elgato ticket oh look who it is
4517s the question is then
4519s which is the best
4521s oh that's the tricky one right i feel
4524s like that's going to be a debate for the
4525s longest time because all three are
4526s incredible
4528s i i feel like logically i i should like
4532s garen gold the most because he's very
4534s much my kind of monster but when agron
4536s just just hits me in a weird way i
4538s really like the negron ah see i know the
4541s niagara on his third for me but i can't
4543s decide one and two between garen gome
4545s and malcolm
4548s is a tricky one i just tried to find the
4550s kahootness because i've not found it yet
4551s here i've not explained oh it's uh
4555s all the way up
4556s i'm still thinking about that turf war
4557s by the way
4558s yeah it's such like ah when they happen
4561s they're so good
4565s there it is
4568s wait for me i have to go all the way to
4570s the top
4571s yeah
4572s oh i i slipped and fell
4574s oh it's okay you can get to it from this
4575s side too
4577s there's also there's a little ladder
4578s here that works as a vine wall which
4579s just has a fun animation for a ladder
4583s i should probably wait till i have two
4584s wire bugs i am i i've been eating too
4587s many dango i am uh
4588s all over oh yeah i i do that right
4591s stubbornly keep trying despite only
4592s having one wire bug oh here it is
4595s everyone that's the big goat in a very
4597s roundabout way you now know where the
4598s underground nest is oh wow great as
4601s hunting horn maids we need to be all
4602s over the eggs exactly more eggs
4606s who eggs were harmed in the making of
4607s this it's so bad i shouldn't clarify
4611s oh yeah and there's the baby one over
4612s here yeah the baby one it's like a
4616s a poogie replacement over up here
4618s all the way at the top
4626s and then
4626s okay that's fine i'll wait till i get my
4628s uh
4629s wire bugs back
4634s oh my goodness
4638s where's my camera
4643s oh
4645s yeah
4647s look at that
4649s you can feed it too
4651s what a cutie and the sound it makes
4655s you're definitely more likely to get a
4656s mantle after petting the kahoot this is
4659s i believe in that
4660s that is that is the case it's it's the
4662s new pookie
4665s ah it loves me
4666s that's a yeah
4668s oh my goodness
4670s i love it
4673s right
4674s now after that cuteness let's go face
4677s guarantome
4679s a very cute monster i will say i think
4681s so you know
4683s you know usually garron gone was pretty
4684s chill obviously not all of them are but
4686s um
4688s i accidentally took two loads of potions
4690s as well
4693s okay you can have mine oh thank you
4694s that's very very kind so guaranteed
4697s chilling up on the
4698s west
4699s yeah he's in his nest you took that toad
4701s already didn't you i thought there's
4702s normally a toad here
4704s don't yeah i'm all over the top trying
4707s to try and get endemic life before you
4709s can't race me to my toads
4711s oh i'm being bogged
4714s out getting buggered down
4719s oh there you go i got my blade scale
4720s home activated though so that was nice
4723s oh that was nice of them yeah
4725s and it came from my uh swapper bait as
4727s well which is very snazzy
4730s yes yes
4731s i'm joined by josh
4734s um of the rage gaming variety the pro
4736s noobs
4738s thank you for joining us oscar have a
4739s wonderful day
4745s goodbye mr oscar
4751s all right i've got my full set of of
4752s toads again oh my goodness
4756s you're like a minion
4759s they're the best raptors by far they're
4761s buggy they are hilarious
4763s they are like they're so good especially
4765s before we knew their names and you know
4767s we're all guessing it might be called
4769s like that was that was wonderful
4772s i'm a fan of goblino
4774s goblina
4776s [Laughter]
4780s i just think they're neat you know
4782s they're just
4783s [Laughter]
4789s right here we look at raw bro yeah how's
4791s it going gary
4797s so mean
4800s he's got places to be he's got a new
4802s punch
4817s i always i always forget until i'm
4819s fighting him exactly what he does with
4820s that last time that i love it
4824s his rocket jump fist is the coolest
4826s thing have you seen his ultimate attack
4828s by the way donna i
4830s probably i mean i've fought him two or
4832s three times
4833s so
4834s yeah if you break his arms and knock him
4836s out of it he'll never do it which is
4838s what we kept
4839s doing for a while but he has like a big
4841s super boom that's so
4844s cool yeah
4849s gonna get out the way a little bit
4851s hyper
4853s don't mind me choke coming in
4854s nice work
4856s and we're gonna get get the sonic bloom
4858s out see if i get a magnificent
4866s oh this is so mean
4869s it is i hate doing this to monsters i
4871s love
4872s oh sleep time timing
4875s beautiful timing
4877s oh nice oh he's oh
4880s poor guy i think it's it's we're using
4882s block weapons and garrett bomb has like
4883s a nice big head so it works quite well
4886s for us
4890s let's try this back
4895s oh my god
4896s he's not standing up anymore
4899s you know where we're taking garen
4905s [Laughter]
4915s i'll pick up the two poison toads that
4917s are 10 feet away from each other on the
4918s way very nice very nice
4921s so we're going to zone 13 and for those
4923s that don't know this is the habitat of
4926s the humble thorny toad um look at them
4929s they're already jumping around
4931s they're excited they know it's coming
4933s these things will attack anything
4934s they're so hungry so what we'll do we'll
4937s line up
4938s get the bonkin going
4942s i can turn around oh
4945s i think we're in are we in are the
4946s thorny toes gonna
4948s am i just outside
4949s no here they come
4951s i can see them
4957s there we go maybe oh no
4960s yeah poor garen is doing his best to
4962s stand up and we're just not letting it
4963s yeah he's not actually done
4966s anything
4966s since the blasto you know what on that
4968s might as well keep the chain going
4971s might as well keep the chain
4974s oh no he got footsteps
4975s oh come on oh yes whoa what is oh wait
4978s he's about to do a big attack as well
4981s creamy
4983s creamy
4985s it's so mean this is so beautiful
4991s wow
4992s there we go
4995s and he's going to sleep
4997s come on thorny toads
4999s join us
5001s all right where's my egg where's my egg
5010s one
5012s oh
5014s oh they're on the funny turns are on him
5016s they're right oh yeah
5017s on his face
5018s right on his forehead
5023s look at them all they're hanging off the
5024s arms the face
5026s oh no wow we uh we destroyed him
5030s yes garen gold is normally very quite
5033s challenging but uh obviously we're using
5035s some some rather higher higher level
5038s weapons and we just had this the chains
5040s going on the use of the entire
5050s yeah like especially on this map it's so
5052s tightly packed that you can just get it
5054s on the way to wherever you're going you
5055s don't even have to take a detour really
5058s yeah if gus harad gets a chance to get
5060s going like oh do you know it
5064s he was just taking out his big hefty
5066s face too right when he went down yeah
5068s his mossy face is so cool
5071s let's guess we put our mess on yeah just
5074s he has a he has a flower on his butt too
5076s if you haven't seen that before
5082s yes
5089s yes so in the options you can change
5091s your controller settings to
5093s a few different controller schemes so
5095s that your buttons represent the
5096s controller you're using so yeah just
5099s just have a little look in the sentence
5100s in there you'll be able to enjoy that
5102s and if you're using an xbox controller
5104s and you want to have playstation buttons
5106s you can do that too you know just be
5107s crazy yeah yeah you can you can mix and
5109s match whatever you please
5115s oh the argosy pickup box is full
5118s oh yeah
5119s ooh my melvins are complete anything fun
5122s hey on pc i've only got two of the subs
5124s i haven't got the third one so uh
5127s please forgive me
5129s that's
5133s difficult i don't know if we can accept
5134s that so i get a lot of honey though
5139s can we see the gore switch axe i will
5140s show you the crosstalk in the uh
5144s in the
5153s blacksmith so there you go it is a
5155s scythe how
5157s cool is that
5158s an actual scythe
5160s like
5162s and it's purple and it's purple and
5164s black it's so cool
5166s all of the goodies
5168s so what do we do we want to do luna
5170s garon next or would we like something a
5172s bit different what are we what are we
5173s fancy
5175s uh mastering
5177s four or under right
5179s uh five we can do five
5186s [Music]
5193s yeah
5194s i mean or is that uh is that a bit too
5198s spicy it's too crazy i would do [ __ ]
5201s garu probably like in next week's stream
5204s yeah that's fair enough so i don't spoil
5206s it too much for the gang but i mean
5208s i really want to fight shigeru like that
5210s it pains me to say let's hold on
5213s um
5216s yeah let's do pyrak now good shout out
5218s yeah yeah especially fun with hunting
5220s horns too
5222s especially especially
5227s there's so many eggs this is this is my
5229s life just listening to how good hunting
5232s horn is
5234s oh i'm taking a very amped up version of
5236s a dango miracle worker
5238s so i should hopefully get lots of
5240s goodies at the end of this hunt
5243s [Music]
5246s oh moderator increases amount of
5248s recovery damage from taking damage
5252s health recovers over time when
5253s discovered by a large monster
5255s there's some nice dango stuff in here i
5257s like that defender as well yeah defender
5259s is an interesting one so after taking so
5261s much damage your next hit you'll take
5263s reduced damage
5265s so i think that's a nice mix
5267s there's a dango flyer i think is a cool
5270s new one as well where if you do it at
5271s level four you regenerate health while
5273s you hang from a wire bug mid-air no way
5275s that's cool yeah
5277s so for the airy link line i've been
5278s insect clad users are going to love that
5279s especially i think
5282s don't go shift is neat as well swapping
5284s scrolls restores your health thanks for
5286s coming by cold sober and uh it's great
5289s that you really enjoyed having josh and
5290s cotton here as well
5294s it's going to put the lobby id in case
5295s anyone wants to join
5298s yes sebastian i'm going to be
5299s alternating between pc and switch
5302s so
5303s you know
5304s we'll be able to jump on a stream
5305s together no matter what platform you
5307s play
5310s all right oh i should probably pick the
5311s quest shouldn't i i'm like oh yeah yeah
5313s well let's do fire right now
5317s a mighty need there we go
5322s an aptly named quest
5326s such a cool sub species
5328s oh yeah i love it like i mean rachna is
5330s one of my favorite rice monsters just
5332s because yeah you know i'm a big fan of
5334s nurcilla and to
5344s yeah the minion the minions are so cool
5347s and
5347s how
5348s she utilizes them in combat
5350s yeah it's great i i adore yeah well no
5353s cilla walked so rachna could run you
5354s know
5355s basically yeah
5357s she's also got the uh the old web plus
5359s fire combo i think is a nice little
5360s interaction that doesn't come up very
5362s often the the fuse fuse webs is such a
5366s perfect idea oh gosh yeah like when you
5369s think about it it's so cool how do you
5371s like add on to webbing and it's like
5373s what if it was
5374s explosive
5376s what seems an easy target is a servant i
5379s love that
5381s the yoink of that parent
5383s come here child don't talk to me or my
5386s son ever again literally
5390s imagine seeing right like it's so
5394s demonic
5395s i feel really bad for this volvo gun
5398s getting crawled like who wants spiders
5400s crawling on over them definitely not me
5402s oh
5405s my thing is this is getting four
5407s tarantulas detonate on it yeah yeah
5411s i just look like a glaze and strong
5413s [Music]
5415s barbecue master pie arachnik
5418s vulvadon glazed ham for you today lovely
5421s canonically volvadon is now a pig
5424s [Laughter]
5427s oh
5428s oh so we've also got a magna malo
5430s wandering around here
5435s i think he is genuinely one of the
5437s hardest master rank things yeah magnum
5441s is in the top five hardest monsters now
5443s by a good margin if you thought you knew
5446s magna marlow and could boss mcnamara
5448s before some break
5450s things have changed like yeah
5452s this isn't many people complained about
5454s too many people complained about the
5455s difference from the demo to the full
5457s game they're just unleashing his real
5458s version of mastering he was waiting in
5461s the shadows yeah like
5463s yeah like magnamalo like i had to go
5465s fall out i carried twice
5467s and i was then i drank all my you know
5469s armor drugs demon drugs i had my powders
5472s i was
5474s i was like my heart was pumping when i
5476s finally beat mcnamara in master rank for
5477s the first time like no joke
5480s like it was it was and the thing is it's
5481s such an intense fun hunt as well
5484s like you know explosions hell fire like
5488s boosting around everywhere like yeah all
5491s of his new attacks are so
5493s catch-off-guardy as well
5495s because you're so used to them in base
5497s like cool i've dealt with that white
5498s what
5499s yeah there's some that force you to
5501s waterfall and some that punish you for
5502s wire falling is a very mixed bag of uh
5504s making you think a lot
5506s gosh this is so cool
5510s glowing spines like it's amazing it's
5514s like a skilled demonic kind of yeah
5516s literally it's just it's devil spider
5518s and that's just the coolest thing i'm
5520s just taking in the view at the moment oh
5522s no yeah
5523s there is a normal arachnoid just in the
5525s back here like i am in the wrong place
5528s yes this is not for me
5531s the two arachnoids are just blowing fire
5533s at each other for some reason
5536s easier this way yeah i just saw you get
5539s launched off the lake i'm back
5541s oh there's ah
5544s i love monsters
5547s oh yeah i last when i was getting like
5549s when i was going through world and i
5551s sport blast was like
5552s a very very
5554s commonly used like statement by me i
5556s loved blast and then to see monsters
5558s using it as well like obviously bracky
5560s is a
5561s yeah
5563s oh
5564s savage
5565s i'll take it
5566s the battle of the eggs took its first
5568s deleted
5571s yeah to be fair
5573s builder
5578s if my egg was that big then i would win
5581s every hunt in about 10 seconds
5586s i don't want to think about you having
5588s an exact completely honest right
5591s look it's the natural evolution of
5593s hunting horn from this point
5596s please stop talking yeah you can't have
5599s like a big bagpipe exactly
5602s yes i just want a giant egg sack on a
5604s stick that explodes every once in a
5605s while please oh what's going on here oh
5608s oh that's good a lot of part breaks
5611s yeah that was a lot of heartbreak my god
5613s it'll be that'll be the rec noise oh wow
5615s the recovery was quite quick there
5617s actually
5619s i've got the rack don't get away from
5620s the egg rack lloyd oh the lava sack is
5624s just oh my god wow it looks so it's like
5627s like this when she's got no webbing and
5629s she's not that stuck out it's just
5632s good lord
5635s when it walks backwards with its head
5637s showing the other direction yeah that's
5639s like
5640s horror movie when it walks backwards
5643s staring at you over it over his egg sack
5646s kd kamui says i can't believe cotton got
5648s egged on
5649s [Laughter]
5652s look it it's the natural ebb and flow of
5654s the eggs sometimes the eggs sometimes
5656s you get egged
5657s this is true
5660s live by the egg die by the egg my
5662s favorite part of this this big uh blast
5665s egg sac that's going on right now is it
5666s just looks like a giant basil de scale
5668s to me i can't see that it does look like
5669s a giant basil scale
5672s oh there's that there's a fight going on
5673s good luck against uh
5675s serpent seventh goddess of under there
5677s john you've got this you'll be in some
5678s break in no time oh you got it
5683s being able to uh make her backwards
5685s attack is so yeah the butt slap
5693s her her head comes out so much more
5695s often in fire mode
5699s all right dinosaur versus spider let's
5702s go the classic movie match up the
5705s classic movie matchup
5715s [ __ ] her down near my egg
5717s i i shall endeavor to they go i'll do a
5719s quick mountain punisher for the egg oh
5722s are we close enough are we closer oh
5724s that's good enough
5727s i can always drop a new one there's
5729s enough eggs for everyone
5731s exactly
5740s oh i need to use up my extra y bugs make
5743s me an egg
5749s oh oh
5750s i've been wrapped up
5769s no one can say that hunting horn is just
5771s a support weapon anymore
5772s you know not at all
5776s the thing is it's got the support on top
5778s of this it's just it's just loving it
5782s oh big time oh here we go
5786s whoa
5787s whoa look at that like oh my god that is
5790s absolutely savage i'm gonna i'm gonna
5792s back off
5793s my uh
5794s swap bait oh we're gonna charge each
5796s other
5804s oh i'm in i'm in danger i'm in danger
5807s oh no
5811s and i noticed that like pie racket uses
5814s her minions a lot and there's a lot more
5815s of them as well yeah
5817s yeah
5819s like you are definitely outnumbered in
5821s this one
5822s oh absolutely
5824s i love minion base large monster fights
5828s not true
5830s i'm not sure there's any that uses them
5831s quite as quite as
5833s coolly at least as raccoons
5839s [Music]
5851s there's one tired spider
5855s yeah i've got lots of stamina going on i
5857s like to steal that from my opponents
5862s this is stem it's mine whoa the range on
5865s that like the reaches
5881s without the way there
5884s i moved in the way
5889s goodness
5890s is this a straight upgrade to normal
5892s rackman
5894s uh it's a hard one
5897s i mean because the pirate hasn't they're
5898s very slightly different yeah exactly
5901s yeah
5902s like i think bass rackman does a lot
5903s more
5905s the best phrasing i've got is baby
5907s movement yep yeah yeah
5909s this one just more throws the babies out
5911s as a weapon
5912s so you can't describe how rectified it's
5914s about sounding insane
5917s ragnar's like i'll just make more of
5918s them it's fine
5919s yeah
5921s fine for me so they'll be okay with it
5925s i'm going to attack you with my
5926s explosive children
5929s i love it
5931s oh my god okay yep it turns it turns
5934s that was quite the magma beam oh god
5936s look at that just running up to it from
5938s here as well like it's so scary from a
5940s distance too
5941s i just the oh the backwards
5944s are just so well done yeah the fact that
5946s it has horns now is just so so much of a
5949s bonus
5952s i really like puppet spiders shouldn't
5954s work on regular that would be so funny
5957s where are you
5959s just she pulled you in yeah she pulls
5961s you instead well especially pirates just
5963s like light the fuse and then cause i
5965s light
5977s oh there it is
5987s oh god i'm webbed we're nearly there
5989s don't worry
5990s you'll be fine don't worry
5993s it's nice seeing an insect glade flying
5995s around the place
5998s actually they got so much more aerial
6000s tool kit now too oh oh oh oh oh
6002s a lot of that type of stuff how could
6004s you get wet
6006s i look like one of cotton's uh silk bind
6008s eggs
6010s if only i could make you pop for damage
6014s because i would
6017s look i'd be tempted i'm addicted to egg
6019s popping
6021s hey too busy you know
6023s espana humbled me husband has sent me to
6025s the cart quite quickly
6027s oh pie right the kataki silk thank you
6029s very much
6031s yeah spinach is one of those rare
6032s monsters where no matter
6034s how what you're wearing how much you've
6036s played
6037s you can just have this moment of guess
6039s i'm dead now yeah yeah like yeah
6042s it's yeah it's such a great monster
6043s because you know we were absolutely
6045s wailing on espana first and then espana
6048s just flipped the table on us
6049s and uh sent us back to elgato
6055s i love getting the close-up look at the
6057s uh the legs of the pyre now that it's
6059s now that it's calmed down and it's on
6060s the floor you can see all the like
6062s degrading scaling and stuff yeah this
6064s monster has a fantastic cops
6067s which is a sentence i should have
6068s thought more about before just saying
6072s top 10 corpses in the sun break yeah oh
6075s let me write that down
6081s yeah like the i mean and we joke about
6083s it but testing like the team puts so
6085s much attention to detail
6087s in every part of the monster is
6088s especially like bits that you wouldn't
6090s see unless you go and look for them as
6092s well like you mean like shogun
6095s yes
6096s that's not the less said about shogun
6100s look shogun is incredible and if you
6102s knock his shell off
6104s then it's a little awkward
6106s oh yeah yeah i've i uh obviously been
6108s hunting on i've smashed off show guns
6110s sure you got the shell and uh you kind
6112s of go oh
6115s d shell shogun is
6117s you
6118s never forget one of the greatest sights
6120s in sun break
6122s but no genuinely the monsters have never
6125s looked better like the amount like
6127s even just damn your hermitage when you
6129s the first thing that you faced
6131s like the detail on his shell like he's
6133s the individual bumps the like he's it's
6136s night and day from uh
6138s do we want to have some crab battles do
6140s we oh i'm sure yeah oh we could have we
6143s need we should go fight oh there's a
6145s there's a question yeah there's a
6146s question yeah rock crazy
6149s i've always been such a fan of the crab
6151s monsters
6152s because it was such a such a big deal
6155s when they got introduced
6157s it was very relatively early on as well
6159s so
6160s yeah and it's not something that you'd
6163s expect right like crab monster yeah
6165s exactly between games and monster hunter
6168s took that design and fully embraced it
6170s and built upon it like so you've got
6171s like your traditional kind of crabby
6173s crab with daimyo and then shogun is like
6176s but what if crab crabbo could stab oh
6178s and um
6179s it's you know it's intense like it's
6181s hilarious i love it this yeah this i
6184s i've said it
6185s a few times i think in the review as
6187s well but the the actual sound design of
6190s sunbreak is so good like the schwing of
6193s everything that has claws
6195s is so satisfying yes the shogun and
6198s lunagaron just sound
6200s amazing with every attack that they do
6202s yeah that's great like you know and like
6204s you know when they're moving or when
6205s they're kind of like grinding their what
6208s their teeth and you can hear them kind
6209s of like gargling bubbles and stuff like
6211s that yeah yeah it's it's awesome
6221s every monster just speaks to how much
6223s they uh care about them
6225s oh and you know often you don't often
6227s get that in a lot of games
6234s all right
6235s it's time
6236s to battle the giant enemy crabs
6240s oh yes
6243s and everyone in chat as well you know
6245s it's awesome to see you um how are you
6247s finding somebody have you started
6249s sunbreak yet what's your favorite
6250s monster so far have you been triple
6252s carted yet
6254s what was the first master rank weapon
6255s you made
6257s oh they're in the arena as well
6260s oh i've not fought a crab in the arena
6262s oh they're both already here
6265s double crab
6268s which is the superior crab
6271s yeah i'm a big fan of classic daimyo
6278s aesthetically daimyo takes it but how it
6281s functions is shogun by a million miles
6284s if we if we include the deviants then
6286s rust razer takes it for me i love rust
6288s ready
6291s look at this that shell to shell staring
6294s at each other really
6295s ooh shogun's starting with the gravios
6297s coming out
6298s they have a crap wall
6300s i've never actually had them both
6301s together do they do they have a crab i
6303s don't know oh shogun is very aggressive
6305s let's bring them together yeah let's
6307s bring them here i have a proper little
6309s scrap oh they're both doing their hello
6311s dance they are doing their classic crab
6313s hello dance
6314s oh oh
6315s side to side oh
6317s oh they're gonna water plate each other
6319s of course starting out strong
6323s all right damio is not wasting time all
6325s right that was rude i'm gonna have to
6328s have a word with you
6334s shogun i don't mean to be mean but i'm
6336s taking off that shell whoa oh wow the
6338s daimyo jump i forgot about oh it's such
6340s a good attack shogun with his sights out
6344s look at that
6347s let's see if i get some hits no time to
6349s come back
6351s even just the fact that crabs have blue
6352s blood instead of red oh no they're nice
6356s yeah have you have you seen daimyo's
6358s grab attack yes i've been grabbed by
6360s diamond it's so good
6362s like it grabbed so often it's not a
6364s purposeful thing i think it's
6364s subconscious i just like being grabbed
6366s by a crab
6368s grabbed by a crab
6371s i love this they're just inflicting each
6372s other with water blade over and over
6374s it's very helpful isn't it
6376s oh yeah he started with gravios so he
6378s actually has his water attack yeah
6381s also i'll say the egg and multi-monster
6384s hunts
6385s awesome oh yes
6386s it's everything
6389s oh i'm bleeding oh no oh no oh no me too
6393s no please time you let me heal
6398s bleed is brutal in celebration oh yeah
6400s oh gosh oh what's that especially
6402s against i think you just rip sugar yeah
6408s time for egg
6413s wow yeah like there's the sides wow okay
6417s now i need to drop out of nowhere
6418s there's two crabs
6422s heard you he went full defense mode
6426s oh here we go we have control oh the
6429s sound of the the blade claws yeah right
6431s little tiny things just oh it's so bold
6435s and now i get to do the ultimate crab
6437s attack
6439s crab on crap oh yeah you can make him do
6441s the job
6445s well i mean when you think about you
6447s know what moves a crab would have like
6448s you wouldn't you wouldn't guess this and
6450s i love it it's such a brilliant
6452s hilarious move like jumping up and
6454s hiding inside the shell now i'm
6455s disappointed that the crab doesn't do
6457s that in real life
6459s where's my jumper
6463s becomes a big hit oh
6465s is that the shell gun the shell is yeah
6467s that's the shell the shell's gone oh my
6469s god he's been he has been freed
6472s we affectionately refer to that as the
6474s nub poor show gun
6479s i can't i cannot take the shell joking
6483s seriously
6485s the part it's hard not to look it goes
6487s from like the most badass thing ever
6491s we'll get you a new shell
6494s because i mean maybe he's currently just
6496s getting blasted by the other crab as
6498s well daimyo's just haunted loving it
6500s look at that time
6502s he's absolutely destroying he's acting
6504s like he's being wiven written right now
6506s yeah daimyo is like yeah i'm pink crab
6509s oh my god he really is just genuinely
6513s attacking shogun
6516s it's not weakness and it is capitalizing
6518s what oh what shells it gonna be
6521s oh they're both off
6523s oh what's he got
6524s oh
6539s get rid of that shell
6544s that's another way to get rid of the
6546s shell
6546s oh i need to why buck away
6550s congratulations damien
6553s yeah you've won this battle you've won
6555s you well he was the only one with them
6557s actively fighting his friends i did not
6559s honestly i thought shogun would have the
6561s edge but daimyo bringing it in for the
6564s blunt damage like yeah yeah
6567s was inherently a crab killer
6573s oh he's bleeding he's got his purple
6574s bubbles no he's hiding it's all good
6577s we need the egg
6580s it's the only answer
6591s [Music]
6595s can we break it when he's dead
6599s can we keep just breaking him
6602s i will break you
6606s there we go there we go have you seen
6608s the whole leg i've seen a little
6609s hardcore and what we're going to get
6611s from time here that was a fun hyundai
6612s like they're really fun to hunt the the
6614s crabs yeah i love i love i think
6616s this is so much more fun sun break
6626s oh yeah like austin's saying obviously
6628s we've got the gravios shell and one and
6629s a monopolist
6631s and shell on diamond
6633s yeah we now know why monoblocks and
6635s gravios didn't
6636s break the details they've been wiped out
6638s they got intercepted by the crap yeah
6640s they got an interceptor
6642s they have so much detail
6645s yeah like this
6646s a little hexagon patterning it's it's
6648s just
6650s there's just so much in there yeah
6653s like the detail to like just the shelves
6655s alone like it's brilliant
6658s i have so much respect for the team when
6659s they're designing these monsters and
6660s they're little bits and lots well like
6662s if you're just following a monster
6663s around and seeing what they get up to
6665s when they're not fighting you yeah i
6667s love that stuff
6668s yeah daimyo still does his passive like
6670s foraging which is awesome to see
6677s yeah michael it's great to have the rage
6679s gaming guys with me they're looking
6680s after me making sure the master rank
6682s monsters don't uh beat me
6687s um i bought some break and it won't
6689s update my base rise um and assuming
6691s you've completed the seven star hunt uh
6695s cersei seven star gathering hub hunt uh
6698s seven goddess of thunder if you've done
6699s that you'll be able to upgrade what i'd
6702s say is make sure you've spoken to
6705s ron dean
6706s in kamura village she won't be by the in
6708s the buddy area she'll be kind of like on
6710s the bridge in the main area so if not
6713s make sure you chat to rondine and that
6714s will allow you to start the summary
6716s content
6724s hey momma i don't know but i do now so
6726s thank you i'll let the team know
6730s but thank you for joining us as well um
6733s our insect grave friend and we'll see if
6735s we get someone else to jump in some
6736s hunts now as well and join us for some
6738s more goodness what do we fancy next
6740s though guys what a what should go on the
6741s hunting menu do we want to do we want to
6744s give mousaino a go
6746s i was just thinking that i think it
6748s might be the right time
6749s let's do it let's do it
6759s crimson moonlight
6764s obviously a lot of people have had a bit
6765s of practice in the demo taking on a very
6768s amped up version of mousaino but let me
6770s tell you in the full game
6773s malzaino yes please if you could just so
6775s we can get someone else to join a hunt
6776s thank you so much for joining us for
6778s those two that was good fun um you know
6780s marzano is no pushover in the full game
6789s such a good flagship
6795s like i'm about to take a look at the
6796s armor skills so if you want to avoid
6799s armor skill spoilers for malzaino's set
6802s look away look away for about 20 seconds
6805s so yeah without without saying it out
6807s loud the special skill of melzino's
6809s armor is one of my favorite in the
6811s entirety of sun break
6812s let's have a look at that i'll bring up
6813s let's get like these skills like you
6816s know that i'm showing
6818s are the skills i love even like
6821s and this one isn't a big spoiler so i'll
6822s say it part breaker like
6825s i love the skills on this armor and then
6828s i'm going to show the special armor
6830s skill as well
6832s don't worry about your gear
6837s i love that i love that so much so yeah
6839s you're safe to look back at the screen
6840s now
6841s but i definitely definitely want that
6843s armor set
6844s definitely on that armor set
6848s and uh for those that want to join us we
6849s do have a slot to take on the embodiment
6851s of darkness mount zeno so feel free to
6854s hop in
6857s no worries no worries i mean you know
6860s everyone well most people watching all
6861s know what the monsters we're fighting
6862s are because they've been revealed so far
6864s but i know some of you like a surprise
6865s with the armor sets it's kind of like
6867s opening up a present and you're like
6869s okay that's awesome
6871s what's inside and then you get to
6872s discover that and build craft and
6874s theorycraft
6875s yeah and enjoy that but as well you know
6878s there's also if you do want to find out
6879s and you want to hand build in some armor
6881s sets there are lots of you know not lots
6883s yet but there will be videos coming out
6885s and there are ones out there like you
6886s know the rage gaming guys funnily enough
6888s nice little segue like you know
6891s smooth oh yes they've been putting out
6893s some helpful videos as well to help you
6895s ease into master rank and um you know
6898s i'm sure we'll see some stuff around you
6899s know some cool sets to look out for in
6901s the future
6902s absolutely the amount of fun
6905s yet still really powerful builds you can
6907s do with some brakes new armor skills is
6909s silly like it's so good like it's so
6911s exciting they've done a really good job
6913s of making things that aren't just like
6915s straight up attack still be very closely
6918s competitive in a way where you can use
6919s them and not feel like you're missing
6921s out
6922s that's a good feeling yeah the amount of
6924s hours just stood in front of the smithy
6928s looking armor and imagining it together
6930s and it's just it's is it's an addiction
6933s and a problem and i don't care
6936s and what i love as well is that i'm a
6938s huge fan of elemental and status and
6940s obviously the recent patch notes we saw
6942s big buffs to elemental damage on weapons
6945s and obviously there's some armor skills
6947s around as well that uh
6949s help with elements so i'm really excited
6951s to see once people you know really
6953s settle into mastering
6955s and kind of start bill crafting more and
6957s how we see like you know element and raw
6959s stand up beside each other and status as
6961s well like i can't wait to really
6963s experiment with elemental sets
6964s personally
6966s yeah that's really good to see because
6967s in in base rise
6970s one and a half weapons used element and
6972s that was it
6974s whereas i think that's going to be a
6976s big shift yeah i think there's a good
6978s chance that hunting horn is a lot more
6980s elementally focused now with a lot of i
6981s don't know if you've um seen charge
6983s blade but element charge blade is
6986s ridiculous oh yeah
6990s and also just look at this map we have
6992s espionage we have luna garron and
6994s malzaino
6996s that's i like it yeah
6997s he's moving around because he's not the
6998s target it's a little deep though he's
7000s having a little stomp i mean would you
7003s want to sleep when there's a blood
7004s sucking monster around yeah i'd be too
7006s scared i'll be wrapped up in a blanket
7009s to be fair i suppose i should be um like
7011s really good against it because he's so
7012s heavily armored
7014s yeah i chip a tooth you're like ah yeah
7016s yeah like all the little things to just
7018s fly like ah
7023s oh
7024s i still can't get over mouse and it was
7026s teleport it's it's incredible like like
7029s i didn't know malzeno had that move uh
7031s until i fought it in the demo
7034s and
7034s oh i i made it i made a little squealing
7037s sound i was like that's so cool because
7039s like yeah i cannot i cannot wait for
7041s everyone to see our initial reaction to
7043s nasa notice it's like so good you know
7045s when you think vampires obviously you
7046s know there's the bloodsucking and the
7047s aesthetic but yeah it's not often kind
7050s of those other powers like the teleport
7052s and things yeah that's what because like
7053s the quick like it's like almost turns
7055s into bats darts somewhere and then
7056s reforms
7058s it's incredible it's so good and like
7059s not only does it look and sound cool but
7061s it's so practical in combat and you know
7064s how you fight around it and against it
7066s it's just amazing
7069s oh my god
7072s and how much he uses his wings like a
7074s cloak yeah i love it i love everything
7076s about the design and malzaino in general
7079s definitely one of my favorite uh
7080s flagships
7082s i i think i think malzahnow has
7085s booked himself a place in my top 10 all
7087s time if i if i had to call it this early
7091s his aesthetic his fight the
7094s themes like there's there's really
7095s nothing about him that's not and the
7097s blood flight as well like yeah is such a
7100s fun light like i love it like the fact
7103s that it encourages you to get back in
7105s there instead of sitting there drinking
7107s half effective potions yeah is really
7109s cool like it's such a good little risk
7110s reward except even max potions won't
7112s like you know
7116s have a max potion you're getting like 40
7118s of your health like oh okay
7121s and it's such a good flight again did i
7124s eat i can't remember did i eat i can't
7126s remember i didn't
7129s just absolutely wrecked me there's me
7132s just going oh no surely you've also
7133s can't hit that hard yet
7138s wow
7140s oh no
7145s yeah see that's one of the things that
7147s suddenly is really cool like he has so
7149s many attacks that give you a moment of
7151s coming in i'm dead yep you know it's not
7154s quite yet but you know there's nothing
7155s you can do about it yeah i mean even in
7157s that like you said like creeping doom
7160s yeah oh i hadn't eaten that that also
7162s explains why i'm a little bit all right
7164s okay yeah that that definitely uh turned
7167s yeah that'll help
7169s jonah's
7179s i love the gear oh i love the monster
7182s his theme is so good as well and the
7184s great sword as well doesn't it make like
7186s a like a sound when you're charging it
7189s yeah the um it's
7190s like his weapons all have this theme
7192s that they're like they start as this
7194s like little septum with a red
7195s crystalline and then the weapon is built
7197s as an extension to that and whenever
7199s weapons do they're like signature thing
7201s it like powers up and pulses and it's
7203s just honestly mal's no greatsword is
7206s cemented itself as my third favorite
7209s greatsword design of all time wow it's
7212s so cool so because what's your top three
7214s is it like the bone great sword yeah my
7217s my favorite all time is just the good
7219s classic wyvern jaw blade the the big
7221s sharpened toothy box i just i think it's
7224s everything great sword is just put a
7226s handle in a big bone and hit things with
7228s it
7228s and then
7229s second somewhat the extreme opposite
7232s that is the super techie rocket powered
7233s great sword from world and iceborn oh
7236s yes
7238s but now's the now is
7240s massively third because i had a hard
7241s time choosing third before it changed it
7243s constantly but god damn it's so good
7246s what if i become oh thank you oh no oh
7249s no oh thank you i appreciate it i got
7253s toaded oh wow and then obviously marzano
7256s can transform like there's the time
7258s right yeah oh
7260s that has a form change mid-fight is just
7263s oh once it's absorbed enough blood then
7267s yeah you're
7275s and once again we're reminded that it is
7278s the toad's world and we're just hunting
7280s it
7281s that's why i bring them is i just want
7283s to bring them to where they belong i
7284s almost don't want to wake him up like
7286s look at him the tail is like even his
7288s little like fluff of like the glowing
7290s chest like hair stuff he's got going on
7292s like that's that's curious isn't it
7294s oh is it is it nestled curious i just
7297s hide it in it yeah oh i understand it oh
7299s it is it's just a beard of curious
7301s that's a really good point yeah i never
7303s even realized that little detail yeah
7305s it's really good
7307s oh my god it is
7309s that's so cool
7310s the armed the armed ones too
7314s oh no i've been grappled
7316s oh yeah
7319s so it's so good
7322s honestly i i
7323s deeply hope one day we get another
7325s version of malzahar he just he deserves
7328s look at that like drinks my blood throws
7330s me aside like trash and then jumps on me
7336s that's what i call a good night
7338s i love this genuinely best friendship
7339s since since energy which i've realized
7342s that many flagships but like no g was
7345s that good yeah yeah definitely like if
7348s you if you ignore nergie it's probably
7349s my favorite flagship since crap so
7351s that's that's
7353s that's how much i like him
7356s malzaina is just bullying at me i'm
7357s getting absolutely like i'll say it
7359s malzahnow is better than god mcgowan
7362s oh oh those are fighting words i'll say
7365s it that's i will die on that hill you've
7367s summoned before you now you probably
7369s will die you're gonna have jaguaru is a
7371s closer conversation but he's definitely
7373s better than god
7376s i mean i love them both equally you know
7378s yeah
7384s they're all my master children
7386s oh it's you my lot yeah
7394s yes give me more blood light let me heal
7396s on my own attacks please
7403s oh and he's raw as well the kittenator
7406s just tried to get him up during that it
7407s just made it look extra epic very rude
7409s can't eat that
7413s yeah they're getting today
7419s eggs got eggs are in charge now take
7422s that elder dragon you're no match for
7424s eggs
7427s [Music]
7430s oh i just got like blood
7432s whoa and the follow-up is more like that
7435s almost took you out in one attack it did
7437s i'm getting bullied
7439s [Music]
7440s oh oh look at him go
7443s very cool monster even just the
7444s atmosphere on the map i got bloodstone
7446s from a shiny oh
7448s wait seriously yeah yeah
7451s beautiful for those who don't know
7453s mantles are the rarest drops you can get
7455s from uh yeah that's one percent from the
7457s shiny so uh thank you valzeno vote down
7463s now
7466s am i your favorite now
7470s oh
7471s i love how he moves
7474s it's so ellie like it genuinely
7477s called him vampire volcano but i feel
7480s like that's i'm just telling you
7482s all right i'll feel the poison sorry
7484s about the toad
7486s i said you can cause all this havoc and
7487s then just like i'll heal that don't
7489s worry
7490s i deliberately poison my allies just so
7492s i can then kill them oh wow i just like
7494s being thanked even for things that i
7496s cause so with blood fly i need a hit
7498s malzaino to heal now because yeah as you
7500s said earlier my healing items are half
7502s as effective
7504s it really is a battle of uh widths and
7507s strength
7510s really makes you nervous especially when
7512s you're in that one or two hit range
7514s oh yeah
7517s yeah there he is so good the teleporter
7520s the sound effect on his teleport it's
7523s just yeah
7524s i would love to know what the origin of
7526s that is
7529s i would too i love it so much
7531s i'd also like the teleport like it can
7533s it can go quite a distance like we've
7535s seen it use quite close range but yeah
7537s no it can cross its own yeah in an
7539s instant if you think you're safe like
7541s i've been sharpening at the other side
7542s of the zone i'll need to have a mauser
7544s don't drop on my head from a teleport
7547s it's like hello there
7549s what is a hunter
7551s yeah oh gosh oh gosh
7553s oh he's coming for you
7556s not working i was low and he could he
7557s can taste it
7559s knocking me out of hyper armor attacks
7561s as well like yeah it takes a lot of
7564s knock back on your attacks to do that oh
7566s teleport up to me
7568s the tail is so dangerous
7570s it is yeah it really is it's the way he
7572s attacks with it in two states he puts it
7574s down and then he just shoves it out for
7576s you yeah
7577s oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
7579s oh
7580s i'm gonna pop that healing through wow
7582s yeah his waves of death lay down inside
7584s of this and the fact his tail looks like
7586s a scepter as well which is the same kind
7587s of vibe of this weapon
7590s the concept are obviously you know
7591s showing how it can grab things as well
7593s yeah like mousaino is
7596s made for like
7597s grabbing and consuming
7602s there is nothing i like more than a
7603s prehensile tail let me tell you not
7605s nothing on this planet nothing nothing
7608s nothing quite like a bridge
7613s oh
7614s i need to be careful here yeah i'm a
7617s little bit concerned you're in a bit of
7618s a corner he's just like yeah you're just
7620s in a corner getting
7622s absolutely annihilated this is fine
7625s oh yeah nice got good window there
7630s oh oh my goodness right interrupt it
7632s with the name but it wasn't enough i
7634s love that mouselando can just absolutely
7636s beat me up in faster right gear like
7638s yeah
7639s and the music is just playing yeah
7641s there's so many layers
7642s what makes this marzano grey
7654s because he can you know why not
7656s but yeah
7657s going back to bloodlight i love it
7659s though because as you said you know
7660s most like you know statuses or negative
7663s ailments you know it's not like you need
7664s to think about
7665s you know
7666s evasive or retreating to either yeah
7670s bloodline is the polar opposite it's
7672s like yeah you're in danger now you need
7674s to be in more danger to get rid of it
7676s and if you if you face that challenge
7678s down and you know overcome it then
7680s you're rewarded with healing like it
7682s totally flips
7683s your usual kind of like
7685s uh thought pattern on the head for
7687s dealing with like flights and things
7689s yeah like i've started really loving it
7691s when i get blood light because
7694s with how meaty great sword hits are it's
7696s like genuinely a really large amount of
7698s healing
7699s so it's like all right let's go oh dude
7702s if you go full aggression mode you can
7704s you can really do a monster's damage if
7706s you got blood blade off
7708s oh
7711s that was unexpected
7714s picking the new boy for a spin empire's
7717s first is werewolves
7722s oh whoa
7724s wait what
7727s the tail jab
7728s all right here we go here we go oh it's
7731s fight time it's fight time yum yum oh
7734s pvp no pvp
7737s oh oh it's just like stories
7740s stories too back again
7749s oh thank you for the materials
7753s i love cotton's in there with an egg
7755s like two giant
7757s monsters two of the three lords fight
7759s each other and then comes like kind of
7760s after you an egg in this trying time
7762s like
7762s what what i just figure if i can you
7764s gotta give them a meal
7766s oh
7767s you get thrown off the bridge he threw
7769s me off the bridge after the weapon right
7773s no respect
7775s right
7776s like
7777s money
7779s well i don't think the monsters really
7780s appreciate getting written to be honest
7782s with you
7783s look it's not up to them literally
7785s time for the double egg can we finish
7787s off oh yes
7794s [Music]
7796s the double still find shockwave as well
7799s yes
7801s again
7802s slide b oh i totally whipped it oh dodge
7805s oh oh
7807s he did his own slide
7809s the slidiest defeats
7811s oh i'm gonna get hit
7818s the kittenater do that
7820s i don't know it was like a tiny bit too
7822s short but it might have clipped a wing
7825s oh my goodness
7827s i'm gonna bring in some light after that
7829s one
7830s oh yeah
7834s oh yeah i should oh where have i gone oh
7836s no i fell off the bridge i want my loot
7839s it's not so funny now is it yeah this is
7841s the worst time to fall off a bridge
7844s is it when's the when's a good time
7846s that's when there's a net
7848s that that is true
7853s what we're gonna get so i got bloodstone
7854s from a shiny so i'm very happy with that
7858s yeah i don't need anything else now i
7859s might as well just leave the other loot
7860s to us yeah yeah take my creams
7863s but not really
7866s [Music]
7868s oh yeah i've still got an egg attached
7869s to him
7872s do i have time trying to grow that up
7874s for the future sonic blue
7877s i love the animation for swapping it's
7879s so emphatic
7881s it is no worries helix well done for
7883s getting your demo revenge
7886s it was a pleasure it was brutal in the
7889s demo espanol was just strolling in the
7891s back at the end yeah i know he was just
7893s look at the kill screen it's just a
7895s fully extended kittens
7898s doing its best oh you can't quite see it
7900s in yours i am such oh
7903s you're gonna have to just look like i'm
7904s punishing yeah i will i will grab i will
7906s grab you this
7907s mouse know looks so offended that this
7910s would be used again just think finishing
7912s off with a steak
7914s it's very thematic very accurate
7919s that is awesome thank you for joining us
7921s as well helix well played there and i
7923s think with that
7924s i think that's a good time you know to
7926s wrap up today's stream but oh yeah i'll
7928s have i'll have a look at that on on
7930s discord just like oh let me let me have
7932s a little peek
7936s oh my god that's hilarious yeah
7939s like malzado's just got this side eye
7941s like really really a steak
7944s that's so cliche i mean how dare you oh
7947s my goodness
7948s um but yeah that is that is awesome um
7952s but yeah so you know this we're going to
7953s be doing a few more streams uh over
7955s launch week and beyond you know it's sun
7957s break sun break is out like let's see
7960s like that's a really good like it's
7962s actually it's it's still sinking in
7964s really yeah same like i can't believe
7966s like the reception has been incredible
7967s so far you know on switch and steam and
7970s for those as well you know if you are
7971s reporting any bugs or issues thank you
7973s we are seeing them the team are you know
7976s working through them so thank you all so
7978s so much and you know tell us your
7981s feedback you know like what are you
7982s liking what have you jumped into what's
7984s really caught your eye what do you love
7986s about the expansion the most because
7987s obviously on the community side i'm
7990s going through taking notes across you
7991s know reddit youtube
7994s steam forums twitter facebook instagram
7997s so let us know let us know what you're
7998s liking as well like you know what
8002s youtube
8005s so yeah let us know um but yeah sunbreak
8007s is live now on switch and pc you can
8009s jump in
8010s right now
8012s and enjoy master rank
8014s and you know we'll be streaming again
8015s tomorrow and next week and i'll have
8018s some new guests with me as well but i'm
8020s so pleased that you know to have josh
8023s and cotton join me for the launch stream
8025s you know it's great to hunt with you
8026s guys
8027s um and to you know
8029s explore master rank together like thank
8032s you thank you very much for the
8033s information this has been fantastic and
8036s you know i'm sure you guys all already
8037s know this but if not you can find the
8040s guys at rage gaming videos on youtube
8042s and twitch go drop them a like drop them
8044s a subscribe and check out their sunbreak
8046s content
8047s because there's a lot of fun stuff in
8048s there as well um and yeah you know we
8051s should be around tomorrow probably
8052s around 2 p.m to 4 p.m bst time when we
8056s start it depends how busy i am during
8058s the day collating your feedback but we
8060s will be doing more hunting tomorrow and
8061s it should be a ton of fun but once again
8065s thank you josh thank you cotton the pro
8067s and noobs it's been awesome
8069s thank you very much for having us i'm
8071s going to be dreaming of eggs now
8073s all right sis
8075s it doesn't end
8077s and on that note i've been jono they've
8080s been rage gaming and you've been awesome
8082s enjoy sun break have a fantastic evening
8085s and i'll see you tomorrow good night
8088s bye
8089s happy hunting
8096s [Music]
8109s [Music]
8134s [Music]
8151s [Music]
8172s so
8177s [Music]
8183s [Music]
8220s [Music]
8254s do
8256s [Music]
8269s [Music]
8289s you
almost 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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914s hello everyone and welcome to the
915s gathering hub my name is jono emea
918s community manager for monster hunter and
919s it is awesome to see you sun break is
921s live we can all jump into elgato right
924s now it is awesome to see you i am so
926s hype i am so excited i can't wait to
929s enjoy master rank with you all
931s and today as well i am really pleased to
934s say that we are joined by rage gaming
936s videos pro and noobs themselves that's
938s right i'm in very safe hands
940s so without further ado i'm going to flip
942s over to the gameplay and i will allow
946s the guys to introduce themselves
948s what's up
949s hello
950s what
952s tada
955s the spirit fingers would imply
957s how are you doing gentlemen it is
959s awesome to have you here
962s thank you very much for inviting us yeah
964s thank you everyone seems very very happy
967s and excited in chat i mean like i mean
969s what after all this time sun breakers
971s here we are here obviously you gentlemen
974s is as those can see from your
975s magnificent mask
979s you are you are a little bit ahead of of
981s me who is a humble mrf
985s you know i i'm getting there i'm getting
987s there um but yeah so the plan today
989s everyone is obviously we have some very
991s special guests with us and we are going
993s to be jumping into some hunts and as you
994s can see we have one slot we have a space
997s for a hunter so what we're going to do
999s we're going to get you in and we're
1000s going to rotate every one hunt so you're
1002s going to jump in have a hunt with us in
1004s master rank and then we will get stuck
1006s in as well let me know if the audio is
1007s fine because obviously when we're in the
1008s hunt there's going to be a lot of dutin
1010s and i want to make sure that you can
1011s hear uh josh and cotton um i know don't
1015s they look so fashionable
1017s i know because i know they're all loving
1018s your your pink coat con
1020s yeah
1021s yeah i wish i could well
1026s all in good time all in good time as we
1029s as the streams go on you know we'll
1031s we'll be able to share a little bit more
1032s of the end game bits but for now to help
1035s protect you all from spoilers we won't
1037s be going past any mr5 stuff for those
1039s watching so don't worry um there will be
1042s no major spoilers you won't see the last
1044s boss you won't see last boss armor and
1045s last boss weapons and stuff like that um
1048s i know i know soon soon
1051s i know you are enjoying it already
1053s you get the power
1055s um
1056s so those are asking what armor are you
1058s wearing
1060s okay so this is a bit of a mix set it's
1063s got uh so the pirate armor set which you
1065s can unlock through the buddy system via
1066s the back room deals in the argosy that's
1068s where you get the pirate part which is
1070s just the jacket actually i've got
1072s buhari's armor set for the the pants in
1074s the helmet which you unlock through
1076s follower quests
1077s and i've got the hot gloves which you
1079s can get just through a side quest you
1081s pick up at one point through the story
1082s oh very nice and josh has gone on a run
1084s josh have you updated your fashion at
1086s all since i was just putting on the uh
1089s here we go
1090s the poor pirates
1091s oh my god i really i really like it
1093s don't get me wrong but the great sword
1096s clips through the coat constantly and it
1098s drives me crazy so i can't i can't wear
1100s it
1101s this is your kind of like dinner jacket
1102s you know when it's time yeah exactly
1105s yeah especially like mine because in
1106s this color scheme it looks like a
1108s one-piece admiral and
1110s yeah you do look like this
1113s you've got your one piece we're very
1114s anime at the moment yeah
1118s right so
1120s i'm sorry after you
1121s where i've just stolen all those legs
1124s he'll need those
1126s yeah especially
1128s this would be really cruel it's it's
1130s subtler than mr
1132s bombastic over there but i i think it
1135s works subtle when you look at it
1139s what i'll do then let's open up the
1140s lobby and obviously
1142s we are going to
1144s you know look to do some mastering
1146s quests between master right one and five
1149s um so do jump in i do ask though if you
1152s if you have happened to beaten the last
1153s boss already somehow please don't come
1155s in with the last boss armor don't make
1157s me sad
1158s jealous even um so
1161s we're gonna open up the lobby now and so
1163s the lobby settings are and this is on pc
1165s by the way um so i'm gonna copy the
1167s lobby id and i'm gonna put that in chat
1169s for everyone
1171s and then the password as well as you
1174s might need that and then we're we're
1176s gonna do some hunts we're gonna have
1177s some fun um and hopefully i won't triple
1180s car because that would be awkward
1184s all right i'm just as likely to cart
1186s i've gotten really reckless in some
1187s break oh yes there you go
1189s lightning that was how was your uh how
1192s are you oh there we go very snazzy
1194s um would you like to pick a master rank
1197s quest assurance we'll let you pick this
1199s one
1200s nice to meet you too
1202s i feel
1204s deeply bad for whatever monster monsters
1206s [Laughter]
1210s well i mean we've got two hunting horns
1211s nothing can survive that one exactly and
1213s i i've got to admit i love the
1215s horn stuff like the songs the silk binds
1218s oh me too what have we got i've spent
1220s like 80 hours listening to hunting hard
1226s last thing because when you're playing
1227s with mountain horn user you know
1229s you can't escape the tunes you're you
1231s are there no admittedly the sun break
1233s hunting han's actual music sounds have
1235s been really cool like i keep finding
1237s myself just muttering them every time he
1239s plays the song
1242s right and i'm going to be using the new
1243s hopping skill i can't get enough of the
1245s hopping skills by the way i use them all
1246s oh yeah
1249s is i always put medic as my third one
1251s because it's still a buff there's not a
1253s real negative to it um and then i kind
1256s of mix up the other two but i always eat
1257s comfy like i like my defender
1260s um you know level four defender is
1264s ridiculous
1265s yeah he's a big fan of permanent super
1267s divine blessing
1269s but i also i've got full recovery up on
1272s most of my actual sets now so that plus
1274s medic is just really great how would
1277s game play right there
1279s howard as in never has to stop and heal
1281s manually if you're not playing on five
1283s percent health with heroics you're not a
1284s proper monster
1292s just showing everyone the new uh
1294s the new dango cut scene oh wait
1297s it occurs to me i should i should put on
1299s my fancy hat for this as well oh yes
1301s absolutely
1305s yeah i love how over the top using the
1307s train to bring the tangos oh yeah yeah
1310s like it's from right over it would be
1312s easier to just walk the ten feet to the
1314s dango stall with them no i'm sure
1316s they're not worried about the cost of
1317s running a steam train 24 hours a day to
1319s deliver food
1321s actually that's a really good point
1323s they say so they get a good tip
1328s this is an outpost obviously
1330s hastily thrown together to deal with the
1332s story of sun break and yet someone
1334s somewhere when
1335s we need
1336s a roller coaster track
1339s otherwise we're doomed
1342s this is the way you know it's a
1343s competitive world in the culinary
1344s industry you know you've got to corner
1346s the market somehow yeah exactly
1353s so here we are we are fighting a master
1354s rank anjana
1356s um so this is always a spicy hunt
1362s and those watching as well you can see
1363s that i'm using luna garron's hunting
1365s horn and i have elemental attack boost
1367s stamina recovery up and my personal
1369s favorite
1370s sharpness regeneration what are you
1372s rocking cotton what's your hunting horn
1373s saying ooh i've got the uh the big boy
1376s kamura hunting horn
1377s which is fun to have and it's actually
1380s extremely good at the top rank it's got
1382s a defense up attack up and the health
1384s recovery small with antidote song oh my
1386s goodness that is like the full spread
1389s yeah it's pretty nice to have all those
1392s yeah honeycomb being able to essentially
1394s have infinite sharpnesses is quite
1396s something
1397s oh the sharpness songs like the mountain
1399s oh horn with
1401s sharpness
1402s regen and less sharpness used is
1404s literally infinite
1406s yeah i've seen that one i do want to
1407s make it because like if i'm not running
1409s within like an elemental team like
1411s that's going to be the go-to i think for
1413s me
1415s yeah i was very excited when cotton
1417s stopped using it because it meant i
1418s actually had to get out of west stone
1421s i wanted to explore other things if it
1423s also had a taco then it would be just
1425s like unbeatably good oh gosh
1430s this is engine up obviously most of you
1432s will recognize them but
1434s like every other uh base rise monster
1436s has some new tricks up their sleeve
1438s uh in master rank so you really have to
1440s be on your toes
1443s yeah that's one thing that's really
1444s worth mentioning like the amount of new
1446s attacks the mass strike monsters have
1447s got it's it's ridiculous
1451s get even stronger like like in ice bomb
1454s you fight a master at monster and you're
1455s like is that you i can't is that no is
1458s that okay maybe where is this time
1460s around it's like oh my god like goss
1462s herrag is a perfect his master actor is
1464s ridiculous oh i love it
1470s oh nice
1485s oh okay
1487s all the bonus hits of the shock wave
1488s were scary all right hunting i don't
1490s like that i'm not ready i'm not ready
1492s for this no pressure we're all watching
1494s you and there's a raffle that's just
1495s turned up no no no no no no no no
1498s okay
1513s wake up it is now it's so sad okay
1516s cutting horn wake up it's good too thank
1518s you guys we got this we got the egg
1520s [Music]
1521s my egg can do over 2 000 damage to a
1523s sleeping monster
1525s that's so much damage
1538s here
1543s i like to imagine that he's poisoned
1544s because he bonked him against the wrath
1546s yeah a hundred percent
1549s hit a thorn
1553s oh i just
1554s i just swapped baited straight into a
1556s fireball
1562s and for those wondering who aren't like
1563s hunting more players yes the sharpest
1565s regeneration play applies to your
1568s hunting party as long as they're in
1579s it's not even just great swords like
1580s it's enough sharpness region i don't
1582s have to sharpen neither so i'm into it
1589s look at all these hits when you've got a
1590s still fine shock wave up and then you're
1592s doing like magnificent trio with the
1594s infernal melody just numbers
1597s one little trick i noticed with the the
1599s shockwaves as well is if you do it on
1600s top of a dead monster it will still make
1602s the shockwaves and then they hit the
1603s living markets
1610s look it's just really fun to see all the
1612s numbers pop up yeah like my sharpness is
1614s full so cruel yeah
1618s i shall now play the celebration death
1621s song
1622s turning someone's rib cage into a
1623s xylophone
1626s that's the whole dream of a hunting horn
1628s though
1629s here is 20 party monster under is out of
1631s ideas introducing
1633s the river phone dance dance monster
1639s every weapon is now hunting on
1643s yes that's the ultimate version
1652s i've not tried something look hit the
1653s hammer then
1655s i've messed with it it's really fun i
1657s think it's a lot more elemental now oh
1659s that's very cool i love it
1664s i don't what what is this
1666s what what are you using oh use your
1669s search
1671s what else start using charge master and
1673s then come talk
1675s let's let's wait
1677s play a lot of monsters
1678s that's new to me
1686s i love having these so we got rock and
1687s we've got like is that a flute
1690s yeah it's a big flute like
1691s we've got a new genre of music we
1693s created wall hunting i love it it's like
1696s it's just real tall
1699s i think that engine f was about to get
1701s captured and we did so much damage that
1703s it died in between
1705s scattered no no no no no no no no it
1706s gives you a cab okay okay
1714s yeah that was a good first hunt i'm
1716s feeling warmed up
1718s yeah well internet will help with that
1720s he's got the fire that's true
1722s that is true metaphorically and
1723s physically warmed up
1725s helper rewards hey so helper awards
1728s confirmed there
1729s very very nice
1733s i guess because we help someone a lower
1734s master rank than us
1736s oh so we've got we got monster bits
1739s there as well
1740s yeah we've just been hunting with each
1741s other so that's new for us
1743s there we go confirmed everyone
1749s [Music]
1754s but that was it that was a lovely hunt
1755s thank you for jumping in azura that was
1758s a great hunt to get us geared up for the
1759s stream thank you so so much
1762s yeah that was fun
1763s i got to get some mails going
1766s do we fancy i know a lot of people might
1768s want to be seeing like espionage should
1769s we should we do an espionage hunt
1774s i'm always oppressed for this
1776s obviously
1777s you're you're a bit of a josh you're a
1779s bit of a frontier expert arguably you
1781s know you've done a lot of coverage on on
1783s frontier
1784s um tell us more about espionage
1788s ah well
1789s me and espence go way back you know it
1791s was poor backing back in that now is is
1795s honestly as i said in a few videos you
1797s could not choose a better frontier
1799s monster if you were going to put a
1800s frontier monster in the game not just
1801s because he's like the rafales equivalent
1804s overarching flagship but he is he's
1806s normal enough to not look too crazy but
1810s he's also got just the tiniest bit of
1812s the mentalness to this frontier in being
1814s able to inflict poison fireblight and
1816s paralysis at the same time so you just
1818s have to lie on the floor
1820s paralyzed as you burn and poison to
1822s death which is hilarious the main
1824s difference is that obviously he still
1826s starts to sleep which is really unique
1828s even if you're beating on him for a
1829s while but in frontier he'll stand up
1832s when you finally wake up and you know in
1834s the morning when you wake up and you're
1835s still a bit groggy and you're kind of
1837s zombie zombie to the coffee before
1839s you're you're ready to go yeah in front
1841s here he has that phase a sort of in
1843s between where he just kind of wanders
1844s around sleepily while you still beat on
1846s him whereas in sun break he just skips
1848s it he goes straight to it's on the
1850s second you wake him up
1852s which i think is needed because sun
1854s breaks pace is so much faster oh yeah
1856s yeah like you mean you've got the the
1858s triple threat fireballs you've got the
1860s charge like yeah espanas espanaz is back
1863s in here to make it and a big impression
1865s um so what we're going to say so we're
1866s going to be doing obviously a mr4 hunt
1868s now
1869s so
1870s if you can hunt espionage feel free to
1872s join us
1873s um
1875s so i'm going to put in the lobby id
1876s there and the password so yes please be
1879s in a position to be able to fight
1880s espionage
1882s um
1883s otherwise i guess you would just be
1884s keeping the dango train running
1886s [Laughter]
1888s i don't want to know how good he looks
1891s oh yeah espionage is beautiful and you
1893s know like i think like frontier is still
1895s technically a monster hunter 2 engine
1898s game so it's like he has gotten a
1900s significant
1901s aesthetic upgrade oh absolutely oh yeah
1904s i won't forget my dango and yes my buddy
1906s did hit level 50 which is super awesome
1908s um my buddy my buddy also has some some
1911s of the new uh buddy kind of super moves
1914s as well um so keep an eye out for the
1916s kittenator
1918s now this one i'm gonna go i'm gonna get
1920s my fire resist right up i'm gonna get
1923s defender and medic because
1925s um i recently hunted espionage on
1927s another stream uh when i was catching up
1930s with ign and i got absolutely bodied
1932s like 30 seconds into the fight so
1937s i'm gonna i'm gonna try and escape that
1938s one
1939s uh
1941s okay let's like say we haven't got any
1942s hunters that are us but that's really
1943s obviously the game's just come out we
1945s have been playing a little bit ahead of
1947s launch so that is totally understandable
1949s so gentlemen shall we go and go fight
1952s espionage
1956s [Music]
1961s but yeah get ready for espana espinaz
1963s you know doesn't take prisoners um
1966s and here we are in the jungle as well
1968s one of the new slash returning locales
1971s um that you will be playing in sun break
1973s and you get into the jungle nice and
1974s early as well
1976s yeah yeah i was i love her
1979s they really really hold the citadel back
1981s which is really nice it's cool
1983s i just love they added so much
1985s verticality to this map that i really
1987s enjoy there's a lot to explore like up
1989s and down
1991s we're not hunting you today
1993s but i wouldn't take that
1994s you're getting a snippet of that theme
1997s vaguely from behind me
2000s oh well who's this sleeping beauty right
2001s here oh egg
2003s egg egg egg for wake up
2007s shall i egg as well
2009s yeah double leg
2010s oh no hold on you stay away philosophy
2015s i'm gonna do it in style
2017s right uh sonic blue we will double egg
2020s so you've done two already haven't you
2022s yeah yeah play play the final song to
2024s pop it like just a millisecond after i
2027s hit it and then it's like well i've got
2029s magnificent trio up shall i start that
2031s while you oh now
2033s right i'm going to magnificently treat
2035s you okay so
2037s all right i'll need to pop at the same
2039s time
2040s go oh you hit me you hit me with that
2042s song double egg
2044s my
2063s like yeah oh all the monsters are so big
2066s in masturbation like i swear they've all
2067s just got a huge size bomb
2069s i've i've always been one to say that i
2071s like bigger monsters more than i like
2072s smaller monsters just across the board
2076s i'm intimidated like i've not gotten yet
2078s i'm like okay leave me alone
2082s all right the the glower egg is mad it's
2084s so cool
2087s oh there's our stun there's going to be
2088s lots of those oh yes
2090s sonic blue
2091s that was my shoulder tackle thank you
2093s very much guys
2098s take this sharpness regeneration and
2100s appreciate me
2102s keep complaining no more sharpness for
2104s you oh he's going back to sleep oh he's
2106s going to sleep
2108s oh that would be a priest i think the
2110s sleep arrows
2112s wow
2113s my sharpness is perfect
2117s all right i'm ready for my contribution
2119s to the wake up egg on the side
2121s five thousand two hundred
2124s five and ride
2126s come on come on
2128s let's go
2129s westbona
2142s i'm not complaining but it's so good
2146s oh i need to turn around i'm too far
2147s away oh no i've ruined it no what have
2149s you done no my crap they're right there
2152s oh my they're sniping it what is this
2154s rage
2157s it's so much damage
2159s it's amazing
2164s that tail sweep as well
2167s yeah
2169s that is a direct uh direct translation
2172s from a frontier animation too i went and
2174s looked through my uh my old frontier
2175s gameplay and i saw a lot of these music
2184s wow all the old
2185s oh only two charges this time
2188s like a like a big green tigrex sometimes
2192s he really it really puts rather into
2194s shame
2195s just a little bit
2196s i mean this monster can canonically take
2199s on charlotte
2209s it's obviously
2210s sharon does not like poison in the
2212s slightest
2213s so attacking esperance is just uh
2217s very very sad for him
2223s i want to try to try and eat a fireball
2227s show off the power
2229s wow
2230s i'm wearing master and gear as well by
2232s the way like i am wearing high rank
2233s playing because i'm ready to mix that
2235s and i'm all about passion um but yeah
2237s that damage is great
2243s just wait wait until you get that uh
2244s that mel's milanese that we were talking
2246s about earlier get that on the egg you
2249s get that and the egg is just a constant
2251s full heal
2253s so i got hit there by the fireball i do
2255s have high fire assist but the paralysis
2257s and poison got
2263s come on
2264s come on espaness back in the eggs
2283s early oh no
2284s no
2286s halloween came really soon
2290s looks like easter's come oh
2293s they scrambled the egg
2297s i've just been cracked oh
2300s that didn't go exactly to plan
2302s [Laughter]
2304s and that ladies and gentlemen
2306s is espana's like is it like you think
2309s you're doing fine and you think you're
2310s on top of the hunt
2312s and espionage will humble you
2314s very quickly very quickly yeah
2317s i would take these whiff and tears
2319s oh i got an espana spike from a shiny
2322s yes
2323s victory
2328s come back there's more eggs i'm sure
2330s you're hungry
2331s oh no see as pronounced like say you
2333s think you get the upper hand
2335s like i don't think so
2337s there's a reason this monster's
2339s back oh yeah shout out if you get
2341s poisoned by the way i've got antidotes
2343s on
2344s no one no one wants that
2347s look all right i would rather die poison
2350s than have you killed me come on over
2352s here espana come on oh wow
2355s i shouldn't have made it on
2357s so you know this is like espana
2360s espinosa frontier frontier personified
2362s like big damage crazy moves like
2366s this
2367s this
2381s big him up you know we just yeah through
2383s early through the hunt and yeah i just
2385s think we need a whole egg curtain to go
2387s down hold on and then we'll be good
2388s priestex is able to join at mr1 that
2390s means that oh that's good
2392s that's good okay cool
2394s wait really yeah
2396s i don't remember that being a thing in
2398s the past so that's a
2400s that's an interesting that's that's very
2402s important
2403s how high does that go yeah
2406s that is very cool um oh yeah all of the
2408s quests say am i one or higher oh wow
2411s that's fantastic so if you're playing
2412s with your friends and you've got a head
2414s start
2415s you can kind of help them get some gear
2416s as well or show them some of your
2417s favorite mastering monsters so that's
2419s that's great for like approachability i
2421s think that's nice
2428s yeah because that would be funny welcome
2430s to monster hunter rise sun break here's
2432s shigeru magala
2433s [Laughter]
2436s don't get hit um so yeah as well like we
2439s were dangled up we're wearing like
2441s decent master ant gear and that shows
2443s you like what these monsters will do
2445s like
2447s so if anyone says that sun break is easy
2449s they're a
2451s liar and this ain't even the end of the
2454s monsters yet
2455s we're like around what would you say
2457s like upper mid mid mid game yeah
2461s yeah it just sounds like i think i think
2463s four star is about
2465s the halfway point just after yeah for
2467s the story
2469s yeah for the story
2471s people are very happy that you gentlemen
2473s are joining me today there's a lot of
2474s love for rage game in the chat
2477s well thank you everyone
2479s nice to have you here nice
2481s sadly espanaz doesn't share that uh
2483s welcome
2485s it's not cool
2487s espaness likes me i don't know what
2488s you're talking about do you not know who
2489s we are
2492s no espana sleeps on us
2502s where are you
2504s you're in here there we go
2508s an acting vengeance
2511s look at that right and i will put the
2512s lobby id back in so i guess anyone who
2515s wants to take on espionage with us is
2517s welcome to join
2518s um it is rage gaming with me we have
2521s josh and cotton the pro and noobs
2522s themselves
2524s right here
2525s it's very humbling to have you join us
2526s for launch um it's it's super super cool
2530s it's awesome to be here rage game it
2532s made me a great sword main say sleepiest
2535s boy as it should be
2538s as it should so retire so it is written
2541s and so it shall
2544s do you play horn and hammer secondarily
2546s it always catches me off guard that like
2548s the amount of uh comments and and stuff
2551s to that effect that's like yep i use i
2553s use great song because your videos and
2554s it's like oh well it's really cool yes
2558s it must be really good you know that the
2560s power of spreading the good word of
2561s great sword and obviously
2564s [Music]
2567s you change weapons too much here i'm
2569s good you don't have a you don't have a
2570s weapon
2571s you say that
2572s i've been drinking
2574s i've been hunting horn pretty much the
2575s entirety of rice i did a little bit of
2577s yes but you got into her eyes and
2578s immediately betrayed hammer so i mean
2581s yeah because huntinghorn is so much
2583s freaking fun now i have been faithful to
2585s this weapon for 16 years cotton
2590s well
2591s i have weapon commitment issues i'm
2592s sorry
2594s commitment issues
2596s we actually had a good question so nate
2598s would like to know who is the noob and
2600s who is the pro
2602s uh it depends on the hunt
2608s i mean obviously
2609s it genuinely started as i've obviously
2611s played every monster hunter and cotton
2613s has not played any monster hunter this
2615s is a fun concept a veteran teaching a
2617s new player whereas obviously now we've
2619s played essentially every monster at the
2621s game past the present
2622s only been like five years of us doing
2625s this something like that
2626s so it's more of a legacy title at this
2629s point
2633s now there is a debate in chat between
2634s the great sword and the hunting horn
2636s users about where their loyalty lies
2640s yes fight over
2642s there should be no debate
2645s oh yeah we can double exit
2646s in the other
2659s isn't the target but he's on the hunt he
2661s doesn't start asleep because obviously
2663s he'd just never bump into you if
2665s just stay there snoozing yeah just the
2667s entire time
2673s all right
2681s oh there's a bull fangirl behind you
2682s josh oh i'm in the wrong scroll one
2684s second that's right you're about to get
2685s more fangirled as well
2687s oh was it
2688s yeah he's looking at you right now oh my
2690s god oh there you go
2693s why am i not allowed to wake up i love
2695s that you're making a little cross with
2696s your strings as well oh yes
2699s yeah you always cross streams all right
2703s and boom
2705s oh no i pressed the wrong button
2709s egg
2710s the egg forgives you the egg forgives
2712s you oh we got it all right she's not
2713s going to finger
2716s don't worry i scrambled that ball fango
2718s all as well
2719s yeah he's just dead in front of me
2724s you know i love doing something shock
2725s wave at the slide b oh i sleep again oh
2728s there we go
2729s sorry i think we are very
2748s dude it up dude get those egg pops all
2750s we can do
2752s all right
2753s he's mine oh god
2755s [Music]
2756s bring him back we've got it i'm taking
2758s him to the crabs
2760s [Laughter]
2772s that's why you said it when it was when
2774s it was safe if you couldn't be hurt hey
2776s espinoz are you ready to explode
2780s oh egg on your face oh
2784s that big damage as well
2786s yeah
2787s like it's it's so like hunting on i
2789s genuinely am not the best weapon
2792s just put that put that egg down and just
2794s kind of passively do so much damage
2798s if it's in range it will just auto hit
2801s the head too which is obviously a very
2802s nice spot to get the
2804s the damage on for certain skills and
2806s also the stun value is incredible as you
2808s can see oh yes for me it's still fine
2811s shockwave that i love
2814s i love that when you've got magnificent
2816s trio going off and it's just damage
2818s damage damage damage you know stun park
2820s range
2823s i also love that both magnificent trio
2825s and internal melody instantly pop the
2827s egg because they just can't get the
2828s right number of songs oh hey friends it
2831s all synergizes together so nicely oh
2834s yeah another hunter has joined us
2835s welcome prayer
2838s oh i'm fireball to the face so there i
2840s am i'm on fire i'm poisoned and
2841s paralyzed
2855s oh gosh now i'm the one with poison and
2857s paralysis
2860s um
2862s it's a good question i've only looked at
2863s this but i've hunted more so i don't
2865s know what elements may or may not be
2869s have you guys had a look at esperance
2870s weapons yeah
2904s then you need clearing for safety yes
2906s please i haven't i have no idea how many
2908s new surfboards you just don't see
2920s then again i guess every wipe and ride
2922s fight is your own custom turf oh yeah
2924s and you know if you want to save time
2927s oh yeah yeah like none of them are even
2929s leaving you have a monster and you're
2931s both collectively beating up the target
2934s it feels so unfair there's so much going
2936s on i'm just gathering i have no idea
2938s what's happening right now i don't even
2940s know
2943s okay having fun you know sometimes you
2945s just need a nap why is that still off
2947s paralyzed you paralyzed
2949s look at all those how did that even
2950s happen it wasn't even the espionage
2957s how ironic
2962s you love those eggs you really are the
2964s easter bunny aren't you oh i i put down
2966s an egg as much as i freaking it's so
2968s much
2973s it's just how nearly passive it is too
2975s if i've got the wire bugs to spend i
2977s will spend them
2981s that's okay i can turn i can turn the
2983s voices up yeah with all of the action
2985s going on at once there oh yeah voice was
2988s a bit tricky after this
2990s i'll make us a bit louder i'll turn down
2992s the game
2992s how did that's almost come with us yeah
2994s i don't know what ashlas thinks he's
2996s doing that's vanessa's hiding in the
2997s corner waiting for him
3002s there was just so much action
3007s that's that's some vengeance what even
3009s happened the first thing
3024s we got our
3030s has been so extra brutal because
3032s obviously strong arms incredible but it
3034s requires countering a monster attack and
3036s as i don't know all of the new monster
3038s attacks the amount of trial and error
3039s result in getting hit in the face
3042s that has resulted in
3044s i just put an egg down in place yeah you
3045s just vaguely put an egg down stand
3047s safely to the side and blow it up for 2
3049s 000 damage like
3051s okay
3052s well only 2 000 when they're asleep like
3054s hunting hard can now kill monsters by
3057s corner hunting that's that's
3059s right oh my goodness corner horn
3060s actually
3062s yeah i spent the egg down play songs far
3064s away
3067s i i i want to try a build where i just
3069s use the wall runner skill put an egg
3071s down and just run on walls until it
3072s explodes
3074s oh we got a lovely message cyber kaiju
3076s says rage gaming kept me hooked on
3078s monstanter as a whole and it's one of
3079s those franchises that helped me choose
3081s my university course paleontology so
3083s thanks for that oh awesome oh it's
3085s awesome that's really cool
3089s too fat monster hunter is why i have so
3091s many pet reptiles so you know it's
3093s similar
3095s [Music]
3097s i genuinely just saw camellias for the
3099s first time and went i want a lizard
3101s i want camellias in my mind i want
3103s camellias in a tank next to me please
3107s so wow one as well well played freya you
3110s came in at mr1
3112s nice took on a beastie monster there say
3114s thank you for jumping in
3116s so i like i i need to hunt gora magala
3119s today like gourmangala is one of my
3120s favorite monsters i love it
3123s i love hunting new gory as well it's a
3125s very satisfying fight shall we should we
3128s give gore a go
3130s yeah that sounds good cool so whoever
3132s wants to jump in next you'll be going up
3134s against gorma gala
3136s a monster i personally love and i'm so
3139s happy it's back in some break
3141s um also the gear looks incredible
3145s i i love that the cape keeps the uh the
3147s moving wings aesthetic so it's still
3149s it's always actively shifting it looks
3151s so nice yeah gorma gallery is a monster
3153s that really benefits from getting a bit
3156s more power behind his visuals
3158s i agree oh yes like god damn
3161s freya how do i leave
3164s how do i get out of here have a good one
3166s freya thank you for you want to get on
3167s the get on the train and then it will
3171s who knows where the train leads nobody
3173s knows
3174s maybe bihari knows but harry's smart the
3176s harry potter
3177s is such a fun character by the way like
3180s normally whenever they do like a white
3182s variant scientist they're really like
3183s old and stoic and quiet and barry is
3187s none of those things oh yeah
3189s it's hilarious yeah but harry and fear
3193s back and forth is is fantastic
3196s on the note of white variant scientist
3198s pasopato has the greatest beard i've
3200s ever seen in a monster hunter game
3204s he he reminds me of you can lose on a
3206s daily basis
3208s look at that isn't it beautiful
3210s what a magnificent beard
3212s so so puffy and well shaped
3215s so puffy and well like dango exactly
3218s like dank he's got a dango beer he's got
3220s a dang good [ __ ]
3226s oh
3229s i might mess around with my other new
3231s set for a little bit bring out the
3234s ibushi horn
3238s i'm so happy we got both cars as well oh
3240s yeah well both from regardless actually
3242s yeah
3243s and shigeru magala i've not fought
3244s shigary yet so i'm looking oh
3246s he's got a few new uh i'd say a few a
3249s fair amount of new attacks
3250s yeah
3252s good little redesign on that one right
3254s well i think i'm gonna have some dang
3256s going and then we'll head in if anyone
3258s wants to join they are welcome too
3262s i'm gonna
3263s go
3264s i'm gonna go booster i'm gonna go
3266s comfort i nearly when i first time i
3268s thought gormangala is that i nearly
3270s triple carted very very nearly triple
3272s guarded so i'm i'm scared of formica
3279s he has one move where he spins around
3281s and then his tail does a little whip
3283s follow-up and it hits me
3285s every time he does it
3287s every time
3288s what's this 200 i know the weapon
3291s balance has finally been
3294s righteous as all things should be
3299s looking very snazzy okay so there we go
3301s two dudes two meaty chops
3305s oh oh you've been betrayed
3307s oh you're getting what
3310s oh yes the greater sword with a shield
3314s alexa play my heart will go on
3318s umerick says hello by the way they
3321s specifically asked i passed on a hello
3323s to you guys
3324s hello hello to you too
3326s while we wait as well while poor grim
3328s obviously puts on the superior weapon um
3331s i'm going to
3332s look at look it's just paddling you just
3334s you just had to you've said
3337s let's let's look at the gormagala set
3339s because i love gourmet like
3342s look how cool this gear looks like look
3344s at that yeah it's incredible absolutely
3347s from behind to show that yeah
3350s the flow to the club yeah
3353s when i unlock layered gear like
3355s yeah
3356s yeah
3358s that's good and there's some coalescence
3359s back which is really nice also the
3361s espanolas gear like it gives me big
3364s devil may cry vibes as well oh yeah i
3366s appreciate it i really really i love the
3368s uh
3368s the chest even by itself so if you use
3370s the chest and layered armor it's just a
3372s jacket oh yes oh yes and obviously like
3375s the syrekios gear has got some cool
3377s serragus gear is so cool
3379s like the helmet on seregios yeah yeah i
3382s just like the way sergios looks now in
3384s general like he's yeah so like he's
3385s benefited a lot because obviously he has
3387s all the scales going crazy which i
3389s imagine was quite difficult to pull off
3391s on on handheld whereas now it's really
3394s defined oh absolutely yeah i can
3396s properly see him um so oscar asks um is
3399s there cross play so oscar um there is no
3401s cross player across save the team did
3403s look into this during the development of
3405s rise but at that point in development um
3407s it wasn't possible to do but the team
3410s have noted that feedback from the
3412s community that the community see that as
3414s important to them
3415s um so thank you very much it has been
3418s you know it's on our radar
3420s um
3421s but no there is no cosplay across save
3423s planned for
3424s full rise in summer
3427s sorry just a little tangent there to do
3429s to answer the questions right shall we
3431s go and meet gormagala again
3433s yes
3436s it's going to be a francis occasion
3438s [Music]
3440s ah time for the citadel
3443s yes yeah our first trip touch a cool map
3446s see i just love the amount of toads on
3448s this map you never run out oh look we
3450s even get the lovely introduction hey
3452s yeah someone's first time here ages have
3454s passed i want to go meet the thorny
3455s toads
3457s up at this distinct room
3459s i can always try and drag him over
3461s come meet the thorny toads
3464s the monster introductions in sun break
3466s are the coolest they've ever been by the
3468s way like
3470s it's so badass cutscene gamers even
3473s though i do feel bad for for my boy
3475s gosser egg
3477s yeah i mean what a way to introduce
3478s gormagala right like oh like when i
3481s first saw the trailer i was like
3482s like a gossarrag subspecies or something
3484s yeah it's so excited
3489s my favorite monster from base rise so
3491s like
3493s and like when
3494s goren rages and pins him down with the
3497s two extra arms it's like my god
3500s it's it's insane like even though it was
3502s what a way because yeah like gossard's
3504s such a cool monster and it's like
3506s and then then there's the the bait and
3507s switch and it's it's not just any
3510s monsters
3512s like that moment there where he just
3514s gets caught with the wing arm
3516s because goss is not a pushover he's a
3518s high guy he's a monster that can hold
3520s his own especially a master right
3522s yeah exactly i like i like that
3525s i think it's the surprise attack though
3526s if god got his blades you know a bit
3528s more of an even fight oh yeah definitely
3531s definitely like gore oh sorry goss is
3533s surprisingly mobile
3535s yeah oh yeah
3538s welcome to the city tell everyone
3540s welcome to the city now this is a great
3542s map it's got multiple biomes in it so
3545s you really do get trust me
3548s i'm just going to go on a toad
3550s collection run i'll be with you all in a
3551s minute that's okay
3555s the greatest shame is that there's not a
3557s a great gown goat
3558s clearly yes the most powerful monster
3562s we love the gown
3564s no they're so good they are
3566s i know yeah i would love a uh a great
3569s boggy but i'd be even more happy with a
3571s great gown goat
3572s what happened to the aptoine off jono
3575s who knows who knows where are they where
3578s are they
3578s we have a video about that josh it's
3580s very clearly we do we're over
3582s the hunters because they're refraining
3586s apt enough have been done so dirty you
3588s know maybe maybe the acting off all
3589s taken by uh the riders because they're
3592s so powerful um so of course the stories
3595s crew were like you know what
3596s we should all have action off so you
3598s know now that they've been recruited by
3600s uh
3601s by the riders
3603s never be under underestimated and for
3605s those that's not official law by the way
3607s that's me
3608s that's me theorycraft it's just fiercely
3610s writing it down
3612s like all right this is official news got
3614s it oh no i've got it clearly the
3616s headline monster for the first title
3618s update will be the return about tonight
3620s gonna be the after drone finally after
3622s all the
3623s drone
3625s all five statuses and elements it's just
3628s like five after not tied together at the
3630s head
3635s oh a marionette spider hello new endemic
3638s light
3639s yes there's a poor toad's in a beetle
3641s [Laughter]
3644s why does that sound like a band name
3646s bordeaux
3648s it's better than just the beatles you
3649s know
3650s yeah what the beatles was missing was it
3653s was
3659s oh there's a gormagala frenzy pool over
3661s there
3664s he's been here
3669s why
3671s um i'm using the a playstation
3673s controller um on uh pc so that's why
3676s that's it so they're in the settings you
3678s can change the buttons to match a
3680s controller you're using um it's a nice
3682s big quality of life so that's why you
3683s see playstation that's not
3685s that's no uh deepest law or anything
3687s like that i'm just using the place
3692s there it is
3695s he's so pretty
3699s all right why don't you marry him there
3701s what if i could
3705s there you go enjoy your tunes
3710s [Music]
3711s come on then first
3713s oh i'm so sorry
3717s that's okay i got saved i got saved for
3719s my own open comments
3721s i'll put i'll put him back to sleep in
3723s just a second the marionette spider was
3724s like all right no no you guys have got
3726s this
3728s all right no no he doesn't want it no
3731s okay
3734s look i've got lots of toads there's
3735s always more opportunity
3738s the marionette spider on top of being
3740s ridiculously fun and a much better
3742s version of the clutch claw wall bank
3744s like what does it imply about how strong
3746s hunters are
3747s just yeah yank in a big moment like that
3749s you can just yank an entire monster into
3752s them all right they're on top of each
3753s other look at that i didn't even notice
3755s oh yeah i'm too oh yeah we've got bombs
3757s going down as well
3758s thank you paul all right
3760s i'm ready when you are
3764s oh no
3765s i'm in the wrong scroll i'm in the wrong
3767s scroll i forgot my egg
3769s oh you might have to egg it i'm not
3770s gonna have a wire book back in here a
3771s one a two a one two three go
3775s bump oh
3777s oh
3779s oh
3780s one
3781s would you like more
3783s yes
3785s more egg party
3787s oh my hyper armor got absolutely punched
3789s through there and i've got the frenzy
3791s virus so i need to keep that down
3802s i would argue that some break four is
3804s the strongest you've seen
3805s i think the pace of the game really
3807s plays into form yeah
3816s oh my goodness all of a sudden seregios
3822s oh what they have a turf ball what
3825s what whoa whoa whoa i need to watch this
3828s oh my goodness
3830s oh that fireback
3832s oh my god
3834s that was so cool
3841s okay
3841s i was going to call it a tie but then
3843s sergio just just floated down from the
3844s sky and was writable
3846s oh yeah i think it is one where either
3848s one can end up right about depending on
3850s yeah damage already done to them but
3851s that that finisher from sergio's blades
3854s was fruitful
3856s what a cut out i'm still going at it as
3858s well
3859s oh no
3860s oh there you go you have acquired a
3862s steve
3864s christine
3865s this is such a fun living right because
3867s he's still so aerial with you honored
3869s that my personal name for him right
3877s what oh gotta flip the pancake he put me
3880s in a in a in a building off the mountain
3882s oh did he drop you in the well yeah he
3884s dropped me in this building up here
3886s sorry guys i guess this is where i live
3889s sorekias just thought it was time for
3891s you to get some new real estate oh he's
3893s done
3894s sonic bloom i gotta think that's gonna
3896s be a street fighter reference surely
3900s i feel like it was just how much beating
3902s them up you do is it
3904s here it comes
3905s oh
3906s my god oh he fell out of the sleep
3907s though don't walk into the sleep toad
3909s no egg no sleep toad performed
3916s i've overcome the frenzy good news
3918s everyone me too
3919s the eggs are really good for that fun oh
3922s yeah
3924s just a nice big fine the eggs are good
3925s for everything things aren't good for
3927s everything any given problem
3930s put an egg down
3932s if you're struggling just gotta lay an
3934s egg and then life will be better
3936s works for chickens
3942s oh oh
3943s all that damage wow
3945s thanks for the heal yeah you've got uh
3947s you've got negative frenzies you're
3949s taking like oh i didn't overcome it oh
3951s god oh no oh you know yeah you've got
3952s the red one instead of the blue yeah
3954s you're you're getting hurt oh no
3956s he's running away too
3958s it's so brutal being here
3960s yeah i was not watching
3962s but hey my sharpness is good so that's
3964s all right
3968s i just slapped a
3970s tarantula
3971s poor little piranha look at my arms
3974s wow you are you're looking hench
3979s overcoming the frenzy gives you such a
3980s cool glow that's uh that's that's the
3982s strong arm for you
3984s oh it is they are the strong arms
3988s like now you've got strong shoulders and
3990s strong arms canonical bass greatsword is
3992s just slowly evolving in in that each of
3995s your body parts is being added to the
3997s weapons kit
3998s i'm waiting for the strong thigh move to
4000s be added yeah i'm excited for monster 6
4002s to introduce a new move called leg day
4004s it's a great song
4010s also it's a shame i don't have my
4011s marionette spider because if i drag more
4013s into that you knock the tower down and
4015s get loads of loot from it
4016s yeah it's so awesome oh wait there's
4018s another one i'll go get it is there
4020s another one
4022s yeah there's there's so much indent on
4024s this man
4025s yeah basically
4027s it's the 15th weapon
4029s endemic life
4031s mother nature the weather all i need is
4033s a slingshot if i could fire toads from a
4035s slingshot my gameplay would be set
4038s i saw the palace launch toads from
4040s crossbows and went why can't we do that
4043s well don't mind if i do oh i totally
4045s totally missed it
4047s oh
4050s god that moment
4052s wow and the slam yeah the the dark sheen
4056s it gives over everything when he's like
4057s this as well yeah wings as well like
4061s like a living all right here we go no
4063s time
4064s hey there guys there goes the old castle
4068s oh spirit birds thank you very much
4071s also drops a bunch of random little
4072s goodies when you destroy that tower
4079s i think we're doing pretty well yeah not
4081s bad oh wow yeah
4084s oh yeah he's already blue
4086s oh no i got the negative frenzy buff
4088s because i ran off to get a spider
4093s you guys have some pretty tasty weapons
4095s i imagine at this point yeah i'm we're
4098s pretty
4099s end game min maxed relatively kitted out
4102s not quite min maxed on the sets right
4104s now trying to get a little bit of longer
4106s hunter
4107s i must add one more
4110s god frenzy blasting so much
4114s i like how they even explode if you get
4115s too far away like there's no just egg
4117s does nothing
4118s yeah you could kill a monster by placing
4120s an egg and then just running away and
4122s just doing that repeatedly
4124s if the wire is generated fast enough
4126s then that would be a viable strategy
4130s is down but
4143s you must think carefully how to wield
4145s this power jonathan yeah like
4150s the power of the power like ultra
4152s reality
4155s well played good hug good hands yeah
4157s that was great
4162s gotta pop the egg you can't leave it
4164s unpopped that felt vindictive on garment
4166s yeah it's like oh you think so show you
4168s how much i've got left
4171s i'm just gonna the edge monster always
4172s has to be rich
4176s this guy oh yeah oh sorry just to slap
4179s you with my hunting at home while i grab
4180s my egg
4182s oh yeah yeah gotta pop that can't leave
4183s an egg on top i'm just gonna i'm just
4185s gonna take it with me
4186s okay fair enough i just gotta prep it
4188s for the journey
4189s i love the pattern on it it reminds me
4191s of uh
4192s i think it was the fang the beast one
4193s from stories has a very similar pattern
4195s to the hunting horn egg oh yes
4197s maybe that's why there's so much damage
4199s you don't see it but a bullfango comes
4201s out of each one
4204s good hunt though that was that was fun
4208s as well oh guess what i got in the
4210s helper rewards did you get a mantle from
4212s kevin i got a mantle from helper rewards
4214s i got a mantle from the espionage one so
4216s i'd say that's not an unlikely
4218s occurrence
4219s help out your fellow hunters
4221s yeah hunt with people nice little system
4225s and they say it's a great thing so you
4226s know if you do bring a friend in and
4228s you're helping them grind up and stuff
4230s like that or taking them into high level
4231s hunts you know you're gonna get more
4233s um
4234s so thank you porg
4237s thank you
4238s right what should we do next what what
4240s do we fancy hunting next do we want to
4241s go for like a garand gold or luna gown
4244s one of the three lords
4247s yeah let's do it
4249s oh we should do the um
4253s oh where is it
4260s no we can't oh
4262s i'm gonna try level four dango slugger i
4264s haven't used it at level four yet we've
4265s got lots of stuns now
4267s it's a really fun hunt that's just the
4269s three lords together in one hunt caught
4271s the monster mash because of course it is
4273s hey that's awesome
4275s yeah but it needs master x6 so that's a
4277s shame
4279s this hunting horn looks cool what songs
4280s has it got it's got health recovery
4282s sharpness reduced and sharpness
4284s extension yeah sharpness extension is a
4287s cool one
4288s wow so it's a bit odd because you do
4289s have to sharpen yeah oh my goodness
4294s you can go beyond
4296s what horns do i have can bring something
4299s else fancy i might bring out the tigrex
4301s one for one time i will just keep using
4304s great sword
4306s uh-huh well i mean i'm still using horn
4307s i'm just switching up which one all
4309s right i'll i'll also i'll i'll swap my
4311s great shot how about that that's
4313s exciting isn't it okay that's it that's
4314s acceptable
4316s so i will i will steal your dad's great
4318s son
4324s so what do you think garen gonna luna
4326s garron sorry i totally had a mind blank
4328s looking at the armor and weapons
4331s guess garen then luna
4333s could do that yeah in in starry order
4337s yeah why not why not i just need to
4339s remember there we go garen gold gone bad
4350s yeah
4352s and for anyone that wants to come and
4353s help us fight garen gold
4356s you want to see gore long sword okay
4358s okay i'll show you that
4362s yeah and i have a big soft spot for any
4364s monster that uses more than one element
4366s or status they always tend to be the
4368s best it's really cool and you know as
4370s there's not many of them it's always
4371s like a unique phone yeah it's always
4373s such a yeah it's such a good moment
4377s it's what makes namiel so good as well
4380s it's like the way the combo is from
4382s i very much hope we've not seen the last
4384s of nomiel and far in the future
4387s well everything everything comes back
4388s eventually for the most part at least
4392s let's say for those ramborose
4395s there it is i love that every single
4397s brute wyvern in the entirety of monster
4399s is in the fifth gen except to remember
4402s don't you dare bring that up again
4404s you and you will never hunt their
4406s ambrose's amtreos again okay i want you
4408s to know that
4410s i love zamtra so i feel you you know
4412s like
4413s but then you know luna garron is got
4415s scott yeah like luna giron is zam
4418s got into shape so you know
4421s look if luna garron had a move where it
4422s expanded and started
4430s oh
4432s oh my god
4435s oh edgar we're playing on pc we're not
4438s playing on switch today so that's why
4439s the codes are a little bit longer
4441s and then what than what you'd be used to
4443s on switch
4448s cotton's in the box
4451s yes have you seen what he's got on his
4452s head he's got it looks like a cake
4456s it's it's a it's the monk snail it's a
4458s little you can get you can get a monk
4460s snail hat which is just wonderful let me
4463s get the other piece of layered head gear
4464s that yeah actually i was just about to
4466s change to it as well that is glorious i
4468s need to go
4469s are you are you ready you have to snap a
4470s picture of the monk snail together don't
4472s you yes i went out and did it
4474s immediately after getting the quest
4476s you have now become captain kahoot
4479s there we go
4481s look at that oh lovely
4485s owl time
4488s that is very intimidating uh it's kind
4490s of a little bit scary isn't it
4492s it's it's the fact that it looks real
4494s like a lot of them look like they're
4495s little puppet heads but this one just
4497s looks like an actual outlet
4499s oh my goodness
4501s you put this on
4503s yeah put it on and go sit next to the
4505s baby kahoot up top and then
4507s you're good
4508s then it believes in you everything all
4510s right oh thank you admiral galius i got
4512s a got an elgato ticket oh look who it is
4517s the question is then
4519s which is the best
4521s oh that's the tricky one right i feel
4524s like that's going to be a debate for the
4525s longest time because all three are
4526s incredible
4528s i i feel like logically i i should like
4532s garen gold the most because he's very
4534s much my kind of monster but when agron
4536s just just hits me in a weird way i
4538s really like the negron ah see i know the
4541s niagara on his third for me but i can't
4543s decide one and two between garen gome
4545s and malcolm
4548s is a tricky one i just tried to find the
4550s kahootness because i've not found it yet
4551s here i've not explained oh it's uh
4555s all the way up
4556s i'm still thinking about that turf war
4557s by the way
4558s yeah it's such like ah when they happen
4561s they're so good
4565s there it is
4568s wait for me i have to go all the way to
4570s the top
4571s yeah
4572s oh i i slipped and fell
4574s oh it's okay you can get to it from this
4575s side too
4577s there's also there's a little ladder
4578s here that works as a vine wall which
4579s just has a fun animation for a ladder
4583s i should probably wait till i have two
4584s wire bugs i am i i've been eating too
4587s many dango i am uh
4588s all over oh yeah i i do that right
4591s stubbornly keep trying despite only
4592s having one wire bug oh here it is
4595s everyone that's the big goat in a very
4597s roundabout way you now know where the
4598s underground nest is oh wow great as
4601s hunting horn maids we need to be all
4602s over the eggs exactly more eggs
4606s who eggs were harmed in the making of
4607s this it's so bad i shouldn't clarify
4611s oh yeah and there's the baby one over
4612s here yeah the baby one it's like a
4616s a poogie replacement over up here
4618s all the way at the top
4626s and then
4626s okay that's fine i'll wait till i get my
4628s uh
4629s wire bugs back
4634s oh my goodness
4638s where's my camera
4643s oh
4645s yeah
4647s look at that
4649s you can feed it too
4651s what a cutie and the sound it makes
4655s you're definitely more likely to get a
4656s mantle after petting the kahoot this is
4659s i believe in that
4660s that is that is the case it's it's the
4662s new pookie
4665s ah it loves me
4666s that's a yeah
4668s oh my goodness
4670s i love it
4673s right
4674s now after that cuteness let's go face
4677s guarantome
4679s a very cute monster i will say i think
4681s so you know
4683s you know usually garron gone was pretty
4684s chill obviously not all of them are but
4686s um
4688s i accidentally took two loads of potions
4690s as well
4693s okay you can have mine oh thank you
4694s that's very very kind so guaranteed
4697s chilling up on the
4698s west
4699s yeah he's in his nest you took that toad
4701s already didn't you i thought there's
4702s normally a toad here
4704s don't yeah i'm all over the top trying
4707s to try and get endemic life before you
4709s can't race me to my toads
4711s oh i'm being bogged
4714s out getting buggered down
4719s oh there you go i got my blade scale
4720s home activated though so that was nice
4723s oh that was nice of them yeah
4725s and it came from my uh swapper bait as
4727s well which is very snazzy
4730s yes yes
4731s i'm joined by josh
4734s um of the rage gaming variety the pro
4736s noobs
4738s thank you for joining us oscar have a
4739s wonderful day
4745s goodbye mr oscar
4751s all right i've got my full set of of
4752s toads again oh my goodness
4756s you're like a minion
4759s they're the best raptors by far they're
4761s buggy they are hilarious
4763s they are like they're so good especially
4765s before we knew their names and you know
4767s we're all guessing it might be called
4769s like that was that was wonderful
4772s i'm a fan of goblino
4774s goblina
4776s [Laughter]
4780s i just think they're neat you know
4782s they're just
4783s [Laughter]
4789s right here we look at raw bro yeah how's
4791s it going gary
4797s so mean
4800s he's got places to be he's got a new
4802s punch
4817s i always i always forget until i'm
4819s fighting him exactly what he does with
4820s that last time that i love it
4824s his rocket jump fist is the coolest
4826s thing have you seen his ultimate attack
4828s by the way donna i
4830s probably i mean i've fought him two or
4832s three times
4833s so
4834s yeah if you break his arms and knock him
4836s out of it he'll never do it which is
4838s what we kept
4839s doing for a while but he has like a big
4841s super boom that's so
4844s cool yeah
4849s gonna get out the way a little bit
4851s hyper
4853s don't mind me choke coming in
4854s nice work
4856s and we're gonna get get the sonic bloom
4858s out see if i get a magnificent
4866s oh this is so mean
4869s it is i hate doing this to monsters i
4871s love
4872s oh sleep time timing
4875s beautiful timing
4877s oh nice oh he's oh
4880s poor guy i think it's it's we're using
4882s block weapons and garrett bomb has like
4883s a nice big head so it works quite well
4886s for us
4890s let's try this back
4895s oh my god
4896s he's not standing up anymore
4899s you know where we're taking garen
4905s [Laughter]
4915s i'll pick up the two poison toads that
4917s are 10 feet away from each other on the
4918s way very nice very nice
4921s so we're going to zone 13 and for those
4923s that don't know this is the habitat of
4926s the humble thorny toad um look at them
4929s they're already jumping around
4931s they're excited they know it's coming
4933s these things will attack anything
4934s they're so hungry so what we'll do we'll
4937s line up
4938s get the bonkin going
4942s i can turn around oh
4945s i think we're in are we in are the
4946s thorny toes gonna
4948s am i just outside
4949s no here they come
4951s i can see them
4957s there we go maybe oh no
4960s yeah poor garen is doing his best to
4962s stand up and we're just not letting it
4963s yeah he's not actually done
4966s anything
4966s since the blasto you know what on that
4968s might as well keep the chain going
4971s might as well keep the chain
4974s oh no he got footsteps
4975s oh come on oh yes whoa what is oh wait
4978s he's about to do a big attack as well
4981s creamy
4983s creamy
4985s it's so mean this is so beautiful
4991s wow
4992s there we go
4995s and he's going to sleep
4997s come on thorny toads
4999s join us
5001s all right where's my egg where's my egg
5010s one
5012s oh
5014s oh they're on the funny turns are on him
5016s they're right oh yeah
5017s on his face
5018s right on his forehead
5023s look at them all they're hanging off the
5024s arms the face
5026s oh no wow we uh we destroyed him
5030s yes garen gold is normally very quite
5033s challenging but uh obviously we're using
5035s some some rather higher higher level
5038s weapons and we just had this the chains
5040s going on the use of the entire
5050s yeah like especially on this map it's so
5052s tightly packed that you can just get it
5054s on the way to wherever you're going you
5055s don't even have to take a detour really
5058s yeah if gus harad gets a chance to get
5060s going like oh do you know it
5064s he was just taking out his big hefty
5066s face too right when he went down yeah
5068s his mossy face is so cool
5071s let's guess we put our mess on yeah just
5074s he has a he has a flower on his butt too
5076s if you haven't seen that before
5082s yes
5089s yes so in the options you can change
5091s your controller settings to
5093s a few different controller schemes so
5095s that your buttons represent the
5096s controller you're using so yeah just
5099s just have a little look in the sentence
5100s in there you'll be able to enjoy that
5102s and if you're using an xbox controller
5104s and you want to have playstation buttons
5106s you can do that too you know just be
5107s crazy yeah yeah you can you can mix and
5109s match whatever you please
5115s oh the argosy pickup box is full
5118s oh yeah
5119s ooh my melvins are complete anything fun
5122s hey on pc i've only got two of the subs
5124s i haven't got the third one so uh
5127s please forgive me
5129s that's
5133s difficult i don't know if we can accept
5134s that so i get a lot of honey though
5139s can we see the gore switch axe i will
5140s show you the crosstalk in the uh
5144s in the
5153s blacksmith so there you go it is a
5155s scythe how
5157s cool is that
5158s an actual scythe
5160s like
5162s and it's purple and it's purple and
5164s black it's so cool
5166s all of the goodies
5168s so what do we do we want to do luna
5170s garon next or would we like something a
5172s bit different what are we what are we
5173s fancy
5175s uh mastering
5177s four or under right
5179s uh five we can do five
5186s [Music]
5193s yeah
5194s i mean or is that uh is that a bit too
5198s spicy it's too crazy i would do [ __ ]
5201s garu probably like in next week's stream
5204s yeah that's fair enough so i don't spoil
5206s it too much for the gang but i mean
5208s i really want to fight shigeru like that
5210s it pains me to say let's hold on
5213s um
5216s yeah let's do pyrak now good shout out
5218s yeah yeah especially fun with hunting
5220s horns too
5222s especially especially
5227s there's so many eggs this is this is my
5229s life just listening to how good hunting
5232s horn is
5234s oh i'm taking a very amped up version of
5236s a dango miracle worker
5238s so i should hopefully get lots of
5240s goodies at the end of this hunt
5243s [Music]
5246s oh moderator increases amount of
5248s recovery damage from taking damage
5252s health recovers over time when
5253s discovered by a large monster
5255s there's some nice dango stuff in here i
5257s like that defender as well yeah defender
5259s is an interesting one so after taking so
5261s much damage your next hit you'll take
5263s reduced damage
5265s so i think that's a nice mix
5267s there's a dango flyer i think is a cool
5270s new one as well where if you do it at
5271s level four you regenerate health while
5273s you hang from a wire bug mid-air no way
5275s that's cool yeah
5277s so for the airy link line i've been
5278s insect clad users are going to love that
5279s especially i think
5282s don't go shift is neat as well swapping
5284s scrolls restores your health thanks for
5286s coming by cold sober and uh it's great
5289s that you really enjoyed having josh and
5290s cotton here as well
5294s it's going to put the lobby id in case
5295s anyone wants to join
5298s yes sebastian i'm going to be
5299s alternating between pc and switch
5302s so
5303s you know
5304s we'll be able to jump on a stream
5305s together no matter what platform you
5307s play
5310s all right oh i should probably pick the
5311s quest shouldn't i i'm like oh yeah yeah
5313s well let's do fire right now
5317s a mighty need there we go
5322s an aptly named quest
5326s such a cool sub species
5328s oh yeah i love it like i mean rachna is
5330s one of my favorite rice monsters just
5332s because yeah you know i'm a big fan of
5334s nurcilla and to
5344s yeah the minion the minions are so cool
5347s and
5347s how
5348s she utilizes them in combat
5350s yeah it's great i i adore yeah well no
5353s cilla walked so rachna could run you
5354s know
5355s basically yeah
5357s she's also got the uh the old web plus
5359s fire combo i think is a nice little
5360s interaction that doesn't come up very
5362s often the the fuse fuse webs is such a
5366s perfect idea oh gosh yeah like when you
5369s think about it it's so cool how do you
5371s like add on to webbing and it's like
5373s what if it was
5374s explosive
5376s what seems an easy target is a servant i
5379s love that
5381s the yoink of that parent
5383s come here child don't talk to me or my
5386s son ever again literally
5390s imagine seeing right like it's so
5394s demonic
5395s i feel really bad for this volvo gun
5398s getting crawled like who wants spiders
5400s crawling on over them definitely not me
5402s oh
5405s my thing is this is getting four
5407s tarantulas detonate on it yeah yeah
5411s i just look like a glaze and strong
5413s [Music]
5415s barbecue master pie arachnik
5418s vulvadon glazed ham for you today lovely
5421s canonically volvadon is now a pig
5424s [Laughter]
5427s oh
5428s oh so we've also got a magna malo
5430s wandering around here
5435s i think he is genuinely one of the
5437s hardest master rank things yeah magnum
5441s is in the top five hardest monsters now
5443s by a good margin if you thought you knew
5446s magna marlow and could boss mcnamara
5448s before some break
5450s things have changed like yeah
5452s this isn't many people complained about
5454s too many people complained about the
5455s difference from the demo to the full
5457s game they're just unleashing his real
5458s version of mastering he was waiting in
5461s the shadows yeah like
5463s yeah like magnamalo like i had to go
5465s fall out i carried twice
5467s and i was then i drank all my you know
5469s armor drugs demon drugs i had my powders
5472s i was
5474s i was like my heart was pumping when i
5476s finally beat mcnamara in master rank for
5477s the first time like no joke
5480s like it was it was and the thing is it's
5481s such an intense fun hunt as well
5484s like you know explosions hell fire like
5488s boosting around everywhere like yeah all
5491s of his new attacks are so
5493s catch-off-guardy as well
5495s because you're so used to them in base
5497s like cool i've dealt with that white
5498s what
5499s yeah there's some that force you to
5501s waterfall and some that punish you for
5502s wire falling is a very mixed bag of uh
5504s making you think a lot
5506s gosh this is so cool
5510s glowing spines like it's amazing it's
5514s like a skilled demonic kind of yeah
5516s literally it's just it's devil spider
5518s and that's just the coolest thing i'm
5520s just taking in the view at the moment oh
5522s no yeah
5523s there is a normal arachnoid just in the
5525s back here like i am in the wrong place
5528s yes this is not for me
5531s the two arachnoids are just blowing fire
5533s at each other for some reason
5536s easier this way yeah i just saw you get
5539s launched off the lake i'm back
5541s oh there's ah
5544s i love monsters
5547s oh yeah i last when i was getting like
5549s when i was going through world and i
5551s sport blast was like
5552s a very very
5554s commonly used like statement by me i
5556s loved blast and then to see monsters
5558s using it as well like obviously bracky
5560s is a
5561s yeah
5563s oh
5564s savage
5565s i'll take it
5566s the battle of the eggs took its first
5568s deleted
5571s yeah to be fair
5573s builder
5578s if my egg was that big then i would win
5581s every hunt in about 10 seconds
5586s i don't want to think about you having
5588s an exact completely honest right
5591s look it's the natural evolution of
5593s hunting horn from this point
5596s please stop talking yeah you can't have
5599s like a big bagpipe exactly
5602s yes i just want a giant egg sack on a
5604s stick that explodes every once in a
5605s while please oh what's going on here oh
5608s oh that's good a lot of part breaks
5611s yeah that was a lot of heartbreak my god
5613s it'll be that'll be the rec noise oh wow
5615s the recovery was quite quick there
5617s actually
5619s i've got the rack don't get away from
5620s the egg rack lloyd oh the lava sack is
5624s just oh my god wow it looks so it's like
5627s like this when she's got no webbing and
5629s she's not that stuck out it's just
5632s good lord
5635s when it walks backwards with its head
5637s showing the other direction yeah that's
5639s like
5640s horror movie when it walks backwards
5643s staring at you over it over his egg sack
5646s kd kamui says i can't believe cotton got
5648s egged on
5649s [Laughter]
5652s look it it's the natural ebb and flow of
5654s the eggs sometimes the eggs sometimes
5656s you get egged
5657s this is true
5660s live by the egg die by the egg my
5662s favorite part of this this big uh blast
5665s egg sac that's going on right now is it
5666s just looks like a giant basil de scale
5668s to me i can't see that it does look like
5669s a giant basil scale
5672s oh there's that there's a fight going on
5673s good luck against uh
5675s serpent seventh goddess of under there
5677s john you've got this you'll be in some
5678s break in no time oh you got it
5683s being able to uh make her backwards
5685s attack is so yeah the butt slap
5693s her her head comes out so much more
5695s often in fire mode
5699s all right dinosaur versus spider let's
5702s go the classic movie match up the
5705s classic movie matchup
5715s [ __ ] her down near my egg
5717s i i shall endeavor to they go i'll do a
5719s quick mountain punisher for the egg oh
5722s are we close enough are we closer oh
5724s that's good enough
5727s i can always drop a new one there's
5729s enough eggs for everyone
5731s exactly
5740s oh i need to use up my extra y bugs make
5743s me an egg
5749s oh oh
5750s i've been wrapped up
5769s no one can say that hunting horn is just
5771s a support weapon anymore
5772s you know not at all
5776s the thing is it's got the support on top
5778s of this it's just it's just loving it
5782s oh big time oh here we go
5786s whoa
5787s whoa look at that like oh my god that is
5790s absolutely savage i'm gonna i'm gonna
5792s back off
5793s my uh
5794s swap bait oh we're gonna charge each
5796s other
5804s oh i'm in i'm in danger i'm in danger
5807s oh no
5811s and i noticed that like pie racket uses
5814s her minions a lot and there's a lot more
5815s of them as well yeah
5817s yeah
5819s like you are definitely outnumbered in
5821s this one
5822s oh absolutely
5824s i love minion base large monster fights
5828s not true
5830s i'm not sure there's any that uses them
5831s quite as quite as
5833s coolly at least as raccoons
5839s [Music]
5851s there's one tired spider
5855s yeah i've got lots of stamina going on i
5857s like to steal that from my opponents
5862s this is stem it's mine whoa the range on
5865s that like the reaches
5881s without the way there
5884s i moved in the way
5889s goodness
5890s is this a straight upgrade to normal
5892s rackman
5894s uh it's a hard one
5897s i mean because the pirate hasn't they're
5898s very slightly different yeah exactly
5901s yeah
5902s like i think bass rackman does a lot
5903s more
5905s the best phrasing i've got is baby
5907s movement yep yeah yeah
5909s this one just more throws the babies out
5911s as a weapon
5912s so you can't describe how rectified it's
5914s about sounding insane
5917s ragnar's like i'll just make more of
5918s them it's fine
5919s yeah
5921s fine for me so they'll be okay with it
5925s i'm going to attack you with my
5926s explosive children
5929s i love it
5931s oh my god okay yep it turns it turns
5934s that was quite the magma beam oh god
5936s look at that just running up to it from
5938s here as well like it's so scary from a
5940s distance too
5941s i just the oh the backwards
5944s are just so well done yeah the fact that
5946s it has horns now is just so so much of a
5949s bonus
5952s i really like puppet spiders shouldn't
5954s work on regular that would be so funny
5957s where are you
5959s just she pulled you in yeah she pulls
5961s you instead well especially pirates just
5963s like light the fuse and then cause i
5965s light
5977s oh there it is
5987s oh god i'm webbed we're nearly there
5989s don't worry
5990s you'll be fine don't worry
5993s it's nice seeing an insect glade flying
5995s around the place
5998s actually they got so much more aerial
6000s tool kit now too oh oh oh oh oh
6002s a lot of that type of stuff how could
6004s you get wet
6006s i look like one of cotton's uh silk bind
6008s eggs
6010s if only i could make you pop for damage
6014s because i would
6017s look i'd be tempted i'm addicted to egg
6019s popping
6021s hey too busy you know
6023s espana humbled me husband has sent me to
6025s the cart quite quickly
6027s oh pie right the kataki silk thank you
6029s very much
6031s yeah spinach is one of those rare
6032s monsters where no matter
6034s how what you're wearing how much you've
6036s played
6037s you can just have this moment of guess
6039s i'm dead now yeah yeah like yeah
6042s it's yeah it's such a great monster
6043s because you know we were absolutely
6045s wailing on espana first and then espana
6048s just flipped the table on us
6049s and uh sent us back to elgato
6055s i love getting the close-up look at the
6057s uh the legs of the pyre now that it's
6059s now that it's calmed down and it's on
6060s the floor you can see all the like
6062s degrading scaling and stuff yeah this
6064s monster has a fantastic cops
6067s which is a sentence i should have
6068s thought more about before just saying
6072s top 10 corpses in the sun break yeah oh
6075s let me write that down
6081s yeah like the i mean and we joke about
6083s it but testing like the team puts so
6085s much attention to detail
6087s in every part of the monster is
6088s especially like bits that you wouldn't
6090s see unless you go and look for them as
6092s well like you mean like shogun
6095s yes
6096s that's not the less said about shogun
6100s look shogun is incredible and if you
6102s knock his shell off
6104s then it's a little awkward
6106s oh yeah yeah i've i uh obviously been
6108s hunting on i've smashed off show guns
6110s sure you got the shell and uh you kind
6112s of go oh
6115s d shell shogun is
6117s you
6118s never forget one of the greatest sights
6120s in sun break
6122s but no genuinely the monsters have never
6125s looked better like the amount like
6127s even just damn your hermitage when you
6129s the first thing that you faced
6131s like the detail on his shell like he's
6133s the individual bumps the like he's it's
6136s night and day from uh
6138s do we want to have some crab battles do
6140s we oh i'm sure yeah oh we could have we
6143s need we should go fight oh there's a
6145s there's a question yeah there's a
6146s question yeah rock crazy
6149s i've always been such a fan of the crab
6151s monsters
6152s because it was such a such a big deal
6155s when they got introduced
6157s it was very relatively early on as well
6159s so
6160s yeah and it's not something that you'd
6163s expect right like crab monster yeah
6165s exactly between games and monster hunter
6168s took that design and fully embraced it
6170s and built upon it like so you've got
6171s like your traditional kind of crabby
6173s crab with daimyo and then shogun is like
6176s but what if crab crabbo could stab oh
6178s and um
6179s it's you know it's intense like it's
6181s hilarious i love it this yeah this i
6184s i've said it
6185s a few times i think in the review as
6187s well but the the actual sound design of
6190s sunbreak is so good like the schwing of
6193s everything that has claws
6195s is so satisfying yes the shogun and
6198s lunagaron just sound
6200s amazing with every attack that they do
6202s yeah that's great like you know and like
6204s you know when they're moving or when
6205s they're kind of like grinding their what
6208s their teeth and you can hear them kind
6209s of like gargling bubbles and stuff like
6211s that yeah yeah it's it's awesome
6221s every monster just speaks to how much
6223s they uh care about them
6225s oh and you know often you don't often
6227s get that in a lot of games
6234s all right
6235s it's time
6236s to battle the giant enemy crabs
6240s oh yes
6243s and everyone in chat as well you know
6245s it's awesome to see you um how are you
6247s finding somebody have you started
6249s sunbreak yet what's your favorite
6250s monster so far have you been triple
6252s carted yet
6254s what was the first master rank weapon
6255s you made
6257s oh they're in the arena as well
6260s oh i've not fought a crab in the arena
6262s oh they're both already here
6265s double crab
6268s which is the superior crab
6271s yeah i'm a big fan of classic daimyo
6278s aesthetically daimyo takes it but how it
6281s functions is shogun by a million miles
6284s if we if we include the deviants then
6286s rust razer takes it for me i love rust
6288s ready
6291s look at this that shell to shell staring
6294s at each other really
6295s ooh shogun's starting with the gravios
6297s coming out
6298s they have a crap wall
6300s i've never actually had them both
6301s together do they do they have a crab i
6303s don't know oh shogun is very aggressive
6305s let's bring them together yeah let's
6307s bring them here i have a proper little
6309s scrap oh they're both doing their hello
6311s dance they are doing their classic crab
6313s hello dance
6314s oh oh
6315s side to side oh
6317s oh they're gonna water plate each other
6319s of course starting out strong
6323s all right damio is not wasting time all
6325s right that was rude i'm gonna have to
6328s have a word with you
6334s shogun i don't mean to be mean but i'm
6336s taking off that shell whoa oh wow the
6338s daimyo jump i forgot about oh it's such
6340s a good attack shogun with his sights out
6344s look at that
6347s let's see if i get some hits no time to
6349s come back
6351s even just the fact that crabs have blue
6352s blood instead of red oh no they're nice
6356s yeah have you have you seen daimyo's
6358s grab attack yes i've been grabbed by
6360s diamond it's so good
6362s like it grabbed so often it's not a
6364s purposeful thing i think it's
6364s subconscious i just like being grabbed
6366s by a crab
6368s grabbed by a crab
6371s i love this they're just inflicting each
6372s other with water blade over and over
6374s it's very helpful isn't it
6376s oh yeah he started with gravios so he
6378s actually has his water attack yeah
6381s also i'll say the egg and multi-monster
6384s hunts
6385s awesome oh yes
6386s it's everything
6389s oh i'm bleeding oh no oh no oh no me too
6393s no please time you let me heal
6398s bleed is brutal in celebration oh yeah
6400s oh gosh oh what's that especially
6402s against i think you just rip sugar yeah
6408s time for egg
6413s wow yeah like there's the sides wow okay
6417s now i need to drop out of nowhere
6418s there's two crabs
6422s heard you he went full defense mode
6426s oh here we go we have control oh the
6429s sound of the the blade claws yeah right
6431s little tiny things just oh it's so bold
6435s and now i get to do the ultimate crab
6437s attack
6439s crab on crap oh yeah you can make him do
6441s the job
6445s well i mean when you think about you
6447s know what moves a crab would have like
6448s you wouldn't you wouldn't guess this and
6450s i love it it's such a brilliant
6452s hilarious move like jumping up and
6454s hiding inside the shell now i'm
6455s disappointed that the crab doesn't do
6457s that in real life
6459s where's my jumper
6463s becomes a big hit oh
6465s is that the shell gun the shell is yeah
6467s that's the shell the shell's gone oh my
6469s god he's been he has been freed
6472s we affectionately refer to that as the
6474s nub poor show gun
6479s i can't i cannot take the shell joking
6483s seriously
6485s the part it's hard not to look it goes
6487s from like the most badass thing ever
6491s we'll get you a new shell
6494s because i mean maybe he's currently just
6496s getting blasted by the other crab as
6498s well daimyo's just haunted loving it
6500s look at that time
6502s he's absolutely destroying he's acting
6504s like he's being wiven written right now
6506s yeah daimyo is like yeah i'm pink crab
6509s oh my god he really is just genuinely
6513s attacking shogun
6516s it's not weakness and it is capitalizing
6518s what oh what shells it gonna be
6521s oh they're both off
6523s oh what's he got
6524s oh
6539s get rid of that shell
6544s that's another way to get rid of the
6546s shell
6546s oh i need to why buck away
6550s congratulations damien
6553s yeah you've won this battle you've won
6555s you well he was the only one with them
6557s actively fighting his friends i did not
6559s honestly i thought shogun would have the
6561s edge but daimyo bringing it in for the
6564s blunt damage like yeah yeah
6567s was inherently a crab killer
6573s oh he's bleeding he's got his purple
6574s bubbles no he's hiding it's all good
6577s we need the egg
6580s it's the only answer
6591s [Music]
6595s can we break it when he's dead
6599s can we keep just breaking him
6602s i will break you
6606s there we go there we go have you seen
6608s the whole leg i've seen a little
6609s hardcore and what we're going to get
6611s from time here that was a fun hyundai
6612s like they're really fun to hunt the the
6614s crabs yeah i love i love i think
6616s this is so much more fun sun break
6626s oh yeah like austin's saying obviously
6628s we've got the gravios shell and one and
6629s a monopolist
6631s and shell on diamond
6633s yeah we now know why monoblocks and
6635s gravios didn't
6636s break the details they've been wiped out
6638s they got intercepted by the crap yeah
6640s they got an interceptor
6642s they have so much detail
6645s yeah like this
6646s a little hexagon patterning it's it's
6648s just
6650s there's just so much in there yeah
6653s like the detail to like just the shelves
6655s alone like it's brilliant
6658s i have so much respect for the team when
6659s they're designing these monsters and
6660s they're little bits and lots well like
6662s if you're just following a monster
6663s around and seeing what they get up to
6665s when they're not fighting you yeah i
6667s love that stuff
6668s yeah daimyo still does his passive like
6670s foraging which is awesome to see
6677s yeah michael it's great to have the rage
6679s gaming guys with me they're looking
6680s after me making sure the master rank
6682s monsters don't uh beat me
6687s um i bought some break and it won't
6689s update my base rise um and assuming
6691s you've completed the seven star hunt uh
6695s cersei seven star gathering hub hunt uh
6698s seven goddess of thunder if you've done
6699s that you'll be able to upgrade what i'd
6702s say is make sure you've spoken to
6705s ron dean
6706s in kamura village she won't be by the in
6708s the buddy area she'll be kind of like on
6710s the bridge in the main area so if not
6713s make sure you chat to rondine and that
6714s will allow you to start the summary
6716s content
6724s hey momma i don't know but i do now so
6726s thank you i'll let the team know
6730s but thank you for joining us as well um
6733s our insect grave friend and we'll see if
6735s we get someone else to jump in some
6736s hunts now as well and join us for some
6738s more goodness what do we fancy next
6740s though guys what a what should go on the
6741s hunting menu do we want to do we want to
6744s give mousaino a go
6746s i was just thinking that i think it
6748s might be the right time
6749s let's do it let's do it
6759s crimson moonlight
6764s obviously a lot of people have had a bit
6765s of practice in the demo taking on a very
6768s amped up version of mousaino but let me
6770s tell you in the full game
6773s malzaino yes please if you could just so
6775s we can get someone else to join a hunt
6776s thank you so much for joining us for
6778s those two that was good fun um you know
6780s marzano is no pushover in the full game
6789s such a good flagship
6795s like i'm about to take a look at the
6796s armor skills so if you want to avoid
6799s armor skill spoilers for malzaino's set
6802s look away look away for about 20 seconds
6805s so yeah without without saying it out
6807s loud the special skill of melzino's
6809s armor is one of my favorite in the
6811s entirety of sun break
6812s let's have a look at that i'll bring up
6813s let's get like these skills like you
6816s know that i'm showing
6818s are the skills i love even like
6821s and this one isn't a big spoiler so i'll
6822s say it part breaker like
6825s i love the skills on this armor and then
6828s i'm going to show the special armor
6830s skill as well
6832s don't worry about your gear
6837s i love that i love that so much so yeah
6839s you're safe to look back at the screen
6840s now
6841s but i definitely definitely want that
6843s armor set
6844s definitely on that armor set
6848s and uh for those that want to join us we
6849s do have a slot to take on the embodiment
6851s of darkness mount zeno so feel free to
6854s hop in
6857s no worries no worries i mean you know
6860s everyone well most people watching all
6861s know what the monsters we're fighting
6862s are because they've been revealed so far
6864s but i know some of you like a surprise
6865s with the armor sets it's kind of like
6867s opening up a present and you're like
6869s okay that's awesome
6871s what's inside and then you get to
6872s discover that and build craft and
6874s theorycraft
6875s yeah and enjoy that but as well you know
6878s there's also if you do want to find out
6879s and you want to hand build in some armor
6881s sets there are lots of you know not lots
6883s yet but there will be videos coming out
6885s and there are ones out there like you
6886s know the rage gaming guys funnily enough
6888s nice little segue like you know
6891s smooth oh yes they've been putting out
6893s some helpful videos as well to help you
6895s ease into master rank and um you know
6898s i'm sure we'll see some stuff around you
6899s know some cool sets to look out for in
6901s the future
6902s absolutely the amount of fun
6905s yet still really powerful builds you can
6907s do with some brakes new armor skills is
6909s silly like it's so good like it's so
6911s exciting they've done a really good job
6913s of making things that aren't just like
6915s straight up attack still be very closely
6918s competitive in a way where you can use
6919s them and not feel like you're missing
6921s out
6922s that's a good feeling yeah the amount of
6924s hours just stood in front of the smithy
6928s looking armor and imagining it together
6930s and it's just it's is it's an addiction
6933s and a problem and i don't care
6936s and what i love as well is that i'm a
6938s huge fan of elemental and status and
6940s obviously the recent patch notes we saw
6942s big buffs to elemental damage on weapons
6945s and obviously there's some armor skills
6947s around as well that uh
6949s help with elements so i'm really excited
6951s to see once people you know really
6953s settle into mastering
6955s and kind of start bill crafting more and
6957s how we see like you know element and raw
6959s stand up beside each other and status as
6961s well like i can't wait to really
6963s experiment with elemental sets
6964s personally
6966s yeah that's really good to see because
6967s in in base rise
6970s one and a half weapons used element and
6972s that was it
6974s whereas i think that's going to be a
6976s big shift yeah i think there's a good
6978s chance that hunting horn is a lot more
6980s elementally focused now with a lot of i
6981s don't know if you've um seen charge
6983s blade but element charge blade is
6986s ridiculous oh yeah
6990s and also just look at this map we have
6992s espionage we have luna garron and
6994s malzaino
6996s that's i like it yeah
6997s he's moving around because he's not the
6998s target it's a little deep though he's
7000s having a little stomp i mean would you
7003s want to sleep when there's a blood
7004s sucking monster around yeah i'd be too
7006s scared i'll be wrapped up in a blanket
7009s to be fair i suppose i should be um like
7011s really good against it because he's so
7012s heavily armored
7014s yeah i chip a tooth you're like ah yeah
7016s yeah like all the little things to just
7018s fly like ah
7023s oh
7024s i still can't get over mouse and it was
7026s teleport it's it's incredible like like
7029s i didn't know malzeno had that move uh
7031s until i fought it in the demo
7034s and
7034s oh i i made it i made a little squealing
7037s sound i was like that's so cool because
7039s like yeah i cannot i cannot wait for
7041s everyone to see our initial reaction to
7043s nasa notice it's like so good you know
7045s when you think vampires obviously you
7046s know there's the bloodsucking and the
7047s aesthetic but yeah it's not often kind
7050s of those other powers like the teleport
7052s and things yeah that's what because like
7053s the quick like it's like almost turns
7055s into bats darts somewhere and then
7056s reforms
7058s it's incredible it's so good and like
7059s not only does it look and sound cool but
7061s it's so practical in combat and you know
7064s how you fight around it and against it
7066s it's just amazing
7069s oh my god
7072s and how much he uses his wings like a
7074s cloak yeah i love it i love everything
7076s about the design and malzaino in general
7079s definitely one of my favorite uh
7080s flagships
7082s i i think i think malzahnow has
7085s booked himself a place in my top 10 all
7087s time if i if i had to call it this early
7091s his aesthetic his fight the
7094s themes like there's there's really
7095s nothing about him that's not and the
7097s blood flight as well like yeah is such a
7100s fun light like i love it like the fact
7103s that it encourages you to get back in
7105s there instead of sitting there drinking
7107s half effective potions yeah is really
7109s cool like it's such a good little risk
7110s reward except even max potions won't
7112s like you know
7116s have a max potion you're getting like 40
7118s of your health like oh okay
7121s and it's such a good flight again did i
7124s eat i can't remember did i eat i can't
7126s remember i didn't
7129s just absolutely wrecked me there's me
7132s just going oh no surely you've also
7133s can't hit that hard yet
7138s wow
7140s oh no
7145s yeah see that's one of the things that
7147s suddenly is really cool like he has so
7149s many attacks that give you a moment of
7151s coming in i'm dead yep you know it's not
7154s quite yet but you know there's nothing
7155s you can do about it yeah i mean even in
7157s that like you said like creeping doom
7160s yeah oh i hadn't eaten that that also
7162s explains why i'm a little bit all right
7164s okay yeah that that definitely uh turned
7167s yeah that'll help
7169s jonah's
7179s i love the gear oh i love the monster
7182s his theme is so good as well and the
7184s great sword as well doesn't it make like
7186s a like a sound when you're charging it
7189s yeah the um it's
7190s like his weapons all have this theme
7192s that they're like they start as this
7194s like little septum with a red
7195s crystalline and then the weapon is built
7197s as an extension to that and whenever
7199s weapons do they're like signature thing
7201s it like powers up and pulses and it's
7203s just honestly mal's no greatsword is
7206s cemented itself as my third favorite
7209s greatsword design of all time wow it's
7212s so cool so because what's your top three
7214s is it like the bone great sword yeah my
7217s my favorite all time is just the good
7219s classic wyvern jaw blade the the big
7221s sharpened toothy box i just i think it's
7224s everything great sword is just put a
7226s handle in a big bone and hit things with
7228s it
7228s and then
7229s second somewhat the extreme opposite
7232s that is the super techie rocket powered
7233s great sword from world and iceborn oh
7236s yes
7238s but now's the now is
7240s massively third because i had a hard
7241s time choosing third before it changed it
7243s constantly but god damn it's so good
7246s what if i become oh thank you oh no oh
7249s no oh thank you i appreciate it i got
7253s toaded oh wow and then obviously marzano
7256s can transform like there's the time
7258s right yeah oh
7260s that has a form change mid-fight is just
7263s oh once it's absorbed enough blood then
7267s yeah you're
7275s and once again we're reminded that it is
7278s the toad's world and we're just hunting
7280s it
7281s that's why i bring them is i just want
7283s to bring them to where they belong i
7284s almost don't want to wake him up like
7286s look at him the tail is like even his
7288s little like fluff of like the glowing
7290s chest like hair stuff he's got going on
7292s like that's that's curious isn't it
7294s oh is it is it nestled curious i just
7297s hide it in it yeah oh i understand it oh
7299s it is it's just a beard of curious
7301s that's a really good point yeah i never
7303s even realized that little detail yeah
7305s it's really good
7307s oh my god it is
7309s that's so cool
7310s the armed the armed ones too
7314s oh no i've been grappled
7316s oh yeah
7319s so it's so good
7322s honestly i i
7323s deeply hope one day we get another
7325s version of malzahar he just he deserves
7328s look at that like drinks my blood throws
7330s me aside like trash and then jumps on me
7336s that's what i call a good night
7338s i love this genuinely best friendship
7339s since since energy which i've realized
7342s that many flagships but like no g was
7345s that good yeah yeah definitely like if
7348s you if you ignore nergie it's probably
7349s my favorite flagship since crap so
7351s that's that's
7353s that's how much i like him
7356s malzaina is just bullying at me i'm
7357s getting absolutely like i'll say it
7359s malzahnow is better than god mcgowan
7362s oh oh those are fighting words i'll say
7365s it that's i will die on that hill you've
7367s summoned before you now you probably
7369s will die you're gonna have jaguaru is a
7371s closer conversation but he's definitely
7373s better than god
7376s i mean i love them both equally you know
7378s yeah
7384s they're all my master children
7386s oh it's you my lot yeah
7394s yes give me more blood light let me heal
7396s on my own attacks please
7403s oh and he's raw as well the kittenator
7406s just tried to get him up during that it
7407s just made it look extra epic very rude
7409s can't eat that
7413s yeah they're getting today
7419s eggs got eggs are in charge now take
7422s that elder dragon you're no match for
7424s eggs
7427s [Music]
7430s oh i just got like blood
7432s whoa and the follow-up is more like that
7435s almost took you out in one attack it did
7437s i'm getting bullied
7439s [Music]
7440s oh oh look at him go
7443s very cool monster even just the
7444s atmosphere on the map i got bloodstone
7446s from a shiny oh
7448s wait seriously yeah yeah
7451s beautiful for those who don't know
7453s mantles are the rarest drops you can get
7455s from uh yeah that's one percent from the
7457s shiny so uh thank you valzeno vote down
7463s now
7466s am i your favorite now
7470s oh
7471s i love how he moves
7474s it's so ellie like it genuinely
7477s called him vampire volcano but i feel
7480s like that's i'm just telling you
7482s all right i'll feel the poison sorry
7484s about the toad
7486s i said you can cause all this havoc and
7487s then just like i'll heal that don't
7489s worry
7490s i deliberately poison my allies just so
7492s i can then kill them oh wow i just like
7494s being thanked even for things that i
7496s cause so with blood fly i need a hit
7498s malzaino to heal now because yeah as you
7500s said earlier my healing items are half
7502s as effective
7504s it really is a battle of uh widths and
7507s strength
7510s really makes you nervous especially when
7512s you're in that one or two hit range
7514s oh yeah
7517s yeah there he is so good the teleporter
7520s the sound effect on his teleport it's
7523s just yeah
7524s i would love to know what the origin of
7526s that is
7529s i would too i love it so much
7531s i'd also like the teleport like it can
7533s it can go quite a distance like we've
7535s seen it use quite close range but yeah
7537s no it can cross its own yeah in an
7539s instant if you think you're safe like
7541s i've been sharpening at the other side
7542s of the zone i'll need to have a mauser
7544s don't drop on my head from a teleport
7547s it's like hello there
7549s what is a hunter
7551s yeah oh gosh oh gosh
7553s oh he's coming for you
7556s not working i was low and he could he
7557s can taste it
7559s knocking me out of hyper armor attacks
7561s as well like yeah it takes a lot of
7564s knock back on your attacks to do that oh
7566s teleport up to me
7568s the tail is so dangerous
7570s it is yeah it really is it's the way he
7572s attacks with it in two states he puts it
7574s down and then he just shoves it out for
7576s you yeah
7577s oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
7579s oh
7580s i'm gonna pop that healing through wow
7582s yeah his waves of death lay down inside
7584s of this and the fact his tail looks like
7586s a scepter as well which is the same kind
7587s of vibe of this weapon
7590s the concept are obviously you know
7591s showing how it can grab things as well
7593s yeah like mousaino is
7596s made for like
7597s grabbing and consuming
7602s there is nothing i like more than a
7603s prehensile tail let me tell you not
7605s nothing on this planet nothing nothing
7608s nothing quite like a bridge
7613s oh
7614s i need to be careful here yeah i'm a
7617s little bit concerned you're in a bit of
7618s a corner he's just like yeah you're just
7620s in a corner getting
7622s absolutely annihilated this is fine
7625s oh yeah nice got good window there
7630s oh oh my goodness right interrupt it
7632s with the name but it wasn't enough i
7634s love that mouselando can just absolutely
7636s beat me up in faster right gear like
7638s yeah
7639s and the music is just playing yeah
7641s there's so many layers
7642s what makes this marzano grey
7654s because he can you know why not
7656s but yeah
7657s going back to bloodlight i love it
7659s though because as you said you know
7660s most like you know statuses or negative
7663s ailments you know it's not like you need
7664s to think about
7665s you know
7666s evasive or retreating to either yeah
7670s bloodline is the polar opposite it's
7672s like yeah you're in danger now you need
7674s to be in more danger to get rid of it
7676s and if you if you face that challenge
7678s down and you know overcome it then
7680s you're rewarded with healing like it
7682s totally flips
7683s your usual kind of like
7685s uh thought pattern on the head for
7687s dealing with like flights and things
7689s yeah like i've started really loving it
7691s when i get blood light because
7694s with how meaty great sword hits are it's
7696s like genuinely a really large amount of
7698s healing
7699s so it's like all right let's go oh dude
7702s if you go full aggression mode you can
7704s you can really do a monster's damage if
7706s you got blood blade off
7708s oh
7711s that was unexpected
7714s picking the new boy for a spin empire's
7717s first is werewolves
7722s oh whoa
7724s wait what
7727s the tail jab
7728s all right here we go here we go oh it's
7731s fight time it's fight time yum yum oh
7734s pvp no pvp
7737s oh oh it's just like stories
7740s stories too back again
7749s oh thank you for the materials
7753s i love cotton's in there with an egg
7755s like two giant
7757s monsters two of the three lords fight
7759s each other and then comes like kind of
7760s after you an egg in this trying time
7762s like
7762s what what i just figure if i can you
7764s gotta give them a meal
7766s oh
7767s you get thrown off the bridge he threw
7769s me off the bridge after the weapon right
7773s no respect
7775s right
7776s like
7777s money
7779s well i don't think the monsters really
7780s appreciate getting written to be honest
7782s with you
7783s look it's not up to them literally
7785s time for the double egg can we finish
7787s off oh yes
7794s [Music]
7796s the double still find shockwave as well
7799s yes
7801s again
7802s slide b oh i totally whipped it oh dodge
7805s oh oh
7807s he did his own slide
7809s the slidiest defeats
7811s oh i'm gonna get hit
7818s the kittenater do that
7820s i don't know it was like a tiny bit too
7822s short but it might have clipped a wing
7825s oh my goodness
7827s i'm gonna bring in some light after that
7829s one
7830s oh yeah
7834s oh yeah i should oh where have i gone oh
7836s no i fell off the bridge i want my loot
7839s it's not so funny now is it yeah this is
7841s the worst time to fall off a bridge
7844s is it when's the when's a good time
7846s that's when there's a net
7848s that that is true
7853s what we're gonna get so i got bloodstone
7854s from a shiny so i'm very happy with that
7858s yeah i don't need anything else now i
7859s might as well just leave the other loot
7860s to us yeah yeah take my creams
7863s but not really
7866s [Music]
7868s oh yeah i've still got an egg attached
7869s to him
7872s do i have time trying to grow that up
7874s for the future sonic blue
7877s i love the animation for swapping it's
7879s so emphatic
7881s it is no worries helix well done for
7883s getting your demo revenge
7886s it was a pleasure it was brutal in the
7889s demo espanol was just strolling in the
7891s back at the end yeah i know he was just
7893s look at the kill screen it's just a
7895s fully extended kittens
7898s doing its best oh you can't quite see it
7900s in yours i am such oh
7903s you're gonna have to just look like i'm
7904s punishing yeah i will i will grab i will
7906s grab you this
7907s mouse know looks so offended that this
7910s would be used again just think finishing
7912s off with a steak
7914s it's very thematic very accurate
7919s that is awesome thank you for joining us
7921s as well helix well played there and i
7923s think with that
7924s i think that's a good time you know to
7926s wrap up today's stream but oh yeah i'll
7928s have i'll have a look at that on on
7930s discord just like oh let me let me have
7932s a little peek
7936s oh my god that's hilarious yeah
7939s like malzado's just got this side eye
7941s like really really a steak
7944s that's so cliche i mean how dare you oh
7947s my goodness
7948s um but yeah that is that is awesome um
7952s but yeah so you know this we're going to
7953s be doing a few more streams uh over
7955s launch week and beyond you know it's sun
7957s break sun break is out like let's see
7960s like that's a really good like it's
7962s actually it's it's still sinking in
7964s really yeah same like i can't believe
7966s like the reception has been incredible
7967s so far you know on switch and steam and
7970s for those as well you know if you are
7971s reporting any bugs or issues thank you
7973s we are seeing them the team are you know
7976s working through them so thank you all so
7978s so much and you know tell us your
7981s feedback you know like what are you
7982s liking what have you jumped into what's
7984s really caught your eye what do you love
7986s about the expansion the most because
7987s obviously on the community side i'm
7990s going through taking notes across you
7991s know reddit youtube
7994s steam forums twitter facebook instagram
7997s so let us know let us know what you're
7998s liking as well like you know what
8002s youtube
8005s so yeah let us know um but yeah sunbreak
8007s is live now on switch and pc you can
8009s jump in
8010s right now
8012s and enjoy master rank
8014s and you know we'll be streaming again
8015s tomorrow and next week and i'll have
8018s some new guests with me as well but i'm
8020s so pleased that you know to have josh
8023s and cotton join me for the launch stream
8025s you know it's great to hunt with you
8026s guys
8027s um and to you know
8029s explore master rank together like thank
8032s you thank you very much for the
8033s information this has been fantastic and
8036s you know i'm sure you guys all already
8037s know this but if not you can find the
8040s guys at rage gaming videos on youtube
8042s and twitch go drop them a like drop them
8044s a subscribe and check out their sunbreak
8046s content
8047s because there's a lot of fun stuff in
8048s there as well um and yeah you know we
8051s should be around tomorrow probably
8052s around 2 p.m to 4 p.m bst time when we
8056s start it depends how busy i am during
8058s the day collating your feedback but we
8060s will be doing more hunting tomorrow and
8061s it should be a ton of fun but once again
8065s thank you josh thank you cotton the pro
8067s and noobs it's been awesome
8069s thank you very much for having us i'm
8071s going to be dreaming of eggs now
8073s all right sis
8075s it doesn't end
8077s and on that note i've been jono they've
8080s been rage gaming and you've been awesome
8082s enjoy sun break have a fantastic evening
8085s and i'll see you tomorrow good night
8088s bye
8089s happy hunting
8096s [Music]
8109s [Music]
8134s [Music]
8151s [Music]
8172s so
8177s [Music]
8183s [Music]
8220s [Music]
8254s do
8256s [Music]
8269s [Music]
8289s you