almost 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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443s so
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523s hello everyone and welcome to today's
525s stream my name is jono emea community
527s manager monstanter and welcome to a for
530s me a late night gathering hub stream it
532s is awesome to see you and yes today we
535s are playing on nintendo switch and not
537s only that but i am joined by three elite
539s hunters from the united states um would
542s you like to introduce yourselves to the
544s audience
547s my name is it's also known as jongshi
550s underscore x here on twitch i am a
553s variety streamer and cosplayer i stream
555s a lot of monster hunter a lot of souls
557s born games and a lot of jrpgs
561s um hi my name is stephanie aka stephanie
564s underscores stone on twitch i'm also a
568s variety streamer um i play
571s all sorts of things really big fan of
573s capcom stuff um
575s my monster hunter character is mr4 and
578s i've been playing with the bow since
580s monster hunter 2 freedom unite
583s nice um and hey nigiri 21 sushi here you
586s can call me nigiri i'm also a variety
589s streamer i play a lot of pokemon games
590s souls games a lot of monster hunter
592s games
593s and i'm very very excited to be invited
596s and hunting with all these amazing
598s hunters
599s thank you so much it is awesome to have
601s you and for anyone watching as well make
602s sure to go check out their twitch
604s channels if you check out their names in
605s the title like make sure to go follow
607s them subscribe all of that good stuff
609s but yeah it's awesome like you know even
611s before i joined capcom um as i'm still
613s relatively fresh here like i'd seen all
616s of you like playing monster hunter and
617s i've seen my like predecessors like yuri
619s and socks like playing with you and like
622s you know sharing sharing your posts so
623s it's it's a privilege for me to have you
625s here so thank you all so much for making
627s the time to carry me through master rank
630s um
632s i'm really looking forward to it and as
634s my chat can see i'm slowly joining the
636s lobby
637s because you're all way ahead of me like
638s in regards to being prepared
646s i made it oh am i 11.
649s yeah wow i jumped up that you're like
653s no you're like the furthest them are
656s i am the
657s group look at the helmet look at that
660s red helmet
661s oh yes i've only just done this like say
664s earlier like i was on the last boss
666s which i'm not gonna spoil so don't worry
667s anyone watching that's not got it yet
668s but it was awesome like awesome boss um
672s and once i broke my uh mr cap i went
675s straight into some follower hunts to
676s like boost me up to ten and then i did
678s my first like
680s mini mr kind of like
682s uh cat break
684s and now i'm kind of free to farm so yeah
688s it's uh it was quick it was quick so
690s don't be intimidated once you get that
691s mr6 done you can just start zooming up
694s i'm so excited to hit that point
696s yeah
698s i am also excited
700s i'm just glad i can start working on my
702s fashion like before the stream started
703s we're all talking about like you know a
705s little bit about what we're hunting at
707s the minute and i'm just like fashion
708s fashion i need my outfit
712s that's like part of what makes you extra
714s powerful too because when you look good
716s you're automatically more powerful
718s exactly
719s it's the psycho like psychological game
721s there
727s and yes for all of those watching on
728s youtube and facebook hello hello i am
730s joined obviously by three fantastic
732s monster hunter twitch streamers so do go
734s and check out their channels as well you
736s can see their names in the youtube title
738s so definitely definitely hop on over to
740s twitch for a little bit as well and say
741s hello
743s so what's first on the menu was that
744s anjanath i saw
746s yeah
748s we do be fighting i call antonette
750s angela
751s angela
754s i was gonna say it's angela and i was
756s like wait
757s that's a joke no one's going to get
759s [Music]
761s it's like steve i guess
764s you know
766s they just have these names it's nice
768s that next we've got steve bob and it was
770s angela now
773s that is lovely that's wonderful
775s but would you like to go for capture or
777s are we going to go all in and go for
779s some carbs
781s i'm down for either usually i forget
784s whenever i decide to capture something
786s and kill it anyway so i feel that
792s i feel like in older monster hunter
793s games i was really in the habit of like
796s because i felt like the drop rates were
798s affected differently in older games too
800s where sometimes like rarer things would
802s be easier to get when you capture them
804s but i feel like in
806s i think from world onward they kind of
808s the drop rates are kind of similar so
810s at that point i feel like i just kind of
811s got used to just killing them instead of
813s capturing them unless we were like you
815s know
816s two out of three carts yeah barely
818s making it yeah yeah so that's what i was
820s gonna say too
822s yeah
823s so i guess we'll see it depends
828s yeah i feel that like especially in
829s master rank the amount of hunts i had
830s when i was first going through when i
832s was on two carts and i was like
834s drinking like like my mega drugs and
836s stuff like that
837s trying to get me through and i was
838s waiting for that blue head to appear so
840s i could just like slap down a shock trap
842s and be like yep yep we're done here
843s nothing nothing
845s yeah
849s we have definitely gone the other way i
850s used to always be like a hunt like you
852s know get the kill get the cars but now
854s i'm the opposite i'm like a capture that
855s would be lovely yes like
858s yeah
861s plus it's also kind of like faster too
863s oh go ahead yeah it is it is yeah i was
866s gonna say the same thing so you're fine
868s oh my god
870s that rabbit
872s right behind you
873s oh no
875s also i realized i'm the only blade
876s master in the lobby like normally
879s yeah this is pretty
883s different elise and i are imagining
886s yeah
887s two bow users as well like that is like
890s two unicorns
894s that was just such a good weapon see i
896s really i respect the light bow gun as
898s well because back when i was playing
900s through for you many years ago i used to
902s use sword and shield and like add light
904s bow gun it's like my secondary so like
906s it is super fun yeah
910s um out of curiosity what was everyone's
912s first monster hunter game
916s world iceborn for me
920s very nice
922s and then i did
923s rice gu oh
926s for me it was technically 3u but i
929s didn't fully get into the series and
930s like fall in love with it until for you
932s like three years so experimental for me
935s it was like unlike anything i'd played
936s and i hadn't discovered like the
939s original kind of like monster hunted
940s like youtubers at that time to like
942s learn about the game
944s so
945s yeah like for you was when i just
946s absolutely fell in love with the series
948s nice
950s uh two freedom unite was my first one
953s oh wow
958s funny you mentioned that though no
961s because
962s i technically got 3u first on 3ds
965s because one of my friends
967s on tumblr back in the day recommended it
970s and so i bought it at gamescom
975s and i tried playing it and i did not
977s understand it at all so i was just like
978s you know what maybe this isn't for me
981s and then
982s ultimate and i fell in love with it so i
985s considered her ultimate my first because
986s i didn't really play a lot of three um
989s yeah three was a tough one i feel with
992s the water combat yeah i remember
993s actually fighting lag yeah chris and i
995s was like is it go ball i think yeah
999s yeah the angler face yeah
1002s and then yeah for you though just yeah
1004s it's like gormagala i like i love you
1006s and i'm so glad i'm legendary
1013s but it also shows like the importance of
1015s like you know like people like
1017s yourselves that you know play monster
1018s hunter and share with your community
1019s about like you know how through
1022s entertaining people you also educate
1023s them about the game and you know if it
1024s wasn't for monster crates back then i i
1026s might not have been able to get into the
1028s series as easily
1030s so like
1031s you know big props to all of you as well
1035s oh thank you
1037s it's just an amazing community and most
1040s people like you meet kind of like it's
1042s like a hunter's health hunters team and
1045s it's it's just
1046s that's really one of kind community
1050s yeah i definitely agree i feel like
1053s monster hunter is one of the greatest
1054s games that brings people together
1057s yeah
1059s yeah that's true i also love because you
1060s know you're all working towards a common
1062s goal you're never competing against each
1064s other like not for drops not for you
1066s know items or anything like that um
1070s yeah that's what i really really like
1071s and it's always a learning experience
1075s like i still can't a lot you'll probably
1076s see it tonight
1081s it happens i feel like it's really just
1082s part of you know the monster hunter
1084s experience
1088s [Music]
1090s by the way i love the new shield bash
1091s move for sword shield like these new
1093s still fine moves like what your favorite
1095s new still fight moves like mine gotta be
1097s shield bash but also for hunting horn
1099s the uh silk line shock wave like i just
1101s love all of the hits you do
1105s i
1106s don't know what it's called but because
1108s at some portion yeah you unlock it right
1110s but for light booga and it has this like
1113s blue ammos
1115s and it does much more damage um i don't
1118s know what it's called
1121s i actually haven't used any of the new
1124s moves
1125s because i play only on bow and i haven't
1129s really like looked at them so
1131s i've just been using the aerial aim
1134s yeah and haven't really
1138s you know what you like and it works for
1140s you yeah exactly yeah dodgeball and
1142s aerial aim is just such a nice combo
1145s but i feel like i should try out the
1146s other things
1147s yeah
1148s well that's a good thing right you can
1150s choose to use the new moves and you know
1152s the switch skill swap or you can just
1154s not stick with what you're happy with
1155s like
1157s i do like the little summer software
1158s when you do a
1160s swap
1162s i really do like the the freedom of
1164s customization really
1166s you know play the way that you like to
1168s there's no like one super meta that
1170s you're supposed to adhere to
1173s oh definitely especially with like the
1175s buster element damage we had with sun
1176s break like see i love that yeah i mean i
1179s you know i use sword and shield you use
1181s like bow and like bogum like we're all
1183s about the element in this house like
1186s so yeah i'm super happy with that and
1187s you know it's not come at the expense of
1189s nerf in raw it was just
1191s buffed other things um
1194s which i think is a nice waveguide about
1195s it so thank you team
1197s yes 100
1199s i love everything that they've done
1202s yep i agree there we go
1205s they will be very pleased
1208s and talking of like things we like okay
1210s so you know we've got some monster
1211s hunter veterans in here you know
1212s obviously going back way way back was it
1215s monster hunter two was it you played yes
1217s and then obviously as recently as world
1220s favorite monsters you know we've gotta
1221s we've gotta get those out
1224s well
1225s digium is my favorite which i feel like
1228s isn't really a surprise but he's just
1230s he's just the best he's just so cool
1233s is it the coolest in oga right
1236s yes
1237s they're like edgies and ogre
1240s like black and pinkish is it ogre oh i
1242s love it the red lightning
1244s yeah
1248s faith hal is a nerdy for me i i would
1251s they're gonna get added
1254s because i really had fun with them on uh
1256s world eyes boring
1259s yeah fatalis especially was like
1261s anything sorry i didn't mean to
1262s interrupt
1264s [ __ ]
1266s after you
1267s said i have too many favorites it's very
1270s hard for me to pick one
1272s um
1273s but
1274s one of my all-time favorites is
1276s definitely rajing and oh yeah
1279s i really love um on the elder dragon
1282s side i like kaioshina
1284s and i like omatsu
1288s um
1289s and then i love ghost hurrah from uh oh
1292s yeah specifically ghost frog was my
1295s favorite edition
1296s uh in vase rise i just really loved it
1299s so much
1301s i love master rank goss like it really
1303s feels like you're in a ball with someone
1305s and like you're you're both swinging at
1307s each other and yeah it's really intense
1309s i love the evolution of gossarraging
1312s master right
1313s like a great fight the first time i saw
1315s the gormagala reveal trailer i thought
1317s we were about to get out ghost harass
1319s some species i was like no way and then
1323s gormangala shows up and i was like
1330s i was as surprised as everyone else i
1332s was like no way
1335s that was a very cool review
1337s yeah i couldn't believe it at first i
1339s like didn't recognize ooh blue icon too
1342s oh nice nice very efficient like we're
1345s sub 10 like
1348s i know we're hey we're speed running
1352s i
1355s mean while i'm doing some distinctly
1356s average sword and shield i'm just
1359s like it's a collaborative effort you're
1362s doing great
1363s thank you
1365s it's nice that the gun is a humor in the
1367s soul blade fast like yeah you know
1368s you're all right
1371s swinging my sword around
1376s chat agrees with everyone as well about
1377s the gore reveal being a total surprise
1381s yeah
1382s i love gore me too i can talk about all
1385s day the armor the weapon the monster the
1388s music yeah i'd like that
1391s gear for it as well because obviously
1393s you know a lot of hunters would
1394s recognize the uh palakko ghost kind of
1396s outfit but the uh
1399s seeing some seen some nice homage in
1401s there i think
1403s [Music]
1406s um going back to the
1409s favorites i also wanted to shout out my
1411s one of my favorite elder dragons
1412s gagamazios oh who is going to round but
1416s i'm really hoping we'll be around again
1418s someday
1420s one day i'll come back i know one day
1422s you got to
1424s well i do
1425s geez
1426s speaking of gore i would say my favorite
1429s form of gore is definitely chaotic or
1431s magala oh really
1434s i just love that it's like
1437s so it you can tell that it's like trying
1439s to like form into shigaru so it's got
1441s like the flaking off where it's like
1443s partially golden parts but also like
1446s still gore
1448s so i don't know i just thought chaotic
1450s was so cool because it's like you're
1451s seeing it in bid
1453s like
1454s transformation almost although
1456s and like the gear as well looks like how
1458s it mixes the color schemes together like
1460s yeah
1462s where was chaotic or
1464s was that four or was that
1465s something else questions was it
1467s generations i can't remember
1470s generations
1474s let me see
1478s there's many many years ago for me
1480s showing my age so i'm like
1483s my memory is facing for you but now i
1485s can't remember
1487s yeah yeah i'm trying to remember
1489s yeah yeah like i think it was before you
1491s yeah i'm just trying to remember if i
1493s had the opportunity to fight him
1495s for you as well
1496s okay cool
1498s i always second-guess myself and i'm
1499s like wait was it for me too i think it
1502s was
1504s yeah i'm sure at the trio in yeah
1506s yeah was gore in generations at all
1510s yeah okay it was in june yeah i missed
1513s that then oh
1515s cause i still remember the arena where
1517s you fought shigaru magala in for you
1520s like that fight and it's like this
1522s really dark area of a rock in the middle
1524s that i used to hide behind to try and
1525s sharpen
1527s yeah i can tell that all the time that
1529s one rock is really like the savior in
1531s that fight yeah your only shelter in
1533s that storm i'm like please please don't
1535s come around
1541s i'm just going to quickly check my uh
1543s talismans because i had some talismans
1545s bacon in the oven while we were hunting
1547s so i'm talking to steven so you're fine
1550s i'm talking to my lady theory
1553s oh she's
1555s awesome she's so cool i love uh lucika
1559s though
1560s lucica is my fave
1562s fiorin's my fave yeah same for you i'm
1566s team fiorine at the moment like i really
1568s like lucika because she's no nonsense
1570s like no nonsense gets the job done
1573s carries a big gun doesn't mess around
1575s kind of thing gets the monsters down but
1576s i just think fiorin's so cool like she's
1578s just they're both very clover they are
1581s this means you guys can fight over theo
1583s rain and then it's just chico for me you
1586s know you're every cloud that's right
1588s [Laughter]
1594s let's go through my talismans looking
1595s for something tasty come on i can see
1598s those divine talismans
1605s unfortunately
1606s it was a bit of a bust on those
1608s talismans
1610s it's hard to tell minimum farm
1614s i've just thrown in all my friend
1615s vouchers that i've been saving up for
1617s like indigo
1618s oh my god i burned through those so fast
1621s yeah it's uh
1622s it's gonna be like that for me as well
1625s i've already used up like 200 of them
1628s oh wow oh wow
1633s oh this is perfect i need mats from toby
1636s this will be good
1637s how do i i love toby and ryze though
1641s yeah like yeah he's great i'm quite
1642s lucky so my partner's favorite monster
1645s is toby kadachi
1646s and she loves toby so much she has him
1649s tattooed or
1651s tattooed
1653s so and she's got like the like the um
1655s world icon of toby
1658s um so like whenever she's around i only
1661s capture toby otherwise i get in trouble
1667s we can do either now though because
1669s she's asleep and um
1671s i don't think she'll watch the stream
1672s back so
1674s we'll be we'll be okay get away with
1676s murder
1678s and blame it all on me
1680s i said there was never a toby on the
1682s street never a toby
1684s it's great to see you
1687s come again
1692s sorry i'm a bit slow on that i was just
1693s refilling my uh talismans i was like
1696s yeah we'll get some more friend vouchers
1698s in there
1708s uh
1713s [Music]
1717s so have you been maining your bows and
1719s bow guns throughout some break or are
1721s you just mixing it up a little bit today
1725s oh i've been definitely uh
1729s meeting beau all throughout summer break
1731s i think
1734s maybe afternoon
1735s like end game i will change but we'll
1738s see
1740s yeah same for me i want to
1743s beat up to mr100 with my lightbulb gun
1746s and unlock all the possible skills for
1749s armors first
1750s and then i will swap to the other
1753s weapons that i also play
1755s yeah that's really cool
1757s um i've been
1759s playing only beau since to freedom unite
1764s so wow you're been only well you know
1767s you know
1768s hey no that's cool like it wasn't until
1770s like rise where i really started trying
1772s weapons other than sword and shield like
1774s i'd obviously dabbled with like bogan in
1776s the past
1777s and like i'd kind of like memed a bit
1778s with the gun lance in iceborn because i
1780s love like the wrathian gun lance
1782s um but yeah like i'd always been a sword
1785s and shield person since 3u
1787s and it was ryze where i was like you
1789s know what these silk by moves looks so
1790s cool i kind of want to try out other
1792s weapons
1796s yeah because i've seen you what i think
1797s hunting horn too i've seen you play yeah
1799s the other weapons too yeah yeah on pc i
1802s i picked the hunting horn because i was
1804s like i don't want to like
1806s like do a carbon copy of my switch
1807s playthrough so i was like i want
1809s something that's like can support but
1811s can also bond and do that
1813s [Music]
1818s and i get bonk and dude
1820s yep all of the goodness and um like the
1823s rice hunting horn was just seemed so
1825s much more approachable than like
1826s previous situations yeah and i was like
1828s you know what i'm going to give it a go
1830s i'm going to join team dude
1834s that's fair it is
1839s [Music]
1849s i started with charge blade
1852s and then generations i did switch
1855s uh
1856s worlds i did switch acts for the story
1858s and then charge blade after i beat the
1860s story
1862s iceborn was insect glaze
1864s and then gu was also insecure
1867s nice rise has been blow
1870s but i try to switch it up usually
1874s like this really impressive because they
1876s all play pretty uniquely
1879s thank you
1880s yep
1882s i just think i learned the best like
1884s when learning a new weapon if i force
1885s myself to play it through the story
1887s sometimes
1902s yeah the biggest challenge for me was
1903s coming back from hunting
1905s and playing on switches the muscle
1906s memory like i think i was doing a
1908s recital or i'd want to block when i
1910s switch back
1911s and it's just i'll just be spinning
1913s around on the floor or like holding my
1914s shield when i keep going platforms
1920s [Music]
1933s let's see if i can paralyze nice
1938s i'll get some destroyer oil there we go
1954s [Music]
1963s this is going well this is going well
1964s keeping toby kind of where we want them
1991s feel better now
2009s what's it like fighting a monster so
2011s agile with like range weapons like how
2013s do you deal with it what are your top
2015s tips for gunners fighting monsters like
2017s toby
2020s for me um
2021s like cc um i prefer a gun that i can cc
2025s monsters like appara or sleep
2028s and then do like the damage phase like
2030s cc damage phase cc damage wigs
2034s it's really
2036s like for instance would be like
2037s paralysis is my best friend together
2039s with like rapid peers or rapid size
2044s definitely statuses i think are like one
2046s of the most important things that you
2047s can have um
2049s and i think there's not a shame in
2050s utilizing
2051s traps as well too if a monster is really
2053s just moving around too much
2055s um
2056s it's really good to just you know make
2058s them stop in place um i know at least
2061s for bo spacing is something that's
2062s always going to be important too
2065s um so i feel like it's really important
2066s to
2068s get to know a monster's moveset as much
2070s as possible so that
2072s because a lot of the time i feel like as
2073s a bow user you know
2075s toby will like do a flip or something
2076s and he'll land just like you know two
2078s inches to my right which is always
2079s intimidating but it's helpful if you're
2081s you know running something like close
2083s range coatings because you need to be up
2085s close anyways
2087s so it's kind of having that balance of
2090s knowing kind of the right area you want
2092s to place yourself in to deal damage but
2095s not
2095s get hit
2098s but that's definitely something that you
2100s know you just have to
2101s hunt spend time hunting that monster
2104s over and over to really become film
2106s familiar with that
2107s yep yeah i would say yeah the best
2110s advice for me is just getting familiar
2112s with the monster's move set and then
2114s positioning with ranged weapons for sure
2117s [Music]
2119s no that is a good shout like as a blade
2121s master like one of my biggest like
2123s guilty pleasures is getting greedy and
2125s just over committing to attack
2128s absolutely bodied by the monster
2132s i feel that
2134s it's hard if you're
2136s if you're really like
2138s dealing damage to a monster and you're
2140s staggering them and you know breaking
2142s parts and stuff it's really easy to want
2143s to keep pushing but sometimes you know
2145s they get enraged and they hit your back
2151s yeah i think most of my cartoon comes
2153s from like i'll get hit with a big attack
2154s and i'll immediately wire four rather
2157s than just kind of you know hitting the
2158s ground reassessing the situation so like
2161s that's been my biggest master rank
2163s learning curve is like
2164s patience
2168s i feel like mastering is definitely
2169s something that humbles a lot of players
2171s too because like hiring can be kind of
2174s tough but i feel like mastering is where
2176s things start getting pretty serious yeah
2178s you can't just like throw yourself
2180s blindly in a battle as much as
2182s you might be used to if i rank but
2184s that's what i've like something that i
2186s really love about mastering the
2187s challenge and how you have to consider
2189s the fights a little more
2190s tactfully exactly like especially once
2193s you get i think into like mr4 plus like
2195s even wearing like a full set of
2196s mastering armor you can get hit by some
2199s monsters like you know it's
2202s there's that challenge there you're not
2203s like able to just sit in an offensive
2205s master rank set and just tank it like
2208s you can in high rank uh yeah so yeah
2210s it's it's a real fun experience
2220s saying that as i pick myself up off the
2222s floor
2225s i feel like that's really part of the
2227s the joy and appeal of monster hunter at
2229s least for me is how you slowly ramp up
2232s to
2232s you know working with one monster up
2235s from low rank to high rate to master
2237s rank and really getting to know their
2238s moves that you yourself as a
2241s hunter improve
2243s to where you know hopefully you're not
2245s taking as many hits as you used to
2247s because you're so familiar
2249s with how they move that you're just
2250s dodging them and everything so you're
2251s not punished as much
2255s yep and then there's espionage who just
2257s does what it pleases oh gosh
2260s do we talk about the espionage
2264s oh my gosh
2268s that's one word for it
2271s every time i see people post pictures
2274s it's always when it's like sleeping and
2275s it looks so cute i already love um
2278s because on pc i made it to uh garen home
2281s the frankenstein monster and i already
2283s love it because frankenstein's my
2284s favorite dolphin no way
2287s but i freaked out yes
2289s oh
2290s i was so excited when it was rumored
2292s that there would be one and i was like i
2294s hope there's one and then when i saw it
2296s i freaked out and then i loved the hunt
2297s for it and i'm so happy it's probably
2299s one of my favorites from this game
2300s already
2301s i really like garen goldman as well like
2303s i love the design it's unlike any
2304s monster i've really fought in recent
2306s monster hunter kind of like history and
2309s it has some awesome moves like i love
2311s the one where it flips you in the air
2313s and if you don't why why bug wait it
2315s claps you
2316s oh god yeah yeah i love that like it's
2321s such a great such a great monster
2324s yeah i was surprised with that
2325s oh sorry i'm glad that we managed to
2327s capture toby my conscience is clear
2331s that's most important oh you can't
2334s you can't finish hunts with a guilty
2336s conscience
2343s [Music]
2344s is it possible to unlock bigger
2345s decorations just feels like stamina
2347s search well as you progress through
2348s master ink you will unlock like more
2350s decorations um especially in the like
2352s four slot ones
2354s um i haven't checked for that particular
2355s skill though but maybe one of the
2357s gunners will know because i think the
2358s stamina said just that one that beau
2360s uses there especially yes
2362s what was the question stamina surge like
2364s a four slot yes is there a four-star one
2367s i it would be really nice
2370s i'd be looking for honestly i haven't
2372s seen any i just know the two slot one
2374s yeah um i yeah i would love you they
2377s made one so same i don't know
2380s yeah i kind of feel like there is not
2381s one which is really sad
2383s but you know that's the the pain of
2386s chalice is farming it's trying to get a
2388s nice
2389s something nice there but
2391s we'll see
2395s this is me trying to figure out what i
2396s want to go for next as well because like
2398s my mouse xeno set has wide bug whisperer
2401s and weakness exploit on it as two of the
2402s skills so like
2404s they tended that's what i was trying to
2406s target on my talismans so now i'm just
2409s like surprise me treat me like
2412s let's see what i can roll
2429s sorry i'm almost ready hey no rush
2431s you're right that's fine i'm still
2432s getting ready too so don't even worry
2436s i was partying with the canteen
2440s that's okay
2442s that's an important question actually
2444s too do you watch the whole dango
2446s cutscene normally or do you skip it
2451s so i i skip i watch it fully the first
2454s time that's it yeah oh it's your first
2456s time you got to see it same
2458s oh i haven't watched it yet i skipped it
2463s you haven't wait
2465s i haven't seen the train
2467s oh
2468s what a revelation oh you gotta watch it
2472s yeah
2473s i've watched i watched your mogees i've
2476s watched i've watched yours a few times i
2478s haven't watched the train one yet
2479s because it's such um a muscle memory
2481s thing that i just automatically skip it
2484s and then
2484s every time i'm like i'm gonna watch it
2486s this time and then i skip it and i'm
2488s like nothing
2489s disrespect on my hard-earned calicos
2500s but i don't even know i think i have to
2502s switch my weapon too i was really just
2504s on autopilot
2507s how do you want to do this do we want to
2508s split into two pairs or do we want to
2510s just go four stack
2512s each monster
2514s down for either oops yeah same well that
2518s was a quick mount there on whoever got
2520s that on yeah
2525s i thought sword and shield could do it
2526s quickly but
2530s it's for light bug and it's really easy
2531s to mount so that's why you usually just
2534s take on the assignment of mounting and
2536s finding the monsters
2537s it's really smart to do
2540s oh definitely like having someone that
2542s can get a dedicated mount off like
2543s especially master rank like it's so
2545s useful for hunt so you don't start on
2547s the back foot
2549s uh-huh
2553s i think long sword is also one
2556s that is easy to to kind of like mount
2558s monsters true
2561s i love raphael
2563s oh yeah like dread queen wrathion is one
2565s of my fave monsters
2569s she's just such a classic queen like
2574s it's also such a comfy hunt for me
2577s i feel the same way
2585s i'm gonna work on that tail
2593s i remember wilde and i spawned the
2595s amount of uh wrathion spikes i had to
2597s farm so now i'm just like tails
2602s fair
2619s nothing can see
2625s [Music]
2642s [Music]
2644s there we go nice
2647s that is so satisfying catching the
2648s backflip
2649s [Music]
2651s that was really cool thank you
2654s it's about a 50 50 chance whether or not
2656s i eat the tail or i get it get it
2658s successfully
2662s [Music]
2663s oh zoochie's here i was like wait a
2666s second
2667s it's really a party
2672s [Music]
2688s oh yes oh she's on the run
2691s [Laughter]
2695s oh no i've run out of stamina
2699s okay there's the tail
2701s nice good teamwork
2706s it's always so embarrassing when you
2707s miss the wall it's a static office it's
2709s not going anywhere it's like
2712s it's okay
2714s it makes you feel any better i've missed
2715s them a few times on accident like i'm
2717s just like oh yeah i mean it happens
2722s you're just gonna like move weird it's
2724s like we do
2726s i managed to miss the floor recently and
2729s i'll explain that in regards to you know
2731s the citadel in area 13 you've got the
2733s thorny toad swamp
2735s so i was just trying to drop the monster
2737s in there and i was on stream i think i
2739s was with team darkseid so you know
2741s people are pretty good at the game and i
2743s said don't worry i've got this and like
2745s i messed up my like running the monster
2748s into wall and i fell outside of the
2749s giant
2751s water puddle on the floor and like the
2753s thorny toads are just there kind of
2754s looking at me like
2756s i couldn't believe it i literally missed
2757s the floor i couldn't believe i was like
2759s anywhere and this one bit i missed
2762s see it happens you know i feel you there
2764s like yeah
2767s should be captured and then go to israel
2769s oh never mind wow that was a quick
2771s transition from that was fine y'all were
2773s too
2779s which members of tds did you play from
2781s i'm a suit with i'm assuming chris yeah
2783s chris and hc and kristen h oh that's
2785s really cool
2787s chris is actually the person who
2789s encouraged me to stream no way
2794s that's awesome
2795s i would never have strange if it wasn't
2797s for chris
2800s that's awesome no it's great to see that
2802s like for me like it was gaijin hunter
2804s that got me into monstante it was his
2805s tutorials i found on youtube like i just
2808s stumbled across them so like it's funny
2810s how
2810s [Music]
2812s what what seems like a small thing to
2813s some people actually leads to huge
2815s shootings like yourself if you're
2816s streaming
2817s i now work on monster hunter like from
2820s finding this guide on youtube and i've
2822s actually you know had some chats with
2823s with gaijin and stuff like that and
2826s it's crazy like
2828s just being friendly and open and wanting
2829s to share your passion and hobby with
2831s other people and being encouraging can
2833s be so
2834s monumentally life-changing further down
2836s the line for people in a positive way
2838s like
2839s yeah it's it's nutty really
2842s that's pretty cool that's really cool i
2845s love that
2848s not to be cheesy but that's really you
2851s know
2851s power gaming yeah like yeah
2854s i was very close to saying it i was very
2856s close to saying that
2858s yeah and that's why as well like you
2859s know i
2860s i love like
2861s seeing all the awesome stuff like you
2863s know folks like yourselves do like the
2864s community builders the creators that you
2867s know the faces of the game effectively
2870s like you know
2871s given a place for people to enjoy their
2873s passions and chat and
2875s game like yeah like
2877s i'm all about you know
2880s the goodness that creators bring to
2882s gaming in general like yeah yeah
2888s and also you know you're damn good for
2890s those those gunner weaponry so you know
2898s uh real quick to go back on the uh
2901s stamina search thing someone was asking
2902s about someone in my chat actually said
2905s they're at mr41 they said there is a
2908s stamina tool oh
2911s you just gotta work for it
2927s that it was like this four guys getting
2928s straight bullied
2931s or zucchini
2946s ironic it's like blue icon already i
2948s know that's it like i found fight in
2951s master and kazuchi solo that should be a
2953s little bit like of like and it sounds
2955s weird but it was actually one of the
2957s like more challenging early master rank
2959s hunts for me
2960s like other monsters i was fine like
2962s rather lost stuff like that great
2964s azuchi's mobility when it's 1v1 and you
2967s can't pin it down easily it's really
2970s intimidating like it flies around
2972s everywhere it's jumping up walls like
2975s like great zucchini to me was actually
2977s like it's like oh fair enough
2980s that makes sense
2982s he's really small which i think is like
2984s part of what like every other monster is
2986s you know like huge or gigantic but she's
2988s really small and kind of fast harder to
2990s hit
2993s i also feel like if you haven't hunted
2995s them in a while that kind of affects me
2997s too because like you know after a while
2999s you don't really hunt azuchi as much as
3000s you want like say like rathalos or like
3003s raffian where like you've hunted them a
3005s lot although i do think graphos feels a
3007s little different in this game sometimes
3009s compared to past games
3011s but
3011s i feel like that's why like wrathion
3013s felt way easier to me than like some of
3015s the monsters that i don't pump very
3017s often like i'm through when i was
3018s hunting mastering kukepuke it's like
3020s you're a bit more intense than i
3022s remember
3023s and i was like you're fine but like
3025s you're just a bit more intense than i
3026s remember because i obviously talked to
3028s monsters like that but
3032s but yeah raphael just feels very like
3034s easy to me but i feel like it is because
3036s i hunt that monster a lot
3039s no definitely you can kind of forget
3040s like even like a legombe right you're
3042s like lagombi you know big snow bunny and
3045s then it starts sliding around repeatedly
3047s like knocking you over stunning you and
3048s you're like all right
3051s this is a surprise
3053s zombie yeah oh i got a mantel where did
3056s you come from no
3057s yes
3059s nice i don't have one
3062s a fine addition to my collection
3063s congrats i love seeing those shinies
3066s after a hundred you're like oh yes got
3068s lucky oh yes get those dolphins
3071s i feel like that's a big reason why i
3073s have like a gatherer palico to use that
3075s my cat has the chance of also pilfering
3078s like a jam or a mantle oh yeah such a
3080s good shot i do run double gathering
3082s palakkos when i'm playing on my own oh
3084s nice oh yeah i'm all about that extra
3086s loot i'm like give me give me them gems
3088s i must have everything oh yes
3095s i'm so excited now
3100s it's time
3101s [Music]
3102s wait what's up
3104s it's time for gearing home oh yeah
3108s oh it's nice
3109s i love the three lords in this game
3112s yep
3113s they're awesome
3116s i remember like when we revealed like
3118s luna garan and obviously we initially
3119s got a lot of like other garen
3121s comparisons quite rightly as well
3123s um because we hadn't revealed that luna
3125s garan is actually like bipedal when it's
3127s enraged
3128s um and then i remember the reaction when
3130s people when people first saw luna garron
3132s stand up and fight on its hind legs i
3134s was like yes full on werewolf mode
3139s i hope we can get to that fight
3142s today i think we might
3144s yeah
3145s i would be very excited we've been
3146s speeding through so hopefully yeah we've
3148s got that five hunts i think to go this
3151s one and then four more five more maybe
3154s and we've been like chatting casually so
3157s yeah like we've been like super focused
3159s on like clapping these monsters so
3162s oh yeah this is what like a team of like
3163s experienced hunters looks like like just
3166s rolling over the early master stuff
3168s i'm just gonna try not to get hit very
3170s often because i'm still wearing my high
3172s rank gear and i'm stubborn i was telling
3174s stuff
3176s and i'm not gonna remove my mighty bow
3178s feather no one can make it oh i'm
3180s keeping that on or it's the earrings i
3183s think or whatever it is but i'm not
3184s removing it
3186s i can't no i kept my teostra helmet
3189s until i made my mind until i made my
3191s mouse i know so i only swapped out like
3192s my chest and my arms i think no my chest
3195s and waist because i got an anjanath
3197s mantle first hunt so i made the waste i
3199s was like of course i'm going to upgrade
3201s um
3202s but yeah i know i kept my tiastra bits
3204s until i made the marzano set so i feel
3206s that
3208s i feel like you could reasonably wear
3210s your hr stuff a decent
3213s amount of that mars in there's a couple
3216s people i know that are like mr6 with
3218s their
3219s hr gear still way
3225s you just gotta be careful because like
3226s you know it's it's so much easier to get
3228s one shot because if you can get two shot
3230s wearing mr gear at the later mrs there's
3232s no way you can
3234s you know your best defense at that point
3237s is just not getting hit yeah because
3239s you'll die immediately
3241s max out that vade extender and evade
3243s window divine blessing hope for the best
3246s oh yeah
3256s yeah nyc says uh teostra has full poison
3259s resist and high fire resist which is
3261s just great as well as the skills on top
3262s of it so they can see why people stick
3265s with it until they like get yeah
3267s mastering the ostrich because the elder
3268s dragons are quite late into the story
3271s so yeah like you won't be able to
3273s upgrade those particular pieces until
3275s you've gone through many more monsters
3279s hey i'm sure i'm so excited
3283s i will say if there's a plushie of garen
3285s i'm getting it right away because i have
3287s nothing
3288s when it comes to monster plushies i've
3291s seen the japanese monster hunter account
3293s tweeted i'm sure like it's like three
3295s plushies i think it's the three lords
3297s wait
3298s because there's mosaic
3299s sorry oh my god
3302s i'm going to ami right now
3305s i really want to ludigaran plushie i
3307s love luna guerin
3309s they're great like and i love how people
3310s are kind of like flock into their favor
3312s of the three lords like mine is marzano
3315s purely because like the teleport move
3317s really so i love the vampire aesthetic i
3320s love how oh my god it's been pretty but
3322s if it's just is it the boggies have you
3324s seen the plushie because the boggies are
3325s gorgeous i love them i just i do have it
3328s for luna garrett is so cute i'm dying
3331s i'm getting they they don't have
3334s pre-orders up for melzano anymore which
3335s makes me sad but they do
3339s so i'm going to get stuck
3341s i can't it's a dream
3345s i'm so excited it can go right next to
3346s ghosterog oh my goodness the beefiest
3349s boys together
3352s [Music]
3353s i also pre-ordered the gourmagala one
3355s because it looks really cute and
3357s i need to do that before they sell out i
3359s need to get my pre-order for gold let me
3361s make sure i can tell you if they have
3363s them
3364s while the cut scene plays because i
3366s watch it
3367s i have to i love this monster
3370s i mean is it on amiami
3373s yeah it's on miami the gorman
3375s is who would skip a cut scene especially
3377s like a dango cut scene like that's just
3379s i
3380s have no idea that's crazy
3387s that's crazy um i don't know who would
3389s do that
3392s i don't know who would have a dango skip
3393s in their
3394s twitch chat as a command
3398s hey wait hold up i took who took all the
3401s first aid meds
3415s first you don't even watch the dungo
3417s concert
3420s you're taking all the supplies oh no
3424s it's because i didn't watch the dango
3426s cut scene you know
3427s you're right you know what you need it
3428s more than i do
3429s it's my curse
3433s i'm so sorry it's okay i don't need it
3436s it's fine i just like having yeah so i
3438s don't use like my own stuff
3440s that is totally fair i didn't even
3442s notice
3443s it's okay to be found that would
3446s yeah i do that all the time because like
3447s you know you'll be doing a single player
3449s and you just hoover out the whole box
3450s right and then you go to a multiplayer
3452s hunt and you're like what am i done
3455s you don't know which one they will
3456s choose or something yeah
3458s yeah everyone's like awkwardly just like
3460s kind of try to select one and
3462s accidentally select two of them
3470s [Music]
3476s i still get lost so much in this map
3478s it's especially in the north of the map
3480s it's surprising and easy to get lost in
3482s the mountains
3483s right
3485s oh i totally got bamboozled by like a
3487s cavern i thought like a monster was on
3489s top and i went to the area and no one
3491s was there everyone was underneath and i
3493s was like oh my god
3497s oh we got the elemental best i love the
3499s jewel element side of garen gold like
3501s when i first like learned about gang
3503s gone i was like dual elements that's so
3505s cool
3508s i forgot i still have to take a photo
3509s here
3510s when it transforms
3512s you have to be really quick when it goes
3515s down oh hi hello
3517s the
3518s hermitart one was like that too me and
3520s my friends were like wait when did we do
3522s it
3523s i just kept taking pictures of the crap
3525s over and over and i was like guys i
3527s don't think i don't think i'm getting
3528s the
3529s the questing for it but it finally
3531s showed up
3532s just the scared looking hermit or like
3534s why are they still here
3535s oh hi
3538s oh the hulk smash
3541s let me see if i can paralyze
3550s i'm sure what do you do
3555s i appreciate that karen goldman
3559s since he's kind of like a monkey here he
3561s gives me like conga lala and like
3563s lagonga vibes oh yeah
3565s i appreciate that very much
3568s yeah it's true i'm a big kongawala fan
3572s especially with the jungle map back
3573s around i'm like
3575s at least we have another monkey that's
3577s true that's true
3579s and i love i'm loving the crabs as well
3581s you know you mentioned i really yeah oh
3584s the crab is so nice to mouth oh it's so
3587s funny like the body slam jump and stuff
3589s like that yes
3590s and the punch on the one yeah and the
3592s one punch oh my gosh beautiful
3595s few little crabs
3597s and they're really fun to hunt as well i
3598s was really surprised that the first time
3600s in master rank was actually daimyo and i
3602s loved that fact oh yeah i i would never
3604s have predicted and it was such a fun way
3606s to get into master right
3608s i think it was a really like
3609s introduction yeah
3611s yeah it was adorable it was also just
3613s nice to see domino harmington again oh
3616s i've just realized fiori's here as well
3618s that's like that's another sort of show
3623s phil thought that you were a little like
3627s too surrounded by bows that's true you
3629s know break bring up bring up the sword
3631s and shield
3633s anybody can learn more no
3635s i love her
3638s her outfit is so cool for fun really so
3641s cool
3652s i just everyone should just cosplay
3654s admiral gallius all of us
3656s yes
3660s he's so magnificent he is he's so stoic
3663s and that beard is so strong
3665s he's so like ruggedly handsome oh yes
3674s this monster is just so cool well so
3676s fiorina's so awesome her sword and
3678s shield actually carried me through early
3680s master rank like i did have follower
3682s quest and i unlocked the ability to make
3683s it and if any sword and shield users
3685s like do her follow requests straight
3687s away like the sword shield you get is so
3689s good and so easy to craft oh nice oh yes
3697s yeah i was surprised the first time they
3699s did a like the follow request with her
3701s was like oh they trap i was like okay
3704s cool i was like oh they heal too like oh
3707s yeah
3708s i know and they mount too i was like
3710s okay
3711s i'm digging this it's so funny because
3713s she's like i'll be back in a second and
3715s you just see her icon sing across your
3716s mouth
3717s right
3720s i heard luchika
3723s doesn't heal never hears oh
3733s oh really you know i'm curious
3737s i mean it works it gets the job
3747s [Music]
3759s also one thing i love how they've
3760s changed the sword and shield block
3762s animation slightly so if you're walking
3764s around with your shield up you actually
3765s kind of like hold it up in front of your
3767s face and stand behind it now rather than
3769s holding it at your waist
3770s like all these little quality of life
3771s things like this
3773s hello oh
3775s have you been selected
3779s are you are you okay
3782s yeah
3801s it's very much like you have to keep
3803s your hp completely topped up or you're
3804s going to get caught in the depth oh
3806s definitely
3808s even with mr here like once i got caught
3810s by him i'm like
3812s teeny tiny sliver of hp so yep
3815s [Music]
3817s oh god i will say what i like about that
3819s rock move is that it definitely feels
3822s like um it's like rajan from giant rock
3826s infor ultimate to me yep
3829s nice that's what it reminded me of when
3831s i first saw it i was like wow
3833s that's so cool
3835s let's go for the ball one
3842s um you can't knock people off when
3844s they're mounted now right i don't know
3847s you think okay i remember that was a
3849s concern once upon a time and i'm always
3852s a little afraid like
3855s i know people are here really bad
3857s yeah
3859s do you think thank you
3863s oh hi uh barrier
3866s oh there's the i love the kittenator by
3868s the way like my absolute favorite
3870s hunting bunny thing
3873s just knowing that someone
3875s hq just goes what if we gave the cat a
3878s dragonater
3879s and and here we are i love it
3897s hey close to
3900s yeah react is there's any way you can
3902s stop a mount now is uh through trapping
3904s other than that you're safe to go i just
3906s got a large beast gem from a shiny
3915s oh boy yeah one of my favorite things to
3916s pick up as a shiny is like
3918s it's mean but it's a beast tears
3933s i feel like that was really fast we sub
3936s 10 literally yeah looking about nine
3938s minutes there i think wow
3940s good job guys
3945s so
3946s what's up we're doing pretty good
3949s thanks theo for the help
3953s [Music]
3955s i love the little ending screen as well
3957s with the followers
3959s oh yeah
3969s [Music]
3974s yeah it does feel good i don't know
3976s about you what it's like with the bow
3977s and the light bow gun but getting a
3978s finishing blow with like a silk bind
3980s attack just feels so stylish it's the
3983s best
3984s when i do the aerial aim and i like
3987s well done what's the word you know like
3989s when you do like a dive down with the
3991s arrow
3992s actually when i was streaming uh
3994s sun break on early release and i was
3996s fighting firmitar i believe that first
3999s fight i killed him with that downward
4001s strike and i was like this is peak
4003s monster hunter i don't need to play the
4004s rest of sun break i beat the game
4009s it just feels so good
4012s [Music]
4015s i'm gonna watch the dango cutscene this
4017s next time because i'm claimed anymore i
4020s think i can't do it anymore it's time
4022s for the redemption
4024s yeah
4029s oh you're sitting in a cutscene
4031s mm-hmm
4038s wow
4048s okay
4049s [Music]
4051s all the speech bubbles
4055s you're so popular now that you be
4057s guaranteed everyone wants to talk to you
4059s yeah one of the people with the speech
4060s bubbles just flexed right in my face
4063s like turned my back and flexed right in
4065s my face
4067s you're gonna get your attention
4068s like okay
4071s gave me a question was then let me just
4072s flex right now i'm asking you to do this
4074s quest but
4075s [Laughter]
4078s don't forget to check your kahoot nest
4080s here too
4085s check on the baby kahoot
4088s allow so much right
4091s i do miss buddy
4093s i miss poogie though
4096s gotta say
4097s miss my little pig
4100s i do love poogie
4103s but i'll accept baby owls
4105s i will take baby owl because i'm i love
4107s the owls so much
4111s and it's just so cute and small
4115s not gonna lie
4117s the first time
4120s first time i saw the baby l i was
4123s expecting it to push uh to push me away
4125s kind of like poogie
4126s really when you put it too much really
4129s going you packed it too much like at
4130s some point
4139s and there's like multiple outfits for it
4141s as well
4142s yeah that's so
4144s [Music]
4145s cute i remember getting the devil joe
4148s poogie costume in for ultimate
4153s that took a bit
4155s but i was so happy when i got it i
4157s really liked the ghost poogie outfit
4159s spawn as well like that was the one
4165s i liked making my pig look like a sheep
4168s for some reason
4169s that was just always funny to me
4172s i always kept pooping like that
4176s oh and what were the names of the
4177s buddies the like
4180s in three like floofy you know in uh
4183s generations ultimate they had the little
4185s floofy
4186s i don't know
4190s i was like they were so cute too oh i
4192s heard about those i wish i could have
4194s seen them
4197s they're really cute
4199s all right i i have to pick
4202s my rise fave
4203s what
4204s i grabbed the plushie too cause it goes
4206s her egg it is
4209s yeah
4211s yeah i love ghost rag
4214s it's a very cool
4215s monster
4216s he's great
4218s i really love it i thought it was such a
4221s cool design
4222s and also if you get stunned you get that
4224s unique animation where it just like
4225s walks up to you really slowly
4229s it's so threatening it is
4235s very scary but very cool
4241s see i'm allowed to skip the dango cut
4242s scene because i've seen it before
4245s you're not sniffing it right
4248s i i'm i'm not skipping it i'm watching
4250s it
4251s i'm watching the palace cook for me
4255s in the morning
4257s the
4265s so silly oh they're cute
4268s it's like can you imagine you come
4269s downstairs one day and like your pet
4271s cat's cooking your breakfast and you
4272s just close the door and walk away like
4274s ah yes
4278s i would be fascinated because the my
4281s pets were hamsters so if they were
4283s making me breakfast my pizzas that would
4286s be crazy it would be some really small
4288s pancakes or something wouldn't it like
4289s just hamster size pancakes
4291s no hamstrings
4296s that's what i made my palico look like
4298s my hamster as much as i could because
4299s her name was bijou
4306s and then my
4308s palamy looks like my mom's puppy named
4311s oscar
4312s i tried my best he's very floofy and my
4315s pal mute is obviously not a spoofy there
4318s was not floofy floofy optin which is
4320s what oscar is
4323s so
4324s next time you know
4328s yeah my original palico is like like a
4330s torticat like my camber
4333s but my palico that i made her is a
4335s healer and somebody's in gathering so
4337s she's just chilling out at the moment in
4339s like the body area just just having a
4341s good time eating food which is what she
4343s loves to do in real life as well
4351s i love those lighting
4355s oh yeah it's such pretty lighting real
4357s nice
4364s it just changes the whole mood of the
4365s map as well like it's so foreboding but
4368s like in a really beautiful
4371s so pretty
4372s all right i need to farm the spirit beds
4375s here without hitting one of the little
4376s gown goats because they're so adorable
4381s every time i cut the grass there i get
4383s nothing
4385s it's happened like three times and i'm
4387s like i didn't get anything either
4389s i feel salty every time
4397s i love the purple pink glow
4402s nothing quite like a blood moon
4405s really
4411s so pretty and purple's my favorite color
4413s so i feel partially biased
4436s oh nice early mountain
4441s i just ran up to something i thought was
4443s a mining spot and it was
4446s it was a little kind of like lamp
4450s yeah the details is beautiful
4453s gotta get the lamp
4456s like a big ball
4457s it reminded me of i thought they were
4458s like scout flies from worlds yeah
4472s have you seen the um some of the new
4474s endemic life that you can find in the
4476s jungle and in the citadel
4478s like the rare ones
4480s i have not i don't think so not yet
4483s i feel like i haven't spent nearly as
4485s much time as i would have liked in the
4486s new areas
4488s yeah unfortunately there's so much to
4490s fight before you could explore it's like
4491s a rain
4492s but look at all these lovely new
4493s monsters i want to take on
4496s exactly it's worth it to explore though
4499s at least for
4500s the optional uh
4502s subcamps
4504s for teleporting around yeah
4507s i have
4508s one
4509s on this map
4511s oh no
4513s oh yeah i need to take out some bulkies
4515s to get my sub counter
4518s yeah same
4519s they're just too they're too hilarious
4521s they remind me like of little hyenas but
4523s obviously they've got the goblin kind of
4525s like
4526s inspiration they just
4528s they just seem so haphazard i feel bad
4530s beating them up
4532s yeah right they're just minding their
4534s own business i was like
4536s this is little
4548s people saying they're upset there's no
4550s great boggy that's right then we've got
4551s lots of little buggies to enjoy
4556s but then the question begs would you
4558s rather fight a hundred normal buggies or
4561s ten hypothetical great boggies at once
4593s there was so many
4595s i think uh nigiri had the uh
4597s golden wife
4599s oh
4601s thank you
4603s yummy
4604s wire that you can find too like the ruby
4607s and the gold one that was really good
4609s mm-hmm
4611s i remember the first time i found the
4612s gold one i was super confused and i was
4614s like what are you doing these are like i
4615s thought i thought it was like a
4617s intersect or something i was like what
4618s is this
4619s then i read it and i was like oh
4621s i see i'll take it
4625s please
4640s oh nice done
4645s oops
4663s i just totally whipped my metsuzura
4664s gekki there
4666s then got hit
4671s oh oh no
4673s oh no
4674s i feel like responsible for like because
4676s i have all these heels just in case oh
4678s no i was i think i was full health when
4680s i got hit by that
4682s there you were there was no i was like
4684s there was nothing you could do
4688s unfortunately with that one i don't
4689s think there's anything you can do
4691s no yeah if you get ganks like it happens
4694s yeah oh i mean yeah i'm wearing like
4696s decks
4698s and yeah
4699s when he's enraged he hits so hard
4706s so we got the rabbit versus the kind of
4707s bear fight now
4711s how tiny the rabbit is in comparison
4716s bravely
4718s is that the gummy kind of smaller it
4720s does look like kind of like guinea pig
4722s size
4727s got like a small gold crown or something
4728s like that
4734s how yeah with the toby once i was like
4735s fighting this toby and i was like
4737s he looks really small
4741s nice pair
4745s oh
4745s it's got butt slapped by the girl
4760s oh
4768s um
4770s someone pointed out my discord
4772s uh if do you guys watch or have seen i
4775s guess full metal alchemist
4777s yes
4778s so someone pointed out that goss reminds
4780s him of barry the chopper
4784s it kind of does
4786s like definitely the face and probably
4788s when he gets the
4790s blade arms to you they resemble like the
4792s cleavers
4798s whoa that charge
4800s yeah it's like
4802s really fast
4804s i just love how it's just
4806s focusing
4807s down just like that's it that's all goss
4809s wants
4813s i'll be stressed elise
4816s i'm making it out alive sort of but
4818s still very scared
4821s i'm glad i ate for ice resist i'm just
4823s gonna put it there put it that way i'm
4825s tanking some hits from these
4831s weapons i'm playing very cautiously
4835s the best way to do it honestly he just
4837s knocked me out of the metsu counter like
4840s what
4842s absolutely powerhouse
4859s oh nice snuck back
4864s these hits where you like get your hp
4867s chunk they're always really rough too
4868s because you also get like ice blighted
4871s and i feel like every time i'm like oh
4872s no i better wire bug away so i can heal
4875s and i look and since i've been isolated
4877s i can't
4878s do that
4879s i'm like i don't know why bucks for you
4881s yeah
4883s you got to run away the old-fashioned
4884s way
4896s stop
4902s um
4904s i may be stuck on my max potions
4906s max potion
4909s every time that way if i get really
4911s chunked i can just use that
4917s i find a lot as well when i'm doing the
4919s uh hopping skewers i always put like
4921s medic as my third one because you get
4923s like a small buff and it turns your mega
4925s potions
4926s into um like basically nearly a full
4929s heal if you've not been like getting a
4931s load of spare birds
4934s i get that one a lot too
4936s that one and like defender yes yes
4940s like how i survive out here sea defender
4944s i am one of the comfiest dango eaters
4946s you will find yep defender medic also
4949s the new defender one you unlock as well
4951s when you take x amount of damage the
4952s next one's guaranteed reduce like yeah i
4954s will happily yeah that one's really nice
4956s put the cushions around me and be a very
4959s comfy dango ether i don't need booster i
4961s don't know all that stuff
4962s i just need defender and medic to revive
4965s reality
4966s that's what i get every time
4969s we know what's going on
4970s stamina related oh yes like was it
4974s fighter is it for the stamina yeah i
4976s think it's like
4978s the other one there's one other thing
4980s that i get i usually do stamina
4985s i should probably do like try other ones
4989s i go into autopilot because i know where
4990s they are and i just go like that yeah oh
4993s i do the loadout so it's like i just do
4995s that i don't even think about it
4997s i like don't know what other skills
4998s there are because i just look at what i
5000s always get
5005s i need to unlock a few more dango quests
5007s actually i've got some requests and i'm
5009s like i should probably do those because
5010s they're probably going to be really good
5011s if they're like mastering almost dead
5016s i have to do a lot on my pc file
5019s same and on this file once i unlock them
5022s i'm gonna start playing on pc next week
5025s actually
5026s so i'm gonna be starting from rise oh no
5029s way oh wow oh from rice rice oh yeah
5032s like i'm starting from nothing but i'm
5034s excited to finally
5035s it'll be my first time playing a monster
5036s in a game on pc so oh yeah that's gonna
5039s be really cool
5041s i think you're gonna like it a lot
5045s okay it's fine
5048s are you gonna go like the traditional
5049s route are you gonna hop on the uh
5051s defender gear so you can get to somebody
5053s quicker
5054s i want to do it like the classic room
5056s but we'll see because it's like i really
5057s also want to get the sun yeah yeah so
5061s oh
5062s well the good news is you got options so
5064s if you fancy a nice thing if i decide
5067s that i don't like i can you know i can
5069s always switch part of the way i can do
5071s it like the old-fashioned way and if i'm
5072s like this is taking too long i can
5074s always change
5080s again the versatility and choosing how i
5083s play is so chef's kiss
5087s [Music]
5089s that was very nice
5091s again very intense lots of words of
5093s encouragement from chat so thank you
5094s chad you've been very
5099s shout out to chat for
5101s watching and hanging out
5103s with the real ones
5104s yep
5105s thanks y'all
5108s especially being so late in europe as
5110s well i was like
5111s i hope the crew show up because it's a
5112s late one
5114s and they did so kudos to your community
5117s oh that's very cool
5121s make sure to have a lion in the morning
5123s you burned it
5129s yeah puzzles
5131s and like it's i think
5135s he's nine hours ahead
5139s yeah there are ahead of me
5146s there's people
5147s who show up you know that's so cool
5151s because it gets so late that time
5152s difference
5157s oh i got a really cool end screen nice
5161s i got gosserag's shoulder
5163s which is a lovely shoulder
5167s i can see it on your screen i know i was
5170s like oh that back oh my
5172s god oh my what a nice shoulder
5175s it's very nice very fluffy
5178s i mean you'd want to cuddle into it but
5180s then you'd probably get like elbow
5181s dropped or something so
5184s just like a blade right in the face yeah
5186s if you did it
5191s hey nightside good to see you mate good
5193s to see you
5195s hi phil
5197s hi phil
5198s hey phil
5204s so i'm loving your sun break videos by
5205s the way you're doing some
5207s excellent weapon stuff
5208s just gonna shout that out
5211s oh yeah long sword god over there
5215s teleports behind you like all of that
5220s nothing personnel kid
5224s phil was a meme he'd be that mean
5227s for sure
5228s [Laughter]
5234s okay
5237s i'm a little afraid of my other options
5241s what do we got
5243s well we have barrio we have almadron
5249s and then i have
5251s anjanath and toby and i'm kind of
5253s leaning towards actually i have shogun
5254s senotor which i might pick that oh
5258s the crab i'm gonna pick the crab because
5260s that's what i did
5262s barry off is always a tough fight yes
5266s and i hate al mutron so
5269s i don't like alma drawn either
5271s so you're fine
5272s yeah i feel that
5274s i'm just not used to almond drop
5278s yeah yeah
5279s i feel that and it's like i'm not used
5281s to him but i also
5283s don't
5284s what how would you like
5287s elmo jordan is rough for me as a gunner
5289s but for like a long sword or dual play
5291s it's really fun
5293s because i see riaka saying why all this
5295s almoy journey
5296s oh yeah
5298s rihanna
5300s because i'm focusing on his head
5303s then his tail comes out of nowhere and
5304s hits me
5306s but he kind of grows up
5308s yeah throws off my groove
5312s yeah he can be rough for a range
5315s but for blades really fun
5317s very unpredictable monster which is
5321s yeah did remember the other dingo i get
5324s it's the marksman ah there you go what
5327s does that one do oh yeah yeah
5329s oh wait like your arrows and like bow
5332s shots and stuff wait don't don't start
5334s now i want to check which one i got
5340s oh god no i can't look at it okay well
5341s never mind
5343s we can check it next time it's okay
5345s there are more hunts to be had
5347s that's true
5349s jono you're mr18 i know it flies up it's
5352s like i know wow
5354s like once you once you break that
5355s initial cap yeah it's it goes up quite
5358s nicely your mr's are now legal
5364s wait
5366s i can go out for a drink in the uk with
5367s my master oh
5370s i know you gotta wait a little longer
5373s yeah yeah
5375s that is true
5386s lawrence ran with someone last night
5387s who's mr90 already i mean impressive
5389s stuff like you know
5391s these hunters aren't waiting around they
5393s want to see what weights awaits the
5395s mr100 and it isn't very spicy
5398s i'm excited
5401s i'm excited i mean i loved mr 100
5406s in base rise so
5412s oh i really enjoyed this cutscene
5415s shogun sanitar until thinks its prey
5419s vanquished it's quite funny we mentioned
5421s about teleporting behind people and then
5423s this cutscene plays
5425s oh yeah that's very true
5428s is phil just a shogun cenotar i was
5430s going to say if phil was a monster
5433s i'm just saying have you ever seen phil
5435s and a showdown senator in the same place
5437s at the same time
5441s good point
5446s where's phil phil where are we getting i
5448s need to see like a shogun sanitary
5450s cosplay
5451s i think that'd be great
5454s but like the like pokemon godzinka
5456s cosplays where it's like humanoid
5458s you can get like a tong so you can do a
5461s little clacky clacky
5466s being put on a spot
5473s amazing
5475s you could rig in a little water pistol
5477s as well so you can spray
5480s see we're giving all these great ideas
5486s while we're cosplaying lucika and theo
5488s rain phil can be the shogun
5491s oh yes
5492s suddenly
5493s oh my god
5495s y'all are so silly
5496s phil you can also only walk sideways
5499s oh
5505s if you guys are monsters in the monster
5509s hunter game
5510s which one are you guys
5512s oh
5513s that's a good question
5516s kind of like pokemon but not pokemon
5518s yeah
5519s tricky question
5522s now i'm kind of like went up do i want
5524s to go down the power route or the cute
5526s route to like for survival purposes like
5531s my power route will be probably um
5534s espionage with all the sleeping it can
5537s be spicy
5538s but then if my cute route would be um
5541s bombaji probably i'm just looking
5545s i like this is like chilling right there
5551s nope nope nope bye
5553s just you step jumping i threw myself off
5556s a cliff
5565s i don't know what i would be
5567s i think i would want to be gourmet
5569s or chaotic or magalla like halfway
5571s through my phase
5573s it's not a phase mom
5577s exactly
5579s i think being guaranteed
5583s yeah
5585s literally an infectious personality
5599s [Applause]
5601s because even in like even in the quest
5603s descriptions you know peeps are like oh
5605s i i can't bring myself to hunt a lot of
5606s gamma
5607s also you can eat rocks which you know
5609s it's pretty cool it's like see a rock
5612s and just eat it and then have a great
5614s time and also like i remember i used to
5616s do like arch tempered volcano and dotted
5618s gamble would just like rock up and try
5620s and fight it gosh so like i was like
5622s fair play fair play um
5625s power wise like i mean one of my
5626s favorite monsters is bracky but then
5629s like rocky likes to eat a lot of its own
5631s slime and i'm like is that really for me
5634s um even though i love cracking
5636s um
5638s so
5638s i would probably
5640s i quite like teostra
5642s and the reason being is because he has
5644s lunastra by his side it's all about that
5646s teamwork um you know so yeah maybe
5650s teostra yeah
5652s very nice closer is very cool
5656s i feel like
5657s you know it's not a big monster but i
5659s really relate to like the godzillakas
5662s oh the world oh
5664s there's little dudes living in their
5665s tribe
5667s mm-hmm
5673s yeah they're adorable though that's a
5675s good answer yeah they are yeah
5678s also they're like the best like when
5680s you're mounting a monster they are by
5682s far
5683s the best to have around like they're
5684s like foreign
5689s yeah
5691s rain or shine they are there yeah
5694s they'll show up they got your back
5698s i did love to share and lunastra though
5701s they're both really pretty it's such a
5703s lovely mechanic
5704s and i like that like for many as well
5706s like me included like i didn't really
5708s know blue nostra until like um
5710s at world nightspawn so like
5713s knowing that there's an even harder
5714s version of teostra that's also blue and
5716s i love blue
5718s so like who has this really cool nova
5720s attack yeah like you know lunastra makes
5722s teostra
5724s um yeah i think that's really cool
5727s yeah when she was first introduced i
5729s think she was solo only too like you
5731s know when they used to separate um
5735s like village and hub in the old games
5737s yeah i think she was only in the village
5739s whereas like
5754s i had to write
5756s uh a script for our lore video for hey
5758s it was jordan nostra nice so wow
5763s but
5764s i really like them so i was very happy
5769s um i did go back and play freedom unite
5772s and i liked finding lu nostra then but
5773s her fight was very different oh really
5775s he didn't have like a nova or anything
5778s like that so interesting
5780s yeah it was it was a little different i
5782s really like the changes that they did
5784s for her
5786s in worlds
5788s she was definitely like more of an
5790s individual i think oh absolutely like
5793s even though obviously she's got the
5794s similarities to teostra she was her own
5796s beast and
5798s way harder way harder than teostra
5801s yeah definitely
5803s oh it was monster on her ghost there you
5805s go that she was in i never played
5807s [Music]
5808s the second one
5810s so she's been around for a long time
5812s yeah she's been around for a while
5815s i believe that they're surrounding her
5818s the reason why she was only village was
5820s because
5821s it was something about like
5825s her not really like
5828s showing herself like a large hunter or
5831s something like that
5832s she was a bit more discreet versus
5834s teostra and she was known to flee
5837s if confronted by like groups of hunters
5840s something along those lines
5842s it's very cool like the way that they
5844s integrated like why she would be village
5846s only but i feel like definitely back
5848s then
5849s oh hi people like
5851s the blue
5853s yeah so i really like
5854s they changed her up in the world and
5856s gave her more of like her own identity
5858s i like as well her introduction is you
5860s know your your fight in teostra and
5862s beating teostra and then she turns up to
5864s back him up
5865s and then she's like you know i'm the
5867s boss now like kind of thing yeah
5875s and i remember reading all the comments
5876s to people saying how crazy her nova was
5879s and how to try and deal with it
5889s [Music]
5895s i gotta say that probably one of my
5896s favorite sun break bikes is shigeru
5898s magala like
5901s and i won't i don't want to spoil it too
5902s much because steph you've not
5904s you've not got there yet have you not
5906s fought rich uh shigeru oh no again but
5910s like not here that can't wait though
5912s without going into too much detail i
5914s loved it just the fighters
5916s i was so excited
5918s [Music]
5919s i haven't got any barrels i'm deeply
5921s sorry sorry no you're fine yeah i'll
5924s cheer you on
5925s from the sidelines or something oh yeah
5929s i wasn't prepared to sleep it
5931s i will let you guys do the damage yeah
5938s i would like to do the honors
5941s i feel like it might move there we go
5945s i have the strongest wake up
5950s i've seen all the great sword users
5952s playing around with their wake up hits
5954s now with them yeah is it
5956s strong arm is it a surge
5959s i'm not a great sword user i use a
5961s smaller sword
5973s thank you
5984s oh someone made a good point about
5985s lucika that lucika actually uh sleep
5988s bombs when a monster falls asleep when
5989s she's with you
5991s oh
5996s most follow requests are
5998s pretty snazzy sounding i definitely need
6000s to start doing some of those things yeah
6002s i haven't done either have you seen the
6005s hanoi and minoto interactions you can
6007s get when you're not yet i like just
6009s unlocked all requests with them
6012s all i'll say is try blowing each one a
6014s kiss
6015s when you uh oh
6016s oh my god you can interact with me you
6018s can interact yeah yeah certain emotes or
6020s sound followers
6034s i'll let you discover discover them
6037s thanks for the
6039s info yeah
6040s thank you
6042s oh no
6046s blow a kiss to feel rain
6048s [Laughter]
6051s so i think uh
6052s jay has one where i think it's a cheer
6055s or something like that and he'll respond
6057s to that one
6058s but it's great seeing like the depth of
6060s them as well but yeah like
6062s this video was hilarious especially
6064s because someone added some like air horn
6065s sound effects to it as well
6069s and i'm a sucker for air horns like
6071s that's my weakness
6074s they're great
6078s blow a clip blow a kiss to the chad role
6080s i'm sure the chapter
6082s oh yes chad marilyn
6085s the chat
6086s i like that
6088s it's a good nickname
6091s yeah minota was definitely my favorite
6093s character in base rides she's awesome i
6095s love her no nonsense
6098s i love their little doodles yes i love
6100s how they incorporate like have you found
6102s the palakko
6104s the little palakko house
6111s yeah so periodically it has different
6114s pieces of minotaur artwork in it
6117s oh um that has been used on twitter or
6120s found like in-game so yeah then the
6122s palaco like keeps swapping the pictures
6124s around every so often oh that is so cute
6130s and i love that art style like minotau
6132s is is a genius
6134s her art style is so cute i love her
6140s i think she needs to go easier on
6142s herself but she's she does she always
6143s draws herself as like a potato when
6145s she's like drawing herself with her noah
6148s like she makes her noah look really
6149s pretty you're like minoto
6151s pick yourself up
6153s well and she even has like a line where
6155s she says like she's not good at
6157s everything
6158s like quinoa
6160s and she wishes
6161s at least one thing like she doesn't feel
6163s like she's good at anything and i'm like
6165s you oh no no i love her so much
6172s [Music]
6175s i love that you can hunt with them both
6176s as well like
6178s i think it's great getting their lances
6179s out
6181s some bow even um
6183s yeah it's fantastic
6187s okay if you do the good job gesture to
6189s jay he'll say something
6191s so shout out
6193s for that one
6194s noted
6199s [Music]
6201s pick up these bones
6203s oh yes oh yeah i should do that and just
6205s grab some honey
6209s every time there's a mining node i will
6210s always stop for the night yes
6214s without fail
6217s and it's muster uh master rank uh
6219s materials too this time
6221s it definitely works again you never know
6223s when you get an armor piece that needs a
6225s random bone and you're like wait
6227s why didn't i do the bone piles
6229s oh yeah
6231s eat
6232s well done
6241s but i really do like the follower quest
6243s like just in general like sometimes you
6245s just want to play solo like you've had a
6246s really busy day and you want to kick
6248s back and do a chill hunt but you don't
6249s want to be solo if that makes sense and
6252s you can just jump in and have some
6253s backup and
6255s yeah it's nice i i enjoy that like after
6257s a busy day at work you know just do a
6258s couple of follow-up hunts
6261s get some gear
6264s oh my gosh you're mr20 look at you
6267s i've got my next urgent now he's the
6270s mr20
6271s you have your next urgent he's ready for
6273s tomorrow
6277s i need to speak speak to dame fiorine
6279s for this one not chichay ooh
6285s oh wow
6287s shall i tell you what monster it is or
6290s shall i avoid the spoilers it's nothing
6292s new
6293s but
6295s is that your first surgeon after
6297s unlocking the cap it's my second urgent
6300s after looking at the cat ah okay
6307s did it how do you feel elise do you want
6308s to know do you want to keep it a secret
6311s knowing if it's not new it's like if
6312s it's something that i've hunted before
6314s i'm okay with knowing
6316s i'm okay with that
6319s are you okay with that stuff yeah i'm
6320s okay with it it's what is it master rank
6323s bushi
6327s what are the mr requirements for it i'm
6332s curious yeah good question because most
6334s of the mr you just need to be mr1 and
6336s above and you can do any up to i know at
6339s least mr5 can we join it
6342s uh i hope so
6343s uh mr10 for that one
6346s so
6347s however for mr
6350s mr6 okay mr6 that one
6353s mr5 you can do any anything up to any of
6356s the mr5 quests at mr1 okay
6361s okay
6362s so we could do
6364s camillios kashala rajang
6367s basil
6368s luna garron gormagala seregios
6372s shigeru any of that if any of you wanted
6373s or would like an espionage
6376s espionage could be fun
6383s i wonder how painful it would be
6385s hunting them with high rank gear this
6388s only what we need to find out
6390s that's true trial by fire
6393s and poison and paralysis
6396s yeah all together
6398s bam
6401s okay let me
6404s all right i am gonna pick this
6406s go for it
6408s because it's the lesser of two evils in
6411s my brain
6413s oh and i think steph mentioned that
6416s barry off is always hard
6418s i think yeah
6420s barry alex is so fast
6423s that's fine i have almond brown in this
6424s so i was like um
6426s yeah that one
6441s oh is this the oh is this the cute um
6445s artsy
6446s palico have you found it uh drawings
6448s here in this yes
6450s yes where are you oh i didn't even know
6453s okay so
6454s okay okay
6455s okay you just kind of like i just
6457s noticed that it changes i was like oh
6460s oh my god i want you to see minota's
6462s drawings cause can you only see
6464s [ __ ] one on the right
6468s oh that's so cute
6471s i tried to get my camera out but i
6473s caught my kahoot by accident
6475s [Laughter]
6481s that's so precious
6485s ah
6486s i love her it just shows how much she
6488s loves her sister as well like oh it's
6491s different for you and it's different
6492s from what is it
6494s different ones
6495s yeah different ones i love the
6508s mine is a
6510s pallet oh with some other
6513s talikos and a palomeu drawing
6516s mm-hmm
6520s mine's the stretchy one
6521s [Music]
6523s in the background yes
6525s that's so cute though
6527s jono's was that special it's like oh no
6530s he's streaming was like
6532s special
6533s [Laughter]
6536s um i don't know if anyone was struggling
6539s with this issue just in case do you guys
6541s have nexus storefronts
6545s they restocked the keys
6547s by the way and just got confirmation in
6549s chat they've been sold out in the last
6551s couple of days yeah really cool
6555s monster hunters are killing it yes
6558s so does that mean if they buy some break
6559s through your links that there's a nice
6561s little bit of support in supporting
6563s yourselves yes so yeah yeah yeah
6565s so yeah if you haven't picked up
6567s sunbreak yet and you should because it's
6569s really awesome like taking off the the
6571s employee it's really really fun i love
6573s it like
6574s you know if you're thinking about
6575s picking it up you know
6577s swing by swing by these hunter streams
6579s check out their their affiliate link
6583s thank you google
6585s yeah
6587s let's check it out
6589s and there's
6591s and there's a lot of like sale capcom
6593s sale games too for the summer
6596s that's true
6597s it's nice that the sails on the steam
6600s store carry over to the nexus stores
6603s yeah that is really cool i didn't know
6604s they did that that's really sweet
6607s the entire like nexus storefront thing
6609s is amazing
6613s i just forgot what elephant barrier was
6615s i was looking at the dango like
6618s fire
6619s [Laughter]
6622s we just all troll jhana when we say it's
6624s fire yeah
6626s oh my gosh
6628s i'm sure it's a water monster because
6630s you know
6631s ice is just hard water
6641s there's a lot of daimyo and shogun chat
6644s going on in the youtube chat at the
6645s moment it's quite funny
6647s oh
6648s what about them well first of all
6651s shogun without a shell
6652s and
6655s oh yes
6656s yeah it is quite a
6658s yeah quite a look beautiful
6660s yeah
6662s 2.0 and then
6665s oh no
6667s then we've moved on to and it says i
6669s think people are saying that that's what
6670s it uses to spray water out of its shell
6672s when it does the water spray attack
6676s that makes sense but you
6679s think
6681s oh no
6682s and then we got daimyo and just general
6684s daimyo love
6688s i do love that the palago armor for
6691s damio
6692s is just like a crab yep it's really all
6695s right
6697s oh
6698s it's time to check that smells very cute
6701s i might have to change oh wait
6703s i'll change my layer but i don't have
6704s that unlocked yet i might have to check
6707s have you seen the garen gold paliko gear
6710s oh no i know i haven't i barely look at
6713s it it's hilarious like if you crouch
6715s your palico turns into a little castle
6718s what
6721s well i need it that must have been i've
6724s never heard yeah it's just like with the
6726s um
6727s the sirius armor where if it you crouch
6729s it turns into a little cat head rock
6732s i didn't even know that too oh
6735s being on pelican armor and i'm ashamed
6738s that's amazing yeah check out gang gum
6741s it looks great because like it's this
6742s little floating like
6744s like uh castle turret and then when you
6746s crouch it turns into full-on castle with
6747s a little palico flag
6756s it's honestly
6757s so good
6759s i don't spend nearly enough time looking
6761s at them little details like all the
6763s little details that make make the game
6765s feel even more alive
6768s oh yeah
6769s it's really adorable like
6771s i remember the toby kadachi calico armor
6775s is one of my favorites because it's like
6776s a little poncho oh and they made like
6779s the actual poncho like you could buy the
6781s actual product for real oh really yeah i
6785s have it
6787s i'm gonna have to say so cute it's like
6789s so puffy
6791s know i have to change the world
6794s amiami will have like the most like
6798s random monster hunter merch sometimes
6801s and that was on there
6803s and i think it was like i love it
6806s but
6806s there's a lot of cute powerful armor
6808s like the gore palico armor was really
6810s cute too yes
6811s i've got that on now on my pelico
6813s actually oh
6815s no
6816s i died thanks to the ledge because i was
6818s trying to and i did the ledge fall
6822s animation instead
6827s i'm super pleased that the gore palace
6829s is the same as what it was like my
6831s little spooky cat yeah yeah
6833s i'm so excited i need to take a look at
6835s your cat yeah it's not my palico at the
6837s moment it's it's i love it and it's got
6839s the little brisbane elise
6842s sorry that's all right go for it go for
6844s it
6846s arya was talking crap and i had to
6847s defend your honor
6850s oh wait why argo
6852s he was like ooh elise just fainted
6855s i just wanted to say you're running hr
6857s gear against barry off
6860s three targets yeah
6866s playing it hard mode style
6868s yeah
6870s also adds a bit of like a bit of
6872s pressure a bit drama like will they
6873s won't they
6874s yeah
6877s i accidentally did the same thing
6879s in parasite the other day where i forgot
6881s to equip armor so i was doing a whole
6883s thing armorless without knowing and i
6885s was just like no
6886s gotta love that inflated sense of
6889s difficulty
6891s why is this so hard because i'm not
6893s wearing armor i made it harder for
6894s myself yeah
6896s who would do this
6898s it's like when you don't max out your
6900s armor when you buy it
6901s yeah
6902s yeah
6905s like my armor's completely maxed out
6907s it's just
6908s high rank armor
6914s to be fair if i get hit and my defender
6916s doesn't cross i take a ton of damage and
6918s say i've been like leveling this this
6920s mountain
6922s oh yeah i think i have twos yeah
6925s armors you have male xena
6929s some people might chatter saying even
6931s with upgraded mr heater they're still
6933s getting one shot so there's
6934s no point in upgrading it yeah
6940s i got one shot by the tail slam so i'm
6942s just like if i get hit sometimes by like
6944s one really strong move that's it
6947s yeah
6948s again and like the best way to survive
6951s just
6952s get hit yeah easy as that like honestly
6954s top tip the best method
6962s just run full evasion that's all you
6964s need oh nice tail cup
6968s beautiful and there's a head break in
6969s this world like already
6972s stumbling over my words they're creating
6974s a new one
6976s left
6978s i was a little nervous because i got the
6979s wind
6981s done i was like please don't hit me with
6982s some random that i haven't seen yet
6985s that's always the fear when you fight
6987s the the higher ranks like oh yeah
6991s because i'm just like i don't really
6992s hunt barry off a lot as it is you know
6994s so i'm like
6995s and i feel like they change it a bit
6997s every time
6999s like i've hunted a new generation that
7000s i've hunted it in and puzzles also says
7004s in chat that gunner armor is paper
7005s compared to blade master like if you get
7007s hit you will take a lot more yes
7010s it's true
7014s is that just how does that work because
7016s i know in the past there used to be the
7019s the different
7020s like you would do the blade master or
7022s whatever and then the gunner armor that
7024s was like in the past but how does it
7025s work now now that they don't have that
7028s distinction i think
7031s blade masters take less physical and
7034s gunners take less elemental damage
7037s is that just is that just because
7039s the weapon that you're running
7040s that it knows
7043s yeah that's interesting
7045s i never bothered to look into that but i
7047s was always like a little
7048s perplexed so yeah you're much you're
7050s much stronger against elemental attacks
7051s than i am but
7052s i can take a slap to the face a little
7054s bit better in place like as just
7055s happened there i got hip checked quite
7057s hard
7060s it's interesting i'm really learning
7062s some things about monster hunter today
7065s and good point about the armor because
7066s there you still see in the older games
7067s when you had uh gunner and blademaster
7069s sets but obviously now
7071s like they're one in the same so it's
7072s just one yeah
7078s and i'm guessing because there's
7080s specific
7081s like
7082s monsters that have like maybe gunner
7083s skills or like you know like range
7086s skills like rack maker daki i think
7087s these ones
7090s but there's a lot of hybrid sets in
7092s master rank where they're equally good
7093s for gunner
7095s or blademaster they just happen to have
7096s a skill as well which is gunner specific
7099s true yeah an excellent opportunity
7103s this tree is giving me fern gully vibes
7107s okay
7108s oh gosh
7109s it's been a while since i've heard that
7112s i just said don't eat the purple berries
7114s on this one
7115s they're not good for you
7116s mm-hmm
7119s where are we going here dramas pelico
7122s is the cute little spooky outfit
7125s i love the glowing eyes oh wait it knows
7132s [Music]
7136s oh my god that's my like yes i'll go
7139s armor sets it's so cute
7142s you said this was gore okay that's gold
7144s set yeah
7146s that lantern is so cute i love them
7148s being harassed by these baggies while
7149s we're in front of them
7151s i just was like
7153s like
7154s you know this is like looking at the
7155s pali girls like attack
7158s i do need to take down some buggies so i
7160s will uh
7162s fix this injustice
7164s oh yeah i've been dropped in our kitty
7166s fashion
7169s i
7186s if you will
7187s yes i always
7189s i always don't know what color i am i
7191s was like
7192s oh yeah i get confused all the time
7193s because it's not consistent
7195s so i'm like no what color is
7202s yeah
7204s this is pretty
7207s this uh map the citadel map is really
7210s cool it's like it's really interesting
7211s how there's all these different like
7212s zones and stuff yeah
7215s it feels like you know the next step
7216s after like the guided lands
7219s yeah
7220s i do get that vibe actually i was
7221s thinking about that when i was like
7223s first running around here
7226s i just love the swamp area purely from
7228s the
7229s thorny toads like
7230s i don't know why i just love them
7232s they're such funny little creatures and
7233s they're so useful in the hunt as well
7238s it just sees a big monster and it's like
7239s i'mma lick that like that's his mindset
7243s so cute
7248s and then mclife is funny i love them yep
7253s yeah i wish that we could keep them oh
7255s like in our homes like we did in the
7257s world
7258s we have to keep them talking about that
7261s yeah earlier today we were both like i
7263s missed being able to display them in the
7264s room yeah because it was just so cute
7267s yeah
7268s i love putting like a bazillion cat wars
7270s in my room
7273s i really like the that you can put like
7276s the photos on display though yeah yeah
7278s that is really nice that's really cute
7280s like if you take pictures of the
7281s monsters oh nice friends you can put
7284s those like a nice dragon eater have you
7287s gotten any of the uh the statues for
7289s when you collect all the relics in an
7290s area oh no i need to go running oh yeah
7294s if you collect all the relics in an area
7296s you unlock like a special like
7299s sculpture of one of the monsters yeah
7302s it's super worth it collecting all the
7304s relics so i only have like a couple but
7307s i want to get more because it's like i
7309s have like a statue of like magna mallow
7311s i think i have
7312s isha 10 rack nakadaki
7314s and i think like two others
7317s but they're super cool that is good
7321s you're collecting but not exactly yeah
7324s exactly
7328s because some of the monster hunter
7330s figures are so gorgeous but i can't
7332s afford them all
7333s yeah
7335s i would love the gore one though
7338s yeah have you ever seen those like uh
7339s when people make like dragon head busts
7342s i always wanted like a dragon head bust
7344s but of like a monster hunter monster
7348s it's like we've got like a giant rafale
7350s skull like that was made for events and
7353s then um
7355s the senior community manager matt who
7357s works on that devil may try and uh
7358s street fire he's got it in his garage
7361s like because
7363s we were done with okay i think it was
7364s made for world
7366s or i spawned and they were like you know
7367s well we're done with this now like you
7369s know
7370s don't need anybody
7371s at home
7376s it's literally gigantic there to get a
7378s lorry to get into his house
7380s i love that i would love to have like a
7382s life-size you know like guests come over
7385s and they're just like
7387s so um
7388s you know they're looking at this like
7390s giant dragon skull they're like
7392s that's the story story
7395s wait is it underneath us it's underneath
7397s us oh yeah it is i'm running in circles
7400s like it should be here it's not here
7405s that boggy got away of its life it just
7406s full-on sprinted away
7409s it might be that one drake here it is
7412s asleep
7413s baby barrier
7416s yeah
7417s maria saw that one on twitter
7420s tucking his head underneath his little
7422s palm
7423s i really still need to start bringing
7424s the barrel bombs i feel really bad just
7426s stood here like yeah well done everyone
7428s lovely just clap no don't worry about it
7431s you did it
7433s i always forget they used to be in my
7435s loadout in world and iceborn and then i
7438s i forgot to put it in my loadout here
7440s for some reason all yours it's in my
7443s life you might actually do massive
7445s damage with the blades yeah i might try
7447s and do the uh
7449s shirogeki combo but i've done it like
7452s once right let's try
7454s all right one two three
7457s i can't get the position right is this
7458s how great sword users feel
7463s nice
7475s just before we jumped on when i was
7476s doing some hunts and now i'm like i
7478s can't do it now
7480s well the cameras are on
7482s geez
7484s one more hunt one more hunt
7487s yeah yeah
7488s oh yeah yeah my urgent oh
7499s you know like you know
7501s i've seen all the amazing stuff you've
7503s done as part of the monster hunter
7504s community and like i was like this is a
7506s great excuse to actually jump in some
7508s hunts with you all like so yeah it's
7511s it's a pleasure so once again humble to
7512s have you all here
7514s no
7515s thank you thank you jano yeah elise
7518s thank you so much for inviting us yeah
7520s yeah
7521s i was very happy that you asked to hunt
7523s because
7524s i've never gone to home with you so i'm
7526s really happy yeah it's awesome like yeah
7529s it's and you know
7530s you're you're doing gunners proud like
7532s absolutely demolishing the monsters for
7534s like statuses damage part breaks
7538s high rank armor and master rank like
7540s yeah
7546s end zones time
7555s cause i always forget to do that and i'm
7557s like no i wanted a picture
7560s there's a skin i'll be on around 2 p.m
7563s bst 3 p.m cest on thursday i don't want
7567s to say tomorrow because tomorrow is now
7569s today
7570s so that's thursday
7579s so about my master rank soft cap now so
7581s yeah i almost got my actual
7583s jump up a bit what's my favorite monster
7585s my all-time favorite monster is brackie
7588s adios
7590s just love bracky big blue explody punchy
7593s dinosaur monster love it
7599s thank you oscar you have a good evening
7601s to me
7603s no worries phantom no worries phantom
7607s right what have i got in the argosy i've
7609s been doing all the back room deal stuff
7611s because apparently you can unlock
7612s layered armor from it
7615s oh really
7617s yeah don't know it's really cool i
7618s didn't know that i don't know if it's
7620s the locked treasure chests you need
7623s but yeah you can make
7625s layered armor from it apparently i've
7627s seen people chatting about it on twitter
7629s but i've not like really dug into it too
7630s much yet what you said the argosy
7634s yeah yeah yeah you unlock the ability to
7636s give your uh hunting buddies a little
7638s scroll like an invitation
7640s which lets them do back room deals to
7642s get different
7644s rare irons and apparently
7647s you can get
7648s get it there
7650s i
7651s i'm like
7653s panickedly looking
7655s to do that for them
7657s i'm gonna i need them right i'm going
7659s through my armor now
7661s why
7663s yes
7667s but i'd heard that i've not confirmed it
7669s myself that there's been some chatter
7672s maybe yeah it's the treasure chest yeah
7673s so you need to get the locked treasure
7675s chests and you can use
7677s treasure chest
7678s yeah i'll keep my
7680s eyes out eyes open
7683s for that
7687s do i not have enough of them to make it
7690s whereabouts is it is it the
7693s is the treasure chest so everyone agrees
7694s it's the treasure chest i just can't
7696s find which one it is treasure chest
7701s maybe i need more items
7704s oh
7705s i forgot to use the ticket oops
7707s okay it's in master rank okay i probably
7710s just went past it let's have a look
7712s there's the knight squire gear bishop
7718s i passed it oh no i did go past it i'm
7720s gonna find it i'm gonna find it
7725s oh it's the
7726s barbarian patch okay barbarian gear
7735s okay so you look you look like a
7737s swashbuckler like you know
7739s it's really cool
7741s pirate time i have it too
7744s okay
7745s yeah pirate-ish really cool
7749s makes me think good raw defense too
7752s i'm looking at the layered version i
7754s went straight for the fashion
7759s it looks really cool though
7761s i like that i mean it's important
7766s obviously i prioritized that
7768s with my layered armor already i was like
7770s i need to make it match oh yes
7774s it has like part breaker and wax
7777s really really yeah that's a nice combi
7779s uh huh
7786s i have it
7789s thank you jacob help me find the armor
7791s by the way otherwise i would not have
7792s spotted it
7800s get the ice
7813s resistant seen a few comments as well
7815s like some break really is good on the
7816s fashion hunter side of things there's
7818s like so much you can do
7820s [Music]
7831s oh this one's pretty cool
7835s i was just finding this yesterday
7838s i'm very excited and also very nervous
7841s i've never seen it before
7844s it's a reasonable feeling
7849s it has beautiful moves yeah she's really
7851s cool
7859s definitely a step up from like
7862s normal zombie cans like danger wise
7865s oh definitely
7868s i appreciate that added difficulty
7871s softly over snowy soil
7874s bewitching and seducing all those
7877s unfortunate enough to be an earshot
7880s and before they even sense it they find
7883s themselves
7888s [Music]
7893s they didn't stand a chance
7898s you could say they were frozen in fear
7910s what language do you guys listen to your
7913s uh like monster hunter games
7916s japanese
7917s for me japanese monster hunter language
7919s what do you mean
7920s same for me as we want their language
7923s i and pc i have it in japanese but
7927s uh on switch since it's my main it'll
7929s always be monster hunter link monster
7930s 100
7932s forever i really should put that on i've
7934s just got it on english which is weird
7935s because when i watch anime i watch it in
7937s japanese with subtitles
7939s so
7941s i really should probably just mix it up
7942s a bit
7945s i put when i played world i put it in
7947s the monster language and i was like so
7949s bamboozled because i've never had it in
7951s the monster hunter language before
7952s mm-hmm i need to i didn't know that
7954s there was a monster hunter language
7957s all the previous games are in monster in
7958s our language are they really i don't
7961s know yeah
7962s they're all monster hunter language
7964s i
7965s have the memory of a goldfish i guess
7968s how do i not remember
7970s yeah
7971s yeah i need to definitely get on that
7974s i i maybe i'll put it on for uh
7977s my my next stream because that sounds
7979s hilarious
7981s it's really cute i put i like having it
7983s on for nostalgia reasons because you
7985s know
7986s it reminds me of like playing for you
7988s and stuff oh okay but yeah
7991s this is kind of a tiny insomniac
7994s it's really
7996s she's like really small yeah
7999s another gold crown probably it's a crown
8001s yeah
8001s hopefully
8006s hello cups
8009s oh boy who's this oh
8012s gosh and goss is like the same size as
8014s that's on the camp almost we've got some
8016s mini monsters did anyone eat for
8018s weakener by any chance is that why
8019s they're so small
8021s um
8030s yeah
8033s but she's cute
8036s she's getting tossed right now but
8039s you say that
8040s wait for it yeah yeah when she actually
8043s use her boobs
8048s i do like her oh god
8063s she was like cute huh
8066s yeah
8067s it was a compliment something
8070s she's very pretty
8073s don't compliment her she doesn't like
8074s that she doesn't
8076s apparently
8085s hmm
8104s moves
8109s like really nervous to see what attacks
8111s these are everyone's talking about the
8112s scary match
8116s [Music]
8120s oh nice
8121s one
8123s there's one attack in particular that
8125s i'm like it's not very fun if you get
8127s caught in it that i don't know yet i
8129s think i know exactly what you're talking
8130s about
8132s probably it's because if you're in it
8134s you ain't getting out of late
8136s yeah
8136s i've been hit by so many of these
8138s attacks from other monsters i feel like
8140s it's my destiny oh sleep um
8143s oh i woke it up
8145s wakey wakey
8150s [Music]
8154s wonderful
8185s she's so small i have to keep
8186s repositioning my combos
8201s wait a minute what where did it go i'm
8203s confused
8205s got to meet up with goss again for round
8207s two
8207s oh wow you've got another one
8210s say you're playing monster hunter
8211s stories
8212s yeah oh i love stories yes
8216s that's one thing i'd be really excited
8218s for if there's ever another story then
8219s we get like a bunch of like the new
8221s monsters
8223s in it
8225s i still have the stories i loved it
8228s i like it sounds like funny but like the
8230s story is actually really good as well
8232s like it is
8235s and the gameplay gets really deep if you
8236s want to you can just play through like i
8238s just picked my favorite monsters and
8239s leveled them up but you can really meta
8242s game it as well like it's really deep if
8244s you like turn-based combat
8247s yeah that's really good
8249s yeah yeah like the story had me gripped
8251s i was like you know i'll enjoy it but no
8253s i was like i need to keep playing just
8254s like oh just just the next chapter just
8256s the next bit and stuff like that oh
8258s monster really never misses
8264s i also like that stories too had the
8266s multiplayer component where you can do
8268s like little monster dance together
8270s besides like battling each other
8272s i i love co-op so i'm all for any any
8275s sort of co-op conclusion
8277s oh no
8279s i got one shot by that
8281s that one's pretty rough it's beer spear
8284s birds
8285s probably
8293s [Music]
8301s i'm definitely gonna grind armor
8305s for sure i just don't know what armor
8307s i'm gonna have
8308s i recommend the toby set
8311s that's what i'm running i'm doing the
8313s toby set and the garen gold hands
8315s actually
8317s okay
8317s also the garen gold chest is the chest
8320s of the waist has the spirit bird caller
8322s skill
8323s which is pretty handy oh which is you
8325s know in the demo when you'd randomly get
8326s spirit birds show up from anywhere
8329s is that what that skill is that's that
8331s one yeah yeah so
8333s round roughly once a minute you get a
8335s random spirit
8337s wow
8338s that's really cool
8340s i had no idea
8342s so very nice if you'd like to just get
8344s straight into the hunt and then you yeah
8346s paralyze
8348s oh wow
8351s [Music]
8361s [Music]
8373s in disguise
8374s yeah yeah i'll see it one day yeah she's
8377s got some big i'm basically an ice nova
8379s style attack it's really
8382s yeah
8383s like literally i like to see it i'm
8385s afraid that i would like an old
8387s high
8394s if you're off to the side it's not so
8396s terrible but
8398s okay ma'am i am trying to heal in peace
8406s flame times just said they're going to
8408s go and look at that armor skill now
8409s because they love the convenience of the
8411s spirit birds on demand
8414s yeah that's something i missed from the
8416s older monster hunter games when you
8417s could just like ancient potion and max
8420s everything
8421s so it's nice when you find a rainbow
8422s spirit bird on some of the harder hunts
8424s it's like yep
8432s [Music]
8439s he's glowing
8443s really
8452s yes fury i'm using sword and shield i'm
8454s a sword and shield main i love it so
8456s much
8460s okay here's a health spear bird i'll
8462s take that
8464s nice 10 hp thank you very much
8466s mm-hmm
8468s every little bit helps
8469s in my
8470s situation
8482s [Music]
8498s you got this stuff fine we're aiming for
8501s the wall
8503s i believe
8504s you're doing three i did it guys
8513s [Music]
8515s new blue eye get almost dead
8518s oh hi
8520s hmm
8539s is their favorite substitute
8543s good job and we managed to beat them
8545s without the ultimate attack coming out
8547s because that is yeah yeah
8549s if you give someone the kind of room to
8550s breathe like
8553s ice be flying everywhere
8556s i'm scared of the ultimate and i didn't
8558s even see it
8560s no i think it was like
8562s i think you'll see it's beautiful
8563s actually yeah you don't you want to know
8565s what it is or do you just want to wait
8567s till you see it
8568s wait till i see it i mean i'm sure i'll
8570s see it at some point yeah you you know
8572s when you know it when you when you see
8573s it yeah you see it yeah
8576s but it's like garang's got an ultimate
8578s move that you only see if you don't
8580s manage to break the elemental arms quick
8582s enough and they're both on uh which is
8585s really cool as well
8590s the magma or museum too that's a
8592s beautiful alt that's it yes i am nervous
8596s for that one i saw not even because of
8599s results i saw a lot of the mousino in
8602s the demo
8603s like
8606s oh i haven't played the demo i chose so
8609s i did not do
8611s um the demo magnum wallow either
8615s and so i decided not to do malzahna
8618s because i was like maybe it'll be fun
8620s have like have that same experience with
8623s ryze or like i didn't do it and i don't
8625s know what to expect
8627s so that's what i haven't hunted it yet
8629s and i'm very nervous but very excited
8632s i didn't touch the devil either so
8634s everything's
8635s fresh in the game that's cool i i played
8638s the demo because i just can't help
8639s myself and two you get a little hack you
8641s get a little pack like playing the demos
8643s so i was like i really wanted to so
8645s it was very tempting i really wanted to
8648s and then
8649s like i remember debating it and being
8650s like ah should i just play it i should
8652s just give it a chance and i was like no
8655s got to be strong
8658s had to push through it
8661s i'm just quickly checking my uh
8664s melding before we jump in for a group
8666s photo
8680s baby owl
8683s oh i got an attack boost three three one
8686s slots
8688s [Music]
8690s that's pretty good
8692s keep that one we'll keep that one
8694s oh
8695s i want one
8697s i bet you'll get one that's attack three
8698s with like
8699s three slot or something or three two one
8701s or something
8702s that'll be amazing and i'll be so happy
8704s for you as well i would not be oh thank
8706s you
8709s if i can get there i usually
8711s miss my um platforming yeah
8714s the first time i just kept over jumping
8719s i learned eventually just like oh my
8720s controllers so my character doesn't like
8722s roll i don't like land and throw myself
8724s off the edge
8725s it's gonna quickly feed the little
8729s must feed
8730s this little dude it's about to be a
8731s cheddar yeah
8734s it's gonna more like a penguin than an
8735s owl
8737s it's so cute which way should we post i
8740s just switched my background into the
8742s mountains
8744s into the ocean
8750s that's a
8751s hard the cahoots turned around we're
8753s over here
8757s and i'm down
8760s i have to make sure i don't fall off
8761s because i have fallen off before
8764s trying to get to like the perfect pose
8767s it's very tricky
8777s there we go
8778s oh yeah
8791s i'm gonna go i think we're all good now
8793s for me yeah
8796s i'm taking it like right
8798s where my character's facing i guess
8800s but now everybody's in it
8803s okay now i have to navigate out of
8805s posing to take the picture
8809s this looks like i'm being
8812s pulled up by vechna
8815s quick play proof of a hero
8819s i can't get like a good shot
8822s where i'm at
8824s i'm loving seeing the coats like gently
8826s moving around
8828s moving around i know i was like i'm
8829s gonna let you go
8831s what if i do the laughs
8838s are you oh ho hoeing over here
8841s i love the nails oh my god the 90s anime
8843s character the nails like really sell it
8846s too i gotta say oh yes
8853s it's very good
8866s the constant laughing is like yeah yeah
8870s going full video you guys annoyed by the
8871s constant laughing here
8878s the coots they're like yes
8879s [Music]
8882s i'm just pointing into my face
8885s poke
8887s oh you're just kind of like
8889s poking
8893s but yeah thank you so much again for the
8895s invite yes i had fun yeah thank you so
8897s much for joining me and for those
8899s watching as well
8900s please go give them all a follow on
8904s twitch and um you can find them on
8905s twitch via their names in the title of
8907s the stream or if you go onto the monster
8909s hunter twitter check out the stream post
8911s we did for today and it's got a direct
8914s link to the twitter accounts which has
8915s all the details so give them a follow on
8916s twitter follow them on twitch and check
8919s out their streams as well they stream
8920s monster hunter and a variety of other
8922s titles as well and if you like monster
8924s hunter you'll probably like whatever
8925s else they play as well um so do stop by
8927s and it's an absolute pleasure having you
8929s all in like talking monster hunter
8931s getting some fun hunts
8933s it's been a pleasure and i've moved oh
8935s no thank you
8936s i know i was like i'm pretty sure we did
8938s get something like nice we got all the
8940s shots
8941s but yeah honestly it's been so much fun
8943s and thank you all so much for stopping
8945s by and for all you do for the monster
8947s hunter community as well i really really
8949s appreciate it
8950s um thank you for all thank you so much
8953s for having me
8954s you do yeah
8956s it is amazing thank you you're blowing
8959s up on twitter
8960s yeah thank you so much for uh supporting
8962s all the monster hunters
8964s yeah it's you know it's yeah we're one
8966s big community and i'm humbled to be a
8968s part of it and you know it's it's
8970s awesome and you know some breaks like
8971s this is the start of something i'm so
8972s excited like you know what we've got
8975s coming in we've fought with title update
8976s one and beyond so yeah there's so much
8979s to do there's so much to do
8981s um but yeah other than that let's wrap
8983s things up so once again thank you so
8985s much
8986s or elise
8987s nigiri and steph um it's been an
8990s absolute pleasure you've been awesome
8992s and serve you the monster hunter
8994s community i'll be back later today about
8997s two or three p.m
8999s uh bsd
9001s and we'll be holding coffee oh yes i'm
9003s gonna be on the coffee
9005s yeah i'm gonna have my dash juice you
9007s know all of that
9009s um
9010s and yeah we'll be back later playing on
9011s nintendo switch but until then have a
9013s fantastic day and we'll see you in the
9015s hunt good night have a great night bye
9018s thanks for having us
9023s [Music]
9033s [Music]
9035s so
9037s [Music]
9080s you
almost 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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119s so
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232s so
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404s [Music]
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443s so
461s [Music]
473s [Music]
508s [Music]
523s hello everyone and welcome to today's
525s stream my name is jono emea community
527s manager monstanter and welcome to a for
530s me a late night gathering hub stream it
532s is awesome to see you and yes today we
535s are playing on nintendo switch and not
537s only that but i am joined by three elite
539s hunters from the united states um would
542s you like to introduce yourselves to the
544s audience
547s my name is it's also known as jongshi
550s underscore x here on twitch i am a
553s variety streamer and cosplayer i stream
555s a lot of monster hunter a lot of souls
557s born games and a lot of jrpgs
561s um hi my name is stephanie aka stephanie
564s underscores stone on twitch i'm also a
568s variety streamer um i play
571s all sorts of things really big fan of
573s capcom stuff um
575s my monster hunter character is mr4 and
578s i've been playing with the bow since
580s monster hunter 2 freedom unite
583s nice um and hey nigiri 21 sushi here you
586s can call me nigiri i'm also a variety
589s streamer i play a lot of pokemon games
590s souls games a lot of monster hunter
592s games
593s and i'm very very excited to be invited
596s and hunting with all these amazing
598s hunters
599s thank you so much it is awesome to have
601s you and for anyone watching as well make
602s sure to go check out their twitch
604s channels if you check out their names in
605s the title like make sure to go follow
607s them subscribe all of that good stuff
609s but yeah it's awesome like you know even
611s before i joined capcom um as i'm still
613s relatively fresh here like i'd seen all
616s of you like playing monster hunter and
617s i've seen my like predecessors like yuri
619s and socks like playing with you and like
622s you know sharing sharing your posts so
623s it's it's a privilege for me to have you
625s here so thank you all so much for making
627s the time to carry me through master rank
630s um
632s i'm really looking forward to it and as
634s my chat can see i'm slowly joining the
636s lobby
637s because you're all way ahead of me like
638s in regards to being prepared
646s i made it oh am i 11.
649s yeah wow i jumped up that you're like
653s no you're like the furthest them are
656s i am the
657s group look at the helmet look at that
660s red helmet
661s oh yes i've only just done this like say
664s earlier like i was on the last boss
666s which i'm not gonna spoil so don't worry
667s anyone watching that's not got it yet
668s but it was awesome like awesome boss um
672s and once i broke my uh mr cap i went
675s straight into some follower hunts to
676s like boost me up to ten and then i did
678s my first like
680s mini mr kind of like
682s uh cat break
684s and now i'm kind of free to farm so yeah
688s it's uh it was quick it was quick so
690s don't be intimidated once you get that
691s mr6 done you can just start zooming up
694s i'm so excited to hit that point
696s yeah
698s i am also excited
700s i'm just glad i can start working on my
702s fashion like before the stream started
703s we're all talking about like you know a
705s little bit about what we're hunting at
707s the minute and i'm just like fashion
708s fashion i need my outfit
712s that's like part of what makes you extra
714s powerful too because when you look good
716s you're automatically more powerful
718s exactly
719s it's the psycho like psychological game
721s there
727s and yes for all of those watching on
728s youtube and facebook hello hello i am
730s joined obviously by three fantastic
732s monster hunter twitch streamers so do go
734s and check out their channels as well you
736s can see their names in the youtube title
738s so definitely definitely hop on over to
740s twitch for a little bit as well and say
741s hello
743s so what's first on the menu was that
744s anjanath i saw
746s yeah
748s we do be fighting i call antonette
750s angela
751s angela
754s i was gonna say it's angela and i was
756s like wait
757s that's a joke no one's going to get
759s [Music]
761s it's like steve i guess
764s you know
766s they just have these names it's nice
768s that next we've got steve bob and it was
770s angela now
773s that is lovely that's wonderful
775s but would you like to go for capture or
777s are we going to go all in and go for
779s some carbs
781s i'm down for either usually i forget
784s whenever i decide to capture something
786s and kill it anyway so i feel that
792s i feel like in older monster hunter
793s games i was really in the habit of like
796s because i felt like the drop rates were
798s affected differently in older games too
800s where sometimes like rarer things would
802s be easier to get when you capture them
804s but i feel like in
806s i think from world onward they kind of
808s the drop rates are kind of similar so
810s at that point i feel like i just kind of
811s got used to just killing them instead of
813s capturing them unless we were like you
815s know
816s two out of three carts yeah barely
818s making it yeah yeah so that's what i was
820s gonna say too
822s yeah
823s so i guess we'll see it depends
828s yeah i feel that like especially in
829s master rank the amount of hunts i had
830s when i was first going through when i
832s was on two carts and i was like
834s drinking like like my mega drugs and
836s stuff like that
837s trying to get me through and i was
838s waiting for that blue head to appear so
840s i could just like slap down a shock trap
842s and be like yep yep we're done here
843s nothing nothing
845s yeah
849s we have definitely gone the other way i
850s used to always be like a hunt like you
852s know get the kill get the cars but now
854s i'm the opposite i'm like a capture that
855s would be lovely yes like
858s yeah
861s plus it's also kind of like faster too
863s oh go ahead yeah it is it is yeah i was
866s gonna say the same thing so you're fine
868s oh my god
870s that rabbit
872s right behind you
873s oh no
875s also i realized i'm the only blade
876s master in the lobby like normally
879s yeah this is pretty
883s different elise and i are imagining
886s yeah
887s two bow users as well like that is like
890s two unicorns
894s that was just such a good weapon see i
896s really i respect the light bow gun as
898s well because back when i was playing
900s through for you many years ago i used to
902s use sword and shield and like add light
904s bow gun it's like my secondary so like
906s it is super fun yeah
910s um out of curiosity what was everyone's
912s first monster hunter game
916s world iceborn for me
920s very nice
922s and then i did
923s rice gu oh
926s for me it was technically 3u but i
929s didn't fully get into the series and
930s like fall in love with it until for you
932s like three years so experimental for me
935s it was like unlike anything i'd played
936s and i hadn't discovered like the
939s original kind of like monster hunted
940s like youtubers at that time to like
942s learn about the game
944s so
945s yeah like for you was when i just
946s absolutely fell in love with the series
948s nice
950s uh two freedom unite was my first one
953s oh wow
958s funny you mentioned that though no
961s because
962s i technically got 3u first on 3ds
965s because one of my friends
967s on tumblr back in the day recommended it
970s and so i bought it at gamescom
975s and i tried playing it and i did not
977s understand it at all so i was just like
978s you know what maybe this isn't for me
981s and then
982s ultimate and i fell in love with it so i
985s considered her ultimate my first because
986s i didn't really play a lot of three um
989s yeah three was a tough one i feel with
992s the water combat yeah i remember
993s actually fighting lag yeah chris and i
995s was like is it go ball i think yeah
999s yeah the angler face yeah
1002s and then yeah for you though just yeah
1004s it's like gormagala i like i love you
1006s and i'm so glad i'm legendary
1013s but it also shows like the importance of
1015s like you know like people like
1017s yourselves that you know play monster
1018s hunter and share with your community
1019s about like you know how through
1022s entertaining people you also educate
1023s them about the game and you know if it
1024s wasn't for monster crates back then i i
1026s might not have been able to get into the
1028s series as easily
1030s so like
1031s you know big props to all of you as well
1035s oh thank you
1037s it's just an amazing community and most
1040s people like you meet kind of like it's
1042s like a hunter's health hunters team and
1045s it's it's just
1046s that's really one of kind community
1050s yeah i definitely agree i feel like
1053s monster hunter is one of the greatest
1054s games that brings people together
1057s yeah
1059s yeah that's true i also love because you
1060s know you're all working towards a common
1062s goal you're never competing against each
1064s other like not for drops not for you
1066s know items or anything like that um
1070s yeah that's what i really really like
1071s and it's always a learning experience
1075s like i still can't a lot you'll probably
1076s see it tonight
1081s it happens i feel like it's really just
1082s part of you know the monster hunter
1084s experience
1088s [Music]
1090s by the way i love the new shield bash
1091s move for sword shield like these new
1093s still fine moves like what your favorite
1095s new still fight moves like mine gotta be
1097s shield bash but also for hunting horn
1099s the uh silk line shock wave like i just
1101s love all of the hits you do
1105s i
1106s don't know what it's called but because
1108s at some portion yeah you unlock it right
1110s but for light booga and it has this like
1113s blue ammos
1115s and it does much more damage um i don't
1118s know what it's called
1121s i actually haven't used any of the new
1124s moves
1125s because i play only on bow and i haven't
1129s really like looked at them so
1131s i've just been using the aerial aim
1134s yeah and haven't really
1138s you know what you like and it works for
1140s you yeah exactly yeah dodgeball and
1142s aerial aim is just such a nice combo
1145s but i feel like i should try out the
1146s other things
1147s yeah
1148s well that's a good thing right you can
1150s choose to use the new moves and you know
1152s the switch skill swap or you can just
1154s not stick with what you're happy with
1155s like
1157s i do like the little summer software
1158s when you do a
1160s swap
1162s i really do like the the freedom of
1164s customization really
1166s you know play the way that you like to
1168s there's no like one super meta that
1170s you're supposed to adhere to
1173s oh definitely especially with like the
1175s buster element damage we had with sun
1176s break like see i love that yeah i mean i
1179s you know i use sword and shield you use
1181s like bow and like bogum like we're all
1183s about the element in this house like
1186s so yeah i'm super happy with that and
1187s you know it's not come at the expense of
1189s nerf in raw it was just
1191s buffed other things um
1194s which i think is a nice waveguide about
1195s it so thank you team
1197s yes 100
1199s i love everything that they've done
1202s yep i agree there we go
1205s they will be very pleased
1208s and talking of like things we like okay
1210s so you know we've got some monster
1211s hunter veterans in here you know
1212s obviously going back way way back was it
1215s monster hunter two was it you played yes
1217s and then obviously as recently as world
1220s favorite monsters you know we've gotta
1221s we've gotta get those out
1224s well
1225s digium is my favorite which i feel like
1228s isn't really a surprise but he's just
1230s he's just the best he's just so cool
1233s is it the coolest in oga right
1236s yes
1237s they're like edgies and ogre
1240s like black and pinkish is it ogre oh i
1242s love it the red lightning
1244s yeah
1248s faith hal is a nerdy for me i i would
1251s they're gonna get added
1254s because i really had fun with them on uh
1256s world eyes boring
1259s yeah fatalis especially was like
1261s anything sorry i didn't mean to
1262s interrupt
1264s [ __ ]
1266s after you
1267s said i have too many favorites it's very
1270s hard for me to pick one
1272s um
1273s but
1274s one of my all-time favorites is
1276s definitely rajing and oh yeah
1279s i really love um on the elder dragon
1282s side i like kaioshina
1284s and i like omatsu
1288s um
1289s and then i love ghost hurrah from uh oh
1292s yeah specifically ghost frog was my
1295s favorite edition
1296s uh in vase rise i just really loved it
1299s so much
1301s i love master rank goss like it really
1303s feels like you're in a ball with someone
1305s and like you're you're both swinging at
1307s each other and yeah it's really intense
1309s i love the evolution of gossarraging
1312s master right
1313s like a great fight the first time i saw
1315s the gormagala reveal trailer i thought
1317s we were about to get out ghost harass
1319s some species i was like no way and then
1323s gormangala shows up and i was like
1330s i was as surprised as everyone else i
1332s was like no way
1335s that was a very cool review
1337s yeah i couldn't believe it at first i
1339s like didn't recognize ooh blue icon too
1342s oh nice nice very efficient like we're
1345s sub 10 like
1348s i know we're hey we're speed running
1352s i
1355s mean while i'm doing some distinctly
1356s average sword and shield i'm just
1359s like it's a collaborative effort you're
1362s doing great
1363s thank you
1365s it's nice that the gun is a humor in the
1367s soul blade fast like yeah you know
1368s you're all right
1371s swinging my sword around
1376s chat agrees with everyone as well about
1377s the gore reveal being a total surprise
1381s yeah
1382s i love gore me too i can talk about all
1385s day the armor the weapon the monster the
1388s music yeah i'd like that
1391s gear for it as well because obviously
1393s you know a lot of hunters would
1394s recognize the uh palakko ghost kind of
1396s outfit but the uh
1399s seeing some seen some nice homage in
1401s there i think
1403s [Music]
1406s um going back to the
1409s favorites i also wanted to shout out my
1411s one of my favorite elder dragons
1412s gagamazios oh who is going to round but
1416s i'm really hoping we'll be around again
1418s someday
1420s one day i'll come back i know one day
1422s you got to
1424s well i do
1425s geez
1426s speaking of gore i would say my favorite
1429s form of gore is definitely chaotic or
1431s magala oh really
1434s i just love that it's like
1437s so it you can tell that it's like trying
1439s to like form into shigaru so it's got
1441s like the flaking off where it's like
1443s partially golden parts but also like
1446s still gore
1448s so i don't know i just thought chaotic
1450s was so cool because it's like you're
1451s seeing it in bid
1453s like
1454s transformation almost although
1456s and like the gear as well looks like how
1458s it mixes the color schemes together like
1460s yeah
1462s where was chaotic or
1464s was that four or was that
1465s something else questions was it
1467s generations i can't remember
1470s generations
1474s let me see
1478s there's many many years ago for me
1480s showing my age so i'm like
1483s my memory is facing for you but now i
1485s can't remember
1487s yeah yeah i'm trying to remember
1489s yeah yeah like i think it was before you
1491s yeah i'm just trying to remember if i
1493s had the opportunity to fight him
1495s for you as well
1496s okay cool
1498s i always second-guess myself and i'm
1499s like wait was it for me too i think it
1502s was
1504s yeah i'm sure at the trio in yeah
1506s yeah was gore in generations at all
1510s yeah okay it was in june yeah i missed
1513s that then oh
1515s cause i still remember the arena where
1517s you fought shigaru magala in for you
1520s like that fight and it's like this
1522s really dark area of a rock in the middle
1524s that i used to hide behind to try and
1525s sharpen
1527s yeah i can tell that all the time that
1529s one rock is really like the savior in
1531s that fight yeah your only shelter in
1533s that storm i'm like please please don't
1535s come around
1541s i'm just going to quickly check my uh
1543s talismans because i had some talismans
1545s bacon in the oven while we were hunting
1547s so i'm talking to steven so you're fine
1550s i'm talking to my lady theory
1553s oh she's
1555s awesome she's so cool i love uh lucika
1559s though
1560s lucica is my fave
1562s fiorin's my fave yeah same for you i'm
1566s team fiorine at the moment like i really
1568s like lucika because she's no nonsense
1570s like no nonsense gets the job done
1573s carries a big gun doesn't mess around
1575s kind of thing gets the monsters down but
1576s i just think fiorin's so cool like she's
1578s just they're both very clover they are
1581s this means you guys can fight over theo
1583s rain and then it's just chico for me you
1586s know you're every cloud that's right
1588s [Laughter]
1594s let's go through my talismans looking
1595s for something tasty come on i can see
1598s those divine talismans
1605s unfortunately
1606s it was a bit of a bust on those
1608s talismans
1610s it's hard to tell minimum farm
1614s i've just thrown in all my friend
1615s vouchers that i've been saving up for
1617s like indigo
1618s oh my god i burned through those so fast
1621s yeah it's uh
1622s it's gonna be like that for me as well
1625s i've already used up like 200 of them
1628s oh wow oh wow
1633s oh this is perfect i need mats from toby
1636s this will be good
1637s how do i i love toby and ryze though
1641s yeah like yeah he's great i'm quite
1642s lucky so my partner's favorite monster
1645s is toby kadachi
1646s and she loves toby so much she has him
1649s tattooed or
1651s tattooed
1653s so and she's got like the like the um
1655s world icon of toby
1658s um so like whenever she's around i only
1661s capture toby otherwise i get in trouble
1667s we can do either now though because
1669s she's asleep and um
1671s i don't think she'll watch the stream
1672s back so
1674s we'll be we'll be okay get away with
1676s murder
1678s and blame it all on me
1680s i said there was never a toby on the
1682s street never a toby
1684s it's great to see you
1687s come again
1692s sorry i'm a bit slow on that i was just
1693s refilling my uh talismans i was like
1696s yeah we'll get some more friend vouchers
1698s in there
1708s uh
1713s [Music]
1717s so have you been maining your bows and
1719s bow guns throughout some break or are
1721s you just mixing it up a little bit today
1725s oh i've been definitely uh
1729s meeting beau all throughout summer break
1731s i think
1734s maybe afternoon
1735s like end game i will change but we'll
1738s see
1740s yeah same for me i want to
1743s beat up to mr100 with my lightbulb gun
1746s and unlock all the possible skills for
1749s armors first
1750s and then i will swap to the other
1753s weapons that i also play
1755s yeah that's really cool
1757s um i've been
1759s playing only beau since to freedom unite
1764s so wow you're been only well you know
1767s you know
1768s hey no that's cool like it wasn't until
1770s like rise where i really started trying
1772s weapons other than sword and shield like
1774s i'd obviously dabbled with like bogan in
1776s the past
1777s and like i'd kind of like memed a bit
1778s with the gun lance in iceborn because i
1780s love like the wrathian gun lance
1782s um but yeah like i'd always been a sword
1785s and shield person since 3u
1787s and it was ryze where i was like you
1789s know what these silk by moves looks so
1790s cool i kind of want to try out other
1792s weapons
1796s yeah because i've seen you what i think
1797s hunting horn too i've seen you play yeah
1799s the other weapons too yeah yeah on pc i
1802s i picked the hunting horn because i was
1804s like i don't want to like
1806s like do a carbon copy of my switch
1807s playthrough so i was like i want
1809s something that's like can support but
1811s can also bond and do that
1813s [Music]
1818s and i get bonk and dude
1820s yep all of the goodness and um like the
1823s rice hunting horn was just seemed so
1825s much more approachable than like
1826s previous situations yeah and i was like
1828s you know what i'm going to give it a go
1830s i'm going to join team dude
1834s that's fair it is
1839s [Music]
1849s i started with charge blade
1852s and then generations i did switch
1855s uh
1856s worlds i did switch acts for the story
1858s and then charge blade after i beat the
1860s story
1862s iceborn was insect glaze
1864s and then gu was also insecure
1867s nice rise has been blow
1870s but i try to switch it up usually
1874s like this really impressive because they
1876s all play pretty uniquely
1879s thank you
1880s yep
1882s i just think i learned the best like
1884s when learning a new weapon if i force
1885s myself to play it through the story
1887s sometimes
1902s yeah the biggest challenge for me was
1903s coming back from hunting
1905s and playing on switches the muscle
1906s memory like i think i was doing a
1908s recital or i'd want to block when i
1910s switch back
1911s and it's just i'll just be spinning
1913s around on the floor or like holding my
1914s shield when i keep going platforms
1920s [Music]
1933s let's see if i can paralyze nice
1938s i'll get some destroyer oil there we go
1954s [Music]
1963s this is going well this is going well
1964s keeping toby kind of where we want them
1991s feel better now
2009s what's it like fighting a monster so
2011s agile with like range weapons like how
2013s do you deal with it what are your top
2015s tips for gunners fighting monsters like
2017s toby
2020s for me um
2021s like cc um i prefer a gun that i can cc
2025s monsters like appara or sleep
2028s and then do like the damage phase like
2030s cc damage phase cc damage wigs
2034s it's really
2036s like for instance would be like
2037s paralysis is my best friend together
2039s with like rapid peers or rapid size
2044s definitely statuses i think are like one
2046s of the most important things that you
2047s can have um
2049s and i think there's not a shame in
2050s utilizing
2051s traps as well too if a monster is really
2053s just moving around too much
2055s um
2056s it's really good to just you know make
2058s them stop in place um i know at least
2061s for bo spacing is something that's
2062s always going to be important too
2065s um so i feel like it's really important
2066s to
2068s get to know a monster's moveset as much
2070s as possible so that
2072s because a lot of the time i feel like as
2073s a bow user you know
2075s toby will like do a flip or something
2076s and he'll land just like you know two
2078s inches to my right which is always
2079s intimidating but it's helpful if you're
2081s you know running something like close
2083s range coatings because you need to be up
2085s close anyways
2087s so it's kind of having that balance of
2090s knowing kind of the right area you want
2092s to place yourself in to deal damage but
2095s not
2095s get hit
2098s but that's definitely something that you
2100s know you just have to
2101s hunt spend time hunting that monster
2104s over and over to really become film
2106s familiar with that
2107s yep yeah i would say yeah the best
2110s advice for me is just getting familiar
2112s with the monster's move set and then
2114s positioning with ranged weapons for sure
2117s [Music]
2119s no that is a good shout like as a blade
2121s master like one of my biggest like
2123s guilty pleasures is getting greedy and
2125s just over committing to attack
2128s absolutely bodied by the monster
2132s i feel that
2134s it's hard if you're
2136s if you're really like
2138s dealing damage to a monster and you're
2140s staggering them and you know breaking
2142s parts and stuff it's really easy to want
2143s to keep pushing but sometimes you know
2145s they get enraged and they hit your back
2151s yeah i think most of my cartoon comes
2153s from like i'll get hit with a big attack
2154s and i'll immediately wire four rather
2157s than just kind of you know hitting the
2158s ground reassessing the situation so like
2161s that's been my biggest master rank
2163s learning curve is like
2164s patience
2168s i feel like mastering is definitely
2169s something that humbles a lot of players
2171s too because like hiring can be kind of
2174s tough but i feel like mastering is where
2176s things start getting pretty serious yeah
2178s you can't just like throw yourself
2180s blindly in a battle as much as
2182s you might be used to if i rank but
2184s that's what i've like something that i
2186s really love about mastering the
2187s challenge and how you have to consider
2189s the fights a little more
2190s tactfully exactly like especially once
2193s you get i think into like mr4 plus like
2195s even wearing like a full set of
2196s mastering armor you can get hit by some
2199s monsters like you know it's
2202s there's that challenge there you're not
2203s like able to just sit in an offensive
2205s master rank set and just tank it like
2208s you can in high rank uh yeah so yeah
2210s it's it's a real fun experience
2220s saying that as i pick myself up off the
2222s floor
2225s i feel like that's really part of the
2227s the joy and appeal of monster hunter at
2229s least for me is how you slowly ramp up
2232s to
2232s you know working with one monster up
2235s from low rank to high rate to master
2237s rank and really getting to know their
2238s moves that you yourself as a
2241s hunter improve
2243s to where you know hopefully you're not
2245s taking as many hits as you used to
2247s because you're so familiar
2249s with how they move that you're just
2250s dodging them and everything so you're
2251s not punished as much
2255s yep and then there's espionage who just
2257s does what it pleases oh gosh
2260s do we talk about the espionage
2264s oh my gosh
2268s that's one word for it
2271s every time i see people post pictures
2274s it's always when it's like sleeping and
2275s it looks so cute i already love um
2278s because on pc i made it to uh garen home
2281s the frankenstein monster and i already
2283s love it because frankenstein's my
2284s favorite dolphin no way
2287s but i freaked out yes
2289s oh
2290s i was so excited when it was rumored
2292s that there would be one and i was like i
2294s hope there's one and then when i saw it
2296s i freaked out and then i loved the hunt
2297s for it and i'm so happy it's probably
2299s one of my favorites from this game
2300s already
2301s i really like garen goldman as well like
2303s i love the design it's unlike any
2304s monster i've really fought in recent
2306s monster hunter kind of like history and
2309s it has some awesome moves like i love
2311s the one where it flips you in the air
2313s and if you don't why why bug wait it
2315s claps you
2316s oh god yeah yeah i love that like it's
2321s such a great such a great monster
2324s yeah i was surprised with that
2325s oh sorry i'm glad that we managed to
2327s capture toby my conscience is clear
2331s that's most important oh you can't
2334s you can't finish hunts with a guilty
2336s conscience
2343s [Music]
2344s is it possible to unlock bigger
2345s decorations just feels like stamina
2347s search well as you progress through
2348s master ink you will unlock like more
2350s decorations um especially in the like
2352s four slot ones
2354s um i haven't checked for that particular
2355s skill though but maybe one of the
2357s gunners will know because i think the
2358s stamina said just that one that beau
2360s uses there especially yes
2362s what was the question stamina surge like
2364s a four slot yes is there a four-star one
2367s i it would be really nice
2370s i'd be looking for honestly i haven't
2372s seen any i just know the two slot one
2374s yeah um i yeah i would love you they
2377s made one so same i don't know
2380s yeah i kind of feel like there is not
2381s one which is really sad
2383s but you know that's the the pain of
2386s chalice is farming it's trying to get a
2388s nice
2389s something nice there but
2391s we'll see
2395s this is me trying to figure out what i
2396s want to go for next as well because like
2398s my mouse xeno set has wide bug whisperer
2401s and weakness exploit on it as two of the
2402s skills so like
2404s they tended that's what i was trying to
2406s target on my talismans so now i'm just
2409s like surprise me treat me like
2412s let's see what i can roll
2429s sorry i'm almost ready hey no rush
2431s you're right that's fine i'm still
2432s getting ready too so don't even worry
2436s i was partying with the canteen
2440s that's okay
2442s that's an important question actually
2444s too do you watch the whole dango
2446s cutscene normally or do you skip it
2451s so i i skip i watch it fully the first
2454s time that's it yeah oh it's your first
2456s time you got to see it same
2458s oh i haven't watched it yet i skipped it
2463s you haven't wait
2465s i haven't seen the train
2467s oh
2468s what a revelation oh you gotta watch it
2472s yeah
2473s i've watched i watched your mogees i've
2476s watched i've watched yours a few times i
2478s haven't watched the train one yet
2479s because it's such um a muscle memory
2481s thing that i just automatically skip it
2484s and then
2484s every time i'm like i'm gonna watch it
2486s this time and then i skip it and i'm
2488s like nothing
2489s disrespect on my hard-earned calicos
2500s but i don't even know i think i have to
2502s switch my weapon too i was really just
2504s on autopilot
2507s how do you want to do this do we want to
2508s split into two pairs or do we want to
2510s just go four stack
2512s each monster
2514s down for either oops yeah same well that
2518s was a quick mount there on whoever got
2520s that on yeah
2525s i thought sword and shield could do it
2526s quickly but
2530s it's for light bug and it's really easy
2531s to mount so that's why you usually just
2534s take on the assignment of mounting and
2536s finding the monsters
2537s it's really smart to do
2540s oh definitely like having someone that
2542s can get a dedicated mount off like
2543s especially master rank like it's so
2545s useful for hunt so you don't start on
2547s the back foot
2549s uh-huh
2553s i think long sword is also one
2556s that is easy to to kind of like mount
2558s monsters true
2561s i love raphael
2563s oh yeah like dread queen wrathion is one
2565s of my fave monsters
2569s she's just such a classic queen like
2574s it's also such a comfy hunt for me
2577s i feel the same way
2585s i'm gonna work on that tail
2593s i remember wilde and i spawned the
2595s amount of uh wrathion spikes i had to
2597s farm so now i'm just like tails
2602s fair
2619s nothing can see
2625s [Music]
2642s [Music]
2644s there we go nice
2647s that is so satisfying catching the
2648s backflip
2649s [Music]
2651s that was really cool thank you
2654s it's about a 50 50 chance whether or not
2656s i eat the tail or i get it get it
2658s successfully
2662s [Music]
2663s oh zoochie's here i was like wait a
2666s second
2667s it's really a party
2672s [Music]
2688s oh yes oh she's on the run
2691s [Laughter]
2695s oh no i've run out of stamina
2699s okay there's the tail
2701s nice good teamwork
2706s it's always so embarrassing when you
2707s miss the wall it's a static office it's
2709s not going anywhere it's like
2712s it's okay
2714s it makes you feel any better i've missed
2715s them a few times on accident like i'm
2717s just like oh yeah i mean it happens
2722s you're just gonna like move weird it's
2724s like we do
2726s i managed to miss the floor recently and
2729s i'll explain that in regards to you know
2731s the citadel in area 13 you've got the
2733s thorny toad swamp
2735s so i was just trying to drop the monster
2737s in there and i was on stream i think i
2739s was with team darkseid so you know
2741s people are pretty good at the game and i
2743s said don't worry i've got this and like
2745s i messed up my like running the monster
2748s into wall and i fell outside of the
2749s giant
2751s water puddle on the floor and like the
2753s thorny toads are just there kind of
2754s looking at me like
2756s i couldn't believe it i literally missed
2757s the floor i couldn't believe i was like
2759s anywhere and this one bit i missed
2762s see it happens you know i feel you there
2764s like yeah
2767s should be captured and then go to israel
2769s oh never mind wow that was a quick
2771s transition from that was fine y'all were
2773s too
2779s which members of tds did you play from
2781s i'm a suit with i'm assuming chris yeah
2783s chris and hc and kristen h oh that's
2785s really cool
2787s chris is actually the person who
2789s encouraged me to stream no way
2794s that's awesome
2795s i would never have strange if it wasn't
2797s for chris
2800s that's awesome no it's great to see that
2802s like for me like it was gaijin hunter
2804s that got me into monstante it was his
2805s tutorials i found on youtube like i just
2808s stumbled across them so like it's funny
2810s how
2810s [Music]
2812s what what seems like a small thing to
2813s some people actually leads to huge
2815s shootings like yourself if you're
2816s streaming
2817s i now work on monster hunter like from
2820s finding this guide on youtube and i've
2822s actually you know had some chats with
2823s with gaijin and stuff like that and
2826s it's crazy like
2828s just being friendly and open and wanting
2829s to share your passion and hobby with
2831s other people and being encouraging can
2833s be so
2834s monumentally life-changing further down
2836s the line for people in a positive way
2838s like
2839s yeah it's it's nutty really
2842s that's pretty cool that's really cool i
2845s love that
2848s not to be cheesy but that's really you
2851s know
2851s power gaming yeah like yeah
2854s i was very close to saying it i was very
2856s close to saying that
2858s yeah and that's why as well like you
2859s know i
2860s i love like
2861s seeing all the awesome stuff like you
2863s know folks like yourselves do like the
2864s community builders the creators that you
2867s know the faces of the game effectively
2870s like you know
2871s given a place for people to enjoy their
2873s passions and chat and
2875s game like yeah like
2877s i'm all about you know
2880s the goodness that creators bring to
2882s gaming in general like yeah yeah
2888s and also you know you're damn good for
2890s those those gunner weaponry so you know
2898s uh real quick to go back on the uh
2901s stamina search thing someone was asking
2902s about someone in my chat actually said
2905s they're at mr41 they said there is a
2908s stamina tool oh
2911s you just gotta work for it
2927s that it was like this four guys getting
2928s straight bullied
2931s or zucchini
2946s ironic it's like blue icon already i
2948s know that's it like i found fight in
2951s master and kazuchi solo that should be a
2953s little bit like of like and it sounds
2955s weird but it was actually one of the
2957s like more challenging early master rank
2959s hunts for me
2960s like other monsters i was fine like
2962s rather lost stuff like that great
2964s azuchi's mobility when it's 1v1 and you
2967s can't pin it down easily it's really
2970s intimidating like it flies around
2972s everywhere it's jumping up walls like
2975s like great zucchini to me was actually
2977s like it's like oh fair enough
2980s that makes sense
2982s he's really small which i think is like
2984s part of what like every other monster is
2986s you know like huge or gigantic but she's
2988s really small and kind of fast harder to
2990s hit
2993s i also feel like if you haven't hunted
2995s them in a while that kind of affects me
2997s too because like you know after a while
2999s you don't really hunt azuchi as much as
3000s you want like say like rathalos or like
3003s raffian where like you've hunted them a
3005s lot although i do think graphos feels a
3007s little different in this game sometimes
3009s compared to past games
3011s but
3011s i feel like that's why like wrathion
3013s felt way easier to me than like some of
3015s the monsters that i don't pump very
3017s often like i'm through when i was
3018s hunting mastering kukepuke it's like
3020s you're a bit more intense than i
3022s remember
3023s and i was like you're fine but like
3025s you're just a bit more intense than i
3026s remember because i obviously talked to
3028s monsters like that but
3032s but yeah raphael just feels very like
3034s easy to me but i feel like it is because
3036s i hunt that monster a lot
3039s no definitely you can kind of forget
3040s like even like a legombe right you're
3042s like lagombi you know big snow bunny and
3045s then it starts sliding around repeatedly
3047s like knocking you over stunning you and
3048s you're like all right
3051s this is a surprise
3053s zombie yeah oh i got a mantel where did
3056s you come from no
3057s yes
3059s nice i don't have one
3062s a fine addition to my collection
3063s congrats i love seeing those shinies
3066s after a hundred you're like oh yes got
3068s lucky oh yes get those dolphins
3071s i feel like that's a big reason why i
3073s have like a gatherer palico to use that
3075s my cat has the chance of also pilfering
3078s like a jam or a mantle oh yeah such a
3080s good shot i do run double gathering
3082s palakkos when i'm playing on my own oh
3084s nice oh yeah i'm all about that extra
3086s loot i'm like give me give me them gems
3088s i must have everything oh yes
3095s i'm so excited now
3100s it's time
3101s [Music]
3102s wait what's up
3104s it's time for gearing home oh yeah
3108s oh it's nice
3109s i love the three lords in this game
3112s yep
3113s they're awesome
3116s i remember like when we revealed like
3118s luna garan and obviously we initially
3119s got a lot of like other garen
3121s comparisons quite rightly as well
3123s um because we hadn't revealed that luna
3125s garan is actually like bipedal when it's
3127s enraged
3128s um and then i remember the reaction when
3130s people when people first saw luna garron
3132s stand up and fight on its hind legs i
3134s was like yes full on werewolf mode
3139s i hope we can get to that fight
3142s today i think we might
3144s yeah
3145s i would be very excited we've been
3146s speeding through so hopefully yeah we've
3148s got that five hunts i think to go this
3151s one and then four more five more maybe
3154s and we've been like chatting casually so
3157s yeah like we've been like super focused
3159s on like clapping these monsters so
3162s oh yeah this is what like a team of like
3163s experienced hunters looks like like just
3166s rolling over the early master stuff
3168s i'm just gonna try not to get hit very
3170s often because i'm still wearing my high
3172s rank gear and i'm stubborn i was telling
3174s stuff
3176s and i'm not gonna remove my mighty bow
3178s feather no one can make it oh i'm
3180s keeping that on or it's the earrings i
3183s think or whatever it is but i'm not
3184s removing it
3186s i can't no i kept my teostra helmet
3189s until i made my mind until i made my
3191s mouse i know so i only swapped out like
3192s my chest and my arms i think no my chest
3195s and waist because i got an anjanath
3197s mantle first hunt so i made the waste i
3199s was like of course i'm going to upgrade
3201s um
3202s but yeah i know i kept my tiastra bits
3204s until i made the marzano set so i feel
3206s that
3208s i feel like you could reasonably wear
3210s your hr stuff a decent
3213s amount of that mars in there's a couple
3216s people i know that are like mr6 with
3218s their
3219s hr gear still way
3225s you just gotta be careful because like
3226s you know it's it's so much easier to get
3228s one shot because if you can get two shot
3230s wearing mr gear at the later mrs there's
3232s no way you can
3234s you know your best defense at that point
3237s is just not getting hit yeah because
3239s you'll die immediately
3241s max out that vade extender and evade
3243s window divine blessing hope for the best
3246s oh yeah
3256s yeah nyc says uh teostra has full poison
3259s resist and high fire resist which is
3261s just great as well as the skills on top
3262s of it so they can see why people stick
3265s with it until they like get yeah
3267s mastering the ostrich because the elder
3268s dragons are quite late into the story
3271s so yeah like you won't be able to
3273s upgrade those particular pieces until
3275s you've gone through many more monsters
3279s hey i'm sure i'm so excited
3283s i will say if there's a plushie of garen
3285s i'm getting it right away because i have
3287s nothing
3288s when it comes to monster plushies i've
3291s seen the japanese monster hunter account
3293s tweeted i'm sure like it's like three
3295s plushies i think it's the three lords
3297s wait
3298s because there's mosaic
3299s sorry oh my god
3302s i'm going to ami right now
3305s i really want to ludigaran plushie i
3307s love luna guerin
3309s they're great like and i love how people
3310s are kind of like flock into their favor
3312s of the three lords like mine is marzano
3315s purely because like the teleport move
3317s really so i love the vampire aesthetic i
3320s love how oh my god it's been pretty but
3322s if it's just is it the boggies have you
3324s seen the plushie because the boggies are
3325s gorgeous i love them i just i do have it
3328s for luna garrett is so cute i'm dying
3331s i'm getting they they don't have
3334s pre-orders up for melzano anymore which
3335s makes me sad but they do
3339s so i'm going to get stuck
3341s i can't it's a dream
3345s i'm so excited it can go right next to
3346s ghosterog oh my goodness the beefiest
3349s boys together
3352s [Music]
3353s i also pre-ordered the gourmagala one
3355s because it looks really cute and
3357s i need to do that before they sell out i
3359s need to get my pre-order for gold let me
3361s make sure i can tell you if they have
3363s them
3364s while the cut scene plays because i
3366s watch it
3367s i have to i love this monster
3370s i mean is it on amiami
3373s yeah it's on miami the gorman
3375s is who would skip a cut scene especially
3377s like a dango cut scene like that's just
3379s i
3380s have no idea that's crazy
3387s that's crazy um i don't know who would
3389s do that
3392s i don't know who would have a dango skip
3393s in their
3394s twitch chat as a command
3398s hey wait hold up i took who took all the
3401s first aid meds
3415s first you don't even watch the dungo
3417s concert
3420s you're taking all the supplies oh no
3424s it's because i didn't watch the dango
3426s cut scene you know
3427s you're right you know what you need it
3428s more than i do
3429s it's my curse
3433s i'm so sorry it's okay i don't need it
3436s it's fine i just like having yeah so i
3438s don't use like my own stuff
3440s that is totally fair i didn't even
3442s notice
3443s it's okay to be found that would
3446s yeah i do that all the time because like
3447s you know you'll be doing a single player
3449s and you just hoover out the whole box
3450s right and then you go to a multiplayer
3452s hunt and you're like what am i done
3455s you don't know which one they will
3456s choose or something yeah
3458s yeah everyone's like awkwardly just like
3460s kind of try to select one and
3462s accidentally select two of them
3470s [Music]
3476s i still get lost so much in this map
3478s it's especially in the north of the map
3480s it's surprising and easy to get lost in
3482s the mountains
3483s right
3485s oh i totally got bamboozled by like a
3487s cavern i thought like a monster was on
3489s top and i went to the area and no one
3491s was there everyone was underneath and i
3493s was like oh my god
3497s oh we got the elemental best i love the
3499s jewel element side of garen gold like
3501s when i first like learned about gang
3503s gone i was like dual elements that's so
3505s cool
3508s i forgot i still have to take a photo
3509s here
3510s when it transforms
3512s you have to be really quick when it goes
3515s down oh hi hello
3517s the
3518s hermitart one was like that too me and
3520s my friends were like wait when did we do
3522s it
3523s i just kept taking pictures of the crap
3525s over and over and i was like guys i
3527s don't think i don't think i'm getting
3528s the
3529s the questing for it but it finally
3531s showed up
3532s just the scared looking hermit or like
3534s why are they still here
3535s oh hi
3538s oh the hulk smash
3541s let me see if i can paralyze
3550s i'm sure what do you do
3555s i appreciate that karen goldman
3559s since he's kind of like a monkey here he
3561s gives me like conga lala and like
3563s lagonga vibes oh yeah
3565s i appreciate that very much
3568s yeah it's true i'm a big kongawala fan
3572s especially with the jungle map back
3573s around i'm like
3575s at least we have another monkey that's
3577s true that's true
3579s and i love i'm loving the crabs as well
3581s you know you mentioned i really yeah oh
3584s the crab is so nice to mouth oh it's so
3587s funny like the body slam jump and stuff
3589s like that yes
3590s and the punch on the one yeah and the
3592s one punch oh my gosh beautiful
3595s few little crabs
3597s and they're really fun to hunt as well i
3598s was really surprised that the first time
3600s in master rank was actually daimyo and i
3602s loved that fact oh yeah i i would never
3604s have predicted and it was such a fun way
3606s to get into master right
3608s i think it was a really like
3609s introduction yeah
3611s yeah it was adorable it was also just
3613s nice to see domino harmington again oh
3616s i've just realized fiori's here as well
3618s that's like that's another sort of show
3623s phil thought that you were a little like
3627s too surrounded by bows that's true you
3629s know break bring up bring up the sword
3631s and shield
3633s anybody can learn more no
3635s i love her
3638s her outfit is so cool for fun really so
3641s cool
3652s i just everyone should just cosplay
3654s admiral gallius all of us
3656s yes
3660s he's so magnificent he is he's so stoic
3663s and that beard is so strong
3665s he's so like ruggedly handsome oh yes
3674s this monster is just so cool well so
3676s fiorina's so awesome her sword and
3678s shield actually carried me through early
3680s master rank like i did have follower
3682s quest and i unlocked the ability to make
3683s it and if any sword and shield users
3685s like do her follow requests straight
3687s away like the sword shield you get is so
3689s good and so easy to craft oh nice oh yes
3697s yeah i was surprised the first time they
3699s did a like the follow request with her
3701s was like oh they trap i was like okay
3704s cool i was like oh they heal too like oh
3707s yeah
3708s i know and they mount too i was like
3710s okay
3711s i'm digging this it's so funny because
3713s she's like i'll be back in a second and
3715s you just see her icon sing across your
3716s mouth
3717s right
3720s i heard luchika
3723s doesn't heal never hears oh
3733s oh really you know i'm curious
3737s i mean it works it gets the job
3747s [Music]
3759s also one thing i love how they've
3760s changed the sword and shield block
3762s animation slightly so if you're walking
3764s around with your shield up you actually
3765s kind of like hold it up in front of your
3767s face and stand behind it now rather than
3769s holding it at your waist
3770s like all these little quality of life
3771s things like this
3773s hello oh
3775s have you been selected
3779s are you are you okay
3782s yeah
3801s it's very much like you have to keep
3803s your hp completely topped up or you're
3804s going to get caught in the depth oh
3806s definitely
3808s even with mr here like once i got caught
3810s by him i'm like
3812s teeny tiny sliver of hp so yep
3815s [Music]
3817s oh god i will say what i like about that
3819s rock move is that it definitely feels
3822s like um it's like rajan from giant rock
3826s infor ultimate to me yep
3829s nice that's what it reminded me of when
3831s i first saw it i was like wow
3833s that's so cool
3835s let's go for the ball one
3842s um you can't knock people off when
3844s they're mounted now right i don't know
3847s you think okay i remember that was a
3849s concern once upon a time and i'm always
3852s a little afraid like
3855s i know people are here really bad
3857s yeah
3859s do you think thank you
3863s oh hi uh barrier
3866s oh there's the i love the kittenator by
3868s the way like my absolute favorite
3870s hunting bunny thing
3873s just knowing that someone
3875s hq just goes what if we gave the cat a
3878s dragonater
3879s and and here we are i love it
3897s hey close to
3900s yeah react is there's any way you can
3902s stop a mount now is uh through trapping
3904s other than that you're safe to go i just
3906s got a large beast gem from a shiny
3915s oh boy yeah one of my favorite things to
3916s pick up as a shiny is like
3918s it's mean but it's a beast tears
3933s i feel like that was really fast we sub
3936s 10 literally yeah looking about nine
3938s minutes there i think wow
3940s good job guys
3945s so
3946s what's up we're doing pretty good
3949s thanks theo for the help
3953s [Music]
3955s i love the little ending screen as well
3957s with the followers
3959s oh yeah
3969s [Music]
3974s yeah it does feel good i don't know
3976s about you what it's like with the bow
3977s and the light bow gun but getting a
3978s finishing blow with like a silk bind
3980s attack just feels so stylish it's the
3983s best
3984s when i do the aerial aim and i like
3987s well done what's the word you know like
3989s when you do like a dive down with the
3991s arrow
3992s actually when i was streaming uh
3994s sun break on early release and i was
3996s fighting firmitar i believe that first
3999s fight i killed him with that downward
4001s strike and i was like this is peak
4003s monster hunter i don't need to play the
4004s rest of sun break i beat the game
4009s it just feels so good
4012s [Music]
4015s i'm gonna watch the dango cutscene this
4017s next time because i'm claimed anymore i
4020s think i can't do it anymore it's time
4022s for the redemption
4024s yeah
4029s oh you're sitting in a cutscene
4031s mm-hmm
4038s wow
4048s okay
4049s [Music]
4051s all the speech bubbles
4055s you're so popular now that you be
4057s guaranteed everyone wants to talk to you
4059s yeah one of the people with the speech
4060s bubbles just flexed right in my face
4063s like turned my back and flexed right in
4065s my face
4067s you're gonna get your attention
4068s like okay
4071s gave me a question was then let me just
4072s flex right now i'm asking you to do this
4074s quest but
4075s [Laughter]
4078s don't forget to check your kahoot nest
4080s here too
4085s check on the baby kahoot
4088s allow so much right
4091s i do miss buddy
4093s i miss poogie though
4096s gotta say
4097s miss my little pig
4100s i do love poogie
4103s but i'll accept baby owls
4105s i will take baby owl because i'm i love
4107s the owls so much
4111s and it's just so cute and small
4115s not gonna lie
4117s the first time
4120s first time i saw the baby l i was
4123s expecting it to push uh to push me away
4125s kind of like poogie
4126s really when you put it too much really
4129s going you packed it too much like at
4130s some point
4139s and there's like multiple outfits for it
4141s as well
4142s yeah that's so
4144s [Music]
4145s cute i remember getting the devil joe
4148s poogie costume in for ultimate
4153s that took a bit
4155s but i was so happy when i got it i
4157s really liked the ghost poogie outfit
4159s spawn as well like that was the one
4165s i liked making my pig look like a sheep
4168s for some reason
4169s that was just always funny to me
4172s i always kept pooping like that
4176s oh and what were the names of the
4177s buddies the like
4180s in three like floofy you know in uh
4183s generations ultimate they had the little
4185s floofy
4186s i don't know
4190s i was like they were so cute too oh i
4192s heard about those i wish i could have
4194s seen them
4197s they're really cute
4199s all right i i have to pick
4202s my rise fave
4203s what
4204s i grabbed the plushie too cause it goes
4206s her egg it is
4209s yeah
4211s yeah i love ghost rag
4214s it's a very cool
4215s monster
4216s he's great
4218s i really love it i thought it was such a
4221s cool design
4222s and also if you get stunned you get that
4224s unique animation where it just like
4225s walks up to you really slowly
4229s it's so threatening it is
4235s very scary but very cool
4241s see i'm allowed to skip the dango cut
4242s scene because i've seen it before
4245s you're not sniffing it right
4248s i i'm i'm not skipping it i'm watching
4250s it
4251s i'm watching the palace cook for me
4255s in the morning
4257s the
4265s so silly oh they're cute
4268s it's like can you imagine you come
4269s downstairs one day and like your pet
4271s cat's cooking your breakfast and you
4272s just close the door and walk away like
4274s ah yes
4278s i would be fascinated because the my
4281s pets were hamsters so if they were
4283s making me breakfast my pizzas that would
4286s be crazy it would be some really small
4288s pancakes or something wouldn't it like
4289s just hamster size pancakes
4291s no hamstrings
4296s that's what i made my palico look like
4298s my hamster as much as i could because
4299s her name was bijou
4306s and then my
4308s palamy looks like my mom's puppy named
4311s oscar
4312s i tried my best he's very floofy and my
4315s pal mute is obviously not a spoofy there
4318s was not floofy floofy optin which is
4320s what oscar is
4323s so
4324s next time you know
4328s yeah my original palico is like like a
4330s torticat like my camber
4333s but my palico that i made her is a
4335s healer and somebody's in gathering so
4337s she's just chilling out at the moment in
4339s like the body area just just having a
4341s good time eating food which is what she
4343s loves to do in real life as well
4351s i love those lighting
4355s oh yeah it's such pretty lighting real
4357s nice
4364s it just changes the whole mood of the
4365s map as well like it's so foreboding but
4368s like in a really beautiful
4371s so pretty
4372s all right i need to farm the spirit beds
4375s here without hitting one of the little
4376s gown goats because they're so adorable
4381s every time i cut the grass there i get
4383s nothing
4385s it's happened like three times and i'm
4387s like i didn't get anything either
4389s i feel salty every time
4397s i love the purple pink glow
4402s nothing quite like a blood moon
4405s really
4411s so pretty and purple's my favorite color
4413s so i feel partially biased
4436s oh nice early mountain
4441s i just ran up to something i thought was
4443s a mining spot and it was
4446s it was a little kind of like lamp
4450s yeah the details is beautiful
4453s gotta get the lamp
4456s like a big ball
4457s it reminded me of i thought they were
4458s like scout flies from worlds yeah
4472s have you seen the um some of the new
4474s endemic life that you can find in the
4476s jungle and in the citadel
4478s like the rare ones
4480s i have not i don't think so not yet
4483s i feel like i haven't spent nearly as
4485s much time as i would have liked in the
4486s new areas
4488s yeah unfortunately there's so much to
4490s fight before you could explore it's like
4491s a rain
4492s but look at all these lovely new
4493s monsters i want to take on
4496s exactly it's worth it to explore though
4499s at least for
4500s the optional uh
4502s subcamps
4504s for teleporting around yeah
4507s i have
4508s one
4509s on this map
4511s oh no
4513s oh yeah i need to take out some bulkies
4515s to get my sub counter
4518s yeah same
4519s they're just too they're too hilarious
4521s they remind me like of little hyenas but
4523s obviously they've got the goblin kind of
4525s like
4526s inspiration they just
4528s they just seem so haphazard i feel bad
4530s beating them up
4532s yeah right they're just minding their
4534s own business i was like
4536s this is little
4548s people saying they're upset there's no
4550s great boggy that's right then we've got
4551s lots of little buggies to enjoy
4556s but then the question begs would you
4558s rather fight a hundred normal buggies or
4561s ten hypothetical great boggies at once
4593s there was so many
4595s i think uh nigiri had the uh
4597s golden wife
4599s oh
4601s thank you
4603s yummy
4604s wire that you can find too like the ruby
4607s and the gold one that was really good
4609s mm-hmm
4611s i remember the first time i found the
4612s gold one i was super confused and i was
4614s like what are you doing these are like i
4615s thought i thought it was like a
4617s intersect or something i was like what
4618s is this
4619s then i read it and i was like oh
4621s i see i'll take it
4625s please
4640s oh nice done
4645s oops
4663s i just totally whipped my metsuzura
4664s gekki there
4666s then got hit
4671s oh oh no
4673s oh no
4674s i feel like responsible for like because
4676s i have all these heels just in case oh
4678s no i was i think i was full health when
4680s i got hit by that
4682s there you were there was no i was like
4684s there was nothing you could do
4688s unfortunately with that one i don't
4689s think there's anything you can do
4691s no yeah if you get ganks like it happens
4694s yeah oh i mean yeah i'm wearing like
4696s decks
4698s and yeah
4699s when he's enraged he hits so hard
4706s so we got the rabbit versus the kind of
4707s bear fight now
4711s how tiny the rabbit is in comparison
4716s bravely
4718s is that the gummy kind of smaller it
4720s does look like kind of like guinea pig
4722s size
4727s got like a small gold crown or something
4728s like that
4734s how yeah with the toby once i was like
4735s fighting this toby and i was like
4737s he looks really small
4741s nice pair
4745s oh
4745s it's got butt slapped by the girl
4760s oh
4768s um
4770s someone pointed out my discord
4772s uh if do you guys watch or have seen i
4775s guess full metal alchemist
4777s yes
4778s so someone pointed out that goss reminds
4780s him of barry the chopper
4784s it kind of does
4786s like definitely the face and probably
4788s when he gets the
4790s blade arms to you they resemble like the
4792s cleavers
4798s whoa that charge
4800s yeah it's like
4802s really fast
4804s i just love how it's just
4806s focusing
4807s down just like that's it that's all goss
4809s wants
4813s i'll be stressed elise
4816s i'm making it out alive sort of but
4818s still very scared
4821s i'm glad i ate for ice resist i'm just
4823s gonna put it there put it that way i'm
4825s tanking some hits from these
4831s weapons i'm playing very cautiously
4835s the best way to do it honestly he just
4837s knocked me out of the metsu counter like
4840s what
4842s absolutely powerhouse
4859s oh nice snuck back
4864s these hits where you like get your hp
4867s chunk they're always really rough too
4868s because you also get like ice blighted
4871s and i feel like every time i'm like oh
4872s no i better wire bug away so i can heal
4875s and i look and since i've been isolated
4877s i can't
4878s do that
4879s i'm like i don't know why bucks for you
4881s yeah
4883s you got to run away the old-fashioned
4884s way
4896s stop
4902s um
4904s i may be stuck on my max potions
4906s max potion
4909s every time that way if i get really
4911s chunked i can just use that
4917s i find a lot as well when i'm doing the
4919s uh hopping skewers i always put like
4921s medic as my third one because you get
4923s like a small buff and it turns your mega
4925s potions
4926s into um like basically nearly a full
4929s heal if you've not been like getting a
4931s load of spare birds
4934s i get that one a lot too
4936s that one and like defender yes yes
4940s like how i survive out here sea defender
4944s i am one of the comfiest dango eaters
4946s you will find yep defender medic also
4949s the new defender one you unlock as well
4951s when you take x amount of damage the
4952s next one's guaranteed reduce like yeah i
4954s will happily yeah that one's really nice
4956s put the cushions around me and be a very
4959s comfy dango ether i don't need booster i
4961s don't know all that stuff
4962s i just need defender and medic to revive
4965s reality
4966s that's what i get every time
4969s we know what's going on
4970s stamina related oh yes like was it
4974s fighter is it for the stamina yeah i
4976s think it's like
4978s the other one there's one other thing
4980s that i get i usually do stamina
4985s i should probably do like try other ones
4989s i go into autopilot because i know where
4990s they are and i just go like that yeah oh
4993s i do the loadout so it's like i just do
4995s that i don't even think about it
4997s i like don't know what other skills
4998s there are because i just look at what i
5000s always get
5005s i need to unlock a few more dango quests
5007s actually i've got some requests and i'm
5009s like i should probably do those because
5010s they're probably going to be really good
5011s if they're like mastering almost dead
5016s i have to do a lot on my pc file
5019s same and on this file once i unlock them
5022s i'm gonna start playing on pc next week
5025s actually
5026s so i'm gonna be starting from rise oh no
5029s way oh wow oh from rice rice oh yeah
5032s like i'm starting from nothing but i'm
5034s excited to finally
5035s it'll be my first time playing a monster
5036s in a game on pc so oh yeah that's gonna
5039s be really cool
5041s i think you're gonna like it a lot
5045s okay it's fine
5048s are you gonna go like the traditional
5049s route are you gonna hop on the uh
5051s defender gear so you can get to somebody
5053s quicker
5054s i want to do it like the classic room
5056s but we'll see because it's like i really
5057s also want to get the sun yeah yeah so
5061s oh
5062s well the good news is you got options so
5064s if you fancy a nice thing if i decide
5067s that i don't like i can you know i can
5069s always switch part of the way i can do
5071s it like the old-fashioned way and if i'm
5072s like this is taking too long i can
5074s always change
5080s again the versatility and choosing how i
5083s play is so chef's kiss
5087s [Music]
5089s that was very nice
5091s again very intense lots of words of
5093s encouragement from chat so thank you
5094s chad you've been very
5099s shout out to chat for
5101s watching and hanging out
5103s with the real ones
5104s yep
5105s thanks y'all
5108s especially being so late in europe as
5110s well i was like
5111s i hope the crew show up because it's a
5112s late one
5114s and they did so kudos to your community
5117s oh that's very cool
5121s make sure to have a lion in the morning
5123s you burned it
5129s yeah puzzles
5131s and like it's i think
5135s he's nine hours ahead
5139s yeah there are ahead of me
5146s there's people
5147s who show up you know that's so cool
5151s because it gets so late that time
5152s difference
5157s oh i got a really cool end screen nice
5161s i got gosserag's shoulder
5163s which is a lovely shoulder
5167s i can see it on your screen i know i was
5170s like oh that back oh my
5172s god oh my what a nice shoulder
5175s it's very nice very fluffy
5178s i mean you'd want to cuddle into it but
5180s then you'd probably get like elbow
5181s dropped or something so
5184s just like a blade right in the face yeah
5186s if you did it
5191s hey nightside good to see you mate good
5193s to see you
5195s hi phil
5197s hi phil
5198s hey phil
5204s so i'm loving your sun break videos by
5205s the way you're doing some
5207s excellent weapon stuff
5208s just gonna shout that out
5211s oh yeah long sword god over there
5215s teleports behind you like all of that
5220s nothing personnel kid
5224s phil was a meme he'd be that mean
5227s for sure
5228s [Laughter]
5234s okay
5237s i'm a little afraid of my other options
5241s what do we got
5243s well we have barrio we have almadron
5249s and then i have
5251s anjanath and toby and i'm kind of
5253s leaning towards actually i have shogun
5254s senotor which i might pick that oh
5258s the crab i'm gonna pick the crab because
5260s that's what i did
5262s barry off is always a tough fight yes
5266s and i hate al mutron so
5269s i don't like alma drawn either
5271s so you're fine
5272s yeah i feel that
5274s i'm just not used to almond drop
5278s yeah yeah
5279s i feel that and it's like i'm not used
5281s to him but i also
5283s don't
5284s what how would you like
5287s elmo jordan is rough for me as a gunner
5289s but for like a long sword or dual play
5291s it's really fun
5293s because i see riaka saying why all this
5295s almoy journey
5296s oh yeah
5298s rihanna
5300s because i'm focusing on his head
5303s then his tail comes out of nowhere and
5304s hits me
5306s but he kind of grows up
5308s yeah throws off my groove
5312s yeah he can be rough for a range
5315s but for blades really fun
5317s very unpredictable monster which is
5321s yeah did remember the other dingo i get
5324s it's the marksman ah there you go what
5327s does that one do oh yeah yeah
5329s oh wait like your arrows and like bow
5332s shots and stuff wait don't don't start
5334s now i want to check which one i got
5340s oh god no i can't look at it okay well
5341s never mind
5343s we can check it next time it's okay
5345s there are more hunts to be had
5347s that's true
5349s jono you're mr18 i know it flies up it's
5352s like i know wow
5354s like once you once you break that
5355s initial cap yeah it's it goes up quite
5358s nicely your mr's are now legal
5364s wait
5366s i can go out for a drink in the uk with
5367s my master oh
5370s i know you gotta wait a little longer
5373s yeah yeah
5375s that is true
5386s lawrence ran with someone last night
5387s who's mr90 already i mean impressive
5389s stuff like you know
5391s these hunters aren't waiting around they
5393s want to see what weights awaits the
5395s mr100 and it isn't very spicy
5398s i'm excited
5401s i'm excited i mean i loved mr 100
5406s in base rise so
5412s oh i really enjoyed this cutscene
5415s shogun sanitar until thinks its prey
5419s vanquished it's quite funny we mentioned
5421s about teleporting behind people and then
5423s this cutscene plays
5425s oh yeah that's very true
5428s is phil just a shogun cenotar i was
5430s going to say if phil was a monster
5433s i'm just saying have you ever seen phil
5435s and a showdown senator in the same place
5437s at the same time
5441s good point
5446s where's phil phil where are we getting i
5448s need to see like a shogun sanitary
5450s cosplay
5451s i think that'd be great
5454s but like the like pokemon godzinka
5456s cosplays where it's like humanoid
5458s you can get like a tong so you can do a
5461s little clacky clacky
5466s being put on a spot
5473s amazing
5475s you could rig in a little water pistol
5477s as well so you can spray
5480s see we're giving all these great ideas
5486s while we're cosplaying lucika and theo
5488s rain phil can be the shogun
5491s oh yes
5492s suddenly
5493s oh my god
5495s y'all are so silly
5496s phil you can also only walk sideways
5499s oh
5505s if you guys are monsters in the monster
5509s hunter game
5510s which one are you guys
5512s oh
5513s that's a good question
5516s kind of like pokemon but not pokemon
5518s yeah
5519s tricky question
5522s now i'm kind of like went up do i want
5524s to go down the power route or the cute
5526s route to like for survival purposes like
5531s my power route will be probably um
5534s espionage with all the sleeping it can
5537s be spicy
5538s but then if my cute route would be um
5541s bombaji probably i'm just looking
5545s i like this is like chilling right there
5551s nope nope nope bye
5553s just you step jumping i threw myself off
5556s a cliff
5565s i don't know what i would be
5567s i think i would want to be gourmet
5569s or chaotic or magalla like halfway
5571s through my phase
5573s it's not a phase mom
5577s exactly
5579s i think being guaranteed
5583s yeah
5585s literally an infectious personality
5599s [Applause]
5601s because even in like even in the quest
5603s descriptions you know peeps are like oh
5605s i i can't bring myself to hunt a lot of
5606s gamma
5607s also you can eat rocks which you know
5609s it's pretty cool it's like see a rock
5612s and just eat it and then have a great
5614s time and also like i remember i used to
5616s do like arch tempered volcano and dotted
5618s gamble would just like rock up and try
5620s and fight it gosh so like i was like
5622s fair play fair play um
5625s power wise like i mean one of my
5626s favorite monsters is bracky but then
5629s like rocky likes to eat a lot of its own
5631s slime and i'm like is that really for me
5634s um even though i love cracking
5636s um
5638s so
5638s i would probably
5640s i quite like teostra
5642s and the reason being is because he has
5644s lunastra by his side it's all about that
5646s teamwork um you know so yeah maybe
5650s teostra yeah
5652s very nice closer is very cool
5656s i feel like
5657s you know it's not a big monster but i
5659s really relate to like the godzillakas
5662s oh the world oh
5664s there's little dudes living in their
5665s tribe
5667s mm-hmm
5673s yeah they're adorable though that's a
5675s good answer yeah they are yeah
5678s also they're like the best like when
5680s you're mounting a monster they are by
5682s far
5683s the best to have around like they're
5684s like foreign
5689s yeah
5691s rain or shine they are there yeah
5694s they'll show up they got your back
5698s i did love to share and lunastra though
5701s they're both really pretty it's such a
5703s lovely mechanic
5704s and i like that like for many as well
5706s like me included like i didn't really
5708s know blue nostra until like um
5710s at world nightspawn so like
5713s knowing that there's an even harder
5714s version of teostra that's also blue and
5716s i love blue
5718s so like who has this really cool nova
5720s attack yeah like you know lunastra makes
5722s teostra
5724s um yeah i think that's really cool
5727s yeah when she was first introduced i
5729s think she was solo only too like you
5731s know when they used to separate um
5735s like village and hub in the old games
5737s yeah i think she was only in the village
5739s whereas like
5754s i had to write
5756s uh a script for our lore video for hey
5758s it was jordan nostra nice so wow
5763s but
5764s i really like them so i was very happy
5769s um i did go back and play freedom unite
5772s and i liked finding lu nostra then but
5773s her fight was very different oh really
5775s he didn't have like a nova or anything
5778s like that so interesting
5780s yeah it was it was a little different i
5782s really like the changes that they did
5784s for her
5786s in worlds
5788s she was definitely like more of an
5790s individual i think oh absolutely like
5793s even though obviously she's got the
5794s similarities to teostra she was her own
5796s beast and
5798s way harder way harder than teostra
5801s yeah definitely
5803s oh it was monster on her ghost there you
5805s go that she was in i never played
5807s [Music]
5808s the second one
5810s so she's been around for a long time
5812s yeah she's been around for a while
5815s i believe that they're surrounding her
5818s the reason why she was only village was
5820s because
5821s it was something about like
5825s her not really like
5828s showing herself like a large hunter or
5831s something like that
5832s she was a bit more discreet versus
5834s teostra and she was known to flee
5837s if confronted by like groups of hunters
5840s something along those lines
5842s it's very cool like the way that they
5844s integrated like why she would be village
5846s only but i feel like definitely back
5848s then
5849s oh hi people like
5851s the blue
5853s yeah so i really like
5854s they changed her up in the world and
5856s gave her more of like her own identity
5858s i like as well her introduction is you
5860s know your your fight in teostra and
5862s beating teostra and then she turns up to
5864s back him up
5865s and then she's like you know i'm the
5867s boss now like kind of thing yeah
5875s and i remember reading all the comments
5876s to people saying how crazy her nova was
5879s and how to try and deal with it
5889s [Music]
5895s i gotta say that probably one of my
5896s favorite sun break bikes is shigeru
5898s magala like
5901s and i won't i don't want to spoil it too
5902s much because steph you've not
5904s you've not got there yet have you not
5906s fought rich uh shigeru oh no again but
5910s like not here that can't wait though
5912s without going into too much detail i
5914s loved it just the fighters
5916s i was so excited
5918s [Music]
5919s i haven't got any barrels i'm deeply
5921s sorry sorry no you're fine yeah i'll
5924s cheer you on
5925s from the sidelines or something oh yeah
5929s i wasn't prepared to sleep it
5931s i will let you guys do the damage yeah
5938s i would like to do the honors
5941s i feel like it might move there we go
5945s i have the strongest wake up
5950s i've seen all the great sword users
5952s playing around with their wake up hits
5954s now with them yeah is it
5956s strong arm is it a surge
5959s i'm not a great sword user i use a
5961s smaller sword
5973s thank you
5984s oh someone made a good point about
5985s lucika that lucika actually uh sleep
5988s bombs when a monster falls asleep when
5989s she's with you
5991s oh
5996s most follow requests are
5998s pretty snazzy sounding i definitely need
6000s to start doing some of those things yeah
6002s i haven't done either have you seen the
6005s hanoi and minoto interactions you can
6007s get when you're not yet i like just
6009s unlocked all requests with them
6012s all i'll say is try blowing each one a
6014s kiss
6015s when you uh oh
6016s oh my god you can interact with me you
6018s can interact yeah yeah certain emotes or
6020s sound followers
6034s i'll let you discover discover them
6037s thanks for the
6039s info yeah
6040s thank you
6042s oh no
6046s blow a kiss to feel rain
6048s [Laughter]
6051s so i think uh
6052s jay has one where i think it's a cheer
6055s or something like that and he'll respond
6057s to that one
6058s but it's great seeing like the depth of
6060s them as well but yeah like
6062s this video was hilarious especially
6064s because someone added some like air horn
6065s sound effects to it as well
6069s and i'm a sucker for air horns like
6071s that's my weakness
6074s they're great
6078s blow a clip blow a kiss to the chad role
6080s i'm sure the chapter
6082s oh yes chad marilyn
6085s the chat
6086s i like that
6088s it's a good nickname
6091s yeah minota was definitely my favorite
6093s character in base rides she's awesome i
6095s love her no nonsense
6098s i love their little doodles yes i love
6100s how they incorporate like have you found
6102s the palakko
6104s the little palakko house
6111s yeah so periodically it has different
6114s pieces of minotaur artwork in it
6117s oh um that has been used on twitter or
6120s found like in-game so yeah then the
6122s palaco like keeps swapping the pictures
6124s around every so often oh that is so cute
6130s and i love that art style like minotau
6132s is is a genius
6134s her art style is so cute i love her
6140s i think she needs to go easier on
6142s herself but she's she does she always
6143s draws herself as like a potato when
6145s she's like drawing herself with her noah
6148s like she makes her noah look really
6149s pretty you're like minoto
6151s pick yourself up
6153s well and she even has like a line where
6155s she says like she's not good at
6157s everything
6158s like quinoa
6160s and she wishes
6161s at least one thing like she doesn't feel
6163s like she's good at anything and i'm like
6165s you oh no no i love her so much
6172s [Music]
6175s i love that you can hunt with them both
6176s as well like
6178s i think it's great getting their lances
6179s out
6181s some bow even um
6183s yeah it's fantastic
6187s okay if you do the good job gesture to
6189s jay he'll say something
6191s so shout out
6193s for that one
6194s noted
6199s [Music]
6201s pick up these bones
6203s oh yes oh yeah i should do that and just
6205s grab some honey
6209s every time there's a mining node i will
6210s always stop for the night yes
6214s without fail
6217s and it's muster uh master rank uh
6219s materials too this time
6221s it definitely works again you never know
6223s when you get an armor piece that needs a
6225s random bone and you're like wait
6227s why didn't i do the bone piles
6229s oh yeah
6231s eat
6232s well done
6241s but i really do like the follower quest
6243s like just in general like sometimes you
6245s just want to play solo like you've had a
6246s really busy day and you want to kick
6248s back and do a chill hunt but you don't
6249s want to be solo if that makes sense and
6252s you can just jump in and have some
6253s backup and
6255s yeah it's nice i i enjoy that like after
6257s a busy day at work you know just do a
6258s couple of follow-up hunts
6261s get some gear
6264s oh my gosh you're mr20 look at you
6267s i've got my next urgent now he's the
6270s mr20
6271s you have your next urgent he's ready for
6273s tomorrow
6277s i need to speak speak to dame fiorine
6279s for this one not chichay ooh
6285s oh wow
6287s shall i tell you what monster it is or
6290s shall i avoid the spoilers it's nothing
6292s new
6293s but
6295s is that your first surgeon after
6297s unlocking the cap it's my second urgent
6300s after looking at the cat ah okay
6307s did it how do you feel elise do you want
6308s to know do you want to keep it a secret
6311s knowing if it's not new it's like if
6312s it's something that i've hunted before
6314s i'm okay with knowing
6316s i'm okay with that
6319s are you okay with that stuff yeah i'm
6320s okay with it it's what is it master rank
6323s bushi
6327s what are the mr requirements for it i'm
6332s curious yeah good question because most
6334s of the mr you just need to be mr1 and
6336s above and you can do any up to i know at
6339s least mr5 can we join it
6342s uh i hope so
6343s uh mr10 for that one
6346s so
6347s however for mr
6350s mr6 okay mr6 that one
6353s mr5 you can do any anything up to any of
6356s the mr5 quests at mr1 okay
6361s okay
6362s so we could do
6364s camillios kashala rajang
6367s basil
6368s luna garron gormagala seregios
6372s shigeru any of that if any of you wanted
6373s or would like an espionage
6376s espionage could be fun
6383s i wonder how painful it would be
6385s hunting them with high rank gear this
6388s only what we need to find out
6390s that's true trial by fire
6393s and poison and paralysis
6396s yeah all together
6398s bam
6401s okay let me
6404s all right i am gonna pick this
6406s go for it
6408s because it's the lesser of two evils in
6411s my brain
6413s oh and i think steph mentioned that
6416s barry off is always hard
6418s i think yeah
6420s barry alex is so fast
6423s that's fine i have almond brown in this
6424s so i was like um
6426s yeah that one
6441s oh is this the oh is this the cute um
6445s artsy
6446s palico have you found it uh drawings
6448s here in this yes
6450s yes where are you oh i didn't even know
6453s okay so
6454s okay okay
6455s okay you just kind of like i just
6457s noticed that it changes i was like oh
6460s oh my god i want you to see minota's
6462s drawings cause can you only see
6464s [ __ ] one on the right
6468s oh that's so cute
6471s i tried to get my camera out but i
6473s caught my kahoot by accident
6475s [Laughter]
6481s that's so precious
6485s ah
6486s i love her it just shows how much she
6488s loves her sister as well like oh it's
6491s different for you and it's different
6492s from what is it
6494s different ones
6495s yeah different ones i love the
6508s mine is a
6510s pallet oh with some other
6513s talikos and a palomeu drawing
6516s mm-hmm
6520s mine's the stretchy one
6521s [Music]
6523s in the background yes
6525s that's so cute though
6527s jono's was that special it's like oh no
6530s he's streaming was like
6532s special
6533s [Laughter]
6536s um i don't know if anyone was struggling
6539s with this issue just in case do you guys
6541s have nexus storefronts
6545s they restocked the keys
6547s by the way and just got confirmation in
6549s chat they've been sold out in the last
6551s couple of days yeah really cool
6555s monster hunters are killing it yes
6558s so does that mean if they buy some break
6559s through your links that there's a nice
6561s little bit of support in supporting
6563s yourselves yes so yeah yeah yeah
6565s so yeah if you haven't picked up
6567s sunbreak yet and you should because it's
6569s really awesome like taking off the the
6571s employee it's really really fun i love
6573s it like
6574s you know if you're thinking about
6575s picking it up you know
6577s swing by swing by these hunter streams
6579s check out their their affiliate link
6583s thank you google
6585s yeah
6587s let's check it out
6589s and there's
6591s and there's a lot of like sale capcom
6593s sale games too for the summer
6596s that's true
6597s it's nice that the sails on the steam
6600s store carry over to the nexus stores
6603s yeah that is really cool i didn't know
6604s they did that that's really sweet
6607s the entire like nexus storefront thing
6609s is amazing
6613s i just forgot what elephant barrier was
6615s i was looking at the dango like
6618s fire
6619s [Laughter]
6622s we just all troll jhana when we say it's
6624s fire yeah
6626s oh my gosh
6628s i'm sure it's a water monster because
6630s you know
6631s ice is just hard water
6641s there's a lot of daimyo and shogun chat
6644s going on in the youtube chat at the
6645s moment it's quite funny
6647s oh
6648s what about them well first of all
6651s shogun without a shell
6652s and
6655s oh yes
6656s yeah it is quite a
6658s yeah quite a look beautiful
6660s yeah
6662s 2.0 and then
6665s oh no
6667s then we've moved on to and it says i
6669s think people are saying that that's what
6670s it uses to spray water out of its shell
6672s when it does the water spray attack
6676s that makes sense but you
6679s think
6681s oh no
6682s and then we got daimyo and just general
6684s daimyo love
6688s i do love that the palago armor for
6691s damio
6692s is just like a crab yep it's really all
6695s right
6697s oh
6698s it's time to check that smells very cute
6701s i might have to change oh wait
6703s i'll change my layer but i don't have
6704s that unlocked yet i might have to check
6707s have you seen the garen gold paliko gear
6710s oh no i know i haven't i barely look at
6713s it it's hilarious like if you crouch
6715s your palico turns into a little castle
6718s what
6721s well i need it that must have been i've
6724s never heard yeah it's just like with the
6726s um
6727s the sirius armor where if it you crouch
6729s it turns into a little cat head rock
6732s i didn't even know that too oh
6735s being on pelican armor and i'm ashamed
6738s that's amazing yeah check out gang gum
6741s it looks great because like it's this
6742s little floating like
6744s like uh castle turret and then when you
6746s crouch it turns into full-on castle with
6747s a little palico flag
6756s it's honestly
6757s so good
6759s i don't spend nearly enough time looking
6761s at them little details like all the
6763s little details that make make the game
6765s feel even more alive
6768s oh yeah
6769s it's really adorable like
6771s i remember the toby kadachi calico armor
6775s is one of my favorites because it's like
6776s a little poncho oh and they made like
6779s the actual poncho like you could buy the
6781s actual product for real oh really yeah i
6785s have it
6787s i'm gonna have to say so cute it's like
6789s so puffy
6791s know i have to change the world
6794s amiami will have like the most like
6798s random monster hunter merch sometimes
6801s and that was on there
6803s and i think it was like i love it
6806s but
6806s there's a lot of cute powerful armor
6808s like the gore palico armor was really
6810s cute too yes
6811s i've got that on now on my pelico
6813s actually oh
6815s no
6816s i died thanks to the ledge because i was
6818s trying to and i did the ledge fall
6822s animation instead
6827s i'm super pleased that the gore palace
6829s is the same as what it was like my
6831s little spooky cat yeah yeah
6833s i'm so excited i need to take a look at
6835s your cat yeah it's not my palico at the
6837s moment it's it's i love it and it's got
6839s the little brisbane elise
6842s sorry that's all right go for it go for
6844s it
6846s arya was talking crap and i had to
6847s defend your honor
6850s oh wait why argo
6852s he was like ooh elise just fainted
6855s i just wanted to say you're running hr
6857s gear against barry off
6860s three targets yeah
6866s playing it hard mode style
6868s yeah
6870s also adds a bit of like a bit of
6872s pressure a bit drama like will they
6873s won't they
6874s yeah
6877s i accidentally did the same thing
6879s in parasite the other day where i forgot
6881s to equip armor so i was doing a whole
6883s thing armorless without knowing and i
6885s was just like no
6886s gotta love that inflated sense of
6889s difficulty
6891s why is this so hard because i'm not
6893s wearing armor i made it harder for
6894s myself yeah
6896s who would do this
6898s it's like when you don't max out your
6900s armor when you buy it
6901s yeah
6902s yeah
6905s like my armor's completely maxed out
6907s it's just
6908s high rank armor
6914s to be fair if i get hit and my defender
6916s doesn't cross i take a ton of damage and
6918s say i've been like leveling this this
6920s mountain
6922s oh yeah i think i have twos yeah
6925s armors you have male xena
6929s some people might chatter saying even
6931s with upgraded mr heater they're still
6933s getting one shot so there's
6934s no point in upgrading it yeah
6940s i got one shot by the tail slam so i'm
6942s just like if i get hit sometimes by like
6944s one really strong move that's it
6947s yeah
6948s again and like the best way to survive
6951s just
6952s get hit yeah easy as that like honestly
6954s top tip the best method
6962s just run full evasion that's all you
6964s need oh nice tail cup
6968s beautiful and there's a head break in
6969s this world like already
6972s stumbling over my words they're creating
6974s a new one
6976s left
6978s i was a little nervous because i got the
6979s wind
6981s done i was like please don't hit me with
6982s some random that i haven't seen yet
6985s that's always the fear when you fight
6987s the the higher ranks like oh yeah
6991s because i'm just like i don't really
6992s hunt barry off a lot as it is you know
6994s so i'm like
6995s and i feel like they change it a bit
6997s every time
6999s like i've hunted a new generation that
7000s i've hunted it in and puzzles also says
7004s in chat that gunner armor is paper
7005s compared to blade master like if you get
7007s hit you will take a lot more yes
7010s it's true
7014s is that just how does that work because
7016s i know in the past there used to be the
7019s the different
7020s like you would do the blade master or
7022s whatever and then the gunner armor that
7024s was like in the past but how does it
7025s work now now that they don't have that
7028s distinction i think
7031s blade masters take less physical and
7034s gunners take less elemental damage
7037s is that just is that just because
7039s the weapon that you're running
7040s that it knows
7043s yeah that's interesting
7045s i never bothered to look into that but i
7047s was always like a little
7048s perplexed so yeah you're much you're
7050s much stronger against elemental attacks
7051s than i am but
7052s i can take a slap to the face a little
7054s bit better in place like as just
7055s happened there i got hip checked quite
7057s hard
7060s it's interesting i'm really learning
7062s some things about monster hunter today
7065s and good point about the armor because
7066s there you still see in the older games
7067s when you had uh gunner and blademaster
7069s sets but obviously now
7071s like they're one in the same so it's
7072s just one yeah
7078s and i'm guessing because there's
7080s specific
7081s like
7082s monsters that have like maybe gunner
7083s skills or like you know like range
7086s skills like rack maker daki i think
7087s these ones
7090s but there's a lot of hybrid sets in
7092s master rank where they're equally good
7093s for gunner
7095s or blademaster they just happen to have
7096s a skill as well which is gunner specific
7099s true yeah an excellent opportunity
7103s this tree is giving me fern gully vibes
7107s okay
7108s oh gosh
7109s it's been a while since i've heard that
7112s i just said don't eat the purple berries
7114s on this one
7115s they're not good for you
7116s mm-hmm
7119s where are we going here dramas pelico
7122s is the cute little spooky outfit
7125s i love the glowing eyes oh wait it knows
7132s [Music]
7136s oh my god that's my like yes i'll go
7139s armor sets it's so cute
7142s you said this was gore okay that's gold
7144s set yeah
7146s that lantern is so cute i love them
7148s being harassed by these baggies while
7149s we're in front of them
7151s i just was like
7153s like
7154s you know this is like looking at the
7155s pali girls like attack
7158s i do need to take down some buggies so i
7160s will uh
7162s fix this injustice
7164s oh yeah i've been dropped in our kitty
7166s fashion
7169s i
7186s if you will
7187s yes i always
7189s i always don't know what color i am i
7191s was like
7192s oh yeah i get confused all the time
7193s because it's not consistent
7195s so i'm like no what color is
7202s yeah
7204s this is pretty
7207s this uh map the citadel map is really
7210s cool it's like it's really interesting
7211s how there's all these different like
7212s zones and stuff yeah
7215s it feels like you know the next step
7216s after like the guided lands
7219s yeah
7220s i do get that vibe actually i was
7221s thinking about that when i was like
7223s first running around here
7226s i just love the swamp area purely from
7228s the
7229s thorny toads like
7230s i don't know why i just love them
7232s they're such funny little creatures and
7233s they're so useful in the hunt as well
7238s it just sees a big monster and it's like
7239s i'mma lick that like that's his mindset
7243s so cute
7248s and then mclife is funny i love them yep
7253s yeah i wish that we could keep them oh
7255s like in our homes like we did in the
7257s world
7258s we have to keep them talking about that
7261s yeah earlier today we were both like i
7263s missed being able to display them in the
7264s room yeah because it was just so cute
7267s yeah
7268s i love putting like a bazillion cat wars
7270s in my room
7273s i really like the that you can put like
7276s the photos on display though yeah yeah
7278s that is really nice that's really cute
7280s like if you take pictures of the
7281s monsters oh nice friends you can put
7284s those like a nice dragon eater have you
7287s gotten any of the uh the statues for
7289s when you collect all the relics in an
7290s area oh no i need to go running oh yeah
7294s if you collect all the relics in an area
7296s you unlock like a special like
7299s sculpture of one of the monsters yeah
7302s it's super worth it collecting all the
7304s relics so i only have like a couple but
7307s i want to get more because it's like i
7309s have like a statue of like magna mallow
7311s i think i have
7312s isha 10 rack nakadaki
7314s and i think like two others
7317s but they're super cool that is good
7321s you're collecting but not exactly yeah
7324s exactly
7328s because some of the monster hunter
7330s figures are so gorgeous but i can't
7332s afford them all
7333s yeah
7335s i would love the gore one though
7338s yeah have you ever seen those like uh
7339s when people make like dragon head busts
7342s i always wanted like a dragon head bust
7344s but of like a monster hunter monster
7348s it's like we've got like a giant rafale
7350s skull like that was made for events and
7353s then um
7355s the senior community manager matt who
7357s works on that devil may try and uh
7358s street fire he's got it in his garage
7361s like because
7363s we were done with okay i think it was
7364s made for world
7366s or i spawned and they were like you know
7367s well we're done with this now like you
7369s know
7370s don't need anybody
7371s at home
7376s it's literally gigantic there to get a
7378s lorry to get into his house
7380s i love that i would love to have like a
7382s life-size you know like guests come over
7385s and they're just like
7387s so um
7388s you know they're looking at this like
7390s giant dragon skull they're like
7392s that's the story story
7395s wait is it underneath us it's underneath
7397s us oh yeah it is i'm running in circles
7400s like it should be here it's not here
7405s that boggy got away of its life it just
7406s full-on sprinted away
7409s it might be that one drake here it is
7412s asleep
7413s baby barrier
7416s yeah
7417s maria saw that one on twitter
7420s tucking his head underneath his little
7422s palm
7423s i really still need to start bringing
7424s the barrel bombs i feel really bad just
7426s stood here like yeah well done everyone
7428s lovely just clap no don't worry about it
7431s you did it
7433s i always forget they used to be in my
7435s loadout in world and iceborn and then i
7438s i forgot to put it in my loadout here
7440s for some reason all yours it's in my
7443s life you might actually do massive
7445s damage with the blades yeah i might try
7447s and do the uh
7449s shirogeki combo but i've done it like
7452s once right let's try
7454s all right one two three
7457s i can't get the position right is this
7458s how great sword users feel
7463s nice
7475s just before we jumped on when i was
7476s doing some hunts and now i'm like i
7478s can't do it now
7480s well the cameras are on
7482s geez
7484s one more hunt one more hunt
7487s yeah yeah
7488s oh yeah yeah my urgent oh
7499s you know like you know
7501s i've seen all the amazing stuff you've
7503s done as part of the monster hunter
7504s community and like i was like this is a
7506s great excuse to actually jump in some
7508s hunts with you all like so yeah it's
7511s it's a pleasure so once again humble to
7512s have you all here
7514s no
7515s thank you thank you jano yeah elise
7518s thank you so much for inviting us yeah
7520s yeah
7521s i was very happy that you asked to hunt
7523s because
7524s i've never gone to home with you so i'm
7526s really happy yeah it's awesome like yeah
7529s it's and you know
7530s you're you're doing gunners proud like
7532s absolutely demolishing the monsters for
7534s like statuses damage part breaks
7538s high rank armor and master rank like
7540s yeah
7546s end zones time
7555s cause i always forget to do that and i'm
7557s like no i wanted a picture
7560s there's a skin i'll be on around 2 p.m
7563s bst 3 p.m cest on thursday i don't want
7567s to say tomorrow because tomorrow is now
7569s today
7570s so that's thursday
7579s so about my master rank soft cap now so
7581s yeah i almost got my actual
7583s jump up a bit what's my favorite monster
7585s my all-time favorite monster is brackie
7588s adios
7590s just love bracky big blue explody punchy
7593s dinosaur monster love it
7599s thank you oscar you have a good evening
7601s to me
7603s no worries phantom no worries phantom
7607s right what have i got in the argosy i've
7609s been doing all the back room deal stuff
7611s because apparently you can unlock
7612s layered armor from it
7615s oh really
7617s yeah don't know it's really cool i
7618s didn't know that i don't know if it's
7620s the locked treasure chests you need
7623s but yeah you can make
7625s layered armor from it apparently i've
7627s seen people chatting about it on twitter
7629s but i've not like really dug into it too
7630s much yet what you said the argosy
7634s yeah yeah yeah you unlock the ability to
7636s give your uh hunting buddies a little
7638s scroll like an invitation
7640s which lets them do back room deals to
7642s get different
7644s rare irons and apparently
7647s you can get
7648s get it there
7650s i
7651s i'm like
7653s panickedly looking
7655s to do that for them
7657s i'm gonna i need them right i'm going
7659s through my armor now
7661s why
7663s yes
7667s but i'd heard that i've not confirmed it
7669s myself that there's been some chatter
7672s maybe yeah it's the treasure chest yeah
7673s so you need to get the locked treasure
7675s chests and you can use
7677s treasure chest
7678s yeah i'll keep my
7680s eyes out eyes open
7683s for that
7687s do i not have enough of them to make it
7690s whereabouts is it is it the
7693s is the treasure chest so everyone agrees
7694s it's the treasure chest i just can't
7696s find which one it is treasure chest
7701s maybe i need more items
7704s oh
7705s i forgot to use the ticket oops
7707s okay it's in master rank okay i probably
7710s just went past it let's have a look
7712s there's the knight squire gear bishop
7718s i passed it oh no i did go past it i'm
7720s gonna find it i'm gonna find it
7725s oh it's the
7726s barbarian patch okay barbarian gear
7735s okay so you look you look like a
7737s swashbuckler like you know
7739s it's really cool
7741s pirate time i have it too
7744s okay
7745s yeah pirate-ish really cool
7749s makes me think good raw defense too
7752s i'm looking at the layered version i
7754s went straight for the fashion
7759s it looks really cool though
7761s i like that i mean it's important
7766s obviously i prioritized that
7768s with my layered armor already i was like
7770s i need to make it match oh yes
7774s it has like part breaker and wax
7777s really really yeah that's a nice combi
7779s uh huh
7786s i have it
7789s thank you jacob help me find the armor
7791s by the way otherwise i would not have
7792s spotted it
7800s get the ice
7813s resistant seen a few comments as well
7815s like some break really is good on the
7816s fashion hunter side of things there's
7818s like so much you can do
7820s [Music]
7831s oh this one's pretty cool
7835s i was just finding this yesterday
7838s i'm very excited and also very nervous
7841s i've never seen it before
7844s it's a reasonable feeling
7849s it has beautiful moves yeah she's really
7851s cool
7859s definitely a step up from like
7862s normal zombie cans like danger wise
7865s oh definitely
7868s i appreciate that added difficulty
7871s softly over snowy soil
7874s bewitching and seducing all those
7877s unfortunate enough to be an earshot
7880s and before they even sense it they find
7883s themselves
7888s [Music]
7893s they didn't stand a chance
7898s you could say they were frozen in fear
7910s what language do you guys listen to your
7913s uh like monster hunter games
7916s japanese
7917s for me japanese monster hunter language
7919s what do you mean
7920s same for me as we want their language
7923s i and pc i have it in japanese but
7927s uh on switch since it's my main it'll
7929s always be monster hunter link monster
7930s 100
7932s forever i really should put that on i've
7934s just got it on english which is weird
7935s because when i watch anime i watch it in
7937s japanese with subtitles
7939s so
7941s i really should probably just mix it up
7942s a bit
7945s i put when i played world i put it in
7947s the monster language and i was like so
7949s bamboozled because i've never had it in
7951s the monster hunter language before
7952s mm-hmm i need to i didn't know that
7954s there was a monster hunter language
7957s all the previous games are in monster in
7958s our language are they really i don't
7961s know yeah
7962s they're all monster hunter language
7964s i
7965s have the memory of a goldfish i guess
7968s how do i not remember
7970s yeah
7971s yeah i need to definitely get on that
7974s i i maybe i'll put it on for uh
7977s my my next stream because that sounds
7979s hilarious
7981s it's really cute i put i like having it
7983s on for nostalgia reasons because you
7985s know
7986s it reminds me of like playing for you
7988s and stuff oh okay but yeah
7991s this is kind of a tiny insomniac
7994s it's really
7996s she's like really small yeah
7999s another gold crown probably it's a crown
8001s yeah
8001s hopefully
8006s hello cups
8009s oh boy who's this oh
8012s gosh and goss is like the same size as
8014s that's on the camp almost we've got some
8016s mini monsters did anyone eat for
8018s weakener by any chance is that why
8019s they're so small
8021s um
8030s yeah
8033s but she's cute
8036s she's getting tossed right now but
8039s you say that
8040s wait for it yeah yeah when she actually
8043s use her boobs
8048s i do like her oh god
8063s she was like cute huh
8066s yeah
8067s it was a compliment something
8070s she's very pretty
8073s don't compliment her she doesn't like
8074s that she doesn't
8076s apparently
8085s hmm
8104s moves
8109s like really nervous to see what attacks
8111s these are everyone's talking about the
8112s scary match
8116s [Music]
8120s oh nice
8121s one
8123s there's one attack in particular that
8125s i'm like it's not very fun if you get
8127s caught in it that i don't know yet i
8129s think i know exactly what you're talking
8130s about
8132s probably it's because if you're in it
8134s you ain't getting out of late
8136s yeah
8136s i've been hit by so many of these
8138s attacks from other monsters i feel like
8140s it's my destiny oh sleep um
8143s oh i woke it up
8145s wakey wakey
8150s [Music]
8154s wonderful
8185s she's so small i have to keep
8186s repositioning my combos
8201s wait a minute what where did it go i'm
8203s confused
8205s got to meet up with goss again for round
8207s two
8207s oh wow you've got another one
8210s say you're playing monster hunter
8211s stories
8212s yeah oh i love stories yes
8216s that's one thing i'd be really excited
8218s for if there's ever another story then
8219s we get like a bunch of like the new
8221s monsters
8223s in it
8225s i still have the stories i loved it
8228s i like it sounds like funny but like the
8230s story is actually really good as well
8232s like it is
8235s and the gameplay gets really deep if you
8236s want to you can just play through like i
8238s just picked my favorite monsters and
8239s leveled them up but you can really meta
8242s game it as well like it's really deep if
8244s you like turn-based combat
8247s yeah that's really good
8249s yeah yeah like the story had me gripped
8251s i was like you know i'll enjoy it but no
8253s i was like i need to keep playing just
8254s like oh just just the next chapter just
8256s the next bit and stuff like that oh
8258s monster really never misses
8264s i also like that stories too had the
8266s multiplayer component where you can do
8268s like little monster dance together
8270s besides like battling each other
8272s i i love co-op so i'm all for any any
8275s sort of co-op conclusion
8277s oh no
8279s i got one shot by that
8281s that one's pretty rough it's beer spear
8284s birds
8285s probably
8293s [Music]
8301s i'm definitely gonna grind armor
8305s for sure i just don't know what armor
8307s i'm gonna have
8308s i recommend the toby set
8311s that's what i'm running i'm doing the
8313s toby set and the garen gold hands
8315s actually
8317s okay
8317s also the garen gold chest is the chest
8320s of the waist has the spirit bird caller
8322s skill
8323s which is pretty handy oh which is you
8325s know in the demo when you'd randomly get
8326s spirit birds show up from anywhere
8329s is that what that skill is that's that
8331s one yeah yeah so
8333s round roughly once a minute you get a
8335s random spirit
8337s wow
8338s that's really cool
8340s i had no idea
8342s so very nice if you'd like to just get
8344s straight into the hunt and then you yeah
8346s paralyze
8348s oh wow
8351s [Music]
8361s [Music]
8373s in disguise
8374s yeah yeah i'll see it one day yeah she's
8377s got some big i'm basically an ice nova
8379s style attack it's really
8382s yeah
8383s like literally i like to see it i'm
8385s afraid that i would like an old
8387s high
8394s if you're off to the side it's not so
8396s terrible but
8398s okay ma'am i am trying to heal in peace
8406s flame times just said they're going to
8408s go and look at that armor skill now
8409s because they love the convenience of the
8411s spirit birds on demand
8414s yeah that's something i missed from the
8416s older monster hunter games when you
8417s could just like ancient potion and max
8420s everything
8421s so it's nice when you find a rainbow
8422s spirit bird on some of the harder hunts
8424s it's like yep
8432s [Music]
8439s he's glowing
8443s really
8452s yes fury i'm using sword and shield i'm
8454s a sword and shield main i love it so
8456s much
8460s okay here's a health spear bird i'll
8462s take that
8464s nice 10 hp thank you very much
8466s mm-hmm
8468s every little bit helps
8469s in my
8470s situation
8482s [Music]
8498s you got this stuff fine we're aiming for
8501s the wall
8503s i believe
8504s you're doing three i did it guys
8513s [Music]
8515s new blue eye get almost dead
8518s oh hi
8520s hmm
8539s is their favorite substitute
8543s good job and we managed to beat them
8545s without the ultimate attack coming out
8547s because that is yeah yeah
8549s if you give someone the kind of room to
8550s breathe like
8553s ice be flying everywhere
8556s i'm scared of the ultimate and i didn't
8558s even see it
8560s no i think it was like
8562s i think you'll see it's beautiful
8563s actually yeah you don't you want to know
8565s what it is or do you just want to wait
8567s till you see it
8568s wait till i see it i mean i'm sure i'll
8570s see it at some point yeah you you know
8572s when you know it when you when you see
8573s it yeah you see it yeah
8576s but it's like garang's got an ultimate
8578s move that you only see if you don't
8580s manage to break the elemental arms quick
8582s enough and they're both on uh which is
8585s really cool as well
8590s the magma or museum too that's a
8592s beautiful alt that's it yes i am nervous
8596s for that one i saw not even because of
8599s results i saw a lot of the mousino in
8602s the demo
8603s like
8606s oh i haven't played the demo i chose so
8609s i did not do
8611s um the demo magnum wallow either
8615s and so i decided not to do malzahna
8618s because i was like maybe it'll be fun
8620s have like have that same experience with
8623s ryze or like i didn't do it and i don't
8625s know what to expect
8627s so that's what i haven't hunted it yet
8629s and i'm very nervous but very excited
8632s i didn't touch the devil either so
8634s everything's
8635s fresh in the game that's cool i i played
8638s the demo because i just can't help
8639s myself and two you get a little hack you
8641s get a little pack like playing the demos
8643s so i was like i really wanted to so
8645s it was very tempting i really wanted to
8648s and then
8649s like i remember debating it and being
8650s like ah should i just play it i should
8652s just give it a chance and i was like no
8655s got to be strong
8658s had to push through it
8661s i'm just quickly checking my uh
8664s melding before we jump in for a group
8666s photo
8680s baby owl
8683s oh i got an attack boost three three one
8686s slots
8688s [Music]
8690s that's pretty good
8692s keep that one we'll keep that one
8694s oh
8695s i want one
8697s i bet you'll get one that's attack three
8698s with like
8699s three slot or something or three two one
8701s or something
8702s that'll be amazing and i'll be so happy
8704s for you as well i would not be oh thank
8706s you
8709s if i can get there i usually
8711s miss my um platforming yeah
8714s the first time i just kept over jumping
8719s i learned eventually just like oh my
8720s controllers so my character doesn't like
8722s roll i don't like land and throw myself
8724s off the edge
8725s it's gonna quickly feed the little
8729s must feed
8730s this little dude it's about to be a
8731s cheddar yeah
8734s it's gonna more like a penguin than an
8735s owl
8737s it's so cute which way should we post i
8740s just switched my background into the
8742s mountains
8744s into the ocean
8750s that's a
8751s hard the cahoots turned around we're
8753s over here
8757s and i'm down
8760s i have to make sure i don't fall off
8761s because i have fallen off before
8764s trying to get to like the perfect pose
8767s it's very tricky
8777s there we go
8778s oh yeah
8791s i'm gonna go i think we're all good now
8793s for me yeah
8796s i'm taking it like right
8798s where my character's facing i guess
8800s but now everybody's in it
8803s okay now i have to navigate out of
8805s posing to take the picture
8809s this looks like i'm being
8812s pulled up by vechna
8815s quick play proof of a hero
8819s i can't get like a good shot
8822s where i'm at
8824s i'm loving seeing the coats like gently
8826s moving around
8828s moving around i know i was like i'm
8829s gonna let you go
8831s what if i do the laughs
8838s are you oh ho hoeing over here
8841s i love the nails oh my god the 90s anime
8843s character the nails like really sell it
8846s too i gotta say oh yes
8853s it's very good
8866s the constant laughing is like yeah yeah
8870s going full video you guys annoyed by the
8871s constant laughing here
8878s the coots they're like yes
8879s [Music]
8882s i'm just pointing into my face
8885s poke
8887s oh you're just kind of like
8889s poking
8893s but yeah thank you so much again for the
8895s invite yes i had fun yeah thank you so
8897s much for joining me and for those
8899s watching as well
8900s please go give them all a follow on
8904s twitch and um you can find them on
8905s twitch via their names in the title of
8907s the stream or if you go onto the monster
8909s hunter twitter check out the stream post
8911s we did for today and it's got a direct
8914s link to the twitter accounts which has
8915s all the details so give them a follow on
8916s twitter follow them on twitch and check
8919s out their streams as well they stream
8920s monster hunter and a variety of other
8922s titles as well and if you like monster
8924s hunter you'll probably like whatever
8925s else they play as well um so do stop by
8927s and it's an absolute pleasure having you
8929s all in like talking monster hunter
8931s getting some fun hunts
8933s it's been a pleasure and i've moved oh
8935s no thank you
8936s i know i was like i'm pretty sure we did
8938s get something like nice we got all the
8940s shots
8941s but yeah honestly it's been so much fun
8943s and thank you all so much for stopping
8945s by and for all you do for the monster
8947s hunter community as well i really really
8949s appreciate it
8950s um thank you for all thank you so much
8953s for having me
8954s you do yeah
8956s it is amazing thank you you're blowing
8959s up on twitter
8960s yeah thank you so much for uh supporting
8962s all the monster hunters
8964s yeah it's you know it's yeah we're one
8966s big community and i'm humbled to be a
8968s part of it and you know it's it's
8970s awesome and you know some breaks like
8971s this is the start of something i'm so
8972s excited like you know what we've got
8975s coming in we've fought with title update
8976s one and beyond so yeah there's so much
8979s to do there's so much to do
8981s um but yeah other than that let's wrap
8983s things up so once again thank you so
8985s much
8986s or elise
8987s nigiri and steph um it's been an
8990s absolute pleasure you've been awesome
8992s and serve you the monster hunter
8994s community i'll be back later today about
8997s two or three p.m
8999s uh bsd
9001s and we'll be holding coffee oh yes i'm
9003s gonna be on the coffee
9005s yeah i'm gonna have my dash juice you
9007s know all of that
9009s um
9010s and yeah we'll be back later playing on
9011s nintendo switch but until then have a
9013s fantastic day and we'll see you in the
9015s hunt good night have a great night bye
9018s thanks for having us
9023s [Music]
9033s [Music]
9035s so
9037s [Music]
9080s you