almost 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
13s [Applause]
17s [Music]
38s [Music]
63s [Music]
80s so
82s [Music]
94s [Music]
105s [Music]
126s [Music]
152s [Music]
166s [Music]
172s [Music]
191s so
193s [Music]
217s so
219s [Music]
228s [Music]
252s [Music]
272s [Music]
284s [Music]
292s [Applause]
296s [Music]
317s [Music]
342s [Music]
359s so
361s [Music]
373s [Music]
384s [Music]
406s [Music]
432s [Music]
443s [Music]
451s [Music]
467s you're welcome in hello hello it's great
470s to be here how are you
472s i'm doing great i'm thinking
475s oh my goodness your pal of you as well
476s you know i hadn't noticed your palate
478s mute somehow despite that vibrant pink
480s color that is looking awesome oh yeah oh
482s yeah we got it we got to be twinning we
483s got to be twinning you know
485s i mean me and my paliko kind of are i've
487s got the uh luna garon weapon and my uh
489s palakko is looking very fashionable very
491s cool even in this icy armor
496s all right so i haven't played as much as
498s you have
499s yeah i've had a little bit of a go at
501s master rank
503s you might have to carry me a little bit
505s you say that but you know insect claims
507s that are looking really good right now
509s in some breaks so i think you know
511s you'll be carrying me and i'm so glad we
512s got some buffs too because oh my god
515s so bad oh yes more element like yes i'm
518s loving the rise of elemental builds and
520s also for those hello everyone on the
521s monsta hunter side as well um i have
524s teamed up with ali here over at razer to
527s do some hunted goodness now if you want
528s to join us for some hunts make sure to
531s fire up the razer twitch stream as well
533s you can find just type in razer into
534s chat you already you'll find them um as
537s they're doing a sum break giveaway and
539s giving you the option to join us for
540s some hunts so yeah
542s we are giving away four game codes for
545s the uh the sun break dlc you have to
548s have the base game
549s but um yeah we're doing four so make
551s sure you type exclamation point giveaway
553s and enter the chance to win we will be
555s giving them away uh on july 8th so you
558s do have some time to enter
561s and also if you haven't got the base
563s game yet it's like half price on steam
564s right now so like what a double win
567s it's worth it it's worth it
569s oh yes oh yes should we open up the
571s lobby for the first time or should we
572s have a warm-up with the two of us what
574s do you
575s reckon um
578s i i think we should have a little warm
579s up little warm-up because i do i do have
581s an urgent quest
582s oh yeah let's do it let's do the urge
584s request so let's do that let's do that
585s yeah yeah and everyone type
587s well sorry
589s everyone type an exclamation mark
591s giveaway in the monster hunter chat you
592s need to go do it in the razor stream
595s because uh otherwise otherwise you're
597s just putting up my chat metric but if
599s you want to win
600s you need to go over to the razer twitch
602s channel and do the exclamation marks
603s over there
606s so that's forward slash razer
610s sorry there we go just had to chill chat
612s because bless them you know i don't want
614s them to miss out on the goodness
618s right um let's see what are we hunting
619s what are we hunting uh just the big old
622s turtle oh my goodness
625s we're gonna get sumo slammed
627s hurry up yep
630s now i don't know if this is true but i
632s heard that they gave him some new move
633s sets yes so all of the base rice
636s monsters have got brand new moves in
638s master rank so honestly they feel very
641s very different like you think you know a
643s monster and then they get into master
645s rank and they're like you know
647s look at them now
649s yeah
651s because like tetranadon used to be like
653s a big green punching bag
655s but now we're the punching bags
662s all right let's see my dongo and uh oh
664s yes i'll be ready to go
666s [Music]
671s i love the new palette go cut scene as
673s well they actually got a trade involved
679s i mean i loved him in the base game too
681s so like this is just
683s amazing for me
684s yeah the the monster community is still
686s trying to get me to sing the fluffy
688s bunny dango song but i just can't i
690s can't put them through that
691s you can't do it no no
694s i'm not strong enough
696s i think i think you could do it i think
701s is this your first hunt on the jungle or
703s have you done a hunt uh i've done i
705s think two
707s two or three
709s the first one i just did the uh oh my
710s gosh
711s i forgot what they're called the little
712s crab things oh yeah yep
715s yeah yeah i had a bunch of those
717s poor little hermitors you know it's
719s great to have the crabs back like
720s they've not been in monster hunter for a
722s good few years now
723s um and yeah the community have gone wild
726s over the return of their krabby kings
730s i don't know if i'm going the right way
731s by the way that's okay you know we get a
733s nice scenic route you're way faster than
735s me i have a palace so i'm like running
736s behind you like hold up
738s [Laughter]
740s using my wire bugs to try and catch up
744s so you're you're uh you prefer the
746s pelico
747s i like to mix up so
749s my my advice like my personal advice is
752s when playing through for the first time
754s gathering palikos are awesome because
755s you get extra drops from the monsters
757s during the hunt okay so and they can get
759s stuff like mantles and gems so i i
763s really rate gathering palakkos for you
765s know when you're first going through and
766s trying to get some good master rank sets
768s because saves you time and you can get
770s really good drops from it um
773s but a lot of people as well like to mix
774s in the palamu and apalico so they get
776s the speed and the extra loop yeah
788s all right let's see these new moves
790s i'm ready
791s here we go i'm gonna start playing my
793s songs give us some buffs
801s i've got one that you'll especially like
802s with sharpness regen so you'll get to go
805s a lot longer now before needing to yes
817s what's up playing sword and shield so i
819s keep trying to block it it's not going
820s well oh no
830s i love the swap of aid as well like
833s being able to bring everything with you
835s is so amazing you don't have to like
837s sacrifice stuff
839s big fan and you'll unlock even more as
841s well in mastering four so there's two
844s more moves you get to unlock to try out
848s well i know in the demo
851s they had the uh the one where you can
853s launch the wirebug
857s now your insect is the weapon
859s yes
862s there we go we got the knock down time
863s for some big hits oh
865s we've got a guest
878s gonna ram it and then do you want to
880s take control of a royal library yeah
882s yeah
884s i'll just play my play my horn in the
886s corner
896s i've got a great view of this fight by
898s the way
901s [Music]
906s pick up these freebies
912s i love how many shinies they drop oh
914s it's amazing and if you get the new
916s yellow or golden wire bug uh you get i
918s think two more drops or three more drops
921s as well oh really it's great for farming
923s yeah so so good
926s taking a lot of mental notes here
935s there we go enjoy the buffs
937s oh thank you oh my god
941s i'm stuck at the corner
950s get that egg popped
956s i can just see your pal view it's
957s absolutely amazing
965s and just for those asking if they can
966s join absolutely head over to the razer
969s twitch stream
970s and uh there'll be info in there on how
972s you can join the home and enter the
974s giveaway
976s yes make sure you join the razer discord
979s for a chance to uh join in on the hunts
981s and for those wondering about joining as
984s long as you're a master rank one or
986s above you can join um because in master
988s rank there's a lot more flexibility in
991s what tier of hunt you can join so if we
993s wanted to
994s and ali was feeling especially bold
996s we could take on some higher rank master
999s monsters
1000s absolutely so yeah we can mix it up a
1002s bit so as long as you're mr1 and you're
1004s feeling bold and brave to take on some
1006s real big beasties you can jump in
1012s and it doesn't matter if you can't so
1013s don't worry about that cartoon is all
1015s part of the fun
1020s that's good because i'm sure gonna eat
1022s some parts today oh yeah master wreck
1024s really ramps things up like you know
1029s uh oh
1033s daimyo's here
1037s what did you think of daimyo being the
1038s best monster income that was a bit of a
1040s surprise right
1041s yeah yeah i mean i think he's really
1043s cool personally i mean
1046s he was kind of a pain
1048s because you know i attacked from the air
1050s so like
1051s all i could hit was a shell but that's
1053s true and i hear you can get a bit crabby
1055s sometimes so you gotta watch out
1060s [Music]
1074s yeah right
1080s guess we are playing on pc as well
1087s we're doing some work here
1089s yeah
1097s it's just you you're just carrying
1099s i'm just playing my tunes having a good
1101s time
1105s the last thing because i play yeah sword
1107s and shield on switch hunting on on pc
1109s the muscle memory is conflicted at the
1111s moment that's why i'm like hesitating a
1112s bit
1116s yeah when i played on switch i just used
1118s my uh my pro controller yep save
1121s and now i'm using uh i'm using an xbox
1123s controller
1125s yeah
1127s the x and the y are switched
1130s so i was like i was hitting those on
1132s accident a lot
1134s oh my gosh
1146s oh there's a second
1148s okay we're good we're good we're good
1150s firefall came in clutch oh yes
1153s i i'm a very much a waterfall
1154s appreciator yes yes
1158s i have noticed you do have to watch
1160s where you waterfall too though yeah so
1162s like 99 percent of my cards is me being
1165s volleyed midwife yeah yeah
1169s oh
1171s nice work
1172s nice work and for those that can see my
1174s screen we managed to get the last hit
1177s with the sonic bloom which is like a big
1179s silk bind egg that goes off after you
1181s play enough songs
1183s so that's so satisfying oh yes it's
1185s always nice when you get like a like a
1186s big hit or like a big silk bind attack
1188s like i see a lot of ones with the insect
1189s glaive where they do that kind of dive
1192s from the air and you like stab down
1194s like so many cool ones of those
1197s that's so satisfying especially when you
1198s get it like on the head it's oh my god
1201s yeah that's such a great hunt though i
1203s think i'm feeling nice and nice warmed
1205s up yeah that was a good one
1212s i nearly forgot to like you that would
1213s have been poor form on my butt
1217s you're like you know she was okay yeah
1219s it did all right didn't cut i suppose
1222s [Laughter]
1225s can you join the hunt yeah all you have
1226s to do is type exclamation point discord
1228s or socials and uh join the discord and
1231s uh we shall get you in here
1235s well done
1242s and that's the successful urgent done
1243s for you as well so you get you get to
1245s find some more monsters
1252s i nearly forgot to check my end screen
1254s oh that's pretty cool
1258s [Music]
1260s oh my gosh
1262s [Music]
1264s veterinarian has just given me the eye
1265s like i can't believe you've done this
1267s yeah right
1274s okay okay okay
1275s just have more requests too cool
1278s and for those asking my side uh we'll
1280s have more news on when you can expect
1282s the first batch of some break event
1283s quests uh in the future so watch this
1286s space
1296s oh my god the princess is so cute isn't
1298s she just like you know it's nice about
1300s having royalty coming and you know
1302s getting get that yeah
1305s also like you can see she's got like a
1307s little plushie on her back
1309s oh my god does she yep yep now
1312s that is actually a monster i say a
1313s monster it's it's an endemic life that
1316s you can find in the game oh my god
1320s that's so cute
1322s it's found somewhere in the jungle and
1324s it's a rare endemic life
1327s oh my god that's adorable
1330s all right do you want to post the next
1331s question yeah yeah i'm up for that yeah
1333s yeah
1334s i won't post my urgent because it's a
1336s little bit late game um
1340s so i think something might be fun if we
1342s do garen gold and garen golem is one of
1344s the three lords
1346s and is unlike any monster you've
1348s probably fought so far in monster hunter
1349s it was definitely very new for me like
1352s fighting like this
1353s massive absolute hulking beast
1356s um so we'll give garen gomez
1359s so you see how we get on
1361s all right all right
1362s also has some really cool artists oh
1364s wait i have to go over here to join
1365s right yeah yeah
1369s oh boy
1371s and if you want to join us on any hunts
1373s remember head over to the razor twitch
1375s and uh check out their commands and
1376s that'll give you the info to join the
1378s hunt
1381s because this this stream's a little bit
1382s different i'm a guest today i'm a guest
1385s with razer and ali so uh yep
1389s um oh my god i don't even know what
1391s don't go to eat for this
1393s uh defensive ones might be good like
1395s whenever i fight a new monster i always
1398s go defender and medic and then i kind of
1400s mix it up yes yes
1406s [Music]
1409s and another one you can unlock uh
1411s there's like a secondary defender dango
1413s i have not unlocked it on pc yeah i've
1415s got it on my switch
1418s um which is like after you take x amount
1421s of damage the next hit is guaranteed to
1423s be reduced
1424s so you know you know that if you if you
1426s you know you're going to get tanked the
1428s uh you won't cart which is nice
1435s i
1436s think i'm ready to go i should probably
1438s restock though shouldn't i oh yeah yeah
1440s get those drinks
1442s oh my gosh i'm still learning this new
1444s uh hub
1448s i keep losing the item box
1450s where are you
1452s [Music]
1453s okay all right
1458s uh this is an expansion to monster
1460s hunter rice
1465s shall we dance
1468s yeah
1470s here we go
1471s golem
1473s so you're not too far away from buying
1474s garen gom yourself uh oh really
1479s and uh this is one of the other new
1480s areas the citadel which is kind of built
1482s up of different biomes so you get a real
1485s big mix
1488s and like environment
1491s right okay oh i can share the id or
1493s whether it benefits the prey
1495s remains to be seen oh you can share the
1498s id okay okay okay
1499s oh can i oh no no sorry yeah no i don't
1502s it's fine yeah
1504s okay
1505s i haven't played on this map yet i want
1506s to be a good guest
1509s you're a great guest you're a great
1511s guest you're carrying me through the
1512s game
1514s all right let's let's pop that kind of
1516s freebies we got
1517s and for those who jump in just try and
1519s avoid coming in and like
1521s last boss gear and just absolutely
1523s shredding the monsters
1524s we're still in early master wreck
1528s right so yeah welcome to the citatell
1529s first of all um i absolutely adore this
1532s map like it it captures so many
1534s different like european
1536s kind of like you know
1538s archetypal areas like with castles
1540s woodland forest mountains yeah i
1543s absolutely adore it
1546s i can definitely see that
1549s uh i'll let you go and introduce
1550s yourself to garang i'm gonna watch from
1552s a safe distance at first is it the one
1554s oh okay he's right here oh yeah all
1555s right
1557s oh wow
1560s oh so he has like a is that a claw in
1562s his tail
1563s oh yes
1564s and he does some special things with his
1566s forearms which you'll see probably quite
1568s early on in the hunt
1579s oh oh oh
1580s oh
1581s my god i ate that
1583s he was really after you huh
1597s yes stamina recovery
1600s oh yes time for sharpness reduction oh
1602s no no i got slapped
1612s skillful
1619s [Music]
1629s oh my gosh
1636s i'm doing most of the carrying i don't
1637s know he's just giving me all the buffs
1640s teamwork makes the dream work right
1642s exactly
1647s i am just eating rocks for breakfast
1649s like
1650s [Laughter]
1652s oh god what is that oh god what is that
1654s yeah so he's dual element so he's quite
1656s unique
1657s oh
1658s okay
1663s that's really cool
1667s he's like the avatar of monsters huh oh
1669s yes
1672s and then the vulvaton attacked
1675s oh no
1676s [Laughter]
1680s oh boy
1682s [Music]
1690s i'm hunting with ali over razer today
1695s now i've got my own rocks yes
1705s oh my gosh where's his defense
1715s i can't find the defense buff on this
1717s guy oh my gosh
1719s yeah it's such a like interesting shape
1721s for a monster
1730s yeah he's definitely different
1733s oh he's had enough
1736s shiny shiny
1747s i was gonna say lord is looking very
1748s fashionable i'm getting like alucard
1750s vibes off of them
1751s oh
1758s love me some good fashion hunters oh yes
1765s i just totally missed all my attacks
1767s it's good it's good
1770s no it's fine it's fine we're just uh
1772s just warming up
1777s i'm just intimidating them right oh yeah
1779s it's about sending a message
1781s yeah exactly
1797s [Music]
1805s thank you for the heel
1810s because when he's really mad if he
1811s clicks you in the air he actually claps
1813s you out of the air
1815s oh really yeah yeah it's really cool
1817s unless it's you on the receiving end
1818s before right
1820s then it just hurts
1822s it looks good
1825s oh gosh
1827s [Music]
1829s i love it when he just slaps me out of
1830s the air it's really nice really nice
1845s that's some nice damage
1847s hey we popped the arms nice
1852s yes i have seen malzaino's hunting horn
1854s i actually am very close to making it
1857s i might use this to follow up to luna
1859s garron
1866s yeah we're in a precarious position here
1870s we're all trapped in this little corner
1872s with him
1877s oh a monster mine
1882s oh
1883s we're in danger
1886s no we've got
1891s him doing really well considering
1894s [Music]
1907s nice
1908s oh not again oh god
1914s oh my gosh
1917s oh my gosh
1920s he's targeting me right now what's going
1922s on you're the chosen one
1926s oh we got another stun
1934s not exactly where i wanted but it's fine
1945s oh my god
1949s okay okay
1951s i just saw you rolling out there
1967s oh my gosh
1968s we're just hacking away huh oh yes
1973s he's powerful but once you knock him
1974s down you can start to you know turn the
1976s tables a bit
1987s oh god oh
1989s all right
2002s bentley flop yeah yeah we did bailey
2005s you know what my sharpness has hardly
2007s gone down i absolutely love the
2008s sharpness regen the song
2010s yeah yeah it's actually been really
2012s helpful
2022s i walked right into that
2032s nearly got him
2036s [Music]
2041s oh we got the trap in there nicely done
2046s so that was garen gome how did you get i
2048s mean you look like you absolutely nailed
2049s it i'll be honest i mean he was he was
2051s pretty fun i'm not gonna lie he's uh
2053s interesting to fight in the air so oh
2056s gosh i bet i'm always used to being on
2057s the ground mostly so yeah i bet he's
2059s trying to swat you out the air like a
2061s fly or something yeah yeah exactly
2063s exactly
2065s i really like that first belly flop yeah
2067s i went yeah went for seconds yeah yeah i
2069s just wanted to see what it could do you
2070s know what i mean just want to test the
2073s waters have a well played though and
2076s also that means you'll be able to start
2077s crafting the armor and i don't know if
2080s garon gold's got a insect wave but it's
2082s worth a look i suppose
2088s take all thank you
2090s my palaco plundered a large beast gem
2092s like that's why i love gathering
2094s palakkos like oh yeah yeah that's really
2096s helpful
2098s gom has one of every weapon apparently
2101s oh really
2104s thank you pope roots for that one
2107s i gotta look at his armor though i gotta
2109s see what it is it's so cool you should
2111s check out the armor on the the buddies
2112s as well it looks amazing
2114s oh really
2116s yeah the palico is like a little like
2118s castle and when you crouch it turns into
2120s a full-on castle oh my gosh really yeah
2123s yeah
2125s i like how they they gave it like a like
2127s a royal vibe almost mm-hmm i like it i
2130s like it
2133s all right let's look at the popcorn
2141s oh
2143s my gosh it really is a little castle
2146s oh my god that's amazing
2154s i'll put everything okay well uh border
2156s raptor if you have a quest you guys
2157s would like to like to post go ahead
2160s i'm loving
2162s lord's fashion though oh my gosh
2164s lord we must appreciate you
2166s oh my goodness oh the gourmagala chest
2169s yep so gormagala is one of my favorite
2170s monsters like top three
2173s and uh
2174s yeah the arm is amazing because like the
2176s cape like constantly flows as if it's
2178s alive it's very very nice
2182s what have we got what's on the menu
2184s double crab
2186s [Laughter]
2188s crab is on the menu tonight oh yes
2193s as long as it's not us dina that's
2195s that's okay true true
2205s i know i
2207s i actually am allergic to shellfish oh
2210s no
2210s my one mod is like no don't do it yeah
2213s don't eat them don't eat them
2216s no no no i'll just help you guys kill
2217s them for your dinner okay there we go
2220s we'll give you the shell so you can like
2222s put it on your mantelpiece yeah yeah
2223s yeah yeah
2225s maybe they make a good cup holder who
2227s knows oh maybe yeah
2232s [Music]
2233s i'll just wear it as a prize
2235s [Music]
2238s a fine addition to your collection
2244s all right so i fought the one crab oh so
2247s you've not fought shogun yet the blue
2249s one
2250s so yeah shogun's got some interesting
2252s tricks up which sleeve i say sleeve i
2254s mean floor
2258s can you imagine if it did wear like a
2260s jacket though
2261s oh my god
2263s oh my god can somebody draw that yeah
2270s oh my god
2284s all in on the stuns on this one
2295s that's a lot of hits
2300s the diving wiper never hits like a good
2303s spot with the crabs
2304s yeah it's like because it's all from
2306s above
2308s that's very shellfish of them you know i
2310s feel you there yeah yeah it makes me
2312s look crabby
2313s [Laughter]
2316s okay i have the crab what i'll do i'm
2318s gonna knock down where'd it go
2323s chase me lord chase me
2326s i'm going to knock down this crab and if
2328s you want to give it a woman ride you can
2329s see some of this crazy moves
2333s oh never mind never mind reminds me oh
2334s raptors got it raptors on
2336s all right raptor show me show me the
2338s moves
2342s [Music]
2344s all about the slashing
2346s oh wow
2347s he's a hacking slashing guys
2355s red versus blue yes
2386s i just took big damage
2389s i went flying
2391s oh they're fighting each other now no no
2392s and us
2397s i had a wall run to avoid that one
2400s i just took the hit to the face there
2401s was no running
2404s you're like i'll just take it yeah it's
2406s so good it's what the armor is for right
2416s oh my gosh i can't see anything
2420s i always see a shell yeah
2429s we got the stun
2434s oh there goes the shell
2444s oh that was satisfying
2448s see if i can get my uh sonic bloom to go
2451s off let me play the song of my people
2456s a thousand damage what oh my gosh
2465s with daimyo or shogun taste better now
2467s that is a good question that is a good
2469s question
2476s i mean i can't participate in that uh
2478s the argument that's true it's what we
2480s can focus on in the razor chat
2483s how many opinions
2485s which crab would taste better
2488s i feel like i don't know it's like the
2491s blue one's probably more rare
2494s so maybe maybe that one's more like a
2496s delicacy you know oh yeah yeah that
2498s makes sense that makes sense also i
2499s think the blue one's a bit harder to
2500s catch
2502s oh yeah true probably
2508s good hunt there good hunt yeah good time
2510s so we're gonna rotate people out
2512s [Music]
2515s if you guys want to join make sure you
2517s type xmh point join and get in on the
2519s razer discord to be able to join because
2521s that's we're going to put the id
2524s thank you zelda for in the monster
2525s hunter chat getting that id up and yeah
2527s for those wondering um a lot of us are
2529s using end game weapons so these monsters
2531s are going down a little bit quicker than
2532s they usually would um if you were going
2534s through without the
2536s absolutely
2538s crazy powerful weapons that we're using
2540s i am still using a defender weapons you
2542s are you are being legit
2543s [Laughter]
2544s you say that i'm spending a lot of time
2546s on the floor admiring the
2549s upgrade it i scenery
2551s okay
2554s my favorite from the the base game was
2555s the the narghakuga
2557s oh yeah yeah that's a fantastic sword
2559s and shield as well so i'm hoping there's
2561s gonna be a nice little upgrade to that
2564s and what we're going to do lord and
2565s raptor thank you so much for joining us
2567s if you're right to jump out we'll get
2568s two more hunters in just to share the
2570s love spread the wealth but some
2572s fantastic hunts really appreciate you
2574s both jumping in
2579s we're not
2581s we won't shame you for being mastering a
2583s hundred already okay
2585s thank you shane here yeah
2588s thank you for joining us lord have a
2589s great evening or morning i don't know
2591s where abouts at the world you are
2595s or another happy time zones oh yes
2598s hello there let us do together
2602s yes oh my gosh
2604s this could be so much music
2606s oh my god it's going to be amazing
2611s and wow mr118 congratulations congrats
2614s that's
2615s that is quite impressive hr 999 so super
2618s veteran hunter
2621s um so you can do master rank laid armor
2624s you just have to get to a certain point
2626s in the game
2627s so you won't have it off the start but i
2630s won't spoil when but you know once once
2632s you've progressed enough you would
2633s unlock these so kind of like the the
2635s base game was yeah yeah you you earned
2637s the the right to do master enclave armor
2642s all right well i'll see if i have any
2643s quest to post yeah if not i can put in
2646s um
2647s something a little spicy
2649s yeah i mean mine are all pretty much you
2651s know
2653s still the beginning quest so they're not
2654s like we could do we could do this one
2656s i'll go for it
2656s [Music]
2658s drumroll
2660s nice mix here and lagombi i think as a
2663s monster a lot of people sleep on the
2664s gombe i admit i did ask like
2667s that's going to be a piece of cake no i
2669s love the gambie
2671s it's just because it's it's so cute but
2673s i just love hunting it too
2676s [Laughter]
2686s like and also even greater she got like
2688s a big blow up in master rank like these
2690s monsters that are commonly seen as like
2692s easy or small fry can be quite
2695s surprising
2696s which i love like you know every monster
2699s got a new lease of life and you know a
2700s lot of them are actually whipping my
2701s butt so yeah yeah yeah
2711s there you go so there's
2713s me you coco and crisis
2718s oh and also something that's just popped
2720s up because we're doing a hunt with you
2722s and you're a lower master anchor than us
2724s we actually get extra items
2726s [Music]
2727s yep so
2728s if you're playing with a friend who's
2730s just started or you're going in around
2731s and actively helping like newer players
2734s you get rewarded for it with extra
2735s monster parts at the end of the hunt
2738s i wasn't aware of that that's actually
2740s really cool
2742s it's a easy way for people to uh you
2744s know grind the the game especially like
2746s if you already played it on switch
2748s exactly and also yeah like you know
2751s it's a nice way of passively rewarding
2753s people that help out others um yeah
2757s because everyone loves more loot whether
2758s you want to use it for gear or you want
2760s to turn it into like melbourne material
2762s it all adds up
2769s yes sun break is the dlc the massive
2771s expansion for
2773s monster to rise and it is out now
2776s master rank is here
2777s two new locales tons of new monsters
2780s weapons gear mechanics there's a lot to
2783s enjoy
2791s [Music]
2796s yeah i do i do have a layered armor on
2798s my paladin
2799s [Music]
2801s oh gosh oh no we're all we're all going
2803s oh i got hit
2804s okay
2806s crisis has flinch free we can't get them
2824s monsters
2839s [Music]
2841s it's nearly down already bless it i know
2845s you guys are amazing
2848s we've just got the gear that's all you
2849s know the gears doing the heavy lifting
2851s for us
2853s [Music]
2861s [Laughter]
2865s i'm still hitting it like i was like is
2867s it still alive or what's going on
2870s we're not done yet get back up
2872s poor guy yeah
2877s this is the life of the uh lower tier
2879s kind of like master right monsters
2881s yeah
2883s i'm sure they're gonna be apart more of
2885s a fight for us
2887s i thought you were watching jurassic
2888s park first
2913s how off it goes man the two hunting
2915s horns it's just amazing
2917s just all the bus i have so many i have
2919s so many pups
2931s i don't even have to sharpen it's
2932s amazing
2936s it's just so much goodness attack
2938s defense healing affinity
2940s sharpness
2941s everything
2952s [Music]
2955s i kind of feel bad for uh
2957s beating up this rabbit yeah
2959s it's stunned blessing
2962s i like your auto message for the bus as
2964s well makes hunting
3001s that wasn't nearly as satisfying as i
3003s wish it would be
3006s to try to get return you got this there
3008s that's bad
3017s [Music]
3023s oh
3028s [Music]
3032s they felt way too easy yeah we had we
3034s were definitely bullying those monsters
3036s absolutely
3048s oh my god cryosis is your is your palamu
3050s like a lion that's pretty cool
3053s that's where i'm dazzling
3056s oh
3056s okay okay or basil geese as some people
3059s say well there's slight differences in
3061s pronunciation yeah yeah everybody
3063s pronounces the the monsters differently
3067s oh my gosh that's really cool
3069s [Music]
3073s i just love looking at all the different
3075s uh palakko and palomi armor i think it's
3077s so cute oh yeah like you can really kind
3079s of like personify yourself and you're
3080s like
3083s [Music]
3093s again lots of nice monster parts very
3095s very happy
3097s yeah yay
3103s i should actually check to see if
3104s there's any new uh kin sex i didn't even
3105s look yes
3107s i'm imagining there will be like i know
3109s so little about kinsex because i've
3110s never played insect life
3112s um so i would definitely learn from the
3115s master that is you when it comes to
3116s insects and insect lives
3119s [Music]
3121s what do i have now i don't even know
3122s what i have on now i have dual color on
3125s okay
3126s let's try to find another one of those
3128s if that's a thing
3130s maybe they're just not
3134s yeah so mine is rarity four maybe i just
3136s have to unlock more
3138s yeah maybe i don't you need like to get
3140s certain materials to level them maybe
3142s maybe
3147s someone wants to yeah that's what i was
3148s thinking it might have to be a higher
3150s level which is fine good day
3156s for the glory of the kingdom
3159s cryosis or coco if you want to post
3160s something oh yeah get pop something
3162s welcome to give us a treat
3169s or if uh if they don't have anything
3171s you're more than welcome to throw
3172s something
3173s like like are you do you mind being
3175s spoiled a little with like some of the
3177s mid-game hunts or do you want to kind of
3179s like no i don't mind i don't mind i'd
3181s hate to be like and here's this monster
3182s and you're like i can't believe it's
3183s done
3185s it's all good it's all good
3188s what's my favorite
3190s sunbury
3192s that's a good question i really like
3195s like steve and gautama gala
3198s that's really really cool
3199s however
3200s i did see for the first time yesterday
3202s malzaino and luna garron's turf war
3205s and how many stars
3207s um i don't think it
3210s does it doesn't matter how many stars it
3212s is uh i think something around three or
3214s four like four is five okay okay
3219s as long as we don't go into six star
3220s because then we're in big spoiler
3221s territory right yeah
3224s yes like so three or four cocoa
3235s [Music]
3249s reckon that's gonna have a ton of
3250s sharpness on it
3252s yes
3253s i just like it because the affinity is
3255s crazy high
3260s oh what the wrong way again oh my gosh
3267s here we go
3278s hmm
3283s decisions decisions
3286s i know
3288s it's just like me at a normal restaurant
3290s it takes me forever to decide what i
3291s want yeah i feel that i mean when
3294s there's so much choice as well
3295s and it's like yes
3299s [Music]
3308s all right so i'm assuming even
3309s narghakuga has some new uh new moves yes
3313s yes so great
3314s great
3317s nakakuka is just one of those monsters
3319s where i always carry two sets
3322s yeah
3322s it hits so hard i think for me like uh
3326s tigrex is like that for me like it's oh
3329s absolutely whales on me
3331s mm-hmm
3337s i don't know if you've seen espionage
3338s yet in this game but uh espionage is the
3341s first monster to triple cop me in master
3343s rank
3344s oh really solo and multiplayer
3349s that monster actually came from a
3350s previous title called monster frontier
3352s which never released in the west
3354s so
3354s it's too many monster hunters this is
3357s the first time that they would have been
3358s able to fight it and um one of its
3361s tricks is if it hits you with a fireball
3363s you get set on fire you get fire blight
3366s you get paralysis and poison
3368s oh my gosh yeah and then when you're
3370s paralyzed on the floor it's waddles up
3372s to you and then starts jumping on you
3376s so yeah it's a
3378s nice warm welcome
3383s yes
3389s oh found it you're straight in there
3392s yep
3396s you know i've missed you so much snap
3397s snap snap oh yeah
3400s spend many many hours grinding this
3402s monster just to get the clay oh yeah
3405s well good luck on the drops for this one
3407s hopefully you're getting that yeah
3409s hopefully
3432s my bad
3434s no resting on the job
3445s i'm being so cautious around him
3448s wait was that tail to come out yeah
3450s yeah
3455s it's always the tail slam that gets me
3459s i've been there
3477s oh that down
3493s oh my god i keep bouncing off his uh
3496s i know they're so strong clearly been
3498s working out
3500s yeah yeah yeah
3512s wait a second
3526s materials
3547s oh my gosh
3551s i feel like we're just bullying him
3552s though oh yeah i think having two hunted
3555s horns the amount of stun you have in
3556s your team honestly
3565s now you said you typically play uh sword
3567s and shield right yes yes
3569s so what made you try a hunting
3572s so like i put an absolute ton of hours
3574s into the switch and i'm playing through
3575s switch again at the moment for summary
3577s and like when i went through on pc again
3579s i didn't just want to like have the same
3581s experience
3582s so i was like what's a weapon that you
3584s know has a lot of flexibility you don't
3586s necessarily
3586s see as often as other weapons
3589s and just looks like a very different
3590s place that's what i'm used to and i
3592s sound on the hunting horn
3594s and
3596s so now one with the dude
3598s and i really really enjoy it um
3600s obviously you know saw the shield stuff
3601s that's my heart but
3603s one thing about like sun break and rise
3604s is it's so easy to try the weapons like
3606s i've been trying hammer switch acts
3608s lance
3610s it's it's a lot of fun
3611s so what got you into insects
3615s i mean it was just the first weapon i
3617s ever picked up when i played monster
3618s hunter
3619s so i'm kind of just like emotionally
3621s attached to it i feel bad i feel that
3623s but i have been wanting to try out uh
3625s some other weapons guys
3627s i just have to
3629s learn them you know yeah that's the
3631s trick i'm always like whenever i think
3632s of a new weapon the first thing i do is
3634s i go on youtube and i'm like
3636s how to or
3638s 15-minute guide to
3640s like this weapon yeah yeah
3643s i kind of just throw myself in i'm like
3645s all right let's go let's see what i can
3647s do
3649s if i can't i can't
3666s we got this
3676s [Music]
3680s fight
3691s not even a single part let's go
3693s [Music]
3696s this is where you get all the bits you
3698s need just to go straight in and make the
3699s uh oh my gosh
3703s imagine
3707s i don't even think i have the the next
3708s tier unlocked
3718s are we gonna rotate some people out yeah
3720s yeah let's be a rotate
3724s coco and creatures have done
3736s you need to get sun break for the switch
3738s it's actually it's a lot of fun on both
3739s platforms
3741s it's nice to have the options like i'm
3743s main and switch because
3745s that was like you know for me i got into
3747s monster
3748s on the portable side back in there 3u
3751s and 4u so like okay and i love the
3753s portability i love the flexibility like
3755s you know when i'm commuting or going
3756s around i love to spit you know play
3759s um and then obviously on pc you've got
3761s the power of pc behind the game so you
3763s know you can if you if you care more
3765s about fidelity and stuff like that you
3766s can enjoy that
3768s um
3768s yeah it's fun but yeah
3770s i i do may not switch
3775s yeah i have a lot of hours base game on
3777s switch more so than pc
3779s just because that's where i was
3781s grinding away oh yeah all my decorations
3784s and all that and all my like talismans
3786s are on switch and like on pc i'm trying
3788s to get them back so i'm like oh very
3790s squishy on pc yeah yeah scraping
3793s together like
3794s okay builds
3799s see if any of these builds are any
3801s different
3802s hello there to mochi welcome welcome
3807s bow user very snazzy
3815s [Music]
3818s have a sip of water it's important to
3820s stay hydrated when you're on the hunt a
3821s dehydrated hunter is a carted hunter
3824s exactly
3827s i probably should have filled my water
3828s bottle up but it's okay it's okay it's
3830s fine
3831s it's so good
3833s oh a bow user oh my gosh
3836s oh my god in the fashion very snazzy
3840s i'm obsessed
3841s that was actually the weapon i was
3842s looking at trying next was a was bo
3845s mixing up with some ranged that's cool
3847s that's a good shot
3850s chat very happy there's a bow user
3854s so hunt wise what do we fancy
3857s like
3858s because we have another mr1 so weapon
3860s wise
3861s we shouldn't be too strong
3866s i mean i think i need to do
3868s one more yeah
3871s uh let's just uh
3873s i don't evolve it on we haven't we
3874s haven't hunted involved on yet yeah only
3877s guest starred so far but now it's time
3879s for the main volvo don event
3883s yeah luna d like um bo you know it's a
3886s weapon where you know first it might
3887s feel a bit alien to you and you might
3889s not feel as effective but once you learn
3890s it and once you've had a couple of hunts
3892s with it
3893s and you pick it up it does some really
3895s really big it looks really cool too it's
3897s so flashy isn't it yes yes
3903s taking down the monster i want to try it
3910s [Music]
3915s [Music]
3917s just say the word
3923s yep we still have room for one more
3924s person to join
3926s yeah you can jump in mid hunt as well so
3927s even if we've started like you've not
3929s missed the boat
3932s what type is this i'm using insecure
3935s my my one true love
3938s do you have a name for your insect or
3940s kinsec
3942s um no no i haven't really made it i
3944s don't want to get too attached though
3945s you know that's true just waiting you
3946s know i'm gonna have to upgrade it the
3948s newer model comes along yeah yeah i'm
3951s like i'm so sorry
3953s i love you all equally but especially
3955s you
3956s [Laughter]
3963s oh my
3967s i don't have any of the subcamps
3969s unlocked in this one you know what i
3970s feel that i've got this sub cool
3973s but like on the other maps like when i'm
3974s streaming with the community they're all
3976s like dashing ahead and um they're like
3978s wait up i'll be there soon don't kill
3980s like hold on
3982s i haven't farmed enough for this if we
3984s were playing on switch i could do it
3986s oh my gosh why did i jump down here no
3988s it's fine we're gonna we're just gonna
3990s take the scenic route it's a sense of
3991s adventure you know never know exactly
3997s also i love that with wall running now
3999s you don't have to use a wire bug to
4001s engage in a wall run
4002s um
4003s and if you're falling and hit the wall
4005s you will start running like it's so
4007s silky like and that was put in because
4010s of community feedback
4012s and
4013s the team saw the requests and the
4014s feedback they're like you know what
4016s we'll get that in for the expansion
4017s we'll be able to get that
4019s nice and as well
4021s just to clarify the wording like you
4022s don't have to buy the expansion to get
4024s that quality of life that's like a free
4026s patch
4027s that's available for everyone
4029s oh my gosh i can't figure out how to get
4031s back up okay it's fine it's fine i just
4042s i'm just gonna go the long way you know
4047s i don't want to try my hand at my uh my
4048s parkour skills right now
4054s oh no i've nearly fell down the hole
4055s there i launched myself over a ledge
4057s where's volvo
4062s yes helicopter gober exactly exactly
4065s you found a lucky life all part of your
4067s gosh
4070s if i can actually like find it
4073s um so regarding my build i haven't got
4075s any handicraft on as far as i'm aware so
4077s i've actually got a fully upgraded luna
4079s guaranteed hunting horn
4081s which is why it has double shot
4083s and with the sharpness regen i don't
4085s lose it
4089s i love it when people have auto messages
4091s when you get the bus
4098s [Music]
4100s right here finally
4104s welcome to the party
4119s um
4133s a lot of monsters with about slams today
4148s oh my god the stuns
4151s so good
4153s so i'm using a move called silver
4154s shockwave which adds like a secondary
4156s like little uh
4158s music bubble that explodes and it does a
4160s ton of like stuff damage
4164s oh gosh
4165s oh dear
4169s my poor palago got him
4173s yeah feel free to join me
4177s dear gates open come in
4184s so on pc i'm master rank five
4190s i believe i think i'm five maybe six
4193s i've been playing on switch so
4195s sometimes i get confused
4199s what's your uh what's your rank on
4200s switch uh so switch i've just beaten
4204s shagaroo magala so i'm mr6 on switch
4207s definitely
4210s which must mean i'm five here there we
4212s go yeah
4220s it's a big armadillo it is
4231s not a fan of my tunes clearly
4241s almost
4245s that i need to watch
4267s you got an error for the id
4269s [Music]
4270s interesting
4272s oh that's because someone else joined at
4273s the same time oh yeah yeah
4290s oh no
4292s thanks for the healer whoever did that i
4293s just rolled straight
4299s [Music]
4313s oh my gosh
4314s [Music]
4321s oh not again
4323s [Music]
4336s oh my god i'm just getting bullied yeah
4338s oh i really need a hill soon no no no no
4341s oh i so nearly got carted oh no
4361s [Music]
4366s is another weapon that looks really fun
4368s to use yeah it's got some really flashy
4370s moves where you like you know slide down
4372s the monster spinning
4374s loads of fun stuff i may have messed
4375s this up
4379s i did not keep on rolling
4385s again if you like like elemental weapons
4388s um
4389s very very good
4409s back hip opener
4424s very slowly getting away this is so sad
4430s bothered farted on our clothes there's
4432s no there's no coming back from such a
4434s crime
4458s oh nice
4475s [Music]
4480s that was a good little hunt even though
4481s i nearly carted him by bulbadon
4484s i mean i don't want to jinx ourselves
4486s but i don't think any of us has carted
4487s yet
4488s oh no next hunt is gonna be
4496s i just think we're really good hunters
4498s yeah we're doing well aren't we some
4500s great teamwork here
4501s [Music]
4507s you heard it here first
4510s yeah next quest we're all gonna curt
4512s yeah triple car guaranteed
4514s [Laughter]
4516s my bad
4519s i can't believe you guys bullied that
4520s poor sweet rock rack bait boy that was a
4523s very mean very mean
4525s [Laughter]
4529s he was bullying us first yeah
4533s [Music]
4535s i'm gonna be the first one to cart
4536s because i said something
4538s you might be right you might be right
4544s i put the curse on us
4547s oh my god what did you get i got two
4549s beast gems no way
4555s maybe you are lucky maybe you will get
4557s away of course
4558s maybe maybe
4563s ooh urgent message
4572s hmm
4586s oh i love how i set my name as panda in
4588s this game
4592s everyone's just calling me panda it's
4593s great
4601s all right we up for an urgent quest go
4603s for it let's see what nice
4605s nice
4606s let's go
4609s oh a new monster
4612s a subspecies even yes
4616s so we call this monster bob in the
4618s community uh okay
4621s just a short and blood orange bishop
4622s tent down oh
4624s okay okay okay i like it i like it bob
4627s okay
4631s and then the armor is called orange tan
4638s i love the puns
4640s yeah chat's loving it bob is back we're
4642s going to be
4643s fighting bob and hopefully not cutting
4645s but we will see
4648s i'll probably cart first to be honest
4650s lead by example you know like this is
4653s how we do it everyone
4654s yep
4656s this is how the pros do it
4661s part me wants to take us on an
4663s hunt because they are
4665s even though like it's like mid master
4667s rank level difficulty this monster
4669s punches way above its weight
4674s [Music]
4681s but what if bob is the boss then what
4684s oh
4687s bob might be the boss
4691s oh this is cool
4699s i am loving all of the cutscenes for the
4701s dlc
4703s they are so nice
4705s i love seeing our hunter like you know
4707s what they do post hunt like yes
4709s opportunity may present oh from the most
4711s unexpected of places
4714s [Music]
4715s this is like that spider-man meme and
4717s they're like at each other now it really
4719s is
4724s and even if it results in a disaster of
4727s unknown proportions
4732s the cycle of beauty
4742s hey as the younger sibling i gotta say
4744s i've never been that annoying
4746s that's good you won't feel the blood
4748s orange fish at them
4753s [Music]
4755s oh we don't have far to go either
4769s i'm trying to get a head start before
4770s you zoom past me on your palamute
4773s i could just walk slow it's fine
4777s just styling on me now
4781s i won't let kamura down that's my
4783s promise as a knight now he's cool oh we
4785s got for your aim with us as well
4789s love it
4796s and obviously a sword and shield mate so
4797s clearly the greatest
4802s [Music]
4822s we're going all in oh my gosh
4832s yep followers are a multiplayer and
4834s single player it's good fun well
4836s the followers are in the
4839s urgent questions however the follow-up
4841s quests you can do that are separate for
4843s the urgents are single players
4860s oh no sentient pine cones
4863s oh my gosh
4867s i believe you can escape
4870s i got it i got it
4872s i did not see that coming
4876s no one expects the flame in pine cone
4898s yeah like blood orange fish attempts not
4900s to be sniffed that like
4901s i wouldn't be surprised that i can't
4904s but like triple car is very very doable
4913s i think we're doing good so far i think
4915s so we're keeping down
4918s yeah i could be jinxing us again
4922s bob goes ultra instinct or something
4924s yeah
4952s i'm not trying to ruin the note cards
4953s i'm just trying to i'm just trying to
4954s hype this up you know
4956s this little pat on the back
4959s everyone on his head he's like no please
4977s [Music]
4981s my sharpness is still pristine i love it
4983s i love it
4984s me too
4986s we know what's up
5007s [Music]
5014s yeah
5016s oh no
5033s nice
5035s take damage
5043s [Music]
5048s today was a big step forward
5062s there we go well played
5066s now his tail just breaks right there's
5068s no drop for his tail yeah i think that
5070s one's just a break rather than a full
5072s chop
5074s because i noticed it was all the mangled
5076s up bit so yeah it's just curious gonna
5079s need a pedicure i think
5080s yeah yeah i think so i think so
5083s would that be considered a pedicure or
5085s would it would it be a manicure
5087s oh maybe
5090s it's a hand foot or a foot hat yeah
5097s [Music]
5103s too cracked for cards yeah we're too
5104s cracked for kurtz
5107s well done
5113s oh i love how they showed the two of
5115s them
5116s yeah
5117s that was so cute
5121s another beast jam oh my gosh you are you
5124s are racking them up i really am
5130s amazing
5135s is that our two hunts with tomochi and
5136s robin there
5138s um i think so
5141s yeah because the first time we did a
5142s vulvodon yes yes well thank you tomochi
5145s thank you robin for jumping in there
5146s with some mighty fine hearts
5149s yes thank you thank you thank you
5155s oh you're like give me upgrades
5158s yes
5163s no
5164s that's fine it's okay
5178s we're gonna go spooky
5179s spooky mode
5182s yes gt's
5186s i have a little ghost palico now
5191s bob's armor is pretty cool
5193s it's so stylish isn't it
5196s that's nice
5201s oh even volvadons is really cool
5205s wow
5208s all right let's make it happen i love
5210s the fashion like whoever designs the
5212s armor
5213s like yes oh thank you thank you so much
5217s check out my palakko look it's a little
5219s spooky kit
5221s oh
5222s my gosh that is so cute
5226s the palamute version of that gear looks
5228s really really really cool as well it's
5230s like a hellhound kind of look yeah yeah
5234s who is uh whose armor is it gora magala
5237s oh yeah i haven't fought gore yet
5239s that's the [ __ ] or yet i love [ __ ] would
5241s you like to fight
5243s there's a lot of hype behind gore so i
5245s feel like we're gonna have to eventually
5248s it's it's a slightly high i think it's a
5250s four star but you've been absolutely
5252s boss in these yeah yeah all right let's
5254s do it do you want to do you want a two
5256s player or should we get some help what
5258s do your fans need
5259s um i mean if anybody wants to join yeah
5262s then hop in with them
5264s and this armor set and the weapons as
5266s well the weapons look incredible like i
5268s can fanboy over gore magala like
5272s like everything about it's called the
5273s fight the gear the music it's got a
5276s special unique status effect
5278s on you as
5281s one other monster can but it'll make
5283s sense when you see that other monster
5285s okay but uh this is just yeah i love
5287s everything about this monster so we have
5288s ramen king good to see you guys
5291s with the heavy bow gun as well heavy bow
5293s gun so yeah we are punching above our
5295s weight like hunting wise but i think we
5297s i think we're going to be just all right
5298s i think we got to touch wood i'm
5299s touching wood just to make sure
5302s uh otherwise otherwise we're going to
5303s end up back in camp
5307s and we've got a dollar here as well at
5309s mr35 so they're they're they're ready to
5311s fight and another insect leave oh my god
5314s oh my goodness there's gonna be bugs
5315s everywhere you could be flying
5316s everywhere
5318s i'll make sure i keep my dango in my
5319s pocket otherwise it would just get
5321s absolutely covered oh they're actually
5323s using gourmagala's insect glaive if you
5324s want to check them out oh my gosh
5326s you did post it okay
5330s it's just such a look
5333s i love the purple color oh yeah
5335s gourmagal is all about purple if you
5337s love glow and purple amazing you are in
5339s a good place
5342s it's going to go great with the pink
5344s oh yes the purple pink
5347s yes
5352s people in chat yeah if you if you
5354s haven't entered the giveaway excellence
5356s point giveaway yes
5358s four codes for monster hunter sun break
5361s yeah if you're not in the razer stream
5363s over on twitch as well jump on in there
5365s so that's
5367s razer because they're doing a giveaway
5368s is you just had ali say like yeah you
5370s can get a free copy and be playing
5371s yourself or a gift for a friend to get
5373s them in on the home um
5386s you would join but you're out here
5387s delivering two wyvern eggs
5388s [Laughter]
5390s i'm sorry well you know you got to be
5392s done though exactly they are you know
5394s what nothing gets like in master that my
5396s heart gets pounded doing those egg
5398s delivery quests because you go across
5400s the whole map the whole map and then you
5402s see this small monster like a ball fango
5404s or something
5408s wait a second
5411s i decide no please no no
5415s but whether it benefits the prey
5418s remains to be seen hey congrats on
5421s taking down bishop10 for the first time
5422s put it
5425s here we go gormagala
5430s no these customs are so good oh yes
5435s this is actually how you rebuild got
5436s magala as well this bit
5438s [Music]
5442s the mist that envelops it
5445s an evil force oh what's the smell
5448s it's all good
5450s even those who struggle in a desperate
5453s effort to survive
5455s are beaten and pinned down by its
5457s overwhelm you remember all the hype when
5458s uh gore was announced
5460s yes i remember the first time i saw the
5462s trailer and i saw gore i was i was like
5466s squeeing away on my chair like proper
5468s proper nerd and out and yeah like
5470s you know being in twitch chat when that
5472s happened and on twitter like
5474s i was so happy i love i love those
5477s reveals and events where everyone just
5478s gets to see it and enjoy it yeah
5481s oh
5486s i need to get myself a little gold
5487s magala plushie i think so
5490s oh my gosh
5491s yeah i need to get more uh monster
5493s plushies all i have right now is a
5495s nergigante
5496s what a great choice though i definitely
5498s need uh some more to the collection that
5500s monster is so cool i used to fight it
5502s all the time and i swelled and i spawned
5504s like
5506s it was my favorite
5508s and it's so satisfying because you break
5509s the spikes they regrow you break them
5511s again and just yeah
5513s and then they bought our arch tempered
5514s neck again day and it's like oh goodness
5517s and then ruin a nug against a yes
5522s also gormagal is right in the north
5525s oh great
5529s to be for the arena it's in right
5531s it's so cool yeah i'm going to get a few
5532s spirit birds for this like
5534s gourmet gala the first time i thought
5536s gourmet gala i double carted to it
5538s oh yeah things got a bit intense i was
5541s like drinking all my armor potion things
5543s after i was like
5544s megarama drug my adamant seeds
5549s i'm gonna leave steve over here so that
5551s we can uh enjoy gore
5554s a little longer
5559s yeah steve's having a rest day down in
5560s the citadel you know like a spa day
5564s oh my gosh wait did i forget to eat wait
5568s wait a second you'll soon find out
5569s though
5570s you'll soon find out
5572s wait a second
5575s is your tummy rumbling it's just it's
5576s just the the true challenge you know
5578s exactly
5581s the no cart challenge has just been
5582s updated
5583s [Music]
5586s welcome to gourmagala
5601s look at that diamond
5602s i'm just uh
5604s i'm just
5609s please don't look at me
5614s think about it
5626s oh i'm wearing like
5628s a solid master and i'm getting
5630s absolutely battered
5632s i'm gonna get it
5635s that's right the trick is to not get hit
5637s you know
5638s easy as that yeah
5645s so when you get hit you'll see a purple
5647s bar filling up uh above your health if
5650s that gets full
5651s you take more damage and
5654s healing is effective you need to use
5655s motions to heal you don't get the
5657s passive region and the only way you can
5659s overcome it is by attacking gore magala
5661s enough
5662s to overcome the frenzy
5667s you can use knoll breeze to lower the
5669s bar again as well
5684s i absolutely love this monster
5690s i can definitely see why
5693s oh yeah also it has a second form so uh
5696s oh
5697s oh my god spoilers i know you know as i
5699s said that i was like i really shouldn't
5701s have said that because you'd get to
5702s enjoy it
5704s i apologize
5707s i've become the very thing i swore to
5709s destroy
5718s there it is
5723s oh there's that bright purple
5730s i'm getting absolutely ripped in chat
5732s now for that spoiler
5735s quite rightly as well
5737s have mercy please i'm just too excited
5740s about gold magala
5747s [Music]
5752s you're doing so well not to get here i'm
5754s once again being volleyed uh-huh oh yeah
5757s i hope jinxed us
5762s i can see gorgeous chasing you
5772s [Music]
5779s okay all right that was fine
5789s nice
5824s oh no
5826s i am frenzied that's not good
5832s nice
5835s nice knock down
5852s all right i guess i'm taking it you got
5854s this
5855s yeah uh-huh
5856s [Music]
5859s oh it's just kind of cool i'm not gonna
5860s lie
5863s you've even got a cape look
5878s oh
5886s oh you got this you got good we're good
5887s we're good we're good oh i don't got
5889s this
5891s oh no
5892s no no no no no
5895s nice knock down again
5897s you absolutely bossed those wings
5904s i mean yeah there's two there's two
5905s insect blade users right now oh there's
5907s two attempts correct
5910s love how different weapons bring these
5911s different benefits like blunt
5914s insect play for hard to reach areas
5917s oh the kitten 8 is here
5919s oh oh just as gold magala runs away
5926s so how are you finding gormagala so far
5928s i'm gonna make a run back to the camp go
5930s for it
5933s get some max potions or something
5937s you know i forgot to pick up oh no i did
5938s i did pick some up that's good that's
5940s like i'm running low
5942s [Music]
5944s all right let's just quickly
5946s just quickly do this
5948s yeah
5949s yes elder we broke the ruins we've got
5951s magala there everything's getting
5953s smashed
5956s it's whatever okay i see something
5959s sponsored to rise insect waves similar
5961s to monster hunter world um it feels very
5963s familiar
5965s so i don't think you're gonna have
5967s much issue transitioning
5976s oh
5979s hello friends
5982s just chatting to the little the little
5983s boggy gremlins
5987s well they're probably more goblins
6004s i've just tanked two shots to the phase
6005s three doing well doing
6022s even bigger please let me heal oh no no
6024s no no no
6033s that's a damage from
6045s that is true hunting horn is the king of
6047s buffs
6048s that's true
6051s an insect grave is the king of the skies
6058s oh my frenzy bars nearly full oh
6061s oh oh oh it's fine barely does that
6069s oh we got the tail cut good job team
6086s oh wow a good chunk of the tail comes
6088s off
6089s really oh my god yeah oh yeah there it
6091s is on the floor i was not expecting that
6094s i think that's our first proper
6106s oh tablecloth kitten haters back
6108s and we got a hit
6110s i love that the uh palakkos get a
6112s portable dragon eater now yeah
6115s the first time i saw it i was like no
6117s what's a kittenator
6127s oh my god
6150s look at that no carts we did it
6153s i think we're just the chosen ones we
6155s are i was close a couple of times but i
6156s wanted to do that to make gore feel good
6158s you know like you know bbq yeah yeah
6160s yeah
6161s i've got the teller i always forget the
6162s tails so i need to get that first like
6165s oh
6165s on stream the community you're like jono
6167s jono tail tail tails the tail like what
6173s carved the monster
6177s well played though like so how was your
6179s first gore hunt apart from the the
6180s spoilers honestly that was pretty fun
6184s yeah besides the spoiler you know yeah
6188s his um i don't know what you call them
6190s like a little little fireball thing yes
6192s those are pretty cool
6195s especially when i was in the air and he
6196s tried to hit me with one that was
6198s pretty cinematic no getting away yeah
6201s i just love the look of the monster as
6203s well like this flowing black cape of
6205s shadow and everything like
6207s and hey you get to check out the gear
6209s now as well
6210s yeah i'm excited for that
6214s oh if you get some scraps as well you
6215s might be able to get out your palamu if
6222s i got two mantles you're kidding me
6224s let's go what streamer luck yeah
6227s yes
6229s wow
6231s i passed my luck onto you thank you you
6233s know what when i come back to bomb him
6235s on switch it's gonna take ages to get
6237s one
6239s [Music]
6241s oh my goodness
6248s well played as well ramen good job with
6249s the heavy bogan yes yes
6257s save that definitely keep hold of this
6259s really cool looking i love the cape oh
6261s my gosh
6264s oh my gosh
6267s insane
6273s and for those my side as well that might
6274s not have seen
6276s the armor set yet
6278s i will uh
6279s you can change the glow pink too yeah
6281s you can change the glow yeah i am sold
6295s is very very cool
6297s not that i'm biased
6302s need to talk to
6306s her
6308s [Music]
6327s we are playing on pc today
6329s yes
6334s we haven't fought espionage yet but
6336s depending on what ali wants to hunt we
6337s might do another one of her yeah no i'm
6339s done
6340s you want to try espana's
6342s yeah
6347s [Music]
6370s this one will push our no cart to the
6373s limit i think
6374s i'm scared i'm scared of espionage you
6376s said that about gore though that's true
6378s and we did all right we came out we did
6380s we did quite quite right
6385s i guess i'll just do all the defense
6387s stuff that's what i've done i've gone
6388s defender
6389s defender 2
6391s and uh medic
6393s i'm like yep you know
6396s no shame in being comfortable
6398s exactly exactly
6403s is like a mix of baratheon ratholos
6405s espanas
6407s espanes is a whole new beast it might
6410s have some visual similarities to the
6412s rafts but
6413s let me tell you chat
6415s espanas
6418s you finished monster hunter rise only
6420s with rarity four or five builds because
6422s you didn't know you could scroll to the
6423s side
6424s no way well kudos congratulations and
6428s sorry
6431s it's something i would do
6435s it's impressive though that is that is i
6437s bet they're very very very good at
6439s monster hunter now yes
6445s yes welcome to the stream there is an
6447s official monster hunter channel and we
6449s are streaming with the official razer
6450s channel that's headed up by ali so you
6453s got the double official goodness today
6455s yes
6457s blending into its environment double pro
6459s hunters oh yes
6464s and if any should appear to disturb its
6466s peaceful slumber
6471s they will soon find out
6476s that this mistake will cost them their
6479s lives
6484s espanas likes to sleep doesn't like
6485s being woken up
6488s poor nagaku
6492s hey it seems like he picked that fight
6494s though so that's true that's the road to
6496s be continued moment yeah
6499s thank you for the buffs
6510s i will follow your lead
6512s i i don't know where i'm going all right
6513s let's go uh let's go this way
6516s all right
6524s so yeah ramen when we get to uh espana's
6527s just let's all group around so uh ali
6529s can uh
6530s see another little special thing about
6532s about espionage
6536s oh he's sleeping yeah all right
6542s is the main target it always starts
6544s all right all right
6546s okay all right
6549s oh okay
6551s i'm gonna just play you some music
6566s let's get on my buffs you know
6569s oh yeah that's what that's what they're
6570s doing too
6573s it's smart though oh yeah exactly
6576s because once espana is awake it gets a
6578s little bit trickier
6588s shall i use the egg to wake up that's
6589s what else we should use
6593s oh no i pressed the wrong
6595s button so much for being a pro hunter
6601s it happened
6606s all part of the fun
6610s you gotta you gotta keep the audience on
6612s their toes you know exactly
6618s just totally whipped my big attack it's
6619s all good
6622s oh
6623s gosh yeah so espana
6626s thank you
6627s it hits like an absolute truck
6631s very very scary
6632s as i'll no doubt show you when i get
6634s carted in a bit
6637s or me you know
6638s it's all up for grabs
6640s i kept getting told it's gonna be me
6642s first so
6649s that attack is incredibly scary that is
6652s the one
6669s oh yeah i see okay all right
6672s oh it went for you again
6678s you did good invading that like well
6679s played that was i was like no no come
6681s back come back
6692s it's very strong that is the one hit big
6694s attack that one
6697s finally got according
6699s there it is
6707s i just trying to play a bit safer in my
6708s positioning it didn't work
6716s but like espana is such a big monster as
6718s well the attacks goes yeah he's cute
6720s great flashbacks
6733s it kind of reminds me of like
6736s ironically enough a dragon fruit
6739s eyes he's got like the same colors yes
6743s that's awesome i don't know if that's
6745s what they were going for but it looks
6747s really cool oh oh i just talking of
6750s eating things i just ate a fireball oh
6752s nice to knock down perfect timing
6760s and apparently according to chat this is
6762s one of the smaller estimates out there
6764s oh
6767s so they get much bigger
6786s let's get that egg on
6791s nice we got the head brain
6800s oh i got lucky oh oh no oh no
6804s no oh no
6807s oh no
6808s i'm getting the adrenaline rush now
6816s oh oh no
6818s it's your boy
6823s oh my gosh
6852s espana is trying to run no go for the
6854s stomp
6856s so victor this is a master rank four
6858s hunt so three
6869s oh my gosh
6870s that is brutal exactly what we needed as
6872s well
6874s thank you
6879s [Laughter]
6890s oh my god
6894s oh nakaku hasn't left it stayed oh no
6898s oh dude
6900s okay
6902s well especially
6914s oh
6918s no
6919s it really is it just spider it squeals
6922s at me
6925s the last the loss is here as well that's
6927s a little astonished
6929s oh my gosh
6930s okay where did aspanis go i got so
6932s scared by nugget
6959s nice more pop breaks more loot
6964s oh no is that not of course it's not
6966s good
6968s okay that's fine
6970s it's fine
6972s oh it really doesn't like ramen you got
6974s this oh no you're paralyzed
6976s i have my life powder in my hand i was
6978s like do i do it
6982s paralyzed poisoned on fire who's green
6984s the triple tree
6986s oh
6987s no no oh i got volley dango defender
6990s kicked in there
6996s here it comes
7000s i'm just gonna stay here i got yeah i
7002s got you yeah when in doubt just sit it
7005s out stay on the ground yeah stay on the
7007s ground i just lie here for a bit it's
7009s all good yeah
7013s oh oh no oh no no no no i ate a fireball
7017s now thank you thank you for the save
7024s oh my goodness
7028s i can see why that one's scary you know
7030s yeah
7035s okay all right
7036s all right
7041s he is not happy with us yeah it's such
7044s an intense hunt okay there's a
7046s kittenator down somewhere
7048s in the middle
7051s i've lost track of my tunes i'm getting
7053s shaken
7057s go on canada come on kittenater
7061s i believe in your kittenater
7063s turn
7066s may please aim us for us
7069s my palace like nah good
7073s oh my god
7077s it's such a scary monster
7079s it really is
7081s okay
7082s okay
7083s all right
7087s i actually do have to start it
7089s i'm sorry
7092s like when things get intense i just
7094s forget about what songs i should be
7096s playing i'm just like yeah everything's
7098s fine
7113s we've nearly got him though
7119s i must do some more
7124s gotta hit the tunes
7125s oh there's a trap
7127s one of the palaces put it down
7130s nice well played everyone so
7133s ali how was espana
7135s oh that might have been the scariest one
7137s so far i thought it was gonna be gore
7139s but that one that one might have been
7140s scarier
7141s i still didn't cart though
7143s you know well played i'm just that good
7146s yeah i'm not even wearing master rank
7148s armor like
7150s just coming in here with my high rank
7152s gear
7152s showing the monsters how it's done like
7154s well played like seriously good job
7157s i if i wasn't wearing master rank i
7159s would have definitely carted because i
7161s was just getting slapped around
7164s i got another mantle oh yeah oh my god i
7168s got a mantle too
7170s high five to that like well played yes
7172s let's go let's go let's go
7181s who's the streamer which one
7186s we're doubling up on the luck you see we
7188s are we are we are
7191s wow well played hunters as well that was
7194s a spicy one and also the espionage gear
7196s is really cool as well
7201s i said that about every monster it's
7202s nice to be able to go
7204s all of the monsters have awesome gear
7206s fashionably and functionally
7209s true
7210s like even the paladin
7214s yeah yeah
7215s i won't bother uh swapping out this time
7218s yeah we'll keep picking they might eat
7219s up some
7220s time so as our glorious host what would
7223s you like to hunt
7225s well i don't have a lot uh you know
7227s unlocked right now
7229s it's all of my nerve you know what what
7231s if we finish it off with some kaizu
7234s yes why not yes why i think that's i
7237s think that's it let's bless our viewers
7239s yeah with a nice little something to set
7242s them up
7243s you know i've not bought master and kezu
7245s yet fun fact
7249s a special question to be a quiet hunt
7252s but you know
7255s something to remember us fine exactly
7260s and again guys if you have not joined
7261s the giveaway yet make sure you use
7263s exclamation point giveaway and chat for
7264s your chance to win
7266s i'm using it through gleam so you'll
7268s have a while to enter
7270s you heard ali head over to the razer
7272s twitch stream while you can get in that
7273s giveaway for your chance to win a copy
7275s of sun break
7278s capcom was uh
7279s gracious enough to give us four codes to
7282s sun break to give away so that's the
7283s whole hunting party right
7285s the whole party
7294s it's okay sorry i'm eating my tango oh i
7296s should see if there's any more uh kinsex
7298s yes do it
7302s nope still ready for that's okay
7314s and make sure you're doing the giveaway
7315s in razer's chat not the monster chat he
7318s has to do it
7320s and if you're not make sure you join the
7322s razer discord for uh any updates on
7325s future razer game nights
7331s i forgot to go in the box i've just i've
7333s got kezu on the break i did too oh my
7336s gosh i must see kazu
7348s oh it's behind us
7350s i've not gone in that area straight away
7359s yeah this hunting horn is really cool i
7360s love that it's like the electric guitar
7362s like
7364s yeah yeah i keep hearing him like that's
7365s pretty cool
7367s so what insect wave do you reckon you're
7369s going to go for in master rank first now
7370s that you've seen a few different ones
7372s i don't know i mean like obviously i'm
7374s going to upgrade to narga like
7376s trying to get there just because
7380s probably try it honestly i like to try
7381s out all of them see which one i like the
7383s best
7384s i don't like the collection
7387s that's a good way to see you know oh
7389s absolutely
7392s i can't work
7397s that's a lot of lightning
7403s before one does blow that's true
7407s [Applause]
7412s i'll get my songs off eventually
7414s i think i got all of us besides
7419s oh that's new that's new
7424s i can't get my socks out please
7431s there we go
7449s again oh yeah i went straight back in
7451s for that and just ate a second one i'm
7453s like i'll just why i fall back in
7463s of course just as i use my infernal
7465s melody
7466s this is the way
7472s someone in chat i know they're using the
7474s official one but they're saying that
7475s kezu is low tier
7477s how could you oh my gosh
7480s i can't believe it
7482s is the best
7483s kesu is top tier
7486s monster royalty how day
7498s hi i'm just playing with your authority
7499s don't worry
7503s yeah atari was mentioned in the
7505s existence of a red kezuan obviously
7506s monster hunter
7508s which is the more powerful version
7514s yeah who couldn't love this space
7520s yes
7535s oh my gosh
7548s do you happen to have that uh that kaizu
7550s emo stuff
7565s you've just reminded me of because you
7566s hunted horn that is the stuff of
7568s nightmares
7571s how soul
7573s it
7574s is literally kezu's head slash neck
7578s as a hunting horn and you
7579s you blow you blow down it to play the
7581s songs and it's just like
7583s it's just
7584s it's horrifying
7587s they knew what they were doing
7602s just getting bullied
7608s it's all good ramen don't worry mate
7612s it's all part of the fun
7622s oh that really hurts
7629s [Music]
7639s whoa that's new
7645s the next slam
7655s oh okay all right i guess
7657s you're in control
7665s what happens if you uh
7668s put it over here
7670s oh yeah so if you hit those they do more
7672s damage and if you hit them with an
7673s element beforehand they do like
7674s elemental charges
7678s so you can plan ahead and get some extra
7695s this kes who's taking an absolute beat
7697s in consideration
7699s [Music]
7709s really bad
7714s no
7715s my egg
7717s oh no he's running ah
7720s he's escaped
7724s there he goes
7727s i think he's going a real long way away
7731s oh my god he is
7735s i had to google kazu huntinghorn and
7737s immediately regretted it oh no
7740s i'll have to look it up later
7742s maybe i won't maybe i'll just you might
7744s be able to look at it yeah you can check
7746s it out at the armory
7748s true
7748s do we want to
7750s probably
7758s worry chad oh i'll show you i'll show
7760s you
7765s it is too glorious to not witness
7773s this is true rahman the game is a lot
7775s easier when you don't get hit that's the
7777s one simple rule
7778s yeah
7779s i mean i feel like that's a rule for a
7780s lot of games
7784s how hard could it be right
7785s exactly exactly
7788s the first thing i do when i get in here
7790s is i got hit
7792s you just showed them what not to do on
7793s that bit there we go
7796s off you go okay
7799s we did it we did it
7801s not a single cart
7803s from either of us well played yeah like
7806s there was some great hunts like it's
7808s been an absolutely
7810s you as well guys make sure again
7814s given into the giveaway exclamation
7815s point giveaway capcom graciously gave us
7818s four codes for monster on the right sun
7820s break so if you have the base game
7822s join in who doesn't want
7824s a free dlc
7826s exactly make sure you go and do that in
7828s the razer chat that's razer to
7831s anyone watching my end i can see you in
7833s chat i love your eagerness but make sure
7834s you pop that in the razer chat
7839s [Music]
7840s oh clay they were some fantastic hugs
7842s like it was there was
7846s finally got to hunt gore
7847s i've been hearing so much about him
7849s [Music]
7854s and espana's really gave us a run for us
7857s any as well like what
7860s you don't have the game but you'll take
7861s the expansion well
7863s i think the game is on sale on steam
7864s right now it is 49 off an absolute steal
7868s if i do say so myself not that i'm
7869s biased i you know just that's the truth
7871s i mean i mean yeah yeah
7876s all righty well thank you so much for
7879s playing thank you for joining thank you
7881s for the invite i've absolutely loved it
7883s and you've been an incredible host and
7885s an even more incredible hunter so thank
7887s you oh thank you thank you thank you
7889s thank you
7889s all right chad once again join the
7891s giveaway exclamation point giveaway and
7893s i will
7894s talk to you all later razer thank you
7896s for having me i appreciate it
7898s bye y'all see everyone
7900s see ya
7908s ggs
7912s don't worry stream one one thing i did
7914s promise stream i'm going to show you the
7915s sun in horn now that ally's gone our
7917s little secret our little secret right
7919s huh right right where's kazu something
7921s along right let's go i know that ali is
7923s definitely not here anymore so she won't
7926s know what i'm showing you the kazoo
7927s hunting horn it's gonna be marvellous
7929s right
7930s look at that isn't it isn't it beautiful
7933s our little secret though all right chad
7935s i'll see you tomorrow i'll be back on
7937s wednesday actually i'll see you
7938s wednesday have a good one chat don't
7940s have any nightmares over that hunting
7941s horn and i'll see you in the hunt good
7943s night
7950s [Music]
7963s [Music]
7985s [Music]
8002s you
almost 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
13s [Applause]
17s [Music]
38s [Music]
63s [Music]
80s so
82s [Music]
94s [Music]
105s [Music]
126s [Music]
152s [Music]
166s [Music]
172s [Music]
191s so
193s [Music]
217s so
219s [Music]
228s [Music]
252s [Music]
272s [Music]
284s [Music]
292s [Applause]
296s [Music]
317s [Music]
342s [Music]
359s so
361s [Music]
373s [Music]
384s [Music]
406s [Music]
432s [Music]
443s [Music]
451s [Music]
467s you're welcome in hello hello it's great
470s to be here how are you
472s i'm doing great i'm thinking
475s oh my goodness your pal of you as well
476s you know i hadn't noticed your palate
478s mute somehow despite that vibrant pink
480s color that is looking awesome oh yeah oh
482s yeah we got it we got to be twinning we
483s got to be twinning you know
485s i mean me and my paliko kind of are i've
487s got the uh luna garon weapon and my uh
489s palakko is looking very fashionable very
491s cool even in this icy armor
496s all right so i haven't played as much as
498s you have
499s yeah i've had a little bit of a go at
501s master rank
503s you might have to carry me a little bit
505s you say that but you know insect claims
507s that are looking really good right now
509s in some breaks so i think you know
511s you'll be carrying me and i'm so glad we
512s got some buffs too because oh my god
515s so bad oh yes more element like yes i'm
518s loving the rise of elemental builds and
520s also for those hello everyone on the
521s monsta hunter side as well um i have
524s teamed up with ali here over at razer to
527s do some hunted goodness now if you want
528s to join us for some hunts make sure to
531s fire up the razer twitch stream as well
533s you can find just type in razer into
534s chat you already you'll find them um as
537s they're doing a sum break giveaway and
539s giving you the option to join us for
540s some hunts so yeah
542s we are giving away four game codes for
545s the uh the sun break dlc you have to
548s have the base game
549s but um yeah we're doing four so make
551s sure you type exclamation point giveaway
553s and enter the chance to win we will be
555s giving them away uh on july 8th so you
558s do have some time to enter
561s and also if you haven't got the base
563s game yet it's like half price on steam
564s right now so like what a double win
567s it's worth it it's worth it
569s oh yes oh yes should we open up the
571s lobby for the first time or should we
572s have a warm-up with the two of us what
574s do you
575s reckon um
578s i i think we should have a little warm
579s up little warm-up because i do i do have
581s an urgent quest
582s oh yeah let's do it let's do the urge
584s request so let's do that let's do that
585s yeah yeah and everyone type
587s well sorry
589s everyone type an exclamation mark
591s giveaway in the monster hunter chat you
592s need to go do it in the razor stream
595s because uh otherwise otherwise you're
597s just putting up my chat metric but if
599s you want to win
600s you need to go over to the razer twitch
602s channel and do the exclamation marks
603s over there
606s so that's forward slash razer
610s sorry there we go just had to chill chat
612s because bless them you know i don't want
614s them to miss out on the goodness
618s right um let's see what are we hunting
619s what are we hunting uh just the big old
622s turtle oh my goodness
625s we're gonna get sumo slammed
627s hurry up yep
630s now i don't know if this is true but i
632s heard that they gave him some new move
633s sets yes so all of the base rice
636s monsters have got brand new moves in
638s master rank so honestly they feel very
641s very different like you think you know a
643s monster and then they get into master
645s rank and they're like you know
647s look at them now
649s yeah
651s because like tetranadon used to be like
653s a big green punching bag
655s but now we're the punching bags
662s all right let's see my dongo and uh oh
664s yes i'll be ready to go
666s [Music]
671s i love the new palette go cut scene as
673s well they actually got a trade involved
679s i mean i loved him in the base game too
681s so like this is just
683s amazing for me
684s yeah the the monster community is still
686s trying to get me to sing the fluffy
688s bunny dango song but i just can't i
690s can't put them through that
691s you can't do it no no
694s i'm not strong enough
696s i think i think you could do it i think
701s is this your first hunt on the jungle or
703s have you done a hunt uh i've done i
705s think two
707s two or three
709s the first one i just did the uh oh my
710s gosh
711s i forgot what they're called the little
712s crab things oh yeah yep
715s yeah yeah i had a bunch of those
717s poor little hermitors you know it's
719s great to have the crabs back like
720s they've not been in monster hunter for a
722s good few years now
723s um and yeah the community have gone wild
726s over the return of their krabby kings
730s i don't know if i'm going the right way
731s by the way that's okay you know we get a
733s nice scenic route you're way faster than
735s me i have a palace so i'm like running
736s behind you like hold up
738s [Laughter]
740s using my wire bugs to try and catch up
744s so you're you're uh you prefer the
746s pelico
747s i like to mix up so
749s my my advice like my personal advice is
752s when playing through for the first time
754s gathering palikos are awesome because
755s you get extra drops from the monsters
757s during the hunt okay so and they can get
759s stuff like mantles and gems so i i
763s really rate gathering palakkos for you
765s know when you're first going through and
766s trying to get some good master rank sets
768s because saves you time and you can get
770s really good drops from it um
773s but a lot of people as well like to mix
774s in the palamu and apalico so they get
776s the speed and the extra loop yeah
788s all right let's see these new moves
790s i'm ready
791s here we go i'm gonna start playing my
793s songs give us some buffs
801s i've got one that you'll especially like
802s with sharpness regen so you'll get to go
805s a lot longer now before needing to yes
817s what's up playing sword and shield so i
819s keep trying to block it it's not going
820s well oh no
830s i love the swap of aid as well like
833s being able to bring everything with you
835s is so amazing you don't have to like
837s sacrifice stuff
839s big fan and you'll unlock even more as
841s well in mastering four so there's two
844s more moves you get to unlock to try out
848s well i know in the demo
851s they had the uh the one where you can
853s launch the wirebug
857s now your insect is the weapon
859s yes
862s there we go we got the knock down time
863s for some big hits oh
865s we've got a guest
878s gonna ram it and then do you want to
880s take control of a royal library yeah
882s yeah
884s i'll just play my play my horn in the
886s corner
896s i've got a great view of this fight by
898s the way
901s [Music]
906s pick up these freebies
912s i love how many shinies they drop oh
914s it's amazing and if you get the new
916s yellow or golden wire bug uh you get i
918s think two more drops or three more drops
921s as well oh really it's great for farming
923s yeah so so good
926s taking a lot of mental notes here
935s there we go enjoy the buffs
937s oh thank you oh my god
941s i'm stuck at the corner
950s get that egg popped
956s i can just see your pal view it's
957s absolutely amazing
965s and just for those asking if they can
966s join absolutely head over to the razer
969s twitch stream
970s and uh there'll be info in there on how
972s you can join the home and enter the
974s giveaway
976s yes make sure you join the razer discord
979s for a chance to uh join in on the hunts
981s and for those wondering about joining as
984s long as you're a master rank one or
986s above you can join um because in master
988s rank there's a lot more flexibility in
991s what tier of hunt you can join so if we
993s wanted to
994s and ali was feeling especially bold
996s we could take on some higher rank master
999s monsters
1000s absolutely so yeah we can mix it up a
1002s bit so as long as you're mr1 and you're
1004s feeling bold and brave to take on some
1006s real big beasties you can jump in
1012s and it doesn't matter if you can't so
1013s don't worry about that cartoon is all
1015s part of the fun
1020s that's good because i'm sure gonna eat
1022s some parts today oh yeah master wreck
1024s really ramps things up like you know
1029s uh oh
1033s daimyo's here
1037s what did you think of daimyo being the
1038s best monster income that was a bit of a
1040s surprise right
1041s yeah yeah i mean i think he's really
1043s cool personally i mean
1046s he was kind of a pain
1048s because you know i attacked from the air
1050s so like
1051s all i could hit was a shell but that's
1053s true and i hear you can get a bit crabby
1055s sometimes so you gotta watch out
1060s [Music]
1074s yeah right
1080s guess we are playing on pc as well
1087s we're doing some work here
1089s yeah
1097s it's just you you're just carrying
1099s i'm just playing my tunes having a good
1101s time
1105s the last thing because i play yeah sword
1107s and shield on switch hunting on on pc
1109s the muscle memory is conflicted at the
1111s moment that's why i'm like hesitating a
1112s bit
1116s yeah when i played on switch i just used
1118s my uh my pro controller yep save
1121s and now i'm using uh i'm using an xbox
1123s controller
1125s yeah
1127s the x and the y are switched
1130s so i was like i was hitting those on
1132s accident a lot
1134s oh my gosh
1146s oh there's a second
1148s okay we're good we're good we're good
1150s firefall came in clutch oh yes
1153s i i'm a very much a waterfall
1154s appreciator yes yes
1158s i have noticed you do have to watch
1160s where you waterfall too though yeah so
1162s like 99 percent of my cards is me being
1165s volleyed midwife yeah yeah
1169s oh
1171s nice work
1172s nice work and for those that can see my
1174s screen we managed to get the last hit
1177s with the sonic bloom which is like a big
1179s silk bind egg that goes off after you
1181s play enough songs
1183s so that's so satisfying oh yes it's
1185s always nice when you get like a like a
1186s big hit or like a big silk bind attack
1188s like i see a lot of ones with the insect
1189s glaive where they do that kind of dive
1192s from the air and you like stab down
1194s like so many cool ones of those
1197s that's so satisfying especially when you
1198s get it like on the head it's oh my god
1201s yeah that's such a great hunt though i
1203s think i'm feeling nice and nice warmed
1205s up yeah that was a good one
1212s i nearly forgot to like you that would
1213s have been poor form on my butt
1217s you're like you know she was okay yeah
1219s it did all right didn't cut i suppose
1222s [Laughter]
1225s can you join the hunt yeah all you have
1226s to do is type exclamation point discord
1228s or socials and uh join the discord and
1231s uh we shall get you in here
1235s well done
1242s and that's the successful urgent done
1243s for you as well so you get you get to
1245s find some more monsters
1252s i nearly forgot to check my end screen
1254s oh that's pretty cool
1258s [Music]
1260s oh my gosh
1262s [Music]
1264s veterinarian has just given me the eye
1265s like i can't believe you've done this
1267s yeah right
1274s okay okay okay
1275s just have more requests too cool
1278s and for those asking my side uh we'll
1280s have more news on when you can expect
1282s the first batch of some break event
1283s quests uh in the future so watch this
1286s space
1296s oh my god the princess is so cute isn't
1298s she just like you know it's nice about
1300s having royalty coming and you know
1302s getting get that yeah
1305s also like you can see she's got like a
1307s little plushie on her back
1309s oh my god does she yep yep now
1312s that is actually a monster i say a
1313s monster it's it's an endemic life that
1316s you can find in the game oh my god
1320s that's so cute
1322s it's found somewhere in the jungle and
1324s it's a rare endemic life
1327s oh my god that's adorable
1330s all right do you want to post the next
1331s question yeah yeah i'm up for that yeah
1333s yeah
1334s i won't post my urgent because it's a
1336s little bit late game um
1340s so i think something might be fun if we
1342s do garen gold and garen golem is one of
1344s the three lords
1346s and is unlike any monster you've
1348s probably fought so far in monster hunter
1349s it was definitely very new for me like
1352s fighting like this
1353s massive absolute hulking beast
1356s um so we'll give garen gomez
1359s so you see how we get on
1361s all right all right
1362s also has some really cool artists oh
1364s wait i have to go over here to join
1365s right yeah yeah
1369s oh boy
1371s and if you want to join us on any hunts
1373s remember head over to the razor twitch
1375s and uh check out their commands and
1376s that'll give you the info to join the
1378s hunt
1381s because this this stream's a little bit
1382s different i'm a guest today i'm a guest
1385s with razer and ali so uh yep
1389s um oh my god i don't even know what
1391s don't go to eat for this
1393s uh defensive ones might be good like
1395s whenever i fight a new monster i always
1398s go defender and medic and then i kind of
1400s mix it up yes yes
1406s [Music]
1409s and another one you can unlock uh
1411s there's like a secondary defender dango
1413s i have not unlocked it on pc yeah i've
1415s got it on my switch
1418s um which is like after you take x amount
1421s of damage the next hit is guaranteed to
1423s be reduced
1424s so you know you know that if you if you
1426s you know you're going to get tanked the
1428s uh you won't cart which is nice
1435s i
1436s think i'm ready to go i should probably
1438s restock though shouldn't i oh yeah yeah
1440s get those drinks
1442s oh my gosh i'm still learning this new
1444s uh hub
1448s i keep losing the item box
1450s where are you
1452s [Music]
1453s okay all right
1458s uh this is an expansion to monster
1460s hunter rice
1465s shall we dance
1468s yeah
1470s here we go
1471s golem
1473s so you're not too far away from buying
1474s garen gom yourself uh oh really
1479s and uh this is one of the other new
1480s areas the citadel which is kind of built
1482s up of different biomes so you get a real
1485s big mix
1488s and like environment
1491s right okay oh i can share the id or
1493s whether it benefits the prey
1495s remains to be seen oh you can share the
1498s id okay okay okay
1499s oh can i oh no no sorry yeah no i don't
1502s it's fine yeah
1504s okay
1505s i haven't played on this map yet i want
1506s to be a good guest
1509s you're a great guest you're a great
1511s guest you're carrying me through the
1512s game
1514s all right let's let's pop that kind of
1516s freebies we got
1517s and for those who jump in just try and
1519s avoid coming in and like
1521s last boss gear and just absolutely
1523s shredding the monsters
1524s we're still in early master wreck
1528s right so yeah welcome to the citatell
1529s first of all um i absolutely adore this
1532s map like it it captures so many
1534s different like european
1536s kind of like you know
1538s archetypal areas like with castles
1540s woodland forest mountains yeah i
1543s absolutely adore it
1546s i can definitely see that
1549s uh i'll let you go and introduce
1550s yourself to garang i'm gonna watch from
1552s a safe distance at first is it the one
1554s oh okay he's right here oh yeah all
1555s right
1557s oh wow
1560s oh so he has like a is that a claw in
1562s his tail
1563s oh yes
1564s and he does some special things with his
1566s forearms which you'll see probably quite
1568s early on in the hunt
1579s oh oh oh
1580s oh
1581s my god i ate that
1583s he was really after you huh
1597s yes stamina recovery
1600s oh yes time for sharpness reduction oh
1602s no no i got slapped
1612s skillful
1619s [Music]
1629s oh my gosh
1636s i'm doing most of the carrying i don't
1637s know he's just giving me all the buffs
1640s teamwork makes the dream work right
1642s exactly
1647s i am just eating rocks for breakfast
1649s like
1650s [Laughter]
1652s oh god what is that oh god what is that
1654s yeah so he's dual element so he's quite
1656s unique
1657s oh
1658s okay
1663s that's really cool
1667s he's like the avatar of monsters huh oh
1669s yes
1672s and then the vulvaton attacked
1675s oh no
1676s [Laughter]
1680s oh boy
1682s [Music]
1690s i'm hunting with ali over razer today
1695s now i've got my own rocks yes
1705s oh my gosh where's his defense
1715s i can't find the defense buff on this
1717s guy oh my gosh
1719s yeah it's such a like interesting shape
1721s for a monster
1730s yeah he's definitely different
1733s oh he's had enough
1736s shiny shiny
1747s i was gonna say lord is looking very
1748s fashionable i'm getting like alucard
1750s vibes off of them
1751s oh
1758s love me some good fashion hunters oh yes
1765s i just totally missed all my attacks
1767s it's good it's good
1770s no it's fine it's fine we're just uh
1772s just warming up
1777s i'm just intimidating them right oh yeah
1779s it's about sending a message
1781s yeah exactly
1797s [Music]
1805s thank you for the heel
1810s because when he's really mad if he
1811s clicks you in the air he actually claps
1813s you out of the air
1815s oh really yeah yeah it's really cool
1817s unless it's you on the receiving end
1818s before right
1820s then it just hurts
1822s it looks good
1825s oh gosh
1827s [Music]
1829s i love it when he just slaps me out of
1830s the air it's really nice really nice
1845s that's some nice damage
1847s hey we popped the arms nice
1852s yes i have seen malzaino's hunting horn
1854s i actually am very close to making it
1857s i might use this to follow up to luna
1859s garron
1866s yeah we're in a precarious position here
1870s we're all trapped in this little corner
1872s with him
1877s oh a monster mine
1882s oh
1883s we're in danger
1886s no we've got
1891s him doing really well considering
1894s [Music]
1907s nice
1908s oh not again oh god
1914s oh my gosh
1917s oh my gosh
1920s he's targeting me right now what's going
1922s on you're the chosen one
1926s oh we got another stun
1934s not exactly where i wanted but it's fine
1945s oh my god
1949s okay okay
1951s i just saw you rolling out there
1967s oh my gosh
1968s we're just hacking away huh oh yes
1973s he's powerful but once you knock him
1974s down you can start to you know turn the
1976s tables a bit
1987s oh god oh
1989s all right
2002s bentley flop yeah yeah we did bailey
2005s you know what my sharpness has hardly
2007s gone down i absolutely love the
2008s sharpness regen the song
2010s yeah yeah it's actually been really
2012s helpful
2022s i walked right into that
2032s nearly got him
2036s [Music]
2041s oh we got the trap in there nicely done
2046s so that was garen gome how did you get i
2048s mean you look like you absolutely nailed
2049s it i'll be honest i mean he was he was
2051s pretty fun i'm not gonna lie he's uh
2053s interesting to fight in the air so oh
2056s gosh i bet i'm always used to being on
2057s the ground mostly so yeah i bet he's
2059s trying to swat you out the air like a
2061s fly or something yeah yeah exactly
2063s exactly
2065s i really like that first belly flop yeah
2067s i went yeah went for seconds yeah yeah i
2069s just wanted to see what it could do you
2070s know what i mean just want to test the
2073s waters have a well played though and
2076s also that means you'll be able to start
2077s crafting the armor and i don't know if
2080s garon gold's got a insect wave but it's
2082s worth a look i suppose
2088s take all thank you
2090s my palaco plundered a large beast gem
2092s like that's why i love gathering
2094s palakkos like oh yeah yeah that's really
2096s helpful
2098s gom has one of every weapon apparently
2101s oh really
2104s thank you pope roots for that one
2107s i gotta look at his armor though i gotta
2109s see what it is it's so cool you should
2111s check out the armor on the the buddies
2112s as well it looks amazing
2114s oh really
2116s yeah the palico is like a little like
2118s castle and when you crouch it turns into
2120s a full-on castle oh my gosh really yeah
2123s yeah
2125s i like how they they gave it like a like
2127s a royal vibe almost mm-hmm i like it i
2130s like it
2133s all right let's look at the popcorn
2141s oh
2143s my gosh it really is a little castle
2146s oh my god that's amazing
2154s i'll put everything okay well uh border
2156s raptor if you have a quest you guys
2157s would like to like to post go ahead
2160s i'm loving
2162s lord's fashion though oh my gosh
2164s lord we must appreciate you
2166s oh my goodness oh the gourmagala chest
2169s yep so gormagala is one of my favorite
2170s monsters like top three
2173s and uh
2174s yeah the arm is amazing because like the
2176s cape like constantly flows as if it's
2178s alive it's very very nice
2182s what have we got what's on the menu
2184s double crab
2186s [Laughter]
2188s crab is on the menu tonight oh yes
2193s as long as it's not us dina that's
2195s that's okay true true
2205s i know i
2207s i actually am allergic to shellfish oh
2210s no
2210s my one mod is like no don't do it yeah
2213s don't eat them don't eat them
2216s no no no i'll just help you guys kill
2217s them for your dinner okay there we go
2220s we'll give you the shell so you can like
2222s put it on your mantelpiece yeah yeah
2223s yeah yeah
2225s maybe they make a good cup holder who
2227s knows oh maybe yeah
2232s [Music]
2233s i'll just wear it as a prize
2235s [Music]
2238s a fine addition to your collection
2244s all right so i fought the one crab oh so
2247s you've not fought shogun yet the blue
2249s one
2250s so yeah shogun's got some interesting
2252s tricks up which sleeve i say sleeve i
2254s mean floor
2258s can you imagine if it did wear like a
2260s jacket though
2261s oh my god
2263s oh my god can somebody draw that yeah
2270s oh my god
2284s all in on the stuns on this one
2295s that's a lot of hits
2300s the diving wiper never hits like a good
2303s spot with the crabs
2304s yeah it's like because it's all from
2306s above
2308s that's very shellfish of them you know i
2310s feel you there yeah yeah it makes me
2312s look crabby
2313s [Laughter]
2316s okay i have the crab what i'll do i'm
2318s gonna knock down where'd it go
2323s chase me lord chase me
2326s i'm going to knock down this crab and if
2328s you want to give it a woman ride you can
2329s see some of this crazy moves
2333s oh never mind never mind reminds me oh
2334s raptors got it raptors on
2336s all right raptor show me show me the
2338s moves
2342s [Music]
2344s all about the slashing
2346s oh wow
2347s he's a hacking slashing guys
2355s red versus blue yes
2386s i just took big damage
2389s i went flying
2391s oh they're fighting each other now no no
2392s and us
2397s i had a wall run to avoid that one
2400s i just took the hit to the face there
2401s was no running
2404s you're like i'll just take it yeah it's
2406s so good it's what the armor is for right
2416s oh my gosh i can't see anything
2420s i always see a shell yeah
2429s we got the stun
2434s oh there goes the shell
2444s oh that was satisfying
2448s see if i can get my uh sonic bloom to go
2451s off let me play the song of my people
2456s a thousand damage what oh my gosh
2465s with daimyo or shogun taste better now
2467s that is a good question that is a good
2469s question
2476s i mean i can't participate in that uh
2478s the argument that's true it's what we
2480s can focus on in the razor chat
2483s how many opinions
2485s which crab would taste better
2488s i feel like i don't know it's like the
2491s blue one's probably more rare
2494s so maybe maybe that one's more like a
2496s delicacy you know oh yeah yeah that
2498s makes sense that makes sense also i
2499s think the blue one's a bit harder to
2500s catch
2502s oh yeah true probably
2508s good hunt there good hunt yeah good time
2510s so we're gonna rotate people out
2512s [Music]
2515s if you guys want to join make sure you
2517s type xmh point join and get in on the
2519s razer discord to be able to join because
2521s that's we're going to put the id
2524s thank you zelda for in the monster
2525s hunter chat getting that id up and yeah
2527s for those wondering um a lot of us are
2529s using end game weapons so these monsters
2531s are going down a little bit quicker than
2532s they usually would um if you were going
2534s through without the
2536s absolutely
2538s crazy powerful weapons that we're using
2540s i am still using a defender weapons you
2542s are you are being legit
2543s [Laughter]
2544s you say that i'm spending a lot of time
2546s on the floor admiring the
2549s upgrade it i scenery
2551s okay
2554s my favorite from the the base game was
2555s the the narghakuga
2557s oh yeah yeah that's a fantastic sword
2559s and shield as well so i'm hoping there's
2561s gonna be a nice little upgrade to that
2564s and what we're going to do lord and
2565s raptor thank you so much for joining us
2567s if you're right to jump out we'll get
2568s two more hunters in just to share the
2570s love spread the wealth but some
2572s fantastic hunts really appreciate you
2574s both jumping in
2579s we're not
2581s we won't shame you for being mastering a
2583s hundred already okay
2585s thank you shane here yeah
2588s thank you for joining us lord have a
2589s great evening or morning i don't know
2591s where abouts at the world you are
2595s or another happy time zones oh yes
2598s hello there let us do together
2602s yes oh my gosh
2604s this could be so much music
2606s oh my god it's going to be amazing
2611s and wow mr118 congratulations congrats
2614s that's
2615s that is quite impressive hr 999 so super
2618s veteran hunter
2621s um so you can do master rank laid armor
2624s you just have to get to a certain point
2626s in the game
2627s so you won't have it off the start but i
2630s won't spoil when but you know once once
2632s you've progressed enough you would
2633s unlock these so kind of like the the
2635s base game was yeah yeah you you earned
2637s the the right to do master enclave armor
2642s all right well i'll see if i have any
2643s quest to post yeah if not i can put in
2646s um
2647s something a little spicy
2649s yeah i mean mine are all pretty much you
2651s know
2653s still the beginning quest so they're not
2654s like we could do we could do this one
2656s i'll go for it
2656s [Music]
2658s drumroll
2660s nice mix here and lagombi i think as a
2663s monster a lot of people sleep on the
2664s gombe i admit i did ask like
2667s that's going to be a piece of cake no i
2669s love the gambie
2671s it's just because it's it's so cute but
2673s i just love hunting it too
2676s [Laughter]
2686s like and also even greater she got like
2688s a big blow up in master rank like these
2690s monsters that are commonly seen as like
2692s easy or small fry can be quite
2695s surprising
2696s which i love like you know every monster
2699s got a new lease of life and you know a
2700s lot of them are actually whipping my
2701s butt so yeah yeah yeah
2711s there you go so there's
2713s me you coco and crisis
2718s oh and also something that's just popped
2720s up because we're doing a hunt with you
2722s and you're a lower master anchor than us
2724s we actually get extra items
2726s [Music]
2727s yep so
2728s if you're playing with a friend who's
2730s just started or you're going in around
2731s and actively helping like newer players
2734s you get rewarded for it with extra
2735s monster parts at the end of the hunt
2738s i wasn't aware of that that's actually
2740s really cool
2742s it's a easy way for people to uh you
2744s know grind the the game especially like
2746s if you already played it on switch
2748s exactly and also yeah like you know
2751s it's a nice way of passively rewarding
2753s people that help out others um yeah
2757s because everyone loves more loot whether
2758s you want to use it for gear or you want
2760s to turn it into like melbourne material
2762s it all adds up
2769s yes sun break is the dlc the massive
2771s expansion for
2773s monster to rise and it is out now
2776s master rank is here
2777s two new locales tons of new monsters
2780s weapons gear mechanics there's a lot to
2783s enjoy
2791s [Music]
2796s yeah i do i do have a layered armor on
2798s my paladin
2799s [Music]
2801s oh gosh oh no we're all we're all going
2803s oh i got hit
2804s okay
2806s crisis has flinch free we can't get them
2824s monsters
2839s [Music]
2841s it's nearly down already bless it i know
2845s you guys are amazing
2848s we've just got the gear that's all you
2849s know the gears doing the heavy lifting
2851s for us
2853s [Music]
2861s [Laughter]
2865s i'm still hitting it like i was like is
2867s it still alive or what's going on
2870s we're not done yet get back up
2872s poor guy yeah
2877s this is the life of the uh lower tier
2879s kind of like master right monsters
2881s yeah
2883s i'm sure they're gonna be apart more of
2885s a fight for us
2887s i thought you were watching jurassic
2888s park first
2913s how off it goes man the two hunting
2915s horns it's just amazing
2917s just all the bus i have so many i have
2919s so many pups
2931s i don't even have to sharpen it's
2932s amazing
2936s it's just so much goodness attack
2938s defense healing affinity
2940s sharpness
2941s everything
2952s [Music]
2955s i kind of feel bad for uh
2957s beating up this rabbit yeah
2959s it's stunned blessing
2962s i like your auto message for the bus as
2964s well makes hunting
3001s that wasn't nearly as satisfying as i
3003s wish it would be
3006s to try to get return you got this there
3008s that's bad
3017s [Music]
3023s oh
3028s [Music]
3032s they felt way too easy yeah we had we
3034s were definitely bullying those monsters
3036s absolutely
3048s oh my god cryosis is your is your palamu
3050s like a lion that's pretty cool
3053s that's where i'm dazzling
3056s oh
3056s okay okay or basil geese as some people
3059s say well there's slight differences in
3061s pronunciation yeah yeah everybody
3063s pronounces the the monsters differently
3067s oh my gosh that's really cool
3069s [Music]
3073s i just love looking at all the different
3075s uh palakko and palomi armor i think it's
3077s so cute oh yeah like you can really kind
3079s of like personify yourself and you're
3080s like
3083s [Music]
3093s again lots of nice monster parts very
3095s very happy
3097s yeah yay
3103s i should actually check to see if
3104s there's any new uh kin sex i didn't even
3105s look yes
3107s i'm imagining there will be like i know
3109s so little about kinsex because i've
3110s never played insect life
3112s um so i would definitely learn from the
3115s master that is you when it comes to
3116s insects and insect lives
3119s [Music]
3121s what do i have now i don't even know
3122s what i have on now i have dual color on
3125s okay
3126s let's try to find another one of those
3128s if that's a thing
3130s maybe they're just not
3134s yeah so mine is rarity four maybe i just
3136s have to unlock more
3138s yeah maybe i don't you need like to get
3140s certain materials to level them maybe
3142s maybe
3147s someone wants to yeah that's what i was
3148s thinking it might have to be a higher
3150s level which is fine good day
3156s for the glory of the kingdom
3159s cryosis or coco if you want to post
3160s something oh yeah get pop something
3162s welcome to give us a treat
3169s or if uh if they don't have anything
3171s you're more than welcome to throw
3172s something
3173s like like are you do you mind being
3175s spoiled a little with like some of the
3177s mid-game hunts or do you want to kind of
3179s like no i don't mind i don't mind i'd
3181s hate to be like and here's this monster
3182s and you're like i can't believe it's
3183s done
3185s it's all good it's all good
3188s what's my favorite
3190s sunbury
3192s that's a good question i really like
3195s like steve and gautama gala
3198s that's really really cool
3199s however
3200s i did see for the first time yesterday
3202s malzaino and luna garron's turf war
3205s and how many stars
3207s um i don't think it
3210s does it doesn't matter how many stars it
3212s is uh i think something around three or
3214s four like four is five okay okay
3219s as long as we don't go into six star
3220s because then we're in big spoiler
3221s territory right yeah
3224s yes like so three or four cocoa
3235s [Music]
3249s reckon that's gonna have a ton of
3250s sharpness on it
3252s yes
3253s i just like it because the affinity is
3255s crazy high
3260s oh what the wrong way again oh my gosh
3267s here we go
3278s hmm
3283s decisions decisions
3286s i know
3288s it's just like me at a normal restaurant
3290s it takes me forever to decide what i
3291s want yeah i feel that i mean when
3294s there's so much choice as well
3295s and it's like yes
3299s [Music]
3308s all right so i'm assuming even
3309s narghakuga has some new uh new moves yes
3313s yes so great
3314s great
3317s nakakuka is just one of those monsters
3319s where i always carry two sets
3322s yeah
3322s it hits so hard i think for me like uh
3326s tigrex is like that for me like it's oh
3329s absolutely whales on me
3331s mm-hmm
3337s i don't know if you've seen espionage
3338s yet in this game but uh espionage is the
3341s first monster to triple cop me in master
3343s rank
3344s oh really solo and multiplayer
3349s that monster actually came from a
3350s previous title called monster frontier
3352s which never released in the west
3354s so
3354s it's too many monster hunters this is
3357s the first time that they would have been
3358s able to fight it and um one of its
3361s tricks is if it hits you with a fireball
3363s you get set on fire you get fire blight
3366s you get paralysis and poison
3368s oh my gosh yeah and then when you're
3370s paralyzed on the floor it's waddles up
3372s to you and then starts jumping on you
3376s so yeah it's a
3378s nice warm welcome
3383s yes
3389s oh found it you're straight in there
3392s yep
3396s you know i've missed you so much snap
3397s snap snap oh yeah
3400s spend many many hours grinding this
3402s monster just to get the clay oh yeah
3405s well good luck on the drops for this one
3407s hopefully you're getting that yeah
3409s hopefully
3432s my bad
3434s no resting on the job
3445s i'm being so cautious around him
3448s wait was that tail to come out yeah
3450s yeah
3455s it's always the tail slam that gets me
3459s i've been there
3477s oh that down
3493s oh my god i keep bouncing off his uh
3496s i know they're so strong clearly been
3498s working out
3500s yeah yeah yeah
3512s wait a second
3526s materials
3547s oh my gosh
3551s i feel like we're just bullying him
3552s though oh yeah i think having two hunted
3555s horns the amount of stun you have in
3556s your team honestly
3565s now you said you typically play uh sword
3567s and shield right yes yes
3569s so what made you try a hunting
3572s so like i put an absolute ton of hours
3574s into the switch and i'm playing through
3575s switch again at the moment for summary
3577s and like when i went through on pc again
3579s i didn't just want to like have the same
3581s experience
3582s so i was like what's a weapon that you
3584s know has a lot of flexibility you don't
3586s necessarily
3586s see as often as other weapons
3589s and just looks like a very different
3590s place that's what i'm used to and i
3592s sound on the hunting horn
3594s and
3596s so now one with the dude
3598s and i really really enjoy it um
3600s obviously you know saw the shield stuff
3601s that's my heart but
3603s one thing about like sun break and rise
3604s is it's so easy to try the weapons like
3606s i've been trying hammer switch acts
3608s lance
3610s it's it's a lot of fun
3611s so what got you into insects
3615s i mean it was just the first weapon i
3617s ever picked up when i played monster
3618s hunter
3619s so i'm kind of just like emotionally
3621s attached to it i feel bad i feel that
3623s but i have been wanting to try out uh
3625s some other weapons guys
3627s i just have to
3629s learn them you know yeah that's the
3631s trick i'm always like whenever i think
3632s of a new weapon the first thing i do is
3634s i go on youtube and i'm like
3636s how to or
3638s 15-minute guide to
3640s like this weapon yeah yeah
3643s i kind of just throw myself in i'm like
3645s all right let's go let's see what i can
3647s do
3649s if i can't i can't
3666s we got this
3676s [Music]
3680s fight
3691s not even a single part let's go
3693s [Music]
3696s this is where you get all the bits you
3698s need just to go straight in and make the
3699s uh oh my gosh
3703s imagine
3707s i don't even think i have the the next
3708s tier unlocked
3718s are we gonna rotate some people out yeah
3720s yeah let's be a rotate
3724s coco and creatures have done
3736s you need to get sun break for the switch
3738s it's actually it's a lot of fun on both
3739s platforms
3741s it's nice to have the options like i'm
3743s main and switch because
3745s that was like you know for me i got into
3747s monster
3748s on the portable side back in there 3u
3751s and 4u so like okay and i love the
3753s portability i love the flexibility like
3755s you know when i'm commuting or going
3756s around i love to spit you know play
3759s um and then obviously on pc you've got
3761s the power of pc behind the game so you
3763s know you can if you if you care more
3765s about fidelity and stuff like that you
3766s can enjoy that
3768s um
3768s yeah it's fun but yeah
3770s i i do may not switch
3775s yeah i have a lot of hours base game on
3777s switch more so than pc
3779s just because that's where i was
3781s grinding away oh yeah all my decorations
3784s and all that and all my like talismans
3786s are on switch and like on pc i'm trying
3788s to get them back so i'm like oh very
3790s squishy on pc yeah yeah scraping
3793s together like
3794s okay builds
3799s see if any of these builds are any
3801s different
3802s hello there to mochi welcome welcome
3807s bow user very snazzy
3815s [Music]
3818s have a sip of water it's important to
3820s stay hydrated when you're on the hunt a
3821s dehydrated hunter is a carted hunter
3824s exactly
3827s i probably should have filled my water
3828s bottle up but it's okay it's okay it's
3830s fine
3831s it's so good
3833s oh a bow user oh my gosh
3836s oh my god in the fashion very snazzy
3840s i'm obsessed
3841s that was actually the weapon i was
3842s looking at trying next was a was bo
3845s mixing up with some ranged that's cool
3847s that's a good shot
3850s chat very happy there's a bow user
3854s so hunt wise what do we fancy
3857s like
3858s because we have another mr1 so weapon
3860s wise
3861s we shouldn't be too strong
3866s i mean i think i need to do
3868s one more yeah
3871s uh let's just uh
3873s i don't evolve it on we haven't we
3874s haven't hunted involved on yet yeah only
3877s guest starred so far but now it's time
3879s for the main volvo don event
3883s yeah luna d like um bo you know it's a
3886s weapon where you know first it might
3887s feel a bit alien to you and you might
3889s not feel as effective but once you learn
3890s it and once you've had a couple of hunts
3892s with it
3893s and you pick it up it does some really
3895s really big it looks really cool too it's
3897s so flashy isn't it yes yes
3903s taking down the monster i want to try it
3910s [Music]
3915s [Music]
3917s just say the word
3923s yep we still have room for one more
3924s person to join
3926s yeah you can jump in mid hunt as well so
3927s even if we've started like you've not
3929s missed the boat
3932s what type is this i'm using insecure
3935s my my one true love
3938s do you have a name for your insect or
3940s kinsec
3942s um no no i haven't really made it i
3944s don't want to get too attached though
3945s you know that's true just waiting you
3946s know i'm gonna have to upgrade it the
3948s newer model comes along yeah yeah i'm
3951s like i'm so sorry
3953s i love you all equally but especially
3955s you
3956s [Laughter]
3963s oh my
3967s i don't have any of the subcamps
3969s unlocked in this one you know what i
3970s feel that i've got this sub cool
3973s but like on the other maps like when i'm
3974s streaming with the community they're all
3976s like dashing ahead and um they're like
3978s wait up i'll be there soon don't kill
3980s like hold on
3982s i haven't farmed enough for this if we
3984s were playing on switch i could do it
3986s oh my gosh why did i jump down here no
3988s it's fine we're gonna we're just gonna
3990s take the scenic route it's a sense of
3991s adventure you know never know exactly
3997s also i love that with wall running now
3999s you don't have to use a wire bug to
4001s engage in a wall run
4002s um
4003s and if you're falling and hit the wall
4005s you will start running like it's so
4007s silky like and that was put in because
4010s of community feedback
4012s and
4013s the team saw the requests and the
4014s feedback they're like you know what
4016s we'll get that in for the expansion
4017s we'll be able to get that
4019s nice and as well
4021s just to clarify the wording like you
4022s don't have to buy the expansion to get
4024s that quality of life that's like a free
4026s patch
4027s that's available for everyone
4029s oh my gosh i can't figure out how to get
4031s back up okay it's fine it's fine i just
4042s i'm just gonna go the long way you know
4047s i don't want to try my hand at my uh my
4048s parkour skills right now
4054s oh no i've nearly fell down the hole
4055s there i launched myself over a ledge
4057s where's volvo
4062s yes helicopter gober exactly exactly
4065s you found a lucky life all part of your
4067s gosh
4070s if i can actually like find it
4073s um so regarding my build i haven't got
4075s any handicraft on as far as i'm aware so
4077s i've actually got a fully upgraded luna
4079s guaranteed hunting horn
4081s which is why it has double shot
4083s and with the sharpness regen i don't
4085s lose it
4089s i love it when people have auto messages
4091s when you get the bus
4098s [Music]
4100s right here finally
4104s welcome to the party
4119s um
4133s a lot of monsters with about slams today
4148s oh my god the stuns
4151s so good
4153s so i'm using a move called silver
4154s shockwave which adds like a secondary
4156s like little uh
4158s music bubble that explodes and it does a
4160s ton of like stuff damage
4164s oh gosh
4165s oh dear
4169s my poor palago got him
4173s yeah feel free to join me
4177s dear gates open come in
4184s so on pc i'm master rank five
4190s i believe i think i'm five maybe six
4193s i've been playing on switch so
4195s sometimes i get confused
4199s what's your uh what's your rank on
4200s switch uh so switch i've just beaten
4204s shagaroo magala so i'm mr6 on switch
4207s definitely
4210s which must mean i'm five here there we
4212s go yeah
4220s it's a big armadillo it is
4231s not a fan of my tunes clearly
4241s almost
4245s that i need to watch
4267s you got an error for the id
4269s [Music]
4270s interesting
4272s oh that's because someone else joined at
4273s the same time oh yeah yeah
4290s oh no
4292s thanks for the healer whoever did that i
4293s just rolled straight
4299s [Music]
4313s oh my gosh
4314s [Music]
4321s oh not again
4323s [Music]
4336s oh my god i'm just getting bullied yeah
4338s oh i really need a hill soon no no no no
4341s oh i so nearly got carted oh no
4361s [Music]
4366s is another weapon that looks really fun
4368s to use yeah it's got some really flashy
4370s moves where you like you know slide down
4372s the monster spinning
4374s loads of fun stuff i may have messed
4375s this up
4379s i did not keep on rolling
4385s again if you like like elemental weapons
4388s um
4389s very very good
4409s back hip opener
4424s very slowly getting away this is so sad
4430s bothered farted on our clothes there's
4432s no there's no coming back from such a
4434s crime
4458s oh nice
4475s [Music]
4480s that was a good little hunt even though
4481s i nearly carted him by bulbadon
4484s i mean i don't want to jinx ourselves
4486s but i don't think any of us has carted
4487s yet
4488s oh no next hunt is gonna be
4496s i just think we're really good hunters
4498s yeah we're doing well aren't we some
4500s great teamwork here
4501s [Music]
4507s you heard it here first
4510s yeah next quest we're all gonna curt
4512s yeah triple car guaranteed
4514s [Laughter]
4516s my bad
4519s i can't believe you guys bullied that
4520s poor sweet rock rack bait boy that was a
4523s very mean very mean
4525s [Laughter]
4529s he was bullying us first yeah
4533s [Music]
4535s i'm gonna be the first one to cart
4536s because i said something
4538s you might be right you might be right
4544s i put the curse on us
4547s oh my god what did you get i got two
4549s beast gems no way
4555s maybe you are lucky maybe you will get
4557s away of course
4558s maybe maybe
4563s ooh urgent message
4572s hmm
4586s oh i love how i set my name as panda in
4588s this game
4592s everyone's just calling me panda it's
4593s great
4601s all right we up for an urgent quest go
4603s for it let's see what nice
4605s nice
4606s let's go
4609s oh a new monster
4612s a subspecies even yes
4616s so we call this monster bob in the
4618s community uh okay
4621s just a short and blood orange bishop
4622s tent down oh
4624s okay okay okay i like it i like it bob
4627s okay
4631s and then the armor is called orange tan
4638s i love the puns
4640s yeah chat's loving it bob is back we're
4642s going to be
4643s fighting bob and hopefully not cutting
4645s but we will see
4648s i'll probably cart first to be honest
4650s lead by example you know like this is
4653s how we do it everyone
4654s yep
4656s this is how the pros do it
4661s part me wants to take us on an
4663s hunt because they are
4665s even though like it's like mid master
4667s rank level difficulty this monster
4669s punches way above its weight
4674s [Music]
4681s but what if bob is the boss then what
4684s oh
4687s bob might be the boss
4691s oh this is cool
4699s i am loving all of the cutscenes for the
4701s dlc
4703s they are so nice
4705s i love seeing our hunter like you know
4707s what they do post hunt like yes
4709s opportunity may present oh from the most
4711s unexpected of places
4714s [Music]
4715s this is like that spider-man meme and
4717s they're like at each other now it really
4719s is
4724s and even if it results in a disaster of
4727s unknown proportions
4732s the cycle of beauty
4742s hey as the younger sibling i gotta say
4744s i've never been that annoying
4746s that's good you won't feel the blood
4748s orange fish at them
4753s [Music]
4755s oh we don't have far to go either
4769s i'm trying to get a head start before
4770s you zoom past me on your palamute
4773s i could just walk slow it's fine
4777s just styling on me now
4781s i won't let kamura down that's my
4783s promise as a knight now he's cool oh we
4785s got for your aim with us as well
4789s love it
4796s and obviously a sword and shield mate so
4797s clearly the greatest
4802s [Music]
4822s we're going all in oh my gosh
4832s yep followers are a multiplayer and
4834s single player it's good fun well
4836s the followers are in the
4839s urgent questions however the follow-up
4841s quests you can do that are separate for
4843s the urgents are single players
4860s oh no sentient pine cones
4863s oh my gosh
4867s i believe you can escape
4870s i got it i got it
4872s i did not see that coming
4876s no one expects the flame in pine cone
4898s yeah like blood orange fish attempts not
4900s to be sniffed that like
4901s i wouldn't be surprised that i can't
4904s but like triple car is very very doable
4913s i think we're doing good so far i think
4915s so we're keeping down
4918s yeah i could be jinxing us again
4922s bob goes ultra instinct or something
4924s yeah
4952s i'm not trying to ruin the note cards
4953s i'm just trying to i'm just trying to
4954s hype this up you know
4956s this little pat on the back
4959s everyone on his head he's like no please
4977s [Music]
4981s my sharpness is still pristine i love it
4983s i love it
4984s me too
4986s we know what's up
5007s [Music]
5014s yeah
5016s oh no
5033s nice
5035s take damage
5043s [Music]
5048s today was a big step forward
5062s there we go well played
5066s now his tail just breaks right there's
5068s no drop for his tail yeah i think that
5070s one's just a break rather than a full
5072s chop
5074s because i noticed it was all the mangled
5076s up bit so yeah it's just curious gonna
5079s need a pedicure i think
5080s yeah yeah i think so i think so
5083s would that be considered a pedicure or
5085s would it would it be a manicure
5087s oh maybe
5090s it's a hand foot or a foot hat yeah
5097s [Music]
5103s too cracked for cards yeah we're too
5104s cracked for kurtz
5107s well done
5113s oh i love how they showed the two of
5115s them
5116s yeah
5117s that was so cute
5121s another beast jam oh my gosh you are you
5124s are racking them up i really am
5130s amazing
5135s is that our two hunts with tomochi and
5136s robin there
5138s um i think so
5141s yeah because the first time we did a
5142s vulvodon yes yes well thank you tomochi
5145s thank you robin for jumping in there
5146s with some mighty fine hearts
5149s yes thank you thank you thank you
5155s oh you're like give me upgrades
5158s yes
5163s no
5164s that's fine it's okay
5178s we're gonna go spooky
5179s spooky mode
5182s yes gt's
5186s i have a little ghost palico now
5191s bob's armor is pretty cool
5193s it's so stylish isn't it
5196s that's nice
5201s oh even volvadons is really cool
5205s wow
5208s all right let's make it happen i love
5210s the fashion like whoever designs the
5212s armor
5213s like yes oh thank you thank you so much
5217s check out my palakko look it's a little
5219s spooky kit
5221s oh
5222s my gosh that is so cute
5226s the palamute version of that gear looks
5228s really really really cool as well it's
5230s like a hellhound kind of look yeah yeah
5234s who is uh whose armor is it gora magala
5237s oh yeah i haven't fought gore yet
5239s that's the [ __ ] or yet i love [ __ ] would
5241s you like to fight
5243s there's a lot of hype behind gore so i
5245s feel like we're gonna have to eventually
5248s it's it's a slightly high i think it's a
5250s four star but you've been absolutely
5252s boss in these yeah yeah all right let's
5254s do it do you want to do you want a two
5256s player or should we get some help what
5258s do your fans need
5259s um i mean if anybody wants to join yeah
5262s then hop in with them
5264s and this armor set and the weapons as
5266s well the weapons look incredible like i
5268s can fanboy over gore magala like
5272s like everything about it's called the
5273s fight the gear the music it's got a
5276s special unique status effect
5278s on you as
5281s one other monster can but it'll make
5283s sense when you see that other monster
5285s okay but uh this is just yeah i love
5287s everything about this monster so we have
5288s ramen king good to see you guys
5291s with the heavy bow gun as well heavy bow
5293s gun so yeah we are punching above our
5295s weight like hunting wise but i think we
5297s i think we're going to be just all right
5298s i think we got to touch wood i'm
5299s touching wood just to make sure
5302s uh otherwise otherwise we're going to
5303s end up back in camp
5307s and we've got a dollar here as well at
5309s mr35 so they're they're they're ready to
5311s fight and another insect leave oh my god
5314s oh my goodness there's gonna be bugs
5315s everywhere you could be flying
5316s everywhere
5318s i'll make sure i keep my dango in my
5319s pocket otherwise it would just get
5321s absolutely covered oh they're actually
5323s using gourmagala's insect glaive if you
5324s want to check them out oh my gosh
5326s you did post it okay
5330s it's just such a look
5333s i love the purple color oh yeah
5335s gourmagal is all about purple if you
5337s love glow and purple amazing you are in
5339s a good place
5342s it's going to go great with the pink
5344s oh yes the purple pink
5347s yes
5352s people in chat yeah if you if you
5354s haven't entered the giveaway excellence
5356s point giveaway yes
5358s four codes for monster hunter sun break
5361s yeah if you're not in the razer stream
5363s over on twitch as well jump on in there
5365s so that's
5367s razer because they're doing a giveaway
5368s is you just had ali say like yeah you
5370s can get a free copy and be playing
5371s yourself or a gift for a friend to get
5373s them in on the home um
5386s you would join but you're out here
5387s delivering two wyvern eggs
5388s [Laughter]
5390s i'm sorry well you know you got to be
5392s done though exactly they are you know
5394s what nothing gets like in master that my
5396s heart gets pounded doing those egg
5398s delivery quests because you go across
5400s the whole map the whole map and then you
5402s see this small monster like a ball fango
5404s or something
5408s wait a second
5411s i decide no please no no
5415s but whether it benefits the prey
5418s remains to be seen hey congrats on
5421s taking down bishop10 for the first time
5422s put it
5425s here we go gormagala
5430s no these customs are so good oh yes
5435s this is actually how you rebuild got
5436s magala as well this bit
5438s [Music]
5442s the mist that envelops it
5445s an evil force oh what's the smell
5448s it's all good
5450s even those who struggle in a desperate
5453s effort to survive
5455s are beaten and pinned down by its
5457s overwhelm you remember all the hype when
5458s uh gore was announced
5460s yes i remember the first time i saw the
5462s trailer and i saw gore i was i was like
5466s squeeing away on my chair like proper
5468s proper nerd and out and yeah like
5470s you know being in twitch chat when that
5472s happened and on twitter like
5474s i was so happy i love i love those
5477s reveals and events where everyone just
5478s gets to see it and enjoy it yeah
5481s oh
5486s i need to get myself a little gold
5487s magala plushie i think so
5490s oh my gosh
5491s yeah i need to get more uh monster
5493s plushies all i have right now is a
5495s nergigante
5496s what a great choice though i definitely
5498s need uh some more to the collection that
5500s monster is so cool i used to fight it
5502s all the time and i swelled and i spawned
5504s like
5506s it was my favorite
5508s and it's so satisfying because you break
5509s the spikes they regrow you break them
5511s again and just yeah
5513s and then they bought our arch tempered
5514s neck again day and it's like oh goodness
5517s and then ruin a nug against a yes
5522s also gormagal is right in the north
5525s oh great
5529s to be for the arena it's in right
5531s it's so cool yeah i'm going to get a few
5532s spirit birds for this like
5534s gourmet gala the first time i thought
5536s gourmet gala i double carted to it
5538s oh yeah things got a bit intense i was
5541s like drinking all my armor potion things
5543s after i was like
5544s megarama drug my adamant seeds
5549s i'm gonna leave steve over here so that
5551s we can uh enjoy gore
5554s a little longer
5559s yeah steve's having a rest day down in
5560s the citadel you know like a spa day
5564s oh my gosh wait did i forget to eat wait
5568s wait a second you'll soon find out
5569s though
5570s you'll soon find out
5572s wait a second
5575s is your tummy rumbling it's just it's
5576s just the the true challenge you know
5578s exactly
5581s the no cart challenge has just been
5582s updated
5583s [Music]
5586s welcome to gourmagala
5601s look at that diamond
5602s i'm just uh
5604s i'm just
5609s please don't look at me
5614s think about it
5626s oh i'm wearing like
5628s a solid master and i'm getting
5630s absolutely battered
5632s i'm gonna get it
5635s that's right the trick is to not get hit
5637s you know
5638s easy as that yeah
5645s so when you get hit you'll see a purple
5647s bar filling up uh above your health if
5650s that gets full
5651s you take more damage and
5654s healing is effective you need to use
5655s motions to heal you don't get the
5657s passive region and the only way you can
5659s overcome it is by attacking gore magala
5661s enough
5662s to overcome the frenzy
5667s you can use knoll breeze to lower the
5669s bar again as well
5684s i absolutely love this monster
5690s i can definitely see why
5693s oh yeah also it has a second form so uh
5696s oh
5697s oh my god spoilers i know you know as i
5699s said that i was like i really shouldn't
5701s have said that because you'd get to
5702s enjoy it
5704s i apologize
5707s i've become the very thing i swore to
5709s destroy
5718s there it is
5723s oh there's that bright purple
5730s i'm getting absolutely ripped in chat
5732s now for that spoiler
5735s quite rightly as well
5737s have mercy please i'm just too excited
5740s about gold magala
5747s [Music]
5752s you're doing so well not to get here i'm
5754s once again being volleyed uh-huh oh yeah
5757s i hope jinxed us
5762s i can see gorgeous chasing you
5772s [Music]
5779s okay all right that was fine
5789s nice
5824s oh no
5826s i am frenzied that's not good
5832s nice
5835s nice knock down
5852s all right i guess i'm taking it you got
5854s this
5855s yeah uh-huh
5856s [Music]
5859s oh it's just kind of cool i'm not gonna
5860s lie
5863s you've even got a cape look
5878s oh
5886s oh you got this you got good we're good
5887s we're good we're good oh i don't got
5889s this
5891s oh no
5892s no no no no no
5895s nice knock down again
5897s you absolutely bossed those wings
5904s i mean yeah there's two there's two
5905s insect blade users right now oh there's
5907s two attempts correct
5910s love how different weapons bring these
5911s different benefits like blunt
5914s insect play for hard to reach areas
5917s oh the kitten 8 is here
5919s oh oh just as gold magala runs away
5926s so how are you finding gormagala so far
5928s i'm gonna make a run back to the camp go
5930s for it
5933s get some max potions or something
5937s you know i forgot to pick up oh no i did
5938s i did pick some up that's good that's
5940s like i'm running low
5942s [Music]
5944s all right let's just quickly
5946s just quickly do this
5948s yeah
5949s yes elder we broke the ruins we've got
5951s magala there everything's getting
5953s smashed
5956s it's whatever okay i see something
5959s sponsored to rise insect waves similar
5961s to monster hunter world um it feels very
5963s familiar
5965s so i don't think you're gonna have
5967s much issue transitioning
5976s oh
5979s hello friends
5982s just chatting to the little the little
5983s boggy gremlins
5987s well they're probably more goblins
6004s i've just tanked two shots to the phase
6005s three doing well doing
6022s even bigger please let me heal oh no no
6024s no no no
6033s that's a damage from
6045s that is true hunting horn is the king of
6047s buffs
6048s that's true
6051s an insect grave is the king of the skies
6058s oh my frenzy bars nearly full oh
6061s oh oh oh it's fine barely does that
6069s oh we got the tail cut good job team
6086s oh wow a good chunk of the tail comes
6088s off
6089s really oh my god yeah oh yeah there it
6091s is on the floor i was not expecting that
6094s i think that's our first proper
6106s oh tablecloth kitten haters back
6108s and we got a hit
6110s i love that the uh palakkos get a
6112s portable dragon eater now yeah
6115s the first time i saw it i was like no
6117s what's a kittenator
6127s oh my god
6150s look at that no carts we did it
6153s i think we're just the chosen ones we
6155s are i was close a couple of times but i
6156s wanted to do that to make gore feel good
6158s you know like you know bbq yeah yeah
6160s yeah
6161s i've got the teller i always forget the
6162s tails so i need to get that first like
6165s oh
6165s on stream the community you're like jono
6167s jono tail tail tails the tail like what
6173s carved the monster
6177s well played though like so how was your
6179s first gore hunt apart from the the
6180s spoilers honestly that was pretty fun
6184s yeah besides the spoiler you know yeah
6188s his um i don't know what you call them
6190s like a little little fireball thing yes
6192s those are pretty cool
6195s especially when i was in the air and he
6196s tried to hit me with one that was
6198s pretty cinematic no getting away yeah
6201s i just love the look of the monster as
6203s well like this flowing black cape of
6205s shadow and everything like
6207s and hey you get to check out the gear
6209s now as well
6210s yeah i'm excited for that
6214s oh if you get some scraps as well you
6215s might be able to get out your palamu if
6222s i got two mantles you're kidding me
6224s let's go what streamer luck yeah
6227s yes
6229s wow
6231s i passed my luck onto you thank you you
6233s know what when i come back to bomb him
6235s on switch it's gonna take ages to get
6237s one
6239s [Music]
6241s oh my goodness
6248s well played as well ramen good job with
6249s the heavy bogan yes yes
6257s save that definitely keep hold of this
6259s really cool looking i love the cape oh
6261s my gosh
6264s oh my gosh
6267s insane
6273s and for those my side as well that might
6274s not have seen
6276s the armor set yet
6278s i will uh
6279s you can change the glow pink too yeah
6281s you can change the glow yeah i am sold
6295s is very very cool
6297s not that i'm biased
6302s need to talk to
6306s her
6308s [Music]
6327s we are playing on pc today
6329s yes
6334s we haven't fought espionage yet but
6336s depending on what ali wants to hunt we
6337s might do another one of her yeah no i'm
6339s done
6340s you want to try espana's
6342s yeah
6347s [Music]
6370s this one will push our no cart to the
6373s limit i think
6374s i'm scared i'm scared of espionage you
6376s said that about gore though that's true
6378s and we did all right we came out we did
6380s we did quite quite right
6385s i guess i'll just do all the defense
6387s stuff that's what i've done i've gone
6388s defender
6389s defender 2
6391s and uh medic
6393s i'm like yep you know
6396s no shame in being comfortable
6398s exactly exactly
6403s is like a mix of baratheon ratholos
6405s espanas
6407s espanes is a whole new beast it might
6410s have some visual similarities to the
6412s rafts but
6413s let me tell you chat
6415s espanas
6418s you finished monster hunter rise only
6420s with rarity four or five builds because
6422s you didn't know you could scroll to the
6423s side
6424s no way well kudos congratulations and
6428s sorry
6431s it's something i would do
6435s it's impressive though that is that is i
6437s bet they're very very very good at
6439s monster hunter now yes
6445s yes welcome to the stream there is an
6447s official monster hunter channel and we
6449s are streaming with the official razer
6450s channel that's headed up by ali so you
6453s got the double official goodness today
6455s yes
6457s blending into its environment double pro
6459s hunters oh yes
6464s and if any should appear to disturb its
6466s peaceful slumber
6471s they will soon find out
6476s that this mistake will cost them their
6479s lives
6484s espanas likes to sleep doesn't like
6485s being woken up
6488s poor nagaku
6492s hey it seems like he picked that fight
6494s though so that's true that's the road to
6496s be continued moment yeah
6499s thank you for the buffs
6510s i will follow your lead
6512s i i don't know where i'm going all right
6513s let's go uh let's go this way
6516s all right
6524s so yeah ramen when we get to uh espana's
6527s just let's all group around so uh ali
6529s can uh
6530s see another little special thing about
6532s about espionage
6536s oh he's sleeping yeah all right
6542s is the main target it always starts
6544s all right all right
6546s okay all right
6549s oh okay
6551s i'm gonna just play you some music
6566s let's get on my buffs you know
6569s oh yeah that's what that's what they're
6570s doing too
6573s it's smart though oh yeah exactly
6576s because once espana is awake it gets a
6578s little bit trickier
6588s shall i use the egg to wake up that's
6589s what else we should use
6593s oh no i pressed the wrong
6595s button so much for being a pro hunter
6601s it happened
6606s all part of the fun
6610s you gotta you gotta keep the audience on
6612s their toes you know exactly
6618s just totally whipped my big attack it's
6619s all good
6622s oh
6623s gosh yeah so espana
6626s thank you
6627s it hits like an absolute truck
6631s very very scary
6632s as i'll no doubt show you when i get
6634s carted in a bit
6637s or me you know
6638s it's all up for grabs
6640s i kept getting told it's gonna be me
6642s first so
6649s that attack is incredibly scary that is
6652s the one
6669s oh yeah i see okay all right
6672s oh it went for you again
6678s you did good invading that like well
6679s played that was i was like no no come
6681s back come back
6692s it's very strong that is the one hit big
6694s attack that one
6697s finally got according
6699s there it is
6707s i just trying to play a bit safer in my
6708s positioning it didn't work
6716s but like espana is such a big monster as
6718s well the attacks goes yeah he's cute
6720s great flashbacks
6733s it kind of reminds me of like
6736s ironically enough a dragon fruit
6739s eyes he's got like the same colors yes
6743s that's awesome i don't know if that's
6745s what they were going for but it looks
6747s really cool oh oh i just talking of
6750s eating things i just ate a fireball oh
6752s nice to knock down perfect timing
6760s and apparently according to chat this is
6762s one of the smaller estimates out there
6764s oh
6767s so they get much bigger
6786s let's get that egg on
6791s nice we got the head brain
6800s oh i got lucky oh oh no oh no
6804s no oh no
6807s oh no
6808s i'm getting the adrenaline rush now
6816s oh oh no
6818s it's your boy
6823s oh my gosh
6852s espana is trying to run no go for the
6854s stomp
6856s so victor this is a master rank four
6858s hunt so three
6869s oh my gosh
6870s that is brutal exactly what we needed as
6872s well
6874s thank you
6879s [Laughter]
6890s oh my god
6894s oh nakaku hasn't left it stayed oh no
6898s oh dude
6900s okay
6902s well especially
6914s oh
6918s no
6919s it really is it just spider it squeals
6922s at me
6925s the last the loss is here as well that's
6927s a little astonished
6929s oh my gosh
6930s okay where did aspanis go i got so
6932s scared by nugget
6959s nice more pop breaks more loot
6964s oh no is that not of course it's not
6966s good
6968s okay that's fine
6970s it's fine
6972s oh it really doesn't like ramen you got
6974s this oh no you're paralyzed
6976s i have my life powder in my hand i was
6978s like do i do it
6982s paralyzed poisoned on fire who's green
6984s the triple tree
6986s oh
6987s no no oh i got volley dango defender
6990s kicked in there
6996s here it comes
7000s i'm just gonna stay here i got yeah i
7002s got you yeah when in doubt just sit it
7005s out stay on the ground yeah stay on the
7007s ground i just lie here for a bit it's
7009s all good yeah
7013s oh oh no oh no no no no i ate a fireball
7017s now thank you thank you for the save
7024s oh my goodness
7028s i can see why that one's scary you know
7030s yeah
7035s okay all right
7036s all right
7041s he is not happy with us yeah it's such
7044s an intense hunt okay there's a
7046s kittenator down somewhere
7048s in the middle
7051s i've lost track of my tunes i'm getting
7053s shaken
7057s go on canada come on kittenater
7061s i believe in your kittenater
7063s turn
7066s may please aim us for us
7069s my palace like nah good
7073s oh my god
7077s it's such a scary monster
7079s it really is
7081s okay
7082s okay
7083s all right
7087s i actually do have to start it
7089s i'm sorry
7092s like when things get intense i just
7094s forget about what songs i should be
7096s playing i'm just like yeah everything's
7098s fine
7113s we've nearly got him though
7119s i must do some more
7124s gotta hit the tunes
7125s oh there's a trap
7127s one of the palaces put it down
7130s nice well played everyone so
7133s ali how was espana
7135s oh that might have been the scariest one
7137s so far i thought it was gonna be gore
7139s but that one that one might have been
7140s scarier
7141s i still didn't cart though
7143s you know well played i'm just that good
7146s yeah i'm not even wearing master rank
7148s armor like
7150s just coming in here with my high rank
7152s gear
7152s showing the monsters how it's done like
7154s well played like seriously good job
7157s i if i wasn't wearing master rank i
7159s would have definitely carted because i
7161s was just getting slapped around
7164s i got another mantle oh yeah oh my god i
7168s got a mantle too
7170s high five to that like well played yes
7172s let's go let's go let's go
7181s who's the streamer which one
7186s we're doubling up on the luck you see we
7188s are we are we are
7191s wow well played hunters as well that was
7194s a spicy one and also the espionage gear
7196s is really cool as well
7201s i said that about every monster it's
7202s nice to be able to go
7204s all of the monsters have awesome gear
7206s fashionably and functionally
7209s true
7210s like even the paladin
7214s yeah yeah
7215s i won't bother uh swapping out this time
7218s yeah we'll keep picking they might eat
7219s up some
7220s time so as our glorious host what would
7223s you like to hunt
7225s well i don't have a lot uh you know
7227s unlocked right now
7229s it's all of my nerve you know what what
7231s if we finish it off with some kaizu
7234s yes why not yes why i think that's i
7237s think that's it let's bless our viewers
7239s yeah with a nice little something to set
7242s them up
7243s you know i've not bought master and kezu
7245s yet fun fact
7249s a special question to be a quiet hunt
7252s but you know
7255s something to remember us fine exactly
7260s and again guys if you have not joined
7261s the giveaway yet make sure you use
7263s exclamation point giveaway and chat for
7264s your chance to win
7266s i'm using it through gleam so you'll
7268s have a while to enter
7270s you heard ali head over to the razer
7272s twitch stream while you can get in that
7273s giveaway for your chance to win a copy
7275s of sun break
7278s capcom was uh
7279s gracious enough to give us four codes to
7282s sun break to give away so that's the
7283s whole hunting party right
7285s the whole party
7294s it's okay sorry i'm eating my tango oh i
7296s should see if there's any more uh kinsex
7298s yes do it
7302s nope still ready for that's okay
7314s and make sure you're doing the giveaway
7315s in razer's chat not the monster chat he
7318s has to do it
7320s and if you're not make sure you join the
7322s razer discord for uh any updates on
7325s future razer game nights
7331s i forgot to go in the box i've just i've
7333s got kezu on the break i did too oh my
7336s gosh i must see kazu
7348s oh it's behind us
7350s i've not gone in that area straight away
7359s yeah this hunting horn is really cool i
7360s love that it's like the electric guitar
7362s like
7364s yeah yeah i keep hearing him like that's
7365s pretty cool
7367s so what insect wave do you reckon you're
7369s going to go for in master rank first now
7370s that you've seen a few different ones
7372s i don't know i mean like obviously i'm
7374s going to upgrade to narga like
7376s trying to get there just because
7380s probably try it honestly i like to try
7381s out all of them see which one i like the
7383s best
7384s i don't like the collection
7387s that's a good way to see you know oh
7389s absolutely
7392s i can't work
7397s that's a lot of lightning
7403s before one does blow that's true
7407s [Applause]
7412s i'll get my songs off eventually
7414s i think i got all of us besides
7419s oh that's new that's new
7424s i can't get my socks out please
7431s there we go
7449s again oh yeah i went straight back in
7451s for that and just ate a second one i'm
7453s like i'll just why i fall back in
7463s of course just as i use my infernal
7465s melody
7466s this is the way
7472s someone in chat i know they're using the
7474s official one but they're saying that
7475s kezu is low tier
7477s how could you oh my gosh
7480s i can't believe it
7482s is the best
7483s kesu is top tier
7486s monster royalty how day
7498s hi i'm just playing with your authority
7499s don't worry
7503s yeah atari was mentioned in the
7505s existence of a red kezuan obviously
7506s monster hunter
7508s which is the more powerful version
7514s yeah who couldn't love this space
7520s yes
7535s oh my gosh
7548s do you happen to have that uh that kaizu
7550s emo stuff
7565s you've just reminded me of because you
7566s hunted horn that is the stuff of
7568s nightmares
7571s how soul
7573s it
7574s is literally kezu's head slash neck
7578s as a hunting horn and you
7579s you blow you blow down it to play the
7581s songs and it's just like
7583s it's just
7584s it's horrifying
7587s they knew what they were doing
7602s just getting bullied
7608s it's all good ramen don't worry mate
7612s it's all part of the fun
7622s oh that really hurts
7629s [Music]
7639s whoa that's new
7645s the next slam
7655s oh okay all right i guess
7657s you're in control
7665s what happens if you uh
7668s put it over here
7670s oh yeah so if you hit those they do more
7672s damage and if you hit them with an
7673s element beforehand they do like
7674s elemental charges
7678s so you can plan ahead and get some extra
7695s this kes who's taking an absolute beat
7697s in consideration
7699s [Music]
7709s really bad
7714s no
7715s my egg
7717s oh no he's running ah
7720s he's escaped
7724s there he goes
7727s i think he's going a real long way away
7731s oh my god he is
7735s i had to google kazu huntinghorn and
7737s immediately regretted it oh no
7740s i'll have to look it up later
7742s maybe i won't maybe i'll just you might
7744s be able to look at it yeah you can check
7746s it out at the armory
7748s true
7748s do we want to
7750s probably
7758s worry chad oh i'll show you i'll show
7760s you
7765s it is too glorious to not witness
7773s this is true rahman the game is a lot
7775s easier when you don't get hit that's the
7777s one simple rule
7778s yeah
7779s i mean i feel like that's a rule for a
7780s lot of games
7784s how hard could it be right
7785s exactly exactly
7788s the first thing i do when i get in here
7790s is i got hit
7792s you just showed them what not to do on
7793s that bit there we go
7796s off you go okay
7799s we did it we did it
7801s not a single cart
7803s from either of us well played yeah like
7806s there was some great hunts like it's
7808s been an absolutely
7810s you as well guys make sure again
7814s given into the giveaway exclamation
7815s point giveaway capcom graciously gave us
7818s four codes for monster on the right sun
7820s break so if you have the base game
7822s join in who doesn't want
7824s a free dlc
7826s exactly make sure you go and do that in
7828s the razer chat that's razer to
7831s anyone watching my end i can see you in
7833s chat i love your eagerness but make sure
7834s you pop that in the razer chat
7839s [Music]
7840s oh clay they were some fantastic hugs
7842s like it was there was
7846s finally got to hunt gore
7847s i've been hearing so much about him
7849s [Music]
7854s and espana's really gave us a run for us
7857s any as well like what
7860s you don't have the game but you'll take
7861s the expansion well
7863s i think the game is on sale on steam
7864s right now it is 49 off an absolute steal
7868s if i do say so myself not that i'm
7869s biased i you know just that's the truth
7871s i mean i mean yeah yeah
7876s all righty well thank you so much for
7879s playing thank you for joining thank you
7881s for the invite i've absolutely loved it
7883s and you've been an incredible host and
7885s an even more incredible hunter so thank
7887s you oh thank you thank you thank you
7889s thank you
7889s all right chad once again join the
7891s giveaway exclamation point giveaway and
7893s i will
7894s talk to you all later razer thank you
7896s for having me i appreciate it
7898s bye y'all see everyone
7900s see ya
7908s ggs
7912s don't worry stream one one thing i did
7914s promise stream i'm going to show you the
7915s sun in horn now that ally's gone our
7917s little secret our little secret right
7919s huh right right where's kazu something
7921s along right let's go i know that ali is
7923s definitely not here anymore so she won't
7926s know what i'm showing you the kazoo
7927s hunting horn it's gonna be marvellous
7929s right
7930s look at that isn't it isn't it beautiful
7933s our little secret though all right chad
7935s i'll see you tomorrow i'll be back on
7937s wednesday actually i'll see you
7938s wednesday have a good one chat don't
7940s have any nightmares over that hunting
7941s horn and i'll see you in the hunt good
7943s night
7950s [Music]
7963s [Music]
7985s [Music]
8002s you